Micro Controller:: Applications of Microcontrollers
Micro Controller:: Applications of Microcontrollers
Micro Controller:: Applications of Microcontrollers
Far more economical to control electronic devices and processes as the size
and cost involved is comparatively less than other methods.
Operating at a low clock rate frequency, usually use four bit words and are
designed for low power consumption.
Architecture varies greatly with respect to purpose from general to specific,
and with respect to microprocessor, ROM, RAM or I/O functions.
Has a dedicated input device and often has a display for output.
Usually embedded in other equipment and are used to control features or
actions of the equipment.
Program used by microcontroller is stored in ROM.
Used in situations where limited computing functions are needed
Applications of Microcontrollers
Microcontrollers are widely used in various different devices such as −
Light sensing and controlling devices like LED.
Temperature sensing and controlling devices like microwave oven, chimneys.
Fire detection and safety devices like Fire alarm.
Measuring devices like Volt Meter.
Microcontroller Microprocessor
Microcontrollers are used to execute Microprocessors are used for big applications.
a single task within an application.
Its designing and hardware cost is Its designing and hardware cost is high.
It is built with CMOS technology, Its power consumption is high because it has to control the
which requires less power to entire system.
It consists of CPU, RAM, ROM, I/O It doesn’t consist of RAM, ROM, I/O ports. It uses its pins to
ports. interface to peripheral devices.
Let’s take the Analog to Digital Converter (also better known as the ADC)
peripheral as an example.
The ADC has one specific task, which is to take analog data it receives from a
sensor (or other any device that outputs analog data), and convert it to digital
values that the microcontroller can then process.