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Topic 7 Plastic Design

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Design of Steel and Timber Structures



Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering
MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology

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Design of Steel and Timber Structures Tarranza, NC Date: Page


Prof. Nathaniel C. Tarranza Date

Department of Civil Engineering and Technology
MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology
Fy Fy Fy Fy
extreme fiber

d n.a.

b Fy Fy Fy Fy
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Development of a plastic hinge:

1. At stage (a), the extreme fiber stresses reach yield strength Fy . The causing
moment is My, and Fy = My/S, where S = elastic section modulus.
2. If the moment is increased, the stresses on fibers adjacent to the extreme fibers
will successively reach Fy as shown in (b) and (c).
3. If the moment is further increased, a stage is reached where all stresses reach FY.
At this stage a plastic hinge is developed and the causing plastic
moment is Mp and Fy = Mp/Z, where Z = plastic section modulus.
Plastic Design of Steel Beams; Plastic Hinges and Section Modulus Tarranza, NC Date: Page
The elastic section modulus S = I/c , where I = moment of inertia w.r.t. to n.a.
c = extreme fiber distance.

The plastic section modulus Z is determined by analyzing the equilibrium of

forces when plastic hinge developed.

By summing forces along the horizontal,

T = C ; FY (Abelow ) = FY (Aabove )
Abelow = Aabove

Thus, when plastic hinge is developed, the neutral axis divides the whole
section into two equal areas, and Z is the sum of the moments, about the neutral
axis, of these two equal areas .

Mp / My = Z/S = shape factor

If the section is rectangular; S = I/c = (bd3/12)/(d/2) = bd2 / 6

The area above and below n.a. when plastic hinge develops is A =bd/2
Hence; Z= 2[(bd/2)(d/4)] = bd2 /4
shape factor = Z/S = [bd2 / 4]/ [bd2 /6] = 1.50

Plastic Design of Steel Beams; Plastic Hinges and Section Modulus Tarranza, NC Date: Page
Factor of Safety and Load Factors:

Factor of safety , F.S. = Fy / Fallow Fallow = working stress.

Load factor = (F.S.) x(Shape Factor) To be applied to working load in order
= average of 1.70 for beams. to obtain the load at collapse.

Plastic Analysis by Virtual Work Method:

- In plastic design, the collapse mechanism is analyzed after the plastic hinges
develop. At the plastic hinges, the structure cannot resist any additional
moment and simply rotates.
- Plastic hinges develop at points of maximum +ve and –ve moments and the
internal moment thereat is Mp.
- The sum of internal work done is equal to the sum of external work done.

- Work done by a moment M = Mѳ , where ѳ = the rotation at the point where

M is acting.
- Work done by a force P = Pd where d = the distance moved along the
direction of P

Plastic Design of Steel Beams; Virtual Work method Tarranza, NC Date: Page
Prob. Using plastic design, determine the safe value of P using 1.70 overload factor
and A36 steel. (Fy = 248 Mpa)

P 100mm
A B C 10mm
4m 8m h
n.a. (plastic)
Solution: 80mm
A C 10mm
To locate plastic n.a.:
ѳ 4ѳ α
area above n.a. = area below n.a.
α = 4ѳ/8 = ѳ/2 40(10) + h(10) = (80-h)(10)
B h = 20
Maximum moments will occur at A and B and plastic hinges will develop there.
C is a real roller and no internal work is done here.
∑ Wint = ∑Wex Z = ∑moments of area above and below n.a.
Mp (ѳ + ѳ + α) = Pu (4ѳ) = 40(10)(25) + 20(10)(10) + 60(10)(30) = 30,000mm3
Mp (ѳ + ѳ + ѳ/2) = Pu (4ѳ) Mp = (8/5)Pu (1000) = Fy Z = 248(30,000)
Mp = (8/5)PU N-m Pu = 4650 N; 1.7P = φPu ф = 0.9
P = 2461.77 N.

Plastic Design of Steel Beams; Sample problem 1 Tarranza, NC Date: Page

Prob. Using a load factor of 1.70 and A36 steel, determine the required plastic
section modulus.
w = 3 k/ft L/2 L/2

ѳ ѳL/2 ѳ

The maximum +ve and –ve moment will occur at the fixed supports and at
midspan and plastic hinges will develop at these points.

∑ Wint = ∑Wex note: work done by the distributed

MP (ѳ + 2ѳ + ѳ) = w (1/2)(L)(ѳL/2) load equals w times the area in the
collapse mechanism applied with
MP = w L2 /16
wu = 1.7(3) = 5.1 k/ft
Mu = (5.1)(24) 2 /16 = 183.6 k-ft. = φFy Z x φ= 0.90
Z = Mu/ φFy where Fy = 36 ksi. For A36 steel.
= 183.6 (12)/(0.9x36) = 68.0 in3

Plastic Design of Steel Beams; Sample problem 2 Tarranza, NC Date: Page

Prob. Determine the largest M p for the beam loaded as shown below.
0.6 Pu Pu

real hinge/roller (no plastic hinge)

10 ft 10ft 10 ft

MP (2ѳ +3ѳ) = 0.6Pu (20ѳ) + Pu(10ѳ)
2ѳ 20ѳ 10ѳ
Mp = 4.4Pu

Mp (ѳ +3ѳ) = 0.6Pu (10ѳ) + Pu(20ѳ)
ѳ 10ѳ 2ѳ MP = 6.5Pu (answer)

ѳ ѳ
MP (ѳ +2ѳ) = Pu(10ѳ)
MP = 3.33Pu

ѳ ѳ
10ѳ 10ѳ MP(ѳ +ѳ +ѳ) = 0.6Pu (10ѳ) + Pu(10ѳ)
ѳ MP = 5.33Pu

Plastic Design of Steel Beams; Sample problem 3 Tarranza, NC Date: Page

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