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Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478

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Journal of Rock Mechanics and

Geotechnical Engineering
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Numerical modeling for rockbursts: A state-of-the-art review

Jun Wang a, Derek B. Apel a, *, Yuanyuan Pu b, Robert Hall a, Chong Wei a,
Mohammadali Sepehri a
School of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2R3, Canada
State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400044, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: As the depth of excavation increases, rockburst becomes one of the most serious geological hazards
Received 2 March 2020 damaging equipment and facilities and even causing fatalities in mining and civil engineering. This has
Received in revised form forced researchers worldwide to identify different methods to investigate rockburst-related problems.
22 June 2020
However, some problems, such as the mechanisms and the prediction of rockbursts, continue to be
Accepted 9 September 2020
studied because rockburst is a very complicated phenomenon influenced by the uncertainty and
Available online 24 December 2020
complexity in geological conditions, in situ stresses, induced stresses, etc. Numerical modeling is a
widely used method for investigating rockbursts. To date, great achievements have been made owing to
the rapid development of information technology (IT) and computer equipment. Hence, it is necessary
Numerical modeling and meaningful to conduct a review of the current state of the studies for rockburst numerical modeling.
Rockburst mechanism In this paper, the categories and the origin of different numerical approaches employed in modeling
Dynamic modeling rockbursts are reviewed and the current usage of various numerical modeling approaches is investigated
by a literature research. Later, a state-of-the-art review is implemented to investigate the application of
numerical modeling in the mechanism study, and prediction and prevention of rockbursts. The main
achievements and problems are highlighted. Finally, this paper discusses the limitations and the future
research of numerical modeling for rockbursts. An approach is proposed to provide researchers with a
systematic and reasonable numerical modeling framework.
Ó 2021 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by
Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/

1. Introduction of the rock material is violent and associated with a rapid release of
energy. Due to its unpredictability and high intensity, rockburst is
With the increasing demand for mineral resources and the one of the most hazardous geological disasters. It damages equip-
continuous consumption of shallow mineral resources, the mining ment, facilities and even causes fatalities, as shown in Fig. 1.
depth in the world is going deeper (Feng et al., 2019a). Some Generally, rockbursts can be classified into three types: strain-
geotechnical engineering projects (e.g. tunnels and underground burst, pillar burst, and fault-slip burst according to the source
laboratories) are constructed in very deep areas with complicated mechanism (Hedley, 1992; Kaiser and Cai, 2012; Cai, 2013).
ground conditions (Jiang et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2012a). The ul- Strainburst is the most common type of rockburst in all under-
timately high in situ stress and complex geological environment ground excavations (Zhang et al., 2012a; Cai, 2013). It occurs due to
cause a series of geological hazards such as rockburst, rock mass the concentration of excavation-induced tangential stress and the
caving, large deformation of excavations, and high ground tem- existence of a relatively “soft” loading environment in the rock
perature (Palei and Das, 2009; Fall et al., 2010; Xie et al., 2015; Yu mass surrounding the fractured rock (Kaiser and Cai, 2012). The
et al., 2015; Ranjith et al., 2017; Shi et al., 2020). Rockburst is a rock can fail locally at excavation boundaries in an unstable and
dynamic rock failure phenomenon usually marked by sudden violent manner. Pillar burst is a violent failure in the pillar core or
ejection of rock blocks from an underground opening. The ejection the complete collapse of a pillar. This type of failure will occur
suddenly when the accumulated elastic strain energy reaches a
critical level, which means that the released energy is higher than
* Corresponding author. the dissipated energy. A large volume of failed rocks are released
E-mail address: [email protected] (D.B. Apel). and the magnitude is usually larger than that of a strainburst
Peer review under responsibility of Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chi-
(Ortlepp and Stacey, 1994). Fault-slip burst is due to the slip along
nese Academy of Sciences.

1674-7755 Ó 2021 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
458 J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478

Fig. 1. Examples of rockbursts at a diamond mine in Canada.

pre-existing faults or along newly generated shear ruptures. When many idealized assumptions which are incapable of matching the
the shear stress along a fault or a shear rupture exceeds the shear real field circumstances. For instance, experimental testing condi-
strength, the fault or shear rupture will slip. As a result, a large tions are usually designed to represent field conditions, but the
amount of seismic energy will be released suddenly, with high rock behavior in experimental conditions may be very different
ground vibrations or ground motions, and may trigger other types from that in field conditions owing to the different properties of
of rockbursts. Rockburst events have been reported in all mining intact rocks and rock masses (Manouchehrian, 2016). Data-based
countries (e.g. South Africa, Canada, Australia, USA, China, India, methods are reasonable and accurate only if a sized and acces-
Poland, and Chile) since the first such events were recorded in sible database is provided (Zhou et al., 2018a; Pu et al., 2020).
South Africa and India at the turn of the 20th century (Hedley, 1987; Over the last five decades, with rapid developments in computer
Blake and Hedley, 2003). Fig. 2 shows a historical rockburst map of software and hardware, significant progress has been made in using
more than 1100 events from near 50 areas in the world during the numerical modeling to simulate physical phenomena in rock me-
period of 1995e2019. On March 9, 2005, a mining-related seismic chanics and rock engineering at various scales. Compared with other
event with a Richter magnitude of 5.3 occurred in the Klerksdorp methods such as physical simulation and field tests, the numerical
District in South Africa, killing two miners and injuring 58 people modeling method has the advantages of low cost, safety, timesaving,
(Durrheim, 2010). On November 28, 2009, a serious rockburst with and flexibility. Also, it can provide more information. Salamon (1993)
a Richter magnitude of 2 occurred in a drainage tunnel in the stated that different aspects of the rockburst problem (e.g. the rela-
Jinping II Hydropower Station in China, resulting in seven deaths tionship between mining activities and the related seismicity, source
and the destruction of a tunnel boring machine (TBM) (Zhang et al., mechanism, and the effects of seismic waves on mining excavations)
2012a). On May 31, 2015, a rockburst event at the Neelum-Jhelum would benefit from numerical modeling. To date, numerical simula-
Hydropower Project in Pakistan killed three workers and tion methods have been widely used to evaluate the mechanical
destroyed a TBM (Naji et al., 2018). The large quantity of rockburst response of complex rock masses and to study rock mass deformation
events and the severity of those incidents are incontrovertible ev- and failure mechanisms. Since the 1970s, these methods have also
idence that rockburst is a universal and serious problem that re- provided a common and even necessary way to study rockbursts.
quires immediate attention. Therefore, it is necessary and meaningful to conduct a review of the
At present, great efforts have been devoted to the investigation current state of rockburst numerical modeling and to analyze the
of rockbursts. Most research is focused on the mechanisms, limitations and prospects in this research field.
contributing factors, risk evaluation and prediction, and prevention In this study, the categories and the origin of different numerical
and mitigation of rockbursts. The methodologies of studying approaches employed in modeling rockbursts are reviewed and the
rockbursts can be generally summarized into five types: empirical, current usage of various numerical approaches is investigated by a
analytical, experimental, data-based, and numerical, as shown in literature research. Also, a state-of-the-art review is implemented
Fig. 3. Manouchehrian and Cai (2018) stated that there is not yet an to investigate the application of numerical modeling in the mech-
effective way to control rockbursts because the phenomenon is so anism study, and prediction and prevention of rockbursts. The main
complex and is influenced by many factors (e.g. complexity and achievements and problems are highlighted. Finally, this paper
uncertainty in geological conditions, in situ stresses, induced discusses the limitations and future research directions of this
stresses and triggering conditions (Gao et al., 2019a)). Empirical topic. An approach of numerical modeling for rockbursts is also
methods are generally site-specific and therefore difficult to proposed in order to provide researchers with a systematic and
generalize. Both analytical and experimental methods employ reasonable numerical modeling framework.
J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478 459

Fig. 2. A historical rockburst map for the period of 1995e2019 (updated after Bennett and Marshall, 2001).

classified into continuum, discontinuum and hybrid methods

(Table 1). The main subtypes and related commercial or research
codes at present are also listed in Table 1. This review is particularly
focused on numerical modeling for rockbursts. The detailed dis-
cussion of the concepts, principles, advances, and development of
various numerical approaches used in rock mechanics and rock
engineering has been excellently reviewed by Jager and Ryder
(1999), Jing and Hudson (2002), Jing (2003), Brady and Brown
(2004), Nikoli
c et al. (2016) among others.

2.2. Origin of numerical approaches employed in modeling


Employing numerical approaches to investigate rock mechanics

problems has been a common practice dating back to the 1960s
(Salamon, 1964; Jing and Hudson, 2002; Jing, 2003), while nu-
merical modeling to study rockburst-related problems was intro-
duced a little later, in the 1970s.
The hazard of spalling is an important consideration when rock
faces are subjected to dynamic loading induced by blasting or
rockbursts near a permanent mine opening. Miranda (1972) first
developed a finite difference computer code to simulate the elastic
Fig. 3. A summary of methodologies for studying rockbursts (after Manouchehrian, pulse propagation problem in the Split-Hopkinson pressure bar
2016). (SHPB) technique. He found that the computed numerical gage data
agreed well with the derived strain and strain rateetime curves of
the specimen. In the same year, Blake (1972a) acted as a pioneer in
2. Numerical approaches for modeling rockbursts using the finite element method (FEM) model to study pillar bursts.
He found that the areas of high stress concentration could be used
2.1. Category of numerical approaches as a sign to predict rockburst locations. Brady (1979) developed the
boundary element method (BEM) with a proposed complete plane
With the rapid development of information technology (IT) and strain concept and first used it to study the unstable failure of
computer equipment, the availability of high-powered computer pillars (pillar crush). He also put forward a cutting-edge idea:
equipment such as supercomputers, cloud computing, and a large modeling surrounding rock as an elastic continuum by exploiting
number of numerical approaches as well as a great variety of the efficient BEM and treating pillars as inclusions within which
commercial or academic codes has opened avenues for the analysis more complex constitutive equations were proposed, for example,
and evaluation of complex problems in rock mechanics and rock the finite difference method (FDM) might be used in pillars to
engineering. Nevertheless, it is critical for researchers and engi- model the complex behavior of rock materials. Maybe this is the
neers to discriminate amongst different numerical approaches and origin of the hybrid method concept. Board and Voegele (1981)
codes before using numerical modeling to tackle rock mechanics employed a hybrid and a digital computer model utilizing the
problems (Wagner, 2019). According to Jing and Hudson (2002) and displacement discontinuity method (BEM) to study stress and
Jing (2003), numerical approaches in rock mechanics can be displacement changes. Then they used the calculated energy
460 J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478

Table 1
Overview of numerical approaches and codes in rock mechanics.

Numerical approach Subtype Commercial/academic code Institution/author (year)

Continuum method Finite element method (FEM) ABAQUS Dassault Systèmes

GEO5 Fine Software
RFPA2D, RFPA3D Mechsoft
RS2 (Phase2), RS3 Rocscience
Finite difference method (FDM) FLAC, FLAC3D Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.
Boundary element method (BEM) Examine Rocscience
Map3D Non-Linear Map3D
Discontinuum method Discrete element method (DEM) PFC2D, PFC3D Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.
UDEC, 3DEC Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.
Discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) DDA codes Goodman and Shi (1985)
Discrete fracture network (DFN) FracMan Golder
NAPSAC AEA Technology
Hybrid method BEM/DEM DEM_SRS þ BEDA þ FNET þ BEFA Wei (1992), Wei and Hudson (1998)
BEM/FEM BEM/FEM codes Zienkiewicz et al. (1977)
DEM/FEM CA3 Fakhimi (2009)
ELFEN Rockfield
IRAZU Geomechanica
NMM Shi (1991)
Y2D Munjiza et al. (2004)
Y-Geo Mahabadi et al. (2012)
DEM/FDM PFC2D/FLAC, PFC3D/FLAC3D Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.

release rate (ERR) to examine the effect of mining in an underhand for the study of flow in fractured rock masses (Jing and Hudson,
fashion on the potential for sill pillar bursting. The results sug- 2002; Jing, 2003). Arndt et al. (2009) used the DFN model to
gested that the ERR was lower when a larger sill pillar remained, conduct dynamic tests of a very heavy support system in order to
but its magnitude was still enough to cause a pillar burst. This investigate seismic hazards to ground support. Sun et al. (2007)
shows that numerical simulation is a useful and potential tool to investigated rockbursts in a circular tunnel under unloading con-
evaluate rockburst risks and to improve mining design. Hart (1980) ditions using realistic failure process analysis (RFPA) program and
used the explicit FDM code, STEALTH, and the BEM code, MINAP, to discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA). In order to simulate the
evaluate rock failure and dynamic instabilities (rockbursts) based gestation process of rockbursts, the failure patterns of surrounding
on the ERR. He concluded that for the elastic simulation, the results rocks of a circular tunnel were first studied by RFPA, taking into
from the two codes were close and the BEM model was much easier consideration the non-homogeneity of rock materials and different
to formulate and less expensive to run. However, the results also in situ stresses. The crack lines and some potential cracks in the
suggested that stored energy simulated by MINAP using the elastic RFPA model were then imported into the DDA model to explicitly
constitutive model was smaller than that using STEALTH employing simulate the dynamic processes of a rockburst. The results sug-
a nonlinear constitutive model, due to the lack of plastic defor- gested that the loss of stability of the surface rock mass was an
mation stage. This shows how important it is to select a reasonable omen or the beginning of a rockburst. However, Sun et al. (2007)
constitutive model for geotechnical modeling. Zubelewicz and also pointed out that the rock masses had to be discretized artifi-
Mroz (1983) combined the FEM and a dynamic approach to study cially in the DDA model and that the released strain energy was
rockburst processes in a rock pillar, excavation faces, and tunnels. ignored in the DDA model. Hence, an improved simulation of
They also confirmed that the dynamic mode of failure can be rockbursts needs to be further investigated.
numerically studied for any specified configuration and initial Jing (2003) reported that the main influence area of damage is
conditions. concentrated near the excavation face and that linear material
The usage of the discontinuum method for modeling rockbursts behavior is exhibited in the far-field region without fractures.
is later than that of the continuum method, since more latter re- Therefore, the discrete method is more suitable for near-field
searchers began to notice the significance of discontinuities such as analysis, while the continuous method is more suitable for far-
joints, which control and influence the mechanical behaviors of field analysis. Thus, it is a good way to combine those two nu-
rocks, as well as the requirement of the large displacement of rocks, merical methods, which simultaneously makes full use of their
while the continuum method is based on the hypothesis of respective advantages and avoids their disadvantages. Daehnke
continuous small deformation. The discrete element method (DEM) (1999) analyzed the dynamic fracturing due to the interaction of
is a discontinuum modeling approach that can, in a straightforward primary (P) and secondary (S) waves with stopes by implementing
manner, model large displacements, disintegrations, rotations, and a parametric study through the FEM/DEM code ELFEN. The results
general nonlinear constitutive behaviors for both rock masses and verify that ELFEN can accurately simulate stress wave interactions
joints. After the DEM was developed and established (Cundall, 1971, and dynamic fracturing in underground excavations. After the
1988; Cundall and Strack, 1979), Lemos et al. (1987), as the first FDM/DEM coupled method was proposed and developed (Itasca
researchers, used it to investigate the features of jointed rocks Consulting Group, Inc., 2000), Hazzard and Young (2002) adopted
subjected to dynamic loading such as rockbursts. They stated that it to model microseismic (MS) activities surrounding a deep tunnel.
the DEM provided a useful tool for understanding a wide variety of The target area was modeled by an assemblage of particles from
dynamic problems in jointed rock masses. The discrete fracture particle flow code (PFC) and was then coupled with the fast
network (DFN) is a special discrete method that is the most useful Lagrangian analysis of continua (FLAC) program. Although the
J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478 461

model is clearly a large simplification of realities, the simulation issues. However, after reviewing the published literature one by
results, such as seismic locations, magnitudes, and mechanisms one in this well-accepted and authoritative database and having
obtained from the numerical model compared with seismic data in relatively large amounts of data, we were confident that our
the field, give further confidence that the FDM/DEM coupled model investigation basically reflected the usage situations of various
can behave in a realistic fashion. Later, Cai et al. (2007) employed numerical approaches to model rockbursts. The search results are
the FLAC/PFC coupled numerical model to investigate excavation- shown in Figs. 5e7, and the variation laws are summarized as
induced acoustic emission (AE) activities in large-scale under- follows:
ground excavations. In the modeling, PFC was used to simulate AE
sensors around surrounding rocks and the remaining rock masses (1) Fig. 5 shows that since 1999, the amount of literature in this
were modeled by FLAC. The simulated AE activities were in good field has increased. From 1999 to 2008, the growth was not
agreement with field monitoring results, which confirms that the very apparent, and the number of published articles
coupled numerical method as an advanced tool can be applied to increased only from three to seven. After 2009, the number
the interpretation of monitoring data and stability evaluation of of published articles grew rapidly although they may suffer
large-scale underground excavations. SPECFEM2D is a powerful decreases in a few years. After 2016, the number of publi-
software package that can simulate the propagation of acoustic and cations was nearly 10 times that of 1999. Moreover, most
elastic waves in a variety of media such as fluids, elastomers, vis- researchers choose the continuum method for addressing
coelastics, and anisotropic and porous objects, but it does not have rockburst-related problems. After 2014, more and more re-
the ability to analyze excavation-induced stress. By combining searchers begin to use the discontinuum and hybrid
FLAC/SPECFEM2D, Wang and Cai (2017) proposed a coupled nu- methods.
merical method for a nonlinear velocity model to study the exca- (2) As shown in Fig. 6, the most common numerical approach is
vation effect on the ground motion in an excavation boundary. They the continuum method (77.36%) and the second most com-
found that the amplification effect at the excavation surface agreed mon is the discontinuum method (19.54%). The hybrid
well with underground field observations and when the simulated method accounts for only 3.1%. For the continuum method,
excavation rock was of fair quality, the excavation boundary of the FEM and FDM are the most popular numerical methods
stope had a stronger ground motion and wider seismic response. (94.1% in total). Furthermore, in the FEM, the widely used
The coupled numerical method is helpful to better estimate ground numerical programs are ABAQUS (13.27%), ANSYS (11.22%),
motion parameters in dynamic load support design and can provide and RFPA2D (22.45%). Suit3D (14.29%) and Map3D (35.71%)
reasonable ground motion evaluation parameters in an inversion are the most popular codes in the BEM, while FLAC (20.72%)
analysis of rockburst damage. Fig. 4 shows the development pro- and FLAC3D (76.89%) account for the largest proportion in
cess of various numerical methods employed in the history of the FDM. For the discontinuum method, DEM is the most
modeling rockbursts. popular (93.33% in total). The reason that there is no DFN in
the pie chart is that DFN is the built-in function in some
programs such as ABAQUS, FLAC3D, and 3DEC. Thus we did
2.3. Usage investigation of numerical modeling for rockbursts
not show it in a single segment. In the DEM, the most popular
codes are UDEC (54.46%), 3DEC (9.86%), and PFC2D (17.86%),
In order to understand the usage of various numerical ap-
respectively. For the hybrid method, the DEM/FEM (47.37%) is
proaches to model rockbursts, we used “TS¼(rockburst* OR rock
widely used, in which FLFEN (55.56%) is the most common
burst*) AND TS ¼ numerical” as query words in the Web of Science
numerical program.
database to carry out an investigation about literature published
(3) In reality, rockburst types are various according to different
during the last 20 years. It is very hard to search all published
researchers (Zhou et al., 2018a). Therefore, we classified the
literature about this topic due to copyright and access-related

Fig. 4. History of numerical methods employed in modeling rockbursts.

462 J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478

Fig. 5. Literature about numerical modeling of rockbursts in the last 20 years (the search results in 2019 are incomplete).

published literature as static and dynamic simulations, distribution characteristics of AE events. Using RFPA2D, Wang et al.
respectively, based on loading conditions and seismic waves. (2003) also studied the effects of rock heterogeneity on rockburst
As shown in Fig. 7a, from 1999 to 2008, most numerical potentials. Then, Wang et al. (2006) employed RFPA2D to study the
modeling of rockbursts was conducted by static simulation progressive failure process and associated MS behavior of rock
and then there was rapid growth after 2009, especially after pillars. The simulated results verified that the stiffness of the roof
2015. In 2016e2018, the proportion of dynamic simulation and floor play an important role in controlling the unstable failure
was more than 30% in each year. Overall, from Fig. 7b we can or collapse of rock pillars. Zhu et al. (2010) used RFPA-Dynamics to
see that most researchers employ static simulation to simulate the rockbursts triggered by the dynamic disturbance
investigate rockbursts (71.34%). around a deep underground opening and confirmed that the dy-
namic disturbance is one of the most important contributing fac-
3. A state-of-the-art review of the application of numerical tors inducing rockbursts.
modeling for rockbursts Most of the aforementioned work is limited to the study of rock
failures based on the small deformation rule. In fact, the gestation
3.1. Numerical modeling for rockburst mechanism and development of rockburst is a process from static failure to
dynamic failure, which is transformed from a continuous small
The initial studies of rockburst mechanisms through numerical deformation into a discontinuous large deformation in a very short
modeling were based on some specific engineering cases, in which time. It is difficult to simulate the discontinuous deformation
the continuum method, elastic constitutive relationship, and two- behavior of rock masses based on continuum methods such as FEM,
dimensional (2D) model were very often used owing to the lower BEM, and FDM. To this end, scholars tended to use DEM and other
computation cost and modeling ability at that time, although many hybrid numerical methods suitable for simulating discontinuous
researchers noticed that using elastoplastic constitutive relation- deformation to reproduce rockburst phenomena. After years of
ships and three-dimensional (3D) models was a better choice. In development, the DEM has made great progress in both theories
this stage, researchers tried to reveal the rockburst mechanism by and applied research: (1) from rigid elements to deformable ele-
modeling the changes of maximum principal stress, strain energy, ments; (2) from 2D to 3D modeling; (3) from the simulation of
and deformation after mining or excavating activities (Blake, 1972a; static problems to the simulation of dynamic problems; and (4)
Miranda, 1972; Brady, 1979; Board and Voegele, 1981; Napier and from the single mechanical simulation to the simulation of multi-
Stephansen, 1987; Bardet, 1987, 1990). phase media and multi-field coupling problems. The general
After that, with the development of computing capacities and block DEM considers the rock mass to be composed of discrete rock
progress in numerical programs for modeling complex geometry masses and joint faces between rock blocks. The rock mass can
and plastic nonlinearities, more researchers tended to utilize elas- move, rotate, and deform, and the joint faces can be compressed,
toplastic constitutive relationships and/or 3D models (Blake, 1972a; slid, and separated to more realistically simulate the continuous
Miranda, 1972), and representative studies are listed in Table 2. and discontinuous deformations of jointed rock masses (Jiang,
Rockburst is a type of rock failure phenomena caused by the initi- 2017). Therefore, the DEM and DEM-related hybrid methods are
ation, growth, and expansion of micro-fractures, which then form a undoubtedly a good choice for the numerical modeling of the
macroscopic fracture (Wang et al., 2006). After confirming that AE continuous-discontinuous deformation behavior of the rockburst
parameters are related to the damage variable of rocks, Wang et al. gestation and failure processes. The corresponding studies are also
(2003) used RFPA2D to simulate pillar bursts and found that the summarized in Table 2. Recently, Vazaios (2018) and Vazaios et al.
simulation results can reflect the macroscopic failure evolution (2019) used FDEM (FEM/DEM) models through IRAZU to investi-
process induced by microscopic fractures, and the spatio-temporal gate the effect of pre-existing joints on strainburst phenomena in a
J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478 463

Fig. 6. Distribution of different numerical methods in modeling rockbursts in the last 20 years (the search results in 2019 are incomplete).

deep hard rock excavation. To conduct a parametric study, three deformation to a discontinuous deformation to reproduce the
numerical model configurations were created. The first configura- physical process of rockburst phenomena, which further high-
tion did not include any structures (massive rock masses), and the lighted the application of the hybrid method in rockburst numer-
two other configurations included stochastic joints by integrating a ical modeling.
different number of DFNs. In those models, the initiation, propa- In summary, the employment of various numerical methods,
gation, and coalescence of fractures and abrupt rock ejection codes, and constitutive models at different dimensions and scales
occurring in the excavation under high-magnitude stresses were has greatly enriched people’s understanding of the complex source
able to be explicitly simulated (part of results are shown in Fig. 8). mechanism and damage mechanism of rockbursts. Compared with
Fig. 8 shows that rock blocks located around the excavation continuum methods, the DEMs, especially DEM-related hybrid
boundary possess higher velocities than those far away from the methods, have achieved the explicit simulation of rockburst pro-
excavation wall, which is the reality (Ortlepp and Stacey, 1994; Qiu cess, providing an effective tool for researchers to reveal the nature
et al., 2014). Additionally, larger ejected volumes are generated of rockbursts. This might motivate more researchers to use dis-
with the increasing number of pre-existing joints which also continuum and hybrid methods in this research field. However, it is
govern the shape and size of ejected rock blocks. The FDEM models not true because these methods are not flawless. To eliminate the
have made it possible to simulate the change from a continuous effects of mesh size on the fracture position within rocks, a very fine
464 J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478

Fig. 7. Literature about static and dynamic simulations of rockbursts in the last 20 years (the search results in 2019 are incomplete).

mesh resolution is usually needed, which sacrifices the computa- fracture, damage, etc (Li et al., 2013). To learn about the complete
tional efficiency of the model. Moreover, the calculation time will and detailed prediction and evaluation indices or indicators of
be greatly extended when the blocks or elements undergo a large rockbursts, readers are recommended to references (Zhang and Fu,
deformation and are detached from each other (Gao, 2019). For 2008; He et al., 2012; Li et al., 2013; Qian, 2014; Mazaira and
instance, Vazaios et al. (2019) reported that the total run time of the Konicek, 2015; Feng et al., 2017b; Leveille et al., 2017; Zhou et al.,
third model configuration is around 100e144 h. This is an impor- 2018a; Afraei et al., 2019; Jiang et al., 2019; Pu et al., 2019). At
tant reason why discontinuum and hybrid methods are less used present, the proposed prediction and evaluation indicators of
than continuum methods (see Fig. 6). It should be noted that we rockbursts can be generally classified into two categories: (1) in-
cannot easily say which numerical method is better to simulate dicators based on the stress/strength criterion, such as tangential
rockburst mechanisms since every method has its own advantages stress, axial stress, uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), and major
and limitations (Table 3). The selection of numerical methods principal stress, in which the representative indices are sq/sc
should be based on the match between the capabilities of numer- (Russenes, 1974), sc/s1 (Barton et al., 1974), sL/sc (Turchaninov et al.,
ical codes and rockburst mechanisms, and the specific engineering 1972), sc/sq (Hoek and Brown, 1980), sc/s1 (Tao, 1988), excess shear
situation. To provide some references for researchers and engi- stress (ESS) (Ryder, 1988), sc/st (Peng et al., 1996) (s1es3)/sc (Castro
neers, a simple guideline for choosing numerical methods is sum- et al., 2012), etc.; and (2) indicators based on the energy criterion,
marized based on this review and authors’ experience over the such as elastic strain energy and elastoplastic deformation energy,
years (Fig. 9). in which the representative indices are strain energy storage co-
efficient (Wsp/Wst) (Kidybin  ski, 1981), the ratio of kinetic energy to
3.2. Numerical modeling for the evaluation and prediction of released energy (Wk/Wr) (Hedley, 1992), ERR (Salamon, 1984;
rockbursts Kaiser et al., 1996), burst potential index (BPI) (Mitri et al., 1999),
local energy release rate (LERR) (Wiles, 2002; Jiang et al., 2010),
Researchers agree that it is very difficult to accurately predict loading system stiffness (LSS) (Wiles, 2002), strain energy density
the occurrence time of rockbursts due to the randomness and (SED) (Wattimena et al., 2012), etc. Due to the complexity of the
complexity of the mechanism of rockbursts (Qian, 2014; Zhou et al., geological and construction conditions, and mining- or excavation-
2018a). However, the occurrence of rockbursts is mainly deter- induced effects, it is very difficult to predict and estimate rock-
mined by the change in ground stress caused by the excavation of bursts based on analytical and experimental methods, because
deep rock masses. The geological survey technology, ground stress many idealized assumptions are employed in these methods. By
detection technology, rock mechanics theories and methods, and contrast, numerical modeling can simulate the elastoplastic,
long-term development of numerical simulation have made it nonlinear, and post-yield behavior of rock masses and the effects of
possible to perform qualitative and quantitative prediction of the in situ stresses and geological features on mining or excavating
location and intensity of rockbursts (Qian, 2014). Scholars believe works, which enables researchers to understand the “real world” in
that the era of quantitative prediction of rockbursts has arrived, and underground engineering. Thus, using numerical modeling with
such quantitative progress needs to be achieved through a combi- the prediction and evaluation indices is a useful tool for researchers
nation of numerical simulation and on-site observation (Stacey, and engineers to estimate rockbursts.
2013; Cai, 2016). The studies about numerical modeling and prediction of rock-
In the past few decades, scholars have proposed a number of bursts are summarized in Table 4. As shown in Table 4, different
prediction and evaluation indices or indicators of rockburst po- indicators (stress/strength-based, or energy-based) have been
tential based on a variety of rockburst theories, and rockburst widely employed to assess and predict rockburst potentials in
phenomena from the aspects of strength, stiffness, energy, stability, various engineering projects. In addition to basic variables such as
Table 2
Summary of the applications of numerical modeling for rockburst mechanisms.

Numerical Rockburst Study type Numerical Geometry Constitutive Description Reference

approach type code model

Continuum Pillar burst Case study FLAC 2D Strain- A cohesion-softening model was utilized to simulate laboratory specimens and then was used to evaluate the Whyatt and Board (1991)
method softening shear-fracture rockburst potential for underhand longwall and overhand cut-and-fill stopes in deep mining
Fault-slip Parametric FLAC3D 3D Barton’s shear The Barton’s shear strength model was implemented in FLAC3D using Cþþ programming language while at the Sainoki (2014), Sainoki and
burst study strength, Saeb same time considering the change from static to dynamic friction law. The results suggested that the roughness Mitri (2014a, b, 2015)
and Amadei’s of the fault surface should be considered when estimating the magnitude or the energy of the fault-slip. The
model Saeb and Amadei (1992)’s model was also employed to simulate the effect of the fault surface asperities on the
intensity of seismic waves arising from the fault-slip
Strainburst Parametric ABAQUS 2D Strain- Considering the effect of material heterogeneity on rock failure processes, a heterogeneous model was Manouchehrian (2016),
and case softening developed in ABAQUS using Python scripts to simulate rockbursts near fault zones in deep tunnels. The Manouchehrian and Cai
study simulated results corresponded well with the post-event observation in the 1128 rockburst event in the (2018)

J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478
Jinping II Hydropower Station, China
Fault-slip Case study FLAC3D 3D Mohr- Recognizing that the mechanism of intense rockburst induced by nearby small-scale shear zones in deep civil Naji et al. (2018)
burst Coulomb tunnels was unclear, the FLAC3D explicit code was used to simulate the shear zone in a twin-tunnel system
Strainburst Parametric FLAC3D 3D Mohr- Numerical simulation was adopted to study the failure laws of the surrounding rocks in the process of Guo et al. (2019)
study Coulomb rockbursts in roadways with different ratios between principal stresses
Discontinuum Pillar burst Case study 3DEC 3D Mohr- Two numerical models were built using 3DEC to estimate the pillar stress before failure and to study the Dehghan et al. (2013a)
or hybrid Coulomb rockburst mechanism in order to investigate a pillar burst event that occurred in a chromite mine
method Strainburst Parametric FEM/DEM 2D Mohr- The FDEM (FEM/DEM) method was employed to study the effect of unloading rates on granite bursts Li et al. (2015)
study Coulomb (strainbursts) at a laboratory scale. A loading/unloading stage was used in the modeling to reproduce the
excavation-induced rockburst. The method could accurately and quantitatively manifest the growth,
coalescence, and nucleation of microcracks at the whole process of the granite burst
Fault-slip Case study FEM/DEM 3D Mohr- In order to investigate the effect of fault surface roughness on fault-slip rockbursts, Grisi et al. (2016) Grisi et al. (2016)
burst Coulomb investigated the failure mechanism of a gypsum pillar by comparing the continuum FEM with the hybrid FEM/
DEM. They reported that the FEM/DEM can effectively describe the mechanical response of the pillar through
fracture propagation, but it requires much more computational cost with increasing errors compared with the
continuum FEM
Strainburst Parametric CA3 3D Contact-bond CA3 was used to study strainbursts where the rock was modeled by discrete particles and the frame structure Hosseini (2016)
study model was simulated by finite elements. The main contributing factors of the rockburst severity were finally
Strainburst Parametric ELFEN 2D Mohr- Feng et al. (2017a) investigated the failure mechanisms of the surrounding rock near a circular hole, taking into Feng et al. (2017a)
study Coulomb with consideration the effects of the structural surface through the ELFEN code. The mechanical failure
rotating characteristics were studied, such as the crack growth behaviors around the circular hole under the conditions
crack of different locations, lengths, and dip angles of pre-existing flaws
Strainburst Parametric PFC2D 2D Parallel-bond To investigate the dynamic stress concentration and energy evolution of a circular tunnel under blasting Li et al. (2018)
study model loading, Li et al. (2018) established a numerical model to analyze the distribution of tangential stress and
dissipated strain energy around the tunnel under various in situ stresses and different waveforms
Strainburst Parametric UDEC 2D Elastic model A novel distinct-element bonded block method was proposed to simulate strainbursts. In this method, a seismic Gao et al. (2019a, b)
study event induced by dynamic rock cracking is simulated by a strength reduction approach to initiate a dynamic
disturbance in a rock pillar, which can produce P- and S-waves with related seismic wave properties such as
velocity, the ratio of Vs/Vp, and frequency that are needed for evaluating strainbursts. Compared with most
existing methods, this proposed method overcomes the difficulty of determining the seismic wave properties of
the dynamic disturbance input
Strainburst Parametric ELFEN 2D Mohr- Different factors such as the dip angle, location, and frictional coefficient of the structural planes and the lateral Feng et al. (2019b)
study Coulomb with pressure coefficient were simulated to analyze their effects on the rock failure process and rockburst risks of a
rotating circular tunnel under excavation unloading

Note: In discontinuum or hybrid method, the contact- and parallel-bond models are used for contacts, and other constitutive models are adopted for blocks or elements.

466 J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478

Fig. 8. Effects of different pre-existing joints on strainburst phenomena (from Vazaios et al., 2019).

stress and strength, some more complex rockburst indicators, possess rockburst proneness, rockbursts will not occur during rock
either empirical or user-defined, can be easily obtained by pro- mass engineering in this kind of rock (Cai, 2016; Leveille et al., 2017;
cessing the basic variables using the built-in or common pro- Zhou et al., 2018a). The second step is to choose indicators (engi-
graming languages (e.g. Fish language in FLAC3D, Cþþ, Python, neering scale) initially and to predict rockburst tendency using
etc.) in most numerical programs. The use of these indicators numerical simulation. The selection of rockburst indicators can
combined with numerical methods has become an easy, useful, and refer to a summary made by Zhou et al. (2018a): FAI (failure
applicable approach to predict rockburst risks qualitatively and approaching index, Zhang et al., 2011), BSR (brittle shear ratio, same
quantitatively for research and engineering projects. However, it as (s1es3)/sc, Castro et al., 2012), ERR (Salamon, 1984; Kaiser et al.,
should be noted that different prediction and evaluation indicators 1996), BPI (Mitri et al., 1999), and LERR (Wiles, 2002; Jiang et al.,
of rockbursts have their best application conditions and scopes. 2010) can be used for evaluating strainbursts; and ESS (Ryder,
Because most of these indicators are based on some specific cases 1988), BPR (bursting potential ratio, Simon, 1999) and OBI (out-
from different regions in the world, of which the geological con- of-balance index, Simon, 1999) are suitable for assessing fault-slip
ditions, rock properties, geometry of engineering, and excavating- bursts. However, Zhou et al. (2018a) did not mention what in-
induced effects are very different. For instance, Mitri et al. (1999) dicators could be adopted to estimate pillar burst risks. Some re-
pointed out that ERR values in a Canada mine are much lower searchers (Wiles, 2002; Castro et al., 2012; Kusui et al., 2016;
than those leading to rockburst problems in South African mines. Vennes and Mitri, 2017; Li et al., 2019) suggested that the ERR
The rockburst indicators cannot be directly transposed to the (Salamon, 1984; Kaiser et al., 1996), LSS (Wiles, 2002), sc/sq (Hoek
particular situation from one to another region. Furthermore, and Brown, 1980), BSR (Castro et al., 2012), and SED (Wattimena
although many researchers reported that the effectiveness of et al., 2012) could be employed for the assessment of pillar burst
rockburst indices had been verified with on-site monitoring results, potentials. Then the selected indicators can be calculated in nu-
these indices cannot be popularized casually even in the same re- merical programs, thereby letting us either determine or update
gion due to the small number of rockburst cases and the random- the indicators initially by comparing the occurrence area and in-
ness and complexity of rockburst mechanism. Therefore, a strict tensity of a rockburst case in the field. In the third step, the
calibration procedure should be implemented before using in- reasonable indicators are finally obtained after the calibration with
dicators to predict and estimate rockburst tendency. A methodol- more rockburst cases or a rockburst database of this region.
ogy is proposed to effectively evaluate rockburst potentials using Following these three steps, engineers will be confident to use
numerical modeling combined with laboratory tests and feedbacks some indicators as rockburst criteria to predict risks quantitatively
from the field. A flowchart of the proposed methodology is shown and to take appropriate measures for rockburst prevention.
in Fig. 12. The first step is to evaluate the rockburst proneness of
rocks based on indicators at a laboratory scale. If the rock does not
J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478 467

Table 3
Advantages and limitations of numerical methods in modeling rockburst mechanisms.

Numerical method Advantage Disadvantage

Continuum method (1) Capability of 3D modeling; (1) Normally elastic analysis only;
(BEM) (2) Allow the rapid assessment of stress concentration, deforma- (2) Calculation time increases exponentially with number of elements (Sainoki,
tion, and designs 2014)
Continuum method (1) Capability of 3D modeling; (1) Input limitations, e.g. some critical input parameters are difficult to
(FEM, FDM) (2) Easily handle material heterogeneity and geometric determine;
nonlinearity; (2) Interfaces can model simple structures, but are not suitable for highly
(3) Simulate complex behavior of rock/rock masses with various jointed-blocky media (Coggan et al., 2012);
constitutive models; (3) Rich experience in using numerical analysis is essential;
(4) Allow dynamic loading (4) Calculation time increases exponentially with number of elements
Discontinuum (1) Capability of 3D modeling; (1) Limited data on joint properties are available and the calibration of pa-
method (DEM) (2) Easy to model jointed rock systems; rameters might be needed;
(3) Able to model complex behavior of rock/rock masses with (2) Rich experience in using numerical analysis is essential;
various constitutive models; (3) 2D modeling is usually used due to the great calculation cost of 3D models
(4) Allow the large deformation and detachment of blocks;
(5) Allow dynamic loading
Hybrid method (1) Able to model the extension of existing fractures and creation (1) Few data are available for contact properties and fracture mechanics
(FEM/DEM) of new fractures in intact rocks; properties;
(2) 3D modeling is possible; (2) The calibration of parameters is needed;
(3) Allow dynamic loading (3) Extremely long run times will require the use of parallel processing for large
models (Coggan et al., 2012);
(4) 2D modeling is usually used

3.3. Numerical modeling for the prevention and mitigation of especially when optimizing support design and project layout
rockbursts (Mazaira and Konicek, 2015).
The studies about numerical modeling of rockburst prevention
After the burst-prone zones are predicted and evaluated, pre- are summarized in Table 5. As shown in Table 5, numerical
vention and mitigation measures should be carried out. Generally, modeling has been widely employed to assess the effects of various
there are three approaches or steps for the prevention and miti- techniques on the prevention and mitigation of rockburst risks. For
gation of rockbursts, as shown in Fig. 13. Estimating the effects of the first type of rockburst prevention approach, the 3D modeling
those measures in fields is very dangerous, time-consuming, and with elastic analysis is a fast and effective method to determine the
costly. For instance, distress drilling is a very common technique to areas with stress concentration and energy accumulation in the
mitigate rockburst risks in the field. The design parameters of design stage, thereby letting engineers choose rational project
boreholes such as diameter, length, position, and pattern layout are layouts, and mining/excavation methods to avoid potential rock-
normally determined according to engineers’ specialization and bursts. In the production stage, some calibrated rockburst in-
experience. However, the design parameters depend on many dicators can be used to estimate the rockburst tendency so as to
factors, e.g. the size and shape of excavations, mechanical proper- adjust construction schemes or adopt distress and support mea-
ties of rocks, and in situ stress. Thus, engineers need to spend sures in time. In contrast, the situation of modeling ground pre-
tremendous time and money costs to obtain relatively ideal design conditioning and rock support is very complex. At present, the
parameters considering many influencing factors of distress dril- main approaches to simulate the effects of destress blasting are
ling. Besides, conducting experimental schemes of engineers in the reducing the rock properties such as elastic modulus or adding a
field will always make personnel be exposed in a dangerous envi- stress dissipation factor to model the instantaneous stress drop
ronment. In contrast, numerical modeling is a cheap, fast, safe, and (Blake, 1972b; Tang and Mitri, 2001; Sainoki et al., 2017; Vennes
effective tool for the evaluation of those three types of measures, and Mitri, 2017). Although these methods are very simple to use,
no actual blastholes exist in the numerical model, which is indeed a

Fig. 9. Selection of numerical methods for modeling rockburst mechanisms.

468 J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478

Table 4
Summary of the applications of numerical modeling for rockburst prediction.

Classification Rockburst Research Numerical Geometry Constitutive model Description Reference

indicator object code

Stress/ Strength Rock pillar Examine 3D Hoek-Brown The strength factor was selected as an indicator for assessing the Apel (2005)
strength factor ground stability and rockburst potential of a rock pillar after
benching a drift. The predicted results were further confirmed by
the in situ observations (Fig. 10)
FAI Powerhouse FLAC3D 3D Strain-softening Failure approaching index (FAI) was proposed to estimate the Zhang et al.
and tunnel stress-induced risk based on the stress state, yield surface, and (2011)
equivalent plastic shear strain. This index successfully predicted
the potential rockburst zones in facilities in the Jinping II
Hydropower Station, China
Pillar stress Rock pillar 3DEC 3D Mohr-Coulomb Compared with the tributary area theory, the numerical model Dehghan
and strength could reproduce the realistic distribution of load on pillars. The et al. (2013b)
simulated Domino failure mode of pillars was verified with the
observations in a chromite mine
sc/sq Tunnel and ABAQUS 3D Mohr-Coulomb The simulation results suggested that a distinctive ratio of UCS to Kusui et al.
rock pillar excavation-induced maximum tangential stress could be (2016)
determined for different stages of progressive failure such as
rock spalling at tunnel surfaces and pillar crushing
Damage risk Roadway FLAC 2D Mohr-Coulomb A damage risk index based on Mohr-Coulomb criterion was Wang et al.
index proposed to study the rockburst risks and dynamic response (2017)
characteristics of roadway surrounding rocks under dynamic
loading. The potential rockburst zones and severity could be
predicted with the proposed index
Brittle Tunnel FEM 3D A self-developed After developing a brittle-yield criterion combining damage Diederichs
fracture brittle-yield model initiation and spalling limit (Diederichs, 2007), Diederichs (2018)
zone (2018) successfully predicted the development of the burst
potential of a deep tunnel with respect to advance through
incorporating the criterion in a 3D nonlinear finite element
(sq þ sL)/sc Tunnel ABAQUS 3D Elastic model An analytical method was developed to investigate the Yang et al.
inhomogeneous stress concentration in interbedded strong and (2018)
weak layers which was confirmed by FEM modeling. Numerical
results also suggested that rockburst risks change with a
mutative orientation of rock layers
MS events Tunnel PFC3D 3D Bonded particle model Ma et al. (2019) proposed a brittle fracture model and a Ma et al.
(simulated numerical simulation method of hard rock fracture based on MS (2019)
fractures) information in PFC3D. The simulation results agreed well with
field data in tunnel engineering, showing that the proposed
method is an effective tool for interpreting and detecting early-
warning signs of rockburst hazards
Energy ERR, BPI Stope FEM 2D Elastic A new indicator, BPI, was proposed based on the energy storage Mitri et al.
rate and critical energy density. The ERR and BPI were adopted to (1999)
predict rockburst potentials in a cut-and-fill stope
LERR Tunnel FLAC3D 3D Elastic-brittle-plastic Jiang et al. (2010) proposed a new LERR index considering the Jiang et al.
model difference in energy stored in rock masses before and after (2010)
brittle failure based on an elastic-brittle-plastic model. The
simulation results suggested that the new LERR could
successfully predict the intensity and failure depth of rockbursts
in deep tunnels
URLERI Tunnel FLAC3D 2D A self-developed A new energy indicator of rockbursts, the unit time relative local Yang et al.
elastoplastic model energy release index (URLERI), was proposed and used for (2015)
simulating the rockburst case in the Jinping II Hydropower
Station, China. The simulated results agreed well with the field
monitoring results
Accumulated Mining level FLAC3D 3D e The accumulated disturbance energy in surrounding rocks was Cai (2016)
disturbance calculated in FLAC3D, and then was employed to predict the
energy magnitude of rockbursts in each mining level
sq/sc, BPI Stope and ABAQUS 3D Mohr-Coulomb (for A mine-scale model was established to capture the realistic Sepehri
drift rock mass) and elastic distribution of in situ stress and mining-induced stress. sq/sc and (2016),
model (for backfill) BPI were adopted as indicators to evaluate the rockburst risks of Sepehri et al.
stopes and drifts in an underground diamond mine (Fig. 11) (2020)
Excess Tunnel UDEC 2D Strain-softening A DEM/BEM hybrid model was built to study seismicity and Khademian
energy unstable failures in circular excavations using a proposed et al. (2016)
concept of “excess energy”. The results confirmed that a
lower horizontal to vertical stress ratio resulted in more
unstable excess energy of rock masses
Elastic Stope ABAQUS 2D Elastic model The elastic deformation energy density was employed to obtain Cieslik et al.
deformation the factors and conditions that determine the location of the (2017)
energy sources and the mechanism of mining-induced tremors. The
density shear strain energy could be treated as an index of the potential
threat of mining-induced tremors
s1, SED Stope FLAC3D 3D Mohr-Coulomb The rockburst proneness of stopes with different mining Ma et al.
sequences was analyzed through simulating the variations of (2018)
J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478 469

Table 4 (continued )

Classification Rockburst Research Numerical Geometry Constitutive model Description Reference

indicator object code

maximum principal stress and elastic strain energy

accumulation in surrounding rocks
SED Rock pillar FLAC3D 3D Mohr-Coulomb After conducting a series of SHPB tests on rock specimens, Li Li et al.
et al. (2019) obtained the formula of stored strain energy by (2019)
rejecting the fractured dissipative energy based on the fitting of
experimental data. The formula was programmed into FLAC3D
as a variable to analyze the strain energy and burst potential of
rock pillars

Fig. 10. Redistribution of the strength factor (a) before and (b) after floor benching (after Apel, 2005).

type of equivalent approach. Moreover, specific zones with poten- calibrate the models with experimental data or in situ observations.
tial blasting-induced damages need to be assumed first to assign Besides, engineering experience shows that the failure of rein-
parameters, which is not real and increases extra efforts. By forcement elements often occurs in the rockboltegrout interface
analyzing a pressure profile of ANFO-type explosive and the rather than the grouterock interface (Marambio et al., 2018).
propagation of detonation, Sainoki et al. (2017) proposed an inno- However, the input parameters for modeling rockboltegrout in-
vative method that can simulate a time-varying blast pressure. terfaces are usually set based on researchers’ experience, which
Using this method, the blasting-induced damage can be simulated need to be further investigated to capture the full mechanical
more precisely. Nevertheless, the volume dilation of rocks induced behavior of rockbolt supporting.
by the creation and development of fractures was neglected,
because the continuum method was used in the previous work. A 4. Limitations and future research
Trigon method developed by Gao (2013) can simulate the obvious
dilation phenomenon caused by the generation and propagation of 4.1. Dynamic modeling of rockbursts
cracks, which can be further adopted to evaluate the blasting-
induced damage and the dissipated energy induced by rock frac- As mentioned above, rockburst is a kind of dynamic disasters
turing. The numerical modeling of water infusion is less studied that develop from the static accumulation of mining-induced stress
owing to the infrequent usage of water infusion for hard rock en- and strain energy. However, only a small portion of research
gineering. Currently, numerical simulation is mainly utilized to (28.66%, as shown in Fig. 7b) used dynamic modeling to study
examine the effects of water infusion on mitigating coal burst risks rockburst-related problems. Additionally, most existing indices or
(Li et al., 2005; Fan et al., 2012; Song et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2017; indicators of rockbursts that can be used for numerical calculations
Zhou et al., 2018b). Numerical modeling of rock support systems is are proposed based on static simulation results, which can only
probably one of the most important and extended applications of make static and qualitative evaluations of rockburst risks, and
numerical methods to underground excavations, and its impor- cannot reasonably reflect the dynamic process of actual rockbursts
tance is even greater when designing support systems in burst- (Yang et al., 2015). Therefore, the dynamic modeling of rockbursts is
prone grounds (Mazaira and Konicek, 2015). Numerical analyses necessary. Some research work has already been implemented to
in this field mainly focus on the behavior of support elements such investigate the effects of dynamic load or stress wave on rockbursts.
as rockbolts and steel arches under dynamic loading, or stress But some questions remain:
waves produced during rockbursts. The main problem is that re-
searchers need to develop reasonable models to reproduce the (1) Dynamic mechanical properties of rocks and discontinuities.
realistic response of support elements, requiring many efforts to The reality and accuracy of numerical modeling results
470 J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478

Fig. 11. Estimation of rockburst tendency with sq/sc (Ts) and BPI in a kimberlite pipe (after Sepehri, 2016).

depend on the mechanical properties of rocks and disconti- loading rate (strain rate) in numerical modeling could be a
nuities. Only if the mechanical properties of rocks and dis- research topic for rockburst-related problems in the future.
continuities are scientific and reasonable can the numerical (2) The heterogeneity of rocks and rock masses under dynamic
modeling results accurately reflect the actual deformation loading. Manouchehrian and Cai (2018) pointed out that using
and damage of rocks or rock masses on site. It is well known homogenous material models may not be able to capture the
that the mechanical properties of rocks and discontinuities realistic failure processes and patterns even if the overall
are related to loading conditions and loading rates (strain stressestrain curve properly reflects the prescribed mechan-
rates). Up to now, a large amount of research has been con- ical properties. To date, the material heterogeneity has been
ducted to investigate the dynamic mechanical parameters of introduced into some numerical models to investigate the
rocks in the laboratory (Li et al., 1993, 1994; Demirdag et al., influence of rock heterogeneity on dynamic rock failure and
2010; Liu et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2016). Unfortunately, most associated energy release. However, the widely used numer-
present research that uses dynamic modeling adopts the ical models are only 2D in laboratory scale, and the simulation
static mechanical properties of rocks to study rockbursts. On results are not accurate and reliable. Hence, the simulation of
the other hand, although a great deal of research has been the effects of rock heterogeneity under dynamic loading on
done on the mechanical properties of rocks under dynamic rockbursts with 3D models at an engineering scale needs to be
loading in the laboratory, the study of dynamic mechanical further studied. In addition, the distribution of rock hetero-
properties of discontinuities is rare, and thus the dynamic geneity is usually modeled with a normal distribution or
mechanical properties of discontinuities are even less Weibull distribution, while the real distribution of the het-
frequently used for the numerical simulation of rockbursts. erogeneity of rocks is generally stochastic. Fortunately,
For instance, Gao et al. (2019a, b) stated that the joint recently developed 3D scanning and 3D printing technology
constitutive model in UDEC was obtained under the condi- can capture the stochastic distribution of rock heterogeneity,
tions of static loading. Whether this model can be used to which will be a good choice for addressing this problem when
simulate the dynamic response of jointed rock masses is combined with numerical modeling.
worthy of further study. Therefore, the employment of the (3) Self-initiated dynamic disturbance. Researchers usually
dynamic mechanical parameters of rocks and discontinuities employ an assumed dynamic disturbance such as a sine P-
as well as their constitutive relationships considering the waveform on the model boundary or inside the model to
trigger unstable failures, which does not represent real
J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478 471

the simulation of rockburst processes. Nonetheless, the

location of the dynamic disturbance in the rock pillar is also
manually determined, while in the field, the rock fracturing
occurs randomly in many positions surrounding excavations
and then produces a series of seismic waves or dynamic
disturbances that may trigger rockbursts. Thus, one needs to
address the problem that makes the rock fracturing induce
seismic waves or dynamic disturbances spontaneously
instead of assuming the positions of dynamic disturbances
artificially. To handle this problem, theoretical and laboratory
research is necessary to investigate the relationship between
the properties of dynamic disturbances and rock fracturing.
But the numerical fulfillment of that relationship in numer-
ical modeling is quite sophisticated and a large amount of
programming work needs to be done.

4.2. Modeling of yielding support elements

Up to now, yielding supports or energy-absorption supports have

been well developed owing to the tireless efforts of scholars. Veri-
fications have shown that many types of yielding rockbolts, e.g. cone
bolt (Ortlepp, 1992), Swellex rockbolt (Wijk and Skogberg, 1982),
Roofex (Charette and Plouffe, 2007), D-bolt, Garford bolt (Varden
et al., 2008), Yield-Lok (Wu et al., 2011), and constant-resistance
and large-deformation bolt (CRLDB) (He et al., 2012) can control
rockbursts effectively. Unfortunately, the development of yielding
support elements or yielding support models in numerical programs
is lagging significantly behind the development process of those
yielding supports in engineering practice. For instance, the con-
ventional support elements (e.g. rockbolts) in some numerical
Fig. 12. A methodology to evaluate rockburst potentials.
programs are not able to handle high loads and withstand large
deformations to control rockbursts. Thus, it is imperative to develop
appropriate support elements or support models in numerical
programs that can accurately simulate yielding support systems to
situations. Gao et al. (2019a, b) proposed a novel method: estimate their performance during rockbursts. In addition, the
simulating a seismic event induced by dynamic rock frac- properties of contact between rockbolts and grout, and the inter-
turing through a strength reduction approach to initiate a action or coupling effects between different support fashions (e.g.
dynamic disturbance in a rock pillar, which can produce P- rockbolts and shotcrete) under dynamic loading are also expected to
and S-waves with related seismic wave properties such as be further investigated to assess the full behavior of integrated
velocity, the ratio of Vs/Vp, and frequency that are needed for yielding support systems in burst-prone areas.
evaluating strainbursts. Compared with most existing
methods, this proposed method overcomes the difficulty of 4.3. Modeling existing discontinuities and new fractures in 3D
determining seismic wave properties of the dynamic
disturbance input, which makes a significant step forward in
Stead et al. (2004) and Coggan and Stead (2005) pointed out that
the continuum and discontinuum methods are limited by their
inability to capture the interaction between existing discontinuities
and new fractures created in intact rocks. Fortunately, recently
developed hybrid methods (e.g. DEM/FEM, DEM/FDM) provide the
solution for this problem and some studies are currently underway
(Feng et al., 2017a; Vazaios, 2018; Vazaios et al., 2019). However, the
current hybrid numerical models are usually 2D. It is reasonable that
simulating a long tunnel based on the assumption of the plane strain
condition, but it is invalid if the research objective is a rock pillar or a
stope or more complicated excavations when the 2D model is
applied. More importantly, the discontinuity consists of two rough
surfaces, or two rough surfaces sandwiched with soft rocks or clays.
It has both width and length, and thus it is neither accurate nor
realistic to model it only as a line in a 2D model. Elmo et al. (2005)
proposed that the out-of-plane continuity would lead to an easier
creation of blocks, and in a 3D pillar model there would be greater
freedom for failures to occur due to the lack of confinement coming
Fig. 13. Methods to reduce damaging effects of excessive stress in underground mining out of the 2D plane, which means that the 2D model tends to result in
(after Mitri, 2000). an overestimation of pillar strengths. Thus, the 3D modeling will
472 J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478

Table 5
Summary of the applications of numerical modeling for rockburst prevention.

Rockburst Numerical Geometry Constitutive model Support Description Reference

prevention code element

Alternative mining FLAC3D 3D Elastic model (for ERR and ESS), and A top pilot tunnel drill-and-blast method was proposed Zhang et al.
methods the cohesion and evaluated using numerical simulation with several (2012b)
weakening and frictional prediction indices of rockbursts (FAI, ERR, and ESS). The
strengthening model (for FAI) simulation and field monitoring results showed that the
pretreatment aspect of this method could effectively
reduce the risks of strainburst and fault-slip rockburst
compared with the conventional full-face TBM
excavation method
NFOLD, 3D Strain-softening Numerical modeling was used to assess the effects of Castro et al.
Map3D mining sequence, advance direction and backfill mining (2012)
method on the mitigation of the risks of pillar burst and
fault-slip burst
FLAC3D 3D Mohr-Coulomb Zhang et al. (2018) used FLAC3D to study different sized Zhang et al.
sections of tunnels, considering circumferential and (2018)
radial stresses, and found that it is possible to reduce the
intensity of rockbursts by increasing the size of the
excavation inside the tunnel. The numerical simulation
results have also been verified by the statistical data of
rockbursts in field tests
Ground UDEC 2D Elastic model UDEC was employed to simulate the effects of fluid Lightfoot (1993)
preconditioning injection on the control of fault-slip and to model
preconditioning the stope by blasting. Results
suggested that the injection of high gas into fractured
rocks was more likely to be the best preconditioning
FLAC3D 3D Drucker-Prager FEM modeling was used to examine different layouts of Zhu et al. (2009)
destressed holes under different in situ stress
conditions to reduce rockburst risks
FLAC3D 3D Mohr-Coulomb Sainoki et al. (2017) compared the simulation results of Sainoki et al.
the traditional modeling approach with the alternative (2017)
modeling approach. They found that the traditional
modeling approach may lead to an overly optimistic
indication of destress blasting efficiency
FLAC3D 3D Elastic model To investigate the effects of large-scale choked panel Vennes and
destress blasting on stress reduction in a highly- Mitri (2017)
stressed remnant ore pillar, numerical modeling
was adopted by Vennes and Mitri (2017) to study the
stress change and BSR before and after distressing in the
pillar. They concluded that the panel destressing
method can significantly reduce rockburst risks when
mining a highly-stressed ore pillar (see Fig. 14)
Rock support FEM 2D Drucker-Prager (for rock) and von Self- A type of energy-absorption coupling support fashion Lv and Pan
Mises (for steel) developed was proposed by Lv and Pan (2010). The effects of this (2010)
element new support fashion were examined using FEM
modeling by comparing a roadway maintained by this
fashion with the one without it
FLAC3D 3D Mohr-Coulomb (for rock) and Cable element Mortazavi and Alavi (2013) studied the behavior of Mortazavi and
elastic model (for rockbolt) three types of fully grouted rockbolts (with or without Alavi (2013)
head plate, and yielding rockbolt) under dynamic
loading and concluded that the yielding rockbolt was
the best choice for absorbing dynamic stress waves and
controlling rock mass movement
DDA 2D Elastic and strain-hardening Self- Rockbolt models were developed using DDA to Nie et al. (2014)
developed investigate the failure mechanism of an expansion-
element shell-anchored bolt, the Split Set, the fully grouted rebar
and the D-bolt under static and dynamic loads
FLAC 2D Mohr-Coulomb Beam element FLAC simulation was used to investigate the effects of Masny et al.
the dynamic load on the arch steel support in stress (2017)
concentration zones. It was found that the higher the
peak particle velocity (PPV), the higher the HMH stress
(a type of stress developed by Huber, von Mises and
Hencky), and that the initial static stress level plays an
important role in controlling the failure of arch steel
support induced by dynamic loads
FLAC3D 3D Elastic-perfectly plastic Cable element Numerical modeling was applied for a laboratory-scale Marambio et al.
test to investigate the behavior of threadbar in dynamic (2018)
load testing. The simulation results corresponded well
with laboratory observations. It was also found that the
grout played a secondary role in the overall strength of
the system, a phenomenon that needs to be further
studied in dynamic conditions
ABAQUS 3D Strain-softening Sengani (2018)
J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478 473

Table 5 (continued )

Rockburst Numerical Geometry Constitutive model Support Description Reference

prevention code element

Self- Sengani (2018) adopted different support fashions

developed under dynamic conditions and conducted a large-scale
element numerical model for an ultra-deep platinum mine using
the ABAQUS explicit finite element solver in order to
study the performance of in-stope pillars. The results
indicated that extensive scaling and fracturing occur in
most bolt-reinforced in-stope pillars, while in-stope
pillars supported by bolt and shotcrete sustain minor or
no damage during the dynamic movement
DDA 2D e Self- A new energy-absorbing rockbolt called deformation- Yokota et al.
developed controlled rockbolt (DC-bolt) was proposed by Yokota (2019)
element et al. (2019). The performance of the DC-bolt was
simulated by the DDA and results suggested that the
DC-bolt possessed both high loading capacity and
deformation capacity compared with the fully grouted

provide useful insight into the effects of existing discontinuities and model calibration should be described in this method. The first step
new fractures on rockbursts. Further work needs to be undertaken to is the preparation which includes problem analysis, selection of
establish 3D models that incorporate existing discontinuities and numerical methods, and geometry analysis of the research objec-
new fractures created in intact rocks. tive. The second step includes five procedures: model establish-
ment and meshing, input of in situ stress, constitutive models and
rock mass parameters, initial and boundary conditions, geostatic
4.4. A systematic numerical modeling approach for rockbursts
step and model calibration, and analysis of simulation results. The
details of this approach are shown in Fig. 15.
Owing to the complicated mechanisms and the uncertainty of
occurrence, rockburst is different from other rock mechanics
problems such as stable failure modes (e.g. rock spalling) after 5. Conclusions
tunnel excavation and ore extraction. Many contributing factors for
simulating rockbursts should be considered when modeling this This paper summarizes the categories and the origin of different
complex phenomenon. Thus, it is necessary to propose an approach numerical approaches for modeling rockbursts and the current
of numerical modeling for rockbursts in order to provide re- usage of various numerical approaches is investigated. A state-of-
searchers with a systematic and reasonable numerical modeling the-art review of the application of numerical modeling for
framework. The selection of numerical modeling approaches, nu- studying rockbursts is implemented. This paper also discusses the
merical programs, numerical modeling sequences, parameters, and limitations and prospects of rockburst numerical modeling. An

Fig. 14. Stress state in the pillar before and after distressing (after Vennes and Mitri, 2017). Stress in Pa.
474 J. Wang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (2021) 457e478

Fig. 15. Flowchart of a systematic numerical modeling approach for rockbursts.

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approach of numerical modeling for rockbursts is proposed so as to simulate yielding support systems to estimate their perfor-
provide researchers with a systematic and reasonable numerical mance during rockbursts. In addition, the properties of
modeling framework. The following conclusions are drawn from contact between rockbolts and grout, and the interaction or
this study: coupling effects between different support fashions under
dynamic loading, are also expected to be further investigated
(1) Rockburst-related problems have been investigated by re- to assess the full behavior of integrated yielding support
searchers using continuum, discontinuum and hybrid nu- systems in burst-prone areas.
merical methods and various numerical programs since the (3) Further work also needs to be undertaken through the
1970s. The main tendency of rockburst numerical modeling recently developed hybrid methods to establish 3D models
is to move from continuum methods to discontinuum that incorporate existing discontinuities and new fractures
methods and then to hybrid methods. However, the most created in intact rocks.
common numerical approach is still the continuum method.
It is another tendency that using dynamic simulation to Declaration of competing interest
investigate rockbursts in this field.
(2) The initial studies of rockburst mechanisms through nu- The authors wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of
merical modeling were based on some specific engineering interest associated with this publication, and there has been no
cases, in which the continuum method, elastic constitutive significant financial support for this work that could have influ-
relationship and 2D model were very often used. With the enced its outcome.
development of computing capacities and progress in nu-
merical programs for modeling complicated geometry and
plastic nonlinearities, more researchers utilized elastoplastic Acknowledgments
constitutive relationships and/or 3D models. Recently, the
development of DEM and other hybrid numerical methods The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the
have made it possible to simulate discontinuous deformation China Scholarship Council (Grant No. 201808370185).
to reproduce rockburst phenomena. The selection of nu-
merical methods should be based on the match between the List of symbols
capabilities of numerical codes and rockburst mechanisms,
and the specific engineering situation. sc Uniaxial compressive strength of rock
(3) Rockburst potentials can be predicted qualitatively and sq Maximum tangential stress of surrounding rock
quantitatively using numerical modeling and a number of s1 Maximum principal stress
prediction and evaluation indices or indicators based on st Uniaxial tensile strength of rock
strength and energy criteria. These indicators have their best sL Axial stress of tunnel
application conditions and scopes and cannot be popularized sz Vertical stress
casually. A strict calibration procedure should be imple- g Unit weight
mented before using indicators to predict and estimate n Poisson’s ratio
rockburst tendency. a Tao discriminant index
(4) Numerical modeling is a cheap and effective tool to evaluate D Diameter
the measures used for the prevention and mitigation of Eh Average deformation modulus of the upper part of the
rockbursts. The dilation phenomenon of rocks should be Earth’s crust measured in a horizontal direction
considered to assess the blasting-induced damage and the Es Unloading tangential modulus of rock
dissipated energy induced by rock fracturing when modeling k Ratio of the horizontal stress to the vertical stress
the distress blasting. The input parameters of rockboltegrout L Length
interfaces need to be further investigated to capture the full Ts sq/sc
mechanical behavior of rockbolt supporting. Vs Velocity of secondary wave
Vp Velocity of primary wave
To date, great achievements have been made by numerous re- Wk Kinetic energy
searchers in employing numerical modeling to investigate the Wr Released energy
mechanism, evaluation and prediction, and prevention and miti- Wsp Stored elastic energy
gation of rockbursts. Nevertheless, rockburst is a very complicated Wst Dissipated elastic energy
geological hazard and the research of rockbursts through numerical Z Depth
modeling is always ongoing: B Brittleness coefficient

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