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Mobile Communication - Lab - Manual

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Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,

(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Experiment No. 1
Title: Study of basics of Public switched telephone network (PSTN)

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:

Mobile Communication Lab BE E&Tc (2015 course) Sem-II

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Experiment No. 1

PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network)

Aim: To Study basics of Public switched telephone network (PSTN)& verify truth table.

Equipment: PSTN trainer kit, DSO, Connecting patch cords.


PSTN is a telecommunication facility designed for transmitting human like voice in more or
less from public telephone network. Within countries or regions are standard integrated
system of transmission & switching facility. Signaling procedure processor & associated
operations support system that allow communication devices to communicate with each
other, when they operate. A telephone call may consist of an ordinary voice transmission,
when calling party are using modems or facilitate transmission when two parties are using
fax machines when telephone call has more than one called party, it is referred as
conference call. If caller wired phone is directly connected to calling party, when calling
party is given tone to indicate that they should begin dialing to desired number.

In some cases, calling party cannot dial calls directly & it is connected to an operator, who
places call for them. Processing during call & after call is placed contain tones signify
progress and dial tone signify that call is ready t be placed either.

a) Ringing tone signifying that calling party has to yet assure telephone.
b) A busy signal (energy tone) signifying that calling party’s telephone is being used in
telephone called other person.

Status tone such as STD notification tones, minute minds beeps & other tone to signify that
called party has hanged up.


1. Connect TDM output from multiplexer section to TDM input of de-multiplexer

2. Connect signal input-1 terminal of multiplexer section to sinewave signal of sine
wave generator withfrequency amplitude 1 Vpp., note down frequency.
____________Waveform (W1, 250 Hz)
Mobile Communication Lab BE E&Tc (2015 course) Sem-II
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

3. Connect signal input-2 terminal of multiplexer section to sinewave signal with

amplitude 1 Vpp.
____________Waveform (W2, 500 Hz)

4. Connect signal input-2 terminal of multiplexer section to sinewave signal with

amplitude 1 Vpp.
____________Waveform (W3, 1 kHz)

5. Connect signal input-4 terminal of multiplexer section to sinewave signal with

amplitude 1Vpp.
____________Waveform (W4, 2 kHz)

6. Connect Pulse output of Sampling pulse generator to sampling pulse input of S/H
____________Waveform (W5)

7. Keep Frequency pot of Sampling pulse generator in mid position.

8. Connect CRO Channel 1 at TDM O/P signal. (T-Switching) Observe TDM signal.
____________Waveform (W6)

9. Keep all control input (D, C, B, A) to low value i.e. 0000. Keep data control input to
low value. Apply strobe pulse by pushing pulse switch. This will reset all outputs i.e.
all gates are blocked and no output are available at Y1, Y2 outputs.
10. Now keep D, C, B and A to low data to high and apply strobe. The X1 output will be
available at Y1 point.
11. Once again keep all control input (D, C, B, A) to low value i.e. 0000. Keep data control
input to low value. Apply strobe pulse by pushing pulse switch. This will reset all
outputs once again.
12. Now keep D, C, B and A to 0101 and apply strobe. The X2 output will be available at
Y2 points. By using following truth cable X1 and X2 inputs can be send either Y1 or
Y2- Space switching.
13. Connect CRO Channel 2 at de-multiplexed output-1 of demodulator section. Observe
recovered sine wavesignal-1.
____________Waveform (W7)

Mobile Communication Lab BE E&Tc (2015 course) Sem-II

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

14. Connect CRO Channel 2 at de-multiplexed output-2 of demodulator section. Observe

recovered sine wavesignal-2.
____________Waveform (W8)

15. Connect CRO Channel 2 at de-multiplexed output-3 of demodulator section. Observe

recovered sine wavesignal-3.
____________Waveform (W9)

16. Connect CRO Channel 2 at de-multiplexed output-4 of demodulator section. Observe

recovered sine wavesignal-4.
____________Waveform (W10)

17. Now change value of ABCD, data and strobe as per truth table and observe different
space switching of input signals.

Truth Table:

Selection D C B A

X1-Y1 0 0 0 0

X1-Y2 0 1 0 0

X2-Y2 0 1 0 1

X2-Y1 0 0 0 1

Data Output

High ON


Mobile Communication Lab BE E&Tc (2015 course) Sem-II

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Block Diagram:

T Switching S Switching T Switching

Signal 1 Signal 1
X1 Y1
Time Time
MUX - 1 MUX - 1

Signal 2 Switching Signal 2

Signal 3 Signal 3
X2 Y2
Time Time
MUX - 1 MUX - 1 Signal 4
Signal 4


Fig.Time Division Multiplexing/De-multiplexing

Mobile Communication Lab BE E&Tc (2015 course) Sem-II

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Fig. Connection Diagram

ELO: Students will be able to understand the switching concepts.


Mobile Communication Lab BE E&Tc (2015 course) Sem-II

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Experiment No. 2

Title: Simulation of Loss Call system model of Traffic Engineering.

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:

Mobile Communication Lab BE E&Tc (2015 course) Sem-II

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Experiment No. 2

Simulation of Loss Call System Model of Traffic Engineering

Aim: Write a program in MATLAB to simulate Loss Call system model of Traffic


Equipment: Algorithm, Traffic Table, Machine with MATLAB and Printer.

Theory: The capacity of a switch system is expressed as the maximum number of

originating plus incoming calls that can be processed in a high traffic hour. The call
volume offered to a switch depends on geographical area, class of service mix and
time of day. There are basically two types of systems: 1. Lost system 2. Delay system.
Telephone and Mobile network is a lost system where overflow traffic is rejected. In
other words, the overflow traffic experience blocking from network. There are three
ways in which overflow traffic is to be handled:
 The traffic rejected by one set of resources may be cleared by
another set of resources in network.
 Traffic may return to the same sources after some time.
 Traffic may be hold by the sources as if using serviced but
actually only after resources become available.
In order to obtain analytical solutions to tele-traffic problems it is
necessary to have a mathematical model of the traffic offered to
telecommunication systems. A simple model is based on the following

Mobile Communication Lab BE E&Tc (2015 course) Sem-II

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Pure Chance Traffic Assumption implies that call arrivals and

call terminations are independent
random events
Statistical equilibrium Implies that probabilities do not change.

Full availability Every call that arrives can be connected to any

outgoing trunk which is free.

Implies that any call which encounters

Calls which encounter
congestion are lost congestion is immediately cleared from
the system.

Fig. 2.1: Lost Call System

The loss probability for a full availability group of N trunk offered

with traffic A erlangs is given by:

Mobile Communication Lab BE E&Tc (2015 course) Sem-II

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Algorithm: A group of 5 trunks is offered 2 E of traffic. Find the Grade

of service, the probability that only one trunk is busy, the probability
that only one trunk is free, the probability that at least one trunk is free.

ELO: Students will able to design and simulate Telecommunication traffic

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Experiment No. 3
Title: Simulation of QPSK modulation over AWGN to evaluate Bit error rate

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Experiment No. 3

Simulation of QPSK modulation over AWGN to evaluate bit

error rate
Aim: Write a program to simulate experiment on QPSK modulation over AWGN to evaluate
Bit error rate

Equipment:: PC with MATLAB

Theory: The move to digital modulation provides more information capacity, compatibility
with digital data services, higher data security, better quality communications and quicker
system availability. Developers of communication systems face following constraints:
1. available bandwidth
2. permissible power and
3. inherent noise level of the system
The RF spectrum must be shared, yet everyday there are more users for this spectrum as
demand for communication services increases. Digital modulation schemes have greater
capacity to convey large amounts of information than analog modulation schemes.


For the QPSK modulation, a series of binary input message bits are generated. In QPSK, a
symbol contains 2 bits. The generated binary bits are combined in terms of two bits and
QPSK symbols are generated. From the constellation of QPSK modulation the symbol ‘00’ is
represented by 1, ‘01’ by j (90 degrees phase rotation), ‘10’ by -1 (180 degrees phase
rotation) and ‘11’ by -j (270 degrees phase rotation). In another form of QPSK, these phase
rotations are offset by 45 degrees. So the effective representation of symbols in this form of
QPSK is ‘00’=1+j (45 degrees), ’01′=-1+j (135 degrees), ‘10’ = -1-j (225 degrees) and ‘11’=
1-j (315 degrees). Here we are simulating a 45* rotated QPSK system. Once the symbols are
mapped, the power of the QPSK modulated signal needs to be normalized by 1/sqrt(2).
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

For the channel model “randn” function in Matlab is used to generate the noise term. This
function generates noise with unit variance and zero mean. In order to generate a noise
with standard deviation - σ for the given Eb/N0 ratio, use the above equation, find σ,
multiply the “randn” generated noise with this σ, add this final noise term with the
transmitted signal to get the received signal. For a pi/4 rotated QPSK system, since the
modulated signal is in complex form (due to sine and cosine basis functions),the noise
should also be in complex form.

QPSK receiver employs two threshold detectors that detect real (in phase arm) and
imaginary parts (quadrature arm). The detected signals are sent through a parallel to serial
converter (implemented by “reshape” function in MATLAB).

ELO: Students will able to understand, simulate analyze the performance of multiple access
techniques in AWGN environment
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Experiment No. 4
Title: Study of GSM Architecture

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Experiment No. 4

Study of GSM Architecture

Aim: To study Global system for mobile communication

Equipment: GSM Trainer kit, FALCOM software.


The GSM technical specifications define the different elements within the GSM network
architecture. It defines the different elements and the ways in which they interact to enable
the overall system operation to be maintained.

The GSM network architecture is now well established and with the other later cellular
systems now established and other new ones being deployed, the basic GSM network
architecture has been updated to interface to the network elements required by these

Despite the developments of the newer systems, the basic GSM system architecture has
been maintained, and the network elements described below perform the same functions
as they did when the original GSM system was launched in the early 1990s.GSM network
architecture elements

The GSM network architecture as defined in the GSM specifications can be grouped into
four main areas:

 Mobile station (MS)

 Base-Station Subsystem (BSS)
 Network and Switching Subsystem (NSS)
 Operation and Support Subsystem (OSS)

The different elements of the GSM network operate together and the user is not aware of
the different entities within the system.
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
A basic diagram of the overall GSM system architecture with these four major elements is
shown below:

Fig.:4.1Simplified GSM Network Architecture Diagram

Mobile station

Mobile stations (MS), mobile equipment (ME) or as they are most widely known, cell or
mobile phones are the section of a GSM cellular network that the user sees and operates. In
recent years their size has fallen dramatically while the level of functionality has greatly
increased. A further advantage is that the time between charges has significantly increased.

There are a number of elements to the cell phone, although the two main elements are the
main hardware and the SIM.

The hardware itself contains the main elements of the mobile phone including the display,
case, battery, and the electronics used to generate the signal, and process the data receiver
and to be transmitted. It also contains a number known as the International Mobile
Equipment Identity (IMEI). This is installed in the phone at manufacture and "cannot" be
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
changed. It is accessed by the network during registration to check whether the equipment
has been reported as stolen.

The SIM or Subscriber Identity Module contains the information that provides the identity
of the user to the network. It contains are variety of information including a number known
as the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI).

Base Station Subsystem (BSS)

The Base Station Subsystem (BSS) section of the GSM network architecture that is
fundamentally associated with communicating with the mobiles on the network. It consists
of two elements:

 Base Transceiver Station (BTS): The BTS used in a GSM network comprises the
radio transmitter receivers, and their associated antennas that transmit and receive
to directly communicate with the mobiles. The BTS is the defining element for each
cell. The BTS communicates with the mobiles and the interface between the two is
known as the Um interface with its associated protocols.
 Base Station Controller (BSC): The BSC forms the next stage back into the GSM
network. It controls a group of BTSs, and is often co-located with one of the BTSs in
its group. It manages the radio resources and controls items such as handover
within the group of BTSs, allocates channels and the like. It communicates with the
BTSs over what is termed the Abis interface.

Network Switching Subsystem (NSS)

The GSM system architecture contains a variety of different elements, and is often termed
the core network. It provides the main control and interfacing for the whole mobile
network. The major elements within the core network include:

 Mobile Switching services Centre (MSC): The main element within the core
network area of the overall GSM network architecture is the Mobile switching
Services Centre (MSC). The MSC acts like a normal switching node within a PSTN or
ISDN, but also provides additional functionality to enable the requirements of a
mobile user to be supported. These include registration, authentication, call
location, inter-MSC handovers and call routing to a mobile subscriber. It also
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
provides an interface to the PSTN so that calls can be routed from the mobile
network to a phone connected to a landline. Interfaces to other MSCs are provided
to enable calls to be made to mobiles on different networks.
 Home Location Register (HLR): This database contains all the administrative
information about each subscriber along with their last known location. In this way,
the GSM network is able to route calls to the relevant base station for the MS. When
a user switches on their phone, the phone registers with the network and from this
it is possible to determine which BTS it communicates with so that incoming calls
can be routed appropriately. Even when the phone is not active (but switched on) it
re-registers periodically to ensure that the network (HLR) is aware of its latest
position. There is one HLR per network, although it may be distributed across
various sub-centres to for operational reasons.
 Visitor Location Register (VLR): This contains selected information from the HLR
that enables the selected services for the individual subscriber to be provided. The
VLR can be implemented as a separate entity, but it is commonly realised as an
integral part of the MSC, rather than a separate entity. In this way access is made
faster and more convenient.
 Equipment Identity Register (EIR): The EIR is the entity that decides whether a
given mobile equipment may be allowed onto the network. Each mobile equipment
has a number known as the International Mobile Equipment Identity. This number,
as mentioned above, is installed in the equipment and is checked by the network
during registration. Dependent upon the information held in the EIR, the mobile
may be allocated one of three states - allowed onto the network, barred access, or
monitored in case its problems.
 Authentication Centre (AuC): The AuC is a protected database that contains the
secret key also contained in the user's SIM card. It is used for authentication and for
ciphering on the radio channel.
 Gateway Mobile Switching Centre (GMSC): The GMSC is the point to which a ME
terminating call is initially routed, without any knowledge of the MS's location. The
GMSC is thus in charge of obtaining the MSRN (Mobile Station Roaming Number)
from the HLR based on the MSISDN (Mobile Station ISDN number, the "directory
number" of a MS) and routing the call to the correct visited MSC. The "MSC" part of
the term GMSC is misleading, since the gateway operation does not require any
linking to an MSC.
 SMS Gateway (SMS-G): The SMS-G or SMS gateway is the term that is used to
collectively describe the two Short Message Services Gateways defined in the GSM
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
standards. The two gateways handle messages directed in different directions. The
SMS-GMSC (Short Message Service Gateway Mobile Switching Centre) is for short
messages being sent to an ME. The SMS-IWMSC (Short Message Service Inter-
Working Mobile Switching Centre) is used for short messages originated with a
mobile on that network. The SMS-GMSC role is similar to that of the GMSC, whereas
the SMS-IWMSC provides a fixed access point to the Short Message Service Centre.

Operation and Support Subsystem (OSS)

The OSS or operation support subsystem is an element within the overall GSM network
architecture that is connected to components of the NSS and the BSC. It is used to control
and monitor the overall GSM network and it is also used to control the traffic load of the
BSS. It must be noted that as the number of BS increases with the scaling of the subscriber
population some of the maintenance tasks are transferred to the BTS, allowing savings in
the cost of ownership of the system.

ELO: To understand the concepts and architecture of GSM and analyze the AT commands.

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Experiment No. 5
Title: Study and use AT commands for GSM

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Experiment No.5

AT Commands for GSM

Aim: To study and use AT commands for GSM.

Equipment: GSM Trainer kit, FALCOM software.



A simplified diagram of GSM/GPRS system is shown below. Major components of

these are explained as under.

Fig. 5.1: GPRS Packet Switched Connection via the Internet

1 GSM/GPRS Modem – Mobile:

This is a GSM/GPRS modem either as separate module or builtin Hightech latest

2 GSM/GPRS network
This includes the base station through to the APN with all of the associated IP
backbone, etc. The network takes care of the mobility issues and getting data to the
mobile station

3 APN (Access Point Name)

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
An APN is similar to a URL on the WWW; it is what the unit makes a GPRS call to
connect Internet. It is provided by ISP supplier. Most service providers have an Internet
portal which they connect a DHCP server to giving access to the internet
4 Internet
The Internet is the Internet, no explanation should be required.

(A) GSM (Global System For Mobile Communication):

GSM makes the wireless transfer of voice/text/images between different types of

equipment possible, but only within the coverage area of a network operator's base
transceiver station. The number of users of GSM equipment has, after standardization,
increased rapidly, primarily with voice services, but a major increase is now also occurring
within industrial applications, in particular M2M communication, (Machine to Machine).
This can be to transfer data or alarms from a number of slave units to a master system or
the transfer of data from or between parking meters and other similar equipment. The
application and possibilities are endless.
Architecture of a GSM Network

ME (Mobile Equipment):
Each ME unit has a unique identification IMEI-number, (Inter-national Mobile Equipment
Identy). This makes it possible for the network operator to block the use of a unit, e.g. when
a ME unit has been stolen.
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

SIM (Subscriber Identity Module):

The SIM-card is furnished by the network operator and holds data such as: telephone
number, PIN code, address book etc.

BTS (Base Transceiver Station):

BTS is a PSTN ISDN base radio station, i.e. a transmitter ... and receiver that makes it
possible to MSC communicate with some form of ME.

BSC (Base Station Controller):

BCS is a BTS substation that communicates with BSC the base radio station. The substation
can communicate with a number of base stations.

MSC (Mobile Switching Centre):

Makes forwarding to an analogue, PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) or an ISDN
(Integrated Services Digital Network) digital network possible.

Cell structures:

Base stations are positioned to give maximal coverage. The area covered by a base station
is called a cell. The entire GSM network is organized with cells of varying sizes. A cell can
cover areas with a radius of 200 meter (656 ft) up to areas with a radius of ~30 km (18.64
mi). This depends on where the base station is located and the surrounding environment.
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Other factors that affect the installation are, among others, the output power and whether
the base station is located in an environment that is problematic for radio traffic. The cell
structure results in the reuse of frequencies in the base stations. In the figure on the left
shows that the frequency A1 can be reused in the third ring without the risk of crosstalk
between cells with the same frequency. If you travel through an area it is necessary to
switch between the cells through which you pass. This is known as handover.

Radio transmissions between MS and BSS:

In the eighties when the GSM specification was drawn up, the ITU (International
Telecommunication Union) reserved two frequency bands of 25 MHz for GSM radio
transmissions: 880–915 MHz “uplink” transfers from MS to BSS.… 925–960 MHz
“downlink” transfers from BSS to MS.

The development within mobile communication has resulted in the need to use
multiple frequencies to satisfy demand. Today there are five standardized frequencies 400,
850, 900, 1800 as well as 1900 MHz. The latter frequency is generally used in the USA and
in some parts of Asia, while 900 and 1800 are more globally used.Services on GSM

There are a number of services available via GSM such as:

 Telephony
 CSD (Circuit Switched Data, data transfer)
 SMS (Short Message Service)
 MMS (Multimedia Message Service)
 GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)

(B) GPRS (General Packet Radio Service):

GPRS (General Packet Radio Services) is a new advancement of the GSM cellular network.
This technology enables the user to make regular voice calls, send and receive data, or
maintain Internet access anytime and anywhere.
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
The main benefits of GPRS are:

 Always on” mobile Internet connectivity, anywhere and anytime as long as you are
within the network
 Send & receive files, e-mail, SMS or faxes.
 Charges are only for the amount of data you send and receive.
 Make regular voice calls.
 Roaming overseas.
Even if your SIM card has not been enabled for GPRS, it is possible to use the modem as a
GSM modem for dial-up Internet access, file transfer or faxing at up to 14,400 bps. In
contrast to using a cell phone connected to your computer, the use of GPRS modem truly
delivers the “always on” connectivity benefit. The modem can remain connected to the
GPRS network whenever the computer is on.

GPRS is an extension of GSM network where packet switching data traffic is supported.
With GPRS each channel that is not busy with call traffic is available for packet switching
data traffic. Packets from several different users can be mixed within the same channel,
which results in efficient sharing of available network resources.

GPRS permits even higher transfer rates as it uses several time slots for the transfer. In
theory rates of up to 115.2 kbit/s can be achieved, however, transfer rates of between 20 –
50 Kbit/s are more common. Transfer rate is however dependent on several factors and
some of them are: operator, terminal, number of users on the same cell, distance to the
base radio station (re-transmissions).

Establish a GPRS Connection:

Communication with GPRS uses another procedure. GPRS is based on IP communication
and the connected unit must provide an IP address before a connection can be established.
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Not all operators can offer subscriptions with static address allocation. With dynamic
allocation, you do know from instance to instance which address has been assigned to the
opposing equipment. This is not a problem if the GPRS modem initiates a connection to the
master. The modem will get a dynamic IP-address after a GPRS attached and can then
connect to some equipment that has a fixed IP-address, for example, a computer. The
problem occurs when a unit, for example, a computer wants to communicate with
peripheral equipment and the computer generates the connections. No one knows the IP-
address that the computer should connect to, as these are assigned dynamically.


Software Installation:
a) Install Modem Driver

RS232 is the industrial standard interface, when you connect the modem with PC, it will
be recognized, and the device is compatible.

Windows XP modem installation

1) Click Start -> Control Panel

2) Double click on the Printers and Other Hardware icon

3) Then double click on Phone and modem

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
4) To install a new modem, click on the Modems tab and press the Add button.

5) Click Next. Tick on doesn’t detect my modem. I will select it from a list.

6) Click Next. Select Standard Modem types in Manufacturer’s list on left side in Menu.

7) Select Standard 9600 bps Modem in Models in Right side in Menu.

8) Select COM Port 1 and Click next.

9) Press Finish to complete the installation procedure.

b) To Run AT Commands, install Falcom Software.

Falcom Software:
Install Falcom software given in software CD by running setup.exe.

Hardware Installation:
The wireless Multi-Modem requires a SIM Card (Subscriber Identity Module) to
operate on a GSM network.

1. Insert the SIM card into the holder.

2. Verify that the SIM card fits into the holder properly and then replace the cover.
3. Connect GSM antenna at SMA socket. If it already connected then go to next step.
4. Connect Serial Cable at COM Port from Computer Serial Port COM1 to GSM serial
port RS232.
5. Connect 7.5V Dc adapter at Power socket.
6. Connect Telephone Handset at RJ11 socket for Voice operation.
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
AT Commands

Used to get the

1 AT+CGMI Manufacturer

Request Used to get the

2 Model AT+CGMM supported
Identification frequency band

Request Used to get the

3 Revision AT+CGMR revised
Identification software

Product serial Used to get the

number IMEI

Used to get
information of
Select TE AT+CSCS=<charac
5 the ME, which
character set ter set>
character set

Used to read
6 Request IMSI AT+CIMI and identify the

ATD<nb>[<l>][;] The command

7 Dial command
ATD[<mem>]<ind used to set,
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
ex>[<l>][;] voices, data, or
ATD[<mem>]<na fax call
Used by
Hang-Up application to
command disconnect the
remote user
Application to
accept the call
9 Answer a cell ATA
with the ATA

Redial last Application to

10 telephone ATDL redial the last
number number

Used to
ascertain the
11 Signal Quality AT+CSQ
signal strength

This command
Read Phone returns
12 entries phonebook

Used to return
13 AT+CPBF phonebook

This is used to
14 AT+CPBP search the
phone search
phone book
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Subscriber Return to
Number subscriber
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

ELO: To understand the concepts and architecture of GSM and analyze the AT commands.

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Experiment No. 6
Title: Study of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Experiment No. 6

Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

Aim: Study of CDMA Trainer.

Equipment: DSO, CDMA trainer kit.

ELO: To understand, simulate analyze the performance of multiple access techniques .


Spread spectrum techniques are used in military applications because of their high
security & less susceptibility to interfere from other parties. In this technique, multiple
users share the same bandwidth, without significantly interfering with each other
spreading waveform is controlled by a pseudo noise (PN) sequence, which is binary
random sequence.

Pseudo Noise (PN):

PN is the key factor in DS-SS systems. A Pseudo Noise or Pseudorandom sequence is a

binary sequence with an autocorrelation that resembles, over a period, the autocorrelation
of a random binary sequence. It is generated using a Shift Register, and a Combinational
Logic circuit as its feedback. The Logic Circuit determines the PN words. Here the
maximum length PN sequence is used. Some properties of the Maximum–Length sequences

1. In each period of a maximum–length sequence, the number of 1s is always one more

than the number of 0s. This is called the Balance property.
2. Among the runs of 1s and 0s in each period of such sequence, one–half the runs of
each kind are of length one, one–fourth are of length two, one–eighth are of length
three, and so on. This is called the Run property.
3. The Autocorrelation function of such sequence is periodic and binary valued. This is
called the Correlation property.

A block diagram of a Maximum–Length PN generator is shown in fig.1.1 with a 4–bit

register and one modulo–2 adder.
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Direct Sequence - Spread Spectrum:

Figure 1.2 shows the DS-SS transmitter block diagram. In direct sequence spread spectrum,
the baseband waveform is multiplied by PN sequence. The PN sequence is produced using a
PN generator. Frequency of the PN is higher than the data signal. This generator consists of
a shift register & a logic circuit that determines the PN signal. After spreading, the signal is
modulated & most widely used modulated scheme is BPSK. The equation for DS-SS signal

Where, m(t) - input sequence.

p(t) – PN spreading sequence.

fc – carrier frequency.

θ – phase angle at t = 0.

Each symbol in m(t) represents a data symbol & has a duration of Ts. Each pulse in p(t)
represents a chi, & has a duration of Tc. The transition of data symbols and chips coincide
such that the ratio of Ts to Tc, is an integer. Here we notice that higher frequency of the
spreading signal i.ep(t). The resulting spread signal is then modulated using BPSK scheme.
The carrier frequency fc should have a frequency at least 5 times the chip frequency p(t).
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
In the demodulator section, there is reverse process. The BPSK signal is demodulated first,
then filtered with LPF and then dispread the filtered signal, to obtain the original message
as shown in figure 1.4.


1. Connect CRO Channel-1 at Carrier Clock 1MHz (Ck) socket and observe it.
_______Waveform (T1)
2. Connect CRO Channel-1 at Bit Clock 6.67KHz (Bk) socket and observe it.
_______Waveform (T2)
3. Connect CRO Channel at RF Carrier socket 500KHz. Observe the waveforms.
_______Waveform (T3)
4. Connect CRO Channel-1 at NRZ DATA 850Hz (NRZ) socket and observe it.
_______Waveform (T4)
5. Push PN start switch and observe PN signal.
14_______Waveform (T5)
6. Observe Spreading Code signal.
_______Waveform (T6)
7. Observe DS-SS signal with reference to NRZ data and Spreading code signals.
_______Waveform (T7)
8. Observe recovered spreading code at output of DS-SS demodulator
_______Waveform (T8)
9. Observe filtered spreading code at o/p of Low pass filter.
_______Waveform (T9)
Keep noise level at minimum.
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
10. Observe received pure NRZ data at the output of Comparator.
______Waveform (T10)

Observation Table:
Sr. No. Signal/ Waveform Peak to Peak Frequency

1 Bit clock

2 NRZ data

3 PN clock

4 PN sequence

5 Carrier signal

6 Spreaded Code

7 CDMA out put

8 Reconstructed out put

ELO: Students learned the concept of CDMA technique.

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Experiment No. 7
Title: Write a program to measure bit error rate in presence of Hata
propagation model.

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Experiment No. 7

Simulation of Hata Propagation Model

Aim : Write a program to measure bit error rate in presence of Hata propagation model .

Resources required/Apparatus: PC with MATLAB

Theory: In order to plan the installation and deployment of a wireless network, one needs
to characterize the performance of the communication system in terms of the transmitted
power and total load in terms of users that can be supported by the network. Link-budget
of wireless link is a systematic listing of power losses and gains of different intermediate
components in the transceiver chain.
Hata Model

The Hata model is a popular model for signal strength prediction proposed initially by the
Japanese engineer Masaharu Hata in his 1980 paper titled “ Empirical Formula for
Propopgation Loss in Land Mobile Radio Services “. The Hata model presents an analytical
approximation for the graphical-information based on another Okumura model.
Parameters required for simulations :

Hbts= Height measured from the base of the BTS tower to the radiation centerline
Tbts = Terrain elevation at the location of the BTS
Htav= Height of the average terrain (from 3 Km to 15 km distance from the BTS)
Hm=Height of the mobile antenna in meters
f= Range of frequencies in MHz
d=Range of Tx-Rx separation distances in Kilometers
Pt = Power transmitted by the BTS antenna in Watts
Gt= BTS antenna gain in dBi
Hb= Hbts+ Tbts - Htav = Effective Height of the BTS antenna in meters
models =
Big City (Urban model
Small & Medium City (Urban model)
aHm = (1.1*log10(f)-0.7)*Hm-(1.56*log10(f)-0.8);
Sub-urban environment
aHm = (1.1*log10(f)-0.7)*Hm-(1.56*log10(f)-0.8);
Open Rural environment
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
aHm = (1.1*log10(f)-0.7)*Hm-(1.56*log10(f)-0.8);
A = 69.55 + 26.16*log10(f) - 13.82*log10(Hb)-aHm;
B = 44.9 - 6.55*log10(Hb);

Path Loss (dB)=PL=A+B*log10(d)+C;

Received Signal Level(dB) =Pr = 10*log10(Pt*1000)+Gt-PL

ELO: HATA propogation model was understood & analyzed by students.

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Experiment No. 8
Title: To study voice over internet protocol

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Experiment No. 8
Voice over Internet Protocol
Aim: To study voice over internet protocol

Equipment: PC, VOIP trainer kit, SKYPE software.


Internet Telephony:

The ability for people talk to each other using the internet rather than a traditional voice
network carrier. Internet telephony refers to the communication service like messaging i.e.
voice messaging application that are transported via internet rather than public switched
telephone network (PSTN).

Why is VoIP Important?

IP technology and packet transmission of VoIP traffic presents a fundamentally

different set of opportunities and challenges than traditional circuit technology.

The confluence of IP technology and its complexity, and the financial incentives to
use it, reflect regulatory challenges.

Cost savings are achieved through more efficient use of IP network than a circuit network.

Efficiency is gained with IP since multiple users can use the same transmission line while
on a circuit network a transmission line can only be used by the sender and the recipient.

Difference between VOIP and traditional PSTN:

1. Current telephone networks are used for same purposebut require complex circuit
switching to route calls.
2. With VOIP, the existing infrastructure (PC) can be used with free software &
communication can be free.
3. It is having the advantage of cost reduction & also compatible with existing

Ways to connect VOIP services:

1. Cheapest method- PCas a VOIP gateway.

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
2. Analog telephone adapter allows you to call normal phones also for a small charge.
3. IP phones look exactly like normal telephone except that they plug directly into your
router to communicate with another VOIP gateway server as a phone.
4. No computer or software is required & it can be used completely independently as
long as internet connection exists.
5. It requires more bandwidth than can be provided.

Features of VOIP:

1. Eliminates long distance charges over LANs & WANs.

2. No need to maintain separate voice & data network enterprises.
3. Supports multimedia conferencing & collaboration.
4. Voice packets can be sent along with the data over single network.

Applications of VOIP:

1. In today’s networking, there are several attractive alternatives both to conventional

public telephonyand to leasedlines. Among the mostinteresting are networking
technologies based on a differentkind of voice transmission, calledpacketvoice and
in our case Voice over IP.
2. VoIP can be used in two broad context differentiated by geography or by the type of
users to be served.
3. Within a national administration or telephony jurisdiction,
- To support its own voice calling among its own sites.
- To support the activities of a single company — to connect two or more
company locations in multiple countries —
- To connect public calls within a company, the packet voice provider is
technically providing a local or national telephone service and is subject
to regulation as such.
4. Backhaul carrier network.
5. Converged data & voice network.
6. Converged data & voice appliances such as IP PBXs
7. Cellular phones.

ELO: VOIP concept was studied and learned by the students.

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Experiment No. 9
Title: Prepare a Case study on Visit to Mobile Telephone Switching Office

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Experiment No. 9
Visit to Mobile Telephone Switching Office (MTSO)
Aim: Prepare a Case study on Visit to Mobile Telephone Switching Office (MTSO).

Resources required/Apparatus: Mobile exchange


















Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication



















ELO: Students learned the working of MTSO office in detail.

Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Experiment No. 10

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Experiment No. 10
Study of GMSK Modulation
Aim: Set up and carry out experiment on GMSK modulation

Resources required/Apparatus: PC with MATLAB


GAUSSIAN MINIMUN SHIFT KEYING (GMSK) Gaussian minimum shift keying, or to give its
full title Gaussian filter Minimum Shift Keying, GMSK, is a form of modulation used in
variety of digital radio communications systems. It has advantages of being able to carry
digital modulation while still using the spectrum efficiently. One of the problems with other
forms of phase shift keying is that the sidebands extend outwards from the main carrier
and this can cause interference to other radio communication systems using nearby
channels. In view of the efficient use of the spectrum in this way, GMSK modulation has
been used in number of radio communications applications. Possibly the most widely used
is the GSM cellular technology which is used worldwide and has well over 3 billion

GMSK basics

GMSK modulation is based on MSK,which is itself a form of continuous-phase frequency-

shift keying. One of the problems with standard forms of PSK is that sidebands extend outs
from the carrier. To overcome this, MSK and its derivative GMSK can be used.

MSK and also GMSK modulation are what is known as a continuous phase scheme. Here
there are no phase discontinuities because the frequency changes occur at the carrier zero
crossing points. This arises as a result of the unique factor of MSK that the frequency
difference between the logical one and logical zero states is always equal to half the data
rate. This can be expressed in terms of the modulation index, and it is always equal to 0.5.
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Generating GMSK modulation

There are two main ways in which GMSK modulation can be generated. The most obvious
way is to filter the modulating signal using a Gaussian filter and then apply this to a
frequency modulator where the modulation index is set to 0.5. This method is very simple
and straight forward but it has the drawback that the modulation index must exactly equal
0.5 in practice this analogue method is not suitable because component tolerances drift and
can not be set exactly. A second method is more widely used here what is known as
quadrature modulator is used The term quadrature means that the phase of a signal is in
quadrature or 90 degrees to another one The quadrature modulator uses one signal that is
said to be in phase and another that is in quadrature to this. In view of the in-phase and
quadrature elements this type of modulator is often said to be an 1-Q modulator. Using this
type of modulator the modulation index can be maintained at exactly 0.5 without the need
for any settings or adjustments. This makes it much easier to use, and capable of providing
the required level of performance without the need for adjustments. For demodulation the
technique can be used in reverse.


There several advantages to the use of GMSK modulation for a radio communications
system. One is obviously the improved spectral efficiency when compared to other phase
shift keyed modes. A further advantage of GMSK is that it can be amplified by a non-linear
amplifier and remain undistorted. This is because there are no elements of the signal that
are carried as amplitude variations. This advantage is of particular importance when using
small portable transmitters, such as those required by cellular technology. Non-linear
amplifiers are more efficient in terms of the DC power input from the power rails that they
convert into a radio frequency signal. This means that the power consumption for a given
output is much less and this results in lower levels of battery consumption, a very
important factor for cell phones.

A further advantage of GMSK modulation again arises from the fact that none of the
information is carried as amplitude variations.This means that is immune to amplitude
variations and therefore more resilient to noise than some other forms of modulation
because most noise is mainly amplitude based.
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Block Diagram:

Fig: Generation of GSMK Signal


1. Connect CRO Channel-1 at Bit Clock (Bk) socket and observe.

2. Connect CRO Channel-1 at NRZ DATA (NRZ) socket and observe it.
3. Connect CRO Channel at RF carrier socke
5. t (in carrier generator section ) for frequency 200Khz and 120KHz. Observe the waveform
on CRO for this two frequencies .
6. Observe ASK1 and ASK2 waveform.
7. Observe GMSK waveform.
8. Observe noisy GMSK waveform.
9. Observe raw data, output of matched filter and detected waveform.
Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi,
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Gat.No.720,Pune-Nagar road,Wagholi,Pune,412207
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

Observation Table:
Sr. No. Signal/ Waveform Peak to Peak Frequency

1 Bit clock

2 NRZ data

3 Carrier signal 1

4 Carrier signal 2

5 ASK 1 signal

6 ASK 2 signal

7 GSMK Out put

8 Reconstructed out put

ELO: GMSK modulation technique was learned and analyzed.


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