Vestibular 2021.1 - MEDICINA
Vestibular 2021.1 - MEDICINA
Vestibular 2021.1 - MEDICINA
QUESTÕES de 12 a 19 04) decided to work part time after her supervisor agreed with
05) began doing the company work from home after her
Working From home
daughter was born.
The fastest-growing job force QUESTÃO 13
today in America are people who According to the text, John Williams
work out of their homes.
01) receives a small pension because he retired at the wrong
Robin Gagliardi, 30, is an administrative assistant
for the Westchester County, New York, clerk’s office. 02) was thirty-one when he began working.
After her daughter, Kristina, was born four years ago, 03) had chances of getting a job but decided suddenly to stop
Gagliardi asked her supervisor if she could work working.
5 part time. The supervisor suggested she remain full 04) lacked motivation for looking for jobs after his early
time, working a few days a week from home — an retirement.
arrangement that had never been tried before by the 05) retired before the usual age after he had worked many
organization. It paid off: the number of information years in a corporation.
that she processed rose from 60 a day to 100. Since QUESTÃO 14
10 the arrangement was so successful, Gagliardi began Concerning Robin Gagliardi and John Williams, it is correct to
working full time from home. say that
John Williams was forced to take early retirement
01) both of them are employed and work from their homes.
at the corporation where he had worked for 31 years.
He thought that looking for a new job would be too 02) Robin didn’t adapt to working outside the company and
15 difficult for a 58-year-old. Instead, he decided to follow John didn’t either.
his entrepreneurial instincts. 03) both of them work in the same company now.
Williams was an expert at home repairs, and over 04) Robin works for the Westchester County and so does
the years he’d received many calls from divorced or John.
widowed women asking for help with leaky faucets or
05) John took early retirement and Robin did too.
20 defective doors. So Williams founded Rent a Husband
Handyman Service in his Rockville, Md., home — and QUESTÃO 15
has had a continuous series of work ever since. It can be inferred from the text that
Robin Gagliardi and John Williams are members 01) Faith Wohl estimates that there will be a large number of
of a fast-growing job force: people who work out of telecommuters in the United States by 2005.
25 their homes.
02) big enterprises are against the new tendency of employees
Today, many businesses permit employees to working from home.
work at home, including giants such as AT&T
03) telecommuters should ask themselves if there are good
(with 36,000 telecommuters), IBM and Motorola.
advantages for them.
Even the federal government is hoping to follow this
30 trend. Faith Wohl, former director of the Office of 04) the federal government is resistant to telecommuters.
Workplace Initiatives for the U.S. General Services 05) there are few telecommuters employed at AT&T at the
Administration, says Uncle Sam has a target of 60,000 moment.
telecommuters by the year 2005. QUESTÃO 16
SPEAK UP. Ano 12, n. 154, p. 6-7, s.d. (Adaptado) “the number of information that she processed rose from 60
a day to 100.” (l. 8-9)
“It paid off” (l. 8) — valeu a pena.
This passage proves that working from home
01) requires a lot of training in computer skills.
As for Robin Gagliardi, it is true to say that she
02) means less office space in the company.
01) asked her supervisor for a promotion four years ago. 03) means fewer employees at work.
02) had a hard time working full time from home. 04) can be quicker and productive.
03) applied for a new job as soon as her daughter was born. 05) can reduce the company costs.
UNIG - Processo Seletivo 2021.1 - Medicina - Itaperuna Inglês | 4
The word that forms the superlative in the same way as “fastest”
(subtitle) is In reference to good news, the Cellular Telephone Industry
01) bad.
01) asked companies to make publicly known the amount of
02) famous. radiation sent to the human body by a cell phone.
03) modern. 02) points out cell phone users are not exposed to any level of
04) early. radiation.
05) difficult. 03) admits that people who suffer from heart disease cannot
use cell phones.
04) expects that the demand for wireless phones will increase
The word or expression whose idea is correctly expressed on
because people are sure they are out of danger from
the right is
01) “four years ago” (l. 3) — frequency. 05) claims that people can get cell phones at very low prices.
02) “a few days a week” (l. 6) — manner.
03) “never” (l. 7) — doubt.
04) “so” (l. 10) — intensification. The piece of bad news in the text is that
05) “ever since” (l. 22) — place. 01) Researches have shown that smokers would rather quit
their jobs than quit smoking.
02) Nonsmokers are expected to have more stressful lives
The word “that” (l. 7) can be replaced by
than smokers.
01) whose. 03) Smokers are expected to have lower life expectancy
02) which. besides having more trouble doing routine tasks than
03) to whom. nonsmokers.
04) in which. 04) Nonsmokers should worry about passive smoking because
its effects have been harmful.
05) who.
05) Besides causing bronchial troubles, heart disease and
QUESTÕES de 20 a 22 lung cancer, smoking can cause many other diseases.
Your health
According to the text, the word whose grammatical function is
correcly stated is
01) “no” (l. 2) — Adverb.
Wireless worries: Still wondering what that cell 02) “whether” (l. 8) — Preposition.
phone is doing to your brain? There’s no convincing 03) “anyone” (l. 9) — Indefinite pronoun.
evidence yet it’s doing much of anything, but still the
04) “that” (l. 13) — Demonstrative pronoun.
Cellular Telephone Industry Association is requiring
5 manufacturers to disclose how much of a cell 05) “their” (l. 14) — Personal pronoun.
phone’s radiation may be absorbed by the body. The
measurement, called the specific absorption rate, is
regulated by the FCC. But whether a lower reading
translates into a safer phone is anyone’s guess.
* * *