Unit 1: Nature and Forms of Literature
Unit 1: Nature and Forms of Literature
Unit 1: Nature and Forms of Literature
Would you like to give us a glimpse of this country? Why don’t you
make a collage of it featuring the beautiful places, exotic food ,
culture ,literature and the culture of the people ? You can make use of pictures,
images or clippings to make your collage more beautiful. But before you make
the collage, for you to explore and know more about the country, you may surf
the you tube and watch something about this country.
Literature became the venue of many sensitive people who wanted to preserve their feelings,
emotions, observation on the world they are living. It is in literature that they can tell the world
and other generations on how they live, feel, and dream for their world. Thus, it is through
literature that we can see the deepest aspect of human life.
Literature is literally an “acquaintance with letters” (from the Latin littera meaning
The term has generally come to identify a collection of texts or works of art
Literature consists of writing which interpret the meanings of nature and life, in words
of charm and power, touched with personality of the author in artistic forms of
permanent interest. – Henry Van Dyke
Literature existed because there are people who wanted to express their feelings,
emotions, and experiences in writing. They used letters, words, sentences and the
whole composition in artistic manner to convey what they perceived about life.
Literature is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical and
scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative
imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction.
Life could be learned from the life of others. We could say that Literature teaches us
how to live. It is in Literature where hopefully people learn the art of living.
The two main divisions of literature are Prose and Poetry.
1. Prose consists of writing that does not adhere to any particular formal structure (other
than simple grammar). It is spoken or written language without metrical structure as
distinguished from poetry or verse.
A. Fiction
The good ended happily, and the bad ended unhappily.That is what
Fiction means.
-Oscar Wilde
From the Latin fingere, “to form, create” is prose writing that tells about
imaginary characters and events. Some writers of fiction base their stories on real
people and events, while others rely on their imagination. Thus, fiction is the product
of imagination of the writer.
1. Short story is a brief prose narrative that can usually be read in one sitting.
It contains few characters and a single plot that revolves around the main
4. Fable is a brief story usually with animal characters that teaches a lesson
or moral.
Lets get to learn know more about prose that you may understand better the various
literary works which you will be reading. It would be easier for you to appreciate them.
The essentials of fiction are essentials of every story: plot, characters, setting, point of
view and theme.
Exposition: The introduction; reader learns about the setting, major characters, etc.
Rising Action: The part of the story that builds the tension through conflict; most of
the action of the plot occurs here.
Climax: The high point in the tension of the story or the turning point of the story.
Falling Action: The action and conflict that occurs after the climax; often very short.
Resolution: The story is brought to its conclusion; all loose ends are tied up.
o Character v Character
o Character v Nature
o Character v Supernatural
o Character v Society
o Character v Self
There are basically two points of view which a writer can tell a story:
o First-Person Narrator. The writer has a major character who tells the
story in his own words. (“I said;” “I did;” “I remember”)
A prose writing that represents and explains ideas or tells about real people,
places, objects or events.
1. Autobiography, from the Greek words auton – ‘self,’ bios – ‘life’ and
graphein – ‘write,’ is a briography written by the author about himself.
3. Essay is a short work of writing that treats a topic from the author’s
personal point of view. Essay is the most common form of literature. It is
the easiest form of literature to write. There are only two elements for you
to consider: the main idea and the paragraph. As long as you have these
two, you could write an essay.
5. Letter is often contains personal thoughts and opinions, but they are
directed at just one person.