Plasticity Theory
Plasticity Theory
Plasticity Theory
Jacob Lubliner
University of California at Berkeley
Copyright 1990, 2006 by Jacob Lubliner
This book was previously published by Pearson Education, Inc.
When I first began to plan this book, I thought that I would begin the preface
with the words “The purpose of this little book is...” While I never lost my
belief that small is beautiful, I discovered that it is impossible to put together
a treatment of a field as vast as plasticity theory between the covers of a
truly “little” book and still hope that it will be reasonably comprehensive.
I have long felt that a modern book on the subject — one that would be
useful as a primary reference and, more importantly, as a textbook in a grad-
uate course (such as the one that my colleague Jim Kelly and I have been
teaching) — should incorporate modern treatments of constitutive theory
(including thermodynamics and internal variables), large-deformation plas-
ticity, and dynamic plasticity. By no coincidence, it is precisely these topics
— rather than the traditional study of elastic-plastic boundary-value prob-
lems, slip-line theory and limit analysis — that have been the subject of
my own research in plasticity theory. I also feel that a basic treatment of
plasticity theory should contain at least introductions to the physical foun-
dations of plasticity (and not only that of metals) and to numerical methods
— subjects in which I am not an expert.
I found it quite frustrating that no book in print came even close to
adequately covering all these topics. Out of necessity, I began to prepare
class notes to supplement readings from various available sources. With
the aid of contemporary word-processing technology, the class notes came
to resemble book chapters, prompting some students and colleagues to ask,
“Why don’t you write a book?” It was these queries that gave me the
idea of composing a “little” book that would discuss both the topics that
are omitted from most extant books and, for the sake of completeness, the
conventional topics as well.
Almost two years have passed, and some 1.2 megabytes of disk space have
been filled, resulting in over 400 pages of print. Naively perhaps, I still hope
that the reader approaches this overgrown volume as though it were a little
book: it must not be expected, despite my efforts to make it comprehensive,
to be exhaustive, especially in the sections dealing with applications; I have
preferred to discuss just enough problems to highlight various facets of any
topic. Some oft-treated topics, such as rotating disks, are not touched at
iv Preface
all, nor are such general areas of current interest as micromechanics (except
on the elementary, qualitative level of dislocation theory), damage mechan-
ics (except for a presentation of the general framework of internal-variable
modeling), or fracture mechanics. I had to stop somewhere, didn’t I?
The book is organized in eight chapters, covering major subject areas;
the chapters are divided into sections, and the sections into topical subsec-
tions. Almost every section is followed by a number of exercises. The order
of presentation of the areas is somewhat arbitrary. It is based on the order in
which I have chosen to teach the field, and may easily be criticized by those
partial to a different order. It may seem awkward, for example, that consti-
tutive theory, both elastic and inelastic, is introduced in Chapter 1 (which
is a general introduction to continuum thermomechanics), interrupted for a
survey of the physics of plasticity as given in Chapter 2, and returned to with
specific attention to viscoplasticity and (finally!) rate-independent plasticity
in Chapter 3; this chapter contains the theory of yield criteria, flow rules,
and hardening rules, as well as uniqueness theorems, extremum and varia-
tional principles, and limit-analysis and shakedown theorems. I believe that
the book’s structure and style are sufficiently loose to permit some juggling
of the material; to continue the example, the material of Chapter 2 may be
taken up at some other point, if at all.
The book may also be criticized for devoting too many pages to con-
cepts of physics and constitutive theory that are far more general than the
conventional constitutive models that are actually used in the chapters pre-
senting applications. My defense against such criticisms is this: I believe
that the physics of plasticity and constitutive modeling are in themselves
highly interesting topics on which a great deal of contemporary research is
done, and which deserve to be introduced for their own sake even if their
applicability to the solution of problems (except by means of high-powered
numerical methods) is limited by their complexity.
Another criticism that may, with some justification, be leveled is that
the general formulation of continuum mechanics, valid for large as well as
small deformations and rotations, is presented as a separate topic in Chapter
8, at the end of the book rather than at the beginning. It would indeed
be more elegant to begin with the most general presentation and then to
specialize. The choice I finally made was motivated by two factors. One is
that most of the theory and applications that form the bulk of the book can
be expressed quite adequately within the small-deformation framework. The
other factor is pedagogical: it appears to me, on the basis of long experience,
that most students feel overwhelmed if the new concepts appearing in large-
deformation continuum mechanics were thrown at them too soon.
Much of the material of Chapter 1 — including the mathematical fun-
damentals, in particular tensor algebra and analysis — would normally be
covered in a basic course in continuum mechanics at the advanced under-
Preface v
standing mechanicians who took the trouble to read the book in draft form,
and to whom I owe a debt of thanks: Lallit Anand (M. I. T.), Satya Atluri
(Georgia Tech), Maciej Bieniek (Columbia), Michael Ortiz (Brown), and
Gerald Wempner (Georgia Tech).
An immeasurable amount of help, as well as most of the inspiration to
write the book, came from my students, current and past. There are too
many to cite by name — may they forgive me — but I cannot leave out Vas-
silis Panoskaltsis, who was especially helpful in the writing of the sections
on numerical methods (including some sample computations) and who sug-
gested useful improvements throughout the book, even the correct spelling
of the classical Greek verb from which the word “plasticity” is derived.
Finally, I wish to acknowledge Barbara Zeiders, whose thoroughly pro-
fessional copy editing helped unify the book’s style, and Rachel Lerner
and Harry Sices, whose meticulous proofreading found some needles in the
haystack that might have stung the unwary. Needless to say, the ultimate
responsibility for any remaining lapses is no one’s but mine.
A note on cross-referencing: any reference to a number such as 3.2.1,
without parentheses, is to a subsection; with parentheses, such as (4.3.4), it
is to an equation.
viii Contents
Section 3.3 Yield Criteria, Flow Rules and Hardening Rules 135
3.3.1 Introduction 135
Contents ix
References 501
Index 517
Chapter 1
Introduction to Continuum
1.1.1. Notation
2 Chapter 1 / Introduction to Continuum Thermomechanics
ai bi = a1 b1 + a2 b2 + a3 b3 .
There is a relation between the “e” tensor and the Kronecker delta known
as the e-delta identity:
Projection: ei · u = ei · ej uj = δij uj = ui .
Note that the parentheses in the direct notation for the scalar triple product
can be omitted without ambiguity, since a product of the form (u · v) × w
has no meaning.
The notation for matrices is as follows. A matrix with entries αij , where
i is the row index and j is the column index, is denoted [αij ] or α. The
transpose of α is the matrix [αji ], also denoted αT . The determinant of α is
denoted det α, and the inverse of α is α−1 , so that α α−1 = α−1 α = I, where
I = [δij ] is the unit matrix or identity matrix .
e∗i · ej = βij .
According to this equation, βij is both the xj -component of e∗i and the
x∗i -component of ej , so that
e∗i = βij ej
ei = βji e∗j .
For any vector u = ui ei = u∗i e∗i ,
If the free index i in the second equation is replaced by k and its right-hand
side is substituted for uk in the first equation, then
ui = βki βkj uj .
Since u∗i = δij u∗j and ui = δij uj , and since the vector u is arbitrary, it follows
βik βjk = βki βkj = δij ,
that is, the matrix β = [βij ] is orthogonal . In matrix notation, β β T = β T β =
I. The determinant of a matrix equals the determinant of its transpose,
that is, det α = det αT , and the determinant of a product of matrices equals
the product of the determinants, so that det(αβ) = det α det β. For an
orthogonal matrix β, therefore, (det β)2 = det I = 1, or det β = ±1. If the
basis (e∗i ) is obtained from (ei ) by a pure rotation, then β is called proper
orthogonal , and det β = 1.
An example of a proper orthogonal matrix is the matrix describing coun-
terclockwise rotation by an angle θ about the x3 -axis, as shown in Figure
x∗2 6
* x1
A θ
cos θ sin θ 0 A
@ K
β = − sin θ cos θ 0 @A
@ - x1
0 0 1
R x3 , x∗3
Linear Operators
An operator λ on the space of three-dimensional vectors is simply a
vector-valued function of a vector variable: given a vector u, λ(u) uniquely
defines another vector. λ is a linear operator if λ(au + bv) = aλ(u) + bλ(v),
where a and b are any real numbers, and u and v are any vectors.
Section 1.1 / Mathematical Preliminaries 5
λA = 12 (λ − λT ) ⇔ λA
ij = λ[ij] = 2 (λij − λji ).
λ = λij ei ⊗ ej .
Clearly, (u⊗v)w = u(v·w); in the Gibbs notation both sides of this equation
may be written as uv · w.
An operation known as a contraction may be performed on a tensor of
rank n ≥ 2. It consists of setting any two indices in its component array
equal to each other (with summation implied). The resulting array, indexed
by the remaining indices, if any (the “free indices”), represents a tensor of
rank n − 2. For a tensor λ of rank 2, λii = tr λ is a scalar known as the trace
of λ. A standard example is u · v = ui vi = tr (u ⊗ v). Note that if n > 2
then more than one contraction of the same tensor is possible, resulting
in different contracted tensors; and, if n ≥ 4, then we can have multiple
contractions. For example, if n = 4 then we can have a double contraction
resulting in a scalar, and three different scalars are possible: Tiijj , Tijij , and
Tijji .
If u and v are vectors that are related by the equation
ui = αij vj ,
then the array ρijkl represents a tensor ρ of rank four. The generalization
of these results is known as the quotient rule.
the unit outward normal vector on ∂R will be denoted n. The partial deriv-
ative operator ∂/∂xi will be written more simply as ∂i . A very common
alternative notation, which is used extensively here, is ∂i φ = φ,i .
If φ is a tensor field of rank n, then the array of the partial derivatives
of its components represents a tensor field of rank n + 1.
The del operator is defined as ∇ = ei ∂i , and the Laplacian operator as
∇ = ∂i ∂i = i ∂ 2 /∂x2i . For a scalar field φ, the gradient of φ is the vector
field defined by
∇φ = gradφ = ei φ,i .
For a vector field v, we use ∇v to denote (∇ ⊗ v)T , that is,
∇v = vi ,j ei ⊗ ej ,
but this notation is not universal: many writers would call this (∇v)T . There
is no ambiguity, however, when only the symmetric part of ∇v is used, or
when the divergence of v is defined as the trace of ∇v:
div v = ∇ · v = vi ,i .
curl v = ∇ × v = ei eijk vk ,j .
∇ · φ = div φ = φjk ,j ek .
J n 3 n2
dx2 Jn1
dx2 dx1
n1 = , n2 = − .
ds ds
and I I Z
u2 dx2 = n1 u2 ds = u2 ,1 dA.
Combining these two equations, we obtain Green’s lemma:
uα dxα = (u2 ,1 −u1 ,2 ) dA. (1.1.3)
so that
d d
er = eθ , eθ = −er .
dθ dθ
Using the chain rule for partial derivatives, we may show the ∇ operator to
be given by
∂ 1 ∂ ∂
∇ = er + eθ + ez . (1.1.5)
∂r r ∂θ ∂z
When this operator is applied to a vector field v, represented as
v = vr er + vθ eθ + vz ez ,
Spherical Coordinates
The spherical coordinates (r, θ, φ) are defined by r = x21 + x22 + x23 ,
θ = tan−1 (x2 /x1 ), and φ = cot−1 x3 / x21 + x22 . The unit vectors are
er = (e1 cos θ+e2 sin θ) sin φ+e3 cos φ, eφ = (e1 cos θ+e2 sin θ) cos φ−e3 sin φ,
(a) δii = 3
(b) δij δij = 3
(c) eijk ejki = 6
(d) eijk Aj Ak = 0
(e) δij δjk = δik
(f) δij eijk = 0
(a) aii ,
(b) aij aij ,
(c) aij ajk when i = 1, k = 1 and when i = 1, k = 2.
6. Two Cartesian bases, (ei ),√and (e∗i ) are given, with e∗1 = (2e1 + 2e2 +
e3 )/3 and e∗2 = (e1 − e2 )/ 2.
7. The following table shows the angles between the original axes xi and
the transformed axes x∗i .
x1 x2 x3
x∗1 135◦ 60◦ 120◦
x∗2 90◦ 45◦ 45◦
x∗3 45◦ 60◦ 120◦
8. (a) Use the chain rule of calculus to prove that if φ is a scalar field,
then ∇φ is a vector field.
(b) Use the quotient rule to prove the same result.
9. Using indicial notation, prove that (a) ∇×∇φ = 0 and (b) ∇·∇×v = 0.
11. If φ(x1 , x2 , x3 ) = aij xi xj , with aij constant, show that φ,i = (aij +
aji )xj and φ,ij = aij + aji .
14. Verify Green’s lemma for the area A bounded by the square with cor-
ners at (0, 0), (a, 0), (a, a), (0, a), of u1 (x1 , x2 ) = 0 and u2 (x1 , x2 ) =
bx1 , where b is a constant.
15. Find the natural basis (gi ) and the dual basis (gi ) (a) for cylindrical
coordinates, with ξ 1 = r, ξ 2 = θ, and ξ 3 = z, and (b) for spherical
coordinates, with ξ 1 = r, ξ 2 = φ, and ξ 3 = θ.
14 Chapter 1 / Introduction to Continuum Thermomechanics
16. Starting with the expression in Cartesian coordinates for the gradi-
ent operator ∇ and using the chain rule for partial derivatives, derive
Equation (1.1.5).
1.2.2. Strain
Eij = (uj ,i +ui ,j +uk ,i uk ,j ),
dr∗ − dr .
= εij ni nj
is the longitudinal strain along the direction n (note that the left-hand side
is just the “engineering” definition of strain).
Next, consider two infinitesimal vectors, dr(1) = e1 dr(1) and dr(2) =
(1) (2)
e2 dr(2) . In indicial notation, we have dxi = δi1 dr(1) and dxi = δi2 dr(2) .
Obviously, dr(1) · dr(2) = 0. The displacement changes dr(1) to dr(1)∗ and
dr(2) to dr(2)∗ , where
(1)∗ (1)
dxi = (δij + ui ,j ) xj = (δi1 + ui ,1 ) r(1) ,
(2)∗ (2)
dxi = (δij + ui ,j ) xj = (δi2 + ui ,2 ) r(2) ,
so that
(1)∗ (2)∗ .
dr(1)∗ · dr(2)∗ = dxi dxi = (u2 ,1 +u1 ,2 ) r(1) dr(2) = 2ε12 dr(1) dr(2) .
(1)∗ (2)∗ (1)∗ (2)∗
dr · dr = dr dr cos − γ12 ,
where γ12 is the shear angle in the x1 x2 -plane (Figure 1.2.2). Consequently,
2ε12 = (1 + ε11 )(1 + ε22 )γ12 = γ12
− γ12
y + 2 :
6 W
dr(2) u
Since the labeling of the axes is arbitrary, we may say in general that,
for i 6= j, εij = 21 γij . Both the εij and γij , for i 6= j, are referred to as shear
strains; more specifically, the former are the tensorial and the latter are the
conventional shear strains. A state of strain that can, with respect to some
axes, be represented by the matrix
0 γ 0
ε = 2γ 0 0
0 0 0
is called a state of simple shear with respect to those axes, and pure shear
in general.
It cannot be emphasized strongly enough that the tensor ε is an ap-
proximation to E, and therefore deserves to be called the infinitesimal strain
tensor, only if both the deformation and rotation are infinitesimal, that is,
if both ε and ω (or θ) are small compared to unity. If the rotation is finite,
then the strain must be described by E (or by some equivalent finite defor-
mation tensor, discussed further in Chapter 8) even if the deformation per
se is infinitesimal.
As an illustration, we consider a homogeneous deformation in which the
x1 x3 -plane is rotated counterclockwise about the x3 -axis by a finite angle θ,
while the the x2 x3 -plane is rotated counterclockwise about the x3 -axis by the
slightly different angle θ − γ, with |γ| 1. Since all planes perpendicular to
the x3 axis deform in the same way, it is sufficient to study the deformation
of the x1 x2 -plane, as shown in Figure 1.2.3. It is clear that, with respect
to axes rotated by the angle θ, the deformation is just one of simple shear,
Section 1.2 / Continuum Deformation 19
C θ−γ
C θ
C ? x1
and can be described by the infinitesimal strain matrix given above. With
respect to the reference axes, we determine first the displacement of points
originally on the x1 -axis,
that is, precisely the same form as obtained for the infinitesimal strain with
respect to rotated axes. Moreover, the result is independent of θ. The reason
20 Chapter 1 / Introduction to Continuum Thermomechanics
is that E measures strain with respect to axes that are, in effect, fixed in the
Further discussion of the description of finite deformation is postponed
until Chapter 8.
Let n be unit vector parallel to such an axis; then the longitudinal strain
along n is εij ni nj . By hypothesis, the shear strains εij ni n̄j , where n̄ is any
unit vector perpendicular to n, are zero. Consequently the vector whose
components are εij nj is parallel to n, and if its magnitude is ε, then εij nj =
εni , or
εij nj − εni = (εij − εδij )nj = 0.
Then, in order that n 6= 0, it is necessary that
where K1 = εkk , K2 = 12 (εij εij − εii εkk ), and K3 = det ε are the so-called
principal invariants of the tensor ε. Since Equation (1.2.3) is a cubic equa-
tion, it has three roots, which are the values of ε for which the assumption
holds, namely ε1 , ε2 , and ε3 . Such roots are known in general as the eigen-
values of the matrix ε, and in the particular case of strain as the principal
The principal invariants have simple expressions in terms of the principal
K1 = ε1 + ε2 + ε3 ,
K2 = −(ε1 ε2 + ε2 ε3 + ε3 ε1 ),
K3 = ε1 ε2 ε3 .
εn̄i ni ; similarly, εij n̄j = ε̄n̄i , so that ni εij n̄j = ε̄n̄i ni . However, εij = εji ;
consequently ni εij n̄j = n̄i εij nj , so that (ε − ε̄)n̄i ni = 0. Since n̄i ni is, for
any nonzero vector n, a positive real number, it follows that ε = ε̄ (i.e., ε is
Theorem 2 . If ε is symmetric then the n(I) are mutually perpendicular.
(1) (1) (2) (2)
Proof . Assume that ε1 6= ε2 ; then εij nj = ε 1 ni and εij nj = ε 2 ni .
(2) (1) (1) (2) (1) (2)
But ni εij nj − ni εij nj = 0 = (ε1 − ε2 )ni ni . Hence n(1) · n(2) = 0.
If ε1 = ε2 6= ε3 , then any vector perpendicular to n(3) is an eigenvector, so
that we can choose two that are perpendicular to each other. If ε1 = ε2 = ε3
(hydrostatic strain), then every nonzero vector is an eigenvector; hence we
can always find three mutually perpendicular eigenvectors. Q.E.D.
If the eigenvectors n(i) are normalized (i.e., if their magnitudes are de-
fined as unity), then we can always choose from among them or their nega-
tives a right-handed triad, say l(1) , l(2) , l(3) , and we define Cartesian coor-
dinates x∗i (i = 1, 2, 3) along them, then the direction cosines βij are given
by l(i) · ej , so that the strain components with respect to the new axes are
given by
(i) (j)
εij ∗ = lk ll εkl .
But from the definition of the n(i) , we have
(i) (i) (i)
ll εkl = εi δkl ll = εi lk (no sum on i),
so that
(i) (j)
ε∗ij = εi lk lk = εi δij (no sum on i),
ε1 0 0
ε∗ = 0 ε2 0 = Λ.
0 0 ε3
εL = LΛ,
and therefore
ε∗ = βεβ T = LT εL = LT LΛ = Λ.
In the special case of simple shear, we have ε11 = ε22 = 0 and ε12 = 12 γ.
Consequently ε1,2 = ± 21 γ. With respect to principal axes, the strain tensor
is represented by
γ 0 0
ε∗ = 0 − 12 γ 0 ,
0 0 0
that is, the strain can be regarded as the superposition of a uniaxial extension
and a uniaxial contraction of equal magnitudes and along mutually perpen-
dicular directions. Conversely, any strain state that can be so represented is
one of pure shear.
The condition for a θ field to exist such that the last equation is satisfied
may be found by again invoking the integrability theorem, namely,
conditions are also sufficient for the existence of a displacement field from
which the strain field can be derived. In a multiply connected region (i.e., a
region with holes), additional conditions along the boundaries of the holes
are required.
Other methods of derivation of the compatibility conditions lead to the
fourth-rank tensor equation
the sufficiency proof due to Cesaro (see, e.g., Sokolnikoff [1956]) is based on
this form. It can easily be shown, however, that only six of the 81 equations
are algebraically independent, and that these six are equivalent to (1.2.4).
A sufficiency proof based directly on (1.2.4) is due to Tran-Cong [1985].
The algebraic independence of the six equations does not imply that they
represent six independent conditions. Let the incompatibility tensor, whose
components are defined by the left-hand side of (1.2.4), be denoted R. Then
Rmn ,n = eikm ejln εij ,kln = eikm ejln (ui ,jkln +uj ,ikln ) = 0,
regardless of whether (1.2.4) is satisfied, because eikm uj ,ikln = ejln ui ,jkln = 0.
The identity Rmn ,n = 0 is known as the Bianchi formula (see Washizu
[1958] for a discussion).
Compatibility in Plane Strain
Plane strain in the x1 x2 -plane is defined by the conditions εi3 = 0 and
εij ,3 = 0 for all i, j. The strain tensor is thus determined by the two-
dimensional components εαβ (x1 , x2 ) (α, β = 1, 2), and the only nontrivial
compatibility condition is the one corresponding to m = n = 3 in Equation
(1.2.4), namely,
eαγ3 eβδ3 εαβ ,γδ = 0.
In terms of strain components, this equation reads
∂ 2 εx ∂ 2 εy ∂2γ
+ = , (1.2.5)
∂y 2 ∂x2 ∂x∂y
where γ = γxy . Lastly, an alternative form in indicial notation is
u3 ,3 = 0, u1 ,3 +u3 ,1 = 0, u2 ,3 +u3 ,2 = 0,
leading to
u3 = w(x1 , x2 ), uα = u0α (x1 , x2 ) − x3 w,α .
The strain components are now
where ε0 is the strain derived from the plane displacement field u0 = u0α eα .
The conditions εαβ ,3 = 0 require that w,αβ = 0, that is, w(x1 , x2 ) = ax1 +
bx2 + c, where a, b and c are constants. The displacement field is thus the
superposition of u0 and of −ax3 e1 − bx3 e2 + (ax1 + bx2 + c)e3 , the latter
being obviously a rigid-body displacement. In practice, “plane strain” is
synonymous with plane displacement.
u = ar er + brz eθ + c sin θ ez ,
5. Determine the infinitesimal strain and rotation fields for the displace-
ment field u = −w0 (x1 )x3 e1 + w(x1 )e3 , where w is an arbitrary contin-
uously differentiable function. If w(x) = kx2 , find a condition on k in
order that the deformation be infinitesimal in the region −h < x3 < h,
0 < x1 < l.
elusive, and has been the subject of much controversy among theoreticians,
especially with regard to whether force can be defined independently of New-
ton’s second law of motion. An interesting method of definition is based on a
thought experiment due to Mach, in which two particles, A and B, are close
to each other but so far away from all other bodies that the motion of each
one can be influenced only by the other. It is then found that there exist
numbers mA , mB (the masses of the particles) such that the motions of the
particles obey the relation mA aA = −mB aB , where a denotes acceleration.
The force exerted by A on B can now be defined as FAB = mB aB , and FBA
is defined analogously. If B, rather than being a single particle, is a set of
several particles, then FAB is the sum of the forces exerted by A on all the
particles contained in B, and if A is also a set of particles, then FAB is the
sum of the forces exerted on B by all the particles in A.
The total force F on a body B is thus the vector sum of all the forces ex-
erted on it by all the other bodies in the universe. In reality these forces are
of two kinds: long-range and short-range. If B is modeled as a continuum
occupying a region R, then the effect of the long-range forces is felt through-
out R, while the short-range forces act as contact forces on the boundary
surface ∂R. Any volume element dV experiences a long-range force ρb dV ,
where ρ is the density (mass per unit volume) and b is a vector field (with
dimensions of force per unit mass) called the body force. Any oriented sur-
face element dS = n dS experiences a contact force t(n) dS, where t(n) is
called the surface traction; it is not a vector field because it depends not
only on position but also on the local orientation of the surface element as
defined by the local value (direction) of n.
If a denotes the acceleration field, then the global force equation of mo-
tion (balance of linear momentum) is
ρb dV + t(n) dS = ρa dV. (1.3.1)
R ∂R R
When all moments are due to forces (i.e. when there are no distrib-
uted couples, as there might be in an electromagnetic field), then the global
moment equation of motion (balance of angular momentum) is
ρx × b dV + x × t(n) dS = ρx × a dV, (1.3.2)
R ∂R R
are therefore the natural starting point for the mechanics of bodies modeled
as continua.
Lagrangian and Eulerian Approaches
The existence of an acceleration field means, of course, that the displace-
ment field is time-dependent. If we write u = u(x1 , x2 , x3 , t) and interpret
the xi as Lagrangian coordinates, as defined in Section 1.2, then we have
simply a = v̇ = ü; here v = u̇ is the velocity field, and the superposed dot
denotes partial differentiation with respect to time at constant xi (called
material time differentiation). With this interpretation, however, it must be
agreed that R is the region occupied by B in the reference configuration,
and similarly that dV and dS denote volume and surface elements measured
in the reference configuration, ρ is the mass per unit reference volume, and t
is force per unit reference surface. This convention constitutes the so-called
Lagrangian approach (though Lagrange did not have much to do with it) to
continuum mechanics, and the quantities associated with it are called La-
grangian, referential, or material (since a point (x1 , x2 , x3 ) denotes a fixed
particle or material point). It is, by and large, the preferred approach in solid
mechanics. In problems of flow, however — not only fluid flow, but also plas-
tic flow of solids — it is usually more instructive to describe the motion of
particles with respect to coordinates that are fixed in space — Eulerian or
spatial coordinates. In this Eulerian approach the motion is described not
by the displacement field u but by the velocity field v. If the xi are spatial
coordinates, then the material time derivative of a function φ(x1 , x2 , x3 , t),
defined as its time derivative with the Lagrangian coordinates held fixed,
can be found by applying the chain rule to be
φ̇ = + vi φ,i .
The material time derivative of φ is also known as its Eulerian derivative
and denoted φ.
If the displacement field is infinitesimal, as defined in the preceding sec-
tion, then the distinction between Lagrangian and Eulerian coordinates can
usually be neglected, and this will generally be done here until finite defor-
mations are studied in Chapter 8. The fundamental approach is Lagrangian,
except when problems of plastic flow are studied; but many of the equations
derived are not exact for the Lagrangian formulation. Note, however, one
point: because of the postulated constancy of mass of any fixed part of B,
the product ρ dV is time-independent regardless of whether ρ and dV are
given Lagrangian or Eulerian readings; thus the relation
ρψ dV = ρψ̇ dV
dt R R
is exact.
Section 1.3 / Mechanics of Continuous Bodies 29
1.3.2. Stress
To determine how t depends on n, we employ the Cauchy tetrahedron illus-
trated in Figure 1.3.1.Assuming b, ρ, a and t(n) to depend continuously on
x, we have, if the tetrahedron is sufficiently small,
Z x2
ρb dV = ρb ∆V ;
R t(−e1 ) ∆A1 p
@ t(−e3 ) ∆A3
ρa dV = ρa ∆V ; @
R B n:
b@ t(n) ∆A
Z *
. B
b p
t(n) dS = t(n) ∆A
@@p x1
+ t(−ej ) ∆Aj
j p
= [t(n) − tj nj ] ∆A, t(−e2 ) ∆A2
where tj = − t(−ej ). Thus we have, approximately,
∆V .
t(n) − tj nj + ρ(b − a) = 0.
This becomes exact in the limit as the tetrahedron shrinks to a point, i.e.
∆V /∆A → 0, so that
t(n) = tj nj ,
that is, t(·) is a linear function of its argument. If we define σij = ei · tj ,
ti (n) = σij nj ,
so that σ = [σij ] represents a second-rank tensor field called the stress tensor.
Denoting this tensor by σ, the preceding equation may be rewritten in direct
tensor notation as
t(n) = σn.
The force equation of motion (1.3.1) can now be written in indicial no-
tation as Z Z Z
ρbi dV + σij nj dS = ρai dV.
R ∂R R
therefore, Z
(σij ,j +ρbi − ρai ) dV = 0.
This equation, since it embodies a fundamental physical law, must be inde-
pendent of how we define a given body and therefore it must be valid for any
region R, including very small regions. Consequently, the integrand must
be zero, and thus we obtain the local force equations of motion (due to
σij ,j +ρbi = ρai . (1.3.3)
When the relation between traction and stress is introduced into Equa-
tion (1.3.2), this equation becomes, in indicial notation,
ρeijk xj bk dV + eijk xj σkl nl dS = ρeijk xj ak dV.
R ∂R R
By Gauss’s theorem,
xj σkl nl dS = (xj σkl ),l dV
∂R R
= (δij σkl + xj σkl ,l ) dV
= (σkj + xj σkl ,l ) dV ;
therefore Z
eijk [xj (ρbk + σkl ,l −ρak ) + σkj ]dV = 0,
which, as a result of (1.3.3), reduces to
eijk σkj dV = 0.
Since this result, again, must be valid for any region R, it follows that
eijk σkj = 0,
or equivalently,
σij = σji . (1.3.4)
In words: the stress tensor is symmetric.
In the usual “engineering” notation, the normal stresses σ11 , σ22 , and
σ33 are designated σx , σy , and σz , respectively, while the shear stresses are
written as τxy in place of σ12 , and so on. This notation is invariably used
in conjunction with the use of x, y, z for the Cartesian coordinates and of
ux , uy , and uz for the Cartesian components of a vector u, except that the
components of the displacement vector are usually written u, v, w, and the
body-force vector components are commonly written X, Y, Z rather than
Section 1.3 / Mechanics of Continuous Bodies 31
ρbx , and so on. Thus the local force equations of motion are written in
engineering notation as
∂σx ∂τxy ∂τxz
+ + + X = ρax ,
∂x ∂y ∂z
and two similar equations.
The equations in cylindrical coordinates are obtained from Equation
(1.1.7), with the changes of notation self-explanatory:
∂σr σr − σθ 1 ∂τrθ ∂τrz
+ + + + R = ρar ,
∂r r r ∂θ ∂z
∂τrθ 2τrθ 1 ∂σθ ∂τθz
+ + + + Θ = ρaθ ,
∂r r r ∂θ ∂z
∂τrz τrz 1 ∂τθz ∂σz
+ + + + Z = ρaz .
∂r r r ∂θ ∂z
The corresponding equations in spherical coordinates are obtained from
Equation (1.1.9):
∂σr 1 ∂τrφ 1 ∂τrθ 2σr − σφ − σθ + τrφ cot φ
+ + + + R = ρar ,
∂r r ∂φ r sin φ ∂θ r
∂σφ 1 ∂τφθ σφ cot φ − σθ cot φ + 3τrφ
+ + + Φ = ρaφ ,
∂φ r sin φ ∂θ r
∂τrθ 1 ∂τφθ 1 ∂σθ 3τrθ + 2τφθ cot φ
+ + + + Θ = ρaθ .
∂r r ∂φ r sin φ ∂θ r
Projected Stresses
If n is an arbitrary unit vector, the traction t = σn has, in general, a
component parallel to n and one perpendicular to n. These are the projected
stresses, namely,
Principal Stresses
As in the case of strains, it is possible to find directions n such that
τ (n) = 0, so that t(n) = σ(n)n, or
det(σ − σI) = −σ 3 + I1 σ 2 + I2 σ + I3 = 0,
where I1 = σkk , I2 = 12 (σij σij − σii σkk ), and I3 = det σ are the principal
invariants of σ. The principal stresses can now be defined exactly like the
principal strains; by Theorem 1 of 1.2.31 they are real, and by Theorem 2 the
principal axes of stress are mutually perpendicular. The principal invariants
of stress can be expressed in the form
I1 = σ1 + σ2 + σ3 ,
I2 = −(σ1 σ2 + σ2 σ3 + σ3 σ1 ),
I3 = σ1 σ2 σ3 .
Octahedral Stresses
Let the basis vectors (ei ) be directed along the principal axes, and sup-
pose that n is one of the eight vectors
n = √ (±e1 ± e2 ± e3 );
a regular octahedron can be formed with planes perpendicular to these vec-
tors. The traction on such a plane (called an octahedral plane) is
t(n) = √ (±σ1 e1 ± σ2 e2 ± σ3 e3 ).
Any cross-reference such as 1.2.3, not enclosed in parentheses, refers to a subsection,
unless it is specified as a figure or a table. With parentheses, for example (1.2.3), the
reference is to an equation.
Section 1.3 / Mechanics of Continuous Bodies 33
where τoct is called the octahedral shear stress. By comparing the just-
derived result with the previously obtained expression for J2 in terms of the
principal stresses, it can be shown that
2 2
τoct = J2 . (1.3.5)
t(n) = e1 (σ11 cos θ + σ12 sin θ) + e2 (σ12 cos θ + σ22 sin θ),
τ (n) = [σ12 (cos2 θ − sin2 θ) + (σ22 − σ11 ) sin 2θ cos 2θ](−e1 sin θ + e2 cos θ);
the quantity in brackets will be designated τθ , and clearly |τθ | = τ (n), since
the vector in parentheses is a unit vector. With the help of the trigonometric
identities cos 2θ = cos2 θ − sin2 θ, sin 2θ = 2 sin 2θ cos 2θ, we may write
τθ = σ12 cos 2θ + (σ22 − σ11 ) sin 2θ. (1.3.7)
34 Chapter 1 / Introduction to Continuum Thermomechanics
From Equation (1.3.7) we may obtain the principal directions n(1) and
n(2) directly by finding the values of θ for which τθ vanishes, namely, those
that satisfy
tan 2θ = , (1.3.8)
σ11 − σ22
unless σ12 and σ11 − σ22 are both zero, in which case τθ = 0 for all θ.
In the general case, if θ1 is a solution of Equation (1.3.8) (so that n(1) =
e1 cos θ1 + e2 sin θ1 ), then so is θ1 ± 21 π, showing the perpendicularity of
nondegenerate principal directions. As is readily seen, however, dσθ /dθ =
2τθ . It follows that the principal stresses σ1 and σ2 are the extrema of σθ , one
being the maximum and the other the minimum, again with the exception
of the degenerate case in which σθ is constant. The principal stresses, with
the numbering convention σ1 ≥ σ2 , are given by
1 q
2 ;
σ1 , 2 = (σ11 + σ22 ) ± 1
(σ11 − σ22 )2 + σ12
this convention is consistent with defining θ1 in such a way that
(σ11 − σ22 ) σ12
cos 2θ1 = q , sin 2θ1 = q ,
1 2
(σ11 − σ22 )2 + σ12 1 2
(σ11 − σ22 )2 + σ12
4 4
so that σθ1 = σ1 .
Using the just-derived expressions for cos 2θ1 and sin 2θ1 and the trigono-
metric identities
cos 2(θ − θ1 ) = cos 2θ cos 2θ1 + sin 2θ sin 2θ1 ,
sin 2(θ − θ1 ) = sin 2θ cos 2θ1 − sin 2θ1 cos 2θ,
we may rewrite Equations (1.3.6)–(1.3.7) as
1 1
σθ = (σ1 + σ2 ) + (σ1 − σ2 ) cos 2(θ − θ1 ), (1.3.9)
2 2
τθ = − (σ1 − σ2 ) sin 2(θ − θ1 ). (1.3.10)
Equations (1.3.9)–(1.3.10) are easily seen to be the parametric representation
of a circle, known as Mohr’s circle, in the σθ -τθ plane, with its center at
( 21 (σ1 + σ2 ), 0) and with radius 21 (σ1 − σ2 ), a value (necessarily positive in
view of the numbering convention) equal to the maximum of |τθ |. Note that
this maximum occurs when sin 2(θ − θ1 ) = ±1, that is, when θ = θ1 ± 41 π.
The significance of the angle θ1 , and other aspects of Mohr’s circle, can be
seen from Figure 1.3.2.
It can be shown that the maximum over all n (in three dimensions) of
the projected shear stress τ (n) is just the largest of the three maxima of τθ
found in the planes perpendicular to each of the principal directions. With
no regard for any numbering convention for the principal stresses, we have
τmax = max τ (n) = max{|σ1 − σ2 |, |σ2 − σ3 |, |σ1 − σ3 |}. (1.3.11)
n 2
Section 1.3 / Mechanics of Continuous Bodies 35
(σ1 −σ2 )
s 11 , σ12 )
s(σ , τ )
U θ θ
x2 K θ1
A A *
2 (σ1 +σ2 )
σ2 σ1
s(σ22 , −σ12 )
− 21 (σ1 −σ2 )
σαβ ,β = 0,
or (1) σ11 ,1 +σ12 ,2 = 0 and (2) σ12 ,1 +σ22 ,2 = 0, so that there exist functions
φα (x1 , x2 ) (α = 1, 2) such that (1) σ11 = φ1 ,2 , σ12 = −φ1 ,1 , and (2) σ22 =
φ2 ,1 , σ12 = −φ2 ,2 . Hence φ1 ,1 = φ2 ,2 , and therefore there exists a function
Φ(x1 , x2 ) such that φ1 = Φ,2 , φ2 = Φ,1 . Thus
A stress field σ that obeys the equilibrium equations (1.3.13) and the trac-
tion boundary conditions (1.3.12)2 is called statically admissible. If the ac-
celeration is not assumed to vanish, then the problem is dynamic, and then
More specifically, these are holonomic external constraints. A constraint is nonholo-
nomic if, for example, it is given by an inequality — a displacement component may be
required to have less than (or greater than) a specified value. Such a constraint is called
Section 1.3 / Mechanics of Continuous Bodies 37
additional data are required, namely, the initial conditions consisting of the
displacement and velocity fields throughout R at the initial time.
Virtual Displacements
A virtual displacement field is defined as the difference between two
neighboring kinematically admissible displacement fields. In other words,
it is a vector field δu which is such that, if u is a kinematically admissible
displacement field, then so is u + δu. It is furthermore assumed that the
virtual displacement field is infinitesimal, that is, |δui ,j | 1.
Corresponding to a virtual displacement field δu we may define the vir-
tual strain field δε by δεij = 21 (δuj ,i +δui ,j ). Note that the operator δ
when applied to a field represents taking the difference between two possible
fields and is therefore a linear operator which commutes with partial differ-
entiation. Note further that if any displacement components are prescribed
on any part of the boundary then the corresponding virtual displacement
components vanish there, that is, δu = 0 on ∂Ru .
Virtual Work
Given a set of loads and a virtual displacement field δu, we define the
external virtual work as1
δW ext = ρbi δui dV + tai δui dS.
R ∂Rt
Since σij = σji , we have σij δεij = σij δui ,j , and therefore
The right-hand side vanishes for all virtual displacement fields δu if and
only if the quantities multiplying δui in both integrals vanish identically, that
A note on notation: we write δW instead of the more usual δW in order to indicate
that this is not a case of an operator δ applied to a quantity W .
38 Chapter 1 / Introduction to Continuum Thermomechanics
is, if and only if the equilibrium equations (1.3.13) and the traction boundary
conditions (1.3.12)2 are satisfied. Thus the body is in equilibrium under the
applied loads if and only if the principle of virtual work, namely,
is obeyed.
The principle of virtual work, also known as the principle of virtual
displacements, may be interpreted as an application of the method of
weighted residuals, whose essential idea is as follows. Suppose that a
certain stress field σ is not exactly statically admissible, and therefore the
equations obeyed by it have the form
we may think of ∆b and ∆ta as being the residuals of the body force and ap-
plied surface traction, respectively. If we cannot make these residuals vanish
everywhere (which would make the stress field obey the equations exactly),
then we can try to make them vanish in some average sense, namely, by
multiplying them with a vector-valued weighting function, say w, belonging
to a suitable family (say W ) of such functions, such that
ρ ∆b · w dV + ∆tai wi dS = 0
R ∂Rt
for every w belonging to W . If we identify W with the set of all virtual dis-
placement fields, the principle of virtual work results. An advantage of this
point of view is that it permits the application of the principle to dynamic
problems as well: since the weighting functions w are not a priori identified
with the virtual displacement fields, the inertia force −ρa may be added to
b, and ∆b may be interpreted as the residual of ρ(b − a).
Viewed in the light of the method of weighted residuals, the principle of
virtual work may be represented by the equation
(σij ,j +ρbi )wi dV − (nj σij − tai )wi dS = 0 (1.3.15)
R ∂Rt
for any w that obeys the same conditions as a virtual displacement field,
that is, wi = 0 on ∂Ru , in addition to any internal constraints. Equation
(1.3.15) is also known as the weak form of the equilibrium equations with
the traction boundary conditions, and forms the foundation for many ap-
proximate methods of solution, based on different choices of the family W
to which the weighting functions w belong. If W contains only a finite num-
ber of linearly independent functions, then the body is said to be discretized .
Discretization is discussed below. When w is interpreted as a virtual velocity
field , then Equation (1.3.15) is called the principle of virtual velocities,
Section 1.3 / Mechanics of Continuous Bodies 39
The external and internal complementary virtual work are defined respec-
tively by
c c
δW ext = uai nj δσij dS and δW int = εij δσij dV.
∂Ru R
c c
δW int − δW ext = 0 (1.3.16)
for all virtual stress fields δσ if and only if the strain field ε is compatible
with a kinematically admissible displacement field u.
Approximate treatments of continuum mechanics are often based on a
procedure known as discretization, and virtual work provides a consistent
framework for the procedure. A displacement-based discretized model of
the body may be formulated as follows. Let q1 , ..., qN , qN +1 , ..., qN +K de-
note an ordered set of N + K scalars, called generalized coordinates. The
displacement field u(x) is assumed to be given by
u(x) = φn (x)qn , (1.3.17)
Before inserting the discretized displacement and strain fields into the
principle of virtual work, it is convenient to express them in matrix nota-
tion. Matrix notation for vector-valued quantities such as displacement and
force is obvious. The column matrices representing stress and strain are,
σ22 ε22
33 33
σ= , ε= , (1.3.19)
σ12 2ε12
In problems with only one component each of normal stress and shear stress
(or longitudinal strain and shear strain) they are
( ) ( )
σ ε
σ= , ε= . (1.3.21)
τ γ
In every case, the stress and strain matrices are conjugate in the sense that
the internal virtual work is given by
δW int = σ T δε dV. (1.3.22)
We may now apply the principle of virtual work to these fields. Since
δW int = QT δq,
where Z
Q= B T σ dV
is the internal generalized force matrix conjugate to q. Similarly, with the
body force per unit volume f = ρb and the prescribed surface traction ta
represented by matrices f and ta , the external virtual work is
δW ext = F T δq,
where Z Z
F = Φ f dV + ΦT ta dS
R ∂Rt
is the (known) external generalized force matrix conjugate to q. If the resid-
ual force matrix is defined by R = Q − F , then the equilibrium condition
may be written as
R = 0, (1.3.25)
a matrix equation representing N independent scalar equations.
(a) Find the traction vector on an element of the plane 2x1 − 2x2 +
x3 = 1.
(b) Find the magnitude of the traction vector in (a), and the normal
stress and the shear stress on the plane given there.
(c) Find the matrix representing the stress tensor with respect to a
basis e∗i , where e∗i = βij ej with β given in Exercise 4 of Section
4. Draw the three Mohr’s circles for each of the following states of stress
(units are MPa; stress components not given are zero).
5. Find the maximum shear stress τmax for each of the stress states of
the preceding exercise.
6. Derive Equation (1.3.11) for τmax as follows: fix a Cartesian basis (ei )
coinciding with the principal stress directions, and form [τ (n)]2 for all
possible directions n by identifying n with the spherical unit vector er ,
so that [τ (n)]2 is a function of the spherical surface coordinates φ and
θ. Lastly, show that this function can become stationary only in the
planes formed by the principal stress directions.
Section 1.3 / Mechanics of Continuous Bodies 43
A 2
σx = Axy, τ= (h − y 2 ), σy = 0,
where A and h are constants,
where A and a are constants, find the body-force field necessary for
the stress field to be in equilibrium.
10. The following displacement field is assumed in a prismatic bar with the
x1 axis being the longitudinal axis, and the cross-section defined by a
closed curve C enclosing an area A in the x2 x3 plane, such that
the x1 -
axis intersects the cross-sections at their centroids, so that A x2 dA =
A x3 dA = 0.
As discussed in Section 1.3, the solution of a boundary-value problem in
solid mechanics requires finding the displacement field u and the stress field
σ, that is, in the most general case, nine component fields. Thus far, the
only field equations we have available are the three equations of motion (or
of equilibrium, in static and quasi-static problems). In certain particularly
simple problems, the number of unknown stress components equals that of
nontrivial equilibrium equations, and these may be solved to give the stress
field, though not the displacement field; such problems are called statically
determinate, and are discussed further in Section 4.1. In general, however,
constitutive relations that relate stress to displacement (more particularly, to
the strain that is derived from the displacement) are needed. Such relations
are characteristic of the material or materials of which the body is made, and
are therefore also called simply material properties. In this section a simple
class of constitutive relations, in which the current value of the strain at a
point depends only on the stress at that point, is studied; a body described
by such relations is called elastic. The influence of the thermal state (as
given, for example, by the temperature) on the stress-strain relations cannot,
however, be ignored. In order to maintain generality, instead of introducing
elasticity directly a more basic concept is first presented: that of energy.
The concept of energy is fundamental in all physical science. It makes
it possible to relate different physical phenomena to one another, as well as
to evaluate their relative significance in a given process. Here we focus only
on those forms of energy that are relevant to solid mechanics.
The kinetic energy of a body occupying a region R is
K= ρv · v dV
2 R
K̇ = K= ρv · a dV
dt R
(r = body heating or radiation, h(n) = heat outflow per unit time per unit
surface area with orientation n).
The first law of thermodynamics or principle of energy balance as-
serts that there exists a state variable u (internal-energy density) such that
ρu dV = Q + Pd .
dt R
The local deformation, as defined by the strain tensor ε, may be as-
sumed to depend on the stress tensor σ, on the internal-energy density u,
and on additional variables ξ1 , . . . , ξN (internal variables). By definition, a
body is called thermoelastic if ε everywhere depends only on σ and u. The
46 Chapter 1 / Introduction to Continuum Thermomechanics
We can now bring in the experimental fact that heat flows from the
hotter to the colder part of a body. The mathematical expression of this
fact is h · ∇T −1 ≥ 0, so that
r h(n)
Ṡ − ρ dV − dS = Γ ≥ 0. (1.4.4)
R T ∂R T
Inequality (1.4.4), known as the global Clausius–Duhem inequality,
is usually taken to be the general form of the second law of thermodynamics
for continua, whether thermoelastic or not, though its physical foundation in
the general case is not so firm as in the thermoelastic case (see, e.g., Woods
[1981]). The quantity in parentheses is called the external entropy supply,
and Γ is the internal entropy production. In the thermoelastic case, clearly,
Γ= h · ∇T −1 dV.
More generally, Γ may be assumed to be given by R ργ dV , where γ is
the internal entropy production per unit mass, and ργ contains, besides the
term h · ∇T −1 , additional terms representing energy dissipation. These are
discussed in Section 1.5. With the help of the divergence theorem, (1.4.4)
may be transformed into the equation
r h
ρη̇ − ρ +∇· − ργ dV = 0.
The local Clausius–Duhem inequality is obtained when it is assumed, as
usual, that the equation must apply to any region of integration R, however
small, and, in addition, that γ is nonnegative:
r h
ρη̇ − ρ +∇· = ργ ≥ 0. (1.4.5)
The assumptions underlying the derivation of (1.4.5) have been severely
criticized by Woods [1981]. The criticisms do not, however, apply to ther-
moelastic bodies, to which we now return.
Given the definition (1.4.2) of the absolute temperature T and the fact
that T is always positive, it follows from the implicit function theorem of
advanced calculus that we can solve for u as a function of η and ε [i.e.
u = ũ(η, ε)], and we can use η as a state variable. Since, by Equation
(1.4.3), u̇ = T η̇ + ρ−1 σij ε̇ij , we have T = ∂ ũ/∂η and
∂ ũ
σij − ρ ε̇ij = 0. (1.4.6)
Again, in the absence of internal constraints, the ε̇ij can be specified inde-
pendently. The coefficients in Equation (1.4.6) must therefore all vanish,
yielding the relation
∂ ũ
σij = ρ ,
48 Chapter 1 / Introduction to Continuum Thermomechanics
in which the specific entropy η is the other variable. The equation thus
gives the stress-strain relation at constant specific entropy and is accordingly
known as the isentropic stress-strain relation. It is also called the adiabatic
stress-strain relation, since in a thermoelastic body isentropic processes are
also adiabatic. We must remember, however, that the relation as such is
independent of process.
We now drop the assumption that the body is free of internal constraints.
In the presence of an internal constraint of the form cij ε̇ij = 0, a term
pcij , with p an arbitrary scalar, may be added to the the stress without
invalidating Equation (1.4.6). This equation is therefore satisfied whenever
∂ ũ
σij = ρ − pcij .
The stress, as can be seen, is not completely determined by the strain and
the entropy density.
As noted in 1.3.5, a commonly encountered internal constraint is incom-
pressibility. In an incompressible body the volume does not change, so that
δij ε̇ij = 0 and thus cij may be identified with δij . The stress is, accordingly,
determinate only to within a term given by pδij , where p is, in this case, a
The use of the entropy density η as an independent state variable is
not convenient. A far more convenient thermal variable is, of course, the
temperature, since it is fairly easy to measure and to control. If the Helmholtz
free energy per unit mass is defined as
ψ = u − T η = ψ(T, ε),
For sufficiently small deviations in strain and temperature from a given
reference state, the stress-strain relation, if it is smooth, can be approximated
by a linear one. Let us consider a reference state “0” at zero strain and
temperature T0 , and let us expand ψ(T, ε) in a Taylor series about this
1 ∂ 2 ψ
∂ψ ∂ψ
ψ(T, ε) = ψ0 + (T − T 0 ) + ε ij + 2
(T − T0 )2
∂T 0 ∂εij 0
2 ∂T 0
∂ 2 ψ 1 ∂ 2 ψ
+ (T − T0 )εij + εij εkl + . . .
∂T ∂εij 0 2 ∂εij ∂εkl 0
Now, ∂ψ/∂T |0 = −η0 (η0 = specific entropy in the reference state) and
= ρ−1 σij
(σ 0 = initial stress). Furthermore,
∂εij 0
∂ 2 ψ 1 ∂ 2 ψ
= − C0 , = −ρ−1 βij
∂T 0 T0 ∂T ∂εij 0
∂ 2 ψ
∂σij 0 0
ρ = = Cijkl = Cklij ,
∂εij ∂εkl 0 ∂εkl 0
the isothermal elastic modulus tensor (of rank 4) at the temperature T0 .
η = η0 + C0 (T − T0 ) + ρ−1 βij
0 0 0
σij = σij − βij (T − T0 ) + Cijkl εkl
are the constitutive relations of linear thermoelasticity.
0ε .
In an isentropic process, η ≡ η0 , so that T − T0 = −(T0 /ρC0 )βij ij
T0 0 0
0 0
σij = σij + Cijkl + βij βkl εkl ,
which defines the isentropic or adiabatic elastic modulus tensor.
The dependence of the stress-strain relation on the thermal state is often
ignored, and the simple relation σ = σ(ε) is assumed. It is then that a body
is called simply, in the traditional sense, elastic. The internal-energy density
50 Chapter 1 / Introduction to Continuum Thermomechanics
or the free-energy density, as the case may be, may be replaced by the strain-
energy function W (ε) (per unit volume), so that the stress-strain relation,
again in the absence of internal constraints, is
σij = .
The Cijkl , called the elastic constants (recall that they depend on the tem-
perature), are components of a tensor of rank 4, likewise symmetric with
respect to the index pairs ij and kl; this symmetry reduces the number of
independent components from 81 to 36. But there is an additional symme-
try: since
∂ 2 W ∂ 2 W
Cijkl = = , (1.4.8)
∂εij ∂εkl ε=0 ∂εkl ∂εij ε=0
we also have Cijkl = Cklij , and thus the number of independent components
is further reduced to 21. This number may be reduced even more by material
symmetries. Of these, only isotropy is considered here.
If stress and strain are represented in matrix notation as given by Equa-
tion (1.3.19), then the stress-strain relation may be written as
σ = C ε, (1.4.9)
where the symmetric square matrix C = [CIJ ] (we use capital letters as in-
dices in the six-dimensional space of stress and strain components) is defined
as follows:
If Cijkl has this form, then, in order to satisfy the symmetry condition
Cijkl = Cjikl (symmetry of the stress tensor) we must have µ = ν. The
symmetry condition Cijkl = Cklij (existence of strain-energy function) is
then automatically satisfied. Thus
λ + µ −λ/2 −λ/2
0 0 0
−λ/2 λ + µ −λ/2 0 0 0
1 −λ/2 −λ/2 λ + µ 0 0 0
C −1 = .
0 0 0 3λ + 2µ 0 0
µ(3λ + 2µ)
0 0 0 0 3λ + 2µ 0
0 0 0 0 0 3λ + 2µ
1 −ν −ν
0 0 0
−ν 1 −ν 0 0 0
1 −ν −ν 1 0 0 0
C −1 = .
E 0 0 0 2(1 + ν) 0 0
0 0 0 0 2(1 + ν) 0
0 0 0 0 0 2(1 + ν)
−1 1 −1
C11 = = C1111 , etc.,
−1 ν −1
C12 = − = C1122 , etc.,
−1 2(1 + ν) 1 1 −1
C44 = = = = 4C1212 , etc.
E µ G
Consequently the isotropic linearly elastic strain-stress relation in indicial
notation is
εij = [(1 + ν)σij − νσkk δij ]. (1.4.11)
Section 1.4 / Constitutive Relations: Elastic 53
σ = Eε. (1.4.12)
When σ33 = 0, then Equation (1.4.11), with the indices limited to the values
1 and 2, reads
εαβ = [(1 + ν)σαβ − νσγγ δαβ ],
which may be inverted to yield
σαβ = [(1 − ν)εαβ + νεγγ δαβ ]. (1.4.13)
1 − ν2
for plane strain. In a stress state composed of uniaxial stress and simple
shear, with stress and strain matrices given by (1.3.21), we have
" #
E 0
C= .
0 G
sij = 2µeij ,
τ = Gγ. (1.4.15)
δW int = δΠint .
δW ext = −δΠext .
If we now define the total potential energy as Π = Πint + Πext , then we have
δW int − δW ext = δΠ, the first variation of Π. The principle of virtual work,
(1.3.15), then tells us that an elastic body is in equilibrium if and only if
δΠ = 0; (1.4.18)
that is, at equilibrium the displacement field makes the total potential energy
stationary with respect to virtual displacements.
It can further be shown that for the equilibrium to be stable, the total
potential energy must be a minimum, a result known as the principle of
minimum potential energy. If Π is a local minimum, then, for any
nonzero virtual displacement field δu, ∆Π must be positive. Since the first
variation δΠ vanishes, the second variation δ 2 Π must be positive. Πext is,
by definition, linear in u, and therefore, in the absence of significant changes
in geometry,1 δ 2 Πext = 0. Hence
2 2
δ Π = δ Πint = Cijkl δεij δεkl dV.
An elastic body is thus stable under fixed loads if Cijkl εij εkl > 0, or, in
matrix notation, εT C ε > 0, for all ε 6= 0. A matrix having this property is
known as positive definite, and the definition can be naturally extended to
the fourth-rank tensor C. The positive-definiteness of C is assumed hence-
If the loads b and ta are not fixed but depend on the displacement, then
the just-derived principle is still valid, provided that the loads are derivable
from potentials, that is, that there exist functions φ(u, x) and ψ(u, x) defined
on R and ∂R, respectively, such that ρbi = −∂φ/∂ui and tai = −∂ψ/∂ui
(examples: spring support, elastic foundation). In that case,
Πext = φ dV + ψ dS,
R ∂R
It is the changes in geometry that are responsible for unstable phenomena such as
buckling, discussed in Section 5.3.
56 Chapter 1 / Introduction to Continuum Thermomechanics
and the second variation δ 2 Πext does not, in general, vanish, even in the
absence of significant geometry changes.
and Z
Πcint = W c (σ) dV,
respectively, then, analogously,
c c
δW int − δW ext = δΠc ,
and therefore
Q = Kq + K a q a ,
where Z
K= B T C B dV (1.4.19)
and Z
Ka = B T C B a dV.
The symmetric matrix K is generally referred to as the stiffness matrix of
the discretized model. The equilibrium equation Q = F can now be solved
for the qn in terms of prescribed data as
q = K −1 (F − K a q a ),
Section 1.4 / Constitutive Relations: Elastic 57
q = K −1 (F − K a q a − Q0 + F T ),
where Z Z
0 T 0
Q = B σ dV, FT = B T β(T − T 0 ) dV,
σ 0 denoting the initial stress field, T 0 and T respectively the initial and
current temperature fields, and β the 6 × 1 matrix form of the the thermal-
stress coefficient tensor β defined in 1.4.1.
The invertibility requirement on K is equivalent to the nonvanishing of
its eigenvalues. Note that
δq K δq = δεT C δε dV,
so that since the elastic strain energy cannot be negative, the left-hand side
of the preceding equation also cannot be negative — that is, K must be
positive semidefinite. The invertibility requirement therefore translates into
one of the positive definiteness of the stiffness matrix. This condition means
that any variation in q implies deformation, that is, that the model has no
rigid-body degrees of freedom.
5. Show that, in an isotropic linearly elastic solid, the principal stress and
principal strain directions coincide.
8. Derive the forms given in the text for C in plane stress and plane
9. Find the relation between the isothermal and adiabatic values of the
Young’s modulus E in an isotropic linearly elastic solid, in terms of
the linear-expansion coefficient α and any other quantities that may
be necessary.
11. Show that, if the bar described in Exercise 10 of Section 1.3 is made
of a homogeneous, isotropic, linearly elastic material, then its internal
potential energy is
2 2
Πint = Ē (Au0 + Iv 00 ) dx1 ,
2 0
where A is the cross-sectional area, I = A x2 dA, and
E(1 − ν)
Ē = .
(1 − 2ν)(1 + ν)
13. Combining the results of Exercise 11, as modified by Exercise 12, with
those of Exercise 10 of Section 1.3, show that P = EAu0 and M =
EIv 00 .
Section 1.5 / Constitutive Relations: Inelastic 59
1.5.1. Inelasticity
If we return to the weak (Cauchy) definition of an elastic body as one
in which the strain at any point of the body is completely determined by
the current stress and temperature there, then an obvious definition of an
inelastic body is as one in which there is something else, besides the current
stress and temperature, that determines the strain. That “something else”
may be thought of, for example, as the past history of the stress and tem-
perature at the point. While the term “past history” seems vague, it can
be defined quite precisely by means of concepts from functional analysis,
and a highly mathematical theory, known as the theory of materials with
memory, has been created since about 1960 in order to deal with it. The
dependence of the current strain on the history of the stress (and its converse
dependence of stress on strain history, whenever that can be justified) can
be expressed explicitly when the behavior is linear. The relevant theory is
known as the theory of linear viscoelasticity and is briefly reviewed later
in this section.
One way in which history affects the relation between strain and stress is
through rate sensitivity: the deformation produced by slow stressing is dif-
ferent — almost invariably greater — than that produced by rapid stressing.
60 Chapter 1 / Introduction to Continuum Thermomechanics
Internal Variables
An alternative way of representing the “something else” is through an
array of variables, ξ1 , ..., ξn , such that the strain depends on these variables
in addition to the stress and the temperature. These variables are called
internal (or hidden) variables, and are usually assumed to take on scalar
or second-rank tensor values. The array of the internal variables, when the
tensorial ones, if any, are expressed in invariant form, will be denoted ξ. The
strain is accordingly assumed as given by
ε = ε(σ, T, ξ).
Inelastic Strain
For inelastic bodies undergoing infinitesimal deformation, it is almost
universally assumed that the strain tensor can be decomposed additively
into an elastic strain εe and an inelastic strain εi :
is made later. The temperature will be assumed constant and will not be
explicitly shown.
σ = E0 ε e , σ = E1 εi + η ε̇i ,
where η is the viscosity of the dashpot element. For the total strain ε we
may write
ε= + εi ,
1 E1 i
ε̇i = σ− ε.
η η
The inelastic strain may consequently be regarded as an internal variable,
the last equation being its rate equation (E1 and η are, of course, functions
of the temperature).
Given an input of stress as a function of time, the rate equation for εi is
a differential equation that can be solved for εi (t):
Z t 0
ε (t) = e−(t−t )/τ σ(t0 ) dt0 ,
η −∞
E0 E0
- pppp -
η η1 η2 ηn
(a) (b)
E1 E2 En
p p p p p p p E∞
η1 η2 ηn
6 6
E0 E∞ η
? ?
(d) (e)
Figure 1.5.1. Models of linear viscoelasticity: (a) “standard solid” model; (b)
generalized Kelvin model; (c) generalized Maxwell model; (d)
Maxwell model; (e) Kelvin model.
series with a spring, the so-called generalized Kelvin model shown in Figure
1.5.1(b) — then the inelastic strain is represented by the sum of the dash-
pot displacements, and every dashpot displacement constitutes an internal
variable. Designating these by ξα , we have
εi = ξα .
By analogy with the previous derivation, the rate equations for the ξα are,
if τα = ηα /Eα ,
σ ξα
ξ˙α = − .
ηα τα
As before, for a given stress history σ(t0 ), −∞ < t0 < t (where t is the current
time), the rate equations are ordinary linear differential equations for the ξα
that can be integrated explicitly:
Z t 1 −(t−t0 )/τα 0 0
ξα (t) = e σ(t ) dt .
−∞ ηα
64 Chapter 1 / Introduction to Continuum Thermomechanics
the current strain can, with the help of integration by parts [and the as-
sumption σ(−∞) = 0], also be expressed as
Z t dσ 0
ε(t) = J(t − t0 ) dt .
−∞ dt0
gα (σ, T, ξ) = 0, α = 1, ..., n.
discussed in 1.4.1 are assumed to be valid in this domain as well, but there
is no full agreement in the scientific community about the meaning of such
variables as the entropy and the temperature, which appear in the second
law, or about the range of validity of this law (there is no comparable con-
troversy about the first law).
Entropy and temperature were defined in 1.4.1 for thermoelastic con-
tinua only; in other words, they are intrinsically associated with equilibrium
states. The assumption that these variables are uniquely defined at nonequi-
librium states as well, and obey the Clausius–Duhem inequality at all states,
represents the point of view of the “rational thermodynamics” school, most
forcefully expounded by Truesdell [1984] and severely criticized by Woods
For continua with internal variables, another point of view, articulated
by Kestin and Rice [1970] and Bataille and Kestin [1975] (see also Germain,
Nguyen and Suquet [1983]), may be taken. According to this school of
thought, entropy and temperature may be defined at a nonequilibrium state
if one can associate with this state a fictitious “accompanying equilibrium
state” at which the internal variables are somehow “frozen” so as to have
the same values as at the actual (nonequilibrium) state. If we follow this
point of view, then we are allowed to assume the existence of a free-energy
density given by ψ(ε, T, ξ) such that the entropy density and the stress may
be derived from it in the same way as for elastic continua, with the internal
variables as parameters. Consequently the stress is given by Equation (1.4.7)
if it is entirely determined by ε, T, ξ, and the entropy density is given by
η = −∂ψ/∂T .
In any statement of the second law of thermodynamics, however, the
internal variables must be “unfrozen,” since this law governs irreversible
processes. Let us assume that the second law is expressed by the local
Clausius–Duhem inequality (1.4.5), and let us rewrite this inequality as
ρη̇ − T −1 (ρr − ∇ · h) + h · ∇T −1 = ργ ≥ 0.
With the help of the local energy-balance equation (1.4.1), the expression in
parentheses may be replaced by ρu̇ − σij ε̇ij , and, since the definition of the
free-energy density ψ leads to T η̇ − u̇ = −(η Ṫ + ψ̇), the left-hand side of the
inequality becomes
h · ∇T −1 − ρT −1 (ψ̇ + η Ṫ − σij ε̇ij ).
∂ψ ∂ψ X ∂ψ
ψ̇ = ε̇ij + Ṫ + ξ˙α .
∂εij ∂T α ∂ξα
This quantity must be nonnegative in any process and at any state, and in
particular when the temperature gradient vanishes. The Clausius–Duhem
inequality is therefore obeyed if and only if, in addition to the already men-
tioned heat-conduction inequality h · ∇T −1 ≥ 0, the material also obeys the
dissipation inequality (Kelvin inequality)
pα ξ˙α ≥ 0,
D= (1.5.3)
pα = −ρ (1.5.4)
is the “thermodynamic force” conjugate to ξα .
The preceding results must be generalized somewhat if the material pos-
sesses viscosity in the sense that generalizes the Newtonian model: the stress
depends continuously1 on the strain-rate tensor ε̇ in addition to the thermo-
dynamic state variables ε, T, ξ. The definition of a local equilibrium state
now requires the additional condition ε̇ = 0. The stress in the accompany-
ing equilibrium state is still given (by definition) by ρ ∂ψ/∂εij , but it is not
equal to the actual stress σ(ε, T, ξ; ε̇). Instead, it equals
σ(ε, T, ξ; 0) = σ e (ε, T, ξ)
ε = εe (σ, T ) + εi (ξ),
X ∂ψ i
D = Di − ρ ξ˙α ≥ 0,
α ∂ξα
where Di = σij ε̇iij is the inelastic work rate per unit volume. Note that this
rate may be negative, without violating the second law of thermodynamics,
if ψ i decreases fast enough, that is, if enough stored inelastic energy is lib-
erated. The contraction of muscle under a tensile force, driven by chemical
energy, is an example of such a process.
“Small” means small enough so that the state may be regarded as uniform, but large
enough for the continuum viewpoint to be valid.
Section 1.5 / Constitutive Relations: Inelastic 69
Figure 1.5.2. Closed stress-strain cycle with inelastic deformation: the inelastic
strain returns to zero at the end of the cycle, but the internal
state may be different, so that internal variables other than the
inelastic strain may be necessary.
is, a rate equation for εi , by applying the chain rule to the basic assumption
εi = εi (ξ). The result is
ε̇iij = gij (σ, T, ξ),
X ∂εiij
gij = gα ,
α ∂ξα
the gα being the right-hand sides of Equation (1.5.1).
Mainly for convenience, it is often assumed that the gij can be derived
from a scalar function g(σ, T, ξ), called a flow potential , by means of
gij = φ ,
φ(σ, T, ξ) being a positive scalar function.
The flow potential g is commonly assumed to be a function of the stress
alone, the most frequently used form being g(σ, T, ξ) = J2 , where J2 is the
second stress-deviator invariant defined in 1.3.2. Since
∂ ∂skl ∂ 1 1
J2 = smn smn = δik δjl − δij δkl skl = sij ,
∂σij ∂σij ∂skl 2 3
it follows that the flow law has the form
If we now define X
Ω(p, T, ξ) = Ωα (pα , T, ξ),
for any admissible p, p∗ and any t such that 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. It follows from this
definition that
(∂Ω/∂p) · (p − p∗ ) ≥ Ω(p) − Ω(p∗ ), (1.5.11)
72 Chapter 1 / Introduction to Continuum Thermomechanics
where ∂Ω/∂p is evaluated at p, and the dot defines the scalar product in n-
dimensional space. Thus, for any p∗ such that Ω(p∗ ) ≤ Ω(p), (p−p∗ )· ξ̇ ≥ 0.
The hypothesis of generalized normality has often been invoked in con-
stitutive models formulated by French researchers, though not always consis-
tently. An example is presented when constitutive theories of plasticity and
viscoplasticity are discussed in detail. Before such a discussion, however, it
is worth our while to devote a chapter to the physical bases underlying the
theories. We return to theory in Chapter 3.
1 1 1
J(t) = − − e−t/τ ,
E∞ E∞ E0
find an expression for the strain as a function of stress when the stress
history is such that σ = 0 for t < 0 and σ = ασ0 t/τ , α being a
dimensionless constant and σ0 a reference stress. Assuming E0 /E∞ =
1.5, sketch plots of σ/σ0 against E∞ ε/σ0 for α = 0.1, 1.0, and 10.0.
3. Show that the relation between the uniaxial creep function J(t) and
relaxation function R(t) of a linearly viscoelastic material is
Z t
J(t0 )R(t − t0 ) dt0 = t.
6. Find the flow law derived from a flow potential given by g(σ, T, ξ) =
f (I1 , J2 , J3 ).
The adjective “plastic” comes from the classical Greek verb πλ άσσιν,
meaning “to shape”; it thus describes materials, such as ductile metals,
clay, or putty, which have the property that bodies made from them can
have their shape easily changed by the application of appropriately directed
forces, and retain their new shape upon removal of such forces. The shaping
forces must, of course, be of sufficient intensity — otherwise a mere breath
could deform the object — but often such intensity is quite easy to attain,
and for the object to have a useful value it may need to be hardened, for
example through exposure to air or the application of heat, as is done with
ceramics and thermosetting polymers. Other materials — above all metals
— are quite hard at ordinary temperatures and may need to be softened by
heating in order to be worked.
It is generally observed that the considerable deformations which occur
in the plastic shaping process are often accompanied by very slight, if any,
volume changes. Consequently plastic deformation is primarily a distortion,
and of the stresses produced in the interior of the object by the shaping
forces applied to the surface, it is their deviators that do most of the work.
A direct test of the plasticity of the material could thus be provided by
producing a state of simple shearing deformation in a specimen through the
application of forces that result in a state of shear stress. In a soft, semi-fluid
material such as clay, or soil in general, this may be accomplished by means
of a direct shear test such as the shear-box test, which is discussed in Section
2.3. In hard solids such as metals, the only experiment in which uniform
simple shear is produced is the twisting of a thin-walled tube, and this is not
always a simple experiment to perform. A much simpler test is the tension
76 Chapter 2 / The Physics of Plasticity
Tension Tests
Of all mechanical tests for structural materials, the tension test is the
most common. This is true primarily because it is a relatively rapid test and
requires simple apparatus. It is not as simple to interpret the data it gives,
however, as might appear at first sight. J. J. Gilman [1969]
The tensile test [is] very easily and quickly performed but it is not possible
to do much with its results, because one does not know what they really mean.
They are the outcome of a number of very complicated physical processes. .
. . The extension of a piece of metal [is] in a sense more complicated than
the working of a pocket watch and to hope to derive information about its
mechanism from two or three data derived from measurement during the
tensile test [is] perhaps as optimistic as would be an attempt to learn about
the working of a pocket watch by determining its compressive strength. E.
Orowan [1944]
Despite these caveats, the tension test remains the preferred method of
determining the material properties of metals and other solids on which it is
easily performed: glass, hard plastics, textile fibers, biological tissues, and
many others.
Stress-Strain Diagrams
The immediate result of a tension test is a relation between the axial force
and either the change in length (elongation) of a gage portion of the specimen
or a representative value of longitudinal strain as measured by one or more
strain gages. This relation is usually changed to one between the stress σ
(force F divided by cross-sectional area) and the strain ε (elongation divided
by gage length or strain-gage output), and is plotted as the stress-strain
diagram. Parameters that remain constant in the course of a test include the
temperature and the rate of loading or of elongation. If significant changes
in length and area are attained, then it is important to specify whether
the area used in calculating the stress is the original area A0 (nominal or
“engineering” stress, here to be denoted simply σe ) or the current area A
(true or Cauchy stress, σt ) — in other words, whether the Lagrangian or the
Eulerian definition is used — and whether the strain plotted is the change in
length ∆l divided by the original length l0 (conventional or “engineering”
strain, εe ) or the natural logarithm of the ratio of the current length l (=
l0 + ∆l) to l0 (logarithmic or natural strain, εl ).
Examples of stress-strain diagrams, both as σe versus εe and as σt versus
εl , are shown in Figure 2.1.1. It is clear that the Cauchy stress, since it
does not depend on the initial configuration, reflects the actual state in the
specimen better than the nominal stress, and while both definitions of strain
involve the initial length, the rates (time derivatives) of conventional and
Section 2.1 / Phenomenology of Plastic Deformation 77
˙ 0 and l/l,
logarithmic strain are respectively l/l ˙ so that it is the latter that is
independent of initial configuration. In particular, in materials in which it is
possible to perform a compression test analogous to a tension test, it is often
found that the stress-strain diagrams in tension and compression coincide to
a remarkable degree when they are plots of Cauchy stress against logarithmic
strain [see Figure 2.1.1(b)].
The rate of work done by the force is F l˙ = σe A0 l0 ε̇e = σt Alε̇l , so that
σe ε̇e and σt ε̇l are the rates of work per unit original and current volume,
respectively. While the calculation of Cauchy stress requires, strictly speak-
ing, measurement of cross-sectional area in the course of the test, in practice
this is not necessary if the material is a typical one in which the volume does
not change significantly, since the current area may be computed from the
volume constancy relation Al = A0 l0 .
As is shown in Chapter 8, the logarithmic strain rate ε̇l has a natural
and easily determined extension to general states of deformation, but the
logarithmic strain itself does not, except in situations (such as the tension
test) in which the principal strain axes are known and remain fixed. The
use of the logarithmic strain in large-deformation problems with rotating
principal strain axes may lead to erroneous results.
Compression Tests
As seen in Figure 2.1.1(b), the results of a simple compression test on
a specimen of ductile metal are virtually identical with those of a tensile
test if Cauchy stress is plotted against logarithmic strain. The problem is
that a “simple compression test” is difficult to achieve, because of the friction
that is necessarily present between the ends of the specimen and the pressure
plates. Compression of the material causes an increase in area, and therefore
a tendency to slide outward over the plates, against the shear stress on the
interfaces due to the frictional resistance. Thus the state of stress cannot be
one of simple compression. Lubrication of the interface helps the problem,
as does the use of specimens that are reasonably slender — though not so
slender as to cause buckling — so that, at least in the middle portion, a
state of simple compressive stress is approached.
Unlike ductile metals, brittle solids behave quite differently in tension
and compression, the highest attainable stress in compression being many
times that in tension. Classically brittle solids, such as cast iron or glass,
fracture almost immediately after the proportional limit is attained, as in
Figure 2.1.1(c). Others, however, such as concrete and many rocks, produce
stress-strain diagrams that are qualitatively similar to those of many ductile
materials, as in Figure 2.1.1(d). Of course, the strain scale is quite differ-
ent: in brittle materials the largest strains attained rarely exceed 1%. The
stress peak represents the onset of fracture, while the decrease in slope of
the stress-strain curve represents a loss in stiffness due to progressive crack-
78 Chapter 2 / The Physics of Plasticity
σe (MPa) σ (MPa)
1500 Nickel-chrome steel 1500
Medium-carbon steel,
(b0 )
1200 heat-treated 1200
900 Cold-rolled steel 900 Points having
Medium-carbon steel, equal true strain Compression, σe vs. εe
ACj r
Hard bronze
+ Low-carbon
CAUCW rr Tension and compression,
σt vs. εl
Tension, σe vs. εe
300 Soft brass
300 r
H Annealed copper
εe (%) ε (%)
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
(a) (b)
σ (MPa) σ (MPa)
r Glass, compression
600 Gray cast iron,
compression 15
300 r Gray cast iron, tension
r Glass, tension r Tension
ε (%) ε (%)
1 2 3 4 0.25 0.5 0.75
(c) (d)
σ1 − σ3
σ1 − σ3 (MPa)
900 clay Dense sand, undisturbed
sensitive clay
1000 )
600 800
A 6
r400 A Confining pressure Loose sand,
300 r 200 remolded sensitive clay
r 100
ε (%) ε
10 20
(e) (f)
Figure 2.1.1. Stress-strain diagrams: (a) ductile metals, simple tension; (b)
ductile metal (low-carbon steel), simple tension and compres-
sion; (b’) yield-point phenomenon; (c) cast iron and glass, sim-
ple compression and tension; (d) typical concrete or rock, simple
compression and tension; (e) rock (limestone), triaxial compres-
sion; (f) soils, triaxial compression.
Section 2.1 / Phenomenology of Plastic Deformation 79
ing. The post-peak portion of the curve is highly sensitive to test conditions
and specimen dimensions, and therefore it cannot be regarded as a material
property. Moreover, it is not compression per se that brings about fracture,
but the accompanying shear stresses and secondary tensile stresses. Never-
theless, the superficial resemblance between the curves makes it possible to
apply some concepts of plasticity to these materials, as discussed further in
Section 2.3.
Unless the test is performed very quickly, soils are usually too soft to al-
low the use of a compression specimen without the application of a confining
pressure to its sides through air or water pressure. This confined compres-
sion test or triaxial shear test is frequently applied to rock and concrete as
well, for reasons discussed in Section 2.3. The specimen in this test is in
an axisymmetric, three-dimensional stress state, the principal stresses being
the longitudinal stress σ1 and the confining pressure σ2 = σ3 , both taken
conventionally as positive in compression, in contrast to the usual con-
vention of solid mechanics. The results are usually plotted as σ1 −σ3 (which,
when positive — as it usually is — equals 2τmax ) against the compressive
longitudinal strain ε1 ; typical curves are shown in Figure 2.1.1(e) and (f).
and therefore the nominal stress (and hence the load) is maximum when
= σt .
Discontinuous Yielding
The stress-strain curves of certain impurity-containing metals, such as
mild steel and nitrogen-containing brass, present a phenomenon known as
discontinuous yielding. When the initial elastic limit is reached, suddenly
a significant amount of stretching (on the order of 1 or 2%, and thus con-
siderably larger than the elastic strain achieved up to that point) occurs at
essentially constant stress, of a value equal to or somewhat lower than the
initial elastic limit. If the value is the same, then it is called the yield point
of the material. If it is lower, then it is called the lower yield point, while
the higher value is called the upper yield point. The portion of the stress-
strain diagram represented by the constant stress value is called the yield
plateau, and the drop in stress, if any, that precedes it is called the yield
drop. Following the plateau, work-hardening sets in, as described above.
Figure 2.1.1(b’) shows a typical stress-strain diagram for a material with a
yield point.
As shown in the figure, the stress on the plateau is not really constant
but shows small, irregular fluctuations. They are due to the fact that plastic
deformation in this stage is not a homogeneous process but concentrated
in discrete narrow zones known as Lüders bands, which propagate along
the specimen as it is stretched, giving rise to surface marks called stretcher
When a specimen of a material with a yield point is loaded into the work-
hardening range, unloaded, and reloaded soon after unloading, the virgin
curve is regained smoothly as described previously. If, however, some time
— of the order of hours — is allowed to elapse before reloading, the yield
point recurs at a higher stress level (see Figure 2.1.2). This phenomenon is
called strain aging.
First Immediate Reloading
loading reloading after aging
0 ε
Figure 2.1.2. Strain aging
Annealing, Recovery
The term “cold-working” used in the foregoing discussions refers to plas-
tic deformation carried out at temperatures below the so-called recrystalliza-
tion temperature of the metal, typically equal, in terms of absolute temper-
ature, to some 35 to 50% of the melting point (although, unlike the melting
point, it is not sharply defined); the reason for the name is explained in the
next section. The effects of cold-working, such as work-hardening, the Bau-
schinger effect, and induced anisotropy, can largely be removed by a process
called annealing, consisting of heating the metal to a relatively high tem-
84 Chapter 2 / The Physics of Plasticity
σ (psi) (a)
a a a qa q q q
σ psi)
3000 a
q a a a
qaq q q q
26 ε (%) q
0.04 0.07
q q q q q
a a a
16 q q
14 qqa a Copper, tension
10 q a a Initial loading
8 a a a a qq qq q a and unloading
qq q
6 a a aaqa q q qq a qa Reloading
qqqqqqqqq a a a
aaaaaaaqaaq l 0.22aqa 0.30a
5.04 5.12 5.20
a aq
a a a εe (%)
0.02 0.10 0.84 0.96 13.50 13.58 13.66 13.74
Figure 2.1.3. Bauschinger effect: (a) classical; (b) generalized (from Lubahn
and Felgar [1961]).
Standard creep curve
Creep curve at low
stress and temperature
εc ∝ ln t or εc ∝ tα ,
where ε̇cmin is the minimum creep rate, and εc0 is a fictitious initial value
defined by the εc -intercept of the straight line tangent to the actual creep
curve at the point of inflection or in the steady-creep portion.
In many materials at ordinary temperatures, rate-dependent inelastic
deformation is insignificant when the stress is below a yield stress. A simple
model describing this effect is the Bingham model:
|σ| < σY ,
ε̇ =
σ (2.1.7)
1− Y
, |σ| ≥ σY ,
|σ| η
where η is a viscosity, and the yield stress σY may depend on strain. The
Bingham model is the simplest model of viscoplasticity. Its generalizations
are discussed in Section 3.1.
7. Determine the form of the creep law resulting from Equation (2.1.6).
Crystal Structure
Plasticity theory was developed primarily in order to describe the behav-
ior of ductile metals. Metals in their usual form are polycrystalline aggre-
gates, that is, they are composed of large numbers of grains, each of which
has the structure of a simple crystal.
A crystal is a three-dimensional array of atoms forming a regular lattice;
it may be regarded as a molecule of indefinite extent. The atoms vibrate
90 Chapter 2 / The Physics of Plasticity
about fixed points in the lattice but, by and large, do not move away from
them, being held more or less in place by the forces exerted by neighboring
atoms. The forces may be due to ionic, covalent, or metallic bonding. Ionic
bonds result from electron transfer from electropositive to electronegative
atoms, and therefore can occur only in compounds of unlike elements. Ionic
crystal structures range from very simple, such as the sodium chloride struc-
ture in which Na+ and Cl− alternate in a simple cubic array, to the very
complex structures found in ceramics. Covalent bonds are due to the sharing
of electrons, and are found in diamond and, to some extent, in crystalline
In a metallic crystal, the outer or valence electrons move fairly freely
through the lattice, while the “cores” (consisting of the nucleus and the filled
shells of electrons) vibrate about the equilibrium positions. The metallic
bond is the result of a rather complex interaction among the cores and the
“free” electrons. It is the free electrons that are responsible for the electrical
and thermal conductivity of metals.
XX X s s s s
Xs s
X , \ , , ,
@ ,
, , ,
XXX , \@ ,
s s@c s s
, ,
, \\, , ,
cX c l@s
@l l
X X c @l l
@ls c ls c s
c @
X X X s
c @\c ,,
, , , ,
X X Xc
, , ,
X X X s s s s, s
, @@\, ,
Figure 2.2.1. Crystal structures: (a) hexagonal close-packed (hcp); (b) face-
centered cubic (fcc); (c) body-centered cubic (bcc).
The most common crystal structures in metals are the hexagonal close-
packed (hcp), face-centered cubic (fcc) and body-centered cubic (bcc), shown
in Figure 2.2.1. Because of the random orientation of individual grains
in a typical metallic body, the overall behavior of the aggregate is largely
isotropic, but such phenomena as the Bauschinger effect and preferred orien-
tation, which occur as a result of different plastic deformation of grains with
different orientations, demonstrate the effect of crystal structure on plastic
behavior. It is possible, however, to produce specimens of crystalline solids
— not only metals — in the form of single crystals of sufficiently large size
to permit mechanical testing.
Crystal Elasticity
The linear elastic behavior of a solid is described by the elastic modulus
matrix C defined in 1.4.2. The most general anisotropic solid has 21 inde-
Section 2.2 / Crystal Plasticity 91
pendent elements of C. For the isotropic solid, on the other hand, the only
nonzero elements of C are (a) C11 = C22 = C33 , (b) C44 = C55 = C66 , and
(c) C12 = C13 = C23 (the symmetry CIJ = CJI is not explicitly shown). But
only two of the three values are independent, since C11 = λ + 2µ, C44 = µ,
and C12 = λ, so that
C44 = (C11 − C12 ).
In a crystal with cubic symmetry (such as simple cubic, fcc or bcc), with
the Cartesian axes oriented along the cube edges, the nonzero elements of
C are the same ones as for the isotropic solid, but the three values C11 ,
C12 and C44 are independent. It may, of course, happen fortuitously that
the isotropy condition expressed by the preceding equation is satisfied for a
given cubic crystal; this is the case for tungsten.
A crystal with hexagonal symmetry is isotropic in the basal plane. Thus,
if the basal planes are parallel to the x1 x2 -plane, C66 = 21 (C11 − C12 ). The
following elements of C are independent: (a) C11 = C22 , (b) C33 , (c) C12 ,
(d) C13 = C23 , and (e) C44 = C55 .
The anisotropy of crystals is often studied by performing tension tests
on specimens with different orientations, resulting in orientation-dependent
values of the Young’s modulus E. If the maximum and minimum values are
denoted Emax and Emin , respectively, while Eave denotes the polycrystalline
average, the anisotropy index may be defined as (Emax − Emin )/Eave . Values
range widely: 1.13 for copper, 0.73 for α-iron, 0.2 for aluminum, and, as
indicated above, zero for tungsten.
Crystal Plasticity
Experiments show that plastic deformation is the result of relative mo-
tion, or slip, on specific crystallographic planes, in response to shear stress
along these planes. It is found that the slip planes are most often those
that are parallel to the planes of closest packing; a simple explanation for
this is that the separation between such planes is the greatest, and therefore
slip between them is the easiest, since the resistance to slip as a result of
interatomic forces decreases rapidly with interatomic distance. Within each
slip plane there are in turn preferred slip directions, which once more are
those of the atomic rows with the greatest density, for the same reason. A
slip plane and a slip direction together are said to form a slip system.
In hcp crystals, which include zinc and magnesium, the planes of closest
packing are those containing the hexagons, and the slip directions in those
planes are parallel to the diagonals. Hexagonal close-packed crystals there-
fore have three primary slip systems, although at higher temperatures other,
secondary, slip systems may become operative.
Face-centered cubic crystals, by contrast, have twelve primary slip sys-
tems: the close-packed planes are the four octahedral planes, and each con-
92 Chapter 2 / The Physics of Plasticity
tains three face diagonals as the closest-packed lines. As a result, fcc metals,
such as aluminum, copper, and gold, exhibit considerably more ductility
than do hcp metals.
In body-centered cubic crystals there are six planes of closest packing
and two slip directions in each, for a total of twelve primary slip systems.
However, the difference in packing density between the closest-packed planes
and certain other planes is not great, so that additional slip systems become
available even at ordinary temperatures. Consequently, metals having a bcc
structure, such as α-iron (the form of iron found at ordinary temperatures),
tungsten, and molybdenum, have a ductility similar to that of fcc metals.
The preceding correlation between ductility and lattice type is valid in
very broad terms. Real metal crystals almost never form perfect lattices con-
taining one type of atom only; they contain imperfections such as geometric
lattice defects and impurity atoms, besides the grain boundaries contained
in polycrystals. In fact, these imperfections are the primary determinants
of crystal plasticity. Ductility must therefore be regarded as a structure-
sensitive property, as are other inelastic properties. It is only the ther-
moelastic properties discussed in 1.4.1 — the elastic moduli, thermal stress
(or strain) coefficients, and specific heat — that are primarily influenced by
the ideal lattice structure, and are therefore called structure-insensitive.
Slip Bands
In principle, slip in a single crystal can occur on every potential slip plane
when the necessary shear stress is acting. Observations, however, show slip
to be confined to discrete planes.1 When a slip plane intersects the outer
surface, an observable slip line is formed, and slip lines form clusters called
slip bands. In a given slip band, typically, a new slip line forms at a distance
of the order of 100 interatomic spacings from the preceding one when the
amount of slip on the latter has reached something of the order of 1,000
interatomic spacings. It follows from these observations that slip does not
take place by a uniform relative displacement of adjacent atomic planes.
Critical Resolved Shear Stress
It was said above that slip along a slip plane occurs in response to shear
stress on that plane. In particular, in a tensile specimen of monocrystalline
metal in which the tensile stress σ acts along an axis forming an angle φ with
the normal to the slip plane and an angle λ with the slip direction, then the
relation between σ and the resolved shear stress on the slip plane and in the
slip direction, τ , is
σ = (cos φ cos λ)−1 τ. (2.2.1)
It was found by Schmid [1924], and has been confirmed by many experiments,
Or, more generally, surfaces (slip surfaces), since slip may transfer from one slip plane
to another which intersects it in the interior of the crystal, especially in bcc metals.
Section 2.2 / Crystal Plasticity 93
that slip in a single crystal is initiated when the resolved shear stress on
some slip system reaches a critical value τc , which is a constant for a given
material at a given temperature and is known as the critical resolved shear
stress. This result is called Schmid’s law. The critical resolved shear stress
is, as a rule, very much higher for bcc metals (iron, tungsten) than for fcc
metals (aluminum, copper) or hcp metals (zinc, magnesium).
Theoretical Shear Strength
A value of the shear stress necessary to produce slip may be calculated
by assuming that slip takes place by the uniform displacement of adjacent
atomic planes. Consider the two-dimensional picture in Figure 2.2.2: two
d- * τ -x - d
h h h h h h h h h
h6 - -
?h h h h h h h h h
hhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh
h h hhh h h h h h h h h h h hh hh
h w
h h h h h hh hh h h h zh h h h h
h h hhh
hh h h h h h h hhhhhhhh
hhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh
Figure 2.2.3. Point defects: (a) vacancy; (b) interstitial atom; (c) substitu-
tional impurity; (d) interstitial impurity.
the distortion being significant over a few atomic distances but negligible
farther away. Planar defects, illustrated in Figure 2.2.4, include (a) grain
boundaries in polycrystals, and within single crystals, (b) twin boundaries
and (c) stacking faults.
The most important line defects in crystals are dislocations. The con-
cept of a dislocation has its origin in continuum mechanics, where it was
introduced by V. Volterra. Consider a hollow thick-walled circular cylin-
der in which a radial cut, extending through the wall, is made [see Figure
Section 2.2 / Crystal Plasticity 95
d d
Ad P d d C
d dP
d A d d 4 4
Ad P
d P Pd
d P
d d
d d d 4 4
d d d P d P
d d
d Ad
A Ad P d dP P d d P (i) C
d d d d d Pd
4 4
d A d P P P
d d Ad P d d d Pd
P 4A
P 4 4
d Ad d P d dP P dPd
4 4C 4
d P
d Ad d dP
d P
d A P
(a) B
4 4A 4
A 4C
4 4
C 5A
d (ii)
4 5B 4
Z 4 4
d A 4A
dZ Zd
d Zd 4 4C 4
d Zd
d Z dd d
d Z
Z d Z dZ d
Z d d
ZdZ d Z Stacking faults in a face-centered cubic lattice.
d d d d d
The normal stacking sequence of (111) planes is
Zdd d d d d
denoted by ABCA... Planes in normal relation
to one another are separated by 4, those with
d d d d d d
a stacking error by 5; (i) intrinsic stacking fault,
(ii) extrinsic stacking fault.
(b) (c) (from Hull and Bacon [1984])
Figure 2.2.4. Planar defects: (a) grain boundary; (b) twin boundary; (c) stack-
ing fault.
2.2.5(a)]. The two faces of the cut may be displaced relative to each other
by a distance b, either in the (b) radial or (c) axial direction, and then reat-
tached. The result is a Volterra dislocation, with Figures 2.2.5(b) and (c)
.. .
. ..
X XX ..
.. X XX ........
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2.2.5. Volterra dislocation: (a) Volterra cut; (b) edge dislocation; (c)
screw dislocation.
b b b b b b b b b
q Atoms above
b b b b b b b b Burgers cq cq cq cq cq cq
b the slip plane
b b b b b b
b b b cAtoms below
qEc qEc qEc qEc qEc qEc
the slip plane
b b b b b b b 6b b
r r q c q c q c q c q c q c
b b b b b b b b E E E E E E
b b b b b b b b q E cq E cq E cq E cq E cq E c Dislocation line
E E E E E - b
b b ?b b b b b 6b q cq cq cq cq cq c
b b b b b b b b
(a) (b)
Figure 2.2.6. Dislocation in a crystal: (a) edge dislocation; (b) screw disloca-
Note that, for an edge dislocation, the Burgers vector is necessarily per-
pendicular to the dislocation line. Indeed, this can be used as the defining
property of an edge dislocation. Similarly, a screw dislocation can be de-
fined as one whose Burgers vector is parallel to the dislocation line [see
Figure 2.2.6(b)].
A dislocation in a crystal need not be a straight line. However, the Burg-
ers vector must remain constant. Thus, a dislocation can change from edge
Section 2.2 / Crystal Plasticity 97
s s s cs cs s s s s
s s s cs cs s s s s b
s s s sc s s s s s
s s s sc s s s s s
s s s sc s s s s s
s s s s s s s s s
for an edge dislocation to move one atomic distance in the plane containing
it and its Burgers vector (the slip plane), each atom need move only a small
fraction of an atomic distance. Consequently, the stress required to move the
dislocation is only a small fraction of the theoretical shear strength discussed
in 2.2.1. An approximate value of this stress is given by the Peierls–Nabarro
2G 2πh
τPN = exp − ,
1−ν d(1 − ν)
where h and d denote, as before, the distances between adjacent planes of
atoms and between atoms in each plane, respectively. The Peierls–Nabarro
stress is clearly much smaller than the theoretical shear strength. Its value,
moreover, depends on h/d, and the smallest value is achieved when h/d is
largest, that is, for close-packed planes that are as far apart as possible;√this
result explains why such planes are the likeliest slip planes. When h = 2d,
τPN is of the order 10−5 G, consistent with the observed shear strength of
pure single crystals.
If the stress is maintained, the dislocation can move to the next posi-
tion, and the next, and so on. As the dislocation moves in its slip plane, the
98 Chapter 2 / The Physics of Plasticity
portion of the plane that it leaves behind can be regarded as having expe-
rienced slip of the amount of one Burgers-vector magnitude b = |b|. When
the dislocation reaches the crystal boundary, slip will have occurred on the
entire slip plane. Suppose that the length of the slip plane is s, and that an
edge dislocation moves a distance x in the slip plane; then it contributes a
displacement bx/s, so that n dislocations moving an average distance x̄ pro-
duce a displacement u = nbx̄/s. If the average spacing between slip planes
is l, then the plastic shear strain is
u nbx̄
γp = = .
l ls
However, n/ls is just the average number of dislocation lines per unit per-
pendicular area, or, equivalently, the total length of dislocation lines of the
given family per unit crystal volume — a quantity known as the density
of dislocations, usually denoted ρ. Since only the mobile dislocations con-
tribute to plastic strain, it is their density, denoted ρm , that must appear in
the equation for the plastic strain, that is,
γ p = ρm bx̄,
γ̇ p = ρm bv̄,
(that is, if their Burgers vectors are equal and opposite), they will annihilate
each other and the resulting energy will be zero; thus they attract each other
in order to minimize the total energy. Like dislocations, on the other hand,
when close together are equivalent to a single dislocation of Burgers vector
2b, so that the energy per unit length is αG(2b)2 , and therefore they repel
each other in order to reduce the energy.
Frank–Read Source
The number of dislocations typically present in an unstressed, annealed
crystal is not sufficient to produce plastic strains greater than a few percent.
In order to account for the large plastic strains that are actually produced,
it is necessary for large numbers of dislocations to be created, and on a
relatively small number of slip planes, in order to account for slip bands.
The Frank–Read source is a mechanism whereby a single segment of an edge
dislocation, anchored at two interior points of its slip plane, can produce a
large number of dislocation loops. The anchor points can be point defects,
or points at which the dislocation joins other dislocations in unfavorable
If α in Equation (2.2.4) is constant along the dislocation, independently
of its orientation, then an increase ∆L in dislocation length requires an en-
ergy increment W 0 ∆L, that is, work in that amount must be done on it.
This is equivalent to assuming that a line tension T equal to W 0 is acting
along the dislocation. In order to deform an initially straight dislocation
segment into a circular arc subtending an angle 2θ, equilibrium requires a
restoring force F = 2T sin θ perpendicular to the original dislocation seg-
ment. If the length of the segment is L, then the force per unit length is
F/L and can be produced by a shear stress τ = F/bL, or
τ= r sin θ.
When θ = π/2, that is, when the dislocation segment forms a semicircle, the
shear stress is maximum and equal to
τmax =
if α = 0.5, as it is frequently taken.
If the maximum necessary shear stress is acting on a dislocation seg-
ment pinned at two points, as in Figure 2.2.8, the semicircular form is soon
attained, whereupon the dislocation becomes unstable and expands indefi-
nitely. The expanding loop doubles back on itself, as in (c) and (d), until two
sections meet and annihilate each other, since they have the same Burgers
vector but opposite line sense, forming a closed outer loop that continues to
expand and a new dislocation segment that will repeat the process.
100 Chapter 2 / The Physics of Plasticity
6 @
r 6 6 6 r r r r r
(a) (b) (c)
6 6
@ @
- -
r r r MB r
] B
w /
S w /
(d) (e)
Yield Stress
If the loops generated by Frank–Read sources or similar mechanisms
could all pass out of the crystal, then an indefinite amount of slip could be
produced under constant stress. In reality, obstacles to dislocation move-
ment are present. These may be scattered obstacles such as impurity atoms
or precipitates, extended barriers such as grain boundaries, or other dislo-
cations that a moving dislocation has to intersect (“forest dislocations”). In
addition, if a dislocation is stopped at a barrier, then successive dislocations
emanating from the same Frank–Read source pile up behind it, stopped from
further movement by the repulsive forces that like dislocations exert on one
The yield stress is essentially the applied shear stress necessary to pro-
vide the dislocations with enough energy to overcome the short-range forces
exerted by the obstacles as well as the long-range forces due to other dis-
locations. The mechanisms are many and complex, and therefore there is
no single dislocation theory of the yield strength but numerous theories at-
tempting to explain specific phenomena of metal plasticity. This is especially
true for alloys, in which the impurity atoms may present various kinds of
obstacles, depending on the form they take in the host lattice — for example,
whether as solutes or precipitates (for a general review, see, e.g., Nabarro
Yield Point
Under some conditions, solute atoms tend to segregate in the vicinity of
a dislocation at a much greater density than elsewhere in the lattice, forming
so-called Cottrell atmospheres. In order to move the dislocation, an extra
stress is required to overcome the anchoring force exerted on it by the solutes.
Once the dislocation is dislodged from the atmosphere, however, the extra
stress is no longer necessary, and the dislocation can move under a stress that
is lower than that required to initiate the motion. This is the explanation,
due to Cottrell and Bilby [1949], of the yield-point phenomenon discussed
in 2.1.2 [see Figure 2.1.1(b’)]. Strain-aging (Figure 2.1.2) is explained by
the fact that the formation of atmospheres takes place by diffusion and is
therefore a rate process. Thus if a specimen is unloaded and immediately
reloaded, not enough time will have passed for the atmospheres to form anew.
After a sufficient time, whose length decreases with increasing temperature,
the solutes segregate once more and the upper yield point returns.
As plastic deformation proceeds, dislocations multiply and eventually get
stuck. The stress field of these dislocations acts as a back stress on mobile
dislocations, whose movement accordingly becomes progressively more dif-
ficult, and an ever greater applied stress is necessary to produce additional
102 Chapter 2 / The Physics of Plasticity
stress σ, the internal stress σi due to various obstacles, and the back stress
σb due to the other dislocations in the pile-up; σi may be identified with
the elastic limit. When the applied stress is reduced, the dislocations back
off somewhat, with very little plastic deformation, in order to reduce the
internal stress acting on them. They can do so until they are in positions in
which the internal stress on them is −σi . When this occurs, they can move
freely backward, resulting in reverse plastic flow when the applied stress has
been reduced by 2σi .
4. For what range of R/a do Equations (2.2.3) give Equation (2.2.4) with
the values of α given in the text?
1.2 Virgin curve
Decompression HH
e0 − e
0.6 σ̄ (MPa) ε=
0 0.25 0.50 0.1 0.2 1 + e0
(a) (b)
Figure 2.3.1. Compression curve for soil: (a) consolidation curve; (b) compres-
sive stress-strain diagram [(b) is (a) replotted].
Shearing Behavior
As in ductile metals, failure in soils occurs primarily in shear. Unlike met-
als, the shear strength of soils is, in most circumstances, strongly influenced
by the compressive normal stress acting on the shear plane and therefore by
the hydrostatic pressure. Since soils have little or no tensile strength, the
tension test cannot be applied to them. Other means are necessary in order
to determine their shear strength.
Direct Shear Test. A traditional test of the shear strength of soft clays
and of dry sands and gravels is the direct shear test or shear-box test. A
sample of soil is placed in a rectangular box whose top half can slide over the
bottom half and whose lid can move vertically, as shown in Figure 2.3.2(a).
A normal load is applied to the lid, and a shear force is applied to the top
half of the box, shearing the soil sample.
Simple Shear Test. In this test, developed by Roscoe [1953], it is the
strain that is maintained as one of simple shear [see Figure 2.3.2(b)].
The two tests just described, along with others like them, provide simple
means of estimating the shear strength. However, the stress distribution in
the sample is far from uniform, so that these tests do not actually measure
stress, and no stress-strain diagrams can result from them.
Triaxial Test. This is generally regarded as the most reliable test of
the shearing behavior of soils. As we shall see, it is used to test rock and
concrete as well. This test was discussed in 2.2.1; a normal compressive stress
σ3 (= σ2 ) is applied to the sides of a cylindrical sample by means of air or
106 Chapter 2 / The Physics of Plasticity
N = normal load N
S = shear load
N ?
transducers Stress
? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
........ ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....
q q q ................ ....... ...................................................................................................... . .......................................
q !! L .......
S ................................................
....... !! L .............................................
q q q
q q q L L
. ..............................
L .............................................
LL q
q q q
L .........................................
q Soil sample
q q ........................................
........................................ q q q q LL
LL L .......................................
L ......................................... .....................
......................................................... ..................................................
L .
L ............................. ....... ....... .
. ..
.. .
L !L .............
.......................................................................... ............... .
L !!L ... . . . .
7 ...........................................................................
(a) ..........................................................................
Hinge ...........................................................................
........................................................................... H Sliding
Figure 2.3.2. Shear tests: (a) direct shear test; (b) simple shear test (after
Roscoe [1953]).
) Piston
plest in dry cohesionless soils (gravels, sands, and silts), in which resistance
to shear is essentially due to dry friction between the grains, and therefore
is governed by the Coulomb law of friction:
τ = σ tan φ, (2.3.1)
where τ and σ are respectively the shear and normal stresses on the shearing
plane, and φ is the angle of internal friction, a material property.
In wet cohesionless soils, the applied stress is the sum of the effective
stress in the grains and the neutral stress due to water pressure and possi-
bly capillary tension. If the latter stress is denoted σw (like σ, positive in
compression), then the Coulomb law is expressed by
τ = (σ − σw ) tan φ, (2.3.2)
τ = c + σ tan φ, (2.3.3)
condition, on the other hand, the loading is quick and the applied stress is
carried by the neutral stress. In this condition the shear strength is indepen-
dent of the applied normal stress, and is therefore given by Equation (2.3.3)
with φ = 0; the cohesion c is then called the undrained strength and denoted
cu . Volume changes accompanying shearing are negligible in saturated clays.
The shear-strength response of undrained clays thus resembles that of met-
als. Much of soil engineering practice is based on this model, though it is
not universally accepted; see Bolton [1979], Section 5.1, for a survey of the
Unlike soils, materials such as rock, mortar and concrete are generally not
plastic in the sense of being capable of considerable deformation before fail-
ure. Instead, in most tests they fracture through crack propagation when
fairly small strains (on the order of 1% or less) are attained, and must there-
fore be regarded as brittle. However, concrete, mortar, and many rocks
(such as marble and sandstone) are also unlike such characteristically brittle
solids as glass and cast iron, which fracture shortly after the elastic limit is
attained. Instead, they attain their ultimate strength after developing per-
manent strains that, while small in absolute terms, are significantly greater
than the elastic strains. The permanent deformation is due to several mech-
anisms, the foremost of which is the opening and closing of cracks.
Following the attainment of the ultimate strength, concrete and many
rocks exhibit strain-softening, that is, a gradual decrease in strength with
additional deformation. The nature of this decrease, however, depends on
factors associated with the testing procedure, including sample dimensions
and the stiffness of the testing machine.
The effect of machine stiffness can be described as follows. Let P denote
the load applied by the machine to the sample, and u the sample displace-
ment. In the course of a small change ∆u in the displacement, the sample
absorbs energy in the amount P ∆u. If the machine acts like an elastic spring
with stiffness k, then a change ∆P in the load implies a change P ∆P/k in
the energy stored in the machine. This change represents release of energy
if P ∆P < 0, that is, once softening takes place. The energy released by
the machine is greater than that which can be absorbed by the sample if
k < |∆P/∆u|, resulting in an unstable machine-sample system in the case
of a “soft” machine; the sample breaks violently shortly after the ultimate
strength is passed. A “stiff” machine, on the other hand, makes for a system
that is stable under displacement control. It is only with a stiff machine,
therefore, that a complete load-displacement (or stress-displacement) curve
Section 2.3 / Plasticity of Soils, Rocks and Concrete 109
can be traced.
It is not certain, however, whether the stress-displacement curve may le-
gitimately be converted into a stress-strain curve, such as is shown in Figure
2.1.1(d) (page 78), that reflects material properties, since specimen defor-
mation is often far from homogeneous. Experiments by Hudson, Brown and
Fairhurst [1971] show a considerable effect of both the size and the shape of
the specimens on the compressive stress-strain curve of marble, including as
a particular result the virtual disappearance of strain-softening in squat spec-
imens. Read and Hegemier [1984] conclude that no strain-softening occurs
in specimens of soil, rock and concrete that are homogeneously deformed. A
similar conclusion was reached by Kotsovos and Cheong [1984] for concrete.
It should be remarked that some rocks, such as limestone, exhibit classi-
cally brittle behavior in unconfined compression tests even with stiff testing
machines — that is, they fracture shortly after the elastic limit is reached.
If the transverse strain ε2 = ε3 is measured in uniaxial compression tests
of rock and concrete specimens in addition to the axial strain ε1 , then, as
discussed in 1.2.2, the volumetric strain εV equals ε1 +ε2 +ε3 . If the stress σ1
is plotted against εV (positive in compression), it is found that εV begins to
decrease from its elastic value at stresses greater than about half the ultimate
strength, reaches zero at a stress near the ultimate strength, and becomes
negative (signifying an increase in volume) in the strain-softening range (see
Figure 2.3.4, showing both a σ1 -ε1 and a σ1 -εV diagram). Similar results
are obtained in triaxial tests under low confining pressures. This volume
increase, which results from the formation and growth of cracks parallel
to the direction of the greatest compressive stress, is known as dilatancy.
This term is sometimes also applied to the swelling of dense granular soils,
110 Chapter 2 / The Physics of Plasticity
Volume strain
Longitudinal strain
Figure 2.3.4. Compression tests on concrete or rock: stress against longitudinal
strain and volume strain.
Tensile Behavior
Uniaxial tension tests are difficult to perform on rock and concrete, and
the results of such tests vary considerably. The most reliable direct tension
tests are those in which the ends of the specimen are cemented with epoxy
resin to steel plates having the same cross-section as the specimen, with the
tensile force applied through cables in order to minimize bending effects.
The uniaxial tensile strength of rock and concrete is typically between 6 and
12% the uniaxial compressive strength. Strain-softening, associated with the
opening of cracks perpendicular to the direction of tension, is observed in
tests performed in stiff machines.
Chapter 3
Constitutive Theory
Yield Surface
As in Section 1.5, let ξ denote the array of internal variables ξ1 , ..., ξn .
If there is a continuous function f (σ, T, ξ) such that there exists a region
in the space of the stress components in which (at given values of T, ξ)
112 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
f (σ, T, ξ) < 0, and such that the inelastic strain-rate tensor ε̇i vanishes in
that region but not outside it, then this region constitutes the aforemen-
tioned elastic range, and f (σ, T, ξ) = 0 defines the yield surface in stress
space; the orientation of the yield surface is defined in such a way that the
elastic range forms its interior. A material having such a yield function
f (·) is viscoplastic in the stricter sense. This definition, it should be noted,
does not entail the simultaneous vanishing of all the internal-variable rates
ξ˙α in the elastic region; if such were the case, strain-aging as described in
the preceding chapter would not be possible, since it requires an evolution
of the local structure while the material is stress-free. However, this pro-
viso is of significance only for processes whose time scale is of the order of
magnitude of the relaxation time for strain-aging, which for mild steel at
ordinary temperatures is of the order of hours. Thus, for a process lasting a
few minutes or less, the internal variables governing strain-aging are essen-
tially constant and their rates may be ignored. For the sake of simplicity, we
adopt a somewhat more restricted definition of viscoplasticity, according to
which all the internal-variable rates vanish in the elastic region, that is, the
functions gα (σ, T, ξ) constituting the right-hand sides of the rate equations
(1.5.1) are assumed to vanish whenever f (σ, T, ξ) ≤ 0. In particular, this
definition includes all those models (such as that of Perzyna [1971]) in which
the rates of the internal variables depend linearly on ε̇i .
In view of this definition it now becomes convenient to redefine the gα as
gα = φhα , where φ is a scalar function that embodies the rate and yielding
characteristics of the material, with the property that φ = 0 when f ≤
0 and φ > 0 when f > 0. Such a function was introduced by Perzyna
[1963] in the form γ(T )<Φ(f )>, where γ(T ) is a temperature-dependent
“viscosity coefficient” (actually an inverse viscosity, or fluidity), and the
notation <Φ(f )> is defined — somewhat misleadingly — as
0 for f ≤ 0
<Φ(f )> =
Φ(f ) for f > 0
(the more usual definition of the operator < · > is given below). Note that
our definition of φ is determinate only to within a multiplicative scalar; that
is, if λ is a positive continuous function of the state variables, then φ may
be replaced by φ/λ and the hα by λhα without changing the rate equations.
The dependence of the yield function f on the internal variables ξα de-
scribes what are usually called the hardening properties of the material. The
relationship between this dependence and the behavior of the material can
be understood by considering a stress σ that is close to the yield surface
but outside it, that is, f (σ, T, ξ) > 0. In particular, let us look at a case of
Section 3.1 / Viscoplasticity 113
Hardening - Softening
Creep A - B - Creep
Static curve
If the stress is held constant at a value above the static curve, creep
occurs, resulting in increasing strain as shown by the dashed horizontal lines.
If the initial point is, like A, above the rising portion of the static stress-
strain curve, then the creep tends toward the static curve and is bounded,
while if it is, like B, above the falling portion, then the creep tends away
from the static curve and is unbounded. Since the points on the static stress-
strain curve are in effect those on the yield surface, we may generalize from
the uniaxial case as follows: creep toward the yield surface, characterizing
hardening, means that at constant stress and temperature, the yield function
f decreases from a positive value toward zero, that is, f˙ < 0. Similarly,
softening is characterized by f˙ > 0. But
X ∂f X ∂f
f˙ = ξ˙α = φ hα
σ =const,T =const α ∂ξα α ∂ξα
= −φH,
where, by definition,
X ∂f
H=− hα . (3.1.1)
α ∂ξα
Thus H > 0 and H < 0 for hardening and softening materials (or hardening
and softening ranges of the same material), respectively. The limiting case
H = 0, which in particular occurs when f is independent of the ξα , describes
a perfectly plastic material.
114 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
Viscoplastic Potential
If a viscoplastic material has a flow potential in the sense of 1.5.3 (not
necessarily in the stricter sense of Rice or Moreau), then it may also be
shown to have a viscoplastic potential in the following sense. Let hij be
defined by
X ∂εiij
hij = hα .
α ∂ξα
hij = ,
0, x ≤ 0,
H(x) =
1, x > 0.
Section 3.1 / Viscoplasticity 115
In other words,
0, x ≤ 0,
<x> =
x, x > 0.
The previously discussed model of Perzyna [1963] is a generalization
of the Hohenemser–Prager model in which <f > is replaced by H(f )Φ(f ),
or <Φ(f )> in Perzyna’s notation. It will be noted that as k → 0, the
Hohenemser–Prager and Perzyna models reduce to the Maxwell model of
linear viscoelasticity discussed in 1.5.1.
A generalized potential Ω, as discussed in 1.5.4, may be associated with
the Hohenemser–Prager
√ model if it takes the form Ω(σ) = <f >2 /(2η), where
f = J2 − k, and with the Perzyna model if it is Ω(σ) = H(f )Ω0 (f ).
Hardening can be included in a simple manner by letting k be a variable. If
the generalized potential is viewed as a function Ω(σ, k), then the effective
inelastic strain εi defined by (1.5.7) can easily be shown to obey the rate
1 ∂Ω
ε̇i = − √ .
3 ∂k
It is convenient to let k = k0 + R/ 3, where k0 is the initial value of k, and
to treat Ω as a function of (σ, R). Then ε̇i = −∂Ω/∂R, and −R may be
regarded as the thermodynamic force conjugate to the internal variable εi .
A more sophisticated model developed by Chaboche [1977] uses as in-
ternal variables εi and a strain-like symmetric second-rank tensor α. The
thermodynamic forces conjugate to these variables are the stress-like vari-
ables −R and −ρ, respectively, and the yield surface is assumed to be given
f (σ, ρ, R) = J¯2 − √ − k0 = 0,
J¯2 = (sij − ρ0ij )(sij − ρ0ij ),
ρ0 being the deviator of ρ. The yield surface is thus again of the Mises type,
but capable not only of expansion (as measured by R) but also of transla-
tion (as shown by ρ0 , which locates the center of the elastic region). The
hardening described by the expansion of the yield surface is called isotropic,
while that described by the translation is called kinematic. The significance
of the terms is discussed in Section 3.2.
If a generalized potential is again assumed in the Perzyna form, Ω(σ, R, ρ)
= H(f )Ω0 (f ), then ε̇iij = ∂Ω/∂σij and ε̇i = −∂Ω/∂R as before, the flow
equations being
∂Ω sij − ρ0ij
ε̇iij = = H(f )Ω00 (f ) p .
∂σij 2 J¯2
In addition, α̇ = ε̇i , so that the kinematic-hardening variable α, though
it must be treated as a distinct variable, coincides with the inelastic strain.
116 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
We define
◦ ∂f
f= σ̇ij (3.1.4)
and assume H > 0 (i.e., hardening), with H as defined by Equation (3.1.1);
then the condition f˙ = f − φH = 0 is possible together with φ > 0 only if
f > 0; this last condition is called loading. Thus we have the result
1 ◦
φ= <f>,
and therefore
1 ◦
ξ˙α = <f>hα . (3.1.5)
Note that both sides of Equation (3.1.5) are derivatives with respect to time,
so that a change in the time scale does not affect the equation. Such an equa-
tion is called rate-independent. If it is assumed that this equation describes
material behavior over a sufficiently wide range of loading rates, then the
behavior is called rate-independent plasticity, also called inviscid plasticity
(since it corresponds to the zero-viscosity limit of the Hohenemser–Prager
model), or just plain plasticity. Rate-independent plasticity constitutes the
principal topic of the remainder of this book. The inelastic strain occurring
in rate-independent plasticity is usually denoted εp rather than εi , and is
called the plastic strain. The flow equation for the plastic strain may be
written as
1 ◦
ε̇pij = <f>hij . (3.1.6)
For purposes of computation, however, it is sometimes advantageous to
remain within the framework of viscoplasticity without making the full tran-
sition, even when the problem to be solved is regarded as rate-independent.
In other words, a fictitious viscoplastic material of very low viscosity is “as-
sociated” with a given rate-independent plastic material, with rate equations
given, for example (Nguyen and Bui [1974]), by
<f >
ξ˙α = hα , (3.1.7)
with the viscosity η taken as constant. Computations are then performed
under time-independent loads and boundary conditions until all strain rates
vanish. It was shown by Zienkiewicz and Cormeau [1974], among others,
that the results are equivalent to those of rate-independent plasticity.
values have the dimensions of inverse time) that increases rapidly with its
argument. The evolution of the equivalent inelastic strain is given by
Typical forms of φ(x) are Axn , A(ex − 1), and A[sinh(xm )]n , where A, m,
and n are constants, n in particular being a large exponent. For an extension
to initially anisotropic behavior, see, for example, Helling and Miller [1987].
A variety of forms has been proposed for the rate equations for ρ and
σD ; a typical set is due to Walker [1981]:
where ε̇iij and ε̇i are substituted from (3.1.9)–(3.1.10), and a1 , ...., a6 , m, p
and σD0 are constants.
Endochronic Theory
A different “theory of viscoplasticity without a yield surface” is the en-
dochronic theory of Valanis [1971], originally formulated by him (Valanis
[1971]) for “application to the mechanical behavior of metals,” though its
range of application has recently been extended to other materials, such
as concrete (Bažant [1978]). The basic concept in the theory is that of an
intrinsic time (hence the name) that is related to the deformation history of
the material point, the relation itself being a material property. An intrinsic
time measure ζ is defined, for example, by
where the tensor A and scalar B may depend on temperature. (In the
original theory of Valanis [1971], the total strain ε rather than the inelastic
strain εi appeared in the definition.) A model in which B = 0 describes
rate-independent behavior and thus defines the endochronic theory of
An intrinsic time scale is next defined as z(ζ), a monotonically increas-
ing function, and the behavior of the material is assumed to be governed by
constitutive relations having the same structure as those of linear viscoelas-
ticity, as described in 1.5.2, but with z replacing the real time t. As in linear
viscoelasticity, the internal variables can be eliminated, and the stress can
Section 3.1 / Viscoplasticity 121
|σ − α| = σ0 h(z), (3.1.13)
2. If the only stress components are σ12 = σ21 = τ , with τ > 0, write the
equation for the shear rate γ̇ = 2ε̇12 given by the Hohenemser–Prager
model (3.1.3). Discuss the special case k = 0.
1 ◦
λ̇ = <f >, f = 0, (3.2.2)
0, f < 0,
with H as defined by Equation (3.1.1). The rate equations (3.1.5) analo-
gously become
ξ˙α = λ̇hα .
λ̇f = 0, λ̇ ≥ 0, f ≤ 0.
The hardening criterion H > 0, and the corresponding criteria H = 0
for perfect plasticity and H < 0 for softening, were formulated in 3.1.1
for viscoplastic materials on the basis of rate-dependent behavior at states
outside the yield surface. An alternative derivation can be given entirely in
the context of rate-independent plasticity.
For given ξ, f (σ, ξ) = 0 is the equation describing the yield surface in
stress space. If f (σ, ξ) = 0 and f˙|σ=const < 0 (i.e. H > 0) at a given time
t, then at a slightly later time t + ∆t we have f (σ, ξ + ξ̇∆t) < 0; the yield
surface is seen to have moved so that σ is now inside it. In other words,
H > 0 implies that, at least locally, the yield surface is expanding in stress
space. The expansion of the yield surface is equivalent, in uniaxial stress, to
a rising stress-strain curve (see Figure 3.2.1).
X f (σ, ξ + ξ̇∆t) = 0 if H > 0
PP f (σ, ξ) = 0
Q f (σ, ξ + ξ̇∆t) = 0 if H < 0
the form
f (σ, εp , κ) = F (σ − ρ(εp )) − k(κ),
both isotropic and kinematic hardening, as discussed in Section 3.1, can be
described; the hardening is isotropic if ρ ≡ 0 and dk/dκ > 0, and purely
kinematic if dk/dκ ≡ 0 and ρ 6= 0. The condition dk/dκ ≡ 0 and ρ ≡ 0 rep-
resents perfect plasticity. The simplest model of kinematic hardening — that
of Melan [1938] — has ρ(εp ) = cεp , with c a constant. More sophisticated
hardening models are discussed in Section 3.3.
Drucker’s Postulate
A more restricted definition of work-hardening was formulated by Drucker
[1950, 1951] by generalizing the characteristics of uniaxial stress-strain curves.
With a single stress component σ, the conjugate plastic strain rate ε̇p clearly
satisfies [see Figure 3.2.2(a)]
≥ 0, hardening material,
The inequalities are unchanged if the stress and plastic-strain rates are mul-
tiplied by the infinitesimal time increment dt, so that they hold equally
well for dσ dεp . This product has the dimensions of work per unit volume,
and was given by Drucker the following interpretation: if a unit volume
of an elastic-plastic specimen under uniaxial stress is initially at stress σ
and plastic strain εp , and if an “external agency” (one that is independent
of whatever has produced the current loads) slowly applies an incremental
load resulting in a stress increment dσ (which causes the elastic and plastic
strain increments dεe and dεp , respectively) and subsequently slowly removes
it, then dσ dε = dσ (dεe + dεp ) is the work1 performed by the external agency
in the course of incremental loading, and dσ dεp is the work performed in
the course of the cycle consisting of the application and removal of the in-
cremental stress. (Note that for dεp 6= 0, σ must be the current yield stress.)
Since dσ dεe is always positive, and for a work-hardening material dσ dεp ≥
0, it follows that for such a material dσdε > 0. Drucker accordingly defines a
work-hardening (or “stable”) plastic material as one in which the work done
during incremental loading is positive, and the work done in the loading-
unloading cycle is nonnegative; this definition is generally known in the
literature as Drucker’s postulate (see also Drucker [1959]).
Having defined hardening in terms of work, Drucker naturally extends
the definition to general three-dimensional states of stress and strain, such
dσij dεij > 0 and dσij dεpij ≥ 0,
Actually it is twice the work.
126 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
ε̇p > 0
σ̇ = 0 σr
σ̇ > 0
σ̇ < 0 z rσ + dσ
σ̇ > 0 σ̇ < 0 Elastic region
k σ̇ =0
ε̇p < 0
(a) (b)
the equality holding only if dεp = 0. For perfectly plastic (“neutrally stable”)
materials Drucker’s inequalities are dσij dεij ≥ 0 and dσij dεpij = 0. It can
be seen that the inequality
σ̇ij ε̇pij ≥ 0, (3.2.3)
sometimes known simply as Drucker’s inequality, is valid for both work-
hardening and perfectly plastic materials.
Because it uses the concept of work, Drucker’s postulate is often referred
to as a quasi-thermodynamic postulate, although it is quite independent of
the basic laws of thermodynamics. Drucker’s inequality (3.2.3) may also be
given an interpretation that is free of any considerations of incremental work:
the left-hand side represents the scalar product σ̇ · ε̇p , and the inequality
therefore expresses the hypothesis that the plastic strain rate cannot oppose
the stress rate.
We should note, lastly, that Drucker’s definition of work-hardening is in
a sense circular. The definition assumes an external agency that is capable of
applying arbitrary stress increments. But as can readily be seen from stress-
strain diagrams, this assumption is not valid for softening or perfectly plastic
materials; for example, in a tension test no increase in stress is possible. In
other words, such materials are unstable under stress control . On the other
hand, they are stable under strain control (or displacement control1 ), since
arbitrary strain increments that do not violate internal constraints may, in
principle, be applied. This fact points to the applicability of strain-space
plasticity, to be discussed later, to a wider class of materials.
Drucker’s statement of his work-hardening postulate is broader than
summarized above, in that the additional stress produced by the external
Stability under strain control and displacement control are equivalent when deforma-
tions are infinitesimal, but not when they are finite.
Section 3.2 / Rate-Independent Plasticity 127
agency need not be a small increment. In particular, the initial stress, say
σ ∗ , may be inside the elastic region, or at a point on the yield surface far
away from σ, and the process followed by the external agency may consist
of elastic loading to a stress σ on the current yield surface, a small stress
increment dσ producing an incremental plastic strain dε, and finally, elastic
unloading back to σ ∗ ; the path is illustrated in Figure 3.2.2(b). With dσ
neglected alongside σ − σ ∗ , the work per unit volume done by the external
∗ ) dεp . Drucker’s postulate, consequently, implies
agency is (σij − σij ij
(σij − σij ) ε̇pij ≥ 0. (3.2.4)
Maximum-Plastic-Dissipation Postulate
Inequality (3.2.4) is, as we have just seen, a necessary condition for
Drucker’s postulate, but it is not a sufficient one. In other words, its validity
is not limited to materials that are work-hardening in Drucker’s sense. Its
significance may best be understood when we consider its uniaxial counter-
(σ − σ ∗ )ε̇p ≥ 0.
As is seen in Figure 3.2.3, the inequality expresses the property that the
ε̇p ≥ 0
ε̇p ≤0 σ r
plastic strain rate is positive (negative) only if the current stress σ is not
less than (not greater than) any stress σ ∗ in the current elastic range —
in other words, if σ equals the current tensile (compressive) yield stress.
128 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
(σ − σ ∗ ) · ε̇p ≥ 0.
S Q ε̇p ε̇p
rXX S >
r rX r
σ Q XXr σ∗
σ C
r S
σ−σ ∗ r
σ∗ S
Figure 3.2.4. Properties of yield surface with associated flow rule: (a) normal-
ity; (b) convexity; (c) corner.
The normality rule is now discussed in more detail. At any point of the
yield surface f (σ, ξ) = 0 where the surface is smooth, the outward normal
vector is proportional to the gradient of f (in stress space), and therefore,
reverting to indicial notation, we may express the normality rule as
hij = , (3.2.7)
where hij is the tensor function appearing in the flow equation (3.2.1). Equa-
tion (3.2.7) expresses the result that the function f defining the yield surface
is itself a plastic potential, and therefore the normality rule is also called a
flow rule that is associated with the yield criterion, or, briefly, an asso-
ciated (sometimes associative) flow rule. A flow rule derivable from a
plastic potential g that is distinct from f (more precisely, such that ∂g/∂σij
is not proportional to ∂f /∂σij ) is accordingly called a nonassociated flow
rule. In the French literature, materials obeying an associated flow rule are
usually called standard materials, and this term will often be used here.
We are now in a position to say that Drucker’s postulate applies to
standard work-hardening (or, in the limit, perfectly plastic) materials. The
frequently expressed notion that Drucker’s postulate is required for the con-
vexity of the yield surface and for the normality rule is clearly erroneous, as
is the idea that work-hardening materials are necessarily standard.
If the yield surface is not everywhere smooth but has one or more singular
points (corners) at which the normal direction is not unique, then at such a
point ε̇p must lie in the cone formed by the normal vectors meeting there [see
Figure 3.2.4(c)]. The argument leading to the convexity of the yield surface
130 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
the summation being over those k for which fk (σ, ξ) = 0, and the αk are
nonnegative numbers that may, with no loss of generality, be constrained so
that k αk = 1.
E E/(E−E 0 )
1 1
E εE
1 ε εp
) −εE
(a) (b)
Figure 3.2.5. Material with linear hardening: (a) stress-strain diagram; (b) ε-εp
denote the elastic modulus tensor, so that the σ-ε-εp relation may be written
σ = C · (ε − εp ) [i.e., σij = Cijkl (εkl − εpkl )]. If fˆ(ε, ξ) = f (C · (ε − εp ), ξ),
then the strain-space yield criterion is just
fˆ(ε, ξ) = 0.
∂ fˆ
= Cijkl ,
∂εij ∂σkl σ=C·(ε−εp )
the same logic that led to (3.2.1)–(3.2.2) produces the flow equations
1 ∂f
hij <Cijkl ε̇kl >, f = 0,
ε̇pij = (3.2.8)
L ∂σij
0, f < 0,
X ∂ fˆ ∂f
L=− hα = H + Cijkl hkl . (3.2.9)
α ∂ξα ∂σij
The normality rule (3.2.7), when translated into the strain-space formula-
tion, takes the form
−1 ∂ f
hij = Cijkl .
Note that L may very well be, and normally may be assumed to be, posi-
tive even when H is zero or negative, that is, for perfectly plastic or work-
softening materials. It is thus not necessary to distinguish between these
material types, the only restriction being L > 0. This condition describes
132 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
stability under strain control in the same sense that the work-hardening cri-
terion H > 0 describes stability under stress control; it will here be called
kinematic stability.
The flow equation given by (3.2.8)–(3.2.9), when combined with the re-
lation σ̇ij = Cijkl (ε̇kl − ε̇pkl ), yields
1 ∂f
Cijmn hmn <Cpqkl ε̇kl >, f = 0,
σ̇ij = Cijkl ε̇kl − (3.2.10)
L ∂σpq
0, f < 0.
This is an explicit expression for σ̇ in terms of ε̇, which may be regarded
as an inversion of ε̇ij = Cijkl σ̇kl + ε̇pij with ε̇p given by Equation (3.2.1).
In this sense the result, which was first derived by Hill [1958] [for standard
materials, i.e. with h given by (3.2.7)], is not necessarily based on strain-
space plasticity.
Work-hardening (Plastic) Modulus
It is easy to show that when ε̇p 6= 0,
fij σ̇ij
H = (Cijkl fij hkl ) ,
Cijkl fij ε̇kl
where fij = ∂f /σij . Thus H may be related to the so-called work-hardening
modulus or plastic modulus dσ/dεp obtained in a simple tension test. If
the material has (a) elastic isotropy, (b) plastic incompressibility, and (c)
sufficient plastic symmetry so that σij = σδi1 δj1 implies that ε̇p22 = ε̇p33 =
− 12 ε̇p11 and ε̇pij = 0 for i 6= j, then (with εp = εp11 )
H = h11 f11 .
Il’iushin’s Postulate
It can also be shown that the normality rule follows from a “postulate
of plasticity” in strain space first proposed by Il’iushin [1961], namely, that
in any cycle that is closed in strain space,
σij dεij ≥ 0, (3.2.11)
where the equality holds only if the process is elastic; we show this by proving
that (3.2.11) implies the maximum-plastic-dissipation postulate (3.2.4).
Consider a state (ε1 , ξ 1 ) with ε1 on the yield surface, and any strain ε∗
on or inside both the current yield surface and the subsequent yield surface
obtained after a brief plastic process of duration ∆t from (ε1 , ξ 1 ) to (ε1 +
ε̇∆t, ξ 1 + ξ̇∆t), that is,
fˆ(ε1 , ξ 1 ) = 0, fˆ(ε1 + ε̇∆t, ξ 1 + ξ̇∆t) = 0,
Section 3.2 / Rate-Independent Plasticity 133
fˆ(ε∗ , ξ 1 ) ≤ 0, fˆ(ε∗ , ξ 1 + ξ̇∆t) ≤ 0.
In the cycle
1 2 3
(ε∗ , ξ 1 ) → (ε1 , ξ 1 ) → (ε1 + ε̇∆t, ξ 1 + ξ̇∆t) → (ε∗ , ξ 1 + ξ̇∆t),
where ψ(ε, ξ) is X
the free energy per unit mass at the given temperature and
D(ε, ξ, ξ̇) = −ρ (∂ψ/∂ξ α ) ξ˙α is the dissipation per unit volume. Now
σij dεij = ρ dψ + D dt;
ρ dψ = ρψ(ε∗ , ξ 1 + ξ̇∆t) − ρψ(ε∗ , ξ 1 ) = −D(ε∗ , ξ 1 , ξ̇)∆t,
and size − 1int2 D dt = D(ε1 , ξ 1 , ξ̇)∆t, the approximations being to within
o(∆t). It follows that
for any strain ε∗ that is on or inside the current yield surface in strain space.
Suppose, in particular, that ε∗ is close to ε and is given by ε∗ = ε ± ε̇ dt,
with dt > 0 and ε̇ the strain-rate tensor in a possible process. With the plus
sign chosen, the process goes from ε to ε∗ and is necessarily elastic, so that
ε̇p = 0 and therefore Inequality (3.2.13) is satisfied as an equality. Thus
ε̇ 6= 0 only if the minus sign is taken, and therefore (3.2.13) takes the local
Cijkl ε̇pij ε̇kl ≥ 0, (3.2.14)
or the equivalent form given by Nguyen and Bui,
6. Show that the standard Mises solid obeys the Nguyen–Bui inequality
(3.2.14) whether it hardens or softens.
1 1
skl = σkl − I1 δkl = δik δjl − δij δkl σij ,
3 3
∂f ∂f ∂skl ∂f ∂I1 ∂f
= + = (f ij − 13 δij f kk ) + δij ,
∂σij ∂skl ∂σij ∂I1 ∂σij ∂I1
J σ3 σ2
6 ...........................................
. . . .
........... .... .... .... .... .
J ..................................................................................................................................................................................
PH ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Y H . . ................... .. .. .. .. ..
. . . .
J . .
. .
σ1 ...........................J
.............................H ..........J
..... ......................................
. .. ... .... .... ...........................
..........................J ....... ... ... ...............
.......................................................J ...........0.............................J
. ......................
π-plane ......................................................................... J
J σ1 =σ2 =σ3
J3 : √
3 3J3
cos 3θ = 3/2
A point with θ = 0 corresponds to σ1 > σ2 = σ3 ; the locus of such points
on the yield surface is said to represent one of the three tensile meridians of
the surface. A point with θ = π/3 corresponds to σ1 = σ2 > σ3 , and lies on
a compressive meridian.
σ2 −σ3
2k ?
0 3k
σ1 0
σ1 −σ3
k 2k
σ1 +σ2 +σ3
(a) (b)
Figure 3.3.2. Projections of Tresca and Mises yield surfaces: (a) π-plane; (b)
σ1 −σ3 -σ2 −σ3 plane.
ε̇pij = λ̇sij ,
f (σ) = J2 − k 2 .
140 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
σ12 + σ22 + σ32 − σ2 σ3 − σ3 σ1 − σ1 σ2 = 3k 2 .
The form √taken by the Mises yield surface in the π-plane is that of a circle
of radius 2k, and in the (σ1 − σ3 )(σ2 − σ3 )-plane that of an ellipse. Both
forms are shown, along with those for the Tresca criterion, in Figure 3.3.2
(page 138).
The plastic dissipation for the Mises criterion and associated flow rule is
given by
Dp (ε̇p ; ξ) = σij ε̇pij = λ̇sij sij = 2J2 ε̇pij ε̇pij
= k(ξ) 2ε̇pij ε̇pij .
The exponent α has variously been taken as 13 and 1, k is as usual the yield
stress in simple shear, and c is a parameter that is to be determined so as
to optimize the fit with experimental data.
Anisotropic Yield Criteria
Section 3.3 / Yield Criteria, Flow Rules and Hardening Rules 141
one of the three is tangent to the curves. These curves are thus the envelopes
of the Mohr’s circles representing failure and are therefore called the Mohr
failure (rupture) envelopes. The point (σ, τ ) is a point of tangency — say
the upper one — if it obeys (1) the equation τ = g(σ), (2) the equation of
the Mohr’s circle [centered at (σm , 0) and of radius τm ], and (3) the tangency
condition. If σ and τ are eliminated between these three equations, there
remains an equation in terms of σm and τm , which constitutes the failure
criterion.1 Concretely, if a point in principal-stress space is located in the
sextant σ1 > σ2 > σ3 , then σm = 12 (σ1 + σ3 ) and τm = 12 |σ1 − σ3 |; the equa-
tion consequently represents a cylindrical surface parallel to the σ2 -axis, and
the failure surface is formed by six such surfaces.
Mohr–Coulomb Criterion
The equations can be reduced explicitly if the Mohr envelopes are straight
lines, that is, if
g(σ) = c − µσ.
This is just Equation (2.3.3), with the sign of σ changed to the usual con-
vention whereby it is positive in tension; c is the cohesion, and µ = tan φ is
the coefficient of internal friction in the sense of the Coulomb model of fric-
tion. The resulting criterion is consequently known as the Mohr–Coulomb
criterion. It is convenient to represent the Mohr’s circle parametrically:
where α is the angle between the failure plane and the axis of the least tensile
(greatest compressive) stress. The tangency condition is then µ = cot 2α, so
that α = 14 π − 12 φ, sin 2α = cos φ, and cos 2α = sin φ. The equation in terms
of σm and τm becomes
τm + σm sin φ = c cos φ,
from which it is seen that the failure stress in simple shear is c cos φ. (Need-
less to say, when φ = 0 the Mohr–Coulomb criterion reduces to that of
Tresca.) In terms of the principal stresses the criterion takes the form
so that the yield stresses in tension and compression are respectively 2c cos φ/(1+
sin φ) = 2c tan α and 2c cos φ/(1 − sin φ) = 2c cot α. The associated plastic
dissipation was shown by Drucker [1953] to be
where σmax and σmin denote respectively the (algebraically) largest and
smallest principal stresses.
The last equation may be rewritten as
1 2
σmax − σmin + [(σmax − σint ) − (σint − σmin )] sin φ = 2c cos φ − I1 sin φ,
3 3
where σint denotes the intermediate principal stress. The left-hand side,
being an isotropic function of the stress deviator, is therefore a function of
J2 and J3 . The Mohr–Coulomb criterion is therefore seen to be a special
case of the family of criteria based on Coulomb friction and described by
equations of the form
F̄ (J2 , J3 ) = c − λI1 ,
where c and λ are constants.
Drucker–Prager Criterion
Another yield criterion of this family, combining Coulomb friction with
the Mises yield criterion, was proposed by Drucker and Prager [1952] and has
become known as the Drucker–Prager criterion. With the Mises criterion
interpreted in terms of the octahedral shear stress, it may be postulated that
yielding occurs on the octahedral planes when τoct = 23 k − 13 µI1 , so that, in
view of Equation √ (1.3.5), the
√ criterion may be represented by the yield func-
tion f (s, I1 ) = J2 + µI1 / 6 − k. The yield surface in Haigh–Westergaard
space is a right
√ circular cone about the mean-stress axis, subtending the
angle tan ( 3µ). The yield √ stresses in√ simple shear,
√ tension,
√and compres-
sion are respectively k, 3k/(1 + µ/ 2) and 3k/(1 − µ/ 2); note √ that
for this criterion to be physically meaningful, µ must be less than 2. The
associated plastic dissipation is
k 2ε̇pij ε̇pij
Dp (ε̇p ; ξ) = p .
1 + µ2
@+ Drucker–Prager
σ1 σ3 =0
H H Drucker–Prager
σ1 +σ2 +σ3 Mohr–Coulomb
= const.
(a) (b)
Mises–Schleicher Criterion
A yield criterion that takes into account the difference between the yield
strengths in tension and compression was discussed by Mises [1926] and
Schleicher [1926]. If σT and σC denote, respectively, the tensile and com-
pressive yield stresses, then the criterion may be expressed in the form
Equibiaxial Stress
A state of stress is called equibiaxial if two of the principal stresses are
equal, as, for example, in the triaxial soil test described in Section 2.3. If
σ2 = σ3 , then q q
J2 = 13 |σ1 − σ3 | = 2 13 τm ,
so that the Mises and Tresca yield criteria are formally equivalent, as are the
Mohr–Coulomb criterionMohr–Coulomb and Drucker–Prager criteria.
Plane Stress
Section 3.3 / Yield Criteria, Flow Rules and Hardening Rules 145
The criteria for plane stress are obtained simply by setting σ3 = 0. Thus
the Tresca and Mises criteria are just as they appear in Figure 3.3.2(b) (page
138). In a state of plane stress in the x1 x2 -plane with σ22 = 0 (i.e., a state
of stress that may be represented as a superposition of simple tension or
compression and shear), it can further be shown that both the Mises and
the Tresca yield criteria can be expressed in the form
2 2
σ τ
+ = 1, (3.3.5)
σY τY
where σ = σ11 , τ = σ12 , and σY and τY are respectively the yield stresses
√ in
simple tension or compression and in shear, that is, τY = k, and σY = 3k
or 2k, depending on the criterion. The Mohr–Coulomb criterionMohr–
Coulomb and Drucker–Prager criteria in plane stress are shown in Figure
In general, an isotropic yield criterion with σ3 = 0 may be written (with
dependence on ξ not indicated explicitly) as
f0 (σ1 , σ2 ) = 0,
f1 [n, 21 (σ1 − σ2 )] = 0,
where n = 12 (σ1 + σ2 ). Because of isotropy, the dependence of f1 on its
second argument must be through the absolute value r = 12 |σ1 − σ2 |. The
preceding equation can then be solved for r as a function of n:
r = h(n). (3.3.6)
Plane Strain
In plane strain, as defined, for example, by ε̇3 = 0, the situation is
more complicated, since the plane-strain condition requires ε̇p3 = −ε̇e3 , in
turn involving the stress rates. If, however, the elastic strain rates may
be equated to zero (the condition for this is discussed later), then we have
146 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
Since it is only the yield stress that is affected by the internal variables, no
generality is lost if it is assumed to depend on only one internal variable, say
ξ1 , and this is invariably identified with the hardening variable κ, defined
as either the plastic work Wp by Equation (1.5.6) or as the effective plastic
strain εp by Equation (1.5.7). The function
h1 corresponding to ξ1 [see
Equation (3.1.5)] is given by σij hij or 23 hij hij , respectively, for each of the
two definitions of κ, so that the work-hardening modulus H is
k 0 (Wq
p )σij hij ,
k 0 (εp ) 2
hij hij .
Kinematic Hardening
In Sections 3.1 and 3.2 we saw, however, that if f can be written in the
f (σ, ξ) = F (σ − ρ) − k(ξ), (3.3.7)
then more general hardening behavior can be described. Isotropic hardening
is a special case of (3.3.7) if ρ ≡ 0 and if k depends only on κ, while purely
kinematic hardening corresponds to constant k but nonvanishing variable ρ.
Kinematic hardening represents a translation of the yield surface in stress
space by shifting its reference point from the origin to ρ, and with uniaxial
stressing this means that the the length of the stress interval representing
the elastic region (i.e., the difference between the current yield stress and the
one found on reversal) remains constant. This is in fairly good agreement
with the Bauschinger effect for those materials whose stress-strain curve in
the work-hardening range can be approximated by a straight line (“linear
hardening”), and it is for such materials that Melan [1938] proposed the
148 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
model in which ρ = cεp , with c a constant. A similar idea was also proposed
by Ishlinskii [1954], and a generalization of it is due to Prager [1955a, 1956a],
who coined the term “kinematic hardening” on the basis of his use of a me-
chanical model in explaining the hardening rule (Figure 3.3.4). A kinematic
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ..
.. ....H
.. ............
.. ..
.. ..
.......... HH
H H...H
H . ........ .
...... ........ H ..... .....
... ......... H
Pin .
. ..
. . ........ ........
............ .
....... .....
HH ........
H ..H ............ .
H H ..
...... ......
.H................. H..H ............ H
.H................. H..H ............ ...
... ........
H H ..
H ..H ................... ..H ............ ........ .
H..H ...................
H H..H ............ ....
....... ....
..H ................... H..H ............ ...... ......
H .
H ..H ................... H .H...H
............ . ........ .. ...
H.H . . .
................. H... . ....
..H ................... ......
H ...
H ..H ................... π-plane ............
..H ............. .. ..
H H.....H .............
............... ..........
H H ...........
. ..
Figure 3.3.4. Prager’s mechanical model of kinematic hardening.
here c need not be a constant but may itself depend on other internal vari-
ables. In the model described by Backhaus [1968], for example, c depends on
the effective plastic strain εp . Lehmann [1972] replaces the isotropic relation
Section 3.3 / Yield Criteria, Flow Rules and Hardening Rules 149
f (σ, ξ) = F (σ − ρ, ξ) − k(ξ),
F (σ − ρ, ξ) = Aijkl (ξ)(σij − ρij )(σkl − ρkl ),
Aijkl (ξ) = δik δij − δij δkl + Aεpij εpkl ,
A being a constant. Other proposals are reviewed by Bergander [1980].
Extensive experimental investigation of the hardening of metals were carried
out by Phillips and co-workers; their work, along with that of others, is
reviewed by Phillips [1986].
2. Derive the associated flow rule for the Tresca yield criterion by means
of Koiter’s method (see 3.2.2).
3. Show that for any combination of principal stresses, the associated flow
rule for the Tresca yield criterion gives |ε̇p1 | + |ε̇p2 | + |ε̇p3 | = φ.
5. Derive the associated flow rule for the general isotropic yield criterion
given by F (J2 , J3 ) − k 2 = 0, and in particular (a) for the one given
by the equation following (3.3.4) and (b) for the analytic form of the
Tresca criterion.
8. Derive the associated flow rule and plastic dissipation for the Drucker-
Prager yield criterion.
10. Show that in a state of plane stress with σ11 = σ, σ12 = τ and σ22 = 0,
both the Tresca and the Mises yield criteria can be expressed in the
form (3.3.5).
11. Derive the form of Equation (3.3.6) for the Mohr-Coulomb criterion in
plane stress.
12. If the function F in Equation (3.3.7) equals J¯2 , with J¯2 defined as
unless dσ (1) = dσ (2) . It was shown by Valanis [1985] that condition (3.4.1)
applies in dynamic as well as in quasi-static problems.
Consider next an elastic-plastic body made of standard material, occu-
pying the region R. Let Re and Rp denote the parts of R where f < 0 and
f = 0, respectively. With linear elasticity assumed, the inequality is clearly
satisfied in Re , while in Rp we may use the general flow equation (3.2.1)
together with (3.2.2) and the normality rule (3.2.7). Converting rates into
increments by multiplying them by the infinitesimal time increment dt, we
obtain, at any point in Rp ,
∂f (α)
df (α) = dσ .
∂σkl kl
154 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
(1) (2) (1) (2)−1 (1) (2) (1) (2)
(dσij − dσij )(dεij − dεij ) = Cijkl (dσij − dσij )(dσkl − dσkl )
+ (df (1) − df (2) )(<df (1) > − <df (2) >).
It is easy to see that any two real numbers a, b satisfy <a> − <b> =
β(a − b) for some β, 0 ≤ β ≤ 1, and that therefore the second term on
the right-hand side is never negative. Since the first term is positive unless
dσ (1) = dσ (2) , the uniqueness of dσ (and therefore of dε) is proved, and
hence the uniqueness of the stress and strain fields under a given history of
f , ta , and ua .
If the material is perfectly plastic, then Equation (3.4.2) for the strain
increments at points where f = 0 must be replaced by
(α) −1 (α) ∂f
dεij = Cijkl dσkl + dλ(α) , α = 1, 2, (3.4.3)
where dλ(α) = 0 if df (α) < 0, and dλ(α) > 0 only if df (α) = 0 but is otherwise
undetermined. Thus
(1) (2) (1) (2)
−1 (1) (2) (1) (2)
(dσij − dσij )(dεij − dεij ) = Cijkl (dσij − dσij )(dσkl − dσkl )
Π∗ > Π unless u∗ = u.
Π −Π = Cijkl (ε∗ij ε∗kl −εij εkl ) dV − fi (u∗i −ui ) dV − tai (u∗i −ui ) dS;
2 R R ∂Rt
but the surface integral may be changed into one over all of ∂R, since u∗ = u
on ∂Ru , and consequently, by the divergence theorem, into
[σij ,j (u∗i − ui ) + σij (ε∗ij − εij )] dV,
∗ = C
where σij = Cijkl εkl is the correct stress field. If we define σij ∗
ijkl εkl
then with the help of the equilibrium equations, we obtain
Π∗ − Π = ∗ ∗
(σij εij + σij εij − 2σij ε∗ij ) dV.
2 R
Cijkl (εij εkl + ε∗ij ε∗kl − 2ε∗ij εkl ) = Cijkl (ε∗ij − εij )(ε∗kl − εkl ),
where εij = Cijkl σkl , so that the integrand is
−1 ∗ ∗
Cijkl (σij − σij )(σkl − σkl ),
∂f ∂f
L = H + Cijkl ,
∂σij ∂σkl
Λ∗ = ∗
dσij dε∗ij dV − dfi du∗i dV − dtai du∗i dS,
2 R R ∂Rt
Λ = Λ∗ |du∗ =du .
Note that the form of Λ is essentially that of the potential energy Π of the
linear elastic body, with incremental rather than total displacements and
with the total (elastic-plastic) tangent modulus tensor in place of C. By
Some extensions have been proposed by, among others, Ceradini [1966], Maier [1969,
1970] and Martin [1975].
Section 3.4 / Uniqueness and Extremum Theorems 157
means of the transformations used in the elastic case, we can therefore show
Λ∗ − Λ = ∗
(dσij dε∗ij + dσij dεij − 2dσij dε∗ij ) dV,
2 R
and it remains to be shown that the integrand is positive unless dσ ∗ = dσ.
With the decomposition dε = C−1 dσ + dεp , the integrand becomes
Cijkl ∗
(dσij ∗
− dσij )(dσkl ∗
− dσkl ) + dσij dεp∗ p∗
ij + dσij dεij − 2dσij dεij .
The first two terms always vanish, as does the last term except when df < 0
and df ∗ = 0, in which case dλ∗ > 0, so that φ = −2df dλ∗ > 0. Consequently
φ is never negative, so that
Λ∗ > Λ (3.4.4)
except when dσ ∗ = dσ. For the work-hardening (but not the perfectly
plastic) material this also means that dε∗ = dε and therefore du∗ = du if
sufficient constraints exist.
Extremum Principle for Stress
The complementary extremum principle concerns a statically admissi-
ble incremental stress field dσ ∗ . In the case of a work-hardening material
this determines an incremental strain field dε∗ , related to dσ ∗ through the
associated flow rule — Equation (3.4.2) with the superscript (α) replaced
by ∗ — but not, in general, derivable from a continuous displacement field.
∗ −1 1
dσij dε∗ij = Cijkl ∗
dσij ∗
dσkl + <df ∗ >2 .
If the material is perfectly plastic, on the other hand, then dε∗ij = Cijkl ∗ +
dεp∗ p∗ ∗ ∗
ij , with dε not determined by dσ . However, in such a material dσij dεij =
0, and therefore
∗ −1
dσij dε∗ij = Cijkl ∗
dσij ∗
dσkl .
158 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
Ω = −Λ.
and therefore
Ω∗ − Ω = ∗
(dσij dε∗ij + dσij dεij − 2dσij
dεij ) dV.
2 R
−Λ∗ ≤ −Λ = Ω ≤ Ω∗ .
Variational Principles
As mentioned earlier, an extremum principle is stronger than a varia-
tional principle because it asserts an extremum over all admissible functions
of a certain class, not only over those that are infinitesimally close to the ex-
tremal. Going further, we see that a variational principle need not assert an
extremum at all, even a local one, but only the condition that the functional
obeying it is stationary. For example, the function f (x) = x3 is stationary
at x = 0, since f 0 (0) = 0, but has neither a minimum nor a maximum there.
Likewise, f (x, y) = x2 − y 2 is stationary at (0, 0); the point is a saddle
point — a maximum when viewed along the x-axis and a minimum along
the y-axis.
Extremum principles are useful for many reasons, one of them being that
they allow us to evaluate approximate solutions when the exact solution is
unknown: between two incremental displacement fields du∗ , in the absence
Section 3.4 / Uniqueness and Extremum Theorems 159
of other information we choose the one that produces the smaller value of
Λ∗ . But variational principles are useful even when they are not extremum
principles: they permit compact statements of boundary-value problems,
and they are useful in formulating the “weak form” of such problems, which
is necessary for consistent discretization, as shown in 1.3.5 and as further
shown in Section 4.5 which deals with numerical methods.
The extremum principles derived above clearly imply the corresponding
variational principles:
δΛ = 0, δΩ = 0.
We should remember, however, that the extremum principles rely on the
positive-definiteness of certain local quantities, whose proof requires that
the material be nonsoftening. Consider, on the other hand, the following
1 1 1 ∂f
Θ= Cijkl ε̇ij ε̇kl dV − <Cijkl ε̇ij >2 dV
2 R 2 Rp L ∂σkl
− ḃi u̇i dV − ṫai u̇i dV.
R ∂Rt
and this is positive unless either d(1) and d(2) both vanish, or σ (1) and σ (2)
are plastically equivalent. The general conclusion is thus that two admissible
stress fields σ (1) and σ (2) must be plastically equivalent everywhere except
in their common rigid region, that is, at points where f (σ (α) ) < 0, α = 1, 2.
If the body is made of a Mises material (or any other material whose yield
surface in stress-deviator space is strictly convex) and deforms plastically in
its entirety, then the two stress fields can differ at most by a hydrostatic
pressure field, which must be uniform in order to satisfy equilibrium, and
must vanish if a surface traction is prescribed anywhere on ∂R. Thus there
is not more than one admissible stress field for which the whole body is
plastic (Hill [1948a]), unless ∂R = ∂Rv , in which case the stress field is
determined only to within a uniform hydrostatic pressure. On the other
hand, uniqueness of the velocity field is not established.
and, as usual,
Γ = Γ∗ |v∗ =v .
Using the standard transformations we can show that
Γ= nj σij via dS (3.4.8)
and that Z
Γ∗ − Γ = [Dp (d∗ ) − Dp (d) − σij (d∗ij − dij )] dV.
Because of (3.4.6), the integrand is just Dp (d∗ ) − σij d∗ij , and this is non-
negative as a result of the maximum-plastic-dissipation principle, Equation
(3.4.7), since the actual stress σ necessarily obeys the yield criterion. Con-
Γ∗ ≥ Γ. (3.4.9)
It is not possible, in general, to strengthen the inequality by asserting that
the equality holds only when v∗ = v. The most we can say is that if Γ∗ = Γ,
then v∗ is kinematically admissible, and d∗ is associated with a stress field σ ∗
that is statically admissible and obeys the yield criterion everywhere. More
particularly, however, if the body is one for which the stress field is unique
(see above) and if the stress determines the deformation rate to within a
scale factor (as is true of the Mises material, or any other material with a
162 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
limit analysis, which give upper and lower bounds on the loads under
which a body that may be approximately modeled as elastic–perfectly plas-
tic reaches a critical state. By a critical state we mean one in which large
increases in plastic deformation — considerably greater than the elastic de-
formation — become possible with little if any increase in load. In the case of
perfectly plastic bodies this state is called unrestricted plastic flow ,1 and the
loading state at which it becomes possible is called ultimate or limit loading.
It will be shown that, in a state of unrestricted plastic flow, elasticity may
be ignored, and therefore a theory based on rigid-plastic behavior is valid
for elastic-plastic bodies.
The proof of the limit-analysis theorems is based on the principle of max-
imum plastic dissipation, and consequently they are valid only for standard
materials; a limited extension to nonstandard materials is discussed in 3.5.2.
It should be noted that the “loads” in the present context include not
only the prescribed surface tractions ta but all the surface tractions t op-
erating at points at which the displacement (or velocity) is not constrained
to be zero. In other words, the loads include reactions that do work ; the
definition of ∂Rt is accordingly extended. The reason for the extension is
that the velocity fields used in the limit-analysis theorems are kinematically
admissible velocity fields, not virtual velocity fields. The latter is, as we
recall, the difference between two kinematically admissible velocity fields,
and must therefore vanish wherever the velocity is prescribed, whereas a
kinematically admissible velocity field takes on the values of the prescribed
We begin by defining a state of impending plastic collapse or incipient
plastic flow as one in which a nonvanishing strain rate (ε̇ 6= 0) occurs under
constant loads (ḟ = 0, ṫ = 0). The qualification “impending” or “incipient”
is important: we are looking at the very beginning of such a state, which
means that (1) all prior deformation has been of the same order of magnitude
as elastic deformation, so that changes of geometry can be neglected, and (2)
acceleration can be neglected and the problem can be treated as quasi-static.
displacement field we take v δt, where v is the actual velocity field and δt is
a small time increment. The virtual strain field is, accordingly, ε̇ij δt, where
ε̇ij = 12 (vi ,j +vj ,i ). At impending collapse, then,
0= ḟ · v dV + ṫ · v dS = σ̇ij ε̇ij dV = σ̇ij (ε̇pij + Cijkl
σ̇kl ) dV.
R ∂Rt R R
Lower-Bound Theorem
Suppose that at collapse the actual loads are f , t and the actual stress,
velocity and strain-rate fields (in general unknown) are σ, v and ε̇. Suppose
further that we have somehow determined a stress field σ ∗ which does not
violate the yield criterion anywhere and which is in equilibrium with the
loads f ∗ = (1/s)f , t∗ = (1/s)t, where s is a numerical factor. By virtual
work, we have
σij ε̇ij dV = t · v dS + f · v dV
R s ∂R R
1 1
= σij ε̇ij dV = Dp (ε̇) dV.
s R s R
Upper-Bound Theorem
Let us suppose next that instead of σ ∗ , we somehow determine a velocity
field v∗ (a collapse mechanism), with the corresponding strain-rate field ε̇∗ ,
and loads f ∗ = cf , t∗ = ct that satisfy
t∗ · v∗ dS + f ∗ · v∗ dV = Dp (ε̇∗ ) dV,
∂Rt R R
See also Drucker, Prager and Greenberg [1952], Hill [1951, 1952], and Lee [1952].
Section 3.5 / Limit-Analysis and Shakedown Theorems 165
provided the right-hand side (the total plastic dissipation) is positive;2 then,
again by virtual work,
Dp (ε̇∗ ) dV = c σij ε̇∗ij dV,
where σ is, as before, the actual stress field at collapse. The principle of
maximum plastic dissipation, however, also implies that Dp (ε̇∗ ) ≥ σij ε̇∗ij .
Consequently c ≥ 1, that is, c (the “kinematic multiplier”) is an overload
f = P f̃ , t = P t̃,
For loading governed by a single parameter, therefore, the two theorems may
also be expressed as follows: The loads that are in equilibrium with a stress
field that nowhere violates the yield criterion do not exceed the collapse loads,
while the loads that do positive work on a kinematically admissible velocity
field at a rate equal to the total plastic dissipation are at least equal to the
collapse loads. If the loads produced by the application of the two theorems
are equal to each other, then they equal the collapse loads.
In particular, if one has succeeded in finding both (a) a statically and
plastically admissible stress field, and (b) a kinematically admissible velocity
field such that the strain rate produced by it is everywhere1 associated to
the stress, then a complete solution is said to have been found. This solution
is not necessarily unique and hence cannot be called an exact solution, but,
as a result of the theorems of limit analysis, it predicts the correct collapse
load. Some applications of this concept are given in Chapter 5. In Chapter
If the total plastic dissipation is negative, v∗ can be replaced by −v∗ ; if it is zero, v∗
does not represent a collapse mechanism.
If the velocity field involves regions that move as rigid bodies (rigid regions), then the
strain rate there is of course zero and the question of association does not arise.
166 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
6 the theorems are used to obtain estimates of collapse loads in problems for
which no complete solutions have been found.
Multiparameter Loadings
We now consider loadings that are governed by several parameters that
can vary independently. These parameters will be called generalized loads;
some of them may be applied loads, and others may be reactions that do
work. Let them be denoted PI (I = 1, ..., N ), so that
f= PI f̃ (I) , t= PI t̃(I) ,
I=1 I=1
the f̃ (I) and t̃(I) again being known functions. For a kinematically admissible
velocity field v, generalized velocities ṗI can be defined by
ṗI = f̃ (I) · vdR + t̃(I) · vdS,
R ∂Rt
where P and ṗ are the N -dimensional vectors representing the PI and ṗI .
Any combination of generalized loads PI thus represents a point in P-space
(a load point), while a fixed proportion among the PI represents a direction
in this space (a loading direction).
A combination of PI at which unrestricted plastic flow occurs represents
a limit point (or flow point or yield point — the last designation makes sense
only in terms of a rigid-plastic material), and the set of all such points is the
limit locus (or flow locus or yield locus), given by, say,
Φ(P) = 0.
It follows from Equation (3.5.2) and the principle of maximum plastic dis-
sipation that if P and P∗ are on or inside the limit locus, and if ṗ is a
generalized velocity vector that is possible under a load vector P, then
(P − P∗ ) · ṗ ≥ 0. (3.5.3)
6 SS
o @
h A @ P/PU
@ 1
/ @
Figure 3.5.1. Ideal sandwich beam: (a) cross-section; (b) flow locus.
It can easily be shown that the same limit locus results from an application
of the upper-bound theorem. Consider a velocity field in which only one of
the flanges elongates while the other remains rigid. In order for the mean
elongation rate of the beam to be ∆, ˙ that of the deforming flange must be
2∆, and the rotation rate, to within a sign, is θ̇ = 2∆/h. ˙ For the sake
of definiteness, let us take both ∆ and θ̇ as positive. The strain rate in
the deforming flange is 2∆/L, so that the total plastic dissipation — the
numerator on the right-hand side of (3.5.1) — is σY (2∆/L)(AL) ˙
= PU ∆.
We take P as the reference load, and pick a loading direction by letting M =
αP h/2. The denominator in (3.5.1) is thus ∆ ˙ + (αh/2)(2∆/h)
˙ ˙
= (1 + α)∆,
and the upper bound for P is PU /(1 + α). Since MU = PU h/2, the upper
bound for M is αMU /(1 + α). The upper-bound values satisfy M/MU +
P/PU = 1, an equation describing the first quadrant of the previously found
limit locus. The remaining quadrants are found by varying the signs of ∆ ˙
and θ̇.
A velocity field with both flanges deforming leads to an upper-bound
load point lying outside the limit locus just found, with two exceptions: one
where the elongation rates of the flanges are the same, and one where they
are equal and opposite. Details are left to an exercise.
Radenkovic’s Theorems
A theory of limit analysis for nonstandard materials, with a view toward
its application to soils, was formulated by Radenkovic [1961, 1962], with
modifications by Josselin de Jong [1965, 1974], Palmer [1966], Sacchi and
Save [1968], Collins [1969], and Salençon [1972, 1977]. Radenkovic’s first
theorem may be stated simply as follows: The limit loading for a body made
of a nonstandard material is bounded from above by the limit loading for the
standard material obeying the same yield criterion.
The proof is straightforward. Let v∗ denote any kinematically admissible
velocity field, and P∗ the upper-bound load point obtained for the standard
material on the basis of this velocity field. If σ is the actual stress field at
collapse in the real material, then, since this stress field is also statically and
plastically admissible in the standard material,
P∗ · ṗ∗ ≥ P · ṗ∗ .
Since v∗ may, as a special case, coincide with the correct collapse velocity
field in the fictitious material, P∗ may be the correct collapse loading in this
material, and the theorem follows.
Radenkovic’s second theorem, as modified by Josselin de Jong [1965],
is based on the existence of a function g(σ) with the following properties:
2. g(σ) = 0 implies f (σ) ≤ 0 (so that the surface g(σ) = 0 lies entirely
within the yield surface f (σ) = 0);
The theorem may then be stated thus: The limit loading for a body made
of a nonstandard material is bounded from below by the limit loading for the
standard material obeying the yield criterion g(σ) = 0.
The proof is as follows. Let σ denote the actual stress field at collapse,
P the limit loading, v the actual velocity field at collapse, ε̇ the strain-rate
170 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
P0 · ṗ ≤ P · ṗ.
Again, σ 0 may, as a special case, coincide with the correct stress field at
collapse in the standard material, and therefore P0 may be the correct limit
loading in this material. The theorem is thus proved.
In the case of a Mohr–Coulomb material, the function g(σ) may be
identified with the plastic potential if this is of the same form as the yield
function, but with an angle of dilatation that is less than the angle of internal
friction (in fact, the original statement of the theorem by Radenkovic [1962]
referred to the plastic potential only). The same is true of the Drucker–
Prager material.
It should be noted that neither the function g, nor the assignment of σ 0 to
σ, is unique. In order to achieve the best possible lower bound, g should be
chosen so that the surface g(σ) = 0 is as close as possible to the yield surface
f (σ) = 0, at least in the range of stresses that are expected to be encountered
in the problem studied. Since the two surfaces do not coincide, however, it
follows that the lower and upper bounds on the limit loading, being based on
two different standard materials, cannot be made to coincide. The correct
limit loading in the nonstandard material cannot, therefore, be determined
in general. This result is consistent with the absence of a uniqueness proof
for the stress field in a body made of a nonstandard perfectly plastic material
(see 3.4.1).
deformation may remain small, but weakening of the material may occur
nevertheless — a phenomenon called low-cycle fatigue — leading to breaking
of the most highly stressed points after a certain number of cycles.
It may also happen that plastic deformation in each cycle accumulates so
that after enough cycles, the displacements are large enough to be equivalent
to collapse; this is called incremental collapse. On the other hand, it may
happen that no further plastic deformation occurs after one or a few cycles
— that is, all subsequent unloading-reloading cycles are elastic. In that case
the body is said to have experienced shakedown or adaptation. It is obvious
that for bodies subject to repeated loading, shakedown is more relevant than
static collapse, and that criteria for shakedown are of great importance.
? 20
then the stresses in the flanges satisfy σ10 = −σ1 and σ20 = −σ2 , and the
moment is
M = −σ1 Ah − 3σ2 Ah.
Cijkl ρkl + εpij = (uri ,j +urj ,i ), (3.5.7)
and u = ue + ur .
It may be shown that the plastic strain field εp uniquely determines the
residual stress field ρ and, with sufficient constraints to prevent rigid-body
displacement, also the residual displacement field ur . The method of proof is
analogous to that of the elastic uniqueness theorem of 3.4.1. If ρ and ρ + ρ
are two different residual stress fields, then, from the principle of virtual
ρij (Cijkl ρkl + εpij ) dV = −1
(ρij + ρij )(Cijkl ρkl + εpij ) dV
= −1
(ρij + ρij )[Cijkl (ρkl + ρkl ) + εpij ] dV = 0.
Rearrangement of terms leads to
ρij Cijkl ρkl dV = 0,
f (σ e + ρ) ≤ 0.
Since the body may not yet have shaken down, the actual residual stress
field ρ, and hence Y , may be time-dependent, with
Ẏ = Cijkl (ρij − ρij ∗ )ρ̇kl dV.
Since ρ and ρ∗ are both self-equilibrated, and since the left-hand side of
(3.5.7) forms a compatible strain field, it follows from the principle of virtual
work that Z
(ρij − ρij ∗ )(Cijkl ρ̇kl + ε̇pij )dV = 0.
Ẏ = − (ρij − ρij ∗ )ε̇pij dV = − (σij − σij ∗ )ε̇pij dV,
where σ∗ = σe + ρ∗ .
By hypothesis, σ∗
does not violate the yield crite-
rion, and therefore, as a result of the maximum-plastic-dissipation postulate
(3.2.4), Ẏ ≤ 0, where the equality holds only in the absence of plastic flow.
Since Y ≥ 0, the condition Ẏ = 0 must eventually be reached, and this
condition corresponds to shakedown.
An extension of the theorem to work-hardening materials is due to Man-
del [1976] (see also Mandel, Zarka, and Halphen [1977]). The yield surface
is assumed to be of the form
f (σ e + ρ∗ , ξ ∗ ) < 0
Kinematic Shakedown Theorem
A kinematic criterion for shakedown was derived by Koiter [1956, 1960].
A strong version of Koiter’s theorem states that shakedown has not taken
place if a kinematically admissible velocity field v∗ , satisfying v∗ = 0 on
∂Rv , can be found so that
∗ ∗
f · v dV + a
t · v dS > Dp (ε̇∗ ) dV.
R ∂Rt R
Section 3.5 / Limit-Analysis and Shakedown Theorems 175
This inequality, with the principle of virtual work applied to its left-hand
side, can be transformed into
σij ε̇ij ∗ dV > Dp (ε̇∗ ) dV. (3.5.8)
D(ε̇∗ ) ≥ (σij
+ ρij )ε̇ij ∗ ,
and therefore
D(ε̇∗ )dV ≥ e
σij ε̇ij ∗ dV + ρij ε̇ij ∗ dV. (3.5.9)
With these conditions met, the body will not shake down during the interval.
Recent developments in shakedown theory have included taking into ac-
count the effects of temperature changes, creep, inertia, and geometric non-
linearities. For a review, see the book by König [1987]
2. Using both the lower-bound and the upper-bound theorems, find the
limit locus for the beam having the idealized section shown in Fig-
ure 3.5.2 (page 171) subject to combined axial force P and bending
moment M .
176 Chapter 3 / Constitutive Theory
5. For the beam of Figure 3.5.2 under combined axial force P and bending
moment M , (a) find the elastic stresses σ e in each flange; (b) given the
self-stress distribution ρ1 ∗ = − 35 σY , ρ2 ∗ = 54 σY , ρ01 ∗ = 15 σY , ρ02 ∗ =
− 52 σY find the range of P and M moments under which shakedown
occurs by ensuring that |ρ∗ + σ e | ≤ σY in each flange.
6. Using the result of Exercise 2 for the beam of Figure 3.5.2 under com-
bined axial force and bending moment, find, if possible, loading cycles
between pairs of points on the limit locus such that there occurs (a)
incremental plastic deformation, (b) alternating plastic deformation,
and (c) shakedown.
Chapter 4
Problems in Contained
Plastic Deformation
178 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
σ̇ σ
ε̇ = + < σ̄˙ >,
E H σ̄ (4.1.2)
τ̇ ατ
γ̇ = + < σ̄˙ > .
G H σ̄
When a stress path σ(t), τ (t) is prescribed, Equations (4.1.2) can be used
to find the corresponding strain path ε(t), γ(t) by integration, in general
numerical. An explicit form may be obtained when the stress path is radial,
that is, when σ = aσ̄ and τ = bσ̄, a and b being constants constrained by
the requirement a2 + αb2 = 1. With ε̄(σ̄) defined by
ε̄(σ̄) =
180 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
(note that this describes the σ-εp curve in simple tension and compression),
the strains are given by
ε= σ̄ + aε̄(σ̄),
γ = σ̄ + αbε̄(σ̄).
When the strain path is given, Equations (4.1.2) form a pair of cou-
pled nonlinear differential equations for the stresses; they must in general be
solved numerically. If, however, the work-hardening is very slight (this in-
cludes the limit of perfect plasticity), then σY may be regarded, at least over
a certain range of strain, as a constant, and σ and τ are no longer indepen-
dent but are coupled through the yield criterion. The quantity σ̄/H ˙ σ̄ may
be eliminated between the two equations, resulting in the single equation
ατ σ̇ σ τ̇
− = ατ ε̇ − σ γ̇.
Suppose, for example, that the tube is stretched until it just yields
(σ = σY , τ = 0); thereafter, it is twisted, with further axial deformation
prevented, that is, ε̇ = 0. After σ is eliminated, the equation becomes
dγ 1 ατ 2
= + ,
dτ G E(τY2 − τ 2 )
It is clear that the shear strain, and therefore the angle of twist, grows
indefinitely as the torque approaches its ultimate value 2πc2 hτY . Unlike the
simple problems (a) and (b), however, in this case the growth is asymptotic.
Indeed, so long as the shear stress is less than, say, 99its yield value, the
plastic strain remains of the same order of magnitude as the elastic strain.
The tube can then be said to be in a state of contained plastic deformation.
In the present chapter we concentrate on problems of this type; problems in
plastic flow and collapse are considered in Chapter 5.
As the shear stress approaches the yield value, the axial stress approaches
zero, and a state of virtually pure torsion is attained. The constant axial
strain σY /E changes, in the process, from purely elastic to plastic. Since
these changes take place over a rather narrow range of strain, the validity of
Section 4.1 / Elementary Problems 181
it follows that
ε̇pz =
< σ̄˙ >,
H σ̄
where H is again the uniaxial hardening modulus, and
1 3 σ1
ε̇pθ + ε̇pz = < σ̄˙ >,
2 4 H σ̄
from which 3
σ1 − 12 σa
ε̇pθ = 4
< σ̄˙ > .
H σ̄
182 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
σ̇a + ( 12 − ν)σ̇1 σa
ε̇z = + < σ̄˙ >,
E H σ̄ (4.1.3)
(1 − 12 ν)σ̇1 − ν σ̇a 3
σ1 − 12 σa
ε̇θ = + 4 < σ̄˙ > .
E H σ̄
l˙ ċ
ε̇z = , ε̇θ = .
l c
The volume enclosed by the shell is πc2 l (if h is neglected next to c), and its
change is given by
When the deformations are sufficiently great, the elastic strains may be
neglected. The shell material may then be regarded as incompressible, so
that the solid volume 2πchl remains constant, and the thickness h may be
determined from this condition. Consider, for example, a closed cylindrical
tank containing gas under pressure and undergoing an axial extension at a
constant absolute temperature T . It follows from the ideal-gas law,
pV = nRT,
where n is the number of moles of gas and R is the universal gas constant
(Avogadro’s number × Boltzmann’s constant), that plc2 is constant. But
plc2 = lch = σ1 lch,
and therefore σ1 is also a constant, given by the initial value of pc/h. We
may now write
V̇ 1 − 2ν 3σ1 σ̄˙
= σ̇a + .
V E 2H σ̄
We assume, first, linear work-hardening (H = constant) after an initial
yield stress σE . We further suppose that the √ gas pressure alone is not suf-
ficient to cause yielding, that is, σ1 < 2σE / 3. We may then integrate the
preceding equation to obtain
V 1 − 2ν 3σ1 σa2 + 34 σ12
ln = σa + < ln >.
V0 E 2H σE
Section 4.1 / Elementary Problems 183
Note that the elastic part of the volumetric strain has the same sign as σa ,
but the plastic part is never negative, whether the tank undergoes extension
or compression. Note also that the expression for the volume becomes infinite
in the limit as H → 0 for the linear work-hardening case and as m → ∞ for
the Ramberg–Osgood case; both of these limits represent perfect plasticity.
In this example, then, contained plastic deformation cannot occur if the
material is perfectly plastic. The difference between the present problem
and the preceding one does not lie in the fact that one involves torsion and
extension, and the other extension and gas pressure. Rather, the crucial
difference is that the twisted tube was subject to the kinematic constraint
of no axial extension; it is this constraint that prevented unrestricted plastic
deformation immediately upon yielding. Had the axial force, rather than
the length, been held constant, contained plastic deformation would not
have taken place.
In the case of linear work-hardening an explicit expression can also be
found for the axial extension and the radial expansion. The former is gov-
erned by
l˙ σ̇a σ 2 σ̇a
= + 2 a3 2 , (4.1.4)
l E (σa + 4 σ1 )H
which may be integrated to give
r " √ #
l σa 1 q 3 2σ a 3σ 1
ln = + <σa − σY2 − 43 σ12 − σ1 tan−1 √ − cos−1 >.
l0 E H 2 3σ1 2σY
The axial force at a given value of l may then be found from
P = 2πc0 h0 σa . (4.1.5)
A similar integration for the radius change leads to
c νσa 3σ1 σa2 + 34 σ12
ln = − + < ln >
c0 E 4H σE r " √ #
1 q 3 −1 2σ a −1 3 σ 1
− <σa − σY2 − 34 σ12 − σ1 tan √ − cos >.
2H 2 3 σ1 2σY
Equating the right-hand side of this equation to that of (4.1.4), and assuming
that H E so that the elastic strain rate can be neglected, we find a
critical value of the hardening modulus above which instability will not occur,
Hc r = a2 .
Note that this is positive only when σa > 0, that is, when the axial force
is tensile; when this force is compressive, any nonnegative value of H is
sufficient for stability. Note further that, in the absence of pressure, Hc r =
σa ; this is just the necking condition discussed in 2.1.2. The pressure tends
to lower the critical value of the hardening modulus, so that it is a stabilizing
Different values of Hc r are found for problems in which the ratio σa /σ1
or the ratio P/p is held fixed (see, e.g., Chakrabarty [1987], Section 3.3(iii)].
sf s
f s
TT 10 0 1
TT +
θ s
- θ
TT f
F ∆E ∆E sec2 θ
(a) (b)
precisely the definition of plastic collapse given in Section 3.4, and the load
FU is the ultimate load of the structure. The complete F -∆ diagram is
shown in Figure 4.1.1(b).
It is not difficult to see that if the number of bars in the assemblage is
multiplied, as in Figure 4.1.2(a), the load-deflection diagram has the form
shown in Figure 4.1.2(b). The range of contained plastic deformation is now
represented by numerous segments, whose initial and final points must be
calculated step by step.
s.......................................... f s f s f s sf sf ...........................................
s FU (
ll.................n........0.................................................A...A.. 20 CC 10 0 1 2............................................................................., , n
ll...................................................A. CC z ...................................................., .
l.......................................A........... C Y
HjH ...........................
. . . . . . . ,
l...........................A...A....... C C Q
k ....................H ..................
.... .,
.... H θ1
l ,
l l...............A......A.... C C ..@ I .
.. . .... . Q , FE
l......A...A...A.C C ..........,
l , .
@ Q θ2
l l l.A.C f .
,, @θ
l , n
F ∆E
(a) (b)
It can be shown that in the elastic range, the bar forces (if all bar areas
are equal) are given by
F F cos2 θk
P0 = n , Pk = n . (4.1.6)
3 3
1+2 cos θk 1+2 cos θk
k=1 k=1
186 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
Note that the bar forces decrease with distance from the central bar. It can
thus be assumed that the order of yielding of the bars is outward from bar
0. If bar 0 and m − 1 bars on either side of it have yielded (so that Pk = PU ,
k = 0, ..., m − 1), then it can be shown that for k = m, ..., n,
" !#
cos2 θk X
Pk = n F − PU 1+2 cos θl , (4.1.7)
3 l=1
2 cos θl
When all but the last pair of bars have yielded, that is, when m = n, the
upper bound on F is just the ultimate load FU , given by
FU = PU 1+2 cos θk .
Of course, as we learned in 3.4.1, this value could easily have been determined
without going through the step-by-step process.
If, on the other hand, the structure were reduced to bar 0 only, then it
would be statically determinate and naturally there would be no contained
plastic deformation; the elastic range would be followed immediately by
unrestricted plastic flow. Contained plastic deformation, therefore, is due
either to constraints or to the introduction of redundant elements that make
the structure statically indeterminate.
A thin-walled tube under torsion or pressure forms, as we have seen, a
statically determinate problem. A thick-walled tube may be thought of as
the limit of an assemblage of a large number of concentric thin-walled tubes,
all but one of which are redundant. The range of contained plastic defor-
mation is therefore characterized by a torque-twist or pressure-expansion
diagram which is the limit of that of Figure 4.1.2(b) as the segments become
infinitesimal — that is, a smooth curve in which the ultimate load may be
attained asymptotically, as in the problem of 4.1.2 [see Figure 4.1.3(a)] or
at a finite displacement, as in Figure 4.1.3(b).
Elastic-Plastic Boundary
At any stage of contained plastic deformation in the problem of Figure
4.1.2, the spaces between the plastic and elastic groups of bars may be said to
form the elastic-plastic boundary. As the load is increased and an additional
pair of bars yields, the boundary moves to the next pair of spaces.
In a relatively simple problem such as this one, the elastic-plastic bound-
ary is defined by a single parameter, for example the integer m. Problems
Section 4.1 / Elementary Problems 187
T or p T or p
φ or u φ or u
(a) (b)
with radial symmetry, as shown in the next two sections, are similarly sim-
ple: the elastic and plastic zones can be separated only by a spherical or a
cylindrical surface, and the boundary is determined by its radius. It is the
simplicity of the elastic-plastic boundary that makes problems of this nature
tractable analytically.
In general, the elastic-plastic boundary is one of the unknown quantities
of a problem, and when it is not defined by a small number of parameters
then it can only be determined by trial and error, step by step, in the course
of an incremental solution. Typically, the given loading is scaled down until it
is small enough so that the whole body is elastic. Since the elastic problem
is linear, the stresses are directly proportional to the load (in the case of
one-parameter loading). With the help of the elastic solution it is therefore
possible to find the value of the load at which the body first yields, such as
FE in the preceding example, as well as the point or points where yielding
first occurs. The elastic-plastic boundary originates at these points.
Following the initiation of yielding, the loading must be increased by
small increments, and a trial solution is found for a statically admissible
stress-increment field dσ. The resulting stress f atσ must then be tested to
determine whether it is plastically admissible for the current yield surface.
If it is not, then the trial solution must be corrected so as to bring all stress
values inside or on the yield surface; the procedure is usually an iterative
one. The points at which σ is inside the yield surface constitute the current
elastic domain, while those where σ is on the yield surface form the plastic
domain. The elastic-plastic boundary is thus a part of the solution at each
step. The solution must usually be carried out numerically, and methods
are discussed in Section 4.5. Sections 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 deal with problems
that can be treated analytically.
188 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
2. If the load on the assemblage of Figure 4.1.1(a) is not vertical but has
both a vertical component V directed downward and a horizontal load
H directed to the right, the problem is no longer symmetric and the
three bar forces must be assumed to be distinct. Discuss the behavior
of the assemblage when (a) V = cH, with c constant and H increasing,
and (b) V is held constant at a value at which the assemblage is elastic,
and then H is gradually increased from zero.
5. Show that Equations (4.1.6) describe the elastic state of the assemblage
of Figure 4.1.2(a).
6. Show that Equations (4.1.7) give the forces in the bars of the assem-
blage of Figure 4.1.2(a) that have remained elastic when the central
bar and m − 1 bars on either side of it have yielded. Find the value
attained by the load F so that bars m are just about to yield.
Section 4.2 / Elastic–Plastic Torsion 189
7. When the load F has attained the value found in Exercise 6 and is
then removed, find the residual bar forces. Which of the bars go into
at x3 = 0 : u1 = u2 = 0, σ33 = 0;
at x3 = L : u1 = −θLx2 , u2 = θLx1 , σ33 = 0;
dx2 dx1
on C, 0 < x3 < L : Ti = σij nj = σiα nα = 0, where n1 = , n2 = − .
ds ds
190 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
HH - x1
HH H j x3
Stress Assumptions
If we assume that σ11 = σ22 = σ33 = σ12 = 0, then the equilibrium
equations (with zero body force) reduce to
τα ,3 = 0 (α = 1, 2), τα ,α = 0,
where τα = σα3 . The first two equations imply that τ1 and τ2 are func-
tions of x1 and x2 only, so that the problem is mathematically (though not
physically) two-dimensional. The third equation implies that there exists a
function φ(x1 , x2 ) such that τ1 = φ,2 and τ2 = −φ,1 . To satisfy the traction
boundary conditions, we need
dxα dφ
τα nα = φ,α = = 0,
ds C ds C
so that φ must be constant on C. With no loss of generality we may let the
constant be 0. If the section is multiply connected, with interior contours C1 ,
C2 ,..., then we can set φ = 0 on the exterior boundary curve C, but on each
of the interior curves we can only set it equal to some unknown constant.
The torque T is given by
T = (x1 τ2 − x2 τ1 ) dA = − xα φ,α dA
= − [(xα φ),α −2φ] dA = − nα xα φ dA + 2 φ dA
= 2 φ dA,
Displacement Assumptions
If the material is isotropic, then regardless of whether it is elastic, plastic,
or whatever, the only nonvanishing strain components (under the assumption
of infinitesimal deformation) consistent with the stress assumptions can be
def def
the shear strains γ1 = 2ε13 and γ2 = 2ε23 . A displacement field consistent
with this condition and with the displacement boundary conditions is
These are two equations in the two unknown functions φ and ψ. We may
eliminate either one and be left with one differential equation in one unknown
∇2 φ = −2Gθ, (4.2.2)
Rectangular Shaft
A closed-form solution does not exist for any other polygonal shaft. A
Fourier series solution can be obtained for a rectangular shaft. Consider the
rectangle bounded by x = + − a/2, y = + − b/2, with b >= a. If we assume
that !
φ1 = Gθ − x2 ,
then this satisfies the boundary condition on the longer sides but not on the
shorter sides; it is reasonable to expect that the larger b/a, the closer φ1 will
be to φ. The “correction” φ2 may be assumed in the form of a Fourier series
in x that is even in x and vanishes on x = + − a/2, and whose coefficients
depend on y:
X (2m + 1)πx
φ2 = Gθ fm (y) cos .
" #
00 (2m + 1)2 π 2 (2m + 1)πx
∇ φ2 = Gθ fm (y) − 2
fm (y) cos ,
a a
00 = [(2m+1)π/a]2 f ; the solution
and if this is to vanish for all (x, y), then fm m
that is even in y is fm (y) = Am cosh(2m + 1)πy/a, where the coefficients Am
must be such that φ2 = −φ1 on y = + − b/2. To satisfy this condition we
need the appropriate Fourier series expansion for φ1 , that is, we need
a2 X (2m + 1)πx
− x2 = Bm cos ;
4 m=0
Hence, finally,
8a2 X (−1)m cosh (2m + 1)πy/a (2m + 1)πx
φ2 = −Gθ cos .
π m=0 (2m + 1)3 cosh (2m + 1)πb/2a
3 a
Integration leads to
" #
31 64a X 1 (2m + 1)πb
J =a b − 5 5
tanh .
3 π b m=0 (2m + 1) 2a
194 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
Since the hyperbolic tangent function approaches unity as its argument in-
creases, the series converges very rapidly.
The maximum shear stress occurs at (± 12 a, 0) and is given by
" #
8 X 1 (2m + 1)πb
τmax = Gaθ 1 − 2 2
sech .
π m=0 (2m + 1) 2a
value, and the value of θ when this occurs is θE = τE /(G|∇f |max ), where
τE is the elastic-limit shear stress. As the twist is further increased beyond
θE , one or more plastic regions form and expand, while the elastic regions
If the shaft material is elastic–perfectly plastic, with τE = τY = k,
then the equation satisfied by the stress function in the plastic regions is
|∇φ| = k. Eventually this equation becomes valid everywhere, a condition
known as fully plastic torsion. In a solid (simply connected) shaft, this state
is attained in the limit as θ → ∞, while in a hollow (multiply connected)
shaft it may occur at a finite value of θ.
The torsion of elastic-plastic shafts with work-hardening has generally
been studied by means of deformation theory, it being argued that under
monotonic loading such a treatment would provide a good approximation to
the solutions of the incremental theory,1 although the two coincide exactly
only when the shaft is circular. A formulation according to Prandtl–Reuss
theory is due to Prager [1947]. In either case, the governing equations must
be solved numerically.
|∇φ| = k in A, φ = 0 on C, (4.2.3)
has a unique solution (Ting [1966a]), which will be denoted φp . The solution
describes a roof of constant slope, and φp (x1 , x2 ) is simply k times the
distance from (x1 , x2 ) to the nearest point on C. A point (x1 , x2 ) is a ridge
point whenever there is more than one such nearest point. The ridge points
represent the remnants of the elastic zone as it shrinks to zero area, so that
the plastic strain rates vanish there. At a ridge point, therefore, γ̇1 = γ̇2 = 0
even in the limit as θ → ∞.
A line consisting of ridge points is called a ridge line. Since a ridge point
is the meeting place of contours having different directions, a ridge line is the
locus of a discontinuity in ∇φ, and therefore the stress is discontinuous across
the plane formed by the x3 -axis and the ridge line. A stress discontinuity
does not, by itself, violate equilibrium: consider an element ∆S of a surface
perpendicular to the page and a very thin volume element containing it,
as shown in Figure 4.2.2. In the limit as the thickness goes to zero, the
element is in equilibrium if the traction is continuous, that is, if the stress
components σn (the normal stress) and τ (the shear stress) are continuous;
the lateral stress σt , on the other hand, may be discontinuous. Now, if n is
a unit vector normal to a ridge line, then the traction on the plane normal
See, e.g., Mendelson [1968], Section 11-6; Kachanov [1971], Section 30; Chakrabarty
[1987], Section 3.6(vi).
196 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
τ @ σn
@ n
@ @@
@ @@ ∆S
@ @@@
@ @
? σt (may be discontinuous)
The torque given by 2 A φp dA is the ultimate torque TU . Thus, for a
circle of radius a, TU = 32 πka3 . For a rectangle of sides a and b, with b > a,
TU = 61 ka2 (3b − a).
In a nonconvex polygon, that is, one with re-entrant corners, the ridge
Section 4.2 / Elastic–Plastic Torsion 197
lines and contours are not all straight. Consider the cross-section shown in
Figure 4.2.4. For a point (x, y) with x > y > 0, the nearest point on the
@ Ridge lines
r(x,y) r(a,y)
X Contour lines
a -
side with the re-entrant corner is just the corner, while the pnearest point on
the other side is (a, y); (x, y) is therefore a ridge point if x2 + y 2 = a − x,
that is, if it lies on the parabola described by
y 2 = a2 − 2ax.
To the left of this parabola, the φp contours are circular arcs centered about
the corner, and to the right they are straight lines parallel to the y-axis. The
structure is, of course, symmetric about the line y = x.
lies entirely between the normals to C at the points where Γ meets C (see
Prager and Hodge [1951], Section 3.2); this result was proved by T. W. Ting
[1966a]. We are thus led to the membrane-roof analogy due to Nadai [1923]:
we imagine a rigid roof having the shape of the surface of the ultimate sand
heap, and a membrane stretched underneath it and subjected to a uniform
upward pressure. Under sufficiently low pressures the membrane does not
touch the roof, a state corresponding to elastic torsion. As the pressure is
increased, parts of the membrane become tangent to the roof and remain
there, representing the plastic regions, while those parts of the membrane
that are still free represent the elastic region. The membrane-roof analogy
was used by Nadai [1950] for the experimental solution of elastic-plastic
torsion problems.
It is clear from the analogy that the elastic region consists of those points
where φ < φp and |∇φ| < k. It was shown by Ting [1966b] that the correct
solution is the one that minimizes the functional
K[φ∗ ] = (|∇φ∗ |2 − 4Gθφ∗ ) dA,
the minimum being taken either over all those functions φ∗ that satisfy
φ∗ ≤ φp or those that satisfy |∇φ∗ | ≤ k, in addition to satisfying φ∗ = 0
on C. The properties of the solution for various cross-sections were further
investigated in a series of papers by T. W. Ting [1967, 1969a,b, 1971]. Ting’s
minimum principle also permits the application of numerical methods based
on discretization, similar to that discussed for elastic bodies in 1.4.3, except
for the presence of inequality constraints.
Elastic–Plastic Warping
An important feature of the elastic-plastic solution is that once a point of
the cross-section has become plastic, the stress state there remains constant.
Any strain increment in the plastic region is therefore purely plastic. The
flow rule γ̇αp = λ̇τα , which follows from isotropy, implies that in the plastic
γ̇1 ψ,1 −x2 φ,2
= =− .
γ̇2 ψ,2 +x1 φ,1
Let the normal to the boundary subtend an angle χ with the x1 -axis; then,
in the plastic zone,
= d,
Section 4.2 / Elastic–Plastic Torsion 199
where n denotes the directed distance, measured outward, along a line nor-
mal to the boundary, and d denotes the distance from this line to the origin
(see Figure 4.2.5). If n is measured from the intersection point R of the
*Ar K?
r P
R0 A C
d 0 x1
given normal line with the elastic-plastic boundary, then at a point P on the
line such that n is the distance from R to P ,
dψ = ψ,α dxα = x2 dx1 − x1 dx2 + τα dxα ,
so that Z R Z R
ψ(R) = (x2 dx1 − x1 dx2 ) + τα dxα ,
R0 R0
Ridge line
a x
Figure 4.2.6. Fully plastic rectangular shaft: first quadrant, regions separated
by ridge line.
Circular Shaft
For a circular shaft, the derivation of the elastic-plastic solution is simple.
By symmetry, the elastic-plastic boundary must be a circle of radius, say,
Section 4.2 / Elastic–Plastic Torsion 201
r∗ . The elastic region is thus r < r∗ and the plastic region r > r∗ . In the
latter region we have the fully plastic solution, φ = k(c − r) (where c is the
shaft radius), while in the former,
1 d dφ
∇ φ= r = −2Gθ.
r dr dr
Integrating once, we obtain
− = τzθ = τ = Gθr
in the elastic region; continuity of stress at the elastic-plastic boundary,
where τ = k, requires r∗ = k/Gθ; thus θE = k/Gc. Integrating again, we
find that for r < r∗ , !
r∗ r2
φ(r) = k c − − ∗ ,
2 2r
and the torque is
" 3 #
2π 1 θE
T = k(c3 − r∗ 3 /4) = TU 1 − , (4.2.4)
3 4 θ
c = 3
b 2
θ θ
θE θE
(a) (b)
Figure 4.2.7. Torque-twist diagrams for circular shaft: (a) solid; (b) hollow.
(Compare with Figure 4.1.3.)
If the shaft is hollow, with inner radius b, then the expressions derived
above for φ is the elastic and plastic regions are valid as long as b < r∗ < c.
The onset of plasticity occurs when T = π(c4 − b4 )k/2c = TE , while the
ultimate torque is TU = 2π(c3 − b3 )k/3. The torque in contained plastic
deformation is given by
c3 b4 r∗ 3
T = 2πk − ∗− .
3 4r 12
202 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
1 ∂ φ̄ 1 ∂ φ̄
τzθ = , τrθ = − ,
r2 ∂r r2 ∂z
where φ̄ obeys
∂ 2 φ̄ 3 ∂ φ̄ ∂ 2 φ̄
− + 2 =0
∂r2 r ∂r ∂z
in the elastic region and
∇φ̄ = kr 2
k(ā + b̄)
θ= . (4.2.6)
Furthermore, s
2 2
x y
|∇φ| = k + ,
ā b̄
so that the elastic-plastic boundary Γ is given by the ellipse
2 2
x y
+ = 1,
ā b̄
Section 4.2 / Elastic–Plastic Torsion 203
or, parametrically, by
x = ā cos χ, y = b̄ sin χ.
The angle χ thus defines the direction of steepest descent of the φ surface
at the elastic-plastic boundary; note that this direction is not, in general,
normal to this boundary, except where it coincides with the principal axes
of the ellipse.
The form of φ in the plastic zone may now be obtained by means of
the previously discussed general solution for fully plastic torsion. Thus, if
straight lines are drawn outward from Γ in the direction of steepest descent,
then along these lines φ has the constant slope −k, and these lines are
normal to the external boundary curve C. Consider one such line, drawn
from the point (ξ, η) on Γ to a point (x, y) on the external boundary C.
Since φ(x, y) = 0, the distance between the two points is φ(ξ, η)/k. If
ξ = ā cos χ and η = b̄ sin χ, then
x = ā cos χ + (c − ā cos2 χ − b̄ sin2 χ) cos χ,
y = b̄ sin χ + (c − ā cos2 χ − b̄ sin2 χ) sin χ.
From these expressions we can determine the semiaxes of C, namely,
1 1
a = x|χ=0 = (ā + c), b = y|χ=π/2 = (b̄ + c);
2 2
note that
ā − b̄ = 2(a − b). (4.2.7)
The boundary curve may now be represented in terms of a and b as
a = 4b/3 ∞ 0 x
(a) (b)
Figure 4.2.8. Sokolovskii oval: (a) comparison with ellipse; (b) elastic-plastic
boundary at various values of the twist.
k k 2
b̄ = b − a + + (a − b)2 + .
2Gθ 2Gθ
For the elastic-plastic boundary to lie entirely within C, it is necessary that
ā ≤ a and b̄ ≤ b, or
k k
+ (a − b)2 + ≤ min(a, b).
2Gθ 2Gθ
Supposing that a > b, we find the minimum value of θ for which the solution
is valid to be
θmin = .
Ga(2b − a)
As θ increases above this value, the ellipse shrinks; in the limit as θ → ∞,
b̄ goes to zero, and ā goes to 2(a − b), so that in the fully plastic state a
ridge line extending over −2(a − b) ≤ x ≤ 2(a − b) is formed. Elastic-plastic
boundaries corresponding to different values of θ are shown in Figure 4.2.8(b)
for a = 4b/3.
By means of a different inverse method, Galin [1949] was able to solve a
series of elastic-plastic torsion problems for shafts of nearly polygonal cross-
γ2 ,1 −γ1 ,2 = constant,
find the forms taken by the equilibrium equation and the boundary
conditions on C in terms of α. Interpret α in relation to the plastic
stress function φp .
4. Find the ultimate torque and the fully plastic warping for a shaft whose
cross-section is an equilateral triangle.
6. Discuss the contour lines of the fully plastic stress function in the
Sokolovskii oval shaft. Plot for a/b = 4/3.
7. Use the formulation of Exercise 2 to show that the fully plastic stress
distribution for a shaft of elliptic cross-section, bounded by (x/a)2 +
(y/b)2 = 1, is given implicitly by
(a2 − b2 ) sin 2α
x cos α + y sin α = p .
2 a2 sin2 α + b2 cos2 α
Plot the contours of the stress function for a/b = 4/3, and compare
the result with that of Exercise 6.
includes the solution for finite strain and thermal stresses, while treatment
of the cylinder includes the effects of unloading and reloading and of work-
hardening. More details can be found in books such as Johnson and Mellor
[1973] and Chakrabarty [1987].
Basic Equations
In a hollow sphere of inner radius a and outer radius b, subject to normal
pressures on its inner and outer surfaces, and made of an isotropic mater-
ial, the displacement and stress fields must be spherically symmetric. The
only nonvanishing displacement component is the radial displacement u, a
function of the radial coordinate r only. The only nonvanishing strains are,
by Equations (1.2.2), the radial strain εr = du/dr and the circumferential
strains εθ = εφ = u/r. The strains obviously satisfy the compatibility con-
εr = (rεθ ). (4.3.1)
The only nonvanishing stress components are the radial stress σr and
the circumferential stresses σθ = σφ , which satisfy the equilibrium equation
dσr σr − σθ
+2 = 0. (4.3.2)
dr r
Elastic Solution
The strain-stress relations for an isotropic linearly elastic solid, Equa-
tions (1.4.11), reduce in the present case to
εr = (σr − 2νσθ ),
εθ = [(1 − ν)σθ − νσr ].
The compatibility equation (4.3.1) may now be rewritten in terms of the
stresses to read
d 1+ν
[(1 − ν)σθ − νσr ] + (σθ − σr ) = 0,
dr r
and with the help of (4.3.2) reduces to
(σr + 2σθ ) = 0.
Section 4.3 / The Thick-Walled Hollow Sphere and Cylinder 207
d 3
(σθ − σr ) + (σθ − σr ) = 0,
dr r
leading to the solution
σθ − σr = ,
where B is another constant. The stress field is therefore given by
2B B
σr = A − , σθ = A + .
r3 r3
With the boundary conditions
where pi and pe are the interior and exterior pressures, respectively, the
constants A and B can be solved for, and the stress components σr , σθ can
be expressed as
" 3 3 #
1 pi − pe a a
σr = − (pi + pe ) + 1+ −2 ,
2 2[1 − (a/b)3 ] b r
" 3 3 #
1 pi − pe a a
σθ = − (pi + pe ) + 1+ + ,
2 2[1 − (a/b)3 ] b r
that is, the stress field is the superposition of (1) a uniform stress field equal
to the negative of the average of the external and internal pressures, and (2)
a variable stress field proportional to the pressure difference.
If the sphere material is elastic-plastic, then the largest pressure for which
the preceding solution is valid is that at which the stresses at some r first
satisfy the yield criterion; this limiting pressure will be denoted pE . Since
208 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
two of the principal stresses are equal, the stress state is equibiaxial (see
3.3.4), and both the Tresca and Mises criteria reduce to
σθ − σr = σY , (4.3.3)
where σY is the tensile yield stress, since σθ > σr everywhere. The value of
σθ − σr is maximum at r = a, where it attains 3p/2[1 − (a/b)3 ]. The largest
pressure at which the sphere is wholly elastic is therefore
2 a3
pE = σ Y 1− 3 . (4.3.4)
3 b
Stress Field
When the pressure in the hollow sphere exceeds pE , a spherical domain
of inner radius a and outer radius, say, c becomes plastic. The elastic domain
c < r < b behaves like an elastic shell of inner radius c that is just yielding
at r = c, so that σr and σθ are given by
pc b3
σr = − −1 ,
(b/c)3 − 1 r3
pc b3
σθ = +1 .
(b/c)3 − 1 2r3
where pc = −σr (c) is such that the yield criterion is met at r = c, that is, it
is given by the right-hand side of (4.3.4) with a replaced by c:
2 c3
pc = σ Y 1− 3 .
3 b
Therefore, !
2 c3 c3
σr = − σY − ,
3 r3 b3!
c<r<b (4.3.5)
2 c3 c3
σθ = σY + .
3 2r3 b3
In particular, σθ (b) = σY (c/b)3 .
In the plastic domain, the yield criterion (4.3.3) holds everywhere, so
that the equilibrium equation (4.3.2) may be integrated for σr , subject to
continuity with the elastic solution at r = c, to yield
2 c3 c3
σr = − σY 1 − 3 + ln 3 .
3 b r
Section 4.3 / The Thick-Walled Hollow Sphere and Cylinder 209
The radius c marking the extent of the plastic domain is obtained, at a given
pressure p, from the condition that σr (a) = −p, or
2 c3 c3
p = σY 1 − 3 − ln 3 . (4.3.6)
3 b a
The displacement u in the elastic domain is given by u(r) = (r/E)[(1 −
ν)σθ − νσr ]. In particular,
" #
σY c c3
u(c) = (1 + ν) + 2(1 − 2ν) 3 .
3E b
In the plastic domain the displacement is determined from the fact that
the volume strain is purely elastic, that is,
du u 1 − 2ν 2(1 − 2ν)σY c3 c3
+2 = (σr + 2σθ ) = 2 + 3 − ln 3 .
dr r E 3E b r
The left-hand member is equal to r−2 d(r2 u)/dr, and therefore the equation
can be integrated subject to continuity at r = c. In particular
" !#
σY a c3 2 c3 c3
u(a) = (1 − ν) 3 − (1 − 2ν) 1 − 3 + ln 3 .
E a 3 b a
permissible in the present case, since the principal strain directions do not
change (see Section 2.1).
If r is the current radius of a spherical surface whose initial radius is r0 ,
then the current volume of the infinitesimal shell contained between r and
r + dr is 4πr2 dr, while its initial volume is 4πr02 dr0 . The volume strain
is consequently ln(r2 dr/r02 dr0 ). Assuming plastic incompressibility, we can
equate this strain to (1 − 2ν)(σr + 2σθ )/E, or
r02 dr0 1 − 2ν 1 − 2ν
= exp − (σr + 2σθ ) = 1 − (σr + 2σθ ), (4.3.7)
r dr E E
since the stresses are small compared to E. The equilibrium equation (4.3.2)
is exact if it is interpreted as Eulerian, that is, if r denotes the current radius
and σr , σθ are the true stresses. Eliminating σθ between (4.3.2) and (4.3.7),
we obtain
dr0 1 − 2ν d 3
r02 = r2 − (r σr ).
dr E dr
Integration leads to
r03 σr 3A
= 1 − 3(1 − 2ν) − 3 ,
r E r
where A is a constant of integration. Note that this relation holds in both the
elastic and plastic domains. At r = b we have r0 = b0 , and since σr (b) = 0,
b0 3A A
= 1− 3 = 1 − 3.
b b b
But b0 = b−u(b), where u(b) may be obtained from the previous solution for
the elastic domain, namely, u(b) = (1 − ν)bσθ (b)/E = (1 − ν)b(c/b)3 σY /E.
Consequently, A = (1 − ν)c3 σY /E. The change in the internal radius can be
expressed as
3 " #
a0 3 c3
=1− (1 − ν)σY 3 − (1 − 2ν)p . (4.3.8)
a E a
deformation, in the plastic domain this stress is related to εpr in the same
way that σ is related to εp in a uniaxial compression test. Let this relation
be denoted σ = −σY (−εp ); then (4.3.3) may be written as
σθ − σr = σY (−εpr ).
Since εθ = ln(r/r0 ),
1 − 2ν
εr + 2εθ = (σr + 2σθ ),
εr = εpr + (σr − 2νσθ ),
it follows that
2 r
εpr = [(1 − ν)σθ − νσr ] − 2 ln ,
E r0
so that
r (1 − ν)σθ − νσr
σθ − σr = σY 2 ln − 2 . (4.3.9)
r0 E
This equation, along with the equilibrium equation (4.3.2) and the elastic
compressibility condition (4.3.7), constitutes the system of three simultane-
ous equations that govern the three variables σr , σθ , and r0 as functions of r
in the plastic domain. The equations must, in general, be solved numerically.
A simplification is achieved if the material is elastically as well as plas-
tically incompressible, that is, if ν = 21 . In this case (4.3.9) becomes
r σθ − σr
σθ − σr = σY 2 ln − ,
r0 E
σθ − σr = f 2 ln .
Here f is the same function that gives the relation between the true stress
and the total logarithmic strain in uniaxial compression, σ = f (ε). Inserting
the last equation into (4.3.2) and integrating leads to
r f (2 ln(r/r0 )) 2 c3
σr = 2 dr − 1− 3 σE ,
c r 3 b
a result that agrees with (4.3.6) when f (ε) ≡ σY (perfect plasticity). Since
the material is assumed incompressible,
r3 − r03 = a3 − a30 .
In the elastic region, however, r3 − r03 = 3r2 u(r), while u(r) = σE c3 /2Er2 .
c3 = α(a3 − a30 ), (4.3.11)
α= .
Equation (4.3.10) may now be rewritten with the help of the variable s =
(a3 − a30 )/r3 to read
2 c3 2
Z 1−(a0 /a)3 f (− 32 ln(1 − s))
p= 1− 3 σE + ds. (4.3.12)
3 b 3 α s
dp c2 dc 2 1
= −2σE 3 + f (2 ln ρ) 3 .
da b da a ρ −1
From (4.3.11),
dc 2E 2
c2 = a ,
da 3σE
so that dp/da = 0 when ρ is given by
2Eρ3 (ρ3 − 1) b
= ,
3f (2 ln ρ) a0
an equation that can be easily solved graphically for a given stress-strain
curve. In particular, for the perfectly plastic material the equation is quadratic
in ρ3 and can be solved explicitly.
If the material is work-hardening and the shell is sufficiently thin, how-
ever, the instability does not occur before the shell has become completely
plastic. The limiting wall ratio, for which the pressure is maximum just
when the shell becomes fully plastic, is obtained by setting c = b, so that
ρ3 = 1 + α(b/a0 )3 . Defining
2 b3
ε0 = ln 1 + α 3 ,
3 a0
Section 4.3 / The Thick-Walled Hollow Sphere and Cylinder 213
f (ε0 ) = σE e3ε0 /2 .
Thermoelastic Stresses
If the inner and outer surfaces of the sphere are at different temperatures,
say Ta and Tb , respectively, then the temperature inside the shell varies with
r. The thermoelastic stress-strain-temperature relations (1.4.13) are, in the
present case,
εr = (σr − 2νσθ ) + αT,
E (4.3.13)
εθ = [(1 − ν)σθ − νσr ] + αT.
The compatibility equation (4.3.1) now reads
d 1+ν dT
[(1 − ν)σθ − νσr ] + (σθ − σr ) + Eα = 0,
dr r dr
214 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
d Eα dT
(σr + 2σθ ) − 2 = 0,
dr 1 − ν dr
or, upon integrating,
σr + 2σθ = 3A − 2 T.
d 3 Eα 2
(r σr ) = 3Ar2 − 2 r T,
dr 1−ν
2B b
σr = A + −λ ,
r3 r (4.3.15)
B λb
σθ = A − 3 − ,
r 2r
Eα(Ta − Tb )
λ= .
(1 − ν)[(b/a) − 1]
If the stresses are due to the temperature difference only, then the constants
A, B may be determined from the conditions σr (a) = σr (b) = 0. The results
are " !#
b 1 b3 b2 b
σr = −λ − + + ,
r (b/a)2 + (b/a) + 1 r3 a2 a
" !#
b 1 b3 b2 b
σθ = −λ + 2 3
− 2 2
−2 ,
2r (b/a) + (b/a) + 1 2r a a
Section 4.3 / The Thick-Walled Hollow Sphere and Cylinder 215
so that " #
λ b 3 b3
σθ − σr = − .
2 r (b/a)2 + (b/a) + 1 r3
The greatest numerical value of the right-hand side occurs at r = a, where
it equals
|λ| (b/a)(b/a − 1)(2b/a + 1)
|σθ − σr |max = .
2 (b/a)2 + (b/a) + 1
Yielding therefore occurs when this quantity first equals σY , so that the
temperature difference required for initial yielding is
(1 − ν)σY 1 + (a/b) + (a/b)2
|Ta − Tb |E = . (4.3.16)
Eα 1 + (a/2b)
Basic Equations
The problem of a thick-walled cylindrical tube of inner radius a and
outer radius b, subject to normal pressures on its inner and outer surfaces,
is not as simple as the corresponding problem of the hollow sphere, because
the mechanical state in general varies not only with the radial coordinate r
but also the axial coordinate z. If, however, the cylinder is of sufficiently
great length compared to b, then some simplifying assumptions may be made.
First, the stresses and strains on sections far enough away from the ends may
be regarded as independent of z. In addition, plane sections perpendicular
to the tube axis may be assumed to remain plane, so that the axial strain
εz is constant.
As a result of symmetry about the z-axis, the shear-stress components
(in cylindrical coordinates) τrθ and τzθ vanish, and all remaining stress com-
ponents are independent of θ as well, and hence functions of r only. The
equilibrium equations are therefore
dσr σr − σθ
+ =0 (4.3.18)
dr r
dτrz τrz
+ = 0.
dr r
The latter equation has the solution rτrz = constant, and since the traction
on the tube boundaries consists of pressures only, τrz must vanish. Equation
(4.3.18) is therefore the only equilibrium equation of the problem.
Section 4.3 / The Thick-Walled Hollow Sphere and Cylinder 217
where pi and pe have the same meaning as for the sphere, the constants A
and B can be solved for, and the stress components σr , σθ can be expressed
as " 2 2 #
1 pi − pe a a
σr = − (pi + pe ) + 2
1+ −2 ,
2 2[1 − (a/b) ] b r
218 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
" 2 2 #
1 pi − p e a a
σθ = − (pi + pe ) + 1+ +2 .
2 2[1 − (a/b)2 ] b r
Under internal pressure only, these equations simplify to
p b2
σr = − −1 ,
(b/a)2 − 1 r2 !
p b2
σθ = +1 .
(b/a)2 − 1 r2
The axial stress σz is given by
σz = + Eεz ,
(b/a)2 − 1
and the radial displacement u is
" #
(1 + ν)p b2
u(r) = (1 − 2ν)r + − νεz r.
E[(b/a)2 − 1] r
pressure will again denoted pE . It can be readily seen that in all three
conditions — open end, closed end, and plane strain — the axial stress σz
is the intermediate principal stress. Consequently, if the Tresca criterion
is assumed, then it takes the simple form σθ − σr = 2k, since σθ > 0 and
σr < 0. Since σθ −σr = pa2 /[1−(a/b)2 ]r2 , the maximum is reached at r = a,
and therefore !
pE = k 1 − 2 . (4.3.23)
1 − (a/b)2
pE = k q . (4.3.24)
1 + 13 (a/b)4
1 − (a/b)2
pE = k q . (4.3.25)
1 + 13 (1 − 2ν)2 (a/b)4
1 − (a/b)2
pE = k q ,
1 + 31 (1 − 2ν − α)2 (a/b)4
The associated flow rule for the Tresca criterion implies that with σz
as the intermediate principal stress, εz is purely elastic and given by [σz −
ν(σr + σθ )]/E, so that
σz = + Eεz .
(b/c)2 − 1
In the plane-strain condition, εz = 0, the assumption that σz is the interme-
diate principal stress at r = c can be immediately verified, since
b2 b2
+ 1 ≥ 2ν ≥ − + 1.
c2 c2
For the other two conditions, σz cannot be determined without studying the
plastic zone.
The assumption σθ ≥ σz ≥ σr will be retained as valid in the plastic
zone as well. The yield criterion σθ − σr = 2k must then be satisfied for
a ≤ r ≤ c, and therefore the equilibrium equation (4.3.18) may be integrated
immediately for σr . The solution
σr = −p + k ln
satisfies the boundary condition at r = a. Continuity of σr at r = c leads to
the result !
c2 c2
p = k 1 − 2 + ln 2 , (4.3.27)
b a
Section 4.3 / The Thick-Walled Hollow Sphere and Cylinder 221
pU = k ln . (4.3.28)
But r(σθ + σr ) = r(σθ − σr + 2σr ) = r2 dσr /dr + 2rσr = d(r2 σr )/dr by the
equilibrium equation (4.3.18), so that the integral on the right-hand side is
2πνr2 σr |ba = 2πνpa2 . Hence
c2 c2
σθ = k 2
+ 2
, c<r<b (4.3.29)
r b !#
c2 α c2 c2
σz = k 2ν 2 + 1 − 2 + ln 2 .
b (b/a)2 − 1 b a
For the results to be valid for all pressures up to ultimate, this quantity
must be nonnegative for all c up to and including b, and therefore the limit
of validity is given by the equation
b2 α b2
2(1 − ν) − (1 − 2ν) ln − ln = 0,
a2 (b/a)2 − 1 a2
a relation between b/a and ν that depends on the end condition. For ν = 0.3,
the limiting values of b/a are respectively 5.43, 6.19 and 5.75 for the closed-
end, open-end and plane-strain conditions.
The preceding result is due to Koiter [1953b], who pointed out that while
an analysis may also be carried out for higher values of b/a, the hypothesis
of infinitesimal deformations is no longer tenable.
c2 c2
1+ − ln ≥ 0.
b2 a2
The entire disk can become plastic (c = b) only if b/a ≤ e. For larger values
of b/a, the plastic zone cannot expand beyond a limiting radius c whose
value is furnished by the preceding inequality, turned into an equation. The
maximum c/a turns out to be a decreasing function of b/a, with the limit
e1/2 = 1.649 as b/a → ∞ (a circular hole in an infinite plate). In other
Section 4.3 / The Thick-Walled Hollow Sphere and Cylinder 223
words, the larger the disk in relation to the hole, the less the plastic zone
can expand. Note that the pressure can never exceed 2k.
While it may be thought that the preceding limitation is due to the dis-
continuous nature of the Tresca criterion, this is not the case. Qualitatively
similar results are given by the Mises criterion. The equation representing
the Mises criterion in plane stress,
σr2 − σr σθ + σθ2 = 3k 2 ,
dr ds
= −q √ .
r 3
1 − s2 + s
2 2
2kc2 (1 − ν 2 )
A= .
In the case of an incompressible solid (ν = 21 ) in plane strain (εz = 0), the
displacement field reduces to
u(r) = . (4.3.31)
An analogous procedure for the annular disk (plane stress) leads to
1−ν 2kc2
u(r) = rσr + .
E Er
K being the bulk modulus. The quantities sr , sθ , εr , and εθ form the basic
un-knowns of the problem. It is convenient to regard them as functions of
r and of c, with the latter as the time-like variable. sθ , however, may be
eliminated through the yield criterion, which takes the form
s2r + sr sθ + s2θ = k 2 ,
1 q 2
sθ = 4k − 3s2r − sr ;
the positive root is chosen because 2sθ + sr is positive in the elastic region.
The equilibrium equation (4.3.18) now becomes
∂sr ∂ 1 q 2
+ K (εr + εθ ) = 2
4k − 3sr − sr . (4.3.32)
∂r ∂r 2r
The strains εr and εθ furthermore satisfy the compatibility condition
εr = (rεθ ). (4.3.33)
Finally, the flow rule must be invoked, in the form of the Prandtl–Reuss
equations (3.3.4), which in the present case become
2G ∂ ∂sr
(2εr − εθ ) = + 2Gλ̇sr ,
3 ∂c ∂c
2G ∂ ∂sθ
(2εθ − εr ) = + 2Gλ̇sθ ;
3 ∂c ∂c
recall that c is used to denote time. Eliminating λ̇ between the two equations
and substituting for sθ produces
∂sr G 2 2 ∂εr ∂εr
2 2 2
= 2 4k − 3sr − 2k + 3sr 4k − 3sr . (4.3.34)
∂c 4k ∂c ∂c
Their solution can be effected numerically, as was done by Hodge and White
[1950].1 Hodge and White’s results are reviewed in Section 4.5, where they
are compared with a numerical solution based on the finite-element method.
A considerable simplification is achieved if the material is assumed to be
elastically as well as plastically incompressible, that is, if ν = 12 . In this case
the relation sz = 0 implies that both εez = 0 and εpz = 0, and as we know
from 3.3.4, when the latter condition holds, the Mises criterion coincides with
the Tresca criterion based on k. Hence the stresses are given by Equations
(4.3.29) and (4.3.30) in the elastic and plastic regions, respectively, with
α = 0 and ν = 21 .
A comparison of the results of this simplification with those obtained
numerically for ν < 21 shows that the values of σr and σθ are practically
indistinguishable. For the axial stress and the displacement, on the other
hand, the following corrections provide a good approximation:2
. .
σzcomp = 2νσzinc , ucomp = 2(1 − ν)uinc .
and ! !
c2 p a2 a2
σr = −k 2
− − 2 ,
a p!
E r2 b!
c2 p a2 a 2
σθ = k 2
− 2
+ 2 , c<r<b
a pE !r b
c2 p a2
σz = 2νk − .
a2 pE b2
A similar analysis of the tube under closed-end and open-end conditions was performed
by Marcal [1965].
Hodge and White [1950] (see also Prager and Hodge [1951], Section 16).
Section 4.3 / The Thick-Walled Hollow Sphere and Cylinder 227
Note that the residual axial stress is independent of the end condition; the
reason is that the axial strain εz , being purely elastic, is completely removed.
The largest value of |σθ − σr | can be seen to occur at r = a, where
it equals 2k(p/pE − 1). Also, at that location σr = 0 and σz = νσθ , so
that renewed yielding takes place if p/pE = 2, provided that 2k remains
the yield stress on reversed loading. The unloading is accordingly elastic
if p < 2pE = 2k(1 − a2 /b2 ), and this occurs for all pressures p up to the
ultimate pressure pU , given by (4.3.28), if the wall ratio b/a is such that
pU < 2pE , that is, if it is less than that which satisfies the equation
b2 a2
ln 2 = 2 1 − 2 .
a b
The largest wall ratio for which the unloading is elastic at all pressures is
found to be about 2.22; the corresponding ultimate pressure is about 1.59k.
When b/a > 2.22 and p > 2pE , unloading produces a new plastic zone,
a < r < c0 (with c0 < c), in which σθ − σr = −2k.
If the shakedown pressure is defined as pS = min(pU , 2pE ), then for
p ≤ pS not only is unloading elastic, but so is any subsequent reloading with
a pressure no greater than p. In other words, shakedown (as discussed in
3.5.3) takes place: the initial loading extends the elastic range of the tube,
with the limiting pressure for purely elastic expansion increased from pE to
p. This strengthening can be attributed to the development of compressive
hoop stresses σθ in the inner portion of the tube — an effect similar to that
of hoops around a barrel. The process is commonly known as autofrettage,
a French term meaning “self-hooping.”
Effect of Work-Hardening
A solution for a work-hardening material will be obtained following
Bland [1956]. We retain the assumption σθ > σz > σr and the Tresca
yield criterion and flow rule, but assume that the yield stress k is a function
of a hardening variable κ, defined, say, by (1.5.6) (“plastic work”); in the
present case, this definition reduces to
since ε̇pr = −ε̇pθ . As long as ε̇pθ ≥ 0 (no reverse yielding), the preceding
relation can be integrated to give
κ dκ0
= 2εpθ ,
0 k(κ0 )
6. Integrate Equation (4.3.36) and thus find an explicit p-c relation for
the case of linear work-hardening [i. e., σY (εp ) = σE + Hεp , with H
General Concepts
A straight bar is said to be in a state of pure bending if the end sections
are subject to normal tractions whose resultants are equal and opposite mo-
ments about an axis perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the bar. It
230 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
a - a - zX ( E
( r(y
] Neutral plane
y (
XXX 0 0
4 g M XX
? ? E
X X Plane of bending
Center of E
curvature C
Q/\\/\ P/\/P/\C
1/κ C
@9D CC Neutral plane
:D εx
Figure 4.4.1. Pure bending: (a) possible beam geometry and loading; (b) local
geometry in the cross-section plane; (c) local geometry in the
plane of bending.
with all other stress components equal to zero. If the moment components
about the y- and z-axes are My and Mz , respectively, then equilibrium is
satisfied if
σ(y, z) dA = 0, zσ(y, z) dA = My , − yσ(y, z) dA = Mz .
Since every cross-section of the bar has the same stress distribution, it
can be expected to have the same strain distribution as well. When the strain
components are infinitesimal and independent of x, three of the compatibility
conditions (1.2.4) reduce to
∂ 2 εx ∂ 2 εx ∂ 2 εx
= = = 0,
∂y 2 ∂z 2 ∂y∂z
so that the longitudinal strain εx must be of the form a + by + cz, with a, b
and c constant. It will be written as
Here (y0 , z0 ) are the coordinates of the intersection of the cross-section with
a fiber that does not elongate (a neutral fiber ), α is the angle between the
plane of bending and the xy-plane, and κ is the curvature (the reciprocal of
the radius of curvature) of the neutral fibers in the plane of bending. For an
illustration of the geometry, see Figure 4.4.1(b) and (c).
The identical vanishing of the shear stresses τxy and τxz implies, if the
material properties are isotropic, the vanishing of the corresponding strains
γxy and γxz , so that the displacements satisfy
∂v ∂u ∂w ∂u
+ = 0, + = 0.
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂z
∂2v ∂2u ∂εx
= − =− = κ cos α,
∂x ∂x∂y ∂y
∂2w ∂2u ∂εx
= − =− = −κ sin α.
∂x ∂x∂z ∂z
Combining, we find that
κ= (v cos α − w sin α).
The quantity in parentheses is the displacement of a fiber from its reference
position in the plane of bending. Supposing this to be the xy-plane (α = 0),
we may write κ = ∂ 2 v/∂x2 . Strictly speaking, the curvature of the bent
fiber is given by
∂ 2 v/∂x2
[1 + (∂v/∂x)2 ]3/2
232 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
Elastic Bending
If the bar is made of a single linearly elastic material with Young’s modu-
lus E, then Equation (4.4.2) can be combined with the stress-strain relation
σx = Eεx to give
Inserting (4.4.3) into the first of Equations (4.4.1) yields y0 cos α+z0 sin α = 0
as the equation governing the coordinates of the neutral fibers — that is,
they lie in the plane (the neutral plane) that is perpendicular to the plane
of bending and that contains the centroidal fiber. Equation (4.4.3) can
accordingly be simplified to
It is also convenient to make the y- and z-axes the principal axes of area,
that is, Z
yz dA = 0.
where Z Z
Iy = z dA, Iz = y 2 dA
are the principal second moments of area (often called the principal moments
of inertia) of the cross-section.
The inclination of the bending plane is given, from (4.4.5), by tan α =
My Iz /Mz Iz . The bending plane is perpendicular to the moment vector,
whatever that may be, if Iy = Iz ; this equality occurs whenever the cross-
section has two or more nonperpendicular axes of symmetry, as in the case of
a circle or a regular polygon (equilateral triangle, square, etc.). Otherwise,
the moment vector is normal to the bending plane only if it is itself directed
along a principal axis, that is, if My = 0 or Mz = 0.
Section 4.4 / Elastic-Plastic Bending 233
M z y My z
σx = − + . (4.4.6)
Iz Iy
All the preceding results are valid as long as the extreme values of the
stress given by (4.4.6) remain in the elastic range. More generally, we may
assume a nonlinear stress-strain relation σ = f (ε). The function f , with
the right-hand side of (4.4.2) as its argument, defines σ(y, z), which when
inserted in (4.4.1) furnishes three coupled, nonlinear equations for the para-
meters κ, α, and y0 cos α + z0 sin α, the last of which is the displacement be-
tween the neutral plane and the centroidal axis. Coupled nonlinear equations
are generally difficult to solve. A simplification is achieved if the bending is
Symmetric Bending
An axis of symmetry is necessarily a principal axis of the cross-section.
Let the section be symmetric about the y-axis, and let My = 0, Mz = M .
Then α = 0, and Equations (4.4.5)–(4.4.6) simplify to M = EIκ, σx =
−M y/I, where I = Iz , in the elastic range. However, symmetry alone
dictates α = 0, independently of material properties, and this condition
may be assumed to hold under nonlinear material behavior as well. With
the stress-strain relation σ = f (ε) as above, the parameters κ and y0 are
governed by
f (−κ(y − y0 )) dA = 0, f (−κ(y − y0 ))y dA = −M. (4.4.7)
M = Φ(κ). (4.4.8)
@ ME
σY σY
@ σ
−σY @
−y ∗ @
κ −c
(a) (b) (c)
where κE = σE /Ec, ME = 2σE bc2 /3. Note that there is no ultimate moment
when n > 0.
Elastic-plastic moment-curvature relations analogous to (4.4.9) can be
found for other doubly symmetric sections, although the integration often
gets cumbersome. It is fairly easy, however, to determine the ultimate mo-
ment and hence the shape factor. In the limit as κ → ∞, the stress distrib-
ution becomes as shown in Figure 4.4.2(c), that is, consisting of two blocks
of constant stress of value σY and −σY , respectively, each distributed over
one-half the area, and statically equivalent to equal and opposite forces of
magnitude σY A/2, each acting at the centroid of the half-area. The ultimate
moment is therefore
MU = σY Ad, (4.4.11)
where d is the distance between the centroids of the half-areas. Since ME =
σY I/c, where c is one-half the depth, the shape factor is Acd/2I. The
quantity 21 Ad is often called the plastic modulus of the section and denoted
For a bar of solid circular cross-section with radius c, we have I = πc4 /4,
A = πc2 , and d/2 = (4/3π)c; hence the shape factor is 16/3π ≈ 1.7. For
a thin-walled circular tube of wall thickness t, I = πc3 t, A = 2πct, and
d/2 = (2/π)c, so that MU /ME = 4/π ≈ 1.27. As a rule, the shape factor is
greater the more material is concentrated near the center, and the smaller
(closer to 1) the more material is concentrated near the extreme fibers. For
rolled structural shapes, typical values are near 1.2 for I-beams and between
1.1 and 1.15 for wide-flange beams. The ideal sandwich beam (or ideal I-
beam) discussed in 3.5.1 has a shape factor of 1. The moment-curvature
relation for such a beam is
EIκ, |κ| ≤ MU /EI,
M= (4.4.12)
MU sgn κ, |κ| ≥ MU /EI,
6 A 6
A √
A a = h/ 2
h A
A ?
? A
b -
Figure 4.4.3. Isosceles triangle: ultimate neutral plane.
neutral plane must then divide the cross-section area into equal halves, as
in the case of sections with double symmetry. Unlike this special case, in
general this plane does not go through the centroid. The ultimate moment
is still given by (4.4.11), with d = d1 + d2 , where d1 and d2 are the distances
from the centroids of each of the half-areas to the ultimate neutral plane.
The relations κE = σY /Ec, ME = σY I/c, and the expression 12 Acd/I for the
shape factor, are valid if c is interpreted as the distance from the centroid to
the farthest fiber in the xy-plane. When |κ| exceeds κE somewhat, a plastic
zone forms on the side of the farthest fiber, but the rest of the section remains
elastic as long as the magnitude of the stress at the opposite extreme fiber
does not attain σY . It is only when this last condition is reached that the
second plastic zone forms. The calculations are often involved.
Consider, for example, an isosceles triangle of base b and height h. For a
section of this shape, A = bh/2, c = 2h/3, and I = bh3 /36. To determine d,
we must first find the location of the ultimate neutral plane. If the distance
from this plane to the apex is a (see Figure 4.4.3), then the area of the
isosceles triangle of height a and base ba/h must equal one-half √ the area
of the whole 2
√ triangle, that is, 2 ba /h = 4 bh; hence a = h/ √ 2, while d1 =
1 1
the residual stress distribution can be calculated on the assumption that the
unloading is elastic, that is, stresses equal to Φ(κ0 )y/I are added to those
produced by the initial loading. The assumption is justified if the resulting
stresses are in the elastic range.
The springback, described by the change in curvature, is likewise elas-
tic, and given by −Φ(κ0 )/EI. The residual curvature, which defines the
permanent deformation of the beam, is
Φ(κ0 )
κres = κ0 − .
If, for example, the moment-curvature relation is (4.4.10), the ratio of resid-
ual to initial curvature is (if κ0 > 0)
" 1−n 3 #
κres 1 κE κE
=1− 3 − . (4.4.13)
κ0 2+n κ0 κ0
In the perfectly plastic case (n = 0), half of the curvature is recovered when
κ0 = 2.88κE .
The calculation of residual stresses is particularly simple for doubly sym-
metric sections, since there is then no need to find y0 , and the residual
stresses are given by
σres = Φ(κ0 ) − f (κ0 y).
A typical residual-stress distribution is shown in Figure 4.4.4. Note that the
stresses near the center of the section keep their sign, while near the extreme
fibers the loading is reversed. If the material is perfectly plastic, then the
residual stresses at the extreme fibers are ±(1 − |M/ME |)σY . Reverse yield-
ing can occur only if the shape factor is greater than 2, a condition unlikely
to occur in doubly symmetric sections.
238 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
0 =(b/h)M
MU U r neutral
B β plane
(b/h)ME Ultimate BMB B)
" b yield locus
" b
b B B
B Oα
" b
b Mz z B B
b "ME MU Bd B
b "
b "Initial
" B Br
b "yield BN *
b" locus
of half-areas
Figure 4.4.5. Asymmetric plastic bending: (a) initial and ultimate yield loci for
a rectangular beam; (b) ultimate neutral place and centroids of
The ultimate neutral plane is assumed to form an angle α with the z-axis.
Since this plane divides the cross-section into two equal areas, its location
can be determined by geometry, as can the locations of the centroids of the
half-areas. If the distance between these centroids is once more denoted d,
then the magnitude of the fully plastic moment is again σY Ad/2. It must be
kept in mind, however, that d depends on α. The line joining the centroids
of the half-areas forms an angle β with the y-axis, which depends on α. The
moment vector is perpendicular to this line, and its components are, if the
half-area below the neutral plane is in tension,
1 1
My = − σY Ad sin β, Mz = σY Ad cos β.
2 2
Section 4.4 / Elastic-Plastic Bending 239
h2 b h2 h
d cos β = cot α, d sin β = 1 − 2 cot2 α , tan α ≥ .
3b 2 3b b
y F
ξ -
H y = y∗ (x)
Plastic x
zones Q 0 L
y = −y ∗ (x)
point (0, 0), with an attendant stretching and shrinking of the x-fibers in
the upper and lower plastic zones, respectively. The resulting mechanism is
known as a plastic hinge. Plastic hinges are used extensively in the plastic
analysis of beams and framed structures under various loadings, as is shown
later in this book.
The preceding derivation of the ultimate load neglects the growth of the
shear stress in the elastic core. In fact, since τ = 0 in the plastic zones,
the transverse force must be balanced by the shear stress in the elastic core
only. This shear stress has a parabolic distribution in −y ∗ (x) ≤ y ≤ y ∗ (x),
with a maximum value, at (x, 0), of 3F/4by ∗ (x), so that the maximum shear
stress in the beam is τmax = 3F/4by ∗ (0). As the elastic core shrinks, this
maximum shear stress grows until it attains τY , when a secondary plastic
zone forms. With the help of Equation (4.4.15), the value of the force F at
which this occurs is found to be given by
F 16 F 16
+ 2
− 2 = 0,
FU 3β FU 3β
where β = σY c/τY L. The only positive root of the equation is
r !
F 8 3
= 1 + β2 − 1 .
FU 3β 2 4
For span-to-depth ratios greater than 3, we have √ c/L < 1/6, so that in
a beam made of a Mises material (σY /τY = 3), β 2 will be no greater
than 1/12. The secondary plastic zone will therefore not form before F =
0.985FU , and the effect of the shear stress in the elastic core on the formation
of the plastic hinge may accordingly be neglected.
As a further refinement we note that since the shear stress in the elastic
core varies with x, a transverse normal stress σy must develop there as well.
However, the effect of this stress on the criterion for the initiation of the
inner plastic zone, and consequently on the ultimate load for reasonably
long beams, is negligible for sufficiently great span-to-depth ratios.1
In order to determine the deflection, it will be assumed that the moment-
curvature relation derived for pure bending holds locally in the elastic-plastic
portion of the beam as well. Letting κ = v̄ 00 (x), where v̄(x) = v(x, 0), and
using Equation (4.4.9) with the relevant substitutions, we obtain
, x < L − ξ,
σ Y
3 − 2(L − x)/ξ
v̄ 00 (x) = x
Ec L− ,
x > L − ξ.
For a “stubby” cantilever whose span is comparable to its depth, beam theory cannot
be used; the problem of the collapse load for such a beam is studied as a limit-analysis
problem in 6.1.2.
Section 4.4 / Elastic-Plastic Bending 243
since v̄ 0 (0) = 0 and v̄ 0 (L) = 0L v̄ 00 (x) dx. Hence, for 2L/3 <= ξ <= L, a
As ξ decreases from L (q = qE ) to 2/3L (q = qU ), the deflection may be
seen to double.
1 1
M (x) = qL(L − x) − q(L − x)2 = q(L2 − x2 ).
2 2
Section 4.4 / Elastic-Plastic Bending 245
y y F=qL
??????????????????????? ????????????
x x
4 g
Figure 4.4.7. Uniformly loaded simply supported beam, equivalence with can-
dσr σr − σθ
+ = 0.
dr r
∂u 1 u 1 ∂v 1 , 1 ∂u ∂v v
= 0 (σr − ν 0 σθ ), + = 0 (σθ − ν 0 σr ) + − = 0.
∂r E r r ∂θ E r ∂θ ∂r r
Section 4.4 / Elastic-Plastic Bending 247
σθ a2 /M σr a2 /M
8.0 7.755 1.2
6.0 0.9
Mk σr
M 4.0 σθ 0.6
(a) (b)
Figure 4.4.8. Curved wide plate or bar in pure bending: (a) geometry; (b)
elastic stress distribution for b = 2a.
d3 σr 5 d 2 σr 3 dσr
+ 2
+ 2 = 0.
dr r dr r dr
The general solution is
σr = A ln r + B + ,
and (4.3.18) immediately gives
σθ = A(ln r + 1) + B − .
The condition that the curved boundary, r = a and r = b, is traction-free
requires that σr vanish there, that is,
where 2
2 2 2 2 2
∆ = (b − a ) − 4a b ln .
The variation of the stresses with r is shown in Figure 4.4.8(b).
The maximum value of |σr − σθ | occurs at r = a, where it equals σθ (a).
Initial yielding according to the Tresca criterion takes place when M = ME ,
k∆ b
2 2 2
ME = 2b ln − b + a ,
2 a
k being the yield stress in shear. For b = 2a, ME = 0.258ka2 .
As in the thick-walled tube in plane strain, both the elastic and plastic
parts of εz vanish as long as σz is the intermediate principal stress, so that
σz = ν(σr + σθ ) in the plastic regions as well. In the inner plastic zone, the
condition that σr < σz < σθ is (1 − 2ν) ln(c1 /a) < ν, while in the outer
plastic zone the corresponding condition σθ < σz < σr is (1 − 2ν) ln(b/c2 ) <
1 − ν. Clearly, these
√ conditions are satisfied at all stages if they are satisfied
when c1 = c2 = ab, and the second condition is satisfied whenever the
first one is, since ν ≤ 1 − ν. The results are consequently valid provided
ln(b/a) ≤ 2ν/(1 − 2ν). For ν = 0.3, the limiting value of b/a is e1.5 = 4.48.
The displacement field in the elastic-plastic pure bending of wide bars
was derived by Shaffer and House [1957] for an incompressible material and
by Eason [1960a] for compressible materials. The overall change in geometry
can be measured by the fractional change in the angle subtended by the bar,
∆α/α, and this is found to remain of the elastic order of magnitude until
M reaches about 0.95MU , similar to the case of initially straight bars. The
corresponding plane-stress problem was treated by Eason [1960b].
opposite direction until plastic deformation again takes place. Plot the
moment-curvature diagram.
however, can be quite large, and therefore special techniques are required in
order to economize on computer time.
Numerical techniques of time integration of the differential equations
arising in elastic-plastic problems are discussed in 4.5.1. In 4.5.2 we present
an overview of the most usual discretization scheme, namely, the finite-
element method (other methods are mentioned in passing). Finally, in
4.5.3 we discuss, in summary form, the combination of the two topics, that
is, the formulation of finite-element methods for elastic-plastic and elastic-
viscoplastic continua.
Matrix notation is used throughout this section, but with boldface
rather than underline notation. For a column-matrix-valued function of
a column-matrix-valued variable — say φ(ξ) — the rectangular matrix
[∂φi /∂ξj ] is denoted ∂φ/∂ξ, ∂ξ φ or φξ . In particular, if φ(ξ) is scalar-
valued, then ∂φ/∂ξ = φξ = ∂ξ φ is a row matrix.
For viscoplasticity, including viscoplasticity without a yield surface as
given by the “unified” models (i.e., rate-dependent behavior with internal
variables), the governing equations are
σ = C(ε − εi ) (4.5.1)
ξ̇ = φh, (4.5.2)
where φ and h are functions of (σ, ξ, T ) or of (ε, ξ, T ), and the internal-
variable matrix ξ includes εi .
When the temperature and the stress or strain are prescribed functions
of time, the viscoplastic rate equations (4.5.2) are just a set of coupled first-
order ordinary differential equations, which may be written in matrix nota-
tion as
ξ̇ = φ(ξ, t). (4.5.3)
one that is fully explicit in the sense that the unknown quantity ∆ξ appears
only on the left-hand side of the equation. While this method is simple, the
error accumulates rather rapidly unless very small time increments are used.
With 0 < β ≤ 1, the procedure is implicit. In particular, the choice β = 1
represents the backward Euler method. A common choice is β = 21 ,
representing the Crank–Nicholson method.
With β > 0, Equation (4.5.4) constitutes a set of coupled nonlinear
equations for the ∆ξα . An iterative scheme is required, as a rule, in or-
der to achieve a solution. In the direct iteration method or method
of successive approximations, an initial guess ∆ξ (0) (e.g., ∆ξ (0) = 0) is
made and substituted for ∆ξ in the right-hand side of (4.5.4). The result of
computing the right-hand side is then called ∆ξ (1) , is substituted again, and
so forth. The iteration stops when two successive approximations are suffi-
ciently close, that is, when an appropriately defined magnitude (or norm) of
∆ξ (k+1) − ∆ξ (k) , denoted ||∆ξ (k+1) − ∆ξ (k) ||, is less than some prescribed
error tolerance. The magnitudes||ξ|| may be defined in a variety of ways, for
example, max |ξα |, |ξα |, or ξα2 .
α α
An iteration method that usually produces faster convergence than the
direct iteration method is the Newton–Raphson method. The right-hand
side of Equation (4.5.4) is subtracted from its left-hand side, and the result
is rewritten as
ψ(∆ξ) = 0,
it being understood that ψ also depends on ξ, t and ∆t. The initial guess
∆ξ (0) (which may again be zero, or which may be calculated from an explicit
scheme) is introduced; this is the predictor phase of the solution. Next, ψ
at ∆ξ (1) is evaluated by the approximation
ψ(∆ξ (1) ) = ψ(∆ξ (0) ) + J(∆ξ (1) − ∆ξ (0) ),
J = (∂ψ/∂∆ξ)|∆ξ(0) = I − β ∆t (∂φ/∂ξ)|ξ+∆ξ(0) .
By treating the approximation as an equality and setting ψ(∆ξ (1) ) = 0, we
∆ξ (1) = ∆ξ (0) + J−1 ψ(∆ξ (0) );
this is the corrector phase. The process may be continued with ∆ξ (1) re-
placing ∆ξ (0) in order to produce ∆ξ (2) , and so on, until ||ψ(∆ξ (k) )|| is
sufficiently small. With a reasonably good guess for ∆ξ (0) , it is usually not
necessary to recalculate J at each iteration
Rate-Independent Plasticity
The incremental stress-strain relations of rate-independent plasticity are
σ̇ = C(ε̇ − ε̇p ). (4.5.5)
Section 4.5 / Numerical Methods 253
< fσ C ε̇ >, f = 0,
λ̇ = L (4.5.7)
0, f < 0,
L = H + fσ Cg,
ξ̇ = λ̇h, (4.5.9)
ξ̇ = Λε̇, (4.5.10)
supposed that σ and ξ (which includes εp ) have been determined with suf-
ficient accuracy, with f (σ, ξ) ≤ 0 satisfied, at a certain value of the strain
tensor ε. The elastic predictor/plastic corrector scheme is used to determine
the effect of a small strain increment ∆ε: it is initially guessed that the
effect is purely elastic, so that the stress will change to σ (1) = σ + C ∆ε,
and the internal-variable matrix will remain as ξ = ξ (1) . For simplicity, the
superscript (k) is applied to quantities evaluated at σ (k) , ξ (k) . If f (1) ≤ 0,
then the elastic prediction is correct, and the process is repeated for the
next strain increment. If, however, f (1) > 0, then the strain increment must
include some plastic strain, and a correction must be applied to σ (1) and
ξ (1) .
The stress correction is ∆σ (2) = −C ∆εp(2) , and ∆εp(2) is given, in prin-
ciple, by integrating 4.5.6) over the increment. In practice, it will be defined
by an approximation:
∆εp(2) = ∆λ g(1) .
∆ξ (2) = ∆λ h(1) ,
and ∆λ is defined so that the state defined by σ (2) = σ (1) + ∆σ (2) and
ξ (2) = ξ (1) +∆ξ (2) lies on the yield surface, at least in the first approximation.
To within an error that is of an order higher than the first in ∆λ,
f (2) = f (1) + (∂f /∂σ)(1) ∆σ (2) + (∂f /∂ξ)(1) ∆ξ (2) = f (1) − L(1) ∆λ,
where L(1) is the value at σ (1) , ξ (1) of the quantity L defined by (3.2.9).
The satisfaction of the yield criterion at σ (2) , ξ (2) , to this approximation,
requires that
f (1)
∆λ = (1) .
In fact, it can be shown that the state at (2) is on or outside the yield
surface if the yield function f is a convex function of its arguments,1 since
convexity implies [see Equation (1.5.11)] that
and the definitions of ∆σ (2) , ∆ξ (2) , ∆λ and L reduce the left-hand side of
the inequality to its first term. Usually, f (2) is close enough to zero so that
this correction is sufficient. Otherwise, the plastic correction process can
be repeated until the state obtained is on the yield surface to a sufficient
degree of accuracy (for fairly simple yield surfaces and flow rules, the final
A yield function f is convex if it is, for example, of the combined-hardening type
(3.3.7), with F and −k convex functions of their arguments. The convexity of F is neces-
sary for the yield surface to be convex, while the convexity of −k means essentially that
the isotropic hardening rate is at most linear.
Section 4.5 / Numerical Methods 255
state may be obtained by scaling). The next strain increment can then be
Under stress control, the effect of a stress increment ∆σ on the yield
function is examined. If f (1) = f (σ + ∆σ, ξ) ≤ 0, then ∆ε = C−1 ∆σ,
and the next increment can be applied. If f (1) > 0, then ξ is corrected by
∆ξ (2) = ∆λ h(1) , where ∆λ = f (1) /H (1) in order that f (2) = 0. As under
strain control, the correction is repeated as needed.
The preceding scheme, called the return-mapping algorithm, is a gen-
eralization of the radial-return algorithm, so called because, according to
the Mises flow rule, Cg is proportional to the stress deviator s, and therefore
∆σ (2) ∝ −s(1) , that is, the stress correction is directed toward the origin of
the stress-deviator space. Other predictor/corrector algorithms have been
proposed, for example the initial-stress algorithm of Zienkiewicz, Valli-
appan, and King [1969].
More generally, the elastic predictor/plastic corrector method may be
thought of as a split of the elastic-plastic problem into an elastic problem
governed by
∆εij = (∆ui ,j +∆uj ,i ), ∆εpij = 0, ∆ξα = 0,
and a plastic problem governed by the differential equations
d d
σ(λ) = −Cg(σ(λ), ξ(λ)), ξ(λ) = h(σ(λ), ξ(λ)), (4.5.11)
dλ dλ
constrained by the yield criterion
where σ (1) is, as defined above, the stress tensor in the trial elastic state and
ξ is the internal-variable array at the end of the preceding time step.
The problem formed by Equations (4.5.11)–4.5.12) may be solved ei-
ther by direct iteration or by the Newton–Raphson method. Some general
methods, applicable to any yield criterion and hardening rule, have been
developed, including the general closest-point projection method and the
cutting-plane algorithm (see Simo and Hughes [1988]). For example, in
the closest-point projection method, the equations of the backward Euler
method for perfect plasticity with an associated flow rule, which may be
written as
f (σ + ∆σ) = 0,
ψ(∆σ, ∆ξ) = ∆εp − ∆λ ∂σ f (σ + ∆σ)T = 0,
256 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
f (σ + ∆σ (0) ) + ∂σ f (σ + ∆σ (0) )(∆σ (1) − ∆σ (0) ) = 0.
These equations may be solved for ∆λ(1) and ∆σ (1) , and hence for ∆εp(1) .
The accuracy and stability of integration algorithms for rate equations
are discussed by Ortiz and Popov [1985].
The most commonly used spatial discretization method nowadays is the
finite-element method, originally developed as a method of analysis of
complex framed structures (such as aircraft structures) in which the “ele-
ments” are simple elastic members such as truss bars, straight and curved
beams, and the like. The method was soon extended to inelastic behavior
and to bodies modeled by one-, two-, and three-dimensional domains of arbi-
trary shape, the elements being small subdomains having a relatively simple
geometry. In the case of one-dimensional domain (which may be straight or
curved), finite elements are necessarily line segments. In two-dimensional
and three-dimensional domains, a particular division into subdomains is
known as a finite-element mesh, and the elements are typically polygons
and polyhedra, respectively. Some meshes are shown in Figure 4.5.1. In or-
der to maintain the simplicity of the element geometry, it may be necessary
to approximate the boundary of the domain — typically, a curved boundary
by one that is piecewise straight, as in Figure 4.5.1(b). Occasionally, ele-
ments with curved boundaries may be used advantageously, as for example
in a domain with circular geometry, in which the elements may be partly
bounded by arcs of circles [see Figure 4.5.1(c)].
Associated with each element are a number of points known as nodes,
usually located on the boundary (but occasionally in the interior) of the
Section 4.5 / Numerical Methods 257
@ H
Q @ @
Q l
DD @
Q l @
@ D l
@ D ll
@ T
element. The nodes usually include, at the very least, the vertices of the
polygon. It is generally most convenient to use, as the generalized coordi-
nates of the model, the values at the nodes of the functions describing the
displacement field; these may simply be the nodal displacements, although
in finite-element models for beams, plates and shells the nodal rotations may
be included as well. It is often convenient to include, among the nodal dis-
placements, initially even those that are prescribed, and to eliminate them
after the global formulation. A finite element is characterized, then, by its
shape, by the nodes associated with it, and by the assumed variation of
displacement within the element, which is described by means of shape func-
tions or interpolation functions.1 These functions are ordinarily taken as
polynomial in terms of a local set of rectilinear coordinates.
The simplest finite element is one having the shape of a triangle in two
dimensions, or of a tetrahedron in three dimensions, and in which the nodes
are the vertices only [see Figure 4.5.2(a-b)]. The variation of displacement is
""T r r
" L
" T
" T L
" L
" T
r Lr
(a) (b)
Figure 4.5.2. Constant-strain elements: (a) two-dimensional; (b) three-
r r``
""T ``` E
" C ``` E
r " T C Er
r r
" T C E
r X
" T C
XrXX r X
Tr Xr r r Er
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4.5.3. Higher-order two-dimensional elements: (a) six-node triangle
(T 6); (b) four-node quadrilateral (Q4); (c) nine-node quadri-
lateral (Q9).
Section 4.5 / Numerical Methods 259
The finite-element method is not the only technique for the numerical
solution of boundary-value problems in solid mechanics. An older technique
is the finite-difference method; see, for example, Mendelson [1968] for
its application to plasticity problems. A relatively new technique is the
boundary-element method, based on certain fundamental solutions in
elasticity theory; for its application to elastic-plastic bodies, see Telles and
Brebbia [1979] and Maier [1983]. For torsion problems, a “cellular analogy,”
in which solid shafts are idealized as multi-celled structures, was developed
by Johnson [1988].
Displacement Formulation
The most common formulation of the finite-element method is as a
displacement-based discretization of the type discussed in 1.3.5. In order
to simplify the discussion, it will be assumed that all constrained general-
ized coordinates are zero. Let the number of unknown nodal displacements
associated with a given element be N e (in general in this section, the super-
script e denotes a reference to the given element). The column matrix of
these displacements will be denoted qe , and may be derived from the global
nodal-displacement matrix q by means of the relation
qe = Ae q, (4.5.13)
where Ae is an N e × N matrix. If the local description of the nodal dis-
placements is in the same frame as the global one, then Ae is what is known
as a Boolean matrix: Aemn = 1 if the mth elemental degree of freedom cor-
responds to the nth global degree of freedom, and Aemn = 0 otherwise.
260 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
Here the superscript h designates the discretization, and |Ωe denotes the
restriction of a function to Ωe .
The element internal-force matrix Qe is analogously obtained by the
virtual-work method discussed in 1.3.5 as
Qe = BeT σ dΩ,
Let F denote the column matrix representing the global discretized ex-
ternal loads, that is,
"Z Z #
eT eT eT a
F= A N f dΩ + N t dΓ ,
e Ωe ∂Ωet
where ∂Ωet is that portion (if there is any) of the boundary of Ωe that forms
a part of ∂Rt , and dΓ is an infinitesimal (surface or line) element of such a
boundary. The equilibrium equation is then
Q = F.
Section 4.5 / Numerical Methods 261
Kq = F,
where X
K= AeT Ke Ae ,
being the element stiffness matrix. The corresponding equations for non-
linear continua with rate-type constitutive equations are discussed in 4.5.3.
Mixed Formulation
In inelastic (and some elastic) problems it is sometimes advantageous
to base finite-element methods on a mixed formulation, in which the ap-
proximations for displacement, strain and stress are by means of distinct
functions; one instance of the advantage is the treatment of incompress-
ibility. According to this point of view, the strain-displacement relations
and the constitutive relations are constraints, with the stress and strain, re-
spectively, as the corresponding Lagrange multipliers. Consequently, these
relations are to be satisfied in a weak way, rather than pointwise, and the
corresponding weak forms may be derived from the Hu–Washizu principle
(see Exercise 14 of Section 1.4 and Exercise 2 of Section 3.4). Since the vari-
ations δu, δε, and δσ are independent of one another, the principle furnishes
three separate variational equations, written (for consistency with the rest
of the present section) in matrix notation:
(σ ∇ δu − f δu) dV − taT δu dS = 0, (4.5.14)
R ∂Rt
[σ − C(ε − εi )]T δε dV = 0, (4.5.15)
(∇S u− ε)T δσ dV = 0, (4.5.16)
def X Z
G(u, δu) = ¯ S u − εi )T C ∇
(∇ ¯ S δu dΩ − Geext = 0, (4.5.21)
e Ωe
where Z Z
Geext = f T δu dΩ + taT δu dΓ.
Ωe ∂Ωet
Q̇ = Ḟ.
Section 4.5 / Numerical Methods 263
∆R = ∆Q − ∆F = 0.
Viscoplastic Problems
As has already been said, as the temperature goes up, the behavior
of metals becomes significantly rate-dependent and is therefore much better
described by viscoplasticity theory (whether with or without a yield surface)
than by rate-independent plasticity. In addition, it was pointed out in 3.1.2
that the solutions of problems in classical viscoplasticity under constant loads
attain asymptotically the equivalent rate-independent plasticity solutions,
and are often easier to achieve.
To simplify the writing, the factor φ in Equation (4.5.2) is taken as unity,
and the yield criterion, if any, is assumed to be embodied directly in h. The
rate equations are thus
ξ̇ = h(σ, ξ); (4.5.22)
these equations include the flow equation
Q̇ = Kq̇ − G, (4.5.24)
where X Z
G= A BeT Cg dΩ,
e Ωe
and K is the previously defined elastic global stiffness matrix. The problem,
then, is to integrate Equations
(4.5.22) and (4.5.24) for ξ and q, with σ given
by (4.5.1) together with ε e = Be qe , subject to the equilibrium equation
Q = F.
As with the previously considered integration of the rate equation alone,
the simplest technique is the Euler method, expressed by
∆ξ = ∆t h (4.5.25)
∆σ = C(∆ε − ∆t g), (4.5.26)
where h (which includes g) is evaluated at the beginning of the time step.
Applying the discretization process to Equation (4.5.26) gives
The method is effective only with small time increments, not only because
of the accumulation of discretization error, but because roundoff error may
produce unstable results — that is, small changes in the initial conditions
may produce large differences in the solution after a certain time. The Euler
method is conditionally stable in the sense that stability holds only if the
time increment ∆t is less than some critical value ∆tcr .
The generalized Euler method discussed previously has been shown to
be unconditionally stable when β ≥ 12 . The initial values of h and g in
Equations (4.5.25–26) are replaced by linear approximations to their values
at t + β ∆t, where t denotes the beginning of the time step. These approxi-
mations are
(I − β ∆t hξ ) ∆ξ = DT (h + βhσ ∆σ)
(I + β ∆t Cgσ ) ∆σ = C[∆ε − DT (g + βgξ ) ∆ξ]
(note that the dimension of the identity matrices I in these equations is not
in general the same). Eliminating ∆ξ between the two equations, we obtain
∆σ = C̄(∆ε − ∆t ḡ),
C̄ = [C−1 + β ∆t gσ + β 2 DT gξ (I − β ∆t hξ )−1 hσ ]−1
ḡ = g + βgξ (I − β ∆t hξ )−1 h.
By analogy with (4.5.27), we obtain the discretized equation
where Z
eT eT
K̄ = A B C̄B dΩ Ae
e Ωe
and Z
Ḡ = A BeT Cḡ dΩ.
e Ωe
Elastic-Plastic Problems
Points in the present context means elements if these are constant-strain, and Gauss
points in the case of higher-order elements.
266 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
q̇ = K−1
t Ḟ, (4.5.28)
and, with q̇ known, ε̇ may be determined from the interpolation ε̇h =
Be q̇e , and the assumption on λ̇ may be checked. If it is verified, then the
rate problem has been solved, since q̇ and ε̇ are now known, as are ξ̇ through
Equation (4.5.9) or (4.5.10), and σ̇ through (4.5.5) or (4.5.8). Otherwise, an
iteration scheme may be used: If Kt denotes Kt evaluated on the basis of
the initial assumption on λ̇, then the solution
(k−1) −1
q̇(k) = Kt Ḟ, k = 1, 2, ...,
∆q(0) = K−1
t ∆F,
from which ∆ε(0) is computed, and hence ∆ξ (1) and ∆σ (1) as in 4.5.1, with
a single implementation of the return-mapping algorithm. In general, the
incremental nodal forces ∆Q(1) resulting from ∆σ (1) do not equal ∆F, cre-
ating residual forces ∆R(1) that may be added to ∆F in the next step of the
iteration, which yields ∆q(1) from the general algorithm
where the stiffness matrix Kt may or may not be modified at each iteration
according to the new values of σ and ξ. In the tangent-stiffness method,
which is equivalent to the Newton–Raphson method, the stiffness matrix Kt
is recomputed at each iteration, providing faster convergence of the itera-
tion process at the expense of more computation at each iteration. These
computation costs are reduced in the so-called modified tangent-stiffness
methods, in which Kt is computed only once for each load increment, for ex-
ample in the first or in the second iteration. In the initial-stiffness method
the elastic stiffness K is used throughout the process, greatly decreasing the
need for matrix inversion but increasing the number of iterations. Conver-
gence occurs when the residual forces are sufficiently small, based on some
appropriate norm. The next load increment can then be applied, and the
iteration procedure can begin again.
Algorithmic Tangent Moduli
When the return-mapping algorithm is used in conjunction with the tan-
gent stiffness defined by Cε , the result is a loss of the quadratic rate of as-
ymptotic convergence, particularly important for large time steps (Nagtegaal
[1982], Simo and Taylor [1985]). A procedure that preserves the quadratic
rate of asymptotic convergence replaces Cep in the expression for Kt by
the so-called algorithmic (or consistent) tangent moduli, defined as follows:
given an algorithm that produces ∆σ when σ, ε, ξ and ∆ε are given, or
formally, if
∆σ = ∆σ(σ, ε, ξ, ∆ε),
Calg = ∂∆σ/∂∆ε|t+∆t .
While Calg coincides with the elastic-plastic tangent modulus tensor Cε in
problems with only one independent stress component, it does not do so in
general. For more details, see Simo and Taylor [1985] and Simo and Hughes
The definition of Calg given above is consistent with the incremental form
of the equilibrium equations, ∆Q = ∆F. Other forms may be associated
with the total form, Q = F, and with the mixed formulation, given by
Equation (4.5.21). The derivation for the case of the mixed formulation is
shown next.
Application of Mixed Formulation
In the mixed formulation, the finite-element discretization may be writ-
ten as
uh (x) e = Ne (x)qe ,
S h
∇ u (x) = Be (x)qe , (4.5.30)
εh (x)
= ¯ S uh (x)
∇ = B̄e (x)qe ,
Ωe Ωe
268 Chapter 4 / Problems in Contained Plastic Deformation
where1 Z
B̄e (x) = Ee (x)He−1 SeT Be dΩ.
Substitution of (4.5.30) into Equation (4.5.21), the reduced weak form of the
equilibrium equation, gives
¯ S u − εp ) dΩ
Q= AeT B̄eT C(∇
e Ωe
Kt = ∂Q/∂q
¯ S u − εp )]/∂(∇
¯ S u)} [∂(∇
¯ S u)/∂q] dΩ
= AeT B̄eT {∂[C(∇
e Ωe
= A B̄ Calg B̄ dΩ Ae ,
eT e
e Ωe
¯ S u)/∂q = [∂(∇
∂(∇ ¯ S u)/∂qe ] (∂qe /∂q) = B̄e Ae ,
¯ S u − εp )]/∂(∇
Calg = ∂[C(∇ ¯ S u)
As one example of the application of the finite-element method to the
solution of elastic-plastic problems, we examine the thick-walled elastic–
perfectly plastic cylindrical tube in plane strain, with the material assumed
to obey the Mises criterion and its associated flow rules; the corresponding
problem for the Tresca criterion was treated analytically in 4.3.5. If the
material is plastically and elastically incompressible (Poisson’s ratio equal to
one-half), then the Mises and Tresca results coincide.
Two cases are presented. In both, the ratio b/a of the outer to the inner
radius is 2, and k/G = 0.003. The finite elements used are concentric rings
(toroids) of rectangular cross-section, so that the mesh in any rz-plane is
a rectangular one; four-noded (Q4) elements are chosen for their simplicity.
It was shown by Nagtegaal, Parks and Rice [1974] that in a nearly incom-
pressible body in plane strain represented by Q4 elements, an unrealistically
stiff response (“locking”) is obtained unless special precautions are taken.
The use of the matrix function B̄e has given the procedure the name “B-bar”.
Section 4.5 / Numerical Methods 269
e3 e5 e7 e9 e
oo .1 11
r0 26
oo . 2 e
4 e
6 e
8 e
10 12 e ?
40 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 -
40 - - - - - - - - - - -
10 @ 4 each
r 0.50
-2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 ?
oo -3 e e
6 e
9 e
12 e
15 e
18 e
21 e
24 e
27 ?
- - - - - - - -
8 @ 1 each
8 - 8 -
The previously discussed B-bar procedure, in which the volume strain is in-
dependently approximated by a discontinuous interpolation, is one way out,
and such a procedure is used in the present analysis. The program used is
FEAP (Finite Element Analysis Program), developed by R. L. Taylor (for
an introductory treatment, see Zienkiewicz [1977], Chapter 24).
In the first case the cylinder is virtually incompressible (ν = 0.4999)
and is analyzed under displacement control, with the radial displacement
of the inner surface, u(a), monotonically increased up to 4ka/3G and then
decreased until the pressure turns negative. Two meshes are used, a coarser
and a finer one, shown respectively in Figure 4.5.5(a) and (b). The mesh
represents a 1-radian sector of the cylinder, and therefore, at each value of
u(a) the pressure is calculated according to p = ( R)/ah, where R is
the sum of the radial reactions at nodes 1 and 2 in mesh (a) and at nodes
1, 2, and 3 in mesh (b). The results of the computations are shown in Table
4.5.1 as p(a) and p(b) , respectively, and they are compared with the exact
values pex obtained according to the theory of Section 4.3. The convergence
is evident.
In the second case, the cylinder is analyzed under pressure control, with
the mesh shown in Figure 4.5.5(c), and both compressible (ν = 0.3) and
incompressible behavior are examined. For the former, the computed results
for the stress distributions σr , σθ , and σz , and for the displacements u(a)
and u(b), are shown for various values of c/a (where c is the radius of the
elastic-plastic boundary) in Figure 4.5.6, where they are compared with the
numerical solution of Hodge and White [1950];1 the graph of p/k against c/a
in Figure 4.5.6(d) was used to obtain c/a for the imposed values of p/k.
Finally, the distributions of σz for both compressible and incompressible
behavior when c/a = 1.5, and a plot of p/k against 2Gu(b)/ka for the
incompressible case, are shown in Figure 4.5.7.
The graphs are taken from Prager and Hodge [1951].
Section 4.5 / Numerical Methods 271
σr /2k σz /2k
0 rr 0.30
r rr
r r r
–0.1 r r rr h c/a = 0.25
r r
r r r hh r hhhh 1.8 r @ c/a =
hrrhhhhhh 1.6 r r hhr h 1.6
h @ 1.8
r rh r
0.20 rr
hhhh r hhhhhh 1.4
r r r r hhhhhh 1.2
h h 0.15 rrr r r r ((r ( 1.4
h 1.0
r 1.2
r r r r r r r 1.0
r r
r r
–0.4 0.10
r r r r r r r r
r r
r r
0.05 r
–0.6 r 0
–0.7 –0.05
–0.8 r/a –0.10 r
1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
σz /k
r r r r
r r r r p/k
r r 1.5
r r
r 1.0 r
0 r
r r
r 0.5
r/a 0 2Gu(b)/ka
1.0 1.5 2.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0
(a) (b)
1.0 +
+ Coarser mesh
× Finer mesh
40 -F
0.5 ×
+ ? σY
4 = 2 × 10−3
0.0 ∆/∆E
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Sand-heap analogy
b b
b b b
2 b
b ?
T --
1 - 3 12
20 -
0 θ/θE
0 1 2 3 4 5
Figure 4.5.9. Torsion of an I-beam: finite-element results for the torque-twist
diagram (Baba and Kajita [1982]). The ultimate load obtained
by the sand-heap analogy is shown for comparison.
Chapter 5
In Chapter 4 the concepts of plastic flow and plastic collapse were re-
garded as essentially equivalent, representing a state in which a body con-
tinues to deform under constant applied forces. In practical applications,
however, the two concepts have quite different meanings. Plastic collapse
describes undesirably large deformations of an already formed body (a struc-
ture) that result from excessive forces; the calculation of collapse loads of
simple structures was studied in Section 4.1. The concept of plastic flow,
on the other hand, is usually applied to the deliberate forming of a mass of
solid (such as metal or clay) into a desired shape through the application of
appropriate forces.1 It is remarkable that these two large classes of prob-
lems, of fundamental importance in mechanical and civil engineering, can be
attacked by the same methodology — the theory of rigid–perfectly plastic
bodies, with the help of the theorems of limit analysis. A particularly exten-
sive body of theory, filling entire books, exists for problems of plane strain; a
summary of the theory, with some applications, is presented in Section 5.1.
In Section 5.2 we deal with the plastic collapse of circular plates.
Apart from plastic collapse, collapse of a elastic-plastic body may also be
due to structural instability. Such collapse (e.g., the buckling of a column)
may begin when the body is still fully elastic, and plastic deformation occurs
as a part of post-buckling behavior . Buckling that follows yield is covered by
the theory of plastic instability, which is treated in Section 5.3.
The plastic flow of soil constitutes an exception, since substantial movement of a soil
mass supporting a building or forming an earth dam is generally regarded as failure.
276 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
kinematically admissible velocity field such that the strain rates derived from
it obey the flow rule. Consequently, the stress and velocity problems are
coupled. In the special cases where a unique stress field can be found directly,
then the velocity field can be found afterwards, as was done with the warping
of a fully plastic rectangular shaft (see 4.2.3). In the axisymmetric plane-
strain problem, the only velocity component is the radial velocity v, and the
flow rule is equivalent to the incompressibility constraint
dv v
+ = 0,
dr r
which may be solved to give v(r) = v(a)(a/r).
If, in addition, elastic regions remain in the course of plastic flow, then
a solution of the problem requires the determination of the elastic-plastic
boundary and of a stress field in the elastic regions which is continuous with
the plastic stress field at the boundary. While this was accomplished for the
beam problems of Section 4.5, it is in general an exceedingly difficult task. In
many problems, the main objective is to find the load that produces plastic
flow or collapse, and a complete elastic-plastic solution is not necessary to
achieve this objective: we know from the theorems of limit analysis (Sec-
tion 3.5) that the correct critical load is obtained from a plastically and
statically admissible stress field and a kinematically admissible velocity field
that is associated with it in the plastic region. Thus a rigid-plastic bound-
ary may be established on a purely kinematic basis, and the plastic stress
field needs to be extended into the rigid region only so that is statically and
plastically admissible. With this extension, the solution becomes a complete
rigid–plastic solution, usually known simply as a complete solution (Bishop
A systematic method of determining stress fields and associated velocity
fields in perfectly plastic bodies obeying the Mises (or Tresca) yield crite-
rion in plane strain was developed in the 1920s by Prandtl, Hencky, Mises
and others, and generalized by Mandel [1962] to include other yield criteria
and plane stress. This method, generally known as slip-line theory, is dis-
cussed in the next subsection. Some applications are presented in succeeding
Shear Directions
A convenient way to establish the necessary relations for the stress field
in a plastic region is with the help of the definitions n = 12 (σ1 + σ2 ) and
r = 12 |σ1 − σ2 |, as given in 3.3.4, in conjunction with the yield condition
(3.3.6). We introduce the Mohr’s circle relations
σ11 = n + r sin 2θ, σ22 = n − r sin 2θ, σ12 = −r cos 2θ, (5.1.1)
278 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
σ22 -
Ib nP
i A
r A
S σ22
2θ i θ
?b b
S - σ12
- σθ P Y
S PP n
r σ
@ θ
Sb I
b X
? @ σ12
n - II @6
@ - σ11
σ11 X
- - x1
(a) (b)
Figure 5.1.1. First (I) and second (II) shear-line directions in the (a) Mohr’s-
circle and (b) physical planes.
where θ is the angle from the x1 axis to one of the principal shear directions,
namely the one along which the maximum shear stress r is directed to the left
when one is facing the outer normal (see Figure 5.1.1). This direction will
be called the second shear direction, and a line having this direction locally
everywhere will be called a second shear line. The other shear direction
(shear line) will be called the first.
When equations (5.1.1) are substituted into the equilibrium equations
[1 + h0 (n) sin 2θ]n,1 −h0 (n) cos 2θ n,2 +2r(θ,1 cos 2θ + θ,2 sin 2θ) = 0,
−h0 (n) cos 2θ n,1 +[1 − h0 (n) sin 2θ]n,2 +2r(θ,1 sin 2θ − θ,2 cos 2θ) = 0.
Equations (5.1.2) constitute a pair of nonlinear partial differential equations
for n, θ. A useful method of numerical solution for these equations is the
method of characteristics.
Method of Characteristics
In order to understand how this method can be used to solve the system,
it is simpler to consider first a single first-order partial differential equation
of the form
Av,1 + Bv,2 = C,
Note that the solutions break down when |h0 (n)| = 1. Assuming that this
breakdown does not occur, we attempt to determine the characteristics by
assuming that, along a characteristic, dn = λ dθ. Now
Equating the coefficients of θ,1 and θ,2 , respectively, in the second and fourth
lines leads to the system of equations
cos φ(n)
ω= dn,
cot φ n
ω=− ln 1 − tan φ
2 c
for the Mohr–Coulomb material, yielding the preceding value in the limit as
φ → 0, with c = k.
If we introduce a curvilinear coordinate system α, β such that first and
second characteristics are given respectively by β = constant and α = con-
stant, then we can write the canonical equations
∂ ∂
(ω − θ) = 0, (ω + θ) = 0,
∂α ∂β
which have the general solution
and consequently the two angles χAC and χBD are equal. It can similarly
be shown that χAB equals χCD . This result is due to Hencky [1923] and is
known as Hencky’s theorem. In words: the angle formed by the tangents
of two given characteristics of one family at their points of intersection with
a characteristic of the other family does not depend on the choice of the
intersecting characteristic of the other family.
D r(α0 , β 0 )
rC hh
(α, β 0 ) h
hhhh χBD
hhhh ((((((
0 , β) (h(
B (α ((((
rA r((( h
(α, β) h
@X `` ```
@ `` P AA
X@ A
X `
` ``` PP A
@ `` PP
XX X@ `
`` ` P P A
X `
`` PP
@ ` A
(a) (b) (c)
σ = n + r sin 2(θ − χ), τ = r cos 2(θ − χ), σ 0 = n − r sin 2(θ − χ), (5.1.4)
where n and r are determined by ω. If the arc forms a part of the boundary,
however, then at most σ and τ will be given there (traction
√ boundary con-
ditions); σ 0 can then have either of the values σ ± 2 r2 − τ 2 . Usually the
right value of σ 0 can be chosen by physical intuition.
h σ
h Hh
h H τ
hhh σH 0 YH
hh Yh
H Hh H H
hh h
hhhh H
hhh h h Hh
hhh Hh
y hhh H
h Hh
h H
In the classical case, the two choices for σ 0 give the respective explicit
expressions for θ and ω
1 τ σ 1 τ2
θ = χ ± cos−1 , ω= ± 1− .
2 k 2k 2 k2
284 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
Stress Discontinuities
An arc such as that of Figure 5.1.4 may also be located in the interior of
the plastic domain and be part of a line of stress discontinuity. To satisfy
equilibrium, σ and τ must be continuous across such a line, but ω (and there-
fore n) and θ are discontinuous, so that the directions of the characteristics
of each family change abruptly. In the general case r is also discontinuous,
but in the classical case r equals k and 0
√ is therefore continuous; σ then takes
2 2
each of the two possible values ±2 k − τ on either side of the disconti-
nuity line. Note that there is no discontinuity if and only if |τ | = k, that
is, if the arc is along a characteristic (which in the classical case is a shear
line). When |τ | < k, θ changes by cos−1 (τ /k). It can be seen from a Mohr’s-
circle construction that the line of stress discontinuity must bisect the angles
formed by the characteristics of each family on either side of it. It can also
be seen that if the discontinuity line is thought of as the limit of a narrow
zone of continuous but rapid change in σ 0 while σ and τ remain constant, all
the intermediate Mohr’s circles must be of radius less than k, showing that
this zone is elastic and that the discontinuity line is therefore the remnant of
an elastic zone (just like the ridge lines in the torsion problem). As a result
of this property, it was shown by Lee [1950] that a line of stress discontinuity
acts like an inextensible but perfectly flexible filament.
If the two regions separated by a line of stress discontinuity are denoted
1 and 2, and if the inclination of the line is χ, then σ and τ as given by the
first two Equations (5.1.4) are continuous across this line. Specializing to
the classical case, with n = 2ωk and r = k, leads to
2ω1 + sin 2(θ1 − χ) = 2ω2 + sin 2(θ2 − χ),
cos 2(θ1 − χ) = cos 2(θ2 − χ).
These equations may be solved for θ2 and ω2 in terms of θ1 and ω1 , yielding
the jump conditions due to Prager [1948]:
θ2 = 2χ − θ1 ± nπ, ω2 = ω1 ± sin 2(θ1 − χ), (5.1.5)
n being an integer, and the appropriate sign being taken as indicated by the
It was shown by Winzer and Carrier [1948] that if several straight lines
of stress discontinuity separating domains of constant stress meet at a point,
then these lines must number at least four. Winzer and Carrier [1949] also
discussed stress discontinuities between fields of variable stress.
The preceding arguments can be carried over from the classical to the
general case (see Salençon [1977]). In particular, the jump conditions may
be written directly in terms of the variables in Equations (5.1.4),
n1 + r1 sin 2(θ1 − χ) = n2 + r2 sin 2(θ2 − χ),
r1 cos 2(θ1 − χ) = r2 cos 2(θ2 − χ).
Section 5.1 / Plane Problems 285
Velocity Fields
If a traction boundary-value problem is solved by constructing a charac-
teristic network, as described above, over a part of the region representing
the body, then the loading forms an upper bound to that under which plas-
tic flow becomes possible, since, as will be shown below, a kinematically
admissible velocity field can then be found. As mentioned before, the exact
flow load is found when the stress field can be extended in a statically and
plastically admissible manner into the rigid region. The following discussion
will be limited to the classical case; for a more general discussion, see, for
example, Salençon [1977].
The equations governing the velocity components v1 , v2 are found by
combining the associated flow rule,
ε̇11 ε̇22 ε̇12
= = ,
σ11 − σ22 σ22 − σ11 2σ12
with the strain-rate–velocity relations
ε̇11 = v1 ,1 , ε̇22 = v2 ,2 , ε̇12 = (v1 ,2 +v2 ,1 )
and with Equations (5.1.1) to obtain
λ dx1 + dx2 = 0,
λ2 − 2λ cot 2θ − 1 = 0,
namely, (
cot θ
λ = cot 2θ ± csc 2θ =
− tan θ.
For λ = cot θ we have dx2 /dx1 = − cot θ (i.e., the first shear direction) while
for λ = − tan θ we have dx2 /dx1 = tan θ (i.e., the second shear direction).
286 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
We see therefore that the characteristics of the velocity equations are the
same as those of the stress equations. The characteristic relations are thus
dv1 = cot θ dv2 along an α characteristic,
dv1 = − tan θ dv2 along a β characteristic.
It can be seen that these relations express the condition that the lon-
gitudinal strain rates ε̇11 and ε̇22 vanish when the x1 and x2 axes coincide
locally with the characteristic directions, in other words, that the shear lines
are inextensible. This result also follows directly from the flow rule, since
with respect to such axes we have σ11 − σ22 = 0.
It must be remembered, however, that the flow rule actually gives only
the ratios among the strain rates, and the preceding result must strictly be
written as ε̇11 /ε̇12 = ε̇22 /ε̇12 = 0. Another interpretation of this result is
that ε̇12 is infinite, meaning that either v1 ,2 or v2 ,1 is infinite. This happens
if the tangential velocity component is discontinuous across a characteristic
(the normal component must be continuous for material continuity), that
is, if slip occurs. The characteristics are thus the potential loci of slip and
are therefore also called slip lines. Kinematically admissible velocity fields
with discontinuities across slip lines are often used in the construction of
solutions. In particular, slip may occur along a characteristic forming the
boundary between the plastic and rigid regions.
If slip occurs along an α characteristic, with the tangential velocity hav-
ing the values vα and vα∗ on either side of it, then, since vβ has the same
value on both sides, an application of Equation (5.1.8)1 along the two sides
of the slip line gives dvα = dvα∗ , or d(vα∗ − vα ) = 0. An analogous result ap-
plies to a β characteristic. Thus the discontinuity in the tangential velocity
Section 5.1 / Plane Problems 287
remains constant along a slip line. It follows further that the curves in the
hodograph plane that form the images of the two sides of a line of velocity
discontinuity are parallel.
Figure 5.1.5. Families of straight slip lines: (a) constant-state field; (b) cen-
tered fan; (c) noncentered fan with envelope.
(a) If all the slip lines of one family are straight and parallel, then those
of the other family must be likewise. Since θ is constant, it follows from
Equations (5.1.3) that ω is constant as well, and therefore that the state of
stress is uniform. A region in which the slip lines are of this type is called
a region of constant state; this term is taken from wave-propagation theory
and is not strictly applicable here, because, while the stress components are
constant, the velocity components are not necessarily so; Equations (5.1.8),
with dθ = 0, yield the solutions vα = f (β), vβ = g(α). The functions f and
g are arbitrary except as constrained by boundary conditions.
(b) If the slip lines of one family are straight and meet at a point, then
those of the other family must be concentric circular arcs. Such a system of
slip lines is called a centered fan. A number of problems may be solved by
inserting a centered fan between two regions of constant state, in such a way
that the bounding radial lines of the fan are also the bounding parallel lines
of the constant-state regions. ω is constant along all the straight lines, while
along the circular arcs of the fan, dω = ±dθ, depending on whether the arcs
are α or β characteristics. If the θ difference between the two constant-state
regions is ∆θ, then this is just the angle subtended by the bounding lines of
the fan, and ∆ω = ±∆θ.
(c) An envelope of slip lines is also called a limiting line, and a family
288 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
Some Applications
We now consider some simple applications of slip-line fields consisting of
constant-state regions and centered fans, illustrated in Figure 5.1.6. These
results are of considerable importance in soil mechanics, where they are used
to study the stability of slopes and the carrying capacity of foundations made
of clays for which the hypothesis of constant shear strength (the undrained
strength discussed in 2.3.1) can be justified.
(a) Consider, first, a wedge of angle 2γ with a uniform pressure on one
side and no traction on the other. A possible shear-line net consists of two
regions of constant state, separated by a line of stress discontinuity bisecting
the wedge. With the principal stresses 2k − p, −p on one side and 0, −2k
on the other, continuity of the normal stress across the discontinuity line is
possible only if p = 4k sin2 γ. This value is therefore a lower bound to the
pressure causing incipient plastic flow. As can be seen in Figure 5.1.6(a),
when the wedge is acute (γ < 14 π) a velocity field may be constructed such
that regions ABC and AEF slip along the slip lines AB and AF , respec-
tively, while ACDE flows perpendicular to the stress-discontinuity line AD,
so that slip also occurs along AC and AE. The material below BAF may
be rigid.
(b) When the wedge is obtuse (γ > 41 π) no such velocity field is possible.
On the other hand, it is now possible to insert a centered fan of angle 2γ − 12 π
between two constant-state regions, producing the pressure p = 2k(1 + 2γ −
π), which exceeds the previously obtained lower bound for all γ > 14 π.
(c) Now consider a truncated wedge with pressure on the top face. At
each corner we can construct a plastic zone consisting of a centered fan
between two triangular regions of constant state, and plastic flow can occur
when the two plastic regions meet, so that the top face can have a downward
velocity. The angle subtended by each fan is just γ, so that p = 2k(1 + γ).
(d) The limit of the preceding case as γ → 21 π represents a half-plane
carrying a rigid block, and therefore the limiting pressure on the interface
between the half-plane and the block is k(2 + π). This result was obtained
by Prandtl [1920] by assuming a single triangular region of constant state
under the block, with a centered fan on either side and another constant-
state region outside each fan [see Figure 5.1.6(f)]. Prandtl’s solution was
criticized by Hill, who pointed out that, since the elastic solution of the
problem leads to infinite stresses at the corners of the block, plastic zones
must be there from the outset. As the pressure is increased, these zones will
Section 5.1 / Plane Problems 289
r B
PA p
γ PP
F Rigid B
jγ AA
@ @ @ @ B
γ@ @@ HHB
AA *A B @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
Rigid H
H @ @ @ @
?????A B
@ @ @
@ L@ @ @@ L@ @ @
AH S @
S @ @
@ L@ @ @ L@ @ @
H @
HH S L @ L @
66666666q 666 66 6666 Rigid
(e) (f)
Figure 5.1.6. Simple slip-line fields: (a) acute wedge; (b) obtuse wedge; (c)
truncated wedge loaded on the top edge; (d) rigid block on a half-
plane, Hill solution; (e) finite truncated wedge, discontinuous
stress field; (f) rigid block on a half-plane, Prandtl solution.
290 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
where p is the pressure on the top face; note that this value is less than that
obtained in (c) above. The pressure on the bottom face can similarly be
found as q = 2k(1 − sin γ). It can be seen that the aforementioned geometric
restriction is necessary for equilibrium.
b - b -
Slip lines
treated here.
The problem of the half-plane carrying a rigid block, illustrated in Figure
5.1.6(d), can also be interpreted as describing the beginning of indentation of
a half-plane by a flat punch. The Hill solution, which requires slip between
the plastic zones and the punch, implies smooth contact. In the Prandtl
solution, on the other hand, the triangular region directly under the punch
moves rigidly downward with it, corresponding to rough contact. This ma-
terial in this region is often called dead metal .
The solution shown in Figure 5.1.6(c) for the truncated wedge of half-
angle γ with uniform pressure on its top face can be adapted to the problem
of indentation by a flat indenter at the bottom of a flat trench (Figure 5.1.8)
if γ is replaced by π − γ. The indentation pressure is thus p = 2k(1 + π − γ).
Tγ- ?
@ @
@ C
@ @
π−γ @
Figure 5.1.8. Flat indenter at the bottom of a flat trench.
q = 2k(1 + θ).
Section 5.1 / Plane Problems 293
p p p p p p p pppppppppQ
p p pQ
k pp ppJ ppppp+
J 3 `
Q Q ` J
D Zone
Q 3 `
H `` ` D
θ P ` hZone J
Zone 3
F = 4k(1 + θ)AB.
? ?
6 6
(a) (b)
For the cutting problem Hill showed that when the plastic region has
not yet reached the foundation, the slip-line field is the same as for the
294 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
? ?
TT` .........
6 @@.
- 2h -
`TT ? ............
6 6
(a) (b)
For the forging problem, the slip-line field is shown in Figure 5.1.11(b).
A triangular dead-metal region attaches itself to the punch, and indentation
proceeds as in the cutting problem, provided that h < 8.74a, where h is
the half-thickness of the strip and a the half-width of the punch. When
h = 8.74a, it can be shown that the punch pressure is p = 2k(1 + π/2), as
for the semi-infinite domain. It follows that for h > 8.74a the zone of plastic
deformation does not go through the strip and the pressure remains at this
Drawing and Extrusion
Drawing and extrusion are processes in which a billet of material is forced
to flow through a die shaped to produce the required cross-section. In draw-
ing, as the name suggests, the material is pulled. Extrusion involves pushing.
In direct extrusion the die is stationary with respect to the container holding
the billet, and a ram moves in the container, pushing the billet outward with
the help of a pressure pad. In reverse extrusion the container is closed at
one end, and the die is pushed inside the container. The three processes are
shown in Figure 5.1.12.
The technologically important applications of these processes are pre-
dominantly three-dimensional — drawing produces wire, and extrusion is
used to make lightweight structural shapes, trim and the like. In the absence
of three-dimensional solutions, however, the solutions of the corresponding
plane problems provide qualitative information on the nature of the plastic
regions and hence allow estimates for the required forces.
Figure 5.1.13(a) illustrates a solution due to Hill [1948c] describing fric-
tionless extrusion through a square die with 50% reduction. The slip-line
field consists the two centered fans OAB and OA0 B 0 ; because of symmetry,
Section 5.1 / Plane Problems 295
Die holder
@ Container
............................. ..
................................................................................ J@..............................
JJJJJJJ .............................
................................................................................ .............................
- ........................................................
.............................. .... @
.................................................... .............................
.............................. @@@
A @ Ram
XX Die
y Extruding
metal Die A
Pressure pad
(a) (b)
@ Closure plate
- ..
.. .........................
......................... @
......................... @@@
............................................................... @@+
.. .........................
- ...........................
......................... @
.........................@ @@
Die @@
Figure 5.1.12. Drawing and extrusion: (a) drawing; (b) direct extrusion; (c)
reverse extrusion.
only OAB need be considered. Since the exit slip line OA is a line of con-
stant stress, σ11 must vanish identically on it in order for the extruded metal
to its left to be in equilibrium, and σ12 = 0 because the line forms an angle
of 45◦ with the x-axis. The yield criterion requires |σ22 | = 2k, and, since
the sheet is being compressed, it follows that σ22 = −2k. Equations (5.1.1),
with n = 2kω and r = k, accordingly require that ω = − 12 and θ = π/4 on
The characteristic relations can now be used to determine the state along
AB. Since the fan subtends 90◦ , θ = 3π/4, and Equation (5.1.3)2 shows that
ω = 21 (1 + π) there. By Equations (5.1.1), then, we have σ11 = −(2 + π)k,
σ22 = −πk, and σ12 = 0 on AB. The average value of −σ11 along OAB is
thus equal to the extrusion pressure,
p= 1+ k.
A statically admissible extension of the stress field into the rigid region due
to Alexander [1961] shows this to be the exact pressure, not merely an upper
bound. The stress field on OB is extended into the dead-metal region ABC,
while that on OA is extended into OAP ; the extruded metal to the left of
AP is stress-free, so that AP is a line of stress discontinuity. The extension
to the right of the arc OB is achieved analytically.
A simple slip-line field for a reduction of 32 is shown in Figure 5.1.13(b),
296 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
.......................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................
.......................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................
.......................................................................................................................... ...................................
.......................................... C .......................................... .............................................................. ...............................................................
.......................................... B .......................................... .......................................... ..........................................
....... .......................................... .......
............................................................... ...............................................................
-? .......................................... (2+π)k ..........................................
................................... ..........................................
.......................................... . .................... ................................... . ....................
............................................................... ...............................................................
.......................................... πk
6 .......................................... .......
.......................................... .......
.......................................... ............................................................... .......................................... @ ...............................................................
(((( ........................................................ .......................................... ........................................................ ..........................................
. ....... .......
( ....................... .............................................................. ........................................................ ..............................................................
.......................................... .......................................... ..........................................
Hh A . .................... ................................. ..........................................
@Hhhhhh ............................................................... .....................
......... ..........................................
.......................................... ..........................................
@HHH ...............................................................
....... @ .......
.......................................... @ ..........................................
@ H .......................................... ..........................................
? @ H 0
............................................................... @ .......
.......................................... ..........................................
6 @ P 2k O .......
@ ..........................................
(((( ..........................................
( A.0.. ...............................................................
. . . . ..........................................
Hhhhh ..........................................
@HH hh .......................................... ........................................................
.......................................... ..........................................
................................... ..........................................
@ HH ...................................
.......................................... ..........................................
@ H .......................................... ..........................................
H ................................... ..........................................
................................... ..........................................
@ .......................................... 0 ..........................................
.......................................... C 0
. . . . . .
@ . . . . . .
Figure 5.1.13. Extrusion: (a) frictionless extrusion through a square die with
50% reduction; (b) slip-line field for two-thirds reduction.
4 π
p= 1+ k.
3 2
Figures 5.1.14(a) and (b) illustrate both drawing and extrusion through a
tapered die. If the container walls in the extrusion problem are smooth, then
the slip-line fields are identical if the die angle α and the reduction ratio r
are the same; the stress fields in the regions covered by the slip-line field
differ only by a hydrostatic stress.
A particularly simple slip-line field due to Hill and Tupper [1948], valid
for a smooth die when r = 2 sin α/(1 + 2 sin α), is shown in Figure 5.1.14(c).
In the extrusion problem, ω and θ on the exit slip line OA are the same as
in the preceding problem, and therefore their values in the constant-state
region ABC are ω = − 21 (1 + 2α), θ = π/4 + α. The normal pressure on AC
q = (1 − 2ω)k = 2(1 + α)k,
and the tangential stress there is zero. For equilibrium, the extrusion pres-
sure p must be
4(1 + α) sin 2α
p = rq = k.
1 + 2 sin 2α
Section 5.1 / Plane Problems 297
.............................................. ..............................................
............................................. ....................................................
...." ..............................................
............................................. ...............................................................
...." ..............................................
..............." ..............."
. .".
. .".
. . . . . . . . ....
................ ................ ....................................
. . .
" . . .
..............." ..............." ........................
..." .."
" .. ..
." ........................
......... ......... ........................
b ................ b................ . ...........
bb ..............
............ bb ..............
............ ....................................
....................................................... ......................
bbb .............................................
b .............................................
.................................................. ....
b .............................................
............................................. b
b .............................................
(a) (b)
" ...................
"" .
. ....................... C
6 6 "" α ................... ◦ . 6
r .................. 45
.......... 45◦
? "X 1
45◦@ ?
bbb ..........
b ...
Figure 5.1.14. Drawing and extrusion through a tapered die: (a) drawing; (b)
extrusion; (c) slip-line field for drawing and extrusion through
a smooth tapered die with r = 2 sin α/(1 + 2 sin α) (Hill and
Tupper [1948].
3. Show that any velocity field that is associated with the stress field of
the preceding exercise represents rigid-body motion.
5. Find the differential equations for the velocity field in plane plastic flow
in a standard Mohr–Coulomb material. Determine the characteristics
of the velocity field.
6. Show that in classical problems of plane plastic flow with axial sym-
metry, the slip lines are given in polar coordinates by r ∝ e±θ .
7. Show that the relation between θ and α in the slip-line field of Figure
5.1.9 is
1 π θ
α= θ + cos tan − .
2 4 2
8. The slip-line field of Figure 5.1.6(c) may be regarded as representing
a stage in the squashing of an originally pointed wedge of half-angle α
(greater than γ) by a lubricated flat plate.
(a) Using geometry and volume constancy, find the relation between
α and γ.
(b) Find the relation between the applied force and the distance
moved by the plate.
(c) Determine the smallest value of α for which the solution is valid.
9. Discuss how the slip-line field of Figure 5.1.6(c) can be used to study
the necking of a symmetrically notched tension specimen.
10. Discuss the velocity fields associated with the slip-line fields of Figures
5.1.13(a) and (b).
Qα ,α +q = 0. (5.2.4)
When Equations (5.2.1) are multiplied by x3 and then integrated through
the thickness, the result is
Equations (5.2.3) and (5.2.4–5) or (5.2.6) are the plate equilibrium equa-
tions, the former for in-plane or membrane forces and the other for bending
forces. Note that the two modes of behavior — in-plane deformation and
bending — are statically uncoupled. In the elementary theory they are also
kinematically uncoupled, and therefore can be studied separately.
here the ūα are the in-plane displacements and w is the deflection. It follows
that εi3 = 0, i = 1, 2, 3, so that σij δεij = σαβ δεαβ , and εαβ = ε̄αβ −x3 w,αβ ,
where ε̄αβ = 21 (ūα ,β +ūβ ,α ).
It is important to check whether the assumption of infinitesimal strain is
valid. The Green–Saint-Venant strain tensor (Section 1.2) has the in-plane
1 1
Eαβ = εαβ + uγ ,α uγ ,β + w,α w,β .
2 2
If we neglect the contributions of the in-plane displacements ūα , then the
right-hand side reduces to
1 1
−x3 w,αβ + x23 w,αγ w,βγ + w,α w,β .
2 2
If δ is a typical deflection and l a typical dimension of A, then the first term
is of order hδ/l2 , the second of order (hδ/l2 )2 , and the third of order (δ/l)2 .
While the second term is negligible in comparison to the third whenever h/l
is sufficiently small, as is normal in plate theory, for the third term to be
Section 5.2 / Collapse of Circular Plates 301
Ēαβ = ε̄αβ + w,α w,β . (5.2.7)
Equation (5.2.7) will be used in the next section when the buckling of plates
is studied.
Under the hypothesis of infinitesimal strain, the internal virtual work
becomes Z
δW int = (Nαβ δ ε̄αβ + Mαβ δw,αβ ) dA.
This equation may be rewritten as
(1) (2)
δW int − δW ext = δW ext ,
where δW ext denotes the part of the external virtual work due to the body
force and the surface tractions on the planes x3 = +−h/2, and δW ext is that
due to applied forces and moments along the edge. The first part accordingly
is given by
Z "Z h/2
(1) h/2
δW ext = fi δui dx3 + (σi3 δui ) |−h/2 dA.
A −h/2
fi δui = fα δ ūα − x3 fα δw,α +f3 δw
h/2 h/2 h/2 h/2
(σi3 δui ) |−h/2 = σα3 |−h/2 δ ūα − (x3 σα3 ) |−h/2 δw,α +σ33 |−h/2 δw,
so that Z
δW ext = (pα δ ūα + q δw + mα δw,α ) dA.
Since Nαβ is symmetric, it follows that Nαβ δ ε̄αβ = Nαβ δ ūα ,β , and
δW int −δW ext = [(Nαβ δ ūα ,β −pα δ ūα )+(Mαβ δw,αβ −mα δw,α −q δw)] dA.
Nαβ δ ūα ,β = (Nαβ δ ūα ),β −Nαβ ,β δ ūα ,
? ? ? ?
z }| { z }| { z }| { z }| {
Finally, let the applied in-plane forces along the edge be Fαa , the ap-
plied bending moment (acting about the tangent to C) Mna , and the applied
transverse force Vna , all per unit length. Then
δW ext = Fαa δ ūα + Mna δ + Vna δw ds,
C ∂n
Section 5.2 / Collapse of Circular Plates 303
Leaving aside the in-plane forces and displacements, we see that at every
point of the edge two conditions must be specified. For example, along a
clamped edge the conditions are w = 0 and ∂w/∂n = 0; along a simply
supported edge, w = 0 and Mn = 0; and along a free edge, Vn = 0 and Mn =
0. The condition Vn = 0 was first derived by Kirchhoff, and consequently the
theory of plates that has thus far been outlined is known as Kirchhoff plate
theory. In the original plate theory formulated by Sophie Germain, a free
edge was assumed to be subject to the three boundary conditions Qn = 0,
Mnt = 0, and Mn = 0, resulting in an improperly posed boundary-value
problem for elastic plates.
In the present treatment the principle of virtual work was used to derive
the boundary conditions that are consistent with the displacement model
adopted, while the equilibrium equations (5.2.3)–(5.2.6) were derived from
the three-dimensional ones — that is, they were shown to be necessary, but
not sufficient. However, it can easily be seen that the principle of virtual
work also implies the equilibrium equations (5.2.3) and (5.2.8), and as the
only necessary ones: since the displacement components ūα , w can vary
independently in A, and since the area integral in Equation (5.2.8) must
vanish, it follows that the coefficients of δ ūα and δw must vanish. Equation
(5.2.5) may then be used as the definition of Qα .
Before introducing constitutive equations, it must be noted that although
the displacement model is one in which ε33 = 0, this constraint is not re-
alistic. Actually, it is the stress σ33 which is very nearly zero, or at least,
its maximum value is very small in comparison to those of the stresses σαβ
(α, β = 1, 2). Similarly, the shear stresses σ3α , though important in the
equilibrium equations, are generally of small magnitude. Consequently, most
points of the plate are nearly in a state of plane stress. The elastic behavior
of isotropic plates should therefore be described by Equations (1.4.13), and
plasticity by a plane-stress yield criterion.
Elastic Relations
Equations (1.4.13),
σαβ = [(1 − ν)εαβ + νεγγ δαβ ].
1 − ν2
304 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
lead to
Nαβ = [(1 − ν)ε̄αβ + ν ε̄γγ δαβ ]
1 − ν2
Mαβ = D[(1 − ν)καβ + νκγγ δαβ ],
where D = Eh3 /[12(1 − ν 2 )] is the plate bending modulus, and καβ = w,αβ
is the curvature tensor .
It can be seen that the problem of the in-plane forces is identical with the
plane-stress problem, with Nαβ , Fαa , ūα and ε̄αβ corresponding to σαβ , Tαa ,
uα , and εαβ , respectively. For the flexure problem, the equilibrium equa-
tion, when combined with the moment-curvature and curvature-deflection
relations, becomes
∇4 w = ,
where q̄ = q − mα ,α is the effective transverse load per unit area. In what
follows we shall assume, as is the case in most problems, that mα = 0 and
therefore q̄ will be replaced by q.
Z r
Q=− rq dr,
r 0
dMr Mr − M θ
+ + Q = 0.
dr r
The curvature tensor components are
d2 w 1 dw
κr = , κθ = ,
dr2 r dr
and therefore the elastic relations take the form
! !
d2 w 1 dw 1 dw d2 w
Mr = D 2
+ν , Mθ = D +ν 2 .
dr r dr r dr dr
Section 5.2 / Collapse of Circular Plates 305
d 1 d dw
D r ,
dr r dr dr
so that the differential equation can be solved by integration.
The simplest problem is the one where the load is uniform, that is, q =
constant. Then Q = −qr/2, and the integration for w results in
w(r) = + Ar2 + B ln r + C,
where A, B, C are constants of integration. For the deflection to be finite
at the center we must have B = 0, and it is convenient to set C = 0, that is,
measure the deflection relative to the center rather than relative to the edge.
The remaining constant, A, is then determined from the edge condition.
Clamped Edge. Here the edge condition is w0 (a) = 0, leading to A =
−qa2 /32D. The deflection of the edge relative to the center is thus qa4 /64D,
or equivalently, the center deflection relative to the edge is qa4 /64D. The
moments are
q q
Mr (r) = [(3 + ν)r2 − (1 + ν)a2 ], Mθ (r) = [(1 + 3ν)r2 − (1 + ν)a2 ].
16 16
(3 + ν)qr2
Mr (r) = + 2(1 + ν)DA,
and therefore the condition Mr (a) = 0 leads to A = −(3 + ν)qa2 /32(1 + ν)D.
The deflection is therefore
w(r) = [(1 + ν)r4 − 2(3 + ν)a2 r2 ],
64(1 + ν)D
the maximum deflection being (5+ν)qa4 /64(1+ν)D, or, with ν = 0.3, about
four times as large as for the clamped plate. The moments are
(3 + ν)q 2 q
Mr (r) = (r − a2 ), Mθ (r) = [(1 + 3ν)r2 − (3 + ν)a2 ].
16 16
It follows that rQ is constant for r < b and for r > c (with Q = 0 in the
former region), and that
Z c F
rQ|cb =− q(r)r dr = − .
b 2π
w1 (r) = A1 r2 ,
r F 2 r
w2 (r) = A2 r2 + B2 b2 ln + C2 b2 + r ln .
b 8πD b
The continuity conditions w1 (b) = w2 (b), w10 (b) = w20 (b), and w100 (b) = w200 (b)
A2 = A1 − , B2 = C2 = .
8πD 8πD
F r
2 2 2 2 2
w2 (r) = A1 r + (r + b ) ln + b − r ,
8πD b
F r b2
w20 (r) = 2A1 r + 2r ln + −r ,
8πD b r
and in r > b,
" !#
F r b2
Mr (r) = 2(1 + ν)DA1 + 2(1 + ν) ln + (1 − ν) 1 − 2 .
8π b r
where λ equals − 21 for the clamped plate and (1 − ν)/2(1 + ν) for the simply
supported plate. Since we have set w(0) = 0, the center deflection relative
to the edge is
F a
−w(a) = b2 ln − (1 + λ)(a2 − b2 ) .
8πD b
Now consider an arbitrary load distribution q(r). The total load contained in
the infinitesimal annulus ρ < r < ρ + dρ is 2πq(ρ)ρ dρ, and consequently the
deflection due to this load alone is −(1/4D)q(ρ)g(r, ρ; λ)ρ dρ. The deflection
due to the entire load is obtained by superposition:
Z a
w(r) = − q(ρ)g(r, ρ; λ)ρ dρ,
4D 0
When b = a, we obtain
F a2
w(a) = [4(1 + λ) − 1] ,
from which we obtain the previous results for the clamped and simply sup-
ported cases (with q = −F/πa2 ) by inserting the appropriate values of λ.
With b = 0 we obtain the solution for a load concentrated at the center.
The deflection at any r is obtained by evaluating w(r) by superposition, with
r > b, and then taking the limit as b → 0:
" ! #
1 F b a r r2
w(r) = lim · 2 2
r ln − ρ2 ln + (1 + λ)r2 − 1 + λ 2 ρ 2
ρ dρ
b→0 4D πb 0 r ρ a
F a
= r2 ln + (1 + λ)r2 .
8πD r
The maximum deflection is
1, clamped,
F a2
w(a) = 3+ν
, simply supported.
The bending moments are
F a
Mr = 2(1 + ν) ln − (1 − ν) + 2(1 + ν)λ ,
8π r
F a
Mθ = 2(1 + ν) ln + (1 − ν) + 2(1 + ν)λ .
8π r
The logarithmic singularity at the center indicates that the assumptions of
elementary plate theory do not hold near the point of application of a con-
centrated load. For more details, see Timoshenko and Woinowsky-Krieger
[1959], Section 5.1.
max(|m1 |, |m2 |) = 1.
This equation and the yield condition constitute two equations for Mr and
Mθ . Equivalently, if the yield condition is solved for Mθ in terms of Mr
and the resulting expression for Mθ is substituted in (5.2.10), the result
is a nonlinear first-order differential equation for Mr (r). At the center of
the plate, Mr = Mθ and consequently, if the curvature there is positive
(concave upward), Mr (0) = MU constitutes an initial condition with which
the differential equation may be solved. In addition, a boundary condition
at the edge r = a must be satisfied; this yields the ultimate load. Let us
recall that for a simply supported plate, the edge conditions are w = Mr = 0
; thus Mr = 0 is a boundary condition with which the differential equation
may be solved. For a clamped plate, the edge must form a hinge circle,
For an introduction to finite-element methods for plates, see Zienkiewicz [1977], Chap-
ter 10.
310 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
that is, a locus of slope discontinuity (a special case of the hinge curve
discussed in Section 6.2). As we shall √see, the edge condition there becomes
Mr (a) = −MU or Mr (a) = −2MU / 3 for the Tresca or Mises material,
Figure 5.2.2 shows the Mises and Tresca yield criteria for axisymmet-
rically loaded circular plates. It follows from the preceding discussion that
the center of the plate is in the moment state corresponding to point B, and
that a simply supported edge corresponds to point C. A simply supported
plate may thus be assumed to be entirely in the regime BC. For the the
Tresca material, this means that Mθ = MU everywhere, and the problem to
be solved is therefore linear.
Mθ Mises
= B
D0 s
Figure 5.2.2. Mises and Tresca yield criteria for axisymmetrically loaded circu-
lar plates
F r2
− , r < b,
(rMr )0 − MU =
− ,
r > b.
The solution for r < b satisfying the condition at r = 0 is
F r2
Mr = M U − ,
while the solution for r > b satisfying the condition at r = a is
F a
Mr = − MU −1 .
2π r
Section 5.2 / Collapse of Circular Plates 311
F = 2π .
1 − 2b/3a
This result includes the extreme cases F = 6πMU for the uniformly loaded
plate (b = a) and F = 2πMU for a plate with concentrated load. This last
case could not have been treated directly because the moments would have
to go to infinity at the center —a condition incompatible with plasticity.
On segment BC of the Tresca hexagon, the flow rule yields κ̇r /κ̇θ = 0,
that is, ẇ00 /(ẇ0 /r) = 0. Consequently the velocity field obeying the edge
condition must be ẇ(r) = (1 − r/a)v0 , where v0 is the center velocity (i.e.,
the plate deforms in the shape of a cone). It is shown in Chapter 6 that the
upper-bound load obtained with this velocity field equals the one obtained
here, as indeed it must, since the solution is complete.
In order to study the clamped plate, we must know the velocity fields
associated with the other sides of the Tresca hexagon. On CD we have
κ̇r + κ̇θ = 0, that is, ẇ00 + ẇ0 /r = 0, a differential equation whose solution is
ẇ = C +D ln r. Neither this velocity field nor the preceding (conical) one can
possibly meet a condition of zero slope at a clamped edge, and this is why
a hinge circle is necessary there. Finally, on AB and DE the flow rule gives
κ̇θ /κ̇r = 0. If this is interpreted as κ̇θ = ẇ0 /r = 0, then the velocity field is
ẇ = constant (i.e., rigid-body motion). Alternatively, we may interpret it as
κ̇r = ∞; this would be the state at a hinge circle, and from this follows the
clamped-edge condition Mr = −MU . On the Mises√ellipse, the only relevant
point where κ̇θ /κ̇r = 0 is D0 , where Mr = −2MU / 3.
It follows from these considerations that a clamped plate must be in
regime BC near the center and in CD near the edge; point C gives the state
at r = c for some c such that 0 < c < a. With the same loading as assumed
for the simply supported plate above, we have to solve the problem both for
c > b and c < b.
Case 1 : c > b. The equilibrium equation is
F r2
(rMr )0 = MU − , 0 < r < b,
(rMr )0 = MU − , b < r < c,
rMr0 = MU − , c < r < a.
Let m = Mr /MU and p = F/2πMU ; then the solution satisfying the condi-
312 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
tions at r = 0 and r = c is
m(r) = 1 − 0 < r < b,
m(r) = (p − 1) − 1 , b < r < c,
m(r) = −(p − 1) ln , c < r < a.
The additional conditions to be met are continuity at r = b and m = −1 at
r = a, producing the two equations
1 c
1 − p = (p − 1) −1 ,
3 b
(p − 1) ln = 1.
The assumption c > b requires 1 < p < 3, and the limiting case c = b, p = 3
corresponds to b/a = e−1/2 . Consequently, the present case represents the
range 0 < b/a < e−1/2 . Eliminating c between the two equations, we obtain
b 3(p − 1) − p−1
= e , p < 3.
a 2p
F r2
(rMr )0 = MU − 0 < r < c,
F r2
rMr0 = MU − c < r < b,
rMr0 = MU − b < r < a.
An analysis similar to that in Case 1 leads to
b 5−p+ln(p/3)
− 2(p−1)
=e , p > 3.
The extreme case b = a (uniformly loaded plate) corresponds to p = 5.63,
an increase of 88% over the ultimate load of the simply supported case.
Much of the preceding theory is due to H. G. Hopkins and various collab-
orators. For more details and other solutions, see, for example, Hopkins and
Prager [1953], Hopkins and Wang [1954], and Drucker and Hopkins [1955].
Section 5.3 / Plastic Buckling 313
For plates without circular symmetry, complete solutions are not avail-
able. Estimates of collapse loads will be found with the help of the upper-
bound theorem of limit analysis — and exceptionally of the lower-bound
theorem — in 6.4.1.
The effect of large deflections on the collapse load of a simply supported
circular plate was studied by Onat and Haythornthwaite [1956]; the analysis
is based on the deformation of the plate into a conical shell (see also Hodge
[1959], Section 11-7). Approximate methods for determining collapse loads
of shells are studied in 6.4.3.
Elastic Stability
In 1.4.3 it was shown that an elastic body under conservative loads is
in equilibrium if and only if the total potential energy Π is stationary with
respect to virtual displacements, a condition expressed by Equation (1.4.18):
δΠ = 0.
It was further stated without proof that the equilibrium is stable only if Π
is a minimum. An intuitive, though not strictly rigorous proof can be based
on the following observation: if the configuration of the body is to change
slightly from the one at equilibrium, and if the potential energy at the altered
configuration is greater than at equilibrium, then additional work must be
done on the body in order to effect the change, and therefore the change
cannot take place spontaneously. The proof can be easily made rigorous
for discrete systems (those with a finite number of degrees of freedom), and
the result is known as the Lagrange–Dirichlet theorem. The proof for
continua runs into technical difficulties, but these will be ignored here, and
the result will be accepted.
Mathematically, the condition that Π is a minimum at equilibrium can
be expressed as follows: let Π denote the potential energy evaluated at the
displacement field u, and Π + ∆Π the potential energy evaluated at the
varied displacement field u + δu. Assuming the dependence of Π on u to be
smooth, we can write
∆Π = δΠ + δ 2 Π + . . . ,
where δΠ (the first variation defined in 1.4.3) is linear in δu (and/or in
its derivatives, and therefore also in δε), δ 2 Π is quadratic, and so on. We
may limit ourselves to virtual displacements that are small enough so that
terms beyond the quadratic can be neglected. Since δΠ vanishes if Π is
stationary at u, clearly Π is a minimum only if δ 2 Π is nonnegative for all δu
that are compatible with the constraints (i.e., for all virtual displacements).
Section 5.3 / Plastic Buckling 315
We may therefore say that the equilibrium is stable only if δ 2 Π > 0 for all
virtual displacements. The criterion for the onset of instability, known as
the Trefftz criterion, is thus
δ 2 Π = 0.
δ 2 Πint + δ 2 Πext = 0.
and therefore
∆Πint = Cijkl [(εij + δεij )(εkl + δεkl ) − εij εkl ] dV
2Z R Z
= Cijkl εij δεkl dV + 1
Cijkl δεij δεkl dV.
As a result of the definitions of the first and second variations, the first
integral in the last expression is δΠint , and the second integral is δ 2 Πint ,
that is, Z
δ 2 Πint = Cijkl δεij δεkl dV. (5.3.1)
Furthermore, the first term on the left-hand side will be written as δ 2 Πint
without thereby implying the existence of an internal potential energy Πint .
In other words, we shall define
δ 2 Πint = δσij δεij dV.
If the only other load is a distributed transverse load q, then the external
potential energy is
Z L 1
Πext = − qv dx − P v 0 dx, (5.3.3)
0 2 0
where s(x) is the shortening of the bar due to bending at point x, given by
Z x
s(x) = s(0) + v 0 dx.
2 0
Equation (5.3.3) for Πext needs to be changed only by placing P under the
integral sign, and
δ 2 Πext = − P (δv 0 )2 dx.
where M is the bending moment. The energy criterion for bars therefore
takes the form Z Z L L
δM δv 00 dx − P (δv 0 )2 dx = 0. (5.3.4)
0 0
Integration by parts of the first integral leads to
(δM 0 + P δv 0 ) δv 0 dx = δM δv 0 0 .
Since the end conditions on beams are usually such that either the rotation
v 0 or the bending moment M cannot be varied, the right-hand side of this
equation vanishes.
Finally, we assume an effective modulus Ē such that δM = ĒI δv 00 ; in
a linearly elastic material, of course, this is just the Young’s modulus E.
In nonlinear materials Ē may be assumed to be determined by the average
318 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
stress in the bar, σ = P/A. Theories of the effective modulus are discussed
in 5.3.2.
In problems in which constraints on the deflection v itself can be dis-
regarded, the virtual rotation δv 0 may be taken as the unknown variable.
Writing this variable as θ, we obtain, upon observing that the rotation is
not constrained in the interior of the bar, the differential equation
(ĒIθ0 )0 + P θ = 0. (5.3.5)
ĒIθ000 + P θ0 = 0, (5.3.8)
θ = B cos λx + C sin λx + D,
If the bar is pinned at both ends, then θ0 (0) = 0 and θ0 (L) = 0. The first
condition requires C = 0, and the second
λB sin λL = 0.
For a nontrivial solution,1 λ and B must both be different from zero, and
instability occurs only if
sin λL = 0,
Note that D is irrelevant since it represents a rigid rotation.
Section 5.3 / Plastic Buckling 319
EI def
P = π2 = PE ,
where PE is known as the Euler load .
For other end conditions, the equation governing the critical load can be
written as
= π2 2 , (5.3.9)
Ē Le
where Le is known as the effective length of the bar, given by Le = π/λ1 , λ1
being the smallest nonzero value of λ. For a cantilever column, for example,
the characteristic equation is cos λL = 0, leading to a fundamental mode
descibed by λ1 = π/2L, and hence Le = 2L. For a bar that is clamped
at x = 0 and pinned at x = RL, the end conditions are θ(0) = θ0 (L) = 0,
in addition to the constraint 0L θ dx = 0, describing zero deflection of the
pinned end relative to the clamped end. The three conditions lead to the
characteristic equation λL = tan λL, whose lowest root is λ1 L = 4.4934.
Hence Le /L = π/4.4934 = 0.699.
The solution of Equation (5.3.9) for the critical load for inelastic bars
will be postponed until after the discussion of the effective modulus.
σ π2
= . (5.3.10)
Et (σ) (Le /r)2
A plot of the solution of this equation, σcr against Le /r, is often called a
column curve. When σcr is given explicitly as a function of Le /r, the relation
is called a column formula.
If the material has a definite elastic-limit stress σE such that Et (σ) = E
for σ < σE , then the slenderness ratio at which σ = σE is called the critical
slenderness ratio, defined by
=π .
r cr σE
The critical slenderness ratio is clearly a material property (for mild steel it
is about 90), and for supercritically slender bars the critical load is given by
the elastic solution. The portion of the column curve for Le /r > (L/r)cr is
thus the Euler hyperbola given by
σcr = .
(Le /r)2
Et = , (5.3.11)
1 + αm(σ/σR )m−1
Since such a material hardens indefinitely, no cutoff stress exists for short
A formula describing a stress-strain relation with no definite elastic limit
that approaches perfect plasticity asymptotically, with an ultimate stress
σ∞ , was proposed by Prager [1942] in the form
σ = σ∞ tanh .
Section 5.3 / Plastic Buckling 321
The asymptote is approached quite fast: when the total strain equals twice
the elastic strain (ε = 2σ/E), the stress is already given by σ = 0.9575σ∞ .
The tangent modulus can be readily obtained as
" 2 #
Et = E 1 − .
σ/σ∞ π 2 E/σ∞
= .
1 − (σ/σ∞ )n (Le /r)2
Explicit column formulas can be obtained from this equation for n = 1 and
n = 2.
δM = Er I δv 00 ,
2 2
Er = E (y − y0 ) dA + Et (y − y0 ) dA (5.3.13)
I y<y0 y>y0
1.4 Ramberg–Osgood
σR , Ramberg−Osgood
Prager σ0 =
1.0 σ∞ , Prager
σ0 Le
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 E r
Figure 5.3.1. Column curves based on tangent-modulus (TM) and reduced-
modulus (RM) theories for the Ramberg–Osgood formula with
α = 0.1 and m = 10, and for the Prager formula. The elastic
column curve is included for comparison.
(buckling in one plane only is assumed). If the bar buckles at Ptm , then, as
the load is increased, the neutral axis moves inward, tending asymptotically
to the position corresponding to the reduced-modulus load. The latter load
is therefore an upper bound to the buckling load.
Effect of Imperfections
In tests on real bars, imperfections such as initial curvature or eccen-
tricity of the load are inevitable. Some bending moment, however slight,
must therefore be present as soon as any load is applied, and consequently
bending proceeds from the beginning of loading. Consider a pinned elastic
column with the load applied at a small distance e from the centroidal axis.
The deflection v can easily be shown to be governed by
EIv 00 + P v = P e,
The deflection remains of the order of e until the load gets close to the Euler
load, when it begins to grow large.
A similar conclusion holds for a column with an initial deflection v0 of
amplitude e. The equation governing the total deflection v under an axial
load P is
EI(v 00 − v000 ) + P v = 0,
and if the column is pinned while v0 is assumed as v0 (x) = e sin(πx/L), then
the maximum deflection is
vmax = .
1 − P/PE
? q
es s
H 3
e B %
X 9
e R %
- e 2α %
X e B %
Y eB %
I (b)
Figure 5.3.2. Buckling of a ring or arch: (a) complete ring; (b) hinge-ended
The four points on the buckled ring whose radial displacement is zero are
the nodes of the buckling modes. Any half of the ring between two opposite
326 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
σ∞ A/R
qcr = .
1 + (σ∞ /3E)(R/r)2
For a ring of rectangular cross-section, with depth h (in the radial direction)
and width b (in the axial direction), we have A = bh and r2 = h2 /12.
Defining p = q/b as the pressure in the usual sense (per unit area), we
σ∞ h/R
pcr = ,
1 + 4(σ∞ /E)(R/h)2
a formula that coincides with that derived by Southwell [1915] when σ∞ is
identified with the yield stress. Southwell’s result was actually intended for
cylindrical tubes rather than rings, but based on an assumption of uniaxial
stress — a highly questionable assumption for a shell, as shown in the next
Consider a flat plate subject to an applied in-plane force per unit length
Fαa around its edge and a distributed in-plane force per unit area pa . The
membrane-force field Nαβ obeys the equilibrium equation (5.2.3) and the
boundary condition νβ Nαβ = Fαa . The equilibrium becomes unstable if it is
possible for the plate to undergo a deflection w(x1 , x2 ) with no additional
forces applied. The membrane forces Nαβ can be assumed to be related to
the average Green–Saint-Venant strains Ēαβ given by Equation (5.2.7), and
Section 5.3 / Plastic Buckling 327
if the former do not change, then neither do the latter. The middle plane
will therefore undergo a second-order displacement ūα such that
δMαβ δw,αβ = (δMαβ δw,α ),β −δMαβ ,β δw,α ,
and since the edge conditions are usually such that νβ δMαβ δw,α = 0 on C,
the equation expressing the energy criterion becomes
(δMαβ ,β −Nαβ δw,β ) δw,α dA = 0.
Support conditions on a plate are rarely such that the deflection itself is
unconstrained; another integration by parts is usually necessary, leading to
the differential equation
Let the incremental relation between strain and stress for an isotropic
material in a state of plane stress be written in the form
ε̇αβ = [(1 + ν̄)σ̇αβ − ν̄ σ̇γγ δαβ ],
If the edge of the plate is clamped, then the edge condition φ(a) = 0
leads to the characteristic equation J1 (k) = 0, whose smallest nonzero root
is k = 3.832. If the edge of the plate is free to rotate, then Mr must vanish
there, so that the edge condition is φ0 (a) + ν̄φ(a)/a = 0. The characteristic
equation then becomes
1 − ν̄
J0 (k) − J1 (k) = 0.
Except in the case of the elastic plate, for which ν̄ = ν (the Poisson’s ratio),
this equation must be solved simultaneously with (5.3.20) in order to find
σcr .
It is now necessary to evaluate Ē and ν̄ as functions of σ. We assume
the plate material to be work-hardening and governed by the Mises criterion
and its associated flow rule. The plastic strain rate can then be written as
9 skl ṡkl
ε̇pij = sij ,
4 HσY2
where σY is the current value of the uniaxial yield stress and H is the uniaxial
plastic modulus (related to the tangent modulus by Hinv = Et inv − Einv),
as can easily be verified by the substitutions s11 = 23 σ, s22 = s33 = − 31 σ,
and |σ| = σY . In a state of plane stress,
skl ṡkl = σαβ σ̇αβ − σαα σ̇ββ ,
and therefore, if currently σ1 = σ2 = σ,
ε̇p1 = ε̇p2 = (σ̇1 + σ̇2 ).
The complete incremental stress-strain relations are therefore
1 1 ν 1
ε̇1 = + σ̇1 − − σ̇2 ,
E 4H E 4H
1 1 ν 1
ε̇2 = + σ̇2 − − σ̇1 .
E 4H E 4H
1 1 1 1 3
= + = +
Ē E 4H 4Et 4E
1 + 4ν − E/Et
ν̄ = .
3 + E/Et
It should be noticed that for small values of Et /E, ν̄ = −1 + 4(1 + ν)Et /E
and Ē = 4Et , so that the factor Ē/(1 − ν̄ 2 ) in Equation (5.3.20) tends to a
constant fraction, 21 (1−ν), of the elastic value. This result, which is similar to
330 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
what occurs in other plate and shell buckling problems, is quite unreasonable
when compared with the uniaxial case, and indeed with experimental data.
Furthermore, the result is not limited to the Mises criterion but would also be
produced by any isotropic yield criterion that is smooth at σ1 = σ2 = ±σY ,
since all such yield loci must be tangent there. We are left with the conclusion
that incremental plasticity with a smooth yield surface may not be applicable
to the analysis of multiaxial instability problems.
Considerable improvement is obtained when the deformation theory of
plasticity discussed in 3.2.1 is used. The Hencky theory, in particular, is
based on the Mises criterion, and gives the plastic strain as
εpij = sij , (5.3.21)
where r r
3 2 p p
σ̄ = σij σij , ε̄p = ε ε
2 3 ij ij
are the equivalent stress and plastic strain, related to each other by the
uniaxial relation. The incremental form of (5.3.21) is
3 ε̄p
dεpij = dε̄ − dσ̄ sij + ε̄p dsij .
2σ̄ σ̄
Upon introducing the uniaxial secant and tangent moduli Es and Et , defined
1 1 ε̄p 1 1 dε̄p
= + , = + ,
Es E σ̄ Et E dσ̄
the incremental relation may be written as
3 1 1 dσ̄ 1 1
dεpij = − sij + − dsij .
2 Et Es σ̄ Es E
Applying the relation to the plane-stress case with σ1 = σ2 leads to the
instantaneous modulus and contraction ratio
1 1 3
= +
Ē 4Et 4Es
E/Et + 2(1 − 2ν) − 3E/Es
ν̄ = − .
E/Et + 3E/Es
For a gradually flattening uniaxial stress-strain curve, when Et Es E
. .
we have Ē = 4Et as in the incremental theory, but ν̄ = −(1 − 6Et /Es ), and
therefore Ē/(1 − ν̄ 2 ) = Es /3. To the first approximation, then, it is the
secant modulus, rather than the elastic modulus, that governs the buckling,
resulting in a much smaller critical load than that given by the incremental
Section 5.3 / Plastic Buckling 331
so that
δMαβ δw,αβ = D̄[y 2 φ002 + (1 − ν̄)φ02 ].
However, φ00 is of order φ0 /L, and, if L b, then the first term in brackets
may be neglected in comparison with the second. Consequently, indepen-
dently of the form taken by φ0 ,
12D̄(1 − ν̄)
Pcr = ,
or, because of the definition of D̄, we can define σcr = Pcr /4bh as the solution
of 2
σ = Ḡ ,
where Ḡ = Ē/2(1 + ν̄) is the instantaneous shear modulus, dτ /dγ. Note
that the result is independent of the column length L.
In any incremental theory with a yield criterion of the form (3.3.5) and
an associated flow rule, when τ = 0 the normal to the yield locus is directed
332 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
????? "?????
" 6
b -
" ##
0 ? z
66 "" 666666
"" 66
" 666
1 1
dγ p = 3 − dτ,
Es E
so that
Ḡ = .
3 + (1 − 2ν)Es /E
Once again, it is primarily the secant modulus that determines the critical
load. Experiments by Gerard and Becker [1957] on aluminum columns show
very good agreement with the prediction of deformation theory for ν = 21
(see Figure 5.3.4).
r r r
rr rrr r
rrrr rrr
1.0 rrrrr rr
rr rr
rr rr r
.8 rrr
G(h/b)2.6 rr
r rr
.4 r
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
σcr (ksi)
though, that shells are far more imperfection-sensitive than bars or plates;
even the slightest imperfections can greatly reduce the buckling load.
For an elastic thin-walled cylindrical tube of mean radius R and thickness
h, subject to an external pressure p, the critical pressure can be found from
the Bresse formula for the ring by substituting D for EI, resulting in
E h
pcr = .
4(1 − ν 2 ) R
1 Es
σz = 1 − (1 − 2ν) σθ .
2 E
334 Chapter 5 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse I
1.6 (c)
σR 1.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
p 1 Eh
σR R
or σ
3(1 − ν 2 )
Figure 5.3.5. Buckling of a spherical shell under internal pressure: critical stress
based on (a) incremental and (b) deformation theories, with (c)
stress-strain curve included (from Hutchinson [1972]).
2. Plot column curves based on both the tangent-modulus and the re-
duced-modulus theories (for a rectangular section) for (a) the gener-
alized Prager formula with n = 1, (b) the generalized Prager formula
with n = 4, (c) the Ramberg–Osgood formula with α = 0.3 and m = 4.
The theorems of limit analysis for standard elastic–perfectly plastic three-
dimensional continua in arbitrary states of deformation were proved in 3.5.1.
The proof, due to Drucker, Prager, and Greenberg [1952],1 was the final link
in a chain of development of the theory, which began with proofs for beams
and frames by Gvozdev [1938], Horne [1950], and Greenberg and Prager
[1951], followed by a proof for bodies in plane strain by Drucker, Greenberg,
and Prager [1951].
In this chapter applications of the theorems are presented. Section 6.1
deals with plane problems in both plane strain and plane stress. Section
6.2 deals with beams under combined loading (including arches), Section 6.3
with trusses and frames, and Section 6.4 with plates and shells.
It is shown that as a rule, plausible velocity fields are easier to guess than
stress fields, and therefore in many cases only upper-bound estimates are
available. Of particular importance are velocity fields called mechanisms,
in which deformation is concentrated at points, lines, or planes, with the
remaining parts of the system moving as rigid bodies. The use of mechanisms
for estimating collapse loads antedates the development of plasticity theory.
Examples include Coulomb’s method of slip planes for studying the collapse
strength of soil, the plastic-hinge mechanism due to Kazinczy [1914] for steel
frames, and the yield-line theory of Johansen [1932] for reinforced-concrete
slabs, later extended to plates in general.
But already given in the book by Prager and Hodge [1951].
338 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
Among the earliest applications of limit analysis to plane problems are stud-
ies of the effects of cutouts on the yielding of rectangular slabs or blocks
subject to tension perpendicular to a side. In the absence of cutouts, the
slab may be assumed to collapse under a uniform state of tensile stress
σ = σY = 2k, the Tresca criterion being assumed in plane stress. The
cutouts may be expected to reduce the average or nominal tensile stress σ
required for collapse to 2ρk (0 < ρ < 1), where ρ is called the cutout factor .
Limit analysis may be used to find bounds on the cutout factor.
J B A0
a L
J J Ia
b b b b b AAU q bO
γ J
2a - 2a -
(a) (b)
the same order of magnitude as the slab thickness, both being much smaller
than the sides of the square. A kinematically admissible velocity field may
be based on a shearing failure mode as shown in Figure 6.1.2(b). If the
shearing plane makes an angle α with the load direction then the total area
of the surface of sliding is (1 − β)ah csc α, where h is the slab thickness; and
if the relative velocity of motion of the two parts of the slab is v, then the
plastic dissipation per unit area is kv sec α. The total internal dissipation is
therefore 2k(1 − β)ahv csc 2α. The external work rate is σahv, and therefore
an upper bound to the cutout factor is (1 − β) csc 2α. The best upper bound
is obtained for α = π/4, and gives ρ = 1 − β.
666666666666666666 666
T #
Tcc #
1 #
T c #
T 2c #2
? T c
α ξa H
T 4 HH 3
H 4
- 2βa - - 6 3 H H T
(1 − β)a (1 − β)a 2 #c 2
#c T
# c T
## c T
# cT
# cT
?????????????????? ???
2a - - h
(a) (b)
Figure 6.1.2. Tension of a square slab with a narrow slit: (a) geometry and
loading; (b) kinematically admissible velocity field; (c) statically
admissible stress field.
n1 − r1 = σ, n3 − r3 = 0, n4 + r4 = 0,
where the angles χ12 , χ23 and χ24 , giving the inclinations of the normals to
the boundary lines with the x-axis, can be expressed in terms of β and ξ.
Once the equations are solved, satisfaction of the yield inequality
2r + |n − r| + |n − r| ≤ 4k
ρβ ≤ 1 − ξ, ρ ≤ 1 − β, ρβ ≤ ξ,
ρ [ξ + β(1 − β)]2 + 4β 2 ≤ β + ξ(1 − β).
If the second inequality were satisfied as an equality, then the result β = 1−ρ
would coincide with the upper bound. It turns out that if the equality is
assumed, then the remaining inequalities are obeyed if ξ = 1 − β + β 2 . In
this problem, then, the exact cutout factor has been found. Other problems
involving slabs with cutouts were treated by Hodge and various coworkers
(see Hodge [1959], Chapter 12, for a survey).
e % Stress-free
e % O
M - 2k 6 M
2k -
Rotating rigid
e %
ω e A % Iω O
e ...%
.... I
M .....
....... M
R α
, ......
........ D
ll6 ....
Thin zones in which @ Static rigid
shearing occurs “hinge”
Figure 6.1.3. Pure bending of a notched bar: (a) statically admissible stress
field; (b) mechanism.
L - A D
D -
6 P
Y O h Y
E 6θ
? ?
(a) (b)
0 ◦
XXX 75-
1 L -
z 2k Tension ?
k @
@ 6
Unstressed 2 I h
O : @
@ ?
3 W O-◦ 75
0 ? (d)
Figure 6.1.4. End-loaded tapered cantilever: (a)–(b) slip-line fields; (c) sta-
tically admissible stress field. (d) Weakly supported prismatic
L 1
F = 2kbh sin 2θ for ≥ tan θ(sin 2θ − cos 2θ).
h 2
344 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
π/4 π/4
2 6 @4 2 @4 2
I? @ @ I?
x 1 d h 6 1 1
5 5
3 5@ 3
@ 3
@ ? @ @
L - L - 6
L - L -6
? ? ?
F F F 2F F
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6.1.5. Velocity fields for a prismatic beam: (a) simple velocity field for
a cantilever; (b) Drucker’s modification; (c) center-loaded simply
supported beam.
˙ 1− x ,
u̇1 = 0, v̇1 = ∆
∆˙ d
u̇2 = y− ˙
, v̇2 = ∆ 1 − ,
L 2 L
˙ 1 − x , v̇4 = ∆ y − d .
u̇4 = ∆
L L 2
The velocities in regions 3 and 5 are analogous to those in 2 and 4, re-
spectively. Note that the velocity field is continuous. Note further that
ε̇x + ε̇y = 0 in every region, so that the mechanism applies to plane strain
Section 6.1 / Limit Analysis of Plane Problems 345
as well as to plain stress. For either the Mises or the Tresca criterion, the
dissipation Dp (ε̇) equals τY ∆/L ˙
in region 1 and 2τY ∆/L in regions 4 and 5.
Equating the external work rate to the total internal dissipation,
∆ ˙
h−d 2
F ∆ = τY · bLd + 2τY · b ,
L L 2
leads to the upper bound
" 2 #
d h d
F = τY bh + 1− . (6.1.1)
h 2L h
F x 2α2 2|y|
σx = cos α 1 − sgn y,
bh h 1 − cos α h
F α 2|y|
τxy = sin α 1 − , σy = 0,
bh 1 − cos α h
with α ≤ π/2. The yield criterion (3.3.5)1 is met at x = L if
hσY 1 − cos α
α= and F = τY bh . (6.1.2)
2LτY α
σx = 0, σy = 0, τxy = τY for |y| < ,
x π 2|y| − d
σx = σY cos 1− sgn y, σy = 0,
L 2 h−d
Drucker [1956a] considered a Tresca material only (i.e., σY = 2τY ). The extension to
the more general yield criterion (3.3.5) is straightforward.
346 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
π 2|y| − d d
τxy = τY sin 1− for |y| > .
2 h−d 2
The stress field is in equilibrium if d = h − πτY L/σY . The load is then
2 d π τY L
F = τY bh 1 + −1 = τY bh 1 − (π − 2) . (6.1.3)
π h 2 σY h
2F L
τY bh2
σY Lower
1 bound
=2 bound
0.6 τY
0.02 0.04 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.0 2.0 4.0 10.0 20.0 L
Figure 6.1.6. Upper and lower bounds for an end-loaded prismatic cantilever
Green [1954b] extended his results for prismatic beams to I-beams by
assuming that the slip-line fields derived for rectangular beams in plane stress
prevail in the web, while the flanges are in pure tension or compression. The
shear force is thus carried entirely by the web, while the bending moment
is the sum of that provided by the web and the couple formed by the flange
The simple velocity fields shown in Figure 6.1.5 were proposed for short
I-beams by Leth [1954] with d as the actual web depth. The upper-bound
load based on the field in (a) or (c) is
F = τY Aw + 2Af ,
where c is the cohesion and φ is the angle of internal friction. The Mohr–
Coulomb criterion includes, as limiting cases, (1) the Tresca criterion (with
φ = 0 and c = k), used to describe, for example, saturated clays, and (2)
the cohesionless friction model (c = 0) for cohesionless soils (dry sands and
If the material is taken as standard, then the flow rule at a regular point
of the yield surface is
The flow rule implies a constant dilatancy ratio, defined as (ε̇p1 +ε̇p2 +ε̇p3 )/γ̇max
p ,
p p p p
which at a regular point is given by (ε̇max + ε̇min )/(ε̇max − ε̇min ) and is
therefore equal to sin φ. The measured dilatancy of most soils (as well as
rocks and concrete) is usually significantly less than this,1 except in the
case of undrained clays in which both internal friction and dilatancy are
negligible. Most such materials, therefore, cannot be modeled as standard.
In a nonstandard model, the flow rule may be taken in the same form as
above, but with the dilatancy angle ψ replacing φ.
The dilatancy ratio rarely exceeds 0.1, while the angle of internal friction may be as
high as 45◦ in dense, well-graded soils with angular particles.
348 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
A Coulomb mechanism in plane strain is one in which polygonal blocks
of material move rigidly relative to one another. The interfaces between the
blocks may be regarded as very narrow zones in which the strain rates are
very large. In a nondilatant material, only shearing takes place in such a
zone, so that the movement is one of sliding, and the interfaces are just slip
lines, as discussed in Section 5.1. In the presence of dilatancy, dilatation
as well as shearing takes place, and the movement involves separation in
addition to sliding.1 In fact, it can easily be shown (the details are left to
an exercise) that the velocity discontinuity forms an angle equal to ψ with
the interface – that is, if the magnitude of the discontinuity is v then the
sliding speed is v cos ψ and the separation speed is v sin ψ. If the thickness of
the zone is h, then the average longitudinal strain rate perpendicular to the
interface is (v sin ψ)/h and the average shearing rate is (v cos ψ)/h, so that
the principal strain rates are 21 (±1 + sin ψ)v/h. In the standard material,
then, the plastic dissipation per unit area of interface is cv cos φ.
In another type of mechanism, introduced by Petterson and developed
by Fellenius, the velocity discontinuities are along circular arcs, with the
material inside an arc rotating rigidly about the center of the circle and
thus sliding past the remaining material. This mechanism, known as a slip
circle, is clearly appropriate only for a nondilatant (e.g., Tresca) material.
Nevertheless, like the Coulomb mechanism with pure sliding, it is often used
regardless of material properties. Both the location of the center of the
circle and its radius can be chosen so as to minimize the upper-bound load
predicted by the mechanism.
In a standard Mohr–Coulomb material, a velocity discontinuity such that
the mass on one side rotates rigidly while that on the other side remains
stationary takes the form of a logarithmic spiral rather than a circle. As can
be seen from Figure 6.1.7, dr/(r dθ) = tan φ, which can be integrated to give
In practice, soil mechanicians often use the Coulomb mechanism with pure sliding
regardless of the yield criterion or flow rule assumed. Also, the mechanism is usually
analyzed by means of statics rather than kinematics. For the Tresca material, the results
are equivalent.
Section 6.1 / Limit Analysis of Plane Problems 349
r = r0 exp[tan φ(θ − θ0 )]. Clearly, for φ = 0, the curve becomes the circle
r = r0 .
φ A
r dθ
j dθ
Z }
angle ψ, namely
2c cos ψ π ψ
σC = = 2c tan + .
1 − sin ψ 4 2
If necessary — that is, if the bank is not situated atop a hard stratum —
the stress field may be extended into the half-space y ≤ 0 without violating
the yield criterion as follows:
( )
−w(h − y), x > 0,
σx = αwy, τxy = 0, σy =
wy, x < 0,
where α = (1 − sin ψ)/(1 + sin ψ). The stress field thus contains admissible
discontinuities that separate it into three zones.
For the standard Tresca √ material, the lower bound may be written as
2k/w. An improvement to 2 2k/w is achieved by means of an admissible
stress field consisting of seven zones, proposed by Heyman [1973], who also
discusses incomplete stress fields leading to somewhat higher lower bounds.
A numerical solution by Pastor [1976] yields a lower bound of 3.1k/w.
However, the stress fields producing these improvements include tensile
stresses in some regions, while the Drucker–Prager stress field does not.
Indeed, for a material that cannot take tension it was shown by Drucker
[1953], on the basis of a mechanism including a tension crack , that 2k/w is
an upper bound as well.
v φ
1 + sin φ cos φ
σx = σy + 2c
1 − sin φ 1 − sin φ
π φ π φ
= σy tan + + 2c tan + ,
4 2 4 2
1 π φ π φ
Pa = wh2 tan2 − − 2ch tan −
2 4 2 4 2
1 π φ π φ
Pp = wh2 tan2 + + 2ch tan + .
2 4 2 4 2
The preceding formulas, known as Rankine’s formulas, are widely used
in soil mechanics. In view of Radenkovic’s second theorem, however, it must
be recognized that they are not true lower bounds (in the usual sense for
Pp , in the reverse sense for Pa ) unless the friction angle φ is replaced by the
dilatancy angle ψ. Upper bounds can be obtained by means of the Coulomb
mechanism, following Coulomb’s own analysis of 1776, but making sure that
a kinematic approach with an associated flow rule is taken; Coulomb assumed
pure sliding, and analyzed the wedge statically.
For active failure, the mechanism is the same as for the free-standing
vertical bank. With the wall again assumed to be smooth, the external
rate of work is given by the left-hand side of (6.1.4) with the additional
term −P v sin(β + φ), and the internal dissipation equals the right-hand side.
P = wh2 tan β cot(β + φ) − ch cos φ sec β csc(β + φ).
Both terms on the right-hand side can be shown to be stationary at β =
π − 12 φ, so that the largest P (corresponding to the smallest upper bound
on −P ) is given by
1 π φ π φ
Pa = wh2 tan2 − − ch cos φ sec 2
− .
2 4 2 4 2
π π φ π φ π φ
cos φ = sin − φ = sin 2 − = 2 sin − cos − ,
2 4 2 4 2 4 2
so that
π φ π φ
cos φ sec − = 2 tan − ,
4 2 4 2
354 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
3. Show that for a rectangular slab of sides 2a and 2b (b > a) with a slit
of length 2βa parallel to the shorter side, the cutout factor for simple
tension perpendicular to the slit is still 1 − β.
4. Find lower and upper bounds on the cutout factor for the slab in
Exercise 1 when b < a.
10. Derive the equations governing the upper bound to the passive thrust
and the lower bound to the active thrust on a retaining wall in the
presence of friction between the soil and the wall.
11. Assuming plane strain, use a stress field like that of Figure 5.1.5(e) to
find a lower bound to the ultimate tensile force carried by the symmet-
rically notched tension specimen of Exercise 9, Section 5.1. Compare
with the result of that exercise.
perfectly plastic, then the beam can undergo unlimited deformation as soon
as either flange yields. In any real beam, as we already know, the ultimate
moment MU is greater than the elastic-limit moment ME , and therefore
two distinct yield loci exist: the elastic-limit (or initial yield) locus and the
ultimate yield locus [again, see Figure 4.4.5(a)]. Under the hypothesis of
rigid–plastic behavior, however, only the ultimate yield locus is relevant.
where Ω (·) dΩ describes integration over the entire body with respect to vol-
ume, area, or length, as appropriate, or summation over all finite elements.1
Let Q and q denote the generalized stress and strain vectors, respec-
tively. As illustrated by the ideal sandwich beam, a yield locus in terms of
generalized stresses, say Φ(Q) = 0, may be derived in exactly the same way
as the limit locus in terms of generalized loads was derived in 3.5.1. For
rigid–plastic materials, the generalized plastic dissipation is thus
(Q − Q∗ ) · q̇ ≥ 0
D̄p (q̇) ≥ Q∗ · q̇ (6.2.2)
vector ṗ∗ conjugate to P and the generalized strain-rate field q̇∗ , can be
found so that Z
P · ṗ∗ = D̄p (q̇∗ ) dΩ. (6.2.3)
ME2 /ME1 @
–1 @
@ P/PU
@ 1
–ME2 /ME1
Figure 6.2.1. Elastic-limit locus for an asymmetric beam under combined bend-
ing and extension.
|M/ME | = 1, that is, it has exactly the same form as the yield locus of
the ideal sandwich beam [Figure 3.5.1(b)] but with the elastic-limit moment
ME replacing the ultimate moment MU .1 For a section without double
symmetry, the elastic-limit locus is as shown in Figure 6.2.1 if c2 > c1 (so
that ME1 > ME2 ).
Note that for a certain ratio of P to M , namely P/M = (c2 − c1 )A/2I,
yielding occurs simultaneously at the top and bottom fibers, and two plastic
zones form as the generalized stress (M, P ) moves outside the elastic-limit
locus. Otherwise only one plastic zone forms at first. As the point (M, P )
moves farther from the origin, the stress at the extreme fiber opposite the
plastic zone increases until it, too, reaches the yield-stress value, creating a
second plastic zone. Further loading results in the shrinking of the elastic
core, exactly as in pure bending, until it becomes negligibly thin, indicating
that the ultimate yield locus has been reached.
ε̇0 dP + θ̇ dM = 0.
P = 2σY by0
In dimensionless form,
m = 1 − η2, p = η,
so that in this case the yield locus can be described in explicit form,
m = 1 − p2 ,
The vertical reactions at the supports are each equal to F by symmetry, but
the horizontal reactions ±H are unknown. Let χ denote the angle between
the resultant reaction and the vertical, so that tan χ = H/F . A free-body
diagram of a segment of the arch is shown in Figure 6.2.3(b), and equilibrium
shows that the axial force and moment are
P (φ) = −F sin φ − H cos φ = −F (sin φ + tan χ sin φ)
=− sin(χ + φ),
cos χ
M (φ) = F a(1 − sin φ) − Ha cos φ
= [cos χ − sin(χ + φ)].
cos χ
With the moment and axial force varying along the arch, it must be
assumed that the yield criterion (whichever is chosen) is met only at certain
critical sections. As in the case of transversely loaded beams discussed in
4.4.2, plastic hinges form at those sections. If a single hinge were to form in
the arch, it would necessarily, because of symmetry, be at midspan. A three-
hinged arch, however, is a stable structure. Consequently, plastic collapse
of the arch requires the formation of two additional plastic hinges, located
Section 6.2 / Beams Under Combined Stresses 363
? P (φ)
S - M (φ)
b b
7 S
a w
e q
e }
Z -χ 6
4 4 R Z/ P
(a) (b)
Figure 6.2.3. Pin-ended circular arch: (a) initial geometry and loading (solid
line) and collapse mechanism (dashed line); (b) free-body dia-
gram of a segment.
Φ(F tan χ, F a|1 − tan χ|) = 0 and Φ(F sec χ, F a(sec χ − 1)) = 0.
hinge, and no collapse is possible. It is necessary, then, that tan χ < 1. For
η negligibly small, tan χ is very nearly 3/4 and therefore FU = 4MU /a —
a result equivalent to neglecting the influence of axial forces. For η small
but not negligible, a first-order approximation in η may be effected, leading
. .
to tan θ = 3/4 − 5η/16 and FU = (4MU /a)/(1 + 4.25η). Other examples of
arch collapse based on piecewise linear yield loci were studied by Onat and
Prager [1953, 1954]; see also Hodge [1959], Section 7-4.
Lower Bound
A lower-bound yield locus for combined extension, bending, and torsion
can be found by generalizing an approach proposed by Hill and Siebel [1951]
for combined bending and torsion only. The approach is based on assuming,
on the one hand, the same distribution of normal stress as in 6.2.2, but with
|σ| = ασY , where 0 ≤ α ≤ 1; and on the other hand, √ the same distribution of
shear stress as in fully plastic torsion, but with τ = 1 − α2 τY . The second
assumption leads immediately to
def T p
t= = 1 − α2 .
The first assumption means that the m-p relation would be given by (6.2.6)
if m and p were defined as M/αMU and P/αPU , respectively. With the
Section 6.2 / Beams Under Combined Stresses 365
Upper Bound
An upper-bound yield curve for combined extension, bending and torsion
can be found following the method of Hill and Siebel [1953]. The assumed
velocity field is taken so that it results only in an extension rate ε̇0 of the
centroidal fiber, a pure curvature rate κ̇ about the centroidal axis, and a
rate of twist θ̇ about the centroid; warping is neglected.1 With symmetric
bending in the yz-plane assumed, the strain rates are
where τ = τzθ (so that τrz ≡ 0),1 and µ = τY θ̇/λ̇ is a function of position
that can be determined by requiring that the yield criterion (3.3.5) be obeyed
everywhere, resulting in
µ= p .
r2 + (αy − β)2
The stress resultants M , P and T are therefore given by
M =− yσ dA = ασY p dA,
A A r2 + (αy − β)2
P = σ dA = βσY p dA, (6.2.10)
A A r2 + (αy − β)2
T = rτ dA = τY p dA.
A A r2 + (αy − β)2
The integrations in Equations (6.2.10) may be performed, numerically if
necessary, to yield a parametric representation of the upper-bound yield
surface in mpt-space in terms of the parameters α and β. Computed yield
curves representing the projections of the lower-bound and upper-bound
yield surfaces in the mt- and pt-planes, are shown in Figure 6.2.4(a) and (b)
for a circular and a square bar, respectively.
Z a r dr
Z a dx
p= ζaσY =ζ
σY πa2
p p
0 ζ 2 a2 + r2 0 x + ζ2
2π a r3 dr 3 1 x dx
t= τY = ,
τ πa3
p p
0 2 2
ζ a +r 2 2 0 x + ζ2
3 Y
or q q
p = 2ζ ζ2 +1−ζ , t = 2ζ 3 − (2ζ 2 − 1) ζ 2 + 1. (6.2.11)
t 0 -t
1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Upper bound
p-t U
A m-t
Lower bound
t 0 -t
1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Figure 6.2.4. Lower-bound and upper-bound yield loci under bending, torsion
and extension: (a) circular bar; (b) square bar.
4ζ 4 + 4ζ 2 = 4ζ 4 + 4ζ 2 p + p2 ,
maximum at p = 2/3, its value there being 28/27. Consequently the distance
of the
ppoints on the dimensionless yield curve from the origin lies between 1
and 28/27 = 1.018, and the curve differs only slightly from the circle.
The stress distribution giving rise to the resultants just obtained can also
be determined as the solution of a constrained extremum problem: find the
stresses satisfying (3.3.5) everywhere such that the torque,
T = rτ dA,
= V.
Strictly speaking, then, M and V are not generalized stresses that can be
specified independently of each other.
Indeed, each case of a transversely loaded beam presents a distinct prob-
lem of limit analysis. As discussed in 6.1.2, even such closely related cases as
the end-loaded cantilever and the center-loaded simply supported beam are
different. If the span-to-depth ratio is sufficiently high, however, the limit
370 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
m = 1 − v2.
This curve has clearly the same form as the one previously found for the
interaction between moment and axial force, with v replacing p. In fact, it
can be shown that for any doubly symmetric section the yield locus in the
mv-plane is given parametrically by
m = m̄(η), v = p̄(η),
where m̄ and p̄ are the same functions as in Equation (6.2.6). The proof is
based on the observation that the stress distribution for combined bending
moment and axial force, shown in Figure 6.2.5(a), is the superposition of
those shown in Figure 6.2.5(b) and (c). However, the stress distribution
Section 6.2 / Beams Under Combined Stresses 371
(b) alone produces the same moment as (a), and the stress distribution (c)
alone produces the same axial force as (a). If, now, (c) represents a block
of shear stress rather than normal stress, then it produces a shear force,
rather than an axial force, by exactly the same formula. When suitably
nondimensionalized, therefore, the shear force is exactly the same function
of the depth of the central zone as is the axial force.
- -
- -
- = + -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
M = νσY p dA,
A 1 + ν 2y2
V = τY p dA.
A 1 + ν 2y2
b -
6 a
h - c
Hodge [1957b] evaluated the integrals in the preceding equations for the
I-beam shown in Figure 6.2.6. If c/b and a/h are small, then the parametric
form of the yield locus in dimensionless form is, after neglecting terms of
order higher than the first in these quantities,
sech ω + jωcsch ω
v= ,
where ω = sinh−1 (νh/2), while j = ch/2ab is a dimensionless shape para-
meter. The limiting cases j = 0 and j = ∞ correspond, respectively, to
the ideal I-beam (with finite flange thickness but negligible web thickness)
and the rectangular beam. The calculated interaction curves are shown in
Figure 6.2.7.
Hodge also derived the same stress distribution by solving the con-
strained extremum problem, as in 6.2.3. On this basis Hodge regards the
yield locus as also providing a lower bound. However, the shear stress given
Section 6.2 / Beams Under Combined Stresses 373
Rectangular beam
(j = ∞)
Ideal I-beam -
(j = 0)
I-beam *
(j = 1)
0 m
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
by (6.2.13)2 does not vanish at the extreme fibers, and it therefore appears
difficult to accept the stress distribution as statically admissible.
Plots of the lower-bound curve defined by Equation (6.2.12), the upper-
bound curve due to Hodge [1957b], and the lower-bound and upper-bound
curves due to Drucker [1956] (see 6.1.2) are shown in Figure 6.2.8. It can
be seen that all the curves have the limit f = 1 as δ → 0, so that the effect
of shear is negligible for beams that are not overly deep, and that all tend
asymptotically to the hyperbola f = 1/δ for δ large. It must be remem-
bered, however, that values of δ greater than about 0.5 cannot reasonably
be regarded as describing beams.
2. Find the ultimate yield locus for a beam having the idealized section
of Figure 3.5.2.
0 δ
0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0
Upper bound, Hodge
Lower bound, Eq. (6.2.12)
Two-dimensional theory (Fig. 6.1.6)
Figure 6.2.8. Lower-bound and upper-bound curves under combined bending
and shear of a rectangular beam, load against depth-span ratio.
6. Show that for combined torsion and axial force or bending moment
of a circular bar, the unit circles are lower bounds to the yield loci in
both the pt- and mt-planes.
r = −1 r=0 r=0
>Ar rB >Ar rB >Ar@ rB
>Dr rC >Dr rC fr @rC
(a) (b) (c)
r=1 r=1
>@ rB r
>@ rB
@ @
@ @
>Dr @rC >Dr @rC
@ @
(d) (e)
of the centroidal lines of the bars meeting there. Moreover, all the loads are
applied at the joints. Consequently, all bars carry axial forces only, and if
n is the number of bars, then the bar forces P1 , . . . , Pn in effect constitute
the stress field.
In order for each pin to be in equilibrium, the vector sum of all the
bar forces in the members connected through that pin must be zero. If the
number of joints is j, then the total number of joint equilibrium equations is
3j, unless all the bars and loads lie in the same plane, in which case the truss
is a plane (or planar ) truss and the number of equations is 2j. A nonplane
truss is usually called a space truss.
The unknowns of the problem, in addition to the bar forces, are the
reaction components, s in number. If n + s = kj (where k = 2 or 3 in
the plane truss or space truss, respectively), then the equilibrium equations
are precisely enough to determine the unknowns, and the truss is statically
determinate (or isostatic). If r = n + s − kj is positive, then the truss is
statically indeterminate (or hyperstatic or redundant), and r is called the
degree of static indeterminacy (or, more simply, the indeterminacy number
or redundancy number ). If this number is negative, then the truss is unstable
(or hypostatic) and is, in fact, a mechanism. In a stable truss, the number s
of reaction components must be at least equal to the number of equilibrium
equations for the truss as a whole, three for the plane truss and six for the
space truss. If s is greater than this number, then the truss is externally
Some simple trusses, with r equal to 0, −1 and 1 are shown in Figure
6.3.1. In particular, the truss in (e) is statically indeterminate of degree one
even though, apparently, r = 6 + 4 − 2·4 = 2. In fact, bar AD cannot deform
376 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
and therefore cannot carry any force. This bar may, as a result, be ignored
in any analysis of the truss.
Limit Analysis of Trusses
A truss member will be said to fail if it can undergo significant lengthen-
ing or shortening with no significant change in the bar force. Failure in this
sense can result from yielding, if the material is perfectly plastic or nearly
so, or, in the case of a compression member, from buckling. Since the bar
force in a failed member is no longer determined by equilibrium but by the
failure criterion, it can be presumed as known if the properties of the bar
are known, and the number n of unknown bar forces drops by one, as does
the indeterminacy number r. The truss therefore becomes unstable if r + 1
bars fail. In particular, a statically determinate truss collapses as soon as
one bar fails.
Any choice of r+1 bars that fail provides a mechanism with one degree of
freedom that can be used with the upper-bound theorem. Given a reference
velocity v, the elongation rates ∆ ˙ i of the ith failed bar may be determined
by geometry. Let PU i denote the ultimate bar force in tension, and PU−i the
magnitude of that in compression; the latter is the lesser of the yield force
and the buckling force. The internal dissipation in a failed bar is PU±i |∆ ˙ i |,
the superscript sign being that of ∆i .
The truss of Figure 4.1.1 has three bars, six reaction components, and
four joints, so that r = 1 and two bars must fail for collapse to occur.
In 4.1.4 we read, however, that all three bars must fail for this truss to
collapse. With PU+ the same in all three bars, the collapse load in this case
is FU = PU+ (1 + 2 cos α).
If we were to assume a mechanism in which bars AD and CD fail, while
BD remains rigid, the external work rate would be zero and the upper-
bound theorem would fail to give a finite upper bound to FU . Consider,
now, an asymmetric mechanism with bars BD and CD only failing. Bar
AD then rotates rigidly about its support, and if the downward component
of the velocity of pin D is v, then its leftward component is v cot α. The
velocity component in the direction of bar CD, equal to its elongation rate,
is v(cos α + cot α sin α) = 2v cos α. Equating the external work rate to the
total internal dissipation,
@ e
@ @
@ e
@ @
e@ e@ @
e@ e@ @
e @
e hhhh@
(i) (ii) (iii)
hh hhhh
@ @ hhh @ h
@ @ @
@ @ @
@ @ @
hhhh@ @ hhhh@
h h
(iv) (v) (vi)
the basis of assumed symmetry, and hence the collapse loads given by the
symmetric and asymmetric mechanisms should be the same.
Let us now look at the possible collapse mechanisms of the truss of Figure
6.3.1(d) under a downward force F applied at joint C. First, it is apparent
that any mechanism in which bars AC and CD do not deform does not
permit any translation of C, so that the force F cannot do any work; such
a mechanism is not admissible. A mechanism in which both AC and CD
fail but the other bars remain rigid allows rotation of BC about B, leading
to a zero external work rate for the given loading. The only mechanisms to
be considered, therefore, are those in which either AC or CD fails, but not
both; these mechanisms number six, and are shown in Figure 6.3.2. Dashed
lines represent bars that fail.
We assume that the bars are of identical cross-section and sufficiently
stiff so that PU+ = PU− = PU in every bar. The mechanism (i) in which
CD and BC fail presents a rigid rotation of AC about A; if the downward
velocity of C is v, then the angular velocity of rotation of AC is v/a, where
a is the length of the nondiagonal bars, so that the shortening rate of CD
and the lengthening rate of BC are also v. The total internal dissipation is
thus 2PU v, and the resulting upper bound on F is 2PU . If (ii) CD and AB
fail, then AC rotates about A, BD rotates about D, and BC rotates about
its midpoint. The shortening rate of CD is again v, as is the lengthening
rate of AB, and the upper bound is once more 2PU .
The mechanisms in which AC fails along with either (iii) BC or (iv) AB,
and the one √ (v) in which CD and BD fail, all give the same upper bound
of (1 + 1/ 2)PU . Finally, in the shear mechanism (vi) in which AC and √
BD fail, these bars lengthen and shorten, respectively, at the rate v/ 2,
378 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
leading to the upper bound 2PU . This upper bound, being the smallest,
must equal the ultimate load.
To confirm this equality, we analyze the truss statically under this value
of F , assuming that PAC = PU√and PBD = −PU . We find that all the other
bar forces are of magnitude P/ 2, so that the “stress field” (the distribution
of bar forces) is plastically admissible.
It is clear that if the cross-sectional
√ areas of all three nondiagonal bars
were √ to be reduced by a factor of 2, their ultimate bar forces would fall
to 1/ 2 times those of the diagonals, and the stress field would still be
— just barely — plastically admissible under the just-calculated collapse
load. Collapse would then occur with all bars yielding, indicating the most
efficient use of material; such a truss would be an example of minimum-
weight design.
A kinematic analysis of the minimum-weight truss shows that all six
mechanism based on failure in two bars produce the same upper bound. The
most general collapse mechanism, then, is a linear combination of the six. It
is easy to see that this mechanism has four degrees of freedom, represented
by the horizontal and vertical displacements of joints B and C.
whenever the other two are. The solution is simple, as √we already know: all
the inequalities are satisfied as equalities when PU 2 = 2PU 1 = F/2.
subject to the linear constraints (6.3.1); this problem is one of linear pro-
gramming. The connection between limit design and linear programming
was apparently first noted by Heyman [1951].
The standard linear-programming problem is one of maximizing, rather
than minimizing, the objective function cT x, where c and x are 1 × n column
matrices, subject to the constraints
aTk x ≤ bk , k = 1, . . . , m, (6.3.2)
where the ak are 1 × n column matrices, and the bk are real numbers. Often
the additional constraint that the xi be nonnegative is imposed. The problem
of minimum-weight design of a truss becomes a standard problem if we
identify xi with PU i , ci with −Li , ak with the kth column of the matrix
−[αik ], and −bk with the right-hand side of (6.3.1). By defining the m × n
matrix A through AT = [a1 , . . . , am ] and the m × 1 matrix b through
b = (b1 , . . . , bm ), inequality (6.3.2) may be rewritten in the short form
Ax ≤ b, (6.3.3)
x ≥ 0. (6.3.4)
380 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
Ax = b, x ≥ 0. (6.3.5)
Ax + y = b, y ≥ 0. (6.3.6)
Āx̄ = b, x̄ ≥ 0,
6.3.2. Beams
Any transversely loaded beam, except an ideal sandwich beam, is statically
indeterminate in the sense of Section 4.1 — that is, the stress field cannot
be deduced from the loading independently of unknown properties: at any
section, an infinity of stress distributions can be found that give the same
resultant moment M and shear force V . It is conventional, however, to call
a beam statically determinate (or indeterminate) if it is externally determi-
nate (or indeterminate) in the same sense as a truss, that is, if the number
of independent reaction components is the same as (or greater than) the
number of equilibrium equations available to determine them. In the ab-
sence of internal hinges, this number is three for plane bending. Any hinge,
whether frictionless or a plastic hinge, provides an additional equilibrium
equation: at a frictionless hinge, M = 0, since such a hinge cannot transmit
moment, while at a plastic hinge M = MU+ or M = −MU− . The indetermi-
nacy number of a beam is accordingly r = s − h − 3, where s is the number
of reaction components1 and h is the number of hinges. Like a plane truss,
the beam collapses when r is reduced to −1, so that if h0 hinges are present
initially, the number of plastic hinges required for collapse is s − h0 − 2, and
specifically, one if the beam is statically determinate, and two or more if it is
statically indeterminate. A plastic hinge may form at any point of the beam
at which the condition |M | = MU is possible, that is, in the interior of a
Provided that these components do not include three collinear forces.
Section 6.3 / Limit Analysis of Trusses, Beams and Frames 381
The preceding result may also be cast in the form of two inequalities,
382 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
αF (1–α)F
- - - ∆
3 3 3 fh
? ?
f f
hh? h?
h ? ?
A B C hhh
3∆ 6 3∆ 6
(a) L 2L
fh fPP
f f
h hf
hhh ?
PP f
(c) (d)
Hq(6, 3)
5 10
Figure 6.3.3. Single-span beam simply supported at one end and built in at the
other, with concentrated loads at the third points: (a) geometry
and loading; (b)–(d) collapse mechanisms; (e) interaction dia-
(2 − α)F L (1 + α)F L
≤ 12, ≤ 15.
Yet another way of presenting the result would be to regard the loads at B
and C as two independent loads F1 and F2 . The inequalities are accordingly
rewritten as
F1 + 2F2 ≤ 12 ,
L (6.3.7)
2F1 + F2 ≤ 15 ,
represented graphically by the interaction diagram shown in Figure 6.3.3(e).
The last pair of inequalities, Equations (6.3.7), can also be derived by
means of an equilibrium analysis. Suppose that a plastic hinge has already
formed at A, with MA = −MU ; the beam is then statically determinate, and
the bending moments at B and C can easily be calculated to be, respectively,
(2F1 + F2 )L/9 − 2MU /3 and (F1 + 2F2 )L/9 − MU /3. The requirement that
these moments not exceed MU gives precisely the inequalities (6.3.7).
Section 6.3 / Limit Analysis of Trusses, Beams and Frames 383
The inequalities are also design criteria: they give the minimum value of
MU that the section must have in order to carry a given set of loads F1 , F2 .
x fx x
M (x) = MU − 1 − + 1− ,
L 2L L
αL -
fX x
(((( f
?X??? (? (
XX ??
( (
L -
Figure 6.3.4. Uniformly loaded single-span beam, simply supported at one end
and built in at the other: collapse mechanisms.
displacement of both rigid portions of the beam is ∆/2, so that the external
work rate is F ∆/2. The hinge at the built-in end rotates by an angle ∆/αL,
384 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
and the other hinge by the angle ∆/αL + ∆/(1 − α)L. The total internal
dissipation is therefore
2−α ∆˙
MU .
α(1 − α) L
It follows that an upper bound to fU is
2(2 − α)
f= .
α(1 − α)
The least upper bound is found by minimizing f with respect to α:
1 df 2−α 2−α 1
= − −
2 dα α(1 − α)2 α2 (1 − α) α(1 − α)
= [α(2 − α) − (1 − α)(2 − α) − α(1 − α)] = 0,
[α(1 − α)]2
leading to the quadratic equation
α2 − 4α + 2 = 0.
√ relevant root is α = 2 − 2 and gives
Since α must be less than 1, the only
the least upper bound f = 6 + 4 2 = 11.657, which, of course, coincides
with the previously found greatest lower bound.
Without the analytical solution, assumed values of α give upper bounds
that may be satisfactory; for example, α = 0.5 leads to f = 12, and α = 0.6
leads to f = 11.667. Moreover, assumed mechanisms can also be used to
give lower bounds without resorting to an analytical solution. Consider,
for example, the mechanism with α = 0.5, corresponding to f = 12. The
moment distribution corresponding to this mechanism is given by
" 2 #
x x
M (x) = −MU 1−7 +6 ,
an intermediate support and a simple end support will collapse with only
two hinges. It is thus possible for a continuous beam to remain statically
indeterminate at collapse. For this reason the kinematic method is preferable
by far for the limit analysis of continuous beams.
F1 F2
- - - -
4 4 4 4
A ? ?
f fB C
Figure 6.3.5. Continuous beam, simply supported at one end, built in at the
other, and with an intermediate support, carrying a concentrated
load at the midpoint of each span.
Looking at the beam shown in Figure 6.3.5, we see immediately that the
feasible collapse mechanisms are (a) the one in which span AB collapses like
the beam of Figure 6.3.4, and (b) the one in which span BC collapses like
a beam with both ends built in. In mechanism (b) hinges develop at B (or
rather, just to the right of B), at C, and at midspan. The loads F1 , F2 are
governed by the uncoupled inequalities,
F1 ≤ (6 + 2 2) , F2 ≤ 16 .
These inequalities also specify the minimum value of MU .
Simple Frame
A one-story, one-bay frame such as shown in Figure 6.3.6 is statically
indeterminate of degree three, and the collapse of the frame as a whole indeed
requires four hinges, as shown in Figures 6.3.6(a) and (c). Consider, however,
Figure 6.3.6(d), which illustrates the beam mechanism. This mechanism does
not entail collapse in the sense of unlimited displacements; the deflection of
the beam is limited by that of the columns. In practice, however, a structure
386 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
F1 - sB
hhh? s ((
D - hhh( s ((s
? -s ? s - shhh?
s ((s
E 6C( E
A Es ? EsE s s s s
L -
(a) (b) (c) (d)
The only pertinent collapse mechanisms for the frame of Figure 6.3.6
are the beam mechanism (d), the panel or sidesway mechanism (c), and the
composite mechanism (b), which is a superposition of (c) and (d) in which
the hinge at B is eliminated. The composite mechanism (a) — the mirror
image of (b) — in which joint D is rigid, entails negative work done by the
horizontal force and therefore is viable only when this force is zero, in which
case it is equivalent to (b). When a hinge is assumed to be at a joint such as
B or D, it will actually be in the weaker of the two members meeting there
— that is, it forms when the bending moment (which, for equilibrium, must
be the same in both members as the joint is approached) reaches the smaller
of the two values of MU .
Let MU 1 , MU 2 , and MU 3 denote the values of MU in AB, BD, and DE,
respectively. If it is assumed that the horizontal load F1 is, for example, a
wind load which is just as likely to act to the left at D as to the right at B
(so that the loading of Figure 6.3.6 represents only one of two mirror-image
cases), then the frame design should be symmetric, and MU 3 = MU 1 .
The upper-bound theorem applied to the three mechanisms (b)-(d) gives
the following inequalities:
F2 L ≤ 4MU 2 + 4 min(MU 1 , MU 2 ),
As before, these inequalities serve both analysis and design. For the
purposes of analysis, let us assume equal values of MU for all three members.
The interaction diagram between F1 and F2 is then as shown in Figure
6.3.7(a). The design implications of inequalities (6.3.8) are discussed in the
following subsection.
MU 2 /M̄
F2 L/MU .....
3 .....
..... Safe region
A .....
.............. .....
..... ....
A .....
..... 2 .....
..... .....
AA .......................................
..... ....................................
4 .....
..... Safe boundary
...... 1
..... F1 H/MU MU 1 /M̄
4 8 1 2 3
(a) (b)
Figure 6.3.7. Interaction diagrams for the frame of Figure 6.3.6: (a) load plane;
(b) design plane (see page 391).
Complex Frames
In a frame comprising several stories and bays, the number of possi-
ble collapse mechanisms can become quite large. Every transversely loaded
member may form a beam mechanism, and each story may produce a panel
mechanism. Furthermore, at any joint at which three or more members
come together, a plastic hinge may form independently in each member near
the joint (if only two members meet, the hinge can form only in the weaker
It is convenient to establish a basis of independent mechanisms, called
elementary mechanisms, such that all mechanisms may be regarded as su-
perpositions of the elementary ones. These elementary mechanisms, as first
discussed by Neal and Symonds [1952], consist of all the beam and panel
mechanisms, and in addition, of the joint mechanisms constituted by the
formation of plastic hinges, at a joint, in every one of the members that
come together there, resulting in a rotation of the joint [see Figure 6.3.8(e)].
The joint mechanisms are not in themselves collapse mechanisms, since the
external work rate associated with them is zero (unless an external moment
acts at the joint), but they are used in combination with beam and/or panel
mechanisms in order to cancel superfluous hinges.
Let r denote, as before, the degree of redundancy of the frame. A simple
method of determining r is to cut the frame at a sufficient number of sections
so that it just becomes statically determinate, that is, equivalent to a set of
simply supported beams and/or cantilevers; r is then the number of stress
388 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
resultants (moments, axial forces and shear forces) that can arbitrarily be
specified at the cuts. Equivalently, r is the number of sections at which the
moment can be arbitrarily prescribed. Suppose, now, that the number of
critical sections — that is, sections at which a plastic hinge can form — is n.
It follows that there are n − r independent relations among the n moments
at the critical sections, and these relations are equilibrium equations. Each
such equation can be associated, by means of the principle of virtual work,
with a mechanism. Consequently, there are n − r independent mechanisms.
As an example, consider the two-bay frame shown in Figure 6.3.8(a).1
By means of two cuts, the frame can be transformed into three disconnected
cantilevers, and therefore r = 2×3 = 6. The critical sections, as shown, num-
ber 10. Consequently the frame has four independent mechanisms. In terms
of elementary mechanisms, these are (b)–(c) the two beam mechanisms, (d)
the panel mechanism, and (e) the joint mechanism.
In the method of superposition of mechanisms due to Neal and
Symonds [1952], the analysis begins by determining the upper bounds pre-
dicted by the elementary beam and panel mechanisms. Because of the
symmetry of the structure, the two beam mechanisms give the same up-
per bounds. We thus obtain the two inequalities
4 6
F x? xxx x? i x 8
2i 3
2x 5 7 2 6
1i i
1.5 1i 2L
1x x10 x9 ?
2L - 2L -
rPPP r rP
PPr r
(b) (c)
r r
r r r r
r r r
(d) (e)
r r`` r r`` r
r r r r r r
(f) (g)
Figure 6.3.8. Two-bay frame: (a) geometry and loading; (b)–(c) beam mech-
anisms; (d) panel mechanism; (e) joint mechanism; (f)–(g) com-
posite mechanisms.
mechanisms have been explored. The only way to check whether the best
upper bound that has been found indeed gives the collapse load is to see
if it is also a lower bound, that is, to find a statically admissible moment
distribution such that |M | = MU at all sections corresponding to hinges in
the mechanism, and |M | ≤ MU elsewhere. In the present example this is
easy, since the optimal mechanism represents total collapse and thus involves
r+1 = 7 hinges, leaving the structure statically determinate at collapse. The
four independent equilibrium equations (which can be formed by applying
the principle of virtual work to the elementary mechanisms) and the seven
hinge conditions give eleven equations for the ten critical-section moments
and the load F . It turns out that the moments at 2, 5, and 6 do not exceed
the local values of MU , and the load is in fact equal to the best upper-bound
390 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
−MU i ≤ Mi ≤ MU i ,
Foulkes’ Theorems
For a complex frame, the time required for a trial-and-error method
of limit design would be prohibitively long. Any systematic approach is
based on the assumption of a functional relation between the weight per
unit length and the flexural strength (as measured by MU or Z) of a beam.
Clearly, no such relation exists in general, but an approximate relation can
be established for a limited range of sections that is used in the design of a
frame. If a relation of the form
w = a + bMU (6.3.9)
the summation being over all members, and therefore the objective function
G(MU 1 , . . .) = Li MU i ,
with Z in cubic inches. The total weight of the frame, to within an additive
constant, is therefore proportional to Z1 + Z2 . The theoretical minimum-
weight design is thus achieved by finding the point (Z1 , Z2 ) on the safe
boundary where the constant-weight line Z1 + Z2 = const. is tangent to the
boundary. This point is Z1 = Z2 = 167 in.3 , and would represent the actual
minimum-weight design if a section with this value of Z could be found.
Note that the point of tangency between the constant-weight line and
the safe boundary is a vertex of the boundary, that is, an intersection of
two of the lines forming this boundary.1 Since each such line represents a
particular collapse mechanism, the theoretical minimum-weight frame can
collapse in either of two mechanisms, or in a linear combination of the two.
In particular, a linear combination of the two mechanisms, with nonnegative
coefficients, can be found so that the inequality produced by the combined
If the constant-weight lines are parallel to one of the boundary lines, then any point on
the boundary segment of this line, including the two vertices, represents a minimum-weight
394 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
where the vj are the velocities conjugate to the Fj in the Foulkes mechanism.
Consider, now, any other safe frame design, described by values MU∗ i
of the ultimate moments. Since the Foulkes mechanism is a kinematically
admissible mechanism, it follows from upper-bound theorem that
MU∗ i Li = cG∗ ,
Fj vj ≤ c
j i=1
Additional Remarks
1. In both the analysis and the design of frames, all loads were assumed
to be concentrated, thus fixing in advance the locations of the critical sec-
tions. If any span carries a distributed load, then the critical section in that
span must be assumed, and therefore any mechanism gives an upper bound
to the collapse load; improvements to the upper bound can be achieved by
changing the hinge locations. On the other hand, if any distributed load is
replaced by a statically equivalent (equipollent) set of concentrated loads,
then the collapse load calculated on the basis of the concentrated loads is
396 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
a lower bound on the collapse load for the distributed load. This result,
derived by Symonds and Neal [1951], is known as the load-replacement
2. Only rectangular frames were studied as examples. Frames with
inclined members, such as the gable frame of Figure 6.3.9, can be studied
analogously. The frame shown has three independent mechanisms; these can
- Q ! ! Q QQr
r r
(a) (b) (c)
Qr #Q
Q !!Q
HH # Z
! # Z
Q r r#
!! QH Hr Z
r r r r r
(d) (e) (f)
Q r
r Qr
Q !
! QH
! QHHr
r r
(g) (h)
Figure 6.3.9. Gable frame: (a) geometry and loading; (b) beam mechanism;
(c) panel mechanism; (d) gable mechanism; (e)–(f) other panel
mechanisms; (h) composite mechanism.
be taken as the beam mechanism (b), the panel mechanism (c), and the gable
mechanism (d), which may also be regarded as a kind of panel mechanism.
Other panel mechanisms, each of which is a combination of (c) and (d) with
one hinge eliminated, are shown as (e)–(g), and a composite mechanism as
3. A relation between weight and strength given by (6.3.9) can be a rea-
sonable approximation to the properties of actual sections if their number
is small. For a larger range of sections, a better approximation is usually
obtained with a nonlinear relation such as w ∝ MUα , where α = 2/3 for
geometrically similar sections, and α = 0.6 gives a good approximation for
many standard I-beam sections. The problem of minimum-weight design
then becomes one of nonlinear programming. The computational implemen-
Section 6.3 / Limit Analysis of Trusses, Beams and Frames 397
(Mαβ − Mαβ )κ̇αβ ≥ 0. (6.4.2)
The moments and the curvature rates are thus respectively the generalized
stresses and generalized strain rates for the analysis of the bending collapse of
plates. Since yield criteria in terms of moments have already been formulated
(see 5.2.2), the associated flow rule can be deduced from (6.4.2) to have the
καβ = λ̇ .
For the Mises, Tresca, and Johansen criteria, respectively, we obtain the
plastic dissipations per unit area as
D̄p (κ̇) = √2 MU κ̇2 + κ̇1 κ̇2 + κ̇2 (Mises),
3 1 2
D̄p (κ̇) = 2 MU (|κ̇1 | + |κ̇2 | + |κ̇1 + κ̇2 |) (Tresca),
D̄p (κ̇) = MU (|κ̇1 | + |κ̇2 |) (Johansen).
Hinge Curves
A hinge curve or yield curve (hinge line or yield line if straight) is a curve
in the region A occupied by the middle plane, across which the slope of the
deflection w is discontinuous. Let ∆θ denote the change in slope encountered
along a line normal to the curve, and suppose that this change takes place
uniformly over a narrow zone of width δ. Within this zone, the numerically
larger principal curvature rate, say κ̇1 , is given by |κ̇1 | = ∆θ̇/δ, with |κ̇1 |
|κ̇2 |. If we integrate D̄p (κ̇) through the width of the zone, we√obtain, for the
plastic dissipation per unit length of the hinge curve, (2MU / 3)|∆θ̇| for the
Mises criterion and MU |∆θ̇| for the Tresca and Johansen criteria. The total
internal dissipation needed in limit analysis,
Dint = Dp (ε̇)dV,
400 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
is therefore
Z q Z
Dint = √ MU 2 2
κ̇1 + κ̇1 κ̇2 + κ̇2 dA + |∆θ̇| ds (Mises),
Dint = MU (|κ̇1 | + |κ̇2 | + |κ̇1 + κ̇2 |)dA + |∆θ̇| ds (Tresca),
Dint = MU (|κ̇1 | + |κ̇2 |) dA + |∆θ̇|ds (Johansen),
where HC denotes the hinge curve.
Comparing the Mises and Tresca results, we note that the expressions
inside the square brackets coincide if
1 q
(|κ̇1 | + |κ̇2 | + |κ̇1 + κ̇2 |) = κ̇21 + κ̇1 κ̇2 + κ̇22 ,
and this occurs if and only if one of three conditions κ̇1 = 0, κ̇2 = 0, or
κ̇1 + κ̇2 = 0 is met. Consequently, an upper-bound load obtained for a
Tresca plate on the basis of a velocity field obeying one of these conditions √
almost everywhere1 serves for a Mises plate as well if multiplied by 2/ 3.
Yield-line theory was developed by Johansen [1932] for the ultimate-
load design of reinforced-concrete slabs. In a polygonal plate, the yield
curves are yield lines and divide the plate into portions that move as rigid
bodies, so that all the dissipation takes place on the yield lines. If any edge
is clamped, then either the portion of the plate adjacent to it does not move,
or the edge itself becomes a yield line. In accordance with the upper-bound
theorem, R
the yield-line pattern must be such as to minimize Dint /Dext , where
Dext = A q ẇ dA is the external work rate.
Applications of Yield-Line Theory
As an example, consider a simply supported rectangular plate of dimen-
sions 2a×2b under a uniform load F/4ab. “Simply supported” is interpreted
in the traditional sense, that is, the plate deflection vanishes at the edges;
such a plate is called “position-fixed” by Johnson and Mellor [1973]. Accord-
ing to a weaker definition of simple support, used by Johnson and Mellor,
only downward deflection is prevented, and the plate is free to lift off.
For the traditional definition, the yield-line pattern may be one of the
two shown in Figure 6.4.1.
Actually, pattern (a) is a special case of pattern (b), with c = a, but
because of its relative simplicity it is instructive to study it separately. It can
easily be shown that, if v0pis the center velocity, then the slope-discontinuity
rate on the yield lines is (v0 /a)2 + (v0 /b)2 , so that, for a Tresca material,
1 1 a b
Dint = 4MU v0 a2 + b2 2
+ 2 = 4MU v0 + ,
a b b a
“Almost everywhere” means everywhere except on a set of points whose total area is
Section 6.4 / Limit Analysis of Plates and Shells 401
HH @
H @
HH @
6 HH @
b HH
H @
? H @
a - c-
(a) (b)
Figure 6.4.1. Yield-line patterns for a simply supported rectangular plate. Pat-
tern (a) is a special case of pattern (b), with c = a.
while Dext = 1thirdF v0 , so that the upper bound on F is 12MU (a/b + b/a).
For pattern (b), we have
c b v0 a b
Dint = 4MU v0 + + 2(a − c)MU ·2 = 4MU v0 +
b c b b c
F 1 1 1 c
Dext = v0 ·4bc + ·4b(a − c) = F v0 3 − .
4ab 3 2 6 a
The ratio Dint /Dext is a minimum at c given by
c b b b
= 3+ − ,
a a a a
which can be seen to be less than one for all b/a < 1. Consequently,
s 2
8 a b b
F ≤ MU 3 + +
3 b a a
which is less than the upper bound given by pattern (a) except in the case
of the square, when the two upper bounds are necessarily equal. The pre-
ceding results
√ hold for a plate made of a Mises material if MU is replaced
by 2MU / 3.
If the plate is clamped, then the same yield-line pattern as above can be
assumed, provided that the edges become yield lines. It can easily be verified
that the total dissipation along the edges is just equal to that on the interior
yield lines, so that the upper-bound load obtained by this method is twice
what it is for the simply supported plate. It is shown later, however, that a
better upper-bound load can be found for clamped plates in general.
A lower bound for the simply supported rectangular plate can be ob-
tained by assuming the statically admissible moment field
2 2
x1 x2 x1 x2
m11 = 1 − , m22 = 1 − , m12 = −λ ,
a b ab
402 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
fT ≤ fM ≤ √ fT .
for Mθ , making sure that the correct root is chosen, and substitute it in the
equilibrium equation. Let ρ = r/a, and let φ(ρ) be a function such that
the distributed load (assumed to be acting downward) is given by q(ρ) =
−(f MU /a2 )φ0 (ρ)/ρ; note that φ(0) = 0 and φ(1) = 1. The differential
equation for m = Mr /MU ,
dm 1 3
ρ + m− 1 − m2 = −f φ(ρ),
dρ 2 4
must be solved subject to the initial condition m(0) = 1, and fM is the value
of f for which the solution satisfies m(1) = 0 for a simply supported plate
and m(1) = −1 for a clamped plate.
If the plate is uniformly loaded, then φ(ρ) = ρ2 . A numerical solution of
the differential equation leads to fM = 3.26 for the simply supported plate
and fM = 5.92 for the clamped plate. These values may be compared with
the respective
√ lower bounds of 3 and 5.63, and the upper bounds of 3.46
(= 2 3) and 6.50. Other results relating to plate collapse may be found in
the books by Hodge [1959], Chapter 10; Hodge [1963]; Johnson and Mellor
[1973], Chapter 15; and Save and Massonnet [1972].
404 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
and consequently, the Mαβ and Nαβ constitute the generalized stresses for
the most general shearless theory of limit analysis of shells; the shear forces
Qα are reactions and do not enter the yield locus.
If the mechanical behavior of the shell is isotropic in the tangent plane,
then the yield locus is expressible in terms of the principal moments M1 ,
M2 , and the principal membrane forces N1 , N2 . If, in addition, symmetry or
another constraint require one of the principal strains ε̄1 , ε̄2 or the principal
curvatures κ1 , κ2 to be zero, then the conjugate force or moment ceases
to be a generalized force and becomes an internal reaction instead; it can
therefore be eliminated from the yield locus, further reducing the number of
dimensions of the space in which the yield locus must be described.
principal stresses in the two sheets will be denoted σ1+ , σ2+ and σ1− , σ2− ,
respectively, the sign convention being chosen so that
Mα = (σα− − σα+ )ht, α = 1, 2,
Nα = (σα− + σα+ )t, α = 1, 2.
σα± = N 2t
α ∓ Mα .
If the principal stresses σα± are not to violate the Tresca yield criterion,
they must satisfy the six inequalities
|m1 − n1 | ≤ 1, |m1 + n1 | ≤ 1,
−1 + n2 ≤ m2 ≤ 1 + n2 , − 1 − n2 ≤ m2 ≤ 1 − n2 ,
−1 + m1 + n1 − n2 ≤ m2 ≤ 1 + m1 + n1 − n2 , (6.4.4)
−1 + m1 − n1 + n2 ≤ m2 ≤ 1 + m1 − n1 + n2 .
The actual values of m2 do not matter, as long as some m2 can be found so
that all the inequalities (6.4.4) can be satisfied, and this is the case whenever
the first member of each inequality is no greater than the third member of
every inequality. The first two inequalities give
|n2 | ≤ 1, (6.4.5a)
Combining inequalities from the first and second pairs leads to the following
additional nontrivial inequalities:
|2n2 − n1 + m1 | ≤ 2, |2n2 − n1 − m1 | ≤ 2. (6.4.5c-d)
Together with (6.4.3)1,2 , we thus have six absolute-value inequalities involv-
ing m1 , n1 and n2 , or a total of twelve algebraic inequalities. The yield
locus is therefore a dodecahedron in the three-dimensional m1 n1 n2 -space, il-
lustrated in Figure 6.4.2. The derivation of this locus is due to Hodge [1954],
@ n1
@ B
@ B
@ B
B - m1
Figure 6.4.2. Piecewise linear yield locus for a cylindrical shell (from Prager
who also derived the exact nonlinear yield locus for a solid shell made of uni-
form material. As discussed previously, the piecewise linear locus may be
thought of as an approximation to the exact one when the appropriate values
of MU and NU are used, namely MU = σY h2 /4 and NU = σY h, with σY the
uniaxial yield stress of the solid-shell material.
The plastic dissipation per unit area of the ideal sandwich shell, given
rigid–plastic behavior, is
σY t + − − − −
D̄p = |ε̇1 | + |ε̇+
2 | + |ε̇ +
1 + ε̇ +
2 | + |ε̇ 1 | + |ε̇ 2 | + |ε̇ 1 + ε̇ 2 | .
ε̇± ˙
α = ε̄α ∓ κ̇α , α = 1, 2.
D̄p = [|NU ε̄˙ 1 + MU κ̇1 | + |NU ε̄˙ 1 − MU κ̇1 |
+ |NU ε̄˙ 2 + MU κ̇2 | + |NU ε̄˙ 2 − MU κ̇2 |
+ |NU (ε̄˙ 1 + ε̄˙ 2 ) + MU (κ̇1 + κ̇2 )| + |NU (ε̄˙ 1 + ε̄˙ 2 ) − MU (κ̇1 + κ̇2 )|] .
Section 6.4 / Limit Analysis of Plates and Shells 407
E E ((
((( E E 6 iP u0 (z)
u(z) E - E((
(( (E
E E w(z)-
a E dθ
E(( E r z
Z h/2 Z h/2 Z h/2
Nθ = σθ dy, Nz = σz dy, Mz = − yσz dy.
−h/2 −h/2 −h/2
The generalized stresses are thus three in number. The conjugate generalized
strains are ε̄θ = u/a, ε̄z = w0 , and κz = u00 . The fact that κθ = 0 (i.e., circles
remain circles) removes Mθ from the rank of generalized stresses. The yield
locus is therefore given by Equations (6.4.3)1,2 and (6.4.5a)–(6.4.5d), with
M1 = Mz , N1 = Nz , and N2 = Nθ .
The plastic dissipation per unit area is
|u̇| ẇ0 ẇ0
+ MU u̇00 + NU − MU u̇00
D̄p = 2NU + N U
4 a a a (6.4.7)
u̇ u̇
0 00
+ ẇ0 − MU u̇00 .
+ NU + ẇ + MU u̇ + NU
a a
Equating the internal and external virtual work leads to the equilibrium
Nz0 = 0, Mz00 + =p (6.4.8)
Section 6.4 / Limit Analysis of Plates and Shells 409
Note that the axial end forces must be equal and opposite for equilibrium.
If these are zero, then Nz = 0 everywhere.
For the shell without end load, the piecewise linear yield locus reduces
to a hexagon in the Mz Nθ -plane, formed by the three pairs of parallel lines
described by
|m| = 1, |2n + m| = 2, |2n − m| = 2, (6.4.9)
where m = Mz /MU and n = Nθ /NU (see Figure 6.4.4, which also shows the
“exact” nonlinear yield locus as well as the simplified square locus given by
|m| ≤ 1, |n| ≤ 1).
Figure 6.4.4. Yield loci for a cylindrical shell without end load.
The plastic dissipation for the yield criterion described by (6.4.9) may
be obtained from (6.4.7) by substituting, as in uniaxial stress, ε̄˙ 1 = − 12 ε̄˙ 2 ,
or ẇ0 = −u̇/2a. The result is
1 u̇ u̇
+ MU u̇00 + NU − MU u̇00 .
D̄p = NU + N U (6.4.10)
2 a 2a 2a
When the state of generalized stress can be assumed to be represented by
points on one of the inclined lines AB, BC, DE, and EF of Figure 6.4.4,
then Nθ can be expressed in terms of Mz , and the result substituted in the
equilibrium equation (6.4.8)2 . The equation then becomes a linear differen-
tial equation for Mz , which can be solved subject to appropriate boundary
410 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
conditions. Since the normality rule gives 2MU u̇00 = ±NU u̇/a along the
aforementioned lines, the dissipation is just NU |u̇|/a. The same result ob-
tains at the vertices B and E. Along the lines AF and CD, normality
requires u̇/u̇00 = 0. A nonvanishing velocity thus implies u̇00 = ±∞, that is,
the formation of a plastic hinge circle.
A simple case occurs when the pressure p is constant and the ends of the
tube are free. Then Mz = 0, and the yield criterion reduces to |Nθ | = NU .
The ultimate pressure is therefore given by |pU | = NU /a.
A solution for a pressurized tube with clamped ends was derived by
Hodge [1954]. Here the central portion of the tube is in regime DE, and
the outer portions in EF ; the boundary is at z = ±ηL. The parameter η
and the dimensionless ultimate pressure p̄ = pU a/NU are given implicitly as
functions of the dimensionless shell parameter ω, defined by
ω2 = .
2MU a
1 d 1 d2
δ(z) = sgn z = |z|.
2 dz 2 dz 2
shells, then, we should expect FU = 2NU L/a, with bending having little or
no effect.
When bending is taken into account, it can be seen that at least in a
central portion of the tube, Mz ≥ 0. It will be assumed, to begin with, that
the entire shell is plastic and in regime AB of Figure 6.4.4. Eliminating Nθ ,
we obtain the following dimensionless differential equation for m(ζ), using
the dimensionless variable ζ = z/L, and the parameters f = F a/(2NU L)
and ω as previously defined:
m00 (ζ) + ω 2 m(ζ) = 2ω 2 − 4ω 2 f δ(ζ).
The general solution of this equation that is even in ζ is
m(ζ) = 2 − 2ωf sin(ω|ζ|) + C cos ωζ,
with C an arbitrary constant. The free-end condition m(1) = m0 (1) = 0
yields C = −2 cos ω and
sin ω
f= . (6.4.11)
The solution may accordingly be written as
m(ζ) = 2[1 − cos ω(1 − |ζ|)].
The requirement that 0 ≤ m ≤ 1 limits the validity of this solution to
ω ≤ π/3. For sufficiently short shells, then, Equation (6.4.11) gives a lower
bound to the collapse load; in particular, the limit as ω → 0 is f = 1, as
previously discussed. An associated kinematically admissible velocity field,
however, can easily be found, namely,
u̇(ζ) = −v0 cos ωζ. (6.4.12)
It can readily be checked that the generalized strain rates derived from this
velocity field satisfy the normality condition for regime AB, and hence Equa-
tion (6.4.11) gives the collapse load for ω ≤ π/3.
Alternatively, the upper-bound theorem can be applied directly to the
velocity field (6.4.12), the dissipation per unit length being 2πNU |u̇|, and
the external work rate 2πaF v0 . The result is Equation (6.4.11) as an upper
bound, as long as u̇(ζ) does not change sign; this condition is met for ω ≤
π/2. Equation (6.4.11) is therefore an upper bound for π/3 ≤ ω ≤ π/2.
However, a better upper bound can be obtained for this range by assuming
a velocity field with a plastic hinge circle at ζ = 0, namely,
u̇(ζ) = −v0 (cos ωζ + β sin ω|ζ|). (6.4.13)
The additional dissipation at the hinge circle is 4πaMU βv0 /L = 2πNU Lβv0 /ω 2 .
Equating dissipation and external work rate yields
f = sin ω − (1 − 2 cos ω)
2ω 2
412 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
if u̇ does not change sign, that is, if β ≤ ω cot ω. Choosing this limiting
value for β gives the smallest value of f , namely,
2 − cos ω
f= ,
2ω sin ω
which is less than the right-hand side of (6.4.11) for π/3 < ω < π/2.
A lower bound for ω > π/3 can be obtained by assuming the solution
valid for |ζ| < η, where η is such that m(η) = m0 (η) = 0, and continuing
= 0, Nθ = 0 for |ζ| > η. The conditions at η lead to
it statically as Mz √
ωη = π/3 and f = 3/(2ω), or, in dimensional form,
F = ,
−1 2+3 2
ωζ1 = cos = 0.469, ω(ζ2 − ζ1 ) = cosh−1 2 = 1.317,
1 1 1
ω(ζ3 − ζ2 ) = cosh−1 4 = 1.032, ω(ζ4 − ζ3 ) = cos−1 = 0.659.
2 2 4
It follows that ωζ4 = 3.477, and therefore the result is valid for ω ≥ 3.477.
Note that m(0) = 1 and m(ζ2 ) = −1, so that plastic hinges develop at those
points. At ζ3 the hoop stress Nθ changes abruptly from a negative to a
positive value, and at ζ4 back to zero.
Section 6.4 / Limit Analysis of Plates and Shells 413
2 2MU NU /a. The bounds thus bracket Drucker’s collapse load (6.4.14) for
the long shell.
Spherical Cap Under Pressure
In shells of revolution, as a rule, all four generalized stresses are active.
An approximate theory, in which the effects of one of them are ignored, was
proposed by Drucker and Shield [1959], but its applicability is limited.
It was shown by Hodge [1959] that for a shell of revolution, a point
on the four-dimensional piecewise linear yield locus (6.4.3) corresponds to
414 Chapter 6 / Problems in Plastic Flow and Collapse II
J B - φ
J Ba φ0
J s
Figure 6.4.5. Spherical cap under uniform external pressure: geometry and
u + v cot φ u + v0
ε̄θ = , ε̄φ = ,
a a
u0 − v u00 − v 0
κθ = cot φ , κφ = ,
a2 a2
where (·)0 = d(·)/dφ.
To find an upper bound on the collapse pressure, we assume the velocity
u̇ = −v0 (cos φ − cos φ0 ), v̇ = 0.
The generalized strain rates are accordingly
v0 v0
ε̄˙ θ = ε̄˙ φ = − (cos φ − cos φ0 ), κ̇θ = κ̇φ = cos φ.
a a2
The plastic dissipation per unit area is then, from Equation (6.4.6),
MU cos φ0
k= , cos φ∗ = .
NU a 1−k
The expression for φ > φ∗ is necessary, of course, only if φ0 > φ∗ .
In addition, since u̇0 does not vanish at the edge φ = φ0 , a plastic hinge
circle forms there, necessitating the additional dissipation (per unit length)
given by MU v0 sin φ0 /a = kNU v0 sin φ0 . The total internal dissipation is
thus Z φ0
Dint = 2πa2 D̄p sin φ dφ + 2πakNU v0 sin2 φ0 .
Clearly, this result is an improvement over the previous one if and only if
the quantity under the square-root sign is less than unity.
4. Using yield-line theory, find upper bounds for the plates of Exercises
1 and 2 when they carry a single concentrated load at the center or
centroid. Compare with the result FU = 2πMU .
6. Using some of the methods of Section 6.2, find lower and upper bounds
for the yield locus of an ideal sandwich shell obeying the Mises criterion
and its associated flow rule (a) when M2 is not a generalized stress and
(b) when, in addition, N1 = 0.
7. Find the complete solution for the clamped pressurized cylindrical shell
with clamped ends obeying the “square” yield locus of Figure 6.4.4.
Plot the nondimensional ultimate pressure p̄ = pU a/NU against the
shell parameter ω.
8. Repeat Exercise 7 for a shell that is (a) clamped at one end and free
at the other and (b)simply supported at both ends.
Dynamic Problems
All the problems studied so far have been static or quasi-static. In any
complete solution of such a problem, the stress field satisfies the equilibrium
equation with the prescribed body force and the static boundary conditions
with the prescribed surface tractions. The effects of inertia are neglected.
In a body made of a standard perfectly plastic material, the ultimate
loading is the greatest loading under which a solution to the static problem
can be found such that the yield criterion is nowhere violated. If a loading in
excess of the limit loading is applied, then, obviously, the static problem (in
which, by definition, inertia is ignored) has no solution, and inertia effects
must be taken into account. If the time of loading is short, enough of the
external work may be transformed into kinetic energy so that excessive defor-
mation is prevented; for example, when a nail is struck by a hammer, it may
experience a force in excess of its static ultimate load without permanent
The problem of impact or impulsive loading of structural elements such
as beams, plates and shells has been most often treated within the con-
stitutive framework of limit analysis: rigid–perfectly plastic behavior, with
the yield criterion in terms of generalized stresses. This approach, which
has been reasonably successful with regard to the determination of perma-
nent deformations, is presented in this section; it is generally regarded as
justified when the energy imparted to the body greatly exceeds the elastic
energy that can be stored. If local constitutive equations are used, waves
propagate through the body. The propagation of one-dimensional and mul-
tidimensional waves in elastic-plastic bodies is studied in Sections 7.2 and
7.3, respectively.
418 Chapter 7 / Dynamic Problems
It must be pointed out at the outset that the solution of dynamic prob-
lems on the basis of rate-independent plasticity is in conflict with the def-
inition of rate-independent plastic behavior as the limiting behavior of vis-
coplastic bodies at very slow rates (see 3.1.2). The use of rate-independent
plasticity for such problems is based on the assumption of a “dynamic” yield
stress that is independent of rate in the range of rates encountered in the
dynamic problem, but not, in general, identical with the static yield stress.
The adequacy of this procedure, as opposed to the use of viscoplasticity the-
ory, has long been the subject of debate and is discussed in 7.2.3. Until then,
the rate-independent model will be tacitly assumed.
Dynamic Behavior of Rigid–Perfectly Plastic Bodies:
General Results
Most of the structures for which static collapse loads have been deter-
mined on the basis of the rigid–perfectly plastic model have also been subject
to dynamic analysis; the solutions have been surveyed by Krajcinovic [1973]
and Jones [1975]. A common feature of the solutions is that if the body is
restrained against rigid-body motion, then the velocity field eventually takes
on a mode form in the sense that its spatial variation becomes independent of
time. In other words, the velocity becomes the product of a time-dependent
amplitude and a function of position:
v(x, t) = ∆(t)w(x).
A proof that all solutions must converge to mode form is due to Martin
[1980]; it is based on an extremum principle,
√ according to which the final
mode is the one that minimizes Dint / K, where Dint is the total plastic
dissipation and K is the kinetic energy.
The fact that at least the final phase of the motion is in mode form
means that all points of the body come to rest at once. If the time at which
this occurs is ts , then the permanent displacement field up (x) can be found
by integrating the velocity over time from t = 0 to t = ts .
A theorem due to Martin [1975] gives a lower bound on ts for a body on
which all prescribed loads and prescribed surface velocities are zero for t >
t0 . Let v∗ be any kinematically admissible velocity field, with a strain-rate
field ε̇∗ derived from it. When the body force, prescribed surface traction
and prescribed surface velocity are all zero, the dynamic principle of virtual
velocities reduces to
− ρv̇ · v dV = σij ε̇∗ij dV,
where v is the actual velocity field and σ is the actual stress field. Combining
this result with the maximum-plastic-dissipation postulate, we obtain
− ρv̇ · v∗ dV ≤ Dp (ε̇∗ ) dV.
Section 7.1 / Dynamic Loading of Structures 419
v0 · v∗ dV
ts − t0 ≥ R
R ∗ . (7.1.1)
R Dp (ε̇ ) dV
Another result due to Martin [1975] governs the permanent displacement
field up (x) = u(x, ts ). If σ ∗ is any statically and plastically admissible stress
field, then the static principle of virtual work implies that
∗ ∗
σij vi nj dS = σij ε̇ij dV,
∂R R
If the deflection in the positive y-direction is u(x, t), then the inertial force
per unit length is −ρ̄∂ 2 u/∂t2 , where ρ̄ = ρA is the beam mass per unit
length, ρ being the mass density and A the cross-sectional area. With q
denoting the distributed load per unit length, the equation of motion is
∂2M ∂2u
= q − ρ̄ . (7.1.3)
∂x2 ∂t2
When q = 0, and a functional relation is assumed between the moment
M and the curvature κ = ∂ 2 u/∂x2 , it can be shown that the deflection can
be expressed as
u(x, t) = tf (η),
where η = x2 /t, and that κ (and hence M ) as well as the velocity v = ∂u/∂t
are functions of the single variable η alone. If, say, κ = Ψ(M ), then the
moment is governed by the differential equation
d2 √ dM ρ̄ 0 √ dM
η + Ψ (M ) η = 0. (7.1.4)
dη 2 dη 16 dη
For a linearly elastic beam, Ψ0 (M ) = 1/EI, so that the equation is lin-
ear; a general solution is due to Boussinesq. For an elastic–plastic beam,
Equation (7.1.4) is in general nonlinear, and must be solved numerically.
It is, however, piecewise linear if a moment-curvature relation with linear
work-hardening is assumed, and an analytic solution can then be obtained.
The first such solution was found by Bohnenblust (see Duwez, Clark, and
Bohnenblust [1950]), who treated an infinitely long beam in which one point
is suddenly given a velocity that remains constant in time — equivalent to
being struck by a very heavy concentrated mass traveling at that velocity
(so heavy that the resistance of the beam is insufficient to decelerate it), or
as in the experiments that were performed by Duwez et al., to the beam
itself moving transversely as a rigid body before it impinges on a concen-
trated rigid obstacle. The deformation
p remains elastic if the impact velocity
v0 does not exceed vE = κE EI/ρ̄, where κE is the elastic-limit curvature
as defined in 4.4.1. When v0 > vE and the hardening is linear, different
deformation patterns develop for vE < v0 < 2.087vE and for v0 > 2.087vE .
The analogous problem for rigid–plastic beams, with various types of
work-hardening and with extensions to variable velocity and to semi-infinite
beams, was treated by Conroy [1952, 1955, 1956, 1963]. Equation (7.1.4) for
such a beam is valid only in the plastic portions of the beam. In the rigid
portions, the moment is governed by Equation (7.1.3) with q = 0 and with
the deflection given by a straight-line function of x, say u(x, t) = f (t)+g(t)x.
The boundary between the rigid and plastic portions is itself an unknown
function of time. It was shown by Conroy [1952] how the plastic por-
tions shrink to points, representing plastic hinges, in the limit as the work-
hardening decreases to zero. For linear hardening, Conroy [1955] showed
that certain problems can be solved by means of linear elastic analysis.
Section 7.1 / Dynamic Loading of Structures 421
F (t)
M (x, t) = (L − x)2 ;
the maximum moment is M (0, t) = F (t)L/4. The assumption of rigid-
body motion is therefore valid as long as this moment is less than MU , or
F (t) < 4MU /L.
F L–x -
? M
6666666666666666666 ?6666666
¨ = F
2L 2L
2L -
(a) (b)
F F/2
hhhh ((( (( (
((( (((
w w
hhh hhh(? (
( ? ( (
hhh (( (( ( θ (
(( ( ( ( x
? E
Figure 7.1.1. Impact loading of a perfectly plastic free-ended beam: (a) geom-
etry and loading; (b) free-body diagram; (c) hinge rotation; (d)
motion of one-half of the beam.
When F (t) ≥ 4MU /L, a plastic hinge must form at x = 0. Let the
half-angle of rotation of the hinge be θ(t), as in Figure 7.1.1(c). Because of
symmetry, it is sufficient to study the motion of half the beam, say 0 < x < L
422 Chapter 7 / Dynamic Problems
F L 2
¨ − ρ̄ L θ̈.
= ρ̄ ¨ − xθ̈)dx = ρ̄L∆
2 0 2
Similarly, the moment equation of motion is obtained by balancing the mo-
ment MU with the moment about x = 0 of the inertial force:
L L2 ¨ L3
MU = ρ̄ ¨ − xθ̈)x dx = ρ̄
(∆ ∆ − ρ̄ θ̈.
0 2 6
The linear and angular accelerations are, respectively,
¨ = 2MU (φ − 3),
θ̈ = (φ − 4),
where φ(t) = F (t)L/MU . The distribution of bending moment is now
x 1 x
M (x, t) = MU 1 − 1 − [φ(t) − 4] .
L 2 L
It can easily be shown that this distribution has a local extremum in the
interior of the beam when φ(t) > 6, and that this extremum is located at
x/L = φ(t)/3[φ(t) − 4] and has the value −2MU [φ(t) − 6]3 /27[φ(t) − 4]2 .
This value equals −MU when φ reaches 22.9; an additional plastic hinge
then forms in each half of the beam. For F (t) ≥ 22.9MU /L, therefore, the
equations of motion must reflect the additional hinges, which move in toward
the middle as the load increases. Further results relative to this problem
were obtained by Symonds and Leth [1954] and by Cotter and Symonds
[1955]. The effect of distributed rather than concentrated loads was studied
by Salvadori and DiMaggio [1953] and by Seiler and Symonds [1954] (see
also Seiler, Cotter and Symonds [1956]). An extension of the method to
elastic–perfectly plastic beams is due to Alverson [1956].
Bleich and Salvadori [1953, 1955] examined the motion of an impulsively
loaded elastic–perfectly plastic beam by using the natural modes of vibration
of elastic beams — for the entire beam during the initial elastic phase, and for
the portions of the beam separated by plastic hinges after the beam yields,
provided that the hinges are stationary. Salvadori and DiMaggio [1953]
studied the development of hinges for various degrees of concentration of the
load, ranging from uniformly distributed to concentrated. For a comparison
Section 7.1 / Dynamic Loading of Structures 423
between the results of Lee and Symonds and those of Bleich and Salvadori,
see the discussion by Symonds and by Bleich and Salvadori following the
paper by Bleich and Salvadori [1955]. The impact loading of a rigid–perfectly
plastic beam that is built in at both ends was studied by Symonds and Mentel
[1958], who took into account the axial forces that develop when such a beam
provided that ξ < 1. The plastic hinge reaches the built-in end at time
˙ 1 ) = v0 /(1 + β).
t = t1 , given by Equation (7.1.7) when ξ = 1. Note that ∆(t
For t > t1 , the motion is in mode form:
v(x, t) = ∆(t) 1− .
The equation for ∆(t) can be obtained by taking moments about x = L,
namely, !
ρ̄L2 ¨
mL + ∆ = −MU .
Integration, with continuity at t = t1 , leads to
∆(t) 1 3MU (t − t1 ) 3MU
= − = (ts − t),
v0 1 + β mv0 L(3 + 2β) mv0 L(3 + 2β)
mv0 L 3 + 2β mv0 L
ts = t1 + =
3MU 1 + β MU
is the time at which the motion stops. Consequently, the permanent deflec-
tion up may be obtained by integrating the velocity over time up to ts .
If the mass of the striker is much greater than that of the beam, that is,
if β 1, then the permanent deflection is approximately
mv02 L x
up (x) ≡ 1− .
Thus the beam remains straight, and the deflection is that which is necessary
so that all the kinetic energy is absorbed by the hinge at the built-in end.
If, on the other hand, the mass of the striker is much less than that of the
beam, the final shape is a superposition of a rotation and a local deformation
near the tip. The form is, approximately, given by
2m2 v02 L
up (x) = ln if βx/L 1,
3MU ρ̄ x
2m2 v02
up (0) = ln β.
3MU ρ̄
Parkes [1955] also carried out experiments in which mild-steel cantilever
beams were subjected to impact by relatively heavy weights dropped on
their tips, as well as by bullets. Reasonably good agreement with the theory
was obtained when MU was given a “dynamic” value based on the data of
Manjoine [1944] for the rate sensitivity of the yield stress of mild steel.
A numerical study of the Parkes problem by Symonds and Fleming [1984]
shows that when elasticity is taken into account, then the initial phase of
Section 7.1 / Dynamic Loading of Structures 425
where we write u0 for ∂u/∂r and u̇ for ∂u/∂t, while µ is the mass per unit
area and p is the pressure (assumed acting in the negative z-direction).
The Tresca yield criterion, as represented by the hexagon of Figure 5.2.2
(page 310), is assumed. As in the static case, the plate is assumed to be in
regime BC, with point B corresponding to the center of the plate. A conical
deformation can therefore be assumed, given by
w(r, t) = −∆(t) 1 − .
r2 r
Mr = MU − p − (p − pU ) 2 − .
6 a
This result is valid, however, only if the right-hand side does not exceed MU ,
that is, if the quantity in brackets is nonnegative for all r. The necessary and
sufficient condition for this is p ≤ 2pU . Pressures satisfying this condition
may be called moderate pressures, while pressures greater than 2pU will be
called high pressures.
426 Chapter 7 / Dynamic Problems
˙ a−r
ẇ(r, t) = −∆(t) ,
a − r0
and the acceleration is therefore given by
µẅ = −p .
a − r0
The equation of motion (7.1.8) now becomes
(rMr )0 = MU − (2r3 − 3r0 r2 + r03 ),
6(a − r0 )
which when integrated subject to the initial condition Mr = MU at r = r0 ,
leads to
(r − r0 )3 (r + r0 )
rMr = rMU − p .
12(a − r0 )
Finally, the condition Mr = 0 at r = a gives r0 as the solution of the cubic
r0 2 r0 2pU
1− 1+ = . (7.1.9)
a a p
Suppose, now, that the pressure is suddenly removed at time t = t0 . For
p ≤ 2pU , the form of the preceding solution is still valid for t > t0 , with p
replaced by zero. The midpoint acceleration is now given by µ∆ ¨ = −2pU .
The time history of the midpoint deflection is therefore
∆(t) = [p(2t0 t − t20 ) − pU t2 ], 0 < t < t0 ,
= (p − pU )t2 , t0 < t < ts ,
˙ s ) = 0, so that
where ts is the time at which the motion stops, that is, ∆(t
ts = (p/pU )t0 . The permanent midpoint deflection is thus
p(p − pU ) 2
∆p = ∆(ts ) = t0 .
The result for ts coincides with the lower bound given by Martin’s the-
orem, Equation (7.1.1), when the conical velocity field is used, say ẇ∗ =
Section 7.1 / Dynamic Loading of Structures 427
∆(t) ˙ 0 ) = pt0 .
= ∆(t
˙ a nonvanishing
Since the velocity in the conical region is proportional to ∆,
acceleration there requires the radius of the hinge circle to be a function of
time, say r̄(t), with r̄(t0 ) = r0 . For r > r̄(t), then, the velocity and the
acceleration are, respectively,
pt0 a − r pt0 r̄˙ (t) a − r
ẇ(r, t) = − and ẅ(r, t) = − ,
µ a − r̄(t) µ [a − r̄(t)]2
so that the equation of motion is
pt0 r̄˙
(rMr )0 = MU + [3a(r2 − r̄2 ) − 2(r3 − r̄3 )].
6(a − r̄2 )2
Integrating, with Mr = MU at r = r̄, we obtain
pt0 r̄˙ (r − r̄)2
rMr = rMU + [2a(r + 2r̄) − (r2 + 2rr̄ + 3r̄2 )].
12(a − r̄)2
Setting Mr = 0 at r = a, we obtain for r̄ the differential equation
dr̄ 2pU a3
(a2 + 2ar̄ − 3r̄2 ) =− .
dt pt0
The factor on the left-hand side is positive, and therefore the radius of the
hinge circle will decrease. The equation can be integrated to give
t p
=1+ [a2 (r0 − r̄) + a(r02 − r̄2 ) − (r03 − r̄3 )].
t0 2pU a3
Let t1 denote the time at which the radius of the hinge circle goes to zero.
Then " 2 3 #
t1 p r0 r0 r0
=1+ + − ,
t0 2pU a a a
428 Chapter 7 / Dynamic Problems
where r0 is given by Equation (7.1.9). For t > t1 , the velocity field (though
not the deflection) is fully conical, and is consequently in mode form.
Perzyna [1958] studied the effect of different time profiles of the pressure
pulse. The corresponding problem for a clamped plate was treated by Flo-
rence [1966]. The problem of impact loading of a circular plate, in which a
uniform velocity is suddenly imparted to the plate (except the edge), was
treated in a similar manner by Wang [1955] for a simply supported plate
and by Wang and Hopkins [1954] for a clamped plate. Non-axisymmetric
problems were treated by Hopkins [1957].
For simply supported plates, the results based on the Tresca criterion
are immediately transferable to the Johansen criterion, since regime BC of
Figure 5.2.2 is common to both. For clamped plates the criteria differ. The
blast loading of square clamped plates obeying the Johansen criterion was
studied by Cox and Morland [1959].
Mz00 = p − .
A collapse mechanism may be assumed to consist of hinge circles at the
center (z = 0) and at the built-in ends (z = ±L). For generalized-stress
points on side GH of the square of Figure 6.4.4, the associated flow rule
requires that u̇00 = 0. The radial velocity field is accordingly
˙ 1−
u̇(z) = ∆ . (7.1.10)
A moment distribution consistent with this velocity field has Mz (0) = −MU
and Mz (±L) = MU , and is given by
Mz = M U 2 2 −1 ,
Section 7.1 / Dynamic Loading of Structures 429
so that
pU = + 2
= 1+ ,
a L a ω2
where ω = NU L2 /2MU a is the shell parameter defined in 6.4.3.
In the dynamic problem it can still be assumed that Nθ = NU , so that
the velocity field is
u̇(z, t) = ∆(t) 1− .
The equilibrium equation is replaced by the equation of motion,
Mz00 = p − − µü, (7.1.11)
where µ is again the mass per unit area. Integrating the equation of motion
subject to the condition Mz = −MU at z = 0 leads to
NU z2 2
¨ z − |z|
Mz = −MU + p − − µ∆ .
a 2 2 6L
¨ = 3 (p − pU ).
¨ from the expression for Mz , we obtain
Eliminating µ∆
! !
z2 p − pU 2|z|3
M z = MU 2 2 −1 − z − .
L 4 L
If the pressure has a constant value p0 for 0 < t < t0 and then suddenly
drops to zero, then inequality (7.1.12) is obeyed after unloading only if ω 2 ≤
6; a shell satisfying this criterion may be called, following Hodge [1955], a
short shell. For a short shell with pU < p0 < p1 (a moderate pressure), the
430 Chapter 7 / Dynamic Problems
solution thus far derived is valid both for 0 < t < t0 and for t > t0 , with p
given by p0 and 0, respectively. The midpoint velocity is
˙ 3
∆(t) = (p0 − pU )t, 0 < t < t0 ,
= (p0 t0 − pU t), t0 < t < ts ,
where ts = (p0 /pU )t0 is the time at which the motion stops. The permanent
radial expansion at the midsection is
3p0 t2 p0
∆(ts ) = −1 .
4µ pU
¨ =− NU MU
µ∆ − 12 2 , (7.1.15)
a z̄
˙ z̄˙ = − NU MU
µ∆ z̄ + 12 . (7.1.16)
a z̄
¨ from
Differentiating (7.1.16) with respect to time and substituting for µ∆
(7.1.15), we find that
µ∆˙ z̄¨ = 0.
Since ∆ ˙ cannot be zero while the shell is in motion, it follows that z̄¨ = 0,
so that z̄ is a constant. We obtain its value from Equation (7.1.16) at t = t0 ,
when z̄ = L and ∆ ˙ = 3(p0 − pU )t0 /2µ. Hence
2L NU 1 − ω62
z̄˙ = − ,
3t0 a p0 − pU
which is always negative for a long shell (ω 2 > 6); consequently, the hinge
circles move toward the center, and their location is given by
The √
motion stops when the right-hand side of (7.1.16) vanishes, that is, when
z̄ = 6L/ω. The time when this occurs is
√ ! " #
L 6 3 p0 − pU
ts = t0 + 1− = t0 1 + √ .
|z̄˙ | ω 2 (1 + 6/ω)(NU /a)
¨ =p− NU
µ∆ .
432 Chapter 7 / Dynamic Problems
For |z| > z0 , therefore, the equation of motion may therefore be written as
NU |z| − z0
Mz00 = p− ,
a L − z0
and may be integrated twice, subject to the initial conditions Mz0 = 0 and
Mz = −MU at |z| = z0 , to give
NU (|z| − z0 )3
Mz = p − − MU .
a 6(L − z0 )
1 NU
∆(t) = p0 t 0 − t ,
µ a
where t1 is the time at which the hinge circles coalesce at the midsection.
For |z| > z̄(t) the equation of motion is
NU |z| − z̄ ˙ z̄˙ L − z .
Mz00 = − − µ∆
a L − z̄ (L − z̄)2
˙ z̄˙ = − NU MU
µ∆ (L − z̄) − 12 .
a L − z̄
dt (L − z̄)dz̄
=− ,
t̄ − t (L − z̄)2 + 3L2 /ω 2
where t̄ = (p0 a/NU )t0 . We can integrate the equation subject to z̄(t0 ) = z0 ,
t̄ − t0 2 (L − z̄)2 + 3L2 /ω 2
= .
t̄ − t (L − z0 )2 + 3L2 /ω 2
Section 7.1 / Dynamic Loading of Structures 433
We finally find t1 as
p0 a 3 + ω 2 (1 − z0 /L)2
t1 = t0 1 + − 1 1 − .
NU 3 + ω2
For t > t1 , the velocity field may again be assumed to be of the form (7.1.10)
(mode form). Calculation of the permanent deformation may be carried out
by analogy with the preceding examples. Details may be found in the paper
by Hodge [1955] (see also Hodge [1956]).
As the reader can see, there are a great many similarities between the
dynamic shell and plate problems formulated according to the rigid–perfectly
plastic model, and these in turn resemble the beam problems. The comments
expressed previously concerning the validity of the traveling-hinge solution
may therefore be expected to be applicable to structural impact problems
in general.
7. Compare the stopping time ts found in the text for a long clamped
cylindrical shell under a moderate impulsive pressure with the bound
∂u ∂u
ε= , v= ,
∂x ∂t
and satisfy the kinematic compatibility relation
∂ε ∂v
= . (7.2.1)
∂t ∂x
The equations of motion, in the absence of body force, reduce to
∂σ ∂v
=ρ , (7.2.2)
∂x ∂t
where σ is the nominal (“engineering”) stress and ρ is the mass density in
the undeformed state.
Section 7.2 / One-Dimensional Plastic Waves 435
ξ(t) -
At rest
- x
particular, the portion near the target, x > ξ(t), is assumed to have come to
rest, while the portion near the free end is moving with a uniform velocity:
The section x = ξ(t), since the velocity is discontinuous there, is the location
of a shock front moving in the negative x-direction with a speed c = −ξ˙ with
respect to the undeformed material. For convenience, stress and strain will
be taken as positive in compression, so that the signs in Equations (7.2.3)
are reversed.
We begin by assuming the bar as rigid–perfectly plastic, so that it is at
yield at the shock front. The true stress, then, equals σY at x = ξ(t) and
is continuous there. The nominal stress is also σY ahead of the front, but it
equals σY /(1− ε̄) behind the front if ε̄ is the strain there. The discontinuities
at the front are therefore
σY σY ε̄
[|σ]| = − σY = , [|ε]| = ε̄, [|v]| = −v̄,
1 − ε̄ 1 − ε̄
so that
σY v̄ ξ˙
ρv̄ v̄˙ = − = σY ε̄ . (7.2.8)
ξ ξ
Combining (7.2.7) and (7.2.8) gives
dξ 1 ε̄2
2 = d . (7.2.9)
ξ ε̄ 1 − ε̄
If the initial impact velocity is v̄(0) = v0 , then the initial strain at the impact
end is obtained in terms of v0 through (7.2.6), namely,
ρv02 ε20
= .
σY 1 − ε0
Equation (7.2.9) may now be integrated, giving
ξ 1 1 1 − ε̄
ln = − − ln .
L 1 − ε̄ 1 − ε0 1 − ε0
If ξ0 is the value of ξ where ε̄ = 0, then
√ ε0
ξ0 = L 1 − ε0 exp − .
2(1 − ε0 )
and the shock front stops when ξ(t) = ξ0 , so that the portion 0 < x < ξ0
remains undeformed.
The preceding analysis is equivalent to that of G. I. Taylor [1948], who
based it on a different approach. By means of some approximating assump-
tions Taylor derived a formula for the dynamic yield stress in terms of the
impact speed and the specimen dimensions before and after impact.
For a bar made of work-hardening material, the problem was treated by
Lee and Tupper [1954]. The geometry and notation are the same as in the
preceding treatment. If the conventional stress-strain relation is given by
σ = F (ε) and the initial yield stress is σE , then the material just ahead of
438 Chapter 7 / Dynamic Problems
σ̄ − σE
ρξ˙2 = ,
which may be contrasted with (7.2.5), and second,
dξ d[(σ̄ − σE )ε̄]
2 = .
ξ σE ε̄
The initial strain at the impact end is related to the impact speed v0 by
means of
ρv02 = (σ0 − σE )ε0 ,
where σ0 = F (ε0 ). The relation between ε̄ and ξ, which provides the distri-
bution of permanent strain along the bar, is obtained as
2 ε̄
ξ d{[F (ε) − σE ]ε}
ln = ,
L ε0 σE ε
Donnell Theory
To understand the nature of a front of loading into a plastic state, it is
simplest to begin, following an approach due to Donnell [1930], by consid-
ering a material with a “bilinear” stress-strain relation (Figure 7.2.2). We
σE 1
Finite Bars
If the bar is of finite length, say L, and is supposed to occupy the interval
0 < x < L, then a front propagating to the right from x = 0 will, upon
reaching the end x = L, be reflected as one propagating to the left. The
nature of the reflected front depends on the end condition at x = L, and if the
bar is elastic-plastic, on the intensity of the incident front. End conditions
are assumed as being of two kinds: (a) free, characterized by σ = 0, and
(b) fixed , characterized by v = 0 if the frame of reference is stationary with
respect to the fixed end.
Consider, now, an elastic shock front, with a stress −σ0 and zero velocity
behind it, moving into a region of zero stress and velocity −v0 (so that from
the shock relations, σ0 = ρce v0 ) until it reaches a free right end. This is the
problem of an elastic bar traveling freely to the left, at a speed v0 , until it
440 Chapter 7 / Dynamic Problems
σ = σ0
σE σ0 − σE
ε= +
E E0
σE σ 0 − σE
v=− −
ρce ρcp
σ = σE
II !!
I !!
! σ=ε=v=0
! !!
!! 0
! x
impinges upon a fixed rigid obstacle.1 Behind the reflected front the stress
must be zero, so that it is a front of unloading, and therefore, by the shock
relations, the velocity behind it will be +v0 .
When the reflected front reaches x = 0, at the time t = 2L/ce after the
initial impact, it will in turn be reflected to the right. If this end is regarded
as a fixed end, then, in order to have v = 0 behind the second reflected
front, the stress there must be +σ0 , that is, a tensile stress. Unless the bar
somehow fuses with the obstacle, there is nothing to transmit a tensile stress
between them, and therefore the assumption that the left end is fixed for
t > 2L/ce must be abandoned in favor of the one that the end is free. In
this case, the state behind the second reflected front has σ = 0 and v = +v0 ;
that is, the bar rebounds from the obstacle. The rebound time is consequently
2L/ce .
If the bar is elastic-plastic, with a compressive yield stress σE , then the
preceding results are valid as long as σ0 ≤ σE , that is, if v0 ≤ σE /ρce = vE .
If v0 > vE , and if the material is modeled by a bilinear stress-strain relation
as on the previous page, then an elastic and a plastic shock front propagate
from the impact end at the respective speeds ce and cp , and the results for
the semi-infinite bar hold until the initial elastic front, with σ = −σE and
v = vE − v0 behind it, reaches the free end. The reflected front, being one of
unloading, is elastic, the stress behind it being zero and the velocity 2vE −v0 .
Let α = cp /ce . The reflected elastic and initial plastic fronts meet at
point A (Figure 7.2.4), with xA = 2αl/(1 + α) and tA = 2L/(1 + α)ce .
This problem was studied by Lenskii [1948] and De Juhasz [1949].
Section 7.2 / One-Dimensional Plastic Waves 441
From this point, fronts may propagate both to the left and to the right.
We assume, first, that only elastic fronts propagate, leaving behind them
a region with σ = −σ1 and v = v1 . The strain cannot be uniform in this
region, since plastic deformation has taken place to the left of A but not
to the right of A. Thus a stationary discontinuity front, at which only the
strain is discontinuous, forms at A.
Strain ((((
discontinuity ((
( ( ((((
((( (
(((( σ=0
hhhh( A ((((
σ = −σ0 hhhhh v = 2vE − v0
v=0 h hhh
h hhh
σ = −σ0 hhhh
v = vE − v0 ( ( (((
( (( ((
( ( ((( σ=0
(( (( ( v = −v0
( (
(((( x
0 L
Figure 7.2.4. Finite bar of bilinear material: wave reflection and intersection.
The shock relations along the rightward and leftward fronts, respectively,
σ1 = ρce (v1 − 2vE + v0 ), σ1 − σ0 = −ρce v1 .
If v0 > [(3 + α)/(1 + α)]vE , then the plastic front continues to the right
beyond A. Ahead of it, we have σ = −σE and v = 3vE − v0 . If the stress
and velocity behind it are again denoted −σ1 , v1 , then the shock relations
σ1 − σE = ρcp (v1 − 3vE + v0 ), σ1 − σ0 = −ρce v1 ,
yielding v1 = 2αvE /(1 + α).
It is clear that the numerical problem of determining the rebound time
becomes more complex as the impact velocity increases. Some solutions are
shown in Figure 7.2.5.
Kármán–Taylor–Rakhmatulin Theory
It is not difficult to extend the Donnell theory to materials whose stress-
strain curve consists of more than two line segments, provided that the
overall curve is convex downward. Such a curve may in turn be regarded
as an approximation to one that is smooth beyond the yield stress (Figure
7.2.6). It is clear that as the segments become shorter, the jumps in the field
quantities at the plastic shock fronts become smaller. If the smooth curve
is seen as the limit of the segmented one, then it follows that in a bar made
of a material described by the smooth curve, no plastic shock fronts can be
The theory that was developed independently by Taylor [1946, 1958],
von Kármán (see Kármán and Duwez [1950]) and Rakhmatulin [1945] during
World War II is based on complementing the basic field equations (7.2.1)–
(7.2.2) with the constitutive equation
σ = F (ε). (7.2.10)
t t
ce + cp
σ1 = ρ (v0 − vE )
1 2 0, vr
v1 = [(3 − α)vE − (1 − α)v0 ] X X vr = (1 − α)vE + αv0
2 tr
+ X
0, 2vE −v0 ρce v0 −2σE , 0 X XX 0, vr
XX1 0, 2v −v 1
t0 X
E 0
X 0, 2vE −v0
σ0 , 0 XXX σ0 , 0 XXX
1 σE , vE −v0 σE , vE −v0
cp ce 1
0, −v0 0, −v0
x x
0 v0 L 0 v0 3+α L
1< <2 2< <
vE vE 1+α
(a) (b)
t t
3+α 1 + α k 2L
σ1 = σE + ρcp v0 − vE tk = , k = 0, 1, . . . , n
2α 1+α 1−α ce
v1 = vE tn ≤ tr
1+α 5+α
σ2 = σE + ρcp v0 − vE σ2k+1 = σE + ρcp (v0 − 3vE +
v2k+1 )
1+α 2α 1−α k
v2 = 0 v2k+1 = (−1)k vE
ce + cp 2α(1 − α)
nh i o
σ3 = σ E − ρ 3+ v E − v 0 1+α 1+α
2 (1+ α)2 σ2k+2 = σ2k+1 − ρce v2k+1
3+α v2k+2 = 0
v3 = −(1 − α) v0 − vE
0, 4vE −v0
X X 0, 4vE −v0
tr XX
0, 4vE −v0
ρce v0 −2σE , 0
t1 3 i
P t1 3
XX 1 PP t0 X 1
σ0 , 0 XXX 0, 2vE −v0 σE , 3vE −v0 X
σ0 , 0 XXX 0, 2vE −v0
σE , vE −v0 X
σE , vE −v0
0, −v0 0, −v0
x x
0 L 0 L
3+α v0 2α(1 − α) 2α(1 − α) v0
< <3+ 3+ < < 4 (provided α < 0.28)
1+α vE (1 + α)2 (1 + α)2 vE
(c) (d)
Figure 7.2.5. Solutions for impact of a finite bar of bilinear material at various
impact velocities.
444 Chapter 7 / Dynamic Problems
These equations are clearly of the same form as the shock relations (7.2.3),
with the jumps replaced by differentials. Indeed, the limit of the shock
relations for “infinitesimal shocks” propagating to the right takes precisely
the form of Equations (7.2.11).
Eliminating dv between the two equations (7.2.11) yields
ρc2 = .
Combining this result with (7.2.10) leads to a relation between c and ε:
F 0 (ε)
c(ε) = . (7.2.12)
Provided that the sign of ε is given, this relation will be assumed invertible
if |ε| > εE . Thus to any given c > ce there corresponds a value of ε and, by
(7.2.10), of σ. From the first of Equations (7.2.11) we deduce, in addition, a
relation for the velocity: Z
v=− c(ε) dε, (7.2.13)
c(ε0 )t < x < ce t, however, the state varies continuously, the solution be-
ing the “similarity” solution described previously. For x < c(ε0 )t, the state
is again uniform, as in the Donnell theory.
In a finite bar, with the right end x = L free, the incident elastic front
is again reflected as an unloading front, with a speed that is, at least at
first, equal to ce .2 However, this front propagates, from the outset, into a
region of plastically deformed material, with strains that are not necessarily
infinitesimal. At finite strain, the elastic relation ∆σ = E∆ε between stress
and strain changes, with E the Young’s modulus measured at small strains,
is not valid if σ and ε are the nominal stress and conventional strain, respec-
tively. Experiments show, on the other hand, that the slope of the unloading
line is very nearly E if the stress and strain are taken as the true (Cauchy)
stress and the logarithmic strain, respectively. As we noted before, when the
strain is positive in compression then, with incompressibility assumed, the
true stress σt is related to the nominal stress σ by σ = σt /(1 − ε). Since the
change of strain in an elastic process is infinitesimal, we accordingly have
∆σ = ∆σt /(1 − ε), and ∆ ln(1 − ε) = ∆ε/(1 − ε). The unloading relation is,
∂σ E
= . (7.2.15)
∂ε (1 − ε)2
region c(ε0 )t < x < ce t, the slope being −ce /(1 − ε+ ) where x/t = c(ε+ ).
The determination of the state behind this front must be accomplished nu-
merically, for example, by the method of characteristics discussed in Section
Viscoplastic Theory
An alternative theory, treating the material as viscoplastic, was proposed
by Sokolovskii [1948] and with somewhat greater generality by Malvern
[1951a,b]; the viscoplasticity model of Perzyna [1963], discussed in Section
3.1, is essentially a three-dimensional generalization of the model underlying
the Sokolovskii–Malvern theory. The constitutive equation used by Malvern
∂ε 1 ∂σ
= + g(σ, ε), (7.2.16)
∂t E ∂t
where the function g(σ, ε) vanishes for stresses whose magnitudes are be-
low those given by the static stress-strain curve. For example, if the static
relation is given by σ = F (ε), then a possible form of g is
where G 1s a function that is positive for positive argument and zero oth-
erwise. In the Sokolovskii model, |F (ε)| = σE for |ε| ≥ εE , that is, the
static behavior of the material is taken as perfectly plastic. With G given
by G(x) = A < x >, A being constant, the resulting equation for g(σ, ε) is
just the one-dimensional version of the Hohenemser–Prager model [Equation
The use of constitutive equations of the form (7.2.16) is not limited to
materials that are viscoplastic in the classical sense, that is, those that are
characterized by a static yield stress below which the behavior is elastic. It
is used in creep models such as the Bailey–Norton–Nadai law [see Equation
(2.1.6)], with g(σ, ε) = B|σ|m |ε − σ/E|−n sgn σ.
A generalized constitutive equation that includes both the rate-indepen-
dent and the Malvern models as special cases was proposed in the early
1960s by Simmons, Hauser, and Dorn [1962], Cristescu [1964], and Lubliner
[1964]. This equation has the form
∂ε ∂σ
= f (σ, ε) + g(σ, ε) (7.2.17)
∂t ∂t
for loading (σ∂σ/∂t > 0); for unloading, f (σ, ε) is replaced by 1/E, or if
finite strains must be taken into account, (1 − ε)2 /E. The Malvern theory
corresponds to the special case f (σ, ε) ≡ 1/E, and the KTR theory is recov-
ered if f (σ, ε) = 1/F 0 (ε) and g(σ, ε) ≡ 0. Explicit calculations by Lubliner
[1965] and by Lubliner and Valathur [1969] show that solutions of impact
problems according to the generalized theory tend to those of the KTR the-
ory if the bar is short, the impact is strong, and if the viscoplastic relaxation
time is long, while under the converse conditions the results of the Malvern
theory are approached.
448 Chapter 7 / Dynamic Problems
Characteristic Relations
The three equations (7.2.1), (7.2.2), and (7.2.17) form a system of partial
differential equations for the unknown variables σ, v, and ε. (Note that
in using these equations we are returning to treating stress and strain as
positive in tension.) As in Section 5.1, it is simpler to consider first a single
first-order partial differential equation of the form
∂v ∂v
A +B = C,
∂x ∂t
where A, B, and C are functions of x, t, and v. Rewriting the equation as
∂v A ∂v
B dt + dt = C dt,
∂x B ∂t
we find that the left-hand side is proportional to dv = (∂v/∂x) dx+(∂v/∂t) dt
if dx = c dt, where c = A/B; the characteristic direction is thus defined by
dx/dt = c. Along a characteristic, then,
dx dt dv
= = .
If a discontinuity in v, resulting from the intersection of two character-
istics of the same family, should propagate, then it forms a shock front, as
discussed in 7.2.1. Any discontinuity in ∂v/∂t or ∂v/∂x that is propagated
through the xt-plane must (as discussed in 5.1.1) be across a characteristic,
and dx/dt = c is just the speed with which the front carrying the jump is
propagated. If v is the velocity, then a front across which the acceleration
∂v/∂t is discontinuous is called an acceleration wave.
The system formed by Equations (7.2.1)–(7.2.2) and (7.2.17) is equiva-
lent to
∂v ∂σ ∂ε ∂v ∂ε ∂σ
λ1 ρ − + λ2 − + λ3 −f − g = 0,
∂t ∂x ∂t ∂x ∂t ∂t
where λ1 , λ2 , λ3 are arbitrary multipliers. Let us regroup the terms of this
equation so that it takes the form
∂σ ∂σ ∂v ∂v ∂ε
λ1 + λ3 f + λ2 − λ1 ρ − (λ2 + λ3 ) + λ3 g = 0.
∂x ∂t ∂x ∂t ∂t
The determination of the characteristics of the system is tantamount to
finding the values of dx/dt for which the bracketed terms in the last equation
are proportional, respectively, to dσ, dv, and dε, where
∂σ ∂σ
dσ = dx + dt
∂x ∂t
Section 7.2 / One-Dimensional Plastic Waves 449
and likewise for dv and dε. The possible values of dx/dt must satisfy
dx λ1 λ2 0
= =− = .
dt λ3 f λ1 ρ λ 2 + λ3
f dσ − dε + g dt = 0 along dx = 0. (7.2.18a)
1 E0
g(σ, ε) = 1+ σ − E 0 ε − σE sgn σ , |σ| > σE ,
η E
t t
Unloading wave
A % tm
A % (c)
A %
A % (b)
A %
% (a) X XXX
% X
-x v -x
v0 v m vE
(a) (b)
Suppose, now, that the impact is not sudden, but that the boundary
condition at x = 0 has the form v(0, t) = v0 (t), where v0 (0) = 0 and, for
t > 0, v0 is a continuous function that increases with t until it reaches a
maximum value vm at t = tm , after which it decreases.
As before, we may suppose the characteristics of family (a) to be straight
lines along which σ, v, and ε are constant. Rather than all of them emanating
Section 7.2 / One-Dimensional Plastic Waves 451
from (0, 0), however, each one originates from a point on the t-axis such that
v = v0 (t). We may integrate the characteristic relations along families (b)
and (c) to obtain Z ε
v= c(ε)dε, σ = F (ε).
The second of these equations, however, is valid only in a loading process,
that is, only as long as ∂σ/∂t > 0. Since σ and v are monotonically related,
at x = 0 this condition prevails only for t < tm .
What happens then? As first demonstrated by Rakhmatulin [1945], a
front behind which ∂σ/∂t ≤ 0, called an unloading wave [see Figure 7.2.8(b)],
begins to propagate into the plastically deforming region of the bar. Since in
this region ∂σ/∂t > 0, across this front the stress rate ∂σ/∂t, and therefore
also the strain rate ∂ε/∂t and the acceleration ∂v/∂t, are discontinuous. An
unloading wave is therefore an acceleration wave.
The calculation of the unloading wave in the xt-plane must be performed
step by step. Its speed, say cu , is initially c(εm ), where εm is the strain at
(0, tm ). An example of a graphic construction, due to Rakhmatulin and
Shapiro [1948], is shown in Figure 7.2.9 (taken from Cristescu [1967]) for a
bar in which the stress at the end of the bar first increases monotonically,
then remains constant for a while, and finally decreases monotonically to
zero. As can be seen, the speed of the unloading wave increases as the wave
t t
3 ``` Y
. . . .
. .
........ 2 . . Unloading wave
. . . . . . .
.. . Constant-state region
...................... . .....
−σ x
σ m σE 0
the wave speeds are those of elastic waves, while the study of specific dy-
namic boundary-value problems must, as a rule, be pursued numerically,
except when the constitutive model is so simple that analytical methods,
analogous to those used for linearly viscoelastic solids, may be used; exam-
ples of both approaches are given in the book by Nowacki [1978]. Accelera-
tion waves in elastic-plastic solids were first investigated by Thomas [1958,
1961] for perfect plasticity, and with greater generality by Hill [1962] and
Mandel [1962].
General Theory
The general theory of acceleration waves is due to Hadamard [1903]; a
modern exposition may be found in the monograph by Truesdell and Toupin
[1960]. It is presented here in a simplified form suitable for infinitesimal
deformations. We consider an acceleration wave moving in x1 x2 x3 -space at
the speed c. The unit normal vector to the wave surface, pointing in the
direction of wave motion, will be denoted n. The jump operator [|·]| will be
used as previously defined, and the superposed dot will denote ∂/∂t. A time-
dependent field φ is assumed to be continuous across the wave but to have
possibly discontinuous derivatives. At time t, φ has the value φ(x1 , x2 , x3 , t)
at a point of the wave front. At an infinitesimally later time t + dt, the given
point will have moved to xi + ni c dt, i = 1, 2, 3, and φ will accordingly have
the value φ(x1 , x2 , x3 , t) + dφ, where
dφ = φ,i ni c dt + φ̇dt.
c[|φ,j |] = −[|φ̇]| nj .
c[|vi ,j |] = −[|v̇i|] nj .
When applied to the stress field σ and combined with the momentum-
balance equation (1.3.1), it gives
[|σ̇ij|] nj = −ρc[|v̇i|] .
454 Chapter 7 / Dynamic Problems
Qik = C̄ijkl nj nl (7.3.1)
defines the acoustic tensor Q. The eigenvalues of Q, if positive, equal ρc2
with c the wave speed, while the eigenvectors are the directions of [|v̇]| or
polarization directions.
Elastic Waves
If the material is linearly elastic, then the tangent modulus tensor C̄ is
just the elastic modulus tensor C, and the corresponding acoustic tensor will
be denoted Qe :
Qeik = Cijkl nj nl . (7.3.2)
If the material is also isotropic, then C is given by Equation (1.4.10), and
Qe is given by
Qeik = (λ + µ)ni nk + µδik .
One eigenvector is obviously n, with the corresponding eigenvalue being
λ + 2µ, so that the wave speed is
s s
λ + 2µ 1−ν
ce1 = = ce ,
ρ (1 + ν)(1 − 2ν)
where ce = E/ρ is the elastic bar-wave speed defined in the preceding
section. Since the polarization direction coincides with that of propagation,
a wave of this nature is called longitudinal ; it is also known a dilatational
wave or a P-wave.
Any vector perpendicular to n is also an eigenvector of Q and corre-
sponds to the degenerate eigenvalue µ. The polarization being perpendicular
to the wave normal, the wave is called transverse (also a shear wave or an
S-wave), and its speed is
c2 = .
As in the bar studied previously, the elastic acceleration-wave speeds in
three-dimensional solids are independent of the local field variables, so that
all disturbances, including sufficiently weak shocks, travel at these speeds. A
shock is “sufficiently weak” if it does not entail temperature and/or density
changes large enough to affect the elastic moduli.
Section 7.3 / Three-Dimensional Waves 455
Elastic-Plastic Waves
We now consider an acceleration wave propagating in a standard elastic-
plastic solid as described in Section 3.2, with a yield function f . If f < 0
at the wave front, then the solid is behaving elastically, and the wave is an
elastic one. It will therefore be assumed that f = 0 at the wave front. Then
the relation (3.2.10) between stress rate and strain rate, with the normality
rule (3.2.7) incorporated, may be written, following Hill [1959], in the form
σ̇ij = Cijkl ε̇kl − Cijmn mmn <g>, (7.3.3)
mij = s , g = Cpqkl mpq ε̇kl , l = h + Cklmn mkl mmn ,
∂f ∂f
∂σkl ∂σkl
h being a plastic modulus, not exactly the same as in Section 3.2, but to
be specified more precisely later. Note that m is a unit tensor, that is,
mij mij = 1.
Applying the jump operator to Equation (7.3.3) yields
[|σ̇ij|] = Cijkl [|ε̇kl|] − Cijmn mmn [|<g>]| .
We may now write
[|<g>]| = η[|g]| ,
where η is a real number that depends on the ranges of g + and g − .
Several cases may be distinguished:
η= ,
g− − g+
and thus obtain two additional cases:
(e) g − > g + : η > 1,
(f) g − < g + : η < 0.
456 Chapter 7 / Dynamic Problems
F (A) = 0 (7.3.4)
If η > 0, as in cases (a)–(c) and in case (e), then F (Ae1 ) = −ηd21 (Ae1 −
Ae2 )(Ae1 − Ae3 ) ≤ 0. Similarly, F (Ae2 ) ≥ 0, F (Ae3 ) ≤ 0, and F (−∞) = +∞.
A3 ≤ Ae3 ≤ A2 ≤ Ae2 ≤ A1 ≤ Ae1 .
Furthermore, the Aα decrease monotonically with η. If Apα denotes the value
of Aα for η = 1 (plastic wave), and Auα a value of Aα for 0 < η < 1 (unloading
and reloading), then we have the inclusion
Here we see the bounding of the wave speed of an unloading wave, previously
obtained by Lee [1953] for waves in a thin bar.2
The speeds of strong loading waves, case (e), are even slower than those
of plastic waves. The inclusions are
p p p
3 ≤ A3 , Ae3 ≤ Asl
2 ≤ A2 , Ae2 ≤ Asl
1 ≤ A1 .
In fact, Asl
3 may be zero, in which case the surface does not propagate.
In a weak loading wave, case (f), η is negative and therefore the nature
of the roots changes drastically. The ordering of the wave speeds is
p p
Ae3 ≤ Awl
3 ≤ A2 , Ae2 ≤ Awl
2 ≤ A1 , Ae1 ≤ Awl
1 .
The existence of waves propagating faster than elastic waves (in a bar) was
apparently first noted by Lee [1953]. Mandel [1962] gave, as an example of
such a wave moving at an infinite speed, the loading wave in a finite bar
following reflection from a fixed end.
An analysis of plastic waves in a nonstandard material, also due to Man-
del [1964], shows that (a) the eigenvectors of Q are not mutually perpendic-
ular, (b) Ap3 may be negative (representing a slip or rupture surface rather
than a wave), and (c) Ap1 may be greater than Ae1 . While soils are usu-
ally modeled as nonstandard in static problems, theories of waves in soils
have typically been based on standard elastic-plastic models, for example by
Grigorian [1960] and by Chadwick, Cox, and Hopkins [1964].
1 2µh
mij σ̇ij = 1 − Cijkl mij mkl g = mkl ε̇kl .
h + 2µ h + 2µ
In a quasi-static uniaxial test, the left-hand side is just m11p
σ̇11 . Moreover,
mij = 0 for i! = j and m22 = m33 = − 2 m11 , so that m11 = 2/3, and
mkl ε̇kl = (ε̇11 − ε̇22 ).
σ̇11 = (ε̇11 − ε̇22 ).
2µ + h
Plastic incompressibility further implies that
uniform over the plane (i.e., independent of x2 and x3 ), all the field variables
may be assumed to be functions of x1 and t only, and the wave is said to be
plane. A plane wave is longitudinal if the traction or displacement is purely
normal, and transverse if the traction or displacement is purely tangential. If
the boundary tractions or displacements include both normal and tangential
components, then the wave is longitudinal–transverse.
The propagation of longitudinal–transverse plane waves in an elastic-
perfectly plastic half-space was studied by Bleich and Nelson [1966], and in
an elastic-plastic half-space with work-hardening by Ting and Nan [1969]; for
further references, see Nowacki [1978], Section 22. Here, we limit ourselves
to finding expressions for the wave speeds through a direct application of
Equation (7.3.5).
If the tangential traction is in the x2 -direction, then the half-space can be
assumed to be in a state of plane strain, so that, if the material is isotropic,
σ13 = σ23 = 0. Furthermore, all field quantities, including the velocity, can
be assumed to be independent of x2 , so that ε̇22 = 0. The Lévy–Mises flow
rule requires that σ22 = σ33 , and the stress-deviator tensor is given by
s τ 0
s = τ − 12 s 0 ,
0 0 − 21 s
where s = 2
(σ11 − σ22 ) and τ = σ12 . The Mises yield criterion may be
written as
3 2
s + τ 2 = k2 . (7.3.8)
The “traction” vector d has the components
s s
2 µ 2 µ
d1 = s, d2 = τ, d3 = 0.
h + 2µ k h + 2µ k
where σ = σY (εp ) is the uniaxial relation between yield stress and plastic
strain. If, now, H is again the uniaxial plastic modulus, then
ε̇pr = <sgn (σr − σθ )(σ̇r − σ̇θ )>
when the yield criterion is obeyed. It will be assumed that the loading is
compressive, that is, that σr − σθ = −σY . If v denotes the radial velocity,
and if (·)0 = ∂(·)/∂r, then the radial and tangential strain rates are given by
σr − σθ
σr0 + 2 = ρv̇.
Applying the jump operator to this equation leads to [|σr0 |] = ρ[|v̇]| . If, as
before, A = ρc2 , where c is the wave speed, then the Hadamard compatibility
conditions give [|v 0|] = ρ[|σ̇r|] /A. Since the velocity itself is continuous at
462 Chapter 7 / Dynamic Problems
1 1 1 1 2ν
+ − [|σ̇r|] − + [|σ̇θ|] = 0,
1 ν 1 1−ν
− + [|σ̇r|] + + [|σ̇θ|] = 0,
2H E 2H E
if it is assumed that the wave is a compressive plastic wave, that is, σθ −σr =
σY and σ̇θ − σ̇r > 0. Setting the determinant of the two equations equal to
zero gives
E + 2(1 − ν)H E
A= .
3E + 2(1 + ν)H 1 − 2ν
Since h = 23 H, it can easily be seen that this equation is equivalent to (7.3.6)
with η = 1.
Large-Deformation Plasticity
466 Chapter 8 / Large-Deformation Plasticity
Deformation Gradient
The motion of the body is described by the functional relation
x = χ(X, t).
Local Deformation
Consider two neighboring material points X and X0 = X + u, where u is
a “small” Lagrangian vector emanating from X. If the displaced positions
of X and X0 are respectively given by x and x0 , then, F being continuous,
we have (in the matrix-based direct notation that is used throughout this
x0 = x + F(X, t)u + o(|u|) as |u| → 0.
let us compare the distance between x and x0 with that between X and X0 :
|x0 − x| = (x0 − x)T (x0 − x)
= uT FT (X, t)F(X, t)u + o(|u|2 )
= uT C(X, t)u + o(|u|),
where C = FT F is known, in the Noll–Truesdell terminology, as the right
Cauchy–Green tensor . The notation will henceforth be simplified by writing
F for F(X, t) and so on. The components of C are given by
CIJ = χi ,I χi ,J ,
X(α) = X + hu(α) ,
uT Cu = r2 ,
with principal semiaxes r/λα , we see that its displaced image is approxi-
mately the sphere of radius r centered at x. The ellipsoid given by the
preceding equation is called the reciprocal strain ellipsoid .
We may also ask what is the effect of the displacement on the sphere
of radius r, centered at X, in the reference configuration. If x + v is the
displaced image of X + u, then v = dotFu, so that uT u = dotvT B−1 v
(where B = FFT ), and vT B−1 v = r2 defines an ellipsoid centered at x with
principal semiaxes λα r; this ellipsoid is called simply the strain ellipsoid .
The tensor B−1 is called the Finger deformation tensor , while B is called
Section 8.1 / Large-Deformation Continuum Mechanics 469
Hence C is often called the metric tensor in the displaced (strained) body.
The identity I is accordingly regarded as the metric tensor in the unstrained
body. The analysis of continuum deformation based on metric tensors is
usually carried out by using curvilinear coordinates to begin with (see, e.g.,
Green and Zerna [1968], Eringen [1962], Marsden and Hughes [1983]). For
our purposes, its main usefulness is in the derivation of compatibility con-
ditions, that is, the finite-deformation analogue of Equation (1.2.4), and to
that end Cartesian coordinates are adequate. The result is usually given as
the vanishing of a fourth-rank tensor called the Riemann–Christoffel tensor
or the curvature tensor , being the necessary (locally also sufficient) condition
for a symmetric positive definite tensor field C to be derivable from a con-
figuration χ. It can be shown that the result is equivalent to the symmetric
second-rank tensor equation
x00 = x + hv00 + o(h), respectively, where v0 = Fu0 and v00 = Fu00 . The
displaced area is
A = h2 v0 × v00 + o(h2 )
Ai = 21 h2 eijk vj0 vk00 = 12 h2 eijk FjJ FkK u0J u00K
= 41 h2 eijk (FjJ FkK − FjK FkJ )u0J u00K
= 14 h2 eijk FjJ FkK (u0J u00K − u0K u00J )
= 41 h2 eijk FjJ FkK eIJK eILM u0L u00M
1 1 2 0 00 −1
= 2 eijk eIJK FjJ FkK 2 h eILM uL uM = (det F)FIi A0I .
In direct notation,
A = JFT −1 A0 + o(|A0 |).
If, now, X000 = X + hu000 is a fourth point, then the volume of the tetra-
hedron in the reference configuration is V0 = 31 hA0 · u000 = 13 hAT0 u000 . Since
the displaced position of X000 is x000 = X + hFu000 + o(h), the displaced volume
V = hAT Fu000 + o(h3 ) = JV0 + o(V0 ).
Section 8.1 / Large-Deformation Continuum Mechanics 471
Deformation-Rate Measures
The velocity field at time t is defined by
∂χ(X, t)
χ̇(X, t) = .
In the Eulerian description, the velocity field is given by v(x, t), and the
velocity gradient L, an Eulerian tensor, is defined by Lij = ∂vi /∂xj . In view
of the definition of F, Ḟ is given by
∂ ∂χi ∂ χ̇i ∂vi ∂χj
ḞiJ = = = = Lij FjJ ,
∂t ∂XJ ∂XJ ∂xj ∂XJ
Ḟ = LF. (8.1.3)
A rigid-body motion is characterized by the right Cauchy-Green tensor
field C being constant in time (not necessarily equal to I, since the initial
configuration of the motion may be deformed with respect to the reference
configuration), or, equivalently, Ċ = 0. Using differential calculus, we obtain
Ċ = FT Ḟ + ḞT F = FT (L + LT )F = 2FT DF,
where D = 21 (L + LT ) is the (Eulerian) deformation-rate tensor or (in Trues-
dell’s terminology) stretching tensor; it was denoted d in Chapter 3. An
immediate corollary of the last result is
Ė = FT DF. (8.1.4)
If W = 21 (L − LT ), then obviously L = D + W. The antisymmetric tensor
W is called the spin, vorticity or (Truesdell) spinning tensor.
The deformation-rate tensor D is of fundamental significance in the
study of deformational motions of continua. Let us consider two neighbor-
ing points1 X, X + dX, with their displaced positions at time t designated
The “differentials” dX have exactly the same meaning as the small vectors hu used
in the preceding discussion, but their use makes terms of the type o(h) unnecessary.
472 Chapter 8 / Large-Deformation Plasticity
Now, if n(1) and n(2) are instantaneously perpendicular, with sin θ = 1, then
n(1)T Dn(2) = − θ.
2 Dt
But −(D/Dt)θ is the rate at which an instantaneously right angle becomes
acute — precisely what we know as the shearing rate.
We can easily determine the rate of change of infinitesimal volumes by
performing the material time differentiation of Equation (8.1.2):
dV = J dV0 = J˙ dV0 = (∂J/∂F) : Ḟ dV0 ;
Dt Dt
Section 8.1 / Large-Deformation Continuum Mechanics 473
The stress tensor σ was introduced in Section 1.3 in connection with in-
finitesimal-displacement theory. However, the procedure used in defining it
is valid under finite deformation, provided that the oriented surface element
n dS is in the current configuration. The stress tensor is then called the
Cauchy stress, and following Truesdell et al. it will be denoted T. The
equations of motion (1.3.3) are exact if all quantities occurring in them are
Eulerian, that is, if ρ denotes mass per current volume and (·),j = ∂(·)/∂xj ,
the xj being Eulerian coordinates. It can accordingly be shown that the
deformation power Pd defined in Section 1.4 is given exactly by
Pd = T : D dV.
dA = JFT −1 dA0 ,
it follows that
T̄ dA0 = T dA.
474 Chapter 8 / Large-Deformation Plasticity
and therefore Z
Pd = S : Ė dV0 ,
where t̄a is the prescribed surface traction per unit reference area, with
t̄i = n0J T̄iJ , n0 being the unit normal vector in the reference configuration.
The left-hand side of the above equation can be cast in another form by
introducing the virtual strain field δE, which, from the definition of E, can
easily be shown to be given by
δEIJ = (FkI δuk ,J +FkJ δuk ,I ).
The principle of virtual work can now be written as
S : δE dV0 = ρ0 b · δu dV0 + t̄a · δu dS0 ,
R0 R0 ∂R0t
Energy Balance
Like the local equations of motion, the local energy-balance equation
(1.4.1) is exact as an Eulerian equation if the term σij ε̇ij is replaced by
T : D. It can easily be recast into the Lagrangian form
ρ0 u̇ = S : Ė + ρ0 r − Divh̄, (8.1.8)
where Div denotes the divergence operator with respect to Lagrangian coor-
dinates, and h̄ = JF−1 h is the Lagrangian heat-flux vector. The term S : Ė
may, of course, be replaced by T̄ : Ḟ.
Objective Rates
Consider a possible motion χ(X, t) of a body, and another possible mo-
tion χ∗ (X, t) of the same body that differs from the first motion by a super-
posed rigid-body motion. The relation between the two motions must have
the form
χ∗ (X, t) = Q(t)χ(X, t) + c(t),
where Q(t) is a proper orthogonal tensor and c(t) a vector, both continuous
functions of time that are also, for simplicity, assumed to be continuously
differentiable. It is clear that according to a basic principle of relativity,
the relation between the two motions is equivalent to that between the de-
scriptions of one and the same motion as seen by two observers who are
moving relative to each other, with Q(t) describing the relative rotation of
their respective Eulerian bases. If g is an Eulerian vector generated by the
motion χ, then it is called objective if its counterpart g∗ , generated by χ∗ , is
related to g by g∗ = Qg. Similarly, if G is an Eulerian second-rank tensor
generated by χ, then it is objective if G∗ is related to it by G∗ = QGQT .
Since F∗ = QF, it follows that dx = F dX is an objective vector and B is
an objective tensor. The area element dA is also an objective vector (since
dV = dxT dA). The objectivity of the surface tractions t, and therefore of
the Cauchy stress T, is argued on physical grounds, in that the tractions
represent contact forces within the body. The assertion that if a motion
χ generates a stress T then the transformed motion χ∗ generates the stress
T∗ = QTQT is known as the principle of objectivity or principle of
material frame indifference.1
The principle is usually stated as an axiom. For a critique, see Woods [1981].
476 Chapter 8 / Large-Deformation Plasticity
G : (GW) − G : (WG) = tr (GGW − GWG) = 0.
Another important property is that if G is a deviatoric tensor (i.e., if
tr G = 0), then G is also deviatoric. Both properties, however, are shared
by objective rates having the Jaumann form but with W replaced by some
other antisymmetric tensor representing a spin.
(S − ρ0 ∂ψ/∂E + pG) : Ė = 0,
J˙ = (∂J/∂E) : Ė = C−1 : Ė = 0.
S = −pC−1 + ρ∂ψ/∂E,
T = −pI + ρF(∂ψ/∂E)FT ,
so that p is an indeterminate pressure (note that ρ = ρ0 in this case).
The constitutive relations take a special form when the continuum is
isotropic in the reference configuration, that is, when ψ(T, E) is invariant
under a rotation of the Lagrangian basis. In such a case ψ can depend on E
only through a set of invariants, for example, the principal invariants of C,
defined in the same way as for stress in Section 1.3, namely I1 = tr C, I2 =
(C : C−I12 ), I3 = det C. In the incompressible case the last of these is unity,
and therefore I1 and I2 are the only independent deformation variables;
moreover, it can be shown that in this case, I2 = −tr C−1 . Consequently,
∂ψ ∂ψ −2
∂ψ/∂E = 2∂ψ/∂C = 2 I+2 C .
∂I1 ∂I2
T = −pI + 2ρ(∂ψ/∂B)B.
distortion. Let us recall that the infinitesimal strain tensor ε can be decom-
posed additively as ε = εv I+e, where εv = 13 tr ε is the volume strain and e is
the strain deviator (see, for example, Equation (1.4.16) for the strain-energy
function of an isotropic, linearly elastic continuum). The corresponding de-
composition for finite deformation is not√ additive but multiplicative, since
volume deformation is defined by J = det C. In particular, let us define
F̄ = J −1/3 F, B̄ = J −2/3 B, C̄ = J −2/3 C, Ē = (C̄ − I);
note that det C̄ = 1. If we now set the Helmholtz free energy as ψ =
ψ(T, J, Ē), then we may write
S = ρ0 JC−1 + J −2/3 Dev (∂ψ/∂ Ē) ,
T=ρ J I + dev (F̄∂ψ/∂ ĒF̄T ) ;
here dev is the ordinary deviator operator, that is, dev H = H− 13 tr H, while
Dev is a “Lagrangian” deviator operator defined by Dev H = H − 13 (H :
C)C−1 . Note that for the Cauchy stress, the deviator is determined by
the dependence on the distortion while the pressure is determined by the
dependence on the volume deformation. If the free energy depends only on
J then the continuum is a fluid.
Finally, for the isotropic continuum, with ψ = ψ(T, J, B̄), the stress is
given by
T=ρ J I + 2 dev (B̄∂ψ/∂ B̄) ,
and if the invariants I¯1 and I¯2 are introduced, by
∂ψ ∂ψ ∂ψ
T=ρ J I + 2 dev ¯ B + ¯ B−1 .
∂v ∂ I1 ∂ I2
Multiplicative Decomposition
In Section 1.5 we introduced the additive decomposition of the infini-
tesimal strain tensor into elastic and inelastic (later renamed plastic) parts,
which is basic to virtually all the subsequently developed theory. For strains
that are too large to be treated as infinitesimal, we found in 2.1.2 that the
decomposition still works, at least for longitudinal strain, when this is taken
as the logarithmic strain. In order to formulate a theory of plasticity for
large deformation, we have to establish the appropriate decomposition for
arbitrary states of deformation.
Section 8.2 / Large-Deformation Constitutive Theory 481
As pointed out by Mandel [1972], the elastic unloading operation has to be regarded
as a fictitious one in a material with a strong Bauschinger effect, in which real unloading
produces reverse plastic deformation,
482 Chapter 8 / Large-Deformation Plasticity
C = FTp Ce Fp . (8.2.5)
X Fe
r h
h h
jF dx
Reference configuration
rhh h
Current configuration
J = Je Jp
Je = ρp /ρ, Jp = ρ0 /ρp ,
Section 8.2 / Large-Deformation Constitutive Theory 483
L = Le + Fe Lp F−1
e ,
Le = Ḟe F−1 −1
e , Lp = Ḟp Fp .
Ċ = FTp [Ċe + 2(Ce Lp )S ]Fp , (8.2.6)
with Ċe = 2FTe De Fe , De = LSe . We see that Ċ depends on Le only through
its symmetric part, and on Lp through the symmetric part of Ce Lp . The
Eulerian deformation-rate tensor D is
D = De + (Fe Lp F−1 S
e ) .
(Fe Lp F−1 S S S
e ) , Lp , and (Ce Lp ) . The first of these tensors is Eulerian. The
other two are defined in the intermediate configuration, and are therefore
Lagrangian tensors if this configuration is isoclinic.
Internal Variables
Let α denote the internal-variable vector describing dislocation densities,
point-defect densities and other structural properties. In accordance with
the argument of Mandel and others, the local thermomechanical state is then
determined by (Ee , α, T ), while in the hypothesis of Green and Naghdi it is
determined by (E, Ep , α, T ). Mathematically, both postulates are special
cases of of (E, Fp , α, T ), or of (E, ξ, T ) if we define ξ = (Fp , α) as the
apparent internal-variable vector. Furthermore, if equations for the shear
rates γ̇i are given, then Equation (8.2.7) constitutes a rate equation for
Fp . The description of the state by (E, ξ, T ) is the basic one used in the
remainder of this section, with the special cases invoked as appropriate.
The deformation power per unit mass is, as a result of Equation (8.2.6),
1 1
S : Ė = (Se : Ėe + Σ : Lp ), (8.2.8)
ρ0 ρ0
Se = Fp SFTp , Σ = Ce Se = JFTe TFTe −1
are stress tensors defined in the intermediate configuration. Both Se and Σ
differ from the Kirchhoff stress (weighted Cauchy stress) tensor P = JT by
quantities of order |Fe − I|. Furthermore, Se is a symmetric tensor that is
conjugate to the elastic strain tensor Ee , and Jp−1 Se may be regarded as the
second Piola–Kirchhoff stress with respect to the intermediate configuration.
The tensor Σ, which was introduced by Mandel [1972], is not in general
Free-Energy Density
In accordance with the two arguments cited above, the free-energy den-
sity is given either by the form favored by Mandel and others, namely,
ψ = ψ̄(Ee , α, T ), (8.2.9)
or by the Green–Naghdi form,1
ψ = ψ̃(E, Ep , α, T ), (8.2.10)
In the work of Green and Naghdi and their followers, α is usually taken to consist of
a single scalar variable κ.
486 Chapter 8 / Large-Deformation Plasticity
Here ψe is the thermoelastic free energy, usually identified with the lattice
energy, while up and ηp are respectively the stored energy and the config-
urational entropy due to dislocations and other relevant lattice defects. It
follows that Se = ρ0 ∂ψe /∂Ee ; this means that at a given temperature, there
is a one-to-one correspondence between Se and Ee , as well as between Σ and
Ee (or Ce ) in view of the relation Σ = Ce Se . As was remarked above, Σ is
not in general a symmetric tensor; however, C−1 e Σ = Se is symmetric, as is
ΣCe = Ce Se Ce . Consequently Σ must obey a constraint, for example
(ΣCe )T = ΣCe .
ψ = ψ̂(E − Ep , Ep , κ, T ), (8.2.13)
with further specializations for “special materials” (Casey and Naghdi [1981]).
While E − Ep was identified with elastic strain in the original work of Green
and Naghdi [1965], in later work (Green and Naghdi [1971]) this identifica-
tion was dropped. Nevertheless, the decomposition
E = Ee + Ep
is not infrequently used, for example by Simo and Ortiz [1985]. Casey [1985]
justifies it as an approximation that is valid when (i) small plastic deforma-
tions are accompanied by moderate elastic strains, (ii) small elastic strains
are accompanied by moderate plastic deformations, or (iii) small strains are
accompanied by moderate rotations.
Section 8.2 / Large-Deformation Constitutive Theory 487
Plastic Dissipation
With the identification ξ = (Fp , α), the Kelvin inequality (1.5.3) be-
D = −ρ0 [(∂ψ/∂Fp ) : Ḟp + (∂ψ/∂α) · α̇] ≥ 0.
With ψ given by Equation (8.2.9), this becomes
But (∂Ce /∂Fp ) : Ḟp = −2(Ce Lp )S and ∂ ψ̄/∂Ce = Fp (∂ψ/∂C)FTp = (1/2ρ0 )Se .
D = Dp − ρ0 (∂ ψ̄/∂α) · α̇ ≥ 0,
where Dp is the plastic dissipation per unit mass, variously given by
With ψ̄ given by Equation (8.2.12), the total dissipation per unit mass is
D = Dp + ρ0 T η̇p − ρ0 u̇p ≥ 0.
Lp = φ∂ f˜/∂Σ, φ ≥ 0.
This result implies that not only the plastic deformation but also the plastic
rotation Rp are determined by the same flow rule.
When it is remembered that Σ, although not in general symmetric, is
nonetheless limited to a six-dimensional manifold, then the validity of this
result may be questioned (Lubliner [1986]). Let the yield function in strain
space be defined as
f¯(E, ξ, T ) = f˜(Σ(E, ξ, T ), α, T ),
With the free-energy density given by (8.2.8), it can easily be shown that
inequality (8.2.15) is equivalent to the large-deformation analogue of (3.2.12),
D(E, ξ, ξ̇, T ) − D(E∗ , ξ, ξ̇, T ) ≥ 0 (8.2.16)
for any E∗ such that f¯(E∗ , ξ, T ) ≤ 0. Suppose, in particular, that the
process is isothermal, that it is elastic from (E∗ , ξ, T ) to (E, ξ, T ), and that
its continuation from (E, ξ, T ) is plastic; the time derivatives of (E, ξ, T )
at (E, ξ, T ) are (Ė, ξ̇, 0). If E∗ is close to E, then E∗ = E − hĖ + o(h) for
some small positive h. For the left-hand side of (8.2.16) we therefore have
(∂D/∂E) : Ė ≥ 0. (8.2.17)
The last equality defines the apparent Lagrangian plastic strain rate
Ė(p) = Ė|Ṡ=0, Ṫ =0 = Ė − Γ−1 : Ṡ.
Section 8.2 / Large-Deformation Constitutive Theory 489
The rate Ė(p) , not to be confused with Green and Naghdi’s Ėp , is related to
Lp by
Ė(p) = FTp [(Ce Lp )S + 2Γe−1 : (Lp Se )S ]Fp (8.2.18)
(Lubliner [1986]). Inequality (8.2.17) may consequently be written as
Ė : Γ : Ė(p) ≥ 0, (8.2.19)
f¯(E, ξ, T ) = fˆ(S(E, ξ, T ), ξ, T ),
where L00p may be any tensor satisfying ∆ : L00p = 0. Within the nine-
dimensional space of second-rank tensors, the tensors obeying this equation
form a three-dimensional subspace. Therefore, the flow rule (8.2.25) deter-
mines only the projection of Lp into the complement of this subspace, itself
a six-dimensional subspace. This last subspace is the so-called cotangent
space of the aforementioned manifold containing Σ; it is just the space that
contains all possible values of ∂φ/∂Σ for continuously differentiable scalar-
valued functions φ(Σ).
Negligible Elastic Strains
If the elastic strains are negligible next to unity, then the preceding
theory can be considerably simplified. (Ce Lp )S is approximately equal to
LSp , and since Ee = Γe−1 : Se , the term 2Γe−1 : (Lp Se )S in (8.2.18) may be
neglected. Consequently,
Ė(p) = FTp LSp Fp = Ėp ,
and the “Lagrangian” flow rule (8.2.21) may be replaced by
Ėp = φ ∂ fˆ/∂S,
equivalent to the associated flow rule of the Green–Naghdi theory.
To formulate an approximate form in the intermediate configuration, we
define the rotated Kirchhoff stress as P̃ = JRTe TRe ; then Se and Σ are both
approximately equal to P̃, and either (8.2.22) or (8.2.24) may be replaced
LSp = φ ∂f /∂ P̃.
flow rule if the various forms of the yield function f (f˜, f¯, fˆ) are replaced
by the corresponding forms of a plastic potential, say g. Finally, the results
may be applied to viscoplastic flow laws if φ is replaced by a function of the
state variables, g (or any of its variants) is a viscoplastic potential, and Fp
is written as Fi , Lp as Li , and so forth.
where the left-hand side is the Jaumann rate of the Kirchhoff stress
P = JT and the Eulerian tangent elastic modulus tensor Λ is defined
Λijkl = ρ0 FiI FjJ FkK FlL + 1 J(δik Tjl +δil Tjk +δjk Til +δjl Tik ).
6. Show that with the given assumptions on the free energy, inequality
(8.2.16) is equivalent to (8.2.15).
7. Derive (8.2.18).
The earliest extensions to large deformations of the rate-based numeri-
cal methods for elastic–plastic solids were in Lagrangian form;1 among the
first was one by Hibbit, Marcal, and Rice [1970], who, on the basis of the
large-deformation principle of virtual work, Equation (8.1.6), derived an in-
cremental stiffness containing three parts in addition to the “small-strain”
stiffness, namely the initial-load, initial-stress, and initial-strain stiffnesses.
Since, however, the problems to be solved have typically been ones of
large-scale plastic flow, it was felt by many that an Eulerian form of the
equations would be preferable. Most solution schemes have followed a for-
mulation similar to that of McMeeking and Rice [1975], with the analogue
of (4.5.5), in particular, usually taken as
P = C : (D − Dp ), (8.3.1)
where the superposed asterisk denotes the Jaumann rate; this rate is gener-
ally preferred, in view of the properties discussed at the end of Section 8.1,
though it was pointed out by Truesdell and Noll [1965, p. 404] that “despite
claims and whole papers to the contrary, any advantage claimed for one such
rate over another is pure illusion.”
The Kirchhoff stress appears in Equation (8.3.1) because, unlike the
Cauchy stress, its use leads to a symmetric global tangent stiffness matrix
upon discretization. With isotropic elasticity assumed, as is usual, C is taken
as given by (1.4.10), with the Lamé coefficients λ and µ constant. The plastic
deformation rate Dp is almost invariably assumed to be governed by a flow
rule that is associated (in Kirchoff-stress space) with a generalized Mises
yield criterion that may incorporate kinematic hardening. Such a criterion
takes the form
f (P, H, κ) = (P − H)0 : (P − H)0 − [k(κ)]2 = 0, (8.3.2)
Formulations based on convected coordinates, such as that due to Needleman [1972],
are equivalent to Lagrangian ones.
Section 8.3 / Numerical Methods 493
The global rate equation then takes the form (4.5.28), with the load rate Ḟ
(not to be confused with the derivative of the deformation gradient appearing
elsewhere in this chapter) defined by
"Z Z #
eT eT eT a
Ḟ = A N ḟ dΩ + N ṫ dΓ ,
e Ωe ∂Ωet
Here Kes is the additional element stiffness (the initial-stress stiffness) due to
the various terms resulting from the conversion of the equations to Eulerian
The formulation given above runs into a number of difficulties. When
the rate problem has been solved, the imposition of a load increment requires
an integration in time that maintains objectivity, necessitating incrementally
objective integration algorithms (Rubinstein and Atluri [1983], Pinsky, Ortiz,
and Pister [1983]) that may be computationally expensive. The rate-based
formulation itself, moreover, has flaws that makes its results suspect. As we
saw in Section 8.2, there is no uniquely defined plastic strain rate, and a
flow rule of the form (8.3.3) can be given only as an approximation under
restricted circumstances. Other difficulties arise from the use of Equation
(8.3.1) and from the choice of the Jaumann rate.
494 Chapter 8 / Large-Deformation Plasticity
In the absence of plastic deformation, Equation (8.3.1), with isotropic
elasticity assumed, becomes
P = λ(tr D)I + 2µD.
0 γ̇ 0 0 γ̇ 0 0 γ̇ 0
1 1
L = 0 0 0 , D = γ̇ 0 0 , W = −γ̇ 0 0 .
2 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For compatibility with the yield criterion (8.3.2) and the flow rule (8.3.3), it
is necessary that
σ = α, τ = k + β.
The rate equation (8.3.5) now reduces to the two simultaneous equations
α̇ − β γ̇ = 0, β̇ + αγ̇ = cγ̇.
Assuming γ = γ(t) with γ̇ > 0, these equations can be solved as
1 1
α = c(1 − cos γ), β = c sin γ.
2 2
This solution, first discussed by Lehmann [1972], implies that the shear
stress is an oscillating function of the shear strain, clearly in contradiction
with the notion of hardening. Numerous proposals have been put forward
to deal with this contradiction. Some (e.g., Dafalias [1985a,b], Loret [1983])
involve a generalization of the flow rule into the nine-dimensional one en-
visaged by Mandel. Others simply suggest replacing the Jaumann rate in
Equation (8.3.5) by some other objective rate. For example, Haupt and
Tsakmakis [1986] propose the Truesdell rate, which, with the incompress-
ibility condition tr L = 0 taken into account, becomes
D −1
Ḣ − LH − HLT = F (F HFT −1 )FT .
1 D −1
D=− F C FT ,
2 Dt
the rate equation can be integrated to yield
1 1
H = cF(I − C−1 )FT = c(B − I);
2 2
in other words, this proposal corresponds to the integrated form ρ = cεp of
the small-deformation kinematic hardening model. Note, however, that H
now is not purely deviatoric.
With F as given above, B is
1 + γ2 γ 0
B= γ 1 0 ,
0 0 1
and therefore
γ2 γ 0 γ2 γ 1
1 0 1 1 2
H = c γ 0 0 , H = c γ −2γ 0 ,
2 2
0 0 0 0 0 0
496 Chapter 8 / Large-Deformation Plasticity
that is,
1 1
α = cγ 2 , β = cγ,
4 2
reproducing straight-line hardening as for infinitesimal deformations.
Non-oscillatory behavior is also found when the rate used is of the Jau-
mann form — that is, a corotational rate — but with W replaced by ṘRT ,
where R is the rotation tensor defined in 8.1.1; see Dafalias [1983].
However, as pointed by Atluri [1984] (see also Reed and Atluri [1985]),
non-oscillatory behavior per se does not necessarily represent a solution that
agrees with experiment; for example, the just-discussed solution produces a
normal stress σ = α = 12 (τ − k)γ that is considerably larger than experimen-
tally observed in metals. Instead, Atluri suggests that, in view of the fact
that any objective rate of H differs from its Jaumann rate by terms depend-
ing on H and D, these terms be determined on the basis of experimental
• • .
• ut .
. . 4.
0.75 t• .. 4
u ... .
...... 4.
a/a0 • .... 4.
.... 4.
• .... (c)
(a) This work ...
0.50 ........... (b) HEMP (b) ...
(c) NIKE2D
4 2499R
u 2515ST
• 2502R
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