RDMP PJT - Pressure Test Work Guide - Rev.002
RDMP PJT - Pressure Test Work Guide - Rev.002
RDMP PJT - Pressure Test Work Guide - Rev.002
2) Preparation of
Test Package
Package Assignment
Walkdown Request
(Only RFI)
8) Walkdown & Punch Issue
Punch Issue
Punch Close
10) Site checking and
9) A Punch clear
Punch Close for A Punch
Pressure Test Request
(RFI + Press.Test Report)
Pressure Test 11) Pressure Test
PKG Handover
Drain & Dry Request
(RFI + Drying Report)
12) Drain & Dry
Punch Close
14) Site checking and
13) B Punch Clear
Punch Close for B Punch
Reinstatement Request
(RFI + Reinst. Report)
15) Reinstatement
16) PKG
2) PKG Documentation Guide
Document Source
No Document Description Remark
PIC IT System
▷ JO Engineering →
7 Line List Subcon N/A JO Const. → Subcon.
▷ JO Const. → Subcon.
8 Marked-up P&ID Subcon N/A (Original P&ID from JO
Screen Name PKG Assigned Status Screen Category □ Setup □ Input ■ Search ■ Print
Menu Path STATUS > CONSTRUCTION > Pressure Test Status > PKG Assigned Status
3 4
Menu Path STATUS > CONSTRUCTION > Pressure Test Status > PKG Assigned Status > Joint Summary
Screen Name PKG Assigned Status Screen Category □ Setup □ Input ■ Search ■ Print
Menu Path STATUS > CONSTRUCTION > Pressure Test Status > PKG Assigned Status > PKG. Report
Punch Item Categorization (Check list for piping line Inspection)
Punch Category
No. Repectitive Punch Items Remarks
Category of Punches
A : To be rectified or completed before Hydro
B : To be rectified or completed before comisioning
C : To be rectified or completed before turn over
Inspection for piping construction work shall be performed in accodance with the following
construction specification
1 Test package document verification
1-1) Check that the Test Package documentation is consistent X
1-2) Check Isometrics are latest revised drawing or not X
1-3) Check P&ID’s X
1-4) Check Line list X
1-5) Check test method pressure etc. X
2 Material verification (piping,pipe support,inline instrument,special items...)
- Material classification
- Flange rating
- Pipe and fitting schedule (wall thickness')
- Item code (tag number)
* sample *
2-1) Use incorrect bolt at 3/4" vent & blind flange X
2-2) Wrong install (specification) gasket at 8" gate valve to be replace X
2-3) Missing valve tag plate X
2-4) Change temporary valve tag wire X
2-5) Temporary valve tag to be repalce (permanent required) X
2-6) No material "I.D" to be clarification X
2-7) Bolt too short at flange X
2-8) Wrong type valve install X
2-9) Wrong use stud bolt&nuts. X
3 Accurately performed in checking horizantal and vertical direction and mutual
distance between parallel lines using level,plumbness,etc.
* sample *
3-1) Out of verticality or,plumbness X
3-2) Out of levelness from joint no #2-3 X
3-3) Out of straight from joint no #2-3 X
3-4) Elbow stanchion not centerized at concrete foundation
3-5) Joint no #5 to correct angular misalignment X
3-6) line slope clarifiy X
3-7) line not square X
4 Flange such as nozzle joints of pump,compressor, tubine, etc. shall be required
pre alignment check prior to hydro test.
* sample *
4-1) Flange misalignment X
Punch Category
No. Repectitive Punch Items Remarks
4-2) Attached nozzle flange alignment report (pump,compressor,turbine...) X
4-3) Loosen bolts for check flange alignment X
5 Every valve stem orientation shall be consideration case of case and operation
* sample *
5-1) Orientation valve handle,handwheel wrong X
5-2) Confirm valve operation access X
5-3) Obstrucion valve stem to steel structure X
if gear type, not possible to turn and
5-4) Valve handwheel interference X X re-orientated is punch "A" otherwise
punch "B"
5-5) Check unit for access to valves and equipment. X
5-6) Correct vents and drains on piping to ensure that they are adequate for operation. X
6 Check paint type according to the base on paint design specification
* sample *
6-1) Wrong paint specification to verifiy X
7 Pipe supporting elements shall be fabrication and installed in accordance with the
pipe standard & special support detail drawing
* sample *
if direct welding to pipe is punch "A"
7-1) Additional support required X X
otherwise punh "B"
7-2) Check support location as following according to iso drawing X
7-3) Missing adjustable jack screw bolts X
Sliding supports that must be mounted on sliding plate that are grouted and bolted to the
7-4) X
7-5) Steel members shall be following according to conversion table X
7-6) Support "S7" no weep hole X
7-7) Support base not resting on concrete foundation X
7-8) Support no #s1 to be shimmed (not resting) X
7-9) U-bolt lock nuts missing X
8 Isomertric drawing & support as-built
* sample *
8-1) Reflected additional support as-built on iso drawing X
8-2) To record additional welding joint X
9 Welding inspection
* sample *
9-1) Build up weld crater X
9-2) Dress poor stop start weld X
9-3) Dress sport weld X
In threaded joint between pipe and flange. The length of thread by 1.5 to 3.0mm when screwed
9-4) X
9-5) Remove tack welding plate and build up weld X
9-6) Slag inclusion X
Punch Category
No. Repectitive Punch Items Remarks
Notes Socket weld fitting and valves are used the pipe face shall be spaced approximately 1 to 1.5 mm
9-7) X
9-8) Support number "S7" weldment to rectify and dress X
9-9) Surface defects pin hole X
9-10) To dress up all pipe wrench mark found on pipe surface X
9-11) Undercut X
9-12) Very deep arc strike, requird to grind off and build up X
9-13) Welding fill cover not enough, requied additional one mor pass X
9-14) Welding spatter X
10 In line special items and inline instrument items
* sample *
10-1) Control valve wrong flow direction X
10-2) Provide "BOM",weld map, history sheet for orifice tap valve & plug X
10-3) Orifice tapping wrong orientation X
10-4) PSV not yet install (outlet line) X
10-5) PSV not yet install (inlet line) X
10-6) Control valve and flow meter not yet install X
10-7) Sight glass not yet install X
10-8) Expansion joint not yet install X
10-9) level guage, level transmital, level switch not yet install (flange type only) X
10-10) Steam trap not yet install X
10-11) Strainer not yet install ("T"- type ) X
10-12) Strainer not yet install ("Y"- type bellow 8 inch) X not including test
10-13) Flexible hose not yet install X
10-14) Quick coupling not yet install X
10-15) Sample cooler not yet install X
10-16) Sample bomb not yet install X
10-17) Injection nozzle not yet install X install after flushing by pre-comm'
10-18) Emergency shower not yet install X
11 others
* sample *
11-1) On off valve included test X If valve not available change to "C"
11-2) 6" line low point drain to be provided with elbow for easy usage X
11-3) All the sleeves to be sealed at dike wall X
11-4) Check direction of flow for control valves X
Check that sample points are fitted in accordance with drawings, and that access for sample
11-5) X
bomb connection is adequate.
11-6) Check valve , globe valve flow direction to be verify (as per P&ID) X
11-7) Check valve drain to be seal welding before hydro test (with valves) X
11-8) Check valve plug to be seal weld after hydro test (without valves) X
11-9) Drain valve missing plug X
if finished test without installation of
11-10) Earthing lug install X
earthing lugs is required MT
11-11) EFW weld seam overlapping (5 time the nominal wall thickness or 25mm over) X X if perform RT 100% quality factor "1
Punch Category
No. Repectitive Punch Items Remarks
install after line flushing by pre-
11-12) Fire water or form spray nozzle install X
11-13) Flange assemble off square X
11-14) Flange bolt hole tolerance max 1.5mm X
11-15) Guide bolts and nuts of expansion joints to be loosen. X
11-16) High point vent & low point drain not provide X
11-17) Hose rack (Stand) to be provide and install X
11-18) Install additional steel member for pipe support of rested on platform or check plate X
11-19) Install locking device on valves where necessary. X
11-20) Installation of temporary strainers and later removal as required. X
11-21) Iolation kit to be install (if required) X install after line flushing
ASME B31.3-2002 335.1.1 alignment
11-22) Joint misalignment (hi-low) I.D (1.6mm) O.D (3mm) X
off-set maximum 3mm
11-23) Marking of spring supports and hot setting to be done. X
11-24) Modify the platform affecting the maintenability and accessibility of pump. X
11-25) Operation Access to be provided for isolation valve before RO-007 X
11-26) OS System funnel is covered with debris X
Pipe in to the drain funnel gap clearence from top of hub to pipe end to keep 70mm distance
11-27) X
(visual packages)
11-28) Pipe not rest on beam (required shim plate weld) X
11-29) Pipe shoe welding overlapping (partial open ) X
11-30) Reinstate check valve internal (check valve dismantled) X
11-31) Remove scaffold from the pipe X X if line out of level
11-32) Remove spot contaminated rust on pipe surface X
11-33) Remove temporary gasket and replace permanent gasket X
11-34) Remove temporary support X
11-35) Remove temporary wood X
11-36) Remove wire & rope adjecent joint #8 X
install after line flushing by pre-
11-37) Restriction orifice & orifice plate installation (to maintain gap) X
11-38) Rotate the isolation Valves which is interfering with the monkey ladder X
install after line flushing by pre-
11-39) Rupture disc installation X
11-40) Seal weld vent cap after tested X
11-41) Spring support setting cold porsition , remove preset paces X by pre-comm' team
install after line flushing by pre-
11-42) Permanent strainer mesh screen installation X
11-43) Support pad overlapped to pipe or elbow (welding shall not cross over min 6mm gap) X shoe welding part cutting and open
11-44) The pipe supports for the suction line of the compressor is not grouted. X
11-45) The scaffolding pipes fouling in the access platform on north side to be removed. X
Punch Category
No. Repectitive Punch Items Remarks
Notes The unwanted opening made on the grating on the walkway platform around the compressor
11-46) X
skid unit to be closed properly.
11-47) Toe guard to be provided for all pipelines that pass through grating. X
11-48) Unequal bolts protrusion at flange X
11-49) Wrong orientation or position of spectacle blind tail X X if equipment nozze to be punch "A"