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The messages discuss ongoing financial disputes and difficulties paying bills. Medical bills and a wisdom tooth extraction are also mentioned.

Several financial issues are discussed, including a lack of funds in accounts, returned bills, delays in expected payments, and disputes over money owed.

Dental issues like a wisdom tooth extraction needing payment are mentioned. A child (Maisy) is also said to be having oral surgery.


Aug 27, 2018, 8:11 PM

HB Call me please.

Nov 16, 2018, 2:25 AM

Under the Bridge

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Nov 16, 2018, 4:32 AM

This is the song when I first met you. You know that right.

At the Hotel SYR

Nov 16, 2018, 6:34 AM

I love you.

Yes I do know that you silly prick. Johnny and Tripp were there too.

Is that the same weekend we were jumping out of the Paul second floor window into
the snow Banks?

Nov 16, 2018, 12:32 PM


Do you remember how much of a pussy you were for not wanting to try it? You were
being such a pussy.

I do remember you leaving your own apartment in protest and I do remember

jumping out into the power line by accident

Lets get this BD shit done with Eric

He is not getting the fucking thing by the way

Also find me some money please

I have a document for you sign (not related to Eric). Are you able to print and sign?

I probably did leave my apartment because I was scared and didn’t want to be held

You have a pretty good memory don’t you. That just dawned on me about you.

I can e-sign

Okay. I will send it within the hour.

Nov 16, 2018, 3:41 PM

Click to Download

The entity has been cancelled and the attached is your consent to do so. Return it to
ME, not Mervyn — I want to review the proposed consent (he provided it to me) and
then if it looks okay I will confirm with you before releasing your signature from my

Nov 17, 2018, 4:04 AM

Is there any money in basccounts?

Nov 17, 2018, 9:46 AM

Merv said a de minimus amount for the wind down expenses, like final tax returns.

Nov 21, 2018, 3:44 AM

Call me please today

Just tried you. Call me.

Nov 22, 2018, 8:37 AM

Tried you a bunch of times yesterday. Give me a call.

Nov 27, 2018, 4:47 AM

Will you get a hold of Eric and resolve BD. I am not giving it to him. If he wants it he
has to buy otherwise he needs to turn over the keys to me in an orderly fashion.


How are you? Are you holed up somewhere?

Dec 4, 2018, 5:42 AM

Hi Hunt - are you able to talk. NYT is going to run that story they’ve been talking
about for some time. George

Whats new about it


As early as Friday night. Probably less than I originally expected. I will send you a
summary in WhatsApp.

No send here

Cant get

It ti work

David Barboza of the NYT emailed me this evening indicating that the story on CEFC
will run on Sunday. I called Barboza late tonight, and he gave me a preview of the
story. He clarified that the story will go on-line Friday night, and that on Thursday it
will be finalized.

Recall that the story was originally going to be published in June/July, but the story
fell into a 6 month queue, and after the NYT big pull out on China last week, the NYT
is now set to run it this weekend. Approximately a 3000 word story covered by 4
reporters on CEFC’s/Chairman Ye’s efforts to garner influence among Washington
politicos and business people.

Barboza said that there is “very little about Hunter, because as it turns out, CEFC
tried to talk to a lot of people in Washington.” That’s the gist of the story: that CEFC
had tried to cozy up with a lot of influential people in Washington.

No reference to Joe Biden specifically relative to CEFC’s efforts.

Three references to Biden: the first reference is at the beginning of the story that
asserts that CEFC/Ye was ... “at some point negotiating a business deal with the
family of the Vice President.” [this is the extent of the first generic reference and it is
more specifically cited in the third reference, below].

Second reference is made in connection with reference to Patrick Ho’s arrest.

Apparently the reporters learned from covering the court case [although I could not
find any such reference] that Patrick Ho’s “first call” following his arrest was to one
of the Bidens. Specifically, to Jim Biden. The story will quote Jim who said that he
does not want to be involved, and that Patrick Ho’s call was probably intended for
Hunter, not Jim, although Jim Biden admits that he believes that he has met Mr Ho.

[Barboza indicated that Jim or spokesperson could make a statement here if desired]

Third reference provides more specificity to the first reference above:

In 2016, a Ye aide met with Hunter Biden in Washington, and then in May 2017, the
Chairman himself met with Hunter privately in a hotel in Miami where he proposed a
deal to invest in US energy and infrastructure projects. At that time, Hunter was
managing Rosemont Seneca Partners, “an investment firm” founded with Chris
Heinz. As far as we know, no business transaction ever took place nor was an
arrangement ever made.

[nor is there any suggestion as to why a deal was not reached; Barboza indicated
that the article does not speculate]

[Barboza indicated that he is trying to put back into the article a reference to
Rosemont Seneca Partners doing business and having investments in China]

[At this point in the story, there is a placeholder for a response on behalf of


Dec 5, 2018, 5:36 AM

Call me

Dec 5, 2018, 6:44 AM

Just tried you. I am free for next 1/2 hour.

Dec 7, 2018, 4:42 AM

Do you want to talk to me. The NYT is gong to indicate that you are declining to

Dec 7, 2018, 7:57 AM

What happened? Call me back.

The most immediate issue is the NYT. Final deadline is 1 pm eastern time.

Dec 9, 2018, 5:29 PM

Article aint coming out til Tuesday.

Dec 10, 2018, 4:24 PM

Article delayed til Wednesday morning. No reason why.

Dec 12, 2018, 9:43 AM

A Chinese Tycoon Sought Power and Influence.

Washington Responded.

Dec 12, 2018, 1:04 PM

Why put me in the lead


It makes it sexy.

I think it’s all pretty diluted considering all the other names that CEFC reached out to.

What do you think?

Yes just hate being used up front for no good reason. He pretty much says nothing
but it makes me once again look like im taking advantage and have no ethics and im
at best a dupe and worst a dishonor to my name. Im being dramatic the I. Fact you
did an incredible job of keeping this basically to a big fat nothing.

I think you are being dramatic too but I know why you would think that. At the end of
the day, I think people jadedly say “this is how the world works.” You are an asset to
your family’s name and if anything you need a PR agent. Get back on the board of a
Non-profit. Show everyone how fucking smart and insightful you are and don’t look
back at any historic headline. They’re whores. I’m surprised they didn’t run a picture
of you because it would sell more papers you handsome bastard.

Jimmy’s quote was used for the wrong purposes. It sounds like a dramatic flourish
but what he is saying is that the call to him is not newsworthy and he doesn’t want to
be bothered with press inquiries.

Dec 13, 2018, 6:22 AM

There is zero coverage or pick up of the story. Zip. They spent a shit ton of resources
on it too for a year??

Dec 13, 2018, 9:08 AM

Wow thank you Michael Cohen

Oh and you too

How much money do I owe you

Becaause nigga you better not be charging me Hennessy rates

That made me snarf my coffee.

I just made that phrase up by the way

I should have nad your lineage

Clever son of a gun.

It’s wasted on you

Apparently you do.

Thats what im saying ni…

Click to Download

Why are you so tan?

Im sorry for sexting you accidentally that was meant for another friend named

My “girlfriend” sent me a holiday card.

Dec 13, 2018, 10:41 AM


Do you use bronzer?

Click to Download

Dec 17, 2018, 9:17 AM

I am in nyc.

I am having coffee with Mervyn to make sure everything is wound down.

Dec 17, 2018, 4:55 PM

Wound down.

Dec 18, 2018, 12:49 AM

I need an accounting and I also need to show that all Money that was paid to me
through this vehicle was and is a loan as agreed to with the chairman. It’s quite
important for tax purposes.

What’s plan for Christmas

Dec 18, 2018, 7:50 PM

OkAy. And I’m going to be in chciAgo and xander is coming over Xmas afternoon.
Then stu and xander are going to nyc.

Are you going to get home? I will come visit you in Mass or wherever you will be.

Yes please do that or I can come there or even better what do you think about we go
skiing or to some beach somewhere.

Also and this is a for real ask so call me in too embarrassed to ask

I didn’t understand your last text. I just tried calling

I understand.

Dec 18, 2018, 9:52 PM

Pornhub Premium - We Have the Best Porn


Dec 20, 2018, 5:04 PM

Let me know when you want to talk about you and Schwerin.

Dec 21, 2018, 12:36 PM


Dec 30, 2018, 5:24 PM

Need to talk when avail

Opr now

Jan 1, 2019, 10:06 AM



Love. You more than you can imagine my friend.

Jan 1, 2019, 1:31 PM

I love you, Hunter.

Jan 1, 2019, 9:07 PM

Goat will forward every one of your texts to Chris. You probably know that and don’t
care. But just saying. CPD is toxic to you and put him in rear view.

It’s hard to put in the rear view mirror what is in front of me everyday George. Divorce
sucks. Loosing Beau was worse by a 1000. Having Hallie cut me off from Nat and
Hunt the way Kathleen did with the girls is so painful. But loosing your oldest “best”
friends ( remember David and secret relationship with hallie) for no reason I can truly
understand is something that Makes me wonder wether caring about being alive is
worth it. It’s so randomly insanely perplexing to me.

Call me. It’s in front of you because the settlement agreement is in front of you. And
tomorrow I am going to ask Sarah about options. Second, if you don’t give a fuck
then it shouldn’t be in front of you. If Chris and Hallie and Kathleen are in front of
you, doesn’t that mean that you do in fact give a fuck? So to not give a fuck means
that you need to think about yourself and recognize that you know what
unconditional love is and that unfortunately others in your life do not. Chris
conditioned his love. I think they would say that they still love you but just want to
see you sober and healthy, and are giving you “tough love.” But “tough love” to me
feels conditional. Recognize that those are flaws of theirs, not yours. Your biggest
weakness is your love for others. I don’t want to give you a bunch of Paulo coehlo
triteness, but I bought one of his books yesterday for the first time ever because I am
going thru a tiny fraction of what you are going thru. And he says that when the sun
rises tomorrow it is the first day of your life. And no matter how hard the next week
is, or month, or 3 months, or year, you will emerge to the other side full of your love
that can change the world.

I didn’t say I dont give a fuck George I said FUCK EVERYBODY FUCK EVERYTHING.
Thats wishing bad things happen to bad people and acting with ill intent. Fuck
everybody isn’t I dont give a fuck.

I was sober for 8 years while those fucks drank and smoked and fucked up while in
sat and listened to them cry in there beer fly to ny to find Chris because he couldn’t
tell Amy where he was he was so drunk.

Did I ever leave them n to act with compassion at the risk of even my own sobriety

And they decide to leave me when beaus dead and I’m getting divorced

That’s an amazing perspective on addiction. And I am always here. You need more
people around you who understand that.

Im not capable of not giving a fuck George thats why you love me actually but I am
capable of fucking someone up and George thats what my New Years resolution is
I’m going to be sober and I’m going to spend year learning that getting justice is not
getting revenge and to remind people that they are a little weak assed boys and girls
pretending to be my equals when you know the reason each of them has done what
they have done is because all of it is fear- fear of the fact I’m twice as smart as all of
them 10 times better looking and 30 times tougher. And all I promise you is this
George — I am taking back from them anything and everything I ever gave each of
them,. For Chris that would be his wife his family his partnership with his dad. FOR

I need what is the only thing every real researcher now says is is the on e ingredient
that must exist to overcome addiction — compassion/connection with those you love
and saybthe love you.

Say they

Where is my compassion or connection

Everyone and I mean everyone has left me

Tough love

I seriously have not felt compassion understanding acceptance from a sin gee human
being — not one- save you and jim.

Fror aqlmoswt 4 years now.

Name one person who has said OK hunter get up my love m y brother lets do this
again lets do it together I’m o your team no matter what.
again lets do it together I’m o your team no matter what.

Not one not even my children

Not my dad

No one

They never were before

But I had beau

And I got sober

And I stayed sober

Do you think it’s beyond their capabilities?

And I relapsed and got sober again and I tried again and again and again and no one

I don’t.

Not a single person has ever said to me

Jesus hunter thats fucking amazing because statistics show 90% of adits never try
once off the 10% who do 95% dont try again

As hard as it is for you to stay sober it’s obviously harder for them to understand
what love is.

And that 5% 99% wintry a third time and on and on. I go with not a fucking
cheerleader in the stands and litter lay no physical home to call my own in 3 years.

Its not hard to stay sober George when you have someone who opes you the same
way back

Its just hard George when you dont really see what it matters

*who loves

It matters if you find the people who DO love you unconditionally.

Where Dom I find that George when the ones whom love me conditionally say I am
selfish and cruel for abandoning them and not being there for them and not fixing
there problems

Where do you find unconditional love then George

*where do you

God loves unconditionally. Beau loves you unconditionally. Children are too young to
understand what it means. But you will show them.

There are ideals of unconditional love that serve as proxies. I dont have many. You.

OMG nigga did you just a fictional character from the imagination of the collective
frightened and my dead brothers unconditional love is what I should rely on and my
kids aren’t children George

My parents love was conditioned.

My penis’ as of late has been un conditional

That’s why we are searching.

And we will always be searching.

For my penis

Its big penis George

They always find it

And I only love you because you’re black

It’s so annoying when you interject with frivolity.

True dat nigga

But I’m done my rant

We will always be searching.

Jah Cure - Unconditional Love

[Official Video]

Jah Cure- Love Is

I was just thinking about “unconditional love.”

Most people don’t know what it is.

Because most people go about their lives without really needing it.

They get by with assurances of it, but few need it.

And not until someone really needs it, do they recognize that there are not many in
the world who practice it.

Unfortunately, you need it, and you’re recognizing that’s rare.

I need it now too. But not to the degree that you need it.

You need it bad

To be serious for one more minute my true and beautiful friend the search is over
when you finally realize that the unconditional love you give is the end of the search.
the love we give without condition that is the reward in and of itself. When you can
say without exception that your love is given unconditionally to all even those who
hurt and especially to those that seem incapable of returning it then your search is

So I try and I try again. Why is all this shit still in front of me? Because I’m trying to
figure out how to love all of these


People with no expectation of anything in return

Because when you yourself love unconditionally its the ultimate display of it.

no its to be god

It’s the demonstration of it that can only teach someone what it is.

You just called him a fictional character.

It’s the notion. The ideal.

It all come back to the Greeks.

We are all one George literally all of everything is inside us and has been forever and
will be forever we are all each other and all the One that needs to know itself by
v=becoming two four a=eighty

And on ad infinitum

If we realized that ton act without compassion to all and everything is to act against
ourselves then we would need to search no more

\no it all cam back to the Big Bang and the Upinishads which collectively and in most
understandable articulation the Bag Vada Gita

I’m a transcendentalist too asshole.

You are God George I am Chris is a g=dog is a tree is an aunt is the sun is the earth
the galaxy all its molecules and every cell and the dirt and space dust and the 95%of
the universe that is dark matter

Well wake up to this George you are god and so is a grain of sand we have the
unfortunate existence of conscience

To be perfect is to be of only service as is a grain of sand

We are also fortunate in that to be as giving as a grain of sand we must come to that
realization through enormous pain in suffe3ring and to transcend that suffering and
love at all cost is to be returned to the one

]youre searching in all the wrong places George - you are the only answer to your

Don’t flip this shit back onto me.

I love you George — that I know for certain

I know that and I grateful for it.

I love you Hunt.

I hate everyone else

Fuck them all

I can’t wait for goat to call me in the morning.

These lawyers have tips for people stopped by the

cops with weed: 'Shut the f*ck up'


Jan 2, 2019, 12:10 PM

Lawyer contact- she’s actually very saucy.

Youvspoke to her?

I didn’t call her today.

1 min

That’s more than 1 minute.

Don’t do that!

Jan 2, 2019, 5:47 PM

Xander told me about this song. J cole collaboration. I told xander you were the one
who turned me into j cole.

a lot
21 Savage

break da law
21 Savage

Call you in a minute.

This album is my life without exaggeration for the past 3 years

Jan 5, 2019, 2:24 PM

I will call you later.

I’m in the middle of something.

Something big

Jan 10, 2019, 4:29 PM

Did you get those emails I sent you last night?

Jan 22, 2019, 3:26 AM

Colter Wall

Jan 22, 2019, 6:37 AM

Click to Download

Real pretty

Jan 27, 2019, 6:29 AM

Will call you In a little bit.

Jan 27, 2019, 10:28 AM

give me a minute - sorry

Jan 27, 2019, 9:13 PM

Tell me what to tell K about Jan alimony payment. I need to talk to her early in the
morning to try to forestall a lawsuit to enforce.

That she has to compromise and that she needs to realizes that (and you cant
understand why she would ever think his mother would allow it or care enough about
it) they will not pay the alimony to save hunter the embarrassment. You’ve already
made certain. Kathleen that it ids almost impossible fornhim to make the kind of
money he was making now that he’s had his name dragged through the bud every
time one of your friends pushes a story to vanity fair or page six or the style section
ofd the WP. So you can eoityher try to embarrass him in front of the world again
which has no impact on Jill or compromise.

And he’s not going to lie down this time. 37k a month and all assets and zero debt
and life insurance in perpetuity and …you pay not a red cent forth girls and he still
gives the last 4k out of his account to you a Christmas a birthday present.

I got that. Are you to make any payment to her this week so she can expect

Jan 29, 2019, 7:51 AM

Yes get $ from Eric and let’s talk

Jan 29, 2019, 3:51 PM


Jan 30, 2019, 8:12 AM

give me a minute - sorry

Okay. Give me a call about this BD stuff.

Jan 30, 2019, 1:23 PM

Eric wants to use the Eudora check ($21K) as follows: $10K to satisfy FINRA capital
requirements, 10K to pay the accountant; and $1K for liability insurance. Let me know
if you consent or object. If you consent, you could qualify your consent and tell him
you don’t necessarily agree with his use of capital but don’t want to jeopardize the
BD. If you object, Eric may pay it out of his own pocket, and similarly object to you
putting conditions on the use of funds. There is a lot of daylight between you two
and it will take time to resolve.

I need the money for Kathleen right?

Tell him to lay out his case for how he he has a contractual legal right to do
unilaterally any of the things he’s doing. Tell him I kk just sell it.

First, I am going to request that he give you the at least 75% of the $21K you are
entitled to without waiving many rights to the other funds. It’s Eudora check. We can
argue about his 25% later, but we can say that you get the 75%.

Feb 4, 2019, 7:35 AM

Need to talk this morning.

I sent Edward a message and give McCall

Feb 4, 2019, 10:23 AM

Spoke to Edward. Progress. Give me a call.

Give me a call. I want to talk logistics about the 529 check and payment.

Feb 4, 2019, 4:27 PM

She’s not going to file a complaint tommotow. Counsel reached out to me after my
email. Let’s talk tonight.

Feb 11, 2019, 12:23 PM

Call me when plsu can

Will do. I need to send you a quit claim for the lake house, which I can hold in escrow
until mortgage is released. Other things to discuss too.

Feb 11, 2019, 4:19 PM

3 center st

Newbury MA 01950

Can’t you just scan

It is scanned. You want a fedex?

I will include another fedex presddrsses and paid to me

Feb 12, 2019, 8:53 AM

Can you call me ?

Feb 13, 2019, 6:49 AM

Hunt - I overnighted you for tomorrow delivery the quitclaim. Also, Kathleen wants
confirmation from bill korgan that you have not filed 2017 taxes but notwithstanding
wants copies of your year end tax documents (eg k-1s, 1099s). Can you authorize Bill
to confirm with Kathleen that you have not filed and release those docs. It’s required
under the MSA.

give me a call today please.

Feb 13, 2019, 10:47 AM


Feb 14, 2019, 9:22 PM

You need to send Bill an email authorizing him to tell her 2017 is not filed and to send
her your year end statements. Did you get the quit claim?

Feb 20, 2019, 9:14 AM

I sent you an email from Kathleen’s lawyer. 1. They want your 2017 year end tax
documents. I can coordinate with Bill Morgan. I don’t know what your raw year end
statements show or draft tax returns show, but ultimately it’s the final tax return that
should control. My view is that those disclosures will say what they say and that
doesn’t ultimately change your current limited income.

2. They want the quit claim. Did you send that to me?

3. Can you send any amount for February support?

4. We need a narrative of your go-forward plan.

Feb 20, 2019, 11:20 AM

I’ll do quit claim

The taxes as prepared by him will give the wrong impression without explanation

They show way more than I earned in income

The bulk went to pay expenses for the company and the rest is a debt I owe

What is the. Situation with money Eric is holding

Also what is situation with Eudora equity payment

I’m in rehab

Don’t tell anyone no one ever

Limited phone and email very limited

Can you talk now? I’m in between meetings and I am concerned that we won’t be
able to fend them off without an explanation. Can you talk now or no?

We need an accountant to re/do taxes

Let them know what was preloaded was completely immaculate and skewed

And that we will provide what is legally obligated by end of next week

Then maybe we only provide raw data. Like k-1s, not the draft tax return.

In the meantime I’ll / we can try to figure through Mervyn what was paid out of the
loan to me in expenses ie salaries office etc
loan to me in expenses ie salaries office etc

When do you think you can get the deed signed and notarized and returned to me?

The k1 prepared is immaculate

All HW3 is a loan

Today I hope

We need bill morgan to talk to Mervyn about that treatment.

I don’t know if it’s better to try to find another accountant at this point or not.

Just so we are on the same page the agreement regarding the quick claim was that
she was going to seek to provide me with a quick claim as soon as possible following
the divorce and she did not do that until close to one year or however many years it’s
been later and now is reversing the consent agreement intent is saying that I a.m.
Being nonresponsive

I am going to tell her that I will keep the quit claim in escrow until it is demonstrated
that you are released from the mortgage on the lake house, per the MSA.

I fired Bill Morgan here is been fucking completely an asshole largely because my
dad no longer does his taxes there and he and Erich are asshole buddies he’s the
reason why I’m in this position now I need someone to take it And treated as a
completely a irrelevant documents

Exactly as it was the intent of the agreement to be done in the immediate following
the divorce decree of which they did nothing because it did not benefit them but it
hurt me and my credit and still does

This is what I will tell Kathleen’s lawyer:

1. She can confirm with Bill that 2017 has not been filed. And I will instruct Bill not to
give her draft return. Question is whether you want to provide the k-1s and other year
end tax statements from banks and related information.

2. I will tell her that you are sending me the quit claim. She will be frustrated because
it’s been a couple of weeks.

3. I don’t know what to tell her about Feb support payment.

I am doubtful that we will be able to forestall them from filing a breach of contract
complaint without disclosing that you are incommunicado because of rehab.

All k1s that are not HW3 can go to them

That’s legit olincome minus expenses

Tw her that the issue of the quit claim in my mind is that they never lived up to their
responsibility and it benefits me more than them and they waited over a year

Tell her that we need to adjust

It’s impossible for me

And the more they threaten me and leak information to the press and make me out to
be a dead meat


The harder they make it on both of us

My only income currently is Butisma


I’ve told her all that — she’s going to say that there’s been no progress since Feb 4
(i.e., no quit claim, no additional payment, no disclosures of tax info).

I’ll figure how to pay reduced for feb and March

Make up for it at end of year

I will try my best to convince them but again, I am not optimistic.

HB - your dad called me to advise me that he was aware of the imminent lawsuit
tomorrow and asked what was being done to forestall it. I told him we were working
on it, trying to avoid it. Can you sign the quitclaim today? Do you have access to it?


And get mon ey from Eric

I will try.

Is there any left with Edward?

How about. Cooper

From the 529?

No all went to bills that had to be paid for girls insurance health and life rents etc…

I get Butisma in nfeww days they can have it all

How about we say that that they take entire Burisma pay which is all I have as income
right now

I didn’t know it was iminant

How can you get me a copy of the quitclaim?

Ill scan and send and fed ex original

Get me address

They’re getting a notary

George Mesires
Faegre Baker Daniels
311 S. Wacker Drive
Suite 4300
Chicago IL 60606

George I cannot let them do this under the cover of being 20 days late on one

I know.

For an absurd amount of money

File a counter suit

Can I tell them you are essentially incommunicado, which accounts for the delay?
When did you enter rehab?

No matter how fucking unlikely to \prevail and laybacks out the blackmail and
overreach and the reasons we are aware of their theretaas to my father etc

She is going to do this every time

I am under the gun

She said she wants to discuss reduction but she needs cooperation and
communication and transprrancy.

B TW you and me 13 days

Tell no one that georgfe3 ever

Dont give them a single bit on that they will use it against me ipromise there is no
reason ing with them

This is their end game all along

That won’t help her be more understanding of why we haven’t provided info?

They are bound and determined to officially enter into an agreement with JRB

And you know damn qwewll that was their plan all along

They dont care George

They know they cant go to court and cry foul for 0ne missed payment

When is Burisma payment?

She receives an absurd amount of money

Ask Katie any day now

How much can we say of that you will provide?

All I guess

Before taxes its like 45 I think

So I guess just her 37

Which let them know lkeaveds me with nothing

Adjust the date she gets alimony to the last week of the month

Which will make her whole

Which leaves me with nothing

Telling them im waiting for a loan for the tax lien

But George make it clear that I know that they always intended dad to step in and
that in will die before I allow that to happen.b tell Kathleen that I said this:

She has to see that im trying my best and doing all that I can to be healthy and
enf=gaged but im certain that this will b e something gtyhe girls will; not forgive her
for. Ill survive another public shaming but the Allimony will not

Tell them for certain you will have scanned version of quitclaim available tomorrow

Actually George what ids real legit basis for lawsuit?

Th only resolution they are demanding is a gaurantee going forward. She writes
letters to my dasd and others saying shes willing to be reassonable than gets me on
phone and says she will never negotiate an adjustment even a temp one and that im
a fucking liar and scumbag

Is there anyway you can scan the quit claim tonight? It will go a very long way

I spoke to her lawyer and and made some progress.

Im trying George but what the fuck man that gives them my fucking location and im
fucking sick if being fucked with

I had told her I hoped to have a scanned copy today. You send it to me. The notary
will say what county you are in — is that what you are talking about?

I just found an online notary !!!!!

Ok. Do whatever you need to do. Based on my conversation, we have made progress
if we can provide assurance I have the signed copy in my possession and that there
is some information about 2017 taxes (I just spoke to Morgan and he sent her an
email to confirm that 2017 was not filed. He is sending me underlying dox tomorrow
morning. And payment timing

Impt. listen


Feb 20, 2019, 3:49 PM

so wehrt does email mean

That she doesn’t trust me and wants the source documents directly from Bill. That’s
insulting. He’s sending me the stuff tomorrow. He said you have w-2s from owasco
and biomes Schiller in amount of 643. You have 450K in capital gains (Eudora?). And
$1MM in miscellaneous income from a track, Robinson walker and owasco. He
mentioned nothing from HW3 but I will confirm with him tomorrow. I think you have to
provide it. The MSA definition of income is taken from the tax return so there is no
defined income yet for 2017 for her purposes although she will claim you were
making a lot.

I think she wants it because There’s a provision for a step up in 2017 for additional
support if your income exceeds 875K. She gets 1/2 over 875 but in no event more
than 750k. But it depends on what your “income” is as defined in the tax return,
which has not been filed.

The 1 MM is from CEFCs advance (loan) against success (never organized the
company) 500K of that went to Uncle Jim and at least 150 in expenses

Click to Download

I have not sent her this yet but I put that red legend on the top.

So I propose to send her an email tonight that:

1. Includes the quitclaim to be held in escrow until conditions under msa are met.
2. Advises her that the 2017 documents will be coming through counsel, not Morgan.
And that they will get a copy of the 2017 returns when complete.
3. Will update her on status of payment as soon as we get clarity on when you
receive funds.
4. The updated proof of life insurance, which Katie Dodge sent me.

WAIT a second buddy I got divorced in 2017 right?

Those taxes were filed and I think properly right?

And a agreement that I can retrieve my person al effects from the lake house as
=wass agreed b ut never given access

March 27 2017 = MSA.

2016 taxes which were to be filed in April 2017 were a joint tax return.

2017 taxes to be filed in April 2018 were separate.

And an accounting of the money ive sent in. Addition to alimony only with receipts of
their use for girls sash would tell Katie who would write the checks. The 5000 dollar
50th birthday gift I paid for

Feb 20, 2019, 11:48 PM

Email that I am going to send to K’s lawyer. I am going to raise the access to lake
house and accounting issue tomorrow when I talk to her. I don’t think it would read
well in this email that I send her. Here it is:


As we discussed earlier today, attached is an escrow copy of the quitclaim. The MSA
requires that the quitclaim be provided in connection with removing Hunter from the
mortgage liability. I’m not sure if Kathleen is pursing a refinancing now, or whether
she intends to sell the Lake House, but when Hunter is removed from the mortgage
liability, we can release the deed from escrow, per the MSA.

Tomorrow I expect to have an update on the timing of the support payment and will
let you know as soon as I hear something. As I indicated today, it should be any day.
My understanding is that Hunter doesn’t get paid on the exact date every month —
sometimes it varies by a day or two.

I also expect the 2017 year end tax documents from Bill Morgan tomorrow — as you
know he indicated to Kathleen that he will send them to me. I understand that he
confirmed to Kathleen that the 2017 return has not been filed.

I haven’t been able to discuss with Hunter tonight your request that the documents
come directly from Bill and that Kathleen have unfettered access to Bill, but here are
my initial thoughts. Again, I will discuss this with Hunter as soon as I can.

The MSA requires that Hunter provide Kathleen the tax returns and supporting
documents within 3 days of being filed. The MSA does not speak to the
circumstance when a return has not been filed. I presume that Kathleen wants to
assess what Hunter’s income was in 2017 because she may contend that she is
entitled to additional payments if Hunter’s income is above a certain threshold. From
my perspective, I don’t want any inferences to be made about Hunter’s “income”
based on documents that have not been defined as income per the MSA by a tax
professional. While I appreciate that Kathleen wants transparency (i.e., she is
entitled to know Hunter’s “income” per the return and supporting documents) I don’t
know what additional information Kathleen would want from Bill Morgan at this
juncture when the return is not completed.

On my request, Hunter previously authorized Bill to release the documents to me,

which is typical — to counsel. We anticipated that I would get the documents, review
them to gain familiarity with them, and send them to Kathleen. I didn’t expect that to
be a problem for Kathleen. Kathleen’s insistence that the documents come directly
from Bill is slightly offensive to me because it suggests that Kathleen believes that I
would withhold documents that would otherwise be produced directly from Bill.
However, it would be unusual for documents to be produced to Kathleen without me
even seeing them, and even more unusual for a counterparty to a contract to have
unfettered access to the other party’s accountant/agent without even counsel being
on the phone when a return has not been finalized. I could imagine that a former
spouse would have questions of the tax preparer about filed tax returns, but I’m not
sure how productive a call would be with Bill if there is no completed return. Further,
the MSA does not contemplate what Kathleen is asking for here.

But I do appreciate Kathleen’s goal, and other than working to complete the return as
soon as possible, you and I should talk tomorrow morning about Kathleen’s concern
on this point. Maybe a solution would be for you and me to be on the phone with
Kathleen and Bill. Or send a list of questions that Kathleen has. In any event, we need
to find a solution to this that makes sense. I have a call at 7 am pacific time, which
will last about an hour and will try you at that time. I can try you at about 630 am
pacific time if you want.

Thanks Rebekah. Talk to you in the morning.


I cut it back considerably. I am calling her at 630 am pacific time (I’m in San Diego).

Feb 21, 2019, 7:33 AM

Spoke to Kathleen’s lawyer this morning to keep her apprised of things.


They are not filing.

Said her goal is transparency so she can make informed decisions when she
evaluates your contention that you can afford alimony.

She appreciated my point about her having unfettered access to Bill Morgan and the
concern about misunderstanding what “income” means without the context of a

Feb 22, 2019, 9:28 PM

See email from Eric.

Feb 23, 2019, 7:44 AM


Once again I guess he. Wins

That’s not true just lets end this I trust your judgment

Call me pls

Just tried you.

Feb 24, 2019, 1:55 PM

Well I dont know what to do now.

Fuck it fuck it all

Can you talk.

About what


What’s on your mind

HB. Call me

Feb 24, 2019, 3:14 PM

ball w/o You

21 Savage

Mona Lisa (feat. Kendrick Lamar)

Lil Wayne

Dark Side of the Moon (feat. Nicki Minaj)

Lil Wayne

Belly of the Beast

Shawn James

Sheck Wes

I'm Cool (Interlude)


Joe Bonamassa

Feb 25, 2019, 10:41 AM

Feb 25, 2019, 10:41 AM

Call you in a bit.

Feb 25, 2019, 12:03 PM


Call me. Just tried you

Just tried

Feb 25, 2019, 5:06 PM

Please respond to the email I just sent you.

Feb 25, 2019, 6:11 PM

Should I authorize the March payment too?

Yes. But tell him to segregate it and not release it to her yet. I don’t think you should
pay her two months at once. But I do think you should tell him to earmark and escrow
it so we have it next month.

I know things feel overwhelming but we can address each one in a workmanlike
fashion and it will be progress.

Feb 26, 2019, 8:46 AM

I didn’t say anything about the march payment

I saw that.

Where the fuck is the Burisma payment. So annoying.

By the way I just got talked to meconfirmation that the DOWD ARTICLE CAME direct
from Kathleen and that it was even worse b before she talked to my dad. Couldn’t I
sue her for slander (Kathleen) I wouldn’t but couldn’t I?

Feb 26, 2019, 11:08 AM

FYI - I am looking at some DC case law to identify when appropriate to modify

alimony when marterial change in circumstances.

Feb 26, 2019, 12:11 PM


Feb 26, 2019, 1:21 PM

You’re going to get through this shit-show and BE.

Mar 2, 2019, 6:38 PM

That’s a good fucking deal brah

Do you know when cooper payment hits

Where are you

Smoking a cigarette on my curb listening to music.

The Unforgettable Fire


Did you hang up in frustration?

Mar 4, 2019, 8:33 AM

Hey- what is status of deposit? Bills are being returned for insufficient t funds and
demands like this are being made:

Hunt, Maisy is having oral surgery today - she needs to have all four wisdom teeth
removed. The cost is $3,200. Can you accept a call from the office to get credit
card authorization for payment? It is due at time of surgery. Thanks

Mar 5, 2019, 3:34 AM

What is status with Cooper check buddy. I am getting shit all

Around for failing to pay a bill I was told about an hour before it was due. And I’m
negative in all my accounts and I have to pay a doctor bill myself.

Having to justify why my money should be available in my accountant not in my ex

partner’s account so that he can use it as leverage.

Let me know where we stand before I do something drastic which to tell the truth I
think is needed.

Mar 5, 2019, 5:02 AM


I’ve told him to make the deposit as soon as possible and that I am unaware of any
provision in the operating agreements that would allow him to withhold it. He was out
of town yesterday and I haven’t spoken to him this morning. He says there is a list of
expenses that need to be paid too and I asked him to identify them.

Dude you dont need to be in Ann office to make the transfer

Tell him I am obviously not goin g to run from any real obligation and that regardless
that’s not reason to hold my money. He has zero right under any standard

Withhold the expenses and we can work it out later. Im getting fucked again.
Porsche payment Maisy payment soda


Ands for real send me 50 bucks btw n ow and then please. This is ridiculous

Mar 5, 2019, 11:25 AM

George WTF is going on?

Mar 5, 2019, 3:12 PM

George this is beyond unreasonable.

Mar 5, 2019, 7:16 PM

So he’s not sending me any money?

Mar 6, 2019, 7:08 AM

Are you getting in the call?

I have no mobile service. Phone is shut off from bill. Only can get at Wi-Fi or hot
spot. This is insane. And last we spoke it was 2pm. You have no Money and of my
bills are being returned

I sent an invitation by outlook calendar yesterday that presumably you didn’t get for
this morning.

I think Eric is free at 1130 eastern. We can set up another call for that time.

Mobile-friendly format 1-877-636-9498, 5819738016#

Also the signature as my e- signature. Ask him for the original document. I never
signed that George.
Not Delivered

Ok im on wifi now

Mar 6, 2019, 10:01 AM

I have no mobile service. Phone is shut off from bill. Only can get at Wi-Fi or hot
spot. This is insane. And last we spoke it was 2pm. I have no Money and All my bills
are being returned

Send me 50 on cash app please $robhbid

I told you I never signed that agreement

He is a duplicitous mother fucker

Mar 6, 2019, 4:22 PM

Check your email.

Yes I just did and...

Mar 8, 2019, 9:41 AM

Check your email please

Mar 13, 2019, 9:11 AM

What is the deal George. This is killing me.

See your email from yesterday

Resolving this will help resolving Kathleen too. Email to follow on that

Ok George once again Eric wins. I’ll sign it. Have him Put the money in the fucking
account today.

Mar 14, 2019, 8:50 AM

Has he deposited George. She’s going to sue me if I don’t take care of this and it will
be a nightmare.

He has. I will respond to Rebekah. It is your intent to pay the lien, correct?

Do you know the amount due for the wisdom teeth extractions!

Mar 14, 2019, 10:24 AM


I see no deposit and I see no messages from Edward

There is a deposit hold alert message from WF with no explanation of what

information they require or how long the deposit will be held.

Mar 14, 2019, 12:32 PM

Can you call pls


Give me a few minutes.

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