Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Related To Iron Deficiency Anemia Among Women of Child Bearing Age, Khartoum, Sudan
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Related To Iron Deficiency Anemia Among Women of Child Bearing Age, Khartoum, Sudan
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Related To Iron Deficiency Anemia Among Women of Child Bearing Age, Khartoum, Sudan
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The total number of participants in this study was 119 Regarding the knowledge on sources of rich-iron
women. The mean age of the participants was 27.3 +5 foods, thirty-eight women (31.9%) identified meat as the
(Mean=SD). most important source of iron. Forty-three (36.1 %)
mentioned green leafy vegetables as an important source of
The mean level of hemoglobin for the participants was iron. Large proportion (42.0 %) of women have specifically
10.4 + 0.12 gram/dl (mean + SD). According to the CDC mentioned the green leafy vegetable pourpier (purslane),
definition of anemia during pregnancy fifty women (42.0 %) while (22.8 %) have indicated the legume, pigeon pea as
of the group investigated in this study had hemoglobin important sources of iron. However, few women mentioned
levels below the cut-off point of anemia. Sixteen women the wild fruit Grewiatennax, bread,lemon, fishes and eggs as
representing 13.4% of the participants didn’t report their iron-rich sources. Twenty-four (20.2 %) women have
hemoglobin level. While the rest of women (44.5%) were incorrectly mentioned milk as an important source of iron.
categorized as not anemic. Table 2
However, in this study, although not significantly Meanwhile twenty-six women (21.8%) failed to
different, the levels of hemoglobin were found to decrease identify at least one iron-rich food. Overall, a totalof ninety-
with the gestational age. three women (78.2%) have correctly mentioned at least one
of the iron-rich foods.
Levels of hemoglobin were also found to decrease
with multiparity, and primigravida had higher hemoglobin Eighty-six women (72.3 %) have correctly identified
levels compared to multiparous women.Figure (1) the effect of tea drinking on the intestinal absorption of iron,
Although the differences were not statistically and ninety-one have correctly identified the effect of
significant, participants who had bleeding or abortion events vitamin c (ascorbic acid) on the iron absorption. However,
showed slightly lower levels of hemoglobin compared to very small number of the participants admitted that they do
those who didn’t experienced such conditions. not know the effect of either tea or vitamin C as shown in
Figure 2 below.
Fifty-six women (47.1 %) have indicated the
importance of meat, and only twenty-four (20.2 %) have Food item Frequency* % Score+
identified the importance of legumes for pregnant women.
Pourpier 50 42.0 125
Meanwhile eight six women (72.2 %) stressed the
importance of the fruits during pregnancy. Interestingly,
Fruits 53 44.5 106
sixty-nine women (58.0 %) stated that it is necessary to
Vegetables 43 36.1 107.7
consume milk and dairy products. Interestingly, five women
Meat 38 31.9 190
mentioned that the pregnant woman should eat what she
Milk 24 20.2 24
usually eats, but in greater amount, the results are shown in
Pigeon pea 27 22.8 67.5
Table 1 below.
Grewiatennax 05 4.2 12.5
Others# 11 9.2 11
Total 251 643.5 (51.3 %)
Table 2: Knowledge on iron-rich foods
100 95
26 29
4 40
Do not know Decrease Increase 4
Fig. 2: The distribution of participants by their knowledge Don’t Use Ocassionally Regularly
on the effect of tea and vitamin C on iron absorption in the Fig. 3: Usage of iron supplement pills by participants
The average birth spacing interval for the multiparous
Regarding believes and attitude about the importance women in the study group was 14 months. Out of the
of taking iron tablets, one hundred and seventeen women ninety-one multiparous women in the study, twenty-three
(98.3%) have admitted the beneficiary effects of these (25.3 %) have reported a birth spacing interval of 12 month
tablets on the health of both the mother and the fetus. or less, thirty women (32.9 %) have reported a birth interval
Out of the 119 participants involved in this study 118 between 12 to 24 month, and thirty-eight women (41.8 %)
women (99.2 %) agreed on the importance of attending the have had a birth interval of more than 24 month. Figure (4)
maternity clinic during pregnancy. Only one woman (.8%)
failed to report her believe about this issue. 45 41.8%
All of the participants involved in the study exhibited 40
positive attitude regarding the importance of monitoring 32.9%
the hemoglobin levels during pregnancy.One hundred and 35
three women (86.6 %) managed to report their record of 30
her last hemoglobin measurement. 25.3%
Meanwhile, the reports about the actual practice have
shown that sixteen participants (13.4 %) failed to report 20
their hemoglobin level indicating unfavorable practice with
regard to this issue.
All women involved in the study have confirmed the
importance of eating iron-rich foods during pregnancy. This 5
indicate a wide spread of the awareness of the importance of
iron for the health of fetus and pregnant mothers. 0
less than 12 12 -24 month more than24
Most of the women (89.9 %) have indicated the month month
importance of continuing iron supplementation during
Fig. 4: The distribution of participants by the length of birth
nursing. Only twelve women (10.1 %) reported that it is not
necessary to continue iron intake after delivery. These