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Fire Officer II
Student Study Guide

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Unit 1: No Performance Requirements

Unit 2: Human Resource Management

Unit 3: No Performance Requirements

Unit 4: No Performance Requirements

Unit 5: No Performance Requirements

Unit 6: Budget

Unit 7: Government Structure

Unit 8: Communication Skills

Unit 9: Information Management

Unit 10: Planning

Unit 11: Inspection, Investigation, and Public Education

Unit 12: Emergency Service Delivery

Unit 13: Safety

The AFRC Fire Training Committee developed this guide. Any comments, questions or
suggestions should be directed to any member of this committee. Current members are
found on the AFRC Fire Protection Web Site, under Working Groups, at:

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Unit 2: Human Resource Management
REF: CO = Company Officer, 2nd Edition
ESP = Effective Supervisory Practices 3rd Edition
01 3-2.1 Local Policy
01 3-2.2 Factor Group Behavior
A) Understanding People
1. Understanding is putting yourself in the other persons shoes, and
seeing the problem from another persons perspective.(ESP page
B) Motivating the Member
1. Individual Behavior (CO Page 130)
i) Moral and Ethical Influences
ii) Perspectives
iii) Expectations
iv) Needs
v) These 4 factors combine to influence and guide the
individual’s choice of action, and can reinforce the individual
2. Organizational tasks (CO Page 136-138)
i) Achievement Task
ii) Power Task
iii) Affiliation Task
3. Indicators of needs (CO 136)
i) Indicators of high achievement needs
ii) Indicators of high power needs
iii) Indicators of high affiliation needs
4. McGregor’s Theories (CO 89-94)
i) X
ii) Y
5. Ouchi’s Theory Z (CO 89-94)
i) Z
C) Handling Disputes (CO 173-175)
1. Problems that involve someone’s feelings.
2. Four basic reasons:

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i) Bring about change
ii) Release pressure
iii) Get attention
iv) Confront personality conflicts
3. Be a good listener
4. Questions to aid the individual
i) Perception of the problem
ii) Involvement of others
iii) Possible solutions
iv) What the individual expects the officer to do
5. 8 step method of problem solving (CO 167-171)
D) Introducing Change (ESP 149-152)
1. Create a climate for change
i) Assure the employees participate in every part of the change
ii) Reduce the stress involved.
E) Gaining Cooperation (CO 101)
1. Structure relationships so firefighters cooperate to achieve shared
2. Avoid competition among employees
3. Orders and Directives (CO 48-49)
i) Orders are directives based on administration of a policy,
procedure or method.
ii) Directives are not based on administrative policy, procedure
or method, but are essential to implementing formal guidelines.

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F) Supervisory Cooperation
1. 4 types of leadership styles (CO 95-97)
i) Bureaucratic
ii) Single Issue
iii) Middle of the Road
iv) Dual Issue

2. Power Structures – The ability to influence another (CO 103-105)

i) Reward
ii) Coercive
iii) Identification
iv) Expert
v) Legitimate
3. Transactional Analysis: Method of examining esteem and status
fulfillment (CO 78-80)
(a) Parent Ego
(b) Child Ego
(c) Adult Ego

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4. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (CO 74-76)

5. Management by Objectives (CO 124-126)

i) Objectives must be recorded in writing
ii) Objectives must be realistic, attainable and measurable
iii) Lines of communication must be open upward and downward
iv) Authority of responsibility must be spelled out for each
person involved
v) Evaluation chart or form must be developed to answer the
question “how are we doing?”
B) Job Attitude
1. Chapter 7, CO
C) Company policy (CO pages 46-47)
1. A guide to decision making within an organization.
2. Originates with top management
3. Defines boundaries the fire officer is to act within.
D) Emotional Status/Stress (CO pages 240-247)
1. Stress – adjustment to change
i) Acute – short term
(a) Usually no permanent damage occurs
ii) Chronic – long term
(a) Can lead to permanent damage
(b) Some health problems include heart disease, ulcers,
cancer, and insomnia
2. Stressors

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i) Exertion - Physical stressor
ii) Weather – environmental stressor
iii) Psychological stressors. Sometimes difficult to identify.
Examples are:
(a) Sound of the alarm
(b) Unknown dangers at a scene
(c) Etc.
E) Handling complaints (CO pages 173-176)
1. Be a listener
2. Ask open ended questions to clarify
3. Chronic complainers
i) They are dissatisfied with themselves
ii) May feel insecure or inferior
F) Handling the problem member (CO pages 173-176)
003 3-2.3 Personnel situations and Corrective Actions
A) Actions that require correction (CO pages 152-154)
1. Problem must be recognized and defined precisely.
2. Spell out a specific standard.
3. Define a course of action to correct the unsatisfactory situation.
B) Informal Counseling (CO pages 145-146)
1. Evaluation by personality
2. Judgement by belief, not a standard
C) Formal Counseling (CO pages 145-146, ESP pages 91-92)
1. Set of criteria (standards)
2. Follows established guidelines that everyone can have an input into.
3. Allows the employee to give feedback about the supervisors
performance to the supervisor
D) Disciplinary actions (CO 155-158 ESP pages 168-172)
1. Oral Reprimand
2. Written reprimand
3. Transfer
4. Suspension
5. Demotion

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6. Termination
004 3-2.4 Personnel Evaluations
A) Objectives of member evaluation program (CO 144-145, ESP 91)
1. An objective evaluation of the relationship between the firefighter
and the fire department
2. Determines how the firefighter is functioning relative to the needs
of the department and defines how department requirements can be
aligned with the firefighters goals.
B) Avoiding common errors in evaluations (CO pages 145-146)
1. Avoid evaluation by personality
2. Do not judge by opinion, or beliefs
3. Always have a standard to evaluate against.
C) Procedures for conducting an evaluation program (ESP 92-96)
1. Set goals
2. Set standards
3. Evaluate performance
4. Interview the employee
5. Document
D) Planning an evaluation conference (ESP 95, CO 158)
1. Review the firefighters record
2. Fill out a evaluation form
3. Set a agenda for the meeting
4. Set a time for the meeting, and schedule sufficient, uninterrupted
5. Pick a private place to conduct the interview
E) Conducting a evaluation conference (CO 158-160, ESP 95-96)
1. Begin on time
2. Review the agenda, and explain this is a tool to help the firefighter
advance to his career goals, and is not designed to judge the
3. Talk with the employee, not at him.
4. Discuss the firefighters’ strengths, and what makes him/her an asset
to the department.
5. Encourage the firefighter to talk about how he/she views
themselves in the department

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6. Discuss any shortcomings with the employee and discuss corrective
i) Write down any solutions and review with the employee
7. Summarize and close the interview

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Unit 6: Budget
005 3-6.1 Budget Types (ESF 204-206)
A) Capital Budgets
1. More costly, non-recurring items
2. May be used to propose financing for capital items
3. Published with the operating budget
B) Operating budgets
1. Is the plan for allocating resources (tax dollars and other revenue)
for personnel, supplies, equipment and operating expenses for
2. Generally recurring or small dollar items
006 3-6.2 Budget Revenue Sources (CHO 128-131)
A) Operations
B) Equipment
C) Training
• In addition to tax revenue, various types of service fees have been
• Public and Private Grants may be available for fire department use
• Self Insurance has been proposed for some departments

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Unit 7: Government Structure
REF: MFS: Managing Fire Services 2nd ED
HMFR: Hazardous Materials for First Responders 2nd ED
CO: Chief Officer 1st ED
007 3-7.1 Agencies, bureaus, departments and divisions of government
A) Local State Federal levels (MFS pages 30-36)
1. Appendix A, HMFR
2. City/county council and manager
3. Building department
4. Engineering Department
5. Water department
6. Planning/zoning department
7. Police department
8. Central and General services
9. Specialized fire protection
10. Private developers
11. Other fire departments
12. The insurance industry
B) Functions of Each (MFS 30-36)
1. See MFS for the above functions.
C) The need for interagency cooperation (MFS 37)
1. The components exist in most communities, but may not be viewed
as part of the fire protection system.
2. Planing assures coordination and communication between all
008 3-7.2 Law Making Processes
A) Federal Level
1. Three Branches of Government Company Officer Third Edition
Page 107-108
i) Executive
ii) Legislative
iii) Judicial
2. Process

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i) Bills – written description of legislation
ii) Committees – review the bills before presentation to
iii) Released bills are placed on the congressional calendar for
iv) Vote on bills
(a) Passed – goes to other house of congress
v) If passes both houses of congress, is sent to the president.
(a) If he signs it, becomes law
(b) If veto’s, goes to back to Congress
(1) Congress can override the veto with a 2/3rd vote.
The act then becomes law.
(2) If no override, bill is dead
B) State/Provincial level (CO 197-201)
1. Learn who power brokers are
2. Contact representatives
3. Establish friendly relations with state legislatures
4. Send them information
5. Present a united front
6. State your positions clearly and concisely (be honest, be positive)
7. Write letters
8. Follow up after the bill has been acted upon
9. Lobby, and go to public meetings
C) Local Level (CO 196-197)
1. Analysis of the effects of the proposed ordinance
2. Schedule meetings with local managers and the organization’s
3. Present the proposal to the local city council
4. If defeated, analyze what went wrong and try again
D) Types of Law (CO 257-262)
1. Tort
i) A civil wrong or injury
2. Administrative law

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i) Agencies (examples are the EPA and OSHA) create rules,
regulations and guidelines that are referred to as administrative
ii) Congress creates these agencies.
3. Statutory Law
i) Laws that are created by Congress.
0009 3-7.3 Local Forms of Government
A) Base Command Structure – Local Structure of Authority having jurisdiction
B) Local Government Structure of Local Structure of Authority having
See NFPA 1021

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Unit 8: Communications Skills
REF: MFS: Managing Fire Services 2nd ED
HMFR: Hazardous Materials for First Responders 2nd ED
CHO: Chief Officer 1st ED
CO: Company Officer 2nd ED
FI: Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement 5th ED
FPH: Fire Protection Handbook 17th ED
010 3-8.1 Preparation of Material from predetermined data
A) Reports (CO 59-61)
1. Complete sentences
2. Proper grammar
3. Appropriate use of words
4. Words spelled right
B) Specifications (MFS 181-182)
1. Be specific
2. Do lots of research on type, cost, configuration, durability
3. Use established documents for reference if available
C) Requisitions
D) Budgets (CHO 124-126)
1. Start with pervious budgets
i) Cut unneeded expenses
ii) Add new requirements
iii) Take into account cost of living and inflation
iv) Capital purchases needed
011 3-8.2 News Releases
A) Soft News (CHO 104-108)
1. Does not offer the excitement of a major fire or a departmental
i) Human interest stories as a example
ii) Provides citizens with information
B) Hard News (CHO 104-108)
1. News coverage of department operations or scandals
i) Fires as a example

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C) Public safety announcements (CHO 104-108)
1. Seasonal announcements dealing with fire safety
2. Public fire education
012 3-8.3 Facility fire inspection report of an area used for storage, handling or
transportation of flammable liquids, flammable gases or hazardous materials
A) Identify existing hazards (FI 240)
1. Evaluate the materials for hazards
i) Characteristics of the material
ii) Design of the storage container
iii) Foundations and supports
iv) Size and location of vents
v) Piping and connections
B) Recommending corrective actions for hazards (FPH Section 10, Chap 15)
1. Comply with specific codes
2. Write clear, well documented recommendations to correct problems

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Unit 9: Information Management
REF: MFS: Managing Fire Services 2nd ED
ESP: Effective Supervisory Practices 3rd ED
CHO: Chief Officer 1st ED
CO: Company Officer 2nd ED
FI: Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement 5th ED
FPH: Fire Protection Handbook 17th ED
013 3-9.1 Electronic Data processing Equipment
A) Personal Computers
1. Identify the capabilities of the computers of the authority having
B) Main Frame Computer Systems
1. Identify the capabilities of the computers of the authority having
C) Computer aided dispatching systems (CHO 169)
1. Identify the capabilities of the computers of the authority having
2. Can significantly shorten response time
3. Enable Dispatchers to handle a greater volume of calls
4. Can reduce the amount of voice communications between
dispatchers and responding units
014 3-9.2 Interpreting output information from data processing equipment
A) Statistical information
B) Future planning
C) Program management
015 3-9.3 Record keeping systems (CHO 93-99)
A) Maintaining the system
1. Keep information current
B) Evaluating the system
1. Annually check the system for out of date data
C) Identifying necessary changes to the system
016 3-9.4 Reports based on personnel records
A) Standards of performance (CO 146-147)

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1. Cannot arbitrarily exclude a segment of society
2. Must apply to the employee’s ability to accomplish a specific task
and apply to the entire group
B) Evaluating performance (ESP 94-97)
1. All significant facts should be written down, kept up to date and
shared with the employee
2. Write down all actions
i) Goals set
ii) Job production
iii) Achievements
iv) Recognition
C) Outlining future goals (CO 158-161, ESP 92-94)
1. Should be performance measurable objectives
2. Stated clearly
i) Concise description (not vague description)
017 3-9.5 Reports based on equipment maintenance records
A) Type of Equipment
B) Condition of Equipment
C) Future replacement of equipment
018 3-9.6 Reports based on fire building records
A) Purpose of Structure
B) Condition of Structure
C) Maintenance of Structure

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Unit 10: Planning
REF: MFS: Managing Fire Services 2nd ED
ESP: Effective Supervisory Practices 3rd ED
HMFR: Hazardous Materials for First Responders 2nd ED
CHO: Chief Officer 1st ED
CO: Company Officer 2nd ED
FI: Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement 5th ED
FPH: Fire Protection Handbook 17th ED
ESS: Essentials of Firefighting 3rd ED
019 3-10.1 Pre-fire plans for an identified target hazard
A) Symbols, maps and layout
1. NFPA 170 symbols, AF Form 1028

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2. Essentials 3rd P524

3. Layout (CO 192-194)
i) Plot Plan
ii) Floor plan
iii) Elevation drawing
4. Personnel and resources
i) CO page 181, 182
5. Extinguishing agent
i) CO page 185-188

020 3-10.2 Operational plans for resources and safety considerations necessary to
control the following types of incidents:
A) Flammable liquids (ESS 406-410; HMFR 183-187 )
B) Flammable Gases (ESS 410-412; HMFR 180-183)
C) Poisons (HMFR 191-194)
D) Explosives (HMFR 175-178)
E) Radioactive materials (HMFR 194-195)

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F) Flammable solids (HMFR 188-190
G) Reactives (HMFR 31-32)
H) Corrosives (HMFR 195-197)

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Unit 11: Inspection, Investigation, and Public Education
REF: MFS: Managing Fire Services 2nd ED
ESP: Effective Supervisory Practices 3rd ED
HMFR: Hazardous Materials for First Responders 2nd ED
CHO: Chief Officer 1st ED
CO: Company Officer 2nd ED
FI: Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement 5th ED
FPH: Fire Protection Handbook 17th ED
ESS: Essentials of Firefighting 3rd ED
PE: Public Fire Education 1st ED
WS: Water Supplies for Fire Protection 4th ED

021 3-11.1 Conducting Fire Inspections and Exit Drills (FI 21-36, 33-34, NFPA
Inspection Manual)
A) Assembly
B) Educational
C) Health Care
D) Detention and correctional
E) Residential
F) Mercantile
G) Business
H) Industrial
I) Storage
J) Unusual structures
K) Mixed occupancies
022 3-11.2 Public fire education programs
A) Development Skills (PE 10-12)
1. Identification

2. Selection
3. Design
4. Implementation

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5. Evaluation
B) Implementation Skills (PE 10-12)
1. Identification
2. Selection
3. Design
4. Implementation
5. Evaluation
023 3-11.3 Detection and Signaling Systems (FI 111-162 [Chapter 7])
A) Installed fire protection systems
1. Automatic Sprinkler Systems
i) Wet
ii) Dry
iii) Deluge
iv) Preaction
2. Special agent fixed extinguishing systems
i) Foam
ii) CO2
iii) Halon
iv) Dry chemical
3. Standpipe systems
i) Wet or Dry
(a) Class I
(b) Class II
(c) Class III
4. Portable fire extinguishers (FI 112-122)
i) Obsolete extinguisher
ii) Class A
iii) Class B
iv) Class C
v) Class D
vi) Ratings
vii) Use of
viii) Selection

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ix) Placement
x) Inspection
xi) Maintenance
B) Fire and smoke alarm systems (ESS 535-537)
1. Ionization
2. Photoelectric
3. Heat Detectors (FI 155-158)
C) Fire reporting systems (ESS 503-508)
1. Public
i) Can be used by anyone to report an emergency.
(a) Telephone
(b) Radio
(c) Walk-ins
(d) Wired telegraph circuit box
(e) Telephone fire alarm box
(f) Radio fire alarm box
2. Private
i) Private protective signaling systems are used to detect and
transmit alarms to a fire department communication center.
(a) Alarm initiating devices
(b) Manually activated devices
(c) Thermal sensitive devices
(d) Visible products of combustion detectors
(e) Invisible products of combustion detectors
(f) Flame detectors
(g) Water flow detectors
024 3-11.4 Water Systems
A) Water supply for fire department operations (FI 164)
A) Water distribution systems
i) Combination
ii) Gravity
iii) Direct pumping

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2. Water Main Size (ESS 299)

i) Industrial 12 inch
ii) Business 8 inch

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iii) Residential 6 inch
3. Hydrants (ESS 301-302; FI 169)
i) Wet barrel
ii) Dry barrel
iii) Color codes
(a) Class AA Light Blue 1500 GPM or more
(b) Class A Green 1000-1499 GPM
(c) Class B Orange500-999 GPM
(d) Class C Red Less than 500 GPM
iv) Hydrant Spacing (WS page 77)
(a) General rule, spacing should not exceed 800 feet
between hydrants
(b) Closely built areas no more than 500 feet
(c) High value areas, no more than 300 feet
(d) From the structure, no more than 50 feet
(e) Fire Dept connections shall be located no more than
100 feet from the nearest fire hydrant connected to a
approved water supply
4. Valve Spacing (FI 168)
i) Maximum valve spacing
(a) High value district – 500 feet
(b) Other areas – recommended 800 feet by commercial
risk services
5. Inspection of Fire Hydrants (FI 171)
i) Check for obstructions
ii) Check the direction of hydrant outlets
iii) Clearance between the outlet and the surrounding ground
(a) At least 15 inches from the bottom of the outlet to the
ground (FI 171)
(b) NFPA 25 shows 18 inches from the middle of the stem
to the ground
iv) Check for mechanical damage
v) Check for rust or corrosion
vi) Check the water flow

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B) Mapping auxiliary water supplies (FI 163-188)
1. Surface supplies
i) Rivers, lakes etc
2. Group supplies
3. Wells, water producing springs
C) Drainage and sewer lines (NFPA 820)
1. Sanitary Sewer: A sewer that carries liquid and water-carried
wastes from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants,
and institutions together with minor quantities of storm, surface,
ground waters that are not admitted intentionally.
2. Storm Sewer: Pipe or conduit carries storm water and surface water,
street wash, and other wash water, or drainage but excludes
domestic waste water and industrial wastes (also called storm
025 3-11.5 Public Fire Alarm Systems
A) Functions (FI 150)
1. The system is a combination of alarm components designed to
detect a fire and or transmit an alarm on the immediate premises
B) Operating procedures (FI 153-154)
1. Proprietary Alarm Systems
2. Central Station Alarm Systems
3. Remote Station Systems
4. Municipal Fire Alarm Systems
5. Multiplexing Detection Systems
026 3-11.6 Stationary Fire Pumps
A) Capacities (FPH 5-88)
1. 25GPM to 5000GPM
B) Pump Power Supplies (FPH 5-97 to 5-99)
1. Electric
2. Internal combustion engines
C) Pump Water Supply (NFPA 20 2-1)
1. A stored supply shall be sufficient to meet the demand placed upon
it for the expected duration, and a reliable method of replenishing
the supply shall be provided.
D) Inspection Procedures (FI 126, NFPA 20, NFPA 25)

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Fire Officer II -- Study Guide HQ AFRC/CEXF
155 2nd Street
Robins AFB GA 31098-1635
1. Minimum supply is 8 hours of fuel
2. Shall be run no less than 30 minutes a week.
027 3-11.7 Standpipe Systems
A) Classes of Standpipes (FI 123)
1. Wet or Dry
i) Class I
ii) Class II
iii) Class III
B) Standpipe water supply (FI 124; NFPA 14, 7-1)
1. Class I – minimum 500 GPM for 30 Minutes
2. Class II - minimum 100 GPM for 30 Minutes
3. Class III – Same minimum flow as Class I
C) Operation (FI 124-125)
1. Class II systems are designed to be operated by the occupants of the
2. Class I and Class III are designed to be operated by Fire Protection
D) Inspection Procedures (FI 126-127)
1. Initial
2. Periodic
028 3-11.8 Special Extinguishing Systems
A) Foam injection systems (FPH 5-275)
1. Subsurface foam injection: Discharge of foam into a storage tank
from a outlet from a tank bottom
2. Semi subsurface foam injection: discharge of foam at the liquid’s
surface within a storage tank from a floating hose that rises from a
piped container near the tank bottom.
3. Should only be used with cone roofed tanks.
B) Gaseous agent discharge systems (FPH 5-290)
1. Inerting gas suppression
i) Carbon Dioxide
ii) Steam
iii) Nitrogen
iv) Halon

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155 2nd Street
Robins AFB GA 31098-1635
C) Deluge/Mass application system (ESS 446)
1. The purpose of the deluge system is to wet down an area where a
fire originates by discharging water from all open sprinklers in the
systems. The system is normally used to protect extra hazardous
occupancies. Activation of the system may be controlled by fire and
heat detecting devices or smoke detecting devices plus a manual
2. Types include
i) Dry Chemical
ii) Wet chemical
iii) Foam
D) Inspections
1. Carbon Dioxide NFPA 12
2. Halon NFPA 12A and 12B
3. Chemical extinguishing systems NFPA 17 and 17A
4. Foam NFPA 11 and 11A

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Fire Officer II -- Study Guide HQ AFRC/CEXF
155 2nd Street
Robins AFB GA 31098-1635
Unit 12: Emergency Service Delivery
REF: MFS: Managing Fire Services 2nd ED
ESP: Effective Supervisory Practices 3rd ED
HMFR: Hazardous Materials for First Responders 2nd ED
CHO: Chief Officer 1st ED
CO: Company Officer 2nd ED
FI: Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement 5th ED
FPH: Fire Protection Handbook 17th ED
ESS: Essentials of Firefighting 3rd ED
PE: Public Fire Education 1st ED
WS: Water Supplies for Fire Protection 4th ED

029 3-12.1 Hazardous Materials Situations (HMFR 175-197, 1996 NAERG 3-7))
A) Resources – also Appendix A HMFR
B) Placement - Authority Having Jurisdiction
C) Assignment - Authority Having Jurisdiction

030 3-12.2 Information Resources required for managing hazardous materials

situations. (HMFR Appendix A; NAERG 4-6)
A) Federal agencies
B) State/Provincial agencies
C) Local agencies
D) Private/industrial agencies
031 3-12.3 Fire Department command roles and responsibilities
The Authority Having Jurisdiction determines this (OI, SOP’s)
A) Fire Suppression
B) Rescue Services
C) Emergency Medical Services
D) Hazardous Materials Response
LEPC: Local Emergency Planning Committee. Determine the roles of the
fire department in HAZMAT response. The committee is composed of
representatives of the emergency response agencies, and also
representatives of state and local governments, emergency management

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155 2nd Street
Robins AFB GA 31098-1635
and transportation. Also included are medical, media, environmental
groups, and industry.

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Fire Officer II -- Study Guide HQ AFRC/CEXF
155 2nd Street
Robins AFB GA 31098-1635
Unit 13 Safety

REF: MFS: Managing Fire Services 2nd ED

ESP: Effective Supervisory Practices 3rd ED
HMFR: Hazardous Materials for First Responders 2nd ED
CHO: Chief Officer 1st ED
CO: Company Officer 2nd ED
FI: Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement 5th ED
FPH: Fire Protection Handbook 17th ED
ESS: Essentials of Firefighting 3rd ED
PE: Public Fire Education 1st ED
WS: Water Supplies for Fire Protection 4th ED
FDOS: Fire Department Occupational Safety 2nd ED

032 3-13.1 Unsafe Acts, fire fighter injuries and deaths

A) Physical Conditions
B) Task Performance Conditions
C) Equipment use conditions
All of the above are referenced in FDOS 26-29.

• ANSI classifies unsafe acts as follows:

Ø Taking unsafe position or posture
Ø Improper use of equipment, apparatus and tools
Ø Using unsafe equipment
Ø Failure to use available PPE
Ø Failure to wear PPE
Ø Operating without authority
Ø Inattention to footing or surroundings
Ø Operating or working at unsafe speeds
Ø Improper use of hands or body parts
Ø Failure to secure or warn
Ø Making a safety device inoperative

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Fire Officer II -- Study Guide HQ AFRC/CEXF
155 2nd Street
Robins AFB GA 31098-1635
Ø Horseplay
Ø Unsafe placing, mixing, or combining of materials
Ø Cleaning, oiling, adjusting, or repairing equipment that is moving, electrically
energized, or pressurized

• ANSI Classified Unsafe Conditions as follows:

Ø Hazardous methods or procedures (planned, directed, or conducted by supervision)
Ø Lack of safe dress, apparel, or PPE
Ø Defective equipment
Ø Hazardous outside environments
Ø Placement hazards
Ø Inadequately guarded
Ø Public hazards (encountered in public places away from equipment)

• H.W. Hienrich describe accident sequence in terms of 5 factors analogous to dominos

placed on end. The dominos are labeled as follows:
Ø Social environment
Ø Human factors
Ø Unsafe acts and conditions (refer to ANSI above)
Ø Accident
Ø Injury

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Fire Officer II -- Study Guide HQ AFRC/CEXF
155 2nd Street
Robins AFB GA 31098-1635

In Hienrich’s analogy, a preventable accident is one of the 5 sequential factors listed

above which may result in an injury.

The emphasis on accident control is focused in the middle of Heinrich's sequence, which
are unsafe acts and conditions.

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Courtesy of:
Fire Officer II -- Study Guide HQ AFRC/CEXF
155 2nd Street
Robins AFB GA 31098-1635
• Stress (CO 237-251)
Ø Acute
Ø Chronic
Ø Dr. Hans Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) (CO 240-241)
ü Stage 1 - Alarm reaction
ü Stage 2 - Fight or Flight response
ü Stage 3 - Exhaustion
Ø Types of Stress: (CO 241-247)
ü Physical
ü Environmental
ü Psychological
ü Critical
033 3-13.2 Report based on safety records (FDOS 17-41, 61-65)
A) Unsafe acts or conditions
B) Development of a safety program
C) Evaluation of a safety program

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