Princess Diadem Limpot - Bsinfotech 1a Pnoy Exam Pe101
Princess Diadem Limpot - Bsinfotech 1a Pnoy Exam Pe101
Princess Diadem Limpot - Bsinfotech 1a Pnoy Exam Pe101
Choose the letter that corresponds to your correct answer. Make sure that you read it carefully
since, each question has content to hasten your analytical quotient.
By answering on this type of test you will discover analyzing a pair of shoes and wearing of PE
uniforms or a comfortable attire in doing Physical activities. Make sure that your will think fast for you to
be a good learner for me. Choose the correct letter that corresponds to your best answer.
-Sir John
A. Emotional Aspect C. Social Aspect E. Step test G. Curl ups I. Sit and Reach
B. Physical Aspect D. Mental Aspect F. Shuttle run H. 1000 M RUN J. Chair Push ups
1. Lovemaking: ____A___
2. ___C____: Friendship
3. Counting: ___D__
5. Flexibility: ____I___
Read each question thoroughly and THINK that your answering the word of GOD that could be a
great help for your family to achieve all their sufferings on you before you get the success of life.
1. What is the important of sports materials if it is passed already after using unlike human being
experiences? Cite example that relates to your life situation.
The sports materials are the tools that used to help the athletes play the sport. It is the
key to every player’s success. In Human language the life struggles and experiences
serve as a guide and to self improvement through success in life. Our life is like a game
in which everybody is playing from dual to dawn with spirits of sporting strength and
creating unity in society as well as in the whole nation. For example, the advice my
family gave me through my journey to develop as an individual.
2. Youth must study hard so that their lives can gain fulfillments. Does COVID 19 has the power to
stop your dreams to be a professional someday?
In this time of the pandemic, our life suddenly changed. We people need to be quarantined
ourselves in our homes, just to keep safe. This new reality had a huge impact on our lives.
The president decided to suspend face to face classes and making the online/modular class
as a new alternative learning system to students. We all know that the online class is very
stressful for us students and also for teachers. We attend classes not to learned anymore
but all we do is just to pass our requirements and daily tasks. Some students are financially
unstable and can’t afford things for an online class such as a laptop and that includes me.
But that doesn’t mean that I give up my dreams to be a professional someday because of
the pandemic. Despite the struggles and circumstances that we had by believing God's will
and trusting his process, I can achieve my goal not only for me but also for my family.
D. Illustrations (10pts)
Draw a sports equipment that illustrate your life now. And then, you will have to put
descriptions of your dream to be a professional Physical Education teacher.