Refresher - Structural Design Ang Construction

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Situation: 1 – 3 6.Allowable axial load.
A. 128.78 kN C. 485.60
B. 488.08 D. 1840.41

Situation: 7 – 9
A W14x500 is used as a beam to support
a concrete floor system. The floor is
to carry a total load of 250 kPa. The
beam is simply supported over a span
of 6 m. The properties are as follow:
A W14x211 beam, has a web thickness of d = 498 mm
24.90 mm, is connected to a steel tw = 56 mm
girder by 4-25 mm bolts as shown Ix = 3417 x 106 mm4
above. The bolts are A325 (Fv = 207 Sx = 13730 x 103 mm3
MPa) with threads excluded from shear Self weight = 7.32 kN/m
plane. The steel beam is A53 with Fy = Assume the beam is laterally supported
241 MPa and Fu = 414 MPa. The angles over its length and that the allowable
and its connection are assumed to be stress in bending is 0.66Fy and in
adequate to carry the loads. Determine shear on gross section is 0.4Fy. Use
the maximum end reaction that the beam A36 steel with Fy = 248 MPa. Allowable
can resist if: deflection is L/360. Determine the
1.Bolt shear governs. center-to-center spacing of the beams:
A. 813 kN C. 1020 7.Without exceeding the allowable shear
B. 406 D. 510 stress.
2.Web bearing governs (Fb = 1.2Fu). A. 4.0 m C. 3.6
A. 994 kN C. 497 B. 3.7 D. 3.5
B. 2474 D. 1237 8.Without exceeding the allowable
3.Block shear governs. bending stress.
A. 862 kN C. 1183 A. 2.0 m C. 1.90
B. 875 D. 502 B. 2.1 D. 1.80
9.Without exceeding the allowable
Situation: 4 - 6 deflection.
A 4.50-m steel column fixed at both A. 2.5 m C. 2.7
ends is laterally supported at its B. 2.6 D. 2.8
weaker axis 2.00 m from the bottom.
The column is a W6x20: Situation: 10 – 12
A = 3,790 mm2 Steel column 3.6-m long and hinged at
rx = 67.4 mm both ends is used to carry an axial
ry = 38 mm load of 1000 kN. The column is
d = 157 mm subjected to end moments (reverse
4.Maximum slenderness ratio. curvature) with M1 = 90%M2. Fy = 248
A. 33.38 C. 46.05 MPa, E = 200 GPa. The allowable axial
B. 36.84 D. 126.17 stress Fa = 115 MPa and the allowable
5.Critical slenderness ratio. bending stress Fb = 149 MPa. The
A. 33.38 C. 46.05 properties of the section are as
B. 36.84 D. 126.17 follow:
A = 0.013 m2


Sx = 0.00012 m3 18. A 90 kN and 80 kN concentrated loads
rb = 94 mm 4 m and 1 m from the roller support,
10. Determine the actual axial stress of respectively.
the column. A. 68.33 kN-m C. 41.00
A. 115 MPa C. 153.85 B. 48.88 D. 44.00
B. 95.96 D. 76.92 19. A uniform load of 32 kN/m distributed
11. Determine the actual bending stress along its entire length.
of the column. A. 68.63 kN-m C. 100.00
A. 109.82 MPa C. 71.97 B. 48.53 D. 50.00
B. 136.85 D. 49.33
12. Determine the moment capacity of the Situation: 20 - 23
column. Given a loaded steel frame
A. 13.18 kN-m C. 8.64 configuration below:
B. 16.42 D. 5.92

Situation: 13 - 16
A steel section of 40-mm thick, 300-
mm wide top flange and 40mm thick,
400-mm wide bottom flange has a total
depth of 500 mm and web thickness of
40 mm.
13. Calculate the elastic section
A. 8104000 m3 C. 7465216 20. Determine the plastic moment
B. 4052000 D. 6331883 considering beam mechanism.
14. Calculate the plastic section A. 120 kN-m C. 240
modulus. B. 180 D. 290
A. 8104000 m3 C. 7465216 21. Determine the plastic moment
B. 4052000 D. 6331883 considering sidesway mechanism.
15. Calculate the shape factor. A. 120 kN-m C. 240
A. 1.56 C. 1.84 B. 180 D. 290
B. 1.28 D. 1.09 22. Determine the plastic moment
16. Calculate the plastic moment capacity considering combined mechanism.
of the section if it has a yield A. 120 kN-m C. 240
strength of 248 MPa. B. 180 D. 290
A. 2010 kN-m C. 1111
B. 1005 D. 942 23. Design the plastic section modulus
of a A36 steel.
Situation: 17 - 19 A. 697742 m3 C. 967472
Determine the plastic moment of a B. 967742 D. 694772
steel propped beam of 5 m length
carrying: Situation: 24 - 26
17. A 140 kN concentrated 3 m from the A box column is built up by welding
fixed end. two channels at their flanges.
A. 100 kN C. 120 d = 250 mm
B. 110 D. 130 wt = 17 mm
fw = 77 mm


ft = 11 mm S5 = 40 mm
A = 5690 mm2 Beam Fy = 248 MPa
Ix = 43 x 106 mm4 Bolt Fv = 120 MPa
Iy = 1.6 x 106 mm4 The load P acts an eccentricity of
centroidal y-axis from the back of 180 mm from the centroid of the bolt
the web = 16.5 mm group.
column height = 6 m 27. Calculate the shear load on the
k = 1.0 critical bolt at section A of the
A36 Steel splice if P = 200 kN.
24. Compute the maximum load that the A. 100.00 kN C. 25.00
column can support without buckling. B. 50.00 D. 12.50
A. 2357.74 kN C. 1229.69 28. Calculate the torsional load on the
B. 2459.38 D. 4715.48 critical bolt at section A if P = 200
25. What is the maximum axial load so the kN.
yield stress shall not be exceeded? A. 51.43 kN C. 21.43
A. 1411.12 kN C. 1693.34 B. 55.71 D. 69.29
B. 846.67 D. 2822.24 29. Calculate the total critical bolt
26. Find the largest allowable axial load load.
that the column can support before it A. 69.29 C. 25.00
either begins to buckle or the B. 55.71 D. 57.18
material yields.
A. 1411.12 kN C. 2822.24 30. An electrode with Fu = 485 MPa which
B. 2357.74 D. 2459.38 is suitable for horizontal fillets
and flat position of work for use of
Situation: 27 - 29 with either AC or DC.
A. E7021 C. E6011
B. E7012 D. E6023

A W 470 mm x 105 kg/m beam of 12 mm

web thickness is spliced near the
support using 15 mm thick connector
plate welded to part B and bolted
using 20 mm Ø A325 bolts to point A.
S1 = 40 mm
S2 = 40 mm
S3 = 80 mm
S4 = 100 mm

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