Mems Report
Mems Report
Mems Report
Course Instructor
Dr. Jayashree C Nidagundi
Assist Prof. Electronic and Communication Department
In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the post graduate degree
Digital Electronics Engineering (M.Tech)
Content Page no
Introduction 1
Characteristics of IOT 2
Application of IOT 5
Advantages of IOT 5
Disadvantages of IOT 6
Reference 6
The IoT (Internet of Things) is one of the leading and advantageous technologies in the 21st
century, which can give the high-level implementation feasibility in the field of wireless
The IoT can also be defined as a smart and interconnected network in a highly dynamic
infrastructure. It also provides the feature of from anywhere at any time.
• The main aim of internet of things is to create a huge and complex information system by
combining various trending technologies like sensor data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine
Learning, Data science, Networking, big data and Clouds.
• The biggest deal in IoT is to collect the huge data and data security in maintaining the
data confidentiality and providing the privacy for every entity. As a result of all these
aspects, new difficulties are entering in improving and implementing the current
• There are many such technologies by which many more difficulties are entering. They all
must be investigated further. This is a special issue which examines the most recent
contributions of IoT platform as well as in the progress of the trending technologies.
• A statement from IoT is that, monitor and control any technology from anywhere,
anytime, wireless, fastest.
• Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): Radio waves send’s the object identifies
wirelessly in the form of series number. In the Internet of Things, RFID technology plays
a critical role in resolving object identification challenges. It's categorized into three
groups based on how it's processed: active, passive, and semi active. Tags, readers,
antennas, access controllers, software, and servers are the major components of RFID. It
is useful to take automatic definition that allots a distinctive digital identity to everything.
It's used in a variety of wireless applications, including discoverability, health
monitoring, and defense uses.
• Electronic product code (EPC): It is made up of four parts object naming service, EPC
discovery service, EPC information service, EPC security service. Electronic product
code is 64-bit or 94-bit code that electronically registers on RFID tag and to develop
better design of electronic product code bar code and hold data about the EPC type,
product serial number, product information, manufacture specification.
• Barcode: This is a unique method of encrypting numbers and messages that use series of
spaces and bars of varying sizes. A barcode is a machine-readable optical label that is
placed on goods to record information about the object. Alpha Numeric, Numeric 2, and
Dimensional are the 3 types of barcodes. It is developed to be readable machine, but by
using a camera
• Addressing scheme: The Internet of Things establishes connections between objects
with the goal of creating a smart environment. As a result, all items must be uniquely
identifiable, location and function. This is necessary for the purposes of digitizing all IoT
entities, and everything assigned a special number that identifies it from other objects for
the purposes of remote control over the Internet. This is critical for the success of the
Internet of Things. Individuality, as well as reliability and scalability, are critical factors
to consider while creating a unique addressing system. IPV4 designates a geographically
defined range of sensors. IPV6 is another effective solution for gaining unique remote
access to sources. And laser scanner it can be read.
• Smart Homes
• Smart City
• Self-driven Cars
• IoT Retail Shops
• Farming
• Wearable
• Smart Grids
• Industrial Internet
• Telehealth
• Smart Supply-chain Management
• Safa A. Ahmed, Nahla Fadil Alwan, Ammar Mohamed Ali “Overview of internet things
Basics,components and applications” J. of Univercity of Anbar for pure science vol 1,
issue No.3, 2018.
• P.Arun Mozhi Devan et al. “IoT based vehicle emission monitoring and alerting system”
2019 IEEE student conference on research and development October 15-17, 2019.
• G,Joga Rao, A.vinod, N. Priyanka, Ch.siva Hari Kumar.k, “IoT based web controlled
home automation using Raspberry PI” Raghu institute of technology, Visakhapatnam,
Andra Pradesh, India, vol 2, issueNo.2, March,2019.