How Can Ready To Eat Mixes Be Marketed Better?: Page - 1
How Can Ready To Eat Mixes Be Marketed Better?: Page - 1
How Can Ready To Eat Mixes Be Marketed Better?: Page - 1
Submitted by-
Aalok Singla
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Ready to eat mixes have been there for a long time in the Indian market. The main reason
behind these products is to make a meal in few minutes. They are introduced in the Indian
market around 1980. These products have a huge demand in the western part of the world but
these products didn’t make a mark in the mind of Indian consumers. Initially, these products
In India, people have great values when it comes to food. They give more attention to
homemade food and it is hard to convince these customers. As most of the mothers in India
are home-makers and they love to provide meals to the whole family. So, their main target for
marketing is mothers. They are available for different purposes such as snacks, sweets, and
main-course. There are many players in the Indian market in Ready-to-cook and ready-to-eat
segment such as McCain Foods India Private Limited, MTR Foods Private Limited, ITC
Limited, Darshan Foods Private Limited, Haldiram Snacks Private Limited, etc.
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Current Situation
Due to urbanization and an increase in the per-capita income of an Indian household, the
situation for the ready-to-eat segment has been changed and it is increasing at a rapid rate.
The people who left their homes for studies or jobs. Most of them always look out for the
easy way to have nutritious and healthy food. But due to lack of time they prefer ready-to-eat
products. According to Netscribes suggests the RTE market will reach a total worth of INR
50,900 million (USD 709 million) by 2023. But as a nation of more than 1.3 billion people,
they have a lot to cover and these products face difficulty due to many factors such as
products may lead to several health issues like an increase in blood pressure and
cholesterol & may lead to diabetes as well. So, the consumers who are health-
conscious may feel cognitive dissonance while purchasing these products. And Indian
mothers are very careful about their family members health. So, the product which
2) The freshness of the food- People become very sceptical when it comes to food.
When they have to consume ready-to-eat food, the freshness of the food become a
major concern. People know that these products have food preservatives but they also
know that they remain on a shelf for a long-time. So, it becomes a heart-or head
3) Nutrition value- As these products have preservatives, people think that it will affect
the nutrition value in these products. And Indian mothers want their children to have
more and more nutritious food. So, it will affect the overall Ready to eat industry.
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4) Distribution system- There are many renowned brands that deal in this sector. But
there are many unbranded ready-to-eat products in the Indian market. So, their
system affects it will also impact the sales. Thus, it will impact the overall RTE
Target consumers
These products are more focused on Indian mothers as their potential customers. The target
consumers for the products need to be increased to increase the market size and growth of the
industry. The brands have to develop different strategies for the different segments to target a
greater number of consumers. A brand has to associate itself with the underlying value of a
consumer. So, the following categories can be the potential customers for the RTE and RTC
1) Indian mothers- Indian mothers are more concerned about the nutrition and the value
provided by these products. The RTE brands can target these customers by reducing
their cognitive dissonance. To show them these products can provide the value of
2) Senior citizens- People who are above 60 are considered senior citizens and most of
them are retired by this age. They have large disposable incomes. But due to age,
most of them have health issues and can’t eat outside spicy and unhealthy food.
Ready-to-eat brands have to make their strategies in a way that these products are the
people who are health conscious. It is believed that these products can affect the
health of a person. So, they have a negative attitude towards these brands. So, RTE
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4) Unmarried people- People who are unmarried are generally left their hometown for
studies, jobs, etc. They can be a very potential customer for the RTE segment. These
people are involved in many and hectic activities. So, they have a time constraint and
being away from home. They face a major challenge while choosing the food they
want to consume. RTE segment can easily tap these customers by using the Zaltman
metaphor elicitation technique that they can easy to make and in no time.
5) Young-generation- 59 per cent of children aged between 14 years and 17 years eat
packaged beverages or food at least once a day in India. So, they are moving towards
an unhealthy eating habit. The decision of what meal they consume of these young
generation people is still in the hand of their parents. If Ready-to-eat brands market in
Marketing Strategies
1) Food varieties regionally- India has a huge population. And it is said that the eating
habits of an Indian consumer change every 60 km. So, India has a huge variety of
foods and preferences. The eating habits in North India is completely different than
they have in East, West and South. So, they can regional food varieties for the
2) Product varieties- If we talking about food, people seek variety not only restrained to
the Indian food but meals from the other countries as well. They go to the restaurants
to have those meals. Ready-to-eat brands should add such varieties in their product
mix and it will cater to larger audiences like the young generation, senior citizens, etc.
It will increase the customer base for a brand. It will provide Hedonic benefits to a
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consumer. And it will help the brands who are not the market leaders as they love to
3) Nutrition- They have to market their product in a way that it will appeal to a
point that they produce is better and it will not affect their health if consumed for a
longer period. They can use packaging to show how nutritious a product is.
not yet a palatable concept”, that Indian mothers wanted to have control what she is
serving on the plates of her family members. So, these brands have to come up with
ideas to make these customers involve in the cooking process. So, their negative
attitude towards these brands will decrease. For example- the IKEA- Do it yourself
model. For the young generation, they can have something for fun like a toy or a fake
yet a palatable concept”, that most middle house consumers don’t own a microwave.
So, the research and development department have to remove this barrier for a
consumer. They have to make a product that a consumer can make on a gas stove as
6) 2-sided appeal- Ready-to-eat brands can advertise their products by 2-sided appeal.
If we compare RTE products with homemade meals, the product will not look good
but if we compare it with junk food or restaurant food, it will come up good. For
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7) file:///C:/Users/AalokSingla/Downloads/18_7cdd7fede443cc4020a869a6ea94e58a.pd
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