IT-Business-Plan Alice
IT-Business-Plan Alice
IT-Business-Plan Alice
EMAIL:[email protected]
(APRIL, 2022)
05TH APRIL 2022
P.OBOX 3425
Dear Sir/Madam,
I forward in my application to your bank seeking for a business loan as referenced above to fund
CCL computer world.
The enterprise is holding 10,000,000/= as cash at hand which is not enough to run the business
targeted expenses. The loan period for the entrepreneur is 3 years period with interest and the
business is presenting a commercial house with in Kawete Trading Centre worthy 20,000,000/=
to secure the borrowed funds in case of failure to pay back.
I will be very grateful when your services are accorded to me.
Yours faithfully,
2.0 Executive Summary
CCL is an information technology business that deal in selling and offer services and products
like laptops, CPU, Power Cables, network cables, signal cables, monitor screens and all
computer accessories. CCL strives to provide the high quality technological and computers
equipments. CCL, was established in 2022, and is located in Namungalwe town council, Iganga-
Kaliro road in Iganga district. CCL was formed in 2022 by Birabwa Alice Nangobi as the sole
appropriator business and am the director.
This business will approximately require Ugx17, 400,000/= whereby 10,000,000/ will come
from me (the entrepreneur/owner) and 7,400,000/= will be in the form of loan/bank loan and this
many will be repaid into the bank slowly by slowly.
CCL focuses in selling products for future consumption both to small business and large
businesses/organization. CCL strives to foster and maintain solid relationships with its clients,
fine tune CCL products/services, and continue to develop innovative business solutions that will
improve the way clients do business. Due to CCL small size, CCL has the unique ability to act
quickly and easily meets or beats CCL deadlines. CCL main limitation is CCL limited staff
resources and inadequate capital. CCL plans to expand personnel over the next three years to
meet achieve a balance of supply and demand.
The purpose of this plan is to create a strategy for CCL that will increase CCL revenues annually
by 20%, and simultaneously grow assets 25%. Overall, this business plan will provide a depth
understanding of the company, along with a plan for growth in the future.
i. To provide custom solutions with outstanding customer service which enhances CCL
customer’s efficiency and secures CCL long relationship with its clients/customers.
ii. To grow the business in staffing to accommodate the growing need for services and
products by offering a dynamic work environment with flexible hours and increase the
business earnings.
iii. To focus on delivering the computer equipments and softwares that is needed by the
customers. CCL has a can do attitude and is happy to get the deliverables in the most
efficient manner to CCL clients.
CCL computer world is targeting the small business, organizations, students, school, hospitals,
and even individuals in this area who might be in need of using computers and software.
In this area you find that most people buy computers and other computer accessories in Jinja
town because there are no available businesses dealing in computer related selling business.
Therefore in setting up this business, I see a great opportunity for this business to succeed since
there many schools, hospitals, students, businesses and even individuals e.t.c who might be in
need of the using these services.
3.1 Ownership
This business is a sole proprietorship and is wholly owned by Birabwa Alice Nangobi and she is
the founder and manager/director. Mrs. Birabwa Alice Nangobi graduated from Kampala
University with a Bachelors degree in Public Administration.
4.0 Products
4.3 Products/Services
CCL’ current focus is twofold: computer accessories and application/software development for
Computer accessories
In general, many customers/clients require different computer accessories like the CPUs,
Keyboards, monitor screens, power cables, signal cables, computer mices, power cables e.t.c to
be streamlined and operating more efficiently. Many businesses, schools, banks, students, small
business owners and many more require these computer accessories but due to their absence and
distance in the area (Namungalwe town council), people resort to buy them from Jinja town
which is very far from the area, therefore people spend transport traveling from Namungalwe
town to Jinja city in order to buy them.
Software/Application Development
Application development, the creation of programs that perform functions for software and
hardware, are in great demand for various entities in his area. CCL will create many
applications for example, that run behind-the-scenes for tracking inventory, databases,
maintaining account balances and billing clients automatically.
Once, applications focused primarily on functionality. Today, the most complex applications
focus on elements such as speed, compatibility, security, scalability and customer experience.
CCL strives to create the fastest and the most user-friendly applications to meet these needs.
Future Plans
CCL has future plans to expand this business into S Corporation Company and also recruit more
than five employees. Additional plans include engaging in selling security devices, like cameras,
fire sensor, sound ring bells, digital door locks. Another goal is setup a computer training
institute/centre in this area since many people in this area need computer skills.
Just like any other business, CCL also has competitors that can be virtually almost doing the
same business. In fact, any entity meeting the general requirements is a perspective competitor.
The criterion for doing a business is that you need to first register it with Uganda registration
service bureau (URSB) then you obtain a certificate of registration for the business.
This business is doing stationary work with printing, photocopying, scanning services
Pit-spot computer centre
This business also is majorly dealing in stationary services like printing, photocopying and
While the timing of technological change, computer components and obsolescence is difficult to
predict, rapidly changing technologies with marked potential for materially eroding companies'
business and financial profiles are one of the few constants in the high technology sector.
Cyclicality and technological change can create sharp declines and significant shifts in
competitive dynamics, customer requirements, and buying patterns, which can rapidly reshape
industry subsectors. The ongoing transformation of the data storage and semiconductor industry
segments is an example of these market dynamics at work. (Standard and Poor’s)
High technology companies' earnings and cash flows are subject to cyclicality created by the
business and/or consumer cycles. In many developed countries in recent years, volatility in
business/corporate sector demand has tended to be markedly greater than cyclicality in the
consumer economy. Historical recessions have largely been business-driven, rather than
consumer-led, but in the current recession, demand is down sharply across both consumer and
business markets. (Standard and Poor’s)
Consolidation remains a long-term trend in many high technology subsectors as growth rates
have slowed. Managements of larger companies view their subsidiaries as components of a
portfolio that should be actively managed, a strategy generating ongoing acquisition and
divestment activity. Customers want integrated solutions; in response, high technology
companies and businesses are broadening their offerings through acquisitions. (Standard and
Based on the growth in this market and the current service mandates to different small
businesses. CCL will achieve this growth with the addition of more staffing, customer care,
offering of unique products different from competitors in order to acquire the market just like in
my future plans.
5.4 Positioning
CCL has set CCL self apart from CCL competitors by; i) CCL narrow and targeted market focus
(hardware and software) and by completely understanding industry trends. ii) CCL is truly the
market expert. Because of CCL small size, CCL has the ability to not only meet /exceed
deadlines, but they can adapt quickly as well and on short notice and provide the best products to
its customers at affordable prices. iii) All these factors will lead to cost savings which in turn will
be passed on to the clients.
6. High costs for software downloading since some application may need
appropriate software applications in order to design certain software and
6.1.3 Opportunities
1 Namungalwe town council is a speedy growing town where new people from
different areas of the country are entering to do business since widening of market
every day
2 New technologies in cutting edge in energy, education , finance (banks) and
healthcare industry make Namungalwe town council market a robust one for
service and product delivery.
6.1.4 Threats
1. Cash flow will be critical if payment from the some customers/clients is delayed
for any lengthy time period.
2. Mirror competitors might be able to reduce their prices due to efficient in
economies of scale.
3. Though the town is growth at a speedy pace, it is surrounded by many rural areas
where by this affect the business in a way that some people may not the values of
computers and software.
2) CCL’ extreme attention is to detail in customer service and project planning sets them
apart from their peers.
3) Because of CCL small size, CCL has the ability to not only meet /exceed deadlines, but
they can adapt quickly and on short notice. It has also got an expert in issues concerning
software and hardware technologies (BCSIT)
CCL plans to join Mercury Computers Limited one of the most selling computer equipments in
Kampala and Uganda all a whole in order to get the best products to the customers
6.4.3 Website
The CCL’ website will identify what the business is, a brief history, and services and products
offered/provided. The website will contain or have a “Who We Are” section featuring pictures
and brief biographies of the CCL director and manager and in future the staffing. The site will
have also links to related sites such as the services and products being offered and those that
have ever been offered to our dear customers.
The website will also have the future plans like shopping, ordering of online products to our idea
customers and whoever may be in need of these products and services
6.6 Legal
CCL is a sole appropriatorship business doing business in the Namungalwe town council of
eastern Uganda in Iganga district. This business is wholly owned by Birabwa Alice Nangobi
6.7 Milestones
Table 5.8 showing business Milestones
The following milestones will assist CCL in gauging CCL target.
Milestone Date
Obtaining customer base Today
Grow revenues 20% and assets 25% Year One
Secure 20% revenues in the form of offering best services/products at Year Two
affordable and negotiable prices
Hire 2 and 3 making five new employees Year Three
Become a Prime hard &software seller/service provider Year Three
Diversify sector – enter into defense (all security devices) Year Three
8.0 Financial Plan
The financial plan will cover the following:
Required Cost of Start-Up
Profit and Loss
Cash Flow
Balance Sheet
Financial Ratios
The business plans to hire software administrator and cashier/accountant in Year Two
In Year Three, the company plans to hire three other employees like the software developer,
network administrator and a driver
To, estimate the business will grow revenues 20% annually and assets by 25% (coincides with
other industry peers government rules).
Annual rent will be 1,200,000/= in Year One. The business room with large enough to
accommodate the business and the business will be located at Iganga-Kaliro road ,Namungalwe
town council in Iganga district.
Wages represent the largest component of annual expenses and is estimated to be Ugx
39,000,000/=in Year One, Ugx39, 600,000/= in Year Two, and Ugx39, 840,000/= in Year Three.
This business will approximately require Ugx17, 400,000/= whereby 10,000,000/ will come
from me (the entrepreneur/owner) and 7,400,000/= will be in the form of loan/bank loan and
this many will be repaid into the bank slowly by slowly.
8.2 Start-Up Costs
Although not technically a ‘start-up’, initial expenses include working capital and computer
hardware and software and other items to be used in the business.