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Terberg Magazine 2020 GB

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Where special
comes as standard


Terberg Special Vehicles magazine 2020/2021

English version

Connect apps
available in
app stores
The Terberg Special Vehicles telematics software for terminal
tractors has been renamed and restyled. The apps Terberg
Connect GO and ON for fleet managers, service engineers
and drivers are now available in app stores. We have
optimised the presentation of the data, based on feedback
from distributors and customers.

By using Terberg Connect telematics • Scheduled maintenance reports help

customers can use valuable data to optimise optimise the uptime and performance of
their terminal and shunting yard operations. the fleet.
The software helps fleet and maintenance • Vehicle route reports can be studied to
managers to monitor, report out and improve improve efficiency.
fleet efficiency and uptime. Proactive • Users can also define their own reports to Important
maintenance can be scheduled automatically suit their needs. parameters
based on the number of operating hours. • Fleet analysis reports compare data and
Vehicle notifications and codes help service fault codes for one vehicle with those for
engineers to diagnose remotely in order the rest of the fleet.
to better prepare a visit or remotely offer
a solution. Terberg Connect apps
engine running
In addition to the web application, apps are hours
Terberg Connect Manager available for service engineers and drivers.
The web application Terberg Connect The Connect GO app is designed for service
Manager (connect.terberg.com) gives vehicle technicians and also for fleet and maintenance
service managers access to data about all their managers. The Connect ON app is developed
vehicles, in more than 10 languages. They can for drivers and can be extended with access
set alerts for upcoming scheduled services control. It helps a driver when checking the oil engine oil temperature
and these can be sent as e-mails or SMS text level, lights, tyres, etc. at the start of a shift, and pressure
messages. The web application can generate a and to report any problems or damage.
range of reports:
• Predefined operational reports provide
information about vehicle use, e.g. the
driving time and stationary time, and
acceleration. acceleration



Ready for the future

Over the last few years we have invested AutoTUG developments
heavily in zero emission drivelines, advanced The new YT is also a good platform for
driver assistance systems and autonomous the integration of various advanced driver
driving. We have also kept the focus on the assistance systems and autonomous driving
further development of reliable and robust functions. Our AutoTUG with drive-by-wire
products that can move containers and other concept makes it possible to develop custom
loads at the lowest possible cost. solutions. Over the years we have learned
a lot about this technology. We increasingly
Many of our developments of the last years work with selected partners to supply
are now converging. Our newly developed automation solutions for different logistics
yard tractor is ready for the future. You can processes. We are now implementing the
choose from different low emission diesel initial projects and working on a number
drive lines or a full electric zero emission of potential orders. These projects take
version. This year we will start testing tractors relatively long to develop because we want to
with fuel cell technology. be certain that we deliver effective products
which are safe in themselves and support the
New YT safety concepts of the terminals where they
This new model yard tractor was developed are used.
to improve productivity in daily operations.
We studied all the steps in the logistics Continuous global support
processes in which yard tractors are used In this magazine you can read about
and looked for ways to further optimize deliveries to customers all over the world.
everything drivers do. We found ways to We have supplied tractors in more than
improve productivity and also to provide 130 countries. These deliveries require 24/7
the driver with an even safer and more global support. Terberg Benschop did not
comfortable work environment. We have have to close when the corona crisis started
also considered that people need to work in the Netherlands, and production continued
longer before retiring. Our vehicles help older without interruption. We also continued to
drivers to keep productive and also reduce provide customer support in these extremely
absenteeism. difficult times, and we are focusing on high
parts stock availability to respond quickly to
In mature economies we also see that the your requests. Going forward we are now
technicians who maintain the tractors are developing new digital services for remote
becoming scarcer and more expensive. We support. For example, we have started online
developed the new YT so that preventive customer training. It is important for you to
maintenance can be done up to 20 – 25% know that we are a strong and financially
more efficiently than with any other terminal healthy family-owned company that will keep
tractor on the market. investing in our relationship with you, to
ensure our customer support is ready for the

Rob van Hove/Director


Terberg Special Vehicles Division

Terberg Benschop
and international subsidiaries
Terberg’s main plant is at Benschop, the TERBERG DTS
Netherlands, where our tractors are designed and United Kingdom,
Alisdair Couper
built to customer specifications. The division has terbergdts.co.uk
seven international subsidiaries to bring us closer In addition to the full range of Terberg
tractors, Terberg DTS also distributes
to our customers. Some of these subsidiaries also Kinglifter truck-mounted forklifts, terminal
supply and support other makes of equipment. and industrial trailers, special airport
vehicles and Zagro rail shunters in the UK
and Ireland. The company
has a fully-equipped
servicing workshop and
Germany, Arno Ortlieb Malaysia, Boo Wei Ching
terbergspezialfahrzeuge.de terbergspecialvehicles.com
This subsidiary supplies our tractors This company is a joint venture of Terberg
and Kinglifter truck-mounted forklifts to Benschop and Sime Darby Industrial Sdn. TERBERG TRACTORS BELGIUM
the German market, where quality and Bhd. In Malaysia, Terberg Belgium, Pieter Sanczuk
durability are highly valued. The company tractors are produced terbergtractorsbelgium.be
emphasises flexibility, to locally for the markets This subsidiary supplies our tractors
ensure that customer in Asia and the Pacific. and Kinglifter truck-mounted forklifts
expectations are not to the Belgian market and undertakes
simply met, but actually scheduled inspections in accordance with
exceeded. local requirements. Many of our units are
TERBERG TRACTORS AMERICAS operating in the busy port
USA, Ron van Arkel of Antwerp. Terberg
TERBERG MIDDLE EAST terbergtractorsamericas.com Belgium also supplies
Dubai, Andrew Partridge This subsidiary is based in Miami and Still forklifts and other
terbergmiddleeast.ae serves North, Central and South America equipment.
This subsidiary is located in Dubai and brings us closer to our
and supplies our tractors and spares customers in these
throughout the Middle East and Africa regions. TTA offers our MANUPORT
and provides after-sales support. Our full range of tractors. Italy, Fabio Fiorenzuola,
vehicles have proven to be Paolo Fiorenzuola
fully capable of dealing manuport.it
with the demanding Our latest subsidiary supplies Terberg
climate conditions in tractors, other port equipment and
these areas. heavy-duty fork
lift trucks and
services these


In this issue


21 22 29

2 Terberg Connect: apps 38 Distributors - Africa This magazine is a publication of

Terberg Special Vehicles
4 Terberg Special Vehicles Division 40 Terberg Tractors Americas
6 The New YT: YT193/YT223 42 Terberg Tractors Malaysia © COPYRIGHT:
Text and photographs may only be
10 Next Gen Electric: 45 Autonomous operation pilot
reproduced with permission from
YT203-EV and BC202-EV 46 Expansion at Benschop the Marketing Department of
Terberg Special Vehicles.
14 Terberg Spezialfahrzeuge 48 The Terberg Academy
20 Terberg DTS UK 49 Corporate structure
22 Terberg Tractors Belgium 50 Distributors worldwide
26 Manuport Italy
29 Other distributors - Europe


Development THE NEW YT

YT193 / YT223

The New YT
Multifunctional platform design
results in more efficiency and
longer vehicle life

With the new generation of YT tractors

Terberg introduces a new approach to product
development. This ensures an even higher
quality, longer vehicle life, higher residual value
and an improved time-to-market. As a result
our customers benefit from an extremely long
economic vehicle life and favourable return on

From specific to generic

Terberg refers to this approach as the Multifunctional platform. Ronald
van Zoelen, Engineering Manager, summarised it as: “We develop
modular systems such as the electronic architecture, software or
driveline so that we can use them in all our vehicle models.” This helps
to future-proof Terberg. Gert van de Fliert, YTxx3 Project Engineer,
added: “This enables us to develop products even more efficiently and
it provides an excellent platform for future developments.”

Internal and external surveys

When opting for a platform approach you have to identify all
Gert van de Fliert (Project Engineer) and Frank Oerlemans (Export Manager)
stakeholder requirements. When it was decided to update the YTxx2
series our Engineering Department initiated a wide-ranging research
project. To do this they visited customers throughout the world.
Working with other departments, Engineering also analysed how the
production process could be further optimised to assemble the vehicles
more quickly, and further improve quality and minimise the likelihood of


THE NEW YT Development

H&B logistics
H&B Logistics, a warehousing service provider in the
Netherlands, is one of the launch customers for the
YT193 tractor.

H&B Logistics operator Mark van Hezik was very

enthusiastic about the new Terberg tractor: "It's a
real improvement. Even more comfortable and easier
to use. I particularly like the lower step, and the air-
sprung cab and seat are very comfortable on uneven
World class tractor surfaces. The controls for forward/reverse and the fifth
This internal and external research has delivered clear and effective wheel lock are now conveniently grouped together
results. Ronald: "The key issues our customers are interested in are high next to the seat. The view from the cab of this new
quality, being able to change orders as late in the process as possible, tractor is very good and it takes less than 15 seconds
modular options, and minimising the time required for servicing to couple a trailer. And they've thought about the cup
vehicles. Given these analyses and our own know-how we decided holder!"
to develop a new vehicle concept resulting in more synergy, greater
economies of scale and a reduced risk of failure: a tractor we can sell With over 160 vehicles on the road in the Benelux
worldwide." and more than 150,000 m² storage capacity in the
Netherlands, H&B Logistics relieves customers of their
A completely new design logistics and volume transport worries.
The new method and outcomes provided our engineers with pointers to
a completely new vehicle design, rather than a redesign of the current
YT tractor. For the new generation, the YTxx3, they have covered every
aspect in detail, especially ergonomics, ease of servicing, chassis,
electronics, software, corrosion protection, functional safety and the
driveline. This has led to a highly innovative comprehensive concept. >


Development THE NEW YT

Terberg DTS
customer the Port
of Felixstowe tested
the YT193 in the
first half of 2020, as
part of the product
launch process to
collect customer


THE NEW YT Development

of the new
Multifunctional driveline Corrosion resistant
The driveline of the new platform clearly tractors is even The hot-dip galvanised chassis components
demonstrates the multifunctional approach. provide excellent corrosion resistance. Another
There is now more space available in the easier than major advantage is that the risk of corrosion
chassis, which makes maintenance easier after damage to the chassis is greatly reduced.
and there is now greater freedom to fit not before The new cab design avoids seams, sharp
only Stage 5 diesel engines but also electric or transitions and welded joints where possible.
hydrogen drives. Instead pressed and rolled steel components
are used, which are welded internally where
Comfortable and spacious necessary.
The ergonomic design of the YTxx3 series
offers comfort and lots of storage space. Ease of service and maintenance Terberg Electronic Architecture 2.0
The cab provides optimised viewing angles, Maintenance of the new tractors is even easier The YTxx3 is the first vehicle which uses
safe and comfortable entry and exit and a than before. Gert: “As we have clustered parts the completely new Terberg Electronic
completely new dashboard design which such as the filters the service engineers can Architecture (TEA2.0). Ronald: “This
was validated using mock-ups. The excellent service the vehicles more quickly. There is architecture provides us with a single, universal
suspension system makes the cab more now more space around the engines, so they platform. In future we will be able to use this
comfortable. As drivers often prefer to leave have fewer parts to remove when undertaking for all vehicle models and drivelines.” As a
the door open while working it can now be repairs. Components such as the dashboard, result service technicians will find it much
unlatched with a single movement. bumper and mudguards are easily removable. easier to work on a range of different tractor
This means that service engineers have full models.
access to the parts behind them and can
replace damaged parts more easily.”

New YT allows CTH to work more efficiently

The drivers at launch customer Container Terminal Herne
GmbH (CTH) like this terminal tractor so much that they are
queueing up to drive it.

CTH is a modern container terminal in Herne, in the west of Germany.

The company handles around 150,000 containers every year, which
are delivered or collected by road or rail. Deputy operations manager
Dennis Majewski commented: "This new tractor offers the driver many
improvements. That saves 10 seconds every trailer operation, and
almost an hour and a half every day. That is a huge time-saving!"

According to driver Michael Werner the YT193 is great to drive

and operate. "The work is now much more comfortable. I no longer
have to extend my arms to reach the controls, or rest my elbows on my
legs. I have fingertip control from my comfortable seat with armrests.
That is really convenient. And the storage compartments are great!"



YT203-EV / BC202-EV

Next Gen Electric

The advantages of
Terberg electric vehicles:
• Motor performance comparable to
that of a diesel engine
• The Thermal Management System (TMS)
controls the temperature of the batteries,
enabling worldwide use at high and low
temperatures (-30˚ up to +50˚C) *
• Wide choice of battery capacities
(YT203-EV up tot 222 kWh and
BC202-EV up to 148 kWh)
• Low maintenance costs
• Zero emissions at the point of use
• Low noise level, low vibration
• Universal charging connector to
CCS2.0 automotive standard
• Batteries tested to the ECE-R100
rev. 2 regulation
• One-pedal drive for optimum
operator convenience and maximum energy
• May qualify for environmental grants

Modular and multifunctional This contributes to lower maintenance costs. The

Terberg developed the new generation electric drive multifunctional design of the tractor and the EV system
as a multifunctional, modular concept. This makes it gives mechanics good access to components such as the
easy to apply this EV system in a range of vehicles. cooling system and the motor. All this helps to reduce
The new approach enables Terberg to develop products downtime for maintenance.
more efficiently, using state-of-the-art technology.
The improvement of a single component can benefit Choice of battery capacities
several vehicle types. Terberg uses lithium-ion batteries in all its electric vehicles.
We can determine the optimum battery configuration for
Low maintenance costs every customer, depending on the intended operations.
The electric drive has fewer moving parts than a diesel You have a choice of battery capacities: the YT203-EV up
engine and the previous EV generation. tot 222 kWh and the BC202-EV up to 148 kWh.



Nap Transport
very pleased with
As part of the product launch process
and to get customer feedback, the new and shipping parcels.” so explains Anoek van
Dooremaal, Manager Sustainability at DPD.
“It is very quiet,
Terberg fully electric Body Carrier was
operated by Nap Transport at the DPD
About family business Nap
great to drive,
parcels site in Veenendaal for several
months early in 2020.
Transport and I can
In 1986 Hans Nap set Nap Transport up and
in the years after that the business developed easily drive
Director Arjan Nap: “We were very pleased and now has several dozen of employees.
with the electric Terberg Body Carrier. The fact Despite the expansion, the corporate around
that it is very quiet is highly appreciated, and philosophy remains the same: do what you
all functions of the Terberg BC202-EV operate agreed to, and ensure continuous innovation. 10-11 hours
in the same way as on the diesel version. That His son, Arjan Nap, is now at the helm of the
is why we now prefer fully electric operation. business. on 1 charge
with it!”
The drivers really like it.”
Drive Willem Brouwer adds: “I would like to
emphasize that the lack of engine noise makes
the work very pleasant, and the vehicle has
good acceleration and is very agile. I can easily
drive 10 to 11 hours with it.

DPD also welcomes sustainable innovations

such as the electric Terberg Body Carrier.
“At DPD we take our responsibilities, to our
customers and to our employees and society,
seriously. That is why we want to reduce our
environmental impact. We are working on new,
environmentally-friendly options for processing

High duty cycle applications will benefit from a battery with requirement for the approval of electric vehicles.
a higher capacity, resulting in a longer range. Customers The tests cover aspects such as resistance to vibration,
with lower duty cycle operations and more opportunities acceleration, impact, thermal loads, fire and short-circuits,
to charge the vehicle during the day can opt for a smaller and electrical safety.
battery pack, at a lower price. The choice of large and The new batteries have temperature control and can
small battery packs also enables customers who prefer therefore be used at any ambient temperature from
a short wheelbase to get a sufficient range. +50 °C to -30 °C*. This makes the Terberg YT203-EV and
BC202-EV suitable for use anywhere in the world!
Certified batteries with temperature control
The new batteries have been thoroughly tested and
certified by Millbrook Proving Ground, to the ECE-R100
rev. 2 regulation. This regulation is a key European

* Additional measures may be required in extreme temperatures.



Port of Helsingborg orders

four YT203-EV tractors
Port of Helsingborg, the Swedish
container specialist, has ordered four
YT203-EV electric terminal tractors.
The company is both a port operator
and a stevedoring business and
has the second largest container
port in Sweden. The storage and
transshipment company aims to create
the most environment-friendly port in
Scandinavia with these new vehicles.

The municipality of Helsingborg, owner

of the port, has decided that in 2024 all
equipment in the port should have zero CO2
and NOx emissions. Bart Steijaert, CEO, Port
of Helsingborg AB: “Our strategy is to be the
most environment-friendly port in Scandinavia
by that time.” The purchase of these four
Terberg electric terminal tractors is the first
investment towards realising this. He added:
“Terberg is one of first to supply electric
tractors, and their equipment is highly reliable.
We know it works, and the service is very


Significant savings
The new YT203-EV vehicles will operate 24/7
for at least 10 years. Steijaert expects that the
additional first cost of the electric vehicles
will definitely be recouped within that period.

Comfortable and environment-friendly The new EV drive has a regenerative braking system.
The new electric motor in the YT203-EV and BC202-EV has Instead of being wasted, the braking energy is fed back
a performance similar to that of a diesel engine, but with to the batteries. The regenerative braking function is
less noise and vibration. Additionally, the electric motor controlled by the accelerator pedal, so the driver can drive
avoids CO2 and NOx emissions at the point of use. These and brake with one pedal. Higher axle loads result in more
features enhance the driving characteristics and comfort regenerative braking.
and make the YT203-EV perfect for use in enclosed spaces,
such as distribution buildings, and close to residential



“The savings
on maintenance
and diesel make
the return on
favourable” “The savings on maintenance and diesel make the end of 2020 and the distributor will
the return on investment favourable.” deliver them early 2021. In the meantime, the
customer will give their personnel conversion
Sufficient battery capacity courses, from diesel to electric, and purchase
The four identical tractors will be used at the new maintenance tools. By the end of 2024
container terminal, the logistics park, and all the existing Terberg terminal tractors will
for transport operations between the two. be replaced by the new generation Terberg
Given the intensity of the operations the Port electric terminal tractors.
of Helsingborg is considering selecting the
highest capacity battery pack for the tractors,
222 kWh. The company is also considering
the most appropriate type of charging station.
Power company Öresunds Kraft AB, on a
neighbouring site, will guarantee the supply of
sustainable electricity.

Investment and conversion course

The Port of Helsingborg ordered the new
tractors from Terberg distributor N.C. Nielsen
AS, which will also supply spare parts. The
YT203-EVs will be built by Terberg towards

Universal charging system The temperature of the battery can be maintained during
The YT203-EV and BC202-EV use DC chargers and can be charging. This means that after a charging cycle the driver
charged at standard charging stations. The new, universal does not have to heat or cool the unit but can immediately
charging connector complies with the CCS2.0 automotive drive off at full power. This increases the operational
standard. This means the vehicles can be charged using availability of these Terberg vehicles.
any charger with a CCS2.0 connection and the appropriate
specifications. Customers can use a universal charging Terberg Connect telematics system
infrastructure for Terberg and other vehicles, and for trucks The YT203-EV and BC202-EV are supplied as standard
and cars. Terberg can advise customers about the most with the Terberg Connect telematics system. This provides
suitable charging station. remote monitoring of the status and performance of each
vehicle; including the charge cycle, remaining battery
capacity and any faults.


Terberg Spezialfahrzeuge



Aurubis AG chooses
Terberg Container Carrier
over conventional truck
Aurubis AG is a leading worldwide provider
of non-ferrous metals and the largest copper
recycler worldwide. In 2006 the Lünen site
invested in a YT222 Container Carrier with
double rear axle (6x4). This vehicle is still used
daily to handle containers weighing as much
as 40 tonnes, making up to 140 cycles per day.

CC more durable
The Lünen plant also used a conventional
truck with hooklift system for container
handling. However, the heavy loads resulted
in deformation and cracking of the chassis.
Hence the site has now ordered another
Terberg YT222 Container Carrier to replace
this vehicle.

The main Aurubis plant in Hamburg has a

fleet of RT tractors used with goosenecks and
roll trailers and will also start with an electric
Terberg YT202-EV tractor.


Terberg Spezialfahrzeuge

Terberg acquires Alex Tasbach

As of April 1st 2020 the Royal Terberg Group For Terberg this acquisition means that The activities will continue under the name
has acquired the trading activities and sales and servicing of our truck-mounted Terberg Tasbach Spezialfahrzeuge, and the
ten employees of Alex Tasbach GmbH in forklifts in the South of Germany are ensured. company will become a division of Terberg
Elchingen in Germany. Owner Alex Tasbach Additionally, having a base in this region is Spezialfahrzeuge GmbH.
(68) has been a dealer of Terberg Kinglifter valuable to us as it provides a presence for
truck-mounted forklifts for almost 20 years, servicing not only truck-mounted forklifts,
and this transaction ensures the continuity but also special vehicles and refuse collection
of his business. He will remain associated equipment.
with the company as a consultant for
another three years.

RoRo operations in Cuxhaven

This multifunctional short sea terminal handles a wide range of cargo:
heavy project cargo such as wind farm components, cars (350,000/
yr), and paper, timber and steel. They have a flexible shift system to
minimise the waiting time when loading and unloading vessels. RoRo
cargo, up to 100 tonnes, is handled by a fleet of Terberg RT223 tractors.

Marc von Riegen, Operational Manager: “We have not encountered

any problems since we started working with Terberg in 2005. We select
equipment on the basis of quality, flexibility and comfort. The tractors
are performing well in all aspects. They have powerful engines and good
brakes, and the four-wheel drive handles heavy loads. This enables us to
Name Cuxport
work quickly and safely in RoRo vessels, including on the ramps. Our drivers
find the spacious cabs very comfortable. Maintenance of the tractors is quick
City, country Cuxhaven, Germany
and enables maximum uptime. Additionally, Terberg are quick, flexible and
Type of tractors RT223
relatively cheap.”
Application RoRo


Terberg Spezialfahrzeuge

“Change in urban distribution will

drive demand for Tractors”
According to General Manager Arno Ortlieb,
Terberg Spezialfahrzeuge will emerge stronger
from the coronavirus crisis.

The German subsidiary of Terberg Benschop That will not only be due to e-commerce but
serves Germany, Austria and Switzerland, also due to changes in urban distribution.
with a total population of 97 million. Ortlieb “Many more urban hubs will be set up
explained: “We have a very strong position throughout Germany to avoid CO2 emissions
in distribution centre logistics (intralogistics). in city centres. As there is a tradition of direct
Seventy percent of all products people use are deliveries here, there are currently relatively
handled by a Terberg vehicle somewhere in few hubs. However, the environmental policies
the supply chain.” are resulting in a strong demand for hubs and
terminal tractors with zero CO2 emissions.”
Terberg Spezialfahrzeuge has some customers At the same time, the effects of the corona
in the automotive industry, the major industry crisis have led customers to start looking for
sector in Germany. However, during the alternative approaches. For example, more of
coronavirus crisis car production dropped, them are renting vehicles now. That makes the
which also impacted suppliers to this industry. operations more flexible and enables them to
“The demand for terminal tractors fell by 15% ensure their business continuity.
in this sector. However, that was offset by a
30% increase in the e-commerce sector, which In short, both the corona measures and the
mostly uses body carriers.” environmental policies are creating new
opportunities for us. That means we will
Ortlieb expects the demand for Terberg emerge stronger from the crisis.”
terminal tractors to be higher also after
the crisis.

Arno Ortlieb:

“Many more urban hubs

will be set up throughout
Germany to avoid CO2 emissions
in city centres”

Terberg Spezialfahrzeuge

Name Otto Dörner Rental to meet peak demand

City, country Hamburg-Stellingen, Germany
Type of tractors 1 TT223-CC
Terberg Spezialfahrzeuge TSF has a large the capacity at one of the company’s
Application Recycling container handling
rental fleet of tractors and other special recycling sites. The RT-based Container
vehicles. These are made available to Carrier is particularly suitable for this
customers under both short and long busy site because the Ergoturn® 180°
term contracts and are backed-up by a swivelling seat makes manouvring safer
full service package. and quicker. The vehicle is fitted with
Terberg Connect so the TSF service
Otto Dörner Gmbh is a leading waste department can schedule maintenance
management operator, mostly active in efficiently, with minimum interruption to
the north of Germany. The company also the operations.
supplies gravel and sand, undertakes
demolition operations and operates
landfill sites. This third-generation family
businesses has around one thousand

As a result of the corona pandemic “The Ergoturn® 180°

the volume of waste increased suddenly. swivelling seat makes
In response, Otto Dörner rented
a TT223 Container Carrier from TSF
manouvring safer
under a short term contract to increase and quicker”


Terberg Spezialfahrzeuge

RoRo operations
in Lübeck
The Lehmann Group is an
owner-managed, innovative and
environmentally-oriented business
based in Lübeck in the north of
Germany. The company is active in short
sea shipping and logistics, and operates
a terminal with over 2,500 metres of
quay. Like Terberg, Lehmann emphasises
long term business relationships and

One of the applications at Lehman is

unloading roll trailers carrying sawn
timber from a RoRo ferry with Terberg RT
tractors. Most of the timber comes from
Siberia and is temporarily stored at the
terminal before transport to the south of
Germany by train or truck. This timber is
mostly used for building houses, as larch
has a good weather resistance.


Terberg Spezialfahrzeuge


Name Gebrüder Weiss GmbH

City, country Hall, Austria

Standardising on Type of tractors 2 BC182

Terberg for shunting

Application Shunting
Site 60,000 swap bodies & containers/yr

400,000 shipments/yr
1.1 ha

Gebrüder Weiss is one of Europe’s largest transport reliability, availability of spares and residual value. Terberg
and logistics companies, with around 7,300 employees does well in all these areas and therefore we recently
working from over 150 locations. The family-owned bought another unit for our Lauterach/Voralsberg depot.
company’s history goes back 500 years. Their site in Both these vehicles are used 16 hours a day. They do a
Hall is favourably located by a motorway and close to good job, because of their robustness, good visibility and
the city of Innsbruck. The on-site rail terminal handles the fact we can easily maintain them in-house. Terberg also
large numbers of swap bodies and containers which responds quickly to requests for support so we can keep
are transported by road to their final destinations on working.”
throughout Europe.
Mr Linsboth’s colleagues at other sites share his views and
The site has two BC182 body carriers which are used for the company recently decided to standardise on Terberg
shunting duties. Purchasing and fleet manager Harald for yard vehicles. This has led to further orders from Weiss
Linsboth explains their choice: “We were one of the first sites in Austria and Germany.
Weiss sites to use a Terberg vehicle and we have never
regretted that choice. When selecting a vehicle I don’t
just look at the price but, especially, at the versatility and


Terberg DTS UK


Proactively tackled the first wave

of Covid 19
In late February, Terberg DTS took the decision to stand up its
contingency planning models to support the activities of our
business and to ensure business continuity with our clients.

Our contingency team made some very pro- As we entered lockdown, Terberg DTS itself Terberg DTS’ position has, from day one,
active decisions early on, to mobilise staff was in a calm and calculated phase delivering seen the company positioned as a key service
with home-working to test our communication a high level of service to our clients but more within the United Kingdom and, as such, have
capability whilst at the same time entering importantly supporting our staff through daily received the necessary documentation to allow
into discussions with a large number of our communication, discussion and management- us to travel mobilise and accommodate staff
key supply chain customers within the United led strategy. We were working closely with our without restriction throughout this period.
Kingdom. Terberg DTS very quickly mobilised client base to support where appropriate the This capability has been limited to key
a large quantity of vehicles. Within one week, long standing relationship that we embrace. businesses providing essential services to
all of these assets were working and additional We quickly saw a dramatic growth in a number certain civilian sectors and defence activities.
units were being requested. of e-commerce areas. At one stage, Terberg DTS delivered 5 trucks
to an e-commerce logistics client within
8 hours to support the dramatic escalation
of their activities!

Alisdair Couper, Managing Director of Terberg

DTS in the United Kingdom said: “Without
the support and commitment of the staff at
Terberg DTS we would have been unable to
support what is an exceptional time in the
history of the business. The ability of the staff
to come together in supporting each other
and our clients, has been exceptional and
something as a family business in a global
market place we remain extremely proud of.
Our early adoption of the emergency planning
model has clearly assisted us and we have
continued to modify this plan through our
ongoing learning as events unfolded.

Our thoughts however will always remain with

our friends, families and customers that have
very sadly lost loved ones through these tragic
Alisdair Couper:
“The ability of the staff
to come together in supporting
each other and our clients,
has been exceptional”


Terberg DTS UK

Name Steel industry service company

Handling heavy loads in a City, country

Type and number of tractors
2 RT403

demanding environment Application Handling heavy trailers

The steel industry combines an often dusty and demanding Terberg DTS recently supplied two RT403s with a 3.5” cardanic fifth
operating environment with heavy loads and a 24/7 operation wheel, Volvo Stage 5 engine and ZF transmission to a longstanding
365 days a year. Terberg’s industrial versions of the RT tractors are client in the steel industry, which operates Terberg vehicles in several
specifically designed for such applications. For example, our RT403 countries. These tractors are replacements for equipment delivered
can handle loads up to 200 tonnes. Many of these units operate in steel almost 20 years ago - proving the quality and reliability of Terberg
factories all over the world. vehicles. They are customised with special kits to operate hydraulic
cassette trailers and will handle around a million tonnes of steel
annually. The expected lifespan is 15 years.

DFDS 25 years in Immingham

DFDS in Immingham celebrated a quarter of a century at the DFDS
Nordic Terminal. Since 1866, DFDS ships have been sailing to the
Humber area in the UK with goods and products. Immingham has
always played a significant and responsible part in keeping trade
moving across the pan-European network of DFDS. 25 years ago,
the DFDS Nordic Terminal was established and became a major local

DFDS in Immingham had to postpone their 25 year anniversary

celebrations due to COVID-19. Lots of activities were planned and
one of the five new Terberg RT223s was nicely wrapped in the Union
Jack flag.


Terberg Tractors Belgium


Aurubis Belgium
appreciates Terberg
quality and robustness
Aurubis Belgium is part of the worldwide Aurubis
Group, a leading supplier of non-ferrous metals and
the largest copper recycler worldwide. The company
produces over one million tons of copper cathodes
every year. These are converted into a vast range of
products such as wire, strip and profiles. Their portfolio
also includes specialist products and other metals, such
as selenium, lead, zinc and the precious metals gold and
silver. The group employs over 7000 people worldwide;
the Olen site has around 650 employees.

Aurubis Belgium, with their production plant in Olen, has

been using Terberg tractors for over 20 years. Their fleet
consists of seven units, including two YT222s which were
supplied recently. These are used for transporting cathodes
and scrap. Aurubis Belgium maintains the tractors in-house.
Workshop Manager Paul Helsen commented: “We chose
Terberg for the high quality and robustness. We have built
up a good relationship over the years and we are familiar
with the brand, which has never let us down.”

Name Aurubis Belgium

Location, country Olen, Belgium
Type of tractors YT222 and older models
Application Transport of copper cathodes
and scrap


Terberg Tractors Belgium

Willy Naessens Group uses Terberg

tractors at eight concrete products plants
The group undertakes all aspects of the The group’s Structo subsidiary in Brugge
construction of industrial buildings: from produces a range of high-quality precast
groundworks, producing and installing concrete units such as prestressed floor
precast components, through to roofing. slabs, beams and bridge girders. This
They are the clear market leader, plant recently purchased the latest
with over 8500 completed projects in Terberg TT223 tractor with Ergoturn
Belgium and Luxemburg. swivelling seat. This is used with a
gooseneck to transport roll trailers with
Naessens Group has been a Terberg precast components from the production
customer for over twenty years and building to the storage yard. Because
uses Terberg tractors at eight concrete of the dusty operating environment
products plants. The vehicles are the tractor is equipped with additional
maintained by Terberg Tractors Belgium dust filters. This is Naessens’ first tractor
Name Willy Naessens Group - Structo
which also supplied the Seacom roll which is fitted with Terberg Connect,
City, country Brugge, Belgium
trailers, goosenecks and parking stands our remote monitoring package, which
used at these plants. All these tractors enables Terberg Tractors Belgium to Type of tractors Current fleet: various models
Recent delivery: 1 TT223
are covered by a Terberg maintenance optimise the maintenance of the tractor
Application Handling precast concrete products
contract. and maximise its uptime.

Equipped with:


Terberg Tractors Belgium

Over a century
of beer brewing
The roots of Brouwerijen Alken-Maes go back
to around 1880. Over the years the company
went through a number of mergers and
acquisitions and is now part of Heineken. They
brew a range of beers such as Maes, Hapkin
and Grimbergen. The brewery in Alken has
a YT222 to handle trailers loaded with beer
tanks, barrels and crates.

Name Brewery Alken-Maes

Location, country Alken, Belgium
Type of tractors YT222
Application Transporting beer tanks,
barrels and crates


Terberg Tractors Belgium

Gheeraert Transport:
on the road
with Kinglifter
Sister company Terberg Kinglifter manufactures
truck-mounted forklifts. These are widely used in the
distribution sector for handling loads at sites without
conventional forklift trucks or cranes.

Gheeraert Transport in Belgium is a family-owned business
with 185 employees and 125 trucks. Twenty of their trucks
carry Kinglifters, mostly for deliveries to building sites.
Gheeraert uses 4-way Kinglifters which can handle long
loads, such as packs of timber.

Manager Peter Gheeraert commented: “Terberg has been
Gheeraert’s trusted supplier of truck-mounted forklifts for
20 years. We appreciate the quick, high-quality service. In

Van Moer Logistics our experience, Kinglifters are the best units of this type.”

The company recently invested in four more Kinglifters.

The company’s scope includes of the whole package: the quality The unit are maintained by Gheeraert’s own technicians
transport & distribution, of the tractors, the service, and the who were trained by Terberg Kinglifter. Workshop
warehousing & storage, forwarding relationship built up between Van supervisor Stephen Haeck: “We are very happy with the
and specialised services (repacking, Moer and Terberg over the years. comprehensive maintenance manual, and the convenient
tank cleaning, etc.). They offer a Some of the units are covered by a and quick parts ordering process. Terberg always supports
fully integrated service to customers full service contract, while others are us if we have any technical questions.”
such as BASF, Volvo and Total, maintained in our own workshops.
with 120,000 tonnes of goods
passing through their 400,000 m² of The tractors currently on order will
warehouses every week. Van Moer be fitted with Terberg Connect to
also offers multimodal operations make it easier to monitor our fleet
and has two inland waterways and schedule maintenance. Both
terminals and a warehouse with a our drivers and our mechanics are
rail connection. very happy with the vehicles. That is
important to us: the people who use
Tony Vrancken, Manager Industrial the tractors every day have to be
Equipment/Purchasing, comments: satisfied. Their input and feedback
“We have been using Terberg weigh heavily when purchasing
tractors from the start, mostly equipment.”.
YTs. These are used in the port of
Antwerp, for transport between
yards and sites, at our distribution
centres in Vilvoorde and Wilsele, our
container terminal in Grobbendonk
and at the Umicore plant in
Hoboken. Some of our tractors
have special acoustic packages to
minimise noise when operating in
sensitive environments. We have
selected Terberg vehicles because


Manuport Italy


Salerno Container Terminal (SCT)

“Terberg came out on top in
a comparative study”
The Port of Salerno serves southern and Technical Manager Mr. Verzella commented: essential to keep the fleet under control in
central Italy. Salerno Container Terminal is an “Our choice has fallen on Terberg for the terms of alarms, fuel consumption and engine
efficient, privately-owned operation which can reliability of the brand. Furthermore, it came hours. The relationship with Manuport has
handle ships up to 15,000 TEU and has 11 ha out on top in a comparative study between been positive and we are confident that it
of storage yards. SCT recently expanded its competitors, mainly based on the MTBM will be the beginning of a long and fruitful
fleet of tractors with four Terberg YT223 new (Mean Time Between Maintenance). We collaboration.”
generation tractors, with Terberg Connect have chosen to equip the new vehicles with
and supported by a five-year maintenance Terberg Connect, as we already operate
contract. monitoring systems, which we consider

Name Salerno Container Terminal (SCT)

City, country Salerno, Italy Equipped with:

Type and number of tractors 4 YT223
Application RoRo and container handling


Manuport Italy

Double the productivity

compared to a road truck
GEV is a transport company and part of operations directly from the cab. Hence
the NUMBER 1 Logistics Group. One of we decided to purchase a special vehicle
the company’s contracts is to undertake instead of an additional road truck for
the yard shunting of semi-trailers at a the yard shifts. In 2019 we conducted
major production plant in Parma. They a comparative analysis of alternative
used to use both a Terberg tractor and a brands. We decided to wait until 2020
conventional road tractor, each clocking so we could order a Stage V vehicle to
up around 4,500 hours per year. As part minimise our environmental impact. We
of a plan to improve the efficiency of the chose Terberg over other manufacturers
operation, GEV undertook a detailed mainly for the speed of delivery of the
analysis of the operations. vehicle and for its characteristics, both
Name GEV
in terms of operation and the lower
Loredana Igne, the manager of GEV environmental impact”.
City, country Parma, Italy
company, told us: “In our case, Terberg
Type and number of tractors 1 YT222
guarantees twice the productivity of a
Application Semi-trailer shunting
road truck: the driver does not have to
leave the vehicle to connect and position
Equipped with: the unit, but can carry out all these

Twelve tractors to
handle 300,000 vehicles
every year
STA has RoRo operations 24/7, loading cars, heavy vehicles and trains
onto ships transporting them to North and South America, the Middle
East, Asia and other destinations. To minimise the time the vessels
spend in port these operations have to be highly optimised.
STA rents RT223 RoRo tractors from Manuport, which are covered by
a full maintenance package.

Gianni Rollero, Technical and Operational Manager: “The collaboration

between STA and Manuport started 10 years ago, with the test of some
Terberg tractors previously used by Grimaldi Terminal Europa. They
proved to be the most reliable and suitable machines for our type of Name Grimaldi - Savona Terminal Auto (STA)
RoRo operations, coming out on top against the competition. Thanks to City, country Port of Savona, Italy
its performance and technical specifications, Terberg is also perfect for Type of tractors RT223 (rented)
handling special loads in total safety, such as turbines, boats, and even
Application RoRo
Cygnus spacecraft. Furthermore, the guaranteed maintenance service
Volume 300,000 vehicles/year
and the positive feedback from our operators have made STA choose
Area 12 hectares
Terberg tractors only: today our fleet consists of 12 units and we have
become a single-brand terminal.”


Manuport Italy

GAP Verona

“The right choice for our heavy-duty

GAP was set up over 60 years ago in Northern Italy and now provides This RT283 was fitted with additional hydraulics and electrics for the
on-site logistics services at steel mills worldwide. Alberto Gallini, GAP cassette system. Manuport supplied not only the tractor but also
Company Manager, explains how they use Terberg tractors: “Our the NT Liftec system, and provided training for GAP’s mechanics.
cooperation with Terberg started four years ago and we have been
using their equipment for heavy-duty applications. That proved to be Another recent delivery was their first TT223 CC with a special VDL
the right choice: the vehicles are reliable and do the job very well. hook lift system. They have an RT403 on order which will be used with
a 100 tonne tipping trailer with a capacity of 120 m³.
For a project at a Pittini Group site in Verona we ordered an RT283 to
handle bins containing processing wastes and sludges. The tractor is
used with a special Liftec tipping cassette system with a capacity of
150 tonnes. As it has to operate in narrow areas, the RT with the 180°
swivelling seat is much more convenient and safer than a conventional
tractor. Other advantages include the steering agility and the driver’s
good view of the work area. This unit also loads and unloads the bins
more quickly than a road tractor. Our own mechanics maintain the
vehicle and are happy with it. In our experience it needs fewer repairs
when used under these demanding conditions than a standard truck.”

Name GAP
City, country Verona, Italy
Type of tractors 1 RT283
Application Steel industry


N.C. Nielsen


APM combines RT
with container mover
The large APM terminal in Aarhus Per Bøch Andersen, Head of Operations
handles over 1,400 truck movements per at APM Terminals Aarhus: “When
day. Most of the containers are reefers looking for a new type of container
loaded with meat and dairy products. mover our focus was on robustness,
short delivery times, stability, service Name APM Terminals Aarhus
To complement its fleet of straddle packages and confidence in our City, country Aarhus, Denmark
carriers and reach stackers, the terminal partners. It is essential to us that we Type and number of tractors 1 RT223
recently invested in a Terberg RT223 can serve our clients 24/7. This places Application Used with a container mover
tractor and a Kaskitek container mover, great demands on our equipment. TEU/yr 500,000
both supplied by N.C. Nielsen. The For terminals: area 36 hectares
container mover handles containers from The terminal tractor and the container
20 to 45 feet and enables the tractor mover have both been designed for
to move them efficiently across longer easy maintenance and service at our
distances and place them on the ground workshop. We also chose N.C. Nielsen
or on a trailer. The RT has a customised, because of the service aspect. We can
elevated cabin for an even better view get spare parts, technical assistance Per Bøch Andersen:
of the work area and has high capacity and good maintenance advice at short
hydraulics for powering the Kaskitek notice. Having a single point of contact “It is essential to us
unit. will definitely be an advantage.”
that we can serve
our clients 24/7”


N.C. Nielsen

Therkelsen depends on their robust and reliable Terberg vehicles

“They are like armoured

vehicles on the site”
Therkelsen is a family-owned company set up Mikael Liljegren, Foreman at Therkelsen told
in 1918. They currently have 290 employees us: “We depend on robust, stable and reliable
and 200 vehicles. machines for internal transport. They must be
able to tolerate hard transport work and assist
They have a large fleet of combined trailers our drivers in handling trailers on a busy day.
with refrigerated and frozen compartments. We have the best experience with Terberg
These are used to provide a supply chain from terminal tractors, they are like armoured
food manufacturers to Therkelsen’s ambient, vehicles on the site. Other brands do not even
refrigerated and frozen warehouses, and then get close to Terberg, and it’s therefore the
to destinations throughout Europe. obvious choice in this context.”

The Therkelsen headquarters are based at

the Padborg Transportcenter, a hub for a
range of transport-related companies. The
company recently invested in another two
YT222 tractors. These are used for shunting
trailers, taking them to the washing station
and transporting them over public roads to
external sites.

Name H.P. Therkelsen A/S

City, country Padborg, Denmark
Type of tractors 4 YT222, new: 2 YT222
Application Internal logistics

Mikael Liljegren:

“Other brands do not even get close to

Terberg, and it’s therefore the obvious
choice in this context”


N.C. Nielsen

Many hours behind the wheel requires

a comfortable working environment
The Danish Crown abattoir produces public road to reach different parts of
18,000 hams every day. Many are the plant.”
loaded onto reefer containers
destined for the APM container Foreman Ole Aaberg of Danish Crown
terminal in Aarhus, also covered in commented: “We got our first terminal
this magazine. tractor six years ago. It’s been running
smoothly and with no breakdowns
Danish Crown has been operating a all this time, so it was easy to choose
Terberg tractor for six years and recently the same again. We had a really good
purchased a new YT222 to support its dialogue with N.C. Nielsen and they
busy operations. modified the tractor quickly. I would like
to highlight the high level of comfort
Sales Manager Jørgen Peter Lund in a Terberg Terminal tractor. Having to
of Terberg distributor N.C. Nielsen spend many hours behind the wheel,
explained: “At Danish Crown they it’s essential to have a comfortable
Name Danish Crown knew exactly what they wanted. We working environment inside the cabin.
City, country Sæby, Denmark just had to make sure that the tractor Our drivers can enjoy the pre-heating,
Type and number of tractors 1 YT222 was compatible with the trestles they fit air conditioning, adjustable driver’s seat,
Application Trailer shunting under the semi-trailers, but that wasn’t a ergonomic instruments, mirrors and
problem. The Terberg tractors transport good visibility to all sides. Together, this
the semi-trailers between the loading kind of thing makes a difference during a
ramps and the yard and also drive on the busy working day.”


Posten and Bring keep the

mail and parcels flowing
The Norwegian postal service has two couplings and supplementary lighting Name Posten and Bring
brands: Posten for the consumer market for night-time operations. City, country Kristiansand & Drammen, Norway
in Norway, and Bring which serves the Type of tractors BC182
corporate market in the Nordic region. Caj Holm, Terminal Manager of the Application Swap body and semi-trailer handling
They operate in a low-margin industry Posten and Bring terminal in Drammen:
and the geography and low population “The Terberg machines have been
density in the region increase the costs great. We haven’t had any downtime on
of logistics operations. This means all the engine we’ve been running here.
their investments have to be efficient, But if anything should happen, it is
cost-effective and environment-friendly. important for us to have a permanent
When Posten and Bring decided to engineer that is easy to get hold of.
insource terminal vehicle operations One that we know well and who knows
they invested in BC182 Body Carriers. us. This was also a key factor in our
choice of machine brand.”
The vehicles are used for handling swap
bodies/containers, semi-trailers and
drawbar trailers. They were customised
with remotely controlled trailer




Per Löthner of N.C. Nielsen

N.C. Nielsen are the Terberg
distributor for Denmark, Norway,
Sweden and Iceland. Our tractors
have proven to be well-suited to
the often bitterly cold weather
in these countries. Per Löthner,
Nielsen District Manager in
Sweden, told us more about his
work and himself.

“My first job was as a flight technician in the

Swedish air force. In 1990 I moved into B2B
sales, initially packaging and forklift trucks.
I joined N.C. Nielsen in June 2018 and now
specialise in Terberg tractors. My predecessor,
Douglas, did a very good job, so Terberg is They often need 4x4 units so I am looking Per Löthner:
well-represented in Sweden, particularly in forward to the development of electric RTs.
ports. The good reputation of Terberg terminal Those will require a power source other than
“ Although Terberg
tractors makes my work easier and more conventional batteries, perhaps fuel cells or is now a large
enjoyable. Because the market is still growing charging while driving. The new YT203-EV
I have recently been joined by Håkan Lorén, is an important development and is ready to company, they
who is very familiar with the industry. cope with the Nordic climate. I can also see
still make you feel
opportunities to develop the market for YTs,
RT tractors are widely used in Sweden, in for use in warehouses, terminals and industry. they are a smaller
ports and in other settings, and have some So the new YT is very welcome. A number of
clear advantages over the competition. We tractors in Sweden are now fitted with Terberg
family company.
are also aiming to make the YT better known Connect. Remote monitoring of the running Both myself and
in Sweden. Terberg Body Carriers (BCs) are hours and error codes is particularly useful
currently used by operators such as PostNord. when planning the maintenance of our rental my customers who
We want to get these BCs approved for use fleet.”
have visited the
on public roads, which would make them
an attractive option for a range of other plant in Benschop
companies. There is a strong demand in our
market for used Terberg tractors. However, the
are aware of how
supply of used machines is limited. personal and
The interest in electric terminal tractors is also welcoming Terberg
increasing, especially as ports have to meet
is. In that respect
ever stricter environmental requirements.
they are quite
similar to Nielsen.”


Terberg Benschop


Cornelissen Groep
selects Terberg tractors
to replace fleet
For over 90 years Cornelissen Groep has provided a wide range of
logistics services such as transport, warehousing and pallet production.
Their customers include both retailers and pharmaceutics companies.
The company operates from 12 sites with a fleet of more than 350
vehicles and has a 2.5 ha warehouse.

Cornelissen Groep rented Terberg tractors for some time, to replace

tractors of a different make. The company has now purchased three
YT182 units. These are deployed at distribution centres for a chemist’s
chain and a leading supermarket group.
Name Cornelissen Groep
City, country The Netherlands, multiple sites
Type and number of tractors 3 YT182
Application Shunting trailers

Full overhaul service

Customers often run our tractors for many years, a full overhaul service. This can be more During a full overhaul we fit a new engine
perhaps reaching 30,000 operating hours, and economical than buying a new tractor and and gearbox, new axles, new wiring and
then replace them by a new unit. However, enables customers to continue operating with hydraulic and pneumatic piping. The fifth
Terberg Service Netherlands now also offers their current engine type. wheel is overhauled and the whole vehicle
is resprayed. This essentially results in a
brand new tractor and the unit is therefore
covered by the same warranty as our new
vehicles. Overhauls are usually completed
within three months, so this can also save
time compared with buying a new Terberg

IJTG Logistics in North Holland provides

a wide range of transport services.
The service workshop at Terberg Service
Netherlands in Benschop recently
overhauled one of their vehicles to as
new conditions.

Overhauled RT tractor, ready for hauling many more loads of steel


Terberg Benschop

Müller Fresh Food Logistics

This family-owned business with approximately 900
employees has a history going back over 80 years.
Müller provides a full range of logistics services for the food
industry. Müller initially rented Terberg tractors and recently
invested in two YT182 yard tractors which are currently in
use at logistics centres in Holten and Nijkerk. The vehicles
are used to shunt trailers between the loading docks and
the yard, for transport between warehouses on the site, and
for deliveries over public roads to customers in the area.

Operational Director Erwin Memelink commented: “We

selected Terberg because the tractors are very reliable and
convenient for heavy duty operations. Daily, during our
3 shift operation, the equipment is used almost 24/7. In
the past we had road trucks for shunting but the dedicated
Terberg vehicles make the work much easier. Müller has
been using Terberg tractors for about ten years now and
we do all the maintenance in-house.”
Name Müller Fresh Food Logistics
City, country The Netherlands
Type and number of tractors 2 YT182
Application Shunting trailers, internal & external transport

St. van den Brink

The company serves a range of food and non-food
retailers with its large fleet of trucks and trailers,
carrying ambient, refrigerated and frozen products.

Their key policy is to reduce the environmental impact of

the operations in terms of the CO2 footprint and noise
emissions. Solutions for this include hybrid trucks and LNG
trucks, and high cube trailers to reduce the number of trips.

After operating shunter trucks of a different brand, St. van

den Brink decided to invest in three YT222 tractors. These
are used at the Zaandam distribution centre of Albert
Heijn, a leading supermarket chain in the Netherlands. The
vehicles are covered by a Terberg maintenance contract.

Name St. van den Brink

City, country The Netherlands, multiple sites
Type and number of tractors 3 YT222
Application Shunting trailers



Shunting trailers at the DPD Polska warehouses

and sorting plants

DPD Polska has an expanding fleet of YT

tractors used for shunting semi-trailers at the
warehouses and sorting plants. They selected
Terberg vehicles because these match their
focus on quality and efficiency. Most of the
tractors have packages for use on public
roads. Before purchasing their first Terberg
tractor, DPD Polska tried out a vehicle from a
different manufacturer. However, they chose
our product because they preferred the
ergonomics, fuel consumption, operational Name DPD Polska

efficiency and ease of maintenance. City, country Various sites, Poland

Type of tractors Current fleet: YT182 and YT222 tractors
On order: 4 YT222
The company is part of DPDgroup, the second
Application Logistics
largest international courier network in Europe,
and is the market leader in Poland. DPD Polska
has over 3,500 employees and works with
almost 7,000 external delivery drivers.



RoRo trailer handling at

Estonia’s largest terminal
HHLA TK Estonia operates the largest container, RoRo and general
cargo terminal in Estonia, covering 56 ha. The company also has a
20,000 m² warehouse for cargo storage, transfers cargo to and from
rail vehicles, and provides a range of other services. The terminal has
operated Terberg tractors since 2007 and recently acquired four more
RT223 RoRo tractors used with goosenecks. All the vehicles are serviced
by Terberg distributor Willenbrock Baltic.

Name MSC Terminal Valencia

City, country Valencia, Spain
Type of tractors YT222
Application Container handling
TEU/yr 1.6 million

“It was decided to invest

in Terberg tractors given
their robustness, high
productivity, low fuel
consumption and low
City, country Port of Muuga, Maardu, Estonia
Type and number of tractors
4 RT223
RoRo trailer handling
levels of pollution”
TEU/yr 200,000
Total berth length Over 1 km



Distributor focus: DFS

D. F. Sarantopoulos (DFS) was set up in 1972. The company imports
materials handling equipment such as Terberg tractors and forklift
trucks, earthmoving and construction plant and a range of other
equipment. DFS has ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 certifications.

The offices, workshop, warehouse and showroom cover 2500 m² and

are centrally located in Athens. The central workshop is supported by
a fleet of mobile workshops, covering all of Greece. These vans carry a
range of tools and spare parts to support both dealers and end-users.

DFS serves many customers in both the private and public sector
and has been Terberg’s distributor in Greece since 2011. The tractors
are mostly supplied to the country’s largest ports such as the Piraeus
Container Terminal, Piraeus Port Authority and the Thessaloniki Port
Authority. DFS also sees opportunities at some smaller ports. Recent
deliveries include 30 YT182s to PPC SA and 2 RT283s to PPA SA.
Routine maintenance is undertaken by the port workshops while DFS
provides support for more extensive repairs. There is also an aluminium
plant which operates YT182 tractors.

MSC Terminals
Valencia fleet renewal
MSC Terminal Valencia is operated by TIL and is their
western Mediterranean transshipment hub and distribution
gateway for the Iberian Peninsula and Southern Europe,
Dimitrios Sarantopoulos:
with excellent road and rail links to the hinterland. The
terminal is served by routes linking the Far East and Africa “We think that Terberg, as a family-owned
with North Europe and America. company supplies a very good product with
Guided by its quality management policy MSC Terminal professional support”
Valencia started its fleet renewal programme in 2017. It was
decided to invest in Terberg tractors given their robustness,
high productivity, low fuel consumption and low levels of
pollution. Terberg distributor Alfaland has since supplied
a large number of YT tractors to the terminal.


Distributors - Africa



Containers in a dry port

Modjo is the largest and busiest of several “dry
ports” in Ethiopia, a landlocked country. This
multimodal terminal mostly handles containers
delivered by ship to the neighbouring
Republic of Djibouti and transported to Modjo
by rail & road transport. The containers with
imported goods are delivered to their final
destinations by road. Export traffic includes
coffee, vegetables and oil seeds.

The Modjo Logistics Hub (Modjo Port &

Terminal) has been using Terberg tractors
for over ten years. The latest order was
placed by the Ethiopian Maritime Affairs
Authority (EMAA) after a competitive tender
under the Ethiopia Trade Logistics Project
(ETLP) financed by the World Bank. Terberg
distributor QOPH Engineering Enterprise
will be providing training, spare parts and

“The Modjo Logistics Hub

Name Modjo Logistics Hub
(Modjo Port & Terminal)
City, country Modjo, Ethiopia
has been using Terberg Type of tractors YT182
tractors for over ten years.” Application Container handling
TEU/yr 150,000


Distributors - Africa


SPIA Maroc
SPIA Maroc supplies and maintains a wide
range of port and industrial equipment,
including Terberg tractors. The owner and
general manager is Mr Hassan Echerei.

Tanger Med Terminal TC3

The Tanger Med port in the north of Morocco,
on the Strait of Gibraltar, has connections to
more than 180 ports and 70 countries. The
third container terminal, TC3, is currently
under construction. It is a joint venture by
Contship, Eurogate and Marsa Maroc. It will
have a capacity of around 1.5 million TEU per
year and 800 m of quays.

Customer Tanger Med Terminal TC3

Mr Echerei commented: “Contship and
Eurogate already use Terberg tractors at their
Location, country Tangier, Morocco
terminals in La Spezia in Italy. Based on the
Type of tractors YT222 and RT223 tractors
good experience with these tractors and the
Application Port operations
service and support they receive from SPIA
Terminals: TEU/yr 1.5 million, when completed
at ports in Morocco they decided to order 37
YT222 and RT223 tractors for TC3. All Tanger
Med terminals now use Terberg tractors only.
We have also received an order for another
10 YTs for the Eurogate TC2 terminal.”

Port of Casablanca
The Port of Casablanca has four terminals,
for containers, RoRo, ore and multipurpose
operations. The main cargo types are
phosphate ore, steel products, cars, sugar
and wood. The total volume is over 11 million
tonnes and 540,000 TEU annually.

Mr Echerei: “Marsa Maroc operates Terberg

tractors at several ports in Morocco. In fact,
Terberg accounts for 90% of their tractor
fleet. We have been supplying tractors to this
port operator since 2006 and also provide
maintenance services.”

Customer Port of Casablanca - Container terminal

Location, country Casablanca, Morocco
Type of tractors YT182
Application Port operations
Terminals: TEU/yr 540,000


Terberg Tractors Americas



Astec sole terminal operator in Aruba

More than 95% of all products
imported via sea-borne cargo
The port of the Island Aruba includes a cruise terminal in
Oranjestad, an oil terminal, and a multi-cargo sea terminal
in Barcadera operated by Astec which started operations in
2016. Astec currently uses both YT180 and YT182 tractors.

Managing Director Mike de L’Isle commented: “Our

relationship with Terberg goes back to the early 2000s
when we purchased the first units. In 2020 we will upgrade
our fleet with two new Terberg YT182 units.

The continuity of our operations is very important because

we are the sole terminal operator on the island with more
than 95% of all products imported via sea-borne cargo.

Our in-house technical team makes sure the units remain

in excellent condition with our preventative maintenance
programs, essential in our highly corrosive environment.
In addition, we always strive to keep our fleet up to date
with relevant developments from Terberg. As such, we
have taken the decision to phase out the older units
and purchase new Terberg tractors. With the excellent
experience we have with our current fleet, combined
Name Astec
with the positive experience of both the technicians and
Town, country Aruba
the operators, as well as our stock of spare parts, our
Type of tractors YT180 and YT182
preference remained to stay with Terberg.”
Application Port operations
TEU/yr 60,000


Terberg Tractors Americas


Used RT382 from Latvia,

via the Netherlands to the US
The heavy steel industry demands a lot from Given the required specifications I expected
vehicles: the loads are heavy, the operating this to be difficult. Fortunately, Alwark, our
environment is frequently hot and dusty, and distributor in Latvia, had an RT382 4x4 unit
equipment may be used 24/7. In other words, available, with low running hours.
the perfect setting for some of the heaviest
duty Terberg tractors, such as the RT283, Because of the tractor’s engine specifications
RT323 and RT403. we had to get approval from the US
Environmental Protection Agency, which they
Ron van Arkel, Vice President, Terberg Tractors issued quite quickly.
Americas, commented: “The duty cycle in
these operation is very demanding. You must The tractor was shipped from Latvia to the
have a thorough understanding of the market main Terberg plant at Benschop for some
and the operational conditions to advise the modifications, and finally to the end user in
customer about the right vehicle for their Alabama, USA. The close cooperation between
application. Recently, one of our long-term Alwark, Terberg Benschop and Terberg
international customers asked me if I could find Tractors Americas made it possible to meet the
a used tractor for a steel mill at short notice. customer’s needs effectively and quickly.”


Dealer focus: a perfect add-on to our activities.” Equiport

is based in Santos, the biggest port in

Equiport Brazil in terms of container throughput. The

company handles sales and after-sales support
throughout Brazil.
Equiport has long been a leading supplier
of port equipment, such as reach stackers, Port of Santos
in Brazil. They used to supply another brand An international terminal operator in the port
of terminal tractors but became a Terberg of Santos handles large quantities of paper
distributor in 2019. Commercial director Elisio pulp. They already operate a large fleet of YT
Garcia explained: “We were very happy to tractors and after a tender ordered another
partner with Terberg as their product line is 19 YT222s. The challenges of this particular
application include the heavy weight of the
loaded containers and a steep bridge on the
route of the tractors. The new Terberg tractors
are very similar to the units already operating
on the site, to facilitate parts management and Steel mill
servicing. They are customised with heavy-duty A steel mill near Rio de Janeiro has operated a
Kessler rear axles with a high reduction ratio. fleet of 10 RT382 heavy-duty industrial tractors
The resulting increased torque enables the for over a decade. These are used for the
tractors to cross the bridge easily, even when internal transport of heavy slabs of steel and
handling the heaviest loads. can handle payloads of up to 120 tonnes. As
part of the fleet renewal programme Equiport
Port of Navegantes recently supplied two RT403 4x4 tractors to
Equiport also received an order for 25 YT222s this mill.
to replace the complete tractor fleet of a
terminal in the port of Navegantes.


Terberg Tractors Malaysia



Port of Chittagong,
The Port of Chittagong is the largest port in
Bangladesh. It is located on the Bay of Bengal
and the banks of the Karnaphuli river. The busy
port facilities also provide transshipment to
India, Nepal and Bhutan. The port authority
has been using Terberg tractors for ten years
and recently ordered three TT223 tractors.
These will be used with Movella container

Port of Mongla, Bangladesh

The port authority operates the second largest
port in Bangladesh and recently ordered their
first Terberg units, 15 YT182 tractors.

Port of Payra, Bangladesh

This port has been operating since 2016 and
recently invested in its first YT tractor.


Terberg Tractors Malaysia


64 terminal tractors for DP World Karachi (QICT)

DP World Karachi (QICT) received 64 new Terberg terminal QICT was the first modern container terminal in Pakistan
tractors to further improve yard productivity at its terminal launching its operation in 1997, and the only terminal with
in Port Qasim in Pakistan. The new tractors replace the a yearly throughput of more than 1.2 million twenty-foot
entire fleet of road trucks. equivalent units (TEU).


MICT, Port of Manila,

The Manila International Container Terminal is located at the heart
of the Philippine capital. It is the largest and most modern container
terminal in the Philippines and is operated by ICTSI. Terberg recently
delivered 22 new tractors to MICT.


Terberg Tractors Malaysia


Cai Mep,
This new deepwater port will

Wan Hai Lines, Taiwan

open towards the end of 2020
and will eventually have a capacity
of 2.5 million TEU per year. The
The company’s liner service network covers between the quay and the stacking area. operator has ordered 56 Terberg
Asia, Europe and North America and it This is our first major delivery to a customer YT180 tractors, with deliveries
operates a number of terminals. Their terminal in Taiwan, supported by our distributor starting in 2020. This is our largest
in Kaohsiung recently took delivery of their first Accumulator International. single order from a customer in
10 Terberg tractors. These will carry containers Vietnam.


First Euro 5 units

for Sri Lanka
SLPA has operated a fleet of 50 Terberg tractors for almost a decade.
The Sri Lanka emissions standards were recently tighthened which is
why the latest order, for 14 YT220 tractors, specified Euro 5 engines.
These are the first units of this type in the country. The hand-over
ceremony was attended by the Managing Director and the Director
of Operations of SLPA and representatives of our distributor, Termss
Name Sri Lanka Port Authority (SLPA)
City, country Various locations
Type and number of tractors 14 YT220
Application Port operations



Terberg takes part in

autonomous operation pilot
in the Netherlands
Terberg is an innovation partner of Living
Lab Autonomous Transport Zeeland.
During this three-year project, Terberg
will deploy one of its AutoTUG™
automated vehicles at both a terminal and
on the public highway.

The Living Lab project provides a unique opportunity to

further develop the company’s vehicle technology and also
to strengthen the position of the logistics industry in the
Province of Zeeland, in the south-west of the Netherlands.
This will be the first time in the Netherlands that a self-
driving truck operates on the public highway.

Living Lab is an innovation project managed by Zeeland

Connect, an independent network of businesses, research This will be the first time in the
institutes and the public sector which aims to strengthen
the logistics sector in Zeeland. The projects give SMEs an
Netherlands that a self-driving truck
opportunity to learn about innovative technologies and
their applications. Living Lab started on 1 November 2019,
operates on the public highway
supported by an EU grant, and runs through to 1 January
2023. This project gives businesses, public sector bodies,
road operators and research institutes new opportunities Real-life autonomous transport
to analyse and test autonomous transport operations in a Terberg is taking part in two pilots with mixed traffic in real-
controlled, realistic environment. life logistics operations. A Terberg AutoTUG™ autonomous
vehicle will drive between the quay and the container
stack at the terminal of Kloosterboer Vlissingen BV, a
logistics services provider. This vehicle will also operate
on the public highway, on the 3.3 km route between the
Kloosterboer terminal and MSP Onions, a leading exporter
of onions and potatoes. This will provide an opportunity
to identify traffic risks, improve technology and optimise
safety measures.



at Benschop
The facilities at our Benschop site have been
expanded, for the third time in a decade,
using the space freed by the relocation
of the Warehouse. Our factory has two
production lines: High Volume Assembly
(HVA) for the YT and DT tractors, and Low
Volume Assembly (LVA) for all other models.

HVA facts &


new line stations

sections of new Daan de Nie, Manager Process Engineering, was responsible for
storage racking the expansion project: “We extended the HVA line, which uses a
conveyor chain in the floor to move the tractors being assembled, and

light overhead cranes
supplemented it with pre-assembly stations by the side of the line. Our
YT production capacity is now around 50% higher, which will enable
us to fulfil orders more quickly. We did most of the work while
production continued.

heavy overhead cranes
First we refurbished the former warehouse halls and installed
new ceilings, floors, twenty light overhead cranes, two
heavy overhead cranes, etc. During the summer break
we relocated several stations of the existing line, built

2 km
of lines painted
new stations and integrated all the systems. There was
absolutely no interruption of the production.
Our suppliers and contractors were very supportive
and flexible. That enabled us to finish the work within
the tight schedule.”



Improved axle stand

The axle stand we redesigned some time ago is
a good example of continuous improvement at
Terberg. In the past the operative had to lift the axle
with a crane to turn it over. The new stand has rollers
so the axle can be turned by hand. This saves time
and reduces potential damage. The redesigned stand
is also easier to work with and more ergonomic.

Assembly personnel now have more workspace available and in the

new areas they use battery-powered tools so there are no air hoses to
get in the way. The heating and lighting have been replaced and are
now more energy-efficient. We have also installed more solar panels on Daan de Nie:
the roof of the building.
“The next step is to
look for further
“At Terberg we keep looking for improvement opportunities
everywhere. This includes the expanded production area where we

opportunities to improve
apply methods such as 5S, Kaizen and Continuous Improvement.”
Daan continued: “The new YTxx3 chassis is bolted together, and the
automatic bolt tensioner unit measures and records the torque on every
single bolt. We have also made other improvements to help our people quality and efficiency in
build vehicles more efficiently and with an even higher quality.”
both the HVA and LVA



The Terberg Academy

Terberg has always provided training,
and recently set up the Terberg Academy.

Training Coordinator Oebele Deelstra: Customers ordering larger numbers of

“I joined Terberg 19 years ago, working in tractors, especially in ports, often book
the After-Sales department, which used to courses as well. That gives us a good
provide the training. The Academy means we opportunity to visit their sites and get
now have a more structured approach. We feedback from their personnel.
are starting with scheduled train-the-trainer
sessions for our distributors, building on the We also train the operatives who assemble our
Oebele Deelstra:
training we have always provided. tractors. This covers general assembly, vehicle
“The academy systems, and the Terberg way of doing things
Courses for mechanics focus on under­standing
closely follows (LEAN and a constant focus on quality). We
our products, diagnosing and fixing problems, currently have one full-time trainer and we are
and routine maintenance. The training all product recruiting a second.
materials are modular so we can tailor courses, developments”
about the engine or hydraulics – whatever The academy closely follows all product
the customer wants. Courses are given at developments and new technology used in
Benschop and our customers' sites and via our vehicles, so we can inform our distributors,
webinars. There are also training sessions customers and operatives in time. We are also
for drivers, covering the vehicle controls, developing an E-learning platform, so training
adjusting the seat, coupling trailers quickly courses will be available on demand."
and safely, etc.


Corporate structure

Founded in 1869
Turnover: e 1.06 billion (2019)
Employees: > 3,000
Companies in 12 countries
Export worldwide: > 100 countries







Special vehicles
TRACTORS BELGIUM BVBA MATEC BELGIUM BVBA This division includes Terberg Benschop, its main factory in the Netherlands,
(BELGIUM) (BELGIUM) and its subsidiaries abroad.
MIDDLE EAST FZE MATEC POLSKA SP.Z O.O Environmental equipment
This division manufactures Dennis Eagle truck chassis, vehicle bodies for waste
TERBERG TERBERG MATEC SAS collection, a full range of binlift systems and waste loading systems for the recycling
and waste disposal industry.


Car & van modification
(MALAYSIA) (JV 50/50) Modifications to cars and light commercial vehicles span a wide range: for wheelchair
users, police forces, mobile offices, maintenance contractors, etc.
Truck modification
ROS ROCA S.A.U. This division modifies standard trucks into special trucks by changing the axle
(SPAIN) configuration and adapting the steering and suspension systems. The division’s
workshops also undertake truck repairs and statutory vehicle inspections.
Truck-mounted forklifts
This division produces truck-mounted forklifts.
This division is one of the largest independent car leasing and rental companies
(PORTUGAL) in the Netherlands, serving both the business and consumer markets.
The consumer market is served under the Justlease brand.





Europe Italy Spain Africa
Manuport s.r.l. Alfaland S.A.
Genoa Madrid
Austria Algeria
manuport.it alfaland.es
Terberg Spezialfahrzeuge GmbH Sarl KOM Algerie
Hamburg Ain Taya
Latvia Sweden
SIA “Alwark” N.C. Nielsen A/S
Marupes Novads Balling
Belgium Francetruck S.A.
alwark.lv nc-nielsen.dk
Terberg Tractors Belgium BvbA Goussainville
Oostakker francetruck.com
Lithuania Switzerland
UAB “Alwark” Terberg Spezialfahrzeuge GmbH
Vilnius Hamburg
Bosnia-Herzegovina EIE Heavy Lift
alwark.lt terbergspezialfahrzeuge.de
Okovje D.O.O. Pomona, Gauteng
Podnart eiegroup.co.za
Malta Turkey
Motherwell Bridge Industries Ltd. Portunus Port spares & services
Hal Far Istanbul
Croatia  Francetruck S.A.
mbmalta.com portunus.com
Okovje D.O.O. Goussainville
Podnart francetruck.com
Montenegro Ukraine
Okovje D.O.O. LLC Trans-service KTT
Podnart Odessa
Cyprus Francetruck S.A.
okovje.com transservice.com.ua
Alexander Dimitriou & Sons Ltd. Goussainville
Nicosia francetruck.com
Macedonia (Northern) United Kingdom
Okovje D.O.O. Terberg DTS Ltd.
Podnart Elland, Halifax
Czech Republic Novengi Ltd.
okovje.com terbergdts.co.uk

Linde Material Handling Ceská Les Pailles

republika s.r.O. novengi.mu
The Netherlands
Terberg Benschop B.V.
Middle East Congo-Brazzaville
Francetruck S.A.
Denmark Goussainville
Abu Dhabi
N.C. Nielsen A/S francetruck.com
Norway Specialized Technical Equipment - STE
N.C. Nielsen A/S Abu Dhabi
nc-nielsen.dk Congo-Kinshasa
Balling steest.net
Francetruck S.A.
Estonia Goussainville
Willenbrock Baltic OÜ francetruck.com
Poland Boranex Middle East Trading L.L.C.
Toyota Material Handling Dubai
willenbrock.ee Côte d’Ivoire
Polska Sp. Z.o.o.
Francetruck S.A.
Jaktorow Jordan
Finland Goussainville
toyota-forklifts.pl Etco Engineering Trading Contracting
Sigma Trukit Oy francetruck.com
Portugal etcogroup.com
sigmatrukit.fi Djibouti
Iberlift Portugal (Sede)
Tamamoul Motors
Sintra Kuwait
France Djibouti
iberlift.pt Terberg Middle East FZE
Francetruck S.A. tamamoul.com
Romania terbergmiddleeast.ae
francetruck.com Egypt
Cemps S.A.
Kabadaya Co. for Specialized
Bucarest Lebanon
Germany Equipment
cemps.ro Etco Engineering Trading Contracting
Terberg Spezialfahrzeuge GmbH Cairo
Hamburg special-equipment.com
Russia etcogroup.com
Konecranes Demag Rus JSC
Equatorial Guinea
St. Petersburg Qatar
Greece Francetruck S.A.
konecranes.ru Milaha Trading
D.F. Sarantopoulos S.A. Goussainville
(Navigation Trading Agencies)
Athens francetruck.com
Serbia Doha
Okovje D.O.O. milaha.com
Hungary Paterson Simons & Co (Africa) Ltd.
okovje.com Saudi Arabia
Terberg Benschop B.V. Brighton, East Sussex
Al-Iman for Contracting & Trading
Benschop patersonsimons.com
Slovakia Dammam
Linde Material Handling Slovenska alimanmhd.com
republika s.r.o.
Iceland Francetruck S.A.
Trencin United Arab Emirates
N.C. Nielsen A/S Goussainville
linde-mh.sk Terberg Middle East FZE
Balling francetruck.com
Slovenia terbergmiddleeast.ae
Okovje D.O.O.
Israel Kone Liftrucks Ltd.
David Czapnik & Sons Ltd. Mombasa
Rishon Le Zion kone.co.ke


Terberg Special Vehicles

Lesotho Seychelles Bolivia Far East

EIE Heavy Lift Novengi Ltd. Moviluno
Pomona, Gauteng Les Pailles Montevideo Bangladesh
eiegroup.co.za novengi.mu moviluno.com.uy Essentials Trade Lines Ltd.
Liberia South Africa Brazil essentials.com.bd
Paterson Simons & Co (Africa) Ltd. EIE Heavy Lift Equiport Equipamentos para
Brighton, East Sussex Pomona, Gauteng Portos Ltda China
patersonsimons.com eiegroup.co.za Santos Hoi Tung Innotek (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
equiport.com.br Guangdong
Libya Swaziland htinnotek.com
Sunrise Int. Trading & Service Co. Ltd. EIE Heavy Lift Chili
Valletta Pomona, Gauteng Tattersall Maquinarias S.A. KCL Lifttrucks Limited
info@sunrise.com.mt eiegroup.co.za Santiago Hong Kong
tattersall-maquinarias.cl www.kclfalcon.com
Malawi Togo
EIE Heavy Lift Francetruck S.A. Colombia Hong Kong
Pomona, Gauteng Goussainville Global Port Equipment KCL Lifttrucks Limited
eiegroup.co.za francetruck.com Colombia S.A.S. Hong Kong
Bogotá kclfalcon.com
Mali Zambia gpeamericas.com
Francetruck S.A. EIE Heavy Lift India
Goussainville Pomona, Gauteng Costa Rica Portrucks Equipment Pvt. Ltd.
francetruck.com eiegroup.co.za Lemont Costa Rica LLC Ltda Chennai
Limon portrucks.com
Novengi Ltd. Dominican Republic
Les Pailles
North America Avelino Abreu S.A.S.
PT. Harbarindo Baharitama
novengi.mu Santo Domingo Jakarta
Canada avelinoabreu.com harbarindo.com
Mayotte Cropac Equipment, Inc.
Novengi Ltd. Oakville, Ontario Mexico PT. Towin Innoven
Les Pailles cropac.com Madisa Jakarta
novengi.mu Nuevo Léon
Train Trailer Limited Madisa.com Malaysia
Mauritania Mississauga, Ontario Terberg Tractors Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Francetruck S.A. traintrailer.com Panama Selangor Darul Ehsan
Goussainville Global Port Equipment Americas terbergtractorsmalaysia.com.my
francetruck.com Williams Machinery Limited Panama
Partnership gpeamericas.com Pakistan
Morocco Surrey British Columbia Karsaz (Pvt) Ltd.
SPIA Maroc williamsmachinery.com Paraguay Karachi
Casablanca Moviluno karsaz.com.pk
spia.ma USA Montevideo
moviluno.com.uy Philippines
Mozambique North & South Carolina and Florida Pink Armour Corporation
EIE Heavy Lift Linder Industrial Machinery Peru Manila
Pomona, Gauteng Plant City, FL Eurolift Peru S.A. pinkarmourcorp.com
eiegroup.co.za linderco.com Lima
ltperu.pe Singapore
Madagascar Indiana Terberg Tractors Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Novengi Ltd. Taylor’s Truck & Trailer Service Uruguay Selangor Darul Ehsan
Les Pailles Indianapolis MovilUno terbergtractorsmalaysia.com.my
novengi.mu taylorstrucks.com Montevideo
moviluno.com.uy South Korea
Namibia Maine, Vermont, New York, Portro Co. Ltd.
EIE Heavy Lift Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Busan
Pomona, Gauteng New Hampshire,
Massachusetts, Connecticut,
eiegroup.co.za Sri Lanka
Maryland and Delaware Termss Global (Pvt) Ltd.
Niger Mi-Jack, Inc. Australia Colombo
Francetruck S.A. Howell, New Jersey Clark Equipment Sales Pty. Ltd. termss.com
Goussainville Mi-jack.com Hornsby
francetruck.com clarkequipment.com Taiwan
Other states Accumulator International Inc.
Nigeria Terberg Tractors Americas, Inc. New Zealand Taipei
Paterson Simons & Co (Africa) Ltd. Miami Clark Equipment Sales Pty. Ltd. accumulator.com.tw
Brighton, East Sussex terbergtractorsamericas.com Hornsby
patersonsimons.com clarkequipment.com Thailand
Yasith Co. Ltd.
Reunion Islands Pacific Islands
Latin America Clark Equipment Sales Pty. Ltd.
Novengi Ltd. yasith.co.th
Les Pailles Hornsby
novengi.mu Argentina clarkequipment.com Vietnam
LMA Industrial S.A. CICA Vietnam Ltd.
Senegal Buenos Aires Ho Chi Minh City
Francetruck S.A. hysterarg.com.ar cica.com.vn


Terberg Special Vehicles
P.O. Box 2
3405 ZG Benschop
The Netherlands

Tel. +31 348 45 92 11



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