PISA 2018 FT Released New Reading Items

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PISA 2018 Released Field Trial

New Reading Items

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PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 1

Reading Literacy – Overview ......................................................................................................................................3
Cognitive Processes ...............................................................................................................................................3
Texts .......................................................................................................................................................................4
Scenarios ................................................................................................................................................................5
Released Items .......................................................................................................................................................5
Unit CR548 Chicken Forum ........................................................................................................................................7
Chicken Forum Scenario ........................................................................................................................................7
Chicken Forum Released Item #1 ..........................................................................................................................9
Chicken Forum Released Item #2 ....................................................................................................................... 10
Chicken Forum Released Item #3 ....................................................................................................................... 11
Chicken Forum Released Item #4 ....................................................................................................................... 12
Chicken Forum Released Item #5 ....................................................................................................................... 13
Chicken Forum Released Item #6 ....................................................................................................................... 14
Chicken Forum Released Item #7 ....................................................................................................................... 16
Unit CR557 Cow’s Milk ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Cow’s Milk Scenario ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Cow’s Milk Released Item #1 .............................................................................................................................. 20
Cow’s Milk Released Item #2 .............................................................................................................................. 21
Cow’s Milk Scenario Update ................................................................................................................................ 22
Cow’s Milk Released Item #3 .............................................................................................................................. 23
Cow’s Milk Released Item #4 .............................................................................................................................. 24
Cow’s Milk Released Item #5 .............................................................................................................................. 26
Cow’s Milk Released Item #6 .............................................................................................................................. 27
Cow’s Milk Released Item #7 .............................................................................................................................. 28
Untested Unit The Galapagos Islands ..................................................................................................................... 31
The Galapagos Islands Scenario ........................................................................................................................ 31
The Galapagos Islands Stimulus 1 ...................................................................................................................... 33
The Galapagos Islands Stimulus 2 ...................................................................................................................... 34
The Galapagos Islands Stimulus 3 ...................................................................................................................... 35
The Galapagos Islands Stimulus 4 ...................................................................................................................... 36
The Galapagos Islands Released Item #1 .......................................................................................................... 37
The Galapagos Islands Released Item #2 .......................................................................................................... 38
The Galapagos Islands Released Item #3 .......................................................................................................... 39
The Galapagos Islands Released Item #4 .......................................................................................................... 40
The Galapagos Islands Released Item #5 .......................................................................................................... 41
The Galapagos Islands Released Item #6 .......................................................................................................... 42
The Galapagos Islands Released Item #7 .......................................................................................................... 44

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 2

Reading Literacy – Overview
Fourteen items from the 2018 Field Trial and seven items from a unit that was not administered in the
Field Trial were approved by the Reading Literacy Expert Group for release as sample items. The items
are presented within their units as they were designed and in the case of two units, as they were
administered in the Field Trial. The cognitive process is provided for each released item, showing how
the item was classified according to the construct categories in the 2018 Reading Literacy framework
that will be used for scaling. Each cognitive process is explained more fully in the framework. A
summary from the framework is provided here for reference.1

Cognitive Processes
Successful reading, whether reading a single text or reading and integrating information across multiple
texts, requires an individual to perform a range of processes. The 2018 Reading Literacy framework
defines several cognitive processes that span a range of difficulty. Each cognitive process is assigned
to a superordinate category which will be used for the final scaling of the 2018 Main Survey data:
Locate information, Understand, and Evaluate and Reflect. The cognitive processes within each
category are briefly defined below.

Locate information

 Access and retrieve information within a text – scanning a single text in order to retrieve target
information consisting of a few words, phrases or numerical values.
 Search for and select relevant text – searching for information among several texts to select the
most relevant text given the demands of the item/task.


 Represent literal information – comprehending the literal meaning of sentences or short

passages, typically matching a direct or close paraphrasing of information in the question with
information in a passage.
 Integrate and generate inferences – going beyond the literal meaning of information in a text by
integrating information across sentences or even an entire passage. Tasks that require the
student to create a main idea or to produce a summary or a title for a passage are classified as
“integrate and generate inference” items.
 Integrate and generate inferences across multiple sources – integrating pieces of information
that are located within two or more texts.

Evaluate and Reflect

 Assess quality and credibility – evaluating whether the information in a text is valid, current,
accurate, unbiased, reliable, etc. Readers must identify and consider the source of the
information and consider the content and form of the text or in other words, how the author is
presenting the information.

1For additional information, please consult the PISA 2018 Reading Framework,

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 3

 Reflect on content and form – evaluating the form of the writing to determine how the author is
expressing their purpose and/or point of view. These items often require the student to reflect on
their own experience and knowledge to compare, contrast or hypothesize different perspectives
or viewpoints.
 Detect and handle conflict – determining whether multiple texts corroborate or contradict each
other and when they conflict, deciding how to handle that conflict. For example, items classified
as “detect and handle conflict” may ask students to identify whether two authors agree on the
stance of an issue or to identify each author’s stance. In other cases, these items may require
students to consider the credibility of the sources and demonstrate that they accept the claims
from the more reliable source over the claims from the less reliable source.

Texts can be classified along four different dimensions described in the framework: source,
organization and navigation, format, and type. Each dimension is briefly described below.


 Single – a single unit of text that has an author or a group of authors, a time of writing or
publication date and a reference title or number.
 Multiple – multiple units of texts where each has a different author, different publication times or
have different titles or reference numbers.

Organization and Navigation

 Static – texts with simple organization and a low density of navigation tools; typically texts with
one or several pages organized in a linear way.
 Dynamic – texts with a more complex, non-linear organization and a higher density of
navigation tools.


 Continuous – texts formed by sentences that are organized into paragraphs.

 Non-continuous – texts composed of a number of lists or elements such as tables, graphs,
diagrams, advertisements, schedules, catalogues, indexes, forms, etc.
 Mixed – texts containing both continuous and non-continuous elements.


 Description – texts with information that refers to properties of objects in space. Description
texts provide an answer to “what” questions. Examples include a depiction of a place in a
travelogue, a catalogue or a process in a technical manual.
 Narration – texts with information that refers to objects in time. Narration texts provide answers
to “when” or “in what sequence”. Examples include a report, a news story, a novel, a short story
or a play.
 Exposition – texts with explanations of how different elements interrelate in a meaningful way
and provide answers to “how” questions. Examples include a scholarly essay, a diagram

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 4

showing a model of memory, a graph of population trends, or a concept map for an entry in an
online encyclopedia.
 Argument – texts that present the relationship among concepts or propositions. Argument texts
provide answers to “why” questions. An important subclassification of argumentative texts is
persuasive and opinionative texts, referring to opinions and points of view. Examples include a
letter to the editor, a poster advertisement, posts in an online forum or a review of a book or film.
 Instruction – a text that provides instructions on what to do. Examples include a recipe, a series
of diagrams showing how to give first aid or guidelines for operating software.
 Transaction – a text that aims to achieve a purpose such as requesting that something is done,
organizing a meeting or making a social engagement with a friend. Examples include a letter, an
email or a text message.

Reading is a purpose-driven activity; that is, it occurs when a reader wishes to accomplish a particular
goal, such as locating information to fill out a form or understanding a topic well enough to participate in
a discussion with peers. In many traditional reading assessments, however, the “goal” is simply to
answer a few discrete questions about a text on a general topic and then move on to the next. In
contrast to this artificial world of traditional reading assessments, the Reading Literacy units developed
for 2018 are scenario-based. Each unit begins with a fictional scenario that describes the over-arching
goal for reading the text or collection of texts in the unit. Thus, the reader is given both a context and a
purpose that helps to shape the way he or she searches for, comprehends, and integrates information.

Scenarios were developed to address a range of situations. The framework describes several types of
situations that relate to the overarching scenario developed for each unit:

 Personal – situations that contain text that satisfies an individual’s personal interests in both
practical and intellectual ways. Examples include personal letters, fiction, biography and
informational texts that are read to satisfy curiosity or for leisure as well as personal emails,
instant messages and blogs.
 Public – situations that contain text that relates to activities and concerns of the society at large.
Examples include official documents, information about public events, message boards, news
websites and public notices.
 Educational – situations that contain text designed for the purpose of instruction and that is
often chosen by an instructor rather than the reader. Examples include printed or electronic
textbooks and interactive learning software.
 Occupational – situations that contain text that supports the accomplishment of an immediate
task. Examples include texts used to search for a job such as printed classified ads or online job
websites, and texts that provide workplace directions.

Released Items
Below, released items for three units are presented. The units Chicken Forum and Cow’s Milk were
administered in the PISA 2018 Field Trial. They were omitted from the Main Survey based on
objections to the content within the unitsi; however, most of the items demonstrated strong
measurement properties. Two items that did not demonstrate adequate measurement properties have
not been released for the unit Cow’s Milk.

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 5

The unit The Galapagos Islands was omitted prior to the Field Trial based on the recommendation of
the Reading Expert Group. While the content and items were acceptable and tapped into elements of
digital literacy that are important to assessing reading literacy, the content of the stimuli prepared for
the website did not allow for a rich diversity of item types. Thus, in the interest of retaining units that did
allow for a richer item diversity, The Galapagos Islands was omitted from the Field Trial. Consequently,
the items presented here were not administered and their measurement properties were not
ascertained. Nevertheless, some of the items are provided in this report to give the reader an idea of
how reading units based on a simulated website with multiple webpages were designed in order to
measure students’ ability to locate and comprehend information about a topic.

Estimated levels of difficulty for each item in Chicken Forum and Cow’s Milk are provided. However, the
levels must be interpreted with caution because they have been estimated using only Field Trial data,
which is a smaller data set than the Main Survey data set and hence prone to greater measurement
error. Official levels for items are generally released based on data acquired in the Main Survey. No
difficulty information can be provided for the items released for The Galapagos Islands because these
items were not administered in the Field Trial.

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 6

Unit CR548: Chicken Forum

Chicken Forum Scenario

In this unit’s scenario, the student is visiting family members who raise chickens. The aunt describes an
Internet forum that focuses on chicken health and was a useful resource when one of her chickens was
injured. The situation is classified as personal because it represents an individual satisfying personal
interests through an Internet forum.

The text in this unit is the set of posts on the web forum used by the aunt. It is classified as: multiple
text (the posts on the forum are written by distinct authors at different times); static (while the original
conversation would have unfolded dynamically, the student is presented with the full and final
conversation; continuous; and transactional.

This text was designed to be accessible for a wide range of student abilities. It is short, but it possesses
all the complexities of multiple texts where multiple points of view need to be considered, and the origin
and content of the posts need to be evaluated to determine credibility. In this way, the test developers
felt that even low ability students would have a chance to succeed when faced with a transactional,
multiple text.

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 7

Please note that the screenshot provided for Released Item #1 shows the full text of the forum for the
purposes of this report. The student had to scroll to see the full text in the programmed version.

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 8

Chicken Forum Released Item #1

In this item, the student must consider Ivana_88’s post and understand the literal meaning of the post.
The student must match the paraphrase of Ivana_88’s initial question (Is it okay to give aspirin to my
hen?) to the options in the item. This not simply an “Access and retrieve information within a text” item
because there is not a direct, verbatim match between the item options and the stimulus. Here, the
correct answer is (A) If she can give aspirin to an injured hen.

Item Number CR548Q02

Cognitive Process Represent literal meaning
Response Format Simple Multiple Choice – Computer Scored
Estimated Level 1a

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 9

Chicken Forum Released Item #2

In this item, the student must understand Ivana_88’s post at a deeper level than in the previous item.
The student must go beyond what is represented literally in the post (I can’t get to the veterinarian until
Monday, and the vet isn’t answering the phone) and the full context of her post to identify the correct
answer. Here, the correct answer is (C) Because she wants to help her hen as soon as possible. The
student can infer that because her hen is in a lot of pain and she is not able to get a quick response in
another way (going to the vet or calling), she has posted on the forum.

Item Number CR548Q03

Cognitive Process Integrate and generate inferences
Response Format Simple Multiple Choice – Computer Scored
Estimated Level 1a

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 10

Chicken Forum Released Item #3

In this item, the student must complete a table by selecting “Yes” or “No” for each row. The question
asks the student to identify whether each post in the forum is relevant to the topic. The student must
first understand the literal meaning of each post and then reflect on the content and how it relates to the
main topic – Giving Aspirin to Chickens. To receive credit for this item, the student was required to get
all 5 rows correct. The correct answers are: Yes, Yes, No, No, Yes.

Item Number CR548Q01

Cognitive Process Reflect on content and form
Response Format Complex Multiple Choice – Computer Scored
Estimated Level 2

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 11

Chicken Forum Released Item #4

In this item, the student is required to understand the literal meaning of the posts by Ivana_88,
NellieB79, Monie and Bob. If the student has understood the literal meaning of each, the student would
understand that Ivana_88 is asking about whether she can give aspirin to a hen, NellieB79 is warning
Ivana_88 about giving medicine to hens, Bob has posted something irrelevant, and it is Monie who has
said she has given aspirin to her hen and it was okay. Here, the correct answer is (C) Monie.

Item Number CR548Q04

Cognitive Process Represent literal meaning
Response Format Simple Multiple Choice – Computer Scored
Estimated Level 1a

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 12

Chicken Forum Released Item #5

In this item, the student must go beyond the literal meaning provided in the text of Avian_Deals’s post
and make an inference about why this person has made the post. The post by Avian_Deals does not
explicitly state that they are promoting their business, thus the student must infer that from the
information provided in the post. The correct answer is (A) To promote a business.

Item Number CR548Q05

Cognitive Process Integrate and generate inferences
Response Format Simple Multiple Choice – Computer Scored
Estimated Level 1a

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 13

Chicken Forum Released Item #6

This item asks the student to consider the elements of quality and credibility of the posts by NellieB79,
Monie, Avian_Deals and Frank. The student must first represent the literal meaning of each post and
then think about what elements of each post make it a reliable answer to Ivana_88’s question. This is
an open response – human coded item, and the coding guide used in the Field Trial is provided below.
For this item, the student could select any option except Avian_Deals and receive credit provided that
the student gave one of the correct elements described below which supports why the selection is
reliable. This item was coded with high reliability in the Field Trial.

Item Number CR548Q07

Cognitive Process Assess quality and credibility
Response Format Open Response – Human Coded
Estimated Level 2

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 14

Full Credit

Code 1: Selects or responds NellieB79 explicitly or implicitly AND states that NellieB79’s answer
implied that Ivana_88 should check with her veterinarian before giving any medicine to her
 [NellieB79] Nellie said she asks her vet first.
 [No selection] NellieB79 didn’t tell Ivana_88 what to do, but she said she checks with her vet
before she gives medicine.

OR: Selects or responds Monie explicitly or implicitly AND states that Monie gave aspirin to her
own hen, and the hen recovered.
 [Monie] Monie gave aspirin to her hen, and the bird got better.
 [Monie] Monie has a hen that recovered when she gave her aspirin.

OR: Selects or responds Frank explicitly or implicitly AND states that Frank is a veterinarian/bird
specialist or has knowledge about treating birds.
 [Frank] He’s a veterinarian.
 [Frank] Frank specializes in birds.
 [Frank] Frank knows the dosage guidelines for chickens.
 [No selection] Frank talks about a book about bird medicine.

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 15

Chicken Forum Released Item #7

In this item, the student must integrate information from across the posts by Ivana_88 and Frank. The
student must understand what Frank has provided in his post (the dosage information - 5mg of aspirin
per kg of body weight) and understand what he has not provided (the exact amount of aspirin Ivana_88
should use for her hen). The student must then understand why. This is because Ivana_88 has not
provided the weight of her hen, which is what Frank needs to know in order to provide the exact amount
of aspirin. This is an open response – human coded item, and the coding guide used in the Field Trial is
provided below. This item was coded with high reliability in the Field Trial.

Item Number CR548Q09

Cognitive Process Integrate and generate inferences across
multiple sources
Response Format Open Response – Human Coded
Estimated Level 2

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 16

Full Credit

Code 1: States that the weight or size of the chicken was not provided/is not known.
 Ivana_88 didn’t include the weight of her chicken in her post.
 Frank doesn’t know how much her chicken weighs.
 The chicken’s weight is missing.
 The size of the chicken is not known.

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 17

Unit CR557: Cow’s Milk

Cow’s Milk Scenario

In this unit’s scenario, three students in the United States encounter an announcement at a coffee
shop. The announcement states that the shop will no longer be serving cow’s milk and will, instead, use
a soy substitute. The three students are curious, so they search for information about cow’s milk on
their smartphones and discuss the results. The situation is classified as personal because it represents
three individuals (the students in the coffee shop) satisfying their personal curiosity by reading the text.

The text in this unit consists of two webpages. The first webpage is from “Farm to Market Dairy” a
business that sells dairy products, including cow’s milk. The second webpage is from a health website
and presents an article entitled “Just Say ‘No’ to Cow’s Milk”. The text is classified as: multiple text;
static; continuous; and argumentative.

Initially, the student is provided with the “Farm to Market” webpage only. Several questions are
presented that focus only on the content of this webpage. Then, an update to the scenario is presented,
and the student receives the second webpage. After reading the second webpage, the student

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 18

responds to a set of questions that focus solely on its content. Then, the student is given items that
require integrating the information from both webpages.

This model was used for several of the multiple-text units in the new material developed for Reading
Literacy. This approach was chosen because it allows the student first to demonstrate proficiency on
questions that relate to one text and then to demonstrate the ability to handle information from multiple
texts. This is an important design feature because there may be readers who can succeed with
information when it is presented in a single text and even integrate information within one text, but who
struggle when asked to integrate across multiple texts. Thus, this design allows students with varying
levels of ability to demonstrate proficiency on at least some elements of the unit.

The “Cow’s Milk” unit was intended to be of moderate difficulty. The two webpages result in a larger
amount of information to work through within the unit compared to a single text unit. In addition, the way
the two webpages relate to one another needs to be considered by the student, requiring him or her to
recognize whether they corroborate each other or whether they differ in their stances. This kind of
cognitive engagement with the material and the unit overall is expected to require more effort than a
unit that presents all the information within one text.

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 19

Cow’s Milk Released Item #1

The unit starts with an item that requires the student to represent the literal meaning of the information
presented by the IDFA. Specifically, the student needs to understand that the IDFA suggests “many
health professionals and groups would also agree” that “Milk contains a complete nutrient package of
nine essential nutrients” and goes on to list vitamins that occur in milk. Thus, the question stem
connects fairly directly with the sentence in the webpage that introduces the quote from the IDFA and
option B provides a paraphrase of the first two sentences in the quotation. The student does not have
to go beyond the literal meaning presented in the webpage to find that the correct answer is (B) Milk is
a good source for essential vitamins and minerals.

Item Number CR557Q03

Cognitive Process Represent literal meaning
Response Format Simple Multiple Choice – Computer Scored
Estimated Level 1a

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 20

Cow’s Milk Released Item #2

In this item, the student is asked to identify the main purpose of the webpage. Note that the student is
not asked to identify the main idea. Instead, the student must understand the overall meaning of the
webpage and then consider why it is being presented and how it has been written. The student must
reflect on the content and form of the text. Here, the correct answer is (D) To support the use of Farm
to Market Dairy products.

Item Number CR557Q04

Cognitive Process Reflect on content and form
Response Format Simple Multiple Choice – Computer Scored
Estimated Level 2

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 21

Cow’s Milk Scenario Update

At this point in the unit, the student reads an update to the scenario, learning that one of the students in
the scenario finds a different article about cow’s milk and shares it with his friends. The article is called
“Just Say ‘No’ to Cow’s Milk!”, which indicates that this article may not present such favorable
information about cow’s milk.

Please note that the screenshot provided for Released Item #3 shows the full text of the article for the
purposes of this report. The student must scroll to see the full text in the programmed version.

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 22

Cow’s Milk Released Item #3

In this item, the student must complete a table by selecting “Yes” or “No” for each row. The question
asks the student to identify whether each row of the table could represent Dr. Garza’s purpose for
writing the article. The student must first understand the overall meaning of the article, then reflect on
the content of the article and how it is presented. Then, the student must evaluate whether each
statement in the table accurately represents a purpose for writing the article. To receive credit for this
item, the student was required to get all 3 rows correct. The correct answers are: Yes, Yes, No.

Item Number CR557Q07

Cognitive Process Reflect on content and form
Response Format Complex Multiple Choice – Computer Scored
Estimated Level 3

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 23

Cow’s Milk Released Item #4

This item asks the student to identify the research results reported in the article and to state one of
them. Here, the student needs to represent the literal meaning of information in the article by identifying
one of the findings and providing it. Note that in the coding guide used for the Field Trial, there were
only two findings that were allowed for this item because there were only two “surprising” research
results described. The coding guide that was used in the Field Trial is provided below. This item was
coded with high reliability in the Field Trial.

Item Number CR557Q10

Cognitive Process Represent literal meaning
Response Format Open Response – Human Coded
Estimated Level 3

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 24

Full Credit

Code 1: Quotes or paraphrases one of the following research results stated in the text:
1. Female milk drinkers suffered more bone fractures.
2. Both male and female milk drinkers were more likely to suffer from heart disease and
 Women who drank milk had more broken bones.
 People who drink milk had more heart disease and cancer.

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 25

Cow’s Milk Released Item #5

In this item, the student must integrate information across both webpages and infer whether the
statements in the table represent facts that were presented in the webpages or represent opinions that
were presented in the webpages. For this item, full credit was awarded if the student got all 4 correct,
and partial credit was awarded if the student got 3 out of 4 correct. The correct answers are: Opinion,
Fact, Fact, Opinion.

Item Number CR557Q12

Cognitive Process Integrate and generate inferences across
multiple sources
Response Format Complex Multiple Choice – Computer Scored
Estimated Level 5

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 26

Cow’s Milk Released Item #6

In this item, the student must understand how each webpage describes the role of milk within a regular
diet and must be able to identify the main point on which they disagree. This is a “Detect and handle
conflict” item, but it is easier than many others presented in the PISA 2018 Field Trial because the item
already lets the student know that there is a conflict between the two webpages. We expect the
difficulty of these types of items to increase when the student first has to detect whether or not a conflict
exists, then determine what the conflict is, and then figure out how to handle the conflict. Here, the
correct answer is (A) Milk’s effects on health and milk’s role in human diets.

Item Number CR557Q13

Cognitive Process Detect and handle conflict
Response Format Simple Multiple Choice – Computer Scored
Estimated Level 2

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 27

Cow’s Milk Released Item #7

In this item, the student reads three stances provided in the item stem: one that supports continuing to
drink milk, one that supports drinking less milk and one that says more needs to be known before a
conclusion is reached. The student can select any of the three students in the scenario associated with
these stances, but the student must provide a reason from at least one of the texts to support his or her
selection. The coding guide for this item is provided below, which lists the acceptable ways a student
can support their selection for each of the three options.

This item focuses mainly on the element of handling the conflict rather than detecting it. By asking the
student to come to a conclusion and use the webpage or webpages to support the answer, the student
demonstrates how he or she handles the conflict between the information presented in the two

Please note that this item was very challenging to code in the Field Trial, and several countries had
difficulty achieving reliable coding. It is not clear to the Test Developers how the coding guide would
have been improved, thus, this item would have likely been eliminated for the Main Survey if the unit
had not been omitted. However, it is included here for the purpose of illustrating an open response,
“detect and handle conflict” item.

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 28

Item Number CR557Q14
Cognitive Process Detect and handle conflict
Response Format Open Response – Human Coded
Estimated Level 3

Full Credit

Code 1: Selects one of the names and gives an appropriate explanation as described below. If a
name is not selected, responses clearly state a choice for Christopher, Anna, or Sam and
provide an explanation for the choice by referring to one of the texts.

Selects “Christopher” and provides one or more of the explanations below from the first text,
“The Nutritional Value of Milk: Countless Benefits!” OR mentions that the second text “Just
Say ‘No’ to Cow’s Milk!” isn’t balanced/objective.
1. Milk contains (key) nutrients/many vitamins/minerals/specifically mentions one or more
vitamin or mineral (e.g. potassium) that is important for good health.
2. Milk increases weight loss/helps maintain a healthy weight.
3. Milk improves cardiovascular health.
4. Milk prevents cancer.
5. The Farm to Market webpage uses support from a doctor.
6. The Farm to Market webpage cites the International Dairy Foods Association/provides
support from the IDFA.
7. The “Just Say ‘No’ to Cow’s Milk!” article/second text is not balanced/is not objective or
gives an example of how it isn’t balanced or objective.
 [Christopher] A doctor says it contains many important nutrients. [Explanation 1/5]
 [Christopher] Milk has minerals we need to be healthy. [Explanation 1]

OR: Selects “Anna” and provides one or more of the explanations below from the second text,
“Just Say ‘No’ to Cow’s Milk!” OR mentions that the first text “The Nutritional Value of Milk:
Countless Benefits!” is biased or trying to sell its products.
1. Milk may not be as good for you according to new research.
2. Milk may lead to weaker bones/more bone fractures.
3. Milk may cause more heart disease/cancer.
4. The article provides support from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
5. The article talks about growing proof that milk isn’t as good for people as originally
6. A study in Sweden showed that people who drank milk had more heart disease AND/OR
cancer AND/OR bone fractures.
7. The “Nutritional Value of Milk: Countless Benefits!” (can refer to the article as the first
text) or Farm to Market Dairy is a biased source/is trying to sell its products and the
claims can’t be trusted.
 [Anna] They did a study in Sweden that showed that women who drank milk had more broken
bones. [Explanation 6]
 [Anna] That first one is just trying to sell us their milk, so you can’t really trust them.
[Explanation 7]

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 29

OR: Selects “Sam” and provides an explanation that refers to the content or limitations of the
texts to support the stance that a conclusion cannot be reached at this time. Responses
include one of the following explanations:
1. The “Just Say ‘No” to Cow’s Milk!” article/the second text points out that more studies
are needed to confirm the research findings.
2. Milk has been consumed regularly for a long time and the studies mentioned in the
second article are new, so more time or research is needed to draw a conclusion.
3. These are only two texts and more research is needed before a conclusion can be
4. It would be good to verify the information found in each article before making a
5. The two texts contradict one another, so a conclusion cannot be drawn OR provides a
specific example of how they contradict one another (one text says milk creates strong
bones and the other one says it causes more fractures).
 [Sam] Just Say No says that more studies are needed before we will really know.
[Explanation 1]
 [Sam] I need to make sure that what each article says is true before I can decide.
[Explanation 4]

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 30

Untested Unit: The Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands Scenario

In this unit’s scenario, the student is participating in an online website design course where classmates
review each other’s websites. The student is asked to review a website produced by some classmates
and answer questions to help them determine whether there is enough content in the existing pages.
The website that the student is to review is about a fictional organization called the Galapagos
Conservation Society and covers information about the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador.
The situation is classified as educational. The text in this unit consists of four webpages for the site
(“About”; “Animals”; “Conservation”; and “Volunteer”). The text is classified as: multiple; dynamic;
mixed; and expository.

This unit was designed to fully address the digital aspects of reading literacy discussed in the Reading
Literacy framework. The text consists of a simulated website with four webpages. It was designed to
have the navigational elements typical of a standard website with navigational tabs at the top of the
page, each labeled with a title to link the tab with the content of the page. In order to complete each
item, the student must search among the four webpages to find the answers to the questions. Some
items direct the student explicitly to the page where the information is to be found while other items do

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 31

not. Items that do not direct the student to a specific page all share a core cognitive process of search
and select the relevant text. Some items only require the students to search for and select the relevant
text to locate a specific piece of information that is a direct match with the question stem or one of the
response options. Other items require the student to search for and select the relevant text but then go
beyond this cognitive process to engage more deeply with the text. The released items below
demonstrate this range of depth of text engagement.

Below, each webpage of the website is presented to show the content presented in the entire stimulus.
The student begins the unit with the “About” webpage visible. This webpage introduces the islands and
describes how and why the animals that inhabit the islands are unique. The webpage also describes
how the islands’ ecosystems have been threatened. The second webpage provides brief descriptions of
three animals that are endemic to the islands. The student navigates to this stimulus by clicking on the
tab labeled “Animals”. The third webpage is titled “Conservation” and describes two programmes that
have been successful in restoring the Galapagos Tortoise population. The final webpage is titled
“Volunteer”. This webpage is “under construction” and does not contain information.

This unit was not programmed because the Reading Expert Group chose to exclude it from the Field
Trial. If it had been programmed, the student would have started each new item with the “About”
webpage on the right side of the screen. Even if the student had ended the previous item while viewing
a different webpage, the “About” webpage would have been presented for the new item. This
standardized each item across all students.

Please note that the graphics for this unit were designed by Test Developers so that members of the
PISA team in each country could get an idea of how the unit would “look and feel”. The other released
units (“Chicken Forum” and “Cow’s Milk”) went through a formal design and programming process.
Additionally, the French Source was not developed for this unit. The process of creating the French
version improves the linguistic clarity of the English version of the unit. However, because the French
version of this unit was not developed, the English version presented here did not go through that
linguistic refinement.

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 32

The Galapagos Islands Stimulus 1

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 33

The Galapagos Islands Stimulus 2

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 34

The Galapagos Islands Stimulus 3

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The Galapagos Islands Stimulus 4

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 36

The Galapagos Islands Released Item #1

In this item, the answer is not located on the “About” webpage, so the student must search through the
different webpages to find the answer. By providing the correct answer, the student demonstrates that
he or she has selected the relevant text (“Animals”). Once the correct text has been located, a simple
match is made between the content within the section on the Marine Iguana and the options in the
stimulus. Thus, while this item encourages engagement with the different webpages, it does not require
a deep level of engagement with the relevant text. Here, the answer is (C) Algae.

Item Number CR571Q13

Cognitive Process Search for and select relevant text
Response Format Simple multiple choice

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 37

The Galapagos Islands Released Item #2

This item is similar to the Released Item #1 in that the student is not given information about where the
answer to the question is located. Thus, the student must search among the four webpages and select
the relevant text (“Conservation”). Here, the student must provide the answer in their own words, and
the coding guide for the item can be found below.

Item Number CR571Q14

Cognitive Process Search for and select relevant text
Response Format Open response – human coded

Full Credit
Code 1: Pinzón Island or Pinzón

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 38

The Galapagos Islands Released Item #3

This item is a good contrast to the previous two items. In the two previous items in this unit, the item did
not explicitly identify the relevant text for the student. Thus, searching for the relevant text was required
to complete the item accurately. Here, the item explicitly refers to the “Conservation” webpage. This
should be a strong signal to the student that they need to navigate to the “Conservation” webpage to
find the answer. Once students are on the correct webpage, they need to match the information in the
question stem (started a breeding program for tortoises) and the webpage (launched a breeding
program). Option A is also a very close match with what is in the webpage (…to save the rest of the
tortoises from extinction). The correct answer is (A) To save the tortoises from extinction. By
contrasting this item and the previous two items, one can see the difference between the two cognitive
processes of access and retrieve information within a text, and search for and select relevant text.

Item Number CR571Q08

Cognitive Process Access and retrieve information within a text
Response Format Simple multiple choice

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 39

The Galapagos Islands Released Item #4

For this item, the student begins the task by searching for the relevant text to locate the webpage that
discusses animals of the Galapagos Islands. If the student has successfully navigated to the “Animals”
webpage in the first item, then he or she will likely know where to go to complete this item. However,
because the unit would always revert to the “About” webpage had it been programmed, this item would
have had, at its core, the cognitive process of searching for and selecting relevant text. Unlike the
previous items, this item requires the student to engage more deeply with the information in the
webpage. Once the student has navigated to the correct webpage, it is necessary to integrate
information across all three descriptions to correctly identify the commonality among the three animals.
Because this commonality is not explicitly stated in the webpage and requires integration, this is an
“integrate and generate inference” item. Here, the answer is (D) Their populations are threatened.

Item Number CR571Q06

Cognitive Process Integrate and generate inferences
Response Format Simple multiple choice

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 40

The Galapagos Islands Released Item #5

In contrast to the previous item, the question stem indicates to which webpage the student must
navigate in order to find the answer to the question. However, this item shares similarities with the
previous item in that it requires the student to integrate information across one webpage and
understand information that is not explicitly stated in the webpage. Thus, this is an “integrate and
generate inference” item. It is an open response – human coded item, and the draft coding guide for the
item is presented below.

Item Number CR571Q07

Cognitive Process Integrate and generate inferences
Response Format Open response – human coded

Full Credit

Code 1: Responses indicate that one program focused on the breeding of native species while the
other program focused on the eradication of invasive species.

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 41

The Galapagos Islands Released Item #6

This item explicitly tells the student to consider the information presented on two specific webpages,
which limits the amount of searching a student needs to do in order to complete the item. To correctly
answer this item, the student must understand the content of both webpages with respect to how each
discusses the animals and conservation efforts on the islands. The student must go beyond
understanding the content and reflect on the way its presentation shapes its purpose.

This item represents how the cognitive processes in the Reading Literacy assessment can build upon
one another. First, the student must understand the literal meaning of sentences and paragraphs in the
webpage. Then the student has to integrate the information within each webpage as well as across
both webpages. Finally, the student must think about how the content is presented to consider a
purpose for which the texts may be used. The draft coding guide for this item is presented below.

Item Number CR571Q11

Cognitive Process Reflect on content and form
Response Format Open response – human coded

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 42

Full Credit

Code 1: Responses indicate that both pages focus on the vulnerability of the animals and programs
to save them, educate readers about the special animals so they feel concerned about
them too OR encourage people to support programs to save the animals and the islands.

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 43

The Galapagos Islands Released Item #7

For the final item in the unit, the student must consider the content of the full website and how it could
be improved to present the information in a more credible way for future readers whose purpose is to
find out more about the islands and the Galapagos Conservation Society. This item relies on
knowledge of what makes a source more credible.

The first statement describes a way to promote tourism to the islands but does not address aspects of
credibility with respect to learning more about the islands and the conservation society. The correct
answer is No. The second statement addresses a way in which the content could be organized in order
to improve the readability of the website but not the credibility. The correct answer is No. The third
statement is a clear way to make a website or text more credible. The correct answer is Yes. Finally,
the fourth statement could improve the quality and credibility of the website because a clearly-stated
description of the society and its mission might allow readers to better contextualize the content within
the pages. Readers would know that the society’s goal is rooted in science and aims to preserve the
islands’ ecosystem. Without this knowledge, readers are less aware of who the author is and whether
or not there is inherent bias in the information presented. The correct answer is Yes.

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 44

Item Number CR571Q12
Cognitive Process Assess quality and credibility
Response Format Complex multiple choice

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 45

i The “Chicken Forum” unit describes a person who is seeking information about how to help an injured chicken.
Although the information presented in the unit is accurate and medically-sound, some objections were raised
regarding the propriety of recommending any pharmaceutical solution to a health problem within the context of the
PISA assessment.
The “Cow’s Milk” unit contains a stimulus from a milk producer that touts milk’s ability to help its drinkers lose
weight. Some objections were raised with respect to this claim and its focus on body image, even though the unit
itself drew attention to the biased nature of the stimulus.

PISA 2018 Released FT Reading Literacy Items 46

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