Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank SPP
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank SPP
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank SPP
To: Lee Ann Porter
From: LMKBKS Communications
Date: 04/10/2022
Re: Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank - Strategic Plan Project
LMKBKS Communications would like to express our gratitude for the opportunity to work with
your nonprofit organization. Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank is unlike any other organization in
this region, which ultimately makes it unique and exceptional. LMKBKS Communications
presents you with a comprehensive and detailed report on the state of affairs and recommended
strategies for Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank to continue to flourish in the future. We believe our
2022-2023 strategic plan will help Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank reach its greatest potential in
the communities it serves.
Our proposal's main goals are to address the organization, both internally and externally, in order
to allow for a highly efficient and successful organization. The plan will begin in May 2022 and
will end in May 2023. LMKBKS Communications aims to gain more loyalty among partner
agencies, donors and volunteers, improve engagement among employees, board members and
low income mothers, as well as bring diversity into board positions.
We want to thank you for letting us work with your organization and putting trust in our
company to come up with a strategic plan for Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank. We look forward to
potentially work with you again in the future.
Lindsay Cox, Bridget Golk, Michael Hong, Kimberly Livas, Samantha Morse, Sydney
Ochodnicky, and Kelsie Urbasek
Strategic Organizational Plan 2022-2023
Prepared by:
Lindsay Cox, Bridget Golk, Michael Hong, Kimberly Livas, Samantha Morse, Sydney
Ochodnicky, and Kelsie Urbasek
LMKBKS Communications
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LMKBKS Communications
S University St.
Normal, IL 61761
LMKBKS Communications is beyond thankful for Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank’s collaboration
throughout the past couple of months. We are excited to present you with our 2022-2023
strategic plan of communication for Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank. Our team recognized the
internal and external opportunities and challenges your organization faces and generated a plan.
This plan is designed to help improve your nonprofit organization.
This strategic plan of communication is designed to start in May 2022 and end in April 2023.
The first section of this plan outlines Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank’s organizational background,
including the business definition, vision, mission, value proposition, organization structure, and
history and culture. The second section is a situation analysis which includes Loving Bottom
Diaper Bank’s definition and scope, stakeholders affected, competition, a SWOT analysis of the
organization, and the market position. The third section discusses the plan we have formed for
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank. The plan includes tables showcasing the objectives, strategies, and
tactics, critical success factors, an overview of the budget and resource allocations, a timeline for
the plan, and an evaluation method with anticipated results. Lastly, there is an appendices section
which includes supporting material not listed in the sections mentioned above.
It is our hope that Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank benefits from our strategic plan of
communication. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us.
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………5
Introductory Summary…………………………………………………………………………6
1.0 Organization Background …………………………………………………………………6
1.1 Business definition…………………………………………………………………6
1.2 Vision…………………………………………………………………………….6-7
1.3 Mission……………………………………………………………………………..7
1.4 Value Proposition………………………………………………………………...7-8
1.5 Organization Structure……………………………………………………………..8
1.6 History & Culture………………………………………………………………….9
2.0 Situation Analysis………………………………………………………………………...10
2.1 Definition & Scope of Situation……………………………………………… 10-11
2.2 Stakeholders Affected…………………………………………………………11-12
2.3 Competition……………………………………………………………………….12
2.4 SWOT Analysis……………………………………………………………….12-15
2.5 Market Position…………………………………………………………………...16
3.0 Plan……………………………………………………………………………………….17
3.1 Objectives, Strategies, & Tactics………………………………………………17-24
3.2 Critical Success Factors……………………………………………………….24-29
3.3 Key Performance Indicators…………………………………………………..29-30
3.4 Budget & Resource Allocations………………………………………………….31
3.5 Timeline…………………………………………………………………………..31
3.6 Evaluation Method & Anticipated Results……………………………………32-33
A. Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank Organization Structure………………………………..34
B. Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank Social Media Analysis………………………………..34
C. U.S. Bureau Census Statistics………………………………………………………...35
D. Proposed 2022-2023 Budget………………………………………………………36-37
E. Proposed 2022-2023 Timeline………………………………………………………..38
F. Additional Insights……………………………………………………………………39
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Executive Summary
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank is a nonprofit organization serving the West Central Illinois region
with their headquartered in Galesburg, Illinois. This nonprofit organization provides low-income
individuals access to diapers, incontinence products, and period kits within the 11 counties they
This proposed strategic plan for 2022-2023 aims to build onto Loving Bottom’s current strengths
while improving communication for partnering agencies and donors; increasing the number of
volunteer management and part-time employee positions; increasing diversity and engagement
among the organization’s board of directors; improving engagement levels among those in need
of the products Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank provides, and increasing grant expertise among the
organization’s employees. This information was obtained through research and surveys with the
board of directors and volunteers which allowed our team to gain a better understanding of the
organization’s opportunities and challenges. This strategic plan seeks to improve all the areas
mentioned above through the objectives we have listed below.
If these objectives are met in a timely manner, then the plan is deemed successful. By
implementing this plan and seeing the success of the objectives, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank
will be able to confidently meet their vision and mission statements and continue to grow into the
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1.0 Organization Background
This section provides insight on Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank including their business
definition, mission and vision statements, value proposition, organizational structure, and the
history and culture. These details identify where the nonprofit organization currently stands
while future sections will highlight key components for improvement.
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank started out as an idea in June of 2014 when Executive Director and
Founder Lee Ann Porter discovered a low supply of diapers, feminine products, and incontinence
products for those in need within her community. Low-income families are most at risk for not
being able to afford these products. Realizing there was a demand that could not be met in
Porter’s community, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank was created to fill that need. Since the
establishment of this nonprofit organization, they have expanded their services to 10 additional
counties in the West Central Illinois region. Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank has been fully funded
from partnering agencies, donors, and grants.
Tens of thousands of diapers are delivered across Illinois, helping over 800 babies each month.
Parents can keep their babies in clean, fresh diapers and have one less expense to worry about on
account of Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank’s services. Additionally, the supplies provided by this
nonprofit organization are sent to social service organizations such as the Fulton County
Salvation Army and the Knox County Abingdon Community Center, which help provide the
supplies to families in need within the areas they serve.
1.2 Vision
A vision statement is the image that an organization desires to reach in the future. Loving
Bottoms Diaper Bank’s vision focuses on assisting parents with hygiene products for their child.
They are currently distributing over 40,000 diapers to over 800 babies every month, with those
numbers continuing to increase.
The original goal of this nonprofit organization was to provide diapers to families, but as time
has passed, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank has expanded to feminine hygiene and incontinence
products as well. With the addition of these products, they host various events volunteers can
sign up for to be a part of a great cause. Volunteers will be able to recognize the importance of
this nonprofit organization and continue to support the vision. Expanding to more counties in the
West Central Illinois region will help bring light to the accessibility of diapers, feminine
products, and continence supplies and allow more people to have access to them.
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1.3 Mission
A mission statement describes the actions and reasonings that are being made to keep a company
heading in the right direction. Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank’s mission is as follows:
“To eliminate the existence of the lack of basic needs in our community so that everyone has a
chance to be healthy, happy, and safe.”
The idea of Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank started out with a mother’s need for diaper
accessibility and has developed into a successful nonprofit organization which helps hundreds of
babies each month. They will continue to provide for those in need of diapers, feminine products,
and incontinence supplies so others do not have to experience what it is like to be without them.
As most strategic plans typically revamp the organization’s mission statement to better match the
proposed plan, Loving Bottom Diaper Bank’s mission does not require a new mission statement
as it applies to this strategic plan.
Slogan: “Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank was created by a mom that experienced diaper need and
believed no other parent should.”
Proof Points:
● Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank is unique because it was started by a mother who struggled
to provide diapers for her children. She can relate to other parents and understands the
essentials for basic needs
● Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank understands that feminine products are essential basic
● Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank is the only nonprofit organization in West Central Illinois
that focuses on diapers and is run by all women
● Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank wants to make sure they can provide basic, essential needs
for children to keep them clean, safe, and healthy
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank focuses on an essential necessity that provides individuals access
to hygiene products. Diapers are important to have, but they can be very expensive. Loving
Bottoms Diaper Bank assists low-income families who cannot afford them. Loving Bottoms
Diaper Bank differs from other nonprofit organizations because they are the only local
organization to provide access to diapers, feminine products, and incontinence supplies.
Additionally, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank is a female-led nonprofit organization. This is
important to note because women understand the essentiality of diapers, feminine products, and
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incontinence supplies. Lastly, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank stands out as it was birthed by a
mother who also struggled to provide diapers for her child. Porter understands the need for these
products first hand as she, too, experienced it, and is able to empathize with and assist other
struggling mothers.
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank follows a social hierarchy organizational structure (see Appendix
A). A social hierarchy organizational structure is a combination of two of the dimensions of
power for public relations: hierarchical and social. Hierarchical is an organization whose
management style depicts leaders and followers. A social structure has individuals who work as
a unit to meet the same goal (Smudde, 2015, pp.176-178). Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank is a
social hierarchy consisting of six board of directors who serve the entire organization. Each
board member is assigned various roles and responsibilities to the organization.
Executive Director: This position is responsible for the overall success of Loving Bottoms
Diaper Bank. It monitors legal compliance, oversees management, administration, and financial
responsibilities, builds community relations, and manages the Diaper Distribution Program.
Program Coordinator: This position is responsible for building relations within the community,
their sponsored agencies, and recruitment of volunteers. Additionally, this role manages the
Product Distribution Program.
Chair: This position is responsible for ensuring each board member fulfills their responsibilities
to the organization.
Vice Chair: This position is responsible for standing in for the chair if they are unavailable.
Treasurer: This position is responsible for the financial aspect of the organization.
Secretary: This position is responsible for maintaining and ensuring all board records are
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1.6 History and Culture
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank was founded in June of 2014 when Lee Ann Porter, Founder and
Executive Director, was experiencing diaper needs for her child but did not have access to
resources in her community. This sparked Porter’s interest to help serve women and children in
her community, as well as surrounding communities. Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank believes in
providing families with access to hygiene products such as diapers, feminine products, and
incontinence supplies.
In the last 8 years, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank has experienced many accomplishments. After
seeing success in the original county they served, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank expanded their
services to neighboring counties. Today they serve a total of 11 counties in the West Central
Illinois region. Additionally, they have expanded the resources they distribute by offering
feminine products and incontinence supplies. As of March 2021, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank
has distributed a total of 1 million diapers to families in need. When Porter founded this
nonprofit organization, they were working out of her personal home. However, with the success
they have experienced, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank now runs out of a 5,000 square-foot
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank has six board of directors serving their organization, as well as one
part-time employee. To successfully run this nonprofit organization, the board members rely on
consistent communication with each other to share their ideas and suggestions for Loving
Bottoms Diaper Bank. Additionally, volunteers contribute greatly to the operations of this
nonprofit organization. In the last 12 months, there have been a total of 409 volunteers. A survey
was conducted on the volunteers, and each one felt like a valued individual of Loving Bottoms
Diaper Bank.
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank has been a vital resource for families in the counties they serve.
Diapers, feminine products, and incontinence supplies can be an expensive necessity for many
people. In fact, the pandemic has caused diaper prices to rise and will continue to rise in the
future (Meyersohn, 2021). Within the first four months of 2021, diaper prices rose by 8.7%
(Meyersohn, 2021). According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, diapers can cost up
to $100 per month for just one child (National Diaper Bank Network, 2021). Additionally, the
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities conducted a survey in St. Louis on 200 low-income
women. This survey found that two-thirds of low-income women struggle to afford feminine
products, such as tampons and pads (National Diaper Bank Network, 2021). Given this
information, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank helps serve families in need of affordable access to
these products and will continue to do so in the future.
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2.0 Situation Analysis
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank is a nonprofit organization in Galesburg, Illinois who partners with
existing service organizations to provide families and individuals access to a variety of hygiene
products. This nonprofit organization streamlines the collection and distribution of diapers,
feminine products, and incontinence supplies to individuals in the West Central Illinois region.
Additionally, they want to make it possible for everyone to be able to receive basic necessities.
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank currently serves individuals in Fulton, Hancock, Henderson,
Henry, Knox, McDonough, Mercer, Peoria, Rock Island, Tazewell, and Warren Counties within
the State of Illinois.
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank should focus on engaging all of their communities to raise
awareness, encourage local groups to hold drives, and connect with new donors and funders. It
will be advantageous for Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank to amplify their voice across the entire
West Central Illinois region. By amplifying their voice, their nonprofit organization and mission
will gain more recognition.
One of the key internal issues Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank faces is the lack of communication
between the employees and board members. According to the survey, which was sent to each
board member and employee, there were responses which showed concern for how much effort
and communication board members show during meetings. Communication is key in an
organization because without it, misunderstandings and confusion can occur. It’s beneficial to
collaborate and contribute ideas to create more of a welcoming organization. In the case of
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank, a lack of internal communication has not allowed the nonprofit
organization to grow and improve as much as they desire.
An additional internal challenge Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank is experiencing is recruiting more
staff to expand their services. Recruiting more positions will help assist board members,
employees and volunteers, and will help expand the nonprofit organization as a whole. For
instance, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank should recruit an employee who specifically focuses on
grant writing. By implementing this position, allows for more funding to be brought into the
nonprofit organization. Additionally, it alleviates stress from the executive director’s
responsibilities. An additional position which would be beneficial for Loving Bottoms Diaper
Bank to add would be a volunteer management position. By implementing this position, the wide
range of volunteers would be better trained and retained for Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank.
Lastly, more part-time employees should be recruited for Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank. By
implementing more part-time employee positions, allows for more projects to be completed in a
timely manner.
Externally, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank should encourage local groups in each of the
communities they serve, to hold drives and/or fundraisers. For instance, Alpha Phi Omega is a
community service organization at Knox College, which is in Knox County. Additionally,
Western Illinois University, which is in McDonough County, has 26 various fraternities and
sororities on their campus. These are important organizations to take into consideration as
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fraternities and sororities require community service hours for their members, as well as have
specific philanthropies that their organization strongly supports.
In addition, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank needs to be engaging with their most targeted
audience: low-income mothers. Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank can engage with them more using
social media and advertising their services throughout the counties they serve. This can be done
by having mom influencers partner with Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank, having a presence in
support groups for mothers, and having flyers in places mothers frequent. This is important for
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank to do because it will increase their recognition and will continue to
increase the number of individuals benefiting from their services.
Exacerbating these issues is the fact that the organization does not have a communication plan.
Most of their communication is through one social media platform. Having a communication
plan is important because it allows for organizations to operate efficiently and effectively, and
both internally and externally. Additionally, having a presence on several social media platforms
is beneficial because it can reach your target audience and form relations within the community
and volunteers. By implementing the use of more social media platforms, it will impact their
organization by engaging with a wider range of individuals and people who want to support
them. To help resolve these internal and external challenges, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank
should be implementing the use of their social media platforms to engage with their current
audience, to make new connections within the communities they serve, and ensure there is a
proper communication plan in place both internally and externally.
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank internal and external stakeholders are from the counties and
communities in which they serve. Whether internal or external, each individual and organization
plays a crucial role in the successes of Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank. The following sections
explain in detail the roles of each stakeholder.
The internal stakeholders of Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank include the board of directors,
employees, and volunteers. Each of these groups contribute to the success of this nonprofit
organization by raising funds, packaging supplies, and contributing new ideas and suggestions.
Without the support of the internal stakeholders, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank would not be able
to successfully sustain their functional nonprofit organization.
The external stakeholders of Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank include the 26 partnering agencies, as
well as donors within the 11 counties they serve. The 26 partner agencies are listed below in
Figure A. The listed organizations below regularly hold drives and donate supplies and funds to
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank. Without the support of these outside organizations, Loving
Bottoms Diaper Bank would not be able to reach and assist as many families as they currently
do. By agreeing to work with Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank, the partner agencies agree with
Loving Bottom Diaper Bank’s mission and vision.
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Figure A: 2021 Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank Partners
● Abilities Plus
● Abingdon Community Center
● Boys & Girls Club of Greater Peoria
● CASA of West Central Illinois
● Catholic Charities – St. Nicholas Mobile Pantry
● Good Beginnings
● Grow Ministries
● Henry Stark Health Department
● Jamieson Community Center
● Mercer County Health Department
● Mercer County Senior Citizens Center
● Pekin Church of God Food Pantry
● Pekin School 108 – Prenatal to 3 Program
● Peoria County Bright Futures
● Regional Office of Education 33 – Prenatal to 3 Program
● Salvation Army – Canton
● Salvation Army – Galesburg
● Spoon River Pregnancy Center
● TASC Smart Start
● Tazewell County Health Department
● The Forgotten Initiative
● V.N.A. Community Services
● Williamsfield Food Pantry
2.3 Competition
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank is the only nonprofit organization in the West Central Illinois
region to supply large quantities of diapers, feminine products, and incontinence supplies to
those in need. Therefore, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank does not have any competitors.
The following SWOT table recognizes the strengths and weaknesses of Loving Bottoms Diaper
Bank. In addition, this table analyzes the perceived internal and external opportunities and
threats. This analysis should be taken into careful consideration as it will help Loving Bottoms
Diaper Bank better understand the workings of their organization.
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Aspect Implications Actions
● Continue to use and update the
● Allows potential and current donors,
● Accessible online presence organization’s website and Facebook
stakeholders, members, and
through the company’s account to communicate updates, local
volunteers to easily see current
website and Facebook events, donation, and volunteer
events, updates, and company goals
opportunities, and all upcoming events
● Low bandwidth (i.e., ● Difficulty in providing supplies to all ● Consider opening another large
unable to serve as much 11 counties with only one warehouse warehouse or a couple mini warehouses
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area) with only one in areas most in need of the products the
warehouse company provides
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● The Feminine Hygiene Products for the
● According to Illinois by the Feminine Homeless Act relies on funding being
● The state of Illinois has
Hygiene Products for the Homeless available to provide products to the
recently passed legislation
Act, this applies to prisoners in the individuals who qualify, which is not
that offers similar products
state of Illinois and homeless shelters, reliable. Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank
to specific communities
public universities, and community needs to continuously offer products and
colleges services to maintain reliability and
community trust
● Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank’s main ● Build more partnerships with companies
way of obtaining the products they and advertise for additional donors to
● The company relies on provide to those in need and the increase chances of having a back up
donors to survive funding they need to do so through income for supplies
● Continue to maintain relationships with
current donors and partnerships
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2.5 Market Position
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank believes in providing access to those in need of diapers, feminine
products, and incontinence supplies. By servicing 11 counties across the West Central Illinois
region, they provide several communities access to these necessities.
Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank is the only nonprofit organization to exclusively provide such
products to individuals in the West Central Illinois region. Overall, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank
is an important asset to the counties they serve, because they are the only nonprofit organization
to provide access to these necessities.
Within the market of nonprofit organizations, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank is a niche occupier.
This specific kind of organization “…targets a narrow band or particular interest in a market”
(Smudde, 2015). The market of Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank targets children and women since
their main products are diapers, feminine products, and incontinence supplies. Through the
actions of this plan, Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank can successfully stand out in the communities
they serve.
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3.0 The Plan
This section gives a specific and detailed plan of action for Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank for
2022-2023. The following section includes goals and strategies for the organization, as well as
tactics they are able to implement for the given goals. Additionally, we have provided critical
success factors and key performance indicators to help measure the success of the provided
objectives. A proposed budget and timeline is given to help Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank
understand how much each tactic may cost for their organization, as well as a schedule to follow
for implementation. Lastly, an evaluation and anticipated results section is provided for Loving
Bottoms Diaper Bank to reference at the end of the plan.
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their thoughts
during the
Research Strategy
- Send out a monthly survey
asking for feedback from board
Two-way Communication Strategy
- Allow employee approval
before major decisions
- Have the board of directors plan
monthly (or bi-monthly)
workshops for them and the
community to partake in
- Training workshops with
guest speakers and
- Networking workshop
18 of 44
Training strategy position
(Benchmark: Out of the 409 volunteers - Hire new employee and
in the past 12 months, 78% appoint that person as
volunteered more than once.) the volunteer manager
- Partner with a local community
(Rationale: Currently, turnover is college and/or university
moderate among volunteers. By internship and volunteer
increasing the retention of volunteers, program(s) to increase
this helps improve the efficiency of employee engagement and
getting projects done in a timely proactivity
manner and relieves stress for the two - Knox College (Galesburg, IL)
employees.) - Alpha Phi Omega is a
community service
organization at Knox
- Fraternities and Sororities
Training Strategy
- Train the one current paid
employee to act as the volunteer
manager in cases where the
actual volunteer manager is
unable to perform their duties
- Include both the hired
volunteer manager and
the current paid
employee in the training
process so they can both
learn the position’s
duties at the same time
- Training will
most likely be
done by owner
(if possible)
- Clearly outline and
document the volunteer
manager’s daily/weekly
tasks and use a shared
calendar to keep
employees aware of
upcoming events for
planning and awareness
Improve engagement levels among Social Media Strategy Social Media Strategy
low-income mothers by 10% by - Post on social media and @
19 of 44
January 2023 Advertising Strategy their organization
- Mom influencers
(Benchmark: 1 in 3 families in Illinois - Kelsey Tuttle
regularly lack the supplies needed to @tuttlepartyof5
keep their children clean and healthy.) (Instagram), is a stay-at-
home mom and
(Rationale: It is important for Loving Instagram influencer/
Bottoms Diaper Bank to reach low- blogger. She has 20.4K
income mothers because mothers are followers and lives in
most likely the ones who go to the Peoria, IL
store for diapers and menstrual - Cora,
products. Additionally, low-income @chronically.momma
families do not always have enough (Instagram), is a blogger
money to purchase these products.) and Instagram influencer
who talks about
(Average of 11.78% persons in motherhood and living
poverty across the 11 counties Loving with chronic illness. She
Bottoms Diaper Bank covers. Loving has 38.2K followers and
Bottoms Diaper Bank has helped is from Peoria, IL
change 1.381 million diapers, served - Mom support groups
8,347 periods, and provided 29,095 - MOMS Club Peoria NW
senior products.) (Facebook), is a support
group and nonprofit
(The overall average percentage of organization for moms
persons in poverty in the United States and children in the
is 11.4%.) Northwest Peoria area
- Peoria MOPS is a
support group and non-
profit organization in
Peoria for moms with
children between the
ages of zero through
Advertising Strategy
- Create flyers and post at grocery
stores, food pantries, doctors’
offices, daycares, churches, and
- Women’s Health Centers
- Women’s Pregnancy
Center of Galesburg
- Cottage Women’s
- Work with partner agencies to
spread the word
- Salvation Army &
20 of 44
Spoon River Pregnancy
- Children’s Home Association of
Illinois (Peoria and Tazewell
- The YWCA located in Peoria is
a nonprofit organization that
typically works closely with
single mothers
21 of 44
Bank.) accomplishments Loving
Bottoms Diaper Bank
had in the last year
Social Media Strategy
- Highlight their partnership on
social media platforms
- Implement the use of Hootsuite.
- This is a social media
marketing and management
platform, which allows you to
plan, manage, and schedule
social media posts
- Utilize Facebook’s Charitable
Giving Tools
- Highlight their donations on
social media platforms
- Create a Donor Stock / Mutual
- Include links to make a donation
in posts
Event strategy
- Host events/drives that benefit
both Loving Bottoms Diaper
Bank and the partner agency(s)
- Pop up Loving Bottoms Diaper
Bank drives
22 of 44
increased.) announcements, workshops,
events, and fundraising
- Annual packet with milestones
and accomplishments Loving
Bottoms Diaper Bank had in the
last year
Social Media Strategy
- Utilize Facebook’s Charitable
Giving Tools
- Highlight their donations on
social media platforms
- Create a Donor Stock / Mutual
- Include links to make a donation
in posts
- Implement the use of Hootsuite.
- This is a social
media marketing
and management
platform, which
allows you to
plan, manage,
and schedule
social media
Event Strategy
- Hold one fundraising event
every (or every other) month
- Family carnival
- Mommy’s/daddy’s night
- Include
to increase incentive
Two-way Communication Strategy
- Consider promoting other
organizations and brands that
are either donors or like Loving
Bottoms Diaper Bank’s mission
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3.2 Critical Success Factors
The chart below considers four categories which should be factored into the execution of each
objective. These categories include opportunities, barriers, environment, and resources. When
executing the plan, these categories should be taken into consideration to better understand the
importance of the objective.
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employees feel levels
more support Members want
their organization
Having more to expand/grow
employees leads
to more success
25 of 44
retention by 5% efficient work risk for COVID- leadership skills process to be
by January 2023 and outcomes to 19 able to find more
their Members want to volunteers to
organization Inflation is gain more help at the
driving knowledge organization
CarShare- taking transportation
turns driving costs higher Members want Shared weekly
commuters to more calendars
and from work Inconsistent opportunities
might confuse Members want to
volunteers feel appreciated
leading to lower and supported by
retention levels their workplace
Introduce racial Brings Loving Having a lack of Unconscious bias Choose a venue
and gender Bottoms Diaper press coverage for a meet and
diversity to the Bank more leads to less Members want greet such as a
board of ideas, thoughts, people knowing inclusivity and restaurant
26 of 44
directors by 30% opinions about their diversity
by January 2023 organization to Social media
Showcases be able to work Members want engagement
inclusivity which there social justice to
leads to social be served Emails/interview
justice and Location they s/phone calls
spreads are based in
awareness to might not have Printer and Paper
show their diversity
organization is
educated and Individuals
inclusive might be at high
risk for COVID-
Leads to more 19
and success Inflation rates
since there is causing gas
more variety and prices to
creativity among increase can lead
individuals to less people
being able to
drive to work
27 of 44
Increase loyalty Makes donors Donors might be The behaviors Employees need
of donors by feel affected from and actions of the to plan an event
30% by May acknowledged, COVID-19 and director and and create a
2023 which builds a not have enough manager communication
better donations to plan to connect
relationship with make Members want to to their donors
the organization. their donors to
Inflation rates feel appreciated Create a
Makes donors are high and and supported PowerPoint or
feel appreciated, rising, donors google slides that
which brings the might be Members want to shares all their
organization struggling be able to have ways of
more financially and more communicating
funds/donations not able to stick opportunities
to help them around anymore Members want to Paper and a
grow and be involved in printer
expand. the best
organization Personalized
Makes donors there is thank you letters
want to continue
supporting Members want Monthly
Loving Bottoms consistency and newsletter
Diaper Bank stability
Cultivates more platform
within the Reservation for a
organization/co venue
Buy drawings,
prizes, raffle
28 of 44
3.3 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
KPIs are key performance indicators which will measure the success of each objective over a
given period. Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank should take these KPIs into consideration to track
how well their objectives are performing.
29 of 44
○ KPI: Increase diversity hires by 15% each month for two months
■ Analyze the differences that having a diverse board of directors has made
for your organization
● Objective 7 - Increase loyalty of partnership agencies with Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank
by 50% by May 2023
○ Benchmark: There is no official communication plan in place for increasing
partnership loyalty toward agencies
○ KPI: Implement a communication plan to engage donors by 16% over three
■ Analyze the turnout of each of these opportunities/events and adjust
● Objective 8 - Increase loyalty of donors with Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank by 30% by
May 2023
○ Benchmark: There is no official communication plan in place for increasing
partnership loyalty toward donors
○ KPI: Ensure donors are receiving personalized thank you letters within 1 week of
receiving the donation, as well as highlighting their donation on social media
■ Analyze how many donors continue to give to Loving Bottoms Diaper
Our budget total for Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank is $40,710. The company will be receiving
additional funds, given that the tactics suggest holding more fundraising events, implementing a
grant writing position, and increased loyalty of donors. Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank can trust
that by implementing the given objectives and tactics, your company will reach its full potential.
30 of 44
(See Appendix E for the proposed 2022-2023 budget.)
3.5 Timeline
The recommendations being prescribed for Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank are carefully
researched and documented on steps for improving organizational structure and communication
among employees, donors, and partnering agencies. The timeline serves as the playbook for
initial steps and long-term objectives to be met at later dates, along with specific tactics to be
deployed on creating new opportunities for Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank. The proposed timeline
also includes a breakdown of specific dates and color-coded matches to correlate the objectives
and tactics being carried out on the dates in the timeframe. A timeline allows for the successful
completion of goals that an organization is planning out in the beginning and allows specific
benchmarks to be reached or tactics that need readjusting according to time limits or overlapping
of projects. The suggested timeline has been audited and cooperative with ambitious objectives
of improving Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank within reasonable amounts of time. All projections of
completed objectives can be altered due to changing schedules or shorter frames on priority
To evaluate the overall accomplishments of this plan, there must be measurements to base the
objectives off of. The measurements which should be evaluated to determine the achievements of
this plan include increasing loyalty for partnering agencies and donors, increasing volunteer
retention, increasing employee and board engagement, increasing grant expertise among
employees, introducing the racial and gender diversity to board of directors, increase of
engagement among the board of directors, and improving engagement levels among low-income
mothers. Section 3.3 refers to KPIs, which explain measurements on how to determine the
success of the given objectives.
31 of 44
○ If the objective is unsuccessful, implement ways of collaboration and team
building activities
● Objective 3 - Increase grant expertise among employees by 20% by October 2022
○ If this position is filled and there is more than one part-time employee, then this
objective is successful
○ If the objective is unsuccessful, adjust efforts in the hiring process.
● Objective 4 - Increase volunteer retention by 5% by January 2023
○ Recruit all volunteer positions by 100% within one month, then this objective is
○ If the objective is unsuccessful, adjust efforts in the hiring process and volunteer
● Objective 5 - Improve engagement levels among low-income mothers by 10% by January
○ For this objective to be successful, schedule weekly Instagram or social media
posts and actively engage with others through their social media accounts
○ If the objective is unsuccessful, hire more individuals to focus more on the social
media aspects and schedule daily posts and interactions on social media
● Objective 6 - Introduce racial and gender diversity to the Board of Directors by 30% by
January 2023
○ If this objective is successful, gender and racial equality will both be present by
January of 2023
○ If the objective is unsuccessful, adjust efforts to create a more diverse group of
Board of Directors at Loving Bottoms by highlighting diversity on their website
and conducting diversity training
● Objective 7 - Increase loyalty of partnership agency with Loving Bottoms Diaper Bank
by 50% by May 2023
○ If there are quarterly partner agency meetings held consistently beginning in the
year 2023, the objective was successful
○ If the objective is unsuccessful, adjust the frequency of the meetings to monthly.
● Objective 8 - Increase loyalty of donors by 30% by May 2023
○ Ensure donors are receiving personalized thank you letters within 1 week of
receiving the donation, as well as highlighting their donation on social media,
then this objective is successful
○ If the objective is unsuccessful, then schedule a donor event to show their
appreciation for their continuous support
32 of 44
A. Organization Structure
33 of 44
C. U. S. Bureau Census Statistics
34 of 44
D. Budget
35 of 44
36 of 44
E. Timeline
37 of 44
F. Additional Insights
a. Below is an additional objective followed by its strategy and tactics Loving
Bottoms Diaper Bank may want to consider in the next three to five years
Alleviate the idea of Loving Branding Strategy Branding Strategy
Bottoms Diaper Bank only being - Start a male-centered
for women and mothers by 25% program to reach more
by April 2023 fathers and encourage a
more inclusive field
(Benchmark: All of the supplies - Showcase more males
offered at Loving Bottoms Diaper benefiting from Loving
Bank are seemingly targeted Bottom Diaper Banks’s
toward women and children) services on the website
and social media
(Rationale: Rebranding Loving - Make yearly father’s day
Bottoms Diaper Bank will posts thanking the
increase the organization’s reach world’s fathers for all that
and target audience and create they do
more opportunities to provide to - Change the organization’s
individuals and families in need of name
the supplies Loving Bottoms - Do not include the
Diaper Bank has to offer) word diapers as
this limits the
potential reach
38 of 44
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40 of 44
41 of 44
Team Members’ Names: Sam Morse, Lindsay Cox, Kimberly Livas, Sydney Ochodnicky, Kelsie
Urbasek, Michael Hong, Bridget Golk
Criteria Evaluation
Poor Excellent
How well does the executive summary capture the essence of the entire 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
plan? 7 8 9 10
How well is the market position defined and defended, especially in tune 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
with the value proposition? 7 8 9 10
How well does it appear that secondary and primary research was 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
applied? 7 8 9 10
42 of 44
How reasonable are the rationales for the goals given in the objectives, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
especially given the situation analysis? 7 8 9 10
How well do the tactics and the strategies tie to each other and specific 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
objectives? 7 8 9 10
How well is the formatting and packaging done, including the letter, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
table of contents, and appendices (if included)? 7 8 9 10
43 of 44