Draft Resolution - VAW To BCPC
Draft Resolution - VAW To BCPC
Draft Resolution - VAW To BCPC
(Barangay Letterhead)
Limpapa, Zamboanga City
(See attached Attendance Sheet)
WHEREAS, Articles 359 and 360 of the Civil Code of the Philippines provide that the
government shall establish Councils for the Protection of Children, taking into account
that children are the ones who are most vulnerable to abuse, neglect, and/or
exploitation, among others.
WHEREAS, Article 87 of Presidential Decree (PD) 603 (Children and Youth Welfare
Code) states that "every barangay council shall encourage the organization of a Local
Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC) and shall coordinate with the Council for
the Welfare of Children in drawing and implementing plans for the promotion of child
and youth welfare." Further, Republic Act 4881 enacted in 1967 mandated the
creation of a Council for the Protection of Children in cities and municipalities so that
the sacred duty of the state "to assure that every family is helped into bringing up
their children to make them useful men and women, and to see that the proper
direction, supervision and guardianship in the training, education, and other interests
of its minor citizens be undertaken by it."
WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 9344, as amended by Republic Act No. 10630, otherwise
known as the "Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act," in turn reiterates the mandate of
local government units (LGUs) to establish their respective LCPC, and to allocate at
least 1% of their internal revenue allotment (IRA) for its strengthening. Furthermore,
the law mandates the LCPCs' participation in the formulation of a local comprehensive
plan on delinquency prevention and to oversee its proper implementation.
NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Member ________________________ duly seconded by
all members present;
BCPC Secretary
BCPC Chairperson