scp5 Learning Centers Form 1
scp5 Learning Centers Form 1
scp5 Learning Centers Form 1
Consider how you will make learning visible. Identify the ways you will document learning (anecdotes,
photos, videos, audio recordings, work samples) and how it connects to at least 4 activities on page 2.
One way teachers can watch learning take place is by taking videos. For the dramatic play activity, teachers may record their students pretending to be workers to
assess individual performances. In addition, teachers can also record the students’ sound and movement activity to ensure that students are making the correct
sounds that correlate with each mode of transportation.
A second way teachers can watch learning take place is by using pictures. For the math activity, teachers can take photos of students measuring distance to ensure
various measuring tools are being used. In addition, teachers can take pictures of the art activity to monitor each student has a creative model of a mode of
Create an assessment you will use for this investigation (t-chart, checklist, rubric, etc.). Put your
assessment here.
Teachers may use a checklist with each activity to ensure that each standard is being met. For example, with the block activity, a checklist may look like this:
How does your assessment connect to your objectives from science concept planner 2?
My objective from my science concept planner 2: Children will see how different amounts of force and mass will impact the movement of objects by
manipulating different toy cars and ramp positioning.
This assessment connects to this objective by ensuring that the student was able to meet the objective by reaching all of the standards in the assessment.
Without the standards, the student would not be able to accurately meet the objective.
DRAMATIC PLAY: Have students take on the role of certain jobs in Language and Literacy>Reading>Reading Comprehension: Demonstrate an understanding
transportation (i.e. train conductor, flight attendant, bus driver, etc). of the differences between fantasy and reality. [Anna Crowell]
[Anna Crowell]
ART: Can make personal mode of transportation with recyclables, Approaches Towards Learning>Creativity>Innovation and Invention: Use imagination and
painting with wheels, toy cars following map and paint can show where creativity to interact with objects and materials. (Sophia Locker)
they drove (Sophia Locker)
WRITING: Navigation vocabulary (copying words), making road signs Language and Literacy>Writing>Writing Process: With modeling and support, demonstrate
letter formation in “writing.” [Anna Crowell]
SCIENCE & DISCOVERY: Students will be going on a treasure hunt on the Cognition and General Knowledge:
playground. Students will make predictions on where they think the Make predictions (Hanna Zernich)
treasure is located. Next, students will be given a treasure map that
With modeling and support, explore the position and motion of objects (this is with the
they will use on the outside playground. The map will tell students
compass and how placement of the compass changes the direction in which one is going;
where to start and from there the map will tell the students to take 5
north, south, east, and west). (Hanna Zernich)
steps north, then 10 steps west, etc. until the very last instruction
which will then land the students to where the treasure chest is
located. Students will use a compass to know which way is north, south, Approaches Toward Learning:
east, and west. Students will then see how close the treasure was to
Develop, initiate and carry out simple plans to obtain a goal. (Hanna Zernich)
their predicted location. (Hanna Zernich).
MATH: Measure distance or time vehicles travel with traditional and Cognition and General Knowledge:
nontraditional measuring tools (Brigid Phelps)
Describe and compare objects using measurable attributes (e.g., length, size,
capacity and weight). (Brigid Phelps)
SENSORY TABLE: Use cars and outside materials in the sensory area to Cognitive and General Knowledge; Physical Science; Explorations of Energy; “With
compare a toy car's speed and accuracy when going over different modeling and support, explore the position and motion of objects.”
materials. (Jack Malkoski) Physical Well-Being and Motor Development; Physical Well-Being; Safety Practices;
“Identify ways adults help to keep us safe.” (Jack Malkoski)
READING/CLASSROOM LIBRARY: Read children’s literature such as Me on Cognitive and General Knowledge: Social studies (geography): “Demonstrate a beginning
the Map by Joan Sweeney to give an introduction to maps and their understanding of maps as actual representation of places.”
purpose. (Jordan Martinez)
COMPUTERS: Students will use google images to create a map of a Language and Literacy:
place they are familiar with. For example a student might make a map Describe familiar people, places, things and experiences. (Hanna Zernich)
of their house. Students can include images of where their couch is,
Use drawings or other visuals to add detail to verbal descriptions (Hanna Zernich)
their bedroom, and so on. Afterward all of the students will print off
their map and share it with the class. (Hanna Zernich)
SONGS/MUSIC/MOVEMENT: Students will discuss and explore various Motor Development: Balance + Coordination (Locomotor skills with increasing
modes of transportation and the sounds that go along with it. They will coordination and balance)
then navigate the different areas outside while acting out body Cognitive and General Knowledge: Symbolic thought (Participate cooperatively in complex
movements and making the sounds that go along with it (a car and its pretend play, involving assigned roles and an overall plan)
horn, a boat and its propeller, set of skis can be shown by mimicking
skiing, etc.) (Grace Gaspar and Mallorie Allan)
Mallorie Allan + Grace Gaspar
The students can listen to the song Wheels on the Bus and the students Cognitive and General Knowledge: Symbolic thought (Mary Castelli)
can follow along and do the correct movements. (Mary Castelli)
POSSIBLE CIRCLE TIME ACTIVITIES/DISCUSSIONS: Pre-assessment and Language and Literacy> Listening and Speaking> Expressive Language: Use language to
check in during middle of lesson, and assessment at the end (ex. What communicate in a variety of ways with others to share observations, ideas and experiences;
is navigation?), compare answers (Sophia Locker) problem-solve, reason, predict and seek new information. (Sophia Locker)