Fourth Grade - Aminah Robinson

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Teacher Candidate Name: Margaret Derrig

School: Huy / Winterset Elementary School

Fourth Grade: Aminah Robinson
Length of class period: 45 min

Approximate number of students in each class: 25

Overview Information Beginning date of UNIT: January 24th

Ending date of this UNIT: March 4th

Enduring Personal Choice and Vision: Students construct and solve

Understandings problems of personal relevance and interest when expressing
(From ODE Standards) themselves through visual art.
Critical and Creative Thinking: Students combine and apply
artistic and reasoning skills to imagine, create, realize and refine
artworks in conventional and innovative ways.
Authentic Application and Collaboration: Students work
individually and in groups to focus ideas and create artworks
that address genuine local and global community needs.

Anticipatory Set
(What do students already
know? Or what would they
need to know to succeed in
this unit?)
Rationale This unit was designed from the Poindexter Village Windows of
(Why is this concept/central Stories Youth Art Challenge, a local art competition for Columbus City
focus relevant for students Schools students. The goals of this contest is “explore the culture and
to learn?) rich history of our neighborhood … by celebrating the works of native
Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson who gives a descriptive look into the
history and life of our community.”
For our project specificially, the students are focusing on the theme
“Memories from my Mentors” and creating a piece of art that relates
to Aminah Robinson, her mentors, and a personal connection that
relates to the focus of their piece as well.

Description of Essential Educational Content

LESSON 1- Who was Aminah Robinson?
Lesson Description: For the first lesson, the students will be learning about who
(What are students Aminah Robinson was, her art and processes, and two of her
doing? Why are they mentors, Elijah Pierce and Kojo Kamau. The students will be
choosing one of the aspects of Aminah and her mentors and will

2021-2022 Unit Planning Outline Tool

Teacher Candidate Name: Margaret Derrig
School: Huy / Winterset Elementary School
Fourth Grade: Aminah Robinson
doing it? And how will create a piece of art to represent the idea they choose to focus
you teach it?) on.
Approximately how Two days
long will this lesson
LESSON 2- Project Work Days
Lesson Description: The second part of this unit is going to be the actual artmaking
(What are students for the project. This will last four days and each day will focus on
doing? Why are they one medium that the students can use for their project. The
doing it? And how will mediums they will be using are iron-on crayons, fabric scraps,
you teach it?) paint, and found objects (beads, buttons, etc). These are meant
to reflect the similar mediums that Aminah used in her work. The
students will use these mediums to create a piece of art that
represents Aminah and one of her mentors, and each group will
focus on one aspect of their art/lives. The students will also be
able to include personal connections to the concepts that they
are representing in their art.
Approximately how Four days
long will this lesson
Feel free to add lessons if needed.

Central Focus/Theme/Concept: Aminah Robinson and her Mentors (Elijah

Pierce, Kojo Kamau)

Unit Essential Questions:

Focus 1. Who was Aminah Robinson and why is she important?
2. How do artists use different mediums to explore similar themes or
3. How can you collaborate with other students to create one piece of art
that represents another artist and the ideas they cared about?

Project: Poindexter Village Windows of Stories Youth Art Challenge

Anticipated # of lessons & days for the unit:

Two lessons, six days
Lesson One: 2 days (background information on artists and project)
Lesson Two: 4 days (work days for students’ projects)

2021-2022 Unit Planning Outline Tool

Teacher Candidate Name: Margaret Derrig
School: Huy / Winterset Elementary School
Fourth Grade: Aminah Robinson
What is the end goal of By the end of this unit, the students will have learned about
this unit? Aminah Robinson and her mentors, Elijah Pierce and Kojo
(You can paste an image or Kamau, and will have collaborated with their group to create a
describe what your end goal is
for this unit development)
mixed media piece of art that represents the artists and the
theme they focused on, which stems from the theme “Memories
from my Mentor”

Content Statement- Lesson 1:

Perceiving/Knowing 1PE Use sensory details and descriptive language to identify and
From ODE Standards describe universal themes, subject matter and ideas expressed
across arts disciplines.
4PE Identify and describe how artists from various cultural and ethnic
groups have impacted Ohio’s history.
Lesson 2:
6PE Identify and name the sources for artmaking ideas (e.g., self,
environment and other people).
Content Statement- Lesson 1:
Producing/Performing 3PR Generate ideas and employ a variety of strategies to solve visual
From ODE Standards problems.
Lesson 2:
1PR Identify, select and vary art materials, tools and processes to
achieve desired results in their artwork.
2PR Experiment with art materials by using them in unexpected and
creative ways to express ideas and convey meaning.
Content Statement- Lesson 1:
Responding/Reflecting 2RE Develop and share their ideas, beliefs and values about art.
From ODE Standards 3RE Recognize and describe the relationship of artworks to their
social and cultural contexts.
Lesson 2:
6RE Give and use constructive feedback to produce artworks that
achieve learning goals.
Performance Based Lesson 1
Objectives 1. Students will be able to use art vocabulary and descriptive
words to describe what they see in Aminah Robinson’s works
and what it makes them think about.
2. Students will be able to think about the background of the
artist while looking at and interpreting their work.
Lesson 2
1. Students will be able to use various mediums to create a piece
of art that relates to the artworks shown and discussed in class.

2021-2022 Unit Planning Outline Tool

Teacher Candidate Name: Margaret Derrig
School: Huy / Winterset Elementary School
Fourth Grade: Aminah Robinson
2. Students will be able to create a piece of art using various
symbols, images, and words, that represents the themes and
ideas they choose for their project.
Performance Based Lesson 1
Assessments 1. Students will use appropriate vocabulary words, including
words used while talking about the artist, while talking about
her work.
2. Students will make connections between the things we
discussed about the background of the artists while talking
about her work.

Lesson 2
1. Students will create a mixed media art piece that relates to the
artworks shown and discussed in class.
2. Students will create a unique piece of artwork that represents
the theme of Mentors by using various symbols, images, and
Unit Vocabulary (These are some of the concepts that we will be exploring
through the works of the artists and through the projects that
the students make)
Additional Language We will have conversations in class about Aminah Robinson, her
Demands art and processes, as well as the other two artists, Elijah Pierce
(How have you designed and Kojo Kamau.
opportunities to speak
and/or write throughout
your unit so students have
multiple ways to learning
and knowledge?)
Accommodations For
Special Populations

Art/Visual Culture Aminah Robinson:

Examples Makin’ sweetsoap in the backyard
(List all artists, artwork, Quiltmaker Big Annie making a quilt for baby roy
and/or visual culture Easter Egg Hunt

2021-2022 Unit Planning Outline Tool

Teacher Candidate Name: Margaret Derrig
School: Huy / Winterset Elementary School
Fourth Grade: Aminah Robinson
resources used for this Christmas Day in Poindexter Village
I will have several different books about Aminah Robinson with
examples of her work that the students can look through for
inspiration or reference.
We will also print out some photos by Kojo of Aminah and Elijah
that the students can reference for their own drawings if they
would like to.
Materials & Supplies Muslin fabric (base material, precut in the size for contest)
Iron-on crayons
Fabric scraps
Found object (beads, buttons, etc)

Safety Procedures The students will get clear instructions on the proper way to use
the materials.
There will be certain things that the students won’t be able to
do themselves and so either Angy or I will do it for them and
they will tell us how they want it (like ironing on the crayon
drawings or if we use hot glue to add any of the materials onto
their piese)
If students are abusing the materials or not being safe around
them they will not be allowed to use them or will be asked to
move or leave the classroom, depending on what they are

Procedures for In the days listed below, feel free to outline which days align with each
Teaching/Learning lesson design. Please feel free to add/remove days/lessons as your unit
design requires.- Give estimates of time regarding your plan and procedures
for each session and the instructional .

For example:

Day 1 I will show my powerpoint about Aminah, her life, and her art.
Then we will look at some examples of her art and talk about

2021-2022 Unit Planning Outline Tool

Teacher Candidate Name: Margaret Derrig
School: Huy / Winterset Elementary School
Fourth Grade: Aminah Robinson
them. I have some specific questions I will ask the students but I
will also let them guide the conversations depending on what
they are bringing up and talking about.
Day 2 I will start by introducing the actual project to the students and
explaining what they will be doing for it.
Then, I will talk about Aminah’s mentors that the students will be
looking at for the project and talk about some of the ways they
worked and how the three artists were similar to each other.
Then, for the last part of class, the students will break into their
groups for the project and begin to brainstorm and outline
some ideas and thoughts they have about what they might want
to include in their piece. They will use their sketchbooks to write
down ideas and start sketching.
Day 3 The first official work day for the project
The students will continue to plan their projects with their
groups, but they will also get to start using the iron on crayons
to create the drawing that they will put on to their piece. The
students will work together to plan and come up with ideas.
Each student can make their own drawing, but as a group they
will decide which drawings will go on their project.
Day 4 Work day #2
Today the students will get to start looking at other matierals,
like fabric scraps, and think about how they might want to use it
in their piece. Since they are working in groups, the students
should begin to divide up the work so that they are all working
in class on something for the project. If students still need to
work on their crayon drawings they may do so. Students should
have a more complete idea of the end goal of their project by
this day, however they are not tied to anything and can still
make changes as they go.
Day 5 Work day #3
The students will now be able to start using paint on their piece
if they would like to. If they are not done with the other
materials they can continue to use those as well. The students
should be dividing work so that everyone is working on
something for the project.
Day 6 Work day #4 – Final Work Day

2021-2022 Unit Planning Outline Tool

Teacher Candidate Name: Margaret Derrig
School: Huy / Winterset Elementary School
Fourth Grade: Aminah Robinson
This will be the last work day for this project (but I will not be
here for this because it is the week after student teaching ends).
The students should be finishing their project and adding the
last elements into it. If they would like to, they can add some
found objects (like beads, buttons, etc) onto their pieces, but it
is not required. All groups are expected to be done with their
piece by the end of class on this day so they can be ready to
submit to the contest by the deadline.

Clean-up procedures The students will be responsible for treating the materials with
to consider for this unit care and cleaning up after themselves at the end of class.
Closure/review- What
comes next in curriculum
that will build on student
knowledge from this unit?
Supplemental Activities The students will be using all of class time to work on their
that connect with this projects. If there is ever a time where they are not doing
unit and corresponding something I will ask them to explain what they are doing for
lessons. their project and ask if there is anything they could be doing for
it (which the answer should always be yes).
Unit Reflection for art
(Considerations for
when you teach this
again in the future)

Image of teacher
sample or samples to
help students learn
APA Reference list of
sources and research
conducted for this unit

Include any handouts you have created, any slide shows, and any assessments you
plan to use with this unit.

2021-2022 Unit Planning Outline Tool

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