Busway Systems

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Busway Systems

Class 5600


Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page
Product Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Application Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Layout and Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Installation, Special Features, and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Electrical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
225 A–600 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Catalog Numbering System/Plug-In Units (“Bus Plugs”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Suggested Busway Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
100 A Plug-In Busway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
100 A Plug-In Busway Suggested Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
POWER-ZONE™ Metal-Enclosed Busway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
POWER-ZONE Metal-Enclosed Busway Suggested Specifications . . . . . 87
Busway Systems

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................ 9

General...................................................................................................................................... 9
Sandwich Construction.............................................................................................................. 9
Totally Enclosed Housing .......................................................................................................... 9
Compact Size ............................................................................................................................ 9
Finish ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Insulation ................................................................................................................................... 9
Plating...................................................................................................................................... 10
Dielectric Testing ..................................................................................................................... 10
VISI-TITE® One Bolt Joint....................................................................................................... 10
EZ JOINT PAK™ Connector Assembly................................................................................... 10
Labor Savings.......................................................................................................................... 10
Tie Channels ........................................................................................................................... 11
Internal Smoke/Gas Barriers ................................................................................................... 11
Short Circuit Strength .............................................................................................................. 11
Voltage Drop............................................................................................................................ 11
Outdoor Busway ...................................................................................................................... 11
Universal Fittings ..................................................................................................................... 11
Quality ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Integral Ground Bus ................................................................................................................ 11
CONSTRUCTION..................................................................................................................... 12
Plug-in Busway 225 A–600 A .................................................................................................. 12
Plug-in Busway 800 A–5000 A ................................................................................................ 13
Indoor Feeder Busway 800 A–5000 A..................................................................................... 14
Outdoor Feeder Busway 800A–5000 A................................................................................... 15
APPLICATION DATA ............................................................................................................... 17
The Four Types of Busway Runs ............................................................................................ 17
Service Entrance Run ........................................................................................................ 17
Plug-In Type Vertical Riser ................................................................................................ 17
Plug-In Type Horizontal Run.............................................................................................. 17
Feeder Type Tie Run ......................................................................................................... 17
Service Entrance Runs............................................................................................................ 18
Service Heads.................................................................................................................... 18
Transformer Taps .............................................................................................................. 19
Bussed Transformer Connections ..................................................................................... 20
Phasing .............................................................................................................................. 20
Other Service Entrance Connections................................................................................. 20
Plug-in Busway Horizontal Run ............................................................................................... 22
Phasing .............................................................................................................................. 22
Identification....................................................................................................................... 22
Plug-in Risers .......................................................................................................................... 23
Dimensions ........................................................................................................................ 23
Riser Installation and Phasing ........................................................................................... 23
Special Manufacturer’s Recommendation ......................................................................... 24
Plug-In Units ...................................................................................................................... 24
Hangers ............................................................................................................................. 24
Feeder Runs............................................................................................................................ 25
Busway Through Walls and Floors .................................................................................... 25
LAYOUT AND MEASUREMENT.............................................................................................. 26
Layout And Measurement of Busway Installations .................................................................. 26
Known Information................................................................................................................... 26
INSTALLATION, SPECIAL FEATURES, AND SERVICES...................................................... 28
Installation Recommendations ................................................................................................ 28
Painting Installed Busway Systems......................................................................................... 28
Hanger Spacing....................................................................................................................... 28
Maintenance Recommendations ............................................................................................. 28
Special Busway Construction .................................................................................................. 29
Special Paint ...................................................................................................................... 29

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems

Low Current Density Busway ............................................................................................. 29

Riser Plug-in Busway 29
Drip Resistant to IP-54 29
Services ................................................................................................................................... 30
Busway Measuring and Layout Service ............................................................................. 30
Emergency Service ............................................................................................................. 30
“Missing Link” Program 30
Busway “Quick Ship” Service 30
How To Properly Measure Your Missing Link(s) ................................................................. 30
ELECTRICAL DATA ............................................................................................................... 31
Electrical Data......................................................................................................................... 31
Voltage Drop Sample Calculations (60 Hz) ............................................................................ 32
Sample No. 1 32
Sample No. 2 32
Voltage Drop Data (60 Hz At Rated Load).............................................................................. 32
I-LINE® Busway Catalog Numbering System .........................................................................33
Straight Lengths...................................................................................................................... 34
Cross Section.......................................................................................................................... 34
Joint Detail .............................................................................................................................. 34
Cable Tap Boxes .................................................................................................................... 35
Tees ........................................................................................................................................ 35
Elbows .................................................................................................................................... 36
Expansion Fitting .................................................................................................................... 36
Unfused Reducer .................................................................................................................... 36
Flanged End Cutout And Drilling Template............................................................................. 37
Flanged End Details................................................................................................................ 37
Flatwise Hanger ...................................................................................................................... 38
Edgewise Hanger.................................................................................................................... 38
Sway Brace Collar .................................................................................................................. 38
Vertical Hanger ....................................................................................................................... 39
Vertical Spring Hanger............................................................................................................ 39
End Closure ............................................................................................................................ 40
Wall And Floor Flange ............................................................................................................ 40
Required Wall Openings ......................................................................................................... 40
Busway Catalog Numbering System ...................................................................................... 41
800 A–5000 A CATALOG NUMBERING SYSTEM/PHYSICAL DATA.................................... 42
Cross Sections—Plug-In and Indoor Feeder Lengths............................................................ 42
Cross Sections—Fittings and All Outdoor Feeder.................................................................. 42
Straight Lengths—Feeder....................................................................................................... 43
Straight Lengths—Plug-in (Indoor Only) ................................................................................. 43
Qwik Flange (Indoor Only) ...................................................................................................... 44
Qwik Flange (Indoor Only) ...................................................................................................... 45
Flanged End ........................................................................................................................... 46
Flanged End .......................................................................................................................... 47
Qwik Flange And Flanged End Termination Details ............................................................... 48
Detail of Phase Bussing Connections in a Switchboard ......................................................... 48
Elbows .................................................................................................................................... 49
Offset Elbows.......................................................................................................................... 49
Double Elbows........................................................................................................................ 49
Cable Tap Box–End................................................................................................................ 50
Cable Tap Box–Center ........................................................................................................... 50
Cable Tap Box–Bolt On .......................................................................................................... 50
Unfused Reducer (Indoor Only) .............................................................................................. 51
Expansion Fitting (Indoor Only) .............................................................................................. 51
Tees ........................................................................................................................................ 51
Service Head Flatwise ............................................................................................................ 52
Transformer Tap (One 3Ø Transformer)................................................................................. 52
Service Head Vertical ............................................................................................................. 53

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems

Straight Length With Flanged Collar........................................................................................ 53

Roof Flange Kit........................................................................................................................ 54
Transformer Tap (Three 1Ø Transformers) ............................................................................. 54
Adapter (Indoor Only) .............................................................................................................. 55
Phase Transition (Indoor Only)................................................................................................ 55
Hanger–Horizontal Flatwise .................................................................................................... 56
Hanger–Horizontal Flatwise .................................................................................................... 56
Hanger – Horizontal Edgewise ................................................................................................ 56
Hanger–Vertical Fixed ............................................................................................................. 57
Hanger–Vertical Spring ........................................................................................................... 57
Wall and Floor Flange ............................................................................................................. 58
End Closure (Indoor Only)....................................................................................................... 58
CATALOG NUMBERING SYSTEM/PLUG-IN UNITS (“BUS PLUGS”) .................................... 59
Plug-In Catalog Numbering System ........................................................................................ 59
Type of Unit ............................................................................................................................. 59
Compatibility ............................................................................................................................ 60
Fusible ..................................................................................................................................... 60
Circuit Breakers ....................................................................................................................... 60
Plug-In Device Mounting ......................................................................................................... 60
Interlock ................................................................................................................................... 60
Special Purpose Plug-In Devices ............................................................................................ 61
Horsepower Ratings ................................................................................................................ 61
Interrupting Capacity of Fusible Switch Plug-In Units.............................................................. 61
Interrupting Capacity of Circuit Breaker Plug-In Units ............................................................. 61
Required Clearances for Plug-In Unit Mounting
(Check These Dimensions Carefully Before Installing Busway Lengths) ................................ 62
Vertical Mounting..................................................................................................................... 62
Fusible Units ...................................................................................................................... 62
Circuit Breaker Units................................................................................................................ 62
Fusible Switch Plug-In Units—30 A–100 A (Type “PQ”) ......................................................... 63
Fusible Switch Plug-In Unit–200 A (Type “PQ”) ...................................................................... 63
Fusible Switch Plug–In Unit 200 A (Type “PS”) ....................................................................... 64
Fusible Switch Plug–In Unit 400 A (Type “PBQ”) ................................................................... 64
Fusible Switch Plug-In Unit— 600 A (Type “PBQ”).................................................................. 65
Fusible Switch Plug-In Unit— 400 A (Type “PBQA”) ............................................................... 65
Fusible Switch Bolt-On Units — 800 A–1600 A (Type “PTQ”) ................................................. 66
Circuit Breaker Plug-In Units—15 A–250 A ............................................................................ 67
I-LIMITER® Current-Limiting Circuit Breaker Plug-In Units—15 A–250 A .............................. 67
I-LIMITER® Current-Limiting Circuit Breaker Plug-In Units— 300 A–600 A ........................... 68
Circuit Breaker Plug-In Units—250 A–400 A .......................................................................... 68
Circuit Breaker Plug-In Units—300 A–600 A .......................................................................... 69
Circuit Breaker Bolt-On Units—500 A–1600 A ....................................................................... 69
Combination Fusible Switch and Starter—Lighting Contactor—Contactor ........................... 70
Ground Detector and Neutralizer ............................................................................................. 70
Combination Circuit Breaker And Starter — Contactor ........................................................... 71
SUGGESTED BUSWAY SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................... 72
1.0 General.............................................................................................................................. 72
1.1 Quality Assurance........................................................................................................ 72
1.2 Regulatory Requirements ............................................................................................ 72
1.3 Delivery, Storage, and Handling .................................................................................. 72
1.4 Maintenance ................................................................................................................ 72
2.0 Products ............................................................................................................................ 72
2.1 Manufacturers .............................................................................................................. 72
2.2 Manufactured Units...................................................................................................... 72
2.3 Basic Construction ....................................................................................................... 72
2.4 Support of Busway....................................................................................................... 73
2.5 Voltage Drop ................................................................................................................ 73
2.6 Plug-In Units ................................................................................................................ 73

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems

3.0 Execution .......................................................................................................................... 73

3.1 Installation 73
100 A PLUG-IN BUSWAY ........................................................................................................74
General .................................................................................................................................... 74
Type ........................................................................................................................................ 74
Ratings.................................................................................................................................... 74
UL Listing ................................................................................................................................ 74
Systems .................................................................................................................................. 74
Conductors ............................................................................................................................. 74
Plating ..................................................................................................................................... 74
Ground Bus (Optional) ............................................................................................................ 74
Bus Bar Support ..................................................................................................................... 74
Housing................................................................................................................................... 74
Short Circuit Bracing ............................................................................................................... 74
Joint ........................................................................................................................................ 75
Hangers .................................................................................................................................. 75
Voltage Drop ........................................................................................................................... 75
Straight Lengths...................................................................................................................... 76
Joint Detail .............................................................................................................................. 76
Busway Construction .............................................................................................................. 76
Cross Sections........................................................................................................................ 76
Elbows .................................................................................................................................... 77
Tees ........................................................................................................................................ 77
Hangers .................................................................................................................................. 77
Wall Flange End Closure ........................................................................................................ 77
End Closure ............................................................................................................................ 77
Outer Cover ............................................................................................................................ 77
Circuit Breaker Plug-In Units................................................................................................... 78
Cable Tap Boxes – Plug-In Cable Tap Box ............................................................................ 78
Floor Operated Attachment..................................................................................................... 78
100 A PLUG-IN BUSWAY SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS................................................. 79
1.0 General ............................................................................................................................. 79
1.1 Quality Assurance 79
1.2 Regulatory Requirements 79
2.0 Products ............................................................................................................................. 79
2.1 Manufactured Products 79
2.2 Basic Construction ....................................................................................................... 79
2.3 Bus Bars 79
2.4 Support of Busway 79
2.5 Plug-In Units 79
POWER-ZONE™ METAL-ENCLOSED BUSWAY ...................................................................80
General .................................................................................................................................... 80
Housing Construction............................................................................................................... 80
Housing Material ...................................................................................................................... 80
Conductors ............................................................................................................................. 80
Conductor Supports................................................................................................................ 80
Insulation ................................................................................................................................ 80
Notes ...................................................................................................................................... 83
POWER-ZONE Bus Standard Construction: .......................................................................... 83
Bus Bar Material 83
Bus Bar Plating 83
Insulation 83
Bus Bar Supports 83
Housing Material 83
Bus Supports 83
Layout and Pricing Instructions............................................................................................... 84
Fitting Description .............................................................................................................. 84
Transformer Connection 84

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems

Transformer Connection .................................................................................................... 84

Generator Connection........................................................................................................ 84
Bushing Box (Weatherhead).............................................................................................. 84
Ground Bus........................................................................................................................ 84
Wall Entrance Seal ............................................................................................................ 84
Equipment Entrance Seal .................................................................................................. 84
Expansion Fittings.............................................................................................................. 84
Housing Bellows (Misalignment) Collar ............................................................................. 84
Flanged Ends..................................................................................................................... 84
Cable Tap Box ................................................................................................................... 84
Supporting Steel (Hangers) ............................................................................................... 84
Hazardous or Seismic Locations ....................................................................................... 84
General Pricing Instruction ...................................................................................................... 85
Weatherproof Bus .............................................................................................................. 85
Typical Layout ......................................................................................................................... 85
1.0 General.............................................................................................................................. 86
1.1 Section Includes........................................................................................................... 86
1.2 References ................................................................................................................... 86
2.0 Products ............................................................................................................................ 86
2.1 Manufacturers .............................................................................................................. 86
2.1 Housing........................................................................................................................ 86
2.3 Phase Bus Bars ........................................................................................................... 86
2.4 Ratings......................................................................................................................... 87
2.5 Supports....................................................................................................................... 87

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Product Description

General Totally Enclosed Housing

Ventilated busway depends on free
I-Line® Busway manufactured by Square D offers a complete air movement through a perforated
line of compatible, sandwich-type feeder and plug-in busway housing to cool the bus bars.
lengths and fittings. It allows maximum flexibility, ease of Unless mounted in its preferred
installation, and offers electrical efficiency in the distribution of position (maximum bus bar
low voltage power for both commercial and industrial cooling), ventilated busway must
applications. be derated. Ventilated housing
I-Line busway has been used to supply power in thousands of also permits dirt accumulation and
installations throughout the world for more than three decades. offers limited protection of bus bars due to open ventilating
Our broad range of I-Line busway products include: I-Line slots in the housing.
Plug-In style from 225 A–600 A with aluminum or copper I-Line busway has a modern
conductors; I-Line® II Plug-in and Feeder styles from 800 A to “totally enclosed” housing design
4000 A with aluminum conductors, and to 5000 A with copper requiring no derating regardless
conductors. I-Line and I-Line II busways are constructed in of mounting position. Because
three-pole and four-pole full neutral configurations for system the housing has no ventilating
voltages to 600 Volts and are rated to allow 100% of the holes, the entry of dirt and
current to flow continuously. possibility of accidental contact
Busway installation is quick and easy. The compact, totally with bus bars is greatly reduced.
enclosed design is lightweight and easy to handle. Labor
studies have shown that a 75% savings in installation time is Compact Size
not uncommon when comparing I-Line busway with cable and
conduit installations. This significant reduction in installation I-Line II busway is compact. The small size means it may be
time can result in total installed cost for busway being used in locations where feeder circuits would not otherwise be
significantly lower than other distribution methods. possible. Efficient use of light-weight raw materials is an
additional factor in I-Line busway’s compact design.
In addition, a wide variety of busway components and plug-in
units are available from stock for fast delivery.
When you need busway, select the best—I-Line busway. Our
design and construction has been time-tested in many years of
use throughout the world. No matter how you compare, I-LINE
busway is your solid first choice!

Sandwich Construction
I-Line feeder and plug-in busway both utilize sandwich-type
construction to provide superior voltage drop characteristics,
even at low power factors.
Steel housing sides and aluminum tops and bottoms have Finish
been carefully designed to reduce component weight and
minimize the hysteresis and eddy current losses that are I-Line busway housing appearance has been further enhanced
common in all steel housings. by the addition of a multi-million dollar cationic electro-
Plug-in busway ratings that utilize two or three bus bars per deposition paint system to our production facility.
phase have a phase paralleling feature at the joint assembly of I-Line busway users get a tough, durable uniform “E-Coat”
each straight length. This helps equalize bus bar loading when epoxy paint finish, making their busway installations functional
plugs are mounted on one side only. and attractive for years to come.

The plug-in housing has notches along the top rail for easy Insulation
alignment and installation of plug-in units.
Within the same ampere rating, all I-Line II busway lengths All bus bars are insulated using Class B rated (130 °C (266 °F)
and fittings are fully compatible between feeder and plug-In vendor certified) materials to prolong insulation life. I-Line
styles using standard universal tie channels (housing “splice busway insulation consists of two layers of heat-formed
plates”) supplied with each component. polyester film surrounding each bus bar. On plug-in busway
lengths, all insulation is notched at the openings to allow plug-
in unit mounting.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Product Description
I-Line II busway uses the same two layers of polyester film to EZ Joint Pak™ Connector Assembly
insulate the bus bars in indoor busway while outdoor busway
utilizes powder-coated epoxy insulation for the bus bars. Both I-Line II busway offers an improved single bolt joint package
types of insulation offer high quality dielectric strength and long which can be removed and replaced with an isolation joint pak
life expectancy. to electrically isolate busway sections for load shifting and
maintenance. It can also be relocated to the opposite end of a
Plating length to take care of last minute job changes. The EZ Joint
Pak™ Connector Assembly is shipped pre-assembled with
Bus bars for I-Line and I-Line II busway are plated to ensure each
low surface-to-surface contact resistance and to minimize I-Line II busway length or fitting, providing minimum job-site
surface corrosion. Aluminum bus bars are electroplated with a installation labor. And the Visi-Tite bolt is a standard feature on
coat of tin after preparation with the ALSTAN 70 process. all assemblies.
Copper bus bars are plated with a layer of silver that is flashed
onto the surface of the bus bar.

Dielectric Testing
UL® and CSA require a one-time dielectric test for all new
busway designs prior to certification. This test, at two times
rated voltage plus 1000 Vac (2200 Vac), is intended to confirm
the integrity of the insulation system. I-LINE busway passes
this test.
Every length and fitting of our busway must also pass a
7500 Vdc “hi-pot” test before shipment from the factory. This
additional test helps ensure the highest quality busway
possible for our customers.

Visi-Tite® One Bolt Joint

I-Line busway incorporates the “one bolt”
joint principle. This joint design uses a
high-strength (Grade 5)
Visi-Tite® bolt to provide a clamping force
of over 4000 pounds. The force is
distributed over the contact area by a pair
of large diameter, spring steel cupped
conical washers. On higher ampere
ratings (2000 A or above) two or three
joint bolts are used-one for each set of bus
bars. Our “one bolt” principle replaces Labor Savings
older designs which required up to 32
nuts, bolts, and washers for each set of I-Line II busway installs quickly compared to other forms of low
bus bars. The Visi-Tite torque indicating voltage power distribution. While material costs may be slightly
joint bolt is standard on all busway joints. higher, the labor required to install I-Line II busway is often
Insulated and at ground potential, the bolt much lower. This results in an overall reduction in total
and nut are both captive to reduce installation cost.
installation time.
Fast, accurate torquing is a snap with Visi- Total Installation Cost
Tite double- headed bolts. There’s no
Labor Labor
need for a torque wrench. Use any long handled wrench to
tighten the outer bolt head until it twists off and releases a red
plastic warning disc. Any disc remaining during inspection
indicates an improperly torqued joint. For maintenance of the Material Material
joint or when busway is relocated, the Visi-Tite bolt should be
tightened to 70 lb-ft +/- 10 lb-ft (94.92 N•m +/- 13.56 N•m) with
a torque wrench.

I-LINE Other
Busway Distribution

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Product Description

Tie Channels Quality

I-Line II busway uses one set of universal tie channels for all All I-Line busway products are manufactured in a Square D
ampere ratings of busway–both feeder and plug-in. This helps facility which has been registered by Underwriter’s
speed up busway installation. Laboratories, Inc. to ISO9001:1994; EN29001:1994; BS5750
Part 1: 1994; ANSI/ASQCQ91:1994.
Internal Smoke/Gas Barriers
Integral Ground Bus
Continuous air spaces inside I-Line II busway housing are
closed off with special barriers to help prevent the spread of I-Line II busway (800 A–5000 A) is built with an innovative
smoke and gases in the event of a fire in the area of the Integral Ground Bus (IGB) system, proven by many years of
busway installation. This standard internal barrier allows use on original I-Line busway installations.
busway to extend through walls or floors without creating open
In simple terms, IGB utilizes two 1/16-inch thick ground bus
space for a “chimney effect” fire path.
bars to form the housing top and bottom. This provides an
I-Line busway from 225 A–600 A requires installation of a integral 50% continuous current capacity ground path. Equally
special internal barrier for wall or floor penetrations. important, the two ground bus bars completely encircle the
phase conductors and provide a very effective high level
Short Circuit Strength ground path for ground faults. Copper integral ground is
available as an option.
I-Line busway housing construction gives high short circuit We believe a properly designed ground should be included on
ratings. On some feeder busway, additional short circuit all distribution systems. I-Line II busway includes IGB as a
strength is gained by wrapping the bus bar sandwich with standard feature on every rating from 800 A to 5000 A.
epoxy saturated fiberglass tape. This results in ratings of up to (Integral ground bus is available as an option on 225 A–600 A
200,000 RMS symmetrical for 4000 A and 5000 A feeder busways.)
We offer many products and services to fulfill the need for
On plug-in busway, molded plug-in opening insulators (or complete and reliable grounding throughout your electrical
optional high strength insulators) provide additional short system. Consult your local sales office for assistance in this
circuit strength. Full short circuit bracing extends across the very important aspect of proper electrical design.
plug-in opening to protect the plug-in connections.
Our busway has been tested under actual short circuit
conditions at the Square D High Power Laboratory in Cedar
Rapids. These tests confirm I-Line busway can withstand
extremely high short circuit levels. Some ratings actually stand
up to tests at 200,000 RMS symmetrical amperes! Steel side channel
(2) for mechanical
Voltage Drop Ground bus/
Housing top (1/16-inch
Because of its extremely low reactance, I-Line busway voltage Aluminum bus bar)

drop is low. This efficient design allows power to be delivered

in an installation with the highest efficiency possible. This
makes I-Line busway ideal for efficient power distribution in
commercial or industrial facilities.

Outdoor Busway
Bus bars
Outdoor feeder busway is furnished with a housing
construction employing a special gasketed design to prevent Ground bus/
the entry of rain. Unique engineering and design features allow Housing bottom
(1/16-inch Aluminum
field installation in any mounting position while still maintaining bus bar)
outdoor integrity. This product symmetry provides for proper
installation in all instances. The Visi-Tite bolt is also standard
on outdoor busway.

Universal Fittings I-LINE II

Cross Section
I-Line II busway fittings are designed for use with feeder and Including
plug-in busway straight lengths as well as for continuations of Standard Integral
service entrance busway runs. The compact universal fittings Ground Bus (IGB)
Continuous bonding between
allow maximum layout flexibility without the need for special top and bottom ground bus
built-to-order combination fittings.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Product Description

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems

Plug-in Busway 225 A–600 A

1. Integral Ground Bus (IGB)—Is furnished as an optional 3. Plug-in Openings—Is furnished standard with plug-in
feature for I-LINE busway and rated at 50% capacity of the openings on 2 ft (61 cm) centers on both sides of I-Line
nameplate Amperage rating of the busway. The conductor busway. The openings include a hinged door that covers
is aluminum and is the top part of the housing itself. the opening when it is not in use. A 600 A maximum
2. Visi-Tite Bolt—Is a double-headed bolt furnished for all capability is at each plug-in opening. Hangers for the
joint connectors to ensure proper torque for each busway fit without blocking access to the plug-in opening.
connection. A cupped conical washer is also included to 4. The Enclosure—Is a three-piece formed housing with
ensure equal distribution of pressure across the full joint plug-in openings supported by molded rigid insulators.
surface area. NOTE: Insulation for I-Line busway is two full-length layers of
Class B rated (130 °C (266 °F) vendor certified) polyester film.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems

Plug-in Busway 800 A–5000 A

1. Molded plug-in opening insulator—Adds insulation and

support at plug-in contact area. NOTE: Internal barriers are standard on both feeder and plug-
2. EZ Joint Pak connector assembly—Includes like-phase in busway. All interior spaces are barriered to stop hot gases.
connector on higher ampere ratings with more than one NOTE: Hangers fit both feeder and plug-in busway without
conductor per phase (plug-in bus only). blocking access to openings.
3. Ground jaw for plug-in unit—Has a “blow-on” design similar
NOTE: I-Line plug-in units (15 A–1600 A) fit both original and
to phase jaw connection.
I-LINE II busway.
4. Fittings—Includes elbows, tees, and flanged ends that are
easily removed and refitted with the use of our EZ Joint NOTE: I-Line II plug-in busway with sandwich construction
Pak assembly without disturbing adjacent lengths. also includes features depicted for feeder style on page 15.

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems

Indoor Feeder Busway 800 A–5000 A

1. Steel housing channels—Provides mechanical strength.

2. Molded extra-strength glass fiber interphase barriers. NOTE: Electrodeposition paint process—Provides lasting
uniform appearance.
3. EZ Joint Pak connector assembly—Removable for
isolation or maintenance. Includes Visi-Tite bolt. NOTE: Housing sizes—Are the same for I-Line II feeder and
4. Steel/aluminum housing—Reduces hysteresis and eddy plug-in busway. Same accessories fit both.
current losses on feeder and plug-in busway. NOTE: Insulation— Is Class B rated (130 °C (266 °F) vendor
5. Plated aluminum or copper bus bars. certified) insulation.
6. Surge clamps for added short circuit strength. NOTE: Optional Fiberglass tape and epoxy resin—Improves
7. Integral Ground Bus (IGB) —Two, 1/16-inch thick short circuit strength (Type AFH2/CFH2).
aluminum bus bar. Also serves as top and bottom housing.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems

Outdoor Feeder Busway 800A–5000 A

1. Joint Covers— Two-piece joint cover with quick-fasten nut 5. Completed Joint—The assembled joint with all installation
for speedy installation of the busway. activities complete.
2. EZ Joint Pak—The same joint pack used on our indoor NOTE: Supports are required on 5 ft (152 cm) centers for
I-LINE II busway is continued in our Outdoor Feeder vertical or horizontal mounting. Normally, the support for
design. outdoor busway is in the form of a T-stand type device, which
3. Flanged Collar—Simple installation of the joint covers is is customer supplied. However, hangers are available from
assisted by a smooth flange surface with the joint sealant Square D when drop rods can be utilized.
strip factory installed. Removal of the sealant’s protective
paper covering and installation of the joint covers with the
quick fasten nut, seal the joint from contamination by
4. Removable Drain Plug—The outdoor feeder design
includes removable drain plugs to allow condensation to
escape from the joints. These drain plugs should be
removed only as described in the installation instructions
for outdoor feeder busway.

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems

Listed below are the four basic types of busway applications:

• Service Entrance Run In addition to the information that is electronically entered into
• Plug-In Type Horizontal Run the Product Selectors, the information needed by Oxford to
engineer a busway run is listed below. A busway run may
• Plug-In Type Vertical Run
consist of more than one type of application.
• Feeder Type Tie Run

Type of
1 2 3 4 Busway Order Entry Checklist
Order Number: _______________________________________ Completed by: ____________________________________
S Field Office: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
E (✓) = Required Information
X X X X A. Layout sketch of busway run
X X X X B. All necessary dimensions
X X X X C. Positions of equipment (fronts or rears)
X X X X D. Phasing of existing equipment or equipment by others
X X X E. Location of walls (if applicable)
X F. Location of floors (floor to floor dimensions)
X X X G. Wall thickness (if applicable)
X H. Floor thickness
X X I. Location of roof (if applicable)
X X J. Roof thickness (if applicable)
X X X X K. Special requirements noted on busway sketch (e.g., special lugs, critical dimensions)
X L. Indicate appropriate service device (e.g., tap box, service head, x’fmer. tap, bussed)
X X X X M. Equipment details if connecting busway to other than Square D equipment
X X N. Indicate location of plug-In busway on sketch
X O. Indicate the side of the busway that the plug-in units are to be mounted
X P. Indicate if there are any curbs where busway passes through floors
X Q. Curb thickness (in addition to the floor thickness)
X R. Indicate type of vertical hangers (spring or fixed)
X X X X S. If connecting to existing I-Line® I, indicate bolt or slot connection
X X X X T. If connecting to other than Square D busway, send a piece of that busway to Oxford
X X X X U. Switchboard identification markings noted on busway sketch
Notes:(1) For detailed illustrations refer to pages 18–28.
(2) Lack of all required information causes delays in
order processing and can affect the delivery schedule.
(3) If additional assistance is required, contact Square
D at 1-888-SQUARE D (1-888-778-2733).

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Application Data

The Four Types of Busway Runs

There are four major types of busway applications.

Figures 1– 4 illustrate the basic systems.

Service Entrance Run

Figure 1 is a typical service entrance run from a utility Plug-In Type Horizontal Run
transformer to a switchboard. Cables connect directly
to the busway. Figure 2 is a simple plug-in run fed by a switchboard through
(Generally a combination outdoor-indoor application.) a tee. (Always an indoor application.)

Figure 1: Figure 2:



SWof r

of t

Plug-In Type Vertical Riser Feeder Type Tie Run

Figure 3 is a simple plug-in riser fed by a switchboard. Figure 4 is a typical feeder run between two switchboards.
(Always an indoor application.) (Generally an indoor application.)

Figure 3: Figure 4:

P 3rd Floor

P 2nd Floor
Plug-in Units
Mount This Side t
Fr f
o D
P 1st Floor

o D
Fr f
o D

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Application Data

Service Entrance Runs Service Heads

I-Line II busway can be used as a service entrance conductor If the busway specifications or local utility require that for the
to bring power from a utility transformer into a distribution service entrance cable-to-busway termination be enclosed in
switchboard. Cable or solid bussing is used to connect to a weatherproof box, then a service head should be ordered.
the transformer. Figure 6: Typical vertical service head application
When the transformer is connected to the busway using Vertical service
cables, the governing electrical code may specify height 28.00
clearance requirements for the cables. 29.00
Figure 5: Typical connection of transformer to busway
using cables


Refer to code for minimum

height requirements. Indoor


X Ground level
All "X" dimensions must be known.
Switchboard phasing must also be known.
Dual Dimensions: INCHES
If the flatwise busway elevation is too low to allow a cable
connection that would comply with the electrical code, another
solution is the Vertical Service Head (29SV). The vertical
service head can be attached to busway that exits the rear of
the switchboard (see Figure 6) and is turned upward, or can
be attached to busway that exits the top of a switchboard and
penetrates the roof utilizing a drip flange and roof collar
(see Figure 7 on page 20).

For X dimensions
refer to (NEC® Article 230-24).

Figure 5 illustrates the dimensions to be considered when

planning this type of run.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Application Data
Figure 7: Vertical service head penetrating a roof Figure 8: Transformer tap for one three-phase
15.00 Note: Integral weather seal Indoor
381 supplied where busway
28.00 passes through roof. X
711 All "X" dimensions must Outdoor
be known. X X
Dual Dimensions: INCHES 1803
X 102
See Detail A Cables



All "X" dimensions must be known.
Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Drip flange Figure 9: Transformer tap for three single-phase

8.00 X
6.00 203 X
6.00 X
Roof 120.00
collar 3048

Detail A


If a vertical service head extends through a roof, the roof must XFMR Switchboard
be sealed around the busway. To do this, a fixed collar must
be factory assembled onto the section of busway that All "X" dimensions must be known.
penetrates the roof. The contractor can then flash from the Dual Dimensions: INCHES
collar to the roof. A roof flange kit can be ordered from the
factory to make the flashing job easier. The kit consists of a
Transformer Taps
drip flange and a roof collar. When installed, the roof collar
must be sealed to ensure that no moisture gets indoors. The A transformer tap performs the same function as a service
roof flange kit will accommodate a roof slope up to one inch head, except that the lugs and bussing to which the service
per foot. See entrance cables are connected are not enclosed in a weather-
Detail A in Figure 7. proof enclosure.
A Flatwise Service Head (71SB) with the box removed is
therefore a Transformer Tap (71SF). A (71SF) is a
transformer tap for one three-phase transformer. Figure 8
illustrates a typical 71SF service entrance run.
If three single-phase transformers are supplied by the utility to
deliver power to the customer, a separate transformer tap has
been designed for this application. This transformer tap is
known as a “TTF” and is shown in Figure 9.

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Application Data

Bussed Transformer Connections

If required, the factory can provide a bussed transformer Phasing

connection. This type of connection will include flexible
connectors from the low voltage spades of the transformer When a bussed transformer connection is to be used, it is
to the busway connectors. These flexible connectors are essential that the phasing of the transformer and of the
used to allow for busway expansion and contraction on the switchboard it supplies be properly coordinated. It is
low voltage spades. Positioning of these flexible connectors is sometimes best to let the manufacturer coordinate the
critical for proper alignment between the busway and phasing. Simply supply the name of the transformer
transformer. manufacturer and phasing details of the low voltage side.

Bussed transformer connections are usually made to two Other Service Entrance Connections
types of transformers. One type has a low voltage throat as
shown in Figure 10, and the other is a padmount type with a Occasionally, the customer or local utility will require a service
low voltage compartment shown in Figure 11 on page 22. entrance connection that differs from our standards. In this
case, be sure to inform the factory of any special dimensions,
such as required height of service head from ground or floor,
spacing between phase bars, number and type of lugs,
distance from lugs to wall, phasing, etc.
Figure 10: Measurements needed for bussed transformer connection (throat type)
Information Needed for Transformer Connection

Front LV spades
LV throat

Top View of Transformer

Top of
X transformer
CL of Bushing X

X CL Bushing

Indicate number of holes, Edge of
Front of switchboard diameter of holes, and throat collar
spacing between holes. Side View of
X Transformer
Note: Often the floor level and
outdoor ground level will be at X
different heights.
All “X” dimensions must X X X
be known. tank wall
"X" Number and
diameter of holes
"X" Thickness
LV Spade Detail

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Application Data
Figure 11: Measurements needed for bussed transformer connection (pad mount type)


LV spades

Outdoor X

X Front View of Transformer

LV spades
Front of
transformer X


Note: Often the floor level

and outdoor ground level
will be at different heights. Side View of Transformer

All "X" dimensions must be known. Switchboard
Note: In the low voltage compartment, the busway X tank wall
should be oriented so that the phase bars X X
are parallel with the transformer LV spade.

"X" Number and

"X" Thickness
diameter of hole
of spade
LV Spade Detail

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Application Data

Plug-in Busway Horizontal Run Phasing

Plug-in busway is used as a means of bringing power from a A typical I-Line II plug-in run is shown in Figure 12. The
distribution switchboard to multiple loads throughout a phasing shown on the plug-in busway is “GABCN” top to
building or manufacturing facility. bottom, with the top located as shown for a horizontal run.
This phasing arrangement must always be followed so that
proper phasing of the plug-in units will be ensured
(see Detail A). Because this busway phasing must be
followed, it is the busway that will determine the phasing of
the switchboard.
NOTE: Plug-in busway has the integral ground bus plug-in
jaw on the top side only.


When submitting busway run sketches for review, ensure that

the plug-in busway sections are marked (P).
Figure 12: Measurements needed for a typical plug-in type run

Notches in top rail position unit.

Hooks support weight of device
during installation.



Detail A
“Hook-Swing” Mounting

p To P
To p

X To
Unfused p
To reducer
C Plug-in
N unit G
End A
closure B
To C


All “X” dimensions must be known.

P Indicates plug-in devices.
Rear of switchboard

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Application Data

Plug-in Risers Figure 14: Typical information needed for riser

I-Line II plug-in busway can be utilized for the entire vertical NCBAG End closure
riser. There is no need to use feeder busway to penetrate the
floors. This feature enables the use of more plug-in openings X
per floor of the riser. (Plug-in risers under 800 A require 3rd Floor
internal barriers where the busway passes through a floor.) X

Dimensions Plug-in
units mount
this side X
The riser in Figure 13 has been fully dimensioned. Note that
feeder style busway has been used out of the switchboard
and the two 120-inch (3048 mm) sections of plug-in style
2nd Floor
busway on the second and third floor do not have a joint
located in or near the floor. Refer to page 26 for a discussion
and detail of joint accessibility requirements. X
Figure 14 shows typical dimensions that should be known to X
ensure an accurate installation: floor-to-floor height, floor
thickness, exact layout of multiple run riser, closet X
dimensions, the type and quantity of plug-in tap units per BA
floor, which side of the busway the units should mount on, and 1st Floor
Front of
(if necessary) the desired height of the units from the floor. switchboard

Figure 13: Typical layout 800 A riser

All “X” dimensions

1.00 must be known.
End closure 25 X

3rd Floor
NCBAG T Riser Installation and Phasing
o 120.00
p 3050
Circuit breaker type and the 30 A, 60 A, and 100 A fusible
15.00 busway type plug-in units can be mounted on either side of the
150.00 busway in riser installations.
3048 When fusible type plug-in units are being supplied, the
T location of the plug-in unit determines the phasing of the
2nd Floor o
busway. NEC Article 380-6 and CEC Article 14.502 state:
15.00 27.00 “Single throw knife switches shall be mounted so that gravity will
381 686
not tend to close them”. It is essential that the busway be
305 oriented with the correct side available for the insertion
192.00 3048 of the units.
2108 To determine the correct busway orientation (based on where
the plug-in units mount for your installation), please contact
1st Floor BA your local representative for assistance and coordination.

Front of

.50 Dual Dimensions: INCHES


© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Application Data

Figure 15: Correct orientation of riser busway The cost of removing and replacing a contaminated busway
length far exceeds the cost for including a waterproof curb
when the floors are poured.
Once busway is installed through a floor opening, the
Top remaining unused area should be filled to prevent smoke from
passing floor-to-floor (chimney effect) in case of fire in the
building. Some recommended materials available are fire
rated foam and caulk. Grouting is also acceptable, but must
be applied in a very dry form to prevent water and
contaminants from entering the busway once the grouting
cures and the water leeches out. Check with your local
inspector to determine the appropriate materials to be used in
filling the void around the busway.

Plug-In Units

When entering an order, the factory must know not only which
Figure 15 shows the correct mounting and phasing of the riser side of the busway the plugs will mount on, but also the type
busway and plug-in unit. It is IMPERATIVE that the face and quantity of plugs to be used on each floor. Also, notify the
labelled “TOP” be installed as shown on the installation factory if the plugs need to be mounted at a certain height
drawings provided with your project. from the floor.

Special Manufacturer’s Recommendation Hangers

NEC requires a waterproof curb to be installed at each floor Spring hangers are recommended for riser applications.
opening where busway passes through (see Figure 16). An When properly installed and maintained, spring hangers
unprotected floor opening can act as a funnel for plumbing compensate for expansion and contraction of the busway, as
leaks, sprinkler system leaks, fluid spills, and other types of well as shrinkage of the building. In riser applications, support
contamination. for busway must be provided at intervals not exceeding 16 ft
(488 cm).
Figure 16: Waterproof curb recommended at
floor opening



Dual Dimensions: INCHES


11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Application Data

Feeder Runs Figure 18: Joint accessibility requirements

Feeder type runs are normally used for distributing power to
loads that are concentrated in one area. Typical connections
are switchboard-to-switchboard tie runs (see Figure 17), or a
switchboard feeding a remote motor control center (MCC).
Figure 17: Figure 17: Measurements needed for feeder
type run
Edge of
tie channel

X X 8.00

Tie channel

Wall BCN
Dimension B must be
greater than 8 inches (203 mm).
Front of
Switchboard Dual Dimensions: INCHES
“B” Millimeters

Busway Through Walls and Floors

Front of NC
Switchboard When 800 A–5000 A busway extends through a wall or floor,
feeder or plug-in busway can be used. For runs under 800 A,
X plug-in busway will be used throughout. In all cases, wall or
floor location must be specified.
According to CEC Article (12.2006) and NEC Article (364-4),
busway must be installed so that supports and joints are
accessible for maintenance purposes after installation. This
implies that no part of the tie channel can be inside the wall.
Therefore, the distance from the center line of the joint to the
wall must be greater than the distance from the center to the
edge of the tie channel (see Figure 18). If the dimensions of
the tie channel cannot easily be determined, it is best to keep
the joint at least 12 inches (305 mm) from wall. This will
ensure proper joint clearance for any type of busway passing
through a wall or floor.

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Layout and Measurement

Layout And Measurement of Busway 2. Review the area where the busway could be installed (if
not already specified).
Note special conditions such as building expansion joints,
steel changes, HVAC equipment, and plumbing lines.
Laying out and measuring a busway job does not require
specialized tools or skills. The following list of tools will 3. Measure all dimensions from fixed points.
generally be sufficient: Measure dimensions such as columns, walls, or other
— 100 ft (3048 cm) tape measure building structures. Try to leave at least 4 in. (102 mm)
between the busway and any obstructions. Figure 20 on
• Plumb bob/chalk line
page 28 shows the switchboard and MCC locations, the
• 25 ft x 1 in. (762 cm x 25 mm) tape measure obstructions, and the dimensions to fixed points.
• Felt tip marker or crayon
4. Start dimensional layout from the fixed end.
• 6 ft (183 cm) wood rule
Sketch the proposed busway routing, noting elevations
Let’s assume you want to feed a new motor control center and obstructions (see Figure 21 on page 28).
(MCC) with busway from a new distribution switchboard.
Using illustrations, we’ll go step by step through the layout 5. Route the busway above the bottom chord of the building
process to determine the busway orientation and dimensions. steel, unless specified.
When completed, we will have a single line isometric drawing For industrial applications, this protects the busway from
showing the proposed busway layout. damage by forklifts, cranes, etc. The busway must be
supported by drop rods or from below. Do not route
Known Information busway where it cannot be adequately supported.
6. When selecting the elevation for plug-in busway,
From the bid documents, specifications, and/or factory
remember that overcurrent devices (plug-in units) may
drawings, the following information is known:
require different mounting clearances.
— Busway is to be 1600 A, 3Ø4W 50% GND aluminum Referring to the sample busway layout, (see Figure 21),
feeder busway. (Width is determined to be 8.84 in. enough information is known to tabulate the amount of
(225 mm). busway footage needed and the required fittings (e.g.,
• Switchboard is 7 ft x 7 1/2 in. (213 cm x 191 mm) high, 3 ft flanged ends, elbows). A copy of the figure could help your
(91 cm) wide, and 2 ft (61 cm) deep. Busway connection local sales representative with pricing your job, and also
to be in top center. could be forwarded to the factory to aid in preparation of
• Motor control center is 7 ft x 7 1/2 in. (213 cm x 191 mm) approval or record drawings.
high with a 1 ft (30 cm) additional height pull box for
busway connection; 20 in. (508 mm) wide; 20 in. (508 mm)
deep. Busway connection is in top center.
• Bottom of busway (B.O.B.) to be installed 16 ft (488 cm)
above finished floor (A.F.F.) unless obstructed.
1. Determine the physical size of the busway housing.
This information lets you know how far to stay away from
obstructions. In our example Figure 19, the busway is
8.84 in. (225 mm) wide and 5.88 in. (149 mm) high
(9 in. x 6 in. (229 mm x 152 mm) nominal).
Figure 19: Figure 19

5.88 B
149 C
1600 A Al


Dual Dimensions: INCHES


11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Layout and Measurement
Figure 20: Plan view switchboard, MCC, and

6 5
1854 G
10.00 45.00 N 36.00 Front
254 1143 914 of 102
switchboard (Typical)

Dual Dimensions: INCHES

240.00 Millimeters

12 in. x 12 in. (305 mm x 305 mm)

B 12.00
24.00 305
50.00 3 in. (76 mm) Steam line
1270 Bottom of Pipe (B.O.P.)
16 ft (488 cm) Above Finished Floor (A.F.F.)

6 in. (152 mm) Condensate line

4.00 B.O.P. 16 ft (488 cm) A.F.F.


Front of NCBAG 20.00

MCC 508
20.00 CL

Figure 21: Proposed busway layout


6 CL Rise up 5
8 ft 7 in. (144 cm 178 mm) (B.O.B. 4877 A.F.F.)
73.00 (E 4953 A.F.F.)
1854 G
10.00 45.00 N Front 4.00
254 1143 of 102
switchboard (Typical)

240.00 Dual Dimensions: INCHES


12 in. x 12 in. (305 mm x 305 mm)
Offset up (Typical)
B 12.00 12.00
24.00 305 305
1270 3 in. (76 mm) Steam line
Bottom of Pipe (B.O.P.)
16 ft (488 cm) Above Finished Floor (A.F.F.)

6 in. (152 mm) Condensate line

4.00 B.O.P. 16 ft (488 cm) A.F.F.
B.O.B. 17 ft (518 cm) A.F.F. 18.00

Offset down
12.00 20.00
305 508

Bottom of Busway (B.O.B.) Front of NCBAG 20.00

16 ft (488 cm) A.F.F. MCC 508
20.00 CL
Drop down
C 91.00

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Installation, Special Features, and Services

Installation Recommendations Hanger Spacing

To make the busway installation proceed as quickly and Maximum support intervals include:
efficiently as possible, a few preliminary steps should be taken. • Vertical mounting
1. Familiarize yourself with the busway routing. If record — indoor–16 ft (488 cm)
drawings were supplied by the factory, have a copy — outdoor–5 ft (152 cm)
accessible to the installers. • Horizontal mounting
2. Inspect busway for damage when received. Store busway — indoor–10 ft (305 cm)
in a clean, dry location.
— outdoor–5 ft (152 cm)
3. Have the following recommended tools available for the
busway installation:
Maintenance Recommendations
— 1/2-in. (13 mm) nut driver or socket and rachet
• Straight blade screwdriver
• torque wrench or breaker bar with 5/8-inch (16 mm) head DANGER
• 3/4-in. (19 mm) socket for torque wrench or breaker bar HAZARD OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, BURN OR EXPLOSION
• busway assembly tool (AT-2) for 800 A–5000 A (provided
— Electrical equipment should be serviced only by
by Square D)
qualified electrical maintenance personnel, and this
• A level instruction bulletin should not be viewed as sufficient
• Tape measure or 6 ft (488 cm) wood rule instruction for those who are not otherwise qualified
• Busway insulation tester (“megger,” 1000 V recommended) to operate, service, or maintain the equipment
discussed. Although reasonable care has been
4. Carefully read the installation instructions for all devices
taken to provide accurate and authoritative
and NEMA Publication BU1.1-2000 provided with the
information in this bulletin, no responsibility is
busway before installing any of the equipment. This will
assumed by Square D for any consequences arising
help ensure proper installation and operation procedures
out of the use of this material.
are followed for the busway system being installed. Note
the instructions call for the busway to be “meggered” • The successful operation of busway depends upon
before and after installation. proper handling, storage, installation, operation, and
maintenance. Neglecting fundamental installation and
5. Install busway hangers and supports. The most common
maintenance requirements may lead to personal injury
method of supporting the busway hangers is threaded drop
as well as damage to electrical equipment or other
rods (or all thread) which the installer must supply.
6. Anticipate the weight of the objects being installed so the
• Follow safety related work practices, as described in
necessary lifting devices and manpower are available.
NFPA 70E, part II, at all times.
7. If any problems are encountered or questions arise,
• Hazardous voltages in electrical equipment can cause
contact your local representative.
severe personal injury or death. Energizing busway for
8. Once the installation of the busway is complete, the NEMA the first time after initial installation or maintenance is
Publication BU1.1-2000 should be delivered to the facility potentially dangerous. Unless otherwise specified,
owner for his or her use in operating and maintaining the inspect and perform preventive maintenance only on
busway system. busway and equipment to which power has been turned
off, disconnected, and electrically isolated so that no
Painting Installed Busway Systems accidental contact can be made with energized parts.

A busway system, which includes plug-in units, may be

NEMA Publication BU1.1-2000 is provided with each busway
painted after installation. All precautions, however, must be
project as a guide for proper installation, operation and
taken to prevent the paint from coming in contact with
maintenance of busway products. This publication addresses
conductors and insulation, and all nameplates and labels
such areas as inspection of all electrical joints and terminals
(safety labels, serial number labels, UL Labels, etc.) remain
for tightness, prevention of entry of water and contaminants
visible and legible.
into the busway, instructions for what to do if water and
contaminants do enter the busway, and other maintenance
topics. This publication is also available upon request by
contacting your local representative.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Installation, Special Features, and Services
Other publications we recommend to help ensure the highest Riser Plug-in Busway
quality of product performance are as follows:
We also offer an I-LINE II plug-in busway specifically designed
NFPA 70–National Electrical Code (U.S.) for installation in riser closets of high-rise buildings. This plug-
NFPA 70B–Maintenance of Electrical Equipment in busway has a plug-in door on the front side that faces out
into the room. The back of the busway, facing the wall is
NEMA BU1–Busway Standard published by the blanked off with a feeder bus side rail.
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
This design provides a plug-in busway ideally suited for riser
CSA C22.1–Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1 cabinets and gives the customer only the necessary plug-in
openings. The catalog number for this device is the same as
Special Busway Construction our plug-in busway, except an R is substituted for the P.
(Example: if the standard plug-in busway prefix is AP2512G,
This section outlines requirements for busways with features the riser busway prefix is AR2512G).
other than our standard.
Drip Resistant to IP-54
Special Paint
Some busway is located in indoor locations that are subject to
I-LINE busway can be provided in colors other than ANSI 49 occasional water, such as roof leaks or sprinklers. While this
gray for a price add-on. The special color requested should be application does not require the full protection of outdoor
specified by an ANSI color code at the time of order entry. With busway, additional protection is needed for the indoor busway.
typically lengthened lead times for special color parts, it is This is where the Drip Resistant feature could be used. This
imperative to provide this information as early as possible in added feature to the busway is tested to the International
the order process so delivery commitments can be met. IEC-529 standard and is rated as IP-54. This rating specifies
protection from dust (“limited ingress permitted with no harmful
Low Current Density Busway
deposits”) and water (“splashed from all directions with limited
Some customers require a lower current density busway than ingress permitted”).
our standard for rigorous duty in their installation. We have This product is available as an option with indoor plug-in and
developed a range of busway for the most commonly feeder busway. It is identified by the addition of “M54” at the
requested current density of 1000 A per square inch for copper end of the standard catalog number.
busway. If you require this current density for your installation,
specify it, and we can meet your need. If you have requests for
another specific current density, contact your local

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Installation, Special Features, and Services

Services Busway “Quick Ship” Service

We pride ourselves in providing excellent service to our An extensive selection of busway is available for direct
customers the world over. We offer a wide range of services to shipment from the Oxford Distribution Center. This service will
make the use of I-LINE busway as simple and easy as allow you to order your busway today and have the order
possible. A summary of these services follows: shipped within two days. There is no need to wait for standard
busway devices. The following categories of busway devices
Busway Measuring and Layout Service are included in the quick ship program.

We can provide full site measuring and coordination of a — 800 A–2000 A copper I-LINE II indoor feeder and
busway installation. This service is ideal for large complicated plug-in busway
projects requiring close coordination with other services. This • 800 A–3000 A aluminum I-LINE II indoor feeder and
service must be requested at the time of specification and plug-in busway
order entry. Refer requests for this service to your local • 225 A–600 A copper and aluminum I-LINE plug-in busway.
representative. All of the above in both:
Emergency Service • three-phase, three-wire

Trained and qualified busway personnel are on call 24 hours

daily to assist in your emergency busway needs. Call • three-phase, four-wire
1-888-SQUARE D (1-888-778-2733) any time. How To Properly Measure Your Missing Link(s)
“Missing Link” Program All Missing Link dimensions should be measured to the
The “Missing Link” program is designed specifically to help a nearest whole inch from centerline of joint to centerline of joint,
customer correct last minute changes to a project using or centerline of joint to centerline of busway.
busway. Those changes could include an unplanned As shown in Figure 22 Diagram A, the centerline of the joint is
obstruction requiring the busway to be rerouted, incorrect located at the joint bolt on the end with a joint-pak installed. If
measurement of the busway run, or the need to order the joint-pak is not installed, the centerline of the joint is
additional pieces to supplement busway previously ordered. one inch (25 mm) from the end of the bus bars.
The program applies to the United States, Canada, and
Mexico, and guarantees shipment of factory-built busway in If it is necessary to measure an elbow, the dimensions X and Y
five to seven working days or we pay for the premium freight. (shown in Figure 22 Diagram B) are all that’s needed. Be sure
to measure from centerline of joint (as described above) to
The program applies to I-LINE II (800 A–5000 A) indoor and centerline of busway housing. You must also specify whether
outdoor feeder busway straight lengths and elbows (90°, an edgewise or flatwise elbow is required. The table on page
offset, and double). Plug-in busway is not included in the 50 lists the standard minimum elbow dimensions for each
program. Straight lengths are available in one-inch increments amperage.
16–120 in. (406–3048 mm). The program is limited to a Figure 22:
maximum of four pieces of busway per run and twenty pieces A - Straight Lengths
per order. For complete details of the program, contact Without With
joint pak joint pak
Square D at 1-888-SQUARE D (1-888-778-2733).

End 1.00 X
of bars CL Joint

B - Elbows
joint pak

CL Joint Bus
1.00 CL Joint
25 Without
End joint pak
of bars
Dual Dimensions: INCHES

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Electrical Data

Electrical Data Impedance Values

Line-to-Neutral (Milliohms Per 100 Feet)
• Standards: UL857 (File Number E22182); CSA C22.2 No. Ampere Aluminum Busway Copper Busway
27-1973 (File Number LL-61778); IEC 439 Parts 1 and 2 Rating R X60 Hz X50 Hz R X60 Hz X50 Hz

• Systems: ac–3Ø3W, 3Ø4W, 1Ø2W, 1Ø3W. All neutrals 225 7.30 3.42 2.85 4.06 3.75 3.12
400 3.71 2.60 2.17 2.13 2.30 1.92
are 100% capacity dc–2-pole 600 2.04 1.59 1.32 2.13 2.30 1.92
800 2.67 .91 .76 1.86 1.10 .92
• Voltage: 600 Volts ac/dc, 50 Hz and 60 Hz 1000 2.15 .74 .62 1.63 .96 .80
• Ground: 50% capacity as standard for 800 A–5000 A, as 1200 1.62 .60 .50 1.17 .76 .63
1350 1.36 .53 .44 1.05 .70 .58
an option on 225 A–600 A 1600 1.05 .45 .37 .88 .61 .51
2000 .88 .37 .30 .78 .51 .42
• Enclosure: Indoor and outdoor 2500 .71 .30 .25 .54 .38 .32
3000 .53 .23 .19 .48 .34 .28
4000 .41 .14 .12 .35 .21 .17
Short Circuit Ratings: UL Three-cycle Test 5000 ... ... ... .25 .17 .14
(KA, RMS Symmetrical) Impedance values are for busway operating at 80 °C (176 °F) temperature.
Aluminum Copper
AF2 AFH2 AP2 APH2 CF2 CFH2 CP2 CPH2 Resistance Values for Aluminum Integral Ground Bus
225 ... ... 22 ... ... ... 22 ... DC Resistance (Milliohms per 100 Feet)
400 ... ... 22 42 ... ... 22 42 Ampere Rating
600 ... ... 22 42 ... ... 22 42 3Ø3W and 3Ø4W Aluminum Phase Copper Phase
Conductors Conductors
800 50 85 50 75 50 85 50 75
1000 50 100 50 100 50 85 50 75 225 8.1 8.1
1200 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 400 6.4 6.4
1350 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 600 5.3 6.4
1600 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 800 4.0 4.4
1000 3.5 4.0
2000 100 150 125 150 50 100 65 100
2500 100 150 125 150 100 150 125 150 1200 3.2 3.5
3000 100 150 125 150 100 150 125 150 1350 3.0 3.4
4000 150 200a 200 ... 150 200a 200 ... 1600 2.8 3.0
5000 ... ... ... ... 150 200a 200 ... 2000 2.2 3.0
2500 2.0 2.2
a Certain fittings are UL Rated at 150 KA RMS Symmetrical.
3000 1.8 2.0
4000 1.7 1.7
5000 ... 1.7
Short Circuit Ratings: (KA, RMS Symmetrical) (Series Resistance values for the integral ground bus are at 80 °C
Connected with a Fuse) (176 °F) operating temperature.
Aluminum Copper
225 ... ... 200 ... ... ... 200 ...
400 ... ... 100 200 ... ... 100 200
600 ... ... 50 200 ... ... 50 200
800 100 200 200 200 100 200 200 200
1000 100c 200c 100c 200c 100c 200c 200c 200c
1200 100 200 100 200 100 200 100 200
1350 100f 200f 100f 200f 100f 200f 100f 200f
1600 100 200 100 200 100 200 100 200
2000 ... 200 200 200 ... 200 100 200
2500 ... ... 200 200 ... 200 200 200
3000 ... ... 200 200 ... ... 200 200
4000 200 ... ... ... 200 ... ... ...
5000 ... ... ... ... 200 ... ... ...
c A 1200 A Fuse is used in series.
fA 1600 A Fuse is used in series.

NOTE: 225 A–600 A busway are connected in series with a

Class J or T fuse; 800 A–5000 A are connected in series with
a Class L fuse. All ratings are tested in compliance with
UL/CSA standards. All ratings apply for three-pole and four-
pole busway.

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Electrical Data

Voltage Drop Sample Calculations (60 Hz) Voltage Drop

=√3 I (R cos Ø + X sin Ø)
Sample No. 1
=√3 X 1000 (.00163 X .50 + .00096 X .866)
1000 A aluminum busway at 50% power factor–60 Hz
=2.85 Volts/100 ft - concentrated load
Voltage Drop
=2.85 = 1.43 Volts/100 ft - distributed load
=√3 I (R cos Ø + X sin Ø) 2
=√3 X 1000 (.00215 X .50 + .00074 X .866)
Voltage Drop Data (60 Hz At Rated Load)
=2.97 Volts/100 ft - concentrated load
The values expressed below are based on a single
concentrated load at the end of the busway run. For
Sample No. 2 distributed loading, divide the values shown by two (2).

1000 ampere copper busway at 50% power factor–60 Hz

Average Phase Line-To-Line Voltage Drop in Volts Per 100 ft (3048 cm)
Ampere Power Factor – Aluminum Busway Power Factor – Copper Busway
Rating 100 90 80 70 50 30 20 100 90 80 70 50 30 20
225 2.845 3.141 3.076 2.943 2.577 2.125 1.875 1.582 2.061 2.143 2.151 2.057 1.869 1.748
400 2.570 3.099 3.137 3.086 2.845 2.489 2.279 1.476 2.023 2.137 2.171 2.118 1.963 1.856
600 2.120 2.628 2.687 2.664 2.491 2.212 2.043 2.214 3.034 3.205 3.256 3.177 2.944 2.785

Average Phase Line-to-Line Voltage Drop in Volts Per 100 ft (3048 cm)
Ampere Aluminum Busway – Power Factor %
Rating 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 60 50 40 30 20
800 3.700 3.908 3.879 3.809 3.716 3.609 3.490 3.229 2.942 2.636 2.313 1.975
1000 3.724 3.938 3.910 3.841 3.748 3.641 3.522 3.260 2.972 2.664 2.340 2.001
1200 3.367 3.588 3.574 3.519 3.442 3.350 3.248 3.018 2.764 2.490 2.200 1.895
1350 3.180 3.408 3.402 3.356 3.288 3.205 3.111 2.899 2.663 2.408 2.136 1.850
1600 2.910 3.154 3.162 3.130 3.076 3.007 2.927 2.744 2.535 2.307 2.063 1.804
2000 3.048 3.296 3.302 3.266 3.208 3.134 3.049 2.854 2.634 2.394 2.137 1.866
2500 3.074 3.326 3.333 3.298 3.239 3.165 3.080 2.884 2.662 2.420 2.162 1.888
3000 2.754 2.989 3.000 2.970 2.920 2.856 2.781 2.608 2.412 2.197 1.966 1.722
4000 2.841 3.001 2.979 2.925 2.854 2.772 2.681 2.480 2.260 2.025 1.777 1.518

Average Phase Line-to-Line Voltage Drop in Volts Per 100 ft (3048 cm)
Ampere Copper Busway – Power Factor %
Rating 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 60 50 40 30 20
800 2.577 2.924 2.984 2.994 2.976 2.941 2.893 2.766 2.609 2.428 2.227 2.009
1000 2.823 3.201 3.266 3.276 3.256 3.217 3.164 3.024 2.852 2.653 2.433 2.194
1200 2.432 2.803 2.877 2.899 2.893 2.869 2.830 2.723 2.584 2.420 2.236 2.034
1350 2.455 2.844 2.923 2.949 2.946 2.924 2.888 2.783 2.645 2.482 2.298 2.095
1600 2.439 2.845 2.932 2.963 2.965 2.947 2.914 2.816 2.683 2.525 2.344 2.144
2000 2.702 3.119 3.202 3.227 3.222 3.195 3.153 3.035 2.881 2.700 2.496 2.271
2500 2.338 2.735 2.822 2.854 2.858 2.842 2.812 2.719 2.594 2.443 2.271 2.080
3000 2.494 2.921 3.015 3.051 3.055 3.039 3.008 2.910 2.777 2.617 2.434 2.230
4000 2.425 2.758 2.817 2.828 2.813 2.781 2.736 2.619 2.472 2.303 2.115 1.911
5000 2.165 2.517 2.590 2.616 2.615 2.598 2.567 2.477 2.358 2.215 2.054 1.876
Notes: For different lengths, multiply values from 60 Hz tables by
• For balanced 3-phase line-to-line voltage drop 4-wire Actual Footage
busway, use values from tables.
100 ft
• For balanced 3-phase line-to-neutral voltage drop, multiply
values from tables by .577. • Voltage drop calculations for 50 Hz can be made by
substituting the appropriate “x” value from page 32 into
• For single-phase voltage drop, multiply values from tables
samples No.1 and 2 above.
by 1.15.
• For other frequency values (e.g., 400 Hz), contact your
• For other than rated current, multiply values from tables by
local Square D representative for assistance.
Actual Current
Rated Current

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
225 A–600 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

I-Line® Busway Catalog Numbering the SUFFIX. The catalog number PREFIX will generally
remain unchanged throughout a busway run while the
SUFFIX will vary with each individual length or fitting selected.

Catalog numbers are composed of two basic parts—the A few devices, such as hangers, wall flanges, etc., do not
PREFIX (as below), plus the SUFFIX of each individual follow the exact pattern described above. For these
busway component on pages 35–38. exceptions, a complete listing of device catalog numbers is
shown with the individual device drawing(s) on pages 39–41.
The PREFIX contains necessary busway information except
individual component descriptive details that are defined as

Bus Bar Material: A = Aluminum; C = Copper

Type of Busway: P = Plug-in

Special Features:
H= High short circuit bracing

Number of Poles: 3 = 3Ø3W; 5 = 3Ø4W. 100%N

Ampere Rating: in hundreds of amperes (e.g., 04 = 400 amperes)

Ground Bus:
G = 50% capacity integral ground bus

Descriptive identification of individual piece




A P H – 5 04 G – 10

Suffix–of each individual busway

Prefix component drawing beginning
on page 35.

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
225 A–600 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Straight Lengths

17.50 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 6.50 3.19

445 610 610 610 610 165 81

3.19 6.50 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 17.50
81 165 610 610 610 610 445



Dual Dimensions: INCHES Catalog Number Suffix -10 -6

Standard Length –Feet 10 6
Standard Length –Meters 3.05 1.83
Number of Plug-in Openings 10 6

Cross Section


B 6.00
C 152
Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Aluminum Content and Weight

Aluminum Weights
Width Bus Bars Per Phase
Ampere 3-Pole 4-Pole
Rating IN mm IN mm Lb/Ft kg/m Lb/Ft kg/m
225 2.25 57 (1) .25x0.94 (1) 6x24 6.1 9.1 6.4 9.5
400 3.38 86 (1) .25x2.00 (1) 6x51 7.5 11.2 7.9 11.8
600 4.75 121 (1) .25x3.38 (1) 6x86 9.4 14.0 10.6 15.8

Copper Content and Weight

Copper Weights
Width Bus Bars Per Phase
Ampere 3-Pole 4-Pole
Rating IN mm IN mm Lb/Ft kg/m Lb/Ft kg/m
225 2.25 57 (1) .25x0.94 (1) 6x24 8.3 9.8 9.3 10.4
400 3.38 86 (1) .25x2.00 (1) 6x51 12.1 18.0 13.9 20.7
600 3.38 86 (1) .25x2.00 (1) 6x51 12.1 18.0 13.9 20.7

Joint Detail

Top Top

165 2.88 18.75
73 476

Joint CL

Dual Dimensions: INCHES
Front Dual Dimensions: INCHES
Front Millimeters

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
225 A–600 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Cable Tap Boxes

4.29 gc
109 0.56 Dia. hole tin
E un
d mo
CL ire
0.90 Re
B C 23

CL Plug-in

D 197

CL Plug-in
A 99
opening Dual Dimensions: INCHES
225 A

CL Plug-in 191
Dual Dimensions: INCHES
400 A /600A Millimeters

A B C D Eu Lugs Per Catalog Number (With Ground Bus)

Ampere Ground
Phase and
Rating IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm Neutral Lug 3-Pole Weight 3Ø4W 100%N Weight
225 16.38 416 8.42 216 3.90 100 3.30 83 9.45 267 1-300 kcmil 1 – #6-2/0 PTB-302G 18.25 lb PTB-502G 19.00 lb
400 25.95 659 18.44 468 9.76 248 7.50 191 14.00 356 2-500 kcmil 1 – #6-2/0-300 kcmil PBTB-306G 60.00 lb PBTB-506G 62.00 lb
600 25.95 659 18.44 468 9.76 248 7.50 191 14.00 356 2-500 kcmil 1 – #6-2/0-300 kcmil PBTB-306G 60.00 lb PBTB-506G 62.00 lb
uLugs in plug-in tap boxes can be reversed in field so that end of lugs point in
opposite direction from that shown on drawing. (400 A and 600 A only.)

Ampere Rating Catalog Number Catalog Number
(Tee Leg) (Without Ground Bus) (With Ground Bus)
149 3Ø4W 3Ø4W
Aluminum Copper 3-Pole 3-Pole
100% N 100% N
Top 152 225 225 PTT-2-3W PTT-2-4W PTT-2-3WG PTT-2-4WG
400 400 PTT-3-3WG PTT-3-4WG PTT-3-3WG PTT-3-4WG
... 600 PTT-3-3WG PTT-3-4WG PTT-3-3WG PTT-3-4WG
600 ... PTT-4-3WG PTT-4-4WG PTT-4-3WG PTT-4-4WG

Front 8.12 6.88

206 175
Dual Dimensions: INCHES

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
225 A–600 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Elbows Front Inside Elbow: Catalog Number Suffix–LFI

Top Inside Elbow: Catalog Number Suffix–LTI


18.00 18.00 18.00

457 457 457



Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Dual Dimensions: INCHES Front Outside Elbow: Catalog Number Suffix–LFO

Top Outside Elbow: Catalog Number Suffix–LTO 18.00


Top Front
Top 18.00 Top

18.00 Front

Dual Dimensions: INCHES
Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Expansion Fitting Unfused Reducer

Catalog Number Suffix–EJ
18.00 36.00
A 457 914
8.13 Front
15.76 9.40
Front 400
Dual Dimensions: INCHES
12.00 7.63 Millimeters
305 194 Top
Catalog Number Suffix
36.00 Bolt End
Slot End Ampere Rating
914 Ampere Rating
225 400 600
1524 225 ... ... ...
Note: Expansion joint permits 400 -R02 ... ...
_1.5 inch (+
_ 38 mm) expansion. Use 600 -R02 q-R04 ...
recommended only when busway qAluminum busway only.
passes through building
expansion joint.
Dual Dimensions: INCHES NOTE: The National Electrical Code (Article 364-11) states
that overcurrent protection is required where busways are
Ampere Rating A reduced in ampacity except for certain industrial applications.
Aluminum Copper IN mm
225 225 4.51 114
400 400 5.57 141
... 600 5.57 141
600 ... 6.95 176

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
225 A–600 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Flanged End Cutout And Drilling Template

305 W
0.50 V 0.50
13 13

Top 3.69

11.62 H
5.00 Flanged
127 collar
Dual Dimensions: INCHES Cutout 3.69
Flanged End 94

Catalog Number Suffix–FES 12 (Slot End) /FEB 12 (Bolt End) 0.38
10 T
0.31 Dia. hole
Ampere Rating H W V T 8
W (6 Holes)
Aluminum Copper IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm Flanged Collar Dual Dimensions: INCHES
225 225 13.38 340 4.44 113 2.44 62 3.44 87
400 400 13.38 340 5.50 140 3.50 89 4.50 114
... 600 13.38 340 5.50 140 3.50 89 4.50 114
600 ... 13.38 340 6.88 175 4.88 124 5.88 149

Flanged End Details

Ampere Rating A
Aluminum Copper IN mm
5.00 178 225 225 1 0.94 24
127 4.00Contact
102 surface 400 400 2 2.00 51
... 600 2 2.00 51
1.00 2.00 Contact 2.00 600 ... 2 3.38 86
25 A 51 surface 51 A
Figure 1 Figure 2

Top Top

5/16- 16 x 1.00 C B A G
Hex head bolt

Flanged collar 125
3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
76 76 76 76 3-Pole with Ground Bus
(Bottom View)
3-Pole 3-Pole with Ground Bus
Dual Dimensions: INCHES
Millimeters CL Top CL Top

3 N C B A G


Flanged collar 125
3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
76 76 76 76 76 76 4-Pole with Ground Bus
(Bottom View)
4-Pole 4-Pole with Ground Bus

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
225 A–600 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Flatwise Hanger
0.56 Dia. hole

B Drop rod by customer

A 51

Ampere Rating A B Catalog 5.50
Aluminum Copper IN mm IN mm Number
225 225 2.65 67 1.06 27 HP-2-F CL
400 400 3.71 94 1.44 36 HP-3-F Dual Dimensions: INCHES
... 600 3.71 94 1.44 36 HP-3-F
600 ... 5.09 129 2.82 72 HP-5-F

Edgewise Hanger
0.62 Dia. hole

163 Drop rod 1.87
1.90 by customer 47

B 22

Ampere Rating A B Catalog

Aluminum Copper IN mm IN mm Number Dual Dimensions: INCHES 1.50
Millimeters 38
225a 225a 6.29 160 3.57 91 HP-3-E
400 400 6.29 160 3.57 91 HP-3-E
... 600 6.29 160 3.57 91 HP-3-E
600 ... 7.67 195 4.26 108 HP-5-E
a Hanger spacing on 5 foot centers maximum when mounted edgewise.

Sway Brace Collar

Building Sway braces are used when only one side of the busway is
heavily loaded with tap-off units or when other factors could
cause possible swaying of the busway.
Catalog Number HP-1-SBC
0.50 Drop rod
13 and beam clamp
by customer
Sway brace
(As required)
by customer

Note: When required, the 8.00
recommended spacing is
20 foot (610 cm) centers.

Dual Dimensions: INCHES


11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
225 A–600 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Vertical Hanger

To secure hanger to
busway, attach mounting
screw on bottom of busway
3.18 1.12 to hanger brace through slot.
81 28
4.30 A
109 Customer to locate and drill
four (4) .31-inch (8 mm) diameter holes
for securing mounting
B channel to hanger.
Top Bottom
CL Joint Channel iron and
.50-inch (13 mm) diameter bolts
by customer.
9.38 11.50
238 292 Note: Waterproof curbing
is required around floor
opening shown.

.75-inch (19 mm) diameter holes for access

to mounting screw on busway when securing
Floor hanger to busway mounting.
level 2.12
Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Ampere Rating A B Catalog

Aluminum Copper IN mm IN mm Number
225 225 4.28 109 6.54 166 HP-2-V
400 400 5.32 135 7.58 192 HP-3-V
... 600 5.32 135 7.58 192 HP-3-V
600 ... 6.70 170 8.96 228 HP-4-V
Note:Dimensions shown apply for 6 ft (183 cm) and 10 ft (305 cm) straight lengths only.
Consult your local Square D sales office for dimensions that apply for fractional straight lengths.

Vertical Spring Hanger


1.12 CL 1.12
28 Joint 28
4.32 4.32
110 110

To secure hanger to busway,

Top Bottom attach mounting screw on
CL Joint bottom of busway,
to hanger brace.
17.69 Customer to locate and drill four
449 (4) 0.31-inch (8 mm) diameter
holes for securing mounting channel
8.31 to hanger.

Channel iron and 0.50-inch (13 mm)

Note: With springs properly diameter bolts by customer.
adjusted, the busway weight Floor 0.75-inch (19 mm) diameter holes
will be distributed equally on for access to mounting screw on
each floor. busway when securing hanger to
busway housing.

Ampere Rating A B Catalog

Aluminum Copper IN mm IN mm Number
225 225 4.28 109 6.54 166 HP-2-VS
400 400 5.32 135 7.58 192 HP-3-VS
... 600 5.32 135 7.58 192 HP-3-VS
600 ... 6.70 170 8.96 228 HP-4-VS
Note:Dimensions shown apply for 6 ft (183 cm) and 10 ft (305 cm) straight lengths only.
Consult your local Square D sales office for dimensions that apply for other straight lengths.

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
225 A–600 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

End Closure

155 Ampere Rating A Catalog
Aluminum Copper IN mm Number
225 225 2.66 68 ACP-2-EC
CL 400 400 3.52 89 ACP-3-EC
... 600 3.52 89 ACP-3-EC
600 ... 4.90 124 ACP-4-EC
Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Wall And Floor Flange

Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Ampere Rating A B Catalog Number

Wall Floor
2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Aluminum Copper IN mm IN mm
51 51 76 76
Flange Flange
225 225 6.28 160 8.34 212 ACP-2-WF ACP-2-FF
400 400 7.34 186 9.40 239 ACP-3-WF ACP-3-FF
2.06 2.06 ... 600 7.34 186 9.40 239 ACP-3-WF ACP-3-FF
52 52 600 ... 8.72 221 10.78 274 ACP-4WF ACP-4-FF

10.00 10.00
254 254

2.06 2.06
52 52

Wall Flange Floor Flange

Required Wall Openings

Ampere Rating Straight Flanged Flatwise Elbow Edgewise Elbow

Al Cu Length Ends Wall Thickness Wall Thickness
4 IN 8 IN 12 IN 16 IN 20 IN 24 IN 4 IN 8 IN 12 IN 16 IN 20 IN 24 IN
102 203 305 406 508 610 102 203 305 406 508 610
Y★ W Y★ W W mm mm mm mm mm mm Y★ mm mm mm mm mm mm
Y★ W
6 IN 6 IN 8 IN 10 IN 12 IN 14 IN 16 IN 18 IN 6 IN
225 225 152 152 203 254 305 356 406 457 152
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
7 IN 7 IN 9 IN 11 IN 13 IN 15 IN 17 IN 19 IN 7 IN
400 400 178 178 229 279 330 381 432 483 178
8 IN 15 IN 8 IN 13 IN 15 IN 17 IN 19 IN 21 IN 23 IN
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
203 381 203 330 381 432 483 533 584
7 IN 7 IN 9 IN 11 IN 13 IN 15 IN 17 IN 19 IN 7 IN
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
— 600 178 178 229 279 330 381 432 483 178
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
8 IN 8 IN 11 IN 13 IN 15 IN 17 IN 19 IN 21 IN 8 IN
600 — 203 203 279 330 381 432 483 533 203
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
★ Dimension allows clearance for vertical hanger. Subtract one inch (25 mm) for horizontal mounted busway.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Busway Catalog Numbering System remain unchanged throughout a busway run while the
SUFFIX will vary with each individual length or fitting selected.
Catalog numbers are composed of two basic parts—the A few devices, such as hangers, wall flanges, etc., do not
PREFIX (as below), plus the SUFFIX of each individual follow the exact pattern described above. For these
busway component on pages 44–56. exceptions, a complete listing of device catalog numbers is
shown with the individual device drawing(s) on pages 57–58.
The PREFIX contains necessary busway information except
individual component descriptive details that are defined as
the SUFFIX. The catalog number PREFIX will generally

2 = I-LINE II busway Number of Poles:

designation 3 = 3Ø3W; 5 = 3Ø4W. 100%N
Special Features: (Optional) Ampere Rating:
F = Feeder (Outdoor only) in hundreds of amperes
H = High short circuit bracing (e.g., 20 = 2000 amperes)
Type of Busway:
Ground Bus:
F = Feeder; P = Plug-In,
G = 50% capacity integral ground bus
O = Outdoor; R = Riser Plug-In
Bus Bar Material: Descriptive identification
A = Aluminum, C = Copper of individual piece







A P H 2 – 5 20 G 10ST

each individual
PREFIX busway component
on page 44.

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Cross Sections—Plug-In and Indoor Feeder Lengths

Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Top G Top G Top G

5.88 B B B
149 C C C

Figure A Figure B Figure C

Cross Sections—Fittings and All Outdoor Feeder

Dual Dimensions: INCHES 1.20 Nominal clearance

Millimeters 30 (Typical)

5.88 30

.25 W .25 .25 W .25 .25 W .25

6 6 6 6 6 6
Figure A Figure B Figure C

Note: Dotted line indicates the profile of the joint covers for Outdoor Feeder busway. The profile for indoor fittings is the same as the busway itself.

Aluminum Content and Weight

Weights—Feeder Weights—Plug-In
Ampere W Bus Bars Per Phase
Fig. 3-Pole 4-Pole 3-Pole 4-Pole
IN mm IN mm Lb/Ft Kg/M Lb/Ft Kg/M Lb/Ft Kg/M Lb/Ft Kg/M
800 4.34 110 A One – .25 x 3.00 One – 6 x 76 9.1 13.5 10.0 14.9 11.2 16.7 12.1 18.0
1000 5.34 136 A One – .25 x 4.00 One – 6 x 102 10.1 15.0 11.3 16.8 12.2 18.2 13.4 19.9
1200 6.34 161 A One – .25 x 5.00 One – 6 x 127 11.1 16.5 12.5 18.6 13.2 19.6 14.6 21.7
1350 7.34 186 A One – .25 x 6.00 One – 6 x 152 12.1 18.0 13.8 20.5 14.2 21.1 15.9 23.7
1600 8.84 225 A One – .25 x 7.50 One – 6 x 191 13.8 20.5 15.8 23.5 15.9 23.7 17.9 26.6
2000 12.72 323 B Two – .25 x 4.50 Two – 6 x 114 19.1 28.4 22.5 33.5 21.2 31.5 24.6 36.6
2500 16.22 412 B Two – .25 x 6.00 Two – 6 x 152 22.1 32.9 26.7 39.7 24.2 36.0 26.8 39.9
3000 18.72 475 B Two – .25 x 7.50 Two – 6 x 191 25.1 37.3 30.6 45.5 27.2 40.5 32.7 48.7
4000 25.60 650 C Three – .25 x 6.50 Three – 6 x 165 33.9 50.4 40.4 60.1 36.0 53.6 42.5 63.2

Copper Content and Weight

Weights—Feeder Weights–Plug-In
Ampere W Bus Bars Per Phase
Fig. 3-Pole 4-Pole 3-Pole 4-Pole
IN mm IN mm Lb/Ft Kg/M Lb/Ft Kg/M Lb/Ft Kg/M Lb/Ft Kg/M
800 3.84 98 A One – .25 x 2.50 One – 6 x 64 12.1 18.0 14.6 21.7 14.2 21.1 16.7 24.8
1000 4.34 110 A One – .25 x 3.00 One – 6 x 76 13.8 20.5 16.7 24.9 15.9 23.7 18.8 28.0
1200 5.34 136 A One – .25 x 4.00 One – 6 x 102 16.8 25.0 20.8 31.0 18.9 28.1 22.9 34.1
1350 5.84 148 A One – .25 x 4.50 One – 6 x 114 18.3 27.2 22.8 33.9 20.4 30.4 24.9 37.1
1600 6.74 171 A One – .25 x 5.40 One – 6 x 137 21.1 31.4 27.5 40.9 23.2 34.5 29.6 44.0
2000 7.84 199 A One – .25 x 6.50 One – 6 x 165 24.3 36.2 30.8 45.8 26.4 39.3 32.9 49.0
2500 12.72 323 B Two – .25 x 4.50 Two – 6 x 114 38.7 57.6 47.7 71.0 40.8 60.7 49.8 74.1
3000 15.22 387 B Two – .25 x 5.00 Two – 6 x 127 42.7 63.5 51.7 76.9 44.8 65.2 53.8 80.1
4000 23.60 599 C Three – .25 x 4.50 Three – 6 x 114 59.1 87.9 72.6 108.0 61.2 91.1 74.7 111.2
5000 25.10 638 C Three – .25 x 6.00 Three – 6 x 152 72.6 108.0 90.6 134.8 74.7 111.2 92.7 137.9
Note: For required wall and floor openings, refer to page 41.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Straight Lengths—Feeder


Note:All straight lengths and fittings of feeder busway are fully compatible,
rating for rating, with straight lengths of plug-in busway. Available in 1-in.
(25 mm) increments from 16–120 in. (406–3048 mm).
Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Straight Lengths—Plug-in (Indoor Only)

D Com

12.00 To

D Com

610 To

D Com

610 To

D Com

120.00 24.00
3048 610 To

D Com


Note:All straight lengths of plug-in busway are fully compatible, rating for rating,
with straight lengths and fittings of feeder busway. 12.00

Dual Dimensions: INCHES


Catalog Number Suffix -10ST -8ST -6ST -4ST

Standard Lengths–Feet 10 ft 8 ft 6 ft 4 ft
Standard Lengths–Meters 3.05 m 2.44 m 1.83 m 1.219 m
Number of Plug-in Openings 10 8 6 4

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Qwik Flange (Indoor Only)


Catalog Number Suffix –QF

Amperage Ratings X
3-Pole 4-Pole
Aluminum Copper
IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm
... 800 10.50 207 10.50 207 16.26 413 7.50 190
800 1000 10.50 207 10.50 207 16.26 413 7.50 190
1000 1200 10.50 207 10.50 207 16.26 413 7.50 190
... 1350 10.50 207 10.50 207 16.26 413 7.50 190
1200 ... 10.50 207 10.50 207 16.26 413 7.50 190
... 1600 10.50 207 10.50 207 16.26 413 7.50 190
1350 ... 10.50 207 10.50 207 16.26 413 7.50 190
... 2000 10.50 207 10.50 207 16.26 413 7.50 190
1600 ... 10.50 207 10.50 207 16.26 413 7.50 190
2000 2500 14.34 364 14.34 364 16.26 413 7.50 190
2500 ... 17.84 453 17.84 453 16.26 413 7.50 190
... 3000 16.84 428 16.84 428 16.26 413 7.50 190
3000 ... 20.34 517 20.34 517 16.26 413 7.50 190
... 4000 25.22 641 25.22 641 16.26 413 7.50 190
4000 ... 27.22 691 27.22 691 16.26 413 7.50 190
... 5000 26.72 679 26.72 679 16.26 413 7.50 190

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Qwik Flange (Indoor Only)

Dual Dimensions: INCHES



71 1.25

Figure 1 B B
Figure 2 Figure 3

Aluminum A B C Copper A B C
Fig. Fig.
Ampere Rating IN mm IN mm IN mm Ampere Rating IN mm IN mm IN mm
800 1 3.00 76 ... ... ... ... 800 1 2.50 64 ... ... ... ...
1000 1 4.00 102 ... ... ... ... 1000 1 3.00 76 ... ... ... ...
1200 1 5.00 127 ... ... ... ... 1200 1 4.00 102 ... ... ... ...
1350 1 6.00 152 ... ... ... ... 1350 1 4.50 114 ... ... ... ...
1600 1 7.50 191 ... ... ... ... 1600 1 5.40 137 ... ... ... ...
2000 2 4.50 114 11.38 289 2.38 60 2000 1 6.50 165 ... ... ... ...
2500 2 6.00 152 14.88 378 2.88 73 2500 2 4.50 114 11.38 289 2.38 60
3000 2 7.50 191 17.38 441 2.38 60 3000 2 5.00 127 13.88 353 3.88 86
4000 3 6.50 165 24.26 616 2.38 60 4000 3 4.50 114 22.26 565 4.38 111
5000 3 6.00 152 23.76 604 2.88 73

4.00 4.00
102 102

4.00 4.00 4.00 Dual Dimensions: INCHES

102 102 102 Millimeters

NOTE: Refer to “Detail of Phase Bussing Connections in a

Switchboard” on page 49.

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Flanged End

0.62 G 0.62
16 16


J 4.00
Dual Dimensions: INCHES 102 W
Millimeters Flanged
F collar

10.00 0.88 E

0.31 Dia. hole
Flanged End: Catalog Number Suffix–10 FEB 8


Flanged Collar and Cutout Dimensions

Ampere Rating L H G J
3-Pole 4-Pole
Aluminum Copper IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm
... 800 10.00 254 7.38 187 12.82 326 13.18 335 5.12 130 10.00 254
800 1000 10.00 254 7.38 187 12.82 326 13.18 335 5.12 130 10.00 254
... 1200 10.00 254 8.00 203 12.82 326 13.18 335 5.76 145 10.00 254
1000 1350 10.00 254 9.00 229 12.82 326 13.18 335 6.75 171 10.00 254
1200 ... 10.00 254 10.00 254 12.82 326 13.18 335 7.76 196 10.00 254
1350 1600 10.00 254 11.00 279 12.82 326 13.18 335 8.75 222 10.00 254
1600 2000 10.00 254 13.88 352 18.82 478 19.18 487 11.63 295 16.00 406
2000 2500 10.00 254 15.88 403 18.82 478 19.18 487 13.63 346 16.00 406
2500 3000 10.00 254 19.88 505 18.82 478 19.18 487 17.63 448 16.00 406
3000 ... 10.00 254 22.75 578 18.82 478 19.18 487 20.50 521 16.00 406
4000 4000 10.00 254 28.75 730 18.82 478 19.18 487 26.50 673 16.00 406
... 5000 10.00 254 28.75 730 18.82 478 19.18 487 26.50 673 16.00 406

Flanged Collar Hole Location and Spacing

Hole Location and Spacing
Ampere Rating N
Aluminum Copper IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm
... 800 10 6.38 162 3.19 81 ... ... ... ... 11.75 296 3.88 98 ... ...
800 1000 10 6.38 162 3.19 81 ... ... ... ... 11.75 296 3.88 98 ... ...
... 1200 10 7.00 178 3.50 89 ... ... ... ... 11.75 296 3.88 98 ... ...
1000 1350 10 8.00 203 4.00 102 ... ... ... ... 11.75 296 3.88 98 ... ...
1200 ... 10 9.00 229 4.50 114 ... ... ... ... 11.75 296 3.88 98 ... ...
1350 1600 10 10.00 254 5.00 127 ... ... ... ... 11.75 296 3.88 98 ... ...
1600 2000 16 12.88 327 4.25 108 ... ... ... ... 17.75 451 3.46 88 3.42 87
2000 2500 16 14.88 378 5.00 127 ... ... ... ... 17.75 451 3.46 88 3.42 87
2500 3000 18 18.88 480 4.75 121 4.69 119 ... ... 17.75 451 3.46 88 3.42 87
3000 ... 20 21.75 552 4.38 111 4.37 111 ... ... 17.75 451 3.46 88 3.42 87
4000 4000 22 27.75 705 4.62 117 4.63 118 4.63 118 17.75 451 3.46 88 3.42 87
... 5000 22 27.75 705 4.62 117 4.63 118 4.63 118 17.75 451 3.46 88 3.42 87

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Flanged End

Dual Dimensions: INCHES


2.00 102 surface

.62 Dia. hole
16 Figure 1

Figure 2 Figure 3

Aluminum A B C Copper A B C
Fig. Fig.
Ampere Rating IN mm IN mm IN mm Ampere Rating IN mm IN mm IN mm
800 1 3.00 76 ... ... ... ... 800 1 2.50 64 ... ... ... ...
1000 1 4.00 102 ... ... ... ... 1000 1 3.00 76 ... ... ... ...
1200 1 5.00 127 ... ... ... ... 1200 1 4.00 102 ... ... ... ...
1350 1 6.00 152 ... ... ... ... 1350 1 4.50 114 ... ... ... ...
1600 1 7.50 191 ... ... ... ... 1600 1 5.40 137 ... ... ... ...
2000 2 4.50 114 11.38 289 2.38 60 2000 1 6.50 165 ... ... ... ...
2500 2 6.00 152 14.88 378 2.88 73 2500 2 4.50 114 11.38 289 2.38 60
3000 2 7.50 191 17.38 441 2.38 60 3000 2 5.00 127 13.88 353 3.88 99
4000 3 6.50 165 24.26 616 2.38 60 4000 3 4.50 114 22.26 565 4.38 111
5000 3 6.00 152 23.76 604 2.88 73
Ampere Rating S T U
Aluminum Copper IN mm IN mm IN mm
Dual Dimensions: INCHES
... 800 3.00 76 3.62 92 3.81 97 Millimeters
800 1000 3.00 76 3.62 92 3.81 97 GCBAG GNCBAG
... 1200 3.00 76 3.62 92 3.81 97
1000 1350 3.00 76 3.62 92 3.81 97
1200 ... 3.00 76 3.62 92 3.81 97
3/8-16 x 1.00 .12
1350 1600 3.00 76 3.62 92 3.81 97 Hex head bolt 3
1600 2000 3.00 76 6.62 169 6.81 173
2000 2500 5.00 127 6.62 169 6.81 173 G G G G
2500 3000 5.00 127 6.62 169 6.81 173
3000 ... 5.00 127 6.62 169 6.81 173
4000 4000 5.00 127 6.62 169 6.81 173
... 5000 5.00 127 6.62 169 6.81 173

NOTE: Refer to “Detail of Phase Bussing Connections in a

Switchboard” on page 49.

3-Pole 4-Pole
Flanged collar Flanged collar

G C B A G N G C B A G CL 1.88

3-Pole Dual Dimensions: INCHES
Millimeters 4-Pole
(Bottom View) (Bottom View)

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Qwik Flange And Flanged End Termination Details

• Improper contact pressure can cause overheating and
equipment failure. Use 3-inch (76 mm) conical washers
E E and Grade 5 hardware to ensure proper contact
Failure to follow this instruction can result in
equipment damage.

Detail of Phase Bussing Connections

in a Switchboard

Busway flanged end

or quik flange

Tie connector
(Used on 2 and 3 stack
configurations only)

Grade 5 hardware

Large conical washers

Switchboard bussing

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Flatwise Elbows
tC Dual Dimensions: INCHES
Join L Millimeters Ampere Rating L Catalog Number
Aluminum Copper IN mm Suffux
... 800 11.00 279 -LFM11
11.00 Joint L Min.
279 CL 800 1000 11.00 279 -LFM11
Min. 1000 1200 12.00 305 -LFM12
1200 1350 12.00 305 -LFM12
... 1600 12.00 305 -LFM12
1350 2000 13.00 330 -LFM13
11.00 1600 ... 13.00 330 -LFM13
L Min. 2000 2500 15.00 381 -LFM15
Min. ... 3000 16.00 406 -LFM16
2500 ... 17.00 432 -LFM17
Flatwise 3000 ... 18.00 457 -LFM18
Edgewise: Catalog Number ... 4000 21.00 533 -LFM21
Flatwise: Catalog Number ... 5000 21.00 533 -LFM21
Suffix–LEM11 Suffix–LFM 4000 ... 22.00 559 -LFM22

Offset Elbows
Flatwise Offset
Join L 11.00 Ampere Rating L W
Min. Aluminum Copper IN mm IN mm
6.00 800 800/1000 11.00 279 4.00 100
150 1000 1200 12.00 305 4.00 100
... 1350 12.00 305 4.00 100
1200 1600 12.00 305 6.00 150
1350 ... 13.00 330 9.00 229
Dual Dimensions: INCHES
Millimeters ... 2000 13.00 330 9.00 229
1600 ... 13.00 330 10.00 254
Edgewise: Catalog Number 2000 2500 15.00 381 14.00 356
Suffix–OE 2500 ... 17.00 432 16.00 406
... 3000 16.00 406 16.00 406
11.00 3000 ... 18.00 457 18.00 457
Min. tC 4000 ... 22.00 559 25.00 635
Join L ... 4000 21.00 533 23.00 635
... 5000 21.00 533 25.00 635

L Min.

L Min.

W Min.

Flatwise: Catalog Number Suffix–OF

Double Elbows

L Min. L Min. Ampere Rating L W

Aluminum Copper IN mm IN mm
Joint 800 800/1000 11.00 279 7.00 178
CL Joint Dual Dimensions: INCHES
CL Millimeters 1000 1200 12.00 305 8.00 203
... 1350 12.00 305 8.00 203
1200 1600 12.00 305 8.00 203
1350 ... 13.00 330 9.00 229
... 2000 13.00 330 9.00 229
1600 ... 13.00 330 9.00 229
2000 2500 15.00 381 12.00 305
2500 ... 17.00 432 14.00 356
... 3000 16.00 406 13.00 330

W Min.
3000 ... 18.00 457 15.00 381
W Min.
4000 ... 22.00 559 19.00 635
... 4000 21.00 533 18.00 457
... 5000 21.00 533 19.00 635

11.00 11.00
279 279
Min. Min.

Catalog Number Suffix–DL Catalog Number Suffix–DR

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Cable Tap Box–End

Ampere Rating A Ba C Lugs Per Ground Lugs
Dual Dimensions: INCHES Phase
Millimeters and Neutral #6-300 500
Aluminum Copper IN mm IN mm IN mm
2/0-500 kcmil kcmil kcmil
A 800 800 29.14 740 11.00 279 16.00 406 3 3 ...
1000 1000 29.14 740 11.00 279 16.00 406 4 4 ...
1200 1200 29.14 740 11.00 279 16.00 406 4 4 ...
1350 1350 29.14 740 14.88 378 16.00 406 5 5 ...
28.00 1600 1600 29.14 740 14.88 378 16.00 406 6 6 ...
10.00 ... 2000 29.14 740 14.88 378 16.00 406 7 7 ...
254 2000 ... 29.14 740 16.88 429 16.00 406 7 7 ...
2500 2500 39.38 1000 20.88 530 26.00 660 9 ... 9
... 3000 39.38 1000 20.88 530 26.00 660 10 ... 10
3000 ... 39.38 1000 23.76 604 26.00 660 10 ... 10
4000 4000 39.38 1000 29.76 756 26.00 660 14 ... 14
... 5000 39.38 1000 29.76 756 26.00 660 17 ... 17

Catalog Number Suffix–ETBMB a This dimension increases by 7 inches (178 mm) for outdoor end tap boxes.

Cable Tap Box–Center

Ampere Rating A B C D Lugs Per Ground Lugs
#6-300 500
Aluminum Copper IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm and Neutral
2/0-500 kcmil kcmil kcmil
C 800 800 35.00 889 14.00 356 16.00 406 7.27 185 3 3 ...
1000 1000 35.00 889 14.00 356 16.00 406 7.27 185 4 4 ...
28.00 1200 1200 35.00 889 14.00 356 16.00 406 7.27 185 4 4 ...
711 1350 1350 35.00 889 14.00 356 16.00 406 7.27 185 5 5 ...
1600 1600 35.00 889 14.00 356 16.00 406 7.27 185 6 6 ...
... 2000 35.00 889 14.00 356 16.00 406 7.27 185 7 7 ...
D 2000 ... 41.70 1059 20.00 508 17.60 447 10.28 261 7 7 ...
... 2500 41.70 1059 20.00 508 17.60 447 12.56 319 9 ... 9
2500 ... 41.70 1059 20.00 508 17.60 447 12.56 319 9 ... 9
3000 3000 60.00 1524 22.00 559 26.00 660 16.00 406 10 ... 10
4000 4000 63.00 1600 32.00 813 26.00 660 19.00 483 14 ... 14
... 5000 63.00 1600 32.00 813 26.00 660 19.00 483 17 ... 17

Dual Dimensions: INCHES


Catalog Number Suffix–CTB

Cable Tap Box–Bolt On

Lugs Per Catalog Number
Ampere Rating Phase and Ground Lugs
Dual Dimensions: INCHES Neutral 3Ø3Wq 3Ø4Wq
Drop rods Millimeters
by customer 800
24.00 Box
1200 6-500 kcmil 2-500 kcmil PTB316G__j PTB516G__j
10.50 ~ 1350
CL 716 Box–can be moved to opposite end in field. 20.2-inch (513 mm) clearance
3.00 required from CL of busway, for mounting bolt-on tap boxes when box is on top;
76 and 10.0-inch (254 mm) required mounting clearance when box is on
CL the bottom.

4.00 15.00
102 qMay be used only on plug-in busway with the same number of poles.( e.g.,
41 do not use 3-pole units on 3Ø4W busway or 3Ø4W units on 3-pole busway.)
Cannot be mounted in the last opening on either side of a busway run.
34.00 229
864 23.50 Cannot be used on 800 A Copper I-LINE II busway.
(Hanger width) 597

4.00 NOTE: Add “H” on the end of the catalog number for units that will be mounted
102 horizontally and “V” for units that will be mounted
vertically. These mounting frames are NOT interchangeable.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Unfused Reducer (Indoor Only)

Bolt Catalog Number Suffix
End Slot End Ampere Rating
Rating 400 600 800 1000 1200 1350 1600 2000 2500 3000
305 800 -R04 -R06 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
610 1000 -R04 -R06 -R08 . . . ... ... ... ... ... ...
1200 -R04 -R06 -R08 -R10 . . . ... ... ... ... ...
1350 ... -R06 -R08 -R10 -R12 . . . ... ... ... ...
1600 ... -R06 -R08 -R10 -R12 -R13 ... ... ... ...
305 2000 ... ... -R08 -R10 -R12 -R13 -R16 . . . ... ...
2500 ... ... . . . -R10 -R12 -R13 -R16 -R20 . . . ...
3000 ... ... . . . -R10 -R12 -R13 -R16 -R20 -R25 . . .
4000 ... ... ... ... ... . . . -R16 -R20 -R25 -R30
Dual Dimensions: INCHES
5000 ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . -R20 -R25 -R30
Note: The National Electrical Code (Article 364-11) states that overcurrent
protection is required where busways are reduced in ampacity except for
certain industrial applications.

Expansion Fitting (Indoor Only) W

Aluminum Copper
Dual Dimensions: INCHES IN mm
800 800 13.50 343
1000 1000 13.50 343
1200 1200 13.50 343
1350 1350 17.38 441
1600 1600 17.38 441
W ... 2000 17.38 441
2000 2500 19.38 492
2500 3000 23.38 594
3000 ... 26.25 667
4000 4000 32.25 819
... 5000 32.25 819
NOTE: Expansion joint permits 1.50 inches (38 mm) of expansion or
20.00 contraction.
NOTE: An expansion fitting should be used under the following conditions:
whenever a busway run crosses a building expansion. When a long straight run
of busway does not contain any elbows, or both ends of the run are fixed.


Catalog Number Suffix–40EJ

Ampere Rating L Catalog
Aluminum Copper IN mm Suffix
... 800 11.00 279 -33TFS11B11S11
800 1000 11.00 279 -33TFS11B11S11
L 1000 1200 12.00 305 -36TFS12B12S12
1200 1350 12.00 305 -36TFS12B12S12
... 1600 12.00 305 -36TFS12B12S12
1350 2000 13.00 330 -39TFS13B13S13
1600 ... 13.00 330 -39TFS13B13S13
2000 2500 15.00q 381q -45TFS15B15S15
... 3000 16.00q 406q -48TFS16B16S16
2500 ... 17.00q 432q -51TFS17B17S17
3000 ... 18.00q 457q -54TFS18B18S18
... 4000 21.00q 533q -63TFS21B21S21
... 5000 21.00q 533q -63TFS21B21S21
4000 ... 22.00q 559q -66TFS22B22S22
q Add 1 inch (25 mm) for L Dimensions of outdoor tees.

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Service Head Flatwise

A Top


1.10 914
36.00 28
1.10 914 15.00
28 381
Insulating bottom Dual Dimensions: INCHES
Insulating bottom Dual Dimensions: INCHES
plate–removable Millimeters

Catalog Number Suffix–71 SB Catalog Number Suffix–79 LESBS15T64

Lugs Per
Ampere Ground Lugs
A Phase and Neutral
Rating #6-300 kcmil
2/0-500 kcmil
800 2 2
1000 3 3
1200 4 3
1350 4 3
1600 Width 4 4
2000 2.23 5 5
2500 7 6
3000 57 8 7
4000 10 9
5000 13 11

Transformer Tap (One 3Ø Transformer)

800 9.00
229 Housing
1626 9.00 width
4.50 9.00 Top
115 229
800 9.00 32.50
229 Housing
71.00 9.00 width
229 Top

11.00 15.00
Dual Dimensions: INCHES
279 Millimeters

Dual Dimensions: INCHES


Catalog Number Suffix–71 SF Catalog Number Suffix–79 LESFS15T64

Service Entrance devices may be ordered with an indoor type joint connection for those applications where the service head is
outdoors and penetrates a wall such that the first joint is indoors. Service Entrance devices come standard with an outdoor type
joint connection.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Service Head Vertical

Dual Dimensions: INCHES
Millimeters Lugs Per
28.00 Top Ampere
A Phase and Neutral
Ground Lugs
711 Rating #6-300 kcmil
2/0-500 kcmil
800 2 2
1000 3 3
1200 4 3
15.00 29.00
737 1350 4 3
381 Housing
26.00 Width
660 1600 4 4
1.10 2000 2.23 5 5
2500 57 7 6
3000 8 7
4000 10 9
A Insulating 5000 13 11
bottom plate
removable Notes:
4.50 Typical 1. Vertical service heads must be braced or supported near top, to withstand
weight of cables, ice, wind, etc.
Catalog Number Suffix–29 SV
2. Refer to NEC Article 230-24 for required clearance of service drops over roof
overhang or the ground.

Straight Length With Flanged Collar

Ampere Rating A Ba
Aluminum Copper IN mm IN mm
Dual Dimensions: INCHES ... 800 9.38 238 13.18 335
800 1000 9.38 238 13.18 335
... 1200 11.00 279 13.18 335
1000 1350 11.00 279 13.18 335
1200 ... 12.00 305 13.18 335
1350 1600 13.00 330 13.18 335
37.00 1600 2000 15.88 403 19.18 487
2000 2500 17.88 454 19.18 487
2500 3000 21.88 556 19.18 487
66.00 3000 ... 24.75 629 19.18 487
B 1676
A 4000 4000 30.75 781 19.18 487
... 5000 30.75 781 19.18 487
a 4-Pole dimensions. For 3-Pole dimensions subtract .25/6.
Roof 203


Catalog Number Suffix–66 FCS37

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Roof Flange Kit Ampere Ratings Catalog

Aluminum Copper Number
6.00 Dual Dimensions: INCHES ... 800 ACF-38-RF
152 Millimeters 800 1000 ACF-38-RF
... 1200 ACF-53-RF
1000 1350 ACF-53-RF
1200 ... ACF-63-RF
1350 1600 ACF-67-RF
1600 2000 ACF-78-RF
2000 2500 ACF-13-RF
2500 3000 ACF-15-RF
3000 ... ACF-19-RF
4000 4000 ACF-24-RF
6.00 ... 5000 ACF-24-RF
NOTE: Roof flange kit will accommodate roof slope up to one inch per foot. The
roof flange kit consists of one drip flange and one roof collar and must be
76 ordered separately from the straight length with flange collar (66FCS37).
3.00 For “A” & “B” dimensions, refer to table above in section “straight length with
flanged collar.”

3.00 3.00

Transformer Tap (Three 1Ø Transformers)




Catalog Number Suffix–TTF N

42.00 X
1067 C
22.00 N

B 6.00
C 152
B Ampere Rating X Z Lugs Per
Ground Lugs
N Phase and Neutral
Aluminum Copper IN mm IN mm #6-300 kcmil
2/0-500 kcmil
Transformer tap A X 2000 ... 4.50 114 15.00 381 5 5
Dual Dimensions: INCHES
phasing for: Millimeters ... 2500 4.50 114 15.00 381 7 6
3Ø, 3-Pole - A 2500 ... 6.00 152 18.00 457 7 6
X ... 3000 5.00 127 16.00 406 8 7
6.00 3000 ... 7.50 191 21.00 533 8 7
3Ø, 4-Pole - Y 152
... 4000 4.50 114 15.00 381 10 9
4000 ... 6.50 165 19.00 483 10 9
... 5000 6.00 152 18.00 457 13 11

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Adapter (Indoor Only)

Dual Dimensions: INCHES Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Millimeters Millimeters
I-LINE Slot end
Bolt end 12.00
12.00 305


Catalog Number Suffix–12B Catalog Number Suffix–12S

Note: Contact the factory if connecting to Series I I-Line busway before ordering
for coordination of joint and adapter details.

Phase Transition (Indoor Only)

3-Pole Catalog # Suffix
180˚ Transition

A C 38 PT

4-Pole Catalog # Suffix

180˚ Transition

B C 38 PT

180˚ Neutral Transition

B A 38 PTN

A and C Phase Transition


Catalog Number Prefix–AF2/CF2

Catalog Number Prefix–AFH2/CFH2



Dual Dimensions: INCHES


© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Hanger–Horizontal Flatwise Ampere Rating Catalog

Aluminum Copper Number
.50 Drop rod
13 by customer ... 800 HF-38-F
800 1000 HF-43-F
1000 1200 HF-53-F
... 1350 HF-58-F
Dual Dimensions: INCHES 1200 ... HF-63-F
... 1600 HF-67-F
1350 ... HF-73-F
... 2000 HF-78-F
1600 ... HF-88-F

Hanger–Horizontal Flatwise
Ampere Rating Catalog A B
Aluminum Copper Number IN mm IN mm
2000 2500 HF-13-F 16.22 412 14.72 374
... 3000 HF-15-F 18.72 475 17.22 437
2500 ... HF-16-F 19.72 501 18.22 463
3000 ... HF-19-F 22.22 564 20.72 526
... 4000 HF-24-F 27.10 688 25.60 650
... 5000 HF-25-F 28.60 726 27.10 688
4000 ... HF-26-F 29.10 739 27.60 701



.50 Drop rod

13 by customer

Hanger – Horizontal Edgewise

Ampere Rating A Catalog

.50 Drop rod
13 by customer Aluminum Copper IN mm Number
800 800 8.36 212 HF-43-E
... 1000 8.36 212 HF-43-E
1000 1200 9.86 250 HF-58-E
... 1350 9.86 250 HF-58-E
1200 1600 10.86 276 HF-67-E
1350 2000 11.86 301 HF-78-E
1600 ... 13.86 339 HF-88-E
2000 2500 17.24 438 HF-13-E
... 3000 19.74 501 HF-15-E
2500 ... 20.74 527 HF-16-E
3000 ... 24.12 613 HF-19-E
... 4000 28.12 714 HF-24-E
4000 5000 29.62 752 HF-26-E

Dual Dimensions: INCHES


11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Hanger–Vertical Fixed

Channel by customer.
Hardware to secure
channel to floor and
hanger to channel
also by customer.

Catalog Number HF-V

1.12 Housing 1.12
28 width 28

Note: Allow 13.25 inches (337 mm) above curb or floor to CL of joint
for proper installation of tie channel cover.
51 Dual Dimensions: INCHES
floor or curb

Hanger–Vertical Fixed

Hanger–Vertical Spring

Channel by customer.
Hardware to secure
9.62 channel to floor and
244 hanger to channel HF-VS1
also by customer.


1.12 Housing 1.12

28 width 28

Note: Allow 21 inches (533 mm) above cur

to CL of joint for proper installation
of tie channel cover.
51 Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Ampere Rating Catalog

152 Aluminum Copper Number
800 800 HF-VS1
1000 1000 HF-VS1
1200 1200 HF-VS1
1350 ... HF-VS1
2.00 1600 ... HF-VS1
51 ... 1350 HF-VS2
... 1600 HF-VS2
floor or curb 2000 2000 HF-VS2
2500 ... HF-VS2
... 2500 HF-VS8
Hanger - Vertical Spring 3000 3000 HF-VS8
4000 4000 HF-VS8
... 5000 HF-VS8

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
800 A–5000 A Catalog Numbering System/Physical Data

Wall and Floor Flange Ampere Rating A Catalog

Aluminum Copper IN mm Number
... 800 8.32 211 ACF-38-WF
800 1000 8.82 224 ACF-43-WF
1000 1200 9.82 249 ACF-53-WF
... 1350 10.32 262 ACF-58-WF
1200 ... 10.82 275 ACF-63-WF
... 1600 11.22 285 ACF-67-WF
10.26 1350 ... 11.82 300 ACF-73-WF
261 ... 2000 12.32 313 ACF-78-WF
1600 ... 13.32 338 ACF-88-WF
2000 2500 17.20 437 ACF-13-WF
... 3000 19.70 500 ACF-15-WF
2500 ... 20.70 526 ACF-17-WF
3000 ... 23.20 589 ACF-19-WF
... 4000 28.08 713 ACF-24-WF
... 5000 29.58 751 ACF-25-WF
4000 ... 30.08 764 ACF-26-WF

Indoor Outdoor Flatwise Elbowa Edgewise Elbowa

Ampere Rating Str. Str.
End Wall Thickness Wall Thickness
Lnth. Lnth. H B
Aluminum Copper B H B H B H 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 24
... 800 6 9 8 9 10 15 8 9 11 13 15 17 19 6 12 14 16 18 20 22
800 1000 6 9 9 9 10 15 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 6 12 14 16 18 20 22
1000 1200 7 9 10 9 11 15 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 7 12 14 16 18 20 22
... 1350 8 9 10 9 12 15 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 8 12 14 16 18 20 22
1200 ... 8 9 11 9 13 15 8 13 15 17 19 21 23 8 12 14 16 18 20 22
1350 1600 9 9 12 9 14 15 8 14 16 18 20 22 24 9 12 14 16 18 20 22
... 2000 10 8 12 9 17 21 8 15 17 19 21 23 25 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
1600 ... 11 9 13 9 17 21 8 17 19 21 23 25 27 11 12 14 16 18 20 22
2000 2500 15 9 17 9 19 21 8 22 24 26 28 30 32 15 12 14 16 18 20 22
... 3000 17 9 20 9 23 21 8 26 28 30 32 34 36 17 12 14 16 18 20 22
B 2500 ... 18 9 21 9 23 21 8 27 29 31 33 35 37 18 12 14 16 18 20 22
3000 ... 21 9 23 9 26 21 8 31 33 35 37 39 41 21 12 14 16 18 20 22
Dual Dimensions: INCHES ... 4000 26 9 28 9 32 21 8 37 39 41 43 45 47 26 12 14 16 18 20 22
Millimeters ... 5000 27 9 30 9 32 21 8 40 42 44 46 48 50 27 12 14 16 18 20 22
4000 ... 28 9 30 9 32 21 8 40 42 44 46 48 50 28 12 14 16 18 20 22
a Wall thickness is in inches. To convert to millimeters, multiply the thickness in inches by 25.4.

End Closure (Indoor Only)

Ampere Rating A Catalog

Aluminum Copper IN mm Number
... 800 4.34 110 ACF-38-EC
800 1000 4.84 123 ACF-43-EC
1000 1200 5.84 148 ACF-53-EC
... 1350 6.34 161 ACF-58-EC
7.06 1200 ... 6.84 174 ACF-63-EC
... 1600 7.24 184 ACF-67-EC
1350 ... 7.84 199 ACF-73-EC
... 2000 8.34 212 ACF-78-EC
1600 ... 9.34 237 ACF-88-EC
2000 2500 13.22 336 ACF-13-EC
... 3000 15.72 399 ACF-15-EC
2500 ... 16.72 425 ACF-17-EC
3000 ... 19.22 488 ACF-19-EC
1.00 A ... 4000 24.10 612 ACF-24-EC
25 ... 5000 25.60 650 ACF-25-EC
4000 ... 26.10 663 ACF-26-EC
Dual Dimensions: INCHES

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Catalog Numbering System/Plug-In Units ("Bus Plugs")

Plug-In Catalog Numbering System descriptive details of the plug-in unit, and outline on pages
61–72. The SUFFIX defines the exact device type.
Catalog numbers are composed of two basic parts—the
PREFIX, plus the SUFFIX. The PREFIX contains the general

Number of Poles:
3 = 3Ø3W; 4 = 3Ø4W (Fusible units only)
Voltage: 2 = 240 Volts; 4 = 480 Volts,
6 = 600 Volts
Amperage Rating:
(e.g., 225 = 225 A)

Ground: (Standard on all units)

Type of Unit:
Neutral: (Circuit Breaker Units Only)
(Refer to “Type of Unit” below.)
Type of Plug-On Connection:
P = Low Ampere Plug-In Connection H = Horizontal Mounting
PB = High Ampere Plug-In Connection V = Vertical Mounting (PT Devices Only)
PT = High Ampere Bolt-On
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
P J D – 3 6 225 G N H


Type of Unit
• KI-KI Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 250 A Maximum
• Q-Fusible Unit; 1600 A Maximum
• LA-LA Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 400 A Maximum
• S-Fusible Vertical Riser Unit; 200 A Only
• LC-LC Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 600 A Maximum
• FA-FA Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 100 A Maximum
• LH-LH Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 400 A Maximum
• FH-FH Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 100 A Maximum
• LI-FI Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 600 A Maximum
• FI-FI Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 100 A Maximum
• MA-MA Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 1000 A Maximum
• HD-HD Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 150 A Maximum
• MH-MH Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 1000 A Maximum
• HG-HG Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 150 A Maximum
• MX-MX Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 800 A Maximum
• HJ-HJ Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 150 A Maximum
• PA-PA Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 1600 A Maximum
• HL-HL Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 150 A Maximum
• PH-PH Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 1600 A Maximum
• JD-JD Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 250 A Maximum
• PX-PX Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 1600 A Maximum
• JG-JG Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 250 A Maximum
NOTE: Special purpose plug-in devices are not defined by
• JJ-JJ Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 250 A Maximum
this catalog numbering system. Consult the factory for
• JL-JL Frame Circuit Breaker Unit; 250 A Maximum cataloging details of these devices.

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Catalog Numbering System/Plug-In Units ("Bus Plugs")

Compatibility Plug-In Device Mounting

Plug-in units are positioned along the busway length by
All plug-in units listed in this catalog may be used on original
notches in the busway housing top that accept the mounting
I-Line as well as I-Line II busway. There is no need to stock
hooks of the plug-in unit. This aligns the plug-in unit
two different types of units.
connectors with the plug-in opening. After the unit is
positioned on the busway it is allowed to swing down into the
Fusible plug-in opening where the connectors make contact with the
Plug-in switches that are 30, 60, 100, 200, 400 and 600 A bus bars. This is accomplished in a “hook-swing” sequence of
contain a heavy duty safety switch mechanism. Switches that motions.
are 800 A–1600 A contain a circuit breaker and fuses.

High visibility
ON-OFF indication

Bracket allows unit

to be padlocked in
off position

Hook stick operated

Hinged door over


Circuit Breakers Plug-in devices that are 30 A–250 A are interlocked with the
busway housing to prevent installation or removal of the unit
Molded case circuit breaker plug-in devices are available in when the
frame sizes of 100 A (FA)–1600 A (PA) with standard, high-
interrupting, current-limiting and solid-state trip circuit disconnect is turned
breakers. ON. All devices
incorporate an
The operating handle gives visual tripped indication on all interlock to prevent
devices, as well as floor operable reset on all devices. the door over the
The FA frame circuit breaker unit is a high-interrupting disconnect from
capacity breaker that would fit into the same enclosure as the being opened when
standard molded case breaker pictured below. Mounting and the unit is ON. This
the interlock are identical to the fusible unit above. door interlock can be
defeated from
The short circuit ratings for circuit breaker devices are listed Interlock
outside the unit.
on page 62.
All plug-in units come with
standard grounding means. A
grounding spring cuts through the
busway paint and forms an
electrical ground continuity. An
equipment ground is established,
before the phase jaws make
contact with the bus bars by
means of a grounding stab that
Transparent Shield over Grounding Spring makes contact with two ground
Line Side Parts jaws on the busway. A ground lug
on the inside of the plug-in unit is provided for the purpose of
attaching a ground wire.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Catalog Numbering System/Plug-In Units ("Bus Plugs")

Special Purpose Plug-In Devices

• Combination motor starter from NEMA Size 0–Size 2.
Fusible or circuit breaker primary disconnect.
• Lighting contactor. 30 A, 60 A, 100 A. Fusible disconnect.
• Magnetic contactor. NEMA Size 0–Size 2. Fusible or
circuit breaker primary disconnect.
• Ground detector and neutralizer. Used to provide means
for indicating grounds on an ungrounded 3-phase system
and to create a discharge path for static electricity.
Consult the factory for dimensional details.
• Capacitor banks. 2.5 kVAR–30 kVAR auxiliary devices.
Mount directly on busway prewired for use with separate
Type PBLA Circuit Breaker
fusible or circuit breaker disconnect. Consult the factory High Ampere Plug-In Connection
for dimensional details.
• Single-phase transformer plug-in devices from
1 kVA–10 kVA auxiliary devices. Mount directly on busway
prewired for use with separate fusible or circuit breaker
disconnect. Consult the factory for dimensional details.
UL Horse Power Ratings Motor–3-Phase Horsepower Ratings
Plug-In Unit Fusible Switch
Standard Maximum
30 3 7.5
60 7.5 15
240 Vac 100 15 30 Type PTMA Circuit Breaker
200 25 60
400 ... ... High Ampere Bolt-on Connection
600 ... ...
30 5 15
60 15 30
480 Vac 100 25 30
200 50 125 Interrupting Capacity of Circuit Breaker Plug-In Units
400 ... ...
600 ... ...
Interrupting Rating – RMS
30 7.5 20 Catalog Trip Range
60 15 50 Symmetrical Amperes
600 Vac 100 30 60
200 60 150 Number
(Amperes) 240 Vac 480 Vac 600 Vac
400 125 350 Prefix
600 250 500
With Molded Case Circuit Breakers
PFA 15-100 10000 18000 14000
Type PQ Fusible
Switch PHD 15-150 25000 18000 14000
Low Ampere PHG 15-150 65000 35000 18000
Plug-In PHJ 15-150 100000 65000 25000
Connection PHL 15-150 125000 100000 50000
PJD 175-250 25000 18000 14000
PJG 175-250 65000 35000 18000
PJJ 175-250 100000 65000 25000
PJL 175-250 125000 100000 50000
PBLA 250-400 42000 30000 22000
PTMA 500-1000 42000 30000 22000
PTPA 1200-1600 65000 50000 42000
Interrupting Capacity of Fusible Switch Plug-In Units PTME, PTMH 500-1000 65000 65000 25000
PTPE, PTPH 1200-1600 125000 100000 65000
Catalog Fuse Class (Includes 240 V, 480 V, and 600 V) PBLC 300-600 100000 65000 35000
Rating K or H J R With Molded Case I-Limiter® Current Limiting Circuit Breakers
PFI 15-100 100000 100000 ...
PQ 30 10000 200000 200000
PKI 125-250 100000 100000 ...
PQ 60 10000 200000 200000
PBLI 300-600 200000 200000 100000
PQ 100 10000 200000 200000
PQ & PS 200 10000 200000 200000 With Electronic Trip Circuit Breakers
PBQ 400 10000 100000 100000 PBLX 100-600 100000 65000 35000
PBQA 400 ... 100000 100000 PTMX 450-800 65000 65000 25000
PBQ 600 10000 100000 100000 PTPX 600-2500 125000 100000 65000

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Catalog Numbering System/Plug-In Units ("Bus Plugs")

Required Clearances for Plug-In Unit Mounting Vertical Mounting

NOTE: (Check These Dimensions Carefully Before Installing Fusible Units

Busway Lengths)
Fusible switch plug-in units (30 A–100 A) mount on either side
of the vertical busway and comply with NEC Article
380-6 and CEC Article 14-502 concerning gravity tending to
close a switch blade. With unit mounted on one side of the
width busway, the operating handle is on top and when mounted
A on the opposite side; the handle is on the bottom. The 200 A
fusible unit (“PS”) mounts only on the front of the busway.
(“TOP” sticker on the busway is on the right). The operating
Top handle is on the right side of the mounted unit.
CL The 400 A–1600 A fusible units mount only on the front of the
N busway. The handle is on the cover.

2.00 IMPORTANT: Orientation of the busway is essential for proper

51 F
Min. mounting of plug-in units. The busway must be
positioned so that the top marking is to the right
and the neutral position is to the left.
Circuit Breaker Units
NOTE: For required working clearances, consult the National Circuit breaker plug-in units may be installed on both sides of
Electrical Code/Canadian Electrical Code. a riser. The restriction is that when the handle of the plug-in
Fusible Switch A F H unit is operated vertically rather than rotationally or
horizontally, the up position of the handle shall be the ON
Cat. No. Prefix IN mm IN mm IN mm position.
30 15.22 387 7.98 203 8.00 203 Fusible Switch Lighting
60 15.22 387 7.98 203 8.00 203 A F H
PQ Contactor
100 15.22 387 11.98 304 8.00 203
200 27.50 699 15.00 381 15.00 381
Cat. No. Contactor and
PS 200 27.50 699 9.00 229 12.00 305 IN mm IN mm IN mm
Prefix Switch Rating
400 60.00 1524 7.25 184 18.00 457
PBQ 600 60.00 1524 7.25 184 18.00 457 30 Aj 29.58 751 3.38 86 10.00 254
30a – 60 – 100 A 33.42 849 9.38 238 12.00 305
800 53.90 1369 8.75 222 9.50 241
1000 53.90 1369 8.75 222 9.50 241
PTQ a30 A unit with mechanically held contactor.
1200 57.00 1448 10.25 260 13.75 349
1600 57.00 1448 10.25 260 13.75 349 j30 A unit with electrically held contactor.

Fusible Switch Starter and

Circuit Breaker A F H
Starter or
Ampere Cat. No. Switch
Cat. No. Prefix IN mm IN mm IN mm Contactor IN mm IN mm IN mm
Rating Prefix Rating
PFA, PFH 15-100 20.87 530 2.12 54 10.00 254
0–1 30-60 A 27.40 696 2.13 54 10.00 254
PFI 15-100 25.63 651 2.38 60 11.00 279 PSS, PSC 2 60 A 29.58 751 3.38 86 10.00 254
PHD, PHG, PHJ, PHL 15-150 25.63 651 2.38 60 11.00 279 2 100 A 33.42 849 9.38 238 12.00 305
PJD, PJG, PJJ, PJL 175-250 25.63 651 2.38 60 11.00 279
PKI 125-250 25.63 651 2.38 60 11.00 279 Circuit Breaker Starter and
PBLA, PBLH 250-400 35.69 906 5.62 142 15.00 381 Contactor
PBLX, PBLC, PBLI 300-600 35.00 889 8.00 203 20.00 508
Starter or
PTMX, PTME, PTMA, Cat. No. Switch
500-1000 35.20 894 6.25 159 7.75 197 Contactor IN mm IN mm IN mm
PTMH Prefix Rating
57.00 1448 10.25 260 13.75 349
PTPH 1600 PBS, PBC 0, 1, 2 15-90 A 27.86 708 3.75 95 10.00 254

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Catalog Numbering System/Plug-In Units ("Bus Plugs")

Fusible Switch Plug-In Units—30 A–100 A (Type “PQ”)

138 4.63
Top 118
Required mounting clearance

1.05 Dual Dimensions: INCHES

27 Millimeters 8.85 1.63
225 41



Fusible Switch Weight Lugs Per Phase Lugs Per Neutral Ground Lugs A B
Cat. No. Ampere
Lb Kg Qty. Size Qty. Size Qty. Size IN mm IN mm
Prefix Rating
30 15.0 33.0 1 #12 – #2 1 #12 – #1/0 1 #10 – #2 14.95 379 7.98 203
PQ 60 15.0 33.0 1 #12 – #2 1 #12 – #1/0 1 #10 – #2 14.95 379 7.98 203
100 17.0 37.5 1 #12 – #1/0 1 #12 – #1/0 1 #10 – #2 18.97 480 11.98 304

Fusible Switch Plug-In Unit–200 A (Type “PQ”)

Weight Lugs Per Phase and

Fusible Switch Ground Lugs
(Approx.) Neutral
Cat. No. Ampere
Lb Kg Qty. Size Qty. Size
Prefix Rating
PQq 200 71 32 1 #6-300 kcmil 1 #10-2/0
q200 A “PQ” units are for use primarily on horizontally mounted busway. 247
Refer to “PS” units for use primarily on vertically mounted busway.
Dual Dimensions: INCHES
.56 Dia.
Required mounting clearance

16.17 1.13
411 29





© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Catalog Numbering System/Plug-In Units ("Bus Plugs")

Fusible Switch Plug–In Unit 200 A (Type “PS”)

Weight Lugs Per Phase and
Fusible Switch Ground Lugs
(Approx.) Neutral
Cat. No. Ampere
Top Lb Kg Qty. Size Qty. Size
Prefix Rating
PSq 200 71 32 1 #6-300 kcmil 1 #10-2/0

9.09 q 200 A “PS” units for use on one side of vertically mounted busway only. To
231 11.44 determine proper mounting side for this unit, position busway “TOP”
CL 291 marking to the right (same side as unit operating handle) and the neutral
18.00 bus bar to the left as shown in top view of drawing. Refer to “PQ” units for
use on horizontally mounted busway.

Required mounting clearance Dual Dimensions: INCHES

16.17 1.13 Millimeters
411 29
1.11 14.22

ON 94


Fusible Switch Plug–In Unit 400 A (Type “PBQ”)

Weight Lugs Per Phase

Fusible Switch Ground Lugs
(Approx.) and Neutral
Cat. No. Ampere 4.34
Lb Kg Qty. Size Qty. Size
Prefix Rating 110
PBQf 400 195 89 2 #4-600 kcmil 1 #3/0-600 kcmil
f 400 A “PBQ” unit plugs into one opening, but requires space equal to two
plug-in openings.

NOTE: For vertical riser applications for I-Line II busway, order auxiliary kit
catalog number PBQ-4060-RMK. This kit is not suitable for installation on CL 13.75
I-Line busway from 225 A–600 A in a vertical riser mounting. 349

Required mounting clearance Dual Dimensions: INCHES


4.00 1.27 42.00 1.40

102 32 1067 36

457 ON

B 20.95
C 532

156 OFF

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Catalog Numbering System/Plug-In Units ("Bus Plugs")

Fusible Switch Plug-In Unit— 600 A (Type “PBQ”)

Weight Lugs Per Phase and

Fusible Switch Ground Lugs 4.34
(Approx.) Neutral 110
Cat. No. Ampere
Lb Kg Qty. Size Qty. Size
Prefix Rating
PBQf 600 195 89 2 #4-600 kcmil 1
f 600 A “PBQ” unit plugs into one opening but requires space equal to two
plug-in openings. CL 13.75
NOTE: For vertical riser applications for I-Line II busway, order auxiliary kit
catalog number PBQ-4060-RMK. This kit is not suitable for installation on
I-Line busway from 225 A–600 A in a vertical riser mounting.
Required mounting clearance Dual Dimensions: INCHES

4.00 1.27 42.00 1.40

102 32 1067 36

457 ON

B 20.95
C 532

156 OFF

Fusible Switch Plug-In Unit— 400 A (Type “PBQA”)

Weight Lugs Per Phase Ground

Fusible Switch
(Approx.) and Neutral Lugs
Cat. No. Ampere
Lb Kg Qty. Size Qty. Size
Prefix Rating
PBQAa 400 118 53.5 1 500 kcmil 1 1/0
a Contains Class R fuse kits installed at factory.
NOTE: Lugs are compression type.

13.07 Required mounting clearance


Dual Dimensions: INCHES

22.21 32 17.37
1.20 564
453 5.06 18.00
30 129 457


18.99 B
482 C


© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Catalog Numbering System/Plug-In Units ("Bus Plugs")

Fusible Switch Bolt-On Units — 800 A–1600 A (Type “PTQ”)

Bolt-on units may be used only on plug-in busway
(800 A–4000 A—except 800 A copper I-LINE II) with the
same number of poles. (e.g., Do not use 3-pole unit on
3Ø4W busway, or 3Ø4W unit on 3-pole busway.) I Top
Required mounting clearance Dual Dimensions: INCHES

H Drop rods
by customer
G Top
C Front B

1.62 4.00 4.00

41 102 102

Fusible Switch A B C D E F G H I
Cat. No. Ampere
IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm
Prefix Rating
800 49.75 1264 18.62 473 12.40 315 16.50 416 4.75 121 7.75 197 6.03 153 9.50 241 5.75 146
1000 49.75 1264 18.62 473 12.40 315 16.50 416 4.75 121 7.75 197 6.03 153 9.50 241 5.75 146
PTQ 1200 56.25 1429 24.25 616 16.00 406 20.10 510 9.00 229 9.25 235 10.28 261 13.75 349 9.00 229
1600 56.25 1429 24.25 616 16.00 406 20.10 510 9.00 229 9.25 235 10.28 261 13.75 349 9.00 229

Lugs Per Phase

Fusible Switch Weight Ground Lugs
and Neutral
No. Lb Kg Qty. Size Qty. Size
800 230.00 103 3 2
1000 230.00 103 3 2/0 – 500 kcmil 2 2/0 – 500 kcmil
PTQj 1200 350.00 159 6 2
1600 350.00 159 6 3
j “PTQ” units plug into one opening, but require space equal to three plug-in
openings (See dimension A).

Note: This unit requires a special hanger that is mounting orientation specific.
Add “H” on the end of the catalog number for units that will be mounted
horizontally, and “V” for units that will be mounted vertically. These mounting
frames are NOT interchangeable.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Catalog Numbering System/Plug-In Units ("Bus Plugs")

Circuit Breaker Plug-In Units—15 A–250 A

Circuit Breaker A B C D E F G H
Trip Rnage
Cat No. Prefix IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm
PFA, PFH 15-100 13 330 8.25 210 6.62 168 8.62 219 1.12 28 1.12 28 2 51 10 254
15-150 20.30 516 8.50 216 8.00 203 9.12 232 1.00 25 1.38 35 2.00 51 11.00 279
PJD, PJG, PJJ, PJL 175-250 20.30 516 8.50 216 8.00 203 9.12 232 1.00 25 1.38 35 2.00 51 11.00 279

Lugs Per Phase

Circuit Breaker Weight Ground Lugs
and Neutral
Cat No. Trip Range
Lb Kg Qty. Size Qty. Size
Prefix (Amperes)
PFA, PFH 15-30 28 13 1 #14 - 4 1 #10 - #2
PFA, PFH 35-100 28 13 1 #14 - 1/0 1 #10 - #2
PHG, PHJ, 15-30 32.00 15 1 #14 - #10 1 #6 - #2/0
PHD, Top C
PHG, PHJ, 35-150 32.00 15 1 #8 - #3/0 1 #6 - #2/0 CL
PJD, PJG, #3/0 - 350
175-250 32.00 15 1 1 #6 - #2/0
PJJ, PJL kcmil 1.38 3.25
35 83 Dual Dimensions: INCHES
Required mounting clearance


G E Top ON
A Front B

I-Limiter® Current-Limiting Circuit Breaker Plug-In Units—15 A–250 A

Circuit Breaker A B C D E F G H
Trip Range
Cat. No. Prefix IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm
PFI 15-100 A 16.38 416 8.50 216 8.00 203 9.12 232 1.00 25 1.38 35 2.00 51 11.00 279
PKI 125-250 A 16.38 416 8.50 216 8.00 203 9.12 232 1.00 25 1.38 35 2.00 51 11.00 279

Weight Lugs Per Phase

Circuit Breaker Ground Lugs
(Approx.) and Neutral
Cat. No.
Range Lb Kg Qty. Size Qty. Size
Prefix Top C
(Amperes) CL
PFI 15-30 A 32.0 15 1 #14 – 4 1 #6 – 1/0
PFI 35-100 A 32.0 15 1 #14 – 1/0 1 #6 – 1/0
PKI 125-250 A 53.0 24 1 #6 – 300 kcmil 1 #10 – #2
1.38 3.25
35 83 Dual Dimensions: INCHES
Required mounting clearance


G E Top ON
A Front B

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Catalog Numbering System/Plug-In Units ("Bus Plugs")

I-Limiter® Current-Limiting Circuit Breaker Plug-In Units— 300 A– 600 A


0.47 Dia. hole
12 9.77
(2 Holes) 248
Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Required mounting clearance Drop rod by

14.86 962
137 1.25
G 32
CL B Front 18.20
C 462

Circuit Breaker Weight (Approx.) Lugs Per Phase Ground Lugs Lugs On Neutral
Triple Range
Cat. No. Prefix Lb Kg Qty. Size Qty. Size Qty. Size
PBLIq 300-600 127.0 58 2 #4 – 300 kcmil 1 #6 – 300 kcmil 3 3/0 – 500 kcmil
q “PBLI”units plug into one opening, but require space equal to two plug-in openings.

Circuit Breaker Plug-In Units—250 A– 400 A




Required mounting clearance Dual Dimensions: INCHES


17.00 1.10 27.31

432 28 694

5.75 ON
A Front 15.25
B OFF 387


Circuit Breaker Weight (Approx.) Lugs Per Phase and Neutral Ground Lugs
Cat. No. Triple Range
Lb Kg Qty. Size Qty. Size
Prefix (Amperes)
PBLA, PBLH 250-400 78 35 1 #1 – 600 kcmil 1 #6 – 300 kcmil
“PBLA” and “PBLH” units plug into one opening, but require space equal to two plug-in openings.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Catalog Numbering System/Plug-In Units ("Bus Plugs")

Circuit Breaker Plug-In Units—300 A– 600 A


Dual Dimensions: INCHES Top
Millimeters 0.47 Dia. hole
12 9.77
(2 Holes) 248

Required mounting clearance Drop rod by

377 37.87
4.00 962
137 1.25
G 32
CL B Front 18.20
C 462

Circuit Breaker Weight (Approx.) Lugs Per Phase Ground Lugs Lugs On Neutral
Triple Range
Cat. No. Prefix Lb Kg Qty. Size Qty. Size Qty. Size
PBLCq 300-600 127.0 58 2 4/0 – 500 kcmil 1 #6 – 300 kcmil 2 2/0 – 500 kcmil
q “PBLC” units plug into one opening but require space equal to two plug-in openings.

Circuit Breaker Bolt-On Units—500 A–1600 A

NOTE: Bolt-on units may be used only on plug-in busway

(800 A–4000 A—except 800 A copper I-LINE II) with the
same number of poles. (E.g., Do not use 3-pole unit on 5.75
146 Top
3Ø4W busway, or 3Ø4W unit on 3-pole busway.) CL
Required mounting clearance

Dual Dimensions: INCHES

H Drop rods
by customer
G Top
C Front B

1.62 4.00 4.00

41 102 102
Circuit Breaker A B C D E H F G
Cat. No. Prefix Range IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm
PTMAj, PTMH 500-1000 31.62 803 14.12 359 12.50 318 16.60 422 2.75 70 5.25 133 4.25 390 7.75 197
PTMX 500-800 31.62 803 14.12 359 12.50 318 16.60 422 2.75 70 5.25 133 4.25 390 7.75 197
PTPAj, PTPH, PTPX 1000-1600 56.75 1441 24.25 656 16.00 406 20.10 510 9.00 229 9.25 235 10.50 648 13.75 349
Circuit Breaker Weight (Approx.) Lugs Per Phase and Neutral Ground Lugs
NOTE: This unit requires a special hanger
Cat. No. Triple Range that is mounting orientation specific. Add “H”
Lb Kg Qty. Size Qty. Size
Prefix (Amperes) on the end of the catalog number for units that
PTMAj, PTMH 500-1000 160.0 73 3 3/0 – 500 kcmil 2 2/0 – 500 kcmil will be mounted horizontally, and “V” for units
PTMX 500-800 160.0 73 3 3/0 – 500 kcmil 2 2/0 – 500 kcmil which will be mounted vertically. These
PTPAj, PTPH, PTPX 1000-1600 350.0 159 6 2/0 – 500 kcmil 3 2/0 – 500 kcmil mounting frames are NOT interchangeable.
j “PTMA”, “PTMH”, “PTMX”, “PTPA”, “PTPH”, and “PTPX” units plug into one opening but require space equal
to two or three plug-in openings (See Dimension A.)

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Catalog Numbering System/Plug-In Units ("Bus Plugs")

Combination Fusible Switch and Starter—Lighting Contactor—Contactor

Fusible Switch and Starter/Lighting Contactor/Contactor
Starter or Lighting Fusible Switch
Cat. No. Prefix
Contactor Size Contactor Size Rating
0-1 ... 30-60 A
4.64 PSS, PSC 2 ... 60 A
6.47 2 ... 100 A
... 30 A 30 A
PSL ... 60 A 60 A
... 100 A 100 A
Top View 4.81 1.54
122 39 Note: All device ratings fit in the same enclosure dimensions as shown above.
14.87 7.98
378 203

G 3.93
A 100


Front View Side View

Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Ground Detector and Neutralizer

138 4.63
Top 118
Required mounting clearance

8.85 1.63 27 8.00
225 41 203

ON G Switch jaws
240 Vac Tap
B 480 Vac
C 600 Vac Tap
OFF N Resistors

Indicating 240 V
neon lamp

Dual Dimensions: INCHES Wiring Diagram

NOTE: The ground detector and neutralizer plug-in unit consists of a

disconnect, a high resistance connection from each phase-to-ground, and neon
Weight indicating lights wired in parallel with the resistors. The resistors provide a
Voltage Rating Catalog Number
Lb Kg discharge path for high transient voltages that may be impressed
240 Vac PGD-3200G 16.0 35 temporarily on the busway system.
600 Vac PGD-3600G 16.0 35
The neon indicating lights provide visual indication of grounds in a 3ø3W
ungrounded system. Operation of the lights is such that under normal
conditions all three lights glow dimly under half voltage. If one phase goes to
ground, the indicating light associated with that phase goes out while the other
two assume full brilliance under full voltage conditions.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Catalog Numbering System/Plug-In Units ("Bus Plugs")

Combination Circuit Breaker And Starter — Contactor

CL Top C

Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Required mounting clearance 1.38 3.25 Millimeters
35 83
Drop rod D A
by customer 1.25
G E Top ON

Front B B

Circuit Breaker and Contactor A B C D E F G H

Cat. No. Starter or Breaker
IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm
Prefix Contactor Size Rating
PBS, PBC 0, 1, 2 15-90 A 20.42 519 9.76 248 6.19 157 8.50 216 1.00 25 2.75 70 1.63 41 10.00 254

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Suggested Busway Specifications

1.0 General Short Circuit Rating and Tests

A. The short circuit rating of the busway shall be (consulting
1.1 Quality Assurance engineer’s calculated required rating __ )RMS
symmetrical amperes, which is the ultimate anticipated
All busway products shall be manufactured in a facility that is short circuit current available at the source.
Quality Systems Registered by Underwriters Laboratories B. The short circuit rating of the busway shall be determined
(UL®) to ISO9001: 1994; EN29001: 1994; BS5750 Part 1: according to UL Standards 857. This rating must be based
1994; ANSI/ASQCQ91: 1994. upon actual tests at the rated short circuit current.

1.2 Regulatory Requirements 2.3 Basic Construction

Underwriters Laboratories Listing Housing

A. All straight lengths, fittings, and plug-in units shall be UL A. The busway housing shall be constructed of code gauge
Listed. steel and aluminum to reduce hysteresis and eddy current
B. This listing shall include mounting of the busway in any losses and shall be provided with a suitable protective
position (e.g., horizontal flatwise, horizontal edgewise, and finish of ANSI 49 gray epoxy paint.
vertical) without derating. B. The busway housing shall be totally enclosed non-
ventilated for protection against mechanical damage and
1.3 Delivery, Storage, and Handling dust accumulation.
C. The totally enclosed housing shall be manufactured by the
Refer to NEMA Type Publication BU1.1, which is a guide for busway manufacturer. Modifications of busway to make it
proper installation, operation, and maintenance of busway totally enclosed by other than the busway manufacturer
products. voids the manufacturer’s warranty. Busway so modified is
unacceptable without the written consent of the
1.4 Maintenance manufacturer.
Refer to NEMA Type Publication BU1.1, which is a guide for
proper installation, operation, and maintenance of busway A. The busway joint shall be of the one-bolt type which
products. utilizes a high strength steel bolt(s) and conical washers to
maintain proper pressure over a large contact surface
2.0 Products area.
B. The bolt shall be torque-indicating and at ground potential.
2.1 Manufacturers C. The bolt shall be two-headed design to indicate when
proper torque has been applied and require only a
All busway shall be I-LINE/I-LINE II busway manufactured by standard long handle wrench to be properly activated.
Square D. D. Access shall be required to only one side of the busway
for tightening joint bolts.
2.2 Manufactured Units E. On busway 800 A and above, it shall be possible to
remove any joint connection assembly to allow electrical
General isolation or physical removal of a busway length without
A. Furnish and install a complete low impedance disturbing adjacent busway lengths.
prefabricated busway distribution system as shown on the Bus Bars
A. Bus bars shall be plated.
B. Busway shall be __ Volts, __ phase __ wire with 50%
B. Each bus bar shall be insulated with Class B rated
capacity integral ground bus.
(130 °C (266 °F) vendor certified) polyester film or epoxy
C. The ampere ratings, approximate footage, fitting, plug-in powder coated materials.
units, etc., are shown on the plan. The electrical contractor
C. The temperature rise at any point in the busway shall not
shall be responsible for routing the busway to coordinate
exceed 55 °C (131 °F) rise above ambient temperature
with the other trades. Final field measurements shall be
when operating at rated load current.
made by the contractor prior to release of the busway for
fabrication by the manufacturer. D. Both feeder and plug-in busway (800 A and above) shall
be of sandwich construction, meaning no air gap shall
exist between bus bars except at plug-in openings.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Suggested Busway Specifications
Plug-In Openings 2.7 Plug-In Unit Safety Devices
A. On plug-in busway, there shall be five deadfront, hinged
cover-type plug-in openings on each side of 10-foot A. Each plug-in unit rated 100 A or below shall be
(305 cm) lengths. mechanically interlocked with the busway housing to
prevent installation or removal of plug-in units while the
B. All openings shall be usable simultaneously. switch is in the ON position, and be equipped with an
C. Busway shall be installed so that plugs are side mounted operating handle which always remains in control of the
to permit practical use of all ten plug-in openings. switching mechanism.
D. Each phase position of a plug-in opening shall be B. Plug-in enclosures shall make positive ground connection
individually insulated. with the ground bus before the jaws make contact with the
E. It shall be possible to inspect the plug-in opening and bus phase bars.
bars prior to the installation of the plug-in unit. • The ground method shall be such that it cannot be
defeated by future painting of the busway housing.
2.4 Support of Busway C. The plug-in units shall be equipped with internal barriers to
prevent accidental contact of fish tape and conductors
A. Hanger spacing shall be noted on layout drawings and with live parts on the line side of the protective device
shall not exceed manufacturer’s recommendations. during time of wire pulling.
B. Indoor feeder and plug-in busway shall be approved for D. Covers of all plug-in units must have interlocks to prevent
hanger spacing of up to 10 ft (305 cm) for horizontally the cover from being opened when the switch is in the ON
mounted runs and 16 ft (488 cm) for vertically mounted position.
runs. Outdoor feeder busway shall be approved for
spacing of up to 5 ft (152 cm) for horizontally or vertically
mounted runs. 3.0 Execution

2.5 Voltage Drop 3.1 Installation

A. The voltage drop (input voltage minus output voltage) A. Install busway and accessories in accordance with
specified shall be based on the busway operating at full manufacturer’s instructions. Additional instructions are
rated current and at stabilized operating temperature in detailed in NEMA Type publication BU1.1, which is
30 °C (86 °F) ambient. provided with the equipment by the electrical
B. The three-phase, line-to-line voltage drop shall not exceed manufacturer.
3.1 Volts per hundred feet at 40% power factor B. Install busway length with expansion fitting at each
concentrated load which may exist during motor starting. location where busway run crosses building expansion.
C. The line-to-line voltage drop shall not exceed 4.0 Volts per C. Provide curb around interior floor penetrations.
hundred feet at the load power factor which produces D. Install busway with integral weather seal located where
maximum voltage drop in the busway. busway penetrates [exterior wall] [roof]. Provide [wall]
[roof] flange and seal around opening to maintain weather
2.6 Plug-In Units tight installation.

A. Plug-in units shall be [circuit breaker type] [fusible switch

type with visible blade quick-make and quick-break
B. Plug-in units which cannot be operated directly from the
floor shall be equipped with suitable means for hookstick
C. The interrupting rating of circuit breaker plug-in units shall
be __ RMS symmetrical amperes.

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
100 A Plug-In Busway

100 A Busway Mounted in the Edgewise Position

General Ground Bus (Optional)

Internal ground bus equal to 50% phase capacity.
We offer a full line of 100 A plug-in busway especially
designed for light commercial and industrial jobs. This busway Steel housing

carries up to a 14,000 A short circuit rating and is available for

“quick ship” with either copper or aluminum bus bars. Aluminum or copper bus

General-duty 100 A busway with ground bus system is also

available. A unique grounding jaw ensures positive contact
between the busway and plug-in unit. Insulator and bus
bar support
Compared to cable and conduit, 100 A busway saves costly
installation time. What’s more, it’s reusable, too, if the
distribution system is changed in the future. So, consider
these features. The next time you have a job that’s too small
for busway, choose
100 A busway.
Totally enclosed plug-in busway.
Ratings Bus Bar Support
Molded bus bar insulators.
100 A, continuous full load current.
UL Listing Housing
Twenty gauge steel, bonderized and finished with gray epoxy
File Number E22182.
paint. Twistout steel plates cover plug-in access openings
Systems along both sides of the housing on 26 1/4-inch (6 mm)
Rated for 3Ø4W, and for 3Ø3W, up to 600 Volt maximum. centers.

Conductors Short Circuit Bracing

Round, electrical grade aluminum or copper. Bracing is provided by the molded insulating supports at each
plug-in opening.
Plating Short Circuit Ratings: UL Three Cycle Test
Electro-plated over entire length. (KA, RMS Symmetrical)
480 V 600 V
Copper Busway 14 14
Aluminum Busway 14 10

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
100 A Plug-In Busway

Joint Hangers
High pressure spring type connectors join electrical Wrap-around type hanger for mounting plug-in busway in the
conductors at each joint. These connectors are mounted on edgewise position is standard. Busway is UL Listed for 10 ft
molded insulators and position the bus bars for joining. (305 cm) hanger spacing in edgewise position.
Spring connectors “C” clamp hangers are available for use in either edgewise or
flatwise mounting position. UL Listing for flatwise mounting
position is with busway hung on 5 ft (152 cm) centers.


Voltage Drop
In using curve, the following notes are applicable:
— For balanced 3-phase, line-to-line voltage drop of 4-
wire duct, use values from curve.
• For balanced 3-phase, line-to-neutral voltage drop,
multiply values from curve by .577.
• For single-phase voltage drop, multiply values from curve
by 1.15.
• For other than rated currents, multiply values from curve by
Actual Current.
Rated Current
• For different lengths, multiply values from curve by
Actual Footage.
100 ft

Average 3-Phase, Line-To-Line Voltage Drop

In Volts Per 100 Feet At Rated Current
With Balanced 3-Phase Load

Voltage Drop 2
Per 100 Feet
ted Lo
UM ---- Di
A LUM uted Loa
--- Distrib
1 C O P P ER -

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
3-Phase Load Power Factor in Percent

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
100 A Plug-In Busway

Straight Lengths
6.00 26.25 26.25 26.25 26.25 9.00 3.50
152 667 667 667 667 229 89

3.50 9.00 26.25 26.25 26.25 26.25 6.00
89 229 667 667 667 667 152

Dual Dimensions: INCHES 3048
CL Joint Millimeters CL Joint

Standard Lengths–Feet 10 5 3
Standard Lengths–Meters 3.05 1.52 0.91
Number of Plug-In Openings 10 6 4

Joint Detail Busway Construction


Aluminum bus bar


Outlet cover

Ground bus
(Optional) Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Cross Sections
1.75 Top
3Ø4W 3Ø3W
Top Top
.281 Dia. hole
7 Neutral

BØ BØ BØ Internal
CØ CØ bus

G* G*

*Optional internal ground bus equal to 50% phase capacity

Dual Dimensions: INCHES Polarizing Plug Outlet

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
100 A Plug-In Busway

CL Joint

10.00 10.00
254 254 Dual Dimensions: INCHES
CL Joint FR P
CL Joint

Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Millimeters 10.00
CL Joint

Front Inside: Catalog Number Suffix–LF Front Outside: Catalog Number Suffix–LFO

CL Joint
CL Joint
10.00 10.00
254 P
254 P
ON CL Joint
Dual Dimensions: INCHES T

Millimeters 10.00
254 10.00 10.00
254 254
CL Joint FR P
CL Joint

Dual Dimensions: INCHES

10.00 Millimeters

CL Joint

Front Inside: Catalog Number Suffix–TFI Front Outside: Catalog Number Suffix–TFO

.406 Dia. hole

Angle Iron
by customer
Dual Dimensions: INCHES

7.25 .75
184 19
Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Wrap-Around Edgewise 49 “C” Clamp Flatwise
Catalog Number–HP1E Catalog Number–HP1F
Wall Mounted

Wall Flange End Closure End Closure Outer Cover

3.76 4.00
CL Joint 102
Dual Dimensions: INCHES

Dual Dimensions: INCHES 7.25

Millimeters 184

Catalog Number–ACP1WF Catalog Number–ACP1EC Catalog Number–ACP1OC

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
100 A Plug-In Busway

Circuit Breaker Plug-In Units Knockout Sizes– .50 in. (13 mm), .75 in. (19 mm), 1.00 in.
(25 mm), 1.25 in. (32 mm), K.O.’s in all sides
3.25 Lugs – #14 – 1/0 per neutral and ground size of phase lugs
determined by circuit breaker ampere rating.
5.00 Neutral Note: Circuit breakers and enclosures are ordered and
shipped separately for ease of installation and are shown
assembled above for reference purposes only.

Dual Dimensions: INCHES 8.19 Number—
Millimeters 208 PIN-QO

Knockout Sizes– .50 in. (13 mm), .75 in. (19 mm), 1.00 in.
3.25 (25 mm), 1.25 in. (32 mm)
Lugs – #14 – 1/0 per neutral and ground. Size of phase lugs
5.06 determined by circuit breaker ampere rating.
Neutral Note: Enclosure with space for three QO Circuit Breaker
poles and provisions for three duplex receptacles. Circuit
breakers are not provided.

Dual Dimensions: INCHES 15.79 Catalog

Millimeters 401

3.65 Knockout Sizes–End wall– .50 in. (13 mm), .75 in. (19 mm),
1.00 in. (25 mm), 1.25 in. (32 mm), 1.50 in. (38 mm), 2.00 in.
(51 mm)
Top and Bottom – .50 in. (13 mm), .75 in. (19 mm), 1.00 in.
157 (25 mm), 1.25 in. (32 mm)
Neutral Lugs– #14–1/0 per neutral and ground size of phase lugs
determined by circuit breaker ampere rating.
Note: Will accept 15 A–100 A FAL circuit breaker.

Dual Dimensions: INCHES 14.56

Millimeters 370


Cable Tap Boxes – Plug-In Cable Tap Box Floor Operated Attachment

Dual Dimensions: INCHES

6.06 Catalog Numbers—PI-1-QO used with PINQO and PIN QOR

Catalog Numbers— 154 PI-1-FA used with PIN 100FA
3Ø4W–PTB14 Plug-In Cable Tap Box

Knockout Sizes– .50 in. (13 mm), .75 in. (19 mm), 1.00 in.
(25 mm), 1.25 in. (32 mm), 1.50 in. (38 mm), 2.00 in. (51 mm)
Lugs– #14–2/0 per phase and neutral, #14 – 1/0 per ground

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
100 A Plug-In Busway Suggested Specifications

1.0 General Joints

A. Electrical connection shall be made at the joints by high
1.1 Quality Assurance pressure spring type connectors.
B. All hardware required for joining sections shall be captive.
All busway products shall be manufactured in a facility, which
C. Loose hardware will not be permitted.
is Quality Systems Registered by: Underwriters Laboratories
to ISO9001: 1994; EN29001: 1994; BS5750 Part 1 1994;
2.3 Bus Bars
ANSI/ASQCQ91: 1994.
A. The conductors shall be fabricated from round (aluminum)
1.2 Regulatory Requirements
(copper) rods.
Underwriters Laboratories Listing B. Conductors are to be electrolytically plated over their
entire length.
A. All straight lengths, fittings and plug-in units shall be UL
C. Insulators shall be of the type which isolates the jaws of a
plug-in device from each other.
B. This listing shall include mounting of the 100 A plug-in
D. Fault current bracing shall be 14,000 RMS amperes for
busway in any position (e.g., horizontal, edgewise and
copper busway or 10,000 RMS amperes for aluminum
flatwise and vertical) without derating.
C. Plug-in busway shall be 100 A plug-in busway
Plug-In Openings
manufactured by Square D.
A. The enclosure shall include ten plug-in outlets in each
2.0 Products 10-foot (305 cm) length.
B. All plug-in openings shall be usable simultaneously.
2.1 Manufactured Products
2.4 Support of Busway
Bus bars shall be firmly supported by molded insulators on
A. Furnish and install a complete prefabricated plug-in alternate sides of the housing.
busway distribution system as shown on the plans.
B. Plug-in busway shall be 100 A,______Volts, ______phase, 2.5 Plug-In Units
C. The approximate footage, fittings, plug-in units, etc., are as All plug-in units are to be polarized to insure correct phase
shown on the plans. The electrical contractor shall be orientation and shall include a means of securely fastening the
responsible for routing the plug-in busway to coordinate device to the plug-in busway housing with a bolted clamp.
with other trades. Final field measurements shall be made
by the contractor prior to release of the plug-in busway for
fabrication. Hanger spacing (Shall be as shown on the
plans) (Shall not exceed 10 ft (305 cm)).

2.2 Basic Construction

A. The 100 A plug-in busway shall be of the totally-enclosed
type for protection against mechanical damage and dust
B. Each plug-in outlet shall be accessible by the removal of a
steel twistout cover and shall accept a closing cap when
not in use.
C. The entire system shall be constructed using
manufacturer's standard sections. As many sections as
possible shall be 10-foot (305 cm) lengths.
D. Fittings shall be made in such a way that no increase of
housing size is required at the connection between
adjoining sections.

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Power-Zone™ Metal-Enclosed Busway

General On outdoor applications, bottom covers are equipped with

screened breathers to eliminate the accumulation of moisture
Power-Zone™ metal-enclosed, non-segregated phase within the housing. In addition, manually or themostatically
medium and low voltage bus systems are custom-designed controlled electric strip heaters are provided to aid
and manufactured. Standard sizes and ratings and a condensation control.
complete line of components allow each system to be tailored
To complete the system, a line of steel structural supports is
to suit the requirements of each application, while at the same
also available for both indoor and outdoor applications.
time provide the reliability that our name has stood for around
the world for so many years.
Housing Construction
Standard bus systems are available in four basic voltage
classes: 600 V, 5 kV, 15 kV and 38 kV with a full range of
Totally enclosed indoor or outdoor.
continuous self-cooled current ratings and momentary current
ratings. Other voltage classes are available upon request.
Components such as equipment terminations, horizontal and Housing Material
vertical elbows, tee-taps, phase transpositions, expansion
joints, earthquake and vibration joints, misalignment joints, Aluminum standard; Galvanized or stainless steel optional.
wall and floor penetration assemblies, fire and smoke
barriers, bus supports, etc., are also available for all sizes and Conductors
Power-Zone bus design and construction is in strict Silver-plated copper or tin-plated aluminum.
accordance with ANSI Standard C37.23. It can be supplied
with full, round edge 98% IACS copper or 57% IACS Conductor Supports
aluminum bars. Copper contact surfaces are silver-plated.
Aluminum contact surfaces are tin-plated. All aluminum
electrical connections are fitted with conical washers to Glass-reinforced polyester or porcelain.
maintain a constant contact pressure.
Standard hardware for conductor joints is plated steel for bare
connections not exposed to weather, or insulated connections
where the bus rating does not exceed 5000 A. Hardware is Fluidized bed epoxy (130°C) (266 °F).
stainless steel for bare connections exposed to weather and
all connections where the bus ratings exceeds 5000 A.
With the exception of 600 V class, which is normally
uninsulated, the bus conductors are insulated with a flame-
non-hygroscopic, high dielectric strength fluidized bed epoxy
insulation rated 130°C (266 °F). The 5000 V and 15000 V
busway joints are insulated with removable insulating boots,
while the 38,000 V busway joints are taped.
The 5 kV and the 15 kV bus conductors are mounted and
secured against short circuit forces in molded, track resistant,
flame-retardant, non-hygroscopic support blocks of glass-
reinforced polyester. The UL molded support insulators are
ribbed to maximize both tracking distance and mechanical
strength. They are spaced as appropriate to maintain the
required short circuit strength of the bus. Semi-conducting
silicone rubber corona suppression inserts are used between
the conductor and support blocks. Porcelain is optional for 5
kV and 15 kV and is standard for 38 kV. The 600 V supports
are glass-reinforced polyester.
The bus conductors are completely enclosed in a grounded
metal housing for the protection of both personnel and
property. The housings may be totally enclosed depending on
the type of installation, and may be fabricated from painted
aluminum, steel or stainless steel. Aluminum housings are
standard and are recommended for current ratings above
2000 A due to the effects of hysteresis associated with
ferrous, magnetic housing materials, such as steel.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Power-Zone™ Metal-Enclosed Busway

in. an
B 6 mm ax.
– 7 ) M
cm cm
(30 32
3 in. ft (7 C C
– 2 4

Dual Dimensions: INCHES


Cross Section Straight Horizontal Elbow

OPG = B + 2.00
51 1.00
J Upper Elbow
51 E

Lower Elbow
48.00 Duct centered in
wall opening E
Dual Dimensions: INCHES OPG = A + 4.00 Dual Dimensions: INCHES
Millimeters 102 Millimeters D

Phase Transposition Wall Entrance Vertical Elbows




Transition Horizontal Tee Vertical Tee

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Power-Zone™ Metal-Enclosed Busway

Dimensions Resistance
Voltage Watt Loss Reactance Impedance
Ampere Wt/Ft A B C D E Microhms
and Per 3-Phase Microhms Microhms
Rating Lb Per Phase
Material IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm Foot Per Foot Per Foot
Per Foot
1200 26 8.00 203 21.00 533 22.00 559 11.38 289 15.00 381 10.72 46 44.29 45.57
1600 31 8.00 203 21.00 533 22.00 559 11.38 289 15.00 381 8.47 65 40.46 44.27
2000 43 10.00 254 21.00 533 22.00 559 12.38 314 16.00 406 5.77 69 37.05 37.50
Copper 2500 50 14.00 356 21.00 533 22.00 559 14.38 365 18.00 457 4.70 88 29.23 29.60
600 3200 69 14.00 356 27.00 686 25.00 635 14.38 365 18.00 457 3.90 120 31.84 32.08
4000 104 14.00 356 27.00 686 25.00 635 14.38 365 18.00 457 2.90 139 31.11 31.25
5000 120 14.00 356 36.00 914 30.00 762 14.38 365 18.00 457 2.55 191 44.22 44.29
6000 140 24.00 610 36.00 914 30.00 762 19.38 492 23.00 584 2.28 247 30.74 ...
1200 19 8.00 203 21.00 533 22.00 559 11.38 289 15.00 381 13.41 58 43.46 45.48
Aluminum 1600 23 10.00 254 21.00 533 22.00 559 12.38 314 16.00 406 8.76 67 37.05 38.07
2000 29 14.00 356 21.00 533 22.00 559 14.38 365 18.00 457 6.16 74 28.79 29.44
600 2500 33 14.00 356 27.00 686 25.00 635 14.38 365 18.00 457 5.61 105 31.84 32.33
3200 43 14.00 356 27.00 686 25.00 635 14.38 365 18.00 457 4.10 126 31.11 31.38
1200 29 14.00 356 27.00 686 25.00 635 14.38 365 18.00 457 15.02 65 56.50 58.46
1600 35 14.00 356 27.00 686 25.00 635 14.38 365 18.00 457 8.47 65 54.37 55.03
Copper 2000 50 14.00 356 30.00 762 27.00 686 14.38 365 18.00 457 5.77 69 51.20 51.53
5000 and 2500 59 14.00 356 36.00 914 30.00 762 14.38 365 18.00 457 4.70 88 48.76 48.98
3000 77 14.00 356 36.00 914 30.00 762 14.38 365 18.00 457 4.01 108 42.88 43.07
15000 4000 112 14.00 356 36.00 914 30.00 762 14.38 365 18.00 457 3.45 166 41.93 42.07
5000 126 24.00 610 42.00 1067 33.00 838 19.38 492 23.00 584 2.77 208 42.54 42.63
6000 150 24.00 610 42.00 1067 33.00 838 19.38 492 23.00 584 2.40 259 30.11 ...
1200 27 14.00 356 27.00 686 25.00 635 14.38 365 18.00 457 13.41 58 54.37 56.00
Aluminum 1800 30 14.00 356 30.00 762 27.00 686 14.38 365 18.00 457 8.76 67 51.20 51.95
5000 and 2000 37 14.00 356 36.00 914 30.00 762 14.38 365 18.00 457 6.16 74 48.32 48.71
15000 2500 40 14.00 356 30.00 762 27.00 686 14.38 365 18.00 457 5.68 107 42.52 42.89
3000 52 14.00 356 36.00 914 30.00 762 14.38 365 18.00 457 4.32 117 41.93 42.15
600 30 24.00 610 51.00 1295 37.00 940 24.00 610 23.00 584 15.37 17 76.97 78.49
1200 30 24.00 610 51.00 1295 37.00 940 24.00 610 23.00 584 15.37 66 76.97 78.49
Copper 1800 32 24.00 610 51.00 1295 37.00 940 24.00 610 23.00 584 10.72 82 68.89 69.72
38000 2000 35 24.00 610 51.00 1295 37.00 940 24.00 610 23.00 584 8.33 100 62.93 63.48
2500 52 24.00 610 51.00 1295 37.00 940 24.00 610 23.00 584 4.66 87 53.83 54.03
3000 61 24.00 610 51.00 1295 37.00 940 24.00 610 23.00 584 3.97 107 53.39 53.54
600 27 24.00 610 51.00 1295 37.00 940 24.00 610 23.00 584 25.46 27 76.97 81.07
Aluminum 1200 29 24.00 610 51.00 1295 37.00 940 24.00 610 23.00 584 17.23 74 68.89 71.01
38000 1800 30 24.00 610 51.00 1295 37.00 940 24.00 610 23.00 584 13.41 58 68.06 69.36
2000 32 24.00 610 51.00 1295 37.00 940 24.00 610 23.00 584 11.33 136 62.28 63.30

Dimensionsq Resistance
Voltage Watt Loss Reactance Impedance
Ampere Wt/Ft F G H I J Microhms
and Per 3-Phase Microhms Microhms
Rating Lb Per Phase
Material IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm IN mm Foot Per Foot Per Foot
Per Foot
1200 26 48.00 1219 22.00 559 18.25 464 28.00 711 17.00 432 10.72 46 44.29 45.57
1600 31 48.00 1219 22.00 559 18.25 464 28.00 711 17.00 432 8.47 65 43.46 44.27
2000 43 48.00 1219 22.00 559 19.25 489 30.00 762 17.00 432 5.77 69 37.05 37.50
Copper 2500 50 48.00 1219 22.00 559 21.25 540 34.00 864 17.00 432 4.70 88 29.23 29.60
600 3200 69 60.00 1524 25.00 635 24.25 616 34.00 864 20.00 508 3.90 120 31.84 32.08
4000 104 60.00 1524 25.00 635 24.25 616 34.00 864 20.00 508 2.90 139 31.11 31.25
5000 120 60.00 1524 30.00 762 28.75 730 34.00 864 25.00 635 2.55 191 44.22 44.29
6000 140 60.00 1524 30.00 762 33.75 857 44.00 1118 25.00 635 2.28 247 30.74 44.29
1200 19 48.00 1219 22.00 559 18.25 464 28.00 711 17.00 432 13.41 58 43.46 45.48
Aluminum 1600 23 48.00 1219 22.00 559 19.25 489 30.00 762 17.00 432 8.78 67 37.05 38.07
2000 29 48.00 1219 22.00 559 21.25 540 34.00 864 17.00 432 6.16 74 28.79 29.44
600 2500 33 60.00 1524 25.00 635 24.25 616 34.00 864 20.00 508 5.61 105 31.84 32.33
3200 43 60.00 1524 25.00 635 24.25 616 34.00 864 20.00 508 4.10 126 31.11 31.38
1200 29 60.00 1524 25.00 559 24.25 616 34.00 864 20.00 508 15.02 85 56.50 58.46
1600 35 60.00 1524 25.00 559 24.25 616 34.00 864 20.00 508 8.47 65 54.37 55.03
Copper 2000 50 60.00 1524 27.00 686 25.75 654 34.00 864 22.00 589 5.77 89 51.20 51.53
5000 and 2500 59 60.00 1524 30.00 762 28.75 730 34.00 864 25.00 635 4.70 88 48.76 48.98
3000 77 60.00 1524 30.00 762 28.75 730 34.00 864 25.00 635 4.01 108 42.88 43.07
15000 4000 112 60.00 1524 30.00 762 28.75 730 34.00 864 25.00 635 3.45 166 41.93 42.07
5000 126 60.00 1524 33.00 838 36.75 933 44.00 1118 28.00 711 2.77 208 42.54 42.63
6000 150 60.00 1524 33.00 838 36.75 933 44.00 1118 28.00 711 2.40 259 30.11 ...
1200 27 60.00 1524 25.00 559 24.25 616 34.00 864 20.00 508 13.41 58 54.37 56.00
Aluminum 1800 30 60.00 1524 27.00 686 25.75 654 34.00 864 22.00 589 8.76 67 51.20 51.95
5000 and 2000 37 60.00 1524 30.00 762 28.75 730 34.00 864 25.00 635 6.16 74 48.32 48.71
15000 2500 40 60.00 1524 27.00 686 25.75 654 34.00 864 22.00 589 5.68 107 42.52 42.89
3000 52 60.00 1524 30.00 762 28.75 730 34.00 864 25.00 635 4.32 117 41.93 42.15
600 30 84.00 2134 37.00 940 45.88 1165 48.00 1219 33.00 838 16.37 17 76.97 78.49
1200 30 84.00 2134 37.00 940 45.88 1165 48.00 1219 33.00 838 15.37 66 76.97 78.49
Copper 1800 32 84.00 2134 37.00 940 45.88 1165 48.00 1219 33.00 838 10.72 82 68.89 69.72
38000 2000 35 84.00 2134 37.00 940 45.88 1165 48.00 1219 33.00 838 8.33 100 62.93 63.48
2500 52 84.00 2134 37.00 940 45.88 1165 48.00 1219 33.00 838 4.66 87 53.83 54.03
3000 61 84.00 2134 37.00 940 45.88 1165 48.00 1219 33.00 838 3.97 107 53.39 53.54
600 27 84.00 2134 37.00 940 45.88 1165 48.00 1219 33.00 838 25.46 27 76.97 81.07
Aluminum 1200 29 84.00 2134 37.00 940 45.88 1165 48.00 1219 33.00 838 17.23 74 68.89 71.01
38000 1800 30 84.00 2134 37.00 940 45.88 1165 48.00 1219 33.00 838 13.41 58 68.06 69.36
2000 32 84.00 2134 37.00 940 45.88 1165 48.00 1219 33.00 838 11.33 136 62.28 63.30

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Power-Zone™ Metal-Enclosed Busway

Notes Bus Bar Supports

5 kV, 15 kV Glass-reinforced polyester standard; Porcelain
• Performance values are calculated using a maximum optional. 38 kV Porcelain standard.
conductor temperature rise of 65 °C (149 °F) and the full
rated continuous current in a 20 °C (68 °F) ambient. Housing Material
• All data is based upon standard 3-phase totally enclosed Aluminum standard; Steel optional.
non-ventilated aluminum enclosures.
The table information is based on standard POWER-ZONE Bus Supports
bus construction. Other bus bar sizes and arrangements are Indoor trapeze hangers, outdoor single- or double-column
available to meet the purchaser’s required electrical supports, and wall-mounted knee braces are available.
characteristics and space considerations. Use of steel Outdoor structural steel supports are hot-dipped galvanized
housing could require a derating of the busway. Consult the after fabrication or primed and painted after fabrication as
factory for more information. required. Indoor supports are primed and painted to match the
bus housing color.
Power-Zone Bus Standard Construction:
Power-Zone™ bus is designed and constructed for unbraced
Bus Bar Material spans of 12– 20 ft (366–610 cm). Consult the factory for
longer unbraced spans. Recommended support heights,
Copper and aluminum. spacing, and locations are determined by the factory and
shown on the bus drawings. Information on moments,
Bus Bar Plating
reactions, and foundation loading due to rain, wind, snow, or
• Copper-Silver (Contact). seismic forces can be furnished upon request.
• Aluminum-Tin (Contact). The bus assemblies are mounted to their respective supports
by means of hold-down clip angles that permit longitudinal
movement of the bus duct to eliminate stresses from thermal
• 600 V Uninsulated; Fluidized bed epoxy optional expansion and contraction.
• 5 kV, 15 kV, 38 kV Fluidized bed epoxy

Type B
Double column support
(24 ft (732 cm) max. height)

Type C
Heavy duty wall support

Note: Drop
rods, anchors,
bolts, and
column support
are supplied
Type A Type D by others.
Single column support Trapeze hanger support
(12 ft (366 cm) max. height)

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Power-Zone™ Metal-Enclosed Busway

Layout and Pricing Instructions Wall Entrance Seal

A wall entrance seal consists of an external wall frame and a
Fitting Description vapor barrier which prevents air or vapor from passing from
• Non-segregated phase bus one room to another or from outdoors to indoors. One-, two-,
• 600 V through 15 kV (1200 A–5000 A) and
three-hour fire ratings are optional.
• Aluminum, steel, or stainless steel housing
• Aluminum or copper bus bars Equipment Entrance Seal
• Insulated with fluidized bed epoxy (5 kV–38 kV) An equipment entrance seal should be used whenever a
• Complete line of fittings provides for any configuration barrier is required to prevent the passing of flame and or
• Indoor trapeze and outdoor column supports gasses between the bus housing and the terminating
• For use in utilities, industrial, and commercial facilities
Power-Zone bus is custom designed, manufactured and Expansion Fittings
tested per ANSI Standard C37.23 to meet customer An expansion fitting is used to counteract the strain placed on
specifications. It is a completely coordinated package of the bus due to the expansion and contraction of the building
equipment with all the auxiliary material and supports for or the bus itself. One should be used whenever the bus run
connecting transformers, switchgear, MCCs, and motors, in crosses a building expansion joint and whenever a straight
all types of utility, industrial, and commercial facilities. run of bus exceeds 80 feet (2438 cm).
Transformer Connection Housing Bellows (Misalignment) Collar
This type of termination should be used whenever the bus is Required at terminations or wall penetrations when equipment
connecting to a transformer, motor, switch, or any connection vibrations or seismic forces may cause damage to the bus. It
where the bus bars are connecting to porcelain-mounted may also be used to adjust for the "settling" of terminating
equipment terminals. It will include the same components as equipment after installation.
a flanged end plus one set of flexible braid-type connectors
and a terminal box (if required.) Flanged Ends

Generator Connection A flanged end is used to terminate the bus into switchgear,
motor control centers, switchboards, or any rigid bus-to-bus
All "Transformer Connection" information applies with the connection. It consists of a gasketed equipment flange, up to
addition that an enclosure bellows should be included when 1 foot (30 cm) of 3Ø-3W conductor (3Ø4W as applicable),
the busway attaches to a generator. necessary insulation tapes, and required bolting hardware. If
Bushing Box (Weatherhead) additional conductor length is required, add to the footage
price on a per foot basis.
A bushing box is used on service entrance run where the
cable connection to the bus must be made via porcelain Cable Tap Box
bushings. It is comprised of the same components as a A cable tap box includes a gasketed and accessible
transformer connection plus three-through stud-type termination box, lugs, necessary insulation tape (between bus
apparatus bushings, bushing stud connectors (lug pads), and and lugs only), and required bolting hardware. Lug sizes and
a strip heater. quantity should be specified by purchaser.
Ground Bus Supporting Steel (Hangers)
The bus housing is designed and constructed to provide an Supports are not included in the "per foot" price of the bus and
electrically continuous ground path. The side rails of the bus should be added on the basis of one for every 12 to 15 feet
housings are capable of carrying the full-rated phase current (366 to 457 cm). Indoor supports are a trapeze type hanger
continuously and, under short circuit conditions, are capable while outdoor supports are a single- or double-column type
of carrying fault current for three (3) seconds. Consequently, a support. Consult the factory for other type supports.
separate ground bus is not necessary unless specified.
Hazardous or Seismic Locations
Consult the factory for bus runs that are to be installed in a
location that is classified as hazardous or in a Zone 3 or 4
seismic location.

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Power-Zone™ Metal-Enclosed Busway

General Pricing Instruction Note: Because the bus run is custom-designed and built,
there are no “Complete Device” prices.
1. Prepare a layout sketch (if applicable) of the run(s)
showing all dimensions in feet and inches, all wall and Bus Footage
floor locations and thicknesses and all fittings such as The per foot price of the bus may be a combination of several
elbows, tees, flanged ends, cable tap boxes, expansion prices depending on the job specifications and requirements.
fittings, transformer connections, etc. Some of these options are special momentary rating, special
2. Add all dimensions together using the center line of the housing material and/or finish, special conductor supports,
bus and adjust the total to the higher whole foot. heaters and thermostats, and ground bus.
3. Multiply this total by the per foot price as determined by Weatherproof Bus
the type (indoor or weatherproof) (aluminum or copper)
and the number of poles and any optional accessories Weatherproof bus is priced the same as indoor. In addition, all
(aluminum or steel enclosures, fiberglass or porcelain weatherproof runs must be equipped with strip heaters to
conductor supports, etc.,). To this, add the charges for eliminate condensation and, if applicable, a thermostat. A
each of the elbows, tees, flanged ends, cable tap boxes, heater should be priced for every seven feet (213 cm) of bus
expansion fittings, transformer connections, etc. and no more than 20 heaters can be controlled by one
4. The sum of these items plus the sum of any optional thermostat. Also, each bus run should have its own
accessory is the price of the entire bus run. thermostat. The heaters operate at 120 V.
5. Contact your local representative for assistance in laying
out or pricing this product.

Typical Layout
Indoor 90 Horizontal Elbow Splice Covers
Cover Joiner
Outdoor Tee Tap
Wall Phase
Entrance Transposition

Thermostat Heater

Flanged End

Wall Support
Cover Joiner
90 Vertical Elbow

Flanged End Hanger Support

Termination Box Horizontal

Tee Tap
Flanged End

Heater Assembly

Column Support


© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Busway Systems
Power-Zone™ Metal-Enclosed Busway Suggested Specifications

1.0 General D. Space heaters shall be completely factory wired except

shipping split connection. Heaters shall be
[thermostatically controlled] [manually controlled]. Heater
1.1 Section Includes
wiring shall be [terminated in a junction box at designated
A. This specification describes the electrical and mechanical end of bus housing] [provided with 3-ft (91 cm) coiled
requirements for metal-enclosed, 600 V through 38 kV extension for connection into Purchaser’s switchgear
class, 60 Hz feeder bus. The bus system described is to power source]. Heaters shall be rated at 240 V and
be suitable for indoor and outdoor installations, with operated at 120 V (1/2 voltage) to maintain low heater
nominal current ratings maintained in ambient surface temperature.
temperatures to 40°C (104 °F). E. All housing and flange gasketing shall be EPDM or other
B. This specification covers only the general requirements of noncorrosive material, and shall be completely concealed
the bus duct assemblies. The specific requirements of for protection against deterioration.
each assembly (plan, arrangement, components, etc.) will F. The temperature rise at any point on the housing shall not
be shown on drawings provided by the Purchaser. These exceed 30 °C (86 °F) above an ambient temperature of
drawings form the basis for manufacturing and installation 40 °C (104 °F).
drawings developed by the Vendor. G. A fire resistant divider or barrier shall be provided at all
points where the bus duct extends through building walls.
1.2 References
2.3 Phase Bus Bars
The assemblies shall be constructed, wired and tested in
accordance with all applicable sections of the latest listed A. Phase bus bars shall be of the metal-enclosed
standards and codes. busway type.
• NEMA–National Electrical Manufacturer Association B. Bus bars shall be full round edge rectangular [98% IACS
• ANSI C37.23–American National Standards Institute copper] [57% IACS aluminum] of sufficient cross-section
to provide full current rating without exceeding a hot spot
• NFPA 70–National Electrical Code
temperature rise of 65 °C (149 °F) in a
40 °C (104 °F) ambient.
2.0 Products
C. Phase bus bars shall be mounted and secured against
2.1 Manufacturers movement during short-circuit in tracking-resistant, glass-
reinforced polyester blocks, or an approved equal, spaced
Square D Company–Metal-Enclosed Busway along the bus run as required to meet the short-circuit
current rating. The support blocks can be ribbed to provide
2.1 Housing long creepage paths and fitted with corona suppressors,
consisting of silicone rubber inserts between the insulated
A. The bus duct shall be nonlouvered outdoors and indoors.
bus bars and support blocks.
Housing and accessory flanges, terminal enclosures, etc.,
shall be primed and painted [steel] [corrosion resistant D. Phase bus bars, at 5 kV class and above, shall be
aluminum] construction. All outdoor hardware exposed to insulated with epoxy, rated for continuous operation at
the weather shall be stainless steel. Indoor hardware 130 °C (266 °F).
(unless in corrosive environment) shall be E. Contact surfaces of copper bus bars shall be silver plated
manufacturer’s standard. electrically by tank or brush method. Contact surfaces of
B. Bus housing shall be steel or aluminum. aluminum bus bars shall be electro-tinned. All bus bar
connections shall be bolted.
C. Outdoor, totally enclosed, nonlouvered housings shall be
fitted with screened breathers and space heaters in F. Bolts shall pass through the bus bar conductors, and shall
sufficient quantity and rating to minimize condensation. be capable of being properly torqued and locked in place,
to provide and maintain full and uniform pressure under all
operating conditions. (Torque requirements in ft/lb shall be
furnished by Manufacturer.)

11/2007 © 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Busway Systems
Power-Zone™ Metal-Enclosed Busway Suggested Specifications
G. In no case shall the temperature of such bus bar joint
exceed 65 °C (149 °F) above an ambient temperature of
40 °C (104 °F). An internal ground bus [shall] [shall not] be
furnished which will electrically connect together all
equipment connected to the bus duct.
H. If the bus duct enclosure is so constructed and connected
that it provides a continuous path for ground current, it
may serve as the ground bus. If the enclosure is used as
the ground bus, a tooth-type lock washer shall be
furnished under each bolt head and each nut at
connections between sections of bus duct. If the enclosure
is not so constructed, the bus duct shall be furnished with
a [aluminum] [copper] ground bar inside the housing. The
ground bus shall have suitable terminating pads for
Purchaser’s connections to station ground system.
I. Flexible connectors shall be provided for connecting bus
to porcelain apparatus bushings. All necessary adapter
bars and spacers, bolting hardware and insulating
materials, for connections to transformer or switchgear
terminals, shall be provided and the proper coordination of
connections between bus and terminal equipment shall be
the responsibility of the bus Manufacturer
J. Purchaser will provide Manufacturer with applicable
switchgear and transformer drawings for matching and
coordination requirements prior to fabrication.

2.4 Ratings

A. The maximum hot-spot temperature rise at any point in the

bus, at continuous rated load, shall not exceed 65 °C
(149 °F) above an ambient temperature of 40 °C (104 °F).
B. The ratings of the bus duct shall be:
— Voltage Class: ___ Volts
— Continuous Current Ratings: ___ Amperes
— Short Circuit Rating: Momentary Current Amps
___ RMS asymmetrical.
— Short Time Current Amps ___ RMS symmetrical. (Not
less than short time ratings of protective devices.)
— Basic Insulation Level (BIL): ___ kV

2.5 Supports

Bus duct supports shall be [indoor trapeze type] [outdoor

column type with base plates for attaching to Purchaser’s
foundations] [knee-brace type for wall mounting].

© 2007 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 11/2007
Schneider Electric USA
5735 College Corner Rd.
Oxford, OH 45056, USA
1-888-Square D
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www.us.SquareD.com R11/07 Replaces: 5600CT9101R8/02


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