Police Org Review Notes
Police Org Review Notes
Police Org Review Notes
American Occupation
7. Principle of Delegation by result – states
that authority delegated should be adequate - November 30, 1980 – creation of Insular
to ensure the ability to accomplish expected Police Force
results. - July 18, 1901 – creation of Insular
8. Principle of absoluteness of responsibility Constabulary by Virtue of Act # 175
– explains that the responsibility of the - July 31, 1901 – Manila Police Department
subordinates to their superior for performance was organized by virtue of Act # 183
is absolute and the superior cannot escape - October 3, 1901 – Insular Constabulary was
responsibility for the organization on activities changed to Philippine Constabulary by virtue
performed by their subordinates. of Act # 255
9. Principle of Parity and Responsibility – - January 2, 1942 – first element of the
explains that responsibility for action cannot Japanese Imperial Army entered manila
be greater than that implied by the authority called KEMPETAI. It is on this date that
delegated nor should it be less. Manila Police department was renamed
10. Authority Level Principle – implies that Metropolitan Constabulary under the Bureau
decisions within the authority of the individual of Constabulary
commander should be made by them and not - February 7, 1945 – General Macarthur
be returned upward in the organizational returned to the Philippines and the Battle of
structure. Manila ended. Manila Police Department was
11. Principle of Flexibility – means that more reconstituted.
flexible the organization, the more it can fulfill
its purpose
Important Personalities
EVOLUTION OF PHILIPPINE POLICE SERVICE 1. William Howard Taft – first civil governor
of the Philippines
Spanish Regime 2. Capt. George Curry - first Chief of
Police of the Manila Police Department
1. The Guardrilleros – This was body of rural 3. Capt. Columbus E. Piatt – last American
police organized in each town and established Chief of Police of Manila Police
by the Royal Decree of January 8, 1836. This Department before the World War II broke
Act provided that 5% of the able-bodied male out
inhabitants of each province were to be 4. Capt. Henry T. Allen – first Chief of
enlisted in this police organization for 3 years. Police of the Philippine Constabulary
2. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica – This 5. Brig. Gen. Rafael Crame – became the
was organized in 1712 for the purpose of first Filipino Chief of Police of the
carrying out the regulations of the department Philippine Constabulary
of state. It was armed with carbines. In 1781, 6. Col. Antonio C. Torres – first Filipino
it was given the special commission of Chief of Police of the Manila Police
government custodian of the tobacco Department when it became an all Filipino
monopoly. By Royal Decree on December 20, police organization
1842, it was organized and called CUERPO 7. Col. Marcus Ellis Jones – first Chief of
DE CARABINEROS DE SEGURIDAD Police of the Manila Police Department
PUBLICA, hence, its duties become police upon the liberation of Manila from the
like and more general. Japanese Imperial Army
3. The Guardia Civil – this was created by a 8. Col. Lamberto T. Jalavera – first Chief of
Royal decree issued by the Crown on Police of Manila Police Department under
February 12, 1852 to partially relieve the the Republican government of then Pres.
Spanish Peninsular troops of their work in Roxas
policing towns.
6. Eight (8) Administrative Support Units operational control and supervision over
a. Logistics Support Service - all agencies involved in airport security
Procurement Division; Supply, operations, and enforce laws and
Distribution & Storage Division; regulation relative to air travel protection
Explosibes and Ordinance Division; and safety.
Transportation and Maintenance d. Narcotics Command / Unit (absorbed
Division; Engineering and Repair by the PDEA) - shall enforce all laws
Division relative to the protection of the citizenry
b. Computer Services - Systems against dangerous and other prohibited
Development Division; Computer drugs and substances.
Operations Division; Data Control e. Intelligence Group / Unit - shall serve
Division; Computer Training & as intelligence and counter-intelligence
Research Division operatoing unit of the PNP
c. Finance Service - Revenue Division; f. Special Action Force - that shall serve
Audit and Control Division; EDP as the mobile strike force or reaction
Division; Disbursement Division unit to augment regional, provincial,
d. Medical and Dental Service - Medical municipal and city police forces for civil
Services Coordinating Division; Dental disturbance control, counter-insurgency,
services Coordinating Division; hostage taking, rescue operations and
Hospitals/Dispensaries other special operations.
e. Communications Service - Installation g. Traffic Management Group / Unit -
and Maintenance Division; Facilities that shall enforce all traffic laws and
Operation and Records regulations to ensure the safety of
f. Chaplain Service - that is created motorists and pedestrians and attain an
pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution orderly traffic.
No, 92-20 dated 23, July 1992. h. Police Community Relations
g. Legal service - Legal Assistance Command / Civil Relations Unit - that
Division; Legal Research and shall implement plans and programs
Evaluation Division that is created as an that will promote community and
additional administrative support unit to citizen’s participation in the
serve as the legal arm of the PNP maintenance of peace and order and
h. Headquarters Support Service that is public safety. Toward this end, the
created as an additional administrative voluntary services of social and civic-
support unit to provide general spirited individuals or organizations
housekeeping and camp security shall be organized and coordinated to
services. ensure a cohesive and effective police
community relations program
7. Eleven (11) Operational Support Unit i. Criminal Investigation Command /
a. Crime Laboratory - that is made up of Unit - that shall undertake the
the Physical Science Division; Firearms monitoring, investigation and
Identification Division; Document prosecution of all crimes involving
Examination Division; Biology Division; economic sabotage, and other crimes of
Photography Division; and Special such magnitude and extent as to
Services Division indicate their commission by highly
b. Maritime Command / Police Unit - placed or professional criminal
shall perform all functions over syndicates and organizations.
Philippine Territorial waters and rivers j. Security Command / Police Unit - that
including ports of entry and exit. shall provide appropriate security for
However, the Chief PNP may task other government officials, visiting dignitaries
units for this function, as may be and private individuals authorized to be
necessary. given protection , as may be prescribed
c. Aviation Security Command / Unit - by the Commission.
that, in coordination with airport k. Civil Security Command -that is made
authorities, shall secure all the country’s up of the Firearms and Explosives
airports against offensive and terroristic Division and the Security
acts that threaten civil aviation, exercise Agencies/Guards Supervision Division
5. Must be eligible in accordance with the Appointment in the PNP shall be affected in
standards set by the commission (entrance the following manner:
exam and Civil service Exam) ;
6. Must not have been dishonorably discharged 1. PO1 to SPO4 – appointed by the PNP
from military employment or dismissed for Regional Director for Regional personnel or
cause from any civilian position in the by the Chief PNP for National Headquarters’
government; personnel and attested by the Civil Service
7. Musty not have been convicted by final Commission (CSC)
judgment of an offense/crime involving moral 2. Inspector to Superintendent – appointed by
turpitude; the Chief PNP as recommended by their
8. Height requirement – 5’4” (1.62m) for male immediate supervisor and attested by the
and 5’2” (1.57m) for females or 5’2” for males CSC.
and 5’0” for females under the waiver program 3. Sr. Supt. to Dep. Dir. Gen. – Appointed by the
9. Weight requirement – must not be more or President upon the recommendation of the
less 5 kilograms of the standard weight Chief PNP with the endorsement of the CSC
corresponding to his/her height, age and sex. and with confirmation by the Commission on
10. Age requirement – for new applicants, must Appointment (CA).
not be less than 21 years of age at the time of 4. Director General – appointed by the President
application or more than 30 years of age. from among the most senior officers down to
the rank of Chief Superintendent in the
Except for the age qualification, the service subject to the confirmation of the
above-enumerated qualification shall be Commission on Appointments.
continuing in character and an absence of
any of them shall be a ground for
separation or retirement from service. Waiver for Initial Appointment to the PNP:
Provided, that the PNP members who are
already in the service upon the effectivity The age, height and weight and educational
of RA 8551 shall be given 5 years to requirements for initial appointment to the
obtain the minimum educational PNP may be waived only when the number of
qualification and one years to satisfy the qualified applicants falls below the minimum
weight requirement. annual quota.
The NAPOLCOM may grant waiver of age,
Police Appointment height, weight or educational requirements.
Any applicant who meets the general Waiver of age may be granted provided the
qualifications for appointment to police service applicant should not be less than 20 or over
and who passes the tests required in the 35 years of age.
screening procedures shall be recommended for Waiver of the height requirement may be
initial appointment and shall be classified as granted to male applicant who is at least
follows: 1.57m and 1.52m for female applicants;
provided that the NAPOLCOM may set a
1. Temporary – if the applicant passes lower height requirements for applicants who
through the waiver program as provided belong to cultural minorities duly certified by
by RA 8551 the Office of Muslim Affairs of the Appropriate
2. Probationary – if the applicant p[asses Government Entity. Provided, further, that the
through the regular screening procedures NAPOLCOM may require said applicant to
3. Permanent – if the applicant able to finish submit their membership in a certain cultural
the required field training program for minority.
permanency. An applicant who is granted a weight
requirement shall be given reasonable time
but not exceeding 6 months within which to
comply with said requirements.
Waiver of educational requirements may be
granted to an applicant who has finished
second year college or has earned at least 72
collegiate units leading to a bachelor’s
degree. Provided that any person who will
enter the service without a baccalaureate 4. Develop and implement research and
degree shall be given a maximum of four development to support educational
years to obtain the required educational training programs
requirements. 5. Perform such other function as may be
prescribed by the DILG
An Internal Affairs Service (IAS) of the A. Personnel Discipline in the PNP - Refers to the
PNP created under RA 8551 shall have the extent of field of learning, training and
following functions and powers. conditioning of the police obedience and self-
control subject to systems of rules of
1. Pro-actively conduct inspections and behaviors in the police service. It is how police
audits on NP personnel and units; personnel cope with the do’s and don’ts within
2. Investigate complaints and gather
evidence in support of an open the police organization.
3. Conduct summary hearings on PNP facing Imposable penalties in Administrative Cases in
administrative charges; the PNP
4. Submit a periodic report on the
assessment, analysis, and evaluation of 1. Withholding of privileges
the character and behavior of PNP 2. Restriction to specified limits
personnel and units to the Chief PNP and 3. Suspension
the Commission; 4. Forfeiture of Salary
5. Fie appropriate criminal cases against 5. Reprimand or Admonition
PNP members before the court as 6. Restrictive Custody
evidence warrants and assist in the 7. Dismissal from service
prosecution of the case;
6. provide assistance to the Office of the B. Administrative Offenses that may be imposed
Ombudsman in cases involving the against a PNP member
personnel of the PNP
1. Neglect of Duty or Nonfeasance – it is
the omission or refusal, without the
The IAS shall also conduct motu propio, sufficient excuse, to perform an act or duty,
automatic investigation of the following cases: which it was the peace officer’s legal
obligation to perform; it implies a duty as
1. incidents where a police personnel well as its breach and the fast can never
discharges a firearm be found in the absence of duty.
2. incidents where death, serious physical 2. Irregularities in the performance of duty
injury, or any violation of human rights – it is the improper performance of some
occurred in the conduct of police act, which might lawfully be done.
operations 3. Misconduct or malfeasance – It is the
3. incidents where evidence was doing, either through ignorance, inattention
compromised, tampered with, obliterated, or malice, of that which the officer had no
or lost while in the custody of personnel legal right to do it at all, as where he acts
4. incidents where a suspect in the custody of without any authority whatsoever, or
the police was seriously injured exceeds, ignores or abuses his powers.
5. incidents where the established rules of 4. Incompetency – It is the manifest lack of
engagement have been violated. adequate ability and fitness for the
satisfactory performance of police duties.
This has reference to any physical, moral
A complaint against any personnel or office or intellectual quality the lack of which
of IAS shall be brought to the Inspector General’s substantially incapacities one to perform
the duties of police officers.
Office or to the Commission as may be 5. Oppression – It imports an act of cruelty,
appropriate. severity, unlawful exaction, domination, or
excessive use of authority. The exercise of
unlawful powers or other means, in
depriving an individual of his liberty or
property against his will, is generally an act
f oppression.
6. Dishonesty – It is the concealment or distortion A “minor offense” shall refer to any act or
of truth in a matter of fact relevant to one’s omission not involving morsal turpitude, but affecting
office, or connected with the performance of his internal discipline which include but not limited to the
duties. following
7. Disloyalty to the Government – It consist of
abandonment or renunciations of one’s loyalty a. Simple misconduct or negligence
to the Government of the Philippines, or b. Insubordination
advocating the overthrow of the government. c. Frequent absences or tardiness
8. Violation of Law – this presupposes conviction d. Habitual Drunkenness
in court of any crime or offense penalized under e. Gambling prohibited by law.
the Revised Penal Code or any special law or
ordinance 3. “Forum shopping” or multiple filing complaints
– When an administrative case is filed with a police
disciplinary authority, no other case involving the
Nature of Complaint against PNP members same cause of action shall be filed with any other
disciplinary authority.
1. Citizen’s Complaint – Any complaint by a natural
or juridical person against any PNP member shall Summary Dismissal Powers
be brought before the following:
a. Chiefs of Police – where the offense is a. NAPOLCOM
punishable by withholding of privileges, b. PNP Chief
restriction to specified limits, suspension or c. PNP Regional Director
forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, These authorities, after due notice and
for a period not exceeding 15 days; summary hearings may immediately remove or
b. Mayors of cities and municipalities – where the dismiss any respondent PNP member in any of the
offense is punishable by withholding of
following cases:
privileges, restriction to specified limits,
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any
combination thereof, for a period of not less - When the charge is serious and evidence of
than 16 days but not exceeding 30 days; guilt is strong.
c. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB) - - When the respondent is a recidivist or is
where the offense is punishable by withholding repeatedly charged and there are reasonable
of privileges, restriction to specified limits, grounds to believe that he is guilty of the
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any charges
combination thereof, for a period exceeding 30 - when the respondent is guilty of a serious
days or dismissal. offense involving conduct unbecoming a police
2. Breach of Internal Discipline – refers to any
offense committed by a PNP member affecting
order and discipline within the police organization. Absence Without Official Leave (AWOL) as a
a. Chiefs of Police or equivalent supervisor may ground for summary dismissal
summarily impose the administrative penalties
in all cases provided that it does not exceed 15 AWOL refers to the status of any PNP member
days. who absent himself without approved leave of absence
b. Provincial Director or equivalent supervisor and encompasses but not limited to the following:
may summarily impose the administrative
penalties in all cases provided that it does not
a. Absence from place of work or assignment
exceed 30 days.
without approved vacation leave.
c. The Regional Director or equivalent supervisor
b. Failure to report for duty after the expiration of
may summarily impose the administrative
the approved leave of absence
penalties in all cases provided that it does not
c. Failure to give notice to his immediate superior
exceed 60 days.
officer of his mobility to work on account of
d. The Chief PNP or equivalent supervisor may
sickness or injury
summarily impose the administrative penalty of
d. Failure to file appropriate application for sick
dismissal from service. He may also impose
the penalty of admonition or reprimand,
e. Abandonment of work or assignment without
restrictive custody, withholding of privileges,
prior approval of superior officer
suspension or forfeiture of salary, demotion, or
f. Failure to report to his new assignment within
any combination thereof for a period not
3 days of receipt of the order of assignment or
exceeding 180 days.
for reporting to a unit where he is officially