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ANF- 1


Note: Please state ‘Not Applicable’ wherever the information/data is not applicable to you.
1. IEC details:
i. IEC Number:
ii. Date of Issue and Issuing Authority:

2. Applicant firm’s details :

i. Name of the entity:
ii. Address (Registered Office in case of Companies and Head Office in case of Others):
iii. Landline no. if any:
iv. Mobile number:
v. e-mail id/ website address:
vi. Nature of the Concern: Proprietorship/Partnership /Limited Liability Partnership/Private limited/ Public
Limited/Govt. undertaking/Section 25 Company/Registered Society/Trust/HUF
vii. Preferred Activities: Merchant Exporter/Manufacturer Exporter/Service Provider/ Others
viii. Bank Account details of the applicant’s entity:
ix. PAN Details of the Entity:
x. LLPIN/CIN/Registration no. (if applicable):
Part B: Branch details
i Number of Branches:
Ii Address of Branches , Divisions, units, factories :

3. Details of Proprietor/Partners/Directors/Karta/Trustee of the applicant firm:

i. Name as in PAN (Mr/Mrs):
ii. Father’s Name:
iii Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY):
iv Residential Address:
v. Mobile Number:
vi. PAN :
vii.DIN(if applicable):
viii. Aadhar Card Number:

4. Industrial Manufacturing Registration Details:

i. SSI/EM/LOI or IL Registration No./any other document to prove a manufacturer status:
ii. Date of Issue and validity/ Issuing Authority:
iii. Products for which Registered:

5. Service Tax Registration Details (in case of Service providers):

i. Service Tax Registration No/ Issuing Authority :
ii. Services for which registered:

6. RCMC details:
i. RCMC no. / Issuing Authority :
ii. Date of Issue and validity:
iii. Products for which registered:

7. Status House Details (Please tick) – One Star/Two Star/Three Star/Four Star/Five Star:
i. Certificate number/ Issuing Authority:
Ii Date of issue and validity

8.Central Excise Registration No./ Issuing Authority:

9. VAT Registration No./ Issuing Authority:

10. Turnover Details for the preceding three financial years:

Financial Year Annual Domestic Turnover (Rs. Lakhs) Annual Export Turnover (Rs. Lakhs)


1 I/We hereby certify that :

A. the entity for whom the application has been made have not been penalized under any of the following
Acts (as amended from time to time):
(i) The Customs Act, 1962,
. (ii) The Central Excise Act 1944,
(iii) Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act 1992, and
(iv) The Foreign Exchange Management Act,1999;
(v) The Conservation of Foreign Exchange, Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974
B. none of the Directors / Partners / Proprietor / Karta / Trustees of the company /firm /HUF/Trust, (as the
case may be), is/are a Director(s) / Partner(s) / Proprietor / Karta / Trustee in any other Company/ firm /
entity which is on the Denied Entity List (DEL) of DGFT;
C. neither the Registered Office of the company / Head Office of the firm / nor any of its Branch Office(s)/
Unit(s)/ Division(s) has been declared a defaulter and has otherwise been made ineligible for undertaking
import / export under any of the provisions of the Policy;
D. we have not obtained nor applied for issuance of an Importer Exporter Code Number in the name of our
Registered / Head Office to any other Licensing Authority
I/We undertake to abide by the provisions of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992, as
2 amended from time to time, the Rules and Orders framed there under, the Foreign Trade Policy, the Handbook
of Procedures and the ITC (HS) Classification of Export & Import Items.
I/We fully understand that if any information furnished in the application is found incorrect or false will render
me/us liable for any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwise warranted.
4. I/We hereby declare that the particulars and the statements made in this application are true and correct to the
best of my/our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or withheld therefrom.
5 I hereby certify that I am authorized to verify and sign this declaration as per Paragraph 9.06 of the Foreign
Trade Policy.

Place Signature
Date Name & Designation
Official address & Tele No
Residential Address
Email Address


(The Importers / Exporters can avail the facility of collection of Authorization & documents from the counters of the
concerned RA through an authorized person holding identity card issued by the RA or submit a self – addressed
envelope affixed with postal stamp of Rs.40/- for delivery of aforesaid documents by post) .

Photograph duly
attested by

1) Name of the person :.............................
(in whose favour Identity Card is to be issued) Director/Power of
Attorney Holder
2) Designation of the person :.............................

3) IEC Number of the firm: :.............................

4) Details of Fee :
a) TR Challan No:
Name of the Bank /Branch of issue
b) EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) Transaction No
c) Credit/Debit Card Payment Transaction No:


i) I / We Shri ................................. , Proprietor/Partner/Director of the firm/company hereby declare

that the person in whose favour identity card is to be issued is the authorised employee of the firm.

ii) I / We further undertake that the document(s) /Licence(s) may be handed over to the Identity Card
holder at the sole risk and responsibility of the firm.

Signature of the proprietor/ partner/

Director/Power of Attorney Holder

Date Name

Documents to be enclosed with the application form

1. Copy of TR Challan/ EFT/Credit/Debit Card payment receipt evidencing payment of fee

2. Two passport size photographs of the person in whose favour identity card is to be issued.
The _______________________________
(Name and Address of the Council)
Dear Sir,

Kindly register us as Merchant exporter /Manufacturer exporter/Merchant cum Manufacturer exporter of the export
product(s) mentioned below.

1. Name of the applicant : ______________________________

2. (i) Address of the applicant. : ___________________________________________

(Registered Office in case of limited
companies, and the head office for
(ii) Name address of the branches, if any : ___________________________________________
(iii) Name and address of the factory. : ___________________________________________

3. (i) IEC number : _____________________________________

(ii) Date of issue
(iii) Issuing authority
4. ________
Payment details :
5a If registration is required as a manufacturer : No. ________________________
exporter Date _______________________
(SSI Registration/ Industrial Licence/IEM ) Issuing Authority: _____________

b. Others (specify) : ___________________________

c EH/TH/STH/SSTH/SHE/ISEH/ISSEH : Valid upto __________________
/ISSEH certificate number
6. If Status Holder : (category) : certificate number: ____________________
Valid upto __________________
7. (a) Name of export product(s) or its : ____________________________
category for which registration is
(b) Main line of business of applicant :
8. I hereby solemnly declare that the above stated information is true and correct and I undertake to
abide by the FT (D&R) Act, 1992 and the provisions under FTP.
9. I/We hereby solemnly declare that the above stated information is true and correct. I/We undertake,
without any reservation, to:
(a) abide by the terms of the registration certificate granted to us on all our exports;
(b) agree to abide by any code of conduct that may be prescribed;
(c) agree to abide by export floor price condition that may be stipulated by the Registering
(d) Furnish without fail monthly returns of exports including NIL returns to the Registering
authority by 15th day of the months following the quarter.
10. We further understand that our registration is liable to be cancelled in the event of breach of any of
the undertakings mentioned above.
11. I solemnly declare that I have applied to the Export Promotion Council which pertains to our main line
of business. In case I have applied to any other council, the application has been made within the
purview of the provisions of Para 2.94 of the Handbook of Procedures.
Place _______________
Date _______________ Yours

Name ___________________________
Address ___________________________
Designation ___________________________
Mobile no.

Documents to be enclosed with the application form:

1. A self certified copy of the IEC issued by the licensing authority concerned.

1. Name of the firm / Company :

2. Address of Registered Office /Branch
(i) Tel No :
(ii) Fax No :
(iii) e.mail ID
3. Importer Exporter Code No
(i) Code No.
(ii) Name & Address of issuing authority

4. Registration –cum-Membership Certificate

(RCMC) details
(i) Name of the Council
(ii) Registration No and date
(iii) Validity

5. Application Fee Details

(i) Amount in Rs.
(ii) Demand Draft /Bank Receipt/Electronic Fund Transfer No.
(iii) Date of Issue/Transfer
(iv) Name& Branch of Bank on which drawn
6. Brief Description of exports
(i) Details of foreign buyer with complete address,
e.mail ID etc.
(ii) Brief description of items to be exported under
the certificate
7. Whether the items of export fall under the Drugs :
& Cosmetics Act. 1940. If so, indicate the same.

8. Details of items for which Free Sale & Commerce

Certificate is sought to be obtained (Annexure A
to be attached duly self-certified)


Name & Designation of the Authorized Signatory

Seal of the Company
1. I/We hereby declare that items listed in Annexure A,

(i) are not prohibited or restricted for export under Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) and are free for export;

(ii) all the items listed in Annexure A have usage in hospitals, nursing homes and clinics, for medical and
surgical purposes;

(iii) all the items listed above are not covered under Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940.

2. I/We hereby declare that the particulars and the statements made in this application are true and correct to the
best of my / our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or held there from.

3. I/We fully understand that any information furnished in the application if found incorrect or false will render me /
us liable for any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwise warranted.

4. I/We undertake to abide by the provisions of the FT (D & R) Act, 1992, as amended, the Rules and Orders
framed there under, FTP, HBP, Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms and ITC (HS).

5. I/We hereby certify that:

A. the entity for whom the application has been made have not been penalized under any of the following Acts
(as amended from time to time):
a. The Customs Act, 1962,
b. The Central Excise Act 1944,
c. Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act 1992, as amended, and
d. The Foreign Exchange Management Act,1999;
e. The Conservation of Foreign Exchange, Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974
f. Weapons of Mass Destruction & their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Act,

B. none of the Directors / Partners / Proprietor / Karta / Trustees of the company /firm /HUF/Trust, (as the
case may be), is/are a Director(s) / Partner(s) / Proprietor / Karta / Trustee in any other Company/ firm /
entity which is on the Denied Entity List (DEL) of DGFT;

C. neither the Registered Office of the company / Head Office of the firm / nor any of its Branch Office(s)/
Unit(s)/ Division(s) has been declared a defaulter and has otherwise been made ineligible for undertaking
import / export under any of the provisions of the Policy;

D. we have not obtained nor applied for issuance of an Importer Exporter Code Number in the name of our
Registered / Head Office to any other Licensing Authority.

6. I / We hereby declare that I / We have not obtained nor applied for such benefits (including issuance of an
Importer Exporter Code Number) in the name of our Registered / Head Office or any of our Branch(s) /
Unit(s) / Division(s) to any other Regional Authority.

7. I / We hereby declare that I/we have perused the list of SCOMET items as contained in the Appendix 3 to
the Schedule 2 of the ITC (HS) and that the item(s) exported / proposed to be exported does not fall within
this list and that I / We agree to abide by the provisions of FTP for export of SCOMET items contained in
the FTP, Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) and the HBP, irrespective of the scheme under which the item is exported
/ proposed to be exported.

8. I / We solemnly declare that I / We have applied for / obtained a RCMC to the EPC which pertains to our
main line of business. In case we have applied to any other council, the application has been made within
the purview of the provisions of Para 2.94 of the HBP.
9. I hereby certify that I am authorized to verify and sign this declaration as per Paragraph 9.6 of the Policy.

Place Signature of the Applicant

Date Name
Official Address
Residential Address
Email Address
1. This form with Annexure -A may be submitted without other parts of the Aayat Niryat Form.

2 .For items falling under the Drug & Cosmetics Act, 1940, application for issue of Free Sale & Commerce
Certificate may be made to the Drug Controller General (I), Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of
Health & Family Welfare, FDA Bhawan, Kotla Rod, Near Mata Sundari Collage, ITO, New Delhi 110002.

Annexure - A

Proforma for Submission of list of Products

(May be clearly typed)

S. Name of ITC Manufacturers/Exporters Is the product licensed Description of the

No. Product (HS) name and address under the Drugs and product including use
Code Cosmetics Act for (attach literature, if
manufacture and sale. required.)
Annexure – B

Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade


The Medical Devices/Instruments as per Annexure (Total items) manufactured by M/s. (Name of the firm &

full address) are “freely permitted for sale in India as well as freely exportable”.

This certificate is valid for a period of two years from the date of issue.

Encl: As above.


Date: (Signing Authority)

For Additional / Joint Director General of Foreign Trade

Note: This certificate is based on declaration by the above firm that items of export shown in Annexure have
usage in Hospital, Nursing Homes and Clinics for Medical Surgical Purpose and also that items of export shown in
Annexure are neither banned nor prohibited for export. The items appearing in this certificate are also not covered
under Drug & Cosmetics Act, 1940 as per declaration of the aforesaid firm.
ANF- 2 K (i)
Application Form for Import Certificate under Indo – US Memorandum
(Please see guidelines at the end before filling the application)
1. IEC Number:
2. Applicant Details :
i. Name
ii. Address
3. Application Fee Details:
Amount (Rs)
Demand Draft/Bank Receipt/Electronic Fund Transfer No
Date of Issue
Name of the Bank and Branch on which DD drawn, if any
4 US Exporter Details:
i. Name
ii. Address
5. Name of the Sponsoring Directorate in ICIA:
6. Items of Import for which Import Certificate is required
S No Item details ITC(HS) Code/ ECCN Quantity CIF Value (Rs)
Code* if applicable

* Export Control Classification Number of the item under US Department of Commerce

Regulations (ECCN)
7. Purpose of Import:
a. If required for Manufacture please furnish:
i. IL / SIA / DGTD / SSI registration number
ii. End Product as given in registration certificate
iii. Actual items of manufacture
b. If required for Research & Development, please furnish:
i. Registration details with Department of Science & technology
ii. Validity of Registration
iii. Specific project for which items required
c. If required for Other Actual Users (Non Industrial), please furnish:
i. Registration Certificate details
ii. Permission details of local/municipal body

8. i. Whether the items of import are under Restricted List of ITC (HS) Yes/No

ii. File number of application submitted to Regional authority for Import License:

9. Reference Number, of the Controlled commodity / munitions list of US Export Administration Regulations, :


Reference Number of the Crime Control (CC) Items as listed in Appendix 2P(iia) and Regional Security (RS)
items as listed in Appendix 2P(iib)
10. Address of the factory / premises where the items to be imported are proposed to be used

1 I/We hereby certify that :
A. the entity for whom the application has been made have not been penalized under any of the
following Acts (as amended from time to time):
a. The Customs Act, 1962,
. b. The Central Excise Act 1944,
c. Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act 1992, and
d. The Foreign Exchange Management Act,1999;
e. The Conservation of Foreign Exchange, Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974
B. none of the Directors / Partners / Proprietor / Karta / Trustees of the company /firm /HUF/Trust, (as
the case may be), is/are a Director(s) / Partner(s) / Proprietor / Karta / Trustee in any other
Company/ firm / entity which is on the Denied Entity List (DEL) of DGFT;
C. neither the Registered Office of the company / Head Office of the firm / nor any of its Branch
Office(s)/ Unit(s)/ Division(s) has been declared a defaulter and has otherwise been made ineligible
for undertaking import / export under any of the provisions of the Policy;
D. we have not obtained nor applied for issuance of an Importer Exporter Code Number in the name of
our Registered / Head Office to any other Licensing Authority
I/We undertake to abide by the provisions of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992, as
2 amended from time to time, the Rules and Orders framed there under, the Foreign Trade Policy, the
Handbook of Procedures and the ITC (HS) Classification of Export & Import Items.
I/We fully understand that if any information furnished in the application is found incorrect or false will render
me/us liable for any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwise warranted.
4. I/We hereby declare that the particulars and the statements made in this application are true and correct to the
best of my/our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or withheld there from.
5. I _________________ (Name of the Organization), a Government entity/Government controlled entity/ private
sector entity (Delete whichever is not applicable) hereby undertake
(i) To import the item into India and not to redirect it or any part of it, to another destination before its arrival
in India;
(ii) To provide, if asked, verification that possession of item was taken;
(iii) Not to export the item without any written approval of Certificate Issuing Authority;
(iv) Not to transfer within India the item(s) specified in this certificate without the written approval of the
Certificate Issuing Authority;
(v) To obtain permission in writing from the Certificate Issuing Authority prior to any change in end-user
which shall be preceded by the new end-user notifying the Certificate Issuing Authority that he/she agrees
to the conditions contained in this document;
(vi) The items being imported will/will not be integrated into Indian end-products to be exported.

6. I hereby certify that I am authorized to verify and sign this declaration as per Paragraph 9.06 of the Foreign
Trade Policy.

Place Signature of the Applicant

Date Name & Designation
Official Address
Residential Address
Email Address
1) Two copies of the application must be submitted unless otherwise mentioned.
2) Each individual page of the application has to be signed by the applicant.
3) a). ANF 1 has to be filed in by all applicants. In case of applications submitted electronically, hard
copy of ANF1 is not required. However, in case where applications are submitted otherwise, hard copy of
ANF1 has to be submitted.
b). Only relevant portions of Application need to be filled in.
4) Application must be accompanied by documents as per details given below:
a) Bank Receipt (in duplicate)/Demand Draft/EFT details evidencing payment of application fee in terms of
Appendix 2K.
b) Self certified copy of letter from US supplier in support of request for Import Certificate
5) Items listed at both Appendix 2P (iia) and Appendix 2P(iib) will be allowed by DGFT for import from USA
provided the importer submits the following documents in Appendix 2P(i)

I. documentary proof of Bill of Lading indicating Port of USA,

II. legal undertaking that goods shall not be exported/ alienated; and
III. Import is with Actual User condition.

ANF- 2 K (ii)
Application Form for Export Certificate under Indo – US Memorandum
(Please see guidelines at the end before filling the application)
1. IEC Number:

2. Applicant Details :
i. Name
ii. Address

3. Application Fee Details:

Amount (Rs)
Demand Draft/Bank Receipt/Electronic Fund Transfer No
Date of Issue
Name of the Bank and Branch on which DD drawn, if any:

4 Details of the Importer in the foreign country:

i. Name
ii. Address

5. Items of export for which Export Certificate is required

S No Item details ITC(HS) Code/ Quantity CIF Value (Rs)
ECCN Code* if

*Export Control Classification Number of the item under US Department of Commerce

Regulations (ECCN)

6. i. Whether authorisation for export of Imported Items listed at Appendix 2P (iia) or/and Appendix 2P(iib) has
been obtained : Yes/No

ii. File number of application submitted to Regional authority for Import License:

7. i. Reference Number, of the Controlled commodity / munitions list of US Export Administration Regulations :
ii Reference Number of the item listed in Appendix 2P (iia) or/ and Appendix 2P(iib):
1 I/We hereby certify that :
A.the entity for whom the application has been made have not been penalized under any of the following
Acts (as amended from time to time):
(i) The Customs Act, 1962,
. (ii) The Central Excise Act 1944,
(iii) Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act 1992, and
(iv) The Foreign Exchange Management Act,1999;
(v) The Conservation of Foreign Exchange, Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974
B. none of the Directors / Partners / Proprietor / Karta / Trustees of the company /firm /HUF/Trust, (as the
case may be), is/are a Director(s) / Partner(s) / Proprietor / Karta / Trustee in any other Company/ firm
/ entity which is on the Denied Entity List (DEL) of DGFT;
C. neither the Registered Office of the company / Head Office of the firm / nor any of its Branch Office(s)/
Unit(s)/ Division(s) has been declared a defaulter and has otherwise been made ineligible for
undertaking import / export under any of the provisions of the Policy;
D. we have not obtained nor applied for issuance of an Importer Exporter Code Number in the name of
our Registered / Head Office to any other Licensing Authority

2 I/We undertake to abide by the provisions of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992,
as amended from time to time, the Rules and Orders framed there under, the Foreign Trade Policy, the
Handbook of Procedures and the ITC (HS) Classification of Export & Import Items.
I/We fully understand that if any information furnished in the application is found incorrect or false will
3. render me/us liable for any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwise
4. I/We hereby declare that the particulars and the statements made in this application are true and correct to
the best of my/our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or withheld there from.
5. I / We hereby declare that I/we have perused the list of SCOMET items as contained in the Appendix 3 to
the Schedule 2 of the ITC (HS) and that the item(s) exported / proposed to be exported does not fall within
this list and that I / We agree to abide by the provisions of FTP for export of SCOMET items contained in
the FTP, Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) and the HBP v1, irrespective of the scheme under which the item is
exported / proposed to be exported.
6. I hereby certify that I am authorized to verify and sign this declaration as per Paragraph 9.06 of the Foreign
Trade Policy.

Place Signature of the Applicant

Date Name
Official Address
Residential Address
Email Address


1) Two copies of the application must be submitted unless otherwise mentioned.
2) Each individual page of the application has to be signed by the applicant.
3) A). ANF 1 has to be filed in by all applicants. In case of applications submitted electronically, hard copy of
ANF1 is not required. However, in case where applications are submitted otherwise, hard copy of ANF1 has to
be submitted.
B). Only relevant portions of Application need to be filled in.
4) Application must be accompanied by documents as per details given below:
a. Bank Receipt (in duplicate)/Demand Draft/EFT details evidencing payment of application fee in terms of
Appendix 2K.
(Refer Para 2.55 of HBP )

1.1 Name of the Agency

1.2 Address of Head Office*

1.3 Details of application fee paid D.D./Bank Receipt No.________ Date _________
Amount ___________
Name of Bank and its Branch on which drawn

*Proof of the address must be submitted along with the application form

2. Mandatory Testing equipments/Machinery for testing metal scrap:

Table 2.1
S.No Description of Equipment Make and Model No. Unique No.

i Hand held Radiation Survey


ii Radio Nuclear Identifier

iii Explosives Detection System

having ability to detect Liquid /
Plastic / Powder / Particles /
Solid / Metallic and Non-Metallic
Scrap / Waste

Attach additional information, if required, on separate paper

The photographs of the instruments must be attached, showing the Unique No., which may be uploaded on DGFT website
The Purchase Invoice of the instruments must be attached

2.2 List out any other equipment(s) available including laboratory facilities
Table 2.2

S No Equipment / Laboratory Facility Capability Unique No.

i Hand held Radiation Survey


ii Radio Nuclear Identifier

iii Explosives Detection System

having ability to detect Liquid /
Plastic / Powder / Particles /
Solid / Metallic and Non-Metallic
Scrap / Waste
The photographs of the instruments must be attached, showing the Unique No., which may be uploaded on DGFT
The Purchase Invoice of the instruments must be attached.

3. Membership:

S No Name of the Organisation Member since

i International Federation of
Inspection Agencies (IFIA),

ii Institute of Scrap Recycling

Industries (ISRI) Washington DC

iii Bureau of International

Recycling, Belgium
iv Metal Recycling Association of

Please attach a copy of such document to show membership.

4 Experience in metal inspection:

Quantity of metal scrap inspected (in MTs) in the last five years/ destination country–wise

Table 4.1 For Ferrous scrap

S No Exporting Destination Quantity of Ferrous Scrap inspected in preceding
Country country Years

Year Year Year Year Year Total

5 4 3 2 1




Grand Total

Table 4.2 For Non Ferrous scrap

S No Exporting Destination Quantity of Ferrous Scrap inspected in preceding

Country country Years

Year Year Year Year Year Total

5 4 3 2 1



Grand Total

5. Attach copy of last Annual Report / balance sheet of the Company.

6 Intended Area of Operations for issuance of certificate

7. Address of Head Office. __________________________________

7.1. Address(es) of Branch Offices __________________________________

(from where the Inspection
would be carried out) __________________________________

(a) The area of operation of PSIA would be as per the territory notified for the Agency and the Agency
is required to declare all its office addresses coming in the area of its operation.
(b) The Agency shall be authorized to issue the certificate for the country (ies) within its area of operations. For
inspections to be carried out in other countries where it does not have an equipped branch office, PSIA will be
required to give prior intimation to DGFT by sending email (at [email protected] ) and also provide evidence/ details
of visit by the inspector and the inspection carried out, along with PSIC.

8. Manpower: Details of Inspecting persons / inspectors who would carry out inspection:
The minimum qualification of the Inspecting officer should not be less than 10 + 2 / Senior High School with
Science (physics and Chemistry).

S No Names of Address Nationality Phone E Mail Qualification Experience

Technical No. Address in
person(s) inspection
of metal

The Certificate of Qualification of the staff and scanned copy of their passport must be attached.

8.1 Whether you have been debarred /de-listed by Indian Government or other Governments for carrying out
inspection activities. If yes, details thereof.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

8.2 Whether any judicial / quasi judicial proceedings are pending against you in any country / legal authority. If yes,
details thereof.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------

9. Details of the bank guarantee of Rs. 10 lakh or US$25 deposited by the Agency
D.D./Bank Receipt No.________ Date _________ Amount ___________
Name of Bank and its Branch on which drawn


(1) I / We hereby declare that the particulars and the statements made in this application are true and correct to the
best of my / our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or held there from.
(2) I / We fully understand that any information furnished in the application if found incorrect or false will render me /
us liable for forfeiture of Bank Guarantee and any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law
or otherwise warranted.

(3) I / We hereby undertake that the in case it is found that the consignment is not scrap or prohibited items are
present in it, I would be liable to pay a penalty of Rs.10 lakhs, (if based in India) or US$20,000 (if based in foreign
country) and forfeiture of the bank guarantee deposited, in addition to suspension / cancellation of recognition

(4) I / We undertake to abide by the provisions of the FT (D & R) Act, 1992, the Rules and Orders framed there
under, FTP, HBP and Aayat and Niryat Forms and ITC (HS).

(5) I / We hereby certify that none of the Proprietor / Partner(s) / Director(s) / Karta / Trustee of firm / company, as
the case may be, is / are a Proprietor / Partner(s) / Director(s) / Karta / Trustee in any other firm / Company which
has come to adverse notice of DGFT.

(6) I / We hereby certify that the Proprietor / Partner(s) / Director(s) / Karta / Trustee, as the case may be, of the
firm/company is / are not associated as Proprietor / Partner(s) / Director(s) / Karta / Trustee in any other firm /
company which is in the caution list of Reserve Bank of India.

(7) I/We hereby declare that all the radiation testing equipment/machinery for testing metal scrap as per para 2 are
calibrated periodically as per the specifications of manufacturer. In case of failure to ensure the same, I/We shall be
liable for appropriate action by DGFT as deemed fit.

(8) I hereby certify that I am authorised to verify and sign this declaration as per Paragraph 9.6 of the Foreign Trade
Signature of the Applicant Place
Designation Date
Official Address
Residential Address
Email Address

Annexure-1 to ANF2L
Details of instruments

Hand held survey meter

Model Make (name Serial Last date Whether Whether *Response Provision for alarm (audio
& of No. of the monitor the time of the & visual ) setting
manufacturer) calibration is suitable monitor is monitor (in
in the suitable to seconds)
energy measure
range 60 dose rate
keV to 1.33 from 1
MeV (flat urem/hour
Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
Portable Spectrometer

M Make Seri Provisio Wheth Whether Real Storage Time Automa Provision for alarm
o (Name & al n of self er the the monitor Time and taken to tic (audio & visual ) setting
d address No. calibrati equip is suitable Spectr transfer identify a identific
el of on ment to measure um of Cs-137 ation of
manufact is dose rate display spectra source in normall
urer) suitabl from 1 to a pc the y
e in µrem/hour radiation encount
the level of I ered
energy µrem/hou radionu
range r(in clides
40 keV seconds) like
40 to Co60,C
3.0 s-
MeV 137,Ir1
M etc.
Yes/No Yes/N Yes/No Yes/N Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
o o

*Response time: It is the time taken by a radiation monitor to stabilize the meter reading (typically it should be of the
order of 2-3 seconds for field instruments at the natural background radiation levels).

Note: For practical purpose (for gamma radiation with whole body exposure): 1µR=1µrem=0.01 µGy=0.01
(Application Form for Issuance of EPCG /Post Export EPCG Authorization)

(Please see the guidelines before filling the application)

1. Application for Please tick (√)

a. EPCG Scheme

b. Post Export EPCG Scheme

2. IEC No. Branch Code

Declaration: I/We have updated my/our profile in ANF -1.

3. Address of the factory/premises of the applicant where

the capital goods to be imported are proposed to be

4. Excise Registration Details

a. Excise Registration Number

b. Date of registration

c. Address of the Jurisdictional Central Excise Authority

(whether registered with central excise or not)

5. Port of Registration (for the purpose of imports)

6. Application Fee Payment details

a. Amount (in Rs.)

b. Mode of Payment

(TR Challan/ Electronic Fund Transfer/Credit card)

c. Serial No. of TR challan/EFT no./credit card details and Date

of Payment
7. Service Tax Registration Details (in case of Service Providers registered with Service Tax Authorities)

a. Service Tax Registration Number

b. Date of registration

c. Address of Jurisdictional Service Tax Authority

d. Services for which registered

8. Sector Classification of Capital Goods sought to be imported under the Scheme (Please tick)

a. Industrial Sector

b. Agricultural Sector

c. Service Sector

d. Green Technology Sector

e. Units in North Eastern Region/Sikkim/J&K

9. Products to be exported/services to be rendered ITC(HS) Code/Service Code

10. Details of exports of same/similar product/services made in the preceding three licensing years (excluding
exports which have been counted / are being counted for fulfilling specific EO in respect of EPCG
Authorizations within valid EO Period)

Sl. Financial Year Total FOB Value of exports/services rendered for the same/similar
No. product/services (Rs. in crores)


*Average export performance

*If an applicant has been in existence for less than 3 years, the aggregate export will be divided by the number of
years for which the company has been in existence and not by 3 years.

11. Details of EPCG Authorizations where EO is pending

Sl. No. Authorization RA which Value of EO fixed on Specific EO Annual Expiry

No. and issued the duty duty fulfilled Average date of
Date Authorization saved/duty saved/duty EO fixed EO
paid (in paid (in freely (in Rs.) period
Rs.) convertible

12. Details of Capital Goods sought to be imported

Sl. Description of the items ITC(HS) Code Nature of Quantity Primary use of
No. of import Capital Goods Capital Goods
sought to be sought to be
imported* imported**

* whether Capital Goods/Spares/Tools/Jigs/Fixtures/Dies/Moulds/Spare refractories/Catalyst (specify if any other)

** whether used for Pre-production activity/Production activity/Post-production activity/for rendering services

13. Whether product to be imported is restricted for import – Yes/No.

(If yes, enclose copy of EFC approval from DGFT Hqrs.)

14. Details of Restricted Capital Goods applied for import

Sl. Description of the items of ITC(HS) Code Nature of Capital Primary use of
No. import Goods sought to Capital Goods
be imported* sought to be

* whether Capital Goods/Spares/Tools/Jigs/Fixtures/Dies/Moulds/Spare refractories/Catalyst (specify if any other)

** whether used for Pre-production activity/Production activity/Post-production activity/for rendering services
(From amongst column 13 and 14 above please fill up whichever is applicable. In case applicant desires to import
both restricted and freely importable capital goods appropriate information should be given in both the columns).

15. Whether product to be exported is restricted for export – Yes/No.

(If yes, enclose copy of EFC approval from DGFT Hqrs.)

16. Details of Duty

Total effective Customs duty on CIF value of imports/deemed Duty saved amount (in Rs.)
items to be imported (in %) imports (in Rs.)

1 2 3
Note: In case of indigenous sourcing of CG, duty saved is to be calculated on notional customs duty saved on FOR
value of capital goods as per Para 5.07 of FTP.

17. Details of Duty in case of post-export EPCG duty credit scrip

Total effective Customs duty on Basic CIF value of imports/ Duty paid (in Rs.)
items to be imported (in %) Customs duty deemed imports (in Rs.)

18. Details of Export Obligation imposed

Total duty saved/duty paid Specific Export Obligation to be Average Export Obligation to be
(Rs.) imposed imposed

Rs. USD Rs.

19. Address of the factory/premises of the applicant or the supporting manufacturer where the capital goods to
be imported are proposed to be installed

20. In case the proposed capital goods sought to be imported are to be used by the supporting manufacturer

a. Name

b. Address

c. MSME/IEM/LOI/IL Registration No. and date

d. Products endorsed on MSME/LOI/IL/IEM

e. Excise Registration No. and issuing authority, (if


21. Postal address of the jurisdictional Central Excise Authority in whose jurisdiction factory/premises of the
applicant/supporting manufacturer where the capital goods to be imported are proposed to be installed

I /we, hereby, declare/certify that:

1. The particulars and the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my/our
knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or held therefrom. If anything is found incorrect or
false it will render me/us liable for any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or
otherwise warranted.
2. I/We undertake to abide by the provisions of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992,
(as amended) the Rules and Orders framed there under, the Foreign Trade Policy, the Handbook of
Procedures and the ITC(HS) Classification of Export & Import Items as amended from time to time.
3. None of the Proprietor/Partners(s)/Director(s)/Karta/Trustee of the firm/company has come under the
adverse notice of DGFT or is in the caution list of RBI.
4. None of the Proprietor/Partners(s)/Director(s)/Karta/Trustee of the firm/company, as the case may be, is/are
a Proprietor/Partner(s)/Director(s)/Karta/Trustee in any other firm/Company which has come under the
adverse notice of DGFT or is in the caution list of RBI, to the best of my knowledge.
5. Neither the Registered Office/Head Office of the firm/company nor any of its Branch
Office(s)/Unit(s)/Division(s) has been declared a defaulter and has otherwise been made ineligible for
undertaking import/export under any of the provisions of the Policy.
6. I/We shall not export items on the SCOMET list for which authorisation has not been taken.
7. I/We do not come under the purview of Service Tax and therefore are not registered with the Service Tax
Authorities. (in case of Service Providers who are not covered under service tax)
8. In respect of goods for which nexus is not established at a later date, I/We shall, without demur, pay to the
Government Customs duty saved [together with applicable interest] on such imported goods which are
found having no relation with product exported or service rendered.
9. I/We undertake to submit a self-certified copy of ‘Drug Manufacturing Licences’ in case of export of
Pharmaceutical Product(s) within a period of three years from the date of issue of EPCG Authorization
failing which the Bank Guarantee/Legal undertaking executed/furnished at the time of clearance of Capital
Goods with Customs authorities/Regional Authorities of DGFT, as the case may be, is liable to be
forfeited/invoked and I/We would be liable to pay Customs Duty saved amount together with applicable
interest thereon from the date of first import till the date of final payment.
10. I am authorised to verify and sign this declaration as per Paragraph 9.06 of the Foreign Trade Policy.

Place Signature of the Applicant

Date Name


Official Address

Residential Address


Telephone No. (O)


1. Application shall be filed online using digital signatures.

2. Applicant shall upload the documents as per details given below:
a. Treasury Receipt Challan (if fee has not been paid electronically) evidencing payment of
application fee in terms of Appendix 2L.
b. Self-certified copy of MSME/IEM/LOI/IL in case of products or a self-certified copy of Service
Tax Registration in case of Service Providers. (in case of Service Providers, who are not
registered with Service Tax authorities, a declaration in this regard will be submitted as a part
of the application (declaration no. 6), service tax registration is not required to be submitted. In
such cases RCMC from EPC concerned will suffice).
c. Certificate from a Chartered Engineer in the format given in Appendix 5A.
d. Certificate of Chartered Accountant / Cost Accountant / Company Secretary in Appendix 5B.
e. In case of Import of spares, tools, refractories and catalyst for existing plant and machinery, a
list of plant/machinery imported and already installed in the factory/premises of the applicant
firm/ supporting manufacturer for which the above items are required, duly certified by a
Chartered Engineer or jurisdictional Central Excise authority.
f. In case of EPCG applications made by EOU/SEZ units, a self-certified copy of the ‘No
Objection Certificate’ from the Development Commissioner concerned showing the details of
the capital goods imported/indigenously procured by the applicant firm, its value at the time of
import/sourcing and the depreciated value for the purpose of assessment of duty under the
Scheme is to be submitted.
3. In case CG sought to be imported/item to be exported is under restricted category, a copy of this application
shall be sent to EFC at DGFT Hqrs. also. (In such cases no separate application fee shall be required to be
submitted while sending the copy of the application to Hqrs. EFC). Upon clearance by EFC, EPCG
Authorization shall be issued by RA and will bear an endorsement that EFC has approved issue of EPCG
Authorization for restricted CG/export item.

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