The Haldeman Diaries Inside The Nixon White House
The Haldeman Diaries Inside The Nixon White House
The Haldeman Diaries Inside The Nixon White House
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HI Haldeman
Introduction and afterword by Stephen E. Ambrose
There is no way that this project could have been completed without the
Jo Haldeman
Prefatory Note xi
Foreword by H. R. Haldeman 14
First Quarter: January-March 17
Second Quarter: April-June 47
Third Quarter: July-September 69
Fourth Quarter: October-December 93
First Quarter: January-March 117
Second Quarter: April-June 145
Third Quarter: July-September 179
Fourth Quarter: October-December 200
First Quarter: January-March 229
Second Quarter: April-June 265
Third Quarter: July-September 313
Fourth Quarter: October-December 361
First Quarter: January-March 391
Second Quarter: April-June 435
Third Quarter: July-September 480
Fourth Quarter: October-December 512
First Quarter: January-March 561
Last Month: April 622
Richard M. Nixon
Inaugural Address, January 1969
x i
between Rogers and Henry Kissinger, are covered in detail, even though
consuming. It was poignant for me to see Bob document his own diminishing
involvement with the President. This culminated in his entry of April 30, 1973,
describing President Nixon's last awkward telephone call which followed his
televised speech announcing Bob's resignation:
[The President] said to me: you're a strong man, you've got to keep the
faith, you're going to win this, God bless you. Then he asked me ... if
These are some of my observations in reading the 1,521 entries in the full
text. Each reader will have his or her own reactions, and noted historian
Stephen Ambrose has shared his theories in his introduction. Bob was pleased
to know that Mr. Ambrose had agreed to contribute to the book; however, he
did not have a chance to see his material, and I feel that he would not have
agreed with a number of Mr. Ambrose's conclusions. Bob had planned both
to write an afterword and to do a promotional tour. These were to have
provided forums for him to explain some of the controversial issues touched
on in his diaries. Unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to do either.
Twenty years after he left the White House, Bob decided to review the
transcripts of his records. He realized then their historical value as an unprece-
dented account of the inner workings of the office of the President of the
United States and became committed to their publication. He was working
full-time on this project up until one month before his death. At that time
contract negotiations were almost complete for the publication of the diaries
both in their entirety on CD-ROM and in a condensed book version. He was
excited about the undertaking, and I deeply regret that he did not live to see
Jo Haldeman
Santa Barbara
February 1994
The Nixon White House
JANUARY 21, 1969 — APRIL 30, 1973
The Cabinet
Spiro — Vice President, January 1973, to October
Agnew 10, 1973
Fred Dent —
Secretary of Commerce, February 2, 1973, to May 1975; for-
merly White House Political Coordinator
Bob Finch — Secretary of HEW, January 22, 1969, to June 23, 1970; later
stayed on as Counselor to the President until 1972
John Mitchell — Attorney General, January 22, 1969 to June 1972; later
chairman of the CRP
Rogers Morton —
Secretary of Interior, January 29, 1971, to June 1975;
formerly Congressman from Maryland
Bill — Secretary of
Rogers January
State, 1969, to September
22, 1973 3,
Director of OMB, July 1970 to June 1972; Secretary of Treasury, June 12,
1972, to May 1974
Caspar Weinberger —
Secretary of HEW, February 12, 1973, to August
1975; formerly Deputy Director of the OMB, then Director
Walter Annenberg
Ed Cox — Son-in-law
David Eisenhower — Son-in-law
Billy Graham
Don Nixon — Brother
Ed Nixon — Brother
Julie Nixon (Eisenhower) — Daughter
Pat Nixon — Richard Nixon's wife
Tricia Nixon (Cox) — Daughter
Bebe Rebozo
by Stephen E. Ambrose
or domestic policy. Sherman Adams, the first of the modern chiefs of staff in
the White House, was important to Eisenhower, but nowhere near as critical
to the President as Haldeman was to Nixon. And none of Haldeman's prede-
cessors or successors as chief of staff worked for a president who was involved
in such high drama or low skulduggery.
This is politics at its cutting edge, tough as nails. When American Jews
boycotted French President Pompidou during a visit to New York because the
French had sold some jet fighter planes to the Arabs, and Mayor John Lindsay
and Governor Nelson Rockefeller joined the boycott, Nixon was embarrassed
and furious. He struck back by postponing an arms shipment to Israel and by
telling Kissinger to tell American Jewish leaders to "go talk to Lindsay and
Rockefeller about whether they can provide arms for Israel." We see Nixon tell
the IRS to start doing audits on Democratic campaign contributors; Nixon
manipulating George Wallace both before and after he was shot, using money
and IRS threats to keep Wallace out of the 1972 race; Nixon helping McGov-
ern win the 1972 Democratic nomination by putting out fake polls showing
McGovern doing well in trial heats; Nixon in October 1972 making "the
interesting point" (as Haldeman put it) "that after the election we will have
awesome power with no discipline, that is, there won't be another election
coming up to discipline us," so all of Nixon's enemies Democrats, bureau-
crats, reporters, publishers, television networks, and so on —
had better brace
We American politics at the most practical level. In 1970 Nixon had
a welfare reform program called the Family Assistance Plan. He told Halde-
man "to be sure it's killed by Democrats and that we make big play for it, but
don't let it pass, can't afford it."
And we
see bureaucratic infighting and turf battles at the most petty level;
Haldeman's diaries are filled with stories about the struggle between Henry
Kissinger and Secretary of State William Rogers for power and influence.
Haldeman writes: "P realizes K basically is jealous of any idea not his own,
and he just can't swallow the apparent early success of the Middle East plan
[in 1970] because it is Rogers'. In fact, he's probably actually trying to make
it fail for just this reason."
Kissinger made Haldeman's life miserable with his constant complaining
and his if Rogers wasn't fired. Haldeman called
continuous threats to resign
his bluffon a number of occasions, best of all on December 7, 1971, a couple
of months before the historic trip to China. "I talked again with Henry and
played it a little brutally by saying that if he was going to announce his
resignation in December, he should resign in December. He couldn't just
announce it and then hang on, and he said, oh no, he couldn't do that because
he couldn't leave the P alone to go to China, and I said you couldn't go to
China with him having announced your resignation." Kissinger folded.
The old Nixon is here, on every page the hatred and jealousy of the
Kennedy family, the contempt for bureaucrats, liberals, professors, the edu-
cated, and others, the obsession with Alger Hiss, the amazing memory. In
January 1972 Nixon had Haldeman bring him a copy of a book by H. G. Wells
"and found a devastating quote about the military mind and the fact that it
is by definition mediocre because nobody with any real intellectual talent
would submit himself to the military career." The President added, "Of course
Wells has the feeling that the solution to all problems is education for every-
one, and that's a terrible idea, especially for women, says the P."
Obviously the P said things to Haldeman he said to no one else. On
another occasion, Nixon got into "a sort of a long philosophical thing, making
the point that ... in this period of our history, the leaders and the educated
class are decadent. Whenever you ask for patriotic support, they all run away.
The college types, the professors, the So he concludes the more a
elite, etc.
person is educated, he becomes brighter in the head and weaker in the spine.
When you have to call on the nation to be strong, on such things as drugs,
crime, defense, the educated people and the leader class no longer has any
character, and you can't count on them. We can only turn for support to the
non-educated people."
One more preview. Here is Nixon, musing to Haldeman about American
youth. "We should be understanding of upper- and middle-class parents be-
cause they really do have great problems with their kids because they've been
given so much. It's a mistake to think that the way to greatness is to make it
easy to get there. ... He said we must not destroy the character of children by
permissiveness, permissiveness that denies the child the opportunity to look in
a mirror and finally realize that the problem is me, not my teachers, not the
war, not the environment, but me."
Nixon's private views on the Republican Party were as scathing as were
those of two of his predecessors as Republican presidents, Theodore Roosevelt
and Dwight Eisenhower. TR abandoned the party as hopeless in 1912 and ran
against President William Howard Taft as the candidate of the Progressive
Party. Ike indulged himself in the fantasy of cutting loose from the Old Guard
of the Republican Party and forming a new party, made up of moderate
Republicans and Southern Democrats. Nixon, too, liked Southern Democrats
more than he did most Republicans John Connally most of all. Haldeman's
diaries make crystal clear what was only sensed before Nixon regarded Con-—
nally as "the best man in the country," the only one who was fit to follow him
into the White House. Nixon was constantly hatching schemes to get Connally
the vice-presidential nomination for 1972. He tried to persuade Spiro Agnew
to resign before the convention so that he could appoint Connally. It is
amazing how completely Nixon trusted and admired Connally. After 1970, at
virtually every critical moment Nixon told Haldeman to check with Connally
for his advice —
on economic matters, political and Vietnam War crises, rela-
tions with China and the Soviet Union, everything.
Nixon told Haldeman that after the election he wanted to "move to build
a new party, the Independent Conservative Party, or something of that sort,
that would bring in a coalition of Southern Democrats and other conservative
Democrats along with the middle-road Republicans. By structuring it right, we
could develop a new majority party under a new name. Get control of the
Congress without an election, simply by the realignment, and make a truly
historic change in the entire American political structure."
In the 1972 campaign, Nixon rarely used the word "Republican," nor did
he go out of his way to campaign for Republican candidates —a fact that
caused the Republicans to complain bitterly, and a fact Nixon denied. The day
after the election, which he won in a landslide while the Republicans lost both
the House and Haldeman his concern that
Senate, he vindictively expressed to
he get the party before it got him. (A disastrous decision; when the crunch
came in Watergate, precious few Republicans were ready to come to Nixon's
Nixon's well-known hostility toward the media is highlighted here by
casual and spontaneous comments to Haldeman, such as: "The White House
press is totally dedicated to screwing us rather than getting the facts and
He hated leaks, yet as Haldeman records he was the all-time
reporting them."
He hated The New York Times and The Washington Post and
master leaker.
CBS-TV and PBS and a host of others, but above all he hated Time magazine
(which over the course of his political career has had him on its cover almost
fifty more than any other individual).
times, far
All his political life, Nixon complained about the double standard of
American reporters. When Time failed to select him as Man of the Year in
1969, Haldeman recorded that Nixon commented that "it was the first time
they haven't selected the P in his first year. [I] checked and this is not true. They
didn't pick DDE until 1959. They did pick FDR, HST, JFK, and LB J in their
first years."
So far as Haldeman was concerned, that Time had picked every Demo-
cratic president in his first year, but not Ike or Dick, proved the double
Nixon was terribly worried that Time might name Kissinger Man of the
Year he said it would be very bad for Henry. (In 1972 Time named Kissinger
and Nixon as Men of the Year. Having to share the honor infuriated Nixon
and probably Kissinger as well.)
In January 1972 Time columnist Hugh Sidey remarked that the President
had too much access to television, which made it difficult for other candidates.
"The P's reaction," Haldeman wrote, "was that we ought to explore the
question of whether Sidey ever deplored Nixon's problem for eight years while
he was out of office. When he traveled around the world alone with his
briefcase, got no coverage, a lot less than even Scoop Jackson gets now, and
did Sidey at that time complain about Kennedy dominating news? Did he
argue for equal time for the Republicans?"
The President found it easy to feel sorry for himself, for the battles he had
media always out to get him. In one
to fight, alone, without support, with the
White House interview, a president said, "That is the press's fault, too, damn
it. I have fought more damn battles here for more things than any president
has in 20 years and not gotten one damn bit of credit from the knee-jerk
. . .
liberal press, and I am sick and tired of it. . . . You get no credit around here
for fighting and bleeding."
That is vintage Nixon, but it was not Nixon speaking — it was President
Bill Clinton, in a 1993 Rolling Stone interview. That Clinton sounded so much
like Nixon makes an obvious point, but it needs to be added that not all
presidents feel that way. Certainly Roosevelt didn't, nor Truman, nor
Kennedy, nor Eisenhower. At his last press conference as president, Eisen-
hower was asked if he felt the press had been fair to him over the past eight
years. Ike laughed and replied, "Well, when you come down to it, I don't see
that a reporter could do much to a president, do you?" (When I quoted that
line to Haldeman in 1988, he almost choked. He absolutely refused to take the
remark seriously.)
If most presidents feel put upon by the press, all presidents indulge
themselves in self-pity. One day Eisenhower cleared an afternoon
in 1955,
schedule so he could play golf, only to have a rainstorm come on. Standing at
the window in the Oval Office, watching the rain, he told his secretary, Ann
Whitman, that sometimes he felt so sorry for himself he could just cry. Halde-
man records the day in 1970 that Nixon wanted to go to a good restaurant for
lunch, only to have Kissinger talk him out of it and instead have a working
lunch at the White House. "The P then sulked about never gets to do anything
fun that he wants to do, always has to do what's right."
All presidents feel frustration. Political philosopher Hannah Arendt once
remarked that the President of the United States is simultaneously the stron-
gest and the weakest of all national leaders. The strongest because he is
Commander in Chief and has the power to destroy the world at his fingertips,
a characteristic of the Presidency that is constantly present in Haldeman's
diaries, either right up front with "Nixon the mad bomber" (as Nixon some-
times called himself) or implied in every sentence describing dealings with the
Chinese and Soviet leaders. The weakest because the House controls the
money, the Senate controls the treaties, the Congress as a whole has the power
to make war, the next election is always just around the corner, the bureauc-
racy is always there, and so on.
Shortly before Eisenhower's Inaugural, Harry Truman gave a warning:
"Poor Ike," he said. "He'll sit here and he'll say, 'Do this! Do that!' And
nothing will happen. It won't be at all like the army." Nixon could fill in the
details. He couldn't get the FBI to do some investigating for him because J.
Edgar Hoover was getting cold feet in his old age. He couldn't get the IRS to
spy on the Democrats. He couldn't get the CIA to do his bidding. (The
smoking gun that did Nixon in was his order to the CIA to tell the FBI to back
off the Watergate investigation —
an order the CIA refused to carry out.) He
couldn't get the military to go all out in Vietnam. And so on.
Nixon wanted to start a New American Revolution. It would include
welfare reform, more power to the states, less to the federal government,
energy independence, national health care, education reform, and more.
Haldeman recorded Nixon's pessimism about his chances for success: "There
are only 537 elected officials here. All the other people are career diplomats and
career bureaucrats who you can't get rid of and who you can't change. The
enemy, then, is the invisible bureaucracy, the self-perpetuating people that are
not elected and that blatantly brag that they'll be here, and are not going to
change regardless of who comes in and out. They'll bury the new recommenda-
tions under a mountain of paperwork."
Oh, how those bureaucrats drove him up the wall. At a 1971 Cabinet
meeting, Nixon declared that the people in the Civil Service "are out to get us.
This is true of all administrations, but it's worse now, and it's strange because
I've been much more permissive than any other P. . . . 96% of the bureaucracy
are against us, they're bastards who are here to screw us."
At that meeting, Nixon "You've got to realize the press aren't
also said,
news or in screwing me." For
interested in liking you, they're only interested in
his part, Nixon was concerned with manipulating the reporters. He was ob-
sessed with the coverage he received, and thus spent a great deal of his time
and therefore Haldeman's focusing on the Presidential image. "Mystique is
more important than content," he told Haldeman. The PR was always more
important than the policy. Politicians did not use the word "spin" in Nixon's
day, but Nixon was an active practitioner of the spin (but not the first: JFK
and LBJ were spinners of the worst sort). Nixon was continually urging
Haldeman to get the press to cover his courage, his warmth, his depth, his
human side. In this regard I am reminded of a comment Ann Whitman, Ike's
secretary, once made about then Vice President Nixon to the effect that Nixon
spent too much time trying to act like a nice guy instead of just being one.
The President was frequently influenced by what he read, one time latch-
ing on to a theory that it was a waste of time to sleep. Haldeman has an entry
in February 1969 that speaks to the point. Nixon, he wrote, was "fascinated
by [White House physician Dr. Walter] Tkach's report of people who need no
sleep at all. Hates to waste the time. Feels that people take breaks to avoid
. . .
the problems and decision, not because they need rest. Thinks you have to be
'up,' not relaxed, to function best. He's thought a lot about this and is pretty
firm in his views."
When Henry Kissinger reported that peace was at hand in Vietnam
(erroneously as it turned out), Nixon invited Haldeman to join in a celebration
dinner. "The P told Manolo [his houseman] to bring the good wine, his '57
Lafite-Rothschild, or whatever it is. To be served to everyone. Usually it's just
served to the P, and the rest of us have some California Beaulieu Vineyard
The Haldeman and anecdotes, but
diaries are replete with such incidents
and funny as they usually are, they are not what
revealing as they often are,
makes the document so compelling and important. Haldeman covers the
major events of a tumultuous time. The walk on the moon. Vietnamization.
Chappaquiddick. The Vietnam Moratorium. My Lai. Senate rejection of the
nominations of Clement Haynsworth and G. Harrold Carswell to the Supreme
Court. The Cambodian incursion and Kent State. The invasion of Laos. The
Pentagon Papers. The China trip. The 1972 North Vietnamese offensive. The
bombing of Hanoi and the mining of Haiphong Harbor. The Moscow Summit
and SALT I. The 1972 election.
On these and all other issues and events, Haldeman portrays Nixon at
work, doing what he did all his life, being a politician and statesman. Halde-
man's long account of the August 1971 meetings at Camp David, where Nixon
decided to impose a wage-and-price freeze and to take the United States off the
gold standard, is a classic piece of reporting that shows Nixon at his very best.
So too the accounts of Nixon in China and Nixon at the Moscow Summit.
All are integral to the diaries. On all of them, Haldeman adds to what we
know. And there is so much more here. I've already written a three-volume life
of Nixon, using nearly 1 ,000 pages to describe the period covered in Halde-
man's diaries and I'd like the opportunity to write another entire book on the
basis of what is revealed in the diaries. But the raw diaries themselves are better
than anything I or any other historian could produce.
A few words on the Nixon-Haldeman relationship are in order. "From
now on," Nixon told his Cabinet in 1971, "Haldeman is the lord high execu-
tioner. Don't you come whining to me when he tells you to do something. He
will do it because I asked him to and you're to carry it out."
Bob Haldeman was not only the Chief of Staff closest to his President, he
was also the most powerful. First of all, he played an active role in policymak-
ing. He denied it, but it was so, not only with regard to politics, but in military
and foreign policy as well. He urged the President to bomb Hanoi in the spring
of 1972, for example, and to go into Cambodia in the spring of 1970.
Second, more than any other person more — so even than Rebozo, or Pat
Nixon, or Julie, or Tricia Nixon, or David Eisenhower — Haldeman was the
one Nixon could talk to about any subject. About his personal taxes. About
opening to China. About the nature of the American family. About screwing
his political enemies. About making sure John Connally would be his succes-
sor. About anything.
This was because Haldeman was completely trustworthy. He did not leak
to the press, or to Ehrlichman, or to Kissinger. What Nixon told him stayed
with him until now, with the publication of his diaries.
Third, Haldeman was completely devoted to the President. Not to Nixon
personally so much as to the Office of the President. He never forgot that his
job was to make it possible for Nixon to work as effectively as possible. He
could be ruthless in meeting his responsibilities; he had no soft curves; he was
all sharp edges and corners. He was rough on his subordinates, just as Nixon
could be very rough on him. Though Haldeman was often praised for his
no one ever thought to praise him for his humanity, and he wanted
it He was tough enough to stand up to the slurs and pounding that
that way.
went with the job of being the President's son of a bitch, the man who would
have to say no to requests to see the President or for other favors far more
often than he would be able to say yes.
Nixon once said that Haldeman's job was to be "the gatekeeper of the
Oval Office." He certainly was that. Haldeman's diaries are replete with in-
stances of his telling Agnew or a governor or a Cabinet member that he could
not see the President. Haldeman kept the President's schedule —an immensely
difficult job for any chief of staff, especially so for Nixon's, as Nixon was often
changing his mind about whom he would see, where he would go, when he
would depart, what group he would speak to, which state or city he wanted to
visit next.
Haldeman was also the chief hand-holder. Almost every day, certainly at
least every week, he had to reassure Henry Kissinger that the President really
did love him and appreciate him and couldn't get along without him and
would someday fire Bill Rogers.
Haldeman was always available. Seven days a week. In the 1,561 days he
served as Chief of Staff, he was with the President all but twenty or so of those
days and in telephone contact with him on most of the twenty days.
Haldeman was with Nixon, often just the two of them, for more time than
any other human being. It was not unusual for them to have a working lunch
together, and sometimes dinner. Haldeman attended almost any State dinner
he wanted (more often than not dining in the housekeeper's office to avoid the
dinner conversation). He was ordinarily the first person Nixon saw in the
morning, the one he talked to before bed.
But it was a working relationship. There was not the slightest hint
states that only a small amount was deleted, and I have no reason not to
believe him, but I also have no way of knowing how much was involved, nor
how important it was.
In the version of the diaries on May 20, 1971, most of which was
full text
The first thing to notice when reading the Watergate material is that when
Haldeman made these entries, no one except Haldeman's assistant Alexander
Butterfield, a couple of Secret Service technicians, Haldeman, and Nixon knew
that there was a voice-activated taping system in the Oval Office, the Cabinet
Room, Nixon's Executive Office Building (EOB) office, and on the telephones
in the Oval and EOB offices, the Lincoln Sitting Room at the White House,
and on the office phone at Camp David.
In February 1971 Nixon ordered Haldeman to set up the system, secretly.
The President had earlier told Haldeman to remove the less-complex system he
had inherited from Johnson, then changed his mind. Nixon wrote in his
memoirs that he intended to use the tapes to prepare the memoirs and to
protect himself from "revisionist histories."
Because the taping system existed, and because Haldeman and Nixon
were the only men in the conversations who knew a tape was running, every-
thing Haldeman and Nixon say could be suspect. Were they speaking the
truth? Or for the record? To explore options? Or to provide protection for
themselves? Haldeman toldme in 1988 that he often forgot the system was in
place; as proof he pointed out that he certainly would not have said some of
the things he did say after the Watergate break-in had he remembered. Thanks
to these diaries, readers can judge for themselves.
Haldeman's first entry on the break-in, June 18, 1972, shows that he did
not know in advance about the scheme to bug the Democratic National
Committee office and that if he wasn't exactly shocked, he was disapproving
of the break-in. The next conversation between Haldeman and Nixon about
the break-in came on June 20. This was the conversation that contains the
infamous 18 ^-minute gap on the Watergate tapes. In his diary entry, Halde-
man relates what was said. He made his remarks on the basis of his handwrit-
ten notes made during the conversation, notes made on a yellow legal pad. I've
studied those notes in the Nixon and can attest
Presidential Materials Project
that Haldeman's diary entry corresponds exactly with the notes he kept that
morning. The point being that there was little that was sinister in the conversa-
tion. (Who erased that tape remains a mystery. Al Haig said it was done by
"some sinister force." Nixon's secretary, Rose Mary Woods, said she did it,
accidentally. Haldeman told me years later that Nixon might have done it
inadvertently, which Nixon has always denied.)
Haldeman's June 20 entry needs to be read with great care. It is in the
second paragraph that he describes his conversation with the President. In the
first paragraph, Haldeman begins in the fifth sentence to describe a meeting
with Ehrlichman, Mitchell, Attorney General Richard Kleindienst, and
Nixon's counsel, John Dean. Nixon was not present. It was in this conversa-
tion that the cover-up began: "The conclusion was hope the
that we've got to
FBI doesn't go beyond the necessary in developing evidence and that we can
keep a lid on that as well as keeping all the characters involved from getting
carried away with any unnecessary testimony."
At this stage, Nixon felt that to some degree Watergate could be redi-
rected to his advantage. On June 21 he told Haldeman, "Every time we have
a leak in our organization we should charge that we're being bugged. Even if
you plant one and discover it."
On June 23, Haldeman and Ehrlichman told the CIA to tell the FBI that
the bugging was a CIA operation and the FBI should back off. "We talked to
[CIA Deputy Director Vernon] Walters and had that worked out."* They had
started down the slippery slope; from here on there was no turning back. But
as the entries make clear, the President's aides felt they had little if anything
to fear. In mid-August, Billy Graham reported —
and Haldeman recorded
that Lyndon Johnson "laughed about it [Watergate], said it won't hurt a bit."
So the two smartest politicians in the country, Nixon and Johnson, agreed that
Watergate wasn't going anywhere. If those two agreed, why should Haldeman
And Watergate never became an issue in the campaign, and Nixon was
triumphantly re-elected, but he failed to bring Congress along with him, and
after "peace is at hand" and then the Christmas bombing, and after the various
dirty tricks in the campaign, the Democrats were determined to use their
control of Congress to get Nixon.
Nixon's move to is to me the most tantalizing item in the
head them off
diaries. On January Nixon told Haldeman to go to Johnson aide
11, 1973,
George Christian to get him to "get LBJ to use his influence to turn off the Hill
investigation." Nixon wanted Haldeman to bring Connally in on the effort to
However, the CIA refused to do as instructed, i.e., tell the FBI to stay away from the case
because of CIA involvement.
the 1972 campaign, he would reveal that Johnson had bugged Nixon's airplane
in the 1968 campaign and put out some revelations about contributors to
Hubert Humphrey's campaign.
Johnson heard about the prospective blackmail, and on January 12
Haldeman records that Johnson "got very hot and called Deke [DeLoach of
the FBI], and said to him that if the Nixon people are going to play with this
that he would release ." and at this point the diaries contain a notation:
. .
"deleted material —national security." (This is the only place in the book
where an example is given of a deletion by the NSC during the Carter Adminis-
Eight days later Nixon was inaugurated for his second term. Ten days
later Johnson died of a heart attack. What Johnson had on Nixon I suppose
we never know.
On February 7, the Senate voted 70-to-0 to establish a seven-member
select committee to investigate Watergate and related activities in the 1972
campaign. Chairman Sam Ervin and the other Democrats turned back Repub-
lican attempts to broaden the inquiry to include the 1968 campaign.
Over February and March, Nixon spent an increasing amount of time on
Watergate; by April the scandal and cover-up were taking virtually all his
time and thus Haldeman's. Nixon, Haldeman, and Ehrlichman struggled to
wiggle out of the net, first relying on and then against John Dean. They were
like three men in a rubber boat, with no rudder, no paddle, no motor, no sail,
in the middle of the Atlantic, with a storm bearing down on them, discussing
their options.
They had no options. Haldeman's diary entries make this crystal clear.
They try one scenario after another, only to realize that nothing could with-
stand the slightest scrutiny. They were powerless. They were trapped.
Some highlights. On March 24 Haldeman records that at Nixon's instruc-
tion he called Bill Rogers "to raise the question with him first of where he feels
we now stand in the public eye and second what his advice is on our general
Watergate approach." What intense satisfaction this must have been for Ro-
gers. After all the humiliation the Nixon White House had caused him over the
preceding four years, now they turn to him to ask, "What do we do?"
Rogers told them the truth, that now that the case was in the courts, and
the FBI was investigating, and the Senate was investigating, they were being
besieged by "the forces of righteousness." Rogers forthrightly added, "The
real problem on this is what's been done after the event, not the Watergate
event itself."
It is all here — the money for the burglars, for their bosses Howard Hunt
and Gordon Liddy, the destruction of evidence by Pat Gray, Acting Director
of the FBI, the made-up stories to the grand jury, John Dean's desertion and
threat to appear before the Ervin Committee.
Ehrlichman wanted to "destroy Dean." Nixon commented that "there's
Kissinger weighed in. Haldeman P does let me down or
writes, "If the
does let the situation develop to the point where have to get out, he (Kiss-
inger) too will leave because he would refuse to serve in a White House that
would permit such a thing to happen."
On April 9, for the first time since the system was set up, Nixon talked to
Haldeman about the taping apparatus. "Had a long discussion about the
monitoring facilities in his offices and he wants them all taken out. But then
he later changed his mind and said to leave them in on a switch basis. He's
obviously concerned about having everything covered and wants to set up
some kind of limited means of coverage."
On April 18, as the pressure for a Haldeman resignation mounted, "The
P had me in at eight o'clock this morning. Said that if this thing goes the way
it might, and I have to leave, he wants me to take all the office material from
his— —ah machinery there and hold it for the library [meaning the prospective
Nixon Presidential Library]."
April 25 the tapes came to the fore. Dean was preparing to testify.
"What would you fellows answer," Nixon asked Haldeman and Ehrlichman
anxiously, "if Dean testifies that there was a discussion in which I said Hunt's
lawyer had to get paid off?" When the tapes were eventually made public, they
did in fact include the President's asking about the options regarding a payoff.
Haldeman volunteered to review the tape of that meeting. He did — the
first time, so far as I can tell, Nixon had listened to a
that either he or
tape and returned to report that it wasn't too bad. He was putting the best
possible face on what was in fact a smoking gun, digging up sentences that
Nixon could use to exonerate himself. The best of these, the one Haldeman
emphasized, was Nixon's statement with regard to clemency for Hunt and the
others, "But that would be wrong."
Nixon latched on to that. "That's not bad," he said enthusiastically.
But Nixon knew he had told Dean he could get a million dollars for Hunt,
that the problem wasn't getting the money but finding a way to get it to Hunt.
He asked Haldeman how he would answer that one.
Haldeman suggested that Nixon was just feeling Dean out, trying alterna-
check Haldeman's diaries against the critical parts of the actual transcript of
the conversation (on the Watergate tapes made public in 1974) he summarizes
in his entry for April 25.
In his April 26 entryHaldeman said that "The question he [Nixon] has is,
did the P Dean to do anything? And the answer is no." This
at that time order
is a quibble, to say the least. Twelve times Nixon told Dean the hush money
had to be paid to Hunt. The next day it was paid (via John Mitchell). But it
was technically true that Nixon did not order Dean personally to pay over the
Later, "[Nixon] questioned me Dean had any basis to
again on whether
feel that P to go out and get the money and I said
he'd been instructed by the
no. That wasn't the case." Haldeman did not add that what the P had said was
he knew where he could get the money and in the process was not doing Nixon
a favor.
By this time it hardly mattered. Nixon had decided to try to save himself
by tossing Haldeman and Ehrlichman overboard. He had them come up to
Camp David. Haldeman's account of the firing is moving, revealing, infuriat-
ing, sad, maudlin, and pure Nixon. With that entry, the diaries come to an end.
by H. R. Haldeman
With the inauguration of Richard Nixon as the 37th President of the United
States, I became Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff.
Little did I realize that this would lead me into a major role in the most
controversial, tragic, and least understood Presidency in the history of our
I did sense that this would be a momentous period in my life and that the
Nixon Presidency would be a significant one. I knew that I would be at the very
eye of the storm for the next four years with all the challenges and opportuni-
ties of being integrally involved in virtually every decision and act of the
When my appointment White House was announced, Robert Rut-
to the
land, a close personal friend and eminent Presidential scholar, urged me to
record faithfully in a journal the major events of each day and my thoughts
regarding them. He believed that this had never been done by someone work-
ing so closely with the President. At the least, my "diaries" would provide a
fascinating account for my children and grandchildren; more importantly,
they could prove to be an invaluable asset to historians and scholars.
Not fully realizing what this would involve, I decided that the commit-
ment was worth the effort, and for the next four years and three months, I did
maintain a daily diary. wrote in a bound journal; later, I switched
Initially, I
tremendous amount of self-discipline to sit down every night and record the
major actions and thoughts of a long day.
For safekeeping, as each journal book and tape cassette was completed,
I marked it "Top Secret" and placed it in a safe in the office of the White House
Staff Secretary. These recordings were not read or heard by anyone, including
me, until well after I had left Washington.
On April 30, 1973, as the Watergate crisis mounted daily, the President
I could enter only under their surveillance. I was not permitted to remove
anything including whatever I brought in with me. This order even applied
to my personal papers, files, and diaries.
After seven years of legal action, the diaries finally were admitted to be my
personal property; however, they had to remain in the custody of the National
Archives, where they had been stored upon removal from the White House
safe. A negotiated settlement with the Archives resulted in my being provided
copies of each handwritten journal book and oral cassette in return for my
"giving" the originals to the Archives (which was a little ironic, since they
already had them under lock and key).
Because I unofficially marked the diaries Top Secret, they had to be
reviewed by the National Security Council for classified national security
material. Before I could receive my copies, all entries deemed "sensitive" were
deleted. Once in my possession, the copies of the journals and tapes were put
aside, and I did nothing with them until almost twenty years after my resigna-
tion, when I had them transcribed.
The diaries are my personal record of each day's amazing array of events,
conversations, decisions, and actions: an admixture of enormously important
and incredibly insignificant matters with which the President, and I, dealt each
day. The people involved are intelligent, hardworking and, at times, very
As a daily documentation, the diaries "tell it like it is" without benefit of
hindsight or foreknowledge. Recorded are my thoughts at the time. Included
are actions I would now prefer had not been taken, conversations I would now
like to forget or disavow, and opinions with which I now strongly disagree. In
the interest of historical accuracy, the content remains unchanged from the
day it was written.
Since I now deeply believe that my diaries do, in fact, provide valuable
insights for historians, journalists, and scholars, as well as the general public,
I have decided to make them public. The full text of the diaries is almost
750,000 words and is a little too much is an
for the average reader. There
enormous amount of and ephemera, and the sheer bulk is
repetition, trivia,
unmanageable. Therefore, I have looked for entries which I consider the most
significant, insightful, colorful, or simply the most representative of life in the
Nixon White House, to produce this book. Nothing has been deleted to hide
the truth, painful as it sometimes is. For instance, although the book repre-
sents only about 40 percent of the full text, it includes virtually every word I
wrote about Watergate. Where appropriate for clarification, I have added
annotations. These appear in boxes or italics to distinguish them from the
original text.
For historians and those who wish to pursue the subject further, I have
also used the technology of CD-ROM to publish the diaries in their entirety,
fully indexed and cross-referenced. The availability of the full text on CD-
ROM should answer any questions or doubts as to its accuracy or the fairness
of the account.
When I
originally wrote the diaries, I used initials and acronyms wherever
With the exception of the President (P), Henry Kissinger (K), John
Ehrlichman (E) and defined acronyms, these shorthand abbreviations have
been spelled out in the transcribed text. There are instances, however, when
first names are used.
In these pages, the reader is given an overall view of the White House and
the Nixon Presidency as seen and felt by the one person who was with the
President far more than anyone else during his first term, and who was in-
volved on a broader and deeper basis in all respects. It is my strong hope that
this book will, once and for all, put those years into perspective.
After the election victory in November 1968, the Nixon Campaign Organi-
zation wound down its business and was immediately replaced by the Nixon
Transition Organization, based at the Pierre Hotel in New York. At that
point we had which to conceive, construct, and imple-
seventy-five days in
ment the entire initial plan for staffing and operating the Executive Office
of the President of the United States, which had to take over full operation
at noon on January 21, 1969. This task was completed, to the best of our
abilities, by January 18. It was time to move to Washington, D.C., and get
I arrived last night from New York via Presidential Jet Star with all my bags
and boxes. Met the family at the Statler-Hilton all here for the Inaugural.
Today went house-hunting with (my wife) Jo and settled pretty much on
Spring Valley, where Nixon had told us to go. Dinner at Trader Vic's, saw
Billy Graham, who had been at the White House last night with LBJ. Johnson
told him the Nixon Cabinet was the best in history, with HEW Secretary
Robert Finch and Secretary of State William Rogers the stars. He had met and
talked with each one separately.
Then to the gala —a disaster!
1 7
Nixon looked great, thoroughly enjoyed every minute. A great feeling among
the gathering crowds. All the old Nixon troops, the new Administration offi-
cials, etc. Lots of last-minute "getting ready" at the White House so we can
move in with minimum disturbance. Things appear to be pretty well set, all
plans working out reasonably well. Larry Higby (my personal assistant) really
snowed with office assignments, equipment, phones, etc. Tough job for a
23-year old, he's doing great. Rose Woods (RN's longtime personal secretary)
said she cried all the way in from Andrews AFB, crowds along the streets,
triumphal return vs. departure eight years ago.
Chief" at the landing. Marine Band in hall, into East Room for brief remarks.
Back to the office, papers to get ready. E and I in with P for an hour,
general discussion before swearing in of staff.
Staff swearing in by Chief Justice Warren. P brief informal remarks,
mainly directed to families of staff. Then lunch with Jo and kids in the Mess
(the White House Staff Mess, a dining facility for the senior staff and their
guests). Good-bye, family back to California.
At end of day P decided to see his office in EOB, so we headed over with
no notice. First took swing through West Wing. Higby led EOB tour. P agreed
on the old Vice President's office, after looking it all over and checking out the
old (LBJ's Consumer Affairs Advisor) Betty Furness corner office. Took tour
through first floor, chatted with staff that were still there (7:00).
The Old Executive Office Building (EOB) is right across a narrow closed
drive from the West Wing of the White House. P had decided he wanted to
have a separate office in that building as a hideaway working office where
he would not be interrupted by the constant activity in and around the West
Wing and the Oval Office. This tour was to select the specific office suite he
would use, and the one he picked was right at the top of the entry stairs and
easily accessible. He used this office a great deal for working alone and for
small private meetings with staff members, as contrasted to his use of the
Oval Office for ceremonial and official meetings.
There were several former state governors in the new Cabinet: George
Romney of Michigan, John Volpe of Massachusetts, and Walter Hickel of
Alaska, and they all seemed to have trouble adjusting to their new status as
members of the Cabinet instead of chief executive officers.
There was a small office next to the Oval Office along a short corridor
connecting the Oval Office to the office I originally used before moving to
my permanent corner office. This short corridor also had a bathroom for
the P, and a small cubbyhole from which a steward operated to provide
coffee and refreshments for the Oval Office.
Teddy White saw him for an hour, for the final session (concerning
White's current book on the making of the President). Then I spent another half
hour getting papers signed. Our staff system is working remarkably well, the
staff work is in on time and usually right. Ken Cole (Staff Secretary, responsi-
ble/or all paperwork and follow-through) is doing a very fine job. Chapin has
yet to get on top of his role, but he's not blowing anything.
This morning I had a fire in my fireplace, and it was a disaster! The
chimney didn't draw, and smoke poured into the office. They had to break
through years of accumulated paint to get my windows open. Rose was furi-
ous, smoke all through the West Wing. Fortunately, I went to the Cabinet
meeting and missed it all. Pat Buchanan (Presidential speechwriter) had his
first meeting with P this afternoon, and discovered when he left after an hour
session about press and TV briefings that his fly was open.
Our first morning staff meeting with P. Bryce Harlow (Assistant to the P for
Congressional Liaison) and E for about 45 minutes. Mainly about schedule
and general operations. P still getting the feel of the whole thing, but remark-
ably well adjusted.
For the P, as well as for all of us, life in the White House was like entering
an entire new world, although he had been on the periphery for eight years
during his Vice Presidency. He stepped right into the role of president with
great ease, but it was still a totally different position from that of VP. There
were lots of new things to learn every day, and he clearly enjoyed the
Then the first meeting of the Urban Affairs Council and the first major
breakdown of the staff system. Council Director Daniel Patrick Moynihan
wanted the P to sign an Executive Order creating the Council, with pictures,
etc. But he didn't pre-staff the order so we ended up with the Council members
cooling their heels in the Cabinet Room, while E calmly reviewed the order
before approving it for the P.
instructions from the P's California barber, etc. Finally set appointment for
3:00 Saturday.
P came up with
the idea of a writer type in each major meeting to do a
memo for hison the tone and flavor of the meeting, and to consult about
Six and a half hours of NSC (National Security Council) with break for lunch.
The first haircut turned out fine. P says Martini is the best barber yet. I took
huge stack of letters down to barbershop (located in the basement of the West
Wing of the White House, just down the hall from the Situation Room), he
signed during haircut, after callingHarlow to ask how to sign letter to Con-
gress (RN, Dick or Richard Nixon). Liked the barber so much he invited him
to church tomorrow.
President received beautiful silver cigarette box from Bob Gray. Presiden-
tial sealand name on top, date on front, plays "Hail to the Chief" when lid
lifted, most appropriate! Flap in the early morning about Mississippi tor-
seated in East Room at 10:45, organist playing. Then piano solo. Then Mrs.
Nixon, Tricia, and Mrs. Graham entered from front of room, all stood. A
little more music. Then President and Billy Graham and soloist George Bev-
erly Shea entered. All stood. President to rostrum for brief opening remarks.
Graham conducted service. Lots of kids. White House phone operators.
Most of Cabinet. Short reception in State dining room after — coffee, juice,
and rolls.
Chapin and Alex and I took tour of mansion in the afternoon when
President and family went out for a short drive.
In the evening I took the briefing book to President in his bedroom. He
was sitting by the fire with papers all around, doing his homework.
President changed his schedule and went early to the Pentagon, had lunch
with Defense Secretary Mel Laird before briefing.
Formal by Dean of Diplomatic Corps, Sevilla-Sacassa. His entrance
Long discussion about Europe trip plans. P feels must go early before
Vietnam problems set in and Paris talks bog down. Didn't like the picture of
himself that's all over the Defense Department. Too severe.
Meeting with Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Glenn Seaborg,
who is very concerned about report about new discovery that nuclear bomb
can be made much more easily than had been believed. No one knows this yet,
Seaborg has only told members of the AEC. Could have enormous effect on
world power balance if smaller nations find out, because would give them
potential for nuclear capability without need for stockpile of uranium, etc., as
previously believed. Also long discussion about Plowshare and peaceful use of
atom. P very interested in this, asked lot of questions. Wants to go forward fast
on peaceful uses.
King Timahoe, an Irish setter, was a gift from the White House staff. It took
Nixon and Tim quite a while to adjust to their new life together. Neither one
was quite sure how to handle a dog in the Oval Office, but it all worked out
Busy day, the two prayer breakfasts first. (Bob Finch said P was best he had
ever seen him. I told the P later, and he laughed it off, said he had just given
them some "church stufT'.) Then the astronauts for a picture and announce-
ment of (former astronaut) Frank Borman's goodwill tour. Then a CIA-State
meeting. Then appointments, K, Max Fisher (wants to be head of Jewish
relations and handle that whole area), Science Advisor Lee DuBridge with
heads of National Science Foundations (they were ecstatic afterward and
especially impressed with P's understanding and genuine interest).
Finally got Alex in for several sessions. P pretty awkward with stranger
there, but tried to cover it up. He's not very good at that.
P really handles new people well, i.e., the NSF group. Knows just how to
lead them on and establish rapport. Build their interest.
to get Kissinger out of trivia. Lots of problems today. President takes them on
one by one, no sweat.
Great show as three ambassadors arrive to present credentials, troops
along South Drive, trumpeters fanfare from balcony. P went out on porch to
watch departure. Had Tim in the office, can't get him to come over by P's desk,
he's trying dog biscuits, no use.
Long session with Harlow
to schedule meetings with congressmen and
senators. Pgroping to find orderly schedule plan that he likes. Also
announced, "Hail to the Chief," follows colors into and through East Room
to Green Room, where he receives. P really ate it up, as at all ceremonies. He
loves being P!
This point on the LBJ family reflects constant comments we heard from all
levels of the permanent White House staff people regarding the way they felt
they were treated during the Johnson years.
Talked about astronauts' comment that the mood of the White House
was so different, that they felt really uncomfortable when there with LBJ. He
(Johnson) was in a "black mood."
He just can't bring himself to do it. We'll keep trying. Then he starts worrying
about whether Ziegler has gotten out the story of how hard he's been working,
long hours, etc.
Nixon felt that he should not ever appear to be taking time off from the job
for relaxation or rest. We were therefore required to provide evidence of
constant ongoing activity on the P's part, and in most cases there was
almost constant activity because of the P's preoccupation with his work.
This viewpoint did change somewhat over time as more and more people
advised him of the necessity of not working all the time.
decided to use the pool today for the first time, and had me get him a size 36
bathing and a bathing cap because the barber told him the chlorine was
bad for his hair. We got three of each. Also had Chapin's office get a supply
of dog bones and a water dish, etc.
sees no reason not to, and apparently intends to buck us all the way.
P also upset because VP got into act at legislative Leaders Meeting and
sided with Congressmen vs. Postmaster Red Blount and the P. (P planned to
take the Post Office out of politics and turn it into a nonpartisan corporation.
Just doesn't get it yet.
most. P very inclined to agree with whatever these guys propose, may become
an enormous problem. Someone has got to be in all meetings, if only to
shortstop Presidential commitments.
Met with Congressman Teague about Santa Barbara oil in the ocean. (P)
overreacted again, ordered troops, stop drilling, pull out all stops. Called John
Mitchell and asked him to "bend the law" to permit Hickel to order halt (it
was done).
function best. He's thought a lot about this and is pretty firm in his views.
States no feeling of value of vacation or rest, but realizes that he probably
has to have it.
Another pretty heavy day, but some time to kill at the end; he wandered
into my office as Larry and I were talking and fireplace was backing up and
smoking. Asked me to take him to K's office, we walked in, startled the
secretaries and interrupted K conference with the German Ambassador. P
joined them. Late night for me, stacks of paperwork, talked with Alex about
system. Have to work it out.
announce next week moving Job Corps to Labor and Head Start to HEW.
Determined to show action, be different. At one point Burns said "just one
word of caution," P quickly said "not too many!"
Each morning K and I start with breakfast to rework schedule and plans for
(upcoming European) trip. Quite a project.
P told me to have (Presidential Assistant Robert) Ellsworth seated next
to Rogers at dinner so Bob could make some hay about NATO. Plan is to
appoint him ambassador. I talked Rogers into it yesterday, but he's not really
sold on it.
I spent another day haranguing Cabinet officers about firing people. Went
pretty well. Also got most of backlog cleaned up. Have started evening staff
meetings with my crew, soon as the P leaves for his swim. Should help. Will
try to set routine, and then get P to let me use the pool, massage, sauna, and
sun lamp.
Big item was meeting planned for Monday with the Soviet Ambassador (Dob-
rynin). Problem arose because P wanted me to call Rogers and tell him of
meeting, but that Ambassador and P would be alone. I did, Rogers objected,
feeling P should never meet alone with an ambassador, urged a State Depart-
ment reporter sit in. Back and forth, K disturbed because Ambassador has
something of great significance to tell P, but if done with State man there word
will get out and P will lose control. Decided I should sit in, Rogers said OK,
but ridiculous. Ended up State man and K will both sit in, but P will see
Ambassador alone for a few minutes first, and will get the dope in written
form. K determined P should get word on Soviet intentions direct so he knows
he can act on it. May be a big break on the Middle East. K feels very
important. (In fact, at the meeting, Dobrynin did indicate a willingness to move
ahead on several fronts. Soon, K and Dobrynin had set up a private channel for
antiques in Oval Office. Redo Fish Room, Cabinet Room, etc. Also debated
whether to change my office with Dwight's. Hard to decide which is best.
On return P came to office to work on briefing books. After getting them
all spread out, and his briefcases open on the back table, he called me inand
said good picture possibility. So we called
we should have thought of this as a
in photographers. He had from Camp David about story in
called me earlier
New York Times saying Secret Service was shipping bulletproof cars to
Europe. He has ordered no cars to be sent, and was upset. Later had E come
in (just home last night from Europe) to discuss this. John talked him into
using our Secret Service cars with communications, but not the bulletproof
ones. He's determined not to create image of oversecurity.
P came back to office after dinner, walked into my office, sat down, and
chatted about California summer White House possibility, P very interested.
Also the Williamsburg decorator idea, he thinks it's great and says to go
I left at 8:30, P still in office poring over briefing books. This week will be
a tough one because he'll really want to concentrate on getting ready. Glad I'll
be gone.
P came into my office in the evening to chat about the California residence
possibility. He's very interested and I think he'll go ahead.
were due White House at 7:20. Set my clock for 6:30 and went to bed.
In the morning my signal phone rang and woke me up from a dead sleep.
It was the garage asking if I still wanted my car to stand by. I looked at the
clock it was 7:30. 1 frantically leaped up, still in a daze, and started throwing
clothes on. The phone rang again at 7:31. (Military Assistant) Don Hughes
from the helicopter asking where I was. Told him I couldn't make it for at least
five minutes and to go ahead without me. He said he'd send another helicopter
back for me in five minutes.
I finished dressing, slapped on some shaving cream and gave a quick
once-over with the razor, ran down to the car, and headed for the White
House. En route, driver said they had an escort ready to drive me out to
Andrews, we checked on radio to confirm helicopter and canceled escort. It
was snowing slushy type.
As the car drove up the South Drive, the helicopter was just landing on
the lawn. I jumped out, ran to helicopter, the door opened, Marine saluted, I
sat down, door closed, we took off. Fastest helicopter takeoff I've ever seen.
Barreled to Andrews, landed by Air Force One, Honor guard was just dispers-
ing. P was aboard. I ran up rear ramp into P's cabin, they closed the door, and
we took off. Airborne at 7:58, less than a half hour from when my phone first
rang. Naturally, everyone was in great state of glee, although all were most
understanding. P just said good morning as I walked through his cabin.
P worked all the way, mostly alone, a little with K and Rogers. K very
impressed with P's complete grasp and understanding of briefing materials and
the fact he had drawn his own conclusions —
contrary to those in briefings.
Arrived Brussels precisely on time at 9:00. King Baudouin and many
dignitaries on hand. Fairly large crowd of students (?) on roof of terminal
chanting in French. We thought they were unfriendly at first, especially when
they kept chanting all through National Anthem. But they stopped when King
and P spoke, and cheered both. Then they reviewed the troops.
At the end of the line of troops a lovely white tent had been erected for
the VIP reception. After return to hotel, P went to bed but not to sleep. Staff
stayed up working on schedule and speeches and cards for tomorrow. As I
walked out of Hughes' room at about 2:15 AM, P opened his door across the
hall, in his pajamas, and asked me to get the speaking copy of his address to
stayed up, sitting in bed working, until well after 3:00 AM, as I took in several
schedules, etc., that he wanted.
I slept in, the P left at 9:00 for NATO. I guess it went well, although K felt he
was too verbose in his responses. He stayed Vi hour beyond scheduled time, so
was late for Tomb and Palace. (A wreath-laying at the Tomb of the Unknown
Soldier and an "intimate" lunch with the King and Queen and 100 others)
I went to airport with K and (my travel secretary, Elmer) Juanich for a
special meeting in plane (only secure area). Very interesting discussion about
important future possibility —can't be identified until later.
This meeting on Air Force One, parked at the Brussels airport, was so secret
at the time that was afraid to say anything more than the above entry, even
attracting attention — and he and K wanted someone present other than the
military planners.
Then departure ceremonies at the airport and we're off for London, with
the lost time made up.
Arrived on time at Heathrow, met by Prime Minister Wilson and military
honors.P left direct from airport with Prime Minister to Chequers for dinner.
Too foggy to use helicopters so had to drive.
Beautiful hotel accommodations. Real old-fashioned elegance. Lovely
suites, huge bathrooms with directly overhead showers, monstrous tubs,
heated towel racks, bidets, Great service and real style. I am in part of the
P's suite, with a separate hallway, bedroom, sitting room, and bath. Great!
Feels like we're in an armed camp. Threats of demonstrations in Gros-
venor Square have brought out more police than even New York produces,
many of them on horses, all unarmed. Group of us, with State Department
officials, had dinner in hotel dining room, then went out to scout demonstra-
shouting and will be a real problem for sleeping if they keep it up. This is going
to be a problem from here on, I guess.
P arrived about an hour late (from dinner with Prime Minister Wilson),
got into the hotel with no problem, and the demonstrators all dispersed. Now
we're left with just armies of cops.
He called me in to review the trip so far, was in his pajamas. Made point
that two major purposes of trip are: 1) to establish with the free world leaders
a clear picture of Nixon as the leader and 2) to present to people of United
States the clear picture of Nixon as free world leader and so accepted. Thus far
he's sure accomplishing this in fine fashion.
sponded with very warm words, about American relations with France and
ended with "Vive la France." De Gaulle started to applaud at English version,
then waited for translation.
On drive in from airport, many police, as everywhere, all roads completely
cleared in both directions, kind of eerie. Huge motorcycle escort. A few people
along the way, but not many. Went Quai D'Orsay, beautiful palace
directly to
and lovely quarters. I have a corner room, blue cloth walls, white and gold
trim, huge room, high ceilings, great chandelier. Bathroom is also a corner
with huge windows. Big bathtub with rack holding sponge, Chanel soap, and
thermometer. Really luxurious living. Also an array of French cigarettes and
a beautiful leather holder with Cuban cigars.
Arc de Triomphe. While waiting for depar-
Left shortly after arrival for
ture (US Ambassador to France, and Kennedy brother-in-law) Sargent Shriver
introduced me to Foreign Minister Couve de Murville, and we had quite a
chat. Drive down Champs Elysees was disappointing to me, not very many
people, and even less enthusiasm. Quite a contrast to Berlin, and even to
Rome. A few hecklers along the way, the police really pounced on them.
Barricades on all streets and lots of police.
Ceremony Arc went well, usual routine. Then P went to meet with de
Gaulle. E and went to Embassy to do some business, then back to Quai.
call their bluff. We are prepared to fight our way through if necessary. Four
convoys got through today and we're sending eight tomorrow, and then 100 +
vehicles on Monday. The point is to build up our average daily volume, so if
there is a civilian blockade, we'll have a higher level of allowable military traffic
which we feel they will not try to cut off.
The East Germans had threatened a new Berlin crisis if the West Germans
held an election for their new President in West Berlin. The Soviets refused
to allow the East Germans to create a crisis, however, so they basically
made a pain of themselves by blocking the autobahn and conducting joint
maneuvers on the border. They also stopped some shipments from going
across the border, calling them "military goods."
This refers to the plan for bombing Cambodia which was developed at the
Brussels airport. While it was, at this point, called off, it was later imple-
Dinner at the Residence worked out pretty well, but there were too many
people (about 80) for the house to handle comfortably. Toasts were again very
warm and considered very significant. De had increased
Gaulle said this visit
all right. K's reaction to announcement of Apollo shot tomorrow, "Well, I'm
not going." K's note to Ziegler at some meeting that said, "Don't worry,
they're taking the speakers in alphabetical order." Henry swings from very
tense to very funny. He's getting into the swing of things pretty well.
chance to take hard line and Rogers gave it away. Spent rest of the day in the
sun and sailing. Tough.
K felt that Rogers had given Dobrynin the stance that the U.S. wasn't fully
backing the Thieu government, by alluding that we would stop the private
talks with the North Vietnamese. K also felt this would lead to the destruc-
tion of Saigon, and was against current policy.
tough. Plans now for a Friday morning press conference to announce decision.
Even canceled NSC
tomorrow. Part of problem is Congressional recep-
working time.
tions every night that cut into
Hard for P to stay on the big issues, he keeps hacking away at PR
concerns, especially in the domestic program area. Moynihan points out that
he can 't have a Domestic Program. Not any money available, and politically
impossible anyway. Better just to try to get rid of the things that don't work,
and try to build up the few that do.
I had a key staff meeting in the afternoon to "game plan" the whole ABM
reaction program. Assigned contacts, etc. Fascinating to see scope of what we
have to cover to lay adequate groundwork for using our support and blunting
the opposition. Tension fairly high as everyone realizes explosive potential of
the whole issue. I think if we handle it right we'll come out OK, but this is
clearly the first tough test. P is concerned and edgy, but I'll bet he brings it off
well, although it will be a pretty unpopular decision.
Then from White House for surprise birthday party for Pat Nixon.
there to
Beautiful party, she was really surprised. Made grand entrance with family to
what she thought was stag party. Had all the close friends, receiving line,
dinner at round tables in State dining room. Highlight was Singing Strings
during dessert, then toasts. As P started first toast after cake came in, Pat said,
"Wait until I blow out the candles." Tricia and Julie arranged, and it worked
out very well!
This was the working title for the Cambodian bombing operation that had
been set up at the airport in Brussels, then turned on and off several times
Long discussion about ABM battle plans. P feels we aren't really orga-
nized to push it through. Wants a complete plan. He's right!
Then on to need for a domestic program, the other of the week's big three
problems. E promises the raw material for review on the plane to California,
but I think we're a long ways from what P wants, i.e., a specific legislative
Cabinet meeting, mainly to hit them on the budget. First a long briefing and
discussion about ABM. Laird briefed, then P got into quite a dialog with
various members. He went a bit far in his desire to convince them that we have
very valid reasons for the decision and revealed a lot of highly classified
information about pictures. I interrupted and pointed out the nature of the
It was sometimes a problem for P to sort out in his own mind the various
levels of classification of the information he received. This was perfectly
understandable because he was the constant recipient of all sorts of infor-
mation from all sorts of sources. Much of it was classified material, and
much of that was classified at the highest level of secrecy. When P got into
a heated or intense discussion of some issue, he occasionally used highly
classified material to make his point, without realizing that his audience at
the moment was not cleared for this level of secrecy. This, in effect, declassi-
fied the material, much to the consternation of the "keepers of the flame"
of national security.
Main thrust was that we have to have real military superiority and defense
as a base for negotiations. P stated flatly that war will be over by next year,
but that it must be understood that next four to five months will be very tough
because we have to take public position that outlook is tough, while we
Moynihan both feel strongly that P not putting enough time or attention on
this and that nothing will be settled until he does. I think they're right. This
morning he flatly rejected Head Start and Job Corps proposals without even
really reading them. Just wants them changed —
or preferably abolished.
P comments to Cabinet, about the need for military strength as a basis for
successful negotiating, the intellectuals are all opposed to this approach, "It's
only us nonintellectuals who understand what the game is all about."
times last night about assignments for State dinner, to change from round
tables to "E" (formation).
Doctors say DDE failing fast, probably go today or tomorrow. Family
has been called to hospital. Tricia and Julie are going to go over.
A few periods of sort of spare time. He called me in and just kind of
chatted. Complained in a way about some speech material, but in a very
understanding way. Pretty mellow. As he left in the evening, he said, "Well, I
have to go rest a little before tonight's ordeal (the State dinner). " Actually I
Flap with Chapin over lousy staffing of proposal for P to drop by NAB
meeting tomorrow. I overreacted as usual, but we do need to tighten up.
determined to run the show, but it's obvious he can't manage. Tough one for
John. P later said again E has to ride herd on this, because Arthur will never
get it done. We're at a period of internal dissension. Bryce is worn to a frazzle
and so is Burns. John and I are probably pushing too hard, as a result of P
pushing on us. Need to get back together, but hard to do when everyone is
tired and edgy.
died. The two of us went into the Oval Office through the hall door. I went on
in. P was at his desk, Laird in chair at the side. Laird started to say something,
he walked slowly, still crying, into the little hall, stood there and sobbed, said
"He was such a strong man," went into little office for a few minutes. Then
came back into Oval Office, others were there by then, standing awkwardly. P
still had tears, and red eyes, talked with them aimlessly then sat on the edge
of the desk, half crying and described in detail his last visit to DDE. Harlow
commented on how DDE has seen all his checkpoints, the nomination, the
election, the wedding (of David Eisenhower and Julie Nixon), the Inaugural,
the P's success and John's (his son's) appointment as Ambassador. So he
could go freely now. Rogers by now also has tears.
Things then turned to plans and arrangements. P decided to go right to
hospital to see Mrs. Eisenhower. Then found Pat Nixon had not been told, so
he called her. Also talked to Tricia. Asked others in room to go with him to
hospital. Had to wait until public announcement, Then we left. I rode
at 12:45.
in staff car. Pat Nixon and Tricia with P. Some people on streets, but most
didn't know yet.
At the hospital I stayed downstairs and used the time on the phone about
arrangements. Set up details about timing, plan for Camp David this after-
noon, guests for funeral, etc.
I rode with Nixons on the way back. Pat Nixon strongly opposed going
to Camp David, but P firm and had me argue for it. Swung Tricia over. Not
Mrs. Nixon!
Back at White House all regrouped in Oval Office for further discussion
about foreign visitors, and overall plans. Some confusion, but all pretty well
organized. No way to know how many coming.
Interesting sidelight, before going to hospital had to sign proclamation,
etc.: Debate about which day for official mourning. P had previously decided
This was my first of what were to become many visits to the Presidential
retreat at Camp David in the Catoctin mountains of Maryland. Weekends
at Camp David became a regular presidential routine when we were in
Washington. This beautiful, rustic facility is a Navy base, with all the
needed communications and services backup for the P, and was an ideal
spot for the P and his family to relax or work in comfortable quiet and
seclusion. It also turned out to be a great place for the senior staff to work
uninterrupted by the many diversions that inevitably arose at the White
Asked to have barber brought up (on chopper with Bebe). Then settled
down, and I left for my cabin.
He called me over to give him the texts of the proclamation, etc. Talked
for a few minutes about arrangements. He was in sport jacket, sitting by the
big window. Fire crackling.
He called Julie, at the White House, to ask about time of TV specials.
Mrs. Eisenhower was there and came on phone. Thought P was in his office.
When Camp David, she said that was Ike's favorite spot in
he said he was at
the world and she was so glad the P was there. P explained he was working on
eulogy, and wanted to get away. They had a fairly long and good chat, which
obviously affected him emotionally.
Gaulle arrived at ten for his appointment. Semiformal arrival, no troops on the
drive or trumpets, just a cordon at the diplomatic entrance. The P met the car
at the driveway, they posed for pictures briefly, de Gaulle gave the signal to
move, and they went in for the meeting. It lasted almost an hour, was sched-
uled for a half hour. Just barely got de Gaulle out the drive before (King)
Baudouin (of Belgium) arrived.
Same arrival ceremony for the King, and in for his meeting. Both of these
scheduled today because they can't stay until tomorrow.
Then on to the funeral. Picked up casket at Capitol, with full honors,
drove to Cathedral, full honors, good service, back out, full honors, to Union
Station, full honors, and on to train. P had no part except to move along, at
the back of the motorcade. I again rode in staff car. I was right there at every
step of the way.
Back to White House just in time for reception. We did a good job of
organizing and it went very well. P received heads of all delegations, about an
hour, then went upstairs for private meetings with key people who aren't
coming in tomorrow. Mme. Ky was spectacular in purple outfit; Russian
Marshall equally so in his uniform with rows and rows of ribbons. De Gaulle
came and was first through the line. He stayed until the P went upstairs, but
left that instant. Stickler for the "right" thing. Battle of striped pants went on,
This was the Easter period, and a chance for P to get to Florida for a few
days of needed rest. I took advantage of the opportunity to join my family,
who were still in California. They did not move to Washington until after
the end of the school year in June.
do need to
suggestions. Probably do something to avoid letting the "von
Haldeman" concept become firmly entrenched.
The "5:00 Group" was an informal collection of staff members who met on
a regular basis to review general PR matters and make recommendations
for action.
We had quite a discussion at staff meeting about ABM, and Alex is trying
hard to get battle plan set and going.
Late afternoon P called me in, kind of rambling, he'd spent a lot of time
clearing up paperwork and had read Buchanan's memos about party needs,
and wanted some actions taken as a result. Then E came in and there was some
general discussion. We went into Cabinet Room to look at jewelry giveaway
One of the peculiar customs in the Oval Office is for the P to give his visitors
souvenir mementos of their meeting. These range from ballpoint pens im-
printed with the Presidential seal and /or signature to fairly elaborate pieces
of jewelry, i.e., bracelets, tie clips, etc.
A constant source of amusement for the staff was the P's awkwardness
in making these presentations, which required him to go around to the front
side of his desk to get the desired item from a drawer. He clearly never felt
at ease in this process.
David Derge was the poll taker used by the WH, with funding by the RNC,
to provide ongoing polling data as requested by the P. As noted above, it
took some persuasion to convince P of the importance of getting this
information on a regular continuing basis in order to keep in close touch
with general public reaction to ongoing events.
An unexpected crisis started on this day. North Korean jets shot down one
of our Navy reconnaissance planes, with 31 men aboard. The plane had
been outside their territorial waters, so we were plainly being tested. But
how to respond?
Koreans shot down our plane, gave K a big issue for the day. He wants
to the airfield where the MIGs came from. P agrees, thinks we need to
show strong reaction. K also worried that this louses up our mining operation
temporarily, because it will look like reaction to this.
Cabinet meeting, with wives for first time in history. Pretty dull session
until P's windup for a half hour at the end. He followed the budget presenta-
tion and did superb job of explaining to wives what their husbands had to go
through, and in the process, what a load he has to carry. Then gave his pitch
about patience on Vietnam. Did say hoped we would have it over in a few
months. Indicates he has some real faith in K's plan. About civil rights and
equal opportunity, P said don't expect any credit for what you do, or any real
PR gains, just do what is right and forget it. Also he warned them press would
attempt to build up stories of internal divisions, etc. Said must keep perspec-
tive and don't worry about it.
(P) had me in for quite a while in the morning, just to talk. Reviewed
decision and reasons. Real problem was second war, which public
risk of
wouldn't buy. Also felt reaction to incident was so mild that people didn't
want, or expect hard retaliation.
Decision now to go ahead on Cambodia on Tuesday to provide necessary
show to Soviets to back up K's talk with them.
P well recognizes K's thesis that a really strong overt act on part of P is
essential to galvanize people into overcoming slothfulness and detachment
arising from general moral decay. K feels this was ideal time and place, P
concerned that it's not. That an act related to ending Vietnam war will be
better accepted than one that risks another land war, which this does. E took
this view and P said, "So you've sold out to the doves too."
It's been a tough period, and P has moved with total command and
Later called me into bedroom to report, furious, that all he wanted was some
guy to be Director of Space Council. May turn out to be the straw that breaks
the camel's back. He just has no sensitivity, or judgment about his relationship
with P. After movie we were walking home and P called me back, again to
ponder the Agnew problem, and that of general area of Cabinet relationships.
He's not really sure how to handle. His instinct is to be very distant and
unavailable, but people tell him he needs more contact and this bothers him,
because he thinks he may be handling wrong. Real problem is that none of
them except Mitchell really knows how to relate to him.
case, government must not get into running institutions, students have right
and need to express dissent and we should listen; but they have no right to use
force, disrupt campus, threaten violence and carry weapons. When they do
this, faculty, administration, and trustees (my addition) must have backbone
to stand up against this kind of action. Afterwards he was quite pleased. Had
taken the press by complete surprise, and got terrific coverage. Had a long talk
about it in office, trying to analyze whether this is a good technique. It was.
Tonight was the Duke Ellington seventieth birthday dinner at the White
House. Unbelievable. High point was Duke's sister, who came down the stairs
with him and the Nixons, in long flowing blonde hair. Duke kissed all the men
twice, on each cheek (mother's kiss) as they went through the receiving line.
Party ended after 2:00 AM.
The previous June, LBJ had nominated Associate Justice Abe Fortas as
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Shortly thereafter, various financial
and potential conflict-of-interest problems surfaced, and the nomination
was withdrawn. Fortas would soon resign from the Court.
Huge Burns flap because he didn't get in to see P about two sentences in
''hunger message." E kept him out so he came to me, then wrote long memo
to P. Feels if he can't get in when he wants to he'll have to quit. No more need
for him.
Hanoi may be folding, has had some feelers. Also problem because Rogers
wants to announce the peace plan, instead of P, also wants to modify.
We are canceling all possible schedule through Wednesday to allow time
for preparation. He's really preoccupied with this. Hope it works.
Came back to DC from Key Biscayne on the Airborne Command Post,
and they staged a briefing and a test exercise. Pretty scary. They went through
the whole intelligence and operational briefings, with interruptions, etc., to
make it realistic.
Rest of day pretty clear. Very relaxed at 5:30 called E and me in. Great
humor, quips etc. Think he feels this is a good week, with some strong news
stories, especially Vietnam peace plan for tomorrow. He'll read the speech. Lot
of discussion about network time, we wanted 10:00, they wanted to give 8:30.
We won. P feels we should take best possible. Haven't asked up to now. I
agree. Pretty fed up with blacks and their hopeless attitude.
on the speech. Called over three times in the morning to say he wasn't
coming over, in early afternoon to say he wanted small steaks served at the
breakfast tomorrow because "they don't do eggs very well," and in the late
afternoon to be sure I had solved the problem of the podium light. (I assured
him I had, but later discovered it was still totally inadequate.)
P met with the bipartisan leaders about the speech, in the treaty room. He
had a call during the meeting from Chief Justice Warren (I assume about
Fortas), who said it was urgent. So P came out of meeting to return the call.
A little later a letter arrived from Warren. Can only assume it's the Fortas
K did briefings all afternoon about the speech. They did some good with
the commentators. He realized by late today, though, that we had made a
mistake in trying to make a major diplomatic move, requiring checking with
other governments, etc., in theform of a TV speech. Instead should have done
a paper, gotten it cleared, etc., and sent it. Then go on TV to explain it, instead
of presenting it there. Whole thing was too complex with too many nuances
that are totally unintelligible to the ordinary guy.
The basic proposal was for the major part of foreign troops — both U.S.
and North Vietnamese — to withdraw from South Vietnam within one year
after a signed agreement. An international group would supervise the pro-
Lunch with E about treachery in the State Department. Reports show
all kinds of staffing skullduggery at end of last Administration. We have to
figure out a way to get on top of this. Obviously it's all over, not just in
i **
Had some ideas for decorating the Oval Office, led to a little more discus-
sion about Mrs. Doyle. Afraid we just have to go with her, I won't buck Pat
Definitely decided to scratch Ohio State, meet Thieu at Midway. Wants
me to handle notifications. Wants receptions in California and Hawaii to show
public support.
Presented two Congressional Medals in full militaryceremony on South
Lawn. Very impressive. Then he went back out to shake hands with crowd.
Then kept me in office (almost missed chopper) to go over some more things
before leaving for Saratoga. Demonstrations on Saratoga for Armed Forces
Day were spectacular. First we reviewed fleet by air, then landed on Saratoga.
Had firepower demonstration. Launched all kinds of jets, fighters, bombers,
tankers, and intelligence. Chopper from there to Camp David for the night.
though the press has been generally good. The accurate story of how hard he
works, etc., is not getting out, i.e., about how he wrote his speech. He says the
staff are all doing as well as they can, considering their limitations.
He wants E, K and me to try to figure this all out. Says we are the only
people on the staff smart and strong enough to do it. Would like to have
Mitchell involved also, but feels he's too involved.Hope we can do something.
Thinking about schedule, he feels he should be more aloof, inaccessible,
mysterious, i.e., de Gaulle feels overexposure detracts from impact. Shouldn't
be too chummy, etc.
fully staffed. Burns completely end runs the system, but this time K was the
reason. His staff system is in bad shape, just not getting the work out, but P
doesn't know it, still thinks they're superb.
with Vietnam was for simultaneous release. He said he hadn't reacted to other
leaks, but this endangered national security and was serious.
He's now banned White House communication: with the Times (for their
editorial yesterday about the Nixon Foundation related to the Fortas Case
and for their coverage on the Cambodian bombings); the St. Louis Press
Democrat (for Ottenad's inside story on Administration problems, pure
phony); and The Washington Post (for today's leak). Says won't tell Ziegler or
anyone his plan about Chief Justice announcement, to avoid leak.
As last few days, had me in for several long talks ranging over personnel
and PR, more of the process of getting ready for what's to come. He's in a very
introspective kind of mood. Mad for a little while this morning, then right
back on course. Same line of discussion about need for really strong overall PR
man, and the TV problem.
While home writing this at 10:00 he just called me back to office "to go
over a few things." He was there when I left, but I didn't check out.
It's now midnight, just returned from an absolutely fascinating two
hours with the P in the Oval Office. Walked in, he was pacing the floor in
blue velvet smoking jacket puffing on a cigar. Said he'd decided to really
dramatize the Chief Justice announcement. Move it up from Thursday to
Wednesday, and do it in East Room with whole Cabinet, on live TV at 3:00.
Have to announce to press at 11:00. I suggested 7:00 for prime time. P
agreed. We talked on and on about the new Chief Justice, the plan for an-
nouncing, etc. Called Mitchell at the Iranian Embassy to have him come in
first thing in the morning to discuss plan. He'll have to speed up his tax and
security checks, but says he can. Once again, P comes up with the right
answer, after we all struggle with it.
He rambled on about the kind of Justice Burger will be, etc. Had me bring
in Who Who, and read his, as well as Burger's. Just wanted to sit and talk,
like thegood old days when he was picking a VP and a Cabinet. Also went over
the Klein, etc. stuff, the need for a TV man, etc. And the plans for building up
the Thieu meeting, and hope for a major announcement at the end. Hope it all
works out.
very good, also Burger. We had to whip up a biography during the afternoon,
Buchanan did it by phone interview.
Main coup was that it was really a complete secret until actually an-
nounced. Pretty hard to do in this business. We told no one on the staff, and
press got no leads. Sneaked Burger and his family in through the Treasury
Building tunnel, so no one saw them at White House gates. Brought Cabinet
into East Room on live TV, then family, then P and Burger.
P zinged Fortas pretty well by saying Burger was above reproach in
business and personal. Burger zinged political appointees pretty well by saying
what an honor P had bestowed on all sitting judges. We did a good job of
pre-programming, and it worked. Wires are loaded with favorable comments.
Now we'll see if the papers will carry them.
about need to understand press and especially New York
P, in talking
Times, said "I know our guyswill say Bob Semple {of the Times) is a nice
guy, and Kosygin is probably kind to his mother, but all that is totally irrele-
their influence. Only George Bush seemed to understand their desire for con-
frontation, not solution.
have them get complete internal report on who had access etc. (I had to make
the calls from Air Force One en route to South Dakota.)
Long talk with K about his leaks. E and I had breakfast with him and
advised him to move out the suspect people. He later told P this is what he's
doing. Set up detailed plan for tapping all suspects, not carried out. (Not then,
but it later would be.)
Left White House at noon for trip. Used the remodeled Air Force One.
Tricia, Julie, David, and Mrs. Nixon all along. New configuration is great.
Puts press way Chopper to Mundt
in back, allows staff privacy. Dedication,
over plowed "Hi Nixon." Smalltown crowd, solid Americans,
field that said
good but not wild reception. One heckler, and the crowd was going to beat him
up until police saved him. Motorcade with big crowds and lot of bands along
the street. Then to Colorado Springs. Good airport arrival, lots of "fence-
Problem on release of speech. P called me at dinner and said to hold until
9:00 AM. Ziegler unreachable, so I told Jerry Warren. Ziegler had promised
10:00 PM, agonized all night, finally we agreed on 6:00 AM, and overrode P's
Lot of discussion on plane about security problems. P really concerned,
issuing all kinds of orders, hope we won't have to follow.
really intended to be carried out, but rather a letting off of steam, or that
it was clearly not in the P's interest that it be carried out. Usually I later
informed P that the order had not been followed, and he usually agreed that
was the right decision. There were times, however, when he intentionally
would end-run me with an order to someone else who he felt would do his
bidding when I wouldn't.
promote it.
New security flap about troop withdrawal story leak. (The Washington
Star had reported that we had decided to begin troop withdrawal we 'd promised
Thieu it would be announced jointly.) Had me call all departments again, this
time to say we know someone gave a backgrounder, wants report on who. Of
course all denied it. Then wanted more detailed push on NSC Okinawa investi-
gation. By evening was really mad. Kept calling me from San Clemente house
with new orders to investigate. K advised me not to go too far. Would be
counterproductive, so I ignored some of the orders. Still called Richardson and
Laird several times.
littleodds and ends. Then he took a long nap. Lousy airport arrival. Chopper
to hotel. Meeting of the Midway delegation at hotel. P moved it up an hour,
confused everyone. Took Rose to dinner at Trader Vic's. Terrible! Poor P tried
to get family out to dinner but Tricia wouldn't go. Julie and David did. Family
had room service.
K. Lots of follow-up type projects for me. Back and forth on press conference
plans. Will do one on Thursday evening. Feels he should go for prime time and
get maximum audience, prohibit networks from selecting just the parts they
want for the news.
This was a very key element in our generalPR strategy. It was based on the
fact that ifP did a public event to make an important statement, or an-
nouncement, it would be covered by the TV networks, but only a small and
highly selective portion would actually get on the air. If he did a press
conference or special event, with the request for live TV coverage, the
networks generally complied, and the result was a much better and more
complete presentation from the P's standpoint. Also, since these were live
events, all the networks carried them at the same time, forcing a large
portion of the TV audience to watch, since there was no network alterna-
This tactic also made it possible for us to force coverage in prime time
by scheduling the event at whatever time we wanted it to air. After a while,
the networks got smart and quit providing simultaneous coverage on all
three, but it was great while it lasted.
Press conference day. P stayed at residence all day. Came out at 5:45 to greet
the First Lady on return from her trip. Called over frequently on specific
questions, number of Vietnamese killed, number of Negroes in America, etc.
Rather startling answers on some Vietnam questions. Said he hoped to
beat ( LBJ Secretary of Defense) Clark Clifford's goal on withdrawals (all out
by end of next year); there would be more withdrawals this summer, decision
in August; he wasn't "wedded" to Thieu regime; he was not opposed to a
cease-fire, etc. Also said we'd like to start SALT talks July 21 and they might
be in Geneva, or Vienna.
All this shook K pretty badly. He feels that it will probably mean collapse
of South Vietnam government in near future and South Viet-
will result in
namese troops fighting us. Thieu will consider it a betrayal, as will all South
East Asia, and it will be interpreted as unilateral withdrawal. K thinks maybe
P has decided to pull out, and is taking this step knowingly. I don't think so.
I feel he just wanted to hit back at Clifford, and overplayed his hand. If this
is the case, K feels we'll have monumental and maybe impossible job in trying
to build around P's statements and reshore up our own previous position. Poor
K gets really shook by these things, and for good reason. He's been pushing
the opposite approach. He's been discouraged deeply the last few days, be-
cause he feels Vietnam plans aren't P knows this and may
working out right.
have reacted. K says we won't know real effect for about two weeks. Tough.
Will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings, his mood was great
today, which usually indicates he's made a big and tough decision, and maybe
he has. I hope not, for K's sake.
P called at home later, riding high, feels he was very effective. Likes prime
time idea.
very worried, mainly because he feels maybe P has lost confidence in him.
Swore me to tell him if this ever happens, in my judgment. He's really quite
insecure, for no reason, I believe.
Yesterday I went through a similar exercise with Harlow, who feels (and
rightly, I fear) that his working relationship with the P has badly deteriorated
and is continuing downhill, and this in turn is eroding his personal friendship.
He knows P well enough to be able to read the signs, and it's hard to try to
convince him otherwise. He's convinced he should leave soon, to prevent
further decline, and I'm not sure I can change his mind. I'll try, on the basis
of his duty to the P and the country. Real trouble is, he's right, and only the
P can change the situation, and then not just by a little quick therapy. He'll
have to bring Bryce back into the real inner councils. And I'm not sure he'll
do it.
Had dinner on the terrace with Jo and Adele, then sat there talking.
I had a small terrace just outside my original office, next to the Oval Office,
which I frequently used to get some fresh air and even on occasions like
this one, to have dinner with my wife and her mother.
The P requested an extension of the surtax past its June 30 expiration date.
However, he was receiving opposition both from liberals (who wanted tax
reform) and conservatives (who opposed the increased federal spending
implied by higher taxes).
Especially feels Harlow not really handling Congress right. I told him of
Bryce's real concern that he has lost P's confidence, he aware but doesn't
know how to handle. Discussed ways and means of beefing up Bryce's opera-
tion. Have to do it. Talked about possibility of taking Congress on and making
it the issue. May have to if Democrats decide to play straight political obstruc-
tionist game. But then P has to get into '70 battle hard and early and he doesn't
want to (and he shouldn't).
Very introspective and subdued mood. Just sat and talked and pondered.
Realizes problems are coming up, wants to see his way through them, but
doesn't. Not discouraged, just very pensive.
Interesting sidelight. P called me about 9:30 about program for Sunday wor-
ship at White House. First was upset because the rabbi was from New York,
while he had ordered that Senator Scott (of Pennsylvania) select the rabbi.
(Turned out that Finkelstein had been committed before the order.) Then
wanted Scott invited upstairs to coffee before service with rabbi to give him
some political mileage. (Turned out Scott was in Philadelphia for the week and
couldn't come anyway, but was very appreciative.) To get this far I tried to call
Wilkinson, finally got him at football stadium in Atlanta for all-star game. He
didn't know the situation. Said ( Presidential Assistant Peter) Flanigan did. So
I got Pete in New York. He didn't know, said Bud and Atwater did. So I put
a call in to Atwater (James Atwater, Special Assistant to the P). He was out
at a party. Finally got him, but too late, I had already talked to Scott in
Next call from P was concern whether Cye Halpern, the only Republican
Jewish Congressman, had been invited. Tried to get Lucy, she was out. Rose
was out. Got Marge and she thought Halpern was invited. Got Timmons, he
had checked list with police, Halpern not on. Talked to Bryce about Scott
matter and Halpern. He didn't know, so we concluded he'd been invited and
declined and I so advised P.
Next call from P was about program. He was afraid they had included the
doxology, which would be an affront to the Rabbi. I tried Atwater again, he
was on way to airport to meet Rabbi, left word out on car radio, never
connected. Called Lucy, she didn't know, but called usher and found doxology
was on program. So she called Sandy Fox and got printers on stand-by to
reprint programs tonight. (It was then 11:30 PM). Finally got Atwater at
home, and he said the Rabbi had reviewed the program including the
doxology. So we called off the troops at 12:30 and all went to bed. Another day
at the White House.
At the same time, K is discouraged, because his plans for ending war
aren't working fast enough and Rogers and Laird are constantly pushing for
faster and faster withdrawal. K feels this means a "cop out" by next summer,
and that, if we follow that line, we should "cop out" now. He wants to push
Cabinet meeting. P said on phone last night to be sure they stick to agenda,
and don't get into surtax question. He was late to meeting, because of session
with former Secretary of the Treasury Fowler. When he came in, he brought
up the surtax. Gave an overall appraisal of the situation and a great argument
for immediate passage, for Secretaries to use in speeches, etc. Is going to have
a bipartisan Senate group meeting Monday evening, with three former Secre-
taries of the Treasury to put the heat on.
P met with Senator Russell and Senator Long about and surtax. ABM
Tomorrow breakfast with Mansfield. Bryce really pushing for all-out fight,
and discouraged because P won't take it on totally. I think he (P) feels it can
be won without total involvement on his part, and he wants to save as much
equity as he can. Bryce doesn't agree. Real problem is lack of adequate action
by others. All rely on P to carry the main load. He'd be more willing to do so
if he felt all other stops had been pulled out first. Trouble is, they always start
with his part, then add the others instead of vice versa. Bryce's point is that P
ends up having to get in anyway, and that the same effort is far more effective
early than late.
P went bowling at EOB this evening with Julie and David. Julie upset
because her trip to Chicago not well enough planned for TV and interviews,
etc. Now P wants me to supervise all these activities. Rough!
At Camp David. P called me over about1 1:00 and I was there until after 3:00.
In the study at Aspen. Spent most of the time on surtax vs. Family Security
question. Point is, Family Security is for '71, not '70. Long discussion of
strategy, etc. Then into plan for a domestic council with E as head. Then into
long analysis of his daily schedule. Wants more time free, especially at the end
of the day, when he wants to leave office at 6:00. 1 told him he was the problem,
not the schedule, and he agrees. Wants pool converted to bowling alley. Says
he'll use it every night.
At Camp David. All slept late again. (My son) Hank and I went up to bowl
around noon, had to leave because P coming. Then he went to pool. Called me
up there, and it was rainy, he sitting under umbrella in trunks. Rain stopped.
Talked for about a half hour. Mainly about his concern that we didn't get out
tax reform word. And wanted action about New York Times editorial about
his moon telecast plans.
Returned to White House at 3:00. P came to office for a while, with E and
Ziegler. Cleaned up the loose ends, schedule details, E's items, etc. Then he
returned to Residence for dinner.
Called me over to tell family about Teddy Kennedy's escapade. Very
strange news coverage as they try to cover up real implications of what hap-
pened. Kennedy, late last night in Martha's Vineyard, drove his car off a
bridge into a pond, left girl in it to drown. She was a former secretary of
Bobby's. Lot of peculiar possibilities, but wires carry no sensationalizing, or
speculation. E has investigators, etc., working on what really happened.
Wants to be sure he doesn't get away with it, but of course no reaction
from us. Real concern is realization of what they'd be doing if it were one of
our people. Obviously (P feels) he was drunk, escaped from car, let her drown,
said nothing until police got to him. Shows fatal flaw in his character, cheated
at school, ran from accident.
ABM and surtax, as it takes wind out of opposition's sails. The whole thing
really is very strange, and it will be interesting to see how they maneuver to
cover it up.
P has canceled press trip briefing schedule for tomorrow afternoon, be-
cause moon shot overshadows it. Will do it in Guam Thursday evening in-
stead. Actually much anyway, and will get far better ride and set stage
for the trip. We have a rough period ahead, but everyone is ready and eager
and I think it will go well.
for a sense of history and a sense of drama. Wants this group also to concen-
trate and decide on what the P should use his time for.
Usual discussion during the day and at this meeting about Harlow prob-
lem. And lots of talk about Ted Kennedy episode. General agreement that it
"Dirty tricks" as used here refers to the general political campaign activity
of harassment and needling of the opposition, planting spies in their camp,
etc. In other words, hardball politics.
The New York Times editorial berated the President for "sharing
the stage with the astronauts" and wasting their precious time with his
direct link conversation. It also voiced the opinion that Nixon had very
little to do with the program, giving most of the credit to Kennedy and
on the Arlington for me (my cabin was next to the radio shack and a banging
door) we were up at 4:00 for 4:40 departure. It was beautiful on the flight deck,
absolutely dark, millions of stars, plus the antenna lights on the ship. Borman
said it looked more like the sky on the back side of the moon than any he had
ever seenon earth. Helicopter left in the dark and flew over the ocean to the
Hornet. Landed and went through quick briefings on the decontamination
setup and the recovery plan. Then waited on the bridge for the capsule to
It did, in spectacular fashion. We saw the fireball (like a meteor with a tail)
risefrom the horizon and arch through the sky, turning into a red ball, then
disappearing. Waited on bridge an hour or so until we could see the helicopters
over the capsule and raft in the sea. We steamed toward them. Watched the
pickup, first through binoculars, then with naked eye. P was exuberant, really
cranked up, like a little kid. Watched everything, soaked it all up. Showed
everyone his fancy binoculars (actually Don Hughes').
Then the pickup helicopter landed on deck. P ordered band to play
"Columbia the Gem of the Ocean." (The name of the spacecraft was Co-
lumbia). Presented gifts in flag plot then down to hangar deck for P chat with
astronauts in quarantine chamber. Great show. He was very excited, personal,
perfect approach. Then prayer and "Star-Spangled Banner." Then "Ruffles
and Flourishes" and "Hail to the Chief," and we left.
Had a short hop to Johnston Island because splashdown closer than
planned. A brief stop there and on to Guam.
Huge crowd at Guam airport, lot of kids. Usual honors. P worked fence
and spoke. Then to quarters. Then the press backgrounder at the Officers
And so to bed early after lots of lack of sleep. Pretty historic and fascinat-
ing day!
Started the day in Guam by taking notes over the phone of Ted Kennedy's TV
speech while Cole held his phone to the radio in DC. Then got a report and
evaluation from E in New
York. P still very interested. Discussed it with him
on the plane (to Manila), and he still has a lot of theories. Also long talk about
White House staff, the need to shake things up and really get people down to
work. Also need to get rid of some that don't carry their load. His mind very
much on these things instead of the trip.
Also concerned about report that I was calling reporters about the
Kennedy case. Feels White House board may be tapped, or operators listen in.
in any way, looks over their heads. Queen very gracious, smiles and nods at
each one.
Palace, where we are staying, is unbelievable! Dinner of King's was su-
perb. Beautiful hall, the throne room, for head table of sixty. Rest of guests,
about 150, in next Army band played during dinner. Lady singer
room. Thai
entertained after with songscomposed by King. Troops out in front and band
to play national anthems on arrival and departure. Trees all lighted along
session with the advisors. Not much accomplished, reviewed the military
situation and public morale and our commitments, etc. Very hot, but not so
bad Most of palace is open-air.
in air conditioned areas.
After talks,P and Thieu made departure statements and then we left by
helicopter for Xi Nam, the base for First Army. Did a tour of the bunkers and
helicopter revetments, by open jeep. Fascinating. P was great with troops.
Pushed away the microphone, got off the stand and moved among the men,
talking to individuals. Made several stops at guard posts, helicopter areas, etc.,
always talking directly to individual men. Really impressed them, the press,
and even General Abrams. Then helicopter back to airport, rejoin Pat Nixon,
who had busy and very successful day at an orphanage, a palace tea, and a
veteran's hospital.
On plane back, P was elated with visit and very much impressed. Gave
quite an emotional charge to me never to let the hippie college-types in to see
him again. He was really taken by the quality and character of the guys he
talked to, and by reaction really fedup with the protesters and peaceniks. Also
some about plans for Domestic Program when we return. This continued
in his room at the Palace when we got back to Bangkok. Had some late reports
on status of the surtax, which keeps going up and down. Hard to keep in touch
because of the time difference.
New Delhi and Lahore followed, but Romania was the high point.
because they are the officials and they are scared, sitting on a tinder box. Don't
have the guts of their P. P feels Ceausescu is extremely shrewd and bright, and
was very much impressed by him. The talks were apparently most useful. P still
concerned about our PR weakness and afraid we're not adequately getting the
story out. Especially concerned that the significance of story is fully under-
stood and reported.
He on a concrete bench by the lakeside in his garden and expounded
on and it was quite a session. He sees the great historical first of United
all this,
It was obviously hard for the P to go through this truly spectacular trip
while feeling that the real picture and understanding of it was not getting
through to the American people. A valid concern.
Also some discussion about Domestic Program and the plan for this.
Everyone pretty well pooped on the long flight home, not much accomplished.
Arrival at Andrews with full ceremonies. VP did excellent job in his welcoming
speech. Chopper to White House. Julie and Tricia both very enthusiastic about
the TV coverage etc. Helps. Good crowd, even in the rain.
l sr
August 6 saw the ABM vote come before the Senate. The result was an even
split, 50 to 50, and so Agnew cast his vote to end the tie, 51 to 50. A
TV and called her afterward. Wants to be sure we get good treatment for the
Cabinet officers while here, social stuff plus TV coverage. Very concerned
about lack of coverage in LA Times, especially about no follow-up on Bucha-
rest,or the Domestic Program. Feels strong need to maintain our momentum
while at crest. Reviewed plans for the Astronaut dinner and Johnson visit.
We went down to look things over. It's all beautifully done, Higby de-
serves great credit. The setup should be darn near ideal. P came over. Had me
in for a while, then over to see the house. He's really happy with the whole
Wants everyone to be happily situated. Quit around 1 :30 and went back to the
house, trying to set the pattern.
Bad night. Went to bed about 2:10, after P's call. Phone rang at 3:30, Bill
Rogers very concerned because P has just called him saying he was not well,
had Tkach there, feared a heart attack and might have to go to hospital. Bill
not sure what to do, I told him to get over to P's house, see what's happening
and call me. He did. Problem is gas, due to overexcitement. Bill and Tkach left
a little after 4:00, both called me from home to say probably all OK. So I ended
up with darn little sleep.
sleepy. He spent some time with Borman thanking him for dinner, etc., then
went home, probably for a nap.
Had a reception at Residence for press at 6:00. Worked out fine. Then
down for the day.
Down deep, though, I think he feels he does have a chance to get a Republican
Congress if he ends the war, etc., but won't follow the attack route, at least not
now. Makes sense.
At K, E meeting we talked about Vietnam alternatives. Obvious that we
have to end it in six to nine months, and that the process will be difficult. K
has scenario, now with Mitchell. Feels P has to make total mental commitment
and really be prepared for the heat. I think he realizes this and is getting ready.
This is at least part of the reason for the efforts to build strong nationalism
with space thing, and certainly the reason behind the push for better PR
capability,and also, I think, the reason he's really taking a vacation, to get
ready for what lies ahead. Hope it will do the job.
(Presidential Speechwriter William) Safire came up with his idea for the
New Federalist Papers, to play off New Federalism. To be used as the basis for
knocking down the and zag theory about Nixon, and establish basic theme
for Administration. To be written anonymously, under name of Populus.
then sixnew ambassadors. Concerned about Ziegler telling press about his
golf, and having them follow him around. Still some freedom and
trying to get
privacy. Also wants aides to find a sandy beach for swimming, unfortunately
the rocks (boulders) on his beach make it almost useless.
discussion of his problems with adequate staff, funds, GSA snooping and press
leaks, etc. He's really psychopathic. Raved on and on about how humiliating
it all was. (aide to LBJ) Tom Johnson bring all the press clips, official
and went on for 45 minutes. K and E were called in the meantime.
records, etc.,
Fortunately, LBJ knew and approved of my memo ordering support for him,
main complaint was that it isn't being implemented.
He also wove in several times references to his decision not to run, which
he implies was firmly made long before he announced it. Cited examples of
papers he's working on, i.e., his Vietnam troop decisions; his memo to JFK
about moon program feasibility that led to the decision, etc. Is obviously
completely absorbed in writing history the way he wants it to be. Especially
about the war, the bombing pause, etc.
On plane to redwoods he urged P not to listen to the critics, cited mistakes
he had made in this regard. Gave excellent extemporaneous remarks at dedica-
tion ceremony, think he was genuinely and deeply pleased. Setting and cere-
mony were great, whole idea of P's was well worthwhile.
P had me meet with Tom Johnson to work out all the problems, and I
think we can settle it all satisfactorily. They really do have a problem about
mail and declassifying the 32 million pieces of paper. We will provide man-
power through K operation. LBJ makes valid point that our interests are very
much involved, in that there will be many of his papers we will not want made
public, but general interest is, of course, to release as much as possible.
P, in usual stage-managing fashion, completely screwed up the plane
seating arrangements as soon as we were aboard Air Force One. Decided to
reverse family, staff, and VIP locations and had everything in a complete
turmoil. He was cranked up with the whole deal, and I think really enjoyed
having LBJ on his new plane.
(P) talked a about reaction to LBJ and his peculiar concern with costs,
etc. Feels he's hypersensitive because of all he has taken down to Texas plus
all the criticism about how much money he's made while President.
Reviewed K's contingency plan for Vietnam tonight. Will be a tough
period ahead if we goto it. K feels strongly that he, E and I, plus Mitchell,
must hang tight and provide the backup. Also feels we need a domestic plan
to go with it, covering actions and reaction here.
but also the general situation of Cabinet officers' failure to take the heat, and
to sell the line. Mitchell has agreed to hit Rogers head on, on basis of scenario
from K.
Supposedly a day off. Started with continuing flurry of phone calls. Chairman
of Pitney-Bowes, and of the United Fund, was camped at the compound
entrance in long black chauffeured limousine. Would not leave until he saw the
P about doing a TV we had consistently turned
spot for United Fund, which
down for months. Cole tried to get him settled, but failed. So we put it to the
P via E, and he, of course, capitulated, will do the film Monday morning. The
guy ended up sitting in the car four hours, and in the office another hour. E
finally saw him and settled it.
The Western White House operation has worked out sensationally
well, but there are now signs of the P starting become restless. I'm amazed
it's taken this long. Part of the problem now is that Julie and David have gone
back, so he doesn't have them as diversions. Also he's talking more and more
about operating routine Washington, etc. Nonetheless, it has been great
relaxation for him, and forof us and the press. And it will pay dividends.
The going will get very tough very fast when we get back, and everyone will
need this reservoir.
San Clemente and laid low the rest of the day. Beautiful day. (I) had a long
sail with Chapin. Then packed up. (Everett) Dirksen died, so lots of phone
This extended stay at the Western White House was an experiment to see
whether it really worked as a way to slow down a little for a while. It
followed closely after the return from the exhausting trip around the world
and lasted for four weeks, which I thought was amazing. It did work well,
but probably extended too long.
One factor that made it feasible was the actual setting up of a working
Western White House on a Navy compound just adjacent to the P's new
residence in San Clemente. All the necessary facilities and backup support
were available and functioned well. Cabinet officers and others who came
out for meetings with the P seemed to greatly enjoy the opportunity.
office is great, but still a lot to do. Desk turned out very well.
So the San Clemente era closes for the year. It was a good idea and
worked out well. Did all of us good to have the changes, especially the P. And
now it's back to the DC operation, but with my family here. The house looks
great, and I do think we'll all greatly enjoy it.
We have a lot of revamping to do now, and I hope the HEHK (Haldeman,
Ehrlichman, Harlow, Kissinger) operation will work out. It should be our best
for the Oval Office. P says he likes it, and keeps analyzing why. Maybe he really
does. A generally undistinguished day of getting back to work.
decided to stay with plan for Tuesday announcement. Moved bipartisan lead-
ers to this afternoon late, and GOP tomorrow morning.
P canceled a lot of today's appointments and meetings in order to go over
things with K, and to get ready for leaders. It's hard for him to shift from the
current crisis to the relatively meaningless routine type things, and the way out
is just to cancel the latter. Understandable. Actually it works out pretty well
the way we set up the weekly schedule because we leave a lot of time open,
which provides flexibility. A little rough sometimes on those we shift around.
Our system is going to build up gradually. He's dividing more between E
and me, instead of using us interchangeably. Unfortunately E leaves Friday for
a ten-day vacation which will put a major crimp in progress. Harlow seems to
be tracking well and will be valuable, also it will help him to see some of the
rest of the picture besides just Congress.
P called at home to say he wanted to be sure the call he's expecting from
Governor Ogilvie is put right through. Trouble is Ogilvie hasn't called. Proba-
bly will appoint Dirksen successor in next couple of days.
UN Day. P didn't come in to the office. We left at 9:30, to New York. He gave
a very good speech and was very good at reading it (urging the nations to
persuade Hanoi Reaction was pretty lukewarm. They
to negotiate seriously).
did finally stand and clap when he was introduced and came in, but there was
no applause during the speech and they did not stand at the end.
Then to the Waldorf for private meetings with Foreign Ministers. Worked
very well on our schedule of 15 and 20 minute appointments. Really had to
hustle. Decided to go to "21" for dinner after our reception. Ran into Zsa Zsa
(Gabor), Gina Lollobrigida, Dorothy Lamour, and Henry Ford. Shook hands
after with crowd waiting in the street. Interesting, because LBJ couldn't even
appear in public in New York. Our reception most friendly and enthusiastic
all through the city, and no anti demonstrators.
I spent the whole flight back with Pat Nixon, about her White House
The White House Social Office and the needed office facilities for the First
Lady's other East Wing of the White
activities are usually located in the
House, and thus the phrase "East Wing" has come to mean the First Lady's
Office (until the Clintons) just as the "West Wing" refers to the President's
Harlow called in New York to urge P take over Laird's plan to announce
draft cuts. Feels it will be the best news we've put out yet. (Because of the troop
withdrawals, draft calls for November and December had been canceled.) I
talked to P and he agreed, and was very pleased to learn Laird was willing to
do it. So we swung into action and switched Laird's press conference tomor-
row to the White House. Press all intrigued with what's happening. The shift
itself built up interest.
At Camp David. P slept late. We left at noon. Had to wait awhile on chopper
while they tried to find Vicki (Tricia's dog). Reception in East Room for
student body and College Presidents. P disturbed afterward, felt it was useless,
and that we should not have done it. One kid gave him a lecture on how to be
a good president and start leading the country, this set him off. Another
example, maybe, of our letting the bad guys use us as a forum. We'll see how
the press comes out and how the kids react.
Then he had an appointment with Bob Hope, and after saying yesterday
he could not play golf ever on Saturday, they went off to Burning Tree for the
Minor flap at start of theday because there had been no speech material
prepared for Tricia for her open a museum exhibition.
trip to Philadelphia to
Problem is still almost complete lack of communication between East and
West wings. Hope Stuart's return will resolve this.
P is all of a sudden enamored with use of the Dictaphone and is spewing
out memos by the carload, plus about double the volume of news summary
marginal comments.
He was delighted this morning that pool dismantling was under way, and
worked out a plan with Ziegler and me to take a few press through the whole
new press setup. Ziegler had a long session with P in the late morning and
succeeded in talking him out of his plan to meet a small group of press for a
backgrounder, and instead to have a full press conference Friday. Then P
spent about a half hour telling me how to re-juggle the schedule to accommo-
date it.
After lunch hour he tookUPI reporter Merriman Smith and two others
on complete tour of West Wing, pointing out how awful the lobby, Roosevelt
Room, and West Basement are, then showed how the press setup will work out
in the pool area. They basically bought the idea, and he was absolutely right
in approaching it this way. Now it's a fait accompli except for details.
for the press conference. Called, as usual, several times about need for more
material on specific questions. Then had a haircut and went over to the
Residence. Called me at home on need to plan weekly outside activity for
Tricia, and concern about Nelson Rockefeller (who was) mad because junior
staff man called him. Can sure jump fast from the monumental to the totally
said 30), need for unity, have to take the P's assurance that we know what
we're doing.
Regarding October 15, he says they are prolonging the war by this attack,
because our only hope for negotiation is to convince Hanoi we are ready to
Question now is how to avoid having our key people testify, big issue of
executive privilege. Dick Allen had been working on this for months and is
really concerned about the possibilities. Mollenhoff also heavily involved and
P called tonight, says may cancel Key Biscayne because he has too much
to do, then spent rest of the time trying to figure out something to fill Wednes-
day and Thursday schedule.
because there are piles of stuff in the out box every day, way beyond what goes
in, some going clear back to the transition period. Hope it eventually all gets
cleaned out.
One of the more onerous ceremonial chores of the President in his role as
Chief of State is the protocol requirement that he personally receive the
credentials of each new foreign ambassador upon his posting to the United
States. With some 120 nations recognized by the United States, each with
an Ambassador in Washington, and with each new appointment requiring
a detailed ritual of introductions and niceties, this was a very time-consum-
ing addition to the heavily loaded Presidential schedule.
Richard Nixon viewed this procedure, cherished and expanded by the
Diplomatic Corps, as a complete waste of time. So he sought all kinds of
ways to avoid, or at least curtail it. The first idea was to shift the burden to
the VP, but this was totally unacceptable in the rules of protocol. So we kept
working on ways to speed up the procedure.
the plane (to Florida) he had E, K and me up for long staff session.
Still hammering on Haynsworth. Had some ideas on other follow-through
steps. Then a lot of odds and ends, wants General Chapman of Marine Corps
used on TV, change Ambassador to Paris, get Buchanan to blast peaceniks
about Russian and Chinese atom tests, stop use of Harris for departmental
polls, make Rogers and Laird start selling Vietnam policy, need for internal
discipline, etc.
The Nixon routine on these weekend, and sometimes longer, stays at Key
Biscayne became pretty well established. In the early part of the term, the
President stayed at one of several rented or borrowed houses on the Bay
side of the Key. Later, he bought his own house on the Bay, which was
equipped with a helicopter landing, complete security and communica-
tions facilities, and working and living quarters for the President and his
The senior staff stayed at the Key Biscayne Hotel on the ocean side,
just across the Key from Our facilities at the
the President's residence.
hotel were also equipped for security and communications. We were at all
times reachable by the White House Communications Agency, by either
phone or walkie-talkie (cellular phones had not arrived yet), and so al-
ways directly available to the President and vice versa. The press was
housed at the Sonesta Beach Hotel, about a quarter mile down the beach
from our hotel.
The President generally spent most of his time working alone or
relaxing with his family or Bebe Rebozo. As needed, he had staff people
or invited guests, who were also usually housed at the Key Biscayne
Hotel, come over to his house for working meetings and sometimes for
Day dawned bright and clear, hot and humid, after last night's storm. All
quiet through the morning, then P called E and me over for about a two-hour
session at his house. He was in trunks and a sport shirt. Sort of one of those
mystic sessions, which he had obviously thought through ahead of time. Said
for next sixweeks he'd have to concentrate on foreign matters, and we would
have to handle most of the domestic without him. Wants all staff to understand
and wants large free chunks of schedule time to work on Vietnam decisions.
Long general talk about all this. We reviewed our plans and ideas, especially
about need to game-plan Vietnam alternatives and start buildup for whatever
actions he decides to take.
Then had session with K, and he is of course very concerned, we only
have two alternatives, bug out or accelerate, and that we must escalate or P is
lost.He is lost anyway if that fails, which it well may. K still feels main
question whether P can hold the government and the people together for the
six months it will take. His contingency plans don't include the domestic
factor. E feels strongly we can and should pre-program several routes on a PR
basis, and start getting ready. It's obvious from the press and dove buildup
that trouble is there, whatever we do.
This was what Pat Moynihan was constantly warning against. From the
start of his Presidency, Nixon focused primarily on Vietnam, recognizing
that it was major challenge. On one hand, he was determined
his overriding
to reach a conclusion of thewar on a basis of "peace with honor" and not
a "cop out" that would result in abandoning South Vietnam and a collapse
of South East Asia along the lines of the "domino theory." On the other
hand, he knew the domestic dissatisfaction with the ongoing "impossible
war" would inevitably increase daily and become more and more unman-
He had fully expected that an acceptable, if not totally satisfactory,
solution would be achieved through negotiation within the first six months.
But this was not to be, unfortunately.
Flap today about TV, when P filmed spots for Cahill and Holton (two
Republican gubernatorial candidates). Al Scott had camera mounted high, and
P knows this is bad angle. So this proved to him we have to have a full time
top level TV man at White House. He called me twice during afternoon, and
twice athome about this. He's right on need for top pro as supervisor, but we'll
never get one to come here full time at any pay. New problem. They never end.
move fast heavy retaliation, mining etc., with this bad faith as
basis. Could then probably bring United States opinion around to
support level of fighting to get military victory in three to six months.
We'll see!
then went out and strongly backed P on the war); a "Congressional half hour"
(a scheduling device we had developed to process a maximum number of brief
visits, or presentations, from congressmen and senators who needed to be able to
say they had met with the President) and a batch of diplomatic credentials; a
meeting with Finch that went on and on into the lunch hour. (I had to
interrupt at end of lunch period to get the "laundry list" message to Congress
OK'd, and the statement about Hershey change); meeting with General Her-
shey to work out his reassignment; then he taped the whole message to Con-
gress for radio; a meeting with K; an hour with Mansfield; then a spell with
me for signing, and out at 7:00.
Called me several times at home, odd range of topics. First wanted 100
wires sent to Hubert commending his support; then a plan to give (Senator
Charles) Goodell (of New York) et al. a going over for their opposition; then
concern about schedule for next week after October 15, not strong enough.
Discussed inflation letter, and he had excellent idea to make it to 1000 leaders,
instead of one man, ask their views, etc. Then do radio speech for housewives.
Then need a major move for Friday, maybe a Rogers press conference (I urged
nothing on Vietnam, rather let mystery build from the Bunker- Wheeler-Lodge
He says now he'll announce his November 3 speech (a major televised
address on Vietnam) on Monday, then use that to hold off any other Vietnam
question, i.e., in press conference the following week. I urged him not to say
in the announcement that he would cover all the secret moves, etc., let that be
the opening impact on November 3. He agreed.
Then some discussion of Haynsworth. Then a call about ashtrays for
California press group and some concern that (swimming) pool conversion
isn't moving fast enough. Shows how the Presidential attention can jump from
Lot of little project stuff and some philosophical discussion in the office. He's
concerned about K's attitude and wants to be sure we keep him upbeat. Can't
let him overreact to each little aberration of Rogers, or Laird. (K argues that
you have to maintain tight discipline on the little things or you can't control
the big ones, P feels you should lose the ones that don't matter and save your
strength and equity for the big battles that really count.) Also feels we have
staff well shaped up now, but must constantly keep on them.
Some planning about overall Vietnam strategy. He's getting into the final
decision stages, and wants to talk through alternatives, will go ahead with
November 3 speech plan, agrees with my recommendation to stay clear of war
from now until then.
whether it helps or hurts. Point is to try to make the innocents see they are
being used, and to blunt the effect of tomorrow. Hard to do much because
momentum is tremendous and broad based.
our pleasure that the demonstration had been peaceful and that it showed
country is for peace.
P got going again on necessity for hard line and no concession to the left.
Yet sees merit of Rogers' view. Moynihan goes much further, and is especially
concerned about the November 15 exercise (when the next Moratorium was
scheduled). We have to start preparing because it may be a real disaster.
Problem is still to separate the good guy dupes from the hard-core organizers.
At Camp David. P in great mood, had a few things he wanted to cover, then
went over all our stuff. E raised point of need to answer question about P's
attitude towards religion and the role of prayer in his life, using the National
Day of Prayer Wednesday. He agreed, and wants Billy Graham to be there,
then talk to press and explain P's view of this as private personal matter, not
a public function, etc. I talked to Graham and he agreed to do it, but wants
to talk to P first.
press into Oval Office for briefing on Haynsworth. E says it went very well.
P had, as always, really done his homework, and was on the offensive all the
Met Dobrynin for about an hour this afternoon.
them do their thing, not make martyrs of them or appear to be afraid. He's
them any more than absolutely necessary; instead, let them show their true
colors on the TV and let the public draw their own conclusions.
Busy day. Started with another of our schools for congressmen, this time on
narcotics. Had Art Linkletter come in to make part of the presentation. E said
itwas very successful. Democratic leaders outdid themselves in jumping on the
bandwagon. P extremely impressed and is now much more "up" on the whole
problem, and fully determined to charge ahead and get something done. (That
is proving to be a very valuable fringe benefit of these sessions.) P now wants
education funds tripled, huge attack on media for going along, exploration of
allways to stop traffic, tie in dope with organized crime, etc.
Fourth draft of Vietnam speech in today. P had no time to review it. Big
problem building, as liberals have (very cleverly) shifted ground away from
blasting P to saying they're with him. The main result is a massive buildup of
hopes for major breakthrough in November 3 speech. Problem is there won't be
one, and the letdown will be tremendous. Obvious they are intentionally
building him up for the biggest possible fall. Even the stock market is soaring up
on peace hopes. Speech will be good and will clearly state the case and would
under normal circumstances be very effective, and probably buy us another
couple of months. Under the present situation, a massive adverse reaction could
conceivably be developed the next day, and built up over ten days into the
November 13-15 demonstrations with horrible results. No real way to stem this
now. White House and Laird are trying to squelch specific speculation, i.e.,
Hugh Scott's call for a unilateral ceasefire, etc., but it doesn't have much effect,
and clear general impression is being created that something big is brewing.
The concern at this pointwas that expectations were being built up so much
that the speech could end up producing a negative reaction that could be
aging wide speculation as to what the big announcement would be. There
was great divergence within the top echelons of the Administration as to
how hard or soft a line he should take. His position was always the hard
line —no cop-out, hang tough but negotiate.
The plea for "vicious dirty calls" to the papers was to keep pressure on
them from the public in the hope that they would consider the other
viewpoint occasionally.
were brought about solely by a solo TV talk to the people, and both by
Had a session with Pat Nixon and Bob Taylor of Secret Service about
Julie's insistence that she not be protected. Hard to work out, but she is really
insistent, can't stand the lack of privacy.
Nixon constantly preached the importance of not letting down in the eu-
phoria of success and the necessity of driving hard to capitalize on it while
it was hot. This seemingly odd attitude prompted K to comment to me once
that Nixon was absolutely superb in dealing with defeat, and terrible in
handling success.
which came off pretty well, after he called me in before leaving to emphasize
no press coverage and no one to accompany him on ward tour. Feels very
strongly about capitalizing on another's misfortune and just won't do it. Then
he had a full day of general appointments.
Considerable discussion of Buchanan's idea of VP doing a major speech
blasting network commentators. P feels it's a good idea. I discussed it yester-
day with VP and he too is interested, but felt it was a bit abrasive. (Kind of
humorous with all the attention he's getting for his recent "hatchet man"
tactics.) Needs to be said and he's the one to do it.
Ross Perot just called about his United We Stand. Running more ads and
a full TV show, really almost unbelievable. He is really determined and will get
some results. Problem is his total lack of sophistication. But that doesn't stop
him, our real need is to find a way to channel the energy and money produc-
tively. It's an amazing resource.
Went out and watched them for a while, mostly kids, some very young. Mostly
solemn and quiet, a few kooky types. P not interested, spent two hours at the
bowling alley.
keep building and using him. Wants to be sure we keep riding the Congressio-
nal support story hard. Very anxious to get the New York Times ad run, hitting
them for not carrying support story. Talked with Borman and is all set to have
him go the Perot-route, to build a pro-Administration external organization to
utilize Perot's money and steam for productive purpose. Frank also really hot
on this.
After return, had three solid hours with P Oval Office, since he had no
afternoon schedule and wanted to just sit and talk. Covered Christmas plans
for White House social events, wants it to be gay and fun, went through all the
types of functions and people to cover. Discussed California vs. Florida for
after Christmas. General ideas about State of the Union.
( mob grew violent tonight as groups tried to march
Vietnam) march and
on Vietnamese embassy. Police busted it up with tear gas, but they roamed
streets breaking windows, etc. We were in E's office working phones, etc. when
P came in, about 9:00, stayed whole process. Had
until 11:00. Interested in
helpful ideas like using helicopters to blow (The march-
their candles out, etc.
ers were all carrying candles in the night as a dramatic gesture for TV.) Very
relaxed. Said was like watching an old movie, keep thinking something inter-
esting will happen. We stayed overnight again.
to look it over in the morning, very impressive. Weird around White House
because they have a cordon around two-block area, so no people, cars, or
anything can get by the solid barricade of buses lined up end to end.
More violence in late afternoon as they mobbed Justice. Krogh there, said
tear gas bad in Mitchell's office. Also very strange emotional impact as they
took down American flag and ran up Viet Cong. Whole business is sort of
unreal. They massed at 15th and Pennsylvania after dark and we went out on
North Lawn to see them. No action, all just stood there, facing massive lines
of police, jeeps, etc. Most with gas masks and helmets.
actually at this point that might well be preferable.Wouldn't lose much, and
if he gets in he'll be a continuing problem. Especially would work out OK if
no hope. Chapin brought the news in at about 1:30. 55-45. P not at all
disturbed, because had expected it. Did make the point to Harlow that we had
failed to win any of the ones he'd had P really work over.
P called Haynsworth, asked him to stay on bench, and says he will.
In analyzing it, P concludes principal fault is Mitchell's. First for not
having all on assurances from Eastland and
the facts; second, for coasting
Hollings instead of really working (they were assuming we had GOP fully
locked), and keeping Harlow out of it until too late, and failing to see Griffin
and others. Then at the end he overplayed, with excess pressure on some,
which backfired, was too heavy-handed. So we learned something and politi-
cally probably come out ahead.
One Presidential reaction from Haynsworth was to decide to leave Griffin
and Scott out of briefing meeting Tuesday about CBW (chemical-biological
warfare). Will have some big repercussions if he goes through with it. Also
wants me to cover Cabinet officers Finch, Rogers, E and the others, about
don't give anything to the 12 senators who went against us on both ABM and
this one without White House clearance. Wants to play it very tough, and this
I think we should do.
This last point refers to the scheduling of the Midway meeting with Presi-
dent Thieu of Vietnam to coincide with the Ohio State graduation, which
the P had earlier committed to attend. It was actually earlier this year, not
last year. In both cases, the scheduling process was used to create a conflict
which would provide a reason for not attending an event that would cause
problems because of demonstrators.
for the old folks, which was a great press success. Then the family left for Key
Biscayne. Peace and quiet here.
Feels he just doesn't have the right guy. Needs a (Kennedy speechwriter Ted)
Sorensen, a real craftsman who can produce compact, well-organized literate
speech. Says he must have the knack of organizing a structure, making it speak
well (not just read well), add the gimmicks for memorability and emphasis, and
finally give it moving power. Feels our people are all too intellectual and are
ashamed of using the devices and approaches that move people. Need is to
reach folks, not intelligentsia.
other ideas and P generally agreed, so we will have Borman go ahead and set
and said he now felt P could permit an increase, because other factors would
counterbalance the revenue loss. I told him to get memo to P, which he did,
funding for backing the good candidates in hot races. A little tricky to handle
outside the RNC (Republican National Committee) but looks pretty
This plan, which was ultimately carried out under the designation of Opera-
tion Townhouse, was to develop a means of raising and allocating cam-
paign fund support for candidates considered to be "good" by the White
House. It came about because there were a number of GOP candidates
coming into the field that were not considered "good," and P felt we should
do what we could to help those who would be most likely to support the
Administration when elected.
P wants a big meeting with Rumsfeld, Finch, Shultz plus E, Moynihan, Burns,
Mayo and Nathan about whole area of overlap of OEO, fight it out and decide
where and how to locate all the overlapping programs. A number of items
today put over to that meeting. Feels all agencies proliferate too much, and
should have one department in total charge of each program so everything
clears through one place and there is some degree of control.
P took, as usual, very tough line on cutting, especially in personnel.
it. Cold as the dickens, and windy. Fairly large group of peace demonstrators
in the crowd with Viet Cong flags, etc. Started shouting when P started to
speak, he plowed right ahead, ignoring them, but it was pretty bad. Called me
in as soon as we got back, felt strongly we shouldn't have gone, will either do
it by remote, or not at all, in future years. Feels, and rightly, that President of
midnight as a special way to start new decade. Fortunately got off that kick.
Big problem on setting time for bill signing was to avoid conflict with any of
the football games on TV. He's really become a total addict.
K also in for a while. Discussed Perot's adventures in trying to get food,
etc., to the POW's. He and
his people have been calling K, E, and Haig all
through the night to ask for various kinds of help. P said, "Well, he's no worse
than the State Department."
P was displeased with Time Man it was the first time they
of Year, said
haven't selected the President in his first Checked and this is not true.
They didn't pick DDE until 1959. They did pick FDR, HST, JFK, and LB J
in their first years. Interesting!
Did a little pushing about our operations, said, "We can't be satisfied with
justdoing well, we have to do better. We have so little time. While you've got
the power, you have to move quickly, especially now when we're up, build a
The first week of the year was filled with schedule plans, a trip to Bob
Hope's house in Palm Springs for a meeting on the GI Bill and a few rounds
of golf for the P.
1 17
collar, Catholic, Poles, Italians, Irish. No promise with Jews and Negroes.
Appeal not hard right-wing, Bircher, or anti-Communist. Need to study the
real base, and the reason for Agnew upsurge. Feels he's getting coverage on his
trip because he attacked the press and forced them to pay attention.
Then a long analysis of PR, and where we've failed. P's main thrust is
that we haven't adequately developed the image of him and his role and the
office. Need to build image now while going good, in order to carry over
when going badly. Ideas for new year, wants to hold aloofness theory, and
build on it.
Great quote, "No leader survives simply by doing well. He only survives
if the people have confidence in him when he's not doing well." Basis of his
reasoning about need to move fast and hard now to build up mystique. Have
to build the equity now on the personal side so when the attacks come the
person stays above the attack.
Feels 1970 will be the worst year, have to ride it through. Will have
inflation /recession, no turn on crime, election attacks, etc. But will improve in
'71 and build up to '72. Must be prepared.
(Washington Star front page) in minute detail. But the photographers couldn't
have cared less. In late afternoon went up to Julie's for dinner, wouldn't let us
announce it ahead because of probable demonstrators. All was fine on arrival,
but during dinner a bunch of bad guys arrived and chanted outside the apart-
ment. Julie cried, P left abruptly, really too bad. Press pretty good on it, but
tough on the family.
P reviewed Price's first real draft of the State of the Union and said it was
eloquent, and a complete disaster. No substance, no cheer lines, no organiza-
tion. Led to a new harangue on need for a speechwriter who can write a Nixon
speech. Tough. Hard for Ray to hit it right when he has no direct contact with
P and no real guidance. Led further to discussion of need for P to spend most
of next week writing his own speech. Feels it is more than twice too long. Said,
"Now I can see why I decided not to do it last year," and is very happy that
he's doing this one at noon instead of prime time. (P did not give a State of
the Union address in 1969.)
P really slept in, up about 1 1:00, and not in to the office until 12:30. Met with
K for about two hours. Big problem in Biafra. We have secret word that they
have collapsed. K feels there's a real danger that all six million Biafrans will
be massacred or starved to death. K in and out all the rest of the day on this.
P had me stay to discuss the household problems again. Told him of my talks
today with Walter and Lee Annenberg. May borrow Annenbergs' cook to
solve the family problem.
P was bringing me more and more into the area of East Wing operations,
those of the First Lady's office, because of his dissatisfaction with specific
factors from time to time and his unwillingness to get directly involved
himself. This was a difficult role for me, and one I resisted but not always
successfully. I did try to work with the Pat Nixon staff to get the P's
problems handled, but this was sometimes a cause of friction.
Concluded we can't really stop inflation in this year, the only real solution
is controls and that is unpalatable, so you just make the best of it. In this case
form is more important than substance.
I will bet on Camp David tomorrow afternoon, stay until Saturday and that
he'll waste a couple of days, then get it pretty well started. This will mean a
rough week next week as he tries to wrap it up.
and no EOB, then got bored and left at 3:30. Finally decided to get Safire and
Buchanan cranking on the speech, as well as Price. Says he needs more input,
at first wanted bits and pieces by noon tomorrow. Then called me at dinner,
and said to have them each do a draft. He'd read the book of past State of the
Union speeches and decided he wanted his to be Wilsonian, which apparently
means short. Maximum 3000 words, 25 minutes. Thematic instead of pro-
grammatic, with strong uplift, etc.
All this hemming and hawing about getting to work on a major speech is
pure Nixon. This had been a pattern during the campaign, the convention,
the transition, and now the White House period. I tried to develop a basic
plan for handling it more efficiently, but found it was usually best just to
clear the decks and let the process run its course. There did not seem to be
any way to change Nixon's personal modus operandi. This is one of the
basic essentials of the job of White House Chief of Staff, as I understand it.
That is, to adapt to the individual P'sways of working, and make them as
easy, efficient, and comfortable for him as possible.
Concerned about use of K's time, especially with press. Wants me to take
over his schedule guidance for public and PR things, get him to see the right
press people and not waste time on the unwinnables.
Had PR staff session on philosophy and approach and told P about
it, he was fascinated with the whole discussion. This is always at the top of his
interest level.
P at Camp David, still alone. Long call at noon with a bundle of instructions
for the speech. Feels he's ready now to zero in, apparently is getting a general
feel of what he wants to do, but still draft. Looking
not really writing his own
and also doing some background reading. Has been sleeping
for statistics, etc.,
late in the mornings and working very late at night. Breaks at noon and
dinnertimes and spends an hour or so on the phone. We've done very well at
keeping calls and interruptions away from him.
Had me keep K out all day again, doesn't want to get distracted.
State of the Union. Big flurry this morning about final changes. Speech was
great success, very well delivered. Covered all the Democrats' issues and left
them having to agree in general and carp about lack of specifics. No really
strong opposition so far, may come in next few days when they figure it all out.
Also was short, 35:20. I timed with stopwatch.
Had a little staff session in P office to present anniversary gifts. He was as
awkward as usual, but everyone enjoyed it, good touch! A few afternoon
appointments, then had K and me in to rehash the speech a bit. Feels good
about it, knows he did well.
Called me home
several times. First to report on his phone calls
around, all had been very good (what else is anyone going to say to
him?). Then a little later with some specific changes in the budget message, so
apparently he's gotten back to work. I thought he'd fold early.
K called all disturbed because Laird is skipping the NSC meeting tomor-
row where he's supposed to on ABM; wants to be able to say
hit the hard line
he wasn't present when decision was made to go ahead. Dedicating a nuclear
frigate instead. K really mad.
and Rogers were engaged in all-out systematic effort to destroy NSC appara-
tus. He feels this strongly, and ties it in to current heavy PR program at State
to build up Rogers. Feels he'll have to have confrontation and threaten to
leave, or have Rogers take over full responsibility.
At midday break did all and then chatted about being worked too
the signing
hard, especially in having to do so much speechwriting. Busy afternoon with
a bunch of cats and dogs. Finished at 5:00 right on schedule. Decided to drop
TV press conference on Friday and do one in the office instead. Feels he's
overexposed and doing too much. Real reason is problem of having to get
"up" again after State of the Union and veto speeches (the appropriations bill
for Labor and HEW was too high, and the P vetoed it). Obviously is anxious
just to let down a little. We talked him into leaving it on, partly because Ziegler
had already announced it, but also because he knows he really should do it.
But then he really lashed out about how hard he has to work, and the inade-
quate staff support again, especially about speechwriting. Flared up a bit for
a few minutes, then simmered down, and obviously realized he had little
choice. K encourages the view that he should limit his exposure, E argues just
the opposite. After they had left and he was on the way out he made the point
that E et al. will always push to do more, and that I must hold the line. State
Good meeting today with the PR group, really have a pretty good system
rolling and the results show it.
amazing how few of these we have. He rallied to the cause all right and did very
Had first of the "Evenings at the White House," with (Comedian) Red
Skelton. Was a smashing success and will be a great new program.
Flap on new White House police uniforms is building. E doing great job
of backing out of and apparently Secret Service approved the headdress all
by themselves after E had okayed the tunics. It looks like a long-lasting point
that they'll keep bringing up in cartoons, etc. Can't hit us on substance so they
pick away at the fringes.
P met for an hour privately with Arthur Burns before his swearing-in (as
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board) this morning. Called me a couple of
times for factual data about Fed (Federal Reserve Board) for his remarks and
to set up, in front of Arthur, a new plan for regular meetings of the Quadriad.
Then had David's swearing-in for the Navy, in Don Hughes' office. P off to
Camp David with David and Julie, Pat Nixon in Key Biscayne with Tricia,
who has the measles.
about Vietnam until further orders. Has to keep complete control and not let
an inadvertent comment play into their hands. Also has embargoed ABM.
Hit me again on failure to redirect our hiring from New York, Harvard,
Ripon types to South, Midwest, and West. Is really determined to change the
balance. Told the Congressional staff group he would reappoint Haynsworth
if we picked up three senators and could get him confirmed.
Really mad at the Jews because of Pompidou reaction and is saying so
pretty loudly.
French President Georges Pompidou had sold Libya over 100 Mirage jet
and many in the Jewish community had announced a boycott of his
upcoming State visit.
Another day of concentration on the school /race problem. Was really mad
about report that DC school board had caved in and fired a white principal
and put in a black. Afraid if we let all this go on it will result in adverse
counteraction that will build a monstrosity, i.e., Wallace. Is convinced,
though, that Northern liberals, RibicofT and Bayh, are going anti-busing only
to trap the Administration politically. Is really afraid we're in a dilemma. If we
strongly oppose de facto integration, Court may still go against us, and then
P has to enforce order he has opposed. But if we don't lead in opposing the
trend, we'll have impossible decisions. Way out is that government can inter-
pret the Court in a very narrow way, and we must.
As one idea, wants to get a right-wing demagogue into some tough race
and have him go on basis of anti-integration, would get enormous reaction,
might even win.
This is a fairly typical strategy on Nixon's part i.e., to — set up, or hope for,
an external extremist view to be launched which would in turn bring coun-
terpressure on the extremists of the other side instead of letting the current
activist element dominate the debate and the action.
Feels now we haveto develop a careful plan for the whole approach to
schools. Can't go on fuzzing the issue forever.
Wants Agnew to go ahead with his speech, but doesn't want Buchanan to
write it. Wants to work on revision of it himself.
Started pushing again on wide range of general follow-through items.
Meeting in EOB with Tower et al., late afternoon, about Senate races.
Andrew Wyeth dinner, great success, with Rudolf Serkin as entertainment.
One of the best functions, key seems to be a homogenous group.
Another day of long talks. Then he left for Camp David at 3:30 and I spent
three hours just trying to get my notes cleared up so I'll have a slew of
appointments with staff next week.
Really got into a harangue on follow-up. Especially distressed about
Carswell, because we are apparently not doing anything positive, while the
opponents are charging ahead just as they did with Haynsworth.
It's been a long week. Tried to set up new office procedures with my move
to the corner office, but I spent most of the week in the Oval Office listening.
Chuck Colson was originally brought into the White House to work in the
Congressional liaison area, but his assignments were expanded to include
general relations with outside interest groups, i.e., labor, ethnics, special
causes. He also became more and more of a special assignment man for the
P, primarily due to his eager willingness to carry out any Presidential order
with great zeal.
This inevitably created major problems from time to time because it
often involved an end run around the system that had been carefully set up
to be sure that all orders were properly staffed and the concerned parties
notified and given the opportunity to provide alternative views or recom-
mendations, or to express opposition for stated reasons.
Late afternoon got into quite a long talk probing whether we need to get
tougher, both on the rest of government and on our own staff. Feels maybe we
aren't hard enough on backsliders and I agreed. Problem is that P is not willing
to stand tight on unpleasant personal situations and won't back us if we do.
He has a great way of "working it out" instead of confronting head-on. We
need to make and win some challenges to get real control, but can't yet.
the time if it were made available. Right now he generally wastes it in trivia.
midday because day had originally been kept clear for press conference tonight
which was dropped. He had a meeting with Raspberry, black columnist, about
his thoughts on the school problem. This continues to be the main item of
interest, plus work on the Laos statement.
At 2:30 we left for New York and the Pompidou dinner, moving the
departure up an hour to confuse the demonstrators and the press. Trip turned
out a huge success. We went right to the Waldorf, spent balance of afternoon
there, P meeting with K about Laos, and a private meeting with Pompidou
who was deeply touched and impressed by P's gesture of coming to the dinner.
P got great reception at the dinner and scored with his remarks. A darn good
maneuver. Had to reroute motorcade into Waldorf because of threat of man
with gun on FDR Drive, so went through crummy area of lower Manhattan.
P went into quite a harangue at the hotel about the miserable city of New
York, and the whole impossible problem of how to make such cities livable,
really can't be done.
I don't know what this was specifically, but it was a plan to discredit
secondary matters handled without his involvement. Wants second level staff
to step up to this and act for White House and P whenever they need Presiden-
tial strike; should feel free to do it by proxy. Is prepared to deal with mistakes
in about a half hour. Went through my whole pile of schedule and information
material and got a lot decided. Nothing very important. Worried about Mitch-
ell'simage and need to get crime action going; plan for GOP dinner and need
to avoid P getting partisan; meeting on economy and need to get interest rates
down; some long-range trip plans; some press guidance for Connie Stuart;
some songs he wants Johnny Cash to do at his "Evening at White House"; and
the need to build up Herb Klein.
we are doing an all-out hatchet job on the Democrat leaders, through IRS, etc.
Call from Chapin, saying K had to see P, new break in Mideast. P won't
see him, K very upset. Problem continues. P wants me to try to untangle him
too. I learned from Haig this morning that K had really battled with Rogers
on phone yesterday about Laos, and the whole deal is really building up. P's
refusal to see K today won't help, but it is just because he doesn't want to get
into Middle East with K. Going to be hard to keep this on track.
We left EOB after another hour, P to the Residence. I was confronted first
by Garment, wanting to know what was wrong; E had dealt him out of school
statement, then got into whole Jewish problem and gave me a handwritten
letter from Golda Meir to P. Then in came Moynihan with a new internal
memo that has been leaked to New York Times, this time from clear back in
January '69. Someone's really rolling on the memo leaks.
the theory that he could straighten it all out and get the subject back to the
merits of the case, instead of nitpicking statistics. We said he shouldn't, at staff
meeting, then he took it up with P, who it down. Later in day P had
also shot
E, K, and me in for a little lecture about how we all will have problems and
we must take them in stride, etc. All directed at trying to get K to quit beating
a dead horse and move on the more constructive efforts. Trouble is, there
really is a problem. Epitomized by Laird's statement yesterday that Defense
had given P the wrong figures on Laos casualties on purpose to cover up secret
operations. Pretty shocking.
K is in pretty bad shape, feels he goofed and thus let P down and was
taken in and had, by both Defense and State, and has lost P's confidence. The
lecture was designed to undo this, and to get him back in gear, but I don't think
it worked. Will probably have a continuing problem on this, and will just have
This refers to the story about the five suspects who were lined up against the
wall and told that the one who had done the wrong must step forward
immediately and admit it or all five would be shot.
Tonight P stag dinner with key staff and (conservative writer) Irving
Kristol. Got off to slow start and through dinner P talked with Shultz about
labor matters, Kristol just listened. Sort of a waste of time and talent. In Oval
Room after dinner the talk heated up, about whole subject of condition of the
country, focused on radicalization of large number of college students,
strength of nihilistic groups (in influence, not numbers), and how to deal with
it all. Attorney General was incredible. Has an absolutely fixed point of view.
Wouldn't even listen, and when he did, he didn't hear. Insisted on expounding
on and on. P finally turned him off so we could hear a little from Kristol. Must
say, Kristol didn't add much.
I had two hour private session with Mayo about his concerns on OEM,
now OMB of Management and Budget), and E. Turns out his real basic
problem is is based on his conviction that E is obsessed
purely personal and
with determination to acquire total control over government. Can't talk him
out of it. Also a very strong vein of pure egotism and status worry involved.
Trouble is, budget man, but a woeful choice for this new top
he's a really top
management job. I it, and that may be the real overriding cause
think he knows
of his trouble, although he sure won't admit it.
Very funny, P has secret plan to do a piano duet with VP at Gridiron tonight,
and didn't want anyone to know about it. Midafternoon, VP called Chapin to
be sure P had arranged for two pianos, said he had through me. Called me to
check. P had said nothing, I had done nothing. So I had Chapin call P and sure
enough he hadn't made the arrangements. Would have been quite a fiasco!
Anyway, Chapin worked it all out. P's idea was an absolute smash hit as he
and VP did a stand-up dialogue first, then played favorite songs of past
presidents, with VP coming in each time with "Dixie," climax, "God Bless
America." The whole audience rose and sang along with them. They also
played "Auld Lang Syne" with Marine Orchestra and soloist, for the finale.
Great idea and beautifully executed.
P called me after we got home, was really pleased with how it had come
off, as he should have been. Feels he'll never be able to top it, and won't even
go next year.
nia).The LA Times ran a horrible editorial against him and that reopened the
efforts to gethim not to run, but no one thinks it can be done, except possibly
by the P. He's perfectly willing to try if we want him to. So we have to get more
turn" and "morally right" type phrases. But then says Buchanan is just as far
off on the right asGarment is on the left.
Also wants to move on hard legislation hitting people who plan bomb-
ings — fast, and hijackers. Wants death penalty for both.
Start of a postal strike today that could spread beyond New York, wants
to be sure we do what we should.
Alabama poll we took indicates Brewer can beat Wallace for Governor,
so we'll put in $100,000 to make sure. P has slogan for him, "Forward with
Brewer, Not back to Wallace."
day at EOB. P's first reaction was for really tough stand, examine the law, if
people can be fired, fire them, if troops can be moved, move them; wants to
do something now, morning, not going to tolerate Federal employees
strike. if we can't fire them, all-out attack, not worried
Says suspend them
about the mail, it's the principle. Wanted E to get this all worked out and bring
over an order for P to sign. Then got worried that E should be working on
school statement instead, must have by 5:00 today, after press conference.
Later called over, all upset because K making an issue out of State reluctance
to bomb Laos. Rogers wanted a meeting, to argue P's decision. P told me to
tell K to go ahead and bomb, don't make announcement or notify State, just
do and skip the argument. K in a bind because he's committed to Rogers to
problem, he decided not to have the press conference today. Will probably do
it tomorrow morning. In discussing items with Ziegler for briefing, P said,
"Hard-nose it at the moment, we'll have some good news before long." Wants
to be sure not to express concern, etc., about postal strike because that implies
we're not in control, lack of leadership, etc.
to cripple whole country at once. Would provide a real opportunity for leader-
ship, but how to handle it? Overreaction could bring a real disaster.
statement out tomorrow. Hung in balance until 5:00 and then decided to go.
Harlow riding herd on it, with E jumping between the two projects. P obvi-
ously thoroughly enjoying the pressure and need for fast action. Stayed at
EOB day except to come over for Leaders Meeting, that lasted so long he
had postpone TV fifteen minutes. Rushed into little office, quickly read final
draft over (Rose was late getting it typed), and then went on the air, with
excellent seven-minute statement. Had signed State of Emergency and Order
for troops at Leaders Meeting. Went right back to EOB and to work on school
statement. There until 5:30, back for meeting with labor group, building
trades, then Harlow and E about statement until 7:35, when he left to get
dressed for 8:00 African dinner. A really busy and maybe momentous day.
First results appear to show some success as some of the big locals vote
to go back to work. But New York still out, and troops moving in tonight.
Strike could easily spread back out across country and into other unions.
(Postmaster General Winton "Red") Blount got into a flap with the Army
over who's giving orders. E had revised Red's timing and quantity of original
troop movement. I had to call Army and tell them to take orders from PMG
(Postmaster General) only. E of course concurs.
P again completely cool, tough, firm and totally in command; fully aware
of it, and loving it.
P had bipartisan leaders for breakfast and a briefing. Said Teddy K asked
the only smart question, "Where will you get the money?" Then E et al. had
a one-and-a-half-hour press briefing on it. No reaction yet, but P pleased with
final result.
Blount and his Deputy, Ted Klassen, trapped me in late morning about
White House staff interference in Post Office negotiations, especially Colson.
They were really mad. Three-hour meeting this afternoon at Post Office.
Finally got Blount to agree to Usery (Labor) as the chief mediator in charge.
Hard to beat the Post Office down, they are determined to have full control in
their hands.
At meeting looked as if we were in pretty good shape externally, problems
all internal, mainly ego. All unions basically back, except New York, and their
leaders are here and anxious to meet. We seem to have the upper hand.
Problem is and move on from here. Also air
to keep it, traffic controllers
P met with Blount and E at 5:00 when we arrived at White House. Fairly
encouraged about postal negotiations. Spent evening at house on phone.
Getting caught up after absence. Toured new press facilities and seemed
larity, only events affect this. Strongly sayswe shouldn't worry about doing
something every day. It doesn't make any difference, so not worth all the effort
and expense. Instead should be sure to do more to follow up and capitalize on
the big events that do make a difference. Ordered an immediate phone poll to
see effect of past two weeks.
P decided to go to opening ball game
about 5th inning.
Made point again that we need to change the Agnew approach. He is a
very effective salesman for himself but not for the Administration. Has become
too much of an issue and a personality himself.
movie Patton. He inspired people, charged them up, chief of staff has to do
this. Pointed! Said everyone works long and hard and all comes out blah, no
fire except after November 3, and then didn't follow up. Thinks we rely too
nary plans for Summit this fall. P wants to go to Berlin, Leningrad or Warsaw.
P also said we've saved Laos for four weeks at least, and maybe we can hold
a few weeks more. Set plans for troop withdrawal announcement on 16th,
150,000, big!
Started really mad New York Times said his statement was
because Semple in
"bitter." (I think he was bitter and thus doubly resents it.) Set up
knows it
meeting with Mitchell and ( Minnesota judge Harry) Blackmun, the new Jus-
tice for this afternoon, completely off record. But the name leaked from Justice,
Brandt farewell, and SALT delegation farewell. Then a little chitchat about
"it's noon and another week over." Took off with Bebe for boat ride, then to
Camp David. Called to see if anything new. Pretty calm, thinks he got things
cranked back up. Planning a hot week, with Justice on Monday, postal deal
on Tuesday, crime blast on Wednesday, Vietnam Thursday.
Administration. However, John was always patient with her, even later
when it became a public issue.
A fire and power failure had knocked out the Command Module's systems.
The astronauts would see if they could cram into the Lunar Module and
make it back to Earth.
He wanted
to discuss all the possible problems that the abort and possible
disasterwould raise. Also very concerned as to whether we should notify P. I
decided no, on basis there was nothing he could do. Then Chapin called with
advice from Safire. And K a couple more times. And finally to sleep.
for all on success when learned that was Chris Kraft tradition at NASA. Put
through calls to wives immediately, then waited to call astronauts till they were
aboard Iwo Jima and had called wives. Meanwhile P called all the Congressio-
nal leaders and George Meany, saying to all, "Isn't this a great day." He was
really excited. Even told Ford to give his best to Justice Douglas (whom Ford
is trying to impeach). Then talked to astronauts and told them of trip plans,
then out to press to do likewise, then over to EOB at about 3:30, with no lunch.
Took a nap and was ready for GOP drop-by, then "Evening at White House"
with Johnny Cash. Lots of people, enthusiasm. It was a. great day.
More Apollo XIII, as we flew to Houston to thank the backup ground team
and give them a Medal of Freedom. Good ceremony. At end of flight an
awkward little session where he gave wives pearl pins, with press in.
Hawaii ceremony very good, our guys did a spectacular advancing and
logistics job, and it all went perfectly. Very brief, touching and impressive.
On to Kahala Hilton. P had Rose and me in for drinks and dinner with
him and Pat Nixon. Nice chat, mainly about how bad the press people are,
usual topic, treat them with complete contempt.
Overall an extremely good day, but a lot of work and a lot of air time, 1
hours, to bring it about. Probably worth it, because it was completely a TV
story and thus will override any adverse reporter reaction.
Good speech, best reading he's done. No great dramatic appeal. Left right
afterward for DC.
Long session on plane. Mainly pushing on speech follow-up. He made
some phone calls from the plane, got very strong positive reaction. Wants to
be sure, as usual, that we cover all the bases, set the line right, especially in
Congress. Had K in, talked about problem of dealing with Cabinet people.
Wants to set up back channel to issue orders to military not through Secretary
of Defense. Said he's not going to let Laird kill this by pulling out too fast. Said
will pull all together tomorrow, will decide without Rogers. P will personally
take over responsibility for war in Cambodia.
All the commentators, etc., still off balance about speech. Weren't expect-
ing 1 50,000 withdrawal, and it left them without a line. One time we really kept
a secret. Only way is not to tell anyone.
bodia decisions.
Leaders Meeting first thing, about new Draft-reform Bill. Then he had me in
for most of the rest of the morning.
A long afternoon with K, about Cambodia primarily. Will move ahead on
putting South Vietnamese troops in on Saturday; follow-up with United States
tactical air if Lon Nol government
support and blockade of Sihanoukville,
collapses, which North Vietnam takes Phnom Penh.
it will if
He's very much absorbed in Cambodia and realizes he's treading on the
brink of major problems as he escalates the war there. Will have to do a
masterful job of explanation to keep the people with him. And there'll be a
monumental squawk from the Hill. Before he left the office tonight he was
standing looking out the window and said, "Damn Johnson, if he'd just done
the right thing we wouldn't be in this mess now." This refers especially to the
bombing halt, which P regards as great mistake, because we could have closed
the whole thing down if we'd stayed with it in 1968. He still feels he can get
(P) wants to lay groundwork for big moves on Cambodia this coming week.
He had a big Sunday meeting of the NSO types, no word out of that. All still
reaction to Senate, establishment press, etc. Laird trying to figure P's position
and be with it, without his prerogatives cut. K pushing too hard to hold
K said afterward, Helms warned him Rogers would not go along. K takes
whole deal as test of P's authority, and I think would go ahead even if plan is
wrong, just to prove P can't be challenged. P recognizes maybe need another
look. Even if change plan, will still do two, and his authority is maintained but
he shows he's willing to listen.
He spent the day at EOB, finishing up the speech, and keeping in touch by
phone during breaks while Rose was typing.
P called frequently about ideas for follow-up tonight, queries about our
plans and readiness, especially to be sure we are ready to hit the networks, etc.,
for bad coverage; activity in Congress for support; be sure we kill or deflect
Reid Amendment that would stop efforts inCambodia; shore up Rogers; keep
Congressional criticism about Parrot's Beak muted, wait till you hear P to-
night; be sure to crank on target Senators, etc.; amending list for Congressio-
nal briefing tonight, etc.
Called me over at 3:00, K already there. Read us the speech, making a few
corrections along the way. (Same as he did on November 3 speech, a new
procedure.) Very strong and excellent wrap-up. K and I both felt it will work.
Some more discussion on follow-up and how to handle reaction.
P left EOB about 7:20 to go to Residence, I walked over with him. Then
came down to leaders and Cabinet briefing at 8:15. (Cabinet met first, with VP
presiding, for brief pitch from Rogers, who did only moderately well. He's
obviously not the least anxious to go ahead with this and it's very hard for him
to back it.)
decision set it off, and that is the ostensible cause of the demonstrations there.
Issued condolence statement, then kept after me all the rest of the day for more
facts. Hoping rioters had provoked the shooting, but no real evidence they did,
than firing them up. Hard to tell yet which will result. I moved to try to cover
allour people, and congressmen and Cabinet officers to keep a firm position,
but not inflammatory. Lots of rumors and strong probability of major march
on DC on Saturday. Also student strike starting tomorrow.
P is troubled by all this, although it was predicted as a result of the
Cambodian move.
Big thing now is to ride out all the crises with a show of cool strength and
no inflammation, but no make one or two good firm moves
waffling. Then to
to maintain leadership. Real test is how the Cambodia venture turns out. If it
can be proclaimed as success and we can get out in six weeks, it will set him
up pretty well for a while. If not, we're in for a bundle of trouble.
afternoon. Obviously realizes, but won't openly admit, his "bums" remark
very harmful.
In his visit to the Pentagon the past Friday, P had referred to the people who
were "blowing up the campuses" as "these bums." This comment was
widely reported out of context as referring to all students, and consequently
produced an enormous adverse reaction.
Very aware of point that goal of the Left is to panic us, so we must not
fall into their trap.
The decision to remove the tennis court was simply a spiteful way to take
a jab at the Cabinet by removing one of the "perks" many of them en-
joyed —the use of the White House tennis court. Since the P didn't play
tennis, the court was of no use to him and he diligently pursued this plan
for a while, then let it drop.
campus and basically helpless to deal with it. It's now clear that many
are looking to him for leadership and to calm it down, and there's really no
way he can do it. Also have the omnipresent media problem, as they build up
everything to look as bad as possible. P said the university presidents were all
scared to death, feel that this now includes the non-radical students, and agree
with Moynihan's theory that the whole university community is now politi-
cized, and there's no way to turn it off. All blame Agnew primarily, then the
P's "bums" crack. General feeling is that without Kent State it would not have
been so bad, but that even without Cambodia there were a lot of campuses
ready to blow.
P went to Camp David late this afternoon to work on press conferences.
He's pretty tired, and he knows it. Went to bed early, after a bunch of phone
hitthem hard. Most of the others leaned the other way and wanted a full
apology for the "bums" and a tight muzzle on Agnew's rhetoric. Fortunately
P was shrewd enough to accomplish both objectives without giving in on
Whole was masterful. He really zinged the bad guys by
press conference
promoting ABC, the Star, etc., and worked in all the points he wanted to
make. Even got a great laugh out of turning the Hickel letter thing around, and
zinged Wally pretty good at the same time. The aftermath on the White House
staff was a mood of great relief and almost exhilaration. My crew stayed until
about 12:30 handling calls, then left. P called several times after I was home,
last at about 2:00.
we were jammed in by the troop trucks unloading the
In trying to leave
Third Army into the EOB. A very strange feeling as the White House and DC
batten down for another siege. The buses were being lined up, police all over,
After return to White House, Igo over to EOB and talk to the
got him to
soldiers who were just waking up in their sleeping bags in the 4th floor hall.
P very impressed by them, but also very kindly toward the students, who were
apparently all hippie types.
Finally got him to go to bed, but he couldn't sleep, so tossed around,
made phone calls, then was back up again. Came over to Oval Office for a
while, then over to EOB for the rest of the afternoon. Called sporadically to
see how things were going, and to push on through from last night and this
morning. Knows pooped and wants schedule cleared so he can go to
Florida this next weekend for four days. He really needs it.
I am concerned about his condition. The decision, the speech, the after-
math killings, riots, press, etc.; the press conference, the student confrontation
have all taken their toll, and he has had very little sleep for a long time and his
judgment, temper, and mood suffer badly as a result. On the other hand he has
gone into a monumental crisis, fully recognized as such by the outside, and so
far has come through extremely well. But there's a long way to go and he's in
no condition to weather it. He's still riding on the crisis wave, but the letdown
is near at hand and will be huge.
A major test will be the Sunday press and the magazines. If we get by
those, we can move with next week in pretty good shape. Then I've got to get
him to spend some time with key staff and get them rolling again. If we make
it, it'll be a great proof of leadership at a time that it was badly needed. If we
don't, we'll have a rough couple of years of rebuilding.
Thinks we're turning a corner this weekend. Remembers that in '60 and '68
we had 80 percent of the faculties against us, but 50 percent of the students for us.
Thinks now the college demonstrators have overplayed their hands, evidence is
the blue collar group rising up against them, and P can mobilize them.
Pondering the problem of relations with Cabinet, etc., says he can't work
any harder than he does, and they have to decide whether it's better for the P
to do his job or to massage them.
Called later to analyze our problem in getting over the story of the success
in Cambodia. K had major briefing yesterday, but papers gave it no play.
Problem starts with overriding news about the demonstration, but also comes
from our failure to get enough sell in the story. P now feels he should have
gotten into this in his press conference, the only way to get it out.
Had a new idea about cutting off all Defense money to universities that
closed down or caved in to demonstrators. Wants to make university adminis-
tration go on record saying they want the Defense money, so we aren't in an
apparent position of forcing it on them.
K all disturbed about some tap data about his staff, so P has decided to
instruct Hoover that all this material now should come to me, not E or K.
Then I have to decide who gets what.
This refers to reports from the FBI telephone wiretaps placed on certain
NSC staff and other people suspected of leaking National Security classified
information. This procedure, ordered by theP and implemented by Mitch-
elland K, was producing reports that upset K, so it was decided that I
should receive the reports and only pass on to others anything that was
relevant to the leak concerns.
Had our first meeting with Chancellor (George A.) Heard of Vanderbilt.
The P let himself get snookered into appointing him as a special advisor on
campus situation for 60 days. A bad choice, because he's clearly not on our
side in any way, but this came out of the meeting last week with college
presidents and K carried it out with no staff discussion, so we're stuck. Decided
Heard's main contribution could be to set up a mechanism for assuring that
academia can be heard at the White House. Will also have him involved in the
review of Kent State killings, etc. Pure window dressing of a questionable
nature, but it did get pretty good publicity.
had J. Edgar in to discuss the new procedure for tap material, only to me.
Hoover very pleased. He came on like gangbusters about public approval of
P, etc. He does a great job of self-promotion. Dropped a few goodies about
Kent State (later proved to be somewhat inaccurate), and then reviewed the
whole conspiracy theory about campuses.
Then P met privately with Moynihan, who said he feels he has to leave.
Wants to go July 1, but P got him to stay until August. Will then return to
Harvard on grounds his two years (maximum Harvard sabbatical) will be up
soon and he wants to start the fall semester. P appears more relieved than
concerned to have him go, and this timing should work out pretty well because
he always said he was only here for two years.
This whole period of two weeks of tension and crisis, preceded by two
weeks of very tough decision making has taken its toll. P won't admit it, but
he is really tired, and is, as some have observed, letting himself slip back to the
old ways. He's driving himself way too hard on unnecessary things, and
because of this is not getting enough sleep, is uptight, etc. All this OK if he can
unwind this weekend, and if nothing big comes up in the interim. But could be
rough if a new crisis arises, because he's not ready to handle it.
The establishment press has really leaped on us and the domestic tension.
They obviously wait for their chance and this has proved to be a beautiful one
which they are exploiting to the fullest.
call after call. He is sleeping late in the mornings, which helps a little, but he
sure has not gotten his mind off of business. I spent hours on the phone
following up.
Finally in the afternoon he took off for Walker's (cay off the Florida
coast), after I talked him into at least staying over until Monday.
for need for discussion before decisions, fear of cutting Cabinet out, and
becoming just pro forma. Laird made strong pitch against the line that P made
hard lonely decision, this does not build P. Good briefing on background for
Cambodia decision and progress to date.
P had me in for couple of hours at lunchtime, got into long harangue
about his revised views on PR. Now feels he was completely wrong in his
original concept about building mystique and image. Realizes this is impossi-
ble when press is against you. Roosevelts, etc., only succeeded because they
had press with them (not sure that's true). Feels we should give up the struggle
and just present our case via P on TV. Realize Nixon will never have good
public image, so don't try. I think he's partly right, but that's no reason not
to keep trying. But it would work a lot better if he would quit worrying about
it and just be President.
All this he says is result of lot of thought over the weekend. Not too
concerned, sort of reflective. I think he's realizing he has been pushing all this
too hard, and if he'll go back to the original approach he'll do better. All that
really counts is that he make a few good big moves, the rest then will fade
until after elections and clean out Cabinet, especially Hickel and Romney and
Thinks we're still too timid on mobilizing the Silent Majority. Thinks all
our people are working hard but just don't know how to do it. Feels he
should probably go out into country and draw crowds and show popular
enthusiasm. Really pleased by our poll and says it's remarkable with econ-
omy the way it is.
P had Rumsfeld, E and me in about how to handle the staff and Cabinet
disloyalty problem. Rumsfeld made point you have to establish record of
trying to work things out before you fire someone. P pretty well convinced
there's no way to get real control except by cracking down hard. Wants Don
Rumsfeld brought more into the inner councils.
He went to Camp David Friday afternoon and stayed until Sunday. All pretty
quiet. I gave speech at UCLA banquet Saturday night and stirred up a bit of
a flap with reference to Eastern establishment media and isolation of the P.
Had a good session Friday with students.
Time doing a cover story on E, K, Mitchell and me. Want interview and
P reluctantly agreed, but thinks we're being naive and will be shafted, probably
P musing on where
things would be today if we had not gone into Cam-
bodia. would have fallen, our casualties would be way up, we'd be under
enormous pull-out pressure from within, and P would have badly deteriorated
in world position.
Some more worrying about our internal economic unit, as P feelsQuad-
riad had nothing to offer today, and we don't have a real strong economic
leader on staff.
P spent afternoon at EOB, mainly just pondering the overall situation and
getting his remarks ready for the business leaders tonight. have me
Did call to
turn off VP on his very tough speech for tomorrow about Harriman, Vance,
Clifford. P feels this is not the time for it.
had us at the absolute bottom. Shows people have some sense in spite of all
they see, hear, and read. P is at 59 approval, which is darn good in normal
time, unbelievable now, in spite of Cambodia, the economy, the students, and
the press.
All this good news got him cranking a bit, and I did it on purpose to get
him up for tomorrow night. I really don't think things are nearly as bad as our
press "friends" are trying to make it appear.
As usual, said to hold all phone calls, then later asked if there were any,
and we had about 15 racked up, he returned all of them. Loves to gab after
these deals, and so we run our little system. Problem is most people don't even
consider trying to call P.
I met with Franklin. Said he'd have to wait ten days until back from Europe
to decide.
That settled it for P, and he had Rogers come over at noon, met with P
and me. Agreed immediately to move Richardson. I had feeling he was glad
to move him out. Richardson agreed and after meeting was obviously elated.
At last minute P invited E, K, and me to dinner on Sequoia with him and
Bebe. P really pleased with the shift. Is excited by prospect of Bob's (Finch)
value to White House staff. It will be a good setup and Bob will really help
loosen me up, and take on political and PR areas that I'm now stuck with.
One interesting problem, E asked Moynihan if he wanted HEW, and he
said yes. Now have to turn him off, also Murphy.
P had historic meeting this morning with intelligence chiefs, FBI, CIA,
NSA (National Security Agency), DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), about
internal domestic intelligence. Ordered them to set up a cooperative system,
with Tom Huston.
This was the start of what became known Huston Plan, a program
as the
designed to integrate all some
the sources for domestic intelligence under
central control to eliminate duplication and infighting. This was generated
by P's complete dissatisfaction with the results of intelligence gathering and
interpretation, particularly regarding the instigation and training for the
wave of violent demonstrations. Tom Huston was a middle-level staffer
who was assigned to coordinate and staff the work of the project.
will consider.
After long midday meeting with E, Shultz and Cap, we put heat on Cap,
and Shultz met again with him in later afternoon and he agreed to come in.
Biggest hang-up was whether he could bring his chauffeur with him, we said
no. I'm going to have a tough time getting these guys settled. All want to hang
on to their cars, aides, etc.
Cabinet officers get a bundle of perks that are hard to give up to come to
the relative rigors of White House life.
an inlay and had to see dentist in morning. Wants to go with no press notice,
etc.So I set it up.
P refuses to meet with the (Kent State) Commission, will meet with
Scranton but not the others. E pretty upset at all this, since he put the whole
thing together and it has backfired. VP especially distressed with E because he
feels he told John several times of his concern about the appointments to the
Commission. Speech went very well, 26 minutes. Heavy afternoon schedule,
Ambassador Tosca, NSC, Fitzhugh about Defense reorganization, Riland,
then out on the boat for family dinner. (P) wants a boat dinner with FRESH
staff tomorrow night. Anxious to get cranking with his key staff. They all met
at Camp David today to explore approaches to the Domestic Council.
FRESH is an acronym for the latest informal internal staff group —consist-
ing of Finch, Rumsfeld, Ehrlichman, Shultz, and Haldeman. These groups
were formed from time to time at P's direction or by the members them-
selves to deal with specific or general problems or projects. They usually
died a natural death after their initial purpose was served.
the wrong approaches sometimes. Ended up that we should discuss the prob-
lem and come up with basic recommendation for P as to exact role of Agnew
and how to implement it, which P will then cover with him.
Got word on boat of conservative victory upset in Britain, also from
Blount of postal reform through House. Both good news. P especially pleased
about Britain. Had me ride back in car with him, and talked about how this
discredited pollsters and press.
After long discussion decided he has to sign voting rights. Feels veto would be
better politics, but runs real danger of exploding the blacks. Doesn't feel we'll
gain any votes with blacks or young, but will hurt with our basic constituency,
but have to do it, against will of leaders.
Flap about (Ohio Senator) Bob Taft's refusal to attend Agnew dinner in
Cleveland tomorrow. Built through the day, as Harlow maneuvered to get
pressure put on Taft. Ended with Taft calling Harlow and refusing to go, really
stupid. P really furious about his attitude, and says he won't help him in
Juggled a bit with problem of Julie and David trip to Japan, but got it
back on track, in shortened version. P, Pat Nixon and Bebe to Camp David
for the weekend. A little peace and quiet.
P at Camp David. I spent most of day in staff planning sessions with E. Also
Finch, and later Shultz. P called in afternoon. Raised idea of Pat Nixon to Peru
instead of VP had suggested earlier. Later called and said she would do
as I
it, and for me to set it up. Wants to load the plane with medical supplies, etc.,
and make it million-dollar plane load of mercy, from people, not government.
K in for long talk, about his worries about very adverse stories about his
dating Jill St. John. He thinks Rogers is planting them to try to destroy him.
May be.
bad day for poor K. Turns out he made the mistake last
night of getting P all cranked up about SALT problems. As a result P de-
cided to see Rogers (exactly what K didn't want) and had him for breakfast
without telling anyone. Meanwhile we jumped on K at staff meeting about
credibility of P on Cambodia. Problem is K now argues we have to sustain
Lon Nol government in order to protect our military and negotiating posi-
tion. Then he backs off, so all get feeling of real insecurity. He later con-
cluded we had kept on him in meeting in order to keep him from knowing
about Rogers' breakfast.
P went into this whole problem this afternoon at EOB with me, especially
about K's horrible way of handling a meeting and giving all the feeling that
they have no part except to follow his orders. P worries about how to over-
come this and concludes he has to meet privately with Laird and Rogers more
often, and handle them himself instead of through K, but this will just get K
up all the tighter, so!?
Still diddling around about Jaycee speech. Had Buchanan rework it but
can't decide yet whether to read it or wing it.
pressure off the Russians for a conference. Rogers had already discussed this
with Dobrynin. Upshot was for P to tell me to call Rogers and tell him to turn
it off on basis this is not the right time for him to have a meeting.
more books on past presidents. Concludes the whole trick in this business is
to do something different and now to do it for TV coverage. Still feels we need
to do more effective job of covering up the time off, but recognized real need
for taking enough time off.
1 79
the big gun for campaign, but must not use overblown rhetoric, personal
attacks, racism, anti-youth.
A problem today as P launched his Indian message with meeting
with Taos No one mentioned the whole deal would have to be translated.
P had long session in morning with Laird and K. Laird pushing for
accelerated troop withdrawals and decreased bombing and tactical air, as
result of budget cuts. K fighting to maintain current levels, at least through
July, to maintain pressure. P assured K he would back him.
P still keeps the main heat on me about PR follow-up, on family, himself,
the program, the opposition, etc. He's right, but it's hard to stay at top trim
on all these fronts all the time. Have to keep hammering away at the troops.
by Shultz. But P started it off by asking K to cover foreign policy briefly for
10-15 minutes. An hour and a quarter later Shultz finally got on. P kept adding
to K's points and members had questions. Got pretty funny, especially since
Shultz had been filibustered out of his part in the last three Cabinet meetings.
more important than the substantive because we have to pick up at least three
Keeps trying to figure out how to implement his idea of changing name
of Republican party to Conservative party. Based on polls, there are twice as
many conservatives as Republicans. Tough legal and technical problem.
No activity at Camp David after arrival.
and Vista budget down far enough to decimate them, and eliminate funds for
UN building expansion, and fire some people at HEW for obscenities, re: P
and Tricia in their slide show last week.
Charles arrival and didn't shake hands with them. I finally settled him down
by having protocol call all of them and apologize.
"spender" rating on all the senators up for election, to hit them with blame for
high prices and to make the issue about Congressional responsibility.
Flap about Bureau of Labor Statistics release of Consumer Price Index,
Shultz told P it would be lowest increase since December '68, then headlines
just said Cost of Living has increased again. P has always been convinced we
are jobbed by Bureau of Labor Statistics staff on these, and this is most
blatant example. Shultz came in furious, and totally frustrated as to what to
do about it.
we can. He really enjoys the political talk and planning and will be hard to
contain when the campaign starts.
satisfactory. Now just have to get Israel to accept. He was really pleased, has
finally accomplished something.
P again pushing on economy. Called Shultz in this morning to put heat
on him to knock down recession talk. Opposition has really flared up today on
this issue. It was all ours for last couple weeks and now they're reacting but
with no real substance. Problem is we have P wants
to be sure to fight back.
to hit them what they are
as trying to talk the country into a recession, exactly
doing. It's almost funny to see the orchestration, a Joe Kraft column and three
different statements all break today, after two weeks of nothing. Unfortu-
nately for them, the market went up a big chunk today.
P slept late. Unusual for first day in San Clemente. Wants to plan Europe trip
to Spain, Yugoslavia, Great Britain, Netherlands, Ireland, Morocco, and
probably Pope. Was thinking of late August, but I think I convinced him to
wait until September, on the campaign. He feels need to reinforce
more effect
strength in foreign policy, as our main advantage.
Some talk of politics again. Wants to be sure our candidates tie their
opponents into hippies, kids, Demos.
Back on Huntley. Important to destroy him for effect on all other com-
Chasens for dinner. He Created quite a flap with press because no notice.
Ziegler called me in evening saying had huge crisis. Survived.
arrival). Just one of those things that's hard to explain or overcome. Press
overjoyed at catching him, and playing it up big as possible.
for the big move politically, especially now that war issue is somewhat neutral-
desire to stop some adverse (to State) actions about AID and international
economic policy. He'd called me to see P, and I was in the middle of checking
it out. K upset, but we talked it out satisfactorily. He's just obsessed with
conviction Rogers is out to get him and to sabotage all our systems and our
foreign policy.
Wants to go out for a ride with Julie this afternoon, and Ziegler is not to
be told, no press to follow.
Some talk with P and K about plans for European trip.
P delighted with news Angela Davis (UCLA Communist) had owned the guns
used in San Rafael judge killing. Shows the conspiracy linkup more clearly
No schedule. P had me in from 9:00 to 1:00, with K for quite a while at the
start, the out for a meeting with Rabin about Middle East.
Big plan for trip to New York next Tuesday News and have
to visit Daily
dinner, etc. Mainly to shaft the (N. Y. ) Times, plus Pat Nixon is going up
anyway for shopping.
P talked to Moynihan, who agreed to take UN post in January.
P planned to spend night on Sequoia with Bebe and Hobe, then added
Rogers, then shifted to Camp David, so we all went up there, including E and
Finch. Quiet night.
something (is) settled, but I don't think it's curable. P said several times that
K may have reached the end of his usefulness. I disagree and think instead that
we have to recognize this weakness as the price we pay for his enormous assets,
and it's well worth it. Probably can convince P to let me take heat on this and
try to keep K from hitting him with it, which is his greatest concern, other than
the impairment of K's work.
P would start to work on his Mexico briefing book, then shift back to other
things, not really very excited about going to Mexico, no real substance to the
Great reception, street crowds, confetti, burros with flowers, happy peo-
ple,warm, good motorcade. Huge Mexican luncheon (small group but lot of
food), adequate toasts, quite personal and warm. After lunch (5:00) substan-
tive meeting produced agreement about border problem, and the two Presi-
dents went to press hotel (unscheduled) to announce it. No evening activity,
P home and to bed. We stayed on beach and in ocean until after 8:00, then
downtown for fiesta for few minutes with E's, and K with his CBS girl produ-
Edgar Hoover trusts and will take orders from. Others, especially Mitchell,
want it under Domestic Council, with a staff of intelligence types to evaluate
input and order necessary projects, etc. Will do it one way or the other, in any
event will drop the interagency task force approach which we've started and
run into snag with FBI and Hoover. Main problem there is Tom Huston.
P in good spirits, enjoying being here, doing all his work, not pushing on
anything. Great!
K got me at end of staff meeting to plead that Rogers be kept out of meeting
with Golda Meir next week, on grounds he's most hated man in Israel and
would be a disaster; K said he'd stay out too. I covered later with P and he
Lot of discussion about hijacking actions. P still pushing hard for strong
positive steps, Flanigan has a plan but P rejected the statement completely
because not direct enough. Wants to say "I have directed that," not "I urge
that." Also wants to add embargo on countries that provide sanctuary to
hijackers, butRogers objects because that would include Egypt and would
louse up peace negotiations. Have to figure out a way, P especially wants to
hit Cuba on the embargo.
At Camp David. P slept most of the morning. Worked on speech and ac-
cumulated follow-up folders in afternoon. Then he had me over for several
hours to clean up his notes. Sat in the study.
Has several plots he wants hatched. One to infiltrate the John Gardner
"Common Cause" deal and needle them and try to push them to left. Feels we
can benefit from a third party to the left. I'm not so sure, might push Demo-
crats to center, better to have them go left. Next, a front that sounds like SDS
to support the Democratic candidates and praise their liberal records, etc.,
publicize their "bad" quotes in guise of praise. Give the senators a "radiclib"
Pushing again on project of building our establishment in press, business,
education, etc. Long general talk about '72 plans and after. Agrees with my
idea that we should shoot generally for replacing all key people by mid '73 and
then really charge ahead to accomplish something during first half of second
term, our potentially most productive period. No problems of political bal-
time should gear everything to'72, reelection and winning Congress. Not a
bad approach anyway. In most cases what's good politically will be good
otherwise also.
He agrees, too, with my concern about who runs '72 campaign, have to
get a new RNC Chairman. (I hope Rumsfeld will take it, he's the best on the
fondest hopes! Mainly because the speech was excellent, on student violence,
and there was a small group of about 25 bad guys in the audience of
15,000,and their shouts, etc., played right into P's speech. Was really great!
Bulk of students really enthusiastic and anti's whipped them up even more.
Another coup!
Then on to Chicago for Midwest briefing and press reception. P folded
early after a hard day.
K came in to talk in Chicago after the briefing. Deeply concerned that we
are pissing away all we've gained in 18 months, both with Russia and North
Vietnam. And getting nothing for it.
Feels P must have a personal advisor on Middle East, not State, and
recognizes probably can't be K, but someone has to catch all the nuances.
K woke me at 2:00 this morning with call that war had started in Jordan, King
taking on fedayeen (Palestinian rebels were fighting King Hussein, and Syria
was poised at the border). Possibility Israel will go in, especially if Iraq or Syria
does. Afraid Rogers may panic, so K needs authority to keep things from
etc. Haig wants United States full alert but K feels no.
breaking, tighten alerts,
K wants to take position (that) he notified P tonight and act on basis of P
orders. We agreed no need to call P, no decisions needed because all actions
are preparatory and imperative and nonvisible. K then called Rogers, Moorer,
Packard, Sisco, told them he'd talked to Chicago, implied P, all OK. Rogers
scared enough not to go off. Has taken all emergency measures, etc. Question
of bringing P back to DC in morning, K feels may be necessary (I disagreed).
Later called after WSAG meeting, all under control, no need to come back.
P had good day in Chicago.
On Air Force One talked about more days of offbeat stuff.
value of
Especially pleased with encounter on morning with group of hard
street this
hats, and with crowd at Marshall Field (department store) when he went in to
buy ties. Wants more such chances.
On September 18, Syrian tanks crossed into Jordan. K sent a strong note
Rogers made a strong public statement to the Syrians. The
to the Soviets;
tanks began pulling back but K was sure it wasn't over yet.
Syrian tanks moved back into Jordan. K informed the Israelis we would
support their air strike if necessary. P put troops and naval forces on alert
in the Mediterranean.
The Syrian tanks withdrew again, this time for good, and Hussein's soldiers
were besting the rebels.
Still pushing on daily action about crime and students. At Leaders' Meet-
ing today he announced 1,000 additional FBI agents. Fascinated by our poll
that gives him 64 percent approval, but shows 47 percent think he's not strong
enough about students. Same poll shows 71 percent think college administra-
tors are too lenient. Did agree to hold up on Defense research funds letter to
colleges, on my recommendation (per Flanigan) that it could cause student
demonstrators to try to force administrations to reject funds and we'd be
blamed for starting it. Instead will wait until something stirs up on a campus
and then use this to react to it, so it will be their fault not ours.
P received the Scranton report (on Kent State), we did all our little projects
to discredit it and that is now underway, after all the agonizing about how to
handle it.
Big day for political discussions as P tries to get the line set and some
action underway before we leave. Mainly concerned with not letting Demo-
crats, especially presidential candidates like Ted Kennedy, Muskie, HHH, etc.,
get away with their obvious present attempt to move away from theleft and
into middle of road. He's right, our people are letting them do it and press is
not nailing them.
And off to Europe tomorrow morning.
on the way back. Told Hughes (all by radio in car) to cut wreath ceremony as
short as possible. It was scheduled for 25 minutes; we did it in 10. Then went
back into city to shopping district, hit it about 6:00, and it worked perfectly.
P stopped the car a couple of times, was completely engulfed by crowd, got up
on hood, held a baby. As we moved slowly, crowd was very enthusiastic.
Tito's dinner started a half hour late, then they were even later arriving
at reception, and it ran overtime, so P was over an hour late returning to
Palace, after midnight— and tomorrow is a really loaded day.
Then after strange little reception in Zagreb, had to drive to Tito's birth-
place because weather too bad for choppers. A one-hour drive each way. Tito
rode with P, which wasn't so bad, but two Croat leaders hopped in too, and
no interpreter. Must have been a total disaster, although he didn't seem to
mind. Spent quite a while in the birthplace, still pouring rain on all of us
outside. Back to Belgrade for our State dinner.
P asked me to haveit speeded up, and so I stayed in kitchen and super-
vised the whole deal, and we served a four-course dinner in exactly one hour.
Absolutely amazing crowds; still there when we came out at 12:15, and P went
over and shook hands while they mobbed him.
Dinner was magnificent, as is the Palace. Room after room with unbeliev-
able ceilings and furnishings — table for about 140, in hall with 15 huge crystal
entertainment, very good but very long and very late. P and Prime Minister
both exhausted, so it was a little rough on all concerned.
graveyard and former (Quaker) meeting house site of the Milhous clan. P
seemed to enjoy seeing it. They had done a good job of clearing the grass,
uncovering foundations of the meeting house, locating a grave, and placing
a commemorative cement tablet. P chatted with the 94-year-old man who
remembered the Milhouses, and Mrs. Goodbody, the Secretary of the local
Quakers, read a little speech and gave P copies of documents tying him in
to the area. P gave an excellent mini-speech on peace, Quakers, Irish, Cath-
olics, and back to peace. Very moving. Sensational little boys' band played
"God Bless America" and we were off by motorcade across the country-
Some good crowds in the little towns. A bit scary in one as the kids surged
up to his car and in between the other cars. Horribly dangerous, but no
accidents. Got caught in a real downpour, but P stayed up in his open car, and
he and the crowds got soaked.
the meetings with de Valera, Prime Minister, luncheon, etc. P car
was by eggs on way to Dublin castle, and it splattered all over him. So P
kept the car moving at good pace in spite of very good crowds.
Then Air Force One, and the long trip home. P spent a lot of time on his
Vietnam speech for Wednesday night, had me up a number of times.
One of those bad days operationally. Started with a flap last night about
briefing folders and it carried on today. P was horrified to see a front page
picture in Post of several thousand policemen in uniform who visited the
capital about legislation against copkillers. We
had known nothing about it,
hence P did not receive them and we missed a great opportunity. Then we had
a Crime Bill signing ceremony at Justice and had no signing pens. Then we
signed a Transportation Bill at White House, and repeated the omission. By
this point, P was becoming a little discouraged for good reason. Also his
briefing papers were all way too long, and left out the really important points.
Lot of discussion all through the day about campaign stops.
Called tonight all cranked up because Macalester College kids gave Tricia
a bad time with obscene signs. Wants Dewitt Wallace, who funds the place, to
put the screws on them.
Some talk, as there is almost every day, about plans for after November,
getting rid of bad guys and excess baggage. Laying groundwork for 72. Wants
to divide United States into four regions with a White House political czar
over each one, and move Chotiner in to run RNC under Finch.
Obviously P is really geared up to hit the trail, I just hope we've taken the
right course because he's really committed now. If the general view that voters
are really confused and seeking direction this year proves to be right, our tour
may make the difference. But most of our candidates have a long way to go.
Majority to stand up and be counted. Don't answer the rocks and obscenities
in kind, use the strongest voice of all, your vote at the ballot box. Very
effectively ties theDemocrats to the student demonstrators.
A long hard day, and his voice showed it at the end, but he didn't slow
down at all. Good effect with the locals, should make some real mileage. He
feels he got his basic line well started. Will work on variations next week.
Kansas City. Bigand enthusiastic crowds. Less heckling (none at Kansas City
because we screened the entrants). P followed same basic lines as Saturday,
building and revising as he goes. Will build hard on "one vote is worth 100
four-letter obscenities" and "it is time for the Silent Majority to stand up and
be counted." These work very well. The other big crowd pleaser is about "bad
youth do not represent this generation and will not be the leaders of the
future." Lots of kids in the crowds and they're really fired up.
Late tonight he called Moore, Ziegler, and me in, said he had a plan to
screw (Los Angeles Times reporter) Loory, the current number one bad guy
in the press. Tomorrow on trip home put all the baddest guys on Air Force
One as the pool, then at last minute P will go over and ride press plane. (Not
a very good idea, but he got a kick out of thinking about it. We'll shift away
from it tomorrow.) He got pretty tired by day's end, and has a sore throat, but
wouldn't go to bed early.
We successfully brought off a surprise stop at Ohio State after the rally.
Worked perfectly, no one knew he was coming. Just a few kids lying around
the quad, then a big crowd gathered as the word spread. He had a chance to
talk with them, no press except the pool cars. Good move!
This was an occasion when I forcibly overrode the Secret Service, who had
absolutely refused to follow my last-minute instruction to divert the motor-
cade to allow an unscheduled stop at the University. Bob Taylor told me
that he would not and could not permit P to make the University visit. But
P had given me very specific orders that he would make the stop. Taylor said
he would have to take his objection directly to the P, which he did, and he
was overruled, much to his great, and understandable, consternation. How-
ever,both P and I felt that the spontaneity of the move would preclude any
planned demonstrations or violence and that turned out to be correct.
reallygood day, crowds, etc., although all cities had rain. No hecklers even at
the two outdoor stops (I think the radical leadership had told them to stop
because they're playing into our hands). P was really tired by tonight and
didn't really rise to the opportunity of a wildly enthusiastic crowd. Cold is
bothering him.
Gag is now that P has clearly drawn the line with his attack on obscenities
and advice toanswer not in kind but with your vote, the good four-letter word.
Now is question whether you'd rather F or vote.
The final swing. Phoenix the big deal with the read speech about violence.
Darn good. We taped it to use on TV. Good crowds all day, P really tired and
loose after Phoenix. Rambled on and on in Las Vegas, but was back up for
evening in Salt Lake City in the Tabernacle. Did a great job there, especially
a short spiritual talk after the program, very effective.
Decided to go ahead with the national TV of Phoenix, trying to buy
half-hour time, will probably have to go with 15 minutes.
Considerable division of opinion within star! about net effect, I think most
feel it was bad, some think a disaster. The hard-liners still feel it was good. But
the whole mess points up the necessity of checking and rechecking on all these
things. We certainly would have been better off to have done nothing, and then
Muskie, too, would have done nothing.
Long talk with Bill Buckley (about his brother's Senate candidacy in New
York), and said "I don't know how you mackerel snappers look at others, but
if a quiet Quaker prayer will help, you've got it. Tell Jim to go to the bar with
the warm beer and relax a couple of hours after the polls close."
Then a long night of tallies. P in office, with TV, I took reports in all night.
Called winners as announced. Up until about 1:00. Finally gave up, Indiana
still hanging.
Brooded over and over about political meeting and decided to have it
tomorrow, hauling everyone down to Florida for the day. Just can't get
himself away from the subject. Afraid to let down for fear he'll have left some
base uncovered, and just can't stop thinking or talking about it. If tomorrow's
meeting doesn't wrap it up I think I'll confront him directly.
Good meeting, covered lot of ground and for once got something done.
need to win, late as possible, make it good TV; man to man operation on
Democratic candidates; need to develop key publishers and editors for '72
endorsements; press conference in next couple of weeks; move now on Nixon
organization in South; plus plans for all key states.
Then back at it again on the plane to DC, for two more hours (and no
dinner). Basically more of the same. Turned out he had an incredible stack of
little white note sheets with amazing array of trivia. Then on and on about
All of this obsessive boring in on details and trivia, some mixed with
reasonably important points and most focused on the political aspects of
the just past Congressional elections and the forthcoming Presidential elec-
tion (in two years), was a combination of clearing stacks of little stored
notes that he wanted to get off of his desk, and reviewing lots of ideas that
he wanted to get off of his mind. This happened every once in a while, when
the pipeline of these things got so clogged up that it had to be cleared. It was
a good process, because it then enabled him to drop these matters and turn
to the issues at hand. But it meant an enormous amount of work for me and
my staff to be sure all matters were carried out.
have to be fired. So we have to set him up on the integrated housing issue and
fire him on that basis to be sure we get the credit.
A loaded one from breakfast with Mansfield to dinner with Ash Council. NSC
about NATO, apparently very good meeting, P took strong stand about
maintaining support. It obviously got to him because his toast at dinner turned
Stone, Mulcahy, and Scaife for '71, '72, and '73 deficit if any. Had long talk
with (lawyer Herb) Kalmbach after and has him lined up for 50 percent of his
time, handling super fat cats and special assignments.
Apparently had a good talk with (economist) Milton Friedman, and said
after it was nice to have someone say we're doing things right. Friedman urges
we stay on present economic course. Says we're in good shape if we stay with
it. P still concerned about '72. Can't afford to risk a downtrend, no matter how
much inflation.
any skeptics with utter contempt. He was as cranked up as I've ever seen
Back on press, said the intellectuals of the left are actually a new group
of fascists. And Keogh (who was a former editor of Time) told him most
young journalists are activists, feel they have a mission, not to report but to
form and started to dictate them each evening at home onto tape cassettes.
The reader will undoubtedly notice a substantial difference in form and a
major increase in content when I started the easier process of speaking
rather than writing the diaries.
After K went out, he got into a discussion of Rogers, and concluded that
he may have to bite the bullet here. Wants me to put a fully documented case
together and sit down with Rogers and make it clear that State has broken its
pick at the White House, and point out to him step by step why. I think he's
basically concluded that he's not going to be able to keep Rogers on for much
longer, and he's starting to build the case for removal.
that he feels urgently that Connally is desperately needed in this position now,
and for another more important position in the future. Really he wants you
here as a counselor, advisor, and friend. He feels you're the only man in the
Democratic Party that could be President, and that we have to have someone
in the Cabinet who is capable of being President. The P doesn't have a man
in the whole shop that he respects in this way, and he's very concerned about
the whole question of determining whether the United States or Russia is going
to be number one. He's not interested in the idea of political purposes, either
inTexas or to get a Democrat in the Cabinet. That occupied most of the trip
Colson had a private detective follow Kennedy in Paris and take photos of
him with various women. Colson then leaked the photos to members of
Congress and to the press. In Paris, on the eve of de Gaulle's funeral,
Kennedy was seen dancing until dawn with the daughter of the former King
of Italy.
I finally got Connally on the phone at about 1 1 :00 tonight, and interest-
ingly enough, he seems to be favorably inclined towards taking the job. He was
obviously pleased that I had called, and that I felt as strongly as I did about
his taking it. He made the point that he wasn't just interested in just being
Secretary of Treasury or any other department, but he was very much im-
pressed with what the P said about wanting his help on a broad basis and
wanting to put him on the NSC. He has the problem of personal finances, and
will have to make extensive adjustments. One of his concerns was the flak we'd
get from within the Republican Party and the concern that they might waylay
him He's also concerned about the timing and whether he can
at every corner.
divestand organize his financial things in time to meet the P's deadline of
January 20. He had talked with his children tonight and with his wife, and
found no negative block there. He's going to meet with his partner tomorrow.
of Congressional liaison.
The Connally appointment and the repercussions of it will be one of the
biggest things we've done and should be extremely effective in startling the
media and the establishment. It will create some monumental problems with
John Tower and some of the other Republicans. And we're going to have a
tough time selling some of them. The RNC is another tough problem, and I
think there's real doubt that MacGregor will take it, but we'll give it a try.
item this morning was an hour meeting with King Hussein. We added a few
quick items after that. He then has a small working dinner with Hussein
tonight, and that's it.
(P) asked Henry for an answer for his press conference on a question
about the Tet truce which is being pushed by Senator Jackson and backed by
Rogers, much to Henry's chagrin. Henry has indicated that any such thing
would be disastrous to us, in that it would permit the enemy to build up during
the truce, which they're already doing, to get ready for a major drive on either
Laos or Cambodia. The only way we could possibly set up a truce would be
to include the stipulation that they would have to stop infiltration, and they
would of course be unwilling to do this. I reached Connally this morning,
having missed him last night, and passed on the P's message together with my
own pleasure.
The biggest problem is to try to get this done without getting any leaks
ahead of time, and obviously the thing to do is to move as fast as we can. The
only problem is that we've got to get Bush settled before we can move on
Connally, and that gets back to the whole parley on the National chairman-
ship, because we have to see what MacGregor will do.
future, on a general basis, and wanted him to sit in the Leaders Meetings, and
that we would be using him for a lot of other things. All this made Bryce very
happy. In discussing ways to screw NBC, the P, thinking Nancy Dickerson is
on CBS, asked me to explore the possibility of his doing a half-hour or hour
nighttime special with her. It would be just a warm conversation about his
personal views of the Presidency after two years in would make a darn
office. It
people's minds was the fact that he admitted he was wrong on the Manson
comments and a couple of his others where he's prejudged trials that are in
progress. He gave a brief 13-second answer, but in effect said that he was
wrong in his comments on these things and he was sorry about it. Overall,
was well worthwhile. It's just too bad it wasn't on later so it could reach
more people.
The whole personnel process goes on and on as we try to put the puzzle
together. Dole still leads in contention for the National Committee, but there
are many with very deep reservations.
P was and apparently had been up late last night dictating also, since
in early
he had me to get started on when I came in the morning.
five tapes for
I used a good part of the day to cover some general meetings, one with
Chapin and Larry on Connally arrangements, and another long session with
Henry, on the question of whether he should stay on, since he's now got to
make a decision in the next couple of days as to whether he stays or not. I told
him of course he should stay, that there's no dissatisfaction, etc., but that he
should talk with the P, and make his offer to go back to Harvard, etc., so they
have a chance to review the thing and settle it once and for all.
Henry's main concern is that he is going to get back into the situation
similar to last summer on the Middle East, where he doesn't have the P's
confidence and is not involved in what's going on. I pointed out that this is
bound to be a problem from time to time but that overall he is indispensable
to the P, and both he and the P know it, and he's got to stay here.
Rogers had suggested it to him, but it had not been discussed further. The P
said fine and shot through into the Cabinet room for the Cabinet meeting.
He built up somewhat the announcement by leading gradually into what
Kennedy was going to do as a follow-up and went through the UN post and
other things and ruled them out and then announced that he would be taking
a post as Ambassador at Large. Through this buildup, both Kennedy and I
were panic-stricken because we thought the P had misunderstood and was
building him up for the UN job, which he very definitely did not want. It
turned out fine in the long run, however. Bill Rogers rose to the occasion
beautifully and responded as if he had known all along that this is what we
were going to do. The P then made his pitch on Connally and told them about
that appointment.
The Congressional leaders were also present meeting and Tower
at the
was included. They were all pretty much stunned announcement.
at the
Following the Cabinet meeting, Connally, Mrs. Connally, and Mrs.
Nixon were brought into the Oval Office. Then Kennedy and Rogers were
brought in from the Cabinet Room. We finalized the presentation plan. Then
the group went from there directly to the Press Room, where the P made his
announcement first of Kennedy's new post, then of the Connally appointment.
Press corps was absolutely flabbergasted. They were all craning to see who was
coming in behind the P and were totally bewildered by the parade of the P,
Kennedy, Rogers, the Connallys, and Mrs. Nixon. As they figured it out, they
appeared to be completely astonished. It was fun to watch because the surprise
was total. For the first time we really did keep an announcement confidential
until the zero hour.
Dole called me later giving me his report (on the RNC situation). He says
he's now got 28 senators signed up, so support is building up. The P got
trapped by Mrs. Nixon into standing in the receiving line at the Congressional
open house today, shaking hands with everybody although his intention was
just to come in and sort of stroll through and let it go at that. Also, Mrs. Nixon
called me at home tonight, very upset about her discovery that they were
planning to light the Commerce, the FTC, Archives, and Justice buildings. She
feels that this should not be done, that only the monuments and the White
House should be lighted, and that the White House is, in fact, a monument.
That it downgrades it by having the buildings done. And also that it causes a
political problem because of the big effort to get people to hold down on their
consumption of electricity. I don't know whether we can do anything about it
at this point.
report from last night. He thinks now we should stir up the House and try to
get over half the GOP members there lined up so we can get that pretty well
set, too. We had a long discussion on the subject in the staff meeting this
morning. The general feeling is very strongly against Dole on the grounds that
he is divisive rather than inclusive and that his appointment would be a signal
that we were taking the wrong direction politically. We all tried to put the heat
on Rumsfeld, but he resists very strongly. I don't think there's any chance of
getting him to shift.
K came in and the discussion covered some of the general thinking about
Vietnam and the P's big peace plan for next year, which K later told me he does
not favor. He thinks that any pullout next year would be a serious mistake
because the adverse reaction to it could set in well before the '72 elections. He
favors, instead, a continued winding down and then a pullout right at the fall
of '72 so thatif any bad results follow they will be too late to affect the election.
This was (British Prime Minister) Edward Heath day, with the usual arrival
ceremonies and private meeting morning and State dinner tonight. The
afternoon was pretty much occupied with a visit to the Department of Agricul-
ture operation in Beltsville, Maryland, and the session with Scranton.
The big flap of the day was the Army domestic intelligence activity, which
has been blown up by the TV and the press as a result of a letter of some former
Army sergeant sent to Senator Ervin. The whole episode poses a major prob-
lem for us in the area of repression, which our enemies are trying to build up
in that this implies we're using the Army to spy on political people. Most of
the charges are not basically true and we can prove this in at least some of the
cases. Also, whatever activity had been going on was stopped last June, and
the files destroyed. Our key thing is to get the White House out of this, so we
covered it thoroughly with Laird and instructed him to handle the entire thing
in Defense. We've told Ziegler to stay off of it here.
A bit of a blow today on the new Gallup poll, which showed the P at an
all-time low of 52.
launch an all-out assault to make a bigger story out of our denial than the
original story. We've got to attack the attackers on this one.
In the afternoon he had Henry in and just sort of sat and chatted, using
up the idle time. He got into a discussion of the Poland uprising and the
possibility that this could cause a major problem for the Soviets, especially if
it keeps on going. If it stops at the point it's already reached it won't make very
much difference. They also got into our operating plan in Laos where they're
going to move the South Vietnamese in for a major attack operation, this time
without US support, so it will be substantially different than Cambodia.
On the PR side, the P got going on the need for a two-year tabulation of
all the things he's done, the people he's seen, meetings he's held, countries he's
visited, states he's visited and, particularly, his meetings with minority groups,
Cabinet officials, congressmen and senators, etc. He wants to do a complete
log, trying to put all these statistics together primarily, of course, to shoot
down once more the isolation theory and the idea that he doesn't work hard.
Also got into the Dole question on National Chairman. Dole keeps
calling him pushed the thing about as far as he can.
to get guidance, since he's
The on that still is that we ought go with Dole, but he wants to let
P's view
the opposition work itself out first to be sure that we're fully covered, also to
force Dole to build his own support.
Tonight was the Christmas Party for Old Friends, an "Evening at the
White House" with David Frost, which turned out to be something of a frost.
It was saved by the P's discovery this morning that a group of Korean children
were here on a singing tour and he brought them into the party.
The P kept himself busy this morning, which helped to give a little time to get
some work done. He went out to the hospital to see Senator Russell, who
probably will die in the next few days, so this was what the P considers to be
his last visit with him. He was very much impressed again with how powerful
a man he is and how much more impressive he is than our Northern senators.
He mused quite a bit when he got back about the fact that patriotism is so
much higher in the South.
During our chat he had Colson in for a while, who reported on the Teddy
Kennedy question. He's getting the pictures distributed and maintaining the
effort that, also Chuck's following up on the knockdown of the press,
during their poor performance at the press conference.
Henry came in for part of the time that Chuck was there to get the P's
signature on a letter to Frank Church regarding the foreign aid supplement.
The P blew up when he discovered that the purpose of the letter really was to
let Church get off the hook on his anti-Cambodia position. The P told Henry
absolutely clear that the P was not changing his position but that Church was
changing his.
We had a long meeting with the VP, E, and Finch this morning regarding
his(VP's) takeover of the responsibility for relations with governors, mayors
and county executives. It went pretty well. VP was in a good mood, wearing
a T-shirt and a sort of sweat jacket. He was
obviously very anxious to take on
this responsibility on a and seems to understand the level of
full-scale basis
activity it will require of him and wants to do it. It is astonishing how bad he
ison judging staff, however.
I had a long session with our new TV guy, Mark Goode, or at least our
candidate for the job, and on and off with the senior guy we now have, Bill
Carruthers. I think we're putting together a good unit here. If we can now get
the PR communications worked out, we'll have solved a couple of our major
hangups and be able to move ahead more constructively.
a while, but so far we haven't succeeded. I talked to both Bebe and Billy
Graham, and they said they'd work on him, but there's been no visible result
to date.
We had the Cabinet /Sub Cabinet year-end briefing and reception today.
Moynihan gave his valedictory address and it was superb. He came through
with exactly what we wanted in terms of a charge to the troops to get out and
work for our policies.
The plans in question involved cutting the Ho Chi Minh trail in half
by attacking enemy forces in Laos. Only South Vietnamese (ARVN)
troops would be used, but the U.S. would supply air cover and artillery
He (P) had a long talk with Rogers on the phone regarding the line for
his press conference tomorrow, told him to blast Teddy on the POW hoax,
take a hard line on the surveillance we're conducting on Cuba, and play down
POW exchange versus cease-fire. He also had K call
Mansfield's proposal for
Dole and have him take Teddy on mercilessly on this, which Dole will do
tonight and tomorrow morning.
conservative side on the Hill who was genuinely concerned that Colson was
going to be appointed National Chairman and, in order to protect Dole's
franchise, was trying to destroy Colson.
John Connally called at home disturbed because he had
this evening,
value of the thing. He commented, while Ziegler was in the room, that Church-
ill's books regarding war are like Tolstoy's novels regarding war: they're great
because they don't concern themselves with war, but rather with people. You
end up knowing the men, the personalities, and the great forces that went
behind the great wars rather than just the technical details of the battle.
The P visited the Home for the Incurables today, at our suggestion, to
wish them a Merry Christmas. He refused to take any press or even let them
know he was there until after he had gotten back, which drove Ziegler up the
wall, but made the visit work out extremely well. I watched him for a while as
he went through and he did a superb job of dealing with the kids or older
people as he would hold on to an arm to keep it from waving around and then
shake the hand. He talked with them in a normal conversational way, even
though they couldn't talk back. When he came out, he made the comment as
he got in the car, "Boy, we think we've got troubles." It's just amazing to
watch him in this kind of situation because he handled it so well.
five minutes off anytime during the day and enjoy Christmas.
Henry's doing with the Russians. While Henry thinks he's operating secretly,
he's not really.
The P feels that Henry's got to open up the fact of his secret channel so
that Rogers knows about it and we have some more candor in this whole thing
because the problem now of playing it two ways poses a very bad situation for
the P. For example, on the past trips, Tony Lake, who's now working for
Muskie, was with Henry, so he knows all about them, yet Rogers doesn't know
about it. There's a good chance that this will come out, which would be a very
embarrassing thing. The P feels Henry's got to realize he's not a secret-type
person, that the things he does do come out. He summed it up by saying the
whole situation now poses a major problem for the P because Rogers knows
that K's meeting with Dobrynin. Maybe the thing to do is to tell Rogers that
both he and Henry have to meet with Dobrynin independently, and both of
them should understand this. To do this we have to get K and Rogers together,
especially as we approach the possibility of a meeting with the Russians.
I went out for about an hour, then he buzzed me back in at noon and kept
me in for another two and a half hours, this time with Colson there. He got
into sort of a long, rambling discussion on follow-up items: who we'll need for
an attack on the Democrats; the need to develop our contact program concen-
trating on the top hundred people in the country spread across contributors,
press, political, labor, religious, educational, etc.; then he got back onto his
story of having never called a reporter or complained about a story, etc., the
fact that we haven't gotten that across; the need for a spokesman that we can
trust who can get on TV and talk about what the P is like.
Rose snuck and conned the P into accepting her invitation to attend a
Keogh going-away party at Blair House tonight. The P spent several hours
after that, agonizing over it, and was very distressed that he had to go, but
couldn't figure out how to get out of it.
We had a flap with Teddy Kennedy, who is trying to capitalize on the decision
of the Spanish government to commute the death sentences of some Basques.
Teddy is going to put out the fact that he had wired the Spanish government
before the decision and was wiring them his approval after the decision.
The P spent most of the afternoon over at the EOB. He told Ziegler not
was working they might as well too.
to let the press leave because as long as he
So Ron didn't put a lid on and some of the press had to stay around. At 6:00
the P called Ron and told him to bring whatever press was left, there were only
about six, over to the EOB for a drink. This apparently worked out pretty well.
The P gave them about a 40-minute Q & A session standing up. It was kind
of funny when they walked in Frank Cormier, Helen Thomas, and Herb
Kaplow were the only reporters plus a couple of photographers and a radio
technician. Helen Thomas, while the P was mixing the martinis in his little bar,
said, "Now I know why you spend so much time at the EOB Office." The P
apparently did make a number of pretty good points to these people. Ziegler
was particularly amused by his statement that I and the other key members of
the staff had the highest IQs of any White House staff people at least since
Roosevelt, and that as a group, E, Shultz, Weinberger, and I were the most
The P went to Camp David and E and I also came up, bringing our whole
families. The P was very upset by a report in the sports section today that the
Stanford football team was running around their hotel in sandals and shorts
and that their quarterback had enjoyed posing for pictures with the topless
dancers from San Francisco. The story was trying to make them out as being
good guys because of this, and sneering at Ohio State as squares because they
were wearing neckties and blazers. The P said for the first time he was going
to root for the Midwest team in the Rose Bowl.
He was concerned about some press stories that hit us for not inviting
Muskie to the Clean-Air-Bill signing yesterday and wants Ziegler to really use
this as a case in point to hit back on this being a bum rap for us, and then shift
to the point that the P has been the most gracious, nonpolitical P in history in
terms of his treatment of his present, future, and past opponents. Actually, this
is true in that Truman never had Hoover at the White House, Eisenhower
never had Truman, Johnson and Kennedy never had Nixon, whereas Nixon
has had Humphrey, Johnson, Muskie, Teddy Kennedy, and everybody to the
White House on various occasions. Then we get one little incident like this and
we're stabbed unfairly.
the economy last night than I did. Then he referred to Wilson as the most
intellectual of all P's and said, of course, that was because of his education, or
perhaps in spite of it. Then he said what Lincoln might have been if he'd gone
to school, it probably would have ruined him.
He then led them into quite a discussion of the economy, which lasted
about an hour. He hit the theory that there is no formula for low unemploy-
ment without war, and said that this is the one thing we are going to accom-
plish, and it will be a marvelous achievement. He raised the point of the
possibility of further changes in the Cabinet, and said there would be no more
at the P's request, that this is the team that we have here now, unless any of
you decide you want to leave.
Elliot Richardson got into a discussion of how we can better influence
commentators and opinion leaders to give them a better feel for the depth and
range of the P's knowledge and understanding, for example, of economics. He
was making the point that the people would be greatly enlightened if they
could see the P in action, the way the Cabinet just had this morning.
After the Cabinet meeting the President had a series of appointments that
kept him busy through the rest of the morning. We left about 12:20 for the
airport and on to San Clemente.
He thinks he's going to have trouble as he moves into trying to solve the
revenue and welfare problems, especially since he doesn't have the student
issue as an overriding distracting factor.
The P's still at San Clemente. He apparently had a discussion today with
Ziegler and E regarding the question of taking time off and vacations. Ziegler
made the point that he's now well positioned to take time off because of the
doctor's instructions and the feeling that people think he should be off more.
He seems to buy this concept and may be willing to take a little more time than
he has in the last couple of months.
He also raised the K problem again. Apparently Henry had talked with
E this morning about the question of whether he should go back to Harvard
or not, and all of his problems with Rogers. E, I guess, took it upon himself
to fill the P in on all of this. The P makes the point that Henry craves the ego
satisfaction of raising these questions and having people reassure him that he's
in good shape and all. He also makes the point that he'd be a damn fool not
to stay on.
hang on to them, but be sure they're always the same ones. This is something
we haven't consciously or adequately done.
thing raged on through the night. Mitchell finally had Rog Morton get Dole
simmered down and they put the thing together, but not until Mitchell made
the point to Dole that if he didn't want to take the Chairmanship, that was
fine. We'd put John Andrews in, and let it go that way.
Back in DC. The P was very concerned early this morning about the Nebraska
coverage, primarily because theNew York Times story, by Semple, implied we
had conceded we were wrong in earlier comments regarding students, etc. The
P wanted to be sure that Ziegler and everyone else understood the basic rule
that you don't capture people by surrendering to them. They capture you. It's
extremely important that the leader never be in the position to allow the
impression that he was wrong. He was quite concerned about this, but all of
us, in reviewing the piece, agreed that it had really come out quite well and it
himself by the failure to notify Rogers of his last meeting with Dobrynin. That
upset him. He packed up his papers and left the meeting. He came back about
ten minutes later and asked Klein to leave so that he could talk to the four of
us: Rumsfeld, Shultz, E, and me. He then said that he had to make his decision
about going back to Harvard in the next day or so, and that if this wasn't
straightened out, he was going to go back and not stay here. He was more
uptight than he usually is on the subject, and this was the first time he had
raised it with the group, although he's been discussing his problems with E
during this past week in California, while I was away, and has John quite
disturbed, although it's basically the same routine over again. As a result, John
and I met with him briefly a little later in the morning and agreed that
something had to be done in the way of a showdown with the P on the whole
subject, but that it should not be done until after the State of the Union speech.
This successfully stalls Henry past the time of his return to Harvard, which I
don't think he has any intention of doing. The P has gone to Camp David for
the weekend. I'm staying home.
and the timing for same, and the plan for some new attacks in Laos and
Cambodia. (It was at this meeting that he authorized the Laos operation.)
During the discussion with Henry and me he talked about his troop
withdrawal plan and the point that Thieu had strongly urged that we not
reduce the level below 200,000 prior to his (Thieu 's) election in October or
November. We would be down to 280,000 in April, so that permits us to
withdraw only about 75,000, or 12,000 a month for the next six months after
that. We could then, of course, announce the massive withdrawal right after
the Vietnamese elections, and this is the P's present plan. All this also relates
to the question of a trip to Vietnam, which I think he's still planning on doing
in April, and he'll probably make the new announcement at that time and also
use that as a means of bolstering the Thieu government and our confidence in
The other big flap today was the problem of an article in The New York
Times regarding the decline of the State Department, which understandably
had Rogers quite upset, and he succeeded in getting the P into the same frame
of mind. The P's reaction was to put out a statement from him blasting the
article,but a careful reading of it convinced me that it's got enough basis in
fact and accuracy that it wouldn't be a good thing to do. He did have me call
Rogers a couple of times to tell him that we were moving on it, trying to find
out who had done it, planning a statement by Ziegler to shoot it down, etc.
In discussing this, I talked to Safire, who makes the very valid point that
this whole situation is really the result of a backfire of the State Department's
PR effort at the middle level, where they've been strongly selling the line that
K has taken over the development of foreign policy. They've been doing this
as a way to try and stab K, but as Safire had apparently predicted earlier,
instead it's backfired and this one writer at least, with the Times, has picked
up their line on a straight basis and is throwing it back at them. Safire's
convinced they've been on a real campaign to chop K in the NSC and that's
what really led to this. It'd be hard to convince the P and Rogers of this point,
but I'm sure Safire is right.
because we have stepped up air activity and they're trying to pretend that this
is a change in policy. The P told Ron to hit the credibility question directly and
to hit it hard. We've already clearly pointed out there would be no American
ground action and no American advisors in Cambodia. We said we would
assist Cambodia, and this was okayed by Congress with dollars and logistic
assistance. We also said we would continue air activities, where necessary, for
the purpose of inhibiting the enemy from reestablishing their sanctuaries. That
was presented to Congress and was written into the legislation. The P wanted
to be sure Ron hit this hard.
A little later, K was in and there was quite a discussion of (Senator)
Muskie and the (Europe) trip. The P obviously is not pleased
results of his
with the reception Muskie was given by the Soviets and by Willy Brandt. He
wants to have Muskie hit on the total irresponsibility of his statement, or his
proposed statement, standstill in the disarmament talks. He should be hit on
his amazing ignorance; say it's unprecedented for a senator to do this. He
made the point that we've got to recognize that the Soviets will play a role in
United States politics. They definitely want to get Nixon out, and will do what
they can to see that it happens. K argues that they have to balance this against
their fear that Nixon may win and they'll have to live with him another four
years. The P says, "I'm willing to try the negotiations," and so on.
The P had a dinner in his honor given by the Cabinet at Blair House
tonight, as they did last year on the anniversary.
the public press, and how they've been undercutting him in internal opera-
tions, and how they've disobeyed Presidential orders, cable traffic and all sorts
of stuff. He did an extremely good job, for a change, of presenting his case
quite unemotionally and very rationally. This made it far more effective than
it usually is when he gets going. He really wrapped it up by saying he wasn't
going to discuss it with the P, but was hoping we would find a way to approach
it, and that the problem had to be resolved. He would not continue this
political structure. He claims the P has never asked him to take on the assign-
ment of running the campaign, so I confirmed that was, indeed, the P's
intention and John agreed that he would do it. He then discussed his plans on
retiring from Justice and felt that he would have to do so later this year. He
could not continue as Attorney General and still run the campaign, but that
didn't seem to bother him. He's ready to resign when it's necessary and says
there's no problem because he can go on back to the law firm after the election
and would be happy to do so.
State of the Union Day. The big flap in the morning arose when he read the
morning papers and called to say, "What in the name of good God hell is going
on!" because the Times and Post had both leaked all the details of the reorgani-
zation plan, which was the one really well-kept secret. The P's reaction was to
decide we wouldn't give the text of the speech to the press prior to delivery. He
of course backed off of it and agreed to let it out, but was very concerned about
tracking down the source of the leak. He also made the point that he'd come
to the tough conclusion that it's not worth telling people anymore what we're
doing, especially the Cabinet, and so on; that from now on we should just wait
until the day of the event so that we don't run the risk of leaks of this sort.
He called several times during the day regarding television plans for the
State of the Union, and he had decided not to use makeup, etc., but backed
off under Carruthers' strong recommendation that he has to use makeup
because the lighting in there makes it even more necessary than their normal
circumstances. Then he got up to the house and discovered Carruthers had
picked narrow ties and a blue shirt. He felt he should wear a white shirt and
wide ties. Again, he backed off and wore both the ties and shirt that Carruthers
wanted him to. Net result was an excellent picture on TV. Reaction to the
speech afterward was extremely good.
The other big problem of the day was Senator Cooper and others in the
Congress who are starting to criticize the Cambodian buildup, and the P
wanted me to have Rogers get to Cooper right away and convince him that this
whole thing does not involve ground troops or advisors, or anything of that
sort, and that it was being done only because it was necessary to interdict the
enormous buildup of the sanctuaries. He felt Bill should warn Cooper that he's
on a bad wicket and should not push it too far. It turned out that when I called
Rogers he had already done exactly this with Cooper and he was delighted to
have caught us ahead of time.
The P got going under a pretty good head of steam today with a long meeting
with Reagan at the Governor's request, mainly so Reagan could assure him
that he would be heading a Nixon delegation to the convention and would not
in any way allow himself to become a candidate. They also discussed welfare
and the whole range of State of the Union items.
thing in the morning, and then meetings in the afternoon with the Senate
bipartisan group and the House bipartisan group to start selling the program.
The P was not too pleased with the Leadership Meeting, first of all because
there was absolutely no enthusiasm. They were deadly, just sat around and
whined, as they usually do. No one had charged them up. He resents having
to go in and do the charging up himself, and says it's hard work, like pulling
teeth, which I'm sure it must be.
The SALT talks had been bogged down for over a year, but now for the first
time the Soviets had indicated they might be willing to talk about both
defensive and we had been
offensive weapons, as suggesting, instead of just
defensive weapons. The Summit agreement was also a breakthrough.
clearly bothered him. I think that part of it may have been good because it will
make him think a little about the public information aspects of the actions
we're taking in Cambodia.
Along come up with a recommendation that we
similar lines, Mitchell has
should grand jury for further investigation at Kent State. Bob Taft is
call a
strongly opposed to this. The P wasn't quite sure what his view is but agreed
with me that we should just let it lie where it is, that opening it doesn't do us
any good. Also, J. Edgar Hoover has told him that the facts don't warrant a
grand jury. He wants E to try to work this out.
Buchanan, the VP, K, and I were called into the P's office after the few
morning schedule items he had, and before we departed for the Virgin Islands.
The P first had Henry review the plan for the Laotian move and get all the
things set on that. Henry's still not sure we're going ahead with that step, but
they're working on the plan for it in any event.
He then got into the purpose of the meeting with Buchanan et al., which
was that he feels the VP should go for a big play on live television to comment
on the recent press coverage of Southeast Asia. He feels he should speak more
chanan, who's all distressed about the TV news tonight that reported the
appearance of a major buildup on the Laotian border of ARVN troops ready
for attack. Apparently this arose out of Rogers' news conference and some
observation of troop activity along the border. Pat felt we should rush to the
P with this, but of course we didn't. The P has gone for a swim and holed up
in his cottage here and appears to be very pleased with the setup so far.
the law. If the words are not clear, so that one cannot tell precisely what the
law means, then you look to the intent. In this case, Cooper-Church, the words
and the intent are clear. The prohibition on use of air power was specifically
removed from Cooper-Church before it was passed, and it is absolutely clear
that the intent of Congress, as well as the word of the law, the letter of the law,
is that there is no limitation on the use of air power. The P then hit the same
point, saying that we are candid, we are honest, and we are within the law.
The latter part of the afternoon was consumed with a long session with
the War Action group, getting final plans laid for the next move. He's pretty
well girded up for the effects of any major move. I actually don't think there
are going to be any great problems, because I think the thing has already been
discounted by the heavy press anticipation and the people are pretty well
prepared for whatever steps we do take. There certainly doesn't seem to be any
likelihood of a Cambodia-level reaction, although I guess anything can hap-
9:30. The P first spent some time with Henry and then called me in before the
others arrived and reviewed the bidding on the situation to date and what he
considered the options to be. Henry's argument was that the bureaucracy was
so completely out of control that we wouldn't be able to hold them in line if
we went ahead, therefore we should do so. By this morning, however, both
Henry and the P had pretty much changed their minds and swung back to
feeling that we should go ahead with the operation on the basis that if the P
now allowed himself to be talked out of it, in effect by the press reports which
had been leaked from State and Defense, that he would lose any hope of
controlling the bureaucracy. My argument was that it had some validity, but
even more important was the fact that we needed the move in order to ensure
our continuing safe withdrawal, and also that I feel strongly that the proposed
negatives that the others offer are certainly not assured, and in my view not
even probable. That is, I don't think the reaction in Congress or on the
campuses, or in the press, or with the public is going to be nearly as strong or
adverse as we are assuming it might and Connally had pretty
be. Mitchell
much the same views.
The P had me back in and discussed some more concern on how to get
a hold of all this and also some concern on the PR side of it. He wanted me
to work closely with Henry on that.
Fortunately, because of the earlier developments, I guess, Henry asked me
to attend the WSAG meeting, and he also asked Ziegler to attend the first part
of it. I tried to leave when Ziegler did, after we had discussed the basic PR plan
for the Cambodian operation tonight, and for the removal of the embargo on
the Laotian press coverage tomorrow. Ziegler left at that time and so did I, but
Henry came up and called me back down to go over the whole scenario for the
Laotian operation Sunday night. I did so and participated in all of the PR
thinking. As a result of this, the P has concluded that this is probably the best
way to handle this thing from now on, that is, for me to sit in all critical
meetings and to force attention and consideration of Congressional and PR
factors when they're making the decisions, and force them not to let that kind
of decision be made by the generals and undersecretaries. I think this will
probably work pretty well, and it will of course be fascinating to do, as it was
to sit in the WSAGmeeting today and review the whole scenario for the
We had a rather interesting episode as the P's appointment with Dr.
Riland came due and he proceeded to take off his clothes and go into the outer
room and have us sit down and continue the discussion with him while Riland
wrenched his back and went through his manipulations. Following the Riland
treatment, and after he had left, the P sat in one of the chairs in his outer office
with just his shorts on and pursued the conversation a little further. Then
Henry and I left with the understanding that the plan was set and we would
go ahead.
one because Henry got into the question of whether Rogers should do an
appearance on Monday at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and I
argued that he should because it would give us our story on television Monday
night, after the Sunday-night move. Henry didn't want it done that way and
was furious at my stepping in, slammed his book shut, sat and stewed at the
head of the table for a few minutes, and then abruptly adjourned the meeting
for a five-minute recess and then started the 40 group. I talked to him after-
ward about the tactic there, and he realizes that his maneuver in closing down
the meeting really did more harm than my taking the position I did to begin
Mitchell and had a two-hour session with the P on a number of items.
should be continued. The decision was that Mitchell should go ahead with his
implementation of his internal security planning operations, which Hoover
opposes. This may bring about a confrontation. If it does, we'll see how we
handle it from there. The P made it clear that Hoover has got to be replaced
before the end of Nixon's first term because we can't run the risk of the
possibility of Nixon not being reelected and of someone else appointing
Hoover's successor. The problem is, we need to make this point to Hoover in
such a way as to get him to resign without any big problem.
There was some discussion of the Wallace question. It appears that Wal-
lace is interested in making a deal of some kind that will make it unnecessary
for him to run for P, which he apparently does not want to do. Mitchell seemed
to feel that we might still want Wallace in the race, but the P felt very strongly
that under any circumstances it would be better for us to have him out and that
we should try to work this out. We also got into the question of a possible deal
with Mayor Daley, who has indicated that he will not do anything to oppose
the P if Clem Stone agrees to stay out of the Governor's race in Illinois.
He had a talk with Bill Rogers regarding follow-up plans after the Sun-
day-night move, made a few agreements which will drive Henry up the wall,
but I think we can work them out.
Laos continues on a pretty even keel today. There were a few flurries here and
there, but the embargo's lifted and the news is out, and it doesn't seem to be
creating nearly the stir that people were afraid of. I think we'll come out
extremely well on it. Everything went very well at the WSAG meeting today.
The P was planning on going to Camp David tonight, but the icy rain made
the weather conditions bad, so he couldn't fly, and he decided he didn't want
to try to drive. He will probably go up tomorrow instead.
shape as the reaction and plan generally fell together. He of course wanted to
push hard on getting our side of the reaction going.
The P is very anxious that we not let the Democratic candidates look good
on this issue. Muskie has moved out in opposition and he wants to be sure we
keep him out on that limb and push hard to make an asset out of this. He
wants to be sure we don't take a soft-handed defensive position. We should
whack the opponents on patriotism, saving American lives, etc., and really go
to work on it.
We got the dope on the volume of troops, food, and ammunition that's
moved on the Ho Chi Minh trail. The P wants to make a strong point of the
real significance of the trail so that we build up the significance of the Laotian
operation and he wants to really push the strong positive points. He also had
the environment is not an issue that's worth a damn to us. He has a very
uneasy feeling about it because he thinks it works the wrong way for us, that
we're catering to the left in all of this and that we shouldn't be. They're the
ones that care about the environment, and that they're trying to use the
environmental issue as a means of destroying the system and we're playing
right into their hands.
He says that he and the family have agreed that Isabel Shelton and
Judith Martin (of The Washington Post) both must be banned from the
White House as accredited press people for social functions, and says that
it's ordered as of now and must be carried out and he'll firewhoever is
them in, if they ever get in again. This came out of
responsible for letting
The story that Judith Martin ran on Beverly Sills'
several flaps, apparently.
bra-strap breaking, plus the story that ran today downgrading Sevilla-
Sacassa as a result of the diplomatic reception last night caused the P to put
the pressure on Mrs. Nixon again to agree to keep the people out, which he
says she's now agreed to do.
He was pretty fully occupied this morning. He didn't come into the office
before going over to the State Department to sign the Seabeds Treaty. Then,
when he got back, he went full tilt through the Kennedy swearing-in in his
office, the Connally swearing-in in the East Room, and a number of other
meetings preparatory to departure for Key Biscay ne.
The problem arising this morning was in relation to the VP, who
apparently called the P on the phone from California to object to the health
message as it's presently contemplated. The VP feels there's some serious
mistakes being made in this, and that adequate consideration hasn't been given
to them, and also that he was misrepresented in the option paper going to the
P. This of course created quite a flap, resulting in a session on the plane with
Weinberger and Shultz to discuss the whole thing. The P felt the paper proba-
bly hadn't been adequately staffed, but his principal concern was that the VP
would come to him on it, rather than working it out with the staff. He feels that
we've got to keep the VP out of substantive policy development, that we
cannot have him fighting the White House staff or the Cabinet, that he must
not get involved in policy because he tends to zero in on one feature and jump
on it rather than looking at the whole picture. He feels we need someone on
our staff who has the confidence of the VP who can hold his hand, and he's
decided Weinberger is the one who should do this.
commentary that goes with it hurts us enormously, and that's what we've got
to watch out for.
at present versus 1968. It showed he had declined in the rating of strength and
decisiveness, two basic characteristics he feels are most important for us to get
over. He's still high in both of these, but has gone down over the last three
years. This again indicates the job we've got to do in the personality side.
admired men are JFK, Martin Luther King, and Bobby Kennedy, with Nixon
coming in a poor fourth at 9 percent. He felt it was interesting that Teddy was
not in this list, however. He thinks this whole study shows that the youth are
a very vulnerable target for us, and that we ought to be concentrating on our
opportunities to reach them.
Henry was in, agonizing over his TV problem. It appears that Klein wants
somebody on for a special full hour of "Face the Nation" after the State of the
World next week, and Henry of course wants to go on himself but professes
to believe, as I do, that he can't. He's opposed to Laird and /or Rogers going
on because he's afraid they'll louse up his report and /or take credit for it.
Unfortunately there's no way of talking him out of this line of thinking, and
the net result probably will be that we won't have anybody go on. We'll try to
use the time for domestic policy.
He (the P) raised the point again of his concern about K's staff; the fact that
the news today reports that one more has turned left, this time Mort Halperin
going to the Common Cause staff. He wants me to work with Haig and make
sure that Henry examines his staff very closely and is really set to kick out any
potential traitors and not to let any others in.
No fixed schedule today, except a meeting with Colombo to bid him farewell,
which was first thing this morning. That led, of course, to the inevitable
objection to second day meetings with foreign visitors, and he had Henry in
this morning and outlined some rules as to who does and doesn't get in for this
kind of session from now on. Henry was delighted with the way the P had
handled the meeting this morning with Colombo, and told the P so.
The news flap today was on an Arthur Burns story in the paper this
morning, resulting from his testimony yesterday where he had said the prob-
lem wasn't one of money supply, but rather of confidence, thereby implying he,
as Chairman (of the Federal Reserve Board), didn't have confidence in the P's
policies. The P was really upset about this. Arthur was trying to call him
during the day, and the P said he would not take the call and, rather, had me
call Arthur and tell him of his distress and make the point strongly to Arthur
that he can't get away with this kind of thing. The P has the strong feeling that
we've got to really put the screws onto Arthur and that he is not showing the
proper gratitude or appreciation for the P's having put him where he is.
Another flap arose from the continuing effort of (antiwar Republican
Congressman Paul) McCloskey to discuss impeachment of the P. He's not
actually called for it, but he keeps talking about it. We're going to move now
to get a petition going in McCloskey's district demanding his resignation and
putting the heat on him since he's betrayed the trust of the Republicans who
elected him.
There was the usual relaxed Saturday morning with long chats with E on
some of the above and then with Colson on how his Project Muskie is coming
along and some ideas on ways to carry that further ahead; also on general PR
planning and thinking. The P left for Camp David to spend the night. He
called a couple of times after he got up there, mainly on details of the State of
the World.
Henry, but the two of them just stay on a collision course and somehow we've
got to figure out how to work it out. Henry caught me later and made it clear
that his dissatisfaction is again reaching a peak also, so we have a lot to do.
Henry was in this morning with great concern about the military situation in
Laos. He will not admit publicly that anything's wrong, but he wanted the P
to know that he was very much concerned that the military reports were not
giving us the straight poop.
P that he send General Haig out to check
In any event, he proposed to the
up on on the scene. He kept making the case over and over that
the whole thing
military history shows that the real problem in wars is that military command-
ers tend to become locked into and infatuated with their basic original plans,
and refuse to change them even when the situation so dictates, and that's one
of the major reasons for military defeats. He's afraid that it's possible, at least,
that this might be the case with Abrams at this point, and he at least wants to
check it out. The P's reaction was noncommittal and pensive while Henry was
in there. After Henry left, he talked about it some, and obviously was con-
cerned and felt there might be merit to it, although he deplored Henry's
constant repetition and citing of military history to try and prove his point.
The K-Rogers problem continues, and the P spent quite a little time
talking about it. He keeps asking me what plans I have for dealing with it, and
of course I don't have any. I think that we've got to push to some kind of
confrontation to try to make both men realize they're performing childishly,
and to the detriment of their country as well as themselves. But I'm not sure
we can make any progress by doing that.
The P wanted me to have a meeting with some of our key political and
right-wing types to try to develop a line and a plan of strategy for how to
handle the Democratic attacks on the war, which are now becoming strong
and very partisan. We've got an opportunity because the various Democrats
have taken different positions, Muskie calling for a pullout this year, the
Democratic Policy Committee calling for a pullout by 1973, Jackson taking a
hard line, Harriman not going quite as far out as Muskie. The P's point is that
we ought to be able to posture ourselves for maximum gain on this, and exploit
the differences within the Democratic Party. The question is whether we accept
or jump on the Democratic Committee's position or maybe divide and hit it
both ways. There's one huge flaw in it on the basis that they want to get
everything out, including the POW's, but they overlooked the problem of how
we get the POW's out, and there's obviously no way we can.
The K-Rogers thing goes on today, even though the State of the World is over
with, now because of the Middle East. Henry persists in rushing in to the P and
telling him we're about to get into a war in the Middle East. The P asks him
what he wants to do about it. He doesn't have any ideas, except that he wants
to take over. Says we need a scenario, etc. This stirred up quite a bit today;
Henry had several sessions with the P between his various public events, and
then the P saw Rogers later in the day, and then Rogers called to say he'd
received the message from the Israelis that he had been expecting. The P told
him to send it over, and then told me to have it routed through Henry, and to
tell Henry that's what we were doing. So I did.
Had two public events over at the Residence today: George Bush's swear-
ing-in this morning, which went rather routinely, and the Adams portrait
presentation this afternoon, in which the P did a superlative job of reciting
some obscure John Quincy Adams history and reading a poem written by
Adams while he was in the Congress. All this came out of Carl Sandburg's
Abraham Lincoln, which the P had been reading and found a couple of pages
on Adams, which gave him some material that none of the writers had come
up with, and that none of the other speakers on the program offered, so he did
very well on that one.
he was sure they would be delighted with it, which they basically were. He was
hysterical through it; was coming up, he'd say "You're going to
as each scene
love this particular part, or the scenery is just great, now watch this closely,"
and so on. He obviously has seen it time after time and knows the whole thing
practically by heart. He also got a big kick, as did Connally, out of identifying
the old stars as they appear in their bit parts.
hours after that, mainly discussing the whole PR question. Connally thinks
that we should portray the P as a student of the Presidency, that we should
recognize his weaknesses and let those be pointed out from time to time too,
but make the strong point that he understands the uses of power. That Laos,
and Cambodia, for example, are demonstrations of his perceptive use of
power, and that we should get other illustrations. Also, his recognition of
economic power, the mobilization of the government to use this power interna-
tionally. That he recognizes that the Marshall Plan concept is a thing of the
past, that the Nixon Doctrine is a policy of power, that what he's doing is
far-reaching in concept, that over a long-term basis he's laying a foundation.
and I'm sure they'll give it a pretty fair buildup, but it was not really that
The other big news of the day was the bombing of some office areas in the
Senate side of the Capitol. There had been earlier threats from the Weather-
men, and they may very well have pulled this. The demonstrations in Iowa
were basically SDS, and all of it could very well be part of a general plan,
leading up to their April 24 demonstration and then their May Day plan to
close down Washington.
He was obviously pretty tired on the way home and still had the dinner
ahead of him, so tomorrow will be probably not too good a day. He's pushing
for loading things into the schedule tomorrow, which doesn't seem to me to
be a very productive idea since we're still shooting for the press conference on
Thursday night. We may have to shift that because of Israeli developments.
tion that Henry is more valuable than Rogers, and as he evaluates Rogers, he
is being more realistic than he has been sometimes in the past, recognizing that
Bill doesn't have nearly the loyalty that Henry does. The P made the point, for
example, that if we got to the stage where somebody had to fall on a sword in
order to save the P, Henry would do it, but Rogers wouldn't. I made the point
that I agreed with that, but that if Henry did do it, he would do it with loud
kicking and screaming and make sure the blood spurted all over the place so
Henry says he called Rogers this morning and said that the two of them
should get together and make sure they have a unified front in the face of this
latest attack (by Senator Symington and the House the day before). Rogers told
him he just didn't have time to get together. Rogers told me basically the same
thing later today, and said he would get together with Henry, but didn't think
there was much point in it.
in there. That's a real break for us because there were threats of some major
demonstrations by both hard hats and students, and this was a good way to
get out of it.
networks should be it. He thinks we've got a lot to gain from doing this at this
point, particularly on Cambodia and Laos coverage.
They're sending Haig over on Sunday to check the whole thing out, and
hopefully to get the South Vietnamese to hang in for three to four weeks. If
they do, we can then time the removal of ARVN from Laos to the P's
April troop-withdrawal statement and make it all into one big "ending-the-
war" type deal. They also got into the Middle East on Henry's concern that
we should not try to go for a comprehensive solution. We rather should
work on it bit by bit.
He thinks that we can get more done that way and that it can be more
effective in dealing with the Russians. His point, however, is that it's got to be
worked out on the basis of trust with Israel, and that the Israelis don't trust
anybody except the P. Therefore the P will have to meet with Rabin and work
it out, and then send a letter to Mrs. Meir.
Henry and the P then got into another chapter in their running discus-
sion of WW
II German generals. The P has read one of Churchill's histo-
ries of the war recently and has become a great expert on the relative merits
ning it.
tressed that Safire would think it was a good idea to push this kind of a line.
He's terribly anxious that we not let out the idea that we're changing our PR
approach, adding a lot of interviews and that sort of thing, to try and hustle
things. He feels Safire needs the facts so that he isn't in the danger of build-
ing stories on a myth. Actually, Bill agrees and recognizes that we have
stepped up our activity, the press knows we have, and they're going to write
that we have. So we should try to turn that around to a plus rather than
pretending that it doesn't exist.
The fascinating point that the P raised was the observation of the enor-
mous uplifting effect of the Clay-Frazier fight. It had the chemistry and drama
that really lifted public spirits. The P feels that people need to be caught up in
a great event and taken out of their humdrum existence.
engagement announcement
Tricia's and the rest of the party last night
apparently went very well. Got extremely good press today, and ought to carry
us with the excitement of it and so forth through the summer period. In fact,
this may be one of the event-type things that the P's talking about, if we can
take advantage of it properly.
still not in form to be satisfactory to us, but it's getting much closer appar-
ently, and Henry thinks maybe there's something workable that can be de-
veloped from it.
Negotiations had been going on for a year with the Soviets about ways to
ease transit between East and West Berlin, and otherwise defuse the ten-
sions of the divided city.
The full House voted on SST today and defeated it, which is something
of a blow, but there's still a chance of saving it in the Senate, where it will
now go.
The P wanted the U.S. to build a Supersonic Transport plane, like the
Concorde, but Federal funds were required and there was Congressional
The P's at Camp David. He was very much interested in the report on the
reaction to the VP's dinner last night with John Connally and the Cabinet.
Don said that it had gone very well. It was a relaxed, friendly kind of meeting,
with a knitted feeling that the Cabinet was much groupier than they have been
before, and it was a very different kind of meeting from those they've had in
the past. He said it started a little as a bitching session but shifted to the
positive, and compared to previous gatherings, was definitely the best.
The introduction was very skillfully done by the VP, as he led into
Connally's remarks. They got into quite a discussion of the election.
The P also raised the question of the need to really ride herd on the plans
for Tricia's wedding and the handling of the events leading up to it. He wants
to be sure that we take a hard look at everything. A lot of people will be
interested in what's going on, and the P asked me to set up a system to make
sure that things get in to us before decisions are made, so that we have control,
ostensibly in the P's name. So we'll set that up.
The SST vote was this afternoon and we lost, in spite of the P's efforts. He
obviously was discouraged by the loss and feels that it's a real mistake to have
let the thing go, but we really did do all that we could do.
The P reversed his decision on canceling the California trip on the basis of
strong recommendations of the senior staff and then agreed to go ahead in
spite of the fact that the weather's bad and he's not particularly pleased with
the whole thought.
He got into some further discussion on Congressional relations, particu-
larly theneed to get a group of hard-core protagonists in the House and
Senate. He feels we've got significant weaknesses in this area, and we need to
pull it together and start getting things organized. He feels that the staff doesn't
understand that we are in a all our people do a
continuous campaign. That
good job of running the government, but not much of a job of selling it, and
he doesn't want to dawdle along anymore on it.
He made the point in musing over general schedule planning that maybe
we should just scratch all the trivia on the schedule and only do the major
things. This is a trend that comes up from time to time, and I think that it's
something that he does seriously consider as a possibility. His other point is
that the SST failure and the lack of strong initiative to get up and accomplish
things may really mean the end of the American era.
A pretty well loaded day in Washington before departing for San Clemente,
starting with breakfast for Albert, Boggs, and Ford, at which the P really laid
out the line on the question of Congressional resolutions limiting the P's
powers as Commander in Chief or requiring a withdrawal by a date certain.
He hit them very hard on this and made the point very specifically that if the
Congress in any way tied his hands, and as a result of that we had to bug out
of Vietnam, losing American lives, or the Thieu government fell and Vietnam
went to the Communists, he would have no choice but to go directly to the
people in his campaign next year, taking on the Congress and blaming them
for this situation. He had a Cabinet meeting on the subject of construction
industry wage problems and so forth. He then had a few remarks at a confer-
ence of religious leaders on the drug problem, which he felt did him and the
cause no particular good.
After we got here (San Clemente), he told Henry that he wanted him and
me to come over to talk with him at the house. He was up in the study with
only one light on, the fire burning and the tape player going very loudly. He
turned off the tape and we sat down. P now agrees with Henry's long-held view
doesn't serve our purpose at this time to have one. There's nothing that he
wants to say, and no advantage to making any news that might come up at
such a conference. In other words, the basic rule is that we should never go to
the press except when we're up; we've got nothing to gain now. The only
argument for a press conference is for the benefit of the press, but we should
have press conferences only when it serves our purposes.
He feels that Ziegler should announce on Thursday or Friday that he will
be making the troop announcement on the 7th of April, rather than waiting
until the 15th, using the rationale that he's committed to making it by the 15th,
and since Congress will be gone at the time, he wanted to make it at the close
of this Congressional session before the recess. The mood he has is a very
mystic one, and he's not highly optimistic, but certainly not down in the
dumps, and has the feeling that something is happening or is about to happen.
The P was in early in the morning, still running on Eastern Time. Decided to
definitely announce the troop statement on Tuesday, so as to precede the
Democratic Caucus meeting on Wednesday. He wants a plan ready for coun-
tering the opposition, because they'll say this isn't enough and we've got to
make sure that the issue is clear that it's a matter of ending the war; that it
shows our Vietnamization success; and that it shows the value of Laos. He
wants to hit this day in and day out and make the point that the opponents
are asking for an American defeat instead of peace with honor. In other words
they ask for defeat with dishonor and give aid and comfort to the enemy, etc.
He choppered up today to Sam Goldwyn's house for a presentation of the
Medal of Freedom to Goldwyn, which was a great idea and went very well.
Goldwyn was very much touched, the P made some good remarks, and Sam,
who is basically paralyzed but is able to talk a little, turned to the P (or not
turned, because he can't turn), but said to the P in a hung
low voice after he'd
themedal on him, "I'm glad you beat those bastards in '68; they were the worst
bunch of sons of bitches we ever had in there." He then said louder, and it was
heard by the press, that Nixon was his favorite president, that he was a good,
strong fighter with guts, but that he always fought clean. Some pretty good
The P decided to drive back rather than taking the helicopter, and I rode
with him as we went from Beverly Hills down to Santa Monica and all along
the beach cities before cutting back into the freeway just before Long Beach.
It was a long and he chatted generally about his sort of fascination with
the real world, as he rarely sees it, and the fact that there are so many small
were in. He went right to the residence when we got back, and stayed there for
the rest of the day.
the fire going and the record player blaring. We talked for about 15 minutes
before Manolo served a delicious steak dinner with fried onion rings and a
beautiful cheese souffle. He talked about his concern of Tricia and Julie using
government planes for their personal trips, and came up with the idea of
having the Air Force charge him the commercial airline fare when they do use
such planes, which is an ideal way to get around the sticky wicket there. He
came up with the idea of trying to organize the administrative assistants and
secretaries on the Hill that are for us, as a counterbalance to the predominant
left-wing types. That led him into a question of how we can better charge up
the White House staff, and he feels that maybe we need a weekly meeting when
he gives them a little pep talk. This of course will last about one week, but it
does come to mind every once in a while.
I managed to get out after two hours, and I think he went on down and
cago Daily News Washington Bureau Chief)) Peter Lisagor earlier in the day.
Lisagor had raised the question with him that he couldn't understand why he
seemed so happy and optimistic, and why everybody in the White House
seemed to be the same way when it appeared to Lisagor that we were in serious
trouble and getting worse. Rogers answered that the reason in his mind was
that we know what we're doing and where we're going, and therefore are not
concerned about the outlook. On the other hand, the press and perhaps the
people at this point, don't know, and won't for a little while, so they take a
more pessimistic view. Rogers went on to say that when we came in here two
years ago we inherited a number of monumental problems, and now we're on
the road to solution. All of this may be overoptimistic, but there are all kinds
of potential optimistic factors that aren't even taken into consideration in it.
At the very least,would appear that the economy has bottomed out and is
gradually inching back into a sound position, and that we're going to get out
of the war one way or another, and we have a pretty fair chance of getting out
Looking beyond that, there are a number of monumentally optimistic
possibilities. Henry definitely feels he's got the SALT thing lined up, and that
we can announce that in a couple of weeks that will lead to a Summit, and a
four-power meeting after that in the fall. We know that at some point not too
far off, we'll be able to announce that no more draftees will be serving in
Vietnam. Henry feels, and now the P concurs, that there's a 50/50 chance at
least of getting a Vietnam settlement this summer and ending the war com-
pletely. The Berlin negotiations appear to be reaching some sort of productive
possibilities. The economic situation could turn out to be substantially better
than we think it is at the moment. Then of course there are all sorts of
unforeseen possibilities on the bright side, as well as many on the dark side that
could come up.
All in all, the outlook appears to be strongly balanced in our favor, and
I think all of us both rationally and intuitively, and that provides the
feel it
basis for the optimism that everybody seems to have. Overall, the conclusion
would be that probably this week, or this period of two or three weeks, will
mark the low of the first term, and also that probably the troop announcement
next week will be the basic turning point from which things will start moving
victory was that they didn't put in a date of the end of 1971. They have called
for end of involvement by the end of the 92nd Congress. We've turned it
basically to a positive for us, and I think it will stick pretty well that way.
Later in the day, the House voted on the draft extension, and we almost
lost our two-year proposal to a one-year amendment.
The bigger thing today was the Calley decision, which was announced
yesterday (or several days ago), of guilty, and then the sentence today of life
in prison. The public reaction has been enormous, and all in favor of Calley
and against the conviction. The question now is what the P should or should
not do in reaction to this, as public opinion continues to mount. There's a
number of varying views within the staff, and we still haven't gotten it figured
the merits of the case; there is no reasonable doubt of his technical guilt, but
there is doubt regarding the motive. It gets to the question of whether this man
is a criminal who should be treated like Manson, and the answer is no.
At noon he made the point that if we don't move, the support we have for
withdrawal from Vietnam, etc., will evaporate or become discouraged. We've
got to keep our eye on the main ball, which is to maintain our public support.
He feels that the question is, we either do something Monday or we temporize
for a year or two. He thinks he can indicate that he's ordered the file out to
study, and that he's ordered the General to release Calley to his apartment. He
then picked up the phone and called Admiral Moorer and issued the order
releasing Calley from the stockade. When he hung up, he made the comment
that at least a P can do something once in a while. He then said of Admiral
Moorer, "That's the one place where they say, 'Yes, sir,' instead of, 'Yes,
The P agrees with my feeling that he can't be in the position of going on
television Wednesday night without taking any action regarding Calley. The
general public reaction has been stupendous, and we can't simply ignore it. We
left it up in the air for tonight, but we'll have to make a decision first thing
tomorrow morning.
This turned out to be pretty much Calley day all day, as we worked on the
whole question of the approach to further action. The P wanted to be sure that
we got out the details regarding his decision yesterday to release him from the
stockade. He referred to the Lincoln period, and his study of that history, and
his idea that the presidents have this right but it must be exercised personally.
There was about a three-hour break for a meeting on welfare with Rea-
gan, and then back to Calley considerations again. The P decided finally, after
going through all the range of options, to take precisely the action that Dick
Moore had recommended at the very beginning, that is, to announce now that
he will review the case before the final sentence is imposed.
He reviewed with E the basis for making the announcement on this
action. Wants him to make the point that he's consulted with the Attorney
General and the Secretaries of Treasury, Defense, State, and HEW, and has
received a lot of advice from them and other sources. Some said he should
move now to free Calley or lighten the sentence, but he decided not to because
thiswould be a derogation of the review process and he had learned that it
would take two months before the trial record was even available. Others said
he should not get involved at all, some of them even objected to his action
Public opinion runs strongly on this. The awareness level of 96 percent is
thing behind him, he now plans to turn to the Wednesday night speech, and
has had Buchanan come out tonight to get started on that.
periodic speech drafts with Buchanan. This should get him in shape to take
tomorrow off, and we'll see what happens.
that Boggs was drunk today when he made the attack, and that he (Hoover)
had talked to the Attorney General, who had issued a statement demanding
that Boggs repudiate his charges and deny all the allegations. Hoover also
made the point to me that he had testified two weeks ago, and had said that
since 1924 there had never been a phone tap on any senator or congressman,
and that even when he had people under surveillance, he had lifted the surveil-
lance when they went onto the Capitol grounds. I reported this back to the P,
and he made the point that we should also use Johnson's influence on Boggs,
that we should attack Boggs on his drunkenness and try to destroy him, and
that we should release the ORC (Opinion Research Corporation) poll that we
have on Hoover. He then made the comment that we will have an interesting
week, and said goodnight.
us. He made the quote that "None of the staff are here because of what they
did; they're here because of what I did —and therefore there's no reason for
anybody on the staff to be strong in a tough time like this." He then stated very
positively, "I shall not who has shown weakness in
go forward with anyone
this situation. I want them weeded out within thirty days." He said the
Cabinet is a different problem, and he doesn't quite know how to deal with
He said it's a question of those who are so emotionally disturbed about
situations and and we can't give
serious events, that they'll have to desert us,
them that opportunity next year. weed them out now. He made
We've got to
the point that he didn't think I see this as clearly as he does, but wanted me
to be thinking about it in any event. I left then because I was late for the trip
to Ann's school.
This afternoon he had me over again and asked how everything was. He
was in kind of an introspective mood. Discussed a few of the minor logistics
regarding the speech and then settled back and said he wanted to read me the
speech. He made the point that he was not showing me a copy so that I would
be able to say I had not seen the speech, and use that as a backup argument
for not letting anyone else see it. He then read it through quite quickly. He feels
it will run 18 to 20 minutes as it's now written, but it only took him 12 minutes
to read it to me, even stopping to make a few notes from time to time. It comes
off very well and makes the case exactly as he should. It's my view, at least, that
it will be pretty successful in accomplishing what he's after. He had the OAS
white-tie dinner tonight. All of the key staff were at the Finches' for dinner as
a sort of farewell party before they and the Rumsfelds leave on their European
override this with most people, and I think overall we'll end up with a very
positive plus.
In the middle of the day I got the poll report from our interview on
Monday and Tuesday, and it came out extremely well. The P's up from 41 to
54 in approval, so, although he had told me he didn't want to see the poll
before the speech, I decided he ought to know about it and went over and gave
him the results, which of course cheered him up considerably.
The Calley case popped up again this morning in the form of a release of
a letter to the P from Captain Daniel, the prosecutor, which created a substan-
tial flap. He feels that the prosecutor must have had higher clearance in order
to have made this overt move. He was also distressed that E didn't go out and
answer this head-on, but John talked him out of it on the grounds that it was
a one-day story, and that would only accelerate it. I'm not really sure that's the
Later in the afternoon we had a long general talk about Connally and staff
and so on, the P's dissatisfaction with the Cabinet primarily about the fact that
none of them had called him up before the speech to wish him well or anything
of that sort. The reason, of course, is that he's never encouraged that kind of
thing, and none of them feel they can call him up. In any event, he expressed
considerable disappointment in this situation, and then got to talking about
Connally and the VP, and revealed his thought that the way out of the whole
deal is to have the VP resign later this year, which then gives the P the
opportunity to appoint a new VP under the new law of succession. This subject
to a majority approval of both houses of Congress. He would then appoint
Connally, which would set him up for succession and probably would work
out extremely well. He was up late tonight and on the phone to me even after
I got home, three or four times, in the usual follow-up kind of activity. Even
though he said he wouldn't take any calls, he did take a number of them and
made several himself.
We got into quite a discussion with Ziegler this morning on several PR items,
particularly the Calley question as a result of the problem of the from the
prosecutor, (Captain) Daniel. The P now feels that E should not have an-
swered the questions regarding the Calley case when he announced the P's
decision to review it. He feels we have to educate our people not to be
responsive, and to recognize that a briefing is not for the benefit of the press.
He hit me on making sure that we don't appoint any more establishment
people to any commissions, etc. He wants to go for Midwest, Southern, and
Western people, and not pick up any more Eastern establishment types.
In the afternoon we went to Good Friday church services at St. John's,
across from Lafayette Park. All was worked out on the basis of a last-minute
run, but somehow someone got the word, and when we arrived there were a
half-dozen minister types standing out in front, shouting, "Peace now!" The
P went in and remained for the twenty-minute service, and then, as he went out
a different door, the demonstrators had gathered there and were chanting
again, this time something about Christ died to save men's lives or something.
The P's reaction was of course that he would not go to Gettysburg for Easter
services, since it had been announced he was going, and that would just set off
more demonstrations. So we had to work out a plan for canceling that and
setting up an unannounced trip to Thurmont for Easter services. Left for
Williamsburg at 4:00. The P left for Camp David at 5:00 to join his family there
for the Easter weekend.
the first day. The P had me in at 9:00 and went through an hour of odds and
ends that he had stacked up over the weekend. A lot of notes, mainly regarding
some schedule changes.
P got into the question also of talking to Mitchell about Hoover. He feels
that with the Star editorial calling for Hoover's resignation and the other
pressures that are mounting, that we're going to have to move on it. The P
talked to Hoover over the weekend, and he had told the P he would be happy
to resign whenever the P or the Attorney General felt that he should. The P
feels that we've got to work something out on this, and do it fairly soon.
Maybe the best idea would be to have Hoover retire on his 77th birthday,
which is January 1 Another point on Hoover was that he got to thinking it
went home for dinner. He reported on his meeting with Rogers, and Henry
seemed to be pleased with that. He then got into a general talk about China
policy; all of them very pleased because of the Ping-Pong exchange which may
be a good lead-in to our trade announcement on Wednesday.
The happenstance that the P met today with the Chinese Ambassador,
and also with Anna Chennault, should make the press sit up and wonder what
we're up to, and could be kind of intriguing. Henry feels that our whole policy,
and the current moves on China, will help to shake the Soviets up, as will
Brezhnev's need to make a big peace move of some kind, which should play
in our favor for a SALT agreement and a Summit conference.
The big thing now is to make sure we get credit for all the shifts in China
policy, rather than letting them go to the State Department, who of course had
nothing to do with it, in fact opposed every step the P took because they were
afraid any moves toward China would offend Russia.
about the many problems that other P's had, and certainly some of them had
been great. Ours were probably more substantial than anyone except Lincoln,
whose problems overshadowed everyone's by a wide margin. He commented
on the point that Lincolnhad the cannons in the street in New York to shoot
draft resisters; that he had a rebellious Cabinet; Stanton wouldn't speak to
him; his wife's insanity and her two brothers killed in the Southern side of the
war, etc. All of those, added up, make our situation look pretty simple. He
then got into a discussion of China policy, arising partly out of Scali's recom-
mendation that we do something to recognize the United States Ping-Pong
team when it comes back from the tour in China. The thought here is that
we're making some progress, but we can't start claiming any success or doing
any public events such as that because it will get in the way of future progress.
E and I had a brief meeting with him on the Hoover question. John
Mitchell had called E to say that Hoover has sent a memo around to the top
members of the Bureau, telling them not to route their domestic intelligence
information to (Assistant Attorney General Robert ) Mardian, which is directly
contrary to our orders, and also implying that, at the direct order of the P,
Hoover has been doing some wiretapping and other high-level surveillance.
is true, and John wanted to check them out with
Neither of these the P for the
Attorney General so he'll know how to approach the situation.
He had a fairly long meeting with Connally and called me right afterward,
started to report it on the phone and then asked me to come over to the office.
He obviously was very pleased with the talk. Connally feels the problem is that
our people don't hit anybody, and that we've got to do that. He also made the
point again of the failure to show personal concern, no warmth, no human
qualities, and that this has to come from the little things, because you can't do
it in the big appearances.
The real question posed is whether we change the P's own approach to the
press conferences and interviews and so forth, to try to add emotion and
warmth He does feel that he can try to get some more schmaltz into
to them.
the speeches; make them warm instead of brittle, make the anecdotes warm
and find a way to work them in.
They discussed Agnew, and Connally feels that he can survive if he stays
on and doesn't go overboard. The P doesn't agree. He's told
his present course
me to have a private talk with Connally regarding the Vice Presidency, and
start getting him built up and ready for it. He agreed with the idea of consider-
ing moving Stans to Finance Chairman and putting a strong spokesman into
the Commerce slot.
Still bouncing on the stock market rise yesterday and the continuing rise
He got back on the general PR question again, the point that we've not
created a mythology, that the courage, boldness, and guts hasn't come across.
We haven't made the point that it's not true that everything is political. He
feels that the most important factor in the first two years
and that we've
is guts,
got to get that across. He also got into the POW wives question while Henry
was there, because of Dole's report yesterday that they're pretty shaky, and
that we've got to do something dramatic to keep them on track. The P told
Henry to see the wives this week and to work out something with them that
will buy us three months' time, because we can't afford to let them come
unglued at this point, while everything else is going so well. The P met with the
Prime Minister of Morocco today, who came all the way over just to tell him
that the King couldn't come next week. As a result of this, the P's thinking
about State visits and come up with the decision that there will be no State
visits in 1972.
The P was in early this morning because of a long series of morning meetings
on foreign trade.
Apparently Pat Nixon was sick last night to the point that after examina-
tion at the White House they took her to the hospital for X rays. They had
feared it might be a collapsed lung, but it turns out to be a minor pleurisy
problem, and she seems to be at least resting comfortably today. The P got into
a review of the ASNE last night (his appearance at the American Society of
Newspaper Editors). We talked about the questions and that kind of thing; his
reaction was that the editors hadn't done too well on their questioning, and he
was glad that the thing hadn't been on TV. He was pretty funny in commenting
on the first question, in which the editor asked him if he ever woke up at 2:00
or 3:00 in the morning and what he thought about at such a time. The P had
answered it saying he thought about working for peace and so on. He said this
morning he wished he had answered with what he really wanted to say, which
was he thought about going to the bathroom just like everybody does when he
wakes up in the middle of the night.
After the morning appointments we had a long, typical Saturday-after-
noon gab session. Henry was in for a good part of it, and some of the
discussion was on China, in fact, most of it. Henry feels that what makes the
P so formidable in his dealings with the Communists is the fact that he has
turned their theory of protracted war against them, and apparently the Com-
munists have that same feeling. He wanted to give some thought to letting the
Ping-Pong team come in, just as another hypo to the fact that this was what
was done. Henry's basically opposed to that, and doesn't want to overplay the
China thing until we get something more going.
We had a long discussion of our long-range strategy regarding SALT and
Defense and the Soviet ABM, making the point that we have to get some of
these things done in order to break the back of the present establishment
Democratic leadership. But that we can't do much about building a strong
defense for the United States during this term because Congress won't support
us. What we have to do is get reelected and then move into the defense setup
at that time.
Another point that was made was that the whole China thing has given
us maneuvering room with the Russians because now we're not backed against
the wall. The problem now is that we've got to avoid making too much hay
out of China, because they might pull the rug out from under us and we don't
want to get our neck out that far. The P's concerned that we still keep the heat
on the opposition; they've all joined with us on the China thing, and that, in
a way, is not as good as when they opposed us, such as in Laos. Teddy
Kennedy is scheduling hearings this week, and the P feels we need to get
Rogers to testify up there and really hit them. He also wanted to check on
whether Hubert, Teddy, or Muskie had made any statement regarding China.
As far as any of us could remember, they had not.
We also talked a little about McCloskey, and I filled the P in on McClos-
key's tirades and temper tantrums in Laos. It would seem that he's really not
very stable or rational, and this is something we may be able to take advantage
of. We're set to counteract whatever McCloskey comes up with on his TV
interview tomorrow.
the little old ladies of the DAR should look. He got a good reception; gave a
good upbeat speech. Everybody's in general agreement now that things are
going much better and that we should take exactly that attitude on a very
positive basis and not let the constant sniping bother us.
purpose of desegregation. The P spent considerable time with Ron, and later
with the Attorney General, working out the precise wording of how Ron
should handle it. He obviously was very much concerned about the decision,
and feels that we've got to be very careful in what we say. After a lot of
discussion, they all agreed that we would make the point that now that the
Court has acted, it's and therefore it's the obligation of the
the law of the land
local school authorities and the district courts, which have jurisdiction in these
matters, to carry out the mandate of the court. He doesn't want Ron to go any
further than that.
He then made the point that he wanted E to get Richardson in, and
ordered him that HEW is not to do anything except what is specifically
required by the law. They are not to take the initiative, they are not to get out
in front and charge. He wants to be sure that there's an absolute order to them
on this; that they don't screw us on the court decision. He wants to kill the idea
of any philosophy of our getting credit for the decision, or getting out in front
of the court onit. We go straight down the line, and not one step beyond the
law.He decided to have a meeting with the Attorney General and Richardson
and E in the morning to lay the law down on this.
pened, the case was settled favorably for the government, but we would hear
a lot more about it in 1972.
The P had three major meetings today, and had me sit in on each of them. One
with Dole and Anne Armstrong, one with John Connally, and one with Bill
In the Dole meeting, other than a general political discussion, Anne
Armstrong asked the P how he answers the question of how to deal with
youth, and how we should approach this problem. He made some very inter-
esting points: we've got to give them a challenge, we can't let them escape
responsibility for themselves and blame their problems on external factors.
We can't let them think solely of self, any more than a nation can think
solely of itself. They've got to explore the unknown. They have to do some-
thing. He diverted for a minute to say that the United States should be first
in the world because we will use that position to help others and to maintain
the peace, to do good, rather than to do evil, to help rather than to harm
others. Back to the dealing with youth: we should be understanding of
upper- and middle-class parents because they really do have great problems
with their kids because they've been given so much. It's a mistake to think
that the way to greatness is to make it easy to get there. For instance, the
two greatest nations in the world today (other than the United States) are
Japan and Germany, and they became so because they were defeated nations
that had to rise up by their own bootstraps. He said we must not destroy the
character of children by permissiveness permissiveness that denies the child
the opportunity to look in a mirror and finally realize that the problem is
me not my teachers, not the war, not the environment, but me. It was a
fascinating insight; he got quite absorbed in it and made these points very
He also told Anne the story, as he had Henry earlier, of how his mother
had to support his older brother while they were in Prescott, Arizona, and he
was recovering from tuberculosis; and in order to finance
(actually, he died)
living over there, his mother took in three other tuberculosis patients, all of
whom were also terminal cases, and nursed all of them, with Mrs. Nixon
providing the full care. The two stories together made quite an impression, I
think, on Anne Armstrong, and she's going to use the points in her appear-
The meeting with Rogers this afternoon was to cover the points that
needed to be covered before he took off on his trip. It went very well, and there
was nothing of any great substance; I had written a memo for the P's file on
the specifics. In general, Rogers made the point that he doesn't think there's
going to be a war in the Middle East because there's nothing in it for Israel,
no reason for Israel to start a war, and obviously no reason for the Egyptians
to start one because they'd lose it.
The other big item today was the continuation of the veterans' ( Vietnam
Veterans Against the War) demonstration problem. We had a long session this
morning to try to determine what to do in face of the fact that the veterans are
in violation of the Supreme Court order by staying on the mall, and it's really
our job to enforce that order, but the P has ordered the Attorney General not
to use police and not to evict the veterans. Our decision ended up to be that
we just continue negotiating and try to negotiate the issue to death. Later this
afternoon the Attorney General, under pressure from Burger and the Court,
went back to the District Court and asked them to dissolve the order on the
grounds that there was only one more night left and it wasn't worth pursuing.
Apparently, the circuit court judge blasted us on this move, and said that
the court had been put in a very bad position, which actually it has, since we
asked for the order to begin with and then didn't enforce it after we got it.
Which put the veterans in the position of violating the law and us in the
position of not enforcing it. Fortunately, I don't think this point has come
through very clearly, and it probably won't. We did move a little too fast on
getting the order to begin with, though.
We got into quite a discussion of the media problem; they're really killing us
because they run the veterans' demonstration every night in great detail, and
we have no way to fight back. It's a tough one, and we've been trying to figure
out some ways of getting back at it. One thought we're going to try is to have
Rainwater of the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) call all the network presi-
dents and ask if they'll assure him of equal time for veterans in favor of the
Administration's position on the war next week. Obviously they'll turn him
down, and at least that will give us an arguing point. In the meantime we're
getting pretty well chopped up.
We also got into the analysis of our quick poll last night, which shows a
drop in Presidential approval of about 3 points and a switch back to disap-
proval on Vietnam from our previous position of fairly strong approval. It's
a hard one to figure, because since we last polled, we've had the ASNE
(American Association of Newspaper Editors) appearance, the DAR speech,
the Governors' Conference speech, all the developments in China, the good
economic news of last week, and really no bad war news except the veterans'
demonstration, and still we go down. The only conclusion can be that the
veterans' deal, and the coverage of it, is the cause, so we've got to see if
somehow we can't make the media the issue. We'll probably have to crank up
the VP again and get him going on it. In any event, we've got to work out
The P took off by helicopter for Julie's house in Virginia Beach. He called
me after he got there to check on follow-up on the above things, and also to
urge that we get some mileage out of the great picture he thinks they got this
afternoon of the little deaf kid in the office. He goes on to Camp David after
dinner tonight with the family.
The P is at Camp
David. The day of the big peace demonstration in Washing-
ton. I wasmost of the day, mainly to be on hand if anything arose on the
demonstration, but nothing did. They developed a huge crowd, close to 200,-
000. No violence, basically a pretty non-stirred-up group. They gathered in the
mall and started the march early down to the Capitol. Had the usual speeches
and singing, etc., at the Capitol, and then pretty much dispersed. No problems
from our viewpoint. That will probably come next week when the violent
group gets started. They were smart to do this at the Capitol because the crowd
looked a lot bigger there than it did last year at the monument grounds.
The P called from time updated on how it was going. He
to time to get
was mainly interested, of course, in seeing that it was downplayed as much as
possible. He didn't seem to be particularly concerned about it. He did think we
ought to try to counteract in some way the veterans' effect of last week, and
particularly the failure of the media to give us any coverage while it really
supercovered them.
I discussed this later with the P, and we got into quite a discussion as to what
the statement should be. The P's first was to recite all the bad things
that they did, after saying that he was pleased the demonstrations were peace-
ful on the whole, but that it's too bad they tore down the United States flags
at the monument, burned the benches, stopped traffic in New Jersey, threw
bottles at the police, etc. After Ron came in, we went back over that ground
and decided rather to make the point that the message of the demonstrators
is that they want to end the war, and there's no argument with that. The P does
too. The question is ending one war and preventing others. The P's building
a structure of peace so that the teenagers who are there demonstrating won't
have to fight in a war. This takes long-range planning and hard decisions, and
the track record of those who have shouted "peace now" in years past is not
one that speaks very well for their leadership.
The general feeling was that last week's press coverage of activities is
bound to have an effect, but our people are overactive, they feel that we have
to do something fast, and this is the problem that LBJ became obsessed with.
The important thing for us is to maintain serenity and calm. The P made the
point that anyone who had been through the Hiss case wouldn't get excited
about all these other things. The question now is just to see it through. You'll
either win or lose, and you can't let it be personal.
While Alger Hiss was Director of the State Department Office of Special
he was accused of collaboration with the Communist
Political Affairs,
underground a charge he vehemently denied. Against prevailing senti-
ment, then-Congressman Nixon urged that the investigation be continued.
On December 15, 1948, Hiss was indicted because of Nixon's perseverance.
This success catapulted Nixon's political career.
unless the numbers become really massive, in which case the National Guard
willhave to help. It turns out that we can use the National Guard without
declaring a state of martial law, and this, of course, is something we wanted
to avoid at any cost.
The P talked with Henry about the problem of the effect of the demonstra-
tions on Hanoi. Henry's all concerned that they may have misinterpreted the
thing and weakened our position, which of course to some degree they will, but
there's no point in worrying about it. The P made the point to me that we're
going to have to play the propaganda role more skillfully, and that he's only
going to let Henry go to Paris once, or at the very most twice, and then we'll
give up on the negotiations. He feels that if we wait more than a couple more
months, we won't have anything left to negotiate anyway, except the residual
force and the bombing vs. the release of POW's. The problem is that we need
one more stab at negotiations, so we can't set a time certain yet. After we've
taken that stab, if it doesn't work we'll just go ahead and set the time certain,
and that's it.
This "major development" was the initial planning for the Nixon trip to
China, which was at that time a matter of the highest possible secrecy. All
of the early steps were planned and executed by Nixon and Kissinger,
working through various foreign intermediaries. The "current document"
was a handwritten message to Nixon from Chinese Premier Chou En-lai
responding (a bit belatedly) to President Nixon's message to him of Decem-
ber 16 of the preceding year.
This message stated that China was willing to receive publicly in Pe-
king a special envoy of the President of the U.S. for the purpose of direct
I did not record this specific reference in this diary because of its
enormous level of secrecy at the time. On the morning after the message had
been received, I sat in on a meeting with K and P and made the following
meeting prior to that with Henry, and that's the way it was left as Henry took
off late this afternoon for a week in Palm Springs. No action will be taken for
a week or ten days, and then we'll start moving from there.
The P called several times concerning the question of whether or not to
use a podium for the press conference; whether to eliminate the platform and
put it at ground level; whether or not he would use makeup. Obviously he's
spending some time on the mechanics. He also called one time in great glee
because he had learned the market was up to 950 today, on 24 million shares,
second-highest day in history. The upswing is really pleasing to him.
question of the mood of the P in the press conference. Buchanan had urged
that he hit it harder and express real anger regarding the demonstrators, etc.
I thought he ought to stay consistent and take the same tone that he has in the
past —which, as it turns out, he ended up doing. He was very pleased afterward
by the way the thing had worked out. Most of the questions were on Vietnam
and China; only one domestic-policy question, and that was on the school-
busing decision by the Court. He particularly liked two new lines that he
developed regarding foreign policy: one, in relation to China, he said that now
that we've broken the ice, we have to test the water; and regarding Vietnam,
it isn't a matter of peace in our time, but (referring to the teenagers) a question
many as they can. Thus they think we'll bust up their plans and make it hard
for them to do their traffic-stopping exercise on Monday.
The P then had his press conference in the driveway of the Residence, and
that seemed to go pretty well. Now he wants to go hard for picking up the phrase
that he used in regard to demonstrators, which is that the right to demonstrate
for peace abroad doesn't include the right to break the peace at home.
Meany this afternoon and got his commitment to help on both the SST and
Lockheed. Speaking of Lockheed, there was a monumental flap late last night
as Haig, and later K, called me to say that Dave Packard was furious with the
Lockheed decision, which Connally announced yesterday, and that he is going
to resign and blast the Administration for the position we're taking on Lock-
heed. Henry was pretty disturbed about it, having talked to both Packard and
Laird, and felt that there was a real danger here. So I suggested that he call
Connally and see if Connally couldn't get it untangled. Connally stepped right
up to it.
solely a question of a delaying action. He feels the battle lines are drawn now;
we should play our friends all out and get only our people in. The key now is
to fight the main battle, which is Vietnam, and not to be diverted to the fringes.
We had our Monday-night staff dinner. Henry came late and left early and had
nothing to say.
men assuring them of our support in trying to get it through the Senate. Also,
the Ways and Means Committee reported out the Welfare Reform Bill today,
so it was a good day at the House of Representatives.
The big flap of the day was the proposed NATO Troop-Reduction
Amendment offered by Mansfield, and the question of how to deal with it; the
decision was to fight it for a defeat in the Senate. That got us into a K-Rogers
tangle as K started launching all the plans for it, but the P wanted Rogers to
lead the charge and talked to him about it. Rogers said he would, but in talking
to K later backed away, and obviously didn't want to really take over on it.
We went through a painful exercise, with Henry in the office, while the P was
trying to work out a way to force Henry to get Rogers in.
Addendum from May 12. This item's added as Henry K called me after
I had done the other tape, to report that in his meeting with Dobrynin today,
he had gotten agreement in all of the specifics of SALT except for one minor
technicality that relates to translation in the letter, as related to the wording
in the press release. Henry says there's a nine out of ten chance that we'll be
able to make the announcement next Thursday, and that if it gets hung up at
all, it will only be hung up on this technicality, which can be worked out in two
weeks. He's very pleased, and thinks he's gotten over the first hurdle in his
series of negotiating plans, and now we will anxiously await the next one.
behind his back, which of course it has. The P's very sensitive to this, but
doesn't seem to have any fixed ideas on how to deal with it.
He got into a discussion with E later in the morning, on the need to think
regarding goals, rather than programs, and got into quite a session with John
covering the same ground that I'd been pushing on, trying to shift the emphasis
of the Domestic Council's approach. The P pointed out that we've got to
personalize and conceptualize in broad visionary terms regarding goals, in-
stead of just developing programs and legislation. He said politically the new
American Revolution is a dud. The people don't care how you run the govern-
ment; they only want it to cost a little less. He wants to go for water, education,
narcotics, street crime, and whatever positive issues we can develop.
truth. It's wrong, at least for us, if it isn't true. We should only do things that
help on the PR impact.
SALT was the big activity today, as our original plans for the Rogers, Laird,
and ( chief SALT negotiator ) Gerry Smith meetings were one by one dropped
and shifted because Henry didn't have the final OK from Dobrynin on the
wording of the agreement and the final decision to confirm announcement on
Thursday. As the day went on, Henry became more and more nervous, as did
the P, because it looked as if maybe there was a snag we weren't going to get
through. That all proved to be unfounded, as at 3:45 Henry burst into a
meeting the P and I were having with Colson, to say that everything was all
set. We talked in some double-talk so Colson wouldn't understand what we
were saying for a while, and then finally Chuck left and we went into the plans
for how to handle it. We'll go ahead with briefings tomorrow of Rogers, etc.
The P is still extremely worried about how to tell Rogers, and went back and
forth on that, frequently, on and off during the rest of the afternoon, but we
locked him in for a 9:00 appointment in the morning and he's going to have
to face up to it now.
the P's courage in the decisions that had made it all possible, but obviously
Henry feels he played a monumental role also and I guess he really did.
E reported that the SST revival was dead since Boeing had decided to fold
their hand and not attempt to go for renewal, on the basis that they can't win
in the renegotiation of the contract. This came as something of a blow to the
P. He's especially concerned because it's obviously a slur on us, in that the
House revived the thing and we weren't able to carry it through with the
supplier. He's furious with Boeing, and has made it clear they'll get nothing
more from this Administration as long as he is in office.
He also got into quite a long thing on the lack of leadership in the
Congress, particularly in the Senate, making the point that Gerry Ford really
is the only leader we've got on either side in either house. And that led into
Henry was in, and reported on Rogers' reaction. The P had the feeling that
there was very much of a problem, that Rogers' reaction was really almost no
reaction at all, but he clearly had the feeling of wondering what was going on.
While we were in talking about this and starting to lay plans for timing for
tomorrow, Rogers asked me to be called out of the meeting with the P and
asked me to come over to see him.
I then went over to the State Department; had about a hour with Rogers.
He was clearly very upset. His basic point was, "Why didn't you tell me that
you were doing this? There's no need for me to be involved, but I do have to
be informed." He also made it clear that he's hurt, and raised the question of
whether the P's sending him a signal. If so, he'll go. I didn't really respond to
He made the point that if the P doesn't trust him, he can't do his work.
He was very clearly upset; he didn't buy my explanation regarding the cutting
across party lines and so forth. He very clearly resents K; he asked how many
meetings Henry had with Dobrynin and whether there were memos of conver-
sation. He claims he's fully posted Henry on everything that he's done, but is
not being posted by Henry. This is in direct opposition to what Henry says,
transpired. I then went back into the P's office and reported all of this to him,
after which he had Henry come in and we discussed it some more, particularly
the point of establishing the line. He said that I should make the point
strongly, that our line is that this is a Presidential initiative; that we will not
discuss the details of how it was accomplished, we won't let anyone describe
the process. We don't want any puffing because it was a mutual thing with the
Russians. The point is the P broke the deadlock and then it was implemented
at the appropriate levels in the government. If Bill's asked whether he was
involved he should say we won't disclose any details of the negotiation, but he
can say he was informed.
The P then had me go out and call Rogers. In the meantime, Rogers had
put a call in to the P, so I called Bill, filled him in on this, and then the P
returned his call and had a pretty good chat with him. Right after he hung up
the P heaved a deep sigh, looked out the window, and said it would be
goddamn easy to run this office if you didn't have to deal with people.
This afternoon the P had a meeting scheduled at 4:00 with Connally. Instead
of having him come over, he had me call at 3:45 and say that the P was going
to be tied up, but that he was sending someone else over to see Connally. Then
the P went over and surprised him in his office. He had me go with him and
sit which lasted about a hour and a half, and then the P spent
in the meeting,
a half hour wandering around the Treasury Building, meeting people and so
forth. By this time a crowd had built up outside, and he stopped and chatted
with them as he worked his way back across the street.
Connally and the P discussed the whole SALT thing, and were very
cheerful on the reaction to that. Then the P made the point that he wants
Connally to serve as the chief Administration spokesman on the economy, and
that he wants to delegate all of that responsibility to Connally. Connally made
a little speech about how he certainly didn't want to take on this task, and all
that sort of thing, but that it was certainly clear that the P should have one
single spokesman and that it had to be the Secretary of the Treasury, so he
modestly allowed as how he would take it on.
found out where it was. The P shot out and went over. Fortunately the Army
band was there; they played "Hail to the Chief," he came in, gave some
apparently very good remarks and left, scoring another pretty good hit.
The P continues in a kind of bouncy and detached mood, as he was
yesterday afternoon. I think basically in reaction, now that he's finally got the
SALT deal settled. Bebe arrived late this afternoon, and the P was bouncing
around touring him in offices, sort of like he was touring the Treasury and East
Wing offices yesterday.
would do us some good, and not worry about the squeals that it will bring
from the universities. He's afraid that he's been sucked into some things, such
as that and other educational expenditures, food stamps and other left-wing
proposals that he hasn't taken a close enough look at and he wants to be sure
we're not getting caught on any of these.
He Honor America Day. The Committee hasn't come up
talked about
with anything much in the way of a proposal except to do an outside show at
the Jefferson Monument, which the P definitely does not want to do because
of the demonstrator problem.
He got into some ideas on library plans, obviously arising out of the
Johnson visit. He said that LBJ had tried to amend the Congressional regula-
tions on USIA in order to permit their film to be used in Presidential libraries.
He hadn't gotten this done and he wants us to move on it right now on the
basis of Johnson. He's concerned about the plans for our library; he doesn't
want to create a monument like Johnson's. He's also worried about oral
histories, and has very much of a feeling that he does not want any oral
histories made.
He got into quite a bit of discussion on domestic-policy matters. He's very
much concerned about handling of the drug situation; wants the whole thing
taken out of HEW. He makes the point that they're all on drugs there anyway,
but he wants it handled in Justice. He also wants Finch and Rumsfeld to quit
emoting about the drug problem, which only builds it up. We should be talking
about our solutions, not about the enormity of the problem. He feels NET
(National Educational Television) is no good; the whole thing is a bad idea,
subsidized public broadcasting is wrong, even if we could influence it to cover
things in the right way. So I'm supposed to try to drop it over the edge and
see that it's not funded in some way.
He's also worried about the Peace Corps and thinks we're making some
mistakes there. He feels we're not using our power enough on these things.
That we should really look into this; put a tough guy on it who hates the
left-wing press and do something about it.
Mitchell, he feels, should get onto the YAF (Young Americans for Free-
dom) deal, they've now announced they're going to back Reagan for P. He
thinks Mitchell should move into that and straighten them back out because
we need the group enthusiasm of the right wing.
The P spent the afternoon out boating, and I guess he's going over to the
Key Biscayne Hotel for dinner. We'll be leaving tomorrow for the Alabama
it was security overkill, and did not like using it, preferring instead the
regular convertible, where he could sit or stand in the open.
We had already changed it and put him into the Secret Service follow-up
convertible, so that was no problem. We had great crowds in Memphis and
Birmingham, and the trip went extremely well. It should have had some pretty
substantial significance in terms of Southern strategy. George Wallace was
with us all day. Couldn't have been more friendly. Stayed right with the P, got
in every picture with him that he could.
Back in the mill in Washington. Actually he had a light schedule set for
today — the address to the Associated Council of the Arts. He made the point
earlier thismorning that he wants to put out a statement on marijuana that's
really strong, ashe said, one that tears the ass out of them. He also commented
on the question of why all the Jews seem to be the ones that are for liberalizing
the regulations on marijuana. He wants to find a way to hit hard, head-on,
dramatic, do it through Congress. As a follow-up on this, he has E and Krogh
(Egil "Bud" Krogh, a lawyer on the Domestic Council staff) going, and I think
they'll probably be coming up with something pretty good.
He had Henry in for a while this morning. He then delivered himself of
a whole series of fascinating Nixonisms as he discussed various international
matters with Henry. In talking about the problem with India invading Paki-
stan (a possibility, since tensions were high between the two countries), he said
that they have an old saying in their country that trust is like a thin thread:
once you break it, it's very hard to splice together again. He brought
this up
in the context of Laos, making the point that in we had broken our thin
thread with the American people as to the winding down of the war when we
moved into Laos, and that it's going to be very hard to put that together again.
He made the point to Henry that all wars are close, this was also in reference
to Laos and the question of, if we'd only hung on two weeks longer we would
have had a success there instead of the mess that we ended up with, but he said
to Henry, "You've got to realize that all wars are close. That nobody wins big
in any war. .
Then he got to talking about the fact that foreign policy was not doing us
any real good, although we had accomplished a lot of things, and he explained
that to Henry's country, the intellectuals and the social jet set, etc., we're doing
an outstanding job, but in what he referred to as "my country," that is, the
plain folks out in the middle of America, they don't know anything about what
you're doing on SALT and all these other things, they just want things to
simmer down and be quiet, and to them we have not accomplished very much.
Then he got to talking about election issues, and made the ironic point that of
all the major issues, the only one that is a sure thing for us is Vietnam. That
all the rest are in doubt, but we know precisely what we're going to do and
King Faisal's visit today. The P ended up approving a full-scale arrival cere-
mony, and that plus the meeting and then a luncheon, followed by a private
meeting with Secretary Rogers, not with Faisal, but Rogers and K to discuss
the China-UN situation, used up virtually the entire day until 4:00, at which
time the P met with E and Krogh to go over the narcotics situation, and then
added Elliot Richardson. The P had sort of a dull session, apparently, with
Faisal, who talked on and on at the arrival ceremony again in the meeting. The
P says he speaks perfect English but won't use it, so they had to go through
the interpreting business on the entire conversation, which really bogged it
The P got into a discussion of the general political situation the first thing this
morning. He wanted to track down whoever had done on Julie's
the attack
new teaching job to see whether there was a partisan source to it. That led him
to thinking that we should put permanent tails and coverage on Teddy and
Muskie and Hubert on all the personal stuff to cover the kinds of things that
they hit us on in '62; personal finances, family, and so forth.
Henry's all set for his trip this weekend, and is urging the P to give him
three weeks for a reply, which will still get one in before we go to Midway to
meet with Thieu on the 28th. The P emphasized that all foreign policy initia-
tives are going to have to be completed by July 1972 because after that there
will be a Democratic nominee and they'll insist that he be taken along on any
trips and brought in on any discussions. The ideal scenario still would be to
get the Vietnam thing settled this summer, have a Summit this fall, and wrap
up the first SALT agreement; announce a China visit and have it in March or
so of next year. Whether we can pull this off or not remains to be seen.
The P did his visit to West Point today, which went extremely well, and he
seemed to be very pleased with it, both during and afterward. He obviously
gets a tremendous kick out of chatting with the cadets and seeing the outstand-
ing caliber of young men that we have in groups such as this. It clearly gives
him a charge, and trips of this kind may be worthwhile for this reason only.
Before we left the White House, he had Henry in for a final discussion before
Henry's trip to Paris tomorrow, and called me in at the latter part of it, as he
sort of wandered around discussing the history of World War I, some of the
problems made then. He was pointing up the significance of the date March
21, which this year relates to Laos, but in 1918 related to (Erich) Ludendorffs
big offensive, which was considered a great German victory but which turned
out to be the turning point in the war and the principal German loss. He sees
Laos in the same possible perspective. It turned out that at the battle of March
21, 1918, the Germans lost more of their high command and senior officers
than the British did, and that result was a major setback for the German cause.
He also got into a discussion on MacArthur at the Yalu, and other specific
military strategy items. He clearly has been reading some military history, and
enjoys discussing that kind of thing with Henry.
On the way back on Air Force One we got into a discussion of our press
relations approach. I had reported to himthat (John) Scali (who was now
working with K on press)
had called in Dan Rather to bring him to task on
some factual errors he had made, and also had called in (Hugh) Sidey to blast
him for Time's coverage of the Acheson group meeting, which Time had
totally distorted. He questions whether Scali is doing the right thing. He makes
the point that Ziegler's been trying to do this on factual corrections for two
years and has gotten nowhere. We have to realize the press aren't interested in
factual accuracy, and also that if we straighten them out on the points of
factual matters, they'll hit us even worse on the judgment-type questions. His
theory is different from Scali's and others in that he believes the press and TV
don't change their attitude and approach unless you hurt them.
The P's staying at Camp David. Called first thing this morning to get a general
reaction to the news, which I couldn't do much on because I hadn't read the
papers yet. We did get excellent TV coverage last night and good press cover-
age today on the West Point appearance. The P makes the point that this
shows the advantage of doing something on a Saturday or Sunday, when the
news is normally light. He pointed out that he'd found out from Julie that
Davis had written a blistering letter to The Washington Post regarding their
attitude toward the Southern trip, and makes the point that we should develop
the idea of using a Cabinet officer or a congressman or someone else with a big
name to write letters of this kind as a part of our letter-writing program. The
celebrity letters of course will get a much better chance of being printed.
The P was at Camp David until about 2:00 and then returned to Washing-
ton, went right over to the OEB, and continued work on press-conference
preparation. He did call on the phone at midday from Camp David.
They are really leaning over backward to set up a meeting, and specifically
confirmed the meeting with Henry and want him to come practically immedi-
ately, which he of course can't do. He's going to have to hold it off for a month,
but it looks as if we have the ball rolling in that area, and he feels that will put
a lot of pressure on North Vietnam to settle with him when he meets with them
secretly at the end of June. So he's extremely optimistic that we may get all of
the settlements that we're working toward on all of our initiatives, and if we
do that we'll really be in great shape.
turned out he wanted to make a pitch for his going to Red China while he's
on his trip to the inauguration in Korea. It was almost unbelievable, because
he raised it in a way that made it awkward for the P to have to tell him that
he couldn't go, and then once told, he didn't give up.
Pat wanted to stay up there, apparently to get a little rest from the pressure of
wedding planning. We had quite a long talk about Connally and the Vice
Presidency, and he says he thinks it's time for me to sit down and have a frank,
confidential talk with Connally about the problem. See if he thinks it can be
pulled off. He feels Agnew doesn't really have it; he's not broad-gauged
enough. We just can't keep him working in the South because whatever he says
down there will play all over the country. Also, he's not upbeat; he doesn't give
anyone a lift. It all adds up to the P's convinced that he can't do the job, and
that will affect his ability to campaign. So I'm supposed to get into all this with
He TV thing again, which has been bugging him
also got into the public
and concerned that nothing's been done. His point is that it doesn't do
anything for us, that supporting NET can't help us in any way, and so we need
some action do something to get the thing unfinanced, and his point is that
the board doesn't make any difference, and even if we have appointed most of
the board members now, they don't have much to do with day-to-day opera-
P this morning got into a discussion of how we're going to have to make a shift,
Late in the afternoon he decided to take the Sequoia out for dinner to
avoid the pre-wedding dinner parties, and at the last minute had me ask
Connally and Rogers, and then he added E and Flanigan and me. At dinner,
Rogers leveled an incredible blast with some pretty strong language at the
whole Commerce Department. Saying that their personnel abroad were terri-
ble, but their whole setup was very bad. This sort of shocked everybody there,
P came into the office this morning to while away the time before the wedding.
In the early afternoon, he went over to the EOB and had some lunch, then after
a while he called me and said he wanted to go down to the press tent and see
what the setup was before the wedding.
During the morning, he kept looking out to see if it was going to rain,
because that was the big problem with the question of having the wedding
outside. He felt very strongly that it should be outside, and finally, by noon,
when they were about to make the decision to move it inside because it was
raining a little bit and looked like it was going to rain some more. Then, at my
suggestion, he called Tricia and talked for a little while and bolstered her up
because she wanted to keep it outside also, although Julie and Pat and every-
body else was urging that they move it in. On that basis, they made the decision
to go outside, and it was a good decision, even though it was touch-and-go for
quite a while because it did rain on and off and the guests did get a little wet.
Anyway, from the EOB he called and said that he wanted to go down to
the press tent. Ziegler and I joined him and we walked down West Executive
into the Southwest Gate, across the drive, and down to the press tent. He did
a walking press interview all the way and they got a lot of pretty good personal
questions. The one where he got tangled up a bit was on the honeymoon. They
asked where they were going and he misunderstood the question and thought
they were asking if he was going, which he said he could tell them he wasn't
and they said no, we're asking where they're going, he said that wherever
they're going, I won't be there. Thus giving them a pretty good hint that it was
Camp David.
The actual seating of the guests had to be delayed for about 45 minutes
because of the rain. They held them in the South Hall. The P started getting
pretty nervous; he kept calling me from upstairs, saying to hurry up and get
it set up. Especially after the rain stopped, he didn't want them to waste time
pulling up the from the carpet or anything else, he just wanted
plastic covering
to get the chairs up and and the thing underway. As it turned
the guests seated
out, it worked out beautifully and the whole thing was a sensational success.
On the way out of the aisle, the P and Mrs. Nixon cut out from the regular
procession and went over to greet Mrs. Tkach, who was in a wheelchair and
is in extremely bad shape. It was a very touching moment. As Jo and I went
through the receiving line, Tricia made the point that it was Bob and Daddy
who stuck with us on doing it outside and worked the whole thing out, and
obviously she was very pleased that we had. The P distinguished himself during
the dancing period as he very graciously danced not only with Tricia, but then
with Pat, and then Lynda Robb and Julie, and I guess one or two others. He
looked like he was having a good time and did a superb job of it.
After the bridal couple left, the P and Mrs. Nixon went upstairs and he
called me up. He and Pat, Julie and Bebe, were in the West Hall, talking the
whole thing over, and the P asked me for a rundown on how it had all gone.
I gave him a very enthusiastic report. The P was in great spirits.
Julie wanted to watch the thing on TV, and the P said if you do, I'm going
to have to leave, but we persuaded him to look at it on TV, on the NBC special
which came on right at that time. He saw himself going down that aisle and
made the comment that, well at least I'm standing pretty straight. Obviously
the ladies in the family had been nagging him about standing up straight, and
he was pleased to see himself looking pretty good. The TV was great and he
realized it, so it was a good thing he did watch it, and I think that bucked him
up, too. All in all, the whole thing was a sensational day.
Kennedy and Johnson. He (Haig) feels that it will cause terrible problems
with the South Vietnamese government. The point is that it's criminally trai-
torous that the documents got to The New
York Times, and even more so that
the Times is printing them. The Times says they plan to print the whole series
of articles. The key now is for us to keep out of it and let the people that are
affected cut each other up on it.
The first suspect for the leakage was a former Defense Department em-
ployee who was then a Fellow at the Brookings Institution.
Just smoke Brookings out, using names, and demand that charges be
brought. He also wanted me to talk toHaig about the staff situation, particu-
larly with concern to the P's papers and how we're taking care of them.
he went for an injunction, got a temporary restraining order, and probably will
be able to get an injunction. After meeting with the P this afternoon, decided
to file criminal charges. So we're pretty much in the soup on the whole thing
now. The real problem is to try to establish clearly that the Administration's
interest here is in the violation of Top Secret classifications rather than in the
release of this particular material. The problem otherwise is that we're going
to be tied into it and get blamed for the same kind of deception that was
practiced by the Johnson Administration.
The P dictated a memo to me thismorning, issuing orders that there is to
be no contact and no interviews by any member of the White House staff with
The New York Times unless there is express permission from the P, which he
does not intend to grant. I called all the key staff members and covered them
on this, and interestingly enough, they all agreed that it was the right idea. He
also felt that we should launch an attack on the Times; that it was a reckless
disclosure of secrets and shocking breach of security. The other point that he
wanted us to emphasize was that this is a family quarrel of another Adminis-
tration, that they're washing their dirty linen in public and that we aren't going
to get into it, but we do believe in the security of secret documents and we'll
have to enforce that.
Diem. Part of which is covered in the files that the Times has, but part of it
isn't, and he thinks that we should get some of those in our possession.
First thing this morning, the P met with President (Leopold) Senghor of
At Key Biscayne. The P had me over this morning for three or four hours at
the Residence; he had the door open to his study so it was extremely hot. He
had his bathing suit on and a sport shirt and was smoking a cigar; I had on
my coat and tie. He had called me about 8:30 in the morning, talked for a few
moments on the phone, and then told me to come over. I hadn't even gotten
up yet, so ended up never having any breakfast. He got into a critique on the
Rochester trip, feeling that we had missed some things on the motorcade
operation, etc., and he had some ideas on kinds of things that he could do in
these towns when we're on the road that would make the trips more effective.
Another idea that concerned him was the stock market drop, for which he was
having trouble figuring the reason.
We now knew that the papers had been leaked by Daniel Ellsberg, a former
Pentagon aide who subsequently worked at the Rand Corporation.
Pentagon Papers, and the P worked out a deal whereby we will turn the Papers
over to Mansfield and Albert and they can figure out how to handle them. This
puts the heat completely on them. It fits in with E's strategy on the basis that
they will then have to hold hearings, etc., to follow up on this, which will be
an enormous problem for the Democrats to figure out how to cope with.
The P then, after leading Mansfield on, and finishing that up, indirectly
led him into the question of the Mansfield amendment yesterday calling for a
date certain to end the war in nine months, and the P gave him a basic
ultimatum regarding the harm that the Senate did. He rather happily described
this to K and me and E, who was there for it, in his office. He made the point
that we are in the middle of negotiations that started May 3 1 and we'll know
within a month whether the Senate action has ruined those negotiations. If so,
the P will have to go on to the people and explain that the reason for the
collapse was the action of the Senate and that Mansfield will have to take that
blame. He made the point to us that if we do get to the point where we have
to withdraw because the negotiations failed, he will do it with a total bombing
of the North to eliminate their capability of attacking, so in order to get out,
we escalate to accelerate our withdrawal.
Henry was in and out several times in the morning, as he was getting ready
to leave for London for his cover-up to his move on to Paris this weekend for
the negotiations. The P made the point to him that he's got to get it settled,
that from here on everything is based on the domestic political outlook and
he's got to realize that. He makes the point, too, that with the Mansfield
resolution, now maybe we have the excuse for flushing the whole deal. We had
to make that decision last year, either to stand up or to flush and we made the
decision to stand up, feeling that we'd never have the chance to decide it again.
But now we probably do have that chance, because of the Senate resolution,
and if the negotiations fail, that may be exactly what we will do.
On the release of the material, he made the point we won't compromise
codes and sources, but we are going to release other materials, and he wants
to have the Tribune start demanding papers.
Regarding the declassification of other papers, he's determined to do
everything we can to our advantage, on the assumption that we have only a
year to do it, for sure. He wants to move into World War II, Korea, the Cuban
Missile Crisis, the Bay of Pigs, and the murder of Trujillo. He wants me to set
it up to give someone free rein in these files and put a full team on it that's
absolutely trustworthy and get it all done within this next year. Also, now that
we have our man in the IRS, he wants to pull the Clark Clifford file and also
all the top supporters of the doves, the full list with a full field audit, and see
We took off at midday for the trip to Indiana, where the P did the dedication
ceremony for the plaque, or historical marker, commemorating his mother's
home. He gave an excellent little talk in the courthouse square, and the whole
thing came off extremely well as a bit of rural Americana. There was a big
crowd, very enthusiastic, heartland-type people. The principal of the school
was the emcee, the little girl who was the chairman of the Junior Historical
Society introduced the P, and at the end the band played "God Bless America"
while everybody sang together. Then the P followed through on his plan to
drive from there to Indianapolis, rather than taking the helicopter back. We
had given no advance notice and our subterfuge worked well. We had only the
press pool with us.
I rode in the car with the P. Unfortunately, it was hot as the dickens
and, with the glass top and sides of his car, it got hotter and hotter inside.
We kept looking for opportunities to stop on the unannounced route, and
finallyfound one in the form of a little local newspaper office, where they
had heard on the police radio ahead of time that we were driving in and had
whipped up a sign on wrapping paper saying welcome Mr. President and
Max. This referred to Max Friedersdorf of our staff, who was born in Jen-
nings County and was a friend of the editor of the paper. The P stopped
there and chatted with the newspaper staff for a little while. Then we drove
on and saw a bunch of old ladies standing on the road, stopped to talk to
them, and discovered they were from an old folks' home. There were quite a
few people along the way, as the word got out by radio that we were coming.
Overall, I think that it was well worthwhile doing it. But both the P and I
were dripping wet and really hot by the time we got to the hotel in In-
dianapolis. Fortunately there was time to take a shower and get cleaned up.
The Hovde dinner came out fine.
we have to change the VP's posture and attitudes and the P must give him
something to do in a very clear-cut way. If he's going to keep him he has to
use him, otherwise he's got to let him go. He is inclined to agree that he's more
likely to be a liability and that replacement would probably be
than an asset,
a good idea if it could be done without creating a stir. He wasn't aware of the
possibility of appointing a replacement, but seemed very much intrigued about
it when I raised it. He didn't express any thoughts as to who the replacement
considered it to be the greatest since the Civil War, as far as the overall effect
on the nation. We then got into some discussion of who goes to Peking.
Definitely, Rogers would. Then the P raised Mansfield and Scott, which both
Henry and I are very much opposed to. The P made the point that Henry
must get an agreement out of Chou En-lai that no Democrat is to go to
China before the P goes. The question was also raised as to how we post-
pone the UN date.
As the day went on, we got into a monumental flap between K and the
State Department as Henry discovered in The New York Times an article that
indicated that K would be going to Peking as the P's representative sometime
in '72. Henry's convinced that Rogers leaked this on purpose in an attempt to
try and stop Henry as the negotiator with the Chinese, and to try to break off
his relations with Dobrynin. The same story had a number of accurate reports
on changes in ambassadorial assignments, which Henry feels were just put in
to validate the other points.
The P told me to talk to Haig about keeping Henry calmed down, because
there's nothing we can do, we just have to play out the game. He also said to
order Ziegler to make the point that we have no comment on these speculative
The P met with his economic group: Connally, Shultz, Flanigan, Peter-
son, the Council of Economic Advisors, and Hodgson. (Stans was unable to
be there.) He really cut loose on them this morning. He sat all alone on his side
of the Cabinet table. The rest of them lined up on the VP's side. As he started
talking, a thunderstorm hit and there were loud claps of thunder outside.
etc., and that some of them had gone to the extreme of sending
memoranda in after the decision was made, but before it was
announced, giving the department's view on the decision. He said that
it's perfectly all right for them and others to do this, but the right way
Secret so it will get out in all the newspapers. He said that we cannot
have a debate in the press; it must be a debate inside because the P must
know all the views.
He made the point that the one who goes up or down on any of
these decisions is not you, it's the P. If it works, I'll give you credit; if it
Having said that, he got up abruptly and walked out of the room, leaving
them all pretty much gaping. He had Henry and me sit in as did E. Henry was
ecstatic afterward and made the comment, that was one of the great moments
process for making decisions so we can get the best possible advice
without being compromised by it being publicized. We are not talking
about history, we're talking about now. Down in the government are a
bunch of sons of bitches. Some of those that you've appointed may be
well-intentioned sons of bitches, but there's still a problem. There are
some in the Civil Service who are dedicated, but many who sit in the
meetings and debriefings, etc., are out to get us. This is true of all
leaks now, it will be too late later next year. In the economic field this is
Haldeman will be telling the White House staff all of this, right
down to the pipsqueaks. We've got a lot of little people who love to be
heroes. (Daniel) Ellsberg has gone out and said he's not guilty because
what he did, he did for the sake of the country. Hiss and the Rosenbergs
and those people all said the same thing. It's irrelevant which side
Ellsberg is on, we can't have the decision made regarding what is to be
released made by someone who doesn't have the responsibility. This
ruins an orderly government. I get a lot of advice on PR and personality
and how I've got to put on my nice-guy hat and dance at the White
House, so I did it, but let me make it clear that's not my nature. We're
going to go forward on Ellsberg and prosecute him.
The success or failure of the Administration depends on discipline.
Absolute frankness on advice around the table here, and I'll take the
responsibility, so don't hesitate, don't worry that you'll look bad, I
won't tell. You'll make the record if you look good. We want a strong
hard line regarding the decisions before they're made, or we can't
govern, especially regarding the budget, which will be tough. Put the
blame on the P, he said no, that you can't tell the press anything until
it's decided. The P has the right to advice without pressure, especially
pressure by leaks to bring press pressure. I want you to make this same
talk to your subordinates. Haldeman has the worst job that anybody
can have in the White House. I remember poor old Bedell Smith, who
had to carry out a lot of tough decisions for Eisenhower. In his later
years he started to drink a lot, probably to try and forget the things he
had to do in his early years. He was at my house one night and he
started to cry, and he said, "All my life I've just been Ike's prat boy,
doing his dirty work." Well, Haldeman is my prat boy he'll be down —
the throat of anyone here regarding leaks if they affect the national
interest. When he talks, it's me talking, and don't think it'll do you any
good to come and talk to me, because I'll be tougher than he is. That's
the way it's going to be.
Then he just got up and walked out, that was the end of the meeting. It
was pretty impressive, for all of them. I walked out right after he did. They
seemed to be very much impressed, so I think it had its effect.
maintain the principle of the security of government, and that we should not
give the papers out.
There's a general agreement that there is very definitely a conspiracy here,
on these papers, and Laird alluded to some intelligence they had that he didn't
get into detail on.
The P had his schedule free for the day except at midday with a bunch of
open-office-hour-type things and a luncheon. He was interested in the fol-
low-up on the conspiracy question. He wants to get Huston back on one
special line of inquiry. He had some points that he wanted Colson to follow
up on.
He had E and me in late this afternoon, making the point that there are
two phases to this. One, that E should handle the whole declassification and
protection of documents, dealing with the courts, etc., but the other is the
investigation and development of the conspiracy, which requires a dirty guy
31 3
to really go it. The committee can then call up the witnesses before
they're indicted and we can start hauling all those people in. This will require
great preparation, and a top staff man; depends on hard work, running
down everything. He thought that it was almost worth pulling E off the
domestic stuff and having him do it, because he really wants to get it done.
We had a flap with Rogers that Haig called me about. He had waited until
Henry was gone and then sent a memo in saying that he was going to send
Sisco back to the Middle East to try to bring Israel and Egypt together into
a settlement. Haig feels this would be disastrous, and asked that I help in trying
to cool it somehow. I talked to the P, he agreed that we should tell Rogers that
this has possibilities, but he's a little uneasy about moving now, so he wants
him to hold up until we can think it through. I told Haig to go ahead and
handle it that way with Rogers, which he's going to do.
The other big item of the day was the unemployment announcement
down to 5.6 from 6.2 last month, the biggest one-month drop in history, and
obviously a great story for us. Unfortunately, as usual, the Bureau of Labor
Statistics screwed it up and said that it wasn't really important because it was
due to a statistical quirk. This drove the P right up the wall tonight, and he
started hounding Colson on the phone every couple of minutes, demanding
that we get Goldstein fired, etc. Colson overreacted and started bouncing
around in the woodwork, getting action underway and finally got around to
calling me. In the meantime he had Shultz on a special airplane being brought
back down for a 7:30 meeting tomorrow morning to get things started so they
can give the P a plan at 8:00, when he says he'll be at his desk. I doubt that
he will, but he just might out of orneriness.
year-old vote, today. We had a group of 500 musical kids, singers and musi-
cians —The Young Americans —who are going to make a tour of Europe
starting tomorrow. They did a spectacular job. They were really enthusiastic
when P came into the East Room, and gave him a tremendous ovations.
Several of the girls crying, as they were so impressed with the whole occasion.
The whole group of 500 sang "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," and it was
really great. Unfortunately, as usual the TV gave us virtually no coverage, and
that got him stirred up later on this evening.
recuperate for a few days. Under this cover, he actually was flown to Peking
to meet with Chou En-lai. This ruse was employed to maintain total secrecy
regarding K's meeting with the Chinese.
The P felt very strongly that he would make the announcement on TV,
without any preliminary announcement, and the only notifications being to a
few of the key countries, and then only 15 minutes before air time. No press
briefings in advance, no Congressional notification. He decided that he wanted
Haig and me in with him when he told Rogers. He had me call Rogers at 10:15
and ask him to come over at 10:30.
The Rogers meeting really went very well in spite of the P's fear about the
whole thing. The P did a superb job of picking up from my earlier information
to Rogers, when I told him that there was something cooking in Pakistan, and
that (President of Pakistan) Yahya Khan had asked for a personal Presiden-
tial emissary to pick up a high-level message. The P then said Henry had
learned after he got there that they had shifted: rather than just delivering a
message to him, they wanted him to come to Peking for a meeting with Chou,
and that's what he's doing. Rogers took it all extremely well, and the P went
on to elaborate that this all was part of the planning for a visit. Rogers, of
course, would be going on the visit, as would Henry. We'd keep it at the lowest
possible level as far as numbers, and all this seemed to work out pretty well.
The P obviously is really cranked up about this whole Chinese thing, and
did go on and on talking about it. Rogers also was very positive and intrigued,
and I would say that the meeting accomplished everything that the P had
hoped for, and then some.
from time He made the point, too, that we don't want the Pentagon
to time.
Papers to we want to keep the contents of them built up, and keep that
die, that
story going because it's important to us. The other item for today was Har-
low's report on his conversations with the VP while they were on the trip.
Bryce says that he thinks there's a three-out-of-four chance that of his own
volition, the VP will withdraw from the ticket, probably in January or and
that he has some very lucrative outside offers that he'd like to take on, and
wants to take on the battle of the press from outside the government, so that
thing looks as if it's pretty much lined up.
Another day starting out early in the morning and ending around midday, as
we have all this week. worked out great because the P's pulled out some-
where around 1:00 each day, and as soon as he does, I take off to go back to
He made when Henry gets back, he'll be the mystery man
the point that
of the age, and whole thing if he has one word of backgrounder
he'll kill the
that we got the message all right, that they agreed on the time for making a
joint communique, that the meeting has been put off to spring of next year.
The was very dramatic in that Henry had met with him for seventeen
permanently break it off with him with Henry, but that he would go ahead and
do it anyway. I told him I didn't think it would, and that Henry would realize
that this was the right thing to do.
The Chinese visit was apparently a fascinating experience for Henry. They
put him directly in a government guest house when he arrived, they told him
to rest, and then the top people with whom he conferred, Chou En-lai, the
set up pretty much the way we want it. It's pretty clear that the Chinese want
feeling of the group was that the North Vietnamese, when they find out about
this, will undoubtedly be pushed even more strongly toward working out some
negotiation with us, and so that enhances the hope that something will develop
After I got home this afternoon, the P called and raised the point that
maybe would be a good idea to take Henry out for dinner tonight. Let him
unwind a little. I stalled him and checked with Haig, who was already planning
to take Henry out just to block his evening; felt he was dead on his feet and
would just want to go for a quick dinner and then get to bed. So I called the
P back and he agreed. The P also made the point that K was obsessed with
doing something with the press. My own view is that we should avoid the
backgrounder with Henry. I agree with Rogers on this, but that's going to be
hard to do because Henry really is determined to do it. He obviously did a
superb job, and feels he did, and is really ecstatic about it; he thinks we've
come off quite well.
Rogers really reacted extremely well, didn't raise any objection except to
the idea of Henry backgrounding, and was most gracious in congratulating
Henry on the work that he had done, both on China and on Vietnam. So I
think that we're over that hurdle, although the P was very worried about it,
up until this morning.
The day of the big speech (that the P would be going to Peking). The P was
in good spirits and completely relaxed during the day. We got into quite a little
discussion on plans for the speech. He's not going to release an advance text,
and we didn't inform anybody, including Ziegler or anyone else, of what the
content of the speech was going to be, until we got to the TV studio.
We got into some of the problems Rogers pointed out, that we're going
to appear to be letting our friends down and they will object. Also, the liberals,
on the other side, will make the "Tricky Dick" claim and will complain that
there was no consultation with Congress, and do everything they can to scuttle
it, so we have a delicate path to tread right down the middle. Rogers urged that
we have to make clear what we didn't do. That no agreements were reached,
we have no secret deals, no promises, no concessions. We have to reassure
them of that, and assure Congress that we will cooperate with them in making
the plans. Bill's concerned because he'll be called to testify and wants to be able
already covered in some detail. The main highlight of the evening for the P was
a long lecture on wine selection that he gave to Scali as he ordered up a
magnum of Lafitte Rothschild 1961, which turned out to cost $250.
Even with the preparation this afternoon for the speech and all that he
had on his mind, the P called me from his house to say that he'd been reading
the San Diego paper and saw all the discussion about the convention site and
felt that we were missing a bet by not making a big thing out of the announce-
ment of the San Diego selection and thought we should do something about
The other big thing this afternoon was a call I had from Connally, who
was furious because he had been told that we had hired a new Treasurer of the
United States and that this had been done without consulting him. This got
Connally extremely upset and he said that as a result of this and other things,
he was going to check out. In other words, resign. He wanted to talk to me
about it, but that he was fed up with this whole thing. I called him later from
the studio to try and simmer the thing down after I had checked it out, and
gave him the story on what had happened, but he didn't buy it. He said that
he just wasn't going to tolerate this kind of thing, that obviously it's forecast-
ing what's to come. At his press conference this morning a reporter said to him
that he had word from the White House that Connally was forced to have the
press conference. He was not a peon and was not going to function as a slave
to the White House staff, and that he knows he's got a problem when Rogers
is out here knifing him with the P, referring to him as a "gunboat diplomat,"
etc. There wasn't much I could do about it today, and I did not tell the P and
The main focus today was on the aftermath of the speech and a follow-up on
the Connally flap. The P had some follow-up things. The response to the
speech was surprisingly favorable from all quarters, even the conservatives,
and this leads the P to want a poll this weekend.
We got into the Connally thing a number of times. He had me call
Connally and try to settle it, which I was not successful in doing, and we ended
up getting back to the point that the P would have to talk with him. Connally
requested 30 minutes with him on Monday. At the P's request, I asked Con-
nally to come out here and talk over the weekend, but he didn't want to do it,
so we left it that we'd meet on Monday, and the P's now decided that he wants
to take Connally and me to dinner on the Sequoia and put it to him regarding
the Vice Presidency, making the point that we made a big play on China and
now we're going to make another big play. If we can't work that out, then we'll
go for Secretary of State, as was discussed earlier.
Still at San Clemente. The P was in for the morning, mainly reviewing the
China announcement, going over some follow-up plans. He got into some
changes in the schedule plan, as he realized that he was really pretty tired as
a result of the tension of all of this, and that he hadn't had a vacation out here,
even though he had taken most of the afternoons off. I made the case that he
had built himself in his position up to a point now where it seemed to me he
would be perfectly justified and would have no problem in announcing a
two-week vacation and actually taking off in San Clemente for two full weeks
in the latter part of August. He agreed with this, so we'll go ahead and schedule
on that basis.
We also got into Bill Rogers' reaction. He felt the whole story on the
China thing had played very well, but he said he wanted some time with the
P to be sure that what he says and does is correct. He's especially concerned
about how to handle the representation question in the United Nations. Needs
to decide whether the P wants to make a maximum effort to save the Taiwan
seat, and it's ticklish as to whether we really try this or whether we just go
through the motions. If we fight, we may still lose, but if we appear to fold, the
conservatives will hit us.
In terms of general commentary regarding the wholeChina thing, P made
several wide-ranging observations. One thing, he was commenting on how
stupid the Birchers are in attacking us on this, because they should see this in
terms of a matter against the Russians and be delighted with it. The point to
make what would have happened if we hadn't done this? We'd be collapsing
P.Then we got to talking about Yahya's cooperation in this whole thing with
Henry, particularly how funny it was that Yahya made such a point at the
luncheon in Islamabad of making a fuss over Henry's so-called stomachache,
and in effect ordering him mountain retreat, saying he would send his
to the
Deputy Foreign Minister keep him company, and so on, making a big
public fuss out of Henry's indisposition so it would be reported as such and
give Henry the cover he was seeking.
He commented at some length with Henry as to the strain that he'd been
through on this. You don't realize how much tension you're under in trying
to keep a secret of this magnitude. He also commented that the thesis that the
right wing has, that there should be no contact with the Communists, is
absolutely wrong. The P has always was wrong. He's always favored
felt that
the need to talk. Talked about the pressure for a press conference
and decided
that, while he could refuse to discuss the Vietnam negotiations and the sub-
stance of China, he was better off not to even try one before the 26th, when
Henry goes back for his next secret meeting in Paris with Le Due Tho.
did know. Even then, we were worried because we might talk in our sleep. You
must exert discipline over your people. They'll be sucking around everybody
in the government. Any little blip can be disastrous. We have not established
trust and confidence yet. The Chinese must feel that they can talk in secrecy.
Laird said we've got to maintain the other pillars of the Nixon doctrine. He's
concerned that some will read in this the wrong points regarding the need for
preparedness and a strong national security position. We must not have nego-
tiation as the only pillar. The P said this is the beginning of a dialogue, and it
does not change the power position in the world; we must maintain our defense
These talks will take place, but nothing's changed regarding the need for
defense. We will change only when the situation changes, but the Chinese are
very sensitive to tone, nuance, and timing. We have to avoid building up great
The P also came into the staff meeting and practically drove Henry nuts
because he said he was only going to stay in for a minute and a half, and he
stayed for twenty minutes, giving his opening remarks. During the process of
which, Henry got more and more nervous, and finally broke his pencil, he was
so distressed. The P's key point was that this whole thing is in our vital interest
and in China's, and those vital interests may in some areas coincide, but we are
both consulting our own vital interests.
The Connally flap, I guess, was settled today; the P had a two-hour talk
with him over at the EOB. Called me afterward, said he had a good talk, that
he took him on the mountaintop, by which he meant he talked to him about
the Vice Presidency. Turns out that another incident was rubbing Connally,
which was the hiring of a secretary. Connally told P he had total confidence
in E and total confidence in me. Said this thing just kind of built up, that he
had no complaint at all regarding me. They did get into the VP thing.
The P said there's nothing I should do to follow up now, but sometime
I should give him a call, tell him the P filled me in on their meeting, and if there
are any more picayunish things, he should call me. It was emphasized that any
problems he has substantively on domestic policy, he should talk to E, any
other problems he should at all times talk to me.
Then he had Dole and Timmons in. Dole going through the motions of
getting his views on the convention site. The P immediately opened the meeting
by saying any of the three sites you have in mind is acceptable to me, and the
line you should use in going out to the press is to say we discussed this, that
the P left it up to the Committee to decide. He really does feel it's up to the
Committee. On that basis, Dole says the decision will be San Diego, although
he thinks the Committee really would prefer Miami.
This afternoon, after a session with K, the P had E and me over for a talk,
and made the point that he had decided to have E go with K and Bruce on the
September trip to China to handle the advancing. I didn't say anything at the
time, but when Henry came in and joined the meeting later, the P raised the
same point again. Henry was clearly shook by it. I too think it's a very bad
idea, but E is dying to go to China, and this is the one way he can get in on
the act, and he maneuvered it with the P this morning. Later this evening Haig
raised the question with Larry, and said K was absolutely furious about the
idea. We can't have a substantive person going over to meet with them, and
I think Henry will probably scuttle it, which is just as well.
The other problem on the China trip is that we're probably going to have
to take some Democratic visits to China before the P gets there. The Chinese
notified Henry today that it was very difficult for them to withhold permission
have been doing, now that our visit
to visit, for other political people, as they
is arranged. I argued strongly that we should still try to talk them out of it on
the grounds that they could welcome those people after the P's visit. The P, I
think, is resigned to the fact that we're going to have to let them do it, but he's
pushing hard to at least hold Mao in reserve and not have them meet with him.
The P made the point that the Chinese have to have this trip, they initiated
it. We need to maintain our bargaining position, and we don't want to do
anything that cuts that down.
Made the point that we should change the name of Air Force One,
immediately, to "Spirit of '76" so that it's done before the trip. Then K came
in and the P raised with him the point of whether we ought to consider doing
the Russian Summit first, and Henry definitely says no. Instead, we should
plan on Russia in the spring, but announce it before we go to Peking; this is
the way he's put it to the Russians, and he wants to hang tight on that.
K reported on his interview with Sidey, and said Sidey was very much
with us all the way, but made the point that his editors are absolutely beside
themselves, that it's driving them wild to think that Nixon is the one to do this,
and they just think it's terrible, which is an interesting insight into Time/ Life.
Before he had come in, and again after he left, we had quite a discussion
on the VP thing. The P seeking John's and my views on what the situation is
and how to deal with it. His feeling is that the Democrats need an issue, now
that we've taken foreign policy away from them, and so they'll zero in on the
economy as the substantive issue, and the VP is the way of cutting us. Also he
got into quite a long talk about the question of succession. Making the point
that he may not live through even this term, let alone a second term, because
do to get him out, and we concluded that it's impossible for him to announce,
such as in January as he apparently is willing to do according to Harlow, that
he will not run, because that would open a horrible battle for the nomination.
Also, Agnew himself would be immediately dead once he does that.
The P then got around to raising the Connally question with E and made
the point that the only one we could put on the ticket is Connally; we couldn't
afford a battle, because out of that, Reagan would clearly come up with the
nomination, which would be disastrous. Conclusion then is if Agnew is not
going to be on the ticket, he must get off by resignation. Given that, the sooner
he resigns, the better.
Then the P told E and me that we were on the VP
to talk to Connally
problem. The P wants to stay one step away from call Con-
it, but I should
nally, ask him for a couple of hours of free time for John and me, and then we
should just sit down and talk the problem through, see if he's got any ideas on
how to approach it.
tions, and so on. He says we have to find a way to do big things but without
raising taxes, and this might be the way to do it. The P raised the point that
Connally has a theory that it's good to have an enemy, and that one of the best
we could have now is John Kenneth Galbraith, who has come out yesterday
in favor of permanent government controls on the economy. The P feels that
we should have a concerted effort to blast him, as the economic spokesman for
the liberal wing of the Democratic Party, their chief guru. By hitting this, we
can turn the control argument our way. In other words, he feels we can win
this debate if we scare them enough on it.
The P added a sort of a long philosophical thing, then, making the point
that the ordinary working guy makes up two-thirds of the people in this
country who never went to college. In this period of our history, the leaders
and the educated class are decadent. Whenever you ask for patriotic support,
they all run away: the college types, the professors, the elite, etc. So he con-
cludes the more a person is educated, he becomes brighter in the head and
weaker in the spine. When you have to call on the nation to be strong on such
things as drugs, crime, defense, our basic national position, the educated
people and the leader class no longer has any character and you can't count
on them. We can only turn for support to the noneducated people.
He says look at Meany, Fitzsimmons, and Brennan. They're short-
sighted, partisan, hate Nixon politically, but they represent the constituency
of uneducated people which, plus the farm heartland, are all that's left of the
character of this nation. He's concerned whether the country really has the
character to do what really has to be done. He cited his meetings with the
group of college presidents, the new managerial business class, the science
advisory group, who have absolutely no character or guts. They're all per-
missive, with no character. The nation's editors and reporters have no spine
or guts left, so where do you go?
If you don't communicate with the labor leaders, they can go to the
masses, the rank and file of labor, and say we don't care. So we've got to
communicate with them. Plus they are men, not softies. So we have to find a
way, intelligently, to fight them where they're wrong. Go over their heads when
it's necessary, to their troops. He feels the country is in a great moral crisis, a
crisis of character, and we won't get leadership from our class. When we need
support on tough problems, the uneducated are the ones that are with us. So
it was generally agreed that we must maintain an open public communication,
regardless of how the labor leaders kick the Administration. There are many
ways to get the working people with us. Jobs is the main one, but the racial
issue and a lot of others can also be used. The P feels the Democrats will now
have to nominate an ultraliberal, that there's no way they can avoid it. They
will have trouble pulling labor in behind them, and that's our chance.
He then ended the meeting, all of that took about two hours, asked
Connally and me to stay behind. He raised directly the VP question, asked me
to report to Connally on my talk with Harlow about the VP's three-out-of-
four-chance evaluation that he will not run for reelection. We all agreed, as the
P and I had yesterday, that if he's not going to go for reelection, he's got to
resign now and let P appoint somebody. The P then made the major pitch
again for the fact that somebody has to be Connally; he's the only man who
can be P. The appointment has to be made on the consideration of the man
may very well become P. Connally emphasized, as he said he had with the P
two days ago, that he had no ambition for the job; he then went on to say that,
as a matter of fact, he wasn't at all sure he could stand being VP, that it seemed
like a very useless job, and he was much better off as a Cabinet officer. The P
jumped on that, emphasized that depended totally on who the VP was and
how he worked with the P. With the two of them and the relationship they
have, the VP could be an extremely meaningful job, much more so than it's
ever been in history. He would use him as an alternate P, and I'm convinced
he really means that.
He didn't try to push Connally into any kind of decision, in fact very
carefully avoided pushing him at all, but obviously is giving him a pretty good
shove in the right direction. It was in its way quite an historic meeting, and it
will be fascinating to see what comes of it. It's clear that Connally feels
strongly that Agnew does have to go, and he doesn't have any suggestions as
to who would be a replacement for him other than himself. He'll have a pretty
strong hand to deal from now, and it may be very difficult to work with him,
but it will be interesting to see.
The main today was the budget meeting process. I'm missing my notes
right now on morning meeting; I'll add those later on this tape, so they'll
have to be picked up. They're quite detailed and important. I'll go on to the
period after that.
Before the afternoon meeting, I reviewed with the P a new Elmo Roper
poll, which shows that 64 percent of the people feel that things in this country
have seriously gotten off on the wrong track, and only 23 percent feel they're
going in the right direction. In asking what they feel the causes of the problems
in the country today are, 47 percent say drugs, 40 percent Vietnam, 33 percent
racial tensions, 3 1 percent people forgetting the golden rule, 30 percent the lack
of strong leadership, 27 percent the economic situation. It's kind of interesting
the way those stack up. The P was very intrigued by this, and came back to
it a couple of times later in the day. He feels that the reason for this result is
quite simple: that people are discouraged about the war, that they're mainly
discouraged about the kids. Also, there's been an unmerciful beating by minis-
ters, teachers, media, and leaders in general, saying that everything's going to
This is the basis of our Presidential approval problem. The country can't
approve of a president if they think things are bad. So there needs to be an
Administration offensive on what's right about America.
Some of our successes such as China, Vietnam, etc., should have an
enormous effect in this direction. Problem here is that if people are not satis-
fied, they will vote for a change in the Administration. have to hang We
Congress for the status quo, blame them for the way things are and not us.
Make the point that for the first time in forty years we'll have peace and jobs.
Then, after the budget meeting, he got into some follow-up on some of the
items he had covered in the morning meeting. He sums up the basic budget
thing by saying we've got to come in with, first of all, a lower budget; second,
a tax reform with a little reduction in taxes included; and, third, a 10 percent
cut in Federal employees. If we can develop that combination, we'll be in good
shape. He told me to get to E and have him work out a recommendation for
on busing that will enable him to take direct action a constitu-
legislation —
tionalamendment, an executive order, or a law, and he wanted to get the
whole PR group in to push on "the man you can trust with world leadership"
For the afternoon budget meeting the basic subject was domestic-policy
budget, and the presentation was by E and his people. The P started by saying
he wanted them to reexamine all pollution bills in terms of their current
economic effect and put the brakes on where we can. On water pollution, he
told them to prepare a veto message if it's over $6 billion —
he'll veto it. Also,
The P said we have done great things, and we have great things to do.
We've got to make the point on peace and prosperity. We haven't had this,
without a war, for forty years. The country needs a purpose. Maybe we have
to demagogue it. We've been program-oriented, now we need to be purpose-
E said we should relate all this to a keynote such as new direction. The war
is programs haven't worked. We need some new directions in this
over, the old
country. The P made a very key point: that the liberals have let the country
down, something that we can develop. The old liberals used to be for things
and move positively. The new liberals are totally negative and against every-
That's the end of the notes on the budget meeting. Obviously it was quite
a session, it went on quite a long time, I think a little over three hours.
The big stir this morning before the tax meeting was reaction to a story in The
New York Times yesterday that was based on a leaked memo regarding SALT.
The P had called E early this morning to really stir things up, told him to line
up everybody that had access to the memo and get them polygraphed before
the weekend was out. Cancel all their tennis games and trips to Bermuda and
order them all back in, line 'em up and run 'em through the lie detector. He
also got into quite a stir about some Porter leak that Henry mentioned to him,
or a leak about Porter's appointment to Paris, but in checking out I found that
wasn't really a valid one to be stirred up about. Brought Bud Krogh in on the
whole thing, and after some discussion, managed to simmer it down because
it turns out the Defense has a prime suspect on the case and will move on him
and then widen it as necessary, rather than going on a broadside attack. Poor
Al Haig was practically beside himself, afraid we were going to go ahead on
the original basis. Apparently they had some real flaps in Defense in the old
days about lie detectors, and Haig was determined to try and save us from a
The P also was pushing hard to use the polygraph ruthlessly, also to set
up a system so that everybody who has access to the secret documents sign an
agreement ahead of time that they will take a polygraph test. He wants to move
immediately on this with State and Defense and NSC. Go to all the people, and
make the point that if any document which has been in my possession is
it. E says that since we have this logjam, there's nothing he can do but go
around Henry to the other people. At this point Henry blew and said as long
as he's here, nobody's going to go around him, and he is not going to permit
anybody to sign off for him on these things. E got a little more rough on him,
and that resulted in Henry saying E couldn't talk to him that way, and getting
up and stalking out of the meeting. I tried to stop him on the basis that walking
out wasn't going to accomplish anything either, but it was too late for that.
I talked to Henry later in the day yesterday, and told him I felt both he
and John had been wrong, and that we did have to work this out. He didn't
back off very much. Again, this morning we got into it a little, but Henry's now
on his way to Paris for another one of the secret meetings, so there isn't much
opportunity to get it worked out now. The problem still exists. I think a chunk
of it, from E's viewpoint at least, results from irritation on his part towards
Henry for being knocked off the China trip, which John feels is completely
notes for the morning of the 23rd, and I'll add those
walked in late,
in here. I
and at the time I came in, the P was doing quite a powerful lecture on the point
that K has to really cut the Defense budget, but in the right ways. Leveled some
violent blasts at officers' clubs, Air Force excesses, and so forth. He told Henry
to take thirty days and really shake the trees.
On a general basis, the P said never has a country spent more for less on
defense than does America. Then he got to intelligence, said we've got to take
the same approach there, the CIA tells me nothing I don't read three days
earlier in The New York Times. Intelligence is a sacred cow, we've done
nothing since we've been here about it. The CIA isn't worth a damn. We have
to get out the symbolism, so a 25 percent across-the-board, get rid of the
disloyal types. Then he told Weinberger to cut the AEC (Atomic Energy
Commission) 25 percent in personnel, let the scientists go back to MIT and
steal documents. K committed for an NSC meeting in mid-August, on the
basis that they've got to hear this from the P. The P then turned to Connally
and enlisted his help on all this, too. He then defined intelligence on how to
spend $5 billion and learn nothing.
He wants a story that we're cutting 10 percent of the government person-
nel, that people will understand. So cut all civilian agencies 10 percent, Defense
5 percent, in such a way that we can announce it. Wants an example set at the
White House. As Cap Weinberger was jotting all these down on a pad, he said
in an aside to me, "This is the pleasantest morning I've had in years."
The P, in referring to the 25 percent cut in Intelligence, said it won't save
a lot of money, but it will do a hell of a lot for my morale. That was the general
thrust of that session. It shook them up quite a good deal.
Started at Camp David this morning. The P called me over at noon for a
session at Aspen. He had read a report from the Michigan Survey Research
about the need to develop a schedule for radio talks because he wants to get
going on that as one of his activist areas.
K got back last night from Paris and filled me in this morning on his
meetings there. He had apparently a pretty good negotiating session with
the Vietnamese, and they're in agreement now on eight of the nine points.
The ninth point is that they insist that we agree to overthrow the Thieu
government; Henry will not accept, and told them there is probably no
need for any further meetings. Le Due Tho said there definitely was, that
they would come back in four weeks with a new proposal for a political
solution. Henry said he couldn't wait four weeks, it would have to be in
two, they settled on a compromise of three, so he goes back again. He also
met with his Chinese contact. They now are stalling a little bit, want to put
off Henry's next trip until late October because of their early October Inde-
pendence Day celebrations, their national holiday celebrations, which they'll
be preparing for in the latter part of September. Could be a stall, but prob-
ably isn't.
increase. This got Arthur pretty upset, as it was intended that it would, and
he's now trying to find out ways to get in and around the problem for him-
The VP returned from his 32-day around-the-world tour. The P asked Bill
Rogers and some of the Cabinet people to meet him at the airport. Rogers rode
in with him, the P met with him for about an hour at the White House, with
a photo on arrival, as being the best way to do it. After the meeting the P was
pretty discouraged because apparently he had to spend most of the time
bucking the VP up because of his distress about his press coverage, which of
course he had brought upon himself.
We had a stir today also because the conservative group, Bill Buckley
and his troops, plus the other Human Events types, met on Monday and
decided to issue a statement of nonsupport of the P, which they did today.
We had some discussion as to how to deal with that. The P is not too con-
cerned, although he wants answers communicated to them, but he makes the
point that we don't need to worry too much about the right-wing nuts on
this, we do need to be concerned about Buckley getting off the reservation,
The P was loaded this morning because we crammed a full day's schedule into
the morning so he'd have the afternoon clear to work on his speeches for the
weekend. He started his appointment schedule at 9:00 and went solidly
through until darn near 2:00 without a break. I had no contact with him at that
time. I did see him for a few minutes early in the morning to clear up a few odds
and ends that he had from last night and again late this afternoon. After the
schedule period he went over to the EOB and holed up for the afternoon to
work on the speeches.
Chotiner in to see him this morning, as a result of sending a letter in
saying he had to see the P personally. It was to report on the VP. Appar-
ently Chotiner had been in Spain at the same time the VP was, and Agnew
had pulled him aside and unloaded his troubles to him. He had launched
into a tirade on the Domestic Council and E, and complained that they
don't give him anything to do, and no responsibility, they don't ask for his
advice, and pay no attention to him. Said he was annoyed by low-level peo-
ple calling him. The clerks call and tell him to do things. Murray said the
VP was really uptight, that creates a problem for us because we can't have
him get into a huff and go off on that basis, so P wants me to talk to
Mitchell and see if we can't work out some way of handling it. Also he
thinks Mitchell and I should talk to Chotiner. The P asked Murray why he
hadn't brought this up with Mitchell to begin with, and Murray said Mitch-
Nixon's secretary,
on Inauguration
Day, 1969.
1 *
MB r
With Henry
Kissinger aboard Air
Force One.
Everyone close to
the President was
assigned code
names by the Secret
Service. Here is
Wisdom (John
Ehrlichman), Wood
Cutter (Kissinger)
and Welcome (the
The author, with his ever-reac
camera, filming a Presidential
motorcade. Besides a written
record of the Administration,
ir also kept an extensivi
filmed record.
T -
1« ^^^^
\ \ '
B^ -
Chou En-lai;
Rogers and
in the
V flf
The day of the
Papers leak with
aboard the
yacht, Sequoia.
Alexander Butterfield
and Dwight Chapin at
the South Portico of
the White House.
Attorney General
John Mitchell
with his wife,
/ >
'* i
his post-White
House years.
The author
and his wife,
Jo, with their
at home.
- !
r Mm
ell cut him off, and so I'm supposed to get that straightened out too. So the
problems never end.
his remarks at the dinner, tying football and Chief Newman into the point that
America needs to be number one, and that the way to be a good loser is to hate
to lose and come back again to win. We had a big crowd at the airport, and
unbelievable crowds along the streets all the way into Canton, and even all the
way out and off to the motel in Akron, at 11:30 at night. There is obviously
a strong groundswell of support there, because this was not a generated crowd
by any means; it was people who were out to see the P on their own initiative.
The P was very pleased with it, and feels we've really got something going in
the heartland as a result of it.
As we pulled up to the hotel, there was a Vietcong flag in the crowd across
the street. The P said to get it down. Denny Shaw and a couple of the other
Secret Service guys went over and got it, and then came back to the hotel, came
in and chatted with the P for a minute, told them how they'd done it, etc.
We spent last night in Canton. This morning the P had me talk to Hodgson
to get an update on the steel strike and the rail strike. Guys have been
negotiating all night on both and still don't have settlements, and Hodgson
seemed pretty discouraged. Thinks there's a real possibility of failure and
definitely does not want the P to get involved, so we hang tight on those for
now at least.
We went on up to Camp David after returning from Iowa, and I did
another check on the strike situation, and it appears that we're still in a
problem. The P talked to Hodgson just as we landed at the airport. He says
the problem is still very difficult and problematical and he still doesn't want
Presidential involvement. Then late tonight Shultz called at Camp David and
said he wanted to wake the P up because we had to make a basic Presidential
decision on the steel deal. The negotiators were 1 percent or 1 Vx percent apart,
and Abel says he's as low as he'll go. The companies said to Hodgson, "Do
you want us to give in?" They're trying to trap us into telling them to. We then
were in the position of having to decide whether to go along with the settle-
ment or not, and Shultz felt that we should but felt that the P should make the
final decision on it, that we now have a chance to get a settlement, so we'll take
a stab at it.
around with papers trying to get the fireplace to draw. Kind of incongruous
in August in Washington.
He got to talking about scheduling a little bit, made the point that I've got
busing. The P said we should take the initiative. He thinks that we may have
something so fundamental that we have to have a constitutional amendment.
He agreed with John that we could hold this until next September or put it in
the Republican platform in August.
He had a long session with Connally. The net of this is a huge economic
breakthrough based on the international monetary situation which would
provide for closing the gold window, a floating of the dollar, a wage and price
freeze for six months in the United States, a reinstitution of the 7 percent
investment tax credit, and the imposition of a 10 percent import tax quota.
These, Connally feels, would be self-balancing measures to control the econ-
omy, both the inflationary side and on the import side, as well as to meet the
international monetary situation, and get us away from being the victims of
the foreign governments that are arbitrarily floating their currency and leaving
us hanging.
This becomes a rather momentous decision, and it will be interesting to
see what develops. Mitchell appears to be basically in favor of it, and Connally
is pushing hard for it. Shultz will put some brakes on, but I'm not sure he'll
be able to be effective.
under any questions on that. The next several questions were on the China trip,
and that led into the Soviet-Chinese question and SALT. From there to a
couple of questions on Vietnam, and then they got into the economy, and the
final eight questions were on the economy. He was prepared for questions on
Agnew and his trip, the conservative revolt, and the whole busing problem,
especially in Texas, but didn't get any on any of these.
He drove Henry right up the wall when he said that he and Gromyko had
discussed the possibility of a Summit, and had agreed that it would be useful
only when there was something substantive to discuss. At this point Henry
practically panicked, and a few minutes later left the room. I found out later
that it was to call Dobrynin and tell him of this, and explain that the P was
saying it only to put the Russian visit in proper perspective versus the Chinese
visit.Problem was that the contents of the Gromyko talk have up until now
been secret, and it was agreed with Gromyko that they would be. Henry was
also terribly disturbed because the P, on the Vietnam question, got into the
point that we are very actively pursuing negotiations on Vietnam in established
channels and that the record, when it comes out, will answer the critics. He
really slammed them pretty hard on this, and it obviously tipped the press off
to the possibility that there was something going on in the way of secret
negotiations. Henry feels this is going to undercut his Paris project very seri-
P started out with a busy morning, prior to leaving on the weekend trip. He
had breakfast with Speaker Albert, then came into the office and made a few
minor schedule changes. Then went over to greet the Girls Nation group in the
State Dining Room. He did a superb job with them, speaking on the role of
women in government, and so forth, but then emphasizing that the real role
of women is as wives and mothers, and he gave a very eloquent pitch for
considering the importance of that role too, as contrasted to women's lib.
We left at about noon for the trip to New Hampshire and Maine. The P
got a spectacularly good reception in Manchester, NH, in spite of the fact that
Loeb Manchester Guardian) had written an anti-Nixon edito-
{publisher of the
rial in The motorcade from Manchester airport to
the paper this morning.
Nashua was spectacular, with people crowded on the road all the way. Good
tour of the nursing home, and the P did a superb job afterward in his remarks
on the importance of nurses. Then on to Bangor, where we had another great
reception, crowd at the airport. We choppered off to Minot Island for the
royally. We reviewed the reaction to yesterday. He felt that it had been ex-
tremely successful, and that led him into thinking about other trip kinds of
things that we might do.
Then he launched into a long general chat. He obviously had not had
anything specific in mind that he wanted to cover, so he rambled around a bit,
got to the end of his rope, and said that was about it. We did cover some
domestic policy items. He wants to shift more to a conservative stance. For
instance, Maury Stans has told him that there's $5 to $6 billion of private
industry investment that's being held up because of the environmental restric-
tions we've put on. P wants an objective look taken at it. His point is that we
need to look at things from a conservative standpoint.
That talk lasted about an hour and a half, and that was the end of it for
the day. The P spent the rest of the day just loafing on Minot Island, appar-
ently, and everyone had another lobster dinner tonight.
the media study that's coming out in September and had all kinds of ideas on
how we should be following up on that.
We talked a little about the plans for attending the opening of the
Kennedy Center, and he bought my idea of going a second night, not attending
the main concert and letting the Kennedys take the glory there. He got back
on the writers again, still concerned that they don't read any books, so they
don't get any background or inspiration, and he's not getting anything from
them arising from the mail; still needs anecdotes, still needs heart and fire, still
just dry dull statistics. Later today I learned that Connally was still in town,
although we had expected him to go to Texas. He had stayed here because he
didn't like the feel of the international monetary situation on Friday, and he's
going to stick around through today and tomorrow morning to see what the
reports are.
plus a recognition of the importance of the spiritual side of things and the
growing would be extremely effective and popular.
interest in spirituality,
Graham also expanded on his firm belief that it was absolutely imperative that
the P be reelected next year, or there wouldn't be any hope for him and his
movement or for the country. The P had Henry expound a little on his point
of the need for our being number one and taking a firm position of leadership.
The P is expanding this point quite strongly in private conversations, and I
think he's probably leading to a major public statement on it at some point in
we get off the idea that the P is using the Health Unit; he wants to be sure it's
known that he never uses a masseur, and make the point that he fired the
Johnson masseurs when he came in. We're going to try and do a job story on
the House gym to get back at them, because they, of course, have a much more
elaborate setup and all than we do.
Henry was in talking with the P about the Chou En-lai interview in The
New York Times, in which Reston really took some shots at the P. As a result
of this, P has ordered that Henry not see Reston at all, and that we enforce our
rule throughout the place of no contact with The New York Times and he's not
going to take them on the China trip. He feels that Reston's motive was clearly
to sabotage the trip, and we've got to recognize that. Henry was in, following
up on his meeting with Dobrynin
last night, in which he got a confirmation of
the Soviet Summit, and that led today into some schedule discussion of how
we go about both the trips.
Back on the busing thing, the P told Ziegler to say that, first of all, the P's
against busing period; secondly, that the Supreme Court has held that steps
must be taken, and they've held that busing could be used as one of the
methods of meeting their criteria. Therefore, the P will carry out the law, but
he has directed that every appropriate Cabinet officer is to carry out the law,
but because the Court does not require compulsory busing, they are to carry
out the law wherever possible without busing, and also he's asked the Congress
that no federal funds be used for busing. He's also to say that he's issued both
this. Ron put this out and got into quite a flap
a written and oral directive on
because nobody knew there was a written directive, and the press all started
asking to see copies of it.
One factor in this: the British had asked for $3 billion to be converted into
gold. If we gave it to them, other countries might follow suit. If we didn't,
they might wonder if we had enough gold to support the dollar. In either
case, it was a major crisis.
So he came on up and met with the P at 5:30 today, after which P called
me I was out to dinner to say that they had decided to go ahead on the
whole move on Monday, and that we were going to pack up the key people,
including Arthur Burns and the key Treasury and economic group, go to
Camp David tomorrow afternoon, spend the weekend there and get it worked
out, and make the announcement on Monday. We'll cover the whole thing
when we do it, apparently, so it's going to be quite an earthshaking operation.
As a result of last night's decision on the economic move, today's schedule was
shifted substantially. The P went ahead with his NSC meeting on Defense
budget at 10:00 this morning and that lasted all morning. Then we set up a 2:30
departure for Camp David, took the Quadriad with the P, and announced
there'd be a Quadriad meeting up there. Had the other people go up on a
separate chopper from Anacostia so we wouldn't create an undue stir about
the attendance. We went round and round on the schedule for the meeting and
various arrangements of cabin locations and all that sort of thing.
Right after we arrived at Camp David, we started the first meeting at the
P's lounge in Aspen. It started at 3:15 and didn't end until 7:00. The P,
Connally, Burns, Shultz, McCracken, Stein (from the Council on Economic
Advisors), (head of the International Economic Policy Peter) Peterson, (Trea-
sury Undersecretary Paul) Volcker, Safire, and E were in attendance. The P
opened the meeting, after a brief updating by Volcker on gold loss problems
in the market today. Agreed that we must act on the international money
situation; there are many options that are now closed to us, so there's no point
in reviewing those.
He made the point, then, that no calls are to be made out of here except
to get information, and then you're to cover it so we don't get any leak out of
here as to what's going on, leaks in the past have compromised our position.
Between now and Monday, everybody here is to say nothing. If you talk to
someone, you assume the responsibility.
He said there was general agreement that action is needed: first, on the
international monetary situation, second, to deal with its causes domestic —
inflation, fiscal problems, tax problems, and wage /price problems; third, an
import tax that we would send to Congress, but make retroactive.
He turned the meeting over to Connally. Connally said it's clear that we
have to move in the international field, to close the gold window, not change the
price of gold, encourage the dollar to float. If we close the gold window, we'll
need an import tax of 10-1 5 percent. This will keep foreign products out and be
inflationary, so we'll need a further stimulant: we will reinstate the investment
tax credit at something greater than 7 percent, such as 8 percent or 1 percent. He
feels there'd be no problem with Congress, and business will react, of course,
that this has been analyzed in depth, not just a reaction to pressure. It will be an
act of great awareness, great statesmanship, and great courage, and must be
presented to the people this way.
The P said, now let's turn to the gold-window question. Arthur Burns'
view is correct domestically. The argument from the other side is to take the
rap now.
This got us up to 4:00, and Arthur Burns then took over for the next 15
minutes with a lecture on the whole subject. He said that Volcker and Connally
may be right in their view regarding closing the gold window, but I think
they're wrong. If they're right, there's still no rush to close the window. We
should analyze the steps we take this weekend; these are dramatic steps,
wage /price freeze, border tax, government spending cuts, tax cuts. These will
not augment the budget deficit. These will electrify the world, and the flight
from the dollar will cease, so we don't need to close the gold window. On the
other hand, there are grave risks in closing. First, political. If we do this now,
Nixon will get the blame. He'll be responsible for devaluing the dollar, for
dropping gold. Pravda will headline this as a sign of the collapse of capitalism.
It will be exploited by the politicians, hated by business and financial people.
The second risk, he felt, was economic, and that would be very hard to
evaluate. Question of what will the stock exchanges do? Up or down, you can't
predict. Once the dollar floats, the trade basis will change. The risk to world
trade would be much greater. The profit margin in world trade, which is
already very narrow, will vanish. There'll be retaliation by other countries, and
ill will. The bankers feel it would follow quickly. Foreign exporters will clamor
week we should do it the same time we do wage /price and the other
domestic actions. If you wait, then you are in the hands of the money changers.
Burns says, you must realize you're dealing with the money changers, the
central bankers of the world. They won't ask for gold if you take the other
steps, and you'll solve the problem that way without having to take the drastic
action. Burns says, I get reports from the central banks the world over, every
day. If we take the domestic steps, they'll applaud it, and they won't hit the
dollar. Connally says, they may not hit it, they'll just nibble it to death.
At this point we put the gold question aside, and the discussion focused on
budget cuts and a new tax package.
The P then turned to the wage /price freeze, and asked Shultz to cover it,
and then Burns to follow up on it. Shultz said 1) the wage /price freeze will have
the most immediate and significant impact, 2) it works best when related to
international crisis, 3) whatever device is used, it has a short effective life, 4)
consider how you stop once you start (the P injected, especially if it's working),
5) how to get labor cooperation; it blows up when labor walks out. The plan
is for a freeze, not to last too long, but simple, no exceptions, short so that you
don't need a bureaucracy. The P expressed his concern that an economy in a
straitjacket with the bureaucrats would be a disaster.
Shultz suggested a tripartite board, seven members, to set criteria, spin off
the problems on the specific areas, maybe create a governmental body to refer
cases to the board. The period of effectiveness for the board would also be
limited. Shultz said this structure would be minimal employees, that is, about
a thousand, and it should be kept small.
Burns says it could be done with less than a thousand. Burns says Shultz's
ideas are remarkably similar to mine. I think we should set a freeze for only
three months, the purpose is shock value and to get time for the machinery,
then set up the machinery. Peterson raised the question of whether an an-
nouncement of a period of a freeze, in advance, is a good idea. Burns said,
don't lose your advantage as the apostle of freedom. McCracken said, there's
a problem if you announce a freeze without the duration stated, because you
throw people off balance if they're caught. Shultz said, the shorter the freeze,
the less pressure builds up, and thus the better chance to avoid upsetting
equilibrium. Burns says, the authority expires next May. Shultz says, no, we
have two years. Peterson says, what are the P's legal sanctions; Shultz is not
sure, thinks fine and
jail. Burns says, you don't need enforcement, the period
will end before enforcement is needed. Stein says, don't underestimate the
way to kick it off is to start with subject A, which is peace. The United States
at long last enters an era of peace. We all welcome this, but it presents
enormous challenges. It's a very competitive world. Is the United States going
to continue to be a great nation, number one? Don't assume that, unless we're
ready to meet the challenge.
The United and what do we find? First, the problem
States looks at itself
of unemployment. We
need to take steps to absorb the 2 million people that
we've released from the defense industries. Second, as the rest of the world
becomes more competitive, the international speculators attack our dollars.
What can we do about it? There's nothing to be frightened about, but we're
not going to allow the dollar to be destroyed, so we'll impose an import tax
and tax problem of jobs and keeping America competi-
credits to deal with the
tive. Third, we have war and inflation. We've made
the inevitable heritages of
some progress, but not enough, so we take new actions. Freeze wages and
prices. This requires that the American people give their total moral support.
We talk about what can you do. The general public can support the freeze. The
businessman can invest in America. The consumer can buy products.
As a side note, Burns stayed afterward to make a personal pitch against
floating the dollar, and asked for a private session with the P later, which the
P hedged. Arthur then left and the P kept me for a few minutes to say that he
wants E and Shultz to know that he leans to Arthur's view about not going
ahead with the gold window, but to do that we'll have to bring Connally along.
He wanted E and Shultz to work on Connally this evening, and see if they
could bring him along on this. I then left the P's residence, and we went over
to Laurel and had dinner at 7:30.
At dinner, during a discussion of the need for secrecy, Bill Safire recalls that
Paul Volcker made the point that the necessity for avoiding leaks was that
"fortunes could be made with this information." Bill mock-
says that I,
serious, leaned forward and whispered loudly, "Exactly how?" which broke
the tension of the moment.
tion of meeting with him further tonight, but he seemed to think they might,
so he was turning it off.
At 4:30 this morning, I was awakened by the phone ringing. It was the P, who
said he was sorry to wake me up, that he was working on his speech, and that
he'd be ready to talk first thing in the morning. He wanted to see Safire first
thing in the morning. He wants to put a little more zip into the speech that he's
drafted, but he doesn't want any cuties from He says the major problem
is the one Arthur raises, regarding the gold window, and that now he kind of
thinks it may be good to go ahead with it.
That conversation ended at about 4:40. He called again at 8:40 and said
he'd stayed up rather than going to bed after he talked to me earlier, and had
finished his notes on the dictating machine and sent them to Rose.
He wants Safire to know that the form and structure of his notes should
be followed. He knows the outline is right. He likes the gutsy rhetoric, and he
wants to keep that feeling. Safire is to show it to no one except for the technical
points. He doesn't want to get people into the rhetoric. Then he had a great
line for Safire: "Don't make it brutal and beautiful, rather, brutal and effec-
Said he had gotten up about 3:00 last night and worked on the speech and
then called me and He had come out with the tapes to
then did the dictating.
get them to Rose and was looking for someone, came down by the pool and
saw a chief coming out of the sauna, and said, "Good morning, chief," and the
chief said, "Yes, ma'am. I mean, yes, sir!" The P was quite amused by that; he
said he scared the hell out of him.
During the morning, Connally had been meeting with his separate groups,
and he assembled everybody at lunch at 12:30, sort of got the reports together,
formed four groups to meet with the P starting at 2:30: first on budget, second
on wage /price, third on taxes, especially import, and finally the mop-up crew
to cover the overall aspects from yesterday's meeting. He pointed out that the
decisions yet to be made were the gold window, capital controls, and the
antitrust amendments. The groups started their sessions at 2:30. 1 stayed up by
the pool working, and didn't go down to Aspen until about 4:00.
The P then kicked all of us out except the Quadriad, and settled down to
a discussion with them of whether to close the gold window. By that time he
had decided to do so, and the point was to sell Arthur, so that he would go
along with it. At 6:00, the meetings ended, and the P called me over, he was
down by the pool, smoking his pipe. He told me to talk to them tonight
regarding the information process, who calls whom, the briefings, etc. This was
a brief meeting, and I went back over to Laurel for dinner. The P called me
at 7:15, said we could set up a picture of the group at 10:00 or 10:30 tomorrow
I ran staff the review on follow-up, the discussion getting our spokesman
on the air afterward, notifying the key publications to hold their front pages,
the press briefings ahead of TV, the basic assignments, and so forth. We got
the basic plan worked out on that. Then E, Weinberger, and I went over to
Aspen at 9:00.
We walked in and the living room was empty, the P was down in his study
with the lights off and thefire going in the fireplace, even though it was a hot
night out. He was one of his sort of mystic moods and, after telling us to
sit down and informing Cap that this is where he made all his big cogitations,
he said what really matters here is the same thing as did with Roosevelt, the
second Roosevelt, we need to raise the spirit of the country, that will be the
thrust of the rhetoric of the speech. We're at a time where we're ending a
period where we were saying that government should do everything. Now all
of this will fall unless people respond. We've got to change the spirit, and then
the economy could take off like hell. You must have a goal greater than self,
either a nation or a person, or you can't be great. Let America never accept
being second best —we must try to be what it is within our power to be.
The P delivered the speech about the economic moves on television Sunday.
Most of the response was favorable though not all.
of the details of the meetings at Camp David — what a marvelous team effort
it was — and that he will always be grateful for it. He referred to how helpful
Arthur was in the process and said that he needed strong support from every-
one in the Cabinet.
He decided at the last minute to shoot over to the State Department and
open the sub-Cabinet briefing that E had set up. So he did that, then came back
to the EOB, changed his clothes, and went out to Burning Tree to play golf
with Bill Rogers. Had me ride out with him to Burning Tree. We had a
ridiculous motorcade going out there with a huge police escort, which was
really horrible, and they drove right into the club grounds and up in front of
the caddie house, which was very embarrassing, and then it was topped off by
(UPI correspondent) Helen Thomas getting out of the car and standing there
watching him, when the press car wasn't even supposed to come in and no
women are allowed at Burning Tree.
We went on the boat tour of the lake. The scenery was beautiful, but the
timing and logistics didn't work out too well, and the P wasn't very happy with
it. We cruised across the lake for about a half an hour, then visited a little
village near a campsite, then went back to the P's cabin, left a little later, and
headed for Dallas.
Labor problems continue to our group met this morning with the
build, as
AF of L "Today" show, Connally was asked, as his
Council. Earlier on the
first question, what we were doing on the problem of labor, and Connally
might as well try to get some mileage out of doing it. We landed on time at 6:00
in California, and the P headed for San Clemente by helicopter and I came
great deal of carping about a lot of trivia, mainly from Nancy Reagan. They're
concerned because there's a conservative meeting in Houston that's basically
a conservative rebellion, especially regarding national defense, and P got upset
about that, said the conservatives are aiming at the wrong target, they should
be hitting the Congress, not the P, that we need to posture in the public mind
that we are for national defense. We're getting a bad rap on that.
The P returned a call to Mayor Daley, who wanted to discuss the North-
ern Ireland Catholic problem with him, and at the same time Daley told the
P that he had made another statement urging labor not to play politics on the
economic deal and to support the P.
Henry was in, discussing the problem of the Vietnam election again,
which does pose a serious problem. The P is strongly toying now with releasing
the fact of our secret negotiations, blowing the channel, and forcing them to
deal with us publicly, and then attacking the Senate opponents, saying they
forced us to abandon our secret negotiations, and so on. K also got back on
the line of what a real heartbreak the whole war situation is because we really
won the war, and if we just had one more dry season, the opponents would
break their backs. This, of course, is the same line he's used for the last two
years, over and over, and I guess what all of Johnson's advisors used with him,
to keep the thing escalating. I'm sure they really believe it at the time, but it's
amazing how it sounds like a broken record.
The P took off, called me late in the afternoon to report that the oil slick
from a leaking naval ship had fouled his beach, so he can't use it.
cahy, Stone, and that we need to set a deal that broadens the base, getting
some key people in New York, Palm Beach, and Chicago, to hit the elites
there. He wants to be sure we don't have a money problem, so that we can do
every little thing that we want to do.
He was pretty distressed when he discovered today that Henry K had
ordered the P's barber down to San Clemente for a haircut, and that got him
to questioning Henry's use of helicopters to get around in Southern California,
also. He put in pretty much a full day at the office, finally left in midafternoon.
day on the phone. Someone told Rose Woods to take in to him a letter that
had been sent to him by Rose Kennedy, complaining that he wasn't attending
the opening of Kennedy Center. That got the P concerned that he should be
going, so we went back and forth on that. Then he called out of the blue, said
he wanted to invoke the Taft-Hartley on the dock strikes out here, and for me
to get it set up. I still can't figure out what prompted that, but I talked to
Shultz, who said this wouldn't be a good idea, and urged that we not do
anything until after Labor Day. I called the P back and he agreed to hold up
on it although he really wanted to give them an 8-hour ultimatum.
Mamie Eisenhower salute Monday night, so it's really pretty royally screwed
up, thanks to her.
He had Colson in today, mainly to go over some general follow-up. He
wants to be sure he's attacking Muskie on the basis that he's panicked because
of his slump in the polls, that's what brought about his ridiculous tax proposal.
Also, he thinks someone needs to keep hitting Meany on the basis that he's a
great American, but it's sad that he's out of step. He asked me to talk to
Mitchell about Hoover, P wants a plan because he thinks now is the time to
get him to step down. I did so, and Mitchell agreed, and thinks we should move
ahead on that as quickly as possible.
to keep talking and to screw you behind your back while you're doing it. To
them, talking is a tactic to win, not to work out an agreement, whereas Henry
keeps trying to work out an agreement with them.
He wants to be sure that crew blast Muskie on his busing
Colson and his
He doesn't want to leave them
statement, not for avoiding taking a position.
on an "I don't know where he stands" hook. He wants to hit him for holding
the wrong position, which is, that he is for busing. They want to get the
antibusing people to take him on with this.
doctor to go through and write in cheer lines, like FDR had, after the speech
is which is what the P now has to do.
We had a little flap after his meeting with Connally. Connally was con-
cerned about a memo he received, signed by the P, telling him he couldn't go
over 20 percent in the Japanese negotiations on the yen. The P felt we should
never do a thing like this without checking with Connally first, and he was
upset with Alex and me and so on for putting this on. We tracked it down,
discovered it was a K proposal, so he called Henry in. Henry pointed out that
the directive said just the opposite of what Connally implied. In the first place,
the P hadn't signed it, Henry had, secondly, it had been designed for the
purpose of putting the responsibility into Connally's area and keeping the
other people out of it. K had read it to Volcker in a meeting and then sent it
over to Connally's office, asking if there was any problem, before he sent the
memo. So we're back to the problem of internal dissension in Treasury, which
I think is fairly substantial.
Tonight was the symphony concert opening at Kennedy Center. The P
went, handled it very well, called me after the concert at home. Said he would
have chosen a different program, thought the orchestra was quite good, but
that Dorati was trying to show off by doing the Stravinsky thing, that Stern
was wasted on a Mozart chamber music piece, and the great chorus was wasted
with an odd Schumann composition, so the only quote he put out was that the
orchestra sounded beautiful and the acoustics were great. He again expressed
his pleasure at not having to go to the Mass the night before.
The P then said that we need to have no illusions regarding the superiority
of our economy, that the impressive thing about the Communist leaders is
their total absolute conviction that they're going to win, and their determina-
tion to do everything to win. The point is, if they with their totally inferior,
oppressive system could have such dedication, we, with all we have, should
have at least as much. So as you go out, speak up, talk strongly for our system,
what it is, what it's done for the world. If you don't, I'll have you back to have
some of that fish.
The P me at home tonight and said that in his long talk with Henry
this afternoon,Henry had brought up the fact that (James) Reston (o/The
New York Times) was in to see him, or that Henry had talked to Reston, and
he had asked for an interview with the P. Henry was actually raising this with
the P. It's completely incredible, because several weeks ago, in the P's office,
The press conference went very well. He had a chance to answer most of
the questions he wanted to cover. He did a great job on the Draft Bill, which
was the first question, saying that if they tabled it, it would be one of the most
irresponsible acts on the part of the Senate that he could think of, that it would
jeopardize our peace initiatives, that a vote against the draft seriously jeopard-
izes United States interests around the world, and would make the United
States the second-strongest nation in the world.
In Vietnam, he hit very hard on the question of cutting off aid to Thieu,
and pointed out that of the 91 nations that we provide aid to, only 32 have
we would call a democratic election, so we
elected leaders in the sense that
would have to cut off aid to two-thirds of the countries if we followed that
Some good questions on China and he zapped Reston pretty hard by
saying nothing appeared in the Reston piece in the Times, that Chou En-lai
hadn't told K in much greater detail already. Ihad a staff dinner on the
Sequoia for all our key staff and their wives, which came off very well.
Harlan is meeting with the Chief Justice this afternoon, and he probably will
resign, too, because of a serious health problem. The P later also talked to the
Chief Justice, and was sort of musing about the fact that we'll have two court
seats to fill. He wrote handwritten letters to both Harlan and Black this
afternoon while I was in his office.
hell with the Nixon friends and the conservatives, made Eisenhower look bad,
as these people pounded on it. The P's view is that Agnew is a liability,
although we can't prove it, and the only way we could check this is to run a
tandem trial heat process, but he still thinks he should indicate his support,
whether or not he intends to drop him later, and he thinks also, it's a good way
to get the P out of the black VP question, which is sure to arise. The advantages
of backing Agnew now would be that it totally mutes the press on the question
and it pulls the rug out from under the extreme right.
at this time. Hoover didn't take the bait, apparently, and is going to stay on
as a political matter. He feels it's much better for the P for him to do so. He
will then pull out at any point in the future when the P feels that it would be
politically necessary. He claims he is fully dedicated to the P's reelection, wants
to do whatever he can to ensure it, but feels that his departure at this time
would be counterproductive in that regard.
The we left for our Western trip, was the question of the
big item today, as
PacificCoast dock strike negotiations. The P had me up during the flight out
to Montana. He wanted me to make it clear to Shultz that his desire was to
use the Taft-Hartley Injunction process, and he discounts Shultz's argument
against that, which is that it doesn't meet the requirements, because he says
Labor always says that a strike doesn't meet the Taft-Hartley requirements,
and that actually the P can decide on that.
We had good stop in Montana. The main story out of that being that the
load of cement that the P and Mansfield were supposed to dump at Libbey
Dam didn't work right, and so the photographers got a great picture of the two
of them and the Congressmen straining to pull the rope.
The Portland session was a Q & A, which went very well. A good range
well. He gave a good talk at the Hanford Atomic Energy site, making the point
that we can't consult our fears.
We had a good stop The Japanese Emperor visit went almost
in Alaska.
perfectly, as far as our operations were concerned. The Emperor himself was
a shaky as he stumbled coming down the stairs off his plane. Had to
him straightened out on it. It will be one of those continuing agony type
The P says that he's going to go for a real right-winger now, that is
stronger than Poff on civil rights. The worst thing he could do is go to the left.
He wants to get someone worse than Poff and really stick it to the opposition
On the Court, he came up with the idea of (Robert) Byrd of West Virginia
because he was a former KKK'er, he's elected by the Democrats as Whip, he's
a self-made lawyer, he's more reactionary than Wallace, and he's about 53.
The P left this afternoon for Grand Cay for the night.
stars play. This springs out of his phone call to Billie Jean King yesterday,
when she became the first woman win $100,000. He also decided he ought
to have one "Evening at the White House" this season, and we should have
Lawrence Welk star in it.
He then met with Safire for a while to go over what he wants to cover in
the (Phase II economic) speech. Gave him some pretty good guidelines, on the
basis that he wants to refer to the fact that the freeze has been enormously
successful due to the cooperation and support of the American people, and
then that we're going to follow on with the continued program. He doesn't
want much detail on how it works, but we will have a Pay Board and a Price
Our goal will be to reduce inflation to 2 percent or 3 percent. This will be
great benefit to every American. There may be selfish interests that oppose it,
but he will count on the cooperation of the people. This is the way to provide
more jobs, new prosperity. Says the handling of profits is very ticklish. This is
the time not to assume that prices always must go up. The consumer should
get some of the break on productivity, too, so let's have some price reductions.
He wants more poetry than prose. Upbeat confidence, reassured; things are
going well.
and also got into the China question and prep for the staff meeting we were
having this afternoon on the subject. He is very strongly in favor of the ground
station and having maximum TV coverage available, in spite of Henry's objec-
tions to all of that. He raised the question of Mrs. Nixon going, thinking it
might be a good idea because of the TV coverage she'd get, but if she does, it
would have to be understood that she would be the only woman going. Not
Mrs. Rogers or any other wives.
We then had our staff meeting this afternoon. Henry was furious because
I had included Scali in the meeting, so he at first didn't come and then did come
and sat and sulked and objected to our discussion of the ground station ad
nauseam, and left. So I finished up the meeting with Scali, Ziegler, Chapin, and
Hughes, then had Henry and Al Haig come back in and we went over the
whole thing, worked it out quite satisfactorily. He's agreed on a press corps of
150, including the ground station personnel, and basically bought our mini-
mum level overall approach, which I think will work out pretty well if we can
get it from the Chinese. Henry's concern on all this is that we not make a circus
out of it, and that we not appear to be staging the whole thing for the benefit
of domestic TV, which would cause people to react adversely, not only in
China, but in the rest of the world. He's obviously got some merit to his point,
and it's pretty hard to argue it, except that from our viewpoint, and the P
concurs in this, we need maximum coverage in order to get the benefit from
it, especially in the short term. Henry is very much of the view that we should
only be concerned with the long term, which, of course, is not realistic.
this afternoon and said he wanted to skip those from now on, and as much
other stuff of that kind as possible, so we cut the ceremonies down to eliminate
the 5-minute talk. The P simply
received the credentials and ushered the
Ambassador to the door. That gave him a little guilty feeling, and later in the
day he came up with the plan of having each ambassador bring his family to
watch the ceremony, but still eliminate the 5-minute talk. So we'll try that in
the future. He was very anxious to try and work out the opportunity to go to
Dean Acheson's funeral, but we can't do it. He did call Mrs. Acheson and gave
her a military aide, etc.
some way to get color into the trip. He should point out to them the receptions
the P received in Yugoslavia and Romania. He says sightseeing, no. Great
Wall, no. People, yes.
The P discussed with me his problem on the Supreme Court. Mitchell was in
this morning to see him, having told me last night that he had to talk to the
P this morning for a few minutes on a Court problem. It turns out that
( Warren) Burger has told Mitchell that he will resign if the P doesn't appoint
distinguished judges to the Court, and he doesn't feel the current list meets that
qualification. The P's view is, if that's his feeling, let him resign, that he will
not cater to Burger's demands on this kind of a thing and the P feels quite
strongly about it on the grounds that Burger would never have even been
considered for the Court, let alone Chief Justice, except by Nixon.
He then had Henry in for final guidance discussion on the China trip
before he leaves tomorrow. He made the point that he doesn't want to go to
any of the other cities just to see the leaders there, that the point of going to
other cities would be to get out to the people.
K argues that the Chinese have a different attitude toward foreigners and
they will not respect the kind of approach that the P traditionally would take.
The P still argues that he wants to let the people contact be the message that
gets through. Henry says it's tough to raise the question of creating crowds,
but he'll make the point in a complicated way, which probably means he won't
make it at all, but we'll see what happens.
The P was at Camp David, presumably all day, and apparently watched the
World Series this afternoon. He did call at 4:30 about the World Series, and
said, "I think I'll give up this business and start predicting baseball games." He
had predicted the outcome of this game, as he had the third game, very much
against the general prognostications.
problem. In any event, he wanted me to talk to Haig and try to get that worked
The P also reraised the public broadcasting thing again. He's fairly upset
at the inability of our people to get control of any of it, and feels that we've
got to find a way, somehow, to avoid letting them stockpile all the anti-Nixon
newscasters and subsidize them. We have Malek working with Colson and
Flanigan to try and get at The problem is, we don't have working control
of the board and there's virtually no other way that we can take any effective
action. This evening was the opening of the Eisenhower Theater at the
Kennedy Center. The P attended. It was a good opening, I guess, but rather
a dull play: Ibsen's A Doll's House.
The P started the day this morning by calling Malek and me in to ask whether
any of our recent high-level women appointees are lawyers, and if so, how
many years they have practiced and so on. This obviously relating to his
decision on the two Supreme Court appointments.
The P made several allusions during the day to the plans for nominations,
but never said anything specific and made the point that he wasn't going to tell
anybody this time, which apparently also includes me.
The P then called me again to say that he needed a fast writer to help on
his text for tomorrow night, so should enlist Safire. Said he wouldn't tell him
tonight who the nominees would be, get started on that tomorrow. He seems
to be pretty pleased about the nominations. I think he's going for people who
have not been on the list of six that was submitted to the ABA, and probably
who have not been speculated much about. My own guess would be that it
would be the fellow from Virginia who is the former head of the American Bar
Association (I can't remember his name) (it was Lewis Powell) and Howard
Baker, although I think it might well be one of those two plus Mulligan from
New York. The theory on the woman is that the ABA is not going to approve
her, and therefore he'll let her pass and blame them for it.
We talked also a little about China plans, and the P wanted me to be sure
to have Haig remind Henry that the P must see Chou En-lai and Mao alone.
Separately. Without K, because he has done this with all other heads of state.
He wants at least one meeting with each of them, with only interpreters
present, and these are to be in addition to all other meetings. We must have
them on some occasion. He makes the point that not only do we need to do
it because of the other countries, but so as to make it clear that Henry isn't
The whole thing today was the Supreme Court announcement. The P went
over to EOB first thing this morning, spent the whole day over there, except
for a couple of midday appointments in the Oval Office. He made quite a point
of not telling me or anyone else who the nominees were, except Dick Moore.
Then he had me working with Dick Moore to get things organized over at
Justice and, of course, Moore assumed that I knew and spilled the beans to me.
Turns out that they were set on Powell, the guy from Virginia who I expected,
and thought they were set on Howard Baker as the second seat, but appar-
ently, at some point toward the last minute last night or this morning, the P
decided to go with Rehnquist instead of Baker, and they shifted over, even
though Baker had been made the offer and they were waiting for his response
at 9:00 this morning when he was supposed to have it in. He didn't call until
about 9:30, at which time he said he would accept. By then the P had decided
to go the other way.
The P was very firm on making the notifications late this afternoon or this
The P decided not to have anybody work with him on the speech, and he
wrote it himself. He came out several times during the day with the need to
make the point of a stacked jury at the ABA, that there were no women on the
selection board. He wanted them hit hard on the fact that we learned from
inside the ABA that they considered Mildred Lillie the best-qualified woman
that we could have submitted, but then they voted 1 1-1 against her on being
qualified for the Court. He also wanted to hit hard on the point that the ABA
does not have veto power; that the Constitution requires the advice and
consent of the Senate, but does not require the consent of the Bar Association.
He was shocked at Willy Brandt's announcement yesterday as the Nobel
Peace Prize winner. Made the point today that we've got to watch out now that
Time, in order to needle us, may go for K as the Man of the Year, which would
be very bad, so we should try to swing that around a different way.
The P did a superb job on the announcement, which ran 15 minutes.
Reaction was very good overall, especially to Powell, because everybody con-
siders him outstanding. Most of the people we checked with were not familiar
with Rehnquist, but said he sounded good on his qualifications. I talked to the
P a couple hours after the broadcast and said I thought he had scored another
10-strike, and he said, "Well, probably so, except for my wife, but boy is she
mad." Apparently Mrs. Nixon really hit him on his failure to appoint a
woman, because she felt she had a commitment that he would do so and didn't
buy the argument of the Bar turning her down. So that apparently was the only
really sour note.
Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, October 23, 24, and 25, 1971
through the entire weekend, while I was down in Florida at Disney World.
Apparently things went well up here. The big blow was late Monday night,
when we had the UN vote expelling Taiwan. That'll create quite a stir, I'm
sure, tomorrow.
The P had his breakfast with Rogers and K this morning to let Henry fill
Rogers inon the China trip.
Henry is convinced that Rogers pushed the UN vote for Monday night
so as to downgrade Henry's trip and give Henry's trip the blame for the
Taiwan loss. The P's point is the problem is not Taiwan, it's the UN, and he's
concerned that the Democrats are going to seize upon this as the reason to
blame us for the defeat, that we put on too much pressure because of the China
trip. Apparently Rogers accused K of being too soft on his dealings with the
Richardson and made the point that he would be an outstanding Chief Justice,
and that since he's now got the two conservatives set for the Court he would
be willing to go to a middle-of-the-road guy, and if anything should happen
to Burger, he wants to keep Richardson in mind, because he thinks he would
be a towering, historic Chief Justice. He also got into the Hoover question. The
P feels we have to delay the removal now. The P's feeling is that we just let it
go and announce sometime next year that Hoover will be resigning after the
election and after his successor has qualified. That will put the heat on for
Nixon's reelection to make sure he's the one that appoints the successor.
We had a meeting this afternoon with the Attorney General and Shultz
regarding the Hoffa question. Mitchell raised the point that the time has
probably come for the P to exercise executive clemency. He suggests burying
this in the Christmas list in a batch of 250 or so. The P was trying to get at the
point of how you position it. The question is what our political benefit is, and
what is in the balance. The inevitable charge will be that this is done for
political support. The line the P would use is that he's met the normal require-
ments for release and there should not be discrimination against him because
he's a labor leader.
there virtually all morning, with K, E, and Ziegler and out during the
session. He spent the first part of the day following up on yesterday's local
election results. Primarily calling the winners, including Rizzo in Philadelphia,
who apparently, although a Democrat, is totally for the P and in effect told
him so. The P told all of them that we want to work with them, and that E
would be in touch with them to set up the ways of doing so. He wants to be
sure that we pound home the fact that the mayor races prove our political
strategy, that the place for us is not with the Jews and the Negroes, but with
the white ethnics and that we have to go after the Catholic thing.
asked Henry to go to Florida with him. He's also got Mitchell coming down
for a political meeting on Monday. His whole approach is one of sort of
bouncing around on loose ends at the moment.
sudden there was a terrible roar and out came a tidal wave of milk. The farmer
asked the headshrinker how he had done it. The headshrinker said, how long
have you had this cow? He said eight years, giving a record crop of milk all
those years, and the headshrinker said, well, during all that time that you were
sitting there squeezing that cow's tits did it ever occur to you to say I love you?
He then said to the Cabinet officers, keep in mind that farmer.
He says the single most important thing you can do is play an important
role in the reelection. You must use the talents of your department better than
you have. Advocate and defend this man. The history books will write Richard
Nixon in large letters. Your name will be there with his if you measure up to
the challenge and make it possible to reelect this great P.
that we should what we want to the other nations and then start negotiat-
ing on the an established strategy. The P told Henry to see Connally
basis of
immediately when he gets back, and to get into this with him. See if he can't
get him lined up.
Henry thinks that Laird has sabotaged us as usual on the troop with-
drawal announcement for tomorrow by leaking a stronger position than the
P is actually going to take. He also thinks that Rogers has declared total war
on him and is maneuvering to sabotage him on all fronts except Vietnam,
which is an area that Rogers isn't interested in. He's convinced that they're
moving on Middle East, India, Pakistan, and other areas without our knowl-
edge and it's driving him right up the wall. Probably some merit to it, but
there's no way I can evaluate that. The P called at 5:30 to say he didn't want
any more phone calls, but both Rogers and Laird were trying to reach him and
obviously just wanted to get in their views on the record before the group
announcement thing, so he said to tell them he was tied up in a crisis on the
Pay Board and wouldn't be able to talk with them this evening.
45,000 of those who chose to serve died for their country. On the other hand,
a few hundred chose to desert their country, and they have to live with their
mate troop withdrawal numbers and strategy regarding residual force. We got
into quite a discussion of it with the P and it was decided I should call Laird
and hit him on this. Which I did, not getting to him until quite a bit later in
the day. Laird finessed the whole thing, blaming it on all sorts of other people
and ranting and raving about how he's really clamping down on the Joint
Chiefs, etc.
The P decided this noon to break the ice with Peterson on Commerce and
tried to callhim to get him in to tell him. Peterson was out to lunch with
Schweitzer, of the IMF, which made the P a little bit upset. He later got him
in at 3:30 this afternoon with Shultz, E, and me, and did an absolutely terrible
job of telling him he had decided he was going to move to Commerce. He
didn't even offer the job to him or give him the chance to discuss it. He just
said that's what we've decided and didn't even do that in a very enthusiastic
fashion, but I guess Peterson swallowed it all right.
Meany and confirm it. It took him an hour and a half to reach Meany. In the
meantime we had run out of time, really, as far as leaving tonight, but at 8:30
Shultz finally did get Meany, and Meany, in effect, said the P can go to hell. That
tomorrow was his day at the convention and he wasn't about to let the P come
in and upstage him, and he put it really on the basis that the schedule was all set
and he couldn't change it. He did say he could speak at 4:00 tomorrow or at any
time he wanted to on Friday. Our recommendation then was that he speak at
10:30 Friday morning, and after some discussion the P agreed. Colson and
Shultz were pretty furious with Meany's attitude and were practically tempted
not to go. Felt that we shouldn't let him get away with this kind of approach to
the P, but actually, when you get down to it, it was really pretty logical and
understandable that he would take that position.
We had some discussion during the day today on the Peterson problem.
He told me to tell Shultz to take Peterson totally out of the play on interna-
tional financial policy. This arising from Connally's feeling that we're speaking
with too many voices. He said that Peterson is to quit talking to people such
as Schweitzer, who he had lunch with today. He's to have no more external
talk, especially to foreigners. This is to be done under the assumption that
Shultz, McCracken, and Peterson are all told to have no more discussion with
foreigners, but actually the one he's after is Peterson. He got into this after the
whole thing of asking Peterson yesterday to take the Secretary of Commerce.
All of us, incidentally, agreed that was about the most graceless exercise we
had ever seen. Really on both the P and Peterson's part.
felt that we ought to get a commitment out of Meany that they wouldn't
walk out on the Pay Board before we agreed that the P would go, which, of
course, we can't do. He ended up agreeing to go, however, and Shultz called
Meany this morning and confirmed 10:30 tomorrow, and we went ahead and
announced it.
Today was the day of big Congressional problems. We have another
batch of antiwar amendments in both the House and Senate, and the campaign
spending thing has become a serious problem since the Democrats have put in
a one dollar checkoff on tax allocation, which would be the worst possible
thing that could happen to us because it would automatically raise $20 million
for each party, which we don't need, but the Democrats would be saved by it.
We flew down to Key Biscayne this evening. The P worked in his cabin
all the way down and didn't have me up at all, which sets a new record.
much, been up most of the night working on the speech. He used the whole ride
over on the helicopter to work on his notes again. The whole deal in the hall
was somewhat incredible. He walked in without any announcement, Meany
had canceled the band. Refused our advance man's suggestion that they an-
nounce the P before he came in the hall. Had him sit in the second row on the
platform. We learned later he had tried to get the executive committee to not
sit on the platform with him, and he had instructed the people not to do any
kind of response, positive or negative. They did stand and applaud when the
P came in and again when he left, and interrupted the speech a couple of times
with applause because they really couldn't help it, but overall they followed
their rules pretty effectively. The speech was a real masterpiece. He followed
his plan of saying he had distributed the text to the press and he stood by it,
but he was going to throw it away and speak to them straight from the
shoulder, the way they like to hear it. The text of the speech is well worth
studying in the style of going back and forth that he used, and it was quite
effective. They managed to avoid any reaction in the hall to the extent they
When we got back to the hotel he called to say that he had forgotten to
mention that it was important that we should have Moore and Scali follow up
on this and he hoped they were there. They weren't, and he felt that was quite
a mistake and obviously was a little pushed out of shape on that. Made the
strong point to me of the need to get the whole drama of the moment over, that
it's not a spot news story. The real point is the color and drama of his moving
into this hostile situation and so on. I got Colson and our crew on the phone
up north. There was then considerable telephoning from then until departure
time. With the P coming up with more reactions, ideas, things that ought to
be followed up, and I was lashing the Colson crew to get things moving, but
there isn't an awful lot they can do except get some of these background items
about Meany's rude treatment out.
The networks tonight gave us what appeared to be pretty bad coverage,
in the sense they emphasized the hostile reaction. They did play our points on
the rude treatment and the specifics about no band, no announcement, and so
forth, and they made a big thing out of the fact of the P shifting at the last
minute and returning to Washington instead of staying at Key Biscayne.
executive board raised Meany's pay from $70,000 to $90,000 and we had a lot
exactly the point I'd been trying to make from right after the speech yesterday
on. He feels now that we've come to three conclusions. First, that we can't
make peace with the labor unions. Second, that the Pay Board must be tough
and not back down to them, and third, that it'll be very hard to make the Hoffa
move right now, under these circumstances.
East Pakistan was in rebellion against Pakistan, and India had taken advan-
tage of it by attacking East Pakistan. What was especially worrisome was
that India had become aligned with the Soviets, and Pakistan with the
Chinese. The situation was very volatile. The P expressed his displeasure
very strongly to both India and the Soviets.
We've been in California. I've been over in Palm Springs for the entire week-
end and have had no contact at all with the P.
On Friday night I was called at 11:00 by the VP who said they had a
problem on the golf game tomorrow because there was something going
between Hope and Sinatra. Paul Keyes had gotten into the problem of who
rides in the cart with the P. Keyes had told Hope that the P wanted Sinatra to
ride with him and that this apparently had Hope's nose out of joint. In any
event I told the VP that I had nothing to do with setting it up. Rose Woods
had handled it all for the P and that he should call Rose, which he agreed he
would do in the middle of the night.
there through about 7:00 PM, when hewent over to the Residence to
get ready for dinner. Then the dinner started at 8:00 and went through to
10:30, when he went upstairs for his interview with Chancellor, which ended
a little before 11:00. All in all it was quite a tour de force. He had the TV
cameras in the office much longer than we'd expected them to be, and so they
got considerably more coverage than they had planned or we had planned to
give them, which is of course all to the good. His attitude was a little snappy
at the start of the day, but it picked up considerably, and when he had me in
at 9:30 for the staff period, he was cranking under full steam. He was talking
to Bush on the telephone at the UN telling him to hit hard on our India-
Pakistan position and making that very clear. Then he moved to set up a
meeting on India-Pakistan with Rogers, Connally, Laird, Moorer, etc., which
had not been on the schedule for the day, so that filled in the noon hour and
ended up with no break at all at midday.
John Chancellor and the NBC people were ecstatic with the way the
whole day went, particularly with the amount of time the P was letting the crew
stay in his office. Apparently he was putting on the same kind of performance
right on through the day. He had the Trudeau meeting at 4:00 for two hours
and then the Trudeau dinner tonight.
At the dinner tonight, the P decided to launch into calling on people to
make little talks, and he closed it with his "300 boys dying in Vietnam three
years ago" talk before he finally broke the dinner up and headed upstairs for
his wrapup interview with Chancellor. All in all it should be a fantastically
good show for TV and obviously was well worth doing, although I'm sure it
without making any attempt to dissuade him, and then, because the P recog-
nized there was a problem by the way Henry was talking with him, I filled him
in on what Henry had and he was, of course, considerably concerned
about it, but felt we should take a hard line with Henry and not back down
to him. I talked to Henry again later in the afternoon. He came bouncing in
before his backgrounder and I tried to push to see what the problem is. The
trigger was Rogers' talk at the dinner last night, which wasn't helpful as far as
India-Pakistan was concerned, and mainly it's an ego problem with Henry
resenting Rogers being called on, both last night and yesterday afternoon,
when they were doing the TV filming. He says now that this indicates, as do
other State actions, that they're not going to help in carrying out the plans. He
points out that he can bring off the other things alone.
I talked later this afternoon with the P about the whole thing again. He
feels, as do I now, that there's more and that
to this than just India-Pakistan,
there may be personal problem with K or maybe it is really just the hangup
over the dinner last night. In any event, I talked again with Henry and played
it a little brutally with him this time by saying that if he was going to announce
his resignation in December, he should resign in December. He couldn't just
announce it and then hang on, and he said, oh no, he couldn't do that because
Henry also said, as Haig confirmed, that the P will have to meet with the
WSAG ( Washington Special Action Group) this afternoon because they're in
open rebellion against Henry and the P's position, but that will depend on
what position they've decided on at their noon meeting regarding a game plan.
The P agreed to do this as he's sort of going along with Henry now and trying
to get any problems resolved.
Haig came in to see me on this whole question. He agrees basically with
the general conclusions that the P and I had come up with yesterday, that is,
Henry is physically tired, that he does realize he's at fault in the failure in
India-Pakistan to date and doesn't like that feeling. Also Haig points out that
Henry basically is bored. He's just tired of fighting the bureaucracy on all of
these things, but Al shares my belief that Henry isn't about to quit, no matter
what kind of threats he makes, even though this time he says he's deadly
serious and claims he's going ahead with it. The P is resigned to our taking a
hard line on this, and if Henry quits he'll just have to quit. I personally think
that's the only position he can take and that there's no great danger in it,
because I don't think Henry has any intention of walking out before China,
and the P won't let him make any announcement or intention to do it if he
wants to go to China.
The P again went round and round in trying to analyze the problem.
Henry's ego, his way of working, etc. It's very hard to pin down what specifi-
cally wrong and I believe Haig's right, as are we, in our analysis that it's a
We had a big flap today on the plan for Julie's Christmas TV special. She
decided not to do it apparently because Pat Nixon told Julie it wasn't a good
thing to do. We rattled through it on and off during the day. The P felt strongly
Julie should do it. Especially since we've gotten into the flap with CBS yester-
day on the blackmail question of whether they would even do the Julie show
unless the P agreed to do the one-on-one. We then agreed to do the one-on-
one, and now Julie's talking about cutting out of her show. I finally got to Julie
at the end of the day, when she got back from North Carolina, and told her
what the situation was. She agreed to take one more stab at it with her mother,
and Rose called a little later in the evening to say that Julie had done a superb
job. Had Mrs. Nixon sold on it and they were going ahead with it.
K was in with the P this morning on the Pakistan question. K says
Pakistan will be all over by Sunday, and that the P turned it around yesterday
afternoon in his hard line with the WSAG group. The P pushed Henry hard
on following up more on protesting the Indian strafing of our planes and
Indian bombing of the orphanage and all that sort of thing. He thinks our PR
apparatus on foreign policy is lousy, and that we're not getting the kind of
mileage out of these various incidents that we should, and would, if someone
were riding hard on them and following up.
The tax bill signing became a big issue today as we went round and round
on the signing statement, and the P did end up signing it, feeling that we'd get
some substantial mileage out of it. The P was supposed to have a half-hour
interview with Jerry Schecter of Time this afternoon, regarding the Man of the
Year cover, and he extended it to an hour and ended up by saying he'd take
him up to Camp David tomorrow to look things over up there if he'd like to
do it. At 8:00 he called me at home to say he was going to drive up to Camp
David at 8:30, and he seemed to be very pleased with the whole day and the
way everything had gone.
P's cabin as were Rogers, Connally, Dave Kennedy, etc. It was a fairly difficult
five-hour flight since he felt he had to be involved with all of them. He seemed
to be very relaxed and not really put upon it all, however. The arrival went
according to plan and we're settled down at the Air Force base in the Azores.
two presidents, and that backfired when the Rogers meeting finally ended and
Bill came out and went into the room where Henry was, and thus discovered
reach George Allen by satellite telephone, but wasn't able to get to him. Then
at 8:15 he had me over again before he left for the final Pompidou meeting, so
that he could go up to Camp David as soon as he got back to Washington and
spend the rest of the week there until it was time to go to New York on
He says K's still trying to find out whether we've got a deal or not on
India-Pakistan and that he won't know for a few more hours. He's going to
have a long talk with K on his attitude and all. He feels that he's been a
problem on this whole exercise and he doesn't want to have to keep putting up
with that.
Henry, by midday, was in good shape because he had the Pakistan deal
put together and he now feels he's got that solved.
On the way back P
said that he thought he'd probably go to Florida
tomorrow, since the Pakistan thing is pretty well settled and Henry feels he's
no longer required to stay in Washington. After he got back to the house, he
The Soviets so far had replied only with vague assurance that India would
not attack Pakistan. On the plane from the Azores, K had hinted to report-
ers that P might call off the Soviet Summit if they didn't restrain India.
The P told Ziegler to cool that on the grounds that the issue hasn't
reached that point and that might later if the Russians don't act to stop the
cannibalizing there. Henry argued that his Summit threat was good because it
showed that the P is now in this. So when we get the settlement, which we are
going to get, the P will get the credit for it, and he thinks that what he did, while
he didn't intend to put that line out, it does work to our long-range benefit.
almost certain source of not only the leaks, but also the absconding of infor-
mation from Henry's and Haig's and other people's briefcases, which were
turned over to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The P was quite shocked, naturally,
by the whole situation and agreed that very strong action had to be taken, but
very carefully, since we don't want to blow up the whole relationship with the
Joint Chiefs of Staff. Apparently they had set up this system for getting the
information to them. The question is, who at the Joint Chiefs was aware of it?
In any event, Mitchell is going to proceed on the basis of having Henry
tell the Admiral that works for him now that he can go ahead and answer
questions. The Admiral has refused to answer some of the key questions on the
grounds that his personal relationship with K precludes it. In the meantime
they've sort of semisuspended the yeoman and figure that they don't want to
prosecute because that would just accelerate the situation. So it's a tough one
to figure out.
The previous week, columnist Jack Anderson had printed verbatim tran-
scripts from the WSAG meetings on India-Pakistan, revealing K and P's
pressure to "tilt" toward Pakistan despite official neutrality. It had created
an uproar and during our investigation we discovered that a
in the press,
Navy yeoman on NSC
staff had actually been copying classified docu-
ments and passing them to his superiors in the Pentagon.
We had a long session this afternoon with the Attorney General, John E, and
David Young on the NSC security leak problem, which was quite interesting
because they have now tracked the thing all the way through. It turns out that
Admiral . . was taking the material that the yeoman was stealing from
Henry's briefcase and the burnbags and all other sources, sorting it out, and
transmitting the pertinent things directly to Admiral Moorer. This creates a
highly sensitive situation, since it's directly tied to the fact that the yeoman was
also transmitting the India-Pakistan stuff to Jack Anderson, who was running
it in the columns. So we have a clear breach of security that's actionable.
Although the yeoman hasn't admitted it, his polygraph makes it clear that he
did it, plus all the other circumstantial evidence. The P said that E and I should
get together with Henry and move on the thing with him, and the P was
particularly concerned because Henry and Haig had not raised it with him,
although it was such a clear security problem. He can't figure out why they
didn't do this when they do know at least some of the particulars. Laird
apparently is trying to shut it off completely, and there will undoubtedly be a
monumental hush-up all the way around on it.
We had a meeting with the Attorney General on general politics, particu-
larly theproblem of working out Stans' move to RNC finance, but the P
agreed we should meet his conditions and get him moved over there.
a substantial problem for Henry with the press because a number of them
realize he's lied to them and are out to get him, and that Rogers also realizes
this. He has confronted Scali with the fact and John just doesn't know how to
cope with it. On the other hand, Henry had talked to me, saying that he
suspected Scali was leaking. There is a valid problem here, and one we're going
to have to figure out how to deal with. I told Scali I'd work with him on it, but
that I needed some time to figure it out and that I probably would have to wait
until a time when I could spend considerable time on it directly with the P,
which is what I intend to try to do.
Rogers had a press conference and Henry called me tonight because he
says Rogers has shot us down on two principal issues. First, saying that there
was no danger of cancellation of the Russian Summit, which Henry was using
as a threat, and second, saying there was no agreement to defend Pakistan,
which the P had told Henry to get out that there was, to show off Kennedy's
involvement in Pakistan. So the thing seems to get more tense and less solvable
all the time.
I didn't go in the office today as it was a holiday. The P was in a good part of
the day, bouncing around, touching base with people. He called in the after-
noon to say we were still dealing with the K problem. Basically it's Rogers in
India-Pakistan. The P made the point to me that there's going to come a time
when K's going to have to shape up and start worrying about the P instead of
worrying about himself, and he feels that K should now stay out of the line of
fire and avoid backgrounders and the press, and that we should let Scali know
that we'll get him out front at the proper time. I covered with the P my talk
with Scali yesterday, in which John expressed his view that Henry had really
become so obsessed with all this stuff that he was irrational and thus doing
some real harm. The P didn't seem unduly concerned about that and I don't
think gives it too much credence, but does feel that we've got to find a way to
deal with the K-Scali problem. So that was it, other than wishing me a Merry
Christmas and then he called me late tonight after The Julie Show to ask how
it had gone. I gave him the details on it. So he had something to talk to Julie
about. Overall it was a darngood half-hour program and we came off ex-
tremely well, I think, which is what I told him.
The P called on the phone before we left Key Biscayne. Was concerned about
the phone list we had turned in because he still wants the top contributors on
it and also he wants a breakdown list for each of the nine major states showing
the story only lasted a couple of days and in ten days from now no one will
remember we did it.
first. Third, that there is to be no communication between State and the Soviets
without prior knowledge of the White House and without a memcon afterward
summarizing everything that was discussed. Henry feels these are probably
impossible demands and therefore he'll have to leave, but he won't do so until
after the Russian trip. In discussing this the P understood Henry's view. I went
further than the Attorney General and told the P about Henry's further view
that the P had lost confidence in him and that the evidence, at least to Henry,
was the fact that the P was constantly trying to butter him up and keep him
happy and was not really getting into the nitty-gritty of foreign policy any-
more. Henry sees this as a slippage in his own standing and that probably is
what worries him more than anything else. That, plus the fact that he knows
he made the mistake in India-Pakistan and doesn't know how to cope with it.
In any event the P agreed that we should put the ultimatum to Rogers and
agreed with my recommendation that Mitchell and I do it as soon as we get
back from San Clemente. Then Mitchell and I are to meet with Henry as soon
as he gets back, later in the week, next week, to lay out to him the fact that
he's got to get in line too. I don't know whether it'll work but I don't see any
other solution at this point.
On Vietnam announcement, the P
the discussion about the plan for the
now decided go on the basic announcement of troop withdrawal on the 13th
and will do that on a pretty low-key basis. Probably just going to the press-
room in the afternoon, and giving the three-month figure of another 70,000
troops out. Then he'll wait until the 18th, the day Congress comes back, and
him, but I don't think he really believes that much anymore. He just tosses it
out. The P talked to him later and told him the same thing. He told him not
to do anything now and not to talk to the press. So we've probably got it pretty
well bottled up for the moment.
He said he does have ample contact with all the other candidates but the one
he really supports is the P and he would like to feel he had a relationship with
him too. This is actually a little farfetched because Perot, of course, has
reneged on almost everything he's promised to do for us but I told him I'd see
what we could work out.
of '72 just before the election, it will cost $160 million in fiscal '73, plus $20
million in '72, to continue it. The Air Force doesn't want the plane and doesn't
want to continue it, but Laird says Defense won't make the decision, that this
is a White House political matter. I checked it with the P, he of course said they
Rogers, then me. The P has every confidence in Rogers, but the State Depart-
ment leaks like a sieve. Said we should tell him we will keep Rogers posted on
China, but not down to the bowels of the State Department. Point out that
Rogers has got to be ruthless and selfless. Let Rogers know how much han-
dling the P has got to do.
Armed with this advice, we set up the meeting. Made the points that the
P suggested, and said we have got to work out a means of dealing with all of
this. Rogers said the basic problem he has is that he simply doesn't trust
Henry, that Henry has lied to him, saying he was lying under orders, and that's
the only time. Bill feels, therefore, that when he gets instructions from Henry
or any kind of information, that he's got to question it, and that up a very
difficult working relationship. He also said that he's got to have a direct line
that Mitchell and I should now meet with Haig and K together.
He said he had been thinking about the campaign, what he would do in
the last two weeks was six huge night rallies in the Astrodome and such places,
to show huge crowds and great support, but now he's thinking maybe that isn't
the best approach. He thinks maybe we need to poll the question that Hallett
raises on Muskie's image of a strong, thoughtful man versus Nixon as pure
cosmetics. He said he might want to consider the possibility of a joint appear-
ance with Muskie, I don't know why in the world he would do so. About
youth, we have to find a way so that they're not all against us. We need some
action on the bomb Muskie crew, especially Agnew, he's got nothing to gain
in fighting the press anymore, but he should brutally attack Muskie, leaving
Hubert and Teddy alone for now, since Muskie's way out in front.
company. Then he called back again and said he wanted to be sure that all of
them are going to get pictures of Tricia backstage after the performance. He's
really make
anxious to a big public thing out of his cultural tie with the
Russians. He made the point that since we're hitting them so hard on the
substantive stuff, it's important for us to be very friendly and open to them,
and the soft stuff such as the cultural thing.
This morning Attorney General and had our meeting with Henry and
When it was all over, we ended up not having accomplished a great deal,
but at least we didn't lose any ground, I don't think.
K called this morning, and he's now concluded that he can't leave the govern-
ment now because of the country and the P. He said he's sent Rogers an order
that all communications have to be cleared with him. He wants me to back up
the directive, and also make the point to Rogers that he's got to deal with K,
and he's got to have advance notice on any meetings that they set up.
P called at noon, made the comment about poor old Ashbrook and
McCloskey, up there trekking through the snows of New Hampshire (conserv-
ative Representative John Ashbrook and liberal Representative Paul McCloskey
were opposing P in the New Hampshire primary ) reflected on the real problem
of the Democrats, which is, where do they get their dough? He can't under-
stand how any of them can get enough money to campaign at all, considering
the deficit the party has.
education for everyone, and that's a terrible idea, especially for women, says
the P.
P then had me lay out the Buchanan thesis that maybe the "professional
President" is the wrong political posture and that rather we should be a
Party, what we need is a new party. P thinks maybe we should form that
party after this next election, and he cites the growth of the Independents
versus Republicans and Democrats. Then says to Connally he needs good
advice as to what is the right posture to take. Connally says the reason the
polls aren't greater at this point is people don't think they know Nixon, so
they don't go all out for him regardless of what the consequences are. They
don't know how to judge Nixon. Kennedy had them mesmerized in that
regard. Connally says that if the naturalenemy shows at any time, we should
grab it, but it would be better to wait until after the conventions. If we do
anything now, we should take on our Republican opponents, but it's better
not to have a fight now.
to his earlier point and says how do you get people to know
P went back
the P? Connally says you have to change your way of doing things. Like once
a week you should pick a group and meet with them. Maybe have a stag dinner
here of 100 people. Mend fences with the hurt folks that we've let down.
Should have them for dinner and have a real hair-down session, tell 'em you
need their help, and ask 'em how they think you're doing. P said that's fine for
the leaders, but how do you break through to the masses? Connally said by
becoming a fighter. P asked if he meant using more press conferences, and
Connally said no, that won't do it, although you should have one of those a
month, but you need to be strongly for and /or against something. You need
to do it fairly soon, to start preparing. Something that touches the lives of
people, like taxes or the bureaucracy. He says all people think the P's doing
an excellent job, but no one loves him, fears him, or hates him, and he needs
to have all three. The good "professional" president doesn't appeal to the
motivating emotions.
of it. Says the State of the Union isn't a fighting speech now, it plays against
the political mood today, and he thinks it's a good posture to be in. He thinks
that Connally's thesis is partly valid and partly not, but in any event feels the
combative mood set now would be bad. 'Cause it can't be maintained for eight
months. That we should build our credibility now for an attack later. Our
weakness is our credibility and political image and just general suspicion of
government and other institutions, so the time for attack, crisis, battle, etc., is
further down the road.
to do it. So in effect Shultz now reports to Connally not the P. Shultz says he
realized yesterday in the meeting with the P how disconnected he has become
from the P. Question is, are Shultz's orders now to report to Connally? The
problem is Connally doesn't have the depth, breadth, or ultimate responsibil-
ity. Also, he has a strong interest in having no strength in the White House,
therefore, he won't deal with anything that builds the White House. He goes
off on his own. They feel the P needs some people in the White House who are
his own who know what's going on, for example, Shultz knows noth-
ing about what's now going on in international trade. Connally has the ball,
he doesn't consult, he operates.
We little later in the morning to resume the discussion,
reconvened a
after Shultzwas again available. Made the point that the question really is
how the P sees the White House staff at this point. He has to come to grips
with the way he's setting up Connally. He says Nixon is a much deeper,
more subtle man than Connally, has values, Connally doesn't. Connally has
much less judgment. We are all Nixon men, not Connally men. I had the
thought as we were talking about this, that the P really is putting himself
hostage to Connally, unnecessarily, as he's also done with Rogers, also un-
I had an opportunity a little later in the morning to get into all of this
with the P, which I did, reviewing basically all the points that E and Shultz
had covered with me. P was very thoughtful about it and seemed to appreci-
ate this.
He then said, after thinking a bit, that he'd like to talk to me in a different
dimension and he said he hadn't intended to tell me this, and he had not told
anyone else, and was not going to tell anyone else, but that he had a very
difficult time with Connally in California. That the night they had dinner at the
P's house, Connally told him he had spent his time in Texas going off on a
horse, thinking through his future, and he had concluded that he had com-
pleted what he had come here for, the job that was needed, and he would be,
therefore, leaving at the end of January. This he had talked over very firmly
with Nellie, and there was a firm decision. P really had to go to work on him,
apparently, to make the point that this was not in the best interests at this time.
P's feeling is that we can't afford to let him go now, that we've got to pay the
price that's necessary to keep him, so he really is, in a sense, a hostage to him
as I had suspected earlier today.
P spent the morning over at the EOB, called a couple of times prior to State
of the Union time. Was concerned that we not let the staff get depressed by
setbacks, that we should just remember that something else will be the head-
lines next week. We find out it's important to remember the great capacity of
MacGregor and Colson, who were both fighters and realists, and know the
importance of not getting down in the mouth. State of the Union went well,
and he had MacGregor, Colson, and me in afterward to analyze reaction. We
all agreed that he accomplished exactly what he was after and that it was the
best possible way to have done it. He does want to be sure our Congressional
types follow up with a very rough, positive attack.
had a dinner for the Cabinet, particularly in honor of Stans and
Hardin tonight, and Price, Harlow, and Pat Moynihan each gave very good
clever little talks. Stans gave an excellent, fairly serious talk about the P and
then the P gave an outstanding talk about the accomplishments of the Ad-
ministration to date and the fact that we're now about to start the fourth
quarter, which is when the decision will be made as to who wins the game.
Text of his remarks should be in the file with reference. It was extremely
impressive and had many of the people in tears, or very near it, and was, it
seemed to me, almost completely ad lib. Obviously he had done some prep
for it, but it was one of those that was not polished in the way that his
prepared remarks are, so must have been developed pretty much as he was
delivering it. After the dinner we left for Key Biscayne, arriving there about
2:00 in the morning.
got to the Third Section today, because the news was good news, so they
buried it. He was thinking back to WW
II when they really played up big the
good news and played down the bad. Just the opposite of now.
He had a directive that Henry wanted sent to Rogers about the planes to
Israel and the Israel-Egypt negotiations. P decided that I should handle the
question of whether Sidey ever deplored Nixon's problem for the eight years
while he was out of office, when he traveled around the world alone with his
briefcase, got no coverage, a lot less than even Scoop Jackson gets now. Did
Sidey at that time complain about Kennedy dominating news? Did he argue
for equal time for the Republicans? It's kind of curious to explore the double
K was in for quite a while, we talked about the speech for tonight, making
the point that we've got to realize that the press is going to kick us on Vietnam,
not because they think we're wrong in what we're doing on this, but because
they know we're right, and are furious because we're the ones who are doing
it, the same way they did on Cambodia, and to an extent on China.
We reviewed also the question of probability that North Vietnam will
create a real crisis in the process of this. One of the reports said that while the
P's in China, they might very well move to cut Vietnam in half and create a
super crisis that we would have trouble dealing with. Henry made the point
that this was quite possible and we have to figure that could happen. Also,
we've got to prepare a plan for our approach if the Viet Cong or North
Vietnam turn down our peace offer, and we've got to go on the basis that we
stick solidly with the position and don't waver at all. Attack our opponents
and keep the heat on for consideration of our proposal. We have to establish
the point that the P has done exactly what he said he would, and try to get this
across somehow.
We had quite a thing with Laird about a Washington Post story this
morning that quoted Pentagon officials and officers, in quite vehement criti-
cism of the White House's orders of bombing raids on North Vietnam. P told
me to hit Laird on this, saying we want to know who put it out, and establish
the facts that the Joint Chiefs are the ones who wanted the five days, where the
P originally ordered a three-day bombing. The article said the White House
insisted on five, which was not true, the Joint Chiefs did. Also, it said that the
White House had screwed up the target selection, whereas the White House
had approved all of the targets from the Joint Chiefs. Also told me to call
Moorer and make the point that the P has been standing up for the Joint
Chiefs and it's up to Tom to find out who did this, or we'll have to skewer the
Chiefs from the White House.
I made both calls, got Laird midday, and Moorer this evening after he got
Editor's Note: The speech revealed the secret negotiations K had been
having with the North Vietnamese, and the details of the latest peace plan.
It linked a withdrawal with a POW exchange, a cease-fire, and new presi-
indicates the speech scored extremely well, and now it is just a matter of
working the follow-up, the thoughtful people and so on. He was very dis-
tressed by the VP's performance at the Leadership Meeting, because he appar-
ently was critical of some of the facets of the announcement, and said so in the
wrong way at the wrong time. P talked to Bill Rogers about this later in the
day, and Rogers agreed it was a problem, but nobody seems to know what to
do about it.
Back some more speech follow-up today. The P's furious with the Washing-
wants Henry to write a letter to the Post rebutting it. Also,
ton Post editorial,
said he's taking the Post off the China trip, and that Ron is not to come
simpering and arguing about it. They deliberately screwed us, and we're going
to have to get back at them. Ziegler's not to tell any press people they're going
until the P reviews the China list again.
anyway, and it won't be any worse if he's in the firm than if he's not. I don't
think that's right, but that was the decision.
I did a nearly two-hour interview today with Barbara Walters for the
"Today" show, the whole thing in my office for use next week. I'll probably
really bust thingsopen because I used the conscious "aiding and abetting the
enemy" line in answer to one of her questions, and I'm sure it will create quite
a stir when it comes out.
The big news today was the flap over the Wallace dinner last night, one of the
girls pulled out a "Stop the Killing" sign from her dress and read a speech
about ending the war, which thoroughly shocked everybody there. P was
talking about it this morning, felt that it really hadn't done us any harm,
although Mrs. Nixon was pretty disturbed about it.
We got into quite a discussion this morning on the Connally problem.
He's apparently home sick with the flu. P wants to be sure that we don't let the
White House staff throw their weight on him. Wants me to have Alex go
overboard on Connally, that is, getting him to Camp David and all the other
perks, have him use the Eagle any time he goes. Wants the Attorney General
to go over and talk with him about once a week on politics, put his feet up and
chat. Get his advice. Don't try to use him, just chat with him. Wants to be sure
K keeps in touch with him. Wants E to watch him like a hawk, not just get
sign-offs from him, but go over things with him and get his judgment. If
Connally's not for it, then the P won't do it. Wants me to make the point that
the P's concerned about how hard he's working.
to say that the operator called and said that Don Nixon was calling, and he
didn't want to talk to him, of course, so I told him, of course. I'd have E handle
it. E called me later to say that the reason Don was
was to say he was calling
going to be having an interview with Jack Anderson tomorrow, just wanted to
check in to see if there was anything particular he should cover. Rather
fortunate he had it turned off.
knows how the P abhors and that he learns much better from the
bull sessions
written word, so he them to get their papers in first, let the P have
would like
time to study them, then he'll meet with the group, and ask his questions and
so forth, but he'd like their papers in before this weekend. Henry was delighted
with that solution.
Attorney General called today about the Howard Hughes problem. He's
gotten a report from the United States Attorney in New York, who has a draft
of the Noah Dietrich book, that indicates that Hughes apparently contributed,
or made a gift of, $195,000 to Nixon, after the '60 election, and said it could
be considered a belated campaign contribution. Mitchell's concerned that we
get the background on that. Wants me to talk to Rose on that and see what
we can find out, which I will do. P got into the whole Connally problem this
morning, he wanted me to call Nellie and see if Connally would like to go to
Florida and stay at the P's house for a while to recover from his cold. Also,
he wants me to sit down and
talk to Connally and say that the P says, because
he's carrying such a burden and the P considers him the indispensable man,
that I'm to see that his path is as easy as possible within the White House staff.
We also talked a little about the idea of getting Connally to head up the
Democrats for Nixon, using that as a campaign role for him.
The Don Nixon problem arose again as E reported to the P on the
Anderson thing (Jack Anderson interview) and we had some discussion on
how to handle Don, and agreed that it's got to be done through (Nixon's
lawyer Herb) Kalmbach.
We had a session with E and Rose in part of it, about the Don Nixon
problem this morning. That's come back up now, because Don's now demanded
that he see the P, this week, and he's going to go see Anderson also. It was agreed
that we cannot allow Don to see Anderson under any circumstances. Then John
reported that the Attorney General said that Don Nixon should see Anderson,
but then he reversed it and said he would turn it off. P made the point that he has
to save himself as the big gun for the big problems, therefore, he can't even know
what's going on with the Don Nixon calls.
Later in the day, E discovered that Don had already talked to an Ander-
son reporter who he thought was just a personal friend of Johnny Meyers from
the Howard Hughes organization. So it spilled the whole bundle of stuff to
him, which Anderson has and is going to run in a series of three columns
starting later this week. Don now knows this and that's why he feels he has to
see Anderson.
get people off on the right foot before the Lincoln recess, rather than a bitch
session of any kind. Rogers did a very good job, apparently a superlative job,
of building up the P's role as the man of peace. Connally did a great windup
on the P himself, as well as the economy, but the star of the day I guess was
Hugh Scott, who good form and did a very good job on making
really got into
the whole P against his critics, etc. Scott also went out
pitch, defending the
before the press, along with Gerry Ford, afterward, and of course got hit with
the Haldeman "Today" show question, but handled it very well.
Everybody's basically taking an approach that they're not repudiating me
in any way, although nobody is going as far as I did, or saying that they
specifically agree with my precise point.
Wehad considerable discussion on and off during the day on the whole
Vietnam question, as stirred up by my speech, as the reaction starts building
up. P feels that the Democrats really have a problem on Vietnam, because
they've got to decide where to put themselves. The point now that we've got
to make is that they're postponing the peace.
badly motivated in any way, he's just not smart enough to exercise this super
caution that he should exercise. Ed Nixon, while playing an adversarial role in
the meeting, got E afterward and said he'd work with us to handle it, that we'd
gone at it just right.
P our whole Haldeman flap gave the State of the World some
feels that
and that was probably a good thing. He got back onto the subject
tonight on the plane going back to Key Biscayne, and made the point that it's
imperative that everyone follow the line that he took in the press conference
today, which was really very good in that he made it clear he wasn't question-
ing the patriotism or sincerity of any of the candidates, but that he was a
vigorous critic of the policies that got us into Vietnam, and the actions that
contributed to the assassination of Diem and the conduct of the war. Once he
became a candidate and the peace talks began, he said that as a man seeking
the Presidency, he would say nothing that would in any way jeopardize the
peace talks, and that's the position he feels a candidate should take.
Press conference overall went very well, it was an in-office deal, and the
press was more than usually surly, partly because it's been so long since they've
had a press conference. Jim Deacon, after the "Thank you, Mr. President,"
asked if they could have more questions, and came in with a couple of snarling
ones, but the transcript on the press conference is fairly interesting.
Rogers was very concerned this morning before the press conference
because President Thieu had attacked him on the basis that he'd said that we'd
be flexible on the question of when Thieu should step down before a Viet-
namese election. Rogers obviously did have a blooper there, but wanted the P
to stand behind him. Actually the P couldn't strongly stand behind him, but
he did handle the question in such a way that Rogers could have no dissatisfac-
tion. As a result of that, the P filed out of the press conference, we came out
in very good shape on Vietnam and on Thieu.
attributed in no small degree to the heavy attack we've laid on the peace critics
here at home, and that would include my attack last week as well as the others.
He felt had we not done that, they would have figured we were back in
a weak position. By fighting back hard instead of just being kicked around by
our critics, it was clear that we meant business on the peace proposal, and so
there's a real chance that will buy us the relief from the offensive. Also, he
thinks our current heavy bombing of South Vietnam must have had an effect,
as well as moving the three carriers into position and that sort of thing. Henry
feels the same way and thinks that it all adds up to very positive situation for
us at this point.
pointed out to him that he's got six solid days to work on it, that he need not
be too concerned that the P's got to take some time on these things to get into
gear, but once he does, he'll really plow into it.
In the meantime he's trying to get his sleep caught up and get himself in
a good physical condition for the whole trip, which is a darn good thing for
him to do.
The departure ceremonies and the takeoff from Andrews all went very well,
with no problems. P seemed to be in great spirits on the chopper going over
to Andrews, as he too felt the whole thing had gone well. Leadership meeting
had been very positive and upbeat. He received a standing ovation, and
everybody, even including Fulbright, had wished him well on the trip, so things
seem to be off to an auspicious start. We saw a little bit of the TV coverage
after we got on the plane, because they had the set on the table in the staff
room, and it appeared that coverage has been extremely good, according to
those who had watched it, by getting out to the plane early. It was kind of an
odd feeling because they covered the actual takeoff of the "Spirit of '76" and
we were on the plane watching the TV covering the takeoff, which was sort of
Called me up at and kept me up till 2:10, so I had three solid hours
1 1:10
in the cabin with him, starting about a half hour after takeoff. P emphasized
the need for close discipline on the press during the week, that no one is to talk
to the press unless we decide to do so, that we've got to create the impression
that this is a very tough bargaining session, not all peaches and cream. He then
raises a subtle point that someone can make, but not us, which was that the
last visitor the Chinese had who came from Camp David was Khrushchev, and
at 10:00 this morning. He discussed some of his tactics for handling the
meetings, and the techniques he's going to use. He says Henry's urging him to
do it Henry's way, which is to get into the long, drawn-out historical and
philosophical discussions with Chou, which the P is not inclined to do. Henry
is also urging him to start in the plenary session with reading a written
statement, which the P also is not inclined to do, and intends to follow his own
technique on this rather than Henry's advice.
it that the P would sign it tonight after the banquet, which would be at midday
Monday in Washington.
On the way to Shanghai from Guam, the P called me up. He's very
concerned that the whole operation at the Peking airport be handled flawlessly
since that will be the key picture of the whole trip. He doesn't want anything
to be blown on it, so I had to work on getting every detail of that set out exactly
right, so there are no dangers of slipup.
We and went through the airport ceremony just as the
arrived in Peking
original plan had been laid out, and we didn't have any untoward circum-
stances. The P greeted Chou exactly as planned, went through the ceremonies,
got in the car, drove rapidly in from the airport through the town and out to
the guest house, with virtually no public attention at all. It appeared as we
drove through the streets, particularly in the downtown area, that people had
actually been kept away from the motorcade route, because as you looked
down the side streets, you could see quite a large gathering of people one block
away, being held off by a barrier. There were some pedestrians and bicycle
riders, etc., on the main streets that we drove on, but they studiously paid no
attention to us, and it almost appeared that they had been put there for the
purpose of ignoring us. It's hard to imagine that a motorcade the size of ours
could whip through town without creating any attention at all; it also appeared
that the people on the barricades had gathered there to see what was going on,
but weren't permitted to do so.
We arrived at the Residence and were escorted into a reception room,
where Chou En-lai greeted us, then we all sat down in a horseshoe, with the
P and Chou at the couch at the head, the rest of us ranged down the two sides.
Had tea, cookies, etc., and the P and Chou engaged in a fairly extended
conversation while the rest of us sat quietly and listened. It was mainly an
exchange of general humor, no real substantive points, some chitchat about
the advance party, the original early arrangements, and that sort of thing. Both
seemed to be very friendly, but noncommittal. They didn't get off of the trivial
ground at all during that session.
The P called me up to his room as soon as we got in, or as soon as the
tea party broke up, and just wanted to review things in general. We talked a
little about getting out the line that we weren't concerned at all about the lack
of people in the streets and so forth. The P wanted to be sure that we got that
line out, that this was exactly what we'd expected, and point out the signifi-
cance of other things, such as Chou En-lai being at the airport, their playing
"The Star-Spangled Banner," and that sort of thing. A little later I got a phone
report from Mort Allen on the news coverage and it turned out that the
networks handled it exactly the way the P wanted, there was no need for us to
put out any further line.
I left the P around 2:00, then came down and had a chat with Henry, who
was concerned and wanted me to talk to the P about the problem of the P
making quips about him at the little tea gathering here at the guest house with
Chou. Chou paid several compliments to Henry, about his good work in
setting up this meeting and so forth. Then the P made some quips about it,
saying which one of our advance people did the job, which had Henry dis-
turbed that it would put him down in the eyes of the Chinese. He wanted me
to talk to the P about that. During this time Henry was kind of wandering
around with nothing much to do until his meeting with Chou at 3:00.
At about 2:30, or maybe a little bit before, apparently Chou En-lai ap-
peared at the guest house, unannounced, got a hold of Henry, and said that
Chairman Mao would like to see the P, if he would come over. Henry rushed
upstairs, told the P, he slapped on his coat, the two of them went out, grabbed
Bob Taylor, on the way, and took off for Mao's Residence unbeknownst to
anybody else. Taylor came into Chapin's schedule planning meeting and said
this is what they're going to do. He was very concerned about it, but that he
was under orders to tell no one, and that they were not to tell Ziegler or make
any public thing out of it until they got back. So Dwight came right down and
told me. We debated how to handle the thing for a while, called Ziegler, and
had him come over. I told him. We spent a very long hour and a half trying
to figure out what the various contingencies were, since we had no idea when
they'd be back, or what would happen in the meantime. The press was on its
way over to the Great Hall of the People to set up for coverage of the arrival
of the P for the plenary session with Chou, which was scheduled for 4:30 now,
then postponed. The networks were planning to cover the arrival live, and the
press pool was on its way over here to the guest house to cover the P's
departure. Since we couldn't announce any of this, we didn't exactly know how
to handle it. We back and forth as to what to do. Also speculated
debated it
he approved my suggestion that I call Rogers and tell him that the P had met
with Mao. I caught K on the way in, and we worked out a plan for announcing
the meeting, because Mao had agreed that it could be announced jointly by us
and the Chinese.
It's kind of funny: when I had called Ziegler in here to begin with, I sat
him down in my room and told him not to go up the wall when he knew we
had to be prepared for surprises, and that he should just be calm, but I wanted
him to know that the P at that moment had left here, and was over meeting
with Chairman Mao at his Residence. Ron was holding a tangerine in his
hand, took a bite of it, getting about half the tangerine in one bite, peel and
all. He was, to say the least, a little startled.
Anyway, the P called me up and told me he had been over to see Mao.
Obviously, he was very impressed with the whole thing, but didn't get into any
details at that time. He said that to explain it to Bill on the basis that the reason
that the meetings were delayed was that Chou came by unexpectedly, and
asked the P and K
go over for a private meeting with the Chairman prior
to the plenary session. Henry is now working out the plan for release, which
the P discussed with Chou on the way back.
in the car
K came in 40 minutes later. was still up chatting with the P, he was just
back from his meeting with Chou. They had agreed on the release and so forth.
Then the P read his toast to Henry, also. Henry made a couple of suggestions
on some deletions of things he felt would be offensive to the American right
wing, and with which I completely agreed. Then it was time to leave for the
plenary session, so I gave the corrections to Rose just as we were going out,
then rode over to make sure the session got started right. P mused a little bit
more, just before he left, on how impressive the Mao meeting was, but again
didn't get into any detail.
After he came back from the plenary session, we had to get dressed
quickly for the dinner. I was up there for a little while, working out some minor
details with them on that. Then we left which worked out fine.
for the dinner,
Very good Chinese meal. We went through the whole handshaking business on
arrival at the Great Hall, and down some receiving lines. Up a spectacular
grand staircase to the banquet hall area. The toasts went extremely well. It's
a little awkward at the Chinese dinners, because they have a glass of wine, a
glass of Mao Tai, and a glass of orange juice at the table, and your Chinese
hosts keep drinking to your health in Mao Tai, and you're supposed to
respond, which is not too bad until they call gan-bei, which means "bottoms
up." At that point you're supposed to empty your glass, which I explained to
them I couldn't do for religious reasons, but I did finally get away with it,
although it was a little difficult making it stick, and they kept trying. They
obviously delight in going all out on the toasting bit.
The Chou En-lai toast was very good, and after the toast he came down
and made the rounds of all the official party tables, individually toasting
each American at all those tables. The main toast he gave was in the middle
of the dinner, and the P's was between several of the latter courses. P fol-
lowed the same pattern that Chou had in toasting the individual Chinese at
the official party tables, which took a lot longer, since there were about eight
Chinese to two or three Americans at each of the tables. P did a superb job,
he's really impressive. As he completed his toast and they completed the
Chinese translation, the band, which was also superb, the Red Army band,
struck up "America the Beautiful." It was quite an emotional moment. The
P then made the rounds, and he was really charged up. He moved very
forcefully, took a firm stand in front of the individual, looked him squarely
in the eye, raised his glass and clinked the other person's, took a quick sip,
then he raised his glass again and gave a little staccato bow to the individual,
and then he turned, marched to the next individual, and repeated the per-
formance. It was really quite spectacular, as "America the Beautiful" was
playing in the background.
Then the dinner concluded, the P and most of the rest of us in the
American party moved through the hall to the other side, to thank the band
for their performance. They had played "Turkey in the Straw," and an "Amer-
ican March," and "Home on the Range" as well as "America the Beautiful"
and our 'National Anthem at the beginning of the dinner. It was very impres-
sive and quite overwhelming, even to the cynical members of the press corps,
apparently. We then came back to the Residence, and the P had Henry in for
quite a while. I had got undressed and was just ready to go to bed, when he
had Henry tell me to come up and we sat and talked for about an hour. He
was sort of just looking back over what was obviously a rather overwhelming
day. I was able to give him a report on the general press coverage, which had
been extremely good, and he was very pleased with that.
He got to talking some about his meeting with Mao, which obviously was
quite an experience for him. He said Mao was basically in pretty good shape,
although he had trouble walking. His mind is very sharp, has a very good sense
of humor, and he felt they had a very good first session. He was particularly
impressed by the fact that at one point Mao reached over, talking, and
grabbed the P's hand and held it for more than a minute while he made his
point. P felt that was rather significant, and was especially pleased that the
Chinese film cameras had managed to cover it. The Chinese had agreed to
make the film and their still photos available to us for release, which Ron got
later tonight and put out. So we should get some great coverage as a result of
P finally decided to fold up day after we reviewed the schedule for
for the
the week again, and that's the end of a very memorable day in American
the bank money, and went through the whole involved pro-
to exchange our
one girl at the first desk behind
cess of the operation of the Chinese bank, with
the counter, who took our order, had us sign the form, then handed the form
to the next lady, the lady at the next desk, who fanned out the money and
counted six hundred dollars in almost unbelievable quick time. Then they ran
some calculations on the abacus, and counted the money again, then handed
it across to a man at another desk, who counted it again, looked all the papers
over, and stamped it three or four times, then the girl at the first desk handed
them me, insisted that I count them again. The total honesty is astonishing,
there's justcomplete determination not to cheat anybody.
We had dinner at the guest house, apparently a standard Chinese dinner,
then went to the evening ballet performance, which was quite an experience.
We drove to the Great Hall of the People in a motorcade and were ushered
right up to the entrance to the theater, where we went into a little room and
sat down, that is, the top members of the official party sat down for tea and
refreshments, after going through the handshaking process. Then we went into
the theater, which was quite a small one, with the usual applause from the
gathered group. We applauded back, took our seats, and comfortable easy
chairs with tea tables in front of us, and tea on the table, and watched the first
three acts of the ballet "The Red Detachment of Women." We went back out
to the lounge room for tea at intermission, then back in for the rest of the ballet
and then home. The ballet itself was just as we had been led to believe, a
complete propaganda operation, extremely well done. Music was very good,
a modernized form of traditional Chinese music. As was the ballet, a modern-
ized form of traditional Chinese ballet. The interpreter seated behind me
explained the ideological aspects of the ballet all the way through, and wanted
to be sure Iunderstood all the points. In fact all of the Chinese kept asking all
of us if we were understanding the point that was being made, but it was a
ratherodd sight to see the P clapping at the end for this kind of thing, which
would have been horrifying at home, but it all seems to fit together somehow,
He had me up to the room afterward, and obviously was very much
impressed by the performance and by the music.
was a white ground cover, which makes the usually totally brown Peking much
more attractive. P again had no schedule in the morning, and worked here at
the house. For the afternoon session today, the P invited Chou to come to the
guest house, so the session was held here, from 2:00 to 6:00. Once again, I went
shopping for that entire period, in, at times, a driving snowstorm.
Tonight at the guest house, we had a delicious American dinner, which
was very thoughtful of our hosts. We had a fish course, delicious fried fish, and
then a steak, little fillet sort of, with green beans, carrots, and fried potatoes,
and cream and a pastry for dessert. After dinner we went to the gymnasium
for the athletic exhibition, which also was very good. Again, we gathered for
tea outside first, then we marched in while the 20,000 people in attendance
clapped and we returned the applause. Again, we were seated at an area where
the counter was in front of us, with the teapots on it, and also wet towels,
which were changed three or four times during the performance. The P seemed
to enjoy the whole thing thoroughly, as did Chou. Fascinating in the preper-
formance sessions, the way Chou is so relaxed and a great master of small talk,
as he greets each guest and has various comments on a personal basis for each
one, or for most of them. Any that he hasn't shaken hands with before we get
into the room, he leaps up and comes across the room to greet, as he did with
me this evening, and it's really very impressive.
The impression from the gym show was one of total control, the hall was
packed, every seat was filled. They were filled by sections, with the big section
filled with an Army group in green uniforms, another section for an Army
group with blue uniforms, other sections for people in civilian clothes, a
section for athletes in red sweat suits, another for athletes in blue sweat suits,
etc. Also, they had a lighting system that enabled them to turn on sections of
overhead lights for the television cameras, and as each section was lighted from
time to time, the people in it would all automatically start cheering for the
camera. The regimentation enormous. The athletes themselves march in
with a big strut and swinging arms, stand at attention and face the Premier
before they start their particular event.
After returning from the gym, late this evening, we learned that Chou had
decided to give a Peking duck dinner for the official party at the Great Hall of
the People tomorrow night, to which the P also was invited, which creates
problems, since P was counting on tomorrow night as his one night off with
no event and no dinner, but he'll undoubtedly have to accept, there's no real
way to get around it.
Onebuilding issue is the problem of Rogers. He called me today to say
that he was concerned about the news reports as they were building at home,
which pointed out that he wasn't involved in any of the important meetings,
and was being kept out of things. He was obviously uptight about being left
out of the meeting with Mao on Monday, and made the point that if there's
any other meeting with Mao, he wants to be sure that he is included. He also
was carping about the fact that Henry had two NSC people in the Chou
meeting with the P, while there were no State Department people there. Later
today, Henry charged in, furious, because he'd learned that Rogers had raised,
with the foreign minister, the question of their participating in writing the
communique, and the Foreign Minister had said no, that Prime Minister Chou
had assigned it to Dr. Kissinger, and Mr. Chiao. So it put Rogers in a rather
embarrassing position. This is a problem that's going to continue, I think, on
a similar basis. Scali got me before we went to the gym, and complained that
his talents weren't being adequately used, and that we ought to be consulting
with him on press problems, and that sort of thing. So we have a problem
there, too.
to the Wall, but didn't really create any problem. As a matter of fact, it worked
out fine. There was no wind, and it was warm and sunny at the Wall, so we
had a beautiful visit there, and at the Ming tombs. After we finished the Wall
visit, we had to stop at the little house at the bottom to have tea, which we all
sat around and did. Chou did not go out, but the Vice-Premier did, as well as
the Foreign Minister. Then we went to the Ming tombs, and went into a little
house there, where they served a fantastic lunch. Although it was supposed to
be just a snack, they had all kinds of meats, pastries, etc. Most of the pastries
done in the shape of little animals of various kinds, and the girls just kept
passing one after another, topped off with a delicious sort of chocolate jelly roll
sponge cake.
The Wall and the tombs were basically as expected. was funny, on the
way into the tombs, the park area surrounding them, they had staged groups
of people playing cards, children doing jump rope, a family eating, so that
photographers had ample material as they walked along.
After the dinner tonight, the P had me up for a little time killing. Got into
the question of tomorrow's schedule and wants to cut the tour of the Forbid-
den City down as much as he can, and wanted to try to eliminate all the
handshaking and glass clinking at the dinner tomorrow night, but at that point
Henry came in and felt that was a mistake, that it was the Chinese way, so we
probably will. Also, we're going to have a plenary session tomorrow, to bring
the Foreign Minister types in.
meeting whenever Henry finished his thing and they were ready to meet. So it's
kind of a long wait for him.
now because Henry's told him that Rogers has
He's particularly upset
come rewording of the communique that revises even the State
in with a
Department wording, and he's submitted his material, saying that we must not
go any further than what he's said. The whole thing re-raises the basic Rogers
problem. He mused over how to handle it, and I told him that the only possible
way is that the P's going to have to sit down and talk with him, and just flatly
explain to him how the thing's going to work, and make him understand it. I
think that will work, but the problem is getting the P to do it, and I'm not at
all sure that he will.
The dinner went well tonight, and both the P's and Chou's toasts were
very good. The P did end up reading his, and it's good he did because it came
over better. Chou made a strong commitment to Chinese-American friendship
and Henry felt that was significant, especially in the way he phrased it. Before
dinner, P called Rogers, Henry and me over while we were waiting for the
picture-taking session, and told Rogers that there would be a plenary session
at the airport tomorrow at Chou's request, and Bill didn't seem to spark much
to that. He obviously was in pretty bad spirits. Then Rogers raised the ques-
tion about another meeting with Mao, and the P said he didn't think there was
going to be one, and was sort of leading Henry on. Henry took the bait in the
wrong direction and told Rogers the reason was that Mao wasn't well, which
we're not supposed to say anything about.
Later tonight, after the dinner, P had Henry and me up in his room, and
told Henry he was concerned about having told Rogers about Mao, and to say
that I should go see him and get that straightened out, that he's not to say
anything to anybody about it. So then the P spent quite a little time agonizing
about how to get Rogers in line on the communique, etc.
Henry left to go down for another meeting on the Taiwan section, came
back up about a half an hour later, with a victory. He has the statement
basically the way we had ended up wanting it, so the P approved it, Henry's
now got that locked, which means we will almost certainly have a communique
by tomorrow, which seems in good shape. We talked about the question of
another Mao meeting and agreed, as I told Henry earlier, that there was no
need for one from our viewpoint.
Hang Chow, and go into details with him there, so that he won't know that
it's an accomplished fact and that it's up to him to go along with it and
support it.
gers' satisfaction. Then P clearly hit Bill hard, and said he expected him to
instruct his bureaucracy to stay behind us 100 percent and support it fully,
which Bill said he would do. P played it pretty coolly, and I think Bill got
the message.
P had me get Ziegler in to give a report on all the press we're having on
the communique, which Henry had briefed on this afternoon. All Ron had
were the early wire reports, which are treating it on a pretty straight basis, not
overly enthusiastic. Then the P had me get Henry in, he was obviously dead
on his feet, but the P was determined to talk, and we went on till after 2:00.
P sort of recapping problems and triumphs of the whole visit, the fact of the
great accomplishment, the real breakthrough, the lack of understanding of
what really has been done, but the fact will come out eventually. His admira-
tion for Henry's accomplishments and the whole thing, with Henry sitting on
the couch just itching to get out to go to bed, which I tried to bring about
several times, but the P made the point that Chou En-lai stays up all night, so
will he.
He ordered some Mao Tai and had several of those, which he had also
done at dinner,and had at least half a dozen before and during lunch today.
He did finally let us go out on his terrace and take a look at Shanghai at night,
and then excused us. Obviously, he was feeling the historic nature of the
occasion, and just couldn't bring himself to fold up, but we did finally manage
to do so.
States.They both agreed not to resort to the threat of force or the use of force
and in relations with each other, and they agreed that
in international relations
no nation should dominate Asia. This is the heart of the communique. There
is now a new relationship at this time. We support the proposition of peaceful
settlement of international disputes and disputes between ourselves. The ques-
tion is whether we can learn to live with our differences, or whether we'll die
for them. He said that in their evaluation of us, the thing that impresses them
isnot our wealth, but our power, and more importantly our purpose. They see
our material emphasis as a weakness. They look for strength of character,
fail, to believe. He emphasized the continuity of the
willingness to sacrifice, to
China trip as it evolves from the Nixon doctrine. After the Cabinet meeting,
he had Henry and me in to evaluate both meetings, and was absolutely horri-
fied by Rogers, handling of both the Cabinet meeting and even more so the
Leaders' Meeting.
Buchanan called me this afternoon to say that he had thought the whole
thing over and decided he had to resign and would like to come down Friday
evening and meet on the courier plane with the P to tell him he was leaving and
why. I jumped on him pretty hard on the basis that he had no right to interrupt
the P's brief time off with something like this, and also that he basically had
no right to resign at all. He feels he's got to be his own man, but he can't
support the communique, and that if he can't then he has no business staying
on the staff. He seems to overlook the fact that his leaving would create a
major stir and shatter a lot of the confidence that's now developing in the
China trip, but I don't know whether I'll be able to persuade him of that. I
at this point. He has no right or business to talk about the communique, and
they should point out that the P never said Chinese Communism was good. He
should look at the subtlety of the comments.
Editor's Note: Jack Anderson was claiming that a lobbyist named Dita
Beard had written a memo boasting that the ITT settlement had been
influenced by an ITT contribution to the Republican convention. The
charge was not true the contribution had nothing to do with the settle-
ment, and in fact had been made to the city of San Diego, so the city could
bid on the convention (ITT's Sheraton division was opening a new hotel
there, and it was thought to be a good promotion). Kleindienst, who was
up for Attorney General, had been in charge of the case, and called for new
Senate hearings to clear his name this gave the Democrats on the Com-
mittee a chance to make political hay. Beard would later testify that the
memo was a forgery, but the damage had been done. For the White House
it was a public relations disaster.
We all agreed we need someone to manage the whole project, that at this
point we don't have anybody really on top of it. P was concerned about what's
at the root of all this, where did this story start, who leaked the memo, who
the cause more good by being inside than being outside, and therefore he
decided he should stay on. When I reported this back to the P, it was clear that
he wasn't particularly pleased that Buchanan was staying. At that point, he
was pretty well ready for Pat to go on his way.
Later in the day, E asked him how he thought New Hampshire was going
to come and his prediction was that Muskie would get 54 percent, because
he'd pick up some rank-and-file sympathy, and get a little more than the polls
say he will. McGovern will get 22 percent, and not do as well as the polls say.
On our side, he said he'll get 65 to 68 percent, McCloskey 20 to 22 percent,
Ashbrook about 10 percent.
made a pitch for the need to solve the problem of his apparent downgrading
and the press coverage thereof. His solution was for the P to announce that
Rogers was in charge of the planning for the Russian trip. The P finessed that,
as he should have, and made it pretty clear to Rogers that he wasn't about to
be put in charge of the trip.
Diego. P felt Dole should make a speech and hit a hard counterattack, disclos-
ing who contributed to the Republican host committee, and then calling on the
Democrats to do likewise. In other words, attack the attackers, saying they're
playing politics with us, trying to smear an innocent man, and that sort of
I got a recommendation from E and Colson P cancel his press
that the
conference idea for tomorrow, because there's no way he can adequately
handle the ITT question. So, I went over and told him this and he agreed to
drop it. Thinks that maybe we should give the money back to ITT or Sheraton,
with a real blast by the mayor of San Diego, saying this is a smear job, that
we've always refused the $400,000, and knock down that the P had any
knowledge of the money at all.
He was concerned that we don't seem to have any dirt to throw back at
the Democrats. We've got to find a way to turn around the PR on this, because
we're getting screwed unfairly.
pieces, that we overreact and worry too much. When things are going your
way, you should just let them go, not work on each little thing, that we're too
antsy. We should brush the other guys off and not worry about them. He's very
concerned about our overreaction, thinks we need more of a feeling of stability
and confidence. It's an interesting point. My answer to it being, that he's a
Democrat and always has been in Democratic politics where they can do that,
because the press is with them. We can't afford that luxury.
The big thing todaywas the ITT I had a staff session where
deal again.
we tried to work on how to turn the some positive PR. I called
thing into
Mitchell to check out the statement that was attributed to him in the testimony
today that the P had told him to get the case settled. He said that this statement
had previously been in the Anderson column and in the press. The facts are
that Mitchell has only seen Dita Beard once in his life. Mitchell never said
anything like this to her, and he'll categorically deny it. Mitchell also said
there's something fishy on the Dita Beard memo, that she's a drinking buddy
of Anderson's secretary, and it may be that there's something involved there,
also in the fact that Anderson won't show the memo to anybody.
Kleindienst called me at home tonight on the whole thing, said that the
press and TV are not accurately reporting the positive testimony, they're
only covering the sensational stuff today. Mitchell told Kleindienst to call
me, suggested using the White House resources, first, to set up a task force
over the weekend to review the testimony versus the newspaper accounts;
second, the VP take it on; third, a general attack by any friendly press,
Congress, government and community people we can get. He says tonight
(Senators John) Tunney, (Gary) Hart, and Kennedy asked (Senator James)
Eastland (the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee ) to get the SEC
ITT and let them romp through those, which
inside-trading charges against
we very definitely don't want them to do. He thinks it's clear now that the
Anderson charge has been repudiated, and they're now after bigger game,
and for this reason he sort of regrets his request for the hearing, especially
since it's gone this far, but no one had ever anticipated the press and TV
would come up with such unfair reporting. He thinks that the fact that (An-
derson colleague Brit) Hume injected the P into it on hearsay shows the
serious basis that they're working on.
stands that way, and they're still trying to figure out how to turn it around to
our benefit somehow.
had working, that they have done a pretty good job of getting the story
going our way. Made the point that the ITT stock went down after the
settlement, so it couldn't have been too great a settlement.
Was concerned because Colson said he was doing his best to keep the staff
morale up, which was a stupid thing to dump on the P. Also wanted to raise
the question with Mitchell whether we could put out some lists of contributors
just for primaries, so we don't let a fire build up on this, but instead just get
it out of the way.
Then the P got into the design of the new Laurel cabin at Camp David,
which he had been over to look at. He thinks there should be an office there,
wants to take a small lounge and make it a Presidential office, with a desk, and
flags, and so on, so he can use it for meetings if he needs to, such as a meeting
the Pentagon Papers on Kennedy and Vietnam in a more vicious way, and get
some of that going as we counterflre, so we're doing something on our own
initiative instead of just reacting to the Democrats.
Florida returns in the early run show the P doing much better than
expected, also Wallace doing better, and Muskie doing very badly, all of which
is excellent news for us. In addition to the fact that the anti-busing thing
carried 75 to 25.
We had quite a little staff discussion on the whole ITT follow-up. The staff
reports there's very little Congressional mail on this, and no interest out in the
because their doctor's having second thoughts on it. P this afternoon said he
wasn't too worried about the ITT thing, didn't want to get too much overreac-
tion to it.
The other problem today was a memo from Bill Rogers to me, saying that
he was going to take charge of the Russian trip and start coordinating the
departments, which had Henry pretty disturbed. I raised it with the P when he
was just chatting with me, and he said I should just level with him on it, that
the P's taken many trips, he's always in charge of his own trips, and following
that practice, the P will be in personal charge and will not delegate that to
anyone. So I am writing Bill a memo in response to take care of that.
Also, got to thinking that we should move all the political operations,
primarily Colson, out of the White House, and into Mitchell's operation. The
White House has the aspect of appearing to use the super power of govern-
ment, and that we've got to get Colson less visible because he offends people
and rides too hard.
On the plane going up to New York for the drug trip, he came up with
the idea of a club for the group that made the trip called the "New China
Hands," in contrasts to the "Old China Hands." The idea of the symbol being
the handshake, and the point being made that the old hands knew everything
about China, but yet knew nothing, whereas the new China hands know
nothing about China, yet know everything. With Nixon as president, Pat
Nixon as chairman.
the P's at about 5:00 to report on it. This was a meeting with Connally, Shultz,
Rumsfeld, Stein, Colson, E, and me. Shultz reported that (Teamster head
Frank) Fitzsimmons was going to stay on, but (UAW head Leonard) Wood-
cock would probably go off, and that the public members had a press confer-
ence this afternoon, shooting down Meany's allegations about the failure of
the Pay Board. And on the consumer price index, even though food is up
badly, the areas that are under the control mechanism are okay, so we actually
come out pretty well.
on the basis that he's handling all the top secret things in the bureaucracy and
that Perot should deal with him. So we're going to take a stab at that.
ITT is back up big today and mainly on the supposed question of the
White House call to ITT. It has obviously bothered the P and he had me call
Finch and Klein to see if they had made such a phone call, which both of them
said they had not. Anyway, we've got a problem. Also need to check into
where we can get Eastland to close down the hearing. The P wants to be sure
the committee report is a written report so we have something to use for the
Re-raised the questions this morning, getting into the whole point of
Kleindienst's confirmation tactics (as Attorney General). Since the day went
on, it became more clear to the P especially that Kleindienst wasn't going to
be confirmed and that the thing has to do with a grandstand play to close it
an issue. If we can't get a vote, then we pretty much concluded that we'd have
Kleindienst issue an effective ultimatum saying that he had asked for these
hearings, they had been turned into a farce and that the only way he could see
to bring some sanity back to the thing was to announce that he has not going
to continue past April 15th if they hadn't voted him up or down by then. He
would ask the P to withdraw his nomination.
He had a meeting with Morton about the Alaska pipeline and was con-
cerned that the idea of running it through Canada was not good because we're
losing jobs in Alaska, and even though Alaska's unimportant, it's going to sound
bad here. The thing of it being good internationally is useless to us and the
environmental pluses are questionable, at the least. Jobs are more important
than either one of those. So the question is whether it's worth breaking it off in
Alaska now or should we just screw around with it until after the election.
ITT was a big item with the P this morning. He felt that he probably
should pull the plug on Kleindienst. The P is convinced that he can't be
confirmed now and that somehow we've got to cut our losses. We haven't been
handling the case well all along and there's no point in struggling along with
it any further. The best thing of course would be to confirm Kleindienst but
not at the price of 30 more days of hearings. The other thing is to sacrifice
Kleindienst in a blaze of glory.
chance of losing the vote in the committee where our people thought it was
going to be a close vote. The P was impressed by Kleindienst feeling that we
should get the White House out of the San Diego convention planning. He told
me to get that done. He wants to look into the possibility of moving the
convention, maybe to Miami, but he thinks it's probably too far along to do
Secret Service protection on the basis that there's general agreement that he's
going to be the candidate.
We got into more discussion on the convention plans, the P now wants a
daily report on the plan to move the convention. He's concerned that we
should make the point that a crisis is developing on the question of whether
the convention will be ready.
P called a meeting with Tricia, Julie, David, and Ed, together with Dave
Parker and me, to discuss their scheduling. It was a little awkward and didn't
really cover much, except their problems on getting the right kind of stuff from
our speechwriters in terms of anecdotes, stories, examples, etc. The P ex-
pounded some of his theories on what they ought to be covering, but really
didn't accomplish much of anything.
Rogers called me saying he wanted to see the P, that he had nothing
important, a few things he could cover, but he thinks he should see him for
appearance's sake, so that it looks like everybody's steadfast on the Vietnam
move and all. He then said he is troubled some, first with the South Vietnamese
still showing the world a fight, and that we'd better be sure there's no stories
on this. Secondly, that we not lose a lot of American pilots and thus get more
POW's. He said he had canceled his press conference for this week but if things
turn for the better over there he would reschedule it.
of course, that the Air Force is relying on weather problems as an excuse for
not moving in on the attacks that the P has ordered. Vogt said he understood
what the P was saying loud and clear and that he'd move in and get it solved.
The P told him to bypass Abrams, that he did not have confidence in Abrams,
that he'd been a great commander in WW II but that Vogt was to get things
done. If he had any problems he was to let the P know, not just let the thing
Vogt then raised the point that his hand would be greatly strengthened if
he were made Deputy Commander out there instead of just Air Commander
and the P said that is to be done and ordered Henry to get it done. It was quite
a dramatic meeting and I think undoubtedly had a dramatic effect on General
the other big items today. The problem there is the
The ITT hearings were
failure in thecommittee to work the thing out right. We were planning on
getting a compromise, but that failed and now it's put off until tomorrow.
should call Mitchell and make the point that what's important here is not
confirming the Attorney General, that it's ending the hearings. I should level
with him and make the point that there's too much in the record to risk
having it come out. The P believes the Republicans should boycott the hear-
ings. He had some other ideas for sort of PR follow-up on ITT, such as
getting the story out of the number of people that we see at the White House
who have special interests and that there's nothing wrong with doing that,
it's a part of our job.
The other thing we got into in depth was the San Diego Convention
question.The P's feeling that the move just won't wash. People will say it's
because ITT didn't come through with the money. He suggested a compro-
mise, inviting all the campaign leaders to San Clemente for a meeting after
the convention. This is if we move the convention to Miami, make it a cam-
paign planning session with all the governors, candidates and so on, with big
TV coverage. He's concerned about Reagan's attitude ifwe were to move
out of San Diego and feels that we need a very real reason to move because
we can't fake a move like this. He thinks we ought to get some other PR
judgment on it.
predated the P's offer but he didn't think they should do anything about it
level and intends to maintain it there, and do everything else he can with naval
action and so forth to give the South Vietnamese a chance to win this one. It's
apparent that we have the potential at least to break the North Vietnamese
back, but the question is whether or not the South Vietnamese will be able to
hold. If they can, the P comes out in extremely good shape, because it would
be almost inevitable that we'd move immediately from this attack to the
conference table within the next few months, and that we might get something
settled by summer.
Editor 's Note: Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz was in Moscow to discuss
trade agreements. The White House was naturally apprehensive that the
increased activity in Vietnam would endanger the Soviet Summit, but this
now seemed less of a danger.
P told Mitchell we now have Teddy and Hubert out on a limb on it, that
Dole and all of those should attack them for undercutting the Commander in
Chief and risking our men. Should make sure that people know they're out on
that side. We should go all out to win in the North, that's the P's strategy,
while we have the public opinion at least somewhat toned down. He says the
Russians are now really shaking and we're making some real headway if we
can keep it up for a while.
after noon today. I and got to the office late and when I arrived at
slept in
10:00, there were urgent messages from E and Shultz and I learned that there
had been a big Connally regarding the plan for a Troika plus a
flap with
Council of Economic Advisors meeting this afternoon. Turns out that our
PR planning group had decided it would be a good idea to bring Johnny
Walters in to get a little publicity on the IRS efforts on overwithholding, and
they'd gone ahead and contacted Walters, who had then gone and contacted
Connally before Parker got to Connally to clear it. As a result of this, Con-
nally blew his stack, called all of us in and raised all kinds of hell and said he
wanted to see the P. I called John as soon as I got the facts on the matter,
tried to explain it all to him, he was very upset, made the point strongly to
me that that was the last straw, he'd had it and he was through. I went
through the old rationale about how he couldn't do this and all that but he
at least says that he feels there's clearly a conspiracy or at least a series of
actions against him by the White House staff, and he named K with some
meeting he had on Chile; E, Shultz, Stein especially, Flanigan, and that
there's just too much participation by other people that everybody calls his
people and issues orders to Treasury and so on. He wants to run the Depart-
ment himself, he will not take orders from the White House staff, their judg-
ment's not as good as his, he's got a good track record in Treasury and
obviously some of our people don't think so and he's not going to stay
around and fight them, he's going to get out. He was firmer and madder
than he's been before. It obviously concerned P a great deal. I argued
strongly that we shouldn't do anything further but rather let Connally float
over the weekend and then see what we do on Monday, which the P agreed
to, but I think he felt it would have been better to take some action to try
action, blockading, etc. The P and Henry agreed that they should drop the
press conference for next week because as of now Henry is going to go to
Moscow secretly on Monday night to meet with them on Vietnam, at their
request prior to his meeting on the 24th in Paris, so that changes the picture
After Henry left there was some discussion as to how Rogers should be
informed on this, and we agreed that K should do it, or K and I together give
him the whole story on the trip, telling him that Brezhnev sent a message to
the P asking K to come to Moscow before he went to Paris and explaining that
this is what Henry's doing, it has bearing on the trip, etc.
Henry's canceled his Japanese trip, said he will be around this weekend,
then he'llhead for Moscow midweek next week. We took off for Canada at
5:00, arrived for the standard arrival ceremony, and then into the guest house
and a white-tie dinner.
domestic stuff ITT, San Diego Convention moves, that sort of thing. The
evening event was a concert followed by supposedly a very brief handshaker,
then the P was to leave. But Trudeau sandbagged him into staying for a buffet
supper, seated at a table with a place card, and kept him there for an hour. P
handled it pretty well, and I blew up at the Canadians. We finally got him
moved out.
In Canada this morning for the signing of the Great Lakes Treaty, then
returned to Washington, getting in about noon, then came on home. I
Henry told me on the plane that there'd been a problem in that the North
Vietnamese now want to put off the April 24 talk and the question is whether
he can go to Moscow or not. His inclination is to go anyway, and then just
come back. He doesn't feel he can go to Moscow in May when the Paris talk
will be, because it's too close to the P's trip. He spent quite a little time on the
always good for the soul to take an hour off once in a while." He com-
mented that the B-52 strikes were exceptionally effective, the best ever in the
war. That the Pentagon was jumping up and down. We really left a good
calling card. Now he's knocking off the bombing while Henry takes his trip.
We'll see what they do from there. He says Rogers is prepared to take a hard
line in his testimony on Monday to attack the attackers. He commented that
Humphrey was really absurd in his idea of turning it to the UN Security
Council, overlooking the fact that Russia and China are both on the Council
and will veto it.
Shultz be his replacement. We're going to go ahead on that basis, as far as he's
concerned. We had a good talk. I think he is leaving for a combination of
reasons rather than any single thing. The staff problem is one factor, but it's
obvious he's concerned about his health, he thinks his blood pressure is up and
he's doing a lot of doctor checking. He really wants to get back to Texas he's —
concerned about his ranch and financial interests. I just don't think he likes
Washington very well. I reported all this to the P and he asked me to meet with
Connally again tomorrow to work out the details. Then the P will meet with
him on Thursday.
The P went out tonight on the Sequoia all alone. It's a beautiful spring
evening for the first time and I guess he couldn't resist the lure.
put Gleason on. He was on the stand for three hours but didn't say anything
very harmful, so all of the worry was for naught. Tomorrow is Flanigan and
then they wrap it up theoretically at least.
The P had a long meeting with Connally this morning, and I didn't talk to him
after that because he went from there into another meeting and I left for Camp
David on the K cover-up mission.
The P had dictated a long memo to K, which was his main concern this
morning. He had Rose retype it and then we sent it as a cable to Henry in
Moscow, providing guidance to him on the negotiations. Henry apparently
plans to make a long philosophical opening statement and lead into a lot of
items of background, the P's philosophy and so on. The P, in his memo,
ordered him to move directly to Vietnam and insist that they get the Vietnam
discussion completed before they move to anything else, such as matters
relating to the Summit. He wrote quite a long memorandum, which he read
most of to me. Henry isn't going to like it, because it doesn't follow his style,
but he may still go ahead and do it the way the P told him to.
Still at Camp David. Cold, rainy, heavy cloud layer day. P called me over at
Aspen about 1 1:30 for about three hours. He had a fire going in his study and
got into the question on details of the Russian trip. He gave me a lot of
Chapin on taking some very firm positions on the things that
instructions for
we want to do, such as using our car, using our plane, going to Leningrad on
Saturday, not on Sunday. The P's convinced that the Soviets are pushing for
Sunday in order to avoid the P's getting a good crowd there. I covered that by
cable with Chapin.
The main area of concern was K's trip and the general Vietnam situation
and plans for the TV follow-up next week. He's concerned about the effect of
K's trip, whether the people in this country will think he's there because the
Russians are pressing us and that this is a sign of weakness or not. He feels that
we can't show any overt weakness and he called Haig several times during the
meeting. Each time he emphasized the importance of maintaining our bomb-
ing and other attack levels.
Part of our problem here is K's unbelievable ego, in that he's really
pushing to have the P announce his Moscow trip and make a big thing out of
it. Also apparently he hasn't followed instructions from the P as to what he's
to be negotiating. He's spending his time on the Soviet Summit agenda rather
than on getting Vietnam settled. The P was clearly disturbed by the informa-
tion he had received on Henry last night. He waited all day and into the
evening for a message today, and then at the last hour it still hadn't come. It
now appears that Henry won't come back until Monday, because he was
determined to have a three-day meeting and he's managed to do it.
I asked him at the meeting about the Connally situation, he said Connally
had agreed to do his withdrawal in sort of two steps: first, when he resigns, he
would say that he has no plans for any political activity, that the P has his
personal support and that of his wife. Second, he would wait till after the
Democratic Convention and then come out, blast the Democrats, and an-
nounce that he was heading up the Democrats for Nixon. The P said that he
thought he was the only man who could be P, and that led us back to a
discussion we had started with E yesterday on the restructuring of the two-
party system, the feeling being that the P and Connally, after the election,
could move to build a new party, the Independent Conservative Party, or
something of that sort, that would bring in a coalition of Southern Democrats
and other conservative Democrats, along with the middle-road to conservative
Republicans. Problem would be to work it out so that we included Rockefeller
and Reagan on the Republican spectrum, and picked up as many of the
Democrats as we could. By structuring it right, we could develop a new
majority party. Under a new name. Get control of the Congress without an
election, simply by the realignment, and make a truly historic change in the
entire American political structure. This intrigues the P, and Connally, and it's
obviously the only way Connally has any future, since he's never going to be
nominated by the Democratic Party, and by leaving now he loses much of the
chance of ever being nominated by the Republican Party. If we formed a
coalition, with the two of them being the strong men, he clearly would emerge
as the candidate for the new party, in 76, and the P would strongly back him
in that.
says Henry's not getting snookered over there, and that we shouldn't imply
it to him. He thinks the P's putting too much heat on Henry and he thinks
Henry will overreact. The P's point is that our real problem is that the Sovi-
ets want the Summit, but they won't help us in Vietnam in order to get it.
Which leaves us on a bad wicket, in that we will be meeting with them
during a Soviet-supported invasion of South Vietnam.
The P in analyzing all this feels that we're trapped, and his concern is
obviously very deep. Then we got into his real major concern, that Henry must
be controlled about any briefing of press or senators or anyone else, on the
basis that there's nothing in it for us to do any briefings on the Summit, that
we've got to keep the whole focus on Vietnam, and the problem is, Henry
doesn't have anything on Vietnam. P then said he's not discouraged, we just
have to wait. We're on a sticky wicket at the moment about dealing with the
Russians while they're supplying North Vietnam. When Haig arrived, we went
back through it again. It was sort of an eerie session because we sat over at
Birch cabin, the P had a big fire going, it was cold and overcast outside and
while we were in there there was a tremendous amount of thunder and light-
ning, and a heavy The P had the lights on fairly dim and it was quite a
picturesque setting. P made the point of the need for positive news Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday. Haig said he had talked to Laird, but one of our
problems is that the ARVN don't allow the press in, so the press write bad
stories, but Defense and MACV is going to put out the positive. Haig's going
to follow up with this with Laird, Hank, and Omora.
P then made the point that we're going to have a very rough story on
Tuesday, and a very tough day to ride through on why we're going back to the
conference table at the time that the Russians are pushing this invasion. The
way can be answered and the only way it will be answered is by the P giving
a tough speech on Wednesday night, but we've still got to ride for 30 hours.
P again raised the point that K can't brief the press, that we have to play the
mystery line. P seemed to feel better as we ended the Haig meeting. He called
me about 9:45, said there are two things that we have to have in mind. We've
got to convince Henry to be absolutely mum, which will be awfully hard but
essential. The success or failure of Henry's trip is involved. The way to make
it pay off is to create a mystery now. The key here is K himself. We've got to
convince him that he is to not say a word about the Summit. No reflections
about Brezhnev's personality, etc.
The other subject he got into earlier today was the question of staffing the
new Administration. He tried a contingency plan regarding the Cabinet and
top agencies. He wants to be ready on November 7 to move rapidly. He'll call
in the whole Cabinet in some way and have them all submit their resignations.
We've got to be hard on our friends as well as the others, and only keep those
who really can cut it. Then on new staffing we've got to start on the basis of
total loyalty, secondly look for youth, people in their thirties and forties, and
third, selflessness. People that are willing to get in and work without having to
be babied like the ones we have now. We've got to concentrate on building the
new establishment, which is his whole mission at this point.
to the P just what they did to LBJ, on the standstill cease-fire, that we shouldn't
fall for that.
Henry finally arrived about 8:30, and he and Haig and I met with the P
over at Birch. The P had us gather first, and had me call and have him come
over. He unfortunately had not zipped up his fly, so during the entire conversa-
tion was noticeably open. We discussed the scenario for tomorrow, the plan
for notification of the good guy congressmen at 5:30. P backed down on the
K briefing. He agreed that Henry could do one to steer the direction on how
the talks were arranged and how they went, but no substance or content is to
be disclosed. Also he backed down on the SALT thing and agreed that we
would make the announcement. The meeting went pretty well, although it was
pretty tense at the beginning, the P was all primed to really whack Henry, but
backed off when he actually got there. Henry obviously was very tense. Haig
had called me earlier to say that Henry had sent some extremely bad cables
because he felt we had not backed him, and he was very distressed that he had
been sabotaged and undercut. He greeted me very frostily, but the P broke that
pretty quickly as the meeting started. We all came out in good spirits. P and
Henry walked together over to the helipad and talked in loud voices all the way
down, while Ed Cox sat listening avidly.
Vietnam area. Henry said 130, so the P wrote down on a card that he was
ordering 130 B-52 raids. Henry afterward said, "What can I do? I can't
possibly send 130 up." When we arrived at Homestead, he found out that there
aretwo squadrons based there that were leaving the next day for Vietnam. He
thought he might go over and see them off tomorrow.
airplane which the P says to give in on. Henry then read the report from Abrams
which in effect says that Quangtri is lost, the battle for Hue begins, and K makes
the point that if we lose Hue it'll be a real setback, although Quangtri is not so
much so. Abrams' report goes on to say that it's quite possible that South
Vietnam has or to hang together and the whole thing may
lost the will to fight
well be lost. Henry hedged around before getting to that part of the Abrams
report, but the P kept telling him to get to the point of the summary. Henry finally
did. Then the P took the report, read it himself, and we spent quite a little time
just talking over the various questions of how the Vietnamese have fallen apart.
Henry making the point that the pattern seems to be that they can hold for about
a month, and then they fold up. We've now passed the month, and they're
following the pattern and folding.
P made the point very strongly to Henry that his instructions in Paris
remain the same, he's not to give anything, and that we're perfectly willing to
sacrifice the Summit if necessary, but under no circumstances will the P go to
the Summit while we're in trouble in Vietnam. He makes the strong point that
we will go ahead with the hard strikes the latter part of the week if Henry
doesn't get positive action in Paris tomorrow.
He then brooded a bit aboutit and said if the whole thing collapses,
then all we can do go to a blockade and demand our POW's back, and
Henry agreed with that. Then the P said, but then we're defeated, and Henry
said, "Yes, that's right, and then we'll have to tighten our belts." The P sort
of laughed. He's obviously facing the very real possibility now that we have
had it in Vietnam, and that he's going to have to deal with that situation
instead of one of acceleration. Both he and Henry agree that regardless of
what happens now, we'll be finished with the war by August. Either we will
have broken them or they will have broken us, and the fighting will be over.
There still seems to be some possibility of negotiation or a cease-fire because
it's quite possible, maybe even probable, that the North Vietnamese are
hurting even worse than the South Vietnamese, and that both sides may be
ready to fold.
announce and what our plans were on succession. I immediately went over
to the EOB, where the P was, and told him. He said definitely he wanted to
announce it, talked about successors to a certain degree, but was more con-
cerned with trying to get some Vietnam things worked out with Henry, follow-
ing up on the Paris Summit report from last night. Since Henry had gotten no
results they're very concerned about how to handle the whole Vietnam situa-
Editor's Note: K had flown over again to meet with the North Vietnamese,
only to find the Communists to be unbelievably arrogant and insulting. K
was very discouraged.
In any event, I spent quite a little time during the morning on the FBI thing.
We bounced around with E and Dick Moore the whole question of how to
handle it. P kept calling over, felt that we ought to have (Clyde) Tolson function
as Acting Director because he can be trusted and the P knows him. Everybody
else turned that down because he's too old. Had some other suggestions.
Then Kleindienst called with the details. The maid had found Hoover lying
on the floor by his bed at 8:30 this morning. Problem was that she then called his
secretary, Miss Gandy, and she called Hoover's doctor. He went over immedi-
ately, said it was a natural death between 2:00 and 3:00 AM, probably a heart
attack, but he hasn't called the coroner because we don't want anybody to know
till we're ready to make the announcement. So we delayed the coroner till we got
the announcement plan worked out, and ended up having Kleindienst announce
it. Then the P went out to our pressroom and made a brief statement. P wanted
to have him buried in Arlington Cemetery with a big ceremony and all, but it
turns out that National Presbyterian is his church, Austin's his minister, and
that's where he wants to be, so the P said he'd do the eulogy. He finally came
down on, first of all, definitely not appointing a new Director but rather an
Acting Director through the election, and everybody agreed that it should be Pat
Gray. So that is the plan and it will be announced tomorrow.
We then got into the problem of the Summit, the P feeling that because of
the Paris problem Henry got into yesterday and Henry's recommendation now,
which is that we cancel the Summit, that we've got to at least consider doing so.
He asked me to run a poll to determine what the reaction will be if the P should
cancel the Summit on the basis of the continuing Communist invasion of South
Vietnam supported by massive Soviet aid and military equipment.
other things of that sort. He had me over first thing in the morning to set those
up, to make the point that he wanted
postpone Annapolis for a week and
keep the weekend clear, because if he does cancel the Summit, he's going to do
it Monday night, on TV. Then he makes the point of whether there's a real
question of what we get out of canceling the Summit, and whether that's the
key to winning the war, and that's what he's got to weigh.
Later in the morning he was going over the thing again and made the
point that the loss of the Summit would result in a massive Soviet propaganda
war worldwide, and that the costs there are too high to pay for the short-term
gain that we get for taking the positive action.
Then later in the afternoon I talked to Henry. He made the point that
there's no choice on the Summit, that we have to drop it, or else the Russians
will, but we can't both bomb the North and have the Summit. That's Henry's
strong feeling, and he feels it's essential that we bomb the North, now that
we've told the Russians that we're going to take a hard line with them and with
the Vietnamese if we don't get any action in Paris, and we haven't gotten any
The is how can we have a Summit meeting and be drinking
real question
toasts to Brezhnev while Soviet tanks are crumbling Hue. How can you have
the P signing agreements for trade, arms, toasting peace and friendship and all
that? It would be a very bad picture, and will display great weakness after the
warning. On the other side, canceling the Summit is going to shatter the Nixon
foreign policy; people don't like to see the government helpless. P came up with
the line that going to the Soviet Union in the cause of peace while they're
waging war would not serve the cause of peace. K makes the point that we
have too weak a hand to go to Russia now, but on the other side the people
want hope, not just blood, sweat, and tears all the time. So P told me to make
the strongest case for going ahead, and to talk to Henry about it. He'll make
no decision till Monday, and make the speech Monday night. My argument
was that we should go ahead and bomb and see what happens. That we don't
have to cancel the Summit, we can take the chance that they won't cancel it
even if we do bomb. Then we have the best of both worlds. Henry's argument
is, that creates a terrible problem for us because the worst possible thing would
be for the Russians to cancel the Summit, blaming it on the Nixon bombings,
which would make it look like we had really blown the chances for world
I had quite a long anguished talk with Henry, who is obviously deeply
disturbed by this. He makes the point that we have done a number of things
wrong and he feels that Moscow meeting and the Paris meeting
he handled the
wrong, in the sense that he didn't leave any flexibility. He put the issue to them
solidly as the P told him to, and they didn't back down, so now we're in a bad
spot. He feels that because of that, we can't back down now, but it will leave
the P in such a position of weakness that he wouldn't be able to govern even
if he survived it. P feels on the other hand, that he can very well lose the
election by what comes out of this and that it therefore becomes of vital
In any event, he decided not to make any decision today and continue to
ponder the thing. It turns out that Henry has sent a very strong letter from the
P to Brezhnev, and there should be a reply on that tomorrow or the next day,
and that will show the Russian attitude, which will be another factor in
deciding what we do. The other thing was our poll results last night showed
that 60 percent of the people feel that the P should go ahead with the Summit
in spite of the invasion of Vietnam. In other words, there's strong popular
demand here for the Summit, and that makes it even harder to figure out how
to cancel it.
problems now. Same with Laos, that although Henry did basically follow his
instincts on this thing, it worked as well as it could have. He said that he had
been thinking it over, and that he'd decided that we can't lose the war. We're
going to hit hard and we're going to move in. The Summit is not important in
this context, and that going to the Summit and paying the price of losing in
Vietnam would not be satisfactory.
He put it very toughly to Henry. He said he'd made up his mind, didn't
want to get into a discussion about it, didn't want to be talked out of it.
Henry kept trying to interrupt, but the P went on very strongly in this vein.
He obviously sensed something of the drama of the moment and he was
pushing his position very hard. When Henry finally did get to talk, he said
that he too had been thinking about it, that the objectives that he came up
with were the same as the P's. He agreed that we couldn't lose the war and
that we had to do something. His difference, however, was that we should
not move ahead with the bombing, as the P thought we should, but rather
should first move to blockade Haiphong. The point being that bombing was
what they were expecting and it's better to do the unexpected, first of all.
Second, the blockade would in some ways be a less aggressive move than the
bombing, although it would be a stronger signal to them and would do us
more good. Henry's opposed to just a symbolic bombing, he feels that if we
bomb we should do it totally, and that it would be better to blockade first
and then on a continuing basis. Also by blockading it gives us a little more
time to keep the bombers in the South, where the military wants them during
the current tough action.
The more the P thought about it, the more he liked Henry's ideas as
long as it was followed up with continued bombing, so that became his
He then had Connally and Haig come over and join the meeting. After an
hour and a half with that group we added Moorer, and the P very strongly put
the thing to Moorer. This was his decision, that it was to be discussed with no
one, especially not the Secretaries or anybody at State, or anybody over in
Vietnam. Moorer was to put the blockade plan together, get everything ready
to pull it into motion so that it would take effect Tuesday morning. He hit
Moorer on this is a chance to save the military's honor and to save the country.
Moorer said he could do it; he also suggested that there ought to be some
offensive action on the part of the South Vietnamese and it was agreed they
would try to mobilize enough troops, 2,000 or 3,000 for an amphibious landing
north of the DMZ by South Vietnamese using all our support and troop
K had to leave for dinner. The P talked a few minutes more and then
Moorer and Haig left and we kind of wrapped it up with Connally. Then the
P talked with me a bit about the whole thing, feeling that he's done the right
thing, that we justify the blockade as a means of keeping lethal weapons from
the hands of murderers and international outlaws. I think he feels good that
he's made a decision and that he feels it's the right one. He also feels that it's
quite a dramatic step, because it is a basic decision to go all out to win the war
now, under, of course, totally different circumstances than Johnson was faced
with, because we've got our troops out. We've made the peace overtures
and we've made the China trip and laid a lot of other groundwork that should
make it possible for us to do this.
to check the Monday TV schedule. He made the point that the Democrats
are running a mortal risk because the enemies' refusal to negotiate is due to
tough position. The P did leave this afternoon for Camp David, and will
stay there for the weekend working on the speech. I went on to Williamsburg
with the family as planned.
The VP said you can depend on all the Cabinet to support this, we're all
aware of your strength over the three years, you've given careful notice
ahead of all your actions, the Soviet part of your speech was extremely well
phrased. The P said he wrote every word of that himself. He said the ball's
now on their side of the net. Rogers said there's nothing really we can add to
what you said. In all the departments we've got to get the word to our
people that everybody should have a staff meeting in the morning. Tell them
the chips are down, that it's easy to support when things are going well but
we need to support now and there'll be all hell to pay if you don't. He said
he was going to do that with his department and to tell the other Cabinet
members that they should do likewise with theirs. Elliot Richardson said
we've seen you a number of times on TV talking to the nation. I've never
seen you more resolute or strong, or reflective, exceedingly thoughtful.
There's a real possibility that the people will respond with support because
of your leadership. The people want to respect and support. Rogers said
that's a good line for all of us to take to our people.
The P then said, this HAS to work. We've crossed the Rubicon. It started
with foolish gradual escalation by LBJ; this is cleaner and more defensible. We
deny the enemy the sources to wage war. We have a definite, precise goal, to
cut off the sources for making aggressive war. We should all reflect the same
confidence, calm. We've done the right thing. We'll stick to the course. No
weak men on the team.
Then after the Cabinet meeting he had me come over to the EOB, where
we had some dinner and had Henry in. We reviewed some of the comments
and Henry went out. Then he told me to talk to Connally on the basis that if
the Summit's canceled, he has to stay a couple of weeks. If the Summit's on,
he can go ahead and go.
We went through the switchboard being jammed, all the telegrams and
that sort of thing. At 10:45 the P called Meany and asked for his support. The
P closed by saying that there'll be a time when we'll all be together again. We
got some good, very positive reactions, and I think we're in good shape on the
response to the speech.
most of our line across. Still no reaction from the Soviets, we're kind of
sweating that one out.
tally in Haiphong Harbor) rather than any answer from the Russians on their
"No." gave him a brief description of what, at that time, appeared to be the
He then hauled me over to the EOB and called Colson in a little later. Had
us have dinner with him there and spent quite a little time going over it and
trying to get reports on what actually had happened. He was very distressed
with the FBI and the Secret Service for not being on top of things and knowing
what was going on. We moved E in and he told Gray, who was Acting Director
of the FBI, that he was holding the Bureau responsible for the safety of the
prisoner they'd captured. We pushed Kleindienst, Pat Gray, and all the rest of
them on a basis of trying to make sure that they understood that the question
here was not on the legalities or specifics, it was one of trying to get the right
posture set before the press immediately leaped on exactly the wrong thing and
started making a big point of how the guy was a right-wing radical.
We got pretty good control of it finally and left at 8:15 to go to a Motion
Picture Association movie. E and I came back to the White House at about
1 1:00, worked there until 12:00, getting updated and filling the P in on Wal-
lace's condition and the status of the FBI interrogatory. Then we gave him a
report about midnight and went on home. The battle between the FBI and
Secret Service got going right at the beginning with jurisdictional disputes and
then with each blaming the other for any of the mistakes that have been made.
So we're back to the same old thing in that area.
the campaign or anything in the way of normal work for at least three months
and there's a good chance that he'll be partially paralyzed, permanently. The
P feels this gives Hubert a tremendous boost with Wallace not nibbling him on
the right anymore. Now he can move all the way to the left. He told E to do
something fast today on the handgun thing, such as a te*h-year automatic jail
sentence for concealed weapons.
Cabinet meeting with the Connally announcement went pretty well. The
P opened by giving a report on Wallace, on the outlook, and then describing
the steps he had taken on Secret Service protection for Teddy and Chisholm.
On Connally, he said that he had come in on December 14 with the under-
standing that he'd be here a year, and then because we were in the middle of
the international monetary situation in December, he agreed to stay until the
present time. Now the economy is moving and since we have the success of our
inflation fight, we agreed that mid-May is the time to announce his departure.
He'll stay until his successor is confirmed. Kleindienst then broke the room up
by saying, "Good luck."
can run as VP on the Democratic ticket. Hubert can't take him, because
Wallace is stronger than Hubert, and third party's out of the question because
he's come so far in the Democratic Party now that he'd have no reason to go
over and diminish his stature. Connally feels that if he's smart, and he thinks
he is, that he'll go through the Democratic Convention and then say that he
can't take the platform or McGovern or whoever the nominee is so the best
thing to do is elect Nixon. He would want to claim that he helped make a P,
and this puts him in a good position.
toRose and she was upset about her accommodations, and the general situa-
tion which is the usual thing on the first night on a trip.
Got into some discussion on how to handle Rogers, said I should handle
him tomorrow, that the P will see him on the plane on the way to Moscow, and
we should tell him about the announcements and how we're spacing them
through the week. We got into some discussion of the demonstrators, who
were here in Salzburg. He was a little disturbed by it, but the news play doesn't
seem to be too bad.
or hoped for. The first surprise was the same kind of one we had in China. As
soon as we got into the Kremlin and settled down, P was whisked off to meet
with Brezhnev in his office. Had about a two-hour meeting there, thus delaying
the start of dinner, which worked out very well, especially since it was only the
two of them. K did not sit in, so it didn't create the problems that the Mao
meeting did in China. Dinner went very well, toasts were mediocre. No
unusual problems.
At about 1 1 :30, the P called me in to his room
back from the
after he got
dinner, sort of reviewed the day, especially the meeting with Brezhnev, and the
way it was set up. We have already found horrendous problems on the motor-
cade's access to the Kremlin and all that sort of thing. Our press didn't get to
the Brezhnev thing to get a photo, for instance. We had a terrible time getting
them into the dinner, and the right place at the right time. The Soviets are not
cooperative in these areas, and apparently not at all understanding of the
problem we have in dealing with our press.
got Ziegler into the plenary session, and we're getting our press a little better
posted. They seem to be in pretty good spirits. Problem now is our own staff,
to K during the signing ceremony, and under great strain convinced him, sort
he ought to go back and do another briefing after the signing. Klein
of, that
would make sure that Gerry Smith was kept out of the way, and that Henry
had the podium to himself.
After the signing, whilewe were waiting for Henry to go over, I spent
about 45 minutes pacing up and down the halls of our quarters, trying to calm
Henry down, as he was cursing Rogers and Smith. He had learned that Rogers
had ordered Smith and (negotiator Paul) Nitze to stay on Henry's heels at all
times, and under no circumstances allow Henry to have a press conference of
any kind out of their presence. So that's why Smith had come into the thing.
The more Henry and I talked, the more it became apparent to me that the
problem was more psychological than real. In other words, Henry was upset
because it hadn't gone the way he wanted it to go, but it really hadn't gone as
badly as he was envisioning it in his own mind.
As we were waiting, the P called Henry and asked him to come in. This
is about midnight. Henry reviewed the thing in more livid detail for the P. The
P told me to call Bill Rogers and tell him that Ziegler was outraged by Smith's
conduct at the briefing, that he was an utter disaster, that you're to shut him
up; he's to do no more briefings without the express permission of the P or he's
fired. I said, "You know, what good will that accomplish." The P said, "I guess
you're right, it won't accomplish anything, so forget it." He brooded for a few
minutes, picked up the phone himself, asked for Rogers, said, "I'll call him,"
and hung it up. Then he said, when he calls back, you take it, and tell him what
I just said. So I did.
In any event I talked to Rogers, who was quite surprised by the whole
thing, but did make the point to him that only Henry was to do the briefing,
and that's the way it was to go.
So that night, as far as I was concerned, ended at about 1 :00 or a little
after. Iwent back to bed. P went to bed, but said Henry is to wake him up when
he got back, which was, apparently, at about 2:00, and fill him in on how the
briefing went. Apparently it went extremely well, so things got back on the
track later on.
Editor's Note: —
The SALT treaty itself was historic an ABM treaty on
defensiveweapons and an Interim Offensive Agreement establishing a tem-
porary freeze on the numbers of ICBM's and submarine-launched missiles
on each side.
city with absolutely no one on the street except police and soldiers. A guard
at the doorway to every apartment, the gate to every courtyard, with people
all kept inside, behind the gates. On the cross streets, they were kept at least
one, sometimes two blocks away, often with the streets blocked with a couple
of dump trucks or buses so that there was no chance of people getting across,
but always with huge numbers of troops. Still, great crowds of people at all
these places, and actually along the main boulevard, but kept way, way back
behind ropes and troops. They responded very warmly when we waved to
them, although they didn't seem to wave of their own accord. It was obvious
that they wanted to see us, and were not going to be given that opportunity
by the Russians.
At the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, we had a very impressive and
solemn ceremony. The P was quite impressed by the mass graves, 20,000
people in each of them, and the fact that there are half a million Leningraders
buried in that cemetery. He was very touched by the story of a twelve-year-old
girl, Tania, who kept a diary that's in the little pavilion there, and he told Ron
and me about it afterward at the guest house. Later used it in his toast at the
luncheon and later on in the day said that he wanted Ray to use it in the speech
tomorrow night on Soviet TV.
Editor's Note: The diary recounts how Tania slowly lost all of her family
in the war, and eventually she too was killed.
We got into some discussion of the return speech, went over E's idea of
going into sort of a campaign kickorT speech. The P thought that was ridicu-
lous,and of course he couldn't get into that kind of thing, and totally rejected
the idea.On the plane back to Moscow, he and I rode alone in the private
compartment on the Russian plane, and discussed some of these things some
more, and also the general political approach that it's not domestic issues that
we should spend our time on, that's their issue, not ours. We should concen-
trate on the international, which is where we make the gains.
tion. He says that Friday night the SALT deal had enormous impact, that the
public before hadn't realized what it would be, and now there's a great new
realization that's especially effective with the swing category type people. He
said that's the main thing that's come through, first is the overwhelming
importance of the SALT agreement, second is the very businesslike approach
to the whole Summit, and the third is Pat Nixon and her performance. He feels
we won't get the full impact on this for a week or more.
P gave his speech this evening at 8:30 to the people of the Soviet Union,
and it went very well, although we had a flap at the last minute because the
Soviets wouldn't let our 16mm camera in, so we have no film coverage of it,
only the videotape. The was that everybody thought it was
reaction afterward
great, even E thought
was so good that we ought to try to get it replayed in
prime time thought the picture was great, great setting, another historic
event, big buildup, and so on. P especially was anxious to get the Tania
segment replayed because he thinks that's the most important part. He worked
on some follow-up plans along that line. I think we're in good shape.
Editor's Note: This answer by the P was a masterful stroke. This situation
shows very graphically the difference in our cultures. The Soviets expected
the P to possibly suggest some form of punishment, but he very wisely
turned it around in such a way as to make the pilot feel good.
It was funny watch the Russian TV, because they were covering the
thing live but cut soon as the plane problem started.
it off as
In Kiev, we had great crowds on arrival but they were kept back several
blocks, and so it was hard for them to see the P, but they waved and hollered
supplied by State, was apparently no good, as a number of the Poles told me,
so we made a change and used the Polish interpreter for the dinner, and we'll
use him for the rest of the activities here.
P got into some discussion about midnight, when he had me in after the
dinner, on the speech. Made the point that he wanted me to check out how we
happen to have a girl flute player in the Peace Corps playing in the orchestra
in Iran for the dinner music. He felt this was a ridiculous use of Peace Corps
funds. He made the point that in the car this morning, as we were driving to
the Shah's tomb, that we probably had too much staff on the trip, with which
I agreed, and he said the trouble is, when you have too many spear carriers
along, you find that every time you turn around, they're sticking you in the ass
with a spear.
what a great job K had done, the lot of hard work that was involved, how tired
he was and how tired he knew Henry was, that sort of thing.
We got back, with the helicopter, drove that to Congress, and he made his
speech in very good shape, although I was concerned because he was so tired
that he might have trouble. Didn't turn out that way at all. He called me at
home and said he didn't know whether it was worth it or not.
after the speech,
He's had the feeling all along that the speech was dangerously anticlimactic,
and that we probably should have just finished the trip and let it go at that,
but the first reaction would indicate that he's wrong, that the speech itself has
had a great effect, and was very well worth doing.
He has decided to go to Florida tomorrow, which is a good thing, he's
much better off down there than he would be at Camp David. He is extremely
tired. He feels that he can't do anything on the domestic side because his
judgment wouldn't be any good, and if there are any decisions to be made, E
should go ahead and make them.
cerned about Liddy because of his lack of judgment and reliability. He's also
concerned that two or three others are implicated. Apparently there's some
cash and Magruder thought it was the DNC's, but it turns out it was ours.
I talked to Ehrlichman after that and he thinks the statement is and OK
we should get it out. I talked to Colson to tell him to keep quiet. It turned out
that one of the people (implicated) was on our payroll until April 1. A guy
named Howard Hunt, who was the guy Colson was using on some of his
Pentagon Papers and other research type stuff. Colson agreed to stay out of
it and I think maybe he really will. I don't think he is actually involved, so that
helps. So far the P is not aware of all this, unless he read something in the
paper, but he didn't mention it to me.
With this first reference to the break-in, it's important to make two points.
The first is, as the Watergate story unfolds, it has been left virtually uncut
in the book. The full text of my diaries has been edited down by approxi-
mately 60%, but because Watergate is of such historical interest, it has been
left to stand on its own. The important fact to note is that although uncut,
to stay in until 7:30 this evening. He reported that he had a long talk with Billy
Graham. Graham has a line to Wallace through Mrs. Wallace, who has
become a Christian. Billy will talk to Wallace whenever we want him to. The
P feels our strategy must be to keep Wallace in the Democratic Party and Billy
can help us on that. So immediately after the Democratic Convention, I'm
supposed to call Graham and Graham should put the pressure on Wallace to
decide whether he's going to be used as a spoiler, which would surely elect
McGovern. Main key for us is to keep this a two-way race. We talked to
Mitchell about who's going to talk to Wallace and how we're going to handle
what his price is.
plane last night. He was somewhat interested. The more he thought about it,
it obviously bothered him more, because he raised it in considerable detail
today. had a long meeting with Ehrlichman and Mitchell. We added Klein-
dienst for a little while and John Dean for quite a while. The conclusion was
that we've got to hope the FBI doesn't go beyond what's necessary in develop-
ing evidence and that we can keep a lid on that, as well as keeping all the
characters involved from getting carried away with any unnecessary testi-
The P was concerned about what our counterattack is, our PR offensive
to top this. He felt we have to hit the opposition with their activities. Also put
out the point that the libertarians have created public callousness. Do they
justify this kind of thing less than stealing the Pentagon Papers, or the Ander-
son files, and so on. He feels we should be on the attack for diversion, and not
just take it lying down. He raised it again several times during the day, and it
obviously is bothering him. He had Colson over to talk about it, and then later
called me a couple of times on various specifics. He called at home tonight,
saying that he wanted to change the plan for his press conference and have it
on Thursday instead of tomorrow, so that it won't look like he's reacting to
the Democratic break-in thing.
morning, and Ehrlichman comes up with the possible scenario of moving the
guilt level up to Liddy. Having him confess and going from there. The problem
is apparently we can't pull that off because Liddy doesn't have the authority
to come up with the amount of money that was involved and that's now
known under the campaign spending act requirements. So it would have to go
up toMagruder in order to reach a responsible point. And that they, I'm sure,
won't want to do.
The P got into concern about the campaign organizations citing an old
rule which the P believes in strongly, that a campaign team must be lean in
their conduct. They must think of themselves as the candidate. Avoid ostenta-
tious appearance in terms of hotel suites, booze, and fancy restaurants and all
because it just gives the opposition ammunition about us being the party of the
fat cats and it's also hard to justify to our contributors and volunteers. He
thinks this has to be handled very toughly with all the campaign staff. Mitchell
should tighten up the organization so it doesn't look fat. Then he felt we
needed a counterattack on McGovern's huge spending program. He also
thinks every time we have a leak in our organization we should charge that
we're being bugged. Even if you plant one and discover it.
(Campaign money from CRP had been channeled through Mexico to Bernard
Barker, one of the break-in crew.) Apparently, an informant also came in the
Miami office, saying that he had a photographer friend who was developing
films for Barker, including pictures of the Democratic National Committee
letterhead. They feel the whole thing is at the brink right now. And it'll either
open it all up or be closed. The FBI is convinced it's the CIA that's doing this,
and Gray's looking for a way out of the investigation. So we talked to Walters
and had that worked out.
Editor's Note: CIA Deputy Director Vernon Walters was to call Gray and
tell him to stay out of it because it involved the CIA. That would give Gray
the excuse to stop.
were talking about Wallace and maybe he ought to go out and see
Wallace this week. At least give him a phone call. He wants to be sure we
provide him with a plane to go to the convention without any fanfare, any
obligation on Wallace's part.
Got into the Martha Mitchell problem. Apparently she called Helen
Thomas (of UPI) the other night and said if John didn't get his ass out of
politics she was goinghim out of the house, but her phones were then
to kick
someone in her room. She's demanded that they be
pulled out either by her or
reinstated, and the phone company has delayed on it, and she's now threat-
ened to the phone man that if they don't get her phones in, she's going to blow
the whole Republican deal, whatever that means.
this morning and said he was going to go up to New York to get her and try
and work out the problem. The P feels that John's got to close her down
somehow or lock her up. But he can't just leave her speaking out like this. It's
going to create a major national problem. He seems more concerned about
that than about the Watergate caper. The problems on Watergate continue to
multiply as John Dean runs into more and more FBI leads that he has to figure
out ways to cope with.
therefore you have to keep doing something in order to satisfy this yearning.
This is the current theory pretty much.
K came in and he acted all excited that Dobrynin had come in to tell him
that the Soviets are sending a man over to negotiate the grain deal. At quite
a substantial level and that we can move on whenever we want to. The P said
he wants to hold it Democratic convention, and we also
to settle right after the
said we can start the plenary session as he's worked it out, in Paris and
Vietnam on the 13th, the secret session the following week, and that he has no
concern about being able to keep the plenary thing going for several weeks,
although the P was afraid it would blow right then. The P got into quite a thing
about his baseball piece he's written for the AP, the all-time great teams. He
dictated it Sunday afternoon and he's spending an incredible amount of time
today on the whole thing. Working out all the little details of which relief
pitcher the American League prewar should be on, and all that sort of stuff.
Kind of fascinating and not just a little amusing.
He talked to Billy Graham, and Billy was calling to offer to help between
John and Martha Mitchell on their problem and he's concerned about the
publicity about Martha saying that John's in dirty politics. He thinks we need
to do something to cope with that.
because it's not true. Wants to be sure we put a lid on stories of how well-
computerized we are, and we should stop anyone from speculating on the P
role in the campaign. Made the point that the Presidency has to come first. We
need to build up the volunteers, the youth and so forth. Tell the pros to work
and not be seen. Had some discussion on the Billy Graham thing. He's very
concerned about letting the view get across that McGovern is the religious
leader in the campaign because he is a former preacher and the son of a
Talked some with the P about the Mitchell situation. He's come to the
conclusion, as have I, that Mitchell's got to pull out of the campaign and
that we'd better put someone else in. I talked about this with Ehrlichman
and Higby some today. And our general agreement is that (former GOP
Congressman Clark) MacGregor is the one to do it. Interestingly enough,
the P has come up with the same view. So he told me to pursue it with
Mitchell and see what I could work out. I couldn't get to John today, al-
though he has left with Martha and has come back to Washington. So I'll
The P stayed at Camp David until midafternoon, then came down. He had me
come over right after he got back to give him a report on the Mitchell situation.
I had a long talk with John just before that, and fortunately he's come up also
with the conclusion that he's got to leave, and he made the big pitch to me as
to why, giving me the whole background story on Martha. She felt Pat Nixon
had snubbed her at the Duke alumni reception, and then very definitely she
had snubbed her at the celebrities reception in California last weekend or the
weekend before last. After that, John left without telling her about the Water-
gate caper. She discovered that in the papers or on TV, blew her stack, got
drunk, told her FBI agent and John's secretary, who were staying at the
Newporter with her, that her husband had every Democrat in Washington
bugged, and then decided she'd call a reporter and tell him. The FBI agent got
concerned at that and called John in Washington and got Fred LaRue, who
said if she starts to do that, pull her phone out. So the FBI guy took his key,
went up to her room, unlocked the door, went in and pulled her phone out.
She then had a monumental tantrum. Started throwing things at him, demol-
ishing the room. They locked her in. She busted the window with her hand, cut
herself badly. They had to get a doctor, who had to throw her on the bed and
give her a shot in order to subdue her.
Mitchell then sent some friends of theirs out from New York to get her
back. They took her to the WestchesterCountry Club. The press got in to her
there. She gave her story out. Her whole pitch is that she's absolutely serious
about leaving John if he won't leave the campaign. He feels she's suicidal as
well as a little cracked, plus drinking very heavily, and that there's nothing he
can do to cure it. He's afraid she'll jump off the balcony at the Watergate. So
he's got to quit. He'll stay on as a consultant and help us with the campaign,
but will move to New York and pull out. That solved my having to raise the
thing, I let it go in this instance and it worked out very well.
McGovern had a bad day today. He lost most of the California delega-
tion on a credentials committee ruling and blew his stack, which looked
pretty bad on TV. Then he's been widely picked up with his quote, that
begging is better than bombing, that he'd be happy to go beg Hanoi to
release the prisoners.
The P had on TV. Went very well. He let it run
a press conference tonight
45 minutes. Got a lot Some pretty bad ones. He was in
of good questions.
better form in a sense because he wasn't so completely programmed. More
relaxed, some good quips, no nervousness.
From this point in time until the election on November 8, my days were
spent increasingly on the reelection campaign. The diaries certainly reflect
this. There continued to be many other duties to perform, most of which
Editor's Note: Walters had met with Gray, but told him theCIA had no
interest in Watergate. Also, that he thought people in the White House or
CRP were covering something up, with which Gray agreed. The President
had told him to go ahead with his investigation.
I started with the P at 9:00 this morning on our general political discussion. He
wants to review the plans for our convention. Feels that immediately after the
convention he should not appear to coast and therefore should not come to
California, but rather go back to Washington and get right into going on
things. The P is concerned with Rose. She feels that the P should shake hands
with all the delegates at the convention. Which he's not about to do. She's
making the point that we don't have the enthusiastic intelligent young people
that McGovern
has and so on. He's concerned about campaign material.
Wants on what we're doing on the bumper strips and buttons and all
a report
of that. K came in and we had some discussion of the briefing of McGovern
and finally agreed that K should do the first briefing. Henry feels strongly that
he should do it so that he can cover the kinds of things that we want to be sure
McGovern gets and doesn't get. Then after that we would like Haig and Dick
Helms to handle the follow-up briefings.
Connally arrived this afternoon. We had our Connally dinner tonight.
Just the three of us at the Residence. We were planning to watch the accept-
ance speech, but the convention got screwed up. It was delayed so late that we
went home and then watched it after we got home (it was nearly 3:00 EST AM
before McGovern gave his acceptance speech). Connally is obviously very tired.
set up.
country on the whole leadership question and that we should set up the
contrast just by being a leader. He discussed Wallace, and it was agreed that
we've got to make move, and that Connally should go see him, but
the Wallace
Connally needs to know where the ball is now and wants to talk with Mitchell
about it first. Colson should go to Texas and meet with Connally to get the
basic plans worked out and then we'd go ahead from there. Then we talked
about the Wallace question. Mitchell reported that Wallace backers had been
having fistfights in Miami. That we got the story that they wanted to go with
the third party, on TV, and that this is what we wanted. Mitchell thinks this
is a phony story, but feels that we need to move on the basis of it being possibly
true. We've got to get Billy Graham to explore it, and I talked with Graham,
who agreed that he would help turn Wallace off and he thinks that it would
be a disaster for Wallace to go on a third-party ticket.
we'll do that, they'll come out for Nixon. Wallace won't, but some of his
people and the whole organization will work for us. So now we've got to
figure out whose deal is for real and how to handle it.
John Dean called while we were en route home and said he had to meet
with Ehrlichman and me immediately, so we waited on the plane and met with
him for about an hour at the airport. He had been keeping us posted on his
very real problems in the Watergate caper business. Flew out to California one
day and met with the two of us. The problem now is that there is no way we
can turn off the investigation and it's leading into the channels that we don't
want it in. There's no way to avoid that. As of now, Dean feels that they are
going to move on Magruder and that the only thing we can do is to have him
take the rap that they'll hit him with. And he feels that I've got to talk to him
and convince him that this is what he should do. I'm not at all sure that's the
way to handle it, that I can do it. But Ehrlichman called me at home later and
confirmed that he thought we should do that, although he'd adjourned the
Dean meeting after it became clear that he couldn't read exactly what my
reaction was on it. This is a real powder keg, I guess, and John's sitting on top
of it. John Dean is trying to keep the lid on, but is not at all sanguine as to his
ability to continue to do so.
power, while the radicals on the right want consciousness. The liberals are
destructive of the establishment. The right wants to conserve the good
things. The left will never let McGovern compromise on power, that is con-
trol of the party, but they will let him compromise to get power. The goal is
The P and I met with Armand Hammer today. Ostensibly for him to report
to the P on his trip to Russia and his big oil deal with the Soviets but actually
for us to ask Hammer to let us have Marvin Watson to run the Democrats for
Nixon for Connally. Hammer is hysterical, came in with an envelope full of art
books and his own story of Russia. Told us all about his background in
Russia, and everything, which was really quite fascinating, but he's obviously
completely entranced with himself, and not much of anything else. When we
asked him about Watson, he did agree to let him come.
Billy Graham called to say he had talked to the Governor yesterday
after the operation and that he would say that there's almost no chance of
Wallace's running. Wallace asked whether he would take more votes from
the P, and Graham said he would take at least 75 percent. Wallace said he
would never turn one hand to help McGovern and that he doesn't have the
physical strength to run and that he's 99 percent sure he won't do it, but he
won't close the door completely. He did say Eagleton's coming to see him on
Monday, and he asked Graham to come and see him and asked him in the
meantime to pray for him and indicated that he's concerned because his
abscess won't heal.
Watergate situation came up today. The P feels that we shouldn't wait for
the ax to fall on Magruder; if he's going to get it, he should get out first. He
also liked the idea of exploring the possibility of immunity for Magruder.
He got into some general political strategy. He thinks that we should use
some nonpolitical committees that are already meeting to takeon McGovern.
E's got to stay on top of all the domestic issues and be sure to cover them on
a political basis. We should use Laird and Rogers heavily in foreign policy,
political matters. Someone should keep saying that the Democrats have writ-
ten off the South. We should use Father MacLaughlin with Catholic groups
in the campaign. We should be doing a better job of organizing Wall Street.
He wants to fight the Nixon smear program. To hit them before they hit us.
Agreed to have breakfast with Meany Monday or Tuesday or whatever
worked out for the meeting.
The P and I went for dinner on the Sequoia. The P had me up to the
Lincoln Sitting Room with him afterward and chatted generally a bit. The
main point was that he wants MacGregor and Dole to get out some good
stories about the strength of our organization and big things we're doing.
people to support us behind the scenes. Although he will not come out himself,
of course.
He's still concerned about the Watergate thing but not pushing
a little
hard on that. We
ought to set up a political-advisory board. He's concerned
that we double-check Colson on all names used for endorsements to be sure
that they have really backed us.
the moral issue. The suggestion that any P will delay the war's end is vilifica-
tion of the worst sort and destroys national unity. We should get someone to
try and take Eagleton on with this.
The Eagleton item today was announcement that he had been in the
and we were all flabber-
hospital three times for mental illness (depression)
gasted about that. The P, Buchanan, K, Ziegler, and I all agreed it would
mean that Eagleton will have to be dropped from the ticket, and the concern
is that he might be replaced by Kennedy, which would be bad for us. We're
actually better off with Eagleton than anyone else, so are not anxious to
have him dropped off. In any event, it creates a monumental problem for
them. The P obviously is fascinated by the development as he can't help but
Connally called afternoon to report on his meeting with Wallace.
He would not make any categorical statement about not
said that Wallace
running but he did say he would not do anything to help McGovern and
he's almost certain he will not go with the third party and he will not go with
the American Party. Connally told him he knew that he didn't want any-
thing, but Connally wanted the decision on what Wallace is going to do
because a number of the Wallace people Connally wants to hire and he
didn't want to do it without Wallace's concurrence. Wallace told him to wait
until after the American Party convention on August 3 before he moved on
that. Wallace said, I'm sure I won't run but there are one or two chances in
a million that lightning might strike. Wallace said he doesn't want anything,
although some of his people may want money. Connally said he would talk
only on the basis of his personal friendship and former Governorship not on
money, but he does know that all campaigns have a deficit and he's always
available to talk about that area. Connally says he's obviously a sick man,
and that Cornelia said he'd be two or three weeks in the hospital on therapy,
and then they're taking a therapist home with them for a year. John was
convinced that this is the most significant day in the campaign because Wal-
lace is not going to run.
the White House from the Sequoia. The P discussed this morning the fu-
neral plans. He apparently talked with Mansfield last night and as a result
of this, Mansfield recommended that it would be very good for the P politi-
cally to go to the funeral, and the P decided to do so. Wants to take the
key Senate people and the House guys from Louisiana, since it gives him a
chance to talk.
The Eagleton problem is still no new
the big story of the day, with
developments today. Eagleton is more sure than ever that he'll
saying that he is
stay on the ticket, and there are rumors back and forth as to what really is
happening in the McGovern camp. I don't think anybody really knows. The
P played golf this afternoon with George Meany and then went off to Camp
David for the evening.
The P's at Camp David. I stayed home. He called a couple of times in the
morning to report on his golf game with Meany. Said there's a real hatred
there toward McGovern, and absolutely no chance of his endorsing. Nobody
could help, if they take Eagleton off the ticket, except Teddy Kennedy, and
even there, it wouldn't make any real difference. The P feels that the other side
has now a serious problem that we hadn't anticipated, because dropping
Eagleton in light of the poll makes the move both unpopular and weak because
he's not standing by his man. This is a mixed bag for us, because McGovern
could be hurt by dropping him, so keeping him on is not necessarily to our
advantage. Eagleton's strong public support could give him more leverage in
trying to stay on. The P, if he were in this position, would keep him on, unless
he could get Kennedy, to avoid getting the campaign bogged down for two or
three weeks, not because of the merits. The natural desire of the press to help
McGovern would swing behind him.
We got into the Eagleton thing again. Connally feels that they're setting
the stage to drop Eagleton. The P said survival is the first law of politics and
of life, and that they have to move on the basis of that. In light of this, he's
concerned about the line we should take, which is that we're sorry for Eagle-
ton, but that McGovern has handled this cynically and destroyed a human
went very well. The P got a great reception. Lots of crowds on the streets.
Governor met him and said he was for him. Senator Eastland told him that
he'd carry every county in Miss. The Sheriff said he'd clean up in Louisiana,
as did the police chief, etc. He had plenty of time on the plane to chat with the
Louisiana Congressional delegation and pick up some political points there.
Had quite a discussion with me on general political and convention plans. He's
concerned about California, where he thinks we have our major problems.
First, the economy; second, Reagan; third, the fact that it's youth-oriented.
Got into some problems of who goes to the convention, especially regarding
the Pat Nixon staff. Also, the family's obviously pressuring him to get out and
shake hands with the delegates and all.
(He) is anxious to get MacGregor's staff meetings and so on started
and get people fired up. Also that we ought to hit the auto manufacturers, to
get them to hire people now. They're making enormous profits out of enor-
mous sales, but instead of hiring new people they're running a lot of over-
time, which doesn't help on unemployment. When we got back, we had an
economic political meeting with Shultz, Stein, Weinberger, E, and Colson to
discuss the basis economic issues on the basis that the experts know we're in
great shape but the people don't. The problems are on inflation, particularly
food prices, tax reform, unemployment, and the general area of expansion of
the economy.
This evening McGovern and Eagleton had their meeting. Came out of it,
and at about 9:45 had a press conference that was carried on CBS radio.
McGovern announced that while he was satisfied that Eagleton's health was
great and he consistently supported Eagleton, they had made a joint decision.
Health was not a factor, but the public debate of it was diverting attention
again from the national issues and that the paramount need for the Democrats
was unity and a full discussion of the issues. McGovern said that he will
mind at this
consider the Vice Presidential choice very carefully, has no one in
point. He won't tomorrow night. He's requested
discuss the Vice Presidency
free time on all three networks at 9:00 tomorrow night. He says he'll discuss
the campaign to date at that time. Which should be an impossibility. At that
point I called the P to report to him and missed a good chunk of the press
get the time. He made his Eagleton announcement last night, and then was
going to try to get the time tonight anyway. The networks wised up to it and
canceled the time. Most of them furious because he's trying to con them. Also,
apparently, his staff was very rough, at least on NBC, and he hasn't helped his
network relations a bit by this maneuver.
Connally called to say that Marvin Watson had told him that Ed McCor-
mick in Boston had told him that (Boston Mayor) Kevin White had called to
say that McGovern had called him last night and said that it would be Larry
O'Brien for VP. That this was something that Kennedy was pushing for, and
that's why they're putting it together that way.
Also, I spent most of the afternoon reviewing the Wolper documentary
filmsand was not very impressed with what I saw, considering the amount of
money, time, and effort that's been invested in them. I may review the whole
thing again tomorrow, because I'm afraid we sort of missed the boat there,
although we'll see what develops. The P is going to be furious when he sees
them, because he's given so much time and he knows how much film they've
been shooting, and what comes out looks like a rather inadequate newsreel
her to review it, which we did. The P warned Rose and Tricia to sit in with her
and rave about it, so that we'd get approval. They ran it at 5:00 today, and it
came off extremely well, so we're in good shape on that.
and other matters involving people supporting the opposition. Also, he has
some concerns about some appointments in the education area, and made the
comment to E that he's 1000 percent against the educational establishment,
then said, "If I may
quote someone else," referring to McGovern, who said he
was 1000 percent behind Eagleton just before he fired him.
On political strategy, he makes the point that the martyrdom theory is
now reversed. That is, we were concerned originally that we not hit McGovern
too hard, so as not to martyr him.Now, he thinks that theory is reversed, that
McGovern under attack, he's shown he's mortal, that he has feet of clay,
that he's a non-sympathetic character at the moment, and when a man has
fallen in battle, the thing to do is hit him again while he's down to keep him
Editor's Note: Over the weekend, after turndowns from several prominent
Democrats, McGovern announced his new VP choice Sargent Shriver, —
former head of the Peace Corps and brother-in-law of Teddy Kennedy.
wants to give them plenty of time for their briefing and to ask questions. That
was about it.
happens. He privately thinks that Romney won't actually go when the time
comes for a showdown.
there's no need to react to it. Talked to me on the phone, wanted to see if I had
heard anything from John Mitchell, and wants me to be sure to make the point
to him that we're relying on him for New York, New Jersey, and Reagan, and
we have to know if he's not going to be able to do it. Wanted to be sure that
Agnew stays on an attack on McGovern, not on Shriver, that he should ignore
Shriver totally. McGovern and Shriver were both on TV talk shows today, and
Shriver did rather badly and McGovern did pretty well overall. P called me at
home tonight to discuss the plan for this week. He's obviously cranking into
gear to get started on writing his speech, and was trying to clear up all the loose
ends before he does so. We
have a heavy schedule of nuts and bolts for
tomorrow morning. He wants to get away by 1 :00, and get up to Camp David
to go to work on the speech. Wanted me to make the point with the staff now
that the P will have to button down and not get involved in anything, says he
doesn't need any secretary until Wednesday, but to tell Rose to plan to come
up to be available Thursday morning through the weekend. Says he probably
won't want Ray, he'll work by himself or maybe with someone else other than
Ray because he's too slow. Says he wants me to review the news summary, he
doesn't want to read it, and about 5:00 give him a call with a rundown. He
wants a report on what's going on with the campaign generally, and then
anything that might relate to the speech, and eliminate trivia. He does need to
know what the folks are thinking and hearing about, though. He thinks it's
better not to break or be distracted during the day, but at 5:00 to take a break
and get the rundown then.
Raised the point that Ehrlichman's got to understand that the O'Brien
follow-up and the attack on high-level Democrats is much more important
than the platform, they come first. Wants the Watergate thing discussed,
thinks Ehrlichman's plan which we Camp David is
talked about yesterday at
probably the best. was that we would have MacGregor
The thought there
come out and give the full background story right at the time of the P's
meeting with (Japanese Prime Minister) Tanaka, so as to be overridden, and
then hope that settles our side of it prior to the issuing of indictments in
Then he got back to the question of whether we have an adequate opera-
tion getting a list of McGovern supporters and contributors and running
checks on them and see if there are any vulnerable connections: left-wing or
mob connections, and that sort of thing. He thinks we should be doing this
with all of McGovern's top contributors.
no one else was involved. But we must be sure of our facts from the grand jury
and we must know what Justice's going to seek out of the grand jury. Be sure
of those facts.
P then met with Moynihan, who's writing an article for The New York
Times Magazine, and wanted to get a view of the P's look at his second four
years. P expanded quite completely for Pat on this, made the point of the
coherent philosophy, tying in foreign policy, economic policy, and domestic
policy. He is a new philosophy and a new way. Make the
should say that there
point that the FDR was made up because they wanted to win, but
they didn't belong together, they were drawn together by their fears. First the
economy and then the war. Our new coalition will be held together, not by
fears but by common hopes and a shared philosophy. Not total agreement, but
a recognition for the need for civility, different ways to approach government
goals. In other words, we will form a national coalition that shares common
views regarding what the country ought to be, at home and abroad. We have
to find coherent policies, not to suit the new left or the new liberals, but closer
to the 19th century liberals. Internationalism without imperialism. Change
that works. Constructive. We'll build, not destroy, based on the old values. We
have to find a way to get the pragmatists and the idealists together. Moynihan
was ecstatic with all this material, and got quite responsive and excited with
the P's views, and should come up with a pretty good article.
On the POW offer from Ramsey Clark (Clark had returned from Hanoi
supposedly with a POW release offer), we should refer to the fact that McGov-
ern came back with the same deal from Paris. It turned out to be phony, now
Ramsey's is also a phony. We got into quite a thing with Colson and Haig on
this, and the point that Haig doesn't want to push too hard, because at the
proper time, K will pull the rug out from the whole thing. We must stay away
from it until we know what he has. The problem is that Clark may have a
legitimate POW offer. So everyone backed off today and laid low, which was
probably just as well.
she agreed to try and straighten it out, and called later to say that she probably
Had a long talk with Billy Graham and a report on his weekend with Lyndon
Johnson. Billy says he helped Johnson modify his endorsement to make it as
cool as possible, says that he's selling his TV station, Johnson is, to the LA
Times later this home and all to the park
week. Secondly, he's giving his
system. Third, he advises the P to ignore McGovern. He says he should go out
and identify with people, to ball games, factories, and so on. He thinks the
McGovern people will defeat themselves. He feels very strongly anti-McGov-
ern. Says the P should not do too much campaigning, stay above it, as Johnson
did with Goldwater. He's very grateful regarding the treatment by Nixon for
him, especially of his two daughters.
Billy Graham's a little concerned about Vietnam, and about the bugging
thing. He doesn't think bugging is going to hurt us. Lyndon Johnson laughed
about it, said it won't hurt a bit.
Regarding the acceptance speech, Billy feels that it should not be like four
years ago, because he's now P. He doesn't need the flamboyance of the chal-
lenger. What will appeal is a high road, illuminate the accomplishments, look
to the future, what can be done. Have a foundation to build a new world, and
a new America, and we're just now able to do it. He
P must talk to
says that
the workers of the campaign. Get mention McGovern
into the issue that never
by name. Hit the socialistic welfare state versus America where you can start
at the bottom and work to the top. The only way the McGovern plan would
work is under a dictatorship. Said the speech should not be long, and it should
always be as P of the United States. He feels McGovern's getting more desper-
ate and contradictory every day, that we should let him stew in his own
problems. The P liked the negative view of comparing Nixon's position versus
McGovern's. He thinks that makes the new coalition for the purpose of
defeating McGovern, instead of accomplishing what our goals are. There
should be uplift, not attack, and then talk about how to do it. We should start
on strongly affirmative basis, with the goals we seek. Also, he thinks that
McGovern's tactics are an attack on the institutions of this country, not on the
Administration. The issue is not the incumbent versus the challenger, but the
view of the nation and its institutions. One is an uncharted sea with an
unknown navigator, so the conflict is between McGovern and all we hold dear,
not between two men contending for the Presidency.
Had a scare today on the Jewry situation, because the Russians are going
to charge duty to Jews leaving Russia, and that's created a big flap in this
country. Rogers is all stirred up about it. I'm supposed to keep Rogers from
seeing Dobrynin on it tomorrow, which I think I've successfully done.
Mitchell called, very concerned because MacGregor was putting out some
stuff on the Watergate thing in self-defense. John's very concerned because
what he's putting out is and it undercuts our legal posture, and
not the line,
so on. He wanted me to call MacGregor, tell him he's got to use the line of "no
comment" because individual rights are involved. We'll have a statement at the
appropriate time and then scare him into the fact that he may blow the lawsuit
and some of the individuals concerned if he doesn't stay with the line. He's
anticipating before we know the facts. Mitchell's concerned because at the
convention Clark will be all over the television, and it's imperative to keep this
down until after the convention.
had sit around and wait for quite a while because Ron didn't have the press
there.Would have made a good story. She did a superb job in the film at the
convention. P got into some further questions he needs on speech statistics. He
wants to use a figure of what their platform will cost, say it will increase taxes
over 50 percent and add over $80 million to the welfare rolls. P reviewed his
speech with me, he keeps going over it, trying to assure himself that he's on the
right track. He's still not really convinced that he is, but he's pretty well past
the point of no return now.
and say what a wonderful place America is. He told Shriver that he didn't
know what he was talking about on Vietnam (Shriver had claimed that both
Nixon and Johnson had "blown" peace opportunities in Paris), he had the
documents to prove it, and he handed them to Shriver and told him to read
them. He also told McGovern that he has letters in the library, and that he
should go read them, regarding Vietnam. Straighten him out on his misconcep-
tions. He said Connally's the most important man in Texas, and you should
hope and pray that he won't make a speech against you, because that'll be the
end of it. He told him to get with the old pros, and get themselves away from
the amateurs they were working with, that it's probably too late, that they
should do this in any event. He made it clear to Graham that he would be
happy to see Nixon if he wants to come and visit him. On the plane to Key
Biscayne, the P got into his planning on the other speeches, the balance of this
week, the weekend speech, the school speech, San Diego and San Clemente
arrivals, and so on.
We did the youth rally at the Marine Stadium tonight, and it was a
sensationally good idea, and worked out extremely well. P handled it perfectly.
Came in through the back of the crowd, got a tremendous reception and great
enthusiasm, gave a good talk, and everybody who saw it on television was just
Editor's Note: Howard Hughes was paying O'Brien's lobbying firm a large
yearly retainer, and the President had ordered an IRS audit to see if O'Brien
had slipped up with taxes.
Connally was on one of the TV shows today and did a darn good job.
There were some good cracks at McGovern. VP also was on, and did a very
calm, reasoned thing, especially good on the media, and both of those came
out very well.
This evening was the celebrity reception at the Residence, which went very
well. We had an extremely good turnout of the top stars, and a fascinating
combination of Jack Benny, Frank Sinatra, Jimmy Durante, John Wayne,
etc., plus a lot of the young ones. He was very pleased with it, and I think it
was worthwhile.
of the Watergate caper. The Gallup poll is out today, with Nixon up 64/30,
the highest we've ever been. Then the P raised the point of the need to have
our people have confidence our campaign. The P shouldn't have people on
our staff who think they're the candidate, and keep telling the P what he ought
to do. He can't get out of character, and only the candidate can feel the
campaign. People should not assume that the P is unaware of the problems.
So he wants them to unload on me by memo so that I can then funnel it to the
P in an orderly way.
P had me up on the plane to go over the Vietnam part of the poll with
Henry, and we had the meeting with Admiral McCain, Bill Rogers, and Henry.
P had me up for most of that. McCain was most strongly outspoken in his
Johnson, and he thought they were so bad that he wouldn't even send them
to Congress. Connally then had his Democratic crew in. P met all of them.
They were quite an impressive group.
divulge his other clients, that kind of thing. Connally had raised the other day
we could probably get Gene McCarthy to endorse the P publicly
the point that
if we could him a seat on the PBL board, or the FCC. I discussed that we
have the Johnson seat coming up on the FCC in June of next year and we can
commit that to him, and then try to accelerate it. P wants to be sure that
Edward Bennett Williams and all the other lawyers of that sort in Washington,
Democrats who haven't joined us, that we should make a list of all these
people, lobbyists and lawyers, and after the election cut them out forever. Cut
Williams completely, and the Redskins, and then build up our own lawyers. I
suggested that this is the ideal job for Colson after the election. P basically
agreed. Also wants to get individual reporters and publishers, and establish a
black list there, and move on it. He wants a study made by Buchanan and
Allen on the 20 most vicious, influential DC reporters and television people,
and make a list for each of them of the things they would like to forget they
said. He met with Stans this afternoon to try and cheer him up, since there was
concern that he was depressed, also agreed that he'd see Hugh Sloan (the CRP
whole thing, the need to take the offensive, develop a line, and so forth.
He also wanted to get E off his tail on the O'Brien matter, he feels John's
too busy to look into it, and is having one of his minions handle it. Therefore
it's not getting done, and he thinks it's extremely important.
we got into the Watergate thing in considerable
In the political meeting,
detail and had John Dean in. It appears that the leak the Democrats are
building their case on now is Baldwin, the former FBI agent hired by McCord
to handle Martha Mitchell, and was the guy monitoring the bugs at Howard
Johnson's (across the street from the Watergate). Feeling is that he's been
immunized by the prosecutors, and that because he has the Democratic lawyer
and leans that way anyway, that he's spilled the beans to them. They expect
to get indictments on Friday, the government case will go to court, be assigned
in a week or two, and if it's expedited, it will still take long enough to file
motions and so forth, that it's very unlikely that it will be tried before the
P has and was doing a lot of coughing and
a virus, apparently, today,
eating a lot of Coricidin and somewhat sorry for himself. This after-
noon, he had me in to run through a lot of odds and ends for a couple hours
on scheduling White House functions, says Mrs. Nixon has now agreed on
Filipinos versus blacks, and we can probably move to have Ron Jackson take
over management of the Residence after the election, and shift away from all
black waiters. Then he called me at home tonight to say he was looking over
the girls' schedules and feels we're not handling it right; they're wasting their
time doing service clubs and universities, and wanted me to look into changing
that. He made a call today to Chris Schenkel of ABC at the Olympics, told him
what a great job they were doing covering the games, especially emphasizing
the patriotism and playing up the positive points in that area. Worried Ziegler
some because he did criticize the refereeing and hit the United States Olympic
Committee for trying to defend the guys that didn't stand at attention during
the "Star-Spangled Banner" and then were kicked out by the International
Olympic Committee.
Back into schedule plans again today, and odds and ends that he thinks
needs to be done. Likes the idea of Camp David on Tuesday night, and the
staff planning meeting on Wednesday night for dinner. Got some input from
Rizzo and Rockefeller, both of whom he met with today. Had some ideas on
Rizzo, wants to motorcade the heart of Philadelphia, not the suburbs. Rock-
efeller, in the other direction, wants to do Westchester, Nassau, instead of
P was very concerned morning about a Rather story on CBS that was
based on two leaked CIA documents, and wanted me
to check that out. I had
Dave Young run a complete check. P is going to hang on to the list, so that
we can move on those people at the appropriate time. He doesn't want any FBI
check made on it, just a list of those who had access to the CIA documents,
so we have a basis on which to move.
Henry was in to report further, he had covered his whole trip results with
the P last night, but went into some details today. Henry feels that he's got
things well in hand with the Soviets, he also thinks there may be a possibility
on Vietnam. Apparently Le Due Tho was pretty outgoing in their Paris meet-
ing, and said, "Do you really want to bring this to an end now?" Henry said,
P at Camp David, then came down for the Italian festival in Maryland. I
went over to watch that; went very well. He came in by chopper, went
through the crowd, gave a good little pro-Italian talk and left. Very good
way to use an hour on a Sunday afternoon. I had no other contact.
a long time, and that stirred up a lot of questions to him on Vietnam and other
items; a long discussion of the Soviet Jew problem. Some concern about the
long-range problem of the appearance of the Soviet advantage in the trade
deal. Some discussion of veto strategy. There are three bills up that are candi-
dates for vetoes.
P got into considerable detail on family scheduling. He thinks the girls
and Mrs. Nixon should not do any more press conferences or talk shows
because the questioners are becoming too strident and rough, and the press is
much rougher this year than they were in '68 because they realize the family
is so effective. So he thinks and I agree that they should just go into nice areas
and be nice, and not do any more Q & A's. Even though they handle it well,
it doesn't develop a story that we want.
improved. The huge social programs have been tried. They don't work. People
don't want more on welfare. They don't want to help the working poor, and
our mood has to be harder on this, not softer. People will say that the mandate
means to go forward with all our revolutionary programs, but the P feels,
totally different from Reagan, that the huge colossus of government is a mess.
The people running it are incompetent and won't change, and the American
people don't want to support it. We can't just allow the country to grow like
Topsy. We have to do something, but we have to move toward slimming down
rather than fattening up the Federal Government. He wants a review of the list
of things to drop, but he wants to add to it. In the White House, he wants to
drop the Science Advisor, Committee for International Economic Policy, the
Advisory Boards, whatever can be done within the law to cut our own shop
down. Most of the programs he wants to drop are in HEW, the higher-
education subsidy, and that kind of thing. Make it clear to the NEA that they
supported McGovern and they're not welcome anymore at the White House.
In the health field, we should do much less. We should hit some of the sacred
cows, like the Cotton program at Agriculture. On welfare, we have to support
HR 1 Afterward, we should not send it back to Congress.
until the election.
He points we shouldn't assume that a great Administration is one that
out that
does new things. Maybe it's one that gets rid of old things. We should not
make it Reagan-like. Not obtuse and antipeople. We should make it for
people. Get government off their backs. Say as little as possible during the
campaign so we have the fewest promises to have to keep, and so that we have
an ability to interpret our mandate our way.
If we win, we don't intend to coast in the second term. In the first year,
we've got to really do something about the government. Something that the P
really believes in. Tear the State Department to pieces, and Defense. Don't just
preside over the huge morass. Also, the Treasury bureaucracy is bad and so is
Justice. We need a study on the VP's office in a ruthless way. Eliminate all the
surplus staff and committees. Then he raised the question of who's doing the
CIA study. Feels Helms has got to go. Some discussion on the problem of
intelligence, reorganization, and the real is Defense and
problem, of course,
Congress. Wants to hands that everybody should resign November 8,
tell all
The P had day of appointments and odds and ends. Got into some
a fairly full
Rogers called to report that he had talked to Teddy Kennedy. There was
concern before his call that Kennedy was calling to say he was going to go to
Stockholm or Paris to pick up the POW
families and to avoid their doing a
military debriefing, and so on, but Rogers called after his meeting with Teddy,
and Teddy had come to him as head of the refugee committee and said that
he wanted to send a group to North Vietnam of doctors, nutrition experts, and
so on, to see what's needed to rehabilitate North Vietnam after the war. He
says he won't do it until after the election because it would be considered
political otherwise. He'll make no statement on it before the election, but he
has talked to some individual people. That he was telling Bill this just for his
a big crowd. Connally did a superb introduction to the P with all kinds of super
praise,and that should be very effective. We got a lot of polls today. Colson
reported the new Harris poll, which will show 59/31, a drop from the 63/29
that we were last time, or a 28-point spread instead of 34. He says the drop is
mostly blacks and the under-30 voters.
on TV as he asked the cameras to note the other thousands who were listening
as well as the six who were heckling.
Dinner went well. The P gave a good speech and we got good reaction to
it. Bringing the kids in really helped and added a good level of enthusiasm. The
P had me in for a while after the dinner to talk things over, unwind. He had
a tough schedule here with the Democrats, Nixon leaders, and Jewish leaders,
but all came off pretty well. He is concerned about how we develop a sense of
mission in the campaign so that we don't just back into the victory and thus
look as if we didn't win the election but merely took it by default. He thinks
that's why we need radio speeches and maybe he should also do a press
conference at some point.
He did call Tricia, or she called him, late in the evening, after the din-
ner, to say how was at the Washington
well she thought they'd gone. She
dinner. Then campaigning
they got into plans, and she's going to be in the
South. He told her to endorse McClellan in Arkansas, and Eastland in Mis-
sissippi, and say that she supported their reelection because they were such
strong supporters of her father. That will create quite a stir if she actually
does it, I think.
The P did the cancer meeting this morning and then we returned to Washing-
ton. A lot of time to talk on the plane. He reacted rather adversely to the New
York Times endorsement, not surprisingly, that is, their endorsement of
McGovern. He wants the Times now totally cut off as an enemy, which we all
agree we ought to do. Talked a little about the grain deal and how to handle
got back from Paris last evening and I talked to him on the phone,
told him the P would call him if he wanted him to. Henry said no need to,
that he couldn't talk on the phone, but he did have to meet with him when
he got back to Washington, so we set up dinner on the Sequoia tonight. K,
Haig, and I with the P. Henry went through his whole status as of now, and
he is convinced that the North Vietnamese do want to settle and Henry has
a proposal that he wants to go back with next week, when he's committed to
go back for a three-day meeting. He thinks we can move to an announce-
ment of the settlement sometime between the 20th and 30th of October,
which would take effect with the cease-fire in place and a start of the release
of prisoners in November.
(There was) considerable discussion, as the P had gone into the meeting
prepared to tell Henry that he couldn't make a deal. He feels strongly that, as
far as the election's concerned, we're much better off to maintain the present
position. The argument that carries some weight, though, is
part of Henry's
how to deal with Vietnam after the election, and the clear point that we can't
just sustain our present course forever, that we've got to go for a break and
that the break preelection may be more likely than a break afterward, and that
thisis the honorable settlement that we sought, does not involve selling out
of the problem of how to deal with this after the election. Since the P's
approach to it was based on his thought that Henry was trying to get a
settlement before the election for the value to us politically, which the P feels
is negative rather than positive.
The P was in early this morning. Spent some time before the SALT signing and
then again afterward going over a lot of miscellaneous political things. K was
in for a while Gromyko meeting and the planning for how to get the
about the
P together with Gromyko alone. We worked out an elaborate plan involving
returning from Camp David Monday night after the dinner and then a sepa-
rate meeting on Tuesday morning with just the P and Gromyko. Then after we
got it all worked out, Henry called this evening to say that Gromyko would
be crushed if he didn't spend the night overnight at Camp David, so we have
to shift back to that, which the P agreed to. The P will meet with him
that McGovern and his Food for Peace thing had heavy shipments of grain
abroad in '60 and '62, and that we ought to look into this. He'd like to write
it up if we can dig up anything.
51 2
death that the P will louse I think he'll use anything that comes
it up. Actually,
up as an excuse if works out pretty well for him. The P
the thing blows, so it
doesn't feel that there's any chance of settling, and that probably it's not
desirable anyway because any possible interpretation of a sellout would hurt
us more than it helps us.
One interesting thing: I decided to drive down, as I always do. The P wasn't
going to leave Camp David until 9:30. He called at 7:25, five minutes before I was
to leave, to say that if I needed to get home early, he'd be glad to reschedule his
departure so I could ride down on the helicopter. I said that I'd intended to drive
anyway, but it was very thoughtful of him to show that concern.
a TV press conference vs. in-office, and the question of one in DC vs. going out
into the country somewhere. Nothing really came out of that. He had Colson
and me over to the EOB a little later. Got into the general political thing, says
there's only really 4 issues, then proceeded to enumerate 6 or 7. Those being
amnesty, marijuana, welfare, tax increase, Communist government imposed
on South Vietnam, and reduction of defenses.
situation. It was deadly dull, as any such thing would be. The P interjected
from time to time as they were going through their poll results and so on. First
he emphasized the turnaround of the blue-collar suburbs, that's there's confi-
dence in the country, morality, economy's up, and especially of the great cities
of the North. About a tax and escalated rhetoric, we should stay right where
we are, more in sorrow than in anger. Hit hard on the issues, stay on the
facts —
defense, cut welfare and so on. It will get rougher toward the last. Don't
react in kind. Don't have both sides getting personal. About the most-corrupt-
Administration charge Watergate, grain deals, etc. (he said) not one in-
stance in four years has there been any personal corruption of the Cabinet
appointees or the White House. We have the strictest rules we've ever had. We
should have confidence. This is an honest Administration. We will not go
down on the charge of corruption.
K had me called out of the meeting on a phone call from Paris. Said that
he just discovered there was a communication breakdown yesterday and that
we hadn't gotten a cable from him reporting on the status of negotiations. He
said there is a cable coming now, that I must understand that the situation is
very complex, but they know what they're doing. We should get everybody to
keep quiet and keep everybody steady. He said they were going into a meeting
in about a half an hour, that if the appropriate point is reached they will leave
tonight, late, getting in about 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. Otherwise they'll
stay over. He couldn't tell me a lot more than that right now.
After the Cabinet breakfast the P told Ziegler to quit trying to pander to
those who are philosophically against us. Any generous move toward them
only shows weakness from their viewpoint. He says the press liberals hate our
guts. Not personally, but because they hate our beliefs, so we should not make
any an ideological enemy, because they misinterpret
nice, personal gesture to
it. On the Posfs Watergate story today, Ziegler should just stonewall it. That
The Post had reported that Donald Segretti had been hired by the CRP to
conduct "a massive campaign of political spying and sabotage," including
forging letters, leaking false items, and dumping schedules.
the dinner, so I drove back into the White House. We met at 6:45 at the EOB
office. Colson was there at the time, and the P went over some odds and ends
with Chuck, then K and Haig arrived and Colson left. We sat in the inner
office, and as soon as Colson went out the door, K opened by saying, Well,
you've got three for three, Mr. P (meaning China, the Soviet Union, and now
a Vietnam settlement). The P was sitting over in his easy chair. K, Henry, and
I were sitting at the table. The P was a little incredulous at first, and sort of
queried Henry a bit. Henry started to outline the agreement from his secret red
folder. Made the point overall that we got a much better deal by far than we
had expected. The net effect is that it leaves Thieu in office. We get a stand-in-
place cease-fire on October 30 or 3 1 They have to agree to work together to
this council has to be by unanimous vote, so it can't effectively hurt Thieu any.
The cease-fire would be followed by a complete withdrawal of troops within
60 days and a return of the POW's in 60 days. We'd have everything done by
the end of the year.
He then said that one of the agreements is that we provide an economic
aidprogram to North Vietnam. The P interjected at that point, said this is the
most significant thing of all because it's a collapse of Communist principle.
They've always refused to accept that kind of aid because it admits the failure
of their system. This gives us the leverage on them. China refused any discus-
sion of it, and so on.
through his folder and all the details and the P kept interrupting. The plan
will be for Henry to go to Paris next Tuesday, then to Saigon, then see
Thieu. He'll spend three days there, then up to Hanoi, then back to Saigon
to report to Thieu and then back to here and we make the deal. The P
interjected that Haig must go with you. Henry said no, that we need him
here to deal with the bureaucracy and so on. The P said well, someone's got
to go. He suggested me. I felt I should not. K said no, it would raise too
much anticipation. If it were known that I was going, and also I'm needed
here to hold things down.
We then went into dinner in the outer office. The P told Manolo to
bring the good wine, his '57 Lafite-Rothschild, or whatever it is, to be served
to everyone. Usually it's just served to the P and the rest of us have some
California Beaulieu Vineyard stuff. The discussion continued along the same
line. Then the P toasted us all. The decision was to handle Rogers at break-
fast tomorrow, and that I'm to be there. Tell him that we had a significant
breakthrough on the military side, but that K has to go back to Paris next
week to try to finish up the political part of it. If he gets it worked out, he'll
then go to Saigon to go over it with Thieu. We won't tell him about Hanoi
or the fact that the whole schedule is set now, with the P making the an-
nouncement on October 26 for the October 30 cease-fire. K wants to be sure
there's no responsibilities assigned to Rogers because he'll try to parlay them
at the State Department. Instead, let Henry line up Bill Sullivan, he's
Henry's man and he'll take Sullivan with him. Also, he wants to handle Alex
Johnson. Playing to the idea that the future of the Foreign Service depends
on Johnson's cooperation on this with the P. The ultimate payoff for Rogers
is that he gets to go to Paris to sign the cease-fire with the Vietnamese For-
eign Minister on October 30 and that takes effect when they sign it. We went
around the details some more. The real basic problem boils down to the
question of whether Thieu can be sold on it. The P is obviously really
cranked up with the whole thing. K reported on the very high emotional
level of the talks and the fact that at the end of the 14 hours of talks yester-
day that Le Due Tho remarked that the two of them had been negotiating
on this for four years now. They had some very tough times, but now we
both accept the same thing, which was to make peace and today we have
made peace. Haig feels that the reason they're doing this is that they've
basically given up, they have no more hope and they're now going to try and
establish friendship with us, which is what they say they want just like our
China relationship. Overall, it boils down to a super-historic night if it all
holds together, and Henry is now convinced it will. He thinks that he's really
got the deal. So we'll see.
was worked out, so he's now positioned to have to back the actual settlement
enthusiastically, since it's better than anything he thinks possible at the mo-
The P had Henry up to the Lincoln Room after breakfast, called me in
mainly for a discussion of schedule plans, but both he and Henry felt that they
had the ground pretty well laid out with Rogers. Henry then went on during
the day to meet with Alex Johnson as Rogers agreed he could, and with Bill
Sullivan. Sullivan's nitpicking some of the details, but Henry thinks that can
be worked out, and things are pretty well on track. Both the P and Henry are
realizing in the cold gray light of dawn today that they still have a plan that
can fall apart, mainly the problem of getting Thieu on board, but also the
problem that the North Vietnamese might not buy what Le Due Tho comes
back to them with. So it's still problematical, although Henry's convinced that
he's got settled, that it will work out and that we can talk Thieu into it. I
would think he could, because the settlement he's got is the best Thieu is ever
going to get and, unlike '68, when Thieu screwed Johnson, he had Nixon as
an alternative. Now he has McGovern as an alternative, which would be a
disaster for him, even worse than the worst possible thing that Nixon could do
to him.
Editor's Note: The Washington Post repored that Segretti had been hired
by Dwight Chapin thereby tying Watergate into the White House.
The P had Ray Price and John E in at noon to review the whole radio speech.
He made the point to Ray that these speeches need 3 or 4 quotable lines, but
they are to philosophize a bit. and
They should be nonpartisan, nonpolitical,
non-negative as possible. Uplifting, like the Atlanta where we direct line,
attention to the hopes and dreams that unite us rather than the hates and fears
that divide us.
The P shifted into his regular spielon the thing that people don't love each
other and we're not all the same and we can't approach things on that basis.
The whole secret and the philosophy that we have is based on the fact that we
live inan explosive world. There are differences between people.
Then he went into his anti-college-education spiel and back to the point
that people are different. So are nations. The secret of the American experi-
ment is that they learned that the things that unite us are more important
than the things that divide us. He then got into his feeling for the South, that
because of going to school there he had a close feeling and they resent al-
ways being put down by the Northerners. Makes the point that union lead-
ers are like the South. They want to abide by the law and they respect the
Presidency. He then said the theme to development is in regard to the heart-
land. Our New American Majority appeals across the board for the same
reasons to people. The basic American values. A strong United States patri-
otism, strong moral and spiritual values. Anti-permissiveness. They are
turned off on welfare because it's wrong and because they are anti-elitist,
plus they have selfish motives. They are Americans to the core. The South-
erners are more so than the rest of the United States, because they are not
poisoned by the and the media, but we're also high in Pol-
elite universities
ish, Italian, mountain farm states. Weak in the suburbia /big cities
because here the people are soft. The analysts miss the point that the "move-
ment" has had it. The people that are for permissiveness, anti-United States,
and so forth. That square America is coming back and that we didn't just
gather a bunch of haters. The real issue is patriotism, morality, religion. Not
the material issues of taxes and prices. If those were the issue, the people
would be for McGovern rather than for us.
Henry called about the Vietnam negotiations. He's concerned about
whether he's handling the settlement right and then he raised an alternate
scenario in which he would get the process dragged on a little with new
demands. He'd still go through the whole schedule, but not sign the final
agreement till November 15. The problem is, we'd have to stop bombing from
the time of his trip until the election. I told him my concern there was trying
to carry the period between the trip and the election, with all the speculation
and so forth. He says if we get Thieu enthusiastic with this, then it's OK and
we can go ahead. If Thieu turns it down, he feels we would have been better
to have been hung up on a North Vietnamese negotiating point than on letting
them know that we're hung up on trying to keep Thieu in. I said I didn't think
any of this delay was possible if he went on to Hanoi, but he basically refuses
to consider canceling it. Feels he's got to go through the whole route, in any
event. On that basis I felt it was impossible to make any change in the scenario
as it's now laid out.
P called me over first thing this morning. He had read The Washington
Post, which has the major front page story on Dwight Chapin being the
director of the Segretti espionage activity. When I came in, he was talking to
Ehrlichman (on the phone) regarding the Chapin story and made the point of
the shocking double standard of the Post and the Times. Never say a word
against the dirtiest campaign ever waged against a P, name-calling, bombing
headquarters, etc. The P made the point to me when he hung up that the
difference between him and Johnson sure showed up and that's that he's
always backed up his staff. He thinks we ought to raise hell with the L.A. Times
if they pick up the story. He thinks I should call Otis (Chandler, the publisher
and point out to him that when he was under attack in his oil deal, the P told
all of us "hands off." He's especially concerned about (P's lawyer) Kalmbach
and how he handles this and how he explains what funds he was using. He feels
it needs to be tied to the Committee and Liddy rather than the other thing.
There's a problem with the story regarding the lawyer for the P putting up the
money. We need to be sure to tie the money to the Committee. He feels
strongly, too, that we can't surface Segretti, although that was one of the
things we were considering Friday.
Henry called again later this evening after I got home and said he's
worried now that if he goes to Hanoi it'll look like we've given in to Jane
Fonda and Ramsey Clark. We could avoid this by using option B. Going to
Paris and then announcing after that on the second round. He's worried
about the question of whether this appears to be the P crawling. I assured
him I didn't think it was, but he phoned again, this time to ask me to help
out, to sit on Rogers during this week. Apparently Rogers had Haig and
Sutherland out to his house tonight, made the point that he has to take
charge now and get all these things worked out. Henry's concerned that if
Rogers thinks it's succeeding, he'll rush to get in on it. He's not really too
concerned about it though. Henry feels now the more he thinks about it that
the more it seems that we're pulling off a miracle and that we should go
ahead with it if we possibly can.
tion press obviously feels that it doesn't have a good case on the issues. On
the P view, he's spoken out against violence, he's given orders that are to be
carried out, that there is to be no violence or disruption of rallies. If you've
noticed, there has been none. Our opponent has not said anything about the
hecklers and violence, and so on, on us. First, we cannot condone what was
done. Second, we must separate it from Watergate. The whole purpose of
this from their viewpoint, he thinks, is that it's the last burp of the Eastern
establishment. The only thing he's basically concerned about is to be sure we
don't lie and be sure we don't condone any bad activity. Make the point that
we're running a high-road campaign, no name calling, we're hitting hard on
the issues. The President is the victim of the dirtiest campaign ever con-
ducted against a President of the United States. They should start using the
line of the Eastern establishment press, make the point that they're strangely
silent on all this stufl against us. Also the point that the Post and the Times
praise spies when Anderson papers, the Pentagon Pa-
they're related to the
Because of their double standard, they don't
pers, the India-Pakistan matter.
seem to be concerned with spying when it doesn't involve the security of the
He had Ehrlichman in later today, suggested that Segretti sue the Post for
libeland give the Star a statement on it. Made the interesting point that after
the election we will have awesome power with no discipline, that is, there won't
be another election coming up to discipline us, and we've got to do our
planning on that basis.
He did the POW wives at the last minute this morning. We ran it in
because we had no story to counter the espionage /sabotage story, so I went
in and talked him into going over at the last minute to do the POW wives. He
had a great reception, gave one of the best talks he's given.
motorcade security. I told him about the report of someone's being picked
up with a shotgun, and he made the point that we should be concerned
somewhat with the danger. McGovern haters are dangerous-type people, es-
pecially as they get backed into a corner in desperation, and this raises a
question of whether or not it's wise to do any more motorcading. In Chi-
cago, he wants to make a very short run, and then we got into quite a
discussion of the cancellation of Ohio. He was making it for reasons of the
war, security, health, and so on. This is the first time that I've seen the P
concerned about security, but I think that he's now feeling that since we've
got the win pretty well locked up anyway, there's no point in running an
unnecessary and undue risk.
He raised the question again why we don't have somebody file a lawsuit
to knock down the Watergate story, without getting into specific denials, but
just a general suit by one of the injured parties.
We had our regular local strategy meeting this afternoon for a couple of
hours, with Connally, E, MacGregor, Colson, and Mitchell. Connally opened
making the point about the peace negotiations, hoping that there wouldn't be
anything before the election. It would hurt us because it would look expedient.
The P explained that negotiations are in the benefit stage, and we have to deal
with them as they come. Connally then said that it's important that it appears
that the P is in charge, that it's not K who is running this.
Editor's Note: The Washington Post claimed that CRP treasurer Hugh
Sloan had given testimony to the grand jury that Haldeman had approved
a large sum of money for campaign sabotage. However, Sloan had never
given such testimony.
We had gotten into it yesterday evening, since they had inquired about it,
and we knew that the story would probably break, and it did. Today's the day
McGovern does his big speech on corruption, so they obviously will use that
as the buildup. There was a lot of discussion during the day about the effect
and what should be done.
Ziegler did a strong counterattack on the Post at his briefing this morn-
ing, and that will ride as the main answer with a good strong denial, also
Hugh Sloan and others have handled denials. The P didn't seem overly wor-
ried about it, although he did raise it some. Let's see what develops from
The P got into some questions on speech schedules. He wants to get going
on the foreign policy one, using the material from his San Francisco speech,
but building up the point of massive retaliation being outdated in discussing
the fate of small nations. We
went over the timing of the various radio
speeches. He also wants a radio spoton Amnesty; he feels we're not getting
enough on that. Feels that Ziegler or someone should hit the Post on yellow
journalism, that we should keep a hard attack going on McGovern, on Viet-
nam, and then in the middle of all that he raised the point that he wants a little
press facility built up at Camp David for use as a briefing room, and a small
press lounge set up.
K called me at the 3:00 this morning to say that the North Vietnamese had
gone public on the peace proposal and he was in a state of very great concern
at that time. He called again at 7:00 and had simmered down considerably as
I thought he would, as he found their thing didn't really look as bad as he was
afraid that it was going to.
The peace move was featured in the papers, and on TV tonight after K's
briefing today. The P wanted a quick poll made to see what the public reaction
was to the peace plan as it stands, mainly the question of whether he should
order a bombing halt, while we're negotiating, or if he should continue the
bombing. He made the point that we've got to attack McGovern on his
peace-by-surrender forum, and all the Vietnam-related issues, abandoning the
POW's and so forth. He makes the point that only great events can change
things in the campaign now, and Vietnam is the only great event happening.
We've got to be sure that if it changes anything, it changes it our way. He
emphasized the need in the last two weeks to keep down the jitters with the
star! and said he ought to get all the surrogates in on Saturday and have Henry
brief them. He told me to work with Haig on the PR on this. All that matters
now is what the press says, that it's a political battle of the first magnitude. K
plays an enormous and important part now and we've got to watch every
development and make the most of each of them. The question that concerns
him is whether it appears we're playing politics with Vietnam. He emphasized
the need for Henry to see the good press people and then came up with the idea
that he ought to have a press conference before the election, maybe do it on
the plane, with an expanded pool on the way out.
Ziegler felt that he was very disturbed when Ron reported to him on K's
briefing. Ron wrote up that the P felt that we were getting the wrong twist on
this, and that K was getting the play. The announcement had been blown,
where the P had hoped that he could go before the nation and make the
announcement. Now it had been made by the North Vietnamese and briefed
by Henry, which kind of pulled the P out of it. He was uptight when he talked
with me about the K thing, but on the basis that Henry hadn't gotten our
points over, the anti-McGovern points. So the P wants that followed up,
making the point primarily, our peace with honor versus his peace by surren-
der. I said that I thought this break by the North Vietnamese would turn out
to be the best lucky break of the campaign for us because it takes the corrup-
tion stuff off the front pages, totally wipes out any other news.
bit, but the peace initiative throws it into the back pages, that McGovern
himself is the major factor, that we're not in danger anywhere. Said that
anytime he wanted, he would be most happy to make a statement on my
behalf, or Dwight's, on our character and so forth. That we shouldn't let them
get away with the whole thing. He too is worried about the security factor of
the P getting too much exposure. Feels that if North Vietnam blows the peace
deal it will be a real problem, and then summed up again that we need to see
more of the P in the last 10 days. More publicly, that is.
The big problem now is for the next ten days to keep the thing from
that basis.
blowing up either on the North or the South. So that we don't have an adverse
reaction set in prior to the election.
We did the Ohio,
Michigan trip today. The motorcade went very well. We
didn't get verygood press on it on the TV tonight, but we had great crowds,
great enthusiasm, and it should have been extremely effective in Ohio. The
Michigan stop also was a huge crowd at the airport, even on 24 hours' notice.
So it was a good campaigning day.
peace, that we refused to let Vietnam obscure the big picture, especially in a
historic year of 1972, where we've really developed a chance for peace for a
generation. He got to the point that they may wonder whether the campaign
was worth it. Then he talked about the beautiful people who sit on the beach
here, and play on the tennis courts in Newport, and Palm Beach, and said that
you're the lucky people. They aren't. He said that he feels that it's true of a
person, that he's never his true self, his complete self, unless he's engaged in
a great enterprise, and that we all played a part in such an enterprise. Then he
said, I'm a tough anti-Communist, but I'm not anti-Chinese, anti-Russian, or
E hit two issues, corruption and vetoes. On corruption, he said he should
use every question as an opportunity to talk about our issues, the problem with
the number of charges with no evidence, and it's hard to prove a negative. If
we on the same plane as they've been made, you'll lose.
deal with the charges
We must move the answer to what you want to say. He used Chapin as an
example. The fact is that his duties at the time he was supposed to be running
the sabotage thing were to put together the Chinese and Russian trips. He
made three trips to China, spent hours in that situation room, etc. He referred
to the Godfrey Sperling (Christian Science Monitor) article, saying that the
issue is is unwilling to impute liability to the
not significant, because the public
P on the basis of the charges offered.So you should move from the Chapin
question, and his great responsibility for these trips, and then move to a
discussion of the trips and foreign policy.
He referred to the Post article on me, and to take that as a case study; the
sources were based on two reports and both of them have been denied. Also,
he hit the point that the P is obliged by the Congress now to analyze 132 bills,
which is 20 percent of their two years' work, while in this period he also has
to run a political campaign and work out the war's ending. Which is all a good
answer to the hiding in the White House.
Al Haig hit the Vietnam agreement, the specific points. Bill Rogers then
emphasized the P's overall accomplishments, that peace is the overriding issue,
but it's like good health, you don't talk about it unless you don't have it.
Overall, the world is more peaceful, we came into office with two and a half
wars going, Vietnam, Nigeria, and the Middle East. Now there's a cease-fire
in the Middle East, we've ended the war in Africa, there are no casualties in
Vietnam, and withdrawing from there and from other areas. Also, conditions
are much more peaceful in the United States. The campuses, streets, and so
forth. We should emphasize that Nixon is the world leader in the positive
peace, and recognized as such throughout the world.
suit, using the Colson route of saying the Post and Edward Bennett Williams
told malicious lies involving the White House tied to the Watergate. Also,
Ehrlichman feels we should exploit the Post's submission of guilt, but is
concerned about the Colson libel suit because it will inevitably lead to his
having to leave the White House after the election. He feels that the P will be
forced to clean up.
The P thinks that we should go ahead on the white paper to the editors,
give them the specific answers on all of the Watergate items, and that maybe
E should use US News in next week's issue to get the whole story on record,
get it established somewhere. He's afraid that it will leave a blotch on us,
after the election, if we don't get the word out and all the questions answered
Later today, E called and said that he, Stans, Dean, and Moore had
worked out a possible settlement of the Common Cause case, which is to go
to trial tomorrow. So that we would disclose 5 million of our pre-April 7 gifts
under court order, and this would avoid their going to trial until after the first
of the year, and would keep Sloan off the stand. They feel it's a good way to
cut our losses, so they're going ahead to try to work that out.
The other big item today was the whole Vietnam question, and how we
deal with the attack on McGovern, and the threat of the North Vietnamese
blowup. The original plan was for Rogers to hit McGovern today at a press
conference about his point that he would reserve the right to renegotiate any
deal that we make.
E feels that the key to Rogers' doing this is that the P be precisely
positioned tomorrow in Chicago, because he would have to say some things
at the regional meeting, and that K doing a talking paper that he will discuss
with the P on this. E feels that K talks as if a virtual certainty that this will
us this week. First, that they might not show up on Thursday because the
negotiations are completed. Second, they might agree to meet. Third, they'd
say we cheated them, so they're breaking the whole thing off. If the latter
happens, he thinkswe should just brazen it through. He later told the P he
was concerned that we would take a murderous beating because he did get
the message from North Vietnam and they simply said that they were taking
the whole thing under serious consideration and would get back to us later.
Henry feels that we must go on the offensive if they do blow. Publish all that
we've offered. Make the point that we didn't meet with them to sign, because
first, Saigon reports they're seizing territory and the threat of a bloodbath.
Second, Pham Van Dong claimed this was a coalition government, which we
agreed it was not. Third, we never agreed to leave all their troops in the
South, and we've been watching for a unilateral withdrawal, which they were
supposed to do as evidence of good faith. Then we should make the point
that if in good faith we can settle, we will, but that we will not let ourselves
be stampeded into doing this just for the election. He also says that the
liberal press is very vulnerable in any effort to attack us, because now they've
moved to the right of us, and they're complaining that we're letting good old
Thieu down.
Henry feels that he should step out again, and brief the press, that it
should not be elevated to the Presidential level. We should just say that the first
item was to end the war. We've made major progress. If the P goes on TV
Thursday night he should open by saying the first thing in looking at the future
is to end the war. That we've made major progress, and then describe the
acy to deny free speech even to the P of the United States. He thinks Ziegler
ought to get this out as obviously a planned campaign of disruption and
Tulsa went better, but there was some of it there, too. The problem
there is the Assistant Attorney General, who insisted that they not throw the
bad people out, so the P wants him tracked down and some action taken on
The Rhode Island run had a lot of hecklers, and we had PA problems
during the day also, so the P got into the need for getting all the PA's checked
out for tomorrow. He
raised the point also on the plane, the need for Water-
gate follow-up to be worked out, so that we have a complete plan right after
the election and can move on that. Wants to know who's in charge, and how
that's being handled. I talked to Ehrlichman about it. He and John Dean are
supposedly on top of it.
gotten meaner on all of us, and that he has no problem readings at all. There
is very little apathy and there will be a very heavy vote all over the United
States. The only thing is, that minds are made up, and that's why they don't
show interest now. The only problem is the majority has never been done
before, and it's hard to believe that we can approach it. He figured that it
will come out about 58^2. It's hard to believe that it can be bigger than
It's ironic, in terms of the whole North Vietnam situation at this point,
that McGovern has cut loose on these last couple nights with his complete
all-out blast of theP on Vietnam, making the point primarily that we have no
deal and that there isn't going to be any peace. Then, Saturday, we got the
word from North Vietnam that we had a date set, the 13th, or whatever other
date that K wanted to confirm, for next meeting, so we knew that we had the
thing ready to go, but couldn't say anything about it, so we had to let McGov-
ern kick us around.
of us were essential to stay on, and that John and I would be in that category.
He wouldn't be able to function with new people in those jobs, where he can
in some others, and therefore it's worth paying the price of the negatives,
which he said he had thought about, and recognized the validity of the points
that was making.
Wegot back to the White House, and all the staff were out to greet the
P on the steps, it was quite a cheery thing after a long flight across the
country. The P went right to the Residence to have dinner with the family,
and we got set for the election-night processing. Unfortunately we totally
overorganized on data-processing and totally underorganized for just getting
the simple returns in a form that we can get to the P quickly and under-
One of the first losers of the evening was Louie Nunn of Kentucky and
theP couldn't believe it. The P then said, this was early in the evening, that we
would have to postpone the departure tomorrow for Key Biscayne because he
had a funny thing happen at dinner tonight. An old bridge that he had, had
fallen out, and he had lost a tooth. He was going to have to go to the dentist
at 9:00 tomorrow morning and then again at 1:00 to get the bridge replaced.
As he called me from the Residence, I worked in my office, I could hear his
"Victory at Sea" record playing loudly in the background. He was amazed at
the losses in Maine, and some of those, and delighted with Bartlett picking up
Was mainly interested in how the Presidential thing was going, which
was sensational. He had Colson and me come over to the EOB about 1:30,
where he had gone about midnight, and, at that time, he called Hubert,
returning Hubert's call, and they had a long chat regarding Hubert's attitude
toward the P and national security, etc., versus McGovern's. It appeared to
be quite a friendly conversation. He was concerned about how we answer the
question of losing the House and Senate, was particularly interested in an
analysis of California, and the background there, but we couldn't find any-
body. They were all out celebrating, so we had a terrible time trying to get
Along about 2:00 in the morning, maybe it was 2:30, he suggested that he
ought to have some bacon and eggs, so he ordered them up from the White
House Mess, and the three of us ate bacon and eggs, and they finally brought
us some toast and some milk. After that, we chatted a little bit about the
general reaction of the returns and then went on to bed. I didn't get home and
in bed until 4:00 this morning.
Editor's Note: The President ended up with 60.7 percent versus McGov-
ern's 37.5 percent. It was the second-largest-percentage of the popular vote
in two-party history, next to Johnson /Goldwater in 1964.
The P and I went into the staff meeting. He opened by saying, last night
he had gotten a lot more sleep than he was accustomed to getting in his
elections. That there were to be no vacations, we need to get the organization
set in place for the next term, concentrate on the budget, reorganizing the staff,
he wants them to know that he's very proud of his staff. They're accused of a
lot of things. Maybe a frequent accusation is that they are efficient, and to that
we should plead guilty. They are also loyal, and they've gotten a lot done and
we will continue to have problems with the Congress, but we have more
influence now because of the majority. Everyone will have suggestions on how
to improve his own office, there are no sacred cows, we should tear up the pea
patch in the organization of the Cabinet and the agencies and so on. As far as
your plans are concerned, we'll meet you individually, we'll come out after
thorough discussion and try to develop the best place for everybody. After the
Eisenhower midterm victory we didn't change things enough. Maybe a P
shouldn't serve more than four years, but I'm not ready to raise that question
yet. Then he went into his Disraeli story about the exhausted volcano. He said
that didn't apply to individuals, but it does apply to the entity, and it's the
responsibility of the leader to be sure we don't fall into that situation. We can't
climb to the top and look down still shoot some
into the embers, we've got to
sparks, vitality, and strength, and that we from new people,
get some of that
both in the Cabinet and here in the staff. This is not a case where we say
goodbye and start all over. We do say thank you, we want your views, want
to know what you like to do. Whatever you decide, these are the members of
the first team. Needless to say, the staff was ecstatic.
I stayed on after the P left and covered the details of how we're han-
dling the transition period, while he went and opened the Cabinet meeting.
He spoke to the Cabinet for about an hour, and again I went in after he had
left, and followed up on the details of getting them all to submit their resig-
nations, and ordering departmental meetings, etc., to work out the follow-up
on that.
On the plane to Florida this afternoon, the P got into the whole media
reaction. He wants Ziegler to put a total embargo on Times and Newsweek,
there's to be no background to Sidey regarding election night or anything else
at any time. He wants total discipline on the press, they're to be used as
enemies, not played for help. Wants the story out that a private poll in the
White House press showed that 80 out of 89 supported McGovern. Told me
to tell Henry that it's OK to talk to Evans and Novak, but not to the other
people. He made the point that most second terms have been disastrous and
that someone should write this, because he's determined that his won't be. He
wants to get a leak out, that we'll have a major shakeup at State and Defense.
The TV had a big crowd at Homestead, and another one at Key Biscayne when
the chopper landed, and that ended the "Day After."
Ehrlichman and had a long session with Dean on the Segretti thing,
going over the details of everything he did, what he said, and so on. It turns
out that we don't have any real problem, I don't think, on it. Some of the
actions were questionable, but none of them was serious. And, it's clear that
he was operating without direction, although he did maintain some contact
with Chapin as he went along. But he did not have a direct reporting responsi-
bility or relationship there.
campaign firm, as well as a law firm. Now is the time to pick up the clients,
law, and PR, and we just don't have the job inside. The P is determined to get
politics out of the White House, so you become the man. You've got to go into
the P and say that you thought it through, this is what he should do, you
reached the conclusion. Be a big man.
I had a talk with K this evening. He's concerned about some of the
appointments and all, wanted to be sure that we wouldn't put Connally into
Defense or State without letting him know ahead of time. He said he has
some concerns about who Richardson might bring with him to State, and
says the bureaucracy is really churning about what's happening. It's good
for now, but the problem is that if it goes too long, that is, beyond Thanks-
giving, it will turn on us. He also says Connally has put out the story that
he's been offered State, and Henry is concerned about how to handle that if
it's done.
Camp David. The P met with Connally this morning. I up with John (E)
on the helicopter, and did not sit in the meeting, which last about two hours.
The P had me in afterward and gave me quite a detailed report. He says that
Connally has concluded that there's no hope for him in the Democratic Party.
He feels that if he could get the Democratic nomination he could run and beat
Agnew, as a Democrat, but that he could also run as a Republican and beat
Kennedy, and he thinks that it's inevitable that Kennedy would get the nomi-
nation. He also therefore decided to change parties and become a Republican.
The question is a matter of timing, and what he does beyond that. The P
discussed the possibility of an Administration role with him, and the two
apparently agreed that it would not be wise for Connally to come in. He
doesn't want Secretary of Defense in any event, feels he couldn't take State as
long as K is there. He doesn't want to do that anyway because he has a lot of
opportunity to make money this year, and wants to spend his time doing that.
The P encouraged him to change parties quickly, which would send up a lot
of signals and establish him clearly as a candidate for '76 and get some of the
people rolling that might be able to be helpful to him. Apparently a satisfac-
tory meeting for both people, at least the P thought so.
consulted him first, and then decided. We then discussed the organization of
State Rogers were to stay, and he basically made a pitch to stay on to June
1, so that he can clean up things that he was doing and not look like K had
forced him out. He made the point that there's a lot of Vietnam work to be
done, and follow-up after the agreement. The P was quite impressed by that
point, because he agreed that it was a problem. He pitched strongly that it's
bad to look as if we've hatched a plot and here it is.
P told me I've got to tell K, this is after the meeting, that we're not going
to face the Rogers thing yet. Also, wanted to talk to Connally and told him
there's the problem with Vietnam, so Rogers is going to stay on a while. So
we'll start making the changes underneath, but for Connally's own informa-
tion we have a clear understanding with Bill, as to a departure.
pages of notes. Henry's saying that regarding China he did it alone. P had
some very strong reaction. He obviously is extremely displeased by it, in
particular allthe stuff Henry kept coming up with. He day told me
later in the
I should let Henry know that obviously the EOB and and the
the Oval Office
Lincoln Room have all been recorded for protection, so the P has a complete
record of all of your conversations, which, of course, you can carry when you
write your book. (A reference to the taping system installed in the White House
in early 1971) It's not the witticisms and all that he's concerned about in the
story, it's the substance. It's detrimental in the highest degree. He made the
point to Henry that he doesn't make the decisions, and when they are made,
that he wavers the most. The P, I should tell him, has written the total China
story for his own file.
P got into the Dole/RNC question, because of Dole saying he was going
to stay and so on. He wants me to move on this to get some others to put the
heat on Dole, someone from the RNC and Congress. Mitchell should build the
fire on this so that we don't take the heat, stir up some people in the key states,
get some young congressmen and senators to speak out, saying we need a
change, etc.
Last thing he called about today was the Life cover picture, which he
finallycaught up with. Figures it's obviously a deliberate attempt to gibe us,
which I think is probably right. Asked if it had occurred to me to have letter
and calls made to Life regarding the lousy cover, and I said no. He said it has
occurred now.
was genuinely surprised, but clearly pleased to be selected. The P made quite
a point of Elliot's ability to deal with Henry, and his understanding of him, as
being one of the major pluses. He met with Helms with no preliminary meet-
ing. P him he was going to make a change (at CIA), gave him a good
buildup first. Offered him an ambassadorship. They talked about specific
ambassadorships. Helms lobbied for Iran, P responded very favorably and
agreed to hold Iran open until Helms decides whether he wants it or not. He
urged him to take it. Helms pushed Colby and Messinas for the CIA head. P
said there's a question of whether to promote from within or whether to go
outside for the new Director. It was basically a friendly meeting although
Helms was a little surprised and obviously disappointed to be moving out after
25 years, but there didn't seem to be any problem.
Henry called from Paris to say that the press found out about their
meeting place, so there'll be a lot of pictures and stories because they followed
the Vietnamese there and were there when Henry arrived. He's prepared to
move the meetings to the city, but the Vietnamese haven't agreed as yet, so he's
sending a report that things are going about as expected, no worse, maybe a
little better. They're tough but not unmanageable. They're going to meet again
tomorrow afternoon. They're studying the proposals and we should say noth-
ing. He would call again tomorrow, and that was about it.
E got a call from Bush, who met with the P earlier, and the P pitched him
on the RNC. Bush said that he would do it, if that's what the P wants.
It was a long, full day, covered some pretty good ground, got a few things
established, and no major problems except apparently Rumsfeld, who had his
meeting with the P after a pre-meeting with E, where he agreed that he should
go on out to Illinois and run for the Senate, but then when he got in the
meeting with the P, he said no, that just wouldn't do, that he had to have an
Administration job for a year, which was a complete shock to the P and E, and
typical Rumsfeld, rather slimy maneuver.
Chairmanship. He ended up at the end of the day agreeing that he would take
it. So we now have our replacement set. As a result, the P thought that Mitchell
should call Dole, tell him that we've got to have a full-time chairman. The P
does want him to step down, and when he comes to see the P, he should ask
to be released. Should recommend to the P that he get a full-time man, and for
Dole's to say that he ought to step out while he's on top.
K problems came up a number of times in conversations during the day.
P thought Henry ought to forget about the fetish of secret meetings. He's
worried about Henry observing the freeze on Time and Life, and said that if
Time has a Man of the Year this year and doesn't give it to Nixon, it'll
probably go to K, which would really create a problem. I'm going to have to
handle it. P really feels he should leave by midyear.
Next meeting I had was with Schlesinger. P made him the pitch on
wanting him to consider CIA, asked him how he would go about it. Schles-
inger had some ideas, agreed with the P's view that it needed to be changed.
That Helms is a captive of the Georgetown set, at least to a degree, and that
it is time for a change. He obviously wants the CIA job and is perfectly willing
to leave the AEC. Next one was Bill Casey, the P made him the pitch for,
ultimately, Deputy Secretary of State, but first Undersecretary. P said for
Administration, but Casey got him shifted over to Economic Affairs, which is
really better because it gives him more stroke. Casey is obviously delighted,
totally agrees with the P's assessment of the State Department bureaucracy.
Asked some of the right questions, but understands the problem and is willing
to work with that for the interim period, and is delighted at the opportunity
to get in and clean out the deadwood. I think that one's going to work out
extremely well.
Henry from Paris to report on the talks. The main thing he had to
tell me was had another five-hour session and that they had built TV
that they
towers outside their meeting place so the cameras could see into the courtyard
and they're getting pictures of him. He says they're getting pretty tough on
substance. There's a cable coming later.
We had a long session tonight after dinner on personnel for remaining
Cabinet posts and a complete rundown on undersecretaries and agency heads.
Things are starting to fall together reasonably.
ready to negotiate. They must be disabused of the idea they seem to have
that we have no other choice but to settle on their terms. You should inform
them directly, without equivocation, that we do have another choice, and if
they were surprised that I would take the strong action I did prior to Mos-
cow Summit, and prior to the election they will find that now with the elec-
tion behind us, I will take whatever action I consider necessary to protect
United States interests. Henry called me on the phone from Paris to report
they had another four-hour session, still in a very tough phase, may break
through tomorrow.
After all the meetings, P had a chat with E and me. Got into some detail
on the whole Watergate thing. Had John spell out the situation for him, and
it's obvious that he's still concerned about that, and is pushing John to get a
plan wrapped up as quickly as possible, and to him.
a and go into the office late, to say that they had a meeting in Paris
little late,
this morning. Very private, just the four of them: K, Haig, Le Due Tho, and
Xuan Thuy, Henry laid out our position in a private way and that we can't
make the decision until the meeting tomorrow as to follow the P's instructions
to break things off. The P should go ahead and go to New York. There's
nothing for him to do at this point. Henry's sending a message regarding
today's meeting. Essentially we'll know tomorrow what the situation is.
P then got into the whole Watergate Segretti question, making the point
that while all of our discussions relate to the legalities, the main thing involved
here is to protect the Presidency. We need a clear, simple statement, early, in
the form of a Dean report to the P, saying that I have checked and found that
there is no present member of the White House staff involved. I have also
found that neither Stans nor Mitchell is involved, if that's possible. He thinks
we ought to try to clear Stans and Mitchell, at least Stans, as far as the
Campaign Committee goes.
Regarding Segretti, he says there has to be a flat categorical statement that
I've investigated pursuant to your instructions, and then name names and
answer the implications regarding Haldeman, he didn't do anything; regard-
ing Colson, he didn't do anything; Chapin did receive information but didn't
direct the activities and so on. He makes the point that we should not harm
any of the other individuals if we can possibly help it. Then Ziegler should say,
there's the statement and we stand on it.
He feels we can't just let it "hang out," as Ehrlichman puts it, and hope
it's clear to people. Dean has to draw the conclusion specifically that the White
House was not involved. Have to say that Mr. Chapin recruited Segretti for
the job to conduct campaign activities, but there's no evidence that he directed
is done, Chapin and Strachan should both be out of
his activities. Before this
the White House. That gets to the problem of what we do with Chapin and
Strachan, which concerns the P greatly. He's very determined that we not do
anything that's harmful in any way to Dwight especially, but feels that we can't
keep him in the White House. Says Ehrlichman shouldn't think in legal terms.
What we need is a clear-cut categorical statement from Dean, saying this man
was not involved, that one was, and so on.
P left for New York at midday, and E and I had a long meeting with Dean
on the whole Watergate thing. Decided we'd have to follow the full-disclosure
route on Segretti, and that we can't do anything much on Watergate because
of the court case.
can put it in motion, get it all set for a Presidential speech to the nation by
the 20th of December.
Chapin. He went fairly well and that he'd deflected it basically from me.
said it
He knew he was a lightning rod and that it would be rougher for Chapin and
for the P if he's onboard when it all hits. He should leave in order to defuse
the issue. Go out now with his head up, and untarnished. This apparently came
as a shock to Dwight. Dick Moore then talked to him and said to get out now
for his own career sake. He's having lunch with Moore to discuss that. Dwight
said he was interested in the media business, the networks. He was not inter-
ested in the Universal opportunity. Dean thinks that Dwight has the hope that
I'll say no, he should stay, but Dean told him his recommendation was to go.
John also said regarding Strachan, he gave him a list of the open posts, and
the one he wants is General Counsel to USIA, which we are going to go ahead
and offer him. He said on the cash, the only way to handle that is to turn it
back to the Committee, which is where it belongs anyway.
Had a meeting with K, explained the whole reorganization setup, and
tried to reassure him on the State Department and related problems. He's
convinced that Rogers staying on is a ploy of some kind by the P, either to hold
the post for Connally until he's ready to take it, or to force Henry out, or to
just leave Rogers in and go ahead coasting the way we are. I don't believe I was
very successful in changing his view on this, but I tried. K and I then met with
the P. They reviewed the Vietnam negotiating situation and made the point
that there must be a total freeze on all comment on Vietnam from any source.
P made it very clear that the thing has to be settled one way or the other this
time, that we have to handle South Vietnam on an all-out basis this week,
either they go along or else we go ahead without them. This of course is hard
for Henry to swallow because he wants to work out the negotiation, but the
P was very firm on it and didn't let him up.
Then P called me a little later to be sure I'd leaned hard on K on the press
contact thing. The P had just called him and he thought someone was in the
room with Henry at the time. He could tell from the way Henry was talking
that he was doing it for the record. I did hit Henry hard on the Italian lady
interview. He really cried on it, on the basis that he was totally mortified and
had done a terrible thing, knew it, and couldn't have bothered him more than
anybody. He went on and on about this. It obviously does bother him, but he'll
obviously go right ahead and have the interviews anyway. I don't think there's
any way to stop that.
Miller's advice. Miller's still rocky on it, went over the potential list of things
last night. Dean is cool on his recommendations, and there are no new prob-
lems when they testify to Justice. I had my meeting with Chapin this afternoon,
which was a pretty horrible experience. I had to go through the whole thing
with him. He basically does understand, I think, although it's very, very tough
on him, and said that he couldn't face leaving, but would probably be able to
do it. He's got a lot of ideas on job opportunities and so forth, and I think once
he gets moving on it, he'll find that actually it's a good move for him. He
wouldn't have been as well off to stay in as he will be to get out.
cycle all the time, and he has bottomed out on his down cycle now and is
coming back up, but was in absolutely terrible shape in Paris last week.
Al feels that Henry needs a very good, long vacation and that we should
be sure he gets it. He thinks the trip this week will go all right and that the deal
is locked now, so there's no problem with Henry's going. Said he understood
completely the problem of the Italian woman's article, and that Henry under-
stands it too.
Apparently the meeting with the South Vietnamese envoy didn't go very
well. The P spent a long time with him, about two and a half hours. The net
result was the P softened a little bit, which was bad. They're going to have to
meet tomorrow to try to clean that up, but the South Vietnamese, after the
meeting, came back and told Henry to tell the P they would probably have to
go it alone and that we should just go in, make a settlement to get our prisoners
back, and stop fighting as far as we're concerned, and let the Vietnamese go
on fighting it out. They don't seem to understand that our Congress won't
continue to supply them if they take that route, and that they have to go along
with us on a settlement, a point which Henry would like to get across to them,
and the P in the meeting tomorrow.
doesn't think K is in touch with reality; says it's better to state it in a practical
manner and just do it without going on TV to rally the people. We don't have
to decide untiltomorrow, so we can wait and see what happens, but we should
saywe haven't completed negotiations and go ahead with more bombing.
Going on TV unnecessarily escalates the public reaction. It's too bad we don't
have a direct line to Haig to get a feeling from him, but Henry's got to realize
that we can't repeat history; we can't go on and do it again. They're going to
meet tomorrow at 3:00 and we'll get a report then.
the point that at the present time we don't need public support. We just need
to act and let the actions speak louder than words. Our main goal must be to
play this as low-key as possible and to ignore Hanoi's intransigence.
Later in the afternoon we got the cable from K giving the reporton the
meetings, basically that they are almost totally sure of failure. The P went
through a long discussion, really agony, on the decision that K poses for him,
which is whether to make one last offer in the hope that they'll take it, or to
go the other way and pull out. K lays out the options on it. The P said I should
get E's view on whether we should wait six months for the POW's, which is
what would happen if we pull out and start bombing. Henry thinks that within
six months we'd be able to make a deal with them to get our POW's. Or to take
the other option, which is to put one more peace proposal in and to try to keep
it going, and not put it on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. The P said that (this was
about 6:00) to meet again about 8:30 with E. I went over the whole thing with
John. He made the point first that any agreement's better than no agreement,
and we're in a stronger position to try to deal with the North than to try to
deal with the South. Also he feels that if there's no agreement, it would be a
monumental blow to America's Vietnam policy, but the P should not go on
TV; he should not personify that failure. He should jettison K instead, and let
K do the briefing.
The P had E and me over at 8:15 and we met in the Aspen living room,
by the fire with the lights low on a cold night, and the P was slumped down
in his chair and sort of went through the whole thing with John. John feels we
have to try the finesse before going with our big gun, the P, the finesse being
to try to maintain the appearance, at least, that the negotiations are contin-
uing. He's concerned regarding the height of expectations in the country. The
P said his view is that we have to get K out of the meetings for a while, to take
a look at himself, and that's the key need at this point. Both of K's options
really lead to the same conclusion, which is thatwe start bombing now. One
way, we get the POW's now, and the other way we get them in July, but
Congress might pull the string on us. The main thing is to get K back here and
decide here, not through the channels across the Atlantic. He feels K's ap-
proach now is not very rational. At that point he had Colonel Kennedy come
in. The P read Kennedy's draft of instructions to K and then read aloud his
own draft, which is much longer and more on the basis of continuing the talks.
He said we have to recognize that the North Vietnamese are evaluating K
personally, too. They think he has more authority than he does, and they think
he has no choice but to make a deal because of what he said. The P told
Kennedy to send both messages, Kennedy's as the official instructions, the P's
to give the flavor and background. Kennedy expressed his concern regarding
the total break with Thieu and thus his collapse, which would mean a waste
of ten years, and he is worried about the effect that would have on the
American psyche. The P answered that you come to a point where you have
to weigh the cost. If we've made the total effort, we can do no more. Kennedy's
concerned about how we may be perceived over the long haul over time. What
will the effect be regarding our relations in the world?
There was a long period then in the meeting, with a more or less silent
review of the messages, with slight changes in phrases and that sort of thing.
Then the P said that K is in his India /Pakistan mood, with the feeling that all
is lost, but nothing is ever totally lost. We need to get Henry here and talk to
him, have him talk to the P at length, to review the options carefully. The P
just feels the bombing-to-submission idea won't work. The goal of just saving
the POW's is not enough and we can't guarantee Congressional support for
eight months. Kennedy then left to send the messages to Henry, going by
chopper back down to the office.
The other things that arose during the session were Harry Truman's
imminent death and the P's ideas on a message regarding that. The moon
shot's been delayed due to a mechanical problem, and Dole should go out and
talk to the press tomorrow.
and then Manolo brought in K's cable, which the P read and then reviewed the
highlights with us. He apparently had made a little progress, but not very
much, although he now realizes we should move for agreement. He still put the
two choices to the P, though, after laying out all the pitfalls involved in each,
especially the negotiating route. The P feels K's choice is the bombing option,
but won't work unless the P goes on TV, and, as he sees it, that's not in the
cards. K always prefers the big-action play against all odds and winning it. The
P said I do, too, if you win it. K wants to push the P into taking a course of
action that K warned against. The P went into quite a lot of psychological
reaction to K, and E did, likewise. down K would like to get
E felt that deep
out of it now and on the P. That K wants subconsciously to flee rather
lay it
than fight, but he'd deny that and say he's recommending fight, but actually
he's fleeing from the complex and that he doesn't know the right way. The P
is convinced that if K came back without an agreement, he would resign. When
he returns, I've got to get him firmly on board, to see it through all the way,
no hangdog position, we can't let him drop the word that he wanted to hang
tough and the P forced him to make the best deal that he could. He said to give
Henry a terse reply. There has been movement in today's meeting, and should
go on. Then Henry should plan to return to Camp David so he can have a full
day with the P and with Haig.
These were his instructions when the phone call came in from Henry and
I took it while the P went out for a swim. Henry was calling from Paris, said
he hadn't heard from me for a few days and so he was just calling to check in
with me. Then immediately he said, basically, I wanted you to know that I'm
in favor of going ahead, but I did want to warn you about the implications
involved. Then I said, well, you're clearly making some progress in the negotia-
tions and it looks better, doesn't it? And he said, yes, we're slowly getting there,
and if we all know what we're getting into, it's the right thing to do, but it's
not the millennium. It will be a better agreement than October would have
been. We still have the option, though, of going the other way, and he wants
us to know that then we can do it by putting the heat and the blame on the
others, as he spelled out in his message. At the latter part of the conversation,
the P came bouncing in from the pool, waving, and said, do you need me? And
I said no as I continued the conversation, so he went on into his room to get
(After considerable further discussions) the P dictated a cable which I
wrote in longhand, then rewrote in longhand and sent over for typing. I
brought it back, read it to the P and he approved it, and I had it sent down
as the cable to K telling him to take the second option (for negotiation), but
to view it no further debate. The P felt very relieved
as a fixed decision with
and figured made the decision now and can live with it and he then
obviously felt relaxed. He had John and me stay for dinner, and after we left
we had the four Secretaries come over and watch a movie with us.
but by then a sleet storm up at Camp David, and there was no point
we had
in trying to getDole up. So we didn't.
Got back into the Watergate /Segretti thing, wanted to be sure that he gets
his Dean report. He thinks Dean ought to talk to the press rather than Ziegler,
to give the summary on it. Wants to have a meeting on that subject the first
of the week.
The K thing turned out to be a four-and-a-half-hour meeting today and
a plan for another meeting tomorrow. With the possibility of sending Haig
back tomorrow night after the meeting's over.
The P got into his White House Health Unit thing again. He wants the
thing set up for the family. The bowling alley, sauna, tub and dressing room.
Then he had Julie come in and we talked about her plans, first with the family's
Christmas plans and then the idea of her taking an East Wing staff job, which
would be superb. The key to that is getting David (Eisenhower) out of the
Navy now, and setting it up so that he can run for the Goodling seat in
Pennsylvania. So I'm going to try to work that out, so we can get Julie in.
should live. He'd like to get them into the White House on the third floor,
which they're going to fix up, but they'd prefer to get a house, so he said they
could get one with a swimming pool so Mrs. Nixon and he could get out of
the White House from time to time and get over there for a swim. I'm sure that
would be better for Julie and David than the problem of living in the White
On Safire's book, he wanted to be sure Bill understood that he can't come
in and psychoanalyze the P as to what he really thinks and that sort of stuff.
He'd rather him just write about him, not as if he were him. The publisher also
can't be Doubleday. It has to be someone who supported us.
He had Haig in about noon, and Al reports that everything's set on the
negotiations except one problem, which is the DMZ. Yesterday it bogged
down on that after getting everything else cleared up, and so we closed with
a compromise offer, which Al says Thieu won't be able to accept. The P made
the point strongly to Al that the problem is that we pushed so hard on the
settlement before the election that that put us in a bad spot. We're still trying
to dig out from Haig agreed. Haig is very much concerned about main-
taining the cease-fire. He feels we want to be prepared to react hard if they
violate it, and he's sure they will. That means bombing the North. The P then
took a very strong position on violations. It should be clear that it will not be
on a tit-for-tat basis. It'll be all-out, regardless of potential civilian casualties,
if we have a provocation. He told Al to tell Henry that, to use in his negotiat-
ing, and also have the VP be prepared to make that point. The P raised the
question of the VP doing the Thieu deal, or whether the P should do it. Haig
said the P should not do it, should not meet with him until the whole thing is
absolutely locked. The P made the point that the VP must know this is not a
negotiating mission. He is to convince Thieu as the leader of the hawks that
there will be no support for him unless he goes along.
DNC Chairman Robert) Strauss about his TV thing yesterday. He had called
him and told him his remarks were ill-advised. He had gone out of his way to
take a cut at Connally and said he had read him out of the party and made the
point apparently that it was a sin to have voted against McGovern, and that
if that's so, they ought to select new moral standards. He said he was pretty
rough and that Strauss was quite disturbed. He says Strauss' election won't
change a thing. He doesn't know what his deals are that he made to get the
post, but in any event, the liberals will try to crucify him, that he brings no
strength to the party, he's just a manager. He can't bring the South in. Wallace
is the leader of the Democratic South. For that reason, we should move in
somewhat them have a place to go, but they'll need a compelling
to let
motivation. They can't go to avoid a nebulous third party. Theoretically,
they'd do it in a minute, but they don't know how to do it practically. It'll take
a move either a positive move by the Republicans or a negative move by the
Democrats. We'll have to wait and see.
wanted to report that everyone in all the countries he visited were elated at the
P's election. The Shah of Iran said that we've saved civilization for at least four
more years.
in the immediate future. The P's going to have to move to step up the bombing
and hope that we can get a political settlement.
K came in to talk with me this morning about his personal problems.
Wants to have a long meeting later, which we never got around to today. Got
into the press thing, and it was really kind of hysterical, because he flatly told
me that he had not talked with John Osborne and did not understand why the
P and others were disturbed about the Osborne story, and didn't understand
why we didn't trust him when he says he doesn't talk to these people. Then I
read him the direct quotes in the story, and after hemming and hawing a bit,
he said, well, I talked with him on the phone but I didn't meet with him.
Editor's Note: Negotiations were going nowhere, and the President had
decided it was time for strong action. He authorized B-52 raids up North
and the reseeding of Haiphong Harbor.
he should not have his press conference today because of some statements by
the North Vietnamese and other general developments. The original plan was
to have a press conference today, then start the military actions tomorrow, and
the massivebombing on Sunday, but then Le Due Tho said this morning that
comment on the talks and that he remains optimistic, so
they'd agreed not to
Henry thinks we have an alternate course of letting it ride today and then K
going on tomorrow. Start the minor action on Sunday and the massive action
on Monday. One problem with following the original scenario would be that
we would be bombing while Le Due Tho was in Peking, which would cause a
heavier reaction.
The P then read his entire memo, which must have been four or five pages.
Then he told K he wants to make the P appear to be the tough guy all the way
through. That we should set it up today for K to go tomorrow. The P said I
would rather bomb on Monday, unless you think we really need to do it on
Sunday. He didn't like the idea of having a Sunday church service while he was
bombing. K said he feels better than he has in weeks, because now we're in
control of things again instead of being in the position of the rabbit with two
snakes, having one on each side. The P got back to discussing what Henry
ought to do. He said to be nonspecific on the details and he did a lot on
building up of his spirit and all. The P was obviously trying to maneuver Henry
into the right frame of mind on how to approach the whole thing.
After they left, the P made the point that he was very concerned about
Henry's mood, and said, well, he's happy now, because we're going back to the
bombing, but that's the wrong approach. He wanted to be sure that Henry had
a very hard briefing before he goes out to the press tomorrow because his press
things have been disasters. He must try to be effective rather than being
brilliant. He then got into the point he's been making quite frequently the last
few days, that we've got to get hold of the government. He keeps saying he has
the feeling that the government is out of control, that the people we have don't
know what to say and don't know how to say it, so we aren't getting our points
Had a long meeting with Stans on his whole campaign thing. He reports
that on the financing deal, we spent $47.5 million, but we had budgeted $43
million. He thinks there's another million, maybe at the most, in backup bills.
He says he collected $51 million, so he's got something like $2.5 or $3 million
in coverage, and he's concerned about what to do with
Thinks he should it.
in to see him till later in the afternoon. I raised the point of Anne Armstrong
as counselor and the P bought it. Worked up a way to go at it, and I tried to
Then I did get her on the phone, told her. She was a little flabbergasted. I didn't
get her till 5:30, and by that time, I told her she'd have to be at the Cabinet
dinner tonight, and that really threw her, too, because she only had two hours
to notify her family, get organized, and get to the dinner, then I alerted the P.
He decided he wanted her on his right and wanted her to give a toast at the
dinner, which she did do. The Cabinet dinner went off very well. A little bit
rambling, as the P got up and gave a little talk about the importance of Cabinet
people. Then had me give a toast to the VP and considered him as symbolic
of the entire Cabinet. Then had Bill Rogers toast Mamie Eisenhower and Pat
Nixon, the First Ladies. Bill very graciously also toasted Julie as the symbol
of the coming together of those two families. Then he announced Anne Arm-
strong's appointment, told them it was a big secret until Monday, and had
Anne respond with a toast to the P. She did a very good job, working in the
idea that this is the period when we salute the Prince of Peace and stating that
those of us who are closest to, and work most directly with the P, have a chance
to gather with him at this time and to drink a toast to the man who has done
the most for peace in our history. A potential awkwardness didn't seem to
develop, at least there were no real problems at the dinner, although it wasn't
any great smashing success, I don't think.
problem there. He wants two or three B-52's today and the P asked Henry
whether the Air Force wants to pull back now. Henry says no, that we're doing
the right thing, and the P says it's funny how these things work out. That we
could have stalled this a few weeks but it's much better to be going at it now.
Henry makes the point that the P's best course is brutal unpredictability.
aid to South Vietnam. They can gamble that Congress will throw out the aid
anyway. If we go bilaterally there will be no cease-fire, but we would argue that
South Vietnam is now in a position where they can stand on their own feet. K,
over and over in the meeting, really blasted Thieu as a complete SOB. Says that
he still may be just doing this to make a record, and then planning to cave at
the end, but the main thing is to finish the thing as best we can. The P says it's
better not to get a negative agreement, that we should go for a separate deal,
which I argued against. The question still is whether to go bilateral or to
negotiate it. If Hanoi accepts the January 3 meeting, we should meet, settle,
and put it to Thieu. In other words, the P is now shifting to my view. We
should now treat Thieu with total silence, not give him another chance. The
P then sort of summed it up, that as gloomy as it looks at this point, something
still may happen. Truman's death is still imminent, and may affect the P's
The P was in Key Biscayne. I was in Washington and had no contact. Made
a major point out of not calling me or interrupting me in any way during my
so-called vacation period.
excuse for not scheduling things, but he's not working on the Inaugural. I
think until he gets Vietnam settled, everything else is going to pretty much stay
in the background, and there won't be much concentration on anything.
person who doesn't clearly understand why he's bombing. Therefore, the
question and arguments are obviously political or academic.
I had a long talk with Henry late in the afternoon, he seemed to be in good
shape, feels he's got a good chance of bringing up negotiations, and overall
seems to be at least reasonably optimistic.
The P still is concerned about dealing with the reaction, and the press and
the Congress. That they're obsessed with negative stuff with Vietnam and are
going to play it no matter what we do, and all he can do is ride it out. If we
get the settlement, to comment now won't matter; if we don't get it we'll have
far greater problems to deal with than what we now have.
afternoon. His primary concern was the whole attack and PR operation, which
he feels is now dismantled and that we have nothing to work with. He now feels
that we face a partisan situation right from the beginning of Congress, as
evidenced by their approach on Vietnam, whereas we thought we would have
a better relationship, at least at the start, because of the landslide election
The problem, he feels, is that we breathed a sigh of relief after the
campaign and then sat down at Camp David to start reorganizing the govern-
ment. Now we're paying the price. Therefore we have to have a new attack
organization directed at the top.
The P also got into some discussion of his K concerns again. Made the
point that Haig has got to fill his scorecard in completely and totally level with
him on the K problem, so he knows how to go out on this. Then he raised his
concern about the K papers, and all the P's papers on national security that
K is holding, including Henry's phone calls, and conversation memos and
cables and so on, which he wants to be sure we get ahold of and stay on top
of as much as possible. He thinks that I need to get a deputy for myself, with
maturity and presence, who can act in my place. That I have to clear time on
the new establishment, with the Republicans, the financial people, and so
forth.Which ones are the real leaders, and how do we build them up? He keeps
talking about when I get more free (time), these are the things I ought to be
doing. He wants me to develop a plan for this, and also to get the candidate
search going quickly.
We had some discussion about Watergate, and I filled him in on all the
coverage in the paper today, and the fact that it's building up. He feels that our
people should take the Fifth Amendment rather than getting trapped into
(Senator) said he hadn't seen the P since last year, and he thinks that the
whole attack, overall, is the most vicious thing he's ever seen and it will
foreclose a lot of our options in a lot of areas, and the P should therefore
call for Congress to reorganize themselves, put them on the defensive instead
do it. McCord will testify, but he has no firsthand knowledge. All the Cu-
bans will sit mute, and even if they're immunized afterward they'll take a
contempt charge rather than talk. There's great concern on their part that
the commitments to them won't be honored, and there's a problem with
funds that LaRue is supposed to be working on. John is going to assemble a
Congressional strategy group of himself, Johnson, Moore, and Colson be-
cause he thinks that we may have some of our own cards to play. That we
should start looking at the Hill guys' vulnerabilities and see if we can't turn
off the Hill effort before it gets started, which he thinks is important to do.
He thinks that we can probably also work Liddy, but maybe we shouldn't.
They'll take contempt if they're granted immunity, and that may bump the
scheduling approach that he thought the P would like because it solves some
of the problems. When his cable came in, it turned out it does, because he's
worked out a deal now where he would return to Paris to sign the agreement,
rather than going to Hanoi. Then would go to Hanoi in early February to
work out peace settlement arrangements rather than to sign the agreement,
which would solve the problem of Saigon's objection to signing the agreement
in Hanoi, and also the P's objection, plus closing down the time frame and all
The P had Haig come over go over the cable and the situation, and then
he had quite a discussion on real point is that the P feels that he has
it. The
to announce the settlement to the Americans before K initials it, otherwise
there is no point in his announcing, because it's just covering something that
is already done. He told Haig to get a message back to Henry saying that the
new scenario was infinitely preferable to the old routine of his going to Hanoi
and that we should go ahead trying to work it out with the North Vietnamese.
We would like the cease-fire as soon as possible, not to drag it on.
Henry had said, along the lines of what we want, and that we had gotten 100
percent on substance. He seemed pretty pleased. The cable came in later, it
turned out he basically had gotten everything we want, and he'll do the signing
in Paris rather than Hanoi, which is the key thing. Set the date for the 23rd
with the announcement, after Haig gets back from South Vietnam, if we get
Thieu to go along.
The VP requested a meeting with the P today, came in with an incredible
proposal. He thought done to divert public atten-
that something ought to be
tion from Vietnam and the attacks we're getting into on it. He suggested that
he take a trip to Egypt to visit Sadat, and see if he could try and untangle
something on the Middle East. The P was obviously so astonished he didn't
know quite how to answer the thing at first, but then made the point that the
likelihood of anything good coming out of such a trip was almost zero, and
that it would be very unwise for the VP to take the risk of being rebuffed at
that high level. Then admitted, really, what the VP was after was a way to
rebuild his own image, and that he's being attacked because the one substan-
tive thing that he had was the intergovernmental relations and that had been
taken away from him, so he had nothing really of importance to do.
on Tuesday for the announcement. Ziegler came in during the flight to report
thatABC had a report that we had an agreement and that K would be coming
home tomorrow. It was agreed that we would say no comment on spec stories
and when K returns that he'll be meeting with the P. We got into the problem
with the line for the congressmen, because Kennedy has to brief Scott and
Ford tomorrow for the "Meet the Press" thing on Sunday, posing an addi-
tional problem.
The P also got back on the Watergate thing today, making the point that
I should talk to Connally about the Johnson bugging process to get his
judgment as to how to handle it. He wonders if we shouldn't just have Andreas
go in and scare Hubert. The problem in going at LBJ is how he'd react, and
we need to find out from De Loach who did it, and then run a lie detector on
him. I talked to Mitchell on the phone on this subject and he said De Loach
had told him that he was up to date on the thing because he had a call from
Texas. A Star reporter was making an inquiry in the last week or so, and LBJ
got very hot and called Deke, and said to him that if the Nixon people are
going to play with this, that he would release (deleted material national —
security), saying that our side was asking that certain things be done. By our
side, I assume he means the Nixon campaign organization. De Loach took this
as a direct threat from Johnson. He says he'll bring his file in Monday for
Mitchell to review. As he recalls it, bugging was requested on the planes, but
was turned down, and all they did was check the phone calls, and put a tap on
the Dragon Lady (Mrs. Anna Chennault). Mitchell also said he was meeting
with O'Brien today, and will make reference to this whole thing in that meeting
and see what he can smoke out.
The P had me over this morning for three or four hours going through a lot
of miscellaneous things. Got into the media relation question, said that I
should talk to Price about his view as to what we did wrong three years ago
regarding the media. He went through a whole bunch of miscellaneous per-
sonal items. Wantsto be sure on Sinatra and Sammy Davis that the P wants
an evening White House for each of them. Wants to be sure Rose is
at the
making notes on all the personal things and also that Bebe is dictating tapes
on the personal vignettes on the P, what happens at Walker's Cay, and all that
for the P's tape record. Wants to be sure we have a superb executive director
for the Bicentennial that has lots of imagination. Wants to get in the 75
Democratic congressmen and 1 1 senators who stood with us on Vietnam for
a cocktail to express his appreciation for standing with us during this difficult
period. Wanted to read a copy of Farley's book on Kennedy and the Rossiter
book on the Presidency, which I sent over to him later. Wanted to check out
burial opportunities at Yorba Linda, as well as Rose Hills. I don't know how
that came in from left field.
I had a report this afternoon from Dean on the Watergate. Apparently
there is going to be a (Seymour) Hersh story in The New York Times saying
that the Cubans them that they're all on salary, that there's a $900,000
fund at the Reelection Committee for them, and that they dropped bugs all
over town. The chain of command went from Barker to Hunt to Liddy to
Colson to Mitchell. (Director of Public Affairs, CRP, DeVan) Shumway and
Colson and Mitchell have all given flat denials on this. The Cubans have sent
a letter to dismiss Rothblatt, and he was dismissed because they want to plead
guilty. McCord is off the reservation now, he had a meeting last night, he
thinks he can get him back on, but he has a plan regarding calls he made in
September and October. He thinks he can get a tainted evidence thing on it,
because the calls were bugged by the government. He's playing a blackmail
game where if I (McCord) fall, all fall, but he has no hard evidence. That won't
be settled for a while, but Dean thinks he can settle it. Apparently McCord was
distressed at the judge's severity. The Cubans plead on Monday.
Editor's Note: Judge John Sirica was noted for his severe sentences, and
McCord was threatening to talk rather than go to jail for a long time.
up the stake. He said we're sitting on a royal flush now, but we won't get a big
pot unless we're mum. The time to bluff is when you have nothing, the time
to keep quiet is when you have the cards.
Henry then reviewed the whole schedule. On Monday we suspend the
bombing. On Tuesday they meet at 9:30, initial at 12:30, leave at 2:15. K is on
the plane by 3:00 and airborne, and then we request TV time and announce
the meeting with the leaders and Cabinet. TV announcement is at 10:00 our
time that night. The P told K to write two versions of the television speech of
700 maximum word length, one with Thieu going along, the other without
Thieu. Then Wednesday we publish the text, there is a K briefing with the press
on TV, the diplomatic activities, setting up the signing and so on. Thursday we
cancel the peace talks, Friday Rogers goes to Paris, Saturday is the signing
ceremony in Paris, two one in morning and one in
different ceremonies,
afternoon, and at midnight Saturday night, Greenwich Mean Time, which is
6:00 our time, the cease-fire goes into effect. Sunday the control commission
arrives in South Vietnam and meets. The P said the line the opposition will put
out is that Congress forced the "mad bomber" to stop the mining and bomb-
ing, and as a result of his stopping, we were able to get the settlement. The
objective here is the honor of this country, and a country without honor has
no authority. We then walked out and had some general conversation, and
that ended the meeting four hours after it started.
After I dictated the report for Sunday, I had dinner with K, which I
scheduled in order to keep him from going out to dinner and getting caught
in the publicdown here. So we ate in his villa, had a three-hour chat alone,
which was quite productive, went through the whole history story and status
on Vietnam, which he likes to reiterate. Henry really wanted, however, to get
into a long discussion regarding the question of the P's confidence in him. He's
concerned that the stories that he keeps reading may be partly or totally true,
that is P has lost confidence in him. I told him that there wasn't any
that the
problem with the P having confidence with him substantively, but the P does
get concerned about the whole business of Henry's talking to the left-wing set,
and the campuses and the media, etc. It's not because he's influenced by, or
influences, the left wing, but rather it gives them status to have that contact
with K, and that's to our disadvantage, and that's what bothers the P on that
subject. He basically understands, and is compulsively unable to do anything
about it.
flying back from Paris. Then he called on the phone this afternoon and made
the point that he had read the Rossiter book, which he thought had a fascinat-
ing point regarding Eisenhower, which is that in terms of great leadership it is
better perhaps to have half the people like what we do and the other half hate
him than it is to have the great center who likes him and only a small fringe
on either side who worship him and hate him.
The P got me on the way back from Key Biscayne on some general schedule
discussion on the plane. He's trying to get his time cleared now that he's
getting back to handle the Vietnam stuff after the long Inaugural and wants
to keep everything as clear as he can. He then got into some discussion on
Vietnam and the settlement, and more importantly, the Thieu problem,
which he's still sweating out, because he hasn't heard from Haig yet. The
question now is whether Thieu will go along. He's refused to give Haig an
answer, at least at this point, so we have to wait for Haig to go back there
on Saturday. The P feels that's a pretty cheap shot on Thieu's part, and that
he should give us an answer before the Inaugural, so that the P will know,
and that's the least we could reasonably expect from him. But apparently
we're not going to get it.
I had no contact with the P today. This was the Inaugural and the Parade and
the Balls. He did superbly well at all of them, and I'm sure considers the whole
thing a success. It ran flawlessly except for the inevitable overcrowding at the
Balls, but the P did a good job in his presentation at each of them, and did
dance as he had planned to do, so that all worked out well.
anybody to take care of the problem. A little later, while we were meeting with
Ray Price on the Vietnam speech, we got word that President Lyndon Johnson
had probably died. I had a note from Larry saying that he'd been taken to the
hospital seriouslyill, then a follow-up note saying that the Secret Service
thought he was dead, when they found him. Tkach couldn't get any confirma-
tion, until finally Lady Bird called an hour and 1 5 or 20 minutes after our first
notice and officially informed the P. We had been informed just a few minutes
before that byTkach finally, that he was dead, but that they had tried to revive
him on the plane and that they couldn't get Mrs. Johnson to notify her and
they didn't want to put any word out until she had been told. I then talked to
Tom Johnson, at the P's request, to set up all the arrangements for any help
we could provide to them.
the Republicans who would cut and run as he does for the Democrats. Thank
God for those who stood with us, like the hard hats. He got fairly emotional
at the end, but did a darn good job at the Cabinet meeting, although he
worried Henry a little about some of the areas he went into.
The speech itself was also very good, and reaction afterward indicated
that it will take a few days before we see how the tone really sets in. In any
event it's been a rather historic day.
At Key Biscayne. The P reviewed some of the editorials that we sent him. He
feels that they still miss the point. K, at Congress, didn't make the point
regarding the character of the man, how he toughed it through. We should
quit worrying about defending the agreement; it either works or it doesn't,
and it doesn't matter, but K just can't go through the details. Why not say
that without the P's courage we couldn't have had this? The basic line here is
last briefing three times,where when things were bad, he had him in 14
times. Henry kept saying we'dkill the critics, and we haven't done this at all.
He's feeding the separation idea by his failure to build the P. Can you imag-
ine Sorensen, Schlesinger,McNamara, or Rusk handling things this way
with Kennedy? The between Henry and the P is not created by leaks. It's
fed by Henry's own nuances, because the press want to think there's a rift.
We have to have Henry build the P. He comments in the Farley book that
what the Kennedy people did with the failures for Kennedy, we've got to do
at least as well with the successes.
The P attended the peace service at 7:00 at the Key Biscayne church
tonight, which went very well.
no one talks to Sidey. He's very distressed with Time, especially since they
did the Marlon Brando cover on Inauguration Week instead of covering the
Inaugural as the cover story. He says he wants no more State visits this year.
He's concerned about getting a master schedule for State visits, visits in the
United States, evenings at the White House, all the general activities. He
wants to develop a policy toward press and media, not just going on the P's
Whitehead feels that the best course is to kill the Corporation of Public
Broadcasting by defending it. The first step is to get rid of public affairs
programming, feed their own internal quarrels. The P said he'd get the staff
this week, told Whitehead not to do anything without staffing. That there are
a lot of yellow-livered people around here. That when we get in this fight,
everyone should shut up, no sniping or bitching afterward.
is in effect trying to do, although he may not realize it. He feels he's running
down and getting bored, and for that matter, so is the P. There's a real letdown
and psychological depression after the type of accomplishments that they've
had. Henry's obviously not interested in taking the time to work out the details
of the agreement, which must be done, but doesn't really interest him at
this point. So we've got to watch this as he completes his trip and comes back.
Especially he is reluctant to move into the Middle East, which the P feels has
got to be settled now.
Editor's Note: By now, Senator Sam Ervin of North Carolina had been
chosen to lead a Senate probe into 1972 campaign practices. There were
those in the Administration who believed that the separation of power
between the President and Congress prevented Congress from having the
authority to call upon the President's personal aides to testify involuntarily.
The issues of the President's rights vis-a-vis Congress and the Judiciary were
referred to as "executive privilege."
had some rough moments, and went back to the November '69 demonstrators
and all that made things look bad until the hard hats marched in our favor.
We've had moments of discouragement in the foreign field, as we're working
on the China thing, Soviet, Middle East, Jordan, Vietnam the Senate pulled —
the rug out from under us on Vietnam time after time. Those most for peace
are the ones who prolonged the war, but look at Mrs. Nolde, the wife of the
Colonel who was the last man to die in Vietnam. She came to Washington for
the funeral with her five children, some brothers and sisters, the whole family,
and after the funeral service the P had them come in, and Mrs. Nolde told him
that in Nolde's last letter to the family before he was killed, he said that he'd
like to take the family to Washington and take them on a tour of the Congress
and the White House, so they have set that up. He said they were a typical
American family, and that she had conducted herself and walked in with the
First Lady. Then the kids, the 17-year-old boy, who had a ragged beard and
mustache, and long hair, the type that CBS would pick out and they did, in
the hopes that he'd make a negative statement —
prepared a statement on why
his father died, which was superb, and he had a big American flag in his lapel.
He said he was proud of his dad. He fought for peace. Then the 16-year-old
daughter, blonde, blue-eyed, looked up at the P and said just, "Could I kiss
you?" At this point, there was a long silence, and I had been making notes,
looked up and the P was just standing there. He started to say something and
couldn't say it, paused for quite a bit longer, more silence, and then sort of said
under his voice, "I guess that's what it's all about." Then he paused a minute,
turned around and walked out of the State dining room, while everybody sat
in silence for a moment, then rose and applauded for quite a long time. It was
a highly emotional and highly dramatic moment. One of the more unforgetta-
ble ones of the time we've been here, and everybody was very much over-
whelmed emotionally by it.
I had no further contact with the P until we got on the plane to California.
Then he got into the Nobel Prize. He said, "Don't discuss this with anyone
else, but we've got to cover the question of how to handle the Nobel Peace
Prize. It's a bad situation to be nominated and not get it. Maybe there should
be a letter to Miller, who is nominating him, saying the P feels he should not
be honored for doing his duty, and that we can separate from Teddy Roosevelt
because he was involved in two other countries. It was something outside his
normal duty as P. He wants a report on the Nobel Prize who's on the —
committee, what's the process, can the P withdraw his name, and so on. He
also wanted a review of the Gallup figures. Wants Kendall to call De Loach
in on the FBI '68 bugging thing and tell him that if the FBI finds anything that
you didn't tell us about, you're going to be fired. Wants Buchanan to prepare
for the P the sharpest, briefest thing he can regarding the most vicious thing
said by the media in the last month. He'd like a copy of that out tomorrow.
He explored some questions on Watergate and the Ervin hearing, and we
arrived in San Clemente to stay here for about 10 days.
E reads the Farley book because he feels the Kennedy approach was right
regarding strategy and that you've got to talk about an issue that people are
interested in, or create one. He feels that Price's introduction to the book is
excellent, that it should be edited and revised so that wherever the P spoke
extemporaneously, it He wants to
says so, that he spoke without text or notes.
get this to Safire for his book, and wants Safire to also review some of the really
good pieces, such as theWyeth toast, the 1970 prayer breakfast remarks, and
the remarks on the occasion of McCormick's ceremony in the Caucus Room.
He wants him to do a section in his book on extemporaneous speeches,
especially the point that the P never read any of the toasts at the White House
and none outside except when he had to by agreement in other countries. Also,
he's never read an arrival statement.
He got into Watergate strategy. He wants to get our people to put out that
foreign orCommunist money came in in support of the demonstrations in the
campaign, tie all the '72 demonstrations to McGovern and thus the Democrats
as part of the peace movement. Broaden the investigation to include the peace
movement and its McGovern and Teddy Kennedy. To what extent
they were responsible for the demonstrations that led to the violence and
disruption. We ran a clean campaign compared to their campaign of libel and
slander, such as against Rebozo, etc. Maybe let Evans and Novak put it out
and then we'll be asked about it. Can say that we knew that the P ordered that
it not be used under any circumstances. He thinks we should play a hard game
on this whole thing regarding the Ervin investigation. Get our investigators
going and so on. Also he wants to be sure we order Gray to move on the FBI
investigation, investigating those in the Bureau who tapped Nixon. We should
itemize all the disruptions such as the Century Plaza in San Francisco, the
burnings, the Statue of Liberty, etc.
He wants me to get King Timahoe out to his original breeder and have
him bred after we get back.
San Clemente. We had Dean and Moore out for an extended session on the
Watergate strategy question and made a little progress in laying out an operat-
ing plan there. The main concern was the need to draw Kleindienst into the
case and to keep him in the post through the duration of the hearings and to
be a buffer and to take heat where necessary in the Department for things the
P needs done. We're regrouping again tomorrow on the same subject.
the question of Frank Borman again. We talked about amnesty some, he still
feels strongly on that but thinks we should get some readings before we get way
out on it. Asked for some brief items on Watergate.
need transitions in speeches you have to put it the way people talk, so we
need an editor that goes through and does this. You should never say, "I want
to conclude by saying," you just spell out the points. You never start a good
sentence with "but" because that rules it out as a quote. The quotes they select
still don't make it; they're not quotable lines, they're colorful language. For
example, his line that you need a "fair shake for American products in the
world" is the kind of thing he's looking for.
it's a free flow of trade of investment, but we must not jeopardize American
jobs and business. So we need the right of the P to go in and bargain so that
we get a fair shake abroad for American products and American labor. An
assistance program for Vietnam will be to serve United States interests, to
create a peace that can last a while. It's not a question of reparations or
humanitarian interests; the motivation is the same as after World War II: help
our enemies because it's better to do that than to leave them as Communist
The P wasn't free much today, had me in only once at 2:30, and that for just
some miscellaneous odds and ends. Wants to work out plans on the "Evenings
at the White House," was concerned about Watergate in general, and that was
about it. There was a Leadership Meeting this morning, bipartisan for break-
fast, and the VP called me afterward, asking why he was excluded. He was very
distressed and more or less hung up on me. The reason being of course that
itwas a breakfast meeting, which the P has had frequently, and has never
included the VP, so there was nothing unusual about it at all. Continuing his
plan of public exposure and goodwill, the P went to the theater tonight to see
the assurance that first, you're right, and second, that if you weren't fighting
the battle on this ground, it would be on something else, which was Ash's
answer to it. He was trying to get them to waver, and I think both of them held
their ground pretty well. I think he felt better as a result of the meeting, he did
drag it on for quite a while this whole area of discussion and his soliloquies
are his favorite subjects —
before he took off for the barbershop and the gover-
nors' dinner tonight.
about the Watergate or any of that sort of thing. They claim they're doing a
straight cover story on me, so maybe it won't be as bad as we were afraid it
would. Mitchell called and said that Hal Bruno at Newsweek talked to him,
and he thinks it's going to be a favorable piece too, but they do keep coming
back to the Barbara Walters interview and keep trying to make me out as a
superconservative type.
problem was solved today, as the Communists folded and
agreed to release themen within the next 48 hours, so the P's hanging tight on
that paid off. Now we'll go back to the Paris conferences.
The Golda Meir visit is going without any major incident apparently. The
P had a long session with her this morning and then dinner with her tonight.
The big problem with that is the Indian uprising. They have laid siege to some
area, and are holding hostages. The P was only mildly interested in it.
Editor 's Note: The Senate had begun confirmation hearings on Pat Gray as
Director of the FBI. Dean's refusal to testify at them brought the hearings
to a halt.
He talked some about the probable Connally switch. The P feels that we
should be getting our ducks in a row to take advantage of that and that we're
not doing that. Which is right.
when they're introduced. Stans apparently did a good job. He pointed out the
need to do this at other parties, which we don't get done. I suggested the idea
of giving people identification cards to hand out to the introducing aides,
which he thinks is a good idea, so we're going to try that. He was disturbed
that we have the Navy singers for tonight, had the Army last night, and he
thinks that they are much better. He went into schedule review this afternoon,
on plans for going out to the countryand meeting with the Congress and so
on. He wants E on developing a good agenda for the
to put special attention
Leaders Meeting. He wanted me to call Reisner and Denton, the two POW
leaders, and get a reading from them on when the P should have a POW event,
and also tell him that the P would like to chat with them off the record
sometime when they can be in Washington. He commented that the VFW
award kids who came in just looked terrible. He felt that they were probably
barefooted, were wearing jeans and awful-looking clothes, and he doesn't
think we should allow that.
On the stag dinners, he thinks they're "pro" groups and that we
good for
should do more of them because they're much him than a mixed
easier for
dinner. Getting into the schedule, he wants to have a formal arrival ceremony
for Thieu at El Toro and then have him stay at San Clemente, no ceremonies
at the compound. He said to schedule this Friday until 4:30, then he'll go to
Camp David, and he can see someone up there on Saturday morning. He has
to come back down Sunday morning for the church service. He talked some
about the Kennedy 13 Great Mistakes book, wants me to find Malcolm Smith,
find out what he really did and what happened on the book.
We covered a number of the other schedule items and philosophy, then
he had to leave to get ready for the dinner. The dinner tonight, which I
attended, went very well. The P gave a good wrap-up talk on the overall world
situation and ended by reading the Denton letter, which of course over-
whelmed everybody. He had done the same thing last night. The evening was
extremely effective and very impressive to those who were there.
book, tracked him down at his home in Long Island. He said that he
couldn't get the book published, so he did it himself, ran some ads, and got
a pretty big response, then did get a publisher to agree to handle bookstore
distribution, but about that point Robert Kennedy was assassinated, so he
pulled the thing off the market. He says he has 2500 copies and is going to
send me a dozen of them.
I told him that I talked to Connally at the dinner Wednesday night and
that he is going to switch, and the P wanted to be sure he did his press
conference in Washington rather than in Texas. Connally said he plans to do
it just as a straight press conference rather than trying to work any other kind
of gimmick into it.
ment in Washington has ever asked Congress for. the problem is that they
don't want the power in the local areas. The whole philosophy is to get rid of
the middleman, get rid of committee action and model cities, even though
there are some good facets to them, because overall they haven't panned out,
cut them out so that we'll have dollars to help the poor directly, and cut out
those that are in the business of helping the poor.
Made the point that we're doing well in the world peace, United States
leadership and so on. now is a critical time not to blow it with bad budget that
destroys economic power. The P said to add an item in all your speeches, the
point of law enforcement. Take a very hard line. We have to move in this area.
Step up penalties on drugs and so on. We can't cure crime, because there are
always bad people, but we can take strong steps to fight it.
though tries to stay away from it with me, that we're in a bad position on
Watergate. He keeps working with Dean every day on trying to develop ways
of finding some statement that we can put out that shows that we're not just
covering it up.
Got into some schedule discussion this morning, a normal Saturday of time-
killing. He's now decided he wants to meet with the Congressional leaders, the
full GOP Leadership group every two weeks. Same program with the Cabinet,
meet with the Cabinet regularly every two weeks, basically as a domestic-
council meeting, then, in between, do Cost of Living Council, CEA, NSC, and
so on.
He had a long talk with Haig, and said that he had confirmed that K
had accused Haig of being disloyal to him in December and had really
blown at him, which disturbed Al considerably, and the P sort of reviewed
the K problems. Reraised the point that he had even hit me on parking his
airplane in the wrong place, which he did the day he came back from one of
the peace talks, or his Hanoi trip, or something. He arrived just after the P
and was furious because he didn't get any press coverage on his return ar-
rival, blaming me for parking his plane in such a way that the press couldn't
cover him.
Tonight was the Merle Haggard "Evening at the White House." The P
came out looking a trifle ridiculous, wearing a huge green bow tie, which he
had borrowed from Freddy the elevator operator, and was obviously in
good spirits. The "Evening" was pretty much a flop because the audience
obviously had no appreciation for country /western music and there wasn't
much rapport, except when Haggard did his "Okie from Muskogee" and
"Fighting Side of Me" numbers which everybody responded to very favor-
ably, of course.
He feels from his talk with Haig last problem now is that
week that the
K's trying to cover his and is a little confused on all these things.
left flank
Wants me to talk to Safire and get our story out on Vietnam. Point out the
truth regarding K panicking on Cambodia, Laos, and Pakistan while the P
always had to buck him up. Show him K's frenetic messages from Paris and
tell him that side of the story. Also build Haig as the unsung hero, like a rock
in all of this. He obviously doesn't have any particular purpose driving him at
the moment and he's sort of bouncing around covering all these loose areas.
Partly trying to decide whether to do his State of the Union as an address to
Congress, an address to the nation, on nighttime TV, or just to go for the
evening press conference. No decision made on that. He was going to work on
it this afternoon, but called Rose and me over on the schedule stuff instead.
make this decision, and says that Haig intimated the same thing. The question
is how much of a risk there is with the POW's if we go ahead with it, and he
has to make the decision in the next couple of days. He wanted me to call K
tomorrow and raise the questions with him. If there is any risk to the POW's,
then we shouldn't take it. Why can't we wait and do it after they're out? He
told me to stay positive on it. Then the P mentioned the possibility of the
bombing, and I raised the point that if there's any risk that we should delay.
The P makes the point that this is the only possible retaliation move we've got.
We can't go back to bombing the North as Henry has suggested. So we've
really got to give this careful consideration. In this discussion, it developed that
the P didn't know Henry was taking off to Mexico for a week's vacation,
and he was obviously very miffed that Henry pulled this. I thought, of course,
that it had been worked out between the two of them, but the P claims he knew
nothing about it and thought Henry was taking his vacation at the end of our
California trip by staying out there.
He then got into a long thing with me on Watergate, raising the various
possibilities. He feels strongly that we've got to say something to get ourselves
away from looking like we're completely on the defensive and on a cover-up
basis. If we, who are protected by executive privilege, are going to volunteer
to send written statements —
which in effect we have, or the P has for us we —
might as well do the statements now and get them publicized and get our
answers out. The problem is that Dean feels this runs too many leads out, but
the answer to that is it's going to happen anyway. Also the leads that run out
don't really come from the testimony of those of us who have immunity, so we
ought to take the initiative and get our stories out ahead of time. At least I
think so, and that was the P's feeling. He wanted me to explore that some with
Dean and Moore. He's spent hours with them and is obviously very concerned
about the impact of the Watergate thing now, and this is really the first time
he has been. I think maybe Dean's gotten through to him that there could be
some White House staff involvement and therefore problems in this whole
Editor's Note: Among other things, Dean had reported to the P that Halde-
man's former aide, Gordon Strachan, may have known about the bugging,
at least after the fact.That he himself had sat in Mitchell's office listening
to Liddy's intelligence-gathering schemes (which he thought had all been
rejected). That Magruder might have pressured Liddy on the break-in. That
both Hunt and Liddy had done work for Ehrlichman such as breaking
into the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist during the Pentagon Papers
The P also became somewhat interested in that, especially after talking with
Dean. But has some concerns about it.
The P felt that the time had come that Dean and Ehrlichman and I should
all sit down with Mitchell, and that Dean should give us the same total fill-in on
the facts as he had given the P today, and we should then try to come to some
conclusions. He called me back in at 3:00 and went over some of his thoughts
again before Dean, Ehrlichman and I met at 3:30. At that point the P felt that we
needed basically to determine, first of all, what to do right now about the Hunt
threat. He's asking for money, and says he'll blow the E story and Bud Krogh
thing if we don't pay him offnow, or they don't. And the question is to evaluate
the whole thing and determine a course of action. We now have a different
situation than we did during the election. We've got to figure all the problems
and possibilities. For example, the Krogh problem on where he is. Maybe it can
be solved by national security considerations or we can get him immunity, and
there's a question of Sullivan's memo and whether to use it.
involved. That Herb Kalmbach had provided funds for the defendants'
attorneys' fees.And, most disturbing, that Hunt had just demanded
$122,000 more or he would talk about the things he had done for Ehrlich-
man and Krogh, including the Ellsberg break-in.
He thinks, on thinking
it over, that the grand jury is appealing at least at
first blush because an opportunity for all the White House to be questioned
about going to the Senate. How else can we show that the P is trying to get the
facts and avoid anything falling on us? That becomes the basic problem, and
the question is whether to go one way or the other, or just ride it through on
the containment theory that Dean's been pursuing up to now. Generally, you
come out that the latter is really the only, actual possible, course, but it's not
a very good one.
The P then had Ehrlichman, Dean, and me in at 5: 1 5 for another hour or so
and reviewed our afternoon discussion, which comes down that Ehrlichman
doesn't think the Dean approach to the grand jury is satisfactory because Dean
bases it on going for immunity before the people which E doesn't think
I scheduled with Mitchell which was postponed to 1 1 :00. So I spent two hours
with the P. He was concerned about Gray testimony, which keeps getting
out of hand, and asked who's programming Gray, since the White House isn't.
I pointed out that he told us not to, that he had talked to Gray himself and
then had said Kleindienst was to be programming him, which is what we were
relying on. So beyond that I didn't know. He didn't regard that as a very
satisfactory answer, but that's where the situation is at the moment.
He also said that Colson talked to him on the phone last night and
reported that (Senator Howard) Baker's administrative assistant had come to
Colson, and said that Baker said that he was feeling hurt because he wants to
help but doesn't feel that he has anyone to talk to, and Colson suggested he
should be the one. Baker said, for example, that he didn't know about the
executive privilege statement before came out and had caught him unawares
and so on. Baker, of course, in talking to the P, had said he didn't want to talk
to anyone else at the White House. That he wanted to have Kleindienst be his
contact, which the P set up. Apparently, that's not working. So the P raised
the question what's Kleindienst doing with Baker and all? What's Kleindienst
doing in guidance to Gray? And he feels somebody's got to get to Kleindienst
and tell him he's got to pick it up because the White House has to stay out of
it. He then said to go ahead with the Mitchell meeting and he'd meet with us
all at 1:30.
The whole group thought I ought to talk to Colson, find out what he
promised Hunt and he wondered about (Attorney Lawrence) Walsh as spe-
cial prosecutor if we decide to go that route. We had our long session, went
through the whole facts and options. The question series again and didn't
really come up with anything new except that Mitchell made the point
strongly that the only real problem the P has is invoking executive privilege,
which does put him in the position of appearing to cover up. John's argu-
ment therefore that the solution to the problem at the moment at least lies in
getting out of the executive privilege wicket somehow, and we spent some
time discussing that coming down on the side of at least considering going to
the committee with the proposal that the White House people will waive
executive privilege and come up, if we can testify in executive session without
TV and so on, and if it's limited to relevant questions. Then we went back to
meet with the P. We got into this and he believed that it was probably a
pretty good approach and that's where we left it. We also felt that there
should be a Dean report to the P, which Dean has pretty much completed on
Segretti and can do over the weekend on Watergate, and that it should be
given by the P to the committee and probably publicly released. So we're
working on that possibility now.
In the midst of all that, we come up with a new problem with Gray, who
was in questioning today. Got trapped into admitting or saying to Senator
Byrd that he was probably right in his assumption that Dean had lied when
he said he didn't tell the FBI he didn't know whether Hunt had an office in the
White House. Of course the fact was they didn't ask him that, they asked him
if they could see Hunt's office, and he said he didn't know that and would have
to check. So Gray has sort of screwed us again.
that he wanted me to check Colson on the point that Dean raised about
clemency and how that was handled with Hunt. What specifically did Colson
say to Hunt on this subject. He feels that we need to make our move now
rather than just wait, but Kleindienst should do something this afternoon
because of what's been said. Perhaps the grand jury is directed to call all
concerned. He wanted me to talk to Dean and find out if Strachan testified at
the trial, with the idea of being concerned about his possible perjury. Also
whether Kleindienst has contacted Baker and Ervin, as the P told him to in the
office the other day, in the phone call. The P feels he doesn't like just sitting
here. The P is expected to do something and he thinks he should. We should
get Kleindienst going, finding out what's up as far as Sirica is concerned. Also
get Moore's judgment, Mitchell's. Have Dean ask Kleindienst.
He then had me go in the other room and call Colson on the phone and
find out what his deal was with Hunt. I talked to Chuck, and he said that
through Hunt's attorney he had indicated that he felt that Hunt had already
been adequately punished, and that he, Chuck, would go to bat for him.
Hunt's attorney said to Chuck that Hunt doesn't want to go to jail. He hopes
he'll be out before the end of the year. Colson said I can't answer that and I
won't try. He says he phrased it very carefully. First, that I know what Hunt's
concerns are. Secondly, I'm Hunt's friend and I will do all I can. Specifically,
he limited it to his desire to help Hunt. What was said and the impression on
what he actually said vs. what the impression gained on the other side might
differ, though, Chuck admits. He said that they may have reason to believe
that he told them he has reason to believe that his opinion would be respected
by others. But he made no mention of having discussed this with the P or
anybody else. He says he's had no dealing with McCord, doesn't know him,
had no dealing with Liddy.
Then I hit him at the P's request on the telephone call. Specifically,
whether he had, in the phone call he made to Magruder from his office while
Hunt and Liddy were with him, did he mention the P or anybody else pushing
him on getting anything done? He says that the story on that was actually, —
Chuck was a little surprised that I knew about the phone call at first and said —
that he didn't think Magruder remembered the call and that he was not doing
anything to recall it. But he said Hunt and Liddy dropped by his office late one
afternoon or early evening and said that Liddy was setting up an intelligence
operation, and Hunt would work with him. But that they can't talk to anyone
to present their ideas and that's why they've come to see Chuck. Chuck said
they shouldn't talk to him, they should be talking to somebody over at CRP.
They had tried, but nobody would listen to them, and so Chuck
said they
calledMagruder. Told him that these guys had this plan and that he didn't
know whether they want to do anything about it, but they should at least listen
to it. And that's his story of the phone call.
He says he wrote a memo after the Watergate, putting down everything
he could remember, and he said in it that Hunt and Liddy had come by late
Told him to listen to them. He gave this memo to Dean and Dean gave it back
to him. Said not to show it to anyone, because Jeb doesn't remember the call
and would be damaging.
said he has made no representation regarding any clemency to Hunt,
but Bittman might extend what he did say. Although Bittman would not
disagree with Colson's report as to what he'd actually said, but might say that
he was logically interpreting more to it than what was actually said. He has a
tape of Hunt's call to him later, where Hunt said that he was very sorry that
Chuck had become involved in all this, because he, Hunt, knew that Chuck
had no knowledge of it and he was sorry his name had been brought up.
Regarding the grand jury, he thinks that's OK as far as he's concerned,
but we should hold our executive privilege. The problem with the grand jury
is no safeguards and they can go on a wild fishing expedition.
that there are
He says he doesn't know enough facts to make a judgment. That we should
get someone else in to represent the P and his interest. Like Walsh or J. Lee
Rankin or Tom Clark as outside special counsel regarding executive privilege,
The P also then had me call John Mitchell and get a reading from him on
what McCord was likely to say. This was, of course, all stirred up because this
morning McCord's letter to Sirica came out, in which he said he had a lot more
information that he could provide and so on.
Editor's Note: Before the sentencing, McCord had given Sirica a letter
which said he had been offered clemency in return for silence, and that
perjury had been committed at the trial.
direct involvement in anything. Says McCord was head of security and was a
private investigator for CRP right from the beginning. He's certain that Jeb
and so on had no dealings with him. That Liddy probably got him into the
Watergate thing, but none of our people knew he was in it. He knows noth-
ing except what people would have told him. Sloan and Liddy were buddies,
so Sloan could have talked to him about it. I discussed with Mitchell what
his views are on what the P ought to do in context of all this. He said we
that what he has to say may be very limited just to a few specifics with little
Justice should put out a statement saying that they will welcome any evidence
that McCord turns up and will of course follow through on it in the appropri-
ate way. He told me to call Bill Rogers and get his advice on the whole thing
and fill him in on some of these background things. See what he thinks about
the idea of going to the grand jury.
On a different subject, he injected the question of whether to do the
appearance before Congress or a speech on TV next week. He feels that
Watergate is subject A now and there's no use hitting on something else. So
we don't gain anything by making a big thing out of the other subject. On
Kleindienst, he made the point that on Gray we should stick by him and see
what happens. That actually we will withdraw and send up ( Chief of Police
Metro Department, Washington) Jerry Wilson. Wanted me to tell Dean to be
sure that he and Kleindienst don't offer anything to Ervin if they meet with
him. The plan now is to hard-line the Senate regarding executive privilege and
go for sending all of the White House people to the grand jury instead. There
was a lot of other sort of general discussion of options and so on. And the
meeting ended at that point at about 6:30.
I made phone call to Rogers at the P's request, to raise the question with
him, first, of where he feels we now stand in the public eye, and, second, what
his advice is on our general Watergate approach. I covered the background
with him and so on. He said he felt that until recently we looked all right, that
this whole thing hadn't had much impact, but in the last couple of weeks it was
starting to look like a cover-up. That was not widespread yet, but it could
develop. First, that we have the matter of Gray focusing attention on the FBI,
which is unfortunate because it appears not to be beyond reproach now, and
also the position he's taken with Dean puts a cloud over the institution.
Especially the McCord statement, where he says he doesn't trust the FBI or
Justice. Second, the Kleindienst problem will be revived, on the theory that
you and the development of the idea that Kleindienst was
can't trust Justice
close to Mitchell, and Mitchell's name now is recurring in the subject. Third,
the judge, who appears now to be a man of integrity, fighting everybody. So
it's no longer a political battle. Before, it was the Democrats fighting us, so it
was political, but now it's the judge and the forces of righteousness, and that
concept will gradually sink into the public mind. Fourth, there's the continuing
possibility, actually certainty,of judicial and Congressional investigations,
which will keep the public interested. Especially since there's not much else in
the news now.
An accumulation of all these things, especially the McCord letter, brings
the thing into a new focus. The McCord letter is very significant just in itself,
^ regardless of what it does or doesn't develop. Also you have the added danger
that the press is just gloating over this whole thing, obviously, as Roger Mudd
(of CBS) showed on TV last night. He felt that the executive privilege question
wasn't much of a problem. But it's starting to become one. The thing is it
makes sense and the public accepts it if it's related to communications between
the P and his advisors. But it's very tough to hang on executive privilege in
other areas and the blanket exercise just doesn't wash. Fundamental problem
regarding the grand jury is now the suspicion is cast on the Justice Department
and the FBI. So you might have to appoint a special prosecutor. But that
would be a real slap to the Attorney General. As long as there's a cloud on the
FBI, everything else is clouded, because there's no pillar of integrity to rely on.
If Gray goes down the drain, we should get someone else in, like a Federal
judge, that everyone will trust, but that's too late for the immediate problem.
Also the Kleindienst problem because of his closeness to Mitchell.
Sending the White House assistants to the grand jury would relieve the
pressure about refusing to send them to the Hill. He thinks there is validity to
the idea, basically Ziegler's, that we should not allow the senior White House
staff togo to the Senate because that might be just the hypo that's needed to
really throw this thing over. The point being that it would be a complete circus
and would be very hard for us to have to live with. He thinks we should go very
slow on the idea of bringing in special counsel. That it's a bad idea, he has a
very negative viewpoint on it, because it would be construed as if the P is in
a jam and he has to hire a lawyer, but it is important, he thinks, to get a special
prosecutor. Someone like Walsh, because of the suspicions that are raised.
You don't want to appear that the P is worried about his position. The right
impression is that the P wants to be sure there's no cloud over the White House
or over Justice.
Maybe we should have the Attorney General retain special counsel,
since he's the P's lawyer. That's his job. Maybe Kleindienst should bring
(Solicitor General Erwin) Griswold The main issue is still
in for this purpose.
there, though. Doyou reverse your field and turn over everything to the
prosecutors and let the chips fall where they may, or do you still want to
keep some control? If you try to retain control, it's very difficult, because it's
hard to stop the thing from unwinding. We're thinking about people for the
special job. Walsh would be much better than Rankin. He's had a lot more
experience, great integrity, but once you turn him loose, you could never pull
him off.
You could consider him first as a special prosecutor before the grand
jury. But that breaks the china that you can't put back together. Second, as
counsel to the Attorney General regarding executive privilege. Third, as
P on a quiet basis, which would be very hard to
counsel to the do. He feels
we have some time and we shouldn't rush. We can take the first step of
Walsh talking privately to the P, but you'd almost have to decide first
whether to A) stay where we are and hunker down or B) change position
radically. Have an independent prosecutor and go all-out. Whoever is hurt,
gets hurt. The in-between position, to say we're pretty clean, but we've got to
hold back a little, is not tenable. We couldn't bring someone else in without
his becoming part of it, unless you hire a lawyer and do what he says. If you
do bring one in, you should make him a special assistant to the Attorney
General. You'd have to clearly define what for, in the public sense. That is,
he's to deal with the question of executive privilege and the court cases re-
garding that. Then in that capacity he can be used by the P for general
advice. He feels that using anyone else as the P's lawyer undercuts the Attor-
ney General totally and we shouldn't do that.
The P had me check with Dean on the phone to get a progress report, and
he says that Colson's concerned about the phone call to Magruder and our
overreacting to that. He, Dean, is going over all the options, reviewing them.
He's holed up at Camp David. He thinks that one alternative would be for the
P to direct Dean to go to the grand jury and tell everything, and then let them
decide if they want anyone else. The problem is that we've been bailing out
everybody else and it's gotten out of hand and compounded the problem. Now
we have to protect ourselves. The problem is that Dean, as they pointed out
in the case, Dean was everywhere. He feels that his testimony before the grand
jury won't hurt anyone in the White House. He thinks the only problem for
the White House is post-June 17. We did things to hold it down before the
election that are right on the border. If Dean is immunized when he goes to
the grand jury, then those things will go no further. But then he'd have to be
canned if they came out of the grand jury's secret coverage.
Dean says that he's devoted to Mitchell and has great loyalty to him, but
he has a higher loyalty to the P than to Mitchell, and he's concerned about his
own ass, so he thinks he ought to go for informal immunity and try to get this
cleared up at the grand jury.
The P also wanted me to call Rogers on the phone this afternoon while
I was over there, and I tried, but he was out playing golf, as one would expect
Ehrlichman that he's decided Gray has to go and that Ehrlichman should talk
to him. That we can't get the votes, and that even if we did he still wouldn't
have confidence, and for political reasons he's been irreparably damaged. So
we should appoint Jerry Wilson. The P won't go the Kleindienst, Mitchell
route regarding their reluctance on Wilson. He has the best crime-cutting
record in America.
The P raised the question of whether Dean should suspend himself as
counsel ifhe does go to the grand jury. Also we need a statement for Dean to
cover in a briefing with the Cabinet and leaders to assure them that the P and
the White House are not involved. And that we're doing all we can to cooper-
ate. We have to say that the P is not involved, nor is the White House staff,
and that we're vigorously following up. He also wanted to pursue the question
of the tactics on releasing the Segretti statement.
I did later get hold of Rogers this evening. He said he doesn't know Jerry
Wilson, so he can't give a view on that. His thought would be for the FBI that
we should get a young Federal judge who's had prosecutor experience. He
thinks it's very important for us not to let the FBI go downhill.
Regarding getting Rogers into it, he agrees that he's probably the one that
should do it. But initially at least, it should just be between Rogers and the P.
Then he could decide on maybe bringing me or someone else in. But it has to
be very closely held. On the idea of reassuring the Cabinet or briefing them,
he thinks that's not good, atleast now. And on the leaders, he thinks it's a very
bad idea. The point being that we can't answer all their questions and it doesn't
do any good to tell them everything is OK and then hold back some things.
The real problem on this is what's been done after the event, not the Watergate
event itself. That, we don't really have any problem with, but we do have a
problem on why it's been covered up. I talked to Dean on the phone and his
candidate for the FBI is Bill Webster, a former U.S. Attorney who's now in
the district court in St. Louis. He agrees with Rogers' idea of getting Federal
Watergate. The question of who McCord names will not be made public on
Thursday so we don't have a problem with that. Dean has no knowledge of
what Mitchell knows or did, nor does he really on Jeb. Also he doesn't know
the full extent of Gordon Strachan's knowledge. He thinks that we ought to
check out the legality of Gray continuing as acting director of the FBI if we
withdraw his name from nomination.
The P called me over at 10:00 this morning. Had me there for a couple of
hours. Has decided that he is going to hold up the TV thing until Wednesday
night because we won't know for sure on Vietnam until then.
tee). Feels that Kleindienst should check as to who the names are, and if
he's got anything, we should go after that we've seen what you said. He later
called Kleindienst himself and told him he ought to check this out with
Wanted me to check with Bill Rogers on the Bill Webster suggestion for
the FBI that John Dean raised. He thinks that sounds like a good idea. He
thinks I ought to talk to Ehrlichman, Dean, and Rogers about the FBI and the
question of leaving Gray as acting director until his successor has qualified,
and then the idea of naming a Federal judge-type to take as director and
moving Sullivan in as deputy. Cleaning out all the top brass. He wants Ehrlich-
man to handle the Gray withdrawal with Gray, Kleindienst, and Mitchell. He
thinks Ehrlichman and Dean should consider what our answer is if McCord
names people on Thursday, especially if it's people in the White House. Wants
to know from Dean who was the person in the White House to whom Barker
gave the reports from the Watergate. I checked with Dean and he says there
was nobody. It was somebody at the committee that Barker claimed he gave
them to.
On declassification, he wants E to get going because the P wants to issue
an order. He feels that everything should be declassified in ten years so we
can open up the Kennedy stuff on Vietnam. He thinks we should get Tom
Huston or someone in on this to be sure there's no cover-up and get out
the story on Diem and all that sort of thing. Went back to my talking to
Dean on who McCord will name, what's our action, if there's anybody on
the White House regarding going to the grand jury, does he still think he
should go to the grand jury, what about the Colson problem and so on,
what about Caulfield's name, what does he know. Then he went back to the
question of his TV speech or his use of TV and says he thinks he should do
more 7:30 or 7:00 press conferences and announcements and that on press
conferences he should always do them at 7:30 unless he has a major issue
and then he'll go on prime time. Wants me to analyze the audience sizes at
these various times. His point is that he won't have any more Vietnam an-
those with responsibility on this. He suggested Ziegler say that this rather
shocking action of the counsel to the committee making charges based on
hearsay and so forth, raises serious doubts as to whether the committee's going
to be bipartisan and work in a judicial manner. The charges are being put out,
printed, aired on TV, and a counsel to the so-called nonpartisan committee is
aiding and abetting it. But he wants Ziegler to try to get as the lead, the thing
that the P orders cooperation.
He had me go out and call Dean and I had a long talk with him, as a result
of which we decided not Dean, the idea of Dean going to the grand
to offer
jury this morning. Just to reaffirm the P confidence in Dean, and then Ziegler
regarding money for their bond. This was a phone call or communication
from Mrs. Hunt via Bittman to Parkinson, the committee's lawyer, who
then went to Mitchell and LaRue and said they were threatening to cause
general havoc if they were not helped. Parkinson said he didn't want to be
involved any further in this, so Bittman used (CRP assistant counsel) Paul
O'Brien. He was unhappy in being in it, too, but agreed to go ahead with
it. O'Brien reported these threats over a period of time to Mitchell, LaRue,
and Dean. Dean passed them on to some people in the White House.
After Mitchell had the original threat, he told Dean to tell Ehrlichman
and Haldeman and to raise with them the question of using Kalmbach to
raise the money, which Dean did, and Ehrlichman and Haldeman autho-
rized that. Kalmbach raised the money on that authority and delivered it
per instructions to LaRue. Dean thinks it was about $70,000. The next time,
the threat was to the committee. There were no dollars available and Kalm-
bach was not able or willing to try and raise any more.
However, Stans, LaRue, Mitchell, and others of the committee were
aware there was $350,000 in cash that had been moved to the White House
during the campaign for polling purposes, and so forth. But the White
House had not spent this money and wanted to return it. Only Strachan
could spend this money, and with Haldeman's approval. And it was our
desire to return that money to the campaign, but there was a problem in
that $22,000 of it had been spent. We don't know for what purpose. The
problem was how to return the funds without making a big deal in the press
about it, because of all the attention on secret campaign funds. So the funds
sat in Strachan's safe while this was to be worked out. Mitchell at this point
requested Dean to ask Haldeman for some of that money to meet the
demand threats and assured that it could be replenished. Dean told Halde-
man, he said there was a bad situation and was growing worse. That LaRue
or O'Brien, one of the two, had said there was a crisis. So Haldeman said,
have Strachan get the money but clear it up as soon as possible. Get all of
the money out of here and get a receipt for it. Turn it all back to the
committee. Strachan did then eventually turn the money all back to the
committee, but got no receipt.
Dean's summary over the phone to me of his notes regarding his
areas of particular problem and concern: He says that Mitchell requested
Dean to ask Haldeman for some of the money that we were holding in
cash. Haldeman told Strachan to get all the money returned, which he
did, but didn't get a receipt. Then Dean said he was not aware of the
extent of the threats to the committee, but he was aware of two specific
blackmail threats to the White House. First, Mrs. Hunt called Colson's
secretary, made what Colson considered to be a veiled threat. Colson
Colson to take no more calls from Mrs. Hunt and then Dean referred the
whole matter to O'Brien. The second one was when O'Brien told Dean
that Hunt had insisted on meeting with him and had said at that meeting
that he wanted a message delivered to Dean. That he needed $72,000 for
personal expenses and $50,000 for lawyers' fees, and that if they were not
received within a couple of days (and this was just last week), that he
would reconsider his options and disclose some of the seamy things that
he had done for E and Krogh. This, of course, was the thing we were
dealing with last week. Dean's record says that he advised Haldeman and
E of this threat. E requested that Dean discuss it with Mitchell and Col-
son. Dean discussed it with Mitchell, but not with Colson. Later, in the
meeting Mitchell, Dean, E, and I had, Mitchell said that there was no
problem on this matter, and that's all we knew about it. Dean feels he's
not in a position to fully evaluate the blackmail situation, but it's clear
that all concerned felt there were dire threats to the White House, and
when you're being blackmailed you imagine the worst.
Regarding clemency, he says that O'Brien told Dean that Bittman was
asked by Hunt to meet with Colson. E said that Colson should meet with
Bittman, and he did. Colson came back from that saying that it's essential
that Hunt be given assurances regarding clemency, and E agreed. So Colson
told Bittman that he could make no commitment, but as a friend he would
assist Hunt. And he referred to Christmastime as when clemency actions are
usually taken. Hunt was satisfied with this report back from Bittman.
Another problem was that McCord wrote Caulfield requesting that
Caulfield turn off the line of defense they were developing that the CIA was
involved in the case. Caulfield gave this letter to Dean, Dean told Mitchell
about it, Mitchell told Dean to have Caulfield see McCord and take his
pulse. This was done. Developed out of this, apparently, that there seemed
to be a view that there was a one-year clemency commitment floating
around, and that Dean assumes that Caulfield assured McCord that he
would fight for him as a friend in the same way that Colson had agreed to
fight for Hunt.
Dean feels that if he testifies before the grand jury, he would volunteer
all of the information that he has prior to June 17 and lay out the details.
He feels sure that they would raise the questions on the post-June 1 7 and
we have to be prepared to answer them. He says he also has a problem on
the question of why there was a delay in his turning the evidence over to the
FBI, in terms of the material that he got out of Hunt's files. The story on
that is that Hunt called Colson right after the Watergate incident, that
weekend, and said to be sure to take care of his files. On Monday morning
Colson stirred around and told E and Dean that they had to get the files.
Dean was told to open the files. He had ( staff assistant to Haldeman Bruce)
Kehrli and the GSA guy do it with (Dean assistant Fred) Fielding also
They found the electronic equipment and some very sensitive politi-
caldocuments. Dean didn't look at the documents, but Fielding did. There
were some things there, like a wire regarding the Vietnam war (a forged
cable implicating JFK in the Diem assassination), some evidence that Colson
had put Hunt into the Plumbers operation to spy on Krogh, and so on.
Dean was told to deep-six this material, but he felt he couldn't do it because
it was destroying evidence, so he decided to give it all to Gray. Gray was
called to Ehrlichman's office and given two sealed envelopes, told that they
contained material from Hunt's files that did not relate to Watergate, but
were highly sensitive. He doesn't know what Gray did with it, but he
believes that Gray took it to Connecticut, read the material, satisfied him-
self that it didn't involve the Watergate, and he's not sure what Gray's done
with it since then, but he feels this revelation of this would create a major
problem for Gray.
Another problem is that Liddy called Krogh before Gray's confirma-
tion hearings and wanted some assurances and advice. He was given a
brush-off and was very mad at Krogh. Krogh asked Dean to call Liddy and
reassure him, tell him not to worry, which Dean did. So much for the Dean
phone call.
Rogers' Evaluation
The P had me call Rogers and fill him in on all those problems of
Dean's and then get Rogers' evaluation as to what we ought to do. Rogers
raised the question of determining clearly from Dean whether he knew
anything about intelligence operations between the time in December, when
he told the group in Mitchell's office to turn off what they were doing, and
June, when the Watergate was revealed. Rogers feels we need to consider
the full significance of Dean's testimony. The important question is how the
Watergate was launched. That's the key thing. His Watergate things were
to cover up for the Watergate itself, and the fact that they were done makes
it look like the White House had to cover up for the Watergate. Dean's
story therefore seems incredible because why did we get into the cover-up
if we don't know what the real story was to begin with at the Watergate?
It just isn't believable. The attempts to cover up make the basic alibi of
painful question is what happens to the P himself. It's not too bad if
Mitchell's not in it, but if he is, it would really be tough. McCord's state-
cooperating fully.
Colson then raised the question of the Magruder phone call, which I
had raised with him the other day on the phone. He was worried about that.
He also feels that our problem is that we need someone who can handle our
side publicly and he urges again the special counsel to the P idea, which
Rogers shot down the other day. He reports that his contacts in the Demo-
cratic hierarchy say the Democrats want this whole thing to go away
because they're worried about the "glass houses" thing. He feels strongly
that someone has to take on Dash and deal with Baker and our people to
try and get them to stand up on some of this stuff.
The P then got to talking about it. He thinks Mitchell ought to call
Kleindienst, get him and get off his ass. The P can't keep calling
to step up,
him. He wonders if the Campaign Committee should hire a special counsel to
use as a spokesman, along the line Colson was talking about. He wants to
know whether Dean can go to the grand jury comfortably if he doesn't have
immunity. He wonders whether Kleindienst should name a special prosecutor.
He says that Kleindienst reported back to him yesterday and said Weicker
didn't have any names, but Kleindienst won't hit Weicker publicly on this or
follow up, which he should do. Also, Kleindienst should be fighting Dash,
instead of Ziegler having to fight him. Ziegler was in and we agreed not to do
anything on the Dean to the grand jury deal today. We'll hold up until
tomorrow on that.
He wanted me to talk to Rogers again on the question of how we handle
the special prosecutor idea. What do we do about the Segretti statement? What
about the publicizing of the Dean report? And overall, how do we appear
publicly to be taking the offensive? He wants Moore's judgment regarding the
Segretti statement. We should recognize that all of this is being fought in
public and worry about it on that basis, not just the legalities.
to meet the P on a lot of items sometime this week before he goes to California.
The P had a few odd items this morning about Julie's speech to the Jewish
group and some general schedule things about trips and state visits.
afterward that it was impossible and we had to stay completely away from
it. Dean saw the problem and wanted to get ten miles away from it. The
problem then was that Liddy was never given any guidance. Mitchell was
in the middle of ITT and didn't focus on it. O'Brien says that Magruder
wants to meet and that that's his motive. He doesn't really believe Jeb, but
he's not sure, and he does see the mixing of apples and oranges. He's very
disappointed in Mitchell, but won't tell him so.
O'Brien suggested that if we want to force this thing to a head, the two
lawyers, O'Brien and Parkinson, have been retained by the committee and
they could waive their lawyer-client privilege and they could report to the
P on all of the facts at the committee. Hunt is at the grand jury today. We
don't know how far he'll go. Probably he'll get into the money question, but
he's not as desperate today as he was last night, but still on the brink.
Bittman called O'Brien yesterday, said that Hunt was shaky, that he saw
McCord walking out free and thinks maybe it's his turn. And he might
reveal the fact that he was given money.
Editor's Note: Sirica had freed McCord on bond, while Hunt got a provi-
sional sentence of 35 years, and the other four got 40 years. Liddy received
6 years, 8 months, to 20 years, plus a $40,000 fine.
Dean feels we're not really at the crunch that we were last night.
Liddy's lawyer is going to argue against immunity with Sirica. He'll proba-
bly fail. If he gets immunity, he'll stay in contempt by still not saying
anything. O'Brien and Parkinson are getting very shaky themselves. They're
wringing their hands. That's all for now, but there's a sort of a semithreat
to step forward. Dean has asked Liddy's lawyer for Liddy to give him a
private statement that Dean knew nothing in advance about the Watergate.
He thinks Liddy will do this, since he knows it's the truth. He says the
Mitchell office meetings were in December and January, and that Dean
heard absolutely nothing more regarding intelligence until June 17. He did
see Liddy five or six times, but only on campaign matters. Nothing that got
into the intelligence operation.
Dean then volunteered Liddy on June 19
that the reason that he called
was that Kleindienst told him
Liddy saw him, Kleindienst, on the 18th,
at Burning Tree about getting the men out of jail, which Kleindienst told
him he would have nothing to do with, and at that time, Liddy told Klein-
dienst that Mitchell had ordered the operation.
Regarding the idea of the Warren Commission-type thing, Dean still
thinks that it's possible. He's been trying to pick it apart with Dick Moore.
His idea is that the P says here's what's charged of the White House and the
committee. He puts it all into perspective in politics, this is all bad. Fact and
fiction are being confused. We're in an intense political situation. The press
and the Senate committee have prejudged the matter. Quote Ervin and
Weicker and so on. The FBI is falsely charged, Justice and the U.S. Attor-
ney are falsely accused. No man is above the law, but under these circum-
stances, there's no possibility of a fair hearing. The public is entitled to the
facts, but the people involved are entitled to fair treatment, so the P creates
a superpanel, with the cooperation of all investigative agencies, all the
people involved agree to tell everything. They agree to waive trial by jury,
The panel can remove Federal employees, levy fines, and pose criminal
sanctions, etc. The defendants can also submit to this. Anyone who does not
submit would be warned that all the information developed would be
turned over to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution. There
would be no judgment until all the facts are received and then we'll make
public all the findings and the reasons for any action taken. Proceedings in
secret, decisions final. Advantages are, on the long haul, twofold. One,
nothing will be done until after the '74 elections, and two, the P maintains
the ultimate stroke with the power to pardon at a later point. For the panel,
he suggested Earl Warren, Tom Clark, some former governor, someone
who knows politics. He would call Ervin down and tell him the plan, explain
why, not that the present program isn't just and that there's too much finger
pointing. We'd ask him to hold his hearings in abeyance and ask him to
serve on the panel.
He also suggested considering the P and Mitchell have a one-on-one
talk for the P to find out Mitchell's true perception of what has gone on. So
that was Dean's view this morning.
Then E, Ziegler, and I met with the P and discussed how to handle the
Dean matter with the press today, and agreed that we wouldn't go for anything
on that at this point, but we do need to establish that Dean will have an
opportunity to clear his name. Ziegler then left and we had a long review of
the Dean report and general strategy. The P gave some guidance to E on the
FBI, as to going ahead and pulling out Gray. The P agreed to have Rogers
come over and see him this afternoon after I give him a briefing first. We
discussed Weicker's problem and some of the other general questions. The P
raised his idea of an alternate to the commission approach, which would be to
send everyone in the White House to the grand jury, but that the P would talk
to the judgeahead of time, and expedite it. He'd call the judge in, saying he's
sending all we want you to get to the bottom of this, and then
of them down,
the P would go out and announce that he's done that. We'd base this on the
argument that here's an honest judge, and so on, rather than a kangaroo court
in Congress.
He then had me call Mitchell to try and get him to come down today, but
he said he couldn't, and in the process said he was meeting with Magruder at
the time, so that was set up without our knowing it.
were to go before the grand jury, you wouldn't be believed, because your
story doesn't jibe with mine." Mitchell told him yesterday that his going up
would just open a can of worms. Dean thinks that Mitchell is saying
obliquely that Dean should reremember things Mitchell's way.
Jeb said that McCord did budget work for Liddy and that maybe
Liddy told him that the plan was presented to Dean, Magruder, and Mitch-
ell and they said to cut it down, which would be the way that McCord might
feel that Dean did have advance knowledge. Dean thinks that Jeb did talk
The P told E to get Kleindienst in, but John discovered later that Klein-
dienst is on the way to Arizona on a speaking trip.
The P wants Dean and Moore to rethink the Sirica idea. And as a result
of the P's being with Rogers, filled him in on the whole plan. He felt that the
Sirica idea was pretty good, and then when he talked to the P, they modified
it on the meet with Sirica and say that the P to this
basis of Kleindienst should
point has relied on the statements of various people, but the McCord charges
raised a cloud on this serious issue and the P has therefore asked Kleindienst
to talk to Sirica. One, does he want to appoint a special prosecutor; two, does
he want to appoint a new grand jury; three, in the event of whether or not he
does either of those two, there will be total cooperation from the White House
with the grand jury, including testimony from the White House staff that have
been named directly or indirectly. Now all the White House people who have
volunteered to appear and testify, there's no question of privilege on matters
leading to the Watergate, because there was no communication with the P on
this before that. Then Ziegler would go out and announce that we've done this.
The P wanted me to check E, Dean, Moore, Kleindienst, Mitchell, and Colson
on this. He feels we need a way to blunt the committee and have to work that
I reported this back to the P and he said I should work out tomorrow
morning with Colson a statement for Ziegler, if he's pressed, to the effect that
all members of the White House staff have volunteered at any time to appear
before the grand jury and answer questions on these matters. We should line
up the statement as what Ziegler should put out, that much and no more. How
to handle the question of executive privilege at the grand jury, especially as
versus the Congress, and explain how the grand jury differs from the Ervin
Committee. One is a separation of powers problem, the other is regarding the
criminal activity and the grand jury is the proper place to investigate that, not
before the TV lights of a Senate hearing.
He feels that we should drop the Kleindienst-Sirica meeting because it just
won't work and would be a bad signal, as Chuck suggests. He liked my idea
of trying to hit Weicker directly, since Pat Gray has now found out that
Weicker's charges all relate to the Segretti matter and his thought that he's
going to get me on that.
before he goes to the grand jury. He'll go tomorrow in closed session. Dean
feels that within 24 hours he will have documentation proving he didn't
know anything about the Watergate ahead of time. He already has Jeb's
and John Mitchell's statements and Liddy will give him a good statement,
Regarding the post-June activity, he thinks there's a good chance to
hunker down and survive. If Dean goes to the grand jury, he has to go. The
P should waive privilege as it relates to Dean personally. He then reported
that Woodward, the guy who's been writing all the bad articles at the Post,
came to Gerry Warren and said that they didn't want to be polarizers and
they realized that maybe they were running some stuff that was unfortunate
and all that, and they want to set things at rest, so they'd like to have an
interview with the P, which is the epitome of gall.
Kleindienst, with a reporter, under oath, the whole story on Watergate and
would immunity from further prosecution. This would preempt the
obstruction of justice issue. Colson trusts Shapiro, his partner. He tried this
idea on him and he says it's brilliant. It cuts the ground from under the
McCord thing. This would accomplish Dean's objective of cutting the
cancer out and it's discovered by us instead of by a grand jury or Ervin. If
we accept the inevitability that it's going to come out anyway, this is a good
way to do it, and it extinguishes the issue of post-Watergate problems.
I pushed him on what it was, and he said they used it to buy books, and I'm
sure that's to buy the Efron book, which, of course, wouldn't be embarrass-
ing at all (a book by Edith Efron on politics and the media which P had
decided he wanted to make a There were a lot of cash payments
to Colson in that period for ads, primarily. These were legal, but maybe
peculiar. Also, for a Kennedy mailing in New Hampshire, which Colson
said, according to Magruder, was ordered by the P.
Liddy wasn't the committee's operative during January, February, and
March, while he was working there, but was doing things at other people's
direction. Jeb doesn't know whose.
In an agreement that was reached at the meeting in Mitchell's office
with Dean, Magruder said he had only one meeting with Mitchell and
Liddy, and this was after Liddy was hired, and was to discuss his role. This
was Dean's Dean told Magruder to destroy his diary. Mitchell
idea. Also,
says there's no question regarding the meeting. He had to testify on the
meetings. Magruder has testified that there never was a meeting with Liddy,
and so forth, regarding intelligence. I made a note at that point that this
could be the little thing that does it. The typewriter or pumpkin of this case.
The P called on the phone. Wanted a report on all this, but said while I
was talking with Mitchell to go down the checklist of his views on whether we
can work on an accommodation with Ervin. Second, whether we should
maintain privilege before the grand jury, third, what about problems with the
grand jury in New York and fourth, what do we do regarding Dean. On the
New York thing, Mitchell said they're looking primarily at Vesco. Our only
problem is Don Nixon and Cerni, and Ed Nixon, who was set up. They won't
get into campaign expenditures. Justice will handle those down here.
Editor's Note: Mitchell and Stans would ultimately be indicted —and ac-
quitted of charges that they tried to influence the exchange for a SEC in
$200,000 contribution from international businessman Robert Vesco.
There were also allegations, but no more than that, regarding the Presi-
dent's brothers.
P called me at home this evening to say that he has decided to read his
speech tomorrow night after rather than standing up for it. He wanted to
talkabout that for a little. I told him I thought that sounded fine and he
seemed pleased that I agreed with it. Raised the question of whether he should
praise those that stood with us on Vietnam against the flak from the people
who didn't. I agreed that he should.
Wants to be sure that I fill Colson in tomorrow on Magruder's charges
and his line. Wants me to give him a report if I get anything from Dean. Says
he's been thinking alot about working for Republican candidates in '74 and
thinks he'll really hit the stump on that.
evolved into a discussion about Mitchell, and LaRue said he thinks Mitchell
ison the verge of breaking, by which he means suicide.
Dean says he can't do what Mitchell and Magruder told him to do.
The more he looks at it, the post-June activity, the more he thinks we can
work that out. Mitchell and Magruder both told him that they had both
signed off on the project, which Mitchell told me, also. Dean feels it's im-
perative that we get a criminal lawyer and suggests maybe he should hire
one. Then he could consult with him on the whole thing, which is a good
who's on the staff of the Judiciary Committee, who leaves a package at the
Senate newsstand every day at 12:00 and someone comes at 4:00 and picks it
up. The girl at the stand opened it by accident today and found it full of
Watergate stuff, so Timmons is going to stake that out and see if he can get
any lead out of that.
The P spent the whole day working on preparation for his TV speech tonight.
I spent virtually the whole day on various Watergate matters, and did have
to get to the P on a couple of points during the day, which he seemed to want
to do.
Communist, so he's afraid maybe the FBI's the final beneficiary of the
I met with the P at 1 :00 with E and reported those things and we evolved
a plan that we should put out today a statement saying that what is involved
here are charges of criminal conduct and the proper place for such charges is
shouldn't get into privilege. Mitchell's main concern is that he thinks Ziegler
should have hit the senators for their attack on Mitchell today.
We met again at 2:30 because the idea was to get Ziegler to put this out
at 3:00. We had Ziegler in, too. He was very much opposed to putting it out
today (because of the President 's speech that night on TV), and we worked with
E, Ziegler, and the P on a statement that he then decided not to put out today,
but rather wait until tomorrow. Then, a little later, Dean called to say that you
can't put it out at all because the lawyers say that it would be wrong for him
to offer to go to the grand jury or for the P to offer him when they haven't
called him.
The P told me later in the afternoon to be sure to get ready to emphasize
the three big points tonight, then he named four. First a shot across the bow
at North Vietnam, and a jab on amnesty. Second, the ceiling on meat. Third,
the need to support the P on the vetoes, and fourth, don't cut the defense
from the Committee. He says that he has the story that the meeting in
February was attended also by Colson and Hunt, and in his meetings with
Dash, he told him about other break-ins, including a New York doctor's
apartment and some other things like that. Liddy's counsel refuses to allow
him to testify. Everyone says Dean is uptight. He's not making proper
Mitchell strongly suggests that I make sure he doesn't go off the
reservation without my reviewing it. I'm the only one he'll trust. His opinion
of E is and frightening, so I should establish contact with Dean
and maintain it. He says Weicker came on with a big espionage plan in the
White House. The rumor is that he's going to hit E, not Colson. He then
probably has some of the earlier activities, that's what he's after.
a lot of heat from the likes of Goldwater, etc., who have a real concern and
are expressing it to him via letters, etc., which makes him feel that we've got
to face up to the erosion of confidence question and take some action to get
at that. E, of course, feels strongly the same way, and he spent some time with
the P afterward and hit him very hard on that point. Told me later that the P
comes down that the thing to do is put it to Magruder and try to draw the line
there. There's a question whether that's possible.
phone about the reaction of the POW's and he had told the P that he had cried
and blubbered like a child when he saw them coming off, and then had gotten
out his rosary and said a few prayers and then had said a simple little prayer
himself, that was the prayer millions of Americans say in their homes — God
bless Richard Nixon. It was an extremely impressive moment, and one that
nobody there, I don't think, will ever forget. It really stuck it to the anti-Nixon
types in the film crowd.
Watergate was only a minor part. He admitted he didn't have any evidence,
but that didn't seem to stop him. The P called E several times but did not call
me on the subject. I guess he did call once this morning while I was out to
breakfast, but, missing me, he talked to John and then maintained his contact
with John the rest of the day. We didn't get into the office.
After the Thieu meeting this morning, then a trip over to the house for
lunch, the P came back, had E and me in for a couple hours this afternoon.
The P said he wanted to make a couple of points on the whole Watergate
situation that he felt were very important. First, that the P must be isolated
from the discussions. That we've got to tell all parties, or that John does,
that the P has other problems during April and May, with the Congress, the
Soviet Summit, Vietnam, and so on, and he can't talk to the people that are
concerned, that is, Dean, Mitchell, Moore, Colson, George Bush, the VP,
and all of them. E must get the confidence of all those people and handle the
thing for the P. He commented on the side that the schedule for the first
three months of this year was all wasted as far as anything public was con-
cerned, and that he's got to concentrate on that side of things for the next
few months.
Second, that there must be no falling-out amongst our people. Having all
of them going off in all different directions. We can't have a situation of every
man for himself. They're all on the team. No one's going to flush anybody and
they must understand that.
He then launched into a fascinating review of the Hiss case, making the
point as to how he conducted the investigation and worked around to where
he trapped Hiss, using that as an object lesson in terms of what we've got to
watch out for, and what Weicker et al. are doing wrong in their conduct of this
He then got into a strategy review and the question of whether I should
go out publicly. We agreed that I should not, but that we should consider my
doing the newspaper interview with The Washington Post, but I should defi-
nitely not go on TV. He felt that we've crossed the bridge on Dean and he's
not going to permit Dean to go up and testify, and John said, "Don't make
a final decision on it," but that's basically John's position, too, as the way
around conflicting testimony. He got into some personnel things. He feels that
we probably should move Kleindienst out and discussed possible Attorney
General, Ruckelshaus (EPA head William Ruckelshaus) being Ehrlichman's
candidate. The P decided he should not do a press conference this week after
the Thieu meetings, so he's not going to. Then we dropped that, and he spent
a lot of time just going round and round on the various aspects of the whole
Watergate situation as it now stands.
to the U.S. Attorneys this morning, can't take the Fifth Amendment. His
lawyers say he may have to on technicals. U.S. Attorneys say they won't
pursue that. Dean's lawyers think that in effect it'll be a practical immunity
granted regarding after-the-fact technical violations.
He says there's a funny position regarding the grand jury minutes to
the Ervin Commission. Sirica has heard the Justice Attorneys have filed an
amicus brief with Sirica regarding some rule that the grand jury minutes are
secret. This would violate that, and Ervin of course has returned a request
for the minutes, so the government is in a good position regarding not
releasing the grand jury minutes, John feels. Dean's view regarding Ervin
appearances some arrangement has to be made on ground rules so
is that
that we about firsthand knowledge, no hearsay. Regarding Dean,
talk only
he thinks we should hard-line it and have no appearance at all.
He says Mitchell called Dick Moore, who was in Dean's office with
Clawson, and they put Dean on the phone, too. Mitchell called to report
that he had talked to F. Lee Bailey, and Alch had told him that when
McCord was going to go before Judge Richey on the civil case deposition,
he had a letter that he was going to file saying that Parkinson had han-
dled the payoffs to the defendants via Mrs. Hunt. He told his lawyers that
this was a lie, but that he had wanted to get Parkinson somehow, and this
was the best way to do it.He and Fensterwald cooked this up. Mitchell
thinks we ought to find a way to get this out. Dean still thinks Jeb is the
most serious problem, but his lawyers are working with Bierbower, Jeb's
I reported all this to the P and John and then went out. The P and John
finished up about 12:15 and called me in again. Discussed Magruder and the
problem of what he would do if he was given immunity. I said I thought it
would be very serious, and the question was raised of whether Strachan would
tell Magruder to hire Liddy, something that we need to return to. In the
discussion with the P and John while I was in there, we got into the point that
the Weicker attack is an approach that we've got to contend with. We should
hit the press criticizing us, because we didn't campaign as a defense thing there.
"Reinforce the Presidency" was our campaign concept, and it's ironic that we
would be brought through the mud because of ill-advised people, since we have
taken such a high-level approach, and I should condemn any excesses that
took place. He then told John that he is to understand the overriding need for
Haldeman on the stafT. The P said, "Haldeman is more important to me than
Adams was to Ike. For example, the K situation, which only he can handle.
I can handle the rest, probably, but I can't do that. So protecting Haldeman,
the facts to emerge in this case, but we have trouble finding out how to do
it, so we suggest that the Ervin Committee cut Watergate out of their
inquiry, let the U.S. Attorneys summarize that later, when the appeals are
not jeopardized, and at that time commit to releasing a full report. Then
Ervin could go ahead on all but the Watergate, because really the rest of it's
all "BS" anyway. The point is, we have nothing to hide, but we can't handle
Watergate properly with the Committee without jeopardizing the defend-
ants' rights, and so on, in a legal action. He suggests maybe the VP take the
lead on this. He says Jeb Magruder now thinks that he's going to be
indicted, but that he can beat it on trial, or at least his wife is telling Bart
Porter's wife that.
Dean goes to day next week and feels we need a plan
the grand jury one
for how have a session with the U.S. Attorneys to
to handle that. He'll first
discuss the parameters. He feels we should hold any release of the Segretti
material until we work out the plan for the Senate Committee.
The P's told E to Harlow to make it clear to the VP that he can follow
his own course and the P will follow his own course. The P's very disturbed
because of the VP's unwillingness to step up on the executive privilege matter
unless the P will talk to him.
K talked to the P this morning. His theory is that Mitchell is responsible
and should come forward and say so. The P feels we need someone to have
talks with Mitchell, Magruder, and Dean, persuade them that we have to show
some motion, that we just can't sit in a bomb shelter, that we can do some
things that won't hurt them. Wants me to talk to Magruder and tell him that
this is all coming through on the jungle telegraph full circle, and he's got to quit
We talked to George Bush, who said he had a one and a half hour meeting
with Connally and wanted to talk to the P. Raised this with Rose Woods and
one of the things Bush raised, well, his primary thing, was the Connally matter.
He's concerned that Connally feels we've got to get the Watergate thing
clearedup (which hardly comes as a surprise). Bush says that Connally wants
something done drastically, that someone has to walk the plank and some
heads have to roll. The P told me to call Connally and tell him he wants to see
him in Washington next week, that there's nothing the P's greater concerned
about, but frankly he doesn't have answers to how to deal with it. Who does
he think ought to walk the plank?
I had a bunch of miscellaneous phone calls. Elliot Richardson all con-
cerned about personnel in the Defense Department and things being held up
there, especiallyon the Air Force Secretary where we vetoed his man. Bob
Hope was worried about the guest list and stars for the POW dinner. I talked
to Pat Gray this evening at the P's request. We removed him as FBI nomina-
tion. The P wanted me to call him and just say we were all thinking of him and
so on, which I did. Talked to Finch, who says he's made his decision. He's
going for the Senate, but he has to extract commitments. He has a list of
concerns, such as how to play it against '76, what did
you do with Connally,
what did you do about Nelson Rockefeller vs. Reagan vs. Connally, and so on.
He game with the P Friday night because he's speaking at
can't go to the ball
Marymount, but wants to see the P on Saturday, which I later set up. He feels
he needs a capability of having input on appointments in California. He wants
to work as if he were a senator with the White House. Probably he won't
announce until the first of the year, but he'll do some dramatic things now and
get out of the governorship hassle. He's going to talk to Reagan and all the
other candidates next week. Feels this must be closely held because he's got to
get commitments, especially from Younger and Reagan.
says if we don't know the facts, we should get a good trial lawyer and then
tell him all the facts and get his advice as to the possibilities. He thinks we
could say that at any cost the P has to sacrifice anybody in order to clear
the Presidency, but one particular individual is involved (and he's refer-
ring to Mitchell), then you can't get the taint off unless the P himself delivers
him up. It's entirely possible that there's a middle road, such as E going up
and saying to the Committee, "We know you're after Haldeman, so we'll
waive privilege for him if you'll agree to shut down after that." He then
agreed with me that wouldn't work.
He says assume Haldeman, E, Dean, Colson, Chapin all go up and
really put on an act, take the Committee on, try to nail them, that they'd
been on a witch-hunt. You need some phrases. You need to be coached and
rehearsed, each one of you. You might, by that, screw the Committee in
people's minds and destroy it, or at least pull its teeth. But you should
definitely get there at the beginning. Be the first ones on. He's very worried
about Wall Street and the uneasiness in the country, and feels we have to
deal withit one way or another, and, in a way, it's related to the whole
Watergate business, too.
this, and that he's very concerned that the P's going to make the wrong move
on it.
the election and we shouldn't get so disturbed about the problems. We should
be on the positive.
After we got back, E and I met at the White House with John Dean to
go over his problems. He's about to go to the grand jury and wanted to discuss
his approach to the prosecutor.
of meetings with the VP and others, back over the years, concerning fund-
raising,and has a lot of quotes about how much we ought to get from a certain
contractor, and so on, who has had good jobs. It wasn't shakedown stuff, it
was merely going back to get support from those who had benefited from the
Administration, but the way it's worded, the VP feels it would sound bad. He
it out. The VP's tried to get him to, but apparently not successfully, so he
Editor's Note: On October 10, Agnew would plead nolo contendere to one
count of having knowingly failed to report income for tax purposes and—
resigned as Vice President.
off. That he had talked with E and thought he had that taken care of.
He also was concerned that Dean's testimony would be the one thing
that could really unscramble the whole operation. We should try to get Dean
not to go to the grand jury, in his opinion. I mentioned this to the P. He's
quite concerned about it. Told me to talk to E. He was raising the question
of whether that is the linchpin in the whole thing, and the P had Ziegler
come in and we went through the whole question of the White House going
up to the Senate. Ron argues strongly that we should not. His real fear is
that it's me and hang it on me and
going to focus the whole thing onto
destroy me, and he feels that would be extremely harmful to the P. The P
made the point again that the key here is to protect Haldeman, but Ziegler
feels that Ehrlichman's moves to lock up the Senate deal with Ervin are
Chapin and Strachan both testified at the grand jury today, and both said
that I had agreed to their approaching Segretti, and Chapin said afterward that
some assistant DA that's working with Silbert made the point that this was a
real bombshell and was probably going to destroy the P, because it laid the
whole thing right at the White House doorstep and really right at the P.
In the Ziegler meeting, E came in and there was general agreement that
we should put out a preemptive statement of some kind. In other words, that
I should make my statement ahead of going to the grand jury, so that we get
our story out in writing separately from the Q&A session story. Try and
establish our own position first, so I'm going to work on getting my statement
ready with that thought in mind.
The P still obviously very concerned about the whole issue and spending
quite a little time on it. E meets this evening again with Ervin and Baker to try
to resolve the ground rule question of whether we go up to the Senate and how.
Dean is still concerned on the whole grand jury question. Magruder called and
wanted guidance from me on what to do, and I had Larry call him back and
say I couldn't give him any guidance, that he should do what his lawyer tells
him to, and he apparently wasn't satisfied with that and said, well, he hated to
do it, and he wanted us to know he was still on the team, but he was going to
have to go ahead, if that's what we said, and he was going up to tell Mitchell
that tomorrow. Looks like we're nearing the moment of truth and everybody's
getting a little panicky in the crunch.
The P was pretty well tied up all day with NSC, other meetings, a couple of long
sessions with E on Watergate strategy, and a follow-up with K on the problem
in SE Asia, plus a Congressional thank-you reception for those who supported
him on the vetoes in the House and Senate. I had only a short session with him
at midday, and that was mainly a Watergate discussion as usual.
K came in late in the day and had a long session with me. He's very
concerned, because he thinks there's a serious strategic mistake in putting me
out front on this, because it will put all the focus on me and therefore render
me practically ineffective, and he went into all kinds of threats that if the P
dumped me or set it up so that I had to leave, he would leave, too. He wasn't
going to stay if I wasn't there; and he thinks E should be sacrificed, or someone
else, rather than me. I tried to explain that it wasn't either /or and that I didn't
feel I was being sacrificed. That I felt I had to have the opportunity to clear
myself, but he feels that no matter what the merits of the facts are, whoever
goes out front on this is going to be killed by it, and that, at any cost, it should
not be me. So that's another factor to weigh in the equation. I am going to have
to get my statement redone, which I keep talking about but never doing, and
get ready to put it out, maybe the first of next week. Ehrlichman's pushing me
for even getting it out this week, but everyone else feels strongly, that is,
everyone being K and Ziegler, and, of course, my staff feels strongly, that I
shouldn't get out front, so I may hold up on that for the time being.
This he covered in some detail with John, and John reported to theP and
to me and whole track of revised thinking and emotion. Then,
that started the
a little later, while I was over talking that over with the P, John was meeting
with John Dean and he came over to report a whole new chain of events, which
was that
indication from them is that they have nothing on anyone in the
White House, which, of course, there's no way that they could have, and
that they have no intention of trying to develop anything in that direction.
They are interested in the post-June area and will be trying to develop the
material in that as they go along, and they apparently feel they have some
pretty good leads into that.
clear the White House, specifically me. As would the current grand jury
In a follow-up conversation, Jeb admitted to Larry that he had a
conversation with a reporter, but he had covered the same old ground,
denying anything and telling the standard story, which doesn't jibe with
Colson's information.
In any event, I don't see how there's any way that they can gain anything
by dropping me anyway, because the case simply does not hold, especially
now, of course, but I mean even before the developments of today. Today's
developments pretty well lock the thing on Magruder and Mitchell, with a few
others possibly falling with them. The P now is very concerned, as would be
expected, about Mitchell, and Jeb, but especially Mitchell and is adamant that
we are not to be the ones to bring him down, which, of course, we won't be,
since the case is 90 percent made already. As everybody's been saying, we come
closer and closer to the moment of truth, and this finally may well be it. We'll
determine tomorrow morning what immediate steps to take, and there's a
strong feeling that now is the time to take them.
The P agreed last night that he'd let E and me work out alternatives. Henry
reported to him about 1 1:00 or 1 1 :30 this morning, but he called us over at 9:00.
He kept us there for two and a half hours, reviewing his notes on alternatives and
so on. The point he was concerned about was the question of the P's involve-
ment, whether anything had developed on that, and he said that E had told him
that Colson argues that the P should persuade Liddy to talk, so that the P will
appear to crack the case. Based on doing that, this weekend, prior to Hunt
coming out on Monday or going to the grand jury on Monday, the P felt we need
to put all the pieces together, such as the question of Magruder going to the press
and all the other stories we've got, as to whether they've really worked out. E
then said that he had stayed up a good part of the night writing out what would
be his report to the P on his overall findings, and he wanted to review that with
the P. The P obviously didn't particularly want to hear it, although he listened to
several points on it. His interest was reviewing the checklist that he had prepared.
The Magruder question to the press was one item, the question of clemency to
Hunt and whether that had actually been promised, he is concerned about. The
point that the P is trying to determine with E and me is, who should talk to
Mitchell to him the jig is up, and that the only way for this to be a plus is for
you to and volunteer a statement. Ken Rush, Bill Rogers, Haldeman, the
go in
P, Elliot Richardson, Kleindienst, Rebozo and then got to Ehrlichman. It was
agreed that really Ehrlichman was probably the only one that could do it. On his
checklist he also had the point that Rogers must be told now that it's essential
that he delay his departure until the whole Watergate thing is over; that we can't
have him leaving in the middle of it. During all this, the P kept interrupting,
wouldn't let us spin out any line at all. He had all these notes with his questions,
especially regarding Hunt and Colson that he kept coming back to, and insisted
that we work with those.
We did zero in then on the need to talk to Mitchell, and I suggested that
I ought to call him so as to set Ehrlichman up right and that Ehrlichman
should talk with him. So I went out, called Mitchell, told him that we had been
reviewing things with the P and the P felt that it was important that he come
down immediately, if possible, to meet with Ehrlichman and review where we
presently stand. Mitchell immediately said he would do so and that was at, I
believe, 11:00. He arrived by around 1:30.
We went over some other items, and the P agreed that E should also call
Magruder in and review things with him. The point of E's review with each of
them would be to say that he had been conducting an investigation of the
entire situation for the P for the last couple of weeks and that it had come to
his attention that it was possible that some people were laboring under the
assumption that their not testifying was in some way a service to the P, and
that the P wanted them to know they should not restrict themselves out of that
option. If they wish to say anything or take any action, they should not refrain
from doing so because of any concern that it would be harmful to the P. The
point here being to try to get the basic point to Mitchell that the time has come
for him to speak up.
I had trouble reaching Jeb, and when I finally did get him, he said he had
made his decision late last night to tell everything and that he was going ahead
with that. Then he sort of spelled out to me that he concluded now that there
was no hope There were witnesses on top of witnesses and there was
for him.
nothing he could do now but tell the truth, and hope that would lighten his
punishment. I told him the same pitch we gave Mitchell, that E wanted to talk
with him and review the P's thing. He said fine and he would come over at 4:00
PM and do that. E felt that when I reported to him that Jeb had already made
his decision that he didn't need to see Jeb, but in talking with the P a little later
to report on the Mitchell meeting, it was agreed that E should see Jeb so that
we'd be on the record.
It was further agreed that E should talk with the Attorney General
following these meetings and turn over what information he had gained to
him, so that the P would be clear on having cooperated fully with whatever
information he had.
E had his meeting with Mitchell, which lasted about an hour, and the
upshot of it was that Mitchell says he feels completely clear in his own heart
and in his own mind, that he has no guilt and has no intention of stepping
forward. That he has his reputation and position to protect and he's going to
have to defend that in every possible way and will do so. E apparently lobbed
in a number of sort of veiled allusions to Mitchell on things that might come
up, problems we might have and all if people started talking and totally
stonewalled any questions of his own involvement.
The next development was E's meeting with Magruder, at which Ma-
gruder told him he not only had made his decision but had carried out his act
and that he and his attorneys had met with the U.S. Attorney and had given
them the full story. Jeb's attorneys were with him when he met with John and
they said they'd be happy to give E the same story the same full report that —
they gave the U.S. Attorney. They proceeded to do so, spelling out the step-by-
step development of Watergate and related matters and follow-up.
almost totally and precisely confirmed what E had written down last
night in terms of how, based on the hearsay he picked up, he saw the thing as
having unfolded and very totally and clearly implicates Mitchell as part of the
planning, approval, review and so on of the Watergate, which is directly
contrary to Mitchell assertions, and will give Mitchell a serious problem when
they call him in, which now they will have to do, of course.
Jeb also implicates John Dean in the earlier planning meetings, which is
no problem because Dean intended to do that himself, but he also ties Dean
into the ongoing stuff and very heavily into the activity postdiscovery, post-
June. He ties Strachan in fairly heavily on knowledge, saying he had a copy of
the budget for the final and approved activity and that since he had no
objection from me assumed it was approved over here. He has no reason to
believe that I had seen the budget, which I didn't, and he apparently com-
pletely clears me of any involvement. But it creates a problem, indirectly, by
his involvement of Strachan.
E reviewed the whole story with me. Then we went over and reviewed it
with the P, and the general feeling is that pretty well settles things.
The P called me at home late tonight after the ( White House Correspon-
dents') dinner to talk through it. He felt it had gone pretty well. Laughed
about the quote he had used from David Lawrence because he said he never
told me that, but it's the kind of thing he might have said anyway, the only
tougher job than that of the P's waging war was that of the P's waging peace.
Then he sort of reviewed our situation, made the point that when you think
about it, the hopes for peace in the world really depend on the office of the P,
and we can't be compromised in carrying out that office by lack of confidence
in the P arising out of Watergate, and that really overrides the consideration
of any individual or any other problems.
and Petersen had met with him. That Kleindienst feels it's going to take four
or five years for Mitchell to run the full legal course on trials and so forth. He
still we should have a special prosecutor and the P also has come to that
conclusion. Not for this case, but to look at the indictments and review them
to be sure that we cover all the people. Even (Deputy Attorney General U.S.
Justice Department Joseph) Sneed is compromised on this. So we'd have to use
someone like Wright from Texas. He referred to telling E about Magruder,
that two weeks ago Magruder tried to get Strachan to concoct a story and he
feels that Magruder's defense is that he was under pressure from higher-ups.
The problem is that Magruder doesn't know the truth. He feels Rogers may
have a point. That if we get a big fish, that takes a lot of the fire out of the case.
Says the idea that the P has to go and make a new Checkers speech, which he
feels he won't do. He feels the idea of a special prosecutor does help get
someone between the P and the case. He told me to talk to E, because he
thinks that Rogers thing makes sense. Then he said also they told him that, on
E, there was some connection on the conversation regarding the contents of
Hunt's safe, and on Haldeman, there was some connection with the $350,000
and that those were the only leads they had to us. Kleindienst recommends
that E and Haldeman take a leave of absence on this. The P said you ought
to come up with a better recommendation.
At about 7:00 the White House switchboard called and said the P wanted E
and me to meet him in the EOB office at 7:30. 1 got to the White House at 7:30.
The P wasn't back from dinner and boat ride he had taken with Bebe. At 7:45 he
arrived at the EOB, and E and I went over, and P was very cheery about what a
beautiful day it was and all, and then sat down and said, well, he had his second
talk with Kleindienst and Petersen, and that Dean had been in an all-day meeting
with the U.S. Attorney and that Petersen will report to the P tomorrow at noon
on the full details of that. But that the P will call him while we're there to get an
updating on anything new he's got this evening. He's now ordered Kleindienst
out of the entire operation and is dealing directly with Petersen. Instructed
Petersen that he is to report directly to the P.
appearing that the Ervin stuff forced them into taking action. The plan is
to takeMagruder in the morning and Strachan in the afternoon, and they're
going to be very rough on Strachan, going for corroboration and trying to
tie in bigger fish.
Petersen thinks Dean lied to him and to us. He says Dean hits E
regarding the line that they should deep-six the material in Hunt's safe and
get Hunt out of and about the documents that Gray has. On
the country
Haldeman, between Magruder and Strachan involving
there's a conflict
three or four things: the $350,000, the document furnished to Strachan that
I supposedly approved which was the budget for the bugging, and the point
that I had papers indicating Liddy was in the eavesdropping business. This
is totally different than what Magruder told E he had said, so we have an
because they said they don't want Haldeman and E until they hear the
others. He said to them, if they have anything on Haldeman and E they
should call them immediately and clear it up. Petersen said no, he didn't
want to do that until he heard all the others and got the case built. He feels
Petersen is crusading on this. They'll give Strachan a very hard time. One
point they want to hit him on is that logs of the bugging were given to
Strachan, they claim. Magruder says he won't lie for E, that he might lie for
the P.
Some discrepancy arose on the question that on June 17, after a meet-
ing in Washington, Kleindienst and Dean were supposed to come out and
report to the P and thenwas a call saying that only Dean was to come,
which apparently bothered Kleindienst. The question is where we were June
17. 1 thought we were in Florida, but the P has it as San Clemente. Petersen
The P thinks Magruder is lying to reduce his penalty. He has a lot of loose
stuff, like documents from home. E says LaRue told
the question of Gray's
Moore today that he's going to testify and that he's inclined to open up
completely, and the P came back to the deep-six and Hunt leaving the country
question again, saying that troubled him.
At 8:15 the P called Petersen and he said he had nothing further. He said
Liddy wants a signal to come clean, that Liddy talked to Mitchell today and
iswaiting for a signal from Mitchell, but Petersen says the P should give Liddy
some sign, and Liddy apparently told Mitchell he would tell everything if he
got a signal from Mitchell, and now Petersen says the signal from the P will
do it.
The P hung up on that and was trying to figure out what to do, when I
got a call from Larry and he said that Dean had called him to say that he
wanted to deliver a message through me to the P, that he did not want to talk
with me, and his message was number one, I hope you understand that the
actions that I'm taking are motivated totally out of loyalty to you (Haldeman)
and the P, and if that's not clear now it will become clear. Second Ehrlich- —
man requested to meet tonight, but I feel it is inappropriate at this time.
Third I'm ready and willing to meet with the P at any time to discuss these
matters. Fourth —
the P should take his counsel from Henry Petersen, who I
assure you does not want the Presidency hurt.
Right after that, the P called Petersen back and said to tell Liddy that the
P wants everybody to tell everything they know and he told him to do it
tonight. The P then decided he should get Dean in to talk to him and so had
me call the operator and tell Dean to be in his office at 9:00. We discussed it
somewhat further and at 9:00 Ehrlichman and I left the office and went over
to E's office. At Dean arrived at the P's office.
E and I talked to Ziegler to discuss the PR plan. Ron
In the meantime,
makes the point that with the information now, the P must relieve Dean of
his Watergate assignment, at least. The P should receive assurances from any
other staff that have been implicated that what we've told them is correct
and then we'll have an opportunity to cover it with the grand jury. The P
should announce a special prosecutor who is not an Administration man. On
Magruder, the information he has says that he has to ask Magruder to re-
question what it was for, but Dean knew and that Mitchell knew. The
question whether any of us knew and I still argue that we knew it was for
10:45, Ehrlichman got Gray at home about the envelope. Gray said
that he was going to say he knew nothing about it and he told E he had
destroyed it. At 1 1:05 John called him back and said he's got to tell the truth.
He should state the facts and not get crosswise on this. Gray says he didn't
know where the papers came from, he didn't open the envelope, he simply
destroyed it, but that Dean had told him they were politically sensitive pa-
pers —
although not what the source of them was.
exposed to it, and that that's the problem that they have. He says this is the
point where you need a lawyer and you should go ahead and talk to Rogers.
The P said maybe you ought to get Edward Bennett Williams, but then he
said no, as long as there's no indictment, there's no point in doing that, and
I feel sure there won't be an indictment. The problem dealing with a Wil-
liams will come afterward. I didn't like that idea, because of the publicity it
very hard to prove because he's just a conduit. They say it's the same with
Haldeman and Ehrlichman, because it's tangential and that Justice may very
well come out with no White House indictments at all.
He says Colson's involved in three areas. The P couldn't remember what
they were, Bittman and Hunt and something else; and the P says the PR was
the real concern, not the legal thing. Said he'd like to meet with Rogers this
Wanted me to meet with him first and brief him, and that
afternoon at 4:00.
he would see Garment after that. Garment is of the opinion that the P has to
make a massive move and cut the whole thing out in one blow, which means
getting rid of Ehrlichman, me, and Dean, and anybody else that may be at all
involved. That kind of thinking sort of rambled on through the day.
The Ervin Committee decided today to hold off in starting their hear-
ings untilMay 15. So we've got some time there, and by then Justice will
probably have something out. It turns out, however, the P met with Peter-
sen, and he says that they're having a problem with Dean and Magruder
because their attorneys in both cases are holding out for complete immunity,
which the prosecutors aren't, at least now, going to grant. Dean's lawyers
apparently have threatened that they're going to pull the case in and take on
everybody, right on up to and including the P, if he isn't given immunity. So
everybody is playing a pretty tough game at this point, and it could get
pretty bloody in the process. Magruder, too, is holding out for complete
immunity, so they couldn't make the deal with him and get him on his guilty
plea with a big public announcement today. They may not be able to work
that deal out either. They hauled Gordon in and really roughed him up
apparently. Gave him all kinds of threats about his family and disbarment
and that sort of thing then told him to go away and get a lawyer and come
back when he was ready to get down to business. So they got him a little
shook. Ehrlichman and I are trying to locate a lawyer, and other than that
no major developments.
found the latter rather shocking, considering the fact that Dean has turned
total traitor,and he shouldn't be surprised and disappointed. He should be
shocked and furious. Then in discussing this during the morning with Ziegler,
I spun out a theory that I think has proven to be correct. Which is that the P's
concerned about additional knowledge Dean has and threats that Dean is
making to reveal that, or that perhaps Dean has already revealed it to Petersen,
and the two of them are working together in threatening in order to try and
nail us.
These suspicions were confirmed when Ehrlichman and I met with the P
at 12:30, and Ehrlichman reported on his meeting with Colson, who says Dean
must be dealt with summarily. The key is that Dean must not get immunity,
and the P, Colson feels, has total control over that. Colson told Ehrlichman
he must see the P to pass this thinking on to him. The P said he didn't want
Colson to come in and didn't want to see him, and that John should tell him
that the P has his message and there's no need for him to come in to cover it.
Then the P said the problem here in dealing with that is we have to look at
what Dean has. He has threats on other things in government. If he gets
immunity, he will pay the lowest price he can. In other words, if they give him
immunity, he will give them the least amount of information he can and still
get the immunity. That's what he tells the P obviously, but the key to that is
that it has to reach all of us. That is, Ehrlichman and me, as well as Dean. The
P talked to Dean about his resignation, and Dean made the point that Halde-
man and Ehrlichman would have to resign if he was going to.
Petersen told the P that his view is that it's all going to come out. So
Haldeman and Ehrlichman should resign, not because there's any legal expo-
sure, but because they'll be eaten alive. So they should get a leave now and get
away from the White House. The P says there will be a big hassle and that's
on who is lying. Also the problem of what Dean said to the P regarding the
need for the $120,000, and the problem continuing down the road on that
apparent blackmail route which would, in Dean's estimate, cost a million
The P discussed that conversation, although I reminded him that I was in
it, which I think startled him some. He says we have to figure that Dean could
put out that story to someone else. For example, the press. He then said to
John and me, you are the two most valuable members of my staff and that's
why they're trying to reach you. You're also the two most loyal and the two
most honest. I don't want a public clamor, as there was with Sherman Adams,
where the ultimate result is that he has to be asked to leave. So we have to
figure what kind of blackmail Dean has.
Dean apparently rewrote his resignation the P gave him yesterday on the
basis that if Haldeman and Ehrlichman resign, I will. The P said I think I'm
trapped, because I told Dean that Haldeman and Ehrlichman are willing to go
if that's needed. Also Dean has an ally in the U.S. Attorney and the Assistant
Attorney General. He then said, and I'm quoting, "The problem I've got is
that I think maybe I've trapped myself." The P says he told Petersen that
letting Dean off is an incentive to him to lie. Petersen said that's what you do,
Mr. P, in criminal cases. He said that they have to have corroborating testi-
mony on the value of Dean's evidence. And that's why he's calling Strachan,
Colson, Kalmbach and so on.
The point they make is that the White House staff kept Dean's highly
sensitive information from the P. That's another They say that Strachan
had reports that were clearly identified as wire tap material and also that he
had plans regarding the wire taps.
Then we got back to the problem of Hunt's materials and reworked that
ground. The P said in both Colson and Dean, I think he meant Magruder and
Dean, we have clever liars that we're dealing with. He then said, in going back
and agonizing over this, that there's no sense in aggravating Dean. This was
in the question of suspending or canning him. He'll do anything to save his
own ass.
Then we get into the question of the date of Hunt's threat and when the
Dean-Haldeman meeting with the P was, where that came up. And the P says
how do I handle the problem of the Assistant Attorney General telling me that
he has charges against Haldeman and Ehrlichman and says that they're of such
nature that he must put them on leave? So why doesn't he do it? The answer
is that he can say, when you tell me you're going to file charges or indict them,
then I'll suspend them. Until then, I have no basis for it. He said the real
problem is what if we end up in the gray area, with no charges filed, just
implications, such as knowledge in advance and so on. Then what action do
we take? The P raised the question of why can't we just leave Dean in his office,
but everybody not to have any further dealings with him.
Ehrlichman urged the special prosecutor to take over from Petersen and
made his case again on what a bad guy Petersen was, and the need for the P
to get special counsel, but the P didn't buy it, I don't think.
At 4:00, after the P had a long meeting with Petersen, he called Ehrlich-
man and me back in and said he went the rounds with Petersen again. That
Petersen agrees on Dean, that he ought to be dismissed and has argued that
point with the U.S. Attorneys. But they say that they suppose that's the only
way, that Dean's the only way to get at Ehrlichman and Haldeman, and they
can't jeopardize that.
The new elements are, first, the P told him immunity was out. In other
words, he would not tolerate immunity for Dean, and he told him he had
discussed this with Bill Rogers, who said it was totally wrong to give Dean
immunity. Second, regarding the leaks by Petersen from the grand jury, he said
Mitchell was aware that Dean had leaked this material and so on. Petersen said
that it didn't get very far and was no problem. Third, Petersen's talked to
Gray, and Gray says he destroyed the material and that he's going to have to
bring that out. Gray was told there was no Watergate material, just political,
but there's still problem of destruction of evidence on Gray's part.
The P on Ehrlichman and Haldeman finally comes out.
says the situation
First, they don't have the Magruder deal, but they will give the P twelve hours
notice when they make it. They will say that they're hauling him into court to
plead guilty, and then put out a statement which would be both as broad and
as narrow as possible. They'll say he's named certain people, and that other
people are nonindicted co-conspirators that will be named as a group. This will
include Dean, but Petersen says it will not include Ehrlichman and Haldeman
if they take a leave. The P said, are you saying that if Haldeman and Ehrlich-
man take a leave you won't prosecute them? He said no, it just means they
aren't on the list. They'll still appear at the grand jury and I'll have to make
their case there.
Petersen says it will appear bad if Haldeman and Ehrlichman are left off
the and were not suspended prior to that, and that Sirica will hit them on
that, and it will appear that the Justice Department is covering for the two top
White House people. The P said he was concerned about our vulnerability, he
doesn't think they can make a case against us. Petersen's really saying that
we'll be on the list unless we decide to take a leave. Dean's lawyers said that
Dean will try this Administration if they don't give him immunity. In other
words, he's going to nail the P, supposedly.
Ehrlichman and I then took a break for an hour to meet with our new
attorney, Mr. Wilson. This was a very satisfactory meeting just to give him the
preliminaries. I think he's going to work out very well. We regrouped at 6:00
in the EOB with Rogers and the P, and went back over the point that Klein-
dienst and Petersen are pushing the P that Ehrlichman and Haldeman should
resign. But the conclusion is that we should not go on a leave or resign or
anything at this point until there's some reason for it in terms of action. Rogers
then left.
He then looked at me and said, if all this takes place, how do I replace
Haldeman? Then I suggested that he shouldn't try to, that he would just have
to set up a new structure and work without him. Replacement for me would
just work in a different way. Which I honestly believe he can do. My position
at this point is that we've just got to ride this out. Take whatever comes,
however it comes, and handle it as best we can at the time. It's very hard to
tell what that'll be, but there's every reason to believe that at some point the
right result will develop and that we can have confidence in that. In the
meantime, we have to contend with whatever comes along.
The P called me at midnight after the Italian dinner and said, well, I just
wanted to say keep the faith. I kind of laughed and said, how was the dinner.
He said it was fine, then he said, as a matter of fact, it was one of the worst
I've ever had, because of what's on my mind. He said John and you and I
should meet again tomorrow morning to go over what's coming, look at the
names that are involved and be prepared for it. There's a question of whether
someone should talk to Dean. Maybe the P should. Obviously, Dean's trying
to save himself, and the P thinks the U.S. Attorney will give him immunity. If
he tells the truth, that doesn't bother him. Ifit's an incentive to lie, that's
another problem. We
have to get some kind of line regarding the defendants
on their fees and support, because we don't make our case clearly enough on
that. He says we should think over and talk with Moore about the one thing
that troubles him about Dean when he came in with the information from
Bittman, because the argument is that the P should have turned it over to the
U.S. Attorney. Which is a real problem that we should give hard thought to.
Of course, it isn't really a problem. He says if Dean has immunity, he'll go with
The problem isthe P talked freely with him on the blackmail point and
all that because hewas trying to draw him out. He then said he wished there
were a way to separate Ehrlichman out, because the vulnerability of the lawyer
in this kind of thing is enormous. He said let's see now, they've got clear cases
apparently on LaRue, Mitchell, Mardian and Magruder, O'Brien and Parkin-
son. It's important to know what Ehrlichman's investigation was that trig-
gered it. We have to figure how we can save what there is left of the Presidency.
The White House is involved apart from Ehrlichman and Haldeman. There
would be Strachan, possibly Colson and Fielding. Then he asked, it doesn't
touch Higby, does it? They haven't subpoenaed him, have they? I said no. Said
the real tragedy is Mitchell, why doesn't he step up? He's going to get it
without any question. We don't think he can stall it out. He should assume the
responsibility, which is, of course, what we said all along.
out in front on this. The P wants to get Dean in with Ziegler, but I think we
Garment talked to Bernstein to see what he could get out, and he says
basically the same thing. That Magruder on Saturday over the weekend gave
a full statement and so on, and also that an attorney came out to California
on April 3 and discussed the whole thing with Ehrlichman, this not in a
negative way. This would relate to postpayment activities. Bernstein volun-
teered that the story will say that the P had no knowledge, that indictments are
expected shortly on Dean and Mitchell. Didn't mention the Magruder indict-
The dinner was rather painful because the P got into the whole problem
of whether John and I should go. He said the points to consider are, 1) whether
we're nailed in open court by Magruder, which we can't let happen. Or, 2) if
we leave, will it buy them off on the indictment. And, 3) by constant nibbling
as we stay here, we can be destroyed. We don't want to be destroyed, therefore
we have to move. We have to figure out another strategy. Get out and then
fight like hell. We have to deal in two dimensions. First, the court, and second,
the Ervin Committee. The P will not allow Weicker and Scott to force him to
move on us. We should move ahead of them and fight it.
The P keeps saying during this that he hasn't decided. But he went
through quite a thing in an emotional way about how Ehrlichman and I would
always have the use of Camp David regardless of what happens, for the next
three and a half years, and that he wasn't emotional, but he really is and that
this was a terribly painful thing and so on and so on. I think it really was, and
hard for him, but it's also counterproductive for us. I mean the time going
it is,
around and around on the same ground with him, when we should be develop-
ing our own case for our interest and his. It was clear, though, that his feeling
was that there was no real way out, except for us to pull out and fight rather
than trying to stay.
At Camp David. Ehrlichman and I spent the night up here last night with the
P after a painful sort of farewell dinner. At least, I think that's what he had
in mind. Kissinger called first P had called
thing this morning. Said that the
him Tuesday night late after the Sinatra dinner and said that he thought
Ehrlichman and Haldeman would be destroyed by what is going to happen.
And Kissinger said that we should, in his view, pull the wagons around the
White House and fight. On Wednesday, the P asked Kissinger again. Henry
said that if we were going to be destroyed, that we should be given a way to
get out without being implicated. One way I could leave was on the grounds
I was implicated. The other is that on the grounds that I didn't know, and this
only I should do if we're going to fall eventually anyway. Kissinger believes
every effort should be made to keep me, and probably I'll end up stronger. But
if I'm going to be destroyed anyway, I must be sure that I get out before the
slow erosion starts. The course now would be to pull the wagons around until
the hysteria subsides. Haldeman should not be lumped with Magruder and
Dean and should not be bled to death. If I stay, I should start asserting
command, giving orders. If not, everything is going to go on leaking around
the White House. The leaks will stop if they think I'm out or if they think I'm
in. You
need one or the other.
Onthe chopper in today, the P talked about the question of our law-
yers. Wondered about the question of what kind of immunity Ervin can give
Dean. What effect the resignation would have on the prosecution and on the
Dean deal. What kind of a bargain can we make. He made the point over
and over that the thing we must avoid at any cost is being indicted. Went
into the question of the grand jury leak and the legal possibilities there, and
our idea of a libel action against Weicker for what he said about me on TV
last night.
The P is trying to get Dean nailed down. He makes the point that we relied
on Dean for both supervision and advice. That is, he'd say you don't want to
know that, because of a deposition of a civil case and so on. Ehrlichman argues
that the prosecution of Dean is what we need to destroy his credibility. After
we got back from Camp David, he had us in the Oval Office. Made the point
that he can't run the White House without a strong person, and that if
Ehrlichman can survive, that will solve it. If not, and we both have to leave,
then he's going to put Lynn over here to replace me. He feels we should not
let the day come when comes out and the P has to be forced to
the grand jury
move on us. It's getting to the point where we have to bite the bullet. He had
thought we should separate the innocent from the guilty, Mitchell, Magruder
and so forth. So Haldeman and Ehrlichman should step out and say they want
to fight this battle. We must fight all the way with every legal device to avoid
prosecution legally.He wants us to think of the PR side in terms of ourselves
and the Presidency both.
John and I then pulled out of there to meet with our lawyers and go over
the things. They feel strongly we should not leave and, having covered that
ground, it was decided it would be a good idea for the P perhaps to meet with
the lawyers this evening. Which he decided to do. He spent the afternoon
pondering this with other people over at the EOB. Then went out for dinner
on Came back and met with our lawyers for about an hour.
the Sequoia, alone.
In the meantime Ziegler called me at home to say that the Post has another
story for tomorrow. Saying Dean's associates have said that Dean will impli-
cate people above and below and that Haldeman engineered a cover-
up to hide the involvement of Presidential aides in the bugging matter, and he
goes on with other details of the story. We checked this back and forth, and
Ziegler finally checked it with Dean, who said that he suspects who it is who
put it out. That he has things scrambled, that he never mentioned Haldeman.
That there's some fact and some fiction in the story. Eventually, Dean agreed
to have Ziegler say that he denied mentioning Haldeman. And so we're going
to try that to see if it'll help any.
The P called me at 9:30. Said he had talked to the lawyers and I told him
about the Post story. He liked the lawyers and felt that they had been a good
meeting. He sounded much more relieved than he has up to now. I told him
about the Post story and he said, well, we've just got to expect that kind of
thing, don't we? He said the lawyers don't buy Garment's idea. That is,
Haldeman getting out. He feels now we have to play it day by day. The P
warned them about the news stories and said it's going to be tough to ride, but
we'll see what we can do. Wilson, the lawyer, called, said he had a good
meeting with the P. He's a little concerned about word getting out as to why
we have counsel and suggested the line that we simply say we thought we
should get the advice of competent counsel.
quick discussion on Watergate, and the P then had to go into the head and had
me come in with him while standing in the hall, and we continued this discus-
sion. Mainly about the need to hunker down following up on last night.
The P had us in at 1 1:00, said he had talked with Bush. He wants to be
helpful but he's a worry wart. He brought up Rietz (Ken Rietz, member ofCRP
staff). He was involved in the dirty tricks department and has hired a lawyer
now, because he's into this thing, so Bush is going to fire him. He says 15
people in the White House, past or present, are involved, according to News-
week, who talked to him. Wants to know what we do with it the way it's
burgeoning. He thinks the P has done the right thing, but needs more and he
reflects concern.
The P won't ask Petersen about Hunt's testimony. He feels the critical
point now is and the public perception of it. The P
the Presidential posture
pushed Petersen on speeding the grand jury. Doesn't think it will do any good.
They still have only arm's length arrangement with Dean. He thinks we should
have a talk with Moore about the LaCosta thing. He's Special Counsel to the
P and can't reveal conversations.
Dean says no one in the White House is involved. That he's not trying to
obstruct justice. He had no exposure himself and no one in the White House.
Did not know anybody was obstructing justice. (Don't know where that comes
from. Dean said that somewhere.) Dean told us that Mitchell and LaRue were
raising the money, but he had no knowledge of corruption or improper pur-
pose. We had a suspicion, but Dean kept from us any knowledge. (This is
Ehrlichman's basic outline, I guess.)
The P then wonder where we stand on "Operation Surgery." That
says I
is, letting us go. Our lawyers convinced the P it's not the right course. He then
says, though, if eventually, why not now. Both legally and in the public gray
area. The theory is the White House staff has to accept the responsibility as
stewards. We argued we should take one step at a time. First, the legal, then
the public decision on stepping down, and then the New York Times theory on
with the Dean factor and Mitchell's decision to stonewall. Even if there is
no grand jury action, the PR will drag me down and the P along with me.
I should consider a voluntary leave with forceful action afterward. Not a
resignation in any way. Action on my part so as not to burden the Presi-
dency with charges and so on.
If I'm mentioned at the grand jury, the ballgame's over. So I should
take the leave, clean it up, and then come back to work. He also says you've
got to consider the P's frame of mind in this. The problem is the timing, and
you've got to work it against when you think the grand jury findings will
come out. I should say that my name is mentioned and that puts me on the
defensive. The tough call is when to do it. I go under a stronger negative if
it's after my name is raised, than if I go ahead on the high ground and on
the offensive. The critical point is timing. The more I'm drawn in, the
weaker I become.
The P is still in Key Biscayne. Ehrlichman and I are still at Camp David. We
spent the day working on our background material for the lawyers and the
factual data.Wilson called me to say he was bombarded by reporters. He
had stated that he had been retained by the two of us to consult on refer-
ences to us in the media. He won't say that it's in the Watergate case. Said
he had no comment on the question of whether hesaw the P Thursday
night. Said he was not retained by the government or the P. That he had no
other connection with the case. He said the press is concentrating on the
exact moment that he was retained. Whether it was before or after the P's
speech, and he says it was after. He had said he had met with the prosecu-
tors and they asked him if there's anything in the case that involves us. He
said I could say no comment, but I will say that there is nothing that they're
involved with that gives me any concern. WTOP called him and said they
were recording when he answered the phone. So he said that's the damnedest
impertinence I've ever heard of. He said it's really building up on the when
and what question.
gate problems. Said the question is whether I can say anything publicly. The
one factor on the political side is that the Senate comes back Wednesday, and
there's a question of whether the senators pass a resolution or something that
will create a problem for us. He thinks it was good for Ziegler to get Chappy
Rose (a Nixon personal legal consultant) and Pat Buchanan down. Thinks
Garment shouldn't come because he's too emotional. Thinks that times have
overrun Garment's view, but he would probably say the same thing this week.
Thinks the Dean thing is very hard to figure. Can't figure out what his lawyers
told him.
Then he reviewed the whole question of what we talked about before,
the detail on the blackmail and all that. Said Krogh should clearly say that
his motive and involvement was national security. The P says he's aware of
all the options and there's no good choice, but we have to do the best we
can. We should look down the road to the critical question which Ziegler
raises. That is, that we don't want Haldeman or Ehrlichman to be in the
position that Mitchell is in, to be named. The question is whether the P, after
all, is looking into the matter. Now what do Haldeman and the aides do?
It was made up at Grand Cay last night. It's not decided finally, but I think
he's really set. He feels there are no good choices. He returned today from
Grand Cay and had a six-hour meeting with Chappy Rose and Buchanan
in the whole session. And the P, at the conclusion, said there are no good
choices, and he talked to Ron sort of on the way out and had tears in his
eyes. Went out for a boat ride, then came back. Called Ziegler and told him
to call me and tell me. Ron thinks he's going in the direction, and he said
he had talked to Rogers and others, and he's aiming in the direction,
although he says that he's not decided, that there's no choice but for
Ehrlichman and Haldeman to move away and above it in the appropriate
He bases this on the argument of three premises that he evaluates.
First, the legal standpoint, where he thinks we will survive. Second, public
opinion probably won't make the case in the long run. Then he goes into
a long dissertation on that, agonizing. Ron says everybody fought it, but
something has to be done. The P feels guilt. As P, he must get this out of
his mind. He has an obligation to run the nation and he cannot, as a human
being, run the country with this on his mind. He told Ziegler he knows what
it means, and that's why he's fought it and so on. He told Ziegler to call me
and tell me that from the standpoint of the Presidency, and from my own
standpoint, I should consider seriously that the P has no alternative and
that I should resign and fight this, as I know how to fight it.
Ron said the separability idea was argued at length and the view is that
it can't be separated. Ehrlichman and I both have to go. The P said these
two men are strong enough to deal with this, to move on their own to make
their case. But the Presidency cannot be encumbered by it. The points of
history, separability, won't go away anyway, no guilt and so on were all
argued, and the P argued the most strongly; then got up and walked out the
door. And Ron realized that basically it was done. He's leaned on Rogers
heavily. Rogers argued the case the other way, but he thinks this is the right
Then Ron read from his notes as to various things the P said, which
is whatfollows. There's no good way to handle this. It will in no way
separate Ehrlichman and Haldeman from me, and this is irrelevant anyway.
They did no wrongdoing, but they cannot assume that they will not be in
the swirl of controversy. I know now the grand jury won't act for another
month. There's no way that this will not go down in history as a very bad
chapter, that the Presidency is seriously hurt, and I must accept responsibil-
But Haldeman and Ehrlichman are strong men that have served
ity for this.
the Presidency as dedicated a way as any man has served the Presidency.
Probably the strongest men in terms of dedication who have ever served the
Presidency. But as we look at the political forces, the forces against the
Presidency, the country must have a P moving in a direction. He realizes
there will be clamor. This will not pass, I'm still involved. Charges and
claims are still made that I knew about it and was aware of it. But I must
make a decision and move ahead in a new tone and a new way. The best
thing I can do is make the decision, but I just can't do it because I can't
prejudice their rights. I believe in these two men, I love these two men. The
White House can't respond and can't operate with this force against us,
Ron says then after Rose and Buchanan left the P said, I will face this
on my own. I will make these points to the men involved. They have to
realize where we are in all this. Ziegler again said he was sure he had decided
on this in Grand Cay last night. Ziegler says he raised the question of
resignation vs. leave of absence. Gave all The P said there's
the arguments.
no choice, a leave is not a viable choice. They have to make their case and
I must separate the Presidency from them. Then they discussed who should
talk to Haldeman and who should talk to Ehrlichman. Ziegler raised the
point that this would prejudice their legal case. The P said he's convinced
we have no legal concern. May not even have a public opinion concern. But
he then says I am not the type of man who can run this country with this
force against us, and then went into a 20-minute dissertation on the prob-
lems of the Middle East and all that. Ziegler said what if they relieve
themselves of their duties. The P pointed to his own head and said, I can't
relieve myself of it. Ziegler emphasized this can't be separated from the P.
He said I must go out to the public and say that I can't run the Presidency
with this burden. That's why I've accepted this.
He feels the way to do this is for each of us to submit our resignation
at our own request. The question of Dean's resignation and how to handle
that has to be determined. Ron says he's very concerned about Colson. Told
Ziegler he talked to Colson yesterdayand had Ziegler call him a couple of
times today. Then him again at all. Said I now
told Ziegler not to talk to
know what kind of a man Colson is. He started into the whole "What'll I
do now without them" business, and Ziegler said don't talk about that now.
The P wants to move immediately. He was going to have Rogers talk to us
tomorrow. Then said to Ron, what if Haldeman and Ehrlichman roll him.
Ron said they wouldn't try.
The P raised the point about keeping Higby in. Ziegler said I don't
think he'd stay. Then Ziegler said if I stay, I don't know how I'll handle
things, and the P was horrified at the thought of Ron leaving, but Ron made
may have to, but Ron said he couldn't in any way replace
the point that he
me.He pushed Kehrli and Parker and all those people as able to take on
many of the tasks, and said the P responded favorably to that. In the P's
summation, he said he can't separate himself from this, his true responsibil-
ity. He argued a long time about the buffer theory and the lightning rod
idea, but said it doesn't matter. I have to make a decision, I have to make
a move, and I have to go on.
I called Larry and which was quite a shock. Also called Ehrlich-
told him,
man, who took it very hard. He thought
I ought to call Wilson, the lawyer,
which I did. He felt it was a great surprise and will definitely have an effect on
the legal case. Said they had discussed this, but had no indication that it was
a real possibility. He understands the P's concern, but wonders if this is the
right way to handle it. I called Ehrlichman back to report on that. He said he
was having a very hard time with this. I said, why? He said it seems unfair.
Which, of course, it does.
I made a long speech to Ziegler, a medium one to Larry, and a short one
to John, on the need to treat this as a progressive step and approach it on that
basis, recognizing that each step takes us ahead in some way, even though we
don't perceive that at the time. Ron was obviously flabbergasted by my reac-
tion and the way I tried to deal with him and strengthen him, and he kept
saying someday he wanted to tell me what he really thought of me or some-
thing. It's obviously very hard on him, because he's had to take all the long
sessions over the weekend, plus delivering the final news which must have been
very rough to face up to, but he did it very well. Larry called back later to say
he would be happy to do anything he could to help and so on. Obviously
disturbed, and we'll see where it goes from there.
total. But it would serve no useful purpose to do so now. I think this might be
a very good move.
John and I have both come down gradually, as the day rolls on, on the
basis that we're going to confront the P pretty strongly tomorrow with the
challenge that if he has something that is going to come out on us, he must tell
us about it and we'll act on that basis. If he doesn't, then there isn't a case to
be made for our going, at least at this point. We'll just have to see how that
works out. The lawyers ought to soften him up some ahead of time on that.
Ehrlichman, and the P agreed with this. Said timing was extremely impor-
tant. They didn't support the idea of leave of absence. They said the P's
position was there's no real distinction between a leave and a resignation.
Said the P was very apprehensive. They have no doubt that the P feels resig-
nations are in order, but he's unresolved as to timing. And the lawyers ar-
gued that indictment is the only real excuse for a resignation. They felt they
made some progress with him.
Ehrlichman and I then went over and met with him for a couple of hours
at the EOB. I reviewed the Connally and Rogers views, as expressed to me last
night, and the P said now we need to look at the facts. First the legal vulnera-
bility. Then he got everybody agrees that we must do
off the facts. Said
something, that we need an overt both for our own sakes and for the
Presidency. Otherwise the crescendo keeps beating at us. We need to say that
we want to be heard and cleared and we're innocent. We can't just sit and wait
until the grand jury goes through the whole process. The prosecution now has
a maximum incentive to hit pay dirt, especially since they're being criticized for
the grand jury leaks and all that stuff.
The P says he will push Petersen hard to wind up the hearings, to hear
Haldeman and Ehrlichman soon, to examine them and report to the P, and to
put down for the P what is the case against Haldeman and Ehrlichman, and
against Dean. Then he said let's turn to the Dean problem. That's damn tough
at the moment. Ehrlichman said Dean is obviously trying to manipulate the P.
The P said he sure is. Ehrlichman said this is the key, Dean's threat to the P.
Ehrlichman then says let me spin out a far-out point. It's conceivable that if
Dean is out of control and not handled adroitly, he could lead us to the
resolution of impeachment on the ground that the P committed a crime and
there's no other legal process available. So we have to consider that. What is
the crime, how serious, is Dean a threat, what do we do about it? He feels that
what Dean has in terms of evidence is short of a crime, but we don't know. But
he may be building corroboration on it. The only solution is to listen to the
tapes. If it didn't come out of those meetings, then it's manageable. If it did,
we'd better know what Dean's hole card is. Ehrlichman's not afraid of Dean
himself, he says; and he doesn't feel Haldeman should be. The P told me to get
the conversations and listen to them. The P says he thinks he remembers
especially regarding the Bittman conversation, regarding blackmail of a mil-
lion dollars and all that.
The P asked Petersen if he should talk to Dean before he pleads, but feels
he should not. Ehrlichman says we have to deal with the P's ultimate problem.
The question of whether he's involved. The P says Dean could have described
the payoffs during his "Cancer on the Presidency" speech. Ehrlichman said,
then we have to decide how to decide on Dean. The P said we can't run the
risk of Dean saying something regarding the P. If immunity is the price, we
have to pay it. I made the point that that's the one thing you can't do, is pay
any price to Dean and let him hold the permanent level of blackmail over the
Presidency. You've got to destroy Dean. The P said how, and Ehrlichman said,
well, you could call in. Tell him that Dean talked to Liddy and that
I talked to Dean, and have no concrete evidence of blackmail, but that is a
distinct impression. This P is not subject to blackmail. You must turn this on
Dean and trap him and drop the full weight of the law on him. We have to
assume that Dean is also blackmailing Petersen, or trying to. We had consider-
able discussion of this and obviously concerned the P greatly. He kept coming
back to it.
Then hesaid get back to subject A. A lot hinges on the Dean problem. We
can't put Dean, Haldeman, and Ehrlichman in one bag. It would be wrong
from an individual standpoint, and from what we know Dean is culpable
without question. Dean claims that Haldeman and Ehrlichman knew all the
way. Dean makes the point that the $40,000 was paid before the election,
which has to be checked out. Petersen told the P, and said you must not tell
anybody this, they gave Strachan and Magruder lie detector tests. That Stra-
chan didn't pass and Magruder did, regarding the information, according to
Strachan, regarding the budget and the output of the Watergate.
Regarding us, the P made the point that we could consider a leave,
coupled with a statement by the attorney to the P. That was one of the ideas
the attorneys came up with, is that they'd give the P a letter saying that they
saw no criminal liability on our part. So we consider a leave. The P makes a
statement or we put out the statement by the attorney to the P saying that we'd
asked to go to the grand jury. We need to prepare for that, and the essential
business of the government must go forward. Therefore, it's imperative, until
cleared up, that we step out because we feel our ability to carry on our duties
is impaired. This poses a problem down the road but buys time, keeps the
option open, and we're able to see what does come out. Then the P can say he's
not going to judge the case or anyone in it until it runs the process. The P
would probably have to include Dean at this point, he feels.
Ehrlichman has a different approach. He says we really have three situa-
tions. First, you have Dean, that type, who will be indicted or given immunity,
and the P in that case can say he's advised that Dean has indicated sufficient
involvement that he must ask for his resignation. The second category is
people in the White House openly charged, such as me, but without determina-
tion by the judicial process. So we ask them to take a leave until cleared. Third
is the group that's not publicly charged but has some direct or indirect involve-
ment. I know and they know who they are, but I'm going to leave them in place
for the time being with the expectation that the facts will become available.
Ehrlichman said you should treat Dean differently than Haldeman, and
Haldeman differently than Ehrlichman. So fire Dean, Haldeman take leave,
Ehrlichman stay, but ready to go if anything comes up. John also points out
this also divides him PR-wise from Dean and Haldeman, which is to his
interest. He feels there's a real practical problem with the resignation, which
is, how can he live?
The P said, the more I think of the resignation, which is the option
everyone comes down on (Harlow comes down on that too), the less I think
it works. The difficulty is at this point it condemns us and doesn't clean up the
problem, and so Haldeman and Ehrlichman leave. We were cleaning house, we
put in a new team. Rush replaces Haldeman, Cole replaces Ehrlichman, Gar-
ment replaces Dean. But the P
go through the whole White House and
fire everybody. So he feels we should not move this week in any event. We can't
do us before we do Dean.
Then I left to review the tapes. Did that and went back over and went over
what's on the tapes, which had the P again very concerned because of the
implications that are in there. The actual facts work out pretty well because he
did a superb job of getting the information out of Dean, which is what he was
after.But he's concerned that Dean may have had a tape recorder on him and
would use the tape itself, which could be made to appear more damaging than
the facts would actually testify.
He then met with Petersen for quite a long time. Called me at home
afterward, said the prosecutor now is not about to give Dean immunity. That
he's too much involved as a principal. He told him about the need to expedite.
Told him about the paper he wants from him regarding Ehrlichman and
Haldeman, which he says he'll have by Friday afternoon. Said he wants
Haldeman and Ehrlichman at the earliest opportunity to meet with the prose-
cutor, and he said they'll have counsel request it. He said he wanted us to go
to grand jury now and he said he may have us twice, then the P said OK but
go fast on it. Then he gave me (the P) a paper regarding a note they had sent
to the prosecutor in the Ellsberg case, making the point of the break-in at
Ellsberg's psychiatrist by the Watergate people. And Petersen says I (the P)
was blackmailed by Dean on them and they had to send it out to avoid
cover-up in the Ellsberg thing, although it will not blow the Ellsberg case
because it wasn't used.
The P says he leveled with Petersen regarding our conversation and told
him he will not be blackmailed on it, and that was the interview in which I (the
P) started my investigation. And the P wants me to hold that conversation to
the P and me, not discuss it with Ehrlichman. Petersen said Dean always
indicated that he won't lie for Ehrlichman, but he will never hurt the P, which
would imply that he's trying to set up a semiblackmail of the P.
The P feels there's no choice but to fight him. He agrees that you can't
temporize with Dean to try and keep him from putting out any public stuff.
He learned from Petersen that Dean's likely to be called in the Vesco
grand jury because he made a phone call to quash an indictment on Vesco.
They're trying to make Dean's lawyers come to them, and that's what they're
waiting for. There can't be any move on Haldeman or Ehrlichman until Dean
is resolved, and he told Petersen this. The P gave him the impression that he
wasn't going to act on us anyway, but wants to see his paper on us. The belief
now is to stand firm through the weekend.
know when he'll meet with Dean to get his big threat.
Petersen doesn't
(The P had learned from Kleindienst apparently this afternoon that Dean had
some big threat he was going to deliver to Petersen when he met with him.)
There's noway to stay with Dean on this, but we have to try to keep him from
becoming a total enemy, so we treat him decently.
When Ehrlichman talks about impeachment, I don't see that based on the
word of Dean. The P's worried that he may have made a tape recording, as I
mentioned. The P then said, well, this is April 25. Put this down as the day we
start up. He agrees with the lawyers that the resignation just won't work.
Leave of absence question really doesn't buy us anything.
The P called a little later to see whether I thought there was a way I could
find out if Dean had a tape recorder on him, and I explained there was no way.
Wanted me to listen to the rest of the tape. Ziegler informed me later that Dash
called Len Garment and said the Senate committee wants to see Ehrlichman
and me next week in their private discovery process, apparently. So that poses
a new bit of excitement.
Another all day shot on the Watergate. The P had me in at 9:00 for an hour
and a half. Said we've got to be sure that we go to the grand jury first, not to
the Senate committee, and that we should request an opportunity to see the
committee as soon as we're through with the grand jury. This arises because
the committee counsel has notified Len Garment that they want us up there
next week. He said on Segretti, that Petersen told him that he apparently had
something to do with the Jackson thing on Muskie (that's the sex letter), and
also that they're questioning whether he did the Canuck letter.
Editor 's Note: Shortly before the Florida primary, letters on Muskie cam-
paign stationery accused Senator Scoop Jackson of fathering an illegitimate
child — and of being arrested on homosexual charges. The "Canuck" letter
insulted Canadians.
discussed. There was talk about pre-Christmas, but we couldn't even consider
it The P may have called Dean. The question about what's been done
until '74.
on that. But he's trying to find out how deep this ran. The question is why the
P didn't go right to the Attorney General with this information. The reason of
course was he was running an investigation and that this was not related to the
Watergate, in any event.
Raised the question of when McCord's hush money story was to be put
out. Says Ehrlichman and I have to develop a game plan on how we handle
Dean. The question is how Dean will be most vindictive as a witness with
immunity or as a defendant. Also the question of when did Dean's attorneys
go to the U.S. Attorney and when did he get an attorney? In no way can Dean
now do any more to Ehrlichman and me than he is. So Ehrlichman's theory
of firing Dean has to be examined. The question of whether it unnecessarily
gives Dean a motive to go wild, and that it's no problem against Haldeman
and Ehrlichman, because he already is, but the question is against the P, and
we have to look hard at that. So we can't fire him and put the blame on him.
That would justify Haldeman and Ehrlichman, but it wouldn't help except to
discredit Dean, which of course would be valuable, but not to the P. We can't
give him immunity and let him blackmail, but the question is how to deal with
Dean apparently was lobbing Dean told the P when
threats at Petersen.
he talked to him on Easter that he may want P before his pleading.
to see the
Petersen's told the P not to see him. The only purpose of bringing Dean in to
see the P, which he still thinks maybe he should do, is the human factor, which
he says you, oddly enough, understand better than Ehrlichman. Dean says that
he expresses the greatest respect and affection for the P and maybe it would do
some good to see him. Petersen doesn't see Moore as a defendant. Also, he
doesn't see Kalmbach as a defendant, except possibly on the money stuff.
Moore was very close to Dean, how about having him talk with Dean and see
what he has in mind. I didn't think that was too good an idea, but the P wanted
at least to have it thought about.
John and I met with the lawyers from 10:30 to about 1:30. Wilson said
that Hersh of The New York Times called him this morning, just before he
came over, and said that Hersh, the press, has investigated Wilson thor-
oughly and he's clean. Second, and Wilson thought he was giving notice on
this probably, that Mitchell, in an off-the-record statement which Hersh
heard with his own ears, said that Haldeman and Mitchell engineered the
cover-up. Also they reported to us that the P told them yesterday about the
fact that Dean told him of the blackmail threat and that surprised them
I then spent considerable time listening to the tape. At 4:00 went over to
the EOB, reviewed the tape findings with the P, reviewed my files through the
whole March 20-28 period, and we had a general discussion of Watergate. The
P called Kleindienst to get a report on the Ellsberg break-in deal. And Klein-
dienst had no report. Then the P called Ehrlichman, to tell him that, and
Ehrlichman reported to him that The New York Times has the Pat Gray story.
That is, that Gray had destroyed the evidence out of Hunt's safe. So the P told
Ehrlichman to come over to the EOB.
Then the P called Kleindienst regarding Gray and said, don't you feel
under these circumstances Gray has to resign? Also told him to find out what
Petersen thinks we should do about it. The P says I want the whole thing out.
These things have happened, I as P have to get them out. It's my responsibility.
The P then called Petersen regarding his reaction to the Gray situation in The
New York Times. Then he said he's a needless casualty in doing a dumb thing.
He asked him what Gray's line is regarding why, and apparently he will say
that he had explicit confidence in Ehrlichman and Dean. The P said that won't
wash, they didn't tell him to destroy it. He will say he was told that the papers
should be destroyed. The P asked Petersen what his view is as to what Ziegler
should say. And Petersen told him that Gray now says, I was told to destroy
By this time it's 6:20 and the P calls Kleindienst and says there's a story
to the effect that Gray came to Ehrlichman' s office and recommended or
received documents and was told by Ehrlichman or Dean to destroy them, and
that's not true. What happened is that he was told they were not Watergate,
they were political, and he must not say something that's not true. He's in a
bad enough situation already. Dean apparently says there was discussion
regarding destroying them, but it was not done. It's bad enough for the
Director to say he destroyed them, but if he says he was ordered to, it would
be terrible. By then Ziegler's in, and the P told Ziegler to call Dean and see
what he's going to say on it. The P's view is that Gray has to resign tomorrow.
The problem is who do you move in as acting director. Ziegler left to make the
Dean call, came back in and said he couldn't reach Dean. A little later, the P
told him not to try. Ehrlichman suggested Ambrose as acting FBI director and
the P suggested Ruckelshaus. In this process, the P picked up the fact that
Magruder is ready to plead, but they need Dean, too, and they're trying to get
Dean to plead. So they're still talking to Dean's lawyers, and he guesses Dean
lobs that stuff in to increase his bargaining power on the plea. There's not
going to be any blackmail, though. We've crossed that bridge.
By this time Ehrlichman's left the meeting, and the P gets into a discussion
of whether this changes our situation regarding the leave of absence, in view
of the barrage of innuendo and the kind of thing we have to now expect from
Dean. He sayson a leave, we'd put out a lawyer's statement that there's no
criminal However, because of the charges made, the leaks in the grand
jury, the stories in the press and so on, my ability to conduct my responsibili-
ties has been seriously impaired. The only course is for me to take a leave until
the high standards of integrity that you have insisted on the White House. I
believe under the circumstances, for proper functioning, you should appoint
a replacement, and so on.
At that point, the P stopped and called Petersen. Said he had checked his
notes, and so on, and Gray was not told to destroy this, and he must not say
that or the P will have to say he lied. Petersen suggested that Gray should not
necessarily leave.
Then we got back to the discussion of the replacement. He feels Rush is
tive for running the White House in terms of morale, and so on. Maybe let
Larry stay to break Rush in.
see what they were? No, no, Pat must not ever say that publicly. If he says
the White House counsel ordered him to destroy, or that he drew that
conclusion, he looks like a fool and the two would be conspiring to destroy
evidence. He should not impute that to Dean, and he can't impute it to
Ehrlichman, because he didn't say it. He was there, however. He's interested
in the Presidency, and the worst thing he could say was that he was ordered
or had the impression that he should destroy. He would resign tomorrow
because of this charge. Under the circumstances, put it this way: this matter
him that I just had some corned beef hash, a couple of eggs, and some creamed
spinach. He suggested I check Connally about the leave-of-absence idea, that
he feels it's the right decision at this time, and he feels best about it. I should
tell him that, and see what he thinks. Also thought maybe I should check
Rogers. I wasn't able to reach Connally, and the P called me a little later, and
for a leave, we say it's important there be no hiatus in the work of the
government, make the leave effective not immediately, say three-or-four-day
transition period working with our successor. That we'd be glad to serve in any
capacity in the future, but we would not want to return until we're fully cleared.
Question of toughing it out until the grand jury acts.
What really brought it home to him was last night on Ehrlichman and the
FBI stuff, and the question of who would put out the news story.
He had a chat with Stennis, and Stennis' talk was rather alarming to the
P. He feels time is running out. Made the point that down their way they have
a saying that the rainfalls on both the just and the unjust, and if the rain falls
our blowups, which hang us publicly and the clamor is so great that we have
to go under Then the problem is if we take the leave and the grand jury
doesn't indict, what do we do? We have the problem of the committee, and
maybe so much stuff out then that it becomes a close call as to whether we can
survive. After the grand jury, we can say I've been cleared, but there should
be a new team and step out. It's obvious he's still thinking that we've got to
go out and that temporary measure in that process.
this is just a
At Ehrlichman lobbed in that we're meeting with the U.S.
this point
Attorneys at 9:00 Thursday, which I hadn't known. He says he told me
yesterday, but I missed the message if he did. Then after we got back to the
White House, P talked with Petersen who says he can't make a deal with Dean,
so he cannot any longer ask the P to wait on taking action on him. Problem
now is how mad the P makes Dean, and he has to take a hard look at that.
They've set up a meeting for us with Dash of the Senate Committee at 1 :30
on Thursday, so we have the DA in the morning. They think this is a good
program. Ehrlichman suggested we take a vacation instead of a leave, which
they thought at first was a great idea, but it isn't really. Strickler thought it was
worth another run at the P, which I decided to do. I came up with the idea of
taking a 30-day leave, and they thought that was a good idea, too.
P says he should fire Dean tomorrow or Monday, and then hold us
through next week. He doesn't see the leave as a result of the Senate and DA
being too bad. There's some merit to leaving before these meetings, though, he
agrees.He gets back to Dean and says that's a real problem, the P must take
Dean's resignation, he must make a distinction between Dean and us, he can't
sweep Dean under the rug. If we go now, what will the press think? It gives
Dean boy aspects because he's the one who made the revela-
the fair-haired
tions. These are the hard questions.
After that, I went in to meet with the P again, by then it was 6:45, and I
spent about an hour and a half in there. He wanted to clarify one point on the
critical conversation of (March) 21st. He questioned me again on whether
Dean had any basis to feel that he'd been instructed by the P to go out and get
the money and I said no. That wasn't the case.
P had a long meeting with Petersen, he didn't report much of it to me, but
he said O'Brien is scared and is the key to the whole payoff scheme. They think
they're going to break him. P feels the 30-day idea won't operate, it's too
gimmicky, it should just be a leave couched in the right words. He will handle
Dean differently.
The P has decided on his own thing, that he will go to Camp David
tomorrow morning, work Saturday and Sunday, and try to be ready Monday
night, and try to get it all out. Then he went through a long moaning process
about how he has no one to help him and all. He feels we've got to take the
lead, and he says he'll take care of Dean. Why not accept the voluntary leave
for Dean? Who can tell Dean this? I told him I didn't know. He came up with
Garment, which is probably the best bet, although not very good. What the P
would prefer is that Haldeman and Ehrlichman take the high road, we leave
because of the situation and we're asking for the leave. The P then gets Dean
in, and under these circumstances, asks him to take a leave. He says if that's
too prejudicial, that's too bad. Meaning if it's too prejudicial to us to follow
that route, then it's made up his mind. Then he
too bad. In other words, he's
says I have to help him on the Dean deal, not to make his lying against the P
infinitely worse. Dean's lawyers said they're going to tie in the P on other
matters than Watergate. Hersh of the Times apparently has from O'Brien the
point that the P is involved in other than Watergate.
He then started pushing for having us go on Saturday, to get more
separation, and thinks that's better. Based on that, I had a talk with our
lawyer Wilson tonight. He says that he thinks we're better off to go on
Sunday, that Saturday gives Dean too much time. He thinks our deal is not
too good, but it's better than some of the other options. He's convinced,
though, that this is going to mean to the public that this is the first move
toward getting rid of us.
P phoned first thing this morning from Camp David. Was really upset about
the Vesco story on Ehrlichman, which is a really lousy shot. Then said what
time would John and I be up there today, he wants to move today on our leave
of absence because he's got to get to working on his speech. I explained to him
that we had gone into this in considerable detail with the lawyers and all last
night, and felt strongly that we wanted to do it tomorrow instead, and ex-
plained to him why, and he agreed to that.
Told me to get the statements written in the best possible way. Says he
isn't going to mention our names in his TV talk Monday night. He thinks it
will be a pretty good talk, and he's convinced now it's the right time. He thinks
it'sgood that we didn't move earlier, that it's best to hit after they've thrown
a big chunk of their wad. He obviously has a cold, and was coughing into the
telephone, and saying he was pretty run down, and going through the "Feeling
sorry for himself bit.
On Dean, he says he has a very tough plan on him, that it will be handled
properly, that he's got it all worked out, it will be very peremptory, he won't
see him, so on. He's going to tell Garment that the Assistant Attorney General
said that the P should not see Dean and that Garment must ignore any threats
that he makes and be very firm with him. Says it's interesting that no one ran
the story about Dean's implicating the P, although the P is confident that they
do have the story, which I am too, since we picked it up from a number of
sources. On the decision, he said we do have to go forward. The decision's
made, I want to talk to Rogers today, because I'm going to move on trying to
get him to take the Attorney Generalship. Then I'm going to go to work on
the speech on that basis.
So as of 9:00 this morning, he said now, if I can understand that the
decision is made, I'm going to go ahead and write on that assumption, and it's
okay to put this off until tomorrow, and I said the decision is made, we will
take a leave, and so on. Then I talked to Ziegler on the phone and outlined my
idea for the P's speech, making the point that he should move now, and put
Rogers into Justice, make that change, and then make the point that the P's
moving of! of the Watergate case, and away from it, and that someone else will
be handling it from here on, and so on.
We had a long meeting with our lawyers, mainly going over the leave-of-
absence statements. Wilson feels very strongly that Dean isn't nearly as dan-
gerous as we think he is. I agree with that, it's the P who thinks he's dangerous.
There was hours of going back and forth on the letters themselves, working out
all the details. We finally ironed that out and closed down for the day. I came
take a leave you're simply setting yourself up as a supertarget for the press,
and they're going to bore in on you mercilessly and force you to resign
anyway, and then you'll have to do it under pressure, and under much
worse circumstances than you're doing it now. He made this argument quite
strongly, fairly effectively, and over and over, to the point where I felt there
was some merit to it.
all happens day apart idea is a fiction, and that hurts us. His
at once, the
point is that you don't amputate if there's any chance for anything else.
He feels the resignation may be better for the P, but not for me. If when
you go back, it will be a different world, but still, for now, the leave of
absence is better. If this is prompted by the fiction of payroll problems
and all that, then go without pay on a leave. The hue and cry for a
resignation that the press will raise will be at the P, not at you, so that
isn't a problem either. His theory really boils down to the fact that a
leave implies that the P has confidence in you, where the acceptance of a
resignation shows no confidence and implies that he knows things that
make this necessary.
Then we're up to about 10:30 and Gerry Warren calls, saying the Post
has a story referring to two White House officials, saying that Dean was
under the direction of Haldeman and Ehrlichman on the cover-up thing,
has been reporting to us, and has knowledge of other illegal acts, including
wiretapping. That this is all being delayed because officials in the White
House are trying to mount a counterattack against Dean. He and Gerry
both wanted us to answer that, but we declined to do so. Ehrlichman felt
Ziegler ought to handle it because it goes beyond us. Says the only blessing
in that is that it may persuade the P about Dean. He thinks he and I have
to consider going for a TV play next week. So we went full cycle tonight,
and ended up back where we were. We'll go tomorrow for the leave of ab-
thing this morning, if the P really gets a hold of this thing, what's he going to
do is call us up there today and tell us that he's concluded that we have to
resign, and from his viewpoint that's where he has to come out. It'll be
interesting to see whether he does. I still at that point had the feeling that there
could very well be a better course for us also.
Kissinger called just to say I'm thinking of you. Says the Restons and
all those people are out for blood. He rambled on a bit. Obviously he is out
of the play and sort of feeling sorry about it. P called at noon, right after I
got home from church, from Camp David, said he was wondering if we
could get up there at and that John had said he wanted to meet with
the P alone, and the P he should do that, and also he would of course
meet with me alone. Felt it was appropriate for him to do so, in view of the
decisions that I want to present to you, and then he said that all I can say is
that I hope that Ehrlichman's as big a man as you are when I talk with him.
He said everybody's trying to get at him to give him advice, but he's talked
to no one, except that he spent virtually all day yesterday with Rogers. He's
concluded that we've got to face up to what's right for the Presidency, and
he was sure I would agree with that. Said he would talk to me first when we
got up there.
Ziegler then called on the phone, said he wanted to tell me that the P's
feeling very strongly now is that both Ehrlichman and I should volunteer a
resignation, and that he's going to ask us to do that. He's thought it through.
Ziegler argued with him last night and this morning. He's not concerned about
my stepping up to it. And if Ehrlichman comes in and fights him, he's going
to stick to it and force him to do it. He feels that if we take a leave we'll be eaten
alive, and it won't work. A resignation will work. Wants a letter saying that
When we got there, Ziegler said he wanted to see me and he came out,
went for a walk while we were waiting over at Laurel. He was quite alarmed,
because he said the P has made another firm decision that he communicated
to Ron this morning, which is that he, too, is going to resign. Ron said he's
deadly serious and absolutely firm on it. I told him that I was sure that was
not the case, that it was part of his steeling himself for meeting with us, that
he's creating a big crisis that he knew he couldn't meet, in order to be able to
meet the lesser crisis that he has to meet.
I told Ron to go over to the P and tell him I was ready to meet with him.
Ron said, "I'll tell him you're going to go along," and I said you can't tell him
that, he's got to ask me, and I've got to say it to him, don't give him any
indication, simply tell him I'm ready to meet with him.
When I got to Aspen, the P was in terrible shape. Shook hands with me,
which is the first time he's ever done that. Told me to come look at the view
out the window, then stepped to the door and said let's go outside and look
at the flowers and all. So we were looking at the tulips from the Aspen porch,
talking about the beauty and all, and as we started back in, he said, well, I have
to enjoy it, because I may not be alive much longer. We got inside and he went
through a discourse, saying that while nobody knows it, and he's not a publicly
religious man, that it's a fact that he has prayed on his knees every night that
he's been in the Presidential office. He's prayed hard over this decision, and it's
the toughest decision he's ever made. He made the points on why he had to do
it, but he's come to the conclusion that he has to have our resignations. He
wants us to stay on to handle the transition. Then he went through his whole
pitch about how he's really the guilty one. He said he's thought it all through,
and that he was the one that started Colson on his projects, he was the one who
told Dean to cover up, he was the one who made Mitchell Attorney General,
and later his campaign manager, and so on. And that he now has to face that
and live with it, and that for that reason, after he gets his other things com-
pleted, that he too will probably have to resign. He never said that directly, but
implied it.
was Tricia sitting there. She said she and David and Julie had stayed up
most of the night before, talking about this, and she had just come up to tell
him that they all loved him. He's getting very sentimental went through the —
whole thing about how Ehrlichman and I are the two best men he knows,
and goes through all that kind of thing. On that note, I left, having assured
him that I disagreed with this decision, as I had with a few other decisions
he'd made, but that I had my input, and that I would abide by the decision,
I would do everything I could to implement it, and make sure it came out
I went back over to Laurel, and Ehrlichman went over to Aspen to meet
with him. Ehrlichman was over there about a half hour, then the P called me
back, and Ehrlichman left. P reviewed the E meeting with me. He said he's
concerned because he thinks that E wants him to admit that he ordered illegal
acts, but apparently E agreed to the resignation. So he was pretty relieved
about that.
Then E and I had our phone call with Wilson from Laurel while we were
working out our letters of resignation. He suggested, first, that we Dean
be fired tonight in the same breath as us, because if he's as smart as he might
tomorrow if we resign out
be, he'll get his resignation in in time for the papers
ahead of him. Second, that both of us should announce in our letters our
meeting with the U.S. Attorney and the committee counsel.
He told E to strike his words in his letter about his appreciation for his
opportunity to serve the —
P he feels it's his burden to appreciate us, not us
him. Feels that we must now move on a very affirmative, open basis. Our
meetings should be at the lawyer's office, they have a good room to do it. We
should come and go openly and not sneak around or hide. He hit hard on the
point that the P must not say anything complimentary about Dean, that that's
absolutely essential. I think we've got that point through.
P John and me back over at 5:30, we reviewed our letters and the
release plan and all of that. He had Bill Rogers come in at six. P said that he
had emphasized the National Security area with Elliot, and the fact that they
must not get into that in the investigation. Then he had us read our letters of
resignation, Rogers had a few points of correction, and that was the end. P got
into somewhat of the emotional mood again as John and I were leaving, but
we finally got out, and he remained to have dinner with Rogers, and then to
get back to work on his speech. So today, the 28th, is the end of my White
House career. Jo notified the families. I called them all this morning to say I
was going to take a leave, and Jo called them to say we had changed it to a
resignation. Covered the bases with them on that.
out and ready to put into place, and urged that they not fall into the trap of
any sort of internal struggle for position. And explained the importance of
their holding everything tightly together during the interim period while the P
would be in very tough emotional and physical shape, and so on.
Ehrlichman and I then met with the senior staff. Shultz couldn't be there
because he was testifying on the Hill, but we had Ash, and Kissinger, Tim-
mons, and Ken Cole, and told them what our decision was, and made some-
thing of the same points. John was quite emotional in that session, broke down
or was on the verge of it at least, several times. Everybody, I think, was
genuinely shocked, and I think we successfully impressed on them also the
need to deal very carefully with this interim period.
I made a number of phone calls, talked to Billy Graham. He seemed to
feel it was the right thing to do, said that he didn't believe that in government
he had met two finer men than Ehrlichman and me, that we have his full
support he feels we've been caught in a web of evil that will ultimately be
defeated. He has great affection and love for me as a man, that I should count
him as a friend, and that what I'm doing is going to help the P.
Called the VP, he said he had almost called me yesterday, wanted to let
me know about the charges that came out then, that they were tremendously
unfair, and that they were nothing but smoke. Said he'd like to see me before
I actually left. That he would like to be as helpful as he can, and thinks this
Talked to Connally, he says I think this is the right thing to do at this time,
although I'm awfully sorry that it came out this way. Then emphasized the
great opportunity I would have to influence the P on who follows in my
footsteps and in the staff restructuring. He emphasized the need to implore the
P to get top people and go at the restructuring right.
The announcement plan hit a snag when Ehrlichman and Jerry Jones were
unable to reach John Dean to inform him that the P was requesting his
resignation, so there was a little flap at 1 1 :00 about that, but Ron went ahead
with the announcement anyway. The first lead out of it was rather unfortunate
because it implied that Dean, Ehrlichman, and I had all resigned. But Ron
worked all afternoon and got that corrected, so that by the time of the evening
news, it came out that Ehrlichman and I had resigned, as had Kleindienst, and
that Dean had been fired. There was no reaction from Dean all day.
P called in the afternoon from Camp David, where he was working on his
speech for tonight. Sounded terrible, said, well, I just wanted you to know I
still love you. Commented on the problem of reaching Dean, and said so be
it. Said basically I have all resignations in hand anyway, don't I? And I said
that he did. Told me to tell Ehrlichman that he was in the middle of the speech
draft, but to tell him the same as he had told me, and also to tell him (he said
you won't understand this, but John will) that I think he's a great man, and
his wife is a great lady, and I won't let her down tonight. This was because
Jeanne had written the P a letter which John left with him yesterday when we
were up at Camp David.
John and I then spent the afternoon with our lawyers, going through the
whole process of how to approach our appearances. P's TV speech tonight
was, to say the least, not one of his finer efforts, but it probably was effective,
because he was obviously shaken, and as the commentator said, didn't exhibit
the normal confidence we associate with him. He's obviously in heavy weather,
and so on. He sure showed that. It was interesting that I called him, and they
said he wasn't taking calls, but he called back a little after ten. I said well,
you've got it behind you now, and you should approach it that way. He said
it was a very tough thing, and I'll never mention it again. Then he got feeling
sorry for himself. He said Cap is the only Cabinet officer who's called. I told
him that the operators were telling people that you weren't taking calls. Said
to me you're a strong man, you've got to keep the faith, you're going to win
this, God bless you.
Then he asked me if I thought I could do some checking around on
reaction to the speech as I had done in the past, and I said no, I didn't think
his aides as "two of the finest public servants it has been my privilege to
know." He went on to say that the resignations were not to be taken as an
implication of any personal wrongdoing on their parts, but rather that their
ability to function had been impaired by rumors, accusations, and charges
generated by the Watergate investigations.
In a statement, Haldeman said he had "hoped and expected to have had
an earlier opportunity to clear up various allegations and innuendos that have
been raised," but it had become "virtually impossible ... to carry on . . .
as he saw fit. Right there is the answer to why he didn't burn the tapes.
Haldeman later said in a CBS interview that he had committed a "failure in
judgment in advising Nixon not to destroy the tapes after their existence
— —
became known. I never stupidly did really think the thing through. Nor . . .
did I think through the enormous damage that would be done to me and to
Richard Nixon and to all the other participants. I thought it was a good idea
to keep them for the historical value. And beyond that, because at that time
Watergate was developing, I thought they would be valuable to the President
knowing what had actually been said at various meetings in his office."
At that time, in fact, mid-July 1973, Haldeman was listening to the tapes,
and although there was at times damaging language, Nixon was certain they
were covered by executive privilege and that Nixon could use them selectively.
As Nixon wrote in his memoirs, "Haldeman said that the tapes were still our
best defense, and he recommended that they not be destroyed." Haldeman
believed strongly that if the tapes were listened to in their entirety, the White
House would indeed be vindicated.
So confident was Haldeman in his belief that when he returned to Wash-
ington to appear before the Ervin Committee two weeks after Butterfield
revealed the existence of the tapes, he said he had listened to the September 15,
1972, tape and could confirm Nixon's version —
i.e., that Nixon had known
opened, "I want you to know that I have decided I must resign because of its
effect on the office of the Presidency." Haldeman urged him to stay on and
fight. Later Haldeman conveyed through others to the President that if in fact
he had to resign, "I firmly believe that before you leave office you should
exercise your Constitutional authority and grant pardons to all those who
have been or may be charged with any crimes in connection with Watergate
and at the same time to grant amnesty to the Vietnam War draft dodgers. I
think it's imperative that you bring Watergate and the Vietnam unrest to an
end before you leave —for the sake of the country and especially for your
Nixon said he would think about a blanket pardon. Haldeman followed
with a written recommendation. He called it in to his lawyers in Washington,
who typed it up and got it to the White House that night. It read, in part:
"On a personal basis better to close the chapter now than to have to sit
by helplessly for the next several years and watch trials and appeals.
"Historically would be far better to grant the pardon and close the door
to such a process than to let it run and have the trials become a surrogate
impeachment. . . .
"The only way to wipe the slate clean is to shut down the prosecution
totally.... As long as it is there, there is a possibility of other things."
At one level Haldeman's memo was straightforward, businesslike, con-
vincing, just like the man himself. The points he made were logical, indeed
obvious. At another level Haldeman might be said to be continuing the cover-
— —
up, trying to protect Nixon and himself from whatever damaging material
there was on the thousands of hours of unreleased tapes or the tens of thou-
sands of documents in the files. On a third level it's possible Haldeman was
making a disguised threat. That "possibility of other things" line might be read
as a warning that Haldeman would implicate Nixon if he did not get a pardon.
Nixon did not flinch. He rejected the idea coldly. Amnesty for the draft
dodgers was "unthinkable," while a blanket pardon for Watergate defendants
could cause a "hysterical" political reaction.
On August 9, 1974, Nixon resigned and went into exile in San Clemente.
He was never put on trial, because President Gerald Ford pardoned him. He
was never asked in a court of law about his actions, because a life-threatening
illness kept him away from the trials of Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and Mitchell.
The only time he answered questions in public about Watergate was on televi-
sion, with the questions being asked by David Frost and Nixon receiving a
handsome fee for his answers. Nixon depicted himself as a man done in
because he was too loyal to his subordinates. He blamed Haldeman, Ehrlich-
man, and Mitchell for the cover-up.
Haldeman, meanwhile, was convicted on January 1, 1975, in a U.S.
district court in Washington, D.C., of one count of conspiracy, one count of
decision. The diaries are invaluable. A book arguing that he was innocent
would have had little impact. The diaries are certain to have a major impact
on historians and scholars, and the general public.
Haldeman's diaries, taken as a whole, remind us that there is much more
to the Nixon Administration than Watergate. Bob Haldeman was the insider's
insider on some of the great events of the second half of the Twentieth Cen-
tury. He was proud of his role as a participant in the opening to China, in
achieving detente with the Soviet Union and the beginning of the end of the
arms race, and in ending American participation in the Vietnam War. He was
right to be proud, and he was courageous to publish this record of what he did,
saw, and said.
After his release from prison, Haldeman made a successful career as a
businessman, gaining an interest in hotels, development, real estate, and res-
taurants in Florida, among other investments.
He did not hide from his own past. Although he rarely gave interviews to
reporters, he frequently met with students and scholars. In 1987, when I was
teaching in a mini-semester at Whittier College, Haldeman came to my under-
graduate seminar on Watergate. I had told the students they could ask any-
thing they wanted to, and they did, tough questions about the cover-up.
Bayh, Birch, 101, 129, 148, 338 Bunker, Ellsworth, 86, 98, 183
Beall, George, 630 Burden, Amanda, 490
Beall, Glenn, 630 Burger, Warren, 59-61, 158, 241, 278,
Beard, Dita, 425-26, 428-31 356, 357, 365, 370
Bedell Smith, Walter, 311 Burke, Dick, 648
BeLieu, Ken, 31 Burns, Arthur, 21, 29, 40, 42, 43, 52,
Bellmon, Henry, 190 54, 59, 113-14, 125, 161, 169,249,
Benny, Jack, 499 310, 314, 331-32, 340-45, 347,
Bernstein, Carl, 648-49 372
Bernstein, Leonard, 351 Burns, John A., 500
Bhumibol Adulyadej, king of Thailand, Bush, George, 1, 62, 116, 208, 210, 216,
76 217, 251, 290, 318, 368, 379, 540,
Bierbower, James J., 625 545, 553, 580, 619, 623, 626, 651
Bittman, William O., 564, 595, 604, Butterfield, Alexander, 9, 22, 24, 29, 37,
605, 610, 619-20, 641, 648, 658 48, 49, 234, 352, 404, 424, 677, 678
Black, Hugo L., 355-57, 359 Butz, Earl, 372, 438
Blackmun, Harry, 149 Byrd, Robert C, 147, 361, 363, 563,
Blair, Stan, 109 593-94
Blount, Winton M. (Red), 27, 128, Byrd, Harry F., Jr., 123
49, 61, 74, 80, 90, 94, 99, 106, 109, 43^5, 48, 64, 66, 69, 79, 84, 110,
120, 128, 129, 140, 149, 169-71, 128-29, 136, 138, 150, 163, 173,
177, 178, 191, 192, 234, 240^1, 204, 219, 350, 363, 384, 413, 416,
267, 282, 287, 391, 397, 398, 444, 468, 491, 518, 520, 525, 526,
423-26, 431, 469-70, 486, 502, 546, 534, 542^45, 627, 630
576, 578, 587, 652-55, 661 Chapman, L. F., Jr., 94
Buckley, James L., 207 Charles, prince of Wales, 182, 183
Buckley, William F., Jr., 207, 332, 368, Chennault, Anna, 271, 567
424 Chisholm, Shirley, 460, 461
Chotiner, Murray, 119-20, 126, 134, 563, 567, 583, 586, 626-28, 658,
202, 208, 332-33 666, 674
Chou-En-lai, 282, 307, 315, 316, Connally, Nellie, 216, 220, 251-52, 399,
318-19, 339, 355, 364, 367, 369, 405
412-23, 587 Cook, Marlow W., 428
Christian, George, 10-11, 565 Cooper, John Sherman, 143, 167, 238
Finch, Robert, 17, 24, 25, 29, 31, 41, Goldwater, Barry, 368, 494, 532, 620
66, 71,98, 110, 114, 168, 171-72, Goldwyn, Sam, 261
174-76, 179, 186, 187, 189, 191, Goode, Mark, 223
202, 208, 216, 219, 223, 266, 268, Goodell, Charles E., 48, 98
291, 295, 432, 535, 626-27 Goodling, George A., 552
Fisher, Max, 24 Goodpaster, Andrew, 1-2
Fitzhugh, Gilbert, 175 Graham, Billy, 10, 17, 22, 91, 101, 138,
Fitzsimmons, Frank, 304, 326, 431-32 151, 165, 224, 318, 338, 353, 405,
Flanigan, Hap, 192 472, 476, 477, 481, 483, 484,
Flanigan, Peter, 67, 156, 157, 160, 18 1, 493-95, 497, 505, 508, 524-25, 554,
183, 192, 193, 196, 208, 246, 256, 674
298, 307-8, 366, 439, 443 Graham, Mrs. Billy, 22
Fonda, Jane, 520 Gray, Bob, 21
Ford, Gerald R., 151, 260, 285, 288, Gray, L. Patrick, 11, 403, 451, 460,
408, 540, 567, 584, 679 474-75, 481, 565, 577, 578, 583,
Ford, Henry II, 88 593-94, 597-601, 603, 606, 611,
Ford, John, 578, 620-21 614, 620, 638, 640, 641, 645,
Fortas, Abe, 54, 56-58, 60, 61, 89, 663-67
93 Gray, Paul, 626
Fortas, Mrs. Abe, 54 Griffin, Robert P., 89, 95, 110, 112
Fowler, Henry H., 70 Griswold, Erwin, 190, 598
Fox, Sandy, 67-68 Gritz, "Bo," 212-13
Franco, Francisco, 200 Gromyko, Andrei, 177-78, 204, 336,
Frazier, Joe, 258 360, 463, 464, 467, 510-12
Freddy (White House elevator Gurney, Ed, 618
operator), 589
Friedersdorf, Max, 306
Friedman, Milton, 212 H
Frost, David, 222, 223, 679
Fulbright, J. William, 158, 246, 411 Hagerty, James, 1
Johnson, Lynda Bird (Mrs. Charles King, Martin Luther, Jr., 143, 248
Robb), 113, 299,494 Kissinger, Henry, 1, 2, 4-6, 8, 12, 16,
Johnson, Lyndon, 4, 6, 9-11, 17, 19, 22, 24-25, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35-38,
21, 23, 25-27, 54, 62, 65, 74, 80, 41, 44, 50-52, 54-55, 57-59, 61-66,
82-83,88,91, 102, 111, 113, 114, 69-70, 73, 74, 77, 79, 81-88, 90,
116, 124, 125, 146, 151, 153, 169, 91,94,95,97-100, 103, 106, 110,
172, 174, 192, 229, 230, 241, 267, 111, 115-17, 119, 121-24, 127, 128,
280, 290, 291, 300-302, 339, 349, 130-33, 135^0, 143, 145-50,
408, 447, 455, 457, 485, 493-97, 152-59, 162-67, 169-72, 174,
501, 504, 517, 520, 532, 565, 567, 176-78, 180-82, 185, 186, 188-92,
571-73, 590 194-98, 210-14, 217-19, 221-24,
Johnson, Tom, 83, 113, 572, 573 226, 230, 232-37, 239-45, 247-51,
Johnson, U. Alexis, 237, 516, 517 253-56, 258-61, 263, 267-75, 277,
Jones, Jerry, 674 281-82, 285-90, 292-95, 300, 302,
Juan Carlos, king of Spain, 239 304,305,307,308, 311-12,314,
Juanich, Elmer, 33 316-25, 329-32, 336-339, 349-55,
359-60, 362-74, 377, 378, 380-88,
391-97, 400^06, 410-16, 418-26,
K 430, 432-59, 461-65, 467, 469, 474,
476, 482, 485-86, 491, 496, 500,
Kalmbach, Herbert, 212, 349-50, 405, 501, 504-7, 510-17, 519-25,
520, 592, 604, 639, 643, 662 527-30, 534-58, 561, 562, 564-75,
Kaplow, Herbert, 227-28 579, 581, 587-90, 625, 626, 628,
Kehrli, Bruce, 605-6, 656, 673-74 631, 634,649-50,671,674,675
Kendall, Donald, 47, 135, 459, 576 Klassen, E. T. (Ted), 142
Kennedy, David M., 139, 160, 168, Klein, Herbert, 24, 26, 31, 37, 58, 60,
186, 208, 219-20, 247, 383 74, 104, 109, 136, 141, 154, 182,
Kennedy, Edward M. (Ted), 48, 72-76, 234, 248, 397, 432, 465, 535
79, 134, 142, 148, 158, 198, 211, Kleindienst, Richard G., 10, 157, 214,
215, 222, 224, 227, 229, 237, 248, 216,281,283, 361, 369,403,411,
274, 293, 297, 395, 428, 435-36, 425-26, 428, 432, 433, 437, 442^3,
438-39, 443, 460, 461, 476-77, 481, 450-51, 460, 461, 473, 499, 503,
482, 486, 487, 489, 490, 505, 577, 582, 586, 593, 594, 596-99,
507-8, 533, 536, 577, 612, 616 601, 608, 610, 612-15, 620, 623,
Kennedy, John F., 4-6, 21, 36, 58, 74, 624, 635-38, 645, 646, 660, 662-65,
83, 116, 124, 125, 151, 157, 172, 672, 674
174, 229, 248, 287, 300, 302, 338, Kosygin, Aleksei, 61, 111, 463, 467
387, 398, 401, 430, 476-77, 567, Kraft, Chris, 151
568, 572, 574, 577, 582, 585-86, Kraft, Joseph, 184, 640
601, 606, 640 Kristol, Irving, 134, 137
Kennedy, Robert F., 72, 192, 248, 582, Krogh, Egil (Bud), 101, 108, 163, 292,
586 293, 329, 591, 592, 605, 606, 653
Kennedy, Rose, 350 Krol, John Joseph Cardinal, 190
Mansfield, Mike, 98, 103, 107, 112, 577-78, 580, 590, 594, 596, 602,
157, 158, 180,211, 224, 286, 608,610,612-13.623,625,638,
304-5, 307, 322, 354, 357, 407, 641, 646, 651. 662
487, 630 Moorer, Thomas H.. 154. 166. 195.
Manson, Charles, 185-86, 218, 265 211, 224, 234-35, 239, 265-66, 354,
Mao Tse-tung, 315, 324, 367, 413-16, 379, 386, 402, 435, 451, 454
418, 421, 462 Morton. Rogers. 37. 66. 90. 139. 20S.
Mardian, Robert, 272, 430, 471, 647 233, 432
Martin, Judith, 246 Mosbacher. Emil. 133
Martini (Nixon's barber), 21, 45 Mountbatten, Louis, 207
Mayer, Jean, 112 Moynihan. Daniel Patrick. 20. 29. 39,
Mayo, Robert, 41, 110, 114, 115, 134, 41, 42, 71. 79. 96. 100. 112, 114,
137-38, 160 130. 132-33. 136. 137, 144, 147,
Meany, George. 39, 145, 151, 173, 192, 162, 166, 172, 173, 189. 191. 209.
285, 326, 347, 348, 351, 374^77, 211, 213,224, 257, 400, 493
380,431-32, 457,471,485,487, Mudd, Roger, 597
491 Mulcahy. Jack. 201. 212. 349-50
Meir, Golda, 65, 90, 136, 192, 195, 256, Murchison. Clint. 192
583 Murphy. Franklin, 171, 172
Menzies, Robert Gordon, 29 Murphy, George. 139, 140
Meyers, Johnny, 407 Muscatello. Jimmie. 123
Milhous family, 201 Muskie. Edmund S.. 148. 198. 206-7,
Miller, Cliff, 82, 97 213, 226, 229, 230, 236, 244, 249.
Mills, Wilbur, 113, 132, 180 250,274, 288, 293, 347. 348, 351.
Minh, Duong Van, 349 395, 397, 405-6. 408, 409, 422,
Mitchell, John N., 1, 10, 13, 28, 52-54, 426. 427, 430. 435. 470. 661
57, 59, 60, 66, 80, 81, 83, 84, 89,
93,98, 103, 107, 108, 110, 126,
136, 137, 146-49, 156, 157, 165, N
167, 170, 171, 185-86. 190-92,
208-11, 216, 231, 233, 236-37, 240, Nader. Ralph. 349
242^4, 266, 267, 270, 272, 275-78, Nasser. Gamal Abdel. 198
281, 291, 295, 300, 302, 311, 315, Nathan, Richard P.. 114
332-33, 336, 338, 348, 351, 355-59, Nitze, Paul, 465
365, 366, 368-71, 379, 382, 385-87, Nixon. Don. 47. 404, 405, 407, 408.
392, 394-96, 401, 403-5, 407-10, 617
425, 426, 428-31, 437-39, 453, 470, Nixon. Ed. 408, 552, 617
471, 473-78, 483, 484, 487, 490, Nixon. Hannah Milhous. 277, 305-6
492, 495-96, 503, 522, 537, 539, Nixon. Julie (Mrs. David Eisenhower). 7.
540, 542, 544, 551-52, 565, 567. 30, 40, 43-45, 62. 64, 70-71, 73, 78,
568, 581, 583, 591-620, 622-28, 84, 86. 106. 110-11, 118, 125, 157.
630-41, 645, 647-53, 662, 672, 678, 172-73, 176, 188, 226, 262, 293-95.
679 298, 299, 373, 382, 387-88, 436.
Mitchell, Martha, 52, 149, 167, 475-78, 477, 488, 494, 503. 506, 533. 552.
490, 502 554, 557. 565. 584. 609. 651. 673
Mitchell family, 126 Nixon. Pat. 7. 18-19. 21, 22, 25, 29. 30.
Mollenhoff, Clark, 74, 92, 144 40,44,49, 54, 58, 61. 62. 65, 77,
Moore, Richard, 203, 218, 266, 359. 79-80, 82, 88, 106. 118. 119. 125,
367, 376, 449, 451, 527, 544, 563. 133, 152, 154, 176, 178, 188, 189.
207, 209, 220, 246, 255, 270, 273, Petain, Philippe, 177
296, 298, 299, 349-52, 363, 364, Petersen, Henry, 612, 636-45, 648, 651,
367-68, 373, 382, 388, 395-96, 404, 656-68
431, 463, 467, 477, 488, 489, 494, Peterson, Peter, 307-8, 341, 343, 374,
497, 498, 500, 502, 506, 520, 522, 375, 503
539, 552, 554, 557, 561 Pham Van Dong, 99, 100, 351, 516-17,
Nixon, Tricia (Mrs. Edward Cox), 7, 528
22, 29, 30, 40, 43, 62, 64, 73, 78, Philip, duke of Edinburgh, 105
88-90, 125, 156, 181, 188, 202, Philips, Kevin, 145
231,236,258,259,262,298-99, Pincus, Walter, 91
396, 436, 477, 488, 489, 503, 506, Podgorny, Nikolai, 467
509, 533, 539, 552, 672-73 Poff, Richard Harding, 361
Nixon family, 47, 81, 94, 95, 112, 118, Pompidou, Georges, 2, 129, 131-33,
157, 178, 226, 246, 257, 279, 296, 210, 372, 383-84
299,498, 531, 533, 539, 552, 557, Pompidou, Mrs. Georges, 133
651, 672-73 Porter, Herbert L. (Bart), 484, 596,
Nofziger, Lyn, 74, 90 616, 626
Novak, Robert, 48, 532-33, 577 Porter, Mrs. Herbert L., 626
Nunn, Louie, 531 Porter, William J., 329, 348, 447
Potter, Phil, 512
Powell, Lewis F., 366-68, 370
Price, Raymond K., 31, 45, 112, 118,
120, 130, 347, 395, 398, 400, 407,
O'Brien, Lawrence F., 134, 473, 489, 466, 492, 496, 518, 528, 567, 571,
492,499, 501-2, 567,615, 630 577
O'Brien, Paul, 604, 605, 609-10, Prouty, Winston L., 186
617-20, 622, 623, 647, 648, 668 Proxmire, William, 148
Odle, Robert, 596 Pusey, Nathan M., 145
Ogilvie, Richard B., 85, 87
Osborne, John, 555
167, 172, 176, 189, 224, 267, 290, 597, 599-601, 606-8, 611-13, 635,
299, 408, 423, 458, 473, 490, 539, 637, 641, 642, 645, 654-56, 658,
547, 565, 567, 577, 581, 635, 637, 665, 666, 669, 671, 673
646 Romney, George, 19, 41, 95, 128, 139,
Reston, James (Scotty), 247-48, 339, 168, 192, 228, 304, 346, 352, 493
354, 355, 406, 554, 671 Roosevelt, James, 535
Rhodes, Joe, 174 Roosevelt, Theodore, 3, 125, 151, 168,
Rhodes, John J., 112 576
Ribicoff, Abraham, 129 Roper, Elmo, 327
Richardson, Elliot, 62, 63, 127, 168, Rose, Chappy, 653-55
172, 186, 187, 209, 231, 276, 293, Rosenberg, Ethel, 311
369-70, 457, 536, 539^0, 626, 635, Rosenberg, Julius, 311
672, 673, 675 Rossiter, Clinton, 567, 570
Richey, Charles R., 474, 625 Rothblatt, Henry B., 563, 568
Rietz, Ken, 651 Rubin, Jerry, 470
Rizzo, Frank, 370, 401, 504, 518 Ruckelshaus, William, 624, 663, 666,
Robb, Charles S., 113 667, 675
Rockefeller, David, 522 Rumsfeld, Donald, 80, 114, 168, 169,
Rockefeller, Mrs. David, 522 175, 179, 186, 187, 194, 208, 216,
Rockefeller, Nelson A., 2, 54, 90, 132, 219, 221, 234, 268, 291, 338, 431,
157,209, 211,282, 353,424,444, 540
504, 522, 627 Rumsfeld, Mrs. Donald, 268
Rogers, Irwin, 213 Rush, Ken, 635, 660, 664, 666
Rogers, Mrs. William, 363, 364 Rusk, Dean, 574
Rogers, Ted, 426 Russell, Richard B., 70, 128, 222
Rogers, William P., 2, 8, 11, 17, 18, 26, Rutland, Robert, 1, 14
29, 30, 32, 36-38, 42, 44, 48, Ruwe, Nick, 49
50-52, 55, 69, 74, 80, 81, 83, 84, Ryan family, 299
94,97,98, 100, 103, 104, 110, 123,
126, 127, 131, 136, 139, 140, 145,
148, 150, 152, 155-58, 161, 164,
167-68, 172, 176-78, 181-82, 184,
186, 189, 191-97, 209, 211, 214-18, Sadat, Anwar, 566
220, 224, 226, 230, 232, 234-35, Safire, William, 48, 81, 101, 120, 150,
237-39, 241, 243-45, 247-51, 192, 206, 218, 235, 257-58, 341,
253-55, 262-63, 266-68, 271, 274, 344, 345, 354, 362, 366, 398, 552,
275, 277-79, 282, 286-90, 293, 296, 577, 582, 589
298, 307, 314-22, 332, 336, 347, St. John, Jill, 176
352, 359-60, 362, 365, 368, 369, Sandburg, Carl, 251
372-73, 379, 380, 383-85, 387, 388, Sandoval, Hilary, Jr., 208
392, 395-97, 399-401, 403-7, 409, Sato, Eisaku, 109, 204, 393
414, 418, 420-22, 424, 426-27, 430, Scali, John, 271, 294, 320, 333, 352-54,
436, 439^2, 446^17, 449, 453, 455, 363, 371-72, 376, 387, 406, 418-19,
457, 462-65, 474, 485, 491, 495, 449, 478, 513
496, 500, 501, 507-8, 513, 516, Schecter, Jerry, 383
517, 520, 525-27, 533, 534, 536-38, Schenkel, Chris, 503
544, 557, 564, 569, 575, 576, 580, Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 574
Taft, Robert, Jr., 175-76, 240 Walker, Charls E., 208
Taft, William Howard, 3, 125 Wallace, Cornelia, 472, 486, 488
Tanaka, Kakuei, 492 Wallace, Dewitt, 202
Taylor, Bob, 106, 203^, 413, 468 Wallace, George, 2, 129, 140, 171,
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