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Question Paper Code:: (10×2 20 Marks)

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*X62561* Reg. No.

Question Paper Code : X 62561

B.E./B.Tech. DEgREE ExamiNaTioNs, NovEmBER/DEcEmBER 2020
Second/Third semester
aeronautical Engineering
mE 1202/cE 1207/070120003 – fluiD mEchaNics aND machiNERy
(common to automobile Engineering/mechanical Engineering )
(Regulations 2004/2007)
(common to B.E. (Part-Time) Mechanical Engineering– second semester – Regulations 2005)

Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer all questions

Part – A (10×2=20 Marks)

1. What is meant by continuum ?

2. State Pascal’s hydrostatic law.

3. Define stream line. What do stream lines indicate ?

4. Write the Bernoulli’s equation in terms of head. Explain each terms.

5. Write down the relationship between shear stress and pressure gradient for
incompressible fluid flow.

6. Write down the Darcy-weisback’s equation to estimate the loss of head due to
friction in pipes.

7. Differentiate between impulse and reaction turbines.

8. What is the function of a draft-tube ?

9. Define hydraulic efficiency of a turbine.

10. Enumerate any four factors responsible for causing cavitation in pumps.
X 62561 -2- *X62561*

Part – B (5×16=80 Marks)

11. a) i) Consider the flow of a fluid with viscosity m through a circular pipe. The
velocity profile in the pipe is given as u(r) = umax (1 – rn/Rn), where umax is
the maximum flow velocity, which occurs at the centerline; r is the radial
distance from the centerline; u(r) is the flow velocity at any position r; and
R is the Reynolds number. Develop a relation for the drag force exerted on
the pipe wall by the fluid in the flow direction per unit length of the pipe. (8)
u(r) = umax (1–rn/Rn)



ii) A 1.9-mm-diameter tube is inserted into an unknown liquid whose density is
960 kg/m3 and it is observed that the liquid rises 5 mm in the tube, making
a contact angle of 15º. Determine the surface tension of the liquid. (8)
b) i) The maximum blood pressure in the upper arm of a healthy person is about
120 mm Hg. If a vertical tube open to the atmosphere is connected to the
vein in the arm of the person, determine how high the blood will rise in the
tube. Take the density of the blood to be 1050 kg/m3. (8)
ii) Consider a double-fluid manometer attached to an air pipe shown in Fig. If
the specific gravity of one fluid is 13.55, determine the specific gravity of the
other fluid for the indicated absolute pressure of air. Take the atmospheric
pressure to be 100 kPa. (8)

P = 76 kPa
40 cm

22 cm

SG1 = 13.55

*X62561* -3- X 62561

12. a) i) A 15 cm diameter vertical pipe is connected to 10 cm diameter vertical pipe

with a reducing socket. The pipe carries a flow of 100 l/s. At point 1 in 15 cm
pipe gauge pressure is 250 kPa. At point 2 in the 10 cm pipe located 1.0 m
below point 1 the gauge pressure is 175 kPa.
1) Find whether the flow is upwards/downwards.
2) Head loss between the two points. (10)
ii) Differentiate Venturimeter and Orificemeter. (6)

b) i) State and prove Bernoulli’s Theorem. (12)

ii) What are the uses and limitations of Flow net ? (4)

13. a) Obtain an expression for Hagen-Poiseuille flow. Deduce the condition of

maximum velocity. (16)
b) A flat plate 1.5 m × 1.5 m moves at 50 km/h in a stationary air of density
1.15 kg/m3. If the coefficient of drag and lift are 0.15 and 0.75 respectively,
determine (i) the lift force (ii) the drag force (iii) the resultant force and
(iv) the power required to set the plate in motion. (16)

14. a) A Kaplan turbine develops 24647.6 kw power at an average head of 39 meters.

Assuming a speed ratio of 2, flow ratio 0.6, diameter of the boss equal to 0.35
times the diameter of the runner and overall efficiency of 90%. Calculate the
diameter, speed and specific speed of the turbine. (16)

b) i) With a neat sketch, explain the working of a pelton wheels. (8)

ii) Compare impulse turbine and reaction turbine. (8)

15. a) i) Sketch velocity triangles at inlet and outlet of a pelton wheel. (6)
ii) A Pelton wheel has to be designed for the following data. Power to be
developed = 6000 kW, Net head available = 300 m; Speed = 550 rpm; Ratio
of jet diameter to wheel diameter = 1/10 and overall efficiency = 85%. Find
the no. of jets, diameter of the jet, diameter of the wheel and the quantity of
water required. (10)

b) With a neat sketch, describe the working principle and applications of

centrifugal and reciprocating pump in detail. (16)


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