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Grundfos Pump UPM3 DB GB 12-05-2014

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1 x 230 V, 50 Hz

1. Introduction 3 REACH compliancy - Chemical Management -

Table of contents

UPM3 - PWM variants 3 Grundfos Focus List 55

UPM3 - HYBRID variants 3 Declaration concerning GRUNDFOS' compliance with
Applications 4 RoHS and WEEE directive 55

2. Features and benefits 6

Features 6
Benefits 6
ErP, Ecodesign regulation in brief 6
Identification 7

3. Performance range 9

4. UPM external control mode and signals 11

Control principles 11

5. UPM3 HYBRID control modes, user interface

and settings14
User interface 15
Navigation 16
User interface control modes for UPM3 HYBRID
variants 16

6. Technical description 24
Exploded view 24
Sectional drawing 24
Material specification 25
Description of components 25

7. Installation 29
Mechanical installation 29
Electrical installation 30

8. Startup 34

9. Disposal 35

10. Control box positions 36

11. Dimensions (standard housings) 37

12. Performance curves, technical data 38

Curve conditions 38

13. Data sheets 39

UPM3 15-75 130, 25-75 130, 25-75 180 39
UPM3 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180 40
UPM3 15-60 130, 25-60 130, 25-60 180 41
UPM3 15-50 130, 25-50 130, 25-50 180 42
UPM3 15-40 130, 25-40 130, 25-40 180 43
UPM3 FLEX AC 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180 44
UPM3 FLEX AS 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180 45
UPM3 AUTO L 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180 46
UPM3 AUTO L 15-50 130, 25-50 130, 25-50 180 47
UPM3 AUTO 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180 48
UPM3 AUTO 15-50 130, 25-50 130, 25-50 180 49
UPM3 HYBRID 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180 50
UPM3 HYBRID 15-50 130, 25-50 130, 25-50 180 51

14. Accessories 52

15. Approvals and certificates 54

EC declaration of conformity 54
VDE certificate 54


1. Introduction

UPM3 - PWM variants
UPM3 7.5 m
UPM3 7m
(only externally controlled PWM A/C
UPM3 6m
UPM3 5m
UPM3 4m

UPM3 - HYBRID variants

(only externally controlled PWM A/C
UPM3 FLEX AS 7 m (PWM A or CC)
UPM3 AUTO 7 m (only internally controlled PP/CP/CC/
(only internally controlled PP/CP/CC)

PWM A/C: externally controlled via PWM profile A or
profile C (see page 19)
PWM: pulse-width modulation
PP: Proportional Pressure
CP: Constant Pressure
CC: Constant Curve


In a modern heating, cooling and domestic hot water The secondary circulator is often a self-controlled,
supply system there are different circuits in which stand-alone circulator which is e.g. mounted in a
UPM3 circulators in different versions can be placed. heating kit, and reacts on the changing flow demand of
We need to differentiate between the heating (or the heat consumers like radiators or underfloor heating
cooling) production and its distribution. On the circuits. If an automatic bypass valve is installed to
production side there are some applications using ensure a minimum flow, you must adjust the differential
circulators in primary or internal circuits e.g. for pressure control of the circulator in a way to ensure the
geothermal or solar thermal brine circuits as today’s function of the circulator. For example, select a
UPM GEO or SOLAR PM. constant pressure curve that is higher than the
The distribution side is often separated into two circuits differential pressure of the valve.
- a primary and a secondary circuit - in order to keep
the flow and/or temperature independent from each
other. You can use a heat exchanger, a hydraulic
separator or a buffer tank for this separation. The
primary circulator is mostly integrated into the heating
appliance and it is controlled by it via a digital signal
(e.g. PWM) to ensure the optimum operation of for
instance the boiler. In a combi-boiler, the circulator
supplies both the heating system and the hot water
Heat producers Heat consumers
Solar charging kit

station Heating kit

Geothermal Solid fuel Gas fuel

heat pump boiler boiler

heating kit

TM06 0522 0414

Fig. 1 Complete domestic heating system combined with renewable energy sources

In indirect heated DHW systems, the circulator might Examples of systems

be placed on both sides of the heat exchanger. In a
DHW cylinder, potable water is stored and usually
heated indirectly by primary heating water from the
boiler either by an external plate heat exchanger or by
an internal indirect coil. Especially in renewable energy
sourced systems, the primary heating water gets
stored and instant hot water is created by fresh water
stations. Hot water recirculation circulators circulate
the potable water on the secondary side from the taps
back to the water heater to ensure comfort and to
avoid legionella.

TM06 0528 0414

UPM3 - PWM variants
This circulator range is designed for integration in
boilers and other heating appliances with remote
control of the speed, corresponding to low-voltage Fig. 2 One-pipe heating system
PWM signal input.

UPM3 - HYBRID variants

This circulator range with user interface is designed for
several purposes:
• As an internal controlled variant, it can be used in
heating applications as either a stand-alone or
replacement circulator e.g. in heating kits.
• As a remote controlled variant, it can be integrated
in boilers and other heating appliances in which the
speed is changed, corresponding to low-voltage
PWM signal input.

TM06 0526 0414

• As a combination of the above-mentioned variants.
The internal controlled variants are suitable for the
following systems:
• systems with constant or less variable flows as e.g.
one-pipe heating systems Fig. 3 Two-pipe heating system

• systems with variable flows as e.g. two-pipe heating

systems with thermostatic valves for radiators or
underfloor heating.

TM06 0526 0414

Fig. 4 Underfloor heating system


2. Features and benefits

Features and benefits

Features ErP, Ecodesign regulation in brief

• Speed-controlled, high-efficiency circulator fitted The EU has addressed the climate challenge in a EuP/
with electronically commutated motor (ECM) with ErP directive: Since 2013 all stand-alone circulators
permanent-magnet rotor and frequency converter. must fulfil Ecodesign requirements, defined in
• Either externally controlled by digital pulse-width regulation 641/2009/EC on glandless circulators,
modulation (PWM) low-voltage signal or internally which was amended by 622/2012/EC. In August 2015,
controlled in constant pressure, proportional the second step of this regulation will take effect and
pressure or constant speed mode defined by the apply to integrated circulators in products as well. The
means of a smart user interface or factory pre- regulation will set radically new standards for energy
setting. efficiency in circulators integrated in boiler, solar and
• Third generation of the first boiler-integrated, heat pump systems.
variable-speed ECM circulators which combines The essentials
both validated and newly developed components • Glandless circulators integrated in products must
and concepts. have an energy efficiency index (EEI) of not more
• Highly reliable as more than 1,000,000 UPM units than 0.23. The benchmark level is 0.20.
have been installed with success since 2006. • Stand-alone circulators will be measured according
• Fit into existing boiler ranges, small as UP15 to EN 16297-2.
standard circulators. • Integrated circulators will be measured according to
• Cost-optimised and reliably available due to new EN 16297-3. due to the various integrated functions
established mass production facilities. in the many customized hydraulic solutions on the
• Energy-optimised due to improved hydraulic and market.
motor efficiency. • All circulators integrated in products which generate
and/or transfer heat, and all types of media, are
Benefits included. This means that not only heating systems,
but also solar thermal and heat circulator systems,
• Use up to 87 % less electrical power than will be affected by the Ecodesign regulation.
conventional constant-speed circulators. • Spare circulators for integrated circulators sold
• Use up to 68 % less electrical power than before August 2015 are allowed until 2020.
conventional speed-controlled circulators. • Conformity with EU regulations will be governed
• Use up to 25 % less electrical power than the first through mandatory CE marking.
generation of ECM pumps.
UPM3 circulators are "ErP-ready"
Unique Selling Points of UPM3 and UPM3 HYBRID
The UPM3 and UPM3 HYBRID variants already meet
the new ecodesign requirements from 2015 measured
• UPM3 is the first Grundfos high efficiency circulator by EN 16297-2 and EN 16297-3:2012.
with terminal box in front and access to a mechanical
de-blocking device. Pumped liquids
• UPM3 is the first Grundfos high efficiency circulator • Thin, clean, non-aggressive and non-explosive
for high ambient and media temperature of up to 70 liquids, not containing solid particles, fibres or
°C/110 °C mineral oil.
• UPM3 is the first Grundfos high efficiency circulator • In heating systems, the water should meet the
with relay for active inrush current limitation to 4 requirements of accepted standards on water
Amps quality in heating systems, for example the German
standard VDI 2035-1.
• UPM3 is the first Grundfos high efficiency, PWM
controlled circulator with an EEI below benchmark • In domestic hot-water systems, the circulator should
level of EEI ≤ 0.20. Therefore, it fulfils the be used only for water with a degree of hardness
ecodesign requirements for 2015. lower than approximately 17 °dH.
• UPM3 is the first Grundfos OEM circulator with TE • Mixtures of water with antifreeze media such as
Superseal connectors for power and signal supply. glycol with a kinematic viscosity lower than 10 m2/s.
• UPM FLEX AC is the first Grundfos PWM controlled Note: The circulator must not be used for circulation of
circulator with flexible setting of maximum curve of flammable liquids such as diesel oil and petrol.
the speed control range and its profile A or C.
• UPM3 AUTO is the first Grundfos self-controlled
circulator with AUTOADAPT constant pressure
mode, which can be used in underfloor heating
• UPM3 HYBRID is the first hybrid version of
externally and internally controlled, high efficiency
Grundfos circulators.


Features and benefits

Type key

Example UPM3 HYBRID 15 - 70 130 AC A EU X 9

UPM3 externally controlled (PWM) version

UPM3 FLEX AC with user interface
UPM3 FLEX AS with user interface
UPM3 AUTO L with user interface
UPM3 AUTO with user interface
UPM3 HYBRID with user interface
Nominal diameter (DN) of suction and discharge ports [mm]
Maximum head [dm]
[ ]: Cast-iron pump housing
N: Stainless steel pump housing
CESAO, CACAO, CIL3: Composite
PH. Pump without housing
Port-to-port length [mm]
External signal and profile:
Min. speed:
Low [A]
High [J]
Voltage range:
230 VAC [EU]
Control signal connector:
Mini Superseal [X]
Connector position:
9h [9]

Nameplate Terminal box side
Features and benefits

1 2 3 4
I1/1(A) P1(W) MPa
Min. X.XX XX
1 5 6
UP M3 8 ((,”;;3DUW; PL.avg. < XXW 9
15 - XX XXX

TM06 0534 0614

11 12 13 Min. XX°C 15
3 High
19 Made in XXXXXX
Fig. 2 Terminal box side

TM06 0525 0614

Pos. Terminal box side
1 Speed
2 Rated current, I1/1 [A] at maximum and minimum
Fig. 1 Nameplate 3 Input power P1 [W] at maximum and minimum
4 Maximum system pressure [MPa]
Pos. Description 5 CE mark
1 Grundfos logo 6 Approvals
2 Type designation 7 VDE code
3 High efficiency indicating ECM technology 8 Energy index with indication of measurement standard
4 Data matrix 9 Average power input PL,avg (Ecodesign regulation)
Customer area indicating the customer’s specific 10 Voltage [V]
requirements 11 Power supply voltage AC
12 Frequency [Hz]
13 Enclosure class
14 Temperature class
15 Minimum medium temperature (only cold water pumps)
16 Product number PN
17 Production code PC (YYWWCustomerID)
18 Serial number SN
19 Place of production


3. Performance range

Performance range
p H
Pump curves: [kPa] [m]

UPM3 xx-75 70

UPM3 xx-70
UPM3 xx-60
UPM3 xx-50 5

UPM3 xx-40 40

30 3

20 2

10 1

TM06 0585 0514

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 Q [m³/h]

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Q [l/s]

Fig. 3 Performance range UPM3, cast iron pump housing

Control signal Voltage

Internally + 10/- 15 %
Pump type length Connection pipe thread Digital low voltage
[mm] controlled
PWM bidirectional 50 Hz
UPM3 15-75 130 130 R 1/2 / G 1 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 25-75 130 130 R 1 / G 1 1/2 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 25-75 180 180 R 1 / G 1 1/2 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 15-70 130 130 R 1/2 / G 1 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 25-70 130 130 R 1 / G 1 1/2 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 25-70 180 180 R 1 / G 1 1/2 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 15-60 130 130 R 1/2 / G 1 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 25-60 130 130 R 1 / G 1 1/2 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 25-60 180 180 R 1 / G 1 1/2 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 15-50 130 130 R 1/2 / G 1 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 25-50 130 130 R 1 / G 1 1/2 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 25-50 180 180 R 1 / G 1 1/2 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 15-40 130 130 R 1/2 / G 1 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 25-40 130 130 R 1 / G 1 1/2 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 25-40 180 180 R 1 / G 1 1/2 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 HYBRID 15-70 130 130 R 1/2 / G 1 ● ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 HYBRID 25-70 130 130 R 1 / G 1 1/2 ● ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 HYBRID 25-70 180 180 R 1 / G 1 1/2 ● ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 HYBRID 15-50 130 130 R 1/2 / G 1 ● ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 HYBRID 25-50 130 130 R 1 / G 1 1/2 ● ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 HYBRID 25-50 180 180 R 1 / G 1 1/2 ● ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 FLEX AC 15-70 130 130 R 1/2 / G 1 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 FLEX AC 25-70 130 130 R 1 / G 1 1/2 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 FLEX AC 25-70 180 180 R 1 / G 1 1/2 - ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 FLEX AS 15-70 130 130 R 1/2 / G 1 ● ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 FLEX AS 25-70 130 130 R 1 / G 1 1/2 ● ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 FLEX AS 25-70 180 180 R 1 / G 1 1/2 ● ● 1 x 230 V
UPM3 AUTO L 15-70 130 130 R 1/2 / G 1 ● - 1 x 230 V
UPM3 AUTO L 25-70 130 130 R 1 / G 1 1/2 ● - 1 x 230 V
UPM3 AUTO L 25-70 180 180 R 1 / G 1 1/2 ● - 1 x 230 V
UPM3 AUTO L 15-50 130 130 R 1/2 / G 1 ● - 1 x 230 V
UPM3 AUTO L 25-50 130 130 R 1 / G 1 1/2 ● - 1 x 230 V
UPM3 AUTO L 25-50 180 180 R 1 / G 1 1/2 ● - 1 x 230 V

Performance range

Control signal Voltage

Internally + 10/- 15 %
Pump type length Connection pipe thread Digital low voltage
[mm] controlled
PWM bidirectional 50 Hz
UPM3 AUTO 15-70 130 130 R 1/2 / G 1 ● - 1 x 230 V
UPM3 AUTO 25-70 130 130 R 1 / G 1 1/2 ● - 1 x 230 V
UPM3 AUTO 25-70 180 180 R 1 / G 1 1/2 ● - 1 x 230 V
UPM3 AUTO 15-50 130 130 R 1/2 / G 1 ● - 1 x 230 V
UPM3 AUTO 25-50 130 130 R 1 / G 1 1/2 ● - 1 x 230 V
UPM3 AUTO 25-50 180 180 R 1 / G 1 1/2 ● - 1 x 230 V

Other versions or housings with different dimensions,

materials, design or functionality are available on
request. Please contact your Grundfos HVAC OEM


4. UPM external control mode and signals

UPM external control mode and signals

Control principles Interface
The UPM3 and UPM3 FLEX circulators are controlled The UPM3 PWM interface consists of an electronic
via a digital low-voltage pulse-width modulation (PWM) part connecting the external control signal to the
signal which means that the speed of rotation depends circulator. The interface translates the external signal
on the input signal. UPM3 HYBRID circulators are into a signal type that the microprocessor can
controlled either internally or externally can be set to understand.
either internal or externally controlled. The speed In addition, the interface ensures that the user cannot
changes as a function of the input profile. These get into contact with dangerous voltage if touching the
communication signals are standardized in the VDMA signal wires when power is connected to the circulator.
Einheitsblatt 24244 "Wet runner circulating pumps - Note: "Signal ref." is a signal reference with no
Specification of PWM control signals". connection to protective earth.

Control signals Galvanic isolation

Digital low-voltage PWM signal

The square-wave PWM signal is designed for a 100 to 5
PWM output
4,000 Hz frequency range. The PWM signal is used to

Pump electronics
select the speed (speed command) and as feedback &1<)
signal. The PWM frequency on the feedback signal is Signal ref.

fixed at 75 Hz in the circulator.

Duty cycle PWM input


d % = 100 x t/T %&%

Example Rating

TM06 0787 0914

5 36
T = 2 ms (500 Hz) UiH = 4-24 V
t = 0.6 ms UiL ≤ 1 V S %&%

IiH ≤ 10 mA
d % = 100 x 0.6 / 2 = 30 %
(depending on UiH)

Example Fig. 5 Schematic drawing, interface

U/ Signal diagram_(ordered China)

TM04 9911 0211



Fig. 4 PWM signal

Abbreviation Description
T Period of time [sec.]
d Duty cycle [t/T]
UiH High-level input voltage
UiL Low-level input voltage
IiH High-level input current

PWM input signal profile A (heating) PWM feedback signal - power consumption
UPM external control mode and signals

At high PWM signal percentages (duty cycles), a (standard)

hysteresis prevents the circulator from starting and The PWM feedback signal offers pump information like
stopping if the input signal fluctuates around the in BUS systems:
shifting point. At low PWM signal percentages, the • current power consumption (accuracy ± 2 % of
circulator speed is high for safety reasons. In case of a PWM signal)
cable breakage in a gas boiler system, the circulators • warning
will continue to run at maximum speed to transfer heat
• alarm
from the primary heat exchanger. This is also suitable
for heat circulators to ensure that the circulators • operation status.
transfer heat in case of a cable breakage. Alarms
Max. Alarm output signals are available because some
PWM output signals are dedicated to alarm
information. If a supply voltage is measured below the
specified supply voltage range, the output signal is set
to 75 %. If the rotor is locked due to deposits in the

hydraulics, the output signal is set to 90 % because

this alarm has a higher priority.
TM04 9985 0311

Standby (stop)
Alarm stop: Fault, blocked pump
PWM input signal [%] Alarm stop: Electrical fault
Warning Saturation at 70 W
Fig. 6 PWM input profile A (heating)

PWM input signal
Pump status
≤ 10 Maximum speed: max.

> 10 / ≤ 84 Variable speed: min. to max.


> 84 / ≤ 91

Minimum speed: IN

TM05 0006 0411

> 91/95 Hysteresis area: on/off
> 95 / ≤ 100 Standby mode: off

PWM input signal profile C (solar) Power [W]

At low PWM signal percentages (duty cycles), a
hysteresis prevents the circulator from starting and Fig. 8 PWM feedback signal - power consumption
stopping if the input signal fluctuates around the
shifting point. Without PWM signal percentages, the PWM output
circulator will stop for safety reasons. If a signal is signal
Pump info
missing, for example due to a cable breakage, the
95 0 Standby (STOP) by PWM signal 0 1
circulator will stop to avoid overheating of the solar
90 30 Alarm, stop, blocked error 12 2
thermal system. 85 0-30 Alarm, stop, electrical error 1-12 3
75 0 WARNING 0 5
0-10 0-70 W (slope 1 W/% PWM) 6
Output frequency: 75 Hz ± 5 %

Note: QT =qualification time, DT =disqualification time


TM05 1575 3211

PWM input signal [%]

Fig. 7 PWM input profile C (solar)

PWM input signal

Pump status
≤ 5 Standby mode: off
>5/ ≤ 8 Hysteresis area: on/off
> 8 / ≤ 15 Minimum speed: IN
> 15 / ≤ 90 Variable speed: min. to max.
> 90 / ≤ 100 Maximum speed: max

PWM feedback signal - flow estimation (on

UPM external control mode and signals

On demand there will be an option that the PWM
feedback signal can also be used to indicate the flow
of the circulator on defined pump housings. The
accuracy of the feedback signal is depending on the
operation point and media temperature, but it gives a
good indication on the actual flow.
Example: In this case the PWM output range between
0-70 % shows the flow between 0 and 2.1 m3/h with a
slope of 0.03 m3/h / % PWM.

Standby (stop)
90 Alarm stop: fault, blocked pump
Alarm stop: electrical fault
Warning Saturation at 2.1 [m3/h]

50 PW
40 3/
S lo
TM05 7493 1213


25 50 100 150 200 250

Flow [m3/h]

Fig. 9 PWM feedback signal - flow estimation


Maximum rating Symbol Value

PWM frequency input with high-speed
f 100-4000 Hz
Guaranteed standby power consumption <1W
Rated input voltage - high level UiH 4-24 V
Rated input voltage - low level UiL <1V
High-level input current IiH < 10 mA
Input duty cycle PWM 0-100 %
PWM frequency output, open collector f 75 Hz ± 5 %
Accuracy of output signal regarding power ± 2 % (of
consumption PWM signal)
Output duty cycle PWM 0-100 %
Collector emitter breakdown voltage on
Uc < 70 V
output transistor
Collector current on output transistor Ic < 50 mA
Maximum power dissipation on output
PR 125 mW
Zener diode working voltage Uz 36 V
Maximum power dissipation in Zener diode Pz 300 mW


5. UPM3 HYBRID control modes, user interface and settings

UPM3 HYBRID control modes, user interface and settings

HYBRID control modes and curves

There are up to five different control modes and up to
four curves and they are all available in UPM3
HYBRID as 5 m or 7 m version.
Externally controlled Internally controlled

PWM PWM Constant

Proportional Constant
Profile A Profile C Curve
Pressure Pressure
[m] [m] [m]
4/2 4/2 Curve 1 Curve 1 4/2
5/3 5/3 Curve 2 Curve 2 5/3
6/4 6/4 Curve 3 Curve 3 6/4

HYBRID variants
The setting options can be delivered as pre-configured
Externally Internally Number of
Variant Application Functionality Factory-set
controlled controlled settings
PP 3+ AA
Full access to all available modes PWM A 4
HYBRID Any HVAC system CP 3+ AA 20 PP3
and curves PWM C 4
CC 4
PP 3+ AA
Heating kits DHW Full access to all self-controlled
AUTO CP 3+ AA 12 PP3
System modes and curves
CC 4
Full access to all self-controlled PP 3
Heating kits DHW
AUTO L modes and curves, except CP 3 10 PP3
Heating and/or solar Full access to externally controlled PWM A 4
Thermal systems profiles and heads PWM C 4
FLEX AS Heating appliances Runs with or without PWM signal PWM A 4 CC 4 4 A7m

User interface Operation area

UPM3 HYBRID control modes, user interface and settings

The user interface is designed with a single push
button, one red/green LED and four yellow LEDs.

100 %

TM06 0550 0414

Push button LEDs 75 %
50 %
25 %

TM06 0535 0414

Fig. 11 Operation area according to performance load

Alarm status
If the circulator has detected one or more alarms, the
Fig. 10 User interface with one push button and five LEDs
bi-colored LED 1 switches from green to red. When an
The user interface shows: alarm is active, the LEDs indicate the alarm type as
• performance view (during operation) defined in the table below. If multiple alarms are active
at the same time, the LEDs only show the error with
– operation status
the highest priority. The priority is defined by the
– alarm status sequence of the table.
• settings view (after pressing the button). When there is no active alarm anymore, the user
During operation, the display shows the performance interface switches back to operation mode.
view. If you press the button, the user interface
switches the view or runs in the setting selection Display Indication Pump operation Counter action
mode. One red LED + Trying to start
Rotor is Wait or deblock
one yellow LED again every 1.33
blocked. the shaft.
(LED 5) seconds.
Performance view One red LED + Supply
Only warning, Control the
one yellow LED voltage too
The performance view shows either the operation (LED 4) low.
pump runs. supply voltage.
status or the alarm status. Pump is stopped Control the
One red LED +
Electrical because of low supply voltage /
Operation status one yellow LED
error. supply voltage or Exchange the
(LED 3)
When the circulator is running, LED 1 is green. The serious failure. pump.
four yellow LEDs indicate the current power
consumption (P1) as shown in the table below. See fig. Settings view
11. When the operation mode is active, all active LEDs You can switch from the performance view to the
are constantly on in order to differentiate this mode settings view by pressing the push button. The LEDs
from the select setting mode. If the circulator is indicate the actual setting. The settings view shows
stopped by an external signal, LED 1 flashes green. which mode controls the circulator. No settings can be
made at this stage. After 2 seconds, the display
Performance in % of
Display Indication
switches back to performance view.
One green Standby (only externally If LED 1 is green, it indicates operation or internal
LED (flashing) controlled) control. If LED 1 is red, it indicates alarm or external
One green control. LED 2 and 3 indicate the different control
LED + one Low performance 0-25
yellow LED
modes and LED 4 and 5 indicate the different curves.
One green
LED + two Medium low performance 25-50
yellow LED Proportional pressure green ●
One green Constant pressure green ●
LED + three Medium high performance 50-75 Constant curve green ● ●
yellow LED
PWM A profile red ●
One green
PWM B profile red ●
LED + four High performance 75-100
yellow LED Curve 1
Curve 2 ●
Curve 3 ● ●

Note: ● = The LED is yellow.

Navigation User interface control modes for
UPM3 HYBRID control modes, user interface and settings

UPM3 HYBRID variants

Key lock function
You can manage all UPM3 HYBRID variants with a
The purpose of the key lock function is to avoid
single push button and a LED interface.
accidental change of settings and misuse.
You can select the following operation modes with the
When the key lock function is enabled, all long key
push button.
presses will be ignored. This prevents the user from
entering the "select setting mode" area and allows the The user interface shows the flashing LEDs in the
user to see the "show setting mode" area. combination which is described in the tables below.
If you press the key lock for more than 10 seconds, UPM3 FLEX AS
you can toggle between enabling/disabling the key
lock function. When doing so, all LEDs, except for the This circulator is for either external PWM profile A
red LED, will flash for a second indicating that lock is signal control or speed selection.
toggled. You can define the maximum curve of the pump
operation range. With PWM signal, the circulator runs
at the corresponding speed. Without PWM signal, the
circulator runs at maximum speed.

TM06 0552 0914

PWM profile A (heating)


> 10 s. [m] red yellow yellow yellow yellow
4 ● ●
5 ● ● ●
Factory presetting 6 ● ● ● ●
The circulator starts at the factory preset. 7* ● ● ●

• For standard UPM3 HYBRID, UPM3 AUTO, UPM3 * The circulator is factory-set to start in this control mode.
AUTO L this is proportional pressure, curve 3
• For UPM3 FLEX AC and UPM3 FLEX AS this is UPM3 FLEX AC
PWM profile A, curve 4. This circulator is for external PWM signal control with
In the "select setting" mode the circulator starts at this profile A or C.
control mode. The preset mode is marked with this It gives the opportunity to define the maximum curve of
symbol * in the tables below. the pump operation and its profile.
PWM profile A (heating)
Setting selection
You can choose between the performance view and UPM3 xx-70 LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5
[m] red yellow yellow yellow yellow
settings view.
4 ● ●
If you press the button for 2 to 10 seconds, the user
5 ● ● ●
interface switches to "setting selection" if the user 6 ● ● ● ●
interface is unlocked. You can change the settings as 7* ● ● ●
they appear. The settings appear in a particular order
* The circulator is factory-set to start in this control mode.
in a closed loop. When you release the button, the
user interface switches back to the performance view PWM profile C (solar)
and the last setting is stored.
[m] red yellow yellow yellow yellow
4 ● ●
5 ● ● ●
> 10 s.
6 ● ● ● ●
> 2 s. 7 ● ● ●


2 s.
TM06 0856 1014

10 s.

Fig. 12 Setting selection


UPM3 HYBRID control modes, user interface and settings

This circulator is for internal control with three control This circulator gives the opportunity of external PWM
modes without AUTOADAPT. signal control with profile A or C or internal control with
three control modes plus AUTOADAPT.
Proportional pressure mode
Proportional pressure mode
UPM3 xx-50 UPM3 xx-70
Green yellow yellow yellow yellow LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5
UPM3 xx-50 UPM3 xx-70
PP1 PP1 ● ● Green yellow yellow yellow yellow
PP2 PP2 ● ● ● PP1 PP1 ● ●
PP3* PP3* ● ● ● ● PP2 PP2 ● ● ●
PP3* PP3* ● ● ● ●
PP: proportional pressure curve: 1, 2, or 3.
* The circulator is factory-set to start in this control mode. AUTOADAPT AUTO ADAPT ● ● ●

Constant pressure mode PP: proportional pressure curve 1, 2, or 3.

* The circulator is factory-set to start in this control mode.
LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5 Constant pressure mode
UPM3 xx-50 UPM3 xx-70
Green yellow yellow yellow yellow
UPM3 xx-50 UPM3 xx-70
CP2 CP2 ● ● ● Green yellow yellow yellow yellow
CP3 CP3 ● ● ● ● CP1 CP1 ● ●
CP2 CP2 ● ● ●
CP: constant pressure curve 1, 2, or 3.
CP3 CP3 ● ● ● ●
Constant curve mode AUTOADAPT AUTO ADAPT ● ● ●

LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5 CP: constant pressure curve: 1, 2, or 3.

UPM3 xx-50 UPM3 xx-70
Green yellow yellow yellow yellow
Constant curve mode
CC1 CC1 ● ● ●
CC2 CC2 ● ● ● ● UPM3 xx-50 UPM3 xx-70 LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5
CC3 CC3 ● ● ● ● ● [m] [m] Green yellow yellow yellow yellow
2 4 ● ● ●
CC: constant curve 1, 2, or 3.
3 5 ● ● ● ●
4 6 ● ● ● ● ●
5 7 ● ● ● ●
This circulator is for internal control with three control
modes plus AUTOADAPT. PWM profile A (heating)

Proportional pressure mode UPM3 xx-50 UPM3 xx-70 LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5
[m] [m] red yellow yellow yellow yellow

UPM3 xx-50 UPM3 xx-70

LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5 2 4 ● ●
Green yellow yellow yellow yellow 3 5 ● ● ●
PP1 PP1 ● ● 4 6 ● ● ● ●
PP2 PP2 ● ● ● 5 7 ● ● ●
PP3* PP3* ● ● ● ●
AUTOADAPT AUTOADAPT ● ● ● PWM profile C (solar)
PP: proportional pressure curve 1, 2, or 3. UPM3 xx-50 UPM3 xx-70 LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5
* The circulator is factory-set to start in this control mode. [m] [m] red yellow yellow yellow yellow
Constant pressure mode 2 4 ● ●
3 5 ● ● ●
LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5 4 6 ● ● ● ●
UPM3 xx-50 UPM3 xx-70
Green yellow yellow yellow yellow 5 7 ● ● ●
CP1 CP1 ● ●
CP2 CP2 ● ● ●
CP3 CP3 ● ● ● ●

CP: constant pressure curve: 1, 2, or 3.

Constant curve mode

UPM3 xx-50 UPM3 xx-70 LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5

[m] [m] Green yellow yellow yellow yellow
2 4 ● ● ●
3 5 ● ● ● ●
4 6 ● ● ● ● ●
5 7 ● ● ● ●

Toggling the settings of UPM3 Settings navigation
UPM3 HYBRID control modes, user interface and settings

When you switch on the circulator, it runs with the

MODE U PM 3 x x- 5 0 U PM 3 x x-70
factory pre-setting or the last setting. The display
shows the current operation status. 1 1

1. Press the button to switch to the setting view. The 2 2

LEDs show the current setting for 2 seconds. PRE-SET 3 3

2. Release the button for more than 2 seconds. The AUTOADAPT AUTOADAPT

user interface shows the current performance in MODE U PM 3 x x- 5 0 U PM 3 x x-70

"operation status".
1 1
3. Press the button for more than 2 seconds and the
2 2
circulator switches to "setting selection". The LEDs
flash and show the current setting mode. Please
3 3

note that if the key lock is disabled, the circulator AUTOADAPT AUTOADAPT

will not switch to "setting selection". In this case, MODE U PM 3 x x- 5 0 U PM 3 x x-70

unlock the key lock by pressing the button for more

1 1
10 seconds.
2 2
4. During a period of 10 seconds, press shortly on the
3 3
button and the circulator switches to the next
5. To select between the settings, instantly press the MODE U PM 3 x x- 5 0 U PM 3 x x-70

button until you find the setting you want. If you 2m 4m

pass a setting, you need to continue until the setting 3m 5m

appears again as it is not possible to go back in the 4m 6m
settings menu. 5m 7m
6. Release the button for more than 10 seconds and
the user interface switches back to the performance
MODE U PM 3 x x- 5 0 U PM 3 x x-70

view and the last setting is stored. 2m 4m

TM06 0551 0814

7. Press the button and the display switches to the 3m 5m

setting view and the LEDs show the current setting 4m 6m

for 2 seconds. 5m 7m

8. Release the button for more than 2 seconds and the

user interface switches back to the performance Fig. 13 Settings navigation
Control modes with pump curves

TM06 0803 0914

Fig. 14 UPM3 AUTO/HYBRID control modes with pump

TM06 0804 0914

Fig. 15 UPM3 FLEX/HYBRID control modes with pump


Control mode explanation Constant curve

UPM3 HYBRID control modes, user interface and settings

Proportional pressure The circulator runs on a constant curve which means
that it runs at a constant speed or power.
The head (pressure) is reduced at falling heat demand
The duty point of the circulator will move up or down
and increased at rising heat demand.
on the selected constant curve, depending on the heat
The duty point of the circulator will move up or down demand in the system.
on the selected proportional-pressure curve,
depending on the heat demand in the system.

TM06 0805 0914

TM06 0704 0814
UPM3 xx-50 UPM3 xx-70
Constant curve
[m] [m]
• PP1: lowest proportional pressure curve
1 2 4
• PP2: intermediate proportional pressure curve 2 3 5
• PP3: highest proportional-pressure curve 3 4 6
• AUTOADAPT: highest to lowest proportional pressure 4 (max.) 5 7
curve. PWM profile A (heating)
The AUTOADAPT function enables the circulator to The circulator runs on constant speed curves
control the pump performance automatically within a depending on the current PWM value.
defined performance range.
The speed decreases when the PWM value increases.
• Adjusting the pump performance to the size of the If PWM equals 0, the circulator runs at maximum
system. speed.
• Adjusting the pump performance to the variations in
load over time.

TM06 0706 0814

In proportional pressure AUTOADAPT, the circulator is
set to proportional-pressure control.
Constant pressure
The head (pressure) is kept constant, irrespective of
UPM3 xx-50 UPM3 xx-70
the heat demand. PWM profile
[m] [m]
The duty point of the circulator will move out or in on A1 2 4
the selected constant-pressure curve, depending on A2 3 5
the heat demand in the system. A3 4 6
A4 (max.) 5 7
TM06 0705 0814

The circulator runs on constant speed curves

depending on the current PWM value.
PWM Profile C (solar)
The circulator runs on constant speed curves
• CP1: lowest constant-pressure curve depending on the current PWM value.
• CP2: intermediate constant-pressure curve Speed will increase with increasing PWM value. If
• CP3: highest constant-pressure curve PWM equals 0, the circulator stops.
• AUTOADAPT: highest to lowest constant-pressure
TM06 0707 0814

The AUTOADAPT function enables the circulator to
control the pump performance automatically within a
defined performance range.
• Adjusting the pump performance to the size of the
system. UPM3 xx-50 UPM3 xx-70
PWM profile
[m] [m]
• Adjusting the pump performance to the variations in C1 2 4
load over time. C2 3 5
In constant pressure AUTOADAPT, the circulator is set C3 4 6
to constant-pressure control. C4 (max.) 5 7

Pump control in heating systems
UPM3 HYBRID control modes, user interface and settings

The heating required in a building varies greatly during
the day due to changing outdoor temperatures, solar
radiation and heat emanating from people, electric 1
appliances, etc.
DH 2
Add to this that the need for heating may vary from one A2
section of the building to another and that the
thermostatic valves of some radiators may have been

TM06 0858 1014

turned down by the users. These circumstances will
cause an uncontrolled circulator to produce a too high
differential pressure when the heat demand is low.
An uncontrolled circulator will produce a too high Q
differential pressure when the heat demand and flow is
Fig. 17 Circulator operated in proportional-pressure
control mode
Possible consequences:
• too high energy consumption In a system with an uncontrolled circulator, a pressure
• irregular control of the system rise will often cause flow-generated noise in the
thermostatic radiator valves. This noise will be reduced
• noise in thermostatic radiator valves and similar
considerably with the proportional pressure control.
AUTO L automatically control the differential pressure
by adjusting the pump performance to the actual heat
demand, without the use of external components.

Advantages of pump control

UPM3 AUTO L, pump control is effected by adapting
the differential pressure to the flow (proportional-
pressure and constant-pressure control). Contrary to
an uncontrolled circulator, a constant-pressure-
controlled circulator keeps the differential pressure
constant. A proportional-pressure-controlled circulator
reduces the differential pressure as a result of falling
heat demand.
For example:
If the heat demand falls, for instance due to solar
radiation, the thermostatic radiator valves will close,
and, for the uncontrolled circulator, the flow resistance
of the system will rise, for instance from A1 to A2.
In a heating system with an uncontrolled circulator, this
situation will cause a pressure rise in the system by


DH 1 A2

TM06 0857 1014

Fig. 16 Uncontrolled circulator

In a system with a proportional-pressure-controlled

circulator, operated in the proportional pressure mode
the pressure will be reduced by ΔH2 and result in
reduced energy consumption.


UPM3 HYBRID control modes, user interface and settings

If you select AUTOADAPT, the circulator starts with the
Proportional or constant
medium proportional or constant control curve and pressure control
runs on this curve as long as a new curve will be
The AUTOADAPT proportional pressure functionality is
well known from millions of installed GRUNDFOS trade

TM06 0786 0914

circulators as ALPHA2 or MAGNA. The AUTOADAPT Curve selector
setting continually analyses and finds the setting analyser
where optimal comfort meets minimal energy
consumption. It automatically delivers perfect comfort
at the lowest possible energy level. It adapts to the
Fig. 18 The AUTOADAPT three-step task
requirements of the heating system before reaching
the maximum pump curve and allows the circulator to Basically, AUTOADAPT optimises the position of the
adjust the proportional pressure or constant pressure proportional or constant pressure curve via a three-
curve both up and down. step task as illustrated in fig. 18.
Advantages of AUTOADAPT The "system analyser" analyses the heating system,
• Easy installation which the circulator is a part of. On the basis of the
analysis, AUTOADAPT verifies whether the pump
• Automatic setting
pressure is too high, too low, or correct. The "curve
• Demand-controlled operations selector" then uses this knowledge to select the
• Optimum comfort optimum proportional or constant pressure curve for
• Energy savings the circulator. Finally, the circulator is controlled
• Reduced CO2 emissions. according to the selected proportional or constant
Constant pressure at all load conditions is essential for pressure curve by means of the "proportional or
how well the thermostatic valves can control the heat constant pressure control". The circulator will continue
emission from the radiators. It is a well-known fact that this cycle as long as the circulator is running.
optimum pump control in a two-pipe heating system Example
with thermostatic radiator valves is best obtained by This example shows proportional pressure
controlling pump pressure on a proportional pressure AUTOADAPT.
curve. In systems as underfloor heating or one-pipe
Note: The constant pressure AUTOADAPT function will
systems it might be better to use constant pressure
act accordingly just by utilising constant pressure
control. However, predicting the best position in real-
control, and not proportional pressure control as
life applications is rather difficult, because the optimum
shown in the example below.
position depends on correlated factors such as the
size of the heating system, the boiler type, the load The AUTOADAPT function can operate and adjust pump
condition, etc. This is where AUTOADAPT steps in to speed according to duty point within a specific area.
ensure that the circulator is controlled in an optimum
Pump max. curve

The AUTOADAPT algorithm

The objective of the AUTOADAPT algorithm is to
measure and analyse the heating system during
operation and adapt to the current heating pattern. The
system adapts to night vs. day operations, summer vs.
winter season, and heat losses or gains affecting room
TM06 0848 1014

temperature, for example, from radiators, walls and

windows, sun radiation, electrical equipment, and

Fig. 19 Proportional pressure AUTOADAPT operation area

As default the AUTOADAPT is preset to operate the Curve selector
UPM3 HYBRID control modes, user interface and settings

circulator on the middle proportional pressure curve.

By use of an immediate acting PI-controlling function
the circulator will adapt to the system on this H Reference curves
proportional pressure curve.
Note: The PI controller is set to eliminate any offset
within a time frame of 120 seconds. A

TM06 0849 1014


Fig. 22 Duty point on selected proportional pressure curve

TM06 0851 1014

Note: The arrows symbolise the change of the
proportional pressure curve.
Q New reference setting
Fig. 20 Proportional pressure control When changing the proportional pressure curve setting
to adapt to the requirements of the heating system,
System analyser AUTOADAPT automatically sets a new reference duty
From the preset reference duty point, the circulator will point. From the new setting, the process starts over
immediately start to analyse the heating pattern. again: AUTOADAPT will continuously adapt to changes
The system resistance (Ksys) is logged and based on in the heating pattern.
this data, a more optimal curve for operation is
selected. H

Note: Ksys = m3/h to create a system pressure loss of

1 bar.




TM06 0850 1014

0.14 Area B




TM06 0845 1014

Area A Q
0.04 duty point
0.02 Fig. 23 New lower proportional pressure curve
30 30.5 31 31.5 32 32.5 33 33.5 34

Time [days]

Fig. 21 Ksys-values logged for the system analyser

If the actual duty point deviates from the reference

duty point over time, the circulator will automatically
adjust its performance accordingly. If a tendency of
operation in area A is shown, the performance of the
circulators is too high. The circulator will then select a
lower proportional curve. In other words, if the
requirement of the heating system exceeds the
reference duty point, the circulator will choose a higher
proportional pressure curve. Should the requirement
be lower, a lower curve will be chosen.

Selection of control mode

UPM3 HYBRID control modes, user interface and settings

The selection of the control mode depends on the
system type and the allocation of pressure losses
defined by the valve or consumer authority.
System type Recommended control mode
PWM Profile A

Heating system with PWM control of the circulator.

PWM profile C

Solar system with PWM control of the circulator.

System without PWM control of the circulator (stand-alone). Internally controlled

HN > 2 m for noise reduction.
Long distribution pipes. Proportional pressure / AUTOADAPT
Two-pipe systems with proportional pressure
Variable-flow system with relatively thermostatic radiator valve with High pressure losses in system parts
high pressure losses inside heating low valve authority. with total flow.
appliance and pipework (> 50 % of Heat consumers with low pressure
pump head). losses.
Primary circuit with high pressure
Primary circulator.
HN ≤ 2 m for noise reduction.
Former gravity systems.
Two-pipe systems with
thermostatic radiator valve with Low pressure losses in system parts
high valve authority. with total flow.
Constant pressure / AUTOADAPT
Heat consumers with high pressure constant pressure
Variable-flow system with relatively losses.
low pressure losses inside heating Floor heating system with System with thermostatic zone
appliance and pipework (< 50 % of variable flow. valves.
pump head). One-pipe system with variable System with thermostatic radiator
flow. valves.
Primary circuit with low pressure
Primary circulator.
Systems with minimum flow ensured
Systems with low flow variation.
by an automatic bypass valve.
Constant curve

Constant flow systems


6. Technical description
Technical description

Exploded view

15 14 12 10 8 13 7 5 4 3 1 2

TM05 9245 3213

Fig. 24 UPM3 exploded view

Sectional drawing

4 3 1 2



TM05 9246 5110

10 8 7

Fig. 25 UPM3 sectional view

Material specification Description of components

Technical description
The Grundfos UMP3 circulators are of the canned-
Pos. Component Material EN/DIN
rotor type as circulator and motor form an integral unit
Control box Composite PC-GF10 FR without shaft seal and with only one gasket for sealing
PCB with SMD and four screws for fastening the stator housing to the
1 Control electronics
pump housing. The bearings are lubricated by the
Control box heat sink Aluminium
pumped liquid as the rotor can is filled with water. The
2 Front foil LEXAN 8A13F
focus has been on using eco-friendly materials as well
3 Stator housing Aluminium, silumin
as on limiting the number of materials.
Stator Copper wire
Stator lamination Laminated iron Motor description
Push deblocking The efficiency of the three-phase, 4-pole,
synchronous, electronically commutated permanent-
Plunger Stainless steel 1.4404
magnet (ECM/PM) motor type is considerably higher
Spring Stainless steel 1.4310
5 compared to a conventional asynchronous squirrel-
Housing for spring Stainless steel 1.4401
cage motor.
Guide disc Stainless steel 1.4401
Housing for sealing Stainless steel 1.4401 The ECM/PM motor is designed according to the
Sealing EPDM canned-rotor principle. The design of the mechanical
6 Radial bearing Ceramics motor components has mainly focused on these
7 Rotor can Stainless steel 1.4401 features:
8 Shaft Ceramics • reliable with stainless steel rotor can in one part and
Rotor NdFeB a specific formed EPDM gasket
Rotor tube Stainless steel 1.4521 • simple design meaning as few components as
9 1.4401/ possible, each with several functions
Rotor cladding Stainless steel
• high efficient due to permanent magnets and low-
Bush Stainless steel 1.4301
friction bearings.
Thrust bearing Carbon
10 The motor is cooled by the pumped liquid which
Thrust bearing retainer EPDM
11 Screws Steel, eco-lubric coated reduces the sound pressure level to a minimum. Being
12 Bearing plate Stainless steel 1.4301 software-protected, the circulator requires no further
13 Gasket EPDM motor protection.
14 Impeller Composite/PES 30 % GF Stator housing
15 Pump housing Cast iron GG15
150 The aluminium die-cast stator housing with four fixing
16 Neck ring Stainless steel 1.4301 holes is following the design of the well-accepted
Grundfos UP pumps. It enables easy change of motor
positions by removing the four screws holding the
stator housing and turning the housing to the desired
position. There are two versions: one without drain
hole as IP44, and one with one drain hole in two
possible positions as IPX4D. During operation, the
drain hole must always point downwards. UPM3 is
IP44 as standard and IPX4D as an option for
condensing applications. TM05 9258 3613

Fig. 26 Stator housing

Stator and windings
Technical description

The UPM3 have a three-phase stator with six

concentric positioned in-slot windings.

TM05 9253 3613

Fig. 29 Deblocking device

TM05 9260 3613

TM06 02915013
Fig. 27 Stator

Rotor can
The rotor can is drawn out of one sheet of stainless- Fig. 30 Sectional drawing of deblocking device
steel. It contains the grinded and honed upper radial
Shaft with rotor
bearing. On top the rotor can has a hole on which the
deblocking device is welded. The shaft is made of ceramics. To avoid precipitation of
calcium in the radial bearings, the shaft has been
plunge-ground at the journal bearings. It has a
through-going hole to ensure good lubrication and
cooling of the upper bearing. The rotor can does not
need to be vented as air inside the rotor chamber will
escape the system through the through-going hole of
the shaft.
TM05 9247 3613

The rotor core is made of bonded neodymium

permanent magnets. The rotor is encapsulated in a
thin stainless-steel cladding welded to the end covers.
The rotor is fixed on the shaft by a back iron with a
Fig. 28 Rotor can with bearing holder and ceramic bearing bush. After assembly the whole unit is balanced.
Deblocking device
The deblocking device consists of an axial moving
plunger tightened by an O-ring and pulled back by a
spring inside a stainless steel housing that is welded to
the rotor can. The deblocking device is designed for
circulators integrated in appliances to give access to
the shaft from the front of the circulator without
demounting the control box.
By pushing and turning a screw driver, Phillips No. 2,
TM03 9250 3613

the plunger pushes the shaft in axial direction into the

circulator, while it can be turned as well. The force is
high enough to deblock circulators which are seized by
lime e.g. if an appliance is stored for months after
being wet tested. Before, during and after the Fig. 31 Shaft with rotor
deblocking, the device is tight and must not release
any water.

Thrust bearing Running unit

Technical description
The antimony-free carbon thrust bearing is fitted to the The unit is a pre-mounted combination of shaft with
shaft in a flexible EPDM retainer. rotor, thrust bearing with retainer, bearing plate and
In combination with the bearing plate, the thrust impeller. The running unit is inserted into the rotor can
bearing prevents forces from being transmitted axially with the upper radial bearing. The unit runs as a
to rotor and rotor can. bearing system, ceramic/ceramic, with almost no wear
as long as it is lubricated. During production the unit is
lubricated with glycerine. When the unit is mounted in
a water-filled system, the system water lubricates the

TM05 9252 3613

bearings. This guarantees the extremely reliable
Grundfos ceramic bearing system of wet-running

Fig. 32 Thrust bearing

Bearing plate
The bearing plate is made of stainless steel. The

TM05 9256 3613

grinded and honed inner radial and axial ceramic
bearing is pressed into the bearing plate. The axial
bearing is lapped to reduce any friction and the run in
period of the circulator. Due to the relatively large
bearing plate surface, the motor heat is effectively
carried away by the pumped liquid. Five tiny laser Fig. 35 Running unit
holes through the bearing plate ensure optimum
venting and minimise the gradual replacement of rotor Gasket
liquid with the pumped liquid. The bearing plate is The gasket is a formed flat O-ring made of EPDM,
made of stainless steel. The ground and honed inner which is applicable for drinking water as well. The
radial bearing is pressed into the bearing plate. Due to gasket seals up stator housing, pump housing, rotor
the relatively large bearing plate surface, the motor can and bearing plate.
heat is effectively carried away by the pumped liquid.
The four holes of the bearing plate ensure optimum
venting and minimise the gradual replacement of rotor
liquid with the pumped liquid.

TM05 9257 3613

TM05 9249 3613

Fig. 36 Gasket

Fig. 33 Bearing plate with ceramic bearing

The composite impeller is of the radial type with curved
blades. The impeller shaft with rotor and bearing plate
is assembled in one unit to eliminate possible
TM06 0846 1014

misalignment in the bearings.

Fig. 37 Sectional drawing showing sealing principle of

TM05 9251 3613

Fig. 34 Impeller

Pump housing
Technical description

As standard, the pump housing is available in electro-

coated cast iron with threaded suction and discharge
ports. The pump housing is of the in-line type. The
stainless-steel neck ring is pressed into the pump
housing to minimise the amount of liquid running from
the discharge side of the impeller to the suction side.
UPM3 versions with OEM-specific housings are
available on request.

TM05 9254 3613

Fig. 38 Pump housing

Control box
The UPM3 control box housing is made of two
composite parts welded together with an aluminium
heat sink on top and covered by a front foil which
cannot be removed. Power and signal connectors are
integrated. There are two versions available with
signal connection designed for Grundfos UPER/UPM
connector or TE Mini Superseal connector.
The control box contains the PCBs for internal power
supply, control and communication. The control box
includes all relevant functions and EMC filter
components. It is available with different hard- and
software, mainly different regarding internal or external
control, with or without user interface and
communication signal as PWM.
TM06 0826 1014

Fig. 39 Control box


7. Installation

Mechanical installation Ambient temperature
Mounting dimensions can be found in the data sheets. The ambient temperature must not exceed 70 °C
(measured in a distance of not more than 5 cm in front
Arrows on the pump housing indicate the liquid flow
of the front foil at its lower edge).
direction through the circulator. The circulator is
designed to be installed with horizontal shaft pumping Note: The dew point of the air at ambient temperature
upwards, downwards or horizontally. should always be lower than the liquid temperature,
otherwise condensation may form in the stator
Note: The circulator must always be installed with
horizontal motor shaft within ± 5 °.
The circulator should be installed in the system in such Relative air humidity
a way that no major amount of air flowing through the
circulator or gathering in the pump housing will affect The relative air humidity must not exceed 95 % in a
the circulator when it is out of operation. If, in addition, non-condensing environment.
a non-return valve is installed in the flow pipe, there is
a high risk of dry running as the air cannot pass the
Storage temperature
valve. -40 to +75 °C.

Control box positions Medium temperature

The terminal box has been designed to avoid the UPM3 with cast iron housing: max. 110 °C
necessity of turning the terminal box, which gives UPM3 with composite housing (PA 6.6): max. 95 °C
access to the terminals from the front. If necessary,
you can turn the pump head with terminal box in steps Ambient temp. °C Medium temp. max °C

of 90 degrees to all four options. Please notice that 0 110

you turn the user interface of the UPM3 HYBRID as 10 110
20 110
well. As standard the user interface is on top (12 h), if
30 110
the terminals are in position 9 h. You can choose to
40 110
have the orientation of the front foil in four different 55 110
positions. In this way, the nameplate is always in 60 90
horizontal position when the circulator is mounted. 65 80
70 70
Changing the control box position
To change the control box position, do as follows: Note: For life time evaluation, the temperature profile
1. Remove the screws holding the pump head. needs to be defined.
2. Turn the control box to the desired position. Inlet pressure
3. Replace the screws and tighten securely. The
To avoid cavitation noise and damage to the pump
nameplate position cannot be changed.
bearings, the following minimum pressures are
Note: Before any dismantling of the circulator, the required at the pump suction port.
system must be drained, or the isolating valves on
either side of the circulator must be closed. Liquid
75 °C 95 °C 110 °C
Insulation 0.005 MPa 0.05 MPa 0.108 MPa
0.05 Bar 0.5 Bar 1.08 Bar
When insulating the circulator, the front plate of the
control box must not be covered in order to allow
cooling by the surrounding air.
If the circulator is installed inside a cabinet, a boiler or
a heating kit encapsulated with insulation shells, the
inside air temperature has to be evaluated and must
not be higher than 70 °C during operation.

Electrical installation Inrush current

The electrical connection and protection must be All electronic circulators contain electronic units that
carried out in accordance with local regulations. must be protected by filters including capacitors and
ECM circulators frequency converters with AC/DC
• The circulator requires no external motor protection.
rectifiers containing capacitors to equalize the waves.
• Check that the supply voltage and frequency This is not the case in most asynchronous circulators.
correspond to the values stated on the nameplate.
• The circulator must not be used with an external EMC-filter Rectifier Bulk capacitor
speed control which varies the supply voltage.
• If an earth leakage circuit breaker is used, check

TM06 0822 1014

which type it is. Mains +
• If an external relay is used, check if it can stand the
inrush current.

Supply voltage Fig. 41 Rectification of VAC voltage to DC voltage

1 x 230 V + 10 %/- 15 %, 50 Hz.
The load of electronically commutated motors (ECM)
The UPM3 circulators are externally controlled via behaves as a capacitive load and not as a motor load
PWM signal or internally speed-controlled by a like in a standard circulator.
frequency converter. Therefore, the circulators must
At start, the capacitor is unloaded. Hereby the
not be used with an external speed control which
amplitude of the current peak depends on the grid
varies the supply voltage for example phase-cut or
impedance, until the capacitor is charged. The faster
pulse-cascade control.
the capacitor is charged, the higher amplitude, and the
Reduced supply voltage faster the circulator can be started. After this period of
The pump operation is ensured above 160 VAC with time, the current will drop to the rated current.
reduced performance. Definition: Inrush current is the current peak charging
UPM3 with PWM control: If the voltage falls below the the capacitors in the electronics when the supply
specified voltage range, a low voltage warning is sent voltage is connected.
via PWM return signal. Note: When discussing measurements, it is important
UPM3 in internal control mode: If the voltage falls to refer to the same method. Since 2007, Grundfos
below the specified voltage range, a low voltage uses the IEC 61000-3-3 Annex B method for
warning is shown. If it falls below the minimum voltage, measuring inrush current.
the circulator stops and shows alarm. The inrush current peak charges the bulk capacitor to
325 VDC as fast as the power grid allows. That shows
Earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) that inrush current is not only depending on the
If the circulator is connected to an electric installation integrated electronics but as well on the impedance of
that uses an earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) as the grid.
additional protection, this circuit breaker must trip
when earth fault currents with DC content (pulsating
DC) occur.
The earth leakage circuit breaker must be marked with L1
the first (type A) or both (type B) of the symbols shown L2 TM06 0819 1014


Fig. 40 Symbol on earth leakage circuit breaker If you use a relay to switch the power supply of the
circulator, you risk excessive wear on the relay contact
Leakage current surface.
The pump mains filter will cause a discharge current to To avoid such problems there are different external
earth during operation. and internal solutions.
Leakage current: < 3.5 mA.
High-voltage test
The circulator incorporates filter components that are
connected to protective earth. Therefore, a standard
high-voltage test cannot be made without damaging
the filters.

External solutions in the controller of the Relay and PTC (active - standard for UPM3 HYBRID

appliance unit variants)
• Specific relays with silver tin oxide (AgSnO2) inrush We recommend that you use this option for circulators
relay contacts. that are not in permanent operation and can be
• Switching at ZERO crossing. interrupted by a relay of the controller of the appliance.
• Standby operation - circulator only switches via the
Weak Comp.
PWM signal. PTC2 L1 1 D15
L 2 2 3
~ +

TM06 0821 1014

Internal solutions in the circulator RL2B C10 +
VDR3 C43 1 4
• NTC resistor in the power input circuit (passive) C14
~ -
• Bypass relay with PTC resistor, controlled by the N
3 4

electronics (active)
UPM3 circulators are available with different hardware: Fig. 43 Relay and PTC
NTC resistor (passive - option for UPM3)
At startup the relay is open. In this mode the PTC
We recommend that you use this option for circulators resistor is able to limit the inrush current down to a
that are permanently connected to the grid and level of approximately 4 A.
switched on/off by external PWM signal.
During operation the relay is closed. In this mode the
Weak Comp. resistor is by-passed so that efficient operation is
L1 1
3 guaranteed.
L ~ +
TM06 0820 1014

NTC C10 +
VDR3 C43 1 4
~ - ,QWUHOD\
C4 RSHUDWLRQ Motor start Motor in operation
3 4

Fig. 42 NTC Current

At startup the operating temperature of the circulator Inrush

including the NTC resistor is cold. In this situation the

NTC resistor has a high resistance and is able to limit
the inrush current down to ~ 10 A.
During operation the operating temperature of the
circulator including NTC resistor is hot. There is no
inrush current but the NTC resistance decreases so
Int. voltage

that the loss is limited.

Note: At restart, the operator must ensure that the

TM06 0823 1014

NTC resistor has been cooled down so that an efficient
operation is guaranteed. Normally, it takes 1 minute to
cool down the resistor. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
When the power supply to the circulator is switched on
and off via an external relay, you must ensure that the Fig. 44 Example: UPM3 with internal inrush relay
contact material of the relay is able to handle higher
inrush currents. Note: The inrush current is measured on a flicker
network according to IEC 61000-3-3:1994 + A1, + A2,
Annex B.

Power supply connection Safety

The circulator must be connected to the power supply • Additional locking latch with pull-out force > 100 N.
with the TE Superseal connector. Adapters are • Lock to be opened only with a screw driver.
available for the use of cables with Molex or Volex
• Worldwide as TE standard.
TE Superseal power connector
Grundfos FCI (used for UPER/UPM)

TM06 0608 0514

TM06 0610 1514

Fig. 45 TE Superseal power connector
Fig. 47 Cable connections and position of the leads
Backwards compatibility
• Temperature/fireproofed glow wire material
• For replacement of UPER/UPM circulators or in
• Waterproofed.
appliances which use FCI plug, e.g. cable trees.
• Additional locking latch with pull-out force > 100 N
• Two-part design - separate lock is needed to meet
• Lock to be opened only with a screw driver the pull force requirements > 100 N.
Availability Availability
• Worldwide as TE standard. • Many cable suppliers use these cable connections.
Control signal connection
UPM3 circulators are externally speed-controlled. You
need a signal cable to enable the pump control,
Otherwise the circulator with profile A will always run
at maximum speed and the circulator with profile C will
UPM3 HYBRID circulators are either internally or
externally speed-controlled.
If you set the circulator to external control mode (PWM
profile A or C) via the user interface, you need a signal
cable as well. If you set the circulator to internal control
mode, there is a blind plug available to close the signal
connection. The plug is not required for safety
The signal cable connection has three leads: signal
input, signal output and signal ref. The cable must be
connected to the control box either by FCI or TE Mini
Superseal plug. The optional signal cable can be
supplied with the circulator as an accessory.
The cable length can be customised to specific
requirements (max. 3 m).
TE Mini Superseal
TM06 0610 0514

Fig. 46 TE Mini Superseal and FCI connector

Overview of technical data

Feature Specification
CE mark EMC Directive (2004/108/EC)
Standards used: EN 61000-6-2:2005, EN 61000-6-3:2007, EN 55014-1:2006, EN 55014-2:1997,
Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC)
Conformity with following relevant EC Directives
Standards used: EN 60335-1:2012, EN 60335-2-51:2003 + A1, Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC)
Standards used: EN 16297-1:2012, -2:2012, -3:2012
Ecodesign ErP ready 2015 Fulfilling Ecodesign requirements in 2015, EEI ≤ 0.20, EN16297/3 or -/2
REACh compliancy REACh Directive 1907/2006 (see page 55)
WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU (see page 55)
WEEE compliancy
Circulators are not in scope
RoHS compliancy RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU (see page 55)
VDE certificate: No. 40039416 (see page 54)
VDE Approval It proves the conformity with the essential safety requirements of the EC Low Voltage Directive
(2006/95/EC) including amendments.
Enclosure class: IP44 (standard without drain holes). Option: IP X4D (with drain hole)
TF class TF110 at 70 °C ambient temperature
High voltage protection EN 60335-1 1000 VAC
Drinking water approvals (WRAS, KTW, DVGW All pump head components will be compliant
W270, etc.) Specific compliant pump housings will be available
Feature Specification
Deblocking software Continuously restarting after 1.33 seconds with max. torque
Deblocking device Manual deblocking device, access from front side
Dry run ability - first start 1 minute (3 x 20 seconds), all circulators will be lubricated with glycerine
Dry run ability - during operation Rotor can filled with water: fulfils EN 60335-2-51
Expected lifetime > 100,000 h (with specified load profile)
Expected lifetime > 500,000 cycles
Minimum switching time power on/off With NTC: 1 min, with relay. No specific requirements
Flow estimation Available depending on the housing, accuracy: see PWM specification
Inrush current With relay: < 4 A, With NTC: < 10 A
Equipment class I (EN 60335-1)
Insulation class F (EN 60335-1)
Maximum leakage current ≤ 3.5 mA (EN 60335-1)
Speed range 563 to 5,991 min-1 (depending on the variant)
Maximum ambient temperature 70 °C
Maximum media temperature 95 °C on composite housings, 110 °C on cast iron housings
Maximum system pressure 1 MPa (10 bar) (depending on the housing material)
Minimum inlet pressure 0.05 MPa (0.5 bar) at 95 °C liquid temperature
Minimum media temperature 0 °C (IP44: above dew point of ambient air)
Minimum supply voltage 160 VAC (with reduced performance)
The motor is protected by the electronics in the control box and requires no external motor
Motor protection
Peak temperature Temperature = 130 °C, (for peak ≤ 30 min)
Nominal supply voltage EU: 1 x 230 V + 10 %/- 15 %, 50 Hz
Reaction time until the motor runs at 90 % < 1.5 seconds for cold start, warm start and speed change
Reaction time until the return signal is valid < 3.3 seconds for cold start, warm start and speed change
Relative air humidity Maximum 95 %, non-condensing environment.
Storage temperature -40 to +75 °C


8. Startup

Before you start the UPM3 circulator, do as follows:

1. Mount the circulator in the right way (see
7. Installation)
2. Check that the unions are tightened
3. Check that the valves are opened
4. Fill the system and vent it above the circulator
5. Check if the required minimum inlet pressure is
available at the pump inlet.
6. Switch on the power supply
7. If the circulator is externally controlled, check if the
system controller sends a signal to the circulator
which controls the speed or might even stop the
8. If the circulator is internally controlled, the circulator
starts with factory pre-setting (e.g. proportional
pressure curve 3). Change the setting if necessary
(see User interface)
Do not start the pump until the system
has been filled with liquid and vented.
Being self-venting, UPM3 does not
Caution require to be vented before startup. Air
inside the pump will be transported by
the medium into the system during the
first minutes after pump startup.

The use of this product requires
experience with and knowledge of the
Persons with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities must not use this
product, unless they are under
supervision or have been instructed in
the use of the product by a person
responsible for their safety.
Children must not use or play with this


9. Disposal

This product or parts of it must be disposed of in an
environmentally sound way:
• Use the public or private waste collection service.
• If this is not possible, contact the nearest Grundfos
company or service workshop.


10. Control box positions

Control box positions

Different positions of the control box are available and

must be defined as follows:
• For IP44 versions without drain holes, all positions
are allowed.
• For IPX4D versions with drain holes, the drain hole
must point downwards after installation. Only
connector positions to the side are possible.

TM06 0855 1014

IP 44 IP X4D


11. Dimensions (standard housings)

Dimensions (standard housings)

TM05 8555 0613
Dimensions [mm]
Pump type Connections Weight [kg]
L1 L3 B1 B2 H1 H2 H3
UPM3 15-75 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 25-75 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 25-75 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0
UPM3 15-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 25-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 25-70 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0
UPM3 15-60 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 25-60 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 25-60 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0
UPM3 15-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 25-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 25-50 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0
UPM3 15-40 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 25-40 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 25-40 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0
UPM3 FLEX AC 15-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 FLEX AC 25-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 FLEX AC 25-70 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0
UPM3 FLEX AS 15-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 FLEX AS 25-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 FLEX AS 25-70 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0
UPM3 AUTO L 15-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 AUTO L 25-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 AUTO L 25-70 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0
UPM3 AUTO L 15-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 AUTO L 25-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 AUTO L 25-50 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0
UPM3 AUTO 15-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 AUTO 25-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 AUTO 25-70 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0
UPM3 AUTO 15-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 AUTO 25-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 AUTO 25-50 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0
UPM3 HYBRID 15-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 HYBRID 25-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 HYBRID 25-70 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0
UPM3 HYBRID 15-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 HYBRID 25-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 HYBRID 25-50 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0

Other versions or housings with different dimensions,

materials, design or functionality are available on
request. Please contact your Grundfos HVAC OEM
Key Account Manager.


12. Performance curves, technical data

Performance curves, technical data

Curve conditions • UPM3 with PWM signal connection are designed to

be speed controlled by an external system
The guidelines below apply to the performance curves controller. Therefore, EEI and P L,Avg of the different
on the following pages: pump heads (circulators without pump housings)
• Test liquid: airless water. are measured to be in compliance with the
• The curves apply to a density of 983.2 kg/m3 and a Ecodesign requirements of regulation EC/622/2012
liquid temperature of +20 °C. with a reference housing in accordance with EN
• All curves show average values and should not be 16297-3.
used as guarantee curves. If a specific minimum • It is not obligatory to show PL,Avg but it gives an
performance is required, individual measurements indication on the yearly expectable average power
must be made. consumption.
• The curves apply to a kinematic viscosity of 0.474 • The performance of PWM controlled pumps is
mm2/s (0.474 cSt). measured with A profile (heating) at eight PWM
• The conversion between head H [m] and pressure p values: 5 % (max.), 20 %, 31 %, 41 %, 52 %, 62 %,
[kPa] has been made for water with a density of 73 %, 88 % (min.).
1000 kg/m3. For liquids with other densities, e.g. hot • C profile curves are measured mirrored with 95 %
water, the discharge pressure is proportional to the (max.), 80 %, 69 %, 59 %, 48 %, 38 %, 27 %, 12 %
density. (min.)
• Curves obtained according to EN 16297. • Maximum curves are limited by speed and power
• Variants with two different minimum curves are
available: minimum curve A (standard) at
approximately 0.1 m and minimum curve B (option)
at approximately 1 m.

P1 max. nom. Speed max. nom. PL,Avg

Pump type Speed min. nom. EEI Part 2 or 3
[W] [min-1] [W]
UPM3 xx-75 60 5991 A 563 / J 2025 ≤ 0.20 ≤ 28
UPM3 xx-70 52 5766 A 563 / J 2025 ≤ 0.20 ≤ 23
UPM3 xx-60 39 5288 A 563 / J 2025 ≤ 0.20 ≤ 18
UPM3 xx-50 33 4838 A 563 / J 2025 ≤ 0.20 ≤ 16
UPM3 xx-40 25 4360 A 563 / J 2025 ≤ 0.20 ≤ 12
UPM3 FLEX AC xx-70 52 5766 A 563 / J 2025 ≤ 0.20 ≤ 23
UPM3 FLEX AS xx-70 52 5766 A 563 / J 2025 ≤ 0.20 ≤ 23
UPM3 AUTO L xx-70 52 5766 A 563 / J 2025 ≤ 0.20 ≤ 25
UPM3 AUTO L xx-50 33 4838 A 563 / J 2025 ≤ 0.20 ≤ 16
UPM3 AUTO xx-70 52 5766 A 563 / J 2025 ≤ 0.20 ≤ 25
UPM3 AUTO xx-50 33 4838 A 563 / J 2025 ≤ 0.20 ≤ 16
UPM3 HYBRID xx-70 52 5766 A 563 / J 2025 ≤ 0.20 ≤ 25
UPM3 HYBRID xx-50 33 4838 A 563 / J 2025 ≤ 0.20 ≤ 16


Data sheets
13. Data sheets
UPM3 15-75 130, 25-75 130, 25-75 180

p H
[kPa] [m] High efficiency
60 6 Ready for Ecodesign
50 5 2015
40 4
30 3
20 2
10 1
0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 Q [m³/h]

P1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
EEI ≤ 0.20 Part 3
Q [l/s]
60 PL,avg ≤ 28 W

TM06 0580 0814

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 Q [m³/h]

Performance curve

Electrical data, 1 x 230 V, 50 Hz

Speed P1 [W] I 1/1 [A]

Min. 2 0.04
Max. 60 0.58
TM06 0697 0714

TM06 0785 0914

Dimensions Control box position

Dimensions [mm]
Pump type Connections Weight [kg]
L1 L3 B1 B2 H1 H2 H3
UPM3 15-75 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 25-75 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 25-75 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0

Technical data

System pressure Max. 1.0 MPa (10 bar) Enclosure class IP44 (non-condensing)
0.05 MPa (0.50 bar) at 95 °C liquid
Minimum inlet pressure Motor protection No external protection needed
Liquid temperature +2 °C to +110 °C (TF110) Approval and marking VDE, CE

Data sheets UPM3
UPM3 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180

UPM3 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180

p H
[kPa] [m] High efficiency
50 5 Ready for Ecodesign
40 4 2015
30 3

20 2

10 1

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 Q [m³/h]

P1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Q [l/s]
EEI ≤ 0.20 Part 3
50 PL,avg ≤ 23 W


TM06 0579 0814



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 Q [m³/h]

Performance curve

Electrical data, 1 x 230 V, 50 Hz

Speed P1 [W] I 1/1 [A]

Min. 2 0.04
Max. 52 0.52
TM06 0697 0814

TM06 0785 0914

Dimensions Control box position

Dimensions [mm]
Pump type Connections Weight [kg]
L1 L3 B1 B2 H1 H2 H3
UPM3 15-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 25-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 25-70 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0

Technical data

System pressure Max. 1.0 MPa (10 bar) Enclosure class IP44 (non-condensing)
0.05 MPa (0.50 bar) at 95 °C liquid
Minimum inlet pressure Motor protection No external protection needed
Liquid temperature +2 °C to +110 °C (TF110) Approval and marking VDE, CE

UPM3 Data sheets

UPM3 15-60 130, 25-60 130, 25-60 180

UPM3 15-60 130, 25-60 130, 25-60 180
p H
[kPa] [m] High efficiency

50 5
Ready for Ecodesign
40 4
30 3

20 2

10 1

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 Q [m³/h]

EEI ≤ 0.20 Part 3

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Q [l/s]
PL,avg ≤ 18 W

TM06 0578 0814



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 Q [m³/h]

Performance curve

Electrical data, 1 x 230 V, 50 Hz

Speed P1 [W] I 1/1 [A]

Min. 2 0.04
Max. 39 0.42
TM06 0697 0814

TM06 0785 0914

Dimensions Control box position

Dimensions [mm]
Pump type Connections Weight [kg]
L1 L3 B1 B2 H1 H2 H3
UPM3 15-60 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 25-60 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 25-60 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0

Technical data

System pressure Max. 1.0 MPa (10 bar) Enclosure class IP44 (non-condensing)
0.05 MPa (0.50 bar) at 95 °C liquid
Minimum inlet pressure Motor protection No external protection needed
Liquid temperature +2 °C to +110 °C (TF110) Approval and marking VDE, CE

Data sheets UPM3
UPM3 15-50 130, 25-50 130, 25-50 180

UPM3 15-50 130, 25-50 130, 25-50 180

p H
[kPa] [m]
High efficiency

40 4
Ready for Ecodesign
30 3 2015
20 2

10 1

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Q [m³/h]

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Q [l/s]
[W] EEI ≤ 0.20 Part 3
30 PL,avg ≤ 16 W

TM06 0577 0814

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Q [m³/h]

Performance curve

Electrical data, 1 x 230 V, 50 Hz

Speed P1 [W] I 1/1 [A]

Min. 2 0.04
Max. 33 0.36
TM06 0697 0814

TM06 0785 0914

Dimensions Control box position

Dimensions [mm]
Pump type Connections Weight [kg]
L1 L3 B1 B2 H1 H2 H3
UPM3 15-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 25-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 25-50 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0

Technical data

System pressure Max. 1.0 MPa (10 bar) Enclosure class IP44 (non-condensing)
0.05 MPa (0.50 bar) at 95 °C liquid
Minimum inlet pressure Motor protection No external protection needed
Liquid temperature +2 °C to +110 °C (TF110) Approval and marking VDE, CE

UPM3 Data sheets

UPM3 15-40 130, 25-40 130, 25-40 180

UPM3 15-40 130, 25-40 130, 25-40 180
p H
[kPa] [m] High efficiency

30 3
Ready for Ecodesign
20 2

10 1

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 Q [m³/h]

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Q [l/s]
[W] EEI ≤ 0.20 Part 3
25 PL,avg ≤ 12 W


TM06 0576 0814


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 Q [m³/h]

Performance curve

Electrical data, 1 x 230 V, 50 Hz

Speed P1 [W] I 1/1 [A]

Min. 2 0.04
Max. 25 0.30
TM06 0697 0814

TM06 0785 0914

Dimensions Control box position

Dimensions [mm]
Pump type Connections Weight [kg]
L1 L3 B1 B2 H1 H2 H3
UPM3 15-40 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 25-40 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 25-40 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0

Technical data

System pressure Max. 1.0 MPa (10 bar) Enclosure class IP44 (non-condensing)
0.05 MPa (0.50 bar) at 95 °C liquid
Minimum inlet pressure Motor protection No external protection needed
Liquid temperature +2 °C to +110 °C (TF110) Approval and marking VDE, CE

Data sheets UPM3
UPM3 FLEX AC 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180

UPM3 FLEX AC 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180

p H
[kPa] [m] High efficiency
50 5
Ready for Ecodesign
40 4
30 3

20 2

10 1

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 Q [m³/h]

EEI ≤ 0.20 Part 3

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Q [l/s]
50 PL,avg ≤ 23 W


TM06 0584 0814



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 Q [m³/h]

Performance curve

Electrical data, 1 x 230 V, 50 Hz

Speed P1 [W] I 1/1 [A]

Min. 2 0.04
Max. 52 0.52

Note: For PWM speed curves see data sheet UPM3 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180.

TM06 0785 0914

TM05 8555 0114

Dimensions Control box position

Dimensions [mm]
Pump type Connections Weight [kg]
L1 L3 B1 B2 H1 H2 H3
UPM3 FLEX AC 15-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 FLEX AC 15-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 FLEX AC 15-70 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0

Technical data

System pressure Max. 1.0 MPa (10 bar) Enclosure class IP44 (non-condensing)
0.05 MPa (0.50 bar) at 95 °C liquid
Minimum inlet pressure Motor protection No external protection needed
Liquid temperature +2 °C to +110 °C (TF110) Approval and marking VDE, CE

UPM3 Data sheets

UPM3 FLEX AS 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180

UPM3 FLEX AS 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180
p H
[kPa] [m] High efficiency
50 5 Ready for Ecodesign
40 4 2015
30 3

20 2

10 1

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 Q [m³/h]

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Q [l/s]
[W] EEI ≤ 0.20 Part 3
50 PL,avg ≤ 23 W


TM06 0584 0814



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 Q [m³/h]

Performance curve

Electrical data, 1 x 230 V, 50 Hz

Speed P1 [W] I 1/1 [A]

Min. 2 0.04
Max. 52 0.52

Note: For PWM speed curves see data sheet UPM3 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180.

TM06 0785 0914

TM05 8555 0114

Dimensions Control box position

Dimensions [mm]
Pump type Connections Weight [kg]
L1 L3 B1 B2 H1 H2 H3
UPM3 FLEX AC 15-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 FLEX AC 15-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 FLEX AC 15-70 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0

Technical data

System pressure Max. 1.0 MPa (10 bar) Enclosure class IP44 (non-condensing)
0.05 MPa (0.50 bar) at 95 °C liquid
Minimum inlet pressure Motor protection No external protection needed
Liquid temperature +2 °C to +110 °C (TF110) Approval and marking VDE, CE

Data sheets UPM3
UPM3 AUTO L 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180

UPM3 AUTO L 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180

p H
[kPa] [m] High efficiency
Ready for Ecodesign
30 3

20 2

10 1

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 Q [m³/h]

P1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Q [l/s] EEI ≤ 0.20 Part 2
PL,avg ≤ 25 W


TM06 0582 0814



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 Q [m³/h]

Performance curve

Line type Description

Constant Curve
Proportional Pressure
Constant Pressure

Electrical data, 1 x 230 V, 50 Hz

Speed P1 [W] I 1/1 [A]

Min. 5 0.07
Max. 52 0.52

TM06 0785 0914

TM05 8555 0114

Dimensions Control box position

Dimensions [mm]
Pump type Connections Weight [kg]
L1 L3 B1 B2 H1 H2 H3
UPM3 AUTO L 15-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 AUTO L 25-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 AUTO L 25-70 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0

Technical data

System pressure Max. 1.0 MPa (10 bar) Enclosure class IP44 (non-condensing)
0.05 MPa (0.50 bar) at 95 °C liquid
Minimum inlet pressure Motor protection No external protection needed
Liquid temperature +2 °C to +110 °C (TF110) Approval and marking VDE, CE

UPM3 Data sheets

UPM3 AUTO L 15-50 130, 25-50 130, 25-50 180

UPM3 AUTO L 15-50 130, 25-50 130, 25-50 180
p H
[kPa] [m] High efficiency

40 4 Ready for Ecodesign

30 3
20 2

10 1

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Q [m³/h]

EEI ≤ 0.20 Part 2

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Q [l/s]
PL,avg ≤ 16 W

TM06 0581 0814

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Q [m³/h]

Performance curve

Line type Description

Constant Curve
Proportional Pressure
Constant Pressure

Electrical data, 1 x 230 V, 50 Hz

Speed P1 [W] I 1/1 [A]

Min. 4 0.06
Max. 33 0.36

TM06 0785 0914

TM05 8555 0114

Dimensions Control box position

Dimensions [mm]
Pump type Connections Weight [kg]
L1 L3 B1 B2 H1 H2 H3
UPM3 AUTO L 15-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 AUTO L 25-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 AUTO L 25-50 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0

Technical data

System pressure Max. 1.0 MPa (10 bar) Enclosure class IP44 (non-condensing)
0.05 MPa (0.50 bar) at 95 °C liquid
Minimum inlet pressure Motor protection No external protection needed
Liquid temperature +2 °C to +110 °C (TF110) Approval and marking VDE, CE

Data sheets UPM3
UPM3 AUTO 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180

UPM3 AUTO 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180

p H
[kPa] [m] High efficiency
50 5
Ready for Ecodesign
40 4
30 3

20 2

10 1

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 Q [m³/h]

P1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Q [l/s]
EEI ≤ 0.20 Part 2
50 PL,avg ≤ 25 W


TM06 1179 1814



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 Q [m³/h]

Performance curve

Line type Description

Constant Curve
Proportional Pressure
Constant Pressure

Electrical data, 1 x 230 V, 50 Hz

Speed P1 [W] I 1/1 [A]

Min. 5 0.07
Max. 52 0.52

TM06 0785 0914

TM05 8555 0114

Dimensions Control box position

Dimensions [mm]
Pump type Connections Weight [kg]
L1 L3 B1 B2 H1 H2 H3
UPM3 AUTO 15-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 AUTO 25-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 AUTO 25-70 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0

Technical data

System pressure Max. 1.0 MPa (10 bar) Enclosure class IP44 (non-condensing)
0.05 MPa (0.50 bar) at 95 °C liquid
Minimum inlet pressure Motor protection No external protection needed
Liquid temperature +2 °C to +110 °C (TF110) Approval and marking VDE, CE

UPM3 Data sheets

UPM3 AUTO 15-50 130, 25-50 130, 25-50 180

UPM3 AUTO 15-50 130, 25-50 130, 25-50 180
p H
[kPa] [m] High efficiency

40 4 Ready for Ecodesign

30 3
20 2

10 1

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Q [m³/h]

EEI ≤ 0.20 Part 2

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Q [l/s]
35 PL,avg ≤ 16 W

TM06 1180 1814

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Q [m³/h]

Performance curve

Line type Description

Constant Curve
Proportional Pressure
Constant Pressure

Electrical data, 1 x 230 V, 50 Hz

Speed P1 [W] I 1/1 [A]

Min. 4 0.06
Max. 33 0.36

TM06 0785 0914

TM05 8555 0114

Dimensions Control box position

Dimensions [mm]
Pump type Connections Weight [kg]
L1 L3 B1 B2 H1 H2 H3
UPM3 AUTO 15-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 AUTO 25-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 AUTO 25-50 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0

Technical data

System pressure Max. 1.0 MPa (10 bar) Enclosure class IP44 (non-condensing)
0.05 MPa (0.50 bar) at 95 °C liquid
Minimum inlet pressure Motor protection No external protection needed
Liquid temperature +2 °C to +110 °C (TF110) Approval and marking VDE, CE

Data sheets UPM3
UPM3 HYBRID 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180

UPM3 HYBRID 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180

p H
[kPa] [m] High efficiency
50 5
Ready for Ecodesign
40 4
30 3

20 2

10 1

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 Q [m³/h]

P1 0.0 EEI ≤ 0.20 Part 3

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Q [l/s]
50 PL,avg ≤ 25 W


TM06 1179 1814



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 Q [m³/h]

Performance curve

Line type Description

Constant Curve
Proportional Pressure
Constant Pressure

Electrical data, 1 x 230 V, 50 Hz

Speed P1 [W] I 1/1 [A]

Min. 2 0.04
Max. 53 0.52

Note: For PWM speed curves see data sheet UPM3 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180.

TM06 0785 0914

TM05 8555 0114

Dimensions Control box position

Dimensions [mm]
Pump type Connections Weight [kg]
L1 L3 B1 B2 H1 H2 H3
UPM3 HYBRID 15-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 HYBRID 25-70 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 HYBRID 25-70 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0

Technical data

System pressure Max. 1.0 MPa (10 bar) Enclosure class IP44 (non-condensing)
0.05 MPa (0.50 bar) at 95 °C liquid
Minimum inlet pressure Motor protection No external protection needed
Liquid temperature +2 °C to +110 °C (TF110) Approval and marking VDE, CE

UPM3 Data sheets

UPM3 HYBRID 15-50 130, 25-50 130, 25-50 180

UPM3 HYBRID 15-50 130, 25-50 130, 25-50 180
p H
[kPa] [m] High efficiency

40 4 Ready for Ecodesign

30 3
20 2

10 1

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Q [m³/h]

EEI ≤ 0.20 Part 3

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Q [l/s]
35 PL,avg ≤ 16 W

TM06 1180 1814

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Q [m³/h]

Performance curve

Line type Description

Constant Curve
Proportional Pressure
Constant Pressure

Electrical data, 1 x 230 V, 50 Hz

Speed P1 [W] I 1/1 [A]

Min. 2 0.04
Max. 34 0.37

Note: For PWM speed curves see data sheet UPM3 15-70 130, 25-70 130, 25-70 180.

TM06 0785 0914

TM05 8555 0114

Dimensions Control box position

Dimensions [mm]
Pump type Connections Weight [kg]
L1 L3 B1 B2 H1 H2 H3
UPM3 HYBRID 15-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G1 1.8
UPM3 HYBRID 25-50 130 130 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 1.9
UPM3 HYBRID 25-50 180 180 90 72 45 36 92 128 G 1 1/2 2.0

Technical data

System pressure Max. 1.0 MPa (10 bar) Enclosure class IP44 (non-condensing)
0.05 MPa (0.50 bar) at 95 °C liquid
Minimum inlet pressure Motor protection No external protection needed
Liquid temperature +2 °C to +110 °C (TF110) Approval and marking VDE, CE


14. Accessories

Length Product
Picture Product description
[mm] number

Power supply Superseal

Power supply cable Superseal 1,000 98460260

Power supply cable Superseal 2,000 98373382

Power supply cable Superseal 4,000 98460271

Power supply Superseal overmoulded

Power supply Superseal overmoulded 1,000 98460258

Power supply Superseal overmoulded 2,000 98373384

Power supply Superseal overmoulded 4,000 98460259

Power supply Superseal overmoulded angled

Power supply Superseal overmoulded angled 90 ° 1,000 98616020

Power supply Superseal overmoulded angled 90 ° 2,000 98616051

Signal cable Mini Superseal

Signal cable, Mini Superseal 1,000 98460256

Signal cable, Mini Superseal 2,000 98347385

Signal cable FCI

Signal cable, FCI, 2 wire - non return signal 1,000 98386202
Signal cable, FCI, 3 wire - with return signal 1,000 96645398
Signal cable, FCI, 2 wire - non return signal 2,000 97698929
Signal cable, FCI, 3 wire - with return signal 2,000 97940991

Power cable adapters

Superseal Molex cable adapter 50 98556867

Superseal Molex cable adapter overmoulded 150 98614629

Superseal Molex adapter - 98615161

Superseal Volex cable adapter overmoulded 150 98614444

Signal blind plugs

Blind plug, FCI - 97823485

Blind plug, Mini Superseal - 98451691


Gasket 1" (D29,5/D21x2) 504023
Gasket 1 1/2" (D44/D32x2), rubber 520046

Insulation kits
Insulation kits for warm water applications are
available on request. Insulation kits for warm water
applications contain two insulation shells. The
thickness of the insulation shells corresponds to the
nominal diameter of the pump. The insulation kit is
tailor-made for the individual pump type and encloses
the entire pump housing. Both insulation shells are
easy to fit around the pump.
Diffusion-tight insulation shells for cold water
applications are not available.

Quick guides
Quick guides for different UPM3 HYBRID variants are
available on request.


15. Approvals and certificates

Approvals and certificates

EC declaration of conformity
We, Grundfos, declare under our sole responsibility that the products GFNJB (UPM variants with user interface) and
GFNJC (other UPM3 variants), to which this declaration relates, are in conformity with these Council directives on the
approximation of the laws of the EC member states:
Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC)
Standards used:
• EN 60335-1:2012/AC:2014
• EN 60335-2-51:2003/A1:2008/A2:2012
EMC Directive (2004/108/EC)
Standards used:
• EN 55014-1:2006/A1:2009
• EN 55014-2:1997/A1:2001/A2:2008
Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC)
Commission Regulation (EC) No 641/2009
Commission Regulation (EC) No 622/20012
Standards used:
• EN 16297-1:2012
• EN 16297-2:2012
• EN 16297-3:2012
The use of this product requires experience with and knowledge of the product. Persons with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities must not use this product, unless they are under supervision or have been instructed in
the use of the product by a person responsible for their safety. Children must not use or play with this product.

Bjerringbro, 21st of February 2014

Preben Jakobsen
Technical Manager - HVAC OEM
Poul Due Jensens Vej 7
8850 Bjerringbro, Denmark
Person authorised to compile technical file and
empowered to sign the EC declaration of conformity.

VDE certificate
These pumps are certified by VDE.
Product code: GFNJB or GFNJC
VDE certificate No. 40039416
This Marks Approval forms the basis of the CE declaration of conformity and the CE marking by the manufacturer or
his agent and proves the conformity with the essential safety requirements of the EC Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/
EC) including amendments.

REACH compliancy - Chemical Management - Grundfos Focus List

Approvals and certificates

At Grundfos, we run our business in a responsible and ever more sustainable way. We are committed to creating
products and solutions that help our customers and the surrounding world conserve natural resources and reduce
climate impacts. This is part of the Grundfos Values, as well as in accordance with the Grundfos Sustainability
Strategy, which has the scope of reducing our chemical footprint and developing new sustainable products and
In order to give our suppliers, contractors and other relevant stakeholder world wide a tool to help comply with this, we
have devised the Grundfos Focus List, which bans or restricts the use of chemical substances in Grundfos products,
production processes and at Grundfos facilities.
This in turn means that all our various business partners at all times are obliged to follow the Grundfos Focus List and
never deliver any products, processes or services containing any of the listed chemical substances.
The list has been developed on the basis of European chemical legislation such as the REACH regulation, RoHS,
Battery, Packaging, ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) and POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) directives.
Furthermore, we ban the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) from the REACH Candidate List
Should a product contain SVHC from the Candidate List above 0.1 percent, this must be declared and a plan to phase
out the SVHC within a year must be sent to Grundfos.
In situations, where local legislation is stricter than European chemical legislation, these demands will overrule the
claims of the Focus List.
The valid Focus list is at all times available at www.grundfos.com/focus-list. However, users of the list are responsible
for taking legal updates of the listed regulations into account.

With kind regards,

Torben Brændgaard
Group Environment Manager

Declaration concerning GRUNDFOS' compliance with RoHS and WEEE

GRUNDFOS Holding A/S and its subsidiaries accept their responsibilities and are committed not to use hazardous
substances in their products. Grundfos products are not as of today in general covered by the WEEE- and RoHS-
In regards to the RoHS directive (2002/95/EC) amended by directive (2011/65/EC) on the restriction of the use of
certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) latest in 2019 all EEE will as a starting
point be affected.
However, Grundfos is now in complete voluntary RoHS-compliance concerning the non-use of the certain hazardous
substance in GRUNDFOS products - see section about "Chemical Management - Grundfos Focus List".
In regards to the WEEE-directive (2002/96/EC) amended by directive (2012/19/EC) and its impact on pumps,
Grundfos recommends reading the Europump position paper of 16 December 2005 which can be found on http://
From 2018, all EEE will be within the scope of the WEEE-directive II, however several of the exemptions apply to
many of Grundfos’ products and Grundfos will be working on the implementation of this towards 2018.

For detailed information on recycling, please see www.grundfos.com/product-recycling.

ECM: 1120472
98644852 0314

Telephone: +45 87 50 50 50
GRUNDFOS HVAC OEM Division . DK-8850 Bjerringbro . Denmark
The name Grundfos, the Grundfos logo, and be think innovate are registered trademarks owned by Grundfos Holding A/S or Grundfos A/S, Denmark. All rights reserved worldwide. © Copyright Grundfos Holding A/S

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