Deya Manual
Deya Manual
Deya Manual
ADDENDUM ................................................................................................................................................................... 86
Chapter I General Introduction on Functions
Standard Functions
2 Inspection Travel
It is a function for field mechanics or engineers to carry out maintenance, inspection or testing tasks. When
operational conditions are satisfied, an authorized person can inch the car by pressing and releasing the red button,
he can move the car at inspection speed by continuously pushing down the button and stop it by releasing the
3 Self-rescue Travel
When the lift stays out of the leveling zone (NOT in inspection state), it will automatically move to the leveling
zone slowly to evacuate the passengers if only the safety requirements for the start are met.
4 Testing Travel
It is a function designed for measuring the performance of a new lift. By setting a given parameter in testing travel
on the Master Control board, a field engineer will put the lift into automatic operation. Both the total number of
trips and the interval time between trips of the testing travel can be determined by parameter setting.
5 Clock Control
With the built-in clock system by real time, the exact time at which a breakdown takes place can be recorded in the
Error Log. The clock control can also be used to initiate the required functions precisely by time.
6 Automatic Control for Door-opening Time
When the lift travels in automatic state without attendant, the door closes automatically by a delay after the car
arrives at a landing with the door open. The default delay is 3.0 s for a landing without any call and 3.0 s for a
landing with a call. The delay time can be changed by setting the relevant parameters.
14 Direct Landing
On analogue given curve the control system slows down the lift by distance without any crawling at leveling.
17 Auto Homing
When the lift travels in automatic state without attendant service while setting Auto Homing in effect, the lift car
which receives neither in-car nor landing calls will automatically return to the main landing within a given period
of time determined by parameter setting.
25 Attendant Service
Using the switch in the car operation panel, one can put the lift into attendant service, under which the automatic
door closing is blocked out and the door can only be closed by the attendant who keeps pressing on the
door-closing button. The attendant can also decide on the travel direction and/or the by-passing ride. The other
functions are the same as those by normal travel.
26 Independent Travel
Independent Travel is an exclusive travel, during which the lift overlooks all landing calls and the automatic
door-opening and -closing is blocks out. Other features are similar to Attendant Service.
30 Lift Lock-out
During the normal service the system clears out all registrations when the lock-out switch is turned off, but the lift
will continue its service dispatching passengers in the car until all the in-car registrations are cleared out. Then the
car returns to the main landing, opens the door automatically, switches off lighting and fan, igniting the
door-opening button for a 10-second delay before the door is automatically closed for termination of service. The
normal service can be initiated again by resetting the lock-out switch.
33 Over-load Protection
With the over-load switch functioning, the door remains open with alarm buzzing on.
34 Anti-nuisance at Light-load
If the system is equipped with a light-load switch which has not yet functioned while the in-car registrations have
exceeded value in number (subject to modify by parameter), the system will clear all the registrations.
35 Reversing Protection
When the system has detected an inconsistency between the registered direction and travel direction for 3 seconds
on end, an emergency stop will be activated with alarm buzzing on.
37 Car-slippage Protection
If feed-back pulses have kept coming in for 3 seconds after the system detects a lift leveling, a car-slipping is
supposed to have occurred, by which the lift is prevented from operation at fault with alarm buzzing on.
The Options
1 Pre-Door-opening
This option enables the leveling car to open the door before it comes to a stop in order to raise the operational
efficiency of the lift, by which the door begins to open as soon as the car enters into the door zone (usually ±75
mm from the leveling position) at a speed slower than 0.3m/s.
4 Fireman Service
As the fireman switch is set on in case of fire, the car will stay ready for fireman service with the door open at the
fire home, by which the automatic door operations are blocked and the door can only be opened or closed by
pressing and releasing the buttons at short intervals. During fireman service the lift only answers to the in-car
registrations and clear up all of them when it comes to a stop. The normal travel can only be restored only when
both the fire return and fireman switches are reset while the car is at the fire home with its door fully open.
8 Duplex Control
Duplex control is made available by CAN BUS— a serial communication bus that transfers the data in
coordination of the joint call-handling capacity of the two elevators with a view to increasing the efficiency of both.
The key to duplex control lies in the optimized distribution of the landing calls between the two lifts. The system
works on the distance-based principle, i.e., wherever a call is registered, the control assigns it to the lift that is
nearer to the registered floor so as to reduce the waiting time to the minimum. The automatic return to main
landing is intergrated in that after answering all calls and registrations, the lift which stays nearer to the main
landing returns to it. In this case the function of auto-return to main landing becomes optional, which can be
realized by the hand-operator.
9 Group Control
It’s an option for centralized control of a number of lifts as many as max. eight in a group. The group control
governs above the master control of every lift in the group, responsible for registering and clearing out all the
registrations and calls of the group. Monitoring the floor positions and other traveling conditions of the elevator in
the bank, the system works out by real time the most rational and cost-effective solutions to every call by one of
the lifts based on super-fuzzy algorithm and assigns that lift to the mission, hence greatly raising the efficiency of
the elevators, reducing both power consumption and waiting time by passengers.
13 Zone(Building) Monitoring
By means of a RS485 communication cable the control system is connected with the computer located in the
monitor room of the building (residential zone). With the monitoring software installed in the computer, the travel
information such as floor location, travel direction and errors of the elevators can be shown in the computer screen.
21 Nudging Door
With the option is switched on, if the door has been held open for ONE minute(subject to modify by parameter)
without door-closing signal due to the effect of the safety beam or other mechanisms the door will start forced
closing with an acoustic signal.
24 NS – SW Service in Single
This option is made available for a single lift or lifts in parallel control by manually setting the service floor
selection switch in the sub-case of the car panel. A program on the selected service floors under a particular
condition should be made based on the requirements of the user, whereby the lift will override the landing calls
and in-car registrations for those floors. When the service floor selection switch is set on, the lift will NOT serve
the selected floors by the program; when the switch is set off, the lift will serve every floor in normal service.
25 NS – SW Service in Group
The option provides users with two predetermined programs of selected service floors under two particular
conditions for the lifts by manually setting on one of the two service floor selection switches in the sub-case of the
car panel, one switch for a program respectively. When both switches are off, the lifts return to normal service. The
predetermined programs refer to which floors’ registrations the lifts will answer, which floors’ up-call and which
floors’ down- calls the lifts will answer respectively.
26 NS – CB Service
When the NS-CB switch in car is set on with simplex and duplex control, press the floor buttons for those floors
you want to block out of service, the buttons will light up. When the non-service floors are set successfully by
putting the NS-CB switch off, the lift will neither respond to any car registrations, up and down landing calls of,
nor will the car level on those non-service landings. With the door open in inspection service, reset the switch by
setting it on and off once, all the preset non-service floors are cleared.
27 Emergency Levelling at Power-off
When the car happens to be out of the door zone in the event of a power failure, an entrapment of passengers takes
place. In the wake of a power failure the emergency leveling unit will start, driving the lift car to the nearest
landing with the door open to release the passengers.
Chapter II A Brief on Serial Control
2.2.1 Features
32 Bit ARM
Four-layer SMT with CAN BUS protocol for serial communication;
High intelligence and reliability;
Work on key board with LCD display;
RS232/RS485 sockets;
For parallel control, group control, remote monitoring and residential zone control by IC card.
Direct landing available by analogical control.
2.2.2 Range of Application
Passenger lifts, freight lifts and double-purpose lifts;
Fully selective, Duplex control and Group control(max 8 lifts);
Rated speed from 0.63m/s up to 4.0m/s;
Number of stops 64.
2.2.3 Standard in Reference
Safety Rules for the Construction and Installation of Electric Lifts GB7588-2003
2.2.4 Working Temperature
The control components work in the temperature range between 0ºC and +60ºC except for the LCD display.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4
JP 1 JP 2 JP 3 JP 4
J1 5 1
X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X 1 0 X 11 X 1 2 X 13 X 1 4 X 1 5 X 1 6 X 1 7 X 1 8 X 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1 X 2 2 X 2 3 X 2 4 X 25
JP 5
JP 1 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 1 2 3 4
JP1.1 X0 Inspection signals, off for inspection, on for normal Input Note 1.
JP1.7 X6 Down limit switch Input
JP1.8 X7 Up one floor deceleration switch Input
JP1.9 X8 Down one floor deceleration switch Input
JP1.10 X9 Up leveling switch Input
JP2.1 X10 Down leveling switch Input
JP2.2 X11 Inverter error signal detection Input
JP2.3 X12 Fire return switch Input
JP2.4 X13 Stand-by (F156=0 for Safe loop relay detection) Input
JP2.5 X14 Stand-by (F156=0 for Door lock relay detection) Input
JP2 JP2.6 X15 Inverter line-in contactor detection Input
JP2.7 X16 Inverter line-out contactor detection Input
JP2.8 X17 Brake contactor detection Input
JP2.9 X18 Front door zone switch signal input input Note 4.
Inverter ready signal(if this signal on then open
JP2.10 X19 Input
relays for re-leveling with door open or pre-opening
JP3.1 X20 Input
JP3.2 X21 Fireman Switch Input
JP3.3 X22 Brake Switch Detection Input
JP3.4 X23 Motor temperature testing signal Input
JP6.2 Analogical signal 0V Output
analogical speed reference output to terminal for
JP6.3 Output
speed setting in Inverter, 0 10V
analogical load compensation output to terminal for
JP6.4 Output
torque compensation in Inverter, 0 10V
JP7.1 differential encoder A+
JP7.2 differential encoder A-
JP7.3 differential encoder B+
JP7.4 differential encoder B-
JP8.1 power supply output, +15V for encoder
JP8.2 power supply output, 0V
Encoder Phase A, open loop in collector or
JP8 JP8.3
differential output, frequency 0-30KHz
Encoder Phase B, open loop in collector or
differential output, frequency 0-30KHz
JP9.1 Y0 brake contactor output Output
JP9.2 Y1 brake excitation contactor output Output
JP9.3 Y2 Inverter line-in contactor output Output
JP9.4 Y3 Inverter line-out contactor output Output
JP9.5 COM1 common terminal Y0-Y3 of output relay
JP9.6 Y4 relay output of front door opening Output
JP9.7 Y5 relay output of front door closing Output
JP9.8 Y6 relay output of rear door opening Output
JP9.9 Y7 relay output of rear door closing Output
JP9.10 COM2 common terminal Y4-Y7 of output relay
relay output for pre-door-opening and re-leveling
JP10.1 Y8 Output
with door open
JP10.2 Y9 Fire signal output Output
JP10.3 COM3 common terminal Y8-Y9 of output relay
JP10.4 Y10 Inverter up Output
JP10 JP10.5 Y11 Inverter down Output
JP10.6 Y12 traveling performance of Inverter Output
JP10.7 Y13 terminal 1 for multi speed phase by Inverter Output
JP10.8 Y14 terminal 2 for multi speed phase by Inverter Output
see Note 6
JP10.9 Y15 terminal 3 for multi speed phase by Inverter Output
JP10.10 COM4 common terminal Y10-Y15 of output relay
JP11.1 X26 Safe loop check positive voltage, line-in 110V Input
JP11.2 input terminal X26, 0V
Door lock check positive voltage, input voltage
JP11.3 X27
JP11.4 input terminal X27, 0V
Landing door lock check positive, input voltage
JP11.5 X28
JP11.6 input terminal X28, 0V interlinked with JP11.2
JP12.1 power supply 0V for master controller
JP12.2 power supply 0V for master controller
JP12.3 Vacant
JP12.4 power supply 24V for master controller
JP12.5 power supply 0V for master controller
JP12.6 power supply 0V for master controller
JP15.1 DCD
JP15.2 RXD power supply 0V for master controller
JP15.3 TXD
JP15.4 DTR
JP15 JP15.5 SGND
JP15.6 X
JP15.7 X
JP15.8 X
JP15.9 +5V in effect when J2 is bridged
JP22.1 X terminal for
JP22.2 GND residential
JP22.3 RS485-A zone
JP22.4 RS485-B monitoring
Working status selection of Master PCB, 1and 2 OFF together for normal; 1and 2 ON together for burn
recording the program.
RS485 communication terminal resistor line-in selection, 1and 2 ON together for line in the resistor for
Parallel and group control terminal resistor line-in selection, 1and 2 ON together for line in the resistor
for communication.
5V power supply for handset, when bridged JP15.9 provides 5V voltage output for the handset.
Bridging-up is forbidden without using any handset.
1. Normal/inspection service switch signal, OFF for inspection service, ON for normal service. Default value OFF,
subject to no change.
2. Up/down travel signal, during inspection service, ON for inching up or down; during attendant service ON for
switch between up and down direction, subject to no change.
3. Speed-changing terminal switch for double floors up/down, must be made available when rated speed is 2.0 m/s
and up by analogical control; 1.75 m/s and up by digital multi-stage speed control.
4. Use with separate door zone switch or with pre-door-opening.
5. Speed-changing terminal switch for three floors up/down, must be made available when rated speed is 3.0 m/s
and up by analogical control; 2.5 m/s and up by digital multi-stage speed control.
6. Code Definition of Multi- Speed(Corresponding output terminals Y13, Y14 and Y15 work in combination in the
list below.)
Fig. 2-3 (B) Mounting Dimensions of Car Board
Car Board
Socket Type Socket Type
JP2/JP5 WAGO 20P JP7 14-pin double-lined vertical
JP3/JP4 CH2510-4 JP15 CH2510-10
JP6 CH3.96-4
List 2-4 Terminal Specification on Car Board
No. Terminal Name Definitions Usage Notes
JP2.1 TY0 relay output of arrival gong upward Output
JP2.2 common terminal TY0
JP2.3 TY1 relay output of arrival gong downward Output
JP2.4 common terminal TY1
JP2.5 TY2 relay output of car lighting relay Output
JP2.6 common terminal TY2
JP2.7 TY3 relay output of Nudging door-closing signal Output
JP2.8 Common terminal TY3
Transistor output of Overload lamp-, output
JP2.9 TY4 Output
capacity 24V 20mA
JP2.10 TY4 Overload lamp + Output
Transistor output of buzzer-, output capacity
JP2.11 TY5 Output
24V 20mA
JP2.12 TY5 buzzer output + Output
JP2.13 load analogy signal + Input
JP2.14 load analogy signal - Input
JP2.15 RS485A+ RS485 communication port +
JP2.16 RS485B- RS485communication port -
JP2.17 stand-by
JP2.18 stand-by
JP2.19 Isolation power supply input +
JP2.20 Isolation power supply input -
JP3.1 door-open indicator power supply - Output
JP3.2 door-open indicator power supply + Output
JP3.3 TX19 one terminal of door-open button Input
JP3.4 TX19 the other terminal of door-open button Input
Note 2
JP4.1 door-close indicator power supply - Output
JP4.2 door-close indicator power supply + Output
JP4.3 TX20 one terminal of door-close button Input
JP4.4 TX20 the other terminal of door-close button Input
JP5.1 COM common terminal TX0-TX18, 0V
JP5.2 TX0 door-open limit switch (front) Input
JP5.3 TX1 door-close limit switch (front) Input
JP5.4 TX2 safety edge switch(front) Input
Negative signals in serial communication
JP6.4 TXA-
with car and call control etc.
JP15.1 parallel voice port D0, LSB
JP15.2 parallel voice port D1
JP15.3 parallel voice port D2
JP15.4 parallel voice port D3
JP15.5 parallel voice port D4
JP15 Note 1
JP15.6 parallel voice port D5
JP15.7 parallel voice port D6
JP15.8 parallel voice port D7,MSB
JP15.9 common terminal 0V
JP15.10 common terminal +24V
Jumper for CAN serial communication port. DO NOT use it if the terminal resistor in car display is
already bridged.
JP7 for connecting car registration control PCB SM-03-D
If the input power is supplied by JP6.1 and JP6.2, bridge J2 and J3. But if it is supplied by JP2.19
and JP2.20, DO NOT make any bridge!
List 2-5 Terminal Definition of Car Board
1 SM-02-D outputs eight-bit binary coding pulse signals, triggering voice landing forecast during deceleration of
car for stop, one second for every pulse output. The eight-bit output is in the mode of transistors with open loop
in the collector and shared anode, output voltage DC24V, current capacity 50mA. The 8-bit binary coding
provides as many as 256 output status in accordance with STEP WORD BANK for display. If the user sets B1 in
display for the 1st floor with its corresponding code 60 which is turned into binary code for output on JP15. The
voice landing forecast B1 is made available by decoding the binary code. At present 0-247 are processed by the
definition of the word bank for display see the List of Display Codes in whereas the codes of 248-255
are defined as following:
(248) 11111000 The signal comes out when the lift is at the main landing with the door closed for
calls of going up.
(249) 11111001 The signal comes out when the lift is in fire alarm service.
(250) 11111010 The signal appears when the door-closing position limit switch turns from OFF to
ON status during the door-opening.
(251) 11111011 The signal appears when the door-opening position limit switch turns from OFF to
ON status during the door-closing.
(252) 11111100 Over-load alarm.
(253) 11111101 Voice landing forecast for going up when the door is fully open.
(254) 11111110 Voice landing forecast for going down when the door is fully open.
(255) 11111111 Undefined.
2 Wiring and Connection
The car control with power supply and CAN BUS is lined in from JP6, of which JP6.01 and JP6.02 are for
TXV+ and TXV- JP6.03 and JP6.04 for TXA+ and TXA- respectively. TXV+, TXV- are power input
DC24V; TXA+ and TXA- are communication lines which must be 4-wire Twisted Pairs.
The car control with input signals which are transferred to master control via CAN BUS as the car control
collects most of the switch-generated data signals from inside the car and both on top and bottom of the car
such as the inputs of door-opening and -closing, in-position signals for door-opening and –closing, safety
edge, attendant, by-passing, full-load and over-load etc.
The output signals generated by relays and transistors from car control are transferred under the control
signals from the master control via CAN BUS, of which the output signals by relays take control of the
relays of arrival gongs and car-lighting etc. for landing forecasting and energy-saving in lighting, whereas
the output signals from transistors are responsible for the control of the over-load lighting, alarm buzzer
and door-open/close indicators etc.
The connection between car control and registration extension control is made ready in the car by means of
The door-open/close button indicators is shown as follows, i.e., Pin 1 and Pin 2 to the positive and negative
of power supply respectively, whereas Pin 3 and Pin 4 to the terminals of the button.
Car Board
Socket Type Socket Type
JP1 CH3.96-4A JP5 AK 3000/06-508-grey
JP2 JP3 IDC-14P JP6 JP7 CH2510-4A
relevant to GX0 on board direction switch by
JP5.1 TX22 Input Open
JP5.2 TX8 relevant to GX1 on board attendant Input Open
JP5 JP5.3 TX9 relevant to GX2 on board independent Input Open
JP5.4 TX10 relevant to GX3 on board Attendant by-pass Input Open
JP5.5 TX21 relevant to GX4 on board fireman Input Open
JP5.6 Input JP5.1—JP5.5 signal common terminal 0V
JP6.1 door-open indicator power supply -
JP6.2 door-open indicator power supply +
JP6.3 TX19 Door-open button
JP6.4 TX19 Door-open button
JP7.1 door-close indicator power supply -
JP7.2 door-close indicato power supply +
JP7.3 TX20 Door-close button
JP7.4 TX20 Door-close button
DB1 port for program burn recording
SW SW1.1 1 and 2 ON together for line in the CAN resistor;1
1 SW1.2 and 2 OFF together for line out the CAN resistor.
SW SW2.1 1 and 2 ON together for program burn recording;1
2 SW2.2 and 2 OFF together for normal running.
SW3. SW3.2 SW3.3 SW3.4 Usages of car operation panel
ON OF OF OFF Main car operation panel
OFF ON OF OFF Rearcar operation panel
OFF OF ON OFF Handicapped Car operation Panel
OFF OF OF ON The second car operation panel
2.3.4 Car roof board(essential 2)
28/140 Definitions of Plug-ins and Ports on Car roof board
JP4.2 TX1 (relevant to HX0 on board) door-close limit front Input close
JP4.3 TX0 (relevant to HX1 on board) door-open limit front Input close
JP5 JP5.2 TX2 (relevant to HX2 on board), safety edge switch(front) Input close
JP7.4 parallel voice port D3 Forecastin
JP7.5 parallel voice port D4
JP7.6 parallel voice port D5
JP7.7 parallel voice port D6 notes
JP7.8 parallel voice port D7, MSB
JP7.9 Common terminal 0V
JP7.10 Common terminal 24V
JP8.1 JP8.2 common terminal
JP8.2 Output HY5 Car lighting and fan relay
DB1 port for program burn recording
SW SW1.1 1 and 2 ON together for line in the CAN resistor;1
1 SW1.2 and 2 OFF together for line out the CAN resistor.
SW SW2.1 1 and 2 ON together for program burn recording;1
2 SW2.2 and 2 OFF together for normal running.
SM.02/H outputs 8 eight-bit binary coding pulse signals, triggering voice landing forecast during deceleration of
car for stop, one and half second for every pulse output. The eight-bit output is in the mode of transistors with open
loop in the collector and shared anode, output voltage DC24V, current capacity 50mA. The 8-bit binary coding
provides as many as 256 output status. At present 0-247 are processed by the definition of the Step Standard Code
List for display whereas the codes of 248-255 are defined as following:
250 11111010 The signal appears when the door-closing position limit switch turns from OFF to ON status
during the door-opening.
251 11111011 The signal appears when the door-opening position limit switch turns from OFF to ON status
during the door-closing.
252 11111100 Over-load alarm.
253 11111101 Voice landing forecast for going up when the door is fully open.
254 11111110 Voice landing forecast for going down when the door is fully open.
248,249 and 255 are standby.
2.3.5 Car Call Board
No. Terminal Definition of Terminal Definition of … Terminal Definition of
Car Call Board 1# Car Call Board 2# Car Call Board 8#
Wiring of the door-open/close button indicators is shown as follows, i.e., Pin 1 and Pin 2 to the positive and
negative of power supply respectively, whereas Pin 3 and Pin 4 to the terminals of the button.
Fig 2-9(B) Mounting Dimensions of Extensional Board
Socket Type Socket Type
JP1 JP2 IDC-14P JP4 STLZ950/03G-5.08-V-green
JP3 JP6 STLZ950/04G-5.08-V-green JP5 JP7-JP9 STLZ950/02G-5.08-V-green
JP6.1 Output HY6 door-opening signal rear
Fig. 2-10 (B) Mounting Dimensions of SM-04-VRF
35/140 Display Control Board SM-04-VSC
Up-call terminals, of which Pin 1- and Pin 2+ for button indicator, Pin 3 and Pin 4 for
JP3 CH2510-4
button input.
Down-call terminals, of which Pin 1- and Pin 2+ for button indicator, Pin 3 and Pin 4
JP4 CH2510-4
for button input.
Stop indicator (Landing)/Over load indicator(In-Car) and lockout terminals, of which
JP5 Pin 1- and Pin 2+ for stop/over load indicator; Pin 3 and Pin 4 for the input of default CH2510-4
open contact of the lockout switch.
Output terminals for full-load indicator (Landing)/fire indicator(In-Car), of which Pin
1- and Pin 2+ for full-load/fire indicator; Pin 3 and Pin 4 for stand-by.
Set the address codes of the display Board with the jumper on, after that the jumper
Resistor jumper for serial communication terminals for connecting the 120 built-in
resistor when jumpers are put on together.
Fig. 2-12(B) Mounting Dimensions of SM-04-HRC
Set the address codes of the display Board with the jumper on, after that the jumper
Resistor jumper for serial communication terminals for connecting the 120 built-in
resistor when jumpers are put on together.
38/140 Display Control Board SM-04-HSC
JP2 RS232 port for program burn recording.
Up-call terminals , of which Pin 1- and Pin 2+ for button indicator, Pin 3 and Pin 4 for
JP3 CH2510-4
button input.
Down-call terminals, of which Pin 1- and Pin 2+ for button indicator, Pin 3 and Pin 4
JP4 CH2510-4
for button input.
Stop indicator(Landing)/Over load indicator(In-Car) and lockout terminals, of which
JP5 Pin 1- and Pin 2+ for stop/over load indicator; Pin 3 and Pin 4 for the input of default CH2510-4
open contact of the lockout switch.
Output terminals for full-load indicator(Landing)/fire indicator(In-Car), of which Pin 1-
JP6 CH2510-4
and Pin 2+ for full-load/fire indicator; Pin 3 and Pin 4 for stand-by.
Set the address codes of the display Board with the jumper on, after that the jumper
Resistor jumper for serial communication terminals for connecting the 120 built-in
resistor when jumpers are put on together.
Fig. 2-14 (B) Mounting Dimensions of SM-04-VHL
Set the address codes of the display Board with the jumper on, after that the
Inserting the jumper on the landing call display Board of the lift locked out
S2 shows the lockout input on this Board in effect. Only ONE of the display Boards
of the lift shall be jumped to S2.
Fig. 2-15 (A) Outlook of SM-04-UL Fig. 2-15 (B) Mounting Dimensions of SM-04-UL
Terminal Definition and Plug-in Specification on SM-04-UL
Serial Descriptions Remarks
Serial port, of which Pin 1 for TXV+, Pin 2 for TXV-, Pin 3 for TXA+ and Pin 4
JP8 CH3.96-4
for TXA- respectively.
Down-call terminals, of which Pin 3+ and Pin 4- for button indicator, Pin 1 and
JP11 CH2510-4
Pin 2 for button input.
Up-call terminals, of which Pin 3+ and Pin 4- for button indicator, Pin 1 and Pin
JP12 CH2510-4
2 for button input.
Pin 3 and Pin 4 for the input of default open contact of the lockout switch, Pin 1
JP10 CH2510-5
and Pin 2 for stand-by.
Resistor jumper for serial communication terminals for connecting the 120
SW1 built-in resistor when jumpers are put on together. Both ON for connection of
CAN terminal resistor, both OFF for disconnection of it.
SW2.1 ON for setting number of passengers allowed boarding in car by pressing
SW2 on up and down buttons, OFF for normal. SW2.2 ON for display in English,
OFF for display in Chinese.
SW5.1 ON for setting address codes by pressing on up and down buttons, OFF
for normal. SW5.2 ON for selecting time options by pressing on up button, for
SW5 changing in time by pressing on down button, OFF for normal. Both SW2.1 and
SW5.1 ON before power-on for adjusting display contrast by pressing on up and
A Guide to Settings
Address Codes SW5.1 ON, press on up and down call buttons. Range of Codes 0 to 48
Time Setting SW5.2 ON, press on up call button to select time options, press on down call button
to make changes in time.
Passengers Allowed SW2.1 ON, press on up and down call buttons to set the number of passengers allowed
Entry in Car boarding in car.
Display Contrast in Adjust the value of resistance in R53 by turning a screwdriver while
Adjustment hardware watching the change in contrast. It allows for a wide range in adjustment.
in software Set both SW2.1 and SW5.1 ON before switch on power and adjust the
display contrast by pressing on up and down call buttons, only good for
fine adjustment.
Language Setting SW2.2 ON for display in English, OFF for display in Chinese.
Displays in the Landing No Voice Forecast
Inspection Normal No Special symbol/otherwise
Re-leveling at power off Normal No Special symbol/otherwise
Independent Normal No Special symbol/otherwise
Fireman Normal No Special symbol/otherwise
Safety circuit off Normal No Special symbol/otherwise
Lockout Normal No Special symbol/otherwise
Breakdown Normal No Special symbol/otherwise
Overload Normal No Special symbol/otherwise
By-pass with attendant Normal No Special symbol/otherwise 1[F] 2/3 Normal
Full-load Normal No Special symbol/otherwise 1[F] 2/3 Normal
Code 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239
Display LL 5C 9F LF UF FF 33A S6 S8 LP UP MR PC P6 P7
Code 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247
Display P8 P9 P10 P3A P7A P8A P9A AF
The definitions and display symbols of the terminals may vary with the edition. The above listing is the one
based on the standard edition.
Wiring and Connection
1. The connection of the display Board for power supply and communication is shown in Fig. 2-13(B), the
power supply and communication is made available via a 4-pin plug, of which Pin 1 for TXV+, Pin 2 for
TXV-, both with DC24V power supply; Pin3 for TXA+ and Pin 4 for TXA- are communication lines. The
lines for communication must be 4-wire Twisted Pairs.
2. The connection between the display Board and the landing push button is shown in Fig. 2-13(A),
i.e., Pin 1 and Pin 2 for push-button indicator, whereas Pin 3 and Pin 4 for the push button.
Fig. 2-16 (A) Connection of the Push Button Fig. 2-16 (B) Connection of Communication Lines
2.3.8 Group Control Board SM-GC
JP2.9 TXV3- Commuting Supply – L3 JP4.9 +24V Input Isolation Circuit PS+
JP2.10 TXV3+ Commuting Supply + L3 JP4.10 0V Input Isolation Circuit PS-
JP2.11 Vacant JP4.11 0V Input Isolation Circuit PS-
JP2.12 TXA2- Commuting Terminal – L2 JP4.12 In common Shared Input Terminal 1-8
JP2.13 TXA2+ Commuting Terminal + L2 JP4.13 Input T8 Stand-by
JP2.14 TXV2- Commuting Supply – L2 JP4.14 Input T7 Stand-by
P1: RS232 Port used for monitoring when connected via cable to a lap-top computer.
SM-GC P1 PC RS232 Notes
2 3 RXD
3 2 TXD
5 5 SGND
Chapter III On Parameters
Input Type 4 TX16-TX31 Input N/O,N/C
F28 0 0-65535
F62 Time limit for anti-slippage operation 32 0-65535 s 32s
F64 Stand-by
F65-F112 Indication of floors 0-65535
F113-F114 Stand-by
F146 leveling encoder positon and floor data error 180 180-655355 mm
F154-F155 Stand-by
F156 Door lock and safe loop relay check enable 0 0-65535
F157 Deceleration distance for quadruple Fl. 5500 0-65535 mm 5.500m
F158 Deceleration distance for quintuple Fl. 6500 0-65535 mm 6.500m
F159 Stand-by
F160 Clearing error registrations manually enable 1 0-1
F161 Time Blocking enable 0 0-65535
F162 Stand-by
F193 Empty-load compensation at lowest landing 0 0-65535 ‰ 0.0‰
F194 Full-load compensation at lowest landing 0 0-65535 ‰ 0.0‰
F195 Empty-load compensation at top landing 0 0-65535 ‰ 0.0‰
F196 2nd main landing by duplex control 0 0-64
F197 3 main landing by duplex control 0 0-64
List 3-1 the Description of Parameters
In order to meet the requirement of the riding comfort and efficiency by the passengers, the lift should follow
the S-shaped curve in the trip as is shown below. The control system is capable of adjusting the acceleration and
deceleration rates and the time constants around the four jerks in the curve to optimize the riding comfort and
KMBX Output of brake excitation KMBX along with KMB, to be cleared out 1.5 s after KMB output begins.
KMY Contactor of speed regulator output for KMY output along with RunIns, to be cleared out 0.5 s after
KENA is cleared out.
F0 The accelerating slope ratio between T0 and T1, i.e., the acceleration, invalid with digital speed reference.
F1 The decelerating slope ratio between T0 and T1, i.e., the deceleration, invalid with digital speed reference.
F2 T0 is the time for rounding up at start, the value 130 is recommended, invalid with digital speed reference.
F3 T1 is the time for the jerk between acceleration and constant speed, the value 110 is recommended, invalid
with digital speed reference.
F4 T2 is the jerk between constant speed and deceleration, the value 110 is recommended, invalid with digital
speed reference.
F5 T3 is the time for rounding down before stop, the value 130 is recommended, invalid with digital speed
THE ABOVE THREE PARAMETERS ARE VERY IMPORTANT! They must be set in accordance with the
normal specifications of the equipment, otherwise the lift would run in failure or maloperation, for instance, the
failure in speed measurement could result in generating incorrect speed reference. Whenever any ONE of these
THREE parameters varies, a self-learning throughout the hoistway must be done to ensure the perfect performance
of the lift system.
When the feedback pulses into the control system comes from other components which works on the frequency
shunt of the signals it receives from the encoder, the value should be set as that after the frequency shunt instead of
the original value from the encoder, e.g. the encoder generates 1024 pulses per rotation and the component takes in
is a shunt of it that is one fourth of 1024, hence the correct value should be 1024/4 = 256.
Lift Lift
IMPORTANT: If the TWO or MORE lifts in duplex or group control have different by-pass floors, the
by-pass floors must have leveling plates installed as is shown below:
Actual Actual Floors By Fl. Set Indications Floors Fl. Set
Floors Indication Lift A address for Lift A by Lift B address Indications for
of Lift A of Lift B Lift B
4 4 4 5 F69=4 4 5 F69=4
3 B1 3 4 F68=60 3 4 F68=60
2 G 2 3 F67=70 by-pass 3 F67=70
1 1 1 2 F66=1 1 2 F66=1
-1 -1 -1 1 F65=50
List 3-2 an example to set parameters F10 & F11
As is specified in the list above, Lift B must have a leveling plate installed on Floor 2 in the same way as Lift A
For Lift A: total floor number is 4, “floor offset” is 1, the landing call and registration address begins with 2.
Indication settings: F66(for Address 2 and so on)=1 F67=70 F68=60 F69=4. Landing floors: 1(for
the floor by address 1)-Yes(for landing allowed) g-Yes b1-Yes 4-Yes.
For Lift B: total floor number is 5, “floor offset” is 0, the landing call and registration address begins with 1 for
(Fl.-1) and 2 for (Fl.1). Indication settings: F65=50 F66=1 F67=70 F68=60 F69=4. Landing
floors:-1- Yes 1-Yes g-No (for landing NOT allowed, calls and registrations on the floor by address 3
invalid with Lift B) b1-Yes 4-Yes.
F21 Level adjust distance. Tolerance at leveling is the distance deviated from the landing sill level in mm. To be
exact, this parameter should be regarded as the compensation for leveling delay. Due to the varied
sensibility of photo switches and magnetic switches, the length of the leveling plates of a particular lift
varies accordingly.
F22 1st main landing for duplex control. The first main landing for duplex control (see F20 F196,F197).
F23 Group control mode. With duplex, 0 for master lift and 1 for slave lift; with simplex, 0 for the lift; with
group control, 2 for all lifts; with duplex, 3 for ring group control see F181 .
F24 Drive mode of inverter, 0 for digital control;1 for analogy control; 2 for analogy control with creep.
F25 Type of input I, for normally open/closed setting at the input section X0-X15, it is a 16-bit figure, the
lowest bit for X0 while the highest for X15. Anywhere in the section is set as normally open, the
corresponding bit should be set 0; whereas 1 for normally closed. This parameter can be done under the
menu of Input Type in the hand-operator.
F26 Type of input II, for normally open/closed setting at the input section X16-X25, it is a 16-bit figure, the
lowest bit for X16 while the highest for X25. Anywhere in the section is set as normally open, the
corresponding bit should be set 0; whereas 1 for normally closed. This parameter can be done under the
menu of Input Type in the hand-operator.
F27 Type of input III, for normally open/closed setting at the input section TX0-TX15, it is a 16-bit figure, the
lowest bit for TX0 while the highest for TX15. Anywhere in the section is set as normally open, the
corresponding bit should be set 0; whereas 1 for normally closed. This parameter can be done under the
menu of Input Type in the hand-operator.
F28 Type of input IV, for normally open/closed setting at the input section TX16-TX19, it is a 16-bit figure, but
only 4 of the 16 bit in use, the lowest bit for TX16 while the 4th in use for TX19. Anywhere in the section is
set as normally open, the corresponding bit should be set 0; whereas 1 for normally closed. This parameter
can be done under the menu of Input Type in the hand-operator.
Calculations by the exponent of 2:
215 214 213 212 211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
For instance, in Input Type, X5 for normally closed (up limit switch); X6 for normally closed (down limit swtich);
X7 for normally closed (up one declaration switch); X8 for normally closed (down one declaration switch), with
the other input points from the master control board set normally open. Parameter F25 is the value when the input
point X0-X15 which serves as the 16-bit binary input is connected in 1. There are 16 bit in all, ranging from right
to left.
X 15 X 14 X 13 X 12 X 11 X 10 X 9 X8 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
8 7 6 5
2 +2 +2 +2
Parameter F25=28+27+26+25=480, then F25 becomes 480 by itself. The settings of other parameters under Input
Type can be dealt with accordingly.
F29 Service floor 1, the figure here is one of the 16 floors (1-16), which is allocated to a floor by a 16-bit binary
for 1. The parameter can be set under the menu of Door Blocking by the hand-operator.
F30 Service floor 2, the figure here is one of the 16 floors (17-32), which is allocated to a floor by a 16-bit
binary for 1. The parameter can be set under the menu of Door Blocking by the hand-operator.
F31 Service floor 3, the figure here is one of the 16 floors (33-48), which is allocated to a floor by a 16-bit
binary for 1. The parameter can be set under the menu of Door Blocking by the hand-operator.
With group control or duplex or group control, the floors in service (or blocking the other floors) are preset on
the group control board, the sequence of the floors is based on the floor arrangement of the building as a whole. For
example, A lift serves eight of the 16 floors (1-16) without basement and two of the floors (2, 5) are NOT to be
served, hence the lift is allowed to stop at all floors except Fl.2 and Fl.5.
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
215 + 214 + 213 + 212 + 211 + 210 + 29 + 28 + 27 + 26 + 25 + 23 + 22 + 20
Parameter F29=215+214+213+212+211+210+29+28+27+26+25+23+22+ 20= 216–1 -24-21 65517, here F29 comes out
automatically as 65517. The setting of other floors in service follows the same way.
F32 Selection of the inverter types, setting the type of inverters in use with digital control:
0: iAstar YASKAWA CT FUJI inverter 1 SIMENS inverter 2: KEB inverter 3 MICO inverter
4 SIEI inverter 5 Dietz inverter. The specific digital sequence may refer to the instruction of the inverter
in use.
F35 Fire mode. Fireman service is a parameter for acceptance to determine the mode of fireman service, 0 for
China Standard, 1 for Schindler Suzhou Standard with (the only difference lying in door-closing permitted
in fire-fighting ).
Bit0: 0: ordinary firefighting, 1: Schindler fire mode
Bit1: 0: fireman switch without lift car board; 1: fireman switch with lift car board
Bit2: 0: ordinary firefighting signal display; 1: Shandong firefighting signal display
F36 Brake switch detection mode. After the control system gives out a brake control signal, a normally-closed
contact in the switch is ready for the master control board to detect the preset time for testing delay before
the brake opens by means of the signal. 0 for NO brake switch; 1for being set elsewhere; 2 for being set in
Hong Kong.
F43 Landing call buzzing and flashing by attendant. 0 for neither buzzing nor flashing 1 for buzzing without
flashing 2 for flashing withut buzzing 3 for both buzzing and flashing, all the above with standard
attendant service 4 for waiting with door open, which can be combined with any of 0~3, e.g., 7 for all
buzzing and flashing and waiting with door open together.
F44 Local address for serial communication. 255 for lift in operation or single lift monitoring. If the elevators
are under residential zone monitoring by Port 485 or remote monitoring by Port 232, any one of the lifts in
the bank should have a natural numeral smaller than 255 set for its master board so that the distant PC can
identify its master control PCB. That’s why this parameter varies from one lift to another in the group.
F45 Deceleration distance for single Floor. To be used in digital control. If the traveling speed is smaller than
1.0 m/s, it is the only one distance for speed reduction; when the speed gets greater than 1.5 m/s, it is the
deceleration distance for a single floor.
F46 Deceleration distance for double Floor. To be used in digital control. It is the distance for deceleration for
two or more than two floors when the traveling speed is no greater than 1.75 m/s. When the traveling speed
is 2.0 m/s, it is the deceleration distance for two floors ONLY.
F47 Deceleration distance for triple Floor. To be used in digital control. It is the distance for deceleration for
three or more than three floors when the traveling speed is as fast as 2.0 m/s or F63=2.
F157 Deceleration distance for 4-floor. To be used in digital control.
F158 Deceleration distance for 5 floor. To be used in digital control.
F50 Front door-opening allowed 1. For Fl.1-16 (absolute value of floors) for opening the front door.
F51 Front door-opening allowed 2. For Fl.17-32 (absolute value of floors) for opening the front door.
F52 Front door-opening allowed 3. For Fl.33-48 (absolute value of floors) for opening the front door.
F191 Front door-opening allowed 4. For Fl.49-64 (absolute value of floors) for opening the front door.
F53 Rear door-opening allowed 1. For Fl.1-16 (absolute value of floors) for opening the rear door.
F54 Rear door-opening allowed 2. For Fl.17-32 (absolute value of floors) for opening the rear door.
F55 Rear door-opening allowed 3. For Fl.33-48 (absolute value of floors) for opening the rear door.
With group control or duplex or group control, the floor sequence setting is based on the floor arrangement
of the building as a whole.
F58 Speed curve delay at start, the time delay from opening the brake to giving out the speed curve, is set at 5
by default for 0.5 s.
F59 Brake delay at zero speed,after time F59 brake when lift speed is 0.
F60 KMC testing mode (the 1st contactor), 0 for KMC pre-positioned, always on without testing; 1 and 2 for
KMC pre-positioned, always on with testing against sticking together; 3 for KMC positioned in the rear, off
after every trip with testing against sticking together;
F61 Distance for triggering arrival gong is 1200 by default, the value stands for 1.2 m from the leveling
F62 Time limit for anti-slippage operation is 32s by default setting. If the lift fails to receive any leveling signal
within 32 seconds, it will stop service, reporting Error 25. (The value is defined as between 20 and 45
seconds by GB7588-2003 ).
F63 Setting the step of multi-speed (number from 1 to 5)
F65~ F112 Indication of floors, the figures or symbols in display for Floor 1~48. The option enables man to set
floor indication by B, H and M etc. For instance, with a lift serving FIVE floors, man wants to have the
floor indication B1, -1, 1, H and 3, then the setting should be F65=60 F66=50 F67=1 F68=84 F69=3
With group control or duplex, the indication arrangement should follow the preset floor sequence, see the
example under F11.
F115 Door Opening timeout, It’ll be timeout if opening time is more than F115. Default:15S, Range from
F116 Door closing timeout, It’ll be timeout if closing time is more than F115. Default:15S, Range from
F117 Holding time before forced door closing. The door will remain open by the preset time value once the
HOLD button is pressed.
F118 Holding time for the handicapped, the time during which the door holds open when any handicapped
passenger makes a registration.
F120— Number of registrations an-nuisance, 0 for no anti-nuisance; 1 for triggering by the light gate without light
gate activated for three incessant floors; 2 64 is the range for setting the number of registrations to start
anti-nuisance option.
Chapter IV System Adjustment
4.1.1 It is strongly recommended that all users who purchase and use STEP products should CAREFULLY READ
THIS INSTRUCTION and the instructions on other equipment that works together with this control system by
STEP before system testing and putting the lift system into operation. The testing is to be carried out according to
the instructions and recommended parameters in this INSTRUCTION HANDBOOK in order to avoid any
unexpected losses.
4.1.2 Special attention shall be paid to studying Parameter Setting in detail before system testing and putting the
lift system into operation in order to avoid any unexpected losses.
4.1.3 System testing can ONLY start after ensuring all mechanical components of the system, especially those in
the hoistway are reliably installed, (those installed in the machine room depends on the readiness of the machine
4.1.4 System testing can ONLY start when ensuring all the equipment and devices that should be installed and
tested in advance have been installed and commissioned properly.
4.1.5 The tester who is assigned to the testing task shall be given the confirmation of his responsibilities in testing
by those who are in charge of the installation and testing of the system and other equipment and devices relating to
the lift system.
4.1.6 The tester is supposed to CAREFULLY EXAMINE the mechanical equipment, other equipment and devices
in relation to electric testing work to ensure that they have been properly installed and commissioned.
4.1.7 The tester MUST CAUTIOUSLY EXAMINE the workplace to make sure there is Neither hazards to human
body and/or equipment Nor any unsafe factors such as whatever hidden hazards on the jobsite.
4.1.8 The tester should have the qualification issued by the authority for doing the job in elevator testing.
4.1.9 If you think this INSTRUCTION HANDBOOK is insufficient for you to do the testing, feel free to
CONTACT STEP immediately so that you can get our assistance in time.
4.1.10 Before the testing starts, the tester shall check the field conditions thoroughly in order to decide whether
ALL CONDITIONS ARE MET for the control system testing.
An inspection on the electric parts is a must after the completion of the electric installation of the control system.
4.2.1 Check whether the wire connections between the parts are correct according to the INSTRUCTION and
circuit diagrams.
4.2.2 Check whether there are any misconnections between the high- and low-voltage parts and measure the
resistance between the different-voltage circuits using an AVO meter, making sure the resistance against earth is .
4.2.3 Examine the power supply lines to the control cabinet and motor are correctly done in order to avoid any
damage to the inverter.
4.2.4 Examine the connections to earth from the control cabinet, the casing of motor, the car and the landing doors
respectively, making ensure they are reliable enough for human safety.
notice:the control cabinet and the casing of motor must connect to earth at one point.
4.3 Power up and inspection Switch on the main switch, if the green light on the phase-relay KAP lights up, the phase order is correct; if
NOT, switch off the power supply and exchange connections of any two of the three phases and switch on power
again. Check the voltage levels on the terminals of the isolation transformer TCO in the cabinet to ensure they are
within their normal voltage ranges respectively. When the above checks prove correct, do the following:
(1) Switch on fuses FUn n=1 2 3……
(2) Switch on the power supply control so that the switch power unit TPB (Voltages on the terminals of TPB is
shown in List 4-1 below) is powered on and the master control board starts working.
Notes:iAstar inverter don’t need motor self-learning;phase angle self-learning of synchronous motor needs only
inspection running instead of bridging-up.
4.4.2 Parameters of Master Control PCB
The parameters can be modified or adjusted by the handset. Refer to Chapter III in more detail.
(1) the inspection switch of the control cabinet is turned to “Inspection” position and the car top inpection button
is at “normal” position.
(2) the safe loop and the door-lock loop operate normally. Never make door locks shorted;
(4) check that the transducers are normal after powered up, that its parameters are set properly. and that the
working state of the lift is “ Inspection”;
(5) correctly connect brake lines of traction machine to the terminals in the control cabinet;
(6) wiring of up/down limit switches and up/down forced slow-down switces is normal;
Push the slow-up/down button on control cabinet when inspection running conditions are satisfied, and then the
elevator should moves up or down at the set speed.
(1) Check up or down motion. Observe the operation direction of elevator. If the direction is opposite, change any
two-phase of the asynchronous motor and A/B phase of the encoder; for the synchronous motor, invert the signal
from the main board to the transducer so that it can operate in normal or reversal direction.
(2) Inspect up or down motion. If the motor feed-back speed by the transducer is unstable or obviously different
from the given speed, please change A/B phase of the encoder and start inspection with power up again.
(3) Inspect up or down motion. Observe whether speed displayed on main board is +or-. If the display is opposite,
please change A/B phase of speed feedback port on the main board.
(4) Please affirm that X10(down leveling) actuates first compared to X9(up leveling) through the leveling when
inspecting up leveling of the lift. Please correct it if the order is opposite; otherwise, the hoistway self-tuning can
not be completed successfully.
If the inspection ride is worked out properly from the machine room, try it again on top of the car.
(1) Check the terminal resistor between CAN 1 communication ports TXA+ and TXA- is 60 ohm( in car and hall
each 120 ohm)
(2) Affirm CAN2 communication ports TXA1+ and TXA1- in are parallel or the group control terminal resistor is
60 ohm (only for parallel or group control elevators)
Please set the address of SM-04 board from 1 to the topmost in turn. Please set the address of SM-04 board in car
as 0.
3. Move the gate by hand. Monitor whether signal of openning door to the set position (TX0) and closing door to
the set position (TX1) on the main-board is normal;
6. Push the close door button. Affirm output of the door close relay is normal and the door can be closed properly
until the signal of closing door to the set position activates;
7. Push the open door button. Affirm output of the door open relay is normal and the door can be opened properly
until the signal of opening door to the set position activates.
4. Shaft self-tuning
Hoistway self-tuning is that the elevator works at a self-tuning speed and records the positions of each floor and
switches in the hoistway. The positions of floor are the basis for normal run brake and floor display, so elevator
shaft self-tuning is necessary before high-speed running. Procedures of self-tuning are as follows:
2. Installation and wiring of each switch in the shaft is correct. Traveling cables and outside cables are properly
4. Enter the self-tuning menu via a hand-held programmer and operate as per the menu;
5. Make the elevator in automatic state. Elevator will run down to the bottom at the self-tuning speed, and then run
above to start self-tuning. Hand-held manipulator will show “success of self-tuning” after the successful
completion of self-tuning;
6. If the control system has abnormal phenomena during the self-tuning process, self-tuning will stop. At the same
time, the corresponding fault signal will be sent and the hand-held manipulator will show “failure of self-tuning ”.
3. Enter the self-tuning menu via a hand-held programmer and operate as per the menu;
4. Make the elevator in automatic state. Elevator will run at the self-tuning speed. Hand-held manipulator will
show “success of self-tuning” after the successful completion of self-tuning.
4. High-speed running
Affirm the elevator meets the safe operation conditions when low-speed running is satisfactory. Then start
high-speed trial running after the elevator shaft self-tuning as follows:
(2)With the floor selection interface by activating the MONITOR menu of handheld programmer, you can select
floors for elevator’s trail running: one floor run, double-floor run, multi-floor run and the full floor run.
(3)Affirm the elevator can normally close the door, start-up, accelerate, operate, stop the car, slow down, stop
eliminate the signal and open the door.
2. Safety testing
1) Safe loop
Test requirement: the safe loop relay releases when any safety switch activates;
Test requirement: the door lock relay releases when any hall door lock disconnects and when the car door lock
3) Safe loop relay conglutination protection (not necessary if there is no safe loop relay) .
Test requirement: Push the emergency stop button on the control cabinet to make the safe loop relay release. Press
the safe loop relay by hand. The main-board should be protected and can not be reset automatically;
4) Door lock relay conglutination protection (not necessary if there is no door lock relay)
Test requirement: Press the door lock relay by hand when the door is open. The main-board should be protected
and can not be reset automatically;
Test requirement: Press the band brake contactor by hand when it stops. The main-board should be protected and
can not be reset automatically;
Test requirement: Press the band brake contactor by hand when stop. The main-board should be protected and can
not be reset automatically;
Test requirement: Inspection travel of the elevator in the middle floor. Removal two leveling sensor lines from
console cabinet terminal (Suppose that the leveling signal is normal-open). Turn to normal state. The elevator runs
to the leveling slowly. The main-board should be protected in 45 and can not be reset automatically;
Test requirement: Run the elevator to the middle floor. Remove feedback terminal on the main-board. Inspect one
or two leveling in down motion. Turn to normal state. Plug the feedback terminal in. Register instructions at the
bottom. The elevator runs down at high-speed. When meeting the forced slow-down switch at the bottom, it can
slow down normally to the leveling.
Run the elevator to the middle floor. Remove feedback terminal on the main-board. Inspect one or two leveling in
up motion. Turn to normal state. Plug the feedback terminal in. Register instructions at the top. The elevator runs
up at high-speed. When meeting the forced slow-down switch at the top, it can slow down normally to the
9) Overload function
Test requirement: Elevator overloaded switching action. Elevator should not close the door. The car buzzer should
ring and overload lamp should turn on.
Test requirement: Put 110% load in the car. Reverse TX3 (overload signal) of the main-board, so that overloading
does not work. The elevator can start and brake normally during high-speed running up and down for 40 times;
1) Automatic operation
Test requirement: Register a number of directives in the car, and then the elevator can normally and automatically
close the door, start, stop, eliminate signal and open the door;
Registered a number of up and down directives, and then elevator can stop the car, slow down, eliminate signal
and open the door normally..
2) Attendant operation
Test requirement: Make the car switch in attendant position and register several directives. Press the door close
button continuously. The elevator can close the door, start, stop, eliminate signal and open the door. Register a
number of up and down directives, and then elevator can normally stop the car,slow down, eliminate signal and
open the door.
3) Independent running.
Test requirement: Make the switch in independent position in the car. The elevator should have no display and the
call button is not working. Register directives in the car and press the door close button continuously. The elevator
can close the door, start, stop, eliminate signal and open the door.
4) Fire return
Test requirement: Keep the elevator stop on a non-landing floor and make the fire rundown switch in position
“ON”. It should be immediately closed and return to landing with high-speed to open the door and keep the door
open, all the calls and orders in the car should be invalid;
The elevator runs up at a high-speed and the fire rundown switch in position “ON”. The elevator should stop at
the nearest station and return to the landing at high-speed to open the door and keep the door open, all the calls and
orders in the car should be invalid;
The elevator runs down at a high-speed and make the fire rundown switch in position “ON”. The elevator should
return to the landing directly to open the door and keep the door open, all the calls and orders in the car should be
Test requirement: Make the firemen switch of operation panel in position “ON” after the elevator fire back to the
landing. Register a number of directives and press the close button continuously. The elevator can close the door,
start, stop, eliminate all in-car registrations and does not open the door. The elevator should be opened when
pressing the door open button continuously. Keep the opening state after the door opens.
6) Parallel group control (only for the parallel or group control elevator)
Test requirement: Register a number of signal outside. Control system will deploy the elevators which use the
shortest time to response to the signal outside. When a elevator stop the car, the signal outside on the same floor
should be eliminated at the same time. An elevator should wait on the landing when it is free.
Test requirement: Assume that the elevator stops on a non-landing floor and makes the lock key of landing in a
“lock” position. The elevator should close the door immediately, and should not response to the signal outside.
Return to the landing at a high-speed. Delay to close the door after stopping and opening the door, turn off the light
with no instructions, outside call and display outside;
Assume that the elevator is in operation and makes the lock key of landing in a “lock” position. The elevator
should response to all the instructions one by one, and should not response to the signal outside. Return to landing
with high-speed. Delay to close the door after stop and open the door, turn off the light with no all instruction,
outside call and display outside;
Assume that the elevator stopped at landing floor and made the lock key of landing in a “lock” position. The
elevator should close the door and turn off the light with no all instruction, outside call and display outside;
4.8 Riding Comfort Adjustment
It is possible that the electrical field has not been fully established when the band brake opens. Please increase the
value of the main-board parameters F16 appropriately.
It is possible that PI response of the transducer speed loop is not enough. Please adjust PI parameters at low-speed
part of transducer speed loop to speed up the system response.
2) Pause caused when the elevator starts with valve. It is shown that speed curve havs been given before the band
brake completely opens. Please increase the value of the main-board parameter F58 to make the speed curve give a
long-time delay
3) Some transducers matching synchronous motors need to increase compensation for weighing devices, such as
Yasukawa, Fujitsu converter and so on. They can not start ideally if there is no increase. It is suggested for
allocation of weighing devices and adjustment of transducers’ relevant parameters.
Please adjust the corresponding PI of transducers. If it is a high-frequency vibration, please reduce PI response of
the speed loop, otherwise increase it accordingly.
It is possible that revocation of enabling and direction signal of transducers is earlier than release of band brake.
Please increase the value of the main-board parameters F17 to extend the time of withdrawing the enabling and
2) Pause caused by using band brake when the elevator stops but its speed is not zero.
It is shown that the band brake releases in advance. Please increase the value of the main-board parameters F17 to
Adjustment of the Mechanical Factors
1 The Guiderails
The surface flatness on guiderails
The vertical alignment of guiderails in installation
Treatment of the conjunctions between guiderails
The vertical alignment of and the parallel alignment between the guiderails should be controlled within the
range of the national code (GB) in installation. If the tolerance goes too much beyond the permitted range by the
code, the riding comfort at rated speed will be affected, resulting in shaking and vibration of the car, or sway and
swing of the car in particular sections on the guiderails.
Rough treatment of the guiderail junctions may result in regular step-shakings in particular height on the
With the lifts using novel light-weight car interior decoration, the mass of the car gets lighter, which is
prone to mechanical resonance, especially in the case of high-speed elevators in highrise buildings. The solution is
to attach some fixed load on the car in order to alter the car’s natural frequency so that the mechanical resonance
can be eliminated.
8 Miscellaneous
These may include the parallel alignment of the traction sheave and diverting pulley, and the adjustment of
the braking gaps in operation, etc.
The floor leveling adjustment may start as the adjustment of riding comfort is near finish.
4.9.1 Basic Requirements for Levelling First of all both the door-zone inductors and the plates must be precisely positioned with its bisecting point
in line with the bisected distance between the two door-zone inductors in order to avoid neither higher nor lower
level of the car than the right and desirable leveling position. When using magnetic switches, sufficient inserting length shall be guaranteed in installation in order to
allow for the time needed by the inducting switches to act properly against the higher-up and/or lower-down
phenomenon. To guarantee good leveling, the system calls for a short creeping of the lift before stop. In practice, the adjustment should begin with an intermediate landing until the leveling looks perfect on
that floor. The adjustment on other floors may continue based on the data obtained from the first-done landing. By means of the adjustment in the curve formation, ratio and integral increment, it should be achieved that
the landing position of the lift on the intermediate floor remains the same no matter whether the lift is going up or
down, with a tolerance of ±2 3mm from trip to trip.
right position. Switches of the Terminal landings
If the terminal switches are improperly installed, the leveling accuracy on the terminal landings will be
affected. Take the top landing for example:
The terminal switches on top landings are positioned at a greater distance than they are required for switching
The lift travels to the terminal landing at rated speed and slows down without leveling.
Set the lift into INSPECTION service immediately.
Measure the difference between the sills, which is the distance which should be moved upwards in adjustment.
Likewise the adjustment in downward direction should be done in the dame way.
When using magnetic leveling switches
Ensure enough inserting length of the plate into the leveling switches so that the switches can act effectively
and reliably.
The leveling plate must be mounted in strict vertical alignment to avoid the situation that only of the switches
work properly while the other is left out of the effective working range, which spoils the normal operation of the
When using photocell leveling switches (STEP Serial Port accepts effective low-volt signals.)
It is recommended to have the switches treated in the way below for better performance.
Remove the paint on the shade around the mounting hole in order to make a perfect earth connection of the
photocell’s metal coat via screws, brackets and top of the car. If an earth wire is fixed beneath the fixation nut on
the photocell casing with paint removed, greater reliability in use can be expected.
It is recommended the connection to the car top terminal box via a shielded cable with an earth to it.
Using constant-open photo switches may greatly reduce the extent of being interfered.
In case one of the photo switches flashes in operation causing problems in travel or leveling, it could be
attributed to interference. Attach a capacitor of 0.1 F63V between COM and PS (or PX as shown in the Fig.
Attention: Photocell leveling switches are easily disturbed, it is not an advisable way to repeatedly replace and
that will greatly increase the cost. But if the 4 notes above are adopted, the extent of being interfered
will be greatly reduced.
The leveling plates of every floor should be in alignment with the inductor by the central line for better leveling
performance after recording the floors.
Let the lift go up and down to every floor at normal speed, noting down the difference between the sills. When
going up, the higher car sill is regarded as overleveling whereas the lower car sill as underleveling; when going
down, the lower car sill is regarded as overleveling whereas the higher car sill as underleveling.
In case of the encoder is interfered or it is of poor quality, the leveling performance may also be affected. When
wiring the system, the encoder cables or lines should be laid in a separate trunk from that one in which the power
supply lines are laid.
With the plates re-positioned, let the lift do the self-learning, and write down the leveling
data again.
Single-floor up from F 2 to F N note down the leveling difference as Up(2),Up(3), ... Up(N),
Single-floor down from F N-1 to F l, note down the leveling difference as Dn(N-1),...Dn(2),Dn(1),
1) Calculate the respective leveling difference of the floors,
X(2) = (Up(2) + Dn(2)) / 2;
X(3) = (Up(3) + Dn(3)) / 2;
X(4) = (Up(4) + Dn(4)) / 2;
X(N-1) = (Up(N-1) + Dn(N-1)) / 2;
2) Calculate the current difference value on average XUp, XDn excluding those to the terminal landings
Difference value on average going up, XUp = (Up(2) + Up(3) + ... + Up(N-1)) / (N-2);
Difference value on average going down, XDn = (Dn(2) + Dn(3) + ... + Dn(N-1)) / (N-2);
Intermediate position, pX = (XUp - XDn) / 2;
Note that XUp, XDn and pX are all calculations with ”+/-“ marks.
3) Adjust F56, F57:
F56 = 50 - pX;
F57 = 50 - pX;
4) Make fine leveling adjustment and note down the data in fine adjustment for Fn as L(n):
L(2) = 20 - X(2)
L(3) = 20 - X(3)
L(n) = 20 - X(n)
L(N-1) = 20 - X(N-1)
Finally calculate the value in fine adjustment for the terminal landings.
1. If the following parameters are set improperly, the leveling can not be adjusted well.
Inspect F21 ( adjustment of the leveling sensor will be delayed). Factory default setting: 6 mm. The elevator can be
set to 6mm using the photoelectric leveling sensor below the speed of 1.75m/s.
High-speed elevators (3.0m/s or above) can be set to 10mm using the photoelectric leveling sensor.
High-speed elevators (5.0m/s or above) can be set to 16mm using the photoelectric leveling sensor.
Leveling fine tuning The Leveling fine tuning on every floor is set to factory default setting 20 mm.
2. Encoder interference
1) The encoder shielding line accepts a disturbance of power line because it is not grounded or the signal line and
power line are not separated. This problem is more serious at the synchronous motor scene. The signal of the
Sincos encoder or rotary transformer is small analog signal, and is more vulnerable to interference. It is shown as
the random and erratic non-leveling.
2) Inspection method: Record the elevator shaft data after self-tuning (from down station to up station), ,then
restart self-tuning and record shaft data accordingly. Compare these data collected during the self-tuning. The
position error of corresponding floors is no more than 3 mm. (Generally they are the same or the difference is + -
1mm) It is considered as the encoder interference or traction sheave slippage when the error is more than 3 mm.
3) Solutions:
a) Make sure the electrical grounding line has been connected from the motor to the control cabinet.
b) Make sure the shielding line of PG card from the encoder to the transducer has been grounded at the transducer
end. Check whether there is a connection between the cable terminations; if so, make sure that both ends of the
shielding line are grounded.
Warning: Special attention should be given to the middle joins of Sincos encoder line of the synchronous motor!!
c) Make sure the encoder line from PG card to encoder line of the main-board has been grounded
d) Make sure the encoder line is far away from the power line and break resistor line (the encoder line should be
covered with flexible conduit if they are in the same wireway )
e) Make sure it is connected from PG card 0V to the main-board 0V. (Particularly when A +, A-, B +, B- ouput is
used at multi-segment speeds)
1) Phenomenon: The leveling is not correct when the elevator runs with no-load or full-load, or when the up and
down leveling is inconsistent. It is accurate when it runs at half-load.
2) Inspection method: On any floor(Assumption it is the third floor) mark signal line with chalk between the
traction sheave and the rope. Return to the third floor after runing single round-trip (from the third floor to the
fourth floor, from the fourth floor to the third floor). Check error distance between signal line of traction sheave
and rope (requested less than 5 mm); this error is the single slippage distance error. Run 2 times when there is
Slippage error in the no-load and full-load situation. Slippage error which is greater than 5 mm must be resolved.
3) Solutions:
a) Before and after the car decoration it may vary around 200 Kg. Is Car decoration completed now? Is the current
balance coefficient right? If we can not confirm console cabinet load to half load, Ping-error?
b) High-speed elevators can not solve the slippage problem, the following two approaches are:
(1)Install the encoder at the side of the governor to offer the position feedback of the main-board.
(2)Absorp the slippage error by creeping. Set F24 = 2(Analog with creep) or F24 = 0(Multi-speed operation)
DC speed regulator or synchronous motor with no gear may overshoot because of having no reducer, especially
Mentor II DC governor. It uses the encoder to feedback and the characteristic is soft. Recommend the use of guns
generators. Do not band brake at zero rate before parking, and then another rate, have non-zero-speed band brake
for the Performance.
1) Inspection method: Check the elevator band brake situation when it is parked. If it is found that speed of
elevators slow down to zero, escalators do not have a band brake, and then begin to have speed, and then hold the
band brake with speed, which shows that the elevator has overshoot.
2) Solution: Adjust PI parameters of the governor speed loop PI to eliminate the overshoot data.
5. Ensure adequate insertion depth when using the magnetic reed sensor. Check whether the leveling insert plate
on each floor is inserted into the red line of sensor, and flashboard on each floor is installed tilt.
6. When the length of leveling insert plate is inconsistent, flashboard on the second floor is the length of the
benchmark. The length of flashboard on other floors requirements to be the same with the second floor, otherwise
may cause problems of flashboard.
4. Simple commissioning diagram
Commissioning Process
Chapter V Trouble Diagnosis
The Lock Drops off in Operation The lock is missing in operation although the safety circuit is
02 (Emergency Stop) there.
Check when power on or after the self-learning travel: the
deceleration switch for single-floor up is positioned higher than
3/5 of the rise of the top floor.
Check when power on or after the self-learning travel: the
deceleration switch for single-floor up is positioned lower than the
shortest decelerating distance.
Check in lift operation: the deceleration switch for single-floor up
is positioned 100 mm lower than the one positioned for
Positioning Errors of Check in lift operation: the deceleration switch for single-floor up
Deceleration Switches 1 for is positioned 150 mm higher than the one positioned for
Going-up self-learning.
Check when the lift is stopped: the deceleration switch for
single-floor up is positioned 100 mm lower than the one
positioned for self-learning.
Check when the lift is stopped: the deceleration switch for
single-floor up is positioned 150 mm higher than the one
positioned for self-learning and it fails to activate.
When in automatic control up deceleration switch and down
deceleration switch are activate at the same time but the lift is not
at the top floor
Check when power on or after the self-learning travel: the
deceleration switch for single-floor down is positioned lower than
3/5 of the rise of the top floor.
Check when power on or after the self-learning travel: the
deceleration switch for single-floor down is positioned higher than
the shortest decelerating distance.
Check in lift operation: the deceleration switch for single-floor
down is positioned 100 mm higher than the one positioned for
Positioning Errors of Check in lift operation: the deceleration switch for single-floor
11 Deceleration Switches 1 for down is positioned 150 mm lower than the one positioned for
Going-down self-learning.
Check when the lift is out of service: the deceleration switch for
single-floor down is positioned 100 mm higher than the one
positioned for self-learning.
Check when the lift is stopped: the deceleration switch for
single-floor down is positioned 150 mm lower than the one
positioned for self-learning and it fails to activate.
When in automatic control up deceleration switch and down
deceleration switch are activate at the same time but the lift is not
at the bottom floor.
Positioning Errors of Check when power on or after the self-learning travel: the
12 Deceleration Switches TWO for deceleration switch for double-floor up is positioned higher than
Going-up 3/5 of the rise of the floor, in which it is located.
Check in lift operation: the deceleration switch for double-floor up
is positioned 150 mm lower than the one for double-floor up
positioned for self-learning.
Check in lift operation: the deceleration switch for double-floor up
is positioned 250 mm higher than the one for double-floor up
positioned for self-learning.
Check when the lift is stopped: the deceleration switch for
triple-floor down is positioned 250 mm lower than the one for
triple-floor down positioned for self-learning and it fails to
Only one-step or two-step deceleration switches are installed but
set as three-step deceleration switches (See F182).
Check when power on or after the self-learning travel: the
deceleration switch for triple-floor down is positioned lower than
3/5 of the rise of the floor, in which it is located.
Check in lift operation: the deceleration switch for triple-floor
down is positioned 250 mm higher than the one for triple-floor
down positioned for self-learning.
Check in lift operation: the deceleration switch for triple-floor
down is positioned 300 mm lower than the one for triple-floor
Positioning Errors of
down positioned for self-learning.
15 Deceleration Switches THREE for
Check when the lift is stopped: the deceleration switch for
triple-floor down is positioned 250 mm higher than the one for
triple-floor down positioned for self-learning.
Check when the lift is stopped: the deceleration switch for
triple-floor down is positioned 250 mm lower than the one for
triple-floor down positioned for self-learning and it fails to
Only one-step or two-step deceleration switches are installed but
set as three-step deceleration switches (See F182).
Check when power on or after the self-learning travel: the
deceleration switch for quadruple-floor up is positioned higher
than 3/5 of the rise of the floor, in which it is located.
Check in lift operation: the deceleration switch for double-floor up
is positioned 150 mm lower than the one for double-floor up
positioned for self-learning.
Check in lift operation: the deceleration switch for double-floor up
Positioning Errors of is positioned 250 mm higher than the one for double-floor up
16 Deceleration Switches FOUR for positioned for self-learning.
Going-up Check when the lift is stopped: the deceleration switch for
double-floor up is positioned 150 mm lower than the one for
double-floor up positioned for self-learning.
Check when the lift is stopped: the deceleration switch for
double-floor up is positioned 200 mm higher than the one for
double-floor up positioned for self-learning and it fails to activate.
Only one-step, two-step or three-step deceleration switches are
installed but set as four-step deceleration switches (See F182).
Positioning Errors of Check when power on or after the self-learning travel: the
17 Deceleration Switches FOUR for deceleration switch for double-floor down is positioned lower than
Going-down 3/5 of the rise of the floor, in which it is located.
Check in lift operation: the deceleration switch for double-floor
down is positioned 150 mm higher than the one for double-floor
up positioned for self-learning.
Check in lift operation: the deceleration switch for double-floor
down is positioned 250 mm lower than the one for double-floor
down positioned for self-learning.
Check when the lift is stopped: the deceleration switch for
double-floor down is positioned 150 mm higher than the one for
double-floor down positioned for self-learning.
Check when the lift is stopped: the deceleration switch for
double-floor down is positioned 200 mm lower than the one for
double-floor down positioned for self-learning and it fails to
Only one-step, two-step or three-step deceleration switches are
installed but set as four-step deceleration switches (See F182).
Door open limit and close limit
19 both of door open and close limit switch activated more the 1.5S
If the value of feedback goes under the permitted speed for 0.5 s,
Error 24 is recorded.
If the reference speed is under 0.5 m/s, the permitted speed =
24 Under-speeding
Reference Speed - 0.25m/s.
If the reference speed is over0.5m/s, the permitted speed = 0.5 x
Reference Speed.
The up-leveling switch fails to work after the lift slows down
27 Failure in Up-leveling Switch
ready for stop.
If the up-leveling switch overrides the max. Effective or the
ineffective distance in protection, Error 27 is recorded.
If the length of the leveling vane < 300 mm, the max. Effective
distance in protection = 4 x 300 mm.
If the length of the leveling vane > 300 mm, the max. Effective
distance in protection= 4 x Length of the Leveling Vane.
If the max. Number of floors < 3, the max. Ineffective distance in
protection = 1.5 x the Greatest Distance between Floors.
If the max. Number of floors > 3, the max. Ineffective distance in
protection = 2.5 x the Greatest Distance between Floors.
32 Safety Circuit Breaks off The safety circuit breaks off when the lift runs in service.
No output from relay KMY on master control PCB, but an input
signal is detected by terminal detecting (a stuck-up in KMY
36 Output Contactor Contact Stuck-up
An output from relay KMY on master control PCB is detected, but
no input signal is detected by terminal detecting (closing-up failure
in KMY contactor).
The signal of door-opening position limit works and the door-lock
37 Door-lock Contact Stuck-up
signal is detected.
Disaccord Failure of High voltage Disaccordance of High voltage detection point between car door
54 betweencar door and landing door and landing door lock more than 1.5 seconds;
lock X27 is on but X28 off;X28 is off but X27 on.
Too long or too short Leveling vane.(length of leveling vane +
distance of leveling switches)/2 is less than 100mm or more than
Undesirable Failure in Length of
68 self-learning leveling vane and the
Too long or too short leveling zone.( length of leveling vane -
distance of leveling switch
distance of leveling switches)/2 is less than 10mm or more than
Disaccord Failure between number
Total number of floor=predetermined number(F11) + offset
69 of self-learning leveling vanes and
total number of floor
I. 1 General
Hand-held operator is introduced from Germany into STEP, and it is the tool designed specially for the
commissioning and maintenance of STEP elevator control system. It contains two parts with LCD display and film
button. And the main functions are described below:
Elevator status window
The following elevator status can be monitored by LCD display on the Elevator status window:
a) Auto, inspection, attendant, fire, test, etc;
b) Single control or group control;
c) Running times of elevator;
d) Elevator position of floor;
e) Running direction of elevator;
a) Speed Curve: Running speed and speed curve
b) Error Record: Error number, floor and time
c) Shaft Data: Shaft data of the elevator
d) Output&Input: Output and input status
e) Version: Operator and main board program name.
Para Setup
According to the Para. Setup menu, you can browse and set elevator parameters:
a) Para. F: Browse and set all F parameters of elevator;
b) Main Para.: Browse and set the usually used parameters;
c) Lift Model: Sorting menu about lift model;
d) S Curve: Parameters about running curve
e) Motor Model: Parameters only used in STEP Integrated Elevator Machine;
f) PID Adjust: Parameters only used in STEP Integrated Elevator Machine;
g) Flr. Disp.: Browse and set floor display code;
h) Test Run: Test run related parameters;
i) Dr. Motor: Door zone, open or close door delay parameters;
j) Level Adj: Up level and down level value and inaccuracy;
k) Lvl.Micro Adj: Can set the level micro adjust value every floor;
l) Input Type: Browse and set main board and car board input;
m) Service Flr.: Browse and set Service floor, NS-SW floor;
n) Dr open Allow: Set front and rear door weather can open or not;
o) Upload to MB: Upload parameters in operator to main board;
p) Download to OP: Download main board parameters to operator.
Before the course of upload and download, users must input correct check code.
Call Func.
In this status, users can call or register instructions by operator.
Shaft Teach
This command can make elevator to do shaft teaching and record the position value every floor.
Motor Teach
This Function only used in the STEP Integrated Elevator Machine;
Reset the F parameters, error records and running times. Before the course of reset, users must input correct
check code.
Time Setup
Set main board time by this menu.
Chg. Pwd.
Change main board password by this menu. The current password can change itself and lower grade password.
Transfer to the login window by this menu, and users should login main board again.
I. 2 Connection
The connection of hand held operator and main board is the standard one of RS232, and USB plug is used on
operator side, (note: there are two ports under operator with RS232 and CAN communication, and please refer to
picture I. 2 for details), D type 9-pin plug is used on main board side with the connection wire of SM-08/USB.
The following schematic drawing is taken the connection of main board F5021 and hand held operator as an
example, and for the other types of main board , please refer to the relevant handbook of main board for
1. The power of hand held operator is supplied by main board, so please confirm if the RS232 port
of main board can supply this function. A jumper is needed to be set for power supply function
for some main board and please refer to the instruction manual of relevant main board.
2. There are two ports under the operator with RS232 and CAN communication, please confirm
RS232 port is connected, otherwise the communication is fail( CAN communication port is
spared for commissioning of car later).
3. This operator supports hot plug and insert.
4. Avoid shock, fall or use in bad environment.
I. 3 Instruction of Operation
Please refer to the following picture of operator figure, and the detailed instruction of keys in table I.1.
Key function explanation:
Key Function
Access 2. Enter input & output inquiry window when it is call elevator window.
key 3. Enter call elevator window when it isn’t error record window or call elevator
3. Move up by 16 items
I. 3.2 Instruction of windows
Refer to the following table for the main windows displayed on operator
Start window This is the first window when power is on with the right connection.
The operator software version is in the third line and the main board software
version is in the fourth line.
N01F3TV092 Press and to adjust the resolution of LCD in this
window with the digital display in the first line.
Note: some main board software allows users to browse data without
Elevator status Press F1 to return to this window if not in error record window after login. It
includes the following contents in this window:
Auto, inspection, attendant, fire, etc.
Single or group status
Floor position of elevator
Running direction of elevator
Running speed of elevator
Running status of elevator
Note: the operation instructed below take this window as the first window
Function selection This window contains the following functions: monitor, parameters setup, call,
shaft teaching, reset, time set, password change, re-login, etc, and there are
Fun. Select
sub-windows in some functions.
Para. Setup
Detailed function Press Enter key to enter the sub-window of the detailed functions, and they
can be browsed and modified, please refer to the next content for details.
I.3.2.2 Operations from power on to elevator status window
Please refer to the following steps to browse the elevator status after the correct connection:
Elevator Status
Take the operation of login as an example: (initial password is 1234, you’d better change the initial password)
Press 4 times
Press 3 times
Press 2 times
2 34
Press F1 key to return elevator status window if is not in error record window. Users can select function
following the below picture:
Picture I.4 changing between function
Press Enter key after users select one function to enter the relevant detailed function window.
I.3.2.4 How to browse the monitor window
Fun. Select
1 Enter function selection window
Para. Setup
2 Enter secondary window
Speed Curve
Fault Record
4 Press and to select upper or lower item
Fault Record
Shaft Data
No. 0
Err. Code 35
3 Browse error recorder
Floor 4
Date 0610011330
No. 1
Err. Code 11
4 and are used for page down and page up.
Floor 7
Date 0610021530
Fun. Select
1 Enter function selection window
Para. Setup
Fun. Select
Para. Setup
Call Func.
Para. Setup
3 Enter secondary window
Para. F
Main Para.
:Number increase 1
:Number decrease 1
I/O type, service floor, door blocking contain only two status with ON and OFF, and press and key can
move by 16.
Now take setting of X17 from NO to NC as an example:
Step Key Display Remark
Normal Simplex
=== 00000088 ===
- Elevator status window
1 Floor 0.00m/s
Door Locked
Fun. Select
1 Enter function selection window
Para. Setup
Fun. Select
Para. Setup
Call Func.
Para. Setup
3 Enter secondary window
Para. F
Main Para.
Para. Setup
Input Type
Service Flr.
Press 11 times
Para. Setup
5 I 0 = 481
Input Type X0-15
Para. Setup
6 I 1 = 4
Input Type X16-32
When set Input Type NC specifies normal close, and NO specifies normal open
When set Service Flr., ON specifies allowed to stop, OFF specifies not allowed to stop;
When set Dr. Open Allow, ON specifies allowed to open, OFF specifies not allowed to open.
In this function window the registered hall call and car instruction can be observed; what’s more, they can be
registered by operator directly, it is very helpful for debug elevator on jobsite.
Hall call and car instruction can be registered only in Normal mode. Now take registering up hall call of floor
3 as an example:
Normal Simplex
=== 00000088 ===
- Elevator status window
1 Floor 0.00m/s
Door Locked
Fun. Select
1 Enter function selection window
Para. Setup
Fun. Select
Call Func.
Shaft Teach In
Press 2 times
1 Call 1Flr.
1 Call 1Flr.
1 Call 3Flr.
5 press
2 times DOWN
1 Call 3Flr.
Table I.7 how to register hall call
There are functions of shaft teaching, auto running, reset, time setup, change password, re-login in the first menu,
Normal Simplex
=== 00000088 ===
- Elevator status window
1 Floor 0.00m/s
Door Locked
Fun. Select
1 Enter function selection window
Para. Setup
Fun. Select
Time Setup
Press 5 times
Reset Para. F
Reset Err. Code
6 Reset successfully
The time set is a little different with F parameter set, now take time set of year 2006, month 10, date 10,
hour 15, minute 20 as an example:
Step Key Display Remark
Fun. Select
1 Enter function selection window
Para. Setup
Fun. Select
Time Setup
Chg. Password
Press 6 times
Time Setup
3 06Y 10M 01D
Time Setup
5 06Y 10M 01D1
press 2 times 09:20:30
Time Setup
6 06Y 10M 10D0
Press 9 times 09:20:30
Time Setup
8 06Y 10M 10D
Press 6 times
In this operator, it used , , (F1, F2, F3) as three access key, users can enter error record
window, elevator status window, call function window, Input&Output window and speed curve quickly. To use
access key flexible will be very convenient for the user to configure elevator.
Enter elevator status window quickly by press F1 when it is not elevator status window. For example, it can return
to elevator status window from parameter setup window by press F1, like table I.10:
Step Key Display Remark
Para. F
- F0 = 0.550m/s2 parameter setup window
Enter error record window quickly by press F1 when it is elevator status window.
Step Key Display Remark
Normal Simplex
=== 00000088 ===
- elevator status window
1 Floor 0.00m/s
Door Locked
2. Enter input and output window quickly by press F2 when it is the call function window.
Step Key Display Remark
1 Call 1Flr.
- call function window
------------------------ input and output window
X2 Inspect Down
3.Enter call function window by press F2 except error record window and call function window. Now take
parameter setup menu for example, press F2 enter call function window.
Para. Setup
Para. F
Main Para.
1 Call 1Flr.
call function window
Table I.14 enter the call function window by press F2
Enter speed curve window at any window by press F3. Take call function for example,
Step Key Display Remark
1 Call 1Flr.
- call function window
Handset classifies the parameter F in order to make it convenient for testers and then the testers can set and
browse the lift parameters with the “parameter F” list or sorting menu.
I.4.1 Parameter F
“Parameter F” list includes all the parameters of master board like “List 3-1 the Description of Parameters” in
chapter III.
“Main parameters” list includes the usually used parameters like List I.16.
Paranumber Parameter Description Paranumber Parameter Description
F6 Rated speed F17 Brake closing delay
F7 Rated rotations of motor F23 Group mode
F8 Encoder Pulses F24 Drive mode
F10 Floor offset F32 Inverter type
F11 No. of Floor F165 testing traveling
F12 Inspection Speed F181 Group address
Steps of speed reduction
F13 Relevelling Speed F182
F16 Brake delay F183 Speed at self-learning
List I.16 Main parameters
I.4.3Lift Model
Users can set the parameters relevant to lift model with classified parameter or parameter F.For example,users
can set B2 directly as well as by F11.Now take B0 as an example:
Step Key Display Remark
Para. Setup
2 Fun. Select
Para. Setup
Call Func.
Para. F
Main Para.
Press 4 times
:Browse last parameter
:Browse next parameter
Press 2 times B2 = 3
No. of Floor
:Browse next 10 parameters
:Number increase 1
:Number decrease 1
:Move to a high bit
10 Para.F
B2 = 12
No. of Floor
List I.18 Classified parameters
I.4.4 S Curve
Paranumber Parameter Description Paranumber Parameter Description
E5 Rated current of motor E13 Pre-loading type
E6 Max output torque E14 Motor Rotation Reversed
Frequency of difference in
List I.20 Motor Model
Setting methods of parameter E and B are nearly the same.Users can do setting with “Motor Model” in
classified list or corresponding parameter F.
Setting methods of parameter C and B are nearly the same.Users can do setting with “PID Adjustment” in
classified list or corresponding parameter F.Parameter C is only valid when allocated with STEP Integrate Elevator
In “Floor Display” list one can browse and set the codes of 1 to 64 floor.
“Test Run” list includes parameters like I.22:
Paranumber Parameter Description Paranumber Parameter Description
T0 Times of automatic running T3 Leveling plates adjusting running
Interval between automatic
T1 T4 testing running
List I.22 Test Run
Paranumber Parameter Description Paranumber Parameter Description
G0 Separate door control G2 Door-closing delay 1
Holding door-opening/closing
G1 G3 Door-closing delay 2
List I.23 Door Motor Model
Leveling micro adjustment: Set the leveling micro adjust value of 1 to 64 floor
Input Type Set normally open or closed status of input point on master board operating by bits.
I0: Input Type X0 X15
I1: Input Type X16 X32
I2: Input Type TX0 15
I3: Input Type TX16 32
ON means normally closed OFF means normally open instruction of every input point see the Master Board
Service Floor Set the floors whether the lift can land at and the NS-SW floor.
L0: Landing floor 1 16
L1: Landing floor 17 32
L2: Landing floor 33 48
L3: Landing floor 49 64
L4: NS SW 1 16
L5: NS SW 17 32
L6: NS SW 33 48
L7: NS SW 49 64
ON means allowing landing or enabling NS-SW function OFF means not.
Door-Open Allowance
M0: Front Door-Opening Allowance 1 16
M1: Front Door-Opening Allowance 17 32
M2: Front Door-Opening Allowance 33 48
M3: Front Door-Opening Allowance 49 64
M4: Rear Door-Opening Allowance 1 16
M5: Rear Door-Opening Allowance 17 32
M6: Rear Door-Opening Allowance 33 48
M7: Rear Door-Opening Allowance 49 64
Parameters of Input Type,Service Floor and Door-opening Allowance are operating by bits like “Input Type
Setting” in Chapter III.Parameters in this list can be setting by sorting menu or Parameter F.Take M1-front
door-opening allowance 17 to 32 for example like List I.25:
Monitor window
Para. Setup
2 Fun. Select
Para. Setup
Call Func.
Para. F
Main Para.
4 Select Door-opening
Allowed window
Press 13 times
M 1 = 4 value is enabled.
17th Floor = OFF
9 Rear Allow 16-32 18th Floor is set as Rear
M 1 = 6 Door-opening Allowed
18th Floor = ON
List I.25
Other bit parameters can also be set by sorting menu or parameter F just like the method above.
Asynchronous iAstar-S3A Wiring Diagram
II. Lists of Inverter Parameters
Fixed version Version of software, press Enter with 99.99 to load default 441.34 Read-only
by ex-works, with 99.98 to delete error log;88.88 for no Version
detection ;88.89 for inverter fan detection signification:
1st bit:voltage sort:
4 400V;
2 = 200V
2nd bit:
hardware version;
4th and 5th software
A02 Language 0 English; 1 Chinese 1
Motor phasing Set motor phasing type: 0
0:nomal mode
3:phasing finished(after phasing completed,auto
change to be 3)
4:phasing commend
7:for sincos encoder,save encoder identification
data commend
9 sincos encoder identification data commend
10encoder identification state flag(when
identifying,auto change to be 10 )
Mode of operation Set inverter speed given mode 1
0: digital;
A04 1: analogy voltage AT1 speed given
2 standy-by
3: analogy current AT3 speed given
B01 Rated Power Rated power of the inverter Read only
B02 Rated output current Rated current of the inverter Read only
Holding time of zero Delay between zero speed and the inverter cutting output 0 Unit:5ms
speed when stop
=0:no delay,output by main circuit of initiation
>0:setting the holding time of zero speed
Zero speed ref. 1 Setting the zero speed judging threshold of B3 and used for 3 Unit:mm/s
B04 the first judging threshold when switch-generated data
outputs G=8 or 108.
Zero speed ref. 2 Setting the speed and used for the second judging threshold 40 Unit:mm/s
when switch-generated data outputs G=8 or 108.
Detected frequency Setting the frequency and used for the judging threshold 200 Unit:mm/s
when switch-generated data outputs G=1 or 101.
Delay for inverter Delay between the output contactor closes and the inverter 1 Unit:5ms
output outputs as well as the motor excites when start
B08 Delay for contactor Delay between zero speed and the output contactor open 0 Unit:5ms
opening when stop
Encoder signal 0:specific managing model to SIN/COS signal 2
managing model 2:normal model
System data Inner used 0 Not provided for
Normal users
Speed selection of 0: Speed selection of synchronous moto 0
synchronous motor 1: Speed selection of synchronous motor<100rpm
AI1 analogy input Relevant to the analogy voltage input when the referred 10000 Unit:mV
B12 limit speed is the max speed.When the input voltage is higher
than this value,the referred speed is also the max speed.
Adjuster model 0:synchronous motors with traveling speed 2m/s or above 1
1:asynchronous motors or synchronous ones with traveling
speed below 2m/s
2,3,4:improve the noise of synchronous motors
Time for ensuring Delay between the brake contactor actsand the detection 0 Unit:5ms
brake signal gets valid.This parameter is used for detecting
failures of contactor.It will be judged as failure If there’s
no valid signal during the delay.
Brake open delay Delay between the inverter outputs as well as the motor Unit:5ms
excites and the contactor closes as well as the brake opens.
Brake act delay Delay between zero speed and the contactor opens as well Unit:5ms
as the brakeacts.
System data Inner used Not provided for
Normal users
C01 Ratio for zero speed E13 0, when C02>0, for use during C14. 100.00 130
Integral for zero Hold default loaded, may set the value after inspection 0.00 80
speed travel.
C03 Ratio for low speed Working frequency F1, motor at driving. 110.00 60/140
C04 Integral for low speed Working frequency F1, motor at driving. 10.00 35/45
C05 Ratio for low speed Working frequency F1, motor at braking. 110.00 60/90/100
C06 Integral for low speed Working frequency F1, motor at braking. 10.00 35
Ratio for 120.00 100
C07 When F1<Working frequency F2.
intermediate speed
Integral for 15.00 20/25
C08 When F1<Working frequency F2.
intermediate speed
C09 Ratio for high speed When Working frequency > F2. 100.00 160/180
Integral for high 10.00 5
C10 When Working frequency > F2.
C11 Switch in speed 1 Switch in low speed 0.50
C12 Switch in speed 2 Switch in high speed 25.00
C13 Current loop gain% Normally no adjustment is necessary. 65.00 1for synchronization
Zero servo time for The interval between Enable takes effect and
C14 0.800
time optimization. the speed curve is given out.
D01 Acceleration Acceleration 0.650m/s2
D02 Deceleration Deceleration 0.650m/s2
D03 Creeping speed Creeping speed at low speed 0.012
D04 S-curve (acc.1) Acceleration initial jerk 0.650m/s3
D05 S-curve (acc.2) Acceleration end jerk 0.650m/s3
D06 S-curve (dec.1) Deceleration initial jerk 0.650m/s3
D07 S-curve (dec.2) Deceleration end jerk 0.650m/s3
D08 Creeping time Time required for creeping at low speed 0
D09 Max. speed The rated speed * by lift specification
D10 Mode of curve 0: normal;1: direct landing 0
D11 Speed Ref.0 Multi-stage speed 0 0.000
D12 Speed Ref.1 Multi-stage speed 1 0.145
D13 Speed Ref.2 Multi-stage speed 2 0.030
D14 Speed Ref. Multi-stage speed 3 0.040 creeping
D15 Speed Ref.4 Multi-stage speed 4 0.290 inspection
D16 Speed Ref.5 Multi-stage speed 5 1.000 single-floor
D17 Speed Ref.6 Multi-stage speed 6 1.500 double-floor
D18 Speed Ref.7 Multi-stage speed 7 1.750 multi-floor
E01 Mode of control 0: asynchronous; 1: synchronous 0
E02 Polarities of motor Number of poles in motor * refer to motor label
Frequency of dif-
E07 (SyncRot-RatedRot)/SyncRot*RatedFreq 1.40
ference in rotation
A List of Error Codes
Wiring Diagram
II.2 Yaskawa Inverter G7
No. Records Name Data Design Ver. V1.0
Ref.Graph No. Graph No. 10E220101
1 Collate
2 Check Page 1
Drive Circuit(G7)
3 Data Total 1
A List of Parameters (G7)
Function Parameter value Remarks
Code analogy digital
A1-00 Language in display 0* 0*
A1-01 User priority for parameters 2 2
A1-02 Mode of control 3* 3* 2 for open loop
B1-01 Speed reference 1* 0* 0 for multi-stage speed reference
B1-03 Way of stop 1* 1*
C1-01 Acceleration time 1 0* 2.5**
C1-02 Deceleration time 1 0* 2.5**
C1-09 Emergency stop time 1* 1*
C2-01 Acceleration initial jerk 0* 1.2*
C2-02 Acceleration end jerk 0* 0.8*
C2-03 Deceleration initial jerk 0* 0.8*
C2-04 Deceleration end jerk 0* 1.0*
C5-01 ASR ratio increment 1 15** 15**
C5-02 ASR integral time 1 0.5** 0.5**
C5-03 ASR ratio increment 2 40** 40**
C5-04 ASR integral time 1 0.5** 0.5**
C5-07 ASR switching frequency 10** 10**
C6-02 Carry frequency 15** 15**
D1-01 Frequency directory 1 0 0
D1-02 Frequency directory 2 0 0
D1-03 Frequency directory 3 0 0
D1-04 Frequency directory 4 0 1.5** creeping speed
D1-05 Frequency directory 5 0 10.0** inspection speed
D1-06 Frequency directory 6 0 30** single-floor speed
D1-07 Frequency directory 7 0 40** double-floor speed
D1-08 Frequency directory 8 0 50** multi-floor speed
E1-01 Voltage of power supply input 400** 400**
E1-04 Max frequency of output 50** 50**
E1-05 Max voltage 380** 380**
E1-06 Base frequency 50** 50**
E1-09 Min frequency of output 0* 0*
E2-01 Rated current of motor refer to brand label on motor
Rated difference in rotation refer to brand label on motor
of motor
E2-03 Motor current on empty load 35-40% of the rated current
E2-04 Polarities of motor refer to brand label on motor
Resistance between
E2-05 Parameters for Parameters for
motor wirings
E2-06 Electric leakage of motor motor motor
E2-07 Core satiation factor 1 of motor Self-learning Self-learning
E2-08 Core satiation factor 2 of motor
E2-09 Mechanical loss of motor
Function Remarks
Description value
analogy Digital
E2-11 Rated capacity of motor
F1-01 constant 600* 600* refer to the encoder
F1-02 Act when PG break-off is detected 0* 0*
F1-03 Act when over-speed is detected 0* 0*
Act when excessive deviation is 0* 0*
F1-05 PG direction of rotation 0 0
F1-06 PG ratio of frequency shunt 1 1
F1-09 Time to detect over-speed 1* 1*
Wiring Diagram
II.3 Siei Inverter(Synchronous)
No. Records Name Data Design Ver. V1.0
Ref.Graph No. Graph No. 10E220137
1 Collate
2 Check Page 1
Drive Circuit(SIEI)
3 Data Total 1
About Inverter Parameters (Siei Synchronous)
It is recommended in SIEI Instruction that HEIDENHAIN 1387 encoder should be used for PMS traction machines.
Description Parameters Remarks
Startup\Startup Config\Load default
Startup\Startup Config\Load saved
Startup\Save config
Travel\Speed profile
Smooth start spd ___mm/s
Multi speed 0 ___mm/s
Multi speed1 75mm/s half-speed for inspection
Multi speed 2 50mm/s speed for re-leveling with the door open
Travel\Ramp profile
MR0 acc ini jerk 500rpm/s2
MR0 acceleration 700rpm/s
MR0 acc end jerk 800rpm/s2
MR0 dec ini jerk 600rpm/s2
MR0 deceleration 700rpm/s
MR0 dec end jerk 500rpm/s2
MR0 end decel 300rpm/s2
Travel\Lift swquence
Cont close delay 200ms
Brake open delay 0ms
Smooth start dly 0ms
Brake close dly 200ms
Cont open delay 200ms
Door open speed 100mm/s
Travel\Speed reg gains
SpdP1 gain% 7% for high speed
SpdI1 gain% 1.2% for high speed
SpdP2 gain% 13% for intermediate speed
SpdI2 gain% 3.2% for intermediate speed
SpdP3 gain% 13% for low speed
SpdI3 gain% 3.2% for low speed
Spd 0 enable Enable as start
Spd 0 P gain% 16%
Spd 0 I gain% 20%
Sfbk der base 1000ms
Sfbk der filter 5ms
Prop filter 3ms
Description Parameters Remarks
Travel\Speed thresholds
Spd 0 ref thr 1rpm
Spd o ref delay 100ms
Spf 0 seed thr 0rpm
Spd 0 spd delay 500ms
SGP tran21 h thr 15%
SGP tran32 I thr 1%
SGP tran21 band 2%
SGP tran32 band 2%
Travel\Ramp function
Ramp out enable Enabled Disable for analogical reference
Speed ref src/speed ref inv src NULL/DOWN with travel-down if set
1. Steps of self-learning
Enter STARTUP/SETUP MODE/Autotune/Complete still;
Have KMB,KMC,KMY closed when Press I key is on display, give Enable and Direction and press I Key on
the inverter;
With End on display, cancel Enable and Direction;
Run Load setup.
2. Steps of Magnetic field phasing
Enter REGULATION PAPAM\Flux config\Magnetiz config\Autophasing;
Have KMB, KMC, KMY closed without traction ropes on, press Enter;
With Waiting start ...… on display, give Enable and Direction;
With Autophasing End on display, remove Enable and Direction and have KMB, KMC, KMY opened;
Run Save config.
Wiring Diagram
II.4 Siei Inverter(Asynchronous)
No. Records Name Data Design Ver. V1.0
Ref.Graph No. Graph No. 10E220137
1 Collate
2 Check Page 1
Drive Circuit(SIEI)
3 Data Total 1
A List of Parameters
Wiring of the encoder for a the asynchronous motor (SBH-1024-2MD Encoder is recommended )
A A- B B- C C- 0V +5V
Notes: If Phase C is available, Jumper S17 should be set as ON; if NOT, S17set as OFF. The parameters are the
same as those for the synchronous motor except the part concerning the motor.
1. Steps of self-learning
Enter STARTUP/SETUP MODE/Autotune/Complete rot autotune;
Have KMB,KMC,KMY closed when Press I key is on display, give Enable and Direction and press I Key on
the inverter;
With End on display, cancel Enable and Direction;
Run Load setup.
Wiring Diagram
II.5 Yaskawa Inverter L7B
No. Records Name Data Design Ver. V1.0
Ref.Graph No. Graph No. 10E220101
1 Collate
2 Check Page 1
Drive Circuit(L7B)
3 Data Total 1
A List of Parameters (L7B)
E2-09 Mechanical loss of motor
E2-11 Rated capacity of motor
F1-01 PG constant 600* 600* refer to the encoder
Act when PG break-off is 0* 0*
Act when over-speed is 0* 0*
Act when excessive deviation 0* 0*
is detected
F1-05 PG direction of rotation 0 0
F1-06 PG ratio of frequency shunt 1 1
F1-08 Criteria to detect over–speed 105 105
F1-09 Time to detect over-speed 1* 1*
Criteria to detect 30 30
excessive speed deviation
Time to detect 1 1
excessive speed deviation
H1-03 Function of Terminal S5 F* 3
H1-04 Function of Terminal S6 F* 4
H1-05 Function of Terminal S7 F* 5*
H1-06 Function of Terminal S8 9* 9* to be set at 9 for base blocking
H3-01 Signal priority on Terminal A1 0 0
H3-02 Input gain on Terminal A1 100** 100**
H3-03 Input deviation on Terminal A1 0** 0
H3-04 Signal priority on Terminal A3 0 0
H3-08 Signal priority on Terminal A2 2 2
H3-09 Function of Terminal 2 1F* 1F*
Time for analogical input 0.03** 0*
H3-15 Signal priority on Terminal A1 0 0
H3-16 Input gain on Terminal A1 100 100
H3-16 Input deviation on Terminal A1 0 0
Function against speed loss in 0* 0*
E1-04 Max. output frequency 0 0
T1-01 Mode of self-learning 0 0
T1-02 Output capacity of motor refer to motor label
T1-03 Rated voltage of motor refer to motor label
T1-04 Rated current of motor refer to motor label
T1-05 Base frequency of motor refer to motor label
T1-06 Polarities of motor refer to motor label
T1-07 Rated rotations of motor refer to motor label
Number of PG pulses for 600** 600**
Group Control and Software Settings
In the diagram above PS1, PS2, PS3 PS8 are switch power supplies, of which PS1 provides both +5V 3A and
+24V 1.8A outputs while PS2, PS3 PS8 need to supply +24V(1.8A) output only. FUS1, FUS2, FUS3 FUS8
are fuse protection against over-current and SM-GC is the group control PCB. The diagram illustrates an octuple
III.1.2 Connection between Group Control Cabinet and Lift System
5. The mark of success
When the above work is done, switch on the power to see if a black dot will appear on the LCD, which is a sign of
success of the group control testing. If it does NOT show up, the group control remains in failure so that problems
should be found out of the work done before.
The program is designed to make parameter settings for the CPU PCB for group control. Having the CPU
PCB connected to a computer via Port R232, the settings can be done by the computer. The CPU PCB must be
powered with DC5V supply according to the wiring diagram of the group control PCB when the setting is
going on.
You may run the program directly from the CD Rom or from a copy in one of your hard disks. The program
comprises two files GROUPSET.EXE and MSCOMM32.OCX. GROUPSET.EXE is the setting program, for
which you need to install MSCOMM232.OCX in your computer in the following way:
Copy Mscomm32.ocx from CD-Rom under Windows Directory SYSTEM32 and open Running prompt, click
B (Browse), get to Regsvr32.exe under SYSTEM32 and click O (Open). Key in a space and MScomm32.ocx
after Regsvr32.exe and click OK to run the registration program. When this is done, a prompt will appear,
click OK again to run the renewed monitoring program. Your computer needs to provide a resolution of
1024*768 for small letters.
4.1 Communication port is for setting the computer’s parameters for Port RS232. The 1 or 2 on the upper left
stands for the PC’s serial port COM1 or COM2. Click or to change to your desired parameters, click
(Communication Port) at the bottom to enter the chosen parameters.
4.2 The main landing of the group is the designation of the floor counted up from the lowest landing served by
any one of the lifts in the group. For instance, one of the lifts serves two basement floors while the main landing
of the group is Floor ONE, so the designation of the main landing for group control is 3 (3rd from the lowest
landing). Click or under [Main floor] (Group Control Main floor) to determine the designation of the main
landing, then click [Main floor] at the bottom to affect your choice.
4.3 Number of landings for group control is the overall floors served by the elevators of the group counted from
the lowest landing up to the top one. Generally the data must be set for each project. Click or under
[Floors] (Group Control Number of Floors) on the upper left to set the number of landings, then click [Floors] at
the bottom to enter your choice.
4.4 Landings in service The parameter does not need setting if all the elevators of the group serve the same
floors in the building by default that every floor to every lift is under service. But if the lifts serve different
floors, this parameter must be specified. For example, of a quadruplex group Both Lift 1 and Lift 2 serve all the
floors: -2, -1 and from Floor 1 to 10; while both Lift 3 and Lift 4 don’t serve Floor -2 and -1 (designation 01 and
02). In other word, Floor -2 and -1 are non-service floors for Lift 3 and Lift 4. In this case the parameter must be
set for the group. Click [ser. floor] (Floor in Service) on the lower left to enter the setting state, in which every
floor to be served by every lift has to be determined. Click the small buttons to change the color of the bar, blue
for landings in service, and colorless for landings without service. Finally click [No.1], [No.2] on the bottom to
effect your setting. For Lift 3 and Lift 4, you should make the floors designated as 01 and 02 colorless by
clicking, then click [No.3] on the bottom and wait for a while when it is accepted by the system, then click [No.4]
in the same way to finish setting.
Lift number is the lift number in the group control, the Fig. above stands for Lift 2.
The selection button is used for setting mode of service, car registrations and up/down calls. The
numbers on the left show the floor numbers of the group control. If the color of the bar on the right turns is blue,
the relating floor on the left is in service; if the bar is colorless, the floor on its left is out of service. The floor
number on the left which starts from 1 for the lowest landing is the serial number for this floor in the group
The selection button is used for group division allocation. If the color of the bar on the bottom turns red
the lift is allocated in Division X and in Division Y if the bar looks light grey as long as the group division is in
The selection button is used to enable service under emergency power supply. If the color of the bar on
the bottom turns red, the lift is in service, but it is out of service if the bar is in light grey or colorless when
emergency power is made available.
The service floor change project frame. This group system has two service floors change projects altogether.
The diagram example mean current interface is setting instruction service floor of project 1.
Select COM Port.
Select Service Program with a blank prompt box coming out as an initial undetermined service program. Click
Program for Group Control to determine the service program. The system will read out the previously-set data in
6.1 COM Port Select RS232, 1=COM1; 2=COM2, then click to effect your choice.
6.2 Main floor Select the floor number for the group control main floor and click [Main floor] to enter your
6.3 Floors for group control Select the number of floors for group control, then click [floors] to effect the setting.
6.4 Group division To open the group division option, you should at first have the group state of each individual
lift determined. Click the button to see the color change in the bar. If the bar does NOT appear, the
group division is invalid; if a red bar appears, the option is OK. Click on the bottom of the page to
effect the option.
6.5 Up peak Click to enable or cancel the option, then click [UPK] on the bottom to effect the setting.
6.6 Down peak Click to enable or cancel the option, then click [DPK] on the bottom to effect your
6.7 Energy saving Click button to enable or disable the energy saving option, then click
on the bottom of the page to effect your setting.
6.8 Zoned stand-by Click button to enable or disable the zoned stand-by option, then click [OHS] on
the bottom of the page to effect the setting.
6.9 Emergency power To enable the option of emergency power, you need to decide on the number of lifts to go
in service by emergency power. Click button to enable or disable the option, then click [OEPS] on the
bottom of the page to effect the option.
6.10 Return to main floor Click button to enable or disable the option, then click [MFP] on the bottom
of the page to enter the setting.
6.11 Non-service floors This option does not need setting unless under special conditions. The system provides
two modes for service floor control to be controlled by two separates switches. When Switch ONE is ON, the
elevators run in Mode ONE; when Switch TWO is ON, the elevators run in Mode TWO. But both switches
CANNOT be ON at the same time, when both switches are OFF, the elevators serve the floors in the normal way.
Either mode allows for specific settings toward floors for car registration, landing calls up and down respectively.
There are SIX buttons on bottom right of the page for the respective settings [NS-1 Car], [NS-1 Up], [NS-1 Down],
[NS-2 Car], [NS-2 Up], [NS-2 Down]. To do the setting follows the same procedures as specified in 6.4 for group
6.12 Lift setting in group division This option does not need setting unless under group division. Find the bars
corresponding to the lifts, click the button under [Re. group X/Y] to change the color of the bar to allocate the lift
to a designated group division, red for Group Division X, and colorless for Group Division Y. When all the lifts
have been allocated to the required divisions, click [Re. group]] on the bottom to effect your setting.
6.13 Service by emergency power This option does not need setting unless with emergency power in operation.
In the bars corresponding to the lifts, click the button under [OEPS] (Emergency power running) to change the
color of the bar to determine whether the lift will run in service by emergency power, red for running in service, no
color for staying out of service, click [OEPS] on the bottom of the page to effect the option.
Notice to customers
Dear customers:
RoHS is the English abbreviation of the Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and
electronic equipment. EU implemented the RoHS on July 1, 2006, it regulates the limited use of six kinds of
harmful materials during the electrical and electronic equipment products of recently putting on the market, such
as lead, mercury, cadmium, sexavalence chromium, PBB, and PBDE etc..
On Feb 28, 2006, the seven ministries and commissions of Ministry of Information Industry of China,
Development and Reform Commission, Department of Commerce, General Administration of Customs, State
Administration for Industry and Commerce, State General Administration for Quality Supervision and Inspection
and Quarantine, State Environmental Protection Administration jointly issued the Measures for Administration of
the Pollution Control of Electronic Information Products which is the RoHS of Chinese version and make a
compulsory implementation. On Feb 1, 2008, Measures for Administration of the Environmental Protection of
Electronic Wastes Pollution which was issued by China Environmental Protection Administration began to be
implemented which clearly regulated that the user of the electrical and electronic equipment product should offer
or relegate the electronic waste to units (including individual business households) who had the corresponding
scope of business listed in directory (including temporary directory) to demolish, utilize or dispose them.
The products of our company comply with the requirements of Measures for Administration of the Pollution
Control of Electronic Information Products and RoHS on the part of electronic parts and components, PCB board,
harness material, selecting and purchasing of structural element etc., it strictly controls the six kinds of harmful
materials of lead, mercury, cadmium, sexavalence chromium, PBB, and PBDE. Also, during the production, PCB
parts and components are welded in lead free product line using the lead free welding process.
Components type Electronic Electronic printed Sheet metal Radiator Working of Wire
component circuit board PCB parts plastics
Six kinds of harmful materials of lead, mercury, cadmium, sexavalence chromium, PBB,
and PBDE
1 Environmental impact analysis
During the usage, our company products will produce some heat to result in some harmful materials volatilizing
very a little, however, it can not seriously affect the environment. While the electronic products are out of use at
the end of the lifecycle and are discarded, the heavy metal and chemical poisonous material will seriously pollute
the soil and water source.
Any electronic products and equipments have its service life and can be abandoned, even though it can be used, it
also will be washed out by upgraded products. The lifecycle of our company electronic products and equipments
are generally below 20 years.
When the various electronic products are abandoned, if disposed improperly, they will pollute the environment.
Our company requires the customer to establish the recycle system according to the national corresponding
provisions, it can not be disposed as general domestic garbage or general industrial solid waste, and it shall be
stored and utilized by environmental harmless method or unified recovered and disposed by authorized units
strictly according to Measures for Administration of the Environmental Protection of Electronic Wastes Pollution
issued by China Environmental Protection Administration. For any individual and unit without rights, to demolish,
utilize or dispose electronic wastes is forbidden.
Please don’t discard the electronic wastes with common domestic garbage. Any proposal about disposal of
electronic wastes, please contact local waste product disposal organization or environmental protection bureau.