Dire Dawa University Institute of Technology: Prepared By: Id - No
Dire Dawa University Institute of Technology: Prepared By: Id - No
Dire Dawa University Institute of Technology: Prepared By: Id - No
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................5
1.1. Background of the study..............................................................................................................5
1.2. Statement of the problem...........................................................................................................6
1.3. Objectives of the project.............................................................................................................7
1.3.1. General objectives...............................................................................................................7
1.3.2. Specific objectives................................................................................................................7
1.4. Significance of the study..............................................................................................................8
1.5. Scope of the study.......................................................................................................................8
1.6. Limitation of the Study................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................................10
2. LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................................................................10
2.1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................10
2.2. Function of Water in Concrete...................................................................................................10
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................12
3. Methodology.....................................................................................................................................12
3.1. Study Design..............................................................................................................................12
3.2. Study population.......................................................................................................................12
3.3. Data collection methods............................................................................................................12
3.4. Data analysis..............................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................15
4. Result and Discussion........................................................................................................................15
4.1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................15
4.2. Current Practice of FE Construction Associated with Concrete Mixing and Curing....................16
4.3. Effects of the poor practices in Mixing and Curing Concrete.....................................................16
4.4. Result (Proposed Solution)........................................................................................................16
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................17
5. Conclusion and Recommendations...................................................................................................17
5.1. Conclusions................................................................................................................................17
5.2. Recommendations.....................................................................................................................17
This paper investigated the Ground/unpurified water on the compressive strength of concrete. I
doing so, the paper assess the current practice of FE Construction, its effect in concrete making.
The results indicated that sources of water used in mixing concrete have a significant impact on
the compressive strength of the resulting concrete. It concluded by suggesting that drinking
water water is the best water type for concrete production During selection of water types
properties like durability and shrinkage should be considered before use. It was recommended
that drinking water should be used in concrete production, tests needs to be carried out before
make use of any water types.
1.1. Background of the study
The use of concrete as a material in construction is very old and till date the most plastic
material for constructional works. Beside water, concrete is the most consumed substance
with three tones used per person per year in the construction industry. There are many
factors that determine the quality of concrete and its strength properties. These include the
type of cement used, aggregate quality and grading, the degree of compaction, quality and
quantity of water used in concreting, curing method, type of reinforcement used given the
sizes, arrangement and spacing [1] and [2].
Water alone as a factor comes with impurities that may interfere with the setting of the
cement paste and adversely affect the strength of the concrete. Some solvents in water also
cause staining on the surface of concrete as well as lead to corrosion of the reinforcements
embedded in the concrete and thereby render the building structure susceptible to decay or
eventual failure [1] and [3].
Water for mixing concrete according to Neville [1] must be fit for drinking and good
drinking water, according to [4] should be treated. In the developing countries, however,
people drink water taken from streams, hand-dug wells and boreholes which most often are
not treated. Simply because water from these sources is consumed, builders erroneously
presume the sources to be acceptable for mixing concrete. In some arid areas, local drinking
water is saline and may contain excessive amounts of chloride, undesirable amount of alkali
carbonates and bicarbonates which could all contribute to the alkali-silica reaction [1]. It is
not, however, out of place to suggest that some water, not necessarily fit for drinking, could
be suitable for concrete production. Water with pH ranging from 6.0 to 8.0 is good for
concreting [5]. Natural water that is slightly acidic is harmless, but water containing organic
acids may adversely affect the hardening of concrete [1].
The major reason for contractors’ failure to use the specified potable water for mixing
concrete is the absence or inadequacy of its supply at the project sites. If the report given
by [4] that 1.1 billion people in the developing world are without access to safe drinking
water is to be considered then one can understand the attitude of builders in the developing
world in failing to use treated water for mixing concrete.
According to Gbenga contractors use any water available to the sites notwithstanding what
specifications dictate. Owing to a poor culture of quality control that they have,
manifesting in non-compliance with regulations and codes, poor workmanship as well as
inadequate supervision, [3] observed that building decay which is caused by water-borne
chemical agents, is easily initiated during initial constructional stages and may not be
noticed long after handing over and subsequent occupation. Interpreting the procurement
act, Act 663 of 2003, [7] stipulated only 6 months as defects liability period and within this
period defects such as corrosion of mild steel reinforcements may not be seen for remedy.
Thus new buildings in this way may be handed over potentially defective with future
useful life potentially shortened.
The use of waste or unpurified water for mixing concrete has been long a common feature for all
contractors in our country’s construction industry. Throughout my stay in this internship, I
encountered with such practice frequently.
This study identifies the current practice of using unpurified water in concrete mixing, its effects
and recommend the best possible solutions to tackle this extremely dangerous practice of the
hosting company.
Presence of salt, such as calcium chloride, Iron salts, inorganic salts and sodium...etc. are
so dangerous that they reduce initial strength of concrete and in some cases no strength
can be achieved. There is rusting problem in steel provided in RCC.
Presence of industrial waste, sanitary sewage and water with sugar also reduce the
strength of concrete.
Presence of silt or suspended particle in water has adverse effect on strength of concrete.
Presence of oil such as linseed oil, vegetable oil or mineral oil in water reduces the
strength of concrete.
It seems that the contractors and higher officials of the host company either don’t recognize the
consequences of using unpurified water on the quality of concrete or they execute their tasks
with carelessness. Either way the effect on the concrete quality is inevitable which leads
catastrophic accidents both on construction buildings, and human personnel in the vicinity.
Moreover in view of the bigger picture the impact of such practices on overall economy,
relationship with clients, and reputation in the construction sector will be ruined.
The consequences of using unpurified water in concrete mix is beyond the issues illustrated
above as discussed above in the background of the study and in many related studies.
Having said that the main purpose of this paper is to identify the problem and its effects on
construction projects, contractors, service life of buildings, and most importantly it is a huge
setback for the clients who owe the building projects. This or another way its impact is
significant in overall economy of the country.
1.4. Significance of the study
This study is believed to have numerous advantages to the intern hosting company and overall
construction sector. Here are the significances that the student trainee expects after the
completion of the project paper;
The main responsibility to make things right on-site resides mainly on contractors and
associated stakeholders. The birth of this paper gives everyone involved on the project an
awareness not on must use of purified water but instead the consequences of using poor
quality water in concrete mixing.
This paper will help regulatory bodies to have serious inspection and evaluation as the
quality of concrete is the major issue in construction building sector.
Additionally, this study is helpful in understanding the current practice of concrete mixing
as an intern trainee and to apply standard mechanisms not only in concrete mixing but also
in overall construction activities.
Finally, the paper could be used as reference for concerned body/personnel to make further
studies and to come up with wider scope of the area under study.
The primary data for this study is taken from direct observation on the site and this data together
with reviewed literatures, journals and articles has been used to recommend best possible
The paper excludes application of any tests in this study to show the possible effects of
unpurified water in quality of concretes. The data found from different sources has been
analyzed qualitatively to the objective of the paper.
1.6. Limitation of the Study
As of any study made on specific area this study also have its limitation. One of the limitations
of the study is no kind of taste was made to prove the effect of using poor quality water in
concrete mixing.
The other limitation is that the study only employed qualitative analysis of the data in hand. This
is done due to time constraints in carrying out surveys supported with questionnaire. Even
though the problem found in the hosting company’s project is may be common to almost most of
construction sites in our country, the statement of problem for this paper is only taken from
direct observation on the project of my hosting company.
Finally, it has been difficult to find previous related study specific to the area under study. This
almost take most of the time than the preparation of this paper did.
1.7. Introduction
Concrete is a chemically combined mass which is manufactured from binding materials and inert
materials with water. It is most popular construction material due to its unique durability and
reasonable strength; more interestingly can be modified and designed for wide range of strength
requirements and set under variable environmental conditions. Cement is the most important
material of concrete which is produced at the cost of environmental emission of CO 2; to produce
1 ton cement nearly 900 kg CO2 is released in the environment. So such an energy intensive
materials constitutes concrete which may be seriously affected by (both strength and durability
point of view) by relatively available and cheap but essential element water; more precisely
impurities in water. Quality of mixing water is mainly considered for performance of concrete in
both fresh and hardens state.
Impurities in mixing water intervene the setting time of the paste and may produce detrimental
effect on strength and durability of concrete also. When impurities are chemically active, they
may take part in the chemical reaction contributing significant change in setting, hardening and
development of strength of concrete. More over health hazard during handling this water should
carefully considered. In this regard past performance of a particular source of water can be used
to evaluate suitability of water; if not available, some testing inevitable to evaluate water for
setting time, compressive strength and durability.
The quantity of water in the mix plays a vital role on the strength of the concrete. Some water
which have adverse effect on hardened concrete. Sometimes may not be harmless or even
beneficial during mixing. So, clear distinction should be made between the effect on hardened
concrete and the quality of mixing water.
was fit to use in concrete mixing, and even fewer limitations were applicable to curing-water
quality. Waterways Experiment Station to determine the effects of pH values of water on the
strength of concrete and the staining properties of elements found in water. It was found that
various contaminants can render distilled water unfit for mixing or curing concrete. It is also
indicated that pH does not provide a basis for specifying quality of mixing water.
(Mather ,Bryant; Tye, R. V. 1956)
Excessive impurities in mixing water not only may affect setting time and concrete strength, but
also may cause efflorescence, staining, corrosion of reinforcement, volume instability, and
reduced durability. Specifications usually set limits on chlorides, sulfates, alkalis, and solids in
mixing water unless tests can be performed to determine the effect the impurity has on various
properties. A continuous gradation of particle sizes is desirable for efficient use of the paste. In
addition, aggregates should be clean and free from any matter that might affect the quality of the
concrete. (B.Chatveera and Lertwattanaruk, 2007)
1.11. Concrete strength
The first rarely mentioned fundamental assumptions for the strength versus water-cement ratio
relationship are discussed, namely, that: (a) the strength of structural concrete is controlled by the
strength of the cement paste in it; (b) the strength of a cement paste depends strongly on the
porosity in it; and (c) the porosity (capillary) is a function of the water-cement ratio. This is the
foundation of the relationship between concrete, strength and water-cement ratio. Numerous
empirical formulas, so-called strength formulas, have been developed for this relationship; the
Abrams' formula for instance.( Abrams, DA 1942)
Water is the key ingredient, which when mixed with cement, forms a paste that binds the
aggregate together. The water causes the hardening of concrete through a process called
hydration. Hydration is a chemical reaction in which the major compounds in cement form
chemical bonds with water molecules and become hydrates or hydration products. Details of the
hydration process are explored in the next section. The water needs to be pure in order to prevent
side reactions from occurring which may weaken the concrete or otherwise interfere with the
hydration process. The role of water is important because the water to cement ratio is the most
critical factor in the production of "perfect" concrete. Too much water reduces concrete strength,
while too little will make the concrete unworkable. Concrete needs to be workable so that it may
be consolidated and shaped into different forms (i.e.. walls, domes, etc.). Because concrete must
be both strong and workable, a careful balance of the cement to water ratio is required when
making concrete. (Kuhi H August 1928)
Water is a key reactant in cement hydration. The incorporation of water into a substance is
known as hydration. Water and cement initially form a cement paste that begins to react and
harden (set). This paste binds the aggregate particles through the chemical process of hydration.
In the hydration of cement, chemical changes occur slowly, eventually creating new crystalline
products, heat evolution, and other measurable signs.
The properties of this hardened cement paste, called binder, control the properties of the
concrete. It is the inclusion of water (hydration) into the product that causes concrete to set,
stiffen, and become hard. Once set, concrete continues to harden (cure) and become stronger for
a long period of time, often up to several years.
The strength of the concrete is related to the water to cement mass ratio and the curing
conditions. A high water to cement mass ratio yields a low strength concrete. This is due to the
increase in porosity (space between particles) that is created with the hydration process. Most
concrete is made with a water to cement mass ratio ranging from 0.35 to 0.6. (Neville 1997,
1.12. Workability
Workability depends on water content, aggregate (shape and size distribution), cementitious
content and age (level of hydration), and can be modified by adding chemical admixtures.
Raising the water content or adding chemical admixtures will increase concrete workability.
Excessive water will lead to increased bleeding (surface water) and/or segregation of aggregates
(when the cement and aggregates start to separate), with the resulting concrete having reduced
quality. The use of an aggregate with an undesirable gradation can result in a very harsh mix
design with a very low slump, which cannot be readily made more workable by addition of
reasonable amounts of water. (Lobo C and Mullings GM .2003)
Workability is the ability of a fresh (plastic) concrete mix to fill the form/mold properly with the
desired work (vibration) and without reducing the concrete's quality. Workability depends on
water content, aggregate (shape and size distribution), cementitious content and age (level of
hydration), and can be modified by adding chemical admixtures. Raising the water content or
adding chemical admixtures will increase concrete workability. Excessive water will lead to
increased bleeding (surface water) and/or segregation of aggregates (when the cement and
aggregates start to separate), with the resulting concrete having reduced quality. The use of an
aggregate with an undesirable gradation can result in a very harsh mix design with a very low
slump, which cannot be readily made more workable by addition of reasonable amounts of
water. Workability can be measured by the concrete slump test, a simplistic measure of the
plasticity of a fresh batch of concrete following the ASTM C 143 or EN 12350-2 test standards.
(H. Roper, D. Baweja, 1992)
1.13. Durability
Durability is a very important concern in using concrete for a given application. Concrete
provides good performance through the service life of the structure when concrete is mixed
properly and care is taken in curing it. Good concrete can have an infinite life span under the
right conditions. Water, although important for concrete hydration and hardening, can also play a
role in decreased durability once the structure is built. This is because water can transport
harmful chemicals to the interior of the concrete leading to various forms of deterioration.
Such deterioration ultimately adds costs due to maintenance and repair of the concrete structure.
The contractor should be able to account for environmental factors and produce a durable
concrete structure if these factors are considered when building concrete structures. (Cebeci OZ
and Saatci 1989)
Water is an important material in the mixing of concrete. Water always plays a big role in the life
of concrete. First, water is always a component of fresh concrete—sometimes an excessive
component. Second, water can be retained by concrete (dams, pipes) or restrained by it (walls).
And third, water can go into concrete but generally not through it. As a component of paste,
about 20 percent water by weight is needed to hydrate all the cement (w/c, 0.20), and about 15 to
20 percent more to provide space for the cement hydration products. And then, usually more
water is needed to make the mix workable. At about 0.65 to 0.70 w/c the permeability of
concrete increases exponentially, so it is usually best to limit the w/c to 0.60 if that is tolerable
with respect to other concrete properties. (Su N, Miao B and Liu FS 2002)
1.15. Study Design
The purpose of the study is to assess the current practice of FE construction in concrete work and
the quality of water used in concrete mixing and curing and to offer alternative solutions to the
existing problem on the site. In doing so, the study employed descriptive study. Descriptive
study is employed due to the behavior of the study involving assessment of current practice, its
effect on the performance concrete and delivering the best possible solution. From this one can
easily understand that the study moreover about illustration of the actual phenomenon on site and
may be the construction sector as a whole.
Then qualitative analysis made to point out the problems currently running on site, its respective
consequences on both short and long term considerations. Finally, based on the findings,
conclusion and recommendations on the future work made.
The current practice which FE construction needs to work on is tests to be made on the water
used for the concrete making rather than visual inspection. Of course drinking water could be
used for mixing purpose without any test; however, when this water is brought from other
sources like river and drilled well of the ground, it should be tested.
Because non-visually observed dissolved salts and other impurities, which could possibly be
present in it, have a negative impact on both fresh and hardened concrete quality [3].
Ground and river waters highly susceptible to pollution from domestic wastes and chemicals
discharged out of factories. Even though this water is not mostly used as part of mixing water,
sub structural parts a building made with reinforced concrete has higher possibility of getting
in contact with such water. This water contains significant amount of deleterious substances like
sulphates and other soluble salts that deteriorate concrete. Therefore ground water should be
tested before using it for concrete mixing and as well as before placing concrete structures in it.
Te other bad practice that has been witnessed on the site is hand mixing of concrete. Even though
drinking water is used for mixing this hand mixing is a treat for the quality of water as the hands
of the labors on the site may not be clean as they involve in different tasks. This practice needs
further thinking as it harms the quality of concrete.
The other bad practice is that the use of ground and river water in concrete curing and this
practice makes it difficult in achieving the needed degree of strength and durability in the
1.21. Effects of the poor practices in Mixing and Curing Concrete on Concrete
curing if proper steps were taken to prevent the loss of water from the concrete. There is
inevitably some loss of water from the surface of the structural members due to evaporation. The
hydration process is carried out within the interior of the structure, but at the surface, the
situation is not same as there is a lack of moisture or water content due to evaporation. Hence it
is necessary to have curing.
If the water used is seawater, the chloride ions will enter the surface zone which will later move
inwards by means of diffusion. It should be noted that most of the durability issues start from the
surface or an attack from the surface to move inwards. The iron content or organic matter in
water that is used for curing will result in the staining or deposits in the concrete surface. As per
IS: 456-2000, the presence of iron or tannic acid compound is restricted in curing water.
One of the major and worrying effects of this practice is gradual loss of concrete strength and
corrosion of reinforcements which could be a cause in long term collapse of buildings. This is
why the paper tries to assess the practice and recommend the best possible solution.
as well as harden state. The quality of the water plays an important role in the preparation of
concrete. Impurities in water may interfere with the setting of the cement and may adversely
affect the strength and durability of the concrete also. The chemical constituents present in water
may actively participate in the chemical reactions and thus affect the setting, hardening and
strength development of concrete. In addition to that, health issues related to the safe handling of
such water must be considered. The suitability of water can be identified from past service
records or tested to performance limits such as setting times and compressive strength and
durability test. Limits are specified for mixing water with their constituents such as total alkalis,
chloride sulfate etc. Biological treatment and pathogen reductions are also ensure safety in
handling of reclaimed water and saline water. Here are the measurements to be taken by the
company to tackle problems
1.22.i. Carrying out Tests On sites
Testing of water play an important role in controlling the quality of cement concrete work.
Systematic testing of the water helps to achieve higher efficiency of cement concrete and greater
assurance of the performance in regard to both strength and durability. Water is susceptible to
being changed due to physical, chemical or biological reactions which may take place between at
the time of sampling and analyzing. Hence it is necessary to test water before used for cement
concrete production. Samples should be collected, as far as possible, from midstream at mid
depth, Sites should be selected such that marginal changes in water observed with naked eyes,
where there are major river discharges or obstructions occurred. Sampling locations can be fixed
with reference to significant features. Testing should be made on proving the PH value of water
should be considered as the PH value helps the contractors to estimate the severity of water used
in concrete in causing corrosion on reinforcement. The PH value of concrete mixing water
should be between 6 and 8.
Water contaminated with industrial wastes, but free of suspended solids, is also suitable
Much larger contents of the impurities, in natural water can be tolerated except for the
alkali carbonates and bicarbonates which may have significant effects even less than or
equal to 2000 ppm.
Other inorganic impurities of possible industrial origin, that may be detrimental at
moderate concentrations those are, sulfides, iodides, phosphates, arsenates, borates, and
compounds of lead, zinc, copper, tin and manganese are adversely affect concrete
Organic impurities also likely to change concrete properties, especially present in sugar.
Mixing of concrete is almost regularly carried out by machine, for reinforced concrete work and
for medium or large scale mass concrete work. Machine mixing is quicker, more efficient and
produces much more homogeneous concrete. The mix should be turned over in the mixer for at
least two minutes after adding the water.
Machine mixing allows quality mixing as the direct contact between the concrete components
and the labors will be less and the quality of mixing would be much better.
In doing so, they will facilitate better circumstances not only to execution of concrete works but
also in creating good working environment to their employees.
The practices of FE Construction are bad and several causes could be raised. One of the causes
for use of unpurified water is lack in availability of drinking water. The study also found out that
the stakeholders seemed to be careless on the consequences as huge company like FE could have
done a lot better considering the experience and capacity the company build through years in this
construction industry. Most of all the absence of test on the waters being used for the concrete
mixing and curing is the main problem.
Regarding the effects of the use of unpurified water, the study pointed out following effects;
These reactions mostly affect the setting time, compressive strength and may also cause
straining of concrete surface.
There is no reliable assurance of long term strength on concrete made with ground water
The high concentrations of some substances could raise concerns about the potential for
corrosion and sulfate attack in reinforced concrete structures.
After discussion of the effects of using ground water for concrete making the study proposed the
following solutions.
Tests prior to using these waters should be made so as to check the water is suitable for
the purpose. This allows the application of treatment mechanisms towards the impurities
found in the water.
Contractors should consider best possible sources for water which will be used in
concrete making
Applying best mechanisms in concrete mixing as hand mixing is against the requirements
for mixing
Most of all the best possible solution is to have a planned solution in acquiring water
resources on site or creating that link with suppliers of drinking water.
It is a common thinking in construction work that the water fit for human consumption is
generally acceptable for mixing mortar or concrete and curing work. However, the water must be
tested before using in construction work. When you are making huge expenditure on
construction work, a negligible amount spent on water testing should not be saved. Tested water
or treated water should be used as this will increase the strength of cement concrete and enhance
the life of building. It is advisable that water should be tested in lab and if found unsatisfactory, it
should be treated according to directions of laboratory
1.24. Recommendations
The choice of any water and its suitability should be determined using the tests
outlined here in if the quality is doubtful.
Strict adherence should be given to specifications most especially in any issue
concerning reinforced concrete structure.
The reservoirs used on site should be given proper care as the consequences are major.
Drinking water should always be employed in the production of concrete to enable
it attain maximum compressive strength overtime.
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