Skills Framework For 3 To 19-Year-Olds in Wales, 2007
Skills Framework For 3 To 19-Year-Olds in Wales, 2007
Skills Framework For 3 To 19-Year-Olds in Wales, 2007
for 3 to 19-year-olds
in Wales
Overview This publication is a key part of the revised, more learner-centred and
skills-focused curriculum in Wales to be implemented from September
2008. It provides guidance about continuity and progression in thinking,
communication, ICT and number for learners from 3 to 19 and beyond.
Why has the framework been developed? 2
How is the framework organised? 4
How is progression described? 5
What is the framework’s relationship to the whole curriculum? 6
Section 1
Developing thinking across the curriculum 10
Section 2
Developing communication across the curriculum 17
Section 3
Developing ICT across the curriculum 20
Section 4
Developing number across the curriculum 22
There is, however, strong consensus in schools that the current subject Orders
cannot alone adequately fulfil this requirement since many place an emphasis
on detailed subject knowledge rather than skills development. Whilst it is
important to retain a common entitlement, there is also a need to offer
different pathways through learning in order to suit the aptitudes and
interests of learners and to meet the requirements of employers and others.
These requirements are outlined in the summary report of the Future Skills
Wales 2003 Generic Skills Survey that states:
‘Of the employers reporting skills gaps, lack of IT skills is the most
common problem, followed by communication skills… showing
initiative, problem solving and ability to learn.’
(Future Skills Wales 2003 Generic Skills Survey Summary Report –
2 Skills framework
The advice also suggests that:
Skills framework 3
How is the framework organised?
The framework has been developed with the aim of providing guidance
about continuity and progression in thinking, communication, ICT and
number for learners from 3 to 19 and beyond. These are skills that will
enable learners of any age to become successful, whether in school, the
workplace, at home or elsewhere, and they need to be firmly embedded
into the experience of learners across all their learning. Their development
underpins the requirements of employers and others, and will help to
address current concerns about skills’ shortages in Wales and other parts
of the United Kingdom, Europe and the wider world.
4 Skills framework
How is progression described?
During its early development, the framework showed six stages of
progression, notionally linked to broad expectations at the beginning of the
Foundation Phase, the end of that phase, the end of Key Stages 2, 3 and 4
and Post-16. The two final stages also relate to Key Skills qualifications,
Levels 1, 2 and 3 and it is hoped that learners who have the appropriate
skills will also meet the challenge of attaining the appropriate qualifications.
Broadly, progression in tasks moves from the concrete to the more abstract,
from simple to complex, from personal to the bigger picture, from the
familiar to the unfamiliar. Learners progress from needing support to more
independent working. They move from listening and interacting with others
in a general way to a situation where they choose to work with others as
a deliberate strategy for reaching understanding. In these ways they
become both independent and interdependent learners.
In some columns, arrows have been used in order to avoid the use of
spurious descriptions of progression in adjacent column(s). These indicate that
the skills described previously continue to apply to learners at subsequent
stages and that more challenging tasks would enable further progression.
For some learners, particularly those with additional needs, the notional
relationship with age will not be relevant. For learners with more complex
needs, a focus on the skills in the framework will provide opportunities to
meet individual priorities across the curriculum.
Skills framework 5
What is the framework’s relationship
to the whole curriculum?
This framework is not intended to be a curriculum framework. It underpins
the Foundation Phase framework, all the subjects of the national
curriculum, plus the frameworks for personal and social education (PSE),
careers and the world of work (CWW) and religious education (RE), and
aims to ensure a coherent approach to learning and to progression. Its
greatest value will therefore be to support planning.
Throughout the revision of the subject Orders and frameworks, care has
been taken to ensure consistency with the skills framework. The skills
framework applies to all children and young people from their earliest
contact with the education system through to the time they leave school
or college as young adults. There is no expectation, however, that all
subjects will cover all the skills defined. A selective approach is needed.
While the framework does not explicitly cover the three wider Key Skills
of Working with others, Improving own learning and performance and
Problem solving, these are integrated throughout. Improving own learning
and performance and Problem solving, while seeded across the whole
framework, are most fully covered by the section Developing thinking. In
the framework, the following references clearly demonstrate these aspects:
6 Skills framework
• ‘Plan the process/method to be used.’
• ‘Regularly check progress, make ongoing revisions to process/method
where necessary.’
• ‘Decide whether the process/method was successful; describe any
amendments made; suggest how the process/method could be improved.’
The whole of the Developing thinking section is underpinned by the
principles involved in creative and critical thinking though creative thinking
is especially prominent in the references:
• ‘Develop and begin to combine a variety of imaginative ideas, possibilities
and alternatives, including those of others.’
• ‘Experiment confidently with own and others’ ideas; begin to take risks
with ideas, going beyond the conventional.’
• ‘Link the learning to unfamiliar or more abstract situations.’
Skills framework 7
Working with others is a key element in thinking and communication,
where the value of collaborative working in learning is especially
recognised, as seen in the following references:
• ‘Listen to the contributions of others, considering their points of view…’
• ‘Make significant contributions to discussions…’
• ‘Consider others’ views to inform opinions and decisions.’
Working with others occurs both explicitly and implicitly across the
framework. Explicit emphasis is given to it in Developing thinking through
the emphasis on group talk and collaboration and, in Developing
communication, especially in the Oracy element. Where it is not explicit,
there is an assumption that learners will work in different ways – sometimes
independently but often, especially during the planning and developing
stages of their thinking, in pairs and groups of various size and composition.
This collaborative approach is crucial in helping learners to test and refine
their ideas, to form new concepts and deepen their understanding. Interacting
with others in this way is sometimes referred to as social construction.
8 Skills framework
Skills framework 9
Section 1
Developing thinking across the curriculum
Developing thinking can be defined as developing patterns of ideas that
help learners acquire deeper understanding and enable them to explore and
make sense of their world. It refers to processes of thinking that we have
defined as plan, develop and reflect. These processes enable learners to think
creatively and critically to plan their work, carry out tasks, analyse and evaluate
their findings, and to reflect on their learning, making links within and
outside their formal learning environment. Although we are born with a
capability to think, there is ample evidence that we can learn to think more
It could be said that, in the past, the process of learning has been taken for
granted and has at times seemed mysterious. As evidence from research
and practice has been increasingly aligned and interwoven, a number of
barriers have been overcome. The most notable have been in the fields of
developing thinking and assessment for learning. Both developing thinking
and assessment for learning rely on basic principles of pedagogy such as
questioning technique and articulating strategies.
10 Skills framework
A comparison of the features of developing thinking with assessment for learning
g Asses
k in s me
in nt
th understanding of or
ing challenging tasks, goals and success le
p a
application of ideas active criteria promoted
teacher and how learners learn
learning linked to learner exploration
other lessons, subjects,
life outside school learners encouraged
learners know
to think, question, talk
how to improve
active listening, asking questions,
deeper understanding of summarising, explaining
conceptually difficult ideas understanding are key features develops self-assessment
gained as learners develop and greater autonomy
greater cognitive processing both teachers and learners of learning
capabilities mediate learning
group talk and
recognises all
collaboration encouraged
metacognition is educational
at heart of learning – learners feel achievements
reflection of what safe to make
learned and how learned mistakes
fosters learner
Taken from Why develop thinking and assessment for learning in the classroom? (Welsh Assembly Government, 2007)
Skills framework
One of the remaining barriers is a lack of a universal vocabulary for
teachers to talk to their learners about their learning. The framework for
progression in developing thinking and its glossary attempt to overcome
this barrier. The terminology used is as simple as possible yet relates to
current research in this area.
12 Skills framework
The processes of developing thinking, namely plan, develop and reflect,
should not be seen as a set style of learning and teaching. Instead they
typify the processes that the learner will go through in order to progress
thinking and as such should be used flexibly. As suggested earlier for
reflection, each process does not have a specific place in a task or in a
lesson. If learners were to approach every task by starting to plan, then
develop and finally reflect, they would soon become demotivated and
learning would slow. Some tasks or lessons may follow a straightforward
cycle of plan, develop and reflect. However, most will require learners to
use the three processes interchangeably as they carry out a task. For
example, in order to plan it is always wise to reflect on past experiences
both within and outside school. It may be that a task or lesson requires
learners to hone their skills in one process, for example analysing their
findings (develop). In order to analyse, a range of thinking principles will
be used such as activating prior skills, knowledge and understanding;
thinking about cause and effect and making inferences; thinking logically
and seeking patterns; considering evidence, information and ideas; forming
opinions and making decisions; linking and lateral thinking. These principles
are from across the three processes involved in the spiral.
Further details about Why develop thinking? and How to develop thinking, as
well as video clips of actual lessons, can be found in the Aiming for Excellence:
Developing Thinking Across the Curriculum pack jointly badged by BBC Wales,
Estyn and the Welsh Assembly Government, distributed in 2007.
Skills framework 13
Section 1 Developing thinking across the curriculum
Learners’ progression in developing thinking is described as you read across the columns from left to right. Progression is cumulative; skills identified in each
stage of progression will have been demonstrated – at least at a simple level – by learners before they move to the next stage.
Progression can be seen in terms of the refinement of these skills and by their application to tasks that move from: concrete to abstract; simple to complex;
Skills framework
personal to the ‘big picture’; familiar to unfamiliar.
Learners progress from needing support to more independent working. They move from listening and interacting with others in a general way to a situation where they
choose to work with others as a deliberate strategy for reaching understanding. In these ways they become both independent and interdependent learners.
The arrows within the columns indicate that the skills described previously continue to apply to learners at subsequent stages and that more challenging tasks
would enable further progression.
Asking Ask why, what, how, Ask questions related Ask relevant questions Ask questions that Ask more probing Identify the problem
questions where, when, etc. to context and listen and begin to link build on responses questions. and set the questions
before asking further questions into to earlier questions. to resolve it.
questions. sequences. Give reasons
for choice of questions.
Activating prior Show awareness of Identify and make Identify gaps and begin Build on existing
skills, personal needs and links with prior skills to build on existing skills, knowledge
knowledge and skills. and knowledge skills, knowledge and understanding
understanding related to context. and understanding required for the task.
required for the task.
Gathering Choose from given Suggest where to find Suggest how to find Suggest a range of Evaluate options.
information options where to find information relevant information options as to where
information and and ideas related and ideas. and how to find
ideas. to context. relevant information
and ideas.
Determining the Choose from given Plan, with support, Plan the Suggest alternative Explain why the Take account of
process/method options what to do the process/method process/method processes/methods; process/method and possible problems
and strategy and how to do it. to be used. to be used. identify the strategy have been when justifying why
learning/thinking selected and identify the strategy(ies) is
strategy to be used. possible problems. to be used.
Determining Identify, in response to Determine some Determine success Justify choice of
success criteria questions, some basic success criteria. criteria and give some success criteria.
success criteria for what justification
is going to be done. for choice.
Generating and Show curiosity and Generate imaginative Develop and begin Develop and combine
developing ideas explore everyday ideas and to combine a variety a variety of
stimuli. possibilities. of imaginative ideas, imaginative ideas,
possibilities and possibilities and
alternatives, including alternatives.
those of others.
Valuing errors Show surprise at Describe errors and Begin to make use of Make use of errors Value errors and Build on unexpected
and unexpected unexpected unexpected errors and and unexpected unexpected outcomes as well
outcomes outcomes. outcomes. unexpected outcomes. outcomes and see as successes to
outcomes. the opportunities re-evaluate.
they present.
Entrepreneurial Favour the familiar Begin to experiment Experiment Begin to take risks Take calculated risks
thinking when presented with with own and others’ confidently with own with ideas, going with ideas, weighing
new ideas. ideas. and others’ ideas. beyond the up potential pros and
conventional. cons.
Thinking about See simple links Identify links Use some prior Use prior knowledge
cause and effect between cause and between cause and knowledge to explain to explain links
and making effect in everyday effect; give reasons links between cause between cause and
inferences routines; make and for inferences/ and effect or justify effect and justify
try out simple predictions. inferences/ inferences/
predictions. predictions. predictions.
Thinking Identify obvious Identify and describe Identify, describe and Explain patterns and Analyse patterns and
logically and observed differences. similarities and begin to explain relationships and explore uncertainties.
seeking patterns differences by patterns and identify uncertainties.
making simple relationships.
Considering Begin to understand Consider evidence, Consider different Identify and assess Evaluate in order to
evidence, that some things are information and interpretations and bias and reliability. gauge bias, reliability
information and ‘fact’. ideas to begin to distinguish between and validity.
ideas distinguish between ‘facts’, beliefs and
‘facts’, beliefs and opinions, giving
Skills framework
opinions. reasons. Begin to
recognise bias and
Forming Begin to express own Form opinions and Form considered Consider others’ Take different
opinions and opinions and make make decisions by opinions and make views to inform perspectives to
making decisions in everyday weighing up some informed decisions. opinions and inform opinions
decisions routines. pros and cons. decisions. and decisions.
Monitoring With support, follow Follow the planned Follow the planned Regularly check Justify any
progress the chosen process/method. process/method, progress, making amendments.
process/method. making some ongoing revisions to
amendments where process/method
necessary. where necessary.
Reviewing Begin to link Link outcomes to Begin to evaluate Evaluate outcomes Refine success criteria
outcomes and outcomes to success success criteria. outcomes against and how far success in the light of
success criteria criteria. success criteria. criteria fully reflect experience for
successful outcomes. future occasions.
Reviewing the Show or describe Identify what worked Decide whether the Justify amendments/
process/method some of what has and what didn’t; process/method was improvements.
been done; identify, begin to suggest how successful; describe
in response to the process/method any amendments
questions, what could be improved. made; suggest how
worked and what the process/method
didn’t. could be improved.
Evaluate own Show, in response to Describe what has Describe how they Identify the Justify the Evaluate and refine
learning and questions, some of been learned/found have learned, and learning/thinking learning/thinking learning and thinking
thinking what has been out. identify the ways that strategies they have strategies used and strategies for future
learned/found out. worked the best. used. suggest other occasions.
strategies that might
have worked.
Linking and Make links between Link the learning, Link the learning to Link the learning to Link the learning to Integrate the learning
lateral thinking everyday routines in with support, to similar situations, dissimilar but familiar unfamiliar or more and link it to more
Skills framework
different contexts. other situations. within and outside situations, within and abstract situations. abstract situations.
school. outside school.
Fold out to see the complete grid.
Glossary – to describe the meanings of terms used in this progression
and some used elsewhere in thinking.
16 Skills framework
Section 2
Developing communication across
the curriculum
The communication section of the framework leads on from much of the
work done over the past few years on developing literacy across the
curriculum. It links elements from the proposals for Language, Literacy and
Communication Skills and Welsh Language Development in the Foundation
Phase, levels for early literacy, the national curriculum Orders for Welsh,
Welsh second language, English and modern foreign languages, and the
Key Skills qualification, also called Communication, though it does not follow
the format of any of these sources. The skills of communication have been
separated as far as possible from the subject content of the language
subject Orders. However, the communication section aims to support bilingual
and multilingual development. Language skills learned in one language
should support the development of knowledge and skills in another.
Skills framework 17
Section 2 Developing communication across the curriculum
Learners’ progression in developing communication is described as you read across the columns from left to right. Progression is cumulative; skills identified in
each stage of progression will have been demonstrated – at least at a simple level – by learners before they move to the next stage.
Progression can be seen in terms of the refinement of these skills and by their application to tasks that move from: concrete to abstract; simple to complex;
Skills framework
personal to the ‘big picture’; familiar to unfamiliar.
Learners progress from needing support to more independent working. They move from listening and interacting with others in a general way to a situation where
they choose to work with others as a deliberate strategy for reaching understanding. In these ways they become both independent and interdependent learners.
The arrows within the columns indicate that the skills described previously continue to apply to learners at subsequent stages and that more challenging tasks
would enable further progression.
Developing Listen and respond Show an awareness Show an increasing Listen to the Listen carefully, Listen perceptively,
information and to others in familiar of the needs of the awareness of the contributions of noting the strengths evaluating the
ideas contexts, asking listener, asking social conventions others, considering and weaknesses of strength of arguments
questions to obtain questions and of discussion and their points of view. viewpoints or lines and the thinking of
simple/specific responding to the conversation, Be flexible in of reasoning and others, identifying
information. contributions of contributing and discussions and show adaptability. key messages.
others. responding respond aptly to Make significant Make significant
appropriately. what they hear. contributions to contributions to
discussions. discussions, taking
a range of roles and
helping to move
discussions forward.
Presenting Talk to themselves Communicate with Communicate clearly Communicate clearly Communicate
information and and to others and increasing confidence and confidently in a and effectively in a coherently, engaging
ideas understand many to peers and others. way that suits the way that suits the the interest of
more words than Begin to modify their subject, audience subject, audience listeners. Use
they can speak. Use talk to the and purpose, using and purpose. Use appropriate language
simple vocabulary requirements of the a range of a wide and forms.
to convey meaning. audience, using a vocabulary, including subject-specific
growing vocabulary. some key words vocabulary.
related to subjects.
Locating, Begin to differentiate Decode text and Use a range of word Use different reading Use a range of Select, summarise
selecting and between print and begin to find simple identification skills and strategies to locate, strategies to identify and synthesise ideas
using pictures. information using different strategies to select and summarise key points, ideas and and information.
information organisational devices locate and reorganise information, lines of reasoning.
using reading and available clues to ideas and information identifying accurately
strategies deduce meaning. from different sources. the key points.
Responding to Look at texts Respond to what is Confirm their Discuss and evaluate Discuss and show Discuss texts,
what has been with/without an read, expressing understanding by texts, using inference appreciation of texts, showing appreciation
read adult, showing opinions about major responding to texts and deduction where evaluating the both of the text itself
interest or events or ideas and orally and/or in necessary and writer’s techniques. and of a range of
enjoyment. making connections writing, and taking considering carefully interpretations.
between reading and into account the the interpretations of
own experiences. opinions of others. others.
Organising ideas Experiment with Write short creative Plan, organise and Plan, organise and Write clearly and Write coherently,
and information mark-making using a and factual passages. present ideas and present ideas and confidently, presenting ideas and
variety of instruments Check work and information. Improve information. presenting ideas information logically
on paper and/or sometimes correct writing by redrafting. Proofread and revise and information and effectively.
other materials. errors. writing. appropriately.
Proofread, edit and
revise work.
Writing Choose words for Choose words Write effectively to Write effectively, Write coherently
accurately variety and interest to create effects. suit audience and choosing from a for a full range
and spell simple Choose an purpose, choosing repertoire of of audiences and
words correctly/in a appropriate form, appropriate vocabulary and purposes, choosing
phonetically plausible sequence and layout vocabulary, sentence structures, from a wide
way. Use simple to suit audience and punctuation and matching style to repertoire of
punctuation and purpose. Spell sentence structure. audience and sentence structures
sentence structure. most common Spell accurately. purpose. Spell and and vocabulary.
words accurately, punctuate accurately.
using a range of
punctuation and
Skills framework
sentence structures
to enhance meaning.
Wider communication skills
Communicating Begin to represent Represent and Communicate ideas Communicate ideas, Communicate ideas, Communicate ideas,
ideas and and respond to ideas respond to ideas and and emotions emotions and emotions and emotions and
emotions and emotions emotions through through work in art, information through information information
through self-initiated self-initiated and craft, design, dance, more elaborate work confidently and coherently through
and structured play structured play drama, media and in a range of consistently through more complex and
activities that develop activities that develop music. mediums. more complex and elaborate work in a
creative ideas. creative ideas. elaborate work in a range of mediums.
range of mediums.
Communicating Represent and Represent and Represent and Respond to a range Respond to an
information respond to respond to respond to of information and increasing range of
information in information in information in ideas in different information and
different forms using different forms using different forms forms. Integrate ideas in different
pictures, sounds and pictures, sounds, including pictures, different forms forms. Integrate
symbols. symbols, diagrams sounds, symbols, into effective different forms into
and maps. diagrams, maps, presentations. presentations
tables and graphs. demonstrating
control, proficiency
and perception.
Skills framework
Fold out to see the complete grid.
Section 3
Developing ICT across the curriculum
As with the sections for communication and number, the ICT section of the
framework leads on from much of the work done on developing ICT across
the curriculum in the past few years. It sets out six stages of progression
in ICT capability and brings together skills from the Information and
communication technology in the National Curriculum for Wales Order
and the ICT Key Skills requirements.
The first strand is about searching for information for specific purposes,
and bringing together or processing that information in different forms to
develop new information, which could be used to inform judgements and
help make decisions. The second strand maps capability in using ICT to
communicate ideas, thoughts and intentions, selecting appropriate ways
of giving information with the intended recipient or audience in mind.
The main indicators of progression in ICT capability in the two strands are:
• a developing sense of purpose and audience for the work
• increasing competence and sophistication in the creative use of software
• the gradual change from using given ICT resources to choosing and
selecting resources to suit the task and purpose.
This framework does not attempt to replicate the entire content of the ICT
Order. Instead, it includes a selection of skills from the ICT Order which
offer clear opportunities for cross curricular delivery and the support of
learning and teaching in a range of subject areas.
20 Skills
Skills framework
Section 3 Developing ICT across the curriculum
Learners’ progression in developing ICT is described as you read across the columns from left to right. Progression is cumulative; skills identified in each stage of
progression will have been demonstrated – at least at a simple level – by learners before they move to the next stage.
Progression can be seen in terms of the refinement of these skills and by their application to tasks that move from: concrete to abstract; simple to complex;
personal to the ‘big picture’; familiar to unfamiliar.
Learners progress from needing support to more independent working. They move from listening and interacting with others in a general way to a situation where
they choose to work with others as a deliberate strategy for reaching understanding. In these ways they become both independent and interdependent learners.
The arrows within the columns indicate that the skills described previously continue to apply to learners at subsequent stages and that more challenging tasks
would enable further progression.
ICT skills framework
Become aware that Begin to find Find suitable Find relevant Find different types Identify suitable
information exists in different sources information from information from of information from sources of
a variety of forms. of information given sources using a variety of sources a range of ICT information, search
with support. simple searches, to using key word and sources, including for information
support a range of multiple word data files, DVDs, using multiple search
activities. searches on data internet, and non-ICT criteria, and interpret
files and internet sources, including and select what is
sources. written notes, lists, needed for different
diagrams, selecting purposes.
Finding relevant information.
and developing
information Begin to develop Develop/model Develop/model Develop and refine Derive new
and ideas information and information and ideas information and ideas information, making information on which
ideas, combining by processing data for specific purposes informed judgements to make judgements
text and images. from given sources to by processing data about its plausibility, and draw
support their activities from a variety of accuracy and conclusions.
in a range of sources, checking relevance.
subjects, and begin accuracy and
Skills framework
to ask questions plausibility of
about bias of information.
information sources.
Become aware that Use given ICT Create and present Create and present Create and present Create and present
ICT can be used to resources to help their ideas for a information and ideas information and ideas information and ideas
communicate ideas. create, present and given purpose by by combining a variety in consistent ways to meet the intended
safely share their combining different of different forms of for different purposes purpose and
ideas, including forms of information, information, including by combining audience, selecting
text/word-banks, including text, text, images, graphs, information from and using different
images. images, sound, with music files, with a different sources, layouts and
some sense of developing sense of matching the needs techniques for
Creating audience. audience for their of the audience. different tasks.
and presenting work.
and ideas Safely share Safely share different
information with forms of information
others, including the with others in
use of e-mail; virtual appropriate ways,
learning including the use
environments (VLEs). of e-mail with
virtual learning
environments (VLEs).
Skills framework
Fold out to see the complete grid.
Section 4
Developing number across the curriculum
The section for developing number across the curriculum leads on from
much of the work done over the last few years on developing numeracy
across the curriculum, most of which was focused on Key Stage 2 and Key
Stage 3. There has been much discussion over the past twenty years or so
about what numeracy is, but there is general agreement that it involves
more than just calculating correctly; it also involves ‘the ability to use
number correctly and appropriately across a wide range of situations and
contexts. This includes using number and graphical techniques to represent,
interpret and analyse data as well as, for example, measuring, saving and
spending, describing and comparing properties of shapes.’ (Aiming for
Excellence in Key Stage 3: Raising standards in literacy and numeracy: BBC
Wales/Estyn/Welsh Assembly Government/ACCAC, 2003)
22 Skills framework
The format chosen for Developing number has three main elements
each with several strands, though these are not intended to be independent
of each other.
Skills framework 23
Section 4 Developing number across the curriculum
Learners’ progression in developing number is described as you read across the columns from left to right. Progression is cumulative; skills identified in each
stage of progression will have been demonstrated – at least at a simple level – by learners before they move to the next stage.
Skills framework
Progression can be seen in terms of the refinement of these skills and by their application to tasks that move from: concrete to abstract; simple to complex;
personal to the ‘big picture’; familiar to unfamiliar.
Learners progress from needing support to more independent working. They move from listening and interacting with others in a general way to a situation where
they choose to work with others as a deliberate strategy for reaching understanding. In these ways they become both independent and interdependent learners.
Using numbers Use numbers in Use whole numbers Use decimals in the Use ratio and Use whole numbers, Read and understand
games and role play. in practical situations; context of money proportion in decimals, fractions, ways of writing very
use fractions in the and measures; use practical contexts, percentages, negative small and very large
context of simple negative numbers including currency numbers, ratio and numbers.
shape. Recognise and in the context of exchange rates, value proportion in a
use coins of different temperature; use for money and scale variety of ways in
values. fractions and drawings. practical contexts,
percentages to including scale
estimate, describe drawings, maps and
and compare plans.
proportions of a
whole in practical
Measuring Compare two or Measure and Choose and use Use more precise Read scales on a Make accurate and
more objects by compare length and everyday units of measuring equipment range of measuring reliable observations
direct comparison of mass; order events in measure and familiar with finer calibrations. equipment to given choosing suitable
physical properties. time. measuring Make reasonable levels of accuracy. equipment; measure
equipment; read estimates of a range in a variety of
scales to an of measures in appropriate units.
appropriate degree everyday situations.
of accuracy. Use correct units for
compound measures
such as volume,
density or speed.
Gathering Count a small Collect data Gather information in Recognise the Get relevant Choose how to
information number of objects. systematically by a variety of ways, difference between, information from obtain relevant
counting and by including from and the implications different sources, information from
measuring. Read, questionnaires or for, gathering discrete including written and different sources.
understand and databases. Choose and continuous data. graphical material,
extract data data from given Access and choose and first hand by
presented in lists, information presented data from information measuring or
tables, charts, simple in a variety of presented in a variety observing.
graphs and diagrams. numerical and of ways and from
graphical ways. different sources.
Using the Join in with familiar Choose the Recognise the Order negative Identify suitable Choose appropriate
number system number rhymes and appropriate number operations numbers and calculations to get methods to get the
songs. operations when needed to solve decimals. the results needed results needed,
solving addition problems. Order large for the task. Convert including grouping
and subtraction numbers to develop measurements data when
problems. an awareness of between systems, appropriate.
size/magnitude and e.g. currencies
chronology. and mass.
Using a variety Begin to use the Use a variety of Use a variety of Check the accuracy Work to the level of Carry out calculations
of methods concept of ‘more’. mental strategies to methods of mental, of results using accuracy required. involving two or
Match pairs of add and subtract written and calculator mental estimation, Check calculations more steps, with
related objects or small numbers. computation; solve approximation and using different numbers of any size,
pictures. numerical and inverse operations to methods to make with and without
practical problems, decide whether or sure that they make a calculator. Check
approximating or not the results make sense. Use formulae methods and results
estimating as sense. to calculate in to identify and
appropriate; check practical and correct any errors.
that the results make everyday situations. Show clearly methods
sense by referring to of carrying out
the size of numbers calculations and give
Skills framework
or the context. the level of accuracy
of the result.
Interpret and present findings
Talking about Talk about or show Use the language of Use the language of Use correct Use mathematical Describe results,
and explaining an awareness of number, shape and position (including mathematical terminology and highlighting main
work activities involving comparatives, and coordinates and language, symbols notation correctly findings and
number. the symbols for compass points) and and notation when when describing and explaining how
addition, subtraction, movement, data and presenting work. explaining methods they meet purpose.
multiplication and measures when and findings.
division when talking talking about work.
about work.
Comparing data Match objects or Sort objects, using Describe and Compare two sets Use basic ideas Compare sets of
pictures; sort objects one or more criteria. compare sets of of continuous data. of correlation to data in a variety of
according to a given discrete data, using determine the situations, using
criterion. the mode, mean, interdependence percentage, range,
median or range as of two variables. mean, mode and
appropriate. median as
Recording and Record numbers Record, interpret Record, interpret and Choose from, Record and present Select and use
interpreting initially by making and present data in present data in construct and gathered data in fully effective methods
data and marks or drawing simple tables, lists, charts, diagrams, interpret a variety labelled formats, with to illustrate findings,
presenting pictures. pictograms, charts, tables and graphs. of methods of titles, scales, axes and identify and show
findings graphs and diagrams. Label graphs and presenting data, keys as appropriate. trends, and make
their axes including pie charts, comparisons.
appropriately. scatter graphs, line
Recognise that some graphs. Recognise
conclusions can be that some
uncertain or interpretations can
misleading. be misleading.
Skills framework
Fold out to see the complete grid.
26 Skills framework