UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template
UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template
UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template
Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning
experiences and performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum
goals based on content standards.
1. Knows how to use questions and comments to 1. A skill students don’t often get
give constructive criticism and positive feedback to practice is asking
appropriate questions. It is
2. Knows how to present to a specific audience with difficult to formulate questions
a specific goal in mind that prompt a complex
response from a presenter
without practice and modeling.
I remember there being a steep
learning curve in college about
how to be an engaged audience
member and ask stimulating
questions. It was also difficult
to answer the kind of complex
questions posed to me when I
gave presentations too. So, I
thought because the final
project of this unit was framed
as a “pitch” it would be a good
opportunity for students to
practice asking and answering
productive questions. I also
think asking meaningful
questions is a skill students
will have to use in their adult
lives. For example, students
will have to ask such questions
when interviewing for jobs. All
of this is the reason I had
students include a questions
slide in their presentations and
gave them question stems to
2. Presenting to a specific
audience is something students
have been working on
throughout this unit. For this
lesson, and the assignment
being presented in it, students
were to place themselves in the
position of someone who is
selling a product to a board
who would approve its
production. Meaning they
would have to give a
comprehensive idea of what
their product would be in an
enticing way. Students
frequently have to present
information in school, but
presentation skills aren’t
usually focused on. By creating
a mock scenario to act out
students are getting used to the
idea of having an audience and
goal when presenting which is
something they unconsciously
have to consider every time
they make a presentation. It
also offers the opportunity to
teach about aesthetics and why
they matter. Understanding
both audience and design is a
skill students will probably
have to utilize in their adult life
too. Almost every job a student
could go into would require
them to present information to
someone for a specific purpose
in a specific format.
ELA.912.R.CS - Demonstrates the ability to comprehend, These four standards are Mt. Blue
interpret, and analyze appropriately complex literary High School’s main English standards.
texts. They are the standards I will be
grading my students using and are
ELA.912.S.CS - Demonstrates the ability to have formal therefore most appropriate for me to
and informal discussions as well as give formal and put in my lesson plans. They are also
informal presentations. based on Maine’s Common Core state
standards, so they are suitable
ELA.912.W.CS - Demonstrates the ability to write and according to state expectations too.
revise writing as well as the ability to complete short and Moreover, they cover a wide variety of
sustained research. subjects that align with my four unit
goals and the objectives and
ELA.912.L.CS - Demonstrates the ability to use content assignments of this lesson. Also,
specific language and more generalized vocabulary as because this is the last lesson of the
well as capitalization and punctuation rules. unit it makes sense that all the
standards used throughout the unit
would be assessed somehow.
Summative: The presentations occurring during this Summative: This assessment was
lesson are the summative assessment for the entire unit. designed to assess every goal and
They are pitches for a game students have created based standard students had been working
off of Macbeth. Said pitches should include a basic game on throughout the unit. There were
concept, gameplay elements, game mechanics, and game research elements, a presentation,
design inspired by the play. students had to do character and
theme analysis, show their writing
Formative: Observing both the students' use of questions skills, use textual evidence, display
during the Q&A portion of the presentations and the proper mechanics, and more. It was
answers the presenters give. designed so that students with
different strengths would be able to
show them. For example, students
who excelled in graphic design could
do well in the character design and
game design portions. Students who
enjoyed music could add background
noises and sound effects. Students
who think logically could create a
series of levels and intricate story
lines. Students who prefer to work
with their hands had the option of
making a physical game too. I also
purposefully gamified this
assignment. I knew from collecting
data about students that many of
them had an interest in gaming, so I
gamified this assignment and the
whole unit to make them relevant and
engaging to students. I also wanted to
show that classic literature can be
relevant to their lives and have themes
or raise questions that they connect
Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise
in reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual
learner needs.
Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance
tasks by using a variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make
learning accessible to all learners and support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.
Students will present their final projects to the class. By starting class with presentations
Using question stems students will write two questions we are following a similar structure as
or comments about each presentation in their RWN’s. our usual routine. This is particularly
Each student is expected to ask one question throughout important today because students are
the presentations. (50 minutes) doing a high stakes presentation and
working within our regular routine
Discussion about where we are going in our next unit (10 could provide comfort and security to
minutes) nervous students.
This lesson was kind of a mess. Many students were not finished with their final
projects and did not have much to present. I ended up just letting students share
what they had so we could get some closure for the unit. It’s somewhat frustrating
because the assessment was introduced weeks ago and students had multiple full
class periods to work on just this project. There were a few finished products that
were extremely well done, but then some students had barely one slide. I find
myself having to move on to another topic even though I feel like I’m leaving some
students behind. I feel like I’m in a constant battle with time, and I have the sense
that this is a feeling I’ll have to get used to.
On a brighter note, students seemed pretty receptive to the next unit topic: Night
and the Holocuast. Many students read the memoir in middle school, but didn’t
remember much of it, which is good for us. One thing I never anticipated in
becoming an English teacher was just how much history I would have to know. In
preparing for this until I’ve had to really learn a lot about the Holocaust myself. It
makes me think of how well a co-taught call between the two disciplines could
The catch up time was very productive, but it still feels like a lot of students have a
lot to do. There was a little bit of distraction here and there but the focus wasn’t
terrible. I was also able to go around and help a lot of students during this time and
I even tied up some loose ends with a few students about late assignments.
Although I wish it wasn’t needed, the catch up period ended up being time well
Indictor O: “Understands creative thinking processes and how to engage learners in producing
original work.”
Rationale: This lesson plan shows my proficiency with standard five because it encouraged
students to share their creative porcess and express their ideas, knowledge, and connections by
sharing an original work they created. Almost all areas of the assignment presented in this
lesson fostered students' creativity from the general game concept students had to come up with
to the literal aesthetic design of the game. Throughout the creation of the project I encouraged
students to think creatively by asking them to answer questions about the different features of
their game. These questions were also intended to help them create new material that integrated
students' ideas, knowledge, and connections about Macbeth. For example, the What characters
could you play as? slide was meant to utilize students' understanding of the main characters of
the play to create characters for their game. The What levels would there be? question was aimed
at getting students to integrate important plot elements by creating a leveling system of their
own. There was even a stared reminder that students needed to utilize significant aspects of the
play in their game, but still develop their original ideas. Overall, students had to connect
concepts from all throughout the unit and apply their critical and creative thinking skills to
create the original game “pitch” they shared in this lesson.