Tle6 - q3 - Mod7 - Industrial Arts - v2 - EDITED

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Quarter 3 – Module 7:
Recycles Waste Materials following
the Principles of “Five S”
TLE-IA – Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 7: Recycles Waste Materials following the
Principles of “Five S”
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Evelyn P. Rusiana Angelica E. Morino
Editors: Jayson C. Solamillo Alexander R. Fegidero Jefford C. Alegado
Reviewers: Jayson C. Solamillo Alexander R. Fegidero Jiger A Lindayao
Illustrator: Jiger A Lindayao
Layout Artist: Jayson C. Solamillo
Management Team: Senen Priscillo P. Paulin, CESO V Rosela R. Abiera
Fay C. Luarez, TM, Ed. D., Ph.D. Maricel S. Rasid
Adolf P. Aguilar Elmar L. Cabrera
Nilita R. Ragay, Ed. D
Antonio B. Baguio Jr., Ed. D.

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Quarter 3 – Module 7:
Recycles Waste Materials
following the Principles
of “Five S”
Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear

learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you
to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in

each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this
module or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for
better understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to
answer the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided
for each activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are
also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on
how they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the
exercises and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing
each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in

answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher
or facilitator.

Thank you.

What I Need to Know

This module was designed to help you understand how to recycle waste
materials. The scope of this module permits it’s to be used in many different
learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary
level of students.

This module includes:

 Lesson 7 – Recycles Waste Materials following the Principles of “Five


After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify recyclable products/waste materials.

2. Recycle the identified products/waste material into functional
3. Value the importance of waste management.

What I Know

Matching type

Direction: Choose from column A the correct answer in column B.

Write the letter of the correct answer in your notebook.

____1. Recycling a. Form the habit of cleaning
____2. Sort b. Identify and eliminate unnecessary
____3. Sustain c. Create visual cues such as signs
____4. Standardize d. To transform into something usable
____5. Sweep e. Maintain quality cleanliness
f. Waste such as food, leaves, paper
and etc.

Note: If you get 100% correct in this pre- assessment, skip the lesson but if not
and only get 50% to 99% correct, then proceed with the lesson.

Lesson Recycles Waste Materials
7 following the Principles
of “Five S”
It is easy to throw away something and feel glad that you got rid of it and
will never see again. But sad to say, it does not end here. The things you
throw away go somewhere, usually to dumpsites or landfills. Some may end
up in empty lots, rivers, and the sea.

It is also a reality that you are now living in a society where everything is
almost disposable. You tend to buy new things instead of getting old ones
repaired. It has become more convenient to throw away items. You start to
realize that it has become a problem not only for you today but for future

One of the best ways to manage trash is to recycle them. According to

(Basbas, 2007), recycling is the conversion of old and used materials into new

What’s In

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the principles of “five S” that can be applied in waste

2. How can we contribute to proper waste management?
3. Why do we need to recycle the waste materials?
4. Why is recycling very important and beneficial to you and your

What’s New

A. Direction: Arrange the jumbled letter based on the given meaning

of each number. Write your answer in your formative notebook.

____________________1. Maintain regular sorting, straightening, and

____________________2. Distinguishing things or items in the work area
and eliminating the unnecessary items.

____________________3. Create visual cues such as signs, checklists
that you need for making sure to successfully
implement the cleaning of the work area.

____________________4. Use of efficient and effective storage methods to
arrange items in the work area.

____________________5. Clean every now and then to maintain order in
the work area.

What is It

Principles of “Five S”

Waste management needs every person’s serious attention and active

participation. Government and non-government agencies around the world
have been joining hands to institute programs to address the global problem
on waste, and its worsening effect to the environment. Individuals living

within the community should contribute their share in waste management
efforts. What can you do as an individual?
A method or system of organizing things in the workplace, known as
5S among the Japanese, can also be applied to waste management. 5S
means Seiri, Seiton, Seisou, Seiketsou, and Shitsuke. When translated to
English it also means sort, straighten, shine, standardize, and sustain. The
objective of 5S is to organize a space, sort, and store items efficiently and
effectively so that things are easy to find when they are needed.
The Principles of 5S can be applied at home, the classroom, as well as
in the workplace. The following are the ways by which the principles of 5S
are applied.
 Sorting (Seiri) – This involves distinguishing things or items in the
work area and eliminating the unnecessary items.

Proper Ways of Sorting Waste Materials

1. Decide what is necessary and what is unnecessary.
2. Put a red tag on unnecessary items and keep them in a separate
3. Throw those items which have not been used in the past one year.
4. Things used 6-12 months may be stored at a distance from work
5. Things used more than once a month should be available at a
central point in the work place.
6. Things used hourly/ everyday/once a week should be near the
work station.

 Straightening or set in order (Seiton) – This concerns the use of

efficient and effective storage methods to arrange items in the work
area. This may be done once the sorting is achieved.

Proper ways of straightening waste materials

1. Decide the right places for everything.
2. Put all materials at a place allocated to them with proper label or
3. Use alerts or indicators for out of stocks situation.
4. Use floor paint marking to define work area, path, entrance/exit,
cart Trolley, equipment etc.
5. Use display cautious, messages, instructions at proper place.

 Shine or systematic cleaning (Seiso) - Once the clutter has been

arranged and organized, clean the area. Clean every now and then to
maintain order in the work area.

Process on systematic cleaning
- eliminate obstacles in the workplace.
- remove all things that are not in use.
- segregate unwanted materials.
- place components according to their uses.
- use cleaning as an inspection.
- prevent machinery and equipment from deterioration.
- keep workplace clean and safe to work.
- set cleaning frequency - waste removal by cleaning.

 Standardizing (Seiketsu) - Once the first three steps are completed,

you may now standardize the method or procedure used. You may
create visual cues such as signs, checklists that you need for making
sure to successfully implement the cleaning of the work area.

Rules in standardizing waste materials

1. Remove all parts or tools that are not in use.
2. Segregate unwanted materials from the work place.
3. Waste removal.
4. Arrange all necessary items so they can be easily selected for use,
5. Maintain safety.
6. Set cleaning frequency.
7. Use cleaning as inspections.
8. Keep work place safe and easy to work.
9. Maintain orderliness.
10. Everything should be in its right place.
11. Chemicals, combustible, flammable, and poisonous materials
should be properly labelled.
12. Place components according to their use

Importance of standardizing waste materials

1. You will have consistency in the work practices.
2. You will avoid mistakes.
3. With better visual and transparency management work efficiency
will improve.
4. Your activities will be simplified.

 Sustaining (Shitsuke) - Make sure that you maintain regular sorting,

straightening, and cleaning.

Importance of sustaining waste management

1. Less Landfills, More Green Jobs
2. Keeping Your Community Safe
3. Save Energy and Our Natural Resources

Benefits of 5S

 Due to the removal of all but the necessary items in a work area
during the first stage of 5S you remove many instances of the waste of
waiting and motion as items are easier to find and you do not have to
get around unnecessary clutter.

 The second stage of 5S results in ensuring that items (components,

equipment, tools, machines, people) are located in the most ergonomic
and thus efficient (and safer) positions. The operators do not have to
search for things as the use of shadow boards and clear visual
identification ensure that things are immediately to hand and obvious.
These items are located as close to where they are needed and at the
correct most ergonomic height and orientation to minimize handling.

 The third stage of 5S ensures that the work place remains clear of
clutter and that any signs of malfunction become more obvious
leading to actions being taken to prevent more serious breakdowns
and other delays.

 The fourth and most important step is that of standardization,

wherein you ensure that there are standard ways of working. This
ensures that everyone uses the most efficient work method and that
there are clear standards. This prevents delays, defects and other
wasteful occurrences. The right tools in the right place, the correct
methods and standards, and a motivated workforce means that you
will have a far more efficient and less wasteful working environment.
The visual management aspects ensure that anyone can see if there
are problems such as things missing, in the wrong location and so on.

 The 5th stage, sustain, ensures that this continues on an ongoing

basis and that it remains everyone’s responsibility; this ensures that
there is no slippage and that you continue to challenge what you do
and make improvements through the constant involvement of your

Recyclable Products or Waste Materials
Recycling is an excellent way of saving energy and conserving the
environment. Many things thrown away can be recycled and turned into
new products. Here are some materials that can be recycled.

1. Wood
There are many products that can be produced from recycled wood
like plant box, chair, garden accessories, wooden flooring, and garden
2. Metal
Aside from wood, metals are highly saleable in junk shops. Companies
buy used cans to be recycled into metal packaging like containers for
canned goods, drinks, and other materials. Metals are also used as
cooking utensils and home accessories or furniture.
3. Paper
Examples of projects that are made from recycled paper are paper-
mache, paper flowers, gift wrapper, paper bag or purse, journals or
memo pad, jewelry box, paper beads, photo frame and paper basket.
4. Plastic
There are many ways of reusing or recycling plastics. It can be made
into water and plant containers, desk organizers, garden lamps, etc.
This is the easiest waste material to recycle.
5. Glass
There are many projects that can be produced out of used glass
containers and bottles. Examples of these are glass bottle sand art,
vases, organizers, container for condiments for the interior and
exterior part of the house.

Responsible Persons of 5s

If a workplace is starting 5S, managers and all other employees should be

included. If anyone is left out, this could lead to confusion or to messes that
people don't want to take ownership of.

It is possible that some people will play a bigger role in 5S than others,
which is fine. There might be 5S coordinators who are in charge of installing
and maintaining, labelling, keeping tracking of assigned tasks, or
introducing new department members to the 5S system. These people will
obviously spend a lot of time thinking about 5S compared to others.
Everyone should think about 5S regularly, though. 5S might initially take
place as an event, but ideally it becomes a part of daily work for everyone.

It's also important to remember that company leaders should participate in

5S, especially if 5S is a company-wide effort. When people see their
superiors taking 5S seriously by participating in it, they'll be more likely to
take it seriously, too.

What’s More

Activity 1
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on
your formative notebook.
1. A methodology developed in Japan that is used to organize a
workplace for work to be efficient and effective.
a. Seiri b. Seiton c. Shitsuke
2. Why do 5S?
a. To make the place more efficient and safer place to work
b. Because our supervisors tell us we need to
c. To make the place look good for when headquarters visit
3. Which one of these best describes 5S?
a. Nothing out of place and nothing missing
b. A place for everything and everything in its place, identified and
ready for use
c. A home for everything
4. When to do 5S?
a. 5S is best done every day as part of good practices
b. 5S is best to be done when the place is not busy
c. 5S is best done at the end of the day or before a
5. Who is responsible for 5S?
a. Cleaning team and maintenance
b. Operators and cleaners
c. Cleaners, operators, maintenance and management

What I Have Learned

 Waste management is a serious matter that needs serious attention

and active participation of every individual.
 Effective waste management helps address many environmental
issues and also opens opportunities for earning additional income.
 The principles of 5S can be applied to facilitate waste management
efforts at home, in school, and in the community.

What I Can Do

Instruction: Make a poster on how to sustain waste management at

home. Put it on a bond paper. Use the rubric below in assessing your work.
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Score
Several of the
graphics One or two of
used on the the graphics The graphics
poster reflect used on the are made by
an poster reflect the student, No graphics
exceptional student but are made by the
degree of creativity in based on the student are
student their designs or included.
creativity in creation ideas of
their creation and/or others.
and/or display.
Student can
Student can Student can
accurately Student
accurately accurately
answer appears to
answer all answer most
about 75% of have
questions questions
questions insufficient
related to related to
Knowledge related to knowledge
facts in the facts in the
Gained facts in the about the
poster and poster and
poster and facts or
processes processes
processes processes
used to used to
used to used in the
create the create the
create the poster.
poster. poster.

The poster is The poster is
The poster is The poster is
exceptionally distractingly
attractive in acceptably
attractive in messy or
terms of attractive
Attractiveness terms of very poorly
design, though it
design, designed. It
layout and may be a bit
layout, and is not
neatness. messy.
neatness. attractive.
The title is
Title can be too small
Title can be Title can be
clearly read and/or does
clearly read read and
Title and not describe
and is quite describes the
describes the content
creative. content well.
content well. of the poster
Capitalization There are
There is 1 There are 2
and more than 2
error in errors in
punctuation errors in
Mechanics capitalization capitalization
are correct capitalization
or or
throughout or
punctuation. punctuation.
the poster. punctuation.
There are
There are no There is 1 There are 2
more than 2
grammatical grammatical grammatical
Grammar grammatical
mistakes on mistake on mistakes on
mistakes on
the poster. the poster. the poster.
the poster.


I. Identify what is being asked in each statement. Write your

answer in a separate sheet of paper.

________ 1. A methodology developed in Japan that is used to organize a

workplace for work to be efficient and effective.
_________2. A principle that means clean every now and then to maintain
order in the work area.
_________3. This is a principle that create visual cues such as signs,
checklists that you need for making sure to successfully
implement the cleaning of the work area.
_________4. The process of converting waste materials into reusable
_________5. This is a recyclable material that is easy to recycle.

Additional Activities

I. Look around your house. List at least 6 recyclable waste

materials that you can find. Write it down in your
formative notebook.
Recyclable Waste Materials






What I Can Do
(The pupils will be graded using the rubric above)
1.Straightening /Seiton
2. Shine or systematic cleaning /Seiso
3. Standardizing / Seiketsu
4. Recycle
5. Plastic
Additional Activities
(Note: The answer of the pupils may vary)
Recyclable Waste Materials
1. plastic bottles
2. empty can sardines
3. used newspaper
4. empty shoe box
5. empty glass bottle
What’s More What’s New What I Know
Activity 1 A.
1. b 1. SUSTAINING 1. d
2. a 2. SORTING 2. b
3. b 3. STANDARDIZING 3. e
5. C 5. SHINE 5.a
Answer Key
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D. Learning and Living in the 21st Century 6. Quezon
City: Rex Book Store, 2007.

“Industrial Arts TLE Grade 6 LM.” Scribd. Scribd. Accessed January 27,
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Negros Oriental

Kagawasan, Avenue, Daro, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Tel #: (035) 225 2376 / 541 1117

Email Address: [email protected]

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