Bsbadm502 1
Bsbadm502 1
Bsbadm502 1
4. Outline at least three key arrangements that need to be made for a meeting.
Identify the purpose of the meeting.
Develop a preliminary agenda.
Select the right participants.
5. Outline two responsibilities of a Chairperson prior to a meeting.
making sure that each meeting is planned effectively, conducted according to
the constitution and that matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner.
make the most of all his/her committee members, building and leading the
6. Outline three important aspects of a Chairperson’s job during a meeting.
To provide leadership.
To ensure the Management Committee functions properly.
To ensure the organisation is managed effectively.
To provide support and supervision to the chief officer and senior team.
7. Explain why it is important for a Chairperson to monitor the participation of
all those involved in a meeting.
The Chairperson must ensure that the Management Committee functions properly,
that there is full participation during meetings, that all relevant matters are discussed
and that effective decisions are made and carried out.
8. Explain how, in the role of a Chairperson, you would manage someone
who is dominating the meeting.
Encourage others to talk.
Create boundaries.
Politely cut them off and redirect.
Confront colleagues privately.
Don't allow interruptions.
9. Explain how in the role of a Chairperson you would manage someone who
is too shy to contribute to a meeting.
Invest Time in a Relationship.
Understand Why They're Shy.
Play to Their Strengths.
Opt for A-Synchronous Communication.
At the End of the Day, Respect Their Boundaries
10. Explain how in the role of a Chairperson you would manage two people
having a private conversation within a meeting.
Stand by the people engaged in the conversation If there is a horseshoe-
shaped table arrangement, and we have been moving around, we simply
need to gradually move urself near the problem.
Call out the behavior This is direct and to the point.
Have and invoke a ground rule By having a standing rule that discourages
side conversations, we can ask people to stop theirs by simply saying
something like, “Just want to remind you of ground rule 2 which you all
agreed to follow.”