Reaction Kinetics and Reactive Distillation On The Transfer of Kinetic Data From A Batch Reactor To A Trickle-Bed Reactor
Reaction Kinetics and Reactive Distillation On The Transfer of Kinetic Data From A Batch Reactor To A Trickle-Bed Reactor
Reaction Kinetics and Reactive Distillation On The Transfer of Kinetic Data From A Batch Reactor To A Trickle-Bed Reactor
Reaction Kinetics and Reactive acetate are investigated. Equilibrium conversion starting from
Distillation ± On the Transfer of an equimolar mixture of acetic acid and methanol is 72.2 % at
50 C (calculated using activities by the UNIQUAC method,
Kinetic Data from a Batch Reactor giving Ka = 26.3; Kx = 6.9).
to a Trickle-bed Reactor In most of the publications [e.g. 2], it is assumed that the
reaction reaches chemical equilibrium instantaneously. This
By Tim Pöpken, Robert Geisler, Lars Götze, Axel Brehm, assumption is often not justified. The esterification of acetic
Peter Moritz, and Jürgen Gmehling* acid with methanol reaches chemical equilibrium in the order
of hours, even at higher temperatures and high catalyst
Dedicated to Professor Dr. Gerhard Emig on the occasion concentrations (using 20 wt.-% catalyst, the mixture reaches
of his 60th birthday 95 % of equilibrium conversion after about 4 h at 40 C and
The design of reactive distillation processes requires besides after about 1 h at 60 C). When designing reactive distillation
the knowledge of phase equilibrium data reliable kinetic data. processes for the production or hydrolysis of methyl acetate,
This paper presents the results of kinetic measurements of reaction kinetics therefore has to be taken into account.
acetic acid esterification with methanol together with results The ratio of the reaction rate to product removal determines
for the backward reaction, the hydrolysis of methyl acetate, the existence of stationary points, so-called kinetic or reactive
both catalyzed by the macroreticular, strongly acidic ion- azeotropes, which cannot be overcome by reactive distillation
exchange resin Amberlyst 15. Microkinetic parameters are [1]. These are singular points in residue curve maps. The
determined from batch experiments in a thermostated stirred knowledge of residue curve maps is required for the design of
tank reactor. The applicability of the derived kinetics is reactive distillation processes. To calculate residue curve maps
checked against experimental results obtained in a trickle-bed for the reactive system, a reliable model for the reaction rate is
reactor. While the trickle-bed reactor can be modeled needed.
qualitatively using the microkinetic parameters, some macro- Microkinetic parameters can be determined easily by
kinetic phenomena occur (likely selective swelling of the monitoring the concentration over time in a stirred tank
polymeric matrix of the catalyst). To improve the applicability reactor operated batchwise. It has to be ensured, however,
of the kinetic model, swelling phenomena are currently being that the kinetics is also valid under column conditions, i.e. if
investigated. macrokinetic phenomena, such as diffusional resistances or
heat transfer limitations occur. A good choice for an
experimental apparatus to investigate these phenomena is a
1 Introduction trickle-bed reactor, since trickle-bed reactors show similar
hydrodynamics of the liquid phase when using the same
In recent years the combination of chemical reaction and structured packing as in the reactive distillation column.
separation by distillation in one unit has been investigated, Catalytically active structured packings are an interesting
theoretically [1,2] as well as experimentally [3,4]. Integrating choice for column internals for reactive distillation processes.
these processes, commonly known as reactive distillation, They combine good separation efficiency with an excellent
offers advantages due to lower capital investment and lower contact between liquid phase and catalyst. In this work, the
energy costs when compared to the conventional approach [5]. laboratory version of Katapak-S (Katapak-S is a registered
This is achieved by exploiting the synergetic effects resulting trademark of Sulzer Chemtech AG, Switzerland) filled with
from the interaction of chemical reaction and distillation, the macroreticular, strongly acidic ion exchange resin
which allow one to suppress unwanted side reactions or to Amberlyst 15 by Rohm & Haas as catalyst was employed.
achieve higher than chemical equilibrium conversions. Equi-
librium limited reactions, such as etherifications, esterifica-
2 Experimental Apparatus and Procedure
tions, transesterifications, or hydrations, have been identified
to be suitable for this process alternative [6].
2.1 Batch Reactor for Microkinetic Measurements
In the present paper the esterification of acetic acid with
methanol, and the reverse reaction, the hydrolysis of methyl
The measurements were carried out batchwise in a
± thermostated glass reactor of 500 cm3 volume equipped with
[*] Dipl.-Chem. T. Pöpken; Dipl.-Chem. R. Geisler; Dipl.-Chem. L. Götze; stirrer, baffle and reflux condenser to ensure good mixing and
Dr. A. Brehm; Prof. Dr. J. Gmehling, Carl von Ossietzky Universität prevent loss of the volatile compounds. In preliminary
Oldenburg, Technische Chemie, Postfach 25 03, D-26111 Oldenburg;
Dipl.-Ing P. Moritz; Sulzer Chemtech AG, Katalysatortechnik, Postfach experiments, the stirrer speed was varied to find sufficient
65, CH-8404 Winterthur. conditions ensuring the absence of external mass transfer
Chem. Eng. Technol. 21 (1999) 5, Ó WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim, 1998 0930-7516/99/0505-00401
17.50+.50/0 401
The functional internals of the trickle-bed reactor are six equilibrium data, heat of mixing data and activity coefficients
KatapakÒ-S elements with 200 mm height each, of which the at infinite dilution were included in the fitting procedure. By
topmost is filled with glass beads to ensure a good liquid taking the real behavior (gi) into account, the description of
distribution. The other elements contain 60 g (dry weight) the experimental data was improved in all cases. Thus the
AmberlystÒ 15 (Æ > 0,6 mm) each. The catalytic packing has a average relative error was reduced by 1 to 2 % (e. g. from 8.3 %
diameter of 70 mm and a total height of 1 m. The reactor was to 7.3 % in the case of the second order rate law, see below).
fed from the top with liquid loads between 3 and 18 m3×m±2×h±1. Different kinetic models were tested against the experi-
The feed temperature was varied between 40 and 60 C. The mental data, including adsorption-based models. A better
temperature in the reactor bed was measured at four different agreement with the experimental data was achieved with
levels. After steady state was reached which was indicated by a pseudohomogeneous models, which is in good agreement with
constant temperature profile for a sufficient period of time, the theory that the catalyst contains solvated protons in its
samples of feed and product streams were withdrawn and pores, which are responsible for the catalytic activity [8]. A
analyzed using gas chromatography. power-law model
To simulate the trickle-bed reactor, the residence time
1 1 dni
behavior has to be known additionally. The residence time r r1 r 1
mcat vi dt
distribution was measured as function of the liquid load using
1 N hydrochloric acid as a tracer. Furthermore, the liquid k1 aHOAc aMeOH k aMeOAc aH (1)
1 2O
holdup of the catalytic bed was measured for different liquid
gave the best description (mean relative deviation: 6.7 %) of
the experimental data. The temperature dependence of the
3 Results rate constants ki was described by the Arrhenius-law.
Typical results are shown in Fig. 1. It has been observed that The good agreement between experiments and calculations
the reaction rate is proportional to the catalyst mass mcat (see with the power-law model can be explained with the high
Fig. 2). Thus, the reaction rate can be defined based on the number of parameters. A simple second order rate law (all
catalyst mass as is usually done in heterogeneous catalysis. The exponents a to d in Eq. (1) are equal to unity) gives also a good
particle size has a negligible influence on the reaction rate. description of the data (mean relative deviation: 7.3 %) with
Therefore, no significant internal mass transfer limitation only four parameters. The results of the fitting procedure to 48
occurs within the studied temperature interval. experiments for both models are presented in Tab. 1.
All calculations were performed both with and without
taking into account liquid phase activities. Activity coeffi-
cients were determined using the UNIQUAC model. The 3.2 Modeling of the Trickle-bed Reactor
UNIQUAC-interaction parameters were fitted to experimen-
tal data stored in the Dortmund Data Bank (DDB, 1998 The residence time distribution of the trickle-bed reactor
version, DDBST GmbH (Oldenburg, FRG)). Vapor-liquid was described using the tanks-in-series model. Analysis of
402 Ó WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim, 1999 0930-7516/99/0505-00402 $ 17.50+.50/0 Chem. Eng. Technol. 21 (1999) 5
Table 1. Results of the fitting procedure for the pseudohomogeneous models. the trickle-bed than on the batch reactor. Currently, the phase
The values were determined by minimizing the objective function
equilibrium between polymer and liquid phase for the
all samples
F xHOAc calc xHOAc exp xHOAc exp 100% nsamples considered system is investigated.
using the Simplex-Nelder-Mead method. The reaction rate is calculated based
on dry catalyst mass.
Chem. Eng. Technol. 21 (1999) 5, Ó WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim, 1998 0930-7516/99/0505-00403 $ 17.50+.50/0 403
Subscripts [*] Poster presented at the GVC Annual Meeting in Freiburg, Sept. 29±
Oct. 1, 1998.
[**] Dr. Ing. J. T. Bohlmann, Dipl. Ing. C. M. Lorth, Dipl. Ing. A. Drews,
1 forward reaction (esterification)
Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Biotechnologie, Fachgebiet
±1 backward reaction (hydrolysis) Bioverfahrenstechnik, Sekr. GG2, Seestr. 13, D-13353 Berlin;
HOAc acetic acid Prof. Dr. rer. nat. R. Buchholz, Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für
MeOH methanol Biotechnologie, Fachgebiet Bioverfahrenstechnik, Sekr. GG2, Seestr. 13,
D-13353 Berlin; Forschungsinstitut für Bioverfahrenstechnik der Ver-
MeOAc methyl acetate suchs- und Lehranstalt für Spiritusfabrikation und Fermentation (VLSF),
H2O water Seestr. 13, D-13353 Berlin, Germany