UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template
UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template
UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template
Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning
experiences and performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum
goals based on content standards.
1. Students can comprehend and draw conclusions 1. For many of these students this
about their reading. is their first time reading
Shakespeare, so it’s important
2. Students can relate their reading to the key terms that they’re comprehending the
and figurative devices chosen for the text language enough to grasp the
(Dramatic irony, Soliloquy, Gender issues, Divine plot of the play. It is also
Right of Kings/Chain of being, Foil, Tragic flaw). important that students are
doing more than simply
comprehending; they need to
be making connections and
forming opinions on what they
are reading too because those
are the initial steps to analysis.
And, analysis is something
they’ll be working on
throughout the unit and the
rest of the year.
2. Part of understanding
Shakespeare, is understanding
the common devices he and
other playwrights use. I chose a
few devices that are
particularly abundant and
essential to Macbeth for the
students to focus on to improve
their comprehension of the
play and understanding of the
genre. However, another part of
understanding a play is
knowing its historical context,
so I also chose a few important
terms or ideas that would help
students comprehend the play
better and connect it to
modern day issues.
Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
ELA.912.R.CS - Demonstrates the ability to comprehend, These are three of the four main
interpret, and analyze appropriately complex literary standards Mt. Blue Highschool uses it
texts. for its English courses. I chose these
particular standards because they
ELA.912.S.CS - Demonstrates the ability to have formal aligned best with the goals of my
and informal discussions as well as give formal and lesson.
informal presentations.
The first standard is appropriate
ELA.912.L.CS - Demonstrates the ability to use content because this lesson includes
specific language and more generalized vocabulary as “comprehending, interpreting, and
well as capitalization and punctuation rules. analyzing” Macbeth which is a
complex piece of literature.
Formative: Students will complete an assignment where Formative: This assignment will show
they are given passages from the play to connect to two of whether students are comprehending
the terms/devices they’re connecting their reading to in the terms they connect to their
class. reading in class. It will also act as a
way to gauge students' analysis skills
Formative: Macbeth Bookmarks and Independent because they have to use their terms
Reading Assignments. to look critically at a passage from the
play. In doing this analysis students
Summative: The final assessment of the unit is a will also show whether they are
pitch/presentation students will make about a game comprehending the language and plot
they’ve created based off of Macbeth. of the play because they need to
understand a passage to analyze it.
Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise
in reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual
learner needs.
A nice aspect of this lesson was that students were doing better with identifying
their terms and relating them back to the text. I think having a physical list of these
terms in the class that we go back to every lesson is working well as a resource.
Students were also showing more ease and readiness to go back to the text to look
for answers to questions posed in class. There were also less questions about the
language of the play and what was going on. Overall, it was clear that their
comprehension of the text was improving through their responses during class. I’m
pretty sure, at this point, that the next time these students encounter Shakespeare
they’ll feel confident in their ability to understand it.
Rationale: To be able to read as a class and discuss that reading as we go students have to feel
comfortable interacting with me and each other. They have to be willing to make mistakes while
reading, ask questions about what they don’t understand, answer my questions, and help each
other to comprehend the text. They also have to be actively engaged in the reading because we
move in and out of discussion and they wouldn’t be able to contribute if they weren’t engaged.
Due to the fact that they are reading parts out loud they are also actively listening and
participating in the play itself.