Topic 7 Plastic Design
Topic 7 Plastic Design
Topic 7 Plastic Design
d n.a.
b Fy Fy Fy Fy
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Thus, when plastic hinge is developed, the neutral axis divides the whole
section into two equal areas, and Z is the sum of the moments, about the neutral
axis, of these two equal areas .
Plastic Design of Steel Beams; Plastic Hinges and Section Modulus Tarranza, NC Date: Page
Factor of Safety and Load Factors:
- In plastic design, the collapse mechanism is analyzed after the plastic hinges
develop. At the plastic hinges, the structure cannot resist any additional
moment and simply rotates.
- Plastic hinges develop at points of maximum +ve and –ve moments and the
internal moment thereat is Mp.
- The sum of internal work done is equal to the sum of external work done.
Plastic Design of Steel Beams; Virtual Work method Tarranza, NC Date: Page
Prob. Using plastic design, determine the safe value of P using 1.70 overload factor
and A36 steel. (Fy = 248 Mpa)
P 100mm
A B C 10mm
4m 8m h
n.a. (plastic)
Solution: 80mm
A C 10mm
To locate plastic n.a.:
ѳ 4ѳ α
area above n.a. = area below n.a.
α = 4ѳ/8 = ѳ/2 40(10) + h(10) = (80-h)(10)
B h = 20
Maximum moments will occur at A and B and plastic hinges will develop there.
C is a real roller and no internal work is done here.
∑ Wint = ∑Wex Z = ∑moments of area above and below n.a.
Mp (ѳ + ѳ + α) = Pu (4ѳ) = 40(10)(25) + 20(10)(10) + 60(10)(30) = 30,000mm3
Mp (ѳ + ѳ + ѳ/2) = Pu (4ѳ) Mp = (8/5)Pu (1000) = Fy Z = 248(30,000)
Mp = (8/5)PU N-m Pu = 4650 N; 1.7P = φPu ф = 0.9
P = 2461.77 N.
ѳ ѳL/2 ѳ
The maximum +ve and –ve moment will occur at the fixed supports and at
midspan and plastic hinges will develop at these points.
MP (2ѳ +3ѳ) = 0.6Pu (20ѳ) + Pu(10ѳ)
2ѳ 20ѳ 10ѳ
Mp = 4.4Pu
Mp (ѳ +3ѳ) = 0.6Pu (10ѳ) + Pu(20ѳ)
ѳ 10ѳ 2ѳ MP = 6.5Pu (answer)
ѳ ѳ
MP (ѳ +2ѳ) = Pu(10ѳ)
MP = 3.33Pu
ѳ ѳ
10ѳ 10ѳ MP(ѳ +ѳ +ѳ) = 0.6Pu (10ѳ) + Pu(10ѳ)
ѳ MP = 5.33Pu