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Design and teamwork report

A. Title: DC-DC Converter Sustainability Analyzer

Group Number: 6
Names: Sandy Nguyen, Michael Marshall, and Chris Parker
Email Addresses: cmparker at, mimarsha at, and
sanguyen at

B. Explain:
 Why you selected the system you did. Indicate applications.

The system was selected, after extensive research was performed, because it
was a topic of interest and proved to be a manageable project. Also, it is a design that
is easily analyzed in the sense that simple calculations are solely required for
verification purposes. Applications include assisting in prototyping and system level

 Design requirements and specifications.


o Specify input voltage range

o Specify input current limit
o Specify input voltage step
o Specify minimum, nominal, and maximum loads
o Specify output voltage averaging sample count
o Calculate efficiency, line regulation, and load regulation
o Save results to a file


o User friendly
o Accurate
o Operates rapidly
o Sustainable

 Design and teamwork processes your team used, detailing how and
why your team made all design decisions.

The process used involved 3-5 brainstorming sessions where we each came up
with a list of potential ideas. Manageable design ideas were considered for
this list. Once a decent list was created, the number of ideas was narrowed
down by filtering out the topics that proved to be quite arduous to test within a
limited amount of time. This narrowed down the list to two topics, DC-DC
Converters and the smart battery charger (single transistor, one relay). In the
end, DC-DC Converters was chosen since it was a more familiar topic and
proved to be the epitome of a final project topic, from the list of topics
generated, of course. After this step was performed, yet another list was
created in order to aid in the decision making process for the type of
converters to be used. A linear regulator and a buck converter were chosen
because these are the two most common DC-DC converters that can be easily
tested and quickly built. At first, we were going to build the converters from
“scratch.” However, reasonably cheap ICs were found on Digikey so we opted
to use the ICs instead. The external components needed to build each
converter were provided by the datasheet.

In creating the LabVIEW test program, we built off of previous designs.

Before starting on the backend of the program, we first laid out the front
panel. This process refined what exactly our inputs and outputs would be, and
defined a general structure for the program. We then decided how each
instrument should function and what commands it would need. SubVIs were
designed for each necessary command. This approach allowed for bottom-up
design, where we created and tested subVIs and worked towards the main VI.
It also ensured that as the program became more complex, bugs were
addressed early on because they were easier to pinpoint. Basically, our
software creation methodology is similar to the design-build-test-iterate

 Circuit diagrams, simulation results, calculations, and explanations

for intermediate designs considered.

We discussed several approaches to increase ease of usability, such as

automatic load selection. Load selection was initially performed by the user
flipping switches when prompted by the program. We considered using
transistors in series with each load, but this would create a small voltage drop
and thus increase the effective load resistance. We therefore decided to use
relays as switching elements because of their more ideal switch-like behavior.
Automatic load selection was accomplished by controlling relays with a
microcontroller, though we also considered using several window comparator
circuits for this same type of control.
 Picture(s) of your prototype.

Linear Regulator

[LEDs] for

Loads [10Ω, Buck Converter

20Ω, and 30Ω]
for Testing

Figure 1: Breadboard Layout of both DC-DC Converters [Including the Loads and Indicators but without the Relays]
Figure 2: Angled View of the Prototype
Linear Regulator

ATtiny 85
and Indicator

Loads [10Ω, 20Ω,

and 30Ω] Buck Converter

Relays with
Diodes for

Figure 3: DC-DC Converter Sustainability Analyzer with the Implementation of Relays

Figure 4: Angled View of the Updated Prototype

 Why you selected the instruments and test sequence you did.

The Keithley is used to provide an input to the system. Moreover, this instrument
was chosen because the sourced voltage is easily changeable. Also, being able to
set a current limit and measure the current being used aided in analyzing the

The Agilent Multimeter was chosen because it is easy to command and control.
Also, it can easily measure the output voltage.

The DC power supply was used to power the relays and the microcontroller
because it can easily set an output voltage.

The function generator was chosen as another source for a voltage reference. It
was used as another source because the microcontroller needed to know which
relay to switch on. Also, it was the only voltage source left on the bus that could
be controlled.
 What your prototype does and how it works.

The DC-DC Converter Sustainability Analyzer allows the user to analyze the
sustainability of a DC-DC converter of their choosing. It does so by allowing the
user to place a DC-DC converter in the system constructed, which in our case a
buck converter and a linear regulator were chosen. Once the converter is properly
connected, the LabView program will take the necessary measurements and make
the necessary calculations in order to provide the user with graphical analysis of
percent efficiency and percent load regulations, as well as calculated or obtained
data for the minimum and maximum percent efficiencies for each of the loads at
their corresponding input voltages, percent line regulation for each load, percent
minimum and maximum load regulations, and minimum and maximum input
voltages. With this information, the user can tell for him/herself if the converter
he/she desires to use is both appropriate and sustainable for a specific application.

 What your test suite does and how it works.

Upon opening the front panel, the user supplies the minimum and maximum
sweep voltages, a current limit for testing the DC-DC converter, the minimum,
nominal, and full load values, and the measurement averages. After hitting the run
button, the program will ask for the file you want to write. Then, it will connect
the minimum load or the first load via a relay. After the correct load is connected,
it will take the necessary measurements. The same procedure is followed for the
other two loads. Note: The file is updated after each load is measured.
C. Include your project LabVIEW library or a message explaining when you turned
it in to BlackBoard. The wiki should have:

See top of the final project wiki page for LabVIEW library download.

 A picture showing the front panel of your main vi.

Figure 5: Front Panel of Main VI: Parameters Tab

Figure 6: Front Panel of Main VI: Results Tab (from linear regulator test)

Figure 7: Front Panel of Main VI: Results Tab (from buck converter test)
Figure 8: Front Panel of Main VI: Advanced Tab
 A picture showing the wiring diagram of your main vi.

Figure 9: Wiring Diagram of Main VI

 A picture showing the vi hierarchy of the project.

Figure 10: Hierarchy of Main VI

 Clear documentation for all vi's you designed.

The following list briefly describes the functionality of each subVI we

designed for the program:

i. Initialize FG – Initializes the function generator.

ii. Initialize DMM – Initializes the Agilent/HP digital multi-meter.
iii. Initialize DC PS – Initializes the DC power supply.
iv. Initialize Keithley – Initializes the Keithley SourceMeter.
v. FG Set Voltage – Sets a DC voltage on the function generator.
Used for selecting loads.
vi. Sweep Voltage – Sweeps the output voltage of the Keithley using
input parameters from the front panel.
vii. Line Regulation – Calculates line regulation given sweep data.
viii. Load Regulation – Calculates load regulation given sweep data
from each load.
ix. Keithley Off – Turns off the Keithley SourceMeter after testing
2. Sustainability analysis

The system the customer uses to analyze the DC-DC converter includes three relays, a
microcontroller, three indicators [LEDs], and three loads. The system, as a whole, proved
to be quite sustainable since each of components mentioned above contributed to
sustainability. That is, each of the components embodied the four “E”s of sustainability
[Energy, Environment, Economics, and social or political Equity], as well as the green
engineering design principles.

The four “E”s of sustainability:

A. Energy:
Each of the components incorporated into the sustainability analyzer system depicted
some form of a sustainable feature. For example, each of the relays used produce a
nominal coil voltage of 5 VDC and a high sensitivity coil resistance of 1kΩ. This
means that the power dissipated for each relay is merely 25mW. And since only 1
relay is on at a time, total power dissipation of all of the relays is 25mW. Moreover,
the microcontroller, ATtiny85, is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on
the AVR enhanced RISC architecture. By executing powerful instructions in a single
clock cycle, the ATtiny85 achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz
allowing the system designer to optimize power consumption versus processing
speed. Also, its low power consumption during active mode is .540mW at 1 MHz and
.180µW for its low power consumption during power-down mode, therefore, proving
to be an energy efficient component. We measure an active power of approximately
10mW while the microcontroller was running but not powering any external devices.

Light emitting diodes [LEDs] are already well known for being energy efficient.
Containing green properties, such as low maintenance costs, long life, and reduced
power use, it is of no doubt that these components qualify as sustainable. The LEDs
implemented in the system are low power consumption 3mm red LEDs. Each LED is
current protected with a 220Ω resistor. Since these LEDs each have a typical voltage
of 2.25 V and forward current of 20mA, a resistor of at least 137.5Ω is needed [the
voltage supplied from the microcontroller to each of the LEDs is 5V]. The resistor
used, however, was 220Ω because it was the closest value available. The power
dissipation for each resistor is 88mW, giving a total of 264mW for all three resistors,
while the power dissipation for each of the LEDs is 45mW, giving a total of 135mW
for all three LEDs. The small amount of power dissipation and consumption for both
of the LEDs and resistors gives proof that these components are energy efficient.

The loads used for testing purposes were wirewound, industrial, precision power,
silicone coated resistors. The 10Ω, 20Ω, and 30Ω loads were all 5W power resistors.
These power resistors are the least efficient components in the system. However, 5W
worth of power rating is still reasonably decent. Therefore, these components are
considered slightly unsustainable.
In the long run, our program is meant to conserve power on a much larger scale than
its own circuitry. Consider this example: a designer of some consumer electronics
device is making revisions to an existing device. Suppose that the existing device
consumes 1W of power from a 50% efficient regulator (1W dissipated in the
regulator, 2W from the power source). If a designer uses our program to choose a
regulator that is 1% more efficient than the existing device while still meeting
regulation specifications, then the device can now use 1W of power while the
regulator dissipates 0.96W, for a total of 1.96W from the power source. This may not
substantially increase battery life, but across millions of devices, it results in a large
power savings. Therefore, our testing suite fosters sustainability of other systems on a
large scale.

B. Environment:
It is unfortunate to see how much waste is produced from something used on a daily
basis. From something thought to have eased our lives. Without doubt, that something
is affecting our environment, and growing. According to Howard Learner’s article,
“Obsolete Electronics Pose Waste Danger,” “Electronic waste is the fastest growing
part of the solid waste stream [3].” Moreover, it is imperative to note that many of
these wastes include toxins harmful to the environment. For example, the
manufacturing of the components used in this system can cause harm to the
surrounding environment and the world’s environment by generating a plethora of
waste products and carbon dioxide. In order to address this problem, Intel created a
new “Green” processing plant, which consists of environmentally friendly materials
and recycles waste, reuses water, and efficiently uses energy [10]. It can be seen that
this solution helps reduce pollution and waste.

Although manufacturing these components does produce a lot of waste, companies,

such as Coto Technology, Atmel, Kingbright, Vishay, and Huntington Electric at
least attempt to produce RoHS compliant and lead free components in order to
compensate for the manufacturing wastes produced each year. With the use of lead-
free relays, microcontrollers, LEDs, and power resistors, these companies are not
only developing and applying engineering solutions, but also protecting the
environment to some extent. That is, when myriad of electronic devices/components
that contain less harmful materials are thrown away, less harmful chemicals, than
what most electronic devices/components dispose of, are being discarded.

C. Economics:
Not only can technology create more waste, it can also increase costs. Companies,
however, have been able to decrease such costs. The SIP relay, for instance, is the
industry choice for a wide variety of designs where economy, performance, and a
compact package are needed. “The 9007 Spartan Series is a general purpose
economy version of the 9001 for applications with less stringent requirements [1].”
Moreover, Kingbright, another company, produces LEDs that provide long lasting
and low maintenance characteristics, which in turn aids in decreasing costs. Atmel, on
the other hand, did not aid in the reduction of costs. One microcontroller with merely
eight pins costs $2.26. Although these chips did provide high performance and low
power consumption, the cost for each chip was not economical. Vishay and
Huntington Electric also did not provide economic friendly resistors. Ranging from
$1.49 to $1.55 each, these resistors were not only costly, but less energy efficient.

D. Social or Political Equity:

One can denote that we are greatly dependent on technology in order to function in an
ordinary manner. Howard Learner states in his article, “Obsolete Electronics Pose
Waste Danger,” “TVs, computers, monitors, cell phones and other electronic
equipment contain lead, mercury, cadmium and other toxic materials. Only about 12
percent of e-waste is recycled nationwide. The rest ends up in landfills [3].” That is,
so much of these useful electronics are actually producing more harm than helping us
in the long run. Moreover, according to Jeff Johnson, in his article, “A Tsunami of
Electronic Waste,” “As much as 80% of ‘recycled’ material is in fact not really
recycled but is dumped in the poorest parts of the world…[4].” One can see how
these actions can create social or political controversy. However, there are companies
out there willing to make a change. There are companies willing to ensure that all
material and energy inputs and outputs are as inherently safe and benign as possible.
Such a change is envisioned in companies like Sony, Hewlett-Pakard, and Dell.
According to Johnson, “Ten states and New York City have created take-back
programs, as have Sony, Hewlett-Packard, and Dell [4].” These take-back systems
may fall far short of matching the scale of the waste [4], but they are at least
attempting to conserve and improve natural ecosystems while protecting human
health and well-being.

On a smaller scale, because the DC-DC converter sustainability analyzer is purchased

by the user and not the city or state, there should be no sign of social or political
controversy as far as costs are concerned. Furthermore, as long as the system remains
sustainable and uses sustainable components, there is no need to complain. However,
one should make note that the production of the electronic components used in this
system benefit many foreign countries that make them. This, of course, has an impact
on the entire world’s economy, which may lead to some social and political
controversy regarding the location of the production and the money generated in that
particular area because of it.
The green engineering design principles [5]:

A company manufacturing this system or the components used in it [relays, a

microcontroller, LEDs, and loads] should follow the following principles to help improve

A. “Engineer processes and products holistically, use systems analysis, and integrate
environmental impact assessment tools.”

You can intervene in a system 9 different places in order to improve it [6]. All, if not
most, companies should intervene in their existing systems to make the whole process
more sustainable.

B. “Conserve and improve natural ecosystems while protecting human health and


All manufacturers can help protect the ecosystem, as well as human health by
emulating what the Ford Motor Company did, which was overhauling their
production facility to help the ecosystem and make their workers happier [7].

C. “Use life-cycle thinking in all engineering activities.”

The manufacturing, use, and recycling of the components used in the system present
important topics to consider for the system’s life-cycle. Figuring out how to minimize
waste products and how to recycle old parts will help make the process more
sustainable. Nike did this when they successfully designed a new type of shoe [7].

D. “Ensure that all material and energy inputs and outputs are as inherently safe and
benign as possible.”

The manufacturing of electronics requires the use of toxic chemicals and materials.
Companies must take special care to protect the surrounding environment, as well as
their own employees. Also, in the future, refurbishing or recycling these electronics
will require careful handling.

E. “Minimize depletion of natural resources.”

IBM’s process of recycling scrap silicon [8] and the recycling of “E-Waste” [9] helps
reduce the depletion of natural resources. Electronic manufacturers using similar
processes like the one IBM uses could produce relays and other system components.
Also, making the design easy to recycle can aid in the reduction of the depletion of
natural resources.
F. “Strive to prevent waste.”

Intel’s new processing plant presents electronics manufacturers with a good role
model to follow. With this building, Intel tries to recycle waste and help prevent it

G. “Develop and apply engineering solutions, while being cognizant of local

geography, aspirations, and cultures.”

When the Ford Motor Company overhauled its production facility, it worked with the
local geography and made the place good for the environment and the surrounding
people [7]. Companies manufacturing electronic components all over the world can

H. “Create engineering solutions beyond current or dominant technologies; improve,

innovate, and invent (technologies) to achieve sustainability.”

Engineers and manufacturing companies need to invest in making more efficient

relays, microcontrollers, LEDs, power resistors, and other components to help
improve this and other systems.

I. “Actively engage communities and stakeholders in development of engineering


If multiple communities and companies, such as Intel and IBM work together, we can
find better solutions for dealing with waste, pollution, and recycling of electronic
components. Community involvement in sustainability will not only help us in the
present, but also future generations.

3. Schematic(s), PCB Layout(s) and bill of materials.

A. Use the ExpressPCB software to generate the PCB layout(s). If you really want to
use another CAD package, please request prior approval from your instructor. Use
what you learned in IME 156 about PCB layout. Include input and output
connectors or headers. Include heatsinks. For tips for PCB layout, see:
=> Relays => Microcontroller

=> LEDs
Figure 11: DC-DC Converter Sustainability Analyzer Schematic Diagram

Figure 12: DC-DC Converter Sustainability Analyzer PCB Layout

The above test-board layout design has height of 2.2” and width of 3.4”. It puts components in
easy to identify regions, and allows for reprogramming of the microcontroller while in the system.
B. Bill of Materials
An annotated bill of materials should include part name, part number, part package,
cost, datasheet URL, and optional comments. For any components that might require
a heat sink, indicate peak and average power dissipation. Consider the following three
example lines:

Buck Converter

U1 LM2594 27014 $3.42 Digikey LM2594N-

D1 1N5817 374W0 $0.42
Digikey 1N5817-TPCT-ND
L1 100µH EAR99 $0.46 Digikey RLB1314-
C1 68µF 0J4G8 $0.80
E+PZ+3+ABA0022+EEUFC2A680L+7+WW Digikey P10774-ND
C2 120µF 0J4G8 $0.32
data/pdf/ABA0000/ABA0000CE108.pdf Digikey P12922-ND

Linear Regulator

U2 LD1117 TO-220-3 $0.68
HEET/CD00000544.pdf Digikey 497-1491-5-ND
Note: This chip required a heat sink. Peak power dissipation and average power dissipation were not
provided by the datasheet. The total power dissipation was, however, which turned out to be 12 W.
C3 100nF 0J4G8 $0.32 Digikey 490-5369-ND
C4 10µF 0J4G8 $0.23 Digikey 493-1036-


Z1 ATtiny85 USI $2.26

Digikey ATTINY85V-10PI-ND


LED1 WP3A8HD 374W0 $0.10 Digikey 754-1218-ND

LED2 WP3A8HD 374W0 $0.10 Digikey 754-1218-ND

LED3 WP3A8HD 374W0 $0.10 Digikey 754-1218-ND
Resistors used for LEDs current protection

R4 220Ω CF14JT220R $0.08 Digikey

R5 220Ω CF14JT220R $0.08 Digikey
R6 220Ω CF14JT220R $0.08 Digikey


X1 306-1251 71707 $1.13 Digikey 306-1251-ND

X2 306-1251 71707 $1.13 Digikey 306-1251-ND
X3 306-1251 71707 $1.13 Digikey 306-1251-ND

Diodes in Relays

D2 1N4148 374W0 $0.14 Digikey 1N4148FS-

D3 1N4148 374W0 $0.14 Digikey 1N4148FS-
D4 1N4148 374W0 $0.14 Digikey 1N4148FS-


R1 10Ω RSC-10RCT $1.49 Digikey RSC-10RCT-

R2 20Ω ALSR5J-20 $1.55 Digikey
R3 30Ω ALSR5J-20-ND $1.55
Digikey ALSR5J-30-ND
4. User manual

Note: Actual bench instruments may vary. Some instruments have the ‘Agilent’ label, while others
have the ‘HP’ label. Simply ensure that the model numbers match those stated in this document.

A. Testing Procedure
To use the program to analyze a DC-DC converter, follow the steps below:

1) Connect the test-board, DC-DC converter, and resistive loads together as shown in
Figure 13 and outlined below.
a. Connect the INPUT/OUTPUT terminals of the Keithley 2400-LV SourceMeter to the
inputs of the DC-DC converter. This instrument acts as a voltage source, which also
sends back voltage and current readings to the LabVIEW program.
b. Connect the Agilent E34401A Digital Multi-meter (DMM) across the output of the
DC-DC converter. This allows the LabVIEW program to sample the DC-DC converter’s
output voltage.
c. Connect the DC-DC converter’s output to the V REG input of the test-board. The test-
board will connect this signal to the correct load during testing.
d. Connect the Agilent 33120A Function Generator (FG) to the V ADC input of the test-
board. This signal tells the microcontroller which load to select.
e. Connect the Agilent E3640A DC Power Supply (PS) to the V DD input of the test-board.
This powers the microcontroller, relays, and status LEDs.
f. Connect each load to the locations specified on the test-board. The minimum load
requires the lowest current (largest resistance), and the maximum load requires the
most current (lowest resistance).

Figure 13: Block Diagram of Connectivity Between Instruments and Test Circuits.

2) Open the FinalProject.llb file (compatible with LabVIEW 8.6, untested on later versions).
3) Enter desired parameters on the first tab to control how the test runs. See parameter
descriptions below:
a. Minimum Vin – The Keithley sweeps the voltage to the DC-DC converter, starting at
this value.
b. Maximum Vin – The Keithley sweeps the voltage to the DC-DC converter, ending at
this value.
c. Vin Step – The Keithley sweeps the voltage to the DC-DC converter, stepping by this
d. Minimum Load – This load corresponds to the lowest current draw from the DC-DC
converter (the largest resistance value in the range of expected loads).
e. Nominal Load – This load corresponds to the average expected resistance seen by
the DC-DC converter.
f. Full Load – This load corresponds to the highest current draw from the DC-DC
converter (the smallest resistance value in the range of expected loads).
g. Number of Averages – At each incremental voltage step from the Keithley, the
Agilent DMM takes this many voltage samples and averages them.
h. Current Limit – Sets the maximum current output for both the Keithley and Agilent
4) In the advanced tab (third tab), ensure that each instrument address matches the
address on that instrument’s display panel. To see an instrument’s GPIB address, turn
on the instrument and wait for it to display the address.
5) Turn on the Keithley SourceMeter, Agilent DMM, Agilent PS, and Agilent FG. The GPIB
specification recommends turning on at least two-thirds of the instruments on a GPIB.
This test program uses four of the six instruments, so the HP Oscilloscope and the Fluke
DMM can remain off.
6) Ensure DC-DC converter can dissipate required heat given previously entered test
7) Begin automated testing by clicking the run arrow or by pressing Ctrl+R.
8) Specify a save location and filename for the measured graph data. This data file works
with Microsoft Excel.
9) Enjoy refreshing time while intern stays to ensure catastrophes do not occur.
10) [Optional] Repeat above steps for any number of DC-DC converters in order to compare

B. Explanation of Test Operation

The test program makes voltage sweeps for each load and measures input voltage, input
current, and output voltage. The following describes the general operation of the LabVIEW
test program.

1) Initialize instruments – A subVI for each instrument initializes them, setting default
values and initial conditions as specified in the front panel.
2) Select minimum load – A subVI changes the output DC voltage of the Agilent FG to 1V,
which the microcontroller interprets as a signal to turn on the associated relay.
3) Perform sweep & measurements – The Keithley SourceMeter sweeps its voltage across
the specified range and measures input power and output voltage.
4) Select nominal load – A subVI changes the output DC voltage of the Agilent FG to 2V,
which the microcontroller interprets as a signal to turn on the associated relay.
5) Perform sweep & measurements – The Keithley SourceMeter sweeps its voltage across
the specified range and measures input power and output voltage.
6) Select full load – A subVI changes the output DC voltage of the Agilent FG to 3V, which
the microcontroller interprets as a signal to turn on the associated relay.
7) Perform sweep & measurements – The Keithley SourceMeter sweeps its voltage across
the specified range and measures input power and output voltage.
8) Disable instrument outputs – The program turns off all sources so that no excess power
consumption occurs. This means that the microcontroller and relays also turn off.
9) Perform computations – Using the measured data, the program computes and plots
efficiency vs. Vin for each load and load regulation vs. Vin. The program computes values
and locations of maximum and minimum efficiency for each load, maximum and
minimum load regulation, and line regulation for each load. The program uses the
following equations in its calculations:
a. Efficiency
Efficiency= = ×100 %
b. Line Regulation
Line Regulation= = ×100 %
c. Load Regulation
Load Regulation= ×100 %

C. Troubleshooting
The following problems may arise while using this test system. If a problem does not appear
here, use ingenuity to solve, and contact nearest EE instructor if problem persists.
1) LabVIEW does not open because of expired license
Either find a computer with an activated license or try to activate it by putting in Cal
Poly’s information.
2) LabVIEW gives a version error when opening a VI from the library file
Make sure to use LabVIEW version 8.6 or later to open the VIs.
3) Instruments do not turn on
Ensure proper power-switch configuration and connection to wall supplies.
4) Received current limit reached error dialog box after running program
Possible causes:
a. Instruments turned off or GPIB cable(s) disconnected
b. Current limit set too low for given loads
c. Load too small for given current limit (possibly shorted load)
d. Incorrect circuit setup – verify connections using block diagram and description from
part A above
5) LED indicators do not light up during testing
Possible causes:
a. DC power supply improperly connected to test-board
b. Function generator improperly connected to test-board
c. LEDs and/or current limiting resistors and/or microcontroller improperly connected
or damaged
d. Microcontroller output(s) shorted
6) Efficiency plot does not display lines for one or more loads
Possible causes:
a. Disconnected load(s)
b. Specified load value(s) on front panel do not match actual resistance, which can
cause efficiencies greater than 100%

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