Pay Period 01.03.2022 To 31.03.2022: Income Tax Computation
Pay Period 01.03.2022 To 31.03.2022: Income Tax Computation
Pay Period 01.03.2022 To 31.03.2022: Income Tax Computation
Total Standard Salary 106,037.00 Gross Earnings 102,361.00 Gross Deductions 12,301.00
Net Pay 90,060.00
Income Tax Computation
Exemption U/S 10 Projected / Actual Taxable Salary Contribution under Chapter VI A Monthly Tax Deduction
Conveyance Annual Exempt 4,310.00 Months remaining till March 3 Provident Fund 82,206.00 April'14 0.00
Taxable Income till Pr. Month 0.00 Voluntary PF 0.00 May'14 0.00
Total 4,310.00
June'14 0.00
Current Mth Taxable income 102,561.00
July'14 0.00
Projected Standard Salary 543,579.00
August'14 0.00
Taxable Ann Perks 0.00
Annual Medical Exemption 0.00 September'14 0.00
Gross Salary 738,584.00 October'14 0.00
Exemption U/S 10 4,310.00 November'14 0.00
Tax on Employment (Prof. Tax) 0.00 December'14 0.00
Income under Head Salary 737,657.00 January'15 0.00
Interest on House Property 0.00 February'15 0.00
Gross Total Income 635,489.00 March'15 0.00
Agg of Chapter VI 82,478.00
Total Income 758,768.00
Tax on Total Income 0.00
Tax Credit 0.00
Education Cess 0.00
Tax payable 0.00
Tax deducted so far 0.00
Balance Tax 0.00 Total 82,106.00 Total 0.00
*This is a computer generated payslip and doesn't require signature or any company seal. All one time payments like PB,taxable LTA,variable pay etc will be subject to one time tax deduction at your applicable tax slab