Consideration (Case Study)

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Alina agreed to sell her diamond earrings valued at RM10,000 to Rokiah for RM1000. After Rokiah
had paid the money, Alina changed her mind and refused to hand over the earrings. Advise Rokiah.
( 10 marks )

Leena agreed to sell her computer worth RM5000 to her best friend Nini for only RM1000. Nini agreed
and she paid RM1000 to Leena. Leena changed her mind and refused to proceed with the contract.
Advise Nini.
( 10 marks )

A owes B RM3000. A has paid RM2000 to B. The RM2000 was paid at the time and place at which
the sum of RM3000 was payable. B accepts the RM2000 as satisfaction of the debt of RM3000.
Discuss whether the whole debt has been discharged.
( 10 marks )

A agreed to pay a monthly allowance of RM200 to her brother B until he is capable of supporting
himself. On the same day A’s mother transferred 3 pieces of land to A and in consideration A
promised to pay the RM200 allowance as agreed. However A later failed to pay. Advise B.
( 10 marks )

A owes B RM10,000. A then paid to B RM8000 and B accepted this amount as full payment of the
whole debt. However B now intends to claim from A the balance of RM2000. Advise A.
( 10 marks )

Due to hardship in life, Usop left his family to seek for better life elsewhere. Both his children were left
neglected during his absence for 6 months. Rashid, a friend of him felt sympathy on the children and
voluntarily look after the children and spend his own money for the maintenance and the education of
the children.
After Usop returned home, he promised to compensate Rashid for the expenses spent on his children.
However, Usop failed to perform his promise.
Explain whether Rashid is entitled to sue Usop for breach of contract.
( 20 marks )

On the 1st January, Labu voluntarily saved his employer Hj. Kedekut from being robbed by Samseng.
Hj. Kedekut were so glad and promised to pay Labu RM2000 for his help.
5 months later, Hj. Kedekut suffered some loss in his business. He can’t afford to pay the whole sum
of RM2000 to Labu due to money constraint. Hj. Kedekut sought for Labu’s agreement whether Labu
would accept RM1000 in full satisfaction of the whole amount promised. Labu agreed with Hj.
Kedekut’s request.
On the 20th July, Labu’s wife was terminated from her employment. Due to that Labu suffered some
financial difficulty. Labu then wrote to Hj. Kedekut claiming the balance of RM1000 as promised by him
before. Advise Hj. Kedekut.
( 20 marks )

Due to love and affection, Zana promised her younger sister, Zila to give her a personal computer if
Zana got a job. Now Zana already got a job. However, even after 6 months working, Zana still fails to
perform her promise to Zila. Zila claims her sister’s promise, but Zana refuses to do so on the ground
that there was no consideration for her promise and therefore she was not bound to her promise.
Advise Zila.
(10 marks)

Dina owes Shafiah for RM20,000. She then paid to Shafiah RM15,000 and Shafiah agreed to accept it
in discharge of the original debt. However, Shafiah now wishes to claim the balance of the debt from
Dina. Advise Dina whether she is bound to pay the balance of her debt to Shafiah.
(20 marks)


Suparjo left his wife and children in Parit Jawa to seek for a job in Kuala Lumpur. Unfortunately, he
failed to provide maintenance for them while he was away. His cousin, Wak Katiman, was the one who
willingly looked after and provided all the basic necessities for Suparjo’s children. Two years later,
Suparjo came back and made a promise to pay RM5000 to his cousin for his kindness looking after his
family . However until today Suparjo failed to keep his promise. Advise Wak Katiman.
(20 marks)


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