Great Lakes Restoration at The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Great Lakes Restoration at The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Great Lakes Restoration at The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
In a world where the demand for fresh surface water increases every year, the
restoration and protection of the Great Lakes is vital, as the lakes contain 20 percent
of the world’s and 95 percent of the U.S. fresh surface water supply. Recognizing the
significance of the Great Lakes to our nation and the need for action, President Obama
has made restoring the Great Lakes a national priority. Through this commitment to
U.S. Department of Commerce
restoring the Great Lakes, $475 million was invested in the region in 2010, by way
of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI). As one of 15 Federal Agencies
National Oceanic and
collaborating with U.S. EPA to implement this effort, the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was allocated $29.72 million to help accomplish
restoration goals using its ground-breaking science, data products and services,
4840 S. State Rd.
prediction, and partnerships.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
NOAA is making significant contributions to the GLRI through each of the projects
listed below. By expanding and enhancing many well-established programs, and
by advancing the science in many areas that have been identified as critical to the
success of the Initiative, NOAA is adhering to the GLRI principles of accountability,
action, and urgency.
For more info:
2010 Funded Projects Jennifer Day
Toxic Substances & Areas of Concern Aquatic Invasive Species NOAA Great Lakes
• Expanded Long-term Great Lakes • Great Lakes Aquatic Nuisance Species Regional Coordinator
Contaminant Monitoring Information System Expansion 734.741.2266
• Modeling Atmospheric Deposition to the • Regional Ecosystem Prediction- Aquatic [email protected]
Great Lakes Invasive Species in the Great Lakes
• Lake Sturgeon Health Assessment
• Great Lakes Watershed Environmental Habitat and Wildlife Protection and
Contamination Database Expansion Restoration
• Coastal and Estuarine Land Conserva-
Nearshore Health and Nonpoint Source tion Grant Program “We must leave the Great
Pollution • Great Lakes Habitat Restoration Grant Lakes better for the next
• Land Use Change and Agricultural Lands Program generation than the
Indicator Development condition
• Developing Predictive Models to Improve Accountability, Education, Monitoring, in which we inherited
Coastal and Human Health and Beach Evaluation, Communication, and them”
Forecasting Partnership
• Identifying Land Use Tipping Points that • Implementation of Lakewide - Great Lakes
Threaten Great Lakes Ecosystems Management Plans Restoration Initiative
• Great Lakes Observing System Action Plan
Implementation and Enhancement
• Coordination and Prioritization of Great
Lakes Climate Change Activities
- Topographic and Bathymetric
Data Inventory & Collection for the
Great Lakes
- Regional Climate Research for
Application to Decision Making