The Oxford Handbook of Land Economics
The Oxford Handbook of Land Economics
The Oxford Handbook of Land Economics
Michael Szenberg
Lubin School of Business, Pace University
Lall Ramrattan
University of California, Berkeley Extension
Edited By
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Foreword ix
Preface xiii
List of Contributors xv
1. Integrating Regional Economic Development Analysis and
Land Use Economics 23
Mark D. Partridge and Dan S. Rickman
2. Technology Adoption and Land Use 52
David Zilberman, Madhu Khanna, Scott Kaplan, and
Eunice Kim
3. Are Large Metropolitan Areas Still Viable? 74
Edwin S. Mills
4. Modeling the Land Use Change with Biofuels 85
Madhu Khanna, David Zilberman, and Christine L. Crago
5. Modeling the Determinants of Farmland Values in the United States 111
Cynthia J. Nickerson and Wendong Zhang
6. Land Use and Sustainable Economic Development:
Developing World 139
Edward B. Barbier
vi Contents
7. The Economics of Wildlife Conservation 163
David J. Lewis and Erik Nelson
8. Connecting Ecosystem Services to Land Use: Implications
for Valuation and Policy 196
Robert J. Johnston, Stephen K. Swallow, Dana Marie Bauer,
Emi Uchida, and Christopher M. Anderson
9. Land Use and Climate Change 226
Bruce A. McCarl, Witsanu Attavanich, Mark Musumba,
Jianhong E. Mu, and Ruth Aisabokhae
10. Land Use, Climate Change, and Ecosystem Services 255
Witsanu Attavanich, Benjamin S. Rashford,
Richard M. Adams, and Bruce A. McCarl
11. Fire: An Agent and a Consequence of Land Use Change 281
Claire A. Montgomery
12. Land Use and Municipal Profiles 302
Edward Stone and JunJie Wu
13. An Assessment of Empirical Methods for Modeling Land Use 327
Elena G. Irwin and Douglas H. Wrenn
14. Equilibrium Sorting Models of Land Use and Residential Choice 352
H. Allen Klaiber and Nicolai V. Kuminoff
15. Landscape Simulations with Econometric-Based Land Use Models 380
Andrew J. Plantinga and David J. Lewis
16. An Economic Perspective on Agent-Based Models of Land Use and
Land Cover Change 402
Dawn Cassandra Parker
Contents vii
Few human sentiments are more urgent than place—the place we are born, the place we
become sentient, the place we engage others in a variety of pursuits, and finally the place
we will become dust. Some creatures have their territory. Humans are creatures of their
It cannot therefore be a surprise that place becomes conflated with land, and vice
versa. The primacy of land can be seen in a number of ways. In some societies, “prop-
erty rights”—shorthand for some presumptive imaginings about individual control
over land—often seem more important than “human rights” (whatever they might be).
History reveals the military and political importance of land. In agrarian societies the
connection between land and economic well-being is obvious. In that regard, it has
been claimed that economic development and attendant urbanization will diminish the
economic importance of land. This now seems improbable. Indeed, one could make a
plausible argument that land will become of increased importance in the future. The
contents of this marvelous volume would certainly support that hypothesis.
Those of us who are modern know well the Lockean Creation Myth—God gave land
to all in common and then admonished us to take control of it and make it flourish.
From this mischief all manner of tragedy has followed, whether we have in mind the
near-complete annihilation of indigenous peoples the world over, or the near-misses of
European wars of mutually assured destruction throughout recorded history. Land is
always worth a good (or bad) fight.
Happily for those of us who are economists, land is also—and always will be—worth a
good debate. And good debates lead to good science.
The chapters included here offer profound insights into many of those debates. Josh
Duke and JunJie Wu have arranged for an impressive lineup of experts to address, with
clarity and rigor, the important issues requiring good analysis and coherent solutions.
An important undercurrent here, and one that explains many of the difficulties in
crafting workable public policy to address problems in land use and land use change, is
the conceptual inconvenience that land is a fictitious commodity [Polanyi, 2001].1
. . . labor, land, and money are essential elements of industry; they also must be orga-
nized in markets; in fact, these markets form an absolutely vital part of the economic
system. But labor, land, and money are obviously not commodities; the postulate that
anything that is bought and sold must have been produced for sale is emphatically
untrue in regard to them. . . . Labor is only another name for a human activity which
goes with life itself. . . .; land is only another name for nature, which is not produced
by man; actual money . . . is merely a token of purchasing power . . . which comes into
being through the mechanism of banking or state finance. None of them is produced
for sale. The commodity description of labor, land, and money is entirely fictitious
[Polanyi, 2001, pp. 75–6].
a circumscribed suite of capacities concerning what can and cannot be done with that
thing we call land. And this reminds us that when we study land we are really poking
around at the outer limits of presumptions concerning who gets to define the rules by
which land use—and land use change—shall be determined. It seems we are back to the
matter of presumptive “rights” over land. And as we know, rights are not inherent but
worked out:
Only those economic advantages are rights which have the law back of
them . . . whether it is a property right is really the question to be answered [Justice
R. Jackson, Willow River Power Co. 324 US 499, 502 (1945)].
In other words, economic advantages are not protected because they are rights.
Rather, those settings and circumstances that a society chooses to consider valuable
are given protection under the cover of “rights.” We see that economic advantages are
bestowed by the political class. Suddenly we grasp the fount of contestation over the
manifold advantages of owning this thing called land.
Daniel W. Bromley
October, 2011
Land use change is arguably one of the most pervasive socioeconomic forces affecting
ecological systems, economic systems, and human wellbeing. Almost all major environ-
mental problems, including climate change, water pollution, and habitat destruction,
are rooted in land use change. Many socioeconomic phenomena, such as urban sprawl,
suburbanization, urban redevelopment, and economic segregation, are also deeply
ingrained in land use change. In response to the great need to study these environmental
and socioeconomic phenomena, many new developments have taken place in the field
of land economics during the past decade, justifying a new handbook in the field.
This volume draws on recent advances in several literatures that investigate land use
behavior and policy, including natural resource economics, environmental economics,
regional science, and urban economics. The contributors of this volume are the eminent
scholars in the field and the newer experts, who work at the frontier of the field. Starting
from inherited theories and analyses, this forward-looking handbook seeks to become a
“must” reading, not only for those who are new to the field, but also for those who want
to extend their knowledge to the frontier of land economics.
There are various ways to use this handbook. This comprehensive treatment of land
economics provides an excellent source of readings for a graduate course in land or
resource economics. Although the length and diversity of methods may make it difficult
to cover in a single semester course, instructors may seek to focus on a subset of chap-
ters. For instance, a course might be structured around the chapters on the ecosystem
services of land and a few related methods chapters. Or, the focus might be on cutting
edge methods in land economics, supplementing the methods chapters with seminal
articles in general economics on equilibrium modeling, auction theory, and specific
econometric techniques. Researchers and policy analysts will find that the book offers
the state-of-the-art in land economics research. The depth of coverage on the methods
chapters offers researchers a structure for setting up their own analyses. The applied
chapters can serve either as a starting point for learning about markets and incentive
problems associated with land topics, or as a source of citable research results and syn-
thetic conclusions from experts in the area. Those with less familiarity with economics
can also use this handbook to understand what is known and unknown on a given topic
area. This will help noneconomists, policy makers, and grant funders to articulate better
hypotheses, policy goals, and funding opportunities.
We are profoundly grateful to our chapter authors for their outstanding contributions
to this handbook. We also acknowledge the insights of our colleagues around the world,
who inspire us with their research and collegiality. Among a very long list, we would
xiv Preface
like to single out Daniel Bromley and Kathy Segerson as our mentors, who shaped our
lives—research and otherwise—at a deep level and to whom we owe a great debt. We
would also like to recognize the other leading lights in our professional lives, includ-
ing Emery N. Castle, Richard M. Adams, Bill Boggess, and David Zilberman. Finally,
we thank our friends and colleagues for their advice and encouragement during the
long process, especially Titus Awokuse, Kathleen Bell, Rob Johnston, Lori Lynch, Kent
Messer, and George Parsons. Finally, we are grateful for the support of our Universities,
whose combined land grant missions have promoted the advancement of integrated
land economics research.
This handbook explains what economists know about land—and how they know. The
innumerable decisions about how to use land and how to change land uses over time per-
vade society, affecting human well-being both directly and indirectly through changes
in the performance of economic and ecological systems. Large shares of major environ-
mental problems (air pollution, water pollution, climate, habitat destruction, to name a
few) are rooted in land use change. Socioeconomic phenomena such as urban sprawl,
suburbanization, urban redevelopment, and jurisdictional fragmentation are essentially
land use changes by another name—and they affect opportunities for further land use
change. Fomenting all these forces are the inescapable land policies, which sanctify win-
ners, disappoint losers, and provide a setting for the baser forms of modern civil disputes.
The special status of land in history and culture serves to intensify these disputes.
With so much at stake and so many pressing environmental and socioeconomic chal-
lenges inextricably linked to land and land use change, future progress requires clear
economic insight about the functioning of land markets and the drivers of land use
behavior. Economists have long offered explanations about why land decision makers
behave suboptimally and how policy might redirect these decisions to enhance social
welfare. These insights often involve measuring utility impacts outside of markets, alter-
ing incentives with policy change, and creating markets to improve the allocation of
society’s resources. Economists seek to understand how land markets adjust in the face
of policy changes and changes in relative scarcity of resources, anticipating opportuni-
ties to enhance the effectiveness of policy. As research over the past few decades has
shown, explaining the processes of land use change poses great challenges because of
the simultaneous cause and effect of price changes in land markets and the oft-times
confounding role of local policies. Land economics covers more than explanation.
2 Joshua M. Duke and JunJie Wu
Economists use recent advances in theory and methods to predict the likely impacts of
novel and unimplemented policies. The large set of recent developments in land eco-
nomics warrant a new handbook for the field.
This handbook draws broadly from advances that investigate land use behavior,
markets, and policy, showing that land is a theme that integrates several fields of
economics. These fields include natural resource economics, environmental eco-
nomics, regional science, and urban economics. The emergence of the new eco-
nomic geography and the increasing recognition of the role of natural endowments
and amenities in determining urban development patterns and the spatial distribu-
tion of economic activities has led to a blurring of the lines among the traditional
fields, with land use and land use patterns as an integrating theme. The alignment of
interest and the development of spatial modeling approaches have made the poten-
tial gains from collaboration and cross-fertilization across fields much greater. One
goal of this handbook is to stimulate further collaboration and cross-fertilization
among the economics fields related to land use markets, behavior, patterns, and
This handbook presents studies of land use and land use changes from various eco-
nomic perspectives. Several other disciplines also take land use as their subject mat-
ter of study, including geography, anthropology, and sociology. What distinguishes
economics from those disciplines is that land economists largely focus on explain-
ing the economic incentives or institutions that drive land use behavior and policy.
Land economics investigates the benefits and costs of land use decisions and change.
These benefits and costs are broadly defined to include those associated with both
economic and ecological impacts, as well as the feedback effects from those systems.
Land economics emphasizes economic efficiency in land allocation. As the reader will
discover, many chapters in this handbook will be distinguished by whether the authors
assess efficiency in partial and general equilibrium settings. These approaches involve
tradeoffs in explaining the substantive and complex problems associated with land.
When benefits are difficult to measure, land economists often turn to cost effectiveness
in achieving a goal when evaluating a policy.
This handbook is organized into four sections. The first section investigates the major
drivers of land use behavior and land use change. The second section evaluates the envi-
ronmental and socioeconomic implications of these forces, including chapters focusing
on the impact of land use change on water, habitat, climate, and other ecosystem ser-
vices. The third section presents recent methodological advances in land market mod-
eling, involving spatial modeling techniques, agent-based approaches, econometric
methods, quasi-experiments, and experiments. The fourth section focuses on the per-
vasive set of institutions from law and policy that direct land use behavior and change.
The handbook concludes with a discussion of future research directions in land eco-
nomics. The remaining parts of this introduction establish a setting and offer a brief
overview of each section, in turn.
Introduction 3
and scope and of congestion and pollution helps build a theory on the size and growth of
metropolitan areas, predicting that suburbs will continue to grow rapidly, at least in the
United States.
The relative value derived from alternative land uses is ultimately affected by the rela-
tive value of services or outputs from the land uses. Land can be used to produce bio-
energy crops. As returns to energy production increase either due to market forces or
policy changes, more land will be allocated to energy production. In Chapter 4, Khanna,
Zilberman, and Crago evaluate the phenomenon of biofuels—an emerging issue
that has propelled land allocation into public debates about “food or fuel.” The mod-
els reviewed directly link land markets with energy markets; interestingly, these mod-
els show that government policies other than zoning can trigger substantive land use
changes. Although the reviewed models lack agreement about the extent of land use
change needed to meet governmental biofuel targets, Khanna, Zilberman, and Crago
anticipate a moderate increase in crop prices. Technology will mitigate some of the
anticipated adverse impacts from large-scale biofuel production.
In Chapter 5, Nickerson and Zhang tackle perhaps the longest standing challenge in
land economics: explaining farmland value. They focus on hedonic estimations of mod-
els in which land rents are capitalized, considering both cross-sectional and dynamic
analyses. Nickerson and Zhang review the tools for addressing spatial dependence,
spatial heterogeneity, and sample selection bias, and then discuss recent innovations
in nonparametrics, quasi-experimental design, panel data, and structural econometric
In the developing world, agriculture comprises a comparatively large part of the
economy and remains labor-intensive. The expansion of cultivation in the developing
world continues to decrease forests and other natural land uses. In the final chapter of
this section (Chapter 6), Barbier considers whether this farmland expansion will lead
to the same level of economic development experienced from similar patterns in the
past. Barbier models the processes of this “frontier economy,” in which a traditional
sector converts available land to produce a nontraded agricultural output, and a fully
developed, commercially oriented sector exploits available land and natural resources
for a variety of traded outputs. The model accounts for population increases, migra-
tion, and unskilled labor. The results suggest that although the frontier can help mit-
igate the adjustments of economic growth, it also induces considerable costs, such as
those associated with boom-and-bust cycles. The results provide a plausible explana-
tion for why land use expansion in developing economies may not be generating greater
economy-wide benefits.
Together, the chapters included in this section provide a critical assessment of the
recent analyses of the major drivers of land use change. They also lay a foundation for
understanding the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of land use change,
which are explored in the next part of this handbook.
Introduction 5
nutrients, sediment, and toxic contaminants, and it can cause large variations in stream
flow and temperatures. Habitat destruction, fragmentation, and alteration associ-
ated with urban development have been identified as the leading causes of biodiversity
decline and species extinctions (Czech et al. 2000; Soulé 1991). Urban development and
intensive agriculture in inland and coastal areas damage the health, productivity, and
biodiversity of the marine environment throughout the world.
The first five chapters of the second section present economic research efforts to
understand the linkages between land use decisions and environmental outcomes.
Chapters 7, 8, and 10 all address habitat conservation, but with three different foci. In
Chapter 7, Lewis and Nelson evaluate the effectiveness of three leading approaches to
securing the public goods associated with wildlife conservation: regulation, direct pur-
chase, and incentive-based policy. They evaluate the challenges to these policies, includ-
ing the perverse result of preemptive habitat destruction, or “shoot, shovel, and shut up,”
and issues arising from spatially dependent benefits.
In Chapter 8, Johnston et al. offer a review of the most current methods for deter-
mining the nonmarket values of ecosystem services. The authors show that economists’
focus on valuation methods—that is, how ecosystem services are evaluated—is only
one part of a very complex process. Researchers must also determine what ecosystem
services are to be evaluated and at what scope and scale. These latter two challenges
involved many uncertainties, including unknown scientific information on the pro-
cesses and the linkages among various services.
In Chapter 10, Attavanich et al. develop an integrated model to predict the joint
effect of climate change and resulting land use responses on a specific ecosystem
service (waterfowl productivity). Land use change in a specific location (the Prairie
Pothole Region of North America) is explicitly modeled as a function of climate
change. One important finding from this analysis is that land use response to cli-
mate change exacerbates the direct negative effects of climate change on waterfowl
In Chapter 9, McCarl et al. present a thorough assessment of what is known about
land use and climate change. Although climate change is an area with massive uncer-
tainties, economists offer a great deal of recent research on how climate change and land
use interact; for instance, this research predicts how agricultural growing regions will
alter with a warming planet. McCarl et al. divide the research results into three types of
studies: vulnerability, adaptation, and mitigation research.
In Chapter 11, Montgomery provides a comprehensive treatment of the topic of
fire as an agent and a consequence of land use change. The chapter presents the lit-
erature on the economics of fire management, institutions, and policy and examines
emerging challenges for fire policy. Montgomery also discusses the three core themes
in the economics of wildfire: spatial externalities, incentives, and risk-based decision
These chapters highlight two challenges for the evaluation of environmental impacts.
The first is related to the challenges of linking specific ecosystem functions to land use deci-
sions. Two of the chapters offer examples of how economists are beginning to overcome
Introduction 7
this challenge. Johnston et al. offer a bioeconomics model linking specific land manage-
ment decisions with bird habitat outcomes for a specific species (bobolink) in a specific
location. Similarly, Attavanich et al. develop an integrated model to predict how a specific
ecosystem service (waterfowl productivity) will change as a result of land use changes.
The second challenge is related to the problem of asymmetric information, a theme
arising throughout the handbook. Chapter 7 addresses this challenge in the context of the
design of incentive-based policies for habitat conservation. Several other chapters study
various manifestations of this problem (see for instance Chapter 15 on empirically mod-
eling landowner returns, Chapter 19 on private information in conservation auctions,
and Chapter 26 on landowner information on reservation value and land assembly).
This information asymmetry problem refers to the policy maker’s inability to design
first-best or cost-effective mechanisms when landowners have private information
about their willingness to accept compensation to provide ecosystem services. With
constrained budgets, policy makers would prefer to secure the greatest ecosystem ser-
vices supply possible, which in theory means paying each landowner their minimum
willingness to accept compensation. However, information asymmetry prevents policy
makers from targeting the least-cost suppliers, manifesting as at least three overlapping
problems examined in recent literature. First, fiscal inefficiency occurs when a land-
owner is paid more than his or her minimum willingness to accept because the policy
maker cannot sort by types. For instance, Kirwan et al. (2005) find evidence that 10–40%
of the US Conservation Reserve Program expenditures were rent premiums. Second,
adverse selection occurs when a landowner is paid for supplying an ecosystem service
even though he or she would supply that service in the absence of the policy. Third, addi-
tionality is not achieved when a current supplier of ecosystem services is credited for
future supply, even though that supply currently exists and would likely continue had
no policy been implemented. Much research has explored solutions to these problems
for the design of conservation and environmental policies. For example, economists
have developed contracts to achieve second-best outcomes in the face of these infor-
mation problems when targeting land for conservation (Smith 1995; Wu and Babcock
1996). Several methodological chapters in this handbook address economic techniques
to predict and/or sort by types, given the underlying censoring from this information
The locational pattern of different income groups and community characteristics, such
as economic segregation and jurisdictional fragmentation, are strongly influenced by
the spatial distribution of environmental amenities (Wu 2006). For example, it has been
suggested that “the almost universal European division into a ‘good’ west end and a
‘poor’ east end of large cities” documented by Hobsbawm (1962, chapter 11) is “likely
due to the prevailing south-west wind which carries coal smoke and other airborne pol-
lutants downwind, making the western edges of towns preferable to the eastern ones.”
As congestion associated with urbanization surpasses an acceptable cost level, a
reverse pattern of migration, known as suburbanization, may occur. In fact, during the
past 50 years, the proportion of the US population living in suburban areas increased
from about one-third in 1960 to 63% in 1998 (US Department of Housing and Urban
Development [USDHUD], 2000). With suburbanization, cities tend to gain lower
income residents and lose upper income population, causing income segregation and
economic disparities between urban and suburban communities to manifest and inten-
sify. From 1969 to 1998, the share of low-income families in central cities grew from
21.9% to 25.5% compared with a decline from 18.3% to 16.6% for high-income house-
holds (USDHUD, 2000). The change in income mix led to a smaller tax base and more
need to finance social services in urban communities. Wu (2010) developed a spatially
explicit model to investigate how urban and suburban communities evolve differently
with changes in local economic fundamentals such as rising income or falling commut-
ing costs. The model highlights the importance of environmental amenities and the
economy of scale in the provision of public services as determinants of urban spatial
Urbanization has also changed rural communities. In some areas, migration to cit-
ies has turned once-viable rural communities into ghost towns. In other rural areas,
urban sprawl has encroached to such an extent that the community itself has been lost
(Wu et al. 2008, vii). Urbanization also presents challenges for farmers on the urban
fringe, especially those who lease and therefore do not benefit from land appreciation.
As neighboring farms are converted to development, farmers will no longer be able to
take advantage of economies of scale from information sharing and business relation-
ships with neighboring farmers. Urbanization may also cause the “impermanence syn-
drome,” leading to a reduction in investment in new technology or machinery or idling
of farmland (Lopez et al. 1988).
As urbanization intensifies, agricultural and nonagricultural land use conflicts
become more severe (Lisansky 1986). This may lead to an increase in local ordinances
designed to force farmers to internalize some of the negative externalities normally
generated by agriculture. As the nearest input suppliers close because of insufficient
demand for farm inputs, a farmer may have to pay more for inputs or spend more time
to obtain equipment repairs (Lynch and Carpenter 2003; Wu et al. 2011). Competition
for labor from nonagricultural sectors may raise farmers’ labor costs. When the total
amount of farmland falls below a critical mass, the local agricultural economy may col-
lapse (Wu et al. 2011).
Introduction 9
The initial, synthetic chapter of this section, by Irwin and Wrenn, pro-
vides an overview and assessment of the main methods used to model spatially
explicit data on land use and land use change. The chapter offers a valuable com-
parison of reduced-form and structural econometric models. It also compares
spatial-equilibrium and agent-based simulation. Irwin and Wrenn provide a critical
assessment of three important questions: what are the advantages and disadvantages
of these various empirical approaches to modeling land use and land use change?
Which questions are best suited to be answered using one versus the other approach?
And, where are the gaps in the current literature? Chapters about specific modeling
approaches follow this overview.
Two chapters describe experimental methods, both of which can inform the likely effec-
tiveness of land policies without necessarily having to evaluate an existing policy in a
specific location. In Chapter 18, Towe, Lewis, and Lynch, discuss the methods and chal-
lenges of quasi-experimental econometric estimation for evaluating land policies. It
has long been recognized that selection issues confound inference of policy impacts;
simply, land outcomes cannot be modeled as a result of a policy because these policy
treatments were not randomly assigned. But methods for addressing selection prob-
lems have continually advanced. Towe et al. describe these inferential problems and how
one approach, the propensity score matching method, can solve them. Advantages of,
challenges with, and steps to be taken when employing the propensity score matching
method are explained. The chapter also provides a detailed application that analyzes
how a smart growth policy affects land development outcomes in Maryland.
In Chapter 19, Messer, Duke, and Lynch present recent uses of laboratory and field
experiments to inform land use and policy problems. The authors develop a framework
to understand the tradeoffs in experimental control, problem context, and the represen-
tativeness of the participants to actual land decision makers. An application investigates
the impact of different types of information on the performance of reverse auctions for
ecosystem services. The results suggest that different levels of public information affect
sellers’ bidding behavior as well as auction competitiveness. Overbidding and too little
market competition leads to significant auction efficiency loss.
Land use provides many economic benefits and costs that are not figured into the pri-
vate landowner’s decisions. These externalities lead to an inefficient allocation of land
uses. Land market inefficiencies take diverse forms on the ground. For instance, devel-
opers may not bear all the environmental and infrastructural costs generated by their
projects. Natural land owners do not enjoy all the social benefits they supply. Owners of
small urban parcels hold out, thereby preventing optimally sized redevelopments and
driving economic activity to the suburbs. Other market failures also characterize land
markets—for instance, given that location makes many land uses perfectly heteroge-
neous, imperfect competition may arise.
Politicians, legal scholars, planners, policy makers, and the general public have long
understood the problems associated with these land market failures—even though
efficient resource allocation is probably not driving their thinking—because these fail-
ures often mirror readily understood notions of appropriate neighborly behavior and
12 Joshua M. Duke and JunJie Wu
the interdependencies of modern life. In other words, people often believe that neigh-
bors act inappropriately when they make decisions with negative externalities, foisting
unwanted costs on them. Of course, Coase (1960) reframed the way economists think
about causation in externalities, providing a recognition that two parties are competing
for use of the same resource (see Duke 2004). But part of the innovation of Coase (1960)
was to help economists recognize that the conventional explanation of external costs
was incomplete.
The conventional story of land use conflict persists in the public imagination, despite
Coase’s (1960) efforts and those of the economists who followed. Residential voters and
their representatives will support local zoning, recognizing that external costs of mix-
ing commercial and residential land uses hurts their property values. Similarly, many
will support revitalization of an urban brownfield, not to prevent “sprawl” and conver-
sion of greenfields, but instead because they envision a future in which the local urban
economy is revitalized and land is “clean.” Policies to promote provision of positive land
use externalities may be more recent, but preservation and conservation seem to “make
sense” to many members of society. The alignment of economic rationale and the way
the general public thinks about its well-being has likely led to the developed world’s long
history of land use policy.
Duke and Lynch (2006) derive a framework to explain the different forms land con-
trols may take in the context of land retention. Some controls are regulatory, such as
zoning. Other controls are incentive-based, such as an impact fee (tax) on new resi-
dential development to fund sewers. Techniques such as conservation easements are
best framed as participatory, rather than incentive-based, because the public or pri-
vate demander secures positive externalities by triggering demand in a market for a
less-than-fee right in land (say, a negative easement). In other words, the easement mar-
ket always existed, but it was the newly created demand from government or a private
group that created the viability of this “new” market for conservation. A final set of con-
trols is a hybrid of two of the preceding; for instance, a transferable development right
program is part regulatory (the cap) and part incentive-based (the trading).
The aforementioned types of land use control, in effect, establish the specific markets
for land. Framed differently, any land unit may be sold into various overlapping and/or
mutually exclusive land use markets. For instance, one parcel of farmland may be sup-
plied in agricultural land use markets and conservation markets, but that same parcel
may not be supplied in preservation and developed use markets. Institutions establish
the property rights that define markets (Schmid 1999). Resource allocation efficiency
is a function of the prevailing institutional arrangements (Bromley 1989, c hapter 5).
Once rights are established, each policy can be assessed for its potential efficiency impli-
cations. Note also that all rights associated with land are not assigned, and remaining
externality conflicts arise from the absence of rights (Duke 2004).
Legislatures and quasi-judicial bodies create these land markets, and courts sanction
and refine the allocation of rights. As this section clarifies, land economists have partici-
pated in the land use policy debate in several ways. The unifying theme, however, is that
work in this area tends to be applied. Economists’ applications focus on specific policies
Introduction 13
(conservation easements, zoning, etc.) or specific areas of law (regulatory takings, emi-
nent domain, etc.). A common result is that there are unintended consequences; seeking
to solve one failure can trigger substantial welfare losses in the form of higher housing
prices, smaller houses, and inefficient land use patterns (Cheshire and Sheppard 2002;
Hascic and Wu 2012).
Most economic attention falls on incentive-based and participatory policies because
these policies are new and match most economists’ underlying aversion to inflexible
regulations of any type. The incentive-based and participatory approaches seemingly
have many advantages over direct regulatory land use control. A development impact
fee can be used to achieve both the optimal pace and pattern of land development, a
shortcoming of zoning regulations (Wu and Irwin 2008). However, zoning may be pre-
ferred from a practical viewpoint, as well as in cases in which the environmental costs
of land conversion are highly uncertain. Zoning may also be preferable when one also
considers the costs of implementing policies because regulations are less expensive than
many participatory policies (Johnston and Duke 2007). In situations in which the natu-
ral and human systems interact in complex ways, thresholds and nonlinear dynamics
are likely to exist, and the environmental costs could be very high and sensitive to land
development. In such cases, zoning may be preferred. The policy challenge, however, is
to know when the system is in the neighborhood of such thresholds.
Although federal spending on land-related conservation programs, such as the
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and the Wetland Reserve Program (WRP), has
increased substantially over the past 25 years, the federal government has yet to articu-
late a clear vision of how land use should be managed. Most land use controls are in
the hands of local governments, and the level of government involvement in land use
planning and regulation varies considerably across counties and municipalities in the
United States. Some local governments have few land use controls, whereas others are
actively involved in land use planning and regulation.
The forces of urbanization have motivated many local governments to impose strict
land use control. Economists research whether these policies achieve their goals and
how they impact associated markets. Evidence suggests that some of the efforts have
successfully slowed development. For example, Wu and Cho (2007) found that local
land use regulations reduced the total supply of developed land by 10% in the five west-
ern states between 1982 and 1997, with the largest percent reduction in Washington
(13.0%), followed by Oregon (12.6%), California (9.5%), Idaho (4.7%), and Nevada
(2.8%). Yet a predictable but unintended consequence of land use regulation is higher
housing prices, which make housing less affordable to middle- and low-income house-
holds (Glaeser and Gyourko 2002; Cho et al. 2003; Glaeser and Ward 2006).
Private trusts and nonprofit organizations play an increasingly important, albeit
uncoordinated, role in the mix of local and federal land use through their efforts
to promote land conservation. For example, the Nature Conservancy (2013) has
helped to protect approximately 15 million acres of ecologically important lands
in the United States. However, some have questioned whether private conservation
14 Joshua M. Duke and JunJie Wu
efforts crowd out or complement public efforts for land conservation (Albers
et al. 2008).
Most land use controls prove contentious, especially in areas facing rapid urbaniza-
tion. The simplistic view on land use control does not capture the complex motivations
driving the decisions of the public and government. In this view, proponents envision
protection of farmland, forests, water quality, open space, and wildlife habitat. They
anticipate increases in property values and human health. Opponents argue that urban
development is an orderly market process that allocates land from agriculture to urban
use and that governments tend to overregulate because they rarely bear the costs of reg-
ulation (Hascic and Wu 2012).
A more complex perspective recognizes that land use controls generate both benefits
and costs, and, in most cases, create both winners and losers, at least, in the short term.
Each side attempts to marshall the forces of “good” (clean environment, job creation,
good schools, health, etc.) against the other side’s “evil” (pollution, job destruction,
crime, etc.). Both sides recognize that any policy measures that aim at curbing urban
development will ultimately affect a key element of the traditional “good” life—such as
the ability to consume a large amount of living space at affordable prices.
Economists have much to contribute to the debate. Social welfare accrues from many
sources, so the grip of advocacy need not necessarily determine the outcomes of the
analysis. Conflict arises from poorly designed incentives and an absence of markets.
Information asymmetry is rampant, driving many conflicts, and a poorly designed pol-
icy does not overcome this challenge. Policy makers ought to resist the temptation to
attribute all “irregular” land use patterns to market failures and impose stringent land
use regulations that may hinder the function of market forces. They should try to iden-
tify and understand the sources of market failures—such as those that cause “excessive
development”—and address problems at their roots.
Part IV of this handbook presents seven chapters that analyze the economics of land
use law and policy. The first four chapters disentangle the economics of land conser-
vation and preservation, which has emerged as an increasingly important tool in the
past several decades as land use regulations have waned. Chapter 20, by Gnedenko and
Heffley, presents a rich open-city model of the tax, spending, and land use zoning pol-
icies of local government and applies the model to analyze the impact of open space
preservation on local land use and community characteristics. The chapter provides an
applied analysis, suggesting that policies that seemingly promote open space may in fact
work against that goal.
In Chapters 21–23, land conservation policies in the United States and the
European Union are explained and compared. Ferris and Lynch, in Chapter 21,
categorize US conservation policies into the four-part scheme of Duke and Lynch
(2006)—the categorization described earlier. The authors use this categorization to
organize the economics literature on US conservation and derive synthetic results on
Introduction 15
This handbook concludes with a synthetic chapter (Chapter 27) on future research
directions in land economics. All the chapters offer assessments of where research is
going—or should be going—in the areas covered. Duke and Wu assimilate these sugges-
tions and predictions into five general directions for future work.
The first direction involves spatially explicit structural modeling. The interde-
pendence of land use patterns and economic growth highlights the need for spatially
explicit structural modeling. Such a modeling approach better explains economic per-
formance, the distribution of economic activity in a region, the impact of shocks, and
poverty. Although economists are accustomed to structural models, a great deal of the
current empirical work relies on reduced-form models. Irwin et al. (2009) call for struc-
tural modeling to better identify the potential causal linkages among the many interde-
pendent processes that affect urban-rural growth.
The second direction is toward greater integrated economic and ecological modeling.
Integrated modeling gives economists a way to increase explanatory power by linking
economic models with quantitative modeling efforts in different economic fields and in
noneconomic disciplines. Integration may include linking land use and development or
linking land use and ecosystem services. Increasingly, economists’ research interests are
aligned with questions from other scientists. For instance, the linkage of economic and
ecological systems offers great promise, with many economists interested in research
questions that build on or are nested with models traditionally addressed by ecologists,
hydrologists, and other natural scientists.
Advancing methods to understand and uncover agents’ behavior offers a third direc-
tion. The methods chapters cover spatial, econometric, simulation, and experimental
approaches. Most of these methods have been developed to better understand selection
issues. In other words, the methods allow economists to understand agents’ interactions
and decisions without necessarily observing, in a given location, a real-world policy or
a real-world market. Inferences can be made without bias. Collectively, economists are
becoming better able to understand land use behavior and phenomena.
A fourth direction involves land economists’ efforts to build models that best
employ newly abundant spatial and other land data. Many chapters highlight new
sources of data on land prices, uses, and services. Despite their increasing abundance,
these data are often incomplete and inconsistent. There are many suggestions for how
to use these data, but the chapter authors also identify areas in which some measures
need to be developed, where data need to be collected, and where datasets ought to be
The fifth and final direction concerns economists’ efforts to overcome information
challenges in policy design. Not surprisingly, economists see spatial analysis playing a
key role in future analyses. Many chapters suggest moving toward more structural mod-
eling or various experimental methods to draw more broadly applicable results on land
Introduction 17
use policy. Several of the chapters also suggest increasingly sophisticated approaches to
the underlying information problems that prevent the creation of first-best policies. In
large part, information problems in land manifest as incentive problems in voluntary
policies—especially in agri-environmental policies. Land economists see great oppor-
tunities to improve policy performance with respect to additionality, leakage/slippage,
and other incentive problems. Some chapters recommend that economists take a step
back from the focus on solving these problems and, instead, encourage research about
how multiple policies interact and how policy/market complexities affect performance.
7. Conclusion
This handbook is framed with the idea that an integrated approach to land use econom-
ics is needed. Why is this approach needed? First, partial equilibrium analysis is not
always adequate to examine the questions society needs answered. Second, land eco-
nomic problem settings are often too fluid to warrant the simplification economists
seek to derive tight and tractable results, ready lab experiments, and empirically testable
theoretically derived results. Third, integrated work may help prevent unexpected sub-
optimal recommendations.
Integration can occur within economics, but across fields. Or, it can occur between
economic and noneconomic models. Even within the discipline, greater recognition and
integration stimulates cross-fertilization between the fields of land economics research.
By providing a comprehensive survey of land-related work in several economics fields,
we hope this handbook will provide the basic tools needed for new and established land
economists to redefine the scope and focus of their work, to better incorporate the con-
temporary thinking from other fields, and to push out the frontiers of land economics in
the areas identified.
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C HA P T E R 1
Academic economists historically separated issues related to land use from those
related to regional economic development. One reason is that land use studies typically
do not consider the connectedness of firm and household location decisions, whereas
regional economic development studies rarely account for land (McDonald, 2001).
Moreover, it appears that land use researchers think more at the microscale of neighbor-
hoods (or intraregional), whereas economic-development researchers think more at the
macroscale (or interregional).
The division between the two fields does not reflect how local economic develop-
ment policy is undertaken. Economic development is inherently about land because it is
about activity in a place or on a specific land area. Local governments compete with one
another in trying to attract households and firms to their place.
Land use and economic development, then, are inherently linked through zon-
ing, transportation, infrastructure, sprawl, and environmental attributes that jointly
affect firm productivity and household utility. Because local policy is about place, land
economics is linked to economic development policy through competition for new
development. This raises further questions about governance and local government
effectiveness in delivering public services that underlie development through Tiebout
(1956) sorting and spatial equilibrium processes generally.
In this chapter, we attempt to tie together the two separate literatures. We stress the
economic development literature in regional and urban economics that most closely
relates to land economics. An implicit theme is that land economic studies should pay
closer attention to joint firm/household location decisions, whereas the regional eco-
nomic development literature should pay closer attention to land as it defines the place
24 Mark D. Partridge and Dan S. Rickman
Amenities and
Household migration
quality of life
Public services
Land use Local and regional
job creation and firm
soil quality
Urban system/hierarchy
Central place theory
new economic geography
Italics are examples
that the activity occurs. Likewise, another theme is that research should focus more on
the regional interaction of activity across space. Models and empirical approaches are
needed that recognize regions as complex systems, fully understanding and model-
ing the interplay between land use and economic development, including the linkages
between the intraregion distribution of economic activity and overall regional eco-
nomic performance.
Figure 1.1 shows the interdependence of local and regional economic development
(depicted as job creation and firm productivity) with several key factors including land
use, amenities and quality of life, household migration, public services, and the urban
system. Italics indicate some examples of these factors. The figure reflects the key role of
land use in directly affecting economic development and, in turn, being directly affected
by economic development. Land use also indirectly influences economic development
through its interactions with the other factors. These interactions also illustrate the
difficulties of identification of causality in empirical analysis. The chapter will outline
these direct and indirect effects that land use and economic development have with each
other, illustrating the central connections between land economics and regional and
urban economics.
Before describing the contents of the chapter, we note that some important topics are
given brief treatment or omitted because of space limitations. Examples include public
infrastructure, tax competition, urban amenities, and spatial econometrics. Section 1
outlines the basic spatial equilibrium approach used in modern regional economic
development studies and outlines ways to include land. Section 2 describes the natural
link between land economics and economic development through proximity to urban
Integrating Regional Economic Development Analysis 25
Despite its central role in firm and household location decisions and regional economic
activity generally, land routinely is omitted in regional economic development analysis.
In part, this results from the traditional tools used in economic development analysis,
which often are chosen for convenience rather than demonstrated accuracy (Partridge
and Rickman, 1998, 2010). In studies where land use is the focus, regional economic
development considerations often are ignored or are of secondary importance.
Nevertheless, there is growing recognition of the central role of land use in regional eco-
nomic development.
Land is completely removed from consideration in economic impact analysis that
involves application of an input–output model because of its implicit assumption of per-
fectly elastic supply. Factors of production implicitly are assumed in excess supply in
short-run analysis or perfectly mobile in long-run analysis. As a fixed factor, often in
limited supply, the implicit omission of land from consideration questions the routine
use of input–output models in regional economic development analysis. This omission
likely leads to highly inaccurate impact assessments when land prices are highly respon-
sive to economic development or when there is intraregional heterogeneity in how land
prices respond.
26 Mark D. Partridge and Dan S. Rickman
sectors, producing a larger per acre contribution of gross product and income. Kim and Ju
(2003) integrate an urban land supply module with a CGE model for Seoul in examining
the impacts on gross regional product, welfare, and income distribution from converting
industrial land and green space into residential use.
Another long-standing omission in the regional economic development literature is
the positive role land plays as a natural amenity. Land used for public parks, or left as open
space, for example, create recreational opportunities and provide attractive vistas, increas-
ing the local quality of life. Higher quality of life increases retiree and labor force migration,
stimulating regional growth.
Land’s contribution to the local quality of life then provides another feedback loop in a
regional economy. Changes in land use that enhance quality of life increase in-migration
and growth (Rickman and Rickman 2011). Regional economic development analyses then
must not only consider the relative direct benefits of alternative commercial or residential
uses, they also should consider the effects on local quality of life.
Thus, we advocate that regional economic development analysis be conducted using a
modeling framework broadly capable of capturing important feedback loops within a
regional economy. One such framework is the widely used spatial equilibrium approach
(Roback 1982; Beeson and Eberts 1989). The spatial equilibrium approach is sufficiently
flexible to reflect an array of quality of life and firm agglomeration considerations (Tabuchi
and Thisse 2006).
In the spatial equilibrium approach, households geographically locate so as to maximize
utility, whereas firms maximize profits in their location. Central to both decisions are nom-
inal wage rates and land costs, as well as perfect mobility. Higher wages, adjusted for land
costs, attract households. Lower wage rates and land costs attract firms. In addition, the
framework incorporates site specific characteristics, reflecting the quality of life and qual-
ity of the business environment. Quality of life includes benefits households derive from
land use beyond those obtained from residential housing. In equilibrium, the values of
site-specific characteristics are capitalized into wages and land costs. The approach can be
formulated in growth terms by assuming that economies transition across spatial equilib-
ria as exogenous conditions change (Dumais et al. 2002). Besides predictive equations for
wages and land costs, equations can be derived from a spatial equilibrium model for growth
in employment, gross regional product, investment, and population (Brown, Hayes, and
Taylor 2003; Partridge and Rickman 2003; Brown and Taylor 2006).
Both traded and nontraded goods can be included in the model, in which the traded
good can be specified with varying elasticity of demand.1 Alternative theories of agglom-
eration economies can be captured in the approach, ranging from NEG (Ottaviano and
Pinelli 2006) to urbanization economies, and those related to Central Place Theory
The traditional approach assumes that firms producing a traded good are price takers. Alternatively,
traded goods can be modeled using the Armington assumption, in which there is imperfect substitution
between traded goods of differing origins (Partridge and Rickman 2010). McDonald (2001) examines the
significance of alternative assumptions on the elasticity of demand for export goods in assessing regional
economic development policies.
28 Mark D. Partridge and Dan S. Rickman
(Partridge, Ali, and Olfert 2010). Quality of life includes exogenous attributes such as
weather, proximity to oceans or freshwater, or mountains. Other natural amenity attri-
butes may be endogenous, being affected by local economic activity, including, air and
water quality, forests, open space, attractive vistas. Endogenous quality of life attributes
also include manmade amenities such as public infrastructure.
In the traditional spatial equilibrium framework, regions are assumed to have uni-
form land use policies. However, within a growth context, Glaeser and Tobio (2008)
extend the model to allow for the effects of differential changes in land use and hous-
ing policies. They find that in former Confederate states, policies favorable to housing
development were more likely responsible for strong population growth near the end of
the 20th century than favorable weather.
Along these lines, Rappaport (2009) numerically simulates a structural spatial equi-
librium model to produce a series of equilibriums in examining US metropolitan popu-
lation growth. The model’s sole congestion force is land, which is used to produce both
a traded good and residential housing. Simulated feedback effects include population
growth effects on area amenity attractiveness and the effects of increased population
density on productivity.
Land economics and economic development are linked through the location of house-
holds and firms. Although urban economists often emphasize the location of house-
holds and businesses within a given urban or metropolitan area, regional economists
tend to focus on the relative differences across space, that is, comparing outcomes across
economic regions that could be metropolitan, nonmetropolitan, or some combina-
tion. Because intrametropolitan area location patterns are discussed elsewhere, we only
briefly highlight them, instead emphasizing broader regional patterns.
CPT shows how a multitiered urban system could develop in which the type of services
determine the size and location of urban center—for example, the top of the urban
system has all higher-ordered services such as patent attorneys, whereas the very bot-
tom has basic services such as convenience stores.2 CPT is adept at predicting the loca-
tion of cities within urban systems, particularly in areas such as the North American
Great Plains with traditionally high farm intensities (Fox and Kumar 1965; Wensley and
Stabler 1998; Olfert and Stabler 1999). CPT is useful in predicting the location of actual
business and consumer services and their population thresholds. A primary critique of
CPT is its static nature. It is usually necessary to impose ad hoc assumptions regarding
changes in technology and transport costs to describe an evolving urban system.
Nevertheless, CPT is still quite useful in understanding the organic process of how
urban-centered regions have expanded since the 1950s (Irwin et al. 2010). This pro-
cess is driven by many factors such as labor saving productivity gains in the primary
sector that released labor for urban employment, further facilitated by the rising use
of automobiles that aid long-distance rural–urban commuting. Increasing population
thresholds for public and private services also led more services to be provided from a
central location. The inherent spillovers as economies began to regionalize have long led
to calls for government consolidation and regional collaboration around the functional
economic regions delineated from CPT (Fox and Kumar 1965; Tweeten and Brinkman
1976). Increasing agglomeration economies imply that growth prospects are better in
regions with critical mass (Portnov and Schwartz 2009). Conversely, promoting growth
in small communities in isolation would be ineffective because they lack the agglom-
eration economies necessary to generate endogenous growth (Fox and Kumar 1965;
Berry 1970).
The question whether urban-centered growth helps the surrounding hinterlands
spawned a regional version of the spread and backwash literature that originated in
international development,3 namely, does prosperity in urban growth centers “spread”
into the countryside and create economic opportunities, primarily through commut-
ing, or does it create a “backwash” where urban growth pulls rural workers and capi-
tal into cities? United States results suggest urban growth spreads into the countryside
(Hughes and Holland 1994; Barkley, Henry, and Bao 1996; Henry et al. 1997), while
spreading up to 200 kilometers in Canada (Partridge et al. 2007). Yet, urban spread is
more likely when rural communities have sufficient quality of life and services to sup-
port a commuting residential population (Henry et al. 1997; Kahn, Orazem, and Otto
2001; Partridge, Ali, and Olfert 2010). Likewise, Ke and Feser (2010) found that spread
effects predominate in China, though Chen and Partridge (2011) find that growth in the
three Chinese mega cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou) creates widescale backwash.
A key economic development question then is whether urban-led growth can reduce
rural unemployment. There are reasons for pessimism. Renkow (2003) found that
about 60% of the adjustment to local nonmetropolitan employment growth is accom-
modated through changes in commuting flows and another 30% is through changes in
migration—that is, employment growth is only partially met through increases in local
labor-force participation.
Although CPT inspired a large economic development literature, CPT theoretical
research waned after the 1980s. One reason is that CPT was rather mature, and enthu-
siasm shifted to NEG. Another is that Geographical Information System (GIS) technol-
ogy was not sufficiently developed to produce reliable empirical measures. Not until
Partridge et al. (2008a, 2008b) was there a full test of CPT across a broad landscape. They
used US county data to consider hundreds of metropolitan areas that are typically sepa-
rated by rural space, forming a perfect setting for assessing the urban hierarchy’s inter-
vening effects on job and population growth. They employed detailed measures of access
to the five nearest higher-ordered tiers in the urban hierarchy. Their results show that
urban proximity has strong intervening effects that act through access to all the nearest
higher-tiered urban areas.4 Partridge et al. (2008b) also investigated the so-called “dis-
tance is dead” hypothesis that enhanced information technology and transportation had
slayed the “tyranny of distance.” They found that not only is distance not dead, but its
effects are actually becoming stronger over time, most likely due to spatial transactions
costs (e.g., face-to-face contact) in the expanding service sector. If distance is more prob-
lematic for rural areas and small cities, there are policy implications for the provision of
broadband, transportation, business development, and regional governance.
Hedonic studies further support the notion that distance is a key factor behind spa-
tial variation in wages and housing costs—which ultimately reflects how remoteness
affects productivity and quality of life. Defining remoteness as being nonadjacent to a
metropolitan area, Wu and Gopinath (2008) find that remoteness accounts for 76% of
the expected differences in average wages between the highest and lowest US county
quintiles, exceeding the importance of other factors such as amenities and human capi-
tal. Partridge et al. (2009, 2010) further confirm that remoteness is a key factor behind
wages and housing prices. Partridge et al. (2010) find that most of the distance effects
relate to productivity disadvantages (not household effects) and that these disadvan-
tages are rising over time even with new technologies.
NEG models generated significant enthusiasm after Krugman’s (1991) seminal work.
They capture agglomeration economies and product variety (both as inputs to firms and
Partridge et al. (2008b) find that distance from the nearest metropolitan area of at least 50,000
population leads to an economic penalty. If the nearest metropolitan area is not at least 1.5 million
people, there are added penalties for the distance to reach metropolitan areas of at least 250,000 people,
to reach metropolitan areas of at least 500,000 people, and to reach metropolitan areas of at least
1.5 million. For a clever application of the attenuation of agglomeration economies within metropolitan
areas, see Rosenthal and Strange (2008). For applications of how the CPT urban hierarchy affects locale
industry composition, see Wensley and Stabler (1998) and Polèse and Shearmur (2004).
Integrating Regional Economic Development Analysis 31
to consumers) that can lead to core-periphery patterns (Brakman, Garretsen, and van
Marrewijk 2009a). Economists are attracted to NEG models because they have explicit
microfoundations, are analytically tractable, and they can explain uneven regional
development (World Bank 2009). For example, Fujita, Krugman, and Mori (1999) show
how a CPT urban hierarchy could initially form and Tabuchi and Thisse (2011) show
how shocks affect the hierarchy. There are relative few empirical NEG applications, but
examples include Brülhart and Koenig (2006) (transition economies), Volpe-Martincus
(2010) (Brazil); Redding and Sturm (2008) (Postwar Germany); Brakman et al. (2009b)
(European Union); and Hering and Poncet (2010) (China).
NEG has been used to inform regional development policy, often suggesting that tra-
ditional place-based policy to support lagging regions is misguided. The World Bank
(2009) uses NEG to support its contention that regional policy should be spatially
neutral because excessive support of peripheral regions shifts resources from cen-
tral regions, leading to lower aggregate growth due to lost agglomeration economies.
Likewise, providing infrastructure to peripheral regions could actually hurt them
because it lowers transportation costs from central regions, allowing central firms to
supply peripheral regions, further taking advantage of their agglomeration economies
(Puga 1999). NEG frameworks have also been used to argue that large cities can have
higher tax rates, allowing them to capture some of the “agglomeration rents” they pro-
vide businesses (Baldwin and Krugman 2004).
Despite their mathematical elegance, NEG models are criticized for lacking relevance
for economic development policymaking. Several strict assumptions are typically
employed to make these models solvable including a simplistic production function,
iceberg transportation costs, little consideration of institutional factors, and house-
hold location preferences that are crude (Partridge 2010). NEG models often produce
knife-edge results in which small parameter changes generate unstable outcomes.
Partridge (2010) argues that the patterns uncovered in NEG models have limited appli-
cability in North America, especially when compared to factors such as amenities and
human capital. Partridge et al. (2008b, 2009, 2010) find that standard CPT significantly
outperforms NEG in explaining US population movement, wages, and land costs.
Krugman even notes that NEG models better described American development at the
dawn of the 20th century, not the dawn of the 21st century, though he argues that con-
temporary China is a better setting.
2000). Yet, in an MCM framework, lower transport costs and higher incomes imply
an expanding city footprint—or sprawl (Glaeser and Kahn 2004; Nechyba and Walsh,
2004; Wu 2010). Although sprawl has ambiguous impacts on social welfare (Glaeser
and Kahn 2004), Fallah, Partridge, and Olfert (2011) find that sprawl is associated with
decreased firm productivity, presumably due to diminished agglomeration economies,
suggesting businesses are less competitive in sprawling cities.
The Tiebout (1956) model is the second major model describing intra-urban loca-
tion. People “vote with their feet” by sorting to places that offer higher utility on the basis
of economic and noneconomic factors. Quality of life and environmental services could
be one factor that induces self-sorting within metropolitan areas (Banzhaf and Walsh,
2008). Public finance applications stress intrametropolitan differences in public services
and their tax price.
Self-sorting in the Tiebout model gives communities incentives to use exclusionary
zoning to attract the type of residents who will positively contribute toward public ser-
vice provision. This could lead to equity and efficiency concerns if there is spatial mis-
match between the location of workers and jobs (Kain 1968; Ihlanfeldt and Sjoquist 1998;
Houston 2005). For example, zoning (and segregation) may limit affordable housing for
lower skilled workers to the central cities, but firms that employ low-skilled workers relo-
cate in the suburbs (Martin 2004; Stoll 2006). Blumenberg and Shiki (2004) argue that spa-
tial mismatch may even be more severe in remote rural areas because thin labor markets
and longer distances could further reduce employment access for specific skill groups.
Raphael and Stoll (2002) provide evidence that job accessibility for minority work-
ers remains problematic, though it improved during the 1990s. Partridge and Rickman
(2008) report indirect evidence that job accessibility is one reason for high poverty in
central cities by showing that job growth has a stronger inverse association with lower
poverty in central counties. Conversely, sorting of residents with weak labor market
attachment into central cities would have suggested a smaller job growth-poverty link-
age. Providing low-skilled households better employment access through providing
cars or public transit and finding ways to relocate households closer to employment
seems to be sensible as this benefits the workers and the employers. Yet, the notion of
Tiebout sorting and exclusionary practices by local governments may limit the effec-
tiveness of such policies.
The quality of life afforded by natural amenities has long been recognized as a critical
factor in regional growth. An area with high quality of life attracts both working-age
adults and retirees (Vias 1999; Deller et al. 2001; Gunderson, Pinto, and Williams 2008;
Whisler et al. 2008). In-migration of working-age adults shifts labor supply and the
Integrating Regional Economic Development Analysis 33
demand for land outward, reducing the real-wage rate through lower nominal wages
and/or higher land prices. Firms also may consider the amenity attractiveness of an area
in their location decision in order to attract skilled workers (Gottlieb 1995), and because
of preferences of managers or owners for amenity consumption. Retiree in-migration
and new firms shift labor demand outward, particularly for workers employed in local
service sectors, and increase land prices. Natural amenities especially may attract those
with greater human capital, further boosting employment (Shapiro 2006; McGranahan
and Wojan, 2007), wages, and land prices. Whether nominal wages are lower in areas
with a high quality of life depends on the balance of these forces in addition to a number
of structural characteristics of the local economy (Rappaport 2008).5
As a normal good, the demand for amenities in the United States increased in the 20th
century with rising income (Costa and Kahn 2003; Rappaport 2007). In fact, argued
to be fueled by rising income, increased wealth, and an aging population, Partridge
(2010) reports natural amenities as dominating other theories, such as NEG, as the pri-
mary reason for US regional growth differentials in the latter half of the 20th century.6
However, although increased demand for amenities increases household willingness to
pay higher land prices, the extent that it leads to in-migration depends on amenity con-
sumption’s elasticity of substitution with nonamenity goods and services; a lower elas-
ticity leads to greater in-migration (Rappaport 2009).
There are limits to the growth that can be attained in areas with high levels of natu-
ral amenities. For one, as amenities become capitalized into wages and land prices,
household utility advantages in the region are reduced, causing growth to become
more spatially equalized (Partridge et al. 2008a). Even with continued rising income,
forward-looking households can lead to capitalization of amenities in the near term,
shutting off growth.
Inelastic land supply is one reason for many cities having faster housing price growth
and an increasingly right-skewed distribution of income (Gyourko, Mayer, and Sinai
2006). These cities often have limited land supply because of geographical barriers
such as coastlines and mountains, and often enact policies that limit the development
of new housing. Many also are places with perceived high levels of natural amenities
(Rappaport 2009).
Yet, if regional policies allow growth to diminish quality of life (Gabriel, Mattey,
and Wascher 2003), negative feedback effects on growth will occur (Chen, Irwin, and
Jayaprakash 2009). Rickman and Rickman (2011) find evidence of within-Census
region deterioration of quality of life in nonmetropolitan areas possessing high levels
of natural amenities during the 1990s. They conclude that localities should manage
Rappaport’s (2008) model predicts that high quality of life is capitalized much more into land prices
than wages. Empirically, Wu and Gopinath (2008) and Rickman and Rickman (2011) find that natural
amenities are capitalized much more into housing prices than wages.
6 See Partridge (2010) for discussion of amenity migration studies for other countries.
34 Mark D. Partridge and Dan S. Rickman
growth in ways to reduce negative amenity effects lest both the quality of life and growth
be diminished.
Land use affects an area’s quality of life through several channels, which is a con-
sideration particularly critical for areas primarily dependent on quality of life for eco-
nomic growth. Unmanaged growth in high-amenity areas can lead to sprawl, and the
associated traffic congestion and pollution (Hansen et al. 2002). There also may be
development-related losses in valued attributes such as open space (Vias and Carruthers
2005; Cho, Poudyal, and Roberts 2008), wildlife and its diversity (Hansen et al. 2002),
the quantity or quality of vegetation and forests (Cho et al. 2009), and scenic views
(Benson et al. 1998).
Proximate public lands, land owned by nonprofit organizations, and restrictive zon-
ing may contribute to an area’s amenity attractiveness and its economy in some ways,
but also may inhibit the economy in other ways (McGranahan 2008). Henderson and
McDaniel (2005) suggest that restrictive zoning in high-amenity areas may be one rea-
son why they found manufacturing growth lagging that of other sectors. Yet, Rickman
and Rickman (2011) did not find evidence of changes in land use regulations or reduced
productivity affecting population growth in high amenity nonmetropolitan areas dur-
ing the 1990s.
Lewis, Hunt, and Plantinga (2002) find slightly higher net migration rates for coun-
ties with more conservation land in the US Northern Forest region but no differences
in employment growth. In an evaluation of the Northwest Forest Plan by the US Forest
Service, Eichman et al. (2010) found negative employment effects from reduced tim-
ber use that are only slightly offset by positive effects of increased in-migration, which
contrasts with findings reported in other studies. They attributed the difference in find-
ings in part to the productiveness of the timberland withdrawn from production in the
northwest. Rosenberger, Sperow, and English (2008) concluded that official wilderness
designation did not greatly affect the transition of Appalachian Region counties from
being primarily dependent on natural-resource and manufacturing activity to primary
dependence on nonlabor sources of income and services. In a review of studies on wil-
derness designation and local growth, Rosenberger and English (2005) concluded that
the link depends on the structure of the local economy and its longer-term trend.
Land use in cities also may adversely affect their environmental quality and feed-
back negatively on growth. City size can be associated with increases in various con-
gestion forces such as crowded roads and increased pollution. Not only city size but
also the degree of urban sprawl has often been identified as having a number of adverse
environmental impacts (Johnson 2001; Hasse and Lathrop 2003; Nechyba and Walsh
2004). Stone (2008) found sprawl to be associated with the number of times monitored
ozone concentrations exceeded the National Ambient Air Quality Standards across 45
US cities. Other impacts include loss of open space, reduced diversity of wildlife spe-
cies, increased water pollution, and emission of particulates, significant losses of native
vegetation and forests, loss of natural wetlands, blocking of mountain views, and eco-
system fragmentation.
Integrating Regional Economic Development Analysis 35
Some studies question the perceived negative relationship between sprawl and envi-
ronmental quality. Despite growing numbers of higher-income households living in
suburbs and commuting to work, Kahn and Schwartz (2008) found reduced air pol-
lution in California cities, which they attributed to technological improvements in
auto emissions. Although Kahn (2001) found evidence of reduced quality of life in
fast-growth California cities, he did not attribute this to air pollution because it had
decreased, which suggested other causes such as increased traffic congestion. In survey-
ing research on the dynamics of urban growth and ecological systems in the western
world, Czamanski et al. (2008) concluded that “peri-urban” areas associated with sprawl
provide ecosystem benefits because of their position between developed urban areas
and agricultural lands. In an analysis of the impact on ecosystem services from urban
sprawl in San Antonio Texas from 1976 to 1991, Kreuter et al. (2001) found that despite
a dramatic increase in the area of urban land use and reduction in the size of rangelands,
the shift of rangelands to woodlands greatly helped limit the loss of ecosystem services.
Wu (2006) demonstrates how spatial variation in environmental amenities themselves
can contribute to what is perceived as sprawl.
Therefore, an assessment of what constitutes sprawl and how it affects the quality of
life is critical for sustainable regional economic development. More research is needed
to assess the channels through which land use, growth, and environmental impacts
interrelate. How these environmental changes affect perceived quality of life also require
further investigation along the lines of hedonic studies of regional differences in quality
of life.
The spatial location of economic activity and land use also are affected by regional fis-
cal and land use policies. Both fiscal and land use policies can affect sprawl and regional
economic development. The complexity of regional economies also makes the policies
interdependent, both within and across jurisdictions.
Within the spatial equilibrium framework, variation in state and local fiscal policies
has been found to be as important as individual characteristics in explaining wage dif-
ferentials across US metropolitan areas and to matter as much for metropolitan quality
of life as natural amenities (Gyourko and Tracy 1989, 1991). They also have been found
to be important in explaining US nonmetropolitan county wage and land rent differ-
entials, in which some policies primarily affect quality of life, whereas others affect the
business climate (Yu and Rickman 2011). State and local fiscal policies directly affect
quality of life through the taxes that households pay and government services they
receive. Likewise, firm profits are affected by taxes and government services. Indirectly,
36 Mark D. Partridge and Dan S. Rickman
however, local fiscal policies may have spillover effects, affecting economic activity and
land use in neighboring jurisdictions.
High taxes and inadequate services in central cities can push economic activity out-
ward into the suburbs and beyond, creating sprawl. Although there are potential social
welfare gains from Tiebout-sorting of individuals according to their preferences for
government services, the deconcentration of local government can affect the relative
efficiency of the provision of government services, and hence the quality of life and
productivity (Mattoon 1995; Innes and Booher, 1999). Public infrastructure exhibiting
economies of scale or network effects (Dalenberg, Partridge, and Rickman, 1998) may
be underprovided in a deconcentrated environment.
In reviewing the literature, Mattoon (1995) lists water and sewerage disposal as most
efficiently provided by centralized metropolitan governments, whereas services such as
education are reported as better provided with decentralized government. As discussed
earlier in the chapter, increased sprawl can affect the amenity attractiveness in the
broader metropolitan area such as through increased air and water pollution. Increased
traffic congestion associated with sprawl can affect firm productivity. Therefore, the
relative centralization and coordination of local fiscal policies can affect land use and
economic development of the broader region.
Using state level data, Akai and Sakata (2002) find measures of local government
expenditures and revenue relative to those for the state to be positively related to growth.
In an examination of all US metropolitan areas, Stansel (2005) reports that decentraliza-
tion increased growth (though state fixed effects are not accounted for and state laws
and constitutions set the framework for local governments). In a related study, he found
that the negative effect was weaker in the largest 100 metropolitan areas (Stansel 2002).
Hammond and Tosun (2011) examined all US counties and found that decentraliza-
tion in metropolitan areas, as measured by increased fragmentation of single-purpose
governments, increased employment growth, whereas reduced revenue centralization
increased income growth. In contrast, they found that general purpose government
fragmentation reduced population and employment growth in nonmetropolitan coun-
ties. They concluded that their varied results suggest that general claims could not be
made regarding fiscal deconcentration and regional growth.
Deconcentration also may occur in land use regulations. Jurisdictions in metropoli-
tan areas with tighter controls push building activity into neighboring jurisdictions pos-
sessing fewer controls, which often are positioned at the periphery of the metropolitan
area and beyond, creating sprawl (Carruthers 2003). Mills (2006) argued that Tiebout
competition increases jurisdictional competition and reduces inefficient low-density
development, a point disputed by Vigdor (2006). Brueckner (2000) argued that urban
expansion reflects consumer demands for larger houses and yards, as well as proxim-
ity to consumer amenities. If these suburban options are unavailable, this could reduce
a metropolitan area’s attractiveness to households. Lax land use regulations and an
absence of charging for social costs of development such as damage to ecosystem ser-
vices also can lead to rural sprawl (Weiler 2003), which may feed back negatively on
Integrating Regional Economic Development Analysis 37
When assessing economic development, one needs to consider several issues such as
(a) firm and household self-sorting; (b) the endogeneity of public policy (e.g., roads
are built where policymakers expect future growth or maybe where they do not expect
future growth); (c) unobservable factors that are correlated with both the dependent
and independent variables that cause endogeneity and omitted variable bias; and
(d) sample heterogeneity. The four main approaches in assessing economic devel-
opment are CGE models; simulations of theoretical models; instrumental variable
38 Mark D. Partridge and Dan S. Rickman
y = βX + e (1)
Holmes (2010) also labels reduced-form and descriptive exercises as another approach, noting its
limitations for establishing causality. However, Angrist and Pischke (2009, 213) describe the inherent
value of reduced-form models for careful empirical analysis. We do not separately consider descriptive
approaches because the dividing line between IV and reduced-form approaches has greatly blurred.
See Holmes (2010), Angrist and Pischke (2009), and Stock and Watson (2007) for more econometric
details. We do not describe spatial econometric methods because they are well known. In addition, their
value has recently been questioned due to specification issues including a lack of theoretical motivation
for their use and identification problems. See Overman and Gibbons (2010), McMillen (2010), and
Pinske and Slade (2010) for recent critiques.
Integrating Regional Economic Development Analysis 39
approach. Building a good economic case for their use, “clever” instruments are devel-
oped for contemporary interstate highway mileage: military road plans, early explorer
routes, and late 1890s railroad mileage. Further, they test for the strength of these instru-
ments and illustrate that an instrument can be conditionally valid after accounting for
other control variables.9 Alternative models such as limited information maximum like-
lihood estimators are used as robustness checks for weak instruments (see Angrist and
Pischke 2009 for related discussion).
Random experiments are the gold standard of empirical assessment, but rarely
exist in economic development practice (Holmes 2010). Quasi-experimental (QE)
approaches are used to approximate this setting (Card 1990). Holmes’ (1998) study of
business climate is one example. He examined the influence of state business climate on
manufacturing employment growth in the border counties between US states with and
without right-to-work union laws. The key identifying assumption is that productivity
would be the same at the border, in which state policy would be the main factor that
causes employment growth to vary. Of course, there could be many other factors that
could influence productivity such as historic location of cities. Holmes spent consider-
able effort in controlling for these persistent factors to strengthen identification.
Another QE approach is the difference-in-difference approach (DID) (Stock and
Watson 2007, Chapter 13). One example is Funderberg et al.’s (2010) examination of
1990s-era highway expansions in California. They examined population and employ-
ment growth in the immediate surrounding census tracts around selected highway
projects, comparing this to growth in nearby control tracts. Essentially, in the treatment
tracts, they differenced growth in the years after the completion of the road from growth
in the years immediately preceding completion. They did the same for the control tracts
that did not receive a new project. If the treatment experienced significantly higher
growth after the project, then the DID would be positive.10 The identifying assumption
is that the main factor affecting trend differences between the two groups is the road
construction, a strong assumption. Funderberg et al. (2010) control for other factors
that could account for different growth rates between the groups to strengthen their
identification. A possible research design weakness is that the control tracts were very
close to the treatment tracts. The new roads could shift growth from the treatment to the
control tracts, positively biasing the impact of the road construction, which needs to be
considered in research design.
Duranton and Turner (2011) argue that 19th-century railroads were built for short-term profits
and indirectly affect population today by affecting historic population. Thus, controlling for historic
population from the early-20th century would remove any correlation of the instrument with the
residual—that is, Cov(Z, ε │X) = 0.
10 Suppose that the DID window was five years before (period 0) and after (period 1) for employment
growth. Then the difference across the two periods for the treated region: ∆T = EmpGrowth1 –
EmpGrowth0. The analogous can be written for the control region ∆C. The DID estimator is ∆T – ∆C.
40 Mark D. Partridge and Dan S. Rickman
11 Although GHM did not predict the sign of this bias, it seems reasonable that comparing the
winning county’s TFP to all counties would overstate the TFP effects of a large plant opening because the
firm would likely locate in counties with underlying factors that would raise TFP for all firms.
Integrating Regional Economic Development Analysis 41
12 See McMillen (1996) and Fotheringham, Brunsdon, and Charlton (2002) for details.
42 Mark D. Partridge and Dan S. Rickman
speak” (Angrist and Pischke 2010), though structural proponents argue they are more
upfront about explicitly stating the model’s assumptions (Keane 2010). Angrist and
Pischke (2010) convincingly argue that another shortcoming is that authors do not sub-
ject structural models to sufficient robustness tests of their assumptions.
Structural models require further advances to capture the multiple dimensions
of modeling economic development and land use. Modeling of forward-looking
household behavior and place of work/place of residence behavior are in its infancy
(Kuminoff, Smith, and Timmins 2010) and both of these are key features of economic
development and land use processes. Likewise, modeling firm behavior is still emerg-
ing; thus, the joint firm/household decision making that characterizes the special equi-
librium approach is another area needing further research for developing structural
The primary theme of this chapter is the need to fully integrate land use in economic
development analysis. The complexity of regional economies combined with data and
methodological limitations have too often led to piecemeal analysis of regional eco-
nomic development and land use. Unfortunately, this has resulted in widely varying
findings and an incomplete understanding of key issues. Too little is known about the
interconnectedness of regional economic development and land use.
We outlined some areas for future research in the chapter, but there are other pos-
sibilities that warrant mention. We have already noted that sprawl studies typically do
not assess the interrelation between land use, regional economic growth, and envi-
ronmental quality. Likewise, firm location and workplace decisions are understudied
within this context. Modeling metropolitan areas or functional economic regions in
isolation of the interaction of cities across the entire hierarchy may produce mislead-
ing findings as shown by Polèse and Shearmur (2004) and by Partridge et al. (2008a,
2008b, 2009). Likewise, we know little about how structural shocks such as energy
shocks, housing bubbles/busts, and economic recessions such as the Great Recession
alter the course of land use and local economic development trajectories. The CGE
model is one tool that can be further utilized to structurally assess these complex inter-
actions with studies by Burnett et al. (2007) and Cutler and Davies (2007) representing
a good first step.
With income inequality reaching very high levels in the United States and elsewhere
(Atkinson, Piketty, and Saez 2011), another topic warranting more attention is how land
use and its interrelation with economic development affect poverty rates and income
inequality. The spatial mismatch literature shows that housing availability and employ-
ment access can affect employment outcomes for low-income households. Likewise,
land use decisions affect housing costs, which further affect income inequality.
Integrating Regional Economic Development Analysis 43
Examining these issues requires better data. More work has been done with micro
geo-coded housing data using GIS than with geo-coded firm-level data, although
Greenstone, Hornbeck, and Moretti (2010) demonstrate the possibilities. Very little
research brings both geo-coded firm and household data together, although the plan-
ning literature is one exception (e.g., Funderberg et al. 2010).
Combined with the increased availability of GIS and microdata, and improved meth-
ods of empirical estimation and modeling, the spatial equilibrium approach offers sig-
nificant promise for increasing our understanding of the relationship between regional
economic development and land use issues. Without a greater understanding of the
connection between the two, regional economic development and land use policies may
prove to be ineffective or harmful.
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C HA P T E R 2
Adoption and diffusion are two processes that affect the introduction of technological
innovations. Adoption represents individual decisions regarding the technology and is
measured as a discrete choice; that is, whether or not a technology was adopted by a
farmer or used on a piece of land. But it may also be accompanied by measures of inten-
sity; that is, the extent to which adoption occurs (degree of land share devoted to new
varieties). When new technologies have multiple components, they may be adopted
jointly or sequentially (Khanna 2001). For example, adoption of Green Revolution vari-
eties is also associated with choice of complementary inputs, such as fertilizer. In this
case, both land share of the new technology and the extent of fertilizer use are measures
of adoption.
Diffusion represents aggregate adoption. One measure of diffusion is the fraction of
farmers who adopt a new technology, whereas another measure is the fraction of the
land that is switched to using the new technology. When new technologies are embod-
ied in capital goods, they are often rented, and purchase decisions are only made after
sufficient experiences are accumulated. In these cases, diffusion is measured by the use
of new technology rather than the ownership of equipment.
Early empirical studies of diffusion were conducted by sociologists, such as Rogers
(2003), who collected data on aggregate adoption of different technologies and found
that diffusion was an S-shaped function of time, reflecting slow initial diffusion, then
a period of takeoff, and then an eventual tapering off. Rogers established the imitation
model, and, assuming homogeneity among farmers, he was able to model the spread
of a technological innovation as a process of imitation, which is similar to the spread
of an epidemic. In particular, if p(t) is the land share of the new technology over time,
then P (t ) = − ( α + βt )
, where K is the maximum diffusion rate, α is a measure of the
1+ e
initial rate of adoption, and β is the measure of the speed of adoption. Griliches (1957)
expanded the Rogers model by suggesting that the relative profitability of new technolo-
gies affects the speed of imitation. The more profitable the new technology, the faster the
imitation, the steeper the slope of the S-shaped curve (higher β), and the larger the value
of the maximum adoption, K.
David (1975) and Feder, Just, and Zilberman (1985) argue that the imitation model
does not include an explicit economic decision-making model, and so David introduced
the threshold model. The threshold model incorporates three major components. First,
farmers consider multiple factors in making economic decisions, including profit, util-
ity, risk, and other criteria. Second, it takes into consideration heterogeneity of farm size,
human capital, and/or land quality. Third, it is a dynamic model. Frequently, studies have
assumed static profit maximization or expected utility maximization by the decision
maker. Recent studies have assumed dynamic optimization, with the timing of adoption
54 David Zilberman Et al.
being determined by considering the tradeoff of benefits from use in the present with
reduced prices as production expands in the future (McWilliams and Zilberman 1996).
Sometimes, the dynamic processes that affect returns or costs are stochastic, such as
additive and multiplicative random walk. In these cases, decision makers are taking a
real option approach; thus, timing of adoption is selected so that marginal benefit over-
comes marginal cost plus the hurdle rates that increase with uncertainty (Khanna et al.
2000; Seo et al. 2008). The threshold model emphasizes the importance of the effective
rollout of a technology, as well as its introduction in locations with the highest returns
and willingness to experiment with the product. People who adopt early are those who
have the most favorable conditions. But, over time, a new technology may become more
attractive because of learning by doing (i.e., knowledge acquisition from experience in
production of a product), learning by using (i.e., learning through use of a technology),
or network externalities, causing more adopters to join in. When there is partial adop-
tion, increase in adoption over time may be both at the intensive and extensive margins.
For example, over time, the adoption of Green Revolution varieties may expand because
adopters increase the relative land share used by the technology (intensive margin) and
because nonadopters enter and allocate land to the technology (extensive margin). In
the case of mechanical innovation, larger scale farmers will adopt first, but as a technol-
ogy becomes cheaper and custom services are developed, smaller farmers will adopt the
technology (Sunding and Zilberman 2001). In the case of drip irrigation, the sources of
heterogeneity are represented by the differences in water-holding capacity of the soil,
and adoption occurs on land that previously utilized traditional technologies, as well as
on land with low water holding capacity that was unable to be used previously. Adoption
of technologies such as drip irrigation and pesticides tends to increase the acreage of
usable agricultural land by adding land that could not be utilized previously because of
water or pest constraints. With adoption, the value of this land increases as a result of its
new use.
The threshold model emphasizes the importance of heterogeneity among farmers
and has been applied using data on technology, as well as on land use choices at the
plot or the farm level. Discrete-choice econometric approaches (using a probit or logit
model) are used to explain factors that affect the selection of specific divisible technol-
ogies by farmers (e.g., whether a farmer uses a tractor), whereas the use of the Tobit
model allows for the investigation of situations in which adoption is partial. This can
be seen when farmers allocate some of their land to Green Revolution technologies as
opposed to traditional technologies. Panel data on changes in technology choice and
land use over time, at the plot or farm level, identify sources of heterogeneity, as well as
the patterns of the evolution of diffusion and adoption (Sunding and Zilberman 2001).
Studies have also used treatment effect models to analyze the effects of adoption on land
use or input use (Khanna 2001).
Technology Adoption and Land Use 55
2.1 Divisibility
Some technologies are embodied in indivisible equipment—like tractors or combines—
whereas others, like new seed varieties, are divisible. When an indivisible technology
has to be purchased, scale becomes the dominant source of heterogeneity. If a technol-
ogy that requires a fixed annual cost of Ft dollars and increases profit per acre in period
t by Δπt, then profit-maximizing firms of farm size Lt = Ft / ∆π t greater than the critical
farm size will adopt the technology at time t, showing farm size as a source of heteroge-
neity. The dynamics of diffusion will be affected by the distribution of both farm size and
critical size. Learning by doing, which acts to reduce Ft, and learning by using, which
acts to increase Δπt, will reduce Lt and drive diffusion. We plausibly assume that the
farm size distribution is unimodal and the diffusion curve is S-shaped (Sunding and
Zilberman 2001). Farm size distributions can be altered, and when technologies are
indivisible, owners of small farms have to expand the size of their operation to make
adoption profitable.
Thus, the distribution of land among farms may affect the timing and dynamics of
diffusion, and the introduction of new technologies may alter farm size distribution.
The introduction of indivisible technologies may have contributed to increases in aver-
age farm size in the United States and other Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD) countries. One mechanism that enables smaller farmers to
benefit from large, nondivisible machinery has been the introduction of custom service
provision. In locations where there are fewer barriers to the establishment of such ser-
vices, farmers can benefit from the technology without buying it, and the diffusion rates
measured by percentage of land used with machinery are much higher. Furthermore,
when farmers are uncertain about benefits of a technology, the introduction of rental
services allows them to gain experience with the technology prior to purchasing it.
In the case of divisible technologies, adoption may be partial. Farmers may adopt
new crop varieties or a pest control treatment on part of their land first, and then vary
the land share over time. Even in cases of technologies that are seemingly divisible, like
new seed varieties, farmers have fixed costs of learning and adjustment. Thus, a certain
amount of scale is needed to adopt some of these technologies, especially early in the
innovation process, in order to cover these fixed costs.
56 David Zilberman Et al.
Profit per
Acre, $
Profit of modern technology
A B C D Land quality
Introduction of new technologies alters the relative value of land and may lead to
expansion of farmland into areas that weren’t previously utilized; this expansion is called
the extensive margin effect of adoption. An example of increasing returns to scale due
to the extensive margin effect of adoption is seen with the invention of pumps. Before
the invention of pumps, areas located below rivers were considered superior to areas
located above rivers because canals could irrigate them, but pumps raised the value of
land located above rivers and expanded farming to these areas. Drip irrigation increased
the relative value of sandy soil that has low water-holding capacity and led to farming in
areas that were previously deserted (Caswell and Zilberman 1986).
Each of these technology categories must overcome constraints but may lead to the
expansion of agricultural land, change the relative prices of land, and may actually
turn inferior land into superior land (as is the case in the introduction of irrigation to
California’s central valley).
varieties in order to balance overall risk with expected gain. One of the advantages of
irrigation is that it both increases yield and reduces risk, so if the adoption cost is suf-
ficiently low, then irrigation technologies stochastically dominate dry farming. One
advantage of genetically modified (GM) cotton is that it both increases yield and reduces
risk, and the fixed cost associated with adoption is more than recovered in regions with
sufficient pest damage (NRC 2010).
Technology adoption decisions are basically investment decisions. Assume that a new
technology requires an investment of I dollars and has a life horizon of T years. At the
beginning of each year, the farmer has to allocate his or her land (L between the tra-
ditional L0t and the modern technology L1t ). The modern technology is also likely to
change output (∆ yt) as well as input use (∆ xt ) and pollution (∆ zt ), but these impacts are
uncertain. The prices of output, input, and pollution at time t are pt, wt, and vt, respec-
tively. The change in profit at period t is ∆π t = ( pt ∆yt − wt ∆xt − vt ∆zt )L1t. Basic model-
ing suggests that a risk-neutral farmer will adopt the technology if its net present value
T ∆π t
t =0 (1 + r )
t − I is positive. This model suggests that the likelihood of adoption increases;
as the discount rate and initial investment for the farmer become lower, the planning
horizon, the price of output (if the technology increases yield), the price of input (if the
technology saves input), and the pollution penalty (if the technology reduces pollution)
become higher. The analysis suggests that larger farms are more likely to adopt the tech-
nology and that larger initial investments, as well as higher discount rates, increase the
critical farm size for adoption.
The net present value approach emphasizes the role of financial incentives in induc-
ing adoption. Linn (2008) showed that financial incentives have a positive effect on
adoption of energy-conserving technology, but the elasticity of adoption in response
to financial incentives is low. Thus, financial incentives alone are not significant in
60 David Zilberman Et al.
determining the feasibility of adoption, which points to the need to incorporate other
considerations that may affect adoption choices. These considerations may include
imperfect capital markets, risk aversion, and government policies, which are discussed
in detail in the next sections.
profits per acre for the two technologies. Just and Zilberman (1983) found that the area
allocated to the modern technology is
µ1 − µ0 σ12 − σ 02
L1 = − L, (1)
φ(σ12 − σ 02 + 2σ12 ) (σ12 − σ 02 + 2σ12 )
where ϕ is the measure of risk aversion, assuming that the modern technology has
higher mean and variance of profits. Equation (1) suggests that more land will be allo-
cated to the new technology the higher the yield gain is from this technology, the smaller
the risk aversion of this new technology, and the riskier the traditional technology is
relative to the new technology. The equation emphasizes the role of correlation in land
allocation; adoption of the new technology will increase as the correlation between the
traditional and new technology becomes smaller.
There is heterogeneity in the degree of risk aversion and loss aversion across farm
sizes and farmer wealth. Studies have found that larger and richer farmers tend to allo-
cate more acreage to a modern technology, but, in some cases, the land share of modern
technology is higher on smaller farms. For example, Marra and Carlson (1990) show
that the pattern of adoption of double cropping soybeans with wheat in the United States
is consistent with risk aversion and the covariance of returns between the old and new
technologies. In making decisions about allocating land for crops or other products,
farmers have to consider a number of risks, such as variability in yields due to weather,
difficulties in establishing the crop, and volatility in prices because of variable demand
and supply. High returns from other possible uses of the land may also play a primary
role in the farmers’ willingness to adopt a given technology.
A third approach is based on prospect theory (Kahneman and Tversky 1979) and has
more predictive power than expected utility theory in explaining decisions to adopt new
technologies, under certain conditions (Zellner and Zilberman 2011). The three key
features of prospect theory are (1) loss aversion, which implies that farmers are more
sensitive to losses below a reference; (2) framing of alternatives, namely specific simpli-
fication of risky alternatives considered in adoption choices; and (3) the difference in
perceived risk used for decision making and the actual associated risks. An empirical
study conducted by Malawi, Smale et al. (1994) shows that land use allocations between
new and old crops are explained by risk management strategies that combine portfolio
diversification, safety-first rules, and experimentation. Similarly, Huang and Liu (2013)
showed that both risk and loss aversion may delay the adoption of GM cotton in China.
A fourth approach to include risk in technology adoption is the real option approach
developed by Dixit, Pindyk, and Davis (1994). Whereas the other three approaches are
based on static analysis, Dixit, Pindyk, and Davis view adoption as a dynamic invest-
ment decision but also suggest that, instead of using net present value to decide whether
or not to adopt a technology at a given time, decision makers have another degree of
freedom—they can also determine the timing of the adoption. For example, if there is
uncertainty in the properties of the technologies or the behavior of prices in the future,
62 David Zilberman Et al.
there may be gains (option-value) from taking advantage of waiting until uncertainties
are clarified. McWilliams and Zilberman (1996) showed that when prices of new tech-
nologies tend to decline over time, seen in the case of adoption of computers, optimal
timing balanced the gains from the decline of prices versus the loss of the services of
the new technology. Carey and Zilberman (2002) show that when considering adop-
tion of new irrigation technologies when water pricing is fluctuating, the critical price of
water that triggers adoption is the critical price under certainty plus a “hurdle rate” that
takes into account the fluctuation of water prices. Greiner, Patterson, and Miller (2009)
combined option-value consideration and risk aversion to explain barriers of adoption
of conservation technologies in Australia. Khanna et al. (2000) and Isik et al. (2001)
show that uncertainty about output prices and expectations of declining fixed costs of
adoption can create incentives to delay investment in precision technologies, particu-
larly on components that have relatively high fixed costs. This is particularly the case on
land parcels with low soil quality and low variability in soil quality, where the benefits
of adopting these technologies are relatively small. Thus, one venue through which risk
and uncertainty affect land use and land values is through their impact on technology
adoption. Risk consideration will affect adoption, and, at the same time, adoption of
new technologies will affect the magnitude of risk.
unaffected. However, it can affect a farmer’s decision to remain in agriculture or use the
land for nonagricultural activities. Serra et al. (2005, 2006) show that decoupled policies
reduce farmers’ aversion to risk through the wealth effect and contribute to the intensi-
fication of farming.
4.6 Regulations
Firms and farms are subject to various regulations, including worker safety regulations,
environmental regulations, and the like that can affect the costs and returns to alterna-
tive technologies. Regulations can increase the net gains from adopting environmen-
tally friendly technologies, rewarding farmers for reducing externalities associated with
land use. Some regulations are performance based, a criterion that may constrain the
outcomes of economic activity (e.g., upper bounds on concentration of chemicals in
water disposed by farms), whereas other regulations are practice based, which limit or
even ban specific practices. Lichtenberg (2002) documents how environmental regu-
lations (water quality regulations, runoff controls, pesticide residue regulations) led to
adoption of conservation and precision technologies. Casey et al. (1999) describe the
role that regulations have played in inducing adoption or disadoption of technologies.
Khanna et al. (2002) show that cost share subsidies and input reduction subsidies can
Technology Adoption and Land Use 65
induce greater adoption of modern irrigation technologies than pollution taxes that
achieve the same level of pollution abatement.
The deployment of contract farming has been increasing globally, and the terms of
these contracts are shaped by the conditions of the country and the product (Rehber
1998). In many developing countries, the introduction of contracts was part of the
introduction of new products or new production systems that aimed at improving prod-
uct quality. This improved quality allowed market expansion of various products such as
fresh fruit, vegetables, and meats and the introduction of new technologies, such as the
enclosed industrial systems for producing poultry. In the developing world, contracts
are used as coordination mechanisms in terms of quality, quantity, and time, and they
provide incentives for performance, as well as provide protection against financial risks.
The growing importance of an integrated supply chain in agriculture suggests that more
emphasis should be placed on studying technology adoption and land use choices under
contracts and vertical integration.
There is growing evidence that adoption choices depend not only on monetary benefits,
but also on nonpecuniary benefits as well. The household production function litera-
ture spawned by Becker (1965) and Lancaster (1966) has shown that households make
choices that consider both market and nonmarket goods and consider factors such as lei-
sure, health, aesthetic beauty, and lifestyle in allocating resources, including technology
adoption. Marra and Piggot (2006) document that one major reason that farmers have
adopted GMO varieties in the United States, sometimes in spite of low-yield gains, is that
they entail less health risk, environmental damages, and effort than traditional varieties.
The theory of planned behavior (Ajzen 1991) has been used to understand decision
making by agricultural producers. This theory considers attitudes, subjective norms,
and perceived behavioral controls to be the primary determinants of behavioral inten-
tions, and it seeks to understand the factors that determine these behaviors.
5.1 Attitudes
There is not much quantitative assessment on the impact of attitude on adoption.
Positive attitudes among farmers toward environmentally friendly practices have led to
the adoption of crop rotations, sustainable agriculture, soil conservation practices, and
best management practices in dairy farms (Villamil et al. 2008).
pressures from important reference groups were major factors contributing to the
inability of farmers to convert positive attitudes into adoption of a technology. The effect
of social norms regarding visual appearance of a crop is an indicator of the success of a
farmer and may affect technology choices (Villamil et al. 2008). Social perception and
attitudes may trigger adoption of technologies that will benefit the community as a
whole, which may result in an increase in the value of land in the community.
6.2 Wealth
This factor contributes to adoption in a variety of ways. Wealthier individuals face less
credit and other financial constraints that may hinder adoption, and they are often less
averse to risk; thus, they are more likely to invest in high-risk, high-return technologies.
Higher wealth may also lead to riskier decisions in terms of how to use land. Finally,
early adoption of some new and advanced technologies (tractors, computers, etc.) is
often prestigious, and a wealthier individual can more easily afford it. To the extent that
wealth contributes to adoption of technologies or crop varieties that increase the aver-
age profitability of farmers, it also serves as a mechanism to further increase the value of
land in wealthier regions.
6.3 Scale
A large body of evidence suggests that several dimensions of operational scale con-
tribute to adoption. Larger farm size is likely to enhance the adoption of technologies
that are either indivisible or have economics of scale. Size is likely to reduce risk aver-
sion and thus enhance adoption of high-risk, high-return technologies. Scale allows
farmers to buy inputs, including both physical (farm machinery, e.g., combines)
and human (expert advice) capital, which reduces the per-unit costs of these inputs
and enhances the utilization of these assets. A stronger capital asset base reduces
the cost of adoption of technologies that use these assets as complementary inputs.
Foster and Rosenzweig (2010a) argue that, in addition to being a catalyst for adop-
tion of technologies in developing countries, size is a major contributor to increased
productivity. The notion of “small farms” varies by crop and activity. For example, a
five-acre wheat farm will be minuscule whereas a nursery of the same size will be a
viable business.
6.4 Health
The intellectual capacity that is crucial for allocative ability also depends on health sta-
tus and good nutrition. The study by Croppenstedt and Muller (2000) documents that
improved nutritional status improves productivity, presumably through improved allo-
cation and technology choices.
6.5 Age
Several studies have found that age affects adoption choices. Younger farmers are
more knowledgeable about new practices and may be more willing to bear risk and
Technology Adoption and Land Use 69
invest in new technologies (Gould et al. 1989; Polson and Spencer 1991; Adesina and
Zinnah 1993). The major reason that younger agents are more likely to adopt new
technologies is that they have a longer planning horizon and are thus likely to get
more use from the technology over their lifetime. Some authors find positive corre-
lation between age and adoption (Hussain et al. 1994). Older farmers may be more
likely to adopt technologies with shorter repayment periods that may reduce effort
and allow improved lifestyle.
6.6 Location
The early studies of adoption emphasized the role of location in explaining diffusion.
Distance and access to markets and experts can have significant impacts on adoption.
Villages farther away from centers of commerce were less likely to adopt technologies
such as hybrid corn (Rogers 2003). Key factors like climate and soil quality also influ-
ence the profitability of adoption and depend on location of the farmer.
7. Conclusion
The research leading to this chapter was supported by the Energy Biosciences Institute,
U.C. Berkeley and BP Environmental Science Challenge Project.
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C HA P T E R 3
A R E A S S T I L L V IA B L E ?
E DW I N S . M I L L S
This chapter1 concerns the functions of and prospects for large metropolitan areas. In
the United States, the federal government recently revised and expanded its metropoli-
tan concepts2. In 2004, there were 375 generic metropolitan areas (MAs) that contained
80% of the US population. Since MAs consist of entire counties, they contain much
rural land, perhaps 25–40% of total MA land areas. One result is that 2–5% of metro-
politan residents are rural. Since only 2–3% of US workers are employed on farms, the
vast majority of rural workers are engaged in the same work that urban residents do. In
fact, a substantial number of US rural residents work in urban or metro areas, assisted
by our superb interstate highway system that enables rural residents to commute long
distances to urban jobs.
International comparisons of MAs are approximate. Nearly all governments define
a metropolitan concept, but not in quite the same way. By any reasonable definition,
Tokyo is the world’s largest metropolitan area, with about 25 million people, or 20% of
the Japanese population. Mexico City may be the world’s second largest MA, although it
is difficult to decide where the MA ends. In the United States, New York (18 million peo-
ple), Los Angeles (13 million people), and Chicago (9 millions people) have for decades
been ranked in that order as the three largest MAs.
Most high-income countries are 60–85% urban. Middle-income countries are mostly
40–60% urban. Low-income countries are mostly in the 20–40% range. Good cocktail
party conversation can be made of the fact that two countries that are popularly thought
This chapter is a substantial revision and updating of Mills (1992b).
2 See Gacquin and DeBrandt (eds.) (2006, 774, 775) for concise definitions. This annual 1,200-page
volume contains by far the best summary of US data for states, metropolitan areas, counties, and cities.
The statistics in this section are from it and recent issues of the World Development Report.
Are Large Metropolitan Areas Still Viable? 75
of as agricultural are among the most highly urbanized countries in the world: Israel and
New Zealand are 91% and 86% urban, respectively.
Although most MAs in the world have been suburbanizing during the post–World
War II period, the process has gone much further in the United States than in most
countries. Beyond 1–5 miles from the city center, population and employment densities
do not vary systematically with distance from US MA centers. The result is that US sub-
urbs are extremely low density by comparison with those in almost any other country.
More cocktail party conversation: one MA, Cheyenne, has a lower MA population den-
sity than the entire 48 contiguous states.
Why do MAs exist? They exist because they perform functions that cannot be per-
formed as well by any other form of spatial organization. In the United States, an acre
of prime downtown land in a large MA might sell for upward of $50 million, whereas
an acre of prime agricultural land 50 miles away might sell for $5,000–10,000, making
downtown land 5,000–10,000 times as valuable as nearby farmland. In large European
and Asian MAs, comparisons are equally dramatic. There is hardly any comparably
dramatic social comparison. The comparison suggests that MA land is extremely pro-
ductive. People pay so much more for downtown land only because it provides com-
mensurate benefits.
The literature on the functions of large MAs is confused and emotional, but the truth is
prosaic. MAs provide no technology and no form of social or business organization that
is not available elsewhere. The only characteristic that is unique to large MAs is proxim-
ity among tens of thousands of businesses and households within a few miles.
Why is proximity so valuable that it may drive up the price of land that provides the
best access by a factor of 5,000–10,000? The reason, of course, is that proximity econo-
mizes on transportation and communication costs. Transportation and communication
are expensive. A downtown location is worth more than a suburban location to a highly
paid professional who must meet frequently with other similar professionals. The travel
times to such meetings are much shorter downtown even if travel speeds are faster at
suburban locations but travel distances are greater. Also, the cost of moving people is
much greater than the costs of moving commodities, and, as people costs have risen rel-
ative to commodity costs, commodity production has almost completely moved away
from central locations in large MAs.
The high cost of transporting people and goods is a necessary but not sufficient condi-
tion for MAs. If all commodities and services could be produced as cheaply at small vol-
ume as in large volume, most transportation costs could be avoided if small businesses
located very close to each other, to their customers and employees, and to their material
suppliers. But it is uneconomical to produce cars, education, or almost anything else in
facilities that supply only a few consumers. Economies of scale require that production
76 Edwin S. Mills
3 Substantial opinion among real estate professionals holds that the tallest recently constructed
office towers are excessively tall. Even in the early days of New York’s World Trade Center, the top floors
were more difficult to rent than lower floors. It is perhaps indicative that most of the world’s recently
built towers, including the World Trade Center, were built by governments or with large government
subsidies. The top floors of such structures are sometimes referred to as “vanity floors.”
Are Large Metropolitan Areas Still Viable? 77
There is enormous stability in the relative population sizes of MAs within a country,
although the MAs that occupy particular ranks change from time to time (see Gabaix in
Henderson 2005). New York has been the country’s largest MA since the first census in
1790. The same MAs have occupied each of the top 5 size ranks since 1970. Over a lon-
ger period, Los Angeles has risen and Baltimore has fallen in rank.
Throughout the post–World War II period, the largest MAs have grown relatively
slowly. Of the 10 largest MAs in 2004, only Atlanta and Dallas were among the 10 fast-
est growing MAs from 2000 to 2004. Among the 10 fastest growing MAs from 2000 to
2004, all were in the Sunbelt except Sacramento. The fastest growing, Las Vegas, grew 3.4
times as fast as the average US MA. (That the largest MAs grow more slowly than smaller
MAs does not mean that MA sizes are converging. Just because tall parents tend to have
children who are shorter than their parents, and short parents tend to have children who
are taller than their parents does not mean people are converging to a uniform height.)
Five US MAs had annual growth rates in excess of 10% from 2000 to 2004. Such growth
rates rival those of the most rapidly growing third-world MAs. (The data in this para-
graph are from DeBrandt and Gaquin 2006, 774.)
What limits the sizes of the largest MAs? First is the size and geography of the country.
Only countries with large populations have large MAs. No MA with more than about
8 million population is in a country with fewer than 50 million people. Large MAs tend
to be distant from each other. Bombay and Calcutta are on the opposite coasts of India,
as are New York and Los Angeles in the United States. In many countries, the best natu-
ral harbor is also the site of the largest metropolitan area: New York, Tokyo, Mumbai,
Manila, and London (World Bank, various issues).
Second, and most fundamentally, are limits to the demand for commodities and
services produced in the MA. Every MA “exports” some commodities and services to
buyers outside the MA; nearly all commodities manufactured in an MA are sold out-
side the MA. (Similar comments apply to material inputs purchased from outside the
MA.) Many services also are sold outside the MA where they are produced, perhaps as
many as one-third. Patients come from great distances to the Johns Hopkins Hospital
in Baltimore, as do students to the major universities. Many of the sales on financial
exchanges in MAs are among buyers and sellers located outside the MA. As interna-
tional trade has increased in recent decades, foreign demand has added to the growth of
large MAs in some countries, including New York, London, Los Angeles, and Mumbai.
Because of lower transportation and communication costs, the cost of an MA’s export
tends to increase as a function of distance. Far away customers not only will be served
at greater cost, but the competition from other MAs will increase as well. Many studies
have shown that foreign demand cannot be explained by distance; presumably, the same
holds for MA exports. Large MAs often export commodities and services, sometimes at
78 Edwin S. Mills
great distance, that are not produced by smaller MAs. New York has the highest quality
maritime attorneys in the country, and Chicago has the most sophisticated commodi-
ties exchanges.
The final factor related to MA exports relates to costs. As noted earlier, land values
increase with MA size. Rents, wages, and other input prices are raised accordingly, mak-
ing large MAs expensive places to produce. In the final analysis this is the signal that the
MA is as big as it should be. In recent years, both workers and businesses have discov-
ered that Southern California is an expensive place to work or to locate a business. The
same appears to be true in many Asian MAs, such as Mumbai.
To this point, no mention has been made in this chapter of congestion and pol-
lution, factors many believe are limits to the size of large MAs. Absent remedial
measures, both problems tend to become worse as the size of an MA increases.
Nevertheless, both can be alleviated by government and private expenditures.
Transportation facilities can be built and improved. Sewage treatment facilities can
be built and upgraded, and emission standards can be upgraded. The additional
costs are a logical cost of large MAs. In the United States, the federal government
intervenes extensively, for example by financing MA public transit construction
with nationally raised taxes. The result is to understate the true costs of large MAs
to people and businesses in the MA. Such monies could be raised by MA govern-
ments, with oversight by state governments. Then, the costs of the MA would be
reflected in prices that would be charged for commodities and services produced
in the MA. Thus, congestion and pollution can be alleviated by appropriate expen-
ditures, and such expenditures are a logical part of the cost of living and doing
business in the large MAs. If this cost is reflected in prices of commodities and ser-
vices produced in large MAs, markets will get the right signals about appropriate
MA sizes.
The final issue discussed here pertains to crime, homelessness, poverty, illegitimacy,
racial tensions, and other forms of alienation that increase with MA size and tend to
limit size. With poverty, the claim is demonstrably false. The incidence of poverty is
lower in MAs than elsewhere and does not increase with MA size. There is some evi-
dence that welfare-prone people are attracted to MAs with unusually generous welfare
programs and that large MAs have more generous welfare programs than small MAs.
The appropriate measure is welfare payments relative to living costs, and “real” welfare
payments hardly rise with MA size. In any case, such effects are small, and the claims are
often thinly disguised forms of racism.
Street crime rates also rise with MA size, but, again, the correlation is not strong.
One key observation is that large MAs are more impersonal and consequently less
civil than towns or small MAs. No one who has lived in both a small town and a large
city can doubt this, but it is difficult to imagine that impersonal relations increase
significantly in places with more than 1 or 2 million people. Such MAs are already
Are Large Metropolitan Areas Still Viable? 79
3. Suburbanization
As previously noted, US MAs have suburbanized more than those in almost any other
country. Carefully documented reasons include falling transportation costs and rising
incomes. The more up-scale housing preferred by higher income people generally can
be provided most economically in suburbs, where land values are lower.
Less well studied, but probably important, is the interaction between suburbaniza-
tion of employment and housing. Manufacturing has long dispersed from central cities
and has been moving to distant edges of MAs and beyond since the 1950s.This stems
from technical progress that has reduced labor inputs even as manufacturing output has
grown. In addition, our superb interstate highway system enables many workers to com-
mute from MA suburbs to manufacturing jobs even well outside the MA. Factories line
the interstates leading from the Chicago MA. Many services, including finance, insur-
ance, real estate, retailing, and healthcare have moved to the suburbs massively in recent
decades, perhaps following their employees and customers as much as leading them.
Finally, increasingly stringent land use controls, especially since the mid-1970s, have
limited population densities to below competitive levels in both central cities and sub-
urbs, especially in large MAs. Chicago illustrates typical effects of suburbanization.
From 1980 to 2003, the urban population of the Chicago MA increased less than 30%,
but the land area increased more than 40% (see DeBrandt and Gaquin 2006). Two-thirds
of the population and 60% of employment are located in near-by suburbs.
Costs of moving people and commodities fall gradually, but costs of processing and
transporting information fall much more rapidly. Estimates are that the real cost of
doing a given arithmetic operation has fallen at a compound annual rate of 10–20% dur-
ing the last quarter or third of a century. Experts assert that no end of this technical
revolution is in sight. During the 1970s and 1980s, the costs of moving information—
anything that can be put on paper—fell dramatically. The cost of data transmission over
long distances has fallen because of improved small computers, fax machines, e-mail,
cheaper long distance telephone service, and computers especially designed to network.
Although careful studies do not exist, this revolution must have promoted growth
of the suburbs and development of edge cities. There is as yet little evidence of disper-
sion of service sector employment away from substantial centers, either downtown or in
suburbs. That suggests that access—inexpensive face-to-face contacts among people—
has been the driving force. My hypothesis is that subcenter development is proceed-
ing much the same way and for much the same reasons that downtown development
proceeded in earlier years. The difference is that cluster development is proceeding
faster outside of downtown areas in large MAs than in small MAs. Businesses in sub-
urban subcenters appear to interact little with downtown businesses. Naperville, nearly
30 miles west of downtown, is the quintessential edge city in the Chicago MA. It is an
edge city of 140 thousand residents in 2004, having more than tripled since 1980, and
is a thriving and independent community. In 2000, 65,000 jobs were located there, but
80 Edwin S. Mills
not everyone who worked there lived there, and everyone who lived there did not also
work there.
The rapid and extensive growth of the suburbs increasingly blurs the distinction
between metropolitan and rural. People who work in Naperville or who sell com-
modities and/or services there can easily live 20–40 miles west of Naperville, placing
them well beyond the limits of the Chicago MA. As edge cities become larger and more
self-contained, exurban locations become increasingly attractive. Indeed, in some
places an exurban location, say, no more than 50 miles from an MA downtown, may be
little farther from the downtowns of one or two other MAs. Are such locations rural or
metropolitan? The name is not crucial, but the effects may be very important. Twenty
years ago, these would have been distant rural areas. For many small towns and rural
places that have become edge cities or have come to have easy access to edge cities, such
developments have provided increased employment and large capital gains on farm-
land. For others, such developments have brought unwelcome newcomers and lifestyle
I conclude with speculations about the future of large MAs. The only safe statement is
that the largest 5–10 US MAs in 2000 are almost certain to grow at slower rates than the
US population in coming decades. It would physically difficult for these 5–10 largest
MAs to grow much because they are located near other MAs. In 2004, the five largest
MAs contained 52.6 million people, 17.9% of the total US population and 22.4% of the
MA population.
I expect the MA share of total population to increase about 1 percentage point during
the decade or so after 2004. However, the MA share of total population is unlikely to rise
as far as 85% during the first few decades of the 21st century. The five largest MAs are
likely to grow slowly and to fall slightly as a share of total MA population.
This forecast is a conservative extrapolation of trends during the past 20 years. Why
might it be wrong? One common conjecture is that large MAs are increasingly unpleas-
ant places to live and do business and that people prefer small MAs anyway. I do not
believe that is a significant argument. For decades, people have told pollsters that they
prefer to live and work in small urban areas; 50,000–100,000 people is the most com-
mon range. Whatever such polls tell us, they do not forecast behavior. Population and
employment have continued to grow throughout the MA size distribution, and small
MAs have not grown much faster than middle-size MAs.
Living and working are not unpleasant in MAs; they are, to some extent, unpleas-
ant in some large MA cities. Population fell slowly in many large MA cities for several
decades, but the trend reversed slowly toward the end of the 1990s. Growth has focused
Are Large Metropolitan Areas Still Viable? 81
in suburbs, and nearly two-thirds of the MA population now lives in suburbs. As noted
earlier, many large suburban communities now have most of the advantages of central
cities: cultural, recreational, and the like. The polls tell us that many MAs are of the sizes
where many people like to live. Many suburban residents think that large suburban
communities are developing some of the disadvantages of central cities: traffic conges-
tion and crime, specifically. Because land use controls are, or can be, effective in keeping
out low-income people, and because traffic investments can be made, I do not think the
danger is great. In sum, I do not believe quality of life issues will cause people and jobs to
flee large MAs.
Suburbs have grown relative to large or inner cities for a variety of reasons. The result,
however, is clear: suburbanites have higher incomes and greater educational attainment
than inner-city residents. Inner cities have a greater mixture of racial and ethnic minori-
ties and an appalling concentration of alienated and poor black residents.
Studies indicate that school performance, illegitimacy, and crime all improve if
low-income minorities are somewhat dispersed instead of living together in low-income
neighborhoods. Role models appear to be the key causal factor. Large MAs have larger
fractions of their middle and upper middle-income populations living in exclusionary
suburbs than have small MAs. The ratio of suburban to central city income increases
with MA size. The result is more segregation of large groups of low-income minorities in
inner cities and greater alienation in large than in small MAs. An important part of the
solution of this peculiarly US inner-city problem is reduced government density con-
trols in both inner cities and suburbs, but it is not essentially a problem of MA size.
Why have poor minorities not followed jobs to suburbs? The answers are complex
and poorly understood. But one partial answer revealed by studies is government den-
sity controls. The poor are effectively zoned out of many suburbs. How many more
low-income and minority residents would live in suburbs, and how many would
perform better there, if land use controls were less of a barrier is impossible to know.
However, some simple calculations in Mills (1985) indicate that central cities would
contain more white residents, more residents altogether, and more jobs if low-income
and minority people were more evenly spread out among MA suburbs. The reason is
that, to some extent, high-income people locate in suburbs to avoid the “blight” that
results from the concentration of low-income and minority residents in central cities.
If it were easier for low-income and minority residents to disperse from the inner cit-
ies, there would be less real or perceived inner city blight. In sum, there would be fewer
places for higher income people to go and less to escape from (also see also Mills 2005).
Therefore, movement of upper income residents to the suburbs and the use of police
power to keep low-income people out of suburbs have caused movement to the suburbs
to be more extreme than it would be otherwise, and neither the private nor government
sectors in the inner cities perform as well as they are capable of performing.
More difficult to deal with is the second common conjecture: computerization. It is
certain that the compilation, analysis, and transmission of data over long distances will
become increasingly cheap and common in the coming years. Some conjecture this will
destroy the rationale for large collections of office-type activity. If information can be
82 Edwin S. Mills
transmitted electronically, why locate in an office center where land is many times as
expensive as it would be at a more isolated location?
The key issue is whether computers will destroy the need for face-to-face contact in
business communication. Inexpensive long distance electronic transmission of infor-
mation has been available for some years. It has long been possible to fly diskettes across
the country overnight by express delivery services, and fax messages and e-mail have
been widely used for more than two decades. Videophones and low long distance phone
rates have long been available as well. These innovations seem to have had almost no
effect in dispersing business activity beyond MA boundaries. During the 70s and 80s,
suburbanization probably was faster because of these technologies, but this seems to
have been caused more from gradually falling costs of moving people and goods rather
than from rapidly falling costs of moving data. Technology will soon be available that
will permit instantaneous interaction by voice, video, and printed documents over great
distances and at low cost, permitting meetings among people separated by long dis-
tances. They will be able to see and hear one another and transmit documents to each
other quickly and cheaply.
I have maintained that access to large numbers of businesses and households is the
essence of large MAs. If face-to-face meetings became obsolete, beyond a doubt, large
MAs would shrink dramatically within a decade or so. I have grave doubts whether that
will happen, but I have no crystal ball and I offer the following with an unusual dose of
I do not believe electronics will make face-to-face meetings obsolete. Anything that
can be spoken can be transmitted electronically. The issue is the benefits versus the costs
of electronic transmission as compared to face-to-face transmission. In Mills (1992a),
I distinguished between unambiguous and ambiguous information. Ambiguous infor-
mation is what is transmitted in early meetings between potential vendors and buyers
of a new product. Each side wants to explore the other side’s needs, wishes, abilities,
reliability, willingness-to-pay, and likely costs and speed of production and delivery.
It is what is transmitted when opposing attorneys in a case meet to discuss possible
settlement out of court. It is what is transmitted when members of a profession meet
for lunch. They all know they are competitors, and they all want to get more valuable
information than they give about technology, market trends, product innovations,
and the like. Yet they all know that they must give some information in order to get
some. Quintessentially, it is what is transmitted in an academic seminar. The essence
of a research seminar is that a group of people with a common vocabulary and body of
expertise come together to listen to a colleague discuss a half-baked idea. The result is
akin to a controlled free association exchange, the essence of the creative process.
My claim is that the exchange of ambiguous information is what face-to-face com-
munication has always been about and that electronic communication is a poor sub-
stitute. In such exchanges, it is disadvantageous to write too much down. In addition,
each participant wants to iterate in the information exchange. Finally, participants fre-
quently want to “feel each other out” prior to providing unambiguous information. The
exchange proceeds in ways that depend on the information set that participants bring
Are Large Metropolitan Areas Still Viable? 83
to the meeting and are willing to communicate. Such information can be known only
approximately prior to the meeting.
Experiments and scientific (mostly by sociologists and management specialists)
observations of electronic meetings confirm the above conjectures. Electronic meet-
ings induce people to bring prepared statements and take positions they then find
it awkward to modify or abandon. Those with supervisory responsibility may not
be able to manage those who are long-winded or get sidetracked. Closely related,
those with managerial responsibility find it difficult to monitor the productivity of
their supervisees when they are not on the same site. That has limited the spread of
work-at-home jobs. If it were not so, supervisees would be paid piece rates. Finally,
work on a common site stimulates employees by creating a competitive atmosphere.
This extends to schools and universities. An important advantage of a common site
for education is the stimulation, exchanges, and competition that students provide for
each other.
Academics should consider the possibility of an electronic university. It is now tech-
nically possible for me to live in Buena Vista, Colorado and to lecture, with voice, visual,
and written communications, students who are dispersed around the country or the
world. Communication can easily be interactive. Indeed, my research can be done the
same way. It is possible to bring on my computer screen any book or article that is in the
university library now, or, indeed, any data set stored in some central location. My work-
ing papers can be distributed to a worldwide audience, and seminars can be held using
the same computer network. My paycheck can, of course, be sent to me or my bank.
Approximations to such electronic universities already exist but show little sign of sub-
stituting for high-quality research institutions. And deans have shown little enthusiasm
for sending paychecks to distant bank accounts.
Electronic communication certainly has had, and will continue to have, important
effects. It permits increased specialization, downsizing, and efficiency among insti-
tutions. To take one example, each large bank, until recently, had its own economics
department that did forecasting and market analysis for bank management. Now, it is
possible to buy higher quality forecasts and analysis than the bank can undertake itself.
Such information can be transmitted electronically to any place in the world. That and
similar examples are, I believe, at the core of downsizing that has been and is under way
throughout the US economy. Entire layers of middle level employees who formerly
compiled, analyzed, and transmitted data are being replaced by electronic systems that
do the work, both domestically and internationally.
Electronics already has and will continue to facilitate suburbanization. Face-to-face
meetings have come to be needed less frequently, but they are still required. That process
permits businesses to be located in more distant suburbs than was previously economi-
cal. But it does not permit universities, law office, or similar organizations offices to be
dispersed among Chicago, Buena Vista, or Baja, California.
In conclusion, my forecast for the next 10–20 years is the continued rapid growth of
suburbs. I believe also there will be growth, but slower growth, of the large MAs than for
the population as a whole.
84 Edwin S. Mills
DeBrandt, K. A., and D. A. Gaquin (eds.). 2006. 2006 County and city extra. World Development.
Lanham, MD: Bernan Press.
Henderson, J. V. (ed.). 2005. New economic geography. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
Mills, E. 1985. Open housing laws as stimulus to central city employment. Journal of Urban
Economics 17(2): 184–188.
Mills, E. 1992a. Sectoral clustering and metropolitan development. In Sources of metropolitan
growth, eds. Edwin S. Mills and John F. McDonald (3–18). New Brunswick, NJ: Center for
Urban Policy Research.
Mills, E. 1992b. Large metropolitan areas: Their function and prospects. National Rural Studies
Committee, a Proceeding, 94–100. Corvalis, OR: Oregon State University.
Mills, E. 2005. Why do we have urban density controls? Real Estate Economics 3(3): 571–585.
C HA P T E R 4
The United States US and European Union (EU) are relying on mandates, tax credits,
and import tariffs to stimulate biofuel production. The advent of biofuels has raised sev-
eral research and policy questions: How much land will be required to meet the various
mandates for biofuels? How much of the additional demand for land for biofuels will be
met by changes at the intensive margin versus the extensive margin? Which feedstocks
are likely to be used for biofuel production? What economic, technological, and bio-
physical factors are likely to significantly influence land use choices to support biofuel
production? How does the land use effect of biofuels differ with various policy choices?
A number of economic models are being used to answer these questions. The purpose of
this paper is to examine the key assumptions and synthesize the major findings of these
models to develop an understanding of the drivers of land use change and the land avail-
ability constraints for biofuel expansion.
Land use changes are outcomes of decisions affected by returns to land under alter-
native activities. Collectively, these microlevel decisions affect the aggregate sup-
ply and costs of food and fuel. In turn, macrolevel variables, like demand, prices and
energy and climate policies influence decisions at the microlevel. Major economic
theories and concepts have been introduced to explain land use decisions, patterns of
trade, and the value of land and the economic benefits and ecosystem services it pro-
vides. These include the classic von Thünen (1966) model of regional land allocation,
which laid the foundation of “Urban Economics,” David Ricardo’s (1891) theory of
trade and the notion of rent, and John Krutilla’s (1967) “Conservation Reconsidered”
that emphasized the economic importance of ecological services. These bodies of lit-
erature provide the foundation for the development of models to study the drivers of
land use change for biofuels. Section 1 of this chapter provides a background on the
land economics literature and key principles that have emerged from it for under-
standing land use changes induced by biofuels.
The recent development of biofuels has integrated the energy and the agricultural
sectors. Prior to biofuels, energy prices have affected the supply side of agricultural
production, since energy is a key input. Now energy prices are also affecting the
demand for land and crops (used for biofuels). The nexus between energy markets
and land use has required adaptation of existing models and development of new
models of agricultural markets. These models tend to emphasize the heterogeneity
in land and to link biophysical models of biofuel feedstocks with economic models.
They differ in their structure, assumptions, data used, and the mix of biofuel feed-
stocks and policy choices considered. Section 2 of this chapter describes the impacts
of introducing biofuels on models used to analyze the agricultural sector, followed
by a description of the elements of an ideal model for analyzing the implications of
Section 3 of this chapter presents a description of different types of models being used
to study the implications of biofuel policies for land use, and classifies them into: static
partial equilibrium models, dynamic partial equilibrium models, and general equi-
librium models. It examines how the differences in model structure affect outcomes.
Section 4 of this chapter discusses the key drivers of land use change due to biofuels, and
Modeling the Land Use Change with Biofuels 87
Section 5 discusses ways to deal with multiple models. Section 6 presents the main find-
ings that emerge from these models and Section 7 concludes.
There are several strands of economics literature relevant to understanding the impacts
of biofuel on land use changes. Some are conceptual models that recognize that land is
heterogeneous and that differences among parcels of land will affect their use and value.
von Thünen (1966) established a major principle that land will be used in the activity
in which it generates the most value. His work suggests that land use choices will differ
across locations and will change over time as technology and the climate change. This
literature provides insights that are useful for determining the location of biofuel feed-
stock production and refineries for biofuels.
Ricardo (1891) introduced the notion of rent, which is the residual left to landown-
ers after selling the output and paying for all inputs. When each landowner selects the
most profitable activity, rents and land use patterns can be derived given prices and
technological coefficients at each location. Since agricultural products are frequently
traded, with free trade, land use patterns will adjust to take advantage of distribution of
resources across locations (Heckscher and Ohlin 1991).
Another relevant literature expands the Hotelling approach of dynamic modeling
of utilization and pricing of nonrenewable resources over time to examine the effects
of introducing renewable energy as a backstop. Chakravorty, Magne, and Moreaux
(2008) use the Ricardian-Hotelling framework to analyze the dynamics of land alloca-
tion decisions for food and fuel production as available energy resources become scarce.
Xabadia, Goetz, and Zilberman (2006) developed a conceptual framework for opti-
mal allocation of resources over space and time. Tsur and Zemel (2005) incorporated
research and development (R&D) of alternative technologies in dynamic models ana-
lyzing nonrenewable resources.
The existing literature identifies the following factors as being important in driving
land use change in agriculture.
Technological Change and Innovation: R&D processes produce new innovations that
are adopted first at locations where they provide the most value (Sunding and Zilberman
2001) and may lead to expansion of farmland to areas that have not been previously uti-
lized (the extensive margin effect of adoption). Adoption of new technologies can also
increase yield per unit of land (the intensive margin effect), thus decreasing the land
requirement per unit of output (Gardner 1992). Thus, the net effect of technological
changes on land use in agriculture is an empirical question. The changes in output in the
extensive and intensive margins will affect the amount of land required to accommodate
increased crop production due to biofuels.
88 Madhu Khanna, David Zilberman, and Christine L. Crago
Risk: Producers are frequently averse to risk, and their land allocation choices among
crops and, in particular, adoption choices are affected by uncertainty about yields and
other variables (Feder, Just, and Zilberman 1985). Introduction of insurance policies
that reduce risk or institutions like futures markets or contracts may lead to increased
acreage of high-risk–high-reward activities. Risk would be a major factor influencing
land allocation to second-generation biofuel feedstocks.
Institutions and Policies: The perfectly competitive model does not fully capture
the institutions and policies that affect land use patterns. Feder and Feeny (1991)
argue that introduction of land titles removes uncertainty about landownership
and tends to increase investment in agricultural production and land productivity.
Commodity-support programs in the United States and Europe as well as building of
transport infrastructure have expanded agricultural acreage (Anderson et al. 2001).
Similarly, water use and energy subsidies have led to expansion of irrigated agriculture
(Schoengold and Zilberman 2007).
Environmental Considerations: Existence of externalities like pollution provides justi-
fication for government intervention such as taxation and zoning. Externality issues are
not restricted to pollution problems; land and nature provide valued ecosystem services
and consumers benefit from open space (Krutilla, 1967). Policies (zoning, permits, and
conservation preserve programs) have been introduced to protect these environmental
services. Irwin et al. (2009) demonstrate that environmental regulation indeed affects
land use and location of crops.
Changes in Consumer Preferences and Economic Growth: Demand for food is depen-
dent on food prices as well as on income. Poor individuals may consume mostly grains,
while higher income households may consume more meat. Since meat production
requires more land per calorie, economic growth in developing countries will increase
agricultural acreage. On the other hand, shifts away from a meat-rich diet in other parts
of the world may have the opposite effect.
Population Growth and Demographics: Population growth is likely to increase
demand, but the pattern of increased demand for food depends on where and when
these changes occur. Migration, especially from rural to urban areas, also affects land
use patterns. A shift from production for self-consumption in rural areas to production
for export to urban centers affects the composition of food portfolios, energy intensity
of food production, and productivity.
Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources: Agricultural productivity is dependent
on natural resources like water and soil quality, whose stocks may vary over time. The
depletion of groundwater or increase in cost of pumping strongly affects patterns of
land use (Schoengold and Zilberman 2007). Similarly, processes of soil erosion may also
affect what and how much can be grown at different locations. Finally, climate change
will affect land use patterns through its effect on precipitation, temperature, and sun-
light, among others (Mendelsohn and Dinar 2009).
Modeling the Land Use Change with Biofuels 89
The introduction of biofuel to agriculture has led to a new reality that challenged the
way agriculture and land use are analyzed and modeled. The agricultural sector was tra-
ditionally quite isolated, produced mostly food/feed products and was affected by sec-
toral policies. Studies analyzing the sector used specialized models that could focus on
the agricultural sector by itself. The introduction of biofuel has expanded the range of
activities conducted and the policies that affect the agricultural sector, and expanded
the importance of environmental issues in management and modeling of agriculture, as
discussed in more detail below.
First, biofuels have integrated the agricultural, livestock, and energy markets.
Biofuels have added a new demand to agricultural activities; this has led to diversion
of land from production of food to fuel (Rajagopal et al. 2007). Modeling of farmers’
choices now has to take into account not only relative food prices and traditional agri-
cultural policies, but energy prices and biofuel policies. Moreover, biofuels have linked
energy markets and livestock markets since some of the co-products of biofuels are
substitutes for traditional feed for livestock. Furthermore, biofuels have expanded the
range of spatial considerations in modeling farmers’ choices. The selection of where to
allocate land for food or fuel is affected not only by relative prices, but by the biophysi-
cal suitability of locations to produce biofuel crops and distance to refineries and end
users. Distance from a refinery and from livestock facilities will affect markets for corn
and the by-products of corn ethanol, which is used as animal feed and, therefore, land
use choices. Incorporating biofuels in land use models also links transportation choice
decisions with fuel choices and has implications for feedstock production and land use.
Since demand for biofuels is a derived demand, it depends on the demand for vehicle
kilometers traveled and on the substitutability between biofuels and gasoline (Khanna,
Ando, and Taheripour, 2008). With biofuels, land use choices are affected by vehicle fleet
structure, development of biofuel supply chain, and development of biofuel conversion
technologies. Moreover, these land use choices now impact fuel markets because biofuel
production displaces gasoline and can affect gasoline prices with consequent feedback
effects on demand for biofuels and costs of energy for the agricultural sector. Modeling
the implications of biofuels, therefore, requires determining market clearing prices in
the food and fuel sectors simultaneously (Khanna et al. 2011).
Second, different biofuel feedstocks expand the types of land that could be displaced
by biofuel production. Both corn and sugarcane ethanol, for the most part, requires
diversion of existing land in commodity production to production of crops for fuel. On
the other hand, introduction of new second-generation energy crops that can be grown
on marginal land may require conversion of land that is under pasture or forests into
agricultural production. This requires further modeling efforts to identify regions with
good potential to grow these crops.
90 Madhu Khanna, David Zilberman, and Christine L. Crago
Third, biofuel expands the range of policies that affect agriculture and land use. These
include agricultural policies as well as climate and energy policies. Policies such as bio-
fuel mandates, subsidies, and import tariffs on biofuels affect demand for biofuels and,
therefore, land use allocation and crop prices. Similarly, climate policies will not only
affect energy prices and the cost of agricultural inputs but will also affect demand for
biofuels and, therefore, crop prices and land use. These biofuel and climate policies
affect not only domestic land use but have indirect impacts on global land use because
they affect the prices of globally traded crops. The diversion of globally traded food/
feed crops for biofuel production and the competition for cropland induced by biofuel
production has the inevitable impact of raising world prices of biofuel feedstocks and
other crops that compete for land resources. The increase in world prices could induce
crop acreage expansion on native vegetation and forested land leading to indirect land
use changes that also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions (Khanna and Crago 2012).
Fourth, biofuels have expanded the type of technical change that affects land use. In
addition to changes in agricultural technologies that affect the productivity of biofuel
and related crops, technical change in the biofuel processing industry will also affect
land use. Technological breakthroughs that lower the cost of producing advanced biofu-
els from cellulosic feedstocks will affect the mix of biofuels and the amount and type of
land diverted from food and feed production to fuel production.
The introduction of biofuel and biofuel policies, thus, require significant additions to
existing ways of modeling agricultural markets. The linkage between agricultural and
energy markets imply the need for an integrated model of the food, feed, and fuel mar-
kets that endogenously determines food and fuel prices and their feedback effects on
demand for biofuels and allocation of land for food and fuel crops. Models that seek to
quantify the land use implications of biofuels and simulate the effects of biofuel poli-
cies need to integrate across many different scales. A global representation of relevant
markets is needed to capture the effect of biofuel-induced changes in land use and prices
on international trade and land use in other countries. At the same time, the assessment
of biofuel impacts requires a high degree of spatial resolution to account for heteroge-
neous land qualities, climate, land availability and ease of its conversion from one use to
another. These assessments need to be based not only on models that capture economic
behavior but also on models that incorporate crop production technologies, biophysi-
cal factors that affect crop productivity, and land suitability and availability constraints.
Finally, models should also take into account the market structure of the energy mar-
kets. The market imperfection in the oil market due to the presence of an oil cartel such
as OPEC could impact the change in fuel prices that results from the displacement of
gasoline with biofuel, and it could have feedback effects on the demand for biofuels
(Hochman, Rajagopal, and Zilberman 2010).
The production of biofuel has both direct and indirect land use impacts as shown in
Figure 4.1. The pathway by which biofuel production affects land use is described in the
upper set of boxes. The determinants of the magnitude of these effects are listed in the
lower set of boxes and discussed in Section 4. The direct land requirements for biofuel pro-
duction are simply the land on which biofuel feedstocks are grown and could be simply
Modeling the Land Use Change with Biofuels 91
Exogenous Change in
Direct Change in Indirect
policy biofuel mix
land use commodity land use
shock and
change prices change
these commodities both domestically and internationally. This will reduce the additional
land required due to biofuel production.
Thus, the net land use requirement for biofuel production after considering
co-products and indirect effects is likely to be smaller than the direct effect. For example
Hertel et al. (2010) show that the land required to meet the 57 million-liter corn-ethanol
mandate would naively be 15 million hectares if resources (land, labor, and capital) were
in perfectly elastic supply and there was no price response at all. The finite availabil-
ity of suitable land induces a price increase, which will lead to a reduction in demand
for food and nonfood (forestry) products and intensification of livestock, crop, and
forest-product production. The use of co-products of corn-ethanol production for
livestock feed also reduces demand for corn. As a result, the additional land require-
ment is reduced to 4.4 million hectares. It is further reduced to 3.8 million hectares due
to price-induced growth in baseline yields in the United States; however, this is offset
partly by the expansion of production on less productive land, which lowers yield. As
a result, the net increase in cropland conversion is estimated to be 4.2 million hectares,
which implies that each gross hectare of corn diverted to fuel use results in 0.28 hectares
of net land conversion for corn production.
Isolating the extent to which biofuel production affects land use is complicated and
difficult because it is likely to be distributed across multiple regions by global trade and
occur with significant time lags. This makes it difficult to separate the causal impact of
biofuels on ILUC from all the other factors affecting observed land use changes. With
multiple uses of land and possibilities for crop substitutions and displacements occur-
ring simultaneously, the only way to isolate land use changes due to biofuels is by using
regional or global models of agricultural markets that simulate the effect of an incre-
mental exogenous shock to biofuel production from some baseline level on equilibrium
prices and land use. These are compared, in a comparative static sense, to land require-
ments in a baseline or counterfactual state in the absence of biofuels to examine the
direct and indirect land use effects of biofuels.
Various types of economic models are being used to examine the impact of biofuels.
These models can be classified broadly into partial equilibrium and general equilibrium
models. Each of these two types can be further classified into models that are static ver-
sus dynamic. Some of these models are global and can analyze both domestic and inter-
national land use changes, whereas others only analyze domestic land use changes in
the country producing biofuels. We describe a few examples of each of these types of
models in the next section, although there are many other models that are being used
Modeling the Land Use Change with Biofuels 93
to analyze the land use implications of biofuels (see reviews in Edwards, Mulligan, and
Marelli 2010; Prins et al. 2010).
Additionally, several biophysical models are being used to study the land use impacts of
biofuels. These models can provide the foundation for determining where certain crops
can be grown subject to biophysical constraints. They have been used to examine the
technical potential for biofuel production given land availability (see, for example, Cai,
Zhang, and Wang, 2011). We do not describe these biophysical models here in the interest
of brevity. Only some of the economic models below rely explicitly on biophysical models
for modeling heterogeneity in land suitability and crop productivity across locations.
(Havlík et al. 2011). Although the regions are fairly aggregated, land use decisions are
examined at a much finer spatial resolution. The availability of land resources and their
productivity are determined using a biophysical model EPIC (Environmental Policy
Integrated Climate Model) and detailed geospatial data on soil, climate, and topog-
raphy, which is used to define homogenous simulation units at fine spatial scale. The
model assumes there is zero technological progress in crop improvement. Like FASOM,
this model also accounts for the major GHG emissions/sinks related to agriculture and
forestry. In GLOBIOM, ethanol is produced from corn and sugarcane, and biodiesel
from rapeseed and soybeans. Second-generation biofuels use forest products as feed-
stock. Bioenergy can also be used to generate heat and power. Demand for biofuels and
the share of first- and second-generation biofuels are fixed at exogenously given levels.
Unlike FASOM and BEPAM, which are US-based models, GLOBIOM examines land
use changes globally and it can, therefore, determine both domestic and international
land use changes due to biofuel production.
BEPAM, developed at the Energy Biosciences Institute at the University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign differs from FASOM and GLOBIOM in that it integrates the agri-
cultural and fuel sectors (Chen, Huang, and Khanna 2011; Khanna et al. 2011; Chen
et al. 2012). Demand for gasoline and biofuels is derived from the demand for vehi-
cle miles traveled. The vehicle fleet structure is explicitly included and influences the
extent and type of biofuels that can be consumed. The model includes various first- and
second-generation biofuels, including from corn and imported sugarcane ethanol,
crop and forest residues, and perennial herbaceous grasses for biofuel production. It
includes the use of forest biomass residues but not the use of highly valued forest prod-
ucts as biofuel feedstocks. The mix of feedstocks used to produce biofuels and the share
of first-generation to second-generation biofuels is endogenously determined subject
to the restrictions and incentives provided by various biofuel and climate policies. The
model also distinguishes between domestically produced gasoline and imported gaso-
line. The imports and the price of gasoline in the United States is determined endoge-
nously; this allows for biofuel production in the United States to affect the world price of
gasoline and generate a feedback effect on the demand for biofuels in the United States.
The model incorporates spatial heterogeneity in yields and returns to land by consider-
ing decision making at a crop reporting district level. BEPAM includes life-cycle GHG
emissions from gasoline, diesel, and biofuel production and from all crop production
activities. Instead of assuming perfect foresight and extremely long time horizons for
decision making, BEPAM considers a 10-year rolling horizon for decision making based
on expectations about prices and land availability. These expectations are updated annu-
ally (for the following 10 years) after equilibrium market outcomes are realized each year
(see Chen et al. 2012). FASOM relies on historical crop mixes to generate results that are
consistent with farmers’ planting history, and allows crop acreage to deviate 10% from
observed historical mixes to accommodate new bioenergy crops and unprecedented
changes in future crop prices. BEPAM, instead uses the estimated own- and cross-price
crop elasticities to limit the flexibility of crop-acreage changes. Crop yields grow at an
exogenous rate over time and are also price responsive and thus partly determined
96 Madhu Khanna, David Zilberman, and Christine L. Crago
biofuel production. CGE models are especially suited to address a globally common
problem like climate change. Although broad in geographic and sectoral scope, many
CGE models have limited spatial resolution and usually partition the world into a few
large homogenous regions called agro-ecological zones (AEZs). Each region has a
regional representative household that allocates resources domestically and a represen-
tative producer that produces goods and services using consumer-owned endowments
as primary inputs. Each region interacts with other regions through trade. Consumers
maximize utility and producers maximize profits in a perfectly competitive market
setting, leading to endogenously determined prices and quantities of goods and fac-
tors of production. These models typically limit the number of agricultural products
considered by categorizing individual commodities into large groups (e.g., all coarse
grains) and imposing the same behavioral and market assumptions on the individual
CGE models analyzing the effect of biofuel production on land use include the Global
Trade Analysis Project (GTAP), the Integrated Global System Model (IGSM), and the
Modeling International Relationships in Applied General Equilibrium (MIRAGE)
model. The three models are similar in that they are global in scope, and are multire-
gional, multisectoral, and multifactoral models. All three models are using essentially
the same database developed by GTAP but differ in the base year used for calibration.
IGSM and MIRAGE are both dynamic models, with varying time-steps and time hori-
zons, whereas the GTAP is an intrinsically static model (CARB 2009; Hertel et al. 2010).
IGSM and MIRAGE are different from GTAP, which considers only managed land,
in that they model the conversion of natural forests and grasslands into cropland or
pasture land.
In CGE models, land conversion occurs within an agro-ecological zone (AEZ) or grid
cell. The easier it is for land to be converted from one use to another, the greater the
potential is for biofuel production and land use change. In GTAP and MIRAGE, the
ease of land conversion from one use to another is governed by a Constant Elasticity of
Transformation (CET) frontier. The CET frontier is used to determine the supply of par-
ticular types of land (pasture, cropland, forest) given total availability of land. It is based
on the assumption that a landowner allocates land to different uses in order to maxi-
mize the total rents. The responsiveness of land in a particular use to a change in the
land rent influences the ease with which land is transformed from one use to another.1
The greater the elasticity of transformation parameter, the easier it is for land to be
converted from one use to another. IGSM uses a number of techniques to model land
conversion, including an “observed land supply response” approach—which is similar
to the CET method described earlier. Other approaches, such as the “pure conversion
The absolute value of the CET parameter depends on the elasticity of supply of land to a given use
of land in response to a change in its rental rate and the share of revenue from that land use in the total
revenue for all land. The value of CET ranges between 0 and 1. The more dominant a given use in total
land revenue is, the smaller the value of CET (since the potential for further changes in the amount of
land in that use are small, even if land rents increase).
98 Madhu Khanna, David Zilberman, and Christine L. Crago
cost response” are also used. In this case, land conversion occurs as long as the cost of
conversion is less than returns from clearing land for production. The advantage of the
latter approach is that it allows land rents to equalize across all uses and is, therefore,
consistent with long run equilibrium behavior.
The GTAP model, developed at Purdue University’s Center for Global Trade Analysis
considers first-generation biofuels from coarse grains (ethanol), edible oils (biodiesel),
and sugarcane (ethanol) (Golub et al. 2010). It uses difference in land rental rates within
each AEZ between cropland, pasture, and forests to determine which land will be con-
verted to cropland as a result of increasing biofuel demand. For modeling the competi-
tion between livestock and crop sectors, it uses the average coarse-grain yield in each
AEZ as representative of pasture land yields. Unmanaged land such as shrubland,
savanna, and grassland, is not allowed to be brought into productive use (EPA 2010).
The IGSM is developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joint Program
for the Science and Policy of Global Change (Gurgel, Reilly, and Peltsev 2007; Melillo
et al. 2009). The model integrates three components, a dynamic recursive CGE model
(Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis or EPPA), a climate model and a land ecosys-
tems model (Terrestrial Ecosystem Model). The IGSM framework has the most sophis-
ticated emissions modeling, as it features full dynamic accounting of carbon fluxes in
vegetation and soils. In contrast, GTAP and MIRAGE use constant factor intensities of
conversion from one land use to another. However, the modeling of biofuel produc-
tion pathways is relatively coarse in the IGSM, whereas GTAP and MIRAGE have
fairly detailed modeling of first-generation biofuel-production pathways, including
co-products and interaction with the livestock industry. One of the distinguishing fea-
tures of IGSM and MIRAGE is that they incorporate both managed and unmanaged
land unlike GTAP, which includes only managed land. Another advantage of IGSM is
that it also considers feedback effects between the climate and the economy, and can
examine the land use effects of various climate stabilization policies.
The MIRAGE model developed at the International Food and Policy Research
Institute is a dynamic recursive CGE model that considers two main biofuel sectors,
ethanol and biodiesel from first-generation feedstocks (Al-Riffai, Dimaranan, and
Laborde 2010; Laborde 2011). Feedstocks for ethanol include wheat, sugarcane, sugar
beet, and maize, and those for biodiesel include palm oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil
and rapeseed oil. It combines a bottom-up approach for the biofuel sector to include
production costs and volume, by-products and input requirements. It improves on the
GTAP model, which only includes values and not physical quantities, by linking land
value and volume. It allows for intensive margin effects, through increased use of fertil-
izers to increase crop yields, exogenous technical change and endogenous factor based
intensification (land combined with more labor and capital). Extensive margin effects
are considered by differentiating between different types of AEZs and allowing for sub-
stitution of land among different crops and expansion of arable land using different
land-responsiveness coefficients in different AEZs. Allocation of land expansion among
different types of unmanaged land (grasslands, shrublands, etc.) is based mostly on his-
torical data and on remote sensing data for some countries.
Modeling the Land Use Change with Biofuels 99
Based on the models discussed in the previous section, we identify several demand and
supply side factors that affect the estimated land use change impact of biofuels.
land use changes increases nonlinearly with an increase in biofuel production. Chen
et al. (2012) also show that a carbon tax policy will lead to a modest increase in corn
ethanol consumption at low carbon prices and will not induce any second-generation
ethanol production. Carbon prices that are over $150 per ton of CO2 will be needed to
induce production of second-generation biofuels. The extent to which price-based poli-
cies like a carbon tax or a biofuel subsidy will induce demand for biofuels depends on
the responsiveness of demand for fuel or of vehicle kilometers traveled to its price.
Mix of Policies: Countries are typically using multiple policy instruments to support
biofuels. Chen et al. (2012) and Khanna et al. (2011) show (using BEPAM) that the land
use impacts of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), can be significantly modified by
accompanying tax credits for second-generation biofuels that can increase their com-
petitiveness relative to corn ethanol. Since these second-generation biofuels have higher
yields per unit of land, this policy induced shift in the mix of biofuels lowers the demand
for corn and the land needed to meet the RFS. Moreover, it has implications for the type
of land used for biofuel production: the use of noncropland for second-generation bio-
fuels increases, whereas the use of cropland for corn production decreases.
Land use is also sensitive to trade barriers. The US import tariff on biofuels reduces
the competitiveness of sugarcane ethanol and increases the land use impact of the RFS.
Trade liberalization would increase the volume of sugarcane ethanol used to meet the
mandate and lower the pressure on diversion of land to biofuel production domestically
in the United States. Using BEPAM, Chen and Khanna (2012) show that the removal of
the tax credit for ethanol and the tariff on imports of sugarcane ethanol to the United
States could significantly alter the mix of biofuels and increase reliance on sugarcane
ethanol to meet the RFS with implications for land use under corn and sugarcane in the
United States and Brazil, respectively.
Al-Riffai, Dimaranan, and Laborde (2010) consider the implications of the EU
Renewable Energy Directive (RED) with and without trade liberalization in the EU
and find that trade liberalization significantly changes the impact on biofuel produc-
tion in the EU. They find that the removal of tariffs on ethanol would lead to a surge
in European imports of sugarcane ethanol. In 2020 ethanol production would increase
by 157% in the EU under the EU RED in the absence of trade liberalization, whereas
it would decrease by 48% in the event of the full liberalization scenario because of
increased imports from Brazil.
The land requirements for biofuels also depend on their co-products, which can
replace other products in the market place, reducing the net quantity of food or feed
displaced. Thus, the amount of additional or net land required to produce these bio-
fuels is less than the total amount of land on which the biofuel crop is produced. Most
first-generation biofuels produce co-products that substitute for products that would
otherwise require land. This is particularly the case for corn ethanol, which produces
DDGS that can substitute for corn meal and soymeal used for animal feed. Taheripour
et al (2010) introduced by-products in the GTAP model and showed that it reduced the
need for cropland conversion due to US and EU biofuel mandates by 27%.
Land Productivity in Intensive and Extensive Margins: Assumptions about the rate
of growth of crop productivity affect the land use impact of biofuels. Yield increases
through the application of nonland inputs on currently utilized land will lower the rate
of land conversion to cropland. Most models specify an exogenous rate of growth for
yields for crops and conversion efficiency. Some models, such as BEPAM, GTAP and
MIRAGE, allow for the possibility of price-induced yield growth. The effect of a policy
shock on land use also depends on differences in yields between land under crop pro-
duction and marginal land. Keeney (2010) reports that estimates of the ratio of marginal
to average land productivity range from 0.47 to 0.9 in the literature. MIRAGE assumes
that the productivity of marginal land is half of the average productivity in existing
cropland for all regions, except in Brazil where the value is 0.75 (Laborde 2011). GTAP
assumes this ratio is 0.66 globally (Hertel et al. 2010). Data on the productivity of mar-
ginal land, particularly in developing countries is limited, and much more research is
needed in this area. There is some evidence that yields may not be much lower on newly
converted lands on the agricultural frontier; Babcock and Carriquiry (2010) found that
regions in Brazil experiencing faster expansion of soybeans did not have lower soybean
yields or yield growth.
Ease of Substitution of Land from one use to Another: As prices change,
profit-maximizing producers change the mix of crops they produce and may bring
noncropland into crop production. However, land use changes are costly. For example,
former pasture or forestland is expected to be less productive for crop production com-
pared to existing cropland. Models like GTAP and MIRAGE have reflected the cost of
converting land from one use to another by specifying a CET value that represents the
ease of substitutability between crops and other uses. This approach introduces nonlin-
earity in the ease of conversion of land with the implicit costs of conversion increasing as
more land is converted. This creates greater pressure at the extensive margin to expand
cropland as the demand for land for biofuels increases. A similar mechanism applies to
pasture and forestland that is converted to cropland. Substitution possibilities are lim-
ited and nonlinear due to the CET effect.
In other models, land conversion is based on the net returns to land and a conversion
cost that is incurred by converting unmanaged land to managed land. This may lead to a
lower elasticity of transformation across land uses in the short run but a larger elasticity
of transformation in the long run. The advantage of the approach based on net returns
and conversion cost is that it allows rents to equalize across all uses and is, therefore,
102 Madhu Khanna, David Zilberman, and Christine L. Crago
consistent with long-run equilibrium. Using IGSM, Gurgel, Reilly, and Paltsev (2007)
show that global bioenergy production is 10–20% greater when land conversion is based
only on net returns as compared to when it is based on the elasticity of transformation,
which tends to limit market response to follow observed historical trends. Chen, Huang,
and Khanna (2011) show that limits on the amount of idle/marginal land that can be
converted to energy crops in BEPAM can raise the costs of producing energy crops
while reducing the ease of conversion of land across different conventional crops can
raise the costs of producing corn ethanol.
Technological Factors: Technological change in the biofuel industry will be a signifi-
cant driver of land use change. The cost-effectiveness of second-generation biofuels and
the type of technological development that occurs for conversion of feedstocks to liquid
fuel will influence the amount of land that is converted to energy crops. High initial
costs of producing advanced biofuels and low learning rates will reduce their competi-
tiveness relative to first-generation biofuels and require larger diversion of land from
food to fuel production to meet given biofuel targets. Development of new technologies
for harvesting biomass, for collecting crop residues in one pass over the field and meth-
ods for establishing energy crops (using seeds or rhizomes) can have a significant effect
on the mix of feedstocks that are produced and land required to produce them (Chen
et al. 2012). There are very few studies that analyze the implications of varying levels of
technological development and costs of new biofuel technologies on land use. Using
BEPAM, Chen et al. (2012) show that higher processing cost for cellulosic biofuels and
low learning rates relative to the benchmark case would significantly affect the mix of
biofuels and reduce land under energy crops while increasing acreage under corn for
ethanol and total land under crop production. Beach, Zhang, and McCarl (2012) show
that high storage costs for feedstocks like crop residues and energy crops can reduce
their competitiveness relative to corn, which has a well-developed and low-cost infra-
structure for storage and marketing.
Ease of Transmission of Price Shocks in World Markets: The impact of increased biofuel
production on land use changes in the rest of the world depends on the ease with which
price shocks are transmitted from domestic markets to the rest of the world. This, in turn,
depends on assumptions about the ease with which goods can be traded across coun-
tries. Two approaches are currently used in the models described here—the Armington
approach, used in GTAP and MIRAGE, differentiates otherwise homogenous goods by
country of origin. In contrast, the Integrated World Model (IWM) used in IGSM2 and
in Searchinger et al. (2008) assume that there is one world price for homogenous goods
and goods will be produced where it is least costly to do so. IWM allows for an easier
transmission of a shock throughout the world economy. However, Golub et al. (2010)
note that using the IWM could result in “unrealistic” trade patterns. For example in
Searchinger et al. (2008), a lot of agricultural production and land conversion occur in
The IGSM model uses a Heckscher-Ohlin model for biofuels, which is similar to IWM, and it uses
Armington for other goods.
Modeling the Land Use Change with Biofuels 103
India due to favorable growing conditions, even though historically, India has not been
a major exporter of agricultural commodities. The Armington approach leads to results
that follow observed trade patterns. Countries or regions first decide on the sources of
their imports, and then, based on the composite import price, decide on the allocation
between domestic production and imports. A potential pitfall of this approach is that it
allows price differentials for homogenous goods, such as imported ethanol and domes-
tic ethanol, to persist.
Having multiple models may be a source of confusion, but also a source of extra insight
and increased reliability for policy design. Different models are introduced for different
purposes or built under different assumptions, but when they address similar phenom-
ena they can provide a range of answers and a complementary insight that will allow
better decision making. The outcome of these models may differ due to differences in
model specifications, the counterfactual baseline considered, the policy scenarios ana-
lyzed the sectoral and geographic scope included. The results of these models should
be used to determine directions and ranges for outcomes and orders of magnitudes for
There are several approaches to deal with multiple models. Policy analysis can use tri-
angulation to synthesize the results from several models. When several models address
the same phenomenon, they provide a distribution of estimates. These distributions can
provide either a range of values that determine the impact or yield a weighted statis-
tical estimate based on all the studies that may contain much more information. The
second approach for researchers that are choosing which model to use is nesting two
or more models or linking them off-line. The same problem may have many dimen-
sions that have to be addressed at different degrees of detail. For example, when assess-
ing the impact of introducing a new feed crop in a certain region, a good understanding
of where the new crop can be produced and reliable parameters of the distribution of
yield and cost, are needed. Obtaining this information may require a very detailed bio-
physical model. The information that this model generates can be used as an input in
an economic model that can allocate land use over space and time based on economic
criteria. A third approach is modularity that takes the nesting approach much further
and involves incorporating subroutines of one model in another model. Developing a
network of models that can be linked with each other is quite challenging because dif-
ferent models use different softwares, operate on different time and geographical scales,
and so forth. However, a system of models that speak to one another can allow us to take
advantage of all the different components so that the total will be bigger than the sum of
the parts.
104 Madhu Khanna, David Zilberman, and Christine L. Crago
shows that RED requirements are met by significant increases in biofuels from Brazil
and Southeast Asia (Fonseca et al. 2010). In contrast, the analysis by Laborde (2011)
using MIRAGE shows significant land use change in sub-Saharan Africa. Within
Brazil, studies suggest that expansion is expected to occur in the center-south region
where sugarcane production has been traditionally grown (de Souza Ferreira Filho and
Horridge 2011; ICONE 2011). Models of land use change in Brazil show that an increase
in sugarcane production leads to land use change, but these changes are mostly due to
conversion of other cropland to sugarcane production. Deforestation occurs due to the
expansion of the agricultural frontier, but the land use change due to deforestation is
minimal. In the study by de Souza Ferreira Filho and Horridge (2011), deforestation
accounts for less than 3% of land expansion associated with increased biofuel produc-
tion from 2006–2020; the majority comes from a reduction in pasture and forest plan-
tations. They estimate the ILUC effect to be 8%, that is, 0.08 hectare is deforested per 1
hectare increase in sugarcane production. The results for biofuel production are mixed
for China and India. The production of biofuel feedstocks in these countries will depend
on the growth of domestic demand for food, which competes with biomass production
for land resources, and on government policy about enforcing mandates and providing
economic incentives for biofuel production. In the case of India, a 20% blend mandate
could be met by diverting about 1 million hectare (< 1% of cropland) from food crops
to sugarcane production without significant impact on the production of other crops
(Khanna et al. 2013).
The findings here are based on the assumption that production will occur in areas
with land availability as well as low cost of land and production. However, these models
do not account for other factors such as political stability that may deter production in
the African region. In addition to production cost, the exchange rates between biofuel
exporting and importing countries will also be an important determinant of biofuels
trade and production location (Crago et al. 2010).
lifetime, and low input requirements. Earlier versions of FASOM, without miscanthus as
an energy crop, predicted that corn stover and switchgrass will be the main feedstocks
used to meet the RFS (EPA 2010). Recent analysis that includes miscanthus as a feed-
stock option in FASOM also find that miscanthus is the dominant feedstock to produce
second-generation biofuels (Beach, Zhang, and McCarl 2012). Biofuel subsidy policies
that are typically paid per unit of volume or per ton of biomass also encourage high yield-
ing feedstocks and would create further incentives to increase acreage under the higher
yielding miscanthus as compared to switchgrass in the United States (Khanna et al. 2011).
some areas under native grasses or permanent pastureland unless regulated by policy.
Some policies, such as large tax credits for second-generation biofuels, may even make
energy crops competitive on cropland. In this case the substitution between food and
fuel cannot be completely avoided, but the price effects are likely to be smaller because
the amount of land that will need to be diverted to meet given biofuel targets will be
smaller than with first-generation biofuels. Moreover, the productivity of both tradi-
tional agricultural crops as well as of biofuel feedstock will crucially determine the link-
age between food and fuel production and prices, and will have implications for land use
changes. Higher productivity of traditional crops and biofuel crops reduces the conflict
between biofuel and food production and the adverse impact of biofuel production on
deforestation and GHG emissions. Increasing biomass yields and conversion efficien-
cies will lower the land requirement for biofuel production. Intensifying livestock pro-
duction could also ease the competition for land.
The authors are grateful for funding provided by the BP Environmental Sustainability
Challenge Project and the Energy Biosciences Institute, University of California,
Berkeley, for this research.
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C HA P T E R 5
Although once distributed for free to the earliest settlers in the United States, land has
long been traded in private markets. For most of the past 100 years, real estate (land and
structures) has comprised a significant portion of the wealth of many landowners. This
is particularly true for the farming sector, which also is a major user of land—51% of the
US land base in 2007 was in agricultural use (Nickerson et al. 2012). Valued at $1.85 tril-
lion in 2010, farm real estate accounted for 85% of total US farm assets (US Department
of Agriculture, Economic Research Service [USDA-ERS] 2012). Because it comprises
such a significant portion of the balance sheet of US farms, changes in the value of farm
real estate have an important bearing on the farm sector’s financial performance. Farm
real estate also represents the largest single investment item in a typical farmer’s invest-
ment portfolio; as a principal source of collateral for farm loans and a key component of
many farmers’ retirement funds, changes in its value can affect the financial well-being
of landowners.
Because of the longstanding significance of land values to both the farming sector
and landowners, understanding the determinants of farmland values has been the sub-
ject of a great deal of economic research. Although the earliest studies date back well
more than 100 years, most methodological and empirical advances in the study of farm-
land values have occurred more recently. The farmland valuation models developed
and tested in the ensuing decades have generally evolved to help explain changes in
farmland values that began to diverge from trends in returns to farming. The foci of the
research have shifted over time partly due to recognition that existing models were not
very well explaining significant swings in farmland values observed both at national and
112 Cynthia J. Nickerson and Wendong Zhang
regional levels. The direction of research has also been influenced by the types of data
available for empirical analysis, with the availability of increasingly detailed data spawn-
ing new opportunities to explain the determinants of farmland values and changes in
those values.
In this chapter, we provide a comprehensive overview of significant developments
in modeling farmland values. In doing so, we cover a wide variety of models and give
particular attention to methodological challenges and recent modeling innovations.
We begin by outlining the capitalization model, which has been—and continues to
be—widely used as the theoretical basis in economic studies on this topic. We next
discuss modeling efforts to address perceived shortcomings of this basic model in
the context of farmland values. Dynamic modeling approaches using aggregate data
to explain changes in farmland values have been heavily used for this purpose. We
then turn attention to cross-sectional hedonic models that use spatially disaggregate
or parcel-level data to examine the influence of particular determinants on farmland
values, which in recent decades have become the mainstay of modeling techniques
in the farmland values literature. We describe estimation issues that arise in hedonic
modeling of farmland values, devoting most attention to those methodological issues
that deserve special consideration in the context of farmland values, including spa-
tial dependence and sample selection bias. In the course of doing so, we focus less on
the specific findings of the studies (of which there are many) and more on the models
Because many of the advances in the study of farmland values occurred due to
changes in farmland markets over time and to the applications of new modeling tech-
niques, it is instructive to proceed in a more or less linear fashion, beginning with the
earliest models, and describe the conditions that induced changes in modeling. We con-
clude with the most recent advances in modeling the determinants of farmland values
and a discussion of what we perceive to be promising future research directions.
David Ricardo’s (1817) formulation of an economic theory of rent, which was originally
developed in the context of the value of farmland, is an important theoretical corner-
stone in the basic model of land rents and land values. Ricardo’s key insight was that land
that differs in quality and is limited in supply generates rents that arise from the pro-
ductive differences in land quality or from differences in location. Ricardo’s work and
that of others (e.g., Malthus’ concept of residual surplus and von Thünen’s theory of rent
differentials arising from distance from a central market) form the basis of our modern
understanding of land rents and land values (Barlowe 1986).
In the basic model, farmland is recognized as a fixed factor of production. Farmland
prices are comprised of the discounted stream of economic returns generated by the
Modeling the Determinants of Farmland Values 113
land, where returns are defined as the return above all variable factors of production.
Formally, the model is written as
∫ A (t )e
− rt
Pt = i dt (1)
t =0
where Pt is the price of farmland in period t, Ai is annual net returns from farming, and
r is the discount rate. The use of this basic model underlies not only farmland values
research but also is used to model landowner decisions about land use choices.
Throughout the early decades of the 1900s, even though commodity prices experi-
enced both rapid increases and significant declines, farmland prices and net returns
remained relatively closely correlated. Farmland values began diverging from net
returns in the 1950s, with farmland values increasing fourfold relative to farm income
between 1952 and 1964 (Chryst 1965). Around this time, several studies attempted
to model farmland values in a simultaneous equations framework (e.g., Herdt and
Cochrane 1966; Tweeten and Martin 1966). However, this direction of research was
short-lived, due primarily to concerns about identifying classic supply equations in a
market with inelastic farmland quantities (e.g., Falk 1991), and subsequent research that
determined the ability of these models to explain changes in farmland prices was very
sensitive to the time period of the data (Pope et al. 1979).
Dramatic changes in farmland prices occurred in the following decades, with rapid
appreciation in the 1970s followed by large declines in the 1980s. These changes raised
a number of questions about the usefulness of the basic capitalization model in explain-
ing changes in farmland values. In addition to assuming that land is valued only for its
economic returns (which are known with certainty), the model assumes a constant dis-
count rate, risk neutrality, and no effects from capital gains, inflation, transaction costs,
and taxes. These issues lend themselves to examination using dynamic approaches, and
many of the ensuing studies used time series techniques used to study stock price move-
ments to test empirically these and other assumptions. These studies also used highly
aggregated data in most cases—often state-level averages—due at least in part to a lack
of more disaggregated, high-quality data for farmland.
An issue receiving early attention was the specification of A, net returns. Melichar
(1979) pointed out that net farm income may not be the best measure of returns because
it includes returns to all productive assets, labor, and management time. As a result,
114 Cynthia J. Nickerson and Wendong Zhang
many subsequent papers used net rents instead of net farm income as the measure of
returns. However, other studies support the use of imputed returns (Mishra et al. 2004).
studies used cointegration analysis to overcome spurious results that could occur when
using traditional time series approaches with data characterized by nonstationarity and
unit roots. A number of these studies reject the present value model on the basis of an
inability to find that farmland prices and rents are cointegrated (e.g., Falk 1991; Clark et
al. 1993; Tegene and Kuchler 1993). However, Gutierrez et al. (2007) argue that this lack
of support may be due to previous studies’ not taking into account structural breaks and
also assuming that states’ data are independent of each other—which they point out is
unlikely to hold, given the common boom-bust cycles in the data typically employed.
Using recent advances in modeling nonstationary panel data and data from 31 US states
over 1960–2000, they find that, by controlling for structural breaks, they cannot reject
the present value model. Using a cointegration approach and error-correction models,
Erickson, Mishra, and Moss (2003) also found support for the present value model, but
note that the results are sensitive to the specification of the economic returns to land.
Cointegration analysis has also been used to examine whether discount rates vary by
income source. Weersink et al. (1999) found government payments tended to be dis-
counted less than market-based returns in Ontario. Schmitz (1995) found the opposite
in Saskatchewan, which Weersink et al. (1999) posit is a result of farmers viewing gov-
ernment payment programs in the former province as a more stable source of income
than the ad hoc transfers that are more characteristic of payments in the latter.
2.3 Structural Models
The conflicting evidence these studies find on the role of expectations, inflation,
time-varying discount rates, and other factors is attributed by some to the use of econo-
metric approaches that examine possible influences in isolation and which use specifi-
cations that are not based on economic theory (e.g., Just and Miranowski 1993; Chavas
and Thomas 1999; Weersink et al. 1999). In a seminal paper, Just and Miranowski (1993)
developed a comprehensive structural model to examine the multidimensional effects
of inflation on capital and savings-return erosion and real debt reduction, as well as of
changes in the opportunity cost of capital, while accounting for risk preferences and
transaction costs. Using state-level pooled cross section data from 1963–1986, they
found increased returns to farming, inflation, and opportunity cost were major expla-
nations of the large increases in farmland prices in the 1970s, whereas only the latter
two factors primarily explained subsequent large declines in the 1980s. Their results also
suggest that inflation and opportunity cost explained the tendency of changes in land
prices to exceed changes in rents (Featherstone and Baker 1987; Falk 1991). They did
not find the results were sensitive to the expectations regime used. Although the study
did not account for nonstationarity of the data as pointed out by Lence (2001), a subse-
quent study that did and which used very similar data found similar results (Awokuse
and Duke 2006).
116 Cynthia J. Nickerson and Wendong Zhang
1 For example, see papers included in Moss and Schmitz, eds. (2003).
Modeling the Determinants of Farmland Values 117
all cropping restrictions; commodity payments previously tied to current planting deci-
sions were decoupled from current production decisions and replaced with payments
based on historical production choices (Nelson and Schertz 1996).
A few studies accommodated these program complexities by using different empiri-
cal techniques to model explicitly whether the land value effects of US commodity
payment programs have varied across Farm Bill periods. Gardner (2003) used pooled
county-level data between 1950 and 1992 and found only weak evidence that the rate of
growth in farmland values in counties with substantial amounts of program crops was
higher than it would have been in the absence of commodity programs (i.e., compared
to “non-program crop” counties). Gardner (2003) posits that the evidence was not
stronger because farmland may benefit more uniformly from the existence of commod-
ity programs (i.e., if farms are not enrolled, the value attached to the option to enroll
would be capitalized into the value of the land). Also, although payment impacts may be
evident in the short run, the effect could be dampened in the long run if a larger share of
program benefits goes to commodity buyers.
Using a recursive model to account for identification issues arising from the
counter-cyclical nature of some farm program payments, Shaik et al. (2005) find that
farm program payments may have increased farmland values by as much as 30–40%
during 1940–1980, but that the effect declined to 15–20% during 1980–2002. Mishra
et al. (2011) used an information measure and found that impacts on land value
changed after passage of the 1996 Farm Bill, noting less divergence between the dis-
tributions of farmland values and government payments in the post-1996 Bill period.
Nonetheless, a challenge continues to be that modeling the impacts of government
payments with aggregate data is problematic. That, coupled with the recognition that
government payments are likely to also affect input and output markets, helps explain
a shift in modeling the incidence of policies away from the effects on prices (Sumner
et al. 2010).
Collectively, studies employing dynamic modeling techniques demonstrate that these
approaches offer several benefits in the context of modeling farmland values. Among
the most important are that these models inform on the relative importance of macro-
economic factors, such as interest rates and inflation, whose identification requires tem-
poral variation. The contributions they provide to informing farmland value forecasting
models are also important (Erickson et al. 2003). Criticisms include a lack of a behav-
ioral basis, as well as the potential for aggregation bias; a continuing challenge is obtain-
ing consistent results. Although recent advances in nonstationary panel techniques may
help improve consistency or the identification of some impacts (e.g., Gutierrez et al.
2007), and extensions that incorporate demands for land in alternative uses could be
useful (Moss and Katchova 2005; Shaik et al. 2005), they may not fully address the criti-
cisms noted above.
118 Cynthia J. Nickerson and Wendong Zhang
In more recent decades, the increasing availability of cross-sectional and spatially disag-
gregated data provided new opportunities to model the determinants of farmland val-
ues with data at a scale that more closely matched economic behavioral decisions (Irwin
et al. 2010). A strain of farmland values literature evolved that exploited these increas-
ingly disaggregate data and adapted property value modeling approaches that were com-
mon in the urban economics literature. In particular, application of these techniques to
farmland markets in urbanizing areas became widespread. This occurred in part due to
the recognition that, in many regions, farmland can earn returns not just from agricul-
tural production and government payments, but also from “nonfarm” sources. Principal
among the nonfarm sources of returns first considered was the expected future rent
increases arising from returns from future development for residential or commercial
uses for farmland in close proximity to urban areas. Capozza and Helsley’s (1989) semi-
nal work laid the theoretical foundation for this literature and showed how the value of
expected future rent increases could be quite large, especially in rapidly growing cities.
That is, in such areas, farmland values are represented by (setting aside uncertainty):
∫ A (x , t )e
− rt
Pt = i i dt + Ri ( xi , u)e − ru (2)
t =0
where Pt is the price of farmland in period t, Ai is annual net returns from farming, Ri is
the one-time net returns from converting the land to an urban use at the optimal con-
version time u, xi is a vector of exogenous parcel characteristics, and r is the discount
rate. In this specification, farming returns are no longer earned once time u arrives. The
returns to conversion are represented as a one-time payment to reflect the typical lump
sum payment that landowners receive when land is converted to an urban use. This
model could also be expanded to include other sources of nonfarm income—income
from hunting leases, for example—that generate a stream of payments that are earned in
addition to farming returns.
Hedonic models quickly became the most widely used property value model in the
study of the determinants of farmland values. Because of its extensive use, we provide
an overview of the basic model and issues that require attention when estimating the
model. We note that hedonic models are not the only models used to explain non-
farm influences. For example, Hardie et al. (2001) adapt an urban growth model and
used a simultaneous equations approach with county-level data to explain residen-
tial and farm real estate prices. Others used ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions
with farm-level survey data to study the impacts of both various forms of government
Modeling the Determinants of Farmland Values 119
payments (disaggregated by program type) and potential returns from future develop-
ment (Goodwin et al. 2003a, 2003b).
amount of time (within the length of the rental lease) relative to a longer period that
would be capitalized into the value of the land. For example, being adjacent to a national
park might reduce the rental price of farmland due to potential wildlife damage of crops
but could increase the sales price if close proximity is expected to provide positive ben-
efits in the more distant future.
The Palmquist and Danielson framework also does not account for the fact that, for
many farm parcels, the land provides benefits beyond the net returns earned from farm-
ing, such as the value associated with the option to convert the land to residential use
at some point in the future as modeled in (2) above, and benefits from close proxim-
ity to open space or other natural amenities that do not contribute specifically to the
land’s productive capacity. Indeed, US Department of Agriculture data reveal that most
farmland owners in 1999 (the most recent data available on farmland ownership) did
not operate farms as their primary business (US Department of Agriculture, National
Agricultural Statistics Service [USDA-NASS] 2001). Some farmland owners farm on a
part-time basis, but about 25% of farmland in 2007 was farmed by operators who were
retired or operated a farm primarily for residential or lifestyle reasons (Hoppe and
Banker 2010). The point that farmland has value both as a factor of production and as a
consumption good has been recognized by some (e.g., Henneberry and Barrows 1990;
Ma and Swinton 2012), although it appears that most researchers who estimate hedonic
models in all but the most rural areas cite Rosen’s theory related to consumer goods.
Many of the early applications of hedonic models to farmland markets used the
approach to estimate the marginal value of both farm and nonfarm characteristics of
farmland in urbanizing areas. One of the earliest and most well-cited papers is Chicoine
(1981), who used sales data on unimproved farmland parcels in Will County, Illinois
and found that the influence of factors affecting potential development returns R were
far greater than soil productivity, the sole characteristic included in A as a proxy for farm
returns. Numerous subsequent studies have also modeled the impact of urban prox-
imity on farmland values; in areas that are more urbanized or have rapid population
growth, these studies find that the demand for land for urban uses is the most signifi-
cant nonfarm factor affecting farmland values (e.g., Shi et al. 1997; Plantinga et al. 2002;
Huang et al. 2006; Guiling et al. 2009).
Hedonic models have also been used to examine the role of environmental factors
and recreational opportunities on farmland prices. In response to concerns about farm-
land erosion resulting from the 1970s agricultural export boom and increases in non-
point water pollution, a number of studies during the 1980s examined the effect of soil
erodibility, as well as drainage, on farmland values (e.g., Miranowski and Hammes 1984;
Ervin and Mill 1985; Gardner and Barrows 1985; Palmquist and Danielson 1989). Ervin
and Mill (1985) also noted that such studies are useful for identifying the extent to which
private markets capture the value of changes in a land characteristic that have impli-
cations for both on-site productivity and off-site environmental quality. Other studies
examined the impact of wildlife recreation opportunities (e.g., Henderson and Moore
2006) and other amenities (see Bergstrom and Ready 2009 for a review), as well as the
impact of restrictions on land uses, such as zoning (e.g., Chicoine 1981; Henneberry and
Modeling the Determinants of Farmland Values 121
Barrows 1990), agricultural district and greenbelt designation (Vitaliano and Hill 1994;
Deaton and Vyn 2010), and farmland protection easements (e.g., Nickerson and Lynch
2001; Lynch et al. 2007). Several recent studies have considered the impact of bioenergy
policies by analyzing the impact of proximity to ethanol plants on farmland values (e.g.,
Henderson and Gloy 2009; Blomendahl et al. 2011; Zhang et al. 2012).
2 Ma and Swinton (2012) found tax assessor estimates of farmland values were particularly likely to
underestimate the value of surrounding natural amenities.
122 Cynthia J. Nickerson and Wendong Zhang
variables and unobserved attributes lead to biased estimates of the implicit prices of
characteristics of a property, a land parcel, or a product (Palmquist 2006). Bias resulting
from spatial dependence and sample selection due to observables and unobservables
are two distinct types of omitted variable bias that researchers have begun address in
recent farmland value studies. Agricultural land parcels are essentially spatially ordered
data, and achieving unbiased and efficient estimates requires addressing the inherent
spatial dependence (Anselin 1988). This dependence has long been recognized in the
areas of regional science and geography and was nicely summarized in Tobler’s (1970,
236) First Law of Geography—“everything is related to everything else, but near things
are more related than distant things.” In the presence of spatial dependence, the stan-
dard OLS assumptions of uncorrelated error terms and independent observations are
violated, and thus the parameter estimates from the standard hedonic regressions will
be biased and inefficient. A sample selection problem occurs when a nonrandomly
selected sample used to estimate behavioral relationships is not representative of the
desired population (Heckman 1979), which could arise from selection on the unobserv-
ables (Heckman 1979) or on the observed characteristics (Heckman and Robb 1985).
If left uncontrolled, the sample selection problem may result in biased parameter esti-
mates of the hedonic models.
Two other well-known problems that may affect any hedonic study are the func-
tional form of the empirical model and multicollinearity. Although the choice of
functional form can affect both the magnitude and significance of coefficients, as
noted by many studies, economic theory offers little guidance regarding model spec-
ification and restrictions on functional form. In practice, data availability and the
goodness of fit often dictate the choice among different functional forms; farmland
value studies have used a variety of forms, including transcendental, linear, semi-log,
and double-log; some researchers prefer the flexibility afforded by the Box-Cox
functional form, which lets the data determine the appropriate form (Palmquist and
Danielson 1989; Roka and Palmquist 1997; Nivens et al. 2002). Another key speci-
fication issue in hedonic models is the multicollinearity that often arises from the
attempt to control for all relevant characteristics of the land. This problem arises at
least in part from difficulties in obtaining enough data for ideal model specifications,
which is challenging given the thinness of farmland markets. As noted by Freeman
(1993), including collinear variables increases the variance of coefficient estimates
and affects inference.
Substantial research effort has been devoted to alleviating all of these econometric
problems imbedded in hedonic models. In the context of research on farmland val-
ues, recent econometric developments have largely been focused on addressing biases
arising from spatial dependence and addressing sample selection bias due to observ-
ables and unobservables. Our discussion of these techniques in the following sections
describes these developments. We also draw on the wider hedonics literature, in which
several developments are sufficiently recent that they have not been often embraced in
models of farmland values.
Modeling the Determinants of Farmland Values 123
To account for spatial dependence in hedonic models of farmland values, two paramet-
ric spatial econometric models are primarily applied: spatial lag (spatial autoregres-
sive) models and spatial error (spatial autocorrelation) models. Spatial lag dependence
means the dependent variable in one location is affected by independent variables in
that location and other locations. The standard spatial lag model solves this problem by
adding a weighted average of nearby values of the dependent variable as an additional
set of explanatory variables, which instead of the traditional model y = Xβ + u yields
y = ρWy + Xβ + u = (I − ρW )−1 ( Xβ + u)
= (I + ρW + ρ2W 2 + …)( Xβ + u)
where W is an n × n spatial weight matrix, and the scalar ρ is the spatial coefficient.
As can be seen in the last equation of (3), the Leontief inverse reduced form, spatial
lag of the dependent variable implies a spatial diffusion process or a so-called “spatial
multiplier” effect, in which each observation is potentially influenced by all other obser-
vations (Anselin 2001), and such influence decays with the increase in distance between
Spatial error dependence or spatial autocorrelation, in which the correlation of error
terms is across different spatial units, is typically caused by measurement error or omit-
ted spatial variables, or by a modifiable areal unit problem (i.e., results differ when the
data are aggregated in different ways) (Griffith 2009). In contrast with the spatial lag
model, in which the spatial interaction is the process of interest, the spatial error model
offers a more common and direct treatment of the spatial dependence among error
terms of the observations, in which the spatial dependence is a nuisance:
y = X β + u, with u = θWu + e
y = Xβ + ( I − θW )−1 e
where W is an n × n spatial weight matrix, and the scalar is the spatial coefficient.
Opportunities to account explicitly for spatial dependence among observations
in farmland values studies have grown in recent years, due to increased availability of
spatially explicit data on farmland, the explosive diffusion of Geographic Information
System software, and the dramatic increase in the ability of statistical packages to handle
large spatial matrices. Using county-level data in the Corn Belt, Benirschka and Binkley
(1994) offer one of the first treatments of spatial autocorrelation in studies of the rela-
tionship between agricultural land price variations and distances to markets, in which
the spatial correlation of error terms across counties was represented by a standard
124 Cynthia J. Nickerson and Wendong Zhang
spatial error model specification, with W being a simple binary continuity matrix. In
a spatial lag, serially correlated hedonic pricing framework, Huang et al. (2006) further
controlled for serial correlation using a first-order autoregressive process along with the
assumed time-invariant spatial lag dependence using a Kronecker product of the spa-
tial matrix W and a T × T identity matrix. A similar spatiotemporal weight matrix is
also used by Maddison (2009). In a study of effects of natural amenities on Michigan
farmland values, Ma and Swinton (2012) used a spatial error specification to account for
spatial dependence, in which the spatial weights matrix was defined using the inverse
distance formula with a cutoff distance of 600 meters from the parcel centroids beyond
which no correlation is assumed. The spatial error model structure was determined
through diagnosis and tests of the structure of spatial correlation.
Due to improved computational speed and functional simplicity, spatial lag and
spatial error models have become routine fixes for nearly any model misspecification
related to space (McMillen 2012). However, these standard spatial econometric models
are far from problem-free. In particular, most spatial econometric models face an ironic
paradox that their very use is an admission that the true model structure is unknown,
yet the common estimation technique of maximum likelihood relies heavily on know-
ing the true structure in advance (McMillen 2010). Other criticisms include identifi-
cation problems and usually exogenously imposed spatial weights matrix, which can
result in biased parameter estimates if misspecified.3
As emphasized by McMillen (2010, 2012), standard spatial econometric models are
simply another form of spatial smoothing, and they should be viewed as additional
statistical tools for model specification tests and convenient robustness checks, rather
than as the primary means of analyzing spatial data. In general, applications of spa-
tial models should be guided by economic theory (e.g., Brueckner 2006) and by actual
empirical questions (Pinkse and Slade 2010). Instead of focusing solely on spatial lag
and spatial error models, researchers have advocated alternatives, such as semiparamet-
ric and nonparametric approaches (McMillen 2010), and “experimentalist paradigm”
approaches, such as instrumental variables (IV) and spatial differencing (Gibbons and
Overman 2012).
These alternative approaches have gained popularity in residential real estate valua-
tion studies, for which spatially explicit data has traditionally been more readily avail-
able than farmland data. Two recent studies using these approaches are worth noting.
The first is a nonparametric analysis of capitalization of proximity to rapid transit lines
in residential house prices in Chicago, in which McMillen and Redfearn (2010) illus-
trate that, unlike standard parametric spatial models, nonparametric estimators control
for spatial variations in marginal effects and spatial autocorrelation while using highly
flexible functional forms, without imposing an arbitrary weight matrix. The second
is a study that identifies the influence of spatial land use spillovers on housing values.
3 See Pinkse and Slade (2010), McMillen (2010, 2012), Gibbons and Overman (2012), and Brady and
Irwin (2012) for further discussions of the criticisms of standard spatial econometrics models.
Modeling the Determinants of Farmland Values 125
Carrión-Flores and Irwin (2010) exploited a natural discontinuity in the data and show
that a partial population identification strategy solves the endogeneity problem and is
a superior alternative to the common spatial error model for eliminating spatial error
autocorrelation and identifying spatial interactions.
Some progress in addressing spatial autocorrelation and spatial heterogeneity has
also been made in studies of farmland values beyond the spatial lag and error models.
Cotteleer et al. (2011) tried to resolve specification uncertainty in selecting explanatory
variables and weighting matrices in parametric spatial econometric models by employ-
ing Bayesian Model Averaging in combination with Markov chain, Monte Carlo model
composition. In this framework, no single correct model specification is assumed and
learning from the data is allowed, but prior information is needed. Using parcel-level
data in Northern Ireland, Kostov (2009) generalized the linear spatial lag model by
employing a flexible, semiparametric IV quantile regression approach, which not only
allowed for varying effects of the hedonic attributes, but also varying degrees of spatial
dependence. In two similar Northern Ireland studies, Kostov et al. (2008) and Kostov
(2010) employed two different nonparametric approaches and found that buyer char-
acteristics and personal relationships exert nonuniform and nonlinear effects on the
implicit prices of farmland characteristics. Using intramunicipal-level French data,
Geniaux et al. (2011) extended Capozza and Helsley’s (1989) model to account for
uncertainty in future land use zoning and used mixed geographically weighted regres-
sion estimations of a spatial hedonic model to recover intramunicipally heterogeneous
impacts of land use conversion anticipation on farmland prices.
evaluation. In the context of research on land values, especially farmland values, this
model is also widely applied. In a study of residential land value functions in which land
use is determined by zoning, McMillen and McDonald (1989) find evidence of selectivity
bias for undeveloped and multifamily residential land uses in which the “self-selectivity”
arises when local governments use land values to guide zoning decisions. However, in the
context of farmland markets, sample selection was not detected in two recent studies that
addressed it using a Heckman selection model (Nickerson and Lynch 2001; Kirwan 2009).
The Heckman selection models address selection on the unobservables; however, in
a broader sense, sample selection could also occur when the unobserved disturbance in
the outcome function is correlated with the observed explanatory variables in the selec-
tion model, which is introduced as “selection on the observables” by Heckman and Robb
(1985). As a result, when estimating the average treatment effect, the assumptions about
the distributional equality of the covariates across the treatment and control subsam-
ples imposed by hedonic regressions could be problematic, and the differences between
covariates among treatment and control units may need to be adjusted for (Imbens and
Wooldridge 2009). Matching offers a straightforward and effective way to balance these
differences, which facilitates the identification of the causal treatment effect. Intuitively,
matching solves the sample selection on the observables by selecting treated observa-
tions and comparison observations with similar characteristics, by covariates X (e.g.,
Rubin 1980), or by propensity score p (e.g., Rosenbaum and Rubin 1983).
In this section, we focus on propensity score matching (PSM) methods, which use
propensity scores (the probability of selection into treatment conditional on covariates)
in matching, because these methods are most commonly used and have been shown to
be reliable under certain regularity conditions (Todd 2007). PSM presents several key
advantages over the least squares hedonic approach. Most importantly, PSM does not
require a parametric model linking outcomes and program participation (Dehajia and
Wahba 2002; Smith and Todd 2005; Ravallion 2007). In addition, unlike standard regres-
sion methods, PSM ensures that observations in treatment and control groups share
the common support (Ravallion 2007), and, finally, unlike Heckman selection model,
PSM does not assume a particular functional form for the price equation (Heckman and
Navarro 2004). Matching estimators such as PSM are justified if the selection is only on
the observables (Imbens and Wooldridge 2009), and the performance of PSM depends
crucially on the set of covariates included in the estimation (Heckman et al. 1998; Todd
2007). However, instead of elaborating on the methodological and implementation
details on PSM, we aim to highlight specific applications of PSM in farmland values.
The reader is referred to Caliendo and Kopeinig (2005), Smith and Todd (2005), Todd
(2007), Zhao (2004), and Towe, Lewis, and Lynch in this handbook (Chapter 18) for
detailed discussions on the matching methods.
PSM has become a popular approach to estimate causal treatment effects and has been
used in some recent studies of farmland values. In an analysis of the selection problem
due to the voluntary nature of farmland easement programs analyzed also in Nickerson
and Lynch (2001), Lynch et al. (2007) used a PSM approach in which observed vari-
ables closely related to the future development option values, and variables affecting
Modeling the Determinants of Farmland Values 127
this area are all on farmland rental rates, the techniques are very amenable to examining
the impact of government payments in the context of farmland value studies. Using US
farm-level data, Kirwan (2009) designed an IV strategy to overcome the attenuation bias
induced by the expectation error, which is the difference between actual agricultural
subsidies and expected subsidies. Specifically, he instrumented the 1992–1997 subsidy
change using the post-FAIR Act 1997 subsidy level and addressed the measurement
error problem with a second instrument, the county-level average subsidy per acre.
Following Lence and Mishra (2003) and using data in Northern Ireland, Patton et al.
(2008) adopted an IV strategy combined with GMM technique to recognize the fact that
payments are not known when rental contracts are determined and therefore instru-
ments using lagged realizations of the “pre-2002 SAP” payments are needed in the pres-
ence of expectation error. Using a rich dataset of pooled cross-sections at the farm level,
Goodwin et al. (2010) instrumented the expected payment benefits using a four-year
historical average of real payments per farm acre in the county where the farm is located.
They argued that this measure better represents the long-run potential benefits associ-
ated with agricultural policy, whereas the common measure, realized payments, may, in
contrast, reflect individual policy choices and characteristics of the farms.
The continued significance of farmland values to both the farm sector and to many farm
households means that understanding the key determinants of farmland prices will
remain of perennial interest. In this chapter, we have sought to identify major model-
ing approaches used to model farmland values and to describe recent innovations. As
this chapter highlights, both dynamic time series and static cross-sectional approaches
have been utilized by a large number of studies, with each contributing unique insights.
In this section, we identify several areas in which future research may yield the highest
return both in terms of advances in modeling and in terms of topics of interest to policy
Dynamic models reveal important information about macroeconomic factors affect-
ing rates of change in farmland values. However, criticisms of ad hoc econometric
specifications that could contribute to misleading results have plagued many of these
studies. A natural direction for these studies would be to utilize some of the more recent
advances in time series techniques in ways that are supported by an underlying struc-
tural model that is both consistent with individual behavior and that captures critical
market relationships (along the lines of Just and Miranowski 1993). In particular, a better
(or at least more current) understanding is needed of how expectations by landowners
are formed over prices, costs, and other key variables. Also, how changes in determi-
nants are transmitted through expectations as suggested by Just and Miranowski (1993)
Modeling the Determinants of Farmland Values 129
could be useful, especially if the studies can illuminate how quickly farmland values
react to changes in its determinants.
Furthering our understanding of the dynamics of farmland markets in these ways
seem useful for at least three reasons. First, the rapid onset of and large (double-digit)
annual increases in farmland values that we have witnessed in recent years is occurring
under different conditions than increases that occurred in the 1970s, so the primary
drivers of change are different. In particular, studies that consider the formation and
role of price expectations, market relationships, and incidence may help inform deci-
sion makers about how quickly high farmland values could erode (or could be further
enhanced) due to policy changes under their control (e.g., government farm program
payments, bioenergy policies that increase demand for biofuel crops like corn and soy-
bean, and macroeconomic policies such as interest rates). Second, nonfarm influences
on farmland are growing, and models that incorporate these influences can help inform
on how changes in related land markets are influencing farmland values.4 Finally,
advances in these areas could help inform efforts to link farmland value models and
models of land use and land use change. We return to this last point below.
In terms of future directions in cross-sectional hedonic studies, we note several
compelling opportunities to better address omitted variable bias—which is arguably
among the most important econometric issues requiring treatment in farmland value
studies using disaggregated, parcel-level data. Exploiting the ever-widening range of
new spatially explicit modeling approaches allows researchers to reveal the rich spa-
tial heterogeneity of the influences of determinants of farmland values with fewer
restrictive assumptions. These approaches include the nonparametric approaches,
quasi-experimental (QE) designs, and structural econometric models, many of which
we mentioned in Section 4 in this chapter. In the following sections, we highlight some
examples relevant for farmland values research.
Minimizing the bias and inefficiency caused by untreated spatial dependence in
cross-sectional studies has spurred the adoption of a variety of techniques in land values
studies. Although largely applied in land markets in or near urbanizing areas, the inher-
ent spatially correlated processes underlying many farmland value determinants means
the results of farmland valuation studies that do not consider spatial dependence are
likely to be suspect. Standard spatial lag and spatial error models have yielded insights
regarding the magnitude of the bias that can result if spatial dependence is left untreated.
However, future research using spatially ordered farmland transactions data would
likely benefit by embracing newer techniques that avoid the restrictive assumptions of
these models. In particular, these newer techniques enable researchers to control for
spatial dependence without imposing a certain spatial structure a priori. Approaches
such as those relying on quasi-randomness, such as the “partial population identifier”
4 We also note that the increasing influence of urban demands on farmland raises questions about
whether time series properties differ between farmland subject to urban influence and farmland that
is not.
130 Cynthia J. Nickerson and Wendong Zhang
5 The reader is referred to van der Klaauw (2008), Imbens and Lemieux (2008), and Lee and Lemieux
(2010) for excellent reviews of RDD, and to Black (1999), Chay and Greenstone (2005), Greenstone and
Gallagher (2008), and Grout et al. (2011) for applications of RDD in urban housing market studies.
Modeling the Determinants of Farmland Values 131
models described (see, for instance, Chapter 13 by Irwin and Wrenn in this handbook).
Modeling dynamic aspects that take into account the formulation of expectations by
farmland owners over prices, costs, and other key variables is crucial to estimating the
supply of farmland and necessitates a dynamic modeling approach for the structural
estimation of farmland supply. Current reduced-form models, such as hedonics and QE
designs, are static, and they do not take these dynamics into account. However, as illus-
trated in Chapter 13 by Irwin and Wrenn in this handbook, the complexity of dynamic
discrete choice models makes it sometimes infeasible empirically. Nevertheless, incor-
porating feedback or forward-looking expectations in structural hedonic models of
farmland markets remains a crucial unsolved issue. In the hedonics literature, some
notable advances have been made to identify the marginal willingness-to-pay functions,
including the IV approach by Ekeland et al. (2004), the new econometric inversion
estimation by Bishop and Timmins (2011), and the dynamic hedonic model by Bishop
and Murphy (2011), which allows for forward-looking behavior of decision-makers.
However, as mentioned in Section 4, researchers need to be cautious about using
hedonic approaches when market forces are changing rapidly (Freeman 1993).
The ability of researchers to move forward on many of these fronts will be contin-
gent on the increasing availability of spatially disaggregated data. Previous studies on
agricultural land values that have employed aggregate data often mask important differ-
ences in the spatially disaggregated determinants of farmland values, such as distance
from urban centers and proximity to agricultural delivery points like ethanol plants,
grain elevators, and agricultural terminals. Aggregate data also hinder the application
of new modeling approaches from related fields such as residential land/housing values
research to studies on farmland values. A data challenge will continue to be the cost of
developing parcel-level panel datasets via surveys and the thinness of farmland markets
of developing pooled parcel-level sales data over time. Nonetheless, with more spatially
explicit data available and techniques like nonparametric approaches and panel data
analysis, researchers will have improved opportunities to analyze spatial variation as
well as potential structural changes in certain determinants of farmland values.
The authors wish to thank Elena G. Irwin for insightful comments and a critical review
of an earlier draft. The views in this chapter are attributable to the authors and not to
the USDA.
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C HA P T E R 6
Developing World
Land use change in developing countries is critically bound up with the pattern of eco-
nomic development in these countries. Most developing economies, and certainly the
majority of the populations living within them, depend directly on natural resources.
For many of these economies, primary product exports account for the vast majority of
their export earnings, and one or two primary commodities make up the bulk of exports
(Barbier 2005b, chapter 1). Agricultural value added accounts for an average of 40%
of GDP, and nearly 80% of the labor force is engaged in agricultural or resource-based
activities (World Bank 2008). Further adding to these disparities, by 2025, the rural
population of the developing world will have increased to almost 3.2 billion, placing
increasing pressure on a declining resource base (Population Division of the United
Nations 2008).
Over the past 50 years, the pattern of land use change in developing as opposed
to developed economies has been dramatically different (Fischer and Heilig 1997;
Ramankutty and Foley 1999; FAO 2006; World Bank 2008; Barbier 2011). In developed
countries, cropland area slowed its growth, eventually stabilized, and is now declin-
ing. As a result, the decline of forest and woodland has halted in developed countries
in aggregate, and since 1990, total forest area has increased (FAO 2006). Not only has
primary forest area recovered but also the growth in plantations has been strong. In con-
trast, in developing economies, cropland area has continued to expand. In the develop-
ing regions of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, tropical forests were the primary sources
of new agricultural land in the 1980s and 1990s (Gibbs et al. 2010). Almost one-fifth of
new crop production in developing countries from 1990 to 2050 is expected to rely on
expanding cultivated area, and two-thirds of this new land will come from conversion of
forests and wetlands (Fischer and Heilig 1997). In some regions, such as tropical Latin
America, livestock grazing is also projected to cause extensive deforestation in the near
future (Wassenaar et al. 2007).
140 Edward B. Barbier
However, although historically such land use changes leading to cropland expansion
may have been associated with successful resource-based development, this is less likely
for most developing countries today (Barbier 2011). The main purpose of this chapter is
to offer an economic explanation about why this might be the case. That is, development
in low and middle-income economies is accompanied by substantial resource conver-
sion, especially the expansion of the agricultural land base through the conversion of
forests, wetlands and other natural habitat, but this pattern of land use is generating less
economy-wide benefits than in previous eras. The main reason is that the current pro-
cess of land use and expansion has two unique structural features.
First, considerable land expansion in ecologically fragile areas is serving mainly
as an outlet for the subsistence and near-subsistence needs of the rural poor (Barbier
2005b, 2010). A substantial proportion of the population in low and middle-income
countries is concentrated in marginal areas and on ecologically fragile land, such
as converted forest frontier areas, poor quality uplands, converted wetlands, and
so forth (Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture 2007;
World Bank 2003). Households on these lands not only face problems of land degra-
dation and low productivity but also tend to be some of the poorest in the world. Yet,
population increases and other economic pressures are driving many of the rural
poor to bring yet more marginal land into production (Chen and Ravillion 2007;
Population Division of the United Nations 2008). The result is that such marginal
land expansion continues to be the main basis for absorbing the growing number
of the rural poor in developing economies (Pichón 1997; Coxhead et al. 2002; Carr
2009; Barbier 2011).
Second, marginal land expansion may be an important outlet for the rural poor, but
it may not be the main cause of overall land conversion and use in developing coun-
tries. Recent evidence suggests that commercially oriented economic activities are
responsible for much of the land expansion that is occurring in low- and middle-income
economies. For example, the main “agents of deforestation” globally are now plantation
owners, large-scale farmers, ranchers, and timber and mining operations, assisted by
government policies (FAO 2001, 2003, 2006; Chomitz et al. 2007; Rudel 2007; DeFries
et al. 2010; Boucher et al. 2011). Large-scale capital investments, which include planta-
tion agriculture, ranching, forestry and mining activities, often result in export-oriented
extractive enclaves with little or no forward and backward linkages to the rest of the
economy (Bridge 2008; Barbier 2005b, 2011; van der Ploeg 2011). The result is that
development in low- and middle-income economies is accompanied by substantial
resource conversion, especially the expansion of the agricultural land base through the
conversion of forests, wetlands, and other natural habitat. At the same time, most devel-
oping economies remain highly dependent on the exploitation of natural resources and
are unable to diversify.
The consequence of these two structural features of land use and expansion in devel-
oping economies is that they are symptomatic of a dualistic frontier economy. The clas-
sic definition of a frontier is “a geographic region adjacent to the unsettled portions of
the continent in which a low man/land ratio and unusually abundant, unexploited,
Land Use and Sustainable Economic Development 141
natural resources provide an exceptional opportunity for social and economic better-
ment” (Billington 1966, 25). To exploit these resources, processes of frontier expansion
or frontier-based development are “characterized by the initial existence of abundant
land, mostly unoccupied, and by a substantial migration of capital and people” (di
Tella 1982, 212). For heavily resource-dependent developing economies, that is, those
that have 75% or more of primary production to total exports, such a process of
frontier-based development may characterize nearly the entire economy. For other low
and middle-income economies, in addition to the frontier economy, there may also be
burgeoning industrial and service sectors.
However, the main structural feature of the frontier economy in most developing
countries is that it is inherently dualistic. The frontier economy contains both a tra-
ditional sector that converts and exploits available land to produce a nontraded agri-
cultural output, and a fully developed, commercially oriented sector that converts and
exploits available land and natural resources for a variety of traded outputs. The lat-
ter could include plantation agriculture, ranching, forestry and mining activities. In
addition, the traditional agricultural sector is dominated by farm holdings that occupy
marginal or ecologically fragile land with poor land quality and productivity poten-
tial. Although these two types of economic activities differ significantly and may also
be geographically separated, they are linked by labor use, as the rural poor on marginal
land form a large pool of surplus unskilled labor that can be employed in commercial
frontier activities. This linkage is important not only to the dynamics of land expansion
and use within developing economies but also to the pattern of overall economic devel-
opment (Hansen 1979; Píchón 1997; Coxhead et al. 2002; Barbier 2005a; Maertens et
al. 2006; Carr 2009).
To set the stage, this chapter first describes in more detail the dualistic frontier econ-
omy and processes of land expansion that typify many developing economies. A model
of the dualistic frontier economy is then developed to explore its main economic impli-
cations for economic development in many low- and middle-income countries today.
These implications lie at the core of why land use and expansion in developing econo-
mies may not be generating greater economy-wide benefits.
To summarize the key results, in the dual frontier economy, because there are no
diminishing returns to labor in the use of marginal land for agricultural production, real
wages are invariant to rural employment. As long as there remains abundant marginal
land to absorb more farmers and employment, the use of land relative to labor on this
land will determine nominal wages throughout the dual frontier economy. The impli-
cation is that, with given international prices for the marketed-oriented activities, the
real wage and thus the amount of unskilled labor employed by these activities will be
fully determined. The pool of surplus labor on marginal lands is essentially a barom-
eter of frontier-based development. As long as there are abundant marginal lands for
cultivation, they serve to absorb rural migrants, population increases, and displaced
unskilled labor from elsewhere in the economy. On the other hand, expanding com-
mercial activities that exploit more resources and land on the frontier will absorb more
workers from the pool of surplus labor existing on marginal frontier lands. Although the
142 Edward B. Barbier
latter outcome may seem beneficial, it has the tendency to promote boom and bust cycles
of economic development (Wunder 2003, 2005; Barbier 2005a, 2005b, 2007, 2011; Ha
and Shively 2008; Agergaard et al. 2009; Barney 2009; Rodrigues et al. 2009; Hall 2011;
Knudsen and Folds 2011). Such cycles are reinforced by a policy environment that, on
the one hand, encourages frontier commercial activities to remain as isolated enclaves
and, on the other, fails to ensure that the resource rents generated by these activities lead
to greater economic diversification (Barbier 2005b, 2007).
Since 1950, many economies with abundant endowments of land, mineral and fossil
fuel resources have had difficulty in achieving successful resource-based development
(Barbier 2005b, 2011; van der Ploeg 2011). For example, Gylfason (2001) has examined
the long-run growth performance of 85 resource-rich developing economies since 1965.
Only Botswana, Malaysia, and Thailand managed to achieve a long-term investment rate
exceeding 25% of GDP and long-run average annual growth rates exceeding 4%, which
is a performance comparable to that of high income economies. Malaysia and Thailand
have also managed successfully to diversify their economies through re-investing the
financial gains from primary production for export. Botswana has yet to diversify its
economy significantly but has developed favorable institutions and policies for man-
aging its natural wealth and primary production for extensive economy-wide benefits.
Although many other developing countries still depend on finding new reserves of land
and other natural resources to exploit, very few appear to have benefited from such
resource-based development. This poses an intriguing paradox: Why should economic
dependence on natural resource exploitation and land expansion be associated with
“unsustainable” resource-based development in many low and middle-income coun-
tries today, especially because historically this has not always been the case?
One reason is that the unique pattern of frontier land expansion emerging in devel-
oping economies appears to be inimical to successful economy-wide development. An
early criticism of this pattern was the hollow frontier hypothesis, which James (1969)
first used to describe the expansion of the coffee frontier in southern and central Brazil
during the mid-20th century. Although these areas were originally settled by small-
holders, they were later displaced to more remote regions by wealthy landowners
through property aggregation, which lead to a relatively depopulated and “hollow”
frontier. Evidence of this process has been found in the Brazilian Amazon not only
for coffee but also for ranching and other forms of large-scale commercial agricul-
ture (Casetti and Gauthier 1977; Wood 1983; Aldrich et al. 2006; Morton et al. 2006;
Browder et al. 2008).
Land Use and Sustainable Economic Development 143
In addition, if institutions and economic policies encourage large profits from fron-
tier expansion, then “well-capitalized interests, including land speculators and ranch-
ers, consolidate the properties of subsistence farmers through market transactions or
outright expulsions” (Aldrich et al. 2006, 272). However, such large-scale capital invest-
ments, which include plantation agriculture, ranching, forestry and mining activities,
often result in export-oriented extractive enclaves with little or no forward and back-
ward linkages to the rest of the economy (Barbier 2005b, 2011; Bridge 2008). As pointed
out by Bunker (1989, 607): “Overconfidence in the linkage potential of extractive econ-
omies can lead directly to public investments aimed at capturing the linkages near the
mouth of the mine when in fact the locational disadvantages are so great that only under
extraordinary circumstances would these investments be competitive.” The result is a
vicious cycle, whereby policies and institutions continue to favor, subsidize, and sup-
port capital investments to create abnormal profits for mineral and large-scale agricul-
tural projects in the frontier, yet the lack of linkages to the rest of the economy simply
reinforce the tendency of these investments to create commercially oriented extractive
enclaves (Barbier 2005b, 2011). These enclaves are more tied to the “global produc-
tion network” that focuses on exploitation of agricultural and mineral resources for the
world market or domestic consumption in urban and industrial centers (Bridge 2008).
Government policies have actively promoted capital investment in commercially
oriented frontier agricultural and extractive activities. For example, in the Brazilian
Amazon, “spatial differentiation in the pattern of development would be largely influ-
enced by the State, in its infrastructure investment decisions (e.g., roads and utility
extensions into the frontier) and in fiscal incentive policies targeted to specific regions
that would invite capital investment there” (Browder et al. 2008, 1472). State programs
to improve property rights and the efficiency of land markets increase land values and
attract additional frontier investments. As Gould et al. (2006) illustrate with a case study
of the Petén, Guatemala, such land administration and privatization policies can have
the unintended consequence of increasing the incentive for land speculation rather than
investment in productive agricultural activities. Similarly, Bromley (2008, 561) shows
that, in Africa, “an exclusive focus on the property relations of isolated villages and their
commons will necessarily fail if development programs ignore the institutional archi-
tecture of markets and market processes throughout the entirety of a nation.”
Government policies have supported the expansion of large-scale soybean cultiva-
tion and mechanized agriculture in Amazonia (Hecht 2005; Bulte et al. 2007; Killeen
et al. 2007; Carr 2009; Walker et al. 2009); oil palm, coffee, and other cash crops in
Asia (Coxhead et al. 2002; Agergaard et al. 2009; Barney 2009; Curry and Koczberski
2009; Hirsch 2009; McCarthy and Cramb 2009); cocoa, cotton, and other cash crop
frontiers in Africa (Mosley 2005; Bromley 2008; Knudsen and Fold 2011); ranching in
Latin America (Walker 2003; Bulte et al. 2007; Killeen et al. 2007; Wassenaar et al. 2007;
Caviglia-Harris and Harris 2008; Schmook and Vance 2009; Walker et al. 2009); and
extractive frontiers globally (Hyndman 1994; Wunder 2003, 2005; Akpalu and Parks
2007; Bridge 2008; Campbell 2009).
144 Edward B. Barbier
Frontiers are also the means for marginal land expansion as a “safety valve” outlet for
the rural poor. As noted by Coxhead et al. (2002, 345), “the land frontier has long served
as the employer of last resort for underemployed, unskilled labor.” This process was
fostered by colonial policies in many developing regions yet has continued unabated
since the 1950s (James 1969; Hansen 1979; Foweraker 1981; Bunker 1984; Williamson
2002, 2006; Austin 2007; Etter et al. 2008; Barbier 2011). The result has been a large
concentration of the rural poor on low quality land for agriculture, characterized by
traditional farming methods with negligible marginal productivity, zero land rents
or profits, and informal or nonexistent land-tenure arrangements, inadequate trans-
port and infrastructure, and other market imperfections (Mueller 1997; Coxhead et al.
2003; Barbier 2005b; Gould et al. 2006; Jepson 2006; Maertens et al. 2006; Carr 2009;
Schmook and Vance 2009).
In sum, long-term land use trends and economic development in many low and mid-
dle income countries has evolved a dualistic frontier economy. This outcome was first
highlighted by Hansen (1979) to describe colonial land use in developing regions, and
then by Wood (1983, 259) to characterize frontier development in Amazonia: “A cen-
tral feature of the contemporary settlement of the Brazilian Amazon is the simultane-
ous expansion into the region of capitalist enterprises and peasant farmers. The dual
character of the frontier is, to a large extent, a consequence of the development policies
adopted by the state.” As noted by Aldrich et al. (2006, 72) the outcome of this dualistic
process of frontier expansion is often frontier stratification: “Although the smallholders
who initiate frontier settlement are poor, they share their poverty in relative equality
until the aggregation of property causes the distribution of land to be skewed and drives
social stratification.”
The result is an inherently dualistic economy. Coexisting in most frontiers are
highly developed, modern, and profitable commercial economic activities along
with more traditional, relatively poor agricultural activities on marginal lands.
That is, “according to the dualist model the frontier is comprised of two different
economies: the traditional, non-capitalist sector, which is subsistence-oriented
and has minimal ties to the marketplace; and the modern, capitalist sector, which
is market-oriented and follows the logic of profit maximization” (Wood 1983, 263).
Although these two types of economic activities differ significantly and may also be
geographically separated, they are linked by labor use. This linkage is important to
the dynamics of frontier expansion, because it means that rural poor on marginal
land form a large pool of surplus unskilled labor that can be employed in commercial
frontier activities (Hansen 1979; Píchón 1997; Coxhead et al. 2002; Barbier 2005a;
Maertens et al. 2006; Carr 2009).
The dualistic frontier economy has important implications for economic develop-
ment in many low- and middle-income countries today. To explore these implications
more fully, it is useful to develop a model depicting land use and labor allocation in the
dualistic frontier economy.
Land Use and Sustainable Economic Development 145
Following the discussion above, it is assumed that the dualistic frontier economy com-
prises two sectors: (1) a fully developed, commercially oriented sector that converts and
exploits available land and natural resources for a variety of traded outputs, and (2) a
traditional sector that converts and exploits available land to produce a nontraded agri-
cultural output, which is dominated by farm holdings that occupy marginal or ecologi-
cally fragile land with poor land quality and productivity potential. Although these two
sectors comprising the frontier economy differ significantly and may also be geographi-
cally separated, they are linked by labor use. That is, the rural poor on marginal land
form a large pool of surplus unskilled labor that can be employed in commercial frontier
activities, and the wage rate is determined by the dynamics of land expansion within
the frontier economy (Hansen 1979; Píchón 1997; Coxhead et al. 2002; Barbier 2005a;
Maertens et al. 2006; Carr 2009).
For heavily resource-dependent economies (i.e., those that have 75% or more of pri-
mary production to total exports), the commercial and traditional frontier sectors may
comprise nearly the entire economy. For other low- and middle-income economies,
there may also be a burgeoning industrial and/or service sectors. For the purposes of
the model, it does not matter whether the dualistic frontier is an enclave within a larger
developing economy or whether it comprises the entire economy.
The commercial activity can obtain more land or natural resources (hereafter referred
to as “resources”) for primary production, but only by employing and allocating more
capital for this purpose. It is assumed that increasing N1 incurs a rising input of K1
p1 f N (n1 )
=r (5)
Condition (4) is the normal value marginal product conditions for use of labor in pro-
duction. Condition (5) determines the optimal use of natural resources, and indicates
that the rate of return from appropriating N1 for primary production must be equal to
the interest rate. The rate of return consists of the marginal rent per unit of N1 divided by
the marginal cost of converting it for use in primary production.
Q2 = g (N 2 , L2 ), g i ≥ 0, g ii < 0, i = N , L (6)
Note that the marginal productivity of land is not necessarily positive. This Ricardian
surplus-land condition follows from the assumption that poor quality marginal land is
Land Use and Sustainable Economic Development 147
unproductive in cultivation (Hansen 1979). That is, for traditional agriculture on mar-
ginal land, gN = 0 and, thus, equilibrium is determined by
w Nm
g ′(n2 ) = 0, g (n2 ) = , n2 = n2m = m2 (7)
p2 L2
The result of this outcome is that there are no diminishing returns to labor in the use
of marginal land for agricultural production. Real wages are invariant to rural employ-
ment (the number of farmers and/or labor input on marginal land) and determined by
the average product of labor. Moreover, the condition of zero marginal productivity
fixes the land/labor ratio on marginal land, which can be designated as nm2 . Finally, given
the average product of labor relationship in Equation (7), the fixed land/labor ratio will
determine the nominal wage rate w for any predetermined output price p2. Thus, the
best that farmers and their families on marginal land can do is either sell their labor to
each other and obtain an equilibrium real wage w/p2, or alternatively, farm their own
plots of land and earn the same real wage. Since there is little advantage in selling their
labor, farmers will tend to use their and family labor to farm their own land. Hence,
under this marginal land condition, small family farms will predominate. Unless the
population increases, no more land will be brought into production and there will be
surplus land.1
Finally, the total labor force in the frontier economy is given, and is
L = L1 + Lm2 (8)
2.3 Equilibrium
Because the fixed land/labor ratio on marginal land determines the nominal wage rate,
the model of the frontier economy is fully recursive. With w determined, condition
(4) indicates that to each value of p1 there corresponds a unique value of the resource/
labor ratio n1 in commercial primary production. As r is also given, Equation (5) can
now be solved for the equilibrium amount of natural resources appropriated and used
N1. With n1 and N1 known, L1 follows. Finally, Q1 can be determined from Equation (1)
for primary production.
Although the agricultural production of the traditional sector is a nontraded good, any surplus
produced in excess of subsistence consumption is likely to be sold in competitive local markets. The
standard assumption is that the resulting output price p2 is predetermined in such markets, which is
the general observation for traditional agriculture in frontier economies, whether its output is wholly
consumed for subsistence or any surplus is locally traded (see Hansen 1979; Mueller 1997; Píchón 1997;
Coxhead et al. 2002; Barbier 2005a; Maertens et al. 2006).
148 Edward B. Barbier
With L1 known, Lm2 can be found as a residual from Equation (8). As the fixed
land/labor ratio nm2 is already known, Nm2 follows. From Equation (6) it is now pos-
sible to determine traditional agricultural production Qm2 from marginal land.
From Equation (4) and the concavity conditions of Equation (1), it follows that
dn1 w
= 2 < 0 and thus
dp1 p1 nf ′′
n1 = n1 ( p1 ), n1 ′ < 0 (9)
As a rise in p1 leads to a fall in n1, the numerator of Equation (5) will increase. Given
that c″> 0, then N1 must rise in order for equilibrium condition (5) to continue to hold.
N1 = N1 ( p1 ), n1 ′ > 0 (10)
It follows from Equations (2) and (10) that K = c-1 (N1(p1)) and K′ > 0. Also, from
Equations (9), (10) and (1),
Assuming that consumers have identical and homothetic preferences, define the
demand function for primary products as
∂ Q1D ∂ Q1D
Q1D = Q1D ( p1 , Y ), < 0, >0 (13)
∂ p1 ∂Y
From Equations (11) and (13), the excess supply function for primary products is,
Because primary products are traded, the excess supply is used to import goods and
services, either from the rest of the economy or abroad; that is,
EQ1 ( p1 ) = M ( ), M ′ < 0 (15)
and output in the primary production sector in response to the rise in p1 will reduce
labor, cultivation, and production on marginal land. As Equation (14) indicates, excess
supply of primary production increases, and the resulting exports allow more goods and
services to be imported to the frontier.
Of course, if the price of primary products from the frontier falls, the opposite
occurs. The export-oriented primary sector contracts, and the resulting surplus labor
is absorbed on marginal land. The result is more land conversion and a larger share of
the population cultivating less favorable land. Rural poverty invariably increases as a
These effects of price increases have been observed for coffee, ranching, large-scale
commercial agriculture in the Brazilian Amazon (Casetti and Gauthier 1977; Wood
1983; Aldrich et al. 2006; Morton et al. 2006; Browder et al. 2008; Rodrigues et al. 2009),
as well as for cocoa, coffee, oil palm, and shrimp in Southeast Asia and Africa (Ha and
Shively 2008; Agergaard et al. 2009; Barney 2009; Hall 2011; Knudsen and Folds 2011).
Oil price booms have interacted with agricultural expansion and deforestation in a
range of tropical countries, but with only short-lived economy-wide gains (Wunder
2003, 2005). As will be discussed later, as price rises for primary products are often
short-lived, they tend to promote “boom and bust” cycles of economic development in
many frontier areas of developing countries.
Because real wages are invariant to the number of farmers or workers employed on
marginal land, an increase in p2 must translate into a proportional increase in money
wages w. That is, the land/labor ratio must stay fixed at nm2, and so despite the rise
in agricultural prices, the real wage remains constant at w/p2. However, with the rise
in w, real wages in primary production w/p1 go up. As a result, the amount of labor
employed in this sector L1 declines. The resource/labor ratio increases, but this causes
marginal rents to fall. As the interest rate in Equation (5) is unchanged, N1 must also
decrease to maintain the equilibrium. In order for n1 to increase, L1 must decline more
than N1.
The unemployed labor on the frontier has to be absorbed through additional conver-
sion of marginal land. As Lm2 increases, Nm2 must rise proportionately in order to keep the
land/labor ratio fixed. Thus, the effect of the price rise is to expand cultivation and pro-
duction on marginal land, whereas the export-oriented primary production sector on
the frontier contracts. A fall in p2 would have the opposite outcome. Some evidence of
these effects of changes in the price of traditional products on marginal land expansion
is available for the uplands in Southeast Asia (Coxhead et al. 2002; Maertens et al. 2005;
Ha and Shively 2008).
Land Use and Sustainable Economic Development 151
(7). In contrast, empirical evidence of technical change and public investments in fron-
tier economies indicates that any resulting land improvements that do increase the value of
homesteads can have a positive effect on both land rents and reducing agricultural expansion
(Coxhead et al. 2002; Maertens et al. 2006; Sills and Caviglia-Harris 2008; Dercon et al. 2009).
In the dual frontier economy found in many developing countries, real wages are invari-
ant to rural employment, because there are no diminishing returns to labor in the use of
marginal land for agricultural production. As long as there remains abundant marginal
land to absorb more farmers and employment, the use of land relative to labor on this
land will determine nominal wages throughout the dual frontier economy. The implica-
tion is that, with given international prices for the marketed-oriented activities, the real
wage and thus the amount of unskilled labor employed by these activities will be fully
determined. The pool of surplus labor on marginal lands is essentially a barometer of
frontier-based development. As long as there are abundant marginal lands for cultiva-
tion, they serve to absorb rural migrants, population increases, and displaced unskilled
labor from elsewhere in the economy. On the other hand, expanding commercial activi-
ties that exploit more resources and land on the frontier will absorb more workers from
the pool of surplus labor existing on marginal frontier lands.
Since 1950, the estimated population in developing economies on “fragile lands” has
doubled (World Bank 2003). These fragile environments are prone to land degradation,
and consist of upland areas, forest systems and drylands that suffer from low agricul-
tural productivity, and areas that present significant constraints for intensive agricul-
ture. Today, nearly 1.3 billion people—almost a fifth of the world’s population—live in
such areas in developing regions (Barbier 2011, Table 9.10). Almost half the people in
these fragile environments (631 million) consist of the rural poor, who, throughout the
developing world, outnumber the poor living on favored lands by 2 to 1 (Comprehensive
Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture 2007, Table 15.1).
The result is that marginal land expansion in frontier areas continues to be the main
basis of absorbing numbers of rural poor, whether they are displaced from more favor-
able lands or simply growing in number (Pichón 1997; Carr 2009; Barbier 2011). This
process is described eloquently by Pichón (1997, 707–708) for “marginal farmers” in
the Ecuadorian Amazon: “Most forest intervention in the region has come at the hands
of colonist farmers attempting to establish land claims along transport routes originally
constructed to aid in petroleum exploration and exploitation. These are farmers who
formerly have made a living in long-established farmlands and who, for various reasons
(population pressures, pervasive poverty, maldistribution of farmland, lack of inputs
for intensive cultivation, lack of nonagrarian livelihood opportunities, and generally
Land Use and Sustainable Economic Development 153
inadequate rural development) have been increasingly squeezed out of their home-
lands. A marginal person by virtue of his low socioeconomic and political status, the
farmer often perceives no way to sustain his family other than by seeking a livelihood on
the marginal environments of tropical rain forests.”
Equally, the poor on marginal lands serve as a pool of surplus low-wage labor for
commercial activities, including those in frontier regions. For example, in Southeast
Asia, agricultural and extractive activities in the lowlands rely on labor from marginal
uplands, and thus technological and economic changes in lowland agriculture signifi-
cantly impacts agricultural expansion and deforestation in the uplands (Coxhead et al.
2002; Maertens et al. 2006; Barney 2009). Oil palm expansion on the Malaysian and
Indonesian frontiers has depended on off-farm labor provided by agricultural small-
holders and poor migrants (McCarthy and Cramb 2009). If such employment opportu-
nities are sufficiently large and sustained, they can actually reduce long-term marginal
land expansion. For example, in Colombia, since 1970 high-input, intensified, highly
mechanized cropping on the most suitable land, as well expansion in cattle grazing has
drawn labor from more traditional agriculture, so that “areas of marginal land are slowly
being abandoned and left to revegetate (Etter et al. 2008, 17).
However, the continuing encouragement of commercial activities to exploit frontier
land and natural resources is impacting environmental change, especially deforestation.
For example, the main “agents of deforestation” globally are now plantation owners,
large scale farmers, ranchers and timber and mining operations, assisted by government
policies (FAO 2001, 2003; Chomitz et al. 2007; Rudel 2007; DeFries et al. 2010; Boucher
et al. 2011). For example, according to Rudel (2007, 40), “to facilitate their plans for
expansion, large landowners lobbied for the construction of improved and expanded
networks of roads. Local politicians and bankers joined the landowners to form ‘growth
coalitions’ that lobbied federal and provincial governments for improved infrastruc-
ture.” These governments were soon “won over by powerful interest groups of landown-
ers whose agendas involved agricultural expansion at the expense of forests.”
There are nevertheless important regional differences (FAO 2001). In Africa, much
deforestation (around 60%) is due to the conversion of forest for the establishment
of small-scale permanent agriculture, whereas direct conversion of forest cover to
large-scale agriculture, including raising livestock, predominates in Latin America and
Asia (48% and 30%, respectively). As well as directly causing forest degradation and
loss, many large-scale resource-extractive activities, such as timber harvesting, min-
ing, ranching, and plantations, initially open up previously inaccessible forested fron-
tier areas to permanent agricultural conversion (Wunder 2003, 2005; Barbier 2005b;
Wassenaar et al. 2007). Small-scale farmers usually follow because forest and other
land are now available and more accessible for conversion (Walker 2003; Verburg et al.
2 Wassenaar et al. (2007, 101) note that “Amazonian cropland expansion hot spots in Brazil and
Bolivia for example are adjacent to current large soybean production zones, the creation of which,
154 Edward B. Barbier
Dualistic frontier expansion also promotes boom and bust cycles of economic devel-
opment (Wunder 2003, 2005; Barbier 2005a, 2005b, 2007 and 2011; Ha and Shively
2008; Agergaard et al. 2009; Barney 2009; Rodrigues et al. 2009; Hall 2011; Knudsen
and Folds 2011). State-sponsored promotion of commercial activities often ensures
that frontier expansion occurs rapidly and generates growth in marketable outputs.
However, this initial “economic boom” is invariably short-lived. Once the frontier is
“closed” and the valuable land and natural resources have been fully exploited or con-
verted, some economic retrenchment is inevitable. Under certain conditions, the
“bust” may start even before profitable frontier opportunities are exhausted.3 Such
boom and bust cycles associated with rapid frontier expansion are further exacerbated
if the commercial activities are isolated enclaves, as any production and profits gener-
ated will have limited impacts on economy-wide investment, innovation and growth.
The short-term windfall benefits of a commodity price rise will further reinforce this
outcome. In addition, during the expansion phase, commercial activities may generate
employment opportunities for unskilled labor and off-farm work on the frontier, but
with the inevitable bust and contraction, marginal land expansion once again becomes
the main outlet for absorbing the rural poor. As cultivation of such lands generates little
rents and productivity gains, economic livelihoods and incomes are not improved sig-
nificantly in the long run.
Such boom and bust patterns of frontier expansion have occurred for cocoa, coffee,
oil palm and shrimp in Southeast Asia and Africa (Ha and Shively 2008; Agergaard et al.
2009; Barney 2009; Hall 2011; Knudsen and Folds 2011). Oil price booms have interacted
with agricultural expansion and deforestation in a range of tropical countries, but with
only short-lived economy-wide gains (Wunder 2003, 2005). Long-run agricultural land
expansion and oil and natural gas proved that reserve expansion appear to be associated
with boom and bust cycles in a number of low- and middle-income countries (Barbier
2007). Finally, a study of 286 municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon found a consistent
boom and bust pattern in levels of human development (Rodrigues et al. 2009). Relative
standards of living, literacy, and life expectancy increase initially as forest conversion for
cattle ranching, logging, and agriculture proceed. However, these improvements appear
to be transitory; development levels decline in the postfrontier municipalities to lev-
els similar to those in prefrontier municipalities. As the authors conclude, “this ‘bust’ is
likely to reflect the exhaustion of the natural resources that supported the initial ‘boom’,
compounded by the increasing human population. Accordingly, per capita timber,
largely driven by increasing animal feed needs, has caused large scale deforestation in the recent
past.” Walker (2003) describes a similar process linking the road building by loggers in the Brazilian
Amazon and the subsequent “infilling” of the landscape by smallholder migrants. Barbier (2005b)
and Wunder (2003, 2005) provide numerous case studies of the links between mineral, energy, and
timber developments across the tropics and initially opening inaccessible frontier areas for subsequent
agricultural conversion.
3 For an economic model of such a boom and bust pattern of economic development in a
resource-dependent small open economy, see Barbier (2005a, 2005b).
Land Use and Sustainable Economic Development 155
cattle and crop production also exhibit boom-and-bust patterns across the deforesta-
tion frontier” (Rodrigues et al. 2009, 1436).
A number of important research issues emerge from this review of land use and dual-
istic frontier economic conditions in developing countries. First, this chapter points to
the need for better data on the geographical location of the rural poor. We require more
reliable data on the distribution of populations and poor households in least favored and
ecologically fragile areas in developing countries and more long-term monitoring of the
economic livelihoods of such populations. Second, such evidence would assist greatly in
testing two important hypotheses that emerges from this review: first, whether the pool
of surplus labor on marginal lands is essentially a barometer of frontier-based devel-
opment in low- and middle-income economies, and second, whether dualistic frontier
expansion leads to boom and bust cycles of economic development. Finally, this chapter
has also shown that patterns of land use change in developing countries are fundamen-
tal to their overall economic development. Yet, very few studies examine this link more
closely. Hopefully, future economics research will take more seriously how land use
change may influence sustainable economic development in low- and middle-income
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C HA P T E R 7
extinction is listed and afforded regulatory protection. For example, the ESA generally
gives the US government the authority to regulate timber harvesting if it is expected
that unmitigated harvest activity would threaten the persistence or habitat of a listed
species. We provide a simple extension to previous theoretical models to show that
regulatory designs similar to the ESA can drive a wedge between privately and socially
preferred behavior. Furthermore, it can create cases in which society in general prefers
harming wildlife populations. Effective regulatory design must address the tensions that
approaches like the ESA can create between societal wildlife goals and individual prefer-
ences. To that end, the ESA must integrate rigorous ex post evaluations of conservation
outcomes, and regulators must be willing to act on uncovered shortcomings.1
The direct purchase of habitat by governments and conservation organizations is an
alternative to government regulation of wildlife populations. The purchase of habitat for
set-asides can take several forms. For example, Norway has bought and retired Peruvian
government debt in exchange for the establishment of a reserve area in Peru (Hansen
1999). In fiscal year 2010, The Nature Conservancy spent $204 million on the purchases
of conservation land and easements across the globe (The Nature Conservancy [TNC]
2010). At the heart of direct purchase programs is the problem of selecting which land
to purchase when conservation funds are scarce and not all desirable habitat can be
protected. The literature devoted to finding the best use of funds for some biological
objective has been termed “reserve-site selection (RSS)” or “systematic conservation
planning (SCP)” and has been developed by both economists and conservation biolo-
gists. Recent efforts to more accurately measure the biological benefit created by reserve
networks have been dubbed return-on-investment (ROI) for conservation. We develop
a new US-wide reserve selection model and use it to argue that existing reserve selection
approaches must (1) properly specify the conservation benefits from a reserve system
and (2) incorporate realistic expectations of landscape dynamics outside of the selected
The final approach to setting aside habitat is to offer voluntary payments to landown-
ers to alter their land use practices. This approach is typified by Costa Rica’s 1996 national
forest law and the US Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program, both of which pay landown-
ers directly for improved habitat provision. Two dynamics make efficient design of vol-
untary payment programs difficult: landowners’ willingness to accept (WTA) payments
is private information, and habitat benefits are spatially dependent, meaning benefits
are a function of the spatial pattern of conservation across large landscapes of multiple
landowners. The configuration of conservation across a landscape is difficult for agen-
cies to control when WTA information is private because it is unclear ex ante which
landowners will accept payments. Furthermore, when benefits of habitat conservation
are spatially dependent, it is difficult for agencies to identify ex ante the benefits that
1 Here we ignore another major type of government regulation associated with wildlife conservation,
the direct appropriation of land. For example, in 1982 the Uganda government evicted approximately
4,500 families from land that became Lake Mburo National Park (Emerton 1999).
The Economics of Wildlife Conservation 165
will result from a particular payment program. As such, we develop a simple example to
argue that efficient conservation of wildlife with incentives must overcome the problem
of eliciting private information on landowners’ WTA. New empirical evidence from the
state of Oregon is used to illuminate the importance of WTA information and to illus-
trate the large efficiency gains from solving this information problem.
The original version of the ESA, passed in 1973, prohibited an individual, corporation,
or government agency from killing or destroying the habitat of a species listed under
the Act (a “taking”).2 According to the law’s original language, the imperative of sav-
ing endangered public goods trumped the private economic interests of landowners
(McAnaney 2006). Therefore, just like the original versions of the US Clean Air and
Clean Water Acts, the initial version of the ESA was a command-and-control policy
with little regulatory flexibility and no compensation for landowner economic losses
due to regulatory actions. Since 1978, however, the ESA has been amended several times
and has become a more flexible or permissive policy than its original incarnation, espe-
cially when dealing with habitat on private land (Scott et al. 2006).
The ESA’s private land policies are vital to the success and cost of the Act because data
suggests that more than half of all listed species have at least 80% of their habitat on pri-
vate property (Innes and Frisvold 2009). One example of this increased regulatory flex-
ibility is the availability of permits that allow landowners or developers to destroy listed
species or its habitat as long as the applicant can convince the permitting wildlife agency
that the “take” will not appreciably reduce the species’ likelihood of recovery. In many
cases, incidental take permits are only granted if the applicant agrees to install conser-
vation measures somewhere on their land or contribute to a general conservation fund
(Thompson 2006). Landowner activities necessary to acquire an incidental take permit
are laid out in a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP).
In Section 1.1, we extend Polasky and Doremus’s (1998) model of landowner-wildlife
agency relationships to consider incidental take permits and HCPs and we argue that
command-and-control regulation for wildlife conservation can create situations in
which both individuals and society prefer harming wildlife populations. In Section
1.2, we review evidence of the effectiveness of the ESA and argue that it is reason-
able for society to expect robust and recovering wildlife populations to result from
2 An area is defined as habitat for a species if the species has been observed feeding or breeding on
that land in the immediate past (Lueck and Michael 2003).
166 David J. Lewis and Erik Nelson
where 1−p is the probability that the survey will find S ≥ D and C indicates the cost of the
Under another relevant landowner-agency relationship framework explored by
Polasky and Doremus, the landowner must prove D > S before he or she can develop, or
otherwise pay a development fine F where F > D. First, the landowner will never develop
without a survey, otherwise private net returns will be negative (D−F < 0). Therefore,
a utility-maximizing landowner will commission a survey before development if the
expected net private benefit of doing so outweighs the private benefit of not doing so,
where p is the probability that the survey will find D > S. However, from society’s per-
spective, a survey is only welfare enhancing if it is expected to reveal that D is signifi-
cantly larger than S,
According to inequalities (4) and (6), the landowner is more likely to find it in his best
interest to survey than society would.3 In both of these cases, a wedge exists between pri-
vate and socially preferred behavior.
3 Specifically, D has to be C/p + U units greater than S for private and social incentives to align.
168 David J. Lewis and Erik Nelson
max{(1 − pS )D + pS (n + w − F ), n + w , U }. (7)
where the first term is the expected net private economic value associated with not
approaching the agency to cooperate on an HCP, 5 the second term is the expected net
private economic value of approaching the agency to cooperate on an HCP, and the
third term is the nonmarket return to the landowner from not developing her land (we
assume the private economic value of undeveloped land is 0). The utility-maximizing
landowner will approach the agency to cooperate on the design of an HCP if,
n≥ D −w − S F (8)
1 − pS
n ≥ U − w. (9)
There is some question as to how aggressively the ESA actually enforces takings on private land. In
reality, pS may essentially be 0 for many private landowners.
We assume that w can be reached on a piece of land that was developed but then was forced to
institute some conservation due to the discovery of a taking. In reality, the private nonmarket benefit
on a parcel that was caught in a taking may not be reasonably restored to a nonmarket benefit level
associated with the use of an HCP from the beginning.
The Economics of Wildlife Conservation 169
In words, equation (8) indicates the landowner will only come forward to develop
an HCP in conjunction with the agency if pS and F are large enough to bridge the gap
between D (the value of unfettered development) and n (the value of development with
an HCP). Monetary compensation for cooperating landowners would enter inequality
(8) on the left-hand side, making cooperation on an HCP more likely. For simplicity,
we assume from here on out that n is always larger than U−w, or the expected value
of development with an HCP is greater than the incremental private nonmarket value
from no development versus development with an HCP.
Conversely, landowner initiative on an HCP is socially efficient only if the social
returns of this decision are greater than expected social benefits of unfettered
n + t + w − C ≥ (1 − pS )D + pS (n + t + w − C ) ⇒,
n ≥ D − t − w + C , (11)
n + t + w − C ≥ S + U ⇒, (12)
n ≥ S + U − t − w + C , (13)
where C is the regulatory agency’s HCP finding, planning, and implementation costs.6
For simplicity, we assume from here on out that n is always larger than the incremental
benefit of not developing at all, plus the regulatory agency’s HCP planning and imple-
mentation costs (i.e., n > S + U − t − w + C). Therefore, social and landowner incentives
on landowner initiated
pS p
HCPs are aligned when t − C = F . Otherwise, if t − C > (<) S F , then
1 − pS 1 − pS
society is more likely (less likely) to prefer landowner initiative on HCPs than the private
Development fine F is not a social cost, just a redistribution of funds. We assume that t can be
reached on a piece of land that was developed but then was forced to institute some conservation due to
the discovery of a taking. In reality, the public nonmarket value created by a parcel that was caught in a
taking may not be reasonably restored to a nonmarket value level associated with the use of an HCP from
the beginning.
170 David J. Lewis and Erik Nelson
p∗ c( pS , pS∗ )
n≥ D−w+ S ∗ F − .
1 − pS 1 − pS∗ (14)
Because of lower odds of a takings discovery, the fine F that may have been large
enough to convince the landowner to seek an HCP with exogenous ps (inequality [8])
may not be high enough to engender the same reaction with endogenous p∗s ; it will
c( pS , pS∗ )
depend on the size of . Again, the inclusion of landowner compensation in
1 − pS∗
an HCP would make conservation cooperation much more likely because the left-hand
side of inequality (14) would be larger.
Finally, we can show that, under certain conditions, privately optimal “shoot, shovel,
and shut up” behavior under the ESA, given by p∗s , can generate higher net social ben-
efits than when the landowner does not influence pS. Ex ante society will prefer “shoot,
shovel up, and shut up” behavior on the part of the landowner if it is expected to generate
more in net social benefits than not engaging in it,
(1 − pS )D + pS (n + t + w − C )
(1 − pS∗ )D + pS∗ (n + t +w − C ) − c( pS , pS∗ ) ≥ L × n+t +w −C (15)
S + U
where L is a 1 x 3 vector that has a value of 1 in the first element if the solution to prob-
lem (7) is development, has a value of 1 in the second element if the solution to problem
(7) is an HCP, or has a value of 1 in the third element if the solution to problem (7) is no
development. Further, the two elements that are not equal to 1 are equal to 0. If,
then inequality (15) holds for all permutations of vector L and “shoot, shovel up, and
shut up” behavior unconditionally generates higher net social benefits than having the
landowner not influence PS.7 In other words, the lower that pS∗ can be driven at a rea-
sonable cost, and the higher that the unfettered development value is compared to the
social returns from an HCP, the more likely it is that optimal “shoot, shovel, and shut up”
behavior is preferred by both the landowner and society in general.
To summarize, there are two main points from this section. First, under the
current version of the ESA, the regulating agency can encourage conservation
cooperation by levying high fines for a taking by the landowner (or compensating
landowners for lost private economic value). However, there is a point at which the
fine becomes too large from society’s point of view because it encourages the devel-
opment of an HCP that generates less in expected net social benefit than an unco-
operative landowner. Second, because the social benefits of an HCP can be small
compared to the value of development, net social benefits can be higher when the
landowner reduces the odds of finding an HCP optimal or being punished for
avoiding one (“shoot, shovel, and shut up”). The fact that net social benefits can be
higher with such perverse landowner behavior than without it highlights the mis-
alignment of private, social, and regulatory incentives under the current version of
the ESA.
7 There are other contingent cases in which it is socially preferable for the landowner to engage
in “shoot, shovel up, and shut up” behavior. Inequality Equation (15) also always holds if unfettered
development or an HCP solves problem (7) and (1 − pS∗ )(D + C − n − t − w ) > c( pS , pS∗ ) . Inequality
(15) also holds if an HCP solves problem (7)and ( pS − pS∗ )(D + C − n − t − w ) > c( pS , pS∗ ) . Contact
author Nelson at [email protected] or for a more
detailed proof.
172 David J. Lewis and Erik Nelson
on this goal. As of June 2012, 2,000 animals and plant species8 were listed as endangered
or threatened (607 of these species inhabit ranges completely outside of US territories).
Since 1973, only 21 species have been delisted due to recovery (US Fish and Wildlife
Service [FWS] 2009).
Of course, the lack of recovered species does not mean that the Act has not had ben-
eficial effect. Some have argued that many more listed species would have gone extinct
without regulatory coverage (e.g., Schwartz 1999). It could also be that recovery suf-
ficient for a delisting takes several generations of regulatory attention. If so, short-term
progress toward delisting could be measured by change in the status of species over time,
a metric tracked by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) (Rachlinski 1997; Male and
Bean 2005; Kerkvliet and Langpap 2007). If we assign a 1 to species whose population is
in decline, a 2 to species whose population is stable, and a 3 to species whose population
is improving or recovered, then the average status score across 255 listed vertebrates was
1.71 in 1990, 1.74 in 1994, 1.75 in 1998, and 1.68 in 2002 (Kerkvliet and Langpap 2007).
This trend seems to suggest that ESA protection has done little to improve the overall
status of these 255 species.
Other than some landowners having incentive to reduce the persistence probabilities
of listed species (see argument in Section 1.1), scarce progress on delisting could also be
explained by too little spending on listed species’ recovery activities (Miller et al. 2002).
There is evidence that increased spending on listed species’ recovery activities does pro-
mote progress toward delisting. For example, Kerkvliet and Langpap (2007) find that
increased spending on a species is correlated with a lower likelihood that the FWS will
classify that species’ status as extinct or declining. However, the direction of causal-
ity is unclear: does increased spending lower the risk of extinction, or is more money
being directed to species that are less likely to go extinct? Taylor et al. (2005) argue that
increased recovery spending is likely to promote delisting because the activities that they
found most explain species’ progress towards delisting—published recovery plans, des-
ignated critical habitat, length of time listed, and the like—are positively correlated with
more recovery spending, all else equal. Further, Ferraro et al. (2007) find that, on average,
the conservation status of listed species with substantial recovery funding has improved
over time compared to the contemporaneous conservation status of species with similar
characteristics that are only candidates for listing and therefore are not subject to ESA
protections and recovery funding. Provocatively, Ferraro et al. also find that the average
conservation status of listed species with little or no recovery funding has deteriorated
overall compared to the average status of similar candidate species. Why unfunded regu-
latory protection could lead to worse outcomes than no protection at all is still a matter
of conjecture. Some argue that this trend can in part be explained by the incentives that
private landowners have to engage in “shoot, shovel, and shut up” behavior (Ruhl 1998).
8 Some listed species are actually subspecies, whereas others are distinct populations of species (e.g.,
gray wolf populations in the northern Rockies versus Great Lakes). Here, we refer to all listed entities as
The Economics of Wildlife Conservation 173
If it is true that “shoot, shovel, and shut up” behavior mainly impacts lightly funded spe-
cies then then this would suggest that better funded species are more closely monitored
and tracked on private land and this deters landowners from destroying the habitat of
the better funded species.
Presuming ESA funding will never be great enough to implement all or even most rec-
ommended listed species’ recovery activities, an endangered species-regulating agency
has two reasonable constrained maximization objectives to choose from. One approach
would be to spend recovery funds to maximize the number of species that are delisted
(Mann and Plummer 1995). In this case, recovery funds would be directed toward spe-
cies that could conceivably recover enough for delisting with limited funding. This
choice likely would leave little money for other listed species and, therefore, could lead
to an increased listed species extinction rate. An alternative approach would be to dis-
tribute recovery funds such that the sum of increase in persistence probabilities across all
listed species is maximized. For many researchers, this is the definition of cost-effective
biological conservation (e.g., Possingham et al. 2002; Polasky et al. 2008). Although this
approach may not lead to many delistings, it should limit the number of extinctions.
Figure 7.1 illustrates both approaches.
Is there any evidence to suggest that either of these two constrained maximization objec-
tives have been adopted by the FWS and other ESA regulatory agencies? Recovery fund-
ing is unequally distributed across listed species (see Figure 7.2), so there does appear to
be some pattern to funding. Cash (2001) does find that species that are considered by sci-
entists more likely to recover have received more in recovery funding, all else equal. If we
assume that these types of species are like species A in Figure 7.1—recovery curves that
increase rapidly and meet the delisting criteria with limited funding—then this observed
funding pattern supports an effort to prioritize delisting of a few species. However, at the
same time, Cash (2001) also finds that species whose recovery is more likely to cause con-
flict with economic development goals have received more in funding, all else equal. Such a
funding pattern is at odds with the basic tenants of cost-effective goal achievement. Metrick
and Weitzman (1998) suggest that there is a strong preference among regulatory agencies
for funding the recovery of charismatic species above and beyond what is warranted by
recovery science. Such a funding pattern is consistent with the political economy story that
regulators attempt to curry emotional support for the Act from the US public rather than
demonstrate efficiency. In addition, the allocation of up to 75% in recovery funds has been
dictated by line items in appropriations legislation from Congress (Miller et al. 2002), and
listed species’ funding has been shown to depend on whether their geographic range falls
within political districts represented by Congressional representatives on the Department
of Interior Subcommittees (Cash 2001; DeShazo and Freeman 2003, 2006).
1.3 Discussion
Forty years after its passage, opinion on the effectiveness and the net returns created
by the ESA vary greatly. In 2003, then Assistant Secretary of the US Department of the
174 David J. Lewis and Erik Nelson
Persistence probability
XB XC XD XA X Recovery funding
FIGURE 7.1 Potential recovery funding distribution strategies across listed species. Assume
there are four listed species, named A, B, C, and D. Each curve represents how a species
responds to recovery funding where the height of the curve indicates the species’ indefinite
persistence probability. In this case, the marginal persistence value of recovery funding is
diminishing across the entire range of funding. (In some conservation contexts, the persis-
tence probability curves may initially increase in recovery funding and, after some thresh-
old, begin to decrease in recovery funding; see Lamberson et al. 1992 and Wu et al. 2000.)
When persistence probability becomes high enough, a species is delisted. In this case, even
with an unlimited budget, the agency could only fund the delisting of two species, A and
B. Here, assume the wildlife agency only has X dollars to spend on listed species recovery
activities. Suppose X, if entirely spent on species A’s recovery, would be just enough to fund
its delisting. If the agency’s objective is to maximize the number of species delisted, it will
provide X in recovery spending for species A. If the agency’s objective is to fund as much of
an increase in aggregate persistence probability as possible, it will give to species such that
the marginal persistence value for each species is the same and the budget is exhausted. In
this illustrative example, this occurs at the funding levels xA, xB, xC, and xD, where xA + xB
+ xC + xD = X.
Interior Craig Manson “said the 30-year-old environmental law is ‘broken’ and should
no longer be used to give endangered plants and animals priority over human needs.”9
Manson argues that the Act does not give regulators enough flexibility to balance eco-
nomic and environmental tradeoffs. In addition, the listing process has been embroiled
in lawsuits over the past decade. Environmental groups that have brought the law-
suits argue that the US government is not fulfilling its regulatory obligation to list all
9 Julie Cart, “Species protection act ‘broken’: A top interior officer says the law should be revised
to give economic and other interests equal footing with endangered animals and plants,” L.A. Times,
November 14, 2003.
The Economics of Wildlife Conservation 175
Millions of $
1 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Number of species
FIGURE 7.2 Cumulative recovery funding by US federal and state agencies across listed spe-
cies in fiscal year 2009 (not including land acquisition costs). Listed species are arraigned on
the x-axis in order of recovery funding. The top 10 and 50 listed species in terms of fiscal
year 2009 recovery funding received 34% and 85%, respectively, of all spending that year
(US FWS 2009).
10 Matthew Brown, “Deal struck to protect imperiled plants, animals,” July 12, 2011, Associated Press.
176 David J. Lewis and Erik Nelson
max s j ∑∑s x
i j
j ij
Subject to
∑c s
j j ≤B
s j ∈{0, 1}
The Economics of Wildlife Conservation 177
where sj equals 1 if site j is selected for habitat protection and equals 0 otherwise, j indexes
all sites on the landscape, xij equals 1 if species i is known to use site j for breeding or
feeding activities, cj is the area of site j or cost of purchasing and maintaining or establish-
ing habitat on site j, and B is the social planner’s areal or monetary budget. If site j that
contains species x is selected, then the species is considered “covered” or represented by
the selected reserve network, and the objective function value increases by one. Solutions
to (17)–(19) typically include sites that are strongly complementary with one another in
terms of species composition, not necessarily the sites that contain the most species (e.g.,
two neighboring sites that contain many species may contain the same species, making
the selection of only one of the sites optimal). Because solving binary integer problems
over a large choice set can be computationally difficult, heuristic methods for solving
(17)–(19) and related problems have been developed. For example, a simulated annealing
heuristic that can approximate solutions to a problem like (17)–(19) has been codified in
a software package called MARXAN (Ball et al. 2009). MARXAN is a widely used in the
conservation planning community.
Early work on RSS formulated (17)–(19) as an area-constrained problem in which the
planner was constrained by total land area rather than budget (Camm et al. 1996; Church
et al. 1996; Dobson et al. 1997). Ando et al. (1998) relax the implicit assumption of uni-
form costs in the area-constrained problem and show that by setting cj equal to the expected
cost of purchasing an acre of habitat in county j and B equal to a conservation budget,
the same number of species can be covered for less aggregate cost than Dobson et al.’s
area-constrained solution to (17)–(19).
in many second-generation RSS problems, the biological metric is also a function of the
portions of the landscape that are not protected.11
Although all RSS problems assume that more habitat on a landscape increases the
value of the objective function, the rate and shape of objective value increase can
vary substantially across second-generation RSS problems. For example, Wu and
Boggess (1999) and Wu and Skelton-Groth (2002) argue that returns to resource
conservation (e.g., improving water quality for recreational purposes, adding habi-
tat to the landscape to increase biodiversity persistence) tend to display a “∫”-shape.
Under such an assumption, rapid increases in the benefits provided by additional
resource conservation only occur once a threshold of minimum conservation has
been reached; prior to that point, resource conservation only has a small effect on
objective. Polasky et al. (2008) use such a “∫”-shape when explaining species’ per-
sistence probabilities across the Willamette Basin of Oregon. Eventually, species
response to additional habitat becomes saturated. At fairly high levels of habitat on
the landscape, additional habitat is relatively worthless. Conversely, the SAR, which
specifies the number of species found on the landscape (richness) as a function of
habitat provision, is strictly convex in conservation. In SAR-based RSS, the first few
units of habitat on the landscape add the most to the biodiversity objective maxi-
mization. Therefore, using a “∫”-shape objective function versus a SAR curve in an
RSS problem over the same landscape with the same policy parameters can gener-
ate fairly different outcomes and/or solutions. In some cases, the same pattern of
habitat conservation is selected by both types of objective functions, but the gain in
the relevant biodiversity score will be much more impressive with the SAR objec-
tive function. Or, in other cases, the threshold effect in “∫”-shaped objective func-
tions will mean very different patterns of habitat conservation when compared to
the SAR-generated landscape. For example, the threshold for rapid increases in spe-
cies persistence is reached more quickly in Polasky et al. (2008) if the initial habitat
is clumped spatially on the landscape due to spatial dependencies in habitat value.
A SAR-based analysis of the same landscape would not necessarily reward habitat
clumping to the same degree.
Another issue that has seen recent attention is uncertainty across the RSS’s parame-
ters. For example, Haight et al. (2005) maximized expected species coverage given prob-
abilistic geographic range maps. Such an approach can account for probabilistic shifts
in species’ range due to ongoing climate change (Araújo et al. 2004; Pyke and Fischer
2005; Ando and Mallory 2012). In addition to biological uncertainty, some recent analy-
ses have accounted for uncertain opportunity costs of conservation (e.g., Nelson et al.
11 See Margules and Pressey (2000), Cabeza and Moilanen (2003), Moilanen et al. (2005), and
Newbold and Siikamaki (2009) for other examples of RSS problems with more biologically meaningful
objective functions.
The Economics of Wildlife Conservation 179
2008; Carwardine et al. 2010; Lewis et al. 2011) and uncertainty in which habitat sites
are actually available for purchase.
Landscape dynamics have also been incorporated in RSS problems. Much of the
RSS literature assumes that sites not selected for protection will be lost to develop-
ment. Although this may be true in the long run, it is not true in the short run: valu-
able habitat not selected for protection can persist indefinitely if current market
conditions do not give the site’s owner incentive to develop. In fact, optimal dynamic
RSS analyses have shown efficiency gains by purchasing habitat sites that are imme-
diately threatened by development, even if they are not as biologically valuable as less
threatened sites (Costello and Polasky 2004). Conversely, biologically valuable highly
unlikely to be developed in the near future may be best left unprotected indefinitely
since there is limited expected value in protecting them immediately.12
12 Examples of stochastic dynamic RSS are found in Costello and Polasky (2004), Snyder et al. (2005),
and Haight et al. (2005).
180 David J. Lewis and Erik Nelson
(1998), we solve equations (17)–(19) using the set of US counties for the establishment
of 1,000-hectare conservation reserves. Our dataset includes 1,066 vertebrate species
in the continuous US, with detailed range maps. The data used are fully described in
Withey et al. (2012). Finally, like most ROI literature, we assume the biological objective
is convex in habitat.
Our goal is to illustrate the effects of (1) diminishing “biological returns” to con-
serving land, (2) a baseline or business-as-usual future in which not all land is at risk
of development immediately, and (3) incorporating scale into a measure of biological
benefits on solutions to the rudimentary RSS problem. First, we incorporate diminish-
ing returns by favoring the selection of counties with less land already protected as of
the late 2000s (The Conservation Biology Institute [CBI] 2010). Define Pj as one plus
the proportion of county j protected, where higher Pj indicates greater existing protec-
tion (a completely unprotected county would have a score of 1 and a completely pro-
tected county would have a sore of 2). Second, the degree to which habitat is threatened
is accounted for by targeting counties with higher rates of expected future habitat losses.
Let Tj be a metric equal to one minus the proportion of natural land cover in county j
developed between 1992 and 2001 (Fry et al. 2009). Therefore, Tj varies between 0 and
1, where a lower value means that development of habitat has been rapid in the immedi-
ate past and presumably will continue to be intense in the near future. Finally, given the
large size of US counties, we account for the fact that a 1,000-hectare reserve is unlikely
to cover the range of relevant habitats within each county. We address this scale issue by
selecting counties that have relatively more homogeneous land cover. Define Dj to range
from 1 (high diversity of natural land cover types in county j) to 2 (no diversity of natu-
ral land cover types in county j) as of 2001 (Comer et al. 2003).
There are several ways we could add these selection criteria to the traditional
RSS problem. For example, weight wi could be added to objective function (17),
max s j ∑∑w s x
i j
ij j ij , such that species that range over counties with lower P, lower T,
and higher D values have higher w. Instead, our approach is to simply add constraints
to the RSS problem such that the selected network has average P and T values equal to
or less than 30th percentile values for P and T across all counties (1.0013 and 0.9748,
respectively) and an average D value equal to or greater than the 70th percentile value
for D across all counties (0.8460). This means selected networks will have very little
protected area already, are expected to experience significant development pressure in
the immediate future, and will have much less natural land cover diversity than other
counties. The more we lower average P and T and increase average D in the selected
network, the more consistent the network is with ROI principles. The budget con-
straint is given by,
∑s A C
j =1
j j j ≤ B, (20)
700 a
Species covered
ROI-influenced RSS
Traditional RSS
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Network cost (millions of $)
600 d
500 c
Species covered
400 D
300 C
ROI-influenced RSS
Traditional RSS
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Network cost (millions of $)
where sj = 1 if area in county j is selected and equals 0 otherwise, Aj is the area selected in
j for protection and is equal to 1,000 ha for all j in this case, Cj is the average per hectare
cost of undeveloped land in j as of 2001 (Withey et al. 2012), and B is the budget. For
comparison, we also solve the traditional RSS problem (17)–(19).
In Figure 7.3 and Table 7.1, we present the comparison for various budget levels. If the
networks that form the traditional RSS curve score poorly on average P, T, and D values that
are associated with high ROI, then the vertical gap between the ROI-influenced and tra-
ditional RSS curves can be interpreted as a measure of untenable species protection if one
assumes that the ROI-influenced RSS networks are much more likely to increase the persis-
tence probabilities of the covered species than those species covered by the traditional RSS
networks. Consider the highlighted points in Figure 7.3(a). Points “A” and “a” on the two
graphed curves represent reserve networks that cost approximately $1,025,000. Table 7.1
indicates that the traditional RSS solution (“a”) places conservation in areas that have experi-
enced, on average, recent habitat loss of less than 1% (T = 0.994), that have about 10% of their
land already protected (P = 1.098), and that have a fairly diverse land cover (D = 0.634). In
contrast, the ROI-influenced RSS (“A”) places conservation in areas that have experienced,
on average, recent habitat loss of more than 3% (T = 0.969), that have no existing protected
land (P = 1), and that have less land cover diversity (D = 0.85). An interpretation is that by
misspecifying conservation benefits, the traditional RSS drastically overestimates the num-
ber of “protected species” by failing to account for diminishing returns and a baseline in
which much of the unprotected habitat remains on the landscape for the indefinite future.
An additional issue in specifying conservation benefits is the fact that effective cover-
age of species on a landscape is likely to require more than one additional habitat site.
This is similar to Wu and Boggess’s (1999) argument that returns to resource conserva-
tion tend to display a “∫” shape. To begin to explore the ramifications of requiring more
sites for species coverage, we rerun the ROI-influenced and traditional RSS problems
in which a species that has geographic range over two or more counties needs to have
range in at least two selected counties to be considered covered. Figure 7.3(b) gives the
cost curves for this more restrictive approach. The requirement of a second site reduces
the species covered by one-half to a third across the modeled budget levels. Requiring
two counties versus one for coverage does little to change the overall characteristics of
counties selected for protection at various budget levels (compare the average values
of D, P, and T between solutions “A” and “C”, “a” and “c”, “B” and “D”, and “b” and “d” in
Table 7.1). As with the one-county problem, the traditional RSS networks score poorly
on the diminishing returns, threat, and natural land cover indices that indicate strong
ROI. Therefore, the gap between the two frontiers in Figure 7.3(b) is likely to be indica-
tive of overestimated species protection under the traditional RSS networks.
2.3 Discussion
The problem of where to site nature reserves under a budget constraint has become a clas-
sic economic problem. In this section, we optimally locate reserves across US counties to
The Economics of Wildlife Conservation 183
Table 7.1 Selected solutions to the two versions of the RSS problem. See Figure 7.3
for the location of the selected reserve networks (‘A’, ‘a’, ‘B’, ‘b’, etc.) on the various
No. of
Reserve No. of species counties
network covered Cost w/ a site Average D Average P Average T
One-county cover
A 439 1,034,800 5 0.850 1.000 0.969
a 656 1,022,429 6 0.634 1.098 0.994
B 522 1,913,140 8 0.861 1.001 0.971
b 743 1,909,807 9 0.545 1.141 0.993
Two-county cover
C 255 821,313 6 0.858 1.000 0.977
c 461 814,650 8 0.514 1.090 0.993
D 376 1,799,383 9 0.850 1.001 0.976
d 583 1,799,004 11 0.579 1.137 0.993
All US counties NA NA Mean 0.658 1.039 0.979
Std. dev. 0.231 0.081 0.026
highlight two important features of the RSS problem that deserve further research atten-
tion. First, the solution of where to site reserves is greatly influenced by the specification of
conservation benefits. Although ecologists understand many principles about desirable
wildlife habitat, much work remains on understanding how the conservation benefits of
reserve creation are influenced by factors such as diminishing returns, spatial dependen-
cies in habitat value, and species range considerations (the benefits of reserve creation
become even more difficult to model if it is assumed that returns to habitat provision are
increasing over one range of provision and decreasing over another). Second, reserve sit-
ing is greatly influenced by how the analyst treats baseline outcomes in the absence of
reserve siting. Many regions are likely to see little loss of habitat in the absence of reserve
creation, and so siting reserves in such areas is likely to be inefficient in the usual case of
a scarce conservation budget. Continued emphasis on modeling and incorporating base-
line landscape dynamics into RSS would generate substantial research value.
Many countries and government entities attempt to conserve wildlife and other
ecosystem services through nonregulatory means, with voluntary payment pro-
grams (often termed payments for ecosystem services) being among the most pop-
ular approaches. In the United States the multibillion dollar annual budget of the
184 David J. Lewis and Erik Nelson
$5 $8 $7 $8
6 8 4 6 9 4 5 6 4 6
FIGURE 7.4 An example landscape with costs (top number in $) and biophysical benefits that
depend on having zero, one, or two conserved neighbors (bottom numbers, in biophysical units).
13 Biophysical benefits are maximized at a budget of $20 when conserving adjacent parcels A,
B, and C.
186 David J. Lewis and Erik Nelson
optimal size of the “bonus” would have to vary when marginal benefits from conserved
land are heterogeneous across the landscape, as they are in the illustrative example here.
In such cases, an agglomeration bonus program would require offering a menu of con-
tracts in which each landowner’s bonus would depend on the exact configuration of the
landscape. As an example of how complex the menu could get even with small land-
scapes, a 4 × 4 landscape has 65,535 possible conservation configurations. A Piguovian
subsidy is a third implementation strategy. If the price of biophysical services is $1/
unit, a Pigouvian approach would entail offering landowners payments equal to their
land’s marginal benefit from conservation. If there were no spatial dependencies, each
parcel would be offered a monetary payment equal to the first number in the row of
numbers that indicate the parcel’s benefit in conservation. Only parcel A would accept
this payment, and the optimal landscape in the absence of spatial dependencies could
be conserved. However, this approach doesn’t work with spatial dependencies: without
information about landowners’ WTA, which we had in our illustrative examples, the
regulator cannot solve the optimal landscape and determine each parcel’s marginal ben-
efit in equilibrium.
conservation pattern that maximizes the biological score for a given level of opportunity
cost. The opportunity cost constraint is treated as the sum of WTA across all conserved
The top row of maps in Figure 7.6 presents the landscapes that maximize the bio-
logical score for a given opportunity cost. The conservation budget sums the WTA for
each conserved parcel, where the landscape of random draws from the estimated WTA
distributions for each parcel is held fixed. The five landscapes differ in terms of their
conservation budget. As seen in the maps of Figure 7.6, small changes in the budget con-
straint can imply fairly large changes in the optimal conservation pattern, whereby par-
cels are both added and subtracted from the optimal conservation pattern as the budget
constraint is relaxed. These results are driven by the spatial dependencies in the biology
model and the particular landscape of WTA values. Different draws from the WTA dis-
tribution would also change the optimal conservation pattern.
Figure 7.7 presents marginal benefits (expressed as marginal biological scores) for a
select set of 16 parcels that are included in one or more of the optimal landscapes from
Figure 7.6. As in the simple example in Section 3.1, the marginal benefits of conserva-
tion for optimally conserved parcel i can be evaluated by examining the optimal biology
score minus the landscape score without parcel i being conserved. The main point to
188 David J. Lewis and Erik Nelson
0.0 - 0.2
0.2 - 0.4
0.4 - 0.6
0.6 - 0.8
B Less A C Less B D Less C E Less D
0.8 - 1.0
< –0.30
–0.30 to 0.00
0.00 to 0.30
> 0.30
FIGURE 7.6 Optimal conservation for the Willamette Basin. The top row gives conservation
patterns that maximize the biology score (scaled from 0–100) for a given opportunity cost
budget. Each mapped unit is a 500-hectare hexagon and is comprised of nonuniform parcels.
The darker the shade of a hexagon in the top row of maps, the greater the fraction of the parcel
space in the hexagon that is conserved. The bottom row of maps is the difference between two
maps; map B less map A, etc., which shows how the distribution of conserved area changes
from one landscape to the next. Areas with the two lightest shade of gray represent hexagons
that lost conserved area vis-à-vis the previous landscape, and hexagons with the two darkest
shade of gray have gained more conserved area. For example, if a hexagon has a score of –0.31,
its fraction of conserved area has fallen by 0.31; in other words it has lost 0.31 × 500 = 155
hectares of conserved area (the greatest decline is 99%; the greatest increase is 98%).
be taken from Figure 7.7 is the fact that marginal benefits greatly depend on the opti-
mal landscape and so will differ as the budget constraint is changed. The other striking
feature of Figure 7.7 is the magnitude of changes in marginal benefits that result from
seemingly small changes in the conservation budget. This result falls from the highly
nonlinear nature of the spatially dependent biological benefit function (“∫”-shaped per-
sistence probability function) and the potential of turning a fairly fragmented network
of conservation sites into a much more connected network by strategically placing a few
more conserved parcels on the landscape. All of this is indicative of the complexity of
examining optimal landscapes for wildlife conservation.
The Economics of Wildlife Conservation 189
39,653 3.14
39,138 0.62
Parcel ID
31,989 21,205
29,615 25,583 24,833
28,373 29,615
31,989 32,340
24,833 35,127
49.75 52.71 53.69 54.56 55.58
Landscape biology score
FIGURE 7.7 Marginal benefits for a select set of optimally conserved parcels. Each column of
bubbles gives the parcel’s marginal biological score on a given optimal landscape (indicated
by the biology score at the bottom of the figure). Blank cells either mean that the parcel
was not part of the landscape’s conservation network or its marginal biodiversity score was
so small that it cannot even be represented by a visible point. The map on the right of the
bubble diagram indicates each parcel’s location on the landscape.
Using the optimal landscape biology scores as a benchmark, Lewis et al. (2011) exam-
ine the performance of several alternative policy designs in which landowner WTA is
assumed unknown by the regulator. First, a set of “least-cost” policies are evaluated in
which uniform per-acre payments are offered to all landowners who meet particular
eligibility requirements based on habitat type and size characteristics and are offered
an agglomeration bonus. Relative to a baseline, none of the policies achieved even 25%
(55%) of the optimal increase in the biology score at low budget levels (high budget
levels). Second, a set of “benefit-cost” policies are evaluated, in which “benefit” indices
were constructed using the same set of habitat type/size and agglomeration character-
istics just considered. Although none of the “benefit-cost” policies achieved even 28%
of the optimal increase in the biology score at low budget levels, the best-performing
policy did achieve a more respectable 87% of the optimal increase at very high budget
190 David J. Lewis and Erik Nelson
levels. Of course, it must be pointed out that one can conserve all available land as habi-
tat if the budget is high enough. The underlying lesson from this analysis is that efficient
conservation with spatially dependent benefits is extremely difficult in the absence of
information on landowner WTA, and so efficient wildlife conservation with voluntary
incentives should be treated as an information problem.
4. Conclusion
Slowing the rate of decline in wildlife populations presents a significant public goods
provision challenge to economists. The benefits from wildlife are generally non-
market and largely accrue to individuals who do not own land that contains habitat.
Governments and NGOs have addressed the conservation of wildlife habitat largely
through land use regulation, habitat purchases, and payments for voluntary conserva-
tion. This chapter synthesizes a set of outstanding economic issues that are necessary to
understand the efficient design of wildlife conservation. Although we highlight many of
the issues that have been the focus in the literature over the past 15 years, we argue that
many important issues remain to be explored in the economics literature. First, land use
The Economics of Wildlife Conservation 191
regulatory design must provide direct conservation incentives for landowners or habitat
destruction can be socially preferable, and researchers need to develop better methods
for empirically evaluating regulatory outcomes and appropriately adjusting policy to
partially compensate for the efficiency costs of regulation. Second, solving the problem
of spending scarce conservation dollars on habitat purchases must devote more atten-
tion to the specification of a conservation benefit function and the specification of base-
line landscape outcomes in the absence of habitat reserves. Finally, the efficient design
of voluntary conservation payments must solve the problem of how to elicit landowner
opportunity costs of conservation because there are no current auction methods that
have been successfully developed for this problem.
The authors acknowledge funding from the National Science Foundation’s Collaborative
Research Grants No. 0814424 (Lewis) and No. 0814628 (Nelson). Senior authorship is
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C HA P T E R 8
Implications for Valuation and Policy
Ecosystem goods and services (henceforth, “services”)1 may be defined as the outputs
of natural systems that benefit society (Daily 1997; Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
2005) or “the flows from an ecosystem that are of relatively immediate benefit to
humans and occur naturally” (Brown et al. 2007, 334). Although economists have long
sought to quantify the market and nonmarket benefits humans derive from natural sys-
tems, the concept of ecosystem services has gained recent attention among natural sci-
entists, policy makers, and advocacy groups. Among the factors that distinguish this
work from traditional economic analysis, at least in principle, is a more fundamental
multidisciplinary focus, including an emphasis on both ecological production2 and
economic value.
Much of the recent research and policy emphasis on ecosystem services has targeted
those services linked in some way to land use and cover (henceforth, “use”), includ-
ing those flowing from agriculture, forests, wetlands, rangelands, and other terrestrial
systems (Bauer and Johnston 2013). Changes in land use can affect multiple ecosystem
services, many of which are not traded in markets and hence lack direct signals of value
(Polasky et al. 2011). Among the primary motivations for research in this area is the pro-
vision of information to quantify tradeoffs and promote optimal, or socially efficient,
We define ecosystem services to include both goods and services provided directly by ecosystems,
including nonmarket goods that are often titled “cultural” or “social” benefits by the ecosystem services
literature (Brown et al. 2007; Bateman et al. 2011). These may include aesthetic benefits.
2 Bioeconomic researchers have long been concerned with ecological production functions (Clark
management. Within agricultural policy, for example, the nonmarket and often unrec-
ognized value of ecosystem services and disservices is recognized as among the primary
causes of market failure (Dale and Polasky 2007; Kroeger and Casey 2007; National
Research Council 2010; Ribaudo et al. 2010). Many decisions are potentially informed
by quantification and valuation of ecosystem services, including those related to restora-
tion programs, land set-asides, and conservation easements or purchases; assessments
of the equivalency of market credits or habitat mitigation; development of regulatory or
incentive programs to motivate changes in agricultural or land use practices; and devel-
opment of ecosystem service markets (Johnston and Duke 2007; Swinton et al. 2007;
Swallow et al. 2008; Duke and Johnston 2010; Wainger et al. 2010).
Examples of the many conceptual, theoretical, and empirical publications linking
ecosystem services to land use include Bateman et al. (2011), Dale and Polasky (2007),
Heal and Small (2002), Johnston et al. (2002a, 2002b), Nelson et al. (2009), Polasky et al.
(2011), Priess et al. (2007), Ricketts et al. (2004), Swinton et al. (2007), and Wainger et al.
(2010). Although categorizations of ecosystem services vary and often double count
contributions to welfare (Fisher et al. 2009), commonly cited services include the pro-
duction of flora, fauna, and natural (bio)diversity; provision of water (quantity and qual-
ity); regulation of climate (e.g., through carbon sequestration or microclimate, such as
through shading or heat islands in absence of shading); regulation of hazards (e.g., flood
and erosion mitigation); breakdown and detoxification of waste; purification processes
(e.g., of air and water); and the generation and maintenance of socially valued places and
landscapes (Hanley and Barbier 2009; Balmford et al. 2011; Bateman et al. 2011; Polasky
et al. 2011). Beyond the provision of food, fiber, and fuel, often cited examples of services
related specifically to agricultural land use include nutrient cycling, pollination, wildlife
habitat, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, aesthetic services, and recreational services
(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005; Swinton et al. 2007; Fisher et al. 2009); these
can include services received by or that benefit agriculture (e.g., pollination services),
services provided by agricultural land uses (e.g., open-space aesthetics), and ecosystem
disservices or decreases in ecosystem services caused by agricultural production (e.g.,
animal waste generating odors or fostering insect pests) (Johnston et al. 2001; Ready
and Abdalla 2005; Zhang et al. 2007).
Despite the relevance of ecosystem services for policy and recent enthusiasm for the
concept, “there have been relatively few attempts to define the concept clearly to make it
operational” (Fisher et al. 2008, 2051; 2009). “[W]hile progress is being made in the inte-
gration of economics and ecological sciences for understanding ecosystem services, this
is a field still in its nascent stage” (Fisher et al. 2011, 152). The literature is dominated by
works proposing frameworks, typologies, and perspectives. At the same time, research-
ers seeking to evaluate ecosystem services and link them to land use changes face empir-
ical challenges (Bateman et al. 2011). Within this context, the validity and precision of
ecosystem service evaluations (including quantification, prediction, and valuation) are
largely determined by three overarching factors: (1) what services are evaluated—the
conceptual and theoretical foundations of ecosystem service analysis and how these
relate to the specific set of ecosystem conditions, functions, and outcomes chosen for
198 Robert J. Johnston et al.
analysis; (2) how services are evaluated—the validity and precision of the economic and
ecological methods used to quantify and value selected services; and (3) at which scopes
and scales are services evaluated—the magnitude of changes considered and the geo-
graphic scale over which evaluations are conducted.
This chapter describes methods, challenges, and prospects involved in linkages
between ecosystem services and land use. We begin with a discussion of the current
state of the literature devoted to land use–related ecosystem services. This is followed by
a review of relationships between methods used for ecosystem service evaluations and
the accuracy and precision of empirical results. We conclude with illustrative applica-
tions that elucidate some of the challenges faced when linking ecosystem services to
land use, as well as the use of resulting information to guide policy.
The idea that ecological processes provide outputs valued by human society or that these
outputs extend beyond direct products typically sold in markets is not new (Krutilla
1967; Daily et al. 2009). Many of the precepts of nonmarket valuation are grounded in
this idea, extending back more than four decades (Champ et al. 2003; Freeman 2003).
The capacity of land to provide market and nonmarket benefits—including those
related to ecological composition, structure, and function—has long been a part of eco-
nomic analysis and discourse related to land use policy (Swallow 1996b; Johnston and
Swallo 2006; Bergstrom and Ready 2009). Valuation of ecosystem services is grounded
in the theoretical structure that underpins all economic welfare analysis (Freeman 2003;
Just et al. 2004), although many empirical applications apply methods that violate eco-
nomic theory required for valid welfare estimation (see discussions in Toman 1998;
Bockstael et al. 2000; Tallis and Polasky 2009, 268–269; Bateman et al. 2011, particu-
larly 188–196). Valuation methods applicable to ecosystem services are summarized by
numerous works, including those by Holland et al. (2010), Bateman et al. (2011), US
Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA 2009), Swinton et al. (2007), and Hanley
and Barbier (2009). Depending on the type of services involved and mechanisms
through which they enhance welfare, options for valuation can include factor input
methods, ecological productivity methods, and a wide range of nonmarket revealed and
stated preference methods.
Recognizing these foundations, research linking ecosystem services to land use is
most appropriately considered an application of existing methods rather than a novel
methodological approach (Daily et al. 2009). Within agricultural policy for example,
Gardner’s 1977 American Journal of Agricultural Economics article elucidated the eco-
nomic justification for public investment in farmland protection. The provision and
preservation of nonmarket environmental amenities—many akin to what we now
call ecosystem services—were among the primary motivations. Bergstrom and Ready
(2009) review two decades of research estimating the value of agricultural amenity
Connecting Ecosystem Services to Land Use 199
benefits in the United States, many of these related to what would now be labeled ecosys-
tem services. Similarly, the multifunctional agriculture movement in the United States
and Europe has at its core a recognition that agriculture provides nonmarket benefits
beyond traditional food and fiber, including those related to the ecological functions of
agro-ecosystems (Josling 2002; Batie 2003; Boody et al. 2005; Duke and Johnston 2010;
National Research Council 2010). Similar themes appear in research related to the pres-
ervation of nonagricultural lands (Johnston and Swallow 2006).
Among the main distinguishing features of the ecosystem services movement is
greater attention to the formal linkages between ecology and economics necessary to
provide valid estimates of the human benefits. This includes an emphasis on the ben-
efits of ecosystem structure and function realized through ecological production func-
tions, rather than solely on the end products that influence welfare (Daily et al. 2009; cf.,
Collins et al. 2010). In the case of valuation, although the economic valuation methods
are often identical, the emphasis is on the values provided directly or indirectly by eco-
system functions, rather than on the values provided by market or nonmarket goods. As
noted below, this shift in emphasis—although perhaps subtle—can lead to nontrivial
empirical challenges. These include steps required to account for, quantify, or appropri-
ately disentangle multiple interacting services provided jointly by a single set of ecosys-
tem functions (Nelson et al. 2009; Johnston and Russell 2011; Polasky et al. 2011).
Accordingly, and unlike some of the past research in nonmarket valuation, the lit-
erature linking ecosystem services to land use includes substantial participation of the
natural science community. Models are often characterized by heavy use of geographic
information systems (GIS) and attention to ecological modeling, although the charac-
terization of ecological production relationships is one of the areas in which empirical
results are often lacking (Bateman et al. 2011; Polasky et al. 2011). Empirical examples
are diverse, with applications to such issues as nationwide agriculture (Bateman et al.
2011), statewide land use (Polasky et al. 2011), mangroves (Hanley and Barbier 2009),
wetlands and intertidal habitats (Johnston et al. 2002a, 2002b; Boyer and Polasky
2004), carbon sequestration and species conservation (Nelson et al. 2009), biodiversity
(Naidoo and Ricketts 2006), deforestation and pollination (Priess et al. 2007), invasive
species (Wainger et al. 2010), and deforestation (Tallis and Polasky 2009).
Despite the diversity of empirical applications and divergent terminology applied
across the ecosystem services literature, most research connecting ecosystem services
to land use relies on a similar underlying conceptual framework, summarized in Figure
8.1.3 This figure adapts and coordinates concepts found in works such as Brown et al.
(2007), Fisher et al. (2009), Dale and Polasky (2007), and Johnston and Russell (2011).
Within this framework, ecosystem properties, including structure and function at vari-
ous trophic levels, contribute to biophysical outputs, which directly enhance the welfare
3 Collins et al. (2010) provide an analogous framework that is more comprehensive with respect to
Ecosystem Biogeophysical
properties outputs
Direct influence on utility
Final services
Intermediate services Produced Utility
Structure goods &
Direct outputs of services Benefits realized by
to humans additional human service values
Feedbacks Human
Human activity benefits
& production
Natural system Human system
FIGURE 8.1 General linkages among ecosystem properties, ecosystem services, human pro-
duction, and benefits.
of at least one human beneficiary (Johnston and Russell 2011). These outputs are defined
as final ecosystem services (Boyd and Banzhaf 2007; Brown et al. 2007; Turner and Daily
2008; Fisher et al. 2009; Johnston and Russell 2011). Intermediate services, in contrast,
are ecological conditions or processes that only benefit humans through effects on other,
final services. These may be viewed as inputs into the production of final services. The
status of an ecological condition or process as a final versus intermediate service may
vary across beneficiaries (Johnston and Russell 2011).
As shown in Figure 8.1 (and discussed by Brown et al. [2007], Bateman et al. [2011],
Fisher et al. [2009], and Johnston and Russell [2011]), ecosystem services only some-
times influence human welfare directly. An example would be nonuse benefits flowing
directly from the provision of a biophysical output, such as wildlife abundance or diver-
sity. However, more commonly, benefits are “generated by ecosystem services in combina-
tion with other forms of capital like people, knowledge, or equipment, e.g., hydroelectric
power utilizes water regulation services of nature but also needs human engineering, con-
crete, etc.” (Fisher et al. 2008, 2052). Once human labor or capital is applied to transform
a biophysical output into something else, the result is no longer an ecosystem service but
rather the result of human production (Johnston and Russell 2011); this is reflected by the
“Produced Goods & Services” box in Figure 8.1. Most, if not all, agricultural commodities,
for example, fall into this category. Human activities such as agricultural production, how-
ever, often jointly produce feedbacks that affect the ecosystem structures and functions that
provide the initial ecosystem services (Zhang et al. 2007).
Based on this model, it is clear that valuation of market commodities produced using
ecosystem services is not the same as valuation of ecosystem services (Bateman et al. 2011;
Johnston and Russell 2011). In many cases, the final product sold in a market, and hence
most easily valued, does not represent an ecosystem service. Rather, these services serve
as inputs to market production. Although this distinction may render valuation of the
Connecting Ecosystem Services to Land Use 201
ecosystem services themselves more difficult, it is required to consistently evaluate the ben-
efits humans derive from ecosystems and distinguish these from the benefits that people
obtain from human production (Johnston and Russell 2011).
For reasons such as this, it may sometimes be counterproductive to insist on separate and
distinct values for ecosystem services. Land use and land use change affect ecosystem struc-
ture and function, intentionally and unintentionally. Swallow (1996a) places this obser-
vation within the context of basic economic theories of resource use, noting that the role
of land in ecosystem production, both in its developed state, as well as in its “natural” (or
undeveloped) state, affects its net value (cf., Swallow [1994] for an application). Often, land
use change is focused on human-produced goods, some of which may be built on inter-
mediate inputs or goods provided by ecosystems. The inseparability of human-produced
values from at least some ecosystem-produced values recommends a careful understand-
ing of derived demand and the view of ecosystems as one critical contributor to overall
human well-being, but one that may not operate alone, in the absence of human ingenuity
and productivity.
Beyond the general conceptual approach outlined in Figure 8.1, there have been many
proposed typologies of ecosystem services; these seek to provide templates that may
be used to identify and categorize services across applications (e.g., de Groot et al. 2002;
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005; Wallace 2007; Balmford et al. 2011). The rele-
vance of such taxonomies, however, is limited. As noted by Fisher et al. (2008, 2051), for
example, “while [the typology in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment] is useful as a
heuristic tool, it can lead to confusion when trying to assign economic values to ecosystem
services.”4 Numerous authors have highlighted the double counting implicit in many typol-
ogies (Wallace 2007; Fisher et al. 2008, 2009; Johnston and Russell 2011), and Johnston and
Russell (2011) note the impossibility of a universal typology that applies to all beneficiaries.
The ubiquity of frameworks and typologies within the literature may also obscure
the multiple valid approaches that one may take toward quantification and valuation.
Many market and nonmarket goods are joint products of multiple components of eco-
system structure and function. Within this context, the analyst should exercise caution
before concluding that there is a single, proper point at which to conduct quantification
and valuation. As discussed later in this chapter, there are many advantages to valua-
tion focused on end products (e.g., final goods). However, there may be instances in
which—for policy or analytical purposes—valuation of intermediate products might
be desirable (Johnston et al. 2011).5 In cases where values of intermediate outcomes
Indeed, the category of “supporting services” is nearly tailor-made to induce double counting
(Johnston et al. 2011). The concept seems closely associated with the standard economic concept of
derived demand (see Swallow 1997); the careless analyst might forget that the value of inputs (ecological
structures and functions) that “support” production of ecosystem service outputs of direct relevance to
human well-being is fully incorporated (already) upon measuring the value of final services.
5 For example, in some instances final welfare-producing products may be unobservable to the
analyst or difficult to quantify, whereas intermediate outcomes may be more easily quantified or
202 Robert J. Johnston et al.
are estimated, the analyst may face increased risk of double counting or omission of
welfare-relevant outcomes, particularly when a comprehensive understanding of rela-
tionships between intermediate and final services is unavailable. Although welfare the-
ory enables valuation of either intermediate or final outcomes, there can be empirical
challenges to both.
In summary, despite the foundation of contemporary ecosystem services research and
the recent explosion of publications seeking to link land use to ecosystem service provi-
sion and value, this area of study remains immature. Improved methods—or at least a
more transparent delineation of assumptions, caveats, and implications—are required if
information on ecosystem services is to be used broadly to guide land use policy (Bauer
and Johnston 2013). Challenges are particularly evident in empirical work.
The characteristics and quality of empirical methods within the ecosystem services lit-
erature vary. Despite this heterogeneity, the validity and precision of empirical ecosys-
tem services research is strongly related to three often interlinked factors. These include
(1) what services are evaluated, (2) how these services are evaluated, and (3) at which
scopes and scales evaluations are conducted.6
In addition, many ecological studies advance the frontiers of ecological knowledge but miss
opportunities to publish quantitative models to which economists could attach their own models. The
corollary is also true, with economists’ disciplinary focus failing to facilitate connections for ecologists.
7 Following Johnston and Russell (2011), we define a “beneficiary” as a person or group operating
in a particular role (e.g., bird watcher, farmer) whose welfare in that role is improved by a particular
ecosystem service and is therefore willing to pay for improvement or to avoid reduction in the service.
Connecting Ecosystem Services to Land Use 203
(2011), among others, which characterizes the provision of natural outputs (goods and
services) in terms of systems of ecological production. The final outputs of these sys-
tems—final ecosystem services—are biophysical outcomes that directly enhance the
welfare of at least one human beneficiary.8 Intermediate services are conditions or pro-
cesses that only benefit humans through effects on other, final services.
Failure to recognize the value of intermediate ecosystem services encourages actions
that lead to suboptimal provision of these services. Conversely, summation of values
for both intermediate and final services is also misleading because it double counts the
contribution of the intermediate services to welfare, which also promotes suboptimal
provision relative to human welfare. Such double counting is common (Johnston and
Russell 2011).
As a purely conceptual matter, valuation of intermediate services is straightforward.
Within economic theory, one can value either changes in inputs or the correspond-
ing change in the final output; the value of the change in output reflects the sum of the
value of changes in all inputs used in production. However, in the context of ecosystem
services, valuing changes in intermediate services often presents empirical challenges
(Johnston et al. 2011). What is often missing is a quantifiable linkage between changes
in ecosystem structure or function, implying changes in intermediate services, and how
such changes affect the value of final services.
For example, revealed preference analyses rarely account for the influence of inter-
mediate ecological inputs on final ecosystem goods and services that (directly) influ-
ence observed behaviors. Hence, revealed preference analyses generally provide values
for final ecosystem services only.9 Additional biophysical information is required to
estimate values for associated intermediate services, such as water filtration services of
undeveloped land; this is often unavailable (Johnston et al. 2011). Stated preference (SP)
research has also given little attention to distinctions between intermediate and final
services, or more broadly to the definition of ecosystem services, leading to the potential
for welfare biases (Fisher et al. 2009; Johnston et al. 2011; Boyd and Krupnick 2013).
Existing works in the economics literature have sought to clarify the challenge and
provide solutions (Boyd and Banzhaf 2007; Brown et al. 2007; Wallace 2007; Fisher and
Turner 2008; Fisher et al. 2009; Boyd and Krupnick 2013). Solutions suggested by these
works, however, have yet to gain broad adoption outside of the economics literature.
Johnston and Russell (2011) argue that the emphasis of the ecosystem services literature
on complex “one size fits all” classifications exacerbates the confusion over final versus
intermediate services. In response, they propose a set of guidelines that can be used to
clarify the set of final ecosystem services that benefit any given beneficiary and distin-
guish these from intermediate services.
8 Boyd and Krupnick (2013) define a closely related concept of ecological endpoints.
9 An exception is ecological productivity methods, in which empirical welfare estimates are grounded
in an explicit model of ecological production (e.g., Johnston et al. 2002b).
204 Robert J. Johnston et al.
Even given such guidelines, cataloguing of ecosystem services may prove difficult,
because it often requires the analyst to characterize complex, dynamic, and interrelated
processes responsible for the production of final ecosystem goods and services. These
services may be subject to unknowns concerning both ecological and household pro-
duction functions. Indeed, in a world of joint production (by ecosystems and by house-
holds using ecosystems), a set of separate and distinct service values and value estimates
may prove impossible without potentially arbitrary allocation rules.10 Here, the most
critical need is often not for a complete cataloguing of intermediate and final services
for any beneficiary but rather a consistent framework to ensure that double counting is
mitigated. Some have also argued that the valuation of jointly produced ecosystem ser-
vices is best accomplished within a general equilibrium framework (National Research
Council 2005; Carbone and Smith 2008, 2010).11
Regardless of the specific mechanisms applied, research evaluating ecosystem ser-
vices from land use requires careful attention to consistency and theoretical validity,
including methods to identify the ecosystem services to be valued (Fisher et al. 2008;
Bauer and Johnston 2013). These concerns are particularly relevant for broad-scale
analyses that attempt to simultaneously quantify values for multiple, often interrelated
or bundled ecosystem services, particularly when aggregated benefits from these mod-
els are used to inform land use policy.
For example, some authors characterize agricultural production as a final ecosystem service
because the growth of crops is largely an ecological process (Fisher et al. 2009). Others characterize
agricultural production as the result of a combination of human labor and capital with ecosystem
services—such that the agricultural production itself is not a final ecosystem service (Brown et al.
2007; Johnston and Russell 2011). Neither perspective is incorrect; they merely reflect subtly different
definitions of a final ecosystem service. What is most important is transparency and consistency in
whatever classifications are applied.
11 Finnoff et al. (2008) and Finnoff and Tschirhart (2008) illustrate a provocative approach.
Connecting Ecosystem Services to Land Use 205
simplistic” (Balmford et al. 2011). This simplicity arises, in part, because disciplinary
segregation may not lead ecologists to produce quantitative models of links between
drivers and outputs of relevance to human welfare and may not lead economists to pro-
duce models with sufficient foundation in ecological production processes.
Johnston et al. (2012), for example, detail ecological shortcomings of SP analyses of
ecosystem service values, including the tendency of the literature to quantify values for
“ecosystem services” that have no precise ecological definition. Simpson (1998) details
similar shortcomings applicable to economists’ treatment of ecology more broadly.
Swallow (1996b) demonstrates that the dynamic ecological context of habitat develop-
ment can invalidate standard economic intuition regarding the ranking of social value
from new development in a heterogeneous, ecologically dynamic landscape.
At the same time, there are gaps in the underlying natural science knowledge neces-
sary to link changes in ecosystem structure and function to effects on quantifiable eco-
system services (Bateman et al. 2011); we are often unable to predict, for example, how
the flow of services will be affected by changes in land use or management (Daily et al.
2009; Polasky et al. 2011). Although large-scale, data-intensive models such as InVEST
(Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs) have been developed to
model the production and value of ecosystem services, these models generally operate
over large scales, exceeding the scale of common decisions on land use or land devel-
opment (Nelson et al. 2009; Tallis and Polasky 2009; Polasky et al. 2011). The ability of
such tools to quantify changes in ecosystem service flows and values related to land use
also depends on the validity of the underlying ecological and economic models and the
coherence with which these models are combined.
Although established methods are available to quantify ecosystem service values
linked to land use, many commonly cited analyses are grounded in economic methods
that “generate misleading and potentially biased results” (Balmford et al. 2011, 167).
Frequent shortcomings include (1) extrapolating from a small number of unrepre-
sentative studies to entire biomes (Bockstael et al. 2000; Balmford et al. 2011); (2) the
common use of economic measures, such as replacement costs that “bear little resem-
blance to the values they [are used to] approximate” (Bockstael et al. 2000; Holland et al.
2010; Bateman et al. 2011, p. 191); (3) overlooking the dependence of economic values
on policy scope and scale (see discussion in Section 3 below), including analyses that
attempt to value entire ecosystems rather than marginal changes and that ignore con-
cepts such as diminishing marginal utility (Toman 1998; Bockstael et al. 2000; Fisher
et al. 2008; Rolfe et al. 2011); and (4) the use of simplistic unit-value benefit transfers
and other approaches that fail to meet minimal standards (Johnston and Rosenberger
2010; Bateman et al. 2011).
Whether these issues are of concern for policy applications depends on the level of
validity and accuracy deemed necessary in particular policy contexts (Navrud and
Pruckner 1997). As many of these shortcomings lead to quantitative value estimates that
have little basis in economic theory (reducing or eliminating validity) and incorporate
errors of unknown sign and magnitude (undermining credibility), economists tend to
view resulting estimates with skepticism. The challenge for the field moving forward is to
206 Robert J. Johnston et al.
One needs a specified baseline, a specified measure of changes, and a set of criteria
for evaluating and comparing these changes. A simple point aggregation of “every-
thing,” . . . give[s]no insights into either the directions of current changes in ecosys-
tems and their services or the relative urgency of different changes.
(Toman 1998, 58)
Statewide and nationwide analyses are also common (Nelson et al. 2009; Bateman
et al. 2011; Polasky et al. 2011), reflecting a tendency of the ecosystem services litera-
ture to seek results relevant to large scopes and scales (Turner and Daily 2008; Daily
et al. 2009). Although the grounding of analyses in economic theory and measurable
ecosystem service changes may ameliorate some of the concerns with these models, the
concerns of Toman (1998) remain relevant.
In contrast, the most precise empirical assessments in both economics and ecology
tend to involve evaluations at small scopes and scales. These address a few ecosystem
services, over small geographical areas, for marginal changes. The divergence between
the smaller scopes or scales at which research is most precise and the larger scopes or
scales at which ecosystem service information is often requested has contributed to
evaluations that have applied questionable, or at best oversimplified, methods to pro-
vide results over large scopes and scales (Toman 1998; Bockstael et al. 2000; Fisher et al.
2008; Rolfe et al. 2011). This emphasis on large scale, nonmarginal changes is often puz-
zling to economists because the role of such information in policy formation is ques-
tionable and analytical results may fail validity criteria (Toman 1998; Fisher et al. 2008).
Large-scale analyses may motivate an attitude change among political forces, potentially
fueling rhetoric for advocacy, but fail to provide insight necessary for better decisions or
to establish priorities for action requiring policy-scale input.
Connecting Ecosystem Services to Land Use 207
Many of the challenges identified in the preceding sections of this chapter are related,
at least indirectly, to the preoccupation of the ecosystem services literature on large
scopes and scales. Valid economic valuation methods, for example, quantify values for
clearly specified marginal changes (Bockstael et al. 2000; Fisher et al. 2008), thus meet-
ing Toman’s (1998) standard to work from a specified baseline and specified change.
Among other advantages, the evaluation over small, marginal changes allows the use
of partial equilibrium analyses that hold most factors in the outside world constant,
beyond those closely related to the change being valued (Just et al. 2004). As the defined
margin becomes larger, the accuracy of economic forecasts often declines (Fisher et al.
2008). Similarly, nonlinearities in ecological relationships can have important implica-
tions for ecosystem service value. The effects of these nonlinearities on ecosystem ser-
vice values are often more difficult to model and predict for nonmarginal ecological
changes, particularly in the presence of complicating factors such as ecological resil-
ience and thresholds (Hanley and Barbier 2009; Bateman et al. 2011).
Attempts to link ecosystem services to land use over large scopes and scales has also
contributed to a tendency to overlook heterogeneity in ecosystems, populations, and
policy contexts and to apply often rudimentary benefit transfers that overlook the criti-
cal influences of these differences on values (Bateman et al. 2011; Rolfe et al. 2011). For
example, the value of wetlands in filtering excess nutrients may be substantial when
located upstream of a source water reservoir, but may be inconsequential—or at least
valued for different reasons—in an area remote from human population centers. Recent
applications linking ecosystem services to land use have attempted to use somewhat
more advanced benefit transfer approaches that, in coordination with GIS and other spa-
tial tools, enable at least somewhat improved adjustments for differences in ecosystems,
populations, and policy contexts when conducting large-scale analyses (Bateman et al.
2011; Polasky et al. 2011). However, even these analyses require strong assumptions.
The perspective of marginality is often criticized for failing to recognize that nonlin-
earities may manifest as thresholds, thus creating potential shifts in ecological struc-
ture and function. Even in such situations, the disciplined analyst still establishes a
clearly defined baseline from which change might occur, assessing the value of potential
changes from that baseline. An analysis tailored to the level of the marginal decision
can be organized within an economic framework to facilitate informed decision mak-
ing, even if results of the decision cross nonmarginal thresholds within the ecological
economics) can adequately support needed models. However, the data and modeling
requirements for valuation can sometimes be prohibitive. Moreover, in some instances,
valuation is not necessary to improve policy; what is needed instead is insight into rela-
tionships between ecosystem structures and functions and desired ecosystem outputs,
whether or not these outputs have quantified values (Wainger and Mazzotta 2011). This
leads to alternative approaches to research that link ecosystem services to land use.
This section attempts to present illustrative points, not necessarily endpoints, on a
continuum of approaches that link ecosystem services to land use. The illustrated case
studies purposefully involve nonvaluation frameworks that often receive less attention
in the ecosystem services literature. The first application outlines the use of a bioeco-
nomic model to land use controls. This approach occurs in the absence of quantified
knowledge about values a community might hold for ecosystem services, proceeding
on the presumption that the community has already established, perhaps through a col-
lective process, a desire to preserve particular services. Here, the crucial question is not
whether to preserve services or to what extent they are valued, but how preservation is
best accomplished. The second application illustrates potential ways to incorporate eco-
system service values into landowner choices. This case illustrates the potential to move
beyond valuation into market creation.
Returning to the three factors detailed in Section 2 (i.e., what services are evaluated,
how services are evaluated, and the scopes and scales at which services are evaluated),
the two case studies are explicit in terms of the outcomes that are evaluated (amphibian
metapopulations; hayfields supporting bobolink nesting), the ways in which outcomes
are evaluated (bioeconomic models, experimental markets), and the (small) scopes
and scales at which evaluations are implemented (amphibian metapopulations within
wetland patches in Richmond, Rhode Island; specific agricultural fields in Jamestown,
Rhode Island). The case studies do not, however, specify the full set of linkages through
which these specific ecological outcomes support different intermediate and final eco-
system services.
This potential shortcoming warrants additional emphasis—when is it necessary clar-
ify all linkages between intermediate and final services? Among the primary reasons to
clarify these linkages is the mitigation of double counting and development of compre-
hensive welfare estimates. As a result, clarification of these linkages is critical when wel-
fare estimation (i.e., valuation) is the primary goal. In the case studies illustrated here,
however, welfare estimation is not the goal. Hence, whether the ecological outcomes in
question reflect intermediate or final ecosystem services, or both, for particular benefi-
ciary groups is irrelevant to the research questions at hand—such information would
not directly enhance the relevance or validity of the research results.
This distinction highlights a critical point in analyses that link ecosystem services to
land use. That is, the variation in possible research and policy contexts implies that any
set of unyielding guidelines for analysis, including some of those presented earlier, may
have exceptions. What is most crucial in these heterogeneous contexts is the application
of methods that are transparent and valid from the perspective of the underlying natu-
ral and social sciences. The case study examples here are meant to illustrate different,
Connecting Ecosystem Services to Land Use 209
3.1.1 Conceptual Model
The model includes details of the structural and functional roles served by land in habi-
tat patches and the land intervening between these patches, where the latter is described
as dispersal matrix, which determines connectivity between patches. The analyst first
identifies the effective area gi of habitat patch i as a function of the patch size Ai (acres);
its quality Hi, as indicated by field measurements and modeling of existing breeding
populations at patch i (e.g., Eagan and Paton 2004); and the quantity of development QAi
within the patch (which cannot exceed patch size):
g i = g ( Ai , Hi , QAi ). (1)
The specific services desired by the community may be defined with varying levels of precision.
Stated preference work in this community and others within Rhode Island shows that the residents
are motivated by the maintenance of biodiversity; quality of surface and ground waters, with purposes
including outdoor recreation; sustaining open space; and preserving the rural character of their
community (Johnston et al. 1999, 2002c, 2002d, 2003).
Connecting Ecosystem Services to Land Use 211
Larger area, higher quality, and less development increases the effective area of a hab-
itat patch. Connectivity between patches is critical to metapopulation survival and is
influenced by the distance din between patch i and any other patch n; the amount djin of
that distance that crosses matrix unit j; and the size Zj of dispersal matrix j. Along with
the quantity QZj0 of existing development, these factors establish the baseline conditions
for the extent to which the landscape presents amphibians with barriers between patches
i and n, and, in turn, these barriers are enhanced (dispersal matrix land is degraded) by
any additional quantity QZj of development. Thus, connectivity between patches i and n,
fin, depends on the permeability of the intervening matrix lands, which may be shared
across several land management units in the overall dispersal matrix, such that
Bin = b(dijn / din , QZj 0 , Z j ). (2b)
This does not imply that absolute barriers exist, but rather that the model captures
the degree to which the passage through matrix land is impermeable to migrating
juvenile amphibians; in this model, more development implies a lower rate of suc-
cessful dispersals. Connectivity is greater for lower distance between patches, with
that distance passing through matrix land that is more permeable to migrants; per-
meability decreases (barriers increase) when migrants must cross more hostile seg-
ments of dispersal matrix, which occurs with more existing or new development as a
proportion of total land within a management-unit j of dispersal matrix land of area
Zj. A mathematical matrix quantifying landscape structure brings the components of
the metapopulation model together. This mathematical landscape structure matrix
includes elements min that capture the impact of habitat patch n as a contributor of
immigrants to patch i when patch i is empty. This is based on species-specific immi-
gration and emigration rate parameters applied to the effective areas of both patches,
gi and gn, and the connectivity measure fin:
Here, patches of larger effective area produce more emigrants, receive more immi-
grants, and support a larger subpopulation which, in turn, reduces the probability
that the subpopulation goes (temporarily) extinct. The metapopulation model sup-
ports estimation of metapopulation size, Sm, under alternative configurations of
development, particularly new development, in patches (QAi) and dispersal matrix
units (QZj):
Sm = s(QAi , QZj , g i , g n , fin ) (4)
212 Robert J. Johnston et al.
where this representation places the emphasis on the management controls of allowing
or limiting development within patches and dispersal matrix land units.
The challenge for managers is to identify restrictions that minimize the loss of devel-
opment opportunities while sustaining the ecosystem services of interest, as measured
via (or indexed by) metapopulation size. The decision maker minimizes the cost of allo-
cating land (perhaps through regulatory control, rather than purchase) to preservation,
considering both habitat patches and matrix lands:
where RAi and RZj represent the potential Ricardian rent or land value that a developer
could realize by conversion of a unit within habitat patches i and dispersal matrix units
j, respectively; and QAi and QZi represent the quantity of land chosen to be protected
within these patches and matrix units. Within the zoning context, land protection would
occur as a proportion of the respective undeveloped lands available, so that the sum
of existing and new development plus protection does not exceed the total area avail-
able in a patch (Ai) or dispersal matrix unit. In this model, development is distributed
evenly within a habitat patch or matrix unit, but spatial identity is maintained across
these units.
Cost, $
• •
Size, Sm
FIGURE 8.2 Stylized results of bioeconomic model estimating the opportunity cost of achiev-
ing a given metapopulation size. Bauer et al. (2010b) provide an empirical example of this
concept diagram, whereas Bauer et al. (2010a) provide estimated traces of the opportunity
cost curve under various policy assumptions.
wetland and protect all land within that buffer from any further development, consis-
tent with biological delineation of key habitat, for example, following Semlitsch (1998).
Such a policy would leave aside the issue of development in matrix lands. Bauer et al.
(2010b) calculate the implications of such a policy (derived without consideration of
economic factors), obtaining a result analogous to point B in Figure 8.2, which would
achieve a metapopulation size of 0.924 at an opportunity cost of around $101 million.
The key observation of the analysis is that a point such as B leaves at least two ways to
do better for human well-being and ecosystems: (1) one may achieve the same 0.924
ecological quality at substantially lower cost of foregone development benefits (perhaps
just 10% of $101 million), moving to a point like D in Figure 8.2; or (2) one may achieve
greater ecological quality if the community chooses to endure the given cost, moving
to a point like C in Figure 8.2, perhaps approaching the limit of 0.979 under a policy of
fully protecting all remaining patch and matrix lands (Bauer et al. 2010b).13
Moving down and to the right, toward the minimum cost curve between C and D
(Figure 8.2) would improve in both dimensions of cost and metapopulation size.
However, it is also important to recognize that the model could allow a zoning con-
straint to be established either separately for matrix lands and land in habitat patches
(as defined by a buffer zone) across the board or separately for patches and matrix land
within different management units. For example, Bauer et al. (2010a, 805–806) show
that, compared to the full build-out (no protection) scenario, protecting 50% of habitat
patches (within a 165 m buffer around vernal pools) would achieve a higher metapopu-
lation size (nearly 0.90 versus about 0.87) at lower opportunity cost (about $50 million
vs. more than $100 million) as compared to protecting 25% of undeveloped dispersal
matrix (recognizing that total land area in the matrix is larger than total land in these
patches). The model allows assessment of further tradeoffs between protecting land
in different roles. For example, protecting 25% of both patch and matrix land yields a
metapopulation size of 0.922 at a cost of $163 million; moving from that base position to
100% protection of patch lands along with 25% of matrix lands increases metapopula-
tion size by 0.036 to 0.958 at an additional cost of $95 million. In comparison, moving
to 100% protection of dispersal land while remaining with 25% protection of patch land
raises metapopulation size by 0.044 to 0.966 at an additional cost of $395 million.
Such examples may oversimplify the perspective of human benefits from environ-
mental quality. Bauer et al. (2010b) provide an example in which a metapopulation size
of 0.95 occurs with partial or full protection of a cluster of habitat patches in the center
of Richmond, leaving the vast majority of Richmond in 15 other zones (outside this core
area) with little or no additional land conservation over current policy; they provide
a modified model establishing a metapopulation constraint separately for five subsec-
tions of the town in an effort to assess alternatives across the town’s landscape. Adding
these additional constraints raises the cost-minimizing options at each metapopulation
size (from around $12 million to approaching $50 million at Sm of 0.95), but if the com-
munity establishes goals to assure a broad, geographic distribution of opportunities for
residents to live within a landscape that produces ecosystem services at a minimal level,
these higher costs might prove acceptable.
Throughout this example, the specific ecosystem services provided are those associ-
ated with land conservation that promotes the longevity of amphibian metapopulations.
The ecosystem service benefits, however, include many beyond those associated solely
with amphibians. These may include services associated with a lower density of devel-
opment and broader geographic distribution of undeveloped lands. Benefits may also
include provision of habitat for a variety of other species, including birds or wildlife that
cohabitate the forested patches and undeveloped matrix, or conservation of groundwa-
ter recharge through preserved wetlands, among others. A full catalogue of these ser-
vices would improve the information base for land use decisions. Yet, even without this
information, the bioeconomic model illustrates opportunities to enhance both the eco-
nomic and ecological outcomes of land preservation as realized through the provision
of ecosystem health and services.
other mechanisms. Indeed, society as a whole spends little time seeking to quantify the
value of market goods because markets automatically establish prices effectively, even in
the presence of variation in local supply and demand. If policy innovation could estab-
lish similar markets for currently nonmarket ecosystem services, many of the challenges
of valuation might vanish; society could make more efficient decisions about ecosystem
services if markets more fully incorporated ecosystem service values. The second appli-
cation illustrates research that addresses this market challenge.
Swallow et al. (2008) describe experimental work that uses incentive mechanisms
and rules of exchange to generate revenues for ecosystem services specifically linked to
the management of farm hayfields as nesting bird habitat. Their application concerns
the conflict between the nesting season for bobolinks (Dolichonyx oryzivorus), a neo-
tropical migrant, and the peak nutritional value of hay as feed for livestock in north-
eastern US farms. In this study, the investigators served as brokers between farmers in
Jamestown, Rhode Island, and nonfarm households in this rural fringe community.
They established contracts through which farmers would agree to modify their harvest
during late May to early July in order to avoid impacts on bobolink nesting. Farmers
would give up at least one hay harvest so that nests in that field could produce fledglings.
Harvesting during nesting and prior to fledging of young birds has been shown to gen-
erate nest mortality rates of nearly 100% (e.g., Bollinger et al. 1990). In turn, the investi-
gators asked Jamestown residents to pay for these contracts. The study assigned groups
of households to a particular hayfield. Within each group, the independent decisions of
members regarding whether to buy into the contract determined whether the farmer for
that field was paid for bobolink management or whether the contract was dropped, allow-
ing the farmer to proceed with his or her normal harvesting plans.
The study thus implemented a voluntary market exchange. The researchers served the
role of brokers, raised revenues from town residents, and paid farmers for bird-friendly hay-
field management. In practice, such an exchange might be developed through independent
private action, by a for-profit or not-for-profit broker, or it could be aided by a government
subsidy providing a share of costs for a contract but requiring the remaining share to be gen-
erated from revenues contributed by local residents. An exchange such as this could reveal
at least some of the value for ecosystem services. Even with imperfect rules of exchange and
incentives (e.g., that allow some beneficiaries to free ride), the approach begins to develop
market mechanisms for ecosystem services in a way that improves human welfare.
Within this study, marketing materials placed the habitat services of a 10-acre hay-
field during a single season for nesting bobolinks as the focal point, including the slo-
gan “Their home, your hometown.” Marketing materials also noted the potential of
hayfields to maintain agrarian heritage or open-field views, as well as noting potential
linkages to water quality and carbon sequestration, and some Jamestown residents may
have considered these or other aspects of ecosystem services. However, what is clear
is that households were asked to contribute toward the specific action of bird-friendly
management of a specified size hayfield. A strength of this example is that the hayfield
contracts represent a specific action, or good, that households could consider buying
into for the provision of ecosystem services linked to a particular land use; the change
216 Robert J. Johnston et al.
was clearly defined. The ability to at least partially capture resident’s willingness to pay
(WTP)—and thereby improve socially valuable outcomes—does not necessarily require
analysts to define beforehand the particular ecosystem services or quantities of these
services potentially affected, although the failure to do so may influence the ability of the
market-maker to identify an optimal level of provision.
The research was designed to identify the value of bobolink contracts to residents of
Jamestown and to identify a set of rules of exchange that might lead residents to offer a
higher percentage of their full value as a financial contribution to support a contract with
a farmer. Drawing on the experimental economics literature, the bobolink contracts were
presented under a variety of provision point mechanisms (Poe et al. 2002; Spencer et al.
2009). In contrast to a pure, open-ended donations approach used by charitable organiza-
tions, provision point mechanisms establish a minimum, target level of aggregate fund-
ing that must be achieved before provision of a unit of the public good is assured. In this
study, the unit was a 10-acre hayfield contracted for bird-friendly management during a
single summer nesting season. If individuals from a group of households failed to make
aggregate contributions that meet or exceed the cost of the farm contract14 (the provision
point), the farm field would be released from the contract, and all contributions would
be refunded to the households providing the funds. Rondeau et al. (1999, 2005; cf., Poe
et al. 2002) show that the provision point reduces incentives to free-ride15 by establishing
a rudimentary threat of nonprovision, as well as by assuring that contributions pay for
a specified unit of the good; Swallow et al. (2008) implemented this provision point by
defining a finite group of households to determine the outcome for each field.
The experimental market also incorporated marginal incentives to reduce the advan-
tages of free-riding. A primary example is a proportional rebate method tested in labo-
ratory experiments by Marks and Croson (1998; Spencer et al. 2009). The experimental
market tested other rules of exchange, all involving a provision point, but each differing
in the marginal incentives created by their rebate rule. Other rebate rules established a
“price cap” or uniform price that was endogenously determined by aggregate contribu-
tions within a group as the lowest amount that could be used as maximum charge while
still meeting the provision point, such that individuals making high offers would receive
a rebate of money offered above the price cap. The proportional rebate and uniform price
mechanisms were intended to raise revenues for actual provision of hayfields by private
entrepreneurs. An alternative mechanism, the “pivotal mechanism,” was not designed
to raise revenues but rather to estimate the potential willingness to pay of participants.16
In the experiments of Swallow et al. (2008), the actual provision points in some cases reflected a
subsidy from funds obtained outside of the contributions of households. However, those subsidies were
determined prior to solicitations to households, and the provision point reflected the net cost of the farm
contract after any subsidy.
Under a free-riding strategy, the beneficiary contributes zero or “cheap rides” by contributing less
than their full value in an effort to benefit from the contributions that others make to facilitate provision
of a public good, such as habitat services from hayfields.
16 The mechanism is in a class that is weakly incentive compatible. Kawogoe and Mori (2001) note the
90 rebate
80 Pivotal
Percentage of participants
Uniform price
60 auction
Uniform price
50 cap
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Amount ($)
FIGURE 8.3 Proportion (%) of participants willing to offer a fixed amount for a 10-acre hay-
field to be managed for one nesting season (unpublished data and analysis of S. Swallow,
C. Anderson, and E. Uchida).
Figure 8.3 shows the proportion of participants in the Jamestown bobolink experi-
ment who might be willing to offer a specified amount of money to support a single hay-
field for one nesting season. Each of these “willingness to offer” curves corresponds to
one of the rebate rules being tested in the experiment. Although these curves are based
on an econometric model, their distribution may not necessarily prove to be statistically
different. Therefore, Figure 8.3 should be considered illustrative rather than definitive.
In this context, a participant is an individual who responded with a definitive answer to
a direct mail solicitation; about 10–12% of Jamestown residents responded, with about
two-thirds of participants making a particular offer amount via personal check or credit
card authorization. Here, depending on the marginal incentives presented to a partici-
pant, 70% of participants appear to be willing to offer between $52 and $62 to support
the seasonal contract under the best performing marginal incentives (about $43 under
the worst performing marginal incentives).
Figure 8.4 shows how these results might translate to revenue for an entrepreneur
attempting to optimize her price point. These results suggest that price points of
between $50 and $62 might generate the highest level of revenue for a hayfield, account-
ing for the number of participants who might decline to pay that amount but who may
have paid a lower amount if given the opportunity. Based on these data, approximately
125 to 150 participants could cover the provision point on the marginal farm contract
in Jamestown (requiring a revenue of about $5,000 if unsubsidized), whereas in other
farm communities, such as in upstate New York or in Vermont, these provision points
might be substantially lower based on land use allocations and alternative availability of
218 Robert J. Johnston et al.
4500 rebate
4000 Pivotal
Uniform price
3000 auction
Revenue ($)
Uniform price
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Amount ($)
FIGURE 8.4 Point estimates of projected revenue from 100 participants in the Jamestown
bobolink experiment versus a given fixed amount requested from all participants (unpub-
lished data and analysis of S. Swallow, C. Anderson, and E. Uchida).
4. Conclusion
The topics presented in this chapter may be consolidated into two broad themes.
First, the ecosystem services perspective and associated research can provide signifi-
cant insight to inform land use and policy. Ecosystem services research is grounded in
decades of work by economists, ecologists, and others seeking to model interactions
between humans and ecosystems. Much of the best ecosystem services research can be
considered a well-grounded evolution of these existing methods. From this perspective,
the validity of the underlying methods has already been established, and the key chal-
lenge is the recasting of results within an ecosystem services framework.
The second theme is that the integration of economics and ecology required by the
ecosystem services framework can impose nontrivial challenges. These challenges
expand as one moves beyond well-defined, marginal analyses to more revolutionary
attempts to characterize all services, linkages, and values in large-scale systems. Even
though the underlying economics and ecology may be well-developed, the integration
and scale of these models can require methodological sacrifices that threaten validity.
Given such tradeoffs, an ecosystem services framework may not always be the most
informative. Analysts must consider when and where the framework is appropriate ver-
sus those cases in which alternative methods are sufficient. The theoretical sections of
this chapter have sought to identify some key considerations in the validity of ecosystem
services research as a means to help answer these questions. Ecosystem services per-
spectives should be used when they can enhance the guidance that economists and oth-
ers can provide to the policy process. When this is not the case, these perspectives may
be unnecessary or even counterproductive. There are many cases in which careful use
of integrated economic and ecological thinking alone can improve the foundation for
decisions or in which market-based solutions can ameliorate society’s undervaluation
of ecosystems, even in the absence of operational ecosystem service frameworks.
Grounded in these themes, the two case studies illustrate both the insights provided
by, as well as the empirical challenges of, research linking ecosystem services to land use.
These illustrations reflect evolutionary rather than revolutionary work; for example, the
case studies fall short of providing a comprehensive linkage among land use, ecosystem
services, and human welfare. Such patterns are common in contemporary research that
seeks to establish linkages between ecosystem services and land use; a substantial pro-
portion of research in the field is best characterized as “proof of concept.” Among the
initial challenges in improving on research “still in its nascent stage” (Fisher et al. 2011)
is the establishment of improved coordination across the natural and social sciences,
from project initiation to completion, to promote empirical work widely accepted as
both valid and relevant (Bauer and Johnston 2013). We also purposefully avoid illustra-
tions focused on explicit valuation, instead illustrating alternative research paradigms
through which linkages between ecosystem services and land use may be used to inform
220 Robert J. Johnston et al.
This chapter draws on work that was originally supported by the EPA STAR Decision
Making and Valuation for Environmental Policy grant (R829384) and STAR Graduate
Fellowship; USDA/CSREES/NRI Grant 2002-35401-11657 and USDA/NIFA/AFRI
grants 2009-55401-05038 and 2011-67023-30378, a USDA/NRCS Conservation
Innovation Grant, and the URI and UConn Agricultural Experiment Stations.
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C HA P T E R 9
The climate change issue raises a number of risks and decision-making opportunities.
The decision/risk space involves three dimensions: (1) societal vulnerability, in which
the effects of climate change influence current and future productivity; (2) societal
adaptation, in which adaptive actions are pursued to reduce the productivity effects of
climate change; these actions involve changes in operations accompanied by invest-
ments of resources; and (3) societal mitigation, in which actions are undertaken to
reduce the net emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) with the aim of reducing future
atmospheric concentrations of GHGs and their consequent effects on climate change.
This also involves modification in operations plus potential investments.
Land use is heavily involved with these climate change concerns. Land productivity,
land use, and land management (LPLULM) decisions are relevant. Land productivity
is affected by climate change, which, in turn, alters the returns to enterprises using land
(representing vulnerability to climate change). Also, LPLULM decisions can alter net
GHG emissions and contribute to reducing the future extent of climate change (miti-
gation). Finally, LPLULM provides possible mechanisms for altering management or
changing enterprise mix to enhance productivity in the face of climate change (pursuing
In this chapter, we discuss and review interrelationships among the vulnerability,
adaptation, and mitigation aspects of land use and climate change. We do this based on
the literature. A number of studies have addressed such issues and contained findings
that apply to vulnerability, mitigation, and adaptation. We review key research on cli-
mate change issues regarding LPLULM, identifying key findings, pointing out research
needs, and raising economic questions to ponder. In doing this, we go beyond previous
reviews and simultaneously treat the troika of vulnerability, mitigation, and adaptation
aspects of the issue. Hopefully, this will provide readers with a more comprehensive,
Land Use and Climate Change 227
multifaceted grasp of the spectrum of current issues regarding LPLULM and climate
LPLULM is involved with all three aspects of the climate change issue. In terms of vulner-
ability, LPLULM productivity is sensitive to changes in climate. The Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2007a) documents that the climate is changing by
presenting data on increases in temperature, extreme events, heat waves, droughts, and
alterations in rainfall incidence intensity. In addition, hydrological cycles, incidence of
pests and diseases, and forest fires are also being affected.
In terms of mitigation, land cover change has been a major historical contributor to
atmospheric GHG accumulation and is potentially reversible. Houghton (2003) and
Golub et al. (2009) estimate that, since 1850, a third of the total anthropogenic emis-
sions of carbon have come from land use change. In contemporary terms, the IPCC
(2000) finds the current share of total anthropogenic emissions from LPLULM-related
sources to be 18% from forestry and 14% from agriculture. These emissions are mainly
from deforestation, in which forests are converted into cropland, pasture land, and
developed uses; and grassland conversion, in which land use is changed into cropland
from pasture or range. Furthermore, agriculture is estimated to account for 52% and
84% of global anthropogenic methane and nitrous oxide emissions, respectively (IPCC
2000; WRI 2005; Smith et al. 2007a). These emissions are mainly from land-based crop
and livestock production. In the face of this, authors such as Lal, Follett, and Kimble
(2003), Smith et al. (2007a, 2007b), and Fri et al. (2010) argue that LPLULM actions
may enhance sequestration or reduce emissions, thus reducing future atmospheric
LPLULM can also be used to adapt to a changing climate. Land use can be shifted
among enterprises by changing crops, tree, or livestock species and also by changing
uses between cropping, pasture, grazing, and forests to exploit relative changes in pro-
ductivity. One can also alter land management involving practices for crops, livestock,
and forest production to better accommodate a changed climate. Now, given this over-
view, we delve into the individual vulnerability, mitigation, and adaptation topics.
2011).1 Leakey (2009) finds that C4 crops only benefit from elevated CO2 in times and
places of drought stress, as do Attavanich and McCarl (2011). Farmers in developing
countries have been found to be highly vulnerable to climate change. Butt et al. (2005)
combine biophysical and economic models to investigate implications of climate change
in Mali. They find that, under climate change, crop farmers are severely affected, and
overall food insecurity almost doubles.
1.2.2 Forests
Boisvenue and Running (2006) review previous literature related to climate change
impacts on forest productivity. They find that climatic change has a generally posi-
tive impact on forest productivity when water is not limiting. McMahon, Parker, and
Miller (2010) estimate that the Northeast US forest is growing at a much faster rate
than expected and attribute this to rising levels of atmospheric CO2, higher tempera-
tures, and a longer growing seasons. Foster et al. (2010) argue to the contrary that past
tree mortality could explain the difference in rates. Recent studies from the free-air
CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments2 suggest that direct CO2 effects on tree growth
may need to be revised downward (Norby et al. 2005; Karnosky and Pregitzer 2006;
McCarthy et al. 2010). Allen et al. (2010) review studies and indicate that climate change
may enhance tree mortality due to drought and heat in forests worldwide. Sohngen et al.
(1999), in their global study on forest effects, find a market- and productivity-induced
shift to subtropical areas.
1.2.3 Grasslands
Changes in rainfall, temperature, and CO2 concentrations affect the productivity of
grasslands, an important fodder source for livestock production. The IPCC (2007a)
indicates projected declines in rainfall in some major grassland and rangeland areas
(e.g., South America, South and North Africa, western Asia, Australia, and southern
Europe). They state that grass production tends to increase in humid temperate regions
but that it would likely see decreases in arid and semiarid regions (IPCC 2007b). In
Australia, Cullen et al. (2009) predict an increase in grass production in subtropical and
subhumid regions of eastern Australia, whereas in southern Australia they predict slight
increases as of 2030 but decreases of up to 19% in 2070.
All plants must convert sunlight to energy by “fixing” carbon as part of photosynthesis. C3 crops are
crops in which the CO2 is first fixed into a compound containing three carbon atoms, whereas C4 crops
are crops in which the CO2 is first fixed into a compound containing four carbon atoms before entering
the Cavin cycle of photosynthesis. In brief, C4 crops are better adapted than C3 crops in an environment
with high daytime temperatures, intense sunlight, drought, or nitrogen or CO2 limitation. Examples of
C3 crops include soybeans, wheat, and cotton; examples of C4 crops are corn and sorghum.
In these experiments, air enriched with CO2 is blown into the rings where crops are grown in a real
field (not in a chamber). Then, a computer-control system uses the wind speed and CO2 concentration
information to adjust the CO2 flow rates to maintain the desired CO2 concentration. Finally, crop yield in
the elevated CO2 rings are compared to that in the control rings with nonelevated CO2 environment.
230 Bruce A. McCarl Et Al.
Wang et al. (2007a) project that the net primary productivity of grasslands3 in China
will increase 7–21% under 2.7–3.9°C increases in temperature and 10% increases in
precipitation coupled with doubled CO2. However, they predict a drop of 24% when
there are only increases in temperature. Mu et al. (2013) find in many regions land
use shifts from cropland use to grasslands under predicted climate change. The IPCC
(2007b) indicates that CO2 fertilization enhances grass growth, with C3 pasture grasses
and legumes positively responding and exhibiting about 10% and 20% productivity
increases, respectively (Nowak et al. 2004; Ainsworth and Long 2005). Shifts in forage
quality are also expected (Polley et al. 2012).
1.2.4 Livestock
Climate change affects livestock productivity. Warming climates can increase thermal
stress reducing livestock productivity, conception rates, and survival rates. Increased
climate variability and droughts may lead to livestock production reductions (IPCC
2007b; Thornton et al. 2009). Stocking rates may also decline as gross growth is reduced.
For example, Mu et al. (2013) find an inverted U shape between summer precipitation
and US cattle stocking rates and that cattle stocking rates decrease with increases in the
summer temperature and humidity index (THI). Mader et al. (2009) find that under
increased CO2 concentration scenarios, the west side of the US Corn Belt encounters
productivity losses for swine of as much as 22.4%, whereas on the east side, losses of over
70% occur. For beef, they find increasing temperature is beneficial to beef producers in
the western Corn Belt but not in the northwest and southeast regions. Finally, dairy pro-
duction is projected to decrease from 1.0 to 7.2, depending on location.
Livestock in developing countries are highly vulnerable. Sirohi and Michaelowa (2007)
state that the livestock impacts could be large and devastating for low-income rural areas.
Seo and Mendelsohn (2008a) find that net revenue for beef cattle is lower in warmer
places, but sheep net revenue is lower in wetter places. They also indicate the expected
profit from African livestock management will fall as early as 2020. Moreover, they show
that climate change as predicted would cause considerable reductions in the net incomes
of large livestock farms. Seo et al. (2009) find that a hot and dry climate results in a greater
incidence of livestock compared to crop production. Butt et al. (2005) indicate that under
climate change, livestock weights are projected to decrease by 14–16%.
1.3 Disturbances
Climate change can increase disturbances in the form of increased incidence of pest
and diseases and fires. Numerous studies find that increases in temperature affect pest
3 The Leymus chinensis meadow steppe is widely distributed in the east of the Eurasian region, and
more than half of the steppe is located in China, especially in the northeastern China Plain and Inner
Mongolian Plateau (Wang et al. 2007).
Land Use and Climate Change 231
populations and migrations. Rising temperatures are also predicted to increase for-
est pests, crop pesticide usage costs, and wildfire risk (e.g., Chen and McCarl 2001;
Williams and Liebhold 2002; Gan 2004, 2005; Taylor et al. 2007; Hicke and Jenkins 2008;
Walther et al. 2009; Robinet and Roques 2010).
In a review of forestry studies, Taylor et al. (2007) find that the current outbreak
of the mountain pine beetle in British Columbia is an order of magnitude larger in
area and severity than all previous recorded outbreaks. Williams and Liebhold (2002)
project that outbreak areas for southern pine beetles increase with higher tempera-
tures and generally shift northward, whereas the projected outbreak areas for moun-
tain pine beetle shifts toward higher elevations. Hicke and Jenkins (2008) map climate
change effects on lodgepole pine stand susceptibility to mountain pine beetle attack,
concluding that forests in the southern Rocky Mountains have the highest level of
Patriquin, Wellstead, and White (2007) find negative long-term economic implica-
tions of mountain pine beetle infestations in British Columbia. Schwab et al. (2009)
predict a significant medium-term timber supply shortage, reduced stumpage reve-
nues, and increased cost competition among primary wood products manufacturers.
Williams et al. (2010) estimate that about 7.6% of US southwestern forest and woodland
area experienced mortality associated with pine bark beetles between 1997 and 2008.
In terms of agriculture, crops are negatively affected by insect and disease pest out-
breaks. Chen and McCarl (2001) find that increases in rainfall raise pesticide usage costs
for corn, cotton, potatoes, soybeans, and wheat, whereas hotter weather increases pes-
ticide costs for all crops except wheat. Rosenzweig et al. (2001) review studies on agri-
cultural chemical use and conclude that, in a warmer climate, pests may become more
active and may expand their geographical range, resulting in increased use of pesticides
with accompanying health, ecological, and economic costs. Shakhramanyan, Schneider,
and McCarl (2013) find that climate change causes significant increases in pesticide use
and external costs.
For animal diseases, Purse et al. (2005) explore climate-induced shifts in bluetongue
virus incidence in Europe and find that strains have spread across 12 countries and 800
kilometers further north due to climate change since 1998. Saegerman, Berkvens, and
Mellor (2008) find similar results. Mu, McCarl, and Wu (2011) show that climate change
may have caused part of the current increase in avian influenza incidence and is likely to
further stimulate disease spread in the future.
Climate change also affects fire risk. Westerling et al. (2006) argue that climate change
has caused wildfire risk to increase particularly since the mid-1980s, with the greatest
increases occurred in mid-elevation Northern Rockies forests. Williams et al. (2010)
find that about 2.7% of US southwestern forest and woodland area experienced sub-
stantial mortality due to wildfires between 1984 and 2006. Moriondo et al. (2006) find
an increase in fire risk in the EU Mediterranean countries, especially in the Alps region
of Italy, the Pyrenees of Spain, and the Balkan mountains. Brown, Hall, and Westerling
(2004) argue that climate change will exacerbate forest fires and that new fire and fuels
232 Bruce A. McCarl Et Al.
1.4 Land Values
Climate change affects LPLULM, which in turn impacts land values. Overall, the effect
is mixed in developed countries, but negative in developing countries. Mendelsohn,
Nordhaus, and Shaw (1994) find that higher temperatures in all seasons except autumn
reduce average US farm values, whereas more precipitation outside of autumn increases
farm values. They estimate a climate change-induced loss in US farmland value rang-
ing from –$141 to $34.8 billion. Schlenker, Hanemann, and Fisher (2005) do a similar
study and find an annual loss in US farmland value in the range of $5–5.3 billion for dry-
land nonurban counties. Mendelsohn and Reinsborogh (2007) find that US farms are
much more sensitive to higher temperature than Canadian farms, but are less sensitive
to precipitation increases. Deschenes and Greenstone (2007) find that climate change
will lead to a long-run increase of $1.3 billion (in 2002 dollars) in agricultural land val-
ues. They indicate that land values in California, Nebraska, and North Carolina will be
lowered substantially by climate change, whereas South Dakota and Georgia will have
the biggest increases.
For developing countries, Seo and Mendelsohn (2008b) find that, in South America,
climate change will decrease farmland values except for irrigated farms. Moreover, they
find small farms are more vulnerable to the increase in temperature, whereas large farms
are more vulnerable to increases in precipitation. Mendelsohn, Arellano-Gonzalez, and
Christensen (2010) project that, on average, higher temperatures decrease Mexican land
values by 4,000–6,000 pesos per degree Celsius, amounting to cropland value reduc-
tions of 42–54% by 2100. Wang et al. (2009) find that, in China, an increase in tem-
perature is likely to harm rain-fed farms but benefit irrigated farms. A small value loss
is found in Southeast China farms, whereas the largest damage is discovered in farms in
the Northeast and Northwest (Wang et al. 2009).
1.5 Water Supply
Climate change has important consequences for the hydrological cycle and water avail-
ability (IPCC 2007b; Bates et al. 2008). Land use patterns are affected by this change via
the availability of irrigation water and the suitability of land for rain-fed production.
Regions where the majority of water supply comes from snow or glaciers are vulner-
able to climate change because higher temperatures cause a reduction in mountain stor-
age of water and seasonality of water availability (Gleick and Adams 2000; Barnett et al.
2005). Such regions include South American river basins along the Andes, the Greater
Himalayas, and much of the US West, including California (Coudrian et al. 2005; Xu
et al. 2009).
Land Use and Climate Change 233
Climate change also poses water supply threats in Africa because much of the popula-
tion relies on local rivers. De Wit and Stankiewicz (2006) project that a 10% decrease in
precipitation in regions receiving about 1 meter of precipitation per year could reduce
runoff into rivers by 17%, whereas in regions receiving 0.5 meters, that runoff could
be reduced by 50%. Furthermore, they predict that, by the end of this century, surface
water access will be reduced across 25% of Africa. Paeth et al. (2009) find climate change
would cause a weakening of the hydrological cycle over most of tropical Africa, result-
ing in enhanced heat stress and extended dry spells. Additionally, on a global basis, the
Mediterranean Basin, Central America, and sub-tropical Australia are projected to
encounter declines in water availability (Bates et al. 2008) as is the Southwestern United
States (Seager et al. 2007).
In the United States, climate change is projected to reduce California snow accumula-
tion (Cayan et al. 2008). Barnett and Pierce (2009) find that climate change makes cur-
rent levels of Colorado River water deliveries unsustainable into the future. Reilly et al.
(2003) find that US irrigated agriculture needs for water are likely to decline approxi-
mately 5–10% and 30–40% for 2030 and 2090 due to increased precipitation and short-
ened crop-growing periods. McCarl (2008) finds that the US Pacific Southwest gains the
most under the climate change scenarios studied, whereas the US South encounters the
largest losses.
LPLULM can alter net fluxes to the atmosphere through increases in sequestration or
reductions in emissions (McCarl and Schneider 2001). Sequestration in the ecosys-
tem can be increased through means like afforestation, forest management, grassland
expansion, biochar, and reduced tillage intensity. Emissions can be limited through
234 Bruce A. McCarl Et Al.
changes in land management and enterprise choice by means such as reducing fertiliza-
tion, altering livestock feeding and numbers, providing less intensive emitting products
like bioenergy, and reducing rice acreage. Here, we elaborate, discussing forestry and
agriculture separately.
The Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) is an initiative
process to consider policy that reduces emission from deforestation and forest degradation initiated at
the Eleventh Session of Conference Parties (COP 11) to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCC).
Land Use and Climate Change 235
2.3.1 Leakage
Leakage is a major mitigation concern in that practices may reduce net emissions in one
region but lead to increased emissions elsewhere due to reduced supplies and market
price signals. In particular, actions that divert production in the mitigating area may
well cause increases in production elsewhere, with accompanying emissions increases
(Murray et al. 2004). A number of authors have cautioned that this could well happen
with expansion of biofuels or afforestation because such activities compete with tradi-
tional cropland and forest land. This can result in reduced production and increased
Land Use and Climate Change 237
market prices, thus stimulating other areas to expand production and, in turn, emis-
sions (Murray et al. 2004; Fargione et al. 2008; Searchinger et al. 2008; Mendelson and
Dinar 2009).
2.3.2 Additionality
Ideally, policy desires to only pay for “additional” GHG net emission avoidance, not
that which would have occurred under business as usual. This raises the issue of base-
line establishment, in which a without-policy baseline is compared to a with-policy alter-
native; ideally, only the additional contribution above the baseline would be eligible for
market trading (Smith et al. 2007). Baseline projection is difficult and also implies that
programs must be designed to anticipate future actions and not pay for actions that have
not occurred under current circumstances but that are projected to occur in the future,
in the absence of carbon markets. For example, consider deforestation: most studies use
the assumption that deforestation will continue (IPCC 2007b), but the extent of this is
uncertain, and there may be some changes in trends that portend less future deforesta-
tion (reductions in population growth and an increasingly renewable timber industry),
as argued in Sohngen et al. (1999) and Mendelsohn and Dinar (2009). Policy makers may
subsidize landholders to hold land in forests, but the question remains: would that forest
have been cut down in the absence of policy, and might we be paying for something that
never would have happened?
2.3.3 Permanence
Permanence is another major issue, particularly with carbon sequestration strategies,
in that carbon credits and offsets are not necessarily stored permanently or sold on a
forever basis (Murray et al. 2004; Sands and McCarl 2005; Smith et al. 2007). The prob-
lem is that carbon may not be stored permanently (permanence) due to such things as
possible future LPLULM changes, limited time of guaranteed storage (leasing), needs
for maintenance fees, approach to equilibrium, fires, or extreme events. In turn, this
can lead to the release of sequestered carbon and may merit significant price discounts
accounting for its nonpermanent nature (Kim et al. 2008).
2.3.4 Uncertainty
Uncertainty is a complex implementation issue. Agriculture and forestry, by their
very nature, are affected by climate; thus, both emissions reductions and sequestration
amounts will be affected and uncertain from year to year and over time. Uncertainty
in estimating the magnitude of GHG emissions and sequestration rates has inhibited
implementation of mitigation options in the AF sectors, causing some to argue against
inclusion of AF sequestration in trading schemes. There are also variations and corre-
lations among years, seasons, and locations that make estimation of the sequestration
volume difficult. Kim and McCarl (2009) present a discounting procedure for taking
this into account in trading, whereas Mooney et al. (2004, 2007) dimension the size of
the error and a sampling scheme.
238 Bruce A. McCarl Et Al.
2.3.5 Transactions Costs
Conveyance of carbon credits in markets will likely result in cost wedges between buyers
and sellers due to transaction costs. Kim (2011) separates such costs into a number of
components as discussed below. Assembly Costs
Carbon market purchases would likely need large quantities of offsets (with, for exam-
ple, emissions of large power conglomerates in the hundreds of millions of tons) com-
pared to what a land user could produce. Typically, it would not be economical for an
offset purchaser in quest of 100,000 tons to deal with a single land user. An offset of
100,000 tons at an average sequestration rate of 0.25 tons of carbon per acre (and aver-
age rate from West and Post 2002) would require 400,000 acres. Considering a rough
average farm size of 400 acres (the average US farm was 418 acres in 2007), this offset
would involve nearly 1,000 farmers. Thus, there would be a role for brokers or aggrega-
tors to assemble groups to create marketable quantities. Costs arise in such a process.
Also, there will be costs involved in keeping the group of farmers together and dispers-
ing payments. The crop insurance case is one such scheme, and there transactions costs
are about 25% for brokers.
2.3.6 Property Rights
A final issue involved in market design involves property rights. As argued in McCarl
and Schneider (2001), embarking on the road toward enhanced carbon sequestration
poses policy questions regarding private property rights. For example, if carbon pro-
grams involve land use conversion, there may be a need to ensure that these movements
are not offset by countervailing movements, and this may limit the property rights of a
number of land owners.
Adaptation is the least explored economic area to date. Climate is expected to change
agricultural productivity and shift ecosystems over space (Zilberman et al. 2004;
Mendelsohn and Dinar 2009). Adaptation involves the purposeful manipulation of
LPLULM to increase productivity in the face of such shifts.
There are two types of adaptation: actions undertaken by private decision makers in
their own best interests (autonomous adaptation) and actions undertaken by the pub-
lic sectors in the name of society (IPCC 2007b). Prior authors have called the latter
“planned adaptation,” but we prefer “public adaptation” because it generally addresses
the public goods characteristics of underinvestment in certain adaptation actions.
Farmland Forestland
L1 L2 L
FIGURE 9.1 Theoretical model of land use change under climate change.
axis shows the land allocated to agriculture; from left to right, it shows land used for for-
est. The two sloped lines are the marginal returns to land allocated to agriculture and
forestry. PL is the land price. L1 is current land allocated to agriculture. L−L1 is current
land allocated to forest. With climate change, the returns to agriculture and forest shift
and are represented as dashed lines. The revised land allocation is then L2, and L−L2.
This reflects substitution to adapt to climate change-induced increases in produc-
tivity. The framework shows that users will autonomously adapt to improve their sit-
uation in response to climate change (Mendelsohn and Dinar 2009). However, public
investments may be needed to either make alternative actions available, such as making
crop varieties more heat tolerant, adapting infrastructure (changing the stock of roads,
bridges, processing locations etc.), or providing information on heretofore unknown
adaptation possibilities.
A number of potential LPLULM adaptation options are available. These are often vari-
ations of existing climate risk management strategies (Howden et al. 2007) including
changes in enterprise choice, crop, or livestock mix; moisture management; irriga-
tion, soil, and water conservation; and management of natural areas, among others
(McCarl 2007).
A number of authors have examined observed or potential adaptations in the AF
sector. In national studies, Adams et al. (1990), and Reilly et al. (2003) examine changes
in crop acreage and find northward shifts in crop mixes. Mu et al. (2013) examine the
ways climate change induced land use adaptation between crop and pasture in the US
and find that climate change causes shifts in land from crop to pasture and a lower
stocking rate. They estimate that projected climate change will decrease cropland by
Land Use and Climate Change 241
6% and increase pasture land by 33% by the end of this century. Seo (2010) finds that,
in Africa, a hotter and wetter climate causes a shift from crops toward animals. In
addition, Reilly et al. (2003) examine how crops have shifted over time by constructing
the geographic centroid of production for corn and soybeans and find that, between
the early and later 1900s, both US corn and soybean production shifted northward by
about 120 miles. Attavanich et al. (2013) update this, finding that US corn and soy-
bean production has shifted northward, ranging from 100–150 miles between 1950
and 2010.
Studies also have shown that cropping system management adjustments can be used
to adapt (Adams et al. 2003; Easterling et al. 2003; Butt et al. 2005; Travasso et al. 2006;
Challinor et al. 2007). Reilly et al. (2003) show considerable potential to varietal adap-
tation, but Schlenker and Roberts (2009) suggest limited historical adaptation of seed
varieties or management practices to warmer temperatures. Jin et al. (1994) find that
using new rice cultivars and changing planting dates in southern China can substan-
tially adapt to climate change and increase rice yields. Kurukulasuriya and Mendelsohn
(2008a, 2008b) find that, in Africa, farmers adapt by shifting toward more heat-tolerant
crops as temperatures rises and farmers will also shift toward more heat-tolerant and
water-loving crops. In Greece, Kapetanaki and Rosenzweig (1997) find that changing
planting dates and varieties of corn can increase yields by 10%. In Spain, Iglesias et al.
(2000) find that hybrid seeds and altered sowing dates can allow for double cropping of
wheat and corn, thus increasing yields and reducing water use.
Within livestock systems, many adaptation options are connected with maintain-
ing the availability of fodder and feed and reducing heat stress from animal housing
(McCarl 2007; Parry et al. 2009). McCarl and Reilly (2008) estimate changes in the
size of the US livestock herd under 2030 climate scenarios and find increased sheep,
cow calf, dairy, turkey, hog, and broiler numbers with less feedlot beef animals.
In South America, Seo et al. (2010) discover that livestock increase with warming
climate but decrease when it becomes too wet. In Africa, Seo and Mendelsohn
(2008a) find that a warming climate is harmful to commercial livestock but is ben-
eficial to small landowners. Seo et al. (2009) find climate change will likely decrease
African dairy cattle but increase sheep and chickens, although adaptation measures
vary across agro-ecological zones.
Farmers can adapt to climate change by adjusting livestock numbers and species. Mu
et al. (2013) find that adaptation involves reductions in cattle stocking rates under pro-
jected climate change. Alternatively, farmers could switch breeds so that livestock can
adapt to a warmer temperature and changes in precipitation. Zhang et al. (2013) exam-
ine breed choices among cattle in Texas and find that heat-tolerant breeds like Brangus
cattle are used as an adaptation strategy in a hot and humid environment.
Climate change is projected to have far-reaching impacts on ecosystems and sup-
ported species (Chopra et al. 2005; Lemieux and Scott 2005). Adaptation of man-
aged forests could involve changes in tree species, harvesting patterns, pest control,
and location of managed woodland (McCarl 2007). Ecological models have predicted
that forests will expand globally and become somewhat more productive and also
242 Bruce A. McCarl Et Al.
that forest ecosystems would shift poleward and to higher elevations (Zilberman et al.
2004; Mendelsohn and Dinar 2009). Howden et al. (2007) argue that the forest sector
can plant better adapted tree species and can reduce disturbance losses by harvesting
high-risk stocks before they can be destroyed. Mendelsohn and Dinar (2009) indicate
that climate change will alter land allocation between forest and wild lands. Sohngen
and Mendelsohn (2003), Mendelsohn and Dinar (2009) and Sohngen et al. (2010) show
that forest adaptation is a dynamic process involving staged harvest decisions, thus lim-
iting the ability to change large forest stocks quickly.
Parry et al. (2009) argue that complementary relationships between adaptation and
mitigation can be exploited because adaptation actions can have positive or negative
mitigation effects and vice versa. In the forest sector, afforestation of degraded hill slopes
is an example of a mitigation action with a positive adaptation effect that would not only
sequester carbon, but also control soil erosion (IPCC 2007b).
adaptation, about 80% of the costs of potential impacts might be avoided, but about
20% might not (Parry et al. 2009), and cost of adaptation may rise steeply after 2030
(IPCC 2007b).
The total burden of climate change consists of three elements: the costs of mitigation
(reducing the extent of climate change), the costs of adaptation (reducing the impact of
change), and the residual impacts that can be neither mitigated nor adapted to (Parry
et al. 2009). Mitigation and adaptation both avoid climate change but are fundamentally
different in timing, with adaptation providing an immediate avoidance and mitigation
a long-term reduction in extent. Some studies have attempted to understand the inter-
play among impacts, adaptation, and mitigation. Yet there are still many unanswered
244 Bruce A. McCarl Et Al.
Bosello et al. (2009) indicate that welfare is greater when adaptation and mitiga-
tion are implemented jointly and both contribute to better control of climate damages.
Estimations considering only single mitigation or adaptation actions are therefore likely
to yield biased results.
The major climate change policy question is: “What combination of emissions reduc-
tion and adaptation is appropriate in offsetting the impacts of climate change?” In
addressing this question, one must realize that adaptation and mitigation can be both
complementary and substitutes. The IPCC (2007b) reviews four major types of inter-
relationships between adaptation and mitigation: (1) adaptation actions that have con-
sequences for mitigation, (2) mitigation actions that have consequences for adaptation,
(3) decisions that include trade-offs or synergies between adaptation and mitigation,
and (4) processes that have consequences for both adaptation and mitigation.
Important implications arise from the interdependence between mitigation and
adaptation. Lecocq and Shalizi (2007) point out the need for mitigation and adap-
tation policies to be analyzed and implemented jointly, not separately. Mata and
Budhooram (2007) state that, in a hypothetical world where all net costs are borne
by a single global entity, choices would probably be driven by total cost minimization
rather than by aversion to “dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate
system.” However, the complexities of costs and benefits and their widespread dis-
tribution make these assumptions implausible (Mata and Budhooram 2007). Rather,
society is saddled with the burden of optimally allocating resources subject to bud-
get constraints and uncertainties. In addition, action should incorporate learning and
Some studies have tried to assess the optimal policy balance of mitigation and
adaptation using cost-benefit frameworks based on integrated assessment models
(IAMs) (IPCC 2007b). Temporal investment allocation results obtained using IAMs
in de Bruin et al. (2009) and in Wang and McCarl (2013) show that both adaptation
and mitigation are simultaneously employed, with adaptation prevailing initially then
mitigation investment taking over in the long run as the damages from GHG emissions
4.1 Research Needs
Most studies on climate change responses focus on single aspects of the
adaptation-mitigation nexus, without considering their interplay. Hence, substantial
research needs to address the optimal portfolio of adaptation and mitigation, along
with practical inquiries into the extent to which climate change vulnerability can be
addressed. The IPCC (2007c) indicates that the relationship between development paths
and adaptation-mitigation interrelationships requires further research. This is particu-
larly important in developing country settings.
Land Use and Climate Change 245
5. Conclusion
LPLULM decision making is certainly affected by climate change and climate policy.
Actions can address adaptation or mitigation, and there will be climate change-induced
damages that are not mitigated or adapted to. In the future, we think substantial research
will need to be devoted to determine how land use decisions can facilitate adaptation
and mitigation, as well as the degree of vulnerability under alternative levels of action.
We only hope that this review will inform researchers about past efforts and potential
productive future ones.
We thank the editors for comments. Seniority of authorship is shared among authors.
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254 Bruce A. McCarl Et Al.
L A N D U S E , C L I M AT E
crop production mix have already been observed. Southern sections of traditional
wheat-producing regions are now northern sections of corn-producing regions,
as is already being observed in North Dakota (Upper Great Plains Transportation
Institute 2011).
The combination of changes in rainfall, temperature, and carbon dioxide (CO2)
concentrations can also affect the productivity of pasture and rangelands, which are
an important input for livestock production and an important source of wildlife hab-
itat. Pasture production tends to increase in humid temperate grasslands, but is likely
to decrease in arid and semiarid regions (IPCC 2007b), although climate change may
decrease stocking rates. The combination of a northward shift in crop production
and decreasing productivity of pasture and rangeland could lead to substantial con-
version of land from low-intensity agricultural uses to intensive crop production.
Conversion of grassland systems (i.e., pasture and rangeland) to crop production is
associated with losses of grassland-dependent species (Green et al. 2005), releases of
sequestered carbon (Foley et al. 2005), decreases in water quality (Moss 2008), and
increases in soil erosion (Montgomery 2007). Shifts in crop production have been
hypothesized to have important environmental and ecological consequences. These
include increases in air and water pollution as land is converted to more intensive
cropping systems and the reduction of ecological diversity provided by these altered
landscapes. These various environmental and ecological effects are discussed in
IPCC (2007b).
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the linkages between climate change,
changes in agricultural land use patterns, and the ecological performance of these
altered landscapes. The chapter first reviews the literature on the relationships among
these topics, including studies assessing farmers’ adaptations to a changing climate, and
possible changes in flora and fauna triggered by land use changes. This is followed by an
empirical study directed at one important consequence of such behavior—the effects
of changes in agriculture land use on the ecological performance of wetlands in the
Prairie Pothole Region of North America (PPR), as measured by wetland and waterfowl
The PPR is a useful case study area because it is experiencing the effects of climate
change and rapid changes in cropping patterns. The PPR is characterized by highly pro-
ductive agricultural land, producing coarse and small grains, legumes, and livestock,
interspersed with millions of prairie pothole wetlands. Although many of the histori-
cal wetland-grassland complexes in the PPR have been previously altered by agriculture
(Tiner 1984; Kantrud et al. 1989), the region remains the most productive waterfowl
breeding area in North America (Batt et al. 1989). Climate change has the potential to
significantly alter the productivity of the PPR for waterfowl, both through direct effects
on wetlands (e.g., fewer wetland due to increased drought frequency) and through the
indirect effects of human response (i.e., land use change). Thus, this region offers an
excellent case study for understanding the interplay among climate change, human
response, and ecological outcomes.
Land Use, Climate Change, and Ecosystem Services 257
1. Literature Review
This section first reviews the existing literature on potential climate change impacts
on land use in US agriculture and associated adaptive response, with specific focus on
changes in crop production patterns. This is followed by a review of ecological effects
that may arise from the interplay of climate change and agricultural land use changes.
Finally, we review previous studies related to the response of waterfowl to climate
change and land use.
the tropical black flying fox experiencing a greater mortality rate than the temperate
grey-headed flying fox.
Reptiles and amphibians are also likely to be affected by climate change. During
field-level monitoring of nests at an alpine site in southern Australia for the period
1997–2006, Telemeco et al. (2009) found that lizards (Bassiana duperreyi, Scincidae)
responded to rising ambient temperatures by increasing their nest depth and increas-
ingly early oviposition; however, they were unable to adjust themselves entirely to
climate change. They reveal that rising ambient temperatures is likely to affect their
hatchling sex ratio.
Finally, numerous studies have documented a wide range of effects of climate
change on plants, both naturally occurring and managed, such as forest and agricul-
ture. For example, Feeley and Silman (2010) report the effects of land use and climate
change on population size and extinction risk of Andean plants. They find that plant
species from high Andean forests may benefit from climate change and expand their
population under a scenario that beneficial land use change practices are adapted
and deforestation is halted (best-case scenario). On the other hand, if the pace of
future climate change exceeds their abilities to migrate (worst-case scenario), all of
these Andean species are projected to experience large population losses and conse-
quently face risk of extinction. Moreover, all species are projected to experience large
population losses regardless of potential migration rates under a business-as-usual
land use scenario.
An example of a study explicitly linking landscapes to climate change and plant spe-
cies is by Lawson et al. (2010). This study links a spatially explicit stochastic population
model to dynamic bioclimate envelopes to investigate cumulative effects of land use,
changed fire regime, and climate change on persistence of a rare, fire-dependent plant
species (Ceanothus verrucosus) of southern California. They reveal that climate change
is the most serious factor determining the reduction of this plant species’ population.
Interactions of climate change with changes in fire regime and land use change could
increase risk to these species.
performance of alternative land use configurations (e.g., Lenzen et al. 2008; Polasky
et al. 2008). This approach cannot meaningfully inform consequences and policy impli-
cation of climate changes because the feedback among climate, land use response,
and ecological outcomes is incomplete. The second approach explicitly nests land use
change models within ecological models (e.g., Lewis and Plantinga 2006; Langpap and
Wu 2008). This approach typically maintains the modeling feedback loops necessary
to understand the joint effects of exogenous shocks (e.g., climate change) and land use
response on ecological performance. Some representative studies related to climate
change are discussed later.
Wu et al. (2004) explored the influence of cropping pattern changes in the Midwest
United States on regional water quality and, ultimately, on hypoxia potential in the Gulf
of Mexico. They found that changes in cropping patterns (e.g., more corn, less pasture)
and practices (e.g., minimum tillage) affected the run-off and erosion levels within the
region. Although climate change was not explicitly examined, the underlying model-
ing included the influence of differences in weather variables. A number of studies have
addressed the relationship among forest cover, riparian zone health, and water qual-
ity. For example, Watanabe et al. (2006) examined such relationships in the Pacific
Northwest. The water quality parameters of interest were stream temperatures that, if
elevated, can adversely affect cold water species, such as salmonids. The study noted
that even active management of the landscape, such as tree planting or riparian zone
protection, have limited potential to reduce water temperatures to desired levels. Other
studies, such those by as Langpap et al. (2011) and Seedang et al. (2008), also note the
difficulty (high costs) of obtaining reductions in water temperature through forest and
riparian mitigation activities when landscapes have been extensively altered by human
Pattanayak et al. (2005) performed an analysis of water quality co-effects associated
with greenhouse gas mitigation activities on agricultural lands in the United States. As
with other studies examining carbon sequestration on agricultural lands, they found
substantial carbon sequestration potential from use of alternative cropping practices on
agricultural lands. However, the study also found that such sequestration had an ancil-
lary effect on national water quality. Specifically, overall water quality increased by 2% as
a result of the sequestration practices. In another study of co-effects (co-benefits) of cli-
mate change mitigation policies, Plantinga and Wu (2003) assess the potential positive
externalities of afforestation to sequester carbon. The authors find substantial benefits
in terms of improved water quality (reduced soil erosion) and increased wildlife habitat
from an afforestation policy.
In discussing effects of land use changes on ecological or environmental services, it
is important to note that climate change is also expected to have impacts on both the
participation patterns of recreationists and their willingness to pay to experience recre-
ation activities. As climate change affects wetland resources and their productivity and
snowpack patterns, and redistributes wildlife habitat, the intensity and spatial distribu-
tion of associated recreation activities (e.g., fishing, skiing, wildlife watching and hunt-
ing) are also likely to change. In addition, it is expected that recreationists’ willingness to
Land Use, Climate Change, and Ecosystem Services 261
pay for preservation of environmental services (use and nonuse values) will be affected.
Loomis and Crespi (1999) review the recreation literature regarding climate change and
conclude that climate change will increase both participation rates and willingness to
pay. Loomis and Richardson (2006) also confirm the effects of climate change on will-
ingness to pay for ecological services. In general, warmer temperatures, earlier springs,
and longer lasting summers are expected to increase the demand and willingness to pay
for a variety of recreation activities. Few studies, however, consider both the direct and
indirect (e.g., land use) effects of climate on recreation. Thus, although climate change
may increase the demand and willingness to pay for outdoor recreation and ecosystem
services, it remains to be seen whether climate-induced land use change will expand or
restrict the supply of recreation opportunities and ecosystem services.
to wetlands. Voldseth et al. (2009) explicitly found that managed covers could partially
mitigate climate effects on wetland function; however, the authors note that although
the wetland may appear more dynamic when surrounded by managed covers, waterfowl
production would be limited due to a lack of adequate nesting habitat.
The research on climate impacts on wetlands and land use impacts on waterfowl sug-
gests that climate change could dramatically reduce waterfowl production in the PPR.
Research using historical climate and land use patterns indicates that conversion of
grassland to crops in the Canadian prairies exacerbated the effects of low water years
(Bethke and Nudds 1995). Additionally, Sorenson et al. (1998) found a strong correla-
tion between drought indices and waterfowl populations in the US PPR and predict that
climate change could reduce waterfowl population by as much as 70% compared to his-
torical levels. Their analysis, however, did not include the possible effects of changes in
upland land use. Although the past literature establishes the importance of both climate
and land use, none of the previously developed models is capable of predicting the joint
effect of climate change and the resulting land use response on waterfowl production in
the PPR.
Climate scenarios
Wetland and waterfowl model
Agricultural mapping of
Ponds = f(precip, temp, land use)
sector model simulated
land use Ducks = f(ponds, land use, harvest)
Their studied crops are barley, corn, cotton, forage production, oats, peanuts, potatoes, rice, rye,
sorghum, soybeans, sugarbeets, tomatoes, and wheat.
2 It is common practice in climate change analysis to use several GCM projections to reflect the
Pacific Northwest (PNW) Oregon and Washington, east of the Cascade mountain range
• Coupled Global Climate Model (CGCM) 3.1 developed by the Canadian Centre
for Climate Modeling and Analysis, Canada.
We use these simulated yields results as an input in the ASM to simulate changes in land
use. We first estimate the base scenario (without climate change) and then compare base-
line results to results under climate change simulated from GCMs in 2050, which reflect the
change in crop yields and shifts of crop production patterns as a result of climate change. Due
to the uncertainty of factors in the future, we fix all supply-side factors to their current level in
the base year and only allow the effect of the northward shift of crop production patterns and
the change in crop yields. The introduction of change in crop yields and possibility of north-
ward migration of crops causes ASM to change its equilibrium allocation of land use, crop
mix, trade flows, commodity prices, production, and consumption. Changes in crop acreage
are then used to model the resulting response of wetlands and waterfowl in the PPR.
to past models, which have been successfully used to understand the relationship among
wetland numbers, weather characteristics, land use, and waterfowl populations (see
Johnson and Shaffer 1987; Bethke and Nudds 1995; Sorenson et al. 1998). Specifically,
we estimate two regression models using historical data. The first model relates pond
numbers to climate and land use characteristics:
The number of waterfowl that settle in the PPR to breed is largely determined by the
availability of wetland habitat. Thus, climate or land use change that affects wet-
land availability is expected to influence breeding waterfowl populations in the PPR.
Previous research has demonstrated the important role of both land use and climate on
wetlands in the PPR (see, e.g., Voldseth et al. 2007; Johnson et al. 2010).
The second model relates waterfowl populations to pond numbers, land use, and
Although ponds largely influence where waterfowl settle in the PPR, upland land use
can reallocate birds on the landscape because females also select landscapes based on the
availability of nesting cover. Harvest during the previous hunting season could also influ-
ence the number birds in the northward migration and thus the number of birds that set-
tle in the PPR. This simple set of regression models allows us to relate changes in climate
and land use to changes in waterfowl breeding populations. Estimates of breeding popula-
tion are the primary determinant of waterfowl hunting regulations and are thus one indi-
cator of the potential social impacts of climate-induced changes in waterfowl populations.
We use data from a variety of sources to estimate (1) and (2). Pond and waterfowl
numbers are from the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Waterfowl Breeding
Population and Habitat Survey (USFWS 2009). The survey is one of the most extensive,
both in time and space, wildlife population and habitat surveys in the world. Since 1955,
the USFWS has used aerial surveys to estimate annual pond and waterfowl numbers
within temporally consistent survey strata. Six survey strata (41, 45–49) overlap the US
PPR (Figure 10.2). We therefore use pond and waterfowl estimates from these six strata
to estimate the regression models. For the waterfowl estimates, we use the total count
of dabbling ducks, which constitute the largest subgroup of waterfowl that breed in the
PPR and the bulk of the US harvest.
Historical land use data are from the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS
2010). We aggregate annual county-level estimates of area by crop to the strata level. To
be consistent with the ASM model, we focus on the primary field crops in the PPR (e.g.,
corn, soybeans, barley, oats, potatoes, sugar beets, and wheat). Additionally, since all
field crops have similar effects on wetlands and waterfowl nesting habitat, we convert
individual crop area to strata-level shares by dividing the total crop area (sum over indi-
vidual crops) by the total area in each survey strata.
266 Witsanu Attavanich et al.
41 45
ND 47
MT 42 43 46
44 48
ID 49
We collect historical precipitation and temperature data from the National Climate
Data Center (NOAA 2011). We use data from weather stations distributed across each
waterfowl survey strata to estimate average precipitation and temperature at the strata
level. Last, harvest data comes from the website (,
which is a collaborative effort between waterfowl management agencies to organize data
on North American waterfowl. Harvest data are reported annually at the flyway level for
the period 1961–2009; we therefore use the total harvest for the Central flyway to cap-
ture potential harvest impacts on waterfowl breeding populations.
3 We adjust the base year used in ASM from 2005 to 2007 to reflect empirical evidences from the latest
Agricultural Census.
Land Use, Climate Change, and Ecosystem Services 267
modeling. Therefore, we used an auxiliary model to downscale ASM results for use
in the waterfowl model. Development of a county-level counterpart to the ASM crop
mix would not be necessary if we could use county as the ASM spatial specification.
However, not only would such a model be very large, but developing/maintaining
production budget, crop mix, and resource data for such a scale is daunting. Thus,
we run ASM at a more aggregate level and reduce the solution crop mixes to the
county level.
We disaggregate the ASM solution of crop acreage to the county level using a
county-level multiobjective mathematical programming model developed by Attwood
et al. (2000), and used in Pattanayak et al. (2005). The Attwood et al. (2000) model was
later modified by Attavanich (2011) to better reflect the possibility of crop expansion
into new production areas under climate change scenarios. The regionalizing downscal-
ing of Atwood et al. (2000) disaggregates the crop mixes and crop acreage solutions from
the sector model to the county-level by fixing the solutions close to the county-level
historical crop mix. This process cannot fully account for factors that fall significantly
outside the range of historical observation. The modified model uses the area of a par-
ticular crop allocated to an irrigation status in each county as the primary choice vari-
able. This choice variable is constrained so it matches the land area shift in the ASM
but minimally deviates from the Census of Agriculture, US Bureau of Census, USDA
National Resource Inventory (NRI), and USDA county crops data, after accounting for
crop migration due to climate change.
The ASM results provide county-level estimates of crop area, temperature, and pre-
cipitation. For projected climate data, we also obtains IPCC SRES scenario A1B4’s pro-
jected agricultural district level mean temperature and precipitation in the PPR from
four GCMs, as previously discussed. We then use estimated crop area, temperature, and
precipitation to simulate wetland and waterfowl numbers under each climate scenario
by (1) aggregating county crop area to waterfowl strata level and calculating crop shares,
(2) aggregating mean temperature and precipitation predictions under each climate
scenario to waterfowl strata using simple averages, and (3) using the land use and cli-
mate data in the estimated pond and duck equations (e.g., [1]and [2]). We use predicted
2007 pond and duck numbers as the baseline for comparison and assume that water-
fowl harvest remains constant on average. For the change in the land use share in the
baseline, we use change in average crop share between the 1900s and 2000s. Since we
do not know how yield levels are likely to change, and since the yield impact is relatively
small, we fix yields at the 2000–2009 average for all simulations. Also, since the climate
Scenario A1B most closely reproduces the actual emissions trajectories during the period since
the SRES scenarios were completed (2000–2008). It is reasonable to focus on A1B scenario group
versus those in the B1 and B2 scenario groups that have lower emissions projections because in recent
years actual emissions have been above the A1B scenario projections. At the same time, there has been
considerable interest and policy development to encourage nonfossil fuel energy, which is consistent
with the A1B scenario vs. A1F1 or A2 that assume a heavier future reliance on fossil fuels (Beach
et al. 2009).
268 Witsanu Attavanich et al.
predictions represent the decadal average predicted for 2045–2055, we use the same
predicted average temperature and precipitation for all lagged values (i.e., the two-year
lagged precipitation and the one-year lagged precipitation are both the predicted aver-
age precipitation for each climate scenario). Hence, our predicted changes in pond and
duck numbers should be interpreted as averages over the decade not values for any indi-
vidual future year.
This section reports our empirical findings from the three models. We first provide the
ASM results of projected changes in cropland use. We then report the regression results
of the effect of changes in climate and cropland use on wetland and waterfowl produc-
tion obtained from the wetland and waterfowl model. Finally, we report the simulated
results of the responses of waterfowl populations to changes in climate and land use in
the PPR. Overall, we find that cropland in the PPR is likely to increase. Moreover, lower
pond numbers and higher crop shares are correlated with lower duck numbers. Thus,
ignoring land use change would lead to a significant underestimate of the impacts of
climate change on duck populations by as much as 10% or nearly 300,000 birds. Under
alternative climate scenarios, pond and wetland numbers decrease substantially, and
land use response to climate change generally exacerbates the negative effects of climate
change on duck populations.
Table 10.2 Acreage of major cropland use (1,000 acres) in the Prairie Pothole
Region (PPR) under climate change
Base MRI-CGCM 2.2 GFDL 2.0 GFDL 2.1 CGCM 3.1
Major croplanda (1000 acres)
Barley 2,216 1,438 1,557 1,544 1,510
Corn 19,085 19,961 22,040 21,904 20,614
Oats 513 372 438 371 383
Wheat 14,336 10,517 9,945 10,384 10,492
Hay 5,104 7,119 6,925 6,821 6,885
Silage 800 751 742 1,275 795
Soybeans 15,346 18,275 16,657 15,715 17,652
Sugar beets 710 398 437 404 436
Note: A Crop acreage in the PPR is calculated by breaking down results of ASM crop acreage into
the county level and reaggregating to the PPR level using spatial mapping approach discussed in
section 3.2.
section of Minnesota will have a large increase in crop share, which potentially reduces
waterfowl productivity. Increases in crop share are generally associated with conversion
of grassland to intensive cropland, which reduces quantity and quality of wetlands and
the suitability of upland land cover for waterfowl nesting. On the other hand, we predict
a large reduction of crop share in the southern section of Minnesota and the central to
southern part of South Dakota, which could benefit waterfowl if cropland is replaced by
land covers suitable to waterfowl production (e.g., grassland).
GFDL 2.1 relative to the base scenario CGCM 3.1 relative to the base scenario
0-5 6 - 20 21 - 40 41 - 60 > 60
FIGURE 10.3 Estimated percent change of county-level crop share from the base scenario under climate change in 2050 from GCM scenarios
in the Prairie Pothole Region.
Land Use, Climate Change, and Ecosystem Services 271
respectively, and highly significant F-statistics. The estimated equations, with fixed
effects omitted for simplicity and p-values in parentheses, are:
(< 0.0001) (< 0.0001) (0.013) (0.048) (0.073)
Parameter estimates generally have the expected sign and reasonable magnitudes.
Higher average temperatures, lower average precipitation, and higher shares of land in
crops decrease pond numbers. Similarly, higher pond numbers and lower crops shares
are correlated with high duck numbers. Harvest has a very small and positive effect on
duck numbers. This seemingly counterintuitive result is consistent with the theory that
harvest is compensatory (i.e., increased survival rates for birds not harvested compen-
sate for the loss of harvested birds—thus, the total population is no smaller than it would
have been in the absence of harvest). The estimate on harvest essentially implies that
every harvested duck is perfectly compensated for through increased production. The
estimated models allow us to predict impacts on waterfowl, given a climate scenario and
predicted land use from the ASM model.
Ponds Ducks
GFDL 2.0
GFDL 2.1
CGCM 3.1
FIGURE 10.4 Percent change in pond and duck numbers relative to 2007 baseline under four
alternative climate scenarios.
Table 10.3 Comparison of pond and duck prediction under climate change, with
and without land use response
Percent change from baseline
With land use change Without land use change
Ponds Ducks Ponds Ducks
Although climate change and the associated land use response are likely to have sig-
nificant impacts on ducks in the PPR, the impacts are not uniformly distributed over
space. Predicted temperatures and precipitation under alternative climate scenarios dif-
fer by waterfowl strata. Thus, even with our highly aggregated strata-level data, land use
response and the ultimate impact on ponds and ducks have spatial variations that could
be important for targeting programs to mitigate climate impacts.
Regardless of climate scenario, the Montana portion of the PPR (strata 41) is pre-
dicted to gain ducks with climate change. This region has historically been a relatively
low duck production area because it receives less rainfall than regions to the east and
south. It also has the lowest crop share of any strata. With climate change, the region is
predicted to gain precipitation and have relatively little change in the share of land in
crops. Thus, the region could see increased pond numbers with little loss in waterfowl
nesting habitat (Figure 10.5).
The central portion of the PPR is predicted to see the largest negative impacts to duck
populations. In all climate scenarios, the strata in eastern North and South Dakota lose
significant portions of their current duck populations. These strata currently produce
the most ducks (78%) because they have relatively high pond numbers and, related, sig-
nificant land area not in crop production (>50%). With climate change, these strata are
predicted to experience small to no increase in precipitation, significant temperature
increases, and the largest relative increases in crop land area. As a result, this tradition-
ally productive waterfowl region will have fewer ponds, less nesting habitat, and, as a
result, significantly fewer ducks.
In contrast, the strata in eastern and southern North and South Dakota are predicted
to have very modest gains or losses in duck populations across climate scenarios. Here,
the explanation is largely unrelated to climate change factors. These regions are cur-
rently dominated by intensive crop production (>60%), and, as a result, have relatively
low pond numbers. They therefore have not attracted many breeding ducks in recent
history. The changes in temperature, precipitation, and land use predicted under alter-
native climate scenarios are not substantial enough to significantly change, in either
direction, the waterfowl potential of these regions.
% Change from Baseline
< –35% –34% to –25% –24% to –15% –14% to –0% > 0%
FIGURE 10.5 Percent change in duck populations from baseline by waterfowl survey strata under alternative climate scenarios.
Land Use, Climate Change, and Ecosystem Services 275
4. Conclusion
This application examines the joint effect of climate change and the resulting land use
response on waterfowl production in the PPR by linking a model of land use changes
induced by climate change with a wildlife habitat and productivity model. Our results
reveal that overall cropland in the PPR is likely to increase, but changes vary spatially
across the region. In all the climate scenarios, small percent changes in crop share are
found in almost all of counties in the Iowa part of the PPR. A majority of climate sce-
narios project that areas in the eastern section of North Dakota, the western section of
South Dakota, and the central to northern section of Minnesota are generally predicted
to have a large increase in crop share. On the other hand, a large reduction of crop share
is likely detected in the southern section of Minnesota and the central to southern part
of South Dakota.
Using the estimates from the climate, wetlands, and waterfowl productivity mod-
els, we also find that (1) higher average temperatures, lower average precipitation, and
higher shares of land in crops relative to pasture decrease pond numbers; (2) lower pond
numbers and higher crop shares are correlated with lower duck numbers; and (3) yield
increase have a very small and positive effect on duck numbers. In addition, when we
include alternative climate scenarios and their effects on crop mixes, we find that pond
and wetland numbers decrease substantially, with a worst-case scenario reduction in
duck numbers of 25% from the 2007 baseline. For the GFDL 2.0 climate scenario, how-
ever, our results suggest an increase in ponds (9%) and thus duck populations (4%). The
study also finds that land use response to climate change generally exacerbates the nega-
tive effects of climate change on duck populations.
The spatial heterogeneity in climate effects could pose serious challenges to waterfowl
conservation efforts targeted toward climate mitigation. Investments could, for exam-
ple, be targeted toward securing habitat in Montana. These investments could further
bolster the predicted increases in duck production, given climate change. The Montana
region, however, has historically produced a very small proportion of the region’s ducks.
Moreover, even with the predicted improvements with climate change, this region does
not produce sufficient additional ducks to offset those lost in other regions. In the three
climate scenarios that reduce duck populations, for example, removing all land from
crop production in the Montana portion of the PPR only offsets 5% of the duck losses in
the rest of the PPR.
This suggests that conservation investments will have to be focused in the central or
eastern portion of the PPR to have any chance of significantly mitigating climate effects.
These regions, however, have high historic shares of land in crops and/or are predicted
to gain significant crop shares under alternative climate scenarios. Land in these regions
is therefore likely to be more highly valued. Thus, conservation efforts will have to com-
pete with agriculture to secure wetland and nesting habitat. Given the duck deficits
predicted under several climate scenarios, limited conservation budgets will likely be
276 Witsanu Attavanich et al.
challenged to conserve the amount of area required to mitigate climate change impacts.
Conservation programs will therefore need to be strategically targeted to maximize cost
effectiveness (see, e.g., Rashford and Adams 2007).
The findings and conclusions reported in this section also have implications for the
general literature on land use and ecosystems services reviewed earlier in this chapter.
Specifically, deriving policy-relevant conclusions about complex ecological systems is
only possible by integrating models from multiple disciplines. Moreover, models must
contain the linkages between the economic forces that drive human processes (e.g., land
use decisions) and the ecological performance supported by those same processes (e.g.,
landscapes). The analysis developed here is only possible because of considerable invest-
ment in an ecosystem-based land use model that was developed with input from mul-
tiple disciplines. Although the need for an interdisciplinary approach is intuitive and
has been discussed in the environmental economics literature for decades, in practice,
one finds relatively few empirical applications that are sufficiently integrated to be useful
in assessing the efficacy of alternative policies.
One reason for the lack of empirical applications has been normal tension between
disciplines and the lack of incentives to perform such assessments. In our opinion,
this reluctance or hesitancy to pursue truly integrated analyses is diminishing, due to
enhanced funding opportunities and the broadened curricula of graduate programs in
resource economics and in the natural sciences, which encourages an interdisciplinary
“mindset” in new graduates. Studies of the type we report here demonstrate the poten-
tial utility of investments in interdisciplinary team and model building.
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C HA P T E R 1 1
An Agent and a Consequence of
Land Use Change
As long as people and fire have coexisted on this planet, fire has been both purposefully
used as an agent and subsequently experienced as a consequence of land use change.
In fact, our ability to manipulate the landscape to our own purpose is fundamentally
dependent on our ability to use fire. This chapter begins with a history how people have
used fire as an agent of land use change over many millennia, how attitudes toward
fires have evolved over time, how fire policy has developed in the United States over
the last century, and what challenges for fire policy are emerging now. That is followed
by a description of three core themes that appear in the literature on the economics of
fire: spatial externalities, incentives, and risk-based decision analysis. The chapter closes
with a discussion of how future economics research might best contribute to the design
of efficient and effective fire policy for the future.
In the suite of books that comprise his Cycle of Fire and his subsequent synopsis,
“Fire: A Brief History” (Pyne 2001), Stephen Pyne, fire historian, describes three great
stages in the relationship between people, fire, and land use.
First, there was aboriginal fire. The colonization of vast areas by people was only
possible with fire as a tool. Prior to the capture of fire by humans, most places were
inhospitable for human habitation. People occupied only a small part of the land-
scape. However, once people could carry fire, they took it everywhere. As they col-
onized new places, they used fire to transform the landscape into, and maintain it
as, a place suitable for people to live in. Every major migration can be tracked in
the geologic record by a layer of charcoal that was left when the existing biota was
282 Claire A. Montgomery
burned and replaced with more fire-friendly ecosystems in which fuel was regener-
ated and made available for repeated burning. People brought more regularity to the
fire regime than had existed when fire occurrence depended on the coincidence of
lightning, burnable fuel, and dry weather, and most places burned more frequently
than before.
Regular use of fire altered ecosystems; it changed travel patterns of wildlife, moisture
regimes, and even entire microclimates. Vegetation and wildlife adapted to its regular
presence. It is usually this systematic and repeated use of fire by aboriginal people that
we really mean when we talk about “natural” fire regimes.
In this first stage, fire was used as a tool to convert large areas for humans to live
in, to hunt, to forage for food, and to protect villagers from predation, from warfare,
and, ironically, to protect from uncontrolled wildfire. Perhaps most importantly,
fire nurtured a sustainable supply of combustible fuel to be used for cooking, heat-
ing, and as the center of village life. Without anthropogenic fire, many areas would
revert to closed canopy forest, impenetrable by light and fire and hostile to human
Aboriginal fire was followed by agricultural fire. Large areas of existing vegeta-
tion had to be cleared for farming, and fire was an invaluable tool for that purpose.
Fire released nutrients from existing vegetation and, often, the period immediately
following the first burning was an enormously productive one. In some places, fire
was then used to beat back the encroaching vegetation and maintain the land in its
agricultural use. Once farming was established, fire could be part of a cycle of peri-
odic renewal that sustained continued productivity of a site; this included the burn-
ing of fields to stimulate sprouting of forage for livestock whose manure replenished
soil nutrients; it also included postharvest field burning to release nutrients from the
remaining vegetation, to prepare the field for replanting, and to purge the soil of dis-
ease and pests. In places where nutrients are so easily leached from soil that they are
mostly held in biomass, fire was part of the longer cycle of shifting agriculture. Fields
were cleared and nutrients released from the existing vegetation by fire. Farming con-
tinued until the soil was depleted. Then new sites were cleared by fire and old sites
were left for long periods of time in which the forest vegetation regrew and restocked
with nutrients.
Little remains of aboriginal fire; because it is free-ranging, it poses a threat in a densely
populated world. However, agricultural fire remains an important component of life.
For example, 1.2 million hectares of cropland is burned annually in the contiguous
United States alone (McCarty et al. 2009). Broadcast burning after clear-cut logging is a
common practice to prepare logged sites for forest regeneration (Van Lear and Waldrup
1991). Shifting agriculture is estimated to support up to 500 million people, mainly in
the tropics (Kleinman, Pimentel, and Bryant 1995). Biomass continues to be removed
from forests to provide fuel for the home; currently, fuelwood comprises nearly half of
global wood consumption (FAO 2011).
Now, most of the developed world is either in, or in transition to, the third stage in
which agricultural fire is supplanted by industrial fire. The nature of the relationship
Fire 283
between fire, people, and land use is, again, changing dramatically. Industrial fire is com-
bustion that is confined to engineered containers such as the engines of automobiles, the
boilers that produce steam heat, and the plants that burn coal to generate electricity to
power the appliances in urban homes. Industrial fire is ubiquitous in our lives and yet we
rarely see its flame. It is mostly fueled by fossilized biomass rather than living biomass. It
replaces agricultural fire with petrochemicals that enrich soil and kill pests—chemicals
that are produced elsewhere using industrial fire. Industrial fire doesn’t happen on the
landscape, but its implications for land use change are vast.
First, as living biomass is replaced with fossilized biomass to fuel combustion, people
are no longer altering only the landscape through fire; they are also altering the atmo-
sphere through the release of carbon from its geologic cache. The economics of carbon
and global climate change are addressed elsewhere in this book. Suffice it to say here that
climate change is a direct consequence of how the relationship between fire, people, and
land use is changing.
Second, the spread of industrial fire happened alongside urbanization. The combined
effect of these two trends is that people tend to see fire less as an integral part of their
homes and daily lives and more as a threat to both. People rarely see fire’s open flame
and, when they do, it is often in the form of wild and uncontrolled fire that destroys and
kills. Moreover, people who live primarily in the built environment tend to see the coun-
tryside less as a resource to be managed for use and more as a resource to be preserved to
provide refuge from the city and reserves for vegetation and wildlife. This urge to “pro-
tect nature” is having unintended consequences, at least with respect to wildfire. One
policy outcome has been the banishment of anthropogenic fire from most places. On
the other hand, policy for natural fire has been somewhat contradictory. In many places,
such as the western United States, fire is treated as a threat. It is aggressively suppressed
with the discipline and ardor of military action. In a few places where fire is recognized
as a natural ecological process, there have been experimental attempts to let wildfire
burn unhampered. For example, the National Park Service in the United States began
to reintroduce wildfire in the national parks in the 1950s and has largely held to that
policy in spite of a few spectacular fires, such as the fire that burned 320,000 hectares in
Yellowstone National Park in 1988, which have stirred public controversy (Carle 2002;
Omi 2005).
Indigenous people of the United States used fire for a variety of purposes, typically
burning in the spring and fall. Documented uses include driving game animals to places
where they were easier to hunt, encouraging sprouting of green forage for game, favor-
ing fire-adapted edible plants such as yucca, berries, camas, providing fire protection
by burning areas around settlements, controlling flies and mosquitoes, opening spaces
for easy travel, reducing fuels so that summer fires are less severe, and punishing and
harassing enemies (Williams 2000). Burning was not completely controlled, and there
were likely many escaped fires. Most areas appear to have been burned frequently—
sometimes every 1–3 years. The overall effect was that when European immigrants ven-
tured west, they found broad expanses of tall grass prairie, oak savanna, or chaparral,
particularly in river basins.
284 Claire A. Montgomery
By the time European settlement of the west occurred, indigenous populations had
been decimated by disease and conquest; they and their fires were, for the most part,
removed from the landscape. Encroachment of forest on the valleys and plains was well
underway. For example, in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, early logging towns were
located high in the Coast Range or the foothills of the Cascades because that was where
the interface between oak savanna and Douglas fir forest was. Now the forest has crept
up to the Willamette River except where it has been blocked by agriculture and urban
The elimination of frequent burning led to a build-up of fuels so that when fire did
occur, either from lightning strikes or escaped anthropogenic fire, it was more likely
to be large and catastrophic. For example, in 1871, the Peshtigo fire burned 500,000
hectares in Wisconsin and Michigan and killed at least 1,250 people. The Yacolt fire in
Washington burned about 400,000 hectares and killed 38 people in 1902. The Great Fire
of 1910 burned 1.2 million hectares in Washington, Idaho, and Montana killing over 85
people (Omi 2005).
This set the stage for federal fire policy in the 20th century. When the United States
National Forest Reserve system (later to become the USDA Forest Service) was estab-
lished in 1891, its first responsibility was to protect the forests from fire. Debate raged
about whether all wildfire should be suppressed or whether wildfire could be controlled
and used for beneficial purposes (Carle 2002). However, the great fires that were occur-
ring across the continent dampened the debate and a policy of aggressive fire suppres-
sion was adopted. The 1908 Forest Fires Emergency Act authorized unlimited spending
to fight wildfire (Omi 2005) effectively eliminating fiscal responsibility. In 1935, fed-
eral forest fire policy became formalized in the so-called “10:00 A.M. policy,” the goal of
which was to contain every wildfire by 10:00 A.M. the day after it was reported. Bambi
and Smokey the Bear brought a message to the public that forest fire is an enemy to be
The suppression policy was successful in reducing the extent of wildfire for a while,
but by the 1970s, it was becoming apparent to fire ecologists and forest managers that
a policy of aggressive suppression could not be sustained (Biswell 1980). Fire exclusion
was driving forest conditions well outside the range of variation that had prevailed in the
forests of the western United States for millennia. Forest fire fuels were accumulating in
the form of downed woody debris and dead standing trees. Without fire to cleanse the
forest of weak and diseased trees, whole forests were swept by insect infestations, add-
ing even more to fuel loads. Ingrowth of seedlings that would have been eliminated by a
light burning developed into ladder fuels capable of carrying fire into the forest canopy
where it is far more deadly. When wildfire occurred, it was becoming far more difficult
and costly to contain.
Recognizing the beneficial effects of light fire, federal land management agencies
began to revise fire policy to encourage preventative measures, such as mechanical fuel
removal, prescribed burning, and restoration thinning. The most recent guidelines allow
all fires, including human-caused or unplanned fires, to be used to achieve management
Fire 285
and resource goals (Lasko 2010). This means that both anthropogenic fire (prescribed
burning) and cautious use of wildfire are now considered viable management tools.
However, change has been slow to arrive. Although current policy allows for wildfire
use, less than 0.5% of wildfires originating on federal land were allowed to burn between
1998 and 2008 (NIFC 2011). Wildland fire activity in the western United States con-
tinues to increase in the 2000s, and fire suppression expenditures continue to escalate
(Calkin et al. 2005; NIFC 2011). Even though the 1908 Forest Fires Emergency Act was
repealed in 1978, Congress continues to reimburse the agencies for fire suppression
costs. The USDA Forest Service, which is responsible for approximately 70% of all wild-
land fire expenditures in the United States, tripled its annual expenditure on fire sup-
pression in the 2000’s over the levels of the previous three decades (Abt, Prestemon, and
Gebert, 2009).
At the same time, the aging of the baby-boom generation, increasing wealth, and
technological change that allows people to interact with one another at a distance
are fueling a wave of low density housing development along the edge of, and inter-
mixed with, wildland that has forest fire fuels. The extent of area that can be classified
as wildland-urban interface (WUI) has increased by over 50% since the 1970s and is
expected to increase by another 10% by 2030. Nearly 90% of the WUI in the 11 western
states of the United States can be classified as a high wildfire-hazard type (Theobald
and Romme 2007). People are drawn to the WUI because they want the amenities of a
forest or wildland setting. However, they also want the benefits of urban life, including
protection of lives and property from fire. This phenomenon of WUI development is
challenging to wildland managers because it imposes conflicting management man-
dates—to manipulate vegetation to block fire from destroying residences while, at
the same time, managing vegetation and wildlife in its natural state—of which fire is a
Although the details of fire policy and forest ecology described here are specific to the
United States, the general pattern—ecosystems adapted to frequent burning by indig-
enous people, subsequent banishment of anthropogenic fire with industrialization and
urbanization, massive fuel accumulation, escalating wildfire severity and cost—is not
(Pyne 1995). In the Russian taiga, fire suppression was as aggressively military during
the Cold War as it was in the United States. Anthropogenic fire was totally banned dur-
ing the Brezhnev years. Now, with the resulting fuel accumulation, combined with the
collapse of the Soviet Union, the number of wildfires is fairly steady, but area burned and
expenditure to control fire are exploding. On the Iberian peninsula, fuel loading was
controlled more by intense grazing than by anthropogenic fire, but with the shift from
rural to urban life, grazing diminished, fuels built up, and wildfire became more fre-
quent and more damaging. The authoritarian regimes of Salazar in Portugal and Franco
in Spain took up the charge to suppress wildfire with the same military vigor as in the
United States. Similar patterns appear in Brazil, Sweden (a country thought to be named
after its long practice of slash and burn, or svedje, agriculture), Canada (Martell 2011),
and elsewhere.
286 Claire A. Montgomery
Economists have only recently turned to these issues, but three themes appear to be emerg-
ing in the economics literature: inefficiency in the face of the spatial externalities associ-
ated with fire, the influence of institutional incentives (e.g., liability rules, insurance, and
regulations) on private landowners’ and public land managers’ decisions about fire risk
management, and the development of tools to guide fire and fuel management decisions.
2. Landowners ignore the spatial fuel treatment externality. They do timber and
fuel management.
3. Landowners do timber management and no fuel treatment. This model is equiv-
alent to Reed (1984) in which an isolated timber landowner responds to fire risk
by harvesting earlier.
The solutions were compared to a “socially optimal” baseline in which fuel and timber
management decisions are made by a single agent to maximize expected net present
value of timber and amenities on both units. The results demonstrate the potential for
inefficient fuel management choices. Landowners do too little fuel treatment for two
reasons: they don’t bear fire suppression costs, which depend on fuel loads, and they try
to free-ride on their neighbors’ fuel treatment. In numerical simulations, it appears that
the suppression cost externality is a far greater problem than the spatial fuel treatment
externality. As formulated, this model is relevant primarily for small private timber
landowners such as those that dominate the landscape in the southern and southeastern
United States and in Scandinavia.
Busby, Albers, and Montgomery (2012) took the problem into the WUI where private
owners choose fuel management to protect their own buildings and the stream of ame-
nity values generated on their own and adjacent units that accrue to them. Public land
managers choose fuel management to protect public goods such as aesthetics, wildlife,
and ecosystem health. Because nontimber values dominate in the WUI, timber was
not included in this model. Fuel treatment reduces fire severity and, hence, extent of
damage on the treated unit and adjacent units. However, landowners ignore the effect
of their fuel treatment on fire spread. Fire suppression is exogenous and not part of the
landowners’ decision process. This is approximately true in the WUI where any wildfire
brings on a full (and expensive) fire-suppression effort.
The authors were particularly interested in the effect of the spatial pattern of owner-
ships (public and private) on the extent of inefficiency arising from spatial externalities
in both fire risk and amenity value. They formulated the problem as a game in which
one player represents a coordinated private landowner and the other player represents
the public-land-management agency. The game was solved for each of five spatial pat-
terns of ownership ranging from two adjacent blocks of public and private land to a
nine-square checkerboard of public and private ownership. The following cases were
modeled: spatial externality from fire spread only; spatial externalities from both fire
spread and amenity values; and three forms of response of fire severity to fuel treatment.
The results suggest that the spatial pattern of ownership in the WUI matters; increasing
fragmentation decreases efficiency as landowners free-ride on the fuel treatment effort
of adjacent landowners. That inefficiency is offset somewhat by the presence of off-site
amenities as landowners increase fuel treatment in order to provide protection for
amenities generated on adjacent units. The results also suggest that nonlinear response
functions for fire severity give rise to strategic behavior as landowners choose their
own fuel treatment levels to influence fuel treatment on adjacent units. Evidence from
an empirical analysis of homeowners’ fuel treatment choices in the WUI in Colorado
288 Claire A. Montgomery
(Shafran 2008) indicates that landowners are indeed influenced by their neighbors’ fuel
treatment choices and that it matters whether adjacent property is publicly or privately
owned. These models are particularly relevant for understanding how optimal policy
might differ between the two main categories of WUI: the interface where residential
development presses up against wildland and the intermix where residential develop-
ment is dispersed throughout the wildland.
2.2 Incentives Matter
Fire management in and around the WUI is further complicated by the fact that both
private homeowners and agency fire managers face a complex mix of incentives for
managing fire risk.
Private homeowners may engage in risk averting activities and/or they may purchase
insurance. However, the efficiency of insurance and real estate markets depends on the
availability of accurate information about wildfire hazard. The state of California, where
structure values in the WUI are high, has implemented a natural hazards disclosure law
(AB 1195) that requires homeowners to inform potential buyers of hazard ratings for an
array of hazards, including wildfire, when they sell their homes. Troy and Romm (2007)
used hedonic pricing to explore how house prices were affected by implementation of
the law, but their results were mixed. Troy (2007) speculated that other fire insurance
laws may have actually promoted development in the WUI in California by subsidizing
insurance in high hazard zones for people who otherwise could not obtain it.
To the extent that fire reduces both market (e.g., structures) and nonmarket values
(e.g., amenities), insurance can only partially compensate a loss. Therefore, there is rea-
son for homeowners to avert risk even when full market insurance is available and risks
are accurately known. In fact, Talberth et al. (2006) analyzed experimental and survey
data and found that most households choose to purchase a mix of insurance and avert-
ing activities and that households that rated amenity values as high devote relatively
more of their budget to averting risk than those who do not.
Ehrlich and Becker (1972), in a theoretical analysis of the demand for insurance,
defined two types of risk-averting actions: “Self-insurance” reduces the size of a loss
when a hazardous event occurs and “self-protection” reduces the probability of a haz-
ardous event occurring. Fuel treatment by individual households is most effective as
self-insurance; homeowners treat fuel around their homes to reduce the intensity of any
fire that occurs and/or to create “defensible space” immediately around the structure.
Self-protection requires that fuel treatment be broad enough in scale to slow or block
the spread of fire across the landscape, increasing the likelihood that fire will be con-
tained before it reaches residential developments. Private landowners are unlikely to
undertake treatment at such a scale because it requires coordination among landowners
and because the large expanse of forest where fire often originates is mostly public in the
western United States. Hence, investment in self-protection is largely the responsibility
of public-land-management agencies.
Fire 289
wildfire-suppression expenditures. Each national forest would pay a premium into the
pool based on past suppression expenditures, the level of fire risk, and management
to reduce that risk via preventative measures such as fuel treatment and beneficial use
of wildfire. Premiums would be adjusted regularly to reflect changes in risk status and
suppression cost containment. This structure would provide incentives to reduce risk
through fuel treatment, to place firebreaks around high-valued resources, and to use
cost-effective suppression strategies.
Furthermore, resources that are allocated to fuel treatment may not be applied
cost-effectively. Although the Healthy Forests Restoration Act directs that priority be
given to fuel treatment in and around the WUI (HFRA 2003, Sec. 103), that may not be
the strategy that most effectively protects private property values. Ager, Vaillant, and
Finney (2010) used repeated simulation of fire on a landscape in northeast Oregon to
generate burn probability profiles under two fuel-treatment strategies: one in which
areas with the greatest fuel accumulations were prioritized for treatment and one
in which areas in and near the WUI were prioritized for treatment. Their results sug-
gest that a strategy of treating relatively remote areas with the greatest fuel accumula-
tions could substantially reduce fire risk in the WUI. That is because fires that ignite
in remote places will spread more slowly and thus be less likely to reach the WUI (pro-
viding self-protection) than when treatment is concentrated in the WUI (providing
The least costly method of fuel treatment, prescribed burning, is likely to be underuti-
lized due to concerns about liability. Prescribed burning reduces the risk associated with
wildfire by reducing fuel loads on the landscape, but it can escape prescription to wreak
havoc on nearby property. For example, the 2000 Cerro Grande fire was a prescribed fire
that escaped and burned 18,000 hectares and destroyed 235 homes in Los Alamos, New
Yoder et al. (2003) and Yoder (2004) developed an analytical model of prescribed
burning and ran simulations to explore the interaction of three related decisions under
different forms of liability rules. Landowners who benefit from burning choose when to
use prescribed burning and they choose the level of precaution to take against its escape.
Adjacent homeowners choose the level of self-insurance undertaken (fuel treatment on
their own property and creation of defensible space around their homes). Yoder’s model
indicates that there is a trade-off between risk from escaped prescribed fire while treat-
ing fuels and risk from wildfire if fuels are not treated. To the extent that liability rules
apply only to damage from escaped prescribed fire, prescribed burning for fuel treat-
ment purposes is underutilized. Strict liability (where the burner is liable for damage
regardless of precautionary measures taken) is likely to result in too little use of pre-
scribed burning for any purpose. However, most states have some form of negligence
rule that frees the burner from liability unless it can be shown that he or she was neg-
ligent in some way. Negligence rules may be designed to encourage the efficient level
of precaution on the part of the burner, but the decision about when and how much to
burn will still be distorted by the failure to impose liability for the wildfire hazard aris-
ing from the presence of untreated fuels. The homeowners will also make suboptimal
Fire 291
fire-risk-management decisions. To the extent that the burner is liable for damage from
escaped prescribed fire, homeowners will undertake too little self-insurance.
Although the federal government is not directly liable under state law for damage
from prescribed fire, it may be sued under the Federal Tort Claims Act if it or its employ-
ees can be shown to be negligent according to the laws of the place where the action
occurred (U.S.C. Title 28, 1346(b)). Hence, the incentives facing public fire managers
will also likely lead to overly cautious use of prescribed fire. There is a movement to bal-
ance liability for prescribed fire with liability for wildfire spreading from national forests
that have an abnormal accumulation of forest fire fuels. See, for example, the proposed
Enhanced Safety from Wildfire Act introduced in 2003 (USGPO 2003). These efforts, if
successful, could tilt the scale back toward fuel treatment.
time soon. Venn and Calkin (2011) acknowledge these challenges and propose an eco-
nomics research agenda to address them.
Optimization takes risk assessment one step further by attempting to identify actions
and strategies that optimally achieve management objectives. All of the modeling chal-
lenges that must be addressed in fire-risk assessment must also be addressed in opti-
mization. The main challenge in moving beyond simulation-based risk assessment to
optimization is computational.
Optimization has a long history in forestry (Montgomery and Adams 1995). The
stand-level problem of how long to hold a tree before harvesting was first posed over
150 years ago by a German forester named Faustmann (1968) and confirmed just
35 years ago by Samuelson (1976). The problem is easy to solve numerically if the
timber-stand volume function is known. Economists have since extended the basic
analytical model to include the flow of ecosystem services dependent on attributes of
standing timber (Hartman 1976; Strang 1983). The Faustmann model was extended to
include fire by Reed (1984), who demonstrated that the optimal response to fire risk is to
harvest timber at a younger age.
The Faustmann model applies to a single isolated stand of trees. However, foresters
don’t manage stands; they manage forests composed of many stands of different ages.
Regulations on forest practices impose an array of spatial constraints, such as maximum
clear-cut size and limits on activities on adjacent stands because many of the benefits
from ecosystem services depend on the spatial pattern of vegetation, such as wildlife
habitat contiguity and connectivity.
When a problem is spatial, it is combinatorial and generally involves integer deci-
sion variables. For some problems, there may be no exact solution algorithm; for others,
the size of the problem quickly outgrows available computational resources (Bettinger,
Sessions, and Boston 2009) because the decision space grows exponentially with the
number of management units. Because of this so-called “curse of dimensionality,”
approximate methods such as genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, and Tabu search
(Reeves 1993) are used in forestry where they have found some degree of acceptance
(for example, Yoshimoto, Brodie, and Sessions 1994; Lichtenstein and Montgomery
2003; Nalle et al. 2004; and Hummel and Calkin 2005).
Adding a large-scale stochastic disturbance, such as fire, to the mix complicates the
problem enormously. Fire is spatial and temporal because its spread across the land-
scape depends on the spatial configuration of fuels, wildlife and other forest values at
risk from fire depend on the spatial configuration of vegetation, and both vegetation
and fuels evolve over time depending on the spatial configuration and timing of man-
agement activities. The fire problem is stochastic and dynamic because the optimality
of decisions made now depends on future fire events that cannot be predicted with any
certainty and for which possible outcomes are wildly diverse. Decisions in future peri-
ods will surely depend on the occurrence of fire events in the interim. Adaptation to new
information as it arrives must be accounted for in the current decision.
The problem can be formulated as a stochastic dynamic programming prob-
lem in which, in each period, the fire manager chooses a spatial vector of timber and
Fire 293
The second problem is that once the spatial aspect of a resource-management prob-
lem is accounted for, it is very difficult to draw any general inference from the results.
Detailed models yield results that are specific to a particular landscape and cannot be
applied elsewhere, but even the more stylized models of economists can be hard to
interpret. In fact, general tendencies in the Konoshima results were identified by visual
examination of the solutions—of which there were many.
Because fire is just now attracting the attention of economists, economic analysis of fire
is relatively rare in both the economics literature and the fire literature. However, the
consequences of ignoring fire or of prolonging the status quo of aggressive fire suppres-
sion and banishment of anthropogenic fire could be costly. Economists can make an
important contribution to the design of efficient and effective fire policy for the future.
In this concluding section, I suggest several paths that could advance existing research
in ways that may be especially relevant for pressing policy concerns. I close the section
by speculating about the role of economics in the broader context of the complex eco-
systems of which fire is an important component.
Existing studies of fire-risk management in the WUI take the current configuration
of land ownership and residential development as given. They focus on how households
choose to invest in risk-averting activities to protect private property values. The inter-
action between private landowners and public-land managers should continue to be
explored using game theory in order to learn more about the potential to reduce the
negative effects of spatial externalities via insurance, liability rules, cost-sharing, and
coordinating groups such as homeowners’ associations and cooperatives. However, the
larger question of whether there is too much residential development in fire-prone for-
ests has yet to be addressed. Does the fact that the federal government bears the cost
of forest-fire suppression, and some of the liability for the damage that wildfire causes,
create moral hazard? This question might be addressed by modeling land use change
and amenity migration. And, if the answer is yes, those models might be used to explore
means of internalizing wildfire risk in the decision to locate in the WUI.
The existing literature identifies several cases in which incentives that public-agency
fire managers face do not lead to socially optimal choices. The most important sources of
inefficiency appear to be (1) the lack of feedback between fire hazard reduction (e.g., fuel
treatment) and fire suppression decisions, and (2) the absence of any effective budget
limit for suppression. The incentives for individual managers within the agencies that
are responsible for fire suppression, and also for managing large expanses of public land
where fuel accumulation is most severe, are seriously misaligned with overall agency
objectives. This is an opportunity for the economics of public choice. There is much to be
gained by exploring what motivates the interactions between three sets of actors: indi-
viduals within the agencies, elected officials who determine policy and allocate funding,
Fire 295
and the voting individuals who elect them. Analysis could focus on realigning budgets
so that suppression and prevention are endogenous, developing performance measures
for fire managers that truly reflect desired outcomes, linking budgets to outcomes, and
lessening the effect of risk aversion on suppression decisions. Thompson et al.’s (2013)
proposal to establish an insurance pool to pay for fire suppression is one example of
what might come out of this line of research.
One limiting factor in extending risk assessment to the optimization of fire and
fuel management is the computational difficulty of the problem. The challenge is two-
fold: first, to solve the computational problem, and then to interpret the results once it
is solved. The appropriate decision framework for fire is stochastic dynamic program-
ming. Because fire is spatial, however, any specification of the problem that is realis-
tic enough to be informative to policy makers and land managers, and large enough in
scale to capture important fire behavior, will not be amenable to analytical methods and
will be too large to solve using exact methods. The approximate optimization methods
currently used in forestry are useful for large problems that involve spatial interactions,
but they are not dynamic and, hence, not adequate for modeling policy in the context of
large-scale stochastic disturbance, such as fire.
There is hope. New methods in operations research and computer science are being
developed and evaluated. One, in particular, approximate dynamic programming
(ADP), also known as reinforcement learning (Powell 2009), may prove useful for the
fire problem. The policy iteration version of ADP is intriguing because, instead of pro-
ducing a specific plan for a landscape, it produces a “rule” that recommends an action
based on attributes of the state (vegetation and fuels) and attributes of the stochas-
tic event (ignition and weather) that are known at the time of the decision. The basic
idea of ADP with policy iteration is to “learn” an optimal policy by iteratively solving
a deterministic problem for each of a large number of individual Monte Carlo simula-
tions of future time paths of random events (e.g., ignitions and weather). The solutions
provide data for estimating a policy rule using regression. The process is repeated until
the policy rule stabilizes. The policy rule, thus derived, would be applicable only to the
landscape on which it was developed. However, it may be possible to apply techniques
of machine learning to derive more general results by systematically “tweaking” the
attributes of the landscape in order “learn” a more general model for fire management.
The coefficients of the resulting policy rule are simple to interpret because they reveal
how optimal choices adjust to changing external conditions. In ongoing research, we
are attempting to apply ADP to the problem of when it is optimal to allow a wildfire
to burn, and we hope to extend it to the optimal placement of fuel treatments on a
Finally (and in a necessarily speculative vein), the relationship between fire, people,
and land use is just one small aspect of the larger question of how we live on our planet
in a sustainable manner. Fire is an ecological process that plays an important role in
the functioning of complex ecosystems. Its exclusion has ramifications well beyond the
immediate impacts to people of increasing suppression costs and loss of property and
lives. Complex ecosystems often exhibit cycles of conservation and renewal that are
296 Claire A. Montgomery
triggered by disturbances such as fires and hurricanes (Holling 1995). These cycles and
interactions occur at many scales in time and space.
In the Oregon Coast Range (for example), the natural disturbance regime appears to
be infrequent large-scale catastrophic fire events every 100–400 years. These fires play a
critical role in the renewal of the aquatic ecosystems that support salmon populations.
Without fire to kill large trees and trigger landslides, the stream systems become starved
of large woody debris and sediment. Over time, the complexity and quality of freshwater
salmon habitat declines and populations collapse (Reeves et al. 1995). Currently, sev-
eral evolutionarily significant units of Pacific salmon and distinct populations segments
of steelhead in the Pacific Northwest are listed as endangered under the Endangered
Species Act (NOAA 2011). Degradation of freshwater habitat that results from exclu-
sion of catastrophic disturbance from watersheds in coastal forests is one contributing
factor. Reeves and Duncan (2009) argue that disturbance is crucial to the maintenance
of salmon habitat and, since reintroduction of catastrophic fire is unlikely to be socially
acceptable, forested watersheds should be managed to mimic its effect. Instead, how-
ever, these watersheds are managed to maintain steady conditions over time and across
space so that habitat is moderately degraded everywhere and high-quality habitat exists
nowhere (Reeves, Burnett, and Gregory 2002).
C. S. Holling, one of the early contributors to the field of ecological economics,
describes case after case in which people who are uncomfortable with uncertainty
attempt to bring order to chaos, protect resources, and ensure a predictable supply of
ecosystem services by regulating ecosystems to uniform standards in order to dampen
disturbance cycles. There is no place for wildfire in these managed ecosystems. Natural
cycles of conservation, disruption, and renewal are interrupted so that, over time, eco-
systems become “brittle,” that is, less resilient and more vulnerable to collapse when dis-
turbance does occur (Holling 1995).
People are comforted by stability and it can be argued that one legitimate role of gov-
ernment is to reduce uncertainty, limit fluctuations, and maintain a stable economy.
However, as Holling notes, in ecological systems there is a trade-off between local sta-
bility and global stability. The challenge for economists is to inform the design of land
use policy so that it finds a balance between social acceptability and ecological resil-
ience, allowing for disturbance at local temporal and spatial scales in the interest of
sustaining stability at larger and longer scales. In the traditional regulatory approach to
resource policy, the standards that are imposed must be enforceable. For regulations to
be enforceable, they must be applied uniformly to outcomes that can be observed and
measured. Regulations that are too complicated and allow variability may be perceived
as arbitrary and unfair.
What can economics bring to this dilemma? In recent decades, there has been a grow-
ing interest in the application of the science of complexity to economic systems (Rosser
1999). One working definition of complexity from Durlauf (1998) states, “[A]system
is said to be complex when it exhibits some type of order as a result of the interactions
of many heterogeneous objects.” It has long been recognized that economic systems are
Fire 297
complex by that definition. Because the aggregate economy is the result of many agents,
all with different histories, endowments and objectives, interacting with one another in
markets, it is fundamentally complex (Colander 2009).
The emerging discipline of complexity economics is developing in many directions.
However, there do appear to be some common themes that are relevant for resource pol-
icy for complex ecosystems. One is that, when systems are complex, we can never know
enough about each of its elements to allow us to predict specific outcomes. We can only
predict general patterns that may occur (Hayek 1999). The idea that there exists a steady
state for the economy is replaced with the notion that economic systems evolve over
time and the path of that evolution cannot be predicted because it depends on a legacy
of past events (path dependency) and also on chance (Colander 2009). There appears to
be a sense that the most robust systems are those that are self-regulating. In other words,
if regulations that must be strictly defined and enforced can be replaced with an institu-
tional environment in which incentives are designed to lead individual agents to make
choices that are consistent with the overall objective, the outcome may be an environ-
ment more tolerant of local variation and, hopefully, more stable in the long run.
As promised, this section is mostly speculative. The discipline of complexity econom-
ics is in its infancy and it is not clear what it will yield. My thinking about its potential
application to land use and resource policy when disturbance is important for ecosys-
tem health is, likewise, in its infancy, and it is not clear what that will yield. However,
my hope is that this avenue of research will provide new and useful insights for future
resource management and policy—particularly with respect to fire.
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C HA P T E R 1 2
Land is a fundamental resource, and the character of the landscape influences quality
of life in significant ways. “Land use” refers to more than simply the pattern of differ-
ent land covers (e.g., cropland, forests, urban) in space. Rather, land use is “the total of
arrangements, activities, and inputs that people undertake in a certain land cover type
to produce, change, or maintain it” (FAO/UNEP 1999). In other words, land use for a
particular parcel encompasses land cover, as well as management intensity and prac-
tices. Changing land use could mean changing land cover, or it could mean maintaining
the same land cover while altering management. Land use determines the availability
of primary inputs including food, fiber, building materials, and even developable land.
If the consequences of individual land use decisions were to fall entirely on individual
landowners, markets for these inputs should result in an efficient allocation of land uses.
However, individual land use decisions—and the resulting land use patterns—may gen-
erate environmental and social externalities.
First, the decision to extract ecosystem goods and services from the landscape may
generate an environmental externality. Removing ecosystem goods or managing land to
enhance the production of these goods may have indirect consequences on flows of sup-
porting ecosystem services, such as freshwater storage and release, soil formation and
fertility, biodiversity, and climate regulation (DeFries et al. 2004). Typically, land use
activities involve making natural resources available for human consumption at some
cost to environmental quality. This is the case for farming or forestry, as well as for urban
development (Foley et al. 2005).
Second, land use decisions and the resulting patterns may give rise to social externali-
ties, including the impacts on local public finance and school quality. Collective land
use decisions shape community well-being in ways beyond market and environmental
impacts. The link between land use and various indicators of environmental quality has
been the subject of much research. This chapter explores the social implications of land
use, which have been less well-studied. Collectively, the socially relevant features of a
Land Use and Municipal Profiles 303
city or a neighborhood may be termed its “municipal profile.” Relevant features include
local taxes and public services, public safety and health, open-space provision and natu-
ral amenities, income distribution, housing prices, development densities, demographic
composition and distribution, and transit and congestion.
Land use patterns affect municipal profiles. For example, urban sprawl has been
linked to obesity, congestion, and open-space loss (see, e.g., Nechyba and Walsh 2004;
Plantinga and Bernell 2007). Suburbanization is often associated with income stratifica-
tion and concentrated poverty, with their inherent fiscal and social implications (e.g.,
Mieszkowski and Mills 1993). Municipal profiles in turn affect land use patterns. The
expression “flight from blight” refers to falling incomes and deteriorating public safety
and services causing high-income households to relocate from city centers to suburbs
and thus contributing to suburbanization and sprawl. Conversely, high-income com-
munities may enact zoning and tax regimes that affect land use patterns by attracting
new residents and/or restricting the pattern of development.
In many cases—and in many economic models (e.g., Wu 2007)—the interaction
between land use and municipal profiles is self-reinforcing. “Flight from blight” further
diminishes central city incomes and tax revenues, leading to deteriorating public ser-
vices and safety and thus more flight. High-income suburbs with high tax revenue and
high levels of services attract more high-income households. Other urban development
phenomena are also self-reinforcing, including gentrification and urban revitalization.
Historically, urban expansion has been accompanied by the rise of the automobile
and patterns of suburbanization. This is markedly true in the United States but holds
internationally as well (Mieszkowski and Mills 1993). This much-lamented tendency
has been associated with social and environmental costs. Many households continue to
locate in the urban fringe. Despite social and environmental externalities, households
enjoy substantial private benefits from consuming more land and housing. Sprawl and
other “undesirable” development patterns leave many households better off. That is not
to say that such land use patterns are efficient. Indeed, they have given rise to regula-
tions and incentive-based policies aimed at correcting perceived inefficiencies associ-
ated with “excessive sprawl,” including urban growth boundaries, zoning protections for
open space, and impact fees for new development.
The aggregate location decisions of firms and households are the drivers behind both
land use and municipal profile change. Two primary bodies of economic literature
attempt to explain historical development patterns through the lens of household loca-
tional choice. The contemporary urban economics literature dates back to the mono-
centric city model, with early incarnations by Alonso (1964), Mills (1967), and Muth
(1969). This approach explains historical patterns of suburbanization in terms of rising
incomes, falling commuting costs, and newer housing on the periphery. In contrast, the
local public finance approach explains development patterns in terms of preferences for
alternative bundles of local taxes and public goods and services. This body of literature
expands on Tiebout’s (1956) household sorting model.
Although urban economics models capture the primary drivers of urban expan-
sion, they do not account for other factors that influence household locational choice
304 Edward Stone and JunJie Wu
within a metropolitan area, including amenities and public finances (Nechyba and
Walsh 2004). Local public finance models include these factors and better explain why
many households moving to the suburbs prefer to form homogeneous groups, but these
models are typically aspatial. Due to data limitations, the bulk of empirical research
in this area has focused on changes at the county or city level, although many relevant
decisions are made at a smaller scale. Recent developments in computing, especially
Geographic Information System (GIS) software, facilitate observation and analysis
within metropolitan areas.
The purpose of this chapter is twofold: first, to survey the most significant develop-
ments in theory and analyses that explore the interactions among household location
decisions, land use patterns, and municipal profiles; and, second, based on the survey, to
explore strategies to model these interactions using a case study from Portland, Oregon.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 1 reviews the literature
in urban economics and local public finance that focuses on various links between land
use and municipal profiles. Section 2 illustrates the role of emerging data and informa-
tion technologies in modeling household location choice within a metropolitan area,
as opposed to at the county or city level. Section 2 also discusses appropriate estimation
strategies. Section 3 provides a conclusion.
1. Literature Review
Household preferences and collective location decisions determine land use patterns
and neighborhood characteristics.1 This section first reviews the literature on household
location decisions and then focuses on the interactions between location decisions and
municipal profiles.
Strictly speaking, land use and thus municipal profiles are determined by the collective location
decisions of both households and firms. Although an in-depth investigation of firm location decisions
is beyond the scope of this chapter, there is a rich literature in this area. One fundamental question is
whether jobs follow people or people follow jobs. For example, Muth (1971) finds that jobs primarily
follow people. Carlino and Mills (1987) find that people primarily follow jobs. By focusing on
households, the framework presented in this chapter implicitly assumes that jobs follow people.
Land Use and Municipal Profiles 305
early incarnations of the monocentric city model (e.g., Alonso 1964; Mills 1967; Muth
1969), all employment lies within the central business district (CBD), households are
differentiated by income, and the key difference between alternative household loca-
tions is distance to the CBD. Since housing closer to the employment center requires less
commuting, it is more desirable and therefore more expensive. Thus, households face a
tradeoff between commuting time and housing price. Those who choose to live farther
away incur higher commuting costs but face lower housing prices and can thus afford to
consume more housing. The primary driver behind suburbanization and modern urban
spatial expansion has been falling commuting cost due to the proliferation of the auto-
mobile and the development of highway systems. Simple CBD models account for this
driver and correctly predict expanding urban footprints in the face of decreasing trans-
portation costs. However, simple CBD models do not account for a number of other
relevant factors—including alternative transportation modes, locational amenities, and
age of the housing stock—nor do they predict multicentric metropolitan areas and vari-
ous observed historical development patterns. A number of researchers have relaxed
assumptions and generalized CBD models to address these concerns.
LeRoy and Sonstelie (1983) incorporate two alternative transport modes—one fast
and one slow—and demonstrate that when the rich are better able to afford the faster
mode, they will tend to suburbanize more rapidly than others. They argue that this was
the case early on with the automobile. However, as the cost of the faster mode falls (the
vast majority of American households can now afford car-commuting), the rich lose
this comparative advantage for suburbanizing. In fact, since wages—and thus opportu-
nity cost of time—are higher for high earners, LeRoy and Sonstelie predict gentrifica-
tion by the rich as commuting costs fall and the poor suburbanize. According to this
model, when the rich and poor use the same transport mode, the rich will tend to locate
in the city center.
Brueckner, Thisse, and Zenou (1999) add natural and historical amenities to explain
alternative income distributions across different cities. They observe the stark differ-
ence between most American cities, where high-income households tend to live in the
suburbs, and many European cities, where the wealthy occupy the central city.2 Their
model explains these differences in terms of differing levels of natural and historical
amenities across cities. As with classic CBD models, the rich are pulled to the suburbs
by their preference for more housing, which is available more cheaply on the periph-
ery; simultaneously, they are pulled into the center by their high time-cost of commut-
ing. However, this model also allows for heterogeneous levels of natural and historical
amenities between the center and the suburbs. When the central city, such as Paris, has
high levels of amenities, these constitute an additional attraction for the wealthy. On
balance, the time-cost effect and the amenity effect outweigh the housing price effect,
2 The simple CBD model is consistent both with the rich locating in the center (the ratio of
commuting cost per mile to housing consumption increases with income) and with the rich locating in
the suburbs (opposite). However, it seems implausible that the behavior of this ratio across countries
306 Edward Stone and JunJie Wu
and the wealthy locate in the center. When the central city has low or even negative ame-
nity value, as in Detroit, the housing price effect dominates, and the wealthy locate in
the suburbs. A key assumption of this model is that preferences for amenities rise with
Wu (2006) incorporates amenities in a different fashion. Distinguishing between
exogenous amenities (natural and historical features) and endogenous amenities (e.g.,
local public services), this study incorporates exogenous amenities in a modified CBD
model. Alternative locations within the city differ in terms of the distance to the employ-
ment center and the level of local amenities. In contrast to the Brueckner-Thisse-Zenou
model, spatially heterogeneous amenities in this model attract households to various
suburbs. With this spatial heterogeneity in amenities, households may be willing to pay
more for a nice location than for a short commute; thus, housing prices may not fall uni-
formly as distance from the center increases. At a given distance from the center, higher
income households will choose locations with better amenities. This model is consistent
with noncontiguous development patterns and non–distance-based patterns of income
segregation. Wu (2006) includes a model incorporating endogenous amenities as well,
discussed in Section 1.2, with local public finance models.
Brueckner and Rosenthal (2009) posit that age of the housing stock is an important
determinant of the location of high- and low-income households. The resulting model is
consistent with both suburbanization and gentrification. In addition to short commutes
and low housing prices, high-income households prefer newer housing. Commuting
concerns pull households inward; housing price concerns pull them outward. The
location of new housing determines the direction of the housing age effect. As a city
grows, new housing is always available on the periphery. Some new housing is also avail-
able in the interior—more so during periods of rapid redevelopment. If new housing
is abundant in the interior city, it exerts an additional pull, causing some high-income
households to locate in the center. Holding housing age constant, this model predicts a
negative relationship between income and distance—the rich prefer to live in the center.
This is in contrast with the traditional CBD model, in which suburbanization by the rich
implies a positive relationship between income and distance.
CBD models, including those just discussed, assume monocentricity—that is, all
firms (and thus all employment) locate in the CBD. Whereas household location is
determined endogenously within the model, firm location is exogenously given. Ogawa
and Fujita (1980) and Fujita and Ogawa (1982) relax this assumption and explore the
conditions under which a nonmonocentric city is the equilibrium urban spatial config-
uration. In addition to commuting cost, these models include a transaction cost param-
eter, which measures the benefits of spatial clustering for firms. When transaction costs
are high relative to marginal commuting costs, the incentive for firms to cluster out-
weighs the incentive for households to locate close to work. A monocentric city is the
differs enough to fully explain differences in spatial income distribution. See Brueckner, Thisse, and
Zenou (1999) for a more complete discussion.
Land Use and Municipal Profiles 307
equilibrium spatial arrangement. Higher relative marginal commuting costs give rise
to multiple dispersed employment centers because households have increasingly strong
incentives to minimize commuting distance. In the extreme case, in which firms do not
benefit from spatial proximity, the equilibrium spatial arrangement is a fully mixed city
with firms and residences dispersed throughout.
of the suburban tax base, leading to deteriorating public services in the center and
enhanced services in the suburbs. This is the local public finance externality. Collective
location decisions that shift income distributions affect the ability of jurisdictions to
provide services.
Third, peer externalities also affect the level or quality of services independently of
finance. Consider public education, for example. Funding affects school quality, and
wealthier school districts tend to be better-funded—the local public finance external-
ity. Highly involved parents may also affect school quality. So, two comparably funded
districts with different levels of parental engagement might expect different results.
Peer externalities are present when the level of the public services provided depends
on the characteristics of the population being served, as well as on the level of funding.
Interestingly, peer externalities may preclude the possibility of leveling the playing field
by increasing funding to lagging communities. Depending on the scale of spillovers,
economists may alternatively term these effects family or neighborhood externalities.
A desire to take advantage of perceived peer externalities may influence location deci-
sion and has been put forth as an explanation for the formation of homogeneous sub-
urbs (Nechyba and Walsh 2004).
Of course, some community characteristics defy identification as purely endog-
enous or exogenous. The presence of a previously existing park or open space is
exogenous. However, the quality of experience in the park may be endogenous and
subject to change due to voting, local public finance externalities, peer externalities,
and spatial context. The community could vote to cut or boost maintenance fund-
ing. A weakening tax base could force maintenance reductions via local public finance
externalities. Citizen-use levels and participation in volunteer maintenance could
affect quality of experience, which are examples of peer externalities. Finally, spatial
context matters; a well-maintained park in a high-income neighborhood provides
amenities to local residents and increases values of nearby properties, whereas an
under-maintained park that serves as a focal point for criminal behavior is much less
valuable to local residents and could potentially be viewed as a disamenity (Anderson
and West 2006; Troy and Grove 2008). Home buyers value nearby shopping and tran-
sit access but may prefer not to live adjacent to a shopping center or highway. More
space is devoted in later sections to spatial context in the discussion of the home price
hedonics literature.
By incorporating interaction between community characteristics and household
location decisions, local public finance models go beyond their CBD counterparts.
Following Tiebout’s 1956 seminal paper, other researchers expand on Teibout’s general
equilibrium model. Ellickson (1971) derives the single-crossing property, a necessary
condition for equilibrium characterized by income stratification. Epple, Filimon, and
Romer (1984) incorporate housing markets. Epple and Sieg (1999) develop a general
method for estimating equilibrium models of local jurisdictions. Although these papers
generate strong predictions of characteristics of communities in equilibrium—includ-
ing income stratification across communities or, more generally, income stratification
across communities by preference—they ignore location.
Land Use and Municipal Profiles 309
case study from the Northwest United States illustrates how researchers might go about
modeling these relationships. Whereas much of the economic literature investigates
household locational choice and land use change at a county or city level, emerging data
and information technology facilitate investigation within a metropolitan area.
2. Case Study
Household locational choice is a central driver of land use and municipal profile change.
Individually, households relocate based on a variety of factors. Family, career, or other
factors often determine the city, although municipal profile may play a role. Households
then choose a home within that city or metropolitan area based on the households’
characteristics (preferences, income, wealth), home characteristics (price, size, etc.),
and municipal profile (regulations, public goods, demographics, etc.). Relevant regula-
tions include taxes and land use regulations. Relevant public goods or amenities include
school quality, public safety, transit access, environmental quality, access to parks and
open space, and social amenities like shopping, dining, and culture. With these theoreti-
cal relationships in mind, how can researchers go about modeling this process? How can
researchers take advantage of emerging information technology and rapidly improv-
ing data availability? The following case study details the data collection and process-
ing used to model the link between household locational choice and municipal profiles
in the Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington, metropolitan area. A discussion
of alternative estimating strategies follows. Although the data collection and process-
ing described here are specific to this case study, the approach described is adaptable to
a variety of geographic areas and research questions, contingent on the availability of
appropriate GIS data.
Clark Co.
Washington Co.
Multnomah Co.
Clackamas Co.
area from a variety of sources, often at quite high spatial resolution. In addition to rich
data, the region consists of multiple jurisdictions—more than 40 incorporated towns
and cities in four counties and two states (see Figure 12.1) These jurisdictions differ sig-
nificantly in regulatory regimes, which should influence locational choice. Combined,
the four counties have an area of 3,727 square miles and a 2000 population of 1.79 mil-
lion, which grew to 2.07 million in 2010 (15.5% decennial growth).
Several issues must be addressed to move from a theoretical concept of household
locational choice to an empirical model of the effect of municipal profiles. First, a
dependent variable, some measure of household choice, is needed. Second, data quan-
tifying local municipal profiles are required. Third, the researcher must select a unit of
observation. Finally, GIS is used to process information from the underlying layers and
construct a dataset for estimating a model of the effects of municipal profiles on house-
hold location choice.
The data described here for the Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington, met-
ropolitan area do not include information on individual household location choices, but
they do include a measure of a direct consequence of these choices; that is, population
change at the US Census block level. The metropolitan area as a whole grew rapidly,
but certainly some areas grew more rapidly than others. Population change is a feasi-
ble dependent variable. The resulting model would aim to explain variations in popu-
lation change within the region using variables describing the local municipal profile.
Of course, some elements of municipal profile are exogenous, including natural ameni-
ties such as lakes, rivers, and other topographical features, whereas other elements of
312 Edward Stone and JunJie Wu
municipal profile are endogenous to population change, including parks and designated
open space (see Figure 12.2) and public goods such as school quality (see Figure 12.3).
For the dependent variable, GIS-compatible population data are available at the
Census block level from both the 2000 and the 2010 US Census. Data relevant to local
municipal profiles are available from a variety of sources, most importantly the US
Census and local governments.
The 2000 US Census includes a number of potentially relevant demographic vari-
ables, including age and race/ethnicity at the block level. Data on education, income,
housing characteristics, and more are available at the block group level. To give an idea
of scale, in 2000, the study area contained 34,178 census blocks and 1,160 block groups.
For the three counties in Oregon, the elected regional government, METRO, main-
tains the Regional Land Information System (RLIS), a high-quality GIS database with a
variety of data layers. Potentially relevant layers for quantifying local municipal profiles
include zoning, water features, parks and designated open space, mass transit, and tax-
lots, which includes parcel-level data on land use and home characteristics (for residen-
tial properties). The Clark County, Washington, Assessor also offers similarly detailed
GIS data. Although similar, these datasets are not identical, and substantial care is nec-
essary to ensure consistency when merging data across states. The end result is a single
map covering the entire study area for each relevant layer.
For some layers, including school districts, these GIS data contained maps but no rel-
evant variables. If available, the relevant data are easily incorporated into GIS. In the
case of school districts, an index of school quality is constructed using test score data
Land Use and Municipal Profiles 313
School districts
< 0.85
0.85 – 0.95
0.95 – 1.05
1.05 – 1.15
FIGURE 12.3 School quality measured by an index of test scores relative to state averages.
available from Oregon and Washington state departments of education. In each case,
reading and math test scores are reported for multiple grade levels. A composite score
is a viable option to compare districts across multiple grades and subjects. However,
because data and testing vary across the two states, composite scores from Oregon and
Washington are not comparable. This is resolved by normalizing using state averages.
For Washington, 2000 district-level reading and math scores for the 4th, 7th, and
10th grades are reported as percentages. Each score is divided by the corresponding
state-level score, converting scores from percentages to shares of the state average. These
shares are then averaged across subjects and grade levels with equal weight. The result
is an index measuring district-level test score performance relative to the state average.
For Oregon, reading and math test results are reported at the 3rd-, 5th-, 8th-, and
10th-grade levels. Instead of percentages, the share of students who do not meet, meet,
or exceed performance standards is reported. In addition, data are at the individual
school level, and the number of students taking each test is known. First, a single score
for each subject and grade level at each school is constructed. This score is the share of
students who meet the standard plus two times the share of students who exceed the
standard. At this point, each score is normalized using the corresponding state score,
then averaged across subjects, grade levels, and schools. Additionally, for Oregon, these
averages are weighted based on the number of students taking each test. The result is a
single value, which again measures district test performance relative to the state average,
making it comparable to the Washington index. However, normalizing by state averages
314 Edward Stone and JunJie Wu
implicitly assumes little systematic difference between Oregon and Washington. Any
such systematic difference would be captured by the intercept in estimation.
With underlying data in place, the next step is choosing units of observation. Existing
geographies tend to be problematic. Using counties would provide only four observa-
tions and ignore variation in population change and local municipal profiles within the
counties. Using cities drops unincorporated areas and again ignores variation, particu-
larly in the largest city, Portland. US Census geographies, including census blocks and
census block groups, are much smaller than counties and cities and so can capture vari-
ation within cities and counties. However, a considerable proportion of census geog-
raphies shift boundaries over time, leading to consistency problems when measuring
population change. Furthermore, the size of census geographies varies widely, as census
blocks and block groups are drawn to have roughly equal populations. Thus, rural cen-
sus blocks with low population density are much larger than densely populated urban
census blocks. Finally, and perhaps more problematically, census geographic boundar-
ies are not random; they tend to follow evident development patterns and form homo-
geneous units. Although these make sense as cohesive units within a city or county,
nonrandom boundaries can lead to endogeneity issues and biased estimates (Banzhaf
and Walsh 2008).
Researchers can avoid problems associated with existing geographies by construct-
ing new units of observation in GIS. For this case study, a grid of two-mile diameter
circles is overlaid on the study area, and those circles not completely within the study
area are dropped. These circles do not represent cohesive communities in any tradi-
tional sense.3 Rather, this method constitutes an effective sampling methodology that
allows us to take advantage of high-resolution spatial data. Of course, a grid of two-mile
circles is not the only option. Alternative diameters, shifting the grid incrementally, and
random locations as opposed to a grid are possible. Indeed, comparing alternative units
is a good strategy for testing the sensitivity of coefficient estimates. This approach has
been used by Banzhaf and Walsh (2008) to test the Tiebout hypothesis that “people vote
with their feet.”
GIS software and data are used to quantify variables measuring population change
(see Figure 12.4) and municipal profiles for each circular “community” or observation.
This procedure varies depending on the data in question. Some GIS layers cover the
entire study area, such as census geographies, tax lots, zoning, and school districts. These
layers each contain one or more potential explanatory variables. For each layer, a GIS
script aggregates the variables of interest from the underlying geometry to the circular
observations. A number of variables relevant to municipal profile are constructed in this
fashion, including median household income (Figure 12.5) and home value (Figure 12.6).
3 Indeed, because the four counties in the study area include rural areas devoted to forestry (including
State and National Forests) and agriculture, there are 178 out of 844 (21%) observations with zero
population, as noted in Table 12.1. Clearly, these observations are not communities.
Land Use and Municipal Profiles 315
Pop. Change
< −100
[−100, 0)
(0. 250]
> 250
For other GIS layers that do not fully cover the study area, such as bus stops and parks,
the appropriate measure is less clear. The bus stop layer contains only points, so an
appropriate measure might be the number of bus stops in a circular observation. One
can measure access to parks and open space in a variety of ways: park acreage within
the observation, distance to the nearest park, and number or acreage of parks within
some distance, among others. One can differentiate parks by type from the data as well.
Also, one recalls that the hedonics literature reveals variations in amenity values of open
space depending on many factors including income, proximity, type of open space, age,
urban density, and crime. Interaction terms allow models to capture differential effects.
For example, a community park located in a low-income, high-crime neighborhood
may not be valued as much as a park located in a high-income, low-crime neighbor-
hood. A model specification including interactions between crime or income and park
proximity variables might pick up this effect whereas an alternative specification would
not. Anderson and West (2006) provide a good discussion of interaction terms in this
context, in addition to a hedonic model with multiple types of open space and multiple
interaction terms. Table 12.1 provides summary statistics of some of the constructed
316 Edward Stone and JunJie Wu
Median HH income
< $35k
$35k – $50k
$50k – $65k
$65k – $80k
> $80k
This case study explored underlying data collection, construction of units of observa-
tion, and quantification of variables. Although specific, the process described is appli-
cable to other regions and research questions. The data clearly indicate correlations
between land use and municipal profiles (Table 12.2). The challenge is to specify an
appropriate model to identify the causal relationships among the dependent variable,
population change, and the independent variables, which quantify various aspects of
local municipal profile. Several estimation strategies are available to the researcher
investigating household locational choice and municipal profiles. The appropriate
estimation strategy depends on the precise research question. In all cases, an appropri-
ate estimation strategy must account for the fact that some variables measuring local
municipal profiles are exogenous, whereas others are endogenous. Examples of exog-
enous variables include natural features and historical development patterns. Examples
of endogenous variables include median household income, school quality, and prop-
erty tax rate. In the absence of endogeneity, the researcher could simply regress popula-
tion change on variables quantifying municipal profile. Due to endogeneity, this simple
approach would yield biased estimates. Because some of the explanatory variables are
Land Use and Municipal Profiles 317
Mean home value
0 Signal-family homes
< $150k
$150k – $200k
$200k – $250k
> $250K
affected by the dependent variable and thus correlated with the error term, the model
becomes a system of simultaneous equations. In structural form, the model looks like:
Y = Xnβn + X s βs + εy , (1)
X si = Y γ iy + Xn γ ni + Z i γ z + εix , i = 1, 2, …, n (2)
* Observations with zero population (n = 178) dropped from mean and standard deviation
can be estimated using two or three-stage least squares or partial or full information
maximum likelihood estimation methods. For example, using two-stage least squares,
first regress each endogenous variable in Xs on all exogenous variables in the model
s . Then replace endogenous variables
(Z1 , Z 2 , …, Z n and Xn) and obtain fitted values, X
with fitted values in (1) in the second-stage regression.
s βs + ε y
Y = X n βn + X (3)
Estimates derived from instrumental variables and two-stage least squares are only as
reliable as the instruments. If the chosen instruments are correlated with the error term,
the bias problems encountered in the structural form remain unresolved. If the chosen
instruments are poor (weakly correlated with the endogenous variables they are replac-
ing), the result is poorly fitted values with little variation generated in the first stage. For
this case study, appropriate instruments would need to be correlated with endogenous
Land Use and Municipal Profiles 319
amenities, uncorrelated with the error term, and not included in the set of explanatory
exogenous amenities. It can be challenging to identify such variables.
When appropriate instruments cannot found, researchers may resort to estimating
the reduced form of the structural model to uncover useful information about the effect
of amenities on location choices. Solving for Y and X s = ( X1s , X s2 , …, X sn ), one can derive
each of these endogenous variables as a function of Xn and perhaps (Z1 , Z 2 , …, Z n ).
These reduced-form equations can then be estimated using an appropriate method. The
related literature strongly suggests that exogenous natural amenities influence develop-
ment patterns, and these development patterns in turn affect the level of endogenous
social amenities (see, e.g., Wu 2006). Thus, exogenous amenity variables can be used to
explain endogenous amenity variables. The reduced form approach has a major draw-
back: estimation does not identify the structural coefficients found in (1). So, although
estimating the reduced form in this case sheds light on how natural amenities affect the
level of social amenities, it does not reveal the effects of various elements of municipal
profile on population change.
The model specification in (1) potentially includes multiple endogenous covari-
ates, for example, tax rate, school quality, and park access. This case study has a broad
research question. How do elements of municipal profile affect population change?
By narrowing the research question to focus on a single endogenous covariate, asking
instead how property tax rate affects population change, a number of other estimation
strategies from the treatment effects literature become available. Ordinary least squares
320 Edward Stone and JunJie Wu
The initial focus of this research was causal links between municipal profile and
land use change, broadly, and, specifically, the effect of natural and social amenities on
household location choice. The inclusion of a broad set of municipal attributes, some of
which are undoubtedly endogenous, precludes unbiased OLS estimation. Broad con-
trols also render instrumental variable estimation infeasible in practice due to the dif-
ficulties of identifying appropriate instruments. Without sacrificing broad controls, a
reduced form model explaining endogenous municipal attributes in terms of exogenous
attributes remains a feasible option. In this case, reduced-form estimation reveals that
exogenous natural and historical amenities do indeed influence the level of endogenous
municipal characteristics, including population change and density, median income,
school quality, property taxes, and home values. Results indicate how natural charac-
teristics (e.g., slope, elevation) and proximity to different natural amenities (e.g., water
bodies, parks by type) influence endogenous characteristics. Of course, reduced-form
estimation does not shed light on the underlying relationships between location choice
and endogenous municipal characteristics. Furthermore, although they illustrate pref-
erences, reduced-form results may have little policy relevance since natural features are
difficult to change.
To quantify the underlying relationships in the absence of appropriate instruments,
one alternative approach is to abandon broad controls and focus on a single municipal
feature. In this case, although biased, preliminary OLS estimates highlight the impact of
race/ethnicity on population change. Neighborhoods with high concentrations of black
residents tended to shrink. Other minority neighborhoods grew fast, especially Asian
neighborhoods, whereas majority neighborhoods grew modestly. These observations
gave rise to a more focused research question: how do minority concentrations affect
local municipal profile or neighborhood quality?
Simple correlations reveal that high minority concentrations are associated with
lower school quality and higher crime. However, this approach ignores systematic dif-
ferences between minority and majority groups, for example, in terms of income and
educational attainment. To isolate the effect of minority concentration from the effect of
these systematic differences, a more sophisticated method is required. In this case, treat-
ment effects methods, specifically propensity score matching, are appropriate. Under
propensity score matching, pairs of observations that differ in terms of minority con-
centration but that are similar in other dimensions of municipal profile are compared.
In this context, that means a higher minority concentration community compared to a
lower minority concentration community with the most similar other characteristics.
Controlling for other dimensions of municipal profile can yield results that differ strik-
ingly from simple correlations. For example, once other relevant municipal attributes
were controlled for, communities with higher concentrations of black residents exhib-
ited significantly lower crime rates than communities with black resident concentra-
tions closer to the study area mean.
This case study provides a fairly specific example of data collection and process-
ing. It also provides a general guide to estimation procedures and several descriptions
322 Edward Stone and JunJie Wu
3. Conclusion
Land use and quality of life are inextricably linked. Collective household location deci-
sions affect local municipal profiles, the character of cities, and landscapes. Shifting
populations affect municipal profiles through voting, local public finance externalities,
and peer externalities. At the same time, local municipal profiles affect location deci-
sions because households choose the bundle of regulations and public goods they pre-
fer. Understanding these effects and interactions is central to managing development
and land use change in the future.
Several bodies of work within the economics literature shed light on household loca-
tion decisions. Urban economics models identify the primary drivers behind observed
suburbanization trends: rising incomes and falling commuting costs. However, these
models tend to ignore many regulations, public goods, and amenities that affect house-
hold location choice. Local public finance models include preferences for these alterna-
tive bundles, but many such models are aspatial.
Emerging GIS software and rapidly improving data availability facilitate analy-
sis within metropolitan areas, as opposed to at the county or city level. Although this
approach is promising, the sound judgment of the researcher remains necessary. In
particular, the researcher must construct relevant measures of local municipal profiles,
often from a profusion of underlying GIS data. Some choice between alternative empiri-
cal measures of the same theoretical variable may be necessary. A significant effect may
only appear with properly specified interaction terms. An inappropriate estimation
strategy can bias results.
One additional obstacle facing researchers in this area is measuring endogenous
social amenities. How do researchers measure the intangible desirability of neighbor-
hoods and districts? For example, shopping is an amenity, but it is difficult to quantify.
Even data on the location of retail stores are insufficient because big-box suburban
shopping centers are qualitatively different from walkable urban shopping districts.
Although measures of some social amenities are hard to come by, spatial analysis and
the increasing profusion of GIS data present a wider array of potential measures than
has previously existed. Although interactions between land use and municipal profiles
are complex and may be difficult to measure, the tools available to address this issue
have never been better.
Land Use and Municipal Profiles 323
This material is based on work supported by the US Forest Service Pacific Northwest
Research Station under JVA No. 11-JV–11261985–073. Any opinions, findings, and
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US Forest Service.
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C HA P T E R 13
Many of society’s most pressing socioeconomic and environmental issues relate in some
way to land use and land use change. Environmental problems such as carbon cycling
(Post et al. 1982; Schimel 1995), terrestrial water cycles (Vorosmarty and Sahagian
2000), loss of biodiversity (Sala et al. 2000), and climate change (Vitousek et al. 1997)
are directly or indirectly impacted by anthropogenic land use decisions. From a socio-
economic perspective, issues such as sprawl and suburbanization, congestion, public
service provisioning, and segregation are fundamentally related to land use change and
land use policies (Anas et al. 1998; Glaeser anf Kahn 2004; Nechyba and Walsh 2004).
The wide-ranging issues surrounding land use have led policy makers and research-
ers alike to develop land use models as a means of better understanding policy and other
effects. A variety of empirical land use modeling approaches is evident across multiple
academic disciplines. These approaches often have been distinguished by a key differ-
ence in research focus: identification of specific parameters of the underlying process
versus spatial prediction of land use patterns. Economists typically have focused on
causal identification of the underlying economic processes that generate land use out-
comes and patterns using reduced-form models to identify one or more key parameter
values. For example, hedonic models of land values are common in which the research
question is to identify the influence of a specific landscape feature or spatially articulated
policy on equilibrium land prices. The advantage of this approach is that consistent and
unbiased parameter estimates can be recovered to infer something about the effect of a
marginal change on the equilibrium. This approach is limited for spatial prediction or
counterfactual policy simulation, however, since the focus is on explaining the observed
price equilibrium, and the underlying structural parameters of demand and supply are
not recovered. Geographers and others outside of economics typically have focused on
empirical prediction of land use patterns and changes, for example, by calibrating model
328 Elena G. Irwin and Douglas Wrenn
parameters to derive transition rules that describe the evolution of land use or land cover
over space and time. Although these models are useful for description and perhaps for
the very short-run prediction of patterns, they provide little insight into the underlying
economic and other processes that generate these patterns. Thus, they also cannot be
used for counterfactual policy simulation or any spatial prediction with nonmarginal
changes. More recently, these disciplinary distinctions have blurred. Geographers have
sought to develop agent-based models that provide a process-based approach to land
use modeling, and economists have pursued structural econometric models that can be
used to predict large-scale changes over time and space.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview and assessment of the main
methods used to model land use and land use change, with a focus on newer methods.
We focus on empirical models, which we define broadly as models that use data on land
use and the underlying demand and supply processes to specify model parameters in
some way. We array these models along two dimensions: first, models that are struc-
tural versus reduced-form and second, econometric models versus other empirical
approaches that are used to specify parameter values. Rather than providing an in-depth
primer on these modeling techniques, our goal is to present a general overview and a
targeted assessment. The key questions we seek to address are (1) what are the advan-
tages and disadvantages of these various empirical approaches to modeling land use and
land use change, (2) which questions are best suited to be answered using one versus the
other approach, and (3) where are the gaps in the current literature?
The remainder of the chapter is organized as follows. Following a general discussion of
modeling approaches, we turn to the particular case of modeling land use and land use
change. We ask what makes modeling land use and land use change special and how the
various modeling approaches stack up with respect to these key considerations. We pro-
vide a discussion of each of the main modeling approaches, highlighting strengths and
weaknesses and illustrating with a few recent examples from the literature. We conclude
with some thoughts about the existing gaps in the literature and future research needs.
Any economic model begins with a structural model of the underlying economic pro-
cesses, for example, supply and demand equations, indirect utility function (household
side), or cost function (firm side), that are hypothesized to generate an observed mar-
ket equilibrium. Most economists would consider a structural econometric model to be
the gold standard for empirically modeling this process. Put simply, this approach uses
econometric methods to recover the full set of parameters of the underlying structural
model by making explicit assumptions about what is and is not observed (Timmins and
Schlenker 2009). For example, in a model of land development, the underlying struc-
tural parameters of a land developers’ profit or cost functions would be recovered using
econometric methods given a series of assumptions about functional form, choice sets,
An Assessment of Empirical Methods for Modeling Land Use 329
equilibrium in the market, and the distribution of the unobservables. The advantage of
a structural econometric approach is that by modeling these processes explicitly, it is
possible to account for the endogeneity of prices and other market-level or nonmarket
feedbacks that determine the equilibrium. A structural modeling approach is neces-
sary for counterfactual policy simulation, in which the goal is to evaluate the impacts
of a nonmarginal policy change on land use outcomes.1 This is particularly important
when modeling complex processes such as land use in which nonmarginal feedbacks
can arise from interactions within and between the socioeconomic and biophysical
Although we consider structural econometric modeling to be the benchmark, the
type of model implemented is ultimately determined by the particular research ques-
tion, limitations of theory and data, and the willingness of the researcher to make certain
assumptions. One of the main disadvantages of structural econometric modeling is that
the researcher must be willing to make certain modeling assumptions regarding the dis-
tributions of unobserved variables, the choice sets, the equilibrium relationship in the
market, and the functional forms that represent the behavioral equations. Theoretical
models often provide key insights into the processes at work—for example, utility maxi-
mization or cost minimization—but they rarely provide an explicit functional form for
the objective functions, a specific distribution for the error structure, or guidance on
specification of choice sets or how to best define equilibrium in the market. In addi-
tion, even if a robust empirical specification can be established, it still may be difficult to
gather data on all of the processes deemed important in answering a particular research
question. This is especially true in the area of land use modeling, given the complexity of
interactions across multiple spatial and temporal scales.
Given the challenges involved in fully estimating structural models, alterna-
tive approaches are often pursued. One alternative is to retain a structural model-
ing approach, but to take a less rigorous approach to parameter specification. Rather
than estimating the structural parameters in a manner that is fully consistent with the
observed data, a more ad hoc econometric strategy may be pursued or a combination
of empirical approaches used. For example, utility or cost parameters may be estimated
using multiple datasets taken from different sources or settings, or key parameter values
may simply be taken from the results of other studies reported in the literature (e.g.,
such as a demand or supply elasticity). A limitation of this approach is that the param-
eters may reflect different underlying conditions of demand and supply that are not
Although it is not always obvious what constitutes a marginal versus nonmarginal change, the intent
is to distinguish marginal changes as small changes that do not shift the underlying equilibrium and
nonmarginal changes as those that are large enough that they could. For example, a major downzoning,
in which the maximum allowable number of lots decreases from one house per acre to one house per
50 acres would be likely to shift residential land supply and induce a demand response and therefore
is nonmarginal. Conversely, an incremental change in a local jurisdiction’s budget for farmland
preservation is unlikely to generate a large shift in the demand or supply of land preservation and is
therefore marginal.
330 Elena G. Irwin and Douglas Wrenn
consistent with any single equilibrium. The advantage is that it may be easier to param-
eterize a structural model using some combination of empirical methods and data or, in
cases in which econometric estimation of the structural model is infeasible, this may be
the only possible means to parameterize a structural model.
In other cases, when model intractability or data limitations prevent structural
econometric estimation of the model, a reduced-form model is estimated instead.
Reduced-form models are models of an equilibrium outcome (e.g., land use, land
use change, or land or housing prices) derived from an underlying structural model
of demand and supply and expressed in terms of the simultaneous equilibrium rela-
tionship. Unless further structure is imposed, the explanatory variables included in a
reduced-form equation cannot be attributed to a specific underlying structural process
but instead reflect the net effects of these variables on the equilibrium outcome. In most
cases, this implies that parameter estimates cannot be used to simulate the impacts of a
nonmarginal change on land use outcomes.
In many reduced-form models of land use and land use change, the model may not be
fully reduced to only exogenous variables—that is, the model may include one or more
endogenous explanatory variables that are determined by the same equilibrium process as
the dependent variable. This is particularly true for land use models in which local inter-
actions imply that many of the variables are jointly determined by the same equilibrium
process. For example, in the case of open space spillovers that influence the amenity value
of a location, the spatial distribution of open space is usually endogenous to the land mar-
ket, implying that the spatial patterns of residential and open space are jointly determined.
If the endogeneity is properly dealt with, then the estimation will yield a consistent esti-
mate of the reduced-form parameters, which can then be used in hypothesis testing or for
simulation of marginal changes. The results can only be interpreted as representing the
effect of a marginal change and are conditional on the assumption that the equilibrium is
In some cases, a reduced-form model is preferred when the research is focused on the
identification of one or several key reduced-form parameters rather than on recovering
the underlying structure. As discussed in depth in Chapter 18 by Towe, Lewis, and Lynch
in this handbook, this is the case with reduced-form models used in quasi-experimental
designs in which the structural system has been fully solved so that the dependent vari-
able is defined only in terms of exogenous variables. This approach is touted as being
free of functional form assumptions and, assuming that the covariates are indeed exog-
enous, provides a transparent identification strategy. It should be noted, however, that
reduced-form models are not free from assumptions, and it is best to begin any modeling
exercise with a review of the relevant theoretical literature. Keane (2010) points out that
even in the case of the most clever instrument or quasi-experimental setting, if the initial
modeling exercise is not based on some economic model, then it is impossible to assign
meaning to the output.
An Assessment of Empirical Methods for Modeling Land Use 331
We do not consider the approach to modeling land use or land markets to be any dif-
ferent from the basic approach used in economics to model any behavioral pro-
cess. Land development outcomes, for example, are determined by the constrained
utility-maximizing location decisions of households based on their preferences over
parcel, neighborhood, and regional characteristics, and the supply decisions of develop-
ers and landowners are based on expectations of profits and costs subject to technologi-
cal and regulatory constraints. However, there are several features of land and related
markets (e.g., housing) that deserve special attention because of their importance in
determining market equilibrium and the spatial distribution of land use and land use
First, land is an extremely heterogeneous good over which individuals have hetero-
geneous preferences and heterogeneous expectations about the future. Each of these
sources of heterogeneity is hypothesized to influence land use outcomes. The evolution
of leapfrog development, for example, has been alternatively explained as the result of
heterogeneous land quality (Harvey and Clark 1965), heterogeneous preferences over
large exurban lots (Newburn and Berck 2011), or heterogeneous expectations by land
developers (Mills 1981).
Second, land use and land use changes are the outcomes of market interactions
among many heterogeneous individuals, which generate market and nonmarket feed-
backs that also influence these land use outcomes. These feedbacks may exist at mul-
tiple spatial and temporal scales. For example, individual households may buy and sell
houses depending on their own agreed-upon terms of trade, which are influenced by the
number of other buyers and sellers of similar houses on the market and by nonmarket
feedbacks, such as congestion externalities or agglomeration benefits. The implication
for modeling is that many so-called explanatory variables are likely to be endogenous in
a model of land use or land use change and that relevant feedbacks may exist at multiple
scales, which introduces additional challenges for empirical modeling.
Third, both the causes and impacts of land use change are cumulative and often irre-
versible, implying that dynamics over time are important. Economists typically use the
word “dynamics” to mean forward-looking behavior, whereas most noneconomists
use it to mean changes in state variables over time without regard to expectations. Both
types of dynamics are important in the land use modeling context. Forward-looking
behavior is a critical element of many economic land use models—for example, farmers
who make current planting decisions based on anticipated future prices of agricultural
commodities and forest managers who make optimal harvesting decisions based on
expected growth rates and future prices. Accounting for changes in land use over time
is an equally important modeling goal and one that is particularly important for policy
evaluation and scenarios.
332 Elena G. Irwin and Douglas Wrenn
The complexities involved in modeling land use and land use change prevent any single
model from accounting for all the aspects of land use and land use change. Here we sum-
marize three main approaches to modeling land use and land use change: reduced-form
econometric models, structural econometric models and, for lack of a better term,
other spatial simulation models. We provide a synthesis of their strengths and weak-
nesses particularly as they relate to the ability of the modeling approach to capture the
critical aspects of land use modeling discussed above: heterogeneity, interactions, and
dynamics. Our interest is in models that are able to account for spatial heterogeneity and
interactions and therefore we focus on models that are able to capture heterogeneity and
interactions at either a parcel or neighborhood scales.
in parcel sizes, regulatory structures, or the potential for intensity differences between
parcels. Versions of the real options model that do account for timing, intensity, and
space provide theoretical predictions and testable hypotheses for both the timing
and intensity decisions, but those models have only recently been adapted to land use
And finally, a lack of data on the original decision-making parcel has made the
second-stage intensity decision irrelevant. Although geographic information system
(GIS) parcel-level data are used extensively in reduced-form models, researchers usu-
ally only have data on individual lots (children) and not on the original parcel (parent)
from which they were formed. In order to model this parent-child process, it is nec-
essary to combine individual parcels into their original parent parcel; this is particu-
larly important in the case of residential subdivision development where hundreds of
small lots can be produced from a single agriculture parcel. As a solution to this prob-
lem, researchers have combined plat maps with GIS parcel data as a means of determin-
ing the parent-child process. Using these new parcel-level panel datasets, models of the
optimal timing and intensity decision can be estimated.
Two recent papers provide good examples of how these new datasets can be com-
bined with joint econometric models to evaluate important land use policy questions.
In a model of land use and ecosystem change, Lewis (2010) combines a spatial-temporal
dataset of land use change with a Probit-Poisson model to estimate an econometric
model of timing and intensity. Using the coefficient values from the model, Lewis (2010)
generates land use change simulations that are then combined with an ecological model
to determine how current land use configurations and policies are impacting the likeli-
hood of extinction of green frogs. Because the survival rate of green frogs is determined
not just by the timing and location of development, but also by the intensity of develop-
ment, it is imperative that the second-stage intensity decision be modeled in the analysis
of this question. In his simulation model, Lewis shows that intensity indeed plays an
important role in determining the future probability of extinction for green frogs (see
also Chapter 15 by Plantinga and Lewis in this handbook).
In a Probit-Poisson model of residential subdivision development, Wrenn (2012) com-
bines historical subdivision data with data on regulatory delay over space and time to eval-
uate the role of spatiotemporal heterogeneity in explaining fragmentation and sprawl in an
urbanizing Maryland county. Real options theory predicts that delay in costs can impact
both the timing and intensity of an investment decision if the owner of the real option has
control over both the timing and the size of the project. In the land use context, this implies
that it is important to account for the effect of cost or regulatory delay on both the timing
and intensity decision. He finds that delay indeed impacts both decisions, reducing both
the probability of development and the optimal number of lots created. The simulations
also provide evidence that policy-induced differences in regulatory cost are contributing
to increased sprawl and fragmentation of the landscape.
These models provide improvements over previous reduced-form models, but still
have a number of limitations. First, although they do a good job of accounting for parcel
heterogeneity, they do not explicitly account for agent heterogeneity because the agent’s
334 Elena G. Irwin and Douglas Wrenn
characteristics are not modeled separately from those of the parcel. In the case of panel
data, individual random effects are used to account for some of this unobserved hetero-
geneity, but this technique does not explicitly separate out the individual characteristics.
Second, because the models are reduced-form in nature, they are not able to capture
general equilibrium feedbacks. As a result, endogeneity issues are dealt with using tra-
ditional econometric techniques, and analysis and simulation studies are confined to
marginal changes. Third, the models can account for out-of-sample predictions of land
use change by using the coefficient values from the models to simulate alternate land-
scapes over time. However, these predictions are limited to marginal changes because
the model does not account for feedbacks or forward-looking expectations during the
estimation process.2
To account for feedback effects and agent heterogeneity as well as model nonmar-
ginal changes in policy instruments, researchers have begun to apply structural models
to model the underlying demand and supply processes of land use.
Although reduced-form models do not model dynamics in the traditional sense, with
forward-looking agents forming expectations and maximizing discounted present values of uncertain
future payoffs (e.g., Rust 1987), some researchers have built individual predictions of future economic
variables into their models using time-series techniques to capture the dynamics (Cunningham 2007;
Bulan et al. 2009).
3 For a full review of equilibrium sorting models and their connection to hedonic models and models
of differentiated products, see Chapter 14 in this handbook by Klaiber and Kuminoff and reviews by
Klaiber and Smith (2011) and Kuminoff, Smith, and Timmins (2012).
An Assessment of Empirical Methods for Modeling Land Use 335
models have been usefully applied to simulate policies or the effect of other hypothetical
nonmarginal changes that may push the system to a new equilibrium. Here we focus our
discussion on structural modeling of urban land and housing markets with an emphasis
on how these models account for endogenous price and other market and equilibrium
The basic assumption of all structural models is that the land and housing markets are
in a spatial equilibrium. Spatial equilibrium conditions differ depending on the model
assumptions. For example, in a residential land use model with homogeneous house-
holds, such as the canonical monocentric model, spatial equilibrium is characterized by
equal utility across space since any advantage or disadvantage of a location is capitalized
into its price. Given heterogeneity in preferences or incomes, as is the case with house-
hold sorting models, spatial equilibrium in the residential land market is characterized
by each household having made an optimal decision, given the location and supply deci-
sions of all other agents. In other words, it is not possible for any agent to make himself
better off by making a different choice. As with the homogeneous case, the equilibrat-
ing element of this process is price. The resulting spatial equilibrium is often character-
ized by a hedonic function that is comprised of the market-clearing bid and offer curves
of heterogeneous agents (Rosen 1974). Although Rosen (1974) provides a thorough
description of how the hedonic equilibrium is achieved, he does not make explicit how
these bids and offers lead to a spatial equilibrium. Tiebout (1956) was the first to observe
that it is the process of heterogeneous agents sorting themselves across differentiated
neighborhoods that determines the spatial equilibrium. In this model, the larger region
is subdivided into many heterogeneous or differentiated locations; as agents sort, they
bid on different neighborhoods, and prices are determined by the intersection of the
bid and offer curves of the agents moving to each neighborhood. Households choose a
neighborhood, conditional on their budgets, to maximize utility, and developers pro-
vide housing, given technological and regulatory constraints, to maximize profits. The
sorting process continues until no one has the incentive to move and the region reaches
a spatial equilibrium.
It is the application of the Tiebout (1956) theory to housing markets that allows
researchers to specify and estimate equilibrium sorting models. By combining the infor-
mation provided by the hedonic equilibrium (Rosen 1974; Ekeland et al. 2004) with a
description of the choice process that leads heterogeneous agents to sort (McFadden
1974; Berry et al. 1995), researchers are able to estimate the structural parameters of the
model; that is, it is the information revealed by households about their preferences for
different neighborhoods that allow researchers to specify and estimate the structural
parameters of the equilibrium sorting model and to characterize the heterogeneity of
preferences for local public goods and amenities. The equilibrium sorting framework
combines a mixture of discrete (neighborhood) choices with continuous choices (char-
acteristics of the houses). The approach makes explicit how preference-induced sorting
can lead to endogenous feedbacks that make it very challenging to use estimates from
reduced-form land use models to determine amenity values (Epple and Sieg 1999; Bayer
and Timmins 2005).
336 Elena G. Irwin and Douglas Wrenn
In some cases, the supply of amenities can be taken as exogenous, and households
sort to take advantage of these amenities. Often, however, the amenities in a particular
area are either completely determined by the sorting process or significantly affected
by it. As an example, one neighborhood may have a particularly nice open space area.
As households move to this area, they bid up the price. If higher house prices result in
greater tax revenues for schools, then the attraction of the open space area can lead to
increased school quality, which leads to additional feedbacks. As more people move in,
it can also lead to a reduction in the quality of the open space areas as they become con-
gested or as the actions of residents degrade the quality of them. Thus, even if the origi-
nal amenity was exogenous, its future value and the values of other public goods may be
determined by the sorting process.
Because many environmental amenities are not explicitly traded, researchers have
used the theory and econometrics of hedonic and discrete-choice models of differenti-
ated product markets to uncover willingness to pay (WTP) for various amenities from
local housing values. The theory of capitalization (Oates 1969) provides evidence that
house prices will reflect the value of both the structural characteristics of the house as
well as the local public goods and amenities in the house’s neighborhood. By observing
the outcome of the sorting process and the resulting prices of houses sold across differ-
ent neighborhoods, researchers can estimate values of households’ WTP for the public
goods and environmental amenities in those neighborhoods.4 Because the models are
structural, they can also be used to simulate counterfactual policy analysis to analyze the
costs and benefits of alternative policies.
Given the clear advantages of this equilibrium sorting framework, it is important to
highlight both what these models do well and what they do not do so well in terms of
land use modeling. Unlike reduced-form models, structural models capture agent het-
erogeneity (separate from neighborhood heterogeneity) by including information on
income, household composition, education, and other demographic factors that are
hypothesized to affect preferences. These data are interacted with neighborhood-level
amenity values, which allows the value placed on local public goods and amenities to
vary with the characteristics of the individual household. One disadvantage, however, is
that because structural models must be estimated at the neighborhood level, they miss
much of the spatial heterogeneity at the parcel level that is captured in reduced-form
This outcome relies on a number of assumptions that may not hold in every context, such as being
able to capture and measure all the relevant amenities as well as find suitable instruments that can control
for the unobservable amenities that cannot be measured.
To achieve consistency and efficiency in equilibrium sorting models, the number of households
or decisions makers must rise faster than the number of choices (Berry et al. 2004). Thus, the choice
set in these models includes neighborhoods, which are geographically aggregated areas that have been
constructed to be internally homogeneous but differentiated relative to other locations. Even assuming
consistent segregation of the study area into neighborhoods, it is still not possible, for technical reasons,
to estimate these models at the parcel level.
An Assessment of Empirical Methods for Modeling Land Use 337
Another advantage of these models is their ability to account for market and non-
market feedbacks. Researchers first specify a utility or indirect utility function that
reflects the fundamental preference relationships from microeconomic theory (i.e.,
monotonic and convex preferences). Then, using data on the individual characteristics
of the agents and their respective choices, they estimate the structural parameters of
the function. Because these estimates reflect the underlying preference structure of the
agents and how they respond to changes in market fundamentals, the model can be used
to examine counterfactual policy scenarios in which large-scale nonmarginal changes
occur, which cause a resorting of agents and a shift the market equilibrium. Although
this is a clear advantage from the policy analysis perspective, these feedbacks and their
predictions for land use change are only conducted at the neighborhood scale or higher.
In most cases, this is sufficient, but smaller scale analysis of feedbacks and land use
change may be necessary for certain research questions, such as those related to land
fragmentation, loss of biodiversity, and the impact of land use change on ecosystems.
In addition to their lack of spatial disaggregation, another disadvantage of current
structural models is that they are largely static. By static, we mean that they do not
account for the formation of expectations by the agents about future house price values
and local neighborhood amenities and how individual decisions affect those values.
A variety of papers apply equilibrium sorting models to policy questions, but only
a few look explicitly at issues of land use. We highlight two of the most recent exam-
ples: Walsh (2007) and Klaiber and Phaneuf (2010). Both of these papers deal with the
issue of open space allocation and valuation but use different modeling techniques. We
explain the key differences between the two and highlight their key findings.
Walsh (2007) applies a vertical or “pure characteristics” sorting model (Epple and Sieg
1999) to the question of the equilibrium impacts of open space protection and growth
control policies. As is the case with all equilibrium sorting models, the larger region is
delineated into exhaustive and mutually exclusive neighborhoods. The vertical sorting
model assumes that all households place equal weight on the value rank of the neighbor-
hoods but have heterogeneous preferences for those neighborhoods as a result of dif-
ferences in personal characteristics. The main implication of this vertical specification
is that households, when they substitute, only consider those neighborhoods that are
directly adjacent to them in preference and income space.
Using this model, Walsh (2007) evaluates open space policy with an approach that
incorporates the endogenous formation of private open space and residential land.
Each neighborhood has two types of open space—public open space, which he assumes
is exogenously provided, and private open space, which is provided as a result of the
development decisions of households and land developers. Households value their rela-
tive location to the public open space and trade off this type of open space with private
open space relative to their distance from it. The key finding of this paper is that if one
allows for the endogenous adjustment of private open space, then an increase in public
open space can actually lead to a reduction in overall open space in the region. This
results stems from the fact that as public open space in a neighborhood increases, it both
increases the demand for the location and reduces the amount of private open space
338 Elena G. Irwin and Douglas Wrenn
needed as households have better access to the public amenity. The result is an overall
reduction in land that is preserved by a policy that was designed to do just the opposite.
Klaiber and Phaneuf (2010) apply a random-utility, horizontal sorting model (Bayer
et al. 2004) to a similar research question related to open space valuation and protec-
tion but allow the preference structure and types of open space to be more flexible.
Unlike the vertical sorting model, horizontal models allow preferences for alterna-
tives, as well as the weights of the individual rankings of those alternatives, to vary. For
example, in the vertical model, all households would assign the same neighborhood
ranking to good school districts regardless of the characteristics of the household, and
household-specific preferences would determine their actual choice. In the horizontal
model, the relative ranking of each choice is not the same for all households and instead
depends on the characteristics of the household. For example, households with young
children are likely to rank neighborhoods with good schools higher than would senior
The innovation of the Klaiber and Phaneuf model, in terms of land use and open space
nonmarket valuation and allocation, is to allow not only the preferences and ranking of
neighborhood alternatives to vary by household type, but also to allow open space ame-
nities to be disaggregated into multiple categories. The paper also uses data that allows
for higher spatial resolution than past work. This paper provides several important find-
ings. First, they find that distinguishing among different types of open space is critical in
determining the tradeoffs people make during the sorting process. They find that differ-
ent types of open space amenities are valued differently depending on the characteristics
of the household. Second, they find that as the scale of the open space policy increases,
the welfare estimates between partial and general equilibrium models diverge.6 Finally,
they show that localized and targeted open space policies are more likely to be efficient
than region-wide policies that do not account for household heterogeneity. This result
follows from the fact that the interactions between household characteristics and differ-
ent types of open space provide drastically different WTP values.
Like the reduced-form models reviewed in the previous sections, most equilibrium
sorting models to-date are static in the sense that they do not take into account the for-
mation of expectations by the agents in terms of prices, costs, and other amenity vari-
ables. However, given that location choice and land use conversion are either irreversible
or difficult to reverse, this implies that agents, when choosing to relocate (demand) or
develop (supply), consider not just current market conditions, but also take into account
the current and expected future value of all state variables. For example, conventional
static sorting models assume that agents move freely between locations without regard
for technological, institutional, or social constraints. In the real world, however, agents
This finding is particularly important in the analysis of land use policy. For marginal land use policy
changes, it indicates that partial equilibrium or reduced-form analysis may be sufficient to provide
insight into marginal willingness to pay values of the policy. However, when policy changes are such
that they induce a resorting of households, then it is likely that reduced-form analysis will not provide
accurate welfare measure.
An Assessment of Empirical Methods for Modeling Land Use 339
consider moving costs, wealth constraints resulting from changes in home equity values,
and social ties to current locations when deciding to move from one place to another.
These constraints influence the sorting equilibrium and the estimation of household
demand for locational attributes. Bayer et al. (2009), for example, show the importance
of accounting for moving costs in estimating households’ demand for air quality.
Unlike static choice models, dynamic discrete choice models take account of both
the evolution of the model’s state variables and how agents form expectations about
future values of these variables. They may also account explicitly for the interactions
between agents. The parameters are estimated in these dynamic models by nesting a
Bellman-style optimization equation in an empirical optimization technique. The
results of these models describe agent’s preferences and beliefs about technological
and intuitional constraints as they evolve over time. One of the main issues with these
models is the curse of dimensionality and the fact that the complexity of the estimation
techniques required to solve these models increases rapidly with the number of state
variables or interactions among agents (Aguirregabiria and Mira 2010). Each state vari-
able is endogenously determined within the dynamic optimization framework, and
agents are assumed to form expectations over each of these variables in each period.
Thus, as the size of the state space increases so does the complexity of the empirical
estimation process, making large state space models over many periods empirically
Two recent papers have attempted to estimate structural models with forward-looking
expectations. Bayer et al. (2011) extend the structural household sorting model to
include the formation of expectations about prices and local amenities and show that
including these in the model has a substantial effect on the marginal WTP values relative
to those computed using the static model.7 They find a significant divergence between
the predictions of the dynamic model from those of the static sorting model. The main
factor driving the wedge between the values in the two models is the introduction of
moving costs and of wealth formation from capital gains in house values, which impact
the budget constraint apart from income.
Murphy (2013) estimates a dynamic model of housing supply that takes into account
both variable and fixed costs, as well as uncertainty over future land use regulations.
It is has been shown by a number of authors (Mayer and Somerville 2000; Glaeser
et al. 2005) that land use regulations, when they translate into a reduction in the elas-
ticity of housing supply, can lead to significant increases in home prices. In this paper,
Murphy captures local cost uncertainties in the development process using a dynamic
fixed effects technique and finds that the majority of the rise in home prices in the San
Francisco Bay area over his study period could be attributed to regulatory effects that
reduce the ability of the supply side of the market to respond to demand. This result has
7 They give the example of a neighborhood in which the change in environmental quality or crime
is expected to be drastic in the future. As a result, households may be more willing to purchase in these
neighborhoods at a lower price if the future expected improvements mean larger expected capital gains.
340 Elena G. Irwin and Douglas Wrenn
important implications for policy in the area of housing supply and provides further
evidence of the impact of land use regulations on home prices and supply responses to
lots and preference heterogeneity in which some households have a greater preference
for large lots, leapfrog development can emerge in the exurban region located beyond
the suburban fringe. The resulting spatial equilibrium land rents and other model out-
puts, which include each household type’s optimal location choice, the rate of suburban
expansion, and the conditions for exurban leapfrog development, are expressed analyti-
cally. The model is then simulated to explore the magnitude of the effects of sewer and
commuting costs on suburban development and how city size influences the extent of
exurban leapfrog development. The simulations are performed in discrete time, with an
exogenously determined population growth rate for each household type. An iterative
approach is used to solve for equilibrium in each time period in both the suburban and
exurban land markets. In each period, for a given level of population of each household
type, initial values of the proportion of suburban and exurban land at each distance are
assumed. The model equations that characterize the spatial equilibrium are then used to
iterate between prices and these relative proportions until the predicted boundary of the
suburban area converges to a constant value.
The clear strength of this approach—simulation of spatial equilibrium models with
some source of exogenous growth—is that these are structural models of the land mar-
ket in which prices are modeled in a theoretically consistent manner that reflects both
individual-level preferences and constraints and market-level conditions. A primary
limitation of this approach is that the degree of spatial dynamics or agent and spatial
heterogeneity that can be considered is limited since an analytical expression for spatial
equilibrium prices is usually necessary to close the model.
The second approach, agent-based modeling,8 does not impose spatial equilibrium
and instead focuses on individual trades in the absence of this assumption. The essential
features of these models are typically heterogeneous agents, defined by a set of behav-
ioral rules and their interactions that evolve the system over time. Given a set of detailed
initial conditions (e.g., that fully specify the institutional arrangements, initial number
and types of consumers and firms, endowments, decision-making and trading rules,
geography), agents carry out production, pricing, and trade activities that generate feed-
backs (e.g., profits, utility, learning) that determine future decisions. A key departure
is the lack of an equilibrium constraint: given the initial specifications of the economic
system, the dynamics are driven solely by agent trading that is typically not subject to a
market-level equilibrium condition.
The primary advantage of agent-based modeling is that many more details can be
incorporated into the model, such as greater spatial disaggregation and heterogeneity
at an individual agent and parcel scale. However, because the equilibrium assumption
is dropped, these advantages come at the expense of additional model complexity that
See the Chapter 16 by Parker in this handbook for a much more in-depth discussion and for
many examples of this modeling approach. See Parker and Filatova (2008) and Chen et al. (2011) for
further discussion of agent-based models of land markets and Irwin (2010) for further comparison of
agent-based and other economic modeling approaches.
An Assessment of Empirical Methods for Modeling Land Use 343
is necessary to specify the bidding and market interaction processes. More importantly,
this approach is not consistent with the basic spatial equilibrium theory of land markets
and as a result, represent market feedbacks in an ad hoc manner.
Filatova, Parker, and van der Veen (2009a) and Magliocca et al. (2012) provide good
examples of how agent interactions can be modeled in an agent-based framework by
specifying household offer bids, seller ask bids, and the interactions between individual
buyers and sellers. Filatova et al. (2009a) specify the household’s WTP as a function of
income net of transportation costs and expenditures on a composite good, household
utility, and the price of the composite good. The functional form used to specify the
WTP function is ad hoc but reflects standard demand relationships, such as increasing
WTP with income. The landowner’s willingness to accept (WTA) is given by the reser-
vation rent, assumed to be equal to agricultural land rents. Buyers and sellers interact via
a specified sequence of events that includes sellers announcing their WTA bids and buy-
ers searching for the location that generates the largest surplus. To account for market
feedbacks, they adapt an approach used in agent-based finance models (LeBaron 2006),
in which the individual WTP and WTA bids are adjusted by a multiplicative factor
(1 + ε), where ε = (NB − NS)/(NB + NS), NB = number of buyers and NS = number
of sellers. This is admittedly ad hoc, but allows bidding to be adjusted based on agent
perceptions of market conditions. Given positive gains from trade, then the transaction
price is set assuming that the buyer and seller divide these gains equally.
Although this model and related work by Filatova and Parker (e.g., Parker and Filatova
2008; Filatova et al. 2009b) is innovative, a limitation of this approach is that the bids are
not explicitly derived from a specific utility maximization model and, as a result, assump-
tions about the microeconomic foundations of the model, including the substitutability
between location and the composite good, are not made explicit. Magliocca et al. (2012)
improve on this by deriving the household’s WTP function from a Cobb-Douglas utility
function and the developer’s derived demand for land from an expected profit function.
In addition, they separately model land and housing markets, an innovation that is not
usually done, and consider other sources of heterogeneity, including multiple housing
types, variable minimum lot zoning, and heterogeneous expectations among landown-
ers. However, they use the same ad hoc adjustment procedure as Filatova et al. (2009a) to
account for market competition in which the WTP and WTA bids are adjusted based on
the relative number of buyers and sellers.
Several papers have combined agent-based modeling with an equilibrium assump-
tion at each point in time as a means of incorporating spatial equilibrium into an
agent-based framework. For example, Caruso et al. (2007) consider the emergence of
different forms of residential sprawl as the result of endogenous neighborhood ameni-
ties in a two-dimensional urban economic model. Two types of neighborhood ameni-
ties are considered, both of which are locally defined as a function of the neighborhood
land use pattern at a given location: open space amenities, which decrease with the
amount of nearby development, and social amenities, which increase with nearby devel-
opment. Households make optimal location decisions by trading off these competing
neighborhood amenities with the travel costs associated with a given location. When
344 Elena G. Irwin and Douglas Wrenn
the benefits of surrounding open space outweigh the costs of travel and lower social
amenities, households will find it optimal to locate away from the urban fringe and in
so doing generate sprawl. Given homogeneous households that are myopic (i.e., they
do not anticipate population growth), short run equilibrium land rents are determined
by the equalization of utility across space in a given time period and are conditional on
the population level in each time period. Land rents are bid up over time as additional
households enter the region and reach a long run spatial equilibrium when utility inside
and outside the region are equalized.
Chen et al. (2013) follow a similar approach to incorporating population growth into
a model of leapfrog development, but use a different approach to modeling household
bidding. They begin with a Cobb-Douglas model of utility with households that are het-
erogeneous in income and a highly stylized landscape that is distinguished by distance
from the urban center. The main innovation of this paper is that the household’s opti-
mal bidding function is derived as a function of preferences, income, and the expected
number of competing bidders relative to supply using an auction model. Specifically, a
first-price, sealed auction model is used to derive an analytical expression for the agent’s
optimal bid for location, which maximizes the household’s expected surplus associ-
ated with a given location (defined as the difference between its maximum WTP and
its actual bid) multiplied by the probability of winning. This approach incorporates key
market conditions, namely the number of households in the region, the distribution of
income and supply of land at each location, that, along with travel costs, determine the
competitive level of bidding for each land parcel. Landowners determine market land
rents by selecting the highest bid and development occurs if this bid exceeds the land-
owners’ opportunity cost. Given heterogeneous households that are myopic, the short
run equilibrium is defined by the optimal choice of each household and landowner, the
lack of incentive for agents to renegotiate, and the current population and income dis-
tribution. Market conditions change over space due to income differences and over time
as additional households enter the region, which increases competition and bids away
the surplus that a household can attain at any given location. Changes in surplus permit
the model to “step through time” by providing a temporal and spatial ordering of the
location choices of heterogeneous households based on their utility-maximizing loca-
tion decisions. The model is implemented using simulation methods that allow each
household type and location to be explicitly considered in the bidding process, and
therefore agent and spatial heterogeneity can readily be incorporated. Given this specifi-
cation of the bidding process, Chen et al. (2013) hypothesize that leapfrog development
can emerge if households are able to retain a larger surplus at more remote locations
due to fewer bidders and a greater supply of substitutable land at these distances. The
main result of the paper confirms this hypothesis. However, leapfrog development is
ultimately a short-run property of the model since, over time, as more households move
into the exurban region, the spatial differences in surplus are gradually bid away.
Like the assumption of a spatial equilibrium, the assumptions about price forma-
tion and market interactions that are necessary for agent-based modeling of land and
housing markets are maintained assumptions. Unlike spatial equilibrium models,
An Assessment of Empirical Methods for Modeling Land Use 345
however, they usually omit any kind of equilibrium constraint and thus are incon-
sistent with a standard microeconomic model of behavior. In addition, although
assumptions may be motivated by stylized facts about the trading process, they are
often difficult to test empirically. The perceived lack of a stronger theoretical or empir-
ical basis for modeling price formation has generated skepticism among some econo-
mists regarding the efficacy of agent-based modeling for modeling markets. However,
as the advances in modeling just noted illustrate, it is possible to develop agent-based
models that are derived from microeconomic foundations and that incorporate some
notion of a spatial equilibrium. Although unsolved challenges regarding questions
of dynamics and spatial equilibrium remain, we believe that recent work in both
agent-based modeling and in other simulation models that are more prevalent in eco-
nomics are pushing these modeling methods closer together. This is a point that we
discuss in the Section 4.
4. Conclusion
can allow researchers to build land use models that are based on theory and that
allow for more complex interactions and dynamic feedbacks by accounting for more
state variables. If this translates into a more realistic model of real-world outcomes,
then there is a clear advantage in using these models in modeling dynamic land use
outcomes provided that the parameter and functional form assumptions can be
empirically verified.
Finally, one of the ultimate tests of any modeling approach is how useful it is for
policy. As applied researchers, we often conclude with the policy implications of
our findings. However, the number of times that academic articles actually have an
impact on the policy process is limited at best. Policy makers operate under sub-
stantial time and resource constraints and are usually looking for a quick approxi-
mate answer rather than a precise estimate that takes time to produce. Even when
we design our models to run policy scenarios, we may not capture the realities of the
political or policy process that determines the feasibility of a particular policy or pol-
icy change. The criteria by which the usefulness of our models are judged for real-time
policy decisions are different from the criteria we would choose for their academic
evaluation, but yet the optimal tradeoff between academic rigor and real-world prac-
ticality is uncertain. Certainly, rigorous policy analysis requires more than mod-
els that just generate pattern predictions, which implies that some representation
of agents’ demand and supply decisions is needed. However, the tradeoffs among
models that are fully structural, incorporate dynamics and multiple feedbacks, and
account for interactions across multiple scales remain uncertain. Much more work
is needed to assess the relative costs and benefits of different modeling approaches
for policy analysis and the relative gains from added model complexity versus the
time and opportunity costs that these innovations require. Unfortunately, such ques-
tions have received scant attention in the literature—in large part due to publishing
incentives that academic economists face that reward novel results and methods far
more than replication or model comparison. Replication and cross-site comparisons
are emphasized much more in other scientific disciplines. We see value in encourag-
ing this kind of research in land economics that could synthesize and assess model
results and modeling methods in a way that is useful for non-Ph.D. economists and
policy makers.
We would like to thank Josh Duke for very helpful feedback on an earlier draft of
this chapter. Support from the National Science Foundation (DEB LTER-1027188,
WSC-1058059, GSS-1127044), the U.S. Forest Service’s Northern Research Station, and
the James S. McDonnell Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.
348 Elena G. Irwin and Douglas Wrenn
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C HA P T E R 1 4
Americans are remarkably mobile. Since World War II, 18% of the US population has
moved to a new residence every year, on average. As Charles Tiebout (1956) famously
observed, these movers face a public goods counterpart to the private market shopping
trip. They choose among residential communities that differ in their housing prices and
in their provision of amenities, such as local public goods, urban attractions, and envi-
ronmental services. The location choices that they make reveal features of their prefer-
ences. As heterogeneous households sort themselves across the urban landscape, their
collective location choices will influence housing prices as well as the supply of ameni-
ties through a combination of voting, social interaction, and feedback effects. To better
understand this two-way interaction between people and their surrounding environ-
ment, economists have developed equilibrium models of the sorting process.
Equilibrium sorting models begin with a formal description for the spatial landscape
and the structure of household preferences. Utility-maximizing location choices are
expressed as a function of the observable characteristics of households, houses, and
communities, as well as of structural parameters describing latent preferences. This
functional relationship is then inverted, using the logic of revealed preferences to char-
acterize the distribution of preferences in the population of households. Estimation
results are used to calculate the willingness to pay for large-scale changes in landscape
amenities. Sorting models can also be used to simulate how people and markets will
adjust to unexpected events and make predictions for “general equilibrium” benefit
Equilibrium Sorting Models of Land Use and Residential Choice 353
measures and future land use trends. This is a new and exciting framework for policy
evaluation that offers the potential to improve our understanding of land economics.
Compared to the standard quasi-experimental framework for describing how land-
scape changes affect housing prices, the development and estimation of a structural
sorting model can seem intimidating. The analyst must be willing to collect additional
data and think deeply about the economic forces that underlie market equilibria.
Econometric identification may seem less transparent. It may be necessary to code the
estimator from scratch, and the results may be viewed with skepticism by critics who
dislike structural modeling. Despite these challenges, the potential insights from for-
mulating, estimating, and interpreting an equilibrium sorting model far outweigh the
learning costs. Put simply, the equilibrium sorting methodology allows us to provide
approximate answers to the right questions about the relationships among land use, res-
idential choice, and public policy.
This chapter summarizes the equilibrium sorting methodology. We have two main
objectives. First, we intend to make the empirical models accessible to economists
who are new to the literature. Thus, we provide more detail about datasets and estima-
tors than one finds in the typical journal article. Our second objective is to clarify the
relationship between the newer structural models of the sorting process and the older
reduced-form models of hedonic equilibria that have long served as workhorses for eco-
nomic analysis of land use and household location choice. We argue that the two frame-
works are inseparable. Hedonic price functions describe sorting equilibria, and what
we learn about the sorting process influences how we interpret hedonic price functions.
We intend this chapter to be more pragmatic than previous efforts to characterize
the literature. Considerable space is devoted to (1) empirical descriptions for the spa-
tial landscape and household preferences, (2) econometric procedures for estimat-
ing structural preference parameters, and (3) procedures for simulating how markets
adjust to unexpected events. This leaves us with less space to cover historical back-
ground, systematically catalog empirical results, or recommend directions for future
research. Readers interested in these topics are directed to Palmquist (2005); Klaiber
and Smith (2011); Epple, Gordon, and Sieg (2010); and Kuminoff, Smith, and Timmins
The chapter proceeds as follows. Section 1 begins with a general description for the
spatial landscape that nests empirical hedonic and sorting models. Then we define the
household’s location choice problem, characterize a sorting equilibrium, and briefly
summarize results on existence and uniqueness. In Section 2, we move from theory to
practice. Focusing on the two predominant microeconometric frameworks—the “pure
characteristics model” (Epple and Sieg 1999) and the “random utility model” (Bayer
et al. 2004)—we explain how to build an empirical sorting model and estimate struc-
tural parameters. Datasets, modeling assumptions, and econometric procedures are
covered. Section 3 explains how the estimation results can be used to simulate how peo-
ple and markets would adjust to an unexpected event. Many of the insights gleaned from
the estimation and simulation of sorting models also have important implications for
hedonic estimation. Section 4 summarizes insights on the causes and consequences of
354 H. Allen Klaiber and Nicolai V. Kuminoff
omitted variable bias, benefit measurement, and the interpretation of land value capital-
ization effects. Finally, Section 5 concludes.
1 The terms “community” and “neighborhood” are used interchangeably in the literature.
Equilibrium Sorting Models of Land Use and Residential Choice 355
traffic and air pollution. Homeowners may be asked to vote on assessments to fund the
preservation of remaining open space or to support public schools. The academic perfor-
mance of students in those schools may depend on the incomes and education levels of
their parents. Although we do not model these mechanisms formally, it is important to
keep them in mind because they create a need for instruments in econometric estimation.
Finally, three assumptions are typically maintained to reduce the amount of friction in
the market. First, everyone is assumed to have perfect information about the spatial land-
scape. Second, everyone is assumed to face the same schedule of prices. Finally, households
are assumed to be freely mobile.
d ∑A
i ,n j = 1, ∀ i, j , (2)
where Ai ,n j is an indicator variable that equals 1 if and only if household i occupies house n
in community j. Although we suppress temporal subscripts, equation (2) is best viewed as
a single-period snapshot of market outcomes. It may or may not be a long-run steady state.
Current incomes and preferences may reflect temporary factors. Credit may be unusually
easy (or difficult) to obtain. The average household may be unusually optimistic (or pessi-
mistic) about the future asset value of housing. Budget constraints may reflect other transi-
tory macroeconomic or microeconomic shocks. As these factors change over time, so will
the features of the sorting equilibrium.
With a few mild restrictions on preferences, the market outcomes from a sorting
equilibrium can be described by a hedonic price function. If U i ( g j , hn j , b, α i ) is con-
tinuously differentiable, monotonically increasing in the numeraire, and Lipschitz con-
tinuous, then theorem 1 from Bajari and Benkard (2005) can be invoked to prove that
equilibrium prices must be functionally related to housing characteristics and ameni-
ties, Pn j = P ( g j , hn j ).2 This result places less discipline on the price function than Rosen’s
(1974) hedonic model. Households are not assumed to be free to choose continuous
quantities of each amenity. Nor is the market assumed to be perfectly competitive. In
2 Although Bajari and Benkard (2005) treat nonprice attributes as exogenous, it is straightforward to
extend their result to the case of endogenous amenities by assuming that households ignore their own
contributions to each amenity.
356 H. Allen Klaiber and Nicolai V. Kuminoff
fact, Bajari and Benkard demonstrate that no assumptions about the supply side of the
market are needed to prove that equilibrium can be described by a price function.
Relaxing the assumptions of Rosen’s model has costs and benefits. The main benefit
is a more realistic description of the spatial landscape. Although households may be
able to purchase approximately continuous quantities of physical housing characteris-
tics, the same is not true for landscape amenities. Air quality changes discretely from
air basin to air basin; test scores change discretely from school district to school district;
and some communities are adjacent to open space, whereas others are not. The cost of
relaxing Rosen’s continuity assumption is that we lose the ability to translate the price
function gradient into measures of the marginal willingness to pay (MWTP) for ame-
nities. Nevertheless, we shall see that the price function still plays an important role in
A second, stronger, restriction that has proven useful in characterizing sorting equi-
libria is the single-crossing condition. Single crossing helps to characterize the ways in
which households sort themselves across locations according to their heterogeneous
incomes and preferences. To see the intuition, consider the simplest form of preference
heterogeneity—vertical differentiation. In a “vertical” model, households differ only in
their preferences for housing “quality” relative to the numeraire. They are assumed to
agree on a ranking of locations by overall quality, q = f ( g , h). Given this assumption,
equation (3) defines the slope of an indirect indifference curve in (q, p) space.
M (q, p, α , y ) = |V = V . (3)
For additional background on the role of single-crossing conditions in equilibrium sorting models
see Epple and Romer (1991); Epple and Sieg (1999); and Kuminoff, Smith, and Timmins (2013).
Equilibrium Sorting Models of Land Use and Residential Choice 357
p1 < p2 < p3
matches the ranking by overall amenity provision. The figure partitions (α, y) space
into three cells corresponding to (α, y) combinations that rationalize the choice of each
community. For example, community 1 would maximize utility for any household with
values for income and preferences in the lower left cell of the partition. The boundar-
ies between adjacent cells define the (α, y) combinations that would make a household
exactly indifferent between the corresponding communities. To see how households are
stratified across communities notice that, conditional on preferences, wealthier house-
holds choose communities with more public goods. Likewise, conditional on income,
households with stronger preferences choose communities with more public goods. This
two-dimensional stratification is consistent with Tiebout’s (1956) reasoning and helps
to explain why we sometimes observe low-income households living in high-amenity
communities and high-income households living in low-amenity communities.
Stratification, increasing bundles, and boundary indifference are particularly help-
ful in estimating the class of pure characteristics models covered in Section 2.2. The
single-crossing condition is sufficient, but not necessary, to guarantee that a sorting equi-
librium will satisfy these properties. In addition to providing a simple characterization
of equilibrium, the single-crossing condition can help to guarantee that equilibria exist.
idiosyncratic iid shock to utility. This allows them to prove existence in a setting where
households with heterogeneous preferences for exogenous amenities share a common
marginal utility for a single endogenous amenity. Whether the equilibrium is unique
depends on whether marginal utility is positive or negative.
In the presence of more complex preference structures, analysts have used numerical
simulations to demonstrate that equilibria may exist (Epple and Platt 1998; Sieg et al.
2004; Walsh 2007; Klaiber and Phaneuf 2010; Kuminoff and Jarrah 2010; Kuminoff
2011). Despite the lack of general proofs for existence and uniqueness, the empirical
literature has moved forward with preference structures that allow considerable het-
erogeneity and acknowledge the potential endogeneity of amenities. Analysts simply
assume that the available data reflect an equilibrium. Then they write down a utility
function and estimate values for the structural parameters that justify those data as an
2. Estimation
Ferreyra (2007) proposed a third “general equilibrium” approach building on earlier work by
Necheyba (1997, 1999, 2000).
5 Sieg et al. (2004); Bayer, Ferreira, and McMillan (2007); and Klaiber and Phaneuf (2010) provide
Vtij = α hi ht j + α ig g j + α ip pt j + ξt j + ε iy j . (4)
The way that communities are subdivided into housing types varies from study to
study. At one extreme, a type could be defined as precisely as an individual house. At the
360 H. Allen Klaiber and Nicolai V. Kuminoff
opposite extreme, a type could be defined as coarsely as the mean or median house in a
particular community. Most studies use definitions between these extremes for reasons
that we discuss in the context of the mechanics of the estimator. Meanwhile, communi-
ties are often defined using Census aggregates, such as PUMAs, tracts, or block groups.
Three features of (4) are worth noting. First, the i superscripts on α allow households
to differ in their relative preferences for different attributes. This generalizes the “ver-
tical” preference structure introduced earlier and is often referred to as “horizontal”
differentiation.6 Second, the marginal utility of income is implicitly assumed to be con-
stant. It is suppressed in (4), as is the custom in random utility models.7 Last, although
the choice of a location is deterministic from the perspective of each household, assum-
ing a statistical distribution for the idiosyncratic term, εti j, makes it possible to derive a
closed-form expression for the share of households who choose each housing type.
Assuming εti j is distributed according to an iid type I extreme value distribution
produces a familiar logit expression for the probability that household i chooses each
housing type,
exp(α ih ht j + α ig g j + α ip pt j + ξt j )
Prtij = . (5)
∑ exp(α h i
h sk + α ig g k + α ip psk + ξ sk )
s ,k
σt j =
I ∑pr . i
tj (6)
This share forms the foundation for market clearing in the model. There is no direct
assignment of individual households to specific housing types. Instead, equilibrium is char-
acterized using the predicted share of households selecting each housing type.
Ensuring market clearing requires that the predicted share of households choosing each
housing type must be identical to the observed share for that type. In other words, housing
supply must equal housing demand. This condition is satisfied by the inclusion of the alter-
native specific unobservables, ξt j . Given a distributional assumption for εti j , Berry (1994)
demonstrates that including a complete set of alternative specific unobservables results in
predicted and observed market shares coinciding as a necessary condition for maximum
likelihood estimation.8
The “vertical” and “horizontal” terminology is adapted from Lancaster (1979).
Tra (2010) includes a nonlinear income term of ln( yi − ph ), which preserves the budget constraint
but presents difficulties for welfare measurement (Herriges and Kling 1999; McFadden 1999).
8 This property holds for the linear exponential family of models that includes conditional logit.
Equilibrium Sorting Models of Land Use and Residential Choice 361
Recall that the specification for utility in (4) allows for horizontal preference heterogeneity.
Past applications have taken advantage of this flexibility by decomposing each preference
parameter, αi, into the sum of a constant component and a component that varies along
observable demographic characteristics of households:
αi = α 0 + α1d i . (7)
θ t j = α + α h0 ht j + α 0g g j + α 0p pt j + ξt j , (9b)
An intercept is included to account for the normalization that occurs in first-stage estimation.
Evaluating differences in utility prevents recovery of the full j = 1 . . . J mean indirect utility parameters.
In practice, researchers often normalize by setting the first mean indirect utility parameter equal to zero
and estimate the remaining J - 1 parameters.
10 The standard contraction mapping routine is: θ s +1 = θ s − ln
Second stage estimation of (9b) raises several econometric issues. First, because the
dependent variable consists of estimated mean indirect utilities from (9a), some addi-
tional criteria must be satisfied to establish consistency and asymptotic normality
(Berry et al. 2004). Let T = ∑t j represent the total number of distinct housing types.
t, j
Step 6. Use the first stage estimates from step 0 along with the initial guess for the coefficient
on price and the estimates obtained in step 4 to solve for the set of prices, ρhiv such
that aggregate predicted shares exactly equal observed shares of each alternative tj.
Step 7. Perform IV estimation of (9b) using ptIVj as an instrument.
Step 8. Use the estimate of α 0p from step 7 to iterate starting at step 1 until the estimate
of α 0p converges.
U[ g j , hn j ( g j , Pn j , αi , yi ), yi − Pn j ( g j , hn j ), αi ]
= U[ g j , hn j ( g j , q(hn j ) ⋅ p j ( g j ), α i , yi ), yi − q(hn j ) ⋅ p j ( g j ), α i ]
= V ( g j , p j , α i , yi ). (10)
364 H. Allen Klaiber and Nicolai V. Kuminoff
The first equality follows from Sieg et al. (2002). The second equality simply rewrites
utility in indirect terms. The “price of housing” in each community, pj, represents the
implicit price (per unit of q) to consume the bundle of nonmarket amenities provided by
that community.
The same assumptions that allow Sieg et al. (2002) to factor housing expenditures into
price and quantity indices also support a strategy to estimate p1 ,…, pJ from a hedonic
regression. Taking logs of the expenditure function yields a general expression for an
estimable hedonic model,
Given an assumption for the functional form of the quantity index, microdata on
housing sales can be used to recover p1 ,…, p J as community-specific fixed effects in a
regression of log sale prices on housing characteristics.11 Normalizing the smallest fixed
effect to equal one produces the prices that enter the discrete-choice model of commu-
nity selection.
Equation (12) illustrates the CES specification for preferences. It describes the utility
that household i obtains from living in community j.
( yi )1− ν − 1 βPjη+1 − 1 ρ
( )
Vi , j = α i G j + exp
1− ν
exp −
1+ η
, (12)
For example, if the quantity index is assumed to be multiplicative, then the regression is a simple
linear-in-logs specification with fixed effects for communities. Data on the transaction prices of actual
housing sales are converted to annualized values by adapting the formula from Poterba (1992).
This follows from the exponential form of the term in square brackets.
13 For additional discussion of the properties of CES specifications for utility in sorting model see
Epple, Filimon, and Romer (1984, 1993); Epple and Romer (1991); Epple and Platt (1998); Epple and Sieg
(1999); and Sieg et al. (2002).
Equilibrium Sorting Models of Land Use and Residential Choice 365
they differ in their overall preferences for amenities relative to the private good compo-
nent of housing and the numeraire (αi). Of the R amenities in the index, R–1 are observ-
able. g R , j = ξ j represents the composite effect of community-specific attributes that
are observed by households but not the analyst. As in the RUM model, ξ varies across
choices but is restricted to be the same for every household.14 This is an example of what
Berry and Pakes (2007) label the “pure characteristics” approach to modeling choice
among differentiated objects. Utility is defined purely over the characteristics of com-
munities; there is no idiosyncratic location-household-specific εij shock.
The second term inside the CES nest represents utility from the private good com-
ponent of housing. Households are assumed to share the same elasticity of substitution
between amenities and private goods (ρ) and the same demand parameters for the pri-
vate good component of housing: price elasticity (η), income elasticity (ν), and demand
intercept (β). Applying Roy’s Identity to (12) yields a simple expression for the demand
for housing,
Although households share a common set of demand parameters, notice that indi-
vidual demand varies with income.
A key feature of the CES specification in (12) is that preferences are vertical. Since
households have identical relative preferences for g1, . . . , gR, they agree on the ranking of
communities by the G index. Given the expected signs for the housing demand parame-
ters (β > 0, η < 0, ν > 0), preferences satisfy single crossing if ρ < 0.15 This makes it possi-
ble to describe how households sort themselves across communities in equilibrium. To
see this, first order communities by price: p1 < p2 < < pJ . Increasing bundles implies
G1 < G2 < < GJ . Equation (14) uses boundary indifference to implicitly define the (α, y)
combinations that make a household exactly indifferent between j and j + 1.
y 1− ν − 1 Q j +1 − Q j
ln (αi ) − ρ i
1− ν
= ln ρ
G j − G j +1
= B j , j +1 , where Q j = exp −
1+ η
( )
β p ηj +1 − 1 .
Notice that all of the heterogeneity in income and preferences appears to the left of the
equality. The stratification property implies that any household with income and pref-
erence such that: ln(αi ) − ρ[( yi1− ν − 1) / 1 − ν] < B j , j +1 will prefer community j to every
higher ranked community: j + 1, j + 2, . . ., J. Therefore, the left side of (14) can be used to
Although the RUM and PCM frameworks both use ξ to represent choice-specific unobserved
attributes, they will generally recover different estimates for ξ due to the different spatial scales at which
they define the variable and due to their different specifications for preferences.
15 Empirical studies have been unanimous in confirming the expected signs of these four parameters.
366 H. Allen Klaiber and Nicolai V. Kuminoff
characterize the sorting of households into communities. This result plays an important
role in the mechanics of the estimator.
Sieg et al. demonstrate that the seven moment conditions in (16) can be used to iden-
tify all the parameters in θ.16
G j − γ 1 g 1,1 − − γ R −1 ⋅ g R −1, j
y 25
j −y 25
50 50
y j − y j
m j (θ ) = 75 75
y j − y j .
ln Pn∈j − ln β − (η + 1) ln p j − ν ln y j
ln P 50 − ln β − (η + 1) ln p − ν ln y 50
n ∈j j j
ln Pn75∈j − ln β − (η + 1) ln p j − ν ln y 75
The first moment condition is based on the level of amenity provision. Given a value
for overall provision of amenities in the cheapest community, G1, the sorting behavior
implied by vertical differentiation allows G2 , … , GJ to be defined recursively. The pre-
dictions for G2, . . . , GJ are then used to identify the (constant) weights in the amenity
index. The residual to the moment condition defines the composite unobserved ame-
nity in each community (ξ1 , …, ξJ ).
16 The particular moment conditions selected by Sieg et al. are somewhat arbitrary. In principle,
one could use fewer moment conditions and additional instruments. Alternatively, one could
develop moment conditions based on different quantiles of the distributions of income and housing
Equilibrium Sorting Models of Land Use and Residential Choice 367
The next three moment conditions are based on the model’s prediction for the dis-
tribution of income. Under the maintained assumptions on preferences, the informa-
tion in θ can be used to simulate community-specific income distributions. Three of the
moment conditions match the 25th, 50th, and 75th quantiles from the simulated dis-
tributions of income in each community ( y 25 50
j ,y 75
j ,y j ) to their empirical counterparts
25 50 75
( y j , y j , y j ).
The last three moment conditions use the simulated income distributions to match pre-
dicted and observed quantiles from the distribution of housing expenditures in each com-
munity. The expenditure moments are obtained by multiplying (13) by price and taking logs.
Instruments are required to address endogeneity in the moment condition based on
provision of amenities. The problem is that observed and unobserved amenities may
be correlated. If households sort themselves across communities according to their
income and preferences for a seemingly exogenous amenity—air quality, for example—
their location choices may influence the levels of other endogenous amenities, such as
public school quality, inducing correlation between them. PCM applications have fol-
lowed Epple and Sieg (1999) in developing instruments from monotonic functions
of each community’s rank in the price index. These instruments will be valid as long
as unobserved amenities are of second-order importance; that is, if they affect house-
holds’ location choices without affecting the price rank of a community. The relevance
of the instruments stems from the expectation that communities with higher levels of
observed amenities will tend to be higher in the price ranking.
The mechanics of the simulated GMM estimator are straightforward. It can be imple-
mented using a Nelder-Mead algorithm that iterates over the following steps.
Step 5. Given G1, solve for G2 to make the boundary person between communities 1
and 2 indifferent between them. Then given G2, solve for G3, and so on. . . .
368 H. Allen Klaiber and Nicolai V. Kuminoff
modeling decisions embedded in the original estimators developed by Epple and Sieg
(1999) and Bayer, McMillen, and Reuben (2004). A clever econometrician could mix,
match, and alter the features of the two models to develop new estimators. That said,
no amount of econometric cleverness can ever identify the true behavioral model with
absolute certainty. Perhaps the best way to evaluate the validity of a sorting model is to
test its out-of-sample predictions for how people and markets will adjust to unexpected
changes in the spatial landscape.
Estimates for the structural parameters of a RUM or PCM model can be used to develop
theoretically consistent predictions for the distribution of benefits from large-scale
changes in the spatial distribution of prices or amenities. One can easily calculate partial
equilibrium measures of willingness to pay (WTP) for a prospective policy change. The
model can also be used to simulate the transition to the new equilibrium that would fol-
low the introduction of the policy. Comparing the ex ante and ex post equilibria makes
it possible to predict migration patterns, capitalization effects, changes in the levels of
endogenous amenities, and the corresponding “general equilibrium” measures of WTP.
In this section, we define “partial” and “general” equilibrium benefit measures and then
discuss how to close the model and solve for a new equilibrium.
( )
V α i , yi − WTPPE , g *j1 , g j~1 , hn j , Pn j = V (α i , yi , g j1 , g j~1 , hnj , Pnj )
( )
V α i , yi − WTPGE , g k*1 , g k* ~1 , hmk , Pm* k = V (α i , yi , g j1 , g j~1 , hn j , Pn j ),
17 Calculation of partial equilibrium benefit measures differs between the PCM and RUM
frameworks. In the PCM (17a) is inverted to calculate WTP directly. In the RUM, the idiosyncratic error
term means that WTP must be defined as an expected value using a version of the usual log-sum rule.
370 H. Allen Klaiber and Nicolai V. Kuminoff
Finally, all of the applications we discuss in this chapter treat households as renters.
Capital gains from housing sales are assumed to be captured by absentee landowners.
This approach simplifies computation of the new equilibrium, but abstracts from issues
that matter to policy makers. Many policies are effectively enacted on the owners of cap-
ital, especially policies influencing individual tax treatment. With this in mind, future
research that builds changes in assets into the budget constraint would be another useful
addition to the literature.
Step 1. Given the new spatial distribution of amenities, use the estimated preference
parameters to calculate the aggregate demand for each housing type, σ tdj,0,
where d stands for “demand” and 0 indicates that this is the initial iteration of
the algorithm.
d ,0 s
Step 2. Determine whether excess demand (σ t j > σ t j ) or excess supply (σ tdj,0 < σ tsj )
exists for each housing type.
Step 3. For types with excess demand, increase prices by a small percentage. Decrease
prices by a small percentage for types with excess supply.18
Step 4. Using the new prices, recalculate the aggregate housing demand for each type,
σtdj ,1.
d s
Step 5. Continue iterating over steps 2–4 until σt j = σt j for every type.
18 A weighted average of previous and new prices can help to prevent oscillation in convergence. The
magnitude of price changes can be weighted to be proportional to the difference in observed shares to
speed convergence.
372 H. Allen Klaiber and Nicolai V. Kuminoff
their equilibrium housing prices and provisions of public goods: p1 < p2 < < pJ and
G1 < G2 < < GJ . Following a shock to public goods, the new equilibrium price ranking
must be identical to the new ranking by G. Using this fact, the solution algorithm pro-
ceeds as follows:
S tep 1. Make a guess for the new price of housing in the cheapest community, p1 .
Step 2. Use the left side of (14) to sort households into community 1 until total hous-
ing demand equals supply, aggregating over (13) to calculate demand.
Step 3. Use the last household sorted into community 1 to solve for the value of p2 that
satisfies (14).
Step 4. Repeat steps 2–3 for communities 2 through J, or until all households are
assigned to communities.
Step 5. If there is excess housing supply in community J, increase p1 and return to step
2. If there is excess demand, decrease p1 and return to step 2.
it may actually accelerate the rate at which the remaining privately owned open space is
Finally, Bayer and McMillan (2005) use a RUM to assess the role of households’ pref-
erences for several amenities, including the demographics of their neighbors. Measures
of demographic composition, such as average income, average education, and neigh-
borhood population shares by race, are directly determined by the sorting process. As
a result, a public policy that influences an exogenous amenity is shown to be capable of
altering neighborhood demographic composition.
Since hedonic and sorting models describe the same underlying equilibrium, advances
in the sorting literature also improve our understanding of the challenges associated
with using reduced-form hedonic regressions to evaluate the benefits of prospective
changes in the spatial landscape. We briefly summarize three ways in which the theory,
estimation, and simulation of sorting models has clarified the challenges with hedonic
half the size of estimates from conventional hedonic regressions (Black 1999; Bayer et al.
2007; Kuminoff and Pope 2014).
Endogenous amenities present an additional challenge for benefit measurement.
A public policy that alters the spatial distribution of one amenity may influence the
long-run levels of other endogenous amenities. In this case, hedonic price func-
tions do not provide enough information to evaluate the welfare implications of the
Rosen’s (1974) original vision for hedonic demand estimation remains unfulfilled due to the
difficulty with identifying demand curves (Bartik 1987; Epple 1987).
Klaiber and Phaneuf (2010) provide a more detailed comparison. Using the same dataset (but
different controls for omitted variables), they find that hedonic and sorting models produce very similar
estimates of MWTP for some types of open space ($30 vs. $28 for a 1% increase in local parks) and
very different estimates for other types of open space (–$277 vs. $618 for a 1% increase in agricultural
Equilibrium Sorting Models of Land Use and Residential Choice 375
significant welfare implications. Partial and general equilibrium benefit measures differ
by over 100% for the average Ventura household.
5. Conclusion
Equilibrium sorting models provide a powerful framework for modeling the two-way
interaction between people and their surrounding environment. They have tremen-
dous potential for policy evaluation. The Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and
376 H. Allen Klaiber and Nicolai V. Kuminoff
the Superfund program are examples of major public policies designed to produce
large-scale changes in the spatial distribution of nonmarket amenities. We would like
to understand their distributional implications and be able to predict how new policies
will affect consumer welfare and market outcomes. Equilibrium sorting models are the
first revealed preference framework capable of meeting this task while recognizing that
people adapt to changes in their surrounding environment.
Like every revealed preference framework, sorting models rely on maintained
assumptions about the structure of consumer preferences. This means their predictions
for benefit measures, housing market outcomes, and the evolution of the surrounding
landscape are best viewed as approximations. How accurate are these approximations?
The ability to answer this question is one of the novelties of the literature. Sorting mod-
els make testable predictions for market and nonmarket outcomes! Thus, the same types
of natural experiments and policy discontinuities that have been used to develop instru-
ments for reduced-form hedonic models could also be used to test a sorting model’s
predictions for property value capitalization effects and migration patterns. Future evi-
dence on external validity would help to refine the current generation of estimators and
continue to advance the literature.
Finally, our objective has been to provide an introductory guide to sorting models for
empirical analysts. We have tried to be clear about the subtleties of the microeconomet-
ric models and the mechanics of estimation and simulation procedures. Nevertheless,
our own experience has been that the most effective way to learn a sorting model is to
“get your hands dirty.” Readers who are up to the challenge can find examples of data
and code on our webpages.
Our research on equilibrium sorting has benefited from collaborations and conver-
sations with several colleagues. We thank without implicating Pat Bayer, Spencer
Banzhaf, Antonio Bento, Amy Binner, Kelly Bishop, Keith Evans, Paul Fackler, Michael
Hanemann, Abdul Jarrah, Alvin Murphy, Ray Palmquist, Chris Parmeter, Dan Phaneuf,
Jaren Pope, V. Kerry Smith, Chris Timmins, Roger von Haefen, Randy Walsh, and Kent
Zhao. We also thank JunJie Wu for helpful comments on an earlier draft of this chapter.
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C HA P T E R 15
The spatial configuration of land use and land cover has important influences on popu-
lations of birds (Askins 2002; Faaborg 2002) and amphibians (Kolozsvary and Swihart
1999; deMaynadier and Hunter 2000), the health of riverine systems (Gergel et al. 2002)
and estuaries (Hale et al. 2004), human perceptions of scenic quality (Palmer 2004), and
the extent of urban sprawl (Carrion-Flores and Irwin 2004). Land use change results in
changes in the spatial pattern of land use, often in ways that diminish environmental
quality. For example, habitat fragmentation can occur when changes in land use trans-
form a contiguous habitat patch into disjunct patches. Many species of conservation
interest are sensitive to habitat fragmentation, including birds (Askins 2002; Faaborg
2002), amphibians (Kolozsvary and Swihart 1999; Lehtinen et al. 2003), and large mam-
mals (Costa et al. 2005; Noss et al. 2006). Land use change is the leading driver of biodi-
versity loss in terrestrial ecosystems and is expected to remain so in the future (Sala et al.
2000; Wilcove et al. 2000; Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005).
Much of the habitat important for biodiversity conservation occurs on privately
owned land. One study found that 70% of species listed under the U.S. Endangered
Species Act (ESA) depend on nonfederal land, most of which is privately owned, for the
majority of their habitat (Natural Heritage Data Center Network 1993). In landscapes
dominated by private ownership, landowners lack the incentive to coordinate decisions
to influence the spatial land use pattern and the environmental outcomes that depend
on it. Econometric-based landscape simulation models have been developed to under-
stand the nature and extent of this market failure problem and to identify and quantify
the effects of corrective land use policies. A landscape simulation begins with a spatial
representation of the landscape, such as a land use map in which the unit of analysis is
a land parcel, and simulates changes in the landscape through the use of rules applied
at the unit scale. An econometric-based simulation model uses rules derived from
Landscape Simulations with Econometric-Based Land Use Models 381
econometric estimation. For example, Lewis and Plantinga (2007) estimate an econo-
metric model that relates observed land use changes to economic returns to alternatives
uses. The econometric results are then incorporated into a landscape simulation model
used to study how forest fragmentation is affected by incentive-based policies that
modify the relative returns to different uses. Lewis, Plantinga, and Wu (2009) analyze
the spatial targeting of incentives to increase contiguous forest habitat, and Lewis et al.
(2011) consider the relative efficiency of voluntary incentive-based policies in achieving
biodiversity conservation objectives. The latter analysis combines an econometric land
use model, landscape simulations, and a biological model of biodiversity that depends
on the spatial pattern of land use.
The development of econometric-based simulations for landscapes dominated by
private ownership presents four basic challenges. The first is to represent variation in
the private economic returns to land at the same scale at which land use varies. Hedonic
price studies reveal that returns to urban land uses vary considerably at fine spatial
scales. Housing prices, for example, are affected by proximity to the central business dis-
trict, roads, and amenities (Wu et al. 2004), as well as by spatial interactions with neigh-
boring parcels (Irwin and Bockstael 2002). Returns to rural land uses, such as cropland
and forests, typically exhibit little variation at this scale because output and input prices
for land-based commodities are relatively constant over space. Factors that can cause
varation in rural land returns include soil quality, which affects crop and timber yields,
and access to markets. Land use regulations, such as zoning restrictions, can also have
important effects on economic returns (Grout et al. 2011).
The second challenge is to model the private information that landowners possess
about the returns to their land. Researchers have incomplete information about private
returns because of unobservable parcel attributes, landowner characteristics such as
managerial expertise, and private nonmarket benefits (e.g., recreation) associated with
particular uses of the land. The random utility framework is a common way to accom-
modate the incomplete information. The returns to land are represented by a determin-
istic component and a random error observed only by the landowner. This gives rise to
a probabilistic model of land use change, as in Lubowski, Plantinga, and Stavins (2006).
Lewis et al. (2011) estimate a mixed logit model that includes random parameters to
account for spatial and temporal correlation in land use decisions. Their results indicate
a significant degree of unobserved heterogeneity in returns to land.
The third challenge is how to best account for land use intensity. In addition to choos-
ing the use of their land, landowners must decide on the intensity of use. For exam-
ple, once the landowner has chosen to develop her land, she must also decide on how
many housing lots to build per acre or how many floors to add to a commercial building.
Likewise, a farmer who allocates his land to crops must decide which crops to produce
and how intensively to cultivate them. Finally, the forest owner must choose species
and rotation length, among other management decisions. Land use intensity is, thus,
the set of secondary choices faced by a landowner once the land use decision has been
made. Land use intensity has important implications for econometric land use models
because it affects the economic return to the chosen use. In many previous studies, land
382 Andrew J. Plantinga and David J. Lewis
use intensity is implicitly assumed in the measurement of net returns to each use (e.g.,
Stavins and Jaffe 1990; Plantinga 1996; Lubowski et al. 2006).1 Lewis, Provencher, and
Butsic (2009) and Lewis (2010), however, model land intensity as a joint decision with
land use. Explicit representation of land use intensity may be warranted if differences
in intensity are important for the landscape-level processes of interest. For example, in
the application presented here, the intensity of development—measured as the number
of shoreline housing lots—has important effects on the green frog population we study.
The fourth challenge arises from the probabilistic nature of the land use transition
rules derived from econometric analysis (Bockstael 1996). The researcher can determine
whether a particular parcel is more likely to convert than another parcel but not that any
particular parcel will convert with certainty. Some analysts present maps showing the
spatial distribution of the estimated probabilities (Bockstael 1996; Cropper et al. 2001),
whereas others form deterministic rules from probabilistic ones (e.g., Chomitz and Gray
1996; Irwin and Bockstael 2002). A problem with the latter approach is that a given deter-
ministic rule is only one of many possible rules. Thus, the simulation produces a single
landscape that represents only one of what is typically a very large number of potential
landscapes. An alternative is to generate a large number of different landscapes conform-
ing to the underlying probabilistic rules. However, one must then summarize this infor-
mation in a way that effectively conveys the range of potential outcomes.
This chapter discusses landscape simulations based on econometric land use models,
emphasizing ways to overcome the four challenges just mentioned. Section 1 reviews
the related literature. Section 2 presents the basic methodology for econometric model-
ing of private land use decisions, and Section 3 describes the use of these models in land-
scape simulations. An application of the methods is provided in section 4, and a final
section considers directions for future research.
Numerous studies in the economics literature seek to explain observed land use
decisions in terms of profit-maximizing behavior. Early studies employed aggregate
(typically county-level) data on land use (Stavins and Jaffe 1990; Plantinga 1996;
Hardie and Parks 1997), whereas more recent analyses have used plot-level data
(Lubowski et al. 2006; Lewis et al. 2011) and spatially explicit land use or land cover
data (Bockstael 1996; Cropper et al. 2001; Nelson et al. 2001; Irwin and Bockstael
2002, 2004; Carrion-Flores and Irwin 2004). An advantage of spatial data is that they
allow spatial processes to be modeled explicitly. For example, Bockstael (1996) uses a
1 Lubowski, Plantinga, and Stavins (2006), for example, construct net returns to forest by assuming
that landowners choose the existing mix of forest species in their county and follow the Faustmann rule
in determining the rotation length.
Landscape Simulations with Econometric-Based Land Use Models 383
2. Econometric Models
The results of econometric estimation provide a set of rules governing land use change
in landscape simulations. In this section, we present a general framework for specifying
384 Andrew J. Plantinga and David J. Lewis
and estimating econometric land use models with parcel-scale data. We also discuss
strategies to address the first three challenges described: how to represent variation in
the private economic returns to land at the same scale at which land use varies, how to
model the private information that landowners possess about the returns to their land,
and how to account for land use intensity.
where (β 0 jk , β 1 jk , β 2 jk ) are parameters specific to the j-to-k transition and μijkt is a ran-
dom error term.
Lewis et al. (2011) adopt the following specification of net returns, which is a special
case of (1):
where Rc (i )kt is the average net revenue from use k at time t in county c(i) where parcel i
is located and LCCi indicates the productivity, as measured by the Land Capability Class
(LCC) rating, of parcel i. The LCC system assigns a rating of I through VIII to a land par-
cel, where lower numbers indicate higher productivity for agricultural crops. The inter-
action of Rc (i )kt and LCCi allows the net revenue for parcel i to deviate from the county
average net revenue due to observable land quality. The effects of annualized conversion
costs are assumed to be constant across parcels and time and are measured implicitly by
β0 jk . Similar specifications are used in Lubowski et al. (2006) and Lewis and Plantinga
The three studies mentioned earlier meet the first modeling challenge—representing
variation in the private economic returns to land at the same scale at which land use var-
ies—using the interaction of the county average net return and parcel-level land quality.
An alternative approach is to use parcel-level data to estimate separate hedonic price
models for the net returns to each use. These models can incorporate spatial variables,
such as distances to urban centers and features of the surrounding landscape, and be
used to predict net returns for the unselected land uses in the choice set. In this fash-
ion, Bockstael (1996) estimates a hedonic price model of the value of land in residential
housing. Parcel-level predictions of the value of land in residential use are then incorpo-
rated into a probit model to explain development of agricultural land. Carrion-Flores
and Irwin (2004) and Newburn, Berck, and Merenlender (2006) enter the determinants
of net returns (e.g., slope, elevation, soil characteristics, distances to cities, zoning, and
neighboring land uses) directly into the land use change model. The disadvantage of this
reduced-form approach is that one loses economic information—specifically, the rela-
tionship between land use decisions and net returns—that can be used in simulations of
incentive-based policies, such as subsidies for land conversion.
The random utility framework, adopted for all of the econometric land use models
discussed in this section, addresses the second challenge—modeling the private infor-
mation that landowners possess about the returns to their land. In (1), the determin-
istic component of net returns, β 0 jk + β 1 jk Rikt + β 2 jk Cijkt , is assumed to be common
knowledge, whereas the random error μijkt is observed by the landowner, but not by the
researcher. The average net revenues from crop production in a county, Rijkt, are typ-
ically observable, but the researcher is unlikely to observe deviations from the mean
return due to landowner-specific skills, knowledge, and other individual attributes.
These deviations are captured in μijkt and represent a landowner’s private information
about her returns. In all but one of the studies mentioned, researchers impose assump-
tions on the distribution of μijkt that yield probit or multinomial logit models. Lewis et al.
(2011) have panel data on land use change and thus can use a more flexible random
parameters specification:
where (εijkt , ϖ1c(i ) jk , ϖ2ijk ) are random variables and (σ1 jk , σ2 jk ) are parameters. The
random parameters allow for spatial correlation (σ1 jkϖ1c(i ) jk takes the same value for all
parcels within a county) and temporal correlation (σ1 jkϖ2ijk takes the same value for a
given parcel in all time periods).2
A useful property of random utility models is that they define a distribution over—in
the land use context—the maximum net return from each land parcel. Given the start-
ing use j, and K possible land use choices, the maximum net return derived from parcel
i in time t is:
The assumption that μijkt is distributed type I extreme value allows (4) to be
Rijt* = ln
ξ j ∑ exp(β
0 jk + β1 jk Rikt + β2 jk Cijkt ) − γ + νijt ,
where γ is Euler’s constant and νijt is distributed type I extreme value with location
parameter equal to zero and scale parameter ξj (Ben-Akiva and Lerman 1985). Equation
(5) can be used in landscape simulations to introduce land uses other than those in the
original choice set, as long as one can assume that landowners will accept the maxi-
mum net return from their parcel as compensation for adopting the new use. Lewis et al.
(2011) use this approach to model habitat conservation on private land. In this context,
equation (5) defines a distribution over landowners’ willingness to accept conservation
This discussion assumes that the net returns in (1) are fixed. In most cases, however,
the net return is chosen by the landowner when she selects the land use intensity. The
appropriate way to model this is the third challenge discussed earlier. Formally, for par-
cel i, use k, and time t, the landowner chooses the intensity m to solve:
NRikt = max NRikt ,m }mM=1 ,
where Mk is the number of intensity choices associated with use k. The simplest approach
is for the researcher to assume she knows the solution to (6) (or at least the determinis-
tic component of the solution). Provided that one can observe the choice of intensity, a
2 Many econometric challenges arise with the estimation of econometric land use models,
particularly when spatial processes are an important feature of land use decisions. See Brady and Irwin
(2011) for discussion of these issues.
Landscape Simulations with Econometric-Based Land Use Models 387
more flexible approach is to model the intensity decision explicitly. A natural extension
of the random utility models discussed here is to model intensity as a nested choice con-
ditional on land use. In this formulation, the landowner is assumed to simultaneously
choose land use and intensity, conditional on the net returns to each use-intensity com-
bination. Lewis, Provencher, and Butsic (2009) estimate a probit model of the binary
development decision jointly with a count model of the number of housing lots. They
address the sample selection problem inherent to their data; namely, that the number
of housing lots are observed only for developed parcels. Landscape simulations are nor-
mally concerned with the population of land parcels, which argues for the use of econo-
metric methods that can mitigate sample selection bias.
The results from the estimation of econometric land use models translate into a set of
rules governing land use change. In the case of random utility models, specifically, the
researcher obtains a K × K matrix of land use transition probabilities for each parcel:
where Xit is a vector of explanatory variables for parcel i in time t (e.g., the net returns
to each of the alternative uses) and β jk is the vector of estimated parameters associated
with the use j-to-k transition. The transition matrices are then matched to parcels in
a GIS using the variables in Xit. Figure 15.1 illustrates how this is done for the model
specification in (2). One obtains GIS layers on land ownership, political boundaries, soil
quality, and initial land cover and overlays them to define distinct parcels on the land-
scape. Each parcel corresponds to a set of transition probabilities defined in (7). The
land ownership layer is needed to eliminate public land parcels since the econometric
model applies only to private lands. The county and soil quality layers indicate the values
of Rc (i )kt and LCCi to use in applying (7), and the land cover layer indicates the initial set
of estimated parameters to use. If j is the initial land use of the parcel, then the relevant
parameter set is β jk , k = 1, . . . , K. In a similar fashion, one can associate a maximum net
return distribution with each parcel in the GIS.
Once this matching exercise is complete, Monte Carlo methods are used to simulate
future changes in the landscape. To begin, suppose that parcel i is initially in crop use and,
according to the matched set of transition probabilities for the parcel, will remain in crops
with a 70% probability and change to pasture, forest, and urban use, each with a 10% prob-
ability. A random draw from a specified distribution, such as a U(0,1), determines whether
the parcel remain in crops (e.g., if the random draw is between 0 and 0.70), changes to pas-
ture (between 0.70 and 0.80), and so on. This procedure is repeated for every parcel and
results in a period t+1 landscape. The transition probabilities are then updated for each
388 Andrew J. Plantinga and David J. Lewis
ty ty
B Political boundaries
oun un
C o layer
Land ownership
Soil quality
Land cover
FIGURE 15.1 Matching land use transition matrices to parcels in a geographic information
system (GIS).
parcel on the t+1 landscape. For example, if parcel i changed to pasture use, then transition
probabilities for this parcel must be computed with a different parameter set. Or, net returns
may be different in period t+1 due, for example, to endogenous price feedbacks. This pro-
cess is repeated until a landscape representation is obtained for the future period of interest.
Of course, the simulated landscape is only one of many possible landscapes consis-
tent with the underlying transition rules. Some earlier authors have used the transition
probabilities to form a deterministic rule for land use change (Chomitz and Gray 1996;
Irwin and Bockstael 2002). For example, Nelson and Hellerstein (1997) and Nelson
et al. (2001) assume that each parcel will be put to the use with the highest estimated
transition probability. This practice, however, is at odds with the random utility frame-
work underlying the econometric model. Because of the unobserved component of net
returns, the researcher does not have the information needed to predict changes in land
use with certainty. Only probabilistic statements about land use changes can be made.
To characterize the range of potential outcomes, one can repeat the process described
here many times to generate a large number of future landscapes, each of which is con-
sistent with the probabilistic transition rules. This, however, raises our fourth modeling
challenge: how does one summarize this information in a way that effectively conveys
the range of potential outcomes?
Lewis and Plantinga (2007) solve this informational challenge with landscape metrics
that summarize the spatial pattern of land use. The focus of their study is forest fragmen-
tation, and so, for each landscape, they compute the average forest patch size and the
area of core forest (forest parcels that are completely surrounded by other forest parcels).
This defines a distribution over the landscape metrics. In a similar fashion, Lewis et al.
(2011) convert each landscape into a biodiversity score using a biological model that
combines simulated landscapes with information on species and habitats. They summa-
rize the results by computing the mean biodiversity score.
Landscape Simulations with Econometric-Based Land Use Models 389
An important question that arises in Monte Carlo analysis is how many repetitions
are enough? In the context of our problem, how many landscapes need to be simu-
lated? In most cases, the number of possible landscapes will be astronomically large.
For instance, there are 5 × 1047 possible ways to arrange three land uses on a 100-parcel
landscape. Fortunately, the researcher is interested not in describing all possible land-
scapes, but rather with characterizing the distribution over the outcome of interest,
such as a fragmentation metric or a biodiversity score. Stability in the outcome distri-
bution is likely to be achieved after a relatively small number of simulations. The ideal
approach would be to implement a convergence rule that would end the simulations
when additional landscapes change the outcome distribution in a sufficiently small way,
although this may not be feasible if multiple computer programs are in use. In his study
of forest fragmentation, Lewis (2005) found that the first three moments of the distribu-
tions defined over five fragmentation indices changed very little once 500 landscapes
had been simulated. As a further test, Lewis generated two samples of 500 landscapes
and tested for differences in the sample moments across the two samples. Of course,
these tests need to be done for each application to ensure the stability of the outcome
The power of econometric-based landscape simulations lies with their use for inves-
tigating effects of land use policies on landscape-scale environmental outcomes. If Xit
includes measures of net returns, then one can simulate the effects of incentive-based
policies, such as subsidies for afforestation or habitat conservation. Lewis et al. (2011)
evaluate a suite of conservation policies, ranging from a simple per-acre subsidy applied
uniformly across the landscape to targeted policies that account for biological charac-
teristics of land parcels. The authors generate landscapes for each policy scenario, com-
paring the mean biodiversity score in each case to the mean score obtained under a
reference scenario with no policy.
4. Application
The net return to developed use is a random variable because it is derived by maximiz-
ing over a set of random variables.
A logical modeling approach would be to estimate an econometric model of expected
land use intensity Emit* as a function of a set of observable variables Xit. However, since
both Emit* and the net value of conversion NVCit are derived from operations on the
same set of random variables φilm, there necessarily exists a sample selection problem
in estimation of Emit : the analyst only observes the intensity decision for those parcels
converted to the developed use. We assume that we can represent (10) as a Poisson pro-
cess, where Emit depends on Xit and the random variable ωi, where ωi reinforces that
the optimal density choice in (10) is a random variable generated by an operation on
Landscape Simulations with Econometric-Based Land Use Models 391
the set of random variables φilm. The probability that mit* = m, m = 1, 2, … , M1 follows a
zero-truncated Poisson distribution:
In sum, the binary decision to develop is determined by (13), which features, first, spa-
tial correlation in the unobservables induced by the presence of a common unobservable
(μl) for all parcels on lake l, and, second, an unobservable (εi1t) that is correlated with the
unobservables in the land use intensity decision (γi). If we make the assumption that εi1t
is a standard normal, then the conditional probability of development (dit = 1) is given by,
And, if we assume that εi1t and γi are joint standard normal with correlation coefficient
ρ, then using the properties of the joint normal distribution (Greene 2012), we obtain:
Pr(dit = 1 | X it , µ l , γ i ) = Φ [δ X it + µ l + ργ i ]/ 1 − ρ2 . ) (15)
Conditioning the probability in (15) only on observables Xit requires integrating out
μl and γi:
∫∫ Pr[m
Pr(dit = 1 | X it ) = it = m | X it , γ i ][Pr(dit = 1 | X it , µ l , γ i )]φ(γ i )φ(µ l )d γ i dµ l ,
where ϕ is the standard normal density function. Thus, the probability of the observed
behavior (dit, mit) on parcel i at time t is,
Pr(Dl ) = ∏∏[(1 − d
i t
it ) + dit Pr[mit* = mit | X it , γ i ]]
Taking R sets of draws of γi and μl, the simulated approximation to the likelihood
function is,
Pr Sim (Dl ) = R−1
∑ Pr(D ).
l (19)
r =1
simulation. Second, we demonstrate how an econometric land use model can be cou-
pled with an ecological model as a solution to the problem of summarizing information
from a large number of simulated landscapes. We draw on Lewis’s (2010) simulation
study of shoreline land development in northern Wisconsin. The econometric model
in this chapter treats the net returns to land as a reduced-form expression of a set of
soil characteristics, lake characteristics (water clarity, lake size, etc.), and a zoning policy
variable indicating the minimum shoreline frontage for new residential lots. Output
from the econometric model includes parcel-specific estimates of the probability of
subdivision (a Probit model) and the expected number of new lots upon subdivision (a
Poisson model). Importantly, the Poisson model of the expected number of lots can also
be used to estimate the probability of each possible choice of density (one new lot, two
new lots, etc.).
The development and intensity probabilities are functions of the set of indepen-
dent variables, enabling Lewis (2010) to use the model to simulate the landscape effects
of changes to shoreline zoning policies. The use of a joint model of categorical land use
change and land use intensity raises the challenge of using two probability models (with
correlation across the models) for the simulation. The following steps were used in the
1. Following the Krinsky and Robb method (1986), draw a parameter vector from
the econometrically estimated distribution to calculate the estimated Probit and
Poisson probabilities for each parcel.3
2. Standard normal random draws are multiplied by the corresponding standard
deviations from step 1 to generate a draw from the estimated random parameter
3. A complete time path (t = 1 . . . T) of development is estimated for each lake.
• Draw a U ~ [0,1] random number r1 for each parcel, where development
occurs if r1 is less than or equal to the estimated subdivision probability; oth-
erwise, the parcel is assumed to remain in its current state.
• If developed, use the estimated Poisson probability, Pr[m* = m], of the num-
ber of new lots m as follows: Draw a U ~ [0,1] random number r2; one new
lot is created if r2 ≤ Pr[m* = 1], two new lots are created if Pr[m* = 1] < r2 ≤
Pr[m* = 2], and so forth until m* is equal to the maximum number of lots
allowable under zoning.
• Repeat these two steps until t = T.
4. Steps 1–3 are repeated to produce a large number of simulated landscapes.
vector, C is the K×K Cholesky decomposition of the estimated variance-covariance matrix, and λK is a
K-dimensional vector of draws from a standard normal distribution.
394 Andrew J. Plantinga and David J. Lewis
This simulation procedure accounts for variation in the estimated model parame-
ters and the random error terms. Furthermore, since step 1 uses the covariance matrix
of parameters from the joint estimation of the Probit and Poisson models, the simula-
tion accounts for the estimated unobserved correlation between land development
and land intensity and implicitly addresses the sample selection problem discussed
Each simulated landscape is evaluated in terms of habitat for green frog populations.
The coupled economic-ecological model exploits the predictions from the econometric
model of landscape pattern, which are then used as input to the ecological model. Lewis
(2010) predicts shoreline development across each of 140 lakes, and shoreline develop-
ment density is used to predict the population of green frogs. The green frog population
model is a regression model developed by Woodford and Meyer (2003) that includes
shoreline development density as an independent variable.4 Notably, the Woodford and
Meyer (2003) model was estimated with green frog data from lakes in our study region
in northern Wisconsin. The spatial scale of the model is a lake (i.e., each lake is a habitat
patch), which nicely fits the scale of Lewis’s (2010) simulations, which provide lake-level
estimates of development density. Since development density is the driver of green frog
populations, this model also illustrates the value of modeling a land use intensity choice
rather than just land use categories.
Figure 15.2 illustrates a 20-year forecast from the econometric model as an empirical
distribution of the number of lots on a select lake in northern Wisconsin. As expected,
elimination of the zoning policy increases the likelihood of a larger number of lots being
built. The coupling of the econometric model with the ecological model is performed by
using the predicted shoreline development density for each simulation as an input into
the ecological model to generate a predicted probability of extinction for green frogs.5
Figure 15.2 illustrates how relaxing the zoning constraint along the lakes translates into
a greater probability of extinction for green frog populations. The results in Figure 15.2
draw on a large number of probabilistic landscape simulations, each of which is consis-
tent with the underlying econometric models. Thus, the results are represented in terms
of empirical distributions of development densities and extinction probabilities. By
modifying an independent variable in the econometric model, we see how these empiri-
cal distributions change as a function of a policy change.
The regression model from Woodford and Meyer (2003) is very simple and is estimated as E(Frogs
| Lots) = 2.537 − 1.189 × Lots, where Frogs is the number of Frogs per 100 m shoreline and Lots is
the number of developed lots per 100 m shoreline. This function is slightly revised from the original
published version that was sent directly to us by James Woodford. See the original paper, Woodford and
Meyer (2003), for additional information. The Lots variable is generated during each iteration of the
simulation and plugged into this function to get a Frogs measure. More complex ecological models can
be coupled to the economic model provided that the ecological outcomes of interest can be related to the
predicted landscapes. See Lewis et al. (2011) for an example involving a larger set of species.
5 Rather than use the expected number of green frogs, we use the properties of the simple regression
function to generate extinction probabilities. The regression function from Woodford and Meyer has an
Landscape Simulations with Econometric-Based Land Use Models 395
Number of lots on lake Probability of extinction
FIGURE 15.2 Coupling a landscape simulation with an ecological model for a select lake—
two frequency plots.
estimated mean number of green frogs per 100 m of E(Frogs | Lots) = 2.537 − 1.189 × Lots. Also, using
the sum of squared residuals, the model has an estimate of σ = 1.48. The probability of extinction is
calculated at each simulation iteration by plugging the predicted Lots into the regression function and
using the cumulative normal distribution function with mean E(Frogs | Lots) and σ = 1.48 to find the
probability that fewer than zero frogs occur on each lake.
6 In particular, each K × K set of transition probabilities varies only by soil quality and county.
396 Andrew J. Plantinga and David J. Lewis
urban areas and along transportation corridors. One of the reasons for this result is the
decision-making scale. We assumed in this simulation that a land use decision is made at
the scale of each pixel on the landscape, which produces implausibly small areas (dots)
of urban land. But, what is the right decision-making scale? This is a question critical to
land use modeling,7 but not one that can be easily answered in practice. One approach
would be to assume that ownership determines the scale at which land use decisions are
made. That is, each landowner could be assumed to allocate her parcel to a single use.
But, clearly, there are many exceptions to this, as in the case of a diversified farm with
land in crops, pasture, and forests. In the case of rented land, the use—and, particularly,
the intensity—decision may be made by somebody other than the owner. And, finally,
ownership can involve complicated legal arrangements that make it difficult to establish
the actual owner of a particular parcel of land. In their simulation analysis, Lewis and
Plantinga (2007) defined decision-making units in terms of contiguous blocks of land
allocated to single uses. This mitigated the salt-and-pepper effect, but likely had other
decision-making scale can have important influences on land use decisions if scale economies are
Landscape Simulations with Econometric-Based Land Use Models 397
The salt-and-pepper effect also can occur if the econometric land use model fails
to account for important spatial processes. For example, urban development is often
more likely to occur near roads. Ignoring this dependency in the econometric model
will carry through to landscape simulations and likely produce a scattered pattern of
future urbanization. The remedy is to estimate spatially explicit econometric mod-
els of land use, which we regard to be the most important next step in the develop-
ment of econometric-based landscape simulations. The earlier work in this chapter
focused on the linkage between the spatial pattern of land use at the landscape scale
and ecological outcomes but did not emphasize the spatial relationships that affect
land use decisions. To represent these spatial processes, one needs high-quality spa-
tial data to use in the estimation of econometric land use models. These data are
increasingly available, but their use gives rise to a number of additional econometric
challenges. We conclude this chapter by emphasizing the importance of economic
theory in guiding the development of spatial econometric models to be used for
landscape simulations. Readers are referred to Brady and Irwin (2011) for a more
complete discussion.
There are surely important spatial processes that affect land use decisions, but what
are they exactly? Why is urban development more likely to occur near to existing urban
land (one can imagine negative externalities pushing development farther away)? If a
person’s land borders a farm, are they more likely to choose an agricultural use and, if so,
why? These are examples of theoretical questions that should motivate the specification
of spatial econometric models. One finds theoretically grounded spatial land use mod-
els in Irwin and Bockstael (2002) and Lewis et al. (2011). Irwin and Bockstael (2002)
conjecture that residential development creates a negative spatial externality that affects
land use decisions on neighboring land parcels. Their empirical analysis is motivated
by and finds support for the underlying theory. Lewis et al. (2011) model the growth
in organic dairy farms in Wisconsin, accounting for a positive spatial externality that
reduces the fixed costs of learning. In these studies, the underlying theory makes clear
that neighboring land uses are determined endogenously, requiring the use of instru-
mental variables, as in Irwin (2002), or of panel data methods, as in Lewis et al. (2011).
The combination of economic theory and appropriate econometric procedures is criti-
cal if the intent is to use the econometric results in a landscape simulation. In this case,
the underlying spatial process is identified explicitly and thus can be reproduced in the
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400 Andrew J. Plantinga and David J. Lewis
• What novel issues need to be considered for their construction and execution,
relative to standard economic models?
• What complementarities exist between these models and other economic model-
ing and analysis methods?
• What are important future research directions for this field?
human systems models (Parker et al. 2003; Matthews et al. 2007), agricultural models
(Schreinemachers et al. 2010), agent-based land market models (Parker and Filatova
2008), and urban land use change models (Benenson and Torrens 2004; Irwin 2010).
for residential landscaping plants. Greenhouse firms located in the exurban environ-
ment supply plants for residential landscaping, which consumers buy to landscape their
yards. Firm 1 may decide to adopt a new integrated pest management strategy after
learning, through social interactions and observation, that firm 2 has had success with
this strategy. Firm 3, being located close to firm 1, may price certain products a bit below
Firm 1 in the hopes of gaining their potential customer base (a strategic interaction).
Alternatively, Firm 3 may offer a product not offered by Firm 1, in the hopes of captur-
ing additional dollars from potential shoppers. On the residential side, neighbors may
imitate the landscaping decisions they find attractive, potentially also transferring plant
starts between themselves. Further, their landscaping decisions may be strongly influ-
enced by social norms within the neighborhood that dictate that only certain landscap-
ing practices are acceptable.
(Technology adoption)
(Social Network)
Simulated market
F1 F2
C1 C2
F3 C3
Next, rather than aggregating individual supply and demand functions to obtain a
market clearing price and quantity, actual bilateral market interactions may be simu-
lated. In this simple example, residents will likely purchase plants from greenhouse
suppliers at a fixed price. In other spatial markets—for example, land or labor markets—
bargaining may occur between buyers and sellers over a final transaction price. Buyers
may also conduct an incomplete product search. For example, a buyer’s decision regard-
ing which landscaping firm to stop at may depend on a stochastic travel route through
the countryside. Although this simple example may not seem particularly significant
from an economic perspective at first glance, if landscaping plant purchases are tied, for
example, to the spread of an invasive pest, the spatial dynamics described in this exam-
ple could be critical to understanding the circumstances under which the pest could
spread and cause significant economic damage.
FIGURE 16.2 Key top-level class elements of an agent-based models of land use change
element of the Environment class, the Demographic class, the Land use Decision class,
and the Land Exchange class) are discussed in detail and are illustrated using the CMAP
software (Institute for Human and Machine Cognition 2011), which allows creation of
nested graphics. Readers are referred to previous publications for complete details of the
ontology, including examples of how different models implement the various elements.
MR POTATOHEAD contains seven main classes (Figure 16.2). The Interfaces to
Other Models, Model Operation, and Interaction Environments classes are not discussed
in detail here, although event-sequencing mechanisms are discussed later. A more
detailed discussion of the other elements follows.
The Environment class (Figure 16.3) specifies the spatial and socioeconomic elements
that influence land use decisions. It contains several elements: Landscape, Other Spatial
Elements (spatial network and neighborhood models), Non-spatial networks (social,
trade, and affiliation), Institutional/Political Rules and Constraints, Economic Structures
(local markets and economic parameters), Potential Land Uses, and Factors Affecting
Land Productivity. As discussed earlier, many of these elements, such as networks and
neighborhood relationships, are rarely included in traditional economics models. The
Landscape class (Figure 16.3) is used to describe the spatial structure over which the
model operates. Its elements essentially describe the spatial environment in GIS terms.
Although many economists now use data generated through GIS as inputs to empiri-
cal models (Bockstael 1996; Nelson and Geoghegan 2002), few economists run spatial
simulation models over a dynamic spatial landscape (Irwin 2010).
However input data are generated, implementation of an ABM/LUCC requires the
modeler to make key decisions about the spatial structure of the simulation environ-
ment. The Landscape class contains two elements: GIS (spatial data) Layers, and Spatial
Data Structure. It asks the modeler to specify whether the model is empirical or abstract,
the nature of agent-parcel relationships (one-to-one or many-to one, from both sides),
whether parcels can contain multiple management units, whether the data structure is
vector or raster, and whether parcel boundaries are fixed or vary as the simulation runs.
These details highlight the additional spatial structural detail that is possible in ABM/
LUCC relative to traditional economic models. Although some two-dimensional spatial
analytical models have been developed, to the author’s knowledge, they either operate
408 Dawn Cassandra Parker
rules and constraints Economic structures
Must have
Must have
Must specify
Agent-parcel relationships
Spatial data types
Decision making units
FIGURE 16.3 The Environment class of agent-based models of land use change (ABM/
LUCC), with detail for Landscape and Spatial Data Structure elements.
over a limited number of cells or represent locations as dimensionless points under con-
tinuous space. (See Albers et al. [2010] and Horan and Lupi [2010] for recent examples
of novel economic spatial models.) Although the flexible spatial structures of ABM/
LUCC create many technical challenges (discussed later), they facilitate exploration of
a wide range of questions, such as urban gentrification and densification (Diappi and
Bolchi 2008; Jackson et al. 2008), effects of parcel size zoning on exurban development
(Robinson and Brown 2009), and effects of market forces and incentive policies on agri-
cultural land consolidation (Happe et al. 2008; Angel et al. 2011).
ABM/LUCC may contain a wide variety of decision-making agents. For example,
urban land use change models may represent residential buyers and sellers, businesses,
developers, and zoning boards. Agricultural models may represent many types of farm-
ing households, large commercial farming operations, input suppliers, purchasers of
agricultural outputs, extension agents, and regulatory agents. The Demographic class
(Figure 16.4) describes the characteristics of the population of agents active in the mod-
els, their demographic dynamics, and the decision-making model of each agent type.
For each agent type, the Agent class (Figure 16.4) describes the Agent Decision Model
(which should minimally include a decision about land use and/or land management),
their Internal Characteristics, and their External Resources. Each of these elements
could be designed to mirror a very traditional microeconomic model. For example, the
Agent Decision Model should specify how agents Calculate Payoffs for each land use or
Must specify
Must have
Must have
Reproduction In migration
FIGURE 16.4 The Agent and Demographic classes of agent-based models of land use change
management strategy, as well as the Decision Strategy they would use. Consistent with
a traditional economic approach, payoffs could be calculated through expected profit
or utility, and boundedly rational profit or utility maximization could be used as a deci-
sion strategy. However, alternative models, such as imitation and satisficing, can also be
implemented. Agent’s Internal Characteristics can include factors standard to econom-
ics models, such as human capital, time horizon, discount rate, and risk preference. They
can also include noneconomic factors, such as household age and composition, cultural
preferences, satisfaction thresholds, and propensity to imitate neighbors. External
Resources can also be standard economic factors, such as household labor, physical, and
financial capital, but also noneconomic factors such as status in a social network.
Moving beyond traditional models, ABM/LUCC often embed agent decision
models within a dynamic model of demographic change. In short, models are ini-
tialized with a certain population of agents, and those agents may have demographic
rules governing their growth and decline. Models may have exogenously set rates of
in-and-out-migration. They may also have endogenous reproduction, birth, and death,
and household division, governed by aging and marriage or partnership. Such dynam-
ics may be important for models of residential location and for models of agricultural
household decision making. (See, for example, Jackson et al. [2008] and Torrens [2007]
for urban land use change examples, and Parker, Entwisle et al. [2008] for examples
related to land use change in frontier regions.)
410 Dawn Cassandra Parker
Must have
Must have
Factors affecting
Economic strucures
land productivity
FIGURE 16.5 The Land Use Decision class of agent-based models of land use change (ABM/
In economic models of the land system, two important events are generally mod-
eled, sometimes independently and sometimes together: a land use decision and land
exchange. In MR POTATOHEAD, the Land Use Decision class (Figure 16.5) basically
serves to identify the spatial and social factors that feed into the land use/land manage-
ment decision component of the Agent Decision Model. These factors include standard
drivers of land use change, consistent with the von Thünen and Ricardian conceptual
models of land allocation, including parcel accessibility, other market influences, and
biophysical suitability. However, they can also include nonmarket factors such as neigh-
borhood effects and institutional rules and constraints.
ABM/LUCC can include representations of Land Exchange (Figure 16.6) that include,
but also go beyond, land markets. This explicit modeling of land exchange dynamics sets
ABM/LUCC aside from standard economic models. MR POTATOHEAD characterizes
land exchange as having three main elements: Suppliers of Land, Acquirers of Land, and
Exchange rules.
Suppliers of Land have a Motivation for Supply, a specification of Parcels Supplied, and
Terms Offered for land exchange. These can be purely economic. For example, farmers
may offer particular parcels for rent, at a minimum price of the shadow value of land,
as a result of constrained profit maximization (Berger 2001). Or, developers may offer
residential parcels for sale at a profit-maximizing expected price based on recent com-
parable sales (Magliocca et al. 2011). Alternatively, out-migrating bankrupt household
agents may abandon land, making it available for acquisition without cost (see Parker,
Entwisle et al. [2008] for examples).
Must have
Must have
Land exchange
Must have
FIGURE 16.6 The Land Exchange class of agent-based models of land use change (ABM/
In parallel, Acquirers of Land have a Motivation for Land Acquisition, a set of Parcels
they hope to Acquire, and Terms Offered for parcel acquisition. Again, these can be purely
economic: a developer offering a bid for an agricultural parcel based on expectation of
profits from the subsequent sale of residences (Magliocca et al. 2011) or a resident offer-
ing a budget-constrained bid on her highest utility residential parcel (Filatova, Parker,
and van der Veen 2009; Filatova, van der Veen, and Parker 2009). However, land acqui-
sition can also be based on in-migration or the need to maintain household subsistence
(see Parker, Entwisle et al. [2008] for examples).
Exchange Rules consist of both Event Sequencing (triggers for land transfer) and
Allocation Mechanisms. In a land market model, buyers and sellers may be allocated into
the market by the modeler, either as a one-time allocation (Filatova, Parker, and van
der Veen 2009) or as a dynamic flow representing in-migration (Robinson and Brown
2009; Ettema 2010). Alternatively, they may put their house up for sale and seek a new
residence when a dissatisfaction threshold is reached (Benenson and Torrens 2004), or
they may offer a parcel up for sale when profit expectations exceed a certain threshold
(Magliocca et al. 2011). In ABM/LUCC, alternative triggers for land supply and demand
may also be implemented, such as inheritance or a bequest to a newly split household
(Parker, Entwisle, et al. 2008). In a land market model, the Allocation Mechanism is likely
to include a bilateral trade or auction mechanism. However, allocation can also occur
through an agent simply occupying a chosen parcel (in a frontier setting, for instance),
through bequest, negotiation, or even takings.
412 Dawn Cassandra Parker
Standard methodologies for the most commonly used modeling methods in economics
are very well developed, and, in general, textbooks and courses detailing these meth-
ods are available at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In contrast, agent-based
social science models are sufficiently new that standard methodological templates
are not available, and these models are covered only in a small number of specialized
graduate classes. Supporting texts are just now being developed (Railsback and Grimm
2012), but they are not specific to economic applications. Because ABM combines
concepts from social science, computer science, geographic information science, and
simulation modeling, a new practitioner will need to gain familiarity with many new
concepts. Due to the complex systems foundations of these models, practitioners will
also need to approach the modeling of familiar social science concepts in novel ways.
In short, many of the basic assumptions related to economic dynamics are modified in
ABM/LUCC, and these modifications have implications for model design and opera-
tion. Furthermore, practitioners will need to learn and apply new concepts from com-
puter science and simulation. In the following section, this set of novel issues is briefly
reviewed, with each concept supported through specific examples related to the eco-
nomics of land use change.
3.1 Model Design
3.1.1 Simulating Landscape Structure
As discussed earlier, ABM/LUCC can, in principle, be designed with complex and
dynamic spatial structures (vector landscapes, network and neighborhood effects,
compound agent-parcel relationships, and parcel structures that evolve dynamically).
In practice, several practical challenges arise when building ABM/LUCC. The first is
integrating GIS functionality with the ABM. Options are discussed in detail in Parker
(2005) and Castle and Crooks (2006). In general, models that incorporate GIS func-
tionality as part of the ABM have been more successful in terms of speed, performance,
and robustness than models that attempt to build an ABM within a commercial GIS.
A second challenge relates to generation of simulated model landscapes whose prop-
erties structurally resemble real-world landscapes. Many abstract ABMs operate over
fixed, raster-based landscapes, with cells of uniform size and shape. In the real world,
the size and distribution of parcel sizes is rarely uniform, and irregularities in structure
can be very important—for instance, when examining the effects of scale economies
in agriculture or the increasing gradient of parcel sizes in residential landscapes. Some
exciting new methods are evolving to generate simulated landscapes with specific
Although many economists might argue that standard economic approaches already model market
interactions, as illustrated in Figure 16.1, they do not—rather they model an equilibrium based on the
assumption that trades are occurring. ABMs often model the trades themselves, producing outcomes
that differ from those that would be obtained through indirect, equilibrium approaches (Gode and
Sunder 1993; Filatova, Parker, and van der Veen 2009).
2 Other sources of bounded rationality can and have been represented in ABMs; for example,
satisficing behavior (Gotts et al. 2003).
on incomplete estimates of future costs and prices. Although some related work has
been done for financial markets, much more research is needed to understand which
models are, in fact, consistent with how real-world agents form price expectations, how
much real-world variation there is in expectations formation mechanisms, and how
alternative models interact to influence actual market prices. Experimental economic
approaches can help to fill in this gap.
3.1.7 Equilibrium
The review of these design issues highlights the dynamic, evolutionary nature of most
ABM/LUCC. These evolutionary dynamics may be inconsistent with the concept of
economic equilibrium (Arthur 2006; Parker and Filatova 2008). In fact, some authors
argue that economic systems, and land markets in particular, should be characterized
and studied as nonequilibrium systems. Even for equilibrium models, ABMs allow
more exploration of the path toward equilibrium than do traditional models (Nolan
et al. 2009). However, in some cases, a researcher may construct an ABM/LUCC with
the specific goal of extending an analytical equilibrium model, in which case the equilib-
rium properties of the extended model may be of interest (Caruso et al. 2007; Filatova,
Parker, and van der Veen 2009; Filatova, van der Veen, and Parker 2009, 2011; Parker
and Meretsky 2004). In such models, equilibrium can be achieved by holding the num-
ber of active agents in the model fixed in a given time period and instituting a stopping
rule when no further trades occur. This rule is consistent with the standard concept of
a short-run economic equilibrium—no additional economic activities for which gains
from trade are positive are possible for active agents. In a residential housing or agri-
cultural commodity market context, such a short-run equilibrium is consistent with a
seasonal market. (Note that agents participating in such markets may use temporally
dynamic, forward-looking models to assess future payoffs to land use.)
ABM/LUCCs generally become dynamic when the population of active agents
changes over time. For example, Robinson and Brown (2009) and Magliocca (2011)
assume growing populations of buyers in order to model expanding urban areas. For
land markets, even if net population is fixed, some exogenous entry and exit to markets
418 Dawn Cassandra Parker
may be needed if endogenous land supply decisions are modeled. In short, since a relo-
cating buyer may need to sell his or her current property before entering the market, an
active relocation market requires that some properties be on the market at any given
time. Ettema (2010) resolves this issue by modeling exogenous entry and exit but keeps
the total population of agents fixed. In principle, if agent population characteristics were
fixed over time, such a residential land market could reach a steady state in which rates
of exit and entry were equal, and no agents currently in the market had an incentive to
relocate, given current market opportunities. Similarly, an agricultural market could be
viewed as being in a long-run equilibrium if no agents had an incentive to change their
production decisions or buy or sell land. Whether markets such as these exist in the real
world is an open question.
3.2 Experimental Design
3.2.1 Pseudo-Inductive Modeling
In most economic analysis, theoretical and empirical modeling are distinct (although
potentially logically connected) activities, and models are constructed, presented,
and analyzed separately. Theoretical models are derived deductively, with a set of
assumptions regarding model structure leading mathematically or logically to a set
of equilibrium conditions and a corresponding set of comparative static or dynamic
propositions. The derivation of a supply curve from profit maximization is a classic
example. Empirical models are generally inductive, distilling patterns or trends from
real-world data. Econometric modeling can be considered inductive because it essen-
tially is a pattern analysis technique that calibrates a set of best-fit coefficients to an
assumed set of mathematical relationships. For example, supply curves may be esti-
mated econometrically, with the expectation (derived from the theoretical model) that
the coefficient on price should be positive. Some exceptions to these generalities exist.
For example, mathematical programming (MP) models are often parameterized with
a set of empirically derived coefficients, while basing their mathematical structure on
theory. Computable general equilibrium (CGE) models also start with a mathematical
structure based on theory, but then calibrate a set of coefficients that best fit real-world
outcome data.
As with MP and CGE models and their theoretical antecedents, ABM/LUCC mod-
els can be purely theoretical or highly empirical. However, it is generally acknowledged
that ABMs cannot be classified as purely inductive or purely deductive (Axelrod 1997).
Essentially, these models begin with a set of structural assumptions, per a deductive
approach. However, rather than generating a set of equilibrium conditions, theoretical
propositions, or axioms, as would an analytical or logical model, model runs generally
generate multiple data observations—often with a structure that parallels the real-world
data that would be used to calibrate an econometric or CGE model. Such generated data
can then be analyzed inductively to search for regular patterns that can form the analog
of the theoretical propositions produced by a closed-form model.
For example, ABM land market models are built on traditional (but boundedly ratio-
nal) models of land supply and demand. These models generate a spatial and tempo-
ral landscape of successful transactions, as well as of unsuccessful land bids and sales
attempts. Each data point has associated spatial (property and accessibility) character-
istics, as well as associated characteristics and behaviors of economic agents (informa-
tion often not available in real-world data). These data can be analyzed using statistical
methods to estimate a hedonic land rent function, in parallel to real-world econometric
models (Filatova et al. 2009). Alternatively, econometric modeling that examines the
relationship between input parameters and macroscale outcomes of interest can be used
to conduct model sensitivity analysis (Happe et al. 2006). When a theoretical model is
applied in this context, the inductive model’s results can, in principle, play a similar role
to comparative statics and dynamics, producing a set of testable hypotheses that are
embedded in the estimated coefficients. For example, a negative estimated coefficient
on distance in a hedonic land rent function estimated from computational data parallels
the theoretical downward-sloping land rent gradient derived in the traditional analyti-
cal von Thünen/Alonzo model. (However, as discussed further later, particular issues
related to complex systems data—nonlinearities, thresholds, and endogeneity between
micro- and macroscale elements—can render traditional statistical approaches inap-
propriate, leading to a new set of outstanding challenges.) When an empirically param-
eterized model is applied in this context, the estimated model provides a direct target
for empirical model validation (testing to see whether the outputs of the model have a
reasonable correspondence to their real-world analogs). (See Fagiolo, Birchenhall et al.
[2007] and Fagiolo, Moneta et al. [2007] for more extensive discussion of validation in
ABMs, and Verburg et al. [2006] for an overview of validation in land use models.)
the user base is too small to support the development of commercial ABM software.
Furthermore, a wide variety of modeling approaches exist concurrently (Parker et al.
2003; Richiardi et al. 2006; Fagiolo et al. 2007), meaning that it might not be clear what
set of standard models should be included in the core of a community modeling library
or a commercial software product. Finally, models are often developed for different pur-
poses and to address different questions, thus reducing the amount of potential shared
code. Yet, other fields have successfully developed community modeling libraries that
support multiple research endeavors (Krieger 2006; Gent et al. 2011), and this author
hopes that similar standard libraries will be developed for ABM/LUCC (Parker, Brown,
et al. 2008). These would potentially substantially lower model development costs and
reduce barriers to entry to the field.
3.3.3 Generating Data
As with any simulation model that has a stochastic element, multiple model runs
are often required for ABM/LUCC, even for a fixed set of parameters. In short, sto-
chasticity can enter models both through differing initial conditions, through event
sequencing, and through any other stochastic element, such as a demographic event,
4. Conclusion
With the perspective of an economist new to ABMs of land use change in mind, this
chapter has defined and described this class of models and has offered a detailed tech-
nical discussion of potential novel issues that an economist might face in their design,
construction, and analysis. Numerous examples of existing ABM/LUCC have been used
for illustration purposes, thus providing a technically focused review of current work in
the field. To conclude the chapter, some thoughts on promising future research direc-
tions and a call for bold forward movement are offered.
area as a result, and what will be their demographic and socioeconomic characteristics?
This requires models that at least interface with regional and national scale models.
A second example relates to regional and global commodity production—for exam-
ple, understanding the effects of new demand for biofuels on food commodity produc-
tion. At a local scale, agricultural production decisions are shaped by both parcel- and
household-level characteristics, such as biophysical suitability and household knowl-
edge and resources, and by the incentives provided by potential sales prices for com-
modities in external markets. These factors have been effectively modeled using ABM/
LUCC. However, at a regional, national, and global scale, local production decisions will
modify external prices. These feedbacks have not been effectively modeled using ABM/
LUCC. Furthermore, regional and global commodity supply models generally fail to
account for the impacts of local spatial and agent-level heterogeneity on commodity
production. The two modeling scales need to be brought together. In particular, work
needs to be done to explore the extent to which ABM/LUCC agricultural production
models can be integrated with higher scale computable general equilibrium models.
These efforts could potentially be informed by ongoing efforts to link integrated assess-
ment models with lower scale supply and demand models and examples of coupled
models from other domains (Energy Modeling Forum 2012; Rausch and Mowers 2012).
Finally, tradable permit models for the preservation of ecosystem services have
received much attention, both from a theoretical and applied policy perspective
(Tietenberg 2005). However, such models rarely account for important sources of spatial
heterogeneity in potential markets. Carbon markets are a potentially promising applica-
tion area. Currently, markets for carbon sequestration are a patchwork of regional and
national policies, with little coordination and uniformity of structure and regulatory
level. ABM/LUCC could potentially be used to explore how these markets might func-
tion together if global standards were implemented, but local programs were allowed to
be maintained to meet standards, thus exploring how patterns of carbon emissions and
trading would change if markets were integrated. Models could also track the develop-
ment of pollution hot spots and patterns of other ecosystem service generation (e.g.,
biodiversity preservation). However, again, higher scale market models would need to
be developed to track permit trades and market clearing at a regional scale.
This project has benefited from funding from and extensive discussions with the
SLUCE2 project team (funding by US NSF CNH-0813799) related to this concept of
static versus dynamic equilibrium in land markets. The manuscript content has also
benefited from discussion with many participants at Waterloo Institute for Complexity
and Innovation (WICI.CA) seminar and workshop participants.
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Land is used by humans and other living creatures and involves complex
human-environment interactions. Land uses may be broadly classified for forest,
agriculture, and urban uses, and their uses may be altered by land users’ purposes.
Understanding land use change is essential because it occurs to generate desirable and
undesirable impacts on the environment and human welfare. Theoretical and empiri-
cal modeling approaches have been developed to examine the drivers, processes, and
implications of changes in land use.
Theories of land use change conceptualize the frameworks describing changes from
one type of use to another and explain why, when, how, and where land use changes
occur under the frameworks of disciplines studying economic, environmental, and
spatial changes. Microeconomic theory-based approaches have adopted von Thunen’s
agricultural rent theory (Thünen and Heinrich 1966), Alonso’s (1972) urban land mar-
ket theory, and agent-based theories of urban and regional spatial structure (Schaffer
1999). Von Thunen’s agricultural rent theory covers location theory and the urban and
regional spatial structure of a wide range of spatial scales and provides the foundations
for Alonso’s urban land market theory. Alonso’s theory derives individual equilibria
for households based on bid-rent functions and a market clearing mechanism. The
agent-based theoretical approaches accommodate the endogeneity of the spatial distri-
bution of agents and of their associated activities.
Empirical modeling of land use change emphasizes discrete land use decisions at the
parcel or plot scale (e.g., develop or not). The discrete land use decisions conceptualize
landowners choosing to develop land if the present value of the future stream of net
returns from development is greater than the present value of the future stream of net
returns from the land remaining in its current nonurban use (Bockstael 1996). The main
Spatial Econometric Modeling of Land Use Change 431
objective of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive review and critique of the litera-
ture of empirical modeling of land use decisions, focusing particularly on the strengths
and weaknesses of different spatial econometric modeling approaches and important
future research directions. To accomplish the objective, (1) a comprehensive review of
the literature on spatial econometric modeling of land use decisions is presented, (2) a
case study to illustrate one of the approaches is developed, (3) an overall assessment of
different approaches is provided, and (4) important directions and challenges for future
research are presented.
1. Literature Review
Empirical specifications typically use binary probit or logit regression models in which
conversion from nonurban to urban use is explained by rents derived from different
land uses, such as rents derived from forest or farmland (White and Fleming 1980; Alig
1986; Alig et al. 1988; Lichtenberg 1989; Parks and Murray 1994; Hardie and Parks 1997;
Kline and Alig 1999; Plantinga et al. 1999), distances to commodity markets and ame-
nity areas (Chomitz and Gray 1996; Turner et al. 1996; Nelson and Hellerstein 1997;
Cropper et al. 1999; Cho and Newman 2005), and land use regulations (Irwin and
Bockstael 2002; Irwin et al. 2003; Libby and Sharp 2003; Miller and Vaske 2003).
A major challenge with econometric specification of discrete land use decisions is
that land conversion decisions may be co-determined through neighborhood spillover
effects. Neighbors share common characteristics, hence their decisions exhibit high
dependence among the error terms in land conversion models (Irwin and Bockstael
2001; Carrión-Flores and Irwin 2004; Cho and Newman 2005; Irwin et al. 2006). Spatial
dependence can occur due to spatially correlated land use decisions or as a consequence
of residual correlation caused by unobserved factors that are spatially dependent. Like
any other statistical problem caused by the lack of independence of the errors, the pres-
ence of spatial dependence of the errors (referred to as “spatial error autocorrelation”) in
the econometric specification of discrete land use decisions causes parameter estimates
to be inconsistent and inefficient (Carrión-Flores and Irwin 2004).
The application of spatial econometrics to discrete dependent variable models, such
as binary probit and logit models, is comparatively less developed than for models with
continuous dependent variables. Discrete spatial process models that accommodate
spatial error autocorrelation typically are based on the maximum likelihood estima-
tion (MLE) method (Case 1992), the linearized version of the generalized method of
moments (GMM) (Pinske and Slade 1998; Fleming 2004; Klier and McMillen 2008),
the spatial general linear model (GLM) method (Schabenberger and Pierce 2002), the
nonparameteric probit geographically weighted regression (GWR) model approach
(LeSage 1999; Páez 2006), or the nonparametric GMM model method (Conley 1999;
Conley and Dupor 2003).
432 Seong-Hoon Cho, Seung Gyu Kim, and Roland K. Roberts
2. Case Study
This section showcases a case study of applying the nonparametric GMM model to dis-
crete land use decisions with 12,375 observations using a consistent covariance matrix
for the GMM estimator in the presence of spatial error autocorrelation. The case study
uses the model to evaluate maximum lot coverage as a potential policy tool for mitigat-
ing urban sprawl.1 Maximum lot coverage is the maximum percentage of impervious
surface allowed on any given lot. Lot coverage is calculated as the total amount of imper-
vious surface on the lot divided by the total lot area. For example, if the maximum lot
coverage of 20% were assigned to a residential lot, the area of the lot could not be covered
by impervious surface of more than 20%, leaving the remaining uncovered portion as
private open space. Maximum lot coverage restrictions have been implemented (1) to
maintain a consistent and compatible land use pattern for residential neighborhoods
1 The word “sprawl” first appeared in print in 1955, in the context of low-density and leapfrogging
development (Evans 1999; Rybczynski 2005). Despite divergent viewpoints on the definition of urban
Spatial Econometric Modeling of Land Use Change 433
and (2) to prevent excessive impervious surfaces and thus reduce the risk of drainage and
flooding problems (Pierson 2002; City of Redmond 2011). Maximum lot coverage was
chosen as a potential policy tool for mitigating urban sprawl because it explicitly utilizes
the tradeoff between lot size and public open space, ensures the provision of open space,
and can curb urban sprawl (Lichtenberg and Hardie 2007; Lichtenberg et al. 2007). To
examine the effects of maximum lot coverage on urban sprawl, landowners’ development
decisions for new residential housing at the parcel level are empirically estimated in a
land conversion model based on the conceptual framework developed in Section 2.1.
Once estimates are acquired from the land conversion model, the impacts of changes
in maximum lot coverage on development patterns are evaluated by ex ante simulations
of development patterns inside and outside the developed area that existed prior to the
emergence of urban sprawl. The ex ante simulations forecast development rates under
observed status quo and hypothetical maximum lot coverage scenarios. The ex ante
simulations suggest that an increase in maximum lot coverage encourages increased
development inside the area of non-disconnected, preexisting development that existed
prior to the emergence of urban sprawl (referred to as “preexisting development”), rel-
ative to the area outside preexisting development. With an increase in maximum lot
coverage, a greater development rate inside the area of preexisting development than
outside this area effectively serves to mitigate sprawl by encouraging development close
to preexisting development and discouraging fragmented sprawl development farther
from preexisting development.
max U (q, s, o)
s.t . pq + s = y
where U(⋅) is a differentiable utility function, q is the size of residential space (feet2), s
is the consumption of a composite numéraire nonhousing good, o is the size of neigh-
boring open space surrounding the residential location, p is the housing price per unit
sprawl, there is consensus that urban sprawl is well-described as the leapfrogging of development
beyond the city’s outer boundary into smaller rural settlements (Hanham and Spiker 2005). An area
of leapfrogging or fragmented development is considered an area of urban sprawl when development
occurs disjoint from existing development (Isberg 1973; Ewing 1994; Wu and Plantinga 2003; Wu 2006).
434 Seong-Hoon Cho, Seung Gyu Kim, and Roland K. Roberts
($/feet2), and y is gross household income. The indirect utility function can be implicitly
defined from the maximization problem in equation (1):
V ( p, y , o) = U (q *, y − pq *, o) = V o , (2)
where q* = arg maxq U(q, y − pq, o) is the demand function for housing. In equilib-
rium, each household has the same level of utility Vo, which is independent of its loca-
tion. Vo is also exogenous from the perspective of a single “open city,” because in- and
out-migration will equate household utility across cities (Wu 2006).
Assumptions about q are posed to analyze the effect of the policy variable, maximum
lot coverage:
where l is the lot size for a residential house and m is the maximum lot coverage imposed
by zoning. The size of residential space q is expected to be positively related with lot size
l and maximum lot coverage m because both larger lot size and maximum lot coverage
provide more residential space. Also, m is expected to be smaller in areas with more
neighboring open space; that is, m = m(o) and ∂m/∂o < 0, because maximum lot cov-
erage intends to preclude excessive structure development on each parcel and is rela-
tively stricter in low-density developed areas (e.g., agriculturally zoned districts) than
in densely designed areas (e.g., multifamily districts) (Johnston and Madison 1997;
Harrison County 2009; New York City 2009). By substituting equation (3) into (2),
equation (3) can be rewritten as:
p* = p( y , o, V o ), (5)
where o = o−1(m). To see the impact of maximum lot coverage on housing demand, we
apply the implicit function theorem to equation (5):
∂p * ∂p * ∂o −1 (m)
= − ∂m = −1 ⋅ . (6)
∂m ∂V ∂o (m) ∂m
∂p *
Spatial Econometric Modeling of Land Use Change 435
The first ratio on the right-hand side of equation (6) is typically positive because
neighboring open space provides a positive amenity to households. The second ratio
is positive if private open space is perceived as a substitute for neighboring open space
because higher maximum lot coverage reduces private open space, and larger neighbor-
ing open space substitutes for the reduced private open space.2 Consequently, the sign
of equation (6), the effect of maximum lot coverage on housing demand reflected in the
housing price (p*), is positive. Thus, an increase in m (i.e., less stringent maximum lot
coverage) increases housing demand.
The supply side of the housing market is specified in terms of maximum lot coverage
by assuming a competitive industry with constant return to scale production technol-
ogy (Wu 2006). The developers choose the density of development to maximize profit π:
d * = c ′ −1 ( p*), (8)
where c′−1(⋅) is the inverse of the marginal cost function. Developers are forced to face
two possible alternatives for the residential development decision:
developable, if d * ≤ m
undevelopable, if d * > m, (9)
which shows that developers would develop a residential house when their optimal
choice of development density is not bound by the maximum lot coverage regulation;
that is, d∗ ≤ m . A lower m sets a more stringent bar for development. Thus, the prob-
ability of development would be lower if m were lower (i.e., more stringent regula-
tion of maximum lot coverage). Because a decrease in m decreases the probability of
development and consequently decreases the supply of new housing, a decrease in m
reduces housing levels in equilibrium because both supply of new housing and demand
Thorsnes (2002) found that that larger residential lot sizes are viewed as a substitute for forest open
space to some extent. Cho and Roberts (2007) found different degrees of willingness to trade between
neighborhood density (representing open space availability) and lot size. Likewise, Kopits, McConnell,
and Walls (2007) found that in the urban-rural fringe, owning a private lot was preferrable to public open
space with low willingness to trade between the two. Cho et al. (2009) recently found that substitutability
between open space and lot size exists inside the city boundary.
436 Seong-Hoon Cho, Seung Gyu Kim, and Roland K. Roberts
for housing are lower if private open space is perceived as a substitute for neighboring
open space.
Because the stock of housing depends on the urban population, according to urban
spatial theory, observed land development decisions are regarded as an equilibrium
point at which supply of housing service meets consumer demand (Dipasquale 1999). To
examine the effect of maximum lot coverage on the equilibrium housing level, land devel-
opment decisions by landowners for new residential housing at the parcel level are empir-
ically estimated. Equilibrium housing levels are observed as land development decisions
under the observed status quo maximum lot coverage. A parcel-based land development
model (e.g., Bockstael 1996; Bockstael and Bell 1998; Nickerson and Lynch 2001; Bell and
Irwin 2002; Irwin and Bockstael 2002, 2004; Irwin et al. 2003; Cho and Newman 2005)
and ex ante simulations measure deviations from equilibrium housing levels following
implementation of alternative hypothetical maximum lot coverage scenarios.
where Φ is the cumulative distribution function for the standard normal distribution;
Xi is a (k+1)×1 vector of explanatory variables including parcel information such as
parcel size, socioeconomic and environmental variables associated with the parcel’s
location, and zoning regulations (i.e., maximum lot coverage); and β is a (k+1)×1 vector
of parameters including an intercept.
The parameters in equation (10) were estimated by nonparametric methods that allow
for spatial dependence. The methods are capable of generating consistent covariance-
matrix estimators regardless of sample size. Heteroscedasticity-consistent standard
errors were estimated to remove residual spatial autocorrelation caused by codeter-
mined development decisions (e.g., clustered residential developments within subdivi-
sions). The covariance-matrix estimators were modified to allow regression disturbance
terms to be correlated across neighborhood parcels as a general function of their
Euclidean distances.
By assuming stationarity in X, which enables the joint distribution of X for any loca-
tion to be invariant to shifts in the entire set of locations, the covariance of two observa-
tions is measured by a function of Euclidian distances without directional information
(Conley 1995).
n n
f (δ ) = ∑∑W [| δ − || s − s
i = 1 j= 1
n i j || |](X Si − X )( X S j − X ), (12)
where X is the sample mean and Wn[⋅] is a function of the sample size that concentrates
its mass at zero as the sample becomes arbitrarily large at an appropriate rate defined
by Conley and Topa (1999). The spatial covariance was estimated by an average of
cross-products between the vectors (X Si − X ) and (X S j − X ) within a given distance δ.
By employing the nonparametric estimator of the spatial autocovariance function in the
spatial GMM approach, the error term is permitted to be conditionally heteroskedastic
and spatially correlated across parcels. Once the parameters are estimated in equation
(10), for example, the marginal effect for Xk (kth explanatory variable) is calculated by
∂ Prob(Yi = 1 | Xi )/ ∂X k = Φ( X′i β )βk, where βk is the kth parameter estimated.
The predicted values for the GMM approach of the spatial probit model facilitate ex
ante comparisons between predicted probabilities generated under the observed status
quo maximum lot coverage and two hypothetical maximum lot coverage scenarios; that
is, plus and minus 10% of the status quo. In a binary model like the spatial probit model,
unequal frequencies of the two outcomes always lead to lower estimated prediction
probabilities for the less frequent outcome than for the more frequent outcome (Cramer
1999). Cramer (1999) suggested the average occurrence rate of the two outcomes as a
cutoff value, which has been used as the alternative cutoff value for the binary model
in previous empirical studies (McPherson et al. 2004; Liu et al. 2005). In this study, the
average occurrence rate of development (Yi = 1) and no development (Yi = 0) was cal-
culated as the average predicted probability of development and used as a cutoff value
for the prediction of development in the spatial probit model. The use of this occurrence
rate, instead of the conventional threshold of 0.5, accounts for unequal frequencies in
our dataset (to be presented later).
cumulative growth of a city is done through additions to its periphery over the course of
many years.
One tentative way is simply to identify areas of parcels that were developed prior to the
duration of the model period as preexisting development. Although this makes sense if
sprawl development did not exist prior to the sample period used for model develop-
ment, measuring and comparing development rates within and outside of preexisting
development prior to and after the sample period may not be appropriate because areas
that were developed prior to the sample period may include areas with sprawl develop-
ment patterns. Under this definition, the areas of preexisting development are probably
not free from sprawl, and thus comparisons of development patterns between these two
areas may not accurately reflect the degree of sprawl.
Alternatively, a two-step approach was designed to systematically identify preexist-
ing development clusters and thus draw the spatial break. In the first step, local indica-
tors of spatial association (LISA) for the built years of parcel data were estimated. LISA
values of built years of parcel data indicate the extent of spatial autocorrelation between
the built year of a particular parcel and the built years of the parcels around it. Through
inference analysis, spatial clusters of old-built parcels (old-built parcels surrounded by
old-built parcels) were identified as clusters developed prior to the emergence of urban
sprawl. The LISA values of built years of parcel data served well for the purpose of iden-
tifying spatial breaks in the built years of parcel data.
Disjoint areas among the spatial clusters of old-built parcels identified from the first
step were removed from preexisting development in the second step. Joint spatial clus-
ters of old-built parcels were difficult to verify because continuous clusters of old-built
parcels may still have gaps (e.g., roads, industrial and commercial development, and
unusable land). Thus, buffer polygons of a specified distance around the old-built par-
cels were created using a buffer tool in ArcMap 9.3 (Environmental Systems Research
Institute 2009). The buffers were used to merge the continuous buffer areas. The buffers
of old-built parcels that were joined in continuous buffer areas were assumed to be areas
of preexisting development, and those areas that were not joined in continuous buffer
areas were assumed to be disjoint from the spatial clusters of old-built parcels.
The buffer size needed to distinguish the parcels that were inside and outside preexist-
ing development was initially unclear. Thus, the second step was repeated with buffer
polygons of different distances around the old-built parcels (i.e., 0.1- to 1-mile radii with
0.1-mile increments). After a number of trials of the procedure with different distances,
0.5 mile was chosen as the threshold. Buffer polygons of 0.5 mile were merged into a
single spatial cluster containing 95% of the clusters of old-built parcels identified using
LISA in the first step.
from Nashville-Davidson County, Tennessee. The individual parcel data were obtained
from the Metro Planning Department, Nashville-Davidson County (MPD 2009) and the
Davidson County Tax Assessor’s Office. Information from 467 census-block groups was
used to reflect the socioeconomic status of neighborhoods, such as per capita income
and unemployment rate for parcels located within the boundaries of the census-block
groups. The average size of a census-block group was 721 acres, with a standard devia-
tion of 1,588 acres. Boundary data (e.g., high school districts and jurisdiction bound-
aries) were also obtained from the Metro Planning Department, Nashville-Davidson
County (MPD 2009). Environmental feature data (e.g., water bodies and golf courses)
were collected from Environmental Systems Research Institute Data and Maps 2004
(Environmental Systems Research Institute 2004). Other environmental feature data
(e.g., shape files for railroads and parks) were also acquired from MPD. Definitions and
simple descriptive statistics of the variables used in the regressions are listed in Table 17.1.
Developed parcels used for the dependent variable in the spatial probit model were
defined as single-family houses that were built in 2007. At the start of 2007, the number
of vacant parcels in Nashville-Davidson County was 20,990. Only single-family hous-
ing development in residentially zoned districts was considered in the model because
the development decision processes for other land uses (e.g., multifamily housing, com-
mercial, and industrial land uses) are influenced by different development factors and
property characteristics. Of the 12,375 parcels in residentially zoned districts, 1,603 par-
cels (or 13.0%) were developed for single-family housing in 2007. The average size of
undeveloped parcels was 1.8 acres, whereas the average size of parcels developed for
single-family housing was 0.3 acres.3 Distances between any two closest neighboring
parcels among the 12,375 observations ranged from 10 feet to 8,231 feet. The average
distance of 236 feet was used as the cutoff value for spatial correlation. Maximum lot
coverage regulated by Nashville-Davidson County ranged from 0.2 to 0.6.4
We treat the lot size as a lagged exogenous variable and thus face no endogeneity problem because
all information available for decision makers, including lot size, at the time of development is collected
prior to the duration of development in 2007.
Developers were not allowed to cover more than 20% (0.2 maximum lot coverage), 30% (0.3
maximum lot coverage), 35% (0.35 maximum lot coverage), 40% (0.4 maximum lot coverage), 45% (0.45
maximum lot coverage), 50% (0.5 maximum lot coverage), and 60% (0.6 maximum lot coverage) for
Zoning Districts of AG, AR2a, RS80, and R80; RS40 and R40; RS20, R20, RS15, R15, and RM2; RS10,
R10, and RM4; R8 and RS7.5; R6, RS5, RM6, RM9, and RM15; and RS3.75, OR40, RM20, OR20, RM40,
RM60, and I, respectively.
440 Seong-Hoon Cho, Seung Gyu Kim, and Roland K. Roberts
The discussion here is limited to the variables that are statistically significant at the 5%
level. The marginal effects of per capita income, unemployment rate, vacancy rate, and
housing density were found to be significant. These four variables capture the socio-
economic status of neighborhoods at the census-block group level: an increase in per
capita income by $1,000 decreases the probability of development by 0.01. The negative
effect of income on development may be explained by greater supply of land that can be
developed in lower income areas. A decrease in the unemployment rate by 1 percentage
point increases the probability of development by 0.31. A decrease in the vacancy rate by
1 percentage point increases the probability of development by 0.16. The negative effects
of the unemployment and vacancy rates indicate that the economic status of the neigh-
borhood at the census-block group level is an important factor affecting the dynamics
of housing development. A decrease in housing density by 1 house per acre increases
Spatial Econometric Modeling of Land Use Change 441
3. Conclusion
error terms in models for land use decisions (e.g., develop or not), which makes stan-
dard probit estimation inconsistent. Methods such as MLE, GMM, GLM, probit GWR,
and nonparametric GMM are among the potential econometric techniques that accom-
modate spatial error autocorrelation in the discrete spatial process model.
The spatial probit model used in the case study to model discrete land use decisions
has typically not been estimated with MLE methods mainly due to the computational
intensity of the iterative techniques that control for both heteroscedastic and spatially
correlated errors (Carrión-Flores and Irwin 2004). For instance, Carrión-Flores and
Irwin (2004) explicitly avoided using a spatial binary model, because the iterative tech-
niques were impractical for the large sample size (9,760 observations).
Responding to this very issue, Klier and McMillen (2008) proposed a computation-
ally feasible estimator for spatial discrete-choice models. Their estimator is a linearized
version of the GMM estimator proposed by Pinske and Slade (1998), and it extends the
literature on spatial modeling by allowing a spatially weighted dependent variable to
be estimated in a discrete-choice framework. The benefits of linearization are that it
allows the model to be estimated with large sample sizes because no matrix needs to be
inverted, and estimation requires only standard probit or logit models. The approach
produces a practical estimation method with a few approximations of sample-based
moments. The shortcoming of this type of GMM estimator is that the asymptotic prop-
erties of the GMM do not hold, so that it is biased (Smirnov 2010).
Alternatively, nonparametric GMM models have been applied to discrete land use
decisions, as shown in the case study. Because nonparametric GMM models investigate
the impact of spatial error autocorrelation based on the estimators of the asymptotic
variance of the sample average, the asymptotic covariance matrix estimators derived
from large-sample approximation do not suffer from the issue of computational inten-
sity associated with MLE for the spatial probit model. In additon, nonparametric GMM
provides consistency and asymptotic normality of the GMM estimator (Conley 1995).
As shown in the case study, spatial econometric estimates of the land use change
model can be used to simulate changes in landscapes, and simulation results can reveal
different effects of land use policies on not only individual development decisions but
also on overall landscape patterns. For example, Carrión-Flores and Irwin (2004) devel-
oped a two-step approach that combines a parcel-level, discrete land use decision model
and ex ante simulations of the discrete-choice model with and without land use policies
using spatial landscape pattern metrics. This kind of a two-step approach, which was
adopted in the case study, has the advantage of being able to link between econometric
modeling and landscape patterns. Such a modeling approach also allows simulation of
the aggregate effects of landscape transition probabilities resulting from land use policy
(Newburn et al. 2006; Lewis and Plantinga 2007; Langpap et al. 2008).
Future research in spatial econometric modeling of land use decisions needs to focus
on spatiotemporal modeling. Knowing the spatial structure of land use decisions is
essential to making informed policy and planning decisions, as shown in the case study
presented in this chapter. Likewise, enhanced understanding of the temporal dynam-
ics of land use decisions is important. A better model would be a spatial-dynamic
446 Seong-Hoon Cho, Seung Gyu Kim, and Roland K. Roberts
model based on a time series of actual land cover changes with the appropriate
time-varying explanatory variables under the framework of spatial econometric mod-
eling (Geoghegan et al. 2010). For example, three levels of land use change processes
are essential for spatial-dynamic modeling: (1) the slow processes of industrial, residen-
tial, and transport construction; (2) the medium processes of economic, demographic,
and technological changes; and (3) the fast processes of mobility of labor, goods, and
information (Wegener 1994). These temporal processes are to be incorporated in the
spatial model.
An attempt at spatial-dynamic modeling could be framed as a spatial panel data
model, which is an emerging topic within the spatial econometrics literature (e.g.,
Baltagi et al. 2003; Elhorst 2003; Baltagi, Egger, and Pfaffermayr 2007; Baltagi, Kelejian,
and Prucha 2007; Kapoor et al. 2007; Anselin et al. 2008; Baltagi and Liu 2008; Baltagi
et al. 2009; Elhorst 2009; Millo and Piras 2009; Lee and Yu 2010b; 2010a, Lee and Yu
2010c; Pesaran and Tosetti 2011; Millo and Piras 2012). A rare application in modeling
discrete land use decisions is the panel data spatial logistics regression model by Frazier
and Kockelman (2005). Under their framework, both spatial autocorrelation and time
adjustment are incorporated to simulate future changes in population and land cover.
Forecasting based on simulation of land use changes is particularly useful in the frame-
work of the panel data spatial model because the spatial panel model and its correspond-
ing forecasts better fit with time series forecasting. The demand for panel data for use in
spatial-dynamic modeling is expected to increase as demand for forecasts of future land
use changes increases, particularly as interest increases in predicting the impact of cli-
mate change on land use.
The views expressed are those of the authors and cannot be attributed to University of
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C HA P T E R 1 8
Application to Maryland’s Priority
Funding Legislation
States and local governments use a variety of instruments to direct the location, inten-
sity, and timing of growth. In some cases, governmental entities desire growth to locate
in area with existing infrastructure such as roads, sewer, and schools. In others, gov-
ernmental entities cannot accommodate the number of housing structures being built
and the population growth with existing resources. In hopes of retaining open space or
a viable agricultural industry, governments may increase (decrease) or encourage (dis-
courage) the density permitted within certain areas. However, even with ongoing plan-
ning and constant review of the instruments selected, concerns about land use continue.
Establishing the effectiveness of the plethora of instruments has been plagued by the
difficulty of establishing the causality of a particular policy related to encouraging and
discouraging certain land use actions. Recently, researchers examining land use issues
have begun to explore new methods to elicit the effectiveness of land-related policies
and programs.
Empirical researchers need to establish a causal effect of programs or policies. This task is
complicated by implicit or explicit selection and potential endogeneity on the part of land
agents. In the past two decades, and especially in the field of labor economics, researchers
have been focused on the econometrics and statistical analysis of causal effects (Imbens
and Wooldridge 2009). To this end, researchers seek to evaluate how a program (or treat-
ment) affects certain entities (individuals or parcels of land) given some desired outcome
of interest. In the sciences, one randomly assigns an individual to receive the new drug or
the placebo and then compares the outcome of individuals who were “treated”—that is,
Using Quasi-Experimental Methods to Evaluate Land Policies 453
received the new drug—to those of the “control”—that is, those who received the placebo.
Complications arise, however, when researchers are unable to design a study that imple-
ments random assignment, a virtual impossibility in the field of land economics and land
use policy evaluation. Quasi-experimental methods are a class of models that utilize obser-
vational data and attempt to recreate the ideal of random assignment. Many models exist
under this framework, including instrumental variables, regression discontinuity, various
difference in difference type models, and propensity score matching (PSM).
In this chapter, we outline the land policy environment in Maryland and the issues
that arise when trying to determine causality of a policy on outcomes. We describe the
policy we use as an illustrative example. After discussing the challenges, we consider var-
ious econometric and statistical approaches, including PSM. We then demonstrate the
strengths of the PSM method in the evaluation of this particular land use policy utilizing
an extensive spatial microlevel dataset from the state. We discuss the potential areas of
concern with PSM approach. We discuss the results of the analysis and their limitations.
In the conclusion, we discuss some of the broader issues with quasi-experimental meth-
ods related to land use issues.
Most, if not all, policy environments dealing with land use are not candidates for experimen-
tation or random assignment, and, as such, basic regression-based modeling techniques
are open to the critique of ignoring selection issues or functional form assumptions to con-
struct counterfactuals. These methods often fail to detect small biases in the data between
the so-called treated and untreated. Even among methods classified as quasi-experimental,
such as instrumental variables, producing and observing “good” instruments are rare.
Similarly with regression discontinuity approaches, clear and exogenous discontinuities
often are not available. In the context of land use policy evaluation, PSMs main advantage
is that it does not rely on exclusion restrictions (i.e., a variable that affects “treatment” status
but does not affect the outcome of interest). In fact, all variables affecting both the treatment
and the outcome should be included in the propensity score model. However, we do not
need to specify exactly how the variables impact treatment or outcome. We choose to evalu-
ate an actual policy in the state of Maryland to illustrate the use of the PSM approach most
effectively. This policy focuses financial incentives for development in targeted geographic
areas while leaving similar geographic areas without such incentives.
Generally speaking, quasi-experimental methods can be used to evaluate regulatory
or voluntary programs in which decision makers can be individual landowners or rent-
ers, counties, states, regional entities, or any other geographic aggregation.1 Treatments
1 As long as the geographic aggregation is not confounded with the outcome measurement, as might
could be any of the instruments or programs employed to alter the location, intensity,
or timing of land use decisions. We will employ the matching technique with land units
typically smaller than non-subdivided parcels being the implicit actors to analyze a spa-
tially defined incentive-based land use policy.
In this application, Maryland’s Smart Growth Program relies on financial incentives
to direct growth to designated areas in an attempt to curb low-density (intensity) or
sprawling development (location). Under Smart Growth, the state sought to stop “sub-
sidizing sprawl” and direct its funding for infrastructure only to locally designated and
state-approved Priority Funding Areas (PFAs). A county seeking state funds to finance
infrastructure needed to designate and have approved such geographic areas or PFAs (or
designated growth areas). The policy is similar to an urban growth boundary in design
but lacks the “teeth” of regulatory policy, such as strong zoning changes to support it.
The PFA approach utilized a combination of planning and monetary incentives to
direct housing development to these growth areas in order to make it relatively less
profitable to convert land currently in an agricultural or resource use and to constrain
urban expansion. These designated areas: (1) depict a physical line between urban and
rural areas; (2) limit expansion of services such as water and sewer infrastructures by
withholding state-level financial incentives outside PFAs; and (3) by providing infra-
structure spending inside PFAs, lower the cost of housing construction. However, one
questions whether the PFA approach has accomplished its goals. At the bottom line, one
might ask: Have PFAs caused the redirection of the housing construction, or any subset
of housing construction, within Maryland?
On the face of it, one could answer this question simply by comparing housing
starts within the PFA to those outside the PFA. However, assessing the impact of the
PFAs on housing starts is more challenging that it appears. The research question cen-
ters on comparing what would have happened to an individual land parcel in two sce-
narios; that is, one knows what has happened to housing starts for a land parcel within
the PFA, but one would also like to know what would have happened to housing starts
for the same land parcel if it had not been within a designated PFA. This land parcel
within the PFA cannot be in two states simultaneously, nor can a researcher randomly
assign which area is designated a PFA and which is not. This is the classic evalua-
tion problem, which Holland (1986) defines as the fundamental problem of causal
inference. Because we are analyzing data from a real-world policy (i.e., observational
data rather than experimental data), we face challenges in estimating causal effects
without making assumptions concerning unconfoundedness, exogeneity, ignorabil-
ity, or selection on observables (Imbens and Wooldridge 2009). For example, if PFAs
are only designated in areas where growth would otherwise have gone, the change in
financial incentives could have been inconsequential, thus not affecting the timing
or location of housing starts at all. As such, it would be an inefficient expenditure of
scarce public funds. One would find growth dominates within the PFAs, but the cau-
sality may be spurious.
This type of endogeniety is not a new issue in econometrics. In fact, these issues have
been well studied, particularly by labor econometricians. The common example in labor
Using Quasi-Experimental Methods to Evaluate Land Policies 455
(forthcoming, as cited in Imbens and Wooldridge 2009, 24) suggest, “as a rule of
thumb that with a normalized difference exceeding one quarter, linear regression
methods tend to be sensitive to the specification.” Imbens and Rubin (forthcom-
ing, as cited in Imbens and Wooldridge 2009) suggest comparing the covariates of
the treated and the control groups by computing the normalized differences. They
believe normalized differences, which are not sensitive to sample size, are superior to
comparing t-statistics. The problem of inference for the average treatment effect and
thus credible results is also not inherently more difficult in larger samples as the t-test
could suggest. In cases in which the normalized difference exceeding one-quarter,
PSM, which does not rely on a linear approximation, provides a more viable approach
to the analysis.
In some cases, researchers can utilize a regression discontinuity design if a common
and exogenous border of some type can be identified such that the continuity can be
exploited. Regression discontinuity can be used when one is designing an experiment
but wants to ensure the treatment is received by those in most need (i.e., the sickest,
poorest, the preferred growth area, or least educated for example) rather than randomly.
Due to the observational quality of the data, a land policy evaluation is most likely to
be used when the treated is geographically next to the control or untreated sample.
One assumed in this case that the treated parcels along the cutoff point would be quite
similar to the untreated parcel along the same point. As such, to employ the technique,
the two samples must be ordered across space, with a clear cutoff point for inclusion in
the treated or control group. One then can compare the outcomes of the treated parcel
inside the cutoff with those outside the cutoff to determine if there is a difference. In
some cases, however, one find a “fuzzy” discontinuity rather than a sharp cutoff point.
In this case, the discontinuity may be highly correlated with the treatment. This could
be due to geographic features in the land; path-dependency, such as previous land use
decisions; or political pressure. This can create many of the same problems as faced by
instrumental variables.
By design, regression discontinuity produces results along the cutoff point; that is,
local average treatment effects. These results may not be generalizable to the whole
population. Also, many regressions have fewer data points due to the necessity of being
set along the cutoff point. There could also be fewer observations outside the cutoff area
compared to more within the treated area. The lack of power may result in an insig-
nificant estimator. Regression discontinuity estimates also suffer if misspecified; for
example, functional forms that do not include existing nonlinear relationships result in
biased results.
addressing land issues.2 In this case, we have a large and rich set of covariates that will
impact both the treatment designation (PFA status) and influence the outcome variable
of interest (number of housing starts). We employ the PSM method to evaluate the PFA
program ability to shift the location of housing starts by comparing the outcome for the
gridded landscape3 of Maryland within the PFAs with observationally equivalent grids
that are outside the PFAs (Kaza et al. 2011). The primary advantages of PSM under these
circumstances are that (1) we do not need to specify how each variable will affect selec-
tion into treatment or control, (2) we do not need to specify how each variable affects the
potential outcome, and (3) nor do we need to determine an exogenous variable to satisfy
an exclusion restriction. The PSM method has several other benefits as well. First, the
matching protocol ensures that the grids within the PFAs are matched to the grids out-
side the PFAs that are most similar to them in terms of observable characteristics. This
provides a more transparent means to limit the influence of outliers and dissimilar grids.
Second, because not all grids are equally likely to have been designated PFAs or have
housing starts, this method incorporates pretreatment covariates that may influence the
existence of a PFA designation ands housing starts into the propensity score calculation.
Third, a linear functional form is not assumed for the outcome equation, the decision
process, or the unobservable variables. As such, PSM requires fewer functional form
and homogeneity assumptions. However, we do rely on the assumption of “selection
on observables,” which implies the data are rich enough to describe the selection pro-
cess (Smith and Todd 2005). Because we have information on the outcome for treated
and control land parcels both before and after the treatment, a difference-in-difference
approach can be utilized, which should remove any selection issues derived from
time-insensitive unobservable.
2. Analytical Method
We employ the PSM method developed by Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983). PSM has not
been used to study land policy evaluation issues until recently. It is used to study the
land market effects of zoning (McMillan and McDonald 2002), the land market effects
of conservation easement restrictions (Lynch et al. 2007, 2009), land market effects of
down-zoning (Liu and Lynch 2011a), the impact of farmland preservation programs on
farmland loss (Liu and Lynch 2011b), the impact of designated preservation zones (i.e.,
Rural Legacy Areas [RLAs]) on rates of preservation (Lynch and Liu 2007), the impact
of energy policy on farm prices (Towe and Tra 2013), and the impact of development
Quasi-experimental methods have been extended recently to multivalued and continuous
treatments (Imbens 2000; Gill and Robins 2001; Lechner 2001; Lechner and Miquel 2005).
3 We grid the landscape at ¼-mile squares to allow for aggregation of data (e.g., housing starts) by an
area not defined by the landscape, social or geographic, of existing houses, like Census designations.
458 Charles Towe, Rebecca Lewis, and Lori Lynch
moratoria on housing starts (Bento et al. 2007). Each of these studies performed use-
ful analysis within its specific policy environments; however, the applicability of these
finding to other policy environments may be limited; this is an empirical question that
further PSM analysis will help researchers answer.
As mentioned earlier, assessing the impacts of PFAs on housing starts, like many
other land policy evaluation, is difficult because of incomplete information. Although
one can identify whether a grid is part of a PFA (is treated) or not (not treated/a control)
and the outcome (number of housing starts or the difference in housing starts pre and
post PFA) conditional on its treatment, one cannot observe the counterfactual—what
would have happened if the grid was not part of the PFA. Thus, the fundamental prob-
lem in identifying the true causal effect is constructing the unobservable counterfactu-
als for treated observations.
At this point, some simple notion serves to demonstrate the issue, let Y1 denote the
outcome in the group of grids if treatment has occurred (D = 1), and Y0 denote the out-
come for the grids of control observations (D = 0). If one could observe the treated and
the control states, the average treatment effect, τ, would equal Y1 − Y0 where Y1 equals
the mean outcome of the treatment grids and Y0 of the control grids. Unfortunately,
only Y1 or Y0 are observed for each observation. In a laboratory experiment, research-
ers solve this problem by randomly assigning subjects to be treated or not treated,
and then they construct the unobserved counterfactual. In a natural setting, however,
τ ≠ Y1 − Y0 because the treatment condition is not randomly assigned. The PSM method
demonstrates that if data justify matching on some observable vector of covariates, X,
then matching pairs on the estimated probability of selection into treatment or control
groups based on X is also justified. In our case then, within land grids with the same pro-
pensity score, the land characteristics and other variables can be treated as independent
of the treatment status. Therefore, the average treatment on the treated estimates for
grids with the same propensity scores will not be biased and can be compared.
The PSM method relies on the assumption of conditional independence, which
requires that there are no unobserved factors associated both with the treatment and the
outcomes conditional on observed covariates. The PSM method, like other economet-
ric and statistical approaches, suffers from the presence of unobservable covariates that
may not be independent to the treatment assignment or to the treatment itself.
To satisfy the conditional independence assumption (CIA) and estimate an unbi-
ased treatment effect, one must find a vector of covariates, X, such that Y0 ⊥ D | X ; or
Y0 ⊥ D | P (D = 1 | X ) where P (D = 1 | X ) ∈ (0,1) is the propensity score that an individual
self-selects into treatment groups, and ⊥ denotes independence. If CIA holds, Y0, the
outcome for the controls (D = 0), can be assigned to the corresponding treated observa-
tions (D = 1) as their unobserved counterfactuals using certain matching techniques.
This assumption may fail if the “independent” variables, the parcel characteristics, are
affected by the treatment as well. Wooldridge (2005) demonstrates that if treatment
is randomized with respect to the counterfactual outcome but not with respect to the
other variables, then CIA will be violated.
Using Quasi-Experimental Methods to Evaluate Land Policies 459
The CIA condition is quite strong. Therefore, we use the conditional mean
independence (CMI) assumption (Heckman et al. 1998) that E[Y0 | D = 1, X ] =
E[Y0 | D = 0, X ] = E[Y0 | X ], P (D = 1 | X ) ∈(0,1) to estimate the average treatment effect.
The average treatment effect on the treated sample is thus the expected difference in
outcome Y between the PFA grids and their corresponding counterfactuals (non-PFA
grids) constructed from the matched controls:
For the weaker condition to hold, the set of X needs to include all of the variables that
may affect the outcome (housing starts) and the selection into the treatment state (PFA
status or not).
By using the matching algorithm, we are constructing a counterfactual pool of land
grids equivalent in the covariates for the matched treatment and control observa-
tions, and we are controlling for the effect that these factors may have on the number
of housing starts. In short, we are recreating a random experiment or, in this case, a
quasi-random experiment. As such, we must also ensure that the samples “overlap.”
The treated areas must have control areas that are observationally equivalent, such that:
0 < pr (Wi = 1Xi = x ) < 1, for all x .
Thus, the support of the conditional distribution of Xi given Wi = 0 contains the con-
ditional distribution of Xi given Wi = 1. If the covariates for the control observations
(non-PFAs) do not overlap with the covariates for the treatment observations (PFAs),
then we end up estimating an average impact only over the range where the overlap
exists. The overlap is called the common support. The propensity scores can illumi-
nate whether this assumption is satisfied. For example, if few or none of the non-PFA
grids have a high probability of being a PFA, then those grids with a high probability of
being a PFA will have few grids from which to make the counterfactual comparison(s).
Similarly, if many of the grids have propensity scores close to zero, estimating the aver-
age effect of the treatment precisely becomes more difficult (Imbens and Wooldridge
2009). Problems are also likely to arise when some grids are almost certain to receive
treatment. When the covariate distributions are different between the treatment and
control grids, the propensity scores may approach zero and 1. This might produce dif-
ferent probabilities or propensity scores for logit and probit models, yet model choice in
these cases are often ad hoc rather than well-motivated (Imbens and Wooldridge 2009).
Dehejia and Wahba (2002) suggest finding the smallest value of the estimated pro-
pensity score among the treated observations and dropping all control observations
that have an estimated propensity score less than it. By setting the relevant sample
to have common support, one eliminates those non-PFA grids that are so different
from the PFA grids that they should not be compared. The results will be sensitive to
the threshold chosen for the common support and, as such, some sensitivity analysis
may be warranted. Heckman, Ichimura, and Todd (1997) and Heckman et al. (1998)
use density functions to determine the set of treatment and control variables. Rubin
460 Charles Towe, Rebecca Lewis, and Lori Lynch
(2006) proposes using a matched sample by ordering the treated observations by their
estimated propensity score and then matching them to the nearest control grid. If one
matches without replacement, one will end up with an equal number of non-PFA and
PFA grids. One does not need to use these pairs for estimating the average treatment on
the treated—the impact results—but rather to determine an overlapping sample. This
approach can also improve the balance between covariates.
where j is the index for control observations that are matched to the treated observa-
tion i based on estimated propensity scores (j = 1, 2, . . . J). The matrix, w(i, j), contains
the weights assigned to the jth control observation that is matched to the ith treated
observation. By using different weights in different matching estimators, one is implic-
itly making a tradeoff between efficiency and bias. All the estimators are asymptoti-
cally the same in large sample but might return different estimates in finite samples.
Nearest-neighbor matching has each PFA grid paired with the control grid whose pro-
pensity score is closest in absolute value (Dehejia and Wahba 2002). Dehejia and Wahba
(2002) and Rosenbaum (2002) both found that matching with replacement performs as
well or better than matching without replacement (in part because it increases the num-
ber of possible matches and avoids the problem that the results are potentially sensitive
to the order in which the treatment observations are matched). This may result in a con-
trol grid never being used to compute the average treatment effect if it is not the nearest
neighbor to any treated PFA grid. This reduces possible bias but is not necessarily the
most efficient.
Kernel and local linear matching techniques match each treated PFA grid with all
control grids where the estimated propensity scores fall within a specified bandwidth.
Uniform kernel, for example, gives equal weight to all control grids within the chosen
4 This subsection follows the description provided by in Liu and Lynch (2011b).
Using Quasi-Experimental Methods to Evaluate Land Policies 461
∆ TT =
1 N
N i=1
Y − (
|D =1 = 1
∑ i1 io i N ∑
Y )
Yi1 − ∑ ( ) jo j
j∈{D j =0}
w i , j Y | D = 0
2.2 Balancing Test
Three types of balancing test methods exist in the empirical literature: standardized
difference test, Hotelling T2 for joint equality test, and a regression-based test. The
Hotelling T2 tests the joint null of equal means of all of the variables included in the
matching between the treatment group and the matched control group. Smith and Todd
(2005) found that, in some cases, Hotelling T2 incorrectly treated matched weights as
fixed rather than random. The standardized difference test uses a t-test for equality of
the means for each covariate in the matched treated and control grids. The regression
test estimates a regression of each covariate on polynomials of the estimated propensity
scores, [P ( X )] and the interaction of the polynomials with the treatment binary vari-
able, D * [P ( X )]l (l, the order of the polynomial, equals 3). The treated PFA grids would
not have a different regression line than the non-PFA control grids, and the balancing
condition is satisfied if the estimated coefficients on the interaction terms are jointly
equal to zero according to an F-test.
462 Charles Towe, Rebecca Lewis, and Lori Lynch
2.3 Difference in Difference
The effect of the PFA on the likelihood of new housing starts, controlling for the over-
all trend in housing starts over the relevant time period, is accomplished using the
difference-in-difference approach or by simply replacing the outcome variable, housing
starts in 2000–2003, with the difference in housing starts from 1994–1997 to 2000–2003.
These years were selected because the legislation passed in 1997 and was implemented
in the counties by 2000.
So, ∆Y = YPost-YPre is the outcome variable. This overall trend incorporates the
market-level effects of housing demands and has the added advantage of controlling for
time invariant and unobservable characteristics.
One may also conduct robustness tests by restricting to which control grids the treated
grids can be compared. This can address possible unobservable characteristics of grids
that vary spatially, by time period, or by governmental entities. For example, in this case,
intuitively, the further away the PFA grids are from the grids that are not within the PFA,
the more likely it is that their housing starts may be influenced by unobserved factors
(e.g., different land markets). For example, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge may be a psy-
chological barrier to many individuals who do not look beyond it to buy a home, irre-
spective of the time or distance of the commute. These types of unobserved factors may
bias our estimates if we use all PFA and non-PFA grids when matching whether or not
they are on the same side of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. For robustness against possible
unobservable factors, we restrict matches on three scales: (1) any PFA and non-PFA grid
in the state (least restrictive); (2) any PFA grid and non-PFA grid within the same region
as defined in Figure 18.1; and (3) any comparable PFA grid and non-PFA grid within the
same county (most restrictive). We also limit our analysis to smaller geographic regions
of the state: Western, Central 1 and Central 2, South, Upper Eastern Shore, and Lower
Eastern Shore. See Figure 18.1 for the regional boundaries.
We first match the treatment and control observations without any restriction and
calculate the overall treatment effect. Matching over the full sample has the advantage of
providing better controls for treated grids than matching within the county where fewer
non-PFA grids would be available. We also restrict matches to grids within the same
region and county.
Using Quasi-Experimental Methods to Evaluate Land Policies 463
Maryland regions
Central 2
Central 1
FIGURE 18.1 Maryland regions used in the propensity score analysis to limit grid matching
to within same colored area.
In practice, we estimate the propensity score with the dichotomous dependent vari-
able of being in a PFA equal to 1 and not in PFA as zero using a logit model with the vari-
ables outlined earlier and including county fixed effects. Subsequently, we implement
nearest-neighbor matching based on the predicted value from the propensity score
regression. The average treatment on the treated (ATT) is then calculated as the differ-
ence in means between the housing starts for the treatment grids, and the control grids.
All standard errors are constructed via 1,000 replication bootstrap estimates of the ATT.
The Smart Growth Areas Act passed in 1997 by Maryland required all counties to des-
ignate PFAs. The Maryland Department of Planning then reviewed and approved the
areas. Unless an exception or exemption is granted, the state spends growth-related
funds for new infrastructure and some revitalization and economic development pro-
grams only within the PFAs. PFAs automatically include certain areas of the state—
Baltimore City, other incorporated municipalities, areas within the Baltimore and
Washington Beltways, and designated neighborhoods, enterprise zones, and heritage
464 Charles Towe, Rebecca Lewis, and Lori Lynch
Prince Talbot
George Caroline
Priority Funding Area Charles
St. Wicomico
0 25 50 Miles
areas.5 Local governments can designate additional areas as PFAs if they meet certain
criteria, based on existing and planned densities and infrastructure (Maryland Code
Annotated: State Finance & Procurement Article, §§ 5-7B-01 to -10, 2010; see appen-
dix). A map of Maryland’s PFAs is shown in Figure 18.2. Specific categories of spend-
ing for roads, housing programs, water and sewer infrastructure, state buildings, and
certain economic development incentives are defined by the statute as “growth-related”
(see appendix). Spending is constrained for certain types of projects for five agen-
cies: Transportation, Housing and Community Development, Environment, General
Services, and Business and Economic Development (Maryland Code Annotated: State
Finance & Procurement Article, §§ 5-7B-01 to -10, 2010).
As a land use regulation in its relative infancy, empirical studies of PFA impact on
housing starts have been limited. Using land use and land cover data, Shen, Liao, and
Zhang (2005) and Shen and Zhang (2007) examined the effects of PFA and PFAs Smart
Growth counterpart, RLAs, which seek to preserve resource and important ecologi-
cal lands, on land conversion in Maryland from 1992 to 1997 and from 1997 to 2002.
Using a logit model and land use land cover data, the authors found that urban develop-
ment was more likely inside PFAs and less likely in RLAs, although the effects varied by
county. These authors did not consider the endogeniety of the PFA or RLA designation.
Therefore, although PFA areas were most likely to see growth, they may have been so
even before the PFA designation. Because they did not consider the endogeneity, we
question whether the PFA grids were compared to proper counterfactual grids similar
across many attributes.
Hanlon, Howland, and McGuire (2009) examined the effects of PFAs on the probabil-
ity of land development in Frederick County from 2000 to 2004. They also concluded
that parcels inside PFAs were more likely to be developed than parcels outside. Lewis,
Knaap, and Sohn (2009) evaluate implementation of the statutes and development out-
comes before and after the designation of PFAs. Because state agency compliance with
reporting requirements was lax, it was difficult to assess where and how much state
funding was spent inside PFAs in accordance with the law. Using a t-test of means to
conduct before and after analysis at the county, regional, and state level, Lewis, Knaap,
and Sohn (2009) show that PFAs had little discernible impact on development patterns
after the Act went into effect.
Howland and Sohn (2007) find investments in water and sewer infrastructure were
more likely inside the PFAs than outside between 1997 and 2002. They found coun-
ties that received more state funding were more likely to invest in water and sewer
infrastructure projects inside the PFA. However, they also found that investments
in infrastructure continued outside PFAs, and some of this infrastructure received
state funds. Since 1997, Maryland provides larger tax credits and less stringent cri-
teria within PFAs for job creation than outside PFAs (Sohn and Knaap 2005). They
also found that more jobs were created inside PFAs after 1997. The differential in
job growth across the PFA, however, was small and occurred only in a few selected
4. The Data
One of the most important decisions in this type of analysis is the choice of covariates,
regardless of the analytical method used. Economic theory provides a starting point for
what broad classes of data one should employ, but, as to the exact measurement or what
specification to use, little guidance is provided. Imbens and Wooldridge (2009) suggest
more research is needed to help choose which covariates to include from a large set of
possible variables and what functional form should be employed. In this study, and in
general, the quantity and quality of data necessary to satisfy the untestable assumption
of CIA does not often include data from one source. We have collected and compiled
data theorized to impact PFA selection and housing starts in Maryland from numerous
sources. These included the Maryland Department of Planning, Maryland Department
of Assessment and Taxation, US Geological Service, US Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Department of Transportation, and
the National Center for Smart Growth at the University of Maryland. Significant effort
has been made to attain and measure data for the relevant pre-PFA designation in 1997
466 Charles Towe, Rebecca Lewis, and Lori Lynch
Table 18.1 Number of grids within the sample, number of grids with perfect pre-
diction of priority funding area (PFA) status, and number of grids used to estimate
the model
Total number of grids in the
Total observations priority funding areas
* Municipalities, high-density residential, commercial, and industrial zones are automatically included
in the PFA and thus excluded from the choice set.
and in a format that is consistent across the counties in our study area.6 For the outcome
variable, the number of new homes constructed (i.e., housing starts), we chose to aggre-
gate the underlying parcel and all independent variables into a ¼-square-mile grid cell
on the landscape.
The estimation data correspond to many time invariant features of the grid, includ-
ing soils, slopes, distances to the predominant central business districts of Baltimore
or Washington, DC, distances to amenities (parks and water), and some time-variant
features including land use, land cover,7 density of housing, and number of landowners.
These variables are calculated from the neighboring grids utilizing queen contiguity as
the definition of neighbor. Tables 18.1 and 18.2 present the variables and summary sta-
tistics. These variables define the substitutable areas for development in the all areas of
the state inside and outside the PFA. Variables are primarily measured as a percentage
of the grid to account for higher home construction costs in these areas. These variables,
drainage, slopes, flooding, and soils, are constructed using the Soil Survey Geographic
Database (SURGO) classifications (Soil Survey Staff, Natural Resources Conservation
Service 2011).
Land cover measures include water, agriculture, and forest, each with its own attract-
ing and repelling effect on new housing starts. Distances to amenities, such parks, the
ocean, or lakes, are included, as are distances to interstates and state highways (urban
arterials). Other distance to amenity-based measures include an estimated travel time
to various-size Census designated places8 within an hour’s drive proxy for the accessibil-
ity of any given grid cell. The Maryland Department of Planning’s generalized zoning
category variable is also included, ranging from the typical commercial, municipal, and
All Maryland Counties except Queen Anne’s County are included. Queen Anne’s had incomplete
and thus usable data.
7 Measured as of 2002.
8 Concentration of population identified by the US Census Bureau.
Using Quasi-Experimental Methods to Evaluate Land Policies 467
industrial to a finer scale of least protected, moderately protected, and very-low-, low-,
medium-, and high-density residential.9 We also calculate the number of owners of the
grid (number of owners) as a proxy for density and for the number of landowners (deci-
sion makers) in the area from whom a developer may purchase land. All of these vari-
ables describing the grids attempt to explain where housing is most demanded and most
likely to occur either because of amenities, workplace commute, or cost of development.
5. Results
The estimated coefficients using OLS are reported in Table 18.3 and the logit propen-
sity score results in Table 18.4. The results of the balancing test using a t-test approach
are presented in Table 18.5. The ATTs for the propensity score approach are reported
in Tables 18.6 and 18.7. Both types of analysis find consistent evidence that PFAs have
impacted the location of housing starts statewide. In the regression, PFAs are found
to have 1.663 more housing starts than comparable non-PFA grids. Comparing the
131,401 non-PFA grids to the 12,451 PFA grids, we find when matching that PFA
grids have an average housing start level of 2.75 compared to the most observationally
equivalent non-PFAs’ 1.71. All matching algorithms are implemented in Stata 11 using
psmatch2 (Leuven and Sianesi 2003). The large sample sizes makes eliminating any sta-
tistical differences in means an insurmountable task; however, no statistical difference
appears economically important. For example, when looking at the average sales price
per square foot of house, we find PFA grids have a mean of 10.733 and those matched
grids outside the PFA a mean of 10.359. These means are statistically different, but their
absolute difference is small enough that we do not believe this will bias the average treat-
ment effect on the treated. Similarly, the number of owners was 2.774 in 1997 within the
PFA grids but only 2.53 within the non-PFA grids.
It is interesting to note the impact that the matching procedure has on the sample
counterfactual group mean housing starts. The limited evidence from other studies
compares the cumulative housing starts either in or out of the PFA and, as is obvious
from the increase in matched controls from 0.28 to 1.71 housing starts, the algorithm
does well to select more appropriate matches. The average treatment effect on the PFA
designation is 1.04 more new homes within the PFAs grids than would have occurred
otherwise. Similarly, when we use a difference-in-difference approach (pre-PFA housing
starts to post-PFA housing starts), we find comparable results, with 1.05 new housing
starts following the PFA designation. This suggests that the OLS method overestimates
the impact of the PFA designation by treating it as if it is exogenous. One might view
this as evidence of limited impact of unobservables on the estimates and as a robustness
check of the main results.
This statewide matching approach allows matches across counties so, as an addi-
tional robustness check, we also restricted matches to grids within the same counties
and found similar although slightly larger impacts. In this case, we lose both PFA and
non-PFA observations due to the unavailability of “good” matches. Some PFA grids
have no comparable matches (off the common support) and some non-PFA grids are
very far in propensity score from any PFA grids (beyond the designated bandwidth). For
the estimation, we had 130,330 non-PFA grids and 10,874 PFA grids. The average treat
ment effect was estimated to be 1.21 new housing starts within PFA grids and 1.39 for
the difference measure. This restriction captures county-specific unobservables that were
Using Quasi-Experimental Methods to Evaluate Land Policies 469
Statewide model
Off Support 3,884 1,054 Unmatched 2.65 0.28
On Support 131,401 12,451 Matched 2.75 1.71 1.04** 8,546 units
Statewide model (difference in pre- and post-PFA housing starts as outcome, a difference-in-difference PSM)
Off Support 3,884 1,054 Unmatched 2.25 0.22
On Support 131,401 12,451 Matched 2.37 1.32 1.05** 8,628 units
Statewide model (matches are forced to be within same county)
Off Support 4,955 2,631 Unmatched 2.4 0.3
On Support 130,330 10,874 Matched 2.57 1.36 1.21** 8,684 units
Off Support − 48 Unmatched 0.35 0.18
On Support 6,659 420 Matched 0.33 0.38 −0.05 (21) Units
Central 1
Off Support 2,188 1,908 Unmatched 2.69 0.62
On Support 15,239 4,653 Matched 3.36 1.74 1.62** 4,975 Units
Central 2
Off Support 2,882 150 Unmatched 4.8 0.32
On Support 18,763 1,712 Matched 4.39 1.66 2.73** 3,084 Units
Off Support 792 121 Unmatched 2.41 0.54
On Support 22,828 2,267 Matched 2.38 1.42 0.96** 1,436 Units
Upper Eastern Shore
Off Support 3,765 31 Unmatched 1.69 0.21
On Support 16,495 569 Matched 1.47 0.83 0.64** 121 Units
Lower Eastern Shore
Off Support 5,031 58 Unmatched 1.44 0.097
On Support 24,650 1,252 Matched 1.43 1.36 0.07 29 Units
9,624 Units
not captured estimating the propensity score. However, it disregards the fact that devel-
opers face no restrictions to operate within county boundaries.
6. Conclusion
In the context of land use policy, the use of the quasi-experimental method of PSM is
still in its infancy; however, the method has gained broader appeal across other fields
10 See “Bay on the Brink” report from the Maryland Journalism School for a classic example.
11 Calculated using only the “best” match when a control is used multiple times.
476 Charles Towe, Rebecca Lewis, and Lori Lynch
of economics. The method is well suited for land use applications precisely because the
vast majority of land use data is observational and there are rarely circumstances that
produce clean instrumental variables. Land use evaluation and other applications do
not fit well within basic regression-based modeling either. Those conducting land policy
evaluations are in need of methods like PSM to address issues of selection and potential
It is critical that these policies are evaluated appropriately. Unlike many other policy
evaluation environments, the land researcher is often dealing with policies that result
in permanent adjustments to the landscape, such as the location of housing, commer-
cial, or industrial activity. PSM’s ability to use observational data while limiting the
impacts of endogeneity and of functional form assumptions is a tremendous asset in
the researchers’ toolbox. On the other hand, one should note that the generalizability of
results is difficult from PSM studies, as it is in many reduced form analyses. This chap-
ter’s results explore the effectiveness of an existing policy and inform practitioners of
areas to focus on—or stay clear of—in the future. However, these results do not suggest
an optimal policy or build on a literature moving toward discovery of an optimal policy
if one exists.
Given the brief history of these methods in the land use literature, we believe many
arenas exist in which these methods can provide insights. Furthermore, the shift from
regulatory to incentive-based policies and the fiscal issues facing many state and local
entities make any information regarding existing policy impacts necessary and relevant.
PFAs are perhaps the centerpiece and the most innovative of the Maryland Smart
Growth tools. Unlike urban growth boundaries in Oregon, which impose direct restric-
tions on urban development, the 1997 Smart Growth Areas Act merely restricts state
spending on statutorily defined “growth-related” programs to areas designated for
urban growth. According to the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) website:
The 1997 Priority Funding Areas Act capitalizes on the influence of State expendi-
tures on economic growth and development. This legislation directs State spending
to Priority Funding Areas. Priority Funding Areas are existing communities and
places where local governments want State investment to support future growth.
(Maryland Department of Planning, 2009a,
Using Quasi-Experimental Methods to Evaluate Land Policies 477
A2. Geographic Scope
By statute, PFAs automatically include certain areas of the state: Baltimore City,
incorporated municipalities, areas within the Baltimore and Washington beltways,
and areas designated by the Department of Housing and Community Development
for revitalization, enterprise zones, and heritage areas. In addition to areas des-
ignated as PFAs by statute, local governments can designate additional areas as
PFAs if they meet certain criteria. (Maryland Code Annotated: State Finance &
Procurement Article, §§ 5-7B-01 to -10, 2010; Lewis, R., Knaap, G.-J., and Sohn,
J. [2009].)
Counties may designate additional areas as PFAs based on land use, developed den-
sity, zoned density, and water and sewer service criteria. Specifically, counties may
include (a) areas inside locally designated growth areas zoned for industrial use by
January 1, 1997, or served by public sewer; (b) employment areas inside locally desig-
nated growth areas served by or planned for water and sewer; (c) a community existing
prior to 1997 that is located within a locally designated growth area, served by a public/
community sewer or water system, and has an allowed, average residential density of
≥2.0 units per net acre; (d) an area outside the developed portion of an existing com-
munity, if the area has an allowed, average build-out density of ≥3.5 units per net acre;
(e) areas beyond the periphery of the developed portion of existing development that
are scheduled for public water and sewer service and have a permitted residential den-
sity of ≥3.5 units per net acre, and (f) rural villages included in the comprehensive plan
before July 1, 1998 (Lewis et al. 2009).
Counties may designate “areas other than existing communities” as PFAs based on
analyses of supply and demand. That is, counties must analyze land capacity and demand
for the present and future, and PFAs must match the amount of land needed for a clearly
defined planning horizon (Maryland Department of Planning, 1997). Although the
statutes did not specify a particular planning horizon, MDP used a 20-year horizon as a
standard benchmark.
Criteria for delineating PFAs are based on both actual and permitted densities. The
density criteria established in the 1997 bill were the subject of much debate and have
been the subject of criticism (Cohen 2002; Knaap and Frece 2007). The original ver-
sion of the bill established a permitted density threshold at 5.0 units per net acre, but
this was amended to a permitted density of 3.5 units per net acre with urging from the
Maryland Association of Counties. The Smart Growth advocacy organization 1,000
Friends of Maryland argued that the threshold was too low, given that actual densi-
ties are often lower than permitted densities (Cohen 2002; Knaap and Frece 2007).
Although the legislation contains language stating that land can be designated for
inclusion in PFAs if “the design represents a long-term development policy for pro-
moting the orderly expansion of urban growth and an efficient use of land and pub-
lic services” (Maryland Code Annotated: State Finance & Procurement Article, §§
478 Charles Towe, Rebecca Lewis, and Lori Lynch
5-7B-01 to -10, 2010), the primary criteria for designating PFAs is based on existing
or zoned densities and infrastructure capacity, rather than “orderly” plans for future
urban growth.
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C HA P T E R 19
Public Information and Auction Efficiency
in Ecosystem Service Markets
K E N T D. M E S SE R , JO SH UA M . DU K E , A N D
recent land research—along with emerging topics. The second half of the chapter pro-
vides a more intensive understanding of economics experiments in land conservation
by conveying the results of an original experiment. The experimental research examines
how efficiently a conservation auction delivers ecosystem services under varying infor-
mation structures.
Over the past three decades, economists have increasingly turned to experimental
methods—which provide replicability, laboratory controls, and the ability to create
salient incentives—to explore important economic questions. Many initial applica-
tions were related to testing economic theories. The laboratory often provided an
ideal location for investigation because researchers could “induce” research partici-
pants with values and use salient rewards to create incentive situations that mimicked
the assumptions from theory. As challenges to traditional economic theory began to
form and the field of behavioral economics rose in prominence, experiments became
a critical research tool for testing and developing various theories of human economic
Modeling real world behavior comes with challenges, which are difficult to sim-
plify in many settings—particularly when aspects of each individual decision are
unknown to the researcher. With experiments, the researcher is exerting control over
the environment, participants are getting paid according to the decisions they make,
and deception is not permitted by the economic experimenters’ social norms. Thus,
participants are making real decisions that affect their payoffs and not hypotheti-
cal ones like in questionnaire-based research. In an uncontrolled environment, the
researcher has difficulty explaining causality and cannot change a single condition
(treatment) to determine its marginal impact on decision-making. However, within
the laboratory setting, the investigator can design the institutional context, know the
real monetary payoffs (i.e., the payment scheme), and examine the implications of
changing one attribute (treatment) at a time. This allows for test-bedding policies
at a fine scale, thereby suggesting the mix of institutions that will lead to the greatest
social welfare in addition to identifying policy options that will likely lead to lower
Replicability offers another element adding to experimental methods popularity. Like
other scientific disciplines, the ability to replicate one’s own or another’s results proves
the robustness of a finding. Some investigators replicate the same experiment multiple
times. This allows one to test the results with different sets of participants to determine
similarities and differences for different pools and possibly for different social groups. It
also allows one to collect enough data to estimate econometric models of behavior. By
Applying Experiments to Land Economics 483
publishing the experimental instructions and protocols along with the research paper,
other researchers can replicate the experiment to verify the results or to use the design
to aid in university teaching.1 Replicability is one advantage of laboratory experiments
as compared to pure field experiments. While researchers may attempt to duplicate field
experiments as well, their relatively more unconstrained environment may introduce
changes that are unobservable between different locations and different time periods.
While these issues of different locations and time periods can also pose problems in
laboratory studies, they tend to be less of a concern as the researcher can use the controls
of a laboratory to mitigate these factors. For instance, in a laboratory experiment the
administrator can monitor all participants simultaneously and control the rules of com-
munication. Thus, the researchers can limit the setting to having no communication
amongst participants or to permit communication under certain established rules. They
could also allow for free communication and simply record the communication for use
in a subsequent analysis. In contrast, in a field experiment, the researcher has little to
no ability to control or directly record the communication among participants and may
only be able to gather information about the nature and amount of the communication
by having participants complete self-reported, post-experiment surveys.
Friedman and Sunder (1994) outline the four types of records and documentation
that experimental researchers should keep to ensure their experiments are replicable.
One is written instructions for participants and the details of the recruitment process.
Two, researchers should keep copies of the software and the hardware used (if applica-
ble) and should make them available to other so that other researchers can replicate the
experiment. Third, researchers should maintain documentation of the lab activities (a
“log”) that includes the date and times of experiments and other relevant facts as well as
copies of the raw data. Finally, researchers should keep a record and copies of statistical
programs and code used to analyze the data.
Recognizing that existing theory sometimes provides limited policy guidance—espe-
cially in complex settings—applied economists increasingly use experiments to search
for insights to important questions. Shogren (2004, 1218) described the process as being
“like a wind tunnel to test airplane design, lab experiments provide a testbed for what
is called economic design—the process of constructing institutions and mechanisms to
examine resource allocation.” Experiments as a testbed are particularly useful in settings
where implementation of a policy change would be difficult or costly; testing alternative
policies in the laboratory first can be highly cost-effective.
Economists have also used the controls available in experiments to identify specific
behaviors of interest, such as consumer responses to foods produced with different
methods or producers’ willingness to adopt new production technologies. Additionally,
While the principle of replicability is a fundamental element of experimental economics, we
recognize that publishing studies that simply replicate another experiment is difficult in economics. As
authors who have also served as journal editors, we believe that this trend may be detrimental to the
creation of knowledge because researchers should have incentives to confirm the results of other studies,
ensuring proper checks and balances in our discipline’s research process.
484 Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke, and Lori Lynch
economists have found that results from experiments can be more compelling to indus-
try leaders and policy makers as they learn about the methods and the research setting
by participating directly in educational versions of these experiments.
Data collected on naturally occurring behavior often suffer from self-selection; those
most likely to benefit from a behavior are the most likely to participate. As such, one
has little information on the behavior of those individuals who did not participate.
Experimental methods allow some control of this phenomenon. Often undergraduate
students are recruited for experiments without knowing a priori about the experiment
design or questions. Many experiments extrapolate from any real context entirely and
are marketed generically as “research on economic decision making.” In such cases, for
instance, students more interested in land use are not the most likely to participate. Nor
will students with little experience in making decisions in land markets decline to par-
ticipate. How big an obstacle this recruitment is depends on the purposes of the study. If
a goal of the study is to understand behavior of landowners with significant experience
and interest in land use, then recruiting from a general population of undergraduates
is less appropriate. However, if the research also wants to study the behavioral response
for people who are not traditionally in the land market, people who have little interest or
experience in land use decision-making such as heirs who recently inherited agricultural
land, or people who are profit maximizing under several straightforward institutions,
then perhaps a more general participant pool makes sense. As a general rule, research-
ers ought to think carefully about whether their approach to the selection of subjects
matches the purposes of the study. For instance, when experimental studies look at con-
sumers’ willingness to pay for various foods, it makes sense to recruit household shop-
pers rather than undergraduates. However, if one wants to look at trends and responses to
new music or electronics, then an undergraduate population may be more appropriate.
That said, many lab experiments do not address recruitment as systematically as tra-
ditional survey research. Like intercept surveys, experimental participant pools may be
affected by a convenience bias. In addition, those who do not participate in lab experi-
ments may systematically differ from participants, which is equivalent to nonresponse
bias in survey research.
In the past, many experiments have recruited undergraduate students as participants
in sessions conducted in rooms of computers equipped with privacy shields that serve
as experimental laboratories in universities. Many researchers are now interested in
whether college students respond similarly to other social groups. Laboratory experi-
ments have been criticized as artificial and removed from the normal decision making
situation. Many researchers now conduct experiments in the “field” with different par-
ticipant groups to evaluate the generalizability of the students’ results. As discussed in
Harrison and List (2004), there also exists a spectrum of research settings between pure
lab and pure field experiments that uses experimental techniques.
While some researchers value the seemingly higher representativeness and realism of
field experiments and may shun the relatively artificial setting of undergraduate-student
participants in a university experimental laboratory, we think that there is no simple
“one-size-fits-all” rule when it comes to applying experiments to land economics. We try
Applying Experiments to Land Economics 485
to illustrate in Figure 19.1, that each experimental design involves balancing of strengths
and weaknesses upon three dimensions: control, context, and representativeness. Figure
19.1 provides an extension of the framing of Lusk and Shogren (2007, 15), who discuss
the trade-offs between control and context in experimental designs for auctions. These
authors define these terms as follows:
“Control means the researcher has control over the environment such that no
unmeasured external force drives choices. That is, confounding of cause and effect is
eliminated.” (p. 6)
“Context implies that subjects have some contextual cues about why their decision
might matter in a bigger world.” (p. 15)
High 7
ol 1
lead to problems if certain landowners are reluctant to sell their property to a government
agency but would consider preserving their land with a local nongovernmental organiza-
tion such as a land trust. Similarly, participants might make different “pollution abate-
ment” decisions that lead to different “profits” and “taxes” for themselves and others in
their group. While context specific language provides more reality to the experiment set-
tings—which may help participants understand the situation and thereby lessen confu-
sion and inadvertent error that leads to poor data—the researcher is likely also sacrificing
some control of the induced values as participants bring other values into the research
setting. For instance, some participants may view selling their parcels to the government
or paying taxes to be highly objectionable due to their political beliefs or personal/family
experiences, while others may view these terms positively. To help assess these types of
concerns, post-experiment surveys can test for some of these potential factors and can
control for them in subsequent data analysis. However, researchers should seek to recog-
nize potential biases in the experimental choices through well-designed survey questions.
Points 3 and 4 on Figure 19.1 show how experiments that recruit actual landowners
as participants can improve the representativeness of the study. While being harder to
recruit and—costing more on a per-participant basis, landowners can be brought into
the experiment laboratory at a university (Point 3) and participate in the same experi-
mental market with context specific instructions.2 Concerns that the landowners who
2 Landowner participants could also participate in an experiment with neutrally framed instructions;
however, it likely would be most helpful to provide these landowners directly with context specific
language as this is the setting context that the researchers are likely most interested in studying their
Applying Experiments to Land Economics 487
behavior. For simplicity, Figure 19.1 does not show all of the scenarios with regards to context specific
and neutral instructions, but focuses on the most common.
488 Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke, and Lori Lynch
research funding. From a policy perspective, research involving real landowners mak-
ing decisions regarding their land given different settings is likely the most convincing
form of external (face) validity. Given the likely costs associated with this research, it
makes sense that this research should build upon previous findings from research con-
ducted in simpler and less expensive settings such as those described above. A potential
cost-saving (and data-increasing) technique is to use a lottery or competitive auction to
reduce the number of accepted experimental contracts that actually are paid.
Finally, the extreme of induced-value, neutrally-framed, lab experiments with stu-
dent participants at a university (Point 1) are natural experiments that arise due to
random actions or heterogeneity in the policy environment (Point 9). While natu-
ral experiments provide a high level of context and representativeness, their level of
control can be highly variable as the researcher is constrained ex post by the changes.
Researchers are also confronted with participants self-selecting to participate based on
the policies themselves.
3 Of course, the participant’s choices and the general outcomes of the experiment either through
group behavior or random outcomes determines the actual payoff of the participant.
490 Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke, and Lori Lynch
institution. Our experience has been that IRBs appreciate the norm in experimental
economics of not deceiving participants. Similarly, experiments can often be designed
where participants are not identified by name, but instead simply by identification
number. IRBs also tend to like that the choices in experiments are often confiden-
tial: single-blind (where the participants do not know the choices and payoffs of other
participants) or double-blind (where neither the other participants nor the administra-
tors in the session know the choices and payoffs).
The staffing of experiments also depends upon the research design. In settings involv-
ing double-blind confidentiality or multiple experiment sessions being conducted
simultaneously, the research team may need to consist of three to four administrators.
In market settings involving induced values, only one administrator may be necessary.
Nevertheless, an extra administrator can be helpful in preparing for the experiment, dis-
tributing experiment instructions and materials, addressing questions that arise from
participants, dealing with any computer problems, and assisting with the payment of
participants at the conclusion of the session.
Emerging applications of experiments to land economics include risk attitudes
of landowners, landowners’ propensity to develop their land, institutions to reduce
nonpoint source pollution in complicated geological and political situations, such as the
Chesapeake Bay in the United States, agglomeration in conservation project selection,
and the application of behavioral economics to encourage more socially beneficial land
uses. The following section reviews recent research related to auctions, including dis-
criminatory pricing versus uniform pricing, the effect of information sets on auction
efficiency, and markets for ecosystem services.
abatement of 450 million tons of erosion per year, the restoration of 2 million acres
of wetlands and adjacent buffers, the reduction of 48 million metric tons of carbon
dioxide emissions, and the protection of 170,000 stream miles. The CRP has also
increased duck and quail populations, as well as other wildlife, by restoring habitat
and corridors.
Conservation auctions are also used throughout the world, and the results gen-
erally suggest that auctions are more cost effective than alternate institutions for
procuring conservation services. For instance, the CRP’s structure was adopted by
conservation agencies in Australia for the Bush Tender pilot trials (Stoneham et al.
2003) and the Auction for Landscape Recovery pilot program (Gole et al. 2005).
Stoneham et al. (2003) concluded that the amount of biodiversity benefit gained
through the first round of Bush Tender auctions in Victoria, Australia, would have
cost the government seven times as much if a fixed payment had been used instead of
an auction.
A reverse auction mechanism was used in Scotland under the Challenge Fund
scheme, and research demonstrated that the total cost would have been 33% to
36% greater under a fixed payment (CJC Consulting 2004, 63). Connor et al. (2008)
concluded that, under the same budget, a fixed payment plan would produce only
56% of the benefits achieved with auctions in the Catchment Care Australian con-
servation auction in 2004. In one of the few theoretical treatments of this issue,
Latacz-Lohmann and Van der Hamsvoort (1997) found that total emission reduction
gained by different formats of auctions ranges from 16% to 29% more than flat-rate
offer system.
There are several types of auctions, common auctions include the “call markets” and
“double-sided auctions” used for stock markets with multiple buyers and sellers;
ascending-price “English” auctions where there is one seller and multiple buyers; and
descending-price “Dutch” auctions (see Davis and Holt [1993] and Kagel and Roth [1995]
for details on auctions). For “reverse” auctions that involve multiple sellers and one buyer,
common auctions include “discriminatory-price auctions” in which the buyer pays the
winning sellers the amount of their offers and “uniform-price auctions,” a type of Vickrey
(1961) auction, in which the buyer pays all the winning sellers a single-price based on
the either the highest-accepted offer or the lowest-rejected offer. Latacz-Lohmann and
Schilizzi (2005) concluded from their theoretical analysis that the optimal strategy for
landholders in a discriminatory-price auction is to inflate their offer above their real
opportunity cost in order to secure information rents. Further, the authors found that
the incentive to inflate offers is greatest among sellers whose costs are lowest—and there-
fore most likely to be successful—while high-cost sellers will tend to make offers that are
closer to their true costs—but they are unlikely to be selected by the auction mechanism.
Cason and Gangadharan (2004) used a laboratory experiment in which landown-
ers competed in sealed-offer auctions to obtain payments for reducing nonpoint
source pollution from land activities. One treatment was a uniform-price auction
where everyone was paid the amount of the lowest price rejected, and the other was
a discriminatory-price auction. Offers in the uniform-price treatment were within 2%
of owners’ cost, while most offers in the discriminatory-price auction were at least 8%
higher than owners’ cost. However, because the discriminatory-price auction did not
pay a single market-clearing price—rather it paid each successful seller a price equal to
his or her offer—overall, it was more efficient.
inflate offers more for projects with a high value to the buyer. Consequently, less infor-
mation about buyer value may increase auction efficiency.4 An auction would be effi-
cient if sellers (landowners) offer their willingness to accept (reservation value) rather
than garnering rents. This could be thought of as “procurement efficiency.” Given the
assumption of homogeneous acres, the optimal auction performance would result in
the buyer obtaining the most acreage for the lowest expense. Clearly, auction efficiency
is associated with buyers (often government) optimizing their budgets. Cason and
Gangadharan (2004) reported similar results on information impacts to Cason et al.
In some settings, the provision of information also can undermine price-induced
competitiveness traditionally assumed to occur in markets. Hong and Shum (2002)
found that in a procurement auction format where individual participants have private
and common value information, the average procurement cost can rise as the number
of participants increases instead of participants making more conservative offers. While
more information may improve seller certainty and increase competitive pressure—
which would reduce rents—participants may be more strategic and request more rent
(Rolfe et al. 2009).
This result has important implications for ecosystem service markets as the buyer preferences,
such as habitat for endangered species, are often well publicized. Additionally, priorities, such as only
acquiring land that is adjacent to already protected land, may lead to higher offers from sellers to
conservation programs.
494 Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke, and Lori Lynch
or combinatorial benefits are introduced when there are multiple rounds. Information
can be gained by sellers through multiple rounds about the suitability of their propos-
als (Rolfe et al. 2009). Klemperer (2002) reported that allowing sellers to learn about
others’ valuations through multiple rounds could make the sellers more comfortable
with their own assessments and less cautious in making offers. Other arguments for
repeat-auction designs are that participants need more than one round to understand
the auction mechanism and how to offer true valuations, as well as to learn from mar-
ket feedback (List and Shogren 1999). In contrast, Bernard (2005) argued that, in place
of repeated trials, experiments employ single-shot auctions accompanied by in-depth
instructions and practice.
Multi-round auctions may be associated with efficiency, particularly in initial rounds.
Lusk et al. (2004) suggested that in a closed, multiple-bidding, second-price auction set-
ting, offers for different quality goods will increase, and this will happen particularly
between the first and second rounds. Rolfe et al. (2009, 292) suggested that the ques-
tion of single-shot versus repeated rounds may need to be answered “on a case-by-case
basis.” Rolfe et al. (2009, 300) argues that multiple rounds tend to deliver auction effi-
ciency when landowners are “unfamiliar with the provision of conservation actions”
and “uncertain about the opportunity costs of providing actions.” In recent experi-
mental research, Fooks et al. (2012) show that participant behavior differs signifi-
cantly if situations with identical incentives are structured to be either a single-shot or
multiple-round setting.
money. Ideally, this approach encourages competition and allows the government to
“pick off ” the supply curve, driving landowners to make offers that equal their opportu-
nity costs—the minimum willingness-to-accept compensation—and thus maximizing
the conservation services per budgetary dollar expended by the government.
However, there are several reasons to be skeptical that these auctions actually work
as well as intended. A means for evaluating their performance is to measure the “rent
premium” received by the landowners: the amount of excess profit they obtain if the
government’s payment exceeds the true opportunity cost. Kirwan et al. (2005) offered
an empirical estimate of such rent premiums generated in the CRP, which uses a reverse
auction. The authors estimated that between 10% and 40% of the program expendi-
tures went to rent premiums. This estimate is consistent with the experimental results
described earlier, and thus economists continue to study auction designs in laboratory
experiments, which offer the means to test, in a controlled fashion, many design fea-
tures. Three major lines of research have developed.
One line of inquiry focuses on selection under asymmetric information with parcel
and landowner heterogeneity. Foundational theoretical work on this problem of adverse
selection includes Wu and Babcock (1996) and Smith (1995). Recent work focused on
auctions using economic experiments comes from Arnold et al. (2013). These papers
show that the existence of heterogeneity generates a systematic tendency for landowners
of lower-quality parcels to make low-priced offers, which are more likely to be selected.
Even though these successful offers cost less, they still carry substantial information rent
A second area of economic-experimental investigation compares the performance
of discriminatory auctions with fixed-price procurement. As discussed previously, dis-
criminatory auctions have generally outperformed uniform-price auctions (Cason and
Gangadharan 2004). Yet there is concern about the efficiency of this approach in energy
markets where auctions often involving multiple rounds per day, auctions are informa-
tion rich, and sellers have some market power that comes from withholding offers for
some units from the market or for reducing supply capacity by putting down plants for
“repairs” (Rassenti et al. 2003; Vossler et al. 2009).
A third area, and the focus of our research, is the role of public and private informa-
tion in conservation auctions. Questions about how information impacts auction effi-
ciency have naturally arisen from recent research on how participants learn through
information provided (information quality) and auction repetition (experience). In
a study addressed above, Cason et al. (2003) used experiments to examine the role of
information quality and experience and found that (1) sellers’ rents increase as they gain
experience; and (2) sellers extract more rent when they know the benefit of their offer
from the buyer’s perspective (i.e., participants had more information about demand/
benefit heterogeneity). Schilizzi and Latacz-Lohmann (2007) offered experimental eco-
nomic evidence that auctions are generally more efficient than fixed-price procurement
but that the advantage dissipates over time as participants gain experience. This result
corresponds with an earlier, agent-based model by Hailu and Schilizzi (2004) that found
that seller experience led to decreased auction efficiency.
496 Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke, and Lori Lynch
Our work extends these papers by examining the effect of experience while control-
ling for a set of policy-relevant treatments based on three levels of information. Our
conceptualization of information treatments involves market information and thus
complements the information treatments in Cason et al. (2003) involving benefit het-
erogeneity. The research question addressed here is whether market information pro-
vided to sellers affects the efficiency of a discriminatory land conservation auction and,
if so, whether the effect attenuates with experience.
Policy makers may feel that providing such information meets general goals of fair-
ness to owners and openness and transparency in the fiscal conduct of a governmental
program. It may also promote competition among owners, which would increase auc-
tion efficiency. Previous research has suggested, however, that such detailed public
information is likely to decrease the auction’s efficiency because potential applicants
can use it to inflate their offers (Messer and Allen 2010).
In contrast to DALPF, other programs, such as the Maryland Agricultural Lands
Preservation Foundation (MALPF), provide little detailed information to the pub-
lic or to auction participants. In this case, offers to sell for the upcoming annual cycle
are made before the previous year’s results are announced. Horowitz et al. (2009), in
their analysis of 19 years of MALPF program data, found evidence of inflated offers in
this no-information setting.5 They found that on average, bids are 5 to 15% above the
Similarly, the Bush Tender project in Australia does not reveal information to landowner sellers
about the environmental benefits in the biodiversity preservation auction, perhaps because auctions
Applying Experiments to Land Economics 497
underlying reservation value for a landowner and show that increased competition (in
the form of lower budgets or more bidders) reduces this mark-up. They also find evi-
dence that bidders adjust for a possible “winner’s curse” by increasing their bids by 8
to 14%.6
Because actual auction processes offer various degrees of information in highly vari-
able settings that are difficult to compare, systematically generated data are needed
to understand the influence of information on auction efficiency. It could be that the
answer is program-specific—that some information interacts with a program or loca-
tional characteristics in an unobserved or unobservable manner. The most efficient auc-
tion mechanism thus would be determined on a case-by-case basis. Or, it could be that
auction efficiency depends, subtly, on exactly how much information is provided. The
results of this research suggest that information and auction efficiency may be analo-
gous to the classic children’s story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, where the pro-
gram must identify the amount of public information that is neither “too little” nor “too
much,” but instead is “just right.” Experimental economics provides an effective plat-
form to test various types of information as treatments in a controlled setting.
3.2 Experimental Design
This research evaluates the impact of various levels of public information on (1) seller
behavior in conservation auctions; and (2) the conservation program’s overall effective-
ness. It characterizes three information regimes, extending recent experimental conser-
vation auction work by Messer et al. (2012). The experimental sessions were conducted
at the University of Delaware’s Laboratory for Experimental & Applied Economics.
Ninety participants were recruited using email addresses from students in undergradu-
ate courses in business and economics. Each experiment lasted approximately 90 min-
utes and average earnings were $25.
Each participant was randomly assigned to a group of ten participants. Each partici-
pant was assigned the role of a landholder, who owned one parcel and could sell or keep
it. Participants were seated so that private decisions were made on individual laptop
computers with privacy screens. Participants completed a consent form and then read
conducted annually in the same region could allow sellers to infer the regulator’s private information
regarding the benefits.
Used first to discuss auctions for mineral rights such as oil reserves purchased from the
government, a winner’s curse phenomenon is predicted, in auctions where the buyers have actual
values that are unknown to the either the other buyers or the seller (program administrator), but are
correlated (common values). Buyers also tend to make bidding decisions based on estimated values
(geological survey based) rather than market values. Theory suggests that the buyer who “wins” these
type of auctions will have bid too highly in part because they over-estimate the value of the auction
item. However, this phenomenon tends to be well-known and, as such, experienced buyers anticipate
it and adjust their bids to compensate.
498 Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke, and Lori Lynch
the written instructions provided (see the Appendix for the actual participant instruc-
tions used in the experiment). The administrator described the experiment verbally with
the aid of presentation software to ensure consistency. No participant-to-participant
communication was allowed.
As in several experiments described previously, each round represented a
single-period game—the beginning and end of the world. The incentives in each
round were thus described as net present values, meaning that ownership returns and
offers reflected the future stream of benefits accruing from retaining or selling parcels.
Consequently, there was no incentive to wait to sell because the budget was reset and the
induced values were new in the next round. Thus, this setting did not allow for option
value of information as each round constituted an independent observation on choice
behavior in the group.7
The experiment used “induced values”8 as the opportunity cost for the land-
owner, which was conceptualized as an “ownership return” for the participant for the
100-acre parcel of land. “Experimental dollars” (hereafter denominated “$”) were
designed to match the incentives real landowners would have in actual land mar-
kets. The exchange rate between experimental dollars and real dollars was provided
to participants and used to calculate cash payments upon completion of the experi-
ment. Ownership returns were randomly selected from a uniform distribution rang-
ing from $2000 to $8000 per acre. The opportunity cost distribution was designed
to mimic agricultural land markets in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast United States,
the location of some of the largest and most active land conservation programs in the
country and a market where land values vary substantially according to development
Participants decided whether to submit an offer to sell their parcel. If a participant
chose not to submit an offer for the parcel, then the parcel was retained and the land-
owner received payment equal to the return on ownership for the parcel. The amount
of each offer was confidential. If an offer was submitted, the participant incurred a
nominal nonrefundable transaction cost (“submission fee”) of $20. The submission
fee was designed to reflect real-world conditions associated with landowners attempt-
ing to participate in conservation markets and also to prevent the choice of submit-
ting any offer, even a very high one, from weakly dominating a strategy to submit “no
offer” under all conditions. If the offer was accepted by the conservation program, the
This statement does not assume that knowledge of the market was independent for each round. On
the contrary, as will be discussed later, participants learned about the market quickly and incorporated
this information into their selling decisions.
Induced values are the monetary values or incentives that are set by the researcher and are not
endogenously determined by the participants. Induced values have a long history of use in experimental
economics as they allow the researchers to have greater control of the research settings as the values
can be design to test behavioral hypotheses and theory (Davis and Holt 1993). This approach can
be particularly helpful in situations where in real markets the values of individuals are hidden and
participants have incentives not to truthfully reveal them.
Applying Experiments to Land Economics 499
participant received payment equal to the offer; if it was not accepted, the participant
received payment equal to the return on ownership. Accepted offers for the conserva-
tion program were determined using a discriminatory auction in which the lab admin-
istrator computer (acting as the government) selected the least expensive offers in turn
until there were no longer enough funds in the budget to buy the next least-expensive
The conservation budget ranged from $2 million to $6 million with an average of
$4 million. A random process using a uniform distribution determined the budget
before each round.9 While the dollar amount of each budget was selected randomly,
the specific budget for each round was held constant in each experimental session. This
enabled full control of the experience effect related to budgets and facilitated data analy-
sis. Of course, the budget for each round was not known a priori to the participants in
any of the treatments.
(1) a “full” set of detailed public information that closely mimicked the seven types
of information provided by the DALPF program;
(2) a “partial” set of public information that consisted of the previous and current pro-
gram budget; and
The choice to have the budgets randomly determined is consistent with the situation observed with
the DALPF program and with other government programs, such as the USDA Forest Legacy Program,
which tend to have a large variation in yearly budgets (Messer and Allen, 2010; Fooks and Messer, 2012).
Of course, some conservation programs establish their budgets over longer time horizons and thus have
far less year-to-year variability. Because the setting of this research builds upon the assumption that each
round was the beginning and end of the world, using a random budget seems most appropriate.
500 Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke, and Lori Lynch
(3) a treatment that provided “no” public information other than the budget for the
previous round.
through the foreseeable future. In other words, each round represented the “beginning”
and “end” of the world from the perspective of both buyer and seller. Second, the partici-
pants were not informed whether intervention targeted a large portion of the landscape or
was so small as to constitute a marginal change in land use allocations. In other words, this
experiment could be viewed as a partial equilibrium analysis.
10 The first round was discarded for analysis because the participants at that point did not have any
Observations 396
Wald chi2 345.0
Prob > chi2 0.000
$0.39 in rent premium. This is a high efficiency cost and one that, by itself, calls into
question whether auctions can efficiently deliver conservation services. The magnitude
is similar to estimates from Kirwan et al. (2005) that between 10% and 40% of the CRP’s
budget were paid to landowners as information rent premiums. A second result is that
the impact of budget size on rents attenuated slightly as participants gained more expe-
rience; that is, the Budget*Round interaction was negative. This means that, over time,
greater competition drives down rents (although the effect is small).
Round had a positive impact on rents, showing that groups were able to obtain greater
rent over time as they gained experience with the auction environment and the behav-
ior of others in the group. Although it was critical to control this measure of learning
in the lab environment, it is less clear how important this result is in real-world auc-
tions. Specifically, the real-world analog would be a landholder who owns multiple units
and sells them over time or takes multiple rounds to get his or her farm accepted by the
program. Some landowners may reflect these characteristics but many would not. The
results do not indicate whether landowners who closely observed but did not participate
Applying Experiments to Land Economics 503
in early auctions would learn over time at the same rate as those who participated in the
earlier auctions.
This study suggests that the partial-information case leads to the smallest degree of
rent premiums, which implies that partial information provides the auctioneer with
the most efficient discriminatory conservation auction. The full-information treatment
and the no-information treatment inflate rents by an equivalent amount relative to the
reserve category of partial information. The magnitude of the group’s rent increase asso-
ciated with the full-information and the no-information treatments was approximately
$307,000; the average budget was $4 million, and the information effects are approxi-
mately 7.7% of the budget. Thus, those two treatments transferred public money to
landowners, instead of using this money for protecting additional ecosystem services.
Interactions between the Round variable and the information treatments led to differ-
ent results. In the full-information treatment, participants’ experience led to a decrease
in rents. Over time, conservation auctions with full information would likely become
somewhat more competitive, and the largest rent premiums would be gained in the ini-
tial rounds. However, this effect was relatively small (coefficient of –5616.68), meaning
the benefit to the sellers of having full information was not offset even at the conclusion
of the experiment. In the no-information treatment, there was no statistical decline (or
increase) in rents over time—i.e., the impact of experience captured by the Round coef-
ficient was equal in the no-information and the partial-information treatments. In the
absence of full information the entire benefit of experience is captured by the coefficient
on Round—it measures only experience.
4. Conclusion
Funding for this research was provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s
Economic Research Service (ID#58-6000-7-0089). The authors appreciate Marca
Weinberg and Dan Hellerstein for their support and feedback on earlier versions of this
research. We also appreciate the research assistance from Robin Dillaway, Jacob Fooks,
Jubo Yan, and Shang Wu from the University of Delaware.
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Applying Experiments to Land Economics 507
A1. Experiment Instructions
Welcome to this experiment in the economics of decision making. In the course of the
experiment, you will have opportunities to earn money. Any money earned is yours to
keep. Therefore, please read these instructions carefully. Please do not communicate
with other participants during the experiment.
In this experiment, you will participate in a series of market trading rounds. You and
all of the other participants in the room will assume the role of landowners and you will
be given the opportunity to sell a parcel of land. The administrator will be the buyer. In
each round, you will need to decide whether you want to keep your parcel or try to sell
it. If you decide to try to sell it, you will also need to decide the offer price for your parcel.
Below is a hypothetical example (see Figure 19.2), where three rounds have been
completed and the fourth round is just about to begin. On your computer screen, you
will note a variety of important information. Your parcel is assigned an Ownership
Return per acre, which is the amount of money that will be added to your profit if the
parcel is not sold in that round. The size of your parcel is 100 acres. In this hypotheti-
cal example, the ownership return for your parcel in the first round is $3000 per acre.
In general, your ownership returns may not be the same as those of other sellers and
will change throughout the experiment. As shown in Figure 19.3, since the possible
ownership returns were randomly determined from a uniform distribution that has a
minimum value of $2000 per acre and a maximum value of $8000 per acre, the average
ownership return can be expected to be $5000 per acre. Your ownership returns have
been determined by random prior to the start of the experiment and you will know your
ownership return at the start of each round.
The buyer’s budget will be announced before the start of each round. Like with the
ownership returns, the budgets were randomly determined before the start of the
experiment. The budgets were randomly determined from a triangle distribution that
has a minimum value of $2 million, an average value of $4 million, and a maximum
value of $6 million. As shown in Figure 19.4, the most likely budget will be $4 million.
Values closer to $4 million are more likely than values further away from $4 million.
In each round, you must decide whether you want to sell your parcel and, if so, at
what price you are willing to sell it. You will pay a submission cost of $20 per acre if you
decide to submit an offer for your parcel. You can submit your offer price confidentially
by entering it into the yellow box in your spreadsheet. Then, hit “Enter” on your key-
board, and click on the “Submit” button. In this example for Round 1, the seller submit-
ted an offer price of $5000. If you elect not to submit an offer, such as in Round 3, just
leave the yellow box blank and click the “Submit” button. In this case, you do not pay the
submission cost.
After everyone has submitted their decision, the administrator will purchase as many
parcels as possible starting from the lowest offer price and moving up until the available
budget for that round is exhausted. For example, imagine that current round budget
Applying Experiments to Land Economics 509
is $300 and eight offer prices were submitted—ranked from lowest to highest: [Offer
Prices: $30, $40, $50, $60, $70, $80, $90, $100].
Parcels are purchased in order (from left to right) until the buyer does not have
enough money to purchase another parcel. In the example, the five lowest offer prices
($30 + $40 + $50 + $60 + $70) are purchased for a total of $250. None of the last three
offers are purchased, since even the lowest non-accepted offer of $80 would bring the
total cost to $330 ($250 + $80) and therefore be higher than the buyer’s budget.
After all offer prices have been received, the auctioneer will determine which parcels
were purchased. You will then click on the “Update” button. There are three possible
profit scenarios:
1) Successful sellers will receive a price equal to their offer, and thus, their profits
will be their offer price for that parcel minus the submission cost.
2) Participants that submit an offer for a parcel which is too high for the available
budget will not receive their offer price, but instead their profits will be their
ownership return for that parcel minus the submission cost.
3) Profits for participants who do not submit an offer for a parcel will be their own-
ership return for that parcel.
In Round 1 of the example below (see Figure 19.5), the participant earned a total profit
of $498,000 by successfully selling the parcel for $5000 per acre and paying the submis-
sion cost of $20 per acre. In round 2, the participant earned $598,000 as they received
their ownership return of $6000, acre when they did not successfully sell their unit, but
still had to pay the submission cost of $20 per acre. Finally, in Round 3, the participant
would earn $400,000 by receiving the ownership return of $4000 per acre and not paying
the submission cost.
Your computer will calculate your profits for each parcel in each round and will
keep track of your cumulative earnings. An exchange rate of 1,200,000 to 1 will be
used to converts your earnings from experimental dollars to dollars. For exam-
ple, if you earn 24,000,000 experimental dollars will have earned $20 US to take
home today.
In addition to the information regarding your ownership returns and whether you sold
your parcels, you will receive information regarding the market (as seen in the example)
when you click on the “Update” button after each round:
510 Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke, and Lori Lynch
FIGURE 19.5 Experimental interface for participants with information (screen shot).
C HA P T E R 20
Direct Controls and Fiscal Incentives
The forces of urbanization and the quest for open space reflect a basic economic trad-
eoff. The benefits of agglomeration, communication, and exchange are well understood
and have been explored in depth by Mills (1967), Fujita, Krugman, and Venables (1999),
Glaeser (2008), and many other economists, geographers, planners, and sociologists.
Yet, although humans seem willing to endure the negative aspects of crowded living to
reap the economic and social benefits of cities, they also show a need, or at least a long-
ing, for more “elbowroom.”
Open space may include public lands such as parks, recreation areas, or national
forests, as well as privately owned parcels: farms, golf courses, or even large residential
lots. This “private open space” may limit public access yet still offer amenity benefits to
owners and neighbors (Cheshire and Sheppard 2002). In this sense, private open space
competes with public open space, both because it, too, provides externalities, but also
because it reduces land available for public open space.
Open space preservation efforts are not new, but they have recently gained momen-
tum, especially at the nonfederal level, where many states, counties, and towns actively
seek to protect or expand open space. The popularity of such initiatives has prompted
a large body of theoretical and applied research. Beyond reviewing some of the studies
and the origins, rationale, and goals of preservation efforts, we offer a simple but adapt-
able model that highlights the need to consider the long-run effects of such programs.
To illustrate the point, we focus on the use of state aid to local governments to alleviate
fiscal pressure and facilitate open space zoning. We show, however, that well-intended
policies can have unintended results when long-run adjustments occur in household
behavior and local fiscal and zoning policies—a lesson that applies to many public
efforts to shape land market outcomes.
514 Ekaterina Gnedenko and Dennis Heffley
reason, most strategies to use open space to consciously shape metropolitan form have
been initiated by states or localities.”
Decentralization of land use policy and open space preservation has advantages
and drawbacks. Given the range of geographic conditions, settlement patterns, and
socioeconomic mix across states, counties, and municipalities, it is unlikely that a
national “one-size-fits-all” approach would serve any state or community very well.
Experimentation and a localized or “tailored” approach have some obvious advantages,
allowing a better fit between individual preferences and the provision of open space, as
described by Tiebout (1956) for local public goods in general. But Tiebout efficiency
requires mobility—ample opportunities for households to seek out, identify, and occupy
communities that best fit their preferences for open space, other local public goods, and
taxes. Such “frictionless” conditions are more likely to prevail in the long run, when
transaction costs hamper mobility less.
Decentralized provision of open space expands the menu of options and caters to
local tastes, but it raises other problems, and some researchers still see a vital role for
higher level or cooperative multilevel programs (Bates and Santerre 2001). One chal-
lenge in analyzing subnational preservation efforts is that “every state has its own unique
governmental structure with varying degrees of involvement in parks, recreation, and
conservation” (Betz and Cordell 1998, 9). Uncoordinated local initiatives also may face
unfavorable spillovers and free-rider problems between jurisdictions (Loomis, 2000).
Yet federal programs have their own shortcomings. In theory, they should provide a
more consistent approach to preservation, but special interest legislation (Holcomber
and Staley 2001) and budget fluctuations produce cross-sectional and intertemporal
differences in federal efforts that may need to be “smoothed” or complemented by state
and local programs.
This mixed approach may be messy, but it has strong supporters. Ostrom (2010) sees
a need for “polycentric” governance systems to address public good and common pool
resource problems, but she also stresses the importance of nongovernmental organiza-
tions and individuals in achieving successful outcomes. However, coordination is not
easily achieved when governments and constituents are able to react to policy changes.
Stavins (2011, 82) stresses the importance of formally considering responses to pro-
posed policies, noting that although economic theory “has made major contributions to
our understanding of commons problems and the development of prudent public poli-
cies, . . . government policies that have not accounted for economic responses have been
excessively costly, often ineffective, and sometimes counterproductive.”
McGonagle and Swallow (2005, 477) share this concern, noting that: “States and
municipalities have committed over $24 billion in bond issues for land conservation in
recent years, yet the structure of the land conservation industry and markets is poorly
understood.” Nelson (1998, 34) calls for systematic evaluation of farmland retention
policies since “we actually do not know what the metropolitan regional landscape would
be in the absence of externalities and market failure. Lacking this basic understanding,
there is no way in which to compare farmland preservation techniques because there
is no benchmark with which to compare them.” Poe (1999, 589) further argues that land
516 Ekaterina Gnedenko and Dennis Heffley
use policies need to shift from pure resource development to a cohesive land use/land
preservation strategy that “may also require ‘top-level’ efforts to coordinate agency
actions.” Toward this end, Duke and Lynch (2006) offer a useful taxonomy and compari-
son of 28 farmland retention techniques, falling into four major categories: regulatory,
incentive-based, governmental-participatory, and hybrid.
Helsley 2011). Plantinga and Ahn (2002, 128) suggest that: “One role of land-use policies
is to narrow the divergence between privately and socially optimal land allocations by
modifying the economic incentives faced by private landowners.” McGuire and Sjoquist
(2003, 8) reiterate the externality rationale for preservation by noting that “open space on
the fringe of urban areas may have value beyond its private value.”
Even opponents of publicly subsidized preservation programs endorse occasional
intervention. Bae (2007, 39) believes that although “the macro argument is unconvinc-
ing, . . . at the micro (regional) level there may be instances where a plausible case for
farmland preservation can be made.” But microlevel land use policy also has its critics.
Hollis and Fulton (2002, 46) claim that the United States’ “decentralized system tends to
encourage reactive or ad hoc open space protection at the local level and, in many cases,
large-scale acquisitions based on different strategic objectives.” They claim that local
preservation is fragmented, and neither state nor local programs are well documented,
making interjurisdictional comparisons difficult.
Direct agricultural zoning prevents conversion of land to other uses, but it is a blunt
instrument that may benefit the broader public at farmers’ expense. Removing the right
to develop farmland without compensating the owner may be difficult to justify. This
has fostered “voluntary” approaches, including outright land purchase, purchase of
development rights (PDR), and transferable development rights (TDR) programs.
Fee-simple public purchase of farmland or open space gives the fullest control of
land use and ensures (barring public resale) long-term protection, but it also saddles
the government with an asset that requires further maintenance or operating expendi-
tures. Land donations to communities or private land trusts avoid the acquisition costs,
but not the ongoing outlays, unless there are specific provisions made for those in the
gift. Some of these maintenance costs to governments or land trusts can be reduced, or
at least shifted, by compensating landowners to forego development, but development
rights programs also have limitations.
PDR programs use public funds to purchase separable development rights from land-
owners who, if they accept the offer, agree to forego development in perpetuity or for a
specific period. Here, since there is no well-developed market to price the development
rights, the common problem is how to determine “fair” compensation: high enough
to secure the rights, but not so high as to overpay landowners, offend taxpayers, and
jeopardize the program. Wolfram (1981) also warns that costs of implementing and
administering a PDR program may be too high to become an efficient means of pro-
viding open space. Analyzing survey opinion toward farmland preservation, Foltz and
Larson (2002, 15) conclude that “because the public supports low cost PDR programs
uniformly across geographic and socioeconomic boundaries, farmland preservation is
an issue perhaps best engaged at the state rather than a local level.” Lopez, Shah, and
Altobello (1994, 61) compare the effects of, and farmland owners’ support for, PDR and
agricultural zoning programs and conclude that PDRs “can be effective in attaining a
socially optimal allocation of land.” Liu and Lynch (2011) find that such programs are
effective in reducing the rate of farmland loss, but Nickerson and Hellerstein (2003)
note that popularity of these programs with farmers has led to oversubscription and
queuing. More public funding would ease the problem, but such programs must com-
pete with other important public services.
TDR programs seek to address this chronic “underfunding” of public open space
programs by creating a private demand for the development rights. Costonis (1973,
1975) proposed this approach to preserve historic buildings in Chicago, but the con-
cept is readily applied to open space preservation (Barrows and Prenguber 1975; Field
and Conrad 1975; Mills 1980; Thorsnes and Simons 1999). Rather than being paid by
government, landowners in the “preservation area” who agree to forego development
are issued TDRs, which can be sold for use in some “development area” to marginally
increase development density (e.g., permission to build on a somewhat smaller lot than
normal zoning would permit). Carpenter and Heffley (1982) show that getting a TDR
market to form and behave as intended may not be trivial, possibly explaining why only
about 140, mostly local, TDR programs exist throughout the United States (Walls and
McConnell 2007, 8).
Open Space Preservation 519
space self-financing . . . depends on many factors including the size of the open space, the
number of homes in proximity to the open space, open-space amenities, and the local
property tax structure.” Jiang and Swallow (2006) use simulations to show that financing
open space via amenity-induced property tax increments may be more feasible if open
space is evenly distributed to benefit more homes, although presumably the amenities
also can be spread “too thin.” This tradeoff suggests the existence of an optimal spatial
pattern of open space, a challenging topic that warrants more research. Finally, adding a
healthy touch of reality to the lure of “self-financing” open space schemes, Wu, Xu, and
Alig (2012) show that when preservation costs must be covered by property taxes, both
higher tax rates and a lower level of public services may reduce property values.
2.1 Motivation
Many states have initiated preservation programs, ranging from outright land purchase
and PDR programs to market-oriented TDR schemes that use private rather than public
funds to compensate landowners who forego development. However, given the paucity
of working TDR programs, state-level preservation efforts generally rely heavily on the
public purse to acquire land or stockpile development rights.
Local governments also seek to preserve open space, typically via land use controls,
but researchers have noted that fragmented local efforts can lead to suboptimal lev-
els of open space (Hollis and Fulton 2002) and inefficient leapfrog development pat-
terns (Wu and Plantinga 2003). Given the public good attributes and external benefits
of open space, the state might seem to be the right level of government to provide this
“transboundary public good” (Loomis 2000), but, in the United States, a common
public-power split often impedes or distorts open space preservation.
With numerous tax instruments at their disposal (income, sales, excise, corporate,
estate, and others), states can potentially finance preservation efforts more readily
than localities, which rely heavily on property taxes and are often precluded from
levying other taxes. In many states, though, zoning and other land use control pow-
ers have been legislatively ceded to counties, cities, or towns. Consequently, even
where states could (in good economic times) devote resources to preservation, they
may lack the legal authority or political will to actively move local landowners toward
broad public goals.
Local governments, on the other hand, may be able to facilitate open space preserva-
tion through zoning changes, but if this requires extra spending or limits local revenue
by thwarting economic development, necessary policy changes also may fail to occur
at the local level. In sum, local governments often wield the direct instruments of land
Open Space Preservation 521
use control but lack the necessary resources, especially if landowners must be compen-
sated to forego development; state governments, by contrast, may have the tax powers
to finance preservation but often have yielded land use control powers to counties or
towns. This awkward alignment of land use authority and fiscal powers may explain why
public surveys point to a significant unmet demand, often expressed as a strong willing-
ness to pay for various types of open space (Bergstrom et al. 1985; Kline and Wichelns
1994; Duke and Ilvento 2004; Gnedenko 2009). The strength of this demand for conser-
vation, however, also depends on the policy mechanism or instrument (Johnston and
Duke 2007).
The separation or imbalance of fiscal and zoning powers has led to suggestions that
increased state aid to communities be used to encourage local governments to zone
more land for open space. Ladd (1980) and Gottlieb (2006) discuss various aspects
of such intergovernmental transfers, whereas Gnedenko (2009) offers an analyti-
cal framework for examining the optimal mix of open space and development and its
response to state aid. On the surface, the argument for more state aid seems straight-
forward: it should reduce pressure for communities to accommodate new development
as a necessary way to finance cash-starved schools and other essential public services.
Consequently, this injection of revenue ought to make preservation economically fea-
sible and politically more palatable for local governments.
It sounds simple enough, but the issue is more complex. More state aid likely affects
the local government’s fiscal decisions, allowing it to boost spending and/or lower its
property tax rate while maintaining a balanced budget. Yet, if anything, such adjust-
ments would make the community more attractive for households and firms, and this
added development pressure could make it more, not less, difficult to preserve open
space via land use (or allowable-use) zoning. Analysis of this unintended effect of state
aid on local open space requires a model that fully endogenizes local tax, spending, and
land use zoning decisions, as well as the behavior of households.
In this section we describe an extended open-city model that has these elements
and allows us to consider the long-run effects of more state aid on a community’s land
use zoning (open-space vs. residential development) and fiscal mix (property tax rate
and public spending), household consumption patterns (lot-size, structure, and other
goods), land prices, aggregate land value, and population size. The model indicates that
more state aid will not always promote additional open space, as illustrated by simula-
tions of a calibrated version of the model and further supported by empirical analysis of
town-level panel data for Connecticut.
2.2 Households
The representative household, with annual income y, selects a lot-size (x), an amount of
structure or “floorspace” (k), and a numeraire consumption good (g), but it also derives
utility (U) from local public expenditures (G) and local open space (Xo). Exogenous
community features, such as its location relative to regional job centers or proximity
522 Ekaterina Gnedenko and Dennis Heffley
to an important amenity, also affect household utility, but this vector of characteristics
(C) can be deferred to the empirical analysis. Local open space is privately owned, but
the amount within the community’s bounded land area (L) is determined by the local
government’s land use zoning mix (Xo, L−Xo). Xo and G, as well as the local property tax
rate (T), are exogenous to the household but endogenous within the extended model of
government choice.
The household sees the local policy mix (Xo,G,T) and chooses (x, k, g) to maximize
U(x, k, g; G, Xo), subject to its budget constraint: (1−a)y = (1 + T)(px + rk) + (1 + s)g,
where p and r are annual rental prices of residential land and structure, respectively; a is
the average combined (state plus federal) income tax rate; T is the effective local prop-
erty tax rate (expressed as a fraction of the annual rental value of land and structure);
and s is the state sales tax rate on nonhousing consumption. We include income and
sales tax parameters (a and s) for realism and better calibration of the model, rather than
any attempt to fully capture higher level policy making, but these parameters do offer a
link to other levels of government that could be exploited in a multilevel framework.
The household’s constrained choice problem yields general-form demands for
lot-size, structure, and other goods:
x ∗ ( y , p, r , a, s, T , G, Xo ), k ∗ ( y , p, r , a, s, T , G, Xo ), g ∗ ( y , p, r , a, s, T , G, Xo ), (1)
and the corresponding indirect utility function gives the maximum attainable utility for
a given set of parameters:
U ∗ ( y , p, r , a, s, T , G, Xo ). (2)
If the typical household with income y can achieve a level of utility Uo in the “outside
world” and is fully mobile in the long-run, and if the rental price (r) of structure is exog-
enously determined in a regional or national market, the endogenous price (p) of local
developable land must adjust to ensure the local household can do just as well, or:
U ∗ ( y , p, r , a, s, T , G, Xo ) − U o = 0. (3)
Solving (3) implicitly for p gives the local equilibrium price of land (pe):
pe ( y , r , a, s, T , G, X0 , U o ). (4)
Substituting pe back into the earlier demand for land (x*) gives the equilibrium
lot-size (xe), or:
x e ( y , r , a, s, T , G, Xo , U o ), (5)
Open Space Preservation 523
and, if the community has zoned Xo acres of its total land area (L) for open space and the
remaining L-Xo acres for residential use, land market clearance implies that the equilib-
rium number of households (ne) is:
ne = ( L − X o ) / x e , (6)
authorities to maximize the value of local land, the fixed resource whose market price
can be influenced by local zoning, spending, and tax policies. Casual observation of offi-
cials’ concern about the impact of budget decisions and zoning changes (or variances)
on local property values—their primary tax base as well as a common source of voter
complaints—reinforces the validity of the “open-city” assumption of land value maxi-
mization as the driving force of local policy making. Fischel (1990) also points to the
potential importance of aggregate land values in assessing the efficiency of zoning.
But our focus here is open space preservation. Why would a local government seek-
ing to maximize aggregate land value ever zone any land for open space? Would not
it be optimal to just let the market operate and freely determine the amount of open
space by letting competition allocate land to its “highest and best use”? In a geographi-
cally unconstrained world, perhaps so, but when total area of the jurisdiction is fixed, it
is easy to show why land use zoning is rational and why it is normally optimal to zone
some land for open space, even if it has no amenity value for other residents. If spillovers
do exist, the case for open space is simply strengthened.
To illustrate this point, before specifying a fuller model of local government behavior,
suppose the Walrasian demands for developable land (X) and open space (Xo), respec-
tively, are p(X) and m(Xo), where pX < 0 and mXo > 0. Maximization of aggregate land
value [V(X, Xo) = p(X)X + m(Xo)Xo] in a community where land area (L) is fixed requires
equality of the marginal value functions [p(X) + XpX = m(Xo) + XomXo] and satisfaction
of the land constraint (L = X + Xo). As shown in Figure 20.1, where demands and associ-
ated marginal value functions for the two land types are shown “face-to-face” to reflect
the land constraint, V is not maximized by simply allowing the market to freely equate
prices of the two land types. Maximization of V(X, Xo) requires zoning X* acres of land
for development and Xo* = L-X* acres of land for open space, where the marginal value
functions intersect (point A). In most cases, this marginal condition implies unequal
prices, p(X*) ≠ m(Xo*), as shown by points B and C.
m(Xo) A
m(Xo)+XomXo p(X)+XpX p(X)
This simple figure points to the economic value of having some open space in a com-
munity, even if it confers no external benefits to occupants of the developed area. Open
space can increase aggregate land value within the bounded community by simply lim-
iting the amount (and raising the price) of developable land. Note that even if m(Xo)
lies everywhere below p(X) in Figure 20.1, X* may still be less than L, providing an eco-
nomic rationale for some open space (i.e., Xo* > 0). Gnedenko (2009, 15) discusses this
case in greater detail.
Alternatively, one can view land use zoning as a way to differentiate land and thereby
generate higher land rents, in much the same way that product differentiation and
unequal prices allow a seller to increase revenues. Density zoning instruments (mini-
mum lot-size, minimum floor-area requirements, height limits, coverage and set-back
restrictions, etc.) further expand the local government’s capacity to differentiate land
and boost aggregate rents. White (1975), Hamilton (1975, 1978), Grieson and White
(1981), Miceli (1992a, 1992b), and others have seen zoning as the exercise of monop-
oly power by local governments. Empirical studies by Thorson (1996), Rose (1989),
and Bates (1993) support this notion. Fischel (1978, 1980, 1985) stresses a property
rights approach, whereas Wallace (1988) empirically tests the hypothesis that zoning
policies simply tend to “follow the market.” Yet, regardless of motive, zoning does not
permanently protect open space; it “fails to establish a market price for the external-
ity” (Wolfram 1981, 402) and may cause “development to be inefficiently dispersed”
(Pollakowski and Wachter 1990, 324).
The simple view of open space as a way to differentiate local land and secure monop-
oly rents from development is obviously too narrow. Open space (Xo) may further boost
local land values if it generates external benefits that enhance the market price of devel-
oped land; that is, if p(X, Xo), where pX < 0 and pXo > 0. Our extended open-city model,
which incorporates the long-run behavior of households outlined earlier, not only
allows for this externality effect, but also for the potential effects of endogenous local
spending (G) and tax rate (T) decisions on the price of developable land (pG > 0, pT < 0).
The open-city model in Section 2.2 describes the equilibrium behavior of a repre-
sentative household and yields an expression (4) for the equilibrium price of developed
land. Households were assumed to view local public policies as given, but now we focus
on how those policies (Xo, G, T) are established, conditional on household behavior.
Again invoking the open-city assumption of land value maximization, we assume that
local authorities understand the potential effects of their policy choices on the price of
developed land, as embodied in equation (4), or pe(y, r, a, s, T, G, Xo, C, Uo). For simplic-
ity, the price of open space is assumed to be constant, m(Xo) = m > 0, but this can be
Excluding for now the vector of community characteristics (C) and assuming utility is
Cobb-Douglas in form, Axαkβg 1−α−βGγXoδ, or equivalently:
U(x , k , g ; G, Xo ) = ln A + α ln x + β ln k + (1 − α − β ) ln g + γ ln G + δ ln X o , (7)
526 Ekaterina Gnedenko and Dennis Heffley
where A > 0, α ∈ (0, 1), β ∈ (0,1), γ > 0, and δ > 0, the resulting household demands and
indirect utility function are:
g ∗ = (1 − α − β)(1 − a) y / (1 + s) (10)
Setting (11), a specific form of (2), equal to the outside level of utility (Uo) and solving
for p gives the specific form of (3):
pe = α{[ A(1 − a) yββ (1 − α − β)(1− α −β) G γ Xoδ ]/[r β (1 + s)(1− α −β) (1 + T )(α +β) eU o ]}1/ α . (12)
Increases in income (y), local public goods (G), and open space (Xo) boost the rental
price of residential land (pe), whereas increases in the income tax rate (a), sales tax
rate (s), property tax rate (T), and the rental price of structure (r) reduce land rents.
Substituting (12) for p in (8) also gives the equilibrium lot-size (xe):
In the Cobb-Douglas case, demand for structure depends on its exogenous price (r),
but is independent of the equilibrium price of land (pe), so ke = k*, just as in (9).
With Xo acres of the community’s total land area (L) zoned for open space, the equi-
librium number of households (ne) is:
n = (L − X o ){[ A{(1 − a) y}(1−α ) β β (1 − α − β )(1−α − β ) Gγ Xoδ ]/[r β (1 + s)(1−α − β ) (1 + T )β eU o ]1/ α }.
Note that open space appears twice in this expression and has an ambiguous long-run
effect on population: increasing Xo reduces land for residential use (L–Xo), but the ame-
nity effect of more open space allows residents to achieve the outside level of utility (Uo)
with a smaller private lot (see [13] to verify δxe/δXo < 0), so the net effect on the number
of households (ne) is ambiguous.
This information about the long-run behavior of households can be imbedded in the
choice problem facing local officials. Again, assuming that local government selects
Open Space Preservation 527
open space (Xo), public spending (G) and a property tax rate (T), levied on both types of
land and residential structure, to maximize aggregate land value (V)—the rental value
of residential land as well as open space—subject to a balanced-budget condition and an
imbedded constraint on total land area, the constrained optimization problem can be
expressed as:
Max v( Xo , G, T , µ ) = pe (L − Xo ) + mXo + µ{R + T[ pe (L − Xo ) + mXo + ne rk e ] − G},
where pe and ne contain the policy instruments (Xo, G, T), as shown in (12) and (14),
and R is exogenous state aid to the local government. Back-substitution of the optimal
policies (Xo*, G*, T*) into (12), (13), (14), and (15) also gives final values for the rental
price of residential land, lot size, population, and aggregate rental land value in the com-
munity. The optimal value of the Lagrange variable (μ*) measures the per-dollar impact
of state aid on the community’s aggregate land value (δV*/δR).
Even with the underlying Cobb-Douglas (or log) utility function, the first-order con-
ditions for (15) are complex and do not yield reduced-form expressions for the three
instruments. In view of our earlier discussion of proposals to stimulate local provision
of open space by increasing state aid, our primary interest is in the sign of δXo*/δR. To
examine this question, Section 3 gives some simulation results for the above model. The
simulations, as well as an econometric analysis of town land use and fiscal patterns over
multiple periods, counter the notion that steering more funds to local governments will
encourage open space zoning by easing the fiscal pressures to allow more development.
3.1 Purpose
This simulation illustrates that when the long-run responses of households and local
governments are considered, simple prescriptions to encourage preservation may not
only fail to deliver, but may even be counterproductive. One such proposal that has sur-
faced in the United States, with its division of state and local powers, is to use state aid
to relieve local fiscal pressures. The underlying premise is that an exogenous inflow of
revenue will ease the pressure on local governments to generate more property tax rev-
enue from development. If so, localities may feel freer to maintain or even expand areas
zoned for open space or lower density uses such as agriculture. Unfortunately, it is not
clear that this transfer will have the desired effect on open space if we allow for endog-
enous changes in the local property tax rate, public spending, population, land prices,
and household behavior prompted by the grant.
528 Ekaterina Gnedenko and Dennis Heffley
As noted before, despite many simplifications, the model of local fiscal and land use
zoning policies, with an imbedded open-city model of household choice, does not give
reduced-form expressions that can be directly analyzed for comparative static proper-
ties. Still, a plausibly calibrated version of the model serves to illustrate the potential
effects of various policies, including the use of higher level grants to affect local land
use and fiscal decisions. The calibration is far from exact, but relatively current data for
Connecticut and its 169 townships are used to set plausible baseline parameter values
that give “ballpark” initial outcomes. Exogenous changes in the state aid parameter (R)
then induce changes in equilibrium household behavior, property values, town popula-
tion, local land use and fiscal decisions, and aggregate land value.
L Town land area acres 19,000
m Annual rental price of open space $/acre 500
r Annual rental price of residential structure $/sq. ft. 5
y Household income $/year 84,000
Uo “Outside” level of household utility constant 12
A Utility function scalar constant 1
α Post-tax expenditure share on rental cost of fraction 1/9
residential land
β Post-tax expenditure share on rental cost of fraction 2/9
housing structure
1−α−β Post-tax expenditure share on numeraire fraction 2/3
consumption good
γ Preference weight on local public spending fraction 0.10
δ Preference weight on local land zoned for open fraction 0.15
s State sales tax rate fraction 0.06
a Combined (state and federal) income tax rate fraction 0.20
R State aid to the local government $/year 17,000,000
Endogenous Variables:
U Household utility
x Residential land (lot-size) acres
k Housing structure (floorspace) sq. ft.
g Numeraire consumption good (price = 1) $/year
p Annual rental price of residential land $/acre
n Local population households
T Local property tax rate (fraction of annual rental fraction
G Local public spending $/year
Xo Local land zoned for open space acres
L-Xo Local land zoned for residential use acres
V Aggregate land value (rental value of residential $/year
land and open space)
μ Lagrange variable (δV*/δR)
* $ millions
Open Space Preservation 531
development, lot size shrinks (Δx < 0), but larger structures are built (Δk > 0). Given
the underlying log (or Cobb-Douglas) utility function, numeraire consumption is
unaffected (Δg = 0), but the utility gains from more structure and greater public spend-
ing compensate for the reductions in lot size and open space to provide the larger
number of households the same (Δu = 0) “outside” level of utility (Uo) as before the
increase in state aid.
The model has a variety of limitations, but it illustrates that simply channeling revenue
from state to local governments, with the expectation that communities will rationally
zone more land for open space, could actually result in less open space when long-run
adjustments occur. Is there any evidence, though, that more state aid is associated with
less open space? In the next section, we address this question by examining a unique
multiperiod dataset for Connecticut’s 169 towns.
4.1 Specification
The government choice problem, expressed in equation (15) and simulated in Section
3, implies a set of general expressions for T*, G*, Xo*, and μ* that depend on the vector
of exogenous elements (y, C, L, R, Uo, A, α, β, γ, δ, s, a, r, m). Some elements of the vector
reflect the underlying model of the representative household and are either empirically
unobservable or assumed to be roughly constant across communities. Income (y), a vec-
tor (C) of other community characteristics (suppressed in the earlier analytical model),
total land area of the town (L), and state aid (R) are observable and vary considerably
across towns and over time, so these are included in our empirical specification. But
“outside” utility (Uo) is inherently unobservable and likely to be highly correlated with
income. Parameters of the utility function (A, α, β, γ, δ) also might be income-sensitive,
but again we have no systematic information about how these parameters vary spatially
or over time, so we assume that the inclusion of income sufficiently captures latent dif-
ferences in residents’ preferences. The state’s sales tax rate (s) is uniform across towns
and has not varied much over the period of our panel data analysis; the combined state
and federal average income tax rate (a) also is assumed to be time and town invari-
ant. Residential land prices (p) vary considerably across towns and over time, but are
endogenous in our model and imbedded in the local government’s choice problem. The
price of structure (r) and the price of open space (m) are more homogeneous and also
likely to be correlated with some of the town characteristics included in C (e.g., location
within the state). With these points in mind, our empirical specification of the three
reduced-form policy expressions is:
T ∗ ( y , C , L, R) (16)
532 Ekaterina Gnedenko and Dennis Heffley
G ∗ ( y , C , L , R)
Xo∗ ( y , C , L, R)
4.2 Data
For the analysis, we use a unique dataset compiled by the Center for Land Use Education
& Research (CLEAR) in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the
University of Connecticut. Using data generated from satellite imagery for five separate
years (1985, 1990, 1995, 2002, 2006), CLEAR reports 12 categories of “land cover” for
each of the state’s 169 towns: (1) developed, (2) turf and grass, (3) other grass, (4) agri-
cultural field, (5) deciduous forest, (6) coniferous forest, (7) water, (8) nonforested wet-
land, (9) forested wetland, (10) tidal wetland, (11) barren, and (12) utility corridors.
The underlying model in Section 3 focuses on the allocation of local land to “develop-
ment” and potentially usable “open space,” so we exclude several categories that are not
usable or readily subject to town control—water, various wetlands, and utility corridors
(items 7–10 and 12)—and then define the remaining categories (items 1–6 and 11) as
the total land area (L) available for either open space (Xo) or development (L – Xo). The
first two categories (developed and turf grass) are generally regarded as “developed
areas,” so the other nonexcluded categories (other grass, agricultural field, deciduous
forest, coniferous forest, and barren) are treated as “open space.” Based on these defini-
tions, Table 20.3 shows the state’s overall pattern of land cover change, aggregated from
town-level data, as well as the corresponding means of the town-level data, in each of the
five available years.
Although Connecticut is the fourth most densely populated state, the table shows that
the “developed” (L – Xo) area’s share of “total available acres” (L) rose from just 24.30%
in 1985 to 28.95% in 2006, an increase of 139,255 acres or more than 217 square miles.
Similarly, the 169-town mean value of “percent developed” rose from 28.22% to 33.06%
over the same period.
Table 20.3 Connecticut land cover, 1985–2006
1985 1990 1995 2002 2006 chg 85 to 06 % chg 85 to 06
Open Space Xo 2,205,118 2,158,576 2,138,506 2,103,539 2,079,420 −125,698 −5.7
Developed (L-Xo) 708,030 760,465 785,394 822,607 847,285 139,255 19.7
Total Available Acres L 2,913,148 2,919,041 2,923,900 2,926,146 2,926,705 13,557 0.5
Percent Open Space % Xo 75.70 73.95 73.14 71.89 71.05 −4.65
Percent Developed %(L-Xo) 24.30 26.05 26.86 28.11 28.95 4.65
Open Space Xo 13048 12773 12654 12447 12304 −744 −5.7
Developed (L-Xo) 4190 4500 4647 4867 5014 824 19.7
Total Available Acres L 17238 17272 17301 17314 17318 80 0.5
Percent Open Space %Xo 71.78 69.94 69.07 67.78 66.94 −4.84
Percent Developed % (L-Xo) 28.22 30.06 30.93 32.22 33.06 4.84
Open Space Xo : other grass, agricultural field, deciduous forest, coniferous forest, barren
Developed (L-Xo) : developed space, turf grass
Total Available Acres L : developed space, turf grass, other grass, agricultural field, deciduous forest, coniferous forest, barren
Excluded: water, nonforested wetland, tidal wetland, utility corridors
Source: Based on satellite imagery data from the Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR), College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of
Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
534 Ekaterina Gnedenko and Dennis Heffley
Town-level fiscal data—effective property tax rate (equalized mill rate) and local
public spending—are drawn from reports of the Connecticut Office of Policy and
Management (OPM). Income figures are from US Census data, crime rates are from the
Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, and the mini-
mum driving distance from each town to either New York or Boston is generated by
Google Maps.
Both the endogenous and exogenous variables in Table 20.3 show considerable varia-
tion among the 169 Connecticut towns in each of the five periods. For example, in the
most recent year (2006), land cover identified as “open space” (Xo) ranges from 528 to
32,535 acres; government spending (G) varies from $2.03 million to $460.22 million;
and the effective property tax rate (T) ranges from $4.72 to $27.89 per $1,000 of mar-
ket value. Among the explanatory variables, annual per capita income (y) ranges from
$15,739 to $99,664, and the index crime rate per hundred persons (C1) ranges from 0.19
to 8.32. Distance to the nearest major metropolitan center (C2)—New York or Boston—
ranges from 39.4 to 131.0 miles, and the shoreline dummy variable (C3) assumes a value
of zero for 145 of Connecticut’s 169 towns and one for its 24 shoreline towns. Total avail-
able land area (L), as defined earlier in our discussion of the land cover data, varies from
3,187 to 38,136 acres. The average (Ravg) of current (R) and one-year lagged (Rlag) inter-
governmental revenue (primarily state aid in most Connecticut towns) is used to cap-
ture the effect of grants on the amount of local open space. In 2006, the two-year average
figure varies from $154,175 to $233.87 million. Despite its small size, Connecticut’s
towns show considerable diversity in land use patterns, fiscal policies, and underlying
4.3 Results
Three reduced-form equations—for open space acreage (Xo), total town spending (G),
and the effective property tax rate (T)—were estimated in Stata using generalized least
squares regression to correct for heteroscedasticity. Table 20.5 gives the econometric
results for the pooled five-year sample of all 169 Connecticut towns, with 1985 as the base
year and dummy variables for the other four nonconsecutive years (D90, D95, D02, D06).
The adjusted R2 for the first estimated reduced-form equation indicates that more
than 92% of the town-level variation in open space (Xo), across 169 towns and over five
discrete periods (N = 845), is explained by the joint effect of factors that closely mirror
the structure of the theoretical model. The same set of explanatory variables account for
more than 78% of the variation in local public spending (G) and about 55% of the varia-
tion in effective property tax rates (T).
Controlling for other factors, more affluent towns tend to have less open space
(δXo/δy < 0). Such towns may have more “private open space” in the form of larger resi-
dential lots, but since here the defined open space consists of the combined acreage of
grassland, agricultural fields, deciduous forest, coniferous forest, and barren areas, Xo
tends to decline with higher incomes (and the accompanying larger private lots). Higher
Table 20.4 Descriptive statistics, by year (1985, 1990, 1995, 2002, 2006) and pooled data
1985 1990 1995 2002 2006 Pooled
Open Space (undeveloped acres) Xo* min 652 590 570 528 528 528
max 32,750 32,661 32,664 32,614 32,535 32,750
mean 13,048 12,773 12,654 12,447 12,304 12,645
Government Spending (dollars) G* min 571,330 1,334,498 1,131,349 1,600,324 2,029,022 571,330
max 203,793,895 338,885,879 398,180,852 423,442,000 460,218,044 460,218,044
mean 18,910,771 31,488,593 38,481,369 50,782,061 61,499,178 40,232,394
Property Tax Rate ($ per $1000 T* min 6.80 5.30 8.84 7.70 4.72 4.72
market value)
max 33.40 18.90 42.97 32.73 27.89 42.97
mean 16.31 11.28 17.17 17.59 14.18 15.31
Per Capita Income (dollars) y min 9,661 11,044 12,178 14,158 15,739 9,661
max 42,697 52,063 65,344 87,519 99,664 99,664
mean 16,825 21,270 25,572 32,560 36,398 26,525
Index Crime Rate (crimes per 100 C1 min 0.53 0.90 0.68 0.13 0.19 0.13
max 13.23 16.13 12.62 8.80 8.32 16.13
mean 2.69 2.85 2.56 1.74 1.63 2.29
Min. Distance to NY or BOS (miles) C2 min 39.40 39.40 39.40 39.40 39.40 39.40
max 131.00 131.00 131.00 131.00 131.00 131.00
mean 93.72 93.72 93.72 93.72 93.72 93.72
Table 20.4 (Continued)
per capita income also is associated with more government spending (δG/δy > 0)
and a lower effective property tax rate (δT/δy < 0). The positive effect of income on G
needs little explanation and is well documented in empirical studies. However, the
negative relationship between a community’s tax rate and its residents’ average income,
even though readily observed in the raw data before controlling for other influences, is
a common source of public confusion. Because affluent communities often pay more
property taxes per head, people assume they also face a higher rate, but this typically is
not the case. Enjoying a larger property tax base per person, higher income communi-
ties can tax their residents at a lower rate and still generate enough revenue to outspend
poorer towns.
Crime rates (C1) are negatively related to open space (δXo/δC1 < 0) and positively
related to both local spending (δG/δC1 > 0) and tax rates (δT/δC1 > 0). Like most urban
areas, Connecticut cities tend to have higher crime rates, less open space, larger budgets,
and higher tax rates than do suburban or rural towns, so these estimated coefficients, all
quite significant, are consistent.
Towns further from New York or Boston (C2) typically have more open space
(δXo/δC2 > 0) and lower public spending (δG/δC2 < 0), but also higher property tax
rates (δT/δC2 > 0) than towns closer to these regional centers. The first two results are
self-explanatory. The third effect, less significant than the first two, reflects the fact that
towns farther from one of the two regional economic centers tend to have lower prop-
erty values (the effect of regional rent gradients), which must be taxed at a higher mill
rate to support a desired level of public spending.
A similar logic applies to estimated coefficients for the shoreline dummy variable, but
due to the way it is defined (C3 = 1 for shoreline towns; 0 otherwise), the correspond-
ing signs are reversed. Popular shoreline towns tend to be densely settled with limited
open space (δXo/δC3 < 0), but have relatively high levels of public spending (δG/δC3 > 0),
perhaps needed to serve nonresident visitors as well as the “locals.” Despite these higher
public outlays, coastal amenities are capitalized into property values, allowing shoreline
tax rates to be lower (δT/δC3 < 0) than in an otherwise similar inland town. All three
effects are statistically quite significant.
Controlling for other features, geographically larger towns tend to have more open
space (δXo/δL > 0); the marginal effect is large (0.856) and highly significant, with an
elasticity of open space with respect to town area of 1.170 (using the estimated coef-
ficient and pooled sample means of 12,645 acres for Xo and 17,289 acres for L). Bigger
towns also face higher outlays (δG/δL > 0), reflecting the costlier delivery of many types
of public services (utilities, school transportation costs, fire services, etc.) to more dis-
persed populations. The property tax rate is negatively related to town area (δT/δL < 0),
but the implied elasticity is small (–0.08).
The effect of a change in intergovernmental revenue (R) on the amount of open space
is of special interest. Once again, simulations in the preceding section show how an
increase in R can decrease rather than increase the amount of land optimally allocated
to open space (Xo). Using the average (Ravg) of current and one-year lagged values of R
to allow for somewhat delayed or cumulative response of the local government to extra
538 Ekaterina Gnedenko and Dennis Heffley
Table 20.5 GLS estimates of open space, public spending, and property tax rates
(five-year panel of 169 Connecticut towns)
Open Space (Xo) Spending (G) Tax Rate (T)
Per Capita Income y −56.5464 (-6.15) 774,236 (4.93) −0.089723 (-7.48)
Index Crime Rate C1 −796.639 (-8.73) 10,627,551 (4.27) 0.700663 (4.46)
(crimes per 100
Min. Distance to NY C2 32.7720 (7.37) −422,810 (-5.60) 0.009548
or BOS (miles)
Shoreline Dummy C3 −1,366.11 (−5.72) 23,565,463 (5.68) −1.66773
(shore = 1)
Total Available L 0.855556 (88.04) 630.517 (4.73) −0.000068
Acres (acres)
Intergovernmental Ravg −0.000019 (-4.13) 1.33147 (4.75) 0.000000036 (2.96)
Revenue 2-year
average (dollars)
1990 Dummy D90 97.0425 (0.45) 5,472,765 (1.64) −4.79105 (−13.73)
1995 Dummy D95 8.21837 (0.04) 9,172,473 (1.86) 1.61266 (3.89)
2002 Dummy D02 −396.281 (−1.54) 19,898,008 (2.35) 3.10217 (6.17)
2006 Dummy D06 −402.057 (−1.47) 28,097,687 (3.01) 0.094199 (0.19)
Intercept −1,349.57 (−2.23) −6,469,437 (−0.72) 16.1948 (17.57)
revenue, we find support for the negative relationship in the simulations (δXo/δR < 0).
A million-dollar increment in Ravg is associated with a 19-acre reduction in open space.
The negative coefficient is significant at the 1% level, but the implied elasticity at sample
means is quite small (–0.016). This finding suggests that increments in unrestricted state
aid are more likely to slightly reduce, rather than increase, the amount of open space.
Not surprisingly, additional state aid is strongly associated with higher local public
spending (δG/δR > 0), and the calculated elasticity is much larger in magnitude (0.348).
Contrary to simulation results, the estimated response of the property tax rate is positive
(δT/δR > 0), but again the calculated elasticity is small (0.025).
Dummy variable estimates in the first regression generally reflect the secular loss of
open space. Evidence of an upward drift in government spending, at least in nominal
terms, is seen in the estimated dummy variable coefficients for the second regression,
whereas the pattern is less distinct in the property tax rate regression. The negative
Open Space Preservation 539
and highly significant coefficient for D90 in the latter equation likely reflects a system-
atic reduction in effective property tax rates across many Connecticut towns in the late
1980s, when market values soared and effective tax rates fell.
The contrary empirical result for δT/δR and the weaker fit of the tax rate equation
point to a potential limitation in the present analysis. In both the underlying theoreti-
cal model and the empirical specification of reduced forms, we treat intergovernmental
revenue (R) as exogenous and unrestricted. This simplifies the analysis but ignores the
fact that, in Connecticut, and in most other states, transfers to local governments are
potentially endogenous and sensitive to socioeconomic indicators such as crime rates or
per capita income. Extending the model to incorporate a “typical” aid formula and refin-
ing the empirical analysis to allow for the potential endogeneity of R would be desirable.
The question of how to treat R and the degree to which local public expenditures are
fungible or constrained by conditional grants also raises the nagging “flypaper effect”
issue, recently discussed again by Inman (2008). For these reasons, and probably others,
our empirical results should be regarded as preliminary findings.
Open space preservation programs in the United States, and perhaps in most countries,
range from large-scale national initiatives to protect wilderness areas and unique natu-
ral resources, to smaller scale state and local efforts to preserve farmland, parks, and
historic sites. Both types of programs play important social and economic roles, and
it would be unwise to wholly abandon one approach for the other, but local preserva-
tion efforts are particularly important for two key reasons. First, as noted earlier, pref-
erences for open space vary, just as they do for other public goods, and allowing local
governments to “customize” their preservation policies to local conditions and prefer-
ences may enhance efficiency. Strong advocates of “regionalism” may find this notion
unappealing, opting instead for more uniformity, consolidation, and presumed scale
economies in the acquisition or management of open space, but many public finance
economists recognize the potential benefits of a more decentralized approach. Second,
local preservation programs are important simply because they are most prevalent in
areas of relatively high density. In the United States, this means the northeastern states,
coastal regions, and suburban areas surrounding larger cities—areas that account for
a modest share of total land area but a large portion of the population. Consequently,
these are precisely the areas where market pressure to convert farmland and open space
to other uses is strongest. A large portion of the population will actively benefit from,
and therefore support, open space initiatives only if they include visible state and local
programs in higher density areas.
Given the fragmented nature of US open space preservation, the analytical and
empirical results presented in this chapter offer a caution to policy makers, but
the results should be qualified. The principal simulation results show that more
540 Ekaterina Gnedenko and Dennis Heffley
Expanding the model to incorporate other types of agents, including farmers and
nonagricultural firms, is a fifth extension that would generalize the model and allow
researchers to address more questions. How does farmland preservation affect agricul-
tural output and food prices? Are the costs of farmland preservation partly borne by
businesses in the form of higher commercial land rents? What are the cheapest and least
distortionary ways to finance open space preservation?
Finally, another possible extension of the model warrants special mention. Much
within the present model is endogenous—household behavior, local fiscal and land
use zoning decisions, land values, and population size—but linkages between the com-
munity and other localities (other than via the open-city condition), or between the
community and higher level governments, are lacking. Households in the model face
income and sales taxes, typically levied by federal or state governments, but these link-
ages take the form of exogenous parameters. For many areas, a model that details the
interaction between the land use and fiscal policies of a higher level government and a
local government, or a network of localities subject to policy spillover effects, would be
useful in addressing policy coordination questions. Lenon, Chattopadhyay, and Heffley
(1996) find empirical evidence of zoning and fiscal interdependencies between neigh-
boring towns, and Brueckner (1998) documents similar interactions for growth con-
trols, but further understanding how a network of communities also interacts with a
higher level government to determine an equilibrium pattern of land use, fiscal mix,
and community types would be valuable. Among other applications, it could be used to
study the economic and land use impacts of statewide fees or taxes designed to finance
preservation in selected subareas. A multilevel model also might be used to evaluate
Briffault’s (1996, 1115) call for “a ‘mixed strategy’ that would both reduce the signifi-
cance of existing local boundaries and create elected regionally bounded governments
to address matters of regional significance.”
As in most areas of study, the range of interesting questions about open space pres-
ervation expands rapidly as simplifying assumptions are relaxed and new elements are
added to the analysis. The present model may be a useful foundation for such extensions.
As in the workhorse monocentric model of urban economics, land use is explicit and
rents are endogenous. The monocentric model offers more spatial detail, in that users of
land select both a lot size and location (distance from the urban center), but this model
offers a simpler foundation for some of the extensions noted earlier, without abandon-
ing the spatial dimension needed to study land use issues. Some of the suggested exten-
sions are of technical interest, but others should help to inform land use policy making.
Fortunately, open space preservation is an area of land economics in which researchers’
enthusiasm is matched by public interest.
Much of the work on open space preservation has been empirical, and, as new data
emerge and new analytical and empirical techniques are developed and applied, that
work will continue to expand our understanding of how various conservation programs
really work and the public’s willingness to support them. Another development in this
area of research and in other land use studies is the increasing availability of land cover
data from satellite imagery, over sufficiently long periods of time to reveal measurable
542 Ekaterina Gnedenko and Dennis Heffley
changes. We have used this type of data for Connecticut in the empirical section, but
similar data for other states and other countries will become more commonplace.
Marrying the data with site-specific information about zoning and other land use con-
trols is a bigger task, but one that would greatly improve our understanding of the public
sector’s capacity to steer land use.
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C HA P T E R 21
growth redwood forest or a rainforest remain intact even if they never intend to visit or
see it, but uncoordinated markets make this difficult to fulfill through a market mecha-
nism. Beyond the difficulties of market provision, the US government has pursued many
policy interventions, such as transportation policies, educational policies, banking regu-
lations, and crime prevention or lack there of, which all affect the individual’s optimal
land use choices. By affecting development patterns, these policies may also contribute
to suboptimal levels of land conservation and the provision of ecosystem services.
Because private landowners often make decisions in their private best interest rather
than to optimize society’s welfare, governments as well as private nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs) operate to address the resulting market failures and conserve
land. Their conservation programs often seek to redirect private and public decisions
to ensure society’s welfare is considered. Several different types of policies can be used
to aid in this redirection: regulatory, incentive-based, participatory, and hybrid policies
of these three types (categorization from Duke and Lynch 2006). Regulatory techniques
adjust existing markets or define new markets such that society’s benefits from conserva-
tion are addressed. Incentive-based techniques adjust price in the existing market struc-
ture to encourage certain conservation practices or land uses through taxes (penalties)
or subsidies (Conservation Reserve Program [CRP] rental payments). Governments,
land trusts, and other nongovernmental entities use participatory techniques—buying
or selling land parcels or land rights to redirect market activities to desired conservation
goals. In some cases, these techniques are utilized together to accomplish conservation
goals. Recently, US Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs have focused on con-
servation practices on working land that are designed to improve the environmental
performance of cropped agricultural land. These are in addition to land retirement pro-
grams, which completely remove land from agricultural use.
On a governmental level, land conservation is promoted through use of participatory,
incentive-based, and regulatory initiatives with a variety of outcomes. In this chapter,
we provide an overview of contemporary programs for land conservation in the United
States. This chapter includes a discussion of the diversity of objectives in land conserva-
tion, recent research, and experiences from these programs, as well as the future of land
conservation in the United States. We first explore the types of conservation and the dif-
ferent objectives that are pursued. These include participatory conservation through the
fee-simple purchase of land, as well as through land use regulations and incentive-based
programs for both land retirement and working lands. Recent shifts, such as conserva-
tion on working lands due to economic development concerns of local communities,
are considered. Private efforts at land conservation are also explored. Some of these
employ a hybrid of techniques. For example, tax deductions are used as an incentive to
motivate participatory-type easement donations to land trusts and governmental orga-
nizations. Financing of conservation efforts is explained. We then outline two different
methods of accounting for the benefits of land conservation: ecosystem services and
societal economic values for these services. We explore the most recent literature on
land conservation evaluations to determine what research can tell us about the existing
policies and approaches. Important questions include the effectiveness of the policies in
Land Conservation in the United States 549
from private hands to preserve forest, wildlife, and minerals from human use. But it was
not until 1916 that Congress created a federal bureau, the National Park Service (NPS),
to manage lands designated under the concept of large-scale natural preservation of
areas for public enjoyment.
At the federal level, protected areas are divided into three main categories: wilder-
ness areas, national parks and national forests.1 Across the United States, there are a
total of nearly 290 million acres2 of federally protected land classified as wilderness area,
national park, or national forest. These lands exist in all 50 US states, plus the District of
Columbia, and represent approximately 17% of the total US land area. At the state level,
more than 6,600 state parks cover approximately 14 million acres of land in the United
States (Walls et al. 2009). No central database exists for information regarding local
parks, but based on an annual survey conducted by the Trust for Public Land (2011),
there are at least 22,493 individual parks covering an area of 1.5 million acres in the
United States in 100 cities. More than half of these received 1 million visitors per year.
Publicly protected lands provide the best source of permanent and dedicated lands
for ecosystems to flourish. These lands also provide a dual function as primary locations
for outdoor recreation in the United States. Although publicly protected lands may be
acquired through a variety of regulatory3 and voluntary4 methods, the vast majority of
public resources are spent in maintaining and improving existing protected land. The
authorized operating budget of the US National Parks Service alone was nearly $2.6 bil-
lion in 2012 (US Department of Interior, 2012).
Wilderness areas are afforded the highest level of protection and are designed to be completely
untrammeled by humans. National parks are managed for ecosystem function, but also allow
recreational access, and national forests are afforded the least protection and are managed primarily for
Wilderness areas encompass 109.7 million acres, national parks 79.7 million acres, and national
forests 192.9 million acres
3 Lands may be procured by the government through the right of eminent domain.
4 Some governments also receive protected lands by donation or outright purchase.
Land Conservation in the United States 551
have preserved almost twice as much land as land trusts in other regions. The 2010
National Land Trust Census Report suggests that almost half of the land trusts have now
written project selection criteria to guide their selection of parcels, with important natu-
ral areas and wildlife habitat being the most important priorities (Chang 2011).
Society seeks to alter the pace and/or pattern of land use for various reasons and, in
some cases, has used regulatory mechanisms. Regulatory conservation methods are fre-
quently utilized when either conservation objectives require a high degree of coordina-
tion or private citizens cannot be incentivized to preserve land of their own accord.
Some of the most readily used options for promoting regulatory conservation at the
state and local level is through low-density or agricultural zoning and development
restrictions. These measures include such policies as minimum lot size or clustering
zoning restrictions, urban growth boundaries (UGBs), and adequate public facility
ordinances (APFOs) (Irwin et al. 2005). These policies can be implemented simultane-
ously. Experience with conservation zoning has been mixed; while some communities
aggressively pursue conservation zoning, others ignore it all together, which creates a
patchy network of conservation zones for wildlife to utilize. Minimum lot zoning has
also been criticized for encouraging the consumption of larger land parcels rather than
for creating conservation zones.
At the federal level, the Endangered Species Act (ESA)5 uses recovery plans that
include regulatory measures to conserve species considered endangered or threatened.
After a species receives ESA protection, the recovery plan is developed to prohibit the
harvesting and hunting of the species and to establish a “critical habitat zone” with a
habitat conservation plan. A critical habitat zone is a geographic area that is deemed
necessary for the species’ survival and may exist on either public or private lands. If a
critical habitat zone intersects private land, development of this land is significantly con-
strained by regulation and requires an extensive permitting process for any additional
construction, thus limiting human use. However, substantial political and bureaucratic
hurdles must be surmounted before a species may be guaranteed protection by the ESA,
thus limiting its application to large-scale conservation efforts.
Most recently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been work-
ing to implement a regulatory scheme to enforce the Total Maximum Daily Loads
(TMDL) requirements in cases in which water pollution problems endure. Although
a cap-and-trade system has been proposed, the TMDL regulations require that all land
552 Jeffrey Ferris and Lori Lynch
users must reduce their nutrient pollution, in contrast with the USDA’s incentive-based
and largely voluntary programs.
society benefits6 from the ecological services provided and the improvements on these
conserved lands.
CRP is administered by the US Farm Service Agency (FSA) and is broken up into
a number of smaller programs.7 “Annual signup” is the largest constituent program,8
and it allows farmers to enroll land under contracts of 10–15 years in exchange for a
predetermined annual payment. The other subprograms work similarly but focus on
preserving high-priority conservation lands (Ferris and Siikamäki 2009). In 2010, CRP
enrolled a total of 31.3 million acres, land area approximately equivalent to the size of
the state of Mississippi, and made annual payments in excess of $1.6 billion.
In the 1700s, the 48 contiguous United States contained an estimated 221 million
acres of wetlands (but lost 53% of them over the next 200 years; Dahl 1990). To slow
the loss of wetlands on farms, the USDA also initiated the Wetland Reserve Program
(WRP)9 administered by the Natural Resource Conservation Service. In the WRP,
the government purchases long-term or perpetual easements to restore, protect, and
enhance wetlands that have been in agricultural production. The WRP enrolls only a
fraction of the land10 that is enrolled in CRP, but has also steadily grown in size in recent
history, unlike the CRP.
Farmers may also derive environmental benefit from conservation easements, in the form of
improved agricultural productivity of surrounding lands.
Formally, CRP is composed of five subprograms with similar objectives: general signup, continuous
signup, Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), Farmable Wetland Program (FWP), and
the Emergency Forest Conservation Reserve Program (EFCRP).
More than 26.6 million acres are enrolled, and annual payments are in excess of $1.1 billion in 2010
(US Farm Service Agency 2011).
10 Slightly more than 200,000 acres were enrolled in 2011.
11 A full list is available at
554 Jeffrey Ferris and Lori Lynch
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Similarly, in Baltimore County, the conversion of $76,352 or 9.6 acres would be needed
to preserve 1 acre (Lynch et al. 2007). Thus, the funding and the goals of the program can
work at cross purposes.
Both governmental programs and NGOs benefit from a 1976 special exception to the rule
against deduction of partial interests in property. At the federal level, due to this exception,
individual(s) who donates a conservation easement on all or part of their land are entitled
to an income tax reduction (charitable deduction) equivalent to the fair market value of the
donation,12 subject to certain eligibility requirements,13 even though they retain ownership
of the land. The tax code allows landowners to deduct 30% of their adjusted gross income
each year over a six-year period. Depending on the existing land conservation status and
percentage of income derived from agriculture by the landowner, an individual may be eli
gible for additional income tax deductions (Internal Revenue Service [IRS] 2012). In the tax
The difference between the value of their land before easement and the value of the land after
13 To be eligible for donation, the easement must be in perpetuity, be held by a valid nonprofit or
government agency, and serve an approved conservation purpose. All further eligibility requirements are
listed at,,id=249135,00.html
556 Jeffrey Ferris and Lori Lynch
years 2006–2011, these incentive-based tools were enhanced to allow landowners to take
deductions of up to 50% of their adjusted gross income and expanded the carry-forward
period to 15 years after the year of the first deduction. These enhancements allowed more
individuals to utilize the deduction fully and appears to have encouraged additional con-
servation easement donations. The enhancement was allowed to expire at the end of 2011
but has recently been extended through 2013. Thus unless Congress extends the provisions
again, this enhanced incentive will expire December 31, 2013.
In addition to the federal deduction, as of 2012, at least 16 states14 provide some
form of income tax credits for land donation or conservation easement (Land Trust
Alliance 2012). For example, Maryland landowners receive a $5,000 credit on their state
income taxes when they donate their development rights, as well as state property tax
relief. Colorado, Georgia, New Mexico, South Carolina, and Virginia grant transferable
tax credits, which allow rural landowners to sell these credits on the open market to
high-income individuals, which may be attractive to rural landowners with relatively
modest incomes and low tax brackets.
Land conservation generates benefits in two primary ways: ecosystem benefits from
land preservation (“conservation benefit accounting”) and societal benefits from pres-
ervation (the “economic value of conservation”). Although interrelated, researchers and
policy makers distinguish between these two forms of conservation measurement. In
the following section, an overview of policy and recent research is provided for both
forms of conservation benefits in the context of prominent programs for land conserva-
tion in the United States.
14 These states include Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia,
Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina,
and Virginia
Land Conservation in the United States 557
well as carbon sequestration, among others. The conservation value of the CRP pro-
gram, then, is its direct benefit of primary conservation objectives, its secondary ben-
efits to farmers, and its tertiary benefits to other conservation objectives.
Researchers have also improved their understanding of the dynamic interaction
between human behavior and conservation outcomes. Even programs designed with the
best intent can often lead to undesired consequences. For instance, the Endangered Species
Act (ESA) prohibits the destruction of critical habitats of protected species. However, this
Act may create incentives for landowners to speed up the extraction of resources from
lands that they suspect might fall under ESA protection (Lueck and Michaels 2003). This
“shoot, shovel, and shut up” behavior, also known as the 3-S treatment, may result in spe-
cies and habitat destruction rather than species and habitat retention.
With dwindling resources for conservation, government agencies are forced to pro-
vide more societal benefits with less money. Increasingly, these government agencies are
relying on researchers to help target resources that yield the greatest amount of benefit
for the least amount of money. Experiences with program evaluations have been diverse.
Government agencies have been gradually shifting away from broad national initiatives
designed to protect the greatest amount of acres but that may not fit all locations and
toward more locally defined initiatives in which local conditions can be best addressed.
A more localized approach to conservation may increase the effectiveness of achiev-
ing specific conservation objectives, as well as engage the local population to achieve
important community goals. However, this may come at the cost of missing low-cost,
high-benefit conservation opportunities.
8. Participatory: Publicly
Protected Lands
In many ways, assessing the ecological benefits from permanently protected lands is
quite difficult. Although important for habitat maintenance and ecosystem services,
much of this land has been protected for years. Some of these lands have never been
developed or converted into nonconservation uses. As a result, researchers find it dif-
ficult to determine the counterfactual (i.e., “How would this land’s use differ if not
publicly protected?”). As a result, few assessments of the economic value of ecosystem
services provided by protected land exist. However, a substantial volume of research
seeks to evaluate the recreational value of protected areas.
Most research on the ecological impacts of protected areas has focused on the poten-
tial threat that residential development, particularly along the edges of the protected
areas, poses (Table 21.1). Gude et al. (2007) studied the potential for exurban develop-
ment in the neighborhood of Yellowstone National Park to undermine local habitats
and biodiversity. On a national scale, Radeloff et al. (2010) and Wade et al. (2010, 2011)
performed a multisystem assessment of threats to protected land from developmental
Land Conservation in the United States 559
encroachment on habitat buffer zones. Radeloff et al. (2010) found that housing growth
rates were higher near protected lands. Wade and Theobald (2010) also found that buf-
fers around the parks were decreasing quickly. Similarly, Wade et al. (2011) find that
fully 35% of all protected land is threatened by external development, whereas only 20%
of unprotected land could be conserved (Table 21.1). Collectively, findings by these
researchers suggest that policy makers need to be proactive in ensuring that future
development around existing protected areas does not undermine the conservation
objectives of these preserved lands.
Table 21.2 Value of parks as an urban amenity
Study Study program Focus Study area Findings
Crompton (2007a) Mostly urban parks Assessment of impacts of parks on Aggregations of many Park-adjacent homes generate
the tax-receipts from neighborhood studies and locations premiums of up to 20% in increased
homes property value. When evaluated in
aggregate, increased tax revenues
from proximate homes may be enough
to meet costs of developing and
maintaining parks.
Crompton (2007b) Mostly urban parks Evaluating the effect of parks on Aggregations of many After reaching a certain income
attracting companies, labor supplies, studies and areas threshold, improvements in quality
and retirees to cities of life become more important than
increases in income. Parks are key to
improving lifestyle and attracting highly
skilled employees and companies.
Ham et al. (2012) National park Ascertaining the proximate value of Pike National Forest A 1% decrease in mean distance to the
national forests to home-owners Pike National Forest increases house
prices by 6.4%.
Klaiber and Phaneuf City parks Modeling the hedonic value of parks Minneapolis-Saint Paul A 12.5% increase in regional park area
(2009, 2010) under the assumption of population Metropolitan Area, would result in a hedonic willingness to
heterogeneity and sorting Minnesota pay (WTP) per household of $30. When
sorting and heterogeneity are taken
into account, WTP is between $5.19 and
Poudyal et al. (2009) City parks Performed a two-stage hedonic Roanoke, Virginia A 20% increase in park size increased
assessment of the value of urban per-household consumer surplus
parks based on local home prices by more than $160. Total consumer
surplus was in excess of $6.5 million
for all 50,000 homes located within a
mile of each park.
Land Conservation in the United States 561
15 Walls, Darley, and Siikamäki (2009) provide a breakdown of multisystem benefits resulting from
US city, state, and national parks.
562 Jeffrey Ferris and Lori Lynch
surveys as well as revealed preference studies. In recent work, Baerenklau et al. (2010)
and Deisenroth, Loomis, and Bond (2009) studied the recreational value of feder-
ally protected lands, finding ranges from $41 to almost $300,000 per hectare of forest
land and trails within the various parks. At the state level, Siikamäki (2011) studied the
value of state parks based on aggregate time-use trends from the American Time Use
Survey taken from individuals sampled16 across the United States. This research found
that about 2.2 billion hours of nature recreation occurred at state parks each year. These
studies demonstrate the high value of protected lands, providing millions of dollars each
year in consumer surplus across the United States. From a public policy perspective, the
use-value of protected land can be an overlooked component of conservation benefits.
For many, their use of these parks for outdoor recreation explains a large part of their
WTP for such areas.
Together, CRP and WRP have been among the most studied land conservation pro-
grams in the United States. Owing to their geographic expansiveness and the availability
of data, researchers continue to improve their understanding of the benefits result-
ing from these programs. Although CRP and WRP have slightly differing conserva-
tion focuses, with CRP focusing on agricultural land and WRP focusing on wetlands,
their similar organizational structure has led many researchers to group these two pro-
grams together. Research has evaluated the ecological benefits, estimated the economic
value of these programs, and explored how farmers behave in response to CRP/WRP
Most researchers interested in the ecological benefits of CRP/WRP have conducted
regional assessments of program benefits and environmental performance (Table
21.4). In a series of papers, Gleason et al. (2008, 2011) estimated the quantity of eco-
system services (decreased erosion, carbon sequestration, increased bird popula-
tions) provided by CRP and WRP in the Prairie Pothole Region17 of the United States.18
Wentworth, Brittingham, and Wilson (2010) utilized data from Pennsylvania farms
to assess Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) effect on grassland
Individuals were sampled using the American Time Use Survey (ATUS), which offers detailed
descriptions of the daily activities elicited from a rotating sample of individuals.
A loosely defined region of the US Upper Midwest that includes areas of North Dakota, Minnesota,
South Dakota, and Iowa, critically important for migratory bird nesting.
18 They find that CRP/WRP conservation in these areas significantly decreases erosion
(approximately 2.6 metric tons per acre enrolled) and carbon sequestration (1.05 metric tons per acre),
in addition to significantly increasing migratory bird population, such as ducks.
Land Conservation in the United States 563
fauna.19 Gallant et al. (2011) utilizes data regarding historical land use patterns in Iowa
as a means of evaluating CRP and WRP program effectiveness in this region.20 Research
on CRP and WRP suggests that these programs provide a substantial amount of eco-
system services. However, researchers suggest that targeting and integrating CRP/WRP
lands into the existing supply of conserved land could improve program performance.
Considerable attention has been given to evaluating the economic value of CRP
conservation (Table 21.5). Hansen and Ribaudo (2008) provided one of the most
comprehensive estimates of per-ton benefits from reduced soil erosion on CRP lands.
They provide estimates for economic benefits resulting from a variety of conservation
objectives21 and conclude that, per ton of conserved soil, societal benefits for measured
conservation objectives range between $0.83 and $26.4022 per year. Wu and Lin (2010)
analyzed the impact of CRP conservation on aggregate farmland values and found that,
nationwide, CRP increased the value of farmland between $18 and $25 per acre (about
1.3–1.8% of the land value). Vukina et al. (2008) estimated the farmer’s value of conser-
vation based on the bids each made to enroll his land into available programs. They find
that farmers with higher quality land submit higher bids. Secchi et al. (2009) evaluated
the impact that continued ethanol subsidies could have on the supply of CRP lands and
found that high corn prices and thus competition for land resources could hamper CRP
conservation benefits.
Some researchers have analyzed CRP bid mechanisms to determine cost-benefit
of the program. CRP initially focused on enrolling as much land as possible through
least-cost enrollment: farmers who offered land below a threshold value were accepted
into the program. However, starting in the 1990s, CRP has gradually shifted toward
benefit-cost targeting, which scores a prospective parcel using an Environmental
Benefit Index (EBI) and enrolls land that provides the most conservation benefit per
value of contract until the budget is exhausted (Claassen et al. 2008). Changes in bid
ding structure and parcel “ranking” have increased the efficiency of CRP since the pro-
gram’s inception in the early 1980s (Ferraro 2008). However, Vukina et al. (2008) found
that making these ranking criteria publicly available has resulted in farmers adjusting
their bids based on the quality of their own land, which undermines the cost effective-
ness of the auction mechanism.
These researchers conclude that CREP wildlife benefits could be maximized if CREP targeted large
parcels of land and/or land adjacent to other grassland fields.
In the course of their research, they determined that most ecosystem losses in Iowa occurred in
areas with a high concentration of wetlands, whereas CRP and WRP wetland improvements occurred in
areas with historically few wetlands.
These benefits result from reduced wind erosion, water treatment, soil productivity, reservoir
services, fisheries, and recreation, among other categories.
22 At these levels, total benefits from reduced soil erosion range between $182 million and
$5,808 million per year.
Table 21.5 Economic analysis of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
Study program Focus Study area Findings
Hansen and Ribaudo (2008) CRP Estimating societal Nationwide Per-ton economic benefits are calculated across a variety
benefits from reduced soil of soil conservation objectives and regions. Over the entire
erosion from CRP lands United States, each ton of soil conserved results in $0.83–
around the nation $26.40 worth of benefit per year, for a total societal benefit
of $182–$5808 million per year.
Wu and Lin (2010) CRP Implementing a system Nationwide CRP increases agricultural land values between $18 and $25
of equations to ascertain per acre (~1.3–1.8% of land value). The areas with the largest
the total effect of CRP on gains include Mountain, Southern Plains, and Northern Plains
agricultural land values regions.
Vukina et al. (2008) CRP Assessing farmer value North Carolina and Farmer CRP bids are relatively competitive, with average bids
of conservation based on Georgia of ~$42.70; the actual cost of conservation made up 99% of
farmer bids to CRP total bid ($42.27) and only a $0.43 premium. Furthermore,
farmers condition bids based on the perceived quality of
the land, with bids increasing by $0.73 for each increase in
Environmental Benefit Index (EBI) score.
Secchi et al. (2009) CRP Evaluating the potential Iowa At corn prices of $196.84/ton per hectare, sediment losses
impacts to the supply increase from 0.1 tons/ha for the almost 700,000 hectare
of CRP lands based of CRP included in the EPIC analysis to almost 1.9 tons per
on increases in total hectare as almost 500,000 hectares of CRP land are put back
corn-based ethanol into production.
Ferraro (2008) Payment for Asymmetric information Nationwide The EBI used by CRP to rank farmer bids creates competition
Ecosystem and contract design and prioritizes funding to highly valued conservation targets.
Services for payments for However, making this information public to landowners also
environmental services may encourage rent-seeking behavior from farmers with
highly sought-after land.
Claassen et al. (2008) Payment for Analyzing the literature Nationwide Although research has shown that the EBI did increase the
Ecosystem on the effectiveness of environmental benefits of the CRP, additional improvements
Services benefit-cost targeting in in environmental cost-effectiveness of the CRP could be
CRP farmland bidding achieved by further shifting emphasis from soil productivity
maintenance to enhancing water quality and wildlife habitat.
566 Jeffrey Ferris and Lori Lynch
Program administrators have incorporated the research finding into program evalu-
ations and made changes to improve the economic efficiency and achieve specific con-
servation objectives. Total enrolled land peaked in 2007 at 36.8 million acres and then
decreased to a low of 31.3 million acres in 2010, the most recent year for which CRP data
are available (US Farm Service Agency [FSA] 2011). The acreage decline results from
lower budgets and nonrenewal of expiring CRP contracts. Although land enrolled in
the general CRP signups has been decreasing, land enrolled in CREP and other sub-
programs has actually increased. CREP focuses on high-priority lands for conservation
and uses much stricter guidelines for acceptance into the program than general signup
(Ferris and Siikamäki 2009). Thus, although enrolled acres have decreased by more than
5 million acres, environmental benefits have declined at a much slower rate, and the
environmental benefits per enrolled acre have actually increased. Figure 21.2 displays
reduced nitrogen, phosphorus, and sequestered carbon dioxide per CRP acre per year23
over the time frame 2004 to 2010, as well as total CRP land during this time.
These figures are further scaled by the average reduction of each pollutant during this time for the
sake of comparison.
24 Less than one acre per dwelling.
25 Between 1 and 40 acres per dwelling.
Land Conservation in the United States 567
with natural experiments to exploit. In this way, program effectiveness may be ascer-
tained by comparing communities with active conservation policies to neighboring
communities without such policies in place. As a result, researchers have a possible
counterfactual of how a community would have evolved if a conservation policy were
not implemented.
Many local, regional, and state governments utilize developmental restrictions to con-
serve land in the short-term. A large variety of conservation initiatives exist through-
out the United States, but the most intensely studied programs include low-density and
minimum lot size zoning, UGBs, and APFOs. Irwin et al. (2009) provide a comprehen-
sive overview of the economics of urban and rural space, including a discussion of pol-
icy options for community-led conservation initiatives. In general, research has found
that development restrictions provoke mixed outcomes. Although effective in some
instances, these policies may also have unexpected and unintended impacts.
Many researchers have found that properly implemented zoning restrictions can
reduce the probability of land conversion and, as such, provide for land conservation.
However, the end result of zoning regulations can be surprising. For instance, in an
analysis of zoning and development patterns in Calvert County, Maryland, McConnell
et al. (2006) found zoning regulations decreased the quantity of residential lots by 10%
relative to what would have otherwise occurred. However, they also find that develop-
mental patterns are affected by many factors other than zoning laws. Magliocca et al.
(2012) apply an agent-based simulation model to study the effect of minimum lot zoning
on exurban development. They find that whereas hypothetical two-acre minimum lot
Percent of average reduction
Millions of acres
1 33
0.7 28
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
McConnell et al. (2006) Low-density Estimating the impact of Calvert County, Maryland Low-density zoning had a small, but
zoning, transfers oflow-density zoning and TDRs on non-negligible effect on development. If zoning
development rights development trends restrictions were relaxed only a little, more than
(TDRs) 10% more lots would have been added overall in
subdivisions facing relatively low-density limits
over the sample period.
Magliocca et al. (2012) Minimum lot zoning Simulating the development Hypothetical Urban sprawl may arise from any number of
of a hypothetical mid-Atlantic Mid-Atlantic community conditions, including variations in (i) agricultural
community with an urban core, productivity across the landscape, (ii) consumers’
imposing zoning regulations and housing preferences, and (iii) how expectations
other heterogeneous conditions of future prices are formed. Researchers found
to monitor how development evidence of “leapfrogging” of urban development
patterns adapt and preferences for large lots, implying relatively
stringent minimum lot zoning in order to prevent
Butsic et al. (2011) Low-density zoning, Analyzing the impact of Columbia County, After accounting for endogeneity, low-density
tax credits for low-density zoning restrictions Wisconsin zoning had no impact on development decisions,
conservation of development, accounting and Wisconsin’s tax credit system had, at best, a
for the endogeneity between weak impact on development decisions.
development and zoning
Gottlieb et al. (2009) Minimum lot zoning Studying the impact of large-lot New Jersey Large-lot zoning in excess of 4 acres actually
zoning on rural communities encouraged more development by forcing more
land into the market to accommodate the same
number of people.
Lichtenberg (2011) Minimum lot size Evaluating the impact of Baltimore-Washington A 1-acre increase in minimum lot size results
zoning, Forest minimum lot size zoning on land corridor in 0.83% increase in land area needed to
Conservation Act use patterns accommodate the current population.
Land Conservation in the United States 569
zoning restrictions have little effect on land development patterns, five-acre minimum
lots significantly reduced the level of exurban development. These studies’ results, as
well as those of several others, are outlined in Table 21.6.
In many communities, zoning restrictions are criticized for failing to adequately pro-
tect land from conversion. Researchers contend that some communities implement
overly generous or poorly planned zoning restrictions, which do little to actively pro-
tect land (see Table 21.7). Butsic et al. (2011) utilized a variety of econometric models
to study the impact of low-density zoning in rural Wisconsin. They find that zoning
restrictions did not influence landowners’ decision to subdivide their property. Gottlieb
et al. (2009) studied the impact of minimum-lot zoning and open space land preserva-
tion on development patterns in New Jersey and found that, at least in the short run,
these policies may actually increase property subdivision. In Maryland, Lichtenberg
(2011) studied the impact of minimum-lot regulations and local forest conservation
laws on development patterns in the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area. He finds
that these policies contribute to more sprawl development as more land needs to be con-
verted to accommodate the same number of households.
UGBs are also a popular policy option, whereby a community demarcates a com-
pact urban development zone but imposes stringent zoning and infrastructure expan-
sion laws outside this area. Overall, UGBs have had mixed impacts in the United States.
Although these regulations may have some impact on development patterns, their effect
is often not that anticipated by policy makers. For instance, Newburn and Berck (2006,
2011) studied residential land use change in Sonoma County, California, and found
that, although the existing UGB constrained suburban development near the UGB,
exurban development was largely unconstrained by these policies. Cunningham (2007)
found that the UGB implemented by Seattle, Washington, lowered the probability of
development for parcels outside the UGB by between 28% and 39%. Interestingly, the
author finds that low-density development restrictions may decrease the price volatility
of these lands, which in turn might speed up development, all else equal. Although the
actual effect of UGBs on community development has been mixed, some communities
have benefited from having clearly defined growth areas, while leaving more rural areas
for conservation efforts.
Maryland has been one of the most proactive states at implementing land use tools
to promote conservation. Priority Funding Areas (PFAs) are among the most promi-
nent components of its 1997 Smart Growth legislation. As an incentive-based policy,
the PFA legislation restricts state spending on growth-related programs to areas des-
ignated for urban growth (i.e., the PFAs); spending is permitted for infrastructure
improvement to water and sewer, for example. Although not identical to UGBs, PFAs
have a similar focus but use the carrot of state subsidization of infrastructure improve-
ments rather than a regulatory approach. Hanlon, Howland, and McGuire (2010)
analyze the effectiveness of Maryland’s PFAs at reducing development on agricultural
lands outside PFAs near Baltimore and Washington, DC. They find that development
pressure can be high on the agricultural land outside the PFA areas, but that Maryland’s
PFA have been effective at reducing the probability of conversion of these resource
Table 21.7 Urban growth boundaries
Study Study program Focus Study area Findings
Newburn and Berck Urban Growth Estimating the impact of Sonoma County, California Sonoma’s UGB was effective at reducing the
(2006, 2011) Boundaries (UGB) UGB on development in probability of suburban development outside
study region the ring region, but they find evidence of
exurban development leapfrogging.
Cunningham (2007) Urban Growth Evaluating the impact of Seattle, Washington Seattle’s UGB was effective in lowering the
Boundaries Seattle’s UGB on probability probability of development of rural lands by
of development for between 28% and 39%, but it also reduced
properties outside the urban price volatility of these lands. This reduced the
center barriers to development.
Hanlon, Howland, and Priority Funding Areas Studying the impact Frederick County, Maryland They find that some of the areas with the
McGuire (2010) of Maryland’s PFA on a greatest threat of development are outside
parcel’s probability of future Maryland’s PFA and, although the program is
development not 100% effective at reducing development,
it does affect a property’s probability of
Lewis et al. (2009b) Priority Funding Areas Provides an overview State of Maryland The PFA program has not entirely lived up
of 10 years’ experience to its potential, although it has had some
with Maryland’s PFA effect on reducing development in rural
program, as well as some areas; the research also provides several
recommendations for recommendation for program improvement.
Land Conservation in the United States 571
lands. Lewis, Knaap, and Sohn (2009b) found that, despite some conceptual and prac-
tical limitations of the program, Maryland’s PFAs did have limited success at deter-
ring rural development. Towe, Lewis, and Lynch (Chapter 18 of this volume) find that
PFAs have 1.04 more new homes within each ¼-square-mile PFA grid than would have
occurred without the program. Similarly, using the difference-in-difference approach
(pre-PFA housing starts to post-PFA housing starts), they find comparable results of
an average of 1.05 new housing starts within the ¼-square-mile PFA grids compared to
similar non-PFA grids (Table 21.8).
Both the public and policy makers are also concerned about the impact that develop-
ment restrictions have on land values. Several teams of researchers have analyzed this
issue, again finding mixed results. Although down-zoning restricts land use options,
these restrictions may not be stringent enough to put any practical limitations on land
use (i.e., they are nonbinding). Down-zoning rural lands may create positive amenities
for neighboring lands, which causes difficulties in the analysis of the overall effect that
zoning may have on property values. Dehring and Lind (2007) find that, depending on
In Maryland, the Forest Conservation Act (FCA) was enacted in 1991 and mandates that any new
subdivisions or additional development of lands greater than approximately one acre must implement a
forest conservation plan to either protect existing forest cover or reestablish equal or greater forest cover
on other lands.
Land Conservation in the United States 573
Communities have many tools in their arsenal to promote conservation. Unlike regu-
latory approaches, participatory and incentive-based provisions provide guaranteed
conservation (with monitoring). Because these are voluntary tools, county and local
governments find them easier to implement to preserve land resources and often use
them to complement existing developmental regulations as hybrids. As such, develop-
mental restrictions and voluntary programs are often analyzed together at the local level
(Table 21.9).
Local governments utilize agricultural and conservation easements to protect
resource lands from conversion to development. Often referred to as Purchase of
Development Rights (PDR) or Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easements
(PACE), these programs have increased in popularity because other developmental
restrictions have not provided enough protection for resource lands from conversion
to urban sprawl. PDR/PACE programs are effective in protecting land from develop-
ment according to several recent studies. For example, using a hazard model, Towe,
Nickerson, and Bockstael (2008) find that rural landowners delay the conversion of land
by up to an additional six years, even if they do not enroll the land into the local PDR
program. Liu and Lynch (2011b) implemented a propensity score matching method to
determine the effectiveness of PDR programs across six Mid-Atlantic states. They found
that counties with PDR/PACE programs had an average rate of agricultural land conver-
sion 40–55% lower than similar counties without such a program. These results suggest
that, where appropriate, PDR programs can be effective at incentivizing local resource
landowners and lowering the rate of agricultural land conversion.
Transfers of development rights (TDR) were a popular conservation tool whereby
communities allow resource properties to sell their development rights to developers to
utilize to increase development densities elsewhere.27 In theory, the social costs of a TDR
program could be lower than a comparable PDR program by creating a competitive
market for development rights.28 Lynch and Musser (2001) found that TDR programs
were less efficient in preserving parcels with the desired characteristics than were PDR
programs. The TDR programs studied had based their allocation strategies primarily
on acreage rather than on other parcel characteristics, such as prime soils or proxim-
ity to urban areas. Few TDR programs have been successful: nine programs have been
revoked, 17 have protected no land, and only 12 programs have protected more than
1,000 acres of farmland (American Farmland Trust [AFT] 2008). However, the TDR
As of 2008, at least 109 municipalities had active TDR programs in the United States (Kaplowitz
et al. 2008).
28 Kaplowitz et al. (2008) administered a mail-in survey of active TDR program directors that
programs inform the design of future PDR programs to increase efficiency and lower
costs. By promoting competition among landowners, PDR programs may leverage their
funding and preserve more acreage. In an analysis of the Maryland Agricultural Land
Preservation Foundation (MALPF), Horowitz, Lynch, and Stocking (2009) found that
each additional bidder decreased a farmer’s bids between 0.1% and 1.4%. However,
untargeted land use easements may not be as environmentally effective, which raises
questions regarding the most critical conservation goals. Crompton (2009) analyzed 20
states’ statutes regarding PDR programs, finding that these programs prioritized agri-
cultural interests rather than conservation goals. Although PDR initiatives have been
effective at promoting agricultural land conservation, similar programs have not been
established to focus on other conservation priorities (Table 21.10).
12. Conclusion
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C HA P T E R 22
The Conservation and Re-Creation of
Cultural Landscapes
threatens habitats and species that are associated with more extensive land uses. In the
United Kingdom, the focus has been particularly on the protection and enhancement of
landscapes and wildlife.
applies the “provider gets principle” (OECD 1999), an inverse of the “polluter pays prin-
ciple” in which landholders cause environmental impacts for which they do not hold
property rights. These principles are set out by the European Commission as a basis for
the implementation of agri-environment schemes in the European Union.1
reference level for the agri-environment measures are indicated in Article 39.3 of Regulation No
1698/2005 in terms of the relevant mandatory standards.
European Agri-Environmental Policy 587
FIGURE 22.1 EU budget spending on agri-environment schemes 1993–2011.
Source: European Commission, Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2005)
Agri-environment measures: Overview on General Principles, Types of Measures and Application.
Unit G-4—Evaluation of Measures applied to Agriculture, Studies.
(Initial source: EAGGF Guarantee Section, budget execution), updated from Jukka Niemi (2012), personal
subsequently for the period 2007–2013, under Regulation 1698/2005. Under these
Regulations, Member States have been required to implement Rural Development
Programmes approved by the European Commission. Figure 22.1 illustrates the growth
of spending on agri-environment schemes in Member States between 1993 and 2011.
This reflects the total spending across the numbers of Members States in the EU at any
particular time. The rapid growth in 2008 reflects the increased variety of measures
available in the current programming period.
Council Regulation 1698/2005 provided for support for rural development by the
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) in order to promote sus-
tainable rural development throughout the Community. Its approach should be com-
plementary to the market and income support policies of the CAP. It established four
Axes, representing coherent groups of measures with specific goals:
Agri-environment payments
Modernization of agricultural holdings
Natural handicap payments (other areas)
Natural handicap payments (mountain areas)
Adding value to rural products
Infrastructure for development and…
Implementing local development strategies
Basic services in rural areas
Village renewal and development
Setting up of young farmers
Early retirement
First afforestation of agricultural land
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000
the Netherlands
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
payments in areas with natural handicaps, nature conservation areas, and animal welfare
payments. At least 25% of the total contribution from EAFRD must be applied to Axis
2. The maximum contribution from EAFRD toward total expenditure on Axis 2 is 80%
of eligible public expenditure in regions covered by the Convergence Objective, the least
developed Member States and regions, and 55% in other regions. Agri-environment
payments to farmers or other land managers are granted on a voluntary basis, covering
only those commitments that go beyond the relevant mandatory standards and beyond
minimum requirements for fertilizer and plant protection product use. Payments are
granted annually, generally over periods of five to seven years, and covering additional
costs and income foregone. Where necessary, they may also cover transactions costs.
The Rural Development Regulation also states that, where appropriate, the beneficiaries
may be selected on the basis of calls for tender, applying criteria of economic and envi-
ronmental efficiency.
Planned expenditures over the 2007–13 programming period are published by the
European Commission (2010). Total Community support planned for rural develop-
ment across the 27 Member States between 2007–2013 amounted to some €96.3 billion,
of which just under a quarter was allocated to agri-environment measures. The distribu-
tion amongst the major rural development measures is shown in Figure 22.2.
The level of agri-environment expenditure planned in Rural Development
Programmes varies considerably between the Member States. Overall, just over half of
expenditure (52%) on Axis 2 is directed to agri-environment payments, but the propor-
tion ranges between, say, 86% in Belgium and 70% in the United Kingdom, as compared
with 26% in Portugal or 28% in Slovakia. The intensity of expenditure per hectare on
average across the total Utilised Agricultural Area is shown in Figure 22.3. This shows
Austria at one extreme with over €200/ha and Spain and Romania at the other with
about €15/ha.
Purvis et al. (2009) estimate that there are probably in excess of 355 EU-funded
agri-environment schemes, varying widely in terms of structure, scope and focus. The
issues covered fall predominantly across three general headings: natural resources, bio-
diversity and landscape quality. A fuller list of topics is shown in Table 22.1.
More details of the ways in which agri-environment schemes have been implemented
can be illustrated through the experiences in Austria and England.
Austria has for a long while placed considerable emphasis on supporting land man-
agement by its farmers. Darnhofer and Schneeberger (2007) discuss the context and
operation of agri-environment measures in Austria. Farms are generally small, with
an average size of 17ha, and nearly 70% of the total agricultural area is located within
the Less Favoured Area and more than half in mountainous areas. Darnhofer and
590 Ian Hodge
* Individual schemes target more than one issue and so total sums to more than 100%.
Source: Purvis et al. (2009).
Schneeberger (2007, 362) comment that “despite these unfavorable farming condi-
tions, suitable management of Alpine grasslands is imperative; they contribute to the
attractiveness of the mountainous areas and to their recreational value, which are cru-
cial for the tourism industry. Their sensitive ecosystem harbors an endemic flora and
fauna, which contributes to Europe’s natural heritage, and plays an important role in
the prevention of avalanches and landslides. Alpine agriculture is thus a typical example
of ‘multifunctional agriculture,’ as its nonagricultural value in terms of environmental
benefits and maintenance of the rural infrastructure may be higher than its agricultural
production value.” Environmental considerations gained importance for agricultural
policy in the early 1970s and were a central issue in the negotiations for Austria to join
the European Community in the early 1990s.
Since 1995, agri-environmental policy has been implemented through ÖPUL, the
Austrian programme to promote agricultural production methods compatible with the
requirements of the protection of the environment, extensive production and the main-
tenance of the countryside. Participation in ÖPUL is available on a voluntary basis to
all privately owned farms with a minimum size of 2 ha. It includes measures that are
available to all farmers and others that are offered within specific regions. Currently
under the Austrian Rural Development Programme (Netzwerk Land 2011) the scheme
has continued to cover a very high proportion of the total agricultural area, at around
European Agri-Environmental Policy 591
90%, and includes over 70% (118,000) of all farms. The programme includes 29 mea-
sures supporting extensive and environmentally friendly management of the whole
farm, cultivated landscape and nature conservation, and soil, climate and water pro-
tection. Expenditure on ÖPUL represents about 48% of total expenditure on Rural
Development and 28% of total CAP expenditure in Austria. The average payment under
ÖPUL amounts to some €220/ha/annum, of which about 50% of the funds come from
the European Union.
ÖPUL may be expected to have a major impact on the rural environment. 17% of
farmland is organic and 73% of the land is subject to reduction and prohibition of the
use of yield increasing inputs (Puchta 2011). However measurement and evaluation of
policy effects is difficult due to the problems in identifying causality between the spe-
cific policy and the environmental conditions. At the same time, ÖPUL represents an
important source of income for Austrian farmers. Darnhofer and Schneeberger (2007)
emphasize the importance of public support for proposed policies, what they term
“political efficiency”, and comment that this does not generally coincide with economic
efficiency. The political process “was guided by the choice to keep the administration
costs as low as possible, so that more funds would be available for farmers” (p. 373).
consider how they manage the agri-environment on their farms and all of the environ-
mental features on the farms have had to be recorded and must be protected.
Agri-environment schemes have been developed around the world in a variety of forms.
Similar concerns for the quality of the rural environment have been the focus for initia-
tives dating back to the mid 1980s. For instance the Food Security Act of 1985 in the
United States authorized the Conservation Reserve Program, with a goal of retiring
45 million acres of highly erodible land. In Australia, within a very different agricultural
policy context, the Landcare movement dates back to 1986. But a number of aspects of
the approach that has been taken in Europe have been the particular subject of research.
This section focuses on these aspects.
7. Jointness
authors conclude that from amongst the range of mowing regimes studied, the regime
generating the greatest number of butterflies was optimal. In this example, biodiversity
conservation requires the maintenance of a particular agricultural system that retains
meadows that are mowed at particular times. The biodiversity is thus jointly produced
with the agricultural production. The presence of the species is specific to a particular
locality and its value may be dependent on the preferences of a local population. The
success of the species depends on the way in which decisions across different farms and
fields are coordinated. The requirement for particular spatial configurations of agricul-
tural activity is also illustrated by Bamière et al. (2011) who have developed a spatially
explicit mathematical programming model for analysis of options for the conservation
of the Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax). This bird requires the presence of extensive tem-
porary grasslands distributed throughout the landscape. This means that a least cost
option that concentrates grassland on the least profitable farms would be unlikely to
provide sufficiently disaggregated habitat.
Brunstad et al. (2005) model multifunctional agriculture in terms of its provision
of public goods of food security and landscape. While it is recognized that in practice
it is not possible to model all the attributes that enhance the value of the agricultural
landscape, such as openness, variation, biodiversity and type of agricultural technique,
the environmental benefit is assumed to be associated with the area of land under till-
age. They conclude that agricultural production would be sub-optimal in the absence
of policy toward the environment, although they judge that in practice the level of
subsidy offered in Norway exceeds that required to optimize environmental output.
Lankoski and Ollikainen (2003) model local land use with heterogeneous land quali-
ties. They include three agri-environmental externalities: biodiversity, landscape diver-
sity and nutrient run-off. Biodiversity is enhanced through the introduction of buffer
strips around field boundaries, the aesthetic value of landscape is promoted through
a diversity of land uses, and nutrient run-off depends on both fertilizer use and buffer
strips. Thus, environmental benefits are attained through the promotion of a diversity
of cropping and by means of buffer strips that reduce the area of land under production.
Their preferred policy instruments are a fertilizer tax and a buffer strip subsidy, both of
which reduce total agricultural production. The complexity of adjustments required in
promoting environmental quality is recognized by Miettinen and Huhtala (2004) who
model the relationship between cereal production and the numbers of grey partridges.
They show that farmers should increase the area under rye, reduce the use of herbicides
and limit the partridge hunting bag in recognition of the social benefits associated with
partridge conservation, but that this reduces the private returns to farming.
Peerlings and Polman (2004) investigate the joint production of milk, wildlife and
landscape services in Dutch dairy farming using a micro-econometric profit model. The
output of wildlife and landscape services is represented by the revenue received from
government and nature organizations for participation in agri-environment schemes.
They find that wildlife and landscape services compete with milk and other outputs,
i.e. producing more milk makes the production of wildlife and landscape services less
attractive. They also conclude that economies of scope exist on a small proportion of
European Agri-Environmental Policy 595
farms, although in practice farms do not specialize, suggesting that there may be other
factors that are not taken into account in the model. Havlik et al. (2005) consider both
complementarity and competition between agricultural production and environmen-
tal goods. They note that with regard to grassland biodiversity, agricultural produc-
tion and environmental goods can be complementary over a certain range but compete
beyond this range and that this is the case in practice for pasture stocking intensity in
the Pyrenees. They analyze the position in two Environmentally Sensitive Areas, one
where the danger is of over-intensification and another at risk from land abandon-
ment. The provision of environmental goods is modelled by introducing constraints
into a mathematical programming model that represents the requirements of par-
ticular agri-environmental contracts, assuming that keeping to the conditions of the
agri-environmental contracts will generate the specified environmental goods. The
authors conclude that there is little justification for commodity-linked instruments,
noting that both complementary and competing relationships were observed within
even a relatively small region, so that commodity price increases would generate a loss
of biodiversity in some contexts.
There has been some discussion of the interactions amongst public good outputs.
Brunstad et al. (2005) consider both landscape preservation and food security and
Lankoski and Ollikainen (2003) include both biodiversity and landscape. But there
seems to have been little analysis that has modelled the complexities of the interactions
between different environmental outputs, suggesting a need to clarify the circumstances
under which environmental production takes place. More generally with regard to
jointness, it is clear that there are complementarities between the production of agri-
cultural commodities and environmental quality in certain circumstances but competi-
tion in others. It is not a simple relationship. These relationships vary between locations
and agricultural systems and within systems at different levels of production. General
support for the prices of agricultural commodities will be very unlikely to generate
consistent environmental improvements. Rather, agri-environmental policies need
to promote detailed changes in farm practices that are specific to local environmental
objectives and farming practices.
theoretical, often simulating plausible parameter values. Moxey et al. (1999), White
(2002) and Ozanne and White (2007) have analyzed the incentive compatibility of
alternative mechanism designs based on combinations of either input quotas or input
charges and transfer payments. This work has been extended by Ozanne and White
(2007) who demonstrate that the two approaches lead to identical outcomes in terms
of abatement levels, compensation payments, monitoring costs, probabilities of detec-
tion and social welfare. Gren (2004) compares a uniform flat-rate agri-environment
payment to all farmers with a differentiated payment under conditions of private infor-
mation available to farmers’ on their individual costs of providing and managing their
land. This information is not available to the principal. Under the differentiated pay-
ments, payment level depends on the farmer’s cost type. She concludes that the gen-
eral analytical results are indeterminate in that the relative advantages of the two policy
designs depend on second derivatives of environmental land provision cost and benefit
functions. Canton et al. (2009) focus on the impact of spatial targeting and delegation
in mechanism design on overall efficiency. Spatial targeting can improve the informa-
tion available to the principal ex ante and so simplify the trade-off between allocative
efficiency and information rents. Delegation can be seen as a means of improving the
regulator’s information because local institutions may have a better knowledge of a
farmer’s characteristics. Their approach emphasizes the redistributive effects of disag-
gregated information structures with the most efficient farmers being most likely to be
negatively affected. One study that has analyzed a specific agri-environment scheme is
Quillérou and Fraser’s (2010) assessment of Higher Level Stewardship in England. They
find that, at the regional level, the enrolment of more land from lower payment regions
for a given budget constraint has reduced the adverse selection problem through con-
tracting a greater overall area and thus providing higher overall environmental benefit.
Further, the regulator’s allocation appears to reflect differences in environmental ben-
efits thereby also reducing the adverse selection problem.
Moral hazard and compliance monitoring have also been the subject of specific analy-
sis. Ozanne et al. (2001) develop a model that demonstrates that if monitoring costs are
negligible or fixed, or farmers are highly risk averse, the moral hazard problem can be
eliminated. However, if monitoring costs depend on monitoring effort and the degree
of risk aversion is low, only a second best solution can be obtained. Fraser (2004) has
analyzed the use of targeting to reduce moral hazard. Hart and Latacz-Lohmann (2005)
report observations that the predictions of models of moral hazard problems are not
consistent with what limited observations of actual experience are available, where a
combination of low fines, low rates of checking and relatively little cheating seems to be
the norm. This might reflect farmers misjudging their subjective evaluations of small
risks of detection, or else that some farmers are basically honest and simply do not
consider cheating as an option. They adopt the latter as an assumption and develop a
model that allows for a continuum of farmer compliance costs and in which they relax
the assumption that all farmers are profit maximizers. They note that in practice, given
multiple periods, the regulator has an opportunity to learn about the characteristics of
farmers and adjust behavior accordingly. The authors also draw attention to the fact that
European Agri-Environmental Policy 597
in practice farmers are more likely to cheat at the margin rather than to blatantly not
comply at all, i.e. they may not fulfil the conditions of the contract to the letter and the
level of penalty will be graduated in relation to the offence. In these circumstances, even
farmers who cheat marginally may contribute to the fulfilment of the environmental
target. These circumstances make real world compliance monitoring more complex
than recognized in most models and it might also be noted that in practice the costs of
monitoring compliance vary between different contract requirements. For instance, it
is simpler to monitor farmer record keeping than it is to monitor the actual adoption of
land management practices in the field.
One approach toward the problem of asymmetric information lies in the use of auc-
tions or tendering as a mechanism for creating competition amongst farmers and get-
ting them to reveal information about their costs. In principle, auctions can reduce
information rents accruing to farmers and increase the cost-effectiveness of public
goods provision, although strategic bidding behavior and high transactions costs may
reduce efficiency (Latacz-Lohmann and Van der Hamsvoort 1998). Experimental work
suggests that conservation auctions outperform fixed price schemes in a one-shot set-
ting, but that with repetition the auction loses its edge (Latacz-Lohmann and Schilizzi
2007). However, while tendering has been applied in the US and Australia, and despite
the provision for the use of tendering in the European Regulation 1698/2005, there is
little empirical experience in the context of European agri-environment policies.
The theoretical models of mechanism design almost invariably assume that farmers will
enter agri-environment schemes where the financial payment exceeds the opportunity
cost. However, in practice adoption depends on a much wider variety of factors and these
have been the focus of a large number of empirical studies (e.g.Wilson 1997; Wynn et al.
2001; Wilson and Hart 2001; Vanslembrouck et al. 2002; Dupraz et al. 2003; Wossink
and van Wenum 2003; Defrancesco et al. 2008; Hynes and Garvey 2009). Analysis tends
to be based on data collected in surveys of farmers enrolling into a particular scheme,
sometimes including nonparticipants, and the analyses test relationships with a wide
variety of potential influences, often in categories such as those adopted by Wynn et al.
(2001): physical farm factors, farmer characteristics, business factors and situational
factors. From amongst these, such factors as farm size, farmer age, information avail-
able, the ease with which the requirements of the scheme can be accommodated into the
farming system, farmers’ attitudes and experience with agri-environment schemes are
commonly included. Some studies have focussed on particular aspects of the decision to
enrol. Falconer (2000) has concentrated on the transactions costs facing farmers in join-
ing an agri-environment scheme, while Polman and Slangen (2008) included variables
representing trust in government and institutional design. Frondel et al. (2012) look at
the provision of information, pointing out that while not having an unambiguous effect
598 Ian Hodge
10. Transactions Costs
benefits. Falconer and Whitby (1999) suggest that transaction costs could be reduced
by extending the contract period, by unifying schemes, and by investigating alternative
contract mechanisms such as auctions.
McCann et al. (2005) have identified a number of categories for the transactions costs
of environmental policies: research and information, policy enactment, policy design
and implementation, support and administration, contracting, compliance monitor-
ing/detection, and prosecution/enforcement. The relatively high transactions costs in
agri-environment schemes reflect asset specificity, such as the variation in the potential
value of outputs between sites, dependence on specific inputs or the influence of the
quality of the labor input from particular farmers; the relative infrequency of transac-
tions and farmers’ lack of familiarity with them; and the uncertainty in terms of what
a farmer might be contracted to do and what the outcomes of those actions might be
(Coggan et al. 2010). A general thrust in transaction cost economics is that the purpose
of institutions is to minimize transactions costs (Williamson 1996). However, in design-
ing agri-environment schemes it is clear that alternative contractual arrangements, and
hence different levels of transactions costs, have important implications for the value
of the public goods that are generated. What is important is not the absolute level of
transaction costs, but rather the return that they bring in terms of enhanced value of
environmental outputs.
The essence of transactions costs lies in the acquisition of information. In a market
transaction, each party will assess the value of the transaction to them and negotiate a
contract accordingly. In this context, there is effectively no “exchange” and government
is acting on behalf of a wide range of potential beneficiaries who could benefit from
changes in land management. Thus government needs information on the costs and the
potential outcomes of the possible changes in management and the values attached to
those outcomes by the general public. Information is required in order to be able to pre-
dict what value can be expected to be generated from any potential environmental con-
tract, taking account of the particular nature of the land being managed, its spatial and
management context, the relationships between management actions and environmen-
tal outcomes, and the spatial and temporal context within which those outcomes will
arise. There is thus a significant information requirement for policy design and imple-
mentation, and there will still remain a high degree of uncertainty. A similar argument
applies to the completeness of contracts. More complete contracts may provide more
specific direction to land managers in particular circumstances, reducing uncertainty
and increasing the expected value of the environmental outcome. However, the devel-
opment and implementation of such contracts will, again, increase transactions costs.
There is thus a trade-off between the transactions costs of gaining better informa-
tion and the capacity to design, implement and monitor higher value environmental
contracts. In principle, the optimal level of transactions costs will be where the marginal
cost of obtaining better information is equal to the marginal value of the environmental
improvement attained, with respect to each of the categories of transaction cost noted
above. In practice, measurement of both costs and benefits is challenging, but it is an
important issue on which there has been rather little empirical research. There appears
600 Ian Hodge
to have been no analysis that has attempted to identify the optimal level of transactions
costs in agri-environment schemes.
private and public goods. It takes environmental policy into a new era, beyond the regu-
lation of environmental costs to the delivery of environmental benefits. It can be seen
as the forerunner of the increasingly pervasive discussion of policies for the provision
of payments for ecosystems services. Agri-environment policy has seen considerable
development since its introduction some 25 years ago. The initial concentration on
restraining pressures for agricultural intensification has moved on toward more general
policies that aim to promote environmental enhancement. At the same time, follow-
ing decoupling of the CAP in 2005, more effort will be required from agri-environment
policy to hold land in production where the greater environmental threat is from land
abandonment (Renwick et al. 2013). The longer term position will become clearer
once the nature of the CAP to be implemented beyond 2013 is determined (European
Commission 2011).
At the same time, there are likely to be increased pressures in the future on the
management of rural land to mitigate and adapt to climate change and to do more to
promote resource conservation. It seems reasonable to expect that the world will see
generally higher and more variable commodity prices and that at the same time there
will be increased pressures to reduce the levels of public expenditure. These circum-
stances set a number of challenges for the further development of agri-environment
policy in that they extend the range of outcomes that will be sought, increase the
opportunity costs of implementing policy and reduce the public resources available to
support it. These conditions may become more apparent as the wider pressures and
constraints bind more tightly. Indeed, it might be questioned whether the use of public
funds at this scale to deliver rural public goods is to be a permanent feature of European
rural policy.
There is then a clear logic for seeking both to increase the efficiency of
agri-environment schemes while at the same time looking for alternative means by
which the required environmental standards might be delivered. The issue of efficiency
relates both to precision, in terms of the standard conditions for optimality (Vatn
2002), as well as to the optimal level of transactions costs. The evidence indicates that
agri-environment schemes can have beneficial environmental impacts, but that they
do not always do so. It is clearly important to do more to unravel which approaches
are or are not successful, from both environmental and socioeconomic perspectives.
Herzog (2005) discusses agri-environment schemes as landscape experiments, sug-
gesting the potential for research based on more formal experimental designs to test
the effects of alternative mechanisms. Whittingham (2011) argues for adaptive man-
agement, an iterative approach to decision-making that learns from the evidence that
is accumulated over time. This might suggests more local approaches to governance
through socioecological adaptive co-management (Hodge 2007). There is potential for
institutional analysis of alternative arrangements whereby local communities may be
able to deliver such management. Research has indicated potential ways in which effi-
ciency might be increased, including clarifying objectives and focussing on what soci-
ety judges to be the highest priorities, targeting schemes more directly, both in terms
of specific public goods and in terms of specific locations and co-ordination across
space, and introducing more competition in the allocation of contracts. Economic
604 Ian Hodge
theory points to potential advantages from basing payments on results rather than on
the costs of making standard changes to farming systems that are expected to gener-
ate the desired outcomes (Schwarz et al. 2008; Matzdorf and Lorenz 2010). This raises
questions as to the identification appropriate indicators (Hasund 2013) and the treat-
ment of risk. Burton and Schwarz (2013) argue that the novel risks associated with
payments for the provision of environmental goods might promote cultural/social
capital amongst farmers who develop new approaches and share knowledge about the
ecological production function. There is potential to model many of these issues as
a method of evaluating different policy approaches. In the pursuit of more effective
policies, it will be important to do more work on the scale at which agri-environment
contracts should be implemented, such as looking at the potential for closer coopera-
tion both amongst farmers and between different interest groups, especially at a local
scale (Franks 2010), and on the interactions and trade-offs among different ecosys-
tems services. Emery and Franks (2012) and Franks and Emery (2013) have examined
farmers’ willingness in principle to collaborate in agri-environment schemes and the
actual experience to date with the opportunities that are available in existing schemes.
The origins of agri-environmental policy have colored the way in which the policy
has been developed. It has generally been viewed as an offshoot of agricultural policy,
beginning with the farmer, rather than as a separate rural environmental policy, start-
ing from the objective of achieving environmental change. Whether or not it is viewed
suspiciously as a policy to disguise agricultural subsidies (Anderson 2000), support for
farm businesses remains at least as an implicit objective. More analysis is required on
the incidence and distribution of the costs of implementing agri-environment manage-
ment at the farm level. Jointness is used as a rationale for the policy in general rather
than being considered simply as an argument in favor of a particular approach to imple-
mentation in certain circumstances. An ecosystems services perspective might chal-
lenge some of the assumptions that have generally been accepted in designing policy
approaches. This raises more general questions as to the sort of agricultural systems that
can be most effective in delivering alternative combinations of ecosystem services and
commodity outputs.
There are some limits that are fundamental to the use of environmental contracts in
agri-environment schemes in their present form (Hodge 2001). These include: the prob-
lems in defining and measuring the outputs that are demanded, the near impossibility of
defining farm practices that are best suited to the delivery of environmental benefits in
individual farm circumstances, the subsequent problem of writing these as conditions
into enforceable contracts, the inevitability of some degree of asymmetric information,
and the problem that any fixed term contract will come to an end, with uncertainty as
to how land management will change in the subsequent period (Whitby 2000). There is
then an uncertainty as to the “ownership” of the environmental enhancements that have
been achieved through the expenditure of public funds. Environmental contracts com-
moditize the provision of environmental services and hence may crowd out (Frey 1997)
a culture of stewardship (Colman 1994) that might anyway have delivered at least some
of the environmental benefits at zero public cost. This might make the introduction of
European Agri-Environmental Policy 605
agri-environmental payments effectively irreversible. These are questions for social and
institutional analysis. Environmental contracts promote a culture of service delivery
rather than entrepreneurship. Agri-environmental policy needs to be considered along-
side other policy approaches of regulation, conservation covenants, land ownership and
nonprofit and community organizations (Hodge 2001). These other approaches have
their own strengths and weaknesses, but a comprehensive agri-environmental policy
will draw from a wider range of policy mechanisms and resources than has been the case
to date. These are areas for further work.
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European Agri-Environmental Policy 611
A Comparison of US and EU Experiences
Agriculture is more than just the production and sale of commodities; it also pro-
duces many intended and unintended positive and negative byproducts. Negative
byproducts, or disamenities, include nutrient and pesticide runoff, soil erosion, air pol-
lution, and the loss of biodiversity (ERS 2006). The positive byproducts, or amenities,
provided by agriculture can be relatively tangible goods such as open space and scenic
vistas, whereas others, such as the spiritual or symbolic value of preserving our farming
heritage, are more abstract and nonpecuniary (Cooper et al. 2005). Many environmen-
tal amenities or disamenities of agricultural production affect society as a whole and
have a social benefit or cost much greater than the private benefit or cost affecting those
involved in agriculture. In such cases, there is an economic rationale for society to sub-
sidize the environmental amenity (or tax an environmental disamenity) to produce the
desired level of environmental protection.
The United States and the European Union have a long history of agri-environmental
programs. In the 1980s, agri-environmental programs began to play a larger role in fed-
eral farm policies, in part due to greater concern about environmental damage from agri-
cultural production. Agri-environmental programs are likely to play a vital role in future
EU and US farm policy debates. In this chapter, we outline and compare EU and US
agri-environmental programs. We then overview what is known about the environmental
and land use impacts of these programs. We follow with a discussion of and EU data sources
that are key to the analysis of agri-environmental programs and their land use impacts.
Agri-Environmental Policies 613
Both the United States and the European Union rely primarily on a mixture of three
types of programs to address agri-environmental issues: voluntary incentive-based
programs, regulatory programs, and cross-compliance programs. 1 Other policy instru-
ments in use include in-kind technical assistance and facilitative measures such as
organic certification and labeling standards.
Agri-environmental incentives are payments to the farmer to adopt environmen-
tally sound practices or to retire environmentally sensitive land from production.
The advantage of incentives is that they lower resistance from farmers to adopting
the desired practices or retiring land. Incentive payments can also facilitate target-
ing of conservation program effort to farms where relatively large benefits—relative
to costs—can be achieved. The disadvantage of incentives is the cost to taxpayers.
Incentives can also have the effect of expanding production, so that even if the disame-
nities produced by each farm (or on each field) decrease, more farms (or fields) may
now produce disamenities.2
Regulatory requirements, or standards, represent an involuntary (or mandatory)
approach to improving agri-environmental performance. Unlike policy choices in
which farmer participation is uncertain, regulations simply require that all farmers par-
ticipate. This feature can be particularly important if the consequences of not changing
practices are drastic or irreversible. The ban on the production and application of the
chemical DDT is one such example. However, regulatory requirements are a blunt tool
and can be the least flexible of all policy instruments, requiring that producers reach
a specific environmental goal or adopt specific practices without regard for cost or
environmental effectiveness, which may vary significantly across farms but are seldom
known by regulators. Consequently, regulation can be less flexible and less efficient than
economic incentives. Regulatory requirements are used sparingly in both the European
Union and the United States.
Cross-compliance requires that farmers use practices that meet a basic environmen-
tal standard as a condition of eligibility for other government programs that farmers
may find economically desirable, such as those that provide income support payments.
Technically, cross-compliance is a voluntary, indirect, incentive-based instrument, but
because it represents a standard for receiving a subsidy, in practice, it may not strictly be
Only a brief overview is provided here; for a more detailed overview of the economic instruments
pertaining to US agri-environmental policy, see Claassen et al. (2001) and other papers at
2 A firm that would be unprofitable under a tax may be made profitable by an incentive or subsidy
(Baumol and Oates, 1988). Although a tax may drive a firm out of a competitive industry, an incentive
may increase entry and induce expansion in competitive outputs.
614 Roger Claassen et al.
2. US Agri-Environmental Policy
3 Government payments can account for a large share of net farm income but vary widely across
regions; for example, in 2010, in the United States, they account for less than 20% of net farm income
in the Pacific region and 40% or more in the Southern Plains (Figure 1.11, ERS 2011). Farm payments
have been in place long enough in both the European Union and the United States that they are largely
capitalized into the value of land (Duffy et al. 1994; Barnard et al. 1997; Roberts 2004; Kirwan 2009). In
the United States, crop insurance premium subsidies are probably also capitalized into land values to
some extent. For many producers, the ability to purchase land, pay cash rent, or receive favorable interest
rates on loans can depend significantly on receiving farm commodity program payments and purchasing
(subsidized) crop insurance.
Agri-Environmental Policies 615
replaces the Conservation Security Program (authorized in the 2002 Farm Act), which
will end when existing contracts have expired.
The conservation measures required under this program come closest in the United States
to representing a basic level of “good farming practice” or environmental compliance such
as exists in the European Union.
Since producers must pay the costs of compliance, it is difficult to quantify expenditures
in comparison with direct incentive programs such as EQIP. Costs include applying an
approved conservation system or the opportunity cost of not using HEL or wetlands for
crop production. Some practices, such as conservation tillage, have probably lowered pro-
duction costs for some (but not all) producers who have adopted them as part of a conser-
vation system. The ERS (2006, Section 5.3) presents more detail about the benefits and costs
of conservation compliance.
3. EU Agri-Environmental Policy
health, and animal welfare, as well as with the requirement of maintaining land in good
agricultural and environmental condition. Cross-compliance includes:
As a matter of fact, many GAECs are already contemplated in the directives mentioned. Directives
lay down certain end results, but Member States are free to decide how to meet these goals. The inclusion
of GAEC in a regulation, that is, in a binding legislative act that must be applied in its entirety across the
EU, requires all farmers to meet the same obligations.
8 Legal basis: Council Regulation 73/2009 and Commission Regulation 1122/2009.
9 Council Regulation (EC) No. 1698/2005 of September 20, 2005, on support for rural development
by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) lays down the general rules
620 Roger Claassen et al.
agricultural and forestry sector; Axis 2, the environment and the countryside; and Axis
3, the quality of life in rural areas and diversification of the rural economy. Given the
topic of this chapter, we focus our discussion on Axis 2. The three priority areas of inter-
vention in Axis 2 of the RDP are “biodiversity and the preservation and development of
high nature value farming and forestry systems and traditional agricultural landscapes;
water; and climate change” (European Commission 2006).
Axis 2 includes measures aimed at contributing to the implementation of Natura
2000’s “Network10” of protected areas (definitions of EU-specific terms such as
“Natura 2000” follow); the commitment made during a European Council meeting
in Gothenburg in June 2001 to reverse the decline of the EU’s biodiversity by the year
2010; the objectives laid down in the Water Framework Directive; the Kyoto Protocol
targets for climate change mitigation; and measures targeting the sustainable use of
forestry land.
In contrast to the United States, where agri-environmental policy mainly targets
the reduction of negative externalities produced by agriculture, from its origins, EU
agri-environmental policy has rewarded farmers both for reducing negative external-
ities and for using farming practices that can help provide public goods (Baylis et al.
2008). The rationale for supporting land management practices that provide public
goods is that intensification and concentration of land used in the most competitive
areas and the marginalization or abandonment of land use in less competitive areas
result in continued declines in many species and habitats, increased water scarcity, and
significant problems with soil erosion and loss of soil organic matter. The RDP also sup-
ports social public goods, such as food security, farm animal welfare and health, and,
especially, rural vitality (Cooper et al. 2009).
Central to this discussion of EU rural development is the assumption that eco-
nomically and socially vibrant rural areas can help to promote the continuation of
agriculture and forestry which, in turn, are important in providing the environmen-
tal public goods on which many sectors—such as rural tourism and recreation—
depend (Cooper et al. 2009; ENRD 2010; Hart et al. 2011). The concept of “high
nature value farming” has recently come to play a central role in the discourse of
researchers and policy makers regarding EU rural development. This concept was
introduced in the early 1990s and stems from a growing recognition that the con-
servation of biodiversity and of heritage landscapes in the EU depends on the con-
tinuation of low-intensity farming systems (Baldock et al. 1993). However, these
governing RDP for the period 2007–2013, as well as the policy measures available to Member States and
regions. The RDPs that the Member States and regions prepared for the period 2007–2013 are currently
under implementation.
The Natura 2000’s EU-wide network of nature protection areas was established under the 1992
Habitats Directive. The aim of the network is to assure the long-term survival of Europe’s most valuable
and threatened species and habitats. It is comprised of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) designated
by Member States under the Habitats Directive and also incorporates Special Protection Areas (SPAs),
which they designated under the 1979 Birds Directive.
Agri-Environmental Policies 621
of existing sustainable and extensive systems; (9) farmed landscape; and (10) water use
reduction. The group of measures related to nonproductive land management includes
land set-aside managed for environmental purposes, upkeep of abandoned farmland
and woodland, maintenance of countryside and landscape features, and public access.
• protect the environment, improve the quality and marketing of products, or for
animal welfare support;
• help farmers producing milk, beef, sheep, goats, and rice in economically vul-
nerable or environmentally sensitive areas, as well as for economically vulnerable
types of farming;
• top-up existing entitlements in areas where land abandonment is a threat;
• support risk assurance in the form of contributions to crop insurance premiums; and
• contribute to mutual funds to combat animal and plant diseases.
624 Roger Claassen et al.
The CAP is due to be reformed by 2013. After a public debate on October 12, 2011, the
Commission presented a set of legal proposals in the CAP Towards 2020. Following a
debate in the European Parliament and the Council, approval of the different regula-
tions and implementing acts is expected by the end of 2013, with the goal of having the
CAP reform in place by January 2014.
One of the objectives of the new CAP is to improve efficiencies of support granted to
farmers for practices aimed at environmental and climate change considerations. As for
Pillar I, 30% of direct support is proposed to be made conditional on “greening” (i.e., envi-
ronmentally supportive practices). According to the proposal, 30% of the total amount of
resources devoted to direct payments in each Member State is constrained by the fulfilment
of three mandatory measures: to maintain on-farm permanent grassland, to diversify crops
in order to improve biodiversity, and to devote 7% of the Utilized Agricultural Area (UAA)
to “Ecological Focus Areas” (EFA) (including terraces, buffer strips, hedges, and set-aside
areas). The only actors who would not be submitted to these constraints are organic pro-
ducers and farmers who accept the simplified scheme (“small farmers” scheme).11
The impact of greening measures on the income of European farms is estimated to
be, on average, a €43 increase per hectare of potentially eligible area, although it may
vary widely according to region and farming systems (European Commission 2011).
Concerns about the negative impacts of greening on the competitiveness of the EU agri-
cultural sector have been expressed by the major farmer associations (Copa-Cogeca
2012), as well as by the majority of the national ministries of agriculture of the Member
States. In contrast, environmental NGOs such as BirdLife and the World Wildlife
Fund (WWF) believe that the greening measures do not go far enough, and they pro-
pose replacing the crop diversification measure with a real crop rotation requirement,
increasing the EFA to 10% of the agricultural area at farm level, and including a more
stringent definition of permanent grassland (BirdLife International 2012). Academics
and researchers have also contributed to this debate, and there is wide agreement
that the strategy of green payments proposed by the European Commission could be
improved (Groupe de Bruges 2012; Mahé 2012; Westhoek et al. 2012).
RDPs remain the key element of the new CAP for delivering public goods. In line
with Europe 2020 and the overall CAP objectives, the sustainable management of natu-
ral resources and climate action have been restated as one of the three long-term strate-
gic objectives of RDP, along with improved competitiveness of agriculture and balanced
territorial development (Loriz-Hoffmann 2012) of rural areas.
Instead of three axes linked to economic, environmental, and social issues with mini-
mum spending requirements for each axis, the new programming period will have six
priorities: fostering knowledge transfer and innovation; enhancing competitiveness;
promoting food chain organization and risk management; restoring, preserving, and
enhancing ecosystems; promoting resource efficiency and a transition to a low-carbon
Agri-Environmental Policies 625
economy; and promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction, and economic develop-
ment in rural areas.
Under the proposals, Member States are still required to devote at least 25% of
their rural development budget to land management and climate change mitigation.12
However, the proposed rural development budget will suffer a decline in real terms for
the period 2014–2020. This could be countered in those countries that take advantage
of the option to move 10% of Pillar I funds to Pillar II. Conversely, some Member States
will be allowed to transfer funding from Pillar II to Pillar I. Agri-environmental and cli-
mate payment schemes will have greater flexibility in contract design and will be linked
to adequate training/information. In addition, new measures have been proposed to
promote organic farming.
626 Roger Claassen et al.
an expansion in irrigated acreage. Khanna, Isik, and Zilberman (2002) and Lichtenberg
(2004) also found that conservation subsidies can, in some instances, worsen environ-
mental quality by giving farmers an incentive to expand production onto more erodible
or otherwise environmentally fragile or more highly polluting land.
A political economy concern with LR is that it could have a negative impact on rural
economies due to lowering local expenditures on farming-related businesses. Sullivan
et al. (2004) estimated the impact that high levels of enrollment in the CRP have had on
economic trends in rural counties since the program’s inception in 1985 and through
2004. The results of the report’s growth model and quasi-experimental control group
analysis indicated no discernible impact by the CRP on aggregate county population
trends. The report found that aggregate employment growth may have slowed in some
high-CRP counties, but only temporarily. High levels of CRP enrollment appear to have
affected farm-related businesses over the long run, but growth in the number of other
nonfarm businesses moderated CRP’s impact on total employment. If CRP contracts had
ended in 2001, their simulation models suggest that roughly 51% of CRP land would have
returned to crop production and that spending on outdoor recreation would decrease
by as much as $300 million per year in rural areas. However, the resulting impacts on
employment and income varied widely among regions having similar CRP enrollments,
depending on local economic conditions. Bangsund et al. (2004) found that for CRP land
in North Dakota, increased hunting revenues partially offset agricultural revenue, but the
study did not estimate the regional economic impacts of either.
Some analysis has addressed the relationship between WL and LR programs. LR and
WL programs can potentially compete with each other, given that they are mutually
exclusive in the use of land, thus suggesting that these programs should be operated in a
coordinated fashion. Feng et al. (2005) find that interactions between CRP and WL pro-
grams may be significant. For instance, based on results of an econometric analysis of
1997 NRI data, their simulation analysis finds that acres enrolled in CRP at a given rental
rate would be about half in the presence of subsidies for conservation tillage. Using the
Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) simulation model in conjunction with
their econometric model, they find that the presence of both large WL and LR programs
can result in more environmental benefits (and income transfers) than an LR-only pro-
gram can achieve.
Furthermore, WL and LR programs can target the same environmental benefits—
a concept known as “stacking.”13 An interesting question, albeit hard to analyze, is to
determine the cost differences of each—using either one exclusively or in combina-
tion—in achieving a given target. Feng et al. (2006) develop a formal theoretical frame-
work combining an economic model and the EPIC model to simulate the marginal costs
See Gillenwater (2012) and Cooley and Olander (2012) for a detailed discussion of “stacking” in
the context of ecosystem services. Stacking occurs when multiple programs provide payments for the
same ecosystem. Stacking can provide multiple revenue streams for landowners and encourage them
to manage their lands for multiple ecosystem services (Cooley and Olander 2012). However, if the
programs are not well coordinated, it may also lead to a net loss of services (ibid.) or cost inefficiencies.
628 Roger Claassen et al.
the existence of CRP. However, they also document the opposing influences of federal
agricultural commodity payments (see, e.g., Cooper 2010 and ERS 2009b for a discus-
sion of commodity payments). In particular, by raising farm income and/or lowering
revenue risk through commodity support payments, the government increased acre-
age in crops and directly competed with itself in providing incentives for landowners to
retire environmentally sensitive cropland under the CRP.
Not only may federal commodity support and CRP compete for land, CRP may com-
pete with—or “crowd-out”—nonfederal conservation programs for crop land, such as
land trusts. For example, Parker and Thurman (2011) examine the effects of US fed-
eral land programs (CRP and WRP) on private conservation using county-level panel
regressions between 1990 and 2000. They use econometric analysis based on a Bayesian
approach modeling private conservation acres held from several conservation NGOs as
a function of CRP and WRP enrollment, acres in federal lands, demographic data, and
other variables. They find some evidence of a small but measurable crowding-out effect
from CRP land holding on the land trusts examined.
Of course, no discussion of agriculture is complete without a mention of biofuels. In
particular, growing demand for biofuels production—mostly ethanol from corn in the
United States—raises crop prices by increasing the demand for corn. Given the highly
inelastic supply of land for crops, increasing corn acreage will increase the prices of
other crops that are displaced by the increase in corn acreage. Increasing crop prices due
to biofuels demand likely increases the total amount of land in crop production, poten-
tially increasing negative environmental impacts as land is taken out of pasture and
range and put into crops (e.g., Searchinger et al. 2008)—a change that has implications
for WL conservation programs. The increasing crop prices have the potential for lower-
ing re-enrollment rates in the CRP as farmers seek to expand planted acres, with conse-
quent negative environmental impacts. For example, for central US grassland enrolled
in the CRP for 15 years, Fargione et al. (2008) found that converting it to corn ethanol
production creates a biofuels carbon debt that would take approximately 50 years to
repay if subsequently replanted to perennial systems. Secchi et al. (2009) construct CRP
land supply curves for various corn prices and then, using the EPIC model, estimate the
environmental impacts of cropping land exiting CRP land. EPIC provides edge-of-field
estimates of soil erosion, nutrient loss, and carbon sequestration. They find that incre-
mental environmental impacts increase dramatically as higher corn prices bring into
production more and more environmentally fragile land. Hence, maintaining current
levels of environmental quality (as defined by EPIC) will require substantially higher
spending levels on LR and WL programs.
Conversely, CRP land could, in principle, be a supplier of feedstocks for
cellulosic-based production of biofuels, at least providing that harvesting of these feed-
stocks is consistent with conservation efforts. The renewable fuels standard (RFS) in
the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 mandates an increasing amount of
cellulosic biofuels production yearly through 2022, even though, to date, the EPA has
granted waivers to this mandate. Additionally, cellulosic biofuels can be used to sub-
stitute for corn-based ethanol under the RFS, although it is not currently economically
630 Roger Claassen et al.
14 Although, in general, survey questions eliciting WTA may not be as incentive compatible as
willingness to pay (WTP) questions, the latter are generally not an appropriate format for eliciting
enrollment behavior from farmers because the expectation is that agri-environmental programs
will pay them for conservation activities and that farmer will not have to pays fines for not adopting
conservation practices. However, in the stated preference work cited here, the survey instruments made
clear that the analysis was being conducted on behalf of the government. Strategic response bias in the
upward direction—i.e., saying “no” to enrollment rates that exceed true minimum WTA—could be
a welfare-lowering strategy because biasing WTA estimates in the upward direction could lower the
government’s interest in providing the program.
Agri-Environmental Policies 631
Preserve and restore Natura 2000 Statutory Clean Water Act Swampbuster Conservation Reserve
natural areas Management (Wetland drainage) Program
including wildlife Requirements; Payments linked to Conservation Reserve
habitat Good Agricultural Directive 2000/60/EC Enhancement Program
and Environmental (CREP)
Conditions; Natura 2000 Wetland Reserve
Members set precise Payments Program
requirements which Support for Wildlife Habitat
serve as a "reference" Nonproductive Incentives Program
level or minimum Investments;
standard for receipt AEP supporting
of direct payments biodiversity/nature
under Pillar I of the
AEP supporting Grassland Reserve
biodiversity/nature Program
and the conversion
of arable land to
Reduce environmental EU Nitrate Directive AEP linked to Federal Inceticide, Sodbuster Conservation Reserve
risk/damage Directive 2000/60/EC Fungicide, and Program
from agricultural Framework Support for Rodenticide Act Environmental Quality
production Directive on the Nonproductive (pesticide regulation) Incentives Program
Sustainable Use of Investments
Water Framework Natura 2000 Confined Animal Conservation
Directive Payments; AEP Feeding Operations Stewardship Program
supporting (CAFOs) regulations
extensification of
Promote animal Animal Welfare Animal Welfare **b ** **
welfare Basic Legal Payments
Preserve agricultural ** Natural Handicap ** ** Farm and Ranchland
landscape and Payments; AEP Protection Program
prevent land supporting farmed
abandonment landscapes and the
maintenance of the
countryside and
landscape features
Food traceability General Food Law ** ** ** **
Slaughter), but there have few explicit links land use and agri-environmental issues.
636 Roger Claassen et al.
shows that the European Union and the United States both have policies in each of the
three policy categories to achieve the same general objective. The two policy objec-
tives for which the United States potentially does not have land use polices at the fed-
eral level are related to animal welfare and protection of farming in mountainous areas.
Although there is US federal law protecting animal welfare (e.g., Animal Welfare Act,
Horse Protection Act, Twenty-Eight Hour Law, and Humane Methods of Slaughter),
these have few explicit links to land use and agri-environmental issues. In another dif-
ference, the US FRPP funds the purchase of development rights on agricultural land in
urban fringe areas, thus preserving it for agricultural production, whereas the European
Union does not have EU-level mechanisms for explicitly protecting agricultural land in
urban fringe areas. However, this difference may be semantic and depends on the defini-
tion of “urban fringe”; certainly, the EU’s NHPs have addressed agricultural landscape
preservation on lands relatively close to urban areas. In addition, land use regulations
operating outside the rubric of US federal level and EU-level agricultural policy can pre-
serve agricultural landscapes. With regards to specific policy tools, the European Union
does not appear to make use of easements as a mechanism, unlike in the United States
(e.g., via the WRP).
Major USDA datasets that are often used to assess land use and other implications of
federal agri-environmental programs include the NASS Agricultural Census and a vari-
ety of NASS surveys (e.g., agricultural chemical use, agricultural prices, crop yield, crop
acreage) whose data are disseminated through the Quick Stats data tool, the Agricultural
Resource Management Survey (ARMS), and the Conservation Effects Assessment
Project (NRI-CEAP) Cropland Survey. Agricultural Census and Quick Stats provide
aggregate data (county and above) on farm activities such as acreage and production,
with the former being more detailed but updated at longer intervals than the latter.
ARMS is the USDA’s primary source of information on the financial condition, pro-
duction practices, and resource use of America’s farm businesses and the economic
well-being of America’s farm households. CEAP is a multiagency effort to quantify the
environmental effects of conservation practices and programs and develop the science
base for managing the agricultural landscape for environmental quality.
Increasingly, administrative and geospatial data also play a role in assessing the land
use impacts of policy changes. Contract data for individual programs (e.g., CRP) may
offer information on variations in the opportunity cost of practice adoption or insight
on bidding behavior (Kirwan, Lubowski, and Roberts, 2005). Geospatial data on land
use and soil properties have been critical in studies of land use change and the effect of
LR programs (Lubowski, Plantinga, and Stavins 2008). The NRI includes information
Agri-Environmental Policies 637
on land use and land quality for more than 800,000 points of nonfederal, rural land in
the contiguous US. The USDA Cropland Data Layer provides land use interpretation of
satellite imagery at 30-meter resolution.
One emerging issue is data integration—the process of combining data from differ-
ent sources to increase opportunities for policy research. Combining farm survey and
conservation program contact data, for example, could provide insight into the role of
agri-environmental program incentives in land use and conservation practice adop-
tion decisions. Although the promise of data integration is substantial, there are a num-
ber of barriers to its realization. Bohman and Claassen (2011) identify four potential
barriers: (1) a lack of identifiers suitable for linking, particularly the lack of accurate
geo-referencing on field-level data; (2) concerns about increasing the risk of disclosure
for confidential survey data; (3) “informed consent” requirements that could mean
agencies would need to revise notices about uses of collected data so program applicants
and survey respondents are informed about possible plans to link administrative and
survey data; and (4) the fact that survey and administrative data are often collected at
different spatial scales.
Major EU datasets often used to assess land use and other implications of their
agri-environmental programs include the European Network for Rural Development
(ENRD), the Coordination of Information on the Environment (CORINE), the Farm
Structure Survey (FSS), the Survey on Agricultural Production Methods (SAPM), and
the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN).
The ENRD, set up by the European Commission in 2008 to help Member States
implement their RDPs in an efficient manner, produces annual information on the
RDPs’ progress at the EU scale based on RDP monitoring data made available by the
Commission. The snapshots show the current state of play of the EU rural development
policies, highlight connections between resources and outcomes, and provide users
with informed insights. Information is provided for all EU-27 Member States, covering
88 national and regional programs.
The CORINE is a European program initiated in 1985 by the European Commission.
It is aimed at gathering information relating to the environment on certain priority top-
ics—air, water, soil, land cover, coastal erosion, biotopes, and more—for the European
Union. The Corine Land Cover (CLC) is a map of the European environmental land-
scape based on interpretation of satellite images. It provides comparable digital maps of
land cover for each country for much of Europe. The CLC is useful for environmental
analysis and for policy makers.
The FSS helps assess the agricultural situation across the EU by monitoring trends
and transitions in the structure of agricultural holdings, while also modeling the
impact of external developments or policy proposals. Two kinds of FSS are carried out
by Member States: a basic survey (full-scope Agricultural Census) every 10 years and
several sample-based intermediate surveys carried out every 2 or 3 years between the
censuses to provide harmonized information about land use on all holdings of 1 ha or
more. Topics covered include area farmed, area under various types of crops, numbers
638 Roger Claassen et al.
of livestock, the farm workforce, rural development, and the extent of involvement in
nonagricultural activities (such as tourism, forestry, etc.).
EC Regulation No. 1166/2008 also outlined a one-off satellite Survey on Agricultural
Production Methods (SAPM). The SAPM complements the FSS and collects infor-
mation on soil tillage methods, landscape features, animal grazing, animal hous-
ing, manure application, manure storage and treatment, and irrigation. Both FSS and
SAPM are statistically representative at the level of NUTS 2 (“Nomenclature for Units of
Territorial Statistics”).
The FADN is the primary source of economic data at the farm level in the EU. It is a
European system of sample surveys that takes place each year and collects structural
and accountancy data relating to farms. FADN includes only commercial farms, that is,
farms which are large enough to provide the major income-generating activity for the
farmer and a level of income sufficient to support his or her family. In practical terms, to
be classified as commercial, a farm must exceed a minimum economic size, the thresh-
old depending on the country and the year. Commercial farms cover the most relevant
part of agricultural activity in each EU Member State, accounting for approximately
40–50% of FSS farms. FADN is the only source of microeconomic data that is harmo-
nized, meaning that accounting principles are the same in all EU Member States; thus,
FADN can be used to make comparison between Member States. It also provides infor-
mation about payments received by the farmers participating in agri-environmental
schemes (LFA and AEMs) (EC 2009). However, the FADN does not provide data on
quantities of inputs used. Instead, only expenditures on nutrients and other chemicals
are collected.
The data collected by FSS, SAPM, and FADN provide much useful information for
the evaluation of agri-environmental schemes. Together, FSS and SAPM cover a large
fraction of the data required for the AEIs and is fully representative of the farming com-
munity. However, they do not cover information on nutrients and other external farm
inputs (apart from irrigation water) flows. The FADN gathers information about nutri-
ents and other chemicals use, but only in monetary terms and for commercial farms.
Linking satellite, survey, and administrative data at the individual level is receiving
increasing attention (Selenius et al. 2011). Although the promise of data integration
is substantial, the four potential barriers to this integration identified by Bohman and
Claassen (2011) apply.
7. Conclusion
The United States and the European Union have many similar types of
agri-environmental programs and goals, especially when it comes to preventing nega-
tive environmental byproducts such as soil erosion, overuse of chemical pesticides and
fertilizers, and abuse of environmentally sensitive areas such as wetlands and wildlife
habitats. Moreover, both the European Union and the United States offer flexibility in
Agri-Environmental Policies 639
are no studies of producer transaction costs for the United States, although existing
work does show that agency transaction costs are large. Given that program applica-
tion can be a lengthy process, producer transaction costs may also be large and could
be a barrier to conservation program participation. The issue of transaction costs has
been more deeply explored in the European Union, and the findings there show that
significant variations in private transaction costs (Hackl et al. 2007; Ducos et al. 2009)
exist both across different agri-environmental schemes (Falconer and Saunders 2002;
Rørstad et al. 2007) and within single schemes (Rørstad et al. 2007; Mettepenningen
et al. 2009).
Finally, there is a large literature on conservation practice adoption but very few arti-
cles actually address the role of federal cost-sharing and incentive payments. Cooper
and Keim (1996) and Lohr and Park (1995), for example, base their studies on stated
responses to hypothetical payments for conservation practices. The empirical analysis
in Lichtenberg (2004) is based on cost sharing for structural soil conservation practices
provided by the state of Maryland. Many other studies (e.g., Wu et al. 2004) use simula-
tion models to estimate the effect of payments that lower the costs for production sys-
tems, which include conservation practices.
These studies consider the role of hypothetical payments in leveraging practice adop-
tion rather than payments actually offered by the US government. Although these
studies are valuable, they do not necessarily yield information on the role of existing
programs in the adoption of conservation practices. In the European Union, optimi-
zation and simulation economic models have been proposed to explain, for example,
how farmers respond to changes in incentives for adopting agri-environmental mea-
sure (e.g., Hansen and de Frahan 2011) to changes in other aspects of the designs of
agri-environmental contracts (e.g., Bamière et al. 2011).
The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent
those of the Economic Research Service or the US Department of Agriculture.
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C HA P T E R 24
This chapter addresses the “stigmatized sites” located in urban areas in the United
States and Europe and the “brownfields” redevelopment programs aimed at removing
the stigma and promoting remediation and reuse of these sites. Although the European
Union has put regulatory frameworks in place (Pahlen 2004), the United States has led
the global effort to address brownfields redevelopment (Eisen 1996; Sarni 2009; Davis
2011), and the discussion in this chapter will focus on American models for brownfields
remediation and reuse.
Typically, the term “brownfields” has come to refer primarily to abandoned or unde-
rused urban sites (Eisen 1996; Paull 2008; Wernstedt et al. 2010; US Environmental
Protection Agency 2011b), often located in declining cities with industries that have
ceased operations (for example, the “Rust Belt” cities in the Northeast and Midwest
of the United States) (Robertson 1999; US Environmental Protection Agency 2011c).
Brownfields can be found throughout the nation, in rural and suburban areas, as well
as in cities, but urban sites have attracted the most attention. These sites have often had
a number of owners and a long history of industrial or commercial uses (Eisen 2007).
Frequently, the former owners are not in possession of the sites (and, often, no lon-
ger in existence), and the sites are owned by cities or other public entities (Eisen 1996;
Hollander 2009).
A brownfield site may be a small parcel, but many brownfield sites are the larger prop-
erties that once were the former “crown jewels” of the cities in which they are located (US
Environmental Protection Agency 2005). In many cities in the United States, Europe,
and elsewhere, brownfields are among the most visible urban properties, such as rot-
ting hulks of abandoned steel mills or other manufacturing facilities, formerly grand
railroad stations no longer carrying passengers and sitting idle, and other neglected
properties (Wernstedt et al. 2004). These can be large, prominent sites located in the
Stigmatized Sites and Urban Brownfield Redevelopment 649
urban core near railroads, highways, other forms of transportation, and the bulk of the
city’s population (Eisen 1996). They frequently attract attention and interest in rede-
velopment from a wide range of public and private sector entities that may play roles in
their redevelopment, including real estate developers, investors, business enterprises,
nonprofit organizations, government representatives, and elected officials (Wernstedt
et al. 2004).
What are the optimal use and societal benefits of redevelopment at a brownfield
site? Brownfields redevelopment has many potential benefits. Reinvesting in an urban
core can be the linchpin of a strategy to thwart sprawl (unchecked growth in subur-
ban and exurban areas) and preserve open space (Paull 2008). In recent years, the idea
of sustainability has gained traction as a means for pursuing a more holistic approach
to urban redevelopment that may include brownfields remediation and reuse, among
other strategies (Eisen 1999). Another challenge that brownfields redevelopment strate-
gies may help address is the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
to address climate change. In the United States, the second largest share of GHG emis-
sions comes from transportation, and a large part of that comes from urban commuters.
Redevelopment of brownfield sites, if done properly, could spur a decrease in emissions
by reducing the amount of vehicle miles traveled (Wernstedt et al. 2004).
The challenges to redeveloping brownfield sites are as numerous as those present at
any urban site. However, brownfield sites are not properly priced for current develop-
ment, in large part because they carry a stigma reflecting the possible presence of envi-
ronmental contamination (Davis 2011). The primary attribute and added challenge to
development of a brownfield site, as compared to other urban sites, is that it is com-
monly believed that one or more entities contaminated brownfield sites in the past,
making decisions that did not require them to reflect the full social costs of pollution,
but that the extent of the contamination and added costs are unknown.
In the mid- to late-1980s, the idea began to take shape that the stigma associated
with brownfield sites was not a result of larger societal forces, such as changes in con-
sumer preferences or residential patterns, but was instead a byproduct of governmen-
tal laws and programs designed to force the remediation of contaminated sites (such
as CERCLA, the “Superfund law,” in the United States) (Eisen 1996). There are few
reliable estimates of the number of brownfield sites, due to many factors, including
the imprecision of data collection and the uncertainty whether any specific site car-
ries the stigma of potential environmental contamination. Unofficial estimates of total
brownfield sites in the United States are based on incomplete lists dating to the 1980s,
including state inventories and the EPA’s CERCLIS database that identified poten-
tially contaminated sites. Based on these figures, it is often stated that there may be
from 400,000 to more than a million in the United States alone (National Association
of Local Government Professionals and Northeast-Midwest Institute 2004; Wernstedt
et al. 2010; Davis 2011). Recent figures are more precise. For example, a 2010 report
from the US Conference of Mayors, based on a survey of 150 major cities in 41
American states, identified a total of more than 22,000 sites in these cities alone (US
Conference of Mayors 2010).
650 Joel B. Eisen
When policy makers contemplate potential policies for addressing urban decline, two
intriguing questions present themselves. The first is “what are the measures of decline?”
Is decline measured in statistics about growth rates, population, employment, and so
forth? Is it visual, or is it measured in more comprehensive ways (such as a perception
among residents that standards of living have declined)? The answers to this are myriad
but can help define the goals of redevelopment activities. The metrics a city chooses to
measure success of redevelopment are presumably those it should pursue in its focus at
individual brownfield sites. A second question is more properly oriented to the urban
institutional architecture: “from whose perspective is decline measured?” Who is enti-
tled to control the destiny of urban redevelopment activities? The city’s government?
The entity that proposes to undertake redevelopment activities? The community in and
surrounding the area(s) planned for redevelopment? All of the above, in partnership?
The answer to this question is important because different actors may have diverging
ideas about the ideal plan for transforming an urban brownfield site (Eisen 1999).
There are no easy answers to these questions. Indeed, it may be the case that a par-
ticular site has been the locus of attention on more than one occasion and has been a
component of more than one type of development strategy. It may even be the case that
previous redevelopment strategies have been responsible for hastening the decline of a
site (Kunstler 1993). Over time, American and European cities have engaged in experi-
mentation, embracing numerous ideas about how to redevelop their cities. Not all of
these programs were successful. The urban renewal programs of the 1950s in the United
States rehabilitated some neighborhoods but exacerbated problems in others by tar-
geting “slums,” displacing residents, and creating public housing projects that became
symbols of urban failure (Kunstler 1993; Kromer 2010). Rather than improve residents’
standards of living, urban renewal and other policies (notably federal highway assis-
tance and mortgage insurance programs) often contributed to out-migration from cities
and further decay (Bradbury et al. 1982; Duany et al. 2001). The construction of high-
ways through urban neighborhoods often split them, hastening their decline. Rust Belt
cities in the United States declined, with migration taking place to the suburbs and new
Sun Belt cities (Kunstler 1993).
Starting in the 1980s and continuing since then, cities have often pursued redevel-
opment through mega-projects: stadiums, convention centers, shopping districts and
cultural hubs, and other attractions they view as essential to attract other activities
for redevelopment (Duany et al. 2001; Kromer 2010). The evidence on these projects
is mixed, with some being successes in attracting development to co-locate with them
and others being expensive failures (Kromer 2010). Gentrification of urban neighbor-
hoods with upscale housing projects, parks, and other amenities is controversial and
often results in the same types of urban displacement as urban renewal strategies, shift-
ing the locus of economic decline to suburbs (some of which now have the same types
of urban concerns as the core cities) or more depressed areas of cities (Kunstler 1993;
Duany et al. 2001). One important question then becomes whether governments at
all levels should continue to subsidize these transformative activities. This continuing
debate has the effect of making policy support inconsistent. To take just one of many
652 Joel B. Eisen
costs of environmental remediation and monitoring might even negate the apparent
cost advantage of developing there (Boyd et al. 1996). And, as is often the case in trans-
formative activities such as residential remodeling, it is also possible that some existing
infrastructure can be preserved at a brownfield site, thus lessening the cost of redevelop-
ment (Paull 2008).
From the outset of the development of brownfields law and policy, much was therefore
made of the need to provide incentives to attract developers to pursue redevelopment
efforts at urban sites. In this perspective, the developers’ interests are elevated over those
of other actors, including, for example, the residents of the surrounding community
(Eisen 1996). Developers often find it necessary to invest their own capital, but they also
typically can obtain resources for a site’s evaluation, remediation, and reuse from a wide
variety of federal and state agencies in the form of site assessment grants, loans, training
and education programs, and tax and other financing incentives. As discussed later, the
lesser cleanup standards at brownfield sites also operate as a sort of financial incentive
to developers, cutting the costs of remediation. For their part, cities have been willing
to provide prospective developers with tax breaks, create special districts, and establish
other incentives for them to take on the task of transforming sites (Rosenberg 2000).
Studies have consistently found that one of the major drivers of success in brown-
fields redevelopment is the extent to which these sources of public funds are available
to leverage the developer’s investment (US Environmental Protection Agency 2005;
US Conference of Mayors 2010). This can be especially important when the develop-
er’s investment is front-loaded, as, for example, when site assessment and remediation
costs threaten to exceed the current values of the brownfield sites in question (National
Association of Local Government Professionals and Northeast-Midwest Institute
2004). Conversely, some have argued that developers should not be extended financial
incentives for actions they would take without the incentives, especially if a brownfields
program makes less than full remediation of environmental contamination a possibility
(Eisen 1996). The frequent response to this argument is that, at many sites, any reme-
diation and reuse activities are preferable to allowing the sites to remain abandoned or
underused (Davis 2011).
The prevailing justification for providing incentives to developers and tailoring the
brownfields remediation system to their needs has been that developers savvy enough to
understand the risks they might be taking on might balk at contacting state and federal
environmental authorities, fearing the worst-case scenario of encountering toxic sub-
stances at the sites and being required to undertake multimillion dollar cleanups (Boyd
et al. 1996). This argument is relatively straightforward. One cannot know in advance
what might be present at a site that has a history of industrial or commercial uses and is
therefore contaminated to some extent (Davis 2011). If investigating the conditions at a
brownfield site, let alone making decisions about how to remediate them, might expose
a developer to liability, then the environmental costs associated with a particular site
cannot be quantified ahead of time (Davis 2011). Contemplating a worst-case scenario
can lead to project cost estimates that threaten to jeopardize project profitability, if spi-
raling remediation costs are factored in.
654 Joel B. Eisen
The prevailing brownfields narrative focuses on assumptions about the present con-
dition of the site and the idea that environmental laws are the problem, not the solution
(Eisen 1996). It does not usually take into account whether there might be any connec-
tion between the conditions at a brownfield site and urban redevelopment activities of
the near past. Nor does it account for any risk minimization tools that might be avail-
able to developers, such as environmental insurance. Finally, it does not account for
an interesting paradox with respect to any specific site. Although the condition of the
site is assumed to be an unquantifiable unknown, this is often not the case. At the very
least, it is typically known that a brownfield site is not one that has been targeted for
enforcement action. In the United States, the sites on the National Priorities List (NPL)
are those eligible for funding from the government’s Superfund and are the highest pri-
orities for cleanup. Most brownfields programs targeted sites that were not on the NPL
(Bartsch 1996; Eisen 1996; Geltman 2000; Davis 2011).
In this evolving policy framework, the need to attract developers takes precedence
over other means for steering redevelopment of the site. Legal and policy evolution
could well have addressed developers’ cost concerns directly by simply providing signif-
icant funding for site investigations that would delineate the extent of the risk. The fed-
eral and state governments did make funds available for this purpose, but brownfields
advocates sought more than that. One outgrowth of the focus on developers was that
if the chief concern was the overreach of the environmental laws governing cleanup of
hazardous waste sites, the natural tendency was to go beyond providing funds to evalu-
ate sites and instead to suggest that these laws be relaxed to permit more streamlined
redevelopment activities (Eisen 1996).
There is nothing new about attributing urban decline to governmental actions that were
intended to revitalize cities. Today, as noted earlier, the urban renewal of the 1950s in the
United States is widely regarded as a series of projects that, although well intentioned,
led to failure that exacerbated the decline of many cities. With brownfields, the prevail-
ing narrative that drove the creation of laws and policies for remediation and reuse was
altogether different: that the stigma originated indirectly, from supposedly unintended
consequences of actions that governments have taken for a beneficial purpose under
the environmental laws (Eisen 1996; Robertson 1999; Davis 2011). The problem was
not only that the extent of contamination at a brownfield site was unquantifiable (which
could have been addressed with widespread use of site assessment grants), but also that
attempting to evaluate brownfield sites might subject developers to strict liability for full
Stigmatized Sites and Urban Brownfield Redevelopment 655
cleanups at the sites regardless of their lack of prior involvement with the sites (Geltman
2000; Hollander et al. 2010; Davis 2011).
Laws such as the US Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
Liability Act (CERCLA, more popularly known as the “Superfund law” for the fund cre-
ated under it to remediate hazardous waste sites) require full remediation of danger-
ous conditions at hazardous waste sites (Robertson 1999; Rosenberg 2000; Davis 2011).
The CERCLA cleanup process can take years and millions of dollars to complete (Eisen
1996; Davis 2011). Because CERCLA has been interpreted to fasten joint and several
liability on those responsible for the toxic conditions at the sites, including owners and
“operators” of the sites, an entity that becomes involved with a brownfield site might face
the full price tag of remediation even if it did nothing to cause the contamination there
(Eisen 1996; Davis 2011). Knowing that price tag ahead of time is next to impossible
because the CERCLA cleanup standard is determined through a lengthy process (which
includes a number of requirements that apply under other federal environmental laws)
that cannot be completed before site investigation and assessment activities are com-
pleted (Eisen 1996; Robertson 1999; Davis 2011).
Throughout the 1980s, courts in the United States had strengthened CERCLA, con-
sistently interpreting it to give the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) more power
and more authority to investigate and remediate sites and confer on the EPA and pri-
vate parties more tools to fasten liability on those responsible for the sites (known in
Superfund parlance as “potentially responsible parties,” or PRPs). By the end of the
decade, the regulated community viewed CERCLA as a regulatory scheme with unprec-
edented and unfortunate power and breadth (Davis 2011). In addition to joint and sev-
eral liability (which, as noted earlier, can fasten the entire price tag of a cleanup on a
single PRP), CERCLA features strict liability without regard to fault, so the EPA need
not prove that a PRP intended to dump waste at a site or was reckless about doing so
(Eisen 1996; Rosenberg 2000). It is only necessary to connect the PRP with the site, for
example, by showing that a company made wastes of the sort that were dumped at the
site (Davis 2011).
The EPA has sweeping powers to ensure that a site is remediated. For example, it
can use “notice letters” to force PRPs to discover and identify other PRPs, and it can
issue unilateral administrative orders with onerous penalties for their violation (Davis
2011). The liability provisions were so broad that their net captured a wide group of enti-
ties, whether or not they had any involvement in the actual dumping of waste at the
sites, and thousands of companies became PRPs (Davis 2011). Current property own-
ers, for example, make up one category of PRPs, whether or not they owned the sites
at the time of disposal, which potentially subjected brownfields developers to liability
(Eisen 1996; Rosenberg 2000). In the 1980s and 1990s, CERCLA had extremely lim-
ited defenses, although a brownfields defense was finally added in 2002 (Small Business
Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act [SBLRBRA] 2002; Eisen 2007). That
defense protects otherwise innocent prospective purchasers who did not know and had
no reason to know that hazardous substances were disposed of at the site and who take
due care to protect against foreseeable contamination. This requires the purchaser to
656 Joel B. Eisen
have made “all appropriate inquiry” to discern the extent of contamination. This term is
defined in the EPA’s regulations and typically requires some form of investigation at the
site (US Environmental Protection Agency 2011b).
By the end of the 1980s, it was apparent that the Superfund law had spurred identi-
fication of many contaminated sites around the country, and some were in the process
of being remediated. However, this was not an efficient process because it took years to
move a site through the labyrinthine CERCLA cleanup framework. For this reason and
others, CERCLA had created more litigation and work for lawyers than any other state
or federal environmental statute.
In the 1980s, CERCLA successes were still largely to take place in the future, and the
voices of backlash decried the slow progress of cleanups at hazardous waste sites and
criticized the statute itself as harsh and even arbitrary at times (Eisen 1996). This was
different from the public clamor a decade earlier, spurred by high-profile incidents such
as the discovery of toxic contamination at Love Canal in western New York, which had
led to the creation of the CERCLA regime. At the inception of the CERCLA program,
the overriding purpose of the law was ensuring that sites such as Love Canal were reme-
diated (Davis 2011). Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, proponents of the law success-
fully argued that any systematic exception to the joint and several liability framework
would weaken it and frustrate the Congressional intent to ensure that dangerous sites be
remediated (Eisen 1996).
Although amendments to CERCLA and EPA policies and interpretations of the
statute attempted to alleviate some of the burden faced by PRPs, they were limited in
scope (Davis 2011). The 1986 amendments added an “innocent landowner” defense to
CERCLA that might have protected those, like brownfields developers, who purchased
sites after waste dumping took place and were therefore not responsible for contaminat-
ing them. However, this defense was not widely used because meeting its requirements
was difficult (Rosenberg 2000). Among other requirements, it called for those seeking to
prove their innocence to demonstrate that they had engaged in “all appropriate inquiry”
before purchasing the site. Most courts interpreted this to mean that if prospective pur-
chasers had not discovered the contamination before purchasing the sites, they prob-
ably had not conducted sufficient inquiries (Schnapf 2007). This was exactly the type
of activity that brownfields developers were loath to undertake before purchasing sites.
Thus, rather than protect brownfields developers, the shortcomings of the innocent
landowner defense appeared to be a primary reason why more reforms to the CERCLA
structure were needed (Eisen 1996).
As a result, it is important to note that the advocacy for brownfields remediation and
reuse became more intense at the same time that a backlash was taking place against
CERCLA and burgeoning hazardous waste cleanup schemes in Europe. In general, it is
difficult to separate the growing clamor at the time for relief for brownfields developers
from the general calls for softening the tough liability-based approach of the Superfund
law. Brownfields advocates sought partnerships with environmental agencies rather
than adversarial enforcement-based relationships, shorter cleanup processes with more
finality (including releases or other forms indicating that the brownfields purchaser
Stigmatized Sites and Urban Brownfield Redevelopment 657
would not face liability), and lesser cleanup standards that, in some cases, would allow
less costly means of addressing contamination at the site (e.g., so-called institutional
controls, such as fences and warning signs). That these were the same sorts of changes
sought generally for the harsh and unyielding Superfund scheme did not go unnoticed
(Eisen 1996).
Economic conditions in the broader US economy added fuel to the reform fire. The
stock market crash of 1987, savings and loan collapse, and ensuing recession that lasted
through the early 1990s prompted calls for development activities to spur job creation,
and policy makers in the United States and Europe increasingly turned their attention
to revitalizing urban cores (Bartsch 1996). In this struggling macroeconomic environ-
ment, the emerging cracks in the societal consensus that remediation of hazardous
waste sites was always an unalloyed good grew even wider. In the United States, brown-
field sites tended to be concentrated in states that were hit hardest by the recession of the
1990s, and, for many policy makers, it was important to put these sites to productive use
(Bartsch and Collaton 1997). A frequently voiced concern at the time was that CERCLA
and its state analogues required a level of cleanup that went too far at sites such as these
(Eisen 1996).
The term “brownfield” itself was an invention of these times, being first coined at a
1992 Congressional field hearing in Ohio (Bartsch 1996). Although “brownfield” was
meant as a counterpoint to “greenfield,” a term then in vogue to describe untouched
sites in the suburbs and exurbs, it had an unmistakably pejorative cast to it. It suggested
that these sites did, in fact, have a stigma associated with them—no one eagerly associ-
ates with “brown” sites—and advocates for change maintained that this stigma could
only be removed with reforms to environmental laws, although other legal reforms
would be necessary as well (Bartsch 1996). One natural response to the clamor for
brownfields reforms might have been that the calls for less regulation, and that it be
more transparent and easier to comply with, were the typical unjustified response of
a regulated community to environmental regulation. In this respect, developers and
their advocates often did themselves no favors by calling for “streamlined” regulations
to empower redevelopment (Eisen 1996). Therefore, at least some who were involved
in the brownfields law and policy development process recognized that any relief
would have to be carefully moderated and tailored rather precisely to the brownfields
An ironic twist on the situation was that while brownfields developers were said to
fear the federal Superfund scheme, far more brownfields sites were subject to the reach
of state environmental laws (Bartsch and Collaton 1997). There was widespread recog-
nition from the early days of the development of the regulatory frameworks for brown-
fields remediation and reuse that most sites would be addressed by the states (Bartsch
and Collaton 1997). In the United States, virtually every state had created a state law
analogue to the Superfund law, with comparable features (Wernstedt et al. 2010; Davis
2011). Some states, particularly in the Northeast, had property transfer laws as well,
requiring evaluation (and remediation if necessary) of potentially contaminated sites
prior to their transfer (Eisen 1996; Bartsch and Collaton 1997; Davis 2011). Therefore,
658 Joel B. Eisen
brownfields policy reform began in the states, where individual states could tailor their
programs to their own specific needs (Bartsch 1996).
These conditions all made for an environment ripe for change, and it is not surprising
that, between the late 1980s and mid-1990s, many states overhauled their environ-
mental cleanup and property transfer laws (Eisen 1996; Eisen 2007), and the European
Union later developed standards for brownfields remediation (Pahlen 2004).
Because the states were the drivers of brownfields legal changes, most activity in state
brownfields programs before 2002 took place without significant reforms to the federal
Superfund law, although some federal programs, such as the EPA’s use of “prospective
purchaser agreements,” did make some progress toward protecting brownfields devel-
opers (Eisen 1996; Rosenberg 2000; Davis 2011). Thus, prospective brownfields devel-
opers during this time were in an interesting situation, to say the least. They could obtain
comfort from state environmental agencies that no enforcement actions would be taken
against them if they proceeded to investigate conditions at sites and remediate them if
necessary, but there was always the potential that they might face federal liability (par-
ticularly if the cleanup in a state brownfields program was to a level less complete than
required under the federal standard) (Eisen 1996). Eventually, however, many thou-
sands of sites were processed successfully through state brownfields programs despite
what some saw as the specter of federal liability. States negotiated with the EPA to cre-
ate memoranda of understanding that secured a level of comfort for sites addressed in
their programs (Eisen 1996; Davis 2011). It was also evident that changes enhancing the
performance of state programs were almost guaranteed to eventually lead to changes
to the Superfund law itself because the state laws being changed were analogous to the
federal law.
The state brownfields programs are generally known as “voluntary cleanup programs”
(VCPs) because their central feature is that developers voluntarily come to the states and
initiate dialogues intended to lead to productive remediation and reuse of brownfields
sites (Eisen 1996; Davis 2011). This differentiates the operational paradigm of these pro-
grams sharply from normal enforcement-driven CERCLA models, in which a PRP’s
first contact with the government is typically an adversarial notice that it faces liability
(Eisen 1996). The intent of this model was to make the entire remediation and reuse
process more flexible and less confrontational from the developer’s perspective and to
create a working relationship between state regulators and developers (Dana 2005).
The features of VCPs differ widely, but most include three central attributes (Eisen
1996; Gerrard 1998 and Supp. 2006; Robertson 1999; Rosenberg 2000; Wernstedt et al.
2010; Davis 2011).
Stigmatized Sites and Urban Brownfield Redevelopment 659
The use to which a brownfields site would be put after its remediation has not been
central to the decision-making architecture of most VCPs, except insofar as it has fac-
tored into the choice of the cleanup standard (Eisen 1996). It has been assumed that the
developer controlled the choice of land use, in that it would not have approached the
state in the first instance without a plan for site redevelopment. A VCP could, and in
many cases, did, therefore sanction site plans that related only to the individual brown-
fields sites and bore little relationship (if any at all) to any comprehensive plan for urban
redevelopment (Eisen 1999). There were exceptions to this, as some American cities
eschewed parcel-by-parcel redevelopment in favor of more comprehensive approaches
(US Conference of Mayors 2010). Also, some states created area-wide brownfields ini-
tiatives, in which environmental regulators and state development agencies worked
together to address multiple brownfields in the same community (van Hook et al. 2003),
but these states were in the minority. There is nothing about most VCPs that requires
consistency with a holistic vision for the future of the particular city (Eisen 1999).
From the start, VCPs focused on user friendliness: alleviating the regulatory burden
for developers, not creating relationships with communities (Davis 2011). As a result,
public input in deciding the future of brownfields sites has often been limited (Eisen
1996). If residents in the community surrounding a brownfield site wanted a park
instead of a mega-project, they had little power to influence the decision, and it was, in
fact, rare for a prospective developer to change the plans for the site. In many cities, there
were no obvious stakeholders to voice the concerns of the residents near brownfields
Stigmatized Sites and Urban Brownfield Redevelopment 661
sites, let alone engage in discussions with developers that had already prepared plans
for the sites and approached state environmental authorities (Davis 2011). It is rare for
residents living near brownfields sites to demonstrate the level of political mobilization
that can derail projects, and the surrounding communities much more often consist of
those who have historically been marginalized in urban planning efforts (Speiss 2008).
Moreover, financial concerns are usually more important to a brownfields developer
than satisfying the needs of the community (Wernstedt et al. 2010).
As VCPs have matured, savvy developers have turned to citizen “steering com-
mittees” or other community-based groups, particularly relying on existing groups
that have knowledge and expertise of the affected communities (National Center For
Neighborhood and Brownfields Redevelopment 2008; Speiss 2008). Studying the expe-
riences over the years with VCPs, the EPA and others have come to view this identi-
fication and engagement with community groups, and the resulting degree of trust
and consensus, as important to the success of brownfields reuse projects (National
Association of Local Government Professionals and Northeast-Midwest Institute 2004;
Speiss 2008; US Conference of Mayors 2010; US Environmental Protection Agency
For this reason, and because the remediation and reuse of brownfields sites often has
dramatic social and economic impacts on the surrounding area, community planners
have viewed public outreach as an increasingly important feature of the process (Speiss
2008). A community group can bring a wider focus on community redevelopment than
is possible at a site where remediation and reuse is governed solely by the developer
(Sarni 2009). However, it should be emphasized that VCPs do not typically require this
sort of public participation in the brownfields remediation and reuse process (Eisen
1996). Thus, the danger when public meetings or other means of involvement are con-
ducted is that the level of participation can fall far short of meaningful input (Speiss
2008; Sarni 2009) or that the participation process can fail to identify a group that speaks
meaningfully for the affected community (Davis 2011).
Decades after their inception, brownfields redevelopment programs are mature envi-
ronmental programs with many successes (US Environmental Protection Agency
2011b). In numerous American cities, sites that were abandoned for many years have
been reclaimed for productive reuses. From their inception, VCPs grew quickly, and a
number of success stories have been touted throughout the nation (Davis 2011). One
well-known positive impact on the environment of brownfields remediation and reuse
is the conservation of land at greenfield locations saved from development. Building on
Stigmatized Sites and Urban Brownfield Redevelopment 663
urban sites, with their existing footprints and infrastructure, can alleviate the damaging
impacts of sprawl by conserving acres of greenfields (Deason et al. 2001; Paull 2008).
Other benefits of brownfields redevelopment include reductions in vehicle miles trav-
eled, storm water runoff, and air pollution (National Association of Local Government
Professionals and Northeast-Midwest Institute 2004; Wernstedt et al. 2004; Paull 2008).
Studies have also found that brownfields redevelopment can have a positive impact on
property values in the areas surrounding brownfields sites at sites where the change in
land use has yielded increased values (Paull 2008). Researchers using hedonic analysis
have found that the stigma of a contaminated site depresses nearby property values and
that removal of the stigma through expedited remediation would increase sites’ present
values (Kaufman and Cloutier 2006; Messer et al. 2006).
An ongoing concern is that, although VCPs have been successful, there are still
numerous cities where brownfields continue to remain abandoned or underused.
Many claim that far more brownfield sites remain to be addressed than have proceeded
through the state VCP processes to completion (Paull 2008; Davis 2011). In many com-
munities, the incentives for brownfields remediation and reuse have not succeeded
in attracting investments because fear of environmental liability is not the only bar-
rier to successful redevelopment (Robertson 1999; Auld et al. 2011). Some cities have
brownfields that are too small to be suitable for the sort of projects that interest many
developers (Wernstedt et al. 2010). These cities often also lack institutional capabili-
ties for redevelopment activities (Auld et al. 2011). For example, they have less expe-
rience in matching prospective developers with opportunities to remediate and reuse
brownfields sites because they have less skill at marketing their communities and iden-
tifying local officials who are sufficiently skilled to navigate VCP processes. Some pro-
spective brownfields developers (such as nonprofit groups) lack experience in dealing
with environmental agencies and can be overwhelmed by the VCP process. Making
assistance available to these developers by, for example, assisting them with site evalu-
ation methods, can be important to the success of their redevelopment activities (US
Environmental Protection Agency 2005; New Jersey Institute of Technology 2011).
Another issue that has arisen at times, and is likely to recur, is whether remediation and
reuse activities at individual brownfields sites have achieved final control of environmen-
tal contamination. The efficacy of some cleanups has come under fire years afterward as
contamination has been discovered (Eisen 2007). Without aggressive provisions for revis-
iting sites that prove to be problematic in the future, there is no guarantee that the finality
craved by brownfields developers will not come at a high societal cost. Cleanups in VCPs,
with their risk-driven calculation of environmental harms, do not achieve complete erad-
ication of all risks at the site. The typical means for these state programs to protect against
backsliding is inclusion of reopeners in the laws creating them. These provisions allow
state environmental departments to require developers or their successors to pursue addi-
tional cleanup activities at a later date if changed conditions warrant it (Eisen 2007).
Reopeners in VCPs have several drawbacks as protection against future discoveries
of environmental contamination. First, and perhaps most obvious, the changed con-
ditions, that is, the release of contaminants posing a threat to human health and the
664 Joel B. Eisen
environment, would already have taken place by the time a state’s environmental agency
became involved in attempting to prevent them. Second, the reopeners are typically
limited in scope because VCPs are designed to alleviate the regulatory burden faced by
developers, not to ensure full and complete remediation of brownfields sites. A broad
reopener provision allowing a state environmental agency to intervene at a brownfields
site without a demonstration of imminent harm is typically perceived as a deterrent to
initial finality of processing sites through a VCP.
Perhaps most importantly, any reopener provision depends both on resources avail-
able in the future to state environmental agencies and on the willingness of those agen-
cies to tackle problems at sites they believed were successfully addressed in the past. The
problem of resources to devote to enforcement is especially problematic in tight budget-
ary climates because cutbacks in state budgets can lead to a slower pace of cleanups and
less vigilant oversight of brownfields sites (National Association of Local Government
Professionals and Northeast-Midwest Institute 2004; Eisen 2007; US Environmental
Protection Agency 2011b). Few state environmental agencies put oversight and moni-
toring of completed brownfields sites ahead of normal enforcement actions in their
priorities. However, they would do well to devote more resources to oversight because
some sites have been processed through state VCPs without any systematic examination
of long-term impacts (Eisen 2007).
This highlights another shortcoming of VCPs: they generally lack structures for eval-
uation of sites over time to assess lifecycle impacts of brownfields remediation and reuse
(Wernstedt et al. 2004; Auld et al. 2011). The VCP process focuses on the present-day
problem of transforming an abandoned or underused site into a locus for commerce,
and, as a result, methodologies to evaluate long-term impacts are only beginning to be
developed, years after VCPs have been operating (Wernstedt et al. 2004; Auld et al. 2011).
Deciding on modalities for assessing whether redevelopment activities at brownfields
sites are beneficial can take the form of determining consistency with third-party veri-
fication systems such as the LEED system, the popular green building certification sys-
tem that promotes sustainable building and development practices (Paull 2008). LEED’s
methodology takes positive note of buildings that are constructed on brownfields sites
and also values features that are often positive advantages of existing brownfields sites,
such as proximity to existing transportation systems (Paull 2008; Sarni 2009). However,
a different approach will be necessary to determine whether brownfields policies meet
the criteria outlined in climate action plans or, indeed, have been beneficial as a whole as
a strategy for urban redevelopment (Auld et al. 2011).
Therefore, although VCPs have undeniably been responsible for successes and ben-
efits, the final verdict on brownfields programs has yet to be rendered and will only be
made in hindsight, years after the initial development decisions have been made. This is
consistent with the societal perspective on other urban redevelopment programs, which
can change as programs have impacts not foreseen by their initial drafters. Given the
relative lack of in-depth research from economists on the impacts of brownfields pro-
grams, there is considerable room for targeted work that evaluates the value that these
programs add at individual sites and the merits of specific redevelopment strategies.
Stigmatized Sites and Urban Brownfield Redevelopment 665
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ies. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.
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Environmental Law Journal 14: 86–107.
Davis, T. S. (ed.). 2011. Brownfields: A comprehensive guide to redeveloping contaminated prop-
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Duany, A., E. Plater-Zyberk, and J. Speck. 2001. Suburban nation: The rise of sprawl and the
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grams and incentives. University of Illinois Law Review 1996: 883–1032.
Eisen, J. B. 1999. Brownfields policies for sustainable cities. Duke Environmental Law & Policy
Forum 9: 187–229.
Eisen, J. B. 2007. Brownfields at 20: A critical reevaluation. Fordham Urban Law Journal
34: 721–756.
Geltman, E. Glass. 2000. Recycling land: Understanding the legal landscape of brownfield devel-
opment. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Gerrard, M. B. (ed.). 1998 & Suppl. 2006. Brownfields law & practice: The cleanup & redevelop-
ment of contaminated land. New York: Matthew Bender.
Hollander, J. B. 2009. Polluted & dangerous: America’s worst abandoned properties and what can
be done about them. Burlington: University of Vermont Press.
Hollander, J., N. Kirkwood, and J. Gold. 2010. Principles of brownfield regeneration: Cleanup,
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Kaufman, D. A., and N. Cloutier. 2006. The impact of small brownfields and greenspaces on
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Lewis, G. 2008. Brown to green: Sustainable redevelopment of America’s brownfield sites.
666 Joel B. Eisen
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2011c. State brownfields and voluntary response pro
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van Hook, D. E., J. A. Shaw, and K. J. Kloo. 2003. The challenge of brownfield clus-
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University Environmental Law Journal 12: 111–152.
Wernstedt, K., L. Heberle, A. Alberini, and P. Meyer. 2004. The brownfields phenomenon: Much
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Wernstedt, K., A. Blackman, T. P. Lyon, and K. Novak. 2010. Voluntary environmental pro-
grams at contaminated properties. Resources for the Future, Discussion Paper 10-18. http://
C HA P T E R 2 5
See Miceli and Segerson (1996), Meltz et al. (1999), and Miceli (2011, Chapter 5) for detailed
examinations of several of these regulations within the context of takings law. Note that, although the
existing case law describes the range of government actions that have so far been challenged under
takings law, it does not limit those things that can be challenged in the future. In principle, landowners
can challenge any action that reduces the value of their land as constituting a taking.
Regulatory Takings 669
the most significant insights and results. We do this using a simple model of takings or land
use regulation that provides a unifying framework for discussing the economics of regula-
tory takings. We use the model to illustrate both basic economic principles related to com-
pensation and a number of extensions that have been considered in the literature.
Much of this literature is normative in the sense that it proposes compensation rules
aimed at achieving efficient regulatory and land use decisions and hence does not pur-
port to provide a positive theory of the case law (which is viewed by many as incoherent)
or to account for competing values like distributive justice. We will discuss one rule,
however, that we believe goes a long way toward unifying the various tests that courts
and legal scholars have proposed.
As a prelude to the economic analysis, we provide brief reviews of the case law and
legal literature in this area.
noxious use doctrine, recognized that the government has broad regulatory powers to
prevent land uses seen as potentially harmful to the public.
Zoning ordinances provide the most common illustration of this principle, and courts
have routinely upheld them as valid exercises of the government’s right to regulate land
use in the public interest. The first case to reach such a conclusion was Village of Euclid
v. Ambler Realty,5 which upheld a town ordinance zoning a portion of the plaintiff ’s land
for residential use. The Court maintained that the ordinance fell within the municipal-
ity’s inherent right, under the police power, to protect public health, safety, morals, and
general welfare (Meltz et al. 1999, 214).
One fact for consideration in determining such limits is the extent of the diminu-
tion [in the landowner’s value]. When it reaches a certain magnitude, in most if not
all cases there must be an exercise of eminent domain and compensation to sustain
the act.7
This argument forms the basis for the diminution of value test for compensation, which
says that compensation is due if the loss to the landowner as a result of a regulation
is sufficiently large. Of course, this raises the question of what amount of loss is large
enough to meet the compensation threshold; Holmes only said that “if regulation goes
too far it will be recognized as a taking.”8 He therefore left it to future courts to decide on
a case-by-case basis what constitutes “too far.”
More than six decades later, the Supreme Court confronted a case with an almost
identical factual scenario as in Pennsylvania Coal. The issue again was whether an
antisubsidence statute passed by the state legislature was a taking of the coal compa-
ny’s rights, but, in apparent contradiction of its earlier ruling, the Court in Keystone
Bituminous Coal Assn. v. DeBenedictus (1987) ruled that it was not. In endeavoring to
distinguish the two cases, the Court argued that the statute at issue in Keystone protected
a broader public interest, whereas the earlier statute had been aimed at protecting only a
few private parties. Although the distinction between public and private in this context
is not strictly valid from an economic perspective, we will argue in Section 4.2.2 (see
footnote 30) that changing values of both the surface and mining rights over the inter-
vening time period can provide a legitimate basis for distinguishing the two cases.
8 Id., 415.
9 438 U.S. 104 (1978).
10 On landmark designation and takings law, see Gold (1976).
672 Thomas J. Miceli and Kathleen Segerson
the regulation. Thus, as a necessary condition for compensation, a claimant would have
to show evidence that he had in fact planned to undertake the prohibited development.
In his dissenting opinion to the Penn Central ruling, Justice William Rehnquist added a
further consideration when he stated that “a taking does not take place if the prohibition
applies across a broad cross section of land and thereby ‘secure[s]an average reciprocity
of advantage.’ ”11 The phrase “average reciprocity of advantage,” first used by Holmes in his
Pennsylvania Coal opinion, suggests that monetary compensation need not be paid if a reg-
ulation restricts all landowners equally, thereby spreading both the benefits and the costs
of the regulation. The Supreme Court employed similar logic in the case of Agins v. Tiburon
when it held that a landowner subject to a zoning restriction “will share with other owners
the benefits and burdens of the city’s exercise of its police power. In assessing the fairness of
zoning ordinances, these benefits must be considered along with any diminution in mar-
ket value that the appellants might suffer.”12 We will return to this logic in Section 5.
Id., 147.
12 157 Cal.Rptr. 373, 1979; affirmed 447 U.S. 255, 262 (1980).
13 505 U.S. 1003 (1992).
14 Id., 1015.
Regulatory Takings 673
clearly met any standard the Court could have applied because it caused a virtual total
loss (the nuisance exception aside). The question therefore remained whether some-
thing short of full diminution would also qualify. The Supreme Court revisited this issue
in Palazzolo v. Rhode Island,15 which concerned a landowner who sought compensa-
tion when he was denied permission to develop waterfront property under a wetlands
preservation law passed by the state of Rhode Island. The landowner claimed that the
regulation met the requirement for compensation under Lucas because it denied him
“all economically beneficial use” of the land, but the Court found that the regulation, in
fact, left the owner with developable land worth $200,000, compared to his claimed loss
of $3.15 million (a 94% diminution). Apparently, therefore, a diminution of at least 95%
is required to constitute a “total” deprivation under Lucas.
The extent of the diminution arose in a different way in the case of Tahoe-Sierra
Preservation Council v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency,16 which concerned a temporary
moratorium on development that deprived a group of developers of the entire value of
their holdings for a 32-month period. The plaintiffs claimed that this action constituted
a taking under the Lucas rule, requiring compensation for regulations that deprive own-
ers of all productive uses of their land, albeit for a limited period of time. The Supreme
Court disagreed, however, arguing that the diminution was only partial in relation to
the “parcel as a whole,” accounting not only for its spatial dimension but for its tempo-
ral dimension as well. Recognizing that the value of the parcel would be restored once
the moratorium was lifted, the Court argued that the Lucas rule did not apply, and that,
under the Penn Central balancing test, no compensation was due.
533 U.S. 606 (2001).
16 535 U.S. 302 (2002).
17 According to Meltz et al. (1999, 366, note 5), there were about 400 cases involving wetlands
regulations between 1960 and 1990, of which about half raised the takings issue.
674 Thomas J. Miceli and Kathleen Segerson
This section describes several tests for compensation that have been proposed in the
scholarly literature on takings. As will be seen, these tests vary in their economic content
and logical consistency. A test first proposed by Sax (1964) asserts that the government
owes compensation when it acquires property rights for use in its enterprise capac-
ity, as when it provides a public good, but it does not owe compensation when it acts
as a disinterested arbitrator in a private dispute, as when it prevents one private party
from imposing external costs on other private parties.23 Rubenfeld (1993) elaborates on
this test by arguing that a taking occurs when the government takes property for some
Sweet Home Chapter of Communities for a Great Oregon v. Babbitt, 515 U.S. 687 (1995).
22 Meltz et al. (1999, 396) note that, as of 1999, not a single court decision finding a taking under the
ESA had been reported.
23 Rose (1983) makes a similar argument.
676 Thomas J. Miceli and Kathleen Segerson
productive use—a so-called “using”—as opposed to merely depriving the owner of its
use. Rose-Ackerman and Rossi (2000) propose a similar standard.
In a second article, Sax (1971) argues that the government does not owe compensa-
tion for any actions that it undertakes to regulate external costs. Daniel Bromley adopts
a similar perspective in arguing that paying compensation for such regulations would
represent “indemnification for an inability to continue to impose unwanted costs on
others” (Bromley 1993, 677). According to this view, which echoes the noxious use doc-
trine, the law does not (and should not) protect the right of landowners to engage in
activities that impose harm on others. However, the difficulty with this test, as noted by
Fischel (1985, 153), is that it offers “no workable distinction. . . between land uses that
create spillovers and those that do not. Every economic activity can be argued to affect
someone else” [emphasis in original].
A similar delineation of property rights underlies the harm-benefit rule, which says
that no compensation is due for regulations that prevent a landowner from imposing a
harm on others (e.g., a regulation against pollution), but compensation is due for regula-
tions that compel the landowner to confer a benefit on the public (e.g., a ban on devel-
opment to preserve open space). Although this rule has some intuitive appeal, it, too,
is unsupported by economic theory in the sense that a prevented harm can always be
defined as a benefit, and a forgone benefit can be defined as a harm (Fischel 1985, 158).
Based on this logic, Justice Scalia, in his Lucas opinion, dismissed the harm-benefit rule
as lacking a coherent legal basis for deciding the compensability of regulations.24
What underlies the failure of the harm-benefit rule, or any nuisance-based approach
to the compensation question, is Coase’s insight that all harms are reciprocal in nature,
meaning that both an injurer and victim must be present for an accident to occur (Coase
1960). Thus, regulations that prevent harms or confer benefits are indistinguishable in
terms of the cost to the injurer and the gain to the victim. What is lacking in tests is
a benchmark reflecting neutral conduct, which would serve as the basis for deciding
when compensation should and should not be paid. Fischel (1985, 158–160) offers such
a benchmark in the form of his normal behavior standard, which is based on arguments
first made by Ellickson (1973, 1977). According to this standard, no compensation is
due for regulations that prevent landowners from engaging in “subnormal” behavior,
but compensation is due for regulations that compel them to undertake “above-normal”
behavior, where “normal” behavior is defined by community standards based on what
landowners can reasonably expect to be able to do with their land. This “reasonableness
standard” therefore replaces the arbitrary distinction between harms and benefits in the
“When it is understood that ‘prevention of harmful use’ was merely our early formulation of the
police power justification necessary to sustain (without compensation) any regulatory diminution of
value; and that the distinction between regulation that ‘prevents harmful use’ and that which ‘confers
benefit’ is difficult, if not impossible, to discern an objective, value free basis; it becomes self evident
that noxious use language cannot serve as a touchstone to distinguish regulatory takings—which
require compensation—from regulatory deprivations that do not require compensation” (Lucas v. South
Carolina Coastal Council, 505 U.S. 1003, 1026, 1992).
Regulatory Takings 677
harm-benefit rule. What makes this an economic standard (rather than being another
arbitrary distinction) is that it economizes on the transaction costs of achieving an effi-
cient land use pattern. Specifically, by setting the “zero compensation point” at normal
behavior, the costs of compliance will be minimized because most landowners will
engage in normal behavior automatically (i.e., without the need for government action).
Wittman (1984) proposes a similar compensation rule that is based on the behavior
of the government rather than of landowners. Specifically, he argues that the transac-
tion costs of paying compensation will be minimized if compensation is limited to cases
in which the government acts inefficiently, based on the presumption that “we would
expect the government to act efficiently more often than not” (Wittman 1984, 74). An
important drawback of both the Fischel and Wittman standards, however, is that they fail
to account for the role of the compensation rule in creating the proper incentives for land-
owners and/or the government to act efficiently. The next section deals with this issue.
In a very influential article, Michelman (1967) proposed a standard that is based on
a comparison of the settlement (or transaction) costs associated with paying compen-
sation and the demoralization costs of not paying compensation, where the latter are
defined to be those costs incurred by landowners and their sympathizers once they
realize that they will not be compensated for their losses. According to Michelman’s
standard, if the settlement costs are lower, compensation should be paid, whereas if
demoralization costs are lower, compensation should not be paid.25
Finally, Richard Epstein’s view on the compensation question is based on the Lockean
notion that the government should not stand in a preferred position compared to private
citizens (Epstein 1985, C
hapter 2). In this perspective, the government has no more rights
in its interactions with private citizens than does any other private citizen, inasmuch as
the government is merely an agent of those citizens when they act collectively. Thus,
when a government action wrongfully deprives a private citizen of valuable property, it
should have to pay compensation, just as a private citizen would have to pay for imposing
similar harm under nuisance (tort) law. In contrast, when a government action prevents
a private citizen from imposing harm on other citizens—as when it prevents that citizen
from creating a nuisance (or noxious use)—it should not have to pay, based on the right
that private citizens have to be free from nuisances caused by fellow citizens.26 Epstein’s
view thus closely corresponds to the nuisance exception established in the Lucas case.
Before turning to the economic models, we provide some comments on the role that
economics can, and more importantly cannot, play in resolving issues related to the
25 See Fischel and Shapiro (1988), who discuss Michelman’s test in light of more recent theories.
26 See Epstein (1985, 36) and Epstein (1995, 133).
678 Thomas J. Miceli and Kathleen Segerson
takings debate. Fundamentally, debates about the scope of the government’s power of
eminent domain concern the relationship between the state and its citizens. In par-
ticular, “What can the state demand of the individual citizens whom it represents and
governs?” (Epstein 1985, 3). As noted, under the Lockean conception of property, the
government derives its power from the consent of the governed and therefore cannot
infringe on individual property rights except insofar as that is necessary to prevent
property owners from interfering with one another’s rights. In contrast, a Benthamite
view of property sees the government’s role as defining property rights in such a way
as to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number. It follows that infringement on
the rights of some citizens is acceptable if it is part of an overall policy that results in an
increase in social welfare (however that is measured).
An economic approach to the takings issue is potentially compatible with both views,
depending on the concept of efficiency one employs. The conclusions one would reach
regarding the compensation question, however, would likely be quite different. Under
traditional Pareto optimality, government actions are only judged to be efficient if no
one is made worse off by the action and some are made strictly better off. This crite-
rion, which reflects the Lockean view regarding the protection of property rights, would
clearly require full compensation to be paid for all government actions, regardless of any
realized benefits. It would therefore be satisfied whenever the government regulation
yields aggregate gains that exceed the losses, and compensation is paid. In contrast, the
criterion of potential Pareto optimality (or Kaldor-Hicks efficiency) would not neces-
sarily require actual compensation of losers but only that compensation be “possible.”
This approach is clearly more congenial to the Benthamite view of property. It would
be satisfied whenever the government regulation yields aggregate gains that exceed the
losses, regardless of whether compensation is paid. Thus, either notion of efficiency is
consistent with an economic perspective. As a result, an economic approach does not
offer a clear resolution of the fundamental question about property rights that is a criti-
cal dimension of the takings issue. It does, however, allow a consideration of how com-
pensation decisions affect resource allocation and incentives for various parties, and
thus, ultimately, the magnitude of aggregate welfare. This perspective and its implica-
tions constitute the primary contribution of economic models of regulatory takings.
Probably the most important contribution economists have made to the regulatory
takings debate has been the examination of the impact of compensation on the invest-
ment incentives of landowners whose property is at risk of being taken or regulated.
This line of research began with the seminal paper by Blume, Rubinfeld, and Shapiro
(1984) (hereafter, BRS), which showed that paying full compensation for takings creates
Regulatory Takings 679
a moral hazard problem that causes landowners to overinvest in land that is targeted for
regulation. An implication of the BRS analysis is the so-called no-compensation result,
which demonstrated that zero compensation is efficient. The BRS model is actually
more subtle than this conclusion suggests, but the no-compensation result has naturally
received the most attention and has provided a stimulus for subsequent research, much
of it aimed at providing countervailing arguments.
The no-compensation result was controversial principally because of its perceived
unfairness and apparent inconsistency with the constitutional requirement of just com-
pensation (at least for physical takings). From an economic perspective, however, the
result is a simple consequence of the well-known moral hazard problem associated with
full insurance. This section presents a simple version of the BRS model in which the gov-
ernment’s decision to take or regulate the owner’s property is treated as exogenous. The
model provides a unifying framework for discussing the large literature on the econom-
ics of takings that has arisen since BRS. Consistent with this literature, the basic prin-
ciples derived from it are equally valid in the contexts of outright takings and regulation
of property. Subsequent sections then examine various extensions to the basic model.
V(x) = market value of a piece of land after x dollars of improvements have been
made, where V′>0, and V″<0;
p = probability that the land will be taken for public use;
B = fixed value of the land in public use if taken;
C(x) = compensation paid to the owner in the event of a taking.
The timing of events is as follows: first the landowner decides how much to invest in
improving his land and then the taking/regulation decision occurs. The owner’s initial
investment is irreversible, so if the land is taken, its value in private use, V(x), as well as
the cost of the investment, x, are lost. Since the original BRS paper considered physical
takings, the interpretations of the variables above reflect this. However, as just noted,
the model and the results derived from it are equally valid in the context of regulatory
takings using the following interpretations of the variables. Under a regulatory taking,
V(x) represents the additional market value that the landowner would realize in the
absence of a regulation, or, equivalently, the loss in market value that would result from
the regulation; B represents the benefit of the regulation or, equivalently, the external
harm avoided by it; and p is the probability that the regulation is imposed.
Since the taking occurs randomly in this model, the only economic decision is the
owner’s choice of x. The socially optimal investment maximizes the expected social
value of the land:
680 Thomas J. Miceli and Kathleen Segerson
pB + (1 − p)V (x ) − x. (1)
which defines the optimal investment, x*. Note that the amount of investment is
decreasing in p. Thus, as the probability of a taking increases, the landowner should
invest less, so as to reduce the loss in the event of a taking.
Now consider the actual choice of x by the landowner. His goal is to maximize his
expected private return from the land, which is given by
Note that this expression differs from (1) by the first term. The first-order condition
defining the owner’s optimal investment is
Comparing (4) and (2) immediately shows that C′ = 0 is a sufficient condition for effi-
ciency; that is, lump sum compensation induces efficient investment. A special case of
lump sum compensation is C ≡ 0, or zero compensation. Intuitively, zero compensation
prevents the owner from overinvesting in his land because he internalizes the loss that
would result if the land is taken. This is the “no-compensation result” of BRS.
B, where F′(B) ≡ f(B) is the density. The landowner is assumed to know F(B), so that, at
the time he makes his investment decision, he knows that the probability of a taking is
equal to 1 − F(V(x)) for any x.
The socially optimal choice of x now maximizes
F (V (x ))V (x ) + [1 − F (V (x ))]E[B | B ≥ V (x )] − x
= F (V (x ))V (x ) + ∫ BdF (B) − x. (5)
V (x )
which has the same interpretation as (2), with F(V(x)) replacing 1 − p as the probabil-
ity that the land will not be taken. The expected private value of the land in this case is
given by
F (V ( x ))V ′ ( x ) + [1 − F (V (x ))]C ′ ( x )
+ F ′ (V ( x )) V ′ ( x ) [V ( x ) − C ( x )] = 1.. (8)
This result was anticipated by Cooter’s (1985) option approach, under which the government
acquires an option from the landowner that allows it to take the land at any point for a prespecified
price. If this approach were used, P would replace C(x) in (7), and the first-order condition in (8) would
become F(V(x))V′(x) + F′(V(x))V′(x)[V(x)−P] = 1. (Note that the C′ term drops out here because the
price is viewed as fixed with respect to the investment choice, x.) It follows that P = C(x*) for efficiency.
682 Thomas J. Miceli and Kathleen Segerson
The preceding compensation rule is not the only one that induces efficient invest-
ment in this case. Hermalin (1995) showed that two other rules are also efficient. Under
the first, C = B; that is, the government must pay the landowner the full value of the
public project in the event of a taking (the gain-based compensation rule). In this case,
the landowner internalizes the social value of the land given in (5) and therefore makes
the efficient investment choice. Alternatively, suppose that compensation is zero in the
event of a taking, but the owner has the option to keep the land by paying the govern-
ment its social value, B. A rational owner will exercise this “buy-back” option if and only
if B < V(x). Thus, only efficient takings will go forward. (Note, therefore, that the gov-
ernment’s decision about when to initiate a taking is immaterial, as long as it truthfully
reveals B to the landowner.) Under this rule, the landowner’s expected return is equal to
Maximizing (9) with respect to x yields the first-order condition in (6). Thus, the
landowner makes the efficient investment choice.
In this analysis, the landowner is able to affect the probability of a taking through
investments that increase the private value of the land, V(x). However, Innes (2000)
notes that a landowner might also be able to affect the probability of a taking through
investments that change the public value of the land. For example, he might be able
to affect the desirability of his property as habitat for an endangered species that the
government might seek to protect. This implies that the investment x shifts the distri-
bution function of B; that is, the distribution becomes F(B,x). However, this does not
change the fundamental result that, when the landowner can affect the probability of a
taking, zero compensation does not lead to efficient landowner investment. In this con-
text, Innes shows that efficiency can be restored by compensating the landowner for the
public value of the land if it is taken or by employing a “negligence compensation” rule
under which landowners receive compensation only if they have acted efficiently when
investing in the public value of their land.
An obvious way to induce the government to make the correct taking decision is to set
C = V(x) (full compensation), but this rule will revive the moral hazard problem. One solu-
tion is to set C = V(x*), which solves both the fiscal illusion problem (because compensation
is full) and the moral hazard problem (because compensation is lump sum). As an alterna-
tive, consider the gain-based rule that sets C = B. As one saw earlier, this rule solves the
moral hazard problem, but a nonbenevolent government will be indifferent between taking
the land and not taking it. The landowner, however, will only want the taking to occur if B ≥
V(x), which is the efficient condition (given x). Thus, if the government follows the wishes
of the landowner, the rule will be (weakly) efficient regarding the taking decision.
Consider next Hermalin’s buy-back rule. Again, the landowner will control the taking
decision in this case and will do so efficiently since he will buy back the land if and only if
B < V(x). Because we showed that this rule also solves the moral hazard problem, it will
achieve efficiency of both the land use and takings decisions.
The final rule we consider involves a “threshold test” for compensation as first pro-
posed by Miceli and Segerson (1994, 1996). The rule works as follows: if the government
acts inefficiently to take or regulate land, it will be required to pay full compensation,
but if it acts efficiently, it will not have to pay.28 Formally, the rule can be written as
V (x ), if B < V (x *)
if B > V (x *). (10)
The efficiency of this rule can be established as follows.29 First, assuming that the land-
owner invested efficiently, the government will take or regulate the land if and only if it
is efficient to do so because it wishes to avoid paying compensation, which would result
in a loss of B − V(x*) when the taking is inefficient (i.e., when B < V(x*)). As a result,
landowners will anticipate that only efficient takings (or regulations) will occur and that
compensation for these actions will be zero. Thus, they will choose x*. This logic estab-
lishes that the Nash equilibrium under rule (10) will be efficient regarding both the land
use and taking decisions.
As a positive matter, the rule in (10) has considerable appeal because it goes a long
way toward explaining actual legal doctrine in the area of regulatory takings. Most obvi-
ously, the rule resembles the diminution of value test from Pennsylvania Coal because it
establishes a threshold for when a regulation “goes too far.” Specifically, compensation
will be due when the regulation is inefficiently imposed. The threshold rule also pro-
vides a standard for applying the noxious use doctrine. Specifically, a noxious use can
be defined as an activity that is efficiently regulated by the government and for which
compensation is therefore not required. Note that, according to this interpretation, the
noxious use doctrine and the diminution of value test are two ways of saying the same
Miceli and Segerson (1994) also propose a threshold rule under which compensation hinges
on whether the landowner acted efficiently in investing in the property. This rule is similar to the
“negligence compensation” rule subsequently proposed by Innes (2000) in the context where the
landowner’s investment affects the public use value of the land.
29 For a more detailed proof, see Miceli and Segerson (1994).
684 Thomas J. Miceli and Kathleen Segerson
thing: the noxious use doctrine emphasizes cases in which the government has acted
efficiently in imposing a regulation, and so compensation is not due (corresponding to
the second line of (10)), whereas the diminution of value test emphasizes cases in which
the government has not acted efficiently, and so compensation is due (corresponding to
the first line of (10)).30
Similar reasoning shows that the Lucas nuisance exception fits easily into this frame-
work. Recall that the nuisance exception allows the government to avoid paying com-
pensation when it regulates activities that would be judged a nuisance under the state’s
common law. But how is a nuisance defined by the common law? The usual standard
is reasonableness, which is defined by asking whether a reasonable person would con-
clude that the amount of harm caused by the activity in question outweighs the ben-
efit.31 In other words, it is based on a cost-benefit calculation. Thus, the threshold for
compensation implied by the nuisance exception is identical to that under the proposed
threshold rule.
Extending this logic shows that the threshold rule provides an alternative “neutral
conduct” point for applying the harm-benefit rule. Specifically, by setting neutral con-
duct equal to efficient conduct, a regulation can be said to “confer a benefit” (and hence
require compensation) when it imposes inefficient restrictions on landowners, whereas
it can be said to “prevent a harm” (and hence not require compensation) when it imposes
an efficient restriction. The threshold rule is also consistent with Fischel’s normal behav-
ior standard, which, recall, set normal behavior based on a landowner’s reasonable
expectations (i.e., based on community norms) about permissible land uses.
Based on this interpretation, the rule in (10) provides a means of reconciling the apparently
conflicting decisions in Mugler, Pennsylvania Coal, and Keystone Bituminous Coal Assn. See Miceli (2011,
chapter 5) for a detailed discussion of this aspect of the threshold rule.
31 See Landes and Posner (1987, C hapter 2) for an economic theory of nuisance law.
Regulatory Takings 685
of regulation but also beneficiaries of that regulation, and any compensation awarded to
victims of regulation must be financed out of taxes levied on all citizens. In designing the
compensation rule at stage one, citizens will therefore presumably take account of both
sides of the public ledger and thus will not be overly generous or stingy with regard to
compensation (Fischel 1995, 211).
The formal model of this process, first developed by Fischel and Shapiro (1989),32 uses
the following notation:
All other variables are defined as above. The public good, B, is assumed to be pure in
the sense that it is enjoyed by all landowners, including those whose land is taken. The
tax is also assessed on all landowners.
In this model, citizen landowners, acting from behind a veil of ignorance, choose
the number of parcels to take. However, since the specific parcels that will be taken
are only revealed after landowners have made their investment decisions, in the ini-
tial state, each landowner assesses an equal probability, p, that his or her parcel will
be taken, where p = s/n. The probability that a parcel will not be taken is therefore 1−
p = (n − s)/n. The wealth of landowners in the “no-taking” and “taking” states, respec-
tively, are given by
w N = V (x ) − T + B(s) − x (11)
The public budget must be balanced, so nT = sC, or, using the definition of p,
T = pC. (14)
(This assumes that the tax is assessed solely to finance compensation for takings.)
As in the BRS model, landowners choose x to maximize their expected wealth, taking
the compensation rule as given. In the current model, they also take as given the amount
of land to be taken, s (or, equivalently, the probability of a taking). The new element here
is the tax payment, T. If landowners also treat T as fixed (i.e., a lump sum tax), then the
first-order condition emerging from (13) would be identical to that in (4), and the BRS
result would be obtained. (That is, C′ = 0 would be a sufficient condition for efficient
investment.) However, suppose, more realistically, that taxes are assessed proportion-
ately on property values. That is, let T = tV(x), where t is the property tax rate. Also,
suppose that compensation is defined as a proportion of land value, or C(x) = αV(x) for
some parameter α. Substituting these expressions for T and C(x) into (13) and taking the
derivative with respect to x yields the first-order condition
Now observe that, according to the balanced budget condition in (14), tV(x) = pαV(x),
or t = αp. Thus, the second term on the left-hand side of (15) vanishes, yielding (2). The
landowner therefore makes the efficient investment choice for any value of α; that is, any
compensation amount. In other words, the compensation rule is irrelevant with respect
to the land use decision. The reason for this result is that the compensation and tax dis-
tortions exactly offset each other through the balanced budget condition (Miceli 2008).
Finally, consider the choice of s, or how much land to take. Landowners also make
this choice from behind a veil of ignorance to maximize (13), subject to the balanced
budget condition in (14). Note that, in making this choice, they recognize the fact that
p(s) = s/n. The resulting first-order condition for s, after canceling terms, is
nB ′(s) = V (x ), (16)
which is the Samuelson condition for a pure public good. That is, land should be devoted
to public use until the marginal benefit of the last unit taken equals its opportunity cost
in private use. Thus, landowners authorize the efficient amount of takings for any given
x. As was true of the land use decision, this result is independent of the form of the com-
pensation rule and for the same reason. Thus, any compensation rule, including zero
and full compensation, would yield efficient decisions under this model.
Regulatory Takings 687
The discussion of land use incentives to this point has been based on a static model of
land use in the sense that the timing of the landowner’s development decision was not an
issue. This section extends the model to address two dynamic land use issues. The first
concerns the timing of development, and the second concerns the impact of the land-
owner’s expectation regarding the threat of regulation on the purchase price of the land.
Assume that development in the present period cannot be prevented and that, once
it goes forward, the social benefit from prohibiting development can never be realized.
Also assume that if the land is not developed in period one and B is not realized in period
two, then the optimal course of action is to develop the land (i.e., there is no chance that
B will be realized in some future period).
688 Thomas J. Miceli and Kathleen Segerson
The key question in this setting is whether it is optimal for the landowner to develop
the land now or to wait. If he develops now, the social (= private) value of the land is
fixed at VN, whereas if he waits, the expected social value is p(B + V0) + (1 − p)VL. Thus,
waiting preserves the option to use the land for the public project. It is therefore socially
optimal to wait if and only if
From the landowner’s perspective, if he develops now, his return is VN, whereas if he
waits, it is p(C + V0) + (1 − p)VL, which differs from the social value by the inclusion of C
rather than B in the first term. He will therefore choose to wait if and only if
Comparing (17) and (18) reveals that the only compensation rule that guaran-
tees that the landowner will make the correct decision is C = B. Any lesser amount
of compensation, including zero compensation, runs the risk of causing premature
In addition to affecting the timing of development, the compensation rule can also
affect landowners’ incentives to reveal information about the public (e.g., conserva-
tion) value of their land. For example, in the absence of compensation, landowners do
not have an incentive to cooperate with regulators seeking to collect information about
public values prior to regulation. Providing some form of compensation (perhaps con-
ditional on landowner behavior or coupled with other conditions) can encourage land-
owners to cooperate with the collection of information or to reveal private information
(Polasky et al. 1997; Polasky and Doremus 1998; Innes et al. 1998).
clearly foreseeable to land speculators and other purchasers of property, who discount
their estimate of its value by the probability of such a change” (246).
To demonstrate the capitalization argument formally (Miceli and Segerson 1996,
chapter 6), let
Suppose that the current owner wishes to sell the property after the regulatory threat
has become public knowledge. Assuming that both buyers and sellers are risk neutral,
the maximum amount a rational buyer would be willing to pay for the property would be
which reflects both the risk of the regulation and the expected compensation. In the case
of zero compensation, the buyer would only pay (1 − p)V + pVR < V. Thus, if the regula-
tion were subsequently imposed, he would not have a good argument for compensation
since the sale price was appropriately discounted.
Epstein (1985, 151–158) and Fischel and Shapiro (1988) both point out, however, that
the seller would have a good argument for compensation since, at the time the possibil-
ity of the regulation was first announced, he suffered a capital loss equal to the differ-
ence between the discounted sale price and V, the value of the land in the absence of a
regulatory threat. In particular, his loss would be V −[(1−p)V + pVR] = p(V − VR). The
compensation question thus reverts to the original owner.
One way to eliminate the original owner’s loss would be to pay full compensation, or
C = V − VR, to the buyer at the time the regulation is actually enacted. Note that substitut-
ing this amount into (19) yields V, which means that the seller suffers no loss at the time
of sale. Alternatively, suppose the original owner is given the right to assert a takings claim
at the time of sale based on the probability that the regulation will be enacted later. Stein
(2000) refers to this as a “sale ripened” claim. In that case, the buyer would pay a price
equal to (1 − p)V + pVR since he would have no takings claim later (i.e., C = 0), but the
seller would receive compensation equal to p(V−VR) at the time of sale, yielding him an
overall return of (1 − p)V + pVR + p(V − VR) = V. Again, his loss is eliminated. In theory,
therefore, both approaches to the problem of a sale in the face of a regulatory threat are
equivalent in the sense that the original owner is fully compensated. In practice, however,
the sale-ripened approach is probably inferior both because it would entail more frequent
litigation and because it involves the difficult informational burden of calculating the risk
of a future regulation.
34 It is also possible that a regulation could enhance the value of other properties, a point we return to
in Section 4. (See, especially, note 37 and the associated text; also see Fischel [1995, 81].)
690 Thomas J. Miceli and Kathleen Segerson
Government regulations are pervasive and in many cases impose substantial bur-
dens on property owners in terms of lost value. It does not follow, however, that
property owners as a whole are necessarily made worse off by the imposition of such
For a formal analysis of this tradeoff in a takings context, see Miceli and Segerson (2007, 49–50).
For more general discussions of the tradeoff, see Stiglitz (1974), Holmstrom (1979), and Shavell (1979).
36 See Innes et al. (1998) and Innes (2000) for a more detailed discussion of the implications of the
regulations37 or even that landowners directly subject to the regulatory restrictions are
necessarily uncompensated. The reason for this paradoxical assertion is that the con-
stitutional requirement of just compensation does not specify that compensation must
always be monetary; it can also be in-kind (Epstein 1985, Chapter 14).
To see what this means, note that in settings where regulations are widely imposed,
as in the case of zoning restrictions, all property owners are equally burdened by the
regulations, but they are also equally benefited by them. These benefits provide a form
of implicit or in-kind compensation to all affected landowners. This argument implies
that a compensable taking has not occurred when a regulation secures an “average reci-
procity of advantage” across all property owners.38 It also reflects Michelman’s (1967,
1223) assertion that “[a]decision not to compensate is not unfair as long as the disap-
pointed claimant ought to be able to appreciate how such decisions might fit into a con-
sistent practice which holds forth a lesser long run risk to people like him than would
any consistent practice which is naturally suggested by the opposite decision.”
See, for example, Truesdell et al. (2006) for evidence that wetlands regulations resulted in both
“takings” and “givings”; i.e., reductions in property values for some landowners but increases in values
for others.
38 Pennsylvania Coal v. Mahon, 260 U.S. 393, 415 (1922).
692 Thomas J. Miceli and Kathleen Segerson
be able to demonstrate a loss in value due to the restriction, this loss would only exist rela-
tive to a background in which all other landowners are prevented from engaging in such
use. In other words, the claimant’s “loss” is calculated based on his unilateral departure
from the efficient land use pattern. Thus, he would have no claim for compensation. Indeed,
if the regulation is efficiently structured, it would actually raise the claimant’s property value
relative to the situation in which no regulation is in place and all landowners are free to pur-
sue their private interests unimpeded (Schall 1976). It is in this sense that all landowners are
said to receive in-kind compensation for the restrictions imposed by broad (and efficient)
government actions.
At the start of this chapter we asserted that, from an economic perspective, regulatory
takings lie on a continuum with physical takings and therefore should, in principle, be
treated the same. The preceding argument, however, provides a possible economic basis
for the dissimilar treatment of the two types of cases. Specifically, the nearly universal pay-
ment of compensation for physical takings, which typically involves the acquisition of only
a few parcels, reflects the concentration of costs on those owners whose land is taken and
for which they receive little or no in-kind compensation. Thus, monetary compensation
is necessary to satisfy the just compensation requirement. In contrast, the denial of com-
pensation for most regulations reflects their broad impact across property owners, with its
promise of in-kind compensation through increased property value, as measured relative
to a world in which no regulations are imposed on individual land use decisions.
based on the facts of the case. The Supreme Court further refined its position on this
issue seven years later in the case of Dolan v. Tigard,40 which involved a requirement
by the City of Tigard that the owner of a hardware store had to deed a portion of her
property to the City for use as a bike path and open space as a condition for its allow-
ing her to expand the store. The City’s argument in making this request was that the
open space and bike path would mitigate the costs to the community arising from the
expanded business operation. The Court in this case found, in contrast to Nollan, that
there did exist a nexus between the city’s demand and the proposed expansion since
the bike path and open space would in fact mitigate the resulting damage. However, it
also suggested that the costs imposed on the landowner by the demand were dispro-
portionate in comparison to the social benefits. In order to avoid the need for explicit
compensation, the government had to demonstrate a “rough proportionality” between
the social harm from the proposed development and the value of the property that was
being taken in exchange. In other words, the in-kind benefit received by the landowner
had to provide sufficient compensation for her losses in order to meet the requirement
of just compensation.
Note that the difference between the rulings in Nollan and Dolan is merely one of
degree. Whereas Nollan found no relation between the government’s demand and the
landowner’s proposed development, Dolan found an inadequate relation (Fischel 1995,
349). Been (1991) nevertheless criticized the Court’s awarding of compensation in
Nollan (and presumably would have likewise criticized the reasoning in Dolan) based
on the argument that the claimant was protected against what he deemed to be an
unreasonable government demand by his option to exit the jurisdiction (Ghosh 1997).
However, Fischel (1995, 345) notes that, in Nollan, the regulation in question was tied
to the particular location—namely, the beachfront—rather than to an activity that the
claimant could easily have resumed in a different location. Thus, exit did not provide an
adequate escape for Nollan. The exit argument applies better to the facts of Dolan, which
involved a business that the claimant presumably could have relocated without substan-
tially diminishing its value.41
Among legal scholars, the prevailing view is that the case law on regulatory takings is mud-
dled at best and chaotic at worst. This has been true ever since the Supreme Court’s deci-
sion in Pennsylvania Coal, which erased the apparently bright line separating compensable
takings from mere regulations that had been established in Mugler. The current state of the
law, which epitomizes this confusion, is the multipronged balancing test from Penn Central.
In our view, the contribution of the economics literature on takings, especially since the
BRS article, has been to bring some order to the debate, first, by formalizing the fundamen-
tal tradeoff between the land use decisions of owners whose land is at risk of a regulation
and the regulatory decisions of the government; and second, by showing how compensa-
tion rules can provide incentives for both decisions to be made efficiently. Although, as we
have noted, much of the literature has been normative in the sense of prescribing optimal
rules along these lines, we also emphasize that some rules can be interpreted in a positive
light as rationalizing the balancing approach that has emerged from the case law.
Aside from incentives, economic theory has also pointed out the risk sharing features
of compensation. When landowners are risk averse, optimal risk sharing is an important
aspect of efficiency, especially because land represents the largest component of most
people’s wealth. The absence of private insurance for takings risk provides an important
efficiency rationale for compensation, although as we noted, this factor may conflict
with incentives for efficient land use in the face of that risk.
Although we believe that the economic approach to takings law has been exceedingly
fruitful, there are several issues that warrant further work. One concerns the informa-
tion requirements of the proposed rules, many of which depend on the efficiency of
either the landowner’s or the regulator’s decision. The question of how the court would
acquire such information needs to be answered before these rules can be used in prac-
tice. Related to this is the increasing need for courts, in assessing the efficiency of various
policies, to value noneconomic goods like the environment or endangered species, and,
on the other side of the ledger, to account for the nonmarket (but legitimately economic)
value that owners attach to their land.42 Another issue concerns the motivation of judges
who play a big role in the evolution of the common law (no matter what the area) but
whose objectives are not well understood.43
Finally, it is important to recognize the limitations of economic theory in evaluating
takings law. After all, the Fifth Amendment may never have been intended to advance an
economic theory of takings. A broader perspective therefore requires the allowance for
other values besides efficiency, like fairness or justice.44 The challenge for future research
on the takings issue is therefore to incorporate these competing values to develop a more
complete understanding of the case law in this area.
42 On this last point, see Plassmann and Tidemann (2008) and Shapiro and Pincus (2007).
43 As a result, most models of legal change ignore the role of judges or treat them in an ad hoc way.
44 See, for example, Tideman and Plassmann (2005) and Niemann and Shapiro (2008).
Regulatory Takings 695
We acknowledge the helpful comments of Josh Duke on an earlier draft of this chapter.
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C HA P T E R 2 6
In Kelo v. New London, 545 US 469 (2005), the US Supreme Court spurred a renewed
political, legal, and economic focus on eminent domain. The case concerned confis-
cations for urban redevelopment and the interpretation of “public use” from the Fifth
Amendment of the US Constitution. The decision precipitated widespread outrage, and
some states fashioned legislation to tie the hands of local governments in using emi-
nent domain. Kelo therefore simultaneously expanded eminent domain and created a
backlash. Most outrage focused on the perceived unfairness of eminent domain, and the
facts of Kelo do indeed suggest significant burdens borne by those whose property was
confiscated. Economic research is especially well positioned to inform the contentious
discourse that underlies the efficiency-derived normative arguments used to support
the legal precedent on eminent domain. An economic assessment of land market fail-
ures from eminent domain helps to distill institutional meaning for a post-Kelo world
and to predict the impact of the decision on land markets.
The Fifth Amendment reads, in part, “nor shall private property be taken for public
use without just compensation.” This is the “eminent domain” clause. Legal scholarship
and case law focus on two aspects of the clause. The first concerns “just compensation”
questions, such as when is compensation due, and what is “just”? The second analyzes
what constitutes “public use.” Since the 1980s, two principal approaches emerged to
analyze the economics of land market problems related to eminent domain, and these
mirror the two legal aspects.
Economic research investigates when the payment of just compensation is efficient,
and Blume, Rubinfeld, and Shapiro (1984) present the seminal model. Their article
and ones that extend it offer many results, but the main finding is that full compensa-
tion may introduce a moral hazard incentive problem. In Chapter 25 of this handbook,
Miceli and Segerson thoroughly review their own and other extensions of the Blume,
Rubinfeld, and Shapiro (1984) model. These models largely focus on compensation,
especially in the context of the efficiency of regulatory takings law. Although regulatory
Eminent Domain and the Land Assembly Problem 699
takings indisputably emerged from eminent domain law, regulatory takings law has
since evolved into a complex set of bright-line and ad hoc tests, and these tests do not
generally apply to cases of physical appropriation. Thus, regulatory takings and eminent
domain are largely distinct in current law. In law, regulatory takings scholarship tends
to focus on whether compensation should be paid for a governmental action, whereas
eminent domain scholarship assesses on the constitutionality (or permissibility) of the
action. Because just compensation is not the central focus of eminent domain law, eco-
nomic modeling must also examine questions about the performance of the underlying
land market.
This chapter focuses on the second area of law—what is “public use”—and a sec-
ond economic problem associated with land market performance—land assembly.
Economic land assembly models can help inform questions about the permissibility of
eminent domain actions. The underlying efficiency problem is the inability of markets
to deliver optimally sized redevelopment, which warrants some exercises of eminent
domain. In land assembly problems, a developer attempts to buy and combine a set of
contiguous urban parcels, which time has seen partitioned to an extent that private rede-
velopment faces difficulties in capturing economies of scale. Why can a developer and
sellers not write socially optimal assembly contracts? The conventional economic story
involves the holdout problem; sellers act as local monopolists, holding their perfectly
heterogeneous product out of the market to gain market power and thereby capture a
share of the redevelopment rents (Posner 1992, 56). Despite the plausibility of the story,
surprisingly few economists have replicated this simple intuition with formal models.
This chapter begins with a brief summary of the eminent domain jurisprudence.
Next, the main economic approaches to analyzing eminent domain are reviewed
(readers are directed to Miceli and Segerson’s chapter in this handbook for an in-depth
assessment of the just compensation models). Eminent domain potentially corrects
two inefficiencies in land markets: (1) inefficiency from holdouts and (2) the under-
supply of public goods from urban redevelopment. Yet, eminent domain will not be
efficient in all settings.
This chapter then develops an original model of land assembly that is able to explain
inefficiencies in land assembly that derive from informational asymmetry. The model
identifies conditions under which eminent domain is likely to be more efficient than pri-
vate assembly and vice versa. One key finding is that eminent domain affects the perfor-
mance of the land assembly market, and thus market failure must be assessed in light of
holdout, public good, and the option for eminent domain. Beyond efficiency, the results
suggest that information asymmetry is the predominant reason for failure in the land
assembly market—it is here that the warrant for eminent domain resides. This model
helps assess recent controversies arising from eminent domain jurisprudence, and it
offers a new opportunity for further economic investigation of urban land market fail-
ures. The model shows that the untoward intentions associated with the popular debate
about Kelo have been given too much credit for market assembly and eminent domain
problems. Instead, it is information asymmetry that drives much of these conflicts.
Simply, private information prevents socially optimal contracts. A better understanding
700 Joshua M. Duke
of the conditions under which land markets fail to deliver assembly will then lead to
a better understanding of how new legislation and judicial rules will deliver improved
outcomes. A final section concludes.
Although the eminent domain clause of the Fifth Amendment is simple and brief, the
past century saw protracted academic disputes and legal cases that shaped the permis-
sible scope of eminent domain. Controversy was particularly acute with respect to the
definition of “public use.” In what has become known as the “narrow” view of public use,
the public must actually use the confiscated property. For instance, under the narrow
view, the public must actually use land confiscated from a farmer, say, as a public road.
The “narrow” view likely frames most examples in newspapers, public discourse, and
classrooms, so it likely captures the public perception of eminent domain.
However, case law tends to favor the “broad” view of public use, which allows for pri-
vate use of confiscated property so long as the use is to public advantage. The broad
view of public use evolved from a series of early cases (see Strickley v. Highland Boy Gold
Mining Company, 200 US 527, 1906) and, most recently, in Kelo. Berman v. Parker, 348
US 26 (1954) involved large-scale, urban redevelopment in Washington, DC, which
sought to confiscate some non-“blighted” properties along with blighted ones. The US
Supreme Court found the confiscation to be permissible, even though private parties
would end up with the redeveloped property because, for public advantage, the “area
must be planned as a whole,” and large-scale redevelopment cannot be accomplished on
a piecemeal basis. The Court in Berman explicitly recognized the land assembly prob-
lem and seemed to define the public interest as preventing local monopolies: “If owner
after owner were permitted to resist these redevelopment programs on the ground that
his particular property was not being used against the public interest, integrated plans
for redevelopment would suffer greatly” (348 US 26, at 35). Subsequent cases reinforced
this broad view. This includes validating as public use eminent domain actions that
prevent a land oligopoly (Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff 467 US 229, 1984) and
enhance market competition (Ruckelshaus v. Monsanto Co., 467 US 986, 1984).
In the Kelo case, a five-justice majority validated the New London Development
Commission’s (NLDC) use of delegated eminent domain power to condemn 15
non-blighted houses for a loosely conceptualized, large redevelopment project. A rule
emerged that “public use” will be even more broadly interpreted. Specifically, blight was
no longer necessary for using eminent domain in redevelopment, and a new sufficient
condition became the prospect of increasing a jurisdiction’s tax base. Specific examples
of synergies were described, including jobs, tax revenue, and “build(ing) momentum
for the revitalization of downtown New London” (Kelo 545 US 469, 2005). Following the
case, many legislatures drafted statutes to restrain public agencies from using eminent
domain except under a narrow set of circumstances.
Eminent Domain and the Land Assembly Problem 701
Several features of the Kelo case drive the renewed focus on the use of eminent
domain. The lower court opinions and other source material suggest that this redevel-
opment project was not profitable for a private developer (i.e., the project had net pri-
vate costs without subsidies), nor was it thought providential for the city of New London
(i.e., net social costs). The houses were in a well-maintained neighborhood, suggesting
the absence of that standard justification—removing blight. Moreover, the proposed
redevelopment plan was generally vague about what would be created—a parking lot,
retail opportunities, “support the existing park.” In short, the costs of eminent domain
on existing owners seem large, whereas the benefits of an assembled (large) parcel seem
ambiguous at best. Adding to the tenuous nature of the project, it turns out that the
NLDC was prepared to bear a range of costs of redevelopment—relying on its ability
to mobilize public resources for the task. The web-based accounts of the conflict sug-
gested that the developers hired by the NLDC might be handed assembled parcels at an
agreeable discount over what would have been required had eminent domain not been
A flawed legal context was not aided by the inflammatory language deployed by sev-
eral justices in their struggle with the facts at hand. Justice O’Connor complained that
such practices, if allowed to persist unchecked, would find cities condemning cheap
hotels to allow for the appearance of elegant and expensive ones. The heated dissents
then contributed to the public outrage mentioned earlier.
The Kelo decision not only focused public attention on eminent domain law and
practice, it also suggested an expanded “public use” doctrine. A host of economic impli-
cations are associated with this new legal dispensation. Holdouts may hinder socially
beneficial land assemblies (i.e., positive externalities of redevelopment), whereas the
deployment of eminent domain will solve the problem of holdouts but captures some
subjective values from those in a position of being a monopoly supplier of needed
parcels (the holdout). Existing economic models—particularly, Miceli and Segerson
(2007)—offer insights into the gains and losses associated with both approaches to the
development challenge. But some issues have remained unexamined. Unlike previous
models predicated on certainty, there is abiding uncertainty on the part of developers
and landowners about whether eminent domain can and will be used to the developer’s
Existing models explore the holdout problem in at least four ways. One approach
focuses on delay, whereby sellers threaten to hold up a socially valuable project
(Menezes and Pitchford 2003); then, Nash bargaining occurs to divide the rents (Miceli
and Segerson 2007). A second approach is to conceptualize redevelopment as delivering
702 Joshua M. Duke
This review of existing economic models suggests a gap in explaining the conditions
under which eminent domain outperforms market assembly in allocating scarce resources.
Eminent domain performance must be assessed relative to market assembly under the
same conditions and with explicit consideration of the market failures of monopoly (i.e.,
holdouts), externalities, and information asymmetries. As will be shown, information
asymmetry offers a great deal of explanatory power for land assembly market failure.
As the preceding section clarifies, only a small set of existing models explains the land
market inefficiency warranting eminent domain. In contrast, well-developed legal
scholarship exists on eminent domain. The model presented here combines key facets
of existing models (such as delay, positive redevelopment externalities, and compen-
sation) with information asymmetry. The application seeks to offer a more complete
explanation of market failure in settings where eminent domain may or may not offer
efficiency-enhancing institutional change. The original model is also designed to cap-
ture the key features of modern eminent domain law, such as those found in the Kelo
case. The features of case law include the private and social efficiency of assembly, the
role of delay costs for the developer introduced by uncertainty, and a new concept of
delay benefits to sellers.
The model reveals that the option of eminent domain in the future helps explain the
failure of market-based land assembly in the present. In addition, the model illustrates
the effects of the imposition of different decision rules on the public body exercising
eminent domain. Eminent domain proceedings can be used to force a transaction with
the developer, but, as one sees in Kelo, eminent domain can also be used to force and
subsidize land-assembly transaction. Recent legislative limits on eminent domain in
response to Kelo alter the behavior in private assembly markets, but they will not prevent
all opportunities for redevelopment. This section develops the general model structure
and identifies key assumptions. Then, in turn, the model is evaluated under two possible
information conditions: complete and incomplete information. The model is evaluated
and questions are posed about possible policy impacts.
P A1, P B1 Indicates market
assembly outcomes
Period Accept Reject
D V-P A1-P B1 D D
P A1 P A2, P B2
P B2 P B1 P A2
Period B Reject Accept
Reject Accept Reject Accept
Reject Accept Reject Accept
1-PA1-d1 V-PA1-PB2-d1 A2 B1
1-PB1-d1 V-P -P -d1 -d1 1-PB2-d1 1-PA2-d1 V-PA2-PB2-d1
PA1 PA1 v PA2 v v PA2 PA2
αv PB1 PB1 PB1 αv P B2 αv PB2
domain subgame (Figure 26.2) that will be imposed on the outcomes if market assembly
fails. The initial period when nature selects the player type variables is omitted from the
game in Figures 26.1 and 26.2:
Nature also selects the high-type and low-type party. In period 1, D makes take-it-
or-leave-it offers PA1 and PB1 to sellers, A and B, who then accept or decline. If one or
both sellers decline, the developer bears delay cost, d1, and makes new take-it-or-leave-it
offers PA2 and PB2 to the remaining seller or sellers. This section develops a series of
assumptions about parcel values and states of the world, which will guide the modeling
3.2 Parcel Values
Let both parcels be homogeneous in market value, but let owners hold heteroge-
neous “subjective” values (following the term from Posner 1992, 57). Owners have
Eminent Domain and the Land Assembly Problem 705
eminent domain@Pr(π) No eminent domain@Pr(1-π)
V-2-d1-d2 -d1-d2
1 v
1 αv
heterogeneous values for many goods, such as housing, because individual prefer-
ences vary over the many amenities and disamenities that constitute the housing good.
Heterogeneity for a given type of house manifests as owners’ minima in their willingness
to accept (WTA) compensation. Owners with WTA at or below current market prices
(adjusted for transactions costs) are actively marketing their houses. Owners who are
not in the market, therefore, reveal that they hold a subjective value in excess of the mar-
ket value. As Miceli (2011, 57–58) explains, many scholars anticipate that the difference
between subjective value and market value increases over time for homeowners as they
gain idiosyncratic ties to their houses. For this model, simplifying assumptions are made
to study owners with subjective values that would be most likely to lead to holdouts.
The actual price level is immaterial, so a numéraire scaling is imposed such that all other
values modeled are interpreted as relative to a single-parcel market value. The homoge-
neity assumption simplifies the model by controlling for a parcel characteristic that does
not contribute to explaining the occurrence of the assembly problem. Subjective-value
heterogeneity, however, does help explain why one seller might require a higher payment
than another and, equally, captures seller willingness to hold out for a certain offer and to
bear risk. In addition, heterogeneity allows for imperfect information on the part of D to
have a more realistic complicating effect on assembly. A standard assumption in assembly
models is that owners are not willing to sell at current market prices.
Assumption 3. Sellers are not currently marginal sellers in the market: v > αv > 1.
This is consistent with the economic concept of upward sloping supply. The intu-
ition that subjective value exceeds market value is well recognized in economics and
706 Joshua M. Duke
law,1 although it does not automatically follow that just compensation for eminent
domain should exceed m = 1.2
Much of the controversy involving eminent domain in law and economics centers
on the payment of m = 1, as “just compensation,” to owners with higher, but unobserv-
able, values. Posner (1992, 57) describes the quantity v − 1 as a tax on subjective value.
This is also the distinction in institutional economics between value in use and value in
exchange. From the perspective of a planner, representing the rest of society, this same
quantity can be seen as a fiscal savings. However, this fiscal savings may lead to some
projects that are inefficiently large.
What does it mean to be a “holdout”? This model will operationalize two forms of
holdout behavior.
Definition 4. A seller is a weak holdout when the seller demands or is paid more than
the market value, but less than the seller’s reservation value: v > PA > m; αv>PB>m.
Definition 5. A seller is a strong holdout when the seller demands or is paid more than
the seller’s reservation value: PA > v; PB > αv.
This chapter introduces the strong versus weak holdout distinction to capture dif-
ferent distributional outcomes and potential unobservable resource allocation inef-
ficiencies affected by eminent domain. A strong holdout seeks to extract rents from
the redevelopment project, whereas a weak holdout is taxed by eminent domain.
Because of the unobservability of subjective values, planners and other observers may
perceive holdouts to be any seller demanding or getting paid more than the market
value. The model focuses on the strong holdout phenomenon because it is most likely
to trigger inefficiently small redevelopments, and it captures the monopoly-type rent
extraction best.
Posner (1992, 56) captures this perspective well: “The familiar argument that the eminent domain
power is necessary to overcome the stubbornness of people who refuse to sell at a ‘reasonable’ (that is, the
market) price is bad economics. If I refuse to sell for less than $250,000 a house that no one else would
pay more than $100,000 for, it does not follow that I am irrational, even if no ‘objective’ factors such as
moving expenses justify my insisting on such a premium. It follows only that I value the house more than
other people. This extra value has the same status in economic analysis as any other value.”
2 Some do not view the subjective value as a legitimate measure of value for conducting efficiency
Eminent Domain and the Land Assembly Problem 707
not socially
Project socially
0 2 V
A Pareto improvement (assumption 6) occurs if gains from the project are distributed
to all three parties so that no one is made worse off. If the social value of the project is less
than the subjective values but more than the market values, then assumption 7 holds.
In other words, assembly appears financially efficient but is not economically efficient
because it consumes more resources than it creates. Under eminent domain, developers
and planners may perceive such projects to be “efficient” because the benefits of devel-
opment exceed just compensation, which are v and αv when awarded at market values.
These values are compared in Figure 26.3.
Redevelopment projects are often rationalized with positive externalities. For exam-
ple, the redevelopment in Kelo was rationalized as a way to capture “synergies” with a
recently sited, neighboring large firm. Following O’Flaherty (1994), let the value of the
positive externality be Y measured in units of m.
If assumption 6 and 8 hold, then the PPI is enhanced by the externality but social
efficiency is not affected: V + Y ≥ v(1 + α) > 2. If assumptions 7 and 8 hold, then the
PPI is directly affected by the externality: V + Y ≥ v(1 + α) > 2. Although many possible
impacts of externalities on the social value assumptions are possible, the model focuses
only on these two. Figure 26.4 displays these relationships.
708 Joshua M. Duke
v(1+α) Project
not socially
efficient Project socially
efficient, but not
privately efficient
0 2 V
3 In developing a land redevelopment plan involving assembly, D bears a host of project planning
costs. Some of these costs are sunk, but others incur as yearly costs, ρ. The yearly costs, ρ, might include
Eminent Domain and the Land Assembly Problem 709
the developer such that d2 = ρ(1 − δT)/r, where r < 1 is the discount rate and δt = 1/(1 − r)t
is the discount factor that raises nominal eminent domain subgame payoffs to those at
the market assembly time.
Sellers view the delay of eminent domain differently than does the developer. At
time T, eminent domain occurs and, in expectation, sellers will anticipate nominal
gains that are less than their nominal subjective value (this is shown below). However,
at all periods leading up to T, sellers enjoy their full subjective values (in annual-
ized, nominal terms). In effect, the longer eminent domain is put off (i.e., as T → ∞),
the more subjective value under eminent domain approaches that of subjective value
with no eminent domain. Consider an example. A seller facing eminent domain at
time 10 derives greater utility from his or her parcel than if he or she faced eminent
domain at time 3 because that seller will be able to enjoy full subjective value during
time 3 to 10. This becomes a delay benefit for the seller. However, it is not valued at
an annualized v; rather, the benefit becomes an avoided opportunity cost of the dif-
ference between residing in the parcel and moving. The next best option is best mea-
sured by the market value, m = 1, and thus the delay benefit is: d3 = (v − 1)(1 − δT)/r
and d4 = (αv − 1)(1 − δT)/r. The author was unable to find the delay-benefit concept in
the existing literature.
After T years, the public authority renders a decision—one unknown prior to
T. The unknowable aspect of this decision pertains to (1) whether or not the proj-
ect will proceed, (2) the scope of the project, or (3) whether a developer’s desired
parcels will be included in a broader project. Redevelopment occurs when assem-
bly is mandated via eminent domain. The outcome is treated as an exogenous,
common-knowledge parameter where the probability of redevelopment is distrib-
uted uniformly πє(0,1).4
Let impacts on the developer and sellers incurred in market assembly increase with the
discount rate, such that V, d1, m, v, and α, are equivalent at any time. Then, the developer
payoff in the public assembly subgame is V − 2 − d1 − d2 if urban redevelopment occurs, and
− d1 − d2 otherwise—assuming the participation constraint is satisfied. Just compensation
is a market-value measure, m = 1. The public assembly payoff assumes that the developer
must pay for the parcels instead of a public body confiscating, paying m = 1, and then turn-
ing the parcels over to the developer at zero cost. The payoff to each seller is m = 1 if urban
redevelopment occurs and is the subjective value otherwise. The expected payoff for all par-
ties, with risk neutrality assumed, will simply weight the payoffs by the probabilities of their
the costs of sustaining the development plan if delayed. For instance, the development requires access to
capital and hedging against future increases in capital costs requires “lock-in” fees. A planning staff may
need to be maintained during the delay period. Also, delay involves the recurrent costs of negotiation
and gathering new information on an evolving local economy and land market.
4 The options of no eminent domain (π = 0) and certain eminent domain (π = 1) are not allowed. The
former is equivalent to the market assembly game. Both can potentially complicate the algebra.
710 Joshua M. Duke
3.5 Information
Asymmetric information exacerbates assembly conflicts, and much of the acrimony
over eminent domain arises from fairness concerns: the presumption that subjective
values exceed just compensation and the loss of autonomy in participating in a mar-
ket. D has private information about V, d1, and d2, whereas m is common knowledge,
as is the game structure. One limitation of the model (and an opportunity for future
research) is that D cannot invest in gaining information and cannot alter the structure of
the game to sort sellers. Furthermore, the model does not include a bargaining interac-
tion, which, when coupled with the sequential structure of the game, implies that seller
choice is not affected by knowledge of V. This contrasts with Eckart (1985) and Strange
(1995) who produced land assembly problems from sellers’ lack of knowledge about V,
although these articles proposed different game structures.
For A and B, information is imperfect because they move simultaneously, and it is
incomplete because they do not know the other’s subjective value. The game structure
and information availability thereby appear advantageous to D, who can make take-it-
or-leave-it offers to sellers. This advantage probably captures reality better than that of
market-savvy sellers, and the apparent structural advantage to D will be shown to bal-
ance with sellers’ monopolist power.
This chapter conceptualizes the complications of information on assembly in two
ways. First, governments do not exercise eminent domain with certainty. The process
of eminent domain involves competing claims in the political process, where a devel-
oper may lobby for a project and sellers lobby against. Exogenous factors, such as the
goals of political leaders and financial pressures within the community, also affect
the decision to use eminent domain. In the model, eminent domain occurs with the
common-knowledge probability of π. From D’s perspective, the risk that eminent
domain will not be used, 1 − π, becomes a cost. This parameterization extends the Miceli
and Segerson (2007) model, where eminent domain occurs with certainty and immedi-
ately at the developer’s behest.
The second complication is an information asymmetry, which is modeled only as it
affects D. The information in the game is complete when D knows v and α and is other-
wise incomplete.
Incomplete information also implies D cannot identify the low type. In reality, a
developer would likely have some information about sellers’ subjective values. Future
empirical and theoretical efforts may choose to explore these information assumptions
and their impact on behavior and the efficiency of eminent domain.
Eminent Domain and the Land Assembly Problem 711
Will D participate in market assembly? Although Figure 26.1 does not allow explicitly
for D to opt out of the interactions in periods 1 and 2, D would never participate in any
market assembly game when it would be privately inefficient.
Overall, market assembly under complete information produces results that are intu-
itive and straightforward. Market assembly can achieve social optimality when markets
lack imperfections and when redevelopment is privately efficient. However, market
assembly does not always produce socially optimal results, even under complete infor-
mation. Public goods associated with redevelopment may lead to an undersupply of
assembly (in previous literature, inefficiently small redevelopments). In addition, there
exists no holdout problem in this game because sellers always receive their subjective
values, at minimum.
Two competing, but difficult to reconcile, visions of redevelopment likely dictate how
severely one evaluates the ability of market assembly to generate social optimality. One
vision views redevelopment externalities as substantive and pervasive. It is for exactly
714 Joshua M. Duke
5 Obstacles outside the model might include capital and bargaining issues with holdouts (see Miceli
and Segerson 2007).
Eminent Domain and the Land Assembly Problem 715
if PBt ≥ π + (1 − π)αv. Otherwise, they each reject. Knowing this, D lowers the period 2
offers to force indifference. A similar assessment can be made in period 1; sellers must
accept the expected indifference payoff from eminent domain.
Equilibria can now be described. D’s participation constraint remains the same as in
market assembly alone, except now the optimal offers are less (see proposition 1 below).
This expands the set of interactions in which D will participate (see proposition 2),
creating a difference between social optimality and private efficiency in the absence of
externalities. D offers PA1 = PA2 = π + (1 − π)v, PB1 = PB2 = π + (1 − π)αv. A and B “accept”
in both periods. There are several implications.
Proposition 1. Under complete information, sellers receive and accept lower market assem-
bly offers when eminent domain is available than when it was not. The developer does
Proof. It is sufficient to show for A that the acceptable offer under eminent domain is less
than the acceptable offer without eminent domain: π + (1 − π)v < v. This implies π(1 − v) +
v < v ==> π(1 − v)<0. The LHS is negative because of assumptions: πє(0,1) and v > 1. Also,
because D pays less to A and B, D is better off.
Proposition 2. With the eminent domain option, D will participate under more conditions
than under market assembly alone. Let this set of land market conditions belong to set Z.
Proof. Let points in set Z be project-seller value pairs: {v(1 + α),V}. Consider only
period 1, because assembly occurs in equilibrium in period 1. Under market assem-
bly, the participation constraint showed that D participated in all market conditions
when V ≥ v(1 + α). Let these conditions be set, X. Proposition 2 is proved if X is a per-
fect subset of Z and X≠Z. This holds if the market assembly participation constraint
without eminent domain, V ≥ v(1 + α), differs (and produces more possible pairs)
from the one with eminent domain, V ≥ π + (1 − π)v + π + (1 − π)αv, or if v(1 + α) > π +
(1 − π)v + π + (1 −π)αv. Simplifying, v + vα > π + v−vπ + π + αv−αvπ ==> 0> 1−v + 1−αv ==>
v + αv > 2, which is true by assumption 3.
Proposition 3. When no externalities exist, eminent domain expands the set of market
assemblies, and each of these new assemblies is socially inefficient.
SIn, PIn
SEf=Socially Efficient
SIn, PEf
SIn=Socially Inefficient
PEf=Privately Efficient
Project PIn=Privately Inefficient
0 2 V
FIGURE 26.5 Social optimality of redevelopment with eminent domain (with and without
Proof. From proposition 3, eminent domain distorts efficiency with all conflicts where v(1
+ α)>V ≥ π + (1 − π)v + π + (1 − π)αv. Redevelopment externalities, Y, are added to V, which
shrinks the number of conflicts satisfying the left inequality. The potential eminent domain
distortion to efficiency corresponds to the possible values of V in the preceding inequality,
which has magnitude: v(1 + α) − [π + (1 − π)v + π + (1 − π)αv]. This magnitude can be simplified
Eminent Domain and the Land Assembly Problem 717
to π(v + αv − 2). This quantity can be compared to Y, the efficiency loss from not using eminent
domain for these conflicts. For π(v + αv − 2) < Y, eminent domain in effect internalizes some
of the externality, and at equality perfect internalization occurs. Thus, for π(v + αv − 2)≤Y,
eminent domain improves efficiency. For π(v + αv − 2) > Y, the internalization has occurred
and an efficiency loss begins to mount for the eminent domain distortion alone: Y − π(v +
αv − 2). Thus, optimally, society should balance the benefits of eminent domain Y with the
costs Y − π(v + αv − 2).
Proposition 4 is the principal efficiency result of this analysis. It also implies that when
externalities are small, eminent domain is less likely to provide an efficiency gain, all else
equal. If externalities are sufficiently small, there may not be any land market assembly
characteristics such that eminent domain will enhance social efficiency. Another impli-
cation is that eminent domain is more likely to enhance social efficiency when the exter-
nality is large relative to the eminent domain distortion.
Incomplete information is a severe case, contrasting starkly with the state of the world
developed earlier because, strictly, an incomplete information world means that D
knows absolutely nothing about v and α. Mathematically, D would not know if the maxi-
mum of v is infinite. Then, all attempts at achieving market assembly fail. In general,
market assembly fails in many cases when information is incomplete—this is as to be
expected because the information asymmetry manifests itself as potentially infinite
transaction costs. Eminent domain corrects this failure in many cases, although it can
potentially overcorrect, as seen earlier.
Assume that D believes that the v maximum might approach infinity, as the pure
uncertainty condition suggests. Here, D will not participate in the assembly market at all
because the expected benefit cannot mathematically outweigh the salvaging risk. (The
salvaging risk is that D loses the difference between potentially infinite v and known
market value m = 1, which means the potential loss also is potentially infinite.) Thus, D’s
participation constraint cannot be satisfied, and land assembly never occurs.
If the project would otherwise satisfy the social efficiency condition, then market
assembly can be seen as inefficient. Redevelopment externalities exacerbate this ineffi-
ciency. If the project was not socially efficient, then market assembly is socially optimal.
However, externalities might expand the set of socially efficient projects, pushing some
from the socially inefficient to socially efficient category. The inefficiency result leads
logically to calls for eminent domain.
FIGURE 26.6 Social optimality of redevelopment with and without eminent domain (no
externalities; incomplete information). (Left) Market assembly; (right) public assembly.
Eminent Domain and the Land Assembly Problem 719
shortcomings of market assembly and would be attenuated for many conflicts under
eminent domain.
6 This result comes from the model, but, intuitively, other conditions outside the model might lead
to the same claim. For instance, if bargaining or negotiation leads to a sufficient attenuation of the
information asymmetry, then market assembly is relatively superior.
720 Joshua M. Duke
7. Conclusion
the general public may have made little use of this result because it runs so counter to
notions of fairness—notions that moreover are ingrained in the US Constitution.
As the literature review and the application show, there are other ways than just com-
pensation to examine eminent domain. The “public use” part of the Fifth Amendment is
also important to politicians and judges, but it has received little attention from econo-
mists. Economic research on eminent domain is not settled. Collectively, this lack of
economic attention limited economists’ impact on the public debate following Kelo.
Ideally, future research will continue to investigate land assembly market failures.
Any errors are attributable to the author. Challenging discussions and feedback from
Dan Bromley helped shape and improve this work. The author is also grateful for
insightful feedback from Peter Schwarz and JunJie Wu, seminar participants at the
University of Delaware Legal Studies Program, and workshop participants at the Society
for Environmental Law and Economics.
Blume, L., D. Rubinfeld, and P. Shapiro. 1984. The taking of land: When should compensation
be paid? Quarterly Journal of Economics 99: 71–92.
Buchanan, J. M., and Y. J. Yoon. 2000. Symmetric tragedies: Commons and anticommons.
Journal of Law and Economics 43(1): 1–13.
Eckart, W. 1985. On the land assembly problem. Journal of Urban Economics 18: 364–378.
Epstein, R. A. 1985. Takings: Private property and the power of eminent domain. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press.
Heller, M. A. 1998. The tragedy of the anticommons: Property in the transition from Marx to
markets. Harvard Law Review 111: 621–688.
Menezes, F., and R. Pitchford. 2003. The land assembly problem revisited. Regional Science and
Urban Economics 34(2): 155–162.
Miceli, T. J. 2011. The economic theory of eminent domain. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Miceli, T. J., and K. Segerson. 2007. A bargaining model of holdouts and takings. American Law
and Economics Review 9(1): 160–174.
Miceli, T.J. and K. Segerson. 2014. Regulatory takings. In The Oxford handbook of land econom-
ics, ed. J.M. Duke and J Wu. New York: Oxford University Press.
Munch, P. 1976. An economic analysis of eminent domain. The Journal of Political Economy
84(3): 473–497.
O’Flaherty, B. 1994. Land assembly and urban renewal. Regional Science and Urban Economics
24: 287–300.
Posner, R. A. 1992. Economic analysis of law, 4th ed. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.
Strange, W. C. 1995. Information, holdouts, and land assembly. Journal of Urban Economics
38: 317–332.
C HA P T E R 2 7
Land is special in many ways. In the foreword, Bromley argues that our idea of “place”
conflates with land, giving land primacy. Wars are fought over it. To the research econo-
mist, the commodity “land” poses special modeling challenges, not the least of which is
that many do not see land as a commodity at all. As Bromley notes, land is different from
other commodities that economists might model, like toothpaste. This special differ-
ence is not about market value. Land economists have long recognized the challenge of
putting land on the quantity axis of a market model. Land has describable but also inef-
fable qualities (Bromley, foreword); or, as some see it, land is “extremely heterogeneous”
(Irwin and Wrenn, Chapter 13). Irwin and Wrenn also argue that land modeling creates
special challenges in that decisions about its uses are affected by market and nonmar-
ket feedbacks, and it has important dynamic characteristics because past choices may
Put differently, the special nature of land makes all owners interdependent monopo-
lists foisting and bearing innumerable external costs and benefits, both spatial and tem-
poral. Massive and complex challenges stand in the way of markets effectively allocating
land among competing uses. And yet land markets function and not always poorly.
Why? How well do they function? Can policy improve outcomes? Land economics has a
long history of providing insights. As this handbook shows, land economists are poised
to offer innovative, powerful answers in the near future.
Future research directions in land economics will expand the study of optimal land
allocation, market failures preventing optimality, and policy impacts. The chapters in
this handbook make clear that new data exist to better describe the spatial aspects of
land, and new techniques allow economists to ask new questions or approach older
questions looking for new insights. Together, these forces offer rich opportunities for
economists to explain land use behavior and improve land market outcomes.
724 Joshua M. Duke and JunJie Wu
Although the handbook describes many advances, this chapter presents five promi-
nent trends that will occupy a large share of future research. The ability to develop more
sophisticated models that describe land outcomes is one of the most promising recent
developments. These counterfactual analyses exemplify a key advantage of rigorous eco-
nomic analysis. Another trend is toward more sophisticated models that explain how
people and firms sort on the landscape. Integrated feedback modeling of human and
ecological processes offers another rich field of study. Path-breaking articles from past
decade have laid out these methods, and land economists are poised to extend and apply
these techniques to a host of new problems.
These trends will help provide the answers to questions that society asks of econo-
mists. What changes would have happened to land uses in region R if clean water policy
U had not been implemented? How will land use change in the future if location V has
carbon policy W? How will incentive-based conservation policy X interact with zoning
Y and, in turn, affect the supply of ecosystem services Z? How will provision Z affect
the land choices made under X and Y? Land economists are better than ever poised to
answer these questions.
The purpose of this chapter is to identify broad research priorities and directions for
land economists, distilling lessons from recommendations in the preceding 26 chapters.
Each chapter comprehensively covers one area of land economics, and this final chapter
synthesizes five key directions for the field. The first two directions involve improved
modeling capacity: spatially explicit structural modeling and integrated economic and
ecological modeling. The third direction focuses on advancing methods to understand
and uncover agents’ behavior in settings involving land decisions. The fourth direction
explores how to use abundant yet incomplete or inconsistent data. The fifth direction
involves overcoming information challenges in policy design.
The focus on five directions is necessarily selective. For instance, most chapters
discuss specific applications and topic-based directions and policy needs. These are
difficult to synthesize, so we focus on broader trends. Another decision involved
determining what exactly constitutes a “future research direction.” Some chapters
identify where the authors anticipate the literature to be moving, either in the short-
or long-term. This positive approach differs from a normative one (i.e., where the
authors think the literature should be going). We try to include both perspectives in
this review.
An overarching trend that drives future research directions in land economics is the
integrated approach that involves both integrated economic and ecological modeling
and cross-fertilization among land-related economics fields. Several recent advance-
ments in economics, including the emergence of the new economic geography and eco-
logical economics, drive the integration among land-related economics fields. These
Future Research Directions in Land Economics 725
advancements have led to the increasing recognition that land use patterns, economic
growth, and the spatial distribution of economic activities and environmental impacts
are highly interdependent. Recent advancements in information technology has also
propelled integrated research and made it possible. Further development of integrated
research will require additional theoretic, empirical, and methodological advances. Five
future research directions are discussed here.
higher levels of integration in which the “subroutines” of one model become incorpo-
rated in another.
Irwin and Wrenn (Chapter 13) identify three general opportunities for integrating
economic models. First, they see possibilities for simplifying difficult structural econo-
metric modeling problems by selectively combining these models with reduced-form
parameters estimates. A second opportunity identified by Irwin and Wrenn is to explore
complementarities between structural spatial equilibrium models and agent-based
models. Third, they believe spatial land use models can be linked to equilibrium models
from other sectors.
This host of new methods offers better opportunities to examine complex linkages
between policy choice and land use behavior. Gnedenko and Heffley (Chapter 20) advo-
cate this form of integration, arguing for enhanced modeling of community-level deci-
sions and of the decisions of nearby communities or higher level governments. They
focus on decisions about fiscal policies for open space, but their point applies to other
public goods. Traditionally, the link is established through an open-city condition, but
Gnedenko and Heffley (Chapter 20) see opportunities for models that better capture
linkages and potential spillovers arising from fiscal policies.
and Heffley (Chapter 20) argue for further and better matching of land cover data and
parcel-specific data on zoning and other land use controls. Yet existing data are not
always readily useable in spatial formats. Ferris and Lynch (Chapter 21) suggest that
farmland owners and other households’ opinion, income, and preference survey data
exist but that confidentiality rules prohibit most researchers from connecting these ana-
lytical units of observation with spatial data sources.
Several authors focused on making better efforts to measure unobserved costs
(in supplying ecosystem services and other settings) at the farm or parcel level.
Hodge (Chapter 22) identifies opportunities to use these cost data to better target
agri-environmental policy at the farm level. Several other chapters (chapters 21 and 23)
cite the importance of conservation targeting, but also the need to develop better target-
ing techniques; these techniques will require better measures of space, benefits, costs,
and the like.
land economists can assess the performance of competing institutions and thus affect
policy before the assignment of rights. For instance, recent literature examines market
instrument comparisons in land conservation (consider Arnold et al.’s 2013 comparison
of auctions, contracts, and taxes in government procurement of ecosystem services) and
in work covering activities related to land (consider alternate baselines for incentivizing
best management practices in water quality trading in Ghosh et al. 2011).
The handbook chapters offer many specific directions in the study of information and
land economics. Fundamentally, the increasingly availability of information and inter-
connectedness of people affects and is affected by the way land is used. Mills (Chapter 3)
examines the economic performance of differently sized metropolitan areas and, in the
process, sketches a research agenda for anticipating future growth patterns. Mills pre-
dicts that suburban land use will continue to rapidly expand and thus poses a hypothesis
for future research.
Many chapters consider future research directions arising from information asym-
metry with respect to supply curve of land use. The chapters highlight the challenges of
uncovering these opportunity costs in a number of settings, including the nonpecuniary
benefits of agricultural land use and the role in technology adoption (Zilberman et al.,
Chapter 2). Several chapters call for studies of the unobservable costs of delivering con-
servation and other agri-environmental services (Lewis and Nelson, Chapter 7; Hodge,
Chapter 22). Plantinga and Lewis (Chapter 15) discuss how to model landowners’ pri-
vate information.
In Chapter 22, Hodge offers some sobering thoughts about a desire to create even
second-best contracts—issues that future research must come to terms with lest this
work be unproductive. Hodge starts with a relatively uncontroversial position (that
some asymmetric information is unavoidable), but notes that all agri-environmental
efforts rely to some extent on an ability to write enforceable contracts. Hodge wonders
if one also can define those agricultural practices that optimally deliver a given environ-
mental benefit, for a given farm, and with cognizance of permanence. In other words,
what happens when the contract ends? Eisen (Chapter 24) considers the effect of vol-
untary cleanup programs that lead to brownfield sites that are not contaminant free
many years following a cleanup. In this situation, what is the implication for efficient
“reopener” policy and land markets (i.e., policies that allow governments to require
additional clean up in the future)?
What about additionality? Will increased contracting for agri-environmental services
“crowd out” the norm among some land managers of delivering environmental services
for free (Hodge Chapter 22)? In the case of unreclaimed brownfields, residual contam-
ination identified at a later date would have occurred anyway. How should voluntary
cleanup programs be evaluated in light of this contamination (Eisen, Chapter 24)?
These are two examples of land economics studies in very different settings,
although the concerns are remarkably similar. Despite economists’ often very clever
work in market design, perhaps the remaining information problems of market fail-
ures are too severe. Even if one begins to understand fully how landowners respond
to incentives—say, contracts for agri-environmental services under information
732 Joshua M. Duke and JunJie Wu
This handbook has been framed with the claim that land economics requires an inte-
grated approach. The preceding sections suggest directions for integration, and this
section provides some concluding thoughts about why this approach is needed. First,
partial equilibrium analysis is not always adequate to examine the questions soci-
ety needs answered. In these settings, all else is not equal. Land use decisions impact
ecosystem services, economic development, and outcomes in other markets. There
are feedback effects. As Klaiber and Kuminoff (Chapter 14) explain, institutions cause
nonmarginal changes in public good provision, and partial equilibrium results will not
apply. People will resort themselves on the landscape.
Second, land economic problem settings are often too fluid to warrant the simplifica-
tion economists seek to derive tight and tractable results, ready lab experiments, and
empirically testable theoretic results. For instance, the urban-rural land use interface is
remarkably mutable. Although it is easier to model an urban market and a distinct agri-
cultural land market, actual market behaviors stretch such economic simplifications.
Why do some parcels at the fringe remain in farming despite higher apparent returns
to conversion? Why are there farm parcels inside the fringe, exhibiting the hallmark of
sustainable agriculture? What drives exurban residential development? Why do some
farmers make preservation decisions that seem to make themselves worse off? Many
economists have begun to explain these phenomena, and future work will likely need
integrated models to develop higher level explanations. Similar needs with respect to
these urban-rural modeling challenges could be claimed for explaining human-nature
Third, integrated work may help prevent unexpected suboptimal recommenda-
tions. Economic studies often focus on narrow policy applications for technical reasons.
Social phenomena are largely uncontrollable, at least by researchers. Narrow foci allow
for thoroughness of coverage. But we also live in a vast, complex, and integrated world.
If we fix one failure, we may trigger others, and there may be perverse incentives.
Beyond our application areas, policy requires that we do not look at land use in isola-
tion. We need to understand how agricultural land use affects ecosystems and urban
uses. If economists explain these many linkages, policy is apt to follow. However, cur-
rent land policy, especially in the United States, is notoriously divided. Local govern-
ments have direct control over most land decisions, but state and federal governments
indirectly influence many land outcomes via major legislation and judicial review.
Historical legacies led to our current incoherent land use control organization. That
said, there is no clear answer on the best way to reorganize land policy.
The “extreme heterogeneity” of land seems to suggest that policy should be made
locally, where information is best. Local communities also have the greatest incentives
to solve local problems. But land also delivers positive and negative externalities beyond
734 Joshua M. Duke and JunJie Wu
localities, suggesting that higher level policy is warranted. Are the costs of voting with
one’s feet less expensive than policy coordination or reinvention? What about the voice-
less future? Many economists model only cross-sections or dynamics. Integrated mod-
els of space and time are difficult, but there is a cost to holding one dimension constant.
If economists expand the size and scope of their questions, fewer questions will be
Irwin and Wrenn (Chapter 13) call policy usefulness “one of the ultimate tests of any
modeling approach.” There is limited, unambiguous evidence that some work by land
economists has had direct impacts on policy (Irwin and Wrenn, Chapter 13; Banzhaf
2010). But the pace of economic research diverges from policy needs. Irwin and Wrenn
also argue that policy makers demand “real-time policy” and “quick approximate
answers.” Economic research largely does not match these requirements, and the inte-
grated modeling called for in this handbook would slow economics down further.
Although these challenges are well-known to economists, they miss the role
of agenda-setting research. Land economics has a strong record here. Consider
agri-environmental policy. The shift from regulatory land use to incentive-based poli-
cies was most likely due to pioneering work by economists. As early incentive-based
programs experimented with fixed-price and reverse auctions, economists weighed
in with results. Today’s economic research results will shape land policy in the coming
decade. In this framing, integrated research can play a significant role.
The research agenda for the future has not been finalized, and this handbook offers
many avenues for future work. Economists better understand how to compare insti-
tutional outcomes, but many applications are needed, and economists do not conduct
enough replications (Irwin and Wrenn, Chapter 13; Messer et al., Chapter 19). Given
the multiple sources of market failure in land, economists do not pay enough continuing
attention to the normative content of the efficiency concept employed (Bromley 1990)
or to problems with the general theory of second best (Lipsey and Lancaster 1956).
Given that land policy delivers multiple outcomes, what is the marginal rate of substi-
tution among the benefits (Claassen et al. Chapter 23)? Can society do better by turn-
ing agri-environmental payments around and focusing on the environmental results
delivered rather than the costs of delivering them (Hodge, Chapter 22)? Given that land
and land uses are highly inelastic in supply, economists should continue to explore the
policy implications of capitalization—that is, to what extent do improvements flow as
rents to landowners?
The integrated approach involves both a cross-fertilization across land-related eco-
nomics fields and also an integration with models outside economics. The increasing
recognition that land use patterns, economic growth, and the spatial distribution of
economic activities and environmental impacts are highly interdependent has led to a
convergence of interest among “land economists” working in several fields of econom-
ics, including agricultural economics, natural resource economics, environmental eco-
nomics, regional science, and urban economics. This has made the potential gains from
collaboration much greater. The purpose of this handbook has been to stimulate further
integration and collaboration in land economics research.
Future Research Directions in Land Economics 735
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736 Joshua M. Duke and JunJie Wu
Cap and trade 99, 236, 423, 551 Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
Capitalization 33, 112–114, 124, 127, 336, 354, (CREP), USA 553, 562, 563, 564, 566, 615,
369, 375, 376, 519, 688, 689, 734 616, 634
Carbon density 234 Conservation Reserve Program (CRP),
Carbon sequestration (see also Greenhouse USA 7, 13, 183, 184, 218, 490, 491, 493, 495,
gases) 197, 199, 215, 234, 235, 237, 239, 260, 502, 519, 548, 552, 553, 557, 558, 562–567,
291, 423, 554, 558, 562, 563, 628, 629 593, 615, 616, 625–630, 634–636
Cash crops 58, 143 Conservation Stewardship Program
Central Place Theory (CPT) 24, 27–31 (CSP) 553, 616, 626, 635, 639
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) 238 Constant Elasticity of Transformation (CET)
Clean Water Act (CWA) 165, 375, 514, frontier 97, 101
614, 634 Constitutional choice models 684
Cleanup standards 653, 655, 657, 659, 660 Coordination of Information on the
Climate change 6, 85, 87, 88, 90, 97, 163, 175, Environment (CORINE) 637
178, 226–245, 255–276, 283, 327, 446, 603, Core-periphery patterns 31
618, 620, 624, 625, 639, 649, 662 Counterfactuals and counterfactual policy
Cobb-Douglas utility function 341, 343, 344, analysis/simulation 40, 92, 103, 104, 176,
364, 525–527, 531 327–329, 336, 337, 345, 453, 458–460, 465,
Command-and-control (see also Land use 468, 475, 558, 567, 600–602, 633, 724, 729
policy) 165, 166, 175, 176 Coupled economic-ecological modeling 394,
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), 403, 420, 423
European Union 15, 583, 584, 586, 587, Coupled Global Climate Model (CGCM) 263,
591, 603, 618, 619, 622–624, 634, 639 264, 269, 270, 272, 273
Common Monitoring and Evaluation Credit subsidies 64
Framework (CMEF), European Crop insurance 57, 63, 238, 614, 628
Union 631 Crop prices 4, 85, 90, 91, 95, 106, 255, 257, 258,
Compensation for takings 15, 165, 618, 619, 626, 629
668–694, 698, 699, 703, 706, 707, 709, Cropland 90–92, 94, 97, 98, 100, 101, 104, 105,
710, 720–722, 732 107, 139, 140, 227, 230, 232, 235, 236, 241,
Complementary technology in production 58 257, 258, 261, 266, 268, 269, 275, 282, 302,
Comprehensive Environmental Response, 381, 383, 552, 557, 600, 616, 626, 628, 629
Compensation, and Liability Act Cross-compliance 15, 552, 613, 614, 618, 619,
(CERCLA), Superfund 376, 649, 621, 623, 633, 634
655–660 Crowding out effect, the 26, 629
Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Curse of dimensionality 292, 339, 346, 728
model (see General equilibrium model)
Conditional independence, assumption of Decentralization 36, 332, 515
(CIA) 458, 459, 465, Decoupling and decoupled income
Congestion 4, 7, 8, 26, 28, 34–36, 78, 81, 303, support 63, 64, 117, 586, 603, 618
309, 327, 331, 516, 540 Deforestation 5, 69, 104, 105, 107, 140, 150,
Conservation (see Land conservation and 153–155, 199, 227, 234, 237, 258, 259, 383
policy) Delaware Agricultural Lands Preservation
Conservation easement 12, 13, 121, 126, 164, Foundation 496, 499
197, 457, 496, 518–520, 548–550, 553–557, Developing economies/developing
566, 568, 573–575, 615–617, 636, 732 countries 4, 42, 52, 64, 66, 68, 88, 101,
Conservation Effects Assessment Project 139–155, 229, 230, 232, 233, 242, 244, 488,
(CEAP) 636 729
subject INDEX 739
590, 591, 594, 595, 600, 617, 621, 623, 624, Integrated Global System Model (IGSM) 97,
629, 632, 633, 634 98, 102
Grassland Reserve Program (GRP), USA 554, Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services
617, 634 and Tradeoffs (InVEST) 205
Green Revolution 52–54, 57, 58, 60 Integrated World Model (IWM) 102
Greenfield 12, 652, 657, 661–663 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Greenhouse gases (GHG) 5, 37, 85, 90, 91, (IPCC) 227–230, 232, 244, 255, 256, 258,
93–95, 98–100, 107, 197, 199, 215, 226–229, 262, 263, 267, 268
234–239, 242, 244, 255, 256, 258, 260, 283, Intermediate services, ecosystem 200, 203
291, 327, 423, 491, 547, 554, 558, 562, 563,
566, 567, 624–625, 628, 629, 649, 662 Joint production, ecosystem and
household 204, 594
Habitat 1, 2, 5–7, 10, 14, 140, 163–191, 197, 199, Just-Pope production function 57
205, 209–216, 256, 258, 260–262, 265, Just v. Marinette County, 201 N.W.2d 761
272, 273, 275, 291, 292, 296, 380–383, 386, (Wisc. 1972) 674
388, 389, 394, 475, 491, 493, 547, 551, 554,
557–559, 584, 585, 590, 591, 594, 602, 616, Kelo v. New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005) 698–
619–621, 626, 630, 632, 633, 673–675, 682, 701, 703, 707, 708, 714, 720–722
687, 726, 728, 730 Keystone Bituminous Coal Assn. v.
Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) 165, DeBenedictus, 480 U.S. 470 (1987) 671
167–171, 551
Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff, 467 U.S. Laboratory experiments (see Experimental
986 (1984) 700 economics)
Healthy Forests Reserve Program (HFRP) 554 Land assembly 7, 15, 698–722, 732
Healthy Forests Restoration Act (HFRA) 290 Land Capability Class (LCC) rating 384, 385,
Heckman selection model 122, 125–127, 130 387
Hedonic model 4, 10, 30, 35, 112, 118–131, 288, Land conservation and policy (see also Land
308, 309, 315, 327, 334–336, 353, 355, 358, use policy, Conservation easement,
364, 373, 374–376, 381, 383, 385, 414, 419, Auctions, and Best management
519, 561, 663, 727 practices) 9, 10, 13, 14, 209, 210, 214, 453,
H.F.H. Ltd. v. Superior Court, 542 P.2d 237 456–458, 476, 482, 485, 491, 496, 498, 515,
(1975) 688 547–577, 616–617, 623, 626, 628–631, 636,
Holdouts 15, 698–722 637, 639, 727, 728, 731, 733, 734
Household location choice 9, 23–25, 31, Land-labor ratio 147–151
303–311, 316, 317, 320–322, 346, 353, 433, Land management 7, 184, 211, 216, 227, 234,
Hydrological processes 227, 232, 233, 261 284, 287, 288, 408, 410, 585, 589, 593, 597,
599, 604, 616, 620, 621, 622, 625
Incentive payments and programs (see Land Land markets 1, 3, 4, 11, 12, 26, 94, 112, 118, 120,
use policy) 121, 122, 126, 129, 131, 143, 331, 340, 340,
Inductive price expectation models 416 342, 343, 345, 346, 481, 484, 498, 503, 517,
Information (see also Asymmetric 547, 698, 699, 700, 721, 723, 729, 731
information) Land preservation policy (see Zoning and
complete 595, 710–717, 719 Conservation easement)
incomplete 381, 416, 458, 703, 710, 717–719 Land price 16, 25, 31, 33, 52, 56, 94, 111–131, 240,
In-migration 26, 27, 32–34, 411 327, 341, 521, 523, 527, 531, 729
Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) 243, Land retirement 548, 552, 553, 575, 615, 616,
244, 259, 423 626–629, 636, 639
742 subject INDEX
Land trusts 486, 518, 548, 550, 551, 629 Market failure 11, 14, 197, 218, 380, 395, 515,
Land use intensity 210, 233, 235, 256, 302, 332, 516, 548, 698, 699, 702, 703, 712, 714, 716,
333, 381, 382, 384, 386, 387, 390–396, 452, 721–723, 731, 734
454, 584, 586, 592, 595, 620, 621 Maryland Agricultural Lands Preservation
Land use patterns 2, 3, 9, 13, 14, 16, 58, 87, 88, Foundation 496, 575
94, 163, 232, 256, 259, 262, 302–304, 327, Mathematical Programming (MP) 263, 267,
340, 341, 383, 514, 534, 563, 564, 566, 725, 418, 594, 595, 630
734 Maximum lot coverage 432–444
Land use policy Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
in general 12, 28, 35, 43, 198, 202, 204, 296, method 39, 318, 360, 361, 431, 432, 445
327, 333, 338, 370, 380, 389, 395, 444, 445, Metapopulation 208–214
453, 454, 475, 515, 517, 540, 541, 636, 684, Metropolitan Area 3, 4, 28, 30–36, 42, 74–83,
719, 720 304, 305, 310, 311, 320, 322, 731
incentive-based policy 6, 7, 12, 13, 15, Migration 4, 8, 24, 26, 27, 30, 32–34, 88, 141,
186–190, 303, 381, 385, 389, 454, 475, 476, 211, 231, 259, 264, 265, 267, 269, 281, 294,
516, 548, 549, 552–556, 569, 573–575, 613, 369, 376, 409, 411, 434, 651
621, 622, 628, 636, 724, 732, 734 Mining 140, 141, 143, 153, 670, 671
regulation (see also Zoning) 6, 13–15, 34, Mitigation, climate change 6, 94, 163, 226, 227,
36, 64–65, 163–165, 171, 176, 190, 209, 233–239, 242–245, 260, 275, 620, 625, 726
210, 286, 292, 296, 297, 303, 310, 312, 322, Modeling International Relationships
339, 340, 381, 431, 435, 442–444, 464, 487, in Applied General Equilibrium
547, 548, 551, 566, 569, 572, 573, 577, 605, (MIRAGE) 97, 98, 101, 102, 104, 105
613–615, 636, 657, 659, 668–694, 728, 732 Modularity, in multiple models 103, 725
Landscape simulations 10, 380–397 Monocentric city model (see Urban Economics)
Leakage (see also Slippage) 17, 236, 237, 239, Monte Carlo method 125, 295, 387, 389, 421
243, 730 Moral hazard 294, 595, 596, 679, 683, 690, 698,
Leapfrog development 331, 342, 344, 432, 520, 721
568, 570 Model Representing Potential Objects
Least-cost-plus-loss model 289 That Appear in The Ontology of
Livestock 59, 65, 89, 92–94, 98, 107, 140, 153, Human-Environmental Actions &
215, 227–230, 234–236, 240, 241, 256, 257, Decisions (MR POTATOHEAD) 406,
282, 552, 584, 586, 590, 615–617, 621, 633, 407, 410, 420
635, 638 Mugler v. Kansas, 123 U.S. 623 (1887) 669
Local government and public finance 513– Multifunctionality and multifunctional
520, 554 agriculture 199, 585, 590, 594
Local Indicators of Spatial Association Municipal profile 9, 302–322
(LISA) 438
Locally Weighted Regression (LWR) National Agricultural Statistics Service
(see also Geographically weighted (NASS), USA 120, 265, 628, 636
regression) 41 Natural amenity (see Amenities)
Loretto v. Teleprompter, 458 U.S. 419 Nature reserves (see Reserve-Site Selection)
(1982) 669 Negligence 290, 682, 683
Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council, 505 Nelder-Mead algorithm 367
U.S. 1003 (1992) 672–674, 676, 677, 684 New Economic Geography (NEG) 2, 3, 24, 26,
27, 30, 31, 33, 38, 724
Marginal land 63, 89, 94, 101, 102, 104, 106, Nollan v. California Coastal Commission, 483
140–155 U.S. 825 (1987) 692, 693
subject INDEX 743
Nonmarginal change 41, 206, 207, 328, 329, Permanence, in carbon sequestration 236,
334, 335, 337, 374, 375, 733 237, 239
Nonmarket goods and services 6, 66, 168, 169, Piguovian subsidy 186
171, 190, 196–201, 206, 215, 288, 291, 329, Policy shock 93, 96, 99, 101, 102, 375
331, 335, 338, 364, 376, 381, 410, 517, 561, Pollution (see Environmental impacts)
694, 723, 732 Prairie Pothole Region of North America
Nonmarket valuation, in general 6, 197–209, (PPR) 256, 261, 262, 264, 265, 267–269,
291, 337, 338, 414, 561, 602, 732 271–273, 275, 563
Nonpoint source pollution (see also Priority Funding Area (PFA), Maryland,
Environmental impacts) 485, 490, 492 USA 454–478, 569, 571
Noxious use, in regulatory takings 669–672, Private property 165, 166, 290, 294, 668, 670,
676, 677, 683, 684 698
Nuisance exception 672–674, 677, 684 Propensity Score Matching (PSM) 11, 40, 126,
127, 130, 320, 321, 452–476, 572, 573, 601,
Omitted variable bias 37, 41, 121, 122, 127–129, 631
354, 373, 374, 729 Property rights 12, 143, 236, 239, 497, 518, 520,
One-dimensional root-finding problem 371, 525, 548, 550, 554, 556, 573, 585, 586, 616,
372 617, 636, 668, 670, 671, 674–678, 698–701,
Open space 14, 25, 27, 28, 34, 88, 120, 197, 210, 730
303, 308–316, 330, 336–338, 343, 344, Property taxes 312, 316, 318–321, 354, 519–522,
354–356, 363, 370, 372–374, 432–436, 444, 526–529, 532, 534, 537–540, 556, 686
452, 455, 513–542, 561, 569, 572, 574, 576, Public goods 6, 15, 163, 165, 190, 216, 239, 287,
612, 617, 649, 676, 693, 727 303, 309, 310, 312, 322, 335, 336, 352, 354, 357,
Open-city model 14, 434, 521, 523–525, 528, 372, 515, 516, 520, 526, 539, 540, 547, 583,
540, 541, 727 585, 594, 595, 597, 599, 603, 620, 622, 624,
Organization for Economic Co-operation and 675, 685, 686, 699, 712–714, 721, 727, 733
Development (OECD) 55, 96, 585 Public lands 34, 286, 287, 288, 291, 294, 387,
Ownership 64, 88, 120, 287, 294, 380, 381, 387, 513, 514, 549, 550, 558, 559
388, 395, 396, 498–501, 507–510, 549, 555, Public Trust Doctrine 674
604, 605, 616, 674 Public use, in Constitutional law 679, 680,
683, 685, 686, 698–701, 720, 722
Palazzolo v. Rhode Island, 533 U.S. 606 Purchase of Agricultural Conservation
(2001) 673 Easements (PACE) (See Conservation
Park land 27, 308–12, 315–16,319, 321, 374, easement)
439–441, 466, 513–515, 539, 550, 560–562, Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) (See
651, 660 Conservation easement)
Partial equilibrium models 17, 86, 92, 93–96, Pure Characteristics Model (PCM) 337, 353,
99, 207, 338, 346, 369, 501, 733 357, 358, 363–372
Participants, experiment 11, 216–218, 481–504
Payment for ecosystem services 166, 183, 184, Quality of life 24, 27–30, 32–36, 81, 302, 322,
190, 214–218, 492, 552–554, 565, 583, 603, 514, 560, 587, 620
604, 613, 616, 627, 640 Quasi-Experimental (QE) approaches 2, 4, 11,
Penn Central Transportation Co. v. City of 25, 38–40, 129–131, 330, 353, 373–375, 452,
New York, 438 U.S. 104 (1978) 671–673, 453, 456, 457, 475, 627, 633, 727
Pennsylvania Coal v. Mahon, 260 U.S. 393 Ranchland and ranching 140–143, 150, 153,
(1922) 670, 683, 691, 693 154, 554
744 subject INDEX
Random utility model 338, 353, 358–363, 365, configuration 184, 286, 292, 306, 332, 380,
368–374, 381, 385–388 594, 602
Real options theory 332, 333 context 307–309
Redevelopment 1, 15, 168, 306, 648–664, dependence 4, 112, 122–125, 129, 184–190,
698–722, 732 431, 432, 436, 444, 577
Reduced-form model 9, 10, 16, 38, 93, 131, 319, externalities 6, 281, 286–288, 294, 397, 414
321, 327–345, 353, 373, 376, 385, 390, 393, heterogeneity 4, 94, 95, 123–125, 129, 275,
476, 527, 528, 531, 534, 725, 726 306, 332, 336, 340, 342, 344, 423, 602
Reduction in emissions from deforestation interactions 123, 125, 295, 381, 444
and degradation (REDD) 234 Spatial models
Regional economic development 3, 23–43 spatial econometric modeling 123–125, 130,
Regression discontinuity 130, 453, 456, 728 397, 430–446, 727
Regulatory takings 13, 15, 668–694, 698, 699, spatial equilibrium model 27, 28, 340–342,
732 344, 346, 726
Remediation 15, 648, 649, 653–664 spatial error model 123–125, 129
Renewable Energy Directive (RED), European spatial general linear model (GLM) 431,
Union 100, 104, 105 445
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) 100, 104, 106, spatial lag model 123, 125, 130
127, 629 spatial panel data model 446
Reserve-Site Selection (RSS) 164, 176, 177–183 spatial probit model 432, 437, 439, 443, 445
Return-on-Investment (ROI) 164, 176, Spatial simulation models (see also
179–183 Agent-based models) 332, 340, 341, 346,
Reverse auctions (see Auctions) 407
Ricardo model and Ricardian rent 3, 87, 146, Species Area Relationship (SAR) 177, 178
212, 410 Spillover 29, 36, 40, 124, 130, 308, 330, 337, 431,
Riparian land management 260, 576 515, 519, 523, 524, 541, 577, 676, 691, 727
Risk 3, 6, 53, 57–69, 88, 113, 115, 116, 163, Sprawl, urban and suburban 1, 3, 8, 12, 23,
167, 172, 179, 227, 231, 240, 257, 259, 281, 32, 34–37, 42, 303, 309, 327, 332, 333, 343,
286–297, 409, 413, 424, 433, 490, 596, 604, 344, 380, 402, 432, 433, 437, 438, 441, 443,
624, 654, 659, 663, 685–694, 709, 710, 714, 444, 454, 568, 569, 572, 573, 576, 649,
717, 718 661–663
Ruckelshaus v. Monsanto Co., 467 U.S. 986 Stacking 627, 730
(1984) 700 Stated Preference (SP) 198, 203, 210, 291, 602,
Rural Development Policy (RDP), European 630
Union 588, 619, 620, 622–624, 632, 637 Strickley v. Highland Boy Gold Mining
Company, 200 U.S. 527 (1906) 700
Salient incentives 481, 482, 487, 489 Structural models 4, 9, 10, 16, 25, 28, 38, 41,
Salt-and-pepper effect 395–397 42, 94, 115, 116, 128–131, 317–319, 327–347,
Slippage (see also Leakage) 17, 626, 730 352–376, 384, 407, 418, 422, 724–726, 728
Smart growth 11, 37, 454, 463–465, 476, 477, Suburbanization 7, 8, 79, 82, 83, 303–306, 322,
569, 575, 661, 662 327
Smart Growth Areas Act, Maryland, Survey on Agricultural Production Methods
USA 463, 476 (SAPM), European Union 637, 638
Soil conservation 552, 565, 622, 640, 666 Sustainability and sustainable
Soil Survey Geographic Database development 35, 37, 66, 139–155, 239, 540,
(SURGO) 466 553, 554, 587, 620–622, 624, 649, 661, 662,
Spatial analysis 664, 733
subject INDEX 745
Willingness to pay (WTP) (see also Valuation) Zoning (see also Land use policies) 4,
33, 82, 119, 131, 216, 217, 260, 261, 336, 338, 12–14, 23, 24, 32, 34, 88, 120, 125, 126, 130,
339, 343, 344, 352, 356, 369, 373–375, 414, 209, 212, 213, 303, 312, 314, 329, 331, 332,
484, 521, 547, 560–562, 602, 630 343, 368, 381, 385, 392–395, 408, 413,
Working land conservation 548, 549, 552–554, 434, 436, 439, 440, 444, 454, 457, 466,
557, 575, 615, 616, 625–630, 639 513, 516–528, 540–542, 551, 567–572,
576, 615, 668–670, 672, 688, 691,
Zero-truncated Poisson distribution 391 724, 730