Write The Correct Plural Form of The Words
Write The Correct Plural Form of The Words
Write The Correct Plural Form of The Words
An școlar 2016-2017
Disciplina - Limba engleză
Clasa a V-a, L1
PARTEA I_________________________________________________________60 de puncte
1. Put the verbs in brackets to Present Continuous (10x2p =20p)
Hello! My name _________ James. I _________ a boy and I ___________ two brothers. I ___________
tall and slim. I __________ black hair and blue eyes. I_________ very funny. My mother__________ a doctor
and my father _________ a pilot. My mother___________ blue eyes, just like me. She _________ very pretty.
My father__________ tall and he ___________ short hair and green eyes. They_________ the best parents in
the world. I_________a cat and a dog. My dog___________very big and my cat___________very little. My
best friend _________Tim. He___________a bike and we always play together after school. I___________a
bike too. My bike__________blue.
Anul scolar 2013-2014
Limba engleză
Clasa a V- a L1
2. 20 x 1p= 20 points
1) is; 2) am; 3) have; 4) am; 5) have; 6) am; 7) is; 8) is; 9) has; 10) is; 11) is; 12) has; 13) are; 14) have; 15) is;
16) is; 17) is; 18) has; 19) have; 20) is;
3. 5 x 2 p= 10 points
a) carton; b) glass; c) cup; d) bottle e) kilo/packet.
4. 10 x 1p=10 points
a. buses; b. children; c. fish; d. tables; e. books; f. chairs; g. boys ; h. houses; i. men;
j. babies.
Matrice de specificatii
Limba engleză, L1
Clasa a V-a
Unităţi tematice
Şcoala gimnazială „Gh. Banea” Măcin
Str. Florilor, 30
Tel.-Fax 0240571004
e-mail: [email protected]
S-au observat lacune in folosirea timpurilor verbale, elevii nestiind cum sa le formeze si
cand sa le foloseasca.
În ceea ce priveste limba cele mai multe dificultati sau greseli intampinate sunt:
Profesor Gheorghe Liliana