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Milton Model Language Patterns

Zebu Cards


For Course Dates and Info about New Code NLP

& Ericksonian Hypnosis
A I'm wondering if... 2 Maybe you'll _____.

I'm wondering if you will stop Maybe you'll direct some

smoking this afternoon. I'm unusual embedded
wondering if that comfortable commands to your friends
feeling in your feet will while you play The Language
spread Pattern Game. Maybe you'll
up into the rest of your body. dream of new ways to say
I'm wondering if you can things tonight. Maybe you'll
pretend you've never smoked spot the embedded
in your life, and imagine what commands in these sentences.
it is like to go through a
typical day. I never told you
to do any thing, I was just

3 You probably already know... 4 Don't _____ too quickly.

You probably already know This phrase has the

many ways to feel good implication that what I
without suggest will definitely happen
smoking. And what do you do anyway, and all I really care
in response to this statement? about is when it happens.
You might try to think of the And if you are resisting me,
things that I say you know, your internal response may
and of course you are likely to well be: "Oh yeah, who says I
find them if you think long can't do this quickly! I'll
enough! If I wanted you to show you!" Isn't that great?
really search for those Don't stop smoking too
answers I could say: On a
quickly. Don't go into a deep
trance too quickly, just relax
level, you probably already
and listen to my voice for a
know how useful indirect
communication can be.
5 Can you imagine...? 6 One can, <name>,

You probably already know By adding the person's name

that people are more likely to at the beginning of the
do what they are familiar embedded command, you
with, and that imagining will make it much more
something is a great way to powerful. One can, Eve, feel
create familiarity. Can you good for no reason at all. One
imagine what you would do can, Greta, enjoy the
on an airplane if you really experience
enjoyed flying? Can you of hypnosis without knowing
imagine all the situations exactly what is going to
where you would use this happen. One can, Joe, let the
language pattern if you eyes close just because it
practiced it and really knew feels
it? good. Who can? ? One can.
We're not talking about you,

7 You might notice the feelings 8 A person might, <name>,

... as you ... _____.

You might notice the feelings Say the name close to the
directs attention to internal second half of the sentence,
body sensations, which is and it becomes a personal
good for hypnotic inductions. embedded command. A
As you provides another person might, Sarah, take the
lessons from that situation and
opportunity for an indirect
then let go of the old emotions.
suggestion. You might notice
the feelings in your feet, as
person might, Diana, find some
good reasons that make dating
relax them completely. You
might notice the feelings of
comfort as you begin to relax
you whole body.
9 One could _____, 10 You can _____,
because ... because ...

Because is the magic word, Here's that because word

because it lends emotional again. You can just use it and
credibility to what ever goes discover how powerful it is,
before it. One could use the because you can pretty much
word ' because' after important say anything you want after
suggestions, because you it. You can believe it works,
enjoy because it is such a nice way
trying new things. One could to keep talking and keep the
let this learning go to a very suggestions coming. You can
even use it in everyday
deep place inside, because
conversations, because
may not be completely aware
love to hear reasons for
of how important it is yet.

J You can _____, can you not? Q I don't know if _____.

Can you not is such a great I don't know if you're going to

way to end a statement. It like this game better than any
turns it into a question which other learning game you've
is less threatening, and it's so ever played. I don't know
confusing to try to disagree what things in particular you
with. You can appreciate my will enjoy the most. I really
point, can you not? You can don't know if this experience is
relax into that chair, can you going to change your life.
not? You can allow new Don't
answers to come to you, can ask me, I don't know.
K You might notice how good . . A Will you . . ., or . . ., or . . .
. feels, when you . . .

This is the form of infinite

The hidden assumption is choice, and I'll cover all the
that what I'm suggesting feels possibilities so you can't help
good, and the when you part but do what I say. And if you
further assumes that you are get into the habit of doing
going to do it! You might what I say, sometime I may
notice how good your eyes began to actually lead you.
feel when you close them Will your hand begin to lift
and up automatically, or will it
they stay closed. You might relax just where it is, or will
notice how good your arms you notice certain sensations
feel when you relax them as in your hand that you can
they rest on the chair. enjoy.

2 I wouldn't tell you to _____, 3 How would it feel if you . . .

because . . . ?

I wouldn't tell you (here I am

In order to answer this
telling you anyway), and you
question, you have to imagine
can't disagree with me,
what I propose, which is the
whole purpose for asking the
I said up front I wouldn't tell question. How would it feel if
you. And I use the magic you felt comfortable around
word because to make
dogs, and you could just go
another comment, it up and pet one. How would it
because feel if you had already made
lends authority to what I just this change?
said, and it carries attention
away from the embedded
command before you
consciously recognize it.
4 I could tell you that . . . but . 5 Sooner or later . . .

Sooner or later you'll resolve

I could tell you that ?, but I this present difficulty, and
won't, so you have no reason begin to enjoy the simple
to resist or take offense at things
what ever I just didn't tell in life again. Sooner or later,
you. I could tell you that this you'll want to close your eyes.
experience will give you more Sooner or later, you're going
confidence and self- to be able to look back on this
assurance, and laugh about it. Jeepers,
but I would rather let you just
discover that for yourself. I about everything happens
could tell you this is a great sooner or later.
way to avoid resistance, but
probably understand that

6 Sometime . . . 7 Eventually . . .

Sometime, somewhere, there Eventually everything comes

will be a person in a situation to pass. Eventually what I
very much like yours who want to direct your attention
will take a deep breath and just to will probably come to pass
let it go. Sometime, you're as well. Eventually you will
going to feel better about this. develop a deep understanding
Sometime you are going to of
understand this from a these difficult events in your
viewpoint where it all makes life,
sense. Sometime you might and you will find some hidden
indirectly get a person to
value in them. Eventually,
imagine a time when they have
indirect language patterns
the resources you want them to
become second nature to
you. Imagine that.
8 Try to resist ? 9 You might not have noticed

Try to resist implies that you

will try, but you won't be able You might not have noticed
to do it. You can use your how often you direct other
voice inflection to strengthen people's awareness while you
this implication. Try to resist are talking to them. Directing
the sensation that your hands awareness to various parts of
are becoming so relaxed that the body generally creates
they just won't move. Try to relaxation and confusion,
resist, a deepening sensation both of induce hypnosis. You
of relaxation as you breath. might not have noticed the
comfortable sensations of
your socks on your feet. You
might not have noticed the
way the chair supports you ?
beneath your legs ? beneath
your arms ? behind your

10 Some people ? J Can you really enjoy ??

Who are those some
The first thing a person does Can you really enjoy having
is to check inside to see of your eyes get heavy and start
they are one of those people, to
so give them something you shut? Can you really enjoy
want them to check for. going deeper and deeper
Some into
people get feelings of comfort feelings of comfort? Can you
in really enjoy taking a deep
this office and want to go breath and relaxing deeply?
into The question isn't if you can
trance right away. Some do it, or if you will do it, the
people question is how much will
have hidden strengths that you enjoy doing it. Of course,
they discover can help them the only way to answer the
in situations very much like question is to do it.
Q What happens when you K You might notice the
_____? sensations in ?
while you ?

In order to answer this

question you must imagine You can induce hypnosis by
what I am suggesting, which directing attention to various
is the reason I ask. Remember: parts of the body. You might
in the area of emotions and notice the sensations of your
feelings, people learn just as shoes on your feet, the
well by vividly imagining sensations of the chair
experiences as by physically beneath you, the feeling of the
having them. What happens card in your hand. You might
when you just decide you notice the sensations in your
aren't hands while you relax and
going to let him bother you pretend that you can't move
anymore? them.

A One doesn't have to , 2 People don't have to,

<name>, _____. <name>, _____.

One doesn't really have to, People don't have to , but they
does one. It seems so formal do anyway, doesn't it seem
and detached and impersonal, like that? And when I use
(your name here), or does it? your name, it makes it so
One doesn't have to, Betty, personal. People don't have to
close your eyes as we begin. respond favorably when you
One use their names, but you know
doesn't have to, Jose, relax (your name here), they sure
deeper and deeper with each do. People don't have to,
breath. Marilyn, listen carefully to
everything I say.
3 You may not know if _____. 4 It's easy to _____, is it not?

When I wonder whether you Is it not is another one of

know something, I those endings that softens a
presuppose that that statement into a question.
something exists and is true. And it's a bit confusing to
You may not know if this is disagree with, is it not? It's
going to be fun. You may easy to go into trance, is it not?
not It's easy to discover
know if you're going to something
enjoy special deep inside, is it
this SO much that you'll have not?
to And if I say that something is
write me and tell me all about easy, you probably try doing
it. it to see if I'm right.

5 A person may not know if 6 You are able to _____.


You are able to enjoy being at

For added fun a person can your work, because you have a
change the subject of the great sense of humor. You are
sentence halfway through to able to relax your hands
you, it's mildly confusing, completely. It's another truism,
and it underlines that you I'm just observing the
aren't really talking about a obvious. You are able to re-
person in the abstract read this to make sure you get
anyway. A person may not it.
know if you 're going to have a
meaningful experience A
person may not . know if your
arm will slowly raise up
7 <fact>, <fact>, <fact>, and 8 A person is able to _____.

What do you do when I

When you start off saying a comment on what other
string of facts, the other people are able to do? You
person internally is thinking probably check to see if you
yes, yes, yes? yes, and they can do it too. A person is able
get into the habit of agreeing to eat less food, and enjoy it
with you, them you hit them even more, when you savor
with your suggestion. You've each
made yourself comfortable in mouthful of food and chew it
that chair, I'm going to talk slowly.
for a while, you can listen to
the words I say, and drift off
into a deep state of

9 ? once told me, "_____" 10 ? said, "_____"

Quote someone else and put Quote somebody else and put
your message in the quote. your message in the quote.
The nice thing is that they Through the years again and
said it, you didn't. My again my students have said,
babysitter once told me, "Quotes are one of the most
"Close your eyes and go to fun
sleep ways to deliver indirect
or I'll whack you in the head!" messages." If fact, one of
once said, "If you can't use
quotes to deliver a message,
must be brain dead!" But that
was him, I wouldn't say such
a thing.
J If you _____, them ? Q When you _____, then ?

This is a cause and effect

statement, but it doesn't have I say when X, then Y, and you
to make too much sense. In have to do X and then search
order to verify that the then for Y in order to understand
part is true, the person has to what I'm saying. Pretty tricky
do the if part, which is what huh? When you get in touch
you want. If you imagine with that loving and forgiving
yourself in a favorite place, part of yourself, then an
then opportunity will open up for a
you will feel feelings of comfort deep transformation. Check
in your body. If you rest your it
hands on the chair like this, out.
you'll be ready to begin.

K Will you _____now, or will A You may or may not _____.

you _____?

You may or may not notice the

comfortable sensations in your
Will you do it now, or will hands. So you think about
you do it later. It sounds like the
you're getting lots of choices. comfortable sensations in
Will you close your eyes and your hands, and if you feel
relax now, or will you try to them you think, " Of course I
keep your eyes open a notice them." If you don't feel
little them you think, "Maybe I'm
longer while other parts of just not noticing them," so
your body relax first? you think about it a little
more and pretty soon you're
feeling comfortable sensations
that I said were there all
2 I'm wondering if you'll_____, 3 People can, you know, _____.
? or not.

I'm just talking about what

This or not ending is the other people can do, I'm not
greatest way to dodge talking about you! You know,
resistance. If you see the other that you know clause, it
person smiling and nodding seems to imply in an
their head, then don't bother ambiguous fashion that you
to add the or not , who needs knew this already. People
it? I'm wondering if you'll use can, you know, find ways to
this language pattern make these changes easily
constantly, and
(pause, what, no enthusiastic comfortably.
agreement?) ? or not.

4 Maybe you haven't ?, yet. 5 One might, you know, _____.

Maybe you haven't, maybe One might, and then again

you have, who knows, I 'm one might not, who knows?
just making an observation, ? you know!
but when that yet comes One might, you , just relax and
along, there's a strong let the learnings take place on
implication that sooner or a
later you're going to! Maybe deep level. One might, you
you haven't decided to buy know, understand how to use
copies of The Language this at just the right times.
Game for all of your friends ?
yet. Who knows? ? There 's
still time ? It's just an
6 You might want to _____, ? 7 You could _____.

You could , of course you

This now is the trickiest part. could, you have free will. You
If you slur it together with the could sleep on it tonight, and
rest of the sentence it just call me in the morning. You
adds an imperative quality to could let this process of
the embedded command. If transformation take place
you pause and then say it, it without even knowing how it
becomes a powerful was happening. Huh? You
command all on its own. You could just let go and relax.
might want to close your eyes OK?
now. You might want to let OK.
that feeling of comfort move
your arm, ? now.

8 You might _____. 9 A person could, <name>,


You might , and what ever

you might do might be even A person could, Bob, go to
more likely after having it work tomorrow with a new
suggested like this. You might outlook. A person could, Susie,
want to make this change more develop a sense of perspective
than anything. You might on this situation. A person
discover that your eyes don't could, (your name here), write
want to open. a big check to that fun loving
The Language Pattern Game
team. Heck, it's a free world!
10 You may _____. J One may, <name>, _____.

You may find this One may, Sara, feel

experience comfortable
very valuable. You may get imagining standing on that
confused about what used to balcony. One may, Jerry,
bother you. You may want to forgive someone even if you
relax. You may like what you don't think you want to. One
see here. You may, go ahead, may, Jane, be excused from
I the room AFTER you raise
give you permission. your hand.

Q A person may _____, K You don't have to _____.


A person may get permission This is called a truism. On the

to do what I'm suggesting, surface, the statement is true,
becauseI'm giving it to them. and can't be argued with.
Who said my because has to Beneath the surface lies an
make any logical sense? And embedded command. You
besides, the because clause don' have to understand how
is this works, in order to use it.
an opportunity for another You don't have to help me with
the dishes. Really.
suggestion. A person may just
stop drinking, because you can
remember all of your reasons
not drinking each time you feel
an urge to take a
Choose any other player (or Choose any other player (or
yourself, if you are playing yourself, if you are playing
solitaire). The player must solitaire). The player must
create a string of expressions create a string of expressions
using all of the language using all of the language
patterns on the last five cards patterns on the last five cards
played. The imagery must be played. The imagery must be
positive. positive.

Choose any other player (or Choose any other player (or
yourself, if you are playing yourself, if you are playing
solitaire). The player must solitaire). The player must
create a string of expressions create a string of expressions
using all of the language using all of the language
patterns on the last five cards patterns on the last five cards
played. The imagery must be played. The imagery must be
positive. positive.

NLP Brisbane Inspiritive

www.nlpbrisbane.com.au www.inspiritive.com.au
Choose any other player (or Choose any other player (or
yourself, if you are playing yourself, if you are playing
solitaire). The player must solitaire). The player must
create a string of expressions create a string of expressions
using all of the language using all of the language
patterns on the last five cards patterns on the last five cards
played. The imagery must be played. The imagery must be
positive. positive.

NLP Brisbane Inspiritive

www.nlpbrisbane.com.au www.inspiritive.com.au

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