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Field Study 2 Episode 5

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Learning Episode
To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure to read
through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher’s
class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do before working on this

Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to revisit the concept of learning environment in the context of
the current teaching and learning situation.

Clarify Your Task

Overview of the Learning Environment
A learning environment, traditionally called the classroom, is a space in a school that supports student
learning. It is a self-contained area where teacher teaches and children learn. In the classroom are chairs or
tables for students and a front table for the teacher. This is a traditional face-to-face classroom. Most often the
students should face the teacher as the chairs are arrange that way. But as teaching deliveries changed to
enhance learning, modification in the seating arrangement evolved and more opportunity for the learners to
move about for cooperative learning was addressed.
A conducive learning environment should have the following characteristics:
• Flexibility- There is opportunity to have small groups, movable walls.
• Openness- Learning corners/areas which could be shared.
• Access to resources- Audio-visual materials are ready and open for use.
• Physical classroom- Space is clean and safe.
• Psychological atmosphere- It is friendly and accommodating.
The classroom climate nurtures the intellectual, physical, social and emotional development of the
Here are some specific strategies for developing the optimal classroom climate. You may consider these.
1. Learning environment addresses both physical and psychological needs of the students
for security and order, love and belonging, personal power and competence, freedom and
2. Create a sense of order. For example, teacher should teach students how to
• enter the classroom and immediately engaged in the activity;
• distribute and collect materials;
• find out about missed assignments due to absence and how to make up for them;
• get the teacher’s attention without disrupting the class and
• arranged desks, tables quickly and quietly for various purposes.
3. Greet learners as they enter your face-to-face or on-line classroom.
4. In a healthy and conducive learning environment, everybody belongs and knows each
5. Encourage class building activities like games and team activities.
6. In a conducive learning environment, success whether small or big is recognized and
Both approaches, either the traditional face-to-face or online, lead to positive results but I different
ways, so usually in practice both approaches combined.
Revisit the Infographic/s
Face-to-Face Learning Environment On-lineLearning Environment

•Both approaches lead to a

positive result and both
•Extensive interactions online learning and • Limited interaction
between students and traditional learning require • Students learns
teachers a great amount of work. through a self-
•The primary source of paced system
information is the teacher •Has group and individual completely on their
•Students can gain greater activities own
understanding, stories and • Teacher as facilitator • Subject content
real-world examples from delivered through
teachers and other students •Giving and receiving online
feedback is important in
•Students can access more both environments. • Supports on
information and richer independent
•Both require that students learning style.
understanding through manage their time wisely.
teacher and other students’ • Student can access
body language and voice. to the course 24/7
•The challenges and
rewards are the same in
• •Students can have the each environment.
• Students are able
opportunity to connect with, to build up your
problem-solve, and network • Group and individual skills interacting
with other students from a feedback with technology
wide range of backgrounds.

• You have the opportunity

to connect with, problem-
solve, and network with
other students from a
wide range of
Learning environment can be traditional (F2F), virtual (on-line) or a combination (Hybrid).
Participate and Assist
What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment in the following
1. Bulletin Board I will assist my mentor by helping her placing and designing the announcements and events in the
bulletin board. I will share my ideas and suggestions on how to beautify the bulletin board that would make it more
informative to students visual.

2. Small Group Discussion I can help my mentor by assisting students who have questions and clarification. I
will also help my mentor in preparing the learners in grouping themselves to avoid commotion in the class.

3. Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom = ( i.e. google meet or zoom)

If my mentor is having a hard time in doing class attendance online, I will volunteer to do it. I will take
screenshots or list down the names of the students who are able to attend the class in google meet and I
will take a picture on it and send to my mentor.

Learning Environment 1:
• What have you notice in the classroom bulletin board? What message or theme does it
convey? I have noticed in the classroom bulletin board that it is a platform that relays
information to students, reinforce lessons, display student work, and more. It has a lot of
information that will help the learners and also it is applicable in face-to-face learning
environment. The message or the theme it conveys is that having a traditional way of
delivering information. Through these, students will know what are the upcoming events
that needs preparation.

• What makes it attractive to the learners? The design and information itself capture the
attraction and interest of the learners where it is ideally be change in monthly to reflect the
current season, upcoming holidays, or classroom lesson plan.

• Does it help in the learning process? Yes How? Because of the attraction of the classroom
bulletin board, students can notice and read the information contains or displayed in the
bulletin board. It can help students be updated and aware of thing and events that are
about to come.
Learning Environment 2:
• If the teacher is using distance delivery of learning through the modules, where is most
likely the learning space of the students? I think the most likely learning space of the
students if the teacher is using distance delivery of learning through modules is in their space
at home

• Can you describe? Because of the pandemic, schools now are having learning-teaching
process through online classes, thus teacher uses distance delivery of learning materials
through modules. By that students will answer their activities in their homes, where they
find space in their house that is peaceful and free from noise, where there is a chair and a
table they can use as they do their learning modules.
• How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning? For me
as a teacher, I can help make an environment conducive for learning through setting or
having classroom management because a well-designed classroom management helps
prevent behavior issues as well as promote and improve learning. It turns classroom into
optimum learning environment for students to engage with their studies and work to the
best of their ability.

The examples above, describe two contrasting situations. The first shows that the learners are in the
same room or space while in the second, the learners maybe in different spaces like homes, study hubs or in
extreme cases parks or under the trees.
As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage for learning? Choose between
learning environment 1 or Learning Environment 2.
Explain your choice: Why? I choose learning environment 1, because for me traditional way of teaching
is more effective than the learning environment 2 where it uses distance delivery of learning through the
modules. Traditional way of teaching is more effective because it has a lot of interaction between the teacher
and the students. If there is a student that having a hard time understanding the lesson or following the
instructions given, the students can easily ask or approach the teacher unlike the distance learning through
module that takes how many hours or days that the teacher can entertain the questions of students.
Based on my noticing and analysis, I realized that
a. I realized that learning has a great impact or learning environment can affects the teaching-learning
b. I realized that traditional face to face classroom is better than online class or distance learning
c. I realized that conducive learning environment really helps students to improve attention, reduce
anxiety, and supports emotional and behavioral regulation of students.

Write Action Research Prompts

What probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning environment?
The probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning environment is the learner’s interest to

What solutions can I think of to solve the problem?

I think the solution to solve this problem is to make the lesson and discussion more interesting and vary the strategies
and techniques in teaching especially in dealing diverse types of students.


How should I do it?

I will do it by making my strategies in teaching vary according to the interest of my students. I will let my students have
an activities which wakes their interest in learning.
Work on my Artifacts
In not less than 300 words, write an essay on the topic: “My Conducive Learning Environment”

“My Conducive Learning Environment”

By: Allisa Niñ𝑎 B. Lugo BSEd FILIPINO 4-1

By definition, a conducive learning environment is a platform devoid of both

physical intimidation and emotional frustration, which allows for a free exchange of
ideas. If we talk about conducive learning environment, it is about having a favorable
surroundings or conditions for students. One would make the environment conducive
to learning starts within how a teacher portrays her/his role inside the classroom and
how he/she manage the class. Students should be motivated internally as well as
externally. Effective and good learning environment increases students’ attention and
focus, promotes meaningful learning experiences, encourages higher levels of student
performance, and motivates students to practice higher-level critical thinking skills and all of
these must a teacher should strive to have in her/his class, it is a teacher’s role to ensure that
students are having good and effective learning environment.
One reason/factor why students are motivated to learn is how a teacher delivers
her/his lesson inside the class. Teachers who are very passionate in teaching tends to have a
class where all students are active in engaging their selves in any activities. Teachers who are
good in meeting the interest of her/his students have less problems in delivering their
lessons. As a future teacher, I will make my classroom a conducive learning environment by
setting up effective classroom management that can affect both students and teacher
behavior where every square foot of the classroom needs to used for activities that supports
learning. Having conducive learning environment, classrooms become communities wherein
learning happens. This sense of community allows students to feel connected to one another
and their teachers and to engage in collaborative, active learning.

For me to achieve my conductive learning environment for my learners is first, I should

know my learners’ interest as well as their learning styles. I will be creative in delivering
lessons and topics that my students need. I use teaching strategies that fits my students’
interest and needs. To have a conductive learning environment for my students requires a lot
of effort but it is not important because it is more rewarding seeing your students grow and
learn because of your help.

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