Simple Bending
Simple Bending
Simple Bending
Bending Stress
When a beam is loaded with external loads, all the sections of the beam will experience bending
moments and shear forces. The shear forces and bending moments at various sections of the
beam can be evaluated as discussed in the earlier chapter. In this chapter, the bending and
bending stress distribution across a section will be dealt with.
Some practical applications of bending stress shall also be dealt with. These are
The major stresses induced due to bending are normal stresses of tension and compression. But
the state of stress within the beam includes shear stresses due to the shear force in addition to the
major normal stresses due to bending although the former are generally of smaller order when
compared to the latter.
A beam or a part of it is said to be in a state of pure bending when it bends under the action of
uniform/constant bending moment, without any shear force.
Alternatively, a portion of a beam is said to be in a state of simple bending or pure bending when
the shear force over that portion is zero. In that case there is no chance of shear stress in the
beam. But, the stress that will propagate in the beam as a result will be known as normal stress.
However, in practice, when a beam is subjected to transverse loads, the bending moment at a
section is accompanied by shear force. But, it is generally observed that the shear force is zero
where the bending moment is maximum. Therefore, the condition of pure bending or simple
bending is deemed to be satisfied at that section.
1. Bending of simple supported beam due to end coupling (Uniform pure bending)
2. Bending of cantilever beam with end moment (Uniform pure bending)
3. Bending of the portion between two equal point loads in a simple supported beam with
two-point loading (Non-uniform pure bending)
The theory which deals with the determination of stresses at a section of a beam due to pure
bending is called theory of simple bending. In this chapter, bending of straight homogeneous
beams of uniform cross sectional area with vertical axis of symmetry shall be considered. The
application of this theory can be extended to beams with two or more different materials as well
as curved beams.
Several cross-sections of beams satisfying the above conditions are shown in the Fig. 5.
A beam of rectangular cross-section with typical loading condition is shown in the Fig. 6. Also
shown in the Fig. 7 is the three-dimensional beam with longitudinal vertical plane of symmetry,
with the cross-section symmetric about this plane. It is assumed that the loading and supports are
also symmetric about this plane. With these conditions, the beam has no tendency to twist and
will undergo bending only.
A beam subjected to sagging moment is shown in the Fig. 8. The beam is imagined to be
consisting of a number of longitudinal fibres; one such fibre is is shown in colour. It is obvious
that the fibres near the upper side of the beam are compressed; hence an element in the upper
part is under compression. The fibres at the bottom side of the beam get stretched and, hence, the
elements on the lower side are subjected to tension. Somewhere in between, there will be a plane
where the fibres are subjected to neither tension nor compression. Such a plane is termed as
neutral surface or neutral plane.
In the conventional coordinate system attached to the beam in Fig. 8, x axis is the longitudinal
axis of the beam, the y axis is in the transverse direction and the longitudinal plane of symmetry
is in the x- y plane, also called the plane of bending.
Neutral Surface
The longitudinal surface of a beam under bending which experiences neither tension nor
compression is known as neutral surface. There is only one neutral surface in a beam.
Neutral Axis
The line of intersection of transverse section of beam with the neutral surface is known as neutral
axis. In other words, the line of intersection of the longitudinal plane of symmetry and the neutral
surface is known as neutral axis. Neutral axis experiences no extension or contraction.
Axis of beam
The intersection of the longitudinal plane of symmetry and the neutral surface is called the axis
of the beam. In other words, the line through the centroid of all the cross-sections of the beam is
known as axis of the beam.
1. The material of the beam is perfectly homogeneous (i.e. of the same kind throughout) and
isotropic (i.e. of same elastic properties in all directions).
2. The material is stressed within elastic limit and obeys Hooke's law.
3. The value of modulus of elasticity for the material is same in tension and compression.
4. The beam is subjected to pure bending and therefore bends in the form of an arc of a
5. The transverse sections, which are plane and normal to the longitudinal axis before
bending, remain plane and normal to the longitudinal axis of the beam after bending.
6. The radius of curvature of the bent axis of the beam is large compared to the dimensions
of the section of beam.
7. Each layer of the beam is free to expand or contract independently.
8. The cross-sectional area is symmetric about an axis perpendicular to the neutral axis.
According to assumption No. 5, plane section ABCD before bending as shown in Fig. 10 remains
plane after bending as shown by A’B’C’D’. This assumption, also known as Bernoulli’s
assumption, is perfectly valid for beams with pure bending. If there is any shear along with the
bending, the shear deformation distorts the plane and A’B’ will not remain plane. However, for
beams with smaller depth (d<1/10th span) shear deformation is small and this assumption is not
much affected. In case of deep beams, with shear forces, this assumption fails.
Assumption No. 6, the radius of curvature is large compared to depth is valid if deflections are
less than 1/10th to 1/5th of depth of beam. Therefore, the theory derived with this assumption
may be called small deflection theory.
Consider a part of beam ABCD of length dx subjected to pure bending of bending moment M as
shown in the Fig. 11. As the beam is subjected to pure bending, it bends into a circular arc.
The topmost layer AB is contracted to A’B’. The layer PQ below it is compressed to a lesser
degree than it. The bottom most layer CD is elongated to C’D’. All other layers are subjected to
different degrees of elongation or contraction degrees depending upon their position. However,
one layer MN has not suffered any change in its length. This layer is called the neutral layer or
neutral surface.
Let dθ be the angle formed by the planes A’C’ and B’D’ and R be the radius of the neutral layer.
Consider a fibre PQ at a distance of y from the neutral layer.
Original length of the fibre, PQ = dx = Rdθ
After deformation, the length of the fibre is compressed to P’Q’.
R d R y d
y d
Let the projection of C’ A’ and D’ B’ meet at O.
Decrease in length
Strain in the fibre PQ,
Original length
y d y
R d R
Let σ be the stress in the fibre PQ.
Then, , where E is the Modulus of elasticity of the material.
Hence, the stress intensity in any fibre is proportional to the distance of the fibre from the neutral
Consider a beam of arbitrary cross-section as shown in the Fig. 12. Consider an elemental are δa
at a distance y from the neutral axis. Let the bending stress on the element be σ.
We also know, y
Substituting the value of σ, we get
Force over the entire cross-section of the beam ya ya
Since there is no axial force on the beam, from equilibrium consideration, the above axial force
should be zero.
ya 0
is constant for a given section, we have yδa 0
We know, A y yδa
or y0
y is the distance of the centroid from the neutral axis. Hence, the neutral axis of the section
coincides with the centroid of the section. Thus, to locate the neutral axis of a section, the
centroid of the section should be determined. The line passing through the centroid, parallel to
the plane of bending is the neutral axis of the beam section.
Consider an elemental area δa from the neutral axis of a beam section as shown in the Fig. 13.
The stress on the elemental area, y
Force on the elemental are δa y δa
Moment of resistance offered by this elemental area about the neutral axis
y δa y y 2 δa
Total moment of resistance, M offered by the cross-sectional area of beam,
E 2
M y δa
y 2 δa
But, y δa is the moment of inertia I of the beam section about the neutral axis.
We have earlier seen that,
y R
Combining the two equations, we get
, which is known as the bending equation.
I y R
The formula for flexural stress derived as above applies only to cases where the material behaves
elastically. The important concepts used in deriving the flexural formula may be summed up as
1. Strains in different layers of beam vary linearly with their distances from the neutral axis.
2. Properties of materials are used to relate strain and stress.
3. Equilibrium conditions are used to locate the neutral axis and to determine the internal
The internal bending moment developed by the induced flexural stresses due to bending at a
section is known as moment of resistance of the section. For equilibrium of the section, the
moment of resistance of a section should be equal to or greater than the applied external moment.
Flexural rigidity:
EI is known as flexural rigidity. Flexural rigidity is the measure of flexural strength of a beam
section. Higher is the flexural rigidity better is the flexural strength. It depends upon the material
as well as the geometric property of the section. Elastic modulus, E reflects the material
character and moment of inertia, I reflects the geometric characteristic
Economical section
In a beam of rectangular or circular section, the fibres near neutral axis are under-stressed
compared to those at the top and bottom. As a result, a large portion of the beam cross-section
remains under-stressed and under utilized for resisting flexure or bending.
The expression M I indicates that moment of resistance of a section can be greatly
increased by increasing the moment of inertia by rearranging or redistributing the area while
keeping the cross-sectional area and the depth of the beam unchanged. This can be achieved by
changing the geometry of the section so as to spread the area farther from the neutral axis.
In order to increase the moment of resistance to bending of a beam section, it is advisable to use
sections which have large area away from the neutral axis. Hence, I-section and T-sections are
preferable to rectangular section.
Sections of different geometry, (i) rectangular section and (ii) I-section of equal cross-sectional
area and same depth are shown in the Fig. 15.
y I
It is obvious that bending stress is maximum on the extreme fibre at the top and bottom of the
beam where y is maximum. In design of beam, the extreme fibre stress should not be allowed to
exceed the allowable or permissible stress of the material. If allow is the allowable stress for
bending, then for safe design
max allow
y max allow
y max allow
M allow
y max
The moment of inertia I and the extreme fibre distance ymax are the geometrical properties of the
section. The ration of the moment of inertia and the extreme fibre distance I y max for a given
cross-section of beam is constant and is known as section modulus (Z). Thus the moment
carrying capacity of a beam is given by
M allowZ
If allow in tension and compression are same, doubly symmetric section is selected. Doubly
symmetric section means a section which is symmetric about the vertical as well as neutral axis.
If allow in tension and compression are different, un-symmetric cross-section is selected such
that the distance to the extreme fibers are nearly the same ratio as the respective allowable
stresses. In the latter case, the moment carrying capacity in tension and compression are found
separately and the smaller one is taken as the moment carrying capacity of the section.
1. Rectangular section
Let us consider a rectangular section of width b and depth d as shown in the Fig. The neutral axis
coincides with the centroidal axis of the beam.
bd 3
Moment of inertia about the neutral axis, I
Distance of outermost fibre from the neutral axis, y max
I bd 3 2
Section modulus, Z
y max 12 d
1 2
Let is the maximum bending stress developed at the outermost layer.
Moment of resistance, M Z bd 2
2. Hollow Rectangular section
BD 3 bd 3
Moment of inertia about the neutral axis, I
12 12
Distance of outermost fibre from the neutral axis, y max
I BD 3 bd 3 2
Section modulus, Z
y max 12 D
1 BD 3 bd 3
6 D
Let is the maximum bending stress developed at the outermost layer.
1 ( BD 3 bd 3 )
Moment of resistance, M Z
6 D
3. Circular section
d 4
Moment of inertia about the neutral axis, I
Distance of outermost fibre from the neutral axis, y max
I d 4 2
Section modulus, Z
y max 64 d
d 3
Let is the maximum bending stress developed at the outermost layer.
d 3
Moment of resistance, M Z
Let us consider a hollow circular section of external and internal diameter D and d respectively
as shown in the Fig. 19.
Moment of inertia about the neutral axis, I
D 4
Distance of outermost fibre from the neutral axis, y max
Section modulus, Z
y max
D 4
32 D
D 4
Let is the maximum bending stress developed at the outermost layer.
Moment of resistance, M Z
32 D
D 4
Design of beam for bending
Design of beam involves the determination of the size (cross-section) of the beam for given
loading condition. The maximum bending moment of the beam is determined from the loading
condition. Given the bending moment and permissible bending stress of the material of the beam,
the section modulus of the beam is determined from the expression of bending stress. Once the
section modulus is known, width and depth can easily determined assuming the depth to width
In practice, a beam of uniform cross section is designed for moment of resistance same as the
maximum bending moment that the beam is supposed to carry. Hence, the material in all sections
except the section of maximum bending moment remains under-stressed and underutilized.
Although practical, such a beam is uneconomical. Ideally, a beam of varying cross-section
should be designed so that all sections attain the maximum permissible stress simultaneously. A
beam in which permissible stress at all sections is reached simultaneously under a given loading,
is called a beam of uniform strength.
Derive the formula for cross section of a rectangular beam of uniform strength for a cantilever
beam of length L carrying concentrated load at free end by keeping the depth constant.
Consider a cantilever beam of length L and uniform depth d carrying a concentrated load W at its
free end as shown in the Fig. 20. Let the width varies from a minimum at its free end to a
maximum of b near the fixed end.
It is obvious that the bending moment varies from minimum zero at the free end to maximum at
WL at the fixed support.
M Wx
Wx Z
bx d 2
If bx width at any section XX, then Z
Wx 6Wx
bx d bx d 2
Similarly, maximum stress at support,
bd 2
6Wx 6WL
bx d 2 bd 2
b x b
At the fixed end, i.e., x = L, the width bL b b
Consider a cantilever beam of length L and uniform width b carrying a concentrated load W at its
free end as shown in the Fig. 20. Let the depth varies from a minimum at its free end to a
maximum of d near the fixed end.
It is obvious that the bending moment varies from minimum zero at the free end to maximum at
WL at the fixed support.
M Wx
Wx Z
bd x2
If bx width at any section XX, then Z
Wx 6Wx
bd x bd x2
Similarly, maximum stress at support,
bd 2
6Wx 6WL
bd x2 bd 2
dx d
At the fixed end, i.e., x = L, the depth, d L d d
1. A rectangular beam of breadth 100 mm and depth 200 mm is simply supported over a span of
4 m. The beam is loaded with an uniformly distributed load of 5 kN/m over the entire span.
Find the maximum bending stresses.
12 12
Span of beam, l = 4 m
wl 2 5 4 2
Maximum bending moment at centre of beam, M
8 8
10 kN. M 10 7 N . mm
The distance of top and bottom fibre from the neutral axis, y = 100 mm
M 10 7
Thus, maximum bending stress, y 100
I 66.67 10 6
15 N / mm 2
Moment of inertia, I
BD 3 bd 3
300 660 3 280 600 3
4 10 2
Maximum bending moment at centre of beam, M 50 kN. m
5 10 7 N. mm
The distance of top and bottom fibre from the neutral axis, y = 330 mm
M 5 10 7
Thus, maximum bending stress, y 330 7.68 N / mm 2
I 21.474 10 8
The bending stress at top and bottom fibres 7.68 108 N / mm2
3. A beam of an I-section shown in Fig. 24 is simply supported over a span of 4 m. Find the
uniformly distributed load the beam can carry if the bending stress is not to exceed 100
Moment of inertia, I
BD 3 bd 3
200 300 3 180 260 3
180.36 10 6 mm4
Span of beam, l = 4 m
I 180.36 10 6
Section modulus, Z 1242400 mm3
y max 150
124240000 N. mm
124.24 kN. m
wl 2
But M
w 4
124.24 8
w 64.12 kN / m
The maximum uniformly distributed load the beam can carry = 64.12 kN/m.
4. A timber beam of rectangular section carries a load of 2 kN at mid-span. The beam is simply
supported over a span of 3.6 m. If the depth of section is to be twice the breadth, and the
bending stress is not to exceed 9 N/mrn2, determine the cross-sectional dimensions.
WL 2 3.6
Maximum bending moment at centre of beam, M 1.8 kN. m
4 4
1.8 10 6 N. mm
From the flexural relationship, we have Z
1 2 1.8 10 6
6 9
1.8 10 6
bd 2
6 1.2 10 6
b2b 1.2 10 6
So, we have
1.2 10 6
b3 0.3 10 6
b 64.94 mm
d 2 64.943 129.886 mm
5. A rectangular beam of width 200 mm and depth 300 mm is simply supported over a span of 5
m. Find the safe uniformly distributed load that the beam can carry per metre length if the
allowable bending stress in the beam is 100 N/mm2.
Span of beam, l = 5 m
1 2 1
Section modulus, Z bd 200 300 2 3 10 6 mm 3
6 2
wl 2
w 5
300 8
w 96 kN. m
4.999 10 6 mm4
Extreme fibre distance, y max 50 mm
I 4.999 10 6
Section modulus, Z 9.98 10 4 mm3
y max 50
9.98 10 6 N. mm
9.98 kN. mm
7. Find the ratio of the dimensions of the strongest rectangular beam that can be cut from a
circular log of wood of diameter D.
Let b be the width and d the depth of the strongest rectangular beam section as shown in the Fig.
d 2 D2 b2
bd bD 2 b 2
1 2 1
6 6
bD 2 b 3
Strongest section in bending should have largest section modulus.
D 3b 2 0
dZ 1 2
db 6
3b 2 D 2
And d D b D
2 2 2
2D 2 2
3 3
8. Two sections of same material; one of solid circular section and the other hollow circular
section of internal diameter half the external diameter, have the same flexural strength.
Which one of them is economical?
Section modulus of solid section, Z 1 D3
0.9375 D13
Since both sections have same flexural strength, their section modulus should be equal.
Hence, D3 0.9375 D13
32 32
D 3 0.9375D13
D 0.98D1
Cross - sectional area of solid section As 4 D2
Cross - sectional area of hollow section Ah
D12 D22 D1 0.5D1
D2 1 D
0.75D1 0.75 D1
0.98 1.28
Since the sectional area of hollow section is less than that of solid section, for a given length of
the beam, the weight of hollow section will be less. Hence hollow section is economical.
9. A cantilever of 2 m length and square section 200 mm x 200 mm, just fails in bending when a
point load of 12 kN is placed at its free end. A beam of rectangular cross section of same
material, 150 mm wide and 300 mm deep, is simply supported over a span of 3 m. Calculate
the maximum concentrated load that the beam can carry at its centre without failure.
The two beams with loading conditions are shown in the Fig.
24 10 6 N. mm
1 2
Let σallow is the stress at which the beam fails, M c allowZ bd allow
200 200 2 allow 24 10 6
allow 18 N / mm 2
Let W kN be the maximum central concentrated that the beam can carry without failure.
WL W 3
Maximum bending moment at the mid span, M s 0.75W kN. m
4 4
0.75 10 6 W N . mm
Moment of resistance of simply supported beam section,
M R allowZ 18 150 300 2
40.5 10 6 N. mm
0.75 10 6 W 40.5 10 6
W 54 kN
10. For a given sectional area, compare the moments of resistance of circular and square section.
Area of circular section, A d2
Section modulus, ZC d3
Let the square section has side of a.
Since both circular and square section have the same area,
a2 d2
a d
a3 3
Section modulus of square section, Z S d
6 48
ZS 48
ZC 3
Hence, flexural strength of square section is 1.18 times more than that of circular section of equal
11. Compare the moments of resistance of a square section of given material when the beam
section is placed such that (i) two sides are parallel and (ii) one diagonal vertical.
Square section with two sides horizontal is shown in the Fig. 29(a).
Section modulus of square section with two sides horizontal, Z1
Let σ is the permissible flexural stress.
Moment of resistance, M1 Z1
Moment of inertia about the neutral axis, i.e., the diagonal of the square section = Twice the
2a a
Extreme fibre distance, y max
2 2
Section modulus of square section with one diagonal vertical,
I2 2a 3
Z2 12
y max a 12
2 a3
Moment of resistance, M 2 Z 2
Ration of the moments of resistance of section in two different positions,
M1 6
2 1.414
M2 2 a 3
12. Three beams of same material with circular, square and rectangular cross sections have the
same length and are subjected to same maximum bending moment. The depth of the
rectangular section is twice the width. Compare their weights.
Fig. 30 shows three different sections, circular, square, and rectangular of beam.
d 3
Section modulus of circular section, Z C
Section modulus of circular section, Z S
Section modulus of circular section, Z R b3
6 3
d 3 a3 2 3
We have b
32 6 3
d 1.193a and b 0.6299a
d 2
Weight of circular beam Area of circular section
Weight of square beam Area of square section a 4a
1.1933 1.118
Weight of rectangula r beam Area of rectangula r section 2b 2 b
2 2
Weight of square beam Area of square section a a
20.6299 0.7936
13. A beam of symmetric I-section has flange size 100 mm x 15 mm, overall depth 250 mm.
Thickness of web is 8 mm. Compare the flexural strength of this section with that of a beam
of rectangular section of same material and area. The width of rectangular section is two-
third of its depth.
The I-section and the rectangular section of equal area are shown in the Fig. 31.
I 4.8574 10 7
Section modulus of I-section, Z I
y max 125
bd 2 56.33 84.50
14. A cast iron beam of an I-section with top flange 80 mm x 40 mm, bottom flange 160 mm x 40
mm and web 120 mm x 20 mm. If the tensile stress is not to exceed 30 N/mm2 and
compressive stress 90 N/mm2, what is the maximum uniformly distributed load the beam can
carry over a simply supported span of 6 m, if the bottom flange is in tension?
Let y is the distance of the centroid (neutral axis) from the bottom fibre (tension fibre).
a yi i
160 40 20 20 120 100 80 40 180
A 80 40 20 120 80 40 120
78.67 mm
Moment of inertia,
12 12
80 40 3 80 40 180 78.67
1 2
60138670 mm4
I 60138670
allow 30 22933266.81 N . mm
yt 78.67
22.933 kN. m
I 60138670
allow 90 44609579.65 N . mm
yc 121.33
44.609 kN. m
Hence, actual moment resistance is smaller of the above two, i.e., 22.993 kN
wl 2 w 6 2
Maximum bending moment, 4.5w
8 8
Equating the maximum bending moment with the moment of resistance, we have
4.5w 22.933
w 5.096 kN / m
yt 78.67
t c 90
yc 121.33
But the permissible tensile stress is only 30 N/mm2. Hence, let the maximum tensile stress be
allowed to reach 30 N/mm2.
yc 121.33
c t 30
yt 78.67
I 60138670
allow 30 22933266.81 N . mm
yt 78.67
22.933 kN. m
wl 2 w 6 2
Maximum bending moment, 4.5w
8 8
Equating the maximum bending moment with the moment of resistance, we have
4.5w 22.933
w 5.096 kN / m
15. Two wooden planks 60 mm x 160 mm each are connected together to form a cross section of
a beam as shown in the Fig. If a sagging bending moment of 3500 N.m is applied about the
horizontal axis, find the stresses at the extreme fibre of the cross-section. Also calculate the
total tensile force on the cross-section.
Let us locate the centroid and hence the neutral axis, and find moment of inertia of the section.
Consider the bottom of T-section as the reference axis for location of centroid. The T-section
consists of two components, web and flange.
ay 2610000 135.94 mm
a 19200
Moment of inertia at the bottom edge, I b I Self ay 2
But, I b I G a y 2
76190074.88 mm4
Let the maximum tensile and compressive stresses at extreme fibres be σtmax and σcmax
M 3500 1000
We have, t max yt 135.94
I 76190074.88
6.245 N / mm 2
M 3500 1000
c max yc 84.06
I 76190074.88
3.861 N / mm2
16. A water main of 1000 mm internal diameter and 10 mm thickness is running full. If the
bending stress is not to exceed 56 N/mm2, find the greatest span on which the pipe may be
freely supported. Steel and water weigh 76800 N/m3 and 10000 N/m3 respectively.
0.03173 m 2
Area of the water section, A d2 12
4 4
0.7854 mm2
Weight of water in one metre length of the pipe = 0.7854 x 1 x 10000 = 7854 N
Total load on the pipe per metre run = 2493.978 + 7854 = 10347.978 N
wl 2 10347.978l 2
Maximum bending moment, M 1293.497l 2 N . m
8 8
1293.497 1000 l 2 N . mm
D 4
d4 64
1020 4
1000 4
4046.379 10 6 mm4
We know,
I y
1293.497 1000l 2 56
4046.379 10 6
56 4046.379 10 6
l2 343.494
510 1293.497 1000
l 18.533 m