Fourth Grade - Aminah Robinson
Fourth Grade - Aminah Robinson
Fourth Grade - Aminah Robinson
Anticipatory Set
(What do students already
know? Or what would they
need to know to succeed in
this unit?)
Rationale This unit was designed from the Poindexter Village Windows of
(Why is this concept/central Stories Youth Art Challenge, a local art competition for Columbus City
focus relevant for students Schools students. The goals of this contest is “explore the culture and
to learn?) rich history of our neighborhood … by celebrating the works of native
Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson who gives a descriptive look into the
history and life of our community.”
For our project specificially, the students are focusing on the theme
“Memories from my Mentors” and creating a piece of art that relates
to Aminah Robinson, her mentors, and a personal connection that
relates to the focus of their piece as well.
Lesson 2
1. Students will create a mixed media art piece that relates to the
artworks shown and discussed in class.
2. Students will create a unique piece of artwork that represents
the theme of Mentors by using various symbols, images, and
Unit Vocabulary (These are some of the concepts that we will be exploring
through the works of the artists and through the projects that
the students make)
Additional Language We will have conversations in class about Aminah Robinson, her
Demands art and processes, as well as the other two artists, Elijah Pierce
(How have you designed and Kojo Kamau.
opportunities to speak
and/or write throughout
your unit so students have
multiple ways to learning
and knowledge?)
Accommodations For
Special Populations
Safety Procedures The students will get clear instructions on the proper way to use
the materials.
There will be certain things that the students won’t be able to
do themselves and so either Angy or I will do it for them and
they will tell us how they want it (like ironing on the crayon
drawings or if we use hot glue to add any of the materials onto
their piese)
If students are abusing the materials or not being safe around
them they will not be allowed to use them or will be asked to
move or leave the classroom, depending on what they are
Procedures for In the days listed below, feel free to outline which days align with each
Teaching/Learning lesson design. Please feel free to add/remove days/lessons as your unit
design requires.- Give estimates of time regarding your plan and procedures
for each session and the instructional .
For example:
Day 1 I will show my powerpoint about Aminah, her life, and her art.
Then we will look at some examples of her art and talk about
Clean-up procedures The students will be responsible for treating the materials with
to consider for this unit care and cleaning up after themselves at the end of class.
Closure/review- What
comes next in curriculum
that will build on student
knowledge from this unit?
Supplemental Activities The students will be using all of class time to work on their
that connect with this projects. If there is ever a time where they are not doing
unit and corresponding something I will ask them to explain what they are doing for
lessons. their project and ask if there is anything they could be doing for
it (which the answer should always be yes).
Unit Reflection for art
(Considerations for
when you teach this
again in the future)
Image of teacher
sample or samples to
help students learn
APA Reference list of
sources and research
conducted for this unit
Include any handouts you have created, any slide shows, and any assessments you
plan to use with this unit.