On - The-Job Training: Icomm International
On - The-Job Training: Icomm International
On - The-Job Training: Icomm International
Name of Industry
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
Student Trainee
Approved as per BOR Resolution No.23 series of 2016 dated May 11, 2016
Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the <Degree>
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our Lord ,God for all the things he
has done for me and to all the people I love, for the guidance he has provided me in
every step of the way and for letting me come this far.
To all my colleagues, who patiently helped me a lot in the fieldfor all the
knowledge and skills they have taught and shared and to all the staffs and employees
of iComm International, thank you so much for the pleasant treatment;
To my family, for their inspiration, unconditional love and care, for motivating me,
for supporting me financially especially to my sister, Jerlyn Ates, for taking care of me
during my internship and for helping me with the needed documents for this journal.
To our instructors, thank you for all the things that we have learned from you and
for teaching us patiently. This would not be possible without you.
To everyone who helped me in my entire college and this work a success, finally
I’m graduating! We may have encountered ups and downs during the day but we finally
made it here! But this is not the ending yet, this is just the beginning. To all the
graduates of this school year , Good Luck to our future selves. Break a leg!😃
Thank you very much! To God be the Glory!
Title Page
Cover Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents iv
Introduction v
Description v
Objectives v
Course Proper v
Pre-Deployment Orientation v
Evaluation of Grades (1ST year to 3RD year) vi
Trainee’s Enrolment and Placement vi
Training Proper vii
Grading System viii
Guidelines for Crediting on Related Work Experiences viii
Duties and Responsibilities of Training Coordinator viii
Duties and Responsibilities of Training Chairman ix
Duties and Responsibilities of Placement Coordinator Assigned at the ix-x
Trainee’s Evaluation of Pre-deployment Orientation Program 1
Student Trainee Information sheet 2
The Industry Partner 3
Name of Industry 3
History 3-4
Company Profile 5-11
Organizational Structure/Chart 12
Duties/ Functions of Student Trainees 13
Weekly Activities 14-31
Evaluation of Training Experience 32
Conclusion 33
Recommendation 34
Certificate of Completion 35
Resume 36-37
Application Letter 38
Pictorials in the workplace/ industry partner 39-48
Other related documents 49-63
Daily Time Record 50-54
Certificate of Completion 55
Cedula 56
Barangay Clearance 57
Police Clearance 58
Urinalysis 59
Hematology 60
Chest PA 61
Medical Certificate 62
Practicum Clearance 63
Parent’s Consent 64
Performance Evaluation (1st Sem.) 65-67
Criteria in the selection of training provider 68-75
Memorandum of Agreement 76-77
Endorsement Letter 78
The training may start during summer term and to be continued during the
regular semesters. Enrolment in this course presupposes completion of shop works and
academic subjects in the curriculum.
I. Description
II. Objectives
The training program aims to provide the students with the following:
1. Pre-deployment Orientation
1.4 Discuss code of conduct and ethical standards for student trainee;
c) Submit fully accomplish Registration Form to the Registrar’s Office for validation
and Issuance of Certificate of Registration (COR).
d) Submit a copy of Certificate of Registration (COR), evaluated Permanent
Record/Graded Prospectus, Student Trainee Information Sheet, Parent’s
Consent/ Waiver and Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to the
e) Enrolment for OJT/PTP/IIm subjects shall be done within enrolment period.
Enrolment beyond the approved dates may no longer be allowed. Student
trainees will be allowed to enroll two semesters during the 1 st semester if he/she
has complied all the academic requirements of the course.
f) Enrolled student trainees will be endorsed to the selected Industry Partner by
the Coordinator/chairman.
a) CTU values and recognizes the unselfish efforts of all its Industry Partners for
supporting the University’s Training Program.
b) A training plan to guide Training Program activities and experiences has to be
formulated in collaboration with Industry Training Supervisor.
c) Student trainee shall be properly oriented on company policies, rules and
regulations before assigning him/her to actual work assignments. He shall be
assigned to actual work activities related to his/her field of specialization.
d) A student trainee will only be allowed to transfer from one company to another,
with the following requirements:
A student trainee shall have to finish the first half of the whole training
program or at least two times only unless deemed necessary.
A letter of resignation that is noted by the University Training Coordinator and
the Parent/Guardian shall be tendered to the industry Partner after
A duplicate copy of the approved resignation letter is submitted to the
A new endorsement letter will be issued.
A certification of the number of hours issued by the Industry Partner.
e) A student trainee is required to attend the schedule monthly session (online
sessions, meeting can be an option). Attendance to monthly sessions is part of
Training Program Grade. Checking and submission of the monthly/weekly report
including consultation of training problems encountered are some of the activities
during the meeting.
f) Grades must be submitted/uploaded by Coordinator/Chairman after the
completion of the required number of training hours per course/subject.
g) Pregnant student trainee who will undergo training must secure a medical
clearance from her Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN) and approval from the
The final grade of the student will be based on the following:
a) Performance rating from the industry partner 60%
b) Rating by the Chairman/Coordinator 40%
1. Attitude - 10%
2. Attendance - 10%
3. Training journal (timelines, report content) - 20%
a) Crediting of related work experience into training grades shall be allowed only
after complying the following requirements:
a.1 Must enroll the training subject in the prescribed enrolment period.
a.2 Applicants for crediting must file a letter of request addressed to the Office of
the Campus Director upon the recommendation of the College Dean with the
following supporting documents provided that the applicant has a minimum of
one year work experience:
a.2.1 Original Certificate of employment with the official company letterhead,
business registration and other proof of company’s legal existence.
a.2.2 Detailed Job Description of the related work experience duly signed by the
authorized representative of the industry;
a.2.3 A narrative report to include industry profile and related work experience;
a.2.4 A photocopy of applicant’s company Identification Card (optional); and
a.2.5 Pictures taken in the actual work area (optional).
b) The coordinator/Chairman will evaluate and recommend for the approval of the
letter request to the College Dean/Campus Director.
c) In grading related work experience, it shall be based on the required documents
d) Grades shall be upload upon the submission of the required supporting
be in coordination with the Placement Coordinator assigned in the College. The
Placement Coordinator shall make an arrangement with the industry as to the
schedule of the visit;
f) Collects Performance Evaluation Form from the Industry Partners. In cases
where the students are authorized to bring the Performance Evaluation Form, it
must be placed on a sealed envelope;
g) Collects and checks Journals;
h) Prepares and uploads final grades;
i) Recommends together with the College Dean/Director approval of qualified
applicants for crediting;
j) Prepares and submits Monthly Report to his/her direct supervisor.
b) Coordinates with the Placement Coordinator assigned in the College for the
endorsement and placement of student trainee;
i) Facilitates in the conduct of survey using SAO Form 9 (Industry Partners
Stakeholders’ Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire);