Methodical Instructions For Students For Practical Classes 2

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Subject: Care of patients, its role in the treatment process and the organization in a therapeutic



THEME: Determination and registration of main indices of human’s physiology

(pulse, blood pressure, respiration, body’s temperature).

ACTUALITY: Determination of patients heart rate, blood pressure, depth, frequency,

respiration rate, body temperature are components of evaluation their current condition
in any pathology of the internal organs. Identification deviations from normal range also
properly planned and organized care of patients are an important links in the complex of
treatment procedures in the clinic of internal medicine. Body temperature is one of
important human constants. That’s why its change always indicates a certain
pathological deviations in the body. Depending on the degree of changes in body
temperature the presence of a disease, the nature of the course and degree of its severity
can be judged from. In this way - measuring the body temperature is one of the most
important and most affordable diagnostic methods.
- To teach students to identify the main indicators of hemodynamics and
- To teach the students to palpate the peripheral vessels and to determine the
properties of the arterial pulsations.
- To teach students some fundamental rules to stop bleeding from arterial and
venous vessels.
- To teach students the rules for blood pressure measurement by N.S. Korotkov
- To teach students provide first aid to patients while lowering and increasing
blood pressure.
- To teach students the basic rules for determining the frequency, depth, type and
respiratory rhythm.
- To teach students to provide first aid to patients with cough, shortness of breath,
- To teach students to measure the temperature of the human body properly
according to the methodology.

To form the skills students need to know:

1. Determination of pulse and pulse palpation places.
2. Characteristics of the pulse.
3. Methods of pulse examination (palpation, auscultation).
4. Determination of blood pressure, blood pressure measurement rules on brachial
and femoral arteries.
5. Normal blood pressure values.
6. Normal respiratory rate, kinds of breathlessness, pathological types of breathing
(Kussmaul, Cheyne-Stokes, Biot).
7. The structure and working principle of medical thermometer.
8. Rules of medical thermometers storage and demercurization measures.
9. Places measuring body temperature criteria for their selection.
10.Rules of body temperature measurement.
11.Types of temperature curves.

As a result of the classes a student should be able to:

1. Determine the pulse of the central and peripheral arteries and give 6
characteristics to it.
2. Measure blood pressure in the brachial artery and interpret received results.
3. Determine the pulse deficiency.
4. Provide first aid in case of lowering and increasing blood pressure.
5. Conduct a study external respiration function, determine the frequency, depth,
type and rate of breathing.
6. Provide emergency care when coughing, shortness of breath.
7. To be able to apply hemostatic tourniquet.
8. Carry out thermometry.
9. Graphically depict the data in temperature leaf.
10.To characterize the types of temperature curves.
11.Caring for patients with high body temperature or a fever.
12.Disinfect medical thermometer.


1. To study the recommended mandatory literature (look recommended literature).
2. To study the recommended additional literature (look recommended literature).

SELF-DEPENDENT AUDIENCE WORK: students are working in groups of 2-3 people in the
therapeutic department with patients suffering from pathologies of the cardiovascular and respiratory

1. What is the respiratory rate in a healthy person?
2. Reasons of dyspnea occurrence.
3. Caring for patients with breathlessness.
4. Caring for patients with reduced blood pressure.
5. Caring for patients with increased blood pressure.
6. Rules of sputum collecting.
7. Methods for pleurocentesis conducting.
8. Basic rules for stopping bleeding from the arterial and venous vessels.
9. The structure and operation principle of the medical thermometer.
10.Terms of medical thermometers storage , demercurisation measures.
11.Places of body temperature measurement, the criteria for their selection.
12.Rules of body temperature measurement.
13.Types of temperature curves.
14.To characterize the types of temperature curves.
15.Care of patients with increased body temperature and fever.
1. Polskaya L.V., Krutikov S.N. Nursing Procedures in therapeutic practice. – Simferopol, 2008.
– 128 p.
2. Nursing of the sick. WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific. – 2010. – 253 p.
(electronic variant).
3. Nursing ( Occupational Practice Training ). Pragram of nursing occupational practical training
for students of 2 nd year of Dental Faculty / Iaremenko O. B., Ilnitskyi R. I., Bodaretskaya O.
I., Iordanova N. H., Tutchenko M. ., Susak Ya. M., Yaroshuk D. V. , Tyshko F. O. – Kyiv:
National O.O. Bohomolets Medical University, 2012. – 23 p
4. Essential Competencies For Patient Care / ed. by Mary Elizabeth Milliken, BSN, MS, Ed. D.,
Gene Campbell, BSN, M.Ed. – The C. V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, Toronto, Princeton,
1985. – P. 685 – 716.
5. Fundamentals of Nursing (Concepts and Procedures) / ed. by Barbara Kozier, BA, BSN, RN,
MN; Glenora Erb, BSN, RN. – Addison – Wesley Publishing Company, Nursing Division,
Menlo Park, California, 1983. – P. 13 –15, 21 – 32, 39 – 46, 49 – 51, 233 – 256, 414 – 416,
444 – 446, 451 – 465, 485, 491 – 529, 531 – 534, 935 – 938, 942 – 947, 952 – 981.

1. Curriculum in Palliative Care for Undergraduate Medical Education : Recommendations of the
European Association for Palliative Care [Electronic resource] / Milano, EAPC, 2007. – 24 p. -
Access mode:
2. EAPC Atlas of Palliative Care in Europe [Electronic resource]/ [C. Centeno, D. Clark, T. Lynch et
al.] – Houston : IAPHC Press, 2007. – 340 p. – Access mode:
3. White Paper on standards and norms for hospice and pallianive care in Europe [Electronic
resource]/ Recommendations from the European Association for Palliative Care. Part I // Eur. J of
Palliative Care. – 2009. – # 16 (6). - Access mode:
4. White Paper on standards and norms for hospice and pallianive care in Europe [Electronic
resource] / Recommendations from the European Association for Palliative Care. Part II // Eur. J
of Palliative Care. – 2010. – # 17 (1). - Access mode:
5. Recommendations of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) For the Development
of Undergraduate Curricula in Palliative Medicine At European Medical Schools [Electronic
resource]: report of the EAPC Steering Group on Medical Education and Training in Palliative
Care. - Edition 2013. - Access mode:

Methodical instruction was prepared by assistant I. Kobitovich

Discussed and approved on the chair meeting: protocol № from

Head of department
Propedeutics to Internal Medicine
MD, professor V. Neyko

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