General Information: Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Study Programs
General Information: Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Study Programs
General Information: Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Study Programs
bachelor, master and doctoral study programs
CONTACT ADDRESS How to get there
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague From the metro station “Dejvická” line “A” take
Faculty of Engineering the 107 or 147 bus in the direction of Suchdol
Kamýcká 129, to the bus stop “Zemědělská univerzita”
165 21 Praha 6 – Suchdol
26 4 25
Study Department FE 5
BSc and MSc study programs 22
Lucie Marečková
+420 224 383 212 16
21 17
[email protected] 28
PhD study programs
1. Rectorate
2. Graduation Hall 19
3. Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources (FAFNR)
4. Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences (FFWS) 24
5. Faculty of Environmental Sciences (FES)
6. Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) 12
7. Faculty fo Engineering (FE)
8. Hall of Residence - Dormitory A
9. Halls of Residence - Dormitories BCD
10. Halls of Residence - Dormitories EFG
11. Halls of Residence - Dormitories JIH
9 8
12. Student and Staff Refectory
13. Club “C”
14. Department of Physical Education and Sport 10
15. FEM - Department of Languages 11
16. Department of Veterinary Sciences 23
17. FAFNR - Greenhouses
18. FE - Workshops
19. FE - Circular pavilion, Student Club
20. FAFNR - Pavilion A
21. FAFNR - Pavilion B
22. FAFNR - Weather Survey Station
23. Medical Centre, Shop, KB Bank
24. Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (FTA)
25. FEM - Pavilion / FFWS Carpentry Workshop
26. FAFNR - Experimental Stable
ra gu
27. Study and Information Centre
28. University Garden Centre
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Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is situated approximate- The metropolitan region of Prague is by far
ly in the geographical centre of Europe and the most developed. It belongs to the most
has an area of 78,866 sq. km. It is a land- developed regions within the EU. GDP per
locked country 326 km from the Baltic and capita in Prague is markedly higher than in
822 km from Adriatic Sea. It shares borders other regions. In 2003 the average GDP per
with Germany (810 km), Poland (762 km), capita (in current prices) in Prague was 226%
Austria (466 km) and Slovakia (265 km). The of the average for the whole country. Of all
highest point of elevation is the peak of Mt. of the regions of the new EU member states
Snezka (1,602 m above the sea level) and only Prague is clearly above the EU average,
the lowest point of elevation is near Hren- as far as the GDP and Purchasing Power
sko where the River Labe leaves the Czech Standard are concerned. Some sites in the
territory (117 m above the sea level). The Czech Republic are also listed in UNESCO Ś
Czech Republic is divided into 14 regions. World Heritage Fund.
Total Population
(Census 2004): 10,221,000
Urban Population
(Census 2004): Praha (1,171,000), Brno (368,000),
Ostrava (311,000),
Vital Indicators
(Census 2004): Live births per 1000 inhabitants 9.6;
Deaths per 1000 inhabitants: 10.5
Life expectancy
(Census 2003): Males 72.0 years; Females 78.5 years
any n d
Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, has German and particularly Italian architects, sculp-
been an important centre of culture and learn- tors and garden designers, have given Prague a
ing for over a thousand years. Its first university unique cosmopolitan flair. The Old Town, Charles
was established as early as 1348. It was the first Bridge, the Small Quarter, Prague Castle, all these
university of its kind in central Europe. Famous masterpieces of late Gothic, Renaissance and
European scholars of the late Renaissance, such Baroque architecture have been carefully main-
as astronomers Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kep- tained and protected by successive generations
pler, lived and worked in Prague. Throughout the of rulers and monarchs, keeping the historical
17th, 18th and 19th centuries many scholars and centre of Prague virtually untouched and per-
scientists of world renown held chairs at Prague’s fectly preserved. UNESCO has listed Prague’s his-
Charles University. In the late 19th and early 20th torical centre as one of the cultural heritages of
century Ernst Mach and Albert Einstein held mankind. Apart from being an attractive tourist
chairs in the Department of Theoretical Phys- destination, a centre of arts and culture, Prague
ics at the German University of Prague. French, is also a prominent centre for higher education.
The Faculty of Engineering (formerly Faculty one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
of Mechanisation) was founded as part of the Since January 1, 1995, it has been a part of
University of Agriculture previously estab- the currently re-named “Czech University
lished in 1952. It is located at the Czech Re- of Life Sciences (CULS) Prague”. The Faculty
public in city of Prague which is regarded as staffs have been involved in the field of edu-
cation, science and research, expertise and conditions for student mobility. A part of the
consultancy activities. The Faculty has ten course can thereby be taken at one of the
departments, several laboratories, and cen- recommended universities abroad. Partaking
tral development workshops. The Faculty of in foreign placements and practical training
Engineering has signed more than 40 inter- abroad is also possible if based on a relevant
national agreements with European universi- construction of the student’s individual study
ties, and the ECTS (European Credit Transfer plan. More information about Faculty of Engi-
System) applied by CULS provides acceptable neering you can see at
PhD application
The applicant shall complete the application for is required to attend an oral entrance exam in
study using the web application e-doktorand English focused on a specialised field related to The applicant the selected dissertation topic. In case the ap-
should submit the electronic application and plicant is not able to attend the Entrance Exam
the printed version with the attachments here at CULS, the proposal term for Entrance
(see above) to the Science and Research De- Exam will be notified later at the Czech Em-
partment of FE, CULS Prague (Mrs. Skrbková) bassy in the applicant’s country of origin. This
by the 31st May every academic year (both procedure will be arranged by the study coor-
electronic and printed version). The applicant dinator and appropriate authority.
According to the Czech legislative, it is for students with excellent study results
mandatory to pay the Tuition Fee for depending on the Deans or Rectors deci-
study in different language than Czech. sion. More information you can find at
However, there is also a Merit scholarship
Tuition fee: 3 000 EUR / academic year - BSc and MSc study programs
Tuition fee: 5 000 EUR / academic year - PhD study program
BSc. Study program
equipment for building constructions, trade and APA20E Soil and Water Relations 6
TGT03E Storage of Agricultural Materials 6
business in machinery and information and con- TGT110E Techniques of Environment 6
trol technology in agrifood complexes. The pro- AHA17E
List of compulsory optional subjects II
Soil and Plants Relations 6
gramme consists mostly of compulsory subjects. TET19E Rural Engineering 6
TGT49E Technology of Food Packaging 6
The study programme delivers advanced knowl- TFT46E Fluid Power Mechanisms 6
edge in core engineering subjects. The knowl- TZT10Z Project TEE 3
2nd Year - winter semester
edge acquired is applicable in machinery, eco- TET09E Automobiles and Tractors 6
logical and environmental sciences. In the course TFT01E Technology and Technique for Plant Production 6
TGT01E Technological Equip. of Buildings for Animal Production 6
of studies, students prepare their MSc. thesis in ZUL03E Landscape Ecological Application 6
See below List of compulsory optional subject III
the field of environmental engineering and other APA21E Soil Conservation and Protection 6
related research areas which is a prerequisite for TGT48E Brewing Czech Beer 6
TGT06E Transport, Handling and Manipulation Machinery 6
final examination and graduation. The graduates TGT22E Process Engineering in Agri-food Industries 6
are well prepared for national and international TGT35Z Programm. in Windows Environ. and Visual Basic 3
2nd Year - spring semester
positions in industry, civil services, business deal- TIT08E Mobile Machinery Utilization 6
EEE68E Environmental Economy 5
ing with machinery, and technical development. TJT01E Logistic Management 6
Erasmus exchange students at MSc. level can en- TGT02E Technological Equipment for Waste Management 6
TZT05Z Diploma Thesis - Project 7
rol for one or two semesters. TZT10Z Project TEE 3
Subjects of Final state examination
Lucie Marečková
Environmental Sciences
International Relation Office
Technology of Agricultural Production
MSc. study coordinator. Logistics and Management
[email protected] Environmental Engineering
tel: +420 224 383 212 More information you can find at
The field of study includes all scientific and Subject Name
technical problems associated with the con- 1st year - winter semester
Design and Evaluation of Experiment
struction, operation and application of tech- 1st year - spring semester
nical elements in the agricultural and food English language
Mathematical Modelling
technology systems. The PhD study pro- Control and Checking Systems
gramme (DSP - Doctoral Study Programme) 2nd year - winter semester
Teaching of students at MSc and BSc courses
is designed for university graduates who 2nd year - spring semester
have completed MSc-degree programme in a Foreign language
Teaching of students at MSc and BSc courses
field in which the DSP is follow-up or closely 3th Year - winter semester
related. The DSP basic objective is to acquire State doctoral exam
3th Year - spring semester
and subsequently prove the ability of inde- PhD thesis defence
pendent scientific research by preparing and
defending a dissertation thesis, publications Mgr. Dana Skrbková
and other forms of presentation of one´s Department for Science and Research
own research activities, including passing PhD study coordinator.
all the required examinations and the State [email protected]
Doctoral Examination. The admission proce- tel: +420 224 384 220
dures take place each spring and the study Department for Science and Research
commences around 1st October in every Faculty of Engineering
academic year. The graduates have in-depth Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
knowledge in general theory of machinery Kamýcká 129, Praha 6, Prague, 16521
Czech Republic
and equipment applied in agriculture and
other related engineering fields. The gradu- Subjects of Final state examination
ates can also apply the knowledge acquired Theory of Technological Systems
in standard engineering approaches devel- Compulsory subject I related to the topic of dis-
opment, particularly in the field of sensori- sertation thesis
Compulsory subject II related to the topic of dis-
cal methods, communication techniques,
sertation thesis
computer technology and data processing
together with results observed thereby. More information you can find at
Department of
Agricultural Machines
Teaching activities of this Department works together with Czech research in-
are mainly oriented to subjects concern- stitutes and foreign universities and re-
ing machines and technologies for plant search institutes. Research and teaching
production. Presently, the Department activities are focused on Soil tillage tech-
is modernized in terms of science and nologies and machinery; Precision Agri-
research as well as teaching. The Depart- culture; Hop growing and harvest tech-
ment also cooperates intensively with na- nologies; Field robots. Research results
tional and foreign agricultural machinery are published in reputable international
producers. In addition, the Department scientific journals.
Department of
Electrical Engineering and Automation
Department supports education in study formation and regulation of technologies in
programmes of Faculty of Engineering and industries. Further research is also centred
others faculties of CULS. The Department on evaluation of meatiness of cattle meat
primarily focuses on education and research and measuring system of Plantograf which
as well as consultancy in the area of applied is a one of the world’s top special portable
electrical engineering science, electric pow- measure device that is used for the biome-
er engineering, systems modelling and sim- chanical investigation of the pressure distri-
ulation, automation and flexible production bution between the foot sole or tire tread
systems, automation implementation, in- pattern and the transducer.
Department of
Machinery Utilization
Along with the traditional topics aimed at waste-management businesses, farm ma-
exploitation, planning and management chinery manufacturers and dealers as well
of machinery operation, the Department as universities abroad. The Department
focuses on machinery and technology for carries out research concerned with preci-
waste disposal and management includ- sion technical and technological systems,
ing the application of information tech- verification of technological standards in
nologies in the above mentioned domains. agriculture, technologies of waste man-
The Department closely cooperates with agement and modern crop production
agricultural research institutes, farm and technologies.
Department of
Materials and Manufacturing Technology
At present the Department teach 11 subjects versal testing machine, microscopes, kilns
which are basically designed for students of for heat processing, corrosive and climatic
Faculty of Engineering. Research activity of chambers, sunny simulator, CNC cutting ma-
the Department is focused on areas includ- chine with abrasive water jet technology and
ing the investigation of mechanical proper- briquetting presses. Based on the research,
ties of materials, microstructures, new abra- patent high boron wear resistant steel with
sive wear resistant materials and surface a specific microstructure containing hard
technology. The research laboratories are boride-carbides in metallic matrix has been
equipped with modern equipments: uni- established.
Department of
The Department provides basic and ad- distributive quasigroups, characterization
vanced courses of mathematics in all study of properties of yeast-beta-glukan films,
programmes taught in CULS. The research conditions for validity of Hardy inequalities
at the Department of Mathematics concen- or description of properties of generalized
trates on several areas of pure mathemat- trigonometric functions are also investi-
ics as well as applications of mathematical gated for over 50 years. Research results
methods in hydrology, physics, electrical en- are published in recognized international
gineering or didactics of mathematics and journals such as proceedings of the Royal
statistics. Characterization of hamiltonian Society or Journal of Algebra.
Department of
Mechanical Engineering
The Department is aimed at teaching of stu- the opportunity to study CAD application sys-
dents in both theoretical and practical engi- tems. The Department employees, in the field
neering related disciplines including technical of science and research activities, focus on
documentation, applied mechanics, strength mechanical properties of agricultural materi-
of materials, thermomechanics, hydrome- als, energy-intensive of agriculture and use of
chanics and machine parts. The theoretical alternative energy sources. The Department
knowledge gained by the students enhances Staff are also involved in national and interna-
their ability to solve practical or technical en- tional research projects or cooperation with
gineering problems. The students also have foreign universities.
Department of
The members of the Department teach ties of the Agromaterials and products are
basic physics courses of CULS. There is mapped, described and explained. In the
also cooperation with foreign universities field of solar energy utilization or applica-
in the framework of Erasmus programme. tion of the unique solar tracker was devel-
Research activities of the Department are oped in cooperation with industry in Spain,
oriented to application of physics to solv- China as well as in Czech Republic. Many
ing the research and practical problems papers have been published in scientific
in power engineering, food engineering journals, books and mormonographs have
and mechanics of animals. The proper- been also written.
Department of
Quality and Dependability of Machines
Department helps to creating a professional technical objects, exploration of changes in
profile of graduate as an operational me- properties of machines in operational time
chanical engineer. Generally, the Department in order to optimize maintenance activities,
offers interdisciplinary modules which are fo- including renewal of machinery, condition
cused on technological, technical-economical based monitoring and evaluation of technical
and logistic issues. The focus of the Depart- objects. Since 2004, the Department partici-
ment is given to outstanding educational ac- pates in cooperation with Czech Maintenance
tivities, research and development, measure- Society on specialized training course for
ment and evaluation of impacts on quality of managers in “Maintenance manager”.
Department of
Technological Equipment of Buildings
The Department covers all problems of years have been focused on milking equip-
technological equipment and machinery for ment and problems associated with energy
animal husbandry, processing of agricultural requirements of the feed ingredients dis-
products, control and creation of internal integration and disparity of the resulting
environment for buildings, food processing product and issues relating to the building
and storage technology. Furthermore, the environment. New research fields are di-
Department deals in detail with techniques rected towards the packaging technologies,
and technologies used in waste process- the engineering of waste treatment and the
ing and disposal. Research areas over many microbreweries technologies.
Department of
Vehicles and Ground Transport
The mission of the Department is to carry transport and transport safety. Other re-
out teaching and scientific research in the search topics are linked with the soil compac-
following areas: combustion engines, traffic tion under vehicles’ tyres. Emphasis is put on
engineering, vehicle mechanisms, mecha- international activities and projects. The De-
tronics and other stuff linked with vehicles partmental Staff participates in international
and transport. Department focuses on the symposiums, seminars and workshops. An
ecological aspects of mobile techniques’ important international activity is the partici-
operation as well as scientific research con- pation of members of the Department in the
centrate on engine emissions, on the public EU COST management committee.
International cooperation
The international relations play an in- neering is also involved in development
creasingly important role in the life of the projects focused on agriculture mecha-
Faculty of Engineering through teaching nisation and technology. Some of the in-
and research activities. Every year, the ternational cooperation is based on the
Faculty of Engineering organizes summer memorandum of understanding. Each
school programmes and special year, the Faculty of Engineer-
trainings for foreign students. ing receives students from all
The international exchange walks of life. The international
of the students and Staff is an teachers are also members of
integral part of the university the academic Staff involved in
daily life. The Faculty of Engi- teaching activities.
Erasmus plus
The ERASMUS Programme is a European All students of Faculty of Engineering can
student exchange programme estab- take part of their study at the recommend-
lished in 1987 offering university stu- ed universities abroad or they are able to
dents the possibility of studying or work- participate in international practice or in-
ing in any European country for a period ternship for the preparation of individual
of at least 3 months and maximum 12 study plans. Faculty of Engineering as well
months. The name of the project refers as whole Czech University of Life Sciences
to Dutch Renaissance humanist and use European Credit Transfer System.
theologian Desiderius Erasmus of Rotter- Every student can attend Erasmus plus proj-
dam. He studied at diverse European uni- ect. At just time Faculty of Engineering has
versities and described the education as 45 agreements around Europe and whole
a chance for modern people. Since 2014 University has more than 200. The students
Erasmus and other programmes were will gain scholarship and its amount is de-
included under The European Union pro- pendent on the country where the student
gramme for education, training, youth will study. Students do not have to pay any
and sport ERASMUS+. extra costs such as tuition fee, etc.
The research and training microbrew- the beer brand which is called “Suchdol-
ery is an integral part of the Faculty of sky Jenik” and produc-
Engineering which is primarily used for tion is 500 hectoli-
student’s education. The brewery brews tres annually.
© Czech University of Life Sciences Prague