I Info About The Learners
I Info About The Learners
I Info About The Learners
Context: You teach a class of about 10 students during an after-school programme. In the 7th form now, they have 2 hours of English
per week, but need extra help to learn grammar as they usually find it difficult and off-putting despite the fact that they know English
is one of the mandatory subjects at school. They love music and enjoy listening because they can understand announcements and
dialogues of most immediate personal relevance. Two students are gifted piano players. They’ve had a brief but traumatic experience
with a previous teacher who quizzed them unexpectedly and most of the class would fail.
Task: Write a Lesson Plan for a 50’ lesson by the end of which the learners can do the following activity: Your friend asks you 3
questions about how you spent your weekend at the seaside. You answer him and also ask him about his weekend. Speak about where
you went, what you did, and what you liked best. Create a very short text you will need to use during the lesson. Your Lesson plan
should be written as a Word document and uploaded here by 11.42 AM.