06 06 11edition

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Monday • June 6, 2011 • Vol XI, Edition 251 www.smdailyjournal.com

County takes ax to budget

Budget nears $1.7 billion ,some cuts ‘hard to swallow’
By Michelle Durand undergoing wrote in his budget message.
Jail booking fee to jump
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF “significant The budget includes $47.5 mil- By Michelle Durand charged which is capped by the
transitions” lion in general fund reserves, $29 DAILY JOURNAL STAFF state at half the 2006 cost.
The county can close its $82 mil- because of two million in program and service The $37 hike, if adopted, fol-
lion structural imbalance by adopt- new supervi- reductions, $5.5 million in extra Whoever said crime doesn’t pay lows past years in which the fee
ing a $1.695 billion budget that sors, a new public safety sales taxes and $5.6 wasn’t talking about jail fees. has inched up to narrow the differ-
takes the ax to several programs and budget process million in capital improvements and In what is becoming an annual ence between the actual price of
services to make ends meet. and adjusting information technology infrastruc- rite, Sheriff Greg Munks on taking suspects into jail and the
The budget is $129 million or 7 “to the reality ture. Tuesday will ask the Board of state reimbursement. In 2009, that
percent, less than the last fiscal year. David Boesch that resources Taken together, Boesch said they Supervisors to increase the current cost was calculated at $303.65 but
The $1.55 billion general fund is are unlikely to close the $82 million structural $303 jail access fee to $340. The Munks suggested only increasing
also down $112 million or 6.7 per- meet demands for service as the budget imbalance. jail access fee nearly covers the the then-$215 fee to $246. In
cent. economy continues to stagnate,” processing of booking suspects as
San Mateo County is currently County Manager David Boesch See BUDGET, Page 19 opposed to the booking fee once See FEE, Page 19

Council to weigh
in on land swap
City,church consider parking exchange
By Heather Murtagh the church property, with plans to
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF build a multi-purpose facility. The
portion of lot G that could be
A proposal to swap land between acquired offers 30 public parking
the city of Burlingame and St. spaces, leaving 65, but residents and
Catherine of Siena Church, which businesses in the area have
raised concerns by those who live expressed fears these will not meet
and work the Primrose Road lot, parking needs. An alternative that
will go before the City Council for worked for all wasn’t found through
the first time Monday. a couple of community meetings,
Under the proposal, the city but some changes were supported
would acquire a 75 foot by 150 foot by those with concerns, City
property at 161 Highland Ave., adja- Manager Jim Nantell wrote in a staff
cent to city parking lot N. St. report.
Catherine of Siena Church would Last month, the Planning
acquire a 67.5-foot-by-155.25-foot Commission discussed the proposal
portion of parking lot G, located on but had a limited opportunity to
Primrose Road between Howard
and Bayswater avenues, adjacent to See SWAP, Page 5
Owners of Always Quilting in San Mateo, Julie McAuliffe, right, and Kit Morse, left, operate the Long Arm
Grad embracing and Quilting Machine together.The machine sews together the three layers of a quilt:the top,batting and the back.
This quilt is an original of Julie’s and she is excited that it is almost finished.

overcoming mistakes
By Heather Murtagh
into the counselor’s office to hear
the news: He would not graduate
without major changes. Castellon’s
Recognizing local heroes
By Heather Murtagh thought was a plane crash. The nat-
Abel Castellon enjoyed his four path to graduation took a detour but ural gas line explosion that ultimate-
years at Mills High School, but he he will walk this month earning a ly killed eight, ravaged the
wasn’t an overachiever. diploma from the San Mateo Adult Glenview neighborhood and injured
School. When their home in the
At Taylor Middle School, Rollingwood neighborhood of San many created challenges for numer-
Castellon learned the perks of being “Abel is a real solid guy, a late ous people.
bloomer who really found himself Bruno started to shake on Sept. 9,
the funny guy. In high school, he Bob Petrini and his son saw a huge The Petrinis began going into
went back to his quiet ways. Despite with us. ... We are pleased with the houses, searching for people who
tremendous growth he has shown flame outside.
that, Castellon did enjoy school and There was only one thing to do. needed help. The first couple were
learning. Homework was his down- this past year. He will go far,” said empty. But the third home turned
Bob Petrini, 56, and Bob Petrini Jr.,
fall. He simply didn’t like it. By his 26, ran from their home, got in the A weekly look at the people who
senior year, Castellon was pulled See GRAD, Page 19 car and drove toward what they shape our community See HEROES, Page 6

Quote of the Day Snapshot Inside

“We believe that if personnel experienced in NBA Finals
missing persons cases were assigned a lead Miami takes a
role,evidence would be analyzed 2-1 lead over
expeditiously,and we would also see her
See page 13
picture and information posted on the FBI’s
website under the missing persons link.
— Krystine Dinh,missing student’s cousin
“Family of nursing student seeking a greater FBI role,” page 6

Local Weather Forecast Missing

Monday: Mostly cloudy in the morning
then becoming partly cloudy. A slight Family seeks
chance of showers. Highs in the upper 50s federal help in
to upper 60s. Southwest winds 5 to 15 mph. finding daughter
Monday night: Partly cloudy. Lows near
50. West winds 5 to 15 mph.
See page 6
Tuesday: Partly cloudy. Highs in the REUTERS
upper 50s to upper 60s. West winds 5 to 15 mph. Supporters of Peruvian presidential candidate Ollanta Humala celebrate after
Tuesday night: Partly cloudy. Lows near 50. early exit polls showed him winning after the voting stations closed, in
Wednesday: Partly cloudy. Highs in the mid 50s to upper downtown Lima Sunday.

Lotto This Day in History Thought for the Day

Allied forces stormed the beaches of “As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human
June 4 Super Lotto Plus
20 28 33 41 43 24
Mega number
Daily Four
8 8 2 5 1944 Normandy, France, on “D-Day,” begin-
ning the liberation of German-occupied
western Europe.
existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
— Carl Jung (1875-1961).

June 5 Mega Millions Daily three midday

In 1523, Sweden’s parliament elected military leader
Gustavus Vasa to be the next king; he became King Birthdays
20 23 41 49 53 31 5 3 6 Gustavus I.
Mega number In 1799, American politician and orator Patrick Henry died
Daily three evening at Red Hill Plantation in Virginia.
Fantasy Five
3 0 6 In 1844, the Young Men’s Christian Association was found-
7 11 27 33 34 ed in London.
In 1934, the Securities and Exchange Commission was
The Daily Derby race winners are No.3 Hot Shot established.
in first place; No. 7 Eureka in second place; and In 1961, Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, 85, died in Kusnacht,
No.2 Lucky Star in third place.The race time was near Zurich.
clocked at 1:49.07. In 1966, black activist James Meredith was shot and wound- Actor Robert Record producer Actress Amber
ed as he walked along a Mississippi highway to encourage Englund is 64. Jimmy Jam is 52. Borycki is 28.
State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 black voter registration.
In 1978, California voters overwhelmingly approved Actress Billie Whitelaw is 79. Civil rights activist Roy Innis
Nation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 is 77. Singer-songwriter Gary “U.S.” Bonds is 72. Country
World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Proposition 13, a primary ballot initiative calling for major cuts
in property taxes. singer Joe Stampley is 68. Folk singer Holly Near is 62. Singer
Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Dwight Twilley is 60. Playwright-actor Harvey Fierstein (FY’-
Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 In 1985, authorities in Brazil exhumed a body later identified
as the remains of Dr. Josef Mengele, the notorious “Angel of ur-steen) is 59. Comedian Sandra Bernhard is 56. International
Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-16 Tennis Hall of Famer Bjorn Borg is 55. Actress Amanda Pays
Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Death” of the Nazi Holocaust.
Ten years ago: Democrats formally assumed control of the is 52. Comedian Colin Quinn is 52. Rock musician Steve Vai
Community. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
U.S. Senate after the decision of Vermont Republican James is 51. Rock singer-musician Tom Araya (Slayer) is 50. Actor
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Jeffords to become an independent. A jury in Los Angeles Jason Isaacs is 48. Rock musician Sean Yseult (White Zombie)
Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
awarded more than $3 billion to lifelong smoker Richard is 45. Actor Max Casella is 44. Actor Paul Giamatti is 44.
Boeken (BOH’-ken), deciding that tobacco giant Philip Morris Rhythm-and-blues singer Damion Hall (Guy) is 43. Rock
Publisher Editor in Chief
Jerry Lee Jon Mays was responsible for his incurable lung cancer. (The jury award musician Bardi Martin is 42. Rock musician James “Munky”
[email protected] [email protected] was reduced by a Superior Court judge to $100 million, then Shaffer (Korn) is 41. TV correspondent Natalie Morales is 39.
cut to $50 million by an appeals court; the U.S. Supreme Court Country singer Lisa Brokop is 38. Rapper-rocker Uncle
Phone: . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 344-5200 Fax: (650) 344-5290 refused in March 2006 to consider tossing out the award alto- Kracker is 37. Actress Sonya Walger is 37. Actress Staci
To Advertise:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] gether; Boeken died in 2002.) Keanan is 36.
Classifieds: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]
Events: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]
News: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]
Delivery: . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Disney legends die within 40,000 performances Boag and Taylor both appeared on tel-
Career: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] before retiring in evision in “Walt Disney’s Wonderful
800 S. Claremont St., Ste. 210, San Mateo, Ca. 94402 a day of each other 1982. World of Color.”
ANAHEIM — They shared a stage at Most of those And before joining Disney, Boag
THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME Disneyland five days a week for nearly shows were along- appeared in a number of films during the
by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
three decades and died within a day of side Taylor, who 1940s, including “Without Love,” star-
Unscramble these four Jumbles, each other. joined the revue a ring Spencer Tracy and Katharine
one letter to each square,
Betty Taylor, who played Slue Foot year after Hoag. Her Hepburn, and “The Thrill of Romance,”
Sign Up for the IAFLOFCI (OFFICIAL) Jumble Facebook fan club

to form four ordinary words.

Sue in Disney’s long-running Golden run on the show — with Esther Williams.
RDEYB Horseshoe Revue, passed away Saturday Betty Taylor which closed in He later appeared in Disney films such
— one day after the death of Wally 1986 — lasted near- as “The Absent-Minded Professor,”
©2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Boag, who played her character’s sweet- ly 45,000 perform- “Son of Flubber” and “The Love Bug.”
All Rights Reserved.
heart, Pecos Bill. ances. Born in Seattle, Taylor began taking
FUIYN The 91-year-old Taylor died at her The Golden dance lessons at age 3. At 14, she sang
home in Washington state, Disneyland Horseshoe Revue is and danced in nightclubs across the
announced on its web site. Boag, who listed in the country, and by 18, led her own band
was 90, died Friday. He was a resident of Guinness Book of called Betty and Her Beaus, which
RMTKEA World Records as the
Santa Monica, Calif. included 16 male musicians and
The causes of death were not longest running stage appeared regularly at the Trianon
announced and attempts to contact rela- production in show Ballroom in Seattle.
UEXDLE tives for comment were not immediately Wally Boag business history. In 1956, while living in Los Angeles
Now arrange the circled letters successful. “Wally was instru- and performing as a drum player with a
to form the surprise answer, as
suggested by the above cartoon. “Betty’s role as leading lady in mental in the development of live enter- musical group, Taylor heard about audi-
Disneyland’s Golden Horseshoe Revue tainment during the early years of both tions for a song-and-dance job at
Answer: helped turn it into the longest-running Disneyland Park and Walt Disney World Disneyland. She got the gig, which she
(Answers tomorrow) stage show in entertainment history,” Resort,” Kalogridis said. “His characters held for 30 years, leading to appearances
Jumbles: CRAZY COUNT HELPED HERBAL George Kalogridis, the president of will continue to live in the hearts of our on a USO tour of Greenland and
Answer: Having one would have given the inmate a
chance to win the contest — A “CELL” PHONE Disneyland Resort, said in a statement. guests, while his larger-than-life person- Newfoundland and a show for President
‘’It is a tragic coincidence that her pass- ality will forever make him the true Richard Nixon and his family in The
ing comes just one day after the death of Clown Prince of Disneyland.” White House.
longtime co-star Wally Boag.” Boag’s comedic timing influenced gen- She performed at the park until 1987,
Boag, a former vaudeville performer, erations of performers, including actor but continued to appear in special
signed a two-week contract with Walt Steve Martin, who called Boag his “hero.” events, such as Walt Disney’s Wild West,
Disney in 1955. He originated the role of Martin tweeted Saturday that Boag was a 1995 retrospective at the Gene Autry
Pecos Bill in the revue, taking the stage “the first comedian I ever saw live, my Museum of Western Heritage in Los
three times a day and logging nearly influence, a man to whom I aspired.” Angeles.
THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Monday • June 6, 2011 3

Where have all the flower growers gone? son Manuel, who in turn sold some of it (300
acres) to his brother Jose de la Cruz. Jose de
la Cruz built a home across from the present
Capuchino High School. The Spanish were
land rich and had to sell much of their land to
acquire money on which to live. Manual’s son
built, for income for his mother, the 16-Mile
House at El Camino Real/Center Street in the
1870s. The building lasted until 1971 when it
was razed. Other “watering holes” were built
in the area, including Gypsy Buys that earned

ooking out the window from the
Millbrae McDonald’s on El Camino the early reputation for Millbrae as being the
Real, it is hard to visualize the rural “Tijuana of the North.”
community that existed here not too long ago. In 1910, Caesar Dal Don and his brother
The city of Millbrae didn’t officially exist brought five acres of land along Ludeman
until January 1948 when it was incorporated Lane from the Pacific Nursery Company. To
after a long and bitter feud with Burlingame. the north of the Dal Don land, a creek that
The present McDonald’s building has flowed to the east from the hills supplied
changed also. In the early 1970s, it was on the water for the irrigation of the plants. There
north side of the lot before the present site were hot houses on the property and Caesar
was filled in 1993 with dirt and a new build- began growing roses for the San Francisco
ing constructed on it. The windows look north flower market. He expanded his planting to
now, over the flower and vegetable fields that heather and berry plants as well as chrysan-
Amadeo Berni and wife Julia (Berni Street themums and calendulas (pot marigolds).
fame) rented from the San Francisco Water Caesar and his sons, Ted and John developed,
Department in the 1930s. The San Francisco a reputation as the “Marigold Kings” of the
Water Department didn’t exist in Millbrae Peninsula. Later, five more acres of land was
until it was purchased from the Spring Valley added to his kingdom.
Water Department in the early 1930s. The PHOTO COURTESY OF THE COZZOLINO FAMILY To the east of the Country Club, stood a 30-
land was used only for a water overflow pipe Molly Cozzolino Figone,the last of the flower growers of Millbrae,stands at the site of the fu- foot-high wooden derrick that was a relief
and derrick that stood up by the Spring Valley ture St.Dunstan’s Church. valve for the water pipes that brought water
Elementary School on Ludeman Lane (note grantee of Rancho Buri Buri) on what is now Union Golf Club that was developed in the down from the San Andreas Dam to the west.
spelling now). Ludeman Lane was named for the Green Hills Country Club. The children 1920s A large moat surrounded the derrick and that
the first flower growers to live and grow flow- walked to Chadbourne Avenue and El Camino Jose Antonio Sanchez, grantee of the would flood when water shot out of the pipes
ers/vegetables on the land in this area. Johann Real to the first one-room schoolhouse in the 15,000-acre Rancho Buri Buri that ran from to relieve the water pressure. The Spring
and his wife moved to the Millbrae area in area. This land was sold in 1915 and the fam- San Bruno Mountain to Burlingame, from El Valley Water Department built two houses,
1880 and bought 72 acres from the Maria ily moved to San Mateo. The Green Hills Camino Real to the San Andreas Lake to the
Sanchez (related to Jose Antonio Sanchez, Country Club was later formed from the west, deeded the Ludeman Lane area to his See HISTORY, Page 4

Police reports stolen on Old County Road before 9:30 a.m.

Thursday, May 19.
Stolen vehicle. A vehicle stolen overnight on
Baby bandit? Hiller Street before 6:58 a.m. Thursday, May
A couple of cans of baby formula were 19.
stolen on Ralston Avenue in Belmont Stolen vehicle. A vehicle was stolen from
before 4:36 a.m. Saturday, May 21. Carlmont Drive before 7:30 a.m. Wednesday,
May 18.
Verbal disturbance. Two customers were
BELMONT arguing on El Camino Real before 12:25 p.m.
Wednesday, May 18.
Vehicle burglary. A theft from an unlocked
vehicle occurred on Seagate Way before 9:14 FOSTER CITY
a.m. Friday, May 20.
Theft. A bicycle was stolen on El Camino Vandalism. The back window of a van was
Real before 8:13 p.m. Thursday, May 19. vandalized on Beach Park Boulevard before
Stolen vehicle. A chained-up motorcycle was 8:31 p.m. Saturday, May 28.
4 Monday • June 6, 2011 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

later flowers. The soil responded by pro- moved into the Millbrae area and developed In the 1940s, the San Francisco Water

Continued from page 3
ducing great vegetables and beautiful
blooms of flowers. Daughter Molly would
later marry George Figone in 1942, raise a
a business to the south of McDonald’s, in
what is now the Civic Center/Centennial
Square/Kohl’s Department Store area. Their
Department declared some of its property
surplus. The Catholic Church bought 53
acres to the west of McDonald’s and later
family in Lomita Park and grow flowers in sons, Pete, Mel and Silvio helped their sold some of this property that was devel-
one on the present Mary Mount-Green Hills both Millbrae and San Bruno. Their son father. Mel became the mayor in the early oped for housing to the west of the
Retirement Center site and the other in the Louie Figone continues to manage his farm 1950s and Silvio developed a flower shop in church/rectory.
park area to the west. The house on the in the Half Moon Bay area. The Cozzolino Millbrae.
family bought five more acres of land along All of the pioneer flower/vegetable grow-
Mary Mount-Green Hills Retirement Home A number of other flower/vegetable ers in Millbrae are gone and their only
was acquired by the Millbrae Historical Ludeman Lane however, after World War II,
growers worked the soil in northern reminder is in the street names: Cozzolino,
Society and moved to Constitution Square the land became ripe for housing develop-
Millbrae (Ludeman Lane/City Hall Bertocchi and Berni.
(City Hall and Library complex) in 1986. ment and was sold. Son James continued his
flower/vegetable kingdom in a rural site on Complex) including: Beltramo (Country Much more info is in my book: Millbrae:
In 1924, Salvatore Cozzolino, wife and Club), Bertocchi (Bertocchi Avenue),
family rented land surrounding the derrick Half Moon Bay’s State Route 92 after clear- A Place in the Sun, available in the Millbrae
ing the undeveloped land. His offspring are Otdtonello (east of the railroad tracks), Library.
of the SVWC. The land had never been bro-
continuing the agriculture/flower business Brizolari (east of railroad tracks), Genestra
ken before and Salvatore and his sons
plowed the land, fertilized the soil with cow in the State Route 92 area. (Center Street), Currotto (El Camino Real-
manure from the South San Francisco stock To the south of the Cozzolino farm, along McDonald’s site), Botti (Sanchez family Rediscovering the Peninsula by Darold
yards and began planting vegetables and a creek that flowed from the hills to the house across from Capuchino High Fredricks appears in the Monday edition of the
west, Antonio Massolo and wife, Maria, School). Daily Journal.


Aggressive Cremation Group:

Seniors Targeted - Beware
By Paul Larson and U.S. flag envelopes mailed to Veterans,
etc., all meant to be subliminally enticing.
Also, “Smart Cremation” advertizes
MILLBRAE – They themselves as being “green” and “earth
are at it again! friendly” when in reality the process they
Recently I was use to cremate is no different than any other
made aware of a crematory in the United States. It is well
new cluster of mass documented that toxic greenhouse gases are
mailings being sent emitted into the atmosphere during the
to Seniors by a cremation process. An example of a true
group calling green option would be a natural type burial
themselves “Smart Cremation” (similar to certified by the “Green Burial Council”.
the mailings sent earlier this year by the There are too many particulars about
“Trident Society”). Several Seniors have “Smart Cremation” to list here, but on the
come to me asking who is “Smart internet you can read the entire report for
Cremation”, where did they come from and yourself along with comments on legal
my opinion on their legitimacy. troubles from concerned consumers at:
When ever I hear about mailings from http://www.ripoffreport.com/funeral-
“quickie” cremation outfits that target services/smart-cremation-jerr/smart-
Seniors I am always suspicious about their cremation-jerry-norman-e2e86.htm
intensions. It is a fact that various I have to emphasize that if you are
unscrupulous entities target Seniors because looking into cremation or funeral matters
they are thought of as “Easy Prey”. please please do your homework and call
I did some investigating and found out your local Funeral Home, compare their
the following: According to the website services and ask questions. Go to a Funeral
“Ripoff Report” the group calling Director who is well known in the
themselves “Smart Cremation” is run by community. Please don’t become a “target”
“Jerry Norman” who was allegedly fired as and allow these out of state mailings to lure
CEO of the Neptune Society. “Smart you in with misleading messages. They will
Cremation” is linked to “Accucare” and send sales people to your home who will
“Gateway Crematory” who are all one in the then be hard to get rid of without your
same. “Smart Cremation” and the other signature on a contract.
above names exist under the umbrella of To conclude, here are all my best wishes
“Northstar Memorial Group” in Houston, to you, your family and loved ones.
Texas. There is apparently some concern on If you ever wish to discuss cremation,
how “Smart Cremation” collects and holds funeral matters or want to make pre-
money from the Seniors they are targeting. planning arrangements please feel free to
Yes, I know…there are a lot of names & call me and my staff at the CHAPEL OF
details to sink in…but there’s more… THE HIGHLANDS in Millbrae at (650)
Using visual tricks “Smart Cremation” 588-5116 and we will be happy to guide you
has been printing materials which are in a fair and helpful manner. For more info
specific to certain targeted Seniors such as you may also visit us on the internet at:
using flower envelopes mailed to women www.chapelofthehighlands.com.
THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Monday • June 6, 2011 5

Department mourns loss of firefighters

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Vincent Perez were battling the White said the department would be
blaze Thursday in the city’s reviewing its standard operating
SAN FRANCISCO — A second Diamond Heights neighborhood procedures in light of the deaths.
firefighter who suffered serious when they were overcome by a Perez and Valerio were the first to
burns battling a blaze in a San “flashover” — a sudden surge of arrive on the scene Thursday morn-
Francisco home died Saturday after heat and flame in which everything ing and the first to attempt to battle
a 40-hour struggle to save his life, in a room ignites at once. the blaze. They were inside the sin-
the city’s fire chief said. They were rushed to San gle-family dwelling when the sud-
The death of 53-year-old firefight- Francisco General Hospital in criti- den burst of flame erupted.
er/paramedic Anthony Valerio is the cal condition. Perez, who was 48, The flashover blast left both fire-
San Francisco Fire Department’s died Thursday after going into car- fighters unconscious. A third fire-
second fatality this week. diac arrest. fighter also inside suffered minor
Previously, no San Francisco fire- Valerio’s heart had stopped by the injuries but was able to exit the
fighters had been killed in the line time he had arrived at the hospital, home on his own.
of duty in nearly a decade. trauma surgeon Dr. Andre Campbell Hayes-White announced Valerio’s
Chief Joanne Hayes-White said said. Valerio was suffering from death Saturday morning outside the
that during her 21-year career the smoke inhalation, burns and other hospital’s emergency department.
department had not had two fire- injuries caused by the blast — ANDREW SCHEINER/DAILY JOURNAL CORRESPONDENT She was joined by San Francisco
fighters killed in the same blaze. including serious lung damage. Firefighter Anthony Valerio and Fire Lt.Vincent Perez were both tragically Mayor Ed Lee and other city offi-
“It is particularly difficult. You’re “This was a minute-to-minute killed in a fire Thursday when a thousand degree flash of heat engulfed cials, as well as Valerio’s parents
mourning the loss of one and then to struggle for his life,” Campbell said. them as they worked to extinguish the blaze in the city's Diamond Heights and six siblings.
have another one very close from In the end, he said, Valerio’s injuries neighborhood. Pictured here is extra clothing the two men left behind Valerio began working for the city
the same fire is challenging for us, is were “just too overwhelming.” at station 26. The piece of bread on each of the chairs is from the last loaf 27 years ago as a paramedic, Hayes-
painful for us,” she said. The cause of the fire was still that Anthony Valerio baked prior to his death. He always made fresh White said. He joined the fire
Valerio and fellow firefighter Lt. under investigation, and Hayes- bread for his colleagues at firehose 26 in the city's Glen View neighborhood. department in 1997.

like building over the school play- could start to study the property and hold

Continued from page 1
ground, purchasing air rights over Lot G
and building an elevated gym or buying
all of Lot G — were considered but not
closed session meetings on the possible
While no final decision to sell the
Local brief
Infant killed, parents wounded in East Palo Alto
approved by the city. property has been made, a conversation EAST PALO ALTO — An infant is dead and his parents
Councilwoman Ann Keighran and with Tina Moyer, U.S. Postal Service hospitalized after East Palo Alto police say gunmen opened
vote. The question before the commis- Vice Mayor Jerry Deal met with church real estate disposition specialist for the fire on the family just after they had left a baby shower.
sion was simple: Would the switch fit officials in May 2010 to explain con- Pacific and Southwest areas, revealed East Palo Alto police Capt. Jeff Liu says two men in hood-
within the downtown plan? A majority cerns over those options but were open it’s likely at least a portion of the site ed sweatshirts fired shots into the family car just before 1 a.m.
voted yes. to discussing swapping a smaller portion would be for sale, Nantell wrote in a Sunday.
The agreement would allow the of Lot G for the Highlands parcel, staff report. The child, a three-month-old boy, suffered what Liu
church land to build a multi-purpose Nantell wrote. The grassy property fronting Lorton described as an “untreatable injury.” The infant died after
facility, according to a staff report writ- For the city, the switch could create a Avenue and parking lot could be for sale being taken to Stanford Hospital.
ten by Planning Manager Maureen net gain in parking spaces in a different in the next few months. If the entire site
Brooks. part of downtown. were to be sold, it would be an estimat-
No plans have been submitted thus far, Regardless of the decision, those who ed 52,500 square feet. Burlingame is
Brooks wrote, and St. Catherine of Siena live and work around Lot G decided the only one of the interested parties. While
Church will need to do a full environ- lot should have short-term parking no price has been listed, the city estimat-
mental review before building on the options and drop-off space. If the swap ed it to be worth about $5 million.
site. takes place, they would also like the lot
Conversations to generate ideas began to remain open during the design period. The council will discuss the proposal 7
in 2009. St. Catherine’s applied for enti- In other business, the city has long p.m. Monday, June 6 at City Hall, 501
tlements to make additions to the parish shown interest in purchasing the U.S. Primrose Road in Burlingame.
hall on Park Road. During the process, Post Office property at 341 Lorton Ave.
the parish hall was found to have histor- City Manager Jim Nantell will update
ical significance which would be impact- the council on the prospective sale of the Heather Murtagh can be reached by email:
ed by the project. Then other ideas — site. If the council is interested, staff [email protected] or by phone:
(650) 344-5200 ext. 105.

is now offering along with their other
professional services, driving you in
your car to airports, appointments,
special social activities, vacation, etc.
Call Captain Tom Wilder
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6 Monday • June 6, 2011 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

explosion and wanted to figure out a way to

Family of nursing student HEROES Continued from page 1

help raise money for those affected. After two
days and four hours of playing drums in Justin
Herman Plaza and Pier 39 in San Francisco,
Hui raised $420, which he donated to the Red

seeking a greater FBI role

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS mation posted on the FBI’s
out to be an assisted living facility. Three elder-
ly women were in need of help. Although they
hadn’t searched all the rooms, emergency
Cross. He’s continued to play to raise funds for
those affected by the San Bruno explosion,
Japan earthquake and Philippine floods.
Charles Simons, a crossing guard, will be
crews were then on scene directing the men to recognized as the Act of Courage Hero.
website under the missing leave. The situation had gotten to be too dan-
SAN FRANCISCO — The family of persons link,” Dinh said. While working at the intersection of
Northern California nursing student Michelle gerous. Broadway and El Camino Real in Burlingame
Dinh, who is Le’s “I knew in my heart of hearts that we hadn’t
Le wants the FBI to take a lead role in the cousin, also claimed the April 11, Simons was assisting students when a
finished checking this home,” Bob Petrini said. driver experiencing a medical problem caused
search for the missing woman. family has not been given The guys snuck around back and went into the person to lose control. As a result, the man
The 26-year-old was last seen May 27 when regular updates from the home to find a woman hooked up to many drove at a high speed on the wrong side of the
she went out to her car during a break at Kaiser police. machines, unable to leave on her own. After road, ran several stop lights and crashed his
Permanente Medical Center in Hayward. She “We’re kind of in the grabbing help from a man named Frank, whom vehicle. When the runaway vehicle approached
never returned. Michelle Le dark,” Dinh complained. they would never see again, and a firefighter, the intersection of Broadway and El Camino
Family spokeswoman Krystine Dinh, Hayward police said the group of men were able to carry the woman Real, Simons yelled for the student to get back
expressing frustration with the pace of the they contacted the FBI in the early stages of the out then put her in a wheelchair.
Hayward police investigation, said Le’s apart- investigation, asking for the bureau’s help in to the sidewalk. The car passed within several
The Petrinis are just one example of the peo- feet of the student. Several people at the scene
ment was not searched until Tuesday, four days analyzing phone records and phone forensics. ple who will be recognized as part of the
after her disappearance. credited Simons for saving the student’s life.
“They have offered every appropriate Heroes Awards presented by the American Red
She also said police told her it would take Sherri Camps and her dog Sara will be rec-
resource and we are utilizing some of them and Cross Bay Area Chapter June 9. The awards
two weeks before the results of an examination ognized as the Animal Act of Kindness hero.
keep them apprised of our efforts,” Hayward recognize Bay Area people who make a differ-
of Le’s car would be available. The pair work three to four days each week
police Lt. Roger Keener said in a statement. ence in the lives of others in their community.
“We believe that if personnel experienced in providing therapeutic support for children and
Hayward investigators have served searched Bob Petrini is a bit embarrassed by the recog-
missing persons cases were assigned a lead families by visiting venues like the Children’s
warrants and identified “persons of interest” in nition. The guys will receive the Lifesaving Health Council at Stanford, the Ronald
role, evidence would be analyzed expeditious- the case, according to Keener, but he did not Heroes, Adult award. It was simply the right
ly, and we would also see her picture and infor- McDonald House at Stanford and Riley’s Place
release any names or details. thing to do in his mind. in Woodside. Their work began after Camps, a
“Hopefully this shows other people that more court administrator for over 25 years, decided
people should help,” he said. to take classes for pet assisted therapy around
Obituary A number of those being recognized are the time of her retirement. Working through the
related to the Sept. 9 explosion. Peninsula Humane Society, Sara is also a read-
Cynthia Habit Martinez “Cindy” Matthew Bernardo is being recognized as the ing dog for the San Carlos Library and was a
Lifesaving Hero, Youth. Bernardo was home in therapy dog at Camp Bennett for young chil-
04/08/1951 – 06/01/2011 San Bruno when the pipeline exploded. He was dren with cerebral palsy.
able to get his 6-year-old sister Isabel out of the Shelter Network, which provides housing
In loving memory of Cindy Martinez. Born in San house, saving her life. Once safe, he borrowed and support services for homeless residents on
Francisco. Raised in San Bruno and Redwood City. Lived a cellphone to call his parents. the Peninsula, will receive the Community
in Burlingame, San Mateo, Redwood City, South San Kit Morse and Julie McAuliffe, owners of Service Hero Organization award.
Francisco, Belmont, Rocklin and Redwood Shores. Always Quilting in San Mateo, will be recog- Last year, Shelter Network served more than
nized as Community Service Heroes, collected 4,300 people, including 850 families and more
Devoted mother to Benjamin Dominge (Christy) of San 135 quilts, which were donated to the affected
Mateo and Billy Martinez (Veronica) of San Carlos. Loving than 1,700 children. Notably, 93 percent of
families in January. families who completed transitional programs
step-mother to Debbie Bell (Dave) of Granite Bay and While the Red Cross usually collects cash succeeded in returning to permanent housing
Jack Martinez Jr. (Stacey) of Rocklin. Adoring Grammy versus items, McAuliffe wanted to do some-
after an average stay of less than 100 days.
to Reyna Martinez, Andy Dominge, Jamie, Samantha and Paige Bell and Isabella and thing to help. Quilts seemed like a natural item
Lastly, Jon Grant, a charter member of the
James Martinez. Beloved daughter of George L. Habit (Lois) of Redwood City and the for the pair. The Red Cross liked the idea as
long as the women could store the quilts and Foster City Rotary Club, will be recognized
late Elizabeth G. Habit. Precious sister of Marilyn Vandenbroeck (Patrick) of San Carlos. with the Tom Lantos Humanitarian Award.
collect enough so all families could get one.
Doting aunt to Glenn Vandenbroeck of Dublin and Ryan Vandenbroeck (Audrey) of San That made 60 quilts the goal. After reaching out Grant has been recognized for numerous rea-
Mateo. Caring great aunt to Brian Ortega Vandenbroeck. by email, talking to clients and handing out sons over his 35 years of perfect Rotary atten-
Graduate of St. Pius Elementary School, San Carlos High School and the College leaflets at local events, the women gathered far dance. Since 2000, Grant has been actively
of San Mateo. Director of R.W. Drake Preschool and partner in “Going Out with the more than was needed. Since the business also involved with the Wheelchair Foundation, rais-
collects quilted pillow cases that are donated, ing money and securing matching grants
people also received two pillow cases. A local through the Rotary Foundation totaling about
Always loving and nurturing, Cindy loved her children and grandchildren, her dolls, Jan $15 million. As a result, more than 300,000
church separately came forward with a dona-
Hagara figurines, Beanie Babies and Shirley Temple. She actively participated in the tion of pillows to fill the cases as well. people in developing countries have been pro-
American Cancer Society and in cancer support groups. Since then, the women have received numer- vided with wheelchairs.
A rosary vigil is set for Thursday evening, June 9th at 7:00 PM at the Redwood Chapel ous thank-you notes. McAuliffe gets teary eyed
on Woodside Road in Redwood City. A 9:30 AM Mass on Friday, June 10th will be held talking about one woman who noted how nice The heroes will be honored 8 a.m. Thursday,
at St. Pius Church at Woodside and Valota Roads followed by Inurnment at Holy Cross it was to have something of her own while stay- June 9 at the San Mateo County Heroes
ing for so long in a hotel. Breakfast held at the Poplar Creek Grill, 1700
Cemetery in Colma. Donations to the American Cancer Society preferred.
Joshua Allen Hui is being recognized as the Coyote Point Drive, San Mateo. Tickets are $50
Act of Kindness Hero, Youth. and can be purchased at www.heroesredcross-
Hui didn’t have school the day after the bayarea.org or by calling (415) 427-8086.
THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Monday • June 6, 2011 7

Disastrous spring costing billions of dollars

By David A. Lieb Missouri’s spring of disasters may House Speaker Steven Tilley, a Even before the recent flooding in
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS be felt for years, even by many who Republican whose home district is the West and upper Midwest, the
weren’t personally affected by the near the Mississippi River. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — First storms. Insurance premiums are Missouri may be an extreme about 6.8 million acres had been
a tornado tore through the St. Louis likely to increase for home and example. But it’s far from alone in a flooded this year — an area equiva-
airport. Then rising waters vehicle owners. Restaurants and spring of brutal weather. lent to the entire state of
swamped small towns and flooded retail shops are likely to see lower Tornadoes have wreaked havoc Massachusetts. One recent day, high-
miles of fertile farmland along the sales in southeast Missouri. Utility from Alabama to Massachusetts, way engineer Richard Wallace drove
Mississippi River. Then the nation’s rates are likely to rise in the south- while floods have inundated states his four-wheel drive truck down the
deadliest tornado in six decades western part of the state. And from Montana to Louisiana. The gravel of Mississippi County Road
ripped apart the city of Joplin. Missouri’s budget — already out of recent Joplin tornado and a series of 310 in southeast Missouri to survey
Thirty days of destruction in balance — now is tens of millions twisters that ravaged the South in the damage from receding floodwa-
Missouri. Billions of dollars of of dollars deeper in the hole, which late April caused a combined insur- ters. He was forced to stop.
damage. And it may not be done, as could lead to more cuts to govern- ance loss of up to $8 billion, accord- “I’m looking at a section right
communities along the Missouri ment services and schools. ing to preliminary estimates from now that looks like part of the
River from St. Joseph to St. Louis “It’s not just the loss of lives, but Eqecat, a firm that analyzes the Grand Canyon,” said an amazed
brace for a new round of flooding. Tornadoes have cost cities in the this is a horrible economic blow to effect of catastrophes for insurers Wallace, staring at a gaping crevice
The economic aftershocks of Midwest billions of dollars. the state of Missouri,” said state and government agencies. in the road. “It’s just unreal.”

Nation brief cars assembled.

The South Korean electric car and
golf cart manufacturer has apparent-
Americans shrug at cellphone,cancer warning
Plans to build electric cars ly abandoned its pledge to the three THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the warning as too vague, or reason they cause cancer. The only things
in three states stall states — without notice — and that if the most useful device in customers really care about, Gottani
deserted its new U.S. markets amid NEW YORK — News last week modern life poses a slight health said, are “if it works, and if it texts.”
Korean electric car company financial difficulties, the Associated that an arm of the World Health risk, then so be it. The International Agency for
CT&T made a splash in three states Press has learned. Organization said cellphones might “I was watching the news about it, Research on Cancer reviewed
when it rolled shiny, tiny vehicles Meanwhile, an American sub- raise the risk of brain cancer has and I thought, ‘I’m already screwed dozens of published studies on cell-
off big rigs and announced with sidiary, CT&T United, is in the been greeted by Americans mostly because I’ve been talking on the phone phones and cancer before classify-
smiling governors that it would hire process of separating from Seoul- with a shrug of the shoulder — one for seven years,”’ said Genevieve ing cellphones as “possibly carcino-
hundreds of Americans to build based CT&T and hopes to take on that’s pinning a cellphone to the ear. Chamorro, a 31-year-old New Yorker genic” on Tuesday. It’s a risk cate-
them in new factories. North American ownership and Google searches for “cancer” and who was shopping for a phone. gory that includes night-shift work,
But those plans have stalled in attract more U.S. investors, James “cellphones” spiked this week. And John Gottani, a manager at a cell- engine exhaust and coffee.
Hawaii, Pennsylvania and South Park, vice president of the sub- some people vowed to get headsets phone store in New York, said he’s Studies haven’t been able to rule
Carolina without anyone hired, any sidiary, told the AP in a phone inter- to shield themselves from radiation. been selling phones for six years out a link between cellphones and
plants constructed or any electric view Thursday. But most seemed to either dismiss and has never heard anyone ask if cancer.
8 Monday • June 6, 2011 WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Israeli troops battle protesters in Syria

By Daniella Cheslow to created a provocation,” said open-ended sit-in at the border, and
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Israel’s chief military spokesman, thousands more protesters were on
Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai. “This their way.
MAJDAL SHAMS, Golan border has been quiet for decades, The protests began around 11 a.m.
Heights — Israeli troops on Sunday but only now with all the unrest in with what appeared to be several
battled hundreds of pro-Palestinian Syrian towns is there an attempt to dozen youths, brought in on buses. It
protesters who tried to burst across draw attention to the border.” gained strength through the day.
Syria’s frontier with the Golan Human rights groups say By evening, the crowd had
Heights, killing a reported 20 people President Bashar Assad’s forces swelled to more than 1,000 people,
and wounding scores more in the killed at least 25 people in northern who milled about, prayed and
second outbreak of deadly violence Syria over the weekend, and another chanted slogans in an uneasy stand-
in the border area in less than a 65 activists were killed in the central off with Israeli troops in the dis-
month. city of Hama on Friday, as anti-gov- tance. The army bolstered its posi-
The clashes, marking the anniver- ernment protests spread through the tions, posting a dozen armored
sary of the Arab defeat in the 1967 country demanding his resignation. vehicles and jeeps along the border
Mideast war, drew Israeli accusa- There was no Syrian comment on road.
tions that Syria was orchestrating why the protesters were allowed to A small group of youths managed
the violence to shift attention away storm the border, apparently undis- to cut through a recently fortified
from a bloody crackdown on oppo- turbed by authorities. But Syria’s coil of barbed-wire and took up
sition protests at home. The state-run media portrayed the event positions in a trench inside a buffer
marchers, who had organized on as a spontaneous uprising of zone about 20 yards from a final
Facebook, passed by Syrian and Palestinian youths from a nearby border fence. Israeli troops periodi-
U.N. outposts on their way to the REUTERS refugee camp. cally opened fire at young activists
front lines. Residents of the Druze village of Majdal Shams throw stones at Israeli After nightfall Sunday, Syria’s jumping into the ditch, sending puffs
“The Syrian government is trying troops on the Syrian-Israeli border in the Golan Heights Sunday. state TV said there would be an of soil flying into the air.

World briefs Bombings kill 24 in

northwest Pakistan
E. coli outbreak blamed on ISLAMABAD — A suicide bomber
German veggie sprouts attacked a bakery in Pakistan’s northwest on
HAMBURG, Germany — The terrifying E. Sunday, killing 18 people, and another bomb
coli outbreak in Europe appears to have been in the volatile region left six others dead. The
caused by vegetable sprouts grown on an attacks were the latest in a wave of bloodshed
organic farm in Germany, an agriculture offi- to hit Pakistan since the U.S. raid that killed
cial said Sunday as the toll climbed to at least al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden.
22 dead and more than 2,200 sickened. Also Sunday, a Pakistani security official
Preliminary tests found that bean sprouts said authorities are nearly certain that a recent
and other sprout varieties from the farm in the U.S. missile strike killed al-Qaida command-
Uelzen area, between the northern cities of er Ilyas Kashmiri.
Hamburg and Hannover, could be traced to The suicide bomber struck the bakery in a
infections in five German states, Lower neighborhood were army personnel live in the
Saxony Agriculture Minister Gert Lindemann town of Nowshera, police said. At least two
said. soldiers were among the dead.
THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Monday • June 6, 2011 9
Hiring female military veterans
as having a high level of training and
Local politics
— The Jackson (Tenn.) Sun Other voices education, discipline, resiliency,
resourcefulness and team-building and a bite of
ho is a female military vet- female veteran with a business degree skills.

the Big Apple

eran? She’s your daughter, was told by a head-hunting firm that Yet, these women are having trouble
your wife, your cousin, they didn’t deal with people of her finding jobs.
your neighbor. She will transition out background. Another college-educated If national and state organizations are
of the military and look for a job. veteran who is dealing well with a war working hand-in-hand to develop men-

torship and transition programs, if the t’s not even summer but plans are simmering for upcom-
Recent news reports have indicated injury said no one wants to talk to her. ing city council races in November. In San Mateo, John
that well-educated and highly disci- What an amazing waste of business Small Business Administration is Lee will be termed out after 14 years. Out in front is
plined female veterans have been talent and slap in the face to our mili- streamlining loans for veterans, what Maureen Freschet, executive director of constituent relations for
unable to find jobs because they are tary. What an astonishing lack of are we doing locally to help? Notre Dame de Namur University, and a member of San
coming out of the military. Some are thought from prospective employers. These women veterans have the skills Mateo’s Planning Commission. Assemblyman Jerry Hill, D-San
considering not listing military service Deborah Frett, CEO for the Business and the work ethic you’re looking for. Mateo, is holding a campaign kickoff for her later this month.
on their resume. and Professional Women’s Foundation, Time is wasting, and time is money. So far, any meaningful com-
In one news story, a college-educated has described female military veterans Get going. petition has evaporated. In
San Carlos, the one to watch

Guest perspective is Ron Collins, longtime com-

munity volunteer, who has
also served on the city’s
Planning Commission. Ron

Please consider voters’wishes will vie for the late Omar

Ahmad’s seat. And in
Burlingame, Terry Nagel and
put a stop to the Saltworks project. stand for: wisely located housing close Jerry Deal will be running for
By Judy Kirk re-election. Since it’s
We already know how distrusted and to the center of town, your valuing of
disrespected Cargill is. We know that our parks and open spaces elsewhere Burlingame, there are bound

need to emphasize how grateful I to be others in the race but
they are not going to build the prom- and your forward-looking leadership.
am to city leaders for our “new” Please pause to consider what voters things look good for the
ised schools as they imply, that their
Redwood City. I have thanked have said in the latest poll: They don’t incumbents. Meanwhile,
plan to provide water is so tenuous as
you before, but as we continue to enjoy want the Saltworks to fill what is left of Mike Loy plans to run for the
to be laughable (if it weren’t so fright- San Mateo Union High School district seat recently held by
our downtown and facilities, and as our ening, considering how oversubscribed our already scarce Baylands. The salt-
friends from neighboring cities remark new Supervisor Dave Pine. Very sad news about former
we already are with the water we use), works development would be such a Assemblyman Ira Ruskin but Ira is a fighter and we are rooting
to us about how they also come to and that traffic would be unmanageable terrible legacy of your stewardship and
enjoy Redwood City now, it needs to for him to recover from recent brain surgery. Ira did us proud in
with all those added cars. Then there is would tarnish and diminish all of your Sacramento and is admired by colleagues throughout the state.
be said again. So, thank you for all the default of Cargill’s developer, other stellar accomplishments. ***
those hours and hours of time, for your DMB, on a huge project elsewhere. I ask this of you as a 62-year resident You have to appreciate our weather (even when it keeps rain-
thoughtful planning and for the out- There is also the issue of rising sea lev- whose grandfather was justice of the ing) when you spend a week in hot and muggy New York City.
come of that planning. els, with future generations at risk for peace in Redwood City and who was But the excitement of just walking the streets of Manhattan and
Yet once again I need to ask — having to maintain ever-higher levees. brought out from Chicago to be a people watching, not to mention the cornucopia of museums,
implore isn’t too strong a word — that Most important, the site of the pro- leather-splitter at the SH Frank theaters, restaurants and different neighborhoods makes a visit
you heed the latest poll of Redwood posed project is not industrial waste- Tannery. My father was born here on more than worthwhile. We rented an apartment just off of
City voters, the input of the cities land; it is part of the San Francisco Fuller Street in 1912 where, I believe, Seventh Avenue in Chelsea which extends from 15th Street to
around us as wells as the input of con- Baylands and can be restored just like the county parking lot is now. 34th Street between the Hudson River and Sixth Avenue. The
servation groups, unions, the Port of similar parcels around the Bay. The former industrial district on the city’s waterfront has become the
Redwood City, Bay Area politicians council’s support of Cargill/DMB has hot new neighborhood. It’s about to become hotter because it
and involved regulatory bodies: Please always seemed to contradict what you Judy Kirk is a resident of Redwood City. borders the Highline (a former freight delivery rail line trans-
formed into a beautiful elevated urban park) and a soon to open

Letters to the editor new Whitney Museum. The former meatpacking district is now
full of trendy high-rise condos, art galleries, stores and restau-
rants. Many of the old brownstone buildings remain but have
been refurbished. Our apartment was in the yet-to-be refur-
Luck running out the May 24 edition of the Daily Journal practice is still occurring (albeit in fewer bished stage but the location was so great we could not com-
regarding the San Francisco ballot ini- and fewer numbers) in 2011, a time plain. We were two blocks away from Chelsea Market, a less
Editor, tiative to ban circumcision. I would like when you cannot hit your child and leave
It’s sad to say that a lot of people and expensive version of what you can find at the Ferry Building in
to thank Jorg Aadahl for standing up for a mark, even if you think you have the San Francisco. The former factory site also reminds you of
businesses today are feeling as if their human rights. Because ultimately, that is “personal choice” and “right” to do so. Ghirardelli Square with its numerous restaurants and retail
luck has run out (“The lucky corner” what this is about. Circumcision leaves a permanent scar. stores.
column by Jon Mays in the June 1 edi- People are complaining that this is leg- It is never your right to abuse the body Best of all, you can now bike around Manhattan island via
tion of the Daily Journal). of another. Circumcision is medically the Manhattan Waterfront Greenway. We did just the west side
islating a “personal” choice. But this
The little smoke shop on the corner unnecessary, and it can sometimes, result from the Battery at the southern tip to the George Washington
“personal choice” should not be any-
and owner Ashok Patel helped give in grievous bodily injury. It can also Bridge. The city has created one of the most attractive and
one’s, other than the person whose body
Burlingame Avenue a certain charm result in death. It is mind boggling that safest bike/pedestrian paths with views galore. We were fortu-
it directly impacts, to make. If it is a per-
that is continuing to be eroded by chain we not only accept this practice that nate to be there during Fleet Week
stores and a faltering economy. Perhaps sonal choice, leave it up to the person to
causes unnecessary risks to an uncon- We walked across the Brooklyn Bridge and as, one pedestrian
they’ll have better luck next time, whom the body part in question belongs.
senting patient, but we have normalized commented, it did not disappoint and it’s free. As one of the
whenever that time is. No one has the right to alter an uncon-
it. It is not normal, and most of the civi- oldest suspension bridges in the United States, it is a spectacular
senting person’s body for something that lized world does not engage in this prac- feat of engineering. Many lost their lives, primarily from cais-
Marla Lowenthal is medically unnecessary. It is not a reli- tice. I doubt this bill will pass, and if it son disease (the bends) in deep-water construction. The pedes-
San Mateo gious issue. We cherish the protection of trian/walkway is above car traffic. Views abound of the Statute
does, I doubt it will stand. But at the very
religious freedom in this country, but that least, let’s hope it makes people think. of Liberty, the Manhattan skyline and, of course, Brooklyn.
‘Think’ about circumcision ban freedom stops where another person’s Also free is a trip to Governor’s Island. This is a small island
Editor, bodily integrity begins. The courts have Valkyrie Hunter between Brooklyn and Manhattan once used as a military base.
This comment is in response to the reinforced that over and over and over Richmond It has been converted into a huge park with bicycle and pedes-
letter “Cut Out the Cut,” published in again. It amazes me that this barbaric trian paths. Not only was the ferry crossings free but also bicy-
cles (on Friday).
OUR MISSION: We ended our trip with a visit to New Jersey. Our East Coast
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for family’s small town celebrated Memorial Day with an all-out
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. community parade — veterans, marching bands, children on
By combining local news and sports coverage, bikes, Humane Society dogs, elected officials, police and fire
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, cars, and lots of American flags. This part of the world over-
Charlotte Andersen Jennifer Bishop lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to flows with American history. The parade ended at the Princeton
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief provide our readers with the highest quality
Gale Green Andrew Kane
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Shirley Marshall Bob O’Dwyer information resource in San Mateo County. Battle Monument, a statute of George Washington leading his
Jeff Palter Kris Skarston Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we troops into battle. The inscription: “Here memory lingers to
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer Kevin Smith choose to reflect the diverse character of this recall the guiding mind whose daring outflanked the foe and
Nicola Zeuzem, Production Manager dynamic and ever-changing community. turned dismay to hope when Washington with swift resolve
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events Jack Brookes Jenna Chambers marched through the night to fight at dawn and venture all in
Michelle Durand, Senior Reporter Charles Clayton Diana Clock
SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM one victorious battle for our freedom.” We then went to an air-
Michael Costa Emily DeRuy Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: conditioned community center to help wrap packages for the
REPORTERS: Philip Dimaano Darold Fredricks troops. It was a most fitting way to celebrate Memorial Day.
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Nick Rose Andrew Scheiner ***
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events twitter.com/smdailyjournal
Jeremy Venook On the flight back, we spotted former candidate for governor,
Carrie Doung, Production Assistant Online edition at scribd.com/smdailyjournal Meg Whitman and her husband. They were attending their son’s
Princeton University graduation. Meg has shed about 15 pounds
Letters to the Editor • Emailed documents are preferred. No attachments Correction Policy and looks svelte. Never realized how tall she was. She looks so
Should be no longer than 250 words. please. The Daily Journal corrects its errors.
Perspective Columns • Letter writers are limited to two submissions a If you question the accuracy of any article in the Daily much better now than when campaigning.
Should be no longer than 600 words. month. Journal, please contact the editor at
• Illegibly handwritten letters and anonymous letters Opinions expressed in letters, columns and [email protected]
will not be accepted. perspectives are those of the individual writer and do or by phone at: 344-5200, ext. 107
Sue Lempert is the former mayor of San Mateo. Her column
• Please include a city of residence and phone number not necessarily represent the views of the Daily Journal Editorials represent the viewpoint of the Daily Journal runs every Monday. She can be reached at sue@smdailyjour-
where we can reach you. staff. editorial board and not any one individual.
10 Monday • June 6, 2011 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL

On the move
Jonathan Nicolas was recently chosen by John Hancock
Financial Network to be a featured speaker at the organiza-
tion’s national Practice Advancement Conference this fall,
announced Brian Heapps, executive vice president of Sales
and Business Development for John Hancock Financial
Bold companies expand
By David K. Randall fund managers say yes. They say that engines to meet more stringent environ-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS despite the gloomy reports, companies mental standards at a lower cost than its
Network. that are hoarding cash will be left behind competitors, a fact not lost on investors.
A resident of San Carlos, Nicolas is affiliated with John when the economy hits its next major Today, largely based on the success of
NEW YORK — It’s not easy being the
Hancock Financial Network – Pettinelli Financial Partners, an growth stage. These companies won’t its fuel-efficient engines and because it
most optimistic guy in the room.
independent firm based in Redwood City. have the people or projects in place to spent on technology when others didn’t,
Most companies are hoarding cash after
two-plus years of cost-cutting. The mem- cash in on new business opportunities. Cummins owns 40 percent of the heavy-
bers of the benchmark Standard & Poor’s “If you’re not using your cash, you’re duty truck market. Its stock, in turn, is up
500 index are sitting on a record $960 bil- going to be less competitive in the future,” more than 180 percent — or nearly
lion in cash on their balance sheets. All says Eric Marshall, the director of tripling — over the past two years.
told, companies now have more than 10 research at Hodges Capital, an investment “The weaker caribou don’t make it
percent more cash than the previous peak advisory firm in Dallas that has $800 mil- through the winter,” Marshall says,
in 2004. While the days of mass layoffs lion in assets under management. He says explaining his rationale for buying busi-
and eking out another year from ever- that there was a time following the finan- nesses that are expanding or reinvesting
older computers might be largely over, cial crisis that sitting on cash made sense when others are not.
few companies are expanding. because of concerns that the recession There are plenty of reasons to put off
But there are exceptions, those compa- would be prolonged. “But now the risks expansion. And many companies are con-
nies that are bold — or some might say, have changed,” he says. He thinks that the tent to earn tiny interest rates on their
crazy — enough to invest for the next economy’s recent stall will be a temporary stored cash because they are happy to
boom while others remain cautious. one. continue to strengthen their balance sheets
Caterpillar Inc., Union Pacific Corp., Marshall points to Cummins Inc., one while they watch their profit margins go
and Google Inc. have each announced of his firm’s longstanding holdings. In higher, says Jonathan Golub, the chief
major plans to hire new workers or build 2007, the company had about a 20 percent U.S. strategist at UBS. They don’t want to
new factories. Despite recent signs that share of the heavy-duty truck engine mar- be caught off guard if the economy sput-
the economy is slowing, none of them ket. It continued to reinvest during the ters again.
have said that they intend to back off. downturn — $752 million in 2009-10, By some accounts, that’s already hap-
So should investors make a bet on a more than it spent in 2006-07 -- and spent pening. Over the last month alone, reports
company that’s expanding when others more money on things like research and on manufacturing, retail sales and unem-
are still playing defense? expanding capacity. One result: technolo- ployment came out weaker than econo-
A handful of academics, analysts and gy the company developed allowed its mists had expected.

Nintendo’s Wii successor to dominate E3 expo

By Derrik J. Lang ipating features like high-definition Generation Portable.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS graphics and touchscreen controllers. John Koller, director of PlayStation
“What’s interesting about it is that it’s hardware marketing, said the NGP will
LOS ANGELES — Almost six years a platform that seems much more orient- be slightly larger than the PlayStation
ago at the annual Electronic ed to the core gamer, in terms of its capa- Portable and will feature a touchscreen,
Entertainment Expo, Nintendo unveiled bilities and specifications,” said Ken touchpad, two cameras and an
what would eventually become known Levine, the Irrational Games creative accelerometer, meaning it can react to
as the Wii. But the Japanese gaming director who will tear into E3 with motion. It will also be able to connect
giant didn’t show off the new console’s “Bioshock Infinite,” an airy in-the-clouds over cellphone networks and Wi-Fi
distinctive motion-sensing capabilities follow-up to the stylish undersea saga hotspots and use GPS location-tracking
until later that year at the Tokyo Game “Bioshock,” published by 2K Games. technology.
Show. Nintendo won’t be such a tease at Meanwhile, Sony Corp. will try to “The NGP is not a singular experience
this year’s E3. rebound from the embarrassment of a as a lot of other portable and mobile
After two years of shrinking Wii sales, massive security breach that recently devices are,” said Koller. “There’s aug-
the gamemaker will fully raise the cur- crippled the PlayStation Network, mented reality, location-based and social
tain on the Wii’s successor at the gaming affecting more than 100 million online gaming experiences. All those things
industry’s annual convention in down- accounts. Sony plans to introduce sever- add up to a much greater whole than
town Los Angeles this week. Nintendo al new PlayStation 3 titles, as well as what we think is available on the market
Co. has remained silent about just what detail the name, price and sale date of a or will be on the market over the next
the doodad will do, but gamers are antic- new hand-held device code-named Next four to five years.”

China shops for

Latin American
oil, food, minerals
By Ian James

CARACAS, Venezuela — Latin America is blessed with a

wealth of natural resources such as oil, copper and soy, and
needs financing to capitalize on them. China needs commodities
to keep its economy growing and has about $3 trillion in reserves
to burn.
Those interests have come together in a burgeoning and
unorthodox partnership, as China lends and invests tens of bil-
lions of dollars in countries around Latin America in return for a
guaranteed flow of commodities.
Recent deals have made China a key financier to the govern-
ments of Venezuela and Argentina. At the same time, Chinese
companies have secured a decade’s worth of oil from Venezuela
and Brazil, and steady supplies of wheat, soybeans and natural
gas from Argentina.
China is breaking new ground by aggressively locking down
resources around Latin America through large loans, investments
and other financial arrangements, said Orville Schell, director of
the Center on U.S.-China Relations at the Asia Society in New
“I don’t know of any other government which has done this sort
of securing of rights for commodities and natural resources so
systematically around the Third World as China, and they’ve used
a whole host of new financial instruments to do this,” Schell said.
Large investments have gone to Brazil and Argentina, but
China has extended even bigger loans to Venezuela, agreeing to
provide more than $32 billion to President Hugo Chavez’s gov-
Venezuela will pay its debt with increasing amounts of it dur-
ing the next decade. The infusion of cash has swiftly made China
Venezuela’s biggest foreign lender, enabling Chavez to boost
spending ahead of next year’s presidential election.
Monday, June 6, 2011

• Bruins down 2-0 in Stanley Cup finals, page 13

<< Stricker wins Memorial, page 16

Vogelsong,Torres lead Giants over Rockies

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Rockies 2-1 Sunday in a series Freddy Sanchez also drove in a one and struck out seven. He’s never gave up,” Giants manager
highlighted by dominant pitching. run for the Giants, who won their allowed one run or less in each of Bruce Bochy said. “He kept grind-
SAN FRANCISCO — Ryan “Until this year I was always the fourth in five games. Miguel Tejada his past six starts. Brian Wilson ing to get back to the major leagues.
Vogelsong, the one-time mop-up guy who came in when the game had two hits. worked the ninth for his 17th save in That’s one of the best stories I’ve
man, has found a home with the San was lopsided either way and usually Chris Iannetta homered for the 19 chances. seen since I’ve been in the game.”
Francisco Giants. He’s throwing as when we were behind by a lot,” Rockies, who are 4-12 in their last Until this year, Vogelsong hadn’t With Barry Zito beginning his
if he wants to make it permanent. Vogelsong said. “To be counted on 16 games and have not won back- pitched in the major leagues since minor league rehab assignment in
Vogelsong pitched eight fantastic to win games, it’s awesome, just a to-back games since May 16-17. 2006. He spent three years in Japan San Jose on Monday night, the rota-
innings and Andres Torres singled great feeling. It’s a role you need to Vogelsong (4-1) matched his and shuffled between three organi- tion could get a little clogged up.
home the tiebreaking run, leading do and not just hang out and be a career high with eight innings, giv- zations last season.
the Giants over the Colorado sideshow.” ing up a run on four hits. He walked “It was a long road for him but he See GIANTS, Page 12

A’s lose
Nadal beats Federer 6-3 to
For 6th French
Open title win
By Howard Fendrich
BOSTON — Nothing like the
New York Yankees and the Boston
Red Sox to take the shine off a four-
PARIS — Regardless of the set-
game winning streak.
ting or the surface, Rafael Nadal
Just ask the Oakland Athletics.
confounds Roger Federer the way
The A’s had a four-game winning
no other man can.
streak when the Yankees visited last
Put the two
week. After being swept at home,
greats of the
Oakland limped to Boston and were
game on oppo-
swept again in a three-game series,
site ends of a
finishing with a 6-3 loss Sunday.
court in a Grand
“We ran into a couple of good
Slam final —
teams and they beat us up pretty
particularly at
good,” second baseman Mark Ellis
Roland Garros,
said. “I feel like we can compete.
on the red clay
We just need to find a way to do it.”
that Nadal rules
Oakland starter Brett Anderson
Roger Federer — and the one-
(3-6) struggled for the second
sided nature of
straight game, allowing five runs
the rivalry grows even more pro-
and nine hits in five innings. He gave
up nine earned runs over 5 1-3
Grinding along the baseline, using
innings in his previous start, a 10-3
every inch of his wingspan to extend
loss to New York on Tuesday.
points, whipping fearsome fore-
“Today was pretty much terrible.
hands this way and that, Nadal flum-
It’s pretty much as bad a job as I can
moxed Federer yet again Sunday in
do,” Anderson said. “It was really
a riveting, highlight-filled match,
frustrating. You want to go as deep
beating him 7-5, 7-6 (3), 5-7, 6-1 for REUTERS
Rafael Nadal of Spain poses with the trophy and the Spanish flag during the ceremony after defeating as you can to give your guys some
a record-tying sixth French Open
Roger Federer of Switzerland during their men’s final at the French Open tennis tournament at the Roland rest. Obviously, I didn’t do that.”
Garros stadium in Paris Sunday. The Red Sox got off to a fast start
See FRENCH, Page 12 behind Carl Crawford, who hit his
fifth homer after David Ortiz and
Jed Lowrie started the second inning

Stage set for high-stakes U.S.TV rights bidding

By Stephen Wilson two decades, goes up against both sides: The networks and their bid on a four-games package
with consecutive singles.
Kevin Kouzmanoff led off the
third with his fourth homer and
Daric Barton added a run-scoring
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ESPN/ABC and Fox in a high- giant parent companies are weigh- including the 2018 and 2020 single in the fourth, but Boston
stakes auction that could potentially ing massive long-term investments Games, whose sites have not yet responded in the bottom half.
LAUSANNE, Switzerland — command fees of more than $2 bil- in an uncertain economic climate, been selected. Adrian Gonzalez’s drive into the
With Dick Ebersol out of the pic- lion for two games and more than and the IOC is hoping for a bumper “We’ve got a full house and I’m Green Monster seats above left field
ture, NBC’s multi-billion-dollar $4 billion for four. deal to keep the money flowing hoping for the best,” Richard made it 5-2 and gave him 50 RBIs
grip on the most valuable property Network executives will make from one of its biggest sources of Carrion, who heads the IOC’s TV just 59 games into the season. It was
in sports faces a serious challenge closed-door presentations and revenue. rights negotiations, told The the second homer in as many games
this week when U.S. networks bid sealed bids to the International Up for grabs are the exclusive Associated Press on Sunday. for the big first baseman, who has 12
on the next set of Olympic televi- Olympic Committee on Monday rights to the 2014 Winter Games in The bidding comes less than three for the season after hitting just one
sion rights. and Tuesday, the first U.S. broadcast Sochi, Russia, and 2016 Olympics weeks after the sudden resignation
NBC, the Olympic network in the rights contest in eight years. in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In a new
United States for much of the past The implications are huge for twist, the networks are also free to See BID, Page 12 See A’S, Page 12
12 Monday • June 6, 2011 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

league debut on Saturday, had a more difficult

and 2011 finals).
When a reporter recited those numbers and time in his second appearance. Jacoby
asked for an assessment, Nadal replied: “Well, Ellsbury singled off De Los Santos with one
it means I can play well, too.” out in the sixth, then advanced on two wild
Continued from page 11 Continued from page 11
“When you talk about these statistics, when pitches and scored on Dustin Pedroia’s single
you try and make these comparisons, really to left.
championship and 10th major title overall. it’s not very interesting to me,” continued in his first month with the Red Sox. That put Boston up 6-3 and the bullpen held
“He plays better against the better ones, and Nadal, who would have ceded the No. 1 rank- “He just hasn’t been as crisp and sharp with it, something it failed to do the day before
that’s what he showed today,” said Federer, ing to Novak Djokovic with a loss Sunday. his pitches,” Athletics manager Bob Geren when the Red Sox blew a 7-3 lead in the ninth
owner of 16 Grand Slam trophies. “He’s a “I’m very happy with what I have, with who I said of Anderson. and needed 14 innings to win.
great champion, on clay, especially.” am. I’m not the best player in the history of John Lackey pitched into the sixth inning in Matt Albers, Tommy Hottovy and Dan
There’s no question that Nadal is as good as tennis. I think I’m among the best. That’s true. his first start in nearly a month for Boston, Wheeler combined for 2 1-3 innings of two-
it gets in Paris — 45-1 for his career, and the That’s enough for me.” who swept the A’s to salvage a split of a six- hit ball before Daniel Bard worked the ninth
same number of titles there as Bjorn Borg — He’s rapidly gaining on Federer. Nadal game homestand that started with three losses for his first save of the season — one day after
but the Spaniard already also has shown that turned 25 Friday, making him about six to the White Sox. regular closer Jonathan Papelbon blew a save
he is much more than the King of Clay. And months younger than Federer was when the Lackey (3-5), who was coming off a stint on opportunity and was ejected in the ninth
Sunday’s victory only will raise more ques- Swiss star collected his 10th major title. the disabled list with a strained elbow, gave up inning of Boston’s 9-8 victory.
tions about whether Federer truly deserves to Their rivalry is a friendly — not heated — three runs and three hits. In his first start since Boston now heads to New York for a three-
be called the Greatest of All Time if he is not one. Nadal conceded a point Sunday when he May 11, he struck out two, walked two and hit game series with the first-place Yankees start-
even the Greatest of Right Now. saw Federer’s shot landed in but was called three batters. ing Tuesday. The Athletics’ road trip contin-
Nadal leads their head-to-head series 17-8. out. A few years ago, Federer gave Nadal a lift Oakland’s Fautino De Los Santos, who ues against the Orioles — the last team they
That includes a 6-2 advantage in Grand Slam on a private jet from one tournament site to struck out the only batter he faced in his major beat.
finals and a 5-0 edge at the French Open (in another after learning his on-court nemesis
the 2005 semifinals, and the 2006, 2007, 2008 had trouble finding a commercial flight.

so hard for us,” Colorado outfielder Carlos
Gonzalez said. “To not score any runs for him

AP. “That’s got to be troubling for them if is difficult. It’s tough to lose a game like that.”
they are as serious as they say they are about One pitch after Vogelsong thought he
trying to renew.
Continued from page 11
caught him looking at strike three for the final
“I suppose if you’re a conspiracy theorist, out of the fifth, Iannetta hit his eighth home
Continued from page 11 you say it’s an opportunity for network ‘X’ to “Voggy is not going anywhere,” Bochy run, a shot that easily cleared the left-field
get the games instead of NBC and all of a sud- said. “He’s going to pitch every fifth day. We fence.
of Ebersol, the longtime NBC sports chief den they’ll hire Dick Ebersol.” might have to get a little creative here. We’re “I snap a little and get it out of the way,”
who dominated the Olympic television scene Ebersol told the AP when he resigned he just starting to talk about it now.” Vogelsong said. “In tight games you have to
for the past 20 years and turned the Peacock would not help another network with its bid in Matt Lindstrom (0-1) walked pinch-hitter go back out and pitch. I just slammed my
network into the home of the five-ring festi- fairness to NBC. Pat Burrell to open the eighth inning, and glove down a few times and said a few things
val. Ebersol’s departure followed what was pinch-runner Emmanuel Burriss was sacri-
you probably don’t want to write.”
NBC has broadcast every Summer described as a contract dispute with Comcast, ficed to second by Vogelsong. Burriss went to
Hammel carried a no-hitter into the sixth.
Olympics since 1988 and every Winter Games the cable giant which took control of NBC in third on a wild pitch and scored easily on
Torres’ tiebreaking single. He got the first two outs but walked Torres.
since 2002. It holds the rights through next January. ESPN is controlled by Disney, and
year’s London Olympics. The teams combined for 10 runs in the Tejada ended the no-hit bid with a hit-and-run
Fox by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. single and Sanchez followed with his RBI sin-
Ebersol was a close partner of the IOC, Although NBC and Comcast say they three-game series.
negotiating several multi-games deals that “Got to hit, that’s all I’ve got,” Rockies gle.
remain fully committed to the games and the
kept the committee’s coffers bulging and manager Jim Tracy said. “You give up two “He lost command there for a brief moment
bidding, Ebersol’s absence clearly changes
ensured the stability of the games in the the dynamics of the contest and would seem runs, you should win. It’s that simple. We but because of what’s not taking place for us
Olympics’ most important financial market. to give ESPN and Fox greater hope of secur- gave up six runs in the series but we only offensively, that’s all it takes,” Tracy said. “It
NBC outbid ESPN and Fox in a $2.2 billion ing their first Olympics. scored four.” comes back to we didn’t hit. We were 1 for 12
deal in 2003 for the 2010 and 2012 Olympics. Carrion, head of the IOC finance commis- Rockies starter Jason Hammel retired 17 of with seven strikeouts with our 2-3-4 hitters.
“The big question mark is what the disap- sion, said he met with Comcast and NBC his first 18 batters. He allowed one run and It’s not the first day we’ve had to deal with
pearance of Dick Ebersol means to an NBC executives after Ebersol’s resignation and is two hits in seven innings, walking two and this. It’s what is holding this team up.”
Comcast bid,” Dick Pound, the IOC’s former convinced they remain determined to retain striking out four. Hammel has thrown one career complete
longtime U.S. TV rights negotiator, told the the rights. “It’s hard knowing he’s out there working game — a loss at Los Angeles in July 2009.
THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Monday • June 6, 2011 13

Bosh shoots Heat to victory

By James Aron Dwyane Wade, who led Miami who soared and scored the Heat
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS with 29 points and 11 rebounds. past Dallas and to the title in ’06.
“You want to win the game on the Most of his baskets came in the
DALLAS — The Miami Heat defensive end of the floor and we paint — where the Heat outscored
didn’t blow this one. Now they’re got a stop.” the Mavs, 40-22 — and many of
just two wins from being crowned The Heat go into Game 4 on them were spectacular. But he also
NBA champions. Tuesday night with a chance to do stemmed Dallas’ rally by hitting a
Chris Bosh made a 16-foot, go- what they did in 2006: win it all on go-ahead jumper over Jason Kidd
ahead jumper from the baseline Dallas’ floor. They’ll need to win for Miami’s second-to-last basket.
with 39.6 seconds left and the Heat that game and the next, on James came in talking about
held on for an 88-86 victory over Thursday night. being more aggressive, but wasn’t.
the Dallas Mavericks on Sunday Bosh, a Dallas native who’d He went more than 6 minutes
night for a 2-1 lead in the NBA been 0-8 in his hometown, over- before taking his first shot, but cer-
finals. came a swollen left eyelid caused tainly made it worth the wait — a
Recent history says this is a by a poke during the first quarter drive through the teeth of the
huge win for the Heat. The Game 3 to scored 18 points. He had seven defense for a powerful dunk. He
winner in a tied finals has won the in the fourth quarter. also had a two-handed jam in the
championship all 11 times since LeBron James added 17 points second half that put Miami up by
the 2-3-2 format began in 1985. and nine assists. But he also had 13.
Miami got into this tight of a four turnovers, including a pair The Heat just couldn’t put the
series by blowing a 15-point lead during the fourth quarter that Mavs away. Dallas would surge
in the last quarter of Game 2. The helped bring Dallas back. Mario close or ahead, then Miami would
Heat already had wasted a 14- Chalmers added 12. turn it up again. The final 18 min-
point lead in this game when they Udonis Haslem had only six utes played out with both teams
went back ahead 81-75 with 6:31 points, but his tough defense on realizing any possession could
left. They knew Dirk Nowitzki the final two possessions saved the change the game and the series.
would drive Dallas’ rally, but he Heat. When Nowitzki’s final shot Nothing came easy for anyone.
burned them anyway for 12 from the top of the key missed, Shots were contested, bodies col-
straight points — six free throws, a Haslem swung his arms and lided for every rebound and guys
layup, a dunk and a tough jumper. screamed in delight. were flying into the stands after
But after Bosh’s clutch shot, Nowitzki finished with 34 loose balls. Fans stood throughout,
Nowitzki’s streak ran out. He tried points, but didn’t get much help. wearing their blue gimme T-shirts
passing out of a double team and Jason Terry scored 15 and Shawn and fired up by videos such as one
threw the ball away, then hit the REUTERS Marion had 10, but both were shut featuring encouraging words from
back iron on a jumper at the Miami Heat’s Chris Bosh celebrates next to teammate LeBron James after out in the fourth quarter. Roger Staubach, Troy Aikman,
buzzer. the Heat defeated the Dallas Mavericks during Game 3 of the NBA Finals Wade was at his dynamic best Emmitt Smith, Nolan Ryan and
“This is a total win,” said basketball series in Dallas Sunday. from the start, looking like the guy others.

Bruins facing deep deficit as Cup finals move east

By Greg Beacham Bruins realize the jam they brought job at home.” there, play our game, make sure we “We get pucks deep. We forecheck
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS back from Canada isn’t sweet. Recchi is right: The Bruins prob- play loose, and at the same time really hard. It wears teams down.
Only four teams have rallied from ably shouldn’t spend any time con- play hard and desperate.” It’s been like this the whole season.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia an 0-2 finals deficit in 46 tries. templating the historic depth of The Bruins are still smarting from It’s nothing new for us. I think when
— The Boston Bruins couldn’t have Boston must win four of the next their plight. their late struggles in Game 2, in we’re at our best, we usually have a
enjoyed the scenery late Saturday five games to beat the Canucks, the Boston has rallied from an 0-2 which they lost for just the third lot of success in the third period.”
night while their team bus crawled NHL’s best regular-season team and deficit to win a series just once in 27 time in 41 games this season when Coach Claude Julien will remind
through the raucous street party that the winner of seven of their past tries — although it happened in the they had a lead after two periods. his Bruins that they largely played
consumed downtown Vancouver eight playoff games. first round of this postseason against Vancouver dominated the third peri- well in two one-goal losses. Their
after the Canucks moved halfway to “We’ll be disappointed, and Montreal. od for the second straight finals defense held the Canucks’ top line
their first NHL title. we’re allowed to be,” said 43-year- “Now is not the time to squeeze game, with Daniel Sedin tying it scoreless for the first five periods of
Maybe the Stanley Cup finals’ old Mark Recchi, who ended an 11- your stick and to panic,” Bruins for- midway through before Alex the series, bullying Daniel and
move to the East Coast will finally game goal drought with a power- ward Patrice Bergeron said after the Burrows won it with his thrilling Henrik Sedin into ineffectiveness.
give the Bruins something to cele- play score in Game 2. “But we’ll team arrived in Boston on Sunday wraparound goal 11 seconds into What’s more, Boston still hasn’t
brate. take a lot of positives out of these afternoon. “It’s time to go back to overtime. lost a Game 3 in the postseason, even
With Game 3 looming Monday games. When we get off that plane, what’s been giving us success. ... “We have four lines that go out winning a pressure-packed game at
night at TD Garden after a quick we’ll forget all about it. We’ll Squeezing our sticks is not going to there and play the same way,” said Montreal in the first round after los-
cross-continent trip Sunday, the worry about Monday, and doing our help us at all. We’ve got to go out Sedin, the NHL scoring champion. ing the first two games at home.

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14 Monday • June 6, 2011 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Donovan says he’s feeling better,U.S.eyes Gold Cup

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS will have an immediate chance to game, especially by four goals. The U.S. opens against Canada at difficult than a normal training ses-
move on from Saturday’s 4-0 loss to Everybody’s going to be fired up for Detroit’s Ford Field, and the sion. I was breathing pretty hard,
ALLEN PARK, Mich. — A day Spain in an exhibition game. The this first game and making sure we Americans are expected to have but I feel good, and I would expect
after being routed by the World Cup U.S. looked overmatched from the take care of business.” Landon Donovan back for that I’ll be fine by Tuesday.”
champions, Clint Dempsey and the start against the smooth-passing The Gold Cup is the premier game. Donovan was on the practice Neither the Americans nor the
Americans were eager for another Spaniards, who won the World Cup event for CONCACAF, the federa- field Sunday after missing the loss Spaniards were at full strength
challenge. last year and the European title two tion representing North and Central to Spain with an undisclosed illness. when they played Saturday in
They won’t have to wait long. years before that. America and the Caribbean. The “I’m feeling better,” Donovan Foxborough, Mass. Dempsey, for
The United States plays its Gold “It’s a little kick up the backside,” tournament champion earns a spot said. example, entered only as a second-
Cup opener Tuesday night against Dempsey said. “Even though it was in the Confederations Cup, an “I haven’t properly trained in a half substitute for coach Bob
Canada, meaning the Americans a friendly, you never want to lose a important World Cup tuneup. few days, so today was a little more Bradley.


7:15 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
12:45 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
CSN-BA CSN-BA CSN-BA CSN-BA NBC W L T Pts GF GA East Division East Division
Philadelphia 6 3 3 21 15 10 W L Pct GB W L Pct GB
New York 33 24 .579 — Philadelphia 35 24 .593 —
New York 4 2 7 19 19 12
Boston 33 26 .559 1 Florida 31 26 .544 3
D.C. 4 4 4 16 16 20 Atlanta 32 28 .533 3 1/2
@ Orioles @ Orioles @ Orioles @ W Sox @ W Sox Tampa Bay 30 29 .508 4
Houston 3 5 6 15 17 17 Toronto 30 29 .508 4 New York 28 31 .475 7
4:05 p.m. 4:05 p.m. 4:05 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:10 p.m.
CSN-CAL CSN-CAL CSN-CAL Columbus 3 3 6 15 12 14 Baltimore 26 31 .456 7 Washington 26 33 .441 9
New England 3 6 4 13 10 16 Central Division
Central Division
6/4 6/17 7/2 7/6 Toronto FC 2 5 7 13 13 23 W L Pct GB
6/11 6/25 7/9 W L Pct GB
St.Louis 36 25 .590 —
Chicago 1 4 7 10 15 19 Cleveland 33 24 .579 —
vs.NY at Kansas City 1 6 3 6 12 19 Detroit 31 27 .534 2 1/2 Milwaukee 33 26 .559 2
@ United @ KC vs.Galaxy @ Chivas vs.Union Cincinnati 30 30 .500 5 1/2
Stanford Chicago 28 33 .459 7
1 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Pittsburgh 28 30 .483 6 1/2
7:30 p.m.
12 1/2
Chicago 23 34 .404 11
Houston 23 37 .383 12 1/2
W L T Pts GF GA West Division
FC Dallas
12 Texas

West Division
W L Pct GB
San Francisco 33 26 .559 —
Heat lead series 2-1 BASEBALL Seattle 5 4 6 21 16 13 Seattle 31 28 .525 2 1/2 Arizona 33 27 .550 1/2
Game 1:Miami 92,Dallas 84 American League Real Salt Lake 6 2 2 20 12 4 Los Angeles 30 31 .492 4 1/2 Los Angeles 28 32 .467 5 1/2
BOSTON RED SOX—Activated RHP John Lackey Colorado 4 3 7 19 16 14 Oakland 27 33 .450 7 Colorado 27 31 .466 5 1/2
Game 2:Dallas 95,Miami 92 from the 15-day DL. Optioned OF Josh Reddick
Game 3:Miami 88,Dallas 86 Chivas USA 4 4 5 17 16 14 San Diego 27 33 .450 6 1/2
to Pawtucket (IL). ———
Portland 5 5 2 17 15 18 ———
Tuesday,June 7:Miami at Dallas,6 p.m. CHICAGO WHITE SOX—Activated 3B Mark Tea- Sunday’s Games
hen from the 15-day DL. Designated RHP Jeff Sunday’s Games
x-Thursday,June 9:Miami at Dallas,6 p.m. San Jose 4 4 4 16 16 14 Texas 2,Cleveland 0 L.A.Dodgers 9,Cincinnati 6
Marquez for assignment. Vancouver 1 6 7 10 14 20
x-Sunday,June 12:Dallas at Miami,5 p.m. Boston 6,Oakland 3 Milwaukee 6,Florida 5,11 innings
DETROIT TIGERS—Placed LHP David Purcey on
x-Tuesday,June 14:Dallas at Miami,6 p.m. the paternity leave list.Recalled LHP Adam Wilk Toronto 7,Baltimore 4 Philadelphia 7,Pittsburgh 3
from Toledo (IL). NOTE:Three points for victory, one point for tie. Detroit 7,Chicago White Sox 3 St.Louis 3,Chicago Cubs 2,10 innings
Saturday’s Games
Toronto FC 0, Sporting Kansas City 0, tie
Minnesota 6,Kansas City 0
N.Y.Yankees 5,L.A.Angels 3
San Francisco 2,Colorado 1
Washington 9,Arizona 4,11 innings
on the 15-day DL.Recalled LHP Rex Brothers from Seattle 9,Tampa Bay 6 San Diego 7,Houston 2
Vancouver 2,Boston 0 Colorado Springs (PCL). New York 1, Columbus 1, tie N.Y.Mets 6,Atlanta 4
Monday’s Games
Game 1:Vancouver 1,Boston 0 SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS—Placed INF Brandon Chicago 0, Seattle FC 0, tie Monday’s Games
Minnesota (S.Baker 2-4) at Cleveland (Tomlin 7-
Game 2:Vancouver 3,Boston 2 Belt on the 15-day DL. Recalled INF Conor FC Dallas 1, New England 0 2),4:05 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Lilly 4-4) at Philadelphia (Cl.Lee 4-5),
Monday,June 6:Vancouver at Boston,5 p.m. Gillaspie from Fresno (PCL). 4:05 p.m.
Real Salt Lake 2,Vancouver 0 Oakland (G.Gonzalez 5-3) at Baltimore (Matusz
Wednesday,June 8:Vancouver at Boston,5 p.m. North American League 0-0),4:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs (Garza 2-4) at Cincinnati (Leake 4-2),
BASKETBALL Colorado 1, Philadelphia 1, tie 4:10 p.m.
x-Friday,June 10:Boston at Vancouver,5 p.m. Detroit (Scherzer 6-2) at Texas (C.Lewis 5-5),5:05
x-Monday,June 13:Vancouver at Boston,5 p.m. National Basketball Association Chivas USA 1, Portland 0 Washington (Lannan 3-5) at San Francisco (Lince-
p.m. cum 5-4),7:15 p.m.
x-Wednesday,June 15:Boston at Vancouver,5 p.m. DETROIT PISTONS—Fired coach John Kuester. San Jose 2, Houston 0

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THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Monday • June 6, 2011 15

Collegiate arms aplenty as MLB Draft begins today

By Terry Bernal specialist starts peeling off triple-digit added a cutter to his repertoire this said. But with the help of first-year team in gaining momentum this sea-
DAILY JOURNAL CORRESPONDENT heat. season, a pitch that becomes a much pitching coach Steve Rousey, son, as it was surrounded by a roller-
more lethal weapon against the wood Gonzalez also refined an effective coaster of bureaucratic off-field drama
It’s draft week, with the 2011 Major Who shot J.R.? bats of the pro ranks. But the reason he cutter. with the cancellation, and then rein-
League Baseball First-Year Player Graham’s full name is Johnathan most prefers relief duty — a role at “The cutter is pretty much what I’ve statement of the Cal baseball program.
Draft starting today, and spanning Ryan Graham. A third-generation which he’s excelled since he was the been using exclusively this year,” “For [Anderson] to come back, it
through Wednesday. baseball player, he was dubbed J.R. by East Bay Athletic League Player of the Gonzalez said. “It has helped my con- gave us the sense that he really want-
And while the phrase “year of the his grandfather Chuck, who took the Year his senior year at Livermore trol and it has been a good out pitch.” ed to be with this team, and that we
pitcher” gets bandied about every few initials from the popular television High School — is because of a good, were going to do something special,”
years or so, this looks to be the year of character J.R. Ewing on the legendary old-fashioned closer’s demeanor. Flemer firing on all cylinders Flemer said.
pitcher like no other. This is certainly CBS drama “Dallas.” “I’m a high-adrenaline guy,” Cal closer Matt Flemer has been After downing Rice yesterday, Cal
so of the Bay Area college crop, which There’s no drama when Graham Graham said. “I just want the ball solid at the backend of a strong played Baylor at 7 p.m., with results
stands to have a pair hurlers drafted as takes to the baseball diamond. But this when the game is on the line. I’m just Golden Bears pitching staff this sea- unavailable at press time. Having gone
early as today’s first round – set to is precisely why MLB scouts turned that kind of guy.” son. He seems to be peaking at the through the loser’s bracket, the
begin in Secaucus, New Jersey with out in droves to get a radar gun on him right time, though. Golden Bears need beat Baylor twice.
Pittsburgh making the first overall this season. Graham’s biggest weapon Cuts like a knife Flemer earned a win yesterday as If necessary, the second game will be
selection at 3 p.m. – outside of a fastball that is rumored Another local fireballer that has Cal knocked out host Rice with a 6-3 played tonight at 7 p.m.
While sophomores Kenny to have touched 100 mph – was his shored up his pro prospects with a cut triumph in the Houston regional. The
Diekroeger (Stanford) and Tony versatility. He appeared in 23 games, fastball is Fresno State right-hander right-hander paces all Cal hurlers with Stealthy sophomores
Renda (Cal) stand out as intriguing while making five starts. And his swan Greg Gonzalez. A former standout at five saves and 25 appearances. Left-handed closer Chris Reed has
college bats, they are both a year away song was a memorable one, notching Capuchino and Skyline College, Talk about a closer’s makeup been garnering plenty of attention for
from being draft eligible. The the first complete game of his colle- Gonzalez is in his first full year as a though, Flemer is an animated high- his sweeping low-90s fastball. He
Peninsula natives have teammates that giate career on May 28. Division I starter. And what a year it intensity competitor. And he’s a super- notched a team-high nine saves, and
can absolutely bring it on the mound, Having taken on a starting role for was. stitious one at that. Always exercising this after starting the year in the
though. Stanford left-hander Chris the first time in his career, Graham’s Gonzalez took his first loss of the the same routine when he takes the Cardinal starting rotation. Junior
Reed seems to be getting top billing numbers aren’t eye-popping. He post- year Friday, as his Bulldogs went two- mound, he places the ball in glove, starter Jordan Pries also features
among Bay Area college players on a ed a 3-5 record with a sturdy 3.34 and-out in the Los Angeles regional then puts it behind his back where he impressive pitchability that could
majority of mock-draft boards. Cal ERA, while striking out 45 over 60 with loses to UC Irvine and UCLA. It throws it in his glove again. Then he make him a Day 2 draftee.
right-handers Erik Johnson and Matt innings of work. He held opposing hit- was a bittersweet finish to an epic sea- kicks the same spot of dirt, and pro- Stanford’s strength is in its sopho-
Flemer both project to be taken tomor- ters to just a .228 batting average, son, in which the 5-foot-11 right-han- ceeds with his warm-up tosses, which more class though, which figures to be
row, when the draft commences with though. And more so, his pitch-to- der went 11-1 en route to being named he always throws in specific order — a surefire media darling this time next
rounds 2-30. contact approach was by design as to the Western Athletic Conference three fastballs, one changeup, and one year. Kenny Diekroeger is considered
Outside the Pac-10, the other poten- enable himself to throw more innings. Pitcher of the Year. fastball. one of the top shortstops in the nation,
tial name to be called as early as today “That was part of my plan,” Graham Although he backs a low-90s fast- Flemer is one of a strong junior crop while centerfielder Jake Stewart could
is Santa Clara University right-hander said. “I wanted to go deep into games ball with a slider and a changeup, of likely Cal draftees, which includes come out of the woodwork ala former
J.R. Graham, who was one of the few to be helping the team win ballgames. Gonzalez elevated his game by consis- Friday-night starter Erik Johnson, Pac-10 standout Drew Stubbs. And on
bright spots for a Broncos team that So, I just wanted to pitch to contact.” tently pounding the knees with a Sunday starter Dixon Anderson, and the mound, righty Mark Appel has
finished in last place in the West Coast In the long term, though, his ticket heavy fastball. senior reliever Kevin Miller. Anderson solidified himself as the team’s Friday
Conference. The 6-foot junior out of looks to be punched as a reliever. And “I really have learned that the best was drafted by Baltimore in the sixth starter after ace junior left-hander
Livermore may seem unassuming in that’s the way he likes it. Primarily a pitch a pitcher can have is a quality round last year, but opted to return to Brett Mooneyham was lost to injury at
stature. That is, until the lean relief fastball-slider pitcher, Graham has fastball with command,” Gonzalez Cal. It was a move that crucial to the the outset of the year.
16 Monday • June 6, 2011 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Stricker holds on to win the Memorial

By Doug Ferguson He had faced a 36-hole qualifier make a mistake. I hung tough, made a said. “It was tough to see. Got two
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Monday morning. couple of crucial putts when I had to.” more on the back, played great golf.
Stricker, who led by four shots at While the par putts at the end were But looks like it’s just not quite good
DUBLIN, Ohio — Steve Stricker the turn, made it more interesting than crucial, his bunker shot on No. 12 was enough.”
finally found the winning formula at it needed to be, especially after a 2 equally big. He had to play away from Jobe has been battling injuries over
the Memorial on Sunday. 1/2-hour storm delay that slowed his the flag, bounced it out through the the past several years, and the
Stricker, who had never finished in momentum following a spectacular rough and saw it settle a foot from the $545,600 pushes him over $1.16 mil-
the top 10 in his 11 previous trips to bunker save behind the 12th green. cup. lion for the season and assures him
Muirfield Village, built a big lead with He had a three-shot lead with five Stricker finished at 16-under 272 keeping his card for next year. Jobe
more flawless golf on the front nine, holes to play when he missed a short and earned $1,116,000. Almost as put the most pressure on Stricker by
then relied on his silky putting stroke birdie on the 14th, then pulled his tee sweet as the trophy was getting a running off five straight birdies
for two clutch pars to hang on for a shot into the woods on the par-5 15th handshake and hug from Nicklaus around the turn.
one-shot victory. to make a bogey. His lead was down behind the 18th green. “I thought if we would have gone
He closed with a 4-under 68, lag- to two, and he faced a tough finish. “It’s pretty special walking off,” out and shot 65, that might have been
ging from 20 feet for a two-putt bogey Stricker found the back bunker on Stricker said. “He’s a friend, and it’s good enough,” Jobe said. “But it
on the 18th hole. By then, the hard the par-3 16th and blasted out to 15 truly an honor.” looks like we’re going to be a little
work was over. Stricker twice saved feet, lightly pumping his fist when it Luke Donald, in his first tourna- short. It was his tournament to kind of
par from bunkers on the 16th and 17th dropped in the center of the cup for ment at No. 1 in the world, never had win or lose, and he’s going out there
holes, making putts of 15 feet and 7 par to keep the two-shot cushion. a chance to win but never quit trying. and winning it.”
feet to go to the last hole with a two- REUTERS From the middle of the 17th fairway, Donald closed with a 68 and tied for Woodland would not get the official
shot lead. Steve Stricker celebrates after mak- he badly pushed his 6-iron off a seventh, his 10th consecutive finish in ranking until later Sunday night. He
“It wasn’t pretty,” Stricker said to ing a bogey on the 18th hole during mound and into a deep bunker right of the top 10 in worldwide golf. came into the week at No. 54, and the
tournament host Jack Nicklaus walk- the final round of the Memorial the green. He splashed it out to 7 feet, It was a tale of two nines for top 50 after next week are exempt
ing off the 18th green. Tournament at Muirfield Village Golf and the par putt again was never in Stricker, as it had been all week. He from qualifying. Despite a bogey on
Matt Kuchar and Brandt Jobe each Club in Dublin,Ohio Sunday. doubt. played the front nine in 20-under par, the 18th hole, his sixth-place finish
closed with a 65 to tie for second. finish fourth, followed by Rory Needing only a bogey to win, including his six birdies Sunday when should be more than enough to stay in
The 44-year-old Stricker moves to McIlroy of Northern Ireland, who had Stricker hit into a fairway bunker on he made the turn in 30 to build the big the top 50.
No. 4 in the world and becomes the a 68. The biggest consolation prize the 18th, missed the green to the left lead. He played the back nine in 4 Stricker now heads to
highest-ranked American for the first went to Gary Woodland, who had a and was happy to chip onto the top over, and didn’t have another shot to Congressional in two weeks as one of
time in his career. He won for the 10th 68 to finish alone in sixth. Woodland tier to 20 feet that locked up his first spare. the players who could be a big factor
time in his career, and the seventh likely will move to about No. 40 in win of the year. Kuchar and Jobe did all the could to in the U.S. Open. He was a runner-up
time since he turned his game around the world ranking, making him virtu- “It was a little bit of a struggle since catch him. at Congressional in 2007 during the
five years ago. ally a lock to get into the U.S. Open. we came in from the rain delay,” he “My 5 under on the front didn’t AT&T National, and that putting
Dustin Johnson closed with a 65 to said. “At that point, I was trying not to gain any ground on him,” Kuchar stroke goes a long way on any course.

Brad Keselowski wins Sprint Cup race in Kansas

By Luke Meredith just maximized driver,” Earnhardt said. “We don’t monthlong upswing for Penske. “It’s because of the bad finishes
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS them all. I had know what we’re doing really trying He seemed to come to life just as and the struggles that we had to get
plenty (of fuel) to save gas or how much we’re sav- teammate Kurt Busch reached his here that I really appreciate this
KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Dale l e f t , ” ing. But (Keselowski) had a hand in wits end, with his displeasure cul- win,” Keselowski said. “We’re in
Earnhardt Jr. was charging again, Keselowski it.” minating in an expletive-laden rant good shape. A few more wins like
hoping that this time he’d come out said. Denny Hamlin was third, fol- against team management. this and we can make the Chase.”
on top in a frantic late fuel-mileage Earnhardt lowed by Jeff Gordon and Carl That led to behind-the-scenes per- The buzz before the Sprint Cup
battle. appeared set to Edwards, who holds a 40-point lead sonnel changes at Penske, including race was about the altercation
But leader Brad Keselowski make a late over Johnson. the announcement that technical between team owner Richard
stretched his tank perfectly Sunday Brad charge on Johnson fought from 31st posi- Tom German was leaving the team Childless and Kyle Busch that fol-
to win the Sprint Cup race at Kansas Keselowski K e s e l o w s k i. tion and finished seventh. to attend a graduate program at lowed Saturday’s Trucks Series
Speedway — and extend That push never Polesitter Busch led 152 laps and MIT. race.
Earnhardt’s winless streak to 106 came — though Earnhardt did move finished ninth. He had to stop for But Keselowski also took excep- NASCAR said Kyle Busch did
races. up to third in the standings and is gas as the leader with 10 laps left. tion to a comment Busch made that nothing to violate his probation,
Keselowski led the final nine laps just one point behind Jimmie “I was all smiles. I felt the groove it had been several years since he’d clearing the driver of any fault in the
for his second Sprint Cup victory in Johnson. again, to lead the race. It was great. had a teammate capable of running incident President Mike Helton
66 races, and the first for Penske For the second week in a row in a It was solid,” Busch said. “There the same pace as him. deemed “unacceptable.” Childless,
Racing since Kurt Busch last year in fuel-mileage race, Earnhardt came was always something in the back Since then, Keselowski logged a though, had his track access restrict-
the Coca-Cola 600. Keselowski also up just short. He ran out of gas near of my mind that we weren’t going third-place finish, raced his way into ed and will be subject to further
had a surprise 2009 victory at the finish in Charlotte and wound up to win, but I am proud Brad the All-Star race and, on Sunday, penalty this week.
Talladega in only his fifth career seventh. Keselowski did.” earned a win that could help him nab Kyle Busch, who led 11 laps,
Cup start. “Anytime you win a fuel mileage Keselowski won the pole last a wild-card spot in the Chase to the wound up 12th after his eventful
“There are some secrets to it and I race you’ve done something as a week at Charlotte and has been on a Sprint Cup championship. weekend.

Sports brief
Brittany Lincicome wins ShopRite LPGA Classic
GALLOWAY TOWNSHIP, N.J. — Brittany Lincicome
made a 4-foot birdie putt on the final hole Sunday to win the
ShopRite LPGA Classic for her fourth LPGA Tour title and
first in two years.
Lincicome’s birdie capped a bogey-free 5-under 66 that gave
her a one-shot victory over third-ranked Jiyai Shin and No. 4
Cristie Kerr. It was the long-hitting Lincicome’s first win since
the 2009 Kraft Nabisco.
“Everything kind of fell my way,” Lincicome said. “It was
clearly my week.”
The win came on a day when the players endured delays
because of rulings on the course, and the twosomes played 4
1/2-hour rounds. The 25-year-old Lincicome finished the 54-
hole tournament on the Bay Course at Seaview with an 11-
under 202 total, and the difference definitely was the par 5s.
THE DAILY JOURNAL DATEBOOK Monday • June 6, 2011 17

Mutants top box office

By David Germain failed to live up to 2010’s big winter releases.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DreamWorks Animation and Paramount’s
sequel “Kung Fu Panda 2” slipped from sec-
LOS ANGELES — Young X-Men don’t ond- to third-place in its second weekend with
have the same box-office superpowers as their $24.3 million. The animated adventure raised
older selves. its domestic total to $100.4 million.
“X-Men: First Class” had a solid No. 1 Also crossing the $100 million mark was
opening with a $56 million weekend, accord- Universal’s comedy “Bridesmaids,” which
ing to studio estimates Sunday. held up well in its fourth weekend with $12.1

n our work here at the Peninsula Humane
Society, we come across people who would But the 20th Century Fox prequel chroni- million. That lifted its domestic haul to $107.3
identify themselves as dog people, and oth- cling the formative years of the comic-book million.
ers, cat people. I knew this going into the gig mutants found smaller audiences than the “X-Men:First Class”opened at No.1. The year’s top-grossing film domestically,
almost 13 years ago. I was a dog person back then, franchise’s first four big-screen adventures, take opposite approaches in their dealings Universal’s action sequel “Fast Five,” pulled
and am mostly the same now, though I know which featured older versions of the X-Men. with ordinary humans fearful of the super- in $3.2 million and crept past the $200 million
much more about all our wonderful species. What powered mutants. mark.
surprised me back then was all the other kinds of
Debut weekends for the last three “X-Men”
people. Snake people, rabbit people, guinea pig flicks ranged from $85.1 million to $102.8 The movie added $64 million from 74 over- But Disney’s sequel “Pirates of the
people. You name the species, and we had experts million. The original “X-Men” opened 11 seas markets for a worldwide total of $120 Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” is closing in,
and dedicated volunteers. During my orientation years ago with $54.5 million, but that would million. grossing $18 million to raise its domestic take
period as a new employee, I had a real moment at amount to about $80 million today adjusting The previous weekend’s top movie, the to $190.3 million.
our Pet Loss Grief Support group, a free service for ticket-price inflation. Warner Bros. sequel “The Hangover Part II,” Both movies have done far more business
designed to help people cope with the loss of a Fox distribution executive Chris Aronson fell to second-place with $32.4 million. That overseas, with the latest “Pirates” installment
loved pet. That particular night, the group num- now at a worldwide total of $790.7 million
bered close to a dozen; one by one, they shared said the studio achieved its goal of opening raised its domestic total to $186.9 million but
feelings, much like participants would in a grief the prequel at about the same revenue num- represented a steep 62 percent drop from its and “Fast Five” climbing to $568.6 million
support group for folks who’ve lost loved human bers as the original “X-Men.” huge opening weekend. globally.
family members. One person was talking about “This is just an excellent start in launching Still, with overall receipts rising for the
how difficult it was to get through the day and how a brand new chapter of the ‘X-Men’ fran- fourth-straight weekend, Hollywood contin-
he couldn’t walk into his home without imagining
the greeting he used to receive. I was blown away
chise,” said Aronson, dismissing comparisons ued on a summer box-office tear that has Top ten movies
to the $85.1 million debut of Hugh Jackman’s helped studios recover from a dismal first
when he said, “And, I don’t know if I’ll ever be
able to get another cockatiel.” This told me very “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” in 2009. quarter. 1.“X-Men:First Class,”$56 million.
early on that people develop bonds with all species “You can’t compare this one to any of the Domestic revenues totaled $164 million, up 2.“The Hangover Part II,”$32.4 million.
and that all species have unique personalities. That other ‘X-Men’ movies, except maybe” the 27 percent from the same weekend a year ago, 3.“Kung Fu Panda 2,”$24.3 million.
Pet Loss Grief Support group still meets monthly first one, Aronson said. “Something like when “Shrek Forever After” was No. 1 with 4.“Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger
on the second Thursday of each month, 7 p.m.- ‘Wolverine’ is a totally unfair comparison $25.5 million, according to box-office tracker Tides,”$18 million.
8:30 p.m. And, if you’re a bird person (or think because that had a bonafide worldwide star in Hollywood.com. 5.“Bridesmaids,”$12.1 million.
you could become one) we have something else of “We’re definitely on a roll compared to the 6.“Thor,”$4.2 million.
interest. On Monday, June 6 at 7 p.m., PHS/SPCA
Hugh Jackman and arguably the most popular
is hosting Pet Pigeons and Doves, a free program character in the ‘X-Men’ stable.” first quarter, when we were so used to having 7.“Fast Five,”$3.2 million.
in our auditorium featuring a guest speaker from The prequel presents a rising cast of new one down weekend after another,” said 8.“Midnight in Paris,”$2.9 million.
MickaCoo, an all-volunteer organization which talent rather than the established stars of the Hollywood.com analyst Paul Dergarabedian. 9.“Jumping the Broom,”$865,000.
finds homes for domestic pigeons and doves. franchise’s previous chapters. Hollywood continued to close the gap 10.“Something Borrowed,”$835,000.
While you’re here, we’d be glad to introduce you “X-Men: First Class” features James between revenues this year and last year.
to some feathered friends looking for adopters. McAvoy and Michael Fassbender as Marvel Receipts through Sunday
Comics mutants Professor X and Magneto, totaled $4.2 billion, off 7 per-
Scott oversees PHS/SPCA’s Customer Service,
Behavior and Training, Education, Outreach, Field roles originated by Patrick Stewart and Ian cent compared to 2010’s.
Services, Cruelty Investigation, Volunteer and McKellen in the characters’ older years. Earlier this year, revenues
Media/PR program areas and staff. His compan- The prequel follows their first meeting, had been down by more than
ion, Murray, oversees him. early alliance and eventual falling out as they 20 percent as a weak lineup
18 Monday • June 6, 2011 THE DAILY JOURNAL

Happy 100th birthday to

was born June 12, 1911
on her parents’ fruit
ranch in the Santa Cruz
Mountains. She attended
a one-
school house
through eighth grade, leaving home at 15 to attend
high school in Campbell. She graduated from
O’Connor Hospital nursing school in 1934, and mar-
ried Robert Lydon in 1939. She moved to Redwood
City in 1951, raising two children, Michael and
Mary, who both attended Mt. Carmel School. At the
age of 97, Emma Mae entered assisted living at Emma Mae
Hopkins Manor. She loves spending time with her Lydon
family, especially her six grand-
children and one great-grandson.
Air Force Airman Justin I. Cheng graduated from
basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San
Antonio, Texas. He is the son of Denis Cheng of San
Mateo and graduated in 2006 from Mills High School
in Millbrae.

Justin Cheng Birth announcements:

Jose and Michelle Casillas, of San Jose, gave birth
to a baby boy at Sequoia Hospital May 21.
Michael and Pamela Helman, of Sunnyvale, gave birth to a baby girl MARTIN JUNG
at Sequoia Hospital May 21. Urisawe Korean Culture Center performers delight the audience at the May 21 Asian Pacific American
Allan and Barbara Costa, of Woodside, gave birth to a baby girl at Heritage Celebration, presented by the Foster City Library, OCA San Mateo Chapter and The Asian
Sequoia Hospital May 23. American Curriculum Project, Inc, (Asian American Books). The event shared the diversity of the Asian
Joseph Keto and Catherine Berger, of San Carlos, gave birth to a culture by offering arts and crafts,authors,and entertainment.
baby boy at Sequoia Hospital May 23.
Craig and Leslie Ostrander, of San Carlos, gave birth to a baby boy
at Sequoia Hospital May 24.
Giovanni and Sara Leoni, of Emerald Hills, gave birth to a baby boy
at Sequoia Hospital May 24.
Angel Quintana and Georgina Romero, of Redwood City, gave birth
to a baby girl at Sequoia Hospital May 24.
Doyle and Sherry Rundell, of Menlo Park, gave birth to a baby girl at
Sequoia Hospital May 25. Nathan Ruttenberg
Jackson Lapin and Bettina Bazzini-Lapin, of Redwood City, gave stars as Hugo Peabody
birth to a baby girl at Sequoia Hospital May 26. and Mary Fitzgerald
Sarat Kesiraju and Hima Yeluri, of Fremont, gave birth to a baby boy stars as Kim MacAfee
at Sequoia Hospital May 26. in Borel Middle
Dinar Kamat and Smitha Kamath, of Milpitas, gave birth to a baby School’s production of
girl at Sequoia Hospital May 26. “Bye Bye Birdie.”The
Matthew and Lauren Miskelly, of San Carlos, gave birth to a baby production closed May
boy at Sequoia Hospital May 26. 22.
Andrew and Julie Costantino, of San Mateo, gave birth to a baby boy
at Sequoia Hospital May 27.
Roger and Suki Toguchi, of San Mateo, gave birth to a baby girl at
Sequoia Hospital May 28.
Awards, which is airing live on that net- when I come out to these things,” Carrey
People in the news
De Niro plays elder
work Sunday.
Like that show, the Guys Choice stage
on the Sony lot was populated by
said backstage. “It’s half to just be cre-
ative and do some crazy, blow-out thing
and half because I like seeing people
MONDAY, JUNE 6 2495 S. Delaware St., San Mateo. Be
statesman at Guys Choice Hollywood types with something to pro- that are in my business. Kind of cool.” 21st Century Selling. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 ready for fire, tsunami, terrorism and
mote — mostly summer movies. Richards took the night’s final honor, p.m. San Mateo Public Library, 55 W. earthquake. Take a free and fast course in
Culver City — Fresh from leading the Justin Timberlake leered at his a lifetime achievement trophy previous- Third Ave., San Mateo. Come and learn basic CPR. First Aid and emergency
Cannes jury, Robert De Niro found him- “Friends With Benefits” co-star Mila ly given to the likes of Clint Eastwood.
about the way new technologies are equipment demonstrations. Sponsored in
changing how people buy and sell. $25. part by the Daily Journal. This event is
self on stage at the Guys Choice Awards Kunis as she took the “Holy Grail of He hoisted the Brass Balls award, which For more information call 415-841- held during the San Mateo County Fair.
praising Keith Richards’ “big brass Hot” trophy, while his “Bad Teacher” resembles a giant dumbbell with spheres 4050. Arrive before 11 a.m. for free parking
balls” and telling an audience that Sean and free admission to the fair. For more
co-star Cameron Diaz kicked off the on two sides. Hearing Loss Association of the information call 363-4790.
Penn peaked with “Fast Times at show with a monologue. “I mean, I’ve had a few awards in my Peninsula meeting. 1 p.m. Veterans
Ridgemont High.” “Mr. Popper’s Penguins” star Jim time,” the rock legend said backstage.
Memorial Senior Center located, 1455 41st Annual Art in the Park Festival.
Madison Ave., Redwood City. Free. For 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Washington Park,
De Niro played the dirty-mouthed Carrey shared an unprintable story about “With the balls it’s like where to put more information call 345-4551. Burlingame. The two-day festival offers
elder statesman at Saturday night’s how he became a funnyman through a them? It’s easy to pick them up but a wide variety of arts and crafts, tempting
Spike TV honors, a sort of brash, puerile Welcome to Shelbyville. 7 p.m. food, beer and wine, live entertainment
painful encounter with an uncle. where are you going to put them? I’ve Redwood City Elementary School and children’s activities. For more infor-
younger brother to the MTV Movie “I’m actually kind of a geek that way got to figure that out with the wife.” District, 750 Bradford St., Redwood mation contact
City. This film provides a powerful, con- [email protected].
temporary snapshot of what demograph-
ic change looks like in America today, AARP San Bruno Chapter Meeting.
ommendations are still hard to swallow. The county began the budget process

Continued from page 1
In particular, she pointed to the loss of
money and programs aimed at health for
children and seniors.
looking at cutting $50 million and 270
positions as part of a budget plan aimed
at funding $1.7 billion in services and
particularly as more immigrants move to
suburbs around the country. Free. For
more information call 423-2217.

10 a.m. San Bruno Senior Center, 1555
Crystal Springs Drive, San Bruno. All
retirees welcome. For more information
call 756-5853.

“That’s certainly something I want to Job Hunter’s Boot Camp. 10 a.m. to San Mateo County Fair. 11 a.m. to 10
whacking away at a growing structural 2:30 p.m. College of San Mateo. College p.m. San Mateo County Fairgrounds,
play with my calculator this weekend,” Center Building 10, 1700 W. Hillsdale 1346 Saratoga Drive, San Mateo. Pig
However, county spokesman Marshall deficit estimated to hit $150 million by
she said on Friday. Blvd., San Mateo. Meet businesses that races,kids activities, carnival rides, rain-
Wilson said next year will bring another Another question mark for Groom is 2015. are hiring and learn about local resources forest exhibit, fair food and fun. Free
for job seekers. Dress for success and concert by Air Supply. General admis-
imbalance unless more cuts continue. Flood Park in unincorporated Menlo In a series of presentations in March, bring copies of your resume. Free. For sion $10, kids over 6 and seniors $8,
The Board of Supervisors on Friday Park which is recommended for closure department heads offered lists of man- more information call 342-0300. parking $10. For more information visit
received its copy of the recommended www.sanmateocountyfair.com or call
as a way to preserve maintenance of dates and priorities along with reduc- Employment Roundtable. 10 a.m. to 1(888)798-0070.
county budget, giving members two other county parks. tions ranging from 10 percent to 24 per- noon. South San Francisco Public
weeks to peruse the details before three Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South San Marvels of Nature at Hillsdale
“That is a big, big decision. We’re in cent. Francisco. Phase2Careers featuring sev- Shopping Center. Noon to 2 p.m.
days of presentations by department talks with the city of Menlo Park and eral Bay Area employees representing a Hillsdale Shopping Center, 60 31st Ave.,
heads begins June 20. I’m hoping something will come of wide variety of industries will help with San Mateo. Hillsdale Shopping Center’s
The Board of Supervisors will hear career openings and hiring processes. monthly Kid’s Club will host a Marvel
There were few surprises for those those, but I don’t see us — I don’t see For more information call Kyle of Nature event where naturalists will
paying attention to the multiple public department presentation on the recom- Broenkow at 829-3860. show kids up-close looks at amphibians
me — wanting to close a very well-used
hearings and presentations over the last mended budget from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and reptiles. For more information con-
and popular park. In this down economy, 13th Annual Botanical Art Exhibition tact [email protected].
year. Those mini-discussions were parks and libraries are the places where Monday, June 20, Tuesday, June 21 and at Filoli. 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. 86 Cañada
meant to ease the shock and burden of people go,” Groom said. Wednesday, June 22 in Board Chambers, Road, Woodside. Filoli hosts its 13th The Truth About Social Security. 1
Annual Botanical Art Exhibit from June p.m. to 3 p.m. Oak Room, San Mateo
the annual June budget hearings. Meanwhile, county officials still await 400 County Government Center, 7 to July 31, 2011. Considered one of the Main Library, 55 W. Third Ave., San
“We had so many darn meetings it the state’s budget as its decisions trickle Redwood City. Final budget adoption is three finest such exhibitions in the Mateo. Featuring U.S. Rep. Jackie
nation, according to Fine Art Speier, D-San Mateo. Free. For more
helped. The board also established early down to local coffers. Sales tax, for Tuesday, Sept. 27. Connoisseur, artists from across the information or to RSVP email tatatee-
on its priorities and somewhat agreed at instance, is up but the governor’s tax United States and around the world have [email protected].
submitted work to be juried into this
the removal of about $40 million,” said extension proposal remains up in the air, select exhibition that is on view in Belmont Arts Council Reception. 1
Carole Groom, president of the Board of she said. Michelle Durand can be reached by email: Filoli’s Visitor and Education Center. p.m. to 4 p.m. 10 Twin Pines Lane,
Supervisors. “Signs are a little more positive, but we For more information visit Belmont. Meet the participating artists
[email protected] or by phone: www.filoli.org. for the latest group exhibit, “Potpourri.”
Even so, Groom said some of the rec- can’t be [not] vigilant here,” Groom said. (650) 344-5200 ext. 102. Free. For more information email bel-
Energy Efficiency Rebate [email protected].
Workshop. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Library Community Room, Millbrae “Art in Bloom.” 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
rate of 2003 through 2005. In recent general fund appropriation and the VLF

Continued from page 1
years, booking fees were considered fair
game by state legislators seeking ways
to lower the debt and balance the budg-
increase sunsets June 30. If the state no
longer funds the fee, Munks may return
to charging each city based on the
Library, 1 Library Ave., Millbrae.
Come and learn how to participate in
the Energy Upgrade California rebate
program that emphasizes a “whole
house” approach, as an efficient and
effective way to save money while sav-
Sterling Court, 850 N. El Camino Real,
San Mateo. Enjoy refreshments, live
entertainment and a wide variety of cre-
ative works by resident senior artists. For
more information call 344-8200.
et. The passage of Senate Bill 1006 capped rate. ing energy. Free. For more information Exhibit at History Museum on
allowed the state to stop reimbursing While the fee is going up, the number call 762-5440. Redwood City Art Walk. 6 p.m. to 9
2010, the fee moved to $303. cities for the fees and capped the amount of bookings is fluctuating. In 2008-2009, p.m. 2200 Broadway, Redwood City.
A 2011 study commissioned by the WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8
charged at 50 percent of the 2006 cost of 18,398 people were booked into custody Kiwanis Club of San Mateo Meeting. SUNDAY, JUNE 12
Sheriff’s Office calculated the current booking in an inmate. but only 16,588 in 2009-2010. This 12:10 p.m. Poplar Creek Grill Municipal AquanFest. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Parkside
cost of an actual booking as $409.21. In 2007, the booking fee was replaced year’s population is projected at 17,500. Golf Course, 1700 Coyote Point Drive, Aquatics Park, 100 Seal Court, San
This year’s proposal all but closes the San Mateo. Group meets every Mateo. A paddlefest/adventure sport and
with a state appropriation of at least $35 Local law enforcement agencies have Wednesday. RSVP required. For more green fair bringing together outdoor
gap for fiscal year 2011-12 and is esti- million to the Local Detention Facilities been notified of the expected change. information or to register call (415) 309- adventure and engironmental groups in
mated to bring $595,448 in revenue to 6467. an open air festival. For more informa-
Fund which in turn gives money to coun- tion email [email protected].
the Sheriff’s Office budget, according to ties based on their previous booking fee The Board of Supervisors meets 9 a.m. Foster City Mothers’ Club June
Munk’s staff report to the board. revenue. In 2009, the money’s source Tuesday, June 7 in Board Chambers, 400 General Meeting. 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 Downtown San Mateo Farmers’
p.m. Foster City Library, 1000 E. Market. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wells Fargo
The figure is already added in to the switched from the state general fund to County Government Center, Redwood Hillsdale Blvd., Foster City. Baby Sign Parking Lot, Fifth Avenue and San
recommended budget. the vehicle license fee. City. Language gives babies the opportunity Mateo Drive, San Mateo. Continues
Booking fees are required of each to communicate long before they can every Sunday until Nov. 20. For more
Although Munks is recommending a verbalize their wants and needs. information go to urbantable.org.
arresting agency each time a suspect is jail access fee over a booking fee, budg-
taken into custody at the Maguire et unknowns on the state level could New and Old Roses, Peninsula Rose San Mateo County Fair. 11 a.m. to 10
Society. 7:30 p.m. Redwood City p.m. San Mateo County Fairgrounds,
Correctional Facility or Women’s require more changes. Gov. Jerry Michelle Durand can be reached by email: Veterans Memorial Senior Center, 1455 1346 Saratoga Drive, San Mateo. Pig
Correctional Center. Since 1994, the fee Brown’s budget doesn’t provide for a [email protected] or by phone: Madison Ave., Redwood City. Ed Holm, races,kids activities, carnival rides, rain-
has ranged from $159 to the flat $202 (650) 344-5200 ext. 102. from Wegman’s Nursery, will give a forest exhibit, fair food and fun. Free
presentation on new and old roses at the Concert by The Four Tops. General
next meeting of the Peninsula Rose admission $10, kids over 6 and seniors
Society. Free. For more information call $8, parking $10. For more information
The extra work opened up additional 857-9380. visit www.sanmateocountyfair.com or

Continued from page 1
opportunities for Castellon as well.
In March, with the recommendation of
Teshara, he enrolled in an 11-month paid
Pacific Art League’s June Coffee, Art
and Chocolate. 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Pacific Art League, 668 Ramona St.,
call 1(888) 798-0070.

For more events visit

smdailyjournal.com, click Calendar.

internship and job training program Palo Alto. A monthly midday soiree for
delicious treats and a chance to talk with
Principal Larry Teshara. called Year Up focusing on computer board President Joy Chase and
Executive Director Ric Ambrose. For
Castellon enrolled in night school networking and informational technolo- more information email
through the San Mateo Adult School, gy. The two-part program starts with [email protected].
which he took concurrently with his learning professional skills and technol- Movie “Meet Me in St. Louis” 11:30
classes at Mills during senior year. ogy. The last six months place Castellon a.m. Twin Pines Senior and Community
Center, 20 Twin Pines Lane, Belmont.
“I didn’t grasp the reality of it,” he said with a corporate sponsor to put his new Bring your bag lunch. Free popcorn!
looking back. skills to use. At the end, Castellon will Free. For more information call 595-
Castellon didn’t finish one final that
semester. It was enough to keep him
Abel Castellon also earn 13 units of credit for the City
Annual Spring Performance of Young
College of San Francisco. Castellon Artists Ballet Theatre and
from graduating with his class in 2010. Age: 18 plans to enroll in City College to study Professional Ballet School. 7 p.m. San
He had a choice to make. Castellon City of resi- Mateo Performing Arts Center, 600 N.
business or computer science, maybe
could take the general education devel- dence: Millbrae Delaware St., San Mateo. Experience a
opment test, transfer to the adult school, both. fabulous showcase variety of
Plans after Contemporary, Jazz and Classical Ballet.
or keep up the schedule to earn as many high school: $20 general admission, $15 seniors, chil-
units as possible while he could still take Complete in- Great Grads is in its sixth year profil- dren and students. For more information
call 598-0796.
classes at Mills. ternship ing one graduating senior from each of
Castellon choose the latter since it our local schools. Schools have the SATURDAY, JUNE 11
program,then AquanFest. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Parkside
kept him with friends for longer. college option to participate. Those that choose Aquatics Park, 100 Seal Court, San
“We knew I would graduate. … I just If college, to participate are asked to nominate one Mateo. A paddlefest/adventure sport and
green fair bringing together outdoor
couldn’t finish in time,” he said. major: Business,computer science student who deserves recognition. adventure and engironmental groups in
About one year later, Castellon has Favorite subject in high school: an open air festival. Event continues
Sunday, June 12. For more information
earned his diploma. Economics email [email protected].
“I don’t see not graduating [on time] Best lesson learned thus far: Life Heather Murtagh can be reached by email:
as an obstacle. I didn’t cry over it. ... I is full of mistakes. Disaster Preparedness Day, 10 a.m. to
[email protected] or by phone: 2 p.m. San Mateo County Event Center,
just kept going to school,” he said. (650) 344-5200 ext. 105.

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41 42 43 44 45 46 47

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51 52 53

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1 London Inc.
41 Amherst sch.
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4 Hombre’s dwelling 48 Pilot licensing org. 23 Garden site
8 Green parrot 49 Freezing rains (2 wds.) 24 Lipstick shades
11 Prior to 51 Not just mine 25 Helper
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GET FUZZY® 22 Work for 2 For real 40 Blows hard
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33 Website clutter 8 Green Hornet’s valet 46 “— — Excited”
34 Knowing look 9 Spectacular 47 Reproving clucks
35 Like ocean breezes 10 They need a PIN 50 LII twice
38 Maneuvered slowly 12 Ms. Binchy
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involved. If the person hasn’t been doing too well, it nation to make a hasty decision without first gathering little patience.
could prove to be embarrassing for him or her. all available facts. Doing so will draw a distorted picture PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- It isn’t likely that you’ll
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Instead of trying to figure out and cause you to come to the wrong conclusion. have any problem smoothing out touchy situations
Monday, June 6, 2011
what’s best for everybody else, it would be wise to SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- If you organize when dealing with friends. However, when it comes
Achieving the recognition and advancement you first focus on your own needs or requirements. When your methodology, you should be able to accomplish to your family, it could be another story.
desire isn’t likely to be a problem if you put forth the you can help yourself, it usually rubs off onto others. far more than usual. When you try to handle overlap- ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- If you’re in the market
effort in the year ahead. In fact, when you move up VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Should circumstances ping assignments simultaneously, the results are apt for purchasing something for either your office or
the ladder, it could be several rungs at once instead place you in close proximity to someone with whom to be disappointing. home, avoid places that specialize in novel merchan-
of one at a time. you’ve recently crossed swords, keep your blade in CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Unless you need to dise. Keep your selection practical and timeless.
your scabbard. Keep a cool head and don’t make reciprocate, there’s no reason why you should pick TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Teaming up with
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- If you can’t truthfully matters worse. up the entire tab when out with friends. It doesn’t someone whose objectives are not in harmony with
tell others what’s disturbing you, they will have a LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- When in a group activ- make you a hotshot, but it could make you poorer. yours will yield nothing but a big waste of time. All
difficult time trying to please you. Let them know if ity, think in terms of what’s best for everybody AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Just because you’re your effort will go into trying to convince him or her
something has got your goat. concerned instead of what’s in it for you. In the final dealing with your family doesn’t mean that showing of what’s best.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Be extremely careful analysis, what benefits others will benefit you. patience and understanding is non-essential. If
to whom you go for a favor, especially if money is SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Guard against any incli- someone in the household exasperates you, have a Copyright 2011, United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
THE DAILY JOURNAL Monday • June 6, 2011 21

104 Training 106 Tutoring 106 Tutoring 110 Employment

Fictitious Business Name Statements, Trustee Sale
The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi-
fieds will not be responsible for more
We’re currently looking for
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Wanted: Independent Contractor to provide serv- required. We expect a commitment of four to
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with newspaper delivery required. Must have Placement terns have progressed in time into
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94404, Attn: Katherine Brady. No calls or
22 Monday • June 6, 2011 THE DAILY JOURNAL

203 Public Notices 298 Collectibles 304 Furniture Drabble Drabble Drabble
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME BAY MEADOWS bag & umbrella - BLACK TV stand 15 inches H 28 inches
STATEMENT #245105 $15.each, (650)345-1111 W with glass doors FREE with pickup
The following person is doing business 650-871-5078
as:Dolphin Funding, 1700 S. El Camino BEETLE FAN London Pauadium
Real #200, San MAteo CA 94402, is Royal Command performance '63 poster
hereby registered by the following owner: SOLD! BREAKFAST NOOK DINETTE TABLE-
JKM Real Estate Services, Inc, CA. The solid oak, 55 X 54”, $49., SSF,
business is conducted by a Corporationl. COLORIZED TERRITORIAL Quarters (650)583-8069
The registrants commenced to transact uncirculated with Holder $15/all,
business under the FBN on 5/24/11 (408)249-3858 CABINET - wood, $70., (650)367-1350
/s/ Karen Myhre /
This statement was filed with the Asses- ELVIS PRESLEY poster book $20., CHANDELIER WITH 5 lights/ candela-
sor-County Clerk on 06/03/2011. (Pub- SOLD bre base with glass shades $20.
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal, (650)504-3621
06/05/11, 06/12/11, 06/19/11, 06/26/11). GLASSES 6 sets redskins, good condi-
tion never used $12./all. (650)345-1111 CHEST OF drawers - $25., (415)375-
JACK TASHNER signed ball $25. Ri-
210 Lost & Found chard (650)834-4926 COFFEE TABLE - $60., (650)367-1350
LOST - 2 silver rings and silver watch, JOE MONTANA retirement book signed COFFEE TABLE - brown, perfect condi-
May 7th in Burlingame between Park Rd. authenticated $39. (650)692-3260 tion, nice design, with storage, $50., Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge
& Walgreens, Sentimental value. Call (650)345-1111
Gen @ (650)344-8790 MERCHANT MARINE, framed forecastle
card, signed by Captain Angrick '70. 13 x COFFEE TABLE light brown lots of stor-
LOST - DUFFEL bag. Dark red on 17 inches $35 cash. (650)755-8238 age good condition $45. (650)867-2720
wheels filled with workout clothes. De
Anza Blvd. San Mateo April 14. Gener- PHOTO - 4x8 signed photo of Arnold Ce-
ous reward! 650-345-1700 peda $10. SOLD COMPUTER DESK $70. (650)367-1350
PHOTO - 8 x 10 signed photo of Gaylord DINING SET glass table with rod iron & 4
LOST: Center cap from wheel of Cadil- Perry $10., SOLD
lac. Around Christmas time. Chrome with blue chairs $100/all
multi-colored Cadillac emblem in center. PHOTO - 8x10 signed retirement book of 650-520-7921/650-245-3661
Small hole near edge for locking device. Joe Montana $39 Authenicated, SOLD
Belmont or San Carlos area. DISPLAY CASE wood & glass 31 x 19
Joel 650-592-1111. POSTER - framed photo of President inches $30. (650)873-4030
Wilson and Chinese Junk $25 cash, DRAFTING TABLE 30 x 42' with side
(650)755-8238 tray. excellent cond $75. (650)949-2134
295 Art SPORTS CARDS over 10k some stars END TABLE marble top with drawer with
and old cards $100/all. (650)207-2712 matching table $70/all. (650)520-0619
Painting 12"X16" signed original made of VASE - with tray, grey with red flowers, ENTERTAINMENT CENTER - Oak
paper bark, gebung, lichens, $100 perfect condition, $25., (650)345-1111
wood, great condition, glass doors, fits
large TV, 2 drawers, shelves , $100/obo.
307 Jewelry & Clothing 310 Misc. For Sale 310 Misc. For Sale
WELLS FARGO solid brass Belt Buckle
$40., SOLD (650)261-9681 LADIES GOLD Lame' elbow length- 4 IN 1 stero unit. CD player broken.$20 MASSAGE DEVICE with batteries $8 in
gloves sz 7.5 $15 New. (650)868-0436 650-834-4926 box, (650)368-3037
296 Appliances FOLDING PICNIC table - 96” x 30” with
302 Antiques 7 folding, padded chairs, $100., LIZ CLAIBORNE black evening jacket 5 NEEDLEPOINT sets still in package METAL CABINET - 4 drawers, beige
AIR CONDITIONER - slider model for (650)364-0902 Sz. 12, acetate/polyester, $10. SOLD $10/each, (650)592-2648 16.5 inches W x 27 3/4 H x 27 inches D.
narrow windows, 10k BTU, excellent 1912 COFFEE Perculater Urn. perfect $40., San Mateo, (650)341-5347
condition, $100., (650)212-7020 condition includes electric cord $85. HOSPITAL BED new $1100 OBO SHEER PURPLE tunic, Sz XL, w/em-
(415)565-6719 650-595-1931 broidered design & sequins, $10. SOLD! 9 CARRY-ON bags (assorted) - extra NEW LIVING Yoga Tape for Beginners
LOUNGE CHAIRS - 2 new, with cover & large, good condition, $10. each obo, $8. 650-578-8306
AIR CONDITIONER- GE 10K BTU ex- ANTIQUE STOOL - Rust color cushion SILVER SEQUIN shirt-jacket Sz 12-14 - (650)349-6059
with lions feet, antique, $50.obo, plastic carring case & headrest, $35. very dressy, $15. SOLD! NEW WOOL afghan, colorful, hand-
cellent cond., used only 1 month. $90. each, (650)592-7483
(650)591-6283 (650)525-1410 ADULT VIDEO TAPES VHS $8/each, made, 4x6 ft.. $25. (650)364-0902
SWEATER SET, barely worn: Macy's
LOVE SEAT - one year old, excellent black sweater set, Size M, wool w/gold (650)871-7200
AIR CONDITIONER- Panasonic 5K CHINA CABINET - Vintage, 6 foot, PACHIRA PLANT 3ft. H. (Money plant)
solid mahogany. $300/obo. condition, $85., (650)583-4874 metalic stripes, $15 set. SOLD! ANGEL WITH lights 12 inches High $12. with decorative Pot $30. (650)592-2648
BTU. excellent cond. $40. (650)591-6283
(650)867-0379 LOVE SEAT beige color good condition (650)368-3037
CHANDELIER NEW 4 lights $30. TOURQUOISE BLUE party dress, cov- PERSIAN KLIN CARPET - 66x39, pink
$55., SOLD! ered w/sequins, sz 14, $15. SOLD ART BOOKS hard Cover, full color (10) and burgandy, good condition, $90.,
Norman Rockwell and others $10 each (650)867-2720
MATTRESS TOPPER chrome full size
CHOPPERS (4) with instructions $7/all. 303 Electronics $15., (650)368-3037 308 Tools 650-364-7777
(650)368-3037 SF GREETING Cards (300 w/envelopes)
METAL DESK, 7 drawers, 2 shelves, ARTIFICIAL FICUS Tree 6 ft. life like, full factory sealed $20/all. (650)207-2712
ELECTRIC HEATER - Oil filled electric 46” MITSUBISHI Projector TV, great CHAIN HOISTS- 1-TON $25. 3-Ton
gray, 3x5 ft. $40. (650)364-0902 $50. Both new/unused. 650 591 6283 branches. in basket $55. (650)269-3712
heater, 1500 watts, $30., (650)504-3621 condition. $400. (650)261-1541. SHEEPSKIN SEAT COVERS - high
NIGHT STAND 2 drawers $20. BARBIE BEACH vacation & Barbie prin- quality, cream color, $60., obo, (650)290-
CIRCULAR SAW, Craftsman-brand, 10”, cess bride computer games $15 each, 1960
COLOR TV - Apex digital, 13”, perfect (650)692-3260 4 long x 20” wide. Comes w/ stand - $70.
GAS STOVE - great condition, clean condition, manual, remote, $70., (650)367-8949
ready to use. $99., (650)583-4874 OFFICE DESK and secretary chairs with (650)678-1018 SHOWER DOORS custom made 48 x 69
rollers, $40. obo, (650)583-4874 $70., (650)692-3260
GEORGE FOREMAN Grill hardly used COMEALONG PULLER - 4000 lbs., BATHROOM WINDOW- OX slider 44 x
$20. (650)692-3260 COMSWITCH 3500 - used for fax, com- $20. (650)364-0902 SLUMBER REST blue heated throw,
puter modem, telephone answering ma- PLANT TABLE - 22X16, beautiful de- 24 5/8 inches H. New $39
sign, $20., (650)867-2720 650-494-1687 electric, remote, $15., (650)525-1410
PORTABLE GE Dishwasher, excellent chine, never used, $20., (650)347-5104 ENGINE ANALYZER & TIMING LITE -
condition SOLD! ROCKING CHAIR - Traditional, full size Sears Penske USA, for older cars, like SONY 13” tv. Not LCD. $40 (808)271-
DEWALT HEAVY duty work site radio new, $60., (650)344-8549 leave msg. BATMAN AND James Bond Hard cover 3183
Rocking chair. Excellent condition $100., and paperback 10 inch x 12 inch $7.50
RADIATOR HEATER, oil filled, electric, charger in box $100. (650)756-7878 (650)504-3621
1500 watts $25. (650)504-3621 LUMBER RACK for long bed & diamond each 650-364-7777 SPORTS BOOKS, Full of Facts, All
FIVE REALISTIC-BRAND shelf speak- plated toolbox, good condition, $500. Sports, Beautiful Collection 5 Volumes,
RCA VACUUM tube manual '42 $25. ers, 8 ohms, new, 4 1/2 in. x 4 1/4 in. x 7 each or $800 all, SOLD! BBQ SMOKER BBQ Grill, LP Coleman, $25. 650 871-7211
in. $10/each. SOLD! SOFA- BROWN, Beautiful, New $250 Alaskan Cookin’ Machine, cost $140 sell
(650)593-8880 650-207-0897
PRESSURE WASHER 2500 PSI, good $75. 650-344-8549 STRIDE RITE Toddler Sandals,
SANYO MICROWAVE - white, many FLIP CAMCORDER $50. (650)583-2767 TV STAND with shelves $20 (650)692- condition, $350., (650)926-9841 Brown, outsole, Velcro closures, Size
features, $30., (650)290-1960 BBQ SMOKER, with propane tank, 6W. Excellent cond, $20. (650)525-0875
MAGNAVOX PORTABLE 10 inch color 3260 wheels, shelf, sears model $86 650-344-
SHOP VACUUM rigid brand 3.5 horse TV, excellent working condition, easily TWIN BEDS - good condition, $98. gallons 5 horse power in box accesso- 8549 STUART WOODS HARDBACK BOOKS
power 9 gal wet/dry $40. (650)591-2393 portable, only $19, call 650-595-3933 OBO, (650)583-4874 ries included $65., (650)756-7878 - 4 @$2.50 each, (650)341-1861
BEADS - Glass beads for jewelry mak-
VACUUM CLEANER $50 (650)367-1350 PANASONIC TV 21 inch $25., (650)637- ing, $75. all, (650)676-0732 TOWELS FULL size bath towels $3 /
SOCKET SET - New, 40 Piece 3/8"
8244 VANITY LIGHT fixture 3 bolts Nickle Fin- drive reversible ratchet, metric/SAE, ex- each (8 total) SOLD!
tension, case, $19., (650) 595-3933 BEAUTIFUL VINTAGE PICTURE - col-
VACUUM CLEANER excellent condition ish still in box $25. (650)692-3260 orful hot air balloons, 25” x 19” enclosed TRIPOD SEARS 8465 aluminum photo
$40. (650)878-9542 TV - Big Screen, $70., ok condition, in glass wooden frame, very good condi- tripod plus bag $25
VACUUM CLEANER Oreck-cannister (650)367-1350 (great condition!), (650)367-1350 lon stack tank air compressor $100., tion, Burl., $11.,(650)347-5104 650-204-0587
type $40., (650)637-8244 TV 25 inch color with remote $25. Sony (650)591-4710
BOOK "LIFETIME" WW1 $12., VIDEO CENTER 38 inches H 21 inches
12 inch color TV, $10 Excellent condi- 306 Housewares TABLE SAW 10", very good condition (408)249-3858 W still in box $45., (408)249-3858
tion. (650)520-0619
tachments for cars $30 San Mateo TV SET Philips 21 inch with remote $40., "Vase" cream with blue flower 13 inch H NATIONAL AIR MUSEUMS $15 in cabinet. Straight stitch with reverse,
650-341-5347 (650)692-3260 $25., (650)868-0436 309 Office Equipment (480)249-3858 $100., (650)493-5026

297 Bicycles VHF PORTABLE MARINE Radio New CANDLEHOLDER - Gold, angel on it, CALCULATOR - (2) heavy duty, tape BROTHERS ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER VR3 BACK UP CAMERA & VR3 backup
Condition. Uses 8AA Batteries. SOLD! tall, purchased from Brueners, originally Casio & Sharp, $30. each, (650)344- - excellent condition, $55., (808)271- sensor $100.00 all, (650) 270-6637 after
BICYCLE - Sundancer Jr., 26”, $75. obo $100., selling for $25.,(650)867-2720 8549 3183 6 p.m. only.
VINTAGE SEARS 8465 aluminum photo
(650)676-0732 tripod + bag. Sturdy! $25 See:
CHEFMATE COUNTERTOP MICRO- OFFICE LAMP new $7. (650)345-1111 CAESAR STONE - Beautiful polished WHITE MARBLE piece - all natural
http://tinyurl.com/3v9oxrk 650-204-0587 gray, smooth cut edges, 26” X 36” X 3/4” stone, polished face, smooth cut edges,
GIRL'S BIKE HUFFY Purple 6-speed WAVE - .7 cu ft. , white, like new condi-
tion, $35., (808)271-3183 thick, great piece for many uses, $65., 21” x 41” x 3/4” thick, $75., (650)347-
good cond. $35 - Angela (650)269-3712
304 Furniture 310 Misc. For Sale (650)347-5104 5104
DINNERWARE - 30 piece set white, like
298 Collectibles 2 END Tables solid maple '60's era new condition, $30., (808)271-3183 10 PIECE farberware mellennium stain- CANDLE HOLDER with angel design,
$40/both. (650)670-7545
less steel cookware set. Like new! $75. tall, gold, includes candle. Purchased for 311 Musical Instruments
1982 PRINT "A Tune Off The Top Of My PERSIAN TEA set for 8. Including 808-271-3183 $100, now $30. (650)345-1111
Head" See: http://tinyurl.com/4y38xld spoon, candy dish, and tray. Gold Plated. 2 ORGANS, antique tramp, $500 for
650-204-0587 $75 2 MIRRORED chest of drawers, $50. both. (650)342-4537
each, (415)375-1617 $90. (650) 867-2720 10 PLANTS (assorted) for $3.00 each, DAHLIAS BEAUTIFUL hybrodized $4 /
(650)349-6059 each (20 total) 650-871-7200
28 RECORDS - 78 RPMS, Bing Crosby, 42" ROUND Oak Table (with 12") leaf. SOLID TEAK floor model 16 wine rack BALDWIN C-630 ORGAN. Very clean
Frankie Laine, Al Jolson, many others, all Clean/Great Cond. $40. 650-766-9553. with turntable $60. (650)592-7483 10 X 10 CANOPY - in bag, $50., SOLD DANIELLE STEELE newer books - 1 $30., (650)872-6767
in book albums, $60. all, (650)347-5104 hardback $3., one paperback $1.,
ARMOIRE CABINET - $90., (415)375- 13 PIECE paint and pad set for home (650)341-1861 KEYBOARD CASIO 3 ft long $50.
49ER REPORT issues '85-'87 $35/all, 1617
307 Jewelry & Clothing use $25., (650)589-2893 (650)583-2767
(650)592-2648 DOOM (3) computer games $15/each 2
BANQUET DINING chairs padded 49ER'S JACKET Child size $50. 2 MATCHING blankets - full/queen size, total, (650)367-8949 KIDS GUITAR for 6 years and Up $40,
$29/all. (650)692-3260 (650)871-7200 solid cream color, vellux, hyproallergenic, call (650)375-1550
offers warmth without weight, great con-
Army shirtl, long sleeves, with pockets. CUSTOM JEWELRY all kinds, lengths dition, $38., (650)347-5104 PIANO VINTAGE - Upright, “Davis &
XL $15 each (408)249-3858 BASSET LOVE Seat Hide-a-Bed, Beige, DUFFEL BAGS - 1 Large Duffel Bag ,1
Good Cond. Only $30! 650-766-9553 and sizes $50/all. (650)592-2648 Xtra Lg. Duffel w Wheels, 1 Leather Sons”, just tuned, $600., (650)678-9007
BAY MEADOWS UMBRELLA - Color- 3 LAMPS. 2 adjustable 1 table (brass) week-ender Satchel, All 3 at $75.,
BLACK LEATHER office chair with 5 LADIES BRACELET, Murano glass. $90 all. (808)271-3183 SPANISH GUITAR 6 strings good condi-
ful, large-size, can fit two people under- (650)871-7211 tion $80. Call (650)375-1550.
rollers $25. (650)871-5078 Various shades of red and blue $100
neath. $20 (650)867-2720 Daly City, no return calls. (650)991-2353 BIBLE LARGE $50. 650-302-0976 ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER Smithcorona WHITNEY PIANO - Good condition,
$60 650-878-9542 $1,000.obo, (650)583-4874
dition $50., (650)878-9542 dition, $1,800. (650)570-5315
29"high, antique brass, folding doors, 312 Pets & Animals
sliding mesh screen, damper
controls. Like new. $100., (650)592-2047 BIRD CAGE 14x14x8 ecellent condition
$25 Daly City, (650)755-9833
used $8., (408)249-3858 DOG CAGE/GORILLA - folding
large dog cage good condition, 2 door
with tray, $75.,(650)355-8949
GEORGE FOREMAN Grill good condi-
tion $15. DOG CARRIER KENNEL BOX - brand
650-592-3327 name Furrarri Petmate, 31 X 21, $35.,
SSF, (650)871-7200
HAIR BLOWERS (2) - One Conair, one
Andis Hang Up Turbo, $15. both,
(650)525-1410 315 Wanted to Buy
HAWAIIAN STYLE silk plant. 7’ tall,
bamboo, in decorator stand, $75., GO GREEN!
$4/each (15 total)
You Get The
650-871-7200 $ Green $
back @$3. each, 3 paperback @$1. Millbrae Jewelers
each, (650)341-1861 Est. 1957
KITCHEN HOOD - Black, under mount, 400 Broadway - Millbrae
3 different fan speeds, $95., (650)315-
THE DAILY JOURNAL Monday • June 6, 2011 23
316 Clothes 316 Clothes 322 Garage Sales 379 Open Houses 620 Automobiles 672 Auto Stereos
49 SWEATSHIRT with hood size 8 extra MENS SLACKS - 8 pairs, $50., Size
large $100 obo. (650)346-9992 36/32, (408)420-5646 SUTTON AUTO SALES
$40., (650)364-0902
NEW BROWN leather jacket XL $25
Cash for Cars
Call 650-595-DEAL (3325)
BLACK Leather pants Mrs. size made in
France size 40 $99. (650)558-1975
PROM TUXEDOS, one white, one black
silk brocade, one maroon silk brocade,
with vest, cummer bund, tie suspenders.
Make money, make room!
List your upcoming garage
List your Open House
in the Daily Journal.
Or Stop By Our Lot CAR AUDIO
BLACK LEATHER tap shoes 9M great Size 36 - 38. all 3 sets for $85 obo 650- 1659 El Camino Real We Sell, Install and
sale, moving sale, estate
condition $99. (650)558-1975 344-8549
Reach over 82,500 San Carols
sale, yard sale, rummage Repair All Brands of
BLACK MOTORCYCLE JACKET - As sale, clearance sale, or potential home buyers &
new, fully lined storm flap, man's size X L 317 Building Materials whatever sale you have... renters a day, Car Stereos
only Sold!
CORRIGATED DRAINAGE pipe perfo- in the Daily Journal. from South San Francisco 625 Classic Cars
BOOTS - purple leather, size 8, ankle rated, 4 in. X 100 ft., Good as new $35., to Palo Alto. iPod & iPhone Wired
length, $50.obo, (650)592-9141 Redwood City, (650)367-8146 Reach over 82,500 readers DATSUN ‘72 - 240Z with Chevy 350, au- to Any Car for Music
in your local newspaper. tomatic, custom, $5800 or trade.
DENIM JACKETS Ladies (2) Small/Me- from South San Francisco (650)588-9196
dium, like new, $15/each, 318 Sports Equipment to Palo Alto. Call (650)344-5200 Quieter Car Ride
(650)577-0604 Please leave message
"EVERLAST FOR HER" Machine to in your local newspaper. PLYMOUTH ‘72 CUDA - Runs and Sound Proof Your Car
help lose weight $40., (650)368-3037 drives good, needs body, interior and
paint, $12k obo, serious inquiries only.
FINO FINO 2 GOLF CLUBS - Ladies, right handed,
Call (650)344-5200
380 Real Estate Services
(650)873-8623 31 Years Experience
putter & driver $5/each (650)755-8238
A Place For Fine Hats 630 Trucks & SUV’s 2001 Middlefield Road
CLASSIC PING IRONS complete set,
Sharon Heights excellent condition, number 3, two, sand, HOMES & PROPERTIES FORD ‘05 350 Super Duty, 4x4 Crew-
Redwood City
325 Sharon Heights Drive wedge, $100., (650)345-5446 335 Garden Equipment The San Mateo Daily Journal’s cab, fully loaded, 125K miles, $26,500., (650)299-9991
Menlo Park MORRELL TODD Richards 75 Snow- weekly Real Estate Section. (650)281-4750 or (650)492-0184
TABLE - for plant, $25., perfect condi-
650-854-8030 board (Good Condition) with Burton
Boots (size 6 1/2) - $50. 650-766-9553
tion, (650)345-1111 Look for it NISSAN ‘03 Frontier Extended Cab.
every Friday and Weekend 66K miles, no damage, garaged.
SPEEDO OPTIMUS Training Fins size 345 Medical Equipment to find information on fine homes
JACKET (LARGE) Pants (small) black 10-11. Perfect for your training. $25
$10,500. (650)851-7505 680 Autos Wanted
CRUTCHES - adult, aluminium, for tall and properties throughout
Velvet good cond. $25/all (650)589-2893 call jeff 650-208-5758 the local area.
person, $30., (650)341-1861

322 Garage Sales 635 Vans Don’t lose money

LADIES DOWN jacket light yellow with
dark brown lining $35. (650)868-0436 NISSAN ‘01 Quest - GLE, leather seats,
sun roof, TV/DVR equipment. Looks
on a trade-in or
LADIES JACKET size 3x 70% wool 30%
nylon never worn $50 650-592-2648
THE THRIFT SHOP new, $15,500. (650)219-6008 consignment!
Mens Clothing 640 Motorcycles/Scooters
LADIES SHOES- size 5, $10.,
SALE Sell your vehicle in the
(650)756-6778 BMW ‘03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call
650-771-4407 Daily Journal’s
LANE BRYANT assorted clothing. Sizes
2x-3x. 22-23 Brand new with tags.
50%off HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘83 Shovelhead - Auto Classifieds.
(650)290-1960 special construction, 1340 cc’s, Awe-
Thursday & Friday 10:00-2:00 some!, $5,950/obo. Rob (415)602-4535.
New, XXLg. $25. 650 871-7211
Brown. Saturdays 10:00-3:00 Just $3 per day.
HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘83 Shovelhead -
Episcopal Church special construction, 1340 cc’s, Awe-
MEN'S SHOES - New, size 10, $10., 1 South El Camino Real some!, $5,950/obo. Rob (415)602-4535.
(650)756-6778 Reach 82,500 drivers
San Mateo 94401
MEN'S SUIT almost new $25.
MOTORCYCLE - Full Face Helmet, from South SF to
650-573-6981 (650)344-0921 Z1R, lg., exc. cond., dual internal ventila-
tion, heavy padded, Sold! Palo Alto
645 Boats Call (650)344-5200
[email protected]
MOTOR - “Evinrude” for boat, 25 HP,
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle 440 Apartments
BELMONT - prime, quiet location, view,
$1000., (415)337-6364

PROSPORT ‘97 - 17 ft. CC 80 Yamaha

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis 1 bedroom $1350, 2 bedrooms $1650.
New carpets, new granite counters, dish-
Pacific, loaded, like new, $9,500 or trade, DONATE YOUR CAR
(650)583-7946. Tax Deduction, We do the Paperwork,
ACROSS 2 Presley’s middle 32 Inoculated fluid 52 Long-range washer, balcony, covered carports, stor- Free Pickup, Running or Not - in most
age, pool, no pets. (650)344-8418 or cases. Help yourself and the Polly Klaas
1 “Gone With the name 33 Like well-cooked warhead carrier, (650591-4046 655 Trailers Foundation. Call (800)380-5257.
Wind” plantation 3 Cheer (for) bacon briefly
5 Interactive 4 South Pole 37 Times when 53 Soft mineral 470 Rooms PROWLER ‘01 Toy carrier, 25 ft., fully
self contained, $5k OBO, Trade
Facebook feature continent, with sand castles are 54 Like a bug in a rug (650)589-8765 will deliver
Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
Novas, running or not
9 Prefix with sonic “the” destroyed 55 Play divisions Non-Profit Home Sharing Program Parts collection etc.
or violet 5 Seek as a 40 Tree fruit 56 Amusement __ San Mateo County So clean out that garage
(650)348-6660 Give me a call
14 Press, as pants spouse 43 Film material 58 Carnegie or 670 Auto Service Joe 650 342-2483
15 Most fit to serve 6 Tiny hill crawler 48 Traffic jam Evans
16 Sodas for Radar 7 Sainted fifth- honker 59 Thames school REDWOOD CITY
O’Reilly century pope Sequoia Hotel MB GARAGE, INC.
49 Mozart’s “__ fan 60 Fender damage
17 Mechanic’s 8 Cambodia tutte” 62 Rejecting vote
800 Main St., Repair • Restore • Sales
excessively $600 Monthly
neighbor 50 Mother-of- 63 Blonde’s secret, $160. & up per week. Mercedes-Benz Specialists
affected gadget 9 Opens, as wine pearl maybe (650)366-9501 2165 Palm Ave.
box? 10 “The Merry (650)279-9811
20 Ready to be Widow” ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: San Mateo
drawn from a keg
21 First Japanese
11 “The Cosby
Room For Rent
golfer to win a Show” boy Travel Inn, San Carlos
PGA Tour event 12 Insurer’s $49 daily + tax
22 Rajah’s wife exposure $287 weekly + tax 670 Auto Parts
25 Damaged, as Clean Quiet Convenient
13 Italian wine city Cable TV, WiFi & Private Bathroom 2 SNOW/CABLE chains good condition
mdse. 18 Colorful fish Microwave and Refrigerator fits 13-15 inch rims $10/both San Bruno
26 Fashionable farm 19 Of the flock 950 El Camino Real San Carlos 650-588-1946
nestling? (650) 593-3136
23 “Picked” Mention Daily Journal
31 Gallantry-in- complaints
combat mil. 24 Summer drink 880 AUTO WORKS
award 26 Santa __ Dealership Quality
34 Dryer screen 620 Automobiles Affordable Prices
27 Clues
target 28 Taj Mahal Complete Auto Service
35 Collaborating home Don’t lose money Foreign & Domestic Autos
group 29 Cola’s first on a trade-in or
36 Blacksmith, at consonant consignment! 880 El Camino Real
times 30 “Put me down as San Carlos
38 “The King __” a maybe” Sell your vehicle in the 650-598-9288
39 Take everything 31 Designer Daily Journal’s www.880autoworks.com
off Karan [email protected] 06/06/11 Auto Classifieds.
41 Letters on a
Just $3 per day. backup mirror 8” diameter fixture. $30.
42 City near 650-588-1946
44 Blade’s sharp Reach 82,500 drivers CHEVY TRANSMISSION 4L60E Semi
side from South SF to used $800. (650)921-1033

45 Wildebeests Palo Alto EL CAMINO '67 - parts (Protecto top)

$95., (650)367-8949
46 Govt. ID issuer Call (650)344-5200
FORD ‘73 Maverick/Mercury GT Comet,
47 Dance contest [email protected] Drive Train 302 V8, C4 Auto Trans.
winner? Complete, needs assembly, includes ra-
50 Revival prefix diator and drive line, call for details,
CHRYSLER ‘06 300 Sedan, 28k mi., $1250., (650)726-9733.
51 Easy gait sun roof, excellent condition. $18k.
52 “They’ll ambush (650)590-1194 FORD ‘93 250 flat bed, diesel, 100-gal-
lon gas tanks, completely rebuilt, $1800.
you if you go in 650-481-5296
HONDA ‘10 ACCORD LX - 4 door se-
there!” dan, low miles, $19K, (650)573-6981 HEAVY DUTY jack stand for camper or
57 Agreed (with) SUV $15. (650)949-2134
61 High-kicking TRUCK RADIATOR - fits older Ford,
dancer at an HONDA CIVIC ‘99 EX sedan 4-door, never used, $100., (650)504-3621
audition? excellent mechanically, very good body,
64 Reveal Attorneys
impulsively MERCEDES ‘05 C230 - 40K miles, 4 cyl-
65 Cafeteria carrier inder, black, $15,000, (650)455-7461
66 Tar Heel State
university MERCEDES ‘06 C230 - 6 cylinder, navy
blue, 60K miles, 2 year warranty,
67 Fibber of old $18,000, (650)455-7461 Huge credit card debt?
radio Job loss? Foreclosure?
68 Terrier variety MERCEDES BENZ ‘04 E320 - Excellent Medical bills?
69 Emailed or faxed condition, leather interior, navigation,
77K mi., $15,500 obo, (650)574-1198 YOU HAVE OPTIONS
DOWN Call for a free consultation
1 Former Yugoslav XLT FORD Ranger 02 126k miles. One (650)363-2600
By Jack McInturff owner NEW 15x8 wheels, radial tires, 5 This law firm is a debt relief agency
leader (c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
06/06/11 speed, new clutch. Best offer. $3,800
650- 481-5296
24 Monday • June 6, 2011 THE DAILY JOURNAL

Cabinetry Concrete Construction Handy Help Hauling Hauling

• Carpentry • Plumbing
• Kitchens • Bathrooms
• Dry Rot • Decks
Priced for You! Call John
Free Estimates

Remodeling, Plumbing
New Construction,
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No Job Too Small
Lic.# 891766

Construction Decks & Fences



CONSTRUCTION Quality, Dependable
Residential & Commercial Handyman Service
Carpentry & Plumbing • General Home Repairs
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All work guaranteed SENIOR HANDYMAN Light moving!
Call now for a free estimate “Specializing in Any Size Projects” Haul Debris!
650-766-1244 •Painting •Electrical 650-583-6700
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40 Yrs. Experience
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MARSH FENCE Refuse Removal
& DECK CO. Free estimates
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Licensed • Insured • Bonded SMALL JOBS PREFERRED Reasonable rates
Fences - Gates - Decks Steve’s No job too large or small
Stairs - Retaining Walls Handyman Service Call Rob
10-year guarantee Prompt, Tidy, Friendly
Cleaning Quality work w/reasonable prices Stephen Pizzi
Call for free estimate
(650)571-1500 (650)533-3737
Insured & Bonded
There’s no such thing
MORALES as a free lunch.
Hardwood Floors That may be so, but the
KO-AM Daily Journal would like to
Fences • Decks • Arbors
•Retaining Walls • Concrete Work HARDWOOD FLOORING
•Hardwood & Laminate
offer you a free ad.
• French Drains • Concrete Walls
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THE DAILY JOURNAL WORLD Monday • June 6, 2011 27

Exit of wounded Yemeni leader sets off celebration

By Ahmed Al-Haj alongside Saleh. countries like Bahrain and is eager to
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS While Saleh is away, Vice contain the unrest on its doorstep.
President Abed Rabbo Mansour An opposition party official said
SANAA, Yemen — The departure Hadi is acting as temporary head of Sunday that international mediators,
of Yemen’s battle-wounded president state, said the deputy information including the United States and
for treatment in Saudi Arabia set off minister, Abdu al-Janadi. The minis- Saudi Arabia, tried to get Saleh to
wild street celebrations Sunday in ter said the president would return to sign a presidential decree passing
the capital, where crowds danced, assume his duties after his treatment, power to his vice president before he
sang and slaughtered cows in hopes though experts on Yemeni affairs left for Saudi Arabia — a strong indi-
that this spelled a victorious end to a questioned whether a return is possi- cation that they are trying to push
more than three-month campaign to ble in the face of so much opposi- Saleh from power permanently.
push their leader from power. tion. Saleh refused to sign the declara-
Behind the festive atmosphere, “Saleh will come back. Saleh is in tion, offering only a verbal agree-
many feared Ali Abdullah Saleh, a good health, and he may give up the ment, but the negotiations delayed
masterful political survivor who has authority one day but it has to be in a his departure, the official said.
held power for nearly 33 years, will constitutional way,” al-Janadi said. A foreign diplomat involved in
yet return — or leave the country in “Calm has returned. Coups have Saleh’s trip confirmed the story. Both
ruins if he can’t. Hanging in the bal- failed. ... We are not in Libya, and spoke on condition of anonymity in
ance was a country that even before Saleh is not calling for civil war.” order to discuss private talks.
the latest tumult was beset by deep REUTERS His sudden departure raised many The president’s absence raised the
poverty, malnutrition, tribal conflict Soldiers are lifted up by anti-government protesters as they celebrate questions, including whether his
specter of an even more violent
and violence by an active al-Qaida Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s departure to Saudi Arabia,in Sanaa Saudi hosts want him to return. The
Saudis have backed Saleh and coop- power struggle between the armed
franchise with international reach. Sunday.
erated in confronting al-Qaida and tribesmen who have joined the oppo-
Saleh, who was taken overnight to
a military hospital in the Saudi capi- said medical officials and a Yemeni the government first blamed on trib- other threats, but they are now sition and loyalist military forces
tal, Riyadh, underwent successful diplomat. They spoke on condition al fighters who in recent weeks among those pressing him to give up under the command of Saleh’s son
surgery on his chest to remove of anonymity because they did not turned against the president and power as part of a negotiated deal. and other close relatives. Street bat-
jagged pieces of wood that splintered have permission to release the infor- later on al-Qaida, killed 11 body- Saudi Arabia has watched with con- tles between the sides have already
from a mosque pulpit when his com- mation. guards and seriously injured five cern the anti-government protests pushed the political crisis to the
pound was hit by rockets on Friday, The stunning rocket attack, which senior officials worshipping just that have spread to other neighboring brink of civil war.

Gates says U.S. support troops should go home first

By Robert Burns On his final with an emphasis on removing non- on how to begin the withdrawal in long as they can, to achieve their
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS trip to assess a combat forces rather than the July and how to pace it over perhaps mission. In the case of Afghanistan,
war in its 10th infantry and others still trying to 18 to 24 months, Gates said at this the White House wants to ensure
FORWARD OPERATING BASE year, Gates told cement recent gains against a dusty logistics base in Kandahar that the president’s oft-repeated
WALTON, Afghanistan — A soon- soldiers the resilient Taliban. province. promise to begin a withdrawal in
to-begin U.S. troop withdrawal endgame in “If it were up to me, I would leave Obama planned to gather his July yields more than a token ges-
from Afghanistan should leave Afghanistan is the shooters for last,” he said. national security team Monday for ture. The war has grown increasing-
combat power intact as long as pos- more likely to The final decision is Obama’s. his monthly meeting on ly unpopular in Congress.
sible to press an anti-Taliban offen- turn out well if The commander in chief soon will Afghanistan and Pakistan. Gates met with Petraeus shortly
sive, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Robert Gates the drawdown receive from Gen. David Petraeus, Military commanders typically after he arrived in Kabul on
Gates said Sunday. He said support promised by the top U.S. and NATO commander want to keep as much firepower at Saturday. Both men will soon end
troops should go first. President Barack Obama begins in Afghanistan, a range of options their disposal as they can, for as their tenures.
28 Monday • June 6, 2011 THE DAILY JOURNAL

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